Zetron 5020

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Digital Console System

The DCS-5020 integrates telephony and radio,
call handling, monitoring and logging functions into a
single operator interface. The system supports
between 24 and 30 ports, depending on
configuration, each assignable to telephone or radio
circuits. There are up to 6 inter-linked operator
positions each comprising a host PC and video
monitor, with Audio Interface Unit (AIU) and optional
accessories such as headset, gooseneck
microphone, PTT footswitch, and keyboard.
The host PC runs Zetron’s Windows®-based
IntegratorDCSTM software, providing a graphical user
interface (GUI) presenting the telephone/radio
channels and system functions available to the
operator. The video monitor can be full-size SVGA/
LCD, or compact LCD to fit control room
requirements. Touchscreen and/or mouse/trackball
control is available. The operator screen presentation
is extensively configurable.
The AIU has two speakers and a microphone
socket. The speakers each have a volume control -
FEATURES one for active conversation (select) audio and one
• One to six operators for monitored (unselect) audio. There are four
buttons which can parallel or override the on-screen
• Wireless connection to TETRA infrastructure controls. The AIU is typically mounted under the
• Screen based Graphical User Interface (GUI) video monitor but it is suitable for desk or rack
mounting and positioning is flexible. The desktop
• Configurable console screen presentation
speakers option and headset can be used in place of
• Wide variety of audio interface options the AIU to minimize desktop space requirements.
The digital switching and interface to the
INTRODUCTION telephone and radio channels is through the compact
The DCS-5020 is Zetron’s new Digital Console DCS-5020 Digital Switch. Each Digital Switch
System to meet the needs of the smaller operations supports up to 6 interface ports which can be
control room. Combining telephony and both digital allocated to console audio, telephone, or radio
and analogue radio control, the DCS-5020 system circuits. Additional ports are provided with additional
supports up to 30 ports and 6 screen-based Digital Switches linked together using the E1
operator consoles. The DCS-5020 meets a range of Interconnect cable. Each interconnected Digital
professional applications in the emergency services, Switch and the interface ports on the switch are
transportation, utilities and private industry. Although accessible from any other Digital Switch on the E1
offering many of the features of a traditional console loop. In multiple position systems the radio and
system, the DCS-5020 is based on an architecture telephone resources on each switch may be shared
of distributed processing which removes the in common with all positions in the system. In the
requirement for a central switch, even with multiple unlikely event that a single Digital Switch fails, the
operator positions. This ensures a fully scalable only impact is on those operator, telephone and radio
solution, even down to a single operator position and resources connected to that switch. All other shared
provides a high level of system resilience for resources continue to be available to the remaining
mission-critical applications. positions.
Figure 1: Sample 3 console, 24 channel system in a distributed loop


The required interfaces determine the choice

of plug-in modules in the digital switch.
Modules are currently available for the
• PABX analogue extension level or
subscriber line
• Direct telephone connection or ring-
down circuit
• Fixed channel conventional radio
• Digital trunked TETRA radio

