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Economics Final Answer Key

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State Eligibility Test – 2017


(Final Answer Key)


Q.No: 1 Under perfect competition is -

A Each buyer and seller is price maker

Buyer’s are price maker while seller’s are price

Buyer’s are price taker while seller’s are price
Each buyer and seller in the market is a price
D इस

Q.No: 2 The kinked demand curve explains

A Price rigidity

B Price flexibility

C Demand rigidity

D Demand flexibility

Q.No: 3 Which of the following statement is false - ल

Price elasticity of demand is negative for most

Price elasticity of supply is positive for most
B स
Income elasticity of demand is positive for
C आ स स
normal goods
Cross elasticity of demand is positive between
D आ स
complementry goods

Q.No: 4 "Inferior goods" are those goods " "

A For which demand increases as price increases

B Which are in very short supply

C Which have zero cross elasticity of demand आ

D For which demand increases as income decreases आ स

The price elasticity of demand in the demand function X

Q.No: 5 फल X = apb ल
= apb is
A A a
B 1 1
C B b
D Ab ab

When average revenue is Rs. 12.00 and average cost is औ आ 12 औ ल 10 फ

Q.No: 6
Rs. 10.00 then firm makes

A Normal profit स

B Super normal profit स

C Net profit

D Gross profit स

For downward movement along the iso-quant MRTS of - र ल

Q.No: 7
labour per unit of capital(MRTSLK) is given by - (MRTSLK) ल र

A dk/dl dk/dl
B -dk/dl -dk/dl
C dl/dk dl/dk
D -dl/dk -dl/dk

Q.No: 8 The Multiplier effect will be applicable on - ल -

A Consumption उ

B Govt. Expenditure स

C Net Export

D All are correct इ सस

The permanent income hypothesis of consumption was

Q.No: 9 आ र -
given by -

A Roberston स

B Friedman
C Fisher

D Marshall

The estimation of national income in India is

Q.No: 10 र र आ / र
undertaken by -

A Central statistical organization स स

B National income committee आ स

C Planning commission आ

D Reserve Bank Of India ऑ इ

Q.No: 11 "A country is poor because it is poor" are the words of र र

A Singer स

B Hicks स

C Nurkse स

D Myrdal

Which of the following is not an instrument of

Q.No: 12 ल
monetary policy -

A Open market operation

B Bank rate द

C Selective credit control स

D Govt. Expenditure स

If the RBI desire to decrease the money supply then it

Q.No: 13 आर. . आ (RBI) र

A Lower the bank rate द

B Purchase securities from open market स द

C Increase the CRR CRR द

D Lower the repo rate द

Q.No: 14 Speculative demand for money is dependent on - ल र

A Income आ
B Reserve money

C Both (Income & Reserve money) द (आ )

D None of these are correct इ स ई

Q.No: 15 Concept of economic development includes आ र ल

A Social sector development स स

B Inclusive growth स स

C Poverty eradication उ

D All of these are correct इ सस

Q.No: 16 Who wrote 'Das Capital' ' ल' ल

A Karl Marx स

B Adam Smith

C Marshall

D Pigou

Q.No: 17 Golden age of development is said, when

A G = Gn = Gw G = Gn = G w
B G < Gn < Gw G < Gn < Gw
C G > Gn > Gw G > Gn > Gw

D None of these are correct इ स ई

Who as propounded the theory of maximum social

Q.No: 18 ल
advantage -

A Myrdal

B Dalton

C Alfred Weber

D None of these are correct इ स ई

When did the first human development report

Q.No: 19 र
A 1972 1972
B 1982 1982
C 1992 1992
D 2002 2002

Which of the following plan aimed at improving the ल - र र

Q.No: 20
standard of living -

A Third plan

B Fourth plan

C Fifth plan

D Eighth plan आ

When was first new Industrial policy has been declared

Q.No: 21 र औ
in India -

A April 1948 1948

B April 1949 1949

C April 1950 1950

D April 1952 1952

The first five year plan of the Government Of India is

Q.No: 22 र र र आ र
based on -

A Leontief input – output model आ -

B Mahalanobis two sector model सद-

C Harrod - Domar model -

D Mahalanobis four sector model स -

Q.No: 23 The theory of public goods has been given by

A Sameulson स स

B Marshall

C Hicks स

D None of these are correct इ स ई

Which one of the following is causes of the

Q.No: 24 ल र ऋ र
international debt crisis -
A Bad macro-economic management स -आ

