(Douglas L. Mayers, Jack D. Sobel, Marc Ouellette, (B-Ok - Xyz) Livre Volume 1
(Douglas L. Mayers, Jack D. Sobel, Marc Ouellette, (B-Ok - Xyz) Livre Volume 1
(Douglas L. Mayers, Jack D. Sobel, Marc Ouellette, (B-Ok - Xyz) Livre Volume 1
Jack D. Sobel · Marc Ouellette
Keith S. Kaye · Dror Marchaim
Drug Resistance
Mechanisms of Drug Resistance, Volume 1
Second Edition
Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
Douglas L. Mayers • Jack D. Sobel
Marc Ouellette • Keith S. Kaye • Dror Marchaim
Antimicrobial Drug
Mechanisms of Drug Resistance, Volume 1
Second Edition
Douglas L. Mayers, M.D. Jack D. Sobel, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer Professor of Medicine
Treiber Therapeutics Dean, Wayne State University School
Cambridge, MA, USA of Medicine
Detroit Medical Center
Marc Ouellette, Ph.D. Detroit, MI, USA
Canada Research Chair in Antimicrobial Resistance Keith S. Kaye, M.D., M.P.H.
Centre de recherche en Infectiologie Professor of Internal Medicine
University of Laval Director of Clinical Research, Division
Quebec City, Canada of Infectious Diseases
University of Michigan Medical School
Dror Marchaim, M.D. Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Infection Control and Prevention
Unit of Infectious Diseases
Assaf Harofeh Medical Center
Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel-Aviv University
Tel Aviv, Israel
Antimicrobial drug resistance is a global health problem that continues to expand as micro-
organisms adapt to the antibiotics we use to treat them and as new classes of antimicrobial
agents have been harder to discover and advance into the clinic. The second edition of
Antimicrobial Drug Resistance grew out of a desire by the editors and authors to provide an
updated, comprehensive resource of information on antimicrobial drug resistance that would
encompass the current information available for bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. The two
volumes have been extensively revised with many new authors and chapters as the field of drug
resistance has evolved. We believe that this information will be of value to clinicians, epidemi-
ologists, microbiologists, virologists, parasitologists, public health authorities, medical stu-
dents, and fellows in training. We have endeavored to provide this information in a style that is
accessible to the broad community of persons who are concerned with the impact of drug
resistance in our clinics and across broader global communities.
Antimicrobial Drug Resistance is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 has sections covering
a general overview of drug resistance and mechanisms of drug resistance, first for classes of
drugs and then by individual antimicrobial agents, including those targeting bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, and viruses. Volume 2 addresses clinical, epidemiologic, and public health aspects
of drug resistance, along with an overview of the conduct and interpretation of specific drug
resistance assays. Together, these two volumes offer a comprehensive source of information on
drug resistance issues by the experts in each topic.
We are very grateful to the 197 international experts who have contributed to this textbook
for their patience and support as the work came together. The editors would like to especially
thank Michelle Feng He for her exceptional support and encouragement to the editors in bring-
ing this revised textbook to print. Finally, the book would never have been completed without
the patience and support of our wives and families.
viii Contents
Index......................................................................................................................................... 745
xii Contributors
Fabrice E. Graf Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Parasite Chemotherapy Unit,
Basel, Switzerland
Robert M. Greenberg, Ph.D. Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ying-Shan Han, Ph.D. McGill University AIDS Centre, Lady Davis Institute for Medical
Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada
Robert E.W. Hancock, Ph.D. Canada Research Chair and Professor, Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Director, Centre for Microbial Diseases and Immunity Research, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Kimberly E. Hanson, M.D., M.H.S. Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Bianca Heinrich, Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Genomic Assays, Abcam, Inc., Cambridge, MA,
David K. Henderson, M.D. Office of the Deputy Director for Clinical Care, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
Brian D. Herman, Ph.D. Center for AIDS Research, Laboratory of Biochemical
Pharmacology, Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
Kathleen L. Horan, M.D. Pulmonary Medicine, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle,
Ann Huletsky, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor, Centre de recherche en infectiologie, CHU de
Quebec-Université Laval, CHUL, Québec City, QC, Canada
Michael G. Ison, M.D., M.S. Associate Professor, Divisions of Infectious Diseases and
Organ Transplantation, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
Michael R. Jacobs, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Pathology and Medicine, Director of Clinical
Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical
Center, Cleveland, OH, USA
George A. Jacoby, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Part-Time, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA
Jisha John, M.D. Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Matthew D. Johnson Drug Delivery, Disposition and Dynamics, Monash Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Glenn W. Kaatz, M.D. Associate Chief of Staff, Research and Development, John D. Dingell
VA Medical Center, Professor Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine and Division of
Infectious Diseases, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA
Petros C. Karakousis, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Center for Tuberculosis
Research, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Angela D.M. Kashuba, B.Sc.Phm., Pharm.D., D.A.B.C.P. Professor and Chair, Division of
Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, Eshelman School of Pharmacy University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
xvi Contributors
David E. Katz, M.D., M.P.H. Director, Internal Medicine Department ‘D’, Shaare Zedek
Medical Center, Hebrew University School of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel
Wasif A Khan, M.B.B.S., M.H.S. Scientist, Infectious Disease Division, International Centre
for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Keith P. Klugman, M.D., Ph.D. Director, Pneumonia, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
Seattle, WA, USA
Joseph Kovacs, M.D. Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sebastian G. Kurz, M.D., Ph.D. Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of
Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Jannik-Helweg Larsen, M.D. Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet,
Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Roland Leclercq, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Clinical
Microbiology, Caen University Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Caen Normandie,
Caen, France
Danielle Légaré, Ph.D. Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie du CHU de Québec, Université
Laval, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Donald P. Levine, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Shawn Lewenza, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Athabasca
University, Athabasca, AB, Canada
Jennifer Li, B.Sc. (Hons) Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Jian Li, Ph.D. Drug Delivery, Disposition and Dynamics, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Xian-Zhi Li, M.D., Ph.D Team Leader, Human Safety Division, Veterinary Drugs Directorate,
Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Stephen A. Locarnini, MBBS, BSc (Hon), PhD, FRCPath. Head Research and Molecular
Development, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Doherty Institute,
Melbourne, Australia
Jose L. Lopez-Ribot, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Department of Biology and South Texas Center for
Emerging Infectious Diseases, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
R. Dwayne Lunsford, Ph.D. Integrative Biology and Infectious Diseases Branch,
Microbiology Program, NIDCR: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research,
Bethesda, MD, USA
Joseph D. Lutgring, M.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Pauline Macheboeuf, Ph.D. Senior Scientist, Institute for Structural Biology, CNRS, CEA,
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France
Maria L. Magalhães Department of Food and Animal Production State University of Santa
Catarina, Lages, SC, Brazil
Elias K. Manavathu, Ph.D. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine,
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
Contributors xvii
The issue was settled in favor of mutation by demonstration Sulfonamide was hypothesized to mimic the chemical
that resistance could emerge in the absence of antibiotic and structure of PABA and to impede bacterial growth by com-
by its transfer with DNA. For example, the Lederbergs peting with PABA to prevent its utilization [20]. Extracts of
showed by replica plating that streptomycin-resistant colo- resistant pneumococci were soon found to contain increased
nies of Escherichia coli were present in a culture never amounts of a sulfonamide inhibitor [21], which was identi-
exposed to the drug [6], while Hotchkiss demonstrated that fied as PABA in extracts of other sulfonamide-resistant bac-
penicillin resistance could be transferred to a susceptible teria [22], so all seemed consistent with resistance as the
pneumococcus by DNA from a resistant one [7]. result of PABA overproduction. The story took another twist,
Adaptation returned later, however, in the form of adap- however, when sulfonamide-resistant E. coli were found to
tive mutations and adaptive antibiotic resistance. Adaptive make not excess PABA but a sulfonamide-resistant enzyme
mutations are defined as mutations formed in response to the that utilizes PABA in an early step of folic acid biosynthesis
environment in which they have been selected [8, 9]. Such [23]. Such target enzyme insensitivity is now thought to be
mutants occur in nondividing or slowly dividing cells and are the main, if not the sole, mechanism for sulfonamide resis-
specific for events that allow growth in that environment, as, tance [24].
for example, the emergence of ciprofloxacin-resistant The major mechanism for resistance to penicillin was
mutants in nondividing cultures of E. coli exposed for a week much more quickly identified. The dramatic increase in
to ciprofloxacin in agar [10]. Adaptive resistance is a phe- penicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus that took
nomenon seen with aminoglycosides when bacteria pre- place in the first decade of the antibiotic’s use resulted from
exposed to the antibiotic show less killing on subsequent the selective advantage provided by an enzyme that inacti-
exposure [11]. A reappreciation of genomic plasticity vated penicillin, which was present initially in only a few
returned as well as the many mechanisms of horizontal gene isolates. The enzyme, penicillinase, was first described, not
transfer were elucidated and again challenged the notion of in S. aureus, but in E. coli, in 1940, the same year clinical
fixed bacterial species. studies with penicillin began [25]. By 1942 increased resis-
Until penicillin became available sulfonamides were tance was reported in S. aureus from patients receiving
widely used for both treatment and prophylaxis, and before penicillin [26], and in 1944 penicillinase was extracted
long resistance began to appear in several pathogens. Daily from resistant strains of S. aureus obtained from patients
administration of sulfadiazine to prevent upper respiratory who had not even been exposed to the drug [27]. At
infections at military bases during World War II was fol- Hammersmith Hospital in London the fraction of S. aureus
lowed by the emergence of resistant β-hemolytic strepto- isolates that were penicillin resistant increased rapidly
cocci. The question was whether the resistance was acquired from 14 % in 1946, to 38 % in 1947, and to 59 % in 1948
or preexisting. Since the resistant organisms mainly belonged [28] eventually stabilizing at the 90 % resistance seen today
to only a few serotypes, selection of naturally resistant strains and inspiring the development of semi-synthetic
was favored although the possibility that only particular β-lactamase-resistant penicillins, which were the first anti-
serotypes could readily acquire resistance seems not to have biotics specifically designed to overcome a characterized
been considered [12, 13]. Use of sulfonamides for treatment resistance mechanism [29]. Unfortunately, methicillin-
of gonorrhea was followed by increasing failure rates and the resistant S. aureus appeared within a few years and were
proliferation of sulfonamide-resistant strains of Neisseria found to make not a methicillin-degrading enzyme but
gonorrhoeae [14]. Increasing sulfonamide resistance was rather a novel methicillin-resistant protein involved in cell
also noted in Neisseria meningitidis with corresponding clin- wall biosynthesis [30, 31]. The battle between bacteria and
ical failure [15]. Whether the neisseria truly acquired resis- pharmaceutical chemists synthesizing improved β-lactam
tance was unclear since sulfonamide-resistant strains were antibiotics had been joined and would continue [32].
discovered in cultures of N. gonorrhoeae or N. meningitidis The basis of resistance to streptomycin remained a puzzle
from the presulfonamide era [15, 16]. Sulfonamide treatment for a long time. Streptomycin-resistant mutations arose at
of bacillary dysentery became complicated as well by the low frequency in many kinds of bacteria, including, unfortu-
isolation of resistant strains, especially of resistant Shigella nately, Mycobacterium tuberculosis when the agent was used
sonnei [17]. Isolated instances were also reported of sulfa- alone for treatment. Mutation produced not only high-level
diazine resistance in pneumococci recovered after therapy of resistance but also bacteria dependent on streptomycin for
either pneumococcal pneumonia [18] or pneumococcal men- growth, a curious type that could even be recovered from
ingitis [19]. Knowledge of bacterial biochemistry and metab- patients treated with the drug [33]. A variety of biochemical
olism had advanced after the empirical discovery of changes followed exposure to streptomycin, including dam-
sulfonamides so that in 1940 p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) age to the cell membrane [34], but it was the observation that
was discovered to block the action of sulfonamide. PABA growth of a streptomycin-dependent mutant of E. coli in a
was proposed to be an essential metabolite for bacteria. suboptimal concentration of streptomycin resulted in
1 History of Drug-Resistant Microbes 5
decreased concentrations of protein and increased amounts resistant Haemophilus influenzae [48] and in penicillin-
of RNA that led Spotts and Stanier to propose that strepto- resistant N. gonorrhoeae [49]. Enzymes more active on
mycin blocked protein synthesis in susceptible cells but was cephalosporins than penicillins were discovered, functional
required for proper mRNA attachment to the ribosome in classification of the growing body of β-lactamases began
dependent ones [35]. Direct demonstration that streptomycin [50], the technique of isoelectric focusing was added to the
impaired amino acid incorporation in a cell-free system soon repertoire of β-lactamase biochemists [51], introduction of
followed [36]. Streptomycin at a concentration as low as cefamandole led to the recognition that β-lactamase dere-
l0−6 M could inhibit polyuridylate directed incorporation of pression could provide resistance in some organisms [52],
phenylalanine, but a 1000-fold higher concentration was and clinical use of expanded-spectrum cephalosporins was
required if the cell-free system was derived from a followed by an explosion of extended-spectrum and other
streptomycin-resistant organism. Furthermore, streptomycin β-lactamases [32, 53].
was found to cause misreading of the genetic code so that in Plasmids carry genes for resistance to many other antimi-
its presence polyuridylate catalyzed the misincorporation of crobial agents. Some genes code for enzymes that modify or
isoleucine and other amino acids [37]. So much was learned inactivate the agents, others for enzymes that alter drug tar-
in studying the interaction of streptomycin and other drugs gets in the cell or provide alternate biosynthetic pathways.
with the bacterial ribosome [38] that it came as something of Genes for antibiotic efflux (chloramphenicol, tetracycline)
a surprise that clinical isolates resistant to streptomycin were also found to be plasmid-determined, but efflux-
relied on quite a different strategy, namely modification by mediated resistance occurred as well from chromosomal
adenylation, phosphorylation, and, for other aminoglyco- mutations that alter control circuits also involved in expres-
sides, acetylation as well [39]. The lesson that resistance sion of outer membrane proteins that form porin channels for
selected in the laboratory could be different from that antibiotic uptake. Study of bacteria collected in the preanti-
selected in the clinic had to be learned. biotic era indicated that the plasmids that organize, express,
Resistance to other antimicrobial agents emerged and was and transmit resistance predated the clinical use of antibiot-
studied, but the next major conceptual advance was the ics [54]. R-plasmids resulted from the insertion of resistance
appreciation of the importance of R-plasmids, which led not genes into previously existing vehicles for their spread. The
only to a better understanding of resistance acquisition and resistance genes themselves have had a diverse origin. Some
dissemination but ultimately to recombinant DNA and the have come from organisms producing antibiotics since these
biotechnology revolution. The demonstration of transferable organisms needed a mechanism for self-protection [55, 56].
resistance in Japan dated from 1959 but took several more Others are now appreciated to have been present in environ-
years to attract attention and be accepted [40, 41]. An explo- mental organisms for millennia to counteract the biological
sion of discoveries followed. R-plasmids were found around weapons of competing antibiotic producers. Potential reser-
the world not only in Enterobacteriaceae but also in pseudo- voirs of resistance genes have been found in ancient perma-
monas, acinetobacter, staphylococci, enterococci, bacteroi- frost and at the bottom of caves sealed from above for
des, clostridia, and in virtually every bacterial species millions of years [57, 58].
examined. Some had remarkably wide host ranges while oth- Plasmids are not the only vehicle for gene transfer.
ers were limited to gram-positive, gram-negative, anaerobic, Naturally transformable pathogens such as Streptococcus
or even smaller bacterial subsets. Techniques were devel- pneumoniae, N. meningitidis, N. gonorrhoeae, and H. influ-
oped for plasmid transfer, isolation, and classification [42, enzae were found to exchange chromosomal genes with
43]. Transposons that allowed resistance genes to jump from members of closely related species, including genes for
one DNA site to another were discovered [44], as were inte- penicillin-binding proteins and topoisomerases that pro-
grons that allowed resistance gene cassettes to be captured vide resistance to penicillin or quinolones [59–61].
on plasmids and efficiently expressed [45], and specialized Mutation plays an important role in resistance to some anti-
insertion sequences adept at gene capture [46]. Restriction microbial agents usually by altering enzyme specificity or
enzymes, often plasmid-mediated, facilitated analysis of reducing binding to a lethal target. The notion that resis-
plasmid structure and permitted DNA cloning. The genetics tance was based on infrequent mutational events also led to
of antibiotic resistance became as tractable as its biochemis- the concept that resistance could be prevented by simulta-
try and contributed much to the emerging discipline of neous administration of two drugs since the product of the
molecular biology. likelihood of resistance emerging to each would be greater
The finding that a β-lactamase (designated TEM) from a than the size of any possible infecting inoculum, a thesis
clinical isolate of E. coli was carried on an R-plasmid [47] best justified by the success of multidrug treatment of
led to the realization that this resistance mechanism could tuberculosis. An increased mutation rate eventually exerts a
spread not only to other E. coli but also to other genera. fitness cost, but limited rate increases have been found in
Before long TEM β-lactamase was found in ampicillin- organisms with resistance attributable to an altered target
6 G.A. Jacoby
(quinolone resistance from gyrA mutations) [62] or modified becomes stabilized is also curiously variable. β-Lactamase
enzyme (expanded-spectrum β-lactam resistance due to production has reached 10–30 % in the gonococcus, 15–35 %
extended-spectrum β-lactamases) [63]. in H. influenzae, 30–40 % in E. coli, 75 % in Moraxella
Antibiotic resistance has come to be accepted as an inevi- catarrhalis, and 90 % in S. aureus, but what determines these
table consequence of antibiotic use. The ubiquity of the phe- levels is poorly understood. Once it has been acquired,
nomenon has been amply illustrated with emerging resistance however, resistance is slow to decline [68] and there are
to antiviral, antifungal, and anti-parasitic agents as well. On few examples of reduced antibiotic use associated with
the positive side understanding the mechanisms of antibiotic diminished resistance [69] so that prevention of resistance
resistance has often provided important insights into how by prudent antibiotic use remains the keystone to control.
antibiotics work. Knowledge about R-factors has unfortu- Appropriate use applies as well to nonhuman applications
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tance possible, but insight into resistance mechanisms has example.
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8 G.A. Jacoby
agents. Note that implicitly this definition contains the con- tance genes that might be found in metagenomic resistomes
cept that, in a strict sense, antibiotic resistance is resistance to can be classified into different levels of risk for health [3, 4].
antibiotic therapy, that is, resistance as a threat for public health
and consequently for the patient and for human population. It is
true that there are differences in antibiotic susceptibility among 3 V
ariability: The Substrate of Evolution
different bacterial organisms, but certainly “bacteria were not of Drug Resistance
born susceptible”; by reasons totally unrelated with antibiotic
exposure, many bacterial organisms are unsusceptible or poorly 3.1 T
he Complexity of Antibiotic Action
susceptible to some antimicrobial agents. For instance, and the Variety of Resistance Phenotypes
Escherichia coli is “resistant” to macrolides, only because the
structure (lipopolysaccharides-based) and function (physiologi- The classic dominance of either mechanistic or clinical
cal pumps, such as AcrAB) of the E. coli outer membrane do thought in microbiology has oversimplified the image of the
not allow these drugs to reach in sufficient quantity at the other- possible harmful consequences of exposure to industrially
wise “susceptible” ribosomal targets. Obviously the genes produced antibiotics in the microbial world. From this point
encoding for the outer membrane cannot be considered antibi- of view, antibiotics are considered as anti-biotics, anti-living
otic “resistance genes”, and “resistance” can be considered here compounds found or designed to either stop the growth or
as a “false phenotype”. However, if genes involved in lipopoly- kill bacterial organisms. Their main molecular targets have
saccharide or AcrAB pumps are functionally eliminated, E. coli been identified. Nevertheless, recent studies on sub-inhibitory
become more susceptible to macrolides, but that does not make effects of antibiotics demonstrate that the effects of antibi-
them “resistance genes”. In fact bacterial cells of all species otic exposure in bacteria are much larger, and therefore the
contain a large number of genes (may reach 1 % of the genome) adaptive and evolutionary consequences of their action are
whose knock-out (or eventually mutations) or hyper-expression also much more complex. First, at the cellular level, the
results in a decrease in susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. effect of antibiotic exposure is not confined to the inhibition
These genes constitute the “intrinsic resistome” for a given bac- of a single lethal target and may cause secondary effects on
terial species [2]. The “natural resistance” or “intrinsic resis- bacterial metabolism. Second, at the population level, the
tance” of particular species to certain antibiotics depends on effect of antibiotic exposure is not confined to the local
these genes, which are normally part of the bacterial chromo- extinction of a harmful bacterial organism. Antibiotics exert
some “core” genome, involved in the physiological functions of actions on the individual cells at concentrations far lower
the cell. than those needed to inhibit growth or kill bacteria.
Metagenomic studies have identified many of these genes Recent studies of gene expression suggest that a number
as “resistance genes”, and are inappropriately included as of cellular functions (some of them increasing fitness) are
such in databases. As frequently new “resistance genes” are modified when bacteria are exposed to sub-inhibitory con-
defined by homology with existing genes, the noise in data- centrations of antibiotics [5, 6]. Sub-inhibitory concentra-
bases may increase exponentially. Most of the mistakes in tions of aminoglycoside antibiotics induce biofilm formation
such attribution are related with three groups of genes: (1) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli. In P. aeruginosa,
genes belonging to the intrinsic resistome, (2) genes encod- the aminoglycoside response regulator gene (arr) is essential
ing antibiotic targets harbouring particular mutations, and for this induction and has contributed to biofilm-specific
(3) genes with insufficient degrees of genetic identity with aminoglycoside resistance [7]. These results support the
resistance genes of clinical importance. notion that antibiotics in nature are not only bacterial weap-
However, we cannot fully exclude that some of these ons for fighting competitors, but they are also signalling mol-
genes could act as “true” resistance genes when they enter in ecules that may regulate the homeostasis of microbial
another (susceptible) organism exposed to antibiotics. In communities. Competition, in microbial communities, is sel-
their original host, these genes perform physiological func- dom a permanent effect; competitors might just be suffi-
tions, and are generally inserted in a functional network. Out ciently aggressive to control the size of their populations, in
of the original host, decontextualized genes might be selected order to avoid dominance of a single genotype. Diversity,
as true resistance genes. The first condition for this is that rather than dominance of a particular group, is the hallmark
these genes could be captured by mobile genetic elements of evolutionary success. Indeed the major aim of evolution is
(MGEs). Second, the bacteria harbouring resistance genes in to survive, to persist in time; finally, the gain in space or in
MGEs should have sufficient genetic and ecologic connec- cell numbers only serves to assure persistence in time [8].
tivity with bacteria able to produce infections in humans. This view about an ecological role of antibiotics, serving as
Third, that these genes encode for resistance to relevant anti- both weapons and signals (the classic armament-ornament
biotics used in the therapy of infections, more so if these duality) should immediately influence our view about the
antibiotics were not known to be detoxified by other mecha- evolution of resistance traits [5]. If antibiotics act as weapons
nisms. Considering these main factors, the different resis- in nature, antibiotic resistance develops not only to prevent
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 11
Table 2.1 Levels of specificity in antibiotic resistance cation, but the adaptive impact of this phenomenon has as yet
• Target mutation or alternative target production been scarcely explored.
• Inducible enzyme protecting target If a number of individuals are lost after a challenge, many
• Constitutive enzyme protecting target other almost-identical individuals are available to replace
• Inducible enzyme detoxifying the antibiotic them, thus repairing the system. Note that the reconstruction
• Constitutive enzyme detoxifying the antibiotic of the population depends on a relatively low number of indi-
• Rewiring of physiological systems altered by antibiotic exposure viduals, and therefore the new population will be purged to
• Mutation in specific mechanism for antibiotic uptake some degree of its original genetic diversity (periodic selec-
• Inducible efflux system tion). At higher complexity levels, degenerate individuals may
• Constitutive efflux system also compensate for losses in units within a system. Degeneracy
• Alterations in general mechanisms of antibiotics uptake means that structurally different units can perform the same or
• Nonspecific envelope permeability alterations
very similar functions in the system. Probably clonal diversifi-
• Global stress adaptive responses
cation can be viewed as a way of increasing degeneracy within
• Phenotypic tolerance related with cell cycle
bacterial species. In short, redundancy and degeneracy tend to
• Environment-dependent resistance
prevent antibiotic-mediated disordering events in high-level
complexity bacterial systems, and lead to highly optimized
suicide in the producer organisms, but also to protect the tolerance. In the bacterial world, as redundant individuals are
diversity of the coexisting microbial communities. If in natu- disposable they may be imported by other similar systems
ral environments the weapons are intended to be just sub- under danger of disorder. Hence, we can add connectivity—
lethal, just to modulate the growth rate or to alter the gene the ability of elements and systems to interact—as a means for
expression profile of microbes sharing the same habitat, increasing such tolerance.
resistance traits are modifiers or back-modulators of these
effects. Indeed we should be open to consider that the emer- 3.1.2 Phenotypic Tolerance
gence and evolution of resistance not only applies for high- Non-inherited antibiotic resistance (non-susceptibility) illus-
level, clinically relevant resistance, but also for resistance trates the flexibility of bacterial populations to adapt to anti-
protecting the modulation of microbial interactions. If these biotic challenges. As stated in the previous paragraph, fully
interactions are important to maintain the bacterial lifestyle, susceptible bacteria from the genetic point of view (that is,
resistance will develop even at very low “signalling” concen- lacking specific mechanisms of resistance) might exhibit
trations. In short, there are a multiplicity of effects of antibi- phenotypic tolerance to antibiotics, that is, they are able to
otics in bacteria; consequently, there are many levels on persist at concentrations in which the majority of the popula-
which antibiotic resistance is exerted, from very specific to tion is dying. Cells regrown from these refractory bacteria
very general ones (Table 2.1). remain as susceptible to the antibiotic as the original popula-
tion [9]. Although canalization, redundancy, and degeneracy
3.1.1 A daptation Without Change: Redundancy probably contribute to this phenomenon, it is the changes in
and Degeneracy of Bacterial Systems the physiological state of bacterial organisms along the cell
Even though antibiotics might exert a number of effects on cycle that are probably critical. In practical terms, the main
the bacterial cell even at low antibiotic concentrations, a trait of the phenotype is slow growth. Experiments have
number of cells within a population will be essentially unaf- shown that when growing bacteria are exposed to bacteri-
fected and could restore the original population (see also cidal concentrations of antibiotics, the sensitivity of the bac-
“phenotypic tolerance” in the next Sect. 3.1.2). At biological teria to the antibiotic commonly decreases with time and
system level, this is an example of environmental canaliza- substantial fractions of the bacteria survive, without develop-
tion defined as the property of a biological system to main- ing any inheritable genetic change [10]. Interestingly, these
tain the normal standard phenotype despite environmental tolerant subpopulations generated by exposure to one con-
perturbations. This robustness or inertia to perturbation centration of an antibiotic are also tolerant to higher concen-
depends in part on the redundancy and degeneracy of the trations of the same antibiotic and can be tolerant to other
biological system. Redundancy means that multiple identical types of antibiotics. It is possible that in any bacterial popu-
units perform the same or very similar functions inside the lation, a certain spontaneous switch might occur between
system. For instance, by assuring high reproductive rates, normal and persister cells, and it has been proposed that the
which results in high cell densities, the negative effects of frequency of such a switch might be responsive to environ-
variation on the entire population is diluted. Indeed small mental changes [11]. Such switching is probably stochastic,
populations have a high risk of extinction by deleterious and depends on the random induction of persister cells
variation. Interestingly, bacteria tend to increase their repli- through the activation of the alarmone (p)ppGpp resulting in
cation rate at concentrations of growth-inhibiting substances increasing function of mRNA endonucleases [12]. In fact,
that are only slightly lower than those that prevent multipli- we could designate as “persistence” the result of such a
12 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
switch, and phenotypic tolerance or indifference to drugs as strains as well as aminoglycoside modifying enzymes in
the physiological status of any cell to become refractory to some Enterobacteriaceae species and P. aeruginosa .
drugs. However, in our opinion such distinctions are not Resistance mediated by drug-efflux pumps constitutes an
always clear. Mathematical modelling and computer simula- excellent example of exaptation. For instance, a blast search
tions suggests that phenotypic tolerance or persistence might for proteins similar to the macrolide-resistance Mef protein
extend the need of antibiotic therapy, cause treatment failure of Streptococcus reveals hundreds of hits of similar
of eradication, and promote the generation and ascent of sequences encompassing all microorganisms, including
inherited, specific resistance to antibiotics [13]. Neisseria, Bacteroides, Legionella, Enterococcus,
Desulfitobacterium, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Ralstonia,
Bacillus, Geobacter, Thermologa, or Streptomyces. More
3.2 The Source of Antibiotic-Resistance recently, the possibility that genetic variants of the
Genes aminoglycoside-inactivating enzyme aac(6′)-Ib gene might
reduce the susceptibility to quinolones was reported [22]. A
Genes currently involved in antibiotic-resistance may have number of these enzymes are normal chromosomal genes in
evolved for purposes other than antibiotic resistance (Table 2.2). a number of species, such as members of Enterococci,
From this point of view, resistance should be considered as a where they can contribute to so-called natural resistance to
chance product, determined by the interaction of an antibiotic aminoglycosides and quinolones. Clinical resistance to
and a particular genotype. This is not incompatible with the aminoglycosides is also due to target modification by
idea of a gradual modification of some genes of pre-existing A1408 16SrRNA methyltransferases, which have been
cellular machinery to finally “convert” into resistance genes. found in environmental Actinobacteria and Firmicutes [24].
Some genes which may be neutral or almost neutral in the pre- The evolution of vancomycin-resistance multigene deter-
vailing non-antibiotic environment may possess a latent poten- minants is particularly intriguing. They are found in a limited
tial for selection that can only be expressed under the appropriate number of complex operon-clusters. However these clusters
conditions of antibiotic selection. In this case we are probably are composed of genes from different sources, and almost
facing a pre-adaptation [14, 15], in the sense of assumption of certainly originated from a genus other than Enterococcus,
a new function without interference with the original function such a Bacillus and Paenibacillus for vanA, Clostridium,
via a small number of mutations, or gene combinations. In a Atopobium, or Eggerthella for vanB, that is, environmental
later paragraph we will see in details the possible origin of aerobic or strict anaerobic bacteria from the bowel flora. The
enzymes hydrolyzing beta-lactam antibiotics (beta-lactamases) classic “eye evolution problem” applies here. It is difficult
as an alteration of the tridimensional structure of the active site to conceive how such a complicated mechanism of defence
of cell wall biosynthetic enzymes (transglycosylases- against glycopeptidic antibiotics might have evolved, as
transpeptidases). In other cases, the mere amplification of apparently all its intrincate functions are required for the
genes with small activity for the purposes of resistance may vancomycin-resistance phenotype. In the case of the many
also result in a resistant phenotype [16]. Finally, we can have an different elements that are needed to “construct” an eye, a
exaptation [17] if the genetic conditions which exist for a func- principal component should emerge first (in the eye, the
tion are equally well adapted to serve for antibiotic resistance. starting point is the existence of light-sensitive cells). Some
A reservoir of “unknown” resistance genes in the intesti- small degree of glycopeptide resistance must have evolved
nal microbiome has been suggested [18] even though a first (probably mediated by d-Ala:d-lac ligases) and this
number of these genes have not been functionally con- must have been selected and eventually refined by further
firmed (might have structural resemblance with resistance evolutionary steps, that certainly include the modular recruit-
genes, but the resistance function was not proven). Cryptic ment of genes with functions primarily unrelated with antibi-
beta- lactamase- mediated resistance to carbapenems is otic resistance, as two-component stimulus–response
present in intestinal Bacteroides or in Listeria [19–21]. coupling (sensing-transcription) mechanisms. Without this
Metallo-beta-lactamases (MBLs) can be found in the inducible mechanism there is in fact a drastic reduction in
genomes of 12 different Rhizobiales [18]. Fifty-seven open the levels of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and vanco-
reading frames were classified as potential MBLs. Four of mycin [25]. It is likely that unsuccessful combinations have
them were functionally analysed and one was demonstrated been produced along time, and probably a number of differ-
to be a functional MBL. Broad-spectrum chromosomally ent “solutions” have arisen. Indeed photoreceptors or eyes
mediated beta-lactamases are usually found in Gram- have also independently evolved more than 40 times in the
negative organisms. Quinolone-resistance qnr genes, now animal kingdom. This example illustrates how nature evolves
plasmid-mediated, were originated in the chromosome of in many parallel ways, and the same occurs for drug resis-
aquatic bacteria, such as Shewanella algae [22, 23]. Cryptic tance. The high diversity in determinants of resistance
tetracycline-resistance determinants are present in the chro- strongly suggests that many of them have evolved to the cur-
mosomes of susceptible Bacillus, Bacteroides, or E. coli rent function from “pre-resistance” molecules originated
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 13
Table 2.2 Examples of resistance mechanisms in clinical strains that evolved from natural functions in non-clinical organisms
Antibimicrobial group Mechanisms Related natural protein Natural reservoirs
Aminoglycosides Acetylation Histone-acetylases Streptomyces
Phosphorylation Protein kinases Actinobacteria, Firmicutes
16S rRNA methyltransferases The same
Tetracyclines Efflux (mar) Major facilitator superfamily EF-Tu, EF-G Streptomyces
Chloramphenicol Acetylation Acetylases Streptomyces
Efflux (mar) Major facilitator superfamily EF-Tu, EF-G
Macrolides Target site modification rRNA methylases Streptomyces
ß-lactams (methicillin) PBP2a Homologous PBP2a Staphylococcus sciuri
ß-lactams (cefotaxime) CTX-M-3 beta-lactamase Homologous beta-lactamases Kluyvera ascorbata
ß-lactams (carbapenems) OXA-48 like beta-lactamase Homologous beta-lactamases Shewanella xiamenensis
Glycopeptides (vancomycin) Target site modification: d-ala-d- Van operon homologous genes Paenibacillus,
ala replacement (Van operon) Streptomyces,
Fluoroquinolones Topoisomerase protection Qnr like protein Shewanella algae
Topoisomerase protection QnrS like protein Vibrio splendidus
Efflux QepA protein Streptomyces
from different evolutionary lineages. Indeed we know about At closer evolutionary times, it is undeniable that most of
dozens of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes, thousands of the current mechanisms of antibiotic resistance might be
beta-lactamases, many of them redundantly inactivating the derived from commensal organisms of the normal microbi-
same antibiotic substrates. ota of human and animals, after older exchanges with envi-
This panorama helps to visualize the almost unlimited ronmental organisms. Because of that, research on antibiotic
number and variety of potential antibiotic-resistance resistance forms part of the “One Health” approach, encom-
determinants in the microbial world. Because most bacte- passing humans, animals, and the environment [33].
rial pathogens enter periodically or are hosted in the envi-
ronment, research on antibiotic resistance should be 3.2.1 O rigin of Drug Resistance: The Case
placed in the field of environmental microbiology [26, 27]. of Beta-Lactamases
Many of the ancestor or current genes involved in actual or The origin and function of beta-lactamases in nature are still a
potential mechanisms of resistance are located in environ- matter of debate. Current knowledge upholds that PBPs and
mental bacteria. In a particular location, the ensemble of beta-lactamases are related to each other from a structural and
all these resistance genes constitutes the local resistome an evolutionary point of view and that these proteins might
[28, 29]. The size of the environmental resistome can be have common ancestors in primitive antibiotic producer bac-
determined by metagenomic technology dissecting local teria [34]. Certainly, at their turn, both beta-lactamases and
microbiomes, using gene-capture platforms particularly PBPs should derive from ancient carboxypeptidases. It has
sensitive for the detection of resistance genes along with been traditionally postulated that antibiotic-producing bacte-
recent bioinformatic approaches for data mining and ria need to produce their own antidote to avoid committing
metagenomics. suicide and that beta-lactam and beta-lactamase production in
Antibiotic-producing microorganisms might still be these organisms could be co-regulated. The filamentous soil
considered as a suitable source of highly efficient resistance bacteria such as Streptomyces, Nocardia, and Actinomadura
determinants. It can be presumed that both antibiotic biosyn- produce, among others, beta-lactam antibiotics and beta-lac-
thetic pathways and the mechanisms of resistance avoiding tamases and soil fungi such as Penicillium are also able to
self-damage may be the result of a co-evolutionary process. produce beta-lactam antibiotics. Some of the genes participat-
In fact, resistance can be viewed as a pre-condition for sig- ing in the biosynthesis of beta-lactams, such as cef or pcb gene
nificant antibiotic production. The benefit associated with variants, share similar sequences in different species of antibi-
antibiotic production (probably preventing habitat invasion otic producers, including Cephalosporium, Streptomyces, and
by sensitive competitors) [30] probably also selected the pro- Penicillium. Amino acid sequence alignment and bioinfor-
ducer strains harbouring the more efficient resistance strate- matic analysis led to the proposal that all these genes have
gies. As previously stated before, these resistance evolved from an ancestral gene cluster that was later mobi-
mechanisms may in their turn have originated in housekeep- lized from ancient bacteria to pathogenic organisms.
ing genes (for instance, sugar kinases or acetyl-transferases Horizontal gene transfer must have taken place in the soil
for aminoglycoside resistance) [31, 32] (Table 2.1). about 370 million years ago and multiple gene transfer events
14 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
occurred from bacteria to bacteria or bacteria to fungi [35]. enzymes, avoiding the interaction with the peptidoglycan or
Beta-lactam gene clusters participating in antibiotic biosyn- peptidoglycan precursors, which are the substrates for PBPs.
thesis also often include genes for beta-lactamases and PBPs. This has been disclosed in X-ray interaction models with
The beta-lactamase gene products have been shown to partici- cephalosporin derivatives and AmpC beta-lactamase variants
pate in part in the regulation of the production of these antibi- from E. coli. These models revealed not only three dimen-
otics such as cephamycins in Nocardia lactamdurans or sional structural similarities but also that the surface for inter-
cephalosporin C in Streptomyces clavuligerus. The latter also action with the strand of peptidoglycan that acylates the active
produces a potent inhibitor of class A beta-lactamase, proba- site, which is present in PBPs, is absent in the beta-lactamase
bly to protect itself from formed antibiotics. active site. The possible mutational pathways of evolution
Beta-lactamases and PBPs also share issues other than from PBPs to beta-lactamases have been investigated [38],
potential common ancestors, gene sequences, or potential but certainly this process might have evolved separately, by
involvement in antibiotic biosynthesis regulation. Both of mutation and/or recombination, on many occasions.
them have functions in relation to cell wall and peptidoglycan, Alternative hypotheses of the origin and function of beta-
which are more evident in the case of PBPs. These proteins lactamases have also been postulated. Antibiotics are known
are responsible for assembly, maintenance, and regulation of to be secondary metabolite compounds that are normally
peptidoglycan structure. They are mainly anchored in the bac- released in the early stationary growth phase. For this reason,
terial inner membrane, with their active site in the periplasmic it has been hypothesized that beta-lactamases may also play
space in Gram negatives and the corresponding space in Gram a role as “peptidases”, in catalysing the hydrolysis of the
positives. In parallel, most of the beta-lactamases are secreted beta-lactam nucleus to reutilize carbon and nitrogen as an
to the periplasmic space in the Gram negatives or evade the energy source in adverse conditions and they may act as
peptidoglycan barrier in the Gram-positive organisms. All nutrients for potential growing bacteria [39]. Some environ-
PBP classes, with the exception of one which appears to be mental organisms, including some Burkholderia cepacia
Zn2+ dependent, and beta-lactamase classes are serine active genomovars and Pseudomonas fluorescens, have been shown
site proteins (see below). Peptidoglycan degrading products to grow in the presence of penicillin as a sole carbon and
can regulate the production of beta-lactamases in certain nitrogen source and to stimulate the synthesis of beta-
Gram-negative bacteria due to the action of PBPs or beta- lactamase under this condition. From an evolutionary point
lactam antibiotics. In contrast, natural chromosomal beta-lac- of view, the beta-lactamase-producing bacteria have had
tamases in these organisms have been shown to participate in advantages over non-beta-lactamase-producing organisms,
the regulation of precursors of peptidoglycan. particularly in soil communities. The former have been able
Amino acid sequence analysis of PBPs and beta- not only to avoid the action of natural beta-lactam products
lactamases argue in favour of a common origin of these pro- secreted by these antibiotic producers but also to simultane-
teins. Both proteins are members of a single superfamily of ously use beta-lactams as nutrients.
active-serine enzymes that are distinct from the classical ser-
ine proteases. The amino acid alignments of the main PBPs
and different beta-lactamases reveal the presence of con- 3.3 G
lobal Stress Regulation and Antibiotic
served boxes with strict identities or homologous amino Resistance
acids. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis in the residues
essential for the catalytic activity of PBP in E. coli and the In most cases, antibiotic resistance requires time to be
counterpart residues in class A beta-lactamases has shown expressed in a particular bacterial cell. The best example is
similar features in these positions. In essence, the same when this expression occurs as a consequence of antibiotic
structural motifs that bind penicillin in PBPs can be used to exposure (antibiotic-mediated induction). Only bacteria
hydrolyze beta-lactams for beta-lactamases [36]. able to survive during the time required for full induction of
Structural evidence also supports the proposal that beta- resistance mechanisms will be able to resist antibiotic effects
lactamases descend from the PBP cell wall biosynthesis and consequently be selected. This “need-to-resist-to-
enzymes [37]. PBPs are ancient proteins as bacteria came into become-resistant” paradox deserves some explanation.
existence approximately 3.8 billion years ago, but the devel- Antibiotic action, even at sub-inhibitory conditions, results
opment of beta-lactamases is a relatively recent event, which in alterations of the bacterial physiological network.
must have taken place after the evolution of the first biosyn- Physiological networking and signalling mechanisms
thetic pathway in beta-lactam-producing organisms. It has increase (amplify) any cell disturbance, just as a cob-web
been argued that this process has been reproduced several increases small oscillations, and immediately provoke non-
times to generate the different class A, C, and D beta- specific mechanisms of global adaptation. Phenotypic toler-
lactamases. Beta-lactamases have had to undergo structural ance or formation of “persister cells” might be among this
alterations to become effective as antibiotic resistance type of responses (see above), with mechanisms involving
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 15
the alarmone (p)ppGpp being involved in cell survival, and the same genotypes in all selected mutants, as mutations in
consequently in antibiotic resistance [40]. Other mecha- different genes can produce similar antibiotic resistance phe-
nisms might involve sigma factors, key-components of the notypes. For example, when a quinolone resistance mutation
translation cell machinery that are responsive to different rate is determined, this rate is really the result of the combi-
types of stress [41, 42]. Sigma-S defective strains are more nation of the mutation rates of the genes that encode the syn-
susceptible to antimicrobial agents [43]. Sigma-regulons are thesis of GyrA, GyrB, ParA, ParC, and several different
induced by beta-lactam agents, fosfomycin, teicoplanin, multidrug resistance (MDR) systems, and eventually other
rifampicin, or polymyxins [44–46]. Probably heat-shock inactivating and target-protection mechanisms. In this
proteins also contribute to nonspecific antibiotic defence respect, the calculated “phenotypic” mutation frequency is
[47]. Of course that means that the excitement of global the result of several different “genotypic” mutation events.
stress responses by factors other than antibiotics might non- The most important part of the adaptive possibilities of
specifically reduce the antibiotic potency. SOS adaptive bacterial populations to environmental challenges, including
response might also be unspecifically triggered by antibiot- adaptation to the anthropogenic antibiotic exposure, results
ics. For instance, beta-lactam-mediated PBP-3 inhibition from the huge quantity of bacterial individual cells. Simple
results in the induction of the SOS machinery in E. coli calculations can provide an intuitive image of the mutation
through the DpiBA two-component signal transduction sys- frequency in bacterial populations. E. coli genome has typi-
tem [48, 49]. Among the immediate consequences of such cally a size of 5,000,000 base pairs (5 × 106 bp), correspond-
an early antibiotic sublethal effect is that bacteria might ing approximately to 5000 genes. The mutation rate of E.
reduce their growth rate, eventually entering in some degree coli is 1 × 10−3 per genome (cell) per generation [50]. Divided
of phenotypic tolerance to drugs, and also that some other by the number of genes, 0.001/5000 = 0.0000002 = 2 × 10−7 p
adaptive responses are triggered [49]. er gene and (cell) generation. Considering a cell density of
109 cells/ml in the colon, and a volume of 1000 ml in this part
of the colonized intestine, we have 1012 E. coli cells in a
3.4 Genetic Variation: Mutation single host (for instance, a particular patient) meaning that
each day, supposing that E. coli divides only once/day in the
3.4.1 Mutation Frequency and Mutation Rate colon, we have 200,000 mutations per gene/day for the entire
In the case of antibiotic resistance, the mutation “rate” is fre- E. coli population established in a single host. Of course
quently and inappropriately defined as the in vitro frequency resistance genes, or pre-resistance genes, will also evolve at
at which detectable mutants arise in a bacterial population in this rate. Many E. coli clones are living in our intestine for
the presence of a given antibiotic concentration. Such a years [51], so that the number of generations might be huge,
determination is widely considered an important task for the and so the cumulative number of possible mutations offered
prognosis of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. to natural selection. How might bacteria tolerate such muta-
In the scientific jargon regarding antibiotics, a “mutation tional load? Certainly due to purifying or stabilizing selec-
rate” is frequently presented in a characteristically naive way tion, that is, the alleles produced by most mutations are
that can sometimes be understood as an intrinsic property of selectively removed if deleterious.
