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TU Delft English Courselist

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TU Delft English courses available to incoming

exchange students

The following document contains the courses available to exchange students.

The document serves only as an indication, no rights can be derived from this
list. This list is subject to change without notice. The most recent course
information can be found at www.studyguide.tudelft.nl. In the case of
conflicting information, the study guide is leading.

Course selection guidelines

You must take the majority of your courses at the faculty of your exchange. The
minimum course load is 24 ECTS for a semester or 48 ECTS for a full year.A
typical course load is 30 ECTS per semester or 60 ECTS for a full year. Divide
the selected credits evenly over the 2 or 4 periods of your exchange.

At the TU Delft the academic year has been divided into four periods by most
faculties. Periods 1 and 2 correspond to the fall semester, periods 3 and 4
correspond to the spring semester. If this is the case, the section ''period'' will be
followed by Q (quarter). Some faculties divide the year in 8 periods of education.
In this case, ''period'' will be joined by an O (octal), which are half of a quarter.

A minor is a well-rounded package of courses on one main topic. In the first
semester of the 3rd year all TU Delft BSc students choose a Minor. BSc students
who come to TU Delft in the Autumn semester during their BSc phase or third
year of their studies can choose a minor package. The advantage is that they will
not encounter scheduling problems and will work togther with other (Dutch)
students in a group. Some of the courses in the minor programmes can be taken

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Aerospace Engineering

English BSc and MSc courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Propaedeutic (1st Year)
AE1108-I Aerospace Materials BSc 3 2
AE1108-II Aerospace Mechanics of materials BSc 3 3
AE1110-I Introduction to Aerospace Engineering I BSc 5 1
AE1110-II Introduction to Aerospace Engineering II BSc 4 2
AE1130-I Statics BSc 4 1
AE1130-II Dynamics BSc 3 2
AE1205 Programming and Scientific Computing in Python for Aerospace I BSc 2 4
AE1222-II Aerospace Design and Systems Engineering Elements BSc 4 3,4
AE1111-II Engineering Drawing BSc 2 1,2
AE1240-I Thermodynamics BSc 3 3
AE1240-II Waves and electromagnetism BSc 3 4
WI1402LR Calculus II BSc 5 3
WI1403LR Linear Algebra BSc 5 4
WI1421LR Calculus I BSc 6 1,2
WI1402LR Calculus II BSc 5 3
Head Phase 2nd Year
AE2111-II Aerospace Design and Systems Engineering Elements BSc 3 1
AE2130-I Aerodynamica I BSc 3 1
AE2130-III Aerodynamics II BSc 3 2
AE2135-I Structural Analysis and Design BSc 5 2
AE2135-II Vibrations BSc 3 2
AE2220-I Applied Numerical Analysis BSc 3 3
AE2220-II Computational Modeling BSc 3 4
AE2223-II Experimental Research and Data Analysis BSc 3 3
AE2230-I Flight and Orbital Mechanics BSc 4 3
AE2230-II Propulsion and Power BSc 4 3
AE2235-I Aerospace Systems and Control Theory BSc 4 4
AE2235-II Instrumentation and Signals BSc 3 4
WI2180LR-I Differential Equations BSc 4 1
WI2180LR-II Probability and Statistics BSc 4 1
3rd Year Major
AE3211-I Systems Engineering & Aerospace Design Bsc 3 3
AE3211-II Production of Aerospace Systems BSc 3 3
AE3212-I Aerospace Flight Dynamics and Simulation EXCL. Test Flight for Exchange students Bsc 5 3
AE3W02TU Introduction to Wind Energy Bsc 4 2
Offshore Wind Energy – Please contact [email protected]
Minor Spaceflight– only full minor, limited places available, please contact [email protected]
AE3530 Spaceflight - a Technical Primer Minor 3 1
ET3604LR Electronic Circuits Minor 3 1
AE3531 Space Exploration Minor 7 1
AE3534 Spacecraft Technology Minor 5 2
AE3535-16 Satellite Tracking and Communication Minor 4 1,2
AE3537 Spaceflight Assignment Minor 7 2
CT3532 Earth Observation Minor 4 1

MSc Aerospace Engineering - Electives

Code Course Name Cat. EC Period
AE4115 Experimental simulations MSc 3 3,4
AE4117 Fluid-Structure interaction MSc 4 2
AE4120 Viscous flows MSc 3 2
AE4130 Aircraft aerodynamics MSc 3 1,2
AE4135 Rotor/wake aerodynamics MSc 4 3,4
AE4136 CFD 2: Discretization techniques MSc 2 2
AE4137 CFD 3: Large Eddy Simulation MSc 2 3