B Rising interest rate द

C Trade policies

D All are correct इ सस

Q.No: 25 Marginal efficiency of capital represents

A Not affected by rate of interest द स

B Affected by the reduction in rate of interest द स

C Affected by the increase in rate of interest द दस

D All are correct इ सस

Q.No: 26 The formula of high powered money -

A C + Cr + RR C + Cr + RR
B C + D + ER C + D + ER
C C + RR + ER C + RR + ER
D C + ER C + ER

Who is the writer of the book "A contribution to the "A Contribution to the theory of Trade cycle"
Q.No: 27
theory of Trade cycle" ल

A Keynes स

B Marshall

C Pigou

D Hicks स

Q.No: 28 What is measured by "Lorenz Curve" "ल र "

A Absolute equality स

B Relative equality स स

C Unemployment

D Income inequality आ

Q.No: 29 Tobin tax is a tax on र

A Tax on Export

B Tax on Import आ

C Tax on Transactions in foreign exchange द -द

D Tax on Sales

ल - र र र र ल
Which tax from the following is levied by union Govt.?
1. आ र
1.Income- tax
Q.No: 30 2.Custom duty 2. र
3.Central excise duty 3.
4.Sales tax
4. र

A 1 and 2 1औ 2

B 1, 2 and 3 1,2 औ 3

C 1, 2 and 4 1,2 औ 4

D All स

Transitional expenditure is related to which of the

Q.No: 31 र ल -
following -

A Education

B Tele communication द स

C Transportation

D All of these are correct इ सस स

Q.No: 32 Article 280 of constitution is related to 280

A Finance commission आ स

B Information commission स आ स

C Planning commission आ स

D Nana wati commission आ स

Q.No: 33 When did "MODVAT" come? "MODVAT" आ

A 1 March 1986 1 1986

B 1 March 1985 1 1985

C 1 March 1988 1 1988

D 1 March 1987 1 1987

Which of the following is not a part of foreign exchange ल र आर
Q.No: 34
reserve of India-

A Gold स

B SDRs स. .आ . स (SDRs)

C Foreign currency assets द स

Securities held by the bank and co-operative

D स स स

Which one of the following has propounded theory of ल र र र

Q.No: 35 reciprocal demand to explain determination of
equilibrium terms of trade - र ल

A Mill

B Ricardo

C Haberler

D Heckscher – Ohlin -

In which year general Agreement on Tariffs and Trade र (GATT)

Q.No: 36
(GATT) was setup

A 1950 1950
B 1949 1949
C 1948 1948
D 1946 1946

Q.No: 37 The first historical summit of (SAARC) held in - (SAARC) ल आ

A New Delhi ई द

B Dhaka

C Lahore

D Colombo

Q.No: 38 Bretton–wood is situated in

A New Zealand

B New – York
C New – Hampshire –

D New – Heaven –

Q.No: 39 Special drawing rights (SDRS) are in the form of : र (SDRS)

A Paper currency

B Gold स

C Silver and Gold both द स द

D Book keeping entry only

Which one is the descending order of the various र ल रल

Q.No: 40
sectors contributed to India gross domestic product - र

A Services – Industry – Agriculture स -उ -

B Services – Agriculture –Industry स - -उ

C Industry – Services- Agriculture उ -स -

D Industry – Agriculture –Services उ - -स

Which of the following committee recommend capital

Q.No: 41 र फ र
account convertibility ?

A Narsinham committee स स

B Abid-hussian committee आ द स स

C Rangrajan committee स

D Tarapore committee स

Responsibility of commercial bank is –

1.Time deposit
Q.No: 42 2.Demand deposit 2.
3.Holding of security 3. र
4.Advance from central bank

A 1 and 2 1औ 2

B 1, 2 and 3 1,2 औ 3

C 1, 2 and 4 1,2 औ 4

D 1, 2, 3 and 4 1,2,3 औ 4
Which of the following problem does not belong to ल ल र
Q.No: 43
small and cottage industries -

