Performance Metrics Student Workbook

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Mining Performance Metrics

Student Workbook

Caterpillar Global Mining

December 2005
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MODULE OBJECTIVES ......................................................... 1
Why Performance Metrics?.............................................................. 2
What is a Performance Metric? ........................................................ 3
Targets & Benchmarks ..................................................................... 4
Key Performance Indicators............................................................. 4
Exercise 1 ........................................................................................ 5
KEY CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS........................................... 6
Elements of Time ............................................................................. 6
Stoppages & Shutdowns................................................................... 7
Availability ...................................................................................... 8
Utilization......................................................................................... 9
Exercise 2 ...................................................................................... 10
EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT METRICS................................ 13
Mean Time Between Shutdowns (MTBS) ........................................ 13
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)........................................................ 16
Availability Index........................................................................... 19
Exercise 3 ...................................................................................... 22
% Scheduled Downtime ................................................................ 26
Asset Utilization ............................................................................. 28
Maintenance Ratio ......................................................................... 30
Exercise 4 ...................................................................................... 32
Top Problems / Pareto Analysis ..................................................... 36
PIP /PSP Completion Status............................................................ 39
Exercise 5 ...................................................................................... 41
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT METRICS .............................. 42
Fuel Consumption.......................................................................... 42
Payload Management .................................................................... 44
Haul Cycle Detail........................................................................... 47
MARC / CUSTOMER SATISFACTION .................................... 50
Contractural Availability................................................................ 50
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER .............................................. 52
MTBS ............................................................................................. 52
MTTR ............................................................................................. 53
Availability Index........................................................................... 54
% Scheduled Downtime ................................................................ 54
Asset Utilization ............................................................................. 55
Maintenance Ratio ......................................................................... 56
Top Problems / Pareto Analysis ..................................................... 56
PIP /PSP Completion Status............................................................ 57
Fuel Consumption.......................................................................... 58
Payload Management .................................................................... 58
Haul Cycle Detail........................................................................... 60
Contractural Availability................................................................ 62
ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ................................................... 63

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Exercise 2 ...................................................................................... 63
Exercise 3 ...................................................................................... 66
Exercise 4 ...................................................................................... 71
Exercise 5 ...................................................................................... 75
CASE STUDY ..................................................................... 76

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This course covers the definitions of performance metrics and how they can
be used as management tools to improve mine operations and profitability.

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

Do What Identify “top level” mining performance metrics.

Use correct terminology and calculation methods to compute and
communicate performance metrics.
Recognize the challenges and common problems associated with the
development and use of performance metrics.
Use performance metrics to identify performance issues, make decisions,
and establish appropriate corrective action plans.
Demonstrate the use of performance metrics as effective equipment and
project management tools.
Present performance metrics in a fashion that promotes understanding,
acceptance, and utilization of KPIs.

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Every miner knows that the overall profitability of their operation is affected
by the performance of their mining equipment. Right? But can that miner
actually tell you whether the performance of his equipment is hurting or
helping results? And does he know if the situation is getting better or worse?

In order to answer those questions you must first:

Have a way to describe, quantify, and measure equipment performance.

Have something to which the measured performance can be compared.
In this course we will examine the factors many mines use to measure their
operations. These “performance metrics” are used internally by the
mine…compared against their own historical trends…and externally,
compared to industry benchmarks.

Why We use performance metrics for nearly everything we do. For example, when
Performance you go in for a checkup, the doctor uses temperature, pulse rate, blood
Metrics? pressure, and other metrics to determine if your body is performing the way it
Financial analysts use
revenue, return on assets,
profit per share, and other
financial metrics to assess
the performance of a
And, of course, atheletes
around the world—from
Little League baseball to
the pros—use literally
thousands of metrics to
gauge their performance.

In the mining world, we use tons per hour, cost per ton, machine availability,
maintenance ratios, fuel consumption, and a host of other metrics to determine
whether or not the mine is performing to expectations.
Over the years, Caterpillar and its dealers have invested a lot of time, energy,
and resources to identify those metrics that are the most useful. These are
known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), or top level performance
Our goal was understanding what those metrics mean relative to site
performance, and how they interact with each other…and that will be the
initial focus for this training program.

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The use of performance metrics should be targeted at finding the right balance
between operational and equipment management. Operations management is
generally focused on productivity—on fine-tuning fleet performance by
managing the relationships among load and haul equipment, manpower, mine
design, haul road maintenance, and so forth. The goal is to achieve
productivity gains, usually measured in tons per hour.

Equipment management focuses on keeping machinery available and

performing to specification, while minimizing equipment costs. The objective
is to find that “sweet spot” between these sometimes conflicting objectives of
maximizing productivity and minimizing equipment cost, that will yield the
highest profitability for the mine.

Many mines tend to collect a lot of data about their operations. Some of this
data may be used to measure performance, but more often, much of the data is
simply reported as information and not used in a way to actually improve the
operation. However, informational reports do not equal performance metrics.
Such information generally gives only a historical perspective on how a
machine or operation has performed up to a given point in time. This seldom
helps management understand how or why the machine or operation arrived at
its present condition—or whether that present condition is meeting
expectations. Nor do these reports provide any indication of what
management might do to correct unsatisfactory performance.

Data collected by a mine can be considered a performance metric only if it:

provides a useful and meaningful format that supports the data analysis
quantifies “as is” performance relative to internal targets and established
enables the use of historical performance as a tool for predicting future
highlights shortcomings and opportunities for improvement relative to
design, application, costs, and maintenance.
helps identify problems and corrective actions.
helps establish resource deployment priorities.
monitors progress of problem solutions.

What is a So, with this background, let’s define Performance Metric as:
Metric? 1. A term used to describe the outcome of any process used to collect,
analyze, interpret, and present quantitative data.
2. A measurement parameter that enables comparison against some pre-
defined target or benchmark.
3. A measurement that can be used to gauge performance of a function,
operation, or business relative to past results (internal and external).

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Targets & Performance metrics are valuable only if we have something to which they
Benchmarks can be compared. For that we use benchmarks and targets.

Targets are internal goals, usually determined by a customer’s needs,

expectations, or commitments. Targets for mines may be somewhat
arbitrary and will likely vary by product, application, or specific site.
Benchmarks are external standards that represent and quantify “best
practices” for an operation or machine performance. Benchmarks for
mining could be operational, application related, or maintenance related.
These measures can be used to identify weak areas, poor practices, and
areas for improvement.
Key This is the list of KPIs that Caterpillar has identified as the most useful in
Performance defining globally consistent measurement and evaluation systems for all
Indicators mining operations that use Cat equipment.

Equipment Management Metrics

A. Mean Time Between Shutdowns
B. Mean Time To Repair
C. Availability Index
D. % Scheduled Downtime
E. Asset Utilization
F. Maintenance Ratio
G. Top Problems
H. PIP / PSP Completion Rate

Operations Management Metrics

I. Tons/Hour and Cost/Ton
J. Fuel Consumption
K. Payload Management
L. Haul Cycle Detail

MARC / Customer Satisfaction

M. Contractual Availability

In the next part of this course we will look in depth at each of these metrics.
You will learn:

how they are defined and calculated.

how they are benchmarked.
how to interpret and present the results.

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You will complete this exercise with your designated

team. Total time for the exercise will be 20-30

Check off each step as it is completed.

Step 1 Your course facilitator has assigned you to a team
consisting of 4 to 6 participants. At this time,
meet with your team members in a location designated
by the course facilitator.
Step 2 Agree on a team member who will begin the
discussion. Then, when it is your turn, introduce
yourself to the other team members and discuss each
of the following items. Limit your comments to 3-4
What dealership you represent and the job
function you perform.
How much experience you have in the mining
Whether or not you have used mining
performance metrics in the past. If so,
describe which metrics you have used and how.
What you hope to gain from this training
Step 3 When everyone on your team has had a turn, continue
discussing the various ways performance metrics can
help your mining customers until the course
facilitator announces it is time to reassemble for
the next topic.

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Many of the performance metrics in use today (i.e., availability and

utilization) use time or time ratios as fundamental calculation parameters.
While the formulae for calculating these metrics are similar, results often vary
from site to site…largely due to different interpretations of the time elements.

For example, many mines use terms such as machine availability, physical
availability, and mechanical availability interchangeably. This lack of
standardization makes it difficult, if not impossible, to compare results to
global benchmarks. Consequently, it is important to define and document the
individual time elements that make up daily mine site operations…and be sure
you are using the same definitions when comparing results to an external

Elements of Following are definitions of the time elements that Caterpillar uses in
Time calculating Key Performance Indicators:

Let’s start with Total Calendar Hours, as shown in the graphic below. This
represents the total amount of time available in a day, a week, a month…24
hours a day, 168 hours per week, and so on. Now, a certain amount of total
calendar time is not available to be scheduled. These Unscheduled Hours
may be holidays and other planned work stoppages. Unscheduled Hours may
also include lost time that results from accidents, strikes, weather, and other
acts of God (typically defined by customer, CSA, or MARC).

Total Calendar Hours

Scheduled Hours

Downtime Hours
Available Hours scheduled & unscheduled maint. &
(mechanically available; operational) repairs (mechanically unavailable, Unscheduled
not operational) Hours
(Out of Plan)
Operating Delays Delays
Hours Stand-by Maintenance
Production Operational
(machine Hours & Repairs Repair Delay
Delay Delay
working) Hours
Hours Hours

The remaining time is Scheduled Hours. This is time that a machine can be
scheduled for operations and is usually determined based on overall
production targets.

Of course, no machine is available for 100% of all Scheduled Hours. A

portion of that time is Downtime Hours, which represents both scheduled
and unscheduled time for maintenance and repairs. Downtime Hours is
comprised of out-of-service time for all forms of Maintenance & Repairs,
which includes modifications, inspection and diagnostic time.

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Also part of Downtime Hours are any Repair Delay Hours—which is the time
that a machine is waiting for repairs due to unavailability of labor, parts,
facility, equipment, tooling, etc.

The remaining Available Hours is the time that a machine is capable of

functioning in the intended operation. This is sometimes referred to as
Mechanical Availability, or Operational Availability.

Even though a machine is capable of operating, there will be periods of

inactivity. Some of that time is referred to as Stand-by Hours. This is time
that the machine is available for operation, but is not being used because it is
not needed, no operator is available, or for some other reason.

Other times the machine is available for operation, but idle because of
production or operational delays. Production Delay Hours is the time that a
machine is operational but is waiting with the engine running due to blasting,
loader wait time, etc. Production delay hours are often not accounted for
separately and are included in the operating hours tabulation.

Operational Delay Hours is time that the machine is available for operation
but is not being used due to shift changes, lunch breaks, meetings, prayers,
etc. Just as was the case for production delay hours, lost hours that result from
operational delays should be reconciled and never counted against machine
availability. Some mines ignore this lost time altogether; consequently, their
tabulations for Scheduled Hours and Available Hours cannot be compared
to global benchmarks.

Time remaining in Available Hours after delay and stand-by hours are
deducted is called Operating Hours. This is the time that the machine is
actually operating in the intended function. As mentioned earlier, tabulations
for Operating Hours at some mines may include Production or Operational
Delay Hours. This is particularly true if the mine uses Service Meter Hours
readings to track total Operating Hours.

Stoppages & Two other terms may be used by some mines: Stoppage and Shutdown. Both
Shutdowns of these are events that take a machine out of service. Shutdowns may refer to
both scheduled and unscheduled delays; stoppage may refer to operational
delays such as shift changes. If a mine uses these terms, be sure that you know
exactly what is included in each category.

The number of shutdowns or stoppages within a given period is used in many

of the KPI calculations we will cover today, so it is important that you always
use the same definitions. Caterpillar has chosen to define a shutdown or
stoppage as a maintenance or repair event that takes a machine out of service.
These may be scheduled or unscheduled activities. However, note the
following rules:

Minor repairs and/or inspections executed during daily lubes or refueling

activities are NOT counted as a shutdowns.
Operational stoppages, such as shift changes, lunch breaks, prayer breaks,
etc. are NOT counted as shutdowns.

