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Curriculum Vitae (May 2018) ZHANG Junsen Personal Data

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ZHANG Junsen
Personal Data

Address: Department of Economics

Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Phone: 852-3943-8186
Fax: 852-2603-5805 (Economics Department)
E-mail: [email protected]
Marital Status: Married with two children
Year of Birth: 1962

Research Areas Labor Economics; Development Economics; Applied Econometrics;

Chinese Economy


1990 Ph.D. (Economics), McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

1986 M.A. (Economics), McMaster University, Ontario, Canada

1983 B.Sc. (Engineering), Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, China


2010.2 Wei Lun Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Chinese

University of Hong Kong (C.U.H.K.)

2004 -- 2010 Professor of Economics (Chair Professor), Department of Economics,


2000 -- 2004 Professor, Department of Economics, C.U.H.K.

1995 -- 2000 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, C.U.H.K.

1999 -- Present Research Fellow, the Institute for the Study of Labour, Bonn, Germany

1993 -- 1995 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, C.U.H.K.

1990 -- 1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, the University of

Western Ontario, Canada

1989 -- 1990 Lecturer in Econometrics, Department of Statistics, Faculty of

Economics and Commerce, the Australian National University.

Major Administrative Duties

Chairman, Department of Economics, 2012.8-

Head of the Graduate Division (Economics), 1998-2012.7
Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Social Science, 2004.11-2012.7
Teaching Evaluation Coordinator, 1996-1999
Member of Research/Seminar/Library Committees, and Graduate Panel, 1993-
Member of the Executive Committee, Dept. of Economics, 1998-
Dept. College Coordinator, Chung Chi College, 1st term of 1998/99
Member of the Graduate Council, 1998-
Faculty Representative in Graduate School Bursary Sub-Committee, 2002-2003
Faculty Representative in Career Development Board, 2002-2005
Faculty Representative in the Chinese University Press, 2004-2005
Member of Senate Committee on Interdisciplinary Programmes, 2005-
Member of the Management Board of the Institute of Economics, 2005-
Co-Director, Institute of Economics and Finance, 2008-
Member of the University Academic and Personnel Committee, 2008-2012.

Major Honors and Scholarships

Sun Yefang Prize, 2016 (one of China’s highest awards in economics).

Distinguished Alumni Award, McMaster University, 2016.

Fellow, the Econometric Society, 2013 (the only person elected from Asia that year).

Short-term One Thousand Talents Scheme (Zhejiang University), 2013-16.


Ranked #357 in Top 1000 Economists in the world (based on publications


Ranked #550 in Top 1000 Economists (based on publications 1990-2000):


Research Excellence Award, 2007/2008, C.U.H.K.

Research Mentorship Award, 2018, C.U.H.K.

SSHRCC Post-doctoral Fellowship, U.W.O., 1992.7-1993.12

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1987-88, 1988-89
Dalley Fellowship, McMaster University, 1986-87
McMaster University Graduate Scholarship, 1985-86
Scholarship, the Ford Foundation, 1985-86

Recent Invited Seminars/Talks

2008, Hong Kong Economic Association, Presidential address, December, 2008, Chengdu

2010, Development workshop, Berkeley-Tsinghua, July, Beijing, China.

2010, World Congress, paper presentation, August, Shanghai, China.

2010, Contemporary Labour Economics conference, keynote speaker, December, Xiamen,


2010, Hong Kong Economic Association, Presidential address, December, 2010, Tianjin,

2011, Economic Science Association's Asia Pacific Meeting, Keynote speaker, 11 and 13
February, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2012, 23rd Chinese Economists Association (UK) and 4th Chinese Economists Association
(Europe) Annual Conference, Keynote speaker, 2-3 April, London, UK.

2013, Hong Kong conference on Education and Development, July.

2013, Beijing conference on Education and Inequality, July.

2013, presentation at the Inaugural China Meeting of the Econometric Society.

2013, presentation at the Asian Meeting of Econometric Society.

2014, presentation at the second China Meeting of the Econometric Society, 2014.

2014, presentation at the Asian Meeting of Econometric Society.

2014, Invited speaker at Beijing workshop on Inequality organized by University of Chicago.

2015, Invited speaker at Beijing workshop on Inequality organized by University of Chicago.

2015, Keynote speaker, Conference on Migration and Human Capital, Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics.

2015, Keynote speaker, Conference on Labor Economics, Xiamen University.

2016, Keynote speaker, 2016 China Meeting of the Econometric Society, organized by The
Econometric Society and The Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.

