Widgb2 TP Eoytest S

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1 Work in pairs to roleplay a dialogue. 2. Work in pairs to discuss advantages and

disadvantages and to come to a joint decision.
Hand out Student Task pages for students to read:
Direct students to part 2 of the Student Task:
You and Student B are doing a project together at
You are going to go on a short holiday with some
school about nature and animals. Your teacher
of your friends.
has asked you to choose an animal to do your
project on. Talk with Student B to plan your Look at the three photos opposite and:
project.  discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
going to these places;
The conversation can begin like this:
 decide which place would be best for you and
Student A (You): Which animal should we do our your friends to go to and explain why;
project on?
Student B (Your Partner): Well, how about …  explain why you decided against the other two
Continue the conversation and discuss the following
You have one minute to think about this. Please
• the different animals you could find out about, then ask me if you have any questions.
choose ONE of them; Allow 1 minute for students to look at the photo and
• what information you should include; prepare. Answer questions as required.
• how you will find the information;
Please start your discussion now.
• how you will present your project. Allow 4 minutes for students to have the discussion.

You have one minute to think about what you I will now ask you some questions.
want to say. Please ask me if you have any Questions for both students:
questions. (These questions can be asked to both students who
Allow 1 minute for students to read the opening should be encouraged to discuss their responses
prompts. Answer questions as required. together. Or ask Student A and Student B all
questions in turn, alternating which student is
You can begin the role-play now. addressed and responds to the question first. Or ask
Allow 3 minutes for students to role-play the the two students alternate questions.)
situation. If both students are weak and struggle to 1 What sorts of activities do you like doing
start the role-play, use questions to prompt them, when you’re on holiday? Why? (Who do you
e.g. How can you find out about the animals? What like to do them with?)
information about the animal do you want to include? 2 What’s the best way to travel when you’re
etc. going on holiday? Why?
3 If you could visit any country in the world,
where would you choose to go? Why? (What
would you do there?)
4 If you could visit any city in the world, where
would you choose to go? Why? (What would
you do there?)
5 What’s the best place or country you have
visited? Why? (What did you do there?) (Who
did you go with?)
6 Is it better to do lots of things when you are on
holiday or relax and not do much? Why?
7 What can be difficult about going on holiday
with friends or family? Why?
8 Do you like reading about other countries or
watching programmes about them on TV?
Why?/Why not?

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