a new antimicrobial drug in its interaction with the target
bacteria, with a “low mutation rate” that is considered an 3.4.2 Hyper-mutation
advantage over competitors. “This drug induces (?) a low The above calculations were based on huge bacterial popula-
mutation rate” is a familiar but completely mistaken expres- tions in a shared environment (as E. coli in a “common”
sion. Note that in these types of tests we are recording the intestinal space in our example). However, many bacterial
number of mutant cells and not the number of mutation populations can be disaggregated, occupying small and
events. In fact, we are recording only the selectively favour- eventually non-connected niches, with lower bacterial local
able mutations for the bacteria that lead to a visible antibiotic densities in these compartments. Under immune response or
resistance phenotype, and therefore we are determining antibiotic therapy, bacterial populations can also be reduced
“mutation frequencies” and not “mutation rates”. From the in size, and that applies in nature to all kinds of stressful
pioneering works of Luria and Delbrück, it became clear that conditions and bottlenecks. In environments where bacteria
evaluation of mutation rates is not easy. The methods for dis- reach high population sizes, the normal mutation rates are
tinguishing the value of the observed frequency of mutants more than enough to provide a sufficient wealth of muta-
from the real mutation rate are not easy to apply, and fluctua- tional variation. However, when confined to low population
tion tests for analysis of the presence of populations of pre- sizes in compartmentalized habitats, variants with increased
existing mutants in the tested populations should be applied mutation rates (mutators) tend to be selected since they have
here. In the case of antibiotic resistance, the problem is com- an increased probability of forming beneficial mutations.
plicated by the fact that the phenotype does not always reflect Hyper-mutation is frequently due to the impairment of the
16 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
mismatch repair system, and more particularly involves much more frequent than the advantageous ones. Therefore
alterations in mutS gene, but also in mutL, or mutH. Note that the abundance of strains with increased frequency of muta-
in an asexually reproducing organism, a mutator allele (for tion ought to be maintained by positive selection for the
instance, the mutS allele that hyper-generates mutation) and hyper-mutable organisms [59]. Without positive selection,
the beneficial mutations are physically and genetically asso- the hypothesis is that these mutator populations would be
ciated in the same chromosome. As a result the mutator extinct because of their unbearable mutational load (burden).
allele will hitch-hike to increased frequency in the popula- However, we have shown in long-term evolution experi-
tion together with the beneficial mutation. ments that hyper-mutators might find mechanisms to reduce
One exemplary case is the selection of hyper-mutator their rates of mutation, even if they cannot reacquire the
populations in highly compartmentalized, chronic infections repair function (for instance, the wild-type MutS gene) by
under frequent antibiotic exposure. This is the case of bron- horizontal gene transfer. These mechanisms involve protect-
chopulmonar colonization in cystic fibrosis patients or those ing the cell against increased endogenous oxidative radicals
with bronchiectasis [52]. Determination of spontaneous involved in DNA damage, and thus in genome mutation [60].
mutation rates in P. aeruginosa isolates from cystic fibrosis The problem of combining the generation of variation
patients revealed that 36 % of the patients were colonized by required for adaptive needs and the required integrity of the
a hypermutable (mutator, mostly mutS deficient) strain bacterial functions might also be solved by strategies of low-
(exceeding by 10–1000× the normal mutation frequency, level mutation, and “transient hyper-mutation”. Possibly the
10−8) that persisted for years in most patients. Mutator strains fitness cost in terms of deleterious mutations is lower in a
were not found in a control group of non-cystic fibrosis weak mutator and this allows their rising to higher frequen-
patients acutely infected with P. aeruginosa. This investiga- cies in the population, and there might be a “reserve of low
tion also revealed a link between high mutation rates in vivo level mutators” in many bacterial populations, coexisting with
and high rates of antibiotic resistance [53]. An analogous the normo-mutable population. Indeed mutators are fixed in
rise in the proportion of hyper-mutable strains in cystic fibro- competition with non-mutators when they reach a frequency
sis patients has been documented for other organisms, equal or higher than the product of their population size and
including Streptococcus, Haemophilus, Staphylococcus, or mutation rate [61]. In populations of sufficient size, advanta-
Stenotrophomonas, and for analogous clinical conditions, as geous mutations tend to appear in weak mutators, and the
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [54–56]. selective process will therefore enrich low mutating organ-
About 1 % of the E. coli strains have at least 100× the isms. The adaptive success of weak mutators may indeed pre-
modal mutation frequency of 10−8 (strong mutators) and a vent further fixation of strong mutators [61]. The “transient
very high proportion of strains, between 11 and 38 % in the hypermutation” strategy will be treated in a paragraph below.
different series, had frequencies exceeding by 4–40 times Striking differences have been found in the frequency of
this modal value (weak mutators) [57] (Fig. 2.1). These pro- hyper-mutable E. coli strains depending on the origin; faecal
portions are obviously far higher than could be expected by samples of healthy volunteers, urinary tract infections, or
random mutation of the genes that stringently maintain the bloodstream infections. E. coli strains from blood cultures
normal mutation frequency. Moreover, increased mutation are typically isolated from hospitalized patients and are
frequency may result in a loss of fitness for the bacterial pop- therefore expected to have had a longer exposure to different
ulation in the gut [58] as random deleterious mutations are hosts and antibiotic challenges. For instance, the frequency
Mutation rate
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 17
of hyper-mutable E. coli strains is higher among E. coli (intragenomic recombination) or between cells; in the last
strains producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases [62]. case, horizontal genetic transfer is required. Intragenomic
In general, adaptation to complex environments, including recombination facilitates spread of homologous repeated
pathogenic ones, and the facilitation of between-hosts genetic sequences. Gene conversion assures non-reciprocal
spread, leads to a certain microevolutionary “clonalization” transfer of information between homologous sequences
(predominance of a particular clonal variant in a particular inside the same genome. This might lead to minimizing the
environment), which is facilitated by hypermutation [63]. In costs associated with the acquisition of a particular mutation
summary, mutation rates show a certain degree of polymor- (replacing the mutated sequence), or, on the contrary, to
phism, and differences between isolates might reflect the maximizing the benefits of mutations that confer a weak
degree of unexpected variation of the environment in which advantage when present as a single member (spreading cop-
they are located [53, 64–67]. ies of the mutated sequence) [73]. For instance, single-
mutated rRNAs easily produce antibiotic resistance to
3.4.3 Antibiotics Inducing Mutations: Transient aminoglycosides (and probably this is the case for other anti-
Mutation biotics) when the rest of the copies of rRNA sequences
A number of antibiotics induce adaptive responses to their remain unchanged: the advantageous mutation spread by
own action, frequently—but not exclusively—by induction of gene conversion [74].
the SOS repair system. SOS induction might be mediated by Recombination in fact provides an extremely frequent
the SOS repair systems, not only those acting on DNA, but mechanism for bacterial adaptation, being reversible in many
also on cell wall, as previously stated. One of the non-SOS cases. Gene duplication-amplification processes (either
effects (LexA/RecA independent)related to the PBP3- RecA-dependent or RecA-independent) are highly relevant
inhibition cell-wall damage response is the induction of dinB in the adaptation to antibiotic exposure because they gener-
transcription, resulting in the synthesis of an error-prone DNA ate extensive and reversible genetic variation on which adap-
polymerase IV [68]. The consequence of this is an increase in tive evolution can act [75–77].
the number of transcriptional mistakes, which might result in For instance, sulfonamide, trimethoprim, or beta-lactams
the emergence of adaptive mutations producing resistance to resistance (including resistance to beta-lactam plus beta-
the challenging agents [67, 69]. Antibiotics that produce mis- lactamase inhibitors) occur by increased gene dosage through
translation, as aminoglycosides, induce translational stress- amplification of antibiotic hydrolytic enzymes, target
induced mutagenesis (non-inheritable!) [70]. Many antibiotics enzymes, or efflux pumps [78]. These cells now are now
induce the SOS repair system, resulting in mutational selectable by low antibiotic concentrations, increase in num-
increases, not only DNA-damaging agents, such as fluoroqui- ber and therefore also increase the probability for new adap-
nolones [71], but also beta-lactam agents [72]. The reason for tive mutations occurring in one of the amplified genes,
mutational increase is the SOS-mediated induction of alterna- eventually leading to higher levels of resistance. Once that
tive error-prone DNA polymerases PolII, PolIV, and PolV. occurs, low-level resistance by amplification-only is no lon-
ger efficiently selected. Moreover, gene amplification is
inherently instable, and also might produce fitness costs, as
3.5 Genetic Variation: Gene Recombination, each additional kilobase pairs of DNA reduces fitness by
Gene Amplification approximately 0.15 % [79] so that the amplification will
return to the original single gene-status. No signal will
Gene recombination might act as a restorative process which remain of this transient event in the genome sequence, and
opposes gene mutation. Indeed a mutated gene, leading to a that is the reason why this evolutionary mechanism remains
deleterious phenotype, might be replaced by homologous underdetected.
recombination with the wild gene if it is accessible in the The possibility of gene recombination between bacterial
same chromosome, or in other replicons of the same or dif- organisms is highly dependent on the availability of horizon-
ferent organism. For instance, if a mutated gene leading to tal gene-transfer mechanisms and the acceptance by the
antibiotic resistance is associated with a high biological cost recipient cell of the foreign DNA. For instance, DNA uptake
in the absence of antibiotics, reducing fitness of the resistant in Neisseria meningitidis or Haemophilus influenzae is
organism, the mutated gene could be replaced by the wild- highly sequence-specific. Transformation with Streptococcus
type gene, restoring both fitness and antibiotic susceptibility. pneumoniae DNA is exceptional outside this genus. In these
This phenomenon might explain the partial penetration of very human-adapted organisms, intrageneric transfer facili-
some resistance traits in bacterial populations. tates the required variability in the surface proteins needed
On the contrary, gene recombination might assure spread for colonization of mucosal surfaces in the human host, but
of mutations associated with antibiotic-resistance pheno- the same strategy has been applied for optimizing mecha-
types. This might occur inside the same bacterial cell nisms of antibiotic resistance. A variety of mosaic (hybrid)
18 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
genes, encoding antibiotic-resistant variants of the target- organism Kluyvera ascorbata and mobilizing it into E. coli,
proteins for beta-lactam antibiotics, have appeared in those that has now become resistant to third generation cephalospo-
organisms which are under antibiotic pressure. In aminogly- rins [85]. This recruiting module is involved in the expression
cosides and in tetracyclines, mosaic hybrid genes are also and mobilization of many ESBLs [86]. Interestingly, the cap-
frequent [80, 81]. turing ability of the ISEcp1B module is dependent on a mal-
functioning of this insertion sequence for excising itself in a
precise way, and so integrating in the excising module
3.6 Genetic Variation: Modularization sequences adjacent to the point of insertion. It has indeed been
proposed that “imprecision” favours DNA arrangements and
Modularization is a process by which variability is produced modularization. Another highly efficient IS module capturing
as a consequence of the building-up of different combinations and transposing not only ESBLs, but also metallo-beta-lacta-
among modular genetic elements, creating alternative genetic mases or co-trimoxazol, aminoglycoside, chloramphenicol
orders. Genomes of bacterial communities, species, and plas- and even fluoroquinolone resistance and even large chromo-
mids, and transposons, and integrons, frequently harbour or somal modules (genomic islands) are ISCR-type modules
are constituted by modular genetic units. Genetic modules are [87]. ISCR, IS with CR (common region), is a designation
any kind of repeated, conserved cohesive genetic entities that that implicitly reflects the modular structure of the module
are loosely coupled [41, 82]. In fact there is a modular organi- itself. A final example is IS1999, which when inserted
zation of nature, in which modules from different (non-gene- upstream of a novel antibiotic resistance gene mediating very-
alogical) origins interact and integrate at different hierarchical broad spectrum beta-lactam resistance promotes its mobiliza-
levels [83]. Common or highly related genetic sequences tion [88]. In principle, most modules involved in adaptive
(from small to very large ones) encoding resistance traits or functions, including antibiotic resistance of every kind (from
associated with resistance genes have been found among dif- detoxifying enzymes to porin genes) might be recruited and
ferent bacterial organisms, frequently belonging to different translocated by IS modules. Other elements involved in mod-
species and phylogenetic groups. The commonality of these ule mobilization are DNA transposons and retrotransposons
sequences can be explained by a common phylogeny, by con- (that move by means of an RNA intermediate).
vergent evolution, or, probably more frequently, by lateral Modularization might act at the genome level as mutation
transmission of modular units, in a kind of reticulate evolu- acts at gene sequence level. Just as in the case of mutations,
tionary process. Incremental modularization, the addition of we should admit stochasticity as the major source of different
new “resistance” modules to a particular region might occur modular combinations. We can expect that probably most of
because there is a “module-recruiting” module (for instance, the combinations do not provide any fitness benefit, or might
a recombinase), or by duplication of a pre-existing module, or even reduce fitness of some module-associated functions.
by insertion of an incoming module. As the incoming mod- Nevertheless, some models suggest that even in the absence
ules or multi-modular structures frequently provide new of any selective advantage, genotypic modularity might
interactive sequences, module accretion increases the local increase through the formation of new sub-functions under
possibilities of recruitment of new modules. As this process near-neutral processes [89]. Certainly it might be well con-
of modularization occurs at particular genetic regions, these ceived that some of these combinations could provide some
tend to become highly recombinogenic and module-promis- direct adaptive benefits to the host cell, such as antibiotic
cuous (high-plasticity zones). The cumulative collection of resistance. Probably, successful combinations tend to perpet-
antibiotic resistance traits within particular multi-modular uate the connection among particular series of modules that
structures (integrons, transposons, plasmids) results from this act more and more now as a single complex module. For this
type of nested evolution. The assemblage of modular compo- reason there is a synthetic dimension of modularity, during
nents occurs by transposition, homologous recombination, which evolution tends to a number of genetic and biological
and illegitimate recombinational events. Insertion sequences orders, in a “doll-inside-doll” model. Note that modularity
(ISs) are frequently involved in modularization. For instance, implies that bacterial entities are not formed or maintained as
IS26 mediates mobilization of blaSHV genes encoding strict hierarchies, either from the top down (from ecosystem,
extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs). The success of communities, species, phylogenetic sub- specific groups,
a plasmid containing one given blaCTX-M gene, as is the case of clones, genomes, long or short genetic sequences), or bot-
blaCTX-M-15, also assures the spread of several IS26 copies tom-up (from short genetic sequences to ecosystem).
which might be involved in further modularization processes Indeed we know that not every bacterial phylogenetic
leading to multi-resistance [84]. group within a given bacterial species is represented in dif-
The most beautiful example of the capturing efficiency of ferent ecosystems; no single clone is equally distributed
IS modules is the ability of the ISEcp1B element to capture a among different hosts; every plasmid is not present at equal
wild beta-lactamase CTX-M-2 gene from the environmental frequency among different bacterial species or sub-specific
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 19
groups. We also know that every type of mobile element is An example is the recent dissemination of old plasmids
not equally distributed in any bacterial clone within a spe- due to the incorporation to their genetic sequence of genes
cies, nor transposon is inserted with similar frequency in encoding for ESBLs. Promiscuous FII chimeric plasmids,
each type of plasmid, nor any kind of integron in any trans- widely spread among Enterobacteriaceae already before
poson, nor any antibiotic-resistance gene in any integron. antibiotic discovery, are responsible for the current pandemic
These disequilibria are probably the result of cumulated spread of blaCTX-M-15, or blaTEM, among other antibiotic resis-
selective events, exerted simultaneously at different hierar- tance genes [91–94]. These plasmids harbour operational
chical levels [90]. genetic platforms containing gene capture units as ISECp1,
IS26, or ISCRs, thus recruiting diverse antibiotic resistance
genes [93, 95].
3.7 H
orizontal Genetic Transfer and Bacterial In many cases, the final success of resistant clones
Variation depends on the sequential acquisition of adaptive features
unrelated to antibiotic resistance, facilitating in some of
The history of most commonly identified antibiotic resistance them to spread between hosts and/or environments (epide-
genes follows its original capture by different genetic units micity) [96–100]. Moreover, the recent outburst of the
and further mobilization of novel “operational units” contain- OXA-48 enzyme, a widely distributed carbapenemase, has
ing such antibiotic resistance genes into composite platforms been related with the insertion of Tn1999 into the tir gene,
(often comprising integrons, transposable elements, and/or encoding a transfer inhibition protein. This results in a high
insertion sequences) within plasmids that facilitate multiple transfer frequency of plasmid harbouring blaOXA-48 that
DNA rearrangements among disparate genetic entities. might explain the successful dissemination of this enzyme
Evolution based on gene recombination and modularization is [101]. All these observations indicate that the total plasmid
greatly facilitated by horizontal (or lateral) genetic transfer. In frequency in bacterial populations might be increasing as a
particular, many drug resistance determinants spread between result not only of the more and more extensive anthropo-
bacterial cells and species using plasmids, conjugative trans- genic release of selective agents, such as antimicrobial
posons, and probably phages. The evolution of resistance on agents, but also to the advantage that they provide in circu-
these elements occurs in a modular fashion by sequential lating among microbiomes of multiple hosts, or in mediating
assemblage of resistance genes in specific sequences which resistance to other environmental organic chemicals or
are frequently mediated by specialized genetic elements such heavy metals [102]. This plasmid increase might have con-
as integrons and transposable elements. sequences on the full evolutionary machinery of bacterial
populations, enlarging the number and variety of genetic
3.7.1 Plasmids and Drug Resistance Evolution interactions. In self-transmissible plasmids, there is always a
A plasmid is a double stranded, circular, or linear DNA mol- possibility of entering (particularly under stress) into a new
ecule capable of autonomous replication. Plasmids fre- host resistant to the new drug, which may harbour another
quently encode maintenance systems to assure copy-number plasmid determining resistance to this drug. Plasmids from
and self-perpetuation in clonal bacterial populations. A plas- natural populations of E. coli frequently show a mosaic
mid may encode for a long-life cell-killing substance that is modular structure. Apparently plasmid–plasmid interaction
detoxified by a short-life plasmid product. If the plasmid is and coevolution of recombinants (modular exchanges)
lost, the bacterial host is killed. To a certain extent, the same depends on the possibility of plasmid coexistence. Plasmid
strategy has been applied to antibiotic (or heavy metals) promiscuity is limited by the phenomenon of plasmid
resistance; only the clones harbouring plasmid-determined incompatibility (two plasmids in the same cell might com-
resistance will survive in an antibiotic-polluted environment. pete for the replication site, so that only one will be main-
Therefore, plasmids use selective forces for their own main- tained), which depends on the amino acid sequence of the
tenance and spread, and their spread in bacterial populations replication initiator proteins (RIP). However, a plasmid
may be proportional to the intensity of these forces. might enter into a cell where an incompatible plasmid is
Facing in the 50s an increasingly selective antibiotic envi- located, and still, before segregation, will have time to
ronment, historical (pre-antibiotic) plasmids immediately exchange modular traits with the resident one; on the other
incorporated antibiotic resistance determinants. The study of hand, many plasmids collect more than one Rep protein to
pre-antibiotic collections of plasmids strongly suggests that be able to be replicated even if one of its Rep proteins is
the appearance of resistance genes in plasmids has only shared with the resident “incompatible” plasmid. No wonder
occurred during the last five decades. Indeed the diversity of that a multiple antibiotic environment has led the plasmid
the main plasmid families remains relatively limited, illus- evolution towards the acquisition of multiple antibiotic
trating the success in continuous adaptation and spread of resistance determinants in a single replicon unit, and even in
old plasmids thanks to antibiotic-mediated selection. the same gene cluster.
20 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
The possibility of a progressive increase in plasmid fre- of Class I integrons are those involved in the transference of
quency and diversity (within classic plasmid backbones) in aminoglycoside resistance genes such as streptomycin,
relation with an escalation of stressful and selective forces in
kanamycin or bleomycin (Tn5), chloranphenicol (Tn9) and
nature, including antibiotic exposure, could be theoretically tetracycline (Tn10). Tn4001, which is associated with IS256,
limited by plasmid incompatibility (inability of two related is one of the most successfully disseminated transposons
plasmids with common replication controls to be stably among gram-positive organisms. This element harboured the
propagated in the same cell line), and progressive capture of aac6′-aph2″ gene which encodes a bifunctional enzyme able
plasmid genes by chromosomal sequences which make the to inactivate most of the aminoglycoside antibiotics [109].
cost of plasmid maintenance unnecessary. Recent advance- Class II transposons are widely disseminated among both
ments in the methods to determine plasmid relatedness, by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. They have a com-
restriction fragment pattern analysis, by classification into plex structure, which allows their mobilization from the bac-
incompatibility groups (Inc), by PCR-based replicon (rep) terial chromosome to plasmids present in the bacteria. They
typing (PBRT) [103], or more significantly by relaxase- have a genetic structure flanked by inverted repeat sequences
typing by PLANC-Net methodology [104], or plasmid which also include sequences with functional activity (trans-
reconstruction in metagenomic analysis [105] have permit- posase and resolvases) that facilitate their recombination and
ted the analysis of large series of resistance plasmids. Theseintegration within the chromosome or a plasmid sequence.
studies suggest that the limitation of plasmid incompatibilitySome of these class II transposons contain resistance genes
might be eventually surpassed by the evolution of multi- such as Tn3 which harbour blaTEM-1 gene or Tn21 and their
replicon plasmids or by plasmid co-integration. derivatives containing mercury or cadmium resistance genes,
An important point that is worth being investigated in which may act as cofactors in the selection process
more depth is the basis for specific stable maintenance of [110, 111]. Another example of class II transposons are
given plasmids in particular hosts. The development of solid Tn916-Tn1545 harbouring a tetracycline resistance gene in
systems for phylogenetic classification of sub-specific Enterobacteriaceae or Tn1456 encoding glycopeptide resis-
groups of bacteria are revealing that particular types of plas-
tance in enterococci. Moreover, some transposons are able to
mids which eventually harbour particular types of resistance be transferred with a circular structure similar to that of plas-
determinants are preferentially present in particular lineages.
mids (conjugative transposons). Some examples include tet-
These bacterial lineages are acquiring the ever-lasting advan-racycline resistance (tetM) in S. pneumoniae or enterococci.
tage of hosting evolutionary-active, plastic (modular) plas- Transposons are important in the dissemination and main-
mids. The maintenance of a given type of plasmid in a given tenance of resistance genes and resistant bacteria. A transpo-
host depends on the “plasmid ecology” within the cell (host- son can be inserted inside another transposon and may
plasmid mutual dependence, restriction-modification sys- contain more than one resistance determinant or even inte-
tems, presence of other plasmids), the reduction in the costs gron structure [109]. These latter elements are able to cap-
of maintenance, the rate of intra-populational transfer, and ture resistance genes (cassettes) due to the recognition of
the frequency of selection for plasmid-encoded traits. The homologous sequences (integrase) and facilitate their expres-
concept of specific stable maintenance means that, despite sion [111, 112]. In general, bacteria harbouring integrons are
the potential transferability of plasmids to different hosts, more resistant to antimicrobials than those lacking these
some of them will be privileged in hosting particular plas- structures as an integron may present more than one resis-
mids, and these lineages or clones should have an increased tance cassette. It is important to note that integrons can be
evolvability in terms of developing antibiotic resistance. mobilized by transposable elements which are also located
But also mobile genetic elements might be shared by in plasmids. This structure can be considered as an example
“genetic exchange communities”, as “common adaptive of the “doll-inside-doll” model which undoubtedly gives
goods” for ecologically integrated groups of (generally related)
advantages for the selection of resistant bacteria.
organisms [106, 107]. In such a way, antibiotic resistance Most of the integrons have been described in organisms of
tends to assure not only the survival of a particular lineage, but
high sanitary importance such as Salmonella Typhimurium,
also of clouds of lineages, or even consortia of ecologically ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae, or E. coli. Within the inte-
and functionally interconnected bacterial communities. grons, class I integrons (according to the type of the inte-
grase) have been successfully disseminated probably due to
3.7.2 Transposable Elements their integration in transposable elements and plasmids. The
It is mainly transposable elements that have produced genetic best example is that of integrons associated with the ISCR1
transference of resistance in S. aureus and other gram- structure (or ORF513) that are commonly associated with
positive organisms. Class I transposons are able to mobilise certain ESBL genes (blaCTX-M), carbapenemase genes, the
themselves among different DNA sequences due to the pres- qnrA gene which produces quinolone resistance, or ammo-
ence of IS flanking their structure [108]. Different examples nium quaternary compound resistance [84, 113].
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 21
3.7.3 Phages a fitness peak, to an “ecotype” [119]. This means that the
The association of antibiotic resistance with bacterial phages clonal structure of a bacterial population might reflect the
has been overlooked for decades. We should remember that changing variety of environments (including environmental
bacteriophages are probably the most abundant organism on gradients) to which the ensemble of the species is regularly
Earth. Their ability to insert in bacterial genomes, to excise exposed, and small changes among clones favours microevo-
from them eventually carrying host DNA sequences, and to lution [117]. Therefore, we can conceive a bacterial species
transfer to other bacterial cells, makes them potential vectors as a macro-structure composed of a number of clones and
for disseminating antibiotic resistance. A number of exam- clonal complexes that might or might not be present in a par-
ples of antibiotic resistance genes spreading by generalized ticular location. In this sense, clones might behave as adap-
or specialized phage transduction are available for E. coli, P. tive modules of a hierarchical superior entity, a “regional
aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, and community structure”, able to provide alternative stable
Actinobacillus. Burkholderia cepacia transduce the resis- states [120]. Mobile elements containing antibiotic resis-
tance determinants to cotrimoxazol, trimethoprim and eryth- tance genes, such as plasmids, might circulate more effec-
romycin to Shigella flexneri. A multiresistance gene cluster tively in such a genetically highly homogeneous multi-clonal
(tetG, floR, blaPSE1) has been transduced from Salmonella structure, leading to typical complex endemic antibiotic-
enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 to other serovars of S. resistance situations [121] also termed resistance “allodem-
enterica. A wide variety of β-lactamases (blaOXA-2, blaPSE-1, ics” (see Sect. 4.3.1), and Fig. 2.2 [122–124].
blaPSE-4, or blaP) from Proteus have been found associated
with bacteriophages isolated from sewage samples. The
study of the genetic environment surrounding blaCTX-M-10 3.9 G
eneration of Variation in Response
β-lactamase gene has revealed the presence of upstream to Antibiotic Stress
sequences with homology to conserved phage tail proteins
[114]. It is not known whether these genes are part of a func- We have shown in Sect. 3.4.3 the influence of antibiotics on
tional phage carrying blaCTX-M-10 gene or only a reminiscent the mutation rate. Indeed that is a particular case of adaptive
of an ancestral transduction event. response to stress. Mutational events (base substitutions,
Abundant phage particles have been found in the superna- frameshifts, excisions, insertions, transpositions) are
tant of Streptococcus pyogenes harbouring the proton- increased by orders of magnitude under stress [125–127].
dependent macrolide efflux system encoded by mef(A) gene, Probably, bacterial cells under extreme antibiotic-provoked
and these phage preparations have conferred macrolide resis- stress (with membrane or cell wall damage, or compromised
tance to a macrolide-susceptible strain [115]. High through- protein synthesis, or altered DNA supercoiling) could
put sequencing has revealed phylogenetically diverse increase the rate of mutation, which would result in this type
macrolide-resistant S. pyogenes strains carrying mef(A) of adaptive response. Mutation rates can transiently increase
inserted in different prophage or prophage-like elements, as depending on conditions of bacterial growth like starvation
Tn1207.3, alone or in combination with tet(O) gene. Bacillus and environmental situations that cause bacterial stress,
anthracis carries a very diverse array of phages; among them including induction of the SOS response. The SOS cascade
are γ phages which contain a gene conferring resistance to can be induced by numerous antibiotics, presumably because
fosfomycin. Bacteriophages isolated from food might in fact these antibiotics cause the production of ssDNA [128]. DNA
contribute to the propagation of antibiotic resistance [116]. topoisomerase subunit A inhibitors, such as ciprofloxacin
and other quinolones have a strong inducer SOS response
[71, 129], however the subunit B inhibitors as novobiocin are
3.8 Genetic Variation: Clonalization not inducers [130]. On the other hand, antibiotics are also
enhancing gene spread among bacterial populations: macro-
Bacterial populations inside species are frequently subdi- lides, tetracyclines, and beta-lactam agents facilitate intra-
vided in clones, particular lineages or units of descent that cellular and intercellular gene transfer. Conjugational
probably reflect different evolutionary histories. Multilocus transfer of the antibiotic-resistant transposon Tn916 contain-
sequence typing has pointed out that most isolates in a clonal ing a tetracycline-resistance determinant, increases more
population belong to one of a limited number of genotypic than 1000-fold in the presence of tetracycline [131]. Most
clusters (clonal complexes) that are thought to emerge from prophages are SOS-inducible so that SOS-inducing agents
the rise in frequency and subsequent radial diversification of will dramatically increase the spread of prophages. This
clonal founders [117, 118]. Rise in frequency is in most might significantly influence the spread of antibiotic-
cases the consequence of selective events favouring the out- resistance genes [132], as it does for virulence factors. Indeed
burst of particular clones and clonal complexes in particular antibiotics might contribute to the spread of resistance genes
environmental circumstances. Each clone will correspond to modifying virulence and host-to-host frequency of transfer.
22 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
resistance determinants
antimicrobial use
For instance, the prophage-encoded shiga-toxin gene is A classic important and still unanswered question in evolution
SOS-induced and treatment of the hemolytic-uremic syn- is whether survival provided by phenotypic variation influ-
drome with SOS-inducers, such as fluoroquinolones, wors- ences the emergence of specific inheritable genetic changes
ens the syndrome, amplifying the population of phages [137]. Apparently, phenotypic variation should limit the selec-
encoding shiga toxin [133]. Goerke et al. have demonstrated tive power of antibiotics for heritable changes, slowing evolu-
the increase of the expression of virulence factors and titres tion. Nevertheless, plasticity might help crossing adaptive
of particle phages in Staphylococcus aureus strains carrying valleys in a fitness landscape. For instance, antibiotic selection
ϕ13 lysogen, after being exposed to concentrations of cipro- will favour the cells in the plastic population that are the most
floxacin near the threshold of growth inhibition [134, 135]. effective in resisting antibiotic action. Low-level antibiotic-
Other antibiotics such as trimethoprim have also been resistance mutations arising in this population will probably
reported to cause phage induction [135]. In summary, antibi- be more effective than in the cells with lower expression of
otic pressure in the environment may well contribute simul- plasticity, and might be hooked by selection. Cells that are
taneously to the increase in mutant-resistant phenotypes, to super-inducible for resistance might be prone to evolve to
the selection of the fittest among them, and to the dispersal of constitutive production of the mechanism. Indeed, a stress-
resistance genes, which is expected to result in an accelera- inducible phenotype could be selectively enriched to the
tion in the rate of microbial evolution. extent where it is stably (constitutively) expressed in the
absence of stress [138].
3.10 P
henotypic Variation and Genetic
Variation: The Baldwin Effect 4 S
election: The Mechanism of Evolution
of Drug Resistance
As stated in an earlier section (3.1) there is a certain degree of
plasticity in bacterial cells and populations that are able to The common wisdom supports that the emergence of drug
tolerate a determined concentration of antibiotics without resistance is a direct consequence of the selective events
requiring any inheritable genetic change. Regulatory factors imposed by the use of antibiotics in clinical infections. That
influencing DNA supercoiling, catabolic repression or growth- is probably true in terms of clinically relevant antibiotic resis-
phase specific regulators, translational modifications, and/or tance, involving a relatively high number of strains with high
induction or stress responses might provide this flexibility. In levels of resistance. In reality, the mere discovery of an anti-
a certain sense, the mechanisms of resistance that are induced biotic effect frequently reveals the presence of resistance to
by the presence of antibiotic agents also provide adaptive phe- this antibiotic, and in many occasions the description of rel-
notypic variation, as is the case of AmpC related chromo- evant mechanisms of resistance precedes the launching of the
somal beta-lactamases in Enterobacter or P. aeruginosa [136]. drug for clinical use (Table 2.3). Resistance is always there.
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 23
Table 2.3 Chronological introduction of different antimicrobial agents in therapeutics and emergence of resistance mechanisms
Antimicrobial agent Discovery (introduction) Resistance 1st reported Mechanisms of resistance Organisms
Penicillin G 1940 (1943) 1940 Penicillinase Staphylococcus aureus
Streptomycin 1944 (1947) 1947 S12 ribosomal mutations M. tuberculosis
Tetracycline 1948 (1952) 1952 Efflux Shigella dysenteriae
Erythromycin 1952 (1955) 1956 23S rRNA methylation Staphylococcus aureus
Vancomycin 1956 (1972) 1988 d-Ala-d-Ala replacement Enterococus faecalis
2004 d-Ala-d-Ala replacement Staphylococcus aureus
Methicillin 1959(1961) 1961 MecA (PBP2a) Staphylococcus aureus
Gentamicin 1963 (1967) 1969 Modifying enzymes Staphylococcus aureus
Nalidixic acid 1962 (1964) 1966 Topoisomerase mutations Escherichia coli
Cefotaxime 1975 (1981) 1981 AmpC ß-lactamases ESBLs Enterobacteriaceae
1983 Enterobacteriaceae
Imipenem 1976 (1987) 1986 Acquired carbapenemases Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Serratia marcescens
Linezolid 1979 (2000) 1999 23S RNA mutations Staphylococcus aureus
Enterococcus faecalis
Daptomycin 1980 (2004) 2005 Cell wall thickening Staphylococcus aureus
Enterococcus faecalis
Ceftaroline 2003a (2010) 2012 PBP modifications Staphylococcus aureus
Year of first publication
4.1 S
election by Low Antibiotic increase in the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) to
Concentrations this drug. In this view, “minor” increases are meaningless,
since the patient can still be successfully treated with antibi-
Antibiotic resistance is frequently recognized by clinicians as otic concentrations exceeding this MIC value. A derivative
a therapeutic problem only after an extremely prolonged belief is that: “only significant antibiotic concentrations
period of “subclinical resistance”. During this cryptic period, apply in selection of resistance”. Therefore, as antibiotics are
a huge number of selective and evolutionary events take place mostly excreted in very small amounts by natural microor-
among the originally susceptible bacterial populations chal- ganisms in the environment, the origin of resistance as a
lenged by continuous, intermittent or fluctuating antibiotic result of these small selective forces (outside of the produc-
pressure, in the same or in different hosts. Bacterial spontane- ing organism) tends to be disregarded. A third belief, closely
ous variability, perhaps increased after antibiotic-mediated related to the first, is that “resistance genes” are only those
mass extinction events, offers the selective process an impor- related to “significant” high-level resistance. Under natural
tant number of mutants, some of them exhibiting very low circumstances, the preservation of susceptible bacteria may
levels of antibiotic resistance. In most cases, these mutants depend on the fact that the selective effect could be preferen-
remain indistinguishable from the fully “susceptible” strains tially exerted in a given spatial compartment, in a “small
applying the current standard susceptibility testing proce- niche” according to Smith and Hoekstra [139]. We propose
dures that (implicitly) assume their selectability, considering that this compartment, responsible for this type of “confined
that the peak antibiotic concentration in serum by far exceeds selection”, could be considered as the space or niche in
the concentration needed to inhibit the variant. Nevertheless, which a precise concentration of antibiotic provides a punc-
retrospective genetic and populational analysis of recently tuate selection of a particular resistant bacterial variant. The
emerging resistant bacterial organisms, such as beta-lactam- antibiotic concentration exerting such an effect is here desig-
resistant S. pneumoniae or Enterobacteriaceae harbouring nated as the “selective antibiotic concentration”.
ESBLs or carbapenemases, strongly suggests that low-level
resistant variants have indeed been selected during treat-
ments, and that they have evolved, after new cycles of muta- 4.2 Concentration-Specific Selection:
tion and selection, to high-level resistant organisms. The Selective Window
The discussions on the evolution of antibiotic resistance
in microorganisms have been greatly dominated by some a Any antibiotic concentration can potentially select a resistant
priori beliefs. The first of them probably originated from variant if it is able to inhibit growth of the susceptible popula-
human chemotherapy: to be considered “resistant” to an anti- tion but not that of the variant harbouring the resistance mech-
biotic, a given microorganism should express a relevant anism. In other words, a selective antibiotic concentration is
24 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
that which exceeds the minimal inhibitory concentration appropriate to determine which antibiotic concentration is
(under the local conditions) of the most susceptible popula- able to select one or other of these particular subpopulations.
tion, but not that of the variant population (even if it is very Theoretically, each particular variant population showing
close). If MICs of both susceptible and variant populations a definite MIC will have the possibility of being selectively
are surpassed, then no selection of the variant is expected to enriched by a particular antibiotic concentration. This con-
occur, and the same applies when the antibiotic concentration clusion appears obvious. Surprisingly, the theoretical and
is below the local MICs of both populations. Therefore, the practical consequences of such a conclusion remain to be
selection of a particular variant may happen only in a very explored in the aim of a better understanding of the evolution
narrow range of drug concentrations [140]. of antibiotic-resistant bacterial populations. Bacterial popu-
Among the more efficient new TEM-beta-lactamase vari- lations show impressive natural genetic polymorphism. For
ants that have evolved to hydrolyze cefotaxime are those many antibiotics, spontaneous gene variation frequently
which differ from the earlier molecules by several amino results in a multiplicity of low-level mechanisms of resis-
acids. Assuming the known mutation rates in E. coli (see tance and the emergence of more specific high-level mecha-
above) it is unlikely that two or more point mutations would nisms are less frequent (except for a limited number of
appear simultaneously in a beta-lactamase gene. Therefore, if antibiotics, or by uptake of exogenous highly specialized
the TEM-1 beta-lactamase is the ancestor of these multiple genes). In the real world, antibiotic concentrations challeng-
multiplied variants, it is most likely that the variants arose by ing bacteria are mostly located in the low-level margin; those
a process of sequential point mutation and selection of singly populations showing small increases in MIC would be
mutated intermediates. For such a scenario to be plausible, expected to be preferentially selected by these antibiotics.
each mutation would need to confer a selective advantage We emphasize once more the importance of the selection of
over the ancestral strain. In many cases, strains with mono- low-level resistant bacterial mutants to explain the spread of
mutated TEM-1 enzymes (such as TEM-12, resulting from a high-level resistance. First of all, several consecutive rounds
single substitution of arginine for serine at position 164) of selection at the selective antibiotic concentration will pro-
exhibit only a very small increase in resistance to cefotaxime. duce a progressive enrichment of the low-level variant, and
Typically, TEM-1-producing E. coli is inhibited by 0.008 μg/ this occurs during most multi-dose treatments. Once a criti-
ml, and TEM-12-producing E. coli is inhibited by 0.015 μg/ cal number is reached, new variants may arise which can
ml. Both in vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated then be selected in the following selective antibiotic concen-
that despite such a small phenotypic difference, TEM-12- tration, so increasing the antibiotic resistance level. On the
containing strains are efficiently selected by cefotaxime other hand, low-level resistant variants can arrive at a posi-
exposure, thereby providing the genetic background for dou- tion permitting the incorporation of foreign resistance genes
ble-mutated, more efficient enzymes for example TEM-10 in an antibiotic-rich medium. In conclusion, these studies of
[141]. Such selection only occurs in particular antibiotic con- population selective amplification suggest that at the differ-
centrations that define a “selective window for selection” [6]. ent points of a concentration gradient, selective forces may
be acting with different selective specificity. To a certain
extent, the continuous variation of antibiotic concentrations
4.3 A
ntibiotic Gradients in Antibiotic may resemble a tuning device which selects a determined
Selection radio frequency emission. Under or over such a frequency
(the antibiotic selective concentration), the emission (the
Sublethal antibiotic concentrations are able to efficiently particular variant) is lost (selection does not take place). The
select for antibiotic resistance [142, 143]. At any dosage, saddle between the concentrations inhibiting the susceptible
antibiotics used in chemotherapy create a high diversity of and resistant populations is the frequency signal recognized
concentration gradients, which inevitably include sublethal by the selective antibiotic concentration.
(but selective) antibiotic concentrations. These gradients are A more practical conclusion has been developed in this
due to pharmacokinetic factors, such as the different diffusion field when Drlica and collaborators proposed to use antibiot-
rates into various tissues, or variation in the elimination rate ics at dosages that should surpass the “mutant prevention con-
from different body compartments. The direct effect of centration” to avoid the selection of resistance mutants [144].
microbes of the normal or pathogenic flora, that possess
antibiotic-inactivating enzymes, also contributes to the gradi-
ent formation. Bacterial populations in the human body prob- 4.4 Fluctuating Antibiotic Environments
ably face a wide range of antibiotic concentrations after each
administration of the drug. Since the spontaneous genetic Fluctuating antibiotic environments may facilitate the possi-
variability of microbial populations also provides a wide bility of evolution of a resistant organism towards higher
range of potentially selectable variant subpopulations, it is adaptive peaks than fixed environments. Despite the large
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 25
number of in vitro mutations that increase resistance to In the last years different examples illustrate this concept
extended-spectrum cephalosporins in TEM-type beta- such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant
lactamases, only a small number occur in naturally occurring enterococci, ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae, or
enzymes. In nature, and particularly in the hospital setting carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Genetic capi-
bacteria that contain beta-lactamases encounter simultane- talism has determined not only the increase in prevalence of
ous or consecutive selective pressure with different beta- MDR resistance pathogens but also the spread and mainte-
lactam molecules. All variants obtained by submitting an E. nance of resistance genes among clinical isolates, those
coli strain that contains a blaTEM-1 gene to fluctuating in vitro belonging to the microbiota and in the environment [145].
challenge with both ceftazidime and amoxicillin contain Obviously, in environments where exposure to different
only mutations previously detected in naturally occurring selective agents (antimicrobial drugs) is frequent, the organ-
beta-lactamases. Nevertheless, some variants obtained by ism harbouring more resistant traits should have higher pos-
ceftazidime challenge alone contained mutations never sibilities of being selected (multi-lateral selection), and a
detected in naturally occurring TEM beta-lactamases. A single antibiotic might select multi-resistant strains. This
number of modulating mutations might arise that are neutral process is illustrated in Fig. 2.3. Moreover, the acquisition of
by themselves but in addition to others might equilibrate the resistance genes, or even virulence traits, may increase clonal
antibiotic substrate preference in fluctuating antibiotic envi- fitness and may facilitate the uptake of more and more adap-
ronments [141]. Indeed it can be suggested that extended- tive advantages. Examples of dispersion of specific genes
spectrum TEM variants in hospital isolates result from among bacterial isolates from different compartments are
fluctuating selective pressure with several beta-lactams those conferring resistance to tetracyclines (tet), macrolides
rather than selection with a single antibiotic. (erm), beta-lactamases (bla), aminoglycosides (aac, aad,
aph), sulfonamides (sul), trimethoprim (dfr), and more
recently colistin (mcr). In certain cases, the persistence of
4.5 Selection Towards Multi-Resistance: resistance genes such as those affecting sulfonamides and
Genetic Capitalism streptomycin cannot be explained by the current antibiotic
selection pressure, as these antibiotics are scarcely used.
The concept of genetic capitalism has been applied to MDR However, the concomitant presence of other resistance genes
pathogens [90]. It refers to further adaptive possibilities of may drive this selection process and explains this paradox.
organisms to accumulate resistance mechanisms, either via Moreover, the genetic support of resistance genes, including
mutational or gene acquisition events. This reflects a kind integrons, transposons or plasmids, also facilitates their per-
of genetic capitalism—the rich tend to become richer. sistence without selective force [146].
5 E
volution of Drug-Resistance: Future a birth, a transformation and possible death; on clades which
Prospects are monophyletic groups of species; on communities of
microbial species, which include microbiomes, possessing
5.1 Units of Variation and Units of Selection metagenomes; and also on stable associations of microbi-
omes with particular hosts or host communities (metabiota).
What is selected when we speak about selection of antibiotic We frequently use the term “system” to describe the struc-
resistance? Evolution acts on variation of individual entities. ture of individuals of higher complexity.