2017, Invited speaker at 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society organized by The
Econometric Society and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2017, Keynote speaker, The Second Annual Meeting of Labour Economics Society
in China, Zhejiang University.

2017, Keynote speaker, The First Forum on Labour Economics Frontiers, Jinan

2017, Keynote speaker, Contemporary Labour Economics International

Conference, Jinan University.

2018, Keynote speaker, High Quality Growth Forum, Sun Yefang Economic
Science Foundation and Zheijing University of Finance & Economics.

2018, Keynote speaker, People’s Welfare and Management Forum, Zheijing


2018, Keynote speaker, The Road of Market Economy with Chinese Features,
Institute of Economic Research, Academy of Social Sciences and Zheijing
Province Social Science Association.

2018, Invited panelist, Roundtable Discussion on "How to Do Frontier Research

in Econometrics and Applied Econometrics," 2018 China Meeting of the
Econometric Society, Fudan University.

Refereed Journal Articles

1. J. Zhang, "Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility in China: A Microeconometric

Analysis," Journal of Population Economics, (1990) 3: 105-123, Europe.

2. J. Zhang, "Mortality and Fertility: How Large is the Direct Child Replacement Effect
in China?" Journal of Population Economics, (1990) 3: 303-314, Europe.

3. K. Nishimura and J. Zhang, "Pay-as-you-go Public Pensions with Endogenous

Fertility," Journal of Public Economics, (1992) 48: 239-258, UK.

4. J. Zhang and B. G. Spencer, "Who Signs China's One-Child Certificate, and Why?"
Journal of Population Economics, (1992) 5: 203-215, Europe.

5. J. Zhang, "Holding Excess Capacity to Deter Entry in a Labor-managed Industry,"

Canadian Journal of Economics, (1993) 26: 222-234, Canada.

6. L. Rhee and J. Zhang, "Breath Testing in Canada: Deterrence or Detection?" Applied

Economics, (1993) 25: 765-775, UK.

7. J. Zhang and K. Nishimura, "Old-age Security Hypothesis Revisited," Journal of

Development Economics, (1993) 41: 191-202, USA.

8. T. Fry, R. Brooks, B. Comley and J. Zhang, "Limited Dependent Variables Models and
Their Economic Motivations," Economic Record, (1993) 69: 193-205, Australia.

9. J. Zhang and S. D. Hoffman, "Discrete-Choice Logit Models: Testing the IIA

Property," Sociological Methods and Research, (1993) 22: 193-213, USA.

10. R. Sturm and J. Zhang, "Fecundibility and Social Development in China: Changes in
the Distribution of the First Conception Interval," Biometrical Journal, (1993) 35:
985-995, Germany.

11. J. Zhang, J. Quan and P. Van Meerbergen, "The Effect of Tax-Transfer Policies on
Fertility in Canada, 1921-1988," Journal of Human Resources, (1994) 29: 181-201,

12. J. Zhang, "Bequest as a Public Good within Marriage: A Note," Journal of Political
Economy, (1994) 102: 187-193, USA.

13. J. Zhang and R. Sturm, "When Do Couples Sign the One-Child Certificate in Urban
China?" Population Research and Policy Review, (1994) 13: 69-81, USA.

14. J. Zhang, "Socioeconomic Determinants of Fertility in Hebei Province, China: An

Application of the Sequential Logit Approach," Economic Development and Cultural
Change, (1994) 43: 67-90, USA.

15. K. Nishimura and J. Zhang, "Sustainable Plans of Social Security with Endogenous
Fertility," Oxford Economic Papers, (January 1995) 47: 182-194, UK.

16. J. B. Davies and J. Zhang, "Gender Bias, Investments in Children and Bequests,"
International Economic Review, (August 1995) 36(3): 795-818, USA.

17. J. Zhang, "Do Men with Higher Wages Marry Earlier or Later?" Economics Letters,
(August 1995) 49: 193-196, USA.

18. Junsen Zhang and Junxi Zhang, "The Effects of Social Security on Population and
Output Growth," Southern Economic Journal, (1995) 62(2): 440-450, USA.

19. H. Qiu and J. Zhang, "Determinants of Tourist Arrivals and Expenditures in Canada,"
Journal of Travel Research, (Fall 1995) 34(2): 43-49, USA.

20. J. B. Davies and J. Zhang, "Measuring Marginal Income Tax Rates for Individuals in
Canada: Averages and Distributions Over Time," Canadian Journal of Economics,
(November 1996) 29(4): 959-975, Canada.

21. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Fertility and Wage Rates in an Overlapping Generations
General Equilibrium Model," Canadian Journal of Economics, (February 1997) 30(1):
224-234, Canada.

22. J. Zhang, "The Effect of Welfare Programs on Criminal Behavior: A Theoretical and
Empirical Analysis," Economic Inquiry, (January 1997) 35(1): 120-137, USA.

23. J. B. Davies and J. Zhang, "The Effects of Gender Control on Fertility and Children's
Consumption," Journal of Population Economics, (1997) 10(1): 67-85, Europe.

24. C. R. Arroyo and J. Zhang, "Dynamic Microeconomic Models of Fertility Choice: A

Survey," Journal of Population Economics, (1997) 10(1): 23-65, Europe.

25. T. Li and J. Zhang, "Returns to Education under Collective and Household Farming in
China," Journal of Development Economics, (August 1998) 56(2): 307-335, USA.

26. Junsen Zhang and Junxi Zhang, "Social Security, Intergenerational Transfers, and

Endogenous Growth," Canadian Journal of Economics, (November 1998) 31(5):
1225-1241, Canada.

27. J. Zhang and W. Chan, "Dowry and Wife's Welfare: A Theoretical and Empirical
Analysis," Journal of Political Economy, (August 1999) 107 (4): 786-808, USA.

28. Junsen Zhang, Jie Zhang and T. Li, "Gender Bias and Economic Development in an
Endogenous Growth Model," Journal of Development Economics, (August 1999) 59:
497-525, USA.

29. P.W. Liu and J. Zhang, "Assortative Mating versus the Cross-productivity Effect,"
Applied Economics Letters, (1999) 6: 523-525, UK.

30. P.W. Liu, X. Meng and J. Zhang, "Sectoral Gender Wage Differentials and
Discrimination in the Transitional Chinese Economy," Journal of Population
Economics, (May 2000) 13(2): 331-352, Europe.

31. Y. F. Fong and J. Zhang, "The Identification of Unobservable Independent and Spousal
Leisure," Journal of Political Economy, (February 2001) 109(1): 191-202.

32. J. Zhang, "Sex Preference, Marriage of Heirs, and Bequest Behavior," Japanese
Economic Review, (March 2001) 52(1): 70-76, Japan.

33. Junsen Zhang, Jie Zhang and Ronald Lee, "Mortality Decline and Long-run Economic
Growth," Journal of Public Economics, (June 2001) 80: 485-507, USA.

34. Junsen Zhang and Junxi Zhang, "Bequest Motives, Social Security, and Economic
Growth," Economic Inquiry, (July 2001) 39(3): 453-466, USA.

35. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Longevity and Economic Growth in a Dynastic Family
Model with an Annuity Market," Economics Letters, (August 2001) 72(2): 269-277.

36. X. Meng and J. Zhang, "The Two-tier Labour Market in Urban China: Occupational
Segregation and Wage Differentials between Urban Residents and Rural Migrants in
Shanghai," Journal of Comparative Economics, (September 2001) 29: 485-504,
Academic Press.

37. Y.W. Sung, J. Zhang and C.S. Chan, "Gender Wage Differentials and Occupational
Segregation in Hong Kong, 1981-1996," Pacific Economic Review, (October 2001)
6(3): 345-359, Blackwell.

38. O. Stark and J. Zhang, "Counter-Compensatory Inter-Vivos Transfers and Parental

Altruism: Compatibility or Orthogonality?" Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, (January 2002) 47: 19-25, Elsevier.

39. D. Hamermesh, X. Meng and J. Zhang "Dress for Success -- Does Primping Pay?"
Labour Economics, (July 2002) 9(3): 361-373, Elsevier.

40. J. Zhang and T. Li, "International Inequality and Convergence in Educational

Attainment: 1960-1990," Review of Development Economics, (October 2002) 6(3):
383-392, Blackwell.

41. Jie Zhang, Junsen Zhang and Ronald Lee, "Rising Longevity, Education, Savings, and
Growth," Journal of Development Economics, (February 2003) 70(1): 83-101,

42. J. Zhang and P.W. Liu, "Testing Becker's Prediction on Assortative Mating on Spouses'
Wages," Journal of Human Resources, (Winter 2003) 38(1): 99–110, USA.

43. W. Suen, W. Chan and J. Zhang, "Marital Transfer and Intrahousehold Allocation: A
Nash-Bargaining Analysis," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
(September 2003) 52(1): 133-146, USA.

44. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Long-run Effects of Unfunded Social Security with
Earnings-dependent Benefits," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
(December 2003) 28(3): 617-641, USA.