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Multiple repairs that are “grouped” and executed together are counted as a
single shutdown.
Shutdown count is independent of the duration or complexity of a
maintenance or repair activity. For example, a 15-minute shutdown to
replace a broken headlight counts the same as a 100-hour shutdown to
repair a catastrophic major component failure.

Availability As mentioned earlier, many mines use terms such as machine availability,
physical availability, and mechanical availability interchangeably. The
methods often used to calculate availability vary greatly and will produce
significantly different results. Following are three commonly-used variations
of availability:

Physical Availability: The proportion of time that a machine is capable of

functioning in the intended operation divided by the time that a machine is
capable of functioning in the intended operation plus all forms of downtime,
expressed as a percentage.

Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs.

Physical Availability = .
Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs. + All Downtime Hrs.

Physical availability is most often defined by mine production requirements

and is not a particularly useful KPI for equipment management.

Mechanical Availability: The proportion of time that a machine is capable of

functioning in the intended operation divided by the time that a machine is
capable of functioning in the intended operation plus mechanical downtime
hours, expressed as a percentage.

Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs.

Mechanical Availability =
Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs. + Mechanical Downtime

Downtime associated with systems not considered part of the basic machine
(communications radios, dispatch systems, fire supression systems, etc.) are
typically not included in mechanical availability.

Contractural Availability: The proportion of time that a machine is capable of

functioning in the intended operation divided by the time that a machine is
capable of functioning in the intended operation plus mechanical downtime
hours not specifically excluded in the contract, expressed as a percentage.

Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs.

Contractural Availabili ty =
Operating Hrs. + Stand - by Hrs. + Contractural Downtime

Contractural availability ignores downtime associated with the non-standard

systems described previously, plus downtime associated with items
specifically excluded by contract. Excluded items may include tires, bodies,
welding, etc.

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These definitions of availability are presented here for reference purposes

only. They are not considered KPIs and, as mentioned previously, their
methods of calculation vary from mine to mine. However, availability
measures are often cited by customers, and you need to be able to talk
knowledgeably with them about availability issues.

Utilization Utilization is another term that is calculated and used in different ways from
mine to mine. Generally, utilization refers to the percentage of time a machine
is being used, relative to the total amount it is available for use.

There are two commonly-used versions of utilization:

Asset Utilization: The ratio of Operating Hours to Total Calendar Hours. In

other words, the percentage of total calendar time the machine is operating.

Operating Hours
Asset Utilization = .
Total Calendar Hours.

Utilization of Availability: The ratio of Operating Hours to the time the

machine is capable of functioning. In this case, downtime and unscheduled
hours are eliminated from the equation because the machine is not capable of

Operating Hours
Utilization of Availability = .
Operating Hours + Stand - by Hours.

Within a particular operation, Utilization of Availability will always be higher

than Asset Utilization. However, be very careful when comparing utilization
numbers of two different operations and make sure you know exactly how the
metrics were calculated.

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You will complete this exercise on your own. Total

time for the exercise should not exceed 10-15

Check off each step as it is completed.

Step 1 Answer each of the follow questions as directed.
Question 1
In the space provided below, explain in your own
words the difference between Operational Delay
Hours and Production Delay Hours.
Answer: ___________________________________________
Question 2
In which of the following time elements would you
categorize time that a machine is waiting for a
part to be delivered before it can be repaired?
Circle all that apply.
A. Operational Delay Hours
B. Repair Delay Hours
C. Downtime Hours
D. Unscheduled Hours

Question 3
In the space provided below, explain in your own
words the difference between Asset Utilization and
Utilization of Availability.
Answer: ___________________________________________
Question 4
List the three commonly-used definitions of
A. ________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________

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Question 5
Match the time element in the left column to it’s
correct definition in the right column.
Time Element Definition
D. Stand-by Hours Time that a machine is
E. Downtime Hours actually operating in the
intended function.
F. Unscheduled Hours
G. Maintenance & Time that a machine is
Repair Hours scheduled for operations.
H. Operational Delay Time that a machine is
Hours waiting for repairs due to
I. Available Hours unavailability of labor,
J. Total Calendar parts, facilities, etc.
Hours Total time in the period
K. Operating Hours to be analyzed.
L. Repair Delay Time that a machine is not
Hours available for operation,
M. Scheduled Hours due to all forms of
N. Production Delay maintenance, repairs and
Hours modifications.
Hours outside the plan and
time lost from accidents,
strikes, acts of God, etc.
Time that a machine is
available for operation
but not being used due to
shift changes, lunch
breaks, meetings, etc.
Time that a machine is
available for operation
but is not being used
because no operator is
available or the mine is
Time that a machine is
undergoing scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance or
Time that a machine is
operational but waiting
with the engine running
due to blasting, loader
wait time, etc.

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Time that a machine is

capable of functioning in
the intended operation.
Step 2 When you have completed all the questions above,
turn to Exercise 2 in the Answers section of this
workbook and compare your work to those provided.
Step 3 At the time designated by the course facilitator,
return to your seat and prepare for the next topic.

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Mean Time MTBS is the average time between shutdowns that a machine is available for
Between operation.
(MTBS) This KPI is calculated by dividing available hours (which includes both
operating and production delay hours) by the number of machine shutdowns.
Some mines do not account for production delay hours separately, particularly
if service meter hours are used to measure operating hours.

Operating Hrs + Production Delay Hrs

MTBS (hours ) =
Number of Shutdowns

Another commonly-used term is MTBF (Mean Time Between

Failures)…which is a measure of inherent equipment reliability. MTBS takes
into account failures, but also adds preventive, corrective, and remedial
equipment stoppages.

Data Sources
Operating Hours is often obtained from machine service meter readings. It
should be noted that hours obtained from dispatch systems frequently do not
agree with machine SMU, due to coding of production delays, etc. Hours
taken from machine SMU can be as much as 10 percent.higher than those
taken from dispatch.

Production Delay Hours may not be tracked and accounted for separately and
are therefore included in the total operating hours. Sites that use dispatch
systems may track and code production delay hours separate from operating
hours. Failure to account properly for production delays will result in an
artificially high MTBS calculation.

Number of Shutdowns can be obtained from machine workorder history and

the dispatch system. Dispatch information must be used to account for
shutdown events that are not accompanied by a workorder.

The actual source data at your dealership will likely include different levels of
detail and be formatted differently from the examples shown here. Whatever
its format, information from workorder history can be tablulated into a
database or spreadsheet that will make it easier for you to analyze.

The example on the next page is from the data used in the case study for this
course. It includes a machine identifier, start and stop dates and times for
repairs and other stoppages, calculated stop duration, repair codes, comments,
and Service Meter readings at the beginning of the stoppage. Two additional
columns at the right indicate whether or not an entry should be counted as a
stoppage and if the stoppage was scheduled.

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To determine the number of operating hours for the period, subtract the SMR
entry at the start of the period from the SMR entry at the end of the period. In
this case, your calculation will include Production Delay Hours.

Notice that entries 2, 3, and 4 all have the same SMR reading. That usually
indicates that all three of these actions took place during the same stoppage,
so only one shutdown event should be counted. In this table, each shutdown
event is marked with “Yes,” which makes it easy to count the number of

Equip. Complete Stop

Start Repair Code Reason Comments SMR Stop Sch'ld
ID Repair Duration
HT001 4/1/03 12:00 AM 4/1/03 12:00 AM 0.00 1 comment Document SM R 16214.4 N/A
HT001 4/3/03 7:06 PM 4/3/03 7:33 PM 0.44 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16279.8 No
HT001 4/3/03 7:33 PM 4/5/03 7:21 AM 35.80 100 Engine Low engine power 16279.8 No
HT001 4/5/03 7:21 AM 4/6/03 9:25 PM 38.07 111 Cooling System Replace aftercooler gasket 16279.8 Yes No
HT001 4/7/03 9:29 AM 4/7/03 11:10 PM 13.67 202 PM 2000 Hr PM 16291.6 Yes Yes
HT001 4/8/03 4:42 PM 4/8/03 6:02 PM 1.35 120 Tires & Rims Replace tire - position #3 16308.7 Yes No
HT001 4/9/03 1:41 AM 4/9/03 1:52 AM 0.18 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16316.2 No
HT001 4/9/03 1:52 AM 4/9/03 2:17 AM 0.41 118 Suspension System L/F Suspension Noise 16316.2 No
HT001 4/9/03 2:17 AM 4/9/03 6:24 AM 4.11 120 Tires & Rims Replace tire - positions #1 & 2 16316.2 Yes No
HT001 4/9/03 8:48 PM 4/9/03 9:00 PM 0.20 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16330.2 No
HT001 4/9/03 9:00 PM 4/10/03 3:16 AM 6.27 100 Engine Low boost pressure 16330.2 Yes No
HT001 4/10/03 5:02 AM 4/10/03 5:07 AM 0.08 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16331.9 No
HT001 4/10/03 5:07 AM 4/10/03 5:31 AM 0.40 128 Cab / Operator Station Repair L/H Door Lock 16331.9 Yes No
HT001 4/10/03 6:21 AM 4/10/03 6:26 AM 0.08 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16332.8 No
HT001 4/10/03 6:26 AM 4/10/03 6:42 AM 0.27 128 Cab / Operator Station Repair L/H Door Lock 16332.8 Yes No
HT001 4/14/03 3:28 PM 4/14/03 3:39 PM 0.19 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16434.8 No
HT001 4/14/03 3:39 PM 4/14/03 9:21 PM 5.69 100 Engine Engine oil leaks / Low boost pressure 16434.8 Yes No
HT001 4/14/03 10:54 PM 4/14/03 11:01 PM 0.12 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16436.4 No
HT001 4/14/03 11:01 PM 4/15/03 2:22 AM 3.34 100 Engine Low engine power 16436.4 Yes No
HT001 4/15/03 2:55 AM 4/15/03 3:23 AM 0.48 162 Delays Waiting for M echanic 16437.0 No
HT001 4/15/03 3:23 AM 4/15/03 4:11 AM 0.79 100 Engine Engine derate 30 16437.0 Yes No

MTBS is used to gauge product reliability and, more importantly, the ability
of the equipment management organization to influence the end result. Since
availability is a function of the frequency and duration of machine downtime
events—whatever the reason—a lower than desirable MTBS is symptomatic
of low availability.

The most successful mining operations are those that manage and maintain
equipment such that it is available for extended periods of uninterrupted
service. MTBS is a measure that combines the effects of inherent machine
reliability and the effectiveness of the equipment management organization in
its ability to influence results through problem avoidance—for example,
defect detection, repair planning, scheduling and execution.

MTBS is the single most important measure of equipment maintenance

management performance.

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MTBS benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, their relative size,
age and design "maturity" and complexity. MTBS for large Off Highway
Trucks in the 785 -793 size class is very well documented. The benchmark for
a fleet of new trucks is 80 hours; that of a "mature" fleet (one that has
undergone its first round of major component rebuilds) is 60 hours.

Machine Model MTBS

785 / 793 OHTs 60 to 80 hours

DlO / D11 TTT’s 55 to 75 hours

992 / 994 WL’s 55 to 75 hours

16 MG 95 to 105 hours

24 MG 55 to 75 hours

5000 HEX 55 to 75 hours

Benchmarks for other large mining equipment are not well documented.
However, indications are that once MTBS data is collected, analyzed, and
validated, the results will fall into the ranges shown above.

MTBS should be interpreted, at least
initially, by model on the basis of the
consolidated fleet over a period of one
month and trended over time (six to
twelve months). Recognize that MTBS
will vary significantly from machine to
machine within a given fleet and from
day to day during the period under
investigation. As such, analyzing
results of small populations over short
intervals will result in wide variations
that can be very misleading.

The best way to visualize MTBS is

with a chart such as this, where MTBS
in hours is plotted on the vertical, or Y
axis, and time in months is plotted on the horizontal or X axis.

As shown in this example, declining MTBS is a valid predictor of pending

problems. Likewise, MTBS can be used to gauge the impact of changes that
result from efforts in continuous improvement.

