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Eden Nature Park Davao Crocodile Park People's Park

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Eden Nature Park Davao Crocodile Park People’s Park

Davao has transformed into the modern

city that it is today in the past couple of A public park in Davao City and home to
If you want to get touch with the wildlife, sculptures made by local artists. The
years the city has impressively preserved
Davao Crocodile Park is great place to major attraction of the park is Durian
its forests and farms. If you want to be in
visit. The park is home to thousands of Dome, Mini-forest, Interactive fountains,
touch with nature, head to Eden Nature
self-nurtured crocodiles, which are given Waterfalls and ponds, Kid’s toy land and
Park and Resort. Located in the mountain,
to top quality and utmost care by the sculptures representing indigenous groups
this place offer a spectacular view of pine
staff. It is also home to other animals such in Southern Mindanao and the Philippine
trees and the hills. The places has many
as the monkeys, snakes, among others. Eagle.
attraction like the Deer Park, Flower
The park is packed with innovative and
Garden, a hiking trial, a butterfly garden, a
modern equipment which paved the way
greenhouse for fresh lettuce, among
for the state-of-the-art crocodile farming
system at the park.
President Rodrigo Roa Davao City Hall Mayor Sara “Inday”
Duterte Duterte-Carpio

The Old City Hall (formerly the Municipal Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio is Davao City’s
Building) was constructed in 1962, some first woman mayor and the youngest to
ten years before Davao finally became a have been elected to the position in the
city. political history of Davao City.
Lawyer and politician Rodrigo Duterte
served seven terms as mayor of Davao
City in the Philippines. In 2016, he became
the 16th president of the Philippines.

Born on March 28, 1945, in Maasin,

Southern Leyte, Philippines.
Museo Dabawenyo Roxas Night Market Mount Apo

Famous for its delicious and unique street

food you won’t find in regular malls, Roxas
Night Market became a go-to for tourists
Museo Dabawenyo or the “Museum of the who want to try different delicacies that Mount Apo is the highest mountain the
people of Davao” is one of the two known the city has to offer. Hundreds of stalls Philippines, with an elevation of 3,144
museums in Davao. The building of Museo offering different street foods and Pinoy Meters above sea level. Every
Dabawenyo is formerly the court of First cuisines area available in this area of mountaineer in the Philippines aspire to
Instance. The City Government was Davao City every night. climb the famous mountain. There are
restored and rehabilitated to house and different trails available in the mountain.
showcase the rich history and diverse More than the foods, it is the electric vibe There are seven different peaks too at the
cultural heritage of the people of Davao. and energy of this area which draw people summit wherein beautiful views can be
The Museum is located at Fr. Selga Street daily. Thousands of locals and tourists seen – from the exceptional sunrise and
going to Pichon Street, Davao City. spend their evenings here and get to have sunset, to the magical sight of seeing the
a taste of Davao hospitality, culture and ground touching the sky – making hiking
food. Thrift shops for second-hand clothes the Mt. Apo truly an incredible experience
are also available in the area. for everyone.
San Pedro Cathedral GAP Farming Magsaysay Park

Magsaysay Park in Davao City is a

beautiful landscape public park that sits on
GAP is a ten-hectare mountain resort and
San Pedro Cathedral, located right at the a huge sprawling expanse that faces the
orchard that is filled with various fruit
center of Davao City fronting the clear blue waters of the Gulf of Davao with
bearing trees located in the hilly part of
Sangguniang Panlungsod ng Dabaw (City the Samal Island in the backdrop. This city
Green Valley, Diversion Road, Ma-a Davao
Counsil) Building, is the city’s oldest landmark was built in honor of the most-
City. The farm is a popular destination
church. The original structure dating back loved and revered president of the
frequented by many tourists to spend
to 1847 was said to have been built by the Philippines, Ramon Magsaysay who, in
leisure time together with their dear and
first Spanish settlers in the area. March 17, 1957, died in a plane crash in
love ones.
Mount Manunggal on Cebu Island while en
One of the main attractions in GAP Farm is route to Manila. He was the third
the huge marble imprint of the phrase President of the Republic of the
“LAND OF PROMISE” set on its vast lawn, Philippines. At the center of the Park is the
which is easily visible while on-board an 25 meter long tri-pillar obelisk-like
airplane. concrete tower that contains the life-size
statue of President Magsaysay which
serves as the main marker of the park.
culture, the bounties of harvest and
Kadayawan Festival serenity of living.

The festival is celebrated in the month of

August with floats of fresh flowers and

It is a celebration of Good Harvest! This

globally famous festival is a weeklong
celebration and thanksgiving for nature’s
bountiful harvest. Kadayawan Festival is
being celebrated every 3rd Week of
August. A celebration of the plentiful
harvests of fruits and orchids during the
season. Kadayawan is derived from the
prehistoric word “madayaw” a warm
friendly greeting also used to explain a
thing that is valuable, superior, beautiful,
good, or profitable, “Kadayawan” in
Mandaya means anything that brings
fortune a celebration of life a thanksgiving
for the gifts of nature, the wealth of

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