45. P.W. Liu, J. Zhang and S.C. Chong, "Occupational Segregation and Wage Differentials
between Natives and Immigrants: Evidence from Hong Kong," Journal of
Development Economics, (February 2004) 73(1): 395-413, Elsevier.

46. C.M. Leung, Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "An Economic Analysis of Life Expectancy
by Gender with Application to the United States," Journal of Health Economics, (July
2004) 23(4): 737-759, Elsevier.

47. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "How Does Social Security Affect Economic Growth?
Evidence from Cross-Country Data," Journal of Population Economics, (August
2004) 17(3): 473-500, Europe.

48. Orley Ashenfelter and Junsen Zhang (as Guest Editors with an Introduction), The
Chinese Labor Market: New Quantitative Studies, Pacific Economic Review, (October
2004) 9(3), Blackwell.

49. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "The Effect of Life Expectancy on Fertility, Saving,
Schooling and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence," Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, (March) 2005, 107(1): 45-66, Blackwell.

50. P.W. Liu, Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Why Many Eligible Individuals Choose Not to
Go on Welfare," Economic Inquiry, (April 2005) 43(2): 385-400, Blackwell.

51. H. Li., X. Yao, J. Zhang and L. Zhou, "Parental Childcare and Children’s Educational
Attainment: Evidence from China," Applied Economics, (2005) 37: 2067-2076,

52. J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, A. Park and X. Song, "Economic Returns to Schooling in Urban
China, 1988 to 2001," Journal of Comparative Economics, (December 2005) 33: 730-
752, Elsevier.

53. D. Li, J. Zhang and Y. Zhao, "The Ownership Structure of Employment in Urban
China, 1988 to 2000," China Economic Quarterly, (October 2005) 4 Supp.: 23-44,

54. Jie Zhang, Junsen Zhang and M.C.M. Leung, "Health Investment, Saving and Public
Policy," Canadian Journal of Economics, (February 2006) 39(1): 68-93, Canada.

55. H. Li, L. Meng and J. Zhang. "Why Do Entrepreneurs Enter Politics? Evidence from
China," Economic Inquiry, (July 2006) 44(3): 559-578, Blackwell.

56. H. Li, J. Zhang, L.T. Sin and Y. Zhao, "Relative Earnings of Husbands and Wives in
Urban China," China Economic Review (2006) 17(4): 412-431, Elsevier.

57. H. Li. and J. Zhang. "Do High Birth Rates Hamper Economic Growth?" The Review
of Economics & Statistics, (February 2007) 89(1): 110-117, USA.

58. H. Li, P.W. Liu, J. Zhang and N. Ma. "Economic Returns to Communist Party
Membership: Evidence from Urban Chinese Twins," Economic Journal, (October
2007) 117: 1504-1520, Blackwell.

59. H. Li, Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Effects of Longevity and Dependency Rates on
Saving and Growth: Evidence from a Panel of Cross Countries," Journal of
Development Economics, (September 2007) 84(1): 138-154, Elsevier.

60. J. Zhang, P.W. Liu and L. Yung, "The Cultural Revolution and Returns to Schooling in
China: Estimates Based on Twins," Journal of Development Economics, (November
2007) 84(2), 631-639, Elsevier.

61. T.W. Chau, H. Li, P.W. Liu and J. Zhang, "Testing the Collective Model of Household
Labor Supply: Evidence from China," China Economic Review, (2007) 18(4): 389-
402, Elsevier.

62. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Optimal Social Security in a Dynastic Model with
Investment Externalities and Endogenous Fertility," Journal of Economic Dynamics
and Control, (November 2007) 31(11): 3545-3567, Elsevier.

63. J. Zhang, J. Han, P.W. Liu and Y Zhao, "Trends in the Gender Earnings Differential in
Urban China, 1988-2004," Industrial & Labor Relations Review, (January 2008)
61(2): 224-243.

64. H. Li, J. Zhang and Yi Zhu, "The Quantity-Quality Tradeoff of Children in a

Developing Country: Identification Using Chinese Twins," Demography, (February
2008) 45(1): 223-243. Population Association of America.

65. C. M. Leung and J. Zhang, "Gender Preference, Biases Sex Ratio, and Parental
Investments in Single-Child Households," Review of Economics of the Household,
(June 2008) 6(2):91-110, Springer.

66. S. Zhong et al. "The Heritability of Attitude Toward Economic Risk," Twin Research
and Human Genetics, (February 2009) 12(1): 103-107, Australian Academic Press.