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Aerospace Engineering

Code Course Name Cat. EC Period

AE4138 CFD 4: Special topics MSc 2 4
AE4140 Gas dynamics I MSc 3 1
AE4143 Hypersonic aerodynamics MSc 3 2,3
AE4180 Flow measurement techniques MSc 3 3,4
AE4202 CFD for aerospace engineers MSc 3 1
AE4203 Gas turbine simulation / application MSc 3 3,4
AE4204 Knowledge Based Engineering MSc 4 3
AE4205 MDO for aerospace applications MSc 4 1
AE4206 Turbomachinery MSc 3 3
AE4238 Aero Engine Technology MSc 4 1,2
AE4240 Advanced aircraft design I MSc 4 1
AE4245 Advanced aircraft design II MSc 4 3
AE4260 Experimental Aeroacoustics (track 1 elective) MSc 4 1
AE4261 Internal Flows (track 5) MSc 3 2
AE4262 Combustion for propulsion and power technologies (track 5) MSc 4 3
AE4263 Modeling, Simulation and Applications of P&P Systems (track 5) MSc 5 3
AE4264 Measurements and Diagnostics in Reacting Flows (track 5 elective) MSc 3 3
AE4265 Space embedded Systems (track 3 elective) MSc 3 3,4
AE4268 Capita Selecta MSc 4 4
AE4269 Space-Plane Conceprual Design (track 3 elective) MSc 4 1
AE4270 Control and Operations Project (track 2 elective) MSc 4 1
AE4301 Automatic Flight Control Systems Design MSc 3 1
AE4301P Exercise Automatic Flight Control System Design MSc 1 2
AE4302 Avionics and operations MSc 3 1
AE4304 Stochastic Aerospace Systems MSc 3 2
AE4304P Stochastic Aerospace Systems Practical MSc 1 3
AE4311 Advanced flight control MSc 4 4
AE4313 Spacecraft attitude Dynamics and control MSc 3 3
AE4313P Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics & Control Exercise MSc 1 3
AE4314 Rotorcraft Mechanics and Design MSc 3 4
AE4314P Rotorcraft Mechanics & Design Practical MSc 1 4
AE4315 Advanced Dynamics MSc 3 4
AE4316 Aerospace Human-Machine Systems MSc 4 2
AE4317 Autonomous Flight of Micro Air Vehicles MSc 4 3
AE4318 Supervisory Control and Cognitive Systems MSc 2 3
AE4319 Manual Control Cybernetics MSc 2 4
AE4320 System Identification of Aerospace Vehicles MSc 4 3
AE4321-15 Air traffic management MSc 4 2,3
AE4322 Piloted Flight Simulation MSc 4 3
AE4323 Real-time Distributed Flight and Space Simulation MSc 3 4
AE4422-16 Agent-based modelling and simulation in Air Transport MSc 4 3
AE4423 Airline Planning & Optimization MSc 4 2
AE4424 Network Scheduling MSc 3 3
AE4431 Aircraft noise and emissions MSc 3 2
AE4441-16 Operations optimisation MSc 4 1
AE4446 Airport Operations MSc 4 3
AE4447 Aircraft Performance Optimization MSc 3 2
AE4447p Aircraft Performance Optimization practical MSc 3
AE4448 Agent-based safety risk analysis MSc 4 2,3
AE4454-16 Life Cycle Analysis and Production MSc 3 3
AE4462-17 Aircraft Emissions and Climate Effects MSc 4 3
AE4463-17 Advanced Aircraft Noise Modeling and Measurement MSc 4 3
AE4465 Maintenance Modeling & Analysis MSc 4 1
AE4466 Monte Carlo simulation of stochastic processes II MSc 3 2
AE4467 Numerical Methods for Aircraft Perfomance Analysis MSc 3 3
AE4468 Airline maintenance operations MSc 3 3
AE4499 Space Project MSc 3 1,2
AE4866 Propagation and Optimization in Astrodynamics (track 3 elective) MSc 4 3
AE4867 Numerical Astrodynamics (track 3 elective) MSc 2 2
AE4870A Rocket Motion MSc 3 1
AE4870B Re-entry Systems MSc 3 1
AE4872 Satellite Orbit Determination MSc 6 1,2
AE4874-I Astrodynamics I MSc 4 1
AE4874-II Astrodynamics II MSc 4 3

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Aerospace Engineering

Code Course Name Cat. EC Period

AE4876-11 Planetary Sciences II MSc 4 3
AE4878 Mission Geometry and Orbit Design MSc 4 2,3
AE4880 Space instrumentation MSc 4 3
AE4890-11 Planetary sciences I MSc 4 2
AE4ASM001 Design of lightweight structures I: Composites & Metals MSc 3 1
AE4ASM002 Designing Materials with Aerospace Specific Properties MSc 3 1
AE4ASM004 Manufacturing of Aerospace Structures & Materials MSc 3 1
AE4ASM005 Fatigue of Structures & Materials MSc 3 1
AE4ASM101TU Polymer Science MSc 5 2
AE4ASM102 Advanced Alloys MSc 3 2
AE4ASM103 Functional Coatings MSc 3 4
AE4ASM104 Sensor Materials MSc 3 3
AE4ASM106 Stability & Analysis of Structures I MSc 3 2
AE4ASM107 Joining Methods MSc 3 2
AE4ASM108 Experimental Techniques & NDT MSc 3 2
AE4ASM109 Design & Analysis of Composite Structures I MSc 5 3
AE4ASM501 Design of Lightweight Structures II MSc 3 3
AE4ASM503 Sheet Metal Forming MSc 3 3
AE4ASM504 Structural Integrity and Maintenance MSc 3 3
AE4ASM506 Aeroelasticity MSc 3 3
AE4ASM507 Adaptive Aerospace Structures MSc 3 3
AE4ASM508 Design of Self-healing materials MSc 3 4
AE4ASM510 Design & Analysis of Composite Structures II MSc 3 4
AE4ASM511 Stability & Analysis of Structures II MSc 3 3
AE4ASM514TU Continuum Mechanics MSc 4 3
AE4ASM515 Materials Characterization MSc 3 4
AE4ASM516 Material Selection for Mechanical Design MSc 3 3
AE4ASM518 Flow measurement techniques MSc 3 3,4
AE4S06 Spacecraft mechatronics MSc 4 1
AE4S06P Spacecraft Mechatronics Exercise MSc 1 2
AE4S10 Microsat engineering MSc 4 3
AE4S12 Space systems engineering MSc 3 1,2
AE4S12E Exercise Space Systems Engineering MSc 2 3
AE4T40 Airborne Wind Energy MSc 3 1,2
AE4W09 Wind Turbine Design MSc 5 3,4
AE4W13 Site Conditions for Wind Turbine Design MSc 3 3,4
AE4W21-14 Wind Turbine Aeroelasticity MSc 2 4
ME45000 Advanced Heat Transfer MSc 3 1
WI2056LR Systeemtheorie LR MSc 4 1
WI3150TU Partial Differential Equations A MSc 3 1
WM0324LR** Ethics and Engineering for Aerospace Engineering** MSc 3 2,3