Of course, an individual is not only a single cell, individual Because of that, the analysis of antibiotic resistance
animal or plant. In general, an individual can be defined as requires the study of the multi-level population biology of
any simple or complex structure with the potential to main- antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics have natural functions,
tain, replicate, or reconstruct its self-identity, and also able to mostly involving cell-to-cell signalling networks. The
escape or at least postpone death, a destructuring or disorder- anthropogenic production of antibiotics, and its release in the
ing process. Organisms are units of selection, evolutionary microbiosphere results in a disturbance of these networks,
units, in a sense “evolutionary individuals”, defined as any antibiotic resistance tending to preserve its integrity. The
entity that, independently from the number of elements that cost of such adaptation is the emergence and dissemination
enters into its composition or from its hierarchical level of of antibiotic resistance genes, and of all genetic and cellular
complexity, is selected and evolves as a unit [147]. Because vehicles in which these genes are located. Selection of the
interactions lead to order, individuals should interact with combinations of the different evolutionary units (genes, inte-
one another. With this perspective, we imagine different grons, transposons, plasmids, cells, communities and micro-
kinds of individuals, including “primary order”, or elemen- biomes, hosts) is highly asymmetrical. Each unit of selection
tary individuals, but also secondary, tertiary, and still-higher is a self-interested entity, exploiting the higher hierarchical
orders, in which those simpler groupings form more com- unit for its own benefit, but in doing so the higher hierarchi-
plex assemblies. At any level of the hierarchy variation might cal unit might acquire critical traits for its spread because of
occur, and, in a sense the individuals are also units of varia- the exploitation of the lower hierarchical unit. This interac-
tion. The modern hierarchical theory of evolution suggests tive trade-off shapes the population biology of antibiotic
that all types of individuals, at several different levels of inte- resistance, a composed-complex array of the independent
gration, independent objects of selective forces, offering a “population biologies”. Antibiotics modify the abundance
new perspective, one that may be considered as ultra- or and the interactive field of each of these units. Antibiotics
hyper-Darwinism. In classic Darwinism, the ordering finger increase the number and evolvability of “clinical” antibiotic
of evolution operates within the selfish organism and, in the resistance genes, but probably also many other genes with
later Dawkinian sense, the selfish gene. Ultra-Darwinism different primary functions but with a resistance phenotype
serves as a reminder that evolution may occur not only at the present in the environmental resistome. Antibiotics influence
level of individual organisms and species, as conceived by the abundance, modularity, and spread of integrons, transpo-
Darwin it, but also at the sub- and supraorganismal levels. sons, and plasmids, mostly acting on structures present
Suborganismal evolution may involve molecules such as before the antibiotic era. Antibiotics enrich particular bacte-
peptides and proteins. Thus, relatively simple forces, such as rial lineages and clones and contribute to local clonalization
chemical stability in a certain environment or modular struc- processes. Antibiotics amplify particular genetic exchange
tures within a particular protein conformation, may exert communities sharing antibiotic resistance genes and plat-
selective pressures within the “protein universe”. Sub- forms within microbiomes. In particular human or animal
organismal evolution may also involve genes; operons; sta- hosts, the microbiomic composition might facilitate the
ble chromosomal fragments; mobile genetic elements such interactions between evolutionary units involved in antibi-
as plasmids, transposons, integrons, and insertion sequences; otic resistance. The understanding of antibiotic resistance
and “nuons”. This term, coined in 1992 by Brosius and implies expanding our knowledge on multi-level population
Gould [148], encompasses any nucleic acids that could act as biology of bacteria [149].
an elementary unit of selection. Thus, nuons might include
genes, gene fusions, gene modules encoding protein cata-
lytic domains, intergenic regions, introns, exons, promoters, 5.2 The Limits of Drug-Resistance Evolution
enhancers, slippage regions, terminators, pseudogenes, mic-
rosatellites, and long or short interspersed elements. 5.2.1 Saturation Constraints, Short-Sighted
Organismal evolution is exerted on units of selection that are Evolution
typically microbial clones or cell lineages with particular There are potential bottle necks for the evolution of antimicro-
genomic contents, including also demes or local populations. bial resistance. For instance, genetic variation inside the modi-
Supra-organismal evolution is exerted on microbial species, fied target, determining more and more effective antibiotic
with species considered here as a biological individual with resistance levels, may arrive to exhaustion. As the efficiency
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 27
of the mechanism of resistance improves incrementally, the competitor organisms may be incapable of taking advantage
selective advantage of each increment will diminish, until a of this, and therefore the resistant bacteria genotypes have a
saturation point is reached at which increments in functional chance to compensate maladaptation by selection of modifi-
efficiency result in negligible improvements in fitness [150]. ers [153, 154]. This process of adaptation to its own resis-
Typically this may occur in enzyme kinetics (for instance, tance determinants may completely eliminate the biological
hydrolyzing ability of a beta-lactamase for a given beta-lac- cost of resistance. The costs associated with the acquisition
tam antibiotic). When this stage is reached, random changes in of non-advantageous changes might be compensated by the
amino acid sequence are more often expected to impair acquisition of new changes. Intragenic or extragenic changes
enzyme performance than improve it. In the case that the mod- (including, for instance, restorative mutations, gene silenc-
ified antibiotic target retains some vital functions in the bacte- ing, or excision) might compensate the cost in a particular
rial cell, the mutational modifications required to reach very environment, but this compensation might even increase the
high-level antibiotic resistance may reach a lethal situation. cost in other circumstances. Gene duplication might com-
This can be considered as a case of “short-sighted evolution”. pensate for decreases in function of a mutated gene and this
compensatory effect alone might have important evolution-
5.2.2 Minimizing the Costs of Evolvability ary consequences. Interestingly, compensatory changes in
In a well-adapted organism, any change including acquisition the bacterial genome may be fixed for reasons other than
of drug-resistance, has a biological risk. Hence bacterial antibiotic resistance, thus perpetuating the resistance charac-
organisms have developed mechanisms to reduce variation to ters in particular genotypes, even in the absence of antibiotic
the lower possible level compatible with evolvability, evolu- selection. Indeed chromosomal compensatory mutations
tionary innovation, and ability to adapt. The most obvious may eventually increase the bacterial fitness, even if the
way to reduce the necessary costs associated with variation is antibiotic-resistant determinant is lost. At the same time,
by reducing genetic variation itself, even at the expense of these organisms may be in the optimal situation of being able
decreasing variability. The most basic mechanism reducing “without cost” to lose the mechanism if necessary. Frequently,
genetic variation is the degeneracy of the genetic code as a resistant genes are located in large plasmids, but plasmid car-
number of nucleotide changes are not reflected in changes in riage usually reduces the competitive fitness of bacteria in
amino acid sequence (synonymous nucleotide substitutions). the absence of selection for plasmid-encoded functions. It
Variation is also reduced by assuring a high-fidelity transcrip- could be expected that plasmid-mediated antibiotic resis-
tional process during DNA replication, or by using highly tance may not be able to persist in bacterial populations in
effective mechanisms of repair of transcriptional mistakes, the case of discontinuation of antibiotic use. Interestingly,
including increased homologous recombination or daughter the cost of plasmid carriage may be compensated in some
strand gap repair. Interestingly, a number of bacteria might cases by the mechanisms of resistance encoded, even in the
have evolved effective mechanisms to reduce the mutation absence of selection. For instance, a tetracycline-efflux pump
frequency below the average (hypomutation). Mechanisms (determining resistance to this antibiotic) may be used for
for stress reduction should also reduce evolvability; indeed exporting toxic metabolites from the cell [154]. The in-
the full adaptation of an organism to a very specific niche practice non-functional bleomycin-resistance gene in plas-
reduces stress, but stress is maximized when this well-adapted mids harbouring the transposon Tn5 may confer improved
strain is obliged to leave its normal environment. A number survival and growth advantage [155].
of antibiotic resistance mechanisms involved in detoxifica-
tion of a drug or its expulsion decrease antibiotic-mediated
stress and probably reduce variation and evolvability [151]. 5.3 E
pidemiology and Evolution of Antibiotic
As stated above, the biological risks associated with the Resistance
acquisition of drug-resistance might be diminished by man-
agement of sequences determining such resistance in mod- Bacterial selection may result from the acquisition of resis-
ules (relatively “external” to the basic cell machinery) and tance to environmental changes that are deleterious for com-
particularly modules contained in module-carrying elements peting populations as happens after exposure to antibiotics.
(as plasmids). Apparently, resistance does not add new capabilities to the
survivor: it just compensates (equilibrates) the reduction in
5.2.3 Cost of Antibiotic Resistance reproductive output imposed by the antibiotic. Consequently,
As said before, gene mutants that have been selected for immediate intuition associates selection of antibiotic-
novel resistance phenotypes may have maladaptive pleiotro- resistant microbes with the classic expression “survival of
pic effects [152]. This means that acquisition of resistance the fittest”. Note that resistant organisms are only “the fit-
may de-adapt the resistant organism to its environment thus test” in the presence of antibiotics. Certainly natural selec-
reducing its competitiveness. Under antibiotic pressure, the tion also acts on positive differences when the acquisition of
28 F. Baquero and R. Cantón
a novel trait is able to increase the ability of the bacterial of molecular techniques, such as restriction pulsed field gel
organism to exploit a given environment thus provoking a electrophoresis (PFGE) and multi-locus sequence typing
selective difference with the competitors. It is frequently (MLST) to the definition of bacterial clones have offered a
unrecognized that antibiotic resistance provides this type of totally new view of several 'epidemic' phenomena. A surpris-
selective advantage, which is not only a compensation for a ing diversity of clones was found when the clones responsible
loss but at the same time is also the gain of a new possibility for the progressive and steep increase of enterobacterial
of habitat exploitation. Frequently, antibiotic-producing strains harbouring ESBLs in a single hospital were studied.
microorganisms simultaneously produce antibiotic-resistance For instance, K. pneumoniae strains harbouring blaCTX-M-10 or
mechanisms [31, 156]. It may be that the objective (benefit) blaOXA-48 belonged to more than thirteen different clones!
of antibiotic production is to obtain an exclusive environment Therefore the case was “epidemics of blaCTX-M-10 or blaOXA-48
where only the producer is able to survive, because of resis- resistance” and but not “epidemics” in the classic sense. The
tance. As a consequence, all the resources of the environment term “allodemics’ (from Greek allos, other, different; and
can be exploited exclusively by the producing strain. In other demos, people), in the sense of “something is being produced
words, in the presence of the antibiotic, antibiotic resistance in the community by different causal agents” has been pro-
is a colonization factor to gain exclusivity for resources. posed to describe this pattern (Fig. 2.3) [122]. Note that the
Etymologically, exclusive means “closed for the others”. It infection (or in our case the frequency of antibiotic resistance)
may be well conceived that in a world in which antibiotics may cluster but not necessarily its causative organism. In
have become frequent components from microbial environ- other words, the phenotype may cluster, but not the genotype.
ments (in particular in humans and animals), the acquisition Indeed the concept of allodemics emphasizes the importance
of antibiotic resistance is evolving not only a protective of the asymmetry between phenotype and genotype in natural
mechanism but also a factor assuring exclusivity for the resis- selection. Its practical consequences are quite obvious. In
tant populations in antibiotic-containing areas. The increase documented allodemic situations, interventions should be
in the absolute number of antibiotic-resistant organisms is the focused more to the environmental causes of the problem
proof of the benefits of this strategy. than to the classical approaches including clone-directed
measures to limit host-to-host spread, or search-and-destroy
5.3.1 R esistance, Epidemics, Endemics, strategies. For instance, in our particular case, a reduction in
and Allodemics the intensity of use of antibiotics potentially able to select for
Antibiotic resistance is expected to have a minor biological ESBLs or carbapenemases could be an appropriate environ-
or clinical effect in the absence of effective spread of resis- mental intervention for controlling allodemic situations.
tant organisms. As stated in the last paragraph antibiotic
resistance might help a given organism to spread, particu- 5.3.2 Resistance as a Colonization Factor
larly in environments assuring frequent exposure to these In the absence of antibiotics, resistance does not generally
drugs. Eventually hyper-mutable organisms might be better add new basic capabilities to the physiology of the bacterial
suited for host colonization, host-to-host transmission, sur- cell and often produces reduction in fitness. In other words,
vival in inert environments, and also for developing antibi- resistance does not “improve” the cell machinery but only
otic resistance, either by mutation or by homeologous just compensates (equilibrates) the reduction in reproductive
recombination with exogenous genes. On the other hand, output imposed by the antibiotic. From this point of view,
pathogenic and epidemigenic organisms are probably more can antibiotic resistance be considered a factor triggering
frequently exposed to antibiotic therapy. Therefore, a certain important changes in long-term bacterial evolution?
convergence between virulence, epidemigenicity and resis- Certainly, natural selection also acts on positive differ-
tance could be expected to occur [65]. Interestingly, ences when the acquisition of a novel trait is able to increase
antibiotic-resistant clones frequently coincide with “success- the ability of the bacterial organism to exploit a given envi-
ful clones” well adapted for colonization or spread before ronment thus provoking a selective difference with the com-
acquiring antibiotic resistance. This convergent process of petitors. It is often unrecognized that antibiotic resistance
selection, leading to the dissemination of antibiotic resis- provides this type of selective advantage and being not only
tance determinants in different bacterial populations is illus- a compensation for a loss, but at the same time the gain of a
trated in Fig. 2.3. Examples of this can be found in new possibility of habitat exploitation. Antibiotic-producing
beta-lactam-resistant S. pneumoniae, E. faecalis and S. microorganisms produce antibiotic-resistance mechanisms
aureus or in glycopeptide-resistant E. faecium [157–161]. simultaneously [31, 156]. When this occurs it may be that
However, consistent with the concept of the multiplicity of the biological benefit of antibiotic production is to obtain an
units of selection stated before (paragraph 5.1.), a particular exclusive environment, in which only the producer is able to
epidemigenic “resistant clone” does not constitute the only survive because of resistance. The same might be true if a
selectable unit of antibiotic resistance. The wide application bacterial organism resistant to antibiotic A were able to
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 29
5.3.5 E volutionary Ecology and Spread stock and production methods; international travel or long
of Antibiotic Resistance: The Four P’s distant trade of humans, animals, and vegetables, breakdown
All evolutionary ecology of antibiotic resistance, involving in public health infrastructure, and eventually geo-anthropo-
its spread and diversification can be summarized in the con- logical changes (such as global warming), microbial adapta-
sideration of the four P’s: (1) Penetration in microbial eco- tion to drug or vaccine use or to new host species, might have
systems, including microbiotas, of highly effective also contributed to the global invasion by antibiotic-resistant
pathogenic clones and plasmids, (2) Promiscuity of genetic bacteria. The rising consciousness about this multi-causal
traits involved in antibiotic resistance by lateral gene trans- complexity requires a novel reconsideration of the priorities
fer, (3) Plasticity of genetic vehicles and platforms, taking among possible interventions aiming to fight antibiotic resis-
advantage of highly recombinogenic sequences, and (4) tance, including the possibility of influencing with complex
Persistence and maintenance of different pathogenic treatments, restoration strategies, and may be with “drugs for
multidrug-resistant high-risk clones and globally distributed the environment” the ecology and evolution of antibiotic-
plasmids [168]. These four P’s determine the three main resistant bacteria [169, 170]. We should take seriously the
processes shaping the natural history of antibiotic resistance, possibilities of reducing antibiotic selection in the environ-
involving the emergence, invasion, and occupation by ment, as in fact in an environment polluted by low concentra-
antibiotic-resistant genes of significant environments for tions of antibiotics and potential human-pathogenic bacterial
human health. The process of emergence in complex bacte- organisms serves as “training field” for the emergence and
rial populations is a high-frequency, continuous swarming of evolution of novel resistance traits.
ephemeral combinatory genetic and epigenetic explorations
inside cells and among cells, populations and communities, 5.3.6 M ight Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance
expanding in different environments (migration), creating be Predicted?
the stochastic variation required for evolutionary progress. The ultimate reason for any human scientific knowledge is
Invasion refers to the process by which antibiotic resistance the optimization or improvement of our current and future
significantly increases in frequency in a given (invaded) interactions with our environment. The reason for research in
environment, led by external invaders local multiplication antibiotic resistance is, obviously, the possibility of disarming
and spread, or by endogenous conversion. Conversion occurs bacteria of their ability to counteract antibiotics. In a broader
because of the spread of antibiotic resistance genes from an perspective, as was stated in the last paragraph, the aim is the
exogenous-resistant clone into an established (endogenous) preservation of a healthy microbial ecosystem surrounding
bacterial clone(s) colonizing the environment; and/or because humans. These objectives require mastering the evolutionary
of dissemination of particular resistant genetic variants that trajectories resulting in antibiotic resistance. Is that a feasible
emerged within an endogenous clonal population. Occupation task? According to conventional scientific knowledge, evolu-
of a given environment by a resistant variant means a perma- tion is essentially based on random processes which are
nent establishment of this organism in this environment, even exposed to an extremely large number of unexpected influ-
in the absence of antibiotic selection. Specific interventions ences and is therefore essentially unpredictable. However, we
on emergence influence invasion, those acting on invasion generally act against this intuition with, for instance, hygienic
also influence occupation and interventions on occupation procedures and implementation of antibiotic policies to pre-
determine emergence. Such interventions should be simulta- vent the development of antibiotic resistance are common
neously applied, as they are not simple solutions to the com- practices in modern medicine. Indeed research in microbio-
plex problem of antibiotic resistant. logical sciences applied to public health is currently based on
How has antibiotic resistance reached a planetary spread the implicit belief that microbial variation and infectious dis-
among all kind of environments? We cannot discard that eases are predictable and therefore might (and should) be
other bacterial adaptive traits may also be spreading with controlled before causing problems to mankind. If we are
high efficiency among bacterial populations, and that antibi- constantly seeking huge amounts of genomic and proteomic
otic resistance provides easy-to-detect phenotypes of o bvious data from microbes, if we are building-up complex phyloge-
importance in public health. In any case, it seems reasonable nies, structural and mathematical models and developing
to think that humans have–through the excessive use of anti- advanced procedures based on systems biology to understand
biotics, biocides, and industrial pollution- accelerated the interactions between elements, it is only because we do not
building-up and selection of genes and genetic platforms discard the possibility of preventing the emergence and dis-
involved in antibiotic resistance. General factors derived semination of antibiotic-resistant microbial pathogens.
from societal changes in human populations and the environ- Preventing this emergence and dissemination implies master-
ment, including changes in land use (intensified human ing the evolutionary trajectories of microbial pathogens,
encroachment on natural environments, and globalization of something that as previously stated goes against our conven-
planet biology—including human population growth; live- tional view of the process of evolution.
2 Evolutionary Biology of Drug Resistance 31
The main problem is the multi-causal origin of the spread Of course to obtain data to define this parametric field is
of antibiotic resistance. To describe to a certain extent the an extremely complex task, certainly to be completed this
main processes involved, a number of composite parameters century. We can of course with the powerful available bioin-
should be analysed [171]. The main ones are certainly the formatic technologies start to dissect this complexity. In the
following ones: (1) contact rates; this set of parameters case of modular structures associated with resistance, the
refers to the probability that two particular elements involved predictive process should be based on research about the
in antibiotic resistance could be in close contact during a suf- “grammar of affinities” between modular elements.
ficient period of time, enabling potential interactions; for Techniques of comparative genomics have been used to infer
instance, susceptible and resistant cells, or plasmids carrying functional associations between proteins based on common
or not carrying particular genes; (2) transfer rates; this set of phylogenetic distributions, conserved gene neighbourhood,
parameters refers to the probability that one of these ele- or gene fusions. The use of scoring-schemes in the building-
ments moves into another element of the same or different up of networks describing possible associations between
hierarchical level; as a plasmid into a cell, or a gene into a modules facilitates the prediction of novel functions [172,
plasmid; (3) integration rates; this set of parameters refers to 173]. Similar types of methods could be developed to predict
the probability that one transferred unit could be stably functional associations between modules involved in the
maintained in coexistence with another element or assem- emergence, expression, mobilization, or evolution of antibi-
bled with it; (4) replication rates; this set of parameters refers otic resistance. A concern of these studies is their unafford-
to the probability that a particular element involved in antibi- able complexity. Nevertheless, as in the case of mutation,
otic resistance will increase in copy number at a certain genetic architectures based on modules might have an afford-
speed and reach certain final densities; (5) diversification able complexity as they show reuse of alignments or circuit
rates; this set of parameters refers to the probability that a patterns which allow construction of complex adaptive sys-
particular element (a clone, a plasmid, a gene) produces tems by using common series of modules [174, 175]. From
genetic variants at certain rates, and variants of these vari- the perspective of a modular “genome system architecture”
ants; and (6) selection rates; this final set of parameters refers [176] it is possible to find in different organisms, plasmids,
to the probability that a particular element involved in antibi- transposons, integrons or protein sequences such as recombi-
otic resistance might be replicating differentially than other nases, identical modules combined in different ways. The
units of the same hierarchical level as the result of the car- study of the corresponding linkage patterns has become criti-
riage of genes providing higher fitness. cal for understand the evolution of evolvability [177]. Indeed
The parametric space resulting from the above set of six MDR is the result of combinatorial genetic evolution [178,
rates measuring interactions of relevance in antibiotic resis- 179]. If it were possible to make comprehensive catalogues
tance is certainly modified (even determined) by another of modular functional units, combination of these modules
group of parameters, the ecological parameters. These are in local alignments could be predicted that might fulfil the
environmental parameters whose changes might influence the expected bacterial adaptation [180]. The building-up of com-
above-mentioned rates. Among these parameters we can men- prehensive interconnected databases where modules could
tion: density of colonized and colonizable hosts; population be stored in function of their combinations has been pro-
sizes of bacteria per host during colonization and infection; posed [181]. These combinations probably depend on par-
susceptibility to colonization of hosts, including age, nutrition, ticular codes by which particular units are accepted
illness-facilitated colonization; frequency of between-host (integrated) within others after introgressive events. For
interactions (such as animal–human interaction); host natural instance, (1) codes determining the compatibility of a
and acquired immune response to colonizing organisms; eco- acquired resistance gene with the functional structure of a
logical parameters of colonizable areas, including interaction cell or of mobile genetic elements; in fact the new character
with local microbiota and frequency and type of antibiotic- should be compatible with the metabolon, or selfish (a kind
resistant commensals; migration and dispersal of colonized of individual) metabolism [182]; (2) codes determining the
hosts; antibiotic exposure; overall density of antibiotic use, compatibility of resistance and virulence plasmids or ICEs
type of antibiotics and mode of action, dosage and duration of with particular bacterial species and clones; (3) codes deter-
therapy, adherence to therapy, selective concentrations, antibi- mining the compatibility of a particular bacterial resistant or
otic combinations; mode of transmission of resistant organ- virulent clone with specific microbiotic ensembles in partic-
isms; transmission rates between hosts (antibiotic treated and ular hosts, including different animals. Unfortunately, we
untreated, infected, and uninfected); time of contact between know very little about these codes, but such a knowledge is
hosts; exposure to biocides; hygiene, infection control, sanita- certainly needed for public health, to establish desirable sur-
tion; food, drinking-water and water body contamination, and veillance and control measures assuring healthy relations
host exposure; and environmental contamination by resistant between humans and animals, and the microbiosphere [183].
organisms in soil, including sewage and water bodies. Bioinformatics (network genomics and proteomics) using
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Pharmacology of Drug Resistance
Elizabeth R. Andrews and Angela D. M. Kashuba
An example of the clinical application of PAE comes from Another example of a beneficial PK drug interaction is the
aminoglycosides. Aminoglycosides exhibit a post-antibiotic combination of beta lactam antibiotics with beta lactamase
effect in the treatment of gram-negative bacilli and inhibitors. Bacteria producing beta lactamase hydrolyze the
Staphylococcus aureus [13]. Once daily dosing regimens of beta lactam ring of antibiotics such as amoxicillin and piper-
aminoglycosides take advantage of the theoretical PAE. By acillin, rendering them ineffective. Beta lactamase inhibitors
achieving a high Cmax with each dose, the drug concentra- such as clavulanate and tazobactam inhibit antibiotic degra-
tions are allowed to fall to low concentrations (less than the dation by beta lactamase by becoming the target for beta lac-
MIC) before re-dosing such that PAE could occur before tamase hydrolysis in the place of the active beta lactam [26].
redosing [10]. In the study previously discussed by Kim et al., Mentec et al. demonstrated that the addition of tazobactam to
resistance to gentamicin did not develop during the sub-MIC piperacillin lowered the MIC of a beta lactamase producing
portion of the dosing interval with daily dosing [10]. Klebsiella pneumonia sufficiently to be considered suscepti-
ble [27]. Other beta lactam/beta lactamase inhibitor combina-
tions include amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin®;
2.3 ombination Therapy and PK Drug
C GlaxoSmithKline), piperacillin/tazobactam (Zosyn®; Pfizer),
Interactions and ampicillin/sulbactam (Unasyn®; Pfizer).
Drug–drug interactions, by inhibiting a drug-metabolizing
The use of combination therapy is effective in preventing the enzyme or efflux transporter activity, and thereby increasing
development of antimicrobial resistance. Combination ther- drug exposure, can also be used to minimize the risk of resis-
apy can be synergistic, additive, or antagonistic. Synergy is tance development. One example is in the area of HIV treat-
defined as an interaction between medications that produces ment. The addition of small doses of the CYP3A and
an effect that is greater than the sum of the effects of each of p-glycoprotein inhibitor ritonavir or cobicistat to another
the two medications in isolation. In a research setting, syn- active protease inhibitor such as lopinavir, darunavir, ata-
ergy can be more strictly defined as 25 % of the doses of two zanavir, saquinavir, or indinavir can increase the latter’s
drugs producing the same antimicrobial effect as a single Cmax and AUC up to 1622 % [28, 29]. Subtherapeutic con-
agent at 100 % of the dose [19]. In evaluating antimicrobial centrations, and the risk of developing drug resistance, are
resistance, synergy is important to enhance the PK/PD of an less likely with the addition of these pharmacokinetic
active drug in such a way that the likelihood of developing enhancers [28].
resistance is significantly decreased [4]. Conversely, certain detrimental drug interactions have
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim®; AR Scientific) been shown to promote the development of resistance. One
is an example of two antimicrobials co-formulated for syn- example is the combination of rifampin with protease inhibi-
ergy. Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole exert their antibac- tors. Rifampin is a potent inducer of the drug-metabolizing
terial action by acting on successive steps in the folic acid enzyme CYP3A4 and increases the amount of CYP3A4 in
synthesis pathway and interfere with bacterial DNA synthesis the intestine and liver. This, in turn, increases the rate and
[20]. In a 1969 study, Bushby demonstrated that the addition extent of metabolism of protease inhibitors. This enhanced
of sulfamethoxazole potentiates the action of trimethoprim in metabolism results in a decrease in protease inhibitor AUC
S. faecalis and E. coli, as demonstrated by an increased per- and Cmin by up to 87 % [30], thus decreasing efficacy and
centage of control, as evidenced by a reduced MIC, the mag- increasing the likelihood of the development of resistance.
nitude of which is contingent upon the ratio of trimethoprim Because of this interaction, the HIV treatment guidelines
to sulfamethoxazole, when high inoculums of bacteria were from the Department of Health and Human Services recom-
exposed to a combination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxa- mend substituting rifabutin for rifampin, which causes less
zole versus trimethoprim alone [21]. CYP3A induction [31].
Antimicrobials are also used in combination to overcome
mechanical mechanisms of resistance, as can be seen in infec-
tive endocarditis (IE) [22]. Therapeutic guidelines for IE in 3 Organism-Specific Factors
patients with prosthetic heart valves recommend the use of
rifampin [23] to disrupt biofilms and allow concomitant anti- 3.1 Resistance at Baseline
biotics access to the causative bacteria [24]. Similarly, genta-
micin can be included in gram-positive IE infections to make The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
bacterial cell walls permeable to intracellularly active agents estimates that each year, two million illnesses and 23,000
such as linezolid [25]. Luther et al. recently demonstrated a deaths are caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria nationally
statistically significant increase in bactericidal activity when [32]. The trend toward increasing MICs represents a threat
gentamicin was added to a daptomycin regimen in vitro to the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.
(p = 0.033) [22]. Therefore, the US Department of Health and Human
40 E.R. Andrews and A.D.M. Kashuba
Services (DHHS) has developed a five-point plan for com- present in infections of increasing burden. In a clinical setting,
bating antimicrobial resistance, which includes slowing the treating an infection with a high bacterial load with a standard
emergence of resistant bacteria and preventing their spread, dose of antimicrobial may select for resistance by providing
strengthening surveillance efforts to combat resistance, inadequate exposure [37].
advancing the development and use of diagnostic tests for
resistance, accelerating research for the development of new
antimicrobials, and improving international collaboration 3.4 Acquired Resistance Mutations
for prevention, surveillance, control and research and devel-
opment [33]. The report was released in 2014, and most In the presence of antimicrobials, microbes will strive to
national targets to assess the efficacy of the provisions out- develop specific mutations that enable their continued sur-
lined will be measured in 2020. Some of the 2020 goals vival and proliferation. One example of this is the enhanced
include reducing Clostridium difficile infections by 50 % expression of efflux transporters in bacteria when exposed to
and reducing multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas infections intracellularly active antibiotics. This mode of resistance
by 35 %. The plan also states that two New Drug Applications development has been demonstrated for chloramphenicol,
(NDAs) for antibiotics will be submitted to the FDA by tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides,
2018 [33]. among others [38]. In the case of tetracyclines, the genes
associated with efflux are typically located on transposons or
plasmids and are inducible by low tetracycline concentra-
3.2 Fitness tions [39]. These mutations decrease the exposure to the anti-
biotic (Cmax, AUC) at the drug’s site of action, thus
Fitness is used to describe the pathogenicity of a microorgan- rendering the bacteria resistant to the antibiotic in question.
ism. Pathogens that are more fit are more likely to develop Similarly, alterations in a drug’s site of action can cause
acquired resistance to antimicrobials [14]. In the presence of resistance. For example, HIV can develop resistance to non-
antimicrobials, resistant subpopulations may be unmasked nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) by
and allowed to proliferate [34]. Mutations that confer antimi- altering the allosteric binding site on the reverse transcrip-
crobial resistance often decrease fitness. This loss of fitness tase enzyme where NNRTIs exert their action [40]. These
still leaves mutated microbes at a distinct evolutionary advan- mutations are primarily driven by exposure to the drug in
tage versus wild type (WT) when exposed to antimicrobials insufficient quantities to completely inhibit viral replication.
but is considered a significant disadvantage when compared Once the mutation has developed, the virus is resistant to the
to wild type in the absence of antimicrobials. This has been drug in question at a concentration that would have other-
seen in both bacterial and viral infections. Giraud et al. wise been sufficient [40].
demonstrated that fluoroquinolone resistance (MIC = 16 μg/
mL) increases the generation time of Salmonella enterica
by twofold [35]. Additionally, the M184I/V mutation that 4 Host-Specific Factors
confers resistance to the nucleoside analogue reverse tran-
scriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) lamivudine and emtricitabine, 4.1 Penetration
results in decreased replication capacity and fitness compared
to WT virus [36]. Host-specific factors can have a profound influence on the
PK/PD of antimicrobials and the development of resistance.
One such factor is the ability of the drug to cross anatomic
3.3 Microbial Load barriers.
For example, the blood brain barrier (BBB) contains tight
Like fitness, microbial load or inoculum size impacts the junctions and efflux transporters that limit drug exposure. In
development of resistance [14]. In a study using the murine a systematic review by Stam et al., data from several studies
thigh model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Jumbe and col- were pooled to reveal differences in the resistance profiles
leagues demonstrated that a larger inoculum size required a between HIV in the blood and HIV in the cerebral spinal
larger dose of levofloxacin to adequately eradicate the infec- fluid (CSF). Frequently, resistance mutations develop in the
tion [37]. When the inoculum size was increased by a factor of blood that are not seen in the CSF. The authors speculate that
10 (from 107 to 108 CFU/g), approximately 2–6 times the anti- this is due to poor penetration of antiretrovirals into the
biotic exposure (AUC/MIC) was required to achieve the same CSF. Without achieving an adequate concentration to exert
degree of efficacy. This is due, at least in theory, to the selective pressure in the CSF, resistance mutations are
increased probability that a resistant subpopulation will be unlikely to develop in HIV sequestered there [41].
3 Pharmacology of Drug Resistance 41
Drug-metabolizing enzymes are under genetic and environ- Some clinicians and researchers also maintain that it is pru-
mental control. Genetic polymorphisms can increase or dent to understand the protein-unbound concentration of anti-
decrease drug-metabolizing enzyme activity. In the case of a microbials, in addition to the total (protein bound + unbound)
drug that is administered in its active form, an increase in concentration that is typically measured for therapeutic drug
metabolism would decrease the amount of active drug in the monitoring. Only the protein unbound fraction of drug in
body and could theoretically lead to resistance. For a pro- plasma or other parts of the body is available to exert antimi-
drug, the opposite is true. For example, valacyclovir is an crobial activity. This adds an additional level of complexity to
antiviral prodrug that requires enzymatic metabolism to acy- PK/PD considerations because protein concentrations are
clovir by valacyclovirase in order to exert its action on the highly variable between patients and may change with altered
herpes simplex virus (HSV). Enzymatic polymorphisms that pathophysiologic states. As early as 1942 [50], it was observed
lead to decreased valacyclovirase activity have demonstrated that drug protein binding directly relates to the activity of
significantly decreased availability of active drug [42]. This antimicrobials. It is reasonable to extend this observation to
decrease in activity has the theoretical potential to increase the development of resistance as well [51].
antimicrobial resistance, although no clinical cases have
been noted.
5 Conclusion
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Drug Development for Drug-Resistant
Pathogens 4
Jacques Dumas, Michael J. Pucci, and Greg Moeck
2.2 Bacteria Fight Back Age of antibiotics” (Fig. 4.1) and can be further divided into
the “Golden Age” of discovery of natural antibiotics of clini-
Since 1945, many generations of novel penicillins demon- cal significance (1940–1960) and the “Golden Age” of anti-
strated improved spectrum, pharmacokinetic profiles, and biotic medicinal chemistry over the ensuing 50 years [15,
other desirable properties; this class remains a key treatment 16]. This latter period focused on chemical modification of
option today [8]. As early as 1940, Abraham and Chain dis- major antibiotic classes in an attempt to keep ahead of resis-
covered bacterial enzymes, subsequently designated beta- tant pathogens. Some have recently termed the years between
lactamases, capable of degrading penicillin even before it was 1962 and 2000 the “innovation gap” as no new major antibi-
mass produced and used clinically [9]. Clinical resistance in otic classes were discovered during this time [17, 18].
staphylococci was reported by 1947 and by 1952 penicillin- However, the global R&D effort of the latter part of the twen-
ase-mediated resistance was present in many US hospitals tieth century provided a steady flow of treatment options for
where penicillin was used to treat infections [10, 11]. This bacterial infections. Brief descriptions of two additional
rapid onset of antibiotic resistance would continually emerge early antibiotic discoveries are found below.
as more of these drugs were developed and reached the mar- Perhaps the first successful use of natural product screen-
ket. For most newly marketed antibiotics, resistance is ing was the discovery of streptomycin by Schatz and Waksman
reported within a few years after introduction. Sometimes a as they searched for antibiotics active against Mycobacterium
single amino acid substitution greatly diminishes the utility of tuberculosis [19]. Streptomycin was rapidly isolated, puri-
an antibiotic and requires countermeasures by the pharma- fied, and entered clinical trials for the treatment of tuberculo-
ceutical industry to restore effectiveness against the mutant sis in collaboration with Merck. While streptomycin was
pathogen. The relentless evolution of beta-lactamases by remarkably successful in these initial trials, resistance devel-
point mutations under the selective pressure of successive oped quickly and ototoxicity was dose-limiting. Continued
introductions of new beta-lactamase resistant penicillins, screening efforts over the next 30 years identified several new
cephalosporins, carbapenems, and monobactams [12] illus- and improved aminoglycosides including gentamicin, tobra-
trates this phenomenon. This ongoing toll of antibiotic resis- mycin, and spectinomycin [20, 21]. These natural products
tance can be measured in both patient morbidity and mortality provided both new clinical therapies and insights into the
as well as in cost of care, and seems destined to plague man- mechanisms by which bacteria develop resistance. This
kind for the foreseeable future [13, 14]. knowledge was critical to the further semisynthetic expansion
of the aminoglycoside class through chemical modification
[22, 23]. For example, amikacin, a semisynthetic derivative of
2.3 Golden Age of Antibiotics kanamycin, showed improved activity against kanamycin-
resistant isolates and lower acute toxicity than its parent com-
Over the next 50+ years following the discovery of penicil- pound [24]. It was launched in 1976 by Bristol-Myers Squibb
lins and sulfa drugs, researchers identified a number of addi- as an injection formulation for the treatment of serious infec-
tional important antibiotic classes such as streptomycin tions caused by amikacin-sensitive Gram-negative organisms
(aminoglycosides), tetracycline (tetracyclines), erythromy- as well as known or suspected staphylococcal infections.
cin (macrolides), vancomycin (glycopeptides), and cipro- Apart from Waksman and his group, there were very few
floxacin (quinolones). This period was called the “Golden experts in antibiotic screening during the early 1940s. Despite
this dearth of expertise, other important discoveries soon present day [30]. Many new or improved bacterial genetic
followed. The first tetracycline antibiotic discovered, aureomy- methodologies followed in the rush to make new research
cin, was isolated in 1945 from a Missouri soil sample at Lederle discoveries [31]. New DNA sequencing technologies greatly
Laboratories by a team led by Benjamin Duggar—a retired pro- reduced the time and expense of sequencing bacterial
fessor from the University of Missouri [25]. This compound genomes. The availability of this information profoundly
inhibited both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, impacted many areas of microbiology including microbial
including strains resistant to sulfa drugs and other antibiotics physiology, genetics, and especially studies on gene regula-
known at that time. Its antibacterial activity translated in vivo in tion and systems biology [32]. There have been efforts to
rodent infection models with little toxicity. The Lederle scientists define genes that are essential for bacterial growth and sur-
solved several initial production issues; the compound was vival in the laboratory and in vivo in the host, and to compare
obtained in crystalline form in 1947 and subsequently designated these genes across microbial genera [33, 34]. Genomic data
as chlortetracycline. Strain and fermentation improvements con- would eventually lead to new target ideas for novel antimi-
tinued over many years and yields increased sufficiently to meet crobials as most existing antibiotic classes interacted with a
commercial demands. Second- and third-generation semisyn- relatively small number of processes in the bacterial cell
thetic tetracycline analogs resulted in increased potency and effi- [35]. There were spectrum implications, too, as one could
cacy against tetracycline-resistant bacteria as well as with now survey across a large number of pathogens and identify
improved pharmacokinetic and chemical properties [26]. The common key enzymes in essential pathways. There were
antibacterial activity and broad spectrum of this class will remain hopes that the combined technologies of X-ray crystallogra-
important assets for many years to come. phy, combinatorial chemistry, and high-throughput screen-
De novo chemistry also provided valuable additions to the ing (HTS) would lead to new antibiotics with novel modes of
natural product antibiotic arsenal. Sterling Winthrop research- action, and ultimately end the innovation gap. A number of
ers discovered nalidixic acid in 1962 from a by-product in the pharmaceutical companies selected targets and employed a
chemical synthesis of chloroquine. This compound would be broad range of HTS to search for novel inhibitors among
the first marketed quinolone antibacterial [27]. It exhibited chemical libraries. Unfortunately, relatively few inhibitors
good Gram-negative activity and is rapidly bactericidal, but have yet progressed into clinical development; some observ-
lacked Gram-positive activity. Although there was no cross- ers even declared the entire genomics-based strategy to be a
resistance with other marketed antibiotics, resistant organ- failure [36].
isms could be readily isolated. Early work on mechanism of Many potential factors can rationalize why the genomics
action indicated that it was an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, but in revolution did not transform antimicrobial drug discovery.
1990 it was found to also inhibit topoisomerase IV, therefore The compound libraries of big pharmaceutical companies,
possessing dual target activity [28]. Both target enzymes are although large in size, often did not contain chemical scaf-
involved in bacterial DNA replication and in maintaining the folds that were amenable to antibacterial activity. For exam-
integrity of the DNA helix. The US Food and Drug ple, many of our known antibacterial compounds do not
Administration (FDA) approved nalidixic acid in 1967 for the follow “Lipinski’s Rules” that are often used to optimize
treatment of urinary tract infections. Subsequent work led to inhibitors in other therapeutic areas and thus constitute the
the identification of the first fluoroquinolone, flumequine, in majority of companies’ compound libraries [37]. Often, the
1977, which, unlike nalidixic acid, now exhibited some novel target active site proved unsuitable for “drug-like”
Gram-positive activity. Chemistry efforts continued on the inhibitors because it was too exposed to solvent, or too
fluoroquinolone pharmacophore in order to expand the spec- hydrophobic, preventing compound access. Perhaps the
trum, reduce resistance frequencies, and improve pharmaco- major obstacle was the frequent lack of correlation between
kinetics. Multiple generations of quinolone antibiotics were in vitro target inhibition (screen assays) and whole-cell activ-
the result, including ciprofloxacin (approved in 1985), levo- ity due to membrane permeation or efflux issues, thus mak-
floxacin (1996), and moxifloxacin (1999) [29]. Despite grow- ing optimization extremely challenging.
ing resistance, quinolones continue to be precious tools in the High expectations for quick success may have prematurely
infectious disease formularies. undermined genomics-based efforts. Also, during the genomics
era, several large pharmaceutical companies either eliminated or
greatly reduced antibacterial drug discovery for economic rea-
2.4 icrobial Genomics: Early
M sons (see Sect. 2). One important positive aspect of genomics
Disappointment and Uncertain Future research was the emergence of assay formats that obtained key
information on potential target inhibitors. For example, these
In 1995, the first complete genome of a bacterium, technology advances led to the development of sensitive assays
Haemophilus influenzae, was sequenced. This was the begin- allowing scientists to determine whether an inhibitor that demon-
ning of a flood of genomic information that continues to the strates antibacterial activity acts through its target in the bacterial
48 J. Dumas et al.
3 T
he Current Antibiotic Landscape: 3.2.2 Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Medical Need and R&D Response Urinary tract infections (UTI) are very common in the com-
munity, and until recently, were managed with either beta-
The need for new and improved drugs to fight antibiotic lactams, quinolones, or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
resistance remains a major challenge to scientists. In devel- Recently, multidrug-resistant strains of enterobacteriaceae
oped countries, medical need can be broadly separated into harboring extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL), as
two separate categories, hospital and community. well as a variety of mutations rendering them non-susceptible
to other drugs, have appeared in the community [47]. The
vast majority of these infections are curable, but now require
3.1 Hospital Setting: No ESKAPE a hospitalization and intravenous antibiotic treatment. This
trend is such in some countries that empirical UTI treatment
In the hospitals and nursing homes, the widespread use of anti- by primary care physicians may soon have to be reevaluated.
biotics over the years led to endemic, multidrug-resistant This outlines an urgent need to introduce new, orally avail-
strains causing a large number of deaths worldwide. The now able Gram-negative agents for community use.
famous “ESKAPE” acronym (Enterococcus faecium,
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter 3.2.3 Multidrug-Resistant Gonorrhea
baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp.) was Gonorrhea is a sexually transmissible disease caused by
first introduced in 2008 to pinpoint the major causes of hard- Neisseria gonorrhoea, a Gram-negative pathogen. Due to its
to-treat nosocomial infections [40]. While a large, concerted high prevalence and debilitating side effects, virtually every
effort to address these pathogens has been underway [41], suc- class of antibiotic has been used to cure this infection over
cess remains elusive at this point. Methicillin-resistant S. the years. Invariably, resistance has emerged, leading to the
aureus (MRSA) control did benefit from new drugs as well as use of different regimens to control the epidemic. The treat-
improved medical practices, yet the management of deep- ment of choice used to consist of oral drugs, but now requires
seated MRSA infections such as osteomyelitis remains chal- injectable ceftriaxone, even though ceftriaxone-resistant
lenging [42]. Moreover, the rapid emergence of carbapenemases strains have already been described [48].
over the past decade gradually erodes the potency of carbapen-
ems, the last significant line of defense against Gram-negative
bacteria. In a striking example of natural response to growth 3.3 edical Need Clashes with Economic
suppression, Gram-negative strains acquired three structural Realities
classes of beta-lactamases, such as Ambler Class A carbapen-
emases [43], Class B metalloenzymes [44], and Class D oxa- Remarkably, while the medical need continued to increase,
penemases [45], all sharing the ability to hydrolyze the number of big pharma players in the antibiotic field
carbapenems. As a result, polymyxins, an older class that had diminished greatly [49]. This lack of interest from pharma-
not been used for years because of poor tolerability, have now ceutical companies is due to economics, which have gradu-
come back to the forefront of resistance management. ally become less favorable. We have attempted to rationalize
the causes of this phenomenon, and identified three main
drivers below.
3.2 ommunity Setting: Often Overlooked
Progress of Bacterial Resistance 3.3.1 T he Decline of Large Community
Infection Brands
In the community setting, mortality is much less common, In the past, pharmaceutical companies focused on both oral,
but bacterial resistance leads to unnecessary hospitalizations well-tolerated drugs for community infections, and high-
and healthcare costs in developed countries. Among the potency, intravenous drugs to address resistance in the hospi-
many issues reported in the literature, we will outline three tal. The community setting often provided the most attractive
specific examples below. business proposition. Blockbuster antibacterials such as
4 Drug Development for Drug-Resistant Pathogens 49
amoxicillin/clavulanate [50] or azithromycin [51] not only drugs, while culture and microbiology techniques confirm
addressed medical needs in the community, but fueled new that both regimens will be capable of curing the infection.
advances in the fight against resistance. It is not surprising to This method preserves the safety of the trial, since it would
see that carbapenems, a major weapon to combat resistance be unethical to assign patients with a life-threatening
in the hospital, were discovered during the same period [52], infection to an ineffective drug. However, it inherently
despite tremendous synthetic challenges. The new millen- leads to lower pricing: the pivotal trial essentially proves
nium brought a major change to this situation. Because of that the new drug is just as good as an older, often generic
generic pressure as well as changes in regulatory guidelines, competitor. In addition, while new life-saving drugs are
launching new drugs for community indications such as rapidly adopted, for example, with hepatitis C [57], new
chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, or otitis media is no longer eco- antibiotics are often put “in reserve” by doctors in an effort
nomical; these markets are now largely dominated by gener- to manage resistance on the long term. This leads to slow
ics. With this revolution, the pharmaceutical industry lost a sales uptake and lower profitability. In the meantime, the
major source of cash flow to fund R&D efforts. cost of antibiotic failure in the hospital has continued to
increase. A 2010 study conducted in the USA [58] esti-
3.3.2 Cost of R&D mated that the cost of a hospital-acquired antibiotic-
The progress in discovery technology since the 1980s did not resistant infection results in 29 % higher cost-of-care and
serve antibiotic research. The difficulty in discovering new 24 % longer hospital stay, compared to the same infection
antibiotics in the genomics era was already examined in the caused by an antibiotic-sensitive strain.
first section of this chapter [36, 53]. Unfortunately, a number The key to unlock the value of antibiotics is to rapidly
of changes in the regulatory landscape also contributed to identify patients in need of a novel, premium-priced drug,
higher development costs. During the early 2000s, regulators while infections caused by less resistant strains can be man-
aimed to increase the quality and power of pivotal trials aged with cheaper generics. A recent study estimated that a
designed to launch new antibiotics. Inclusion criteria and targeted antibiotic capable of treating carbapenemase-
primary endpoints became more stringent. In addition, trial resistant A. baumannii could easily fetch $10,000 per course,
sizes increased, sometimes dramatically, to satisfy tighter possibly even $30,000 per course, while remaining cost-
statistical requirements and enhance safety databases. While effective for society [59]. Hence, advances in rapid diagnos-
some of these changes were overdue and made good sense tic technology might be tightly linked to upward pricing
from a medical standpoint, the net effect was to discourage evolution. Fortunately, rapid diagnostics have made great
sponsors from starting new trials. For example, hospital- progress over the last decade [60]. It is now technically fea-
acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia sible to identify a given pathogen or mechanism of resistance
(HABP/VABP), for which patient recruitment is particularly with fairly good accuracy within a few hours. If these tech-
cumbersome, became virtually intractable as a launch indi- nologies were broadly applied, novel antibiotics could be
cation [54, 55]. priced much higher, and used more appropriately to fight
Given these difficulties, it is not surprising to see that the resistance. However, adoption and logistics still remain
length of time and risks of antibacterial development have major hurdles. These will have to be overcome before truly
taken a toll on profitability. An independent study conducted targeted, premium-priced antibiotics can replace empirical
by the Eastern Research Group [56], which was commis- treatment.
sioned by the US Department of Human and Health Services,
built a profit-and-losses model of antibiotic R&D. This work
concluded that a HABP/VABP drug developed today would 3.4 Government and Regulators Respond
result in negative investment returns for the sponsor, while to the Challenge
generating a $1.2B value for society.
