HUW LTE Paramaters

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MO Parameter ID

CnOperatorExtendedQci ExtendedQci
CnOperatorExtendedQci ServiceIrHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorExtendedQci ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorHoCfg FirstRatPri
CnOperatorHoCfg SecondRatPri
CnOperatorHoCfg FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset
CnOperatorHoCfg UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset
CnOperatorHoCfg GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset
CnOperatorHoCfg SrvccWithPsBasedCellCapSw
CnOperatorHoCfg PsInterRatSecondPri
CnOperatorHoCfg PsInterRatHighestPri
CnOperatorHoCfg PsInterRatLowestPri
CnOperatorQciPara Qci
CnOperatorQciPara ServiceIrHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorQciPara ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorQciPara ServiceHoBearerPolicy
CnOperatorQciPara LocalQciArp
CnOperatorSpidCfg Spid
CnOperatorSpidCfg RatFreqPriorityInd
CnOperatorSpidCfg RatFreqPriorityGroupId
CnOperatorSpidCfg OffloadSwitch
CnOperatorStandardQci Qci
CnOperatorStandardQci ServiceIrHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorStandardQci ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId
CnOperatorStandardQci ServiceHoBearerPolicy
CnOperatorStandardQci LocalQciArp
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg InterRatHighestPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg InterRatSecondPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg InterRatLowestPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg UtranLcsCap
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg GeranLcsCap
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg IdleCsfbHighestPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg IdleCsfbSecondPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg IdleCsfbLowestPri
CSFallBackBlindHoCfg UtranCsfbBlindRedirRrSw
CSFallBackPolicyCfg CsfbHoPolicyCfg
CSFallBackPolicyCfg IdleModeCsfbHoPolicyCfg
CSFallBackPolicyCfg CsfbUserArpCfgSwitch
CSFallBackPolicyCfg NormalCsfbUserArp
RatFreqPriorityGroup RatFreqPriorityGroupId
RatFreqPriorityGroup RatType
RatFreqPriorityGroup Priority
RatFreqPriorityGroup InterFreqUeNumOffloadThd
RatFreqPriorityGroup UeNumOffloadProhibitThd
ServiceIfDlEarfcnGrp ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId
ServiceIfDlEarfcnGrp ServiceHoFreqPriority
ServiceIfHoCfgGroup ServiceIfHoCfgGroupId
ServiceIfHoCfgGroup InterFreqHoState
ServiceIfHoCfgGroup A4RptWaitingTimer
ServiceIfHoCfgGroup A4TimeToTriger
ServiceIrHoCfgGroup ServiceIrHoCfgGroupId
ServiceIrHoCfgGroup InterRatHoState
ServiceIrHoCfgGroup ServiceIrMeasMode
SpidCfg Spid
SpidCfg DrxStatus
SpidCfg RatFreqPriorityInd
SpidCfg RatFreqPriorityGroupId
SpidCfg PreallocationStatus
SpidCfg InterFreqMlbSwitch
SpidCfg InterRatMlbSwitch
SpidCfg HoBackToHPLMNSwitch
SpidCfg UlSchPriorityCoeff
SpidCfg DlSchPriorityCoeff
SpidCfg IntraFreqHoA3OffsetFactor
SpidCfg InterFreqHoA2RsrpThdFactor
SpidCfg InterFreqHoA2RsrqThdFactor
SpidCfg SpecifiedUserFlag
SpidCfg IdleMlbSwitch
SpidCfg OffloadSwitch
SpidGrpCfg SpidGrpId
SpidGrpCfg StartSpid
SpidGrpCfg EndSpid
SpidHPlmnList StartSpid
SpidHPlmnList EndSpid
UtranNetworkCapCfg NetworkCapCfg
eNBCnOpQciRsvdPara Qci
RelayExtendedQci ExtendedQci
RelayExtendedQci DefaultBearerInd
RelayExtendedQci RlcPdcpParaGroupId
RelayExtendedQci SchType
RelayExtendedQci UlSchWeight
RelayExtendedQci DlSchWeight
RelayExtendedQci DscpLower
RelayExtendedQci DscpUpper
RelayExtendedQci RrnPreAllocationWeight
RelayExtendedQci PqType
ANRMeasureParam A3TimeToTrigForANR
ANRMeasureParam A3HystForANR
ANRMeasureParam A3OffsetForANR
ANRMeasureParam A4TimeToTrigForANR
ANRMeasureParam A4HystForANR
ANRMeasureParam A4ThdRsrpForANR
ENodeBCipherCap PrimaryCipherAlgo
ENodeBCipherCap SecondCipherAlgo
ENodeBCipherCap ThirdCipherAlgo
ENodeBCipherCap FourthCipherAlgo
ENodeBConnStateTimer S1MessageWaitingTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer X2MessageWaitingTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer UuMessageWaitingTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer WaitRrcConnSetupCmpTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer SecCmpWaitingTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer UpUeCapInfoWaitingTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer FirstForwardPacketTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer EndMarkerTimer
ENodeBConnStateTimer S1MsgWaitingTimerQci1
ENodeBConnStateTimer X2MessageWaitingTimerQci1
ENodeBConnStateTimer UuMessageWaitingTimerQci1
ENodeBConnStateTimer BearerActivityThd
ENodeBIntegrityCap PrimaryIntegrityAlgo
ENodeBIntegrityCap SecondIntegrityAlgo
ENodeBIntegrityCap ThirdIntegrityAlgo
ENodeBIntegrityCap NullAlgo
eNodeBUSImeisvCfg ImeisvSvn
eNodeBUSImeisvCfg UeTypeDesc
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsStrategy
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsSPIDConfig
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsUeInactiveTimer
eNodeBUSParaCfg IPDetectInterval
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsUeDlPriorityFactor
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsLPktUlschPriFactor
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsSPktUlschPriFactor
eNodeBUSParaCfg UsUESTMSIKeepAliveTimer
eNodeBUSParaCfg BigPackageIdentify
RrcConnStateTimer T302
RrcConnStateTimer T320ForLoadBalance
RrcConnStateTimer T304ForEutran
RrcConnStateTimer T304ForGeran
RrcConnStateTimer T320ForOther
RrcConnStateTimer UeInactiveTimer
RrcConnStateTimer UlSynTimer
RrcConnStateTimer FilterReptRrcConnReqTimer
RrcConnStateTimer UeInactivityTimerDynDrx
RrcConnStateTimer UlSynTimerDynDrx
RrcConnStateTimer UeInactiveTimerQci1
RrcConnStateTimer UeInactTimerDynDrxQci1
RrcConnStateTimer RrcConnRelTimer
RrcConnStateTimer DRXRrcConnRelTimerOffset
RrcConnStateTimer SRLTERrcConnRelTimerOffset
RrcConnStateTimer ReptRrcReestProtectTimer
SrbCfg SrbRlcParaAdaptSwitch
SrbCfg SrbPollTimerAdjustStep
SrbCfg SrbPollTimerMaxAdjustValue
SrbCfg SrbPollTimerAdjUserNumThd
SrbCfg RrcConnRelMaxRetxThd
UserPriority ArpSchSwitch
UserQciPriority Qci
UserQciPriority GoldUlSchPriorityFactor
UserQciPriority GoldDlSchPriorityFactor
UserQciPriority SilverUlSchPriorityFactor
UserQciPriority SilverDlSchPriorityFactor
UserQciPriority BronzeUlSchPriorityFactor
UserQciPriority BronzeDlSchPriorityFactor
CaMgtCfg CarrAggrA2ThdRsrp
CaMgtCfg CarrAggrA4ThdRsrp
CaMgtCfg CarrierMgtSwitch
CaMgtCfg ActiveBufferLenThd
CaMgtCfg DeactiveBufferLenThd
CaMgtCfg ActiveBufferDelayThd
CaMgtCfg DeactiveThroughputThd
CaMgtCfg CarrAggrA6Offset
CaMgtCfg SCellAgingTime
CaMgtCfg CaA6ReportAmount
CaMgtCfg CaA6ReportInterval
CaMgtCfg SccDeactCqiThd
CaMgtCfg SccCfgInterval
CaMgtCfg CellCaAlgoSwitch
CaMgtCfg UlCaActiveTimeToTrigger
CaMgtCfg CaAmbrThd
CaMgtCfg MeasCycleSCell
CaMgtCfg CellMaxPccNumber
CaMgtCfg PccUserNumberOffloadThd
CaMgtCfg EnhancedPccAnchorA1ThdRsrp
CaMgtCfg AddedMeasCfg
CaMgtCfg BlindScellSampleNum
CaMgtCfg OptMode
CaMgtCfg SleepPeriod
CaMgtCfg StatPeriod
CaMgtCfg RelaxedBHSccDeactCqiThd
CaMgtCfg RelaxedBackhaulCaMaxCcNum
CaMgtCfg DisCloudBBCaMaxCcNum
CaMgtCfg CaA2TimeToTrigger
CaMgtCfg CaA6TimeToTrigger
CaMgtCfg CaA1TimeToTrigger
CaMgtCfg CaA4TimeToTrigger
CaMgtCfg SccQuietTime
CaMgtCfg FTRelaxedBHCaDLMaxCcNum
CaMgtCfg LaaCarrAggrA1ThdRsrp
CaMgtCfg LaaCarrAggrA2ThdRsrp
CaMgtCfg FTCA2CCAnchorPolicy
CaMgtCfg FTCAMultiCCAnchorPolicy
CaMgtCfg UlHeavyTrafficMlbTFCAOptSw
CaMgtCfg SccReactivationTime
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfMimoAdaptiveSwitch
CellBfMimoParaCfg FixedBfMimoMode
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfMimoAdapWithoutTm2
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfSingleToDualThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg TM3Rank2ToDualBfThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg AsUeDualBfToTM3Rank2Offset
CellBfMimoParaCfg AsUeTM3Rank2ToDualBfOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg AsUeBfSingleToDualOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg DualBfToTM3Rank2Offset
CellBfMimoParaCfg OffsetOfInStat
CellBfMimoParaCfg OffsetOfOutStat
CellBfMimoParaCfg AntBasedBfMimoAlgoSelect
CellBfMimoParaCfg Tm3DirectToDualBfSwitch
CellBfMimoParaCfg SccBfMimoAdaptiveSwitch
CellBfMimoParaCfg HighLowSpeedUeThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg TmAccelerationSwitch
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfMimoAdapWithTm4Switch
CellBfMimoParaCfg Tm3AndTm9ThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfTo2LayerMubfThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg BfTo4LayerMubfThdOffset
CellBfMimoParaCfg Tm3Rank2ToTm9Rank4Offset
CellBfMimoParaCfg Tm9Rank4ToTm3Rank2Offset
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg CqiPeriodAdaptive
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg UserCqiPeriod
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg SimulAckNackAndCqiSwitch
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg HoAperiodicCqiCfgSwitch
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg MinCqiPeriod
CellCqiAdaptiveCfg SccCqiRptEnhancedSwitch
CellDlCompAlgo DlCompA3Offset
CellDlpcPdschPa PdschPaAdjSwitch
CellDlpcPdschPa PaPcOff
CellDrxPara FddEnterDrxThd
CellDrxPara FddExitDrxThd
CellDrxPara DataAmountStatTimer
CellDrxPara LongDrxCycleUnsync
CellDrxPara CqiMask
CellDrxPara OndurationTimerUnsync
CellDrxPara DrxInactivityTimerUnsync
CellDrxPara DrxPolicyMode
CellDrxPara DrxStartOffsetOptSwitch
CellDrxPara DrxRcvDtxProSwitch
CellDrxPara DrxForMeasSwitch
CellDrxPara LongDrxCycleForMeas
CellDrxPara OnDurTimerForMeas
CellDrxPara DrxInactTimerForMeas
CellDrxPara DrxReTxTimerForMeas
CellDrxPara ShortDrxSwForMeas
CellDrxPara ShortDrxCycleForMeas
CellDrxPara ShortCycleTimerForMeas
CellDrxPara DrxSrDetectOptSwitch
CellDrxPara DrxStartoffsetAdjustSW
CellDrxPara MeasDrxSpecSchSwitch
CellDrxPara CovGsmMeasDrxCfgSwitch
CellDrxPara OnDurationUnextendSwitch
CellDrxPara DrxStateDuringUlHarqRetx
CellDrxPara DrxAlgSwitch
CellDrxPara ShortDrxCycleSwitch
CellDrxPara DrxStopSrPendingSw
CellDrxPara GapDrxExclusiveSwitch
CellDrxSpecialPara CellDrxSpecialParaValid
CellDrxSpecialPara LongDrxCycleSpecial
CellDrxSpecialPara OnDurationTimerSpecial
CellDrxSpecialPara DrxInactivityTimerSpecial
CellDrxSpecialPara ShortDrxCycleSwitchSpecial
CellDrxSpecialPara ShortDrxCycleSpecial
CellDrxSpecialPara LongDrxCycleForIntraRatAnr
CellDrxSpecialPara LongDrxCycleForInterRatAnr
CellDrxSpecialPara FddAnrDrxInactivityTimer
CellDrxSpecialPara DrxShortCycleTimerSpecial
CellHoParaCfg BlindHoA1A2ThdRsrp
CellHoParaCfg BlindHoA1A2ThdRsrq
CellHoParaCfg HighSpeedThreshold
CellHoParaCfg HoModeSwitch
CellHoParaCfg SrvccHoOptSwitch
CellHoParaCfg UlBadQualHoMcsThd
CellHoParaCfg UlBadQualHoIblerThd
CellHoParaCfg SpeedEvaluatedPeriod
CellHoParaCfg SpeedEvaluatedNum
CellHoParaCfg L2UCsfbMRProMode
CellHoParaCfg CsfbMRWaitingTimer
CellHoParaCfg CellHoAlgoSwitch
CellHoParaCfg SpeedEvaluatedNumForFastUe
CellHoParaCfg HoUseInactiveTimerSwitch
CellHoParaCfg HSCellSleepUserNum
CellHoParaCfg LowSpeedUsersSelProTimer
CellHoParaCfg HSCellHoInProtectTimer
CellHoParaCfg FlashSrvccSwitch
CellHoParaCfg UlPoorCoverPathLossThd
CellHoParaCfg UlPoorCoverSinrThd
CellHoParaCfg HoMrDelayTimerQci1
CellHoParaCfg CovBasedIntraRatMeasTime
CellMimoParaCfg MimoAdaptiveSwitch
CellMimoParaCfg FixedMimoMode
CellMimoParaCfg InitialMimoType
CellMlbHo IdleUeSelFreqStrategy
CellMlbHo MlbHoInProtectMode
CellMlbHo MlbHoInProtectTimer
CellMlbHo InterFreqMlbHoInA1ThdRsrp
CellMlbHo InterFreqMlbHoInA1ThdRsrq
CellMlbHo InterFreqMlbHoInA2ThdRsrp
CellMlbHo InterFreqMlbHoInA2ThdRsrq
CellMlbHo InterRatMlbStrategy
CellMlbHo MlbMatchOtherFeatureMode
CellOpHoCfg InterRatHighestPri
CellOpHoCfg InterRatSecondPri
CellOpHoCfg InterRatLowestPri
CellOpHoCfg IdleCsfbHighestPri
CellOpHoCfg IdleCsfbSecondPri
CellOpHoCfg IdleCsfbLowestPri
CellOpHoCfg FirstRatPri
CellOpHoCfg FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset
CellPreallocGroup PreallocationParaGroupId
CellPreallocGroup PreallocationSwitch
CellPreallocGroup SmartPreallocationSwitch
CellPreallocGroup PreallocationMinPeriod
CellPreallocGroup PreallocationSize
CellPreallocGroup SmartPreallocationDuration
CellSrsAdaptiveCfg SrsPeriodAdaptive
CellSrsAdaptiveCfg UserSrsPeriod
CellUciOnPuschPara CellUciOnPuschParaValid
CellUciOnPuschPara DeltaOffsetCqiIndex
CellUciOnPuschPara DeltaOffsetRiIndex
CellUeMeasControlCfg MaxNonIntraMeasObjNum
CellUeMeasControlCfg MaxEutranFddMeasFreqNum
CellUeMeasControlCfg MaxUtranFddMeasFreqNum
CellUeMeasControlCfg MaxGeranMeasFreqNum
CellUlCompAlgo UlCompA3Offset
CellUlCompAlgo SfnUlCompThd
CellUlCompAlgo UlCompA3OffsetForRelaxedBH
CellUlpcDedic DeltaMcsEnabled
CellUlpcDedic PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsDisable
CellUlpcDedic PSrsOffsetDeltaMcsEnable
CellUlpcDedic FilterRsrp
CellUlpcDedic PathlossReferenceLink
DrxParaGroup DrxParaGroupId
DrxParaGroup EnterDrxSwitch
DrxParaGroup OnDurationTimer
DrxParaGroup DrxInactivityTimer
DrxParaGroup DrxReTxTimer
DrxParaGroup LongDrxCycle
DrxParaGroup SupportShortDrx
DrxParaGroup ShortDrxCycle
DrxParaGroup DrxShortCycleTimer
GeranInterfArfcn InterfGeranCellBcchArfcn
UeSpecDrxParaGroup DrxParaGroupIndex
UeSpecDrxParaGroup DrxParaGroupStat
UeSpecDrxParaGroup OnDurationTimer
UeSpecDrxParaGroup DrxInactivityTimer
UeSpecDrxParaGroup DrxReTxTimer
UeSpecDrxParaGroup LongDrxCycle
UeSpecDrxParaGroup SupportShortDrx
UeSpecDrxParaGroup ShortDrxCycle
UeSpecDrxParaGroup DrxShortCycleTimer
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoCommGroupId
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA1A2Hyst
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA1A2TimeToTrig
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA1ThdRsrp
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA1ThdRsrq
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA2ThdRsrp
InterRatHoCommGroup InterRatHoA2ThdRsrq
InterRatHoCommGroup GeranB2Thd1Rsrp
InterRatHoCommGroup GeranB2Thd1Rsrq
InterRatHoCommGroup UtranB2Thd1Rsrp
InterRatHoCommGroup UtranB2Thd1Rsrq
RlfTimerConstGroup RlfTimerConstGroupId
RlfTimerConstGroup T301
RlfTimerConstGroup T310
RlfTimerConstGroup T311
RlfTimerConstGroup N310
RlfTimerConstGroup N311
CellExtendedQci ExtendedQci
CellExtendedQci InterFreqHoGroupId
CellExtendedQci InterRatHoCommGroupId
CellExtendedQci InterRatHoGeranGroupId
CellExtendedQci InterRatHoUtranGroupId
CellExtendedQci IntraFreqHoGroupId
CellExtendedQci DrxParaGroupId
CellExtendedQci RlfTimerConstCfgInd
CellExtendedQci RlfTimerConstGroupId
CellExtendedQci TrafficRelDelay
CellQciPara Qci
CellQciPara InterFreqHoGroupId
CellQciPara InterRatHoCommGroupId
CellQciPara InterRatHoGeranGroupId
CellQciPara InterRatHoUtranGroupId
CellQciPara IntraFreqHoGroupId
CellQciPara DrxParaGroupId
CellQciPara SriPeriod
CellQciPara RlfTimerConstCfgInd
CellQciPara RlfTimerConstGroupId
CellQciPara TrafficRelDelay
CellQciPara QciPriorityForHo
CellQciPara MlbQciGroupId
CellQciPara PreallocationParaGroupId
CellQciPara QciPriorityForDrx
CellQciPara QciAlgoSwitch
CellQciPara QciEutranFreqRelationId
CellQciPara QciUtranFreqRelationId
CellQciPara QciGeranFreqRelationId
CellStandardQci Qci
CellStandardQci InterFreqHoGroupId
CellStandardQci InterRatHoCommGroupId
CellStandardQci InterRatHoGeranGroupId
CellStandardQci InterRatHoUtranGroupId
CellStandardQci IntraFreqHoGroupId
CellStandardQci DrxParaGroupId
CellStandardQci SriPeriod
CellStandardQci RlfTimerConstCfgInd
CellStandardQci RlfTimerConstGroupId
CellStandardQci TrafficRelDelay
CellStandardQci QciPriorityForHo
CellStandardQci MlbQciGroupId
CellStandardQci PreallocationParaGroupId
CellStandardQci QciPriorityForDrx
CellStandardQci QciAlgoSwitch
CellStandardQci QciEutranFreqRelationId
CellStandardQci QciUtranFreqRelationId
CellStandardQci QciGeranFreqRelationId
CellStandardQci QciAmbrLimitFlag
InterRatHoGeranGroup InterRatHoGeranGroupId
InterRatHoGeranGroup InterRatHoGeranB1Hyst
InterRatHoGeranGroup InterRatHoGeranB1Thd
InterRatHoGeranGroup InterRatHoGeranB1TimeToTrig
InterRatHoGeranGroup LdSvBasedHoGeranB1Thd
InterRatHoUtranGroup InterRatHoUtranGroupId
InterRatHoUtranGroup InterRatHoUtranB1ThdEcn0
InterRatHoUtranGroup InterRatHoUtranB1ThdRscp
InterRatHoUtranGroup InterRatHoUtranB1Hyst
InterRatHoUtranGroup InterRatHoUtranB1TimeToTrig
InterRatHoUtranGroup LdSvBasedHoUtranB1ThdEcn0
InterRatHoUtranGroup LdSvBasedHoUtranB1ThdRscp
CaGroupSCellCfg SCellBlindCfgFlag
CaGroupSCellCfg SCellPriority
CaGroupSCellCfg SCellA4Offset
CaGroupSCellCfg SCellA2Offset
CaGroupSCellCfg SpidGrpId
CellMcPara A3Offset
CellMcPara Hysteresis
CellMcPara TimetoTrigger
CellMcPara MaxReportCells
CellMcPara ReportAmount
CellMcPara ReportInterval
CellMcPara ReportQuantity
CellMcPara TriggerQuantity
CellMcPara A6Offset
CellMcPara IntraFreqMaxReportCells
CellMcPara IntraFreqTriggerQuantity
CellMcPara IntraFreqReportQuantity
CellMcPara InterFreqMaxReportCells
CellMcPara InterFreqTriggerQuantity
CellMcPara InterFreqReportQuantity
CellMcPara A3MCAdaptiveSwitch
CellMcPara AoaDetectThd
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoGroupId
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA1A2Hyst
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA1A2TimeToTrig
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA4Hyst
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA4ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA4ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA4TimeToTrig
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqLoadBasedHoA4ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqLoadBasedHoA4ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup FreqPriInterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup FreqPriInterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA3Offset
InterFreqHoGroup A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup FreqPriInterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup FreqPriInterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqMlbA1A2ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA5Thd1Rsrp
InterFreqHoGroup InterFreqHoA5Thd1Rsrq
InterFreqHoGroup SrvReqHoA4ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup SrvReqHoA4ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup MlbInterFreqHoA5Thd1Rsrp
InterFreqHoGroup MlbInterFreqHoA5Thd1Rsrq
InterFreqHoGroup UlBadQualHoA4Offset
InterFreqHoGroup A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq
InterFreqHoGroup UlHeavyTrafficMlbA4ThdRsrp
InterFreqHoGroup UlHeavyTrafficMlbA4ThdRsrq
IntraFreqHoGroup IntraFreqHoGroupId
IntraFreqHoGroup IntraFreqHoA3Hyst
IntraFreqHoGroup IntraFreqHoA3Offset
IntraFreqHoGroup IntraFreqHoA3TimeToTrig
IntraFreqHoGroup HighSpeedA3TimeToTrig
eNBCellQciRsvdPara Qci
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonSetupSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonLinkSetupType
GlobalProcSwitch SriAdaptiveSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch LcgProfile
GlobalProcSwitch RncPoolHoRimSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UuMsgSimulSendSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch TargetOpBasedX2Switch
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonTNLSelectMode
GlobalProcSwitch UtranLoadTransChan
GlobalProcSwitch S1HoInDataFwdSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch RrcReestProtectThd
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteTimer
GlobalProcSwitch RimCodingPolicy
GlobalProcSwitch L2GUHoWithLCapSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch DiffOpWithSameMmecSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch PeerReqBasedX2DelSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UlPdcpSduRcvStatSendSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch ProtocolMsgOptSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2BasedDelNcellCfgSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2ServedCellType
GlobalProcSwitch EnbTrigMmeLoadRebalSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UeRelReSynTimes
GlobalProcSwitch UeRelChkLostSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UeLinkAbnormalDetectSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch S1DefaultPagingDrxSelect
GlobalProcSwitch EnhancedPhrRptCtrlSw
GlobalProcSwitch EutranLoadTransSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch ProtocolSupportSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch CellTrafficTraceMsgSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch PreferSigExtend
GlobalProcSwitch MmeSelectProcSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch S1OfflineCommitSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch ProtocolCompatibilitySw
GlobalProcSwitch X2SctpEstType
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Fault
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Usage
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteHoInNumThd
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteHoOutNumThd
GlobalProcSwitch IntraEnodebHoStaticSw
GlobalProcSwitch MaxSyncUserNumPerBbi
GlobalProcSwitch X2SetupFailureTimetoWait
GlobalProcSwitch X2SetupFailureNumThd
GlobalProcSwitch X2SetupFailureNumTimer
GlobalProcSwitch eX2AutoDeleteSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch eX2AutoDeleteTimerforFault
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonDeleteMode
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonSetupNumThd
GlobalProcSwitch X2SonSetupTimer
GlobalProcSwitch SecKeyRecfgSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2BasedUptENodeBPolicy
GlobalProcSwitch MMEDomNameMode
GlobalProcSwitch RrcConnPunishThd
GlobalProcSwitch X2BasedUptNcellCfgSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch HoProcCtrlSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch RrcReestOptSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch S1MMESonSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch PrivateMdtUeSelSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch QciUpdParaCheckSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UeCompatSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch S1MmePrivFeatureInd
GlobalProcSwitch SctpAbortSmoothSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch MaxUserNumPerCell
GlobalProcSwitch CsfbFlowOptSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2InitFailDelSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch X2DynBlacklistAgingTimer
GlobalProcSwitch eX2AutoSetupSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch eX2DynBlackListSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch eX2DynBlackListAgingTimer
GlobalProcSwitch PRSMutingCtrlSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch RrcConnReqStatSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch QciParaEffectFlag
GlobalProcSwitch RimFirstMultiReportSwitch
GlobalProcSwitch UuMsgTimeOutRelCause
GlobalProcSwitch SigPoolOptPolicy
GlobalProcSwitch EnhancedRRCReestProtectThd
LicenseSharingPolicy MaxUserNumRate
LicenseSharingPolicy UserNumSharingRate
MlbQciGroup MlbQciGroupId
MlbQciGroup UlMinQoSBitRate
MlbQciGroup DlMinQoSBitRate
MMEDomainName MMEDomNameId
MMEDomainName MMEDomName
RbcaFwdCountPara FwdCounterIndex
S1ReestTimer S1ReestMinTimer
S1ReestTimer S1ReestMaxTimer
ScPolicy ScAlgoSwitch
ScPolicy VideoInitBufTime
ScPolicy ScRunState
ScPolicy ScAbnormalCause
Drx DrxAlgSwitch
Drx ShortDrxSwitch
Drx LongDrxCycleSpecial
Drx OnDurationTimerSpecial
Drx DrxInactivityTimerSpecial
Drx SupportShortDrxSpecial
Drx ShortDrxCycleSpecial
Drx DrxShortCycleTimerSpecial
Drx LongDrxCycleForAnr
Drx LongDRXCycleforIRatAnr
Drx DrxInactivityTimerForAnr
ExtendedQci ExtendedQci
ExtendedQci ServiceType
ExtendedQci UlschPriorityFactor
ExtendedQci DlschPriorityFactor
ExtendedQci UlMinGbr
ExtendedQci DlMinGbr
ExtendedQci PreAllocationWeight
ExtendedQci InterRatPolicyCfgGroupId
ExtendedQci PrioritisedBitRate
ExtendedQci LogicalChannelPriority
ExtendedQci RlcPdcpParaGroupId
ExtendedQci FreeUserFlag
ExtendedQci FlowCtrlType
ExtendedQci LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci
ExtendedQci LtePttDownlinkPriority
ExtendedQci LtePttUplinkPriority
ExtendedQci ExtQciCounterIndex
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup InterRatPolicyCfgGroupId
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup UtranHoCfg
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup GeranGsmHoCfg
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup GeranGprsEdgeHoCfg
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup NoHoFlag
InterRatPolicyCfgGroup NoFastAnrFlag
PuschParam DeltaOffsetCqiIndex
PuschParam DeltaOffsetRiIndex
QciPara Qci
QciPara ServiceType
QciPara UlschPriorityFactor
QciPara DlschPriorityFactor
QciPara UlMinGbr
QciPara DlMinGbr
QciPara PreAllocationWeight
QciPara InterRatPolicyCfgGroupId
QciPara PrioritisedBitRate
QciPara LogicalChannelPriority
QciPara RlcPdcpParaGroupId
QciPara FreeUserFlag
QciPara FlowCtrlType
QciPara LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci
QciPara LtePttDownlinkPriority
QciPara LtePttUplinkPriority
QciPara ExtQciCounterIndex
QciPara UeInactiveTimerForQci
QciPara UlSynTimerForQci
QciPara UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci
QciPara UeInactiveTimerPri
RlcPdcpParaGroup RlcPdcpParaGroupId
RlcPdcpParaGroup DiscardTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup RlcMode
RlcPdcpParaGroup UeMaxRetxThreshold
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBMaxRetxThreshold
RlcPdcpParaGroup UePollByte
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBPollByte
RlcPdcpParaGroup UePollPdu
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBPollPdu
RlcPdcpParaGroup UePollRetransmitTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBPollRetransmitTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup UeStatusProhibitTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBStatusProhibitTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup UeAmReorderingTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBAmReorderingTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup PdcpSnSize
RlcPdcpParaGroup UlRlcSnSize
RlcPdcpParaGroup DlRlcSnSize
RlcPdcpParaGroup UeUmReorderingTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup ENodeBUmReorderingTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup PdcpStatusRptReq
RlcPdcpParaGroup RlcParaAdaptSwitch
RlcPdcpParaGroup eNodeBPollRtrTimerPreset
RlcPdcpParaGroup eNodeBStatProhTimerPreset
RlcPdcpParaGroup UePollRtrTimerPreset
RlcPdcpParaGroup UeStatProhTimerPreset
RlcPdcpParaGroup NonsptUmUeAdaptSwitch
RlcPdcpParaGroup UlDlDiscardtimerSwitch
RlcPdcpParaGroup DlPdcpDiscardTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup CaUeRlcParaAdptiveThd
RlcPdcpParaGroup CaUeReorderingTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup CaUeStatProhTimer
RlcPdcpParaGroup AmPdcpSnSize
SrbRlcPdcpCfg SrbId
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UeMaxRetxThreshold
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBMaxRetxThreshold
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UePollByte
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBPollByte
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UePollPdu
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBPollPdu
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UePollRetransmitTimer
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBPollRetransmitTimer
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UeStatusProhibitTimer
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBStatusProhibitTimer
SrbRlcPdcpCfg UeAmReorderingTimer
SrbRlcPdcpCfg ENodeBAmReorderingTimer
StandardQci Qci
StandardQci UlschPriorityFactor
StandardQci DlschPriorityFactor
StandardQci UlMinGbr
StandardQci DlMinGbr
StandardQci PreAllocationWeight
StandardQci InterRatPolicyCfgGroupId
StandardQci RlcPdcpParaGroupId
StandardQci PrioritisedBitRate
StandardQci LogicalChannelPriority
StandardQci FlowCtrlType
eNBQciRsvdPara Qci
CqiAdaptiveCfg CqiPeriodAdaptive
CqiAdaptiveCfg UserCqiPeriodCfg
CqiAdaptiveCfg SimulAckNackAndCqiSwitch
CqiAdaptiveCfg PucchPeriodicCqiOptSwitch
CqiAdaptiveCfg HoAperiodicCqiCfgSwitch
CqiAdaptiveCfg SimulAckNackAndCqiFmt3Sw
SrsAdaptiveCfg SrsPeriodAdaptive
SrsAdaptiveCfg UserSrsPeriodCfg
TypDrbBsr Qci
TypDrbBsr TPerodicBSRTimer
TypDrbBsr RetxBsrTimer
HoMeasComm EutranFilterCoeffRsrp
HoMeasComm EutranFilterCoeffRsrq
HoMeasComm GeranFilterCoeff
HoMeasComm SMeasureInd
HoMeasComm SMeasure
HoMeasComm SpeedDepParaInd
HoMeasComm TcrMaxConnMode
HoMeasComm TcrMaxHystConnMode
HoMeasComm NcrMediumConnMode
HoMeasComm NcrHighConnMode
HoMeasComm TttSfMedium
HoMeasComm TttSfHigh
HoMeasComm UtranFilterCoeffRscp
HoMeasComm UtranFilterCoeffEcn0
HoMeasComm OptHoPreFailPunishTimer
HoMeasComm ResHoPreFailPunishTimer
HoMeasComm NonResHoPreFailPunishTimes
HoMeasComm NonResHoPreFailRetryTimes
HoMeasComm DedicatedGapPatternType
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoMaxRprtCell
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoRprtAmount
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoGeranRprtInterval
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoUtranB1MeasQuan
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoUtranRprtInterval
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoA1A2TrigQuan
InterRatHoComm InterRatHoEventType
InterRatHoComm CellInfoMaxUtranCellNum
InterRatHoComm CellInfoMaxGeranCellNum
InterRatHoComm GeranCellNumForEmcRedirect
InterRatHoComm UtranCellNumForEmcRedirect
InterRatHoComm IRatBlindRedirPlmnCfgSimSw
IntraRatHoComm IntraRatHoMaxRprtCell
IntraRatHoComm IntraRatHoRprtAmount
IntraRatHoComm IntraFreqHoA3TrigQuan
IntraRatHoComm IntraFreqHoA3RprtQuan
IntraRatHoComm IntraFreqHoRprtInterval
IntraRatHoComm InterFreqHoA4RprtQuan
IntraRatHoComm InterFreqHoRprtInterval
IntraRatHoComm InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan
IntraRatHoComm FreqPriInterFreqHoA1TrigQuan
IntraRatHoComm InterFreqHoA4TrigQuan
IntraRatHoComm CovBasedIfHoWaitingTimer
IntraRatHoComm A3InterFreqHoA1A2TrigQuan
CSFallBackHo CsfbHoUtranTimeToTrig
CSFallBackHo CsfbHoGeranTimeToTrig
CSFallBackHo CsfbHoUtranB1ThdRscp
CSFallBackHo CsfbHoUtranB1ThdEcn0
CSFallBackHo CsfbHoGeranB1Thd
CSFallBackHo BlindHoA1ThdRsrp
CSFallBackHo CsfbProtectionTimer
CellAcBar AcBarringInfoCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarringForEmergency
CellAcBar AcBarringForMoDataCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarringFactorForCall
CellAcBar AcBarTimeForCall
CellAcBar AC11BarforCall
CellAcBar AC12BarforCall
CellAcBar AC13BarforCall
CellAcBar AC14BarforCall
CellAcBar AC15BarforCall
CellAcBar AcBarringForMoSigCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarringFactorForSig
CellAcBar AcBarTimeForSig
CellAcBar AC11BarForSig
CellAcBar AC12BarForSig
CellAcBar AC13BarForSig
CellAcBar AC14BarForSig
CellAcBar AC15BarForSig
CellAcBar AcBarForMVoiceCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarFactorForMVoice
CellAcBar AcBarTimeForMVoice
CellAcBar SpecialACBarForMVoice
CellAcBar AcBarForMVideoCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarFactorForMVideo
CellAcBar AcBarTimeForMVideo
CellAcBar SpecialACBarForMVideo
CellAcBar AcBarForCsfbCfgInd
CellAcBar AcBarFactorForCsfb
CellAcBar AcBarTimeForCsfb
CellAcBar SpecialACBarForCsfb
CellAccess CellBarred
CellAccess IntraFreqResel
CellAccess BroadcastMode
CellAccess RoundPeriod
CellAccess RoundActionTime
CellAccess ReptSyncAvoidInd
CellAccess ReptSyncAvoidTime
CellLaaCoexistPara CoexistMode
CellLaaCoexistPara OnOffPeriod
CellLaaCoexistPara MinOnDuration
CellLaaCoexistPara MaxOnDuration
CellLaaCoexistPara HighInterfDutyThd
CellLaaCoexistPara HighInterfDurationThd
CellLaaFcsPara FcsStartFreq
CellLaaFcsPara FcsStopFreq
CellLaaFcsPara FcsInterfThd
CellOp CellReservedForOp
CellOp OpUlRbUsedRatio
CellOp OpDlRbUsedRatio
CellOp OpUeNumRatio
CellOp OpPttUlRbHighThd
CellOp OpPttUlRbLowThd
CellOp OpPttDlRbHighThd
CellOp OpPttDlRbLowThd
CellOp OpResourceGroupIndex
CellResel Qhyst
CellResel SpeedDepReselCfgInd
CellResel TEvaluation
CellResel THystNormal
CellResel NCellChangeMedium
CellResel NCellChangeHigh
CellResel QHystSfMedium
CellResel QHystSfHigh
CellResel SNonIntraSearchCfgInd
CellResel SNonIntraSearch
CellResel ThrshServLow
CellResel CellReselPriority
CellResel QRxLevMin
CellResel PMaxCfgInd
CellResel PMax
CellResel SIntraSearchCfgInd
CellResel SIntraSearch
CellResel TReselEutran
CellResel SpeedStateSfCfgInd
CellResel TReselEutranSfMedium
CellResel TReselEutranSfHigh
CellResel NeighCellConfig
CellResel PresenceAntennaPort1
CellResel SIntraSearchQ
CellResel SNonIntraSearchQ
CellResel ThrshServLowQCfgInd
CellResel ThrshServLowQ
CellResel QQualMinCfgInd
CellResel QQualMin
CellReselGeran TReselGeran
CellReselGeran SpeedStateSfCfgInd
CellReselGeran TReselGeranSfMedium
CellReselGeran TReselGeranSfHigh
CellReselUtran TReselUtran
CellReselUtran SpeedStateSfCfgInd
CellReselUtran TReselUtranSfMedium
CellReselUtran TReselUtranSfHigh
CellSel QRxLevMin
CellSel QRxLevMinOffset
CellSel QQualMin
CellSel QQualMinOffsetCfgInd
CellSel QQualMinOffset
CellSiMap SiMapSwitch
CellSiMap Sib2Period
CellSiMap Sib3Period
CellSiMap Sib4Period
CellSiMap Sib5Period
CellSiMap Sib6Period
CellSiMap Sib7Period
CellSiMap Sib8Period
CellSiMap Sib10Period
CellSiMap Sib11Period
CellSiMap EtwsPnDuration
CellSiMap EtwsSnOverlapPolicy
CellSiMap EtwsPnOverlapPolicy
CellSiMap Sib12Period
CellSiMap SiTransEcr
CellSiMap Sib13Period
CellSiMap Sib15Period
CellSiMap Sib16Period
CellSiMap SibTransCtrlSwitch
CellSiMap SiSwitch
CellSiMap SiSchResRatio
CellSiMap SibUpdOptSwitch
CellUlpcComm PassLossCoeff
CellUlpcComm P0NominalPUCCH
CellUlpcComm P0NominalPUSCH
CellUlpcComm DeltaFPUCCHFormat1
CellUlpcComm DeltaFPUCCHFormat1b
CellUlpcComm DeltaFPUCCHFormat2
CellUlpcComm DeltaFPUCCHFormat2a
CellUlpcComm DeltaFPUCCHFormat2b
CellUlpcComm DeltaPreambleMsg3
CellUlpcComm DeltaMsg2
TimeAlignmentTimer TimeAlignmentTimer
TimeAlignmentTimer TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch
TimeAlignmentTimer TimingMeasMode
TimeAlignmentTimer TACmdSendPeriod
TimeAlignmentTimer TimingResOptSwitch
TimeAlignmentTimer PucchTimeOffsetCompVal
TimeAlignmentTimer HighSpeedTaCmdSendPeriod
TimeAlignmentTimer TaEnhance
UeTimerConst T300
UeTimerConst T301
UeTimerConst T310
UeTimerConst T311
UeTimerConst N311
UeTimerConst N310
UeTimerConst T325
Cell UlCyclicPrefix
Cell DlCyclicPrefix
Cell StandbyCellSfnRecoveTime
Cell AdditionalSpectrumEmission
Cell CellAdminState
Cell CellMidBlkTimer
Cell SubframeAssignment
Cell SpecialSubframePatterns
Cell CellSpecificOffset
Cell QoffsetFreq
Cell RootSequenceIdx
Cell HighSpeedFlag
Cell PreambleFmt
Cell CellRadius
Cell EmergencyAreaIdCfgInd
Cell EmergencyAreaId
Cell UePowerMaxCfgInd
Cell UePowerMax
Cell MultiRruCellFlag
Cell MultiRruCellMode
Cell CPRICompression
Cell SectorEqmNum
Cell AirCellFlag
Cell CrsPortNum
Cell TxRxMode
Cell WorkMode
Cell EuCellStandbyMode
Cell CrsPortMap
Cell CpriEthCompressionRatio
Cell DlPuncturedRbNum
Cell CellPowerSaveState
Cell MainBbpInfo
Cell CellTopoType
Cell CabinetNo
Cell SubrackNo
Cell SlotNo
Cell SymbolShutdownState
Cell MaxTxPower
Cell BbpCabinetNo
Cell BbpSubrackNo
Cell BbpSlotNo
Cell Status
Cell CnOpSharingGroupId
Cell RfModuleInfo
Cell ServedBbpInfo
Cell OneRruCellNum
Cell TwoRruCellNum
Cell ThreeRruCellNum
Cell FourRruCellNum
Cell FiveRruCellNum
Cell SixRruCellNum
Cell SevenRruCellNum
Cell eUCellSectorEqmNum
Cell OpFailCellNum
Cell OpSuccCellNum
Cell CsiRsPeriod
Cell ConnectedBbpPortInfo
Cell TxNo
Cell RxNo
Cell BbpPrimarySecondaryMode
Cell IntraFreqRanSharingInd
Cell IntraFreqAnrInd
Cell Ssp6DwPTSMode
Cell CellScaleInd
Cell FreqPriorityForAnr
Cell CoCellRouteType
Cell CoSectorEqmId
Cell CellRadiusStartLocation
Cell InterfHighSpeedStatus
Cell SrvSectorEqmId
Cell CoSectorEqmType
Cell ServingSectorEqmType
Cell CalibrationResult
Cell CalibrationTime
Cell CalibrationType
Cell CalibrationIndex
Cell SpecifiedCellFlag
Cell MultiCellShareMode
CellBackOff InterFreqBackoffPrbThd
CellBackOff InterFreqBackoffUeNumThd
CellBackOff RBPriMcsSelectTrigPrbThd
CellBackOff RBPriMcsSelectStopPrbThd
CellBackOff LowestEffDlMcsThd
CellBackOff LowEffDlMcsThd
CellBackOff LowEffDlFactorA
CellBackOff LowEffDlFactorK
CellBackOff LowestEffUlMcsThd
CellBackOff LowEffUlMcsThd
CellBackOff LowEffUlFactorA
CellBackOff LowEffUlFactorK
CellBackOff UlHeavyTrafficTtiProporThd
CellBackOff UlTrafficMlbUeNumThd
CellBackOff UlHeavyTrafficJudgePeriod
CellCqiAdjAlgo InitDlIblerTarget
CellCqiAdjAlgo InitDeltaCqi
CellCqiAdjAlgo CqiAdjStep
CellCqiAdjAlgo CqiFilterCoefForMcs
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsSwitch
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsPeriod
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsState
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsConfigUserNumTh
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsUnconfigUserNumTh
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsConfigUserRatioTh
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsUnconfigUserRatioTh
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsSetJudgeHysTimer
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsSetJudgeTimer
CellCsiRsParaCfg CsiRsPortNum
CellCspcPara eCspcPCAdjUeNumTh
CellCspcPara CellCspcSwitch
CellCspcPara CspcRapidRptSwitch
CellCspcPara CspcUeSrsCfgRptPeriod
CellCspcPara UlRsrpRptPeriod
CellCspcPara CspcCqiFilterCoeff
CellCspcPara UlRsrpPhyFilterCoeff
CellCspcPara UlRsrpRrmFilterCoeff
CellCspcPara eCspcA3Offset
CellCspcPara CelleCspcSwitch
CellCspcPara eCspcPCAdjRange
CellCspcPara IntraEnbCspcSw
CellCspcPara ElasticCarrierSwitch
CellDacqCfg DlAmbrLimitFirstRank
CellDacqCfg DlAmbrLimitSecRank
CellDacqCfg UlAmbrLimitFirstRank
CellDacqCfg UlAmbrLimitSecRank
CellDacqCfg DlPrbUsageFirstRank
CellDacqCfg DlPrbUsageSecRank
CellDacqCfg UlPrbUsageFirstRank
CellDacqCfg UlPrbUsageSecRank
CellDacqCfg DacqExecutionDuration
CellDacqCfg DacqCongMonDur
CellDacqCfg AmbrLimitSchUserNum
CellDacqCfg AmbrProtectSchUserNum
CellDss HighFreqShareRbNum
CellDss LowFreqShareRbNum
CellDss ReMuteSwitch
CellDss UlInterfRestrictionMode
CellDss A3Offset
CellDss A6Offset
CellDss NearAreaSinrThd
CellDss MiddleAreaSinrThd
CellDss FarAreaSinrThd
CellDss InterfNCellConfigMode
CellDss SpecShrPfmOptSwitch
CellDss SinrThdWithoutGsmInterf
CellDss GsmInterfINThd
CellDss NearPtUserRsrpThd
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara DynAcBarStatPeriod
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara DynAcBarTriggerThd
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara DynAcBarCancelThd
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara SsacTriggerCondSatiPeriods
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara SsacCancelCondSatiPeriods
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara DisasterReferenceInd
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara DisasterDuration
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara MoTriggerCondSatiPeriods
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara MoCancelCondSatiPeriods
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara MoFactorAdjStep
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara MoFactorRetreatStep
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara SsacFactorAdjStep
CellDynAcBarAlgoPara SsacFactorRetreatStep
CellEicic AbsPattern
CellEicic EicicMeasureEnable
CellEicic A3Offset
CellEicic AbsAdjPeriod
CellEicic SampleNumTarget
CellEicic AttachCellAddThd
CellEicic WorkMode
CellEicic StatPeriod
CellEicic CreAdjPeriod
CellEicic EicicConfigUserRatioThd
CellEicic EicicUnConfigUserRatioThd
CellEicic LargeCreMicroNumThd
CellEicic EicicAdaptiveSwitch
CellEicic NaicNCellStatPeriod
CellFrameOffset FrameOffsetMode
CellFrameOffset FrameOffset
CellIIcsPara IicsUserAttrA3Offset
CellIIcsPara IicsUserAttrThd
CellLowPower LowPwrSwitch
CellLowPower LowPwrOrder
CellLowPower StartTime
CellLowPower StopTime
CellLowPower CellUsedPwrReduceTimeLen
CellLowPower RsPwrReduceTimeLen
CellLowPower RfShutDownTimeLen
CellLowPower CellUsedPwrRatio
CellLowPower RsPwrAdjOffset
CellLowPower EnterTimeLen
CellLowPower BakPwrSavPolicy
CellMro CioAdjLimitCfgInd
CellMro CioAdjUpperLimit
CellMro CioAdjLowerLimit
CellMro InterFreqA2RsrpUpLimit
CellMro InterFreqA2RsrpLowLimit
CellMro A3InterFreqA2RsrpUpLimit
CellMro A3InterFreqA2RsrpLowLimit
CellMro InterFreqMroAdjParaSel
CellPcAlgo SrsPcStrategy
CellPcAlgo PucchCloseLoopPcType
CellPcAlgo PucchPcPeriod
CellPcAlgo PucchPcTargetSinrOffset
CellPcAlgo PuschRsrpHighThd
CellPcAlgo PuschIoTCtrlA3Offset
CellPcAlgo IoTNearPointOptSwitch
CellPcAlgo IoTNearPointPLThreshold
CellPcAlgo SrsPcSinrTarget
CellPcAlgo SrsPcRsrpTarget
CellPcAlgo PUSCHPsdCtrlTarget
CellPcAlgo CloseLoopOptPUSCHType
CellPcAlgo PUSCHOptIBLERThreshold
CellPcAlgo PUSCHPsdCtrlTargetForUs
CellPcAlgo IoTCtrlINCorrectSwitch
CellPcAlgo IoTCtrlEUPLThreshold
CellPcAlgo IoTCtrlNIThreshold
CellPcAlgo NearPointUePuschType
CellPrsCfg NumberofDlFramesforPrs
CellPrsCfg NumofPRSMutingBit
CellPrsCfg PrsMutingConfiguration
CellRachAlgo PrachFalseAlarmDetRadThd
CellRachAlgo RachThdBoostRatio
CellRachAlgo PrachInterfPeriod
CellRachAlgo PrachInterfThreshold
CellRachAlgo PrachInterfHysteresis
CellRacThd GoldServiceArpThd
CellRacThd SilverServiceArpThd
CellRacThd Qci1HoThd
CellRacThd Qci2HoThd
CellRacThd Qci3HoThd
CellRacThd Qci4HoThd
CellRacThd NewGoldServiceOffset
CellRacThd NewSilverServiceOffset
CellRacThd NewCopperServiceOffset
CellRacThd Qci1CongThd
CellRacThd Qci2CongThd
CellRacThd Qci3CongThd
CellRacThd Qci4CongThd
CellRacThd CongRelOffset
CellRacThd UlRbHighThd
CellRacThd UlRbLowThd
CellRacThd AcReservedUserNumber
CellRacThd CellCapacityMode
CellRacThd LoadHoAdmitOffset
CellRacThd AcUserNumber
CellRacThd MoSigArpOverride
CellRicAlgo RicAlgoSwitch
CellRicAlgo MuteUpPTSSymNum
CellRicAlgo UlAvgInterfPwr
CellRicAlgo UpPTSAvgInterfPwr
CellRicAlgo ULFirstSubFrmSymbol0Pwr
CellRicAlgo ULFirstSubFrmLastSymPwr
CellRicAlgo ULLastSubFrmSymbol0Pwr
CellRicAlgo ULLastSubFrmLastSymPwr
CellRicAlgo UlInterferenceThd
CellRicAlgo DuctingRemoteInfThd
CellRicAlgo InfAvoidDetPeriodNum
CellRicAlgo InfAvoidRecDetPeriodNum
CellRicAlgo RemoteInfAdpAvoidSwitch
CellServiceDiffCfg ServiceDiffSwitch
CellServiceDiffCfg CellConStatePrbThd
CellServiceDiffCfg CellOverloadStatePrbThd
CellServiceDiffCfg CellConStateUeNumThd
CellServiceDiffCfg CellOverloadStateUeNumThd
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight0
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight1
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight2
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight3
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight4
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight5
CellServiceDiffCfg QueueServiceWeight6
CellShutdown StartTime
CellShutdown StopTime
CellShutdown DlPrbThd
CellShutdown DlPrbOffset
CellShutdown UlPrbThd
CellShutdown UlPrbOffset
CellSrlte SrlteSwitch
CellSrlte SrlteDtxThrd
CellSrlte SrlteSuspendTime
CellSrlte SrlteDiscardAlgoSwitch
CellTtiBundlingAlgo SinrThdToTrigTtib
CellULIcicMcPara A3Offset
CellUlschAlgo UlschStrategy
CellUlschAlgo AdaptHarqSwitch
CellUlschAlgo SinrAdjustTargetIbler
CellUlschAlgo PreAllocationBandwidthRatio
CellUlschAlgo PreAllocationMinPeriod
CellUlschAlgo PreAllocationSize
CellUlschAlgo UlHoppingType
CellUlschAlgo FreeUserUlRbUsedRatio
CellUlschAlgo UlSrSchDateLen
CellUlschAlgo SpsRelThd
CellUlschAlgo SmartPreAllocationDuration
CellUlschAlgo UlEpfCapacityFactor
CellUlschAlgo UlRbAllocationStrategy
CellUlschAlgo DopMeasLevel
CellUlschAlgo UlHarqMaxTxNum
CellUlschAlgo SmartPreAllocDuraForSparse
CellUlschAlgo UlSpsInterval
CellUlschAlgo SriFalseDetThdSwitch
CellUlschAlgo NoUlSchTtiNumAffterGap
CellUlschAlgo UlDelaySchStrategy
CellUlschAlgo UlSchAbnUeThd
CellUlschAlgo SpecificPktSizeThd
CellUlschAlgo SrMaskSwitch
CellUlschAlgo PuschDtxSchStrategy
CellUlschAlgo UlInBasedFssSinrThld
CellUlschAlgo UlCamcDlRsrpOffset
CellUlschAlgo StatisticNumThdForTtibTrig
CellUlschAlgo StatisticNumThdForTtibExit
CellUlschAlgo HystToExitTtiBundling
CellUlschAlgo TtiBundlingRlcMaxSegNum
CellUlschAlgo TtiBundlingHarqMaxTxNum
CellUlschAlgo TtiBundlingTriggerStrategy
CellUlschAlgo DopAlgoSwitch
CellUlschAlgo EnhancedVmimoSwitch
CellUlschAlgo UeNumThdInPdcchPuschBal
CellUlschAlgo DataThdInPdcchPuschBal
CellUlschAlgo HeadOverheadForUlSch
CellUlschAlgo PreAllocMinPeriodForSparse
CellUlschAlgo PreallocationSizeForSparse
CellUlschAlgo UlInterfRandomMode
CellUlschAlgo SfnUlLoadPeriod
CellUlschAlgo MaxLayerHOVMIMO
CellUlschAlgo UlCompenSchPeriodinSpurt
CellUlschAlgo UlCompenSchPeriodinSilence
CellUlschAlgo UlTargetIBlerAdaptType
CellUlschAlgo AperiodicCsiUlTxMode
CellUlschAlgo UlIBlerAdaptBigTrafficSw
CellUlschAlgo VmimoOptAlgoSwitch
CellUlschAlgo UlCamcInterfTh
CellUlschAlgo UlIcsA3Offset
CellUlschAlgo UlMcsLowThreshold
CellUlschAlgo UserSpeedUlSchPriWeight
CellUlschAlgo SinrAdjTargetIblerforPtt
CellUlschAlgo TarRruSelRsrpOffsetThd
CellUlschAlgo MaxUlSchRbNum
CellULUnifiedOLC RrcRejectRateHighThd
CellULUnifiedOLC RrcRejectRateLowThd
CellULUnifiedOLC RrcReqNumHighThd
CellULUnifiedOLC RrcReqNumLowThd
CellULUnifiedOLC UeNumHighThd
CellULUnifiedOLC UeNumLowThd
DdCellGroup DdCellPuncturedRbState
EuCellAlmCfg RxNoisePwrThd
NCellParaCfg RatType
NCellParaCfg NCellOdDisThd
NCellParaCfg HoStatThd
NCellParaCfg HoSuccThd
NCellParaCfg NcellNumForAnr
NCellSrsMeasPara SrsAutoNCellMeasSwitch
NCellSrsMeasPara NCellSrsMeasA3Offset
RruJointCalParaCfg TxChnCalSwitch
RruJointCalParaCfg TxChnCalTime
RruJointCalParaCfg TxChnCalPeriod
RruJointCalParaCfg TxChnAntSpacing
RruJointCalParaCfg CalibrationSignalCINR
RruJointCalParaCfg CalibrationSignalRSSI
SimuloadPmiTemplate SimuloadPmiTemplateId
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmi
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadRank
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmiCfgDuration
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmiPeriod
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmiSchDuration
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmiExtend0
SimuloadPmiTemplate CellSimuloadPmiExtend1
SimuloadPmiTemplate PmiType
UeCooperationPara MacCeMsgLCID
UeCooperationPara A2Offset
UeCooperationPara A3Offset
UeCooperationPara UEAwarePowerSavingSwitch
UeCooperationPara UEForbiddenMsgThd
UlInterfSuppressCfg UlInterfsuppressionThd
UlInterfSuppressCfg P0UePuschOffset
UlInterfSuppressCfg RASignalMCSOffset
UlInterfSuppressCfg P0UePucchOffset
UlInterfSuppressCfg DeltaMSG2Offset
UlInterfSuppressCfg StrongInfUserThdRatio
UlInterfSuppressCfg ULInfStatisticPeriod
UlInterfSuppressCfg ULInfStatisticPeriodNum
UlInterfSuppressCfg RemoteInfULEnhanceSw
UlInterfSuppressCfg PuschEnhDeltaSinrThd
ULZeroBufferZone ULSharedFreqStartRB
ULZeroBufferZone ULSharedFreqEndRB
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZonePRBThd
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZonePRBOffset
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZoneRsrpThd
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZoneRsrpOffset
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZoneB1RmvOffset
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZoneUtranRscpThd
ULZeroBufferZone ULZeroBufZoInterRatB1Timer
UpPTSInterfCfg TestPeriod
UpPTSInterfCfg TestThreshold
UpPTSInterfCfg TestHysteresis
UserVpfmPara DlUserThruputThd0
UserVpfmPara DlUserThruputThd1
UserVpfmPara DlUserThruputThd2
UserVpfmPara DlUserThruputThd3
UserVpfmPara DlUserThruputThd4
UserVpfmPara UlAccessDelayGoodThd
UserVpfmPara UlAccessDelayBadThd
UserVpfmPara DlAccessDelayGoodThd
UserVpfmPara DlAccessDelayBadThd
VoiceAmrControl VoiceAmrCtrlParaGroupId
VoiceAmrControl HighAmrCodingMode
VoiceAmrControl LowAmrCodingMode
VoiceAmrControl PlrThdForDecreasingAmr
VoiceAmrControl PlrThdForIncreasingAmr
VoiceAmrControl RsnThdForDecreasingAmr
VoiceAmrControl RsnThdForIncreasingAmr
WtcpProxyAlgo TcpAccelerationSwitch
WtcpProxyAlgo TCPStatisticsSwitch
WtcpProxyAlgo MaxRttStatisticsThd
CellAlgoSwitch RachAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SrsAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PucchAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AqmAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CqiAdjAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DynAdjVoltSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RacAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MlbAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DlPcAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlPcAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch BfAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DlSchSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlSchSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RanShareModeSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch FreqPriorityHoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MuBfAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DistBasedHoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AcBarAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SfnUlSchSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SfnDlSchSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch IrcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DynDrxSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch HighMobiTrigIdleModeSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AvoidInterfSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch GLPwrShare
CellAlgoSwitch EicicSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PUSCHMaxRBPUCCHAdjSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DlCompSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PsicSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MlbHoMode
CellAlgoSwitch UplinkCompSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AntCalibrationAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DynSpectrumShareSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SfnLoadBasedAdptSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PuschIrcAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch ReselecPriAdaptSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AnrFunctionSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SfnAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PrachIntrfRejSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch EnhMIMOSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch InterfRandSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RepeaterSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MultiFreqPriControlSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch HarqAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CovBasedInterFreqHoMode
CellAlgoSwitch LteUtcBroadcastSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CellSchStrategySwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SsrdAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SfnUplinkCompSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch LowSpeedInterFreqHoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RelaySwitch
CellAlgoSwitch InterFreqDirectHoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PwrDeratSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DetectionAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PucchIRCEnhance
CellAlgoSwitch AcBarAlgoforDynSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CreSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch BackoffAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch HoAllowedSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch NCellClassMgtSw
CellAlgoSwitch SpePCIBasedPolicySw
CellAlgoSwitch CellPIMInterMitigSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PrachJointReceptionSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch FeicicSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CamcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RruUeMapSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch HighSpeedSchOptSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch ServiceDiffSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch LtePttQoSSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SrsPucchEnhancedSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UEInactiveTimerQCI1Switch
CellAlgoSwitch UlJRAntNumCombSw
CellAlgoSwitch VamPhaseShiftAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AnrAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch Dl256QamAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MlbAutoGroupSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CaAutoGroupSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch AttachCellSelfCfgSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CellDlCoverEnhanceSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlSchExtSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UdcAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DeprioritisationDeliverInd
CellAlgoSwitch CmasSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MFBIAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch PciConflictReportSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MroSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch OpResourceGroupShareSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CellRecoverySwitch
CellAlgoSwitch EnhancedMlbAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch TrafficMlbSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MtcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlIcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CellUlIcStatus
CellAlgoSwitch FcsMode
CellAlgoSwitch ScVideoOptSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch SpidSpecificHoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DMIMOAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlAmrcMode
CellAlgoSwitch AmrcAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch CrsIcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch MeasOptAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch FreqLayerSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch EmimoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RohcSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch McpttSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch UlIcsRbRatio
CellAlgoSwitch DtxDetectionAlgoSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch DacqSwitch
CellAlgoSwitch RrcReestDataFwdSwitch
CellDlIcic DlIcicUserAttrGfactorThd
CellDlIcic DlIcicNoiseUserRsrpThd
CellDlIcic AIcIcPlusA3Offset
CellDlIcic AIcicPlusPCAdjRange
CellDlIcic AIcicPlusCoCellType
CellDlpcPdcch DediDciPwrOffset
CellDlpcPdsch CcuPa
CellDlpcPdsch CeuPa
CellDlpcPdsch CellEdgLoadEvalPrd
CellDlpcPdsch NeighCellEdgLoadThd
CellDlpcPdsch ExceedNCellEdgLoadThdRatio
CellDlpcPdsch BFUserPwrBoostPrd
CellDlpcPdsch BFUserAdptPwrA3Offset
CellDlpcPdsch BFUserAdptPwrA6Offset
CellDlpcPhich PwrOffset
CellDlschAlgo DlschStrategy
CellDlschAlgo FreeUserDlRbUsedRatio
CellDlschAlgo MaxMimoRankPara
CellDlschAlgo CaSchStrategy
CellDlschAlgo NonGbrResourceRatio
CellDlschAlgo DlEpfCapacityFactor
CellDlschAlgo RBPriMcsSelectRatioThd
CellDlschAlgo CellEdgeUserRbAllocMode
CellDlschAlgo DlIcicSchMode
CellDlschAlgo RbgAllocStrategy
CellDlschAlgo MidUserMcsThreshold
CellDlschAlgo DlLowLoadSdmaThdOffset
CellDlschAlgo DlHarqMaxTxNum
CellDlschAlgo NonGbrSchDelayWeight
CellDlschAlgo RBDamageNearPointIblerTh
CellDlschAlgo BreathingPilotAlgoSwitch
CellDlschAlgo HoStaticMcsTimer
CellDlschAlgo DlRankOptimizeSwitch
CellDlschAlgo CaSccDopMeas
CellDlschAlgo DlSpsInterval
CellDlschAlgo RBPriMcsSelectStrategy
CellDlschAlgo DlRankDetectSwitch
CellDlschAlgo MbsfnSfCfg
CellDlschAlgo DataThdInPdcchPdschBal
CellDlschAlgo UeNumThdInPdcchPdschBal
CellDlschAlgo EnbInterfRandMod
CellDlschAlgo TxdDci1aSwitch
CellDlschAlgo DlSchAbnUeThd
CellDlschAlgo RarAndPagingCR
CellDlschAlgo CqiAdjInitialStep
CellDlschAlgo CsiRsSfSchStrSwitch
CellDlschAlgo SfnDlLoadPeriod
CellDlschAlgo FreqSelJudgePeriod
CellDlschAlgo FDUEEnhAperCQITrigPeriod
CellDlschAlgo SfnDlHighLoadThd
CellDlschAlgo SfnDlLowLoadThd
CellDlschAlgo DlHighLoadSdmaThdOffset
CellDlschAlgo LbtSwitch
CellDlschAlgo LbtNiHighThreshold
CellDlschAlgo LbtNiLowThreshold
CellDlschAlgo LbtDetectTime
CellDlschAlgo LbtTransmitStatus
CellDlschAlgo LbtNiPower
CellDlschAlgo EnAperiodicCqiTrigStrategy
CellDlschAlgo DlCaUeCapAllocStrategy
CellDlschAlgo DlCaUserSchSwitch
CellDlschAlgo Dl256QamCqiTblAdpPeriod
CellDlschAlgo Dl256QamCqiTblCfgStrategy
CellDlschAlgo BenefitMcsThreshold
CellDlschAlgo CellCovEnhStus
CellDlschAlgo DlSpsMcsDecreaseIblerThd
CellDlschAlgo DlAfcMaxFreq
CellDlschAlgo SrsRsrpFilterCoefForDlAfc
CellDlschAlgo RlcMacJointSchSw
CellDlschAlgo NoSchStopACqiThd
CellDlschAlgo InterPoleRruIdThld
CellDlschAlgo IntraPoleRruIdDuration
CellDlschAlgo IntraPoleRRUIdPeriod
CellDlschAlgo NgbRruIdThld
CellDlschAlgo Cause
CellDlschAlgo UserSpeedDlSchPriWeight
CellDlschAlgo EmimoCellRbRatio
CellDlschAlgo EmimoJointSchThd
CellDlschAlgo EmimoIndependentSchThd
CellDlschAlgo EmimoJointIndepThdOffset
CellDlschAlgo StartRankDetectEffThd
CellDlschAlgo StartRankDetectCntThd
CellDlschAlgo RankDetectSuccessCntThd
CellDlschAlgo RankReverseDetectCntThd
CellDlschAlgo AmbrCtrlTcycle
CellDlschAlgo CaSchWeight
CellDlschAlgo PosNegFoRatioThd
CellDlschAlgo UserFoThdForDlAfc
CellDlschAlgo ZoneUserNumRatioThd
CellDlschAlgo CrsFullBwPostODTtiNum
CellDlschAlgo CrsFullBwPreODTtiNum
CellDlschAlgo CrsFullBwPreSibPagingTtiNum
CellMLB InterFreqMlbThd
CellMLB InterRatMlbThd
CellMLB LoadOffset
CellMLB LoadDiffThd
CellMLB InterRatMlbUeNumThd
CellMLB InitValidPeriod
CellMLB LoadTransferFactor
CellMLB MlbTriggerMode
CellMLB InterFreqMlbUeNumThd
CellMLB MlbUeNumOffset
CellMLB MlbMaxUeNum
CellMLB MlbUeSelectPrbThd
CellMLB DlDataMlbMode
CellMLB InterFreqMLBRanShareMode
CellMLB UeNumDiffThd
CellMLB HotSpotUeMode
CellMLB InterFreqIdleMlbMode
CellMLB MlbMinUeNumThd
CellMLB MlbMinUeNumOffset
CellMLB InterFreqUeTrsfType
CellMLB InterFreqIdleMlbUeNumThd
CellMLB InterRatIdleMlbUeNumThd
CellMLB InterFreqLoadEvalPrd
CellMLB InterRatLoadEvalPrd
CellMLB FreqSelectStrategy
CellMLB LoadBalanceNCellScope
CellMLB InterRatMlbUeNumOffset
CellMLB IdleUeSelFreqScope
CellMLB InterRatMlbUeSelStrategy
CellMLB InterRatMlbUeSelPrbThd
CellMLB PrbLoadCalcMethod
CellMLB MlbUeSelectPunishTimer
CellMLB MlbHoCellSelectStrategy
CellMLB InterRatMlbTriggerMode
CellMLB InterRatMlbUeNumModeThd
CellMLB PunishJudgePrdNum
CellMLB FreqPunishPrdNum
CellMLB CellPunishPrdNum
CellMLB MultiRruMode
CellMLB InterFreqOffloadOffset
CellMLB InterFrqUeNumOffloadOffset
CellMLB CellCapacityScaleFactor
CellMLB InterRatMlbMaxUeNum
CellMLB InterRatMlbHoFailPunish
CellMLB EutranLoadJudgeStrategy
CellMLB MlbTrigJudgePeriod
CellMLB InterFreqMlbStrategy
CellMLB MaxSpectralEfficiencyValue
CellMLB MinSpectralEfficiencyValue
CellMLB SpectralEffAdjustMaxStep
CellMLB UeNumDiffOffsetTransCa
CellMLB MlbIdleUeNumAdjFactor
CellMLB IdleMlbUeNumDiffThd
CellMLB L2USmartOffloadThd
CellMLB L2USmartOffloadOffset
CellMLB InterFreqMlbUlThd
CellMLB UeDlPrbLowThdOffset
CellMLB UeUlPrbHighThdOffset
CellMLB UeUlPrbLowThdOffset
CellMLB VideoLoadHighThd
CellMLB VideoLoadLowThd
CellMLB VideoDlPrbThd
CellMlbAutoGroup OverlapIndAddThd
CellMlbAutoGroup OverlapIndDelThd
CellMlbAutoGroup StatPeriod
CellMlbAutoGroup SleepPeriod
CellMlbAutoGroup AddedMeasCfg
CellMlbAutoGroup OverlapIndAutoSampleNum
CellMlbAutoGroup OptMode
CellMlbAutoGroup MicroOverlapIndAddThd
CellMlbAutoGroup MicroOverlapIndDelThd
CellUSParaCfg UsAlgoSwitch
CellUSParaCfg UsDataPreAllocMinPeriod
CellUSParaCfg UsDataPreAllocSize
CellUSParaCfg UsDataSmartPreallocDura
CellUSParaCfg NsNumThdForUsHo
CellUSParaCfg UsPucchSinrTargetOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsPucchRsrpHighThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsDataRatFreqPriGroupId
CellUSParaCfg UsGuaranteeDurTimer
CellUSParaCfg UsGapMeasurementPeriod
CellUSParaCfg UsHoA2ThdRsrp
CellUSParaCfg UsHoA2ThdRsrq
CellUSParaCfg NsRatFreqPriGroupId
CellUSParaCfg UsPaPcOff
CellUSParaCfg UsPuschSinrHighThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg NsRbRestrictRatio
CellUSParaCfg UsDetectTimer
CellUSParaCfg UsDlMinGbr
CellUSParaCfg UsUlMinGbr
CellUSParaCfg UsNbInterfCtrl
CellUSParaCfg SfCtrlPrbThd
CellUSParaCfg NsIdleRatFreqPriGroupId
CellUSParaCfg UsDlPriorityRatio
CellUSParaCfg UsUlPriorityRatio
CellUSParaCfg UsA3HoA2ThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsA4A5HoA2ThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UlUsDataRatFreqPriGroupId
CellUSParaCfg UsNbUlSinrHighThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsNbUlRbRestrictRat
CellUSParaCfg UsA3HoA1ThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsA4A5HoA1ThdOffset
CellUSParaCfg UsDataPdcchSinrOffset
CellUSParaCfg CrsShutDownRsrpOffset
CellUSParaCfg CrsShutDownStrategy
CellUSParaCfg UsCellSchOptSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo ComSigCongregLv
CellPdcchAlgo CceRatioAdjSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo SfnPdcchDcsThd
CellPdcchAlgo InitPdcchSymNum
CellPdcchAlgo VirtualLoadPro
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchInitialCceAdjustValue
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchSymNumSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo CceUseRatio
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchAggLvlCLAdjustSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo DPDVirtualLoadSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo DPDVirtualLoadType
CellPdcchAlgo AggLvlSelStrageForDualCW
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchCapacityImproveSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchMaxCodeRate
CellPdcchAlgo ULDLPdcchSymNum
CellPdcchAlgo PDCCHAggLvlAdaptStrage
CellPdcchAlgo HysForCfiBasedPreSch
CellPdcchAlgo SfnPdcchSdmaThd
CellPdcchAlgo UlPdcchAllocImproveSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo CceMaxInitialRatio
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchPowerEnhancedSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo PdcchBlerTarget
CellPdcchAlgo HLNetAccSigAggLvlSelEnhSw
CellPdcchAlgo EpdcchAlgoSwitch
CellPdcchAlgo CceThdtoEnableEpdcch
CellPdcchAlgo RbThdtoEnableEpdcch
CellPdcchAlgo CceThdtoDisableEpdcch
CellPdcchAlgo EcceThdtoDisableEpdcch
CellPdcchAlgo RbThdtoDisableEpdcch
CellPdcchAlgo HLNetAccSigAttempt
CellPdcchAlgo EpdcchSfCfg
CellPdcchAlgo UlDlEcceInitialRatioAdjSw
CellPdcchAlgo CapacityBfOpt
CellPdcchAlgo CCEThdEnableFlowCtrl
CellPdcchAlgo CCEThdDisableFlowCtrl
CellPdcchAlgo PDCCHPwrUpperLimitOptSw
CellPucchAlgo SriLowLoadThd
CellPucchAlgo SriReCfgInd
CellPucchAlgo SriAlgoSwitch
CellCounterParaGroup CellUserNumPdfThd
CellCounterParaGroup UlIblerOptSwitch
CellCounterParaGroup CellCounterAlgoSwitch
CellCounterParaGroup EdgeUserA3Offset
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd0
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd1
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd2
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd3
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd4
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd5
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd6
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd7
CellCounterParaGroup DlThrpPdfThd8
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd0
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd1
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd2
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd3
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd4
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd5
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd6
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd7
CellCounterParaGroup UlThrpPdfThd8
CellCounterParaGroup UeAbnormalJudgeThd
CellCounterParaGroup ThrPdfPolicy
TddCellFrameOffset FrameOffsetMode
TddCellFrameOffset CellFrameOffset
CellNoAccessAlmPara NoAccessStartDetectTime
CellNoAccessAlmPara NoAccessStopDetectTime
CellNoAccessAlmPara NoAccessDetectTimer
GeranInterfCfg DlGeranIntefRbNum
GeranInterfCfg DlRbAvailSinrThd
CellRelayAlgoPara UlRelaySubframeRatio
CellRelayAlgoPara DlRelaySubframeRatio
CellRelayAlgoPara RrnPreAllocationMinPeriod
CellRelayAlgoPara RrnPreAllocationSize
CellRelayAlgoPara UlSinrAdjTargetIbler
CellRelayAlgoPara DlSinrAdjTargetIbler
CellRelayAlgoPara UlEnhancedRelaySchSw
CellRelayAlgoPara DlEnhancedRelaySchSw
CellSimuLoad SimLoadCfgIndex
CellSimuLoad SimuLoadTransMode
CellSimuLoad SimuloadPMI
CellSimuLoad AutoRmvTime
CellSimuLoad SimuLoadRbNum
CellSimuLoad CommercRbNum
CellSimuLoad SimuLoadPower
CellSimuLoad CommercPower
CellSimuLoad SimuLoadUserNum
CellSimuLoad CommercUserNum
CellSimuLoad AutoRmvRemainTime
HighSpdAdaptionPara UserLowSpeedJudgeNum
HighSpdAdaptionPara DopplerFactor
HighSpdAdaptionPara HighSpeedUserNumThd
HighSpdAdaptionPara HoHisJudgeHighThd
SfnEdgeRruRelation SectorEqmId
SfnEdgeRruRelation NeighborSectorEqmId
BcchCfg ModifyPeriodCoeff
CellChPwrCfg PcfichPwr
CellChPwrCfg PbchPwr
CellChPwrCfg SchPwr
CellChPwrCfg DbchPwr
CellChPwrCfg PchPwr
CellChPwrCfg RaRspPwr
CellChPwrCfg PrsPwr
CellChPwrCfg AntOutputPwr
CellChPwrCfg PmchPwrOffset
CellChPwrCfg HoRarPwrEnhancedSwitch
PDSCHCfg ReferenceSignalPwr
PDSCHCfg ReferenceSignalPwrMargin
PDSCHCfg TxPowerOffsetAnt0
PDSCHCfg TxPowerOffsetAnt1
PDSCHCfg TxPowerOffsetAnt2
PDSCHCfg TxPowerOffsetAnt3
RACHCfg PwrRampingStep
RACHCfg PreambInitRcvTargetPwr
RACHCfg ZeroCorrelationZoneConf
RACHCfg MessageSizeGroupA
RACHCfg PrachFreqOffset
RACHCfg PrachConfigIndexCfgInd
RACHCfg PrachConfigIndex
RACHCfg PreambleTransMax
RACHCfg ContentionResolutionTimer
RACHCfg MaxHarqMsg3Tx
RACHCfg RandomPreambleRatio
RACHCfg RaPreambleGrpARatio
RACHCfg PrachFreqOffsetStrategy
SRSCfg SrsSubframeCfg
SRSCfg AnSrsSimuTrans
SRSCfg SrsCfgInd
SRSCfg FddSrsCfgMode
SRSCfg SrsAlgoOptSwitch
PHICHCfg PhichDuration
PHICHCfg PhichResource
PCCHCfg DefaultPagingCycle
PCCHCfg PagingSentNum
PCCHCfg MaxPagingRecordsNum
PCCHCfg PagingStrategy
PUSCHCfg HoppingMode
PUSCHCfg HoppingOffset
PUSCHCfg GroupHoppingEnabled
PUSCHCfg SeqHoppingEnabled
PUSCHCfg CyclicShift
PUSCHCfg Qam64Enabled
PUSCHCfg R12Qam64Enabled
PUCCHCfg DeltaShift
PUCCHCfg PucchExtendedRBNum
PUCCHCfg N1PucchAn
PUCCHCfg Format1ChAllocMode
PUCCHCfg SriPeriodAdaptive
PUCCHCfg Format2ChAllocMode
PUCCHCfg PucchAllocPolicy
PUCCHCfg Format3RbNum
GeranExternalCell NetworkColourCode
GeranExternalCell BaseStationColourCode
GeranExternalCell DtmInd
GeranExternalCell CsPsHOInd
GeranExternalCell UltraFlashCsfbInd
GeranExternalCell RoamingAreaHoInd
GeranExternalCell AnrFlag
GeranExternalCell CtrlMode
GeranNcell NoRmvFlag
GeranNcell NoHoFlag
GeranNcell BlindHoPriority
GeranNcell AnrFlag
GeranNcell OverlapInd
GeranNcell NCellMeasPriority
GeranNcell CtrlMode
GeranNcell GRimBeginningTime
GeranNcell GLastRimUpdatingTime
GeranNfreqGroup BcchGroupId
GeranNfreqGroup GeranVersion
GeranNfreqGroup StartingArfcn
GeranNfreqGroup CellReselPriorityCfgInd
GeranNfreqGroup CellReselPriority
GeranNfreqGroup PmaxGeranCfgInd
GeranNfreqGroup PmaxGeran
GeranNfreqGroup QRxLevMin
GeranNfreqGroup ThreshXHigh
GeranNfreqGroup ThreshXLow
GeranNfreqGroup OffsetFreq
GeranNfreqGroup NccPermitted
GeranNfreqGroup ConnFreqPriority
GeranNfreqGroup ContinuCoverageIndication
GeranNfreqGroup GeranRanSharingInd
GeranNfreqGroup AnrInd
GeranNfreqGroup FreqPriorityForAnr
GeranNfreqGroupArfcn BcchGroupId
GeranNfreqGroupArfcn GeranArfcn
IntraFreqBlkCell ApplicationScope
EutranIntraFreqNCell CellIndividualOffset
EutranIntraFreqNCell CellQoffset
EutranIntraFreqNCell NoHoFlag
EutranIntraFreqNCell NoRmvFlag
EutranIntraFreqNCell AnrFlag
EutranIntraFreqNCell CellMeasPriority
EutranIntraFreqNCell CellRangeExpansion
EutranIntraFreqNCell CtrlMode
EutranIntraFreqNCell AttachCellSwitch
EutranIntraFreqNCell OverDistanceFlag
EutranIntraFreqNCell HighSpeedCellIndOffset
EutranIntraFreqNCell DynCreValue
EutranIntraFreqNCell VectorCellFlag
EutranInterNFreq CellReselPriorityCfgInd
EutranInterNFreq CellReselPriority
EutranInterNFreq EutranReselTime
EutranInterNFreq SpeedDependSPCfgInd
EutranInterNFreq TReselEutranSfMedium
EutranInterNFreq TReselEutranSfHigh
EutranInterNFreq QoffsetFreq
EutranInterNFreq ThreshXhigh
EutranInterNFreq ThreshXlow
EutranInterNFreq QRxLevMin
EutranInterNFreq PmaxCfgInd
EutranInterNFreq Pmax
EutranInterNFreq PresenceAntennaPort1
EutranInterNFreq InterFreqHoEventType
EutranInterNFreq ThreshXhighQ
EutranInterNFreq ThreshXlowQ
EutranInterNFreq QqualMinCfgInd
EutranInterNFreq QqualMin
EutranInterNFreq ConnFreqPriority
EutranInterNFreq MlbTargetInd
EutranInterNFreq FreqPriBasedHoMeasFlag
EutranInterNFreq IdleMlbUEReleaseRatio
EutranInterNFreq MlbFreqPriority
EutranInterNFreq QoffsetFreqConn
EutranInterNFreq MeasFreqPriority
EutranInterNFreq IfHoThdRsrpOffset
EutranInterNFreq IfMlbThdRsrpOffset
EutranInterNFreq InterFreqRanSharingInd
EutranInterNFreq InterFreqHighSpeedFlag
EutranInterNFreq AnrInd
EutranInterNFreq PsPriority
EutranInterNFreq FreqPriorityForAnr
EutranInterNFreq BackoffTargetInd
EutranInterNFreq MlbInterFreqHoEventType
EutranInterNFreq MobilityTargetInd
EutranInterNFreq MlbInterFreqEffiRatio
EutranInterNFreq SnrBasedUeSelectionMode
EutranInterNFreq UlTrafficMlbTargetInd
EutranInterNFreq UlTrafficMlbPriority
EutranInterNFreq MlbInterFreqHoA3Offset
EutranInterNFreq IfSrvHoThdRsrpOffset
EutranInterNFreq IfSrvHoThdRsrqOffset
EutranInterNFreq MlbFreqUlPriority
EutranInterNFreq InterFreqMlbDlPrbOffset
EutranInterNFreq InterFreqMlbUlPrbOffset
EutranInterNFreq NcellNumForAnr
EutranInterNFreq MeasPerformanceDemand
EutranInterNFreq CtrlMode
InterFreqBlkCell ApplicationScope
EutranInterFreqNCell CellIndividualOffset
EutranInterFreqNCell CellQoffset
EutranInterFreqNCell NoHoFlag
EutranInterFreqNCell NoRmvFlag
EutranInterFreqNCell BlindHoPriority
EutranInterFreqNCell AnrFlag
EutranInterFreqNCell CellMeasPriority
EutranInterFreqNCell OverlapInd
EutranInterFreqNCell OverlapRange
EutranInterFreqNCell CtrlMode
EutranInterFreqNCell OverDistanceFlag
EutranExternalCell RoamingAreaHoInd
EutranExternalCell SpecifiedCellFlag
EutranExternalCell AnrFlag
EutranExternalCell HighSpeedFlag
EutranExternalCell CtrlMode
EutranBlkNCell AutoCfgFlag
EutranBlkNCell CtrlMode
EutranNFreqRanShare CellReselPriorityCfgInd
EutranNFreqRanShare CellReselPriority
EutranNFreqSCellOp CellReselDediPriCfgInd
EutranNFreqSCellOp CellReselDediPri
GeranNFGroupSCellOp BcchGroupId
GeranNFGroupSCellOp CellReselDediPriCfgInd
GeranNFGroupSCellOp CellReselDediPri
GeranRanShare BcchGroupId
GeranRanShare CellReselPriorityCfgInd
GeranRanShare CellReselPriority
UtranBlkNCell AutoCfgFlag
UtranBlkNCell CtrlMode
UtranNCell NoHoFlag
UtranNCell NoRmvFlag
UtranNCell AnrFlag
UtranNCell BlindHoPriority
UtranNCell CellMeasPriority
UtranNCell OverlapInd
UtranNCell NCellMeasPriority
UtranNCell OverDistanceFlag
UtranNCell CtrlMode
UtranNCell URimBeginningTime
UtranNCell ULastRimUpdatingTime
UtranNCell ULastRimLoadUpdatingTime
UtranNCell URimLoadStartTime
UtranNCell URimLoadStatus
UtranNFreqSCellOp CellReselDediPriCfgInd
UtranNFreqSCellOp CellReselDediPri
UtranRanShare CellReselPriorityCfgInd
UtranRanShare CellReselPriority
UtranNFreq CellReselPriorityCfgInd
UtranNFreq CellReselPriority
UtranNFreq PmaxUtran
UtranNFreq OffsetFreq
UtranNFreq Qqualmin
UtranNFreq QRxLevMin
UtranNFreq ThreshXHigh
UtranNFreq ThreshXLow
UtranNFreq ThreshXHighQ
UtranNFreq ThreshXLowQ
UtranNFreq PsPriority
UtranNFreq CsPriority
UtranNFreq ConnFreqPriority
UtranNFreq CsPsMixedPriority
UtranNFreq ContinuCoverageIndication
UtranNFreq MlbFreqPriority
UtranNFreq UtranRanSharingInd
UtranNFreq AnrInd
UtranNFreq SrvccPriority
UtranNFreq ULSharedFreqInd
UtranNFreq FreqPriorityForAnr
UtranExternalCell CsPsHOInd
UtranExternalCell RoamingAreaHoInd
UtranExternalCell AnrFlag
UtranExternalCell CtrlMode
CoProcRes CoProcResId
DMIMOCluster DMIMOClusterId
DMIMOCluster CoProcResId
DMIMOCluster CalibrationRecordTime
DMIMOCluster SecFlagof1stCalUnit
DMIMOCluster SecFlagof2ndCalUnit
DMIMOCluster SecEqmIDof1stCalUnit
DMIMOCluster SecEqmIDof2ndCalUnit
DMIMOClusterCell DMIMOClusterId
DMIMOClusterCell DMIMOClusterCellStatus
DMIMOClusterCell DMIMOCalibrationResult
eNodeBAlmCfg TrafficFaultyDetectPeriod
eNodeBAlmCfg SrvIntfAlmCfgSw
ENodeBFrameOffset FddFrameOffset
eNodeBResModeAlgo BbpResAutoConfigSw
eNodeBResModeAlgo FddBbpResDeployAlgo
eNodeBResModeAlgo BbpResAutoRecfgTimer
eNodeBResModeAlgo eNBCellNumCapabilityMode
eNodeBSonDBCfg StartTime
EuCoSchCfg WorkMode
EuCoSchDLCoMPCfg CordInfoEffDelay
EuCoSchDLCoMPCfg InterEnbDlCompSwitch
EuCoSchDLCoMPCfg EuCoSchUeSpec
EuCoSchDLCoMPCfg CordInfoEffDelayMode
EuCoSchULICSCfg UlIcsAlgoSwitch
EuUlCoSchCfg UlInterEnbCamcSw
FddResMode BbCapabilityMode
FddResMode SfnCapabilityMode
FddResMode BbResExclusiveSwitch
NCellPlmnList RatType
NCellPlmnList PlmnListType
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight0
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight1
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight2
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight3
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight4
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight5
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight6
ServiceDiffSetting QueueWeight7
ANR DelCellThd
ANR NcellHoStatNum
ANR StatisticPeriod
ANR FastAnrRprtAmount
ANR FastAnrRprtInterval
ANR FastAnrCheckPeriod
ANR FastAnrRsrpThd
ANR FastAnrIntraRatMeasUeNum
ANR FastAnrInterRatMeasUeNum
ANR FastAnrIntraRatUeNumThd
ANR FastAnrInterRatUeNumThd
ANR OptMode
ANR StatisticPeriodForNRTDel
ANR StatisticNumForNRTDel
ANR ActivePciConflictSwitch
ANR StartTime
ANR StopTime
ANR FastAnrRscpThd
ANR FastAnrRssiThd
ANR NoHoSetThd
ANR NcellHoForNRTDelThd
ANR FastAnrMode
ANR EventAnrMode
ANR CaUeChoseMode
ANR AnrControlledHoStrategy
ANR SmartPreallocationMode
ANR NoHoSetMode
ANR UtranEventAnrMode
ANR GeranEventAnrMode
ANR UtranEventAnrCgiTimer
ANR GeranEventAnrCgiTimer
ANR NrtDelMode
ANR OptModeStrategy
ANR UtranNcellHoForNRTDelThd
ANR GeranNcellHoForNRTDelThd
ANR NcellDelPunishPeriod
ANR EutranNcellDelPunNum
ANR UtranNcellDelPunNum
ANR NcellCaThdForNRTDel
ANR HoSucRateForCgiRead
ANR StaPeriodForIRatNRTDel
ANR PeriodForNCellRanking
ANR StatPeriodCoeff
IRATNCellClassMgt RatType
IRATNCellClassMgt StatPeriodForNcellClass
IRATNCellClassMgt NCellMeasNumThd
NCellClassMgt StatPeriodForNcellClass
NCellClassMgt HoAttemptThd
NCellClassMgt CaSCellCfgThd
NCellClassMgt HoSuccThd
NCellClassMgt IntraRatNcellMgtMode
ParaAutoOptCfg PUSCHRsrpHighThd4AutoOpt
ParaAutoOptCfg PUCCHPcSINROffset4AutoOpt
ParaAutoOptCfg P0NominalPUCCH4AutoOpt
ParaAutoOptCfg HOTimesThd
BlindNcellOpt StatisticPeriod
BlindNcellOpt SampleNumThd
BlindNcellOpt HoSuccRateThd
BlindNcellOpt CsfbHoAttempRatioThd
BlindNcellOpt BlindHoSuccRateThd
BlindNcellOpt OptMode
IpServiceQos Dscp
IpServiceQos Description
IpServiceQos QosPolicyTimeSwitch
IpServiceQos FirQosPolicyId
IpServiceQos FirQosPolicyTimeLength
IpServiceQos SecQosPolicyId
QoEHoCommonCfg QoEBasedHandoverStat
QoEHoCommonCfg QoEBasedHandoverLast
QosPolicy QosPolicyId
QosPolicy TrafficType
QosPolicy PriQueueId
QosPolicy DlSgbr
QosPolicy DlSmbr
CellIdPrdUpt PrdUptSwitch
CellIdPrdUpt ActionTime
CellIdPrdUpt Period
CspcAlgoPara CspcAlgoSwitch
CspcAlgoPara CspcRsrpMeasMode
CspcAlgoPara CspcClusterMode
CspcAlgoPara CspcClusterPartPeriod
CspcAlgoPara CspcComputeSwitch
CspcAlgoPara CspcFullPowerSubframeRatio
CspcAlgoPara CspcPowerConfigDelay
CspcAlgoPara CspcScheduleUeSpec
CspcAlgoPara CspcEnableDlPrbRatioThd
CspcAlgoPara CspcCapacityFactor
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HoAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HoModeSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch DlIcicSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch AnrSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch RedirectSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch MroSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch MacAssemblyOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch TpeSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch SpidSelectPlmnAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch UlIcicFreqSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch LcsSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch TrmSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch PciConflictAlmSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch PowerSaveSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch RimSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch RanSharingAnrSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch FreqLayerSwtich
ENodeBAlgoSwitch CmasSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch VQMAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch UeNumPreemptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch MultiOpCtrlSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch OverBBUsSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HoSignalingOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch CompatibilityCtrlSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch BlindNcellOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch RimOnEcoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch CaAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch MlbAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HoCommOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HighLoadNetOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch SchOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch PrachTimeStagSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HighSpeedRootSeqCSSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch DropPktsStatSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch NCellRankingSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch EUCompactRANSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch BbpCollaborateSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch RootSeqConflictDetSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch IOptAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch ServiceHoMultiTargetFreqSw
ENodeBAlgoSwitch SFSSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch PciConflictDetectSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch CaLbAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch UlSchOptSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch CompactRANMultiAPN
ENodeBAlgoSwitch ClkJumpCellReStartSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch E2EVQIAlgoSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch TlFreqFrameOffsetSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch FastEnhancePccAnchorSwitch
ENodeBAlgoSwitch HoWithSccCfgAddBlindSwitch
eNodeBMlb InterFreqIdleMlbMode
eNodeBMlb InterFreqIdleMlbInterval
eNodeBMlb InterFreqIdleMlbStaThd
eNodeBMlb DlCaLbMaxCCNum
eNodeBMlb CaUeMinDataVolRatio
LicRatio UpLicRatio
LicRatio TrafficSharingType
LicRatioSharePolicy TrfRatio
LicRatioSharePolicy TrfSharingRatio
MRO OptPeriod
MRO NcellOptThd
MRO StatNumThd
MRO PingpongTimeThd
MRO PingpongRatioThd
MRO CoverAbnormalThd
MRO ServingRsrpThd
MRO NeighborRsrpThd
MRO UePingPongNumThd
MRO InterFreqMeasTooLateHoThd
MRO InterFreqA2RollBackThd
MRO MroOptMode
MRO UnnecInterRatHoOptThd
MRO UnnecInterRatHoRsrpThd
MRO InterRatA2RsrpMinThd
MRO InterRatStatNumThd
MRO IntraRatTooEarlyHoRatioThd
MRO IntraRatTooLateHoRatioThd
MRO IntraRatAbnormalRatioThd
MRO InterFreqA2RollBackPeriod
MRO IntraRatHoTooEarlyTimeThd
MRO InterRatAbnormalHoRatioThd
MRO InterRatMeasTooLateHoThd
MRO UnnecInterRatHoRatioThd
MRO UnnecInterRatHoMeasTime
TcpAckCtrlAlgo AckCtrlSwitch
TcpAckCtrlAlgo DlMaxThroughput
TcpAckCtrlAlgo CtrlTimerLength
TcpMssCtrl TcpMssCtrlSwitch
TcpMssCtrl TcpMssThd
TddFrameOffset TimeOffset
TddResModeSwitch ClkResExcludeSwitch
TddResModeSwitch BbResExclusiveSwitch
VQMAlgo ULDelayJitter
VQMAlgo VqiGoodThd
VQMAlgo VqiPoorThd
VQMAlgo VqiBadThd
VQMAlgo AmrWbRadioLowQualRelThd
VQMAlgo AmrNbRadioLowQualRelThd
VQMAlgo AmrSilentPeriodNum
VQMAlgo AmrLowQualRelPeriodNum
VQMAlgo VqiExcellentThd
VQMAlgo AmrNbSilentThd
VQMAlgo AmrWbRcvLowQualRelThd
VQMAlgo AmrNbRcvLowQualRelThd
VQMAlgo AmrWbSilentThd
VQMAlgo VQMAlgoPeriod
eNodeBAutoPowerOff AutoPowerOffSwitch
eNodeBAutoPowerOff PowerOffTime
eNodeBAutoPowerOff PowerOnTime
eNodeBAutoPowerOff AutoPoweroffStatus
eNodeBFlowCtrlPara AdaptUnsyncTimerLen
eNodeBFlowCtrlPara AdaptUnsyncUserNumThd
eNodeBFlowCtrlPara DynAcBarPolicyMode
eNodeBFlowCtrlPara CpuLoadThd
Indicates the extended QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which is required by the operator for user differentiation.
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-RAT handover policy group.
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-frequency handover policy group.
Indicates the priority of E-UTRAN TDD or E-UTRAN FDD in inter-frequency blind handover or blind redirection scenarios. To pri
Indicates the priority of E-UTRAN TDD or E-UTRAN FDD in inter-frequency blind handover or blind redirection scenarios. To pri
If the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset and FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to the same value excluding the value -100, i
If both the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset
the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset and FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset
and GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parametersparameters
are set toare theset to -100,
same valueinter-frequency
excluding the valueevent-100,
A2 isinter-
If both the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset and GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to -100, inter-RAT
If the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset and GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to the same value excluding the value -100, inter- event A2 is delivered direc
If both the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset and GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to -100, inter-RAT event A2 is delivered direc
Indicates whether the eNodeB checks the CS+PS handover capability of external UTRAN cells when initiating SRVCC for conc
Indicates the medium-priority inter-RAT for data services. If this parameter is set to UTRAN, GERAN, or CDMA2000, the mediu
The valuethe
Indicates CDMA2000 is invalid
highest-priority in the current
inter-RAT for dataversion.
services. Therefore, avoid setting
If this parameter is setthis parameter
to UTRAN, to CDMA2000.
GERAN, or CDMA2000, the highes
The value CDMA2000 is invalid in the current version. Therefore, avoid setting this parameter to CDMA2000.
Indicates the lowest-priority inter-RAT for data services. If this parameter is set to UTRAN, GERAN, or CDMA2000, the lowest-p
The value CDMA2000 is invalid in the current version. Therefore, avoid setting this parameter to CDMA2000.
Indicates the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) of an EPS bearer. Different QCIs represent different QoS specifications such as the pa
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-RAT handover policy group.
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-frequency handover policy group.
If the ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch, UtranServiceHoSwitch, GeranServiceHoSwitch, CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch, Cdma1xR
If the ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch, UtranServiceHoSwitch, GeranServiceHoSwitch, CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch, Cdma1xR
Indicates the ARP of a QCI configured on the eNodeB. A specific ARP is configured on the eNodeB for each standardized QCI
Indicates the dedicated SPID for an operator.Operators can define the RatFreqPriorityGroupId MO corresponding to the dedica
Indicates whether to set a RAT/frequency priority. If this parameter is set to CFG, UEs preferentially camp on the RAT or freque
Indicates the ID of a RAT/frequency priority group.
Indicates whether to enable the SPID-based offloading function. _x000D_
INTER_FREQUENCY_OFFLOAD_SWITCH: Indicates whether to transfer the UEs in a local cell to inter-frequency neighboring
Indicates the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) of an EPS bearer. Different QCIs represent different QoS specifications such as the pa
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-RAT handover policy group.
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-frequency handover policy group.
If the ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch, UtranServiceHoSwitch, GeranServiceHoSwitch, CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch, Cdma1xR
If the ServiceBasedInterFreqHoSwitch, UtranServiceHoSwitch, GeranServiceHoSwitch, CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch, Cdma1xR
Indicates the ARP of a QCI configured on the eNodeB. A specific ARP is configured on the eNodeB for each standardized QCI
Indicates the highest-priority RAT for handovers. It is UTRAN by default. If this parameter is set to UTRAN, GERAN, or CDMA2
The valuethe
Indicates CDMA2000 is invalid
medium-priority RATin the current version.
for handovers. Therefore,
It is GERAN avoid setting
by default. If thisthis parameter
parameter to to
is set CDMA2000.
The valuethe
Indicates CDMA2000 is invalid
lowest-priority RATinforthe current version.
handovers. Therefore,by
It is CDMA2000 avoid setting
default. thisparameter
If this parameteristosetCDMA2000.
The value CDMA2000 is invalid in the current version. Therefore, avoid setting this parameter to CDMA2000.
Indicates the LCS capability of the UTRAN. If this parameter is set to ON, the UTRAN supports LCS. If this parameter is set to O
Indicates the LCS capability of the GERAN. If this parameter is set to ON, the GERAN supports LCS. If this parameter is set to
Indicates the highest-priority RAT for CSFB initiated by a UE in idle mode. It is UTRAN by default. If this parameter is set to UTR
The valuethe
Indicates CDMA2000 is invalid
medium-priority RATin the currentinitiated
for CSFB version.byTherefore, avoid
a UE in idle setting
mode. It is this
GERAN parameter to CDMA2000.
by default. If this parameter is set to UT
The valuethe
Indicates CDMA2000 is invalid
lowest-priority RATinforthe current
CSFB version.
initiated by aTherefore,
UE in idleavoid
mode.setting this parameter
It is CDMA2000 to CDMA2000.
by default. If this parameter is set to U
The value CDMA2000 is invalid in the current version. Therefore, avoid setting this parameter to CDMA2000.
Indicates whether the eNodeB selects the target frequency in a round robin (RR) manner from frequencies with the same priorit
Indicates the CSFB policy for a UE in connected mode. If the CSFB steering function is disabled, this parameter also applies to
Indicates the CSFB policy for a UE in idle mode. The policy can be PS handover, CCO, or redirection.
Indicates whether allocation/retention priorities (ARPs) can be configured for CSFB services triggered by common calls. For de
Indicates the allocation/retention priority (ARP) of a CSFB service triggered by a common call. When this parameter is set to 1,
Indicates the ID of the RAT/frequency priority group.
Indicates the Radio Access Technology (RAT).
Indicates the priority of the intra-RAT frequency band or frequency. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. The value of this pa
Indicates the UE number threshold for starting SPID-based UE offloading onto inter-frequency neighboring cells. When UE-num
Indicates the UE number threshold for prohibiting SPID-based UE admission. If the number of UEs in a cell operating on a spec
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-frequency handover policy group.
Indicates the priority for the frequency as the target frequency for service-based and service-request-based inter-frequency han
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-frequency handover policy group.
Indicates whether to allow service-based inter-frequency handovers of the policy group to a specified frequency. If this paramet
Indicates the service-based inter-frequency A4 measurement report waiting timer. If the inter-frequency measurement is triggere
eNodeB. Instead, the UE sends a report only when the signal quality_x000D_
meets the entering condition throughout the hysteresis. _x000D_
Indicates the ID of the service-based inter-RAT handover policy group.
Indicates whether service-based inter-RAT handovers are forbidden, allowed, or required for services with the QCI. If this param
Indicates the mode of a service-based inter-RAT handover measurement. When conditions for delivering both the service-base
Indicates the subscriber profile ID (SPID).
Indicates whether to use normal or special DRX. If this parameter is set to TRUE, ordinary DRX parameters are applied to UEs
Indicates whether to set the priority for the intra-RAT frequency group. If this parameter is set to CFG(CFG), UEs select the targ
Indicates the ID of the intra-RAT frequency priority group.
Indicates whether to support preallocation. If this parameter is set to TRUE and PreAllocationSwitch under the UlSchSwitch par
Indicates whether to enable or disable inter-frequency load balancing for the SPID. The values TRUE or FALSE indicate that in
Indicates whether to enable or disable inter-RAT load sharing for the SPID. The values TRUE or FALSE indicate that inter-RAT
Indicates whether to allow SPID-based handovers back to the home public land mobile network (HPLMN). If this parameter is s
Indicates the coefficient corresponding to the uplink scheduling priority factor configured for UEs with SPIDs. The uplink schedu
Indicates the coefficient corresponding to the downlink scheduling priority factor configured for UEs with SPIDs. The downlink s
Indicates the offset of the IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter for specified service UEs. The value of the IntraFreqHoA3Offset para
Indicates UEs
the offset refer
of the to UEs with SPIDs identified
A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp and the SpecifiedUserFlag
or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter
parameter set to SPECSERUSER.
for specified-service UEs. The value
Specified-service UEs refer to UEs with SPIDs identified and the SpecifiedUserFlag parameter set to SPECSERUSER.
Indicates the offset of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq parameter for specified-service UEs. The value
Specified-service UEs refer to UEs with SPIDs identified and the SpecifiedUserFlag parameter set to SPECSERUSER.
Indicates whether a UE is dedicated to performing specific services. This parameter is configured to implement differentiated pr
Indicates whether to enable or disable MLB by transferring RRC_REL UEs with a specific SPID. If this parameter is set to TRUE
Indicates whether to enable the SPID-based offloading function. _x000D_
INTER_FREQUENCY_OFFLOAD_SWITCH: Indicates whether to transfer the UEs in a local cell to inter-frequency neighboring
Indicates the ID of an SPID group, which identifies a group of UEs whose SPIDs belong to the same group.
Indicates the start SPID value. The value of an SPID defined in 3GPP specifications ranges from 1 to 256. However, this param
Indicates the end SPID value. The value of an SPID defined in 3GPP specifications ranges from 1 to 256. However, this param
Indicates the start value of the SPID segment.
Indicates the end value of the SPID segment.
SiByRimCapCfg: Indicates whether SI of the UTRAN can be obtained through RIM procedures. This capability is supported onl
VoipCapCfg: Indicates whether VoIP is supported by the operator in the UTRAN. Only if this option is selected, this capability is
Indicates the QoS class identifier (QCI) of an evolved packet system (EPS) bearer. Different QCIs indicate different QoS require
Indicates the extended QCI of an E-RAB on an RRN. After an RRN successfully accesses the network, the eNodeB sets up a b
This parameter specifies whether a bearer on an RRN is a default bearer. A maximum of one default bearer can be configured f
This parameter specifies the ID of an RLC/PDCP parameter group.
Indicates the scheduling type of an E-RAB on an RRN. The value PQ indicates that the scheduling for a bearer is based on the
This parameter indicates the uplink resource allocation weighting factor for a weighted fair queuing (WFQ) bearer. This parame
This parameter indicates the downlink resource allocation weighting factor for a WFQ bearer. This parameter is valid only when
This parameter specifies the lower limit of the DSCP value contained in the IP packets mapped to a bearer on an RRN.
This parameter specifies the upper limit of the DSCP value contained in the IP packets mapped to a bearer on an RRN.
Indicates the service preallocation weight of the RRN. If priority queuing (PQ) is configured, the preallocation weight of services
Indicates the PQ bearer type when the SchType parameter is set to PQ(PQ). The value L3PQ indicates the PQ bearer of L3 Re
When the UE detects that the signal quality in the serving cell and that in at least one intra-frequency neighboring cell meet the
This parameter
Indicates helps decrease
the hysteresis the number intra-frequency
for the ANR-based of occasionally measurement
triggered eventevent.
reports and
This invalid decisions
parameter ondecrease
is used to triggeringthe
In the current
Indicates version,
the offset for this parameter
the signal is dedicated
quality to LTE TDD
in an neighboring cells. that in the serving cell in the ANR-based intra-frequency
cell against
In the current
When the UE version, this the
detects that parameter is dedicated
signal quality to LTE TDD
in the serving cells.
cell and that in at least one inter-frequency neighboring cell meet the
This parameter helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered
Indicates the hysteresis for the ANR-based inter-frequency measurement eventevent.
reports and
This invalid decisions
parameter ondecrease
is used to triggeringthe
In the current version, this parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the RSRP threshold for triggering the ANR-based inter-frequency measurement event. When the measured RSRP va
In the current version, this parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the highest-priority ciphering algorithm supported by the eNodeB. The value NULL indicates that ciphering is not appli
Indicates the second-priority ciphering algorithm supported by the eNodeB. The value NULL indicates that ciphering is not appli
Indicates the third-priority ciphering algorithm supported by the eNodeB. The value NULL indicates that ciphering is not applied
Indicates the fourth-priority ciphering algorithm supported by the eNodeB. The value NULL indicates that ciphering is not applie
Indicates the timer governing the period that the eNodeB waits for a response message from the MME when the eNodeB perfo
Indicates the timer governing the period the local eNodeB waits for a response message from the peer eNodeB when the UE is
Indicates the timer governing the period the eNodeB waits for a response message from a UE when the UE is running non-QCI
Indicates the timer for the eNodeB to wait for a RRC Connection Setup Complete.
Indicates the timer for the eNodeB to wait for a Security Mode Complete message.If the UuMsgSimulSendSwitch parameter is
Indicates the timer for the eNodeB to wait for an unprotected UE Capability Information message.
Indicates the timer for the eNodeB to wait for the first forwarded packet.
Indicates the timer for the eNodeB to wait for the endmarker packet.
Indicates the timer governing the period that the eNodeB waits for a response message from the MME when the UE are runnin
Indicates the timer governing the period the local eNodeB waits for a response message from the peer eNodeB when the UE is
Indicates the timer governing the period the eNodeB waits for a response message from a UE when the UE is running services
Indicates the threshold used to determine bearer activity. The eNodeB consistently monitors the consecutive no-transmission du
Indicates the highest-priority integrity protection algorithm supported by the eNodeB.