* Please inform us at [email protected] if you are taking this course

** This course can be taken in period 2 or 3, course only lasts 1 period.
Starting period from/to
1 - semester I September 4, 2017 - November 10, 2017
2 - semester I November 13, 2017 - February 2, 2018
3 - semester II February 5, 2018 - April 20, 2018
4 - semester II April 23, 2018 - July 6, 2018

BSc students can take MSc courses as long as they have met the pre-requisites
as stated in the course description of the TU Delft study guide.

Please note that the following courses (projects) are not available for Exchange Students:
AE1111-I Exploring Aerospace Engineering
AE1222-I Design and Construction
AE2111-I Systems Design
AE2130-II Low-Speed Windtunnel Test
AE2223-I Test, Analysis & Simulation

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Aerospace Engineering

AE3212-II Simulation, Verification & Validation

AE3200 Design Synthesis
AE4ASM003 Linear Modelling
AE4ASM105 Trinity Exercise
AE4ASM505 Non-Linear Modeling (using F.E.M.)
AE4ASM512 Aerospace Structures and Materials Industry Best Practice
AE4ASM513 Forensic Engineering
AE4ASM517 Aircraft Manufacturing Laboratory
AE4010 Research Methodologies
AE4020 Literature Study
AE5050 Internship
AE5110 Thesis Aerodynamics & Wind Energy
AE5310 Thesis Control & Operations
AE5810 Thesis Space
AE5711 Thesis Aerospace Structures & Materials
AE5211 Thesis Flight Performance & Propulsion
AE5912 Thesis Wind Energy Rotor Design
AE4S01 Thermal rocket propulsion
AE4S01P Exercise Thermal Rocket Propulsion
AE4S20 Satellite thermal control

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Applied Sciences

English BSc courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Applied Physics
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (O)

Applied Physics - B.Sc. & M.Sc. Courses for 3rd year B.Sc. Students (MSc courses in quarters)

TN1651 Introduction to Biophysics BSc 3 4

TN2304 Quantummechanics for the minor BSc 4 2
TN2624 Statistical Physics for the minor BSc 4 3
TN2612 Theory of Relativity BSc 3 1
AP3261D Mesoscopic Physics MSc 6 1,2
AP3303 Applications of Quantum Mechanics MSc 3 2
AP3311D Neutrons, X-Rays and Positrons for Studying Microscopic Structures and Dynamics MSc 6 3,4
AP3392 Geometrical Optics MSc 6 4
AP3511D Biophysics MSc 6 1,2
AP3582 Medical Physics of Photon and Proton Therapy MSc 6 3,4
CH3792 Introduction to Nuclear Science and Engineering MSc 6 3
AP3991 Research Project B&M 12-30 All

Minor Physics for Non-Physics Students

TN2305 Quantum Mechanics for the minor Minor 4 2
TN2625 Statistical Physics for the minor Minor 4 3
TN2894 Introduction to Methods in Physics and Mathematics Minor 4 1
TN2993 Experimental and Integrating Final Project Minor 5 4
TN2612 Theory of Relativity Minor 3 1
NB2011 Thermodynamics and Transport Minor 3 2
TN1651 Introduction to Biophysics Minor 3 4

Chemical Engineering - B.Sc. & M.Sc. Courses for 3rd year B.Sc. Students (period in quarters)
CH3131 Applied Numerical Mathematics MSc 6 1
CH3792 Introduction to Nuclear Science and Engineering MSc 6 2
CH3562 Nanoparticle Technology MSc 3 3
CH3141 Molecular Thermodynamics MSc 6 1
CH3073 Separation Processes, Design and Operation MSc 3 3
CH3632 Chemistry of Solar Cells B&M 6 1
CH3043 Process Dynamics & Control MSc 3 2
CH3861* Hydro Carbon Processing* MSc 3 3
CH3082** Chemical Technology** MSc 3 -
CH3782 Chemistry of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle MSc 3 2
CH3771 Nuclear Chemistry B&M 6 2
CH3622 Process Intensification MSc 3 3,4
CH3982 Literature Study B&M 3-6 all
CH3991all Research Project B&M 15-30 all