Government and regulators have long been aware of the anti-
3.3.3 Antibiotic Pricing biotic crisis, and engaged in concerted initiatives with the
None of the issues outlined above would be problematic if scientific and medical communities to promote antibacterial
antibiotic pricing was more favorable. After all, oncology R&D. This movement has intensified over the past few years
R&D costs also skyrocketed over the past 30 years, but and ultimately holds the promise to transform the antibacte-
were offset by favorable drug pricing. The antibiotic field, rial landscape. While it appears unlikely that large, money-
however, brings a unique challenge. The most traditional making community brands will reappear in the near future,
way to develop antibiotics is to evaluate pharmacokinetics regulatory progress and R&D incentives have already
and safety in healthy volunteers, then to compare the can- allowed a number of companies to pursue their mission to
didate drug to a competitor in a non-inferiority trial. In this discover and develop new antibiotics. Among these, we
design, enrolled patients are randomized between the two would cite the following as most significant.
50 J. Dumas et al.
3.4.1 The GAIN Act edented consortium of academic, biotech, and big pharma
The GAIN act (Generating Antibiotic Incentives Now) is a players to combat antibacterial resistance [66]. The EU
US law signed in July 2012 [61], designed to create a finan- pledged €109 million funding, while other members provided
cial incentive to companies and accelerate the launch of life- in-kind and tangible assets, raising the total value of the pro-
saving drugs. Under this law, companies developing qualified gram up to €224 million. The three currently established pro-
antibiotics gain access to an expedited FDA review, as well grams include COMBACTE (clinical development),
as five additional years of data exclusivity in the USA. This TRANSLOCATION (study of Gram-negative membrane
initiative was an instant success: as of September 2014, 39 permeability and efflux), and ENABLE (support for Gram-
products were granted Qualified Infectious Disease Product negative discovery and early development projects).
(QIDP) status and will therefore benefit from the new legis- –– The Broad Spectrum Antimicrobials program, funded by
lation. In 2014 alone, four of them have received FDA the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development
approval (dalbavancin, tedizolid, oritavancin, and ceftolo- Authority (BARDA), provides discovery and develop-
zane/tazobactam). The original list of 18 bacterial and fungal ment funding for selected antibacterial programs since
threats, which included all ESKAPE species, was recently 2010 [67]. Active programs include collaborations with
expanded with three additional pathogens in June 2014. Cempra, Tetraphase, Rempex, GSK, Achaogen, and
Basilea (see Sect. 3 for details on their pipeline assets).
3.4.2 Regulatory Efforts to Expedite –– In the USA, the National Institute of Allergy and
the Development of Life-Saving Drugs Infectious Diseases (NIAID) continues to be a critical
On both sides of the Atlantic, the FDA and the European resource for basic, translational, and clinical research in
Medicines Authority (EMA) set a goal to introduce new the field of antibacterial resistance. As such, NIAID plays
development pathways enabling drugs targeting a single a key role in advising, collaborating, and funding discov-
pathogen, rather than a disease (for example, HABP or ery programs for academia and biotechs [68].
UTI). Because high-risk pathogens such as P. aeruginosa
or A. baumannii are somewhat infrequent and mostly con- In the never-ending battle against bacterial resistance, 2014
fined to the hospital, enrolling “all comers” would require could well be a turnaround year, with the resurgence of antibi-
thousands of patients in order to find enough occurrences of otic investment, regulatory progress, and four FDA approvals.
the right pathogen. Therefore traditional statistical analysis Several major pharma companies such as Roche and Sanofi
of safety and efficacy in the context of a single pathogen took notice of the changing landscape and reentered the field
would be highly impractical. A group of key opinion lead- [69], pursuing in-house and licensing activities to build a new
ers proposed a solution to this conundrum [62] and engaged antibacterial franchise. In addition, mid-sized players such as
regulators in a productive dialogue. The ADAPT act [63], Cubist [70], Actavis, or The Medicines Company have several
presented to the US congress in late 2013, aims to create a marketed or late-stage products in their pipelines; doing so
new regulatory pathway for pathogen-directed antibiotics they acquired enough critical mass to become long-term play-
under certain label limitations. In addition, the FDA cre- ers. Finally, a favorable deal flow since 2010 prompted venture
ated a special taskforce and issued several draft guidances capital firms to reinvest in small antibacterial companies on
over the same period [64]. both sides of the Atlantic.
The regulatory progress is not limited to pathogen-
directed drugs. For example, regulators agreed to limit the
number of pivotal trials to one per indication when a given 4 Overview of Clinical Pipeline and Recent
drug is studied in two indications simultaneously. Moreover, Drug Approvals
a recent FDA Advisory Committee meeting [65] recom-
mended the approval of ceftazidime/avibactam (see Sect. 3) Since 2010, there has been substantial progress in clinical
on the basis of Phase 2 data in two indications. development of antibacterial agents against serious Gram-
positive and Gram-negative infections. These efforts culmi-
3.4.3 Public–Private Partnerships nated in four FDA approvals and a New Drug Application
Public private partnerships have become a significant source (NDA) in 2014. Furthermore, several Phase 2 and 3 studies
of funding, both in Europe and the USA, allowing pharma- were underway or completed in 2014. As many of these agents
ceutical companies to pursue their discovery programs, espe- have recently been expertly reviewed [71–74], only brief
cially during discovery, preclinical, and Phase 1 stages, for updates on agents in active or recently completed, late-stage
which attrition is high. Among the numerous institutes and clinical development for bacterial infections, not including
funding agencies around the globe who focus on ESKAPE mycobacterial infections, will be presented here. On a quar-
pathogens, we will mention the following: terly basis, The Pew Charitable Trusts revises its comprehen-
sive summary of antibiotics in the clinical development
–– In 2012, a European Innovative Medicine Initiative called pipeline [75]; a condensed and updated version of their sum-
“New Drugs for Bad Bugs” (ND4BB) assembled an unprec- mary is presented in Table 4.1.
4 Drug Development for Drug-Resistant Pathogens 51
Table 4.1 Antibacterial agents approved in 2014 or in active late-stage clinical development
Activity vs.
Antibacterial Development Gram- Additional/potential
agent phase Current sponsor Drug class negatives QIDP indications indication(s)
Tedizolid Approved for Cubist [70] Oxazolidinone No ABSSSI, HABP,
Dalbavancin Approved for Actavis Lipoglycopeptide No ABSSSI CABP
ABSSSI (2014)
Oritavancin Approved for The Medicines Lipoglycopeptide No ABSSSI
ABSSSI (2014) Company
Ceftolozane- Approved for Cubist [70] Cephalosporin-BLI Yes cUTI, cIAI,
tazobactam cUTI and cIAI HABP, VABP
Ceftazidime- NDA for cUTI Actavis Cephalosporin- Yes cUTI, cIAI,
avibactam and cIAI under diazabicyclooctane BLI HABP, VABP
FDA review
Carbavance Phase 3 The Medicines Meropenem-cyclic Yes cUTI, cIAI, Bacteremia due to CRE,
Company boronate BLI HABP, VABP, Gram-negative biothreat
febrile neutropenia pathogens
Delafloxacin Phase 3 Melinta Fluoroquinolone Yes ABSSSI, CABP,
Nemonoxacin Phase 3 TaiGen Nonfluorinated quinolone Yes CABP, ABSSSI diabetic foot infection
Zabofloxacin Phase 3 Dong Wha Fluoroquinolone ABE-COPD, CABP
Plazomicin Phase 3 Achaogen Neoglycoside Yes Bloodstream infections
and nosocomial
pneumonia caused by
biothreat pathogens
Eravacycline Phase 3 Tetraphase Fluorocycline Yes cIAI, cUTI HABP, biothreat
Solithromycin Phase 3 Cempra Fluoroketolide Yes CABP Uncomplicated
urogenital gonorrhea,
biothreat pathogens
Cadazolid Phase 3 Actelion Quinolonyl-oxazolidinone CDAD
Surotomycin Phase 3 Cubist [70] Cyclic lipopeptide No CDAD
Relebactam- Phase 2 Merck Carbapenem- Yes cUTI, cIAI,
imipenem diazabicyclooctane BLI HABP, VABP
S-649266 Phase 2 Shionogi Catechol-substituted Yes
siderophore cephalosporin
Finafloxacin Phase 2 MerLion Fluoroquinolone Yes cUTI, cIAI, Exacerbations of
ABSSSI chronic cystic fibrosis
infection and COPD
GSK2140944 Phase 2 GSK Type II topoisomerase Yes ABSSSI, urogenital
inhibitor gonorrhea, biothreat
AZD0914 Phase 2 AstraZeneca Benzisoxazole DNA Yes Uncomplicated
gyrase inhibitor gonorrhea
MRX-I Phase 2 MicuRx Oxazolidinone No ABSSSI
Omadacycline Phase 2 Paratek (merged Aminomethylcycline Yes CABP, ABSSSI,
with Transcept) cUTI
Lefamulin Phase 2 Nabriva Pleuromutilin Yes ABSSSI, CABP
Fusidic acid Phase 2 Cempra Fusidane No PJI, ABSSSI
Brilacidin Phase 2 Cellceutix Defensin-mimetic No ABSSSI
GSK1322322 Phase 2 GSK/IMI Peptide deformylase No ABSSSI, CABP
(Combacte) inhibitor
POL7080 Phase 2 Polyphor Protein epitope mimetic Yes VABP caused by Lower respiratory tract
(licensed to LptD inhibitor P. aeruginosa infection, bronchiectasis
SMT19969 Phase 2 Summit Bis(benzimidazole) No CDAD
Abbreviations: ABSSSI, acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection; CABP, community-acquired bacterial pneumonia; HABP, hospital-
acquired bacterial pneumonia; VABP, ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia; cUTI, complicated urinary tract infections; cIAI, complicated
intra-abdominal infections; AP, acute pyelonephritis; CDAD, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea; BLI, beta-lactamase inhibitor; NDA, New
Drug Application; PJI, prosthetic joint infection; ABE-COPD, acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
52 J. Dumas et al.
(CRE). In a recent in vitro study 98.5 % of 200 isolates of Dong Wha Pharmaceuticals completed a Phase 3 study of
enterobacteriaceae, including 100 KPC-producing strains, the efficacy of 5-day zabofloxacin treatment compared to
were inhibited by ≤2 μg/mL of meropenem with RPX7009 7-day moxifloxacin treatment for mild-to-moderate CABP
fixed at 8 μg/mL [87]. Carbavance was also efficacious in [93]; however, results are not yet available. A prior dose-
murine infection models against a variety of meropenem- finding study led to the selection of the 5-day regimen [94].
resistant KPC-producing strains [88]. As with the β-lactam- A Phase 2 study in patients with acute bacterial exacerbation
BLI combinations listed above, potentiation of in vitro activity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (NCT01658020)
of the β-lactam component is not seen with enterobacteriaceae showed that a 3-day regimen of once-daily oral zabofloxacin
expressing metallo β-lactamases and activity against OXA-48- and a 7-day regimen of once-daily moxifloxacin provided
expressing strains is variable. A Phase 3 study of carbavance similar clinical and microbiological responses.
compared to piperacillin/tazobactam in patients with cUTI or Plazomicin is a novel aminoglycoside designed to address
acute pyelonephritis was initiated in November 2014 aminoglycoside resistance. It exhibits in vitro activity against
(NCT02166476), with a second Phase 3 study of carbavance enterobacteriaceae including isolates expressing certain car-
in 150 patients with serious infections due to CRE across mul- bapenem resistance mechanisms or resistance to other ami-
tiple indications also underway (NCT02168946). noglycosides, to colistin, and to tigecycline [95]. A Phase 3
A number of quinolone antibiotics are being developed study comparing plazomicin in combination with merope-
with activity against some fluoroquinolone-resistant strains. nem or tigecycline to colistin in combination with merope-
Delafloxacin broadly covers Gram-positive organisms nem or tigecycline is currently enrolling patients with
in vitro, including resistant strains, and is available in both bloodstream infections or HABP due to CRE (NCT01970371).
IV and oral presentations. In a Phase 2 study, for the primary Along with the Phase 3 study of carbavance, noted above, the
endpoint of Investigator-assessed clinical cure, both the plazomicin Phase 3 study is one of just two studies that are
300 mg and 450 mg delafloxacin 12-h regimens provided currently enrolling patients prospectively for treatment of
comparable efficacy to vancomycin, with the low-dose dela- CRE infections. A Phase 2 study assessing the safety, effi-
floxacin arm being selected for future study due to its favor- cacy, and PK of plazomicin in patients with cUTI or AP has
able safety profile [89]. An additional Phase 2 study, with been completed (NCT01096849).
enrolment criteria and endpoints more reflective of current Eravacycline is a new, IV, and oral fluorocycline agent
FDA guidance for ABSSSI, has also been completed [90]. In with broad spectrum activity including activity against
that study, delafloxacin had a similar efficacy and safety pro- tetracycline-resistant isolates. Its in vitro potency is equal or
file compared to linezolid and had a higher response rate better to that of tigecycline. Enrolment has been completed
than vancomycin-treated patients at 14 days. A Phase 3 study in a Phase 3 study which compared eravacycline 1 mg/kg IV
in ABSSSI, comparing 300 mg delafloxacin IV every 12 h every 12 h to ertapenem 1 g IV once daily for patients with
for 6 doses followed by 450 mg oral tablet every 12 h for cIAI (NCT01844856); the eravacycline 1 mg/kg every 12 h
10–28 doses to vancomycin 15 mg/kg intravenously plus 2 g dose was selected based on results from a previous Phase 2
aztreonam every 12 h for 10–28 doses is currently underway study in cIAI [96]. A separate Phase 3 study in patients with
(NCT01984684). Another open Phase 3 trial evaluates a sin- cUTI is evaluating eravacycline 1.5 mg/kg IV once daily fol-
gle, 900 mg oral dose of delafloxacin versus intramuscular lowed by eravacycline either 200 mg or 250 mg PO every
ceftriaxone for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea 12 h versus levofloxacin 750 mg IV once daily followed by
(NCT02015637). 750 mg orally once daily (NCT01978938). Analysis of data
Nemonoxacin is a non-fluorinated quinolone with activity from the lead-in portion of the study suggested that responses
against Gram-positive and atypical pathogens, having some- were comparable across the three treatment arms [97].
what reduced activity relative to fluoroquinolones [91]. In a Solithromycin is a fluoroketolide being developed in both
randomized, double-blind, Phase 2 study in adults with mild- oral and IV formulations for CABP and uncomplicated
to-moderate CABP, clinical efficacy outcomes at test-of-cure gonococcal infections. Its spectrum of activity is well suited
were comparable across nemonoxacin 500 mg or 750 mg, or for community-acquired respiratory infections. In vitro,
levofloxacin 500 mg, with each treatment administered once solithromycin displays greater potency than erythromycin
daily for 7 days [92]. Currently, a Phase 3 study in patients and clindamycin and similar potency to azithromycin against
with CABP is recruiting (NCT02205112); patients are ran- most relevant organisms [98]. A Phase 3 study of efficacy
domized 1:1 to receive either 500 mg nemonoxacin IV or and safety study of IV to oral solithromycin versus IV to oral
500 mg levofloxacin IV once daily for 7–14 days. Results of moxifloxacin for patients with CABP is presently underway
a completed Phase 2 study of nemonoxacin in patients with (NCT01968733).
diabetic foot infections (NCT00685698) are not yet avail- Cadazolid is being developed for oral treatment of C. diffi-
able. Oral nemonoxacin was approved in Taiwan for the cile associated diarrhea (CDAD) based on its gram-positive
treatment of CABP in adults. spectrum and negligible absorption, resulting in high gut lumen
54 J. Dumas et al.
concentrations and low systemic exposure [99]. In a Phase 2 with potential utility in treatment of ABSSSI on the basis of a
study, cadazolid provided similar efficacy to vancomycin on completed Phase 2 study [105]. A Phase 3 study to compare
key efficacy endpoints including clinical cure and sustained the safety and efficacy of omadacycline with linezolid in the
cure [100]. A Phase 3 study in CDAD is currently underway treatment of adults with ABSSSI was terminated in 2013 but
(NCT01987895). A key challenge will be to demonstrate supe- new pivotal studies are slated to begin in 2015 [106].
riority to vancomycin in sustained clinical response 25 days Lefamulin is the first systemically available pleuromutilin
after the end of treatment, as has been shown in pivotal studies studied for the treatment of ABSSSI and CABP owing to
for the recently approved CDAD agent, fidaxomicin [101]. in vitro activity against Gram-positives, fastidious Gram-
Surotomycin is a lipopeptide oral antibiotic that is struc- negatives, and atypicals. With a Phase 2 ABSSSI study now
turally related to daptomycin. It exhibits approximately four- completed [107], a Phase 3 study is being planned [108].
fold increased in vitro activity against C. diffıcile compared Fusidic acid (CEM-102) demonstrated similar safety and effi-
to vancomycin, with minimal systemic absorption. In Phase cacy to linezolid in a Phase 2 study of adults with ABSSSI
2 studies, it demonstrated comparable cure rates to vanco- [109]. A Phase 2 study of fusidic acid in combination with
mycin but with reduced rates of recurrence [102]. Presently, rifampin versus standard of care for prosthetic joint/spacer
two Phase 3 studies of surotomycin versus vancomycin are infection was recently terminated (NCT01756924).
underway in CDAD (NCT01598311 and NCT01597505). Brilacidin, a defensin, was recently evaluated in a Phase
2b study versus daptomycin for treatment of ABSSSI
(NCT02052388). Subjects randomized to brilacidin in this
4.4 Agents in Phase 2 Development study received either a single IV infusion (low dose, 0.6 mg/
kg or high dose, 0.8 mg/kg) or a 3 day IV regimen (0.6 mg/
Several cell wall inhibitors are in Phase 2 development. kg on Day 1 followed by 0.3 mg/kg on Days 2 and 3). The
Relebactam (formerly, MK-7655) is a non-β lactam (diazabi- clinical success rates for each regimen were comparable to
cyclooctane) inhibitor of class A and C β-lactamases evaluated that of daptomycin administered once daily for 7 days [110].
in combination with imipenem/cilastatin in an ongoing Phase 2 GSK1322322 is one of a new class of agents that inhibit
study in cUTI (NCT01505634). A Phase 2 study in cIAI the bacterial peptide deformylase enzyme. A Phase 2a study
(NCT01506271) has recently completed enrolment. S-649266, in patients with ABSSSI has been completed. However,
a cephalosporin-siderophore conjugate, is actively transported results showed less favorable safety and efficacy outcomes
through the outer membrane into the periplasmic space where compared to linezolid [111]. Further clinical development is
it binds to penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and disrupts cell to occur through the Innovative Medicines Initiative
wall synthesis. S-649266 is more stable to carbapenemases COMBACTE program.
than ceftazidime, cefepime, and meropenem and is active POL7080 belongs to a class of protein epitope-mimetics.
in vitro against P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii, and enterobacte- It is a fully synthetic cyclic peptide that interacts with the
riaceae. Phase 2 development is underway [103], although the outer membrane protein LptD in P. aeruginosa, resulting in
type of infections targeted in the study has not been disclosed. down-regulation of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis. In
The fluoroquinolone finafloxacin offers a similar spec- 2013, Roche obtained the license rights to develop and com-
trum of activity to existing quinolones and is being evaluated mercialize POL7080 globally. A Phase 2 study in adults with
in a phase 2 study for treatment of cUTI and AP VABP caused by P. aeruginosa is underway assessing effi-
(NCT01928433). GSK2140944 is a bacterial Type II topoi- cacy of POL7080 when co-administered with standard-of-
somerase inhibitor with a distinct binding mode compared to care (NCT02096328).
fluoroquinolones, providing in vitro activity against SMT19969 has similar in vitro activity to fidaxomicin
fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates. It is presently in Phase 2 against C. difficile and limited activity compared to vanco-
development for Gram-positive ABSSSI (NCT02045797) mycin and metronidazole against other Gram-positive aer-
and uncomplicated urogenital gonorrhea (NCT02294682). obes and anaerobes, suggesting that it may have little impact
AZD0914 is a benzisoxazole DNA gyrase inhibitor [104] on normal gut microbiota during CDAD treatment [112]. A
under evaluation as a single oral dose compared to intramus- Phase 2 study in CDAD is underway (NCT02092935).
cular treatment with ceftriaxone in a Phase 2 study in adults
with uncomplicated urogenital gonorrhea (NCT02257918).
Several protein synthesis inhibitors are also under devel- 5 Conclusion
opment. A Phase 2 study of the oxazolidinone MRX-I com-
pared to linezolid is currently underway in adult patients with Small-molecule antibiotic therapy had, together with vacci-
ABSSSI (NCT02269319). However, any potential benefits of nation, a tremendous impact on life expectancy in the twen-
the proposed 10-day, twice-daily oral course of therapy are tieth century. After the “Golden Age,” it felt like bacteria
unclear given the recent approval of tedizolid, with its 5-day, were winning the battle against science, while society
once-daily regimen. Omadacycline is an aminomethylcycline appeared unable to respond to the challenge of resistance.
4 Drug Development for Drug-Resistant Pathogens 55
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Part II
General Mechanisms of Drug Resistance
Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug
Resistance 5
Paul H. Roy and Sally R. Partridge
identified in different Salmonella serovars [11–13] and also in SGI1 and variants carry a transposon-borne class 1 inte-
Proteus mirabilis [14, 15]. The 27.4 kb “backbone” of SGI1 con- gron (see Sect. 7.1 below) inserted between resG and S044,
tains 28 open reading frames of mostly unknown function: intSGI flanked by 5 bp direct repeats indicative of transpositional
(S001), S002-026, resG (S027, also called tnpR) and S044 insertion. The integron in SGI1 itself (designated In104)
(Fig. 5.2A). SGI1 is found inserted into a specific site in the chro- carries five resistance genes, sul1 gene (sulfonamide resis-
mosome, close to the end of the trmE (formerly called thdF) tance), the blaCARB-1 (blaP1; ampicillin) and aadA2
gene. The IntSGI recombinase is responsible for insertion and also (streptomycin-spectinomycin) gene cassettes separated by a
excision of SGI1 to create a circularized form. This cannot trans- region containing the floR (chloramphenicol-florfenicol)
fer itself horizontally to new cells, as it lacks a full set of conjuga- and tetA(G) (tetracycline) genes and an ISCR3 element
tion genes, but it can be mobilized by IncA/C plasmids [16]. (Sect. 8.3). The integrons in SGI1 variants have differences
64 P.H. Roy and S.R. Partridge
that can be explained by homologous recombination, includ- 3.2 cinetobacter baumannii Resistance
ing exchange of gene cassettes, loss of a gene cassette array Islands
plus the central floR-tetA(G) region, or acquistion of addi-
tional genes, e.g., dfrA10 (trimethoprim resistance) [12, 13]. The first example of an Acinetobacter baumannii resistance
In SGI1-H a short region of the backbone is missing and in island (AbaR1) was found by whole genome sequencing of
derivatives, such as SGI1-K, extra resistance genes and a an A. baumannii isolate [20] and a number of variants have
mercury resistance operon are present [12, 17]. now been identified in global clonal complex 1 (GC1) iso-
SGI2 (formerly SGI1-J) is related to SGI1 (144 single lates [21, 22]. These islands have a 16 kb backbone corre-
nucleotide differences between backbones) and has been sponding to transposon Tn6019, which is related to Tn7/
found in several Salmonella serovars [18]. SGI2 is inserted Tn5053-like site-specific transposons (see Sect. 5.3), leading
in the same chromosomal location as SGI1 but the integron to an alternative designation of AbaR1 as TnAbaR1 [23].
is inserted in S023 (Fig. 5.2A), rather than between resG and Tn6019 is bounded by inverted repeats and is inserted in the
S044, indicative of independent acquisition. The integron in chromosomal comM gene, flanked by 5 bp direct repeats,
the original SGI2 is related to In104 but has a variant of floR, and includes an arsenate resistance operon (ars) and other
called cmlA9, and only one cassette array (dfrA1-gcuC). genes (Fig. 5.2B).
Variants of this arrangement, equivalent to those seen for A composite transposon (see Sect. 4) bounded by two cop-
SGI1, have been identified. The integron in SGI2 has also ies of the cadmium and zinc resistance transposon Tn6018 is
been found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa [19]. inserted in Tn6019, flanked by 8 bp direct repeats. The region
i t
|aadA2| floR tetA(G) |blaCARB-1| sul1
5' 3' 5' 3'
SGI backbone
|dfrA1|C| cmlA9 tetA(G) tniA
5' 3' 5' 3'
i t t t
B 1 kb
t i
3' t Tn1696 Tn1721 Tn1000 5' 3'
Tn6018 Tn6018
tetA(A) aphA1 |aacA1|P|P|Q|aadA1| sul1
Fig. 5.2 Examples of genomic resistance islands. Resistance and back- (a) SGI1 and SG12 are inserted in the same chromosomal location and
bone genes are indicated by arrows and selected genes are named. have very similar backbones, but different class 1 integrons are inserted
Transposon fragments are indicated, IS are shown as pointed boxes, in different places. (b) AbaR5 as an example of an AbaR island, consist-
inverted repeats as tall triangles, gene cassettes as small boxes (with C, P, ing of a complex MRR containing different transposon fragments, IS and
and Q indicating gcu), and the 5′-CS (5′) and 3′-CS (3′) of class 1 inte- resistance genes in a Tn6018-mediated composite transposon inserted in
grons are indicated. The sequences of flanking direct repeats are shown. a Tn6019 backbone, which is inserted in the chromosomal comM gene
5 Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug Resistance 65
between the two Tn6018 contains different combinations of 4.1 Insertion Sequences
antibiotic resistance genes, mobile elements and other genes
in different AbaR variants. For example, AbaR5 [21] has the Insertion sequences (ISs) are cryptic mobile DNA elements,
tetA(A) (tetracycline) and aphA1 (kanamycin) resistance i.e., coding only for their own mobility. Different IS were
genes plus the aacC1 (gentamicin) and aadA1 gene cassettes originally numbered, but are now assigned names reflecting
and the sul1 gene, fragments of several transposons and some the species in which they were first identified (e.g., ISAba1
insertion sequences (Fig. 5.2B). Other variants have addi- for Acinetobacter baumanni; https://www-is.biotoul.fr/), but
tional resistance genes and mobile elements or deletions com- this does not necessarily imply any particular association
pared with AbaR5 [22, 24] and AbaR variants have been with that species. They typically encode a transposase that
identified in isolates that are not part of GC1 [25]. A simpler acts at short inverted repeats (IR) at the ends of the element,
island carrying only the blaOXA-23 gene, based on a Tn6019- designated left (IRL) and right (IRR) in relation to the direc-
like transposon called Tn6022, is known as AbaR4 [26]. tion of transcription of the transposase gene.
In multi-resistant isolates belonging to A. baumannii IS can move either conservatively or replicatively. In con-
global clonal complex 2 (GC2), a distinct (but related) type servative transposition, the transposase cuts at each end of the
of resistance island (named AbGRI1; [27]) is inserted in the IS, holding the ends together while it finds a target site. The
comM gene. The backbone is a Tn6019-like transposon, but target site is then cut and the ends of the IS are ligated to the
this island lacks the Tn6018 composite transposon and has a site. In replicative transposition, the transposase binds to the
different set of resistance genes, although these encode resis- target site, cuts it and attaches the ends to the ends of the IS so
tance to a similar set of antibiotics, namely sulfonamides as to create a structure that resembles a nearly completed
(sul2), streptomycin (strAB), and tetracycline (tetA(B)), and round of replication, with two replication forks approaching
sometimes the blaOXA-23 carbapenemase gene. A second each other. Replication of the IS then occurs, creating a coin-
resistance island, named AbGRI2, is also found inserted in tegrate structure in which the donor and recipient molecules
another location in GC2 isolates and can include the aphA1, are joined by two copies of the IS, each of the latter consisting
aacC1, and aadA1 genes found in some AbaR variants [27]. of one parental and one newly synthesized strand. Site-
specific recombination at a res site within the IS then sepa-
rates the donor and recipient molecules, leaving each with a
3.3 seudomonas aeruginosa Genomic
P copy of the IS. The mechanism of replicative transposition
Islands was worked out for bacteriophage Mu [34] and also applies to
unit transposons of the Tn3 family (see Sect. 5.1 below).
Comparison of the sequences of the first few complete
genome sequences of P. aeruginosa led to the definition of
numerous genomic islands containing various nonessential 4.2 ormation and Movement of Composite
genes, including virulence factors, transporters, regulatory Transposons
genes, novel metabolic pathways, restriction-modification
systems, and resistance genes [28, 29]. Some of these islands When two copies of the same IS insert on either side of a
contain an integrase gene at one end and some are inserted short region of DNA such as an antibiotic resistance gene, a
next to tRNA genes. Several resistance genes are found in composite transposon is created. The transposase can then
these genomic islands [30]. In a recent study of resistance act at the extremities of the entire element, rather than the
genes from 390 P. aeruginosa genomes, numerous multire- extremities of a single IS, thus moving the two IS copies and
sistance integrons were found to be on chromosomal resis- the central region together. For example, Tn9 (Fig. 5.3) con-
tance islands [31]. sists of two directly repeated copies of the insertion sequence
IS1 flanking the catA1 gene coding for a chloramphenicol
acetyltransferase. Tn10 consists of two copies of IS10 in
4 C
omposite Transposons and Insertion inverted orientation flanking a tetracycline resistance deter-
Sequences minant. Since the short inverted repeat sequences of the two
IS ends are identical, the transposase can recognize the entire
Many of the earliest described mobile elements encoding composite transposon as if it were a single copy of the IS.
antibiotic resistance are composite transposons. Among these Tn10 undergoes conservative transposition [35] and pos-
are Tn9, encoding chloramphenicol resistance, Tn10, encod- sesses an interesting mechanism of regulation. The DNA
ing tetracycline resistance [32], and Tn5, encoding kanamy- ends contain GATC sequences that are target sites for the
cin, bleomycin, and streptomycin resistance [33] (Fig. 5.3). Dam methylase. Newly replicated DNA is methylated on
Composite transposons consist of a region of DNA flanked by only the parental strand (since the Dam methylase lags
insertion sequences, in either direct or inverse orientation. behind the DNA polymerase) and this hemimethylated state
66 P.H. Roy and S.R. Partridge
favors transposition. Tn5 also undergoes conservative trans- an element in which the vanB operon, including the vanRS
position [33, 36] and has a central region with three resis- two-component regulator, became a transposon that then
tance genes, kan (aph(6)-IIc) encoding an aminoglycoside “hopped” onto a conjugative plasmid [42].
phosphotransferase, ble encoding bleomycin resistance, and
str encoding a streptomycin phosphotransferase, flanked by
two copies of IS50 in inverted orientation. These copies are 4.3 ISEcp1 and Related Elements
nearly identical; one copy furnishes the active transposase
while in the other copy a point mutation creates a premature A single copy of the insertion sequence ISEcp1 has been
stop codon in the transposase but at the same time provides a demonstrated to move regions adjacent to its right-hand
promoter for the transcription of the antibiotic resistance (IRR) end, creating direct repeats of five (or sometimes six)
gene cluster. bp flanking the whole transposition unit [43]. The right end
Genes encoding several recently identified and clinically of the mobilized regions have some resemblance to the
important carbapenemases have been found as part of com- ISEcp1 IR, but the precise mechanism of mobilization is not
posite transposons. The blaOXA-48 gene appears to have been yet known. ISEcp1 is also able to pick up different lengths of
mobilized from Shewanella species by IS1999 as part of the adjacent DNA in different transposition events [9]. ISEcp1
composite transposon Tn1999, found inserted in the IncL/M appears to have been responsible for capturing the progeni-
plasmid pOXA-48 and close relatives [37]. The blaOXA-23 tors of several of the blaCTX-M sub-families from the chromo-
gene is found within an ISAba1-mediated composite trans- somes of different Kluyvera spp. and transferring them to
poson (named Tn2006) in A. baumannii [38]. Acinetobacter plasmids [44]. ISEcp1 is also responsible for mobilization of
spp. may also have acted as an intermediate in the transfer of the Citrobacter freundii (blaCMY-2) chromosomal ampC gene
the blaNDM metallo-β-lactamase gene from an unknown pro- onto plasmids [45]. Several other IS, including IS1247,
genitor organism to the Enterobacteriaceae: in plasmids ISEnca1, and ISSm2, appear to have mobilized adjacent
from various Acinetobacter spp. blaNDM-1 is found in an resistance genes in a similar fashion [9].
ISAba125-mediated composite transposon, referred to as
Tn125 [39], and fragments of this structure are present in
plasmids found in Enterobacteriaceae [40]. 4.4 Transposition by a Single Copy of IS26
Composite transposons are also common in Gram-
positive bacteria. An example is Tn4001, where a bifunc- The insertion sequence IS26 is often identified in multiple
tional aac-aph gene encoding gentamicin resistance is copies in MRR and resistance plasmids. Historically, several
flanked by two copies of IS256 [41]. Another is Tn1547, in IS26-mediated composite transposons have been identified,
which a chromosomal vanB operon is known to have under- but in many MRR single copies of IS26 separate segments
gone first one and then another insertion of IS256, forming carrying different resistance genes and these IS26 are not
5 Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug Resistance 67
flanked by the 8 bp direct repeats characteristic of this carry a tnpA gene encoding a transposase and a tnpR gene
IS. Recently, it was demonstrated that a single copy of IS26 encoding a resolvase. These genes may be either divergently
can mobilize an adjacent region containing a resistance gene transcribed as in Tn3 or co-transcribed as in Tn21 [10]. These
by a mechanism that requires the IS26 transposase and is not transposons also contain a res site. They undergo replicative
dependent on homologous recombination [46]. IS26 was transposition [34, 52], in which the transposase carries out the
found to preferentially insert these “translocatable units” first step (nicking of the transposon ends and of the target site)
(TU) adjacent to another copy of itself, which can explain and the resolvase carries out the final step (site-specific recom-
the observed chains of resistance modules. bination at the res site to resolve the cointegrate structure)
[53]. The blaTEM gene of Tn3 has undergone significant evolu-
tion and selection of point mutants to yield extended-spectrum
4.5 Resistance Gene Expression From IS varieties resistant to cefotaxime and ceftriaxone (e.g., TEM-
3), ceftazidime (e.g., TEM-5) and/or β-lactamase inhibitors
In composite transposons the IS upstream of the captured [54]. Currently there are >200 TEM variants (http://www.
resistance genes often provides a promoter (or at least the lahey.org/Studies), nearly half with an ESBL phenotype [55].
−35 component) for expression of these genes. The aacC3 The appearance of penicillin-resistant Haemophilus and
aminoglycoside-(3)-acetyltransferase was found both in its Neisseria beginning in 1974 [56] appears to have been due to
“original” plasmid context and in a composite transposon transfer of Tn3, either by transformation or conjugation, onto a
formed by flanking insertions of IS26. In the latter, the −35 plasmid unable to replicate in these species. Tn3 appears to have
element of the promoter is replaced by a stronger −35 ele- transposed onto resident cryptic plasmids before the original
ment present in the end of IS26. Moreover, the correct spac- plasmid was degraded. Versions of the recipient plasmid with an
ing of the −35 and −10 elements is maintained, resulting in intact Tn3 have been found in Haemophilus ducreyi, while in
increased expression of aacC3 in its transposon context [47]. Haemophilus parainfluenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae trun-
ISAba1 in Tn2006 provides the promoter for expression of cated versions lacking tnpA and tnpR are found [57].
blaOXA-23 [38]. ISAba125 provides the −35 element for blaNDM Remarkably, after 30 years and despite widespread use of ceftri-
genes in the Tn125 composite transposon [48] and this rela- axone for treatment of gonorrhea, there is still no report of
tionship is preserved in the fragments of Tn125 found on mutant, extended-spectrum, β-lactamases from N. gonorrhoeae.
plasmids in Enterobacteriaceae [40]. ISEcp1 also includes a Could this be related to the fidelity of its DNA polymerase?
promoter near IRR that has been demonstrated to be respon-
sible for expression of several adjacent resistance genes [43].
Insertions of a single copy of an IS can also alter expres- 5.2 Tn1546 and Vancomycin Resistance
sion of nearby antibiotic resistance genes. The TEM-6
extended spectrum β-lactamase is overexpressed by the Tn1546 was first found in vancomycin-resistant enterococci
insertion of an IS1-like element upstream, furnishing a −35 (VRE) and contains tnpR and tnpA genes at its left end, fol-
element to form a stronger promoter than in the original con- lowed by a complete gene cluster encoding vancomycin
text [49]. As well as providing a promoter for blaOXA-23 in resistance. The vanRS two-component system encodes a sen-
Tn2006, insertion of ISAba1 upstream of intrinsic sor and a regulator that respond to the presence of vancomy-
Acinetobacter baumannii blaOXA-51-like genes provides a pro- cin in the medium [58, 59] and induce expression of the
moter that increases expression, resulting in measurable car- vanHAX operon encoding a d-Ala-d-lac depsipeptide in
bapenem resistance [50]. Similarly, ISAba1 insertions place of d-Ala-d-Ala at the termini of the pentapeptide of the
upstream of the A. baumannii chromosomal ampC gene, peptidoglycan layer, thereby altering the target of vancomy-
known as blaADC, can increase expression and thus β-lactam cin [58, 60]. Auxiliary genes recycle the components of the
resistance [51]. wild-type termini. Tn1546 has now been found in
Staphylococcus aureus, producing a fully vancomycin-
resistant VRSA [61].
5 Unit (“Simple”) Transposons
below) with dfrA1, sat, and aadA1 gene cassettes encoding tri- 6 ICE (Conjugative Transposons)
methoprim, streptothricin, and streptomycin/spectinomycin
resistance. Tn7 usually undergoes conservative transposition, Integrative conjugative elements or ICEs (formerly called
but also has a replicative transposition mode [62]. conjugative transposons) are elements that can reside
A related family of site-specific transposons is the either on the bacterial chromosome or on plasmids. They
Tn5053 family, including Tn402. They have four transposi- have a broad host range and are important vehicles of anti-
tion genes, tniA, tniB, tniQ, and tniR, and a res site. The tniA biotic resistance in Gram-positive bacteria, notably in
gene encodes a D,D(35)E protein and is homologous to tnsB streptococci, but also occur in Bacteroides and
of Tn7. The tniB gene has an ATP-binding motif and is Enterobacteriaceae. They are capable of excision from the
homologous to tnsC of Tn7. The tniR gene encodes a serine donor chromosome or plasmid to form a non-replicative
recombinase of the invertase-resolvase family. Tn402 car- circle, which then undergoes conjugal transfer into the
ries a class 1 integron (see below) with dfrB3 and qacE gene recipient bacteria [69] (Fig. 5.4).
cassettes encoding trimethoprim and quaternary-
ammonium-compound resistance, respectively. Tn402 and
the mercury resistance transposon Tn5053 are closely 6.1 Tn916-Like Elements and Their
related, and the products of their transposition genes can Antibiotic Resistance Genes
complement each other in trans [63]. These transposons
have been characterized as res site hunters; they preferen- The type element of this group is Tn916, discovered in
tially insert in res sites (e.g., in Tn1696), except in Tn21 1981 [70], that carries the tetracycline resistance gene
where insertion has occurred close to, but not in, res tet(M). Tn916 is 18 kb in size and has 18 ORFs, among
(Fig. 5.1), which may help to explain the success of variants which are an integrase and an excisase similar to those of
of this structure. lambdoid phages, as well as genes coding for intracellular
and extracellular transposition functions. There is also an
oriT site for transfer of single-stranded DNA from the
5.4 Tn4401 excised circle. The frequency of transfer is relatively low
and may be related to the DNA sequences flanking the
Tn4401 is a Tn3-family element in which a blaKPC class A car- donor element [71]. A closely related element, Tn1545
bapenemase gene is flanked by two distinct insertion sequences, [72], carries kanamycin and erythromycin resistance genes
ISKpn6 and ISKpn7. Different variants of Tn4401, with differ- in addition to tet(M). A newer conjugative transposon,
ent deletions in the promoter region, appear to influence KPC Tn5382 [73], also called Tn1549 [74], was first isolated
expression [64] and some plasmids with blaKPC carry only part from Enterococcus faecium and carries the vanB vancomy-
of Tn4401. blaKPC genes, originally found in Klebsiella pneu- cin resistance operon in place of tet(M). Although E. fae-
moniae, have now spread to other species. cium carrying vanB represents a smaller proportion of
vancomycin-resistant enterococci than E. faecalis carrying
vanA mediated by the simple transposon Tn1546, the for-
5.5 Miniature Inverted-Repeat Transposable mer is clinically significant.
Elements (MITES) Several novel ICEs similar to Tn916 and to Tn1549 have
been described in Clostridium difficile, and notably carry
MITE elements appear to be transposon derivatives consist- genes encoding ABC transporters [75].
ing of little more that the two terminal IR separated by a
short region, i.e., they lack a transposase, but they may carry
a promoter or otherwise influence expression of adjacent 6.2 Mechanism of Transfer
genes [65]. MITES are presumably mobilized by transposi-
tion proteins present in the same cell. Two copies of a 439 bp Transfer is initiated by excision of the conjugative transposon
MITE have been found flanking and truncating class 1 inte- into a non-replicative circular intermediate, mediated by the int
grons associated with different gene cassettes and other and xis genes located at one extremity of the element. These
resistance genes in Acinetobacter spp. [66]. Some MITES genes are similar to the int and xis genes of phage lambda, and
appear to be derivatives of Tn3-family transposons and the the process is analogous to phage excision, except that the
name TIME (Tn3-derived inverted-repeat miniature ele- “sticky ends” produced are not complementary, as there is no
ments) has been coined for these [67]. Two copies of a 288- equivalent of an attB site. The oriT site is then nicked, and DNA
bp TIME are found truncating a class 1 integron fragment replication by strand displacement then begins. Conjugal trans-
carrying the blaGES-5 gene cassette [68]. fer resembles that of conjugative plasmids [76]. The second
5 Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug Resistance 69
7 Integrons
7.2 Recent Evolution of Class 1 Integrons amphenicol acetyltransferase that is very different from
catA1 encoded by Tn9 [94]. CatB2 is in fact a member of the
Sequence analysis gives us some clues concerning the evolu- xenobiotic acetyltransferase family, and is closely related to
tionary history of class 1 integrons. This suggests an ancient Vat and Sat proteins that mediate virginiamycin and strepto-
association of intI1 and attI1 with a Tn402-like transposon gramin resistance in Gram-positive bacteria [95, 96]. The
containing only the four tni transposition genes and associ- catB2, catB3, etc., genes in integron cassettes are closely
ated 25-base inverted repeats (called IRi, at the integrase end, related to the chromosomal catB1 and catB7 genes of
and IRt, at the tni end) [88]. The first cassette to be integrated Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
would have contained the qacE gene, encoding resistance to respectively [97].
quaternary-ammonium compounds by an smr family efflux Aminoglycoside resistance genes include various adenyl-
mechanism. This cassette, unlike the rest of the elements, is yltransferases and acetyltransferases whose spectrum depends
AT-rich and has a very different codon usage pattern from the on the availability of specific target positions on the aminogly-
other five genes, indicating that qacE was laterally trans- coside molecule. The aadA3 genes encode aminoglyco-
ferred, probably from a low-GC Gram-positive organism side-(2″) adenylyltransferases giving resistance to
(class Firmicutes). Two subsequent events provided the streptomycin and spectinomycin. Gentamicin resistance is
ancestor of ca. 95 % of the class 1 integrons seen today: (1) commonly mediated by gene cassettes such as aadB2 encod-
addition of the sul1 sulfonamide resistance gene by a non- ing an aminoglycoside-(3″) adenylyltransferase [98], or
site-specific event that also removed part of the qacE cassette aacC1 encoding an aminoglycoside-(3) acetyltransferase [99].
including the attC site, effectively locking it into place as - Gentamicin resistance can also be conferred by a version of
part of the 3′-CS -, and (2) deletion of the tniQ and tniR genes the aacA4 gene. This gene differs from a version conferring
as well as part of the tniB gene. This resulted in a defective amikacin resistance by a single point mutation, with a serine
transposon as a vehicle for most class 1 integrons. The move- codon in the gentamicin-resistant, amikacin-sensitive version
ment of such transposons with intact IRi and IRt catalyzed by and a leucine codon in the amikacin-resistant, gentamicin-
Tni proteins provided in trans has now been shown to occur, sensitive version [100]. While the latter was discovered first,
with RecA-mediated cointegrate resolution in the absence of the former is the more probable ancestor. As in the case of the
the res site [89]. Subsequent events included insertion of ESBLs mentioned above, a point mutation resulted in resis-
IS1326 with or without IS1353 between the sul1 and tniB tance to the more recent, semisynthetic antibiotic amikacin.
genes [90], and the acquisition of the aadA1 cassette encod- Mutations at two additional positions have led to creation of
ing an adenylyltransferase conferring streptomycin and spec- the aac(6′)-Ib-cr (“ciprofoxacin resistant”) variant, which
tinomycin resistance. This cassette is very common, but not confers additional low-level resistance to fluoroquinolones,
ubiquitous, in class 1 integrons [91]. It is interesting to specu- but is less effective against aminoglycosides [101]. An
late that the qacE cassette may have arrived in the integron extremely large variety of other aacA gene cassettes have now
early in the twentieth century with the use of antiseptics, been found in integrons [91], including aacA7 that encodes
incorporation of sul1 may have taken place in the late 1930s, resistance to both gentamicin and amikacin [102].
and the aadA1 cassette was added in the 1950s. Several recent Integrons carry a wide variety of genes encoding
class 1 integrons, notably some carrying blaVIM class B car- β-lactamases. Although less common than the widespread
bapenemase genes, have an intact tniABQR module. These TEM- and SHV-β-lactamases (including their extended-
may or may not have had an intact qacE cassette during their spectrum variants), gene cassettes encode OXA- and CARB-
evolution; in any case they represent a separate lineage from β-lactamases. A few years ago, relatively few novel resistance
the sul1-containing integrons (Fig. 5.5). genes were appearing in integrons as compared to other
mobile elements. Except for a variety of aacA amikacin
resistance genes, most of the new genes found in integrons
7.3 ntibiotic Resistance Genes Carried
A were for resistance to older antibiotics such as trimethoprim
by Integrons and streptomycin. This situation changed dramatically with
the discovery of a gene encoding a class B metallo-β-
Class 1 integrons contain a great variety of antibiotic resis- lactamase conferring resistance to carbapenems. The blaIMP-1
tance gene cassettes [91], and the order of the first occur- gene was first found in a class 3 integron (with a distinct
rence of these cassettes closely mirrors that of the first IntI3 integrase and attI3 site) in Serratia marcescens in Japan
clinical use of the corresponding antibiotics. Chloramphenicol [103], but then spread to class 1 integrons as well as to other
resistance is often mediated by cmlA, which encodes a spe- genera (Klebsiella and Pseudomonas) and geographically. A
cific efflux protein of the major facilitator family [92, 93]. gene for another class B β-lactamase, blaVIM-1, was first found
Chloramphenicol resistance can also be mediated by catB in an isolate from Italy [104] and a close relative, blaVIM-2,
genes such as catB2 from Tn2424, which encodes a chlor- has also undergone worldwide dissemination.
