Fully Solved (Questions-Answers) : Social Science
Fully Solved (Questions-Answers) : Social Science
Fully Solved (Questions-Answers) : Social Science
Social Science
A Highly Simulated Practice Question Paper for
CBSE Class X
General Instructions
1. The question paper is divided into four sections – Section A, Section B, Section C and
Section D.
2. The question paper has 26 questions in all.
3. All questions are compulsory.
4. Marks are indicated against each question.
5. Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are Very Short Answer Type questions. Each
question carries 1 mark.
6. Questions from serial number 8 to 18 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions
should not exceed 80 words each.
7. Questions from serial number 19 to 25 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these
questions should not exceed 100 words each.
8. Question number 26 is a map question of 5 marks with two parts -26 A from History
(2 marks) and 26 B from Geography (3 marks).
Section A (1 ´ 7 = 7)
5. Who brought the printing press first to India and where was it brought? (1)
In which country did novels develop first?
6. Why is magnetite a valuable raw material for the electrical industry? (1)
7. What is the best indicator of development for measuring the economic strength of
a country? (1)
Mention one non-material benefit that increases the welfare of the population?
Section B (3 ´ 11 = 33)
8. Why was the imperial state in China a major producer of printed material for a
long time? (3)
Explain what an epistolary novel is and give an example of such a novel.
9. Describe any three public facilities needed for development. (3)
10. What is resource planning? Why is the planning of resources essential? Explain
any two reasons. (3)
What are the major factors affecting formation of soil? Briefly describe each factor.
11. “Workers in the unorganised sector in India are exploited.” Support this statement
with suitable examples. (3)
12. How did the system of floating exchange rates come into existence after the 1960s?
What was the system of advances to the weavers followed by the East India
Company? How did it affect the lives of the weavers when dealing with the
What were the reasons for the city of London attracting a large migrant population
during the late eighteenth century?
13. What is difference between open unemployment and disguised unemployment?
Give an example of each. (3)
Distinguish between final goods and intermediate goods by giving examples of
both types.
Sample Question Paper 1 3
14. Mention any two factors that have contributed to a healthy growth of the
automobile industry in India. Name two centres where this industry is located. (3)
15. Why is power sharing important? Explain any three reasons. (3)
What are three points of difference between the power sharing arrangements in
Belgium and Sri Lanka?
16. Explain any three institutional reforms carried out by the government to improve
agricultural production in India. (3)
17. State any two differences between the local governments in India before and after
the constitutional amendment in 1992. (3)
18. Explain the three determinants to accommodate social divisions in politics. (3)
Section C (5 ´ 7 = 35)
19. Explain the major initiatives taken in the Constitutional Amendment of 1992 to
make the third tier of democracy more effective in India. (5)
Explain the differences between overlapping and cross-cutting differences
between social groups, citing one example of each.
20. Explain the causes of the Great Depression of 1929. (5)
Describe the important features of “proto-industrialisation” in Europe.
Explain with examples how industrialisation changed the form of urbanisation in
England during the modern period.
21. Explain how the Reserve Bank of India plays a crucial role in controlling formal
sector loans. (5)
22. “Equality before law did not stand for universal suffrage in France after the
Revolution.” Explain this statement with suitable examples. (5)
The French claimed that the introduction of modern education to the Vietnamese
would create “an Asiatic France tied solidly to European France”. Explain this
statement with suitable examples.
23. Has democracy led to the promotion of dignity and freedom of citizens? Discuss
with examples. (5)
24. What is the main contribution of agriculture to the national economy? Explain any
three steps taken by the Government of India to modernise agriculture. (5)
25. Explain the factors that have enabled globalisation in India. (5)
4 Succeed Social Science Class Xth
Section D (1 ´ 5 = 5)
26. (A) Two locations are shown on the outline political map of India. Identify these
locations and write their names on the lines marked on the map based on the
information given below. (5)
1. Movement of Indigo Planters
2. Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha
(B) On the map, locate, mark and label any three of the following appropriately:
1. Hirakud dam
2. Harduaganj thermal power plant
3. Vijaynagar iron and steel plant
4. Mayurbhanj iron ore mine
5. Gandhinagar software technology park