IBC Seismic For Abu Dhabi

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The key takeaways are that this page provides calculations to determine the seismic design category and seismic base shear for a structure using the ASCE 7-05 standard.

The seismic design category is determined to be D based on the site class, mapped spectral response accelerations, and calculated spectral response values.

The calculated seismic base shear is 0.298W based on the ASCE 7-05 equation 12.8-2 for the LRFD design method.


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(Emirate of Abu Dhabi Building Code & ASCE 7-05) - in Metric System Developed by: Forum Engineers
Developed by: Forum Engineers
Version: 3A
Occupancy Category = III. Substantial Hazard to Human Life If Fail III ─► Seismic Importance Factor, IE = 1.25
(2009 IBC Table 1604.5) Wind Importance Factor, IW = 1.15
Mapped S.R.A. = Ss = 58 g% ─► Site Coefficient, Fa = 1.540
Mapped S.R.A. = S1 = 18 g% ─► Site Coefficient, Fv = 3.260

Site Class = E ─► Soft soil profile = E

(ASCE 7-05 Table 20.3-1)
SMS = Fa Ss = 89.3 g% ─► 2/3 times S MS = SDS = 0.595 g
(MCE Spectral Response Acceleration @ 0.2-second Period) 3 Seismic Design Category per S DS = C
SM1 = Fv S1 = 58.7 g% ─► 2/3 times S M1 = SD1 = 0.391 g
(MCE Spectral Response Acceleration @ 1-second Period) 4 Seismic Design Category per S D1 = D
Seismic Design Category = C
Base Shear per Eq. (12.8-2) Diaphragm Type of the Structure: (ASCE 7-05 Table 12.8-1) Coefficient, Cu = 1.400
S1 < 0.75g Rigid Diaphragm
+ ─ ─ ─► SDC determined by Ss only (Section 1613.5.6.1)
Ta < 0.8 Ts T < Ts
Basic Resisting System = Cantilevered Column System Response Modification Coefficient = 2 1/2 …….. R
─ ─ ─► Ωo
Lateral Resisting Elements = Special reinforced concrete moment frames System Overstrength Factor = 1 1/4 ……..

Deflection Amplification Factor = 2 1/2 …….. Cd

CnSpncremes (ASCE 7-05 Table 12.8-2) Numerical Coefficient, Ct = 0.0466
CnSpncremes (ASCE 7-05 Table 12.8-2) Numerical Coefficient, x = 0.9
0 Period at Transition Point, Ts = 0.66
Structure Height, hn (m) = 4 Approximate Fundamental Period, Ta = 0.16
Structure Height Limit (m) = 10.7 Upper Limit of Calculated Period, Tmax = 0.23
Calculated Period, Tcal = 1.47 Second(s)
Period to be used in calculations, T = 0.23
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure is permitted! (ASCE 7-05 Table 12.6-1) T < 3.5Ts = (2.30)

ASCE 7-05 Equation (12.8-2) = SDS / ( R / I ) W = 0.298 W

ASCE 7-05 Equation (12.8-3) = SD1 / T / ( R / I ) W = 0.861 W
ASCE 7-05 Equation (12.8-5) = 0.044 SDS I W ≥ 0.01 W = 0.033 W

(12.8-2) need not exceed (12.8-3) and shall not be less than (12.8-5) ─► SEISMIC BASE SHEAR (LRFD) = 0.298 W (Eh)

ASCE 7-05 Section 2.4.1 ─► SEISMIC BASE SHEAR (ASD) = 0.208 W (0.7 Eh)

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(0.7 Eh)

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