A Less use of capacity

B Lack of capital

C Competitive market

D Govt. policies स

If absolute error is +20 and relative error is +0.02, र र +20 और +0.02 ,

Q.No: 44
then actual value will be -

A 1020 1020
B 980 980
C 506 506

D None of these are correct इ स ई

Vertical curve represents the value of co-efficient of

Q.No: 45 र - र
correlation to be -

A Positive

B Negative ऋ

C Zero

D 1 1

If r = 0.6 and N = 64 then find the probable error of र r=0.6 और N=64

Q.No: 46
coefficient of correlation - ल

A 0.034 0.034
B 0.054 0.054
C 0.044 0.044
D 0.064 0.064

Q.No: 47 The null hypothesis of the sign test is that र

Half the ranks to be less than the median and

A आ स औ आ स
half greater than the median
Half the ranks to be less than the mean and half
B आ औस स औ आ औस स
greater than the mean

C The lower half the ranks to have the same mean आ औस औ उ आ औस

as the upper half

The lower half the ranks to have the same (SD) आ (SD) औ उ आ
as the upper half (SD)

Q.No: 48 In a moderately skewed distribution र

A A.M. > G.M.> H.M. स > >

B G.M. > A.M. > H.M. >स >

C H.M. > G.M. > A.M. > >स

D H.M. > A.M. > G.M. >स >

Probability which is based on self beliefs of persons र आ र

Q.No: 49
involved in experiment is classified as - आ र ल -

A Subjective approach -

B Objective approach -

C Initiative approach स

D Sample approach द

Q.No: 50 In regression equation x and y, bxy is equal to X और Y र bxy र र

B r2/byx r2/byx
C R r

D None of these are correct इ स ई


The point of tangency between the social welfare फल

Q.No: 1
function & the utility possibility curve is - र -

A The Bliss point आ द द

B The break-even point द

C The pareto Optimum point स द

D The second best point स स द

If demand function X = 20 – P2 then price P = 2, what फल X = 20 – P2 P=2, र
Q.No: 2
will be the elasticity of demand? ल ?

A ed = ½ ed = 1/2
B ed = -2 ed = -2
C ed -2/4 ed -2/4
D ed = -3/4 ed = -3/4

Q.No: 3 Kinked demand theory was developed in आ

A 1938 1938
B 1939 1939
C 1941 1941
D 1943 1943

Q.No: 4 According to the permanent income hypothesis: आ र र

Long-run aggregate Average Propensity to द स औस उ (APC) द स

A Consume (APC) equal the long run aggregate
Marginal Propensity to Consume(MPC) स उ (MPC)

Long-run aggregate APC is greater than the long

B द स APC द स MPC स
run aggregate MPC
Long-run aggregate APC is less than the long run
C द स APC द स MPC स
aggregate MPC

APC of every individual is equal irrespective of APC आ द

different income level. ।

Which of the following is true about a firm in perfectly

ल र ल ( MPL-
competitive market?
Q.No: 5 (Where MPL is marginal product of labour, MR is , MR - आ -
marginal revenue and P is the price of the product or औ आ )
average revenue )
A MPL x MR = MPL x P MPL x MR = MPL x P
B MPL x MR < MPL x P MPL x MR < MPL x P
C MPL x MR > MPL x P MPL x MR > MPL x P

Q.No: 6 Which of the following is not a correct match ? ल ल

A Inflationary Gap – Keynes - स

B Cash Balance Approach - Pigou द -

C Accelerator – Multiplier - Hicks analysis - - स

D Equation of exchange – Marshall स -

रआ र
The credit multiplier based on the Assumption that – . आरआर रर
1. The CRR remain constant
. र और र र
2. The bank maintain a fix relationship between deposit
Q.No: 7 liabilities and cash reserves
3. People prefer higher cash holding .ल र र
4. People got well developed banking habits
Select the correct one from the code below .ल आ

A 1, 2 and 3 , स

B 1, 2 and 4 , द

C 1 and 4 द

D 2, 3 and 4 ,स द

Q.No: 8 र ल
Which statement is true in connection of above
mentioned diagram –

1. Investment is autonomous .

2. Saving is autonomous .

3. Investment depend on Income

. आ र र र
4. Saving is depend on Income
. आ र र र

A 2 and 3 स

B 1 and 4 द

C Only 3 स

D Only 1

Q.No: 9 GNP deflator - लर (GNP)

A GNP deflator = (Real GNP)/(Nomial GNP) x 100 GNP deflator = (Real GNP)/(Nomial GNP) x 100
B GNP deflator = (Real GNP)/(Real GDP) x 100 GNP deflator = (Real GNP)/(Real GDP) x 100
C GNP deflator = (Real NDP)/(Nomial NDP) x 100 GNP deflator = (Real NDP)/(Nomial NDP) x 100
D GNP deflator = (Nomial GNP)/(Real GNP) x 100 GNP deflator = (Nomial GNP)/(Real GNP) x 100

