Cardiovascular Short Notes Review 1
Cardiovascular Short Notes Review 1
Cardiovascular Short Notes Review 1
OM Nursing Academy
Layers of Heart :-
1. Pericardium :- यह Outer most layer ह जो दो ओर layers, Fibrous Pericardium व Serous
Pericardium सेबनी होती है
2. Myocardium :- यह Middle layer ह जो Bulk of Heart का नमाण करती ह, लगभग 95% Heart wall का ।
Myocardium यह Heart के
Pumping action केलए Responsible ह ।
Note :-
Conduction System :-
SA Node :- ( SinoAtrial Node )
Note :- Purkinje fibre उसी condition म Impulse generate करता ह जब SA Node और AV Node, impulse
generate करने म अस म हो जाते ह।
Produced by Closures of the AV valve, The First heart Sound called "LUBB" .
Produce by Closures of Semilunar Valve, The Second Heart Sound called "DUB" .
Cardiac Cycle :-
Systole ( 0.1 second ) Diastole ( 0.7 second) Systole (0.3 second ) Diastole (0.5 second )
Cardiac Output:-
Left and Right Ventricles के ारा एक मनट म कये
Pumped Blood को Cardiac Output कहते
Hypertension :-
Age बढ़ने
केसाथ-साथ B.P भी बढ़ता ह, य क जै
Age बढ़े
गी Artery क elasticity भी कम होगी ।
White coat Hypertension :- जब कोई Health Care Personnel कसी Patient का B.P. check करता
ह, तब B.P ले
केदौरान Patient म Anxiety के
कारण B.P बढ़नेलगता ह, इस कार बढ़ेए B.P को White
Coat Hypertension कहते ह।
Cardiac Catheterization :-
CK-MB 0% - 5% of total
Angina :-
Myocardial Ischemia ( Ischemia - Blood & O2 Supply क कमी )केप रणाम व प Chest Pain होना ।
Types of Angina :-
Pain substernal, crushing, squeezing pain & Pain may Radiate to the shoulders, arms,
jaw, neck or Back.
Heart Failure :-
Inability to Heart Pump adequate blood to meet the Metabolic need of the Body at the
rest or during Exercise.
Sign/Symptoms :- Ascites, Hepatomegaly, Jugular vein Distension ,Oliguria and weight gain.
Pulmonary Edema is a life threatening condition that can result of from severe heart
failure. Pulmonary edema म left ventricle पया त मा ा म Blood Eject करनेम अस म हो जाता ह ।
In Endocarditis Seen :-
Osler's nodes
Janeway lesions
Roth Spot
Vascular Disorders :-
Venous Disorders :-
Types :-
Vericose Vein के
Assessment केलए Trendelenburg's test करते
Arterial Disorders :-
Aschoff's Bodies
Erythema marginatum
Sydenham's chorea
Diagnostic Criteria :-
CardioVascular Medication :-
Note :-
In Pulmonary edema, first nursing priority is to provide high fowler position to the patient.
While measuring Central venous pressure on zero point of the manometer is adjust to
Mid axillary line.
A Holter monitor is Continuous observation of the clients heart rate. ( 24 hour ECG
monitoring in Dysrhythmia ).
Permanent Pacemaker are placed in subcutaneous tissue below the clavicle in body.
Aiims & PGI
Right ventricle is the most common site of injury from blunt chest trauma.
The most common cause direct cause of sudden death is Coronary Artery Disease.