The Decibel Scale: B.L. Roberts

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The Decibel Scale

B.L. Roberts
Department of Physics
Boston University

Spring, 1984, revised 10/91, 3/93/, 10/98, 2/03

DATE: 10 February 2003

1. Review of Logarithms

The logarithm of a number is the power to which 10 must be raised to give that number.
(In this discussion we always assume base 10 for the logarighms.) We can write that as

10log x
=x (1)
Logs are particularly useful if we are dealing with a quantity which varies over many
powers of 10 (or orders of magnitude as scientists would say). While the primary example
we have in mind here is the range of sound pressure levels over which the human ear can
function, the level of light over which the eye can function, and the scale for earthquakes
(Richter Scale) are two other examples of the use of a logarithmic scale.
Let’s look at a few simple examples:

Example 1)
1000 = 103 so log (1000) = 3

Example 2)
1, 000, 000, 000 = 109 so log (1, 000, 000, 000) = 9

If we use the exponent of 10 rather than the number itself we can say 3 or 9 instead
of the big numbers.
Logs have the property that, if x and y are two numbers, the log of the product is the
sum of the individual logs, i.e.

log (x × y) = log (x) + log (y) (2)


Aside: We can show this by using the definition of the logarithm. The definition of the
logarithm is
10log(y) = y
xy = 10log(xy)
Now xy can also be written as 10log(x) 10log(y) so we have the equality

10log(xy) = 10log(x) 10log(y)

The right hand side of the above equation is just = 10log(x)+log(y) since the exponents add
when we multiply exponentials together. Equating the exponents on the two sides of the
equation gives
log (xy) = log (x) + log (y)
This proves the rule that if we multiply two numbers together we add the logarithms.

We also have the properties that

log = log (x) − log (y) (3)
log = − log (x) (4)
We could also show
log (xy ) = y log (x) (5)

2. The Decibel Scale

The decibel scale is useful in defining ratios of numbers, which may vary over many orders
of magnitude (powers of 10). The dB scale was invented by telephone engineers, and a
deci Bell is 1/10 th of a Bell, which we define below. The scale is defined by
β = 10 log (6)
where β is in dB. An alternative way of writing this is
10β/10 = (7a)
or equivalently
I = I0 10β/10 (7b)

In all these cases I0 is some reference intensity. In discussing sound intensity levels, the
reference is the threshold of hearing at 1000 Hz, which corresponds to I0 = 10−12 W/m2 .
We emphasize that I0 is really arbitrary and the dB scale is used in many places, especially
in sound recording and electrical engineering. Let’s look at some examples.

Example 3) What intensity ratio is implied by 64 dB ?

From equation (7a) we have

= 10β/10 = 106.4 = 100.4 106

The only catch is: “What is 100.4 ?” We need a table.

x (or log x) 10x (or x)

0.0 1.0
0.1 1.3
0.2 1.6
0.3 2.0
0.4 2.5
0.5 3.2
0.6 4.0
0.7 5.0
0.8 6.3
0.9 7.9
1.0 10.0

We could have labeled the columns as log x and x, or as level difference in dB and
intensity ratio, these are equivalent to each other. We return to the example. From the
table we see that 100.4 = 2.5, so
= 2.5 × 106 = 2, 500, 000

Example 4) Suppose the ratio was

= 63, 000 = 6.3 × 104
How many dB does this represent?

From the table we find 6.3 = 100.8 , so we have

= 100.8 104 = 104.8
which from eq. (7a) means 48 dB.
Sometimes it is convenient to relate ratios of amplitudes rather than intensities. In
electronics we measure amplitudes of wave forms coming out of an amplifier, not the
intensities. We convert to amplitudes by realizing that the intensity is proportional to the
amplitude squared. We can write that as

I = CA2

where C is a constant factor. Thus

I CA2 A2
= = ,
I0 CA20 A20

where A0 is the amplitude of the reference (corresponding to I0 . What about the conversion
to dB? Well,
   2  2
β = 10 log = 10 log 2 = 10 log
I0 A0 A0
but from eq (5) we get  
β = (10) (2) log
which is just  
β = 20 log (8)

One very common factor we encounter is 6 dB. Let’s ask what this means in terms of
amplitude ratios.
Now 6 dB means
= 100.6 = 4
= =2
A0 I0
6 dB represents an amplitude change of 2 (and intensity change of 4).
Another common factor is 3 dB.
= 100.3 = 2

so 3 dB is an intensity change of 2 (and an amplitude change of 2 = 1.414).