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Mean Time To Mean Time To Repair, or MTTR, measures the average downtime for all
Repair (MTTR) planned and unplanned maintenance and repairs…including any time for
repair delays. This usually tracked by machine and averaged for all machines
in a given model family.

MTTR is calculated by dividing total downtime hours for a machine by the

number of shutdowns during a defined period. A commonly-used period for
this calculation is the most recent month of operation.

Total Downtime Hours

MTTR (hours) =
Number of Shutdowns

Data Sources
Downtime Hours is usually obtained from machine workorder history and the
dispatch system. Dispatch information must be used to account for downtime
that is not accompanied by a workorder. It is essential to note that repair delay
time should be included in the downtime history calculation. If delay times
are known, MTTR should be calculated both with and without delays.

Number of Shutdowns is also obtained from machine workorder history and

dispatch system. Once again, dispatch information must be used to account
for shutdown events that are not accompanied by a workorder.

In the example on Page 13, Total Downtime Hours can be determined by

adding up the Stop Duration entries for a particular machine during the
identified period. If you are using the Excel spreadsheet, you can sort the
columns by Equipment ID and Code, then determine Total Downtime Hours
with and without delays.

Repair planning, management, and execution are all factors that contribute to
the duration of machine shutdowns. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is a
performance measure that quantifies repair turnaround time—that is, how
quickly (or slowly) a machine is returned to service once a downtime incident

MTTR combines the effects of inherent machine maintainability /

serviceability and the efficiency of the equipment management organization
in delivering timely remedial action in the execution of needed repairs.

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MTTR benchmarks vary somewhat by machine model, their relative size and
design complexity but to a much lesser extent than MTBS; machine age is the
primary driver of MTTR. MTTR for large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 -
793 size class is very well documented.

Machine Model MTTS

785 / 793 OHTs 3 to 6 hours

DlO / D11 TTT’s

992 / 994 WL’s

16 MG

24 MG 3 to 6 hours

5000 HEX 4 to 8 hours

The benchmark for a fleet of trucks in the 785 - 793 size class is 3 to 6 hours.
MTTR for new trucks should be close to the low end of the range while that
of a "mature" fleet (one that has undergone its first round of major component
rebuilds) should be closer to the high end of the range. This is a result of the
relative complexity of the repairs seen on new versus "mature" machines.

Benchmarks for trucks smaller than the 785 and the 797 are less well known
although it is believed that MTTR for trucks in the 769 - 777 size class will be
slightly lower (10 to 20%) while that of the 797 will be perhaps 10% higher.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are not well
documented. However, indications are that once MTTR data is collected,
analyzed and validated, the results will fall into much the same range as large
OHT fleets with larger machines, e.g. 24H MG and 5000 series HEX, being
as much as 30 to 40% higher.

MTTR is used to gauge product serviceability but, more importantly, the
ability of the equipment management organization to influence the end result
through efficient repair execution. Since
availability is a function of the
frequency and duration of machine
downtime events, a higher than
desirable MTTR is symptomatic of low
availability. Viewing MTTR in the
context of delays will also assist
management in identifying sources of
those delays and taking appropriate
action to minimize them.

MTTR should be interpreted, at least

initially, by model on the basis of the
consolidated fleet over a period of one
month and trended over time (six to

! "#$% %

twelve months). Recognize that MTTR will vary somewhat from machine to
machine within a given fleet and from day to day during the period under
investigation. As such, analyzing results of small populations over short
intervals will result in wide variations that can be very misleading.

High or increasing MTTR is an indication of problems in the detection,

planning, and/or execution of repairs and inefficient use of resources while
low or decreasing MTTR is an indication of "patching" rather than fixing
problems. It is also worthwhile to note that availability can be "bought" by
driving MTTR lower with the deployment of excessive resources, e.g.
manpower, facilities, parts, etc., however this approach is results in additional
costs that will impact profitability.

In this example MTTR is lower than target, and is trending in the wrong

The combined effect of MTBS and

MTTR on availability becomes clear
when visualized on a chart like this. For
example, suppose a large shovel has a
Mean Time Between Shutdowns of 40
hours. The MTTR benchmark range for
this type of machine ranges from 4 to 8,
so performing at the lower end of that
range will produce availability of around

! "#$% %

Availability The combined effect of MTBS and MTTR can also be expressed as an
Index Availability Index…calculated by dividing MTBS by the sum of MTBS and
MTTR. Sometimes called Mechanical Availability, this metric describes the
percentage of time a machine is mechanically available for operation.

Availability Index (%) = X 100

Production operations often calculate physical machine availability as

operated hours divided by the sum of operating hours and downtime hours.
Depending on how a mine accounts for time, these two metrics may or may
not produce the same percentage.

Data Sources
Since Availability Index is derived from MTBS and MTTR, the data sources
for those two metrics are used in this calculation as well. (See previous two

Since the definition of idle hours and specific availability calculation methods
vary significantly from site to site, a "normalized" variation of the general
form was developed for the purpose of comparison. The Availability Index
formula is a variation on both mechanical and physical availability formulae
used at various mines.

The Availability Index does not take into account any stand-by (idle) hours
where the equipment may have been available but was not utilized by
production. Consequently, any effects of utilization are ignored (low
utilization operations tend to exhibit "artificially" higher availability since
stand-by hours are essentially "free")

Availability Index benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, their
relative size, age, and design "maturity" and complexity. Availability Index
for large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 - 793 size class is very well
documented. The benchmark for a fleet of new trucks 92%; that of a "mature"
fleet (one that has undergone its first round of major component rebuilds) is

Machine Model Availability Index

785 / 793 OHTs 88 to 92 percent

DlO / D11 TTT’s

992 / 994 WL’s

16 MG est. 90 to 94 percent

24 MG est. 84 to 88 percent

5000 HEX est. 84 to 88 percent

! "#$% %

Benchmarks for truck smaller than the 785 and the 797 are less well known
although it is believed that the Availability Index for trucks in the 769 - 777
size class will be somewhat higher (possibly 2 to 3%) while that of the 797
will be perhaps 1 to 2% lower.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are not well
documented. However, indications are that once the data is collected,
analyzed and validated, the results will fall into much the same range as large
OHT fleets with larger machines, e.g. 24H MG and 5000 series HEX, being
as much as 3 to 4% lower and smaller machines, e.g. 16H, being 1 or 2%

Since the Availability Index ignores the effects of utilization, management is
able to quantify the impact of both MTBS and MTTR on the end result and
respond accordingly. Availability Index should be analyzed, at least initially,
by model on the basis of the consolidated fleet over a period of one month and
trended over time (six to twelve months).

Recognize that Availability Index

will vary somewhat from machine
to machine within a given fleet and
from day to day during the period
under investigation. As such,
analyzing results of individual or
even small machine populations
over short intervals will result in
wide variations that can be very
misleading. Low or declining
Availability Index is a valid
predictor of pending problems. The
Availability Index can be used to
gauge the impact of changes that
result from efforts in continuous

This is another example of how

MTBS and MTTR can affect
availability. For example, in
November and December, the drop
in availability can be attributed to a
lowering of MTBS (reliability)
with little change in MTTR.

In April and again in August, low

availability resulted from a drop in
MTBS and an increase in MTTR.
To understand what took place in
these two months we would have to
analyze both downtime frequency
and repair duration (repair

! "#$% %

turnaround time). We need to know what lowered reliability. We also need to

know if MTTR increased because of inefficiency or because of efficiently
done, but long duration jobs.

! "#$% %


This exercise consists of three parts. You will

complete this work with your designated team. Total
time for the exercise will be 30 – 45 minutes.
Part A
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 Turn to the Case Study section of this workbook and
review the case study scenario and data tables.
If your team has a computer available, you may
choose to open the Excel Spreadsheet containing the
data tables on the CD-ROM included with your course
materials (location & file name: Course Materials
folder: 793C_Downtime_History.xls).
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Operating Hours for each of the 793C trucks
represented in the data tables and enter the number
in the space provided below.
Operating Hours:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 3 Using the data provided, determine the number of

shutdowns for each of the 793C trucks represented in
the data tables and enter the number in the space
provided below.
Number of Shutdowns:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 4 Calculate the Mean Time Between Shutdown (MTBS) for

each truck and enter the number in the space
provided below.
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

! "#$% %

Step 5 Calculate MTBS for the entire fleet and enter the
number in the space provided below:

Fleet MTBS: ________________________________

Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on MTBS
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 3 – Part A
in the Answers section of this workbook and compare
your work.
Step 8 Continue on to Part B of this exercise.

Part B
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in Part
A. Turn to the Case Study section of this workbook
and locate the data tables, or open the Excel file
on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Downtime Hours for each of the 793C trucks
represented in the data tables and enter the number
in the space provided below.
Total Downtime Hours (including Delays):
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

! "#$% %

Step 3 Using the data provided, determine the number of

shutdowns for each of the 793C trucks represented in
the data tables and enter the number in the space
provided below. (If the number of shutdowns you
calculated in the previous exercise were correct,
you may enter those answers below.)
Number of Shutdowns:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 4 Calculate the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) for each

truck and enter the number in the space provided
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 5 Calculate MTTR for the entire fleet and enter the
number in the space provided below:

Fleet MTTR: ________________________________

Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on MTTR
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 3 – Part B
in the Answers section of this workbook and compare
your work.
Step 8 Continue on to Part C of this exercise.

! "#$% %

Part C
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 Using the results from Part A and Part B of this
exercise, calculate the Availability Index for each
of the 793C trucks represented in the data tables
and enter the number in the space provided below.
Availability Index:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 2 Calculate Availability Index for the entire fleet

and enter the number in the space provided below:

Fleet Availability Index:


Step 3 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
Availability Index calculations.
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 4 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 3 – Part C
in the Answers section of this workbook and compare
your work.
Step 5 At the time designated by the course facilitator,
return to your seat and prepare for the next topic.

! "#$% %

% Scheduled % Scheduled Downtime is the percentage of total downtime hours for a

Downtime machine during a given period of time that have been planned and scheduled.
Its calculation is straightforward: divide scheduled downtime by total
downtime and multiple by 100.

Scheduled Downtime Hours

% Scheduled Downtime = X 100
Total Downtime Hours

Data Sources
Total Downtime Hours are obtained from machine workorder history and
dispatch system. Dispatch information must be used to account for downtime
that is not accompanied by a workorder. It is essential to note that repair delay
time should be included in the downtime history calculation.

Individual workorders should be coded as "scheduled" or "unscheduled in

order to track the number of Scheduled Downtime Hours. It may be assumed
that recorded downtime without a workorder is unscheduled.

If your data is similar to the Excel spreadsheet provided with this course, you
can sort information by Equipment ID and Scheduled columns…then add up
Stop Duration times for both scheduled and unscheduled stoppages.

Work that has passed through the planning process is generally "scheduled" as
the last step in that process. By monitoring the amount of work that has been
planned and subsequently scheduled, the organization can assess its
effectiveness in defect detection, plan repairs, and complete its work with a
high level of efficiency. A simple "test" to determine if a repair is truly
planned and scheduled is to ask the question, "Are the parts and necessary
resources allocated to the shop bay before the machine is stopped?"

A high percentage of unscheduled downtime incidents results in very

inefficient use of resources and excessive costs since personnel are frequently
shuffled from job to job and facilities and manpower requirements need to be
sufficiently large to accommodate huge swings in the number of machines
down for repairs. Data collected from mine studies has shown that the average
downtime for unplanned / unscheduled work is up to eight times greater than
the downtime for planned / scheduled activity. Aside from MTBS, %
Scheduled Downtime Hours is the most important measure of equipment
maintenance management performance.

% Scheduled Downtime Hours for large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 - 793
size class is very well documented. Mines with highly effective equipment
management processes in place are able to execute 80% of its maintenance
and repair downtime activity on a scheduled basis. We believe that this
criterion holds true for other mining equipment as well however requirements
for less utilized, non-production equipment may be somewhat less.

! "#$% %

The % Scheduled Downtime Hours should be analyzed, at least initially, by
model on the basis of the consolidated fleet over a period of one month and
trended over time (six to twelve months).

