Bulletin 1 05, 2019

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ANNOUNCEMENTS This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into,

the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered

Welcome to worship! Every New
everything that came his way so you would
Year, a good number of us embrace
certain goals or resolutions. In trying know that it could be done, and also know how
to achieve them, we often employ to do it, step-by-step.
strong motivational techniques. Today
we find that God has already defined a 1 Peter 2:21 MSG
resolution for us - join us in worship
as we learn about it.

Membership Transfers: First

readings for Daniel Berk to Crosswalk
SDA Church, Redlands; and Swasti
to serve you
JULIO TABUENCA - Senior Pastor
Bhattacharyya to Waimanalo SDA 909.771.4179 | [email protected]
Church, Waimanalo, Hawaii.
CRISTIAN IORDAN - Worship & Media
909.796-0222 ext. 225 | [email protected]
N.E.W.S.T.A.R.T Lifestyle 8-week
Health Laws Series ever y Friday SHIPHRAH FEPULEA’I - Young Adults & Women
760.224.4404 | [email protected]
evening at 7p in Hammond-Jewell
Music Center. GABRIEL KATRIB - VisitaMon
Come and Greet our New Pastor
HOPE McKENZIE - Head Elder
and his wife! All are invited to the 909.723.0914
special welcome luncheon next
JUDI WRIGHT - AdministraMve Assistant
Sabbath (12th) for Pastor Mark and 909.796.0222 | campushill.offi[email protected]
Susi Etchell, following the 11 o’clock 11057 Hill Dr. Loma Linda, CA 92354
service. RITA BENDER - Office Assistant
909.796.0222 | campushill.offi[email protected]

PrimeTimers Potluck next week January 6, 2019

(13th), at noon in Hammond-Jewell;
the first get-together for 2019. OFFICE
C h u rc h B o a rd m e e t i n g i s
campushill.offi[email protected]
11:00 AM
scheduled with Pastor Etchell for Monday - Thursday
Sabbath, January 19 at 5p. 9:00AM to 5:00PM

PRELUDE Prelude, Fugue and Variation

Study Time Angelica Prodan & Lavinia Nastasa

PRAISE MUSIC African Echoes

9:30 aM INTERCESSORY PRAYER Cristian Iordan

Theme: The Book of RevelaNon
Leader: William Wright
Teachers: William Wright, Karl McCalla, CHILDREN’S SONG God Has a Plan
Emmanuel Ogunji, Tom Gibson, Dorothy Andria, Alyssa & Angeline
Highlight: “God Provides” CHILDREN’S STORY Justin & Kelsey Hansen
Lesson: The Gospel from Patmos
Memory Text: “Blessed is he who reads and
those who hear the words of this prophecy, and
OFFERING APPEAL Shiphrah Fepulea’i
keep those things which are wri_en in it; for the
Mme is near” (RevelaMon 1:3, NKJV).
OFFERTORY Largo from Xerxes by G.F. Handel
Angelica Prodan & Lavinia Nastasa
Today’s Instrumentalists:
Don Benedicto Sabbath School
Sharmel Weerasinghe 11 o’clock Service Andrew Ogunji
Sunset: 4:53
SPECIAL MUSIC Serenade by F. Schubert
Next Week: 5:00 Angelica Prodan & Lavinia Nastasa


Julio Tabuenca

CLOSING SONG 625 Higher Ground

African Echoes


POSTLUDE I Sing the Mighty Power of God arr. by J. Bennett/C. Berry

Angelica Prodan & Lavinia Nastasa

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