Indicates the second-priority integrity protection algorithm supported by the eNodeB.
Indicates the third-priority integrity protection algorithm supported by the eNodeB.
Indicates whether the eNodeB can use the null algorithm for integrity protection. If this switch is turned off, the null algorithm ca
Indicates the software version number (SVN) which is an element of the international mobile station equipment identity and soft
Indicates the description of the model of UE.
If the UsBasedSpecificSPID(UsBasedSpecificSPID) option is selected, the eNodeB identifies UEs running unlimited services ba
If the UsBasedSpecificIPAdd(UsBasedSpecificIPAdd option is selected, the eNodeB identifies UEs running unlimited services b
If the UsBasedSpecificTraceID(UsBasedSpecificTraceID)
Indicates the SPID for UEs running unlimited services. option is selected, the eNodeB identifies a UE as a UE running unlim
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs. If the eNodeB detects that such a UE has neither received nor sent data
Indicates the packet interval at which the eNodeB parses the IP headers of the downlink packets for UEs running unlimited serv
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate DL scheduling priorities for UEs running unlimited services. This parameter is used
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during UL scheduling for large-packet services of UEs run
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during UL scheduling for small-packet services of UEs run
Indicates the length of the S-TMSI keep-alive timer for UEs running unlimited services. When the eNodeB detects such a UE ba
Indicates whether
the length toof
use the T302._x000D_
timer policy for identifying large-packet services. If the volume of data to be transmitted for a service in t
T302 specifies the time during
Indicates the length of timer T320 which
for aload
UE balancing.
whose RRC connection
T320 specifiesrequest is period
the time rejected has to
during wait the
which before the UEpriorities
dedicated can initiate a re
This timer is started when the UE receives an RRCConnectionReject message and stopped when
This timer is started when the UE receives an RRCConnectionRelease message containing the t320 IE._x000D_ the UE enters the RRC_CON
This timerthe
Indicates is stopped
length ofwhen
timerthe UEfor
T304 enters the RRC_CONNECTED
intra-RAT handover. If the UEmode.
does not complete the handover before this timer expires, th
Indicates the length of timer T304 for inter-RAT handover to GERAN. If the UE does not complete the handover before this time
Indicates the length of timer T320 to be contained in RRCConnectionRelease messages sent for reasons other than load balan
This timer is started when the UE receives an RRCConnectionRelease message containing the t320 IE. It is stopped when the
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that have no QCI 1 bearers. If the eNodeB detects that a UE has neither r
Indicates the timer used to govern the period in which the eNodeB maintains uplink synchronization for UEs. After this timer exp
Indicates the length of the timer for the eNodeB to filter repeated RRC Connection Request messages. The actually used timer
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that have entered DRX mode and have no QCI 1 bearers when dynamic D
Indicates the timer used to govern the period in which the eNodeB maintains uplink synchronization for a DRX UE when dynam
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that have bearers of QCI 1. If the eNodeB detects that a UE has neither re
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that enter the DRX state and perform services with a QCI of 1 when dyna
This parameter indicates the duration that the eNodeB waits before sending an RRC Connection Release message to the UE.
This parameter indicates the duration that the eNodeB waits before sending an RRC Connection Release message to the UE w
This parameter indicates the duration that the eNodeB waits before sending an RRC Connection Release message to the SRLT
Indicates the length of the protection timer of repeated RRC connection reestablishments. If this parameter is set to a non-zero
Indicates whether to enable adaptive configuration of parameters related to Radio Link Control (RLC) on SRBs. If this paramete
Indicates the adjustment step of the SRB polling PDU retransmission timer for the eNodeB. This parameter takes effect when th
Indicates the maximum adjustment step of the SRB polling PDU retransmission timer for the eNodeB. This parameter takes effe
Indicates the UE number threshold for triggering the SRB RLC parameter adaptation. If the SrbRlcParaAdaptSwitch parameter
Indicates the maximum number of RRC Connection Release message retransmissions.
Indicates whether to enable ARP- and QCI-based user-differentiated scheduling._x000D_
If ArpPrioritySchSwitch is set to 1, ARP- and QCI-based user-differentiated scheduling is enabled and the UlschPriorityFactor a
Indicates the QCI of an EPS bearer. Different QCIs represent different QoS specifications such as the packet delay budget, pac
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during uplink scheduling for gold users.
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during downlink scheduling for gold users.
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during uplink scheduling for silver users.
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during downlink scheduling for silver users.
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during uplink scheduling for bronze users.
Indicates the weight factor used to calculate the connection priorities during downlink scheduling for bronze users.
Indicates the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) threshold for reporting event A2 in a secondary cell. When the RSRP o
Indicates the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) threshold for a UE to report event A4 of a secondary cell. When the RS
Indicates whether to enable carrier management. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the eNodeB deactivates the secondary ser
Indicates the threshold for a CA UE to activate an SCell. A CA UE can active an SCell only when its buffered data on the eNode
Indicates the threshold for a CA UE to deactivate an SCell. A CA UE can deactivate an SCell only when its buffered data on the
Indicates the threshold for a CA UE to activate an SCell. A CA UE can activate an SCell only when its buffer delay on the eNode
Indicates the threshold for a CA UE to deactivate an SCell. A CA UE can deactivate an SCell only when its throughput is smalle
Indicates the offset for secondary cell event A6. This offset is the difference between the quality of a neighboring cell and that o
Indicates the length of aging time of the SCells that are dynamically configured for CA UEs in a cell in frequency-based CA conf
Indicates the number of periodic measurement reports sent after CA event A6 is triggered. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the interval between periodic measurement reports that are sent after CA event A6 is triggered. For details, see 3GPP
Indicates the Release-8-equivalent CQI threshold used to evaluate the deactivation of an SCell for a CA UE based on channel
Indicates the minimum interval at which the eNodeB
InterFddTddCaSwitch(InterFddTddCaSwitch): attempts
Indicates to configure
whether to enable aaggregation
secondary serving cell (SCell)
of TDD and again for acarriers.
FDD component CA UE T w
2CCDlCaEnhanceSwitch(2CCDlCaEnhanceSwitch): Indicates whether to enable enhanced DL ACK demodulation when two co
CaDl5CCSwitch(CaDl5CCSwitch): Indicates
Indicates the time-to-trigger for activating whether
an SCell forto enable
a UE aggregation
in the of five
uplink. If the component
uplink carriers
traffic volume of ainCA
downlink. This
is greater typt
Indicates the aggregate maximum bit rate (AMBR) threshold for aggregating carriers for UEs. Carriers can only be aggregated
This reserved parameter specifies the sampling period of the radio resource measurement on the SCell by the CA UE when the
Indicates the maximum number of CA UEs that are allowed to use the cell's carrier as the PCC. If the number of CA UEs using
Indicates the threshold used to determine the PCell high load state for cells. This threshold is used for load-based PCC anchori
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A1 used in enhanced PCC anchoring. If the measured RSRP value exceeds this thresh
Indicates whether the eNodeB can instruct UEs to perform additional measurements to provide more samples for collecting sta
If this parameter is set to ALLOWED(Allowed), the eNodeB instructs UEs to perform additional measurements in an extension p
Indicates the minimum required number of A4 and A5 report samples for starting coverage evaluation during automatic groupin
Indicates the working mode of automatic grouping for carrier aggregation._x000D_
If this parameter is set to FREE, the eNodeB automatically adds, changes, or clears blind SCell configuration flag settings for n
Indicates the sleep period during which automatic grouping for carrier aggregation stops working after one round of statistics co
Indicates the measurement period of automatic grouping for carrier aggregation. If the number of samples collected in a period
A shorter measurement period results in faster addition, changes, or clearing of blind SCell configuration flag settings for neighb
Indicates the Release-8-equivalent CQI threshold used to evaluate the deactivation of an SCell for a CA UE based on channel
Indicates the maximum number of carriers that can be aggregated in relaxed backhaul scenarios.
Indicates the maximum number of carriers that can be aggregated in the distributed Cloud BB architecture. This parameter app
Indicates the time-to-trigger for CA event A2.
Indicates the time-to-trigger for CA event A6.
Indicates the time-to-trigger for CA event A1.
Indicates the time-to-trigger for CA event A4. If the measurement result meets the entering condition of event A4 throughout the
Indicates the SCC unavailability duration. Some multi-mode UEs (for example, SRLTE/SLTE UEs) periodically do not receive si
The parameter value must be greater than the duration for such UEs to detect signals of another RAT. If this parameter is set to
Indicates the maximum number of FDD and TDD component carriers that can be aggregated in the downlink in FDD+TDD CA i
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A1 of the PCell in LAA CA. If the measured RSRP value exceeds this threshold, an A1 m
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A2 of the PCell in LAA CA. If the measured RSRP value is less than this threshold, an A
Indicates whether to prioritize an FDD or TDD CC in PCC anchoring for FDD+TDD 2CC CA. For FDD+TDD 2CC CA, if a TDD C
Indicates whether to prioritize an FDD or TDD CC in PCC anchoring for FDD+TDD multi-CC CA. For FDD+TDD multi-CC CA, if
Indicates whether to trigger an uplink traffic-based blind handover to an LTE FDD cell. When a FDD+TDD CA UE using a TDD c
Indicates the minimumThe
TxD_BF_ADAPTIVE: interval to reactivate
transmission an SCell based on the traffic volume after the eNodeB deactivates the SCell based
changes adaptively between TM2 and TM7 or between TM2 and TM8, depending_x000D_
on theTransmission mode
protocol release with7 is always
which UEsused for UEs._x000D_
TM8: Transmission mode 8 is always used for UEs._x000D_
Indicates whether TM2 transmission mode is adaptively selected between beamforming and MIMO when the BfMIMO adaptive
transmission mode switching from single-stream beamforming mode to_x000D_
dual-stream thebeamforming
offset of the threshold
mode. This that triggers the_x000D_
parameter applies only to LTE TDD_x000D_
transmission mode switching from TM3 dual-stream mode to dual-stream_x000D_
beamforming mode mode.ofThis
an antenna
parameter selection-enabled
applies only to LTEUE TDDswitches from_x000D_
mode of an antennamode toselection-enabled
TM3 dual-stream UE mode. This parameter_x000D_
switches from_x000D_
TM3 dual-stream mode to dual-stream beamforming mode.
transmission mode of an antenna selection-enabled UE switches from_x000D_ This parameter_x000D_
Indicates the offset
single-stream of the threshold
beamforming mode tothat triggers the_x000D_
dual-stream beamforming mode. This_x000D_
transmission mode switching from dual-stream beamforming mode to TM3_x000D_
dual-stream between the measured
mode. This parameterweight
appliesand thetoinstantaneous
only LTE TDD cells.weight_x000D_
is greater whether
than the the instantaneous
offset, the measured weight hasisaused
weight gain.asWhen_x000D_
the beamforming_x000D_
the difference between the instantaneous weight
If this parameter is set to 0, 8T8R cross polarization antennas and the measured weight_x000D_
are used._x000D_
is smaller than the offset, the instantaneous weight is used for beamforming.
If this parameter is set to 1, 8T8R omnidirectional circular antennas are used._x000D_
If this parameter
Indicates whetheristoset to 2, other
enable types ofmode
transmission antennas are used._x000D_
switching from TM3 directly to dual-stream beamforming when adaptation betw
If this parameter is set to ON, the transmission mode is selected based on the beamforming and MIMO configurations._x000D_
If this parameter
beamforming andisMIMO
set to is OFF, the transmission
enabled. This parametermode canis fixed
be used to TM3 (in non-multi-RRU cell scenarios) or TM1 (in single-antenn
for optimization_x000D_
if low-speed UEs cannot select an optimal transmission mode by using_x000D_
Indicates whether to accelerate transmission mode determination for UEs. If this parameter is set to ON(On) when adaptation b
Indicates whether TM4 can be selected during the adaptation between beamforming and MIMO when the BfMimoAdaptiveSwit
Indicate the offset of the threshold that triggers the transmission mode switching between TM9 with PMI and TM3 when adapta
Indicates the offset of the threshold that triggers UE pairing in dual-stream MUBF mode for beamforming UEs. In omnidirectiona
Indicates the offset of the threshold that triggers UE pairing in four-stream MUBF mode for beamforming UEs. In omnidirectiona
Indicates the threshold offset used for switching from TM3 dual-stream mode to TM9 quadruple-stream mode. This parameter c
Indicates the threshold offset used for switching from TM9 quadruple-stream mode to TM3 dual-stream mode. This parameter c
Indicates whether to enable CQI reporting period adaptation. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the CQI reporting period adapti
Indicates the fixed CQI reporting period. This parameter takes effect only if the CqiPeriodAdaptive parameter is set to OFF(Off)
Indicates whether CQI and ACK/NACK can be simultaneously sent on the PUCCH. For details, see the contents related to PUC
Indicates the aperiodic CQI resource configurations and the triggering condition of aperiodic CQI reporting during handovers. If
Indicates the minimum period of periodic CQI reporting. If the CqiPeriodAdaptive parameter is set to ON, the CQI reporting peri
Indicates whether to enable SCell CQI reporting enhancement. If this parameter is set to ON, SCell periodic CQI reporting is no
Indicates the offset for reporting the DL CoMP measurement event. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a n
Indicates the switch for adjusting the PA through power control on the PDSCH. If this parameter is set to ON, the PA is adjusted
Indicates the PA to be used when PA adjustment for PDSCH power control is disabled, DL ICIC is disabled, and the even powe
Indicates the threshold for UEs to enter the discontinuous reception (DRX) mode in a cell that operates in FDD mode. This thre
Indicates the threshold for UEs to exit the discontinuous reception (DRX) mode in a cell that operates in FDD mode. This thresh
Indicates the length of the UE traffic measurement period. The traffic volume of a UE during this period is measured. Based on
Indicates the length of the long DRX cycle for a UE in the uplink out-of-synchronization state. Set this parameter to a value grea
Indicates whether the cqi-Mask IE can be set. The cqi-Mask IE is an optional IE introduced in 3GPP Release 9. If the cqi-Mask
Indicates the DRX onduration timer for UEs when the eNodeB does not maintain synchronization for UEs.
Indicates the DRX inactivity timer for UEs when the eNodeB does not maintain synchronization for UEs.
Indicates the policy for selecting a DRX parameter group for a UE whose bearers have different QCIs. If this parameter is set to
Indicates whether to enable optimized random distribution of DrxStartOffset values for UEs that are configured with only soundi
Indicates whether to enable DRX-enabled UEs to enter the DRX sleep time. When this parameter is set to ON and two consecu
In CA scenarios, the setting of this parameter in the PCell and the SCell must be the same. This parameter applies only to LTE
Indicates whether to deliver measurement-dedicated DRX parameters to a UE when GERAN measurements are triggered for C
Indicates the length of the long DRX cycle dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates the length of the On Duration Timer dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates the length of the DRX Inactivity Timer dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates the length of the DRX Retransmission Timer dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates whether to enable the short DRX cycle dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates the length of the short DRX cycle dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates the length of the DRX Short Cycle Timer dedicated to GERAN measurement.
Indicates whether to increase the probability of falsely detected SRs when UEs are in the DRX state. If this switch is turned off,
Indicates whether to adjust the DrxStartOffset value. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks. If this switch is turned o
Indicates whether to enable special scheduling for UEs to which the eNodeB has delivered measurement-dedicated DRX param
Indicates whether to deliver measurement-dedicated DRX parameters to a UE when GERAN measurements are triggered for a
Indicates whether to report at least one periodic CQI during the period specified by the On Duration timer. If this parameter is se
Indicates the DRX status during an uplink HARQ retransmission period. If this parameter is set to DRX_ACTIVE_FOR_RETX(D
If this parameter is set to DRX_ACTIVE_FOR_VOICE(DRX_ACTIVE_FOR_VOICE), for VoLTE UEs in DRX mode, the eNodeB
Indicates whether to enable DRX (excluding dynamic DRX). DRX takes effect on a CA UE only when this parameter is set to ON
Indicates whether to enable or disable short DRX cycles. Short DRX cycles reduce the traffic delay. If the ShortDrxSwitch param
Indicates whether to stop the SR pending triggered by a false SR detection. If this parameter is set to ON, the eNodeB stops th
Indicates whether the eNodeB delivers the intra-RAT gap-assisted measurement configuration and DRX configuration to a UE a
Indicates whether the parameters in the CellDrxSpecialPara MO take effect. If the CellDrxSpecialParaValid parameter is set to
Indicates the length of a long DRX cycle that is applied only to non-power-saving UEs whose subscriber profile ID for RAT/frequ
Indicates the length of the On Duration Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained in
Indicates the length of the DRX Inactivity Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained
Indicates whether to enable or disable short DRX cycles for non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained in the R
Indicates the length of a short DRX cycle that is applied only to non-power-saving UEs whose subscriber profile ID for RAT/freq
Indicates the long DRX cycle for intra-RAT ANR. If intra-RAT ANR is enabled, this parameter takes effect regardless of whether
Indicates the long DRX cycle for inter-RAT ANR. If inter-RAT ANR is enabled, this parameter is valid regardless of whether DRX
Indicates the length of the DRX Inactivity Timer for LTE FDD automatic neighbor relation (ANR). If ANR is enabled, this parame
Indicates the length of the DRX Short Cycle Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contain
Indicates the RSRP threshold for events A1/A2 that are used for coverage based inter-frequency blind handover and coverage
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for events A1/A2 that are used for coverage based inter-frequency blind handover and coverage
Indicates the threshold that determines whether a UE moves at a high or low speed. If the UE moves at a speed lower than this
Indicates the handover method switches based on which the eNodeB determines handover policies. BlindHoSwitch: This option
Indicates the switches used to control whether to enable optimization algorithms for SRVCC-based handovers._x000D_
SRVCCWITHPSCSRETRYSWITCH(SrvccWithPsCsRetrySwitch): Assume that a PS+CS handover preparation for SRVCC fails
Indicates the MCS index threshold for triggering uplink-quality-based handovers. If the uplink MCS index selected for a UE is le
Indicates the IBLER threshold for triggering uplink-quality-based handovers. If the uplink IBLER of a UE minus the target IBLER
Indicates the period during which the number of handovers is used to determine whether a UE in RRC_CONNECTED mode mo
Indicates the number of handovers used to determine whether a UE in RRC-CONNECTED mode moves at a high speed during
measurement report for CSFB to UTRAN. If this parameter is set to_x000D_
BASED_ON_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, the eNodeB transfers the UE to the strongest_x000D_
Indicates the length of the timer
EmcInterFreqBlindHoSwitch: thatoption
If this the eNodeB waitsthe
is selected, for eNodeB
the next preferentially
report after
an receiving the first
inter-frequency measurement
blind redirection re
InterFreqSpeedHoSwitch: If this option is selected, speed-based inter-frequency handovers are enabled. This algorithm allows
Indicates If this option
usedistoselected, thewhether
eNodeBapreferentially performs coverage-based inter-frequency handov
Indicates the number
whether the of handovers
source cell delivers determine
information UE in
of the elapsed RRC_CONNECTED
time of the UE inactivitymode
timer moves at a high
to the target cell speed durin
in a handov
If this parameter is set to ON(On), the source cell delivers information of the elapsed time of the UE inactivity timer to the target
If this parameter
Indicates the UE is set to OFF(Off),
quantity threshold the source cell
for triggering does
blind not deliver
redirection ininformation
a high-speedof railway
the messages
cell whenandthe
target cell does
leaves notThi
the cell. inh
Indicates the protection timer for low-speed UEs used in the Handover Enhancement at Speed Mobility feature. After a high-spe
Indicates the period during which handover of a UE is not allowed after the UE is handed over to a high-speed cell. This param
Indicates whether to enable the flash SRVCC algorithm. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the flash SRVCC algorithm is enable
Indicates the path loss threshold for uplink weak coverage identification in the flash SRVCC algorithm. If the FlashSrvccSwitch
Indicates the SINR threshold for uplink weak coverage identification in the flash SRVCC algorithm. If the FlashSrvccSwitch para
Indicates the duration of the handover processing timer started after a dedicated QCI 1 bearer is set up. If this parameter is set
NO_ADAPTIVE:the threshold
A fixedofMIMO
the measurement
transmission duration
mode is forused.determining whether between
That is, transition coverage-based inter-frequency
MIMO transmission measurement
modes is not supporha
TM2: Transmission Themode
open-loop adaptive MIMO
2 is permanently transmission
applied mode is used. In this mode, UEs report RANK and CQI values bu
to UEs._x000D_
TM3: Transmission The closed-loop adaptive MIMO transmission mode is used. In this mode, UEs report RANK, CQI, and PMI val
Indicates the MIMO mode 3 is permanently
transmission mode used applied
network access._x000D_
TM4: Transmission mode 4 is permanently applied to UEs._x000D_
If this parameter is set to TM2(TM2), the MIMO transmission mode used during initial network access is TM2._x000D_
If this parameter
Indicates is set toselection
ADAPTIVE(ADAPTIVE), the MIMO transmission mode used during initial network accessfrequency
is determine
Indicates the
the frequency
protection mode policy
of the for load
mobility loadpre-balancing.
balancing (MLB) Thealgorithm
for UEs that indicates
are handed that thefrom
over target
other cells toisths
PROTECTTIMERMODE: If this option is selected, the eNodeB imposes a penalty on UEs that are transferred from other cells t
Indicates the penalty duration If this optionUEs
in which is selected,
that are the eNodeB
handed overdelivers special
from other cellsA1
to or
theA2 measurement
cell are not allowedconfigurations
to be handedto UEs
over t
Indicates the RSRP threshold for inter-frequency MLB-based hand-in UEs to perform measurement event A1. This parameter is
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency MLB-based hand-in UEs to perform measurement event A1. This parameter is
Indicates the RSRP threshold for inter-frequency MLB-based hand-in UEs to perform measurement event A1. This parameter is
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for inter-frequency MLB-based hand-in UEs to perform measurement event A1. This parameter is
Indicates the policies used in inter-RAT MLB._x000D_
Indicates the coordination mechanism
If the UtranRedirectIMMCI between
option is selected, theMLB
eNodeBand other features._x000D_
delivers dedicated cell-reselection priorities of frequencies for "MLB t
HoAdmitSwitch: This option specifies whether the admission of UEs in incoming unnecessary handovers (for example, service-
X2RoHoAdmitSwitch: This option
Indicates the highest-priority targetspecifies
RAT for whether
handovers. the Itadmission
is UTRANofby UEs in S1-This
default. or X2-based
can be sethandovers
to UTRAN, withGERAN,
the caus
Indicates the medium-priority target RAT for handovers. It is GERAN by default. If this parameter is set to UTRAN, GERAN, or C
Indicates the lowest-priority target RAT for handovers. It is CDMA2000 by default. If this parameter is set to UTRAN, GERAN, o
Indicates the highest-priority target RAT for CSFB initiated by UEs in idle mode. It is UTRAN by default. This parameter can be
Indicates the medium-priority target RAT for CSFB initiated by UEs in idle mode. It is GERAN by default. If this parameter is set
Indicates the lowest-priority target RAT for CSFB initiated by UEs in idle mode. It is CDMA2000 by default. If this parameter is s
Indicates the priority for E-UTRAN TDD or E-UTRAN FDD in blind handovers. If this parameter is set to EUTRAN, E-UTRAN FD
If the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset and FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to the same value excluding the value -100, i
If both the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset and FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameters are set to -100, inter-frequency event A2 is deliv
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to preallocations.
Indicates whether to enable or disable preallocation for a bearer with a specified preallocation parameter group ID. If this param
Indicates whether smart preallocation is enabled or disabled for a bearer with a specified preallocation parameter group ID whe
Indicates the minimum interval between two preallocations, that is, the interval between two times that a UE is preallocated mus
Indicates the data amount preallocated to each UE.
Indicates the duration of each smart preallocation.
Indicates whether to enable SRS reporting period adaptation. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the SRS reporting period adap
Indicates the fixed SRS reporting period. This parameter takes effect only when the SrsPeriodAdaptive parameter is set to OFF
Indicates whether parameters in the CellUciOnPuschPara MO take effect.
Indicates the index mapped to the MCS offset for channel quality indicators (CQIs) transmitted with data on PUSCH. For details
Indicates the index mapped to the MCS offset for rank indications (RIs) transmitted with data on PUSCH. For details, see 3GPP
Indicates the maximum number of total inter-frequency and inter-RAT measurement objects that can be contained in the measu
Indicates the maximum number of E-UTRAN FDD frequencies (excluding the frequency on which the serving cell works) that ca
Indicates the maximum number of UTRAN FDD frequencies that can be contained in the measurement control messages deliv
Indicates the maximum number of GERAN frequencies that can be contained in the measurement control messages delivered
Indicates the offset for UL CoMP event A3. A larger value indicates that a neighboring cell must have better quality for the repor
Indicates the admission threshold for UL CoMP UEs in an SFN cell.
Indicates the offset for reporting the UL CoMP event. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a neighboring ce
Indicates whether a UE needs to adjust the transmit power based on the MCS. The indication is sent to the UE through an RRC
Indicates the power offset of the sounding reference signal to the PUSCH when DeltaMcsEnabled is set to UU_DISABLE.
Indicates the power offset of the sounding reference signal to the PUSCH when DeltaMcsEnabled is set to UU_ENABLE.
Indicates the alpha filtering coefficient used by the UE during RSRP measurement for path loss estimation.
Indicates the path loss reference link used by a serving cell in the downlink. For details about how to use this parameter, see 3G
Indicates the ID of the DRX parameter group.
Indicates whether bearers to which the parameter group applies support DRX. The value ON indicates that the bearers support
Indicates the length of the On Duration Timer. Because of the impact of CQI reporting intervals and SRS transmission intervals,
Indicates the length of the DRX inactivity timer.
Indicates the length of the DRX Retransmission Timer.
Indicates the length of the long DRX cycle. Because of the impact of the SRS bandwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAl
Indicates whether short DRX cycles are enabled.
Indicates the length of the short DRX cycle. According to 3GPP specifications, the length of a long DRX cycle must be an intege
Indicates the length of the DRX Short Cycle Timer. If this parameter is set to 1, the length of this timer is one short DRX cycle. I
Indicates the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the GERAN BCCH ARFCN that a UE needs to measure to determine
Indicates the index of a DRX parameter group.
Indicates whether to enable the DRX parameter group. When a UE requests the DRX parameter group, the eNodeB can delive
Indicates the length of the On Duration Timer. Because of the impact of CQI reporting intervals and SRS transmission intervals,
Indicates the length of the DRX Inactivity Timer.
Indicates the length of the DRX Retransmission Timer.
Indicates the length of the long DRX cycle.
Indicates whether to enable or disable short DRX cycles.
Indicates the length of the short DRX cycle. According to 3GPP specifications, the length of a long DRX cycle must be an intege
Indicates the length of the DRX Short Cycle Timer. If this parameter is set to a large value, a UE for which short DRX cycles are
Indicates the ID of the common parameter group related to inter-RAT handover.
Indicates the
the hysteresis of events
time-to-trigger of A1/A2A1/A2 for triggering
for triggering inter-RAT
inter-RAT measurement. This parameter is used to prevent frequent trigg
When detecting that the signal quality in the serving cell meets the entering condition, the UE does not send a measurement re
This parameter
Indicates helpsthreshold
the RSRP decreaseforthe number measurement
inter-RAT of occasionallyevent triggered event the
A1. When reports, the average
measured RSRP number
value of ofthehandovers,
serving celland the
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for inter-RAT measurement event A1._x000D_
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRQ value
RSRP threshold of the serving
for inter-RAT cell exceeds
measurement eventthisA2._x000D_
threshold, an event A1 report will be sent.
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRP value
RSRQ threshold of the serving
for inter-RAT cell is below
measurement thisA2._x000D_
event threshold, an event A2 report will be sent.
Indicates the RSRP threshold 1 in the serving cell of event B2 for threshold,
the measured RSRQ value of the serving cell is below this an event A2 report willhandovers._x000D_
triggering E-UTRAN-to-GERAN be sent.
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRP in the
RSRQ threshold 1 inserving cell iscell
the serving smaller
of eventthanB2theforvalue of thisE-UTRAN-to-GERAN
triggering parameter and the RSSI in the neighboring cell is
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRQ in 1the
RSRP threshold in serving cell cell
the serving is smaller
of event than
B2thefor value of this
triggering parameter and the RSSI
E-UTRAN-to-UTRAN in the neighboring
handovers. _x000D_ cell is
When the measured RSRP in the serving cell is smaller than the value of this parameter and
Indicates the RSRQ threshold 1 in the serving cell of event B2 for triggering E-UTRAN-to-UTRAN handovers. _x000D_the RSCP or Ec/N0 threshold in th
When the measured RSRQ in the serving cell is smaller than the value of this parameter and the RSCP or Ec/N0 threshold in th
Indicates the RLF timer and constants group ID.
Indicates the length of the timer T301. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the length of the timer T310. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the length of the timer T311. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the maximum number of successive "out of sync" indications received from L1. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the extended QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which is required by the operator for service differentiation.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-frequency handover.
Indicates the ID of a group of common parameters related to inter-RAT handover.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to intra-frequency handover.
Indicates the ID of a DRX parameter group.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants indication.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants group ID.
Indicates the waiting duration for the eNodeB to release services with a specific QCI after the eNodeB detects that the radio link
Indicates the QoS class identifier (QCI) of an evolved packet system (EPS) bearer. Different QCIs indicate different QoS require
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-frequency handovers.
Indicates the ID of a common parameter group related to inter-RAT handover.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to intra-frequency handover.
Indicates the ID of a DRX parameter group.
Indicates the interval at which scheduling request indicators are sent.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants indication.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants group ID.
Indicates the waiting duration for the eNodeB to release services with a specific QCI after the eNodeB detects that the radio link
Indicates the QCI priority used by each QCI-based handover algorithm. A larger value of this parameter indicates a lower priorit
Indicates the ID of a mobility load balancing (MLB) parameter group for a QCI. The value 255 is invalid. If this parameter is set
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to preallocations. The value 255 indicates an invalid preallocation parameter gro
Indicates the QCI-specific priority for selecting a DRX parameter group.A larger value of this parameter indicates a lower priority
INTER_FREQ_MLB_LOW_PRIO_IND: If this option is selected, the eNodeB does not preferentially select UEs performing serv
INTER_RAT_MLB_ALLOWED: Inter-RAT MLB is allowed to transfer UEs performing services with the QCI only if this option is
Indicates the ID of the QCI and E-UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates the ID of the QCI and UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates the ID of the QCI and GERAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates the QoS class identifier (QCI) of an evolved packet system (EPS) bearer. Different QCIs indicate different QoS require
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-frequency handovers.
Indicates the ID of a common parameter group related to inter-RAT handover.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to intra-frequency handover.
Indicates the ID of a DRX parameter group.
Indicates the interval at which scheduling request indicators are sent.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants indication.
Indicates the RLF timer and constants group ID.
Indicates the waiting duration for the eNodeB to release services with a specific QCI after the eNodeB detects that the radio link
Indicates the QCI priority used by each QCI-based handover algorithm. A larger value of this parameter indicates a lower priorit
Indicates the ID of a mobility load balancing (MLB) parameter group for a QCI. The value 255 is invalid. If this parameter is set
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to preallocations. The value 255 indicates an invalid preallocation parameter gro
Indicates the QCI-specific priority for selecting a DRX parameter group. A larger value of this parameter indicates a lower priorit
INTER_FREQ_MLB_LOW_PRIO_IND: If this option is selected, the eNodeB does not preferentially select UEs performing serv
INTER_RAT_MLB_ALLOWED: Inter-RAT MLB is allowed to transfer UEs performing services with the QCI only if this option is
Indicates the ID of the QCI and E-UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates the ID of the QCI and UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates the ID of the QCI and GERAN frequency relationship group.
When a cell meets the dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ) triggering criteria, the AMBR of UEs with the specified QCI is pro
Indicates the ID of the QCI and E-UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates whether the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency can be a target frequency in QCI-specific mobility management._x000D
MlbTargetInd(MlbTargetInd): The neighboring E-UTRAN frequency can be a target frequency in QCI-specific MLB only if this op
Indicates the ID of the relationship group of the QCI and the GERAN frequency group.
Indicates whether the GERAN frequency group can be a target frequency in QCI-specific mobility management._x000D_
MlbTargetInd(MlbTargetInd): The GERAN frequency group can be a target in QCI-specific MLB only if this option is selected.Yo
Indicates the downlink (DL) UTRA absolute radio frequency channel number (UARFCN) associated with the QCI.
Indicates the ID of the QCI and UTRAN frequency relationship group.
Indicates whether the UTRAN frequency can be a target frequency in QCI-specific mobility management._x000D_
MlbTargetInd(MlbTargetInd): The UTRAN frequency can be a target frequency in QCI-specific MLB only if this option is selected
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to GERAN.
Indicates the hysteresis for event B1 related to inter-RAT handover to GERAN. This parameter is used to prevent frequent trigg
Indicates the RSSI threshold for event B1 related to coverage-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN._x000D_
A UE sends
Indicates theatime-to-trigger
measurementfor report
eventrelated to event
B1 related B1 to the handover
to inter-RAT eNodeB when the RSSI
to GERAN. in atdetecting
When least onethat
GERAN cell exceeds
the signal quality inthis
at lt
This parameter helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered event reports, the average number of handovers and the n
Indicates the RSSI threshold for event B1 related to load- or service-based inter-RAT handover to GERAN._x000D_
When the measured RSSI value exceeds this threshold, a measurement report will be sent.
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to inter-RAT handover to UTRAN.
Indicates the
the Ec/N0
RSCP threshold
threshold for
for event
event B1
B1 related
related toto coverage-based
coverage-based inter-RAT
inter-RAT handover
handover to to UTRAN. This parameter specifies
This parameter specifies the requirement for RSCP of the target UTRAN cell._x000D_
When thethe
Indicates measurement value
hysteresis for exceeds
event this threshold,
B1 related to inter-RATa measurement report will
handover to UTRAN. Thisbeparameter
sent. is used to prevent frequent trigge
Indicates the time-to-trigger for event B1 related to inter-RAT handover to UTRAN. When detecting that the signal quality in at le
This parameter
Indicates helpsthreshold
the Ec/N0 decreaseforthe number
event of occasionally
B1 related triggered
to load- or event reports,
service-based inter-RAT thehandover
average number of handovers and the n
to UTRAN._x000D_
Indicates the RSCP threshold for event B1 related to load- or service-based inter-RAT handover to UTRAN._x000D_
This parameter specifies the requirement for Ec/N0 of the target UTRAN cell. When the measurement value exceeds this thres
This parameter specifies the requirement for RSCP of the target UTRAN cell._x000D_
WhenCA-group-based configuration
the measurement mode, this
value exceeds this threshold,
parameteratakes effect if the
measurement SccBlindCfgSwitch
report will be sent. option of the CaAlgoSwitch param
If this parameter is set to TRUE(TRUE), the eNodeB can configure this candidate SCell as an SCell for CA UEs in a blind mann
Indicates the priority of the candidate secondary serving cell (SCell). A larger value of this parameter indicates a higher priority a
This parameter specifies the offset to CarrAggrA4ThdRsrp. When a CA UE treats the cell specified by the LocalCellId paramete
Indicates the offset to CarrAggrA2ThdRsrp. When a CA UE treats the cell specified by the LocalCellId parameter in the local eN
Indicates the ID of an SPID group, which identifies a group of UEs whose SPIDs belong to the same group. If this parameter is
Indicates the offset for event A3. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a neighboring cell and that of the serv
Indicates the hysteresis for reporting event A3 or A6. This parameter is used to prevent frequent entering or leaving of event A3
Indicates the time-to-trigger for reporting event A3 or A6. When detecting that the signal quality in the serving cell and that in at
Indicates the maximum number of cells to be included in each measurement report after event A3 or A6 is triggered. For details
Indicates the number of periodic measurement reports that are sent after event A3 or A6 is triggered. For details, see 3GPP TS
Indicates the interval between periodic measurement reports that are sent after event A3 or A6 is triggered. For details, see 3GP
Indicates the type of the value to be included in the measurement report after event A3 or A6 is triggered, which can be set to S
Indicates whether event A3 or A6 is triggered based on RSRP or RSRQ values. The measured RSRP values are stable, slightly
Indicates the offset for event A6. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a neighboring cell and that of the serv
Indicates the maximum number of intra-frequency cells to be included in each intra-frequency periodic measurement report. Fo
Indicates the quantity used to evaluate the triggering condition for the intra-frequency periodic measurement. The quantity can b
Indicates the reporting quantity to be included in the intra-frequency periodic measurement report. It can be either the same as
Indicates the maximum number of inter-frequency cells to be included in each inter-frequency periodic measurement report. Fo
Indicates the quantity used to evaluate the triggering condition for the inter-frequency periodic measurement. The quantity can b
Indicates the reporting quantity to be included in the inter-frequency periodic measurement report. It can be either the same as
Indicates whether to enable adaptive A3 measurement control. This parameter includes the following option:_x000D_
UlCoMPA3RptIntervalAdapt: If this option is selected, parameter configurations related to A3 measurement report can be adapt
Indicates the channel quality threshold for measuring the incident angle of UE signals to the eNodeB. When the channel quality
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to inter-frequency handover.
Indicates the hysteresis of events A1/A2 for triggering inter-frequency measurement. This parameter is used to prevent frequen
Indicates the time-to-trigger of event A1/A2 for triggering inter-frequency measurement._x000D_
When detecting that the signal quality in the serving cell meets the triggering condition, the UE does not send a measurement r
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A1 of A4/A5 based inter-frequency handover.When the measured RSRP value exceeds
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for event A1 of A4/A5 based inter-frequency handover._x000D_
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRQ value
RSRP threshold exceeds
for event A2 of this threshold,
A4/A5 basedainter-frequency
measurement report will be sent.
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRP value
RSRQ threshold is below
for event A2the threshold,
of A4/A5 baseda measurement
inter-frequencyreport will be sent.
When the measured RSRQ value is below this threshold, a measurement report will be sent.
Indicates the hysteresis for event A4. This parameter is used to prevent frequent triggering of event evaluation caused by radio
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A4 related to coverage-based inter-frequency handover. When the measured RSRP val
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for event A4 related to coverage-based inter-frequency handover. When the measured RSRQ va
Indicates the time-to-trigger for event A4 for the inter-frequency handover. When detecting that the signal quality in at least one
This parameter helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered event reports, the average number of handovers, and the
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A4 related to load-based inter-frequency handovers. When the measured RSRP value e
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for event A4 related to load-based inter-frequency handovers. When the measured RSRQ value
Indicates the RSRP threshold for frequency-priority-based inter-frequency measurement event A1. When the measured RSRP
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for frequency-priority-based inter-frequency measurement event A1._x000D_
When the measured RSRQ value exceeds this threshold, an event A1 report will be sent.
Indicates the offset for event A3 associated with inter-frequency handover. This parameter determines the border between the s
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A1 of A3 based inter-frequency handover. When the measured RSRP value exceeds th
Indicates the RSRP threshold for event A2 of A3 based inter-frequency handover. When the measured RSRP value exceeds th
Indicates the RSRP threshold for frequency-priority-based inter-frequency measurement event A2._x000D_
If the measured
Indicates the RSRQ RSRP value isfor
threshold less than this threshold,
inter-frequency an eventevent
measurement A2 report will be sent.
When the measured RSRQ value is below this threshold, a measurement report will be sent.
Indicates the RSRP threshold for the A1/A2 event that is used for location-based UE priority selection during MLB that is based
Indicates the RSRP threshold 1 in the serving cell of event A5 for triggering inter-frequency handovers._x000D_
When thethe
Indicates measured RSRP in the
RSRQ threshold 1 inserving cell iscell
the serving smaller than
of event A5the
forvalue of this
triggering parameter andhandovers._x000D_
inter-frequency the RSRP or RSRQ in the neighbo
Whenthe neighboring
the measured cellRSRQ
is greater
in thethan this parameter
serving cell is smallervalue,
the value of this parameter and the RSRP or RSRQ in the neighb
UE reports event A4._x000D_
UE reports
A small event
value A4._x000D_
of this parameter increases_x000D_
A small value of this parameter increases_x000D_
Indicates the RSRP threshold 1 of the serving cell for event A5 related to inter-frequency measurements for MLB. If the measur
Indicates the RSRQ threshold 1 of the serving cell for event A5 related to inter-frequency measurements for MLB. If the measur
Indicates the offset of the A4 threshold of the target cell related to UL-quality-based inter-frequency handovers to the A4 thresho
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for event A1 of A3 based inter-frequency handover.
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for event A2 of A3 based inter-frequency handover.
Indicates the RSRP threshold for triggering inter-frequency measurement event A4 during handovers for uplink heavy traffic-bas
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for triggering inter-frequency measurement event A4 during handovers for uplink heavy traffic-ba
Indicates the ID of the parameter group related to intra-frequency handover.
Indicates the hysteresis for intra-frequency handover event A3. This parameter decreases frequent event triggering due to radio
Indicates thethe offset for eventfor
time-to-trigger A3.intra-frequency
If the parameter is set toevent
handover a large value, an intra-frequency handover is performed only when th
When the UE detects that the signal quality in the serving cell and that in at least one neighboring cell meet the entering conditi
Indicates the time-to-trigger
This parameter helps decrease for event A3 related
the number to intra-frequency
of occasionally triggeredhandovers for high-speed
event reports, the average UEs in high-speed
number cells._x000D_
of handovers, and the
When the entering condition for intra-frequency handover event is met, the UE does not immediately report event A3 to the eNo
Indicates the QoS class identifier (QCI) of an evolved packet system (EPS) bearer. Different QCIs indicate different QoS require
Indicates whether to enable or disable X2 setup by SON.
Indicates the method of X2 setup by SON, that is, the method of automatically setting up X2 interfaces. The value X2_OVER_O
Indicates whether to enable scheduling request indication (SRI) adaptation. If this switch is turned on, the SRI period adaptively
- Other GBR services are assigned logical channel group 1._x000D_
- High-priority non-GBR services are assigned logical channel group 2._x000D_
Indicates whether to enable or disable RAN information management (RIM) for handovers within an RNC pool. An RNC pool ca
Indicates whether
whether thethe eNodeB
eNodeB simultaneously
automatically updates sends Uu the messages
configuration during security mode
of neighboring cellsactivation
based onand thereconfiguration.
messages receivedIf thisovs
Turn off the switch if the eNodeB configuration data on a network is to be modified by using the interlocking modification functio
This switch
Indicates must be
whether to turned
enableon theif X2
interlocking modification
self-setup function
function on the
for target CME is If
operators. not used
this and theiseNodeB
parameter configuration
set to ON(On), the eNo da
Indicates whether to select transport network layer (TNL) parameters based on the primary PLMN ID or selected PLMN ID that
Indicates thethe UMTS load transmission
switch used to control thechannel. The eNodeB
data forwarding sends RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST
mechanism in S1-based incoming handovers._x000D_ PDUs to UTRAN cells to r
If the switch is turned off, uplink data forwarding and downlink data forwarding are separately determined. The target eNodeB c
If the switch
Indicates theisRRC
turned on, uplinkreestablishment
connection data forwardingprotection
and downlink data forwarding
threshold. are determined
UE manufacturers may have together.
differentThe target eNodeB
understanding of can
Indicates the time for which the X2 interface configuration is retained on the local and peer eNodeBs when the two eNodeBs do
Indicates the eNodeB coding scheme for Global eNodeB ID IE and Reporting Cell ID IE in the RIM message. If the EPC device
Indicates whether the handover request message for a handover from E-UTRAN to UTRAN or GERAN contains the UE-EUTRA
Indicates whether MMEs of operators that share the eNodeB can be configured with the same mobility management entity code
Indicates whether
Indicates whether theto enable
automatic removal message based on a request
contains from theStatus
the IE Receive peer eNodeB.
Of UL PDCP If this parameter
SDUs duringisanset
S1-to or
When this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the SN STATUS TRANSFER message contains the IE Receive
IdleCsfbRedirectOptSwitch: If this option is selected and the preferred CSFB policy for UEs in idle mode is redirection, the eNod Status Of UL PDCP SD
When this parameterIf is
UlNasBufferSwitch: setoption
this to ON(On), the SN
is selected, theSTATUS
buffers uplinkmessage contains the
NAS messages sentIEbyReceive
the UE Status
before Of
Indicates whether to enable If this
the option
eNodeB is to
removethe Handover
external Required
cell and message
neighboring cellthat the eNodeBfrom
configurations sends to a BSC cell
neighboring contains
lists (
Indicates the type of served cells, which is contained in protocol-defined messages exchanged in X2 Setup and eNB Configura
Indicates whether to enable eNodeB-triggered MME load rebalancing. When this parameter is set to ON(On), the eNodeB relea
Indicates after which times of resynchronization failures the UE release timer is started in scenarios where the RRC connection
Indicates whether to perform the radio link failure (RLF) detection for a UE when the RRC connection for the UE is released bec
Indicates the UE link fault detection switch. If this switch is turned on, link fault detection is enabled for synchronized UEs. If this
Indicates the value of the IE Default paging DRX contained in the S1 SETUP REQUEST and ENB CONFIGURATION UPDATE
Indicates whether the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message sent from the source eNodeB to a UE contains the power head
Indicates whether to send E-UTRAN cell load information. The RimUtranSwitch(RimUtranSwitch) option controls whether to sen
SupportS1UeCapMatchMsg: If this option is selected, the eNodeB can process and respond to the UE RADIO CAPABILITY MA
SupportS1UELocationInfoSwitch: The eNodeB reports the UE location information in the E-RAB and UE context release messa
Indicates whether the eNodeB is allowed to send a CellTrafficTrace message to the MME over the S1 interface after a cell traci
This switch is only valid when a UMPT and an LMPT are in one BBU, with the UMPT as the main control board and the LMPT a
MMESELECTALGOSWITCHFORGUUE: applies to UEs transferred from GERAN/UTRAN cells by cell reselections. If this optio
GUMMEITYPESWITCH: specifies whether the eNodeB uses the gummei-Type IE in RRCConnectionSetupComplete messages
This parameter Indicates whether to enable software commissioning over the S1 interface. If all S1 links are unavailable in the i
Indicates whether the eNodeB applies compatibility handling to the protocol-defined procedures. This parameter provides the fo
Indicates the triggering type for establishing an SCTP link for an X2 interface. If this parameter is set to BASED_TNL, the estab
BASED_ON_X2FAULT(Based on X2 Fault): If this option is selected, X2 automatic removal based on X2 fault is enabled. _x00
BASED_ON_X2USAGE_WITH_NEGO(Based on X2 Usage with Negotiation): If this option is selected, X2 automatic removal b
Indicates the length of the timer for automatically removing X2 interfaces based on X2 fault. If an X2 interface is faulty througho
Indicates the length of the timer for automatically removing X2 interfaces based on X2 usage. If the number of handovers from
Indicates the threshold of the number of incoming handovers for automatically removing X2 interfaces based on X2 usage. If th
Indicates the threshold of the number of outgoing handovers for automatically removing X2 interfaces based on X2 usage. If the
Indicates whether to optimize the statistics method of counters related to the number of active UEs in intra-eNodeB handover s
Indicates the maximum number of synchronized UEs supported by a baseband processing unit (BBP). This parameter currently
Indicates the time to wait for sending an X2 setup request again when an X2 setup fails. When an X2 setup procedure fails, the
If this parameter is set to TIMETOWAIT_NOTCARRY, the X2 Setup Failure message does not contain the TimetoWait IE. The v
Indicates the threshold of the number of X2 setup failures. If the number of X2 setup failures reaches this threshold within a per
Indicates the length of a period for measuring the number of X2 setup failures. If the number of X2 setup failures reaches the va
Indicates whether to enable eX2 automatic removal._x000D_
If BASED_ON_EX2FAULT(Based on EX2 Fault) is selected, eX2 automatic removal based on eX2 fault is enabled. If BASED_O
Indicates the length of the timer for automatically removing eX2 interfaces based on eX2 fault. If an eX2 interface is faulty throu
Indicates the X2 automatic removal mode. If this parameter is set to ALL_FREE_MODE(All free mode), all enabled X2 automat
Indicates the threshold for triggering X2 self-setup. If the number of times an X2 interface needs to be set up between the local
Indicates the length of the timer for the local eNodeB measuring the number of times an X2 interface needs to be automatically
Indicates whether an eNodeB proactively reconfigures the access stratum (AS) security key after an X2-based handover. If this
Indicates whether the eNodeB automatically updates neighboring cell configuration based on the messages received over the X
FreqAddCtrl(FreqAddCtrl): This option controls whether the eNodeB adds neighboring E-UTRAN frequencies based on messag
Indicates the method of obtaining the domain name of an MME for S1-MME self-setup. If this parameter is set to Auto, the eNod
Indicates the threshold for an RRC connection penalty. Certain UEs may repeatedly fail to access networks because of compat
DEL_NCELL_CFG_SW: The eNodeB automatically deletes neighboring cell, blacklisted neighboring E-UTRAN cell, and extern
ADD_FREQ_CFG_SW(ADD_FREQ_CFG_SW): If this option is selected, according to the X2 messages received by an eNode
Indicates whether to control the handover process. This parameter provides the following options: HoDataSendCtrlSwitch: Indic
S1_HANDOVER_REEST_SWITCH: This option specifies whether the eNodeB supports RRC connection reestablishment in S1
NO_CONTEXT_REEST_SWITCH: This option specifies whether the eNodeB uses 3GPP-defined RRC connection reestablishm
Indicates whether to enable S1-MME self-configuration.
Indicates whether to use a private mechanism for management-based MDT data collection. If this parameter is set to ON, the e
Indicates whether to perform parameter check when theIndicates
UltraFlashCsfbComOptSw(UltraFlashCsfbComOptSw): QCI value is updated.
whether If thisthe
to enable parameter is setoftoUE
optimization ON, the function of
incompatibility che
ForbidR8R9UeAccessB41Sw(ForbidR8R9UeAccessB41Sw): Indicates whether to forbid UEs compliant with 3GPP Release 8 a
Indicates Indicates whether to enable compatibility
related tooptimization on inter-duplex-mode measurements for U
Indicates the switch
whether to to control
enable the
SCTP Huawei-proprietary
link abortion smooth. functions
This parameter the S1 interface.UeTypeRecogSwitch:
provides the following options: _x000D_This option con
HUAWEI_S1_SCTP_ABORT_SMOOTH_SW(Huawei S1 SCTP Abort Smooth Sw): For an S1 interface that connects an eNode
Indicates the maximum number of UEs that are allowed S1 SCTP AbortaSmooth
to access Sw):This
single cell. For parameter
an S1 interface
applies that connects
only to LTE anFDD.eNodeB
The se
Indicates whether to enable CSFB procedure optimization. This parameter provides the following option:_x000D_
Indicates whether X2 automatic removal takesThis option
effect when specifies
an initialwhether to optimize
X2 self-setup targetfails.
procedure frequency selection
This function is for
only to U
if th
If this parameter is set to ON, an eNodeB automatically removes an X2 interface when the eNodeB detects a consistent fault of
Indicates whether
Indicates the agingeX2
of dynamic X2 blacklists
in ideal backhaulthatandare automatically
non-ideal generated.
backhaul modes take When the aging
effect. time is reached,
This parameter providesdynamic X2
the follo
Indicates whether dynamic eX2 blacklist in ideal backhaul and non-ideal backhaul modes take effect. This parameter provides td
If this option is selected, eX2 self-setup in ideal backhaul mode takes effect. If this option is
BASED_ON_EX2_IDEAL_MODE: The function If this option is selected,
of dynamic eX2 self-setup
eX2 blacklist in non-ideal
in ideal backhaul modebackhaul modeonly
takes effect takes effect.
if this Howi
Indicates the aging time of dynamic eX2 blacklists. If accumulated time of dynamic eX2 blacklists
BASED_ON_EX2_NON_IDEAL_MODE: The functions of dynamic eX2 blacklist in non-ideal backhaul mode and eX2 automatic reaches the aging time, the e
This parameter is valid only if at least BASED_ON_EX2_IDEAL_MODE or BASED_ON_EX2_NON_IDEAL_MODE of the eX2D
Indicates whether
whether the eNodeB
to enable reports the PRS
measurement Muting
to collect dataConfiguration
related to RRCIE when the eNodeB
connection setup does not support the PRS Muting fun
RrcConnPunishStatSwitch: If this option is selected, the L.RRC.ConnReq.Msg counter is incremented only by 1 when a UE rep
This parameter
Indicates applies
whether only to in
parameters LTE TDD. CellQciPara, and CnOperatorQciPara MOs take effect. The parameters do not take e
Indicates whether the eNodeB checks the RSN in the first Multiple Report message sent from the RNC in a multiple RIM proced
This parameter indicates the cause value of an S1 release when the UuMessageWaitingTimer or UuMessageWaitingTimerQci1
The parameter indicates the switch that specifies whether the signaling resource pool policy takes effect. The policy takes effec
Indicates the protection threshold of the number of RRC connection reestablishments initiated by the same UE in an eNodeB a
Indicates the proportion of the number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode of the operator when the eNodeB is shared among
Indicates the proportion of users that the operator can share with other operators when the eNodeB is shared among operators
Indicates the ID of a mobility load balancing (MLB) parameter group for a QCI. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the uplink minimum guaranteed bit rate. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the downlink minimum guaranteed bit rate. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the index of the MME domain name.
Indicates the domain name of an MME or an MME pool. If MMEs are configured as an MME pool, you are advised to specify th
Indicates the counter index related to the data forwarded.
Indicates the minimum length of the S1 re-establishment timer.
Indicates the maximum length of the S1 re-establishment timer.
Indicates the general switch of the service classification (SC) algorithm. This parameter provides the SC_SERVICE_IDENTITY_
Indicates the evaluation time of video initial caching.
Indicates the SC running status on a board.
Indicates the reason why the SC status is abnormal.
Indicates the DRX switch. The setting of this parameter has no effect on dynamic DRX. DRX applies to a CA UE only when this
Indicates whether to enable or disable short DRX cycles. Short DRX cycles reduce the traffic delay.
Indicates the length of a long DRX cycle that is applied only to non-power-saving UEs whose subscriber profile ID for RAT/frequ
Indicates the length of the On Duration Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained in
Indicates the length of the DRX Inactivity Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained
Indicates whether to enable or disable short DRX cycles for non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contained in the R
Indicates the length of a short DRX cycle that is applied only to non-power-saving UEs whose subscriber profile ID for RAT/freq
Indicates the length of the DRX Short Cycle Timer that applies only to non-power-saving UEs whose RFSP indexes are contain
Indicates the long DRX cycle for intra-RAT ANR. If intra-RAT ANR is enabled, this parameter is valid regardless of whether DRX
Indicates the long DRX cycle for inter-RAT ANR. If inter-RAT ANR is enabled, this parameter is valid regardless of whether DRX
Indicates the length of the discontinuous reception (DRX) inactivity timer for automatic neighbor relation (ANR). If ANR is enable
Indicates the extended QoS Class Identifier (QCI), which is required by the operator for user differentiation.
Indicates the service type corresponding to the extended QCI.
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during uplink scheduling.
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during downlink scheduling.
Indicates the uplink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the downlink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the pre-allocation weight. The pre-allocation weight of a UE is the pre-allocation weight of services carried by the high
Indicates the group ID of the parameters related to the inter-RAT handover with the extended QCI.
Indicates the prioritized bit rate of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in d
Indicates the priority of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in descending
Indicates the ID of an RLC/PDCP parameter group.
Indicates whether the extended QCI is specific to free users or paid users.
Indicates whether to enable flow control for the QCI.
Indicates whether this extended QCI is used as the dedicated QCI for PTT services. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), the eN
Indicates the downlink scheduling priority of dedicated bearers for PTT services. If the parameter is set to EQUAL_PRI_TO_QC
Indicates the uplink scheduling priority of dedicated bearers for PTT services. If the parameter is set to EQUAL_PRI_TO_QCI1(
Indicates counter index to which the extended QCI is mapped. If this parameter is set to Index0, the counters (for example, upli
Indicates the group ID of the parameters related to the inter-RAT handover with a specific QCI.
PS_HO: indicates whether to allow PS handovers to UTRAN._x000D_
Indicates the switchwhether
SRVCC: indicates used totoenable or disabletothe
allow transfers singleinradio
UTRAN voicemode._x000D_
SRVCC call continuity (SRVCC) handover to GERAN GSM._x000D
If this switch is set to on, the UE can perform the SRVCC handover to the GERAN GSM cell._x000D_
If this switch
Indicates is set CCO
whether to off,tothe UE cannotGPRS/EDGE
neighboring perform the SRVCC handover to the GERAN GSM cell.
cells is allowed._x000D_
Indicates whether to permit or forbid the inter-RAT handover under the QCI.
Indicates whether to allow the fast ANR under the QCI. The function specified by this parameter is an extended function and is
Indicates the index mapped to the MCS offset for channel quality indicators (CQIs) transmitted with data on PUSCH. For details
Indicates the index mapped to the MCS offset for rank indications (RIs) transmitted with data on PUSCH. For details, see 3GPP
Indicates the QCI of an EPS bearer. Different QCIs represent different QoS specifications such as the packet delay budget, pac
Indicates the service type corresponding to the operator-defined QCI.
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during uplink scheduling.
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during downlink scheduling.
Indicates the uplink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the downlink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the pre-allocation weight. The pre-allocation weight of a UE is the pre-allocation weight of services carried by the high
Indicates the group ID of the parameters related to the inter-RAT handover with the extended QCI.
Indicates the prioritized bit rate of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in d
Indicates the priority of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in descending
Indicates the ID of an RLC/PDCP parameter group.
Indicates whether the extended QCI is specific to free users or paid users.
Indicates whether to enable flow control for the QCI.
Indicates whether this extended QCI is used as the dedicated QCI for PTT services. If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), the eN
Indicates the downlink scheduling priority of dedicated bearers for PTT services. If the parameter is set to EQUAL_PRI_TO_QC
Indicates the uplink scheduling priority of dedicated bearers for PTT services. If the parameter is set to EQUAL_PRI_TO_QCI1(
Indicates counter index to which the extended QCI is mapped. If this parameter is set to Index0, the counters (for example, upli
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that have bearers of a QCI. If the eNodeB detects that a UE has neither re
Indicates the timer used to govern the period in which the eNodeB maintains uplink synchronization for UEs that have bearers o
Indicates the length of the UE inactivity timer for UEs that have entered DRX mode and have bearers of the QCI when dynamic
Indicates the priority for the QCI-specific UE Inactivity Timer. A larger value of this parameter indicates a higher priority. The eNo
Indicates the ID of the RLC/PDCP parameter group.
Indicates the length of the PDCP discard timer.
Indicates the RLC transmission mode. Only the AM and UM modes are available.
Indicates the UE-specific maximum number of RLC ARQ retransmissions, namely the maximum number of AM PDU retransmis
Indicates the eNodeB-specific maximum number of RLC ARQ retransmissions, which limits the maximum number of acknowled
Indicates the UE-specific data volume threshold of PDUs to trigger polling. When the transmitted data volume reaches the value
Indicates the eNodeB-specific data volume threshold of PDUs to trigger polling. When the transmitted data volume reaches the
Indicates the UE-specific number of PDUs to trigger polling. When the transmitted number of PDUs reaches the value of this pa
Indicates the eNodeB-specific number of PDUs to trigger polling. When the transmitted number of PDUs reaches the value of th
Indicates the length of the Polling PDU retransmission timer for the UE.
Indicates the length of the Polling PDU retransmission timer for the eNodeB.
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for prohibiting status reporting from the receiver in AM.
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for prohibiting status reporting from the receiver in AM.
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in AM.
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in AM.
Indicates the length of a PDCP sequence number of a UL or DL DRB in RLC UM.
Indicates the length of a UL RLC sequence number in UM. The length is permanently 10 bits in AM.
Indicates the length of a DL RLC sequence number in UM. The length is permanently 10 bits in AM.
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in UM.
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in UM.
Indicates whether
(1) The polling PDU a PDCP status report
retransmission timerisfor
required upon handover in AM.
the UE_x000D_
(2) The polling PDU retransmission timer for the eNodeB_x000D_
(3) The UE-specific
Indicates the length timer
of thefor prohibiting
polling status reportingtimer
PDU retransmission fromfor
eNodeB, which is used when the RlcParaAdaptSwitch param
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for prohibiting status reporting from the receiver, which is used when the RlcP
Indicates the length of the polling PDU retransmission timer for the UE, which is used when the RlcParaAdaptSwitch parameter
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for prohibiting status reporting from the receiver, which is used when the RlcParaAd
Indicates whether the eNodeB is compatible with the UE that does not support the RLC transmission in unacknowledged mode
Indicates whether to enable separate configuration of the PDCP discard timer for the uplink and downlink.
Indicates the value of the downlink
- min(CaUeReorderingTimer, PDCP discard timer in the eNodeB. If PDCP PDUs have been buffered for a period longer th
- min(CaUeReorderingTimer, ENodeBAmReorderingTimer)_x000D_
min(CaUeStatProhTimer, UeStatusProhibitTimer)_x000D_
the length of the reordering timer that applies to non-GBR bearers in RLC AM for CA UEs in their PCell when the num
Indicates the length of the status reporting prohibition timer that applies to non-GBR bearers in RLC AM for CA UEs in their PCe
Indicates the length of a PDCP sequence number in RLC AM.
Indicates whether the SRB ID of the SRB RLC/PDCP parameter group. The SRB ID can be SRB1 or SRB2.
Indicates the UE-specific maximum number of RLC ARQ retransmissions, which limits the maximum number of AM PDU retran
Indicates the eNodeB-specific maximum number of RLC ARQ retransmissions, which limits the maximum number of acknowled
Indicates the UE-specific data volume threshold of PDUs to trigger polling. When the data volume of transmitted PDUs reaches
Indicates the eNodeB-specific data volume threshold of PDUs to trigger polling. When the data volume of transmitted PDUs rea
Indicates the UE-specific number of PDUs to trigger polling. When the number of transmitted PDUs reaches this parameter valu
Indicates the eNodeB-specific number of PDUs to trigger polling When the number of transmitted PDUs reaches this parameter
Indicates the length of the Polling PDU retransmission timer for the UE. If you need to change the value of this parameter, turn
Indicates the length of the Polling PDU retransmission timer for the eNodeB. If you need to change the value of this parameter,
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for prohibiting the receiver from sending status reports in AM. If you need to change
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for prohibiting status reporting from the receiver in AM. If you need to change
Indicates the length of the UE-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in AM. If you need to change the value of this parame
Indicates the length of the eNodeB-specific timer for reordering at the receiver in AM. If you need to change the value of this pa
Indicates the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) of an EPS bearer. Different QCIs represent different QoS specifications such as the pa
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during uplink scheduling.
Indicates the weight factor used in the calculation of connection priorities during downlink scheduling.
Indicates the uplink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the downlink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service.
Indicates the pre-allocation weight. The pre-allocation weight of a UE is the pre-allocation weight of services carried by the high
Indicates the ID of a parameter group related to inter-RAT handover.
Indicates the ID of an RLC/PDCP parameter group.
Indicates the prioritized bit rate of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in d
Indicates the priority of the logical channel. The UE scheduler guarantees prioritized bit rates of logical channels in descending
Indicates whether to enable flow control for the QCI.
Indicates the QoS class identifier (QCI) of an evolved packet system (EPS) bearer. Different QCIs indicate different QoS require
Indicates whether to enable or disable adaptive CQI reporting. If this parameter is set to ON, the CQI period adaptively changes
Indicates the fixed CQI period. A fixed CQI period is used when CQI period adaptation is disabled. If the UserCqiPeriodCfg para
Indicates whether CQI and Ack or Nack can be concurrently sent over the PUCCH. For details, see the contents related to PUC
Indicates whether to enable the optimization on CQI reporting periods and PUCCH resources for CQI reporting. If this switch is
Indicates the aperiodic CQI reporting configurations and the trigger condition of aperiodic CQI reporting during handovers. Whe
Indicates whether CQI and ACK/NACK can be simultaneously transmitted over the PUCCH of format 3. For details about PUCC
Indicates whether to enable or disable SRS period adaptation. If this parameter is set to ON, the SRS period adaptively change
Indicates the fixed SRS period. A fixed SRS period is used when SRS period adaptation is disabled.
QCI 5 indicates the requirements for traditional IMS signaling._x000D_
QCI 7 are sent periodically
indicates or as triggered
the requirements by events.
for traditional voice,_x000D_
video, and interactive gaming services._x000D_
Periodic transmission of BSRs uses the timer specified by this parameter._x000D_
When thethe
Indicates timer expires,
length a BSR
of the BSR is sent._x000D_
(Buffer Status Report) retransmission timer. This timer is started after a BSR is sent.
Indicates the upper-layer filtering coefficient for RSRP measurements on E-UTRAN._x000D_
A larger value
Indicates of this parameter
the upper-layer filteringindicates a stronger
coefficient for RSRQ smoothing effect and
measurements higher resistance to fast fading, but it may weaken th
on E-UTRAN._x000D_
A larger value
Indicates of filtering
the L3 this parameter indicates
coefficient a stronger
used for smoothingquantity
the measurement effect and higher resistance
in inter-RAT to fast fading,
measurements but it may weaken th
of GERAN._x000D_
A great value of this parameter indicates a strong smoothing effect and a high anti-fast-fading capability, but a low signal chang
Indicates whether the measurement threshold needs to be set.
Indicates the threshold below which measurements on neighboring cells are started. If the signal quality of the serving cell exce
Indicates whether mobility-based cell handover measurement parameters need to be set.
Indicates the cycle during which evaluations of the UE medium and high mobility states in RRC_CONNECTED mode are perfor
Indicates the cycle during which evaluations of the UE normal mobility state in RRC_CONNECTED mode are performed. It is o
Indicates the handover number threshold used in the UE medium mobility state evaluation. If the number of handovers perform
Indicates the handover number threshold used in the UE high mobility state evaluation. If the number of handovers performed d
Indicates the scaling factor for the time-to-trigger defined for medium-mobility UEs. For a UE in medium mobility, the time-to-trig
Indicates the scaling factor for the time-to-trigger defined for high-mobility UEs. For a UE in high mobility, the time-to-trigger use
Indicates the filtering coefficient for RSCP measurements on UTRAN._x000D_
A larger value
Indicates of this parameter
the upper-layer filteringindicates a stronger
coefficient for Ec/Nosmoothing effect and
measurements higher resistance to fast fading, but it may weaken th
on UTRAN._x000D_
A larger value of this parameter indicates a stronger smoothing effect and higher resistance to fast fading, but it may weaken th
Indicates the punishment time for handover preparation failures in optimized handovers, including frequency-priority-based han
Indicates the penalty timer length for not allowing handovers (excluding MLB) to the target cell when a handover preparation fa
Indicates the number of penalty times none of the handovers is allowed to the target cell when a handover preparation fails due
Indicates the
the number of handovermeasurement
CSFB gap-assisted attempts to the target cell when a handover preparation fails due to non-resource-related cau
Gap-assisted measurement indicates that the eNodeB configures periodical idle time for UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode to m
If the parameter
Indicates is set tonumber
the maximum GAP_PATTERN_TYPE_0,
of cells to be included theinmeasurement time report
the measurement is 6 msafter
period is handover
40 ms. If the parameter
event is
or a period
Indicates the number of periodical measurement reports to be sent after an inter-RAT handover event is triggered. It is used to
Indicates the interval at which periodic measurement reports are sent to the eNodeB after the event for inter-RAT handover to G
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the quantity to be measured for handovers to UTRAN FDD. The RSCP values are relatively stable while the Ec/No va
Indicates the interval at which periodical measurement reports are sent after the event for the handover to UTRAN is triggered._
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the trigger quantity of inter-RAT events A1 and A2. RSRP measurements slightly vary with the load, and there is little s
Indicates the type of the inter-RAT handover event. The event type can be B1 or B2. This parameter applies only to coverage-b
Indicates the maximum number of UTRAN cell system information messages that can be transmitted during a flash redirection
Indicates the maximum number of GERAN cell system information messages that can be transmitted during a flash redirection
Indicates the maximum number of GERAN cell system information messages that can be transmitted during a CSFB emergenc
Indicates the maximum number of UTRAN cell system information messages that can be transmitted during a CSFB emergenc
Specifies the PLMN determination mechanism used in blind redirections from E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN when the PLMN fo
Indicates the maximum number of cells to be included in the measurement report after an intra-RAT inter-frequency or intra-RAT
Indicates the number of periodical measurement reports to be sent after an event for the intra- or inter-frequency handover with
Indicates theprevent
It is used to quantitythe
used to evaluate
impact the triggering
of measurement report condition
loss andfor the intra-frequency
internal handover
processing failure on theevent. The quantity
handover. can see
For details, be RSR
The measured RSRP values are stable, varying little with the load, and therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The
Indicates the quantity to be included in the measurement report for the intra-frequency handover event. The quantity can be RS measured
The details,
TS 36.331.
are stable, varying little with the load, and therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The measured
Indicates thesee
For details, interval
3GPPbetween periodic measurement reports that are sent after an intra-frequency handover is triggered. The v
TS 36.331.
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the quantity to be included in the measurement report for inter-frequency handover events. The quantity can be RSRP
Indicates the interval at which periodical measurement reports are sent after an inter-frequency handover event is triggered._x0
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the trigger quantity for events A1 and A2 related to A4- or A5-based inter-frequency handovers. RSRP measurements
Indicates the trigger quantity for events A1 and A2 related to frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers. RSRP measu
Indicates the trigger quantity for events A4 and A5 related to all non-coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. RSRP measur
Indicates the timer governing the period of time that the eNodeB waits for more measurement reports to determine whether to p
Indicates the trigger quantity for events A1 and A2 related to A3-based inter-frequency handovers. RSRP measurements slightl
Indicates the time-to-trigger for event B1 that is used in CS fallback to UTRAN. When CS fallback to UTRAN is applicable, this
Indicates the time-to-trigger for event B1 that is used in CS fallback to GERAN. When CS fallback to GERAN is applicable, this
Indicates the RSCP threshold for event B1, which is used in CS fallback to UTRAN. When CS fallback to UTRAN is applicable,
Indicates the Ec/N0 threshold for event B1, which is used in CS fallback to UTRAN. When CS fallback to UTRAN is required, th
Indicates the RSSI threshold for event B1 that is used in CS fallback to GERAN. A UE sends a measurement report related to e
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for event A1 associated with CSFB-triggered adaptive blind ha
Indicates the timer governing the period in which only CSFB can be performed . After the timer expires, the eNodeB performs a
Indicates whether to configure
the emergency the access
call barring statusbarring information.
of access class 10, indicating whether UEs of access class 10 can initiate emergen
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, UEs of access classes 0 to 9 or those without IMSIs cannot initiate emergency cal
A UE in access
Indicates whetherclasses 11 to 15
to configure cannot
the accessinitiate emergency
barring calls
information foronly when its access
mobile-originated class and access class 10 are both barre
Indicates the access probability factor for mobile-originated calls. A mobile-originated call is granted access if the random numb
Indicates the average access barring duration for mobile-originated calls.
Indicates the mobile-originated call barring status of access class 11, indicating whether UEs of access class 11 can initiate mo
If this parameter
Indicates is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE,
the mobile-originated UEs of
call barring status of access
access class
class 12,
11 cannot initiate
indicating mobile-originated
whether calls.
UEs of access classIf this parameter
12 can is s
initiate mo
If this parameter
Indicates is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE,
the mobile-originated UEs of
call barring status of access
access class
class 13,
12 cannot initiate
indicating mobile-originated
whether calls.
UEs of access classIf this parameter
13 can is
initiate mo
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, UEs of access class 13 cannot initiate mobile-originated calls. If this
Indicates the mobile-originated call barring status of access class 14, indicating whether UEs of access class 14 can initiate mo parameter is
If this parameter
Indicates is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE,
the mobile-originated UEs of
call barring status of access
access class
class 15,
14 cannot initiate
indicating mobile-originated
whether calls.
UEs of access classIf this parameter
15 can is
initiate mo
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, UEs of access class 15 cannot initiate mobile-originated calls. If this parameter is
Indicates whether to configure the access barring information for signaling.
Indicates the access probability factor for signaling. Signaling from a UE is granted access if the random number generated by
Indicates the average access barring duration for signaling.
Indicates the signaling barring status of access class 11, indicating whether UEs of access class 11 can initiate signaling access
If this parameter
Indicates is set to
the signaling BOOLEAN_TRUE,
barring status of access UEs of access
class class 11whether
12, indicating cannot UEs
initiate signaling
of access access.
class If this
12 can parameter
initiate is set
signaling to
If this parameter
Indicates is set to
the signaling BOOLEAN_TRUE,
barring status of access UEs of access
class class 12whether
13, indicating cannot UEs
initiate signaling
of access access.
class If this
13 can parameter
initiate is set
signaling to
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, UEs of access class 13 cannot initiate signaling access. If this parameter
Indicates the signaling barring status of access class 14, indicating whether UEs of access class 14 can initiate signaling acces is set to
If this parameter
Indicates is set to
the signaling BOOLEAN_TRUE,
barring status of access UEs of access
class class 14whether
15, indicating cannot UEs
initiate signaling
of access access.
class If this
15 can parameter
initiate is set
signaling to
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, UEs of access class 15 cannot initiate signaling access. If this parameter is set to
Indicates whether to configure the access barring information for multimedia telephony (MMTEL) voice services.
Indicates the access probability factor for multimedia telephony (MMTEL) voice services. An MMTEL voice service is granted ac
Indicates the average access barring time of multimedia telephony (MMTEL) voice services.
AC12BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the MMTEL voice services initiated by UEs of AC 12 in idle mode are barred._x000D
AC13BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the MMTEL voice services initiated by UEs of AC 13 in idle mode are barred._x000D
Indicates whether to configure the access barring information for multimedia telephony (MMTEL) video services.
Indicates the access probability factor for multimedia telephony (MMTEL) video services. An MMTEL video service is granted a
Indicates the average access barring time of multimedia telephony (MMTEL) video services.
AC12BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the MMTEL video services initiated by UEs of AC 12 in idle mode are barred._x000D
AC13BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the MMTEL video services initiated by UEs of AC 13 in idle mode are barred._x000D
Indicates whether to configure the access barring information for CS fallback (CSFB) services.
Indicates the access probability factor for CS fallback (CSFB) services. If the random number generated by a UE is less than th
Indicates the average access barring time of CS fallback (CSFB) services.
AC12BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the CSFB services initiated by UEs of AC 12 in idle mode are barred._x000D_
AC13BARSTATE: If this option is selected, the CSFB services initiated by UEs of AC 13 in idle mode are barred._x000D_
Indicates whether the cell is barred. If the cell is barred, the UE cannot camp on the serving cell. During cell reselection, the ser
Indicates whether the cell can initiate the intra-frequency cell reselection when the cell is barred._x000D_
NOT_ALLOWED means that the UE cannot initiate the intra-frequency cell reselection, and ALLOWED means that the UE can
Indicates the public land mobile network (PLMN) broadcast mode of the cell. If certain cells on the live network are in RAN shar
Indicates the changing period of cell PLMN.
Indicates the start time for broadcasting PLMN-specific information in round robin mode.
Indicates whether all synchronization procedures repeatedly initiated by a UE having compatibility problems can trigger the RRC
Indicates the period during which synchronization procedures repeatedly initiated by a UE having compatibility problems do not
Indicates the coexistence mode for the LAA cell. ALWAYS_ON means that the LAA cell is always ON and does not share chann
Indicates the period within which LAA cell status switches between ON and OFF. LAA cells work in unlicensed bands. LAA cells
Indicates the minimum duration in which the Cell ON/OFF feature keeps the LAA cell in the ON state within an ON/OFF period.
Indicates the maximum duration in which the Cell ON/OFF feature allows the LAA cell to stay continuously in the ON state. Whe
Indicates the interference duty ratio threshold for the LAA cell in the Cell ON/OFF feature. When the LAA cell is OFF, the cell-ON
Indicates the continuous high interference duration threshold for the LAA cell in the Cell ON/OFF feature. When the LAA cell is
Indicates the start of the FCS scanning range for the LAA cell. The start and end frequencies specify the range of unlicensed sp
Indicates the end of the FCS scanning range for the LAA cell. The start and end frequencies specify the range of unlicensed sp
Indicates the interference
whether the cell level threshold
is reserved for the LAA
for operator cell in the FCS feature. A channel is considered occupied if the interferenc
If this parameter is set to CELL_RESERVED_FOR_OP, the cell is reserved for operator use. UEs of AC11 or AC15 in their HPL
If this parameter
Indicates is set to CELL_NOT_RESERVED_FOR_OP,
the percentage of resource blocks (RBs) occupied bythe thecell is not reserved
operator for operator
on the physical uplinkuse. All UEs
shared can (PUSCH)
channel consider this
Indicates the percentage of resource blocks (RBs) occupied by the operator on the physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH)
Indicates the percentage of activated UEs served by the operator in a cell when inter-frequency load balancing and RAN sharin
Indicates the upper usage threshold of the uplink PRBs that an operator allocates to PTT services in a cell. Based on the param
Indicates the lower usage threshold of the uplink PRBs that an operator allocates to PTT services in a cell. Based on the param
Indicates the upper usage threshold of the downlink PRBs that an operator allocates to PTT services in a cell. Based on the pa
Indicates the lower usage threshold of the downlink PRBs that an operator allocates to PTT services in a cell. Based on the par
Indicates the index of the resource group to which the operator belongs. The default value is 255, which indicates an invalid val
Indicates the hysteresis for cell reselection when RSRP values are used in the evaluation. This parameter must be set based o
Indicates whether to set the parameters related to speed-dependent cell reselection.
Indicates the duration in which the mobility status of the UE is evaluated. This parameter is one of the key parameters in decidin
Indicates the extra duration required in the evaluation before the UE can enter the normal-mobility state. This parameter can pr
Indicates the threshold of the number of cell reselections, which is used for a UE to enter the medium mobility state. This param
Indicates the threshold of the number of cell reselections, which is used for a UE to enter the high mobility state. This paramete
Indicates the scaling factor (or known as additional hysteresis) applied to Qhyst for medium-mobility UEs. For details, see 3GPP
Indicates the scaling factor (or known as additional hysteresis) applied to Qhyst for high-mobility UEs. For details, see 3GPP TS
Indicates whether to configure the measurement triggering threshold for cell reselection to inter-frequency or inter-RAT cells. If t
Indicates the measurement triggering threshold for reselection to inter-frequency or inter-RAT cells. If the cell reselection priority
Indicates the threshold used in the evaluation of reselection to a cell on a lower priority E-UTRAN frequency or on an inter-RAT
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the serving frequency. 0 indicates the lowest priority. The value of this parameter must b