As illustrated in this chart, a low %

Scheduled Downtime Hours is indicative
of gaps in the detect-plan-execute cycle
and revisions to the Condition
Monitoring, Planning & Scheduling,
and/or execution areas will be necessary.
Declining % Scheduled Downtime Hours
is a valid predictor of pending problems
and may very well predict future
shortages of manpower and facilities.
Likewise, % Scheduled Downtime Hours
can be used to gauge the impact of
changes that result from efforts to
improve the disciplines related to the
detect-plan-execute cycle.

Month-to-month variations in this metric can be “smoothed out” by

calculating and plotting a moving or rolling average.

! "#$% %

Asset Utilization Asset utilization measures the percentage of total calendar time that a machine
is actually operating. It is calculated by dividing total calendar hours by
operating hours and multiplying by 100.

Operating Hours
AssetUtilization (%) = X 100
Total Calendar Hours

Remember that sites differ on their practice of including operational delay

hours in their tabulations of operating hours.

Data Sources
Operating Hours is often obtained from machine service meter readings. It
should be noted that hours obtained from dispatch systems frequently do not
agree with machine SMU, due to coding of production delays, etc. Hours
taken from machine SMU can be as much as 10 percent.higher than those
taken from dispatch.

Total Calendar Hours is equal to the total time in the period to be analyzed,
e.g. 8760 hours/year, 720 hours/30-day month, 168 hours/week, etc.

How effectively the Operations Department schedules equipment and
efficiently it utilizes that equipment has significant implications for
Maintenance. If machines are scheduled for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, Maintenance must respond by working with Operations to find
windows of opportunity in which maintenance and repairs can be performed
without increasing downtime. These opportunities typically occur during
scheduled shutdowns but they may also come at shift change, lunch breaks or
during operational delays such as during blasting or fueling of equipment. In
all circumstances, Operations and Maintenance need to recognize that they are
working together toward common goals ... high availability, good machine
reliability and the lowest possible cost per unit of production.

Asset Utilization for large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 - 793 size class is
very well documented. Mines with highly effective equipment management
processes in place are able to achieve Asset Utilization of 90%, over 7800
operating hours per year. We believe that this Benchmark is valid for other
production mining equipment however the Benchmark for less utilized, non-
production equipment, although unknown, may be significantly less.

Asset Utilization and availability are directly related. For example, high
availability generally results in high Asset Utilization. For the equipment
manager, high Asset Utilization implies very good repair efficiency, a very
low number of stand-by hours and, since Maintenance Ratio is a function of
operating hours, it dictates staffing levels required to support the fleet.

! "#$% %

Furthermore, since component lives

are a function of operating hours, high
Asset Utilization means that
components will come due for
replacement sooner. Asset Utilization
is a valid indicator of equipment
management proficiency.

As is true for most other metrics, data

should be tabulated monthly and
analyzed for trends over 6- to 12-
month periods.

! "#$% %

Maintenance Maintenance Ratio describes the relationship between the time required for
Ratio maintenance and repairs and total operating hours. It is calculated by dividing
Maintenance and Repair Hours by total Operating Hours.

Maintenance & Repair Man - Hours

Maintenance Ratio charged =
Operating Hours

Data Sources
Maintenance & Repair Man-Hours are obtained from the work order history.
The result should include actual time spent working on all forms of
maintenance, repairs and modifications, as well as inefficiencies that result
from inspection and diagnostic time…including any delay or wait time for
bay space, parts, tooling, literature, repair support equipment, decision
making, etc.

Operating Hours are obtained from machine service meter reading and, once
again, should include production delay hours. Hours obtained from dispatch
systems frequently do not agree with machine SMR due to coding of
production delays, etc.

Maintenance Ratio is an indication of the amount of effort required to keep
equipment in service as well as the efficiency with which labor is deployed
and the effectiveness of the workforce in carrying out its duties. Maintenance
Ratio can be calculated as either "charged" or "direct". "Charged"
Maintenance Ratio considers only work order man-hours (direct labor).
Repair shop, e.g. Component Rebuild Center, labor is not included in the
calculation. "Overall" Maintenance Ratio includes all the elements of
"charged" Maintenance Ratio plus staff, supervision and idle time.

Maintenance Ratio benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, their
relative size, age, and design "maturity" and complexity. Maintenance Ratio
for large Off Highway Trucks in the 785 - 793 size class is very well
documented. The benchmark for a fleet of new trucks is 0.20 man-hours/
operating hour; that of a "mature" fleet (one that has undergone its first round
of major component rebuilds) is 0.30 man-hours/ operating hour.

Machine Model Maintenance Ratio

785 / 793 OHTs 0.30 to 0.35

DlO / D11 TTT’s 0.40 to 0.50

992 / 994 WL’s 0.35 to 0.45

16 MG 0.10 to 0.15

24 MG 0.15 to 0.20

5000 HEX 0.50 to 0.60

! "#$% %

Benchmarks for trucks smaller than the 785 and the 797 are less well known
although it is believed that Maintenance Ratio for trucks in the 769 — 777
size class will be slightly lower while that of the 797 will be somewhat higher.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are not well
documented. However, indications are that once Maintenance Ratio data is
collected, analyzed, and validated, the results will fall into the ranges shown
in the table below. It is important to note here that machine application will
play a role in Maintenance Ratio. This is particularly true in the case of large
Track-type Tractors that can be deployed as either production or support

In order to be best understood and utilized, Maintenance Ratio should be
interpreted by model on a fleet basis for a consolidated period of one month
and trended over time (six to twelve months).

Maintenance Ratio will vary somewhat

from machine to machine within a given
fleet and from day to day during the
period under investigation depending
upon the activities undertaken during the
period. Analyzing results of small
populations over short intervals will
result in wide variations that can be very

Since Maintenance Ratio is an indication

of the amount of effort required to keep
equipment in service, high or increasing
Maintenance Ratio is an indication of
problems in the detection, planning,
and/or execution of repairs. Mining operations that must deal with a high
percentage of unscheduled repairs (low MTBS) require the investment of
excessive manpower and shop resources to keep up with the demands placed
upon them. This inefficient use of resources can only be dealt with through
the deployment of excessive manpower, facilities, parts, etc. (all costs to the
project) or by defining and correcting the shortcomings in the equipment
management system.

Conversely, lower than required Maintenance Ratio will result in excessive

delay time waiting for manpower thus increasing MTTR and causing
availability to suffer.

! "#$% %


You will complete this 3-part exercise with your

designated team. Total time for the exercise will
be 30 – 45 minutes.
Part A
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Scheduled Downtime Hours for each of the 793C
trucks represented in the data tables and enter the
number in the space provided below.
Scheduled Downtime Hours:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 3 Total Downtime Hours were calculated in Exercise 4.

Enter your calculations or the corrected values
Total Downtime Hours:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 4 Calculate % Scheduled Maintenance for each truck and

enter the number in the space provided below.
% Scheduled Maintenance:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 5 Calculate % Scheduled Maintenance for the entire

fleet and enter the number in the space provided

Fleet % Scheduled Maintenance:


! "#$% %

Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
% Scheduled Maintenance calculations.
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 6 in the
Answers section of this workbook and compare your
Step 8 Continue on to Part B of this exercise.

Part B
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 You calculated Operating Hours for each vehicle in
this fleet in Exercise 3. Enter those values in the
space provided below.
Operating Hours:
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 3 Using the data provided, calculate Total Calendar

Hours for the period being analyzed. This value will
be the same for all trucks in the fleet.

Total CalendarHours: _______________________

! "#$% %

Step 4 Calculate Asset Utilization for each truck and enter

the number in the space provided below.
Asset Utilization (%):
HT001: ________ HT004: _________
HT002: _________ HT005: _________
HT003: _________ HT006: _________

Step 5 Calculate Asset Utilization for the entire fleet and

enter the number in the space provided below:

Fleet Asset Utilization:


Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
Asset Utilization calculations.
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 6 in the
Answers section of this workbook and compare your
Step 8 Continue on to Part C of this exercise.

Part C
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data sheets or Excel spreadsheet,
calculate Maintenance Repair Man-Hours for the
entire 793C fleet and enter it into the space
provided below. For purposes of this exercise, you
may substitute Total Downtown Hours (calculated in
Exercise 4) for Maintenance Repair Man-Hours.

! "#$% %

Fleet Maintenance Repair Man-Hours:


Step 3 You calculated Operating Hours for this fleet in

Exercise 3. Enter that value in the space provided

Operating Hours: __________________________________

Step 4 Calculate Maintenance Ratio for the entire fleet and

enter the number in the space provided below:

Fleet Maintenance Ratio:


Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
Maintenance Ratio calculations.
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 6 in the
Answers section of this workbook and compare your
Step 8 At the time designated by the course facilitator,
return to your seat and prepare for the next topic.

! "#$% %

Top Problems / The Top Problems KPI is defined as “The distribution of problems affecting a
Pareto Analysis fleet of equipment ranked in terms of MTBS, MTTR, impact on Availability
and Costs.”

Performance metrics are most useful when applied to the analysis of problems
and issues facing a mining operation. MTBS and MTTR calculations covered
earlier were discussed in terms of individual machines or equipment within a
particular model class.

Problem analysis drives down to the system level. These calculations use the
same formulae, but look at engine, drive train, hydraulic, and other machine

Operating Hours
MTBS (by system) =
Number of Shutdowns (by system)

Downtime Hours
MTTR (by system) =
Number of Shutdowns (by system)

Impact on Availability allows comparison of the different machine systems

and helps isolate the critical top 20% of problems. It is calculated by
multiplying the ratio of Downtime Hours by system to total machine
Downtime Hours by one minus total machine Availability.

Impact on Availability (by system) =

Downtime Hours (by systems)
(1 − Availability (total machine) ) X
Total Downtime Hours (machines)

Cost per Hour is also calculated system by system by dividing maintenance

and repair costs per system by Operating Hours.

Cost (by system)

Cost per Hour (by system) =
Operating Hours

Data Sources
Operating Hours are obtained from machine service meter reading. As
mentioned earlier, hours obtained from dispatch systems frequently do not
agree with machine SMR, due to coding of production delays, etc.

Number of Shutdowns is obtained from machine workorder history and

dispatch system. Dispatch information must be used to account for shutdown
events that are not accounted for by a workorder. Shutdown count must be
determined individually for each area of the machine as well as for the
machine as a whole in order to assess not only the contribution of each area
but also to calculate Availability Index.

Downtime Hours are obtained from machine workorder history and dispatch
system. Dispatch information must be used to account for downtime that is

! "#$% %

not accompanied by a workorder. It is essential to note that repair delay times

should be included in the downtime history calculation. If delay times are
known, MTTR should be calculated both with and without delays. As is the
case with shutdown count, downtime must be determined individually for
each area of the machine as well as the machine as a whole in order to assess
the contribution of each area.

Total Cost to support and maintain each of the systems and components on
the machine may or may not be available at a facility. At a minimum it is vital
to know the breakdown for costs of repairs and rebuilds of each major
component on the machine. Most recordskeeping systems we have studied do
a fairly poor job of documenting costs but if Project Management is to have
any opportunity to manage contract profitability, costs must be known.

All mining support operations have limited resources. The most successful
operations are those that have a clear understanding of the problems and
issues facing them and are thus in a position to establish priorities in order to
focus their efforts and allocate the appropriate resources on remedial or
containment strategies through continuous improvement. The identification
and quantification of top problems by component (e.g. engine, transmission),
system (e.g. hydraulics, electrical) or even process (e.g. PM) facilitates the
understanding of the extent that each area is having an influence on various
criteria that comprise the success of a mining support operation, i.e. shutdown
frequency (MTBS), shutdown duration (MTTR), impact on Availability and
Costs. With this knowledge the Project Manager is able to "drill down" to the
key issues facing his site and apply the necessary resources in the most
efficient manner to improve his situation.

There is no set of Benchmarks that is applicable to this metric. However,
Caterpillar has developed a collection of generic reference guidelines for large
Off Highway Trucks in the 785 - 793 size class that can be used as a gauge to
evaluate MTBS, MTTR and impact on Availability.