5 Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug Resistance 71
Fig. 5.5 A schema for integron evolution. There was probably an lized qacE and resulted in a defective transposon. These events may
ancient association of the intI1 gene and adjacent attI1 site with a have occurred in the 1930s or 1940s. Subsequently, insertion sequences
Tn5053-family transposon to create an immediate precursor of Tn402 and gene cassettes (beginning with the common but not ubiquitous
(without gene cassettes). A first cassette, qacE, encoding antiseptic aadA1) may have occurred in the 1950s. The defective transposon can
resistance, differs greatly from the Tn402-precursor in G+C content “piggyback” on a competent transposon (the mercury resistance trans-
and codon usage, may have arrived from a Gram-positive organism in poson Tn2613 of the Tn3 family) to create Tn21, thus reacquiring
the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, and may have become mobility. Recently, a significant fraction of class 1 integrons, notably
associated with intI1-attI1 before association of the latter with the those carrying genes encoding metallo-β-lactamases, have been found
transposon. Two subsequent events, the truncation of the qacE gene by with intact tniABQR genes, suggesting a parallel line of evolution from
the arrival of sul1 and orf5 and the deletion of tniQ and tniR, immobi- ancestral forms
72 P.H. Roy and S.R. Partridge
7.4 Gene Expression in Class 1 Integrons gene-intron-attC may represent a “frozen” intermediate in
cassette formation, along with structural gene-intron and
Class 1 integrons are a sort of natural expression vector, anal- intron-attC intermediates found in chromosomal integrons.
ogous to constructed plasmids used in recombinant DNA Group II introns may thus target separately to the ends of
experiments, for the inserted cassette genes. The attI site in an structural genes and to attC sites, and subsequent steps of
integron is analogous to a multiple cloning site in an expres- homologous recombination, transcription, RNA splicing,
sion vector, and both integron and vector plasmid possess an and reverse transcription may lead to the formation of novel
upstream promoter for expression of the inserted genes. Most cassettes [113].
of the small number of polymorphisms in the 5′-CS are
related to the Pc promoter directed toward the cassette array.
At least five common versions of Pc of varying strength exist 8 CR Elements
[105]. In addition, a second promoter (P2), 110 bp down-
stream of the first, can be created by an insertion of three G 8.1 ISCR1 and Class 1 Integrons
residues, changing the spacing of –35 and –10 elements from
14 to 17 bp [85, 86]. Again, just as some expression vectors In some class 1 integrons, a region downstream of sul1 is
permit the expression of cloned genes as fusion proteins, inte- replaced by a region containing an open reading frame that
grons can do the same. A 19-bp insert permits the AAC (3′)-I was first called orf513. A short distance beyond the end of
protein to be expressed as a fusion protein from a start codon orf513 sequences diverged at a specific site and were fol-
in the 5′-CS, using an efficient ribosome-binding site to maxi- lowed by antibiotic resistance genes such as catA2 and
mize its translational expression [99]. dfrA10 [114], defining a “common region” (CR). These
results recalled the discovery of the attI1 site in the early
1980s. The antibiotic resistance genes are not in cassettes,
7.5 Chromosomal Integrons and the region is followed by a partial duplication of the
3′-CS. The Orf513 protein (now also called Rcr1, for rolling
Chromosomal integrons were first observed in Vibrio chol- circle replicase) is a transposase of the IS91 family, a group
erae [106] and genome sequencing projects have revealed of IS which transpose by a rolling circle mechanism, and the
their presence in several β-, γ-, and ∆-Proteobacteria, as well point at which the sequences diverge has been identified as
as a few taxonomically distant bacteria (spirochetes and an extremity (oriIS) of an insertion sequence, now called
planctomycetes). Chromosomal integrons typically have ISCR1. The other extremity has not been identified; and it is
many more cassettes than class 1 integrons, but few, if any, probable that replication into the adjacent region results in
antibiotic resistance genes. The functions of most cassette the acquisition of part of the 3′-CS, allowing subsequent
genes in chromosomal integrons are not known, but they insertion, by homologous recombination, into other class 1
include nonessential genes such as those encoding virulence integrons [115].
factors, restriction-modification systems, and plasmid addic-
tion (toxin–antitoxin) systems [107]. Some chromosomal
integron integrases have been shown to be active in cassette 8.2 ntibiotic Resistance Genes Mobilized
excision and integration [108–110]. Chromosomal integrons by ISCR Elements
tend to have uniform attC sites, and cassette codon usage and
G + C content reflects that of the parent organism. In contrast, The first two genes found associated with the region now
class 1 integron cassettes have a wide variety of codon usage called ISCR1 were the catA2 gene coding for a chloram-
patterns and G + C contents, indicating a wide variety of ori- phenicol acetyltransferase and the dfrA10 gene coding for a
gins. Thus, different chromosomal integrons may serve as a trimethoprim- resistant dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)
reservoir for some antibiotic resistance gene cassettes. [114]. CTX-M extended-spectrum type A β-lactamases,
beginning with CTX-M-2 [116], the most widespread ESBL
in Argentina, have been found in ISCR1 elements. This gene
7.6 Origin of Integron Cassettes is virtually identical to the chromosomal β-lactamase of
Kluyvera ascorbata, and the precise extent of the DNA
A major unanswered question is how genes are recruited sequence mobilized by the ISCR1 element is evident. In con-
into cassettes and become attached to their attC sites. Recent trast, while some resistance gene cassettes in integrons are
evidence suggests a role for an RNA element called a group very similar to chromosomal genes (compare catB2, etc.
II intron in this process. Some group II introns (class C) with catB1 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens or catB7 of
target transcriptional terminators [111]. A group II intron Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or aac(6′)-Id of Tn4000 with
was found in a class 1 integron, inserted exactly at the junc- aac(6′)-Ic of Serratia marcescens), no cassette gene in its
tion of the aadB gene and its attC site [112]. This structural “original” chromosomal context has yet been found.
5 Genetic Mechanisms of Transfer of Drug Resistance 73
A series of class C β-lactamases (referred to as cephamy- longer to emerge and be disseminated. Linezolid resistance,
cinases), including DHA-1 [117] and CMY-9 [118], are also for example, has been limited to point mutants in rRNA
encoded by genes associated with ISCR1 elements. The genes, although another mechanism is suspected to exist.
blaDHA-1 β-lactamase gene is accompanied by the divergently Unpleasant surprises do occur, however. Fluoroquinolone
transcribed ampR regulatory gene. A novel quinolone resis- resistance was for a long time limited to accumulation of mul-
tance determinant, qnrA, mediating a gyrase protection tiple point mutations in DNA gyrase and topoisomerase
mechanism, is associated with an ISCR1 element [119]. The (although even this chromosomal resistance has been dis-
armA gene, one of the relatively recently identified genes seminated by lateral transfer). Only later did plasmid-speci-
encoding a 16S rRNA methylase (high-level resistance to all fied gyrase protection mechanisms, mediated by qnr genes,
clinically relevant aminoglycosides) is also associated with emerge [124]. Another unexpected event was the adaptation
ISCR1 [120]. of an aminoglycoside acetyltransferase to confer fluoroquino-
lone resistance (see Sect. 7.3 above) [101].
In the future we can expect to see the continuation of the
8.3 Other ISCRs recruitment of resistance genes from environmental bacteria,
by flanking insertions of ISs to create composite transpo-
A number of other ISCRs have been described. Regions sons, by recombination into conjugative transposons, by
including ISCR2 have mainly been identified on IncA/C plas- nearby insertion of ISCR, ISEcp1, or IS26 elements, by
mids and their relatives, the SXT element [121]. ISCR2 is movement of cassettes from chromosomal integrons, and de
associated with genes conferring resistance to trimethoprim, novo formation of new integron cassettes by acquisition of
florfenicol, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline. attC sites. Again, agents directed against new targets, while
ISCR3 is principally associated with SGI and resistance to not “magic bullets,” can nonetheless slow down the process
florfenicol and tetracycline (see Sect. 3.1 above). Elements of emergence and dissemination of resistance.
closely related to ISCR3 are associated with other important
resistance genes, including ISCR27 with blaNDM-1 and ISCR14
with rmtD 16S rRNA methylase genes [9]. ISCR4 is associ- References
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Mutations as a Basis of Antimicrobial
Resistance 6
Robert A. Bonomo
or insertions usually cause “frame shifting” mutations that are to recent evidence, permanent hypermutators are responsible
deleterious to the tertiary structure of a protein and may also for pre-exposure mutations that are present in the population
result in premature chain termination. In general, mutations prior to selective antibiotic pressure. In terms of survival value,
that are “harmful” or deleterious to a particular bacterial phe- MMR inefficiency may come at too high a price for the ran-
notype do not get passed to the next generation [5]. dom protection it offers against noxious agents [7, 9].
In times of normal growth, a perfectly adapted clonal Hypermutators are utilized in evaluating the frequency at
population has a mutation rate close to zero. The absence of which resistant genotypes arise in vitro while assessing a novel
mutations, however, may prevent adaptation to the environ- antimicrobial agent. The recovered mutants can provide insight
ment should something suddenly change. A high mutation into a likely mechanism of resistance. Hypermutators can
rate is desirable in times of stress or drastic changes in the potentially be utilized for selecting rare, interesting mutations
environment (e.g., antibiotic selection pressure), where with modified metabolic capabilities of biotechnological rele-
advantageous mutations (drug resistance) are selected and vance [10]. For example, taking a culture of fully grown E.
rapidly propagated to ensure survival. Conversely, a very coli with a density of 1010 CFU/mL and resuspending this cul-
high mutation rate can introduce lethal changes. This “fine- ture in 1/10 the volume, followed by incorporation of 1-mL
tuning” of the global mutation rate is postulated to be a func- aliquots on 10 agar plates, will detect mutants that arise at a
tion of “hyper mutators.” It has been estimated that hyper frequency of about 1012. If hypermutators of E. coli exhibiting
mutators represent approximately 0.0001–0.001 % of some a 1000-fold higher mutation rate are used, mutants that arise at
bacterial populations. Under selective pressure this percent- frequencies as low as 10−15 can potentially be identified. This
age can increase up to 0.5 %. Many natural isolates of E. coli approach has been used to detect rare ampC promoter muta-
and Salmonella spp. were found to have even higher num- tions in E. coli that confer increased ampicillin resistance [10].
bers of mutators, 1–5 % [6]. A high proportion of bacteria
with increased mutation frequencies has recently been
described in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from sputum 4 T
ransient Hypermutators and the SOS
of cystic fibrosis patients [7]. Two distinct types of hypermu- System
tators have been described: constitutive or permanent hyper-
mutators and transient hypermutators [8]. In the next section Transient hypermutators have an inducible, genetically pro-
we discuss the differences between constitutive and transient grammed SOS system that allows them to mutate at a higher
hypermutators and their evolutionary significance. frequency only under times of stress. The SOS system is
composed of a number of polymerases—“mutases”—that
introduce errors at high rates. One of the best known DNA
3 M
ismatch Repair-Deficient Permanent mutase groups is the SOS system in E. coli [3]. In response
Hypermutators to DNA damage, for example, brought about by exposure to
fluoroquinolones, a protein designated RecA activates and
During evolution, bacteria have developed safety mechanisms wraps around the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) forming a
that recognize mismatched bases and remove them. In that nucleoprotein filament [11, 12]. This nucleoprotein filament
way the genetic information is kept intact and passed on to is a poor substrate for the chromosomal replicase. However,
daughter cells unchanged. One of the best described DNA this nucleoprotein filament triggers the specific proteolytic
repair mechanisms in bacteria is the methyl-dependent mis- cleavage of a suppressor protein called LexA. Under condi-
match repair system (MMR) in E. coli. The MMR system con- tions of normal bacterial growth, LexA suppresses a group of
sists of three proteins; MutS, MutL, and MutH. Once MutS nearly 40 genes involved in the “SOS response.” In the
recognizes a distorted double helix caused by a mismatched absence of LexA, the SOS system is activated.
base (e.g., an insertion or a deletion) it undergoes an ATP- “SOS” consists of three major polymerases—Pol II, Pol
dependent conformational change and binds to MutL. This IV, and Pol V—that actively generate mutations in the
MutS-MutL complex activates MutH, which functions as an genome [13, 14]. All three polymerases collaborate in gener-
endonuclease and nicks the unmethylated nascent DNA strand ating nucleotide substitutions, so-called “translesions,” by
upstream from the mismatch. Helicase II then unwinds the dNTP mis-insertions followed by mis-pair extension [15].
DNA toward the mismatch and a specific exonuclease excises See Scheme 6.1.
the nascent strand. This is followed by resynthesis and liga- As a result of exposure to DNA-damaging antibiotics,
tion. Bacteria that have an inactive MMR system have an SOS+ bacteria actively increase the number of mutations.
increased mutation rate since they do not repair mismatches Therefore, transient hypermutators are responsible for post-
efficiently. These MMR-deficient strains are permanent hyper- exposure mutations, arising under selective antibiotic pres-
mutators and they exhibit up to a 10,000-fold increase in sure and offering a better evolutionary tool for diversity,
mutation rates compared to wild-type bacteria [6]. According incurring an overall lower cost [9]. The SOS system renders
6 Mutations as a Basis of Antimicrobial Resistance 79
Scheme 6.1 dNTP
mis-insertions DNA damage RecA activation LexA proteolysis Derepression of SOS genesPol II+PolIV+PolVTranslesions
followed by mis-pair
itself a suitable target for new antimicrobial agent develop- Table 6.1 Major PBP characteristicsa
ment as the inhibition of mutation could serve as a novel strat- PBP Size Function
egy in combating the evolution of antibiotic resistance [9]. Essential HMW Transpeptidases
1, 2, 3, 4 Transglucosidases
Nonessential LMW Endopeptidases
5 Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants 5, 6, 7, 8 Carboxypeptidases
PBP penicillin binding proteins, HMW high molecular weight, LMW
Mutations that confer antimicrobial resistance can occur in low molecular weight
different parts of the genome and are spread among the pop-
ulation by diverse mechanisms. Based on the origin of the are cell wall synthesizing enzymes. Based on size, PBPs are
mutated gene, antimicrobial resistance determinants can be divided into high molecular weight and low molecular
classified into three distinct groups [5]: weight enzymes. The high molecular weight group com-
prises transpeptidases and transglycosidases, which are
1. Acquisition of foreign DNA essential for cell wall synthesis. Low molecular weight
2. Mutations of preexisting genetic determinants enzymes are carboxypeptidases, which rearrange and
3. Mutations in acquired genes degrade the three-dimensional murein structure. Low molec-
ular weight PBPs serve some regulatory functions but are not
Acquisition of foreign DNA in bacteria can occur by essential. See Table 6.1. All cell wall containing organisms
transduction, transformation, and conjugation. Briefly, trans- described to date have from four to eight PBPs. To illustrate,
formation refers to the uptake of naked DNA; conjugation is Staphylococcus aureus has five PBPs, whereas E coli has
plasmid-mediated mating between cells in contact; and eight different PBPs.
transduction involves infection of the bacteria by a nonlethal All PBPs have a highly conserved serine residue in their
bacteriophage carrying bacterial genes [2]. These topics are active site that forms an ester with the carboxyl group of an
covered elsewhere in this book. In this section of the chapter “opened” β-lactam ring [16, 17]. This serine ester is a struc-
we will focus primarily on point mutations in both preexist- tural analogue of the PBP’s actual substrate, the C terminal
ing and acquired genes. d-Ala-d-Ala that is excised from the disaccharide-
Mutations of preexisting genetic determinants can affect pentapeptide building block of the cell wall. Unlike the natu-
either structural or regulatory genes. Select examples of ral substrate, the β-lactam formed ester is hydrolyzed very
antimicrobial resistance acquired through a one-step muta- slowly rendering the PBP nonfunctional.
tion in a structural gene are effective resistance mechanisms The bactericidal activity of β-lactams is based on their
for β-lactams, fluoroquinolones, streptomycin, and rifampin. effective inhibition of high molecular weight essential PBPs.
Mutations involving regulatory genes in a number of differ- Some bacteria manage to escape this action by the presence
ent species are known to confer resistance to various classes of PBPs that do not readily bind to the β-lactam and are thus
of antimicrobials, including fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, not inactivated by the drug. The origins of these “low affinity
and β-lactams. PBPs” are very diverse. Point mutations have been described
only in the high molecular weight essential PBPs [18, 19]. In
transformable species like S. pneumoniae, “mosaic genes”
6 β-Lactam Resistance Mediated acquired through homologous recombination and natural
by Low-Affinity Penicillin transformation from neighboring intrinsically resistant
Binding Proteins (PBPs) organisms have given rise to highly resistant strains. PBP2b,
2x, and 1a are encoded by mosaic genes that can be trans-
In most Gram-negative bacteria resistance to β-lactam anti- ferred between Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus oralis,
biotics generally involves inactivation of β-lactam antibiotics Streptococcus mitis, and S. pneumoniae [20]. A succession
by β-lactamases. The majority of clinically important Gram- of seven amino acid substitutions in PBP2b is responsible for
positive bacteria along with a handful of Gram-negative penicillin resistance [21]. An interesting point mutation that
organisms demonstrate low-affinity penicillin binding pro- also causes significant modification of PBP2b affinity codes
teins (PBPs) that confer resistance to β-lactam agents. PBPs for the substitution of Thr446 by an Ala. This mutation alone
80 R.A. Bonomo
confers significant resistance to penicillin when found in lone resistance usually occur in Gyrase A. In E. coli these
wild-type S. pneumoniae strains. PBP2b production is asso- mutations are clustered between amino acid positions 67 and
ciated with much slower cell wall hydrolysis at high β-lactam 106 at the amino terminus of the polypeptide chain. This
concentrations. While all other PBPs are inhibited, PBP2b domain is called the quinolone-resistance determining region
continues active synthesis of the cell wall and thereby coun- (QRDR).
ters the action of cell wall autolytic enzymes, which are acti- The most common mutations encountered in resistant
vated by a process unleashed by interference with cell wall strains involve Ser83 and Asp87. It appears that the above
synthesis. This effect is great enough to slow the hydrolysis amino acid changes caused by point mutations in the QRDR
down and prevent cell lysis. Resistant PBP2x variants differ region of Gyrase A alter the structure of the quinolone bind-
from the wild type by only 8–10 amino acids. Apart from the ing area at the interface of the enzyme-DNA complex,
major mutation involving a Thr to Ala substitution immedi- thereby reducing its affinity for the drug. Many other Gram-
ately following the active-site Ser337, the Thr550 to Ala negative bacteria, Mycobacteria, and atypical pathogens
change is noteworthy for conferring resistance to extended with amino acid substitutions in positions equivalent to
spectrum cephalosporins and also for producing increased Ser83 and Asp87 display fluoroquinolone resistance. Amino
susceptibility to oxacillin. acid substitutions in Gyrase B usually result in low-level
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) possesses the resistance. In Gram-positive bacteria like S. aureus, resis-
mecA gene, which has probably evolved from a closely tance to fluoroquinolones usually involves point mutations in
related gene by point mutations and codes for PBP2a, a novel Topoisomerase IV, which separates intertwined DNA rings.
additional PBP. This low-affinity PBP functions as a Topoisomerase IV also has two subunits (ParC and ParE).
transpeptidase and mediates the cell wall synthesis in lieu of High-grade resistance to fluoroquinolones is linked to amino
other PBPs, which are all inhibited by β-lactam concentra- acid substitutions in ParC [26].
tions that do not inhibit PBP2a [22].
Enterococci are intrinsically resistant to all cephalospo-
rins. This resistance is based on the structure of enterococcal 8 Streptomycin Resistance
PBP5, which does not bind cephalosporins. The mechanism and Mycobacteria
for resistance toward penicillins among enterococci is some-
what more complex. In certain enterococcal species, a point In Mycobacteria, point mutations in genes that encode ribo-
mutation in the regulatory gene (psr) causes hyperproduc- somal proteins confer resistance to streptomycin. Most resis-
tion of PBP5 that translates into high-level penicillin resis- tant strains have one isolated nucleotide change from adenine
tance [23]. This does not appear to be the case in Enterococcus to guanine in codon 43 of the rpsL gene. This changes the
faecium where highly ampicillin-resistant clinical isolates do tertiary structure of the ribosomal protein S12, resulting in
not have increased level of PBP5 expression, but achieve inability of streptomycin to bind to the ribosome and inhibit
higher MIC values to ampicillin by point mutation in the protein synthesis [27]. It is intriguing that Mycobacteria rely
pbp5 gene, thereby lowering the affinity of PBP5 for ampi- on generating resistance solely by de novo mutations and
cillin binding [24]. vertical transmission. Mycobacteria seem not to exchange
genetic determinants horizontally, i.e., by conjugation or
7 Quinolone-Resistance Determining
Region (QRDR) in Fluoroquinolone-
Resistant Bacteria 9 Rifampin Resistance
Fluoroquinolones are inhibitors of DNA replication. In E. coli, rifampin resistance arises from point mutations in
Quinolones target prokaryotic topoisomerase enzymes highly conserved regions of the rpoB gene which encodes
whose major function is unwinding of DNA [25]. In binding the β subunit of RNA polymerase. One amino acid change in
to the enzyme-DNA complex, they stabilize it. This inhibits the β subunit causes a large change in the binding affinity of
the movement of proteins such as DNA and RNA polymer- rifampin to the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, thereby
ases along the DNA chains, thus arresting the replication hindering rifampin’s inhibition of mRNA transcription.
fork. In Gram-negative bacteria resistance to fluoroquino- Curiously, resistance to rifampin occurs at high frequency in
lones arises from alterations in the DNA gyrase (topoisomer- many genera of bacteria. M. tuberculosis, Neisseria menin-
ase II), an enzyme responsible for the relaxation of gitidis, and Mycobacterium leprae develop rifampin resis-
supercoiled DNA. The DNA gyrase enzyme has two sub- tance by accumulating point mutations in the same highly
units (A and B). Amino acid substitutions resulting in quino- conserved regions of the rpoB gene [28]. Thus, rifampin is
6 Mutations as a Basis of Antimicrobial Resistance 81
never used as monotherapy primarily because of the high fre- transcription of the efflux pump [33]. In certain strains of
quency at which resistant mutants arise. Combining rifampin H. influenzae constitutive expression of the efflux protein
with a second agent significantly reduces the chances of has been attributed to a single omission of thymidine caus-
rifampin resistance arising on therapy. This paradigm forms ing a frame shift mutation The resultant truncated repressor
the basis of our therapy against M. tuberculosis. Point molecule is half the usual size and nonfunctional. The con-
mutations which confer resistance to two antibiotics are sep- stitutive expression can be reversed by addition of func-
arate events and the chance of both mutations occurring in tional repressor molecules [34].
one organism is the product of the frequencies of each of
them occurring alone [29].
12 C
onstitutive and Inducible Glycopeptide
Resistance Caused by Point Mutations
10 F
luoroquinolone Resistance Caused in the Regulatory System
by Over-Expression of Active Efflux
Pumps Glycopeptide antibiotics, both vancomycin and teicoplanin,
act as inhibitors of cell wall synthesis by binding to the
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) strains of P. aeruginosa display d-Ala-d-Ala terminus of the pentapeptide precursor of the
cross-resistance to a number of structurally unrelated antimi- peptidoglycan molecule [35]. Two types of gene clusters,
crobial agents. A major role for this type of resistance has designated vanA and vanB, account for the majority of
recently been attributed to an active efflux pump system acquired resistance to glycopeptides [36]. The gene clusters
encoded by the mexA-mexB-OprM operon. The MexA- include three genes, vanH, vanA, and vanX, which encode
MexB-OprM efflux pump system has wide substrate speci- enzymes involved in incorporating d-Ala-d-Lac instead of
ficity including β-lactams, β-lactamase inhibitors, d-Ala-d-Ala into the peptidoglycan precursors thereby
tetracyclines, quinolones, macrolides, chloramphenicol, tri- reducing the binding affinity of glycopeptides by roughly a
methoprim, and novobiocin [30]. Expression of the efflux 1000-fold. Though the number of genes in the Van cluster is
operon is under control of the mexR regulator gene. A point variable, there are five “core genes” present as illustrated in
mutation in mexR (substitution of Trp to Arg at position 69) Scheme 6.2. The expression of the VanA and VanB gene
alters the function of the MexR protein causing overexpres- clusters are regulated on the transcriptional level by a set of
sion of the MexA-MexB-OprM efflux system. This in turn two other genes: VanS and VanR whose products comprise
leads to higher levels of resistance to a variety of antibiotics, the VanRS and VanRbSb regulatory system. VanS and
as seen in the nalB multidrug-resistant mutant, OCR1 [31]. VanSb are transmembrane kinases that autophosphorylate a
histidine residue in the presence of glycopeptides and there-
upon transfer the phosphoryl group to an aspartate residue
11 Constitutive Tetracycline Resistance on the VanR regulator protein. The phosphorylated regula-
due to a Mutated Repressor Gene tor protein activates transcription of both the resistance and
the regulatory genes. VanS also functions as a phosphatase,
Tetracycline antibiotics are bacteriostatic agents that inhibit switching off the VanR regulator protein in the absence of
protein synthesis by blocking the attachment of amino- glycopeptides. Alterations in the functions of VanS and
acyl-tRNA to the acceptor site on the 30S ribosomal sub- VanSb give rise to a variety of phenotypical expressions of
unit (as reviewed in [32]). Resistance to tetracyclines is vancomycin (or glycopeptide) resistance. The phenotypes
mediated by either ribosomal protection proteins or efflux fall into several major categories: (1) constitutive expres-
pumps. The tetracycline efflux pumps belong to the Major sion; (2) inducible expression by vancomycin and teico-
Facilitator Superfamily (MFS). MFS efflux pumps are planin; (3) inducible expression by vancomycin alone; and
approximately 46-kDa membrane bound proteins that expel (4) repressed under all conditions. Mutations in the trans-
tetracyclines against a concentration gradient. In Gram- membrane segments of VanSb affect signal transduction and
negative organisms the efflux system determinants com- lead to inducible expression of resistance genes. Mutations
prise two genes—a gene coding for the efflux pump and in VanSb causing substitutions at two specific positions
another one coding for a repressor molecule. Both are regu- located on either side of the His 233 give rise to constitutive
lated by the presence of tetracyclines. In the absence of tet- expression of VanB by conveying resistance to the dephos-
racycline, the repressor binds to the operator and blocks the phorylation of VanR.
82 R.A. Bonomo
Gene Product
VanH Dehydrogenase
VanA Ligase
VanZ Unknown
13 U
nique Regulation of Inducible
14 β
-Lactam Resistance Caused by AmpC
Macrolide Resistance by Translational
β-Lactamase Hyperproduction
β-Lactam antibiotics are therapeutically important bactericidal
Macrolide antibiotics inhibit protein synthesis by binding to agents. However, both Gram-negative and Gram- positive
the peptidyl-tRNA binding region of the larger ribosomal organisms have developed enzymes able to degrade the
subunit, thereby preventing translocation of the peptidyl- β-lactam ring, thereby rendering the β-lactam inactive. Gram-
tRNA molecule from the donor to the acceptor site on ribo- positive organisms produce extracellular β-lactam hydrolyzing
some. In Gram-positive organisms there are two major enzymes only when needed, i.e., by induction upon exposure to
mechanisms of resistance to macrolides: (1) methylation of the agent. The majority of Gram-negative beta-lactamases are
the ribosome and (2) macrolide efflux pumps (mef). The expressed constitutively and are contained in the periplasmic
ribosomal methylation is accomplished by “erythromycin space, where they inactivate incoming β-lactams. In addition to
ribosomal methylases” (erm) which are products of a variety the constitutive β-lactamases in Gram-negative bacteria, AmpC
of erm genes [37]. Posttranscriptional methylation of a sin- is an inducible chromosomally encoded β-lactamase. The
gle adenine residue in 23S rRNA confers resistance to mac- ampC gene is found in all Gram-negative bacteria. Its product,
rolides, the related lincosamides (clindamycin and the AmpC β-lactamase, is primarily a cephalosporinase, but
lincomycin), and streptogramin B (MLSb resistance) [38]. when produced in large amounts in the presence of an efficient
This type of resistance is inducible by erythromycin, but not “inducer” like cefoxitin or imipenem, it can confer resistance to
clindamycin, and it is regulated by a proposed unique mech- all cephalosporins, penicillins, β-lactam-β-lactamase inhibitor
anism of translational attenuation. This unusual regulatory combinations and the monobactam, aztreonam.
mechanism does not involve repressor genes but relies on The regulatory system responsible for the induction mech-
conformational isomerization of the ermC message to a anism is rather complex and under strict control of several
translationally active form. Mutations in the messenger RNA other genes: ampR, ampD, ampE, and ampG. The most widely
cause different conformational changes which result in con- accepted explanation of how AmpC production is regulated
stitutive expression of MLS resistance [39]. In the clinical postulates that the gene product of AmpR has a dual function.
microbiology laboratory setting, inducible resistance to It serves as a repressor of ampC transcription at baseline, but
clindamycin brought about by erythromycin is detected by turns into an activator upon exposure to β-lactams. Current
the so-called “D-test” [40]. The D-test is used to alert clini- experimental evidence suggests that peptidoglycan break-
cians to avoid the use of clindamycin in treating staphylococ- down products, i.e., muramyl peptides, and not the β-lactam
cal and streptococcal infections. molecule itself, serve as the activation trigger [41].
6 Mutations as a Basis of Antimicrobial Resistance 83
Table 6.2 AmpC regulatory system-specific protein functions Table 6.3 Sites for phenotype-altering amino acid substitutions in
TEM and SHV β-Lactamasesa
Protein Function
AmpR Repressor Position of amino acid (Ambler numbering)
AmpG Permease Phenotype substitutions [45]
AmpE Transmembrane protein TEM SHV
AmpD Amidase ESBL Gly 104 Gly 238
AmpC Cephalosporinase Arg 164 Glu 240
Gly 238
Glu 240
IRT Met 69 Met 69
The product of ampG is a transmembrane protein through
Ser 130 Ser 130
which peptidoglycan breakdown products enter the cyto-
plasm. The ampD product linked to the transmembrane Arg275
AmpE protein is a soluble cytosolic N-acetylmuramyl-l- Asp276
alanine amidase that helps to recycle the breakdown prod- CMT (Gly 238 or Glu 240) + (Met SHV-10, -129
ucts. In the presence of agents whose actions lead to cell wall 69 or Ser 130 or Arg
destruction, like certain β-lactams, the recycling capacity of 275Leu, −Asn276Asp)
the amidase is exceeded and AmpR activates the production a
ESBL extended-spectrum β-lactamases, IRT inhibitor-resistant TEMs,
of AmpC. As a consequence of point mutations in AmpD CMT complex mutants of TEM
that render it inactive, the regulatory system breaks down
and AmpC production is permanently switched on, confer- target PBPs. Since the modifications in the β-lactam molecule
ring resistance to all penicillins and cephalosporins. Strains were relatively minor, it was reasonable to predict that β-lactamases
that hyperproduce AmpC as a consequence of AmpD muta- able to hydrolyze these new β-lactams would soon evolve. No
tions are designated “derepressed mutants” [42, 43]. The one, however, expected they would do so as easily and rapidly as
functions of individual proteins of the AmpC regulatory sys- they did—threatening the utility of the entire class of extended-
tem are summarized in Table 6.2. spectrum cephalosporins. These novel β-lactamases were called
“extended-spectrum β-lactamases” or ESBLs.
Another strategy of battling the growing problem of
15 P
oint Mutations in Acquired Resistance β-lactamase-mediated resistance to penicillins was the devel-
Genes—The “New-Generation” opment of effective inhibitors of the enzymes to protect the
β-Lactamases penicillins from inactivation. Clavulanic acid, sulbactam,
and tazobactam are β-lactam compounds that occupy the
Ampicillin was the first synthetic aminopenicillin active active site of the β-lactamase and act as “suicide” substrates
against E. coli and other Gram-negative bacteria. Before (or β-lactamase inhibitors) resulting in inactivation of the
long, enzymes capable of hydrolyzing ampicillin and first- enzyme. When combined with a penicillin, these β-lactamase
generation cephalosporins were discovered. The genes inhibitors protect the penicillin from inactivation by the
encoding these β-lactamases were transferred onto plas- β-lactamase. The success of β-lactamase inhibitors was com-
mids and propagated with astonishing rapidity among E. promised by subsequent mutational resistance. As early as
coli and other Enterobacteriaceae. These first “broad- 1992, an ampicillin-resistant clinical isolate of E coli resis-
spectrum” β-lactamases were the TEM- and SHV-type. tant to the ampicillin-sulbactam inhibitor combination was
Their mechanism of action is based on catalytically dis- discovered, possessing a β-lactamase with reduced affinity
rupting the amide bond in the β-lactam ring by forming an for the inhibitor molecule [44].
acyl-enzyme complex. With the help of a strategically The bases for resistance to extended-spectrum cephalo-
positioned water molecule in the active site, the covalent sporins by ESBLs and resistance to β-lactam β-lactamase
ester link is disrupted, the free enzyme released, and the inhibitor combinations are point mutations in the β-lactamase
β-lactam transformed into inactive penicilloyl and cepha- gene that cause amino acid substitutions which alter the
losporyl moieties. structure or dynamics of the enzyme. The majority of
The need for antibiotics resistant to hydrolysis by plasmid- β-lactamases have more than one amino acid substitution
borne β-lactamases of Gram-negative bacilli, namely TEM-1 and compared to the wild-type enzyme. Interestingly, only a few
SHV-1, was the stimulus for the development of extended-spec- point mutations at selected loci in the β-lactamase gene give
trum cephalosporins. These newer-generation “extended-spec- rise to the abovementioned phenotypes. The corresponding
trum” cephalosporins managed to avoid hydrolysis by alterations major amino acid positions at which substitutions conferring
in the β-lactam molecule that interfered with effective interaction new resistance occur most frequently are summarized in
with the β-lactamase, while still retaining their binding affinity to Table 6.3.
84 R.A. Bonomo
One of the most frequently encountered and, therefore, Both ESBLs and IRTs arose from the common plasmid-
most studied mutations codes for the G238S amino acid mediated TEM and SHV-1 penicillinases by single point
substitution. In nature, the substitutions of -Ser, -Ala, or mutations. These substitutions either conferred resistance to
-Asp for Gly at the Ambler position ABL 238 are muta- inhibitors or resulted in the ability to hydrolyze oxyimino-β-
tions in SHV β-lactamase that confer resistance to lactams, but not both. Since the 1990s, a new subgroup of
extended-spectrum cephalosporins. There are currently enzymes has emerged in different species of the
more than 30 TEM and more than 25 SHV β-lactamase Enterobacteriaceae family that combine mutations respon-
variants with the substitution Gly238Ser (www.lahey.org). sible for inhibitor resistance (i.e., Leu-69 and Asp-276) with
Numerous hypotheses have been advanced to explain why those responsible for the extended-spectrum phenotype
the Gly238Ser substitution results in significant resistance (Lys-104 and Ser-238). These mutants were termed Complex
to broad-spectrum cephalosporins. In 2003, the crystallo- Mutants of TEM [52, 53].To date, there have been five CMTs
graphic structure of SHV-2 was elucidated and compared described.
to the structure of SHV-1 from which it differs in only the
one G238S substitution [46].
19 CTX-M
the remote site mutations into other nuc− mutants had the 17, which, in contrast to the rest of the group, hydrolyzes
same protein restoring effect. The term “global suppressors” cefotaxime and ceftriaxone much better than ceftazidime.
was applied to outlying mutations capable of suppressing the OXA-31 differs from OXA-1 in only three amino acid sub-
deleterious effects of active-site mutations. stitutions and was found to confer a rather unusual suscepti-
At that time, it was hypothesized that in some way the bility pattern. OXA-31 hydrolyzes cefepime but not
peripherally located amino acid substitutions were involved in ceftazidime. It is therefore important to avoid reporting
preserving the tertiary structure of the protein [56]. One strik- ceftazidime resistance solely on the basis of cefepime resis-
ing example is the unique mutation involving the substitution tance, as is the routine in most clinical laboratories [61].
of Met with Thr at position 182. Residue 182 is located in the
hinge region between two different domains of the protein.
Amino acids in this area, around position 182 and leading to 22 Concluding Remarks
the catalytic site, generally do not tolerate substitutions well.
They are believed to play an essential role in core packing and To summarize, emerging antibiotic resistance is often a con-
catalytic site orientation. M182T is found in several different sequence of chance mutations. The vast majority are detri-
TEM enzymes (TEM-32, TEM-43, TEM-52) [57]. It is thought mental to the host bacterium and do not spread. The ones that
that M182T functions as a global suppressor by affecting pro- offer a survival advantage are selected. From a Darwinian
tein folding and thereby stabilizing the enzyme. This ability of standpoint, antibiotics function as a “selection tool.” By kill-
M182T to compensate for deleterious effects of other muta- ing the susceptible bacteria, antibiotics provide a new niche
tions makes it a powerful tool in acquiring resistance. As a for the resistant organisms. Yet, mutations come at a “price.”
natural polymorphism in β-lactamases, it will permit sampling They usually confer decreased fitness upon the mutant com-
of a much greater number of positions that tolerate substitu- pared to the wild parental strain. This is readily seen among
tions. On the other hand, small inhibitor molecules could be β-lactamases. We are learning how to discover and screen for
designed against the hinge region of a β-lactamase, hindering mutants and are gaining knowledge of the structural and
folding to the active conformation of the enzyme and opening functional impact of mutations. In many instances, we have
a new avenue for antimicrobial development [58]. Investigations described the mechanism of resistance on the molecular
were undertaken to find a global suppressor in other class A level. We have even simulated natural evolution and pre-
β-lactamases, such as SHV. This was recently found in SHV- dicted new resistance determinants years before they were
129 (G238S-E240K-R275L-N276D). In addition to expanding isolated clinically. Yet, it seems that we are losing the battle
the spectrum of β-lactamase activity to include the hydrolysis against resistance. A single “mistake” at the codon level
of cefepime, the amino acid substitutions found in SHV-129 occurs at random. And evolution takes over.
provide the enzyme with an excess of stability, which expands
the evolutionary landscape of this enzyme and may result in Acknowledgments Research reported in this presentation was directly
further evolution to potentially include resistance to carbapen- supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award
ems or β-lactamase inhibitors [59]. Numbers 5K08AI112506-02 (LKL), R01AI072219, R01AI063517,
R01AI100560 (RAB), and by the Department of Veterans Affairs
Research and Development under Award Number I01BX001974, VISN
21 OXA 10 Geriatrics Research, Education and Clinical Center (RAB).
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Veterans
The OXA-type enzymes are classified as a group of ESBLs Affairs or the National Institutes of Health.
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Target-Mediated Antibacterial
Resistance 7
Liza Valdivia and Louis B. Rice
Table 7.1 General target-mediated resistance mechanisms and the targets they affect
Increased target Target modification or
Point mutations Mosaic genes Target substitution expression protection
Penicillin-binding Penicillin-binding Penicillin-binding Penicillin-binding Ribosomes
proteins proteins proteins proteins
Topoisomerase genes Topoisomerase genes Dihydrofolate reductases Dihydrofiolate Topoisomerases
Ribosomal proteins Dihydropterate Elongation factor-G
Ribosomal RNA Lipopolysaccharide membrane
RNA polymerase
Elongation factor-G
in which point mutations confer a selective advantage are periods inside the “mutant selection window” can promote the
those in which the mutations confer resistance to an antimi- selection of further point mutations that confer higher levels of
crobial agent that is present in the environment. resistance [5]. Cases of clinical failure of levofloxacin in treat-
It is of course important that the resistance-conferring ing pneumococcal bacteremia have been reported when the
point mutation not nullify the normal activity of the enzyme. initial isolate bore a single gyrA point mutation that conferred
As implied above, point mutations conferring antibiotic resistance to ciprofloxacin, but only elevated MICs (not into
resistance may have a moderately deleterious effect on the the resistant range) to levofloxacin [6]. Levofloxacin treatment
activity of the target enzyme resulting in, among other things, under these conditions selected out an isolate with a second
prolonged replication times [1]. The presence of antibiotics mutation, conferring high-level levofloxacin resistance.
in the environment alters the balance in that the disadvantage In general, high-level resistance conferred by point muta-
of prolonged replication time will be outweighed by the tions requires the presence of several mutations. In the case
advantage of continued replication in the presence of antibi- of resistance to fluoroquinolones, the most effective muta-
otic. In living systems, compensatory mutations often occur tions occur in the topoisomerase that is the primary target of
in the absence of antimicrobial selective pressure that serve the specific quinolone [3]. Quinolones that target both GyrA
to restore some degree of “fitness” while maintaining the and Topoisomerase IV require mutations in both enzymes to
mutation that confers resistance [1]. confer significant levels of resistance. Very high level resis-
Since there are limits to the amount of change an enzyme tance to ampicillin in E. faecium also requires the presence
can undergo while still maintaining its native activity, many of multiple mutations [4]. We showed that none of four pbp5
point mutations modify the enzyme only slightly, and there- mutations alone conferred high-level resistance to E. fae-
fore only confer a modest degree of resistance. There are cium, but when all were present together (as is frequently the
exceptions to this statement, such as the emergence of resis- case in highly resistant E. faecium), high-level resistance
tance to rifampin, in which a single point mutation in the was expressed [4].
rpoB RNA polymerase gene can confer extremely high lev- There are instances in which a point mutation does confer
els of resistance [2]. In most instances, however, single point a high level of resistance, but the effect of this point mutation
mutations confer only modest levels of resistance, often not is diluted out by the fact that there are several copies of the
even resulting in MIC increases that fall within the resistant gene present in the microorganism. Such is the case with
range. Single point mutations in the “quinolone resistance- resistance to linezolid, which inhibits protein synthesis by
determining region” (QRDR) of topoisomerase genes gyrA interacting with the 23S subunit of the bacterial ribosome. E.
or parC often confer only a modest increase in resistance to faecium has six copies of the ribosomal RNA genes in its
fluoroquinolones [3]. Similarly, recent work indicates that genome, Staphylococcus aureus has five, whereas
single mutations in low-affinity pbp5 from Enterococcus Enterococcus faecalis has four. A single point mutation
faecium confer modest levels of resistance [4]. (G2567U) in the ribosomal RNA prevents linezolid binding
Single point mutations in target genes can be clinically to the ribosomal RNA. However, when only one of the six
important, however, because they are frequently combined copies in E. faecium has the mutation, the level of resistance
with other mechanisms of resistance (such as efflux pump is very low [7]. When four or more of the copies contain the
activation) in a manner that amplifies the expression of resis- mutation, resistance is very high (128 μg/ml or more) [7].
tance [3]. The low levels of resistance conferred by a single Although it was originally thought that the need for multiple
point mutation can also increase the amount of time during a mutations would make the emergence of resistance unlikely,
dosing interval in which the bacterium is exposed to sub- once linezolid was used in clinical settings resistant isolates
inhibitory levels of the selective antimicrobial agents. These (with multiple copies mutated) could be readily identified
7 Target-Mediated Antibacterial Resistance 91
[8]. It has now been shown that the first point mutation is the Examples include conjugative plasmids and conjugative
critical one [9]. Once that is in place, the strain can increase transposons of many sorts [16]. A minority of bacterial spe-
the percentage of mutants through recombination between cies have been shown to be naturally transformable. These
resistant and susceptible copies. This recombination to con- bacteria have the capacity, under the proper circumstances to
fer resistance has been referred to as “gene conversion.” absorb naked DNA from the environment. DNA from dead
There appears to be some fitness costs to these mutations, bacteria, that have no genetic material to promote entry into
however, since continued passage of resistant strains in the the recipient cell, can be taken up by these bacteria. Once
absence of antibiotics results in a return to susceptibility, as inside the cell, the bacterial homologous recombination
long as one copy of the wild-type rRNA gene remains [10]. functions can integrate this acquired DNA into the genome
If all of the rRNA genes contain the mutation, then the resis- across regions of sufficient homology. The result is mosaic
tance phenotype is much more stable [11], suggesting that genes consisting of parts derived from the parent cell and
gene conversion is responsible for the return to susceptibility part derived from the donor DNA. If this recombination
as well as the emergence of resistance. occurs in a manner that maintains the integrity of the open
In general, point mutations that confer resistance in reading frame, a new protein may result. If the gene involved
enzymes are found at the active site of the molecule. An in the recombination encodes a protein that is the target for
important exception to this is the case of ceftaroline resistance. an antibiotic, and if the acquired DNA contains regions that
Ceftaroline, a novel antibiotic developed to compensate for confer a reduced susceptibility to that antibiotic, then an
the growing ubiquity of MRSA, has been shown to bind to an increase in resistance may result.
allosteric site of the PBP2a molecule [12]. This interaction Mosaic genes have been found commonly in species that
produces a conformational change at the active site of PBP2a, are naturally transformable. Such species include
effectively “opening” the site. As reduced active site binding Streptococcus pneumoniae and species of viridans strepto-
is the main mechanism of methicillin resistance, the now open cocci [17], as well as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria men-
active site is left vulnerable to beta lactam binding and subse- ingitidis, and several non-pathogenic Neisseria [18, 19].
quent inhibition of cell wall cross-linking. Resistance genes that have been shown to be the result of
Since the introduction of ceftaroline, resistance has natural transformation and homologous recombination are
emerged in the form of point mutations at the allosteric site. most commonly penicillin-binding proteins [20] and topoi-
Three mutations (N146K/E150K/H351N) have been somerase genes [21]. Penicillin resistance in pneumococci is
described. Two of these three mutations (N146K/E150K) are most commonly the result of mosaic genes, with the degree
found within the allosteric region [13]. These mutations have and spectrum of β-lactam resistance varying depending upon
been shown to inhibit the conformational change at the active the location of the cross-over and the individual PBPs
site associated with allosteric binding. involved [22]. It has also been demonstrated that there are
non-pbp genes involved in the development of high-level
resistance in pneumococci. Alteration of one of these genes,
3 Mosaic Genes MurM, has been shown to increase MICs of the bacteria
from moderate to fully resistant organisms. The operon con-
In the past two decades, the genome sequences of many taining this gene (murMN) has also been shown to be natu-
different species have been determined, annotated, and the rally transformable [23].
results made public for detailed analysis. A consistent While high-level resistance has been demonstrated
theme resulting from these analyses is the remarkable fre- in vitro, the observed level of resistance that results from
quency with which gene exchange has contributed to indi- these mosaic genes is usually modest. This is probably
vidual variation between members of the same species. It is because the level of resistance that is conferred in the donor
estimated, for example, that more than 25 % of the E. fae- bacteria is modest as well.
calis V583 genome has been acquired from other species The clinical impact of the low level resistance can be sig-
[14]. Differences between uropathogenic and enteropatho- nificant. In areas, such as the central nervous system, where
genic Escherichia coli can be attributed to acquisition of it is difficult to achieve bactericidal levels of β-lactam antibi-
different “pathogenicity islands” [15]. So the exchange of otics even with intravenous administration, low levels of
DNA has had profound impact on the evolution of bacterial penicillin or ceftriaxone resistance may require use of alter-
species in many areas, including the area of antimicrobial native (and often less effective) agents for successful therapy.
resistance. In areas, such as the middle ear, where inhibitory levels of
Most bacteria acquire exogenous DNA through the action cephalosporins are difficult to achieve after oral administra-
of mobile elements that confer an ability to transfer between tion, these low levels of resistance can result in clinical fail-
bacteria and an ability to integrate into the recipient genome. ures of this class of antibiotics.
