Numerical Simulation of Javelin Best Throwing Angle Based On Biomechanical Model

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ISSN : 0974 - 7435 Volume 8 Issue 8

An Indian Journal
BTAIJ, 8(8), 2013 [1042-1047]

Numerical simulation of javelin best throwing angle based on

biomechanical model
Xia Zeng*, Xiongwei Zuo
Department of Physical Education, Changsha Medical University, Changsha 410219, (CHINA)
E-mail: [email protected]

This paper uses the motion aerodynamics principle to analyze the javelin Biomechanics;
flight process, integrates related factors with athletic performance in the Aerodynamics;
study of the force condition and movement condition of the human body Throw angle;
and the javelin, numerically simulates the different angles of fixed param- Mathematic numerical
eters by Mathematic software, obtains the theoretical optimum throwing simulation.
angle 40°, that is when the shot angle is 40° and the angle of the javelin’s
long axis with the horizontal surface is 31° the throwing distance reaches
the greatest. The results are very consistent with the actual situation; this
article can make reasonable suggestions for the promotion of this project’s
athletic performance, provides a theoretical basis for the javelin sports
technique, and confirms the reasonableness of existing theory and tech-
nique.  2013 Trade Science Inc. - INDIA

INTRODUCTION ing sport biomechanics and aerodynamics principle to

conduct objective analysis of the javelin throwing move-
In the javelin movement, moving trajectory and ment has an actively promoting effect on the develop-
moving results of javelin are primarily reflections of a ment of sports technology.
set of human movement. Using the biomechanical prin- Javelin throwing process includes: run-up, final force
ciples can reasonably prove the maturity of the tech- and javelin releasing flight three phases, where the run-
nique and correct errors of technique. When the javelin up phase takes the longest time, and this stage provides
releases from the hand it suffers the gravity and air re- the best posture for throwing and at this foundation stage
sistance. Due to its shape and mass, it determines that the role of initial kinetic energy is related to achieve-
the air resistance of the javelin during movement in the ments; final stage is also used to provide the initial ki-
air cannot be ignored, so when we study the moving netic energy for the javelin flight, but its effect is far bet-
trajectory of javelin after disposing the aerodynamics ter than the run-up phase, this stage also provides the
principle is a good theoretical tool. Only by combining throwing angle of javelin flying, which is critical stage
the kinetic characteristics and moving trajectory of the related to athletic performance; During flight javelin re-
javelin after disposing can we determine the best shot ceives air resistance and gravity, although the results do
angle and speed combination of javelin. Therefore, us- not have a subjective relation, but it provides result refer-
BTAIJ, 8(8) 2013 Xia Zeng and Xiongwei Zuo 1043

ence for the research of validity and rationality of first equivalent to the braking point, as shown in Figure 2.
two phases.
In this paper, through biomechanics theory and
the aerodynamics theory, it conducts a detailed analysis
for the three stages of javelin throwing movement, con-
firms the reasonableness of the existing technique of
this movement combing with the analysis results, and Figure 2 : Schematic of the forearm rotates relatively around
provides rationalization proposals for the scientific the elbow joint
The rotation moment of momentum of the forearm
relatively around Point B is as formula (1):
M = I2â (1)
HAND THROWING FOR EXAMPLE) In Formula (1) M represents the torque generated
in the forearm muscle contraction, â represents the an-
The final stage of javelin throwing technology starts gular acceleration of the forearm around point B.
from the right foot, through series of actions delivering According to the definition of angular acceleration
by the legs, hips, torso, shoulder, elbow, and hand, and the angular momentum theorem can be obtained as for-
finally throw out the javelin. The duration time of the mula (2) below:
final stage is about 0.12s-0.15s, which is very short  2  1
  M t  I 2 (  2   1 ) (2)
from the time interval. But force sequence and speed t
change of all aspects of the body are consistent with In Formula (2) Ät shows the action time of forearm
the biomechanics whipping principles. In the braking muscles torque M; by the formula (2) the expression of
process it has shown a very large instantaneous im- angular velocity ù2 can be obtained as formula (3):
pulse, makes the javelin have greater instantaneous Mt
momentum, thus it can have a high initial kinetic energy.  2  1  (3)
In the throwing arm whipping process, when the
The formula (3) shows that the angular velocity of
hand, forearm and upper arm are in the same line, the
the forearm is increasing on the basis of ù1 in the pro-
three links do not exist the relative rotation, but have
cess whipping of throwing arm, and the increased value
the same angular velocity relative to the shoulder axis,
as shown in Figure 1. Mt
is I .