Indicates the minimum required RX level used in intra-frequency E-UTRAN cell reselection, which corresponds to the IE q-RxLe
Indicates whether to configure the maximum TX power of the UE in the intra-frequency neighboring cell. If the value of this para
Indicates the maximum power that the UE can apply to transmission in the intra-frequency neighboring cell. It is used in cell res
Indicates whether to set the measurement triggering threshold for reselection to intra-frequency cells.
Indicates the measurement triggering threshold for reselection to intra-frequency cells. _x000D_
The UEs start intra-frequency measurements only if the value of Cell selection RX level value (dB) is lower than or equal to the
Indicates the evaluation period for a UE to determine whether to perform cell reselections to a new E-UTRAN cell. If the signal q
Indicates whether to set the scaling parameters for speed-dependent cell reselection within E-UTRAN.
Indicates the scaling factor applied to TReselEutran for medium-mobility UEs. The actual duration of cell reselection for medium
Indicates the scaling factor applied to TReselEutran for high-mobility UEs. The actual duration of cell reselection of high-mobility
The value 01 indicates that none of the neighboring cells is configured with MBSFN subframes._x000D_
The valuewhether all thethat
10 indicates intra-frequency neighboring
the MBSFN subframe cells are configured
configurations with at least
of all neighboring cellstwo
the sameports._x000D_
as or subsets of that of th
Set this parameter to BOOLEAN_TRUE when all the intra-frequency neighboring cells are configured with at least two antenna
Set this parameter
Indicates the RSRQtothreshold
for starting when one of themeasurements.
intra-frequency intra-frequency Itneighboring
determinescells is configured
the probability with only one
of triggering antenna
cell reselect
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for starting inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements. It determines the probability of triggering
Indicates whether to set the RSRQ threshold for reselection to cells on the serving frequency.
Indicates the RSRQ threshold for cell reselection to cells on lower-priority frequencies. It determines the probability of triggering
Indicates whether to set cell reselection parameters in compliance with 3GPP Release 9 in SIB3.
Indicates the minimum required RX signal quality used in intra-frequency E-UTRAN cell reselection, which corresponds to the I
Indicates the evaluation period for a UE to determine whether to reselect a neighboring GERAN cell to camp on. During the eva
Indicates whether to set the speed-dependent scaling parameters related to cell reselection to GERAN.
Indicates the scaling factor applied to TReselGeran for medium-mobility UEs. The actual duration of cell reselection of medium-
Indicates the scaling factor applied to TReselGeran for high-mobility UEs. The actual duration of cell reselection of high-mobility
Indicates the evaluation period for a UE to determine whether to reselect a neighboring UTRAN cell to camp on. During the eva
Indicates whether to set the speed-dependent scaling parameters related to cell reselection to UTRAN.
Indicates the scaling factor applied to TReselUtran for medium-mobility UEs. The actual duration of cell reselection of medium-m
The valuethe
Indicates T_RESEL_SF_0DOT25
scaling factor applied means a scalingfor
to TReselUtran factor of 0.25, T_RESEL_SF_0DOT5
high-mobility UEs. The actual durationmeans 0.5,
of cell and so on.of high-mobility
The value T_RESEL_SF_0DOT25 means a scaling factor of 0.25, T_RESEL_SF_0DOT5 means 0.5, and so on.
Indicates the minimum required RX level for the cell to become a candidate for cell selection. This value is included in criteria S
Indicates the offset to the minimum required RX level. This value is included in criteria S and used in the evaluation of cell selec
Indicates the minimum required received signal quality, which corresponds to the q-QualMin IE in the system message system
Indicates whether to set the offset to the minimum required RX level for the cell.
Indicates the offset to the minimum required RX level for the cell. It is included in criteria S and used in the evaluation of cell sel
Indicates whether the mapping from SIBs to SI messages is enabled. If it is disabled, a fixed configuration is used for the mapp
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 2 (SIB2). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 3 (SIB3). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 4 (SIB4). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 5 (SIB5). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 6 (SIB6). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 7 (SIB7). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 8 (SIB8). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 10 (SIB10). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 11 (SIB11). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the duration of the primary notification (PN) broadcast for the Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System (ETWS).
Indicates the policy of processing repeated secondary notification (SN) broadcast for the Earthquake and Tsunami Warning Sys
Indicates the policy of processing repeated primary notification (PN) broadcast for the Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 12 (SIB12). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the code rate of system information transmission. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 13 (SIB13). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 15 (SIB15). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the transmission period for system information block type 16 (SIB16). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates whether the eNodeB uses a new mechanism to send system information block (SIB) messages. The eNodeB uses th
OnlyCellSiSwitch(DlOnlyCellSiSwitch): Indicates whether to broadcast system information in the cell, whose Cell.WorkMode is s
Sib6Switch(Sib6Switch): Indicates whether to broadcast SIB6. If this option is deselected, SIB6 is not broadcast. If this option is
Indicates the resource proportion in SI scheduling and controls whether SI-based GAP optimization takes effect. If this paramet
Indicates whether to enable the optimization scheme switch that controls SIB message update._x000D_
SibPagingOptCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the optimization of paging triggered by system information update. If this o
Indicates the compensation factor for path loss. It is used in UL power control. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the target UE transmit power for the PUCCH expected by the eNodeB on condition that normal demodulation can be
Indicates the nominal P0 value of the PUSCH. It is used in UL power control. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the Delta value corresponding to PUCCH format 1. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the Delta value corresponding to PUCCH format 1b. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the Delta value corresponding to PUCCH format 2. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the Delta value corresponding to PUCCH format 2a. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the Delta value corresponding to PUCCH format 2b. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.213.
Indicates the power offset (delta value) of message 3 relative to the preamble. This power offset has a step size of 2. For details
Indicates the power offset of Msg3 transmitted during uplink random access. This parameter is also used to set the initial power
Indicates the length
whether of the uplink
optimization of time alignment timer
the mechanism for UEs inthe
for delivering theuplink
cell. Atime
UE alignment
is considered not time-aligned
command in the
takes effect. uplink
If the if the
If this parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter be set to SF10240. A smaller value of
If this parameter
Indicates is setoftomeasuring
the method ON, it is recommended that theIfLongDrxCycle
uplink timing offsets. this parameterparameter be smaller
is set to INVALID, thantiming
uplink or equal to SF320.
offsets Otherwis
are measured
Indicates the interval for sending the Timing Advance Command to UEs. This parameter needs to be set only when the TimingA
Indicates whether to enable the mechanism of optimized resource scheduling for uplink timing.If this parameter is set to OFF, th
Indicates the offset compensation of the timing advance on the PUCCH. This parameter does not take effect on cells establishe
Indicates the TA command sending period for high-speed UEs in a high-speed railway cell. This parameter takes effect only wh
2. The baseband processing unit type is the LBBPc. _x000D_
ThisThe HoppingMode
timer parameter
is started when the UEinsends
the PUSCHCfg MO is set to INTRA_AND_INTER_SUB_FRAME(Inter And Intra)._x000D_
Before the timer expires, it is stopped if the UE
This timer is started when the UE sends an RRC Connection receives RRCConnectionSetup or RRCConnectionReject._x000D_
Reestablishment Request message._x000D_
The timer is stopped if, before it expires, the UE receives an RRC Connection
This timer is started when the UE detects any fault at the physical layer._x000D_ Reestablishment or RRC Connection Reestablish
The timer
This timer is
is stopped if the the
started when UE UE
the following
connectionbefore the timer expires:
reestablishment (1) The physical-layer fault is rectified; (2) A
The timer is stopped if, before the timer expires, the UE selects an E-UTRAN or inter-RAT cell to camp on._x000D_
Indicates the maximum number of successive "in sync" indications received from L1. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the maximum number of successive "out of sync" indications received from L1. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the length of timer 325. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331. This timer starts when a UE receives an RRCConnectionRe
Indicates the UL cyclic prefix length of a cell. A cyclic prefix can be a common or extended cyclic prefix. An extended cyclic pref
Indicates the length of the DL cyclic prefix of a cell. A DL cyclic prefix can be a common or extended cyclic prefix. An extended c
Indicates the automatic SFN recovery time of the inter-BBU cell on the secondary BBU after inter-BBU SFN faults are rectified.
Indicates the additional spectrum emission, which restricts the emission power of the UEs in the cell. For details, see the 3GPP
Indicates the administrative state of the cell. If this parameter is set to CELL_HIGH_BLOCK, the cell is deactivated immediately
Indicates the length of the timer used to determine whether to block a middle-blocking-priority cell. If CellAdminState is set to C
Indicates the ratio of UL subframes to DL subframes in a TDD cell. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
Indicates the ratio of special UL subframes to special DL subframes in a TDD cell. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
Indicates the cell specific offset for the serving cell. It affects the probability of triggering handovers from the serving cell to its ne
Indicates the specific frequency offset of the serving cell. This parameter is contained in the measurement control information a
Indicates the first logical root sequence, which is used to generate the preamble sequence. Each logical root sequence corresp
Indicates the speed flag of the cell. Set this parameter to HIGH_SPEED if the cell is used to provide coverage for a high-speed
Indicates the preamble format used in the cell. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
Indicates the radius of the cell, that is, the farthest distance that a cell can cover under the condition of keeping certain network
Indicates whether to set an emergency area ID.
Indicates the ID of the notification area within which a warning notification is broadcast. The area consists of one or more cells a
Indicates whether to configure the maximum TX power of the UE in the cell. If the value of this parameter is not specified, the m
Indicates the maximum transmit power that a UE can apply to uplink transmission in the cell. It is used in cell selection criterion
Indicates whether to enable or disable the multi-RRU cell feature.
Indicates the type of the multi-RRU cell.
Indicates the common public radio interface (CPRI) compression type. CPRI compression is used in RRU cascading scenarios
Indicates the number of physical cells consisting an SFN cell. In macro eNodeBs, this parameter value equals the number of se
Indicates whether the cell is an air cell.
Indicates the number of ports for transmitting cell-specific reference signal (CRS). As defined in 3GPP specifications, this param
Indicates the transmission and reception mode of the cell.
If this parameter is set to DL_ONLY for a cell operating in a 3GPP-defined normal band, preparations of handovers from inter-fr
Indicates the active or standby mode of the cell. A cell is in active mode by default. If this parameter is set to STANDBY, an inter
Indicates the mapping between a cell-specific reference signal (CRS) port and a transmit (TX) channel in an RRU. In cells with
Indicates the compression ratio of data transmitted on the CPRI port over Ethernet for an MPRU aggregation cell. Data compre
Indicates the number of downlink RBs blocked in a cell. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the energy conservation and emission reduction mode of the cell. The energy conservation and emission reduction m
Indicates the cabinet number, subrack number and slot number of the primary BBP that serves the cell.
Indicates the topology of the cell.
Indicates the cabinet number of the RF module that serves the cell.
Indicates the subrack number of the RF module that serves the cell.
Indicates the slot number of the RF module that serves the cell.
Indicates whether the cell is in the symbol power saving state.
Indicates the maximum transmit power in a single antenna channel of the cell in theory. The value 65535 indicates that this para
Indicates the cabinet number of the BBP that serves the cell.
Indicates the subrack number of the BBP that serves the cell.
Indicates the slot number of the BBP that serves the cell.
Indicates the work status of the RF module and BBP that serves the cell.
Indicates the ID of the eNodeB operator group that shares the cell. This parameter must be set to a value within the range of 0
Indicates the cabinet, subrack, and slot where the RF module serves the cell is located.
Indicates the cabinet, subrack, and slot of the baseband processing unit on which the cell is set up is located.
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by one RRU) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseband
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by two RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseband
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by three RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseba
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by four RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseban
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by five RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseband
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by six RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseband
Indicates the number of cells (each cell is served by seven RRUs) supported by the remaining resources on the primary baseba
Indicates the quantity of resources occupied by the cell on the primary baseband processing board. The resource quantity is ind
Indicates the number of cells for which the adjustment fails in the one-click manner.
Indicates the number of cells for which the adjustment is successful in the one-click manner.
Indicates the channel state information (CSI) reference signal measurement period. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD ce
Indicates the information about the CPRI port on the baseband processing board that is directly connected to the RF unit servin
Indicates information about the TX channel of a cell.
Indicates information about the RX channel of a cell.
Indicates the IDs of the primary and secondary baseband processing boards that serve a cell.
Indicates whether an intra-frequency neighboring cell is a shared neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE,
Indicates whether to enable ANR on intra-frequency neighboring cells. The value ALLOWED indicates that this type of ANR is a
Indicates whether the DwPTS is truncated for transmission in TDD cells when SSP6 is used. This parameter applies only to LTE
Indicates whether a cell is a macro or micro cell. It is recommended that a cell be configured as a macro cell if its actual maximu
If all intra-RAT frequencies are assigned the same priority 0, neighbor relationships are removed from the NRT not based on the
If all intra-RAT frequencies are assigned the same non-zero priority, neighbor relationships are removed also based on the num
Indicates the type of the route between the serving cell and the coordinating cell.
Indicates the ID of the coordinating sector equipment(group).
Indicates the start location of the cell coverage. This parameter is used as calculate the hysteresis in uplink timing when the Ex
Indicates the status of interference coordination in high-speed railway scenarios. The value of this parameter can be InterfHighS
When interference coordination in high-speed railway scenarios is disabled for a cell, the value of this parameter is InterfHighSp
Indicates the ID of the serving sector equipment(group).
Indicates the type of sector equipment in the coordinating cell.
Indicates the type of sector equipment in the serving cell.
Indicates the cell-level channel calibration type. If channel calibration fails (such as due to a low SINR) in cells served by combi
Indicates the end time of a cell-level channel calibration.
Indicates the cell-level channel calibration type.
Indicates the cell-level channel calibration index. Results of a maximum of 10 channel calibrations can be displayed in the DSP
Indicates whether the local cell is a specified cell. Configure this parameter based on operators' policies. If this parameter is se
Indicates the co-RRU mode for multiple cells. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the PRB usage threshold for triggering inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs. When the UE quantity-related trigg
Indicates the threshold of the number of synchronized UEs for triggering inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs. When the
Indicates the PRB usage threshold for triggering RB priority-based MCS index selection. When inter-frequency MLB for low-effi
Indicates the PRB usage threshold for stopping RB priority-based MCS index selection. When inter-frequency MLB for low-effic
The downlink MCS index of the UE is less than the value of this parameter._x000D_
The downlink MCS index of the UE is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter and is less than or equal to the the va
Indicates the downlink MCS index threshold for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-effi
Indicates downlink factor A for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-efficiency UE when t
Indicates downlink factor K for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-efficiency UE when
The uplink MCS index of the UE is less than the value of this parameter._x000D_
The uplink MCS index of the UE is greater than or equal to the value of this parameter and is less than or equal to the uplink M
Indicates the uplink MCS index threshold for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-efficie
Indicates uplink factor A for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-efficiency UE when the
Indicates uplink factor K for selecting low-efficiency UEs for MLB. The eNodeB considers a UE as a low-efficiency UE when the
Indicates the criteria of heavy-traffic UEs. This parameter is used to identify UEs with heavy uplink traffic. If the number of RBs
Indicates the threshold of the number of synchronized UEs in the uplink for triggering uplink heavy traffic-based MLB. This para
If the number of synchronized UEs in the uplink is greater than or equal to the threshold specified by this parameter plus a certa
Indicates the period for identifying UEs with heavy traffic in the uplink. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
Indicates the initial value of the target IBLER. For LTE FDD cells, this parameter does not specify the target IBLER when downl
Indicates the initial value of the CQI adjustment.
Indicates the adjustment efficiency of the baseline step in the CQI adjustment algorithm.
Indicates the CQI filtering coefficient in the CQI adjustment algorithm.
Indicates whether to configure CSI-RSs for UEs. If this parameter is set to NOT_CFG(Not configure), the eNodeB does not con
Indicates the channel state information (CSI) reference signal (RS) measurement period.
Indicates whether the CSI-RS is configured.
Indicates the threshold for the number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs supporting CSI_RS that is used to evaluate a change from t
Indicates the threshold for the number of RRC_CONNECTED UEs supporting CSI_RS that is used to evaluate a change from t
Indicates the threshold of the proportion of online CSI-RS-supporting UEs for transition from non-configuration of CSI-RS to con
Indicates the threshold of the proportion of online CSI-RS-supporting UEs for transition from configuration of CSI-RS to non-con
Indicates whether to trigger the hysteresis timer for a switch to the CSI-RS unconfigured state for UEs in the CSI-RS state when
The timer is triggered when a UE enters the CSI-RS configured state and the decision mechanism for a switch to the CSI-RS u
Indicates whether to trigger the determination timer for switching between the CSI-RS unconfigured state and the CSI-RS confi
Indicates the number of CSI-RS ports. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the UE number threshold for power coordination to take effect. Power coordination takes effect only when the average
Indicates whether to enable CSPC in the cell.
Indicates whether to report the changed sounding reference signal (SRS) configurations of UEs with CSPC applied in the servin
Indicates the interval at which the local cell reports its UE-specific SRS configurations to the centralized control node. This para
Indicates the interval at which neighboring cells report their uplink reference signal received power (RSRP) measurement result
Indicates the filtering coefficient for channel quality indicators (CQIs) in CSPC-based power optimization. This filtering makes th
Indicates the physical layer filtering coefficient for uplink reference signal received power (RSRP) measurements. This filtering c
Indicates the RRM filtering coefficient for uplink reference signal received power (RSRP) measurements. This filtering coefficien
Indicates the A3 offset for enhanced CSPC. A large value of this parameter indicates a large number of cell edge users and a s
Indicates whether to enable cell-level enhanced CSPC (eCSPC). eCSPC is enabled only when this parameter is set to ON(On)
Indicates the cell power adjustment range in enhanced CSPC (eCSPC). This parameter must be set to a PDSCH PA value less
Indicates whether to enable intra-eNodeB CSPC. Intra-eNodeB CSPC is enabled only when this parameter is set to ON(On). T
Indicates whether to enable Elastic Carrier in the cell. Elastic Carrier is enabled only if this parameter is set to ON. Before enab
Indicates the level-1 threshold of the downlink AMBR used for dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ). This parameter applies o
Indicates the level-2 threshold of the downlink AMBR used for performing dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ). This parame
Indicates the level-1 threshold of the uplink AMBR used for performing dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ). This parameter
Indicates the level-2 threshold of the uplink AMBR used for performing dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ). This parameter
Indicates the level-1 threshold of the downlink PRB usage of the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the level-2 threshold of the downlink PRB usage of the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the level-1 threshold of the uplink PRB usage of the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the level-2 threshold of the uplink PRB usage of the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells
Indicates the period of performing dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ) after congestion is detected. This parameter applies
Indicates the period of monitoring the number of UEs in the cell and the PRB usage for performing dynamic AMBR control by Q
Indicates the threshold of the number of restricted UEs that can be scheduled in the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TD
Indicates the threshold of the number of protected UEs that can be scheduled in the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TD
Indicates the number of high-band RBs that the E-UTRAN cell can share with GERAN cells when the GSM and LTE FDD Dyna
Indicates the number of low-band RBs that the E-UTRAN cell can share with GERAN cells when the GSM and LTE FDD Dynam
Indicates whether to send REs if the corresponding REs in the shared spectrum are being used by GSM when the GSM and LT
Indicates the UL narrowband interference restriction mode used in the GSM and LTE FDD Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(LTE FDD
Indicates the offset of a neighboring cell's signal level that triggers event A3 used after the GSM and LTE FDD Dynamic Spectru
Indicates the offset of a neighboring cell's signal level that triggers event A6 used in the GSM and LTE FDD Dynamic Spectrum
Indicates the SINR threshold used to determine whether RBs in the shared spectrum can be allocated to UEs that are located i
Indicates the SINR threshold used to determine whether shared RBs can be allocated to UEs that are located at medium distan
Indicates the SINR threshold used to determine whether RBs in the shared spectrum can be allocated to UEs that are located f
Indicates the mode ofIndicates
FlexSpecSchSwitch: configuring interfering
whether neighboring
to enable flexible cells that work
exclusive on the of
scheduling same frequency
shared RBs in as
GLthe local cell.
dynamic The value
spectrum ECO
sharing a
UlSchInterfAvdSwitch: Indicates whether to enable avoidance of GSM interference when uplink exclusive scheduling of shared
Indicates the threshold forIndicates whether
determining to enable
no GSM scheduling
interference of UEsRBs
to shared in handover zones when
when exclusive GL zero
scheduling bufferzone
of shared RBsisisused._x
to be e
Indicates the threshold for determining strong GSM interference in the high frequency band or low frequency band when uplink
Indicates the threshold for scheduling uplink shared spectrum resources for UEs located near the center of the E-UTRAN cell w
Indicates the statistic period of dynamic access class (AC) barring in a cell, during which the proportion of time that the cell is in
Indicates the threshold for triggering dynamic access class (AC) barring in the cell. This threshold specifies the proportion of tim
Indicates the threshold for canceling dynamic access class (AC) barring in the cell. This threshold specifies the proportion of tim
Indicates the number of periods for triggering intelligent access barring on specific services. If related triggering conditions are m
Indicates the number of periods for canceling intelligent access barring on specific services. If related cancellation conditions ar
ETWS_PN_TEST: Indicates whether PNs for ETWS tests are used in the disaster state determination._x000D_
If this switch is on, PNs in ETWS tests are used in the disaster state determination. _x000D_
Indicates the duration that the cell is in the disaster state. The cell is out of the disaster state after the duration specified by this
Indicates the number of consecutive periods for triggering intelligent access class control on mobile-originated (MO) calls or sig
Indicates the number of consecutive periods for canceling intelligent access class control on mobile-originated (MO) calls or sig
Indicates the MO factor adjustment step used after intelligent AC control is triggered. The adjustment target factor is the factor t
Indicates the MO factor retreating step used after the conditions for canceling intelligent AC control are met but the number of c
Indicates the service specific access control (SSAC) factor adjustment step used after SSAC is triggered. The adjustment targe
Indicates the service specific access control (SSAC) factor retreating step used after the conditions for canceling SSAC are me
Indicates the ABS pattern after static TDM eICIC is enabled. This parameter is valid only when static TDM eICIC is enabled. Dif
Indicates whether UEs are allowed to send measurement reports for event A3 during enhanced inter-cell interference coordinat
Indicates the offset for event A3 during enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC). This offset is the difference betwe
Indicates the period of adjusting the ABS pattern of a macro cell in dynamic eICIC. This parameter must be configured based o
Indicates the minimum required number of samples for starting automatic configuration of macro-micro associations. A micro ce
Indicates the threshold used to trigger automatic configuration of macro-micro associations. The macro-micro association is upd
Indicates the working mode for automatic configuration of macro-micro associations. If this parameter is set to AUTO, macro-mi
Indicates the measurement period for automatic configuration of macro-micro associations. The micro cell counts the number o
Indicates the period of CRE configuration adjustment by a macro cell based on statistics when Adaptive eICIC is enabled. This
Indicates the threshold of the penetration rate of eICIC UEs required for configuring a large CRE offset (6 dB or 9 dB) when eIC
Indicates the threshold of the penetration rate of eICIC UEs required for no longer using a large CRE offset (6 dB or 9 dB) when
Indicates the threshold of the number of micro cells homed to a macro cell. This parameter is used to determine whether to con
Indicates whether to allow automatic adjustment of a CRE offset based on statistics. If this switch is on, Adaptive eICIC is enab
Indicates the period for collecting statistics on intra-frequency neighboring cells that cause interference to the local cell after the
CustomFrameOffset(User-defined Frame Offset): Indicates that the cell frame offset is user defined. An FDD cell can use only t
TL_FrameOffset(T-L Dual Mode frame offset): Indicates that the cell frame offset is automatically configured based on the subfr
Indicates the offset of the start time of a cell frame against a reference clock source.
Indicates the offset for reporting the measurement event for IICS UE attribute calculation. This offset is the difference between t
Indicates the threshold of user attribute determination in the UL IICS algorithm. If a UE-reported value is greater than or equal t
Indicates the switch for the functionality of the low power consumption mode. The cell can enter the low power consumption mo
Indicates the switch for forcibly entering the low power consumption mode. When both this switch and the functionality switch a
Indicates the start time of the low power consumption mode.
Indicates the stop time of the low power consumption mode. If the stop time is earlier than or the same as the start time, the sto
Indicates the duration in which the transmit power for services is reduced in the cell in low power consumption mode.
Indicates the duration in which the reference signal transmit power is reduced in the cell in low power consumption mode.
Indicates the duration in which RF channels are shut down in the cell in low power consumption mode.
Indicates the percentage of the transmit power for services to the total transmit power for services when the low power consum
Indicates the amount by which the reference signal transmit power is reduced in the cell in low power consumption mode.
Indicates the duration when the cell stays in normal mode before entering the low power consumption mode. In low power cons
If the backup
this parameter is setpower saving policy ofthe
to CFG(Configure), theCIO
for thewhen the be
cell can mains supplybyisan
changed cutamount
off andwithin
the eNodeB is powered
the range specifiedbybystorag
the u
If this parameter is set to NOT_CFG(Not configure), the upper and lower limits of the CIO adjustment range for the cell in intra-f
If this parameter
Indicates the upperis set
cell individual configure)
offset (CIO)and the Inter-Freq
adjustment rangeHO for trigger
the cellEvent Type robustness
in mobility parameter isoptimization
set to EventA4(Even
(MRO). T
Indicates the lower limit of cell individual offset (CIO) adjustment range for the cell in mobility robustness optimization (MRO). Th
Indicates the upper limit used to adjust the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for triggering inter-frequency eve
Indicates the lower limit used to adjust the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for triggering inter-frequency even
Indicates the upper limit used to adjust the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for triggering A3-oriented inter-fre
Indicates the lower limit used to adjust the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for triggering A3-oriented inter-fre
Indicates the selection of inter-frequency adjustable parameters in inter-frequency MRO. InterfreqA1RsrpSwitch: Indicates whe
Indicates the SRS power control algorithm, which can be SINR-based SRS power control algorithm or the SRS power control a
Indicates whether the P0NominalPUCCH parameter affects closed-loop power control (CL PC) for the PUCCH. If this paramete
Indicates the period of power control for the PUCCH.
Indicates the offset to the target signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) in power control for the PUCCH.
Indicates the upper limit of RSRP in closed-loop power control for the PUSCH. This parameter takes effect only when PuschRs
Indicates the offset for reporting the uplink PUSCH IoT-based power control measurement event. This offset is the difference be
If this parameter is set to OFF, the eNodeB does not deliver A3 measurements to optimize the uplink throughput of UEs near th
Indicates the pathisloss
If this parameter set tothreshold
ON, theof UEs to delivers
eNodeB which theA3event A3 measurement
measurements configuration
to optimize the uplinkisthroughput
sent in IoTofpower control-related
UEs near the cell cen C
If the path loss of a UE is lower than this threshold, the eNodeB sends the event A3 measurement configuration to this UE._x00
If the paththe
Indicates loss of a UE
target SINR is higher
value forthan
threshold, theAeNodeB
control. doesSINR
large target not send
valuethe event A3the
increases measurement
transmit power configuration
of UEs, whichto this
Indicates the target RSRP value for SRS power control. A large target RSRP value increases the transmit power of UEs, which
Indicates the transmit power spectral density for the PUSCH of normal UEs when the SchedulerCtrlPowerSwitch(SchedulerCtrl
If thislarger the value
parameter is setof to
this parameter,
Us, optimizedthe higher thepower
closed-loop transmit power
control spectral only
is enabled density for the
near of center
the cell normalrunning
UEs. If unlimited
this para
If this parameter is set to ULBigPkt, optimized closed-loop power control is enabled only for UEs near the cell center running se
Indicates the target BLER to be approached after optimized closed-loop power control is enabled for UEs near the cell center. T
Indicates the transmit power spectral density for the PUSCH of UEs running unlimited services when the SchedulerCtrlPowerSw
The larger the value of this parameter, the higher the transmit power spectral density for the PUSCH of UEs running unlimited s
Indicates whether to enable noise and interference correction for interference-based uplink power control. This parameter appli
Indicates the path loss threshold for identifying CEUs used for interference coordination in the interference-based uplink power
Indicates the interference threshold for triggering interference-based uplink power control. This parameter applies only to LTE T
If this parameter is set to AllUser(AllUser), the PUSCH power increase applies to all UEs near the cell center. _x000D_
If this parameter is set to UlBigPktUser(UlBigPktUser), the PUSCH power increase applies to all large-packet UEs near the cell
Indicates the number of consecutive downlink PRS subframes. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.455. This parameter applies only t
Indicates the number of positioning reference signal (PRS) muting bits. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the PRS muting configuration. See 3GPP TS 36.455 to learn details about this parameter. The value range of this par
Indicates the threshold of the distance between a UE and the eNodeB for determining whether a contention-based preamble se
Indicates the percentage by which the physical random access channel (PRACH) false alarm detection threshold increases. Fo
Indicates the period for an eNodeB to avoid PRACH interference. This parameter is used to control the speed of PRACH freque
Indicates the threshold for an eNodeB to determine whether PRACH interference is severe. When the value of PRACH interfere
Indicates the hysteresis for an eNodeB to determine PRACH interference. This parameter is used to reduce the number of ping
Indicates the Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) threshold for the Golden-level services. A service is defined as a Golden-le
Indicates thethe Allocation
admission and Retention
threshold Priority
for the (ARP) threshold
handed-over for the
service with QCI Silver-level services. Aapplies
of 1. This threshold servicetoisboth
defined as aDL._x000D_
UL and Silver-level
If the satisfaction
Indicates rate of threshold
the admission services with QCIhanded-over
for the of 1 is aboveservice
or equal
this of
threshold, the handed-over
2. This threshold service
applies to withand
both UL QCI of 1 can be
If the
the satisfaction
satisfaction rate
rate of
of services
services with
with QCI
QCI ofof 1
2 is
is below
above this threshold,
or equal to thisthe handed-over
threshold, service withservice
the handed-over QCI of with
1 cannot be2admitte
QCI of can be
If the satisfaction rate of services with QCI of 2 is below this threshold, the handed-over service with QCI of 2 cannot be admitte
Indicates the admission threshold for the handed-over service with QCI of 3. This threshold applies to both UL and DL._x000D_
If the satisfaction
Indicates rate of threshold
the admission services with QCIhanded-over
for the of 3 is aboveservice
or equal toQCI
with this of
threshold, the handed-over
4. This threshold service
applies to both ULwithand
QCI of 3 can be
If the
the satisfaction
satisfaction rate
rate of
of services
services with
with QCI
QCI of
of 3
4 is
is below
above this threshold,
or equal to thisthe handed-over
threshold, service withservice
the handed-over QCI of with
3 cannot be4admitte
QCI of can be
If the satisfaction rate of services with QCI of 4 is below this threshold, the handed-over service with QCI of
Indicates the offset for admission of new golden-level services. This parameter applies to both downlink and uplink. New golden 4 cannot be admitte
Indicates the offset for admission of new silver-level services. This parameter applies to both downlink and uplink. New silver-le
Indicates the
the offset for admission
congestion thresholdoffor
new bronze-level
services with QCI services. This
of 1. This parameter
threshold applies
applies to both
to both ULdownlink and uplink. New bronze
and DL._x000D_
If the satisfaction
Indicates rate of services
the congestion thresholdwith
for QCI of 1 with
services in theQCIcellofbecomes lower than
2. This threshold this threshold,
applies to both UL theand
services with QCI of 1 enter th
If the
If the satisfaction
satisfaction rate
rate of
of services
services with
with QCI
QCI of
of 2
1 in
in the
the cell
cell becomes
becomes lower
the threshold,
sum of thisthethreshold
withthe congestion
QCI of 2 enterrel
Indicates the congestion threshold for services with QCI of 3. This threshold applies to both UL and DL._x000D_
If the satisfaction
the satisfaction rate of services
rate of the with
services QCI of 2 in the cell becomes higher than the sum of this threshold and the congestion rel
Indicates the congestion threshold forwith QCI of
services 3 inQCI
with theofcell
4. becomes lowerapplies
This threshold than thisto threshold,
both UL andtheDL._x000D_
services with QCI of 3 ente
If the satisfaction rate of services with QCI of 4 in the cell becomes lower than this threshold, the servicesand
the satisfaction rate of services with QCI of 3 in the cell becomes higher than the sum of this threshold withthe congestion
QCI of 4 enterrel
If the satisfaction rate of services with QCI of 4 in the cell becomes higher than the sum of this threshold and the
Indicates the congestion release offset. The service of a specific QCI exits the congestion state if the satisfaction rate of the ser congestion rel
Indicates the threshold for deciding on whether the UL RB usage is high. This threshold applies to UL admission decision. If the
Indicates the threshold for deciding on whether the UL RB usage is low. It applies to UL admission decision. If the UL RB usage
Indicates the UE numbers reserved for UEs initiating emergency calls and high-priority UEs. If this parameter is set to 0, no UE
The SMALLCAPACITY(SMALLCAPACITY) option applies only to SFN cells. A cell with a bandwidth of 5 MHz or lower supports
The NORMALCAPACITY(NORMALCAPACITY) option indicates that a cell with a bandwidth of 5 MHz or lower supports 600 UE
Indicates load-based handover admission offset. If the satisfaction rate of a service with a QCI is greater than or equal to the su
Indicates the maximum
whether number
to modify of UEs
the ARP thatofcan
value be admitted
a bearer that isto the cell. to be set up as indicated in the initial UE context setup
1. The maximum number of RRC connections that can be set up is insufficient._x000D_
2. The ARP
Indicates thevalue
switchdelivered from the
for the remote MME is greater
interference than thealgorithm.
cancellation parameter If value.
this switch is turned on, the eNodeB performs remote
Indicates the number of empty symbols in an uplink pilot timeslot (UpPTS). If this parameter is set to a non-zero value N, then n
Indicates the average uplink interference power when interference is generated. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD netwo
Indicates the average uplink interference power on the UpPTS when interference is generated. This parameter applies only to L
Indicates the power of the first symbol in the first UL subframe when interference is generated. This parameter applies only to L
Indicates the receive power of the seventh (or fifth when extended CP is used) symbol in the first UL subframe when interferenc
Indicates the power of the first symbol in the last UL subframe when interference is generated. This parameter applies only to L
Indicates the receive power of the twelfth (or tenth when extended CP is used) symbol in the last UL subframe.when interferenc
Indicates the relative threshold used to determine whether uplink interference occurs in a cell. If the average uplink interference
Indicates the threshold for identifying remote interference caused by an atmospheric duct by detecting characteristic sequences
Indicates the number of characteristic sequence detection periods in which the detection results are used to determine whether
Indicates the number of characteristic sequence detection periods in which the detection results are used to determine whether
Indicates whether to enable adaptive avoidance of remote interference. If this parameter is set to ON(On), characteristic sequen
CellConStaReportSwitch: Indicates the switch used to control whether the cell congestion information is reported using the exte
FPIGTPUSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the service differentiation feature using the extended GTP-U header containing th
Indicates the threshold for determining the cell congestion status based on the physical resource block (PRB) usage. The eNod
Indicates the threshold for determining the cell overload status based on the physical resource block (PRB) usage. The eNodeB
Indicates the threshold for determining the cell congestion status based on the uplink-synchronized UE number. The eNodeB g
Indicates the threshold for determining the cell overload status based on the uplink-synchronized UE number. The eNodeB gen
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the weight of the queue, which is used in service differentiation scheduling. The value of this parameter is used in calc
Indicates the start time of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage.
Indicates the stop time of intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage. If the stop time is earlier than or the same as th
Indicates the downlink PRB threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell.
Indicates the downlink PRB offset for stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell. The downlink P
Indicates the uplink PRB threshold for starting intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell.
Indicates the uplink PRB offset for stopping intelligent power-off of carriers in the same coverage for the cell. The uplink PRB th
If this parameter is set to ON, scheduling optimization on single radio LTE-capable UEs is enabled. _x000D_
If this parameter is set to OFF, scheduling optimization on single radio LTE-capable UEs is disabled. _x000D_
Indicates the threshold for the number of consecutive times that a single radio LTE-capable UE experiences discontinuous tran
Indicates the period of time during which the eNodeB does not schedule a single radio LTE-capable UE because the UE is abse
Indicates whether to enable the discarding of PUSCH measurement results for single radio LTE-capable UEs when such UEs le
Indicates the configuration policy and value of the SINR threshold when TTI bundling is enabled for a UE. If this parameter is se
Indicates the offset for the UL ICIC measurement event. If this parameter is set to a large value, the signal quality of the neighb
Indicates the UL scheduling policy, which determines the scheduling priority order in which UEs are arranged in UL. There are f
Indicates the switch that is used to control whether to enable or disable UL adaptive HARQ. If this switch is set to ADAPTIVE_H
Indicates the target IBLER of the SINR adjustment algorithm. A greater parameter value indicates a greater SINR adjustment va
Indicates the ratio of the maximum bandwidth resources that the uplink scheduler can allocate to preallocation UEs to the total
Indicates the minimum interval between two pre-allocations. That is, the actual interval between two pre-allocations of one UE m
Indicates the data
Hopping_OFF: amountthat
indicates pre-allocated to each user.
FH is disabled._x000D_
Hopping_Type1: indicates that adaptive FH is enabled and FH type 1 is used. In this scenario, UEs in the cell can determine wh
Hopping_Type2: indicatesofthat
Indicates the percentage freeadaptive FH ison
shared RBs enabled and FH
the PUSCH type 2 is used.
in scheduling In this
based scenario,
on free users UEs in the cell can
and subscribers. determine
The wh
other RBs
Indicates the data length that the UL scheduler assigns to UEs that have sent scheduling requests. Within the data length, the U
Indicates the threshold for the number of consecutive zero-payload packets received by the eNodeB. After receiving consecutiv
Indicates the duration of uplink smart preallocation triggered by downlink scheduling. If SmartPreAllocationSwitch is set to On a
Indicates the capacity factor for uplink enhanced proportional fair (EPF) scheduling. When the eNodeB schedules UEs with uns
Indicates the strategy for allocating resource blocks (RBs) in the uplink of the cell. If this parameter is set to FS_NONFS_ADAP
Indicates the Doppler measurement level, which is used for selecting a Doppler measurement policy. If this parameter is set to C
Indicates the maximum transmission times of hybrid automatic repeat requests (HARQs) in the uplink, excluding the HARQ tran
Indicates the smart preallocation duration for sparse packets. The larger value between this parameter and the SmartPreAlloca
Indicates the semi-persistent scheduling period in the uplink. The parameter value can be 20ms, 40ms, or ADAPTIVE in LTE TD
LTE FDD eNodeBs support a fixed interval of 20 or 40 ms. If this parameter is set to ADAPTIVE for LTE FDD eNodeBs, the actu
Indicates whether to increase the scheduling request indicator (SRI) false detection threshold for UEs in the discontinuous rece
Indicates the number of consecutive transmission time intervals (TTIs) within which the eNodeB does not perform uplink schedu
Indicates whether to enable delay-based dynamic scheduling prioritization for VoIP services. If this parameter is set to NO_DEL
Indicates the threshold of consecutive cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors in the uplink above which the eNodeB stops sched
Indicates the size threshold for determining whether a packet is a special packet. This parameter can be set based on the size
Indicates whether to enable scheduling request (SR) masking in logical channels for UEs complying with 3GPP Release 9 or la
Indicates the scheduling policy for the initial PUSCH transmission that is detected as discontinuous transmission (DTX) when P
The eNodeB the selects
signal tothe
interference plus noise
co-BBP co-chip ratio (SINR)
intra-frequency threshold under
neighboring which
cell with the interference-based
largest downlink RSRP frequency selective
difference resour
If UL CoMP is enabled, this parameter setting does not take effect and the co-BBP neighboring cell that has the strongest RSR
Indicates cells:_x000D_
the threshold of channel quality statistic times during which the channel quality of a UE consistently meets conditions
Indicates the threshold of channel quality statistic times during which the channel quality of a UE consistently meets conditions
Indicates the hysteresis of the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) threshold for exiting from transmission time interval
Indicates whether to apply upper limit control on service data unit (SDU) segmentation at the radio link control (RLC) layer in th
Indicates the
Indicates the policy
maximum transmission
of triggering times of hybrid
transmission automatic
time interval (TTI)repeat requests
bundling (HARQs) based onoftransmission
when TtiBundlingSwitch time interval
the UlSchSwitch paramete(T
If this parameter is set to SERVICE_VOIP, the eNodeB triggers TTI bundling for UEs running only VoIP services in the uplink. _
If this parameter is set to
FastReportDopSwitch: SERVICE_MULTIAPP,
Indicates the the
whether to shorten eNodeB
periodtriggers TTI
that the bundlingprocessing
baseband for all UEs unit
running VoIP
reports services,
Doppler including U
When the UlVmimoSwitch check box is selected and this parameter is set to ON, enhanced VMIMO is enabled._x000D_
When the UlVmimoSwitch check box is selected and this parameter is set to OFF, VMIMO is enabled._x000D_
Indicates the threshold for the number of synchronized UEs in a cell above which the PDCCH and PUSCH resource allocation
Indicates the traffic volume threshold of a UE above which the UE is determined as a UE with large packets in the PDCCH and
Indicates the head overhead of data in uplink scheduling. This parameter value 0bit indicates that the data does not have head
Indicates the minimum interval between two preallocations for a UE with sparse packets. This is, the interval between two times
Indicates the data amount preallocated to each UE with sparse packets.
Indicates the uplink interference randomization mode. The parameter value TWO_MODE_BASED_ON_PCI indicates that reso
Indicates the period during which the uplink load of an SFN cell is measured. The isolation threshold is adjusted based on the c
This parameter is valid only when the SfnUlSchSwitch parameter in the CellAlgoSwitch MO is set to ADAPTIVE(Adaptive sched
Indicates the
the maximum numberofoftriggering
minimum interval layers of uplink
UEs that can be paired
compensate for high-order
scheduling VMIMO.
for VoLTE UEs in This
spurts whenapplies only to LTE T
If this parameter is set to INTERVAL_ADAPTIVE(INTERVAL_ADAPTIVE), the minimum interval of triggering uplink compensate
If this parameter
Indicates is set to
the minimum any other
interval value, the
of triggering minimum interval scheduling
of triggeringfor
uplink compensate scheduling for VoLTE UEs in ta
SinrFlunIBlerAdaptSwitch: Indicates whetheruplink compensate
to enable SINR-fluctuation-based VoLTE
target UEs
IBLERin silence periods
adaptation. when
If the UlVoipSchOp
SinrJumpIBlerAdaptSwitch: Indicates SINR-jump-based target IBLER adaptation,This parameter applies to LTE FDD. If the UlIb
When thethe transmission mode
UlIblerAdjustSwitch of aperiodic
option CSI in the uplink.
of the UlSchSwitch If thisisparameter
parameter is the
deselected, set to
twoCsiOnly(CsiOnly) and UEs have only d
options of the UlIBlerTargetAdaptTyp
Meanwhile, this parameter also controls the CQI update policy when the eNodeB receives CQI of 0 from UEs. If this parameter
Indicates whether to identify large packet services for SINR fluctuation-based target IBLER adaptation or pulse SINR change-b
Indicates the options used to enable or disable VMIMO optimization in the uplink. _x000D_
VmimoOptResSwitch: Indicates whether to enable uplink VMIMO resource optimization. This option applies only to LTE TDD ne
This parameter is used to configure the interference threshold for UL coordinated AMC. UL coordinated AMC takes effect only w
Indicates the offset for reporting the uplink ICS measurement event. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a
Indicates the minimum MCS index when the minimum number of RBs are used due to power control.
Indicates the uplink scheduling priority weight factor for low-speed UEs in high-speed or ultra-high-speed cells. The eNodeB mu
Indicates the target IBLER used in the SINR adjustment algorithm for PTT services.
Indicates the RSRP offset threshold for selecting the target RRU. This parameter takes effect when the SfnTarRruAdjSelSwitch
Indicates the maximum number of RBs allocated to each UE in uplink scheduling. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD. Bas
Indicates the threshold of the resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate, which is used to determine whethe
Indicates the threshold of the resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate, which is used to determine whethe
Indicates the threshold of the number of RRC connection setup requests, which is used to determine whether to start UMTS an
Indicates the threshold of the RRC connection setup request number, which is used to determine whether to stop UMTS and LT
Indicates the RRC_CONNECTED UE number threshold used to determine whether to start UMTS and LTE unified overload con
Indicates the threshold of the RRC_CONNECTED UE number, which is used to determine whether to stop UMTS and LTE unifi
Indicates the status of punctured RBs of a local cell in the double deck cell group. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the threshold for reporting ALM-29250 Cell RX Channel Interference Noise Power Unbalanced. The threshold is the a
Indicates the RAT for a neighboring cell involved in over-distant neighboring cell detection.
Indicates the distance threshold for over-distant neighboring cell detection. If this parameter is set to a value other than 0, an ov
Indicates the threshold of the number of handovers for detecting whether a neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell.
Indicates the threshold of the handover success rate for detecting whether a neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell
Indicates the minimum number of intra-RAT intra-frequency neighboring cells. The value 0 indicates that the minimum number o
Indicates whether a cell supports SRS automatic neighboring cell measurements. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the UlHetn
Indicates the offset for SRS automatic neighboring cell measurement events. This offset is the difference between the signal qu
Indicates whether to enable joint channel calibration for a 4T4R or 4T8R cell served by a combined RFU. If this parameter is se
Indicates the local time to perform periodic TX channel calibration in a cell with combined RRUs and four TX antennas. This par
(1) If the TxChnCalTime parameter is set to 03:00:00 and the TxChnCalPeriod parameter is set to 48 (indicating that the TX cha
(2) If the TxChnCalTime parameter is set to 03:00:00 and the TxChnCalPeriod parameter is set to 24 (indicating that the joint ch
Indicates the horizontal distance between two combined physical antennas. The horizontal distance is used for TX channel cali
Indicates the carrier-to-interference-and-noise ratio (CINR) of calibrated signals between two RRUs. This parameter applies onl
Indicates the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of calibrated signals between two RRUs. This parameter applies only to
Specifies the number of the load simulation template for load simulation.
Indicates a PMI used in load simulation with the SimuLoadTransMode parameter set to TM4 or TM9.
Indicates a rank corresponding to a PMI used in load simulation with the SimuLoadTransMode parameter set to TM4 or TM9.
Indicates the duration configured for a PMI used in load simulation with the SimuLoadTransMode parameter set to TM4 or TM9
Indicates the PMI polling cycle used in load simulation with the SimuLoadTransMode parameter set to TM4 or TM9.
Indicates the scheduling duration corresponding to a PMI used in load simulation with the SimuLoadTransMode parameter set
Indicates a PMI used in Virtual 4T4R load simulation with SimuLoadTransMode set to TM4. This parameter is used to configure
Indicates a PMI used in Virtual 4T4R load simulation with SimuLoadTransMode set to TM4. This parameter is used to configure
Indicates the type of a cell added for load simulation. Set this parameter to Normal for a normal cell. Set this parameter to Virtua
Indicates the reserved LCID used by a Media Access Control control element (MAC CE) message. An eNodeB converts the spe
Specifies the A2 threshold offset for UEs to request for restoring default DRX parameter settings. This offset is configured for U
Specifies the A3 threshold offset for UEs to request for restoring default DRX parameter settings. This offset is configured for U
Indicates whether to allow UE-triggered power saving. If this parameter is set to ON, functions such as UE-triggered DRX param
Indicates the threshold for disabling power saving coordination for a UE. If the number of MAC CE messages sent by a UE with
Indicates the threshold for determining whether the interference detected in an uplink subframe is strong. When interference de
Indicates the P0_UE_PUSCH adjustment, which represents the adjustment of the PUSCH transmit power of UEs. This parame
Indicates the MCS index adjustment of access signaling. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the P0_UE_PUCCH adjustment, which represents the adjustment of the PUCCH transmit power of UEs. This parame
Indicates the power offset adjustment for MSG3 transmission during uplink random access, which is sent to the UE in an RAR m
Indicates the increase ratio of the threshold for identifying UEs with strong interference and of the PRACH detection threshold.
Indicates the period during which interference detection statistics are collected for triggering the uplink interference suppression
Indicates the number of periods during which interference detection statistics are collected, for disabling the uplink interference
Indicates whether to enhance uplink channels in the case of remote interference (atmospheric duct interference)._x000D_
RMT_INF_PUSCH_ENH_SW: Indicates whether to enhance the PUSCH when remote interference occurs. If this option is sele
Indicates the threshold of the difference between the SINR before SINR balancing and that after balancing for starting enhance
Indicates the start location of resource blocks (RBs) in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD
Indicates the end location of resource blocks (RBs) in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the uplink physical resource block (PRB) threshold in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies only to L
Indicates the uplink physical resource block (PRB) offset in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies only to LTE
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold used for UE location determination in UL Refarming Zero Buffe
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) offset used for UE location determination in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzon
Indicates the threshold for stopping inter-RAT event B1 measurements in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applie
Indicates the received signal code power (RSCP) reporting threshold in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies
Indicates the period of inter-RAT event B1 measurements in UL Refarming Zero Bufferzone. This parameter applies only to LTE
Indicates the interval that an eNodeB adjusts Sounding resources, this parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the threshold for the eNodeB to determine whether the UpPTS interference is severe. If the UpPTS interference is gre
Indicates the hysteresis for an eNodeB to determine the UpPTS interference. This parameter can be used to reduce the ping-po
Indicates the downlink user throughput threshold 0. If the downlink user throughput falls into the interval [0, Downlink User Thro
Indicates the downlink user throughput threshold 1. If the downlink user throughput falls into the interval [Downlink User Throug
Indicates the downlink user throughput threshold 2. If the downlink user throughput falls into the interval [Downlink User Throug
Indicates the downlink user throughput threshold 3. If the downlink user throughput falls into the interval [Downlink User Throug
Indicates the downlink user throughput threshold 4. If the downlink user throughput falls into the interval [Downlink User Throug
Indicates the access delay threshold of uplink services initiated by UEs in idle mode, which is used to determine whether the ac
Indicates the access delay threshold of uplink services initiated by UEs in idle mode, which is used to determine whether the ac
Indicates the access delay threshold of downlink services initiated by UEs in idle mode, which is used to determine whether the
Indicates the access delay threshold of downlink services initiated by UEs in idle mode, which is used to determine whether the
Indicates the ID of a parameter group for AMR control over voice services.
Indicates the high AMR coding mode in the group.
Indicates the low AMR coding mode in the group.
Indicates the threshold of the packet loss rate for reducing the data rates of uplink voice services. If the packet loss rate of uplin
Indicates the threshold of the packet loss rate for increasing the data rates of uplink voice services. If the packet loss rate of up
Indicates the threshold of the number of RLC segments for reducing the data rates of uplink voice services. This parameter is u
Indicates the threshold of the number of RLC segments for increasing the data rates of uplink voice services. This parameter is
Indicates whether to enable wireless TCP proxy. If the operator's network is an LTE-only network and data forwarding channels
Indicates whether to enable TCP measurements. If this parameter is set to ON(ON), the eNodeB starts TCP measurements reg
Indicates the threshold
BackOffSwitch: forwhether
Indicates measuring the maximum
to enable backoff round
control.trip timeoption
If this (RTT)isamong all TCP-related
selected, backoff controlcounters. If the IfRTT
is enabled. thisof TCP is
option pa
Indicates the switch used Indicates whether
to enable the query
or disable of UEinrandom
change access information
the cell-specific SRS subframe is enabled. If this option
configuration (that is,isthe
selected, the que
adjustment on
If this
the switch Indicates whether to enable PRACH false alarm detection. If this option is selected and the Prac
If option is
is on, the algorithm
selected, PUCCHdynamically adjusts the
resource adjustment is SRS subframe
initiated configuration
when the based onare
PUCCH resources theinsufficient
usage of cell resources._x00
or excessive. If th
If the switch is off, the Indicates
PucchFlexCfgSwitch: algorithmwhether
uses thetoinitial
PUCCH flexible and does not perform
configuration. dynamic
This functionswitching.
does not take effect if an LBBPc
Dl2CCAckResShareSw: Indicates whether to enable PUCCH ACK channel resource sharing for downlink 2CC CA. The eNodeB
Indicates the switch that is used to enable and disable the Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithm. If this switch is set to O
DlEnVarIblerTargetSwitch: Indicates whether to enable enhanced downlink target IBLER adaption. If this option is selected, the
DlRetxTbsIndexAdjOptSwitch: Indicates whether to enable transport block size (TBS) index adjustment optimization in retransm
DlLdcSwitch: the switch
Indicates used to enable
whether or disableload
to implement dynamic power
control in theadjustment.
downlink ofIf athis switch
cell. If thisisoption
on, the is power
selected,amplifier (PA) working
the eNodeB checksv
UlLdcSwitch: Indicates
GeranMlbSwitch: whether
Indicates to implement
whether to enable load
MLBcontrol in the uplink of a cell. If this option is selected, the eNodeB checks fo
to GERAN._x000D_
enablethe preemption
"MLB to UTRAN algorithm. If this option
by transferring RRC_REL is selected, preemption can be used wh
Indicates whether to Indicates
enable whether
power the for
control loadtheof PDSCH,
an inter-RATPDCCH,cell isand
PHICH. uplinkwhen MLB is performed
PdschSpsPcSwitch: If thisbetween
option isan E-UTRAN
PucchPcDtxSinrSwitch: Indicates whether the eNodeB processes the measured SINR in the DTX state when the PUCCH
PuschIoTCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to enable interference control in closed-loop power control for the PUSCH in dynamic sc
Indicates whether Indicates whether
to enable to enable
or disable the SRS power control
beamforming adjustment.
algorithm. SRS power
If this BfSwitch control
option adjustment
is selected, is enabled only
the beamforming when
VoipTbsBasedMcsSelSwitch: Indicates whether the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) index is selected based on the trans
whether whether
to enable touplink
interference based on the maximum
randomization for pagingbit rate (MBR) and
messages. guaranteed
If this bit rate
option is selected
MbrUlSchSwitch: Indicates whether the eNodeB performs uplink scheduling based on MBR. If this option is selected, the eNode
Indicates whether to enable Indicates whether
or disable the sharing
RAN eNodeBfor performs
scheduling. based
If thison the aggregate
switch is turned on, maximum
operatorsbit rate
share (AM
Indicates whether
MuBfSwitch: If thistooption
enable frequency-priority-based
is selected, multi-user pairing inter-frequency
in the downlink handover
is enabled algorithms.
for a cell.This parameter
If this option isincludes
deselected,the followin
TM9MuBfSwitch: If the TM9MuBfSwitch and MuBfSwitch options under the MuBfAlgoSwitch parameter and the TM9Switch opt
Indicates the switch used If this option or
to enable and the MuBfSwitch
disable distance-basedoptionhandovers.
are selected, high-order
If this switch ismulti-user
turned on,pairing is enabledhandovers
distance-based in the dow
Indicates the switch for the access barring algorithm. If this parameter is set to ACBAR_SWITCH_DYNAMIC, intelligent access
Indicates the SFN uplink scheduling mode. The uplink scheduling modes include the joint scheduling mode, and the auto-selec
Indicates the SFN downlink scheduling mode. The downlink scheduling modes include the joint scheduling mode, and the auto-
When the eNodeB is equipped with LBBPc boards and uses one or two RX antennas, PrachIrcSwitch of the IrcSwitch paramet
Indicates whether to enable dynamic discontinuous reception (DRX) or smart DRX. Unlink dynamic DRX and smart DRX apply
3. To avoid whether to enable
interference to thethePUCCH
from intra-frequency switch.GERANWhen cells,this parameter
select is set to ENABLE,(PucchFlexCfgSwitch
the PucchFlexCfgSwitch UEs in high mobility
When the TddAvoidUpPTSInterfSwitch option is selected, the UpPTS interference detection and avoidance function is enabled
switch used to enableoption is selected,
or disable the GLthe PRACH
dynamic interference
power avoidanceThis
sharing algorithm. function is enabled
algorithm can be forused
LTE when
TDD cells._
the G
Indicates whether to disable the TDM eICIC algorithm or apply the static or dynamic mode to the eICIC algorithm. In a heteroge
Indicates whether PUCCH resources are allocated based on the uplink peak rate. If this parameter is set to ON(On), PUCCH re
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the DL CoMP algorithm.
Indicates whether to enable parallel soft interference cancellation (PSIC). PSIC can be used only in FDD cells established on U
If the InterFreqMlbBlindHo check box under this parameter is selected, the eNodeB performs a blind handover to an intra-RAT i
If the InterRatMlbRedirect is
UlJointReceptionSwitch check box under this parameter is selected,
on, UlJointReceptionPhaseIISwitch the eNodeB performs a redirection
is on, UlJointReception3CellSwitch is on, from an E-UTRAN ce
and UlHetnetJointRe
UlCompRollbackSwitch controls whether a CoMP UE is not selected any more in UL CoMP and becomes a non-CoMP UE. If th
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the antenna calibration algorithm. This parameter applies only to TDD cells. If thi
GLDynSpectrumShareSwitch: The GSM and LTE Dynamic Spectrum Sharing(LTE FDD) feature is enabled only when this optio
GLZeroBufferZoneSwitch: The GSM and LTE Zero Bufferzone feature is enabled only when this option is selected. _x000D_
Indicates whether to enable load-based adaptive adjustment in the adaptive SFN/SDMA feature. If this switch is turned on, load
MrcIrcAdaptivefor2R: Indicates whether to apply MRC/IRC adaptation on the PUSCH in 2R scenarios. This switch takes effect o
In 2R cells established on LBBPc boards: If MrcIrcAdptSwitch is on, IRC applies to the PUSCH. If MrcIrcAdptSwitch is off, MRC
Indicates whether
Indicates whether intra-RAT
to enable or or disable
inter-RAT adaptive
neighbor dedicated cell reselection
relationship optimizationpriority. If this switch
takes effect. is turned has
This parameter on, the
One o
INTRA_RAT_ANR_SW: Intra-RAT neighbor relationship optimization takes effect only if this option is selected._x000D_
INTER_RAT_ANR_SW:Indicates Inter-RATwhether
neighbor torelationship
enable the super combined
optimization takescelleffect
selected.the super combin
SfnDl2LoadLevelAdptSwitch: Indicates whether to enable downlink two-load-level adaptation in an SFN cell. This option applies
Indicates whether to suppress interference on the PRACH. This parameter takes effect only on the eNodeB uses the LBBPc an
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable enhanced MIMO. Admitted UEs are allowed to enter TM9 or TM10 mode only if t
If this parameter is set to OFF, the interference randomization algorithm is disabled. _x000D_
If this parameter is set to ECO_BASED, the eCoordinator-based interference randomization algorithm is enabled, which applies
Indicates the type of reference signal (RS) power to be delivered in system information block type 2 (SIB2). If the AntRsPwrSwi
Indicates whether to prioritize frequencies in a multi-frequency network. FixedMeasObjIDSwitch: Indicates whether the eNodeB
Indicates whether to enable or disable HARQ-related algorithms. If the TddAckFbModeCfgOptSwitch is on, the HARQ-ACK fee
Indicates the coverage-based inter-frequency handover mode. If this parameter is set to HANDOVERIMMEDIATELY(Handover
Indicates whether the eNodeB broadcasts the coordinated universal time (UTC) in the LTE system over the air interface. If this
Indicates whether to enable a specific scheduling policy in the uplink and downlink._x000D_
Indicates whether to
AbnUeSchSwitch: enable the
Indicates Soft Split
whether Resource
to disable Duplexof(SSRD)
scheduling abnormal algorithm.
UEs. If _x000D_
this switch is on, abnormal UEs are not schedule
SsrdDl8TAlgoSwitch: If this switch is on, the soft split multi-user pairing algorithm is enabled in the downlink. _x000D_
If the
this ComCoverUlCompSwitch option is selected,
switch is off, the soft split multi-user UL CoMPisisdisabled
pairing algorithm supported when
in the multiple RF modules provide the same coverag
If the ComCoverUlCompSwitch option is deselected, UL CoMP is not supported when multiple RF modules provide the same c
Indicates whether to enable the inter-frequency directional handover algorithm for low-speed UEs. If this switch is turned on, the
Indicates whether to enable or disable the relay-related functions. _x000D_
OutOfBandRelaySwitch: Indicates whether to enable or disable the out-of-band relay feature. If this switch is on, the out-of-ban
Indicates whether to enable the inter-frequency directional handover algorithm. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB instructs
Indicates whether to apply the power decrease mechanism on reference signal (RS) power and physical synchronization chann
Indicates whether
Indicates whether thechannel
eNodeB quality indicator interference
determines (CQI) detection errorsThe
strength. caneNodeB
be identified in the presence
determines interferenceof interference.
strength onlyIf when this switch
this s
When PucchIrcSwitch is 0, setting the PucchIRCEnhance parameter to ON
If this switch is on, intelligent access barring applies to UEs running MO signaling or MO data. _x000D_ and turning on PucchIrcSwitch improves the PUCC
In scenarios
If this switch with
is off,PucchIrcSwitch
intelligent access turned on, setting
barring does not theapply
to UEs running parameter
MO signaling to ON decreases
or MO the number of false PU
data. _x000D_
If this parameter is set to OFF and static or dynamic eICIC is enabled, the
DYNAMIC_FOR_SSAC: Indicates whether to enable intelligent access barring on UEs running MMTEL voices CellRangeExpansion parameter takes effect._x000D
services or MMT
Indicates whetherisMLB
If this parameter set toforONlow-efficiency
and dynamic UEs
eICICis enabled.
is enabled, Thethe InterFreqBackoffSwitch
CellRangeExpansion check box under
parameter takes this
to the d
When this check box is selected, inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs is enabled. When this check box is deselected, int
This parameter
Indicates whetherapplies only eNodeB-level
to enable to LTE TDD cells. handovers to be activated in the cell when related eNodeB-level handover switches a
b. Intra-RAT event-triggered ANR and intra-RAT fast ANR are disabled. _x000D_
IntraAnrPolicySwitch: Indicates whether tooption enableisPCI-based
intra-RAT ANR. If this option is selected and intra-RAT event-trigg
PciConflictDetectPolicySwitch: Indicates whether to enable PCI-based PCI conflict detection. If this option is selected and PCI c
Indicates whether to enable passive intermodulation (PIM) interference mitigation in the cell. PIM interference mitigation is perfo
Indicates whether to enable joint reception on the PRACH in 16T16R LTE TDD networks. If the PrachJointReceptionSwitch par
Indicates whether to enable the FeICIC algorithm. The FeICIC algorithm can be disabled and enabled.In a heterogeneous netw
This parameter includes the following check boxes: _x000D_
UlCamcSw: Indicates whether to enable uplink coordinated AMC in a cell._x000D_
Indicates whether to enable MPMU-level
HighSpeedUserRedirectSwitch: IndicatesUE identification
whether to redirectin LampSite
high-speed eNodeBs. If this parameter
UEs to high-speed is set toThis
frequencies. ON(On),
optionthe eNodeB
is selected
Indicates Indicates
whether whether
to enable the to enable downlink
functions related toAFC in adifferentiation._x000D_
service high-speed cell served by multiple RRUs. The AFC function is valid
VideoRateAdaptSwitch: If this option Indicates whether adaptive
is deselected, to enabledata UE-speed-based
rate adjustment differentiated processing
for video services in high-speed
is disabled. railwayisc
If this option
Indicates whether to enable If GBRthis for
option is deselected,
dedicated bearers download
allocated to data
PTT rate control GBR
services. during canbusy
be hours
enabled is disabled. If thisbearers
for dedicated option ai
Indicates whether to enable allocation enhancement for SRS and PUCCH resources. When this parameter is set to ON, allocat
Indicates whether the UeInactiveTimerQci1 parameter takes effect. If UEInactiveTimerQCI1Switch is on, UeInactiveTimerQci1 t
Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with the specific number of RX antennas. Ul1R1RJRSwitch: In
Indicates whether to enable the phase shift algorithm for virtual antenna mapping in four-antenna scenarios with two CRS ports
BACKWARD_ANR_SW: When intra-RAT event-triggered ANR or intra-RAT fast ANR is enabled and the BACKWARD_ANR_SW
Indicates whether to enable the downlink If this option isalgorithm._x000D_
256QAM selected and intra-RAT neighboring cell classification takes effect in memo
OverlapIndAutoSwitch: Indicates whether the
Dl256QamSwitch: If this option is selected, downlink 256QAM serving cell evaluates
takes its coverage
effect, overlap
and the maximum with neighboring cells andmode
downlink modulation adds or rem
is 256
MicroOverlapIndSwitch: Indicates whether a micro cell evaluates its coverage overlap with the associated macro cell and instru
Indicates whether to enable automatic Indicatesgrouping
whetherfor a macro
carrier cell evaluatesIfitsautomatic
aggregation. coveragegrouping
overlap with a groupthe
is enabled, of associated
eNodeB identifiesmicro c
Indicates whether to enable automatic configuration of macro-micro associations. If this parameter is set to ON, a micro cell per
Indicates whether to enable cell coverage enhancement. Turning on this switch can increase the throughput of cell edge users
Indicates whether to enable or disable extended functions of uplink scheduling. UlPacketLenAwareSchSw: Indicates whether to
Indicates whether to enable the uplink data compression algorithm in a cell._x000D_
BasicUdcSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the uplink Qualcomm data compression algorithm in a cell. If this option is selecte
Indicates whether the RRCConnectionReject message includes the IE deprioritisationReq and the setting of the IE deprioritisati
Indicates whether to enable commercial mobile alert system (CMAS).
Indicates whether
whether to theenable
eNodeB MFBI-related
reports physicalalgorithms. The MFBIBandAdjAlgoSwitch
cell identifier (PCI) conflicts to the U2000. option_x000D_
indicates whether to enable MFBI ba
GeranMroSwitch: If this option If this option isthe
is selected, selected,
eNodeB check results about
dynamically adjusts whether
the GERANPCI collisions
handoveroccur betweentothe
parameters local cell
increase thean
UEMroSwitch: If this option
If this option is selected, the is selected,
eNodeB check results
dynamically about
adjusts thewhether
UE-levelPCI confusions
handover occur between
parameters candidate
to decrease the numta
Indicates whether to enable If RAN
this option
sharing is selected, the eNodeB
so that admission and dynamically
scheduling takeadjusts intra-frequency
effect in RAN sharing cellmode.
the switch
NoUserCellRecoverySwitch: This option controls whether the eNodeB detects a cell serves UEs when reestablishing the cell. If
VideoSrvLoadCtrlSw: If this option is deselected, handovers are not triggered for video service UEs based on the video service
Indicates whether to enable
CaUserLoadTransferSw: traffic-based
If this MLB algorithms._x000D_
option is deselected, a CA UE is considered as one UL-sync UE in both the PCell and SCell wh
UlHeavyTrafficMlbSwitch: Indicates whether to enable uplink
Indicates whether to enable machine type communication heavy traffic-based MLB. If this option is selected, uplink heavy tra
UlHeavyTrafficMlbTFCASw: Indicates whether to enable uplink
If this parameter is set to ON(On), category 0 UEs can access the heavy
_x000D_ MLB for TDD+FDD CA UEs. If this option is
Indicates whether to enable the uplink interference coordination algorithm. IfThis
this parameter is set to OFF(Off), category 0 UEs cannot access the cell. the parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
UL_ICS_SWITCH(UlIcSwitch) option is desele
Indicates whether to enable uplink interference coordination. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the working mode of the Frequency Channel Selection (FCS) feature of licensed-assisted access (LAA) cells. If this p
Controls the SC-based video optimization feature. If the SC_VIDEO_RATE_ADAPT_SW option is deselected, SC-based video
Indicates the switch that controls SPID-based handover. INTER_FREQ_LIST_CTL_SW: This option controls SPID-based targe
Indicates whether to enable DMIMO algorithms. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
Indicates the uplink voice AMR control mode. If this parameter is set to ULAMRC_OFF(ULAMRC_OFF), uplink voice AMR cont
UlAmrcExceedingInitialSw: Indicates whether the adjusted uplink AMR speech coding rate can exceed the initial coding rate for
Indicates whetherIndicates
UlAmrCheckSw: to deliverwhether
information aboutthe
to adjust intra-frequency
uplink AMR speechneighboring
ratefor UEs
if the to cancel
eNodeB hasCRS interference.
not obtained CRS-IC
the rate is
set info
If this parameter is set to ON, CRS-IC is enabled and the eNodeB delivers information about intra-frequency neighboring cells f
Indicates whetheristoset
If this parameter enable
to OFF,measurement-related
CRS-IC is disabled optimization
and the eNodeB algorithms.
deliver information about intra-frequency Indicates whe
CSFB_MEAS_DEL_INTERFREQ_SW: Indicates whether to terminate inter-frequency measurements
If the UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch option is selected, UTRAN frequency steering takes effect at measurement configuration deli after a GSM frequency m
Virtual4T4RSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the virtual 4T4R function. This switch applies only
If the UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch option is selected, UTRAN frequency steering takes effect at blind coverage-based handover to FDD._x000D_
If this option
Indicates is selected,
whether to enablethe ROHC
virtual 4T4R function
in a cell. If thisisparameter
enabled. is _x000D_
set to ON, ROCH can be enabled for UEs supporting ROCH in
If the
If this eNodeB-level
option is deselected,
parameter the PDCPROHCPARA.RohcSwitch
eMIMO sector combination function is setistodisabled._x000D_
the setting of this cell-level parameter does notistake
McpttQoSSwitch: Indicates whether to apply GBR to MCPTT services and scheduling for MCPTT services. GBR ap
It is recommended that this parameter be set to ON when a cell supports VoIP services.
McpttCongCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to enable satisfaction-rate-based admission for MCPTT services. Satisfaction-rate-bas
Indicates the maximum Indicates whether
proportion to apply
of RBs a dedicated
that can be used forRRC connection
jointly inactivity
scheduling in thetimer
uplink.and a dedicated
This parameterDRX parameter
applies only to gr
<font color="#333333">BDL_PUSCH_NACK_DTX_DET_DIS_SW: Indicates whether to disable DTX identification when NACK
Indicates whether to enable dynamic AMBR control by QCI (DACQ). If this parameter is set to ON(On), DACQ is enabled. If this
Indicates whether to allow a serving eNodeB forwards data that has not been sent to a UE yet from the source cell to the target
Indicates the G factor threshold for user attribute determination in downlink adaptive Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC).
Indicates the RSRP threshold used to determine noise-limited UEs on the network. If none of the neighboring-cell RSRP values
Indicates the A3 offset for enhanced AICIC. A large value of this parameter indicates a large number of cell edge users and a sm
Indicates the cell power adjustment range in enhanced AICIC. This parameter must be set to a PDSCH PA value that is less tha
Indicates the type of coordinating cells in enhanced AICIC. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the offset of the DCI power relative to the reference signal power when the PDCCH channel carries dedicated control
Indicates the PA value of cell center UEs when DL ICIC is enabled.
Indicates the PA value of cell edge UEs when DL ICIC is enabled.
Indicates the interval for evaluating the cell edge load when the BFModeUserAdptPwrSwitch check box is selected under the D
Indicates the threshold of the neighboring cell edge load for determining whether to increase the power of beamforming UEs in
Indicates the ratio of the number of neighboring cells whose cell edge load meets the specified threshold. This ratio is used to d
Indicates the period during which the increased value of the beamforming UE power remains unchanged when the BFModeUse
Indicates the offset for event A3 reporting when the BFModeUserAdptPwrSwitch check box is selected under the DlPcAlgoSwit
Indicates the offset for event A6 reporting in CA scenarios when the BFModeUserAdptPwrSwitch check box is selected under th
Indicates the power offset between the PHICH transmit(TX) power and the reference signal(RS) power. This offset is used whe
Indicates the switch of the DL scheduling policy. According to the Max C/I scheduling policy, the UE with good-quality channels
Indicates the percentage of free shared RBs on the PDSCH in scheduling based on pay-free users and pay users. The other R
Indicates the maximum number of layers (the rank) in the implementation of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) in DL schedu
Indicates the downlink scheduling policy used when CA is applied, which can be basic scheduling or differentiated scheduling. (
Indicates the proportion of resources reserved for non-GBR services. A proportion of resources is reserved periodically to preve
Indicates the capacity factor for downlink enhanced proportional fair (EPF) scheduling. This factor affects the scheduling prioriti
Indicates the selection ratio threshold for the function of lowering the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) index to increase th
Indicates the resource block (RB) allocation mode for cell edge users (CEUs) when downlink ICIC is enabled. If this parameter
Indicates the scheduling policy used when downlink ICIC is enabled. If this parameter is set to EDGE_USER_NO_PRIO, both c
For services whose QoS class identifier (QCI) is not 1: When this parameter is set to ROUND_DOWN: (1) If the number of requ
Indicates the MCS index threshold for setting the DL IBLER of UEs near the cell center. When the DlVarIBLERtargetSwitch opti
Indicates the isolation threshold offset configured for downlink low load of an adaptive SFN cell. The isolation threshold is the ra
Indicates the maximum number of downlink hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) transmissions. For details, see 3GPP TS 3
Indicates the weight for scheduling non-GBR services with long scheduling delay.
Indicates the IBLER threshold for determining cell-center UEs when certain RBs are unavailable._x000D_
This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
BreathingPilotSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the Breathing Pilot function. This function is enabled only if this option is sele
Indicates the duration within which the eNodeB performs downlink scheduling based on a low modulation and coding scheme (
Indicates whether to perform downlink rank optimization. If this parameter is set to OFF, the eNodeB uses the rank received fro
Indicates the method for measuring the Doppler frequency offset that is applied to frequency selective scheduling on the secon
Indicates the downlink semi-persistent scheduling interval. This parameter provides three values. If this parameter is set to 20m
FDD eNodeBs support a fixed interval of 20 or 40 ms. If this parameter is set to ADAPTIVE for FDD eNodeBs, the actually effec
Indicates how to apply the policy of increasing the number of resource blocks (RBs) to lower the modulation and coding scheme
Indicates whether to perform rank detection. DetectRank2AdjSwitch: If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not perform
BfDetectRank1AdjSwitch: If this option is deselected, the eNodeB switches between the single-stream beamforming and dual-s
Indicates whether to configure Multimedia Broadcast multicast service Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) subframes. The ten
Indicates the traffic volume threshold of a bearer above which the bearer is determined as a bearer with large packets in the PD
Indicates the threshold for the number of synchronized UEs in a cell above which the PDCCH and PDSCH resource allocation
Indicates the modular for calculating the first resource block (RB) to be scheduled based on interference randomization.
Indicates whether DCI1A downlink grant scheduling is used for UEs in transmit diversity mode. This parameter applies only to L
Indicates the threshold of consecutive discontinuous transmissions (DTXs) in the downlink above which the eNodeB stops sche
Indicates the code rate for Random Access Response messages and paging messages.
Indicates the initial step in which channel quality indicators (CQIs) are adjusted for UEs that initially access or are handed over
Indicates the scheduling policy of subframes transmitting CSI-RSs. This parameter now includes one switch. UnCfgCsiRsUESc
Indicates the period for measuring downlink load of a single frequency network (SFN) cell. The eNodeB determines the thresho
This parameter takes effect only when the SfnDlSchSwitch parameter is set to ADAPTIVE(Adaptive scheduling).
Indicates the determination period for frequency selective scheduling. If FreqSelSwitch of the DlSchSwitch parameter is off, the
Indicates the aperiodic channel quality indicator (CQI) reporting period of a UE adopting frequency diversity (FD) scheduling. Th
Indicates the PRB usage threshold used to determine the change from low load to high load in the downlink.
Indicates the PRB usage threshold used to determine the change from high load to low load in the downlink.
Indicates the offset to the high load threshold in the downlink of an adaptive SFN cell.
Indicates whether to enable the LBT function. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the noise interference threshold for disabling downlink transmission. If the noise interference received by the transmitt
Indicates the noise interference threshold for enabling downlink transmission. If the noise interference received by the transmitt
Indicates the duration of LBT for detecting noise interference.
Indicates whether downlink transmission is enabled. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the noise interference power detected by LBT. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the policy for triggering enhanced aperiodic CQI reporting. This parameter takes effect only if the EnAperiodicCqiRptS
Indicates the policy of allocating CA UE capability in downlink CA. The allocation policies include equal allocation and adaptive
Indicates whether to enable functions related to downlink scheduling of CA UEs. _x000D_
DlCaUserRbPriMcsSelSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the policy of increasing the number of RBs to lower the MCS index.
Indicates the adaptive handover period of the CQI table with the MCS of 256QAM. This parameter takes effect only when the D
Indicates the configuration policy of the CQI table with the MCS of 256QAM. The configuration policies include fixed policy and
If this parameter is set to FIX_CONFIG(FIX_CONFIG), the CQI table with the MCS of 256QAM is fixedly configured for UEs sup
Indicates the MCS threshold less than or equal to which UEs' transmit power can be increased to get performance gains. This p
Indicates whether the Cell Coverage Enhancement feature is enabled in a cell. The parameter value OFF(Off) indicates that the
Indicates the IBLER threshold for lowering the MCS index and reactivating downlink semi-persistent scheduling. If the IBLER is
Indicates the maximum frequency adjustment value during downlink automatic frequency control (AFC) in high-speed railway s
Indicates the RSRP filtering coefficient for SRSs that are used during downlink AFC in high-speed railway scenarios. A larger va
Indicates whether to enable RLC and MAC joint scheduling. RetransOptSwitch(RetransOptSwitch): Indicates whether to enable
Indicates the threshold for stopping aperiodic CQI reporting._x000D_
If the time interval between a UE's last downlink scheduling and now is greater than or equal to this threshold, the UE's current
Indicates the threshold for determining that two RRUs are inter-pole RRUs. The threshold is the percentage of times that the dif
Indicates the maximum sampling duration in which intra-pole RRU identification is performed for downlink offset pre-correction.
Indicates the interval at which intra-pole RRU identification is triggered for downlink offset pre-correction. When this parameter i
Indicates the
the threshold
reason why forthe
determining that two
Cell Coverage RRUs are neighboring
Enhancement RRUs. The
feature is disabled threshold
in a cell. If the is the ratio (expressed as aparamet
CellCoverEnhanceStatus percen
The parameter value CELL_INST_UNINSTALL(CELL_INST_UNINSTALL) indicates that the cell is not established. The parame
This parameter
Indicates appliesscheduling
the downlink only to LTEpriority
FDD. weight for low-speed UEs in high-speed or ultra-high-speed cells. The eNodeB multip
Indicates the RB usage threshold for allowing independent scheduling of UEs whose isolation degree is between the Virtual 4T
Indicates the isolation threshold for determining the joint scheduling area. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the isolation threshold for determining the independent scheduling area. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates the offset against the isolation thresholds for determining the joint scheduling area and independent scheduling area o
Indicates the modulation and coding efficiency threshold for starting downlink rank detection. When the DetectRank2AdjSwitch