92 L. Valdivia and L.B. Rice
The two operons of primary importance in conferring gly- proteins, referred to as QNR proteins [45], protect DNA from
copeptide resistance in enterococci are designated VanA and quinolone binding. In general, they confer only a low level of
VanB [36, 37]. VanA operons confer resistance to both van- resistance. However, when combined with other mechanisms,
comycin and teicoplanin, whereas VanB operons confer such as QRDR mutations or efflux pumps, the level of resis-
resistance to vancomycin but are not induced by the presence tance can be substantial. Additionally, acquired resistance to
of teicoplanin in the media (regulatory mutants resistant to fusidic acid in staphylococci has been attributed to a protein
teicoplanin do emerge under teicoplanin selective pressure) that protects EF-G from fusidic acid binding [46].
[38]. Both operons have been identified within transposable Similar Mechanisms of Resistance Have Emerged in the
elements [39, 40], facilitating their widespread dissemina- Polymyxin Class of Antibiotics.
tion within E. faecium. Why they have not become prevalent In light of the alarming emergence of multidrug resistant
in E. faecalis and S. aureus remains a mystery. gram-negative pathogens, there has recently been renewed
interest in this antimicrobial class. This group is primarily
comprised of colistin (polymyxin E) and polymyxin B. These
6 Target Modification or Protection agents have demonstrated significant in vitro and in vivo
activity against multidrug resistant Klebsiella, Pseudomonas,
Target molecules can also undergo enzymatic modification and Acinetobacter, thereby expanding treatment options in
that reduces binding of an antibiotic. The most widespread otherwise pan-resistant infectious disease. The mechanism
example of this type of modification is in resistance to mac- of action of these agents is primarily at the level of the lipo-
rolides antibiotics in gram-positive bacteria. Macrolides polysaccharide outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria.
inhibit protein synthesis by binding reversibly to the peptidyl- The polymyxins are cationic amphiphilic compounds that
tRNA binding site of the 60S ribosomal subunit, inhibiting are electrostatically attracted to the negatively charged
the translocation of a newly synthesized peptidyl-tRNA mol- LPS. The compounds displace the positively charged cal-
ecule from the acceptor site on the ribosome to the peptidyl cium and magnesium ions bound to the phosphate compo-
donor site. Resistance to macrolides is commonly achieved nent of the lipid A moiety within the LPS, conferring a
by methylating the ribosome, thereby inhibiting macrolide structural change in the cell membrane resulting in disrup-
binding [41]. Ribosomal methylation results in resistance to tion of the LPS and cellular death [47].
all clinically available macrolides (azithromycin, clarithro- Unfortunately, the more widespread use of polymyxins in
mycin, erythromycin, roxithromycin), lincosamides recent years has compounded the historical mechanisms of
(clindamycin), and streptograminB (quinupristin). resistance with novel routes of antimicrobial subversion.
Several erm (erythromycin ribosomal methylase) genes While some of this resistance has been observed upon rein-
have been characterized. In many instances, these genes are troduction of polymyxins in treatment-experienced patients,
under regulatory control by a translational attenuation mech- there have been reports of resistance developing during ini-
anism [42]. Macrolides induce expression of the resistance tial courses of treatment with monotherapy as well [48].
operons, whereas clindamycin does not. The presence of While the exact mechanisms of resistance appear to be vari-
even the inducible variety does raise concerns about the use able amongst bacterial species, the common end product of
of clindamycin in the clinical setting, since mutations can the resistance pathway is that of a less negatively charged
result in constitutive expression of the erm genes, resulting lipopolysaccharide layer that has reduced affinity for the cat-
in resistance to clindamycin. ionic polymyxins. This modification is believed to result
Targets may also be protected by the expression of pro- from the addition of 4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose to the
teins that bind to the target in a manner that prevents interac- phosphate group of lipid A. It has been postulated that the
tion with the antibiotic but allows normal function of the synthesis of the arabinose compound is regulated by a com-
protein. Among the best studied of these proteins is the plex interplay between the polymyxin resistance operon
tet(M) protein, widely prevalent in gram-positive bacteria. (pmr) and membrane bound kinases (PhoQ, Pmr B), though
Tet(M) encodes a protein that exhibits homology to elonga- the details of this interaction on an organism specific scale
tion factors EF-Tu and EF-G and it exhibits ribosome- have yet to be fully elucidated [49].
dependent GTPase activity [43]. It binds to the ribosome,
changing its conformation in a manner that precludes tetra-
cycline binding. Tet(M) is most commonly incorporated into 7 Conclusion
broad-host range conjugative transposon Tn916 and similar
elements, explaining its remarkably wide distribution in bac- Target modifications as a route to antimicrobial resistance
teria [44]. are extraordinarily common in pathogenic bacteria. These
Protection proteins also have been described that confer modifications may result from point mutations in the genes
resistance to fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agents. These encoding the targets, protection of the target, modification of
94 L. Valdivia and L.B. Rice
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Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1995;39:577–85. Updat. 2010;13:132–8.
Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic
Inactivation and Modification 8
Vanessa M. D’Costa and Gerard D. Wright
examples). This review describes mechanisms of antibiotic cation of this subclass of PBPs by β-lactams blocks their
destruction and modification resulting in resistance in the enzymatic activity, thereby inhibiting cell wall metabolism,
context of the mode of action of the antibiotic. Our aim is not which results in impaired wall integrity and cell death. PBPs
to be a comprehensive examination of the details of all include the transpeptidases and dd-carboxypeptidases that act
known resistance mechanisms but rather to focus on selected on the pentapeptide portion of the peptidoglycan repeating unit
examples to decode the molecular basis and biological that consists of the disaccharyl unit, N-acetylglucosamine-N-
impact of these inactivation strategies. acetylmuramic acid, to which a d-Ala-d-Ala terminating pen-
tapeptide is linked through the lactyl group of N-acetylmuramic
acid (Fig. 8.1). Transpeptidases and dd-carboxypeptidases
2 Destruction of Antibiotics use canonical Ser hydrolase chemistry to either rigidify the
cell wall by synthesizing inter-strand peptidoglycan cross-
We classify antibiotic destruction as a mechanism that links between the d-Ala-d-Ala termini of adjacent peptido-
results in either ablation of a key reactive center or massive glycan strands (transpeptidases) or control cell wall strength
structural rearrangement that is not readily reversed under and flexibility by cleaving the terminal d-Ala-d-Ala peptide
normal physiological conditions. Hydrolysis of the reactive bond of the pentapeptide (Fig. 8.1). Strominger noted almost
β-lactam ring of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics by 50 years ago that the β-lactam antibiotics sterically and elec-
β-lactamases is an example of the first class, and lineariza- tronically mimic the acyl-d-Ala-d-Ala terminus of the penta-
tion of the cyclic depsipeptide of Type B streptogramins by peptide (Fig. 8.2) [5]. This model overlaps the highly strained
Vgb lyase is an example of the second. In all classes, the (and thus chemically reactive) β-lactam ring over the scissile
action of resistance enzymes tactically impacts the mode of d-Ala-d-Ala peptide bond. Attack of the nucleophilic Ser
action of the affected antibiotics to disrupt their biological hydroxyl onto the β-lactam ring carbonyl opens the cyclic
activity. Examples of each class are discussed below. structure and generates a covalent intermediate that is resis-
tant to hydrolysis (Fig. 8.3), thereby chemically titrating
PBPs into inactive complexes and shutting down cell wall
2.1 β-Lactam Antibiotics synthesis.
In order to overcome the action of cytotoxic β-lactams,
The β-lactams remain the most successful and widely used bacteria have evolved secreted enzymes that hydrolytically
antibiotics in modern chemotherapy. These natural products cleave the β-lactam ring of penicillins and cephalosporins [6]
and their semisynthetic derivatives act by covalently modify- (Fig. 8.4). This strategy represents the most common cause
ing so-called penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) [4]. PBPs of clinical resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. The molecular
include membrane-associated enzymes important in bacterial logic of this resistance mechanism involves the destruction
peptidoglycan assembly and maintenance. Covalent modifi- of the reactive “warhead” of the β-lactam antibiotics, thereby
8 Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic Inactivation and Modification 99
eliminating the essential chemical structure necessary for and on mobile genetic elements, they include the well-
PBP inactivation. These hydrolytic enzymes, appropriately described TEM, SHV, CTX, and OXA subfamilies [7].
named β-lactamases, fall into two general classes based on Ser β-lactamases share structural homology with the dd-
enzymological inactivation strategy: Ser β-lactamases and carboxypeptidases and operate by similar Ser hydrolase
metallo-β-lactamases (Fig. 8.4). chemistry. However the hydrolytic step, which is slow in
Serine β-lactamases are a broad family of enzymes that PBPs, is fast in β-lactamases, resulting in highly efficient
can be further categorized into three subclasses based on detoxification of the antibiotics (Fig. 8.4).
primary amino acid sequence, spectrum of substrates, and Metallo-β-lactamases are a diverse class of enzymes with
inhibition profiles [7]. Present in both Gram-positive and respect to primary sequence, and include the IMP, VIM, and
Gram-negative bacteria and identified both chromosomally NDM subfamilies associated with plasmids and integrons.
These degradative enzymes have received considerable
attention within the scientific community in recent years due
to the identification of new NDM subfamily [8]. The first
such enzyme, NDM-1, has been identified in a number of
Gram-negative pathogens including Escherichia, Klebsiella,
Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio [8–12]. It is not
only capable of hydrolyzing almost every β-lactam clinically
available [8], but its location on mobile genetic elements is
commonly in close proximity to resistance determinants for
other antimicrobial classes. This association with resistance
to classes that include macrolides, rifamycins, fluoroquino-
lones, aminoglycosides, and phenicols [8, 13] results in a
multidrug resistance phenotype. Metallo-β-lactamases adopt
a hydrolytic chemistry analogous to metallo-proteases to
cleave the reactive β-lactam ring (Fig. 8.4). They contain one
or two active site Zn2+ ions, which function in concert with
available water. Hydrolysis is achieved through the activa-
tion of water by Zn2+, which facilitates nucleophillic attack
of the β-lactam carbonyl carbon.
2.2 Fosfomycin
Fig. 8.2 Comparison of the β-lactam penicillin and the d-Ala-d-Ala peptidoglycan terminus
100 V.M. D’Costa and G.D. Wright
Fig. 8.3 Mechanism of action of β-lactam antibiotics on bacterial of the β-lactam ring. The active site machinery of transpeptidase or dd-
transpeptidases and dd-carboxypeptidases. Nucleophilic attack of the carboxypeptidases is effectively captured and as the subsequent cova-
PBP Ser hydroxyl on the β-lactam ring carbonyl results in an opening lent intermediate cannot be hydrolyzed
Fig. 8.4 Mechanisms of enzymatic inactivation of β-lactam antibiot- which is quickly hydrolyzed. (b) Metallo-β-lactamases utilize a bound
ics. β-Lactamases catalyze the hydrolytic cleavage of β-lactam rings. Zn2+ to activate water for hydrolytic attack of the β-lactam ring
(a) Serine-β-lactamases form a transient enzyme-antibiotic intermediate,
The bacterial countermeasure to inactivate this antibiotic Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, and Acinetobacter [17],
is an epoxide ring opening reaction using metalloenzymes whereas fosB is associated with resistance in the Gram-
that employ one of two distinct chemical tactics. Both strate- positives Staphylococcus [18] and Bacillus [16]. Although
gies result in efficient destruction of the antibiotic’s reactive no significant sequence similarity is seen between the
center, thereby blocking its action on the target MurA. The glutathione-dependent class of Fos enzymes and canonical
first, catalyzed by FosX, is a metal-dependent hydrolytic glutathione S-transferases, crystal structure-based studies of
process that generates a vicinal diol [14] (Fig. 8.6B). FosX FosA have demonstrated homology to members of the vici-
enzymes have been identified in the environmental bacteria nal oxygen chelate family [19].
Mesorhizobium loti and Desulfitobacterium hafniense, as
well as in the pathogens Listeria monocytogenes, Brucella
melitensis, and Clostridium botulinum [14]. The second 2.3 Macrolide Antibiotics
strategy is via a thiol-dependent ring opening reaction by
enzymes that use abundant intracellular thiols such as gluta- The macrolide antibiotics include natural products such as
thione (FosA) [15] (Fig. 8.6C) and cysteine (FosB) [16] erythromycin, and semisynthetic derivatives (e.g., clarithro-
(Fig. 8.6D). FosA and FosB are approximately 48 % identi- mycin). These antibiotics are assembled via a polyketide
cal at the amino acid level. The determinant fosA has been assembly line, cyclized to form a macrolactone ring struc-
detected on plasmids from several Gram-negatives including ture, and subsequently modified by glycosylation to generate
8 Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic Inactivation and Modification 101
region of the bacterial ribosome’s peptide exit tunnel [32, 33] However, the mechanism of ring opening is quite distinct.
(Fig. 8.9). Type A streptogramins are hybrid peptide- Rather than causing a hydrolytic reaction at the thermody-
polyketide antibiotics that bind to the peptidyltransferase namically vulnerable ester bond of Type B streptogramins,
center of the ribosome. Enzymatic resistance to Type A Vgb catalyzes a lyase reaction that results in a ring opening
streptogramins occurs via an acetyltransfer mechanism, of the peptide by a C-O cleavage strategy [35] (Fig. 8.10).
while enzymatic resistance to Type B streptogramins occurs
through a ring opening reaction catalyzed by the enzyme
Vgb. Vgb, originally identified in streptogramin-resistant 2.5 Tetracycline
Staphylococcus aureus, cleaves the cyclic peptide [34],
resulting in depsipeptide linearization. The resulting struc- The tetracycline antibiotics have found extensive clinical use
ture no longer exhibits affinity for the bacterial ribosome, for almost half a century. This class of antibiotics binds
mirroring the biochemical logic of macrolide esterases. divalent metals and acts by blocking bacterial translation by
8 Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic Inactivation and Modification 103
binding to the small ribosomal subunit [36] (Fig. 8.11). The essential metal-binding site on the molecule [39, 40]
principle mechanisms of clinical tetracycline resistance are (Fig. 8.12). Furthermore, this step triggers a nonenzymatic
efflux and ribosomal protection [36, 37]. However, an enzy- decomposition of the antibiotic to a form of unknown struc-
matic mechanism of tetracycline resistance, originally dis- ture that turned the growth media black. This enzyme is also
covered in Bacteroides [38], has been identified that capable of mono-hydroxylation of the latest generation of
inactivates the antibiotic via an oxygen-dependent process. tetracycline antibiotics, the glycylcyclines, resulting in resis-
Purification of the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction, TetX, tance, but not the subsequent nonenzymatic decomposition
followed by careful analysis of the products of the reaction of the antibiotic [41].
showed that the enzyme first facilitates mono-hydroxylation
of the antibiotic at position 11a, effectively disrupting the
3 Antibiotic Modification
Fig. 8.10 Vgb-catalyzed inactivation of the Type B streptogramin quinupristin. Quinupristin undergoes a ring opening elimination reaction,
resulting in an inactive derivative
104 V.M. D’Costa and G.D. Wright
Fig. 8.12 TetX-mediated
inactivation of
tetracycline. TetX
catalyzes the
hydroxylation of the
antibiotic, which
interferes with the
metal-binding site
required for activity.
Adapted from [39, 40]
3.1 Aminoglycosides between aminoglycosides and the ribosome span the entire
length of the antibiotic [46–50]. The primary mode of inter-
The aminoglycoside class of antibiotics is a diverse group of action is through predicted hydrogen bonding and ionic con-
hydrophilic aminocyclitols modified by amino and neutral tacts between the antibiotic amino and hydroxyl groups and
sugars that consist of both natural products and their semi- the 16S rRNA (Fig. 8.13).
synthetic derivatives. Polycationic aminoglycoside antibiot- The most prevalent mode of clinically relevant aminogly-
ics, as previously mentioned, act by interacting with the 16S coside resistance is via enzymatic modification [51]. Three
rRNA region of the bacterial ribosome’s A-site, impairing its classes of enzymes, whose reactions differ with respect to the
decoding mechanism and consequently resulting in a mis- functional group transferred and the acceptor site, are res
reading of the mRNA [42–45]. X-ray crystallographic studies ponsible for aminoglycoside modification. Aminoglycoside
of aminoglycoside antibiotics and the small ribosomal sub- acetyltransferases (AACs) modify amino groups, aminogly-
unit or fragments of the 16S rRNA reveal that interactions coside phosphotransferases (APHs) target hydroxyl groups,
8 Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic Inactivation and Modification 105
and aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransferases (ANTs) modify AACs are members of the GCN5 superfamily of proteins
hydroxyl groups (Fig. 8.14). There are numerous examples [57, 58]. Although all enzymes of this class do not exhibit
of each group in both Gram-positive as well as Gram- significant primary sequence homology or conserved cata-
negative bacteria, and the genes encoding aminoglycoside lytic residues, analysis of available X-ray crystal structures
modifying enzymes are commonly located on mobile genetic of several enzymes (AAC(6′Ii), AAC(3)-Ia, AAC(2′)-Ic,
elements such as plasmids or transposons, although some AAC(6′)-Ib, AAC(6′)-Ib-cr and AAC(6′)-Iy) indicates that
have been identified within chromosomal DNA [52–54]. The the aminoglycoside-binding pocket commonly contains a
action of all three classes of modifying enzyme changes highly negatively charged surface to accommodate the poly-
the electronic properties of the antibiotic, in addition to its cationic antibiotic [58–63].
size and structure. These alterations result in steric and elec- AACs are further categorized into one of four classes
tronic clashes between the modified antibiotic and the 16S based on the site of acetylation along the aminoglycoside
rRNA, impairing efficient binding and resulting in resistance. structure: AAC(1), AAC(2′), AAC(3), and AAC(6′). By con-
vention, the position along the amino sugar/aminocyclitol
3.1.1 A minoglycoside Acetyltransferases (AAC targeted is indicated in brackets, and the amino sugar/amino-
Family) cyclitol modified is designated in brackets after the position
Aminoglycoside acetyltransferases (AACs) utilize intracellular of attack. For example, in Fig. 8.14, AAC(3) indicates acety-
acetyl-CoA as a co-substrate, catalyzing the formation of a lation of the 3-position of the central aminocyclitol moiety,
biologically stable amide with the aminoglycoside (Fig. 8.14B). the term (2′) suggests modification of the 2-position of the
Although AACs primarily modify amino groups (N-acetylation), 4-substituent diaminohexose, and (2″) indicates modifica-
O-acetylation has been documented with the acetyltransferase tion of the 2-position of the 6-substituent aminohexose.
domain of the bifunctional enzyme AAC(6′)-APH(2″) [55] and Modification of aminoglycosides by AACs results in neu-
the mycobacterial enzyme AAC(2′)-Ic [56]. tralization of the positive charge on the target amino group,
106 V.M. D’Costa and G.D. Wright
Fig. 8.14 Inactivation of the aminoglycoside gentamicin C1a by ases (ANTs), respectively. (a) Sites of aminoglycoside inactivation.
aminoglycoside modifying enzymes. Aminoglycosides can be modified Groups targeted are labeled by the corresponding resistance enzymes.
by the addition of acetyl groups, phosphate groups, or AMP moieties. (b) The products of aminoglycoside acetyltransferases, phosphotrans-
These enzymatic reactions are catalyzed by aminoglycoside acetyltrans- ferases, and nucleotidyltransferases
ferases (AACs), phosphotransferases (APHs), and nucleotidyltransfer-
eliminating key ionic interactions and sterically blocking with the 16S rRNA and a 103-fold impairment of binding to
interaction with the 16S rRNA. the target 16S rRNA [68].
The rifamycin family of antibiotics includes semisynthetic 3.3.1 ADP-Ribosyltransferases (ARR Family)
derivatives of a natural product synthesized by the actinomy- Although both eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins are com-
cete Amycolatopsis mediterranei. Rifampicin, first intro- monly modified by means of ADP-ribosyl transfer, this mech-
duced in 1968 and the most widely used member of the anism of antibiotic resistance has so far only been documented
group, has become an integral component of the multiantibi- for the rifamycin class. Resistance to rifampicin by means of
otic gold standard treatment for Mycobacterium tuberculosis ADP-ribosylation has been identified in numerous non-tuber-
infections. culosis Mycobacterium strains, such as M. smegmatis. This
Rifamycins target the bacterial β-subunit of RNA poly- modification is due to a unique ADP- ribosyltransferase
merase. The crystal structure of rifampicin bound to the known as ARR [87]. Another inactivating ribosyltransferase
RNA polymerase of Thermus aquaticus has been determined (ARR-2) with 55 % identity to ARR has been identified in a
8 Biochemical Logic of Antibiotic Inactivation and Modification 109
Fig. 8.17 Inactivation of rifampicin. Rifampicin can be enzymatically modified by the addition of ADP-ribose, glucose, and phosphate moieties.
The hydroxyl group targeted and the subsequent modifications are labeled in grey
multidrug-resistant integron in a Gram-negative Acinetobacter enzymes, its mechanism and protein organization resembles
strain [88], and orthologs have since been detected on mobile that of small molecule phosphotransferases such as PEP
genetic elements in several other Gram-negative pathogens synthase [99].
including Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
and Escherichia coli [89–91]. 3.3.3 Rifampicin Glycosyltransferases
The ARR resistance proteins are characteristically small Glycosylation of the 23-position of rifampicin has also been
in size (approximately 200 amino acids), and although reported in Nocardia and Streptomyces species [95, 100, 101]
they do not display sequence similarity to protein ADP- (Fig. 8.17). Glycosylation at this position prevents hydrogen
ribosyltransferases, X-ray crystallographic data indicates bonding with the 23-hydroxyl, hindering effective target
significant structural homology between the two classes [92]. binding to RNA polymerase β. The genes encoding the
ARR resistance enzymes target the hydroxyl residue at posi- enzymes have recently been elucidated, and bear strong
tion 23 of rifampicin (Fig. 8.17), and utilize nicotinamide resemblance to the glycosyltransferases encoded within
adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) as a donor for the ADP-ribosyl the gene clusters responsible for glycopeptide antibiotic
moiety. It has also been shown that this ADP-ribosylated biosynthesis [101].
antibiotic can undergo subsequent decomposition to release
the ADP moiety [87, 93, 94].
4 Summary and Conclusions
3.3.2 Rifampicin Kinases
Inactivation of rifampicin by phosphorylation (Fig. 8.17) Bacteria use enzymes to strategically incapacitate and neu-
has been documented by species of Nocardia [95, 96], tralize antibiotics. Tactically this includes deployment of
Rhodococcus [97], as well as Bacillus [98]. The kinases mechanisms that either destroy the essential chemical “war-
responsible for this inactivation have yet to be identified or head” or “active site” of the antibiotic (e.g., cleavage of the
studied. Phosphorylation of rifampicin’s hydroxyl at posi- β-lactam ring by β-lactamases), or mechanisms that modify
tion 23 logically impedes interaction with the RNA poly- key structural elements that are essential for binding of the
merase target, although little has been done to elucidate the antibiotic to target (e.g., phosphorylation of aminoglyco-
details of this mechanism. The rifamycin phosphotransferase sides). The molecular logic of these approaches is revealed
is unique among antibiotic kinases. Instead of sharing struc- with knowledge of the interaction of the active antibiotic with
ture and mechanism with the protein kinase family of its cellular target. Study of enzymatic resistance therefore
110 V.M. D’Costa and G.D. Wright
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Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced
Uptake 9
Lucía Fernández, Joseph B. McPhee, Sandeep Tamber,
Michelle D. Brazas, Shawn Lewenza,
and Robert E.W. Hancock
lipid a net negative charge. Although the type and proportion of can be transported across the inner membrane; (3) detoxifying
phospholipids produced will vary under different environmental enzymes, like β-lactamases and aminoglycoside-modifying
conditions, a typical membrane composition for Escherichia enzymes, for the degradation or modification of potential
coli is 75 % zwitterionic phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), 20 % cell inhibitors; (4) hydrolytic enzymes, like nucleases and
anionic phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and 5 % anionic cardiolipin alkaline phosphatases and (5) proteins which aid in the
(CL, or diphosphatidyl glycerol) [9]. Membrane lipids are assembly or translocation of major envelope proteins, pepti-
amphipathic and given an appropriate balance of headgroups, doglycan, LPS or capsules [14].
will spontaneously form bilayers to create a hydrophobic core Despite some disparity in measurements of the size of the
that contains the fatty acyl chains separating the polar head periplasmic space, the physiological state of the periplasm is
groups on both sides of the bilayer. The fatty acyl chains are thought to be gel-like. Hobot et al. [10] proposed that the peri-
usually either saturated or contain a single double bond and are plasm is organized in a gradient of increasing peptidoglycan
termed unsaturated, while the acyl chain may comprise 14–22 polymerization from the cytoplasmic membrane to the outer
carbons. For example, the predominant fatty acids in the cyto- membrane. This peptidoglycan framework is filled with an
plasmic membrane lipids of E. coli are saturated palmitic acid aqueous solution containing periplasmic proteins, oligosaccha-
(16:0), the unsaturated species palmitoleic acid (cis-ω9,10−16:1) rides and other small molecules. More recently, this model has
and cis-vaccenic acid (cis-ω11,12−18:1) [8]. been refined to propose that periplasmic proteins rather than
The fluid mosaic model describes the properties of a peptidoglycan polymers account for the gel-like state of the
membrane whereby both phospholipids and proteins diffuse periplasm [15]. Measurements of periplasmic protein mobility
laterally along the plane of a membrane, although proteins are consistent with this modification of the model [16].
diffuse at a slower rate than lipids [8]. Generally speaking, Whatever the physiological state, the periplasm is a dynamic
phospholipids do not readily flip from one leaflet in the rather than a static environment, and is often underestimated
bilayer to the other, since it is thermodynamically unfavour- for its significant role in cellular homeostasis.
able for the polar head group to pass through the hydro The term peptidoglycan was first introduced by Weidel
phobic core. When bacterial cells are grown at increasing and Pelzer [17] to describe a “rigid bag of the volume and
temperatures, there is generally an increased production of shape of the cell”. Peptidoglycan is the polymer that encom-
rigid, saturated fatty acids and a decreased production of passes the bacterial cell providing both strength and struc-
flexible, unsaturated fatty acids in order to maintain mem- ture to the cell and is sometimes called the cell wall or murein
brane fluidity at a physiologically appropriate level. sacculus. Due to the high metabolic activity and correspond-
ingly high solute concentration within the cell, bacteria must
contain an osmotic pressure that is between 5 and 20 atmo-
2.2 Periplasm/Peptidoglycan spheres and thus greater than that of the surrounding medium.
The peptidoglycan layer is the structure that facilitates main-
Located between the cytoplasmic membrane and outer mem- tenance of this pressure difference and is therefore absolutely
brane of Gram-negative bacteria is the periplasm (Fig. 9.1a). essential to cell survival. Nevertheless, the peptidoglycan
Based on thin section transmission electron microscopy, the layer has sufficient plasticity to allow for both cell growth
periplasm is estimated to be between 13 and 25 nm in width and division and specific enzymes that can remodel the pep-
[10–12], depending on the sample preparation method used, tidoglycan locally to permit these essential functions, with
and this can be compared to the width of membranes that are which peptidoglycan is intimately involved.
about 7–10 nm for the inner membrane and 10–30 for the Although it is conserved in all eubacteria, differences exist
outer membrane (NB, the membrane bilayer of the outer in the peptidoglycan layer between Gram-positive and Gram-
membrane is only slightly larger than that of the cytoplasmic negative bacteria. In Gram-positive organisms, the peptido-
but the long sugar chains of lipolysaccharide, LPS, can glycan layer is multilayered and relatively thick (5–25 nm)
thicken the outer membrane adding a capsule-like aspect to [18, 19]. Various acidic and/or neutral polymers like teichoic
the surface of the outer membrane [13]. The peptidoglycan acid or teichuronic acid are covalently attached to the pep
layer is located within the periplasmic region. Given its posi- tidoglycan layer (Fig. 9.1b). In Gram-negative organisms, the
tion, the periplasm plays an important role in buffering the peptidoglycan layer is located between the cytoplasmic and
cell from changes in both the intracellular and extracellular outer membranes and tends to be only a few layers [20] and
environments. To facilitate this function, the periplasm con- 1.5–6 nm thick [21], although recent studies suggest that the
tains anionic sugar polymers termed membrane-derived oli- peptidoglycan chains may be at least partially oriented perpen-
gosaccharides as well as many proteins including (1) specific dicularly to the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane [22].
solute or ion binding proteins for the uptake of sugars, amino Lipoproteins embedded in the outer membrane and peptido-
acids, peptides, vitamins and ions; (2) catabolic enzymes for glycan-associated proteins (covalent and non-covalent) anchor
the degradation of complex molecules into simpler ones that the peptidoglycan layer to the outer membrane.
Fig. 9.1 The structure and arrangement of the cell envelope compo- relevant efflux system are shown, each type of bacterium may contain
nents of (a) Gram-negative bacteria, (b) Gram-positive bacteria and (c) members of other classes of efflux systems, in addition to those
mycobacteria. Note that although representations of example clinically displayed
118 L. Fernández et al.
Peptidoglycan is composed of a polysaccharide backbone to anywhere from 4 to 7 fatty acids that anchor it into the
made up of β, 1–4-linked alternating residues of N-acetyl membrane. These fatty acids tend to be saturated and hydrox-
glucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM), ylated at the C3 position. This 3–OH group may have another
cross-linked through peptide side chains. A short peptide of fatty acid as a substituent, producing an acyl-oxyacyl struc-
four amino acids is attached to the carboxyl group of NAM ture that is a characteristic feature of Lipid A.
of mature peptidoglycan. Variability in the peptidoglycan The diglucosamine backbone of Lipid A is conserved
structure is largely due to differences in the short peptide, amongst most Gram-negative bacteria. The fatty acid compo-
although differences in the glycan backbone and nature of sition, however, is quite variable from species to species.
the cross-link are also observed [23]. In E. coli, for example, Different environmental conditions can also induce changes in
the mature stem peptide is composed of l-alanine, d-glu- the fatty acid profile. How these differences in fatty acid com-
tamic acid, meso-diaminopimelic acid and d-alanine, position influence their packing behaviour and thus membrane
whereas in Staphylococcus aureus meso-diaminopimelic fluidity and transport are discussed below. In some bacteria,
acid is replaced by l-lysine. under particular conditions (e.g. low concentrations of diva-
The average glycan strand is about 30 muropeptide units lent cations in the growth medium), the phosphate groups of
in length [24, 25]. Individual strands are cross-linked to each the diglucosamine moiety can be substituted with the posi-
other either directly or indirectly through peptide side chains, tively charged sugar arabinosamine, whereas phosphatidyl-
and these covalent peptide cross-links provide the strength ethanolamine substitutions can also occur. These changes
required to resist the internal osmotic pressure. In Gram- increase the resistance of the bacteria to certain cationic anti-
negative bacteria, for example, E. coli, direct cross-linking biotics and are discussed in detail in Sect. 4.2.
occurs between the carboxyl group of the d-alanine in posi- The core oligosaccharide of LPS is covalently attached to
tion 4 of one stem peptide and the free amino group of meso- the Lipid A via the unique sugar molecule 2-keto-3-
diaminopimelic acid in the adjacent strand. Cross-linking in deoxyoctulosonic acid (KDO). In addition to KDO, this
Gram-positive bacteria is indirect, and occurs through an region also includes a variety of other sugar molecules such
inter-peptide bridge of five glycines in S. aureus, for exam- as l-glycero-d-manno-heptose and its optical isomers, glu-
ple. The degree of cross-linking and cross-linking position cose, galactose, rhamnose, etc. Some of these sugars may be
also differs between species of bacteria [26, 27], with Gram- modified by the addition of phosphate, pyrophosphate, phos-
positive organisms having a higher degree of cross-linking pholipids (e.g. phophatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcho-
than Gram-negative organisms, which have the added pro- line) or amino acids (e.g. alanine). The overall structure of
tection of the outer membrane. the core oligosaccharide is relatively conserved within a
given bacterial genus but may vary somewhat with respect to
sugar composition, substitution and/or connectivity [28].
2.3 Outer Membrane Between approximately 10 and 25 % of the core oligo-
saccharides are covalently linked to the O-polysaccharide
The outer membrane is an unusual bilayer membrane found (or O-antigen), a string of sugar repeat units, that vary sub-
only in Gram-negative bacteria (Fig. 9.1a) [7]. What makes stantially even within a species. This diversity is proposed
this structure unique is the asymmetric nature of the bilayer. to be driven by selective pressure (e.g. from the immune
The composition of the inner leaflet is similar to that of the response or from phage susceptibility) that arises from
cytoplasmic (inner) membrane, with phosphatidylethanol- being exposed to the external environment [29]. The basic
amine being the predominant phospholipid and minor structure of the O-polysaccharide consists of a mono- to
amounts of other phospholipids, e.g. phosphatidylglycerol octa-saccharide repeat. Over 60 different sugars from differ-
and cardiolipin (diphosphatidylglycerol). As with the cyto- ent Gram-negative bacteria have been identified as being
plasmic membrane, the lipid composition of the outer mem- components of an O-polysaccharide. Some examples of
brane is not static; it varies with the environmental conditions these sugars include glucose, mannose, ribose, rhamnose,
in which the bacteria are found. glucosamine, fucosamine and amino hexuronic acids such
There is some dispute as to whether phospholipids are as quinovosamine.
also found in the outer leaflet of the outer membrane; how- The number of O-repeats varies from 0 to 50 units and
ever, the most predominant lipidic species of the outer leaflet this produces a characteristic ladder pattern when LPS is
is a long polymeric glycolipid termed LPS. LPS has a tripar- resolved on an acrylamide gel. Some mucosal pathogens,
tite structure consisting of a Lipid A moiety, a core oligosac- such as Bordetella pertussis, completely lack an O-antigen
charide and a longer O-polysaccharide. and are thus said to possess LOS (lipooligosaccharide) rather
The Lipid A (or endotoxin) backbone usually consists of than LPS [30]. Other organisms, such as Pseudomonas aeru-
a diglucosamine residue that is phosphorylated at its C1 and ginosa, can have O-antigens that extend more than 40 nm
C4′ positions. The disaccharide is covalently N- or O-linked from the surface of the cell [13].
9 Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced Uptake 119
In addition to LPS, the outer membrane contains a extend to the bacterial surface. The mycolates attached to the
oderate number of proteins present in high copy number.
m arabinogalactan are very long (60–90 carbons) and may con-
These proteins are involved in a variety of cellular processes tain unusual cyclopropane moieties within their acyl chains
that include selective permeation, cell shape and membrane [33]. Due to the length of these fatty chains, they are found
stabilization, motility, adherence, transport and interaction in the gel state with phase transition temperatures as high as
with the immune system, bacteriophages and other bacteria 60–70 °C [34]. The composition of the membrane varies due
[7, 31]. to regulation by temperature and/or environment, analogous
An abundant class of outer membrane proteins is the lipo- to lipid compositional changes in other types of bacteria.
proteins. These are relatively small proteins that are present There is some evidence for the presence of another glyco-
in high copy number (~7 × 105/cell). They are modified at an lipid monolayer consisting of trehalose dimycolates, sulfoli-
N-terminal cysteine with an N-acyl diacyl glyceride residue pids, phythiocerol dimycocerosate and phenolic glycolipids
that non-covalently inserts into the outer membrane to external to the mycolate residues of the arabinogalactan. The
anchor the proteins. Lipoproteins are thought to stabilize the approximate thickness of the mycolate bilayer is ~37–90 nm,
cell wall by associating either covalently or non-covalently substantially larger than that of a Gram-negative outer
with the peptidoglycan depending on the organism. In membrane [35, 36]. Like the Gram-negative bacterial outer
Pseudomonas species, for example, the lipoproteins exam- membrane there are porin-like molecules that traverse the
ined to date are all non-covalently associated with the pepti- mycolic acid layer but they have a rather unique structure
doglycan. In E. coli, however, a third of the major lipoprotein [36, 37]. In some senses, the envelope of mycobacteria
molecules are covalently linked to the diaminopimelate resembles the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria,
groups of the peptidoglycan via their C-terminal lysine or and due to the presence of this thickened highly hydrophobic
arginine residues. envelope, mycobacteria are characterized by their extremely
Outer membrane transporters are involved in both the low permeability to most hydrophilic antibiotics.
uptake (porins) and efflux (efflux channels) of compounds
into and out of the cell. Both of these protein classes adopt a
β-barrel structure in the outer membrane although their 2.5 Capsule
architecture is very different with the porins containing one
water-filled channel per monomer (or often three per trimer) Many bacteria in their natural habitats produce extracellular
and the efflux channels containing one channel made from polysaccharide capsules. Capsular polysaccharides are either
three monomers. Efflux channels have an additional α-helical homo- or hetero-polymers of repeating sugar units, con-
periplasmic domain, which is discussed in a later chapter and nected by glycosidic bonds to form the capsule structure.
elsewhere [32]. Amino acids with non-polar side chains form Because of the broad range of monosaccharide units and
the outer surface of the barrel and interact with membrane glycosidic bond configurations possible, bacterial capsules
lipids, thus stabilizing the structure. Hydrophilic amino acids are extremely diverse. Initially capsules were divided into
line the interior of the channels, providing a polar environ- groups (referenced to E. coli) based on the presence of com-
ment for hydrophilic compounds to travel through. mon monosaccharides [38], but more recently capsule clas-
sification has been based solely on genetic and biosynthetic
criteria to divide E. coli capsules into four distinct groups
2.4 Mycobacterial Cell Envelope [39]. This updated classification scheme (again referenced to
E. coli) accounts for the observation that not all capsules are
Although phylogenetically classified as Gram-positive bac- composed of polysaccharide K antigens; previous classifica-
teria, the mycobacteria have a uniquely organized cell enve- tions were based on the biochemical division of K antigens,
lope (Fig. 9.1c). As with other bacteria, the cytoplasmic which all form capsules.
membrane forms an inner barrier between the cytoplasm and Capsule layers are highly hydrated, containing over 95 %
the environment, and its lipid composition is similar to that water [40], and as such may function to protect the organism
of other bacteria. This is surrounded by a layer of peptido- from desiccation. Consistent with this suggestion, mucoid
glycan, with a structure similar to that of Gram-negative bac- isolates are more resistant to drying than their non-mucoid
teria (i.e. relatively thin). External to this is the arabinogalactan isogenic counterparts [41], and changes in extracellular
layer, consisting of a complex branched network of polysac- osmolarity are known to induce expression of capsule mol-
charide. Each arabinogalactan residue consists of a polymer ecules [42, 43]. Polysaccharide capsules also function as
of galactofuranose, many of which possess five or six cova- adherence factors. Capsules facilitate both biofilm formation
lently attached arabinose moieties (Fig. 9.1c). Each of the and niche colonization [44, 45] by promoting the adherence
arabinose groups in these terminal groups are ester-linked of bacteria to each other and to surfaces. This ability of bac-
via the 1′-hydroxyl moiety to lipidic mycolic acids which teria to attach to surfaces and establish a biofilm plays an
120 L. Fernández et al.
important role in initiating and maintaining infection [46, 47]. Significantly, the S-layer protein tends to be the most
For example, P. aeruginosa infections of the cystic fibrosis abundant protein in the cell, comprising approximately
lung are often characterized by overexpression of alginate 7–30 % of the total protein content [63]. This suggests that
and biofilm formation [48], which probably helps to protect the role of this envelope component may be very important
the bacteria from opsonization and killing by neutrophils and for the survival of the cell. Despite this, no clear general role
macrophages in the lung. for S-layers has been defined to date. It is thought that these
Infections are further maintained through the ability of structures would have originally had a structural role, pro-
the capsule to resist both the non-specific and specific viding the cell with mechanical, thermal and osmotic stabil-
immune responses of the host. Polysaccharide capsules are ity and even determining the cell shape [64]. In Archaea, this
poor activators of the alternative complement pathway [49– may indeed be the main role of the S-layer in the absence of
51] and furthermore mask underlying cell surface structures, other cell wall components. In bacteria, however, the pres-
which do typically activate this pathway [52, 53]. This ence of other structures suggests that the S-layer might exert
reduced ability to activate opsonic fragments of complement additional secondary functions, such as protecting the cell
(e.g. C3b), and the net negative charge of the capsule surface from potential threats from the extracellular milieu [64]. In
works to inhibit phagocytosis [54, 55]. Capsular polysaccha- this sense, it is worth noting a recent study investigating the
rides also confer resistance to the host’s specific immune role of the RsaA-protein S-layer of the bacterium Caulobacter
response, by mimicking the structure of polysaccharides crescentus. It was shown [65] that C. crescentus strains pos-
found in the host, and consequently are usually poor immu- sessing an S-layer showed increased resistance to cationic
nogens [56–58]. The presence of capsule in some species antimicrobial peptides, but not to the anionic peptide dapto-
also appears to reduce killing by cationic antimicrobial mycin. The authors hypothesized that this is likely due to
peptides [59, 60]. For instance, a non-capsulated Klebsiella interactions between negatively charged amino acids in
pneumoniae mutant strain was more readily killed by differ- RsaA and the positively charged peptides. This finding is
ent antimicrobial peptides, including the human neutrophil very significant considering that antimicrobial peptides are
defensin 1, β-defensin 1, and the bacterial lipopeptide widely present in nature, as they are produced by practically
polymyxin B. The mechanism behind this decreased suscep- all living organisms.
tibility seems to be related to the ability of anionic capsule
polysaccharide to bind the positively charged peptides,
thereby making the outer membrane less accessible and lim- 3 Intrinsic Resistance
iting self-promoted uptake of the peptide [59]. Interestingly,
exposure to certain antimicrobial peptides in K. pneumoniae 3.1 Restricted Permeability
promotes the production of capsule polysaccharides and
their release into the extracellular milieu [60]. 3.1.1 Gram-Negative Bacteria
The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is a semiper-
meable barrier to the uptake of most hydrophilic molecules
2.6 S-Layer larger than a certain size exclusion limit. An analogy is often
drawn to this membrane constituting a molecular sieve
Protein surface layers, generally known as S-layers, are part although this is only really true for negatively charged or
of the cell envelope of most Archaea as well as many bacte- neutral polar molecules, as both positively charged and
ria, both Gram-negative and Gram-positive, including hydrophobic molecules can pass across the outer membrane
the pathogens Clostridium difficile, Bacillus anthracis, by other routes. For the former molecules, uptake is limited
Campylobacter sp. and some Enterobacteriaceae. In Gram- by the size of the water-filled channels of β-barrel proteins
negative bacteria, the S-layer is bound to the cell surface termed porins [66]. The total surface area of the outer mem-
through interactions with LPS. In contrast, in Archaea and brane that is occupied by such channels has been estimated
Gram-positive bacteria the S-layer is attached by non- as approximately 0.6 % in E. coli, and this together with lim-
covalent bonds to other cell wall components like peptido- ited diffusion imposed by frictional interactions between
glycan, pseudomurein or secondary cell wall polymers [61]. molecules passing through the channel and the amino acids
Generally, these paracrystalline pronteinaceous lattices con- lining the channel wall severely restricts uptake of hydro-
sist of a single protein or glycoprotein. However, some philic molecules, especially those like β-lactams, trisaccha-
microorganisms can alter the specific protein that constitutes rides, and tetrapeptides that have sizes that are not much
the S-layer depending on the environmental conditions. smaller than the restricting diameters of these channels in,
Additionally, examples of complex multiprotein S-layers e.g. E. coli. Other bacteria, e.g. P. aeruginosa, have a
have been observed in certain species [62]. much smaller number of channels leading to an overall outer
9 Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced Uptake 121
membrane permeability that is only 1–8 % that of the E. coli 3.3 Efflux
outer membrane, even though P. aeruginosa has larger-sized
channels and a larger exclusion limit. Restricted permeabil- Intrinsic antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is
ity through the outer membrane clearly contributes therefore due to the synergy between low outer membrane permeabil-
to the observation that Gram-negative bacteria tend to have ity that restricts the rate of exposure of the interior of the cell
higher intrinsic resistance to most antibiotics than their to antibiotics, and the presence of additional resistance
Gram-positive counterparts, a factor that is a major contribu- mechanisms such as drug modification (e.g. β-lactamases)
tor to the drastic dearth of discovery of new Gram-negative and multidrug efflux systems. Cytoplasmic membrane-
selective antibiotics. localized efflux pumps are widespread among bacteria and
It is worth considering the nature of the “fabric” of the are divided into five major classes on the basis of bioener-
outer membrane molecular sieve. As mentioned above, getic and structural criteria [72], and it is worth noting that in
the outer membrane surface largely contains, as its major addition to contributing to antibiotic efflux, many of these
lipidic molecule, the highly anionic glycolipid LPS, which pumps also have roles in normal cell physiology [73].
is partly neutralized, cross-bridged and thus stabilized by The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily is an ATP-
divalent cations, predominantly Mg2+ and Ca2+. This sur- driven efflux system found in Gram-negative and Gram-
face thus tends to repel neutral and anionic polar mole- positive bacteria, as well as in mycobacteria. The major
cules, but as described below can actually serve to permit facilitator superfamily (MFS) is another ancient efflux sys-
self-promoted uptake of cationic molecules. Further evi- tem that uses chemiosmotic energy and functions as a drug-
dence that the outer membrane is a barrier to uptake of ion antiporter. The resistance/nodulation/cell division (RND)
hydrophilic antibiotics is seen in the fact that increasing family and the small multidrug resistance (SMR) family are
outer membrane permeability by cloning in large, abun- both proton-driven pumps although the former comprises
dant porins leads to increased antibiotic susceptibility in multi-subunit complexes. The fifth system is the multidrug
P. aeruginosa [67], while disrupting the fabric of the outer and toxic compound extrusion family (MATE) and also uti-
membrane by removal of divalent cations with chelators lizes the chemiosmotic gradient across the cytoplasmic
like EDTA has a similar effect [68, 69]. membrane to energize transport. Gram-positive bacteria
often employ MFS efflux pumps such as NorA in S. aureus
[74] which provide resistance to fluoroquinolones.