When the rotation angle of forearm around point B

is very small, according to the relationship of angular
and linear velocity, we have the expressions in formula
Figure 1 : The simple schematic when the arm is in straight v 1  1r1 
line 
v 2   2 r2   v  1r   2r2
In Figure 1 Point A represents the shoulder joint, v  v 1  v 2 
point B represents the elbow joint, point C represents In Formula (4) í represents the linear velocity of
the wrist joint, I1, I2 respectively mean the moment of the point C in wrist relatively to the shoulder joint, í1
inertia of upper arm and forearm, ù1 means the angular represents the linear velocity of the point B in elbow
velocity of the arm rotates straightly around the shoul- joint relatively to the shoulder joint, í2 represents the
der joint. But in the throwing process, forearm and up- linear velocity of the point C in wrist relatively to the
per arm has the relative rotation. We suppose the fore- elbow joint, and r1, r2 respectively represents the length
arm rotates around the elbow point B, where point B is of the upper arm and forearm.
An Indian Journal
1044 Numerical simulation of javelin best throwing angle based BTAIJ, 8(8) 2013

Substitute the formula (2) and (3) into the formula AERODYNAMIC ANALYSIS
(4) formula (5) can be obtained:
r2 Mt After disposing in addition to its own gravitational
v  1 (r1  r2 )  (5)force Javelin also suffers air resistance. Studying the
movement condition of javelin releasing can reflect the
According to formula (5), when forearm whips, the
relationship between movement characteristics and ath-
r2 Mt letic performance when releasing the Javelin, and it is
line speed of the wrist increases by I comparing
2 the entry point to study the movement’s throwing tech-
with no whipping. nique problem of non-forces influencing factors, so it is
In the final force stage, the body’s center of gravity necessary to study the movement of the javelin after
speed is constantly declining; human kinetic energy is disposing.
also reducing. The direction of the braking by the left For any one kind of javelin it has its fixed shape
leg landing and the inertia by the throwing arm on the and quality. We can use the polynomial fitting way to
javelin in the acceleration process is opposite to the dispose each measurement point, and get the physical
acceleration direction of the javelin. So the body’s speed characteristics parameters of the javelin. This paper
is declining, if in the last throwing process of throwing takes the javelin for adult males as the research object,
arm, throwing objects, the stronger the force of inertia uses the previous 4 order polynomial function as a model
of the throwing matter is, the much thorough that mo- base below. The javelin physics parameters in TABLE
mentum transfer of the body on the javelin is. 1 can be obtained.
TABLE 1 : Javelin physics parameter table for adult male
Parameter name Physical magnitude
Total mass of Javelin 811.5g
Distance from the gun breech to the centroid 1585mm
Distance from centroid to gun head 1055mm
Surface area of Javelin 2.098×105mm2
The maximum projected area of javelin 6.352×104mm2
The rotational moment of inertia around its own shaft (the axis perpendicular to the javelin direction) 0.4563×109g*mm2
The rotational moment of inertia around its own shaft (the axis along the javelin direction) 0.1379×106g*mm2
The rotational moment of inertia around its own shaft (another axis perpendicular to the javelin direction) 0.4563×109g*mm2

The initial kinetic parameters when releasing javelin

include: the shot height of javelin centroid is h0, the shot
velocity of centroid is í0, the angle of javelin centroid
shot velocity with the horizontal surface is è0, the angle
of javelin with the horizontal plane is á0, the pitch angu-
lar velocity when releasing the javelin is ù0, the angle of
the projection of the javelin long axis in the xoy surface
and the projection of the javelin centroid velocity in the
xoy surface is ã0 generally known as the yaw angle, the
Figure 3 : The initial state of javelin releasing instant in the
releasing moment of the javelin is in the spatial coordi- coordinate system
nate system as shown in Figure 3:
Javelin suffers gravity vertically downward and re- expression of the friction resistance is in formula (6):
sistance generated by air during movement in the air. 1
Ff   C f v 2 dS (6)
Air resistance is divided into frictional resistance, pres- Sf 2

sure drag and the induced drag. The friction resistance In Formula (6), Ff means the friction of air on the
is relevant with the air viscosity coefficient, and the javelin, ñ means the air density, Cf means the viscosity
An Indian Journal
BTAIJ, 8(8) 2013 Xia Zeng and Xiongwei Zuo 1045