Life Science & Technology+

LB2801 Bio-Based Materials in a Circular Economy BSc 4 1
LB2951 Cell Signaling and Biophysics BSc 8 LU
LB2961 Biocatalysis BSc 5 1
LB2971 Inorganic Chemistry in Life BSc 5 LU
LB2941 Quantitative Imaging in Life Sciences BSc 5 LU
LB2981 Literature, Research and Validation+* BSc 3 1,2

Nanobiology (Propaedeutic)++
NB1022 Genetics (EMC) Bsc(10) 4 1,2
NB1012 Biomolecular Dynamics (EMC) Bsc(10) 3 4
NB1016 Molecular Biology (EMC Bsc(10) 3 5
NB1072 Physical Biology of the Cell part 1 (EMC) Bsc(5) 3 7,8
NB1132 Biophysics Bsc(5) 3 6
NB1140 Physics 1a Bsc(5) 4 3,4
NB1143 Physics1b Bsc(5) 3 5
NB1102 Chemistry-1(EMC) Bsc(5) 3 2
NB1110 Chemistry-2(EMC) Bsc(5) 3 3
WI1415NB Analysis-1 Bsc(5) 5 1,2
WI1423NB Analysis-2 Bsc(5) 5 3,4
WI1416NB Analysis-3 Bsc(5) 3 7,8

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Applied Sciences

Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (O)

WI1142NB Linear Algebra Bsc(5) 3 7,8

Nanobiology (Head phase, 2nd year)++

NB2071 Physical Biology of the Cell part 2 Bsc(5) 3 1
NB2031 Evolutionairy and Developmental Biology(EMC) Bsc(5) 6 3,4
NB2111 Evolution Bsc(5) 3 6
NB2041 Optics and Microscopy Bsc(10) 3 6
NB2141 Physics 2 Bsc(5) 3 1,2
NB2061 Differential equations Bsc(5) 3 1,2
NB2171 Statistics Bsc(5) 3 5
NB2121 Image analysis(EMC) Bsc(5) 3 8
NB2181 Computational Science Bsc(5) 3 5,6,8
NB2161 Bioinformatics Bsc(5) 4,5 7,8

* Hydro carbon processing is only given in odd years
** Chemical Technology is only given in Even years
+ For Life Science & Technology, some courses are given at Leiden University. These course names have been marked with (LU).
++ For Nanobiology, some courses are given at Erasmus MC (Rotterdam). These have been marked with (EMC).
++ For Nanobiology, all courses have a max. amount of exchange students, indicated with x at BSc(x).
+* Course LB2981 is part of the minor Advanced LST, just like the other courses in this section.
This course can only be followed when the full minor is chosen

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Architecture and the Build Environment

Due to issues concerning scheduling and availability, we cannot offer our exchange students a free choice
of subjects. Within the study exchange program, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
allows Master level students to make their choice from its Master 1 programs. Bachelor level students have
a choice from our English taught Bachelor minor programs and are not admitted to the Master 1 programs.
Below you will find the list of course packages we offer. Since we cannot guarantee enrolment in your first
choice, it is obligatory to mention a second choice and a third choice on the application form. In case you
apply for two semesters you only have to mention the three choices for the first semester. You can enrol
yourself for the second semester in November 2018; any choices for the second semester will not be taken
into account. Please note that it is still possible that there might occur some minor changes in the offered
course packages. In May the courses for the preceding Academic Year will be published on our website
again. Once you have sent us the application form it is not allowed to switch programmes.

Exchange students to the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment can only take courses at the Faculty of
Architecture and the Built Environment. Exchange students from other faculties cannot obtain credits at the Faculty
of Architecture and the Built Environment.
English taught Bachelor minors for exchange students
Faculty Architecture & Built Environment
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Minor Archineering (autumn)
BK7460-13 Archineering 1 Minor 15 1
BK7461 Archineering 2 Minor 15 2

Minor Neighbourhood of the Future - Green Blue Cities (autumn)

BK7210 Urban Analysis and Design Minor 3 1
BK7250 Sustainable Urbanism Minor 3 2
BK7252 Transformation Strategies for Deprived Districts Minor 3 1
BK7263 Future Proof Urban Project Minor 9 2
BK7264 Future Proof Spatial Transformation Strategy Minor 9 1
BK7265 Urban Design Evaluation Minor 3 2

Minor House of the Future (autumn)

BK7800 Project House of the Future (Design Minor 15 1-2
BK7810 Analysis and Model Study (Design Analysis) Minor 7,5 1-2
BK7820 Imaging and Communication (Form Study) Minor 7,5 1-2

Minor Retail Design (autumn) (selection procedure)

BK7060 Retail Design: Design Project Minor 15 1-2
BK7061 Retail Design: Lecture Series Minor 5 1-2
BK7062 Retail Design: Toolkit Minor 5 1-2
BK7063 Retail Design: Workshop Minor 5 1-2
(for this minor there is a selection procedure, please send your portfolio and motivation to [email protected])

Minor Heritage and Design (autumn)

BK7550 Landscape and Transition Minor 5 2
BK7551 History of Architecture, City and Landscape Minor 5 1
BK7552 Heritage: Theory and Practice Minor 5 2
BK7553 Architecture and Re-use Minor 5 2
BK7554 History of Art Minor 5 1
BK7555 City and Transformation Minor 5 1

Minor Cities, Migration & Social Inequality (Autumn)