In measuring sound levels it is common to speak of the sound pressure level, SPL. The
sound intensity level, SIL, can be related to the sound pressure level by realizing that the
intensity, I, is proportional to the max pressure squared Pm2 (where there is no reflected


I = (const) Pm

In terms of ratios

I 2
(const) Pm 2
= 2
= 2
I0 (const) Pm 0
Pm 0

We drop the subscript m (remembering that we always mean the maximum when we write
P0 and substitute into eq (6) to obtain
P2 P P
β = 10 log = 10 log = 20 log (8b)
P02 P0 P0
= 10β/20 (9)
If the sound is reverberating in a closed room, then the SP L and SIL may differ from
each other by several dB.

3. Addition of two sounds

In acoustics, we often are asked the question: If two sounds are present with intensities
I1 and I2 , what is the resulting sound level? There are two distinct cases: when the two
sounds are coherent, and when they are incoherent. Coherent sources have exactly the same
frequency and a definite phase relationship between the two waves, whereas incoherent
sources do not. An example of coherent sources is two speakers with the amp set to mono.
Another is direct and reflected sound from the same source. An example of two incoherent
sources is two trumpet players trying to play in unison.
Coherent sources have the possibility of interfering – either destructively or construc-
tively. Incoherent sources do not. If two sources are coherent, we must add the amplitudes
of the individual waves and then square them to get the resulting intensity. If they are
incoherent, we just add intensities.
In the following section, we derive formulas for the resulting sound level for both cases.
First we consider incoherent addition, then coherent.

3.1. Incoherent Addition

If the sound sources are incoherent, (i.e., there is no definite (constant) phase difference
and the frequencies are not equal) then one adds intensities.

Example 5) Consider the two sound intensity levels:

SIL1 = 63 dB and SIL2 = 70 dB

There are two ways to obtain the answer: one can convert from dB to W/m2 and add
the intensities directly and then convert back to dB, or one can use ratios, and skip the
conversion to and from W/m2 .

3.1.1. Direct Addition of Intensities

We convert to W/m2 , add and convert back to dB. From the definition of I0 , (I0 =
10−12 W/m2 ) we get,
= 106.3
I1 = 106 100.3 I0 = 2 × 106 × 10−12 W/m2

I1 = 2 × 10−6 W/m2

We can calculate I2 in a similar fashion:

= 107.0
I2 = 107 × 10−12 W/m2

= 1 × 10−5 W/m2

or equivalently
I2 = 10 × 10−6 W/m2

To get the combined intensity, we just add these two numbers,

I1 + I2 = (2 + 10) × 10−6 W/m2

= 12 × 10−6 W/m2 = 1.2 × 10−5 W/m2


The combined level Ic =I1 + I2 is converted to dB as:

Ic I1 + I2 1.2 × 10−5 W/m2

= =
I0 I0 10−12 W/m2

which can be written as

= 1.2 × 107 = 100.08 107 = 107.08
So the resulting sound level, SILc = 70.8 dB. Note that if you just had the table
available, you would have to say 71dB.

3.1.2. The Use of Ratios Directly

Example 6) We use the intensity ratios directly to obtain the answer, rather than convert-
ing to W/m2 .
I1 = 63dB

I2 = 70dB

The SIL of 63 and 70 dB imply the intensity ratios:

I1 I2
= 106.3 and = 107.0
I0 I0
We can express I1 in terms of I2 by taking the quotient of these two ratios (where I0 will
divide out), and we get
I1 /I0 106.3
= 7.0
I2 /I0 10
which gives
= 10−0.7
Remember that
10−0.7 =
which we find from the table is
I1 1
= = 0.2,
I2 5
so we get
Ic = I1 + I2 = 0.2I2 + I2 = 1.2I2

We now go back the the definition of the Sound Intensity Level (β) in eq. (6).