coefficient of air, Sf means the surface area of the jav- INITIAL PARAMETERS AND THROWING
elin, and íô indicates the relative parallel velocity of jav- DISTANCE NUMERICAL SIMULATION
elin centroid to the gas. WHEN JAVELIN RELEASES AWAY FROM
The expression of the pressure drag is as the for- THE HAND
mula (7):
Based on the above force condition of javelin after
Fp   C p v 2// dS disposing, conduct numerical simulation for formula (6)
Sp 2
(7) (8), we can obtain the throwing distance of the jav-
In Formula (7) í means the relative vertical veloc- elin with different initial parameters. TABLE 2 shows
ity of javelin centroid to the gas, and Sp means the pro- the centroid speed of the javelin when shot, the angle of
jected area of the javelin. the velocity and the horizontal direction, the angle of
Javelin also receives induced drag during the flight. javelin long axis and the horizontal surface and the ini-
The air resistance acts on the javelin, decompose the tial yaw angle. In order to explore the problem of shot
resistance in a direction relatively parallel to air flow angle, this paper selects the shot speed 26m/s that ath-
and relatively perpendicular to air flow. Since in the jav- letes generally can reach in major match, the yaw angle
elin flight the air joint force that it receives does not is 0°, the air viscosity coefficient is 0.003, pressure drag
necessarily act on the javelin centroid, it will produce coefficient is 1.2, the air density is 1.18 * 10-5g/mm3,
torsional moment on the javelin. The javelin movement it uses Mathematic software to conduct numerical simu-
can be seen as the plane motion in yoz; according to lation for javelin throwing distance, the simulation re-
the synergistic effect of the rotation law of rigid body sults are in TABLE 2.
and the projectile movement of the objects, the result- TABLE 2 : The combination comparison table of computer
ant moment equations in the y axial direction and z axial simulation results
direction can be obtained, as shown in formula (8): Shot The angle 0 of Javelin long Throwing
angle 0 axis and the horizontal plane distance (m)
 l0 1
2 2 30° 15° 62.6
Fpy   sin(  )   l1 2 Cp v sin  sin f  d
 30° 18° 63.4
F   l 0  C v 2 cos 2  cos f  d 30° 21° 64.4
 fy l1 2 f
 30° 24° 65.3
 l0 1
2 2
Fpz   sin(  )   l1 C p v sin  cos f  d 30° 27° 65.8
 2 30° 30° 66.0
 l0 
2 2 (8)
Ffz    l1 2 Cf v cos  sin f  d 30° 33° 65.9
 30° 36° 65.9
M  sin(  )  l 0 1 C v 2 sin 2 f  d 30° 39° 65.8
  l1 2 p
30° 42° 65.6
The formula (8) shows that the air resistance will 30° 45° 65.0
generate rotation torque on the javelin, and the gravity The change trend of throwing distance with 0 when
goes the Javelin center of gravity, so the gravity will not  is 30° is shown in Figure 4:
generate rotating torque and the movement of the two
forces can be superimposed. The numerical simulation
results indicate that when the pitch angular velocity is
zero, for the average athlete the range of best shot angle
is between [38°, 44°], if the pitch angular velocity is not
zero, we should appropriately increase the shot angle.
When the initial attack angle is 0, the throwing distance
of javelin is the farthest; the smaller the air viscosity
Figure 4 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and 0
coefficient is, the better throwing distance is. when  = 30 0

An Indian Journal
1046 Numerical simulation of javelin best throwing angle based BTAIJ, 8(8) 2013

Because there are too much data, it is shown in the
form of bar graph also the final result, respectively 0 =
32°, 34°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 42°; the corresponding 0 is
shown in Figure 5 - Figure 10.

Figure 9 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and á0

when è0 = 40°

Figure 5 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and 0

when 0 = 32º

Figure 10 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and á0

when è0 = 42°

Figure 4 - Figure 10 shows the following results:

1) When è0 = 30° and á0 = 30° the maximum throwing
distance is 66.0m;
2) When è0 = 32° and á0 = 32° the maximum throwing
Figure 6 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and á0 distance is 67.5m;
when è0 = 34° 3) When è0 = 34° and á0 = 31° the maximum throwing
distance is 68.8m;
4) When è0 = 36° and á0 = 27° or 30° the maximum
throwing distance is 70.5m;
5) When è0 = 38° and á0 = 29° the maximum throwing
distance is 71.1m;
6) When è0 = 40° and á0 = 31° the maximum throwing
distance is 71.3m;
7) When è0 = 42° and á0 = 30° the maximum throwing
distance is 71.2m;
Figure 7 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and á0
when è0 = 36° According to the simulation results, when è0 = 40°
and á0 = 31° we have the maximum throwing distance,
and then with the assumed parameters, this combina-
tion is the best throwing angle.


This paper uses sports biomechanics and aerody-

namics to well explain javelin movement, and propose
the best throwing angle and precautions of throwing;
Figure 8 : The comparison chart of throwing distance and á0 obtains optimal throwing angle combination by numeri-
when è0 = 38°

An Indian Journal
BTAIJ, 8(8) 2013 Xia Zeng and Xiongwei Zuo 1047

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An Indian Journal

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