Q.No: 10 The Phillips curve depicts फल

A The business cycle of the economy

Relationship between money supply and inflation

B द स
Inflation and unemployement are unrelated in
C औ ईस
the short run

Decrease in inflation rate temporarily increase द स द

unemployment rate ।

How much calories consumption fixed per day to र आ र लर

Q.No: 11 determine rural poverty by planning commission of
India. र

A 2200 2200
B 2300 2300
C 2100 2100
D 2400 2400

What will be the real growth rate. If at some point of आ 600 र , 430 र और
Q.No: 12 time income is Rs.600 crores. Saving is Rs.430 crores
and capital output ratio:4:1 4:1 र

A 2 percent 2

B 4 percent 4

C 6 percent 6

D 8 percent 8

In which year the Kissan credit card system was

Q.No: 13 ल -
A 1978 1978
B 1998 1998
C 1988 1988
D 2008 2008
The premise, that benefit of economic growth will आ र ल
Q.No: 14
reach all section of population is called , ल

A Trickle up effect ऊ स ( )

B Trickle down effect स ( उ )

C Take-off effect आ

D Regressive effect

According to 2011 census what is the density of र 2011 र

Q.No: 15
population of India. -
A 316 316
B 324 324
C 382 382
D 392 392

Q.No: 16 The distribution of the burden of paying tax is called र र र

A Sharing of tax burden

B Shifting of tax

C Incidence of the tax

D Tax capitalization

Question Deleted

Q.No: 17 The business cycle is defined as - र र -

A An effort to reach full employment स

B Changing wage & prices औ द

C The growth in Real GDP

Changing the period of economic growth &

D आ औ स

The role of government taxes and spending to get आ र र ल र र र

Q.No: 18
economic outcomes is known as. र र ।

A Fiscal policy

B Monetary policy

C Foreign trade policy द

D Income policy आ
Which of the following will cause the investment ल र रफ
Q.No: 19
demand curve to shift to the left र र -

A A decrease in tax

B Improvement is expected in future sales स द

C Increase in interest rate द द

D Increase in price of raw material द

Distinction between autonomous investment and

Q.No: 20 र र
induced investment has been made by

A Classical economist

B Keynesian economist स

C Post-Keynesian economist स द

D All are correct स स

In which year the new liberalized industrial policy was

Q.No: 21 र र औ -
announced in India
A 1990 1990
B 1991 1991
C 1993 1993
D 1995 1995

Q.No: 22 "Vent for surplus approach" is applicable to " फर र ल " र

A Rich countries द

B Under developed countries स द

C Oil exporting countries द

D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 23 Which of the following is not a fiscal instrument ल र र

A Open market operation

B Public expenditure स

C Taxation
D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 24 Function of money are

A Medium of exchange

B Unit of value इ ई

C Both (Medium of exchange & Unit of value) द ( इ ई)

D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 25 Type of Inflation are फ र

A Creeping Inflation

B Walking Inflation

C Running Inflation द

D All are correct स स

Which one of the following is not a function of

Q.No: 26 ल र
commercial bank

A Issuing currency

B Credit creation स

C Issuing travelers cheque

D None of these are correct ई स

According to Keynes the transaction demand for

Q.No: 27 रल ल :
money is mainly a function of

A Rate of interest द

B Profit

C Wages द

D Income आ

Q.No: 28 Which one of the following represents M3 M3 र

A M1 + post office saving bank deposit M1 +

B Currency with public + demand deposits स स +

C M1 + time deposits with bank M1 + सस

D None of these are correct ई स

The elasticity of speculative demand for money under

Q.No: 29 ल रल ल -
the liquidity trap condition will be

A Zero

B One

C Greater than one स

D Infinite

The theory that the transaction demand for money ल र र र

Q.No: 30 also depends on the rate of interest was put forwarded
by र आ -

A Keynes and pigou सऔ

B Baumol and Tobin

C Hicks and Solo सऔ स

D Samuelson and Meada स स औ

Q.No: 31 The MRTP Act of 1969 has been 1969 आर (MRTP)

A Replaced by competition Act, 2002 2012 स द द

B Merged in industrial policy Act of 1978 औ 1978 द

C Merged in industrial policy Act of 1991 औ 1991 द

D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 32 The seventh plan marked a departure from ल