Indicates the scheduling number threshold for starting downlink rank detection. When the DetectRank2AdjSwitch option of the D
Indicates the threshold for determining downlink rank detection success. When the DetectRank2AdjSwitch option of the DlRank
Indicates the scheduling number threshold for starting downlink rank detection in reverse order. When the DetectRank2AdjSwit
Indicates the interval at which the eNodeB controls the downlink UE-AMBR. When this parameter is set to AMBR_50_MS(AMB
Indicates the weight used for differentiated scheduling of CA UEs. A larger parameter value results in more significant schedulin
Indicates the threshold of the positive and negative frequency offset ratio for downlink frequency correction. The eNodeB perfor
Indicates the threshold of the frequency offset of UEs for downlink frequency correction amount calculation. The frequency corr
Indicates the threshold of the UE quantity ratio in different areas of the same cell served by multiple eNodeBs for downlink frequ
Indicates the number of TTIs in which CRS is transmitted across the entire bandwidth after DRX On Duration in the Breathing P
Indicates the number of TTIs in which CRS is transmitted across the entire bandwidth before DRX On Duration in the Breathing
Indicates the number of TTIs in which CRS is transmitted across the entire bandwidth before system information broadcast and
Indicates the threshold of the PRB usage for triggering inter-frequency MLB. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_ON
Indicates the threshold of the PRB usage for triggering inter-RAT load sharing. Inter-RAT load sharing is triggered if the number
Indicates the offset of the PRB usage for triggering inter-frequency load balancing. Inter-frequency load balancing is triggered if
Indicates the threshold of PRB usage difference between the serving cell and a neighboring cell. When the result of the PRB us
Indicates the threshold for the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell used to trigger PRB-usage-based inter-RAT load s
Indicates the standard valid duration for load sharing with universal terrestrial radio access network (UTRAN) for UEs in idle mo
Indicates the
Indicates the variable
control factor for the amount
that triggers of load
a mobility a single load transfer.
balancing The value of
(MLB) procedure. this parameter has an impact on the efficiency
In MLB with load information exchange, If this parameter is set to PRB_ONLY(PrbMode), PRB usage is used as a triggering va
In MLB without
Indicates load information
the threshold exchange,
of the number If this parameter
of synchronized is set
UEs for to PRB_ONLY(PrbMode),
triggering inter-frequency loadPRB usage When
balancing. is usedthe
a triggering
Indicates the offset of the number of synchronized UEs for triggering inter-frequency load balancing. User-number-based inter-f
Indicates the maximum number of UEs that can be transferred to inter-frequency neighboring cells within a load balancing perio
Indicates the threshold of UE PRB usage in MLB. In LTE FDD cells, if the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_ONLY(PrbM
Indicates the MLB mode for downlink data transfer. If this parameter is set to UeNumBased, the downlink data transfer MLB alg
This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates whether to enable operator-level and operator-group-level inter-frequency MLB. If this parameter is set to SHARING(S
Indicates the percentage threshold of the UL-synchronized UE number difference between serving and neighboring cells for trig
Indicates whether the inter-RAT MLB to UTRAN is performed only on UEs in hotspots.This parameter applies only to LTE TDD
Indicates the inter-frequency load balancing mode for UEs in idle mode. If the Proportion check box under this parameter is sele
Indicates the threshold of the minimum number of uplink synchronized UEs for triggering inter-frequency load balancing. When
Indicates the offset of the minimum number of uplink synchronized UEs for triggering inter-frequency load balancing. If the MlbT
Indicates the type of UEs that are transferred for inter-frequency load balancing (excluding blind load balancing).If the Synchron
Indicates the threshold of the number of synchronized UEs for triggering inter-frequency load balancing to transfer to-be-release
Indicates the threshold of the number of synchronized UEs for triggering inter-RAT load sharing to transfer to-be-released UEs.
Indicates the evaluation period for determining whether to trigger inter-frequency load balancing. If the serving cell remains in th
Indicates the evaluation period for determining whether to trigger inter-RAT load sharing. If the serving cell remains in the heavy
Indicates the target frequency selection policy applied for inter-frequency MLB and inter-RAT MLB when candidate cells work a
Indicates the policy based on which the serving cell selects certain neighboring cells as candidate cells for inter-frequency load
Indicates the offset to the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell for triggering inter-RAT load sharing. When the PRB us
Indicates the frequency selection policy for inter-frequency MLB by transferring RRC_IDLE UEs. If this parameter is set to LOA
Indicates the strategy for selecting UEs in inter-RAT MLB triggered by the PRB usage. If this parameter is set to PRBRATIOHIG
Indicates the PRB usage threshold for selecting UEs in inter-RAT load sharing. If the InterRatMlbTriggerMode parameter is set
Indicates the PRB load calculation method when the Mobility Load Balancing Trigger Mode parameter is set to PRB_ONLY or P
Indicates the length of the timer for punishing UEs that are selected for MLB but fail to be transferred to target cells. Before the
Indicates whether the eNodeB is allowed to initiate a handover to one of the secondary strongest neighboring cells when the eN
If this parameter is set to PERMIT_NON_STRONGEST_CELL(Permit Trying Non-Strongest Cell), the eNodeB is allowed to init
Indicates the triggering mode for inter-RAT load sharing by transferring RRC_CONNECTED UEs. If this parameter is set to IRA
Indicates the threshold for the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell used to trigger UE-number-based inter-RAT load s
Indicates the number of load balancing periods used to determine whether to punish a frequency during load balancing.
Indicates the number of MLB punishment periods for a frequency during which cells operating on this frequency cannot be sele
Indicates the number of MLB punishment periods for a cell during which the cell cannot be selected as the target cell in load ba
Indicates the RRU-specific load calculation mode for load balancing in a multi-RRU cell._x000D_
When the PrbUsage option is selected, RRU-specific load calculation mode for load balancing in a multi-RRU cell is used. Whe
Indicates the PRB usage threshold used for offloading traffic to neighboring cells with which the source cell does not exchange
Indicates the UL-synchronized UE number threshold used for transferring UEs to neighboring cells with which the source cell do
Indicates the scale factor used to determine the MLB capability of a cell. This factor helps adjust the MLB target in UE-number-
Indicates the maximum number of UEs that can be transferred within an execution period of PRB-usage- or user-number-based
Indicates whether to impose penalty on the target cell when a handover triggered by inter-RAT MLB fails. When this parameter
Indicates the policy used by the eNodeB to determine the cell load status when a UTRAN cell requests the load status of an E-
Indicates the determination period used for triggering or stopping MLB. If the cell load is greater than or equal to the MLB trigge
If the cell load
Indicates is less than theMLB
the inter-frequency MLBstrategy.
threshold for a consecutive period specified by this parameter, MLB is stopped. Th
WEIGHTEDUENUM: If this option is selected, the number of synchronized UEs for MLB is calculated from the sum of the value
Indicates the maximum value of the updated cell spectral efficiency. When spectral-efficiency-based load evaluation is used, the
Indicates the minimum value of the updated cell spectral efficiency. When spectral-efficiency-based load evaluation is used, the
Indicates the maximum step value of the updated cell spectral efficiency. When spectral-efficiency-based load evaluation is use
Indicates the UE count difference threshold for transferring CA UEs. When the UE-number-based load difference between the s
Indicates the factor of the number of RRC_IDLE UEs that can be transferred within an MLB period during an intra-RAT MLB. If
Indicates the percentage threshold of the UL-sync UE number difference between serving and neighboring cells for triggering u
Indicates the threshold of cell throughput for triggering experience-based MLB to UTRAN. If cell throughput is less than the L2U
Indicates cell throughput offset of experience-based MLB to UTRAN. If cell throughput is greater than the sum of the L2USmart
Indicates the UL PRB usage judgment threshold of the inter-frequency MLB algorithm. When MlbTriggerMode is set to PRB_ON
Indicates the lower threshold offset of downlink PRB usage used for MLB-oriented UE selection. If the MlbTriggerMode parame
Indicates the higher threshold offset of uplink PRB usage used for MLB-oriented UE selection. If the MlbTriggerMode paramete
Indicates the lower threshold offset of uplink PRB usage used for MLB-oriented UE selection. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter
Indicates the high video load threshold of a cell. When the video load of the cell is greater than or equal to this threshold, inter-f
Indicates the low video load threshold of a cell. When the video load of the cell is lower than or equal to this threshold, inter-freq
Indicates the downlink PRB usage threshold for not selecting a cell as the target cell for video load balancing. If the downlink PR
Indicates the threshold for setting the overlap indicator. The eNodeB compares the measured proportion of coverage overlap be
A smaller the
Indicates value of this parameter
threshold for clearingindicates a lower
the overlap coverage
indicator. The overlap
compares the formeasured
setting theproportion
overlap indicator. A larger
of coverage valueb
A smaller value of this parameter results in a lower probability of clearing the overlap indicator. A larger value results
Indicates the measurement period for automatic grouping for MLB. If the number of samples collected in the first period meets t in a higher
A shorter measurement period results in faster setting or clearing of overlap indicators. A longer measurement period results in
Indicates the sleep period after one round of statistics collection and configuration for automatic grouping for MLB. Automatic gr
Indicates whether to allow an additional measurement for collecting more samples when the samples collected in the planned p
If this parameter is set to ALLOWED(ALLOWED), an additional measurement is allowed during the automatically extended mea
Indicates the minimum required number of A4 and A5 measurement report samples for starting automatic grouping for MLB on
Indicates the working mode of automatic grouping for MLB. _x000D_
If this parameter is set to FREE(FREE), the eNodeB automatically sets or clears the overlap indicator without manual configura
Indicates the threshold for adding an overlap indicator to a micro cell. The automatic overlap indicator configuration function of t
Indicates the threshold
UsSccHoSwitch: for clearing
Indicates whether the overlapSCC
to enable indicator of a micro
handovers basedcell.
UEsautomatic overlap indicator
running unlimited services.configuration function o
This type of handover
UlUsVoipRbRsvSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the RB reservation and parameter configuration for UEs running unlimited
ULCoMPResourceCtrl: Indicates
Indicates the minimum interval whethertwo
between to perform UL CoMP
preallocations resource
for UEs control
running in a cell.
unlimited dataIfservices.
this option is selected,
When UL CoMP res
the discontinuous rec
Indicates the amount of data preallocated to a UE running unlimited data services.
Indicates the duration of each smart preallocation for a UE running unlimited data services.
Indicates the minimum number of UEs running normal services that is used in steering mobility management for such UEs whe
Indicates the offset of the target signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) on the PUCCH for UEs running unlimited services
Indicates the offset of the reference signal received power (RSRP) upper limit on the PUCCH for UEs running unlimited service
Indicates the ID of the intra-RAT frequency priority group for UEs running unlimited data services. If the UlUsDiffRatFreqPri opti
Indicates the duration of service guarantee for UEs running unlimited services during UE steering when steering mobility manag
Indicates the interval at which the eNodeB triggers the A4-related measurement for a UE running unlimited services during inter
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for event A2 that triggers coverage-based inter-frequency hand
Indicates the reference signal received quality (RSRQ) threshold for event A2 that triggers coverage-based inter-frequency han
Indicates the ID of an intra-RAT frequency priority group for UEs running normal services in the connected mode.
Indicates the PA value allocated to UEs running unlimited services when the PDSCH power assignment is even. If this paramet
Indicates the offset of the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) upper limit on the PUSCH for UEs running unlimited ser
Indicates the proportion of resource blocks (RBs) that UEs running normal services can use in a cell.
Indicates the length of timer for detecting UEs running unlimited services.
Indicates the downlink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service for VIP users. A large value of this parameter incre
Indicates the uplink minimum guaranteed bit rate of the non-GBR service for VIP users. A large value of this parameter increase
Indicates the interference suppression threshold in an intra-frequency neighboring cell of the local cell serving UEs running unli
Indicates the PRB threshold for intelligent subframe control. The eNodeB selects different subframes for intelligent control base
Indicates the ID of an intra-RAT frequency priority group for UEs running normal services in the idle mode.If the UsCellReselSw
Indicates the proportion of the duration that the downlink scheduling weight factor takes effect for UEs running unlimited service
Indicates the proportion of the duration that the uplink scheduling weight factor takes effect for large-packet UEs running unlimit
Indicates the offset to the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A3 of A2-based inter-frequency handovers for UEs runn
Indicates the offset to the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A2 of A4/A5-based inter-frequency handovers for UEs r
Indicates the ID of the intra-RAT frequency priority group for UEs running unlimited data services in the uplink.
Indicates the high threshold offset of uplink SINR for NS UEs (UEs running normal services) in neighboring cells of a cell that se
Indicates the percentage of uplink RBs configured for NS UEs (UEs running normal services) in neighboring cells of a cell that s
Indicates the offset to the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A3-based handovers for UEs running unlim
Indicates the offset to the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A4- or A5-based handovers for UEs running
Indicates the PDCCH SINR offset for UEs running unlimited data services. This parameter is used to adjust the PDCCH aggreg
Indicates the offset for triggering event A3 related to CRS shutdown when CRS shutdown is enabled for UEs running unlimited
Indicates the CRS shutdown policy. When this parameter is set to CRS_SHUTDOWN_DISENABLE, CRS shutdown is disabled
Indicates whether to enable scheduling optimization for cells where UEs running unlimited services reside._x000D_
UsCellPdcchFixSymSwitch: Indicates whether to fix the CFI for cells where UEs running unlimited services reside. If this option
Indicates the CCE aggregation level for common control signaling. If the HOSuccRateBoostOptSwitch option of the HoSignaling
Indicates the CCE ratio adjustment switch for the PDCCH. If this switch is turned on, the resource allocation algorithm of the PD
Indicates the threshold of isolation for determining whether to enable PDCCH selective transmission in adaptive SFN/SDMA sc
Indicates the number of OFDM symbols initially occupied by the PDCCH. If the switch for dynamic adjustment of the number of
Indicates the percentage of the number of virtually loaded PDCCH CCEs when the PDCCH power control switch is turned off, o
Indicates the PDCCH initial aggregation level adjustment. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
Indicates whether to enable dynamic adjustment on the number of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbols
Indicates the upper limit for the CCE usage within each transmission time interval (TTI). When the switch for dynamically adjust
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable closed-loop adjustment to the PDCCH aggregation level. If this switch is turned o
Indicates whether to enable virtual loading for Digital PreDistortion (DPD).This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the virtual load type for Digital PreDistortion (DPD).This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the policy for control channel element (CCE) aggregation level selection of the physical downlink control channel (PDC
Indicates whether to enable optimization on PDCCH capacity expansion. For LTE FDD networks, if this parameter is set to ON(
Indicates the maximum coding rate on the PDCCH. The coding rate on the PDCCH cannot exceed this parameter value. Other
Indicates the number of OFDM symbols initially occupied by the PDCCH where the downlink subframe indicating the uplink and
Indicates the adaptive strategy of the PDCCH aggregation level. The STRATEGYBASEDONCOVERAGE check box is selected
Indicates the hysteresis of control format indicator (CFI) number increase caused by uplink preallocation failures when the Pdcc
Indicates the threshold of isolation for determining whether to enable PDCCH SDMA in adaptive SFN/SDMA scenarios. For a U
Indicates whether to enable the mechanism of increasing the control channel element (CCE) resource allocation success rate in
Indicates the maximum ratio of the uplink and downlink initial CCEs on the PDCCH. If this parameter is set to 1_2, the maximum
Indicates whether to enable enhanced PDCCH power control. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB selects appropriate PDCC
Indicates the target BLER for PDCCH link adaptation performed when the PdcchAggLvlCLAdjustSwitch parameter in the CellPd
Indicates whether to enable enhanced aggregation level selection of access signaling on high load networks. If this parameter i
Indicates whether to enable algorithms related to the EPDCCH. EpdcchFunctionSwitch: Indicates whether to support EPDCCH
Indicates the CCE usage threshold for configuring the EPDCCH. If the CCE usage is greater than this parameter value, the eNo
Indicates the downlink RB usage threshold for configuring EPDCCH. If the downlink RB usage is less than this parameter value
Indicates the CCE usage threshold for disabling EPDCCH. If the CCE usage is lower than this parameter value, the eNodeB dis
Indicates the ECCE usage threshold for disabling EPDCCH. If the ECCE usage is lower than this parameter value, the eNodeB
Indicates the downlink RB usage threshold for disabling EPDCCH. If the downlink RB usage is greater than this parameter valu
Indicates whether to enable functions related to enhanced aggregation level selection for access signaling on high load network
MSG5Attempt: Indicates whether to enable enhanced aggregation level selection for MSG5. If this option is selected, the enhan
Indicates whether to configure the ePDCCH in all downlink subframes or in only downlink subframes dedicated to uplink or dow
Indicates whether to enable adaptive adjustment of the initial ratios of the uplink and downlink enhanced control channel eleme
Indicates whether to optimize the calculation of the beamforming gain for capacity-based PDCCH aggregation level adaptation.
Indicates the upper CCE usage threshold for starting Msg3 flow control. When the CCE usage by SRBs is higher than this thres
Indicates the lower CCE usage threshold for canceling or not triggering Msg3 flow control. When the CCE usage by SRBs is low
Indicates whether to optimize the upper PDCCH power limit. When this parameter is set to ON and the CceMaxInitialRatio para
Indicates the threshold for the low load state of the SRI resources. The SRI resources enter the low load state if the PUCCH res
Indicates whether the cell supports scheduling request indicator (SRI) reconfiguration. This parameter setting takes effect only w
SriAdaptiveHoldForVoIPSW: Indicates whether to enable SRI reporting period adaptation for VoLTE UEs during resource adjus
SriPeriodCfgOptSW: Indicates whether to optimize SRI reporting period configuration. If this option is selected, SRI reporting pe
Indicates the interval in which falls the number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode. Eleven intervals are divided based on this
Indicates whether to enable uplink IBLER optimization. If this switch is turned on, the TBs in the DTX state are not taken into ac
Indicates whether to enable cell-level algorithms related to performance counters. This parameter includes the following options
Indicates the offset for cell edge user (CEU) identification event A3. This offset is the difference between the signal quality of a n
Indicates the upper bound of range 0 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 1) of the downlink throughput distribution
Performance Counter Reference.
Indicates the upper bound of range 1 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 2) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 2 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 3) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 3 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 4) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 4 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 5) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 5 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 6) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 6 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 7) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 7 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 8) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 8 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 9) of the downlink throughput distribution
Indicates the upper bound of range 0 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 1) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Performance Counter Reference.
Indicates the upper bound of range 1 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 2) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 2 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 3) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 3 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 4) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 4 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 5) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 5 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 6) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 6 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 7) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 7 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 8) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Indicates the upper bound of range 8 (which also serves as the lower bound of range 9) of the uplink throughput distribution me
Performance Counter Reference.
Indicates the uplink reception error rate threshold for identifying abnormal UEs. If this parameter is set to 0, abnormal UE identi
Indicates the policy of collecting statistics on throughput distribution. When this parameter is set to NORMAL, statistics on the d
CustomFrameOffset: indicates a user-defined frame offset._x000D_
TL_FrameOffst: indicates the frame offset automatically set based on the subframe configuration in a TD-SCDMA+LTE TDD du
Indicates the time delay of the frame start time for all TDD E-UTRAN cells to the time of the reference clock.
Indicates the time when cell no-traffic detection starts. If the stop time is earlier than or the same as the start time, the end time
Indicates the time when cell no-traffic detection ends. If the stop time is earlier than or the same as the start time, the end time i
Indicates the length of timer for cell no-traffic detection. If there is no traffic in the cell within the duration specified by this param
Indicates the number of RBs that are interfered by GERAN at each end of the LTE DL frequency band. If the numbers of such R
If this parameter is set to 3, three RBs are interfered by GERAN at each end of the LTE DL frequency band and altogether six R
Indicates the SINR threshold for determining whether DL RB resources of an E-UTRAN cell using the LTE frequency spectrum
Indicates the ratio of uplink subframes used as relay subframes. The total number of subframes in each radio frame is 10. For e
Indicates the ratio of downlink subframes used as relay subframes. The total number of subframes in each radio frame is 10. Fo
Indicates the minimum interval between uplink preallocations for a relay remote node (RRN). The interval between two prealloc
Indicates the uplink preallocation data volume of a relay remote node (RRN), that is, the data volume that can be transmitted du
Indicates the target IBLER used in the SINR adjustment algorithm for uplink dynamic scheduling of RRNs. A larger value of this
Indicates the target IBLER used in the SINR adjustment algorithm for downlink dynamic scheduling of RRNs. A larger value of t
Indicates whether to enable the enhanced uplink scheduling function related to RRNs. _x000D_
Indicates If thisthe
whether to enable check box is selected,
enhanced downlink the uplink SPS
scheduling priority
function of normal
related UEs _x000D_
to RRNs. becomes lower than the uplink sched
DlSPSDegradeSwitch: If this check box is selected, downlink SPS does not take effect in downlink relay subframes. If this chec
Indicates the index
TM2: indicates of a simulated
transmission modeload
2 forconfiguration.
the simulatedOne
loadeNodeB can store a maximum of 10 simulated load configurations. T
TM4: indicates transmission mode 4 for the simulated load configuration._x000D_
TM7: indicates
Indicates transmission
the PMI in scenarios mode 7 for the load
of simulated simulated load configuration._x000D_
configuration with transmission mode 4 or 9.
Indicates the period of time exceeding which the cell simulated load is automatically removed. After this parameter value is cha
Indicates the number of RBs allocated to a simulated load configuration in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the number of RBs allocated for commercial services in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the power allocated to a simulated load configuration in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the power allocated for commercial services in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the number of UEs allocated by a simulated load configuration in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the number of users to be scheduled in each transmission time interval (TTI) in downlink scheduling.
Indicates the remaining time of automatically removing the cell simulated load.
Indicates the threshold of the number of consecutive low-speed judgments required for an initially admitted UE or a high-speed
Indicates the impact of the Doppler effect on UE speed estimation in high-speed or ultra-high speed scenarios. The change in f
Indicates the threshold of the number of high-speed UEs required for a cell to be identified as a high-speed cell during off-peak
Indicates the maximum camp-on duration in the last cell required for a UE to be identified as a high-speed UE. This parameter
Indicates the ID of an edge physical cell's sector equipment used by an SFN cell. It uniquely identifies a set of sector equipmen
Indicates the ID of an edge physical cell's sector equipment of a neighboring SFN cell. This parameter applies only to FDD cells
Indicates the modification period coefficient for the BCCH. BCCH modification period is equal to Modification period coefficient m
Indicates the offset of the PCFICH transmit power relative to the reference signal power.
Indicates the offset of the PBCH transmit power relative to the reference signal power.
Indicates the offset of the transmit power for the cell synchronization signals relative to the reference signal power.
Indicates the offset of the transmit power for broadcast information on the PDSCH channel relative to the reference signal powe
Indicates the offset of the transmit power for the paging information on the PDSCH channel relative to the reference signal pow
Indicates the offset of the transmit power for the random access responses on the PDSCH channel relative to the reference sig
Indicates the offset of the pilot power relative to the reference signal power.
Indicates the
the transmit power for
offset of PMCH the entire
power to the channel
maximum bandwidth at eachThe
PDSCH power. antenna connector.
maximum PDSCH If the AntRsPwrSwitch
power option
is calculated by usingofthe
Power Control Feature Parameter Description_x000D_
.Indicates whether the eNodeB increases the transmit power of the Random Access Response (RAR) message when a UE is be
Indicates the cell reference signal power of each physical antenna. However, the cell reference signal power delivered in SIB2 i
Indicates the scaling factor index of the Energy Per Resource Element (EPRE) on the PDSCH. This scaling factor is determined
Indicates the cell reference signal power headroom of each physical antenna. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the offset of the TX power of physical channel 0 relative to the baseline TX power. The baseline TX power is determin
Indicates the offset of the TX power of physical channel 1 relative to the baseline TX power. The baseline TX power is determin
Indicates the offset of the TX power of physical channel 2 relative to the baseline TX power. The baseline TX power is determin
Indicates the offset of the TX power of physical channel 3 relative to the baseline TX power. The baseline TX power is determin
Indicates the step by which the TX power for random access preambles is increased each time after a RACH access failure. If m
For details,
Indicates thesee 3GPP
target UETS 36.321.
transmit power for the PRACH expected by the eNodeB when PRACH preamble format 0 is applied on
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321.
Indicates the length index for the Zadoff-Chu sequence that generates the random access preamble.For details about this para
Indicates the threshold for determining the size of Msg3 when a UE selects a preamble from random access preamble group A
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321.
Indicates the offset of the starting frequency-domain position of the PRACH RBs.
Indicates whether to configure a PRACH configuration index for a cell. If an LTE TDD cell is established on an LBBPc, the PRA
Indicates the PRACH configuration index of the cell. If cells are established on an LBBPc in a 4T4R scenario, the PRACH confi
Indicates the maximum number of preamble transmission times. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.321.
Indicates the period that a UE waits for message 4 (Msg4) during a random access (RA) procedure. This timer starts when a UE
Indicates the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions of the message 3. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36
Indicates the proportion of the number of random preambles in a cell to the number of preambles in the cell. The number of ran
Indicates the proportion of the number of group A random preambles in a cell to the number of random preambles in the cell. Th
Indicates the policy of determining the PRACH frequency-domain offset. If this parameter is set to AUTOMATIC(AUTOMATIC),
Indicates the indexthe
whether of the SRS subframe
sounding referenceconfiguration
signal (SRS)for
of athe
thevalue SCn, where
ACK/NACK n is variable,
or scheduling represents
request (SR) on configuration
If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, simultaneous transmission is not allowed. In this situation, the UE discards the SR
If this parameter
Indicates whetheristoset to BOOLEAN_TRUE,
configure simultaneous
sounding reference transmission
signal (SRS) is allowed.
resources Inathis
for UEs in cell.situation,
The valuetheBOOLEAN_TRUE
UE transmits truncated
Indicates the allocation mode of sounding reference signal (SRS) resources in LTE FDD. This parameter must be set when the
Controls SRS algorithm optimization. SrsSubframeRecfgOptSwitch: Controls SRS subframe reconfiguration optimization. This o
Indicates the PHICH duration type. If this parameter is set to NORMAL, the number of OFDM symbols occupied by the PDCCH
Indicates a coefficient that is used to calculate the resources used by the PHICH for the cell. It corresponds to the Ng paramete
For details on the usage of the Ng parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
Indicates the default paging period for the cell. It is also called the discontinuous reception (DRX) period. If the EPC specifies a
Indicates the number of paging occasions (a type of subframe) within a paging period. This parameter value also indicates the n
Indicates the number of paging messages transmitted to UEs over the air interface.
Indicates the maximum number of UEs that can be included in a paging message on each paging occasion.
Indicates a paging message sending policy. There are two policies: first in first out (FIFO) and priority differentiation. FIFO mean
Indicates the number of PUSCH sub-bands._x000D_
For details,
Indicates thesee 3GPPmode
hopping TS 36.211.
of the PUSCH._x000D_
For details,
Indicates thesee 3GPPoffset
hopping TS 36.211.
of the PUSCH._x000D_
For details,
Indicates see 3GPP
whether group TShopping
36.211.of the PUSCH is enabled._x000D_
For details,
Indicates thesee 3GPP
group TS 36.211.
assignment of the PUSCH._x000D_
For details, see 3GPP
Indicates whether sequenceTS 36.211.
hopping of the PUSCH is enabled. _x000D_
For details,
Indicates thesee 3GPP
cyclic shiftTS
the PUSCH._x000D_
For details,
Indicates see 3GPP
whether 64QAM TS 36.211.
of the PUSCH is enabled._x000D_
For details,
Indicates see 3GPP
whether TS 36.211.
the eNodeB supports UL 64QAM for UEs complying with Release 12 and later. This parameter is valid only w
For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
Indicates the interval between cyclic shifts used for the PUCCH. The interval between cyclic shifts used for the PUCCH can be
Indicates the number of resource indexes allocated to SRI and semi-persistent ACK at the RRC layer for the cell. If this parame
Indicates the number of RBs allocated to the CQI at the RRC layer of cell.
Indicates the total number of RBs at the two ends of the system band that are reserved for the PUSCH. This parameter is valid
Indicates the number of code channels that reserved for the cell semi-persistent ACKs and SRIs.
Indicates the mode for allocating PUCCH format 1/1a/1b code channel resources. The setting of this parameter takes effect onl
Indicates whether to enable scheduling request indicator (SRI) period adaptation. If this parameter is set to QCIADAPTIVE(QCI
Indicates the channel resource allocation mode for PUCCH format 2/2a/2b. If this parameter is set to FIXEDMODE, consecutive
Indicates the PUCCH resource allocation policy. RbPriorityModeSW: Indicates whether RB priority mode takes effect when the
Indicates the maximum number of RBs that can be used by PUCCH resources in Format 3. This parameter takes effect only wh
Indicates the maximum number of code channels that can be used by SCC ACKs in 2CC CA scenarios. This parameter takes e
Indicates the network color code (NCC) of GERAN. It is operator-specific and identifies a network within the whole country.The
Indicates the base station color code (BCC) of an external GERAN cell. This parameter is used to discriminate external GERAN
Indicates whether the cell supports the dual transmission mode. If the cell supports the dual transmission mode, both CS and P
Indicates whether the external GERAN cell supports single radio voice call continuity (SRVCC) for concurrent CS and PS servic
Indicates whether an external GERAN cell supports ultra-flash CSFB to GERAN. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, t
If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), this neighboring cell can be selected for handovers during roaming. If this parameter is set
If the PLMN of the neighboring cell is included in the SPID-based handover-allowable HPLMN list or this parameter is set to YE
Indicates whether an external cell is automatically detected by ANR.
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates whether to permit or prohibit removal of the neighboring relationship by ANR.
Indicates whether handovers of UEs to the neighboring cell are prohibited.
Indicates the priority of the neighboring cell during blind handovers. Blind handover is a process in which the eNodeB instructs
Indicates whether this neighboring cell is automatically discovered by the ANR algorithm.
Indicates whether the neighboring GERAN cell overlaps the E-UTRAN cell. The default value is NO._x000D_
The parameter value YES indicates that the neighboring GERAN cell overlaps the E-UTRAN cell. The parameter value NO indi
Indicates the measurement priority of the neighboring GERAN cell. A larger value indicates a higher priority. The measurement
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates the start time of the latest RIM procedure towards the neighboring GERAN cell.
Indicates the time of the latest RIM request received by the neighboring GERAN cell.
Indicates a GERAN carrier frequency group. In the cell reselection procedure, the GERAN carrier frequencies are organized in
Indicates the standard that is supported by the current carrier frequency group.
Indicates the first ARFCN in the GERAN carrier frequency group. If the GERAN ARFCN is not between 512 and 810, one ARFC
Indicates whether to set the reselection priority of the frequencies in the GERAN carrier frequency group. For details about how
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the GERAN carrier frequency group. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. It is contai
Indicates whether to set the maximum power that the UE can apply to transmission on a frequency in the GERAN carrier freque
Indicates the maximum power that the UE can apply to transmission on a frequency in the GERAN carrier frequency group. It is
Indicates the minimum GERAN signal level required for cell reselection based on criteria S. Assume that: Srxlev = Measured RS
Indicates the RX level required for a neighboring cell on a frequency in the GERAN carrier frequency group to become a candid
After measurements
Indicates the minimum areRX
started for neighboring
level required cells on a frequency
for a neighboring cell on theinGERAN
the GERAN carrier
frequency tofrequency
become agroup, the UE
candidate reselects to
for reselection
After measurements are started for neighboring cells on the target frequency, the UE reselects a neighboring cell on this freque
Indicates the frequency offset of the group of neighboring GERAN carrier frequencies. This parameter is used in the decision of
Indicates whether a BCCH carrier with the specific NCC is permitted for monitoring. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
Indicates the frequency group priority based on which the eNodeB selects a target frequency group for blind redirection or deliv
Indicates whether the coverage area of a GERAN frequency group is continuous. The parameter value CONTINUOUS indicate
Indicates whether a neighboring GERAN cell on the GERAN frequency is a shared neighboring GERAN cell. If this parameter is
Indicates whether information about external cells and neighbor relationships with these cells on frequencies in the neighboring
If all values of this parameter for all GERAN frequencies are 0, the eNodeB does not remove neighbor relationships based on G
Consider that all values of this parameter for all GERAN frequencies are the same non-zero value. If the frequency serving the
Indicates the index of the BCCH carrier frequency group. It identifies a BCCH carrier frequency group.
Specifies the ARFCN of the GERAN BCCH. If the GERAN ARFCN value is not between 512 and 810, one ARFCN can only in o
Indicates the UEs that the cell blacklist applies to. If this parameter is set to 65535, the blacklist applies to all UEs and all UEs c
Indicates the cell individual offset for the intra-frequency neighboring cell, which is used in evaluation for handovers. It affects th
Indicates the offset for the intra-frequency neighboring cell, which is used in evaluation for cell reselections. A larger value of thi
Indicates whether handovers of UEs to the neighboring cell are prohibited.
Indicates whether to permit or prohibit removal of the neighboring relationship by ANR.
Indicates whether this neighboring cell is automatically discovered by the ANR algorithm.
Indicates the priority of measurement on the intra-frequency neighboring cell. The eNodeB preferentially contains the informatio
Indicates the maximum cell coverage offset. This parameter is specified to achieve coverage expansion of micro base stations.
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
If this parameter is set to ON(On), the neighboring cell is the homing cell of the local cell._x000D_
If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the neighboring cell is not the homing cell of the local cell._x000D_
Indicates whether a neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE(True), the n
Indicates the cell individual offset for event A3 related to intra-frequency handovers for high-speed UEs in high-speed cells. This
Indicates the cell range expansion (CRE) value in the current adjustment period after eICIC adaptation is enabled.
Indicates whether an intra-frequency neighboring cell is a vector cell. A vector cell is a local cell's neighboring cell on a high spe
Indicates whether to set the reselection priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. For details about how UEs process freq
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. It is conta
Indicates the evaluation duration for a UE to determine whether to reselect the inter-frequency neighboring cell to camp on. If th
Indicates whether to set the speed-dependent scaling parameters related to cell reselection._x000D_
If this parameter is set to NOT_CFG, speed-dependent cell reselections are not supported by default.
Indicates the scaling factor applied to the cell reselection duration for medium-mobility UEs. This parameter is delivered in SIB5
Indicates the scaling factor applied to the cell reselection duration for high-mobility UEs. This parameter is delivered in SIB5. Fo
Indicates the frequency-specific offset for the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency that applies to UEs in idle mode. It is contained
Indicates the RX level required for a neighboring cell on the frequency to become a candidate for reselection if the priority of the
Indicates the minimum RX level required for a neighboring cell on the frequency to become a candidate for reselection if the pri
After measurements are started for neighboring cells on the frequency, the UE reselects to a neighboring cell on the frequency
Indicates the RX level required for a neighboring cell on the frequency to become a suitable cell for selection. It is included in cr
Indicates whether to set the maximum power that the UE can apply to transmission on the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. If
Indicates the maximum
whether power that the
all inter-frequency UE can apply
neighboring cellstoon
transmission on the
this frequency areneighboring E-UTRAN
configured with at leastfrequency. It isports._x000D
two antenna used in cell r
Set this parameter to BOOLEAN_TRUE if all inter-frequency neighboring cells on this frequency are configured with at least two
Set this parameter
Indicates the event to
to BOOLEAN_FALSE if oneinter-frequency
trigger coverage-based inter-frequencyhandovers.
neighboring cellparameter
This on this frequency is configured
can be set to EventA3,with only one
EventA4, or an
Indicates the RSRQ-based minimum RX level required for a neighboring cell on the frequency to become a candidate for resele
After measurements
Indicates the RSRQ-basedare started for neighboring
minimum cells onfor
RX level required thea neighboring
neighboring E-UTRAN
cell on the frequency,
frequency the UE reselects
to become to a neighborin
a candidate for resele
After measurements are started for neighboring cells on a frequency in the GERAN carrier frequency group, the UE reselects to
Indicates whether to set the minimum required RX level.
Indicates the minimum required received signal quality, which corresponds to the q-QualMin IE in system information block type
Indicates the frequency priority based on which the eNodeB selects a target frequency for blind redirection or contains a freque
Indicates whether the neighboring frequency of the serving frequency can be a target frequency in load balancing. If this param
Indicates whether to enable or disable measurement for frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers to neighboring freq
Indicates the preset proportion of UEs in idle mode in a frequency. This parameter takes effect when the InterFreqIdleMlbSwitch
If the INTER_FREQ_IDLE_MLB_SWITCH option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO and the ADAP
Indicates the priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency for MLB. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. The eNodeB sel
Indicates the frequency-specific offset for the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency that applies to UEs in connected mode. It is con
Indicates the frequency measurement priority. A larger value indicates a higher priority.
Indicates the offset to the RSRP threshold for events A4 and A5 that trigger coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. In cove
Indicates the offset to the RSRP threshold for events A4 and A5 that trigger load-based inter-frequency handovers. In load-base
Indicates whether an intra-RAT inter-frequency neighboring cell is a shared neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to BOOLEA
Indicates whether an inter-frequency cell is set to LOW_SPEED, HIGH_SPEED, ULTRA_HIGH_SPEED, or EXTRA_HIGH_SPE
Indicates whether information about inter-frequency neighboring cells configured on the frequency associated with the serving c
Indicates the priority of a neighboring E-UTRAN frequency for carrying PS services. A large value indicates a high priority. If PsM
If all values of this parameter for all E-UTRAN frequencies are 0, the eNodeB does not remove neighboring relationships based
Consider that all values of this parameter for all E-UTRAN frequencies are the same non-zero value. If the frequency serving th
Indicates whether a frequency can be selected as the target frequency for inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs. When th
Indicates the event type used to trigger MLB-based inter-frequency handovers. The handovers can be triggered based on even
Indicates whether a frequency can be selected as the target frequency for mobility management. SpeedMobilityTargetInd: If bot
Indicates the ratio of cell spectral efficiency in the local cell to that in a neighboring cell. After the PRB usage-based MLB is trigg
Indicates the SNR-based UE selection mode during MLB. If this parameter is set to Random(Random), UEs are selected witho
Indicates whether the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency can be used as a target frequency for uplink traffic-based MLB. If this p
Indicates the priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency to be selected as a target frequency for uplink traffic-based MLB. T
Indicates the offset of the signal quality difference between a neighboring cell and the serving cell used to trigger event-A3-base
Indicates the offset of the RSRP threshold for triggering service-based inter-frequency handovers. In service-based inter-freque
Indicates the offset of the RSRQ threshold for triggering service-based inter-frequency handovers. In service-based inter-freque
Indicates the frequency priority in the uplink for inter-frequency MLB. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. The eNodeB sele
Indicates the downlink PRB usage threshold offset used to trigger load transfer to inter-frequency neighboring cells working on
Indicates the uplink PRB usage threshold offset used to trigger load transfer to inter-frequency neighboring cells working on the
Indicates the minimum number of neighboring cells on the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. The value 0 indicates that the mini
Indicates the measurement performance demand for whether to broadcast frequencies in SIB5. If this parameter is set to NORM
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates the UEs that the cell blacklist applies to. If this parameter is set to 65535, the blacklist applies to all UEs and all UEs c
Indicates the cell individual offset for the inter-frequency neighboring cell, which is used in evaluation for handovers. It affects th
Indicates the offset for the inter-frequency neighboring cell, which is used in evaluation for cell reselections. A larger value of thi
Indicates whether handovers of UEs to the neighboring cell are prohibited.
Indicates whether to permit or prohibit removal of the neighboring relationship by ANR.
Indicates the priority of the neighboring cell during handovers. The parameter values are divided into three segments, indicating
Indicates whether this neighboring cell is automatically discovered by the ANR algorithm.
Indicates the priority of measurement on the inter-frequency neighboring cell. The eNodeB preferentially contains the informatio
Indicates whether the neighboring cell is identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the local E-UTRAN cell. The default value
Indicates the overlapping coverage area of a target neighboring cell that is configured for the inter-frequency load balancing alg
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates whether a neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. If the parameter value is BOOLEAN_TRUE(True), the n
If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), this neighboring cell can be selected for handovers during roaming. If this parameter is set
If the PLMN of the neighboring cell is included in the SPID-based handover-allowable HPLMN list or this parameter is set to YE
Indicates whether an external cell is a specified-service cell. This parameter is configured based on the operator's policies. The
Indicates whether an external cell is automatically detected by ANR.
Indicates whether the neighboring cell is a high-speed or ultra-high-speed cell. The high-speed or ultra-high-speed attribute of a
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates whether a blacklisted neighboring E-UTRAN cell is automatically generated by the eNodeB or manually created. If this
Indicates the control mode of a blacklisted neighboring E-UTRAN cell, which determines the control policies of operators and th
Indicates whether to configure the cell reselection priority.
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the operator that shares the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency. The value 0 indicates the
Indicates whether to configure a dedicated cell-reselection priority based on the PLMN ID of the local cell for the neighboring E-
Indicates the cell reselection dedicated priority for an E-UTRAN frequency based on the PLMN ID of the local cell. The value 0
Indicates the index of the GERAN carrier frequency group. It uniquely identifies a GERAN carrier frequency group.
Indicates whether to configure a dedicated cell-reselection priority based on the PLMN ID of the local cell for the GERAN carrie
Indicates the cell reselection dedicated priority for a GERAN frequency based on the PLMN ID of the local cell. The value 0 indi
Indicates the index of the GERAN carrier frequency group. It uniquely identifies a GERAN carrier frequency group.
Indicates whether to configure the cell reselection priority of the operator that shares the neighboring GERAN carrier frequency
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the operator that shares the neighboring GERAN carrier frequency group. The value 0 in
Indicates whether a blacklisted neighboring UTRAN cell is automatically created or manually configured. If this parameter is set
Indicates the control mode on a blacklisted neighboring UTRAN cell. This parameter specifies the policy of controlling the Utran
Indicates whether to allow handover of UEs to the neighboring cell that is determined by the neighboring relation.
Indicates whether to permit or prohibit removal of the neighboring relationship by ANR.
Indicates whether this neighboring cell is automatically discovered by the ANR algorithm.
Indicates the priority of the neighboring cell during blind handovers. Blind handover is a process in which the eNodeB instructs
Indicates the priority of measurement on the neighboring UTRAN cell. The eNodeB preferentially contains the information abou
Indicates whether the neighboring UTRAN cell is manually identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the E-UTRAN cell. The d
The parameter value YES indicates that the neighboring UTRAN cell is manually identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the
Indicates the measurement priority of the neighboring UTRAN cell. A larger value indicates a higher priority. The measurement
Indicates whether a neighboring UTRAN cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE(Tr
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates the time of the latest RIM request received by the neighboring UTRAN cell.
Indicates the latest updated time of the system information that the eNodeB receives from the neighboring UTRAN cell through
Indicates the latest time that the eNodeB obtains the load information about the neighboring UTRAN cell through an RIM proce
Indicates the latest time that the eNodeB initiates an RIM procedure to obtain the load information about the neighboring UTRA
Indicates the load status of the neighboring UTRAN cell, which is obtained by the eNodeB through the latest RIM procedure.
Indicates whether to configure a dedicated cell-reselection priority based on the PLMN ID of the local cell for the UTRAN freque
Indicates the dedicated cell reselection priority for a UTRAN frequency based on the PLMN ID of the local cell. The value 0 indi
Indicates whether to configure the cell reselection priority of the operator that shares the neighboring UTRAN frequency.
Indicates the cell reselection priority of the operator that shares the neighboring UTRAN frequency. The value 0 indicates the lo
Indicates the
Indicates whether to set the priority
cell reselection priorityof
assigned with the UARFCN
UTRAN used
frequency. Theinvalue
cell reselection
0 indicatestothe
lowest For details
priority. Theabout ho
UE dec
If the value of this parameter is larger than the absolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts measurements on neighboring
If the value of this parameter is smaller than the absolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts the measurements only when
Indicates the maximum power that the UE can apply to transmission on the UTRAN frequency. It is used in criteria S to calculat
Indicates the frequency offset of the cell on the UTRAN frequency. It determines the probability of triggering measurement repo
Indicates the minimum quality level required for a cell on the UTRAN frequency to become a candidate for reselection. This par
Indicates the RX level required for a neighboring cell on the UTRAN frequency to become a candidate for selection. It is include
Indicates the minimum RX level required for a neighboring cell on the UTRAN frequency to become a candidate for reselection
Indicates the minimum RX level required for a neighboring cell on the UTRAN frequency to become a candidate for reselection
Indicates the RSRQ-based minimum RX level required for a neighboring cell on the frequency to become a candidate for resele
After measurements
Indicates are started
the RSRQ-based for neighboring
minimum cells onfor
RX level required thea UTRAN frequency,
neighboring cell on the
the UE reselects
frequency to to a neighboring
become cell on
a candidate for the fre
After measurements are started for neighboring cells on the frequency, the UE reselects to a cell on the frequency only if the RS
Indicates the priority for the neighboring UTRAN frequency to carry PS services. In coverage-based inter-RAT PS handovers, if
Indicates the circuit switched (CS) priority of the neighboring UTRAN frequency, that is, the priority for the neighboring UTRAN
Indicates the frequency priority based on which the eNodeB selects a target frequency for blind redirection or contains a freque
Indicates the priority for the neighboring UTRAN frequency to carry CS+PS combined services. In measurement-based CSFB t
Indicates whether the coverage area of a UTRAN frequency is continuous. The parameter value CONTINUOUS indicates that t
Indicates the priority of the neighboring UTRAN frequency for load sharing with UTRAN. The value 0 indicates the lowest priorit
Indicates whether a neighboring UTRAN cell on the UTRAN frequency is a shared neighboring UTRAN cell. If this parameter is
Indicates whether information about neighboring UTRAN cells and external UTRAN cells configured on the frequency associate
Indicates the single radio voice call continuity (SRVCC) priority of the neighboring UTRAN frequency, this is, the priority for the
Indicates whether a UTRAN frequency is a frequency that can be shared by the UMTS and LTE. If this parameter value is BOO
If all values of this parameter for all UTRAN frequencies are 0, the eNodeB does not remove neighboring relationships based o
Consider that all values of this parameter for all UTRAN frequencies are the same non-zero value. If the frequency serving the
Indicates whether the external UTRAN cell supports single radio voice call continuity (SRVCC) for concurrent CS and PS servic
If this parameter is set to YES(Yes), this neighboring cell can be selected for handovers during roaming. If this parameter is set
If the PLMN of the neighboring cell is included in the SPID-based handover-allowable HPLMN list or this parameter is set to YE
Indicates whether the external UTRAN cell is automatically detected by Automatic Neighbor Relation (ANR).
Indicates the control policy on ANR-related MOs, which can be defined by the user or be based on the automatic neighbor relat
Indicates a co-processing resource. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the DMIMO static cluster index. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates a co-processing resource. When this parameter is set to 255, the co-processing resource serving a cluster is not spec
Indicates the time when the status of DMIMO channel calibration results changes. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells
Indicates whether the first channel calibration unit is sector equipment or sector equipment group. The value SectorEqm indicat
Indicates whether the second channel calibration unit is sector equipment or sector equipment group. The value SectorEqm ind
Indicates the sector equipment ID or the sector equipment group ID of the first channel calibration unit. This parameter applies
Indicates the sector equipment ID or the sector equipment group ID of the second channel calibration unit. This parameter appl
Indicates the DMIMO static cluster index. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the status of a DMIMO cluster and the reason why a DMIMO cluster fails to take effect (including incorrect configuratio
Indicates the result of channel calibration of the DMIMO cluster. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the length
whether tofor detecting
mask service
ALM-25888 abnormality
SCTP when
Link Fault, the devices
ALM-25952 arePlane
User suspected to experience
Path Fault, soft failures.
and ALM-25886 If service
IP Path Fault. abn
If th
S1(S1): When ALM-29201 S1 Interface Fault and ALM-25888 SCTP Link Fault about an S1 interface are generated at the sam
IndicatesWhen ALM-29204
the offset X2 Interface
of the start time of a Fault and ALM-25888
cell frame SCTP Link
against a reference Fault
clock aboutThis
source. an X2 interface
offset appliesare
to generated
all LTE FDD at cells
the samser
Indicates the policy of controlling parameters related to baseband equipment IDs based on the automatic BBP resource allocati
Indicates the baseband resource allocation policy for FDD cells. If this parameter is set to RESOURCE_PRIMARY(RESOURCE
Indicates the period of time that a cell fails to activate on the bound BBP. If the period of time is greater than this parameter valu
Indicates the mode for configuring the maximum number of cells on a single eNodeB. When this parameter is set to NORMAL_
Indicates the start time to write the changes generated by the automatic grouping configuration function of SON into the databa
Indicates the coordinated scheduling working mode of baseband equipment. COORDINATED_SCHEDULING_ONLY: Indicates
COORDINATED_SCHEDULING_MIXING: Indicates that the baseband equipment provides common baseband processing and
Indicates the interval between the time that the eNodeB reports measurement information and the time that the coordinated info
Indicates whether to enable inter-eNodeB DL CoMP in cells under the centralized control node in Cloud BB scenarios.
Indicates the number of UEs scheduled by the centralized control node.
Indicates whether the interval between the time that the eNodeB reports measurement information and the time that the coordin
Indicates whether to enable UL ICS for a centralized control node. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
Indicates whether to enable
the operating modeinter-eNodeB
of LBBPd forcoordinated
LTE FDD inuplink AMC in _x000D_
the eNodeB. the centralized Cloud BB networking. This parameter appl
If this parameter
Indicates is set to
the operating NORMAL(Normal
mode of single frequencyMode), the number
network (SFN)ofcells.
that eNodeB-level
can be established on theapplies
parameter BBP and features
to LTE FDD suppor
If this parameter is set to NORMAL, an SFN cell with a bandwidth of 10 MHz or more supports a maximum of 400 UEs, and anv
parameter value LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(Large Mode) applies only to LBBPd3 boards. Compared with the parameter
If this parameter
Indicates whetheristoset to LARGECAPABILITY,
prohibit the eNodeB from setting an SFNup cell
bandwidth of 10 MHz
equipment or more
or sector supports
equipment a maximum
group of 1200
(that is not bound U
Indicates the RAT of the neighboring cell corresponding to the PLMN.
Indicates the type of a PLMN list. If this parameter is set to BLACK_LIST(BLACK_LIST), the cell corresponding to a black-listed
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 0. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 0 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 1. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 1 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 2. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 2 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 3. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 3 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 4. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 4 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 5. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 5 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 6. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 6 is not
Indicates the scheduling weight of queue 7. A larger parameter value indicates a higher priority. If the value is 0, queue 7 is not
Indicates the threshold for removing a neighbor relationship with a cell by ANR based on the handover success rate. The thresh
Indicates the total number of handovers to a neighboring cell above which ANR determines whether to remove the neighbor rel
Indicates the length of a measurement period. Based on the handover success rate collected within a measurement period, AN
Indicates the number of periodic measurement reports sent for fast ANR.
Indicates the interval at which periodic measurement reports are sent for fast ANR.
Indicates the fast ANR checking timer. When the timer is expired, the eNodeB automatically checks whether to disable fast ANR
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for intra-RAT fast ANR. If the signal quality in a neighboring E-U
Indicates the maximum allowed number of UEs that perform intra-RAT measurements for fast ANR. After the number of UEs pe
Indicates the maximum allowed number of UEs that perform inter-RAT measurements for fast ANR. After the number of UEs pe
Indicates the threshold above which the eNodeB enters the monitoring state for intra-RAT fast ANR. The threshold is expressed
Indicates the threshold above which the eNodeB enters the monitoring state for inter-RAT fast ANR. The threshold is expressed
Indicates the mode for optimizing neighbor relationships. If this parameter is set to FREE(FREE), the eNodeB automatically opt
Indicates the measurement
If this parameter period during which the eNodeBthe
is set to CONTROLLED(CONTROLLED), collects
eNodeB statistics
reportson thewhether
neighbor anrelationships
intra-RAT neighboring cell is to
to be optimized detec
This parameter
Indicates is also used
the threshold of thetototal
numberremoval of an external
of handovers from thecell from
local cellan
to intra-RAT
all intra-RATNCL. Within fourcells,
neighboring consecutive measurem
above which the e
This parameter
Consider is number
that the also used of to determine
neighbor periodical in
relationships removal
the NRT of has
reached neighbor relationships
its maximum, from an intra-RAT
a new neighbor relationship NRT. The to
needs ne
In periodicthe
Indicates redundant
switch used neighbor relationship
to enable or disable removal, the PCI
proactive eNodeB removes
conflict redundant
detection. Within a neighbor
duration after if the
thistotal number
switch is tur
Indicates the time when the eNodeB starts PCI conflict detection or neighboring cell blacklist management. If the end time is the
Indicates the time when the eNodeB stops PCI conflict detection or neighboring cell blacklist management. If the end time is the
Indicates the received signal code power (RSCP) threshold for fast ANR with UTRAN. If the signal quality in a neighboring UTR
Indicates the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) threshold for fast ANR with GERAN. If the signal quality in a neighboring
Indicates the threshold
a threshold forbased
removingon which intra-RAT
a neighbor ANR automatically
relationship from an E-UTRANsets the NRT.
Whenofthe a neighboring
NRT reaches cell
capacity and ANR
If this parameter is set to 0, ANR removes the neighbor relationship with a cell from an NRT not based on the number of handov
If this
this parameter
parameter is is set
set to
another value, ANR Mode), fast ANR
can remove theonly adds a
neighbor detected cell
relationship withthat meets
a cell fromcertain
an NRT conditions to an of
if the number NCL.
Indicates the policy
If this parameter based
is set on which intra-RAT event-triggered
to NCL_NRT_MODE(NCL and NRT Mode), ANRfastaddsANRa neighbor relationship
adds a detected cellto anmeets
that NRT._x000D_
certain conditions
If this parameter is set to BASED_NCL, intra-RAT event-triggered ANR can add a neighbor relationship to an NRT based on the
If this
this parameter
parameter is is set
set to
Capability), the eNodeB does
event-triggered ANR notadds select the CArelationship
a neighbor UEs that support
to an NRTthe CA bands
based oni
If this parameter is set to CA_UE_CARRIER_NUM(CA UE Carrier Number), the eNodeB does not select the CA UEs that are e
Indicates whether the eNodeB can initiate handovers to a newly detected neighboring cell, with which the neighbor relationship
Indicates whether smart preallocation takes effect during ANR-triggered cell global identification (CGI) reading. Consider that Sm
Indicates whether
the policythe eNodeB
based directly
on which sets theevent-triggered
inter-RAT No handover indicator
ANR with parameter
a neighbor relationship for an to intra-RAT neigh
an NRT. _x000
If this parameter
Indicates is set
the policy to BASED_NCL(BASED_NCL),
based on which inter-RAT event-triggered this type of ANR
ANR with adds
GERAN neighbor
adds arelationships to NRTs based
neighbor relationship on NCLs.
to an NRT. _x000 _
If this
If this parameter
parameter is is set
set to
NOT_BASED_NCL(NOT_BASED_NCL), this type of ANRthis type
ANR adds neighbor relationships
relationships to NRTs based to NRTs based
on NCLs. _
If this parameter is set to NOT_BASED_NCL(NOT_BASED_NCL),
Indicates the length of the timer of CGI reading for event-triggered ANR with UTRAN. this type of ANR adds neighbor relationships to NRTs based
Indicates the length of the timer
If this reading
option for event-triggered
is selected, the eNodeBANR with GERAN.
periodically determines inappropriate neighboring UTRAN c
GERAN_DELERRORNCELL: If this option is selected, the eNodeB periodically determines inappropriate neighboring GERAN c
EUTRAN_DELCELLERRORNCELL: If this option is selected, the eNodeB periodically selects inappropriate neighboring E-UTR
EutranCtrlOptMode: Indicates whether to report neighbor relationships with E-UTRAN cells to the U2000. If this option is select
Indicates a threshold
UtranCtrlOptMode: for removing
Indicates whethera neighbor
to reportrelationship from a UTRAN
neighbor relationships withNRT.
cells. reaches
this option is its capacity
selected, theand ANR ne
eNodeB r
If this parameter
Indicates is setfor
a threshold toremoving
0, ANR removes the relationship
a neighbor neighbor relationship with a NRT.
from a GERAN cell from anthe
When NRT NRT notreaches
based on itsthe number
capacity of ANR
and handov
If this
this parameter
parameter isis set
set to
to another value, ANR
0, ANR removes thecan remove
neighbor the neighbor
relationship withrelationship
a cell from with
an NRTa cell notfrom an NRT
based on the if the number
number of han
of handov
If this parameter
Indicates is setstatistics
the penalty to another value,
period ANRwhich
during can remove theneighbor
a deleted neighborrelationship
withana cell from anorNRT
E-UTRAN UTRAN if thecell
can be of add
Indicates the number of times penalty statistics about neighboring E-UTRAN cell deletion are collected. When a neighbor relatio
Indicates the number of times penalty statistics about neighboring UTRAN cell deletion are collected. When a neighbor relation
Indicates the threshold (expressed as a number of times a cell has been configured as an Scell) used for neighbor relationship
Indicates the
the handover
measurement success
periodrate threshold
during whichfor reading
the eNodeB thecollects
CGI of statistics
a neighboring cell. If an
on whether theinter-RAT
success ratecellfrom the l
is detec
This parameter is also used to determine whether to remove an external cell from an inter-RAT NCL. If an external cell in the NC
This parameter
Indicates is also used
the threshold of thetototal
numberperiodical removal
of handovers of redundant neighbor
(or measurements relationships
for handovers) from thefrom an inter-RAT
local NRT. Thene
cell to all inter-RAT ne
Indicates the period for automatic optimization on neighboring measurement priorities. The neighboring measurement priorities
Indicates the number of consecutive measurement periods, specified by the StaPeriodForIRatNRTDel or StatisticPeriodForNRT
Indicates the RAT of the inter-RAT neighboring cell classification management algorithm.
Indicates the statistical period for inter-RAT neighboring cell classification management. The number of times the target cell is m
Indicates the measurement number threshold for inter-RAT neighboring cell classification management. If the number of times t
Indicates the statistical period for intra-RAT neighboring cell classification management. The eNodeB measures the number of h
Indicates the threshold of the number of handover attempts for intra-RAT neighboring cell classification management. If the num
Indicates the threshold of times that a target neighboring cell is successfully configured as an SCell for a CA UE in neighboring
Indicates the threshold of the number of successful handovers for intra-RAT neighboring cell classification management. If the n
Indicates the intra-RAT neighboring cell classification management mode. If the intra-RAT neighboring cell classification manag
Indicates the target upper limit of RSRP used in automatic optimization for PUSCH closed-loop power control. This parameter t
Indicates the target offset to the target SINR used in automatic optimization for PUCCH power control.
Indicates the target eNodeB-expected PUCCH transmit power used in automatic optimization for correct PUCCH demodulation
Indicates the threshold for the number of handovers required for selecting a neighboring cell as a coordinated neighboring cell f
Indicates the statistic period for blind neighboring cell optimization. Information about CSFB-triggered measurement-based han
Indicates the sampling number threshold of handovers from the E-UTRAN cell to neighboring cells. During the planning of neigh
Indicates the handover success rate threshold for determining whether a neighboring cell can be selected as a candidate cell in
Indicates the CSFB-triggered measurement-based handover attempt threshold for determining whether a neighboring cell can b
Indicates the blind handover success rate threshold for determining whether a neighboring cell selected as a candidate cell in b
Indicates the mode for optimizing neighboring cells for blind handovers. If this parameter is set to FREE, the eNodeB automatic
Indicates a differentiated services code point (DSCP) for IP packets. Different types of traffic can be assigned different DSCPs w
Indicates a service description.
Indicates whether to provide rates in two phases for QoS purposes. This switch is required only for video, not for other services
Indicates the QoS in the first phase if the QoS Policy Time Switch is turned on for video, or the QoS across the entire process if
Indicates the time length of the first phase in which the eNodeB provides an initial acceleration for video.
Indicates the QoS in the second phase after the initial acceleration for video.
Indicates the value N in the P/N rule for QoE-based handover decision. If the throughput is unsatisfactory for P consecutive tim
Indicates the value P in the P/N rule for QoE-based handover decision. If the throughput is unsatisfactory for P consecutive time
Indicates the ID of a user-defined QoS policy.
Indicates a traffic type for service differentiation. Currently, there are three types of traffic: VIDEO, DOWNLOAD, and OTHER.
Indicates the ID of a prioritized queue. The eNodeB can provide differentiated services for a maximum of eight prioritized queue
Indicates a guaranteed bit rate for downlink services. The value 0 indicates an invalid rate.
Indicates the maximum bit rate of downlink services. This parameter must be set to a value greater than 0 if the TrafficType par
Indicates the switch for the algorithm for periodically updating cell IDs. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, cell IDs are
Indicates the time at which the algorithm for periodically updating cell IDs begins to take effect. If the switch for the algorithm is
Indicates the period of updating cell IDs.
Indicates whether to enable CSPC in cells under the centralized control node in Cloud BB scenarios.This switch applies only to
Indicates the measurement mode of the reference signal received power (RSRP) used in CSPC. The uplink RSRP is measured
Indicates the mode of grouping cells into clusters for CSPC. If this parameter is set to STATIC_CONFIG, cells must be manually
Indicates the interval at which cells are grouped into clusters for CSPC. The interval can be configured based on site scenarios
Indicates whether the centralized control node performs power calculation for power optimization. If this parameter is set to ON
Indicates the percentage of full-power subframes within one second.
Indicates the interval between the time that an eNodeB reports measurement information to the centralized control node and th
Indicates the maximum number of UEs that can be selected for CSPC.
Indicates the physical resource block (PRB) usage threshold for enabling coordinated scheduling-based power control (CSPC).
Indicates the acceptable capacity loss proportion in a network with CSPC enabled. This parameter affects the gain for cell edge
Indicates whether to enable handover algorithms. This parameter includes the following options: IntraFreqCoverHoSwitch: If thi
GeranSrvccSwitch: If this switch is on, the GERAN supports SRVCC. If this switch is off, the GERAN does not support SRVCC.
Cdma1xRttSrvccSwitch: If this Indicates
switchthat DLthe
is on, ICIC is disabled._x000D_
CDMA2000 1xRTT supports SRVCC. If this switch is off, the CDMA2000 1xRTT
UtranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch: Indicates that dynamicand
If UtranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch DL UtranEventAnrSwitch
ICIC is enabled._x000D_ are both selected, the eNodeB can automat
GeranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch: If Indicates that static DL ICIC
GeranAutoNrtDeleteSwitch andis enabled._x000D_
GeranEventAnrSwitch are both
GeranFlashRedirectSwitch: If this option and the GeranRedirectSwitch option are selected, fastselected, thetoeNodeB
redirection GERANcan canautom
be p
UtranFlashRedirectSwitch: IfIf CdmaAutoNrtDeleteSwitch
this option and the and CdmaEventAnrSwitch
UtranRedirectSwitch option are are
selected, both
fast selected,
redirection thetoeNodeB
can automa
be per
GeranMroSwitch: If this switch is on, the eNodeB dynamically adjusts the GERAN handover parameters to increase the succes
UEMroSwitch: If thisIf switch
this option
is on,isthe selected,
eNodeB load-based
dynamically redirection
adjusts thecanUE-level
be performed._x000D_
handover parameters to decrease the number o
Indicates whether to enable If optimization
this switch ison on,downlink
the eNodeB packetdynamically
assembly adjusts intra-frequency
at the MAC layer when cell cell reselection parameters,inwhic
loads are unbalanced hea
Indicates the switch for the TCP Proxy Enhancer (TPE) algorithm. The TPE algorithm uses ACK splitting to increase the data ra
Indicates whether to support SPID-based mobility management in connected mode. If this parameter is set to ON(On), SPID-ba
Indicates whether to enable uplink ICIC in the frequency domain. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), uplink ICIC in the frequen
OtdoaSwitch: If the switch is on, observed time difference of arrival-based (OTDOA-based) positioning is enabled. If the switch
Indicates the switch for uplink If thisflowoption
controlis selected,
over the air theinterface.
function Ifofthis
switch is on,RSRP and RSRQ
the scheduling measurement
algorithm for to
is notified ECID-ba
limit th
A UE is considered to have combined services if the UE has two or more flow-controllable non-GBR bearers. Fairness and diffe
Indicates whether to display PCI conflict alarms in the alarm console. Consider that this parameter is set to on. If COLLISION_D
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the eNodeB-level energy conservation function. eNodeB-level energy conservati
Indicates the collective switchIffor
NBSLTEPLMNRoundSwitch: the
this RAN is
switch information
on, some management (RIM) function.
neighboring eNodeBs provideUTRAN_RIM_SWITCH:
cells that work in RAN sharing Indicates the switc
mode and b
NBSLTERANSharingSwitch: If this switch is on, some neighboring eNodeBs provide cells that work in RAN sharing mode. In th
This parameter includes the following If thisthree
switch is on, some
switches: neighboring NodeBs provide
UtranFreqLayerMeasSwitch, cells that work in UTRANand
UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch, sharing mode
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the eNodeB-level commercial mobile alert system (CMAS).
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the voice quality monitoring algorithm.
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the preemption based on the number of users. IntraOpUeNumPreemptSwitch: Th
Indicates the switch used to control whether operators can adopt different policies. This parameter is a bit-filed-type parameter.
Indicates whether to enable inter-BBU
ReduceInvalidFreqPriHoSwitch: Indicates coordinating
whether toalgorithms. This parameter
avoid repeated switchovers includes
between thethefollowing options: UlJointReception
frequency-priority-based intra-eN
AddA2MeasIfQciAdjSwitch: Indicates whether an eNodeB delivers inter-frequency or inter-RAT
ApCqiAndAckAbnCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to enable a workaround of problems that may occur when aperiodic CQI reports A2-related measurement config
UeSRSAntSelectCtrlSwitch: Indicates whether to disable antenna selection for SRS transmission. If this option is selected,inter-
Indicates whether to deliver A2-related measurement configurations to UEs that do not support ante
Indicates the switch used to enable Indicates whetherneighboring
or disable to enable aGERAN
workaround of problems
or UTRAN that may occur
cell optimization when
for blind periodic CQI reports
Indicates whether the RAN information management (RIM) procedure is initiated by the eCoordinator. If this parameter is set to
DistributeCloudbbCaSwitch: Indicates whether to enable inter-eNodeB CA based on distributed Cloud BB. Inter-eNodeB CA ba
SccSmartCfgSwitch: Indicates whether to consider the load status of candidate SCells during SCell configuration. The eNodeB
Indicates whether to enable eNodeB-level mobility load balancing. INTER_FREQ_IDLE_MLB_SWITCH: Indicates whether to e
L2UBasedHoPolicyPenaltySwitch: Indicates whether to differentiate between PS HO and SRVCC for penalty and retry after E-U
DrxBasedSriGapOptSwitch: Indicates whether to consider the transmission of SRIs when configuring measurement gaps for UE
Indicates whether to enable network Indicates
LOADNOTBALANCESCHSWITCH: performance optimization
whether to enable when
MACthe network isoptimization
scheduling heavily loaded. Thiswith
for cells parameter consists
unbalanced of t
SFNDLSCHCAPBOOSTSWITCH: Indicates whether to enable downlink scheduling optimization for SFN cells in which adaptive
Indicates whether
This parameter PRACH
applies onlysubframes
to LTE FDD of different cells under an eNodeB are separated in the time domain. The PRACH subfram
Note that the PRACH subframe configuration is determined based on both the default PRACH subframe configuration and the
Indicates whether cyclic shift (CS) is used in preamble generation in high-speed mobility scenarios. If this parameter is set to on
TransDropPktsStatSwitch: Indicates whether to enable collection on packets dropped during transmission. Collection on packet
Indicates whether to enable neighboring cell ranking. This parameter consists of the following switches: GERAN_SWITCH: Indi
This parameter is unavailable in this version.
Indicates whether to enable load balancing between baseband processing units (BBPs) in a baseband collaboration group. L2L
Indicates whether to enable root sequence conflict detection. If this parameter is set to ON, the eNodeB checks whether the PR
Indicates whether to enable intelligent optimization algorithms. This parameter includes the following switches: ACHSwitch: If th
Indicates whether services in a service group can be transferred to different E-UTRAN frequencies by service-based handovers
If BaseBandResetSwitch or RFResetSwitch is on, the eNodeB determines whether a soft failure occurs based on the BBP/RRU
If BBPResetDelaySwitch or RFResetDelaySwitch is on, the eNodeB postpones self-healing to 02:00 a.m. after detecting a soft
The ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch parameter controls whether to perform PCI conflict checks. This parameter wo
Indicates whether to enable or disable load balancing algorithms in CA scenarios, The DlCaLbAlgoSwitch check box under this
If the DlCaLbAlgoSwitch check box is on, the load balancing algorithm is enabled in downlink CA scenarios. If the DlCaLbAlgoS
Indicates whether to advance uplink scheduling. The parameter value ON(On) is recommended to advance uplink scheduling w
This parameter is unavailable in this version.
Indicates whether the eNodeB reestablishes cells if a clock transient occurs. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the eNodeB ree
Indicates whether E2E VQI evaluation takes effect when the VQMAlgoSwitch parameter is set to VQM_ALGO_SWITCH_ON. If
Indicates the basis of setting the frame offset for an TD-SCDMA+LTE TDD dual-mode base station if cell-specific frame offset is
Indicates whether to enable the function of PCC anchoring triggered by inter-frequency measurements when the EnhancedPcc
Indicates whether to enable SCell blind configuration during handovers of CA UEs. This function is enabled only if this paramete
Indicates the mode for eNodeB-level inter-frequency load balancing for UEs in idle mode.ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION: Indicates
Indicates the statistic period within which the eNodeB periodically collects the average number of uplink synchronized UEs in a
Indicates the threshold for the average number of uplink synchronized UEs above which the eNodeB adjusts the proportions in
Indicates the maximum number of carriers aggregated for a CA UE whose load is to be transferred for load balancing. If this pa
This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
Indicates the minimum data volume ratio between two CCs of a CA UE whose load is to be transferred. For example, if this par
Indicates the proportion of the UL licensed traffic to the total licensed traffic of the eNodeB. The total licensed traffic is the sum o
Indicates the mode of traffic sharing between the operators in RAN sharing scenarios. If this parameter is set to SHARING, all t
Indicates the proportion of traffic used by the operator when the eNodeB is shared among operators. This parameter must be s
Indicates the proportion of traffic that the operator can share with other operators when the eNodeB is shared among operators
Indicates the period of measurement for MRO. During the period, the number of handovers is measured and abnormal scenario
Indicates the handover success rate threshold for enabling mobility-related parameter optimization. If the handover success rat
Indicates the threshold of the number of handovers (including outgoing handover attempts and delayed handovers) required for
Indicates the time threshold for ping-pong handover. If a UE is handed over back to the source cell after staying in the target ce
Indicates the threshold for the percentage of intra-RAT ping-pong handovers. If the percentage of intra-RAT ping-pong handove
Indicates the threshold for the percentage of coverage-induced abnormal handovers to all abnormal handovers from the serving
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for the serving cell. The threshold is used to identify abnormal
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold for neighboring cells. The threshold is used to identify coverag
Indicates the threshold for the number of pingpong handovers. If the number of consecutive ping-pong handovers reaches the t
Indicates the percentage threshold of delayed handovers caused by low threshold of the event A2 and delayed inter-frequency
Indicates the threshold of event A2 rollback triggered by inter-frequency MRO. If the percentage of too late handovers caused b
Indicates the mode in which MRO takes effect. If this parameter is set to FREE, the eNodeB automatically optimizes handover
Indicates the threshold for the inter-RAT handover success rate used to evaluate MRO against unnecessary inter-RAT handove
Indicates the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold used to determine whether an inter-RAT handover is an unnec
Indicates the minimum value within the range for inter-RAT A2 event threshold adjustment. In the current version, this paramete
Indicates the threshold of the number of handovers (including outgoing handover attempts and delayed handovers) required for
Indicates the threshold of the proportion of premature intra-RAT handovers. If the proportion of the premature intra-RAT handov
Indicates the threshold of the proportion of delayed intra-RAT handovers. If the proportion of the delayed intra-RAT handovers i
Indicates the threshold of the proportion of abnormal intra-RAT handovers. If the proportion of abnormal handovers is higher tha
Indicates the number of MRO periods for lowering the reference signal received power (RSRP) threshold. If the conditions for lo
A larger value of parameter results in a higher probability that intra-RAT MRO determines intra-RAT handovers as premature ha
A smaller value of this parameter results in a higher probability that intra-RAT MRO determines intra-RAT handovers as delayed
Indicates the threshold for triggering optimization against abnormal inter-RAT handovers. If the ratio of abnormal inter-RAT hand
Indicates the percentage threshold of delayed inter-RAT handovers caused by delayed inter-RAT measurements to the sum of
Indicates the threshold for the percentage of unnecessary inter-RAT handovers used to evaluate inter-RAT MRO against unnec
Indicates the measurement time used to determine whether an inter-RAT handover is an unnecessary handover. After an inter-R
Indicates whether to enable or disable the TCP ACK control algorithm.
Indicates the maximum downlink throughput in the TCP ACK control algorithm. If this parameter is set to 0, the downlink throug
Indicates the timer length for the TCP ACK control algorithm. This timer can be used to control traffic of the ACKs to uplink TCP
Indicates the switch used to enable or disable the TCP MSS function. If this switch is turned off, TCP packets are transparently
Indicates the threshold for the value of the MSS field in packets for TCP link setups. If the TCP MSS function is enabled, the eN
Indicates the time delay of the frame start time for all TDD E-UTRAN cells under the eNodeB to the time of the reference clock.
Indicates the switch for forcibly activating a TDD cell. If this parameter is set to ON, a TDD cell can be activated when no clock
Indicates whether to prohibit the eNodeB from setting up a cell or sector (that is not bound to baseband equipment) on the base
Indicates the maximum UL voice packet delay variation allowed on the Uu interface. If the actual delay variation of a UL voice p
Indicates the voice quality indicator (VQI) threshold for determining the voice quality is good. If the VQI evaluation value is grea
Indicates the voice quality indicator (VQI) threshold for determining the voice quality is poor. If the VQI evaluation value is great
Indicates the voice quality indicator (VQI) threshold equal to or below which the voice quality is considered as bad.
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate wideband (AMR-WB) voice services that are normally released due to packet loss
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate narrowband (AMR-NB) voice services that are normally released due to packet los
Indicates the number of periods that is used to evaluate whether a voice service is muted due to poor voice quality. If an AMR w
Indicates the number of periods that is used to evaluate whether a voice service is released due to poor voice quality. If the voic
Indicates the voice quality indicator (VQI) threshold above which the voice quality is considered as excellent.
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate narrowband (AMR-NB) voice services are muted due to packet loss. Consider that
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate wideband (AMR-WB) voice services that are normally released due to poor voice q
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate narrowband (AMR-NB) voice services that are normally released due to poor voice
Indicates the threshold of adaptive multirate wideband (AMR-WB) voice services that are muted due to packet loss. Consider th
Indicates the VQM evaluation period. During VQM-based voice quality evaluation, voice quality is evaluated and a score is expo
Indicates the switch for RF module regular time sleep. Cells are unavailable after the eNodeB enters RF module regular time sl
Indicates the time for enter RF module regular time sleep.
Indicates the time for exit RF module regular time sleep.
Indicates whether the eNodeB is RF module regular time sleep. If this parameter is RF module regular time sleep mode, all cel
Indicates whether an adaptive asynchronization UE is selected when the adaptive asynchronization function is enabled. If a UE
Indicates the
the threshold of the ratio ofwhether
policy for determining uplink-synchronized UEs inina intelligent
cells are congested cell or a baseband processing
access control unit. If the ratio
or service-based of uplink-sync
dynamic access c
If this parameter is set to FLOWCONTROL(FLOWCONTROL), cell congestion is determined based on the flow control state. _x
If this parameter
Indicates the CPU is load
set tothreshold
of a board. If thecell
CPU congestion is determined
load of a main basedoron
control board the configured
baseband CPU unit
processing loadserving
the If
eter to EUTRAN.
arameter must be set to NULL, indicating that E-UTRAN TDD and E-UTRAN FDD are not prioritized.
he RSRP threshold of inter-frequency event A2 equals the value of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter or the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
ofthe A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
inter-RAT event A2 equals theparameter or InterRatHoA2ThdRsrp
value of the the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter.
parameter _x000D_
plus the value of the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset or GeranA2Th
A2ThdRsrp parameter. _x000D_
of inter-RAT event A2 equals the value of the InterRatHoA2ThdRsrp parameter plus the value of the UtranA2ThdRsrpOffset or GeranA2Th
A2ThdRsrp parameter. _x000D_
Cell MOs. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB needs to check this capability.