This reference defines what we believe to be a reasonable level of

acceptability for frequency of downtime events (MTBS), duration of
downtime events (MTTR) and impact on Availability for each of the major
areas on the machine.

Using the top problems distribution analysis enables Project Management to

identify and prioritize critical issues affecting success of the project for
investigation and resolution. The Pareto principle tends to hold true and we
typically find that a relatively small minority of potential issues is causing the
overwhelming majority of the grief on a project. The output of this analysis
should be viewed as input for the continuous improvement process. As such,
resources can be applied in the areas that will derive the maximum benefit.

! "#$% %

A tabulated summary of calculated metrics is usually the most effective way
to compare and present top problem analyses. The table shown here is only
one example of displaying and comparing top problems.

Total Total MTBS ref. MTBS ratio to ref.

Component / System
Downtime Shutdowns (hours) (hours) MTBS
Cooling System 190.32 366 82.25 1300 15.80
"unknown" 43.16 23 1308.89 5850 4.47
Electronics & Electrical 174.13 109 276.19 1250 4.53
Chassis 188.70 39 771.91 2850 3.69
Brakes 340.14 93 323.70 1200 3.71
Air System & Starting 58.48 52 578.93 2100 3.63
Engine 1265.92 172 175.03 550 3.14
Differential 68.85 12 2508.71 6950 2.77
Hydraulic System 169.28 63 477.85 1250 2.62
Tires & Rims 348.61 128 235.19 550 2.34

[Insert more information on Pareto Analysis techniques.]

! "#$% %

PIP /PSP This key performance indicator is a tracking tool used to monitor the status of
Completion factory program implementation. Expressed as a percentage, this KPI is
Status calculated by dividing the number of completed programs by the total number
of active and/or applicable programs and multiplying by 100. It can be
calculated by system…or for various machine groupings.

Programs Completed (by machine)

PIP / PSP Completion (%) =
Active & Applicable Programs

Data Sources
Factory programs are received on site via the dealer Technical
Communications staff and include all of the information necessary to
determine applicability and monitor their completion status (i.e., program
identification number, dates of issue and termination, and program type).
Machine serial number and hourmeter information obtained from the machine
history at the site.

Although the design is basically fixed, mining equipment manufacturers will
occasionally release fixes and improvements to the base machine. These
factory programs typically define an applicable machine serial number prefix,
a range of machines within that prefix and may be limited to machines within
a particular hour meter range. They may also be deployed on a before or after
failure basis.

These programs may also be mandatory or give management some latitude in

determining if a particular modification is applicable to his site-specific set of
conditions. Programs are typically issued for completion within a twelve-
month timeframe. The best tracking tools include the program identification
number, dates of issue and termination, scheduled date of execution, program
type (priority, before / after failure, safety, containment, unpublished, etc.),
and some highly visual, graphical display of the completion status on an
individual machine basis.

Since factors such as parts availability can impact on management' s ability to
complete a program and in some cases program execution can be delayed to
coincide with other related work (which may be a valid decision on the part of
management), there is no Benchmark that is applicable to this metric.
However, compliance with this discipline is viewed as critical to the success
of a project and common sense would dictate that a higher percentage of
completion of outstanding programs is desirable. Clearly, no program should
be permitted to run beyond its termination date without being addressed
unless it is an after failure only program.

A low program completion percentage, multiple programs that are
approaching their termination date, or the existence of programs that are not
planned and scheduled for execution is indicative of poor management of

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factory programs. In addition, if one or more programs are related to issues on

the "Top Problems" summary and are incomplete, management should
reprioritize the scheduling and execution of the program such that it is dealt
with sooner.

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You will complete this exercise with your designated

team. Total time for the exercise will be 15-20

Check off each step as it is completed.

Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data sheets or Excel spreadsheet, identify
the top five problems and calculate the total
downtime, number of shutdowns, and MTBS for each.
Total # of
Problem Area MTBS
Downtime Shutdowns
Step 3 In the space provided below, describe how the MTBS
for each problem area compares to the Generic Pareto
Analysis provided with the case study data.
Comparison to Generic Pareto Analysis: ____________
Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own
words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
your Pareto Analysis.
Conclusions: ______________________________________
Step 7 When you have completed your calculations and
answered all questions, turn to Exercise 6 in the
Answers section of this workbook and compare your
Step 8 At the time designated by the course facilitator,
return to your seat and prepare for the next topic.

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The KPIs we’ve covered so far are related to equipment management. Let’s
now look at key performance metrics for operations management. These
include the following:

Tons/Hour & Cost/Ton

Fuel Consumption
Payload Management
Haul Cycle Detail
The first two metrics mentioned—tons per hour and cost per ton—are
straightforward productivity and efficiency measures that are widely used
throughout the industry. Most mine design and operations processes,
techniques, programs and systems use these two metrics as barometers of

The next three operations metrics can provide for a more indepth analysis of
fleet operations, particularly when combined with the equipment management

Fuel The fuel consumption metric is usually expressed as the average engine fuel
Consumption burn rate for a fleet of equipment, expressed in volume (gallons or liters) per
hour. The rate at which its engine burns fuel is an excellent predictor for the
maintenance requirements of a mining machine. Expressed in gallons or liters
per hour, Fuel Consumption is calculated by dividing total fuel consumed by
operating hours.

Total Fuel Consumed

Fuel Consumption =
Operating Hours

Data Sources
Total fuel consumption during the period can be obtained from VIMS, the
ECM or, on machines not equipped with VIMS, from fuel addition records.

Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter reading. Note,
hours obtained from dispatch systems frequently do not agree with machine
SMU due to coding of production delays, etc. Note that hours taken from
machine SMU will be higher than those taken from dispatch, oftentimes by as
much as 10 percent.

The application that a piece of equipment is used in has a direct impact on the
overall performance of that equipment. As mining operations change due to
haul road grades becoming steeper or shallower, time spent on grade

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increasing due to greater pit depth, and haul distances becoming longer, we
would expect to see application severity also change.

These variations will be accompanied by changes in fuel consumption. Engine

life is much more a function of the cumulative amount of fuel burned over its
lifetime than hours on the equipment. As a result, average fuel burn rate
(engine load factor) should be considered a Key Performance Indicator for
assessing changes in application severity of a fleet of equipment.

Maintenance must recognize the impact of changing operating conditions and

modify maintenance practices and maintenance management strategy
accordingly. If application severity increases, the equipment will experience
accelerated wear resulting in shortened component lives and increased costs.
Ongoing evaluation of mine operations via tracking, trending and reporting
fuel burn rate should be a normal practice of any Maintenance Department.

Since fuel rate is proportional to the relative severity of the application,
external benchmarks are generally not applicable to this metric. However, fuel
consumption can be compared to historical data and levels generated from
application modeling software such as FPC or Mine EIA. Actual fuel
consumption rate relative to those targets should be monitored over time as an
indication of changes in application severity.

Understanding equipment applications—and knowing when and why the
application changes—enables the mine to adapt or modify the maintenance
strategy to increase reliability and availability.

Engine fuel burn rate should be

monitored and trended monthly on a
fleet basis. Changes are typically
very subtle and take place over an
extended timeframe as the mine
develops. Results should be trended
against similar data for the previous
12-month period and compared to
the target fuel rate range predicted
for the set of site-specific operating
conditions and used to develop the
overall maintenance strategy and
component replacement plan.

Any change in application severity as indicated by abnormal variations in the

engine fuel burn rate above or below the target should prompt management to
take appropriate remedial action.

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Payload Payload Management is an analysis of payload distribution for a fleet of Off

Management Highway Trucks, expressed in terms of Caterpillar’s 10/10/20 truck overload

s 10/10/20 truck overload policy states that "The mean (average) of
the payload distribution shall not exceed the target payload, no more than
10% of payloads may exceed 1.1 times the target payload, and no single
payload shall ever exceed 1.2 times the target payload."

600 6.0%
When data from TPMS or
Mean 100 TONS
VIMS is plotted with the
110 Tons
Over 120 Tons
10 %
5.0% number of loads on the Y axis
and payload on the X axis, a
400 4.0%
“bell-shaped” curve is
produced. If an operation


perfectly matched the 10/10/20

300 3.0%

200 2.0%
policy, this is what the curve
would look like.
100 1.0%

Data from TPMS or VIMS can

0 also be used to count the actual

number of loads within each of














the ranges defined by the
10/10/20 policy and plotted as
a histogram showing the percentages of loads under range, in range, and over

Data Sources
The specifications for gross machine weights can be obtained from the
Caterpillar Performance Handbook, machine specification sheets, and
information contained in the factory documentation for the 10/10/20 overload
policy. Since empty weights published by the factory represent generic
approximations, actual empty machine weight is best obtained from scale
data. Factors such as body design, tires, optional equipment, and carry-back or
other debris accumulation can have a significant affect on the accuracy of
published estimates.

Payload data is obtained from the Truck Payload Management System

(TPMS) or VIMS-TPMS reports.

Payload management can help determine the extent to which haul trucks are
operated within safe and commercially acceptable limits. This is an important
consideration when assessing application severity.

The pressures of ever-increasing production goals have resulted in haul trucks

and loading tools of increasing size and capacity. Mines have recognized that
reducing truck-loader pass match, frequently to three to four pass loading, will
yield production advantages by reducing the time that the haul truck sits under
the loading tool.

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Unfortunately, this trend also reduces a mines ability to manage payloads

within recommended limits. The result is increased operating costs due to the
adverse impact on the engine and power train components, structures, the
suspension system, dump body and tires.

This chart illustrates expected

component life increase or
decrease in relation to the
10/10/20 policy.

Other factors such as variations

in material density and
moisture content, material blast
fragmentation, bucket size,
loader operator skill level and
material carry-back/ debris
further complicate the task of
payload management. Payload
management should be
considered a key performance
indicator for assessing
application severity for a fleet
of equipment. The equipment
manager should periodically evaluate a mines payload management practices
through ongoing documentation, tracking, and trending of payload data.

There is no Benchmark that is applicable to the payload management metric.
Target performance should be compliance with the 10/10/20 policy.

There is however a Benchmark that applies to the standard deviation of

payloads in a given population. Best performance that we have documented is
a standard deviation equal to 6 ½ percent of the target payload. This level of
variation among payloads, combined with a reasonably well-matched bucket
to body size capacity is most likely to result in optimum payload management

Application severity indicators such as payload management enable the

equipment manager to gain an understanding of the application of the
equipment, to determine when and why the application changes, and to adapt
or modify his maintenance strategy, when appropriate, as dictated by changes
in the application or operating environment.

Accurate analysis and interpretation of payload management requires an
understanding of the terminology used to quantify and define it. The target
payload is the difference between the gross machine operating weight and the
empty operating weight. The maximum gross machine operating weight is 1.2
times the target payload.

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The following table shows target and maximum payloads by model for Cat
mining trucks.

797B 793C 793C 789C 785C

Flat Floor* Flat Floor*
Slope* Slope* Slope*
Gross Machine Operating Weight 623,690 383,739 383,739 317,515 249,476
Empty Machine Weight (Std.) 274,670 165,599 160,835 137,450 109,241
Empty Machine Weight (MSD) 265,145 151,899 151,899 125,899 100,541
Target Payload (Std.) 349 218 223 180 140
Target Payload (MSD) 359 232 232 192 149
Max Gross Payload (Std.)10/10/20 Limit (not to exceed) 419 262 267 216 168

Max Gross Payload (MSD)10/10/20 Limit (not to exceed) 430 278 278 230 179

Maximum Do-Not-Ever-Exceed GMW 696,264 431,457 431,457 356,342 279,957

Payload management
data should be
collected, analyzed,
and reported
monthly. Trending
monthly data for a
twelve-month period
as shown here is the
most effective way to
monitor trends in
payload management

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Haul Cycle Haul cycle details can provide valuable insight into application severity. This
Detail KPI is defined as an analysis of the operations on a particular haul road layout
for a fleet of Off Highway Trucks that enables the Equipment Manager to
isolate the most significant factors affecting overall fleet performance and

Calculation formulae include:

Total Empty Distance + Total Loaded Distance

Average Haul Cycle Distance =
Number of Loads

Average haul cycle distance, ... data from the Truck Payload Management
System (TPMS) or VIMS-TPMS reports can be used to determine the average
haul cycle distance. The average haul cycle distance is the sum of the total
empty and loaded travel distances divided by the count of actual loads hauled
during the period under consideration.

