Gramatica Inglesa Lesson 49 Direct and Indirect Speech Discurso Directo e Indirecto PDF

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Free English Grammar * Gramática Inglesa Gratis

reported speech discurso indirecto

Para referir las palabras de alguien, podemos hacerlo de

dos maneras.

1. Podemos usar el “direct speech” (discurso directo) poniendo las

palabras entre comillas.

> Richard said, “I am very hungry."

2. Podemos usar también el “reported speech” (discurso indirecto),

que normalmente está introducido por “to say” y “to tell”.

to say Se usa cuando no se menciona la persona a quien se le


> Richard said (that) he was very hungry.

Betty said (that) she was going to Boston.

Rob said (that) he had found a new job.

to tell Se usa cuando se menciona la persona a quien se le


> Richard told Jenny (that) he was very hungry.

Betty told me (that) she was going to Boston.

Rob told his girlfriend (that) he had found a new job.

Nota Hemos puesto “that” entre paréntesis porque a menudo se omite.

> Rob told his girlfriend that he had found a new job.
o bien
> Rob told his girlfriend he had found a new job.
Lesson 49 2

Free English Grammar * Gramática Inglesa Gratis

reported speech discurso indirecto

Cuando se pasa del “direct speech” al “reported speech" se

cambian los tiempos verbales.

Present simple discurso directo

> Bob said, “For breakfast I usually have a bowl of cereal.”

Past simple discurso indirecto

> Bob said that for breakfast he usually had a bowl of cereal.

Present continuous discurso directo

> Bill told me, “I am reading an interesting book.”

Past continuous discurso indirecto

> Bill told me that he was reading an interesting book.

Past simple discurso directo

> Karen said , “I went to the Grand Canyon last week.”

Past perfect discurso indirecto

> Karen said that she had gone to the Grand Canyon the week

Lesson 49 3

Free English Grammar * Gramática Inglesa Gratis

reported speech discurso indirecto

Present perfect discurso directo

> David told me, “I have quit smoking.”

Past perfect discurso indirecto

> David told me that he had quit smoking.

Past perfect discurso directo (no cambia)

> Laura told me, “I had just fallen asleep when you phoned.”

Past perfect discurso indirecto

> Laura told me that she had just fallen asleep when I phoned.

Present perfect continuous discurso directo

> Mark said, “Lately I have been working 14 hours a day.”

Past perfect continuous discurso indirecto

> Mark said lately he had been working 14 hours a day.

Future discurso directo

> Frank said, “I will finish my project by Saturday.”

Present conditional discurso indirecto

> Frank said he would finish his project by Saturday.

Lesson 49 4

Free English Grammar * Gramática Inglesa Gratis

reported speech discurso indirecto

Cuando se pasa del “discurso directo” al “discurso indirecto”,

además de cambiar los tiempos verbales, hay que hacer otros

discurso directo discurso indirecto

now then, at that time

today that day

tomorrow the following day, the next day, a day later

yesterday the previous day, the day before

next month the following month, the next month, a month later

next year the following year, the next year, a year later

last month the month before, the previous month, the preceding

last year the year before, the previous year, the preceding year

three weeks ago three days before, three days earlier

here there
this that

these those

my - mine his / her - his / hers

our - ours their - theirs

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