A Harrod–Domar grow mode; - स

B Mahalanobis model स स

C Vakil brahmhanand model द

D Kaldorian model स

Q.No: 33 The Quick Mail Service(QMS) was introduced in र ल (QMS)

A 1965 1965
B 1985 1985
C 1975 1975
D 1955 1955

Q.No: 34 When was SIDBI established SIDBI

A 1969 1969
B 1979 1979
C 1989 1989

D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 35 When did second Industrial policy announced औ

A April 1956 1956

B April 1955 1955

C April 1961 1961

D April 1965 1965

Q.No: 36 Who is known as a father of Green Revolution in India? र र

A M.S. Swaminathan . स.

B Abhijit Sen स

C K.N.Natraj . .

D None of these are correct ई स

Family welfare programme has been launched in

Q.No: 37 र र र
A 1953 1953
B 1955 1955
C 1951 1951
D 1957 1957

Q.No: 38 What is Poverty Index According to Sen's र -

A Intensity of Poverty

B Equality of Poverty स

C Equality of Absolute Poverty स

D Equality of relative Poverty स स

Which is an important characteristics of developing

Q.No: 39

A Low level of human development Index सस

B Excess of capital

C Low level of fundamental resources आ सस

Both (Low level of human development Index & द ( सस आ सस

Low level of fundamental resources) )

Match the following

Q.No: 40

A -2 , -4, -1, -3
B -3 , -4, -2, -1
C -1 , -3, -4, -2
D -4 , -2, -1, -3

Q.No: 41 Argument in favour of infant industry - ल -

A Price discrimination द

B Product diversification उ द

C Protection of domestic Industries उ स

D Resource accumulation सस

Q.No: 42 NFSH is abbreviation for NFSH

A National Family Health Survey स

B National Farmers Health Survey स स

C National Family Household Survey स

D None of these are correct ई स

Q.No: 43 Which one of the following is Ravi crop र फ ल

A Rice

B Jowar

C Cotton स

D Peas

Q.No: 44 Who is known as the Father of White Revolution? फ

A V.Kurian .

B M.S. Swaminathan स

C Baba Ramdev द

D Baba Amte आ

The present share of agriculture in GDP of India is

Q.No: 45 र ल
A 11 11
B 14 14
C 59 59
D 60 60

Q.No: 46 A centralized (cartel) -

A Lead to monopoly solution स

Behaves as the multi plant monopolist, if it wants द उ द

to minimize the total cost of production

C It is illegal in the U.S. . स.

D All are correct स स

Q.No: 47 NAFED is a फ (NAFED)

A Industry उ

B Non-government organization स स
C Government body स

D Co-operative organization स स

In a negative skewed distribution, order of mean, र र , ल

Q.No: 48
median and mode is

A mean < median < mode < <

B mean > median > mode > >

C mean < median > mode < >

D mean > median < mode > <

Which of the following is an absolute measure of

Q.No: 49 ल र र

A Coefficient of variation

B Coefficient of Range

C Standard deviation

D Coefficient of Skewnes

Three factories A, B, C have 100, 200 and 300 workers र A, B ,C र 100, 200, 300 र ।
respectively. The mean of the wages is the same in
Q.No: 50 र र ।
three factories. Which of the following statement is
true? -

A There is a great variance in factory C C

B Standard deviation in factory A is smallest A

C Standard deviation is factory C is equal C स

D None of these are correct ई स

Which measure of correcting the disequilibrium of ल र

Q.No: 51 balance of payment is known as "Marshall Lerner
condition" '' ल -ल र ''

A Flexible exchange rate द

B Controlled exchange rate द

C Revaluation elasticity approach द

D Absorption mechanism
Q.No: 52 Who propounded purchasing power parity theory -

A Viner ई

B Ricardo

C Ohlin

D None of these are correct ई स

Laspeyre's Index = 100, paache's Index = 108, the ल र = 110 = 108, फ र

Q.No: 53
fisher's Ideal index is equal to आ र र

A 110 110
B 100 100
C 108 108
D 109 109
Question Deleted

Q.No: 54 In a straight line equation Y = a + bx; b is the - र र Y = a + bx; b -

A Y – intercept Y-

B Slop

C X- Intercept X-

D Trend

Which of the following are the type of disequilibrium in

Q.No: 55 ल ल र
balance of payment?

