Book Review Assignment

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Academic Book Review

Name of the Student Issaka Mohammed

Application No 28877
Program PhD in Education
Subject Title Adult and Childhood Learning Theories
Book Title Children’s early learning and development
Book Author Geraldine French
Chapter No. 1-8
Chapter Title Early learning and development
Date of Submission 16/03/2018

Summary of the main idea of the Chapter:

The research paper “Children’s early learning and development “talks about the theories
and the research on children’s early learning and development. The paper tries to explain
what teachers as well as other stakeholders of education should understand about how
children learn and develop.
The paper intends to stimulate public dialogue on children early learning and development.
The writer begins by outlining the context for early childhood education and development in
Ireland by emphasizing the economic, the social climate, the multicultural nature of the
Ireland society and the relevant policy and legislation backing the educational system in the
The paper describes the modern day child as being competent learner and being able to
make choices refuting the idea of viewing the child as a tabula rasa or empty vessel needed
to be filled with knowledge.
It stresses that the modern day early childhood care and development is no longer
dominated by individualistic developmental explanations for learning and development but
also enhanced by several theories of education that talk about cultural and socially
constructed nature of learning.
The paper highlights the relationship between learning and development within the social
context and stresses that the child develop not in isolation but several stakeholders
contribute to their development. It mentions the family, neighborhood, community, public
policies, school and society as the major stake holders of education. It presents a message
that children early learning and development is the responsibility of the whole society.

Texila American University [ Academic Book Review]

Strengths: [minimum five points]
The writer provides glossary which explains most of the key terms which readers might find
it difficult to understand. These key terms has been explained in simple terms for easy

He also provides summary at the end of each heading to enable readers get the main ideas
he put across at that chapter.
He acknowledges all the authorities and a source where he retrieved information from and
this will enable readers to make further enquires about the authenticity of his information.
He also outlines relevant legislation and policies which backed the changes in the early
childhood education and development in Ireland.
He quoted some theories and authorities in supporting his argument that children early
learning and development is the responsibility of the whole society.
He elaborates on the equality and diversity among children and stresses that children should
be treated equally and should not be discriminated on the bases of religion, color, age, tribe
He quoted the United Nation Convention on the right of child (1989) to support his claim.

He provided a modern conceptual view of the child and stressed that we should eschew old
ways of viewing the child as tabula rasa,

Weakness: [minimum five points]

The author quoted several authorities so it is very difficult to find his own ideas and contributions.
He also did not talk about the fact the child should be brought up in the God fearing. ‘The fear of God
is the beginning of wisdom’ (proverb 9:10). Therefore if we want the child to develop intellectually
we should inculcate in them God fearing.
Also, explaining the brain development of the child, he could have represented it diagrammatically
for understanding of the reader rather than mere description. This makes it difficult for reader to
capture what he means.
Besides, the title he chose for the paper was too general knowing that the research was purposely
done for Ireland society.
Last he did not stress much about the relationship between the child and the school especially the
teacher who is one of the key players of early development of the child.

Texila American University [ Academic Book Review]

Take Away Points:
I have learnt that both genetic and environmental factors play vital role in a child life chances
Also, children are seen as having agency and power within their own right, not just in relation to the
social construction assigned to them by adults.
I have also learnt that children early learning and development is the responsibility of the whole
Besides, I have learnt that play and conversations are the main ways by which young children learn
therefore teacher should involve these in their lessons.
I have also learnt that young children do not compartmentalize their learning.
Cite any recent research work done related to the topic
Edosomwan O.(2016) childhood education VS. Adulthood learning. The theory of pedagogy and
andragogy vol.6, No.2, 115-123.
Farr,T. (2014) Child development theories for parent and educators. Retrieved from theories
Geraldine F. (2007) Children early learning and development.24.merrion square, Dublin2
Illeris, K. (Eds.). (2009). Contemporary theories of learning. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
King, K. (2000). The adult ESL experience: Facilitating perspective transformation in the classroom.
Adult Basic Education, 10(2), 69-89
TEAL(2011) Teaching excellence in adult education adapted from the CALPRO Fact Sheet No.5

Conclusion and Recommendation:

I want to conclude by emphasizing that Children early learning and development is the responsibility
of the whole society therefore all the stakeholders of education must play their part in the
upbringing of the child.
I will recommend that teachers, parents, and other stakeholders of education get a copy of this book
to serve as a guide in their upbringing of a child.
I will also recommend that the author includes the relationship between God fearing and the child
I will also recommend that there should be a detailed explanation on how the school contributes to
the early childhood learning and development.

Texila American University [ Academic Book Review]

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