licy parameter value for each QCI of bearers. If the value is SERVICE_HO_QCI_NOT_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Not Allowed), the eNodeB rem
lue for each QCI of bearers. If this parameter is set to SERVICE_HO_QCI_NOT_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Not Allowed), the target eNodeB se

he cells served by the eNodeB to inter-frequency neighboring cells whose load information is exchanged with the eNodeB only if this option

licy parameter value for each QCI of bearers. If the value is SERVICE_HO_QCI_NOT_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Not Allowed), the eNodeB rem
lue for each QCI of bearers. If this parameter is set to SERVICE_HO_QCI_NOT_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Not Allowed), the target eNodeB se

AT can be selected for handovers._x000D_

m-priority RAT can be selected for handovers._x000D_

only the highest-priority RAT can be selected for CSFB initiated by a UE in idle mode._x000D_
nly the highest- or medium-priority RAT can be selected for CSFB initiated by a UE in idle mode._x000D_

F(Off), this function is disabled.

hboring cells if the number of UEs in this cell is greater than the value of this parameter.This parameter applies only to the LTE FDD system
LTE FDD system.

RA frequencies in descending order by priority.

are allowed.
forming repeated GAP measurements when it does not receive measurement reports in a period, ensuring that data transmission will not b

ly initiated. If this parameter is set to MUST_HO, such handovers must be initiated.

surement if the following requirements are met: InterRatHoState of at least one bearer of the UE is set to MUST_HO. ServiceIrMeasMode is

set to FALSE(FALSE), this UE cannot be handed over to the HPLMN network based on the SPID.
d only for QCIs 6 to 9.
is valid only for QCIs 6 to 9.
HoA3Offset parameter for specified-service UEs is less than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit of the IntraFreqHoA3Offset param
meter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO plus the value of this parameter. If the value of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
meter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO plus the value of this parameter. If the value of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq

tes a common UE. If the SpecifiedCellFlag parameter in the Cell MO is set to SPECSERCELL(Specified service cell), common UEs are tra

he cells served by the eNodeB to inter-frequency neighboring cells whose load information is exchanged with the eNodeB only if this option

than that of a WFQ bearer.

proportional to preallocation weights. When resources are limited, the preallocation weight affects the preallocation possibilities for an RRN.
rity PQ bearer of L2 Relay. A maximum of one bearer of each type can be configured.
g condition throughout the hysteresis._x000D_
st parameter._x000D_
et to a value smaller than or equal to that of the IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter. _x000D_
g condition throughout the hysteresis._x000D_
dRsrp parameter._x000D_
1-based handover for a UE running services with a QCI of 1, the S1MsgWaitingTimerQci1 parameter controls the period that the eNodeB w
period that the eNodeB waits for a response message from the peer eNodeB.

ityAlgo, SecondIntegrityAlgo, and ThirdIntegrityAlgo, but skips the null algorithm.

d services._x000D_

ameter setting is changed, the change applies to UEs that newly access the network.

ht factor. If this parameter is set to 1000, UEs running unlimited services have the highest priority.
nning unlimited services have the highest priority.
nning unlimited services have the highest priority.
B before the timer expires, the eNodeB treats the UE as an unlimited-service UE. If the UE initiates the procedure after the timer expires, th
and the number of times scheduling is performed for the UE. If certain conditions are met, the UE is identified as a UE running unlimited ser
me invalid. _x000D_

meter is invalid for UEs to be redirected based on the subscriber profile ID (SPID). _x000D_

is not used. This parameter takes effect only for UEs that will access the network after the parameter is set. If the QciParaEffectFlag param
Command to the UE to maintain uplink synchronization for the UE. If the QciParaEffectFlag parameter is set to ON(ON), this parameter do

or this UE. If this parameter is set to a large value, the amount of signaling is reduced but UE power consumption increases. You are advise
e of UeInactivityTimerDynDrx.In power saving mode, you are advised to set this parameter significantly different to the value of the UeInact
is not used. This timer takes effect during the setup of bearers with a QCI of 1. During a handover or RRC connection reestablishment to a
arameter takes effect only for UEs that access the network after the parameter is set. If the QciParaEffectFlag parameter is set to ON(ON),

stablishments are not counted. If this parameter is set to 0, this function does not take effect.
ed UEs in the uplink. This aims to match the timer length and the interval at which UEs send the status reports and reduces the number of in
n timer for the eNodeB is triggered.

the UlschPriorityFactor and DlschPriorityFactor parameters for standardized QCIs take effect.

after being activated, unless a radio link failure (RLF) is detected on the SCell.

nd the PCell.

his parameter is set to 0, the eNodeB does not deactivate SCells based on channel quality. This parameter specifies the CQI threshold for d
. The eNodeB makes the attempt only if the traffic volume of the UE always meets the SCell activation condition throughout a certain time.
ases the UE transmit power, affecting uplink UE throughput. If this option is deselected, PUCCH format 1b with channel selection is used, a

d to use the cell's carrier as the PCC. If this parameter is set to 0, no CA UE is allowed to use the cell's carrier as the PCC but CA UEs can u
cell is in the PCell low load state.

he number of samples may reach the preset quantity threshold._x000D_

e eNodeB does not instruct UEs to perform additional measurements.
B will calculate the coverage overlap proportion and adds, changes, or clears blind SCell configuration flag settings for neighboring cells.

anges during the sleep period. If this parameter is set to 65535, automatic grouping for carrier aggregation does not enter the sleep period a
period. If the number of samples collected in the period does not meet the requirement, the eNodeB automatically extends a second period
iple of 5.
tivates the SCell for the UE. If this parameter is set to 0, the eNodeB does not deactivate SCells based on channel quality. This parameter s

n. This parameter is added to ensure that the SCell is not deactivated when such UEs are detecting signals of another RAT in CA scenarios.
ell deactivation because of residual erroneous blocks within the duration.
CC), the maximum number is two.
ter be set to TDD(TDD). If this parameter is set to NULL(NULL), FDD and TDD CCs are not prioritized in PCC anchoring in FDD+TDD 2CC
ameter be set to FDD(FDD). If this parameter is set to NULL(NULL), FDD and TDD CCs are not prioritized in PCC anchoring in FDD+TDD m
uration (if available) of the target FDD cell in the handover instruction. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
ecommended. This can increase the SCell activation duration.

or handovers, and then handover modes are adaptively selected between TM3 and TM7, TM3 and TM8, or TM3, TM8, and TM9 based on th

set to OFF(Off), TM3 must be changed to single-stream beamforming and then to dual-stream beamforming when the dual-stream beamfor

s way, the spectral efficiency improves when the network is overloaded. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
MO. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), TM4 cannot be selected during the adaptation between beamforming and MIMO. This parameter a

d value is also applicable. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
commended value is also applicable. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

ously sent on the PUCCH. If this parameter is set to ON, the UE enters the DRX state, and the cqi-Mask IE value is setup, the value of simu
c CQI reporting is triggered when the handed-over UE receives data. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), aperiodic CQI resource configura
periodic CQI reports following the common process. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

E traffic is equal to or lower than this threshold, the eNodeB determines that the UE should remain in DRX mode or the UE should be trigger
raffic is higher than this threshold, the eNodeB determines that the UE should remain in the non-DRX mode or the UE should be triggered t

nd CQI/PMI/RI/PTI reports on PUCCH in the active period of DRX.

highest-ARP QCI. (The ARP settings are delivered from the EPC.) If this parameter is set to QCIPRIORITY, the eNodeB selects the group
set, or 0 when a UE is configured with only SRS resources, or periodic CQI, or neither, respectively. This prevents DrxStartOffset values from
bly enter the DRX sleep time. The valid Inactivitytimer period refers to the running period of the DrxInactivityTimer timer (excluding the timer

to OFF, the eNodeB delivers only gap-assisted GERAN measurement configurations to the UE.
UEs enter active state only after falsely detected SRs are confirmed, which reduces the impact of falsely detected SRs. It is recommended
d downlink scheduling is performed on the subframe, these UEs cannot receive information indicating downlink scheduling.
unning services. As a result, the measurement reporting delay is shortened for such UEs. If this parameter is set to OFF, special scheduling
If this parameter is set to OFF, the eNodeB delivers only gap-assisted GERAN measurement configurations to the UE.
sk parameter are set to ON, at least one periodic CQI is reported during the period specified by the On Duration timer. If this parameter is s

E UE increases, decreasing the DRX-induced scheduling latency and improving speech quality.
MO is set to OFF.
ShortDrxCycleSwitch parameter in the CellDrxPara MO takes effect.
SR detection does not take effect. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
me. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB can deliver both configurations to the UE. The DrxForMeasSwitch and GapDrxExclusive

of the SRS bandwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter, the actual value of this parameter assigned to a UE m
act of CQI reporting intervals and SRS transmission intervals, the actual value of this parameter assigned to a UE may be greater than the

cifications, the length of a long DRX cycle must be an integer multiple of that of a short DRX cycle. In addition, the actual value of LongDrxC
he UE can successfully obtain the CGI of a cell. However, a large value of this parameter results in a longer CGI reading delay and therefore
f the long DRX cycle configured for inter-RAT ANR measurements. Otherwise, the success rate for inter-RAT ANR measurements may be a

cycles. If this parameter is set to 1, the length of this timer is one short DRX cycle. If this parameter is set to 2, the length of this timer is two
t A1 is reported. If the RSRP measurement result of the serving cell is lower than this threshold minus the hysteresis throughout the time-to-
nt A1 is reported. If the RSRQ measurement result of the serving cell is lower than this threshold minus the hysteresis throughput the time-to

his option and the BlindHoSwitch option of the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO are selected. UtranPsHoSwitch: PS

ndover preparation attempt in the original target cell.

er for a UE based on the measurement result. If the selected uplink MCS index is greater than the UlBadQualHoMcsThd parameter value, t
is greater than the UlBadQualHoIblerThd parameter value, an uplink-quality-based blind handover is triggered for the UE. If the uplink IBLE
s that the UE moves at a high speed and initiates a measurement-based redirection to a high-speed frequency. If the number of handovers
eriod. If the number of handovers of a UE is greater than the value of this parameter during the period specified by the SpeedEvaluatedPer

not perform load-based and other unnecessary handovers for these UEs. If this option is deselected, speed-based inter-frequency handove
dovers in a as
ies the UE measurement-based manner.
a high-speed one and Thatais,speed-based
performs the eNodeB inter-frequency
delivers measurement configuration
handover for the UE. to UEs in the handovers._x000D_

Es in this cell to a nearby low-speed frequency if the number of the remaining UEs is lower than the threshold specified by this parameter. A
of UEs from being handed over to other cells when the train slows down or is stopping. If the number of low-speed users on the ground in a
rameter applies only to LTE TDD.
ng the cause value, the EPC instructs the UEs to immediately change the voice call procedure from VoLTE to CSFB. If this parameter is set
nrThd parameter in the CellHoParaCfg MO, the eNodeB determines that the UE resides in a weak coverage area, rejects the UE's E-RAB
ossThd parameter in the CellHoParaCfg MO, the eNodeB determines that the UE resides in a weak coverage area, rejects the UE's E-RAB
ndover processing until the timer expires.
uency measurement configurations exceeds this threshold, the eNodeB determines that coverage-based inter-frequency measurement has

is determined by the
applies onlysetting
the FixedMimoMode
cells. parameter. If the MimoAdaptiveSwitch parameter is set to OL_ADAPTIVE or OC_ADA
lude intra-eNodeB handovers except coverage-, uplink-quality-, and distance-based intra-eNodeB handovers, X2-based handovers with the
only to LTE TDD.
link-quality-, and distance-based intra-eNodeB handovers, X2-based handovers with the cause value "Reduce Load in Serving Cell" or "Ha

he highest-priority target RAT can be selected for handovers.

e highest- or medium-priority target RAT can be selected for handovers.

AT is specified and only the highest-priority target RAT can be selected for CSFB initiated by UEs in idle mode.
T is specified and only the highest- or medium-priority target RAT can be selected for CSFB initiated by UEs in idle mode.
UTRAN TDD, the priority of E-UTRAN TDD is higher than that of E-UTRAN FDD.
he RSRP threshold of inter-frequency event A2 equals the value of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter or the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp
of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter or the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter. _x000D_

akes effect when the cell-level switch PreAllocationSwitch in the CellAlgoSwitch MO is turned on.
k smart preallocation is enabled; otherwise, uplink smart preallocation is disabled. This switch is a bearer-level switch and takes effect when
yTimer parameter value.

initiates an RRC connection reestablishment or fails to access the network.

ates an RRC connection reestablishment or fails to access the network.

PP TS 36.213.
ntegral multiple of 10. Therefore, you are advised to configure this parameter to a value that is an integral multiple of 10. If users hope that t

ndwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter. Therefore, the actual value of ShortDrxCycle assigned to a UE may
e DRX for a long time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321 5.7.

ndwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter. Therefore, the actual value of ShortDrxCycle assigned to a UE may

eter results in a lower probability.

If the waiting duration times out, the eNodeB releases the services.
If the waiting duration times out, the eNodeB releases the services.
policy selection. For a service that involves all the preceding selection, the setting of this parameter determines the handover parameter, ta
, 8, or 9. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.

ed on the QCI-specific priorities.

for the default bearer. Otherwise, QCI-based UE selection policies for MLB may not take effect._x000D_

If the waiting duration times out, the eNodeB releases the services.
policy selection. For a service that involves all the preceding selection, the setting of this parameter determines the handover parameter, ta
, 8, or 9. This parameter is valid only for LTE TDD cells.

ed on the QCI-specific priorities.

for the default bearer. Otherwise, QCI-based UE selection policies for MLB may not take effect._x000D_

set to LIMIT(Limit), the AMBR of UEs mapping the QCI is limited. If this parameter is set to PROTECT(Protect), the AMBR of UEs mapping

eter results in a lower probability of ping-pong handovers or handover decision errors.

nal quality continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger._x000D_
th small signal fading variance, set this parameter to a small value to ensure timely handovers. A large value of this parameter results in a l

eter results in a lower probability of ping-pong handovers or handover decision errors.

nal quality continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger._x000D_

gnal fading variance, set this parameter to a small value to ensure timely handovers.

e RSRP for the candidate SCell exceeds the sum of the CarrAggrA4ThdRsrp and SCellA4Offset parameter values. If the sum is greater than
candidate SCell exceeds the sum of the CarrAggrA2ThdRsrp and SCellA2Offset parameter values. If the sum is greater than –43 dBm or le
et to 65535, SCCs are normally configured for UEs. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger.

asurement report is the same as that specified by the TriggerQuantity parameter. The value BOTH(Both) indicates that both RSRP and RSR

oad and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
ntity to be included in the measurement report is the same as that specified by the IntraFreqTriggerQuantity parameter. The value BOTH(Bo

oad and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
ntity to be included in the measurement report is the same as that specified by the InterFreqTriggerQuantity parameter. The value BOTH(Bo

LTE TDD cells.

parameter results in a lower probability.

helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered event reports, the average number of handovers, and the number of wrong handovers

-based inter-frequency handover back to the HPLMN.

D-based inter-frequency handover back to the HPLMN.
y continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger._x000D_

based handovers, handovers of low-mobility UEs, or redirection of high-mobility UEs.

-based handovers, handovers of low-mobility UEs, or redirection of high-mobility UEs.

antly better than that of the serving cell and other triggering conditions are met. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
A1 events are selected to perform MLB. If cell edge users are preferably selected, the UEs whose RSRP values are lower than this thresho

A4ThdRsrp parameter value, the UE reports event A5.

oA4ThdRsrq parameter value, the UE reports event A5.
e threshold for event A4 related to coverage-based inter-frequency handovers and the UlBadQualHoA4Offset parameter value. If the sum is

DD networks.
DD networks.

for event inter-frequency handover event A3 is the same as the value of this parameter. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.


ude eNodeBId, CellId, LocalCellId, CnOperator, CnOperatorTa, CellOp, PhyCellId, and DlEarfcn. This prevents the configuration data from b
all operators that are not on the X2 blacklist. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD. The X2 blacklist is configured by the X2BlackWhiteL
s to X2 self-setup between eNodeBs provided by different suppliers. For X2 self-setup between Huawei eNodeBs, selecting TNL parameter
temporarily unavailable.
dress to the source eNodeB._x000D_
source eNodeB.
ishment procedureThe
duetarget eNodeB cannot sendand
to reconfigurationFailure only the
the uplink destination
reestablishment address to
is complete, the
the source eNodeB.
subsequent RRC connection reconfiguration may
eB starts the timer and removes the X2 interface configuration after the timer expires. If this parameter is set to 0, the neighbor relationship-
, set this parameter to Standard Coding.

operators that share the eNodeB can be configured with the same MMEC.
guration if the local eNodeB receives a RESET REQUEST message from the peer eNodeB and determines that the X2 interface is unavaila

nk data the
E after forwarding address.
procedures finish._x000D_
set to OFF, this function is disabled. If both the X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch parameter and this parameter are set to ON, the eNodeB re
igured Cell), the serving cells include all the configured cells.
ensures that the UE can be routed to a lightly loaded MME if it initiates another access request. When this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the
ain the power headroom configuration. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the power headroom configuration is optional in the RRCConne
witch) option is selected, the eNodeB sends cell load information through RIM procedures to the UTRAN and notifies the UTRAN of cell load
EQUEST message and responds with an error indication message._x000D_
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.413._x000D_
the eNodeB does not send the message in this scenario. For details about the mechanism for sending the CellTrafficTrace message, see 3

MMEIs, rather than the gummei-Type IE, to determine the UE type. If this option is selected and a UE reports the gummei-Type IE, the eNo
ioning stage.
A4 for configuring an SCell. When UEs support only 2CC CA, if this option is selected, the eNodeB preferentially sends an A4-related mea
arameter is set to BASED_X2INTERFACE, the SCTP establishment can be triggered based on the X2 interface. When the conditions for se

d the peer eNodeB is a Huawei eNodeB. _x000D_

the local eNodeB to the peer eNodeB within the time specified by this timer is also less than or equal to the X2SonDeleteHoOutNumThd pa
ue and the number of handovers from the local eNodeB to the peer eNodeB within the time specified by the X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Usage
ue and the number of handovers from the peer eNodeB to the local eNodeB within the time specified by the X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Usage
number of active UEs after the handover data transfer completes.
tended cyclic prefix (CP), the parameter value MAX_SYNC_USER_1200 takes effect irrespective of the actual parameter setting.
me to wait for sending an X2 setup request again. As defined in 3GPP TS 36.423, the peer eNodeB shall wait at least for the time indicated
0s, and 60s, respectively. Assume that the number of X2 setup failures is N. If this parameter is set to TIMETOWAIT_Default, the TimetoWa
ber of X2 setup failures is not measured and the X2 setup request is not prohibited.

_OTHER_CONTROLLED(HW free other controlled), some functions work in controlled mode. These functions refer to those controlled by t
e local eNodeB.
etupNumThd parameter within a period specified by the X2SonSetupTimer parameter, the X2 interface self-setup is triggered on the local eN
arget eNodeB calculates an AS security key based on the key received from the MME after the X2-based handover and delivers the RRCCo

PLMN in the operator information and the PLMN of the serving cell do not match.

eshold (a non-zero value), the eNodeB imposes a penalty on the UE, rejecting RRC connection setup requests from the UE. If this paramet

is deselected, the eNodeB does not add new frequencies according to received X2 messages to the neighboring E-UTRA frequency list of
se (RAR) in a non-contention-based random access procedure. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB sends data packets to the UE after

ses common RRC connection reestablishment without UE context._x000D_

sends to the eNodeB. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not trigger an ultra-flash CSFB procedure based on this IE._x000D_
at works at a frequency ranging from 2575 MHz to 2595 MHz of band 41. If this option is deselected, the UEs are not forbidden to access s
in theselected.
n is service drop rate. Ifabout
For details this option is selected,
the definition the eNodeB
of IMEISV, is not allowed
see section 6.2.2 in to deliver
3GPP TSinter-duplex-mode
23.003.As definedmeasurement configurations
in section to su
in 3GPP TS 36
he S1 interface status does not change. After the timer expires, the S1 interface status does not change if the SCTP link is normal and chan
S1 interface
BBPda boardstatus does
and is not by
served change.
an LTEAfter
FDD the timer expires,
eNodeB. 2. The the S1 interface status does not
PucchPeriodicCqiOptSwitch change is
parameter if the SCTP
set to link is
ON(On) fornormal and change
the serving eNode

on function is disabled.
When operators deploy a new eNodeB or tune the network, the transport network may not be stable. It is recommended that this parameter

in non-ideal
are mode or respond to the eX2 self-setup request in non-deal backhaul mode sent from a peer eNodeB.
namic eX2 blacklist. If this option is deselected, all generated dynamic eX2 blacklists are cleared.
meter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB does not report the PRS Muting Configuration IE. For details about the PRS Muting Configuration IE, s
actual number of times a UE repeatedly sends an RRC connection setup request._x000D_
Qci MOs take effect and parameters in QciPara, CellQciPara, and CnOperatorQciPara MOs do not take effect. If this parameter is set to ON
the eNodeB updates the RSN. Otherwise, the eNodeB discards the message.

nt from eNodeB compliance with the same protocols. Some UEs may initiate the same RRC connection reestablishments repeatedly. When

of the SRS bandwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter, the actual value of this parameter assigned to a UE m
act of CQI reporting intervals and SRS transmission intervals, the actual value of this parameter assigned to a UE may be greater than the

cifications, the length of a long DRX cycle must be an integer multiple of that of a short DRX cycle. In addition, the actual value of LongDrxC
cycles. If this parameter is set to 1, the length of this timer is one short DRX cycle. If this parameter is set to 2, the length of this timer is two
E can successfully obtain the CGI of a cell. However, if this parameter is set to a large value, the delay of obtaining the CGI is large, and the
he long DRX cycle configured for inter-RAT ANR measurements. Otherwise, the success rate for inter-RAT ANR measurements may be affe

rces are insufficient, pre-allocation weights affect the pre-allocation probabilities of users. The pre-allocation probability has a positive correl

3GPP TS 36.321.

h this extended QCI the same as common services with an extended QCI.
riority Higher than QCI1), the downlink scheduling priority of PTT services is higher than that of VoIP services (with a QCI of 1). This parame
Higher than QCI1), the uplink scheduling priority of PTT services is higher than that of VoIP services (with a QCI of 1). This parameter is va
meter is set to NO_COUNTER, performance about this extended QCI is not measured. Each extended QCI can be mapped to an counter i
initiates an RRC connection reestablishment or fails to access the network.
ates an RRC connection reestablishment or fails to access the network.

rces are insufficient, pre-allocation weights affect the pre-allocation probabilities of users. The pre-allocation probability has a positive correl

3GPP TS 36.321.

h this extended QCI the same as common services with an extended QCI.
riority Higher than QCI1), the downlink scheduling priority of PTT services is higher than that of VoIP services (with a QCI of 1). This parame
Higher than QCI1), the uplink scheduling priority of PTT services is higher than that of VoIP services (with a QCI of 1). This parameter is va
meter is set to NO_COUNTER, performance about this extended QCI is not measured. Each extended QCI can be mapped to a counter in
s not used. This parameter takes effect only for UEs that will access the network after the parameter is set. If a UE has bearers of several Q
tantly send Timing Advance Command to the UE to maintain uplink synchronization for the UE. If a UE has bearers of several QCIs, the eN
for this UE. If this parameter is set to a large value, the amount of signaling is reduced but UE power consumption increases. You are advis
for QCI 69 is taken as the UE Inactivity Timer for the MCPTT UEs.
set up bearers of QCI 4, 6, 7, 8, or 9. If this switch is turned on, the eNodeB finds the QCI with the RLC transmission mode set to acknowle

parameter, turn to Huawei technical support personnel for assistance.

e value of this parameter, turn to Huawei technical support personnel for assistance.

rces are insufficient, pre-allocation weights affect the pre-allocation probabilities of users. The pre-allocation probability has a positive correl

3GPP TS 36.321.

neously over the PUCCH. When this parameter is set to ON, the value of simultaneousAckNackAndCQI becomes True, that is, CQI and Ac
s turned off, the eNodeB configures more UEs with a short CQI reporting period, increasing PUCCH resources to be used and decreasing a
eriodic CQI reporting is triggered after the UE is handed over and then has data to transmit. When this switch is turned off, the aperiodic CQ
ansmission is not allowed. When this parameter is set to ON, the IE takes the value "True", meaning that the simultaneous transmission is
on precision may be relatively low. If this parameter is set to a large value, switchings among mobility states are less frequent and the decisi
may be relatively low. If this parameter is set to a large value, switchings among mobility states are less frequent and the decision precision
-related parameters are adjusted.
parameters are adjusted.

set to 0, no penalty is performed.

elated causes. That is, the number of handover attempts to the target cell is unlimited.

s to Gap Pattern Id "1" in 3GPP specifications. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

easurement reports. When both RSCP- and Ec/No-based trigger conditions are met, handovers can be triggered. For UEs complying with 3

P- and RSRQ-based measurement configurations are delivered. When either the RSRP-based or RSRQ-based entering condition of event A

N of UEs. If this parameter is set to OFF, the neighboring frequency (or frequency group) does not belong to any PLMN.

on the setting of the IntraFreqHoA3TrigQuan parameter. The value of this parameter is also used as the quantity to be included in the meas

d and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. This parameter applies to measurements for event A4/A5. For details, see

If this parameter is set to BOTH, both RSRP- and RSRQ-based measurement configurations are delivered. When either the RSRP-based
eal time. If this parameter is set to BOTH, both RSRP- and RSRQ-based measurement configurations are delivered. When either the RSRP
eal time. If this parameter is set to BOTH, both RSRP- and RSRQ-based A4 or A5 measurement configurations are delivered. When either t
parameter is set to BOTH, both RSRP- and RSRQ-based measurement configurations are delivered. When either the RSRP-based or RSR
he UE does not send a measurement report to the eNodeB immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report only when the signal quality contin
the UE does not send a measurement report to the eNodeB immediately. Instead, the UE sends a report only when the signal quality contin
he measurement report. A UE sends a measurement report related to event B1 to the eNodeB when the RSCP in at least one UTRAN cell
e measurement report. A UE sends a measurement report related to event B1 to the eNodeB when the Ec/N0 in at least one UTRAN cell ex

P threshold of the serving cell above which a CSFB-triggered adaptive blind handover is triggered. If the RSRP value measured by a UE ex

l, AC12BarforCall, AC13BarforCall, AC14BarforCall, and AC15BarforCall is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, the eNodeB sends UEs P00 as the ac

g, AC13BarForSig, AC14BarForSig, and AC15BarForSig is set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, the eNodeB sends UEs P00 as the access probability

witch parameter must be selected for eNodeBs whose cells are configured as neighboring cells for the local cell. Otherwise, the local eNod

e RRC connection reconfiguration procedure. If this parameter is set to NOT_CFG, all synchronization procedures repeatedly initiated by a U
meter trigger only one RRC connection reconfiguration procedure.
or OFF for a dynamically determined duration within a specified period. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
ment sharing and coexistence. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

such as Wi-Fi. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

ly to LTE FDD.
HighInterfDurationThd, and FcsMode is set to AUTO. FCS updates the operating frequency for the LAA cell. This parameter applies only to

er this cell as a barred cell during cell selection or reselection._x000D_

f RBs occupied by each operator will reach the preset value. Modifications on this parameter affect the percentages of RBs occupied by op
e of RBs occupied by each operator will reach the preset value. Modifications on this parameter affect the percentage of RBs occupied by o

services are not admitted.

re admitted.

ysteresis results in a larger boundary of the serving cell and a lower probability of cell reselection to neighboring cells.

ads to the opposite effect.

alue of this parameter leads to a lower probability of transition from the high- or medium-mobility state to the normal-mobility state but highe
ue and is less than or equal to the NCellChangeHigh parameter value, the UE enters the medium mobility state.
the UE enters the high mobility state.

gnal quality of the serving cell.

s lower than or equal to that of the serving frequency or if the cell reselection priority of an RAT is lower than that of the serving frequency, th
TRAN frequency fulfills criteria 1 for inter-frequency and inter-RAT reselections. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

es cell reselections to the new E-UTRAN cell.

ect the neighboring GERAN cell to camp on.

ect the neighboring UTRAN cell to camp on.