3.2 Mycobacteria In Gram-negative bacteria, the RND (resistance-nodulation-
division) family of pump proteins are the predominant class
Based upon the low susceptibility of mycobacteria to most [75] involved in intrinsic resistance. RND transporters are tri-
antimicrobials, it is clear that the cell wall of this organism partite systems consisting of an outer membrane channel-tun-
forms a significant antimicrobial barrier. Indeed, early stud- nel, an inner membrane pump and a peripheral cytoplasmic
ies examining the permeability of Mycobacterium chelonae membrane/periplasmic linker protein. A broad range of structur-
showed that it was approximately tenfold less permeable to ally unrelated substrates are known to be pumped out of bacte-
hydrophilic β-lactam antibiotics than was P. aeruginosa [70] rial cells including most types of antibiotics, biocides, heavy
(i.e. 100- to 1000-fold less permeable than the E. coli outer metals, organic solvents, dyes and detergents [76]. Given the
membrane). ubiquitous distribution of efflux systems in bacteria, there is
In contrast to the trimeric general porins of Gram-negative much interest in determining the natural and intended substrates
bacteria that have a single pore per monomer, MspA is an of these efflux systems [73]. In E. coli, for example, efflux
octamer of small subunits that assemble to form a single cen- pumps are capable of shuttling toxic fatty acids and bile salts out
tral channel [36], and channel numbers tend to be relatively of the cell and thus it has been suggested that normal metabolic
low. In addition, the MspA pore is much longer than for the intermediates and noxious compounds that E. coli encounters in
general porins, presumably due to the thickness of the myco- the gut during infection may be natural substrates [76]. Also
bacterial cell wall. Therefore, substrate interactions with the interestingly, the MexEF-OprN efflux pump of P. aeruginosa
channel interior may be more pronounced in mycobacteria has been shown to export a precursor of the Pseudomonas qui-
and might hinder solute diffusion. Indeed, this appears to be nolone signal (PQS), which is part of the intricate quorum sens-
the case as the deletion of MspA from Mycobacterium smeg- ing network in this pathogen [77]. Another finding that could
matis results in both increased resistance to hydrophilic anti- help to understand the natural function of efflux pumps is
biotics and decreased growth due to lowered permeability to the regulation of the expression of different efflux systems in
nutrients [70, 71]. P. aeruginosa under conditions of stress [78–80].
122 L. Fernández et al.
In many bacteria, the expression of efflux system genes is for their target regulatory regions within promoters and lead
tightly controlled. This is not surprising as there is evidence to constitutive expression of efflux components [85]. Many
indicating that overexpression of efflux systems is, in many clinical isolates of the cystic fibrosis pathogen P. aeruginosa
cases, associated with a loss of fitness and virulence [81, 82]. have multidrug resistance phenotypes due to regulatory
Although antibiotic efflux is typically described as an intrin- mutations that are probably selected for in the lungs of CF
sic resistance mechanism, there are a number of mutational patients who are often on chronic antimicrobial therapy [76].
events that can lead to increased expression of efflux sys- Interestingly, a recent study described heterogeneity
tems, and therefore increased resistance. Also, efflux mecha- regarding the expression of efflux pumps and porins within
nisms may be subject to adaptive resistance and can be the same bacterial population of Salmonella enterica as
induced by specific environmental cues, including various determined by single-cell gene expression analysis [86].
stresses and exposure to antibiotics [83]. For example, tetR,
the negative regulator of the MFS tetracycline efflux pump,
is ordinarily bound to the operator sequence upstream of the 4 A
ntibiotic Penetration and Resistance
efflux genes, preventing expression under normal conditions Mechanisms
[84]. In the presence of its substrate (i.e. tetracycline) the
TetR protein is released from the operator and transcription 4.1 Porin Pathway
of the gene(s) involved (tetK, tetL and/or tetB) proceeds.
Thus the bacteria do not become resistant to tetracycline Porins permit the diffusion of a variety of compounds into
unless tetracycline is actually present. the periplasm. There are three classes of porins: general, spe-
A similar general principle exists for many RND efflux cific and gated (Fig. 9.2). Uptake through general porins is
systems in wild-type bacteria in that expression of efflux considered passive, as it involves passive diffusion through
pumps is tightly regulated, although some pumps are always the aqueous channels of the porin and is dependent only on
expressed at basal levels. However, unlike the situation with the physicochemical properties of the solute (i.e. size, charge,
the TetR protein described above, the actual efflux genes are polarity and the magnitude of the concentration gradient
often not induced by the known substrates of the particular across the membrane) relative to the side chains of the amino
efflux pump. Rather, what often occurs is that a mutation acids lining the pore and especially those side chains found
appears in the regulator of the efflux system following anti- at the most constricted part of the channel. The crystal struc-
microbial therapy such that the genes encoding for the pump tures of several general porins have been solved and reveal
components are expressed constitutively at higher levels that they are trimers of 16 stranded anti-parallel β-barrels
leading to increased resistance to all substrates that the pump that enclose a pore lined predominantly with hydrophilic
can efflux. The mutations are often stable point mutations amino acids [87–89]. These β-strands tend to be connected
that reduce the DNA binding affinity of particular repressors by short (3–4 amino acid) turn regions on the periplasmic
Fig. 9.2 Representative
structures of the porin
molecules of Escherichia
coli. Side (a) and top (d)
view of the OmpF general
porin [86]. Side (b) and top
(e) view of the maltodextrin-
specific channel, LamB [91].
Side (c) and top (f) view of
the gated porin FhuA [101].
Note the varying degrees of
channel constriction imparted
in each porin type by the
inward folding of various
extracellular loops or
domains (see text for
complete description)
9 Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced Uptake 123
side of the porin and much longer loops of amino acids on for the Tsx channel of E. coli. Specific for nucleosides, this
the external side of the outer membrane. The cross section of porin also takes up the structurally related antibiotic albici-
the channel interior somewhat resembles an hourglass and din [96, 97]. Similarly, the OprD porin of P. aeruginosa is
can be conceptually divided into three zones: the external specific for the uptake of the basic amino acids arginine and
mouth, the constriction zone or eyelet, and the exit. The lysine and basic dipeptides, as well as the structurally
mouth of the general porin pore acts as a crude filter. This analogous carbapenem antibiotics imipenem and mero
region is rich in charged amino acids and may be somewhat penem [98, 99]. Recently we also demonstrated that the
restricted by one or more extracellular loops that fold into it. tricarboxylate-inducible porin OpdH, a homolog of OprD,
The purpose of these two features is to constrict the opening, appeared to be involved in the uptake of the bulky cephalo-
both physically and electrostatically such that large, hydro- sporin ceftazidime [100]. It should also be noted, that low
phobic and/or highly charged compounds cannot enter the levels of structurally unrelated compounds can also diffuse
cell. The eyelet is the narrowest part of the channel, usually through specific porins. This is especially the case for non-
formed by a single loop 3 that folds from the external surface fermentative organisms, like Pseudomonas, which lack clas-
back into the porin channel. The size of this eyelet deter- sic general porins. For example, the OprD porin in addition
mines the maximum size, i.e. the exclusion limit of mole- to taking up basic amino acids is the major facilitator
cules that can pass through the channel. For the prototypic involved in the diffusion across the outer membrane of com-
bacterium, E. coli, the exclusion limit determined by the pounds up to 200 Da in mass [67].
major porins OmpF and OmpC is around 600 Da (equivalent Gated porins, also known as TonB-dependent receptors,
to a trisaccharide or tetrapeptide), although there are subtle are monomeric proteins consisting of 22-stranded β-barrels,
differences in channel size for these two proteins. Therefore, and permit the specific entry of larger compounds such as
for this and other enterobacteriaceae, it is presumed that iron-siderophore complexes into the cell. The mouth of these
small, hydrophilic antibiotics such as chloramphenicol, tet- channels is blocked by a globular domain termed the plug
racycline, fluoroquinolones and β-lactams (including cepha- [99, 102]. Uptake is initiated once a substrate docks onto a
losporins and carbapenems) might utilize these channels as gating porin. This binding, in conjunction with energy input
entry points. This fact has been confirmed by the isolation of from the TonB energy transducing protein, results in a series
mutants, both in the clinic and in vitro, that are resistant to of conformational changes in the plug domain that culminate
the above-mentioned antibiotics due to either a complete in both the release of the substrate and the revelation of a
loss of or diminished porin expression [90–92]. translocation pathway [103].
Specific porins are similar to general porins with one Due to their large channel sizes, gated porins may seem
major exception; they have stereospecific binding sites for like the ideal conduits for antibiotic uptake; however, this
their substrates, which are located in part in the eyelet. This use is generally limited by the specificity of substrate dock-
specificity narrows the structural range of molecules that can ing. It is known that there are certain gated receptors that
pass through these channels. The crystal structure of the have somewhat lower selectivity, e.g. Cir and FhuA. However
LamB channel of E. coli has been solved and shows that this although providing antibiotics with iron binding groups (e.g.
porin is highly specialized for the uptake of maltodextrins catechol or heme groups) can improve uptake across the
[93]. The eyelet of this porin is more constrained than in gen- outer membrane, and consequently lower MICs, none of
eral porins due to the folding of two additional loops into the these substituted drugs have been clinically successful and
mouth of the channel. Six contiguous aromatic amino acids this may reflect mechanisms of toxicity and/or interference
(the greasy slide) form a path through the channel, down with iron metabolism in the host. Specific antibiotics that can
which the sugar molecules travel. In addition, the channel be taken up by ferric-siderophore receptors include albomy-
interior is lined with polar amino acids (the polar track) that cin, a structural analogue of ferrichrome, which is taken up
stabilize the hydroxyl groups of the sugars [94]. An analo- by the FhuA gated-porin receptor. Interestingly, rifamycin
gous design is found for the phosphate-specific porin OprP CGP 4832 (a rifampin derivative), a structurally unrelated
of P. aeruginosa [95]. The channel interior of this trimeric antibiotic, is also taken up by FhuA [104]. The crystal struc-
porin is quite constricted and reveals a phosphate-binding tures of FhuA in complexes with both of these antibiotics
“arginine ladder” comprising eight arginine residues that indicate that despite differences in structure, both antibiotics
span from the extracellular surface down to a constriction bind to the same residues of the porin [105], indicating that
zone where phosphate is coordinated. Lysine residues also gated porins tolerate some structural flexibility.
coat the inner periplasmic surface of this channel creating an As described above, mycobacterial envelopes contain a
“electropositive-sink” that pulls the phosphates through the class of porins that although structurally unrelated to Gram-
eyelet and into the cell. negative porins, serve as the major pathway for hydrophilic
Due to their specialized nature, the only antibiotics that antibiotics. There are two types of mycobacterial porins rep-
should be able to penetrate specific porins are those that resented by OmpATb, which is not well studied, and MspA,
mimic the channel’s natural substrates. Indeed, this is true which has been crystallized [37]. MspA from M. smegmatis,
124 L. Fernández et al.
the best-characterized mycobacterial porin, is the major characterized by a large number [3–12] of negatively charged
route of entry for hydrophilic compounds into this organism phosphate groups and anionic sugars (e.g. KDO) in the core
[37]. However, the medically important mycobacteria, M. oligosaccharide and usually two additional phosphates
tuberculosis, and M. bovis BCG seem to lack MspA-type attached to the Lipid A moieties of the LPS [29]. These nega-
porins, and depend exclusively on OmpATb-type porins, an tively charged groups are ordinarily bridged by divalent
observation that may explain the intrinsically lower suscep- cations, which serve to stabilize the outer membrane by pre-
tibility of these organisms to hydrophilic antibiotics com- venting the LPS molecules from repelling one another.
pared to M. smegmatis. The diameter of the MspA channel Studies carried out with chelators of divalent cations, such as
from M. smegmatis is apparently larger than that of the EDTA, have shown that when the cell is rapidly depleted of
OmpATb porin from M. tuberculosis, which is not well char- the divalent cations bound to the LPS, there is a massive dis-
acterized, and cloning of the M. smegmatis MspA protein ruption in outer membrane integrity, with a concomitant loss
into M. tuberculosis increases the sensitivity of M. tubercu- of ~50 % of the LPS [69]. Thus, these divalent cations are an
losis to β-lactams by up to 16-fold [106]. Additionally, the integral component required for maintenance of outer mem-
growth rate of M. tuberculosis expressing M. smegmatis brane structure.
MspA is increased, suggesting that nutrient uptake in this Cationic antibiotics and the cationic antimicrobial pep-
species is also limited by the small pore size of OmpATb. tides can also disrupt the bacterial outer membrane. The cat-
Regardless of which porin proteins a particular strain ionic peptides are ubiquitous in nature and form an important
expresses, the porin pathway seems to be involved in the component of the human innate immune system [115].
uptake of pyrazinamide [107] and β-lactams [108]. Basically, these are small peptides that have a net positive
charge due to the presence of a number of lysine or arginine
residues in their sequence. Soil-dwelling bacteria, lactic acid
4.2 Self-Promoted Uptake and Regulatory bacteria, plants, insects, fish, birds, amphibians and other
Mutants animals also produce cationic peptides. Studies with the cat-
ionic lipopeptide antibiotic polymyxin B showed that when
The self-promoted uptake pathway is limited to Gram- bacteria are exposed to this antibiotic the integrity of the bac-
negative bacteria and generally pertains to the passage of terial outer membrane is rapidly destroyed, indicating that
cationic amphipathic molecules across the outer membrane. the outer membrane might be a primary determinant by
Self-promoted uptake involves the interaction of polycations which these compounds gained access to Gram-negative
with sites on the surface of the outer membrane at which cells [116, 117]. Cationic antimicrobial peptides have a num-
divalent cations cross-bridge adjacent LPS molecules. ber of physical properties that are important for their activity.
Displacement of these divalent cations leads to local distor- As suggested by their name, the cationic nature of the mole-
tion of outer membrane structure and this provides sites for cule is very important and substituting uncharged for the
uptake of other polycationic antibiotic molecules; thus these charged amino acids severely impairs their antimicrobial
polycations promote their own uptake rather than diffusing ability. Additionally these peptides usually contain up to
across the outer membrane through water-filled channels. 50 % hydrophobic amino acids and consequently can insert
Recently, it has become clear that self-promoted uptake is into membranes while folding into an amphipathic structure
quite effective in many species of bacteria, including E. coli, that contains both a highly polar face and a hydrophobic face.
P. aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica and Yersinia sp., which Regulation of self-promoted uptake has been studied in a
all seem to have the potential to be killed by antibiotics that number of organisms, including E. coli, S. enterica and
access the self-promoted uptake pathway [69]. Other species P. aeruginosa. The genetics of resistance are perhaps best
such as Burkholderia cenocepacia and Helicobacter pylori understood in E. coli and S. enterica and these systems will
show a significantly lower rate of killing by antibiotics that serve as the model for the remainder of this discussion, with
would normally enter via this pathway [109, 110]. For spe- important exceptions being highlighted where applicable.
cies that are normally sensitive to killing via the self- Early work in S. enterica showed that there were two loci
promoted uptake pathway, the organism in question generally responsible for increased resistance to polymyxin B and
maintains a level of control over the effectiveness and/or other cationic antimicrobial peptides and that these mapped
accessibility of this pathway [111–114], as discussed in more to two systems named pmrAB (polymyxin resistance gene A
detail below. and B) and phoPQ as reviewed elsewhere [118]. Both of
The characteristics of the LPS of a particular bacterial these systems are two-component regulatory systems that
strain primarily determine whether or not a particular bacte- normally turn on genes in response to a given environmental
rium possesses an effective self-promoted uptake pathway. condition, limiting concentrations of divalent cations for
As described in Sect. 3.2, the structure of bacterial LPS is the phoPQ system [119], and high concentrations of ferric
complex and species-specific. The LPS of many bacteria is iron in the case of the pmrAB system of S. enterica [120].
9 Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced Uptake 125
S. enterica are intracellular pathogens that encounter limiting both pumps [127]. It is worth noting that the activation of
divalent cation concentrations and high concentrations of ParRS has also been found to regulate resistance to other anti-
antimicrobial peptides when engulfed by the host cell. Thus microbial classes by modulating the expression of efflux
the bacterium senses the limiting divalent cation concentra- pumps and porins [128]. This highlights the synergy that exists
tion and responds in a way that makes it more resistant to between different mechanisms involved in the control of
cationic peptides. Alternatively it was recently demonstrated antimicrobial uptake in bacterial cells. Additionally, in
that cationic peptides can bind directly to PhoQ and regulate Pseudomonas the PmrAB system is regulated by the presence
their own resistance [121]. Although the precise mechanism of limiting divalent cation concentrations, similar to PhoPQ
underlying signalling by cationic peptides is not completely [125], in contrast to E. coli, Salmonella and Erwinia where it
defined, it appears to involve interaction with a cytoplasmic- is regulated by high concentrations of Fe3+. Although the pre-
membrane- facing polyanionic domain of PhoQ. Clearly, cise mechanism by which this signalling takes place is ill-
direct regulation by a host molecule would appear to provide defined, it would appear to provide a distinct advantage to the
a distinct advantage to the bacterium in a host at a site where bacterium in the CF lung, where Mg2+ is not limiting and
Mg2+ is not limiting and where the concentration of antimi- where the concentration of antimicrobial peptides is very high.
crobial peptides is very high, such as, for example, the gran- Overall these systems seem to be arranged in such a way as to
ules of cells or the lumen of the lung. When these systems limit bacterial susceptibility to self-promoted uptake in envi-
are turned on by any of the mentioned conditions, the expres- ronments where the bacterium is likely to encounter cationic
sion of a number of genes is modified, including those that antimicrobial peptides or limiting divalent cation concentra-
affect susceptibility to cationic peptides that are taken up by tions. Interestingly, in another CF pathogen B. cenocepacia, a
self-promoted uptake. microorganism that exhibits a high intrinsic resistance to anti-
To decrease susceptibility to agents taken up by self- microbial peptides, aminoarabinose modification of the Lipid
promoted uptake, bacteria regulate gene sets, through PhoPQ A is constitutive [129, 130]. Moreover, it appears that this
or PmrAB or both, that alter their LPS in a number of impor- modification is a prerequisite for cell viability in this species.
tant ways. The most important is reduction of the require- As Gram-positive bacteria do not possess outer mem-
ment for divalent cation cross-bridging of the LPS. Bacteria branes, they utilize other mechanisms for decreasing uptake
accomplish this by masking the negatively charged groups into the cell and consequently have different resistance
via the synthesis and addition of N4-aminoarabinose and mechanisms for cationic peptides. These include the modifi-
phosphoethanolamine to the Lipid A phosphates [122]. In cation of peptidoglycan or lysinylation of phosphatidylglyc-
addition to this modification, activation of the phoPQ system erol in S. aureus [131]. The general principle appears to
leads to increased expression of the pagP gene. The PagP be the same however, in that by decreasing the affinity of
protein catalyses the addition of an extra acyl chain to the envelope components for catonic peptides, resistance is
hydrophobic portion of Lipid A [123]. The addition of this promoted.
extra fatty acid increases the amphipathicity of the Lipid A,
thereby making the outer leaflet more stable in the presence
of bulky cationic peptide molecules. Both of these additions 4.3 Hydrophobic Pathway
lead to substantially increased resistance to molecules that
utilize the self-promoted uptake pathway. The PhoPQ s ystem As suggested by the name, the hydrophobic pathway
in Salmonella also regulates the production of an outer mem- involves the passage of antimicrobial compounds through
brane protease, PgtE [124]. When this protein is expressed, it the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer. The hydropho-
is capable of degrading certain cationic peptides that access bic pathway of antimicrobial uptake tends to be more impor-
the cell via the self-promoted uptake pathway, thus provid- tant in Gram-positive bacteria than it is in Gram-negative
ing another way of reducing influx of the antibiotic. bacteria, since slowed hydrophobic passage through the
Although the system described above is essentially con- Gram- negative outer membrane can be counteracted by
served for Enterobacteriaceae, there are major differences in active efflux through RND efflux systems. In contrast, the
other organisms. In P. aeruginosa, for example, LPS modifica- peptidoglycan layer of Gram-positive bacteria has a diffu-
tion genes responsible for the addition of N4-aminoarabinose sion limit of approximately 50 kDa and decreased uptake
are also regulated by sub-inhibitory concentrations of cationic very seldom contributes to resistance. The hydrophobic
antimicrobial peptides, but this regulation is independent of pathway is especially important for molecules that are active
either the PmrAB or the PhoPQ systems [125]. Recent studies on intracellular targets, but that do not access a specific
have identified two different two-component regulatory sys- transporter. In Gram-positive bacteria, this includes many
tems, namely ParRS and CprRS, that participate in peptide- commonly used antibiotics including fluoroquinolones
mediated induction of Lipid A modification in P. aeruginosa (which can be present at low concentration in an uncharged
[126, 127]. Different peptides regulated one or the other or form), and macrolides.
126 L. Fernández et al.
As mentioned above, bacterial outer membranes have cytoplasmic membrane and binding to the ribosome. It is
somewhat diminished hydrophobic uptake through the outer thought that some aspect of electron transport drives the vec-
membrane bilayer primarily due to the reduced fluidity of the torial transport of aminoglycosides across the cytoplasmic
LPS monolayer compared to the cytoplasmic membrane. membrane during EDP I, possibly the shuttling of ubiqui-
However, certain mutants that affect LPS core biosynthesis, nones across the membrane [137]. At this point the amino-
e.g. lpxA and lpxD, exhibit up to 1000-fold increased sen glycoside triggers an event that initiates cell death and at the
sitivity to hydrophobic antimicrobials [132], largely by same time promotes an acceleration of energy dependent
increasing uptake to an extent where it overwhelms efflux aminoglycoside uptake in the EDP II. Many aminoglycoside
systems. In addition, a study with a series of isogenic LPS resistant mutants are altered in the energization of uptake,
mutant strains of E. coli and Salmonella enterica demon- while a very common mechanism known as impermeability
strated that the susceptibility of each mutant to hydrophobic type resistance has been associated with disregulation of
antibiotics increased as the length of the LPS decreased RND efflux pumps in P. aeruginosa [138].
[133]. This study further supports the role of the LPS of
Gram-negative bacteria as major determinant of reduced
permeation of hydrophobic antibiotics. 5 Synergy
Although the porin-mediated pathway described above is
somewhat important in mycobacteria, it is believed that many Synergy between antimicrobials is a common theme that is
clinically relevant antibiotics used for anti-mycobacterial clinically utilized in the treatment of complicated infections.
therapy access the cytoplasm via the hydrophobic pathway. Often this is stated to be because one antibiotic assists the
The general rate of diffusion across the mycobacterial enve- uptake of another. In many instances there is little direct evi-
lope is slower due to the high rigidity of the mycolate bilayer, dence for this. However it should be noted that it has been
but does not seem to be reinforced by a broad spectrum well established that those molecules that access self-
efflux system that pumps out hydrophobic compounds as promoted uptake and act by increasing outer membrane per-
in Gram-negatives. Consequently, rifampin, isoniazid and meability also have the capability to increase permeability to
hydrophobic fluoroquinolones are thought to access the cell other antibiotics. Deacylated polymyxin B is the prototype
via the hydrophobic pathway [134]. for such molecules [139] and it has also been shown that
cationic peptides have this property as do other polycations
and divalent cation chelators [69].
4.4 Inner Membrane Transporters
6 Conclusions
A small number of antibiotics use specific membrane trans-
porters to get across the cytoplasmic membrane, leading
It is now well established that decreased outer membrane
generally to a requirement that cells be energized for uptake.
permeability is a common mechanism leading to clinical
Usually this involves structural features that are conserved
resistance. Because in Gram-negative bacteria this often
between the antibiotic and the normal substrate for the
involves uptake pathways of broad significance, these
transporter. Thus, the antibiotic d-cycloserine is transported
mutants tend to be cross-resistant to several antibiotic
across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane via the d-alanine
classes. While we still have exploitable mechanisms (e.g.
transport system in a manner that is dependent upon the pro-
self-promoted uptake) that can be manipulated to increase
ton motive force [135]. Fosfomycin, an antibiotic that inhib-
uptake in poorly susceptible bacteria, a recent meta-analysis
its the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan, crosses the cytoplasmic
has described an increase in the rates of resistance to poly-
membrane using the glycerol-3-phosphate or hexose phos-
myxin B in MDR isolates of P. aeruginosa, Acinetobacter
phate transporters [135]. The antibiotic streptozotocin is also
baumanii and K. pneumoniae, suggesting that even these
taken across the inner membrane via an active transport pro-
drugs of last resort may become decreasingly effective as
cess involving the phosphoenol-pyruvate phosphotransferase
their use becomes more widespread [140]. Only through
continued research will we be able to overcome these set-
Aminoglycoside antibiotic uptake is still fairly poorly
backs and effectively exploit the uptake systems described in
characterized. The drugs are taken up in a three-step process
this review.
whereby the first step involves electrostatic LPS interactions
on the surface followed by two energy-dependent phases of
Acknowledgements Financial assistance from the Canadian Cystic
uptake (EDP I and EDP II) [136]. EDP I is believed to repre- Fibrosis Foundation and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research is
sent the initial stages of aminoglycoside passage across the gratefully acknowledged. REWH holds a Canada Research Chair.
9 Antibiotic Resistance due to Reduced Uptake 127
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Active Efflux as a Mechanism
of Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs 10
Xian-Zhi Li
transporter families including various superfamilies. Efflux P-glycoprotein (Pgp, or MDR1) is the prototypical ABC
transporters involved in antimicrobial resistance largely drug exporter in eukaryotes involved in the efflux of a broad
occur in five superfamilies: (1) ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) range of cytotoxic agents [1]. The bacterial ABC transporter,
Superfamily; (2) Drug/Metabolite Transporter (DMT) LmrA of Lactococcus lactis, can functionally complement
Superfamily (to which the Small Multidrug Resistance Pgp, showing the conservation of MDR pumps from bacteria
[SMR] family belongs); (3) Major Facilitator Superfamily to humans [20]. The crystal structures of a dozen ABC trans-
(MFS); (4) Multidrug/Oligosaccharidyle-lipid/Polysaccharide porters have been widely available, and thus have provided
(MOP) export Superfamily (to which the drug resistance- insight on the transport mechanisms including the substrate
related Multidrug And Toxic compound Extrusion [MATE] promiscuity of many drug transporters [21–23]. ABC trans-
family belongs); and (5) RND Superfamily. A recent study porters consist of two integral transmembrane domains
reports a new Proteobacterial Antimicrobial Compound (TMDs) and two cytosolic nucleotide-binding domains
Efflux (PACE) family based on the homologs of the (NBDs) (Fig. 10.1). The number and arrangement of the
Acinetobacter chlorhexidine efflux (AceI) protein; many TMDs and NBDs may vary based on the specific transport-
homologs of this PACE family provide resistance to biocides ers in a given species. The TBDs confer drug substrate speci-
when expressed from a plasmid in E. coli [16]. Except for the ficity. ABC exporters in bacteria have a TMD fused with an
primary active transporters of the ABC superfamily which NBD to form a half-transporter and the two homo- or hetero-
couple ATP binding and hydrolysis with substrate transloca- half-transporters then dimerize to produce a functional full
tion, the transporters of the other four superfamilies and the transporter. For example, the staphylococcal Sav1866 ABC
PACE family are secondary transporters and require a pro- drug exporter possesses the homodimeric protein with 12
ton-motive force (e.g., they are H+ or Na+/drug antiporters). transmembrane helices. The ATP-bound state displays an
Drug efflux pumps within these superfamilies or families outward-facing conformation with the two NBDs in close
can also be categorized into either single-component (sin- contact and the two TBDs forming a central cavity. The latter
glet) efflux pumps or multicomponent efflux pumps on the is considered as the drug translocation pathway and is
basis of the composition of the transporters (Fig. 10.1). Such shielded from the cytoplasm, but exposed to the extracellular
categorization is particularly useful for the consideration of space [21].
pump effectiveness in conferring resistance in bacteria [12, Several models were proposed to elucidate the transport
17], where Gram-positive bacteria (including mycobacteria) mechanisms of ABC pumps. The switch model suggests the
and Gram-negative bacteria each show unique structures of dimerization of the NBDs upon binding of two ATP mole-
their cell envelope barrier [18, 19]. Singlet transporters, cules and disassociation upon ATP hydrolysis [24]. The con-
which include the ABC, MFS, MATE, and SMR transporters, stant contact model shows that the NBDs do not fully
occur in all species and function via the pumps themselves dissociate and ATP hydrolysis occurs alternately at one of
(with either homo or heteromeric subunits). Multicomponent the active sites [25]. A newer model termed the “reciprocat-
transporters typically operate in Gram- negative bacteria ing twin-channel” model considers the characteristics of the
through complex efflux machinery that often include the earlier models and establishes the sequential process of ATB
pump, accessory adaptor proteins (also called membrane binding, hydrolysis, translocation, and release in one of the
fusion proteins), and outer membrane channel proteins. This two functionally separate substrate translocation pathways.
tripartite structure provides an effective mechanism to These pathways operate in a reciprocating manner in the
directly pump substrates out of the cell (i.e., across the outer TMDs, coupled to an alternating cycle of ATP hydrolysis
membrane permeability barrier). The multicomponent trans- in the NBDs [26]. The clinical significance of ABC drug
porters are typically seen with the RND pumps and are also exporters is dependent on the species and is considered to be
observed with certain ABC and MFS pumps [12]. The struc- relatively more important in eukaryotic cells [11, 27] as fur-
tural and mechanical characteristics of the five aforemen- ther described in later sections.
tioned drug resistance superfamilies are described below.
Fig. 10.1 Schematic representation of drug influx and efflux across the philic molecules), specific channel (e.g., carbapenem antibiotics), or
cell envelope barrier in bacteria. (a) In Gram-positive bacteria, the drugs lipid bilayer (e.g., lipophilic molecules). The efflux pumps can be either
enter the cell via the penetration of the peptidoglycan (PG) and the cyto- the single-component pumps or multicomponent pumps that take the
plasmic membrane (CM) (in mycobacteria, the drug also needs to pass drug from the CM or cytosol. However, available studies support that
via diffusion an additional outer barrier comprising porins and mycolyl multicomponent RND pumps incorporate drug from the periplasm or
arabinogalactan [AG] that forms a barrier complex with PG). The efflux CM (not from the cytosol) and directly extrude the substrate out of the
pumps belonging either ABC transporters or proton-dependent second- cell (see also Fig. 10.2). A tripartite efflux complex typically contains a
ary transporters are single-component exporters that may incorporate the pump, OM channel protein (OMP) and an accessory membrane fusion
drug from the CM and/or the cytosol. (b) In Gram-negative bacteria, the protein (MFP). A single-component pump may function with porins or
unique asymmetric lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-containing outer mem- other types of protein channels to make the efflux process effective. The
brane (OM) functions as a strong permeability barrier. The drug may competition between the influx and efflux processes ultimately deter-
enter the periplasm via three possible pathways, porin (e.g., small hydro- mines the steady state of drug molecules in the cell
The encoding genes may also be linked to integrons, a feature hypersusceptible to multiple agents in the presence of the
that facilitates the spread of SMR-encoding genes. The SMR predominant RND-type AcrAB pump. When expressed from a
efflux proteins consist of homodimeric (e.g., EmrE of E. coli plasmid, an SMR pump of E. coli, YdgEF (MdtIJ), also pro-
[29]) or heterodimeric (e.g., the paired EbrAB of Bacillus sub vides resistance to an anionic agent, sodium dodecyl sulfate
tilis [30]) subunits of about 100–120 amino acid residues and 4 [33]. The clinical significance of SMR pumps in intrinsic drug
TMSs [10]. Representative examples of SMR exporters include resistance has been so far demonstrated not only in E. coli
the Smr protein of Staphylococcus aureus [31] and the (with EmrE) but also in Klebsiella pneumoniae (with
EmrE protein of E. coli [29]. The substrate profile of SMR is KpnEF) [34], Acinetobacter baumannii (with AbeS) [35], and
generally cation-specific, including lipophilic, monocationic or Pseudomonas aeruginosa [36], because their inactivation con-
dicationic antiseptics and disinfectants such as tetraphenyl fer the increased susceptibility to several clinically relevant
phosphonium and paraquat, and thus the underlined transport antimicrobial agents [12]. Additionally, the chloramphenicol-
mechanism typically involves the exchange of incoming H+ sensitivity protein (RarD) family with 10 TMSs is also included
with the extrusion of cationic substrates. Interestingly, an outer in this superfamily [28]. Another member of the DMT family
membrane protein termed OmpW is reported to participate in with putative 10 TMSs is the chloroquine resistance transporter
the efflux of cationic agents by EmrE [32], but OmpW appears in P. falciparum (PfCRT) whose mutation (e.g., Lys67Thr)
to be a narrow channel protein [12], warranting further is widely observed in chloroquine- resistant P. falciparum
investigation. It is important to note that EmrE is among the strains [37]; the resistant form of PfCRT is able to transport
limited drug exporters whose inactivation confers E. coli chloroquine [38].
134 X.-Z. Li
Table 10.1 Examples of functionally characterized drug efflux transporters in bacteria, fungi, and parasites
or family Exporter Species Substrates Reference
ABC EfrAB Enterococcus faecalis Acriflavine, ciprofloxacin, daunorubicin, [128]
superfamily doxorubicin, doxycycline, norfloxacin,
tetraphenylphophonium chloride
LmrA Lactococcus lactis Daunorubicin, doxorubicin, ethidium [129]
bromide, olchicine, rhodamine 6G,
vinblastine, vincristine
Sav1866 Staphylococcus aureus Ethidium bromide, tetraphenylphophonium [85, 130]
MacAB-TolC Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Macrolides [131]
FhaABC Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Fusaric acid [132]
PatAB Streptococcus pneumoniae Fluoroquinolones [133]
VcaM Vibrio cholerae Ciprofloxacin, doxorubicin, daunomycin, [134]
norfloxacin, tetracycline
Rv1218c Mycobacterium tuberculosis Biaryl-piperazines, bisanilino-pyridines, [88, 89]
pridones, pyrroles
AfuMdr4p Aspergillus fumigatus Itraconazole [11, 135]
AfuFp A. fumigatus Itraconazole [11, 136]
CaCdr1p Candida albicans Azoles, benomyl, cerulenin, clotrimazole, [6, 11]
cycloheximide, nigericin, rhodamine 123
and 6G, tamoxifin, trifluoperazine,
CaCdr2p C. albicans Azoles, cycloheximide, rhodamine 6G, [11]
cerulenin, diamide
CneMdr1p Cryptococcus neoformans Azoles, cycloheximide, rhodamine 6G [11]
CneAfr1p C. neoformans Azoles, cycloheximide, rhodamine 6G [11]
PfMDR1 Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine, piperaquine, mefloquine [7, 8, 137]
PfMRP P. falciparum Chloroquine, piperaquine, mefloquine, [106, 138]
P-glycoprotein Various parasites, e.g., Anthelmintics, macrocyclic lactone [104, 138]
Haemonchus, Leishmania, endectocides or
Schistosoma praziquantel
MFS LmrP L. lactis Clindamycin, macrolides, pentamidine, [129]
Superfamily tetracyclines
MefE S. pneumoniae, Streptococcus Macrolides [69, 70]
NorA S. aureus Fluoroquinolones [139]
QacA S. aureus, plasmid-encoded Acriflavine, chlorhexidine, crystal violet, [140]
diamidines, ethidium bromide, quaternary
ammonium compounds
CraA Acinetobacter baumannii Chloramphenicol [141]
EmrAB-TolC E. coli, Salmonella Ethidium bromide, thiolactomycin [142, 143]
EmrKY-TolC E. coli Deoxycholate [144–146]
KpnGH Klebsiella pneumoniae Ceftazidime, cefepime, streptomycin, [147]
LfrA Mycobacterium smegmatis Acriflavine, ethidium bromide, [87]
MdfA E. coli, Salmonella Chloramphenicol, doxorubicin, [142]
norfloxacin, tetracycline
QepA, QepA2 E. coli, Enterobacter Fluoroquinolones [148]
TetA Various bacteria, often Tetracyclines [3]
Tap M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium p-Aminosalicylate, diamide, [149, 150]
bovis specitinomycin, tetracycline
10 Active Efflux as a Mechanism of Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs 137
Table 10.1 (continued)
or family Exporter Species Substrates Reference
AfuMdr3p, A. fumigatus Itraconazole [11, 135]
CaMdr1p C. albicans Benomyl, brefeldin A, cerulenin, [11]
cyctoheximide, fluconazole, ketoconazole,
methotrexate, voriconazole
MATE family AbeM A. baumannii Acriflavine, aminoglycosides, daunomycin, [151]
doxorubicin, fluoroquinolones
BexA Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Ciprofloxacin, ethidium bromide, [152]
MepA S. aureus Centrimide, ethidium bromide, [46, 47]
fluoroquinolones, monovalent and divalent
biocides, tigecycline
NorM Vibrio, Neisseria Aminoglycosides, ethidium bromide, [43, 85]
PACE family AceI A. baumannii Acriflavine, benzalkonium, chlorhexidine, [16]
dequalinum, proflavine
SMR family EbrAB Bacillus subtilis Acriflavine, ethidium bromide, pyronine Y, [30]
safranin O
EmrE E. coli Acriflavine, ethidium bromide, methyl [29, 32]
viologen, quaternary ammonium
KpnEF K. pneumoniae Benzalkonium chloride, bile salts, [34]
cefepime, chlorhexidine, colistin,
erythromycin, sodium dodecyl sulfate,
streptomycin, tetracycline, triclosan
TehAB E. coli Dequalinium, ethidium bromide, paraquat, [153]
proflavine, tellurite
Mmr (Rv3065) M. tuberculosis Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, [9, 89, 90]
clofazimine, pyrroles,
PfCRT (in DMT P. falciparum Chloroquine [37, 38]
RND AcrAB-TolC E. coli, Salmonella, enteric Most common antibiotics (β-lactams, [50,
superfamily bacteria fluoroquinolones, macrolides, amphenicols, 154–156]
rifamycins, tetracyclines), toxic agents,
bile salts, fatty acids, detergents, organic
AdeABC, A. baumannii Most common antibiotics (β-lactams, [77,
AdeFGH, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, 157–159]
AdeIJK macrolides, phenicols, tetracyclines),
biocides, toxic agents, bile salts, detergents
CusCBA E. coli Ag(I) and Cu(I) ions [55]
MexAB-OprM, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Most common antibiotics (β-lactams, [76, 79,
MexXY-OprM/ aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, 81, 160]
OprA, macrolides, phenicols, sulfonamides,
MexCD-OprJ, trimethoprim, tetracyclines), toxic agents,
MexEF-OprN biocides, bile salts, detergents, organic
MtrCDE Neisseria gonorrhoeae β-Lactams, cationic antibacterial peptides, [83–85]
ethidium bromide, macrolides, Triton
OqxAB E. coli (plasmid-encoded), Chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones [126]
K. pneumoniae
SmeABC, S. maltophilia Aminoglycosides, β-lactams, macrolides, [9, 161,
SmeDEF fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines 162]
138 X.-Z. Li
parasites. As shown in Table 10.1, while drug exporters MepA, MedA, NorA, NorB, NorC, and QacA/B [9, 10]. In
belonging to all of the five superfamilies described above are one study from the USA, increased expression of these
widely relevant in bacterial drug resistance [12], the pumps pumps was demonstrated in about 50 % of 232 clinical
mediating antifungal resistance mainly fall into ABC and bloodstream isolates and correlated with resistance to fluoro-
MFS transporters [11] and those pumps involving in anti- quinolones, biocides, and dyes [66]. In another study carried
parasitic resistance are often the ABC exporters [63]. Drug out in Portugal, about ¼ of 52 hospital-isolated ciprofloxa-
exporters also vary in substrate specificity with certain cin-resistant S. aureus displayed an elevated efflux activity
pumps being highly drug- or class-specific while others more toward an indicator substrate, ethidium bromide [67]. Single
accommodable to an incredibly broad range of the substrates. or multiple exposures to biocides and dyes that are used
However, it should be noted that the substrate profiles of widely in clinical settings have also been found to readily
many efflux pumps have often been established through the select the multidrug efflux pump overproducers [68]. In
heterologous expression of the relevant efflux genes in model Streptococcus spp., low-level resistance to 14- and 15-mem-
organisms such as E. coli [12] or Saccharomyces cerevisiae braned macrolides mediated by MFS-type Mef efflux pump
[11]. In these cases, the clinical significance of these pumps [69, 70]. Constitutive overexpression of ABC-type PatAB
in the native host should be examined carefully. For instance, transporter in Streptococcus pneumoniae also caused a four-
despite that E. coli genomes possess a large number of genes fold increase in MIC values of ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, and
encoding drug exporters, only a limited number of pumps levofloxacin [71] and PatAB overproduction was confirmed
(e.g., the predominate RND-type AcrAB-TolC system) can in clinical isolates with fluoroquinolone resistance [72].
contribute to clinically relevant resistance [64, 65]. In Gram-negative bacteria, hydrophilic agents predomi-
It is also important to discuss the contribution of drug nantly pass through the water-filled channels of porins, which
efflux pumps to resistance in the conjunction with other impose several restrictions to the influx of solutes, including
resistance mechanisms. In particular, the competition those to the size, hydrophobicity, charge, and number of the
between drug influx and efflux ultimately determines the open channels [73, 74]. Thus, small hydrophilic drugs pene-
steady-state drug level available to cytosolic drug targets. trate the outer membrane via porins, while the larger and/or
Figure 10.1 shows possible drug uptake and extrusion path- hydrophobic drugs need to cross the outer membrane through
ways in bacterial cells. The drug pathways in fungi or para- the lipid bilayer region (Fig. 10.1). Moreover, in comparison
sites are merely to cross the cytoplasmic membrane where with the classical porins (i.e., OmpF and OmpC) of E. coli,
the transporters are located. The drug may be taken from the certain Gram-negative species such as A. baumannii and P.
cytoplasmic membrane or the cytosol and be extruded out of aeruginosa mainly possess low-permeability porins (i.e.,
the cell. “slow porins” such as OprF and OmpA) [18]. In these bacte-
ria, the efflux mechanism becomes very effective in produc-
ing high-level resistance. In particular, the tripartite RND
3.1 Bacteria pumps can bypass the outer membrane barrier to directly
pump their substrates out of the cell. (For single-component
Considering the drug influx and efflux pathways as shown in pumps, their substrates would be only pumped to the peri-
Fig. 10.1, it is easier to recognize the role of drug efflux plasm and may be further taken up by RND pumps for extru-
pumps in resistance, including reasoning behind why many sion out of the cell.) Thus, single-component and
antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin, novobiocin, rifampicin, keto multicomponent pumps can interplay to increase the efflux
lides, and oxazolidinones) active against Gram-positive bac- effectiveness [17, 75]. The substrate molecules may also dif-
teria lack significant anti-Gram-negative activity [12]. The fuse through porin channels or the lipid bilayer region of the
physical and chemical characteristics of drugs and mem- outer membrane. Moreover, the clinical significance of RND
brane structures can themselves provide much explanation in pumps is not only attributed to the effectiveness of RND
terms of the spectrum activity of drugs against Gram-positive machinery but also to the extremely broad substrate specific-
and Gram-negative bacteria. In Gram-positive bacteria, ity. The latter, as shown for AcrB and MexB pumps, includes
drug molecules (particularly more hydrophobic agents) are practically all types of clinically relevant antibiotics, bio-
expected to readily cross the cytoplasmic membrane, and cides, detergents, dyes, free fatty acids, and organic solvents
hence, the role of efflux pumps is generally less significant (Table 10.1) [12]. Inactivation of the MexAB-OprM system
than that in Gram-negative bacteria [12]. However, the efflux in the wild-type P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain caused a 8- to
mechanism still contributes not only to basal susceptibility 128-fold reduction of the minimal inhibitory concentration
(or resistance) but also acquired resistance in Gram-positive (MIC) values of various antipseudomonal agents such as
bacteria. The basal resistance level can facilitate the develop- azlocillin, carbenicillin, cefoperazone, ceftriaxzone, and cip-
ment of higher, clinically relevant resistance levels. rofloxacin [76]. Similarly, in A. baumannii, disruption of
S. aureus strains possess multiple efflux pumps including AdeIJK pump in a wild-type strain produced a 4- to 16-fold
10 Active Efflux as a Mechanism of Resistance to Antimicrobial Drugs 139
MIC reduction of β-lactams (aztreonam, ceftazidime, mycobacterial drug resistance [91]. Overexpression of the
cefepime, and ticarcillin), chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, Rv1218c ABC pump was also observed in clinical tuber
minocycline, and tigecycline [77, 78]. culosis isolates with MDR phenotype [92]. Efflux also con-
Moreover, numerous studies have confirmed the signifi- tributes to the development of resistance to isoniazid and
cance of efflux mechanisms in the resistance of Gram- pyrazinamide [93, 94].
negative isolates from patients [12]. In one French study,
the overproduction of MexAB-OprM [76] and MexXY [79]
pumps was highly prevalent in clinical isolates with a 3.2 Fungi
reduced susceptibility to ticarcillin (MIC ≥32 μg/ml) [80]. If
considering the susceptibility breakpoints from the Clinical In addition to being a major pathogen of plants, fungi are
and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), the impact of an also important opportunistic pathogens of humans which
eightfold MIC increase due to the efflux mechanism alone predominantly include: C. albicans, Cryptococcus neofor
can change the strain categorization for several antipseudo- mans, and A. fumigatus [11]. The occurrence of fungal
monal drugs (aztreonam, meropenem, ticarcillin, ciprofloxa- infections has been increasing in clinical settings and their
cin, and levofloxacin) from susceptible (“S”) to intermediate treatment has also been threatened by the development of
(“I”) or resistant (“R”) [12]. Similarly, in another study from resistance, in particular MDR, in fungi [95, 96]. Several
Switzerland, a mechanically ventilated patient treated by two mechanisms are responsible for fungal drug resistance and
drug substrates of the MexCD-OprJ pump [81], cefepime these include, for example, overexpression or alteration of
(two durations, first 8 days, another 11 days) and ciprofloxa- drug targets, elevated cellular stress response, and upregula-
cin (14 days between two cefepime treatments), was found tion of multidrug transporters [96–98]. The active efflux
to have MexCD-OprJ-overproducing nfxB mutants, which process decreases effectively the intracellular drug concen-
were categorized as “R” as opposed to “S” with respect to trations and allows the fungi to survive against fungicides
susceptibility to fluoroquinolones (based on CLSI break- [11, 95]. The fungal genomes show the presence of a large
points) [82]. In Neisseria gonorrhoeae, MtrCDE [83, 84], number of efflux transporters. These efflux pumps mainly
MacAB, and NorM expression also influence the extensive fall into the superfamilies of the ABC and MFS transporters
or multiple drug resistance of clinical isolates [85]. (Table 10.1) [11, 95]. Fungal ABC transporters contain three
Inactivation of MtrCDE altered the susceptibility status for families involved in efflux of cytotoxic agents, i.e., the
azithromycin, penicillin, and tetracycline from “R” to “S” or MDR, multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP), and
“I.” The MacAB disruption rendered the resistant isolate the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) families. Belonging to
from “R” to “S”, providing an important example for the the PDR family, the most studied Cdr1p and Cdr2p pumps
clinical significance of ABC transporters in bacterial resis- of Candida spp. confer resistance to multiple agents includ-
tance. The NorM deficiency changed an “R” status to “I” for ing azoles such as fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole,
tetracycline [85]. A new study on post-therapy multidrug- and voriconazole (Table 10.1). Many studies have con-
resistant isolates of Salmonella enterica serova Typhimurium firmed the significance of these pumps (particularly Cdr1p)
revealed that a single amino acid substitution (Gly288Asp) as a major, clinically relevant mechanism of azole resistance
of the AcrB drug-binding pocket leads to clinically relevant in C. albicans [99]. Inactivation of Cdr1p in a clinical iso-
resistance to ciprofloxacin (16-fold MIC increase) and other lates reduced resistance to fluconazole, ketoconazole, and
agents but also confers increased susceptibility to minocy- itraconazole by 4- to 8-fold, while the disruption of Cdr2p
cline (fourfold MIC decrease; when the mutant AcrB was decreased resistance to fluconazole and ketoconazole by
expressed in a complementation study) [86]. merely less than twofold [100]. Another transporter of the
Mycobacteria exhibit high-level intrinsic resistance to PDR family, AtrB of A. nidulans, mediates resistance of all
many commonly used antimicrobial agents. This is attrib- major classes of fungicides including certain azoles [101].
uted to the interplay between the multiple mechanisms, The fungal MFS drug transporters also possess 12 or 14
including a highly impermeable cell wall and the presence of TMSs [95] and the well-studied MFS pumps, Mdr1 and its
multiple drug exporters (Fig. 10.1) [10]. The cell wall con- homologues, provide resistance to azoles and multiple other
tains long-chain fatty acids (mycolic acids) covalently linked agents (Table 10.1). CaMdr1 overexpression due to a gain
to the peptidoglycan-associated polysaccharide arabinoga- of function in its regulator MMR1 is the major mechanism
lactan [19]. Mycobacterial channels of porins are also sparse for azole resistance in clinical isolates of C. albicans [102].