Empty Travel Time + Loaded Travel Time

Average Haul Cycle Time =
Number of Loads

Empty Stop Time + Loaded Stop Time

Average Idle Time =
Number of Loads

Average haul cycle times, ... average empty and loaded travel times are
calculated by dividing the total empty and loaded travel times from TPMS or
VIMS-TPMS reports and by the count of actual loads hauled during the
period under consideration. Average idle time is calculated by dividing the
sum of the total empty stop, total loaded stop, and total load times by the
count of actual loads hauled.

Empty or Loaded Travel Distance

Average Haul Cycle Speed =
Empty or Loaded Travel Time

Average haul cycle speeds, ... average empty and loaded travel speeds are
calculated by dividing the total empty or loaded travel distances by the total
empty or loaded travel times. Total average cycle speed is calculated by
summing empty and loaded distances and dividing by summed empty and
loaded times.

Data Sources
Haul cycle data is obtained from the Truck Payload Management System
(TPMS) or VIMS-TPMS reports.

The application severity for Off Highway Trucks is directly related to haul
cycle details. Tracking and reporting these parameters should be a normal
practice of the Maintenance Department, specifically the Planning area.

Proactive analysis and interpretation of the trended results can be the first
indication to management to initiate a more in-depth investigation. When

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indicated, modification of operational practices or of the maintenance strategy

can prevent premature component failures. As is the case with payload
management, factors in the haul cycle that tend to benefit production
frequently have detrimental effects on machine performance and operating

All haul roads are different, so there are no Benchmarks that are applicable to
the operating haul cycle metrics. There are however practical limits that apply
to operational parameters…such as speeds, grades, and haul distances.
Component life assumptions, plus the output of FPC or other application
modeling software can be used as the basis for haul cycle targets.

Haul cycle details enable the equipment manager to better understand the
equipment application, to determine when and why changes in the application
occur, and to adapt or modify the maintenance strategy when indicated by
changes in the application or operating environment. Equipment health should
always be analyzed in conjunction with the elements application severity.

Many of the elements of application severity are due to changes in haul cycle
distances, cycle times, and travel speeds. In general, application severity
increases with increases in haul cycle distances, cycle times, and travel
speeds. There are however exceptions.
Slower travel speeds may be the result
of an increase in time on
Loade d Travel Time
grade…which translates to an increase
in application severity. Conversely,
increases in time at idle can produce a
Time - (mins)

Idle Time

reduction in application severity. As
changes in the application are detected
7 they should be reviewed in the context
6 of their potential influence of machine
Empty Travel Time

5 condition and acted upon

May-03 Ju n-03 Jul-03 Au g-03 Se p-03 O ct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04

15 280 Data for quantifying the haul cycle

14 should be collected, analyzed, and
Loade d Trave l Ti me
260 reported monthly. Trending the
12 information on a monthly basis will
help detect trends in application
Fuel Rate - (L/hr)

11 240
Time - (mins)

Idle Ti me Fue l Rate

10 severity related to haul cycle
9 220

Empty Trave l Ti me
This chart indicates that haul roads are
becoming longer and/or steeper as a
May-03 Ju n-03 Jul -03 Aug-03 Se p-03 O ct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Fe b-04 Mar-04
Apr-04 result of mining operations.

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Overlaying fuel consumption on this chart can help identify cause-effect

relationships. In this case, increases in fuel burn rate suggest the increased
travel times are a function of grade, more than haul cycle distance.

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One additional KPI impacts operations and equipment management…as well

as customer satisfaction.

Contractural Contractual Availability is defined as the ratio of time that a machine is

Availability capable of functioning in the intended operation (available hours) to total
calendar hours in the period under consideration, expressed as a percentage.

The calculation of available hours is not a pure calculation since the result is
amended by downtime hours that are specifically excluded or limited by the
terms of the contract.

To calculate Contractual Availability, divide the difference between Total

Calendar Hours and MARC downtime hours by Total Calendar Hour, then
multiple by 100.

Contractural Availability (%) =

Total Calendar Hours - MARC Downtime Hours
x 100
Total Calendar Hours

Data Sources
Total Calendar Hours is equal to the total time in the period to be analyzed,
e.g. 8760 hours / year, 720 hours / 30 day month, 168 hours / week, etc.

If the available hours calculation involves the combination of operating hours,

stand-by hours, production delay hours and operational delay hours (as it does
in many instances), that information can be obtained from the machine service
meter reading and information coded within the dispatch system.

MARC Downtime Hours are obtained from the machine work order history as
well as the dispatch system. Dispatch information must be used to account for
downtime that is not accompanied by a work order. It is essential that the
machine repair history contain detail sufficient to determine if individual
downtime events are excluded from the MARC downtime calculation.

Contracts are written largely to ensure that production equipment is available
for operation a specified number of hours. This ensures that the mine can
meet its production goals at a reasonable, predetermined operating cost.

The specific provisions of a contractual availability guarantee vary

significantly from site to site. Variables defined in the contract may include
time that the contractor will be given credit for (available hours), time that the

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contractor will be held accountable for (contractual downtime), as well as

specific exclusions such as tires, dump bodies, welding, etc.

Contracts frequently specify caps or limits on downtime that apply to things

such as delays, waiting on facilities, repair equipment, or other support
infrastructure that the contractor has little control over.

Because these exclusions and limitations vary widely from one site to the
next, it is not practical to link performance in this area to any kind of
Benchmark, nor does it make any sense to attempt to make comparisons from
one site to the next.

Target performance should be compliance with the provisions defined within

the contract or, in the absence of a contract, with customer expectations.

While it is a valid indicator of customer satisfaction, Contractual Availability

has very little value as an equipment management tool because of the lack of
standardization in calculation methodology.

It can be beneficial to monitor Contractual Availability over time in

conjunction with the Availability Index to detect trends in performance that
can enable the equipment manager to take appropriate preemptive actions.

Interpretation of Contractual
Availability is very
straightforward in that
performance trending
downward toward or falling
below target levels implies that
some type of corrective
action(s) be taken.

Availability Index is the

equipment management tool in
this case thus the interpretation
is common to both metrics.

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As you have seen during our discussion of the various equipment and
operations management metrics, no single metric can be used by itself to tell
the complete story of a mine’s performance. However, when analyzed
together, these KPIs will reveal performance weaknesses and allow you to
formulate and recommend improvements.

This topic revisits each of the KPIs and shows how they are related, the
impact various operational conditions have on the metrics, and possible
actions you might take.

MTBS If MTBS is lower than desirable or declining over time, the organization
should review the following:

Investigate on the basis of individual machines. Pareto applies here and we

typically find that a relative small percentage of machines are operating well
below the overall fleet average. Attacking those machines and bringing them
up to standard will have a dramatic effect on overall fleet performance.

Use Pareto to determine which areas of the machine (components or systems)

are resulting in higher than anticipated repair frequency. Results of this type
of investigation will typically point out sources of chronic product
unreliability and/or equipment management shortcomings, e.g. repair redo,
inability to distinguish symptom from cause, inadequate Condition
Monitoring, etc.

Analyze machine history records to determine if unscheduled stoppages are

driving the result. If this is the case, it indicates gaps in the detect-plan-
execute cycle and revisions to the Condition Monitoring, Planning &
Scheduling and/or execution areas will be necessary.

Use machine history to calculate MTBS after PM. MTBS after PM should be
at least 50% greater than overall MTBS. If MTBS after PM is not sufficiently
high, investigate to determine cause(s) of premature stoppages and adjust the
PM plan accordingly to compensate for the shortcomings. Random audits of
PM execution may also be necessary.

Has Impact On:

Fleet availability & resultant production
Quantity & cost of supporting infrastructure
Efficient utilization of manpower & resources

Is Impacted By:
Chronic machine defects (lack of containment strategy)

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Condition Monitoring (quality and/or quantity)

Planning (poor use of grouped repairs)
Repair quality (redo, addressing symptom not cause, lack of training) Use
of information (reactive vs. proactive)

MTTR If MTTR is lower than desirable, the organization should review the

Focus on grouping repairs for execution during available "windows of

opportunity", e.g. PM. This can be achieved through improved detection
(Condition Monitoring) and planning; backlog management is an effective
equipment management tool than should help in this area. It should be noted
here that "shop-found" defects are repaired far less efficiently than defects
that have been detected in advance and have benefited from the planning

Devise audit procedures particularly for repetitive problems; this should

minimize "patching" rather than fixing problems.

If MTTR is higher than desirable, any or all of the following could achieve
reduced turnaround time, lower MTTR:

1. Increase the percentage of scheduled repairs; unscheduled repairs typically

result in higher than necessary downtime hours.
2. Improve personnel efficiency; control time to execute repairs; identify,
focus and train on the most inefficient areas, i.e. high repair time
3. Identify and document sources of delay time; address the causes of delay /
wait time.
4. Improve field service auxiliary equipment; fully equipped service trucks
5. well-trained personnel can help reduce field repair times. The majority of
unscheduled stoppages occur in the field thus the organization should be
well prepared to handle them.
6. Control and improve PM execution time; while average PM execution
times area far less than major component exchanges, they occur far more
frequently and have a much greater influence on total downtime
7. Develop specialized staff for PM routines and major component

Has Impact On:

Fleet availability & resultant production
Quantity & cost of supporting infrastructure
Efficient utilization of manpower & resources

Is Impacted By:
High percentage of unscheduled repairs (poor Condition Monitoring)

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Inadequate resources (manpower, facilities, tooling, parts, etc.)

Excessive delay times
Inadequate Planning & Scheduling (minimal use of grouped repairs)
Performance Metrics for Mobile Mining Equipment
Lack of training (excessive and/or ineffective diagnostic /
Use of information (reactive vs. proactive)

Availability Since Availability Index is derived from MTBS and MTTR, once the
Index contributions of each are known and understood, appropriate action can be
taken to attack the problems. Please see "Action" sections for MTBS and

Has Impact On:

Customer satisfaction
(Since Availability Index is derived from MTBS and MTTR, if either one or
both are contributing to a shortfall in the Availability Index, any influence
will be similarly felt by variations in Availability Index).

Is Impacted By:

% Scheduled If % Scheduled Downtime Hours is lower than desirable or declining over

Downtime time, the organization should review the following:

1. Use Pareto to identify causes of machine unreliability that are resulting in

unscheduled stoppages. Devise an improved detection and/or containment
strategy to deal with these issues in order to minimize their influence or
eliminate them altogether.
2. Review Condition Monitoring practices to ensure that they are focused on
problems that are leading to unscheduled downtime events.
3. Refine Planning and Scheduling practices to ensure that once problems are
detected they receive full benefit from the planning and scheduling
4. Employ Backlog Management as an equipment management tool to deal
with problems identified through Condition Monitoring.

Has Impact On:

Fleet availability & resultant production
Overall repair and maintenance costs
Manpower and infrastructure requirements

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Is Impacted By:
Product unreliability
Condition Monitoring quality
Planning and Scheduling disciplines
Limited or inadequate use of Backlog Management

Asset Utilization Lower than desirable Asset Utilization should be investigated in the context of
the parameters that define availability as follows:

1. If stand-by hours are excessive, it may be a result of excess haulage

capacity or ineffective scheduling of operators. This is not something that
the equipment manager will be able to influence but he should be aware of
the issue and its impact.
2. If operational delay hours are excessive, it may be the result of excessive
time lost at shift change, meals, etc. Once again, this is not something that
the equipment manager will be able to influence but he should be aware of
the issue and its impact.
3. If both stand-by and operational delay hours are within reasonable limits,
availability (too few operating hours) is most likely the cause and the
equipment manager should investigate to determine the root cause, e.g.
repair efficiency / effectiveness, machine reliability, etc.