(VPLMN). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

e does not contain the q-QualMin IE. If this parameter is set to a value other than 0, the SIB1 message contains the q-QualMin IE with the s

twork (VPLMN). For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

eriod, quantity, and data traffic of SIBs.

broadcasting the first SN and then broadcasts the second SN. The value DISCARD indicates that the cell ignores the second SN and contin
ps broadcasting the first PN and starts broadcasting the second PN. If this parameter is set to DISCARD, the eNodeB discards the second P

ces are consumed.

does not take effect. If this parameter is set to a value within the range of 40 to 100 (corresponding to the actual value within the range of 0.

oes not take effect, and the paging cycle is occasionally less than the BCCH modification period.

ce power consumption of UEs in DRX mode. This ensures the uplink time alignment performance if the length of the uplink time alignment t

d based on the DMRS for PUSCH and SRS or based on the DMRS for PUSCH and channel quality indicator (CQI) in PUCCH. In addition,
TE FDD cells.
affic scenarios.If this parameter is set to ON, the eNodeB adopts the mechanism of optimized resource scheduling for uplink timing, which r
encies are restored.
L or DL cyclic prefix length of a cell must be the same as that of the cell using the same BBP. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.
on, the UL or DL cyclic prefix length of a cell must be the same as that of the cell using the same BBP. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.

d by the CellMidBlkTimer parameter, or is deactivated when the timer expires irrespective of whether it has users to serve. If this parameter
er. The cell is also deactivated if the timer expires.

t be configured as ultra-high-speed cells.

a radius more than 100 km.

er value NORMAL_COMPRESSION indicates that CPRI compression is used. The parameter value ENHANCED_COMPRESSION indicate
NodeBs, the parameter value equals the sum of the sector equipment sets and sector equipment groups serving an SFN cell.

es that two CRS ports (ports 0 and 1) are configured. The value CRS_PORT_4 indicates that four CRS ports (ports 0, 1, 2, and 3) are confi

standby mode.
meter can be set to CRS_PORT_1, CRS_PORT_2, or CRS_PORT_4. The value CRS_PORT_1 indicates that one CRS port (port 0) is confi
arriers of different RATs. The parameter values 2_TO_1, 3_TO_1, and 4_TO_1 indicate ratios of 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 respectively.

l shutdown mode, or dynamic adjust voltage mode.

cated carriers, or RAN sharing with common carriers.

is still synchronized between the U2000 and the eNodeB and can be delivered to the eNodeB, but it is no longer used internally. Therefore

meter is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, the serving frequency is not a shared frequency, and the shared operator information does not need to b

he smallest number of handovers is preferentially removed; otherwise, the frequency on which the new neighboring cell works is not conside

n resources are restored to normal status, the value of this parameter is InterfHighSpeedStatus_RENEW~2(Restore).

g parameter in the SpidCfg MO set to NONE(NONE) will be transferred to common cells. This function is under license control. If this param

e UE quantity-related exit conditions are met or the cell load is lower than the value of this parameter, inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency
mum number of UEs for MLB, inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs is triggered. When the PRB usage-related exit conditions are met
TE TDD cells.
r applies only to LTE TDD cells.

s less than or equal to the value of this parameter. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
nly to LTE TDD cells.
only to LTE TDD cells.

than or equal to the value of this parameter. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
ly to LTE TDD cells.
LTE TDD cells.
on of heavy-traffic TTIs in the total number of TTIs scheduled for the UE exceeds the threshold specified by this parameter within a measure

adaption and enhanced downlink target IBLER adaption are enabled. If this parameter is set to 100, the CQI adjustment amount is not upda

VE_CFG(ADAPTIVE_CFG), the eNodeB determines whether to configure CSI-RSs for UEs that support CSI-RSs based on the proportion

3GPP TS 36.331. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.

the PA can be changed only to this value. If two values are selected for this parameter, the PA can be changed to two values. This parame

r GSM and LTE FDD Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, however, it is recommended that the ratio of the shared bandwidth to the cell bandwidth b
GSM and LTE FDD Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, however, it is recommended that the ratio of the shared bandwidth to the cell bandwidth b
, the eNodeB can send these REs. This parameter applies only to FDD.
cates that UL narrowband interference is restricted through baseband processing. The interference scope of GSM is reduced and only RBs
oring cell is better than that of the local cell by this offset. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the probability of UEs reporting this even
better than that of the secondary serving cell (SCell) in carrier aggregation (CA) by this offset. If this parameter is set to a larger value, the p
than or equal to this threshold, these RBs can be allocated to these UEs. This parameter applies only to FDD.
RBs is greater than or equal to this threshold, these RBs can be allocated to these UEs. This parameter applies only to FDD.
Bs is greater than or equal to this threshold, these RBs can be allocated to these UEs. This parameter applies only to FDD.
; under this setting, intra-site intra-frequency cells must be bound to the same baseband processing unit.

nterference and can be exclusively scheduled for LTE. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.
ow frequency bands is greater than the value of this parameter, there is strong GSM interference to the frequency band with the higher IN v
meter applies only to LTE FDD cells.

cified by the DynAcBarStatPeriod parameter), the conditions for triggering dynamic AC barring are met.
ed by the DynAcBarStatPeriod parameter), the conditions for canceling dynamic AC barring are met.

95 by two factors. If the adjustment step required for adjusting the current factor to p05 is less than the value of this parameter, the factor is
he current factor by the value of the MO Factor Retreating Step parameter. For example, if this parameter is set to 2 and the current factor i
which is ahead of p95 by two factors. If the adjustment step required for adjusting the current factor to p05 is less than the value of this par
e factor that is behind the current factor by the value of the SSAC Factor Retreating Step parameter. For example, if this parameter is set to
ates one ABS per 5 ms. The ABS pattern is a bitmap with 40 bits. For details, see the definition of ABS Pattern Info in 3GPP TS 36.423. All c
Es are not allowed to send measurement reports for event A3 during eICIC, and in this case the eNodeB cannot determine whether to enab
smaller value indicates that the requirement on the neighboring cell signal quality for reporting event A3 can be met easier. For details, see
d by the number of micro cells in the local macro cell. This parameter is valid only for FDD, not for TDD.
equals the value of this parameter. This parameter takes effect only in micro cells.

manual confirmation each time before the associations can be configured. This parameter takes effect only in micro cells.
d immediately when a measurement period approaches its end. Instead, the update is triggered at the specified start time. This parameter

a large CRE offset cannot be set. This parameter applies only to FDD.

n period. When the functionality switch is set to ON but this switch is set to OFF, the cell enters the low power consumption mode as soon as
own some RF channels in the cell; 4. shuts down the cell. This duration smooths the transition from the normal mode to the low power cons
of reference signal power degradation are both 120 minutes, and the maximum duration of RF channel intelligent shutdown is 1440 minute
or intra-frequency handover, Ofs and Ofn are the frequency-specific offsets for the serving frequency and neighboring frequency respectivel
sh + 110 - Ofn + Hys, where thresh is the RSRP threshold for triggering a coverage-based inter-frequency handover and Hys is the hystere

this switch is on. InterfreqA2RsrpSwitch: Indicates whether the RSRP threshold for triggering inter-frequency event A2 in the inter-frequenc

erence signal received power (RSRP) cannot exceed the P0NominalPUCCH parameter value in CL PC for the PUCCH.

value indicates that the event can be reported when a neighboring cell has worse quality. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331. This parameter

e inter-cell interference is strong, set this parameter to a small value. If the SRS receive performance of the local cell is poor, set this param
the inter-cell interference is strong, set this parameter to a small value. If the SRS receive performance of the local cell is poor, set this para

f PrsMutingConfiguration are 0-3, 0-15, 0-255, and 0-65535, respectively. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
on-zero value and the eNodeB detects that the distance is longer than this parameter value, the preamble is considered as a false alarm. T
alarm detection threshold decreases by x%.
Restraining Enhancement feature.
217 Interference Detection and Restraining Enhancement feature.
PRACH interference. When the value of PRACH interference is less than the value of Prach Interference Threshold minus the value of Prac

s ARP value is larger than the value of this parameter. The service priority has a negative correlation with the ARP value.
o the sum of this offset and the admission threshold for the handed-over services with QCI N. (2) The satisfaction rate of services with any o
e sum of this offset and the admission threshold for the handed-over services with QCI N. (2) The satisfaction rate of services with any othe
o the sum of this offset and the admission threshold for the handed-over services with QCI N. (2) The satisfaction rate of services with any o

o the sum of this congestion release offset and the congestion threshold for the QCI.

mergency calls and high-priority UEs.

ed; otherwise, load-based handover services with the QCI are rejected.
is set to a non-zero value, the ARP value can be changed to the parameter value and services with the ARP can preempt but cannot be pre

be greater than the total number of symbols contained in the UpPTS.

ence occurs in the cell. At this point, the eNodeB records an interference-related characteristic data (which can be queried by running the D

ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) or DSCPRemarkSwitch(
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) or DSCPRemarkSwitch(
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) is turned on.
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) is turned on.
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) is turned on.
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) is turned on.
ositive correlation with the value of this parameter. This parameter is valid only if FPIGTPUSwitch(FPIGTPUSwitch) is turned on.

riers in the same coverage and the value of this parameter.

he same coverage and the value of this parameter.

the eNodeB determines that the UE is absent from the LTE mode and listens to the paging channel of another RAT. This parameter applies

pable UEs when such UEs leave the LTE system and listen to the paging channel of another RAT. When this parameter is set to ON, an eN
quality. If this parameter is set to a value other than 255, the SINR threshold configuration policy is "manual configuration", indicating that th

average signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR). The PF policy schedules UEs in ascending order of ratio of the data rate to the SINR.
us HARQ. If this switch is set to ADAPTIVE_HARQ_SW_SEMION, adaptive HARQ is triggered when a UL grant is delivered to an HARQ pr

eset values. Changes in this parameter affect the percentage of RBs for free users and that for subscribers. The value of this parameter ca

ctor affects the scheduling priorities of UEs running services with the QCI of 6, 7, 8, or 9. In this way, this factor can be used to adjust the ce
is strategy adaptively switches between frequency selective scheduling and interference-randomization-based scheduling.
parameter is set to CLASS_1, the DMRS whose SINR is greater than or equal to –5 dB is used in Doppler measurement. This parameter do
maximum number of uplink HARQ transmissions. When the UE does not run services with a QCI of 1, the parameter value is used as the

s 40 ms. If this parameter is set to ADAPTIVE, the eNodeB adaptively selects 20ms or 40ms as the period. _x000D_

he probability remain unchanged.

duling), delay-based dynamic scheduling prioritization for VoIP services is enabled. Scheduling priorities are dynamically adjusted based on

to uplink throughput. Changing this parameter value affects values of counters L.Thrp.Time.UE.UL.RmvSpecificTTI and L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.
set to OFF(Off), SR masking in logical channels is disabled.
initial PUSCH transmission is detected as DTX. If the PuschDtxSchStrategy parameter is set to ADAPTIVE_RETX, adaptive retransmission
ighboring cell is added to the interference measurement set. _x000D_

nger. If the number of statistic times during which the channel quality of the UE consistently meets conditions for entering TTI bundling is gr
ms or longer. If the number of statistic times during which the channel quality of the UE consistently meets conditions for exiting from TTI bun
uation. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.
ntrol on SDU segmentation at the RLC layer is disabled in the uplink for services scheduled in TTI bundling mode. If this parameter is set to

ents are reported at the predefined periods and with the predefined conditions.

he mechanism is activated when the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to this parameter value.
is set to a value ranging from 1 to 1000000 (indicating a threshold from 1 bit to 1,000,000 bits), a UE whose traffic to be scheduled is great
single service and the MAC layer does not send control units. The parameter value 48bit indicates that the head overhead is 48 bits. This p

nds in cells with odd PCI numbers. The parameter value THREE_MODE_BASED_ON_PCI indicates that the following three interference ra
and UEs are likely to enter joint scheduling mode. _x000D_

etAdaptType parameter is selected. _x000D_

ransmitted on the PUSCH. If this parameter is set to CsiWiUlService(CsiWiUlService) and UEs have only downlink aperiodic CSI to transmi
NodeB determines that the CQI is reliable when receiving a CQI of 0 with the reliable indicator set to reliable. The eNodeB updates the time
LER adaptation. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), large packet services are not identified for SINR fluctuation-based target IBLER adapta

can be reported when a neighboring cell has worse quality. This parameter is applicable only to LTE TDD networks.

only when High speed Specified Policy Management is enabled. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

emission to other frequencies in the uplink.

ed RRC connection rejection rate is greater than the RrcRejectRateHighThd parameter value; (2) The number of RRC connection setup req
Es is less than the UeNumLowThd parameter value; (2) The resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate is less than the R
greater than the RrcReqNumHighThd parameter value; (2)The resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate is greater than
umLowThd parameter value; (2) The resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate is less than the RrcRejectRateLowThd p

wThd parameter value; (2) The resource-insufficiency-induced RRC connection rejection rate is less than the RrcRejectRateLowThd parame

over-distant neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to 0, the eNodeB does not detect whether a neighboring UTRAN cell is an overlapped
does not need to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection. Otherwise, the neighboring cell needs to be reported
ell does not need to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection. Otherwise, the neighboring cell needs to be reporte

automatic neighboring cell measurement events.

cell, channel calibration is disabled for the cell. If the setting of this parameter is changed from ON to OFF during normal operating of a cel

e. The probability of scheduling a PMI equals the value calculated by the CellSimuloadPmiCfgDuration parameter value divided by the CellS

arameter value. The probability of scheduling a PMI equals the value calculated by the CellSimuloadPmiCfgDuration parameter value divid

ue of this parameter (that is, the actual reserved LCID). If this parameter is set to 17, 18, or 19, an eNodeB coverts the value to 1, 2, or 3, re
rameter applies only to LTE FDD.
. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
s parameter takes effect only on UEs that support UE-triggered power saving functions. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

is automatically adjusted. Conservative scheduling is performed for access signaling. As a result, the impact of interference on the system

rameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

than the value of the UlInterfsuppressionThd in the UlInterfSuppressCfg MO, the eNodeB reports that interference occurs. This parameter
ter in the UlInterfSuppressCfg MO, the eNodeB reports that there is no interference. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

y to LTE TDD cells.

enhanced PUSCH demodulation is terminated. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

alues of this parameter and the Test Hysteresis parameter. If the UpPTS interference is smaller than the difference between the value of Tes
the UpPTS interference is smaller than the difference between the value of Test Threshold and Test Hysteresis, the eNodeB determines th

rate reduction.

TTP services to increase the download rate of TCP streams. If this option is deselected, this function is disabled.

e UE reporting random access information. The eNodeB uses the reported random access information for RACH resource adjustment. If this
sent by a UE as a PRACH false alarm, the eNodeB does not send the UE a Random Access Response message, nor records the preamble
sed. If this option is selected, an equal number of RBs (specified by the PucchExtendedRBNum parameter) are separately added to both en
lowed to use the ACK channel resources in only one group. If this option is selected, CA UEs scheduled on each SCC associated with this
de-off between throughput and time latency. If this switch is set to OFF, the AQM function is disabled.
d the TBS index is determined based on the CQI adjustment for the scheduling of other retransmissions. If this option is deselected, TBS in
es only
nlink to FDD
of the cellsthe
cell and withcongestion
a bandwidth no less
cannot than 5 MHz.
be relieved. Among services with different QCIs, those with a QCI of 1 use the QoS satisfaction
cell and the congestion cannot be relieved. Among services with different QCIs, those with a QCI of 1 use the QoS satisfaction assessmen

l whose load
ensuring status
quality has been
(indicated by obtained
of and isservices
normal or
in medium can be a candidate cell PhichInnerLoopPcSwitch:
for MLB to UTRAN. If bothIndicates
the MlbLoadInfoSwitch
ed, the eNodeB processes theIBLER)
measured VoIP
uplink SINR even thewhen
QPSK modulation
PUCCH DTX scheme.
is detected, generates power control commandswhether

ault. If a cell supporting beamforming is established, manually enable the beamforming algorithm. This option applies only to LTE TDD netw
this option is selected. _x000D_
performs uplink scheduling on GBR bearers based only on the GBR._x000D_

ncy is preferred for carrying services. If this option is selected, the frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover will be triggered even
g in closed-loop mode is disabled._x000D_

parameter is set to ACBAR_SWITCH_STATIC, static access barring is enabled. In this situation, the access probability factors and average

e rejection is not applied to the PRACH. When the PrachIntrfRejSwitch parameter is set to on, PrachIrcSwitch of the IrcSwitch parameter tak
verheads or decrease UE power consumption. If this switch is off, dynamic DRX does not apply to newly admitted UEs. Dynamic DRX appli
Es in high mobility are not released.

ion scheme in case that the GSM and LTE busy hours appear at different time points or that the traffic is unbalanced. This parameter indica
ber of users absorbed by the micro cell. To implement the eICIC function, ensure that the value of this parameter must be set consistently fo

ected, the eNodeB performs a load-based redirection to an intra-RAT inter-frequency neighboring cell. Otherwise, the eNodeB does not perf
at most three cells._x000D_
erence from signals of UEs in the coordinating cell cannot be mitigated using UL CoMP, the eNodeB no longer selects the CoMP UE in UL C
sabled. It is recommended that this switch be on for two groups of 4T cross-polarized antennas.

oportion of independent-scheduling UEs and ensures the spectral efficiency when the network load is heavy. If this switch is turned off, load
PUSCH in 2R scenarios._x000D_

(2) The MME instructs the eNodeB to release the S1 bearer. (3) The eNodeB fails to obtain the UE capability. If this switch is turned off, the

ad-level adaptation is disabled when the adaptive SFN/SDMA feature is enabled. _x000D_
tch parameter takes effect. If the PrachIrcSwitch option of the IrcSwitch parameter is cleared, interference on the PRACH is suppressed ba
ption is selected, UEs meeting certain conditions are allowed to adaptively enter TM4 and TM9 mode. Otherwise, UEs are prohibited from a

fied by the ReferenceSignalPwr parameter is delivered in SIB2. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
esponding MeasObjectID based on the frequency measurement priorities. A higher-priority frequency is mapped to a smaller MeasObjectID

to BASEDONSIGNALSTRENGTH(Based on Signal Strength), the eNodeB waits a moment and then determines whether to perform a cove
cast the UTC in the LTE system.

low-speed inter-frequency cells.

arameter is set to ON, all of the PDSCH power, RS power, and PSCH power are lowered.
en PucchIrcSwitch of the IrcSwitch parameter is 1. _x000D_

parameter takes effect for all UEs (including R8 and R9 UEs) in the cell._x000D_

d to be activated in the cell only when this switch is on. GeranSepOpMobilitySwitch: Indicates whether to differentiate mobility policies for G

PCIs. _x000D_
s the same PCI with any configured neighboring cell of a common cell as another neighboring cell of the common cell, PCI confusion detec
(3) Cells are added to a PIM interference mitigation cell set. If this parameter is set to 0, PIM interference mitigation is not performed on cell
applies only to 16T16R LTE TDD networks.
ells can be expanded and the number of users absorbed by the micro cells increased. To support FeICIC algorithm , settings of the EicicSw

nk AFC is disabled. _x000D_

es only to LTE FDD._x000D_

set to OFF, the general resource allocation procedure is used and inaccurate resource allocation caused by the delay of cell load update oc
take effect and the UE inactivity timer length is specified by UeInactiveTimer.
elect this option when the serving cell and coordinating cells are not connected based on relaxed backhaul. If this option is deselected, UL j

off, the target cell does not add the source cell to its NCL or NRT. _x000D_
eturned by the U2000. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not report information about intra-RAT neighboring cells to the U2000 o
ct only when a UBBP board take iseffect only when the OverlapIndAutoSwitch option is selected._x000D_
nd MicroOverlapIndSwitch both are selected for a macro cell, the macro cell adds or removes the coverage overlap flag for a micro cell whe
o macro cells. If both MicroOverlapIndSwitch and MicroGroupOverlapIndSwitch are selected for a macro cell, only MicroOverlapIndSwitch t
ns cannot be automatically configured. Automatic configuration of macro-micro associations requires that this parameter be set to ON for al

s option is deselected, packet length awareness performance optimization is disabled in the uplink. EnhExtQCITtiBundlingSwitch: Indicates

set to FREQUENCY(FREQUENCY), the RRCConnectionReject message includes the IE deprioritisationReq and the value of the IE deprio

details about PCI collisions, see 3GPP TS 36.902. _x000D_

enting to the U2000. For details
handovers about
in the PCI confusion,
UE-level see 3GPP
MRO algorithm takes TS 36.902.
effect only in intra-frequency handover scenarios._x000D_
eselection parameters._x000D_
or group. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.
the eNodeB performs cell reestablishment to improve cell specifications when the cell does not serve UEs.

red as one UL-sync UE only in the PCell when cell-level MLB counts the number of UL-sync UEs, and an RRC_CONNECTED CA UE config
abled. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells._x000D_
ell. If this option is deselected, uplink heavy traffic-based MLB for LTE TDD+FDD CA UEs is disabled. This parameter applies only to LTE T
abled. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

nse-exempt spectrum and automatically configures the working frequency of the LAA cell. This operation is performed only once after config

n the frequency indicated in the RatFreqPriorityGroup MO in inter-frequency handovers. If this option is deselected, the target frequency fo
RC_ENB_CONTROL), the eNodeB executes uplink voice AMR control. If this parameter is set to ULAMRC_SBC_CONTROL(ULAMRC_SB

n is selected, the eNodeB cancels all inter-frequency measurements when a GSM measurement is triggered. This reduces the GSM measu
easurement is triggered
tion is deselected. during the CS fallback process, reducing the GSM frequency measurement reporting delay. If this option is deselec

DTX identification is disabled. If this option is deselected and NACKs are transmitted on the PUSCH in ACK bundling mode, DTX identifica

n is reestablished to the target cell, the eNodeB sends the data from the source cell to the target cell and the target cell sends the data to th
ed on the distribution of UEs' modulation and coding scheme (MCS) indexes within an area so that about one third users are determined to
P threshold is -102. In tests on small-scale networks, this parameter can be set to other values. (The actual RSRP value is equal to -140 plu
GPP TS 36.331. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.
er, the power can be changed to the selected value and the PDSCH PA value specified by the PaPcOff parameter. If two values are selecte

cified by this parameter, the power of corresponding beamforming UEs in the local cell edge is not increased. If the neighboring cell edge lo
number of neighboring cells meeting the cell edge load threshold is greater than the value of this parameter, the power of all beamforming U

he signal quality of the neighboring cell is significantly better than that of the serving cell. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks
reported only if the signal quality of the neighboring cell is significantly better than that of the serving cell. This parameter applies only to LTE

y the maximum capacity of the system. The RR scheduling policy is the fairest scheduling policy. When RR is adopted, the system capacity
e preset values. Changes in this parameter affect the percentage of RBs for pay-free users and that for pay users. Modifying the value of th

F) scheduling priority of each component carrier (CC) for a CA UE using the total data rates on both CCs of this CA UE. In this way, CA UEs
parameter is set to 0, resources are not reserved for non-GBR services.

urplus is less than this parameter value, the function is enabled.The value 0 indicates that the function is disabled. The value 100 indicates t
et to PART_EDGE_USER, RBs in the current TTI are firstly allocated to CCUs and then allocated to the CEUs to which RBs have not been
cheduled at both the center band and the edge band only after CEUs have been scheduled at the edge band, and therefore CEUs' perform
is greater than N but less than N+1 (N is greater than or equal to 1), RBs of N RBGs are allocated to UEs in the current TTI and the other r
parameter in the CellCqiAdjAlgo MO. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD.

ownlink scheduling based on a low MCS order during the running of this timer. After the timer expires, the eNodeB performs downlink sched
his parameter is set to ON, the eNodeB optimizes the received rank and schedules the UE based on the optimized rank. If the baseband pr
ROMPCC, the Doppler frequency offset is measured on the primary component carrier (PCC) no matter whether the SCC is configured with
E takes effect only for TDD eNodeBs. _x000D_
SCH transport block bits received within a TTI of the UE is less than the maximum TBS with the total number of PRBs). The policy is applied
n reception of rank 1 report from any UEs if whitelisted UEs have not been configured. (2) The eNodeB performs rank 2 detection only upon
eam beamforming mode. This option applies only to LTE TDD cells.
frame is not configured. PDSCH services with enhanced MIMO applied can be scheduled on configured MBSFN subframes.
If this parameter is set to a value ranging from 1 to 1000000 (indicating a threshold from 1 bit to 1,000,000 bits), a bearer whose traffic to b
he mechanism is activated when the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to this parameter value.

ng, which increases the DCI1A coverage area. If this parameter is set to OFF, the downlink grant scheduling is performed in default mode.

is switch is on. UEs that do not support CSI-RSs refer to the CSI-RSs that cannot identify the subframes transmitting CSI-RSs. This switch
vier cell load results in a lower threshold and a higher probability that UEs enter independent scheduling mode. A lighter cell load results in a

at UEs meeting frequency selective scheduling conditions more easily enter the frequency selective scheduling mode and a higher probabi
lies only to LTE FDD.

ng is triggered only if the periodic CQI reporting period is greater than the FDUEEnhAperCQITrigPeriod parameter value. If the EnAperiodic
set to ADAPTIVELY_DIVIDED(ADAPTIVELY_DIVIDED), the eNodeB adaptively allocates CA UEs capabilities among all activated carriers b

are not very near the cell center. If this option is deselected, the policy is not applied to CA UEs.

be adaptively configured for UEs supporting 256QAM based on channel quality in downlink scheduling. This parameter takes effect only wh


ormance protection in abnormal frequency adjustment scenarios. If the value of this parameter is greater than the Doppler frequency offset c
RSRP value on the filtered value. The setting of this parameter is related to the train speed. A larger value can be set if the train travels at a
lected, retransmission optimization on RLC and MAC joint scheduling is disabled. This option only applies to UEs running unlimited services

s only to LTE FDD.

of times that the target RRU changes between RRU A and all other RRUs in the uplink. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
ndicates that the RRU power is not supported. The parameter value NOT_ALLOWED_BOARD(NOT_ALLOWED_BOARD) indicates that th
nly when High speed Specified Policy Management is enabled. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

shold and Virtual 4T4R Independent Scheduling Threshold, respectively.) This offset is used to reduce UE ping-pong switches from and to t
ncy reaches the value of the StartRankDetectEffThd parameter.
ue of the StartRankDetectCntThd parameter.
packets) using rank 2 reaches the value of the RankDetectSuccessCntThd parameter.
of times of scheduling using rank 2 reaches the value of the RankReverseDetectSchCntTh parameter.
of 50, 100, 200, or 500 ms in downlink scheduling. When this parameter is set to AMBR_1000_MS(AMBR_1000_MS), the eNodeB does no

correction is not performed. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
exceeds this threshold. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

um of the MlbMinUeNumThd and MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum
greater than or equal to the InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values. Inter-RAT load sharing stops if the number of synchronized
ll is greater than or equal to the sum the InterFreqMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values. Inter-frequency load balancing is triggered if th

values and the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRa

the same number of remaining PRBs between cells. If this parameter is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode), the number of UEs is u
UEs theinPRB usage
the cell is less than
is greater than the InterFreqMlbThd
or equal to the sum ofparameter value. If this parameter
the InterFreqMlbUeNumThd and is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode),
MlbUeNumOffset th
parameter values. Inter-freque
eter values. User-number-based inter-frequency load balancing to transfer to-be-released UEs is triggered if the number of synchronized UE
the load in inter-frequency neighboring cells from increasing significantly.
) that triggers MLB is greater than this threshold but the PRB usage in the uplink (downlink) is smaller than this threshold. If the MlbTriggerM

If this parameter is set to NON_SHARING(NON_SHARING), the eNodeB performs MLB without distinguishing operators and performs cel
ed UEs in the serving cell - Number of UL-synchronized UEs in the neighboring cell)/Number of UL-synchronized UEs in the serving cell > U

UEs in idle mode is achieved. This parameter is valid only when the Proportion check box is selected.
oad balancing triggering criterion and the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the MlbMinUe
zed UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the cell me
ansferred for inter-frequency user-number-based load balancing.If the PrbMlbSynchronizedUE check box is selected, synchronized UEs ar
nsfer to-be-released UEs is triggered if the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqIdleMl
erRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbThd and Load
witch option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the InterFreqMlbSwitch or InterFreqBlindMlbSwitch option of the MlbAlgoSwitch pa
ch option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, the InterFreqMlbSwitch or InterFreqBlindMlbSwitch option of the MlbAlgoSwitch para
et frequency in inter-frequency MLB, all inter-RAT neighboring frequencies of candidate cells are selected as the target frequencies in inter-
ertain intra-eNodeB neighboring cells as candidate cells for load balancing. For blind load balancing, the serving cell selects only inter-eNod
r equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values, PRB-usage-based inter-RAT load sharing
LLFREQ(ALLFREQ), all neighboring E-UTRAN frequencies can be selected as target frequencies, regardless of whether load information a
to PRBRATIOLOWMODE(PRBRATIOLOWMODE), the eNodeB transfers UEs whose PRB usage is less than or equal to the InterRatMlbUe
arameter value are selected for PRB-usage-based inter-RAT load sharing. If the InterRatMlbTriggerMode parameter is set to IRAT_UE_NU
TRL indicates that the PRB load is calculated based on the PRB evaluation for traffic channels and control channels. The parameter value P

eNodeB can only initiate a handover to the strongest neighboring cell in the preceding scenario.
to the sum of the InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values and the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than o
s, UE-number-based inter-RAT load sharing is triggered. If the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is less than the InterRatMlbUe
E FDD, if the PRB usage in the source cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd and InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter
BER(PrbOrUeNumMode). If the number of UL-synchronized UEs in the source cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbUe
his parameter taken effect aims to achieve even loads in each cell with the same bandwidth.
oring cells from increasing significantly.
When this parameter is set to NO, the eNodeB does not impose penalty on the target cell to which the load-based handover fails.
to UTRAN by UL-sync UEs. If the parameter is set to INTERRATMLBUENUMTHD(INTERRATMLBUENUMTHD), the eNodeB determines

d the previous measurement values is greater than or equal to the configured parameter value, this parameter value can be used as the upd
out considering the CA aggregation capability of the cell.
hat can be transferred in MLB is calculated as follows: (1). In PRB-usage-based MLB: Maximum number = MlbIdleUeNumAdjFactor parame
g cell exceeds the threshold.
et parameter values, experience-based MLB to UTRAN stops.
2USmartOffloadThd parameter value plus the result of the L2USmartOffloadThd parameter value multiplied by the L2USmartOffloadOffset
he sum of the InterFreqMlbUlThd and LoadOffset parameter values, and the number of UEs in uplink synchronized mode is greater than th
bHighThdOffset parameter values and downlink PRB usage is lower than the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeDlPrbLowThdOffset p
e sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeUlPrbHighThdOffset parameter values, and downlink PRB usage is lower than the sum of the MlbU
nd uplink PRB usage is lower than the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeUlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values. If the MlbTriggerMode
e downlink radio interface capability of the cell.
ownlink radio interface capability of the cell.

NodeB sets the overlap indicator for the neighboring cell. _x000D_
n for the cell is less than the threshold, the eNodeB clears the overlap indicator for the cell. _x000D_
d does not meet the requirement, the eNodeB extends a second period and performs accumulated statistics collection. To ensure the work e
o a multiple of 5.
to 65535, automatic grouping for MLB does not enter the sleep period and periodically works.It is recommended that this parameter be set
period when automatic grouping for MLB is working. _x000D_
urement is allowed during the automatically extended measurement period even if the number of samples does not meet the requirement d

ly upon manual confirmation.

micro cell requests the macro cell to add an overlap indicator to the micro cell.
cell is labeled an overlap indicator, the micro cell requests the macro cell to clear the overlap indicator of the micro cell.

AT frequency priority group for UEs running unlimited data services in the downlink. Otherwise, uplink and downlink UEs running unlimited

TE FDD cells.
LTE FDD cells.
eduling priority for VIP users and the service rate is less likely to be guaranteed. This parameter does not take effect if it is set to 0. This pa
priority for VIP users and the service rate is less likely to be guaranteed. This parameter does not take effect if it is set to 0. This parameter a

f different priorities. If the UsCellReselSwitch option is deselected, the NsIdleRatFreqPriGroupId parameter does not take effect.
g weight factor does not take effect for UEs running unlimited services all the time.
e uplink scheduling weight factor does not take effect for large-packet UEs running unlimited services all the time.
o the value of A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. If the calculated threshold is beyond th
ter to the value of InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq in the InterFreqHoGroup MO. If the calculated threshold is beyond the

tee is triggered. When this parameter takes effect, the eNodeB adjusts the high threshold of uplink SINR for NS UEs, thereby reducing inter
ntee is triggered. When this parameter takes effect, the eNodeB limits the percentage of uplink RBs configured for NS UEs under the prese
1ThdRsrp or A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO is used as the value of the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for tr
HoA1ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO is used as the value of the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for
ies only to LTE TDD cells.
bility that a neighboring cell can be selected as a CRS shutdown cell. This option applies only to LTE FDD.
ED_NCELL_LIST, neighboring cell list–based CRS shutdown is enabled. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

meter in the CellPdcchAlgo MO for cells where UEs running unlimited services reside. This option applies only to LTE TDD.

E ratios are not dynamically adjusted.

r, the power of weak signals is not transmitted. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
rameter indicates the number of OFDM symbols initially occupied by PDCCH where only the downlink scheduling and controlling informatio
parameter values on PDCCH demodulation performance and provide reference to intra-frequency networking in LTE.

namically adjusted. If this parameter is set to ON(On), the number of OFDM symbols occupied by the PDCCH is dynamically adjusted base
ly in TDD mode.
ER of the PDCCH.

average CCE aggregation level of the PDCCH in dual-codeword scenarios decreases, and more UEs can be supported on the PDCCH. In
the UE by increasing the PDCCH power and decreasing the PDCCH aggregation level for the UE. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), (1)

M symbols occupied by the PDCCH where the downlink subframe indicating the uplink and downlink scheduling and controlling information
of scheduling UEs carried by the control channel decreases. If the STRATEGYBASEDONCAPACITY check box is selected, a lower aggrega

y use resources of RRUs with strong signals while RRUs with weak signals can be reused by other UEs.
re reserved for the uplink only when this switch is on.
e ranging from 1_2 to the configured value based on the load in the uplink and downlink. If subframe configuration 2 is adopted for a TDD c

H aggregation level for the UE that better matches the UE's actual signal quality. It is recommended that this parameter be set to ON(On) a
d on the uplink and downlink loads. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the initial ratios of uplink and downlink eCCEs is fixed to be Max(Cce

ownlink CCEs are allocated. When this parameter is set to OFF and the CceMaxInitialRatio parameter is set to a large value, the upper pow

ts SRI reconfiguration. In large traffic scenarios, SRI reconfiguration can be performed on UEs with short SRI periods to decrease the proba
riods are shorter than the fixed long SRI reporting period, improving the MOS of VoLTE users. If this option is deselected, the fixed long SR
mount of PUCCH resource increases, but the amount of available PUSCH resource decreases. If this option is deselected, SRI reporting pe
N), and [N, infinity). Each interval corresponds to a set of performance counters. The number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode is perio
, PUSCH DTX detection is not supported. If this switch is turned on when PuschDtxSchOptSwitch check boxes are cleared, this switch doe
lated measurement reports and collects related performance counters based on the identified CEUs.
event A3 and the eNodeB has a lower probability of identifying a UE as a CEU. A smaller value of this parameter results in a higher probab
ed with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in _x000D_

nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
nters associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Perfo
sociated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the downlink throughput distribution in Performance
with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in _x000D_

rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
rs associated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in Performan
iated with this parameter, see "Description" of the performance counters measuring the uplink throughput distribution in _x000D_

the specified threshold as abnormal UEs and counts the releases of such UEs as normal releases in context- and E-RAB-related statistics
e downlink PDCP SDU throughput of services in the cell are collected based on bearers at bearer releases. For details about the descriptio

he stop time.
he stop time.
porting the no-traffic alarm is set to a non-zero value, the eNodeB performs cell no-traffic detection from the start time to the stop time.

s greater than the value of this parameter, UEs can use these RB resources. Otherwise, UEs cannot use these RB resources. UEs measur
mmon UEs is 8, which is the result of subtracting 2 from 10. In the LTE TDD system, the number of uplink subframes used for common UEs
ed for common UEs is 8, which is the result of subtracting 2 from 10. In the LTE TDD system, the number of downlink subframes used for co
le, the RB usage thresholds for simulated load configurations 1 and 4 are 20% and 50%, respectively. Alternatively, you can also manually

rection and the signal emission direction. The angle is highly correlated with the UE location and the distance between the eNodeB and the

ed by this parameter.

message sent to the UE that is being handed over to the target cell. If this parameter is set to ON(ON) and a UE that is being handed over

he TX power configurations should be different between physical channels, set this parameter to a proper value based on the actual situatio
he TX power configurations should be different between physical channels, set this parameter to a proper value based on the actual situatio
he TX power configurations should be different between physical channels, set this parameter to a proper value based on the actual situatio
he TX power configurations should be different between physical channels, set this parameter to a proper value based on the actual situatio
o ensure successful access._x000D_
until the timer expires, the RA fails, and the UE must reinitiate an RA procedure. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.321.

dicated preambles, which are used for contention-based random access and non-contention-based random access, respectively. For detail
ied as random preambles and dedicated preambles, and random preambles are classified into group A random preambles and group B ran
set parameter. In an LTE FDD cell, this parameter does not take effect if the PucchSwitch option of the PucchAlgoSwitch parameter is dese
erved. If the cell operates in TDD mode, the values SC14 and SC15 are reserved. The reserved values cannot be used. For the relationship

therefore no UE in the cell is configured with SRS resources. This parameter does not take effect on: (1) FDD cell that is established on an
after a cell is established, and SRS resources are allocated to UEs that access the cell. If this parameter is set to ADAPTIVEMODE(Adaptiv
this option is deselected, the SRS subframe reconfiguration path is not optimized.
MHz cells and 3 for cells with other bandwidths. For the mapping between the type and the duration, see 3GPP TS 36.211.

uses the value of this parameter, which is delivered in the system information, as its DRX period. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

ging occasion.

lying with 3GPP TS 36.331 V12.7.0 or later as well as for UEs complying with versions earlier than 3GPP TS 36.331 V12.7.0. When R12Qa

IFT is not supported by the LBBPc. If a cell is established on an LBBPc but this parameter is set to DS1_DELTA_SHIFT, the value of this pa

UCCH as well as the number of RBs compressed. If the parameter setting exceeds the system bandwidth capability and accordingly affects

b code channel resources are always allocated. If the Format1ChAllocMode parameter is set to RANDOMMODE(Random Mode), PUCCH
eriod adaptively changes based on only the cell load. If the parameter is set to OFF(OFF), the SRI period is set to the value of the SriPeriod

is selected, eNodeB preferentially uses different RBs when allocating new PUCCH code channel resources. In this way, UEs evenly reuse

user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b
icates that blind handovers to the neighboring cell are not allowed.

flash blind redirections or GERAN flash-CSFB-based redirections can be selected based on the measurement priorities of neighboring GER
user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b

this parameter and the absolute priority of the serving cell. If the value of this parameter is larger than the absolute priority of the serving ce

see 3GPP TS 36.304.

ic threshold for cell reselection, the UE reselects this neighboring cell. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.104. Note: Actual value of this paramet

igger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.104.

ency group based on the setting of this parameter. If a measurement configuration is to be delivered, the eNodeB preferentially delivers the
he GERAN frequency group that has continuous coverage are considered in the determination of candidate cells for blind CSFB to GERAN
e added. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, the GERAN frequency is not a shared frequency, and the shared operator informatio
, the information cannot be maintained by ANR.

hat operates on this frequency and to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest. If the frequency does not hav

roup with the SpidGrpId parameter value the same as the ApplicationScope parameter.

dB0, it is not delivered in SIB4. In this situation, UEs use 0 dB as the offset for cell reselections. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

new CIO, which must meet protocol-defined constraints. The updated CIO is delivered to UEs so that handovers from an eNodeB to a micr
user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b

rity of the serving cell. If the value of this parameter is larger than the absolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts measurements on n
han 1s, the UE attempts to reselect the inter-frequency neighboring cell to camp on. This parameter is contained in SIB5. For details, see 3G
ncy only if the RX level of the cell is better than the value specified by this parameter for a time-to-trigger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331

-trigger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

boring cell on the frequency - Value of this parameter - Compensated power. If Srxlev for a cell is better than a threshold for a time-to-trigge

n this situation. If the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency and the serving frequency are in different frequency bands, event A4 or A5 is used.

y this parameter for a time-to-trigger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

E. If this parameter is set to a value other than 0, SIB1 contains the q-QualMin IE with the same value as the parameter value. For details ab
f a measurement configuration is to be delivered, the eNodeB preferentially delivers a frequency with the highest priority. If this priority is se
he neighboring frequency of the serving frequency cannot be selected as a target frequency in load balancing.
easFlag parameter set to ENABLE can be measured, and the frequencies with the FreqPriBasedHoMeasFlag parameter set to DISABLE c
transfers normally released UEs to frequencies based on the preset proportions among frequencies, so that load balancing for UEs in idle m
ng frequencies based on UE distribution in the network, ensuring that the proportions of UEs in idle mode among frequencies approach to th
ns, the parameter indicates the downlink priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency for MLB. The value 0 indicates the lowest priority. T
, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

meter values. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is less than the minimum RSRP value, the minimum value is delivered instead. If the
dRsrpOffset parameter values. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is less than the minimum RSRP value, the minimum value is delive
ls are added. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency is not a shared frequency, and the shared

t be maintained by ANR.
er-frequency handover procedure. If PsPriority is set to 0 for a frequency, this frequency is not prioritized.
that operates on this frequency and to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest. If the frequency does not h
et frequency. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
his parameter to EventA4(EventA4); otherwise, you are advised to set this parameter to EventA3(EventA3) or EventA5(EventA5).
eter is off, the frequency cannot.LcsMobilityTargetInd: If both this option and the InterFreqLcsHoSwitch option are selected, the frequency c
nd neighboring cells. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
preferentially transferred. This parameter takes effect only if FreqSelectStrategy is set to FAIRSTRATEGY(FairStrategy) and the UE-numbe
equency. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

6.331. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

t parameter values. In service-request-based inter-frequency handovers, the eNodeB delivers the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 to UE
et parameter values. In service-request-based inter-frequency handovers, the eNodeB delivers the RSRQ threshold for event A4 or A5 to UE

alcMethod parameter is set to PRB_USAGE(PRB_USAGE), among all the neighboring cells working on a specified frequency, only those th
Method parameter is set to PRB_USAGE(PRB_USAGE), among all the neighboring cells working on a specified frequency, only those that

ures the frequency. If this parameter is set to REDUCED, a frequency is broadcast in interFreqCarrierFreqListExt carrying the IE reducedMe
user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b
roup with the SpidGrpId parameter value the same as the ApplicationScope parameter.

dB0, it is not delivered in SIB5. In this situation, UEs use 0 dB as the offset for cell reselections. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.
n which the eNodeB instructs a UE to hand over to a specified neighboring cell without measurements. If this parameter value is set to 0, bl

he neighboring cell is not identified as a neighboring cell overlapping the local E-UTRAN cell.

user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b

r set to NONE cannot be handed over to this cell. The value NONE indicates that an external cell is a common cell. The value of this param

user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b
EATED(MANUAL_CREATED), users create a blacklisted neighboring E-UTRAN cell using the CME or MML commands.
s MO. If this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode), both users and the SON can modify or delete this MO. The SON can automatic

this parameter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilityCo

specified but this parameter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleMo

t this parameter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilityC

but this parameter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilit
CREATED), users create a blacklisted neighboring UTRAN cell using the CME or MML commands.
AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode), this object can be modified or removed by either operators or SON. This parameter is set to AUTO_MODE(Auto

icates that blind handovers to the neighboring cell are not allowed.

measurement control, UTRAN flash blind redirections, and UTRAN flash-CSFB-based redirections can be selected based on the measurem

user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b

this parameter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilityC

eter is set, the eNodeB delivers the cell reselection priorities of all PLMNs supported by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in

fferent RATs must be assigned different cell reselection priorities. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
cell is better than the value of this parameter.
a neighboring cell on the frequency - Value of this parameter - Compensated power. If Srxlev for a neighboring cell is better than a threshold
ghboring cell on the frequency only if the RX level of the cell is higher than the value specified by this parameter for a time-to-trigger. For de
hboring cell on the frequency only if the RX level of the serving cell is lower than a specified threshold and that of the cell is higher than the

ee 3GPP TS 36.331.
frequency with the highest PS priority to the UE by default.In blind handovers to UTRAN, the target cell for a blind handover is selected bas
equencies based on the CS priorities when starting measurements. The eNodeB preferentially delivers the UTRAN frequency with the highe
f a measurement configuration is to be delivered, the eNodeB preferentially delivers a frequency with the highest priority. If this priority is se
D mode based on the priority specified by this parameter. The eNodeB preferentially delivers the UTRAN frequency with the highest CS+PS
RAN frequency that has continuous coverage are considered in the determination of candidate cells for blind CSFB to UTRAN.

added. If this parameter is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, the UTRAN frequency is not a shared frequency, and the shared operator information
e information cannot be maintained by ANR.
NodeB selects and delivers the neighboring UTRAN frequencies based on the SRVCC priorities when starting measurements. The eNodeB
the UMTS.

at operates on this frequency and to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest. If the frequency does not hav

user adds an existing MO. When this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE, the ANR-related MOs can be modified or removed by the user or b

ailures, cluster ID conflicts, and other abnormal). This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

ures. It is
ct next recommended
time that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective para
the faults occur._x000D_
ult is also reported._x000D_
Path Fault are masked. 2) If this option is deselected, the previously mentioned alarms are also reported.
within 5 minutes after all cells are activated. Note that the automatic BBP resource allocation algorithm takes effect only after a BaseBandE
parameter is set to LOAD_BALANCE(LOAD_BALANCE), the eNodeB allocates baseband resources to cells based on cell loads to ensure t

maximum of 48 cells. This parameter is an eNodeB-level parameter and applies only to UMPTa/b boards.
lts calculated by the automatic grouping configuration function are written into the database after the time in the system reaches the start tim
but fewer features for the cells. Before setting this parameter to LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(Large Mode), disable the following features: ultr
, the sector equipment or sector equipment group that is not bound to the baseband equipment cannot be set up on this baseband equipme

an be added as a neighboring cell and an external cell by ANR, and the ANR marks a PLMN gray list label on the neighboring cell. If this pa

d as a neighboring cell for all cells under an eNodeB, this neighboring cell permits automatic removal of the neighboring relationship by ANR

id Ho).It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective par

mber of neighbor
mine whether relationships
to report neighbor in relationships
the intra-RATwith
has reached the
cells, maximum
UTRAN cells,and
anda GERAN
new neighbor
cells, relationship
respectively.needs to be are
No options added to the N
designed to
os periodically
external cellremove
is removed from the
redundant NCL._x000D_
neighbor relationships from the intra-RAT NRT._x000D_
by the StatPeriodCoeff
dForNRTDel parameter.It
parameter reaches is recommended
this parameter value, that this parameter
the eNodeB beaset
removes to a multiple
neighbor of 5. If from
relationship this parameter is not
the intra-RAT set to a multiple o
dForNRTDel parameter.
on the measurement N is specified
reports from the by the StatPeriodCoeff parameter.

ers to the total number of handovers from the local cell to the neighboring cell. If the handover success rate is equal to or less than the thres

anual process. If this parameter is set to PERMIT_HO, the eNodeB can initiate handovers to the newly detected neighboring cell before the
NABLE indicates that smart preallocation takes effect.
ecified measurement period. When this parameter is set to NO_CHECK, the eNodeB directly sets the No handover indicator parameter to F
n is deselected, the eNodeB reports neighboring E-UTRAN cells to be blacklisted to the U2000, and the blacklisting is subject to manual con
eNodeB reports neighboring UTRAN cells to be blacklisted to the U2000, and the blacklisting is subject to manual confirmation on the U200

nNcellDelPunNum or UtranNcellDelPunNum parameter.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is n
e of this parameter.

-RAT NRT when the number of neighbor relationships in the inter-RAT NRT has reached the maximum and a new inter-RAT neighbor relatio

by the StatPeriodCoeff
eached the maximum or parameter.It is recommended
whether to periodically removethat this parameter
redundant berelationships
neighbor set to a multiple
5. If this parameter
inter-RAT is not setthat
NRT. Consider to athe
number o
ent are exported after the optimization period. The period is one week by default. Neighboring cell selection in handovers cannot be perform

cell based on the measurement result. If the measurement result reaches the value of NCellMeasNumThd within the statistical period, the in
If the number of times the target cell is measured within the statistical period for inter-RAT neighboring cell classification does not reach thi
CC within the statistical period. Based on the measurement results, the eNodeB determines whether an intra-RAT neighboring cell is a form
ccessful handovers reaches the threshold of the number of successful handovers, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is a formal neighboring ce
asurement period, the neighboring cell is labeled as FORMAL. If the number cannot reach this threshold within a specified measurement p
ver attempts and the number of successful handovers reaches this threshold, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is a formal neighboring cell. Ot
his parameter is set to INTERNAL_STORAGE_MODE(StorageMode), intra-RAT extended neighboring cells are saved in the eNodeB mem

is ranked at the top according to the number of handovers, the neighboring cell is selected as a coordinated neighboring cell. Then, the ser
statistic period is seven days by default.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multi
requency group) within a measurement period is greater than this parameter value, neighboring cells working at the frequency (or frequency
n a measurement period, the neighboring cell can be selected as a candidate cell in blind handovers.
eighboring cell to all CSFB-triggered measurement-based handover attempts from the E-UTRAN cell to all neighboring cells working on the
been selected as a candidate cell in blind handovers is less than or equal to this parameter value within a measurement period, the neighbo
hboring cells for blind handovers to the U2000, and the U2000 delivers the configuration of and optimization on the neighboring cell after us

eNodeB provides a normal rate guarantee from the start.

sters for CSPC based on site scenarios. The DYNAMIC_PARTITION_CONFIG value does not take effect currently.

does not perform power calculation after receiving measurement information from eNodeBs.

tly in the cluster, the PRB usage threshold for disabling CSPC is lower than this parameter value. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
capacity loss is not considered, and the downlink throughput gain of cell edge UEs reaches the maximum. If this parameter is set to 0, it is p
e disabled. InterFreqCoverHoSwitch: If this option is selected, coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are enabled to ensure service co

allowed to automatically remove neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells._x000D_

not allowed to automatically remove neighbor relationships with GERAN cells._x000D_
is not allowed to automatically remove neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 cells._x000D_
ng handovers in the UE-level MRO algorithm takes effect only in intra-frequency handover scenarios._x000D_
TPE algorithm is disabled.

set to DYNAMIC(Dynamic), uplink dynamic ICIC in the frequency domain is enabled for the eNodeB cells. If uplink adaptive ICIC is enabled

s. If this switch is off, the scheduling algorithm is not notified and therefore no rate restriction is applied to uplink data from UEs in the case o
rs for uplink scheduling priorities (UlschPriorityFactor). If this switch is on, the scheduling algorithm is notified to limit the number of resource
If CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of the PciConflictDetectSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is on and PCI confusion occur
down PAs on the corresponding RF unit when it detects that OFDM symbols within the subframes do not contain any downlink data to trans
UEST protocol
the U2000 for data units (PDUs)
the actual to UTRAN
cell global identifiercells
(CGI)to and
list forevent-driven reports.PLMNs
a cell broadcasting If this switch is off,
in an RR the eNodeB
manner cannot
after the send RAN
UE reports the
CGI of the cell during ANR measurements. If the UE has reported the PLMNlist, the local eNodeB will not ask the U2000 for the PLMN list.
e algorithm
CGI of thetakes
cell during ANR
effect for measurements.
measurements If thetoUE
related has reported the
coverage-based andPLMNlist, the localhandovers
CSFB-triggered eNodeB will fromnotE-UTRAN
ask the U2000 for theIf PLMN
to UTRAN. list

rk because of the user number restriction, the user can preempt resources of other lower-priority users served by the same operator. If this
itch is a switch used to control whether operators can adopt different mobility policies on their UTRANs. If this switch is on, operators can a
a-eNodeB handover based on the Indicates
settingswhether to enable inter-BBU
of InterFreqMlbSwitch of the carrier aggregation
MlbAlgoSwitch (CA) in and
parameter adaptive CA status
the load mode. on
This function
the is enab
target cell. If t
hontime the QCI is changed: (1) Updates the delivered handover-related parameters; (2)
is deselected, the eNodeB performs CQI_ONLY scheduling on aperiodic CQI reports._x000D_ Determines whether inter-frequency or inter-RAT me
umOptSwtich: Indicates the maximum number of neighboring cells contained in the measurement configuration delivered to a UE for measu
option is deselected, the eNodeB sets simultaneousAckNackAndCQI according to the predefined algorithm._x000D_

ption of the InterFreqIdleMlbMode parameter are selected, the eNodeB timely adjusts the proportions of UEs to be released among frequen
ed, the eNodeB differentiates between PS HO and SRVCC for penalty and retry. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not differentia

the maximum number of special signaling retransmissions that can be initiated by the RLC layer based on the number of UEs in the cell. If
on is enabled for SFN cells and the eNodeB allocates more scheduling processing resources to such SFN cells. This option is invalid for no
boards. PRACH subframes of different cells established on LBBPc boards of an eNodeB are always separated in the time domain. This par
meter. If the PrachConfigIndexCfgInd parameter is set to NOT_CFG, the default PRACH subframe configuration functions as the actual PRA
not used in preamble generation in high-speed mobility scenarios, and the number of root sequences required in the cell is relatively large.
o newly accessed UEs. Collection on packets dropped during transmission is disabled when TransDropPktsStatSwitch is off.
me. The eNodeB prioritizes measurement priorities only when this switch is on. UTRAN_SWITCH: Indicates whether the eNodeB prioritizes

overload. If this switch is off, load balancing between BBPs is disabled. At present, only the UBBPd and UBBPe can share loads on the LB
f this parameter is set to OFF, the eNodeB does not check whether such a conflict exists, and the alarm about such conflicts is not displaye
efined adaptive parameter adjustment rules are met. Therefore, network performance reaches the optimum in congestion scenarios.
DlEarfcnGrp MO. If this parameter is set to OFF, services in a service group can be transferred only to the frequency with an index of 0.
aulty component to rectify the fault and restore the services._x000D_
eter is selected and the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to ON, PCI collision information is displayed on the alarm

ly to LTE FDD.

et to ON(On), the frame offset set for synchronization of the TD-SCDMA+LTE TDD dual-mode network is used. If this parameter is set to OF
nt A1. If this parameter is set to OFF, this function is disabled.

ROPORTION option of this parameter and the INTER_FREQ_IDLE_MLB_SWITCH option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter are selected, th
PTIVE_PROPORTION of the InterFreqIdleMlbMode parameter in the eNodeBMlb MO are on, the eNodeB collects the number of uplink syn
ER_FREQ_IDLE_MLB_SWITCH of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO and ADAPTIVE_PROPORTION of the Inte
d three CCs can be transferred for load balancing._x000D_

ume on a heavily loaded CC to that on a lightly loaded CC is 0/1, that is, all data on the heavily loaded CC can be transferred to the lightly

DENT, all the operators share the total traffic of the eNodeB based on specific proportions. However, the vacant traffic of an operator can be

recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter va

o an intra-RAT neighboring cell reaches this threshold.

ameters are not adjusted.

not adjust MRO-related parameters of the neighboring cell within this period.
eNodeB an RLF report, which includes the RSRP values of the serving cell and neighboring cell. If the RSRP value of the serving cell is le
ure (RLF) or a handover failure, the UE sends the eNodeB an RLF report, which includes the RSRP values of the serving cell and neighbor

y event A2 is adjusted by the inter-frequency MRO.

00 delivers the optimization on handover or cell reselection parameters after users confirm the optimization.

arameter value within the specified period of time, the eNodeB considers that the inter-RAT handover is an unnecessary handover.

o inter-RAT neighboring cells reaches this threshold.

of the premature intra-RAT handovers is less than or equal to this parameter value, mobility parameters do not need to be adjusted. If both
ed intra-RAT handovers is less than or equal to this parameter value, mobility parameters do not need to be adjusted. If both this paramete
al intra-RAT handovers is not enabled. Abnormal handovers include both premature and delayed handovers.
for triggering inter-frequency event A2 is lowered.

old, the eNodeB does not determine whether to adjust mobility parameters. Abnormal handovers include delayed handovers and premature
rameter value, optimization on the threshold for inter-RAT event A2 is triggered.

old within the period of time specified by this parameter, the eNodeB considers that the inter-RAT handover is an unnecessary handover.
S field to the predefined threshold. Then, the eNodeB recalculates the TCP checksum and retransmits the packet with modified fields. For o

BBU services because the services will be affected.

ound to the baseband equipment cannot be set up on it.

s than or equal to the VqiGoodThd parameter value and greater than the VqiPoorThd parameter value, the voice quality is considered as a
or equal to the VqiGoodThd parameter value and greater than the VqiPoorThd parameter value, the voice quality is considered as accepted

link over the air interface of the UE performing an AMR-WB voice service exceeds this threshold, the UE is regarded to initially hang up the
wnlink over the air interface of the UE performing an AMR-NB voice service exceeds this threshold, the UE is regarded to initially hang up th
hang up the voice service.
hang up the voice service due to poor voice quality.

NB voice service exceeds this threshold, voice mute is regarded to occur during communication.
e uplink or downlink of the UE performing an AMR-WB voice service exceeds this threshold, the UE is regarded to initially hang up the voice
he uplink or downlink of the UE performing an AMR-NB voice service exceeds this threshold, the UE is regarded to initially hang up the voic
R-WB voice service exceeds this threshold, voice mute is regarded to occur during communication.

his parameter value is larger than or equal to the UeInactiveTimer parameter value, the adaptive asynchronization function does not take ef
eater than the AdaptUnsyncTimerLen parameter value to enter the asynchronization state. As a result, PUCCH resources can be released a

when theisDynAcBarPolicyMode
specified by the CpuLoadThd parameter.
parameter is set to CPULOAD(CPULOAD).
r or the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter plus the value of the FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter or the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset param
A2ThdRsrpOffset or GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter. _x000D_
A2ThdRsrpOffset or GeranA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter. _x000D_

ar Not Allowed), the eNodeB removes the bearers with the corresponding QCI. If the value is SERVICE_HO_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allo
Allowed), the target eNodeB sends a handover preparation failure message to the source eNodeB and rejects the handover request. If this

ith the eNodeB only if this option is selected.This switch applies only to the LTE FDD system.

ar Not Allowed), the eNodeB removes the bearers with the corresponding QCI. If the value is SERVICE_HO_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allo
Allowed), the target eNodeB sends a handover preparation failure message to the source eNodeB and rejects the handover request. If this

lies only to the LTE FDD system.

that data transmission will not be affected. This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.

UST_HO. ServiceIrMeasMode is set to SERVIC_IR_MEAS_ ORDER. After the service-based inter-frequency handover measurement time

the IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter in the IntraFreqHoGroup MO, the lower or upper limit is regarded as the value of IntraFreqHoA3Offset
dRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter for specified-service UEs is less than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit of the A3Inte
dRsrq or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq parameter for specified-service UEs is less than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit of the A3Inte

ervice cell), common UEs are transferred out of the cell.

ith the eNodeB only if this option is selected.This switch applies only to the LTE FDD system.

location possibilities for an RRN.

ols the period that the eNodeB waits for a response message from the MME.

cedure after the timer expires, the eNodeB treats the UE as a common UE. For details about S-TMSIs, see 3GPP TS 36.331. If this parame
ed as a UE running unlimited services. If this parameter is set to OFF, this identification policy does not work.

. If the QciParaEffectFlag parameter is set to ON(ON), this parameter does not take effect but the UeInactiveTimerForQci parameter in the Q
set to ON(ON), this parameter does not take effect but the UlSynTimerForQci parameter in the QciPara MO takes effect.

mption increases. You are advised to set this parameter to a value greater than that of UlSynTimerDynDrx. In power saving mode, you are a
erent to the value of the UeInactivityTimerDynDrx parameter, for example a gap of 10 seconds, to avoid power consumption increase due to
connection reestablishment to a new cell, the eNodeB determines whether the timer takes effect based on whether the UE has bearers wit
lag parameter is set to ON(ON), this parameter does not take effect but the UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci parameter for QCI 1 in the QciPara

rts and reduces the number of invalid retransmissions due to the timer expiration.
specifies the CQI threshold for deactivating the SCell that the local cell acts as, and takes effect only when the CarrierMgtSwitch paramete
dition throughout a certain time.
with channel selection is used, a large number of bit errors occur, affecting downlink throughput of CA UEs._x000D_

er as the PCC but CA UEs can use the carrier as the SCC. If the total value of this parameter for all cells on a baseband processing unit ex

settings for neighboring cells.

does not enter the sleep period and periodically works.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is no
atically extends a second period and performs accumulated statistics collection. To ensure the operating efficiency of the algorithm, the eNo

channel quality. This parameter specifies the CQI threshold for deactivating the SCell that the local cell acts as, and takes effect only when t

of another RAT in CA scenarios. _x000D_

CC anchoring in FDD+TDD 2CC CA.
n PCC anchoring in FDD+TDD multi-CC CA.
DD networks.

TM3, TM8, and TM9 based on the protocols that UEs comply with. If TM9 needs to be adaptively selected, the TM9Switch check box must

g when the dual-stream beamforming mode is required.

E TDD networks.
ing and MIMO. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

value is setup, the value of simultaneousAckNackAndCQI becomes True. In this case, CQI and ACK/NACK can be simultaneously sent on
periodic CQI resource configurations are not included in handover commands. The aperiodic CQI resource is configured after the UE is han

mode or the UE should be triggered to enter DRX mode. If both the values of the FddExitDrxThd and FddEnterDrxThd parameters are small
e or the UE should be triggered to exit the DRX mode. If the value of the FddExitDrxThd parameter is set to 1000 and the value of the FddE

Y, the eNodeB selects the group mapped to the highest-priority QCI and, if no DRX parameter group is mapped to the highest-priority QCI, d
events DrxStartOffset values from being randomly distributed within the range of 0 to (LongDrxCycle - 1). If this parameter is set to ON, DrxS
yTimer timer (excluding the timer running triggered by situations such as false SR detections and missing PDCCH detections). In carrier agg
etected SRs. It is recommended that the PuschDtxSwitch check box under the UlSchSwitch parameter is selected when this switch is turne
nlink scheduling.
s set to OFF, special scheduling is disabled. For UEs with ongoing services, the sleep time is so short that measurement reporting is delaye
s to the UE.
ation timer. If this parameter is set to OFF, at least one periodic CQI is reported during the period specified by the On Duration timer. This p

MeasSwitch and GapDrxExclusiveSwitch parameters cannot be set to ON(On) at the same time. If the GapDrxExclusiveSwitch parameter is

s parameter assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value. In addition, the configured value will be rounded down to an integral m
o a UE may be greater than the configured value.

ion, the actual value of LongDrxCycleSpecial assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value because of the impact of the SRS ba
CGI reading delay and therefore increases system delay.
AT ANR measurements may be affected.

o 2, the length of this timer is two short DRX cycles. For details, see section 5.7 in 3GPP TS 36.321.
ysteresis throughout the time-to-trigger, event A2 is reported.
hysteresis throughput the time-to-trigger, event A2 is reported.

selected. UtranPsHoSwitch: PS handover to UTRAN is supported only if this option is selected. This option takes effect only if the eNodeB

ualHoMcsThd parameter value, the uplink-quality-based handover is terminated for the UE.
ered for the UE. If the uplink IBLER of a UE minus the target IBLER is less than the UlBadQualHoIblerThd parameter value, the uplink-quali
ncy. If the number of handovers of the UE in the period is greater than or equal to SpeedEvaluatedNumForFastUe, the eNodeB determines
cified by the SpeedEvaluatedPeriod parameter, the UE is identified as a high-speed UE and triggers a redirection to a high-speed frequency

-based inter-frequency handovers are disabled._x000D_

n the handovers._x000D_

old specified by this parameter. After the redirection is complete, the cell sends a request for entering the sleeping mode to the eCoordinato
-speed users on the ground in a high-speed railway cell is large, decreasing this parameter value can improve migration efficiency.

to CSFB. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the flash SRVCC algorithm is disabled. The eNodeB does not identify UEs with weak coverag
ge area, rejects the UE's E-RAB setup request for a QCI 1 service, and sends a specified cause value to the EPC. After receiving the cause
ge area, rejects the UE's E-RAB setup request for a QCI 1 service, and sends a specified cause value to the EPC. After receiving the cause
ter-frequency measurement has been performed; if the elapsed time is smaller than this threshold, the eNodeB determines that no coverag

et to OL_ADAPTIVE or OC_ADAPTIVE, the initial MIMO transmission mode is TM3. If the MimoAdaptiveSwitch parameter is set to CL_ADA
ers, X2-based handovers with the cause value "Reduce Load in Serving Cell" or "Handover Optimization", and S1-based handovers with the
uce Load in Serving Cell" or "Handover Optimization", and S1-based handovers with the cause value "Reduce Load in Serving Cell" or "Re

in idle mode.

r or the InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter plus the value of the FddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter or the TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset param

evel switch and takes effect when the cell-level switch PreAllocationSwitch in the CellAlgoSwitch MO is turned on.
multiple of 10. If users hope that the value actually assigned to a UE is equal to or greater than 80 ms, set the TimeAlignmentTimer paramete

tDrxCycle assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value.

tDrxCycle assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value.

mines the handover parameter, target frequency, and handover policy corresponding to a QCI.

mines the handover parameter, target frequency, and handover policy corresponding to a QCI.

ect), the AMBR of UEs mapping the QCI is protected.This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
ue of this parameter results in a low probability of handover to the UTRAN cell, and a small value leads to a high probability. When the meas

values. If the sum is greater than –43 dBm or less than –140 dBm, the threshold for event A4 takes the value –43 dBm or –140 dBm, respe
um is greater than –43 dBm or less than –140 dBm, the threshold for event A2 takes the value –43 dBm or –140 dBm, respectively.

dicates that both RSRP and RSRQ values are included in the measurement report. The measured RSRP values are stable, slightly varying

parameter. The value BOTH(Both) indicates that both RSRP and RSRQ values are included in the measurement report. The measured RS

parameter. The value BOTH(Both) indicates that both RSRP and RSRQ values are included in the measurement report. The measured RS

the number of wrong handovers. In summary, it helps prevent unnecessary handovers.

alues are lower than this threshold and reports A2 events are selected to perform MLB. This parameter is set only for TDD cells.

et parameter value. If the sum is less than the 3GPP-defined minimum value or greater than the 3GPP-defined maximum value, the 3PGG

GPP TS 36.331.

nts the configuration data from being lost or abnormal during the automatic update._x000D_
onfigured by the X2BlackWhiteList MO. Target operators are specified by the X2AutoSetupOperator MO.
odeBs, selecting TNL parameters based on the selected PLMN ID is used in preference.

C connection reconfiguration may fail again. As a result, the UE initiates an RRC connection reestablishment procedure again. If this repeate
t to 0, the neighbor relationship-based X2 self-removal function is disabled.

that the X2 interface is unavailable.

er are set to ON, the eNodeB removes external cell and neighboring cell configurations from NCLs and NRTs if the following conditions are

parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB sends an RRCConnectionRelease message with the cause value "other" to the UE to release its
on is optional in the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message.
nd notifies the UTRAN of cell load changes through RIM procedures. EcoSwitch(EcoSwitch): This bit controls whether to send cell load infor

CellTrafficTrace message, see 3GPP TS 32.422.

rts the gummei-Type IE, the eNodeB uses this IE to determine the UE type. If this option is selected but a UE does not report the gummei-T

entially sends an A4-related measurement configuration deletion message. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB sends an SCell configura
rface. When the conditions for setting up an X2 interface are met, the eNodeB initiates the establishment of an SCTP link with the peer eNo

X2SonDeleteHoOutNumThd parameter value, the local eNodeB automatically removes the X2 interface between the eNodeBs.
e X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Usage parameter is also less than or equal to the X2SonDeleteHoOutNumThd parameter value, the local eNode
e X2SonDeleteTimerforX2Usage parameter is also less than or equal to the X2SonDeleteHoInNumThd parameter value, the local eNodeB

tual parameter setting.

ait at least for the time indicated by the TimetoWait IE before reinitiating the X2 Setup procedure towards the same eNodeB._x000D_
TOWAIT_Default, the TimetoWait IE takes effect as follows: 1. If N < 10, the waiting time is 5s. 2. If 10 ≤ N < 20, the waiting time is 10s. 3.

ons refer to those controlled by the PeerReqBasedX2DelSwitch parameter, and BASED_ON_X2FAULT(Based on X2 Fault) and BASED_O

setup is triggered on the local eNodeB.

andover and delivers the RRCConnectionReconfiguration message to the UE to reconfigure the AS security key.

ests from the UE. If this parameter is set to 0, the penalty does not take effect.

boring E-UTRA frequency list of the local cell, does not add cells on the new frequencies to the NCL of the eNodeB, and removes neighbor
nds data packets to the UE after receiving an Msg3 message in the non-contention-based random access procedure. This option applies on

ure based on this IE._x000D_

Es are not forbidden to access such a cell. It is recommended that this option be selected only if there are abnormal UEs that support band
neasurement configurations
section to such
in 3GPP TS UEs._x000D_
36.413 V12.2.0, the last 4 digits of the SNR in the IMEISV are masked by setting the corresponding bits to F.
he SCTP link is normal and changes to faulty if the SCTP link is faulty. In the preceding scenario, if this option is deselected, the S1 interface
SCTP link is
o ON(On) fornormal and changes
the serving eNodeB.to3.faulty if theisSCTP
The cell link iswith
configured faulty. In theCPs,
normal preceding
the cellscenario,
bandwidthif this
is 10option
MHz isordeselected, the cell
larger, and the S1 interface st
is a low-sp

commended that this parameter be set to ON in this situation. When the transport network becomes stable, it is recommended that this par

e PRS Muting Configuration IE, see 3GPP TS 36.455.

ct. If this parameter is set to ON, parameters in QciPara, CellQciPara, and CnOperatorQciPara MOs take effect and parameters in Standar
stablishments repeatedly. When this parameter is set to 0, the RRC connection reestablishment protection function is disabled. When this p

s parameter assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value. In addition, the configured value will be rounded down to an integral m
o a UE may be greater than the configured value.

ion, the actual value of LongDrxCycleSpecial assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value because of the impact of the SRS ba
o 2, the length of this timer is two short DRX cycles. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.321 5.7.
btaining the CGI is large, and therefore the system delay increases.
ANR measurements may be affected.

n probability has a positive correlation with the pre-allocation weight. This parameter is QCI-specific.

es (with a QCI of 1). This parameter is valid only if the LtePttQoSSwitch parameter is set to ON(On) and the LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci p
a QCI of 1). This parameter is valid only if the LtePttQoSSwitch parameter is set to ON(On) and the LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci paramete
I can be mapped to an counter index. This parameter can be set to NO_COUNTER for different extended QCIs, and this parameter cannot
n probability has a positive correlation with the pre-allocation weight. This parameter is QCI-specific.

es (with a QCI of 1). This parameter is valid only if the LtePttQoSSwitch parameter is set to ON(On) and the LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci p
a QCI of 1). This parameter is valid only if the LtePttQoSSwitch parameter is set to ON(On) and the LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci paramete
I can be mapped to a counter index. This parameter can be set to NO_COUNTER for different extended QCIs, and this parameter cannot b
If a UE has bearers of several QCIs, the eNodeB selects the longest UE Inactivity Timer of bearers with the highest QCI-specific priority sp
bearers of several QCIs, the eNodeB selects the longest uplink synchronization timer of bearers with the highest QCI-specific priority spec
umption increases. You are advised to set this parameter to a value greater than that of UlSynTimerDynDrx. In power saving mode, you are
nsmission mode set to acknowledged mode (AM) in the sequence of QCIs 9, 8, 6, and 4 and sets up the bearers in the AM mode of the qu

n probability has a positive correlation with the pre-allocation weight. This parameter is QCI-specific.

ecomes True, that is, CQI and Ack or Nack can be sent simultaneously over the PUCCH.
ces to be used and decreasing available PUSCH resources, This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.
ch is turned off, the aperiodic CQI reporting configurations are not included in handover commands but are configured after the UE is hande
he simultaneous transmission is allowed.
are less frequent and the decision precision is relatively high.
equent and the decision precision is relatively high.

gered. For UEs complying with 3GPP Release 8 or 9, the value BOTH is equivalent to the value RSCP. QoE-based handover algorithms do

sed entering condition of event A1 or A2 is met, the UE reports event A1 or A2. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

any PLMN.

uantity to be included in the measurement report between A3-related inter-frequency measurement reports._x000D_

for event A4/A5. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

d. When either the RSRP-based or RSRQ-based entering condition of event A1 or A2 is met, the UE reports event A1 or A2. For details, see
delivered. When either the RSRP-based o RSRQ-based entering condition of event A1 or A2 is met, the UE reports event A1 or A2. For deta
ons are delivered. When either the RSRP-based or RSRQ-based entering condition of event A4 or A5 is met, the UE reports event A4 or A5

n either the RSRP-based or RSRQ-based entering condition of event A1 or A2 is met, the UE reports event A1 or A2. For details, see 3GPP
ly when the signal quality continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger. This parameter helps decrease the number o
nly when the signal quality continuously meets the entering condition during the time-to-trigger. This parameter helps decrease the number
SCP in at least one UTRAN cell exceeds this threshold and other triggering conditions are met. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
N0 in at least one UTRAN cell exceeds this threshold and other triggering conditions are met. For a cell with large signal fading variance, se

SRP value measured by a UE exceeds this threshold, the UE submits a measurement report related to event A1.

NodeB sends UEs P00 as the access probability factor for mobile-originated calls in the system information block type 2 (SIB2), regardless

Es P00 as the access probability factor for signaling in the system information block type 2 (SIB2), regardless of the actual setting of the AcB

al cell. Otherwise, the local eNodeB may experience failures in handing over UEs from the local cell to an ANR-established neighboring cell

edures repeatedly initiated by a UE having compatibility problems trigger the RRC connection reconfiguration procedure.
. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

centages of RBs occupied by operators on the PUSCH. When the OpPrbGroupshareSwitch option is selected in RAN sharing mode, this pa
ercentage of RBs occupied by operators on the PDSCH. When the OpPrbGroupshareSwitch option is selected in RAN sharing mode, this

e normal-mobility state but higher decision accuracy. A smaller value of this parameter leads to the opposite effect.

n that of the serving frequency, the UEs start inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements only when the value of Cell selection RX level valu
ains the q-QualMin IE with the same value as the parameter value. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

nores the second SN and continues broadcasting the first SN.

he eNodeB discards the second PN and continues broadcasting the first PN.

ctual value within the range of 0.4 to 1.0), the parameter value represents the resource proportion in SI scheduling, and SI-based GAP optim

gth of the uplink time alignment timer is set to a large value._x000D_

or (CQI) in PUCCH. In addition, the value ON of the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter takes effect regardless of the actual parameter se

eduling for uplink timing, which reduces the number of unnecessary Timing Advance Commands to be delivered and reduces resources all
ee 3GPP TS 36.211.
details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.

users to serve. If this parameter is set to CELL_LOW_BLOCK, new users are not allowed to access the cell and the cell is deactivated only

NCED_COMPRESSION indicates that enhanced CPRI compression is used. If the eNodeB is equipped with LBBPd boards and the CPRI
erving an SFN cell.

ts (ports 0, 1, 2, and 3) are configured.

at one CRS port (port 0) is configured. The value CRS_PORT_2 indicates that two CRS ports (ports 0 and 1) are configured. The value CR
nd 4:1 respectively.
onger used internally. Therefore, avoid using this parameter in interfaces.

r information does not need to be checked on the OSS before all intra-frequency neighboring cells are added.

hboring cell works is not considered during the removal._x000D_


nder license control. If this parameter is set to NONE(Normal cell), the local cell is a common cell.

requency MLB for low-efficiency UEs stops. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
e-related exit conditions are met or the number of synchronized UEs in the local cell is less than the value of this parameter, inter-frequency
this parameter within a measurement threshold, the UE is identified as a UE with heavy uplink traffic. This parameter applies only to LTE T

I adjustment amount is not updated.