NEW Minor Cities, Migration & Social Inequality Minor 15 1
Minor Landscape Architecture: Under the sky (Autumn)
NEW Minor Landscape Architecture: Under the sky Minor 15 1
Minor Architectural presentations: Visions reviewed (Autumn)

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Architecture and the Build Environment

Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)

NEW Minor Architectural presentations: Visions reviewed Minor 15 2
Minor Spatial Computing in Architectural Design (Autumn)
NEW Minor Spatial Computing in Architectural Design Minor 15 2

Master Architecture specialiaztions

Architecture and Dwelling (autumn and spring)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1AD030 Seminar Architectural Studies MSc 3 1,3
AR 1AD040 Seminar Architectural Reflections MSc 3 1,3
AR 1AD011 Dwelling Design Studio: Architecture & Dwelling ‘The Netherlands’ MSc 12 1-2,3-4
AR1AD0122 Dwelling Design Studio: 'Global Housing' MSc 12 3-4

Architectural Engineering (autumn and spring)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR1AE010 EXTREME Architecture MSc 12 1-2,3-4
AR1AE020 Extreme Seminar MSc 6 1-2,3-4

Architecture and Public Building (Autumn)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1AP030 Seminar Architectural Studies MSc 3 1
AR 1AP040 Seminar Architectural Reflections MSc 3 1
AR 1AP011 Public Building Design Studio: Architecture & Public Building MSc 12 1-2

Complex Projects (autumn and spring)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1CP010 Complex Projects Design Studio MSc 12 1-2,3-4
AR 1CP040 Anatomy of a Landmark Seminar MSc 6 1-2,3-4

Methods and Analysis (autumn )

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1MET010 Ways of Doing MSc 12 1,2
AR 1MET030 Tools of Architecture MSc 3 1
AR 1MET040 Roles of the Architect MSc 3 1

Heritage & Architecture (autumn and spring)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1AR010 Heritage and Architecture: Methodologies of Architectural Re-use MSc 3 1,3
AR 1AR011 Heritage and Architecture Design Studio: Architectonic Design MSc 12 1-2,3-4
AR 1AR080 Heritage and Architecture: Technology of Conservation MSc 3 1,3

Interiors Buildings Cities (autumn and spring)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4

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Architecture and the Build Environment

AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4

AR 1AI010 Interiors Buildings Cities MSc 1 Design Project MSc 12 1-2,3-4
AR 1AL040 Interiors Buildings Cities Fundamentals MSc 6 1-2,3-4

The Why Factor (Autumn)

AR 1A060 Delft Lectures on Architectural Design MSc 3 1,3
AR 1A065 Delft Lectures on Architectural History MSc 3 2,4
AR 1A075 Delft seminars on Building Technology MSc 6 1-2,3-4
AR 1TWF010 The Why Factory Design Studio: Design lab I MSc 12 1-2
AR 1TWF020 The Why Factory: Actualities Workshop MSc 3 1-2
AR 1TWF030 The Why Factory: Future Models I MSc 3 1-2

Master Building Technology (autumn and spring)

AR0531 Innovation and Sustainability MSc 6 1-2
AR1B015-D1 Bucky Lab Design - Design MSc 7 1-2
AR1B015-D2 Bucky Lab Design - CAD MSc 3 1-2
AR1B015-D3 Bucky Lab Design - Production Technique MSc 2 1-2
AR1B025-D1 Bucky Lab Seminars - Structural Mechanics MSc 3 1-2
AR1B025-D2 Bucky Lab Seminars - Material Science MSc 3 1-2
AR1B025-D3 Bucky Lab Seminars+ - BT Research Methodology MSc 3 1
AR1B025-D4 Bucky Lab Seminars+ - Building Physics MSc 3 2

Master Landscape Architecture (Autumn)

AR1LA010 Villa Urbana: Design of an Experimental Ensemble MSc 6 1
AR1LA020 Landscape as Object of Architecture MSc 3 1
AR1LA031 TOPOS MSc 3 1
AR1LA040 Green Architecture: Designing with Plants MSc 3 1
AR1LA050 Dutch Waterscapes: Design of a Leisure Landscape MSc 6 2
AR1LA060 The Fine Dutch Tradition MSc 3 2
AR1LA070 Reflecting Ideas on Landscape: Paradigms and Positions MSc 3 2
AR1LA080 Landscape Components: Green and Blue MSc 3 2

Master Management in the Built Environment (Autumn)

AR 1R016 Design and Construction Management MSc 7 1
AR 1R025 Real Estate Management MSc 7 2
AR 1R035 Housing Policy, Management and Sustainability MSc 7 2
AR 1R046 Management and Finance 1 MSc 6 1
AR 1R055 Qualitative Research Methods in Design and Engineering MSc 3 1

Master Urbanism (Autumn)

AR1U090 R&D Studio: Analysis and Design of Urban Form MSc 10 1
AR1U100 R&D Studio: Socio-Spatial Processes in the City MSc 10 2
AR1U121 History and Theory of Urbanism MSc 5 1
AR1U131 Sustainable Urban Engineering of Territory MSc 5 2

Master Geomatics (Autumn)+

GEO1000 Python Programming for Geomatics MSc 5 1
GEO1001 Sensing Technologies for the Built Environment MSc 5 1
GEO1002 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Cartography MSc 5 1
GEO1003 Positioning and Location Awareness MSc 5 2
GEO1005 Spatial Decision Support for Planning and Crisis Management MSc 5 2
GEO1006 Geo Database Management Systems MSc 5 2