Has Impact On:

Production, ... mine production results are related directly to Asset
Utilization (and operational efficiency).
Revenue, ... revenue stream in a MARC environment is related directly to
Asset Utilization.
Manpower requirements, ... maintenance and repair labor costs will
increase with Asset Utilization.
Component life cycles, ... components will reach their useful lives sooner
as Asset Utilization increases.

Is Impacted By:
Repair efficiency/ effectiveness, ... efficient and effective repair execution
results in less downtime, which in turn produces higher Asset Utilization.
Mine production goals, ... Asset Utilization is influenced directly by the
mines production requirements.
Operator scheduling, ... low Asset Utilization resulting from excessive
stand-by hours (machine idle time) is affected by the mines ability to
schedule and assign operators to the equipment.

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Maintenance If Maintenance Ratio and the resultant cost of labor are too high, the
Ratio organization should investigate the following:

1. Analyze machine history records to determine if unscheduled stoppages

are driving the result. If this is the case, it indicates gaps in the detect-plan-
execute cycle and revisions to the Condition Monitoring, Planning &
Scheduling and/or execution areas will be necessary.
2. Improve personnel efficiency; control time to execute repairs; identify,
focus and train on the most inefficient areas, i.e. high repair time
3. In general, any steps taken to increase MTBS will reduce manpower
requirements driving Maintenance Ratio in the right direction.

Has Impact On:

Labor costs…Maintenance Ratio too high.
Repair delays / excessive MTTR…Maintenance Ratio too low.

Is Impacted By:
High percentage of unscheduled repairs.
MTBS (too low).
Inadequate Condition Monitoring.
Poor Planning & Scheduling.
Insufficient resources (shop bays, tooling, equipment, etc.).
Inadequate training.

Top Problems / Once the top problems have been identified by component and system,
Pareto Analysis machine repair history should be reviewed to determine the nature of the
problems within each of those components and systems. In most instances we
find that the key specific issues result from a relatively small percentage of
machines and a small number of causes.

1. Submit the top problems to the Continuous Improvement process to

determine root cause and identify the containment and resolution strategy.
2. Compare the top problems at the site to those listed in the Caterpillar CPI
process as well as those covered under factory PIP/PSP programs. If the
top problems at the site do not align reasonably well with the list of global
issues, it is likely that the root cause is a result of site-specific conditions
related to application and/or maintenance. Specific problems should be
submitted to the Caterpillar CPI process for consideration and

Has Impact On:

Costs, ... operating costs can be better managed and contained when key
problems are known and can be effectively dealt with via the continuous
improvement process.

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Manpower requirements, ... manpower can be deployed more effectively

and efficiently when top problems are identified and understood. Using
intuition (guessing) results in excessive expenditures of labor.
Availability / reliability, ... optimum availability and reliability can be
achieved when key issues are known and given appropriate attention for

Is Impacted By:
Maintenance strategy, ... a repair-before-failure strategy focused on early
detection and failure avoidance plays a fundamental role in problem
management, i.e. Condition Monitoring (quality and quantity of
inspections), Planning & Scheduling, Backlog Management, etc.
Maintenance execution, ... resources (facilities and manpower) in
adequate numbers and of sufficient quality have a direct influence on the
end results.
Application severity, ... drives the results e.g. excessive fuel burn rate will
tend to magnify engine-related downtime, overloading will accelerate
power train and structural deterioration, etc.
Operating environment, ... haul road conditions, ambient temperature
extremes and precipitation all have a role in determining which areas on
the machine will experience problems.

PIP /PSP If the percentage of factory program completion is low, the organization
Completion should investigate the following:
1. Review all available information to determine if the shortfall is related to
Planning & Scheduling of the programs or if it is the result of inadequate
execution of the plan.
2. Take appropriate action to ensure that shortcomings in the Planning &
Scheduling and/ or execution phases of the cycle are re-emphasized and
that timely completion of factory programs receives the attention it

Has Impact On:

Costs, ... the inability to execute factory programs may result in failures
that include contingent damage that falls outside the scope of the
MTTR, ... programs that are implemented on a planned basis are
inherently more efficient since they derive the benefits of the planning

Is Impacted By:
Poor planning and / or scheduling, ... inadequate prioritization of
Failure in execution, ... insufficient resources (personnel, shop bays,
tooling, equipment, etc.).

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Fuel Any deviation in fuel burn rate greater than 10% (above or below) historical
Consumption levels or those generated by application modeling software should be known
and investigated as follows:

1. Examine fuel burn rate on an individual machine basis to verify that

deviations are not related to a problem unique to a small portion of the
fleet. (Some degree of random variation from machine to machine can be
expected but any gross variation may be attributable to some malfunction
of the fuel system or data collection device on a small segment of the
overall machine population).
2. Review the operating conditions in which the equipment is applied to
determine if the deviation above or below target is the result of actual
changes in the operation such that the model used to predict the fuel burn
rate target is no longer valid or if the assumptions made were invalid.
3. Review the operating conditions to determine if the change is related to a
tendency in the operation or if it is a result of some short term or isolated
4. If the deviation is determined to be long term or even a permanent trend,
management should re-evaluate its maintenance strategy and major
component life targets to verify that they mirror the operating
characteristics and application requirements of the site.

Has Impact On:

Costs, ... of major components taken on a cost per hour basis,
maintenance manpower, and repair facility requirements.
Component lives, ... useful life of engine and major power train
components will diminish as fuel rates increase.
Maintenance strategy, ... must be monitored and revised periodically to
accommodate changes in application severity indicated by deviations in
fuel rate.

Is Impacted By:
Mine maturation, ... application severity as indicated by increases in fuel
burn rate will increase as the mine develops, e.g. pit depth (maximum
vertical lift) and haul distances increase,
Mine operating efficiencies, ... application severity as indicated by
increases in fuel burn rate will increase with the addition of dispatch
systems or loading tools, i.e. reductions in idle or wait time will result in
increases in fuel burn rate,
Fuel system operation, ... a malfunctioning fuel system on one or more
machines may produce false indications of change in application severity
in terms of fuel burn rate.

Payload If payload management practices fall outside the limits of the 10/10/20 policy
Management or are trending in that direction, the equipment manager should investigate as

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1. Analyze payload management on an individual truck basis to determine if

one or more trucks are experiencing problems with the truck payload
measurement system. A malfunctioning system will induce errors that can
cause the fleet distribution to be skewed or perhaps even bi-modal, which
will invalidate the analysis. (Some degree of random variation is to be
expected due to the inherent inaccuracies of the system but gross variations
are most likely a result of system malfunction or calibration errors).
2. Work with Operations to determine the source of the overloading.
Overloading may be the result of variability in material density, the use of
loading tools of varying size and bucket capacity, or operator training
issues. In addition to TPMS, payload "scoreboards" and other aftermarket
systems are available to better define and manage the loading process. If
the issues cannot be resolved, the equipment manager should document the
problem in writing to the mine in the context of the MARC or other
agreement since, in all likelihood customer expectations will not be met.
3. Increase the frequency and quality of structural inspections. Overloading
will result in earlier than expected frame and structural damage particularly
when combined with rough haul roads and high-speed operation. More
thorough inspections will facilitate early detection and repair before
4. Re-evaluate the component management strategy. Overloading has a
detrimental impact on component lives (and related costs) requiring
increased emphasis on condition monitoring and in some cases a revision
of the component replacement plan.
5. Review the condition monitoring plans for machine elements such as tires,
brakes and the steering system. Overloading will result in excessive tire
wear and failure due to heat separation, accelerated brake wear, and brake
and steering system overheating and failure. This may require that trucks
are rotated to less severe hauls or perhaps even pulled out of service
temporarily until stabilized and acceptable temperatures can be attained.

Has Impact On:

Production, ... optimized payload management will yield long-term
production advantages that result from better availability and higher
speeds on grade. That is, any short-term production benefits that may
result from overloading will be more than offset by the increase in
machine downtime and reduction in loaded travel speeds that result from
Maintenance costs, ... the cost per operating hour of engines, power train
components, structures, the suspension system, dump body and tires as
well as that of maintenance manpower and repair facility requirements
will increase with overloading.
Operating costs,... fuel consumption and the associated fuel costs per
operating hour will increase with overloading.
Safety, ... overloading can result in a condition in which the machine is
operating outside the certification limits of the brake and steering
Haul road maintenance, ... haul road damage as a result of overloading
will increase necessitating additional maintenance.

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Is Impacted By:
Payload measurement system operation, ... any malfunction of the pay
load measurement system, e.g. system calibration, strut charge, strut
sensor operation, etc., on one or more machines will result in erroneous
load data that will produce false indications of change in for the fleet.
Mine production requirements, ... an availability shortfall or increase in
the production demand may result in intentional overloading in the
interest of short-term production gains.
Operating practices, ... backing onto the toe of the cut, load placement in
the dump body, and tamping the load with the loader bucket will impact
payload measurement system accuracy.
Material density, ... normal variations in material density as well as those
that result from variability in seasonal precipitation, i.e. material moisture
content, will complicate payload management control practices.
Truck-loader pass match, ... while it may yield short-term production
advantages, three to four pass loading will make the task of payload
management much more difficult.
Bucket fill factor, ... muck pile variation that results from blasting
practices and/or material loadability as well as normal variations in loader
operator skill levels may create problems for payload management.
Bucket-dump body capacity, ... loader buckets that incorrectly sized to the
dump body will result in problems for payload management.

Haul Cycle If haul cycle metrics indicate a change in application severity, the equipment
Detail manager should act as follows:

1. If the application is becoming less severe over time, the Equipment

Manager should review the maintenance strategy to determine if increases
to the targets defined in the component life plan are justified and feasible.
Often times this is not practical since major component life targets need to
be large enough to eliminate one rebuild from the machine life cycle. If an
analysis of the factors that brought about the reduction in application
severity suggests that the decrease is due to operational inefficiency, the
Equipment Manager may want to work with Operations to optimize the
utilization of the equipment.
2. If the application is becoming more severe over time but the application-
based parameters for the haul cycle are still within the assumptions used to
establish the component life plan, the Equipment Manager should
investigate to determine the cause(s) of the increase in severity. If the
trend indicates that the increase in application severity is likely to increase
beyond expected limits, he should review the maintenance plan to
determine how the increase will impact component lives in anticipation of
modifications to the component replacement plan. He may also choose to
discuss the change and its impact (on component life expectations and
costs) with the mine' s Operations staff in an effort to bring the operation
back in line with previous assumptions.

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3. If one or more haul cycle-related application parameters have

driven application severity beyond the limits of the established component
life plan, the Equipment Manager must modify his maintenance strategy
and the component replacement plan to accommodate those tougher
operating conditions. He must also bring this to the attention of the mine'
Operations group and discuss the implications of the increase on
component lives and the resultant maintenance costs.

Has Impact On:

Production, ... application and operational changes that increase haul
distances, reduce haul speeds or increase the percentage of idle time
typically result in decreased production.
Maintenance costs, ... the cost per operating hour of engines and power
train components as well as that of maintenance manpower and repair
facility requirements will increase with increases in haul cycle distance
and average speeds. Likewise, a reduction in the percentage of idle time
(stopped empty, stopped loaded and load times) for the cycle may also
indicate an increase in overall application severity since component idle
time is far less likely to do damage to or take life out of most major
Component operating temperatures, ... drive train components will tend to
run hotter and reach their equilibrium operating temperatures more
quickly as travel speeds and haul distances increase and idle times
Operating costs, ... cost per ton tends to increase with increases in haul
cycle distance since fuel consumption and the associated fuel costs per
operating hour will increase with haul cycle severity.
Tire lives, ... tire temperatures and resultant heat-related tire failures
increase with speed (and payload). Increases in average travel speeds,
longer one-way hauls, and reduced idle (cool-down) time all have the
effect of increasing application severity.

