Economics Final Answer Key
Economics Final Answer Key
Economics Final Answer Key
A Price rigidity
B Price flexibility
C Demand rigidity
D Demand flexibility
A Normal profit स
C Net profit
D Gross profit स
A dk/dl dk/dl
B -dk/dl -dk/dl
C dl/dk dl/dk
D -dl/dk -dl/dk
A Consumption उ
B Govt. Expenditure स
C Net Export
A Roberston स
B Friedman
C Fisher
D Marshall
C Planning commission आ
A Singer स
B Hicks स
C Nurkse स
D Myrdal
B Bank rate द
D Govt. Expenditure स
A Income आ
B Reserve money
B Inclusive growth स स
C Poverty eradication उ
A Karl Marx स
B Adam Smith
C Marshall
D Pigou
A G = Gn = Gw G = Gn = G w
B G < Gn < Gw G < Gn < Gw
C G > Gn > Gw G > Gn > Gw
A Myrdal
B Dalton
C Alfred Weber
A Third plan
B Fourth plan
C Fifth plan
D Eighth plan आ
A Sameulson स स
B Marshall
C Hicks स
C Trade policies
A C + Cr + RR C + Cr + RR
B C + D + ER C + D + ER
C C + RR + ER C + RR + ER
D C + ER C + ER
Who is the writer of the book "A contribution to the "A Contribution to the theory of Trade cycle"
Q.No: 27
theory of Trade cycle" ल
A Keynes स
B Marshall
C Pigou
D Hicks स
A Absolute equality स
B Relative equality स स
C Unemployment
D Income inequality आ
B Tax on Import आ
D Tax on Sales
ल - र र र र ल
Which tax from the following is levied by union Govt.?
1. आ र
1.Income- tax
Q.No: 30 2.Custom duty 2. र
3.Central excise duty 3.
4.Sales tax
4. र
A 1 and 2 1औ 2
B 1, 2 and 3 1,2 औ 3
C 1, 2 and 4 1,2 औ 4
D All स
A Education
B Tele communication द स
C Transportation
A Finance commission आ स
B Information commission स आ स
C Planning commission आ स
A Gold स
B SDRs स. .आ . स (SDRs)
A Mill
B Ricardo
C Haberler
D Heckscher – Ohlin -
A 1950 1950
B 1949 1949
C 1948 1948
D 1946 1946
A New Delhi ई द
B Dhaka
C Lahore
D Colombo
A New Zealand
B New – York
C New – Hampshire –
D New – Heaven –
A Paper currency
B Gold स
A Narsinham committee स स
B Abid-hussian committee आ द स स
C Rangrajan committee स
D Tarapore committee स
A 1 and 2 1औ 2
B 1, 2 and 3 1,2 औ 3
C 1, 2 and 4 1,2 औ 4
D 1, 2, 3 and 4 1,2,3 औ 4
Which of the following problem does not belong to ल ल र
Q.No: 43
small and cottage industries -
B Lack of capital
C Competitive market
D Govt. policies स
A 1020 1020
B 980 980
C 506 506
A Positive
B Negative ऋ
C Zero
D 1 1
A 0.034 0.034
B 0.054 0.054
C 0.044 0.044
D 0.064 0.064
The lower half the ranks to have the same (SD) आ (SD) औ उ आ
as the upper half (SD)
