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DESC 1004 Building Principles page 15

Loads The loads exert forces on the building. We have to work with
these forces and analyse them.
The building materials impose dead loads
(fixed, vertical) Forces have magnitude, direction and position.
The occupants and contents impose live We can visualise which portion of the building’s loads is
loads (variable, mostly vertical) transmitted to which structural element, by following the load
Wind and earthquake impose loads paths.
(variable, mostly horizontal)

Tributary areas
A beam picks up the load halfway to its Loads applied to different parts of a building will eventually have
neighbours to be transferred to the foundations. The structure should provide
Each member also carries its own weight a safe path for this load transfer.
bea ea
n of y ar In order to design a structural element, it is necessary to determine
Spa utar am
Trib b e
of o
ne the loads transferred to it by other building or structural

We often use a set of parallel beams. It is easy to visualise the
cing area carried by each beam — it is a rectangle as long as the span
of b
s of the beams, and extending halfway toward each adjacent beam.
Don’t forget the horizontal wind loads carried by each piece of the
walls. Turn this diagram around so that the ‘beams’ are vertical
A column generally picks up load from halfway to In the common case of a series of columns in both directions,
its neighbours each internal column carries the load on a rectangle halfway to
It also carries the load that comes from the floors each of the adjoining rows.
above Wyatt p 36 and following; Schodek p 213

‘Non–structural’ building elements may also be required to

transfer loads , if the loads do not act directly on the structure.
This is particularly the case with the walls and windows.

Dead loads on elements Code values are given per cubic metre or square metre
Load = Multiply by the volume or area supported

Surface area x
Wt per sq m,
volume x
wt per cu m

Live loads on elements Code values per square metre

Multiply by the area supported
Distributed loads and point loads Floors, walls and roofs are generally distributed loads (kN per m)
Load Point Load Other beams are point loads (kN)


Effect of one member on another The forces at the supports are the reactions
For equilibrium, the reactions just balance the loads
How does the ground know how hard to push up on my feet?
The forces that each element exerts on its supports depend on the
Page 16 DESC 1004 Building Principles
Load loads on that element.
These forces are ‘reactions’ to the upper element, and ‘loads’ on
Reaction the lower one.
from beam
It must be possible to follow the path of every load, all the way
to the foundations.
How many reactions? The nature of the reactive forces that are possible will depend on
Any 2-D element needs 3 reactions the type of support provided. If a particular direction of force, or
Usually 2 vertical and one horizontal a moment reaction, is required but cannot be provided, then the
The horizontal reaction is often zero structure is not satisfactory.
No horizontal reaction = standing on rollerskates
Load Load


Beam with 3 reactions

If the forces are all vertical, there should be the • If a body is subject to only two forces, the forces must be
possibility of a horizontal reaction, but it will be collinear for equilibrium
zero until a horizontal force is introduced.
Hence for a bar subject to forces at the ends only, the resultant
(Otherwise it is like standing still on roller-
force must be along the bar for equilibrium.
• If a body is subject to only three forces, the forces must be
either concurrent or parallel.
• A minimum of three restraints are necessary to produce a stable
structure. The restraints must not, however, be equivalent to
either a parallel or concurrent force system.
Beam with only two reactions
Types of reactions – simple support Provides vertical support only
Allows rotation - no moment developed
Simple support
Types of reactions –cable support Provides vertical support only
Allows rotation - no moment developed

Cable support
Types of reactions – roller support Provides vertical support
Deliberately avoids horizontal restraint (allows expansion)
Roller support
Types of reactions – hinge support Provides vertical support and horizontal restraint
Allows rotation - no moment developed

Hinge support

Types of reactions – rigid support Provides V, H, and moment restraint

Suits cantilever beams or posts, and rigid frames
Make sure you can physically achieve it!
Fixed support
DESC 1004 Building Principles page 17

How big are the loads?

Dead loads Typical values of uniformly distributed loads specified are

given below (note that these loads are given in kPa, =
How much does the stuff weigh?
kN/m2 , that is, per unit area of floor) —
How much of each material is there?
(We have to guestimate how big the elements are to LIVE LOADS
start with)
Appendix A of SAA loading code AS 1170.1 tabulates the Occupancy or use Minimum live
unit weights of a number of materials and the weight per load
unit surface area of construction.
Typical values are given in the table below (note that they buildings
are already in gravitational units) —
Assembly areas (class 3.0 kPa
DEAD LOADS rooms, lecture rooms etc)
Bulk Material Weight/unit Libraries (reading areas) 2.5 kPa
volume Libraries (stacking areas) 3.3 kPa per m of
Concrete, dense aggregate, 23.5 kN/m3 usable height
Office buildings
Timber, Australian 11.0 kN/m3 (Offices, banks etc)
Corridors, foyers etc 4.0 kPa
Steel 76.9 kN/m3 (subject to crowd
Glass 25.5 kN/m3
offices 3.0 kPa
Walls, brickwork (0.19 kN 19.0 kN/m3
per 10mm thickness) = Domestic buildings