Master Geomatics (Spring)+

GEO1004 3D-modelling of the Built Environment MSc 5 3

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Architecture and the Build Environment

GEO1008 Geo Datasets and Quality MSc 5 3

GEO1009 Geo-information Organisation and Legislation MSc 5 3
GEO1007 Geoweb technology MSc 5 4
GEO1101 Geomatics Synthesis Project (GSP) MSc 10 4
(Spring/autumn) Only available in that semester

+ The FALL semester is accessible for students studying in the field of Geomatics Engineering &
Surveying. The SPRING semester requires the courses of the FALL semester or equal knowledge &
skills based on a students own educational programme: Python Programmin, Sensing Technologies
GIS&Cartography, Location Awareness & Positioning Technologies, Spatial Decision Support Systems
& Disaster Management, Geo-DataBase Management Systems. The SYNTHESIS project is only
accessible for students who followed all core courses of Q1-Q3 or based on proof that they have
equal knowledge & skills based on their own Geomatics Programme.
In the course catalogue (www.studyguide.tudelft.nl) you will find more detailed information on the courses above.

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Civil Engineering and Geosciences

English courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Head Phase (2nd Year), Specialization Geosciences
CTB2310 Soil Mechanics BSc 5 3

Head Phase (3rd Year), All specializations

CTB3310 Sourveying & Mapping BSc 4 3

Head Phase (3rd Year), Specialization Structural Mechanics

CTB3330 Structural Mechanics 4 BSc 4 3
CTB3335 Concrete Structures 2 BSc 4 3
CTB3420 Integral Design of Infrastructure BSc 4 4

Head Phase (3rd Year), Specialization Hydraulic Engineering

CTB3350 Open Channel Flow BSc 4 3
CTB3355 Hydraulic Structures 1 BSc 4 3

Head Phase (3rd Year), Specialization Water Management

CTB3360 Water Control BSc 4 1,3
CTB3365-16 Introduction to Water Treatment BSc 4 1,3
CTB3415 Water Management Research BSc 4 4

Head Phase (3rd Year), Specialization Geosciences

CTB3385 Use of Underground Space BSc 4 3
CTB3390 Mechanics and Flow in Pureus Media BSc 4 3
CTB3425-17 Monitoring and Stability of Dikes and Embankments BSc 4 4

Head Phase (3rd Year), Specialization Transport & Planning

CTB3370 Geometrical Design of Roads and Railways BSc 4 3

Minor Courses
CT3101 Project Management Basics Minor 5 1
CT3102-15 Introduction to project finance & legal aspects of projects Minor 5 1
CT3103 Integration: technical project Minor 10 1,2
CT3201 Interdisciplinary & Collaborative Design Project Minor 9 2
CT3361 Urban Planning and Transport Networks Minor 4 2
CT3366 Economie van Transport en Externe Effecten Minor 4 1

Students need to meet the prerequisites of the course as described in the TU Delft study guide.

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Electrical Engineering, Math, Computer Sciences

English courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Minor Autonomous Exploration Robots (Electrical Engineering)
Regular Minor Programme
EE3310TU Telecommunications Techniques Minor 3 1
ET3033TU Circuit Analysis Minor 3 1
ET3604LR Electronic Circuits Minor 3 1
ET3604LRP Electronic Circuits (part of ET3604LR) Minor 0 1
TI2726-A Signal Processing Minor 5 1
EE3330TU Guiding & Radiating Minor 4 2
EE3331TU Structured Electronic Design - Basics Minor 4 2
ET3051TU Electronic Power Conversion Minor 4 2
EE3039TU Marsrover project Minor 4 2
Minor Programme Autonomous Exploration Robots for Students Computer Science
EE3310TU Telecommunications Techniques Minor 3 1
ET3033TU Circuit Analysis Minor 3 1
ET3604LR Electronic Circuits Minor 3 1
ET3604LRP Electronic Circuits (part of ET3604LR) Minor 0 1
TI2716-A Signal Processing Minor 5 1
EE3330TU Guiding & Radiating Minor 4 2
EE3331TU Structured Electronic Design - Basics Minor 4 2
ET3051TU Electronic Power Conversion Minor 4 2
EE3039TU Marsrover project Minor 4 2

Minor Electrical Susatainable Energy Systems

Minor Programme for Electrical Engineering Students
EE3065TU Reliability of Sustainable Power Systems Minor 3 1
EE3105TU Sustainable Energy Technologies Minor 3 1
EE3110TU Energy Efficiency Minor 3 1
ET3037TU Project Integrating Renewable Energy Minor 6 1
EE3060TU Agent-based Energy Markets Minor 3 2
ET3034TU Solar Energy Minor 3 2
ET3036TU Project Design of Sustainable Energy Supply Minor 6 2
Minor Programme for Non-Electrical Engineering Students
Compulsory Courses
ET3365TU D1 Introduction to Electrical Power Engineering part 1 Minor 3 1
EE3105TU Sustainable Energy Technologies Minor 3 1
ET3037TU Project Integrating Renewable Energy Minor 6 1
ET3365TU D2 Introduction to Electrical Power Engineering part 2 Minor 3 2
ET3034TU Solar Energy Minor 3 2
ET3036TU Project Design of sustainable energy supply Minor 6 2
Electives (6EC)
EE3060TU Agent-based Energy Markets Minor 3 2
EE3065TU Reliability of Sustainable Power Systems Minor 3 1
EE3110TU Energy Efficiency Minor 3 1