A Subjective approach -
B Objective approach -
C Initiative approach स
D Sample approach द
B r2/byx r2/byx
C R r
A ed = ½ ed = 1/2
B ed = -2 ed = -2
C ed -2/4 ed -2/4
D ed = -3/4 ed = -3/4
A 1938 1938
B 1939 1939
C 1941 1941
D 1943 1943
रआ र
The credit multiplier based on the Assumption that – . आरआर रर
1. The CRR remain constant
. र और र र
2. The bank maintain a fix relationship between deposit
Q.No: 7 liabilities and cash reserves
3. People prefer higher cash holding .ल र र
4. People got well developed banking habits
Select the correct one from the code below .ल आ
A 1, 2 and 3 , स
B 1, 2 and 4 , द
C 1 and 4 द
D 2, 3 and 4 ,स द
Q.No: 8 र ल
Which statement is true in connection of above
mentioned diagram –
1. Investment is autonomous .
2. Saving is autonomous .
A 2 and 3 स
B 1 and 4 द
C Only 3 स
D Only 1
A 2200 2200
B 2300 2300
C 2100 2100
D 2400 2400
What will be the real growth rate. If at some point of आ 600 र , 430 र और
Q.No: 12 time income is Rs.600 crores. Saving is Rs.430 crores
and capital output ratio:4:1 4:1 र
A 2 percent 2
B 4 percent 4
C 6 percent 6
D 8 percent 8
A Trickle up effect ऊ स ( )
C Take-off effect आ
D Regressive effect
B Shifting of tax
D Tax capitalization
Question Deleted
A Fiscal policy
B Monetary policy
D Income policy आ
Which of the following will cause the investment ल र रफ
Q.No: 19
demand curve to shift to the left र र -
A A decrease in tax
A Classical economist
B Keynesian economist स
C Post-Keynesian economist स द
A Rich countries द
B Public expenditure स
C Taxation
D None of these are correct ई स
A Medium of exchange
B Unit of value इ ई
A Creeping Inflation
B Walking Inflation
C Running Inflation द
A Issuing currency
B Credit creation स
A Rate of interest द
B Profit
C Wages द
D Income आ
A Zero
B One
D Infinite
B Mahalanobis model स स
D Kaldorian model स
A 1965 1965
B 1985 1985
C 1975 1975
D 1955 1955
A 1969 1969
B 1979 1979
C 1989 1989
A M.S. Swaminathan . स.
B Abhijit Sen स
C K.N.Natraj . .
A Intensity of Poverty
B Equality of Poverty स
B Excess of capital
Match the following
Q.No: 40
A -2 , -4, -1, -3
B -3 , -4, -2, -1
C -1 , -3, -4, -2
D -4 , -2, -1, -3
A Price discrimination द
B Product diversification उ द
D Resource accumulation सस
A Rice
B Jowar
C Cotton स
D Peas
A V.Kurian .
B M.S. Swaminathan स
C Baba Ramdev द
D Baba Amte आ
A Industry उ
B Non-government organization स स
C Government body स
D Co-operative organization स स
A Coefficient of variation
B Coefficient of Range
C Standard deviation
D Coefficient of Skewnes
Three factories A, B, C have 100, 200 and 300 workers र A, B ,C र 100, 200, 300 र ।
respectively. The mean of the wages is the same in
Q.No: 50 र र ।
three factories. Which of the following statement is
true? -
D Absorption mechanism
Q.No: 52 Who propounded purchasing power parity theory -
A Viner ई
B Ricardo
C Ohlin
A 110 110
B 100 100
C 108 108
D 109 109
Question Deleted
A Y – intercept Y-
B Slop
C X- Intercept X-
D Trend
A Secular disequilibrium द स
B Cyclical disequilibrium स
C Structural disequilibrium स स
A Aggregate demand स
B Aggregate supply स
C Unemployment
D Interest rate द
Which theory is generally included under Micro : ल
Q.No: 57
economics- -
A Price theory स द
B Income theory आ स द
C Employment theory स द
A 4/3 4/3
B ¾ 3/4
C 4 4
D ¼ 1/4
A Paul sweezy
C Chamberlin
D Stigler
A It will be biased
B It will be inefficient
C It will be inconsistent स
A 11 crore dollar 11
B 15 crore dollar 15
C 17 crore dollar 17
D 19 crore dollar 19
ल ल र 6 र
Newly established universal bank have to register their
shares with the stock exchange with in 6 years, from र र ,
Q.No: 65
starting work as per the new Direction of August 2016. 2016 र र -
Before that this restriction was limited to
A 2 years 2
B 3 years 3
C 4 years 4
D 5 years 5
Q.No: 66 Low productivity for agriculture in India attributed to र र -
A Poor irrigation स ई
A Haryana
B Punjab
C Utter Pradesh उ द
D Karnataka
A Chemical Industry स उ
B Textiles Industry उ
D Jute Industry स उ
A FCI स आई
B IDBI आई आई
D ICAR आई. स . . आ
A Indira Gandhi इद
B Morarji Desai दस ई
C Rajiv Gandhi
D Jawaharlal Nehru
A Zero
B Maximum
C Minimum
D Indifferent
A First plan
B Second plan
C Third plan
Who wrote the book on "economic backwardness & "economic backwardness & economic growth"
Q.No: 74
economic growth" in 1957 1957 ल
A Schumpeter
B Karl Marx स
C Leibenstine
D Marshall