67. Jie Zhang and Junsen Zhang, "Longevity, Retirement, and Capital Accumulation in a
Recursive Model with an Application to Mandatory Retirement," Macroeconomic
Dynamics, (June 2009) 13(3): 327-348, UK.

68. M. Rosenzweig and J. Zhang, "Do Population Control Policies Induce More Human
Capital Investment? Twins, Birthweight, and China's 'One Child' Policy," Review of
Economic Studies, (July 2009) 76(3): 1149-1174, Europe.

69. C. Huang, H. Li, P.W. Liu and J. Zhang, "Why Does Spousal Education Matter for
Earnings? Assortative Mating and Cross-productivity," Journal of Labor Economics,
(October 2009) 27: 633-652.

70. H. Li and J. Zhang, "Testing the External Effect of Household Behavior: The Case of
the Demand for Children," Journal of Human Resources, (Fall 2009) 44(4):

71. H. Li, M. Rosenzweig and J. Zhang, "Altruism, Favoritism, and Guilt in the Allocation
of Family Resources: Sophie’s Choice in Mao’s Mass Send Down Movement,"
Journal of Political Economy, (February 2010) 118(1): 1-38 (lead article), USA.

72. J. Han and J. Zhang, "Wages, Participation and Unemployment in the Economic
Transition of Urban China," Economics of Transition, (July 2010) 18(3): 513-538,

73. J. Yi and J. Zhang, "The Effect of House Price on Fertility: Evidence from Hong
Kong," Economic Inquiry, (July 2010) 48(3): 635-650, Blackwell.

74. Li et al. and J. Zhang, "企业家的创业与创新精神对中国经济增长的影响 ," 《经济

研究》2009年第10期. (The top economics journal in China.)

75. H. Zhang, X. Yao and J. Zhang, "教育质量对地区劳动生产率的影响 ," 《经济研

究》2010年第7期. (The top economics journal in China.)

76. Y. Ge, H. Li and J. Zhang, "Gender Earnings Gaps in Hong Kong: Empirical
Evidence from Across the Earnings Distribution in 2006 ," China Economic
Review, (2011) 22(1): 151-164.

77. H. Li, J. Yi and J. Zhang, "Estimating the Effect of the One-Child Policy on Sex Ratio
Imbalance in China: Identification Based on the Difference-in-Differences,"
Demography, (2011) 48(4): 1535-1557.

78. J. Han, R. Liu and J. Zhang, "Globalization and Wage Inequality:

Evidence from Urban China," Journal of International Economics,
(2012) 87(2): 288-297 .

79. H. Li, P.W. Liu and J. Zhang, "Estimating Returns to Education Using Twins in
Urban China," Journal of Development Economics, (2012) 97(2): 494-504.

80. H. Li, Z. Yang, X. Yao, H. Zhang and J. Zhang, "Entrepreneurship, Private Economy
and Growth: Evidence from China," China Economic Review, (2012) 23(4): 948-61.

81. L. Edlund, H. Li, J. Yi and J. Zhang, "Sex Ratios and Crime: Evidence from
China," Review of Economics and Statistics, (2013) 95(5): 1520-1534.

82. M. Rosenzweig and J. Zhang, "Economic Growth, Comparative Advantage,

and Gender Differences in Schooling Outcomes: Evidence from the
Birthweight Differences of Chinese Twins," Journal of Development
Economics, (2013) 104: 245-260.

83. H. Zhang, J. Behrman, S. Fan, X. Wei and J. Zhang, "Does Parental Absence Reduce
Cognitive Achievements? Evidence from Rural China," Journal of Development
Economics, (2014) 111: 181-195.

84. F. Yao and J. Zhang, "Efficient Kernel-based Semiparametric IV Estimation with an

Application to Resolving a Puzzle on the Estimates of the Return to Schooling,"
Empirical Economics, (2015) 48(1): 253-281.

85. H. Zhang, H. Zhang and J. Zhang, "Demographic Age Structure and Economic
Development: Evidence from Chinese Provinces," Journal of Comparative Economics,
(2015) 43(1): 170-185.

86. J. Behrman, Y. Xiong and J. Zhang, "Cross-Sectional Schooling-Health Associations

Misrepresented Causal Schooling Effects on Adult Health and Health-Related
Behaviors: Evidence from the Chinese Adults Twins Survey," Social Science and
Medicine, (2015) 127: 190-197.