Sheet or surface Weight/unit houses 1.5 kPa

Material area motels etc, rooms 2.0 kPa
Ceilings, Gypsum plaster, 0.22 kN/m2 corridors 4.0 kPa
13 mm thick
Floors, Terrazo paving, 16 0.43 kN/m2
mm thick Factors in wind speeds
Roofs, fibre cement, 0.11 kN/m2 General wind speed in the region
corrugated sheeting 6mm (pressure varies with square of the speed)
thick Local topography affects wind patterns
Wind speed increases with altitude
Walls, concrete hollow 1.73 kN/m2 Wind speed decreases with terrain roughness
block masonry 150 mm
thick Very exposed

The Code deliberately gives these values to 2 or 3 More sheltered

significant figures. Any more precision is not Wind
warranted, since they are estimates of the weights of
generic materials.
When the wind hits any obstruction, the pressure it
produces will depend on:
•the local wind speed, and
Live Loads •the shape of the object.
Building Codes give minimum values
Domestic live loads range from 1.5 kPa Wind Speed
Corridors and balconies are generally 4kPa, to allow At any location, longterm weather records will indicate
for crowding the maximum wind speed expected at the standard 10m
Most stores and workshops are 5 kPa upwards height used by meteorologists. (For Sydney, 41m/s
AS 1170.1 specifies the minimum floor live loads to be maximum). For the particular building, this will be
considered for occupancy and floor use categories. modified by:
Page 18 DESC 1004 Building Principles

• The height of the building. Windspeed is less near the • Windward face: pressure +0.8 times basic wind pressure
• Leeward face: suction, from -0.2 to -0.5 times basic wind
• The topography. Windspeed is greater at the top of a hill pressure
than in a valley.
• Side walls, suction -0.6 times basic wind pressure
• The terrain roughness. Wind near the ground is stronger
• Roof, mostly suction, about -0.9 times basic wind
over flat country or the ocean, than over trees or houses.
pressure. In the case of a pitched roof facing the wind,
The Wind Code has four different Terrain Categories.
pitches over about 30° develop pressure on the windward
The basic pressure (i.e. if the air comes to a complete side (about +0.5 for steep pitches). Roofs tend to
stop against an obstruction) goes up with the square of blow off rather than blowing inward.
the wind speed. It is 0.6 V2 x 10-3 kPa (where V is There will also be an internal pressure or suction,
the speed in m/s). depending whether there are open doors and windows
facing toward or away from the wind; the coefficient
ranges from -0.3 for mainly leeward openings, to +0.8
Factors in wind loads for large windward openings. Normally you would close
Shelter from anything permanent will reduce loads everything in a strong windstorm, but ... (see Cyclone
Shape of building (mostly boxy rather than section below).
streamlined) affects loads Each wall and the roof of the building are subject to a
The shape of the building design wind force, F, which is the product of its area A
Most buildings are not streamlined like cars. Modern car and the nett wind pressure (pe - pi) on it.
makers boast about their low drag coefficients, the best
being below 0.3 for smooth, curved body shapes. The F surface = A (pe - pi). If A is the area of the
total drag on the car (the sum of the pressure on the front surface in m2, and pe and pi are the external pressures in
face and the suction on the back) is the drag coefficient
kPa, then F will be the force on the surface in kN.
multiplied by the basic wind pressure, above.
The drag coefficient for rectangular buildings is between • For a small building in a sheltered
1.0 and 1.3. A house wouldn’t do very well on the race location, wind loads are mostly in the
track. range 0.5 to 1.0 kPa.
• For a taller building or an exposed
location, wind loads are likely to be 1.0 to
Wind loads on buildings 2.0 kPa, and higher in cyclone areas.
Pressure on the windward face
Suction on other faces Wind loads on buildings
Suction on lowpitched roofs Wind tends to overturn a tall building
Buildings need bracing and tying-down
Wind can come from any direction
Wind load is the main horizontal load on most buildings. Pressure Suction

The load can be pressure or suction on the walls, and on

the roof.
Resisting moment
AS 1170.2 sets out two procedures for determining design
wind speeds and wind loads
Suct ion