Minor Software Design and Application (Computer Science)

Core Courses
TI2206 Software Engineering Methods Minor 5 1
TI3100TU Minor Introduction Minor 0 1
TI3105TU Introduction to Python Programming Minor 5 1
TI3110TU Algothims and Data structures Minor 5 2
Elective Courses Data Science
TI2736-A Computational Intelligence Minor 5 1
TI2735-B Big data processing and analysis Minor 5 2
EWI3615TU Project Big Data/Artificial Intelligence Minor 5 2

Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)

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Electrical Engineering, Math, Computer Sciences

or Elective Courses Software Engineering

TI1506 Web & Databases Minor 5 2
EWI3620TU Project Software Engineering Minor 10 2
Or Elective Courses Gaming Development
EWI3610TU Computer graphics Minor 5 1
EWI3620TU Project Games development Minor 10 2

Minor Finance (Applied Mathematics)

WI3411TU Time series Minor 4 1
WI3405TU Option Valuation Methods Minor 6 1,2
WI3425TU Monte Carlo methods Minor 6 1,2
WI3417TU Introduction to Mathematical Finance Minor 6 1,2
WI3418TU Principles of Asset Trading Minor 0 1,2
WI3421TU Risk management Minor 2 1,2
WI3430TU Current Issues in Finance Minor 3 2
WI3420TU Clinic Minor 3 2

Minor Computational Science and Engineering (Applied Mathematics)

TW3710TU Scientific Programming Minor 3 1
TW3715TU Final Minor Project-part A Minor 2 1
TW3730TU Numerical Methods for Differential Equations Minor 6 1
TW3740TU Parallel Computing Minor 4 1
TW3720TU Object Oriented Scientific Programming C++ Minor 3 2
TW3725TU Final Minor Project-part B Minor 6 2
TW3750TU Numerical methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Minor 6 2

Individual BSc Courses available for exchange students

Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering: 2nd Year
TI2206 Software Engineering Methods BSc 5 1
TI2716-A Signal Processing* BSc 5 1
TI2726-A Digital Systems* BSc 5 1
TI2736-A Computational Intelligence* BSc 5 1
TI2506 Information and Data Modeling BSc 5 2
TI2306 Algorithm Design BSc 5 2
TI2726-B Embedded Software* BSc 5 2
TI2736-B Big Data Processing* BSc 5 2
TI2716-B Image Processing* BSc 5 2
TI2406 Computer Networks BSc 5 3
TI2606 Concept of Programming Languages BSc 5 3
TI2716-C Multimedia Analysis* BSc 5 3
TI2726-C Operating Systems* BSc 5 3
TI2736-C Data Mining* BSc 5 3
TI2316 Automata, Languages and Computability BSc 5 4
Computer Science and Engineering: 3rd Year
WM0328TI IT and Values BSc 5 3
On individual basis projects of 15 EC can sometimes be arranged.

Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering: First Year
EE1P11 Classical and Quantum Physics BSc 5 1
EE1C11 Linear Circuits A BSc 5 1
EE1C21 Linear Circuits B BSc 5 2
EE1D11 Digital Systems A BSc 5 3
EE1C31 Amplifiers and instrumentation BSc 5 3
EE1D21 Digital Systems B BSc 5 3
EE1P21 Electricity and Magnetism BSc 5 4
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Electrical Engineering : Second Year

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Electrical Engineering, Math, Computer Sciences

EE2E11 Electrical Energy Conversion BSc 5 1

EE2C11 Integrated Circuits BSc 5 1
EE2T11 Telecommunications A BSc 5 3
EE2E21 Sustainable Energy Supply BSc 5 3
EE2S31 Signal Processing BSc 5 4
EE2T21 Telecommunications B BSc 5 4
Electrical Engineering: 3rd Year
EE3P11 Electromagnetics BSc 5 3
EE3D11 Computer Architecture and Organisation BSc 5 3
On individual basis projects of 15 EC can sometimes be arranged.

Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics: 1st year
TW1030 Linear Algebra 1 BSc 5 1
TW1010 Mathematical Structures BSc 6 1,2
TW1040 Analysis 1 BSc 5 2
TW1090 Introduction to Programming BSc 5 2
TN1531TW Mechanics and Theory of Relativity BSc 5 3
TW1050-A Modelling-A BSc 5 3
TW1070 Analysis 2 BSc 6 3,4
TW1050-B Modelling-B BSc 5 4
TW1080 Introduction to Probability BSc 5 4
Applied Mathematics: 2nd year
TW2550 Advanced Statistics BSc 5 3
TW2510 Decision Theory BSc 5 3
TW2060 Numerical Methods 1 BSc 6 3,4
Applied Mathematics: 3rd year
TW3520 Logic BSc 5 3
TW3530 Numerical Methods 2 BSc 5 3
TW3560 Advanced Probability BSc 5 3
On individual basis projects of 15 EC can sometimes be arranged.