A Secular disequilibrium द स

B Cyclical disequilibrium स

C Structural disequilibrium स स

D All are correct स स

Keynes argued that the level of economic activity is आ र : र

Q.No: 56
predominantly deteremined by the level of र

A Aggregate demand स

B Aggregate supply स

C Unemployment

D Interest rate द
Which theory is generally included under Micro : ल
Q.No: 57
economics- -

A Price theory स द

B Income theory आ स द

C Employment theory स द

D None of these are correct ई स

For a monopolist price is 16 and marginal revenue is 4 र ल 16 आ 4

Q.No: 58
the elasticity of demand will be - ल -

A 4/3 4/3
B ¾ 3/4
C 4 4
D ¼ 1/4

Who among the following economists used the र

Q.No: 59 technique of kinked demand curve to explains price
rigidity under oligopoly? ल

A Paul sweezy

B Hall and Hitch

C Chamberlin

D Stigler

What would be the consequences for the OLS ल (OLS) आ ल र

Q.No: 60 estimator heteroscedasticity is present in a regression
model but ignored? ल र र र-

A It will be biased

B It will be inefficient

C It will be inconsistent स

D All are correct स स

Q.No: 61 Euro came into circulation since र ल

A January 1, 1996 1 1996

B January 1, 1997 1 1997

C January 1, 1998 1 1998

D January 1, 1999 1 1999

Q.No: 62 Who sanction soft loans ऋ


D None of these are correct ई स

Statement (A) – special drawing right is a only book- ( )- आ र र ल ल

keeping entry of a account of any country
Q.No: 63 Reason(R) – Special drawing Right is also known as
paper Gold. (आ ) - आ र र
Explanation: -

Both 'A' and 'R' correct and 'R', is correct

A औ आ द स आ , स
explanation of 'A'
Both 'A' and 'R' correct and 'R', is not correct
B औ आ द स आ , स
explanation of 'A'

C 'A' is true but 'R' is false स आ स

D 'A' is false but 'R' is true स आ स

At the present bilateral trade between India and र र 4.8 र लर

Q.No: 64 Viyatnam is 4.8 crores dollar. Now by 2050 it will
reached to how many crores? 2050 र लर र ल र

A 11 crore dollar 11

B 15 crore dollar 15

C 17 crore dollar 17

D 19 crore dollar 19

ल ल र 6 र
Newly established universal bank have to register their
shares with the stock exchange with in 6 years, from र र ,
Q.No: 65
starting work as per the new Direction of August 2016. 2016 र र -
Before that this restriction was limited to

A 2 years 2

B 3 years 3

C 4 years 4

D 5 years 5
Q.No: 66 Low productivity for agriculture in India attributed to र र -

A Poor irrigation स ई

B Heavy dependence on monsoon स

C Absence of new technology ई

D All are correct स स

Which Indian state stand first in the production of

Q.No: 67 फ र र

A Haryana

B Punjab

C Utter Pradesh उ द

D Karnataka

Which Industry provides the largest employment in

Q.No: 68 र र र र

A Chemical Industry स उ

B Textiles Industry उ

C Iron and Steel Industry इ उ

D Jute Industry स उ

Which of the following organization looks after the ल र

Q.No: 69 credit needs of agriculture and Rural development in
India? आ र

A FCI स आई

B IDBI आई आई


D ICAR आई. स . . आ

The strategy of rolling plan was adopted under the आ ल

Q.No: 70
PrimeMinistership of

A Indira Gandhi इद

B Morarji Desai दस ई
C Rajiv Gandhi

D Jawaharlal Nehru

Which elements are included under technological

Q.No: 71
process by Prof. Kuznet’s

A Scientific discovery and invention आ

B Innovation and improvement स

C Technical social change स

D All are correct स स

Q.No: 72 The role of state under globalization is- र र -

A Zero

B Maximum

C Minimum

D Indifferent

The growth of agriculture production was negative in

Q.No: 73 ऋ -

A First plan

B Second plan

C Third plan

D All are correct स स

Who wrote the book on "economic backwardness & "economic backwardness & economic growth"
Q.No: 74
economic growth" in 1957 1957 ल

A Schumpeter

B Karl Marx स

C Leibenstine

D Marshall

Q.No: 75 Economic environment is influenced by - आ र

A Domestic economic situation आ स

B World economic situation आ स

Both (Domestic economic situation & World

C द ( आ स आ स)
economic situation)

D None of these are correct ई स

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