Wind loads on elements

Many variables involved in using Code values
Multiply by the area exposed to wind
In non-cyclone areas, wind loads in the 1kPa range
Timber Framing Code has a procedure for finding
W in d maximum wind speeds
d irect io n
Timber Framing Code also has simplified rules for
bracing single-storey houses
To design elements in each wall and the roof, we need to Localised extreme pressures
know how the wind forces are distributed between the The figures above are the average values for each wall,
various surfaces. Remember that the ‘windward side’ can etc. Right near the corners, there can be localised
be any side, depending on the wind direction. The pressures and suctions up to double these values. When
average wind pressure coefficients vary a bit with the you see photos of buildings damaged by the wind, it is
proportions, but are about: often the ridge cappings and the corners worst affected.
DESC 1004 Building Principles page 19

Fixings in these areas need to be especially well

Cyclone areas
Coastal Australia north of Lat. 27° is subject to tropical
cyclones. These produce very high winds, along with
heavy rainfall. It can be assumed that most windows will
be open (broken by flying debris). The ground will be
softened by rain, so posts built in to the ground may not
work as lateral load-resisting elements in these
conditions. The wind changes direction rapidly, and tends
to loosen nails. Special holding-down details are used in
cyclone areas.

Seismic loads
Earthquakes cause damage by horizontal
Heavy buildings attract more load
Brittle materials fail, ductile materials may survive
Positive connections are essential
If a tall building is likely to oscillate under
earthquake conditions, then a thorough vibration
analysis is necessary. Otherwise, an equivalent
static load can be used as described below.
Seismic loads occur when the ground moves horizontally
and the building tries to stay still.
In the simplest analysis, the forces involved are the product
of the mass of the building and the acceleration of the
ground under it.
The horizontal forces due to earthquake are a
function of the mass of the building. Lightweight
buildings attract lower forces.
Ductile materials, with everything strongly connected
together, are most likely to survive earthquake.
Buildings with low and tall sections joined together, or
with an open ground floor and rigid walls above, are most
likely to be damaged.
Masonry parapets and chimneys are easily dislodged,
causing damage to the building and danger to people in
the street.
Page 20 DESC 1004 Building Principles

Looking inside the elements — Freebody diagrams

Elements as ‘freebodies’ We can isolate any member (or part of it) to study it
cut We must put back artificial forces to replace whatever supports we
cut away
Beam This is a useful tool to ‘see inside’ a structure
Schodek p 45
actions from the
removed part

We can consider a system of forces and the We do this by making imaginary cuts in the structure wherever we
necessary reactions to produce equilibrium in a want to. All that is necessary is to carefully include all the external
whole building, or in a discrete element (such as loads and reactions that act on that part of the structure, and also
a beam), or in any part of the structure we care to all the internal actions that are provided by the parts that we
consider. have cut away.
The part we have ‘cut out’ is sometimes called a freebody because it
behaves as if it were a separate element.
Usually, some of these internal actions are the unknowns that we
want to find. By making the cuts at suitable places, we can find
out most things we need to know.
If a structure is in equilibrium under the action of external forces and
reactions, we must check that the different components and parts of
the elements of the structure are also in equilibrium.
•Internal forces and moments are •In writing equilibrium conditions for a part of the structure or
developed to hold the different parts of structural element, these internal forces become external for that part
the structure together. (The members of the structure or element. By first drawing the freebody
and connections must be able to diagram for the part, the equilibrium conditions can be derived.
withstand these internal forces).
Finding the reactions of a beam ∑V = 0 tells us the total of the Vs
∑H = 0 finds the horizontal reaction (if any)
∑M = 0 lets us distribute the total between two ends

∑V = 0 ∑H = 0 ∑M = 0

Work smarter, not harder Most beams are symmetrical

W (central) W
If the reactions are equal, don’t make hard work of it
The left-hand beam is symmetrically loaded. The reactions are each
half of the total load. End of story.
R1 R2 R1 R2
Everything is symmetrical W is off centre
For the right-hand one, a simple calculation is needed.
R1 = R2 = W/2 R1, R2 must be calculated

The ∑M condition says the sum of moments That means you can pick any point on the page.
about any point is zero
Pick a point that eliminates one of the unknowns, to make it easy
W (known) W (known)

R1 R2 R1 R2
Only W and R2 have a W, R1 and R2 have a
moment about the dot moment about the dot
DESC 1004 Building Principles page 21

Finding the reactions of a cantilever A cantilever has one V, one H, and one M reaction

W 1 W2 Vertically: R = W1 + W2
Horizontally: H=0 unless
there is a horizontal load

Moments: M = W1.x1 + W2.x2

x 2

M is a negative moment –

see BEAMS section

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