Control Systems Theory and Design: Examination
Control Systems Theory and Design: Examination
Control Systems Theory and Design: Examination
Y (s) ω2
G(s) = = 2 . (2)
U (s) s + 2 δ ω s + ω2
Gdesired (s) = . (3)
s2 + 2 (δ + ∆) ω s + ω 2
i) Write down a state space realization (A2 , B2 , C2 , D2 ) of the system (2) and
(Adesired , Bdesired , Cdesired , Ddesired ) of the system (3) both in controller canonical
form. Are these representations controllable? Give reasons.
ii) Calculate the state feedback gain F such that Adesired = A2 + B2 F .
iii) Now assume that the states of the system G cannot be measured, but only the
output y. Is it possible to represent the state feedback control law u = F x that
you derived in ii) as an ideal PD-controller u = KP y + KD ẏ? If so, determine
the gains KP and KD . If not, explain why.
Problem 2 (25 Marks)
a) Figure 1 shows a simplified version of the A320 aircraft’s fly-by-wire system used to
control climbing and descent. Write down a state-space realization of the controller
using the labeled signals.
δ ẋ R x η
jq jn kq kn
ẋ1 = A1 x1 + B1 u1 ẋ2 = A2 x2 + B2 u2
y 1 = C1 x 1 y 2 = C 2 x2
r u1 y1 y
(A1 , B1 , C1 )
(A2 , B2 , C2 )
y2 u2
i) Write downthestate space realization for the closed-loop system with the state
vector x = 1 .
ii) How many inputs and outputs has the closed-loop system if y1 (t) ∈ R3 and
y2 (t) ∈ R2 ?
iii) Given the matrices A1, B1, C1 and A2, B2, C2 in the workspace, complete
the following Matlab code on your answer sheet. It generates the closed-loop
system in Matlab and simulates the system response for each input-output
1 % a s s e m b l e t h e c l o s e d −l o o p system
2 sys1 = ss ( . . . , . . . , . . . , 0 ) ;
3 sys2 = ss ( . . . , . . . , . . . , 0 ) ;
4 cl_sys = feedback ( . . . , . . . ) ;
Problem 3 (25 Marks)
b) Assume the Tustin approximation Gt (z) of G(s) for T = 1s is given in time domain
by the difference equation
1 N = length ( u ) ;
2 y = zeros ( . . . ) ;
3 a = ...;
5 for k = a : N
9 y(k) = [ . . . , . . . , b0 , . . . , . . . ] ∗ phi ;
11 end
13 plot ( y ) ;
Problem 4 (25 Marks)
b1 z + b2
G(z) = .
z2 + a1 z + a2
i) Write down the linear regression model of G(z).
ii) The measurements
YmT = y(0) y(1) . . .
Um = u(0) u(1) . . . u(N ) , y(N )
b) Assume that measured impulse response data of a SISO LTI system are given in the
form of a matrix
g(1) g(2) g(k)
g(2) g(k + 1)
Hk = . .. .. .
.. . .
g(k) g(k + 1) · · · g(2k − 1)
i) Assume H_k is in the Matlab workspace. Write a Matlab script which deter-
mines the dynamic order n of a minimal state space representation assuming
the data is noise free.
ii) Now assume the measured impulse response data is corrupted by noise. De-
scribe in words how the dynamic order can be estimated in this case.