Zetron 5020
Zetron 5020
Zetron 5020
The DCS-5020 integrates telephony and radio,
call handling, monitoring and logging functions into a
single operator interface. The system supports
between 24 and 30 ports, depending on
configuration, each assignable to telephone or radio
circuits. There are up to 6 inter-linked operator
positions each comprising a host PC and video
monitor, with Audio Interface Unit (AIU) and optional
accessories such as headset, gooseneck
microphone, PTT footswitch, and keyboard.
The host PC runs Zetron’s Windows®-based
IntegratorDCSTM software, providing a graphical user
interface (GUI) presenting the telephone/radio
channels and system functions available to the
operator. The video monitor can be full-size SVGA/
LCD, or compact LCD to fit control room
requirements. Touchscreen and/or mouse/trackball
control is available. The operator screen presentation
is extensively configurable.
The AIU has two speakers and a microphone
socket. The speakers each have a volume control -
FEATURES one for active conversation (select) audio and one
• One to six operators for monitored (unselect) audio. There are four
buttons which can parallel or override the on-screen
• Wireless connection to TETRA infrastructure controls. The AIU is typically mounted under the
• Screen based Graphical User Interface (GUI) video monitor but it is suitable for desk or rack
mounting and positioning is flexible. The desktop
• Configurable console screen presentation
speakers option and headset can be used in place of
• Wide variety of audio interface options the AIU to minimize desktop space requirements.
The digital switching and interface to the
INTRODUCTION telephone and radio channels is through the compact
The DCS-5020 is Zetron’s new Digital Console DCS-5020 Digital Switch. Each Digital Switch
System to meet the needs of the smaller operations supports up to 6 interface ports which can be
control room. Combining telephony and both digital allocated to console audio, telephone, or radio
and analogue radio control, the DCS-5020 system circuits. Additional ports are provided with additional
supports up to 30 ports and 6 screen-based Digital Switches linked together using the E1
operator consoles. The DCS-5020 meets a range of Interconnect cable. Each interconnected Digital
professional applications in the emergency services, Switch and the interface ports on the switch are
transportation, utilities and private industry. Although accessible from any other Digital Switch on the E1
offering many of the features of a traditional console loop. In multiple position systems the radio and
system, the DCS-5020 is based on an architecture telephone resources on each switch may be shared
of distributed processing which removes the in common with all positions in the system. In the
requirement for a central switch, even with multiple unlikely event that a single Digital Switch fails, the
operator positions. This ensures a fully scalable only impact is on those operator, telephone and radio
solution, even down to a single operator position and resources connected to that switch. All other shared
provides a high level of system resilience for resources continue to be available to the remaining
mission-critical applications. positions.
Figure 1: Sample 3 console, 24 channel system in a distributed loop