SI-RSs based on the proportion of TM9 UEs. When SfnLoadBasedAdptSwitch is deselected in a TDD cell with adaptive SFN enabled, neith

nged to two values. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

bandwidth to the cell bandwidth be less than or equal to 1/5. For GSM and LTE Zero BufferZone, it is recommended that the ratio of the sha
andwidth to the cell bandwidth be less than or equal to 1/5. For GSM and LTE Zero BufferZone, it is recommended that the ratio of the shar

of GSM is reduced and only RBs close to the GSM spectrum are affected. As a result, RBs far away from the GSM spectrum and the LTE s
ability of UEs reporting this event A3 is lower. This parameter applies only to FDD.
eter is set to a larger value, the probability of UEs reporting this event A6 is lower. This parameter applies only to FDD.

pplies only to FDD.

es only to FDD.

quency band with the higher IN value. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells.

e of this parameter, the factor is directly adjusted to p05.

s set to 2 and the current factor is p85, the target factor is p95, which is behind p85 by two factors. If the step required for retreating the curr
is less than the value of this parameter, the factor is directly adjusted to p05.
ample, if this parameter is set to 2 and the current factor is p85, the target factor is p95, which is behind p85 by two factors. If the step requi
ern Info in 3GPP TS 36.423. All cells in the entire network need to be configured with the same ABS pattern.
annot determine whether to enable eICIC in different scenarios.
n be met easier. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

y in micro cells.
cified start time. This parameter takes effect only in micro cells.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parame

er consumption mode as soon as the wait time for entering the mode elapses, if a mains input out of range(Specific Problem: AC Failure) al
mal mode to the low power consumption mode for the cell. If the conditions for the cell to enter the low power consumption mode are no lon
elligent shutdown is 1440 minutes. If this parameter is set to POLICY2, the duration of service power degradation, reference signal power de
eighboring frequency respectively, Ocs is the cell-specific offset for the serving cell, and Hys is the hysteresis for intra-frequency handover. _
handover and Hys is the hysteresis for inter-frequency handover. _x000D_

cy event A2 in the inter-frequency handover parameter group can be adjusted. The RSRP threshold can be adjusted only when this switch i

the PUCCH.

GPP TS 36.331. This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.

local cell is poor, set this parameter to a large value. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
he local cell is poor, set this parameter to a large value. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

s considered as a false alarm. The distance is calculated based on the timing advance (TA) of the contention-based preamble that the eNod

hreshold minus the value of Prach Interference Hysteresis, the eNodeB determines that PRACH interference is weak. When the value of PR

he ARP value.
action rate of services with any other QCI is higher than or equal to the corresponding admission threshold for the handed-over services wit
on rate of services with any other QCI is higher than or equal to the corresponding admission threshold for the handed-over services with th
action rate of services with any other QCI is higher than or equal to the corresponding admission threshold for the handed-over services wit

P can preempt but cannot be preempted when the following conditions are met: _x000D_

can be queried by running the DSP INREC command) and collects inverse spectrum data (three times a day at most for a single site). This

Switch) or DSCPRemarkSwitch(DSCPRemarkSwitch) is turned on. When DSCPRemarkSwitch is turned on, this parameter indicates the w
Switch) or DSCPRemarkSwitch(DSCPRemarkSwitch) is turned on. When DSCPRemarkSwitch is turned on, this parameter indicates the w
Switch) is turned on.
Switch) is turned on.
Switch) is turned on.
Switch) is turned on.
Switch) is turned on.
her RAT. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.

his parameter is set to ON, an eNodeB retains PUSCH measurement results for single radio LTE-capable UEs when such UEs leave the LT
l configuration", indicating that the SINR threshold is manually configured on the GUI. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

atio of the data rate to the SINR. The RR policy schedules each UE in sequence, and therefore each UE has an equal opportunity to be sch
grant is delivered to an HARQ process that is previously suspended due to reasons such as resource collision, activation of a measuremen

. The value of this parameter cannot be changed when the cell is active.This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

ctor can be used to adjust the cell capacity and fairness among UEs.
sed scheduling.
measurement. This parameter does not take effect on cells established on an LBBPc.
parameter value is used as the maximum number of uplink HARQ transmissions. This parameter has coupling relationships with the ENode

dynamically adjusted based on VoIP packet delays during uplink dynamic scheduling, thereby increasing the mean opinion score (MOS) a

ecificTTI and L.Thrp.bits.UE.UL.SpecificTTI. For details about the impact, see the "Measurement Point" of the counters in eNodeB Perform

_RETX, adaptive retransmission is performed when the initial PUSCH transmission is detected as DTX. If the PuschDtxSchStrategy param

ns for entering TTI bundling is greater than this parameter value, the UE enters TTI bundling. This parameter helps delay the time for enterin
onditions for exiting from TTI bundling is greater than this parameter value, the UE exits TTI bundling. This parameter helps delay the time f

mode. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value X, upper limit control on SDU segmentation at the RLC layer is enabled and a maximum

parameter value.
e traffic to be scheduled is greater than or equal to this parameter value is determined as a UE with large packets.
head overhead is 48 bits. This parameter can be set to 48bit in scenarios where RLC initial transmission is performed on a single service a

he following three interference randomization modes are supported when the uplink RB usage is less than or equal to 60%: (1). Resources
ownlink aperiodic CSI to transmit and do not have uplink service data to transmit, within a specified period of time after the aperiodic CSI is
e. The eNodeB updates the time when the reliable CQI is received but does not perform scheduling.
ation-based target IBLER adaptation or pulse SINR change-based IBLER adaptation.

ber of RRC connection setup requests is greater than the RrcReqNumHighThd parameter value. The actual threshold equals the percentag
n rejection rate is less than the RrcRejectRateLowThd parameter value; (3) The number of RRC connection setup requests is less than the
ion rejection rate is greater than the RrcRejectRateHighThd parameter value.
han the RrcRejectRateLowThd parameter value; (3) The number of RRC connection setup requests is less than the RrcReqNumLowThd p

e RrcRejectRateLowThd parameter value; (3) The number of RRC connection setup requests is less than the RrcReqNumLowThd paramet

ng UTRAN cell is an overlapped neighboring cell during over-distant neighboring cell detection, and detects an over-distant neighboring E-U
hboring cell needs to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection.
ghboring cell needs to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection.

during normal operating of a cell, channel calibration is stopped. If the setting of this parameter is changed from OFF to ON during normal o

ameter value divided by the CellSimuloadPmiPeriod parameter value.

gDuration parameter value divided by the CellSimuloadPmiPeriod parameter value.

coverts the value to 1, 2, or 3, respectively. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
plies only to LTE FDD.

ct of interference on the system performance is reduced. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

rference occurs. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

s only to LTE TDD cells.

erence between the value of Test Threshold and Test Hysteresis, the eNodeB determines the interference is low. If the UpPTS interference
resis, the eNodeB determines the interference is low. If the UpPTS interference is greater than or equal to the difference between the value

ACH resource adjustment. If this option is deselected, the query of UE random access information is disabled. The eNodeB uses the self-c
ssage, nor records the preamble on the performance counter L.RA.GrpA.Att or L.RA.GrpB.Att if the preamble belongs to group A or B, resp
are separately added to both ends of the uplink band allocated for the PUCCH. The total number of extension PUCCH RBs equals the Puc
each SCC associated with this PCC can use the ACK channel resources in any group._x000D_
this option is deselected, TBS index adjustment optimization in retransmissions is disabled. The TBS index is determined based on the CQ
CI of 1 use the QoS satisfaction assessment method that is dedicated to VoLTE services. If a service with the QCI of 1 is not a VoLTE servic
he QoS satisfaction assessment method that is dedicated to VoLTE services. If a service with the QCI of 1 is not a VoLTE service, the satis

N. If both the MlbLoadInfoSwitch

Switch: andPHICH
UtranIdleMlbSwitch options are selected, a UTRAN cell whose
the status has been obtained andPHIC
is n
er controlIndicates
the SINR, andinner-loop power
delivers the control.
power If this
control option
commands is to
UEs._x000D_ initial transmit power for the

on applies only to LTE TDD networks.

handover will be triggered even when the serving cell provides a good signal quality. If this option is deselected, the frequency-priority-base

s probability factors and average access barring durations are configured in the access barring information. If this parameter is set to ACBA

ch of the IrcSwitch parameter takes effect. 1. If the PrachIrcSwitch option is deselected, MRC is applied to the PRACH. 2. If the PrachIrcSw
dmitted UEs. Dynamic DRX applies to carrier aggregation (CA) UEs only when this switch is on in both the primary serving cell (PCell) and s

balanced. This parameter indicates the switch for the GL dynamic power sharing feature at the LTE side.
meter must be set consistently for macro and micro cells. Static mode applies only to TDD, and dynamic mode applies only to FDD.

rwise, the eNodeB does not perform the redirection._x000D_

ger selects the CoMP UE in UL CoMP, and the UE becomes a non-CoMP UE. If this switch is off, the eNodeB always selects the CoMP UE

y. If this switch is turned off, load-based adaptive adjustment in the adaptive SFN/SDMA feature cannot be enabled. This switch applies only

lity. If this switch is turned off, the eNodeB does not deliver dedicated cell reselection priority to a UE even if the eNodeB fails to obtain the U

on the PRACH is suppressed based on the maximum ratio combining (MRC). If the PrachIrcSwitch option of the IrcSwitch parameter is sele
erwise, UEs are prohibited from adaptively entering TM4 and TM9 mode. Enhanced MIMO does not apply to the LBBPc. The TM4TM9Adap

pped to a smaller MeasObjectID. If this switch is off, the eNodeB does not map neighboring frequencies to MeasObjectIDs based on the fre

mines whether to perform a coverage-based inter-frequency handover to the strongest neighboring cell indicated by the received measurem
fferentiate mobility policies for GERAN operators. When this switch is on, different network policies can be applied to different GERAN oper

ommon cell, PCI confusion detection is not performed on the cell with a special PCI._x000D_
itigation is not performed on cells. This parameter applies only to FDD macro eNodeBs.

gorithm , settings of the EicicSwitch in macro cells must be the DYNAMIC.

the delay of cell load update occurs.

. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies only to LTE FDD. Ul1R2RJRSwitch: Indicat

neighboring cells to the U2000 or handle the ultra-distance neighboring cell detection result returned by the U2000._x000D_

overlap flag for a micro cell when instructed to do so by the micro cell._x000D_
ll, only MicroOverlapIndSwitch takes effect.
his parameter be set to ON for all macro and micro cells involved.This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

QCITtiBundlingSwitch: Indicates whether to enable TTI bundling for QCI 65, QCI 66, or enhanced extended QCIs of push-to-talk (PTT) ser

eq and the value of the IE deprioritisationType is FREQUENCY. In this case, after the UE receives an RRCConnectionReject message, the


RC_CONNECTED CA UE configured with an SCell can be transferred during user-number-based MLB. In addition, the PCell priority for PC

parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

performed only once after configuration parameters are delivered. If this parameter is set to AUTO(AUTO), the eNodeB detects interferenc

selected, the target frequency for UEs with the SPID in inter-frequency handovers is not controlled.
_SBC_CONTROL(ULAMRC_SBC_CONTROL), the eNodeB triggers the session boarder controller (SBC) on the EPC to execute uplink voi

ed. This reduces the GSM measurement reporting delay. If the UE is performing VoIP services and this option is deselected, the eNodeB do
ng delay. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not terminate inter-frequency measurements when a GSM frequency measurement i

K bundling mode, DTX identification is enabled.</font> <font color="#333333">This option applies only to LTE TDD.</font>

he target cell sends the data to the UE. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB directly discards the data in the preceding scenario.
ne third users are determined to be CEUs. For example, if an area is covered by 155 cells and the percentages of users whose MCS indexe
l RSRP value is equal to -140 plus the GUI value of this parameter.)

ameter. If two values are selected for the AIcicPlusPCAdjRange parameter, the power can be changed to the selected two values and the P

d. If the neighboring cell edge load is less than or equal to the specified threshold and the number of neighboring cells meeting this conditio
r, the power of all beamforming UEs in the local cell is not increased. If the ratio of the number of neighboring cells meeting the cell edge loa

pplies only to LTE TDD networks.

his parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

is adopted, the system capacity is the smallest. Therefore, RR is used only to verify the upper bound of the scheduling fairness in the syste
users. Modifying the value of this parameter for an active cell will lead to the re-setup of the cell.This parameter applies only to LTE TDD ce

this CA UE. In this way, CA UEs and non-CA UEs can be allocated similar number of RBs. If the CA differentiated scheduling policy is adop

sabled. The value 100 indicates that the function is always enabled.
EUs to which RBs have not been allocated within this TTI.
nd, and therefore CEUs' performance improves.
in the current TTI and the other required RBs are allocated to UEs in the next TTI. Setting this parameter to ROUND_DOWN ensures full ut

NodeB performs downlink scheduling based on a new MCS order after CQI adjustment.
ptimized rank. If the baseband processing unit determines that the received rank is unsuitable for UE scheduling, the eNodeB does not optim
hether the SCC is configured with an uplink carrier, and then Doppler frequency offset on the SCC is determined based on the Doppler frequ
er of PRBs). The policy is applied to a single service when the following conditions are met within a measurement period: (1) this parameter
orms rank 2 detection only upon reception of rank 1 report from whitelisted UEs if configured. The StartRankDetectEffThd parameter in the

BSFN subframes.
bits), a bearer whose traffic to be scheduled is greater than or equal to this parameter value is determined as a bearer with large packets.
parameter value.

g is performed in default mode.

ansmitting CSI-RSs. This switch applies only to LTE TDD cells.

ode. A lighter cell load results in a higher threshold and a higher probability that UEs enter joint scheduling mode. _x000D_

uling mode and a higher probability that the UEs repeatedly enter and exit frequency selective scheduling mode. A larger value of the FreqS

rameter value. If the EnAperiodicCqiTrigStrategy parameter is set to CQI_REPORTINTERVAL_BASED(CQI_REPORTINTERVAL_BASED),

es among all activated carriers based on bandwidths and the number of transmit ports.

s parameter takes effect only when the Dl256QamSwitch option of the Dl256QamAlgoSwitch parameter is selected.

an the Doppler frequency offset corresponding to the specific train speed, downlink AFC does not provide any performance protection in the
can be set if the train travels at a higher speed. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
o UEs running unlimited services. This parameter does not apply to LBBPc boards. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

lies only to LTE FDD.

OWED_BOARD) indicates that the board does not support this feature. The parameter value UNKNOWN(UNKNOWN) indicates that the fea

ping-pong switches from and to the joint or independent scheduling area. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
_1000_MS), the eNodeB does not control the UE-AMBR.

greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values. MLB stops when the PRB usage of the cell or th
ps if the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is less than the InterRatMlbUeNumThd parameter value or the PRB usage of the cell is less
y load balancing is triggered if the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and

erRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values. PRB-usage-based inter-RAT load sharing stops if the number of uplin

mMode), the number of UEs is used as a triggering variable; the difference of the number of UEs per unit of bandwidth between cells is use
et the number
parameter values. Inter-frequency of UEs is used
load balancing stopsas a triggering
if the number ofvariable and a UE
synchronized transfer
UEs in the condition;
cell is lessthe aim
than ofInterFreqMlbUeNum
the MLB is to achieve
f the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqIdleMlbUeNumThd and MlbUeNumOffset pa

this threshold. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode), the eNodeB does not consider UE PRB usag

hing operators and performs cell-level inter-frequency MLB. If this parameter is set to OVERSHARING(OVERSHARING), the eNodeB perfo
onized UEs in the serving cell > UeNumDiffThd parameter value.

qual to the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values. Load balancing stops when the cell meets the PRB-l
arameter values and the cell meets the PRB-load-based load balancing triggering criterion.
s selected, synchronized UEs are transferred for inter-frequency PRB-based load balancing.This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.I
o the sum of the InterFreqIdleMlbUeNumThd and MlbUeNumOffset parameter values. Inter-frequency load balancing to transfer to-be-relea
of the InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values. Inter-RAT load sharing to transfer to-be-released UEs stops if the number of sync
h option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, and the FreqSelectStrategy parameter is set to PRIORITYBASED(PriorityBased), the
option of the MlbAlgoSwitch parameter is selected, and the FreqSelectStrategy parameter is set to PRIORITYBASED(PriorityBased), the va
s the target frequencies in inter-RAT MLB, and a maximum of three frequencies among all neighboring frequencies of candidate cells are ra
rving cell selects only inter-eNodeB neighboring cells. If this parameter is set to ALL(All), the serving cell selects all inter-frequency neighbor
ge-based inter-RAT load sharing is triggered if the InterRatMlbTriggerMode parameter is set to IRAT_PRB_ONLY. When the number of upli
ss of whether load information about the frequencies has been obtained. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
an or equal to the InterRatMlbUeSelPrbThd parameter value.
arameter is set to IRAT_UE_NUMBER_ONLY, UEs whose PRB usage is less than or equal to the InterRatMlbUeSelPrbThd parameter valu
channels. The parameter value PRB_VALUATION_NO_CTRL indicates that the PRB load is calculated based on the PRB evaluation only f

UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values, PRB-usa
ll is less than the InterRatMlbUeNumModeThd parameter value, UE-number-based inter-RAT load sharing stops. If the InterRatMlbTriggerM
nterFreqOffloadOffset parameter values, neighboring cells with which the source cell does not exchange load information can be selected a
o the sum of the InterFreqMlbUeNumThd parameter value and the InterFrqUeNumOffloadOffset parameter value, neighboring cells with wh

based handover fails.

MTHD), the eNodeB determines the cell load status based on the number of uplink-synchronized UEs in a cell and the value of the Inter-RAT

ter value can be used as the updated step. When a measurement period ends and the difference between the current and the previous me

MlbIdleUeNumAdjFactor parameter value x Upper limit percentage for PRB-usage-based MLB x Number of UL-sync UEs in the cell; (2) In U

d by the L2USmartOffloadOffset parameter value.

hronized mode is greater than the sum of the MlbMinUeNumThd and MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values, uplink MLB is triggered. If the
hd and UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode), when MLB
s lower than the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD net
ter values. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode), when MLB is triggered, the eNodeB selects UEs

s collection. To ensure the work efficiency of the algorithm, the eNodeB extends only one period for sample counting. _x000D_

nded that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is exte

does not meet the requirement during the first period.

e micro cell.

downlink UEs running unlimited data services are not differentiated, and this parameter indicates the ID of the intra-RAT frequency priority g
ake effect if it is set to 0. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
t if it is set to 0. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

does not take effect.

calculated threshold is beyond the value range of A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq, the actual threshold will be equa
lculated threshold is beyond the value range of InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq, the actual threshold will be equal to the

r NS UEs, thereby reducing interference from neighboring cells.

ured for NS UEs under the preset percentage, thereby reducing interference from neighboring cells.
RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A3-based handovers for UEs running unlimited services. If the RSRP or RSRQ t
e RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A4- and A5-based handovers for UEs running unlimited services. If the RSRP o

only to LTE TDD.

duling and controlling information is transmitted in downlink subframes. If the switch for dynamic adjustment of the number of OFDM symbo

CH is dynamically adjusted based on the required number of PDCCH control channel elements (CCEs). The OFDM symbol adjustment ran

be supported on the PDCCH. In coverage-based CCE aggregation level selection of the PDCCH, set this parameter to STRATEGYBASEDO
parameter is set to OFF(Off), (1) the initial value for closed-loop adjustment on PDCCH aggregation level applies to both SRBs and DRBs; (

uling and controlling information is transmitted. For downlink subframes indicating both uplink and downlink scheduling and controlling infor
box is selected, a lower aggregation level is applied, and the control channel carries more scheduling UEs. This parameter is dedicated to

guration 2 is adopted for a TDD cell, it is recommended that the SubframeSchDiffSwitch check box be selected to ensure the PRB usage on

s parameter be set to ON(On) and the PuschDtxSchOptSwitch option of the UlSchSwitch parameter in the CellAlgoSwitch MO be selected
nk eCCEs is fixed to be Max(CceMaxInitialRatio,1). This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

et to a large value, the upper power limit of PDCCHs transmitting uplink and downlink control information cannot be further increased in the

RI periods to decrease the probability that the maximum SRI period (80 ms) is configured. In this way, user experience in the cell improves.
is deselected, the fixed long SRI reporting period is retained. SriAdaptiveHoldForVoIPSW takes effect only when both PUCCH resource adj
n is deselected, SRI reporting periods are configured based on the resource usage for all of SRI reporting, semi-persistent ACK reporting, a
RC_CONNECTED mode is periodically sampled, and the interval in which falls the number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode can be dete
oxes are cleared, this switch does not take effect. The uplink IBLER is not affected. This switch applies only to LTE TDD networks.

ameter results in a higher probability that a UE is identified as a CEU.

distribution in _x000D_

k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.

k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
k throughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
hput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
tion in _x000D_

ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.

ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
ughput distribution in Performance Counter Reference.
istribution in _x000D_

ext- and E-RAB-related statistics collection. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value and the UELinkAbnormalDetectSwitch parameter is s
For details about the descriptions of related counters about the downlink throughput distribution in different ranges, see eNodeB Performa

start time to the stop time.

hese RB resources. UEs measure the local cell RSRP and the RSSI of the GERAN cell that brings the severest interference and report the
ubframes used for common UEs is calculated by subtracting the number of uplink subframes used as relay subframes from the number of u
downlink subframes used for common UEs is calculated by subtracting the number of downlink subframes used as relay subframes from th
natively, you can also manually specify the RB usage threshold for a simulated load configuration by setting the SimuLoadRbThd paramete

ce between the eNodeB and the track. When the distance is large, the UE speed cannot be well estimated. This parameter is used to addre

a UE that is being handed over to the target cell repeatedly sends dedicated preambles, the eNodeB increases the transmit power of the R

alue based on the actual situation. This parameter applies only to FDD.
alue based on the actual situation. This parameter applies only to FDD.
alue based on the actual situation. This parameter applies only to FDD.
alue based on the actual situation. This parameter applies only to FDD.
meter, see 3GPP TS 36.321.

m access, respectively. For details, see section 5.1.1 in 3GPP TS 36.321.

dom preambles and group B random preambles. For details, see section 5.1.1 in 3GPP TS 36.321.
chAlgoSwitch parameter is deselected. In an LTE TDD cell, the parameter value MANUAL(MANUAL) does not take effect when preamble f
not be used. For the relationship between the subframe configuration index and the cell-specific subframe cycle/offset, see 3GPP TS 36.21

DD cell that is established on an LBBPc and uses four or more RX antennas. (2) FDD cell that is established on an LBBPc and uses exten
set to ADAPTIVEMODE(Adaptive Mode), SRS resource allocation can be adaptively activated or deactivated based on the cell load. After

GPP TS 36.211.

s, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

TS 36.331 V12.7.0. When R12Qam64Enabled is set to BOOLEAN_FALSE(False), the eNodeB does not support UL 64QAM for UEs comply

ELTA_SHIFT, the value of this parameter is automatically changed to DS2_DELTA_SHIFT when this parameter takes effect. For details, see

apability and accordingly affects the preceding RB resource allocation, the cell cannot be established successfully.

MODE(Random Mode), PUCCH format 1/1a/1b code channel resources are randomly allocated. If this parameter is set to OPTISELECTMO
s set to the value of the SriPeriod parameter in the CellStandardQci MO.

s. In this way, UEs evenly reuse all RBs, decreasing inter-code-channel interference on UEs in the cell and improving PUCCH detection per

ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad
ent priorities of neighboring GERAN cells.
ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

bsolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts measurements on neighboring cells on the frequencies in the GERAN carrier frequency gro

ote: Actual value of this parameter = -115 + 2 x GUI value of this parameter

NodeB preferentially delivers the frequency group with the highest priority. If this parameter is set to 0 for a frequency group, this frequency
e cells for blind CSFB to GERAN.
d the shared operator information does not need to be checked on the OSS before all neighboring GERAN cells are added.

est. If the frequency does not have neighboring cells whose neighbor relationships can be removed, the eNodeB does not remove neighbor

see 3GPP TS 36.304.

overs from an eNodeB to a micro base station can be triggered more easily or handovers from a micro base station to an eNodeB can be tr
ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

e UE starts measurements on neighboring cells on the frequency; then if the signal quality of some neighboring cells meets the related con
ained in SIB5. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
or details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

an a threshold for a time-to-trigger, reselection to the cell is started. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.304.

bands, event A4 or A5 is used.

e parameter value. For details about this parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.304.
ghest priority. If this priority is set to 0 for a frequency, this frequency is not selected as the target frequency for a blind redirection. A larger v

lag parameter set to DISABLE cannot be measured.

at load balancing for UEs in idle mode is achieved. The sum of proportions for load balancing among all frequencies cannot exceed 100%. P
mong frequencies approach to the preset proportions.
e 0 indicates the lowest priority. The eNodeB selects a downlink high-priority frequency as the target frequency for MLB in the downlink.

value is delivered instead. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is greater than the maximum RSRP value, the maximum value is delive
alue, the minimum value is delivered instead. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is greater than the maximum RSRP value, the maxim
hared frequency, and the shared operator information does not need to be checked on the OSS before all inter-frequency neighboring cells

llest. If the frequency does not have neighboring cells whose neighbor relationships can be removed, the eNodeB does not remove neighbo

or EventA5(EventA5).
on are selected, the frequency can be used as the target frequency for a location-based inter-frequency handover. If the InterFreqLcsHoSw

FairStrategy) and the UE-number-based inter-frequency MLB algorithm is operating.

reshold for event A4 or A5 to UEs, which is equal to the sum of the SrvReqHoA4ThdRsrp and IfSrvHoThdRsrpOffset parameter values. If th
hreshold for event A4 or A5 to UEs, which is equal to the sum of the SrvReqHoA4ThdRsrq and IfSrvHoThdRsrqOffset parameter values. If t

specified frequency, only those that exchange load information with the local cell can be treated as target cells for load transfer, when the do
cified frequency, only those that exchange load information with the local cell can be treated as target cells for load transfer only when the u

istExt carrying the IE reducedMeasPerformance. The measurement performance of a UE supporting extensive frequency measurement ca
ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

see 3GPP TS 36.304.

is parameter value is set to 0, blind handovers and frequency-based handovers cannot be performed. The parameter values 1 to 16 indicat

ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

mon cell. The value of this parameter must be the same as that of the SpecifiedCellFlag parameter in the Cell MO that corresponds to the ex

ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad
L commands.
his MO. The SON can automatically create this MO only if this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode). Users can create this MO wh

using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration is specified a

d by a UE by using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration

y using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration is specified

by using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration is specifie

meter is set to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode) by default for objects created by SON. This parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode) or

elected based on the measurement priorities of neighboring UTRAN cells.

ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

y using the IE idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration is specified

E idleModeMobilityControlInfo in an RRC Connection Release message to the UE. If no related SPID configuration is specified and this par
ng cell is better than a threshold for a time-to-trigger, reselection to the cell is started. For details, see 3GPP TS 25.304.
meter for a time-to-trigger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
that of the cell is higher than the value specified by this parameter for a time-to-trigger. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

a blind handover is selected based on PS service priorities. The cell on the UTRAN frequency with the highest PS priority is selected by def
UTRAN frequency with the highest CS priority to measure. During CSFB-based CS service handovers with UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch bein
ghest priority. If this priority is set to 0 for a frequency, this frequency is not selected as the target frequency for a blind redirection. A larger v
equency with the highest CS+PS combined service priority to the UE. In blind CSFB to UTRAN, if UtranCsfbSteeringSwitch and UtranFreqL

the shared operator information does not need to be checked on the OSS before all neighboring UTRAN cells are added.

ing measurements. The eNodeB preferentially delivers the UTRAN frequency with the highest SRVCC priority to measure. If this parameter

st. If the frequency does not have neighboring cells whose neighbor relationships can be removed, the eNodeB does not remove neighbori

ified or removed by the user or based on the ANR algorithm. The MO removal is successful even if the MO does not exist. An MO can be ad

e of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

s effect only after a BaseBandEqm MO is configured for each BBP.

s based on cell loads to ensure that a cell obtains maximum allowed baseband resources. If this parameter is set to EADAPTIVE(ADAPTIV

n the system reaches the start time specified by this parameter.

sable the following features: ultra-high speed mobility, extended CP, intra-subframe frequency hopping, and PUCCH-based uplink timing. A
set up on this baseband equipment if other sector equipment or sector equipment group has been bound to the baseband equipment.

on the neighboring cell. If this parameter is set to WHITE_LIST(WHITE_LIST), the cell corresponding to a white-listed PLMN can be added

neighboring relationship by ANR and the ctrlmode is Auto_Mode. If the success rate of handovers from each cell under the eNodeB to this

ple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

ively.needs to be are
No options added to the NRT
designed by ANR._x000D_
to determine whether to report neighbor relationships with CDMA2000 cells.

e is not
intra-RAT set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

is equal to or less than the threshold within a measurement period specified by the StatisticPeriod parameter, intra-RAT ANR automatically

cted neighboring cell before the corresponding neighbor relationship is manually processed. If this parameter is set to FORBID_HO, the eN

andover indicator parameter to FORBID_HO_ENUM for this neighboring cell. When this parameter is set to PCI_CHECK, the eNodeB first
cklisting is subject to manual confirmation on the U2000._x000D_
manual confirmation on the U2000._x000D_

multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

a new inter-RAT neighbor relationship needs to be added to the NRT by ANR. _x000D_

Trameter is not setthat

NRT. Consider to athe
numberof of
5, neighbor
the actually effective parameter
relationships value
in the NRT has is extended
reached to a multiple
its maximum, of 5. neighbor relationship needs to be a
a new
n in handovers cannot be performed based on the arranged neighboring cell measurement priorities within the time after the optimization pe

within the statistical period, the inter-RAT neighboring cell is a formal neighboring cell. If the measurement result does not reach the value of
classification does not reach this threshold within four consecutive statistical periods, this inter-RAT neighboring cell is an extended neighb
ra-RAT neighboring cell is a formal or extended neighboring cell. If the predefined criteria are met within the statistical period, the intra-RAT
g cell is a formal neighboring cell. Otherwise, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is an extended neighboring cell.
ithin a specified measurement period, the neighboring cell is labeled as EXTENDED.
l is a formal neighboring cell. Otherwise, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is an extended neighboring cell.
s are saved in the eNodeB memory. INTERNAL_STORAGE_MODE(StorageMode) takes effect only when OptMode of ANR is set to FREE

d neighboring cell. Then, the serving cell will send a parameter adjustment request to the neighboring cell.
is parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.
ng at the frequency (or frequency group) can be selected as candidate cells in blind handovers. In blind neighboring cell optimization, if the

neighboring cells working on the corresponding frequency (or frequency group) is measured. If the ratio is greater than or equal to this thre
measurement period, the neighboring cell cannot remain as a candidate cell in blind handovers.
n on the neighboring cell after users confirm the configuration and optimization.
ameter applies only to LTE FDD.
f this parameter is set to 0, it is preferential to guarantee that capacity loss does not occur in heavily-loaded networks. However, the downlin
are enabled to ensure service continuity. If this option is deselected, coverage-based inter-frequency handovers are disabled. UtranCsfbSw


If uplink adaptive ICIC is enabled, neither static nor dynamic ICIC is enabled. It is recommended that this parameter be used only in LTE TD

plink data from UEs in the case of uplink congestion. In this case, uplink congestion may occur in the eNodeB, but fairness and differentiatio
d to limit the number of resource blocks (RBs) allocated to the UE in the case of uplink congestion. According to the related specifications, h
O is on and PCI confusion occurs, PCI confusion alarms are displayed in the alarm console. If the PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to
ontain any downlink data to transmit. This reduces static power consumption and hence conserves energy for the eNodeB. If the symbol sav
f, the eNodeB
manner cannot
UE reports PDUs to UTRAN
the CGI of the cell during ANR measurements. cellsNBSLTEPLMNRoundSwitch
If both to request multiple event-driven
and reports. GERAN_RIM_
ask the U2000 for the PLMN list. _x000D_
ask the U2000
to UTRAN. list. _x000D_
UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch is on, the UTRAN hierarchy-based blind-handover algorithm takes effect for coverage-ba

ved by the same operator. If this switch is off, preemption is not allowed. InterOpUeNumPreemptSwitch: This parameter indicates the switch
his switch is on, operators can adopt different policies (such as PS handover capability and RIM-based system information reading capabili
CA status
mode. on
thefunction is enabled
target cell. only when
If the target cell isthis option
heavily is selected.
loaded, This option
the eNodeB does takes effectthe
not trigger only when theIf FreqCfgSwitch
handover. option of the
this option is deselected, theCe
r inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement configurations need to be delivered; (3) Delivers the configurations if they are required and hav
tion delivered to a UE for measurements when ANR with UTRAN is enabled. If this option is deselected, the maximum number is specified

s to be released among frequencies based on the current proportions of UEs in connected mode among frequencies and the preset propor
the eNodeB does not differentiate between PS HO and SRVCC for penalty and retry._x000D_

the number of UEs in the cell. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not. FlowCtrlTriBackoffSwitch: Indicates whether to enable flow
cells. This option is invalid for non-SFN cells or SFN cells that do not use adaptive scheduling in the downlink._x000D_
ated in the time domain. This parameter does not apply to LTE TDD either. _x000D_
ation functions as the actual PRACH subframe configuration. In summary, the PrachTimeStagSwitch parameter setting has no impact on ne
red in the cell is relatively large.
StatSwitch is off.
whether the eNodeB prioritizes measurement priorities of neighboring UTRAN cells based on the number of each neighboring UTRAN cell

BBPe can share loads on the LBBPc.

out such conflicts is not displayed in the alarm console even if such a conflict occurs.
m in congestion scenarios.
frequency with an index of 0.

rmation is displayed on the alarm console if a PCI collision occurs. If the COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH option of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.

sed. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB-specific frame offset is used. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD.

witch parameter are selected, the eNodeB timely adjusts the proportions of UEs to be released among frequencies based on the current pr
collects the number of uplink synchronized UEs at an interval specified by the InterFreqIdleMlbInterval parameter. At the end of a measurem
PTIVE_PROPORTION of the InterFreqIdleMlbMode parameter in the eNodeBMlb MO are on, the eNodeB performs periodic statistics on the

can be transferred to the lightly loaded CC. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

cant traffic of an operator can be used by other operators.

e actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

RP value of the serving cell is less than this parameter value and the RSRP value of the neighboring cell is less than the NeighborRsrpThd
of the serving cell and neighboring cell. If the RSRP value of the serving cell is less than the ServingRsrpThd parameter value and the RSR

unnecessary handover.

not need to be adjusted. If both this parameter and the IntraRatTooLateHoRatioThd parameter are set to 50% or smaller values, the condit
e adjusted. If both this parameter and the IntraRatTooEarlyHoRatioThd parameter are set to 50% or smaller values, the conditions for optim

elayed handovers and premature handovers.

r is an unnecessary handover.
packet with modified fields. For other packets, the eNodeB transparently transmits them.

voice quality is considered as accepted.

quality is considered as accepted.

regarded to initially hang up the voice service due to poor voice quality.
s regarded to initially hang up the voice service due to poor voice quality.

ded to initially hang up the voice service due to poor voice quality.
arded to initially hang up the voice service due to poor voice quality.

ization function does not take effect.

CH resources can be released and used by other UEs.
TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter. _x000D_

O_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allowed), the eNodeB does not remove the bearers with the corresponding QCI._x000D_
ects the handover request. If this parameter is set to SERVICE_HO_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allowed), the target eNodeB does not rejec

O_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allowed), the eNodeB does not remove the bearers with the corresponding QCI._x000D_
ects the handover request. If this parameter is set to SERVICE_HO_QCI_ALLOWED(QCI Bear Allowed), the target eNodeB does not rejec
cy handover measurement times out, the eNodeB delivers the configuration for service-based inter-RAT handover measurement. If any of t

he value of IntraFreqHoA3Offset parameter for specified-service UEs. _x000D_

than the upper limit of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO, the lower or upper
than the upper limit of the A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO, the lower or upper
e 3GPP TS 36.331. If this parameter is set to 0, the timer mechanism does not take effect.

veTimerForQci parameter in the QciPara MO takes effect.

takes effect.

In power saving mode, you are advised to set this parameter significantly different to the value of the UlSynTimerDynDrx parameter, for exa
wer consumption increase due to the increase of signaling.
whether the UE has bearers with a QCI of 1. If yes, the timer takes effect; otherwise, the timer does not take effect. If the QciParaEffectFla
arameter for QCI 1 in the QciPara MO takes effect.
the CarrierMgtSwitch parameter for the associated PCell is set to ON.

n a baseband processing unit exceeds the upper limit of such UEs served by the unit, the limit takes effect.

ultiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.
ficiency of the algorithm, the eNodeB extends only one period for sample collection._x000D_

as, and takes effect only when the CarrierMgtSwitch parameter for the associated PCell is set to ON.
the TM9Switch check box must be selected. If this parameter is set to OFF and the BfMIMO adaptive switch parameter is set to MIMO_BF

K can be simultaneously sent on the PUCCH.

is configured after the UE is handed over.

nterDrxThd parameters are small and close to each other, the UE frequently enters and exits the DRX mode. When both the FddEnterDrxTh
1000 and the value of the FddEnterDrxThd parameter is set to a value smaller than 1000, the UE will not exit the DRX mode once entering

ped to the highest-priority QCI, does not configure DRX parameters for the UE. If this parameter is set to 3GPPDEFINEDQCIPRIORITY, the
this parameter is set to ON, DrxStartOffset values can be randomly distributed within the range of 0 to (LongDrxCycle - 1) for UEs that are c
DCCH detections). In carrier aggregation (CA) scenarios, the eNodeB regards DTXs on the PCC and SCC as one DTX when the PCC and
elected when this switch is turned on. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

measurement reporting is delayed.

by the On Duration timer. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

DrxExclusiveSwitch parameter is set to ON(On), the VolteGapDrxExclusiveSwitch parameter does not take effect.

be rounded down to an integral multiple of 10. Therefore, you are advised to configure this parameter to a value that is an integral multiple o

ause of the impact of the SRS bandwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter. Therefore, the actual value of Shor

n takes effect only if the eNodeB-level option UtranPsHoSwitch of the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is deselecte

parameter value, the uplink-quality-based handover is terminated for the UE.

FastUe, the eNodeB determines that the UE moves at a fast speed. In this situation, if the UE has GBR bearers, the eNodeB initiates a han
ection to a high-speed frequency. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

eeping mode to the eCoordinator. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
ove migration efficiency.

identify UEs with weak coverage or reject UEs' requests for setting up VoLTE service bearers because of the weak coverage. This parame
e EPC. After receiving the cause value, the EPC instructs the UEs to immediately change the voice call procedure from VoLTE to CSFB. Th
he EPC. After receiving the cause value, the EPC instructs the UEs to immediately change the voice call procedure from VoLTE to CSFB. Th
odeB determines that no coverage-based inter-frequency measurement is performed.

witch parameter is set to CL_ADAPTIVE, the initial MIMO transmission mode is TM4.
and S1-based handovers with the cause value "Reduce Load in Serving Cell" or "Resource optimization handover"._x000D_
uce Load in Serving Cell" or "Resource optimization handover".

TddIfHoA2ThdRsrpOffset parameter. _x000D_

e TimeAlignmentTimer parameter to a value equal to or greater than 10240 ms. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is
high probability. When the measurement value exceeds this threshold, a measurement report will be sent.

ue –43 dBm or –140 dBm, respectively.

–140 dBm, respectively.

alues are stable, slightly varying with the load, and therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The measured RSRQ values vary with the load

rement report. The measured RSRP values are stable, slightly varying with the load, and therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The meas

rement report. The measured RSRP values are stable, slightly varying with the load, and therefore there is little signal fluctuation. The meas
et only for TDD cells.

ined maximum value, the 3PGG-defined minimum or maximum value is delivered, respectively.

t procedure again. If this repeatedly happens, the UE repeatedly initiates RRC connection reestablishment. If this parameter is set to 0, the

Ts if the following conditions are met: (1) The ENB CONFIGURATION UPDATE message received over the X2 interface contains the IE "Se

e "other" to the UE to release its RRC connection.

ls whether to send cell load information to the eCoordinator. This option applies to both LTE FDD and LTE TDD. If EcoSwitch(EcoSwitch) is

UE does not report the gummei-Type IE, the eNodeB uses the most significant bits of MMEGIs contained in GUMMEIs to determine the UE

eNodeB sends an SCell configuration message to the UE before sending an A4-related measurement configuration deletion message to the
f an SCTP link with the peer eNodeB.

etween the eNodeBs.

arameter value, the local eNodeB automatically removes the X2 interface between the eNodeBs.
ameter value, the local eNodeB automatically removes the X2 interface between the eNodeBs.

e same eNodeB._x000D_
N < 20, the waiting time is 10s. 3. If 20 ≤ N < 60, the waiting time is 20s. 4. If N ≥ 60, the waiting time is 60s.

sed on X2 Fault) and BASED_ON_X2USAGE_WITHOUT_NEGO(Based on X2 Usage Without Negotiation) of the X2SonDeleteSwitch para

eNodeB, and removes neighbor relationships with cells on the new frequencies from the NRTs of the local cell. _x000D_
procedure. This option applies only to LTE FDD.ErabFlowFirstSwitch: This option specifies the policy for handling the conflicts between hand

abnormal UEs that support band 41 according to its capability report but actually do not support the frequency range from 2575 MHz to 259
tting the corresponding bits to F.
on is deselected, the S1 interface status immediately changes after the eNodeB receives an ABORT message from the MME. _x000D_
is deselected,
or the cell
larger, and the S1 interface statusand
is a low-speed immediately
non-SFNchanges after
cell. 4. The the
cell is eNodeB receives
an intra-BBP
The CPUmessage fromthe
that serves thecell
MME.does not serve any

, it is recommended that this parameter be set to OFF.

effect and parameters in StandardQci, ExtendedQci, CellStandardQci, CellExtendedQci, CnOperatorStandardQci, and CnOperatorExtended
function is disabled. When this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the function is enabled. This function releases a UE when the number

be rounded down to an integral multiple of 10. Therefore, you are advised to configure this parameter to a value that is an integral multiple o

ause of the impact of the SRS bandwidth and TA period specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter. Therefore, the actual value of Shor

e LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci parameter is set to YES(Yes).

edicatedExtendedQci parameter is set to YES(Yes).
QCIs, and this parameter cannot be set to the same value other than NO_COUNTER for any two extended QCIs. This parameter takes effe
e LtePttDedicatedExtendedQci parameter is set to YES(Yes).
edicatedExtendedQci parameter is set to YES(Yes).
CIs, and this parameter cannot be set to the same value other than NO_COUNTER for any two extended QCIs. This parameter takes effec
e highest QCI-specific priority specified by the UeInactiveTimerPri parameter as the UE inactivity timer for the UE.
ighest QCI-specific priority specified by the UeInactiveTimerPri parameter as the uplink synchronization timer for the UE.
. In power saving mode, you are advised to set this parameter significantly different to the value of the UlSynTimerDynDrx parameter, for ex
earers in the AM mode of the queried QCI.

configured after the UE is handed over.

E-based handover algorithms do not apply to UEs complying with 3GPP Release 8 and Release 9, and the parameter value is fixed at ECN

s event A1 or A2. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

E reports event A1 or A2. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
et, the UE reports event A4 or A5.

A1 or A2. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ter helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered event reports, the average number of handovers, and the number of wrong handov
eter helps decrease the number of occasionally triggered event reports, the average number of handovers, and the number of wrong hando
see 3GPP TS 36.331.
large signal fading variance, set this parameter to a large value to prevent unnecessary handovers. For a cell with small signal fading varia

block type 2 (SIB2), regardless of the actual setting of the AcBarringFactorForCall parameter.

ss of the actual setting of the AcBarringFactorForSig parameter.

NR-established neighboring cell that is in round robin mode. If this parameter is set to NORMAL_MODE(Normal Mode), the cell does not br

on procedure.
ed in RAN sharing mode, this parameter is used to calculate the percentage of RBs occupied by the operator resource group on the PUSC
cted in RAN sharing mode, this parameter is used to calculate the percentage of RBs occupied by the operator resource group on the PDS

ue of Cell selection RX level value (dB) is lower than or equal to the value of this parameter.
GPP TS 36.304.

eduling, and SI-based GAP optimization takes effect to guarantee SI demodulation performance.

rdless of the actual parameter setting. That is, the eNodeB always sends the Timing Advance Command to UEs. In this case, it is recomme

vered and reduces resources allocated for uplink timing in large traffic scenarios.This parameter applies only to LTE FDD cells. The parame
ll and the cell is deactivated only when the cell has no user to serve.

th LBBPd boards and the CPRI data rate is 9.8 Gbit/s for LTE FDD cells or the CPRI data rate is greater than 4.9 Gbit/s for LTE TDD cells,

1) are configured. The value CRS_PORT_4 indicates that four CRS ports (ports 0, 1, 2 and 3). In values of this parameter, mTnP indicates
of this parameter, inter-frequency MLB for low-efficiency UEs stops. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

with adaptive SFN enabled, neither FIXED_CFG nor ADAPTIVE_CFG takes effect.
mmended that the ratio of the shared bandwidth to the cell bandwidth be less than or equal to 1/2. This parameter applies only to FDD.
mended that the ratio of the shared bandwidth to the cell bandwidth be less than or equal to 1/2. This parameter applies only to FDD.

he GSM spectrum and the LTE spectrum can work properly and LTE performance improves. The value ADAPTIVEPROCESS indicates that

nly to FDD.

ep required for retreating the current factor to p95 is less than the value of this parameter, the factor is directly adjusted to p95.

5 by two factors. If the step required for retreating the current factor to p95 is less than the value of this parameter, the factor is directly adju

t to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

Specific Problem: AC Failure) alarm is reported within the low power consumption period.
wer consumption mode are no longer met during this period of time, the cell will not enter the low power consumption mode; otherwise, it en
dation, reference signal power degradation, and RF channel intelligent shutdown is all 120 minutes. If this parameter is set to POLICY1, the
s for intra-frequency handover. _x000D_

adjusted only when this switch is on. A3InterfreqA1RsrpSwitch: Indicates whether the RSRP threshold for triggering A3-oriented inter-frequ

on-based preamble that the eNodeB received for the first time from a UE.

ce is weak. When the value of PRACH interference is greater than or equal to the value of Prach Interference Threshold minus the value of
for the handed-over services with that QCI.
the handed-over services with that QCI.
for the handed-over services with that QCI.

ay at most for a single site). This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

n, this parameter indicates the weight of nonP2P service queue.

n, this parameter indicates the weight of P2P service queue.
Es when such UEs leave the LTE system and listen to the paging channel of another RAT. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
es only to LTE FDD.

as an equal opportunity to be scheduled. The EPF policy schedules UEs in ascending order of priority. In EPF, the priority of an UE is calcul
ion, activation of a measurement gap, and PDCCH congestion. Setting this parameter to ADAPTIVE_HARQ_SW_ON helps reduce resourc

E TDD cells.

ling relationships with the ENodeBAmReorderingTimer or the ENodeBUmReorderingTimer parameter. When the UlHarqMaxTxNum param

he mean opinion score (MOS) and system capacity for VoIP services when the cell is heavily loaded with VoIP services. If this parameter is

the counters in eNodeB Performance Counter Reference.

he PuschDtxSchStrategy parameter is set to EN_ADAPTIVE_RETX, adaptive retransmission is performed when the initial PUSCH transmi

er helps delay the time for entering TTI bundling and decrease the probability of unnecessary TTI bundling entering caused by wireless sign
parameter helps delay the time for UEs to exit from TTI bundling and decrease the probability of unnecessary exit from TTI bundling caused

ayer is enabled and a maximum of X SDU segments that can be divided for services in uplink dynamic scheduling in TTI bundling mode. Th

performed on a single service and the MAC layer sends buffer status reports (BSRs) or power headroom reports (PHRs). The parameter v

or equal to 60%: (1). Resources are allocated from high frequency bands to low frequency bands in cells with the value 0 after the PCI-mod
of time after the aperiodic CSI is triggered, these UEs cannot be immediately scheduled on the PUSCH nor only downlink aperiodic CSIs ar

al threshold equals the percentage value of this parameter divided by 10. For example, the GUI value 10 indicates that the actual value is 1%
setup requests is less than the RrcReqNumLowThd parameter value. The actual threshold equals the percentage value of this parameter

than the RrcReqNumLowThd parameter value.

he RrcReqNumLowThd parameter value.

an over-distant neighboring E-UTRAN cell based on the access radius. That is, for E-UTRAN, if the distance between a serving cell and its

from OFF to ON during normal operating of a cell, initial channel calibration is started and then channel calibration is performed periodically
s low. If the UpPTS interference is greater than or equal to the difference between the value of Test Threshold and Test Hysteresis and sma
he difference between the value of Test Threshold and Test Hysteresis and smaller than the value of Test Threshold, the eNodeB determine

led. The eNodeB uses the self-collected random access information for RACH resource adjustment._x000D_
ble belongs to group A or B, respectively. If this option is selected and the PrachFalseAlarmDetRadThd and RachThdBoostRatio parameter
sion PUCCH RBs equals the PucchExtendedRBNum parameter value multiplied by 2, and the extension RBs can be used for PUSCH sche
x is determined based on the CQI adjustment for the scheduling of all retransmissions._x000D_
he QCI of 1 is not a VoLTE service, the satisfaction rate calculated using this method is lower than the actual value, which affects the cell lo
is not a VoLTE service, the satisfaction rate calculated using this method is lower than the actual value, which affects the cell load control. T

nitial has been obtained
power and
for the is normal
is set. If be
candidate cell for MLB
is selected, to UTRAN._x000D_
the eNodeB controls the physical channel transmit power to enable the re

cted, the frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handover is disabled, and the inter-frequency handover can be triggered only when other

. If this parameter is set to ACBAR_SWITCH_DISABLE, access barring is disabled.

the PRACH. 2. If the PrachIrcSwitch option is selected, MRC/IRC adaptation is applied to the PRACH. _x000D_
primary serving cell (PCell) and secondary serving cell (SCell). SmartDrxSwitch: If this switch is on, smart DRX applies to newly admitted UE

ode applies only to FDD.

eB always selects the CoMP UE in UL CoMP, and the UE will never become a non-CoMP UE. This parameter applies only to cells establish

enabled. This switch applies only to LTE TDD cells.

f the eNodeB fails to obtain the UE capability information.

f the IrcSwitch parameter is selected, interference on the PRACH is suppressed based on the interference rejection combining (IRC).
o the LBBPc. The TM4TM9AdaptiveSwitch and TM10Switch options apply only to FDD.

MeasObjectIDs based on the frequency measurement priorities. VoipMeasFreqPriSwitch: Indicates whether the frequency priority specified

cated by the received measurement reports. If this parameter is set to BASEDONFREQPRIORITY(Based on Frequency Priority), the eNod
applied to different GERAN operators. Such policies include SRVCC and SI obtaining through RIM procedures. When this switch is off, diffe

E FDD. Ul1R2RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with one RX antenna and cells each with two RX

e U2000._x000D_

d QCIs of push-to-talk (PTT) services. If this option is selected, the number of transmission opportunities increases within the air interface d

ConnectionReject message, the lowest cell reselection priority is configured for the serving frequency and the frequencies contained in the

addition, the PCell priority for PCC anchoring is considered, and a higher priority is allocated to the serving frequency when RRC_REL CA

the eNodeB detects interference on the license-exempt spectrum and automatically configures the working frequency of the LAA cell. This
on the EPC to execute uplink voice AMR control. The SBC must be a Huawei SBC supporting uplink voice AMR control.

on is deselected, the eNodeB does not cancel inter-frequency measurements when the GSM measurement is triggered. MEAS_OBJ_PREE
a GSM frequency measurement is triggered during the CSFB process. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

TE TDD.</font>

e data in the preceding scenario.

ages of users whose MCS indexes are less than 6 and 7 are about 30% and 40%, respectively, you can set this parameter to 1. (The G fact

he selected two values and the PDSCH PA value specified by the PaPcOff parameter. This parameter must be set before the enhanced AIC

boring cells meeting this condition is less than or equal to a specified ratio, the power of corresponding beamforming UEs in the local cell ed
ng cells meeting the cell edge load threshold is less than or equal to the value of this parameter, the power of beamforming UEs in the local

e scheduling fairness in the system. In terms of the scheduling effect, the PF scheduling policy is between the previous two policies. Therefo
meter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

ntiated scheduling policy is adopted, the eNodeB calculates the PF scheduling priority of each CC for a CA UE using the data rate only on

ROUND_DOWN ensures full utilization of RBs, but increases scheduling times and decreases downlink data rate. If this parameter is set t

uling, the eNodeB does not optimize the received rank and schedules the UE based on the rank used last time.
mined based on the Doppler frequency offset measured on the PCC and downlink frequencies of the PCC and SCC.
ement period: (1) this parameter is set to SINGLEUSER_STRATEGY; (2) the service is the only service to be scheduled in the cell; (3) the p
nkDetectEffThd parameter in the CellDlschAlgo MO, the StartRankDetectCntThd parameter in the CellDlschAlgo MO, the RankDetectSucce

as a bearer with large packets.

mode. _x000D_

mode. A larger value of the FreqSelJudgePeriod parameter results in the opposite effects when FreqSelSwitch of the DlSchSwitch paramete

I_REPORTINTERVAL_BASED), aperiodic CQI reporting is triggered only if the interval from the latest CQI reporting (either periodic or aper

ny performance protection in the abnormal scenarios. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a value slightly smaller than the Dop

only to LTE TDD cells.

NKNOWN) indicates that the feature is disabled due to an unknown reason. _x000D_
n the PRB usage of the cell or the number of synchronized UEs falls below the InterFreqMlbThd parameter value or the MlbMinUeNumThd
the PRB usage of the cell is less than the InterRatMlbThd parameter value.
m of the MlbMinUeNumThd and MlbMinUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB valuation in the cell is greater than or equal to the su

aring stops if the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is less than the InterRatMlbUeNumThd parameter value or the PRB usage o

f bandwidth between cells is used as a UE transfer condition; the aim of MLB is to achieve the same number of UEs per unit of bandwidth b
essthe aim
than theofInterFreqMlbUeNumThd
MLB is to achieve that the number value.
parameter of UEs is less than the InterFreqMlbUeNumThd parameter value. If this parameter is set to
NumThd and MlbUeNumOffset parameter values.

does not consider UE PRB usage when selecting UEs when this threshold is set to 100; when this threshold is not set to 100, the eNodeB

ERSHARING), the eNodeB performs operator-level inter-frequency MLB based on the cell load and the operator's load in RAN sharing mod

s when the cell meets the PRB-load-based load balancing terminating criterion or the number of uplink synchronized UEs falls below the va

r is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.If the PrbMlbIdleUE check box is selected, UEs in idle mode are transferred for inter-frequency PRB-based
balancing to transfer to-be-released UEs stops if the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is less than the InterFreqIdleMlbUeNumThd p
UEs stops if the number of synchronized UEs is less than the InterRATIdleMlbUeNumThd parameter value or the PRB usage of the cell is
RITYBASED(PriorityBased), the values of the InterRatLoadEvalPrd and InterFreqLoadEvalPrd parameters must be the same. If the two par
TYBASED(PriorityBased), the values of the InterRatLoadEvalPrd and InterFreqLoadEvalPrd parameters must be the same. If the two param
quencies of candidate cells are randomly selected as the target frequencies in inter-frequency MLB by transferring UEs with low spectral effi
lects all inter-frequency neighboring cells as candidate cells for inter-frequency load balancing.
_ONLY. When the number of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumModeThd and
E TDD cells.

MlbUeSelPrbThd parameter value are selected for UE-number-based inter-RAT load sharing.
sed on the PRB evaluation only for traffic channels. If this parameter is set to PRB_USAGE, the PRB usage of multiple cells is more likely to

ffset parameter values, PRB-usage-based inter-RAT load sharing is triggered. If this parameter is set to IRAT_UE_NUMBER_ONLY, inter-R
stops. If the InterRatMlbTriggerMode parameter is set to IRAT_PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER, it is recommended that the InterRatMlbUeNumMo
ad information can be selected as the target cells for MLB, and the source cell cannot be selected as a target cell for MLB. If the PRB usage
value, neighboring cells with which the source cell does not exchange load information can be selected as the target cells for MLB, and the

ell and the value of the Inter-RAT Mobility Load Balancing UE Number Threshold parameter. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and t

the current and the previous measurement values is smaller than the configured parameter value, the current measurement value can be u

f UL-sync UEs in the cell; (2) In UL-sync UE mode: Maximum number = MlbIdleUeNumAdjFactor parameter value x Upper limit of total num

es, uplink MLB is triggered. If the uplink PRB usage is lower than the InterFreqMlbUlThd parameter value or the number of UEs in uplink syn
_ONLY(UeNumMode), when MLB is triggered, the eNodeB selects UEs whose downlink PRB usage is lower than or equal to the sum of the
eter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
ggered, the eNodeB selects UEs whose downlink PRB usage is lower than or equal to the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeDlPrbLow

counting. _x000D_

effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

he intra-RAT frequency priority group for UEs running unlimited data services.
the actual threshold will be equal to the upper or lower limit of A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq.
ual threshold will be equal to the upper or lower limit of InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq.

services. If the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A3-based handovers for UEs running unlimited services exceeds t
unlimited services. If the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event 1 of event A4- or A5-based handovers for UEs running unlimited ser

nt of the number of OFDM symbols occupied by the PDCCH is turned on and the bandwidth is 1.4 MHz or 3 MHz, the PDCCH occupies 4 o

e OFDM symbol adjustment range can be determined by referring to the MML reference of the InitPdcchSymNum parameter. If this parame

arameter to STRATEGYBASEDONCOVERAGE. In this situation, both the average CCE aggregation level of the PDCCH in dual-codeword
pplies to both SRBs and DRBs; (2) if a UE fails to be allocated with CCEs, the eNodeB does not reallocate CCEs to the UE by increasing th

scheduling and controlling information, if the PDCCH Symbol Number Adjust Switch parameter is set to ON, the number of OFDM symbols
This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.

cted to ensure the PRB usage on subframes 3 and 8.

CellAlgoSwitch MO be selected. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB selects a high aggregation level for all access signaling to
annot be further increased in the subframes in which uplink and downlink CCEs are allocated. This option applies only to TDD cells.

experience in the cell improves. If the SriReCfgInd parameter is set to FALSE, the cell does not support SRI reconfiguration. This paramete
when both PUCCH resource adjustment and SRI reporting period adaptation are enabled. _x000D_
semi-persistent ACK reporting, and dynamic ACK reporting. When CA and VoLTE are enabled, a few UEs can be assigned short SRI report
CONNECTED mode can be determined. All performance counters corresponding to the interval increase by one if related conditions are me
to LTE TDD networks.

rmalDetectSwitch parameter is set to ON, the setting of the UELinkAbnormalDetectSwitch parameter does not take effect to LTE FDD netw
t ranges, see eNodeB Performance Counter Reference.

erest interference and report the measurement results to the eNodeB.

subframes from the number of uplink subframes specified by the subframe configuration. Relay subframes are preferentially scheduled for
used as relay subframes from the number of downlink subframes specified by the subframe configuration. Relay subframes are preferentia
g the SimuLoadRbThd parameter.

. This parameter is used to address this issue. The parameter is defined as a percentage of the Doppler frequency multiplied by cosθ', wher

ases the transmit power of the RAR message by another 3 dB each time on the basis of the RaRspPwr parameter value. The transmit powe
not take effect when preamble format 4 is used.
cycle/offset, see 3GPP TS 36.211. In FDD mode, this parameter is permanently valid. In TDD mode, this parameter is valid only if TddSrsC

ed on an LBBPc and uses extended cyclic prefix (CP) in the uplink. (3) TDD cell established on an LBBPc. If this parameter does not take e
ed based on the cell load. After this parameter is set to ADAPTIVEMODE(Adaptive Mode), settings of parameters SrsAlgoSwitch, SrsSubfr

pport UL 64QAM for UEs complying with 3GPP TS 36.331 V12.7.0 or later. _x000D_

eter takes effect. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.211.

meter is set to OPTISELECTMODE(OPTISELECTMODE), PUCCH format 1 code channel resources are allocated based on the optimized

improving PUCCH detection performance. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB fully uses each PUCCH RB one by one.

does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie
does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

he GERAN carrier frequency group; then if the signal quality of some neighboring cells meets the related conditions, the UE starts cell rese

requency group, this frequency group is not selected as the target frequency group for a blind redirection. A larger value indicates a higher

cells are added.

odeB does not remove neighbor relationships based on GERAN frequency priorities and removes the candidate neighbor relationship with

e station to an eNodeB can be triggered less easily. In this manner, the cell coverage of a micro base station is expanded.
does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

oring cells meets the related conditions, the UE starts cell reselection. If the value of this parameter is less than or equal to the absolute prio
y for a blind redirection. A larger value indicates a higher priority.

quencies cannot exceed 100%. Proportion for load balancing at the serving frequency = 100% – (proportion at frequency 1 + proportion at f

ncy for MLB in the downlink.

lue, the maximum value is delivered instead.

aximum RSRP value, the maximum value is delivered instead.
nter-frequency neighboring cells are added.

NodeB does not remove neighboring relationships based on E-UTRAN frequency priorities and removes the candidate neighbor relationsh

ndover. If the InterFreqLcsHoSwitch option is deselected, the frequency cannot.

RsrpOffset parameter values. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is less than the minimum RSRP value, the minimum value is delivere
RsrqOffset parameter values. If the RSRQ threshold for event A4 or A5 is less than the minimum RSRQ value, the minimum value is deliver

ells for load transfer, when the downlink PRB usage of the local cell is greater than the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd and the InterFreqMlbDlP
for load transfer only when the uplink PRB usage of the cell is greater than the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd and the InterFreqMlbUlPrbOffse

sive frequency measurement can be reduced to measure the frequency. For details of the IE reducedMeasPerformance, see 3GPP TS 36.
does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie
parameter values 1 to 16 indicate the blind-handover priorities. The parameter values 17 to 32 indicate the frequency-based-handover prior

does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

ell MO that corresponds to the external cell.

does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

e). Users can create this MO whenever this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode) or MANUAL_MODE(Manual Mode).

SPID configuration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency,

If no related SPID configuration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring E-UTRA

d SPID configuration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring GERAN carrier frequ

ed SPID configuration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring GERAN carrier fre

to AUTO_MODE(Auto Mode) or MANUAL_MODE(Manual Mode) for objects created by an operator.

does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

SPID configuration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring UTRAN frequency, w

guration is specified and this parameter is not set, a UE uses the cell reselection priority of the neighboring UTRAN frequency, which is broa
P TS 25.304.

PP TS 36.331.

est PS priority is selected by default.When this parameter is set to Priority_0 for a UTRAN frequency, the UTRAN frequency is not included
UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch being on, the eNodeB selects the target cells for blind handovers on neighboring UTRAN frequencies based o
y for a blind redirection. A larger value indicates a higher priority.
bSteeringSwitch and UtranFreqLayerBlindSwitch are turned on, the target cell is selected based on the priority specified by this parameter.

ells are added.

rity to measure. If this parameter is set to Priority_0, this neighboring UTRAN frequency is not prioritized. A larger number in the parameter

odeB does not remove neighboring relationships based on UTRAN frequency priorities and removes the candidate neighbor relationship wi

does not exist. An MO can be added both by the user and based on the ANR algorithm. If an existing MO is to be added, the MO is modifie

is set to EADAPTIVE(ADAPTIVE), the eNodeB automatically allocates baseband resources to cells based on the number of cells. This op
d PUCCH-based uplink timing. All cells established on the LBBPd3 are reactivated after this parameter is set to LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(
the baseband equipment.

white-listed PLMN can be added as a neighboring cell and an external cell by ANR, and the ANR marks a PLMN white list label on the neigh

ach cell under the eNodeB to this neighboring cell is lower than or equal to this threshold after a measurement period, the corresponding ex

er, intra-RAT ANR automatically sets the NoHoFlag of the neighboring cell to FORBID_HO_ENUM(Forbid Ho).

er is set to FORBID_HO, the eNodeB cannot initiate handovers to the newly detected neighboring cell before the corresponding neighbor r

o PCI_CHECK, the eNodeB first instructs the UE to read the CGI of the neighboring cell with the aim to detect unknown neighboring cells w
to a multiple of 5.

ghbor relationship needs to be added by ANR. If the total number of handovers (of all types) from the local cell to its inter-RAT neighboring
the time after the optimization period ends but before the arranged neighboring cell measurement priorities are obtained.It is recommended

esult does not reach the value of NCellMeasNumThd within four consecutive statistical periods, the inter-RAT neighboring cell is an extende
boring cell is an extended neighboring cell.
e statistical period, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is a formal neighboring cell. If the predefined criteria are not met within four consecutive st

OptMode of ANR is set to FREE(FREE).

ghboring cell optimization, if the number of CSFB-triggered blind handover attempts from the E-UTRAN cell to a neighboring cell that has b

greater than or equal to this threshold, the neighboring cell can be selected as a candidate cell in blind handovers.
d networks. However, the downlink throughput gain of cell edge UEs decreases. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
overs are disabled. UtranCsfbSwitch: If this option is selected, CSFB to UTRAN is enabled and UEs can fall back to UTRAN. If this option is

arameter be used only in LTE TDD cells.

eB, but fairness and differentiation for combined services are ensured._x000D_
ng to the related specifications, however, the scheduling algorithm cannot decide how many RBs to be allocated to each bearer. The numb
ictAlmSwitch parameter is set to off, PCI conflict alarms are not displayed in the alarm console.
or the eNodeB. If the symbol saving applies to LTE Multi-Mode stations, it should cooperate with the energy saving features of other RAT w
witch and reports. GERAN_RIM_SWITCH:
NBSLTERANSharingSwitch Indicates
are on, the switch used to enable
NBSLTEPLMNRoundSwitch or disable
overrides the RIM procedure that requests event-driven mult

ithm takes effect for coverage-based and CSFB-triggered blind handovers from E-UTRAN to UTRAN. If UtranSrvccSwitch is on, the UTRAN

s parameter indicates the switch used to enable or disable the inter-operator preemption based on the number of users. If this switch is on,
tem information reading capability) on their UTRANs. If this switch is off, operators cannot adopt different policies on their UTRANs.
eIfFreqCfgSwitch option of the
this option is deselected, theCaAlgoSwitch parameter
eNodeB evaluates in the
whether ENodeBAlgoSwitch
to perform MO is selected.UlJROverRelaxedBHSw:
a frequency-priority-based intra-eNodeB handover withoutIndicates wheth
ions if they are required and have not been delivered before, or updates the configurations if they have been delivered and the current even
e maximum number is specified according to 3GPP TS36.331 earlier than V10.12.0 and is equal to the minCellperMeasObjectRAT parame

equencies and the preset proportions of UEs in idle mode among frequencies, ensuring that the actual proportions of UEs in idle mode amo

Indicates whether to enable flow-control-triggered backoff. Consider that the network is heavily loaded and Msg3 flow control starts. If this o

eter setting has no impact on network performance when the PrachConfigIndexCfgInd parameter is set to CFG.

of each neighboring UTRAN cell is measured within a period of time. The eNodeB prioritizes measurement priorities of neighboring UTRAN
ption of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch parameter is deselected or the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch paramete

nly to LTE TDD.

quencies based on the current proportions of UEs among frequencies and the preset proportions of UEs among frequencies, ensuring that t
meter. At the end of a measurement period, the eNodeB adaptively adjusts the proportions in which to-be-released UEs camp on cells oper
performs periodic statistics on the average number of uplink synchronized UEs in a cell. If the sum of the average number of uplink synchron

less than the NeighborRsrpThd parameter value, this RLF or handover failure is induced by abnormal coverage rather than inappropriate M
hd parameter value and the RSRP value of the neighboring cell is less than this parameter value, this RLF is induced by abnormal coverag

0% or smaller values, the conditions for optimizing both premature and delayed intra-RAT handovers may be met. In this case, delayed intr
r values, the conditions for optimizing both premature and delayed intra-RAT handovers may be met. In this case, delayed intra-RAT hando
he target eNodeB does not reject the handover request._x000D_

he target eNodeB does not reject the handover request._x000D_
andover measurement. If any of the preceding requirements are not met, the eNodeB delivers the configuration for service-based inter-RAT

HoGroup MO, the lower or upper limit is regarded as the value of A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrp parameter for specif
HoGroup MO, the lower or upper limit is regarded as the value of A3InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq or InterFreqHoA2ThdRsrq parameter for specif
TimerDynDrx parameter, for example a gap of 10 seconds, to avoid power consumption increase due to the increase of signaling. If the Qc

ke effect. If the QciParaEffectFlag parameter is set to ON(ON), this parameter does not take effect but the UeInactiveTimerForQci paramete
o a multiple of 5.
ch parameter is set to MIMO_BF_ADAPTIVE, TM2 is initially used for handovers, and then handover modes are adaptively selected betwee

e. When both the FddEnterDrxThd parameter and the FddExitDrxThd parameter are set to 1000 and DRX is enabled, the eNodeB directly d
exit the DRX mode once entering the DRX mode. If both the values of the FddExitDrxThd and FddEnterDrxThd parameters are small and c

GPPDEFINEDQCIPRIORITY, the eNodeB selects the group with the shortest long DRX cycle and, if an identical long DRX cycle length is m
gDrxCycle - 1) for UEs that are configured with only SRS resources, or periodic CQI, or neither. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD eN
as one DTX when the PCC and SCC have data scheduling. When this parameter is set to OFF, the eNodeB enables the UE to forcibly ente
value that is an integral multiple of 10. If users hope that the value actually assigned to a UE is equal to or greater than 80 ms, set the TimeA

erefore, the actual value of ShortDrxCycleSpecial assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value.

deBAlgoSwitch MO is deselected. UtranSrvccSwitch: SRVCC to UTRAN is supported only if this option is selected. This option takes effect

arers, the eNodeB initiates a handover for the UE to a frequency for which the SpeedMobilityTargetInd option of the MobilityTargetInd param

he weak coverage. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD.

cedure from VoLTE to CSFB. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
ocedure from VoLTE to CSFB. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD and LTE TDD.
witch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the LongDrxCycle parameter be set to a value less than or equal to 320 ms. Otherwise
RSRQ values vary with the load and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ittle signal fluctuation. The measured RSRQ values vary with the load and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. For d

ittle signal fluctuation. The measured RSRQ values vary with the load and are likely to reflect the signal quality of the cell in real time. For d
. If this parameter is set to 0, the function of RRC connection reestablishment protection is not used. If this parameter is set to a value other

X2 interface contains the IE "Served Cells To Delete" (identified by the IE ID 27); (2) The No Remove attribute for the neighbor relationship
TDD. If EcoSwitch(EcoSwitch) is set to on, the eNodeB sends load information to the eCoordinator and notifies the eCoordinator of cell load

GUMMEIs to determine the UE type. If a UE reports the gummei-Type IE and the relevant MME complies with 3GPP Release 10 or later, th

guration deletion message to the UE. CaHoReqWithR9ConfigSwitch: This option specifies whether the handover request message sent from

) of the X2SonDeleteSwitch parameter. In this mode, the X2 interfaces that need to be removed are reported to the U2000, and then the op

cell. _x000D_
ndling the conflicts between handover and bearer procedures. If this option is selected and a handover procedure conflicts with an E-RAB s

ncy range from 2575 MHz to 2595 MHz within band 41._x000D_

age from the MME. _x000D_

ves thecell
MME.does not serve any SFN cells. MAX_USER_1200 and MAX_USER_1800 indicate that a maximum of 1200 UEs and a maximum

ardQci, and CnOperatorExtendedQci MOs do not take effect.

eleases a UE when the number of RRC connection reestablishment procedures initiated by the UE in an eNodeB exceeds the threshold. If

value that is an integral multiple of 10. If users hope that the value actually assigned to a UE is equal to or greater than 80 ms, set the TimeA

erefore, the actual value of ShortDrxCycleSpecial assigned to a UE may be less than the configured value.

QCIs. This parameter takes effect only when a new extended QCI is added.
QCIs. This parameter takes effect only when a new extended QCI is added.

er for the UE.

nTimerDynDrx parameter, for example a gap of 10 seconds, to avoid power consumption increase due to the increase of signaling. If a UE
parameter value is fixed at ECN0. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

and the number of wrong handovers, and thus helps to prevent unnecessary handovers. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
and the number of wrong handovers, and thus helps to prevent unnecessary handovers. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

cell with small signal fading variance, set this parameter to a small value to ensure timely handovers. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ormal Mode), the cell does not broadcast PLMN-specific information in round robin mode. If this parameter is set to RR_MODE(Round Robi
tor resource group on the PUSCH. The percentage of RBs occupied by an operator resource group is the sum of percentages of RBs occup
ator resource group on the PDSCH. The percentage of RBs occupied by an operator resource group is the sum of percentages of RBs occ
UEs. In this case, it is recommended that the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter be set to SF10240. The value ALLMEASMODE applies only

ly to LTE FDD cells. The parameter value ON is recommended in heavily loaded cells where there is a large number of UEs.
an 4.9 Gbit/s for LTE TDD cells, the CPRI compression type of cells served by RRUs in the same RRU chain or ring must be the same. The

this parameter, mTnP indicates that the number of TX channels configured for a cell is "m" and the number of CRS ports is "n". The param
meter applies only to FDD.
meter applies only to FDD.

APTIVEPROCESS indicates that UL narrowband interference is restricted through adaptive processing. This algorithm further enhances the

tly adjusted to p95.

ameter, the factor is directly adjusted to p95.

tended to a multiple of 5.
sumption mode; otherwise, it enters the low power consumption mode and takes the preceding actions in sequence.
arameter is set to POLICY1, the duration of service power degradation, that of reference signal power degradation, and that of RF channel

triggering A3-oriented inter-frequency event A1 in the inter-frequency handover parameter group can be adjusted. The RSRP threshold can

ce Threshold minus the value of Prach Interference Hysteresis and less than the value of Prach Interference Threshold, the eNodeB determ
applies only to LTE FDD.

