Poly Hi DR Amnion
Poly Hi DR Amnion
Poly Hi DR Amnion
12113 2014;16:207–13
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Please cite this paper as: Karkhanis P, Patni S. Polyhydramnios in singleton pregnancies: perinatal outcomes and management. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
amniotic fluid removal ≥8 cm can be used across all gestational ages.1,8,9 Neither
method has been shown to be superior to the other.9 Based on
-fetal swallowing
AFI, the condition can be classified as mild (25.0–29.9 cm),
fluid dynamics across the membranes moderate (30–34.9 cm) or severe (>35 cm).10 Experimental
dilutional techniques are the most accurate predictor of
-transfer across the placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal skin
amniotic fluid volume. However, their invasive nature limits
(intramembranous flow)
their clinical use.
-across the fetal membranes (transmembranous flow).4
Abnormality in any of the above mechanisms leads to
excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid.
A wide variety of maternal and fetal conditions are seen in
nearly half the cases of polyhydramnios. In the remaining
Methods for assessment of amniotic fluid
half, no apparent cause is discernible and polyhydramnios
Ultrasound evaluation of the amount of amniotic fluid can remains unexplained.1 The common aetiological associations
be achieved by a subjective assessment or a semiquantitative with polyhydramnios in a singleton pregnancy are
estimation. This involves measurement of either the deepest highlighted in Box 1 and Table 1, and this list is by no
vertical pocket (DVP) or amniotic fluid index (AFI),5,6 or means exhaustive.4
two-diameter pocket6 or three-dimensional measurements.7 Among the maternal causes, it is well known that suboptimal
The AFI is calculated by obtaining a sum of the vertical glycaemic control in pregnancies complicated by maternal
dimensions of four imaginary cord- and limb-free quadrants diabetes often leads to fetal macrosomia and polyhydramnios.
of the uterus, whereas the deepest vertical pool measurement Fetal hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia that results from
is of the largest visible cord- and limb-free pocket of amniotic maternal hyperglycaemia results in polyuria through an
fluid (Figures 1 and 2). Although gestational-age-specific osmotic action.10 Fetal nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
thresholds can be applied to define polyhydramnios, resulting from maternal use of lithium is also found to be
generally speaking, a constant value of AFI ≥25 cm or DVP associated with polyhydramnios.11
a slower technique using a three-way stopcock with a 50 ml obstetric practice is not recommended and is
syringe or a more rapid method using a vacuum-assisted sometimes contraindicated.24
drainage system.20 Normally the procedure is discontinued Once the cause is ascertained, it is good practice to follow
when the AFI returns to normal (<25 cm) or until maternal up these patients with serial ultrasound scans to monitor the
discomfort is relieved. The overall risk of complications such liquor volume and fetal growth. Mild polyhydramnios
as preterm labour, premature rupture of membranes, resolves frequently without any intervention. Except for a
chorioamnionitis, and of placental abruption is relatively higher incidence of large-for-gestational-age fetuses, mild
small (~1.5%).21 However, there is a high likelihood of polyhydramnios by itself is not associated with an increased
recurrence, thus requiring repeated procedures. Serial risk of adverse perinatal outcomes.25
amniodrainages can be technically difficult and the risk
of the aforementioned complications increases with
Management of labour
each procedure.
Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors such as indomethacin There is insufficient evidence in the literature for induction
(cyclooxygenase [COX]-1 and -2 inhibitor) and sulindac of labour for polyhydramnios alone. The benefits do not
(COX-2) have been used in the management of seem to outweigh the risks associated with the induction
polyhydramnios. These drugs reduce amniotic fluid volume process.26 However, induction of labour is indicated when
by decreasing fetal urinary output and by enhancing the polyhydramnios is a part of the clinical picture such as
resorption of lung fluid. Some fetal medicine units in the UK uncontrolled maternal diabetes or associated with other
use sulindac as it is a selective COX-2 inhibitor and has a obstetric conditions such as prolonged pregnancy, maternal
better adverse-effect profile. Sulindac dose of 200 mg every 12 hypertension, etc.
hours has been shown to be most effective in unexplained Once labour is established, close monitoring for signs of
polyhydramnios or polyhydramnios associated with distal labour dystocia in cases with associated macrosomia is
gastrointestinal obstruction. However, these medications are recommended. Safe obstetric practices, such as controlled
associated with significant fetal adverse effects such as dose- amniotomy in theatre, and anticipation and preparation for
and gestational-age-dependent constriction of the ductus complications such as shoulder dystocia and postpartum
arteriosus and impaired renal function.22,23 In view of such haemorrhage, are advisable.
significant adverse effects, these drugs are to be used only In case of unexplained polyhydramnios, a thorough
under strict specialist supervision. Their use in general neonatal examination, with a minimum of checking the
detected on USS
Figure 4. Management of polyhydramnios in a singleton pregnancy. CMV = cytomegalovirus; GTT = glucose tolerance test; HbA1c = glycosylated
haemoglobin; IUGR = intrauterine growth restriction; RBS = random blood sugar; SGA = small for gestational age; USS = ultrasound scan.
Therapeutic amniocentesis/
amniodrainage • Monitor progess of labour
• Watch for shoulder
dystocia and postpartum
• Thorough neonatal
• Check patency of upper GI
tract with nasogastric tube
Figure 5. Management of unexplained polyhydramnios in a singleton pregnancy. AFI = amniotic fluid index; GI = gastrointestinal; TVS =
transvaginal sonography.
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