Is Impacted By:
Mine maturation process, ... as mines mature haul cycle distances tend to
become longer and pits become deeper (increased vertical lift). As a
result, the impact of the application becomes more severe in terms of its
influence on fleet performance and costs.
Grades, ... application severity increases as grades and the percentage of
time on grade increase.
Haul road maintenance, ... substandard haul road surfaces and increases in
rolling resistance have adverse affects on travel speeds, production and
application severity.
Dispatch system, ... the addition of a dispatch system should reduce the
amount of idle time that the fleet sees. Thus, as dispatch improves

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Contractural If Contractual Availability is trending toward or falls below contractual

Availability guarantee, the equipment manager should investigate as follows:

1. Analyze the Availability Index to determine if the decline or shortfall is the

result of frequency (MTBS) or duration (MTTR) of machine downtime
2. Assess performance on an individual machine basis to determine if the
shortfall is the result of overall fleet performance or if it is related to the
performance of a small percentage of the machines in the fleet.
3. Perform a Pareto analysis to define the cause of the shortfall on a
component or system basis.
4. Once the causes of the problem have been identified, .he equipment
manager is in a position to devise corrective actions or, at minimum
containment strategies until corrective actions can be identified.

Has Impact On:

Customer Satisfaction.
MARC financial risks, ... falling below the target may require the
payment of penalties or guarantees defined in the MARC agreement.

Is Impacted By:
MTBS & MTTR, ... since availability is a direct result of frequency and
duration of downtime events.
Asset Utilization, ... since low utilization sites tend to exhibit
higher availability and vice versa.

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Check off each step as it is completed.

Step 1 Answer each of the follow questions as directed.
Question 1
In the space provided below, explain in your own
words the difference between Operational Delay Hours
and Production Delay Hours.
Answer: Production Delay Hours is the time that a
machine is operational but is waiting with the
engine running due to blasting, loader wait time, or
some other production process.
Operational Delay Hours is time that the machine is
available for operation but is not being used due to
shift changes, lunch breaks, meetings, prayers, or
other such peroidic work stoppages.
Question 2
In which of the following time elements would you
categorize time that a machine is waiting for a part
to be delivered before it can be repaired? Circle
all that apply.
A. Operational Delay Hours
B. Repair Delay Hours
C. Downtime Hours
D. Unscheduled Hours
Question 3
In the space provided below, explain in your own
words the difference between Asset Utilization and
Utilization of Availability.
Answer: Asset Utilization is the ratio of Operating
Hours to Total Calendar Hours. Utilization of
Availability is the ratio of Operating Hours to the
time the machine is capable of functioning.

Question 4
List the three commonly-used definitions of

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A. Physical Availability
B. Mecanical Availability
C. Contractural Availability
Question 5
Match the time element in the left column to it’s
correct definition in the right column.
Time Element Definition
D. Stand-by Hours Time that a machine is
E. Downtime Hours H actually operating in the
intended function.
F. Unscheduled Hours
G. Maintenance & Time that a machine is
Repair Hours scheduled for operations.
H. Operational Delay Time that a machine is
Hours waiting for repairs due
I. Available Hours I to unavailability of
J. Total Calendar labor, parts, facilities,
Hours etc.
K. Operating Hours Total time in the period
L. Repair Delay Hours to be analyzed.
M. Scheduled Hours Time that a machine is
N. Production Delay not available for
Hours operation, due to all
forms of maintenance,
repairs and
Hours outside the plan
and time lost from
accidents, strikes, acts
of God, etc.
Time that a machine is
available for operation
E but not being used due to
shift changes, lunch
breaks, meetings, etc.
Time that a machine is
available for operation
but is not being used
because no operator is
available or the mine is
Time that a machine is
undergoing scheduled and
unscheduled maintenance
or repairs.

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Time that a machine is

operational but waiting
K with the engine running
due to blasting, loader
wait time, etc.
Time that a machine is
F capable of functioning in
the intended operation.

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Part A
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 Turn to the Case Study section of this workbook and
review the case study scenario and data tables.
If your team has a computer available, you may
choose to open the Excel Spreadsheet containing the
data tables on the CD-ROM included with your course
materials (location & file name: Course Materials
folder: 793C_Downtime_History.xls).
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Operating Hours for each of the 793C trucks
represented in the data tables and enter the number
in the space provided below.
Operating Hours:
HT001: 568.4 hours HT004: 592.0 hours
HT002: 399.7 hours HT005: 628.9 hours
HT003: 571.9 hours HT006: 654.8 hours

Step 3 Using the data provided, determine the number of

shutdowns for each of the 793C trucks represented in
the data tables and enter the number in the space
provided below.
Number of Shutdowns:
HT001: 23 HT004: 31
HT002: 54 HT005: 19
HT003: 18 HT006: 20

Step 4 Calculate the Mean Time Between Shutdown (MTBS) for

each truck and enter the number in the space
provided below.
HT001: 24.7 hours HT004: 19.1 hours
HT002: 7.4 hours HT005: 33.1 hours
HT003: 31.8 hours HT006: 32.7 hours

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Step 5 Calculate MTBS for the entire fleet and enter the
number in the space provided below:
Total Operating Hours = 3415.7 hours
Total Number of Shutdowns = 165
Fleet MTBS: 3415.7 ÷ 165 = 20.7 hours
Step 5 In the space provided below, describe in your own
words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on MTBS
Conclusions: MTBS for these trucks is far below the
mature fleet benchmark of 60 hours. Even the best
performers are marginal, indicating that equipment
management disciplines are not being applied at this
site. No conclusions can be drawn about trends since
only one month’s data has been analyzed.

Part B
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
Exercise 3. Turn to the Case Study section of this
workbook and locate the data tables, or open the
Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Downtime Hours for each of the 793C trucks
represented in the data tables and enter the number
in the space provided below.
Total Downtime Hours (including Delays):
HT001: 136.7 HT004: 118.6
HT002: 311.3 HT005: 81.2
HT003: 130.2 HT006: 58.3

Step 3 Using the data provided, determine the number of

shutdowns for each of the 793C trucks represented in
the data tables and enter the number in the space
provided below. (If the number of shutdowns you
calculated in the previous exercise were correct,
you may enter those answers below.)
Number of Shutdowns:

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Number of Shutdowns:

HT001: 23 HT004: 31
HT002: 54 HT005: 19
HT003: 18 HT006: 20

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Step 4 Calculate the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) for each

truck and enter the number in the space provided
HT001: 5.9 HT004: 3.8
HT002: 5.8 HT005: 4.3
HT003: 7.2 HT006: 2.9

Step 5 Calculate MTTR for the entire fleet and enter the
number in the space provided below:
Total Downtime Hours = 836.3 hours
Total Number of Shutdowns = 165
Fleet MTTR: 836.3 ÷ 165 = 5.1 hours
Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own
words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on MTTR
Conclusions: The overall fleet MTTR of 5.1 seems to
be within the benchmark range of 3 to 6 hours for
these size trucks. However, the wide range of values
for the individual trucks might be an indication
that equipment management practices could be
improved. Evaluating MTTR within the context of
other performance metrics will provide additional
insight into equipment management practices at this
No conclusions can be drawn about trends since only
one month’s data has been analyzed.

Part C
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 Using the results from Exercises 3 and 4, calculate
the Availability Index for each of the 793C trucks
represented in the data tables and enter the number
in the space provided below.
Availability Index:
HT001: 80.7% HT004: 83.4%
HT002: 56.1% HT005: 88.5%
HT003: 81.5% HT006: 91.9%

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Step 2 Calculate Availability Index for the entire fleet

and enter the number in the space provided below:
Fleet MTBS = 20.7 hours
Fleet MTTR = 5.1 hours
Fleet 20.7
Availability 20.7 + X 100 = 80.2%
Index: 5.1

Step 3 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
Availability Index calculations.
Conclusions: Four of these 793C trucks fall short
of the industry benchmark range of 88 to 92 percent,
supporting the conclusion that equipment management
efforts need to be improved at this site.
No conclusions can be drawn about trends since only
one month’s data has been analyzed.

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Part A
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data provided, determine the total number
of Scheduled Downtime Hours for each of the 793C
trucks represented in the data tables and enter the
number in the space provided below.
Scheduled Downtime Hours:
HT001: 13.7 hours HT004: 28.6 hours
HT002: 8.4 hours HT005: 45.8 hours
HT003: 60.4 hours HT006: 11.2 hours

Step 3 Total Downtime Hours were calculated in Exercise 4.

Enter your calculations or the corrected values
Total Downtime Hours:
HT001: 136.7 hours HT004: 118.6 hours
HT002: 311.3 hours HT005: 81.2 hours
HT003: 130.2 hours HT006: 58.3 hours

Step 4 Calculate % Scheduled Maintenance for each truck and

enter the number in the space provided below.
% Scheduled Maintenance:
HT001: 10% HT004: 24%
HT002: 3% HT005: 56%
HT003: 46% HT006: 19%

Step 5 Calculate % Scheduled Maintenance for the entire

fleet and enter the number in the space provided
Fleet Scheduled Downtime = 168.1 hours
Fleet Total Downtime = 836.3 hours
Fleet % Scheduled 1
X 100 = 20.1%
Maintenance: 836.

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Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
% Scheduled Maintenance calculations.
Conclusions: A low % Scheduled Maintenance metric
usually indicates serious gaps in the proactive
detect-plan-execute approach to equipment
management. This site appears to be simply
responding to the immediate needs of the equipment.
No conclusions can be drawn about trends since only
one month’s data has been analyzed.

Part B
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 You calculated Operating Hours for each vehicle in
this fleet in Exercise 3. Enter those values in the
space provided below.
Operating Hours:
HT001: 568.4 hours HT004: 592.0 hours
HT002: 399.7 hours HT005: 628.9 hours
HT003: 571.9 hours HT006: 654.8 hours

Step 3 Using the data provided, calculate Total Calendar

Hours for the period being analyzed. This value will
be the same for all trucks in the fleet.

Total Calendar Hours: 720 hours (30 days x 24


Step 4 Calculate Asset Utilization for each truck and enter

the number in the space provided below.
Asset Utilization (%):
HT001: 78.9% HT004: 82.2%
HT002: 55.5% HT005: 87.3%
HT003: 79.4% HT006: 90.9%

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Step 5 Calculate Asset Utilization for the entire fleet and

enter the number in the space provided below:
Fleet Operating Hours = 3415.7 hours
Fleet Calendar Hours = 4320 hours (720 hours x 6
Fleet Asset 3415.7
4320 X 100 = 79.1%
Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own
words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
Asset Utilization calculations.
Conclusions: Only one of the trucks achieves the
industry benchmark of 90%. Utilization of truck
HT002 is particularly low, which significantly pulls
down the overall fleet average.
No conclusions can be drawn about trends since only
one month’s data has been analyzed.

Part C
Check off each step as it is completed.
Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data sheets or Excel spreadsheet,
calculate Maintenance Repair Man-Hours for the
entire 793C fleet and enter it into the space
provided below. For purposes of this exercise, you
may substitute Total Downtown Hours (calculated in
Exercise 4) for Maintenance Repair Man-Hours.
Maintenance Repair Man-Hours: 836.3 hours
Step 3 You calculated Operating Hours for each vehicle in
this fleet in Exercise 3. Enter those values in the
space provided below.

Operating Hours: 3415.7 hours

Step 4 Calculate Maintenance Ratio for the entire fleet and

enter the number in the space provided below:

Fleet Maintenance Ratio: .24

Step 5 In the space provided below, describe in your own

words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on

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Maintenance Ratio calculations.

Conclusions: ?? (this data does not make sense)

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Check off each step as it is completed.

Step 1 This exercise builds on the work completed in
previous exercises. Turn to the Case Study section
of this workbook and locate the data tables, or open
the Excel file on your computer.
Step 2 Using the data sheets or Excel spreadsheet, identify
the top five problems and calculate the total
downtime, number of shutdowns, and MTBS for each.
Total # of
Problem Area MTBS
Downtime Shutdowns
Step 3 In the space provided below, describe how the MTBS
for each problem area compares to the Generic Pareto
Analysis provided with the case study data.
Comparison to Generic Pareto Analysis: ____________
Step 6 In the space provided below, describe in your own
words what conclusions you can make about this small
fleet of 793C Off-Highway Trucks, based on
your Pareto Analysis.
Conclusions: ______________________________________

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See your instructor for case study materials.

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