βc = 10 log

and we obtain  
βc = SILc = 10 log
1.2I2 I2
10 log = 10 log + 10 log (1.2) .
I0 I0
The first term on the right hand side is just SIL2 , so we can rewrite the expression for
SILc as
SILc = SIL2 + 10 log (1.2)

Now log(1.2) = 0.08 so we get

SILc = 70dB + 10 (.08) dB

Finally we get
SILc = 70.8dB

as before.
The above example suggests a general procedure which we develop below.

3.2. Most General Formulation for the Addition of SIL

We use ratios. We state the problem as follows.

SIL1 = β1 dB SIL2 = β2 dB

we wish to know the combined sound intensity level SILc The intensity of the combined
sound is given by

Ic = I1 + I2 = I1 + I1
= I1 1 +

I2 I2 /I0 10β2 /10

Now = = β /10
= 10(β2 −β1 )/10
I1 I1 /I0 10 1

so Ic = I1 (1 + 10(β2 −β1 )/10 ) Because the SILc is a log we get from the definition
Ic I1 (β2 −β1 )/10
βc = 10 log = 10 log 1 + 10
I0 I0
remember that the log of a product is the sum of the logs (see eq. (2)), so

10 log [ ] = 10 log + 10 log 1 + 10(β2 −β1 )/10
The first term is just β1 so we get
βc = β1 + 10 log 1 + 10(β2 −β1 )/10

(β2 −β1 )/10
SILc = SIL1 + 10 log 1 + 10 (10)

or equivalently
Note that if the two levels are equal, β1 = β2 we get

SILc = SIL1 + 10 log (2)

which corresponds to
SILc = SIL1 + 3dB

3.2.1. Coherent Addition

If there is a definite phase relationship between the two and they are the same frequency,
then they are coherent. We must add amplitudes first and then square to get the
resultant intensity. We have to also consider whether they are adding constructively or
A1 I1 A2 I2
= =
A0 I0 A0 I0
If we use A+ for constructive interference
A− for destructive interference

A+ = A1 + A2 I+ = A+ 2

A− = A1 − A2 I− = A− 2

Now  2
I± A1 ± A2 1  2 
= = 2
A1 + A2 2 ± 2A1 A2
I0 A0 Ao

A1 2 A2 2 2A1 A2
= = 1 + ±
A0 2 A1 2 A1 2

A1 2 A2 2 A2
= = 1 + ± 2
A0 2 A1 2 A1
but  2 
A1 I1 A2 2 I2 A2 I2
= , 2
= and =
A0 I0 A1 I1 A1 I1

I± I1 I2 I2
= 1 + ± 2
I0 I0 I1 I1
This looks like our result from before except we have an additional term. We apply the
definition (eq. (6)) of the dB level:

I± I1 I2 I2
10 log = 10 log 1 + ± 2
I0 I0 I1 I1

I1 I2 I2
β± = 10 log + 10 log 1 + ± 2
I0 I1 I2
but as before
= 10(β2 −β1 )/10
= 10(β2 −β1 )/20
β± = β1 + 10 log 1 + 10(β2 −β1 )/10 ± 2 10(β2 −β1 )/20

SIL± = SIL1 + 10 log 1 + 10(β2 −β1 )/10 ± 2 10(β2 −β1 )/20 (11)

Note that if β2 = β1 the term in brackets becomes

1 + 10o ± 2 (10o )

2 ± 2.

For destructive interference the term in brackets is 2 − 2 = 0 and

SILc = SIL1 + 10 log{0}


Now, as (x) goes to zero, the log(x) goes to negative infinity, so this result tells us that
the SILc goes to negative infinity, i.e. it tells us that you cannot hear it. This is what you
expect for two equal amplitude coherent sounds adding together for complete destructive
For constructive interference, SIL+ , the term in brackets becomes 2 + 2 = 4 so

SIL+ = SIL1 + 10 log (4)

SIL+ = SIL1 + 6dB

Remember that if the two sources are incoherent we get:

SILc = SIL1 + 10 log (2) = SIL1 + 3dB

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