PF, the priority of an UE is calculated based on the following factors: the data rate, average SINR, QoS-satisfying data rate for each service
Q_SW_ON helps reduce resource consumption due to retransmission, increase the cell throughput, and prevent retransmission conflicts. Th

en the UlHarqMaxTxNum parameter is set to 7, it is recommended that the ENodeBAmReorderingTimer or ENodeBAUmReorderingTimer p

oIP services. If this parameter is set to VOIP_DELAYSCH_DIVISION(VoIP Service-based Delay Scheduling), VoIP services and non-VoIP s

when the initial PUSCH transmission is detected as DTX in DRX scenarios regardless of whether the UE is in DRX sleep or active time at t

entering caused by wireless signal fluctuation. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.
ary exit from TTI bundling caused by wireless signal fluctuation. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.

eduling in TTI bundling mode. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.

eports (PHRs). The parameter value 64bit indicates that the head overhead is 64 bits. This parameter can be set to 64bit in scenarios wher

th the value 0 after the PCI-modulo-3 operation; (2). Resources are allocated from low frequency bands to high frequency bands in cells wit
only downlink aperiodic CSIs are transmitted on the PUSCH, but the downlink aperiodic CSIs and uplink service data of these UEs can be

dicates that the actual value is 1% (= 10 x 1%/10).

centage value of this parameter divided by 10. For example, the GUI value 10 indicates that the actual value is 1% (= 10 x 1%/10).

ce between a serving cell and its neighboring cell is greater than the sum of access radii of both the cells, this neighboring cell is an over-dis

libration is performed periodically for the cell. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
old and Test Hysteresis and smaller than the value of Test Threshold, the eNodeB determines the interference is medium, this parameter ap
hreshold, the eNodeB determines the interference is medium, this parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

RachThdBoostRatio parameters are set to 0, PRACH false alarm detection is disabled. If this option is deselected, PRACH false alarm det
Bs can be used for PUSCH scheduling. This option applies only to LTE FDD._x000D_
al value, which affects the cell load control. Therefore, if not all the services with the QCI of 1 are VoLTE services, it is recommended that th
ich affects the cell load control. Therefore, if not all the services with the QCI of 1 are VoLTE services, it is recommended that this option be

el transmit power to enable the receive SINR to converge to the target SINR. PdcchPcSwitch: Indicates whether to enable PDCCH power co

can be triggered only when other conditions are met. FreqPriorIFBlindHOSwitch: If this option is selected, frequency-priority-based inter-freq

RX applies to newly admitted UEs that support mobility speed reporting. The eNodeB dynamically sets DRX-related parameters based on U

ter applies only to cells established on LBBPc boards._x000D_

rejection combining (IRC).

r the frequency priority specified by the VoipPriority parameter takes effect during coverage-based handovers for VoIP UEs. If this switch is

on Frequency Priority), the eNodeB waits a moment and then determines whether to perform a coverage-based inter-frequency handover to
ures. When this switch is off, different network policies cannot be applied to different GERAN operators. This option applies only to FDD cell

enna and cells each with two RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is enabled. You are advised to sele

creases within the air interface delay budget of PTT services, and uplink coverage is improved. EnhExtQCISpsSchSwitch: Indicates whethe

he frequencies contained in the RRCConnectionReject messages that have been received and include the IE deprioritisationReq. If this pa

frequency when RRC_REL CA UEs are to be transferred. _x000D_

g frequency of the LAA cell. This operation is performed once after configuration parameters are delivered and is automatically triggered wh
AMR control.

is triggered. MEAS_OBJ_PREEMPT_SW: Indicates whether to enable preemption when the number of measurement objects of a UE reac
TDD cells.

this parameter to 1. (The G factors corresponding to MCS indexes 6 and 7 are 0.5 dB and 1.45 dB, respectively.) The G factors correspon

be set before the enhanced AICIC feature is enabled. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

mforming UEs in the local cell edge is increased. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
of beamforming UEs in the local cell is increased. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

he previous two policies. Therefore, PF can be used to verify the capacity, coverage, and fairness of the system. The EPF scheduling policy

UE using the data rate only on the primary component carrier (PCC) or secondary component carrier (SCC) of this CA UE. In this way, CA

ata rate. If this parameter is set to ROUND_UP and the number of required RBGs is greater than N but less than N+1 (N is greater than or e
be scheduled in the cell; (3) the proportion of the transmission time intervals (TTIs) in which RBs are expected to be surplus is less than a s
Algo MO, the RankDetectSuccessCntThd parameter in the CellDlschAlgo MO, and the RankReverseDetectCntThd parameter in the CellDl

ch of the DlSchSwitch parameter is on. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.

reporting (either periodic or aperiodic CQI reporting) is greater than the FDUEEnhAperCQITrigPeriod parameter value. This parameter app

lue slightly smaller than the Doppler frequency offset corresponding to the maximum train speed. For example, when the frequency band is
value or the MlbMinUeNumThd parameter value, respectively. For LTE TDD, the InterFreqMlbThd parameter indicates the threshold of the

s greater than or equal to the sum of the PrbValMlbTrigThd and LoadOffset parameter values. Inter-RAT load sharing is triggered if the num

ameter value or the PRB usage of the cell is less than the InterRatMlbThd parameter value. The actual threshold for the number of uplink sy

er of UEs per unit of bandwidth between cells. If this parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the combination of th
value. If this parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the combination of the triggering variables, UE transfer con

d is not set to 100, the eNodeB selects UEs whose PRB usage is equal to or smaller than this threshold. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter

erator's load in RAN sharing mode. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD. If this parameter is set to GROUPSHARING(GROUPSHARING

chronized UEs falls below the value of the MlbMinUeNumThd parameter.

d for inter-frequency PRB-based load balancing.This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.If multiple check boxes are selected, multiple
he InterFreqIdleMlbUeNumThd parameter value.
e or the PRB usage of the cell is less than of the InterRatMlbThd parameter value.
must be the same. If the two parameters are set to different values, the evaluation period specified by the InterRatLoadEvalPrd parameter
ust be the same. If the two parameters are set to different values, the evaluation period specified by the InterRatLoadEvalPrd parameter is
ferring UEs with low spectral efficiency or heavy uplink traffic load. If this parameter is set to PRIORITYBASED(PriorityBased), the frequenc

nterRatMlbUeNumModeThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values, UE-number-based inter-RAT load sharing is triggered if the In

e of multiple cells is more likely to reach the maximum. If this parameter is set to PRB_VALUATION_WITH_CTRL or PRB_VALUATION_NO_

AT_UE_NUMBER_ONLY, inter-RAT load sharing is triggered only based on the number of UEs. If the number of uplink synchronized UEs in
d that the InterRatMlbUeNumModeThd parameter be set to a value equal to or greater than the InterRatMlbUeNumThd parameter value.
et cell for MLB. If the PRB usage in the source cell is less than the value calculated by the InterFreqMlbThd parameter value plus the InterF
the target cells for MLB, and the source cell rejects incoming load-based handover requests. If the number of UL-synchronized UEs in the

er applies only to LTE FDD and takes effect only if the UtranMlbSwitch option is selected.

ent measurement value can be used as the updated step.

r value x Upper limit of total number of UEs that can be transferred.

r the number of UEs in uplink synchronized mode is lower than the MlbMinUeNumThd parameter value, uplink MLB is stopped. This param
r than or equal to the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values and uplink PRB usage is lower than or

eSelectPrbThd and UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values, and uplink PRB usage is lower than or equal to the sum of the MlbUeSelectP

ning unlimited services exceeds the value range of the A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp or A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHo
rs for UEs running unlimited services exceeds the value range of the InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the In

3 MHz, the PDCCH occupies 4 or 3 OFDM symbols, respectively, and this parameter is invalid. If the switch is turned on and the bandwidth

mNum parameter. If this parameter is set to ECFIADAPTIONON(Enhanced CFI Adaption On), the number of OFDM symbols occupied by t

of the PDCCH in dual-codeword scenarios and cell coverage performance increase. This parameter is set to STRATEGYBASEDONCAPAC
CCEs to the UE by increasing the PDCCH power and decreasing the PDCCH aggregation level for the UE. For LTE TDD networks, if this p

N, the number of OFDM symbols occupied by the PDCCH is as follows: On the bandwidth of 5 MHz, the PDCCH occupies 2 or 3 OFDM sy

n level for all access signaling to ensure the PDCCH reliability.

pplies only to TDD cells.

RI reconfiguration. This parameter applies only to cells served by LTE FDD macro eNodeBs equipped with LBBPd or UBBP.

an be assigned short SRI reporting periods, the amount of PUCCH resource decreases, but the amount of available PUSCH resource incre
y one if related conditions are met. For detailed descriptions about the performance counters controlled by this parameter, see "Description"

not take effect to LTE FDD networks.

are preferentially scheduled for relay remote nodes (RRN)s while common subframes are preferentially scheduled for common UEs. If the
Relay subframes are preferentially scheduled for relay remote nodes (RRNs) while common subframes are preferentially scheduled for com
quency multiplied by cosθ', where θ' is the smallest refraction angle within the eNodeB coverage. When the distance is less than or equal to

ameter value. The transmit power of the RAR message can be increased by a maximum of 6 dB.
arameter is valid only if TddSrsCfgMode is set to EXPERIENCE_FIRST.

If this parameter does not take effect on a cell but SRS resources are available in the cell, SRS resources can be configured for UEs in the
meters SrsAlgoSwitch, SrsSubframeCfg, and UserSrsPeriod do not take effect. The parameter value ADAPTIVEMODE(Adaptive Mode) is r

llocated based on the optimized selection mode. If this parameter is set to RBSAVINGMODE(RB Saving Mode), PUCCH format 1/1a/1b co

RB one by one.

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR
s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

onditions, the UE starts cell reselection. If the value of this parameter is smaller than the absolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts th

A larger value indicates a higher priority.

idate neighbor relationship with the cell to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest._x000D_

on is expanded.
s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

han or equal to the absolute priority of the serving cell, the UE starts the measurements only when the signal quality of the serving cell is po
n at frequency 1 + proportion at frequency 2 + … + proportion at frequency n)._x000D_

e candidate neighbor relationship with the cell to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest. _x000D_

e, the minimum value is delivered instead. If the RSRP threshold for event A4 or A5 is greater than the maximum RSRP value, the maximum
ue, the minimum value is delivered instead. If the RSRQ threshold for event A4 or A5 is greater than the maximum RSRQ value, the maxim

MlbThd and the InterFreqMlbDlPrbOffset parameter values. The neighboring cells that work on the specified frequency and do not exchang
d and the InterFreqMlbUlPrbOffset parameter values. The neighboring cells that work on the specified frequency and do not exchange load

Performance, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR
frequency-based-handover priorities for frequency-based blind handovers and measurement-based handovers.

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

ODE(Manual Mode).

eighboring E-UTRAN frequency, which is broadcast in the system information.

iority of the neighboring E-UTRAN frequency, which is broadcast in the system information.

neighboring GERAN carrier frequency group, which is broadcast in the system information.

e neighboring GERAN carrier frequency group, which is broadcast in the system information.

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

neighboring UTRAN frequency, which is broadcast in the system information.

UTRAN frequency, which is broadcast in the system information.

TRAN frequency is not included in PS service priority arrangement.
ng UTRAN frequencies based on the CS priorities and preferentially selects the target cell for blind handovers on the neighboring UTRAN f

ority specified by this parameter. The cell on the UTRAN frequency with the highest priority is preferentially selected. If this parameter is set

larger number in the parameter value indicates that the neighboring UTRAN frequency has a higher SRVCC priority.

ndidate neighbor relationship with the cell to which the number of UEs handed over from the local cell is the smallest. _x000D_

s to be added, the MO is modified when the user performs the addition, but it cannot be added based on the ANR algorithm. When the ANR

d on the number of cells. This option applies only to LTE FDD.

et to LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(Large Mode). If PUCCH-based uplink timing is enabled and this parameter is set to LBBP_LARGE_CAPAC

LMN white list label on the neighboring cell. This parameter is allowed to be set to only two values for all E-UTRAN, UTRAN, or GERAN cel

ent period, the corresponding external cell and the neighbor relationship with this cell are automatically removed.

ore the corresponding neighbor relationship is manually processed.

ect unknown neighboring cells with the same PCI and then determines whether to set the No handover indicator parameter to FORBID_HO
cell to its inter-RAT neighboring cells in the last measurement period specified by the StaPeriodForIRatNRTDel parameter reaches this para
are obtained.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effect

AT neighboring cell is an extended neighboring cell. This parameter also indicates the statistical period for determining a remote neighboring

ot met within four consecutive statistical periods, the intra-RAT neighboring cell is an extended neighboring cell. This parameter also indicat

l to a neighboring cell that has been selected as a candidate cell in blind handovers within a measurement period is greater than this param
y to LTE FDD.
back to UTRAN. If this option is deselected, CSFB to UTRAN is disabled. GeranCsfbSwitch: If this option is selected, CSFB to GERAN is e

cated to each bearer. The number of RBs that each non-GBR bearer can use is determined based on the prioritized bit rates (PBRs) and pr

y saving features of other RAT which share the same resource with LTE to reduce the ernergy consumption for the Multi-Mode eNodeB.
that requests event-driven multiple reports from GERAN cells. If this switch is on, the eNodeB can send RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST P

anSrvccSwitch is on, the UTRAN SRVCC hierarchy-based measurement algorithm takes effect for coverage-based SRVCC-triggered hand

mber of users. If this switch is on, the inter-operator preemption based on the number of users is allowed. If this switch is off, the inter-operat
olicies on their UTRANs.
erRelaxedBHSw: Indicates
deB handover without whether
checking the to enableofUL
settings CoMP between cells
InterFreqMlbSwitch established
of the on BBPs
MlbAlgoSwitch in different
parameter BBUs
on the based
target on relaxed backhaul. T
en delivered and the current event A2 thresholds for inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurements are less than or equal to the event A2 thres
CellperMeasObjectRAT parameter value. If this option is selected, the maximum number is specified according to 3GPP TS 36.331 V10.12

portions of UEs in idle mode among frequencies approach to the preset proportions.

Msg3 flow control starts. If this option is selected, flow-control-triggered backoff is enabled, and UEs that fail random accesses are postpon

priorities of neighboring UTRAN cells based on the number of each neighboring UTRAN cell is measured within a period of time only when
h.PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to OFF, PCI collision information is not displayed on the alarm console. For details about PCI collis

mong frequencies, ensuring that the proportions of UEs in idle mode among frequencies approaches to the preset proportions.
eleased UEs camp on cells operating at different frequencies. If the InterFreqIdleMlbInterval parameter is set to off, the eNodeB does not ad
erage number of uplink synchronized UEs in all cells is greater than or equal to this parameter value, the eNodeB updates the proportion in

erage rather than inappropriate MRO configurations.

is induced by abnormal coverage rather than inappropriate MRO configurations.

be met. In this case, delayed intra-RAT handovers, which increase the service drop rate at a higher probability than premature intra-RAT han
s case, delayed intra-RAT handovers, which increase the service drop rate at a higher probability than premature intra-RAT handovers, are o
tion for service-based inter-RAT handover measurement. This parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.

A2ThdRsrp parameter for specified-service UEs. _x000D_

A2ThdRsrq parameter for specified-service UEs. _x000D_
e increase of signaling. If the QciParaEffectFlag parameter is set to ON(ON), this parameter does not take effect but the UeInactivityTimerD

UeInactiveTimerForQci parameter for QCI 1 in the QciPara MO takes effect.

s are adaptively selected between TM2, TM3, and TM7, TM2, TM3, and TM8, or TM2, TM3, TM8, and TM9 based on the protocols that UEs

s enabled, the eNodeB directly determines that the UE should enter or exit the DRX mode, but not according to the measurement result of U
Thd parameters are small and close to each other, the UE frequently enters and exits the DRX mode. When both the FddEnterDrxThd para

ntical long DRX cycle length is mapped to multiple QCIs, selects the group mapped to the QCI with the highest 3GPP-defined priority.
meter applies only to LTE FDD eNodeBs and is recommended to be set to ON when SRS resources are not allocated for UEs or there is a la
B enables the UE to forcibly enter the DRX sleep time when detecting two consecutive DTXs, irrespective of whether the Inactivitytimer tim
greater than 80 ms, set the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter to a value equal to or greater than 10240 ms. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch pa

selected. This option takes effect only if the eNodeB-level option UtranSrvccSwitch of the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwit

on of the MobilityTargetInd parameter is selected.

an or equal to 320 ms. Otherwise, the uplink time alignment performance of UEs is affected. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is se
, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ality of the cell in real time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ality of the cell in real time. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
parameter is set to a value other than 0, the eNodeB rejects the RRC connection reestablishment request due to reconfigurationFailure from

bute for the neighbor relationship is set to permit removals.

fies the eCoordinator of cell load changes through RIM procedures.

with 3GPP Release 10 or later, the eNodeB includes the gummei-Type IE in the S1 message INITIAL UE MESSAGE._x000D_

dover request message sent from the source eNodeB carries the IEs sourceOtherConfig-r9 and ue-ConfigRelease-r9. If this option is selec

ed to the U2000, and then the operators determine whether to remove the X2 interfaces.

cedure conflicts with an E-RAB setup, modification, or deletion procedure, the eNodeB performs as follows: 1. If the handover is not for CSF

mum of 1200 UEs and a maximum of 1800 UEs are allowed to access the cell, respectively.
NodeB exceeds the threshold. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the RrcReestProtectThd parameter does not take effect.

greater than 80 ms, set the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter to a value equal to or greater than 10240 ms. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch pa
he increase of signaling. If a UE has bearers of several QCIs, the eNodeB selects the longest UE Inactivity Timer of bearers with the highes
GPP TS 36.331.
GPP TS 36.331.

etails, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

s set to RR_MODE(Round Robin Mode), the cell broadcasts PLMN-specific information in round robin mode. If this parameter is set to FRE
um of percentages of RBs occupied by operators in the group. This parameter takes effect only in RAN sharing with common carriers mode
sum of percentages of RBs occupied by operators in the group. This parameter takes effect only in RAN sharing with common carriers mo
e ALLMEASMODE applies only to LTE FDD cells. The parameter value INVALID takes effect in a cell regardless of the actual parameter se

e number of UEs.
n or ring must be the same. The LBBPc does not support CPRI compression, all LBBP boards do not support enhanced CPRI compression

r of CRS ports is "n". The parameter value 4TnP_abcd indicates that reference signals transmitted over CRS ports a, b, c, and d are mappe
s algorithm further enhances the interference restriction capability and improves LTE performance. The value INFERIORINTERFPROCESS
radation, and that of RF channel intelligent shutdown are all 0 minutes. If this parameter is set to POLICY1, POLICY2 or POLICY3, the ratio

justed. The RSRP threshold can be adjusted only when this switch is on. A3InterfreqA2RsrpSwitch: Indicates whether the RSRP threshold

e Threshold, the eNodeB determines that PRACH interference is moderate. This parameter applies only to the TDLOFD-081217 Interferenc
sfying data rate for each service, and service differentiation requirements of the UE. The MAX C/I, PF, and RR policies are basic UL schedu
event retransmission conflicts. This, on the other hand, will increase signaling overhead and therefore consume more PDCCH resources.

ENodeBAUmReorderingTimer parameter be set to a value greater than or equal to 50 ms. When the UlHarqMaxTxNum parameter is set to

g), VoIP services and non-VoIP services are distinguished during delay-based uplink dynamic scheduling and VoIP service-triggered SR sch

s in DRX sleep or active time at the retransmission. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

be set to 64bit in scenarios where RLC initial transmission is performed on a single service and the MAC layer sends BSRs and PHRs. The

high frequency bands in cells with the value 1 after the PCI-modulo-3 operation; (3). Resources are allocated from the central frequency ba
ervice data of these UEs can be simultaneously transmitted on the PUSCH. _x000D_

e is 1% (= 10 x 1%/10).

his neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring cell.

nce is medium, this parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

selected, PRACH false alarm detection is disabled._x000D_

rvices, it is recommended that this option be deselected._x000D_
ecommended that this option be deselected._x000D_

ether to enable PDCCH power control. If this option is deselected, power is allocated evenly on the PDCCH. If this option is selected, power

equency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers are performed in a blind manner. If this option is deselected, frequency-priority-based inte

X-related parameters based on UE mobility speeds. If this switch is off, smart DRX does not apply to newly admitted UEs. Smart DRX appli

ers for VoIP UEs. If this switch is on, the eNodeB only delivers the highest-priority intra-RAT frequencies different from the serving frequency

ased inter-frequency handover to a cell whose frequency has a relatively low priority.
s option applies only to FDD cells. UtranCsfbSwitch: Indicates whether to enable CSFB for UTRAN. When this switch is on, CSFB to UTRA

enabled. You are advised to select this option when the serving cell and coordinating cells are not connected based on relaxed backhaul. If

SpsSchSwitch: Indicates whether to enable semi-persistent scheduling during talk spurts of PTT services with QCI 65, QCI 66, or enhanced

IE deprioritisationReq. If this parameter is set to EUTRA(EUTRA), the RRCConnectionReject message includes the IE deprioritisationReq

and is automatically triggered when certain conditions are met. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
easurement objects of a UE reaches the specified threshold. If this option is selected and the number of measurement objects of the UE re

ctively.) The G factors corresponding to MCS indexes 0 to 28 are –5.65, –4.5, –3.55, –2.35, –1.5, –0.5, 0.5, 1.45, 2.45, 3.4, 3.7, 4.4, 5.4, 6.3

stem. The EPF scheduling policy supports the features such as user QoS, system capacity, and channel frequency selection. The basic sch

C) of this CA UE. In this way, CA UEs can achieve better performance than non-CA UEs.

than N+1 (N is greater than or equal to 0), RBs of N+1 RBGs are allocated to UEs in the current TTI. Setting this parameter to ROUND_UP
ted to be surplus is less than a specified threshold. If this parameter is set to MULTIUSER_STRATEGY, the policy is applied to the last capa
ctCntThd parameter in the CellDlschAlgo MO take effect only when the DetectRank2AdjSwitch option is selected. DetectRank1AdjSwitch: If

meter value. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

ple, when the frequency band is 2.6 GHz, the mapping between the parameter value and the train speed is as follows: 350 Hz (150 km/h),
ter indicates the threshold of the downlink PRB usage for triggering inter-frequency MLB.

ad sharing is triggered if the number of synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumThd and In

shold for the number of uplink synchronized UEs equals the percentage value of this parameter multiplied by 1000. For example, the GUI v

NumMode), the combination of the triggering variables, UE transfer conditions, and MLB aims for the values UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumM
gering variables, UE transfer conditions, and MLB aims for the values UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode) and PRB_ONLY(PrbMode) are u

the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the eNodeB selects UEs that meet the UE selection

OUPSHARING(GROUPSHARING), operator-group-level inter-frequency MLB is enabled and the eNodeB performs inter-frequency MLB bas

eck boxes are selected, multiple uplink synchronized UEs and UEs in idle mode are transferred for load balancing.If no check box is selecte

nterRatLoadEvalPrd parameter is adapted when both cell-level inter-frequency load balancing and inter-RAT load sharing are triggered at t
erRatLoadEvalPrd parameter is adapted when both cell-level inter-frequency load balancing and inter-RAT load sharing are triggered at the
SED(PriorityBased), the frequency with the high priority among all inter-RAT neighboring frequencies and the frequency with the high priority

load sharing is triggered if the InterRatMlbTriggerMode parameter is set to IRAT_UE_NUMBER_ONLY.

CTRL or PRB_VALUATION_NO_CTRL, the transmission rate of each service is more likely to reach the minimum. Set this parameter based

er of uplink synchronized UEs in the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbUeNumModeThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffs
UeNumThd parameter value.
d parameter value plus the InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter value and then minus the LoadOffset parameter value, the source cell can be
r of UL-synchronized UEs in the source cell is less than the value calculated by the InterFreqMlbUeNumThd parameter value plus the InterF

link MLB is stopped. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
link PRB usage is lower than or equal to the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeUlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values. If the MlbTrigger

to the sum of the MlbUeSelectPrbThd and UeUlPrbLowThdOffset parameter values. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_OR_U
srq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO, the value of the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A3-based handover
oA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO, the value of the RSRP or RSRQ threshold for triggering event A1 of event A4- or A5-

is turned on and the bandwidth is 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, the eNodeB adjusts the number of OFDM symbols in the range of 1

of OFDM symbols occupied by the PDCCH is dynamically adjusted based on the cell downlink throughput, and the adjustment performanc

o STRATEGYBASEDONCAPACITY by default.This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

For LTE TDD networks, if this parameter is set to ON(On), the eNodeB reallocates CCEs to a UE, if the UE fails to be allocated with CCEs,

DCCH occupies 2 or 3 OFDM symbols. (In this case, the configuration of this parameter is invalid.) On the bandwidth of 10 MHz, 15 MHz, o

available PUSCH resource increases. _x000D_

his parameter, see "Description" of the L.Traffic.User function subset in eNodeB Performance Counter Reference. To ensure that all sample

heduled for common UEs. If the relay subframes are not used up, they can be used for scheduling for common UEs and if the common sub
e preferentially scheduled for common UEs. If the relay subframes are not used up, they can be used for scheduling for common UEs and if
e distance is less than or equal to 200 m, you can retain the default parameter value. When the distance is greater than 200 m, set the para
can be configured for UEs in the cell.
PTIVEMODE(Adaptive Mode) is recommended in heavy-traffic scenarios where there is a large number of UEs in the cell. The parameter va

ode), PUCCH format 1/1a/1b code channel resources are allocated in such a way where an RB is allocated to as many UEs as possible to

e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE
e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE

the serving cell, the UE starts the measurements only when the signal quality of the serving cell is poor; then if the signal quality of some n


e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE

nal quality of the serving cell is poor; then if the signal quality of some neighboring cells meets the related conditions, the UE starts cell resel
is the smallest. _x000D_

imum RSRP value, the maximum value is delivered instead.

aximum RSRQ value, the maximum value is delivered instead.

d frequency and do not exchange load with the local cells can be treated as target cells for load transfer only when downlink PRB usage of
ency and do not exchange load with the local cells can be treated as target cells for load transfer only when uplink PRB usage of the local c

e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE
e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE

e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE

e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE
ers on the neighboring UTRAN frequency with the highest CS priorities. If this parameter is set to Priority_0, this neighboring UTRAN freque

selected. If this parameter is set to Priority_0, the UTRAN frequency is not included in priority arrangement for neighboring UTRAN frequen

e smallest. _x000D_

e ANR algorithm. When the ANR-related MOs are automatically added based on the ANR algorithm, this parameter is set to AUTO_MODE
r is set to LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(Large Mode), the feature does not take effect after the cells are reactivated. If high speed mobility, ultr

UTRAN, UTRAN, or GERAN cells whose PLMNs are in the PLMN list. The other parameter value is set for the E-UTRAN, UTRAN, or GER

cator parameter to FORBID_HO_ENUM for this neighboring cell.

TDel parameter reaches this parameter value, the eNodeB removes a neighbor relationship from the inter-RAT NRT. In periodic redundant n
a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

etermining a remote neighboring UTRAN cell. If the number of handovers of a neighboring UTRAN cell within this period reaches the thresh

cell. This parameter also indicates the statistical period for determining whether an intra-RAT neighboring cell is an over-distant neighboring

period is greater than this parameter value, this neighboring cell can remain as a candidate cell in blind handovers.
s selected, CSFB to GERAN is enabled and UEs can fall back to GERAN. If this option is deselected, CSFB to GERAN is disabled. Cdma1

prioritized bit rates (PBRs) and priorities of the associated logical channels rather than based on UlschPriorityFactor. As a result, if this switc

n for the Multi-Mode eNodeB.

AN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUs to CERAN cells to request multiple event-driven reports. If this switch is off, the eNodeB cannot send

ge-based SRVCC-triggered handovers from E-UTRAN to UTRAN.

this switch is off, the inter-operator preemption based on the number of users is not allowed.

Us based
target on relaxed backhaul. This function is enabled only when this option is selected.UlSfnJROverBBUsSwitch: Indicates whether to en
an or equal to the event A2 threshold for blind handling. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB only determines whether delivered handove
ding to 3GPP TS 36.331 V10.12.0 and later versions and is equal to the minCellperMeasObjectRAT parameter value minus 1. For details a

ail random accesses are postponed to reinitiate random access requests, thereby relieving RACH congestion. If this option is deselected, flo

within a period of time only when this switch is on.When this switch is off,the priority of neighboring UTRAN cell measurement is based on th
sole. For details about PCI collisions, see 3GPP TS 36.902.If the CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH option of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciCo

preset proportions.
et to off, the eNodeB does not adjust the proportions in which to-be-released UEs camp on cells operating at different frequencies.
NodeB updates the proportion in which to-be-released UEs camp on cells operating in different frequencies during eNodeB-level inter-frequ

lity than premature intra-RAT handovers, are optimized by preference.

ature intra-RAT handovers, are optimized by preference.
effect but the UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci parameter in the QciPara MO takes effect.
based on the protocols that UEs comply with. If TM9 needs to be adaptively selected, the TM9Switch check box must be selected.

ng to the measurement result of UE traffic.

n both the FddEnterDrxThd parameter and the FddExitDrxThd parameter are set to 1000 and DRX is enabled, the eNodeB directly determi

hest 3GPP-defined priority.

allocated for UEs or there is a large number of UEs in the cell.
of whether the Inactivitytimer timer is valid. In addition, when the PCC and SCC have data scheduling, the eNodeB regards DTXs on either
the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the LongDrxCycleSpecial parameter be set to less than or eq

arameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is deselected. GeranSrvccSwitch: SRVCC to GERAN is supported only if this option is selected. Th
dvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter be set to sf10240. A smaller value of th
due to reconfigurationFailure from a UE when the number of RRC connection reestablishment requests initiated by the UE served by the eN

Release-r9. If this option is selected, the message carries these IEs. If this option is deselected, the message does not carry these IEs. Nas

1. If the handover is not for CSFB or SRVCC, the eNodeB processes the bearer procedure first. 2. Otherwise, the eNodeB processes the h
ter does not take effect.

the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the LongDrxCycleSpecial parameter be set to a value smaller
Timer of bearers with the highest QCI-specific priority specified by the UeInactiveTimerPri parameter as the UE inactivity timer for the UE.
e. If this parameter is set to FREE_MODE(Free Mode), the cell broadcasts PLMN-specific information according to operators' configuration
aring with common carriers mode or in hybrid RAN sharing mode with more than one CellOp MO being configured.
haring with common carriers mode or in hybrid RAN sharing mode with more than one CellOp MO being configured.
dless of the actual parameter setting in any of the following scenarios: (1) The cell is established on an LBBPc. (2) The UlCyclicPrefix param
ort enhanced CPRI compression. Before changing the value of this parameter for a cell served RRUs in the same RRU chain or ring, ensur

S ports a, b, c, and d are mapped to TX channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 in an RRU, respectively (The TX channel number here is for reference only
ue INFERIORINTERFPROCESS indicates that only interference from GSM in a neighboring cell is handled through baseband processing. W
POLICY2 or POLICY3, the ratio of available service power to total service power is 50%, the adjustment offset for reference signal power i

es whether the RSRP threshold for triggering A3-oriented inter-frequency event A2 in the inter-frequency handover parameter group can be

the TDLOFD-081217 Interference Detection and Restraining Enhancement feature.

RR policies are basic UL scheduling policies and supported by the eNodeB by default, whereas the EPF policy is intended for commercial u
ume more PDCCH resources.

qMaxTxNum parameter is set to 8, it is recommended that the ENodeBAmReorderingTimer or ENodeBAUmReorderingTimer parameter be

nd VoIP service-triggered SR scheduling can be identified. In this way, the MOS and system capacity for VoIP services increase when the c

yer sends BSRs and PHRs. The parameter value 80bit indicates that the head overhead is 80 bits. This parameter can be set to 80bit in sc

ed from the central frequency bands to high frequency bands in cells with the value 2 after the PCI-modulo-3 operation. If the uplink RB usa
. If this option is selected, power allocated to PDCCH is adjusted dynamically. EDlMaxTXPwrSwitch: If this option is deselected, the maximu

ted, frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers are performed based on measurements. This option takes effect only when the Fre

admitted UEs. Smart DRX applies to CA UEs only when this switch is on in both the PCell and SCell. If DynDrxSwitch is on, setting the Drx

erent from the serving frequency based on the settings of the VoipPriority parameter when the eNodeB delivers the measurement configura
his switch is on, CSFB to UTRAN is allowed. When this switch is off, the UTRAN CSFB algorithm is disabled. If eNodeB-level UtranCsfbSw

ed based on relaxed backhaul. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies only to LTE F

with QCI 65, QCI 66, or enhanced extended QCIs. If this option is selected, semi-persistent scheduling is applied. If this option is deselected

ludes the IE deprioritisationReq and the value of the IE deprioritisationType is EUTRA. In this case, after the UE receives an RRCConnectio
easurement objects of the UE reaches the specified threshold, preemption is enabled to ensure that measurements of algorithms with high

1.45, 2.45, 3.4, 3.7, 4.4, 5.4, 6.3, 7.25, 8.3, 8.95, 9.6, 10.15, 11.15, 12.1, 13.15, 14.05, 15.1, 16, 17, 18.1, 19, and 20.1, respectively.

equency selection. The basic scheduling policy is mainly used for the performance test purpose. During common operation, the EPF schedu

ng this parameter to ROUND_UP wastes a few RBs, but decreases scheduling times and increases downlink data rate. When this paramet
policy is applied to the last capability-limited UE to be scheduled. If this parameter is set to MULTIUSER_STRATEGY and the proportion o
ected. DetectRank1AdjSwitch: If this option is deselected, the eNodeB does not perform rank 1 detection for UEs reporting rank 2. In this ca

s as follows: 350 Hz (150 km/h), 450 Hz (200 km/h), 550 Hz (250 km/h), 700 Hz (300 km/h), 800 Hz (350 km/h), 950 Hz (400 km/h), 1000 H
he InterRatMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the Inte

by 1000. For example, the GUI value of 1 indicates that the threshold for the number of uplink synchronized UEs is 10 (1000 x 1%), the GU

s UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode) and PRB_ONLY(PrbMode) are used. _x000D_

and PRB_ONLY(PrbMode) are used.

UEs that meet the UE selection criterion for either PRB-usage-based or UE-quantity-based MLB. In LTE TDD cells, if the MlbTriggerMode

erforms inter-frequency MLB based on the reserved resources of each operator group in RAN sharing mode. This parameter applies only to

ancing.If no check box is selected, no UE is transferred for load balancing.

AT load sharing are triggered at the same time.

load sharing are triggered at the same time.
e frequency with the high priority among all inter-RAT frequencies are selected as target frequencies separately when either inter-frequency

nimum. Set this parameter based on requirements. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

eThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values, UE-number-based inter-RAT load sharing is triggered. If this parameter is set to IRAT
er value, the source cell can be selected as a target cell for MLB. For LTE TDD, if the downlink PRB usage in the source cell is greater than
d parameter value plus the InterFrqUeNumOffloadOffset parameter value and then minus the LoadOffset parameter value, the source cell a

rameter values. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the eNodeB selects UEs that mee

parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the eNodeB selects UEs that meet the UE selection criterion for either P
A1 of event A3-based handovers for UEs running unlimited services is equal to the upper limit or lower limit of the A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsr
ring event A1 of event A4- or A5-based handovers for UEs running unlimited services is equal to the upper limit or lower limit of the InterFreq

OFDM symbols in the range of 1, 2, and 3 when this parameter is set to the default value 1, or in the range of 2 and 3 when this parameter

and the adjustment performance is the best among the three methods. The OFDM symbol adjustment range can be determined by referrin

E fails to be allocated with CCEs, by increasing the PDCCH transmit power and decreasing the PDCCH aggregation level for the UE. If this

bandwidth of 10 MHz, 15 MHz, or 20 MHz, the PDCCH occupies 1, 2, or 3 OFDM symbols when this parameter is set to 1, and the PDCCH
erence. To ensure that all sampled numbers of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode fall in proper intervals, set this parameter based on the nu

mon UEs and if the common subframes are not used up, they can be used for scheduling for RRNs.
heduling for common UEs and if the common subframes are not used up, they can be used for scheduling for RRNs.
greater than 200 m, set the parameter according to instructions in High Speed Mobility Feature Parameter Description.
UEs in the cell. The parameter value ADAPTIVEMODE(Adaptive Mode) does not apply to cells established on an LBBPc.

d to as many UEs as possible to save RBs.The RBSAVINGMODE value takes effect only in LTE FDD. When this parameter is set to RBSAV

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o
arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o

en if the signal quality of some neighboring cells meets the related conditions, the UE starts cell reselection. Frequencies used for different

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o

onditions, the UE starts cell reselection. Frequencies used for different RATs must be assigned different cell reselection priorities. For details
ly when downlink PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd, InterFreqOffloadOffset, and InterFreqM
n uplink PRB usage of the local cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd, InterFreqOffloadOffset, and InterFreqMlbUlP

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o
arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o
, this neighboring UTRAN frequency is not prioritized.

for neighboring UTRAN frequencies to carry CS+PS combined services.

arameter is set to AUTO_MODE by default. When the ANR-related MOs are added by the user, this parameter can be set to AUTO_MODE o
vated. If high speed mobility, ultra-high speed mobility, extended CP, and intra-subframe frequency hopping are enabled and then this param

the E-UTRAN, UTRAN, or GERAN cells whose PLMNs are not in the PLMN list by default.
RAT NRT. In periodic redundant neighbor relationship removal, the eNodeB removes redundant neighbor relationships if the total number of

hin this period reaches the threshold and meets the handover success rate threshold, the neighboring cell does not need to be reported to t

cell is an over-distant neighboring cell. If the number of handovers of a neighboring cell reaches the threshold and the handover success rat
B to GERAN is disabled. Cdma1xRttCsfbSwitch: If this option is selected, CSFB to CDMA2000 1xRTT is enabled and UEs can fall back to

tyFactor. As a result, if this switch is on, fairness and differentiation for combined services of a UE may be affected.

h is off, the eNodeB cannot send RAN-INFORMATION-REQUEST PDUs to GERAN cells to request multiple event-driven reports.

sSwitch: Indicates whether to enable UL CoMP between inter-BBU SFN cells. This function is enabled only when this option is selected. Thi
mines whether delivered handover-related parameters need to be updated each time the QCI is changed._x000D_
eter value minus 1. For details about the minCellperMeasObjectRAT parameter, see 3GPP TS 36.331._x000D_

on. If this option is deselected, flow-control-triggered backoff is disabled. During random access procedures, if flow-control-triggered backoff

cell measurement is based on the configuration of CellMeasPriority parameter in MO UTRANNCELL.

of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch parameter is selected and the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is se

at different frequencies.
during eNodeB-level inter-frequency load pre-balancing based on the actual statistic results within the statistic period.
k box must be selected.

led, the eNodeB directly determines that the UE should enter or exit the DRX mode, but not according to the measurement result of UE traf

eNodeB regards DTXs on either the PCC or the SCC as one DTX._x000D_
ameter be set to less than or equal to 320 ms. Otherwise, the uplink time alignment performance of UEs is affected. If the TimingAdvCmdO

only if this option is selected. This option takes effect only if the eNodeB-level option GeranSrvccSwitch of the HoModeSwitch parameter in
t to sf10240. A smaller value of the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter, such as sf5120, increases the probability that UEs in DRX mode becom
ated by the UE served by the eNodeB due to reconfigurationFailure has exceeded the parameter value within 1 minute.
ge does not carry these IEs. NasSecProcSwitch: This option controls how the eNodeB fills the IE NAS Security Parameters to E-UTRAN. If

ise, the eNodeB processes the handover procedure first. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB processes the handover procedure first in
ameter be set to a value smaller than or equal to 320 ms. Otherwise, the uplink time alignment performance of UEs is affected. If the Timin
e UE inactivity timer for the UE.
ording to operators' configuration. This value is valid only for FDD cells.
BPc. (2) The UlCyclicPrefix parameter is set to EXTENDED_CP. (3) The HighSpeedFlag parameter is set to HIGH_SPEED, ULTRA_HIGH_
e same RRU chain or ring, ensure that all cells served by the RRU chain or ring are deactivated. Activate the cells after you change the para

umber here is for reference only, and is determined based on the R0A to R0D, or others). The parameter value 8TnP_abcdefgh indicates th
through baseband processing. When the setting of the UlInterfRestrictionMode parameter is changed from INFERIORINTERFPROCESS t
ffset for reference signal power is -1 dB, and the wait time for entering the low power consumption mode is 5 minutes. If this parameter is se

andover parameter group can be adjusted. The RSRP threshold can be adjusted only when this switch is on. InterfreqA3CioSwitch: Indicate
olicy is intended for commercial use.

mReorderingTimer parameter be set to a value greater than or equal to 60 ms.

oIP services increase when the cell is heavily loaded with VoIP services. The VOIP_DELAYSCH_DIVISION(VoIP Service-based Delay Sche

rameter can be set to 80bit in scenarios where RLC retransmission is performed on a single service and the MAC layer sends BSRs and PH

3 operation. If the uplink RB usage is more than 60%, only interference randomization modes specified by the parameter value TWO_MOD
option is deselected, the maximum TX power of the cell is determined by the RS power and the scaling factor indexes Pa and Pb. If this op

on takes effect only when the FreqPriorIFHOSwitch option is selected. MlbBasedFreqPriHoSwitch: Indicates whether to enable frequency-p

nDrxSwitch is on, setting the DrxAlgSwitch parameter to ON cannot ensure that DRX is enabled on synchronized UEs.

ivers the measurement configurations to VoIP UEs for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers. If this switch is off, the eNodeB does not
ed. If eNodeB-level UtranCsfbSwitch is on, local-cell-level parameter settings do not take effect. If eNodeB-level UtranCsfbSwitch is off, loca

This option applies only to LTE FDD. Ul2R8RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with two RX anten

plied. If this option is deselected, dynamic scheduling is applied. UlVoipRbRsvSwitch: Indicates whether to reserve PUSCH RBs for UEs ru

e UE receives an RRCConnectionReject message, the lowest cell reselection priority is configured for all E-UTRAN frequencies. For details
rements of algorithms with high priority can be delivered. If this option is deselected and the number of measurement objects of the UE rea

19, and 20.1, respectively.

mmon operation, the EPF scheduling policy is recommended.

nk data rate. When this parameter is set to ADAPTIVE: (1) If the number of required RBGs is less than 1, the actual number of RBs are allo
STRATEGY and the proportion of TTIs in which RBs are expected to be surplus is less than a specified threshold within a measurement per
or UEs reporting rank 2. In this case, the eNodeB performs dual-codeword scheduling. If this option is selected, the eNodeB performs rank 1

m/h), 950 Hz (400 km/h), 1000 Hz (450 km/h). Adjust the parameter value if other frequency bands are used.
s greater than or equal to the InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values. Inter-RAT load sharing to transfer to-be-released UEs is trig

d UEs is 10 (1000 x 1%), the GUI value of 2 indicates a threshold of 20, and the GUI value of 10 indicates a threshold of 100. An exception

DD cells, if the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_ONLY(PrbMode): 1. The eNodeB selects UEs whose downlink PRB usage is grea

e. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD. If this parameter is set to GROUPOVERSHARING(GROUPOVERSHARING), operator-group-le

ately when either inter-frequency MLB or inter-RAT MLB is triggered or operator-level inter-frequency MLB and inter-RAT MLB are triggered

d. If this parameter is set to IRAT_PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER, inter-RAT load sharing can be triggered based on either PRB usage or the num
in the source cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMIbThd, InterFreqOffloadOffset, and InterFreqMlbDlPrbOffset parame
arameter value, the source cell allows incoming load-based handovers.

he eNodeB selects UEs that meet the UE selection criterion for either PRB-usage-based or UE-quantity-based MLB. This parameter applies

UE selection criterion for either PRB-usage-based or UE-quantity-based MLB. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.
t of the A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp or the A3InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO.
imit or lower limit of the InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrp or InterFreqHoA1ThdRsrq parameter in the InterFreqHoGroup MO.

of 2 and 3 when this parameter is set to 2 or 3. For LTE TDD cells, if the switch is turned on and the bandwidth is 5 MHz, the eNodeB adju

ge can be determined by referring to the MML reference of the InitPdcchSymNum parameter.

gregation level for the UE. If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the eNodeB does not reallocate CCEs to a UE, if the UE fails to be allocated

eter is set to 1, and the PDCCH occupies 2 or 3 OFDM symbols when this parameter is set to 2 or 3. This parameter is dedicated to LTE TD
t this parameter based on the number of UEs in the cell. For example, if the average number of UEs in the cell is large, set this parameter to

for RRNs.
on an LBBPc.

n this parameter is set to RBSAVINGMODE for LTE TDD, the effect is the same as that set to RANDOMMODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

n. Frequencies used for different RATs must be assigned different cell reselection priorities. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

reselection priorities. For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.

eqOffloadOffset, and InterFreqMlbDlPrbOffset parameter values. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.
floadOffset, and InterFreqMlbUlPrbOffset parameter values. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD networks.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.

ter can be set to AUTO_MODE or MANUAL_MODE.
g are enabled and then this parameter is set to LBBP_LARGE_CAPACITY(Large Mode), the cells cannot be reactivated.
ationships if the total number of measurements for handovers (of all types) from the local cell to all inter-RAT neighboring cells reaches this

does not need to be reported to the U2000 for remote neighboring cell detection. Otherwise, the neighboring cell needs to be reported. It is

old and the handover success rate reaches the threshold within the statistical period, this neighboring cell does not need to be reported to th
nabled and UEs can fall back to CDMA2000 1xRTT. If this option is deselected, CSFB to CDMA2000 1xRTT is disabled. UtranServiceHoSw

e event-driven reports.

when this option is selected. This option applies only to LTE TDD.UlVoiceJROverRelaxedBHSw: Indicates whether to enable UL CoMP bet

s, if flow-control-triggered backoff is required and the lengths of timers T300 and T301 are too short, the number of initiated access requests
onflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to ON, PCI confusion information is displayed on the alarm console if a PCI confusion occurs. If the CONF

istic period.
e measurement result of UE traffic.
affected. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter be set to sf10

the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is deselected. UtranRedirectSwitch: Redirection to UTRAN is supported only i
ty that UEs in DRX mode become uplink asynchronized. The length of the long DRX cycle must be shorter than the length of the PDCP pac
hin 1 minute.
urity Parameters to E-UTRAN. If this option is selected, the eNodeB fills the IE from octet 1. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB fills the

s the handover procedure first in the preceding scenario. CsfbFlowFirstSwitch: This option specifies the policy for handling the conflicts betw
e of UEs is affected. If the TimingAdvCmdOptSwitch parameter is set to ON, it is recommended that the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter be
HIGH_SPEED, ULTRA_HIGH_SPEED, or EXTRA_HIGH_SPEED. (4) The TX/RX mode of the cell is 2T8R.
e cells after you change the parameter value.

alue 8TnP_abcdefgh indicates that reference signals transmitted over CRS ports a to h are mapped to TX channels 1 to 8 in an RRU, respe
INFERIORINTERFPROCESS to another value or from another value to INFERIORINTERFPROCESS, the cell must be restarted for the se
5 minutes. If this parameter is set to CUSTOMIZED, you can customize the duration of power degradation, the ratio of available service po

n. InterfreqA3CioSwitch: Indicates whether the cell individual offset (CIO) of the inter-frequency neighboring cell for inter-frequency event A3
(VoIP Service-based Delay Scheduling) option applies only to LTE TDD networks.If this parameter is set to VOIP_AND_DATA_DELAYSCH(

e MAC layer sends BSRs and PHRs. The parameter value 96bit indicates that the head overhead is 96 bits. This parameter can be set to 9

the parameter value TWO_MODE_BASED_ON_PCI are supported. If the UlRbAllocationStrategy parameter is set to FS_INRANDOM_ADA
tor indexes Pa and Pb. If this option is selected, the maximum TX power of the cell can be increased to improve the RB usage in the cell. T

s whether to enable frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers when MLB is triggered. If this option is selected, the eNodeB stops

onized UEs.

witch is off, the eNodeB does not consider the settings of the VoipPriority parameter when delivering the measurement configurations to VoI
evel UtranCsfbSwitch is off, local-cell-level parameter settings take effect. GeranCsfbSwitch: Indicates whether to enable CSFB for GERAN

ng cells each with two RX antennas and cells each with eight RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is

reserve PUSCH RBs for UEs running voice services in the uplink. If this option is selected, PUSCH RBs are reserved for UEs running voice

-UTRAN frequencies. For details about the IEs, see 3GPP 36.331.
asurement objects of the UE reaches the specified threshold, preemption is disabled and the measurements of algorithms that are triggered

he actual number of RBs are allocated to UEs at the current TTI; (2) If the number of required RBGs is greater than N but less than N+1 (N
shold within a measurement period, this strategy is applied to the last UE to be scheduled. If this parameter is set to MULTIUSR_LOWMCS
ted, the eNodeB performs rank 1 detection for UEs reporting rank 2.The function controlled by DetectRank1AdjSwitch applies to LTE TDD b
ransfer to-be-released UEs is triggered if the number of synchronized UEs is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRATIdleMlbUeNum

threshold of 100. An exception is that if the parameter value is 100 or 99, the threshold for the number of uplink synchronized UEs is 1 or 2

ose downlink PRB usage is greater than this threshold and uplink PRB usage is smaller than the sum of this threshold and the UeUlPrbLow

ERSHARING), operator-group-level inter-frequency MLB is enabled and the eNodeB performs inter-frequency MLB based on the overall ce

and inter-RAT MLB are triggered in parallel; the frequency with the high priority among all neighboring frequencies when cell-level inter-freq

on either PRB usage or the number of UEs when the related triggering conditions are met.
nterFreqMlbDlPrbOffset parameter values, neighboring cells with which the source cell does not exchange load information can be selected

sed MLB. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells.

to LTE TDD cells.

width is 5 MHz, the eNodeB adjusts the number of OFDM symbols in the range of 2 and 3 by default, and this parameter is invalid.

E, if the UE fails to be allocated with CCEs, by increasing the PDCCH power and decreasing the PDCCH aggregation level for the UE.

parameter is dedicated to LTE TDD cells.

cell is large, set this parameter to a larger value; otherwise, set this parameter to a smaller value.
3GPP TS 36.331.
e reactivated.
AT neighboring cells reaches this parameter value for N consecutive measurement periods specified by the StaPeriodForIRatNRTDel param

g cell needs to be reported. It is recommended that this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the

oes not need to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection. Otherwise, the neighboring cell needs to be reported to
T is disabled. UtranServiceHoSwitch: If this option is selected, service-based handovers to UTRAN are enabled and UEs using a specific ty

whether to enable UL CoMP between cells established on BBPs in different BBUs based on relaxed backhaul for UEs running voice service

mber of initiated access requests decreases and the access success rate decreases. Therefore, if this option is selected, 2000 ms is recomm
CI confusion occurs. If the CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH option of the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch parameter is desele
ntTimer parameter be set to sf10240. A smaller value of the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter, such as sf5120, leads to increase the probabilit

on to UTRAN is supported only if this option is selected. This option takes effect only if the eNodeB-level option UtranRedirectSwitch of the
than the length of the PDCP packet discarding timer for the corresponding QCI. Otherwise, packet loss occurs during a ping operation or lo
deselected, the eNodeB fills the IE from octet 2. AntennaFullConfigSwitch: This option specifies whether the full configuration function takes

cy for handling the conflicts between handover and CSFB procedures. If this option is selected and the handover and CSFB procedures co
meAlignmentTimer parameter be set to sf10240. A smaller value of the TimeAlignmentTimer parameter, such as sf5120, increases the proba
channels 1 to 8 in an RRU, respectively. Duplicate numbers of abcd or abcdefgh indicates that virtual antenna mapping (VAM) is applied, th
e cell must be restarted for the setting change to take effect. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.
the ratio of available service power to total service power, the adjustment offset for reference signal power, and the wait time for entering th

cell for inter-frequency event A3 can be adjusted. The CIO can be adjusted only when this switch is on. InterfreqA4CioSwitch: Indicates wh
VOIP_AND_DATA_DELAYSCH(VoIP and Data Delay Scheduling), delay-based uplink scheduling applies to VoIP services and data service

. This parameter can be set to 96bit in scenarios where RLC initial transmission is performed on multiple services and the MAC layer sends

er is set to FS_INRANDOM_ADAPTIVE, the UlInterfRandomMode parameter setting takes effect. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD
prove the RB usage in the cell. This option has no impact on 10 MHz, 15 MHz and 20 MHz LTE TDD cells. BFModeUserPwrSwitch: Indicate

n is selected, the eNodeB stops performing frequency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers on UEs that newly access the cell with MLB

asurement configurations to VoIP UEs for coverage-based inter-frequency handovers.

ther to enable CSFB for GERAN. When this switch is on, CSFB to GERAN is allowed. When this switch is off, the GERAN CSFB algorithm

nt reception among such cells is enabled. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies on

e reserved for UEs running voice services in the uplink. If this option is deselected, PUSCH RBs are not reserved for UEs running voice ser
s of algorithms that are triggered later cannot be delivered. _x000D_

ter than N but less than N+1 (N is greater than or equal to 1), RBs of N+1 RBGs are allocated to UEs in the current TTI. Compared with set
r is set to MULTIUSR_LOWMCSLIMIT_STRATEGY, the policy is applied to the last capability-limited UE to be scheduled. If this parameter
1AdjSwitch applies to LTE TDD but not to LTE FDD in the current version.Therefore, the setting of DetectRank1AdjSwitch takes effect only
um of the InterRATIdleMlbUeNumThd and InterRatMlbUeNumOffset parameter values and the PRB usage of the cell is greater than or equa

uplink synchronized UEs is 1 or 2, respectively.

s threshold and the UeUlPrbLowThdOffset parameter value when downlink MLB is triggered. 2. The eNodeB selects UEs whose uplink PR

ncy MLB based on the overall cell and operator load in RAN sharing mode. This parameter applies only to LTE FDD.

uencies when cell-level inter-frequency MLB and inter-RAT MLB are triggered in parallel; a maximum of three frequencies with the high prio
load information can be selected as the target cells for MLB in the downlink. If the uplink PRB usage in the source cell is greater than or eq
his parameter is invalid.

aggregation level for the UE.

StaPeriodForIRatNRTDel parameter. N is specified by the StatPeriodCoeff parameter.

r is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.

oring cell needs to be reported to the U2000 for over-distant neighboring cell detection.It is recommended that this parameter be set to a mu
bled and UEs using a specific type of services can be handed over to UTRAN. If this option is deselected, service-based handovers to UTR

aul for UEs running voice services. This function is enabled only when this option is selected. This option applies only to LTE FDD.

n is selected, 2000 ms is recommended for the timers T300 and T301. FlowCtrlForwardSwitch: Indicates whether to perform flow control at
DetectSwitch parameter is deselected or the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to OFF, PCI confusion information is
0, leads to increase the probability of becoming uplink asynchronized for UEs in DRX mode.

ption UtranRedirectSwitch of the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is deselected. GeranRedirectSwitch: Redirection
curs during a ping operation or low-traffic service.
e full configuration function takes effect. When a 3GPP Release 10 UE is handed over from a third-party eNodeB to a Huawei eNodeB and

ndover and CSFB procedures conflict, the eNodeB processes the CSFB procedure first. If this option is deselected in the preceding scenari
h as sf5120, increases the probability that UEs in DRX mode become uplink asynchronized.
na mapping (VAM) is applied, that is, the reference signals transmitted over the CRS port are mapped to corresponding TX channels. The p
and the wait time for entering the low power consumption mode.

erfreqA4CioSwitch: Indicates whether the CIO of the inter-frequency neighboring cell for inter-frequency event A4 can be adjusted. The CIO
o VoIP services and data services and delay-based scheduling prioritization takes effect for VoIP services and data services in the uplink. In

ervices and the MAC layer sends BSRs and PHRs. The parameter value 128bit indicates that the head overhead is 128 bits. This paramete

ameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.

BFModeUserPwrSwitch: Indicates whether to enable power optimization for beamforming UEs. If this option is deselected, the original powe

at newly access the cell with MLB enabled. If this option is deselected, the eNodeB continues performing frequency-priority-based inter-frequ
off, the GERAN CSFB algorithm is disabled. If eNodeB-level GeranCsfbSwitch is on, local-cell-level parameter settings do not take effect. If

s disabled. This option applies only to LTE TDD cells in cell combination scenarios. Ul4R8RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint r

served for UEs running voice services in the uplink. This switch applies only to LTE FDD cells. This function does not take effect if the uplink
e current TTI. Compared with setting this parameter to ROUND_UP, setting this parameter to ADAPTIVE does not waste RBs when the num
be scheduled. If this parameter is set to MULTIUSR_LOWMCSLIMIT_STRATEGY and the proportion of TTIs in which RBs are expected to
ank1AdjSwitch takes effect only for LTE TDD._x000D_
of the cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterRatMlbThd and LoadOffset parameter values.

eB selects UEs whose uplink PRB usage is greater than the sum of this threshold and the UeUlPrbHighThdOffset parameter value and dow

ee frequencies with the high priorities among all different frequencies can be selected as target frequencies when inter-frequency MLB is trig
source cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMIbThd, InterFreqOffloadOffset, and InterFreqMlbUlPrbOffset parameter valu
hat this parameter be set to a multiple of 5. If this parameter is not set to a multiple of 5, the actually effective parameter value is extended t
service-based handovers to UTRAN are disabled. GeranServiceHoSwitch: If this option is selected, service-based handovers to GERAN are

pplies only to LTE FDD.

hether to perform flow control at the initial stage of a signaling procedure. If this option is selected, when Msg3 flow control starts, the Msg1
OFF, PCI confusion information is not displayed on the alarm console. For details about PCI confusions, see 3GPP TS 36.902.
eranRedirectSwitch: Redirection to GERAN is supported only if this option is selected. This option takes effect only if the eNodeB-level optio
NodeB to a Huawei eNodeB and the handover request message contains the IE antennaInfo-r10, the setting of this option affects the IEs co

elected in the preceding scenario, the eNodeB processes the handover procedure first.
orresponding TX channels. The parameter value NOT_CFG indicates that the mapping between a CRS port and a TX channel in an RRU is
ent A4 can be adjusted. The CIO can be adjusted only when this switch is on. InterfreqA5Switch: Indicates whether the CIO of the inter-freq
and data services in the uplink. In this way, MOS of VoIP services and VoIP service capacity in the cell increase in heavily-loaded networks,

rhead is 128 bits. This parameter can be set to 128bit in scenarios where RLC initial transmission is performed on multiple services and the
n is deselected, the original power allocation scheme is adopted for beamforming UEs. If this option is selected, the eNodeB uses the config

equency-priority-based inter-frequency handovers on UEs that newly access the cell with MLB enabled. This option takes effect only when t
eter settings do not take effect. If eNodeB-level GeranCsfbSwitch is off, local-cell-level parameter settings take effect. UtranFlashCsfbSwitch

ates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with four RX antennas and cells each with eight RX antennas. If this option is se

does not take effect if the uplink cell bandwidth is less than 5 MHz. UlThpEnhSwitch: Indicates whether to enhance the uplink throughput i
es not waste RBs when the number of required RBGs is less than 1. For services whose QCI is 1 (such as VoIP services): When this param
TIs in which RBs are expected to be surplus is less than a specified threshold within a measurement period, this strategy is applied to the las
Offset parameter value and downlink PRB usage is smaller than the sum of this threshold and the UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter value

when inter-frequency MLB is triggered by transferring UEs with low spectral efficiency or heavy uplink traffic load. If this parameter is set to
eqMlbUlPrbOffset parameter values, neighboring cells with which the source cell does not exchange load information can be selected as the
ve parameter value is extended to a multiple of 5.
-based handovers to GERAN are enabled and UEs using a specific type of services can be handed over to GERAN. If this option is deselec

sg3 flow control starts, the Msg1 flow control threshold is set to a smaller value to reduce the number of UEs' random access requests, redu
3GPP TS 36.902.
ect only if the eNodeB-level option GeranRedirectSwitch of the HoModeSwitch parameter in the ENodeBAlgoSwitch MO is deselected. UFC
g of this option affects the IEs contained in the handover command message. If this option is selected, the handover command message co
t and a TX channel in an RRU is not configured, and CRS ports are mapped to TX channels in an RRU in a default manner. In TDD cells, "n
whether the CIO of the inter-frequency neighboring cell for inter-frequency event A5 and related threshold 1 for triggering inter-frequency ev
ease in heavily-loaded networks, and throughput of data services increases.

med on multiple services and the MAC layer sends BSRs and PHRs. This parameter applies to LTE FDD and LTE TDD networks.
cted, the eNodeB uses the configured power headroom to increases the power for beamforming UEs. This option applies only to LTE TDD n

s option takes effect only when the FreqPriorIFHOSwitch option is selected. A2BasedFreqPriHoSwitch: Indicates whether measurements fo
ake effect. UtranFlashCsfbSwitch: This switch does not take effect if UtranCsfbSwitch is off. When the UtranFlashCsfbSwitch is on, flash CS

t RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is enabled. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception amon

enhance the uplink throughput improvement function. If this option is selected, the PUCCH overhead used during uplink scheduling is calcu
VoIP services): When this parameter is set to ROUND_DOWN: (1) If the number of required RBGs is less than 1, the actual number of RB
this strategy is applied to the last UE to be scheduled, and the MCS index decreases by a maximum of 3. This parameter applies only to L
LowThdOffset parameter value when uplink MLB is triggered. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to UE_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode

c load. If this parameter is set to LOADPRIORITY(LOADPRIORITY), frequencies of neighboring cells that the load differences between the
nformation can be selected as the target cells for MLB in the uplink. If the downlink PRB usage in the source cell is greater than or equal to t
GERAN. If this option is deselected, service-based handovers to GERAN are disabled. CdmaHrpdServiceHoSwitch: If this option is selecte

Es' random access requests, reducing system load. FlowCtrlBaseOnUuRsrSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the flow control based on air
goSwitch MO is deselected. UFCsfbBlindHoDisSwitch: If both this option and the BlindHoSwitch option of the same parameter are selected,
a default manner. In TDD cells, "n" in mTnP must be equal to the CrsPortNum parameter value. For cells established on LBBPc boards, the
1 for triggering inter-frequency event A5 can be adjusted. The CIO and related threshold 1 can be adjusted only when this switch is on.
nd LTE TDD networks.
option applies only to LTE TDD networks. SigPowerIncreaseSwitch: Indicates whether to enable signaling power improvement. If this option

cates whether measurements for frequency-priority-based handovers are triggered based on event A2. If this option is selected, new UEs (
nFlashCsfbSwitch is on, flash CSFB to UTRAN is enabled, and UTRAN system information is carried during redirection. When the UtranFla

elected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies only to LTE TDD. Ul8R8RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enab

during uplink scheduling is calculated based on the number of RBs actually used by the PUCCH when only a few online UEs exist in the ce
than 1, the actual number of RBs are allocated to UEs at the current TTI; (2) If the number of required RBGs is greater than N but less than
This parameter applies only to LTE FDD networks.
E_NUMBER_ONLY(UeNumMode), the eNodeB selects UEs whose downlink PRB usage is equal to or smaller than the sum of this threshol

he load differences between these neighboring cells and the serving cell are greater than the average load difference between all neighbor
e cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMIbThd and InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter values or the uplink PRB usage in th
HoSwitch: If this option is selected, service-based handovers to CDMA2000 HRPD cells are enabled and UEs using a specific type of servi

ble the flow control based on air interface resources. If this option is selected, cell-level MSG3 flow control is triggered to reduce the CCE re
he same parameter are selected, a UE is handed over to a UTRAN or GERAN cell based on measurement results using ultra-flash CS fallb
tablished on LBBPc boards, the parameter value NOT_CFG takes effect regardless of the actual parameter setting.
only when this switch is on.
power improvement. If this option is selected, the PDSCH transmit power increases when scheduling is performed for downlink retransmissi

his option is selected, new UEs (including UEs that newly access the cell, handed over to the cell, and reestablish RRC connections in the c
g redirection. When the UtranFlashCsfbSwitch is off, flash CSFB to UTRAN is disabled. If eNodeB-level UtranFlashCsfbSwitch is on, local-c

witch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with eight RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception a

y a few online UEs exist in the cell. This improves the uplink throughput when there are only a few UEs. If this option is deselected, the PUC
s is greater than N but less than N+1 (N is greater than or equal to 1), RBs of N+1 RBGs are allocated to UEs in the current TTI. If this para
ller than the sum of this threshold and the UeDlPrbLowThdOffset parameter value and uplink PRB usage is equal to or smaller than the sum

difference between all neighboring cells and the serving cell are selected as target frequencies when inter-frequency MLB transfers RRC_C
es or the uplink PRB usage in the source cell is greater than or equal to the sum of the InterFreqMlbUlThd and InterFreqOffloadOffset para
UEs using a specific type of services can be handed over to CDMA2000 HRPD cells. If this option is deselected, service-based handovers to

s triggered to reduce the CCE resource consumption for signaling transmission when CCE resources for signaling transmission are insuffic
results using ultra-flash CS fallback. If this option is deselected and the BlindHoSwitch option of the same parameter is selected, a UE can
r setting.
ormed for downlink retransmission of signaling during network entry. This option applies only to LTE TDD cells. BFModeUserAdptPwrSwitch

tablish RRC connections in the cell) that meet conditions of triggering event A2 perform measurements on high-priority frequencies. If this o
anFlashCsfbSwitch is on, local-cell-level parameter settings do not take effect. If eNodeB-level UtranFlashCsfbSwitch is off, local-cell-level p

n is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is enabled. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. Th

his option is deselected, the PUCCH overhead used during uplink scheduling is calculated based on the number of currently configured PU
UEs in the current TTI. If this parameter is set to ROUND_UP or ADAPTIVE, RBs are allocated to UEs in the same way that they are allocate
s equal to or smaller than the sum of this threshold and the UeUlPrbLowThdOffset parameter value. If the MlbTriggerMode parameter is set

frequency MLB transfers RRC_CONNECTED UEs or RRC_REL UEs. When inter-RAT MLB transfers RRC_CONNECTED UEs, a frequenc
and InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter values, the source cell cannot be selected as a target cell for MLB. If the downlink PRB usage in the
cted, service-based handovers to CDMA2000 HRPD cells are disabled. This option is not supported in this version. Cdma1xRttServiceHoSw

gnaling transmission are insufficient in a cell with subframe configuration 2.This option applies only to LTE TDD networks.
parameter is selected, a UE can be blindly handed over to a UTRAN or GERAN cell using ultra-flash CS fallback. This option applies only to
ells. BFModeUserAdptPwrSwitch: Indicates whether to enable power adaptation for beamforming UEs. If this option is selected, the cell ada

high-priority frequencies. If this option is deselected, new UEs that meet conditions of triggering event A1 perform measurements on high-pr
CsfbSwitch is off, local-cell-level parameter settings take effect. GeranFlashCsfbSwitch: This switch does not take effect if GeranCsfbSwitch

among such cells is disabled. This option applies only to LTE TDD. When UL CoMP is enabled or switches related to joint reception in SFN

mber of currently configured PUCCH RBs. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells. UlDataFitterRbCalcSwitch: Indicates whether to e
e same way that they are allocated when this parameter is set to ROUND_UP or ADAPTIVE for services whose QCI is not 1, respectively. F
MlbTriggerMode parameter is set to PRB_OR_UE_NUMBER(PrbOrUeNumMode), the eNodeB selects UEs that meet the UE selection crite

_CONNECTED UEs, a frequency among all neighboring frequencies of candidate cells is randomly selected as the target frequency. When
the downlink PRB usage in the source cell is less than value calculated by the sum of the InterFreqMlbThd and InterFreqOffloadOffset par
version. Cdma1xRttServiceHoSwitch: If this option is selected, service-based handovers to CDMA2000 1xRTT are enabled and UEs using

TDD networks.
lback. This option applies only to LTE TDD cells.
his option is selected, the cell adaptively increases the power of beamforming UEs based on the available power of the RRU and loads at ne

erform measurements on high-priority frequencies or perform blind handovers. This option takes effect only when the FreqPriorIFHOSwitch
ot take effect if GeranCsfbSwitch is off. When the GeranFlashCsfbSwitch is on, flash CSFB to GERAN is enabled, and GERAN system infor

related to joint reception in SFN cells are turned on, UL joint reception among cells each with two RX antennas and UL joint reception amo

alcSwitch: Indicates whether to enable the algorithm of RB calculation based on uplink data volume matching. The algorithm takes effect on
hose QCI is not 1, respectively. For ping services: If the number of required RBGs is greater than N but less than N+1 (N is greater than or e
that meet the UE selection criterion for either PRB-usage-based or UE-quantity-based MLB.

ed as the target frequency. When inter-frequency MLB is triggered by transferring UEs with low spectral efficiency or heavy uplink traffic load
d and InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter values minus the LoadOffset parameter value and the uplink PRB usage is less than the value calc
ower of the RRU and loads at neighboring cell edges. In this way, the average cell throughput increases. This option applies only to LTE TD

when the FreqPriorIFHOSwitch option is selected. LoadTriggerFreqPriHoSwitch: Indicates whether to trigger frequency-priority-based hand
abled, and GERAN system information is carried during redirection. When the GeranFlashCsfbSwitch is off, flash CSFB to GERAN is disab

nnas and UL joint reception among cells each with four RX antennas are enabled by default. Ul1R4RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enable

ng. The algorithm takes effect only when this option and the SchedulerCtrlPowerSwitch option of the UlSchSwitch parameter are selected. W
than N+1 (N is greater than or equal to 0), RBs of N+1 RBGs are allocated to UEs in the current TTI regardless of the actual parameter set
ciency or heavy uplink traffic load, a maximum of three frequencies among all different frequencies are selected randomly as target frequenc
usage is less than the value calculated by the sum of the InterFreqMlbUlThd and InterFreqOffloadOffset parameter values minus the LoadO
his option applies only to LTE TDD networks.

er frequency-priority-based handovers based on the load of the target cell. If this option is selected, the serving cell obtains loads in candid
f, flash CSFB to GERAN is disabled. If eNodeB-level GeranFlashCsfbSwitch is on, local-cell-level parameter settings do not take effect. If e

tch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with one RX antenna and cells each with four RX antennas. If this opt

Switch parameter are selected. When this algorithm takes effect, the number of required RBs is estimated based on the UE capability and t
dless of the actual parameter setting.
cted randomly as target frequencies.triggered by transferring UEs with low spectral efficiency or heavy uplink traffic load, a maximum of thre
rameter values minus the LoadOffset parameter value, the source cell can be selected as a target cell for MLB.
ving cell obtains loads in candidate neighboring cells for handovers. If there is a candidate neighboring cell that has not triggered UE-numb
er settings do not take effect. If eNodeB-level GeranFlashCsfbSwitch is off, local-cell-level parameter settings take effect. CsfbAdaptiveBlind

with four RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is enabled. You are advised to select this option when t

based on the UE capability and the data volume to be scheduled. If this algorithm does not take effect, the number of required RBs is estima
nk traffic load, a maximum of three frequencies among all different frequencies are selected randomly as target frequencies.
that has not triggered UE-number-based MLB, the candidate neighboring cell can be selected as the target cell for frequency-priority-based
gs take effect. CsfbAdaptiveBlindHoSwitch: This switch does not take effect if BlindHoSwitch is off. If both the BlindHoSwitch and UFCsfbBli

vised to select this option when the serving cell and coordinating cells are not connected based on relaxed backhaul. If this option is desele

number of required RBs is estimated based on the UE spectral efficiency and the data volume to be scheduled. UlFssOptForAttach: Indicate
rget frequencies.
t cell for frequency-priority-based handovers from the serving cell. Only a candidate neighboring cell that has not triggered UE-number-base
he BlindHoSwitch and UFCsfbBlindHoDisSwitch options are selected, the CsfbAdaptiveBlindHoSwitch option of the HoAlgoSwitch paramete

backhaul. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies only to LTE FDD. Ul2R4RJRSwitc

uled. UlFssOptForAttach: Indicates whether to perform uplink frequency selective scheduling based on the value of Interf in the network entr
as not triggered UE-number-based MLB can be selected as the target cell in frequency-priority-based handovers. If all candidate neighborin
on of the HoAlgoSwitch parameter does not take effect when a UE is handed over to a UTRAN or GERAN cell using ultra-flash CS fallback.

nly to LTE FDD. Ul2R4RJRSwitch: Indicates whether to enable UL joint reception among cells each with two RX antennas and cells each w

value of Interf in the network entry phase. If this option is selected, uplink frequency selective scheduling based on the value of Interf is perf
overs. If all candidate neighboring cells have triggered UE-number-based MLB, frequency-priority-based handovers cannot be triggered for
cell using ultra-flash CS fallback. When this switch is on, CSFB adaptive blind handover is enabled. In this situation, an optimal handover mo

o RX antennas and cells each with four RX antennas. If this option is selected, UL joint reception among such cells is enabled. You are adv

ased on the value of Interf is performed in the network entry phase. If this option is deselected, frequency selective scheduling based on the
andovers cannot be triggered for UEs in the serving cell. If the option is deselected, the serving cell does not consider loads of candidate ne
ituation, an optimal handover mode is used depending on UE position in the CSFB scenario. When this switch is off, CSFB adaptive blind h

uch cells is enabled. You are advised to select this option when the serving cell and coordinating cells are not connected based on relaxed b

elective scheduling based on the SINR is performed in the network entry phase. This parameter needs to be enabled when the check box o
ot consider loads of candidate neighboring cells when determining whether to trigger frequency-priority-based handovers.
itch is off, CSFB adaptive blind handover is disabled. If eNodeB-level CsfbAdaptiveBlindHoSwitch is on, local-cell-level parameter settings d

ot connected based on relaxed backhaul. If this option is deselected, UL joint reception among such cells is disabled. This option applies on

e enabled when the check box of ULFSSAlgoSwitch is selected. This parameter applies only to LTE TDD cells. SrbProbeSchSwitch: Indicat
ed handovers.
cal-cell-level parameter settings do not take effect. If eNodeB-level CsfbAdaptiveBlindHoSwitch is off, local-cell-level parameter settings take

s disabled. This option applies only to LTE FDD.

ells. SrbProbeSchSwitch: Indicates whether to proactively schedule uplink signaling. If this option is selected, when the eNodeB determines

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