87. J. Yi, J. Heckman, J. Zhang, G. Conti, "Early Health Shocks, Intrahousehold Resource
Allocation, and Child Human Capital," Economic Journal, (2015) 128(588): F347-

88. J. Yi, K.L. Chou, C.W. Yung and J. Zhang, "Public Housing, School Segregation, and
Children's Education: Evidence from Hong Kong," Frontiers of Economics in China,
(2015) 10(3): 414-448.

89. W. Ha, J. Yi, Y. Yuan and J. Zhang, "The Dynamic Effect of Rural-to-Urban Migration
on Inequality in Source Villages: System GMM Estimates from Rural China," China
Economic Review, (2016) 37: 27-39.

90. W. Ha, J. Yi and J. Zhang, "Brain Drain, Brain Gain, and Economic Growth in China,"
China Economic Review, (2016) 38: 322-337.

91. J. Han, R. Liu, B. Ural Marchand and J. Zhang, "Market Structure, Imperfect Tariff
Pass-Through, and Household Welfare in Urban China," Journal of International
Economics, (2016) 100: 220-232.

92. S. Zhou and J. Zhang, "Chinese Saving Rates from 1953 to 2012: Trends,
Compositions and Prospects," Pacific Economic Review, (2016) 21(2): 227-252.

93. S. Fan, X. Wei, and J. Zhang, "Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and the Black/White Wage Gap,"
Economic Inquiry, (2017) 55(2): 1032-1053.

94. J. Zhang, "The Evolution of China’s One-Child Policy and Its Effects on Family
Outcomes," Journal of Economic Perspectives, (2017) 31(1): 141-160.

95. R. Guo, J. Yi, and J. Zhang, "Family Size, Birth Order, and Tests of the Quantity–
quality Model," Journal of Comparative Economics, (2017) 45(2): 219-224.

96. Y. Fan, J. Yi, Y. Yuan, and J. Zhang, "The Glorified Mothers of Sons: Evidence from
Child Sex Composition and Parental Time Allocation in Rural China," Journal of
Economic Behavior & Organization, (2018) 145: 249-260.

97. Y. Weiss, J. Yi, and J. Zhang, "Cross-border Marriage Costs and Marriage Behavior:
Theory and Evidence," forthcoming in International Economic Review.

98. S. Chew, J. Yi, J. Zhang, and S. Zhong, "Risk Aversion and Son Preference:
Experimental Evidence from Chinese Twin Parents," forthcoming in Management

99. S. Chew, J. Yi, J. Zhang, and S. Zhong, "Education, Risk Attitudes, and Time
Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Adults Twins," forthcoming in Journal of
Risk and Uncertainty.

100. S. Ge, D. Yang, and J. Zhang, "Population Policies, Demographic Structural Changes,
and the Chinese Household Saving Puzzle," forthcoming in European Economic

101. R. Guo, H. Li, J. Yi, and J. Zhang, "Fertility, Household Structure, and Parental Labor
Supply: Evidence from China," forthcoming in Journal of Comparative Economics.

102. X. Wang and J. Zhang, "Beyond the Quantity-Quality Tradeoff: Population Control
Policy and Human Capital Investment," forthcoming in Journal of Development

Book Review
C. Simon Fan and Junsen Zhang (2010), "Book Review for "Inequality and Public Policy in
China" by Bjorn A. Gustafsson, Li Shi and Terry Sicular," Economic Development and
Cultural Change, 58(2): 380-382.

Book Chapter/Book Publication

H. Li and J. Zhang (2008), Human Capital Investment and Returns in China, Peking
University Press.

D. Almond, L. Edlund, H. Li and J. Zhang (2010), "Long-term Effects of Early-Life

Development: Evidence from the 1959-1961 China Famine," Chapter 9 of The Economic
Consequences of Demographic Change in East Asia, edited by Takatoshi Ito and Andrew
Rose. Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 321-345.

D. Yang, J. Zhang and S. Zhou (2012), "Why are Saving Rates so High in China?", Chapter 5
of Capitalizing China, edited by Joseph P. H. Fan and Randall Morck. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press: 249-278.

Publications in Local Newspapers

"Intergenerational Mobility is Worsening in China," The Wall Street Journal (Chinese edition),
July 29, 2013 (with Y. Fan and J. Yi) (in Chinese).

"High Housing Prices, Low Fertility Rates, and the Decreasing Competitiveness in Hong
Kong," Hong Kong Economic Times, May 13, 2011 (with J. Yi) (in Chinese).

"Five Working Days: Good or Bad?" Ming Pao Daily, A16, March 2, 2006 (with J. Han) (in

"Comparing Pearl River Delta and Yangtse River Delta from the Perspective of Labour Force
Resources," Ming Pao Daily, A6, October 6, 2005 (with S. Zhou) (in Chinese).

