Bodal Chemicals (BODCHE) : Expansion in Place, Volume Led Growth Ahead!
Bodal Chemicals (BODCHE) : Expansion in Place, Volume Led Growth Ahead!
Bodal Chemicals (BODCHE) : Expansion in Place, Volume Led Growth Ahead!
Others Basic
Others Basic
7% Chemicals
6% Chemicals
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
| crore
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
| crore
17.0 17.0
200 17 125
17 9
115 9
170 16
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
40.0 38.5
30.0 34.9
25.0 20.1 19.5
17.6 15.6 14.8
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
100 94.7
80 70.0 70.0
70 61.5
NWC Days
FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
The key risk to our call is the inherent volatility associated with the dye
intermediates and a dyestuff realisation which is largely crude linked.
0 0
Jul-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 May-16 Aug-16 Oct-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 May-17 Aug-17 Oct-17 Jan-18 Mar-18 May-18
Source: Bloomberg, Company, ICICI Direct Research; *I-direct coverage on Bodal Chemicals was initiated on October 2017
Key events
Date/Year Event
1989 Bodal was established in 1989 in the name JK Pharma to produce intermediates used in manufacturing dyestuff
1994 Thereafter, in 1994, it was renamed Bodal Chemicals and expanded its dye intermediates basket by setting up additional facilities
2006 In 2004, Bodal forward integrated by setting up a 5,000 tonne dyestuff facility. In 2006, Bodal successfully got listed on the BSE stock exchange by way of a reverse
merger with Dintex Dye Chem
2010 Bodal undertook a mega expansion in FY10 through successful commissioning of 12,000 tonne dyes plant & 450 TPD Sulphuric acid. On a consolidated basis, FY10
sales came in at | 468 crore, EBITDA stood at | 34.5 crore with corresponding EBITDA margins 7.8%. Consequently, PAT in FY10 stood at | 13.5 crore
2012 Post expansion, due to subdued product realisations in 2012, Bodal had to undergo corporate debt restructuring (CDR) after sustaining huge losses. However,
subsequent revival of product realisations helped the company recoup past losses and exit the CDR by repaying all its debts in full by 2015
2017 In 2017, Bodal made a strategic investment in Trion Chemicals & acquired controlling stake in SPS Processors (dye int manufacturer). FY17 was the best ever
performance by Bodal Chemicals. On a consolidated basis, FY17 sales came in at | 1236 crore (up 36% YoY). EBITDA stood at | 225.8 crore with corresponding
EBITDA margins at 18.3%. Consequently, PAT in FY17 came in at | 128.6 crore
2018 In march 2018, the company has commissioned the new dyestuff plant with a capacity of 12,000 tonne taking its total capacity to 29,000 tonne in the dyestuff
category. The company also raised equity via QIP issue. On a consolidated basis, FY18 sales came in at | 1142.2 crore (down 6.6% YoY). EBITDA stood at | 194.4
crore with corresponding EBITDA margins 17.0%. Consequently, PAT in FY18 came in at | 121.9 crore
Source: Company, ICICI Direct Research
Top 10 Shareholders Shareholding Pattern
Rank Name Latest Filing Date % O/S Position (m) Change (m) (in %) Mar-17 Jun-17 Sep-17 Dec-17 Mar-18
1 Patel (Sureshbhai Jayantibhai) 16-May-18 29.0 35.4 0.5 Promoter 64.2 64.0 61.5 54.9 54.9
2 Patel (Bhavin Suresh) 31-Mar-18 7.7 9.5 0.0 FII 4.4 3.7 3.0 7.9 7.4
3 Patel (Ankit Sureshbhai) 11-May-18 5.6 6.9 0.3 DII 0.1 0.4 0.4 6.2 6.7
4 Patel (Meena Suresh) 31-Mar-18 4.3 5.2 0.0 Others 22.4 22.5 22.5 31.0 31.0
5 Patel (Ramesh D) 31-Mar-18 3.9 4.8 -0.1
6 ICICI Prudential Asset Management Co. Ltd. 31-Mar-18 3.6 4.4 0.0
7 Patel (Jayanti Dayabhai) 31-Mar-18 2.9 3.5 0.0
8 Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited 31-Mar-18 2.1 2.6 0.0
9 Patel (Shakuntala J) 31-Mar-18 1.9 2.3 0.0
10 Jupiter Asset Management Ltd. 31-Mar-18 1.7 2.1 -0.5
Source: Reuters, ICICI Direct Research
Recent Activity
Buys Sells
Investor name Value (US$ M) Shares (M) Investor name Value (US$ M) Shares (M)
Patel (Sureshbhai Jayantibhai) 1.1 0.5 Lazard Asset Management, L.L.C. -1.0 -0.5
Patel (Ankit Sureshbhai) 0.6 0.3 Jupiter Asset Management Ltd. -1.0 -0.5
Kacholia (Ashish) 0.3 0.1 Union Asset Management Company Private Limited -0.5 -0.3
Patel (Ramesh D) -0.3 -0.1
Van Eck Associates Corporation -0.1 -0.1
Source: Reuters, ICICI Direct Research
Strong Buy: >15%/20% for large caps/midcaps, respectively, with high conviction;
Buy: >10%/15% for large caps/midcaps, respectively;
Hold: Up to +/-10%;
Sell: -10% or more;
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