* All Courses ending with the same letter (A/B/C) are taught at the same time

BSc: All BSc students coming to EEMCS are strongly advised to choose a minor. Individual courses from a minor can not be followed seperately, unless they
are mentioned in the normal subject list.
A minor is a well-rounded package of courses on one main topic. In the first semester of the 3rd year all BSc students choose a Minor. All minors are taught
in English. The advantage is that students will not encounter scheduling problems and will work togther with other (Dutch) students in a group.
MSc: Almost all MSc courses are open to students who will folow an exchange period after completing their BSc or at least 6 semesters of studies in a
similar field. All MSc courses are taught in English.

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Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

English courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Bsc Courses
IO1016ZI Design Drawing for Erasmus and Adaptation BSc 3 2, 4
IO1040-17 Form and experience BSc 7,5 2
IO1080-13 Research and design BSc 7,5 4
IO2010-15 PO3, Design Driven Innovation BSc 7,5 2
IO2031 Stategic Product Innovation BSc 7,5 1
IO2060-15 Interaction and electronics BSc 7,5 3
IO2081 Design for Sustainability BSc 7,5 4
IO3010 Cross Media Interaction Design BSc 7,5 3
IO3020 Design and Cultural Impact BSc 7,5 3
IO3030 Design Visualisation BSc 7,5 3
IO3040 Software BSc 7,5 3
IO3045 Video for Designers BSc 7,5 3
IO3050 Mechatronics BSc 7,5 3
IO3060 Creating in Project Teams BSc 7,5 3
IO3075 Towards Circular Product Design BSc 7,5 3

Minor Automotive Design*

IO3610 Automotive Introduction Minor 1 1
IO3620 Automotive Styling Minor 4 1
IO3630 Automotive Technology Minor 7 1
IO3640-12 Automotive Context Minor 9 2
IO3650 Automotive Skills Minor 6 2
WB3190IO Automotive Safety and Human Factors Minor 3 2

Minor Interactive Environment*

BK 7500 Design of Prototypes Minor 7,5 1
BK 7511 Architectural prototypes Minor 7,5 1
IO3850 Advanced prototyping for design Minor 7,5 1
IO3851 Personal prototyping project Minor 7,5 1

* Minors can only be taken as a whole, courses are not offered separately

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Technology, Policy and Management

English courses available for exchange students

Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)
Bsc Courses
SPM6110LR Policy Analysis BSc 6 2
SPM6210 Serious Games & Virtual Worlds Colloquia BSc 4 1
WM0103TU Teamwork BSc 3 1,2,4
WM0161TU Managing People BSc 4 1
WM0201TU-Eng Technical Writing BSc 1 1,2,3,4
WM0203TU-Eng Oral Presentation BSc 1 1,2,3,4
WM0328IN ICT-Society 4: Ethics and Law for Comput BSc 4 3
WM0357TU Value Sensitive Design: broadening the s BSc 2 2
WM0365TU Technology and the Future of Humanity BSc 4 2
WM0902TU Technology and Global Development BSc 2 1
WM1110TU English for Academic Purposes-2 BSc 3 1,3
WM1113TU English for Academic Purpose-1 BSc 3 1,3
WM0820TU Responsible Innovation. Introduction BSc 5 1,2
WM0821TU Responsible management of risk and safety BSc 5 1,2
WM0369TU Philosophy of the human being and technology BSc 3 1,2
WM0628TU Business Economics, choice of technique and innovation BSc 5 1,2
SPM6401 Integrating course security systems analysis BSc 5 1,2
WM0374TU Project Research and Design BSc 3 1,2
WM0565TU Sustainable Entrepreneurship BSc 3 1,2
WM0374TU Project Research and Design BSc 3 1,2
WM0565TU Sustainable Entrepreneurship BSc 3 1,2
WM0619TU Business Marketing and Finance BSc 3 1,2
WM0927TU Intercultural Internship BSc 15 1,2
WM0942TU Development, Sustainability and Culture BSc 6 1,2
WM4017TU Case Study Sustainable Entrepreneurship BSc 15 1,2
WM0628TU Business economics, choice of technique and innovation BSc 5 1,2
WM0821TU Responsible management of risk and safety BSc 5 1,2
SPM9448 Methods for Risk Analysis and Management BSc 5 1,2
WM0713TU Technology and Law BSc 5 1,2
WM0827TU Technology, Innovation and Ethics for companies BSc 5 1,2
WM0837TU Formal methods for strategic decision-making BSc 2.5 1,2
WM0828TU Minor Companies and Innovation Integration Course BSc 5 1,2
TB221 Economics of Infrastructures BSc 5 1
TB241TA Logistics 2 BSc 5 1
TB242IA Intelligent data analysis BSc 5 2
TB142IA Computer and information systems BSc 5 4

Course Code Course Name Cat. EC Period (Q)

Minor Courses*
WM0107TU-ENG Conversation Skills BSc/MSc 2 4

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Technology, Policy and Management

WM1137TU Spoken English for Technologists-1 BSc/MSc 2 1,3

WM1136TU Written English for Technologists 1 BSc/MSc 3 1,3
WM1102TU Written English for Technologists 2 BSc/MSc 3 1,3
WM1101TU English for Academic Purposes 3 BSc/MSc 3 1,3
WM1135TU English for Academic Purposes 4 BSc/MSc 3 1,3
WM1112TU Spoken English for Technologists 2 BSc/MSc 2 1,3

*) Courses which are part of a minor package may have limited access

At TPM, all Master courses are given in English.

BSc exchange students are allowed to choose Master courses,
provided they meet the course prerequisites.

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