"Crisis Management of the Hong Kong Government," Hong Kong Economic Journal,
Economic Commentary, June 2, 2003 (with S. Zhou) (in Chinese).

"A Further Look at Mandatory Provident Fund in Hong Kong," Hong Kong Economic
Journal, Economic Commentary, December 17, 2001 (in Chinese).

"A Reasonable Choice Based on Theory and Reality," Hong Kong Economic Journal,
Economic Commentary, December 15, 2001 (in Chinese).

"Sending High School Students to the Universities: Learning from the Mainland," Hong
Kong Economic Times, November 30, 2000 (in Chinese).

"Insufficient Education Investment in Hong Kong," Ming Pao Daily, September 11, 2000,
A25 (with C. Leung) (in Chinese).

"Education Policy and Economic Growth," Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, July
2000, Volume 280, pages 46-47 (with C. Leung) (in Chinese).

"The Economics of Marital Mating," China Financial and Economic News (published by the
Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China), June 9, 2000 (in Chinese).

"Exploring the Truth of the Return to Education," Hong Kong Economic Journal, Economic
Commentary, September 28, 1999 (with L. Yung) (in Chinese).

"Legislation to Mandate Maintenance of Building (Flats) by Property Owners," Hong Kong

Economic Journal, Economic Commentary, September 14, 1999 (in Chinese).

"Recipients of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance May Contribute to the

Environmental Greening of Hong Kong," Apple Daily, F1 (Apple Commentary),
August 21, 1999 (in Chinese).

"Lower Wages by Immigrants are Not Necessarily Due to Discrimination," Hong Kong
Economic Times, A23, May 25, 1999 (with S. C. Chong) (in Chinese).

"How the Government Miscalculates the Unemployment Rate," Hong Kong Economic Times,
A19, May 8, 1999 (in Chinese).

Academic/Community Services

Editor (since May 2001), Journal of Population Economics (published by Springer).

Associate Editor (May 2001-2005), Review of Economics of the Household.

Associate Editor (January 1996 - May 2001), Journal of Population Economics.

Editorial Board Member (since October 2003), China Journal of Economics.

Editorial Board Member (since 2004), China Labor Economics.

Editorial Board Member (since January 2004), International Journal of Applied Economics.

Editorial Board Member (since 2008), LABOUR Review of Labour Economics and Industrial

Editorial Board Member (since 2008), Pacific Economic Review.

Editorial Advisory Board Member (since 2006), Review of Economics of the Household.

Editorial Board Member (since 2011), China Economic Review.

Editorial Board Member (since 2011), Frontiers of Economics in China.

Editorial Board Member (since 2011), Fiscal Studies.

Vice President, Hong Kong Economic Association, 2001-2007.

President, Hong Kong Economic Association, 2007-2011.

Member of the Executive Committee, Hong Kong Economic Association, 1999-2001.

Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Economic Association, 1999-2001.

Member of Organizing Committee, the first HKEA Biennial Conference, 2000.

Member of Organizing Committee, the second HKEA Biennial Conference, 2002.
Member of Organizing Committee, the third HKEA Biennial Conference, 2004.
Member of Organizing Committee, the fourth HKEA Biennial Conference, 2006.
Member of Organizing Committee, the Far East Econometric Society meetings, 2006
Member of Organizing Committee, the Far East Econometric Society meetings, 2008
Member of Organizing Committee, the Inaugural China Meeting of the Econometric Society,
Member of Organizing Committee, the Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, 2013.
Member of Organizing Committee, the second China Meeting of the Econometric Society,
Member of Organizing Committee, the Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, 2014.
Member of Program Committee, CUHK Symposium on Growth and Development, 2015.
Chair of Program Committee, The CUHK Workshop on Labor and Family
Economics, 2016.
Co-Chair of Program Committee, the Asian Meeting of Econometric Society, 2017.

Member of the Humanities, Social Sciences & Business Studies Panel, Research Grants

Council, Hong Kong, 2003-2006.

Member of the Business Studies and Economics Panel, 2006 Research Assessment Exercise,
Hong Kong.

Part-time member, the Central Policy Unit, Hong Kong Government, November 2001-2005.

Member of the Commission on Strategic Development (the Committee on Economic

Development and Economic Cooperation with the Mainland), Hong Kong Government,
November 2005-July 2007.

Member of Manpower Development Committee, Labour and Welfare Bureau. HKSAR, 2008-

Honorary Professor, School of Economics, Nankai University, 2001-.