System installation and configuration is

through the Digital Console Management
System (DCMS) software. DCMS is used to set
levels, download new firmware, and monitor the
health of the system. Full time connection is
required only if continuous monitoring is
OPERATOR FUNCTIONS Multiplexer to give true remote access over dial-up
telephone line, private wire, microwave, or ISDN. Use of
Operator screen layouts can be configured to
the dial-up line or ISDN means connection costs are only
individual requirements, with on-screen graphics
incurred when the particular circuit is in use.
presenting line, function and status keys.
Organisations with remote offices in different cities or
1. Line keys assigned to individual ports – even countries can access a distant regional TETRA
telephone, PABX, radio, intercom or pre- network and have the same functionality as a local radio.
programmed working groups. Examples are: For public network operators this is a revenue
• Analogue telephone line opportunity, bringing in organisations which otherwise
• Telephone hunt group may not subscribed because their offices are out of the
• Conventional radio coverage area.
• TETRA radio For private networks, the DCS-5020 extends the
• Direct Intercom line effective range of the network and allows personnel in
2. Function keys allow the operator to select the one region to have direct access to a network in another
specific operation, and include: region. This is valuable to organisations – such as
• Dial and Memory dial utilities – with personnel in different regions.
• Answer next Organisations such as emergency services can also
• Clear obtain access to each other’s regional networks
• Hold including direct access to an isolated site when the
• Multiline call network is in fallback mode.
• Call transfer
Mobile Command Centre
• Radio/Radio and Radio/Telephone patch
• Monitor/unselect Mobile command centres can be established for
• Radio selcall 5/6 tone special events, accidents or other major incidents by
• Radio priority/busy channel marker deploying the DCS-5020 in a vehicle or transportable
• Radio self repeat package. The operator can have access to multiple
• Digital input/output monitor and control TETRA working groups, conventional radio channels or
• Group call (TETRA) telephone circuits to manage incident personnel. For
• Emergency call (TETRA) truly mobile applications, the telephone ports may be
• Direct mode (TETRA) fitted with GSM terminals for cellular telephony service.
• Status mode (TETRA)
(See Zetron Application Note : Mobile/Transportable Control Centres).
3. The status area displays information about the
console such as: Fallback Control Centres
• Communications with the Digital Switch The DCS-5020 has a specific application for TETRA
• Audio mode – speakers/headset operators to ensure basic communications are
• Date and Time maintained in the event of failure of key elements of the
APPLICATIONS infrastructure. Failures of the network controller, links to
repeater sites, or the primary control room are addressed
The combination of telephony, conventional radio and by the DCS-5020 fallback solution which maintains
TETRA supports a range of console applications. In critical communications between control room and field
particular, the wireless TETRA configuration offers personnel. Based on customer requirements Zetron has
innovative solutions for the growing TETRA community. configured a range of solutions for fallback applications –
TETRA Wireless Console combining the DCS-5020 with the Model 390 TETRA
Controller and Model 232 Data/Voice Multiplexer.
The DCS-5020 connects to the TETRA system
through a number of fixed Motorola® TETRA radios, (See Zetron Application Note : Enhanced Fallback Applications).
rather than through a direct connection to the TETRA
infrastructure. A wireless console is normally preferred Small Control Rooms
where direct connection to the infrastructure is not The DCS-5020 is an economic solution for small
suitable for the application – or not possible due to the control rooms such as regional fire control, sports
location of the control room. grounds, industry, ports and harbours. The combination
The operator can manage and monitor a number of of TETRA and conventional radio, and scalable
separate TETRA talkgroups, access the telephone lines architecture meets many requirements. It can be
and provide telephone patching as required. The employed as a major incident control room without
integrated radio and telephone functionality allows the impacting on the role of the primary control centre.
operator to perform both call taking and dispatch
functions. For the operator who is out of the network (See Zetron Application Note : Small Control Rooms).
area or wants access to a network in another region, the
DCS-5020 can be fitted with the Model 232 Data/Voice
Combined CONTROL Centres signals from the operator position, or fixed radio so that
For operators migrating from conventional to TETRA the fixed radio can be linked to the switch over a
radio, DCS-5020 provides a bridge enabling operators to telephone grade circuit. Using a telephone circuit –
manage both networks from a single position. PSTN, leased line, ISDN, microwave, high data rate
Additionally, the operator can set up an interconnection GSM – means the fixed radio can be accessed from a
or “patch” between the two networks so field personnel remote operator position.
on one network can speak directly with the other.
RELATED PRODUCTS There is an extensive future development programme
which further extends voice and data functionality in
Model 232 Data/Voice Multiplexer analogue and digital, telephony and radio interfaces.
The Model 232 works in conjunction with the DCS- Future enhancements and new releases will be
5020 when used with TETRA radios, by enabling the available as upgrades to existing systems, making the
fixed TETRA radio to be remoted from the Digital Switch. DCS-5020 a future-proof platform for evolving
The Model 232 combines voice, audio and digital control requirements. Contact Zetron for details.


PHYSICAL Memory 256 MB of RAM or more.

Digital Switch 45 mm (1.75”) High (excluding 13 mm Hard disk 4 GB or more.
rubber feet), Removable disk 3.5” 1.44 MB floppy drive & 4x or
430 mm (17”) Wide (excluding 19” better CDROM drive.
rackmount brackets),
Comm ports One 9-pin RS-232 port for Integrator
240 mm (9.5”) Deep (excluding
DCS plus One 9-pin port for DCMS (2
cable exits).
total if the same host PC runs both sets
Audio Interface - AIU 90 mm (3.5”) High of software). Touchscreen monitors
(excluding 13 mm rubber feet), may require additional RS-232 ports.
430 mm (17”) Wide
Video card/monitor Super VGA (1024 x 768 pixel) or
(excluding 19” rackmount brackets),
better. 256 colour or more.
240 mm (9.5”) Deep
17” or larger CRT or 15” or larger LCD
(excluding cable exits). monitor recommended.
ENVIRONMENTAL Pointer Mouse, trackball and/or
touch-screen required.
Operating 0 to 50 degrees C
Temperature Keyboard Keyboard required for setup and for
supervisor access privileges.
Storage -10 to 60 degrees C
Temperature Sound Sound card recommended for
aural prompts.
Humidity 95% RH at 45 degrees C,
non-condensing Compliance Hardware platform must appear in the
Microsoft® Hardware Compatibility List
Power 85 to 260 Vac, 47 to 63 Hz. for Windows® 2000 Professional.
96 VA max per device.


Processor Intel® Pentium® or equivalent, or better.
250 MHz or better.
Operating system Microsoft Windows® 2000 For more information on this and other Zetron products, contact:
Professional, latest service pack.
Database Microsoft® MSDE 2000 or
later when required.
Multi-tasking To maximize up-time only Zetron
authorized software should be used at
the same time as Integrator DCS.
Other Zetron authorized software may
have additional PC requirements.

All trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

Zetron USA Zetron UK Zetron Australasia See Zetron price list

PO Box 97004 27-29 Campbell Court PO Box 3045 for option pricing.
Redmond Bramley TADLEY Stafford Mail Centre
WA 98073-9704 Basingstoke RG26 5EG Stafford QLD 4053 Specifications subject to
USA UK Australia change without notice.
Phone: (425) 820-6363 Phone: +44 (0)1256 880663 Phone: +61 7 3856 4888
Fax: (425) 820-7031 Fax: +44 (0)1256 880491 Fax: +61 7 3356 6877
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 005-1343A February 2004


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