Honorary Professor, School of Economics, Zhejiang University, 2002-.
Honorary Professor, School of Economics, Southeast University, 2012-.

External Examiner (thesis), Research and Postgraduate Studies, Lingnan University, 1999.

External Examiner (thesis), The Graduate School, Baptist University, 2002.

External Examiner (dissertation), The Graduate School, University of Toronto, 2002.

External Reviewer for a promotion case, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2002.

External Examiner (thesis), China Center for Economic Research, Beijing University, 2005.

External Reviewer for a promotion/tenure case, National University of Singapore, 2007.

External Reviewer for a promotion case, University of Macau, 2008.

Board Member of Social Science, Lingnan University, 2008-.

External Reviewer for a fellowship application, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), 2009.

Anonymous referee for American Economic Review, Applied Economics, B.E. Journal of
Economic Analysis & Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics, China Economic Review,
Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Economics of Transition,
European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of
Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Growth,
Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Political Economy,
Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of International
Trade and Economic Development, Labour Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Pacific
Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Research in Labor Economics,
Review of Economic Studies, Research Grant Council of Hong Kong (Research Grant),
Review of Income and Wealth, The Wellcome Trust (Research Grant application review),
Cambridge University Press (Book Proposal), City University of Hong Kong (Research
Grant), National Science Foundation of USA (Research Grant), and Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada (Research Grant).

Graduate Student Thesis Supervisor

Name Degree Study Period Current Placement/First Placement#

Lin Lin PhD 2015-Present Current PhD student
Lou Xuyan PhD 2012-Present Current PhD student (graduating)
Wang Xuebo PhD 2015-Present Current PhD student (graduating)
Zhang Ying MPhil 2016-Present Current MPhil student
Zhou Kang PhD 2016-Present Current PhD student
Guo Rufei PhD 2013-2017 Assistant Professor, Wuhan University
Hu Yuan PhD 2012-2017 Assistant Professor, Jinan University
Liu Lu PhD 2011-2017 No information
Yang Yixin PhD 2011-2017 Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University
Mu Kai MPhil 2014-2016 Research Assistant, Stanford University
(Location: Beijing)
Chung Chun Kit PhD 2009-2015 Programme Director and Lecturer, HKU
Wong Kwong Yu MPhil 2013-2015 PhD in Economics, University of
Washington (Seattle)
Deng Weiguang PhD 2009-2014 Assistant Professor, Hunan University
Li Pengyi PhD 2008-2013 Financial Planner, China Construction
Wang Zhendong PhD 2006-2012 Assistant Lecturer, The Chinese University
of Hong Kong
Yi Junjian PhD 2007-2011 Assistant Professor, National University of
MPhil 2005-2007 Singapore
Zhang Ning PhD 2006-2011 Economist, UBS Investment Bank
Wong Man Kit PhD 2005-2010 Senior Economist, Financial Secretary's
Office, Hong Kong Government
Fan Yi MPhil 2007-2009 Assistant Professor, National University of
Xiong Yanyan PhD 2004-2008 Professor, Zhejiang University
Han Jun PhD 2001-2007 Associate Professor, Renmin University
Liu Junyi MPhil 2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Soka University of
Zhou Shaojie PhD 2002-2007 Associate Professor, Tsinghua University
Yang Zheyu MPhil 2004-2006 Data Science Lead, Capital One
Chow Shing Yuk MPhil 2003-2005 No information
Ma Ning MPhil 2003-2005 PhD in Johns Hopkins University
Lee Chung Man MPhil 2002-2004 No information
Wen Wen MPhil 2002-2004 No information
Zhang Yanfang MPhil 2002-2004 CEO, NeoUnion ESC Organization
Chau Tak Wai MPhil 2001-2003 Teaching Fellow, The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
Li Tianyou Post- 2003 Associate Professor, Renmin University of
Doctora China
l Fellow
Sin Lai Ting MPhil 2001-2003 No information

Kung Ching Yi MPhil 2001 No information
Yung Chor Wing PhD 1996-2000 Senior Lecturer, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong
Cheung Man MPhil 2000 No information
Chun Doris Graduate
Lai Tak Chi MPhil 2000 No information
Leung Chi Ping MPhil 2000 No information
Suen Kin Fai MPhil 2000 No information
Li Yan MPhil 1999 No information
Chong Shu Chuen MPhil 1996-1998 No information
Fong Yuk Fai MPhil 1994-1996 Professor, Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
Kwok Yun MPhil 1996 Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist
Kwong Graduate University
Lee Pik Shuen MPhil 1995 No information


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