[19]. Inactivation of several efflux pumps of various families The broad substrate profiles of fungal efflux pumps also
renders mycobacteria (including Mycobacterium tubercu pose a key challenge for the development of antifungal
losis) more susceptible to multiple classes of antimicrobial agents that are effective against fungi but remain safe to the
agents [87–90]. Elevated efflux pump expression has been human hosts because of the biochemical similarity between
found as a general first step in the evolution of high-level the two.
140 X.-Z. Li
The expression of fungal drug transporters is also MDR transporters and to develop combinatorial antimicrobial
controlled by multiple mechanisms. Cdr1p and Cdr2p therapies to rejuvenate the existing antimicrobials.
expression is regulated by the transcription factor Tac1 [97]. Staphylococcal NorA and Gram-negative AcrAB and Mex
Yet, for certain pumps such as PfCRT, it is the mutation of pumps have been widely used as models for the identification
the transporter proteins that possess a gain of function to and characterization of the efflux pump inhibitors [10].
extrude the substrates [11]. Current in-depth understanding of the pump structures and
transport mechanisms should fundamentally help us in such a
search of the pump inhibitors [12, 123]. In fact, various inhib-
7 I mplications of Drug Efflux Pumps itors from natural or synthetic sources have been identified to
in Antimicrobial Development sensitize in vitro or in animal models the resistant microbes
and Stewardship or parasites to antimicrobial agents [9, 10]. However, despite
scientific efforts of at least two decades, it still remains a great
Many clinically used and novel antimicrobials are substrates challenge to find clinically suitable efflux pump inhibitors for
for drug efflux transporters, thus requiring strategies for possible combinational therapy like those β-lactam-β-
development of novel antimicrobials that can bypass the lactamase inhibitor combinations. Nevertheless, several
action of the pumps and other inhibitory agents that can block inhibitors have been used routinely in laboratories to charac-
the efflux machinery to serve as antibiotic adjuvants [12]. In terize the efflux contribution to resistance in clinical isolates
this regard, antimicrobial research has been quite successful (although standardized methods should be established as dis-
in developing semisynthetic and synthetic agents that are sta- cussed in a recent review for bacteria [12]), and these include,
ble against inactivation such as many newer β-lactams and for example, phenylalanine- arginine- β-naphthylamide
fluoroquinolones. However, these agents can readily select (PAβN) and 1-(1-naphthylmethyl)-piperazine as inhibitors of
for drug efflux mutants such as those Mex pump overproduc- Gram-negative RND efflux pumps, and reserpine and vera-
ers [9]. Our recognition of antimicrobial influx and efflux pamil for inhibiting ABC or MFS transporters in bacteria
mechanisms (e.g., Fig. 10.1) helps the search for new antimi- (including mycobacteria), fungi, parasites, and cancer cells
crobial drugs. Mutants deficient in drug efflux pumps and cell [10–12, 124]. With the available crystallographic structures
membrane penetration barrier can be used for screening pos- of AcrB pump, molecular dynamics simulation studies of
sible antimicrobial substances. Moreover, one needs to also several RND pump inhibitors including PAβN, NMP, the
consider the size, charge, and hydrophobicity of the potential pyridoprimidine derivative D13-9001, and the pyranopyri-
drug molecules. This reasoning is because drug molecules dine derivative MBX2319 have provided insights about the
would somehow be lipophilic in order to cross the cytoplas- mechanisms of RND pump inhibition, e.g., most inhibitors
mic membrane (and outer membrane) before exerting their likely distort the structure of the AcrB distal pocket and
action [73, 74]. This often also becomes a problem since these impair the proper binding of the pump substrates [12, 125].
molecules are more likely to be substrates of drug efflux. Various fungal pump inhibitors such as milbemycins, quin-
Hence, small hydrophilic molecules may less likely act as azolinones, and unarmicins have also been reported [11].
substrates for drug efflux pump, and yet, this type of mole- Although the anthelmintic macrocyclic lactone endectocides
cules may not be able to effectively penetrate the cytoplasmic such as ivermectin are subjected to efflux by P-glycoprotein
membrane [12]. Overall, these considerations highlight the and MRP transporters, they are slowly transported and inter-
challenge for antimicrobial development to optimize the drug act with these pumps to serve as strong inhibitors [103]. This
access by increasing influx and decreasing efflux of drug mol- fact supports the combinational therapy approach to reverse
ecules. Indeed, the new ribosome-targeting omadacyclines the efflux of MDR transporters [103]. Interestingly, a number
that display activity against tetracycline-specific efflux and of agents other than avermectins can also inhibit MDR trans-
ribosome protection mechanisms [120, 121] are still the sub- porters and their use with avermectins may improve anthel-
strate of RND pumps [122]. Several newly developed classes mintic efficacy of avermectins because of possible
of antibiotics are also substrates of Gram-negative RND pharmacological reversal of MDR transporter-mediated
pumps and thus are mainly active against Gram-positive bac- efflux [103]. Efflux pump inhibitors have also been found to
teria. But some newer fluoroquinolones may have become decrease emergence of resistance as well as to decrease bio-
less subjected to drug efflux [12]. film formation and pathogenicity as evident with bacteria
An alternative approach for combating drug efflux mecha- [12]. These effects provide more incentive for pump i nhibitor
nisms is to identify efflux pump inhibitors. This approach has development. It is also important to indicate that the outer
been highly appreciated since the discovery of drug efflux membrane permeability barrier of Gram-negative bacteria
pumps with an aim to understand the natural substrates of the interacts with efflux pumps and hence its permeabilization by
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The Functional Resistance of Biofilms
Elias K. Manavathu and Jose A. Vazquez
them clinically threatening by providing a reservoir of Although many microorganisms of clinical importance
microbes capable of initiating recurrent and active infection are capable of producing biofilms, there are significant dif-
[29, 36–38]. ferences in the ability of even different members of a single
genus in the production of biofilm. For example, most
Candida species are capable of producing biofilms, but there
1.2 M
onomicrobial and Mixed Microbial is significant variability in their ability to form mature bio-
Biofilms film. For instance, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei are
not prolific producers of dense, thick biofilm, like the biofilm
Microbial biofilm can be formed by a single species produced by C. albicans [48–52]. Nevertheless, all Candida
(monomicrobial biofilm) or multiple species (polymicrobial biofilms are known to exhibit the hallmark biofilm character-
biofilms). Recent advancements in metagenomics and micro- istics such as reduced susceptibility to antifungal drugs,
biome studies suggest that polymicrobial biofilms are much decreased growth rate of the biofilm bound cells, the ability
more likely to form in nature, whether it is the human body, to survive under nutrient limiting conditions, and the pres-
the root system of an alpha-alpha plant, a shiny rock in a cold ence of an extracellular matrix.
lake or a hot spring [18, 39–43]. Polymicrobial biofilm pro-
ducing organisms belong to highly different taxonomic
groups, including those belonging to different kingdoms 3 A
ntibiotic and Microbicide Tolerance/
forming an interkingdom (e.g., fungal-bacterial assemblage) Resistance of Microbial Biofilms
interaction producing biofilm [44, 45]. The characteristics of
monomicrobial biofilm produced ECM may be different Microbial cells in biofilm are generally highly tolerant/
from that of the polymicrobial biofilm and such variations resistant to antimicrobial drugs and thus difficult to eradicate
will have profound impact on the susceptibility of the with standard antimicrobial therapy. In fact, biofilm cells
organism(s) within the biofilm to antimicrobial drugs [46, show up to a 1000-fold more tolerance/resistance to antimi-
47]. Moreover, a species-specific targeted antimicrobial ther- crobial drugs than their planktonic cell counterparts. Initially,
apy of a polymicrobial biofilm complex may eliminate one it was believed that the ECM was the main culprit rendering
species and provide an opportunity for the more virulent resistance to the antimicrobial drug by acting as a physical
organism to flourish and thrive. Figures 11.1 and 11.2 show barrier and limiting the accessibility of the drug to the target
typical examples of polymicrobial biofilms formed by cells. However, recent evidence indicates that limiting the
Aspergillus fumigatus with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and accessibility of the drug to the target cells by the ECM acting
Scedosporium prolificans with P. aeruginosa. These organ- as a physical barrier is only a small part of the multitude of
isms are common inhabitants of the airways of cystic fibrosis drug resistance mechanisms described within microbial
patients. biofilms.
Multidrug tolerance (MDT) is the ability of a microorgan-
ism to resist killing by antibiotics or microbicides and it is
2 Prevalence of Microbial Biofilms mechanistically and genetically distinct from multidrug
resistance (MDR). Multidrug tolerance is a noninheritable
In theory, all microbial species from Gram-negative to Gram- phenotypic trait that is not passed on from parent to offspring
positive bacteria, pathogenic yeasts to filamentous fungi, and and appears to be genetically unstable. Thus, it is not induced
fresh water algae to marine phytoplankton are capable of by a mutation. In contrast, MDR is an inheritable trait that is
adhering to a solid surface and are capable of initiating, pro- usually genetically stable and developed by spontaneous
ducing, and sustaining biofilms in appropriate ecological mutations or by the secondary acquisition of the trait from an
niches. The majority of the biofilm studies have focused on external source such as mobile genetic elements (plasmids
those organisms causing diseases in man such as Staphylococcus and transposons). Most microorganisms such as bacteria,
aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus mutans, fungi, and at times even parasites display MDT. Figure 11.3
Burkholderia cepacia, Acinetobacter baumannii, Candida shows a brief diagrammatic illustration of the known mecha-
albicans, and Aspergillus fumigatus because of their preva- nisms of MDT/MDR in microbial biofilms.
lence and clinical importance. The National Institute of Health
now estimates that as many as 80 % of the clinical infections
seen in humans have a biofilm origin. Subsequently, this trans- 3.1 Role of Low Level Cell Divisional
lates into a significant economic impact due to microbial bio- and Metabolic Rates
films in terms of increased morbidity and mortality, increased
length of stay, and the additional economic cost associated with A typical microbial biofilm is composed of a physiologically
the care and treatment of recalcitrant microbial infections for heterogeneous cell population ranging from slow growing
prolonged periods of time. cells in stationary phase, to non-growing, near dormant but
11 The Functional Resistance of Biofilms 151
Fig. 11.1 Low (Panels A & B) and high (Panels C & D) magnification pregrown for 18 h. The biofilm was observed and imaged in a FEI XL30
scanning electron micrograph of a polymicrobial biofilm formed by scanning electron microscope (FEI, Hillsboro, OR) at 10 kV.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fumigatus. The biofilm was Legends: AF, Asergillus fumigatus hypha; PA, Pseudomonas aerugi-
developed on Tissue Culture Thermanox 13 mm coverslips in SD broth nosa cells forming biofilm; ECM, extracellular matrix
in 12-well cell culture dishes at 35 °C for 48 h using A. fumigatus hyphae
live cells that persist [53]. A model theory has been proposed carbohydrate, cell membrane, and cell wall syntheses, just to
by Lewis et al. [54] to explain the unprecedented recalci- name a few. The intracellular location of drug targets poses
trance of biofilm to antimicrobial drugs and primarily focuses two problems for antibiotic activity: (1) the antimicrobial
on two hallmark features of microbial biofilms: (1) the het- drug has to have easy access to the target molecule(s) to elicit
erogeneity of the growth phases in the biofilm community its inhibitory action and (2) the need for physiologically
and (2) the presence of the extracellular matrix that limits the active cells carrying out the targeted metabolic reaction(s),
effectiveness of antimicrobial drugs by preventing or limit- for the antimicrobial drug to be effective. This is particularly
ing their accessibility to the target cells. It has been shown true in the case of cytocidal drugs, unless the antibiotic is
that a population of slow-growing, stationary-phase cells able to cause lethal physical damage or injury to an existing
within the biofilm can tolerate the killing action of the fluo- cellular component in the absence of an active metabolic
roquinolone antibiotic ofloxacin, in which a small population state. On the other hand, cytostatic drugs are not required to
of cells within the biofilm was not killed by this agent [55]. have physiologically active cells to arrest growth and prevent
Among the 100 s of antimicrobial drugs currently multiplication, but eradication of the infecting pathogen will
available on the market for treating microbial infections, the not take place. In either case, low cellular divisional and
majority of them act on intracellular targets involved in vari- metabolic rates within the biofilm cells make them less sus-
ous metabolic pathways, such as nucleic acid, protein, lipid, ceptible to antimicrobial drugs when compared to the
152 E.K. Manavathu and J.A. Vazquez
Fig. 11.2 Low (Panels A & B) and high (Panels C & D) magnification hyphae pregrown for 18 h. Biofilm was observed and imaged in a FEI
scanning electron micrograph of polymicrobial biofilm formed by XL30 scanning electron microscope (FEI, Hillsboro, OR) at 10 kV.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Scedosporium prolificans. The biofilm Legends: SP, Scedosporium prolificans hypha; PA, Pseudomonas aeru-
was developed on Tissue Culture Thermanox 13 mm coverslips in SD ginosa cells forming biofilm; ECM, extracellular matrix; ECMP, extra-
broth in 12-well cell culture dishes at 35 °C for 48 h using S. prolificans cellular matrix precursor produced by the fungal hyphae
actively growing cells. This reduced susceptibility is demon- stationary phase planktonic and biofilm cultures [36, 47, 52,
strated by the cells within the biofilm by expressing tolerance 55, 56, 58–63]. Since the genetic factor(s) that makes the per-
to low levels of antimicrobial drugs by virtue of their meta- sister cells tolerant to high concentrations of antibiotics is an
bolic inactivity. unstable, nonheritable characteristic, it is different from the
genetically stable inheritable antibiotic resistance trait that is
passed on from the parent to the progeny from generation to
3.2 Persister Cells generation. Persister cells that are recovered from stationary or
biofilm cultures are susceptible to the same antibiotic when
Persister cells are a very small subpopulation of isogenic cells evaluated in planktonic cultures. Eventually, a new subpopula-
(usually less than 1 %) present in stationary phase within the tion of persister cells will develop during a new cycle of
biofilm. Under biofilm conditions, the cultures show high level growth. Both biofilm and stationary phase cultures produce
tolerance to multiple antimicrobials by virtue of their transient persister cells, but biofilm cultures often produce greater num-
phenotypic expression. Persister cells neither grow nor die in bers of persister cells than stationary planktonic cultures. It has
the presence of high concentration of antimicrobial drugs [56– already been shown that persister cells are largely responsible
58]. A wide variety of microorganisms including bacteria and for the drug recalcitrance and the development of chronic and
pathogenic yeasts are capable of producing persister cells in recurrent microbial infections [57, 60, 64–69].
11 The Functional Resistance of Biofilms 153
Fig. 11.3 Diagrammatic
illustration of the known Acquisition of drug
Low rates of division
mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance determinant
and metabolism of
drug tolerance/resistance in by horizontal gene
biofilms. See the text for biofilm cells
Biofilm specific Presence of persister
mechanisms of
transcriptional cells that neither grow
antimicrobial drug
regulator mediated nor die in the presence
upregulation of of antimicrobial drugs
resistance in
multidrug efflux pumps
Presence of
extracellular matrix
that either restricts or
prevents accessibility
of antimicrobial drugs
to target cells
There is a clear difference between microbial resistance shortage of amino acids present in the cell) and a group of
and microbial tolerance to antimicrobial drugs. In the former nucleoid-associated proteins. Alarmones are intracellular
case, a resistant organism is able to grow and multiply in the signal molecules that are produced during harsh environ-
presence of high concentrations of the antimicrobial that is mental conditions [71]. The alarmones regulate gene expres-
inhibitory to drug-susceptible cells. However, in the case of sion at the transcription level. These signal molecules are
drug tolerance, the tolerant cells are usually unable to grow produced in high concentrations when harsh environmental
and reproduce in the presence of the antimicrobial agent. factors occur to organisms, such as lack of amino acids or
These cells become refractory to the killing effect of a micro- carbon sources. Thus, one of the signature physiological
bicidal drug and remain viable in a dormant state until the cues that initiate the formation of persister cells in an iso-
adverse pressure is removed. Afterwards, these cells become genic biofilm culture is nutrient induced starvation stress.
active again and resume a conventional growth cycle. The Interestingly, although both planktonic and biofilm cells are
cells within the biofilm are highly resistant to killing by bac- dependent on nutrient transition for the development of
tericidal antibiotics when compared to the logarithmic and E. coli persister cells, the set of proteins and enzymes are
stationary phase cells [55]. This unparalleled drug tolerance significantly different and appeared to be independently
exhibited by the cells within the biofilm is due to the pres- regulated [70].
ence of persister cells.
3.2.2 M icrobicidal Drug Tolerance in Persister
3.2.1 Initiation of Persister Cells Cells
In spite of the recent renewed interest in the developmental Although the presence of persister cells in stationary phase
biology of persister cells, very little is known about the cell and biofilm cultures was discovered by Joseph Bigger in 1944
signal or the physiological cue that triggers the development [72, 73], the mechanism(s) of their high level multidrug toler-
of persistence in biofilms containing isogenic cells. Recently, ance and the physiological nature of these cells have remained
Amato and Brynildsen [70] studied the effect of nutrient unexplained until recently. Persister cells are derived from a
transition (or nutrient switching) on the development of per- population of isogenic cells and their genetic makeup remains
sisters in E. coli biofilms. Nutrient transition (e.g., switching similar even after the development of persistence. Thus, dif-
from one carbon source to another) induces a metabolic ferential gene expression appears to be the key to the pheno-
stress in both planktonic and biofilm cells. By switching the typic expression of persistence that allow the persisters to
biofilm cells from one type of carbon source to another, these resist the killing effect of microbicidal drugs. One of the dif-
investigators showed that persister cell development in ficulties that have hampered progress in persister cell research
E. coli biofilm was dependent on nutrient transition which is the inherent difficulty in isolating these special cells from an
was mediated by guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) (an alar- in vitro biofilm culture containing a population of isogenic
mone which is involved in the stringent responses in bacteria cells. Using a special persister cell isolation method, Lewis
causing the inhibition of RNA synthesis when there is a et al. [56] and Keren et al. [58] performed a series of gene
154 E.K. Manavathu and J.A. Vazquez
profiling studies on E. coli persister cells. The expression p ersister phenotype and improve the efficacy of tobramycin.
profile studies indicate an elevated expression of a toxin- Therefore, the primary effect of mannitol in reverting b iofilm
antitoxin gene module, as well as several other genes that pos- associated persister cells appears to be primarily an active,
sess the ability to block important cellular functions, including physiological response, associated with a minor contribution
translation. This self-imposed shut down of the essential cel- of osmotic stress. A third rather ingenious approach for the
lular functions prevents the microbicidal drug from corrupting elimination of persister cells in biofilm was reported by
the cellular functions and protects the cell from lethal conse- Conlon et al. [64]. The acyldepsipeptide antibiotic (ADEP4)
quences. The corollary is also true. Expression of the chromo- has been shown to activate ClpP, a nonspecific protease usu-
somally encoded toxin genes such as RelE [74] and HipA [75] ally resulting in the death of growing cells [64, 82, 83].
provides a sharp increase in the number of persister cells. Treatment of S. aureus biofilm with ClpP kills persister cells
Thus, these investigators suggested that a random fluctuation by degrading over 400 proteins forcing the cells to self-
in levels of multidrug tolerance proteins may lead to the for- digest. Moreover, combining ADEP4 with rifampicin pro-
mation and preservation of rare persister cells. duced complete eradication of S. aureus biofilm in vitro and
In addition to the toxin-antitoxin gene module expression, in a mouse model of chronic infection [64].
other genes are also involved in the initiation and develop-
ment of persister cells. De Groote et al. [76] applied a differ- 3.2.4 Fungal Persister Cells
ent strategy to identify potential candidate genes involved in In addition to bacterial species such as P. aeruginosa [55,
the initiation and the development of persister cells. Using 84–86], E. coli [61, 70, 77], S. aureus [62, 87–89], and
a high-throughput screening technique these investigators B. cepacia [90, 91] that readily produce persister cells,
screened a mutant library of P. aeruginosa containing over eukaryotic microbes that are capable of producing prolific
5000 clones. They identified nine mutants that demonstrated biofilms (e.g., Candida species) are also known to produce
persistence in the presence of the antimicrobial; four inser- persister cells [59, 63]. LaFleur et al. [59] have studied the
tion mutant in dinG, spuC, PA14_17880, and PA14_66140 presence of persister cells in C. albicans biofilm. Their
showing low persister phenotype and five mutants (algR, investigation revealed that in young Candida biofilm expres-
pilH, ycgM, pheA, and PA14_13680) displaying high level sion of efflux pumps was mainly responsible for resistance to
persistence. triazoles [59]. On the other hand, antifungal drug resistance
in mature biofilm exhibited a biphasic killing pattern in
3.2.3 Eradication of Persister Cells response to exposure to microbicidal drugs such as ampho-
Elimination of persister cells is the key to the eradication of tericin B and chlorhexidine (an antiseptic agent) indicating
the biofilm and biofilm-related infection. Several approaches that a subpopulation of highly drug tolerant cells existed in
have been adopted by various investigators to achieve this mature biofilm. The extent of killing produced by these drugs
goal [77–79]; however, none of the approaches appear to be individually and in combination was almost the same sug-
highly effective and hold guarded promise for further gesting that the subpopulation was invulnerable to these
research work in this area. One of the approaches is to reac- drugs. Furthermore, reinoculation of cells that survived the
tivate the persister cells from their dormant metabolic state killing of the biofilm by amphotericin B were able to pro-
and treat the reactivated cells with an effective antibiotic. duce a new biofilm with a new population of persister cells
The fatty acid signaling molecule, cis-2-decenoic acid suggesting that the persisters are not genetic mutants, but are
(cis-DA), is able to change the metabolic status of P. aerugi- genuine phenotypic variants of the wild type. As in the case
nosa and E. coli persister cells from a dormant state to a of bacteria, C. albicans also produces multidrug tolerant per-
metabolically active state without an increase in cell number sister cells in both stationary phase planktonic and biofilm
by multiplication [80]. The cis-DA mediated reactivation of cultures suggesting that both yeasts and bacteria have
persister cells coincided with an increased respiratory rate evolved similar strategies for the survival and preservation
and protein synthesis. Moreover, a combination treatment of of a small subpopulation of highly drug tolerant cells.
P. aeruginosa and E. coli cells with cis-DA and an otherwise
ineffective antibiotic was able to significantly decrease cell
viability. 3.3 The Role of Extracellular Matrix
A second approach to increase the susceptibility of per-
sister cells to antimicrobials is to expose the dormant cells to The extracellular matrix (ECM) is an integral part of the
an osmotic agent such as mannitol. Treatment of P. aerugi- microbial biofilm and cells. In essence, the complex is envel-
nosa cells with tobramycin in combination with mannitol oped by the ECM and is protected to an extent from the harsh
(10–40 mM) increased the susceptibility of persister cells to external environment outside the matrix, including the pres-
tobramycin up to a 1000-fold [81]. Similarly, the addition ence of antimicrobial drugs. The ECM is primarily made up of
of mannitol to pregrown biofilms was able to revert the complex exopolysaccharides that form the skeletal network of
11 The Functional Resistance of Biofilms 155
the ECM to which other macromolecules such as proteins and P. aeruginosa cells in polymicrobial biofilms formed by
DNA are incorporated, thus adding to the thickness and the A. fumigatus and P. aeruginosa is highly resistant to
structural integrity and stability of the ECM [17, 92–101]. cefepime, but is not resistant to tobramycin or ciprofloxacin
There is no indication that the proteins and the nucleic acid [45]. Inherent or acquired resistance mechanism(s) have not
molecules are specifically synthesized by the biofilm cells to been identified and associated with Cefepime-resistance.
be incorporated in ECM, but they appear to be scavenged by This indicates that the ECM may be responsible for the
the biofilm building cells from the surrounding microenviron- selective protection of the encased P. aeruginosa cells in an
ment left behind after cell lysis. The presence of DNA and A. fumigatus-P. aeruginosa polymicrobial biofilm. On the
proteins in the biofilm provides strength, integrity, and rigidity other hand, monomicrobial biofilms formed by P. aerugi-
to the biofilm. It has been shown that treating microbial bio- nosa failed to provide the same level of differential suscepti-
films within the ECM with DNAase reduces biofilm mass, bility to cefepime. The permeability characteristics of ECM
increases the permeability of certain antibiotics, and increases may change with the alteration of its chemical composition
the susceptibility of the microbial biofilms to antibiotics [17, and with altered chemical composition, the physical charac-
96, 100]. teristics will be changed affecting its permeability proper-
The chemical composition and the architecture of the ties. For instance, if the ECM contains a higher concentration
ECM are highly variable and mainly dependent on the type of polar molecules [107] or hydrophobic molecules [108,
of biofilms formed by the microorganisms. The ECM pro- 109], the permeability of nonpolar and hydrophilic antibiot-
duced by monomicrobial biofilm is believed to be simple in ics will be markedly affected by reducing their accessibility
its chemical composition and structure consisting of repeated to cellular target of action. Thus, the low level of intracel
subunits of one or two types of carbohydrates [102–106]. On lular drug results in reduced activity and decreased
the other hand, the chemistry and the architecture of ECM susceptibility.
formed by mixed microbial cultures producing polymicro-
bial biofilms are extremely complex. For instance, in a dual
microbial biofilm both partners of the biofilm contribute to 3.4 A
cquired Resistance by Horizontal
the physical-chemical properties of the ECM. In many cases, Gene Transfer
although both components of the biofilm actively contribute
to the construction of the biofilm ECM, their contributions Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) is a frequent mode of intra-
are disproportionally divided between the participating species and interspecies transmission of antimicrobial drug
members of the mixed microbial community. Sometimes one resistance determinants among bacterial cells within bio-
component may contribute more to the building of the bio- films [110–115]. HGT is the process by which bacteria can
film matrix than the other components. This appears to be the pass genetic material (mobile genetic elements and genomic
case for polymicrobial biofilms formed by the mixed cul- DNA) from one cell to another horizontally (rather than from
tures of Aspergillus and Scedosporium species with the the parent to the progeny) by transformation, conjugation, or
pathogenic bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Polymic transduction. In transformation, bacterial DNA from lysed
robial biofilms of A. fumigatus or Scedosporium apiosper- cells is transported across the cellular membrane by actively
mum or Scedosporium prolificans with P. aeruginosa are growing bacterial cells in a physiological state called “com-
prolific producers of biofilm ECM. High resolution scanning petence.” The material is incorporated into their own genome
electron micrographs reveal that the basic frame work of the by genetic recombination. Any genetic trait that is advanta-
ECM in these cases is produced by the fungal hyphae, ini- geous (e.g., antimicrobial drug resistance determinants, abil-
tially in the form of polysaccharides strands originated from ity to utilize alternate nutrient sources, ability to metabolize
vesicular bodies on the hyphae and subsequently weaved toxic chemicals) to the survival and fitness of the cell will be
into an elaborate network resembling a “Fisherman’s net” retained by natural selection. The newly transformed cell
entrapping and encasing the bacterial cells within will eventually outgrow the rest of the population under
(Fig. 11.2d). Subsequently, the ECM encased cells benefit selection pressure and will eventually become the dominant
from the added protection by decreasing the inhibitory strain because of the natural selection process. One of the
effects of the antimicrobial agent. earliest reported examples of transformation is the classic
The exact mechanism(s) by which the ECM renders pro- experiment by Frederick Griffith [116] showing that non-
tection and tolerance for biofilm cells from the effects of virulent Streptococcus pneumonia became virulent with the
antimicrobial drugs is largely unknown and has yet to be addition of the cell extract from a virulent strain transferred
investigated to any degree. However, it is generally believed to a growing S. pneumonia culture. This classic experiment
that the ECM acts as a molecular sieve providing physical not only paved the way to the discovery of transformation,
protection from the drugs by allowing the selective perme- but also provided evidence in support of DNA as the genetic
ation of certain antibiotic(s), but not others. For example, the material. Similarly, Aspiras et al. [117] have demonstrated
156 E.K. Manavathu and J.A. Vazquez
that biofilm grown Streptococcus mutans was transformed to for increased spontaneous mutation, but also an increased
erythromycin resistant phenotype by the addition of naked frequency of HGT. For instance, in S. aureus biofilms the
DNA. In fact, the rates of transformation were 10–600 times frequency (1.9 × 10−4) of HGT is increased by almost 16,000-
greater than those observed in planktonic cell culture. fold compared to the frequency (1 × 10−9) in planktonic cul-
The second HGT mechanism by which the biofilm tures [121]. There are several examples of horizontal gene
embedded bacterial cells acquire resistance to antimicrobial transfer coupled with acquisition of drug resistance under
drugs depends on their ability to transfer genetic traits from biofilm conditions in a wide variety of biofilm producing
one cell to the other by conjugation. In contrast to transfor- organisms [115, 122–124].
mation, conjugation requires direct physical contact between
the donor and the recipient by a conjugation tube called an
“F pilus.” The F pilus is composed of proteins encoded by 3.5 B
iofilm Specific Upregulation of MDR
the F plasmid in the donor cell. It contracts drawing the cells Efflux Pumps
closer together and the DNA passes through the conjugation
tube to the recipient cell [118]. One of the prerequisites that The enhanced frequency of spontaneous mutation and HGT
facilitate conjugational transfer of genetic material is a stable within the biofilm community results in the increased antibi-
undisturbed environment and close proximity between otic resistance/tolerance. In addition, the biofilm growth
neighboring cells. The biofilm growth condition is ideal for appears to employ some of the classic gene regulation mech-
providing a stable uninterrupted environment with close anisms described in high level resistance/tolerance to
proximity to neighboring cells (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2). Dunny antimicrobial drugs. BrlR is a biofilm specific MerR-like
et al. [119] demonstrated the effective conjugational transfer transcriptional regulator of multidrug transporters that plays
of a tetracycline bearing plasmid in Enterococcus faecalis a key role in the high-level drug resistance/tolerance in
biofilm, with a frequency almost 100 times greater than Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. The dimeric MerR regu-
that obtained in planktonic cultures. The close association lator binds to the operator region of the promoter and then
between microbes of many different species found in natu- recruits σ70 factor and RNA polymerase forming a ternary
rally occurring (non-laboratory) biofilms would seem to pro- complex. Transcription is now repressed because the binding
mote the possibility of cross species conjugation. In fact, of MerR regulator dimer has bent the promoter DNA slightly
interspecies conjugation has been observed in the laboratory such that RNA polymerase is unable to make proper contact
and in a dual species biofilm consisting of a tetracycline- with the promoter region. However, upon binding the cog-
resistant Bacillus subtilis strain and a tetracycline sensitive nate metal ions, the metal-bound MerR homodimer molecule
Staphylococcus species where the drug resistant Bacillus causes a realignment of the promoter region to accommodate
passed on the resistance trait to Staphylococcus [120]. proper RNA polymerase binding to the −35 and −10 sequen
The third mechanism of HGT is transduction. During the ces leading to open complex formation and transcription [125].
replication of a bacteriophage in the lytic cycle, a bacterial BrlR binds to its own promoter, most likely in a manner
virus is accidently packaged with a piece of bacterial DNA similar to that of MerR involving palindromic sequence.
together with the phage genome. When the bacterial DNA Unlike the known MerR family of multidrug transport acti-
carrying phage infects another bacterial cell, at least a por- vators, BrlR is not activated by multidrug transporter sub-
tion of the viral genomic DNA introduced into the cell is strates. Instead, BrlR–DNA binding is enhanced by the
bacterial and not viral. The bacterial DNA thus introduced is secondary messenger c-di-GMP. In addition, c-di-GMP pro-
subsequently incorporated into the bacterial genome either motes increased expression of brlR gene by enhancing its
by recombination or by the integration of the bacterial virus promoter activity. Binding studies have shown that one c-di-
into the host genome by lysogeny. If the heterologous DNA GMP molecule binds two BrlR [126]. Thus, brlR binds to its
thus introduced to the new host bacterial recipient carries own promoter in the presence of the secondary messenger
antibiotic resistance determinants, then the recipient cell cyclic-di-GMP and autoinduces its own expression. The
would show resistance/tolerance to antimicrobial drug(s). increased levels of BrlR in conjunction with another tran-
Reports of transduction within biofilms are not as common scriptional regulator called SagS [127] activate the multi-
as those of transformation or conjugation. However, numer- drug efflux pump operons mexAB-oprM and mexEF-oprN,
ous reports exist of bacterial virus genes being expressed in thus enhancing the synthesis of the multidrug efflux proteins
biofilms. There are also examples of bacterial genes carried MexA and MexE. The increased MexA and MexE levels
by bacteriophages being expressed in the cells of biofilms. result in active expulsion of intracellular antimicrobial
HGT is extremely rare in planktonic cultures. The persistent drug(s) conferring high level resistance/tolerance to biofilm
biofilm growth provides not only a favorable environment bound cells [126–130].
11 The Functional Resistance of Biofilms 157
4 I mplications of Microbial Biofilms periods of time (often multiple organisms in the same body
in Healthcare (Infectious Diseases), site) providing ample opportunities for mutualistic or syner-
Industry, and Environment gistic interactions resulting in the formation of polymicro-
bial biofilms. For instance, the chronically infected lungs of
The formation of drug tolerant/resistant biofilms by micro- patients with cystic fibrosis are frequently culture positive
bial pathogens carries important clinical implications in at for P. aeruginosa and A. fumigatus. Interestingly enough,
least four major areas related to the treatment and mana these organisms are traditionally antagonistic in nature and
gement of infectious diseases: (1) increased tolerance/ in this case are able adapt to each other, producing a sustain-
resistance of the biofilm to antimicrobial drug therapy, (2) able interaction which often leads to the formation of biofilm
the ability of cells within the biofilm to withstand or even involving both species. Obviously, such duel-species micro-
evade the host immune defenses, (3) biofilm formation on bial growth produces duel-species biofilms whose composi-
medical devices that can negatively impact the host by caus- tion and characteristics are significantly different, including
ing the failure of the device and/or by serving as a reservoir the production of a mixed microbial ECM. The inflamma-
for disseminated and recurrent infections, and finally (4) per- tory response of the host immune system to the monomicro-
sistence of certain chronic medical conditions due to the bial and polymicrobial biofilms could have vastly different
modulation of the host immune system. clinical implications.
Diabetic foot infections with associated chronic wounds
are another important medical condition where microbial
4.1 Medical Device Related Infections biofilms play a major role in the inability of chronic wound
to heal. Chronic wound microbiology in this setting is
A significant percentage of nosocomial infections are directly extremely complex and a wide variety of microorganisms
related to the implantation of modern medical devices and are implicated in delayed wound healing [65, 68, 69, 143–
prosthetics commonly used to either improve the quality of 148]. Staphylococcus aureus (often in combination with
life or deliver improved medical care [131, 132]. However, C. albicans) is the most common bacteria in chronic wounds,
the use of these devices on a long term or permanent basis followed by Enterococcus faecalis, P. aeruginosa, coagulase
comes with an increased risk for infection [132–139]. These negative staphylococci, and Proteus species. However, in all
medical devices are generally composed of plastic, steel, or likelihood, they represent only a fraction of the microbial
other types of durable material to which microorganisms can community associated with chronic wounds in diabetics.
attach to rapidly and with high efficiency [140–142]. In view Harrison-Balestra et al. [149] showed that wound-isolated
of the long term use of these devices, the organisms com- P. aeruginosa displays characteristics of a mature biofilm
monly responsible for medical devices related infections are within 10 h of in vitro growth suggesting that bacteria in
capable of producing sustainable and recalcitrant biofilms. wounds are capable of rapidly generating biofilms. In con-
The biofilm community of cells is not only highly resistant to trast, only 6 % of acute wounds contain active microbial
commonly used antimicrobial drugs, but also provides a res- biofilms whereas 60 % of chronic wounds exhibited biofilm
ervoir for recurrent and at times life-threatening bloodstream formation. The polymicrobial nature of chronic wound
infections [36]. Moreover, at times the presence of a micro- infections and the possible role of anaerobic bacteria have
bial biofilm causes the malfunction and failure of the device. also been described by several investigators [150, 151].
The most commonly involved medical devices associated Several studies have found a correlation between the pres-
with the development of microbial biofilms are intravascular ence of multiple bacterial species and nonhealing wounds
catheters (IVCs), prosthetic devices used in orthopedic sur- when compared to one bacterial species [150, 151].
gery such as hip and knee replacements, metal plates and
orthodontic devices. Studies have also shown that biofilms
are able to rapidly recover from mechanical disruption of 4.3 Role of Biofilm in Modulation of Immune
these devices and reform biofilm within 24 h. Thus, removal Response
of the device involved followed by aggressive antimicrobial
therapy is the only viable option to clear device-related The inflammatory response mounted by the immune system
biofilm-dependent infection. of the affected host against invading pathogens is intended to
protect the host and damage the infectious agent. However,
there are several clinical conditions involving chronic infec-
4.2 Biofilm and Chronic Infection tions where the mounting proinflammatory immune response
is actually detrimental to the host tissue due to the so-called
Chronic infections are the breeding ground for microbial friendly fire causing irreversible and sustained tissue dam-
biofilm development. In chronic infections (as opposed age. In many of these cases, the presence of microbial bio-
to active infections) the organism(s) persist for prolonged films is the underlying cause for the misdirected “friendly
158 E.K. Manavathu and J.A. Vazquez
fire.” Furthermore, the problem is aggravated by the presence Diagnosis, characterization, and implications of biofilms
of multiple organisms in the biofilm community [35, 152–156]. will have to be considered in all infections where biofilms
Chronically infected cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is a prime have been described. In general, biofilms affect human health
example of this. In effect, although these patients are chroni- in relation to infectious diseases in four major areas: (1)
cally colonized with numerous organisms, the majority of development of antimicrobial resistance, (2) increases in
the lung tissue destruction and damage is due to the proin- medical device-associated infections, (3) increased persis-
flammatory response of the host immune system to the tence of chronic infections, and (4) alter the immune response
organisms and not due to the infectious agent(s) entirely. to infections by immune modulation. Subsequently, subopti-
Certain chemical component(s) of the ECM produced by the mal management of any biofilm-associated infection may
microbial biofilm, including the exogenous DNA in the result in increased morbidity and mortality, with increased
matrix, is directly responsible for the proinflammatory healthcare cost.
response leading to the lung tissue damage [157]. A second
prime example is the chronic wounds in diabetics where they
often contain polymicrobial biofilms as the root cause of the 6 Future Directions
nonhealing, chronic wound. The proinflammatory factors
produced by the immune system in response to the wound The increasing dilemma of the management of biofilm-
microbial biofilm are thought to be responsible for the fact associated infections will force us to investigate and develop
that the wound healing process stagnates and becomes fixed novel antibiofilm drugs directed at one or more of the major
in the “inflammatory wound healing stage” and thus the stages in the development of biofilm such as adhesion, matu-
body is unable to successfully progress towards the prolif- ration, dispersion, or quorum sensing. By directly interfering
erative stage of wound healing [152–154]. The inflammatory with one or more of these stages of biofilm, the persistence
response is generally unsuccessful in eradicating the existing of a chronic infection and/or the spread of infection would be
biofilm. On the contrary, it frequently increases biofilm sur- markedly reduced. Evaluation of antibiofilm drugs that pre-
vival and prolongs the chronicity of the wound. A third vent either adhesion or dispersal may be able to directly
example of the unintended consequences of microbial bio- attack the source of infection without having to utilize an
film mediated modulation of the immune system is peri- antimicrobial agent, and thus avoid antimicrobial drug resis-
odontitis. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory condition tance developing in chronic biofilm-associated infections.
of the periodontium. Periodontitis is frequently caused by In addition, since a major “inciter” of biofilms are implanted
the presence of numerous microbial biofilms formed on the foreign bodies, a possible strategy may be to utilize “anti-
teeth called dental plaque. Substances released from the den- adhesion” agents in the construction of these devices, thus
tal plaque such as lipopolysaccharides, antigens, and other reducing the generation of a device-associated biofilm
virulence factors gain access to the gingival tissues and initi- infection.
ate a chronic inflammatory immune response, leading to the Finally, since a major component of stability and growth
activation of the host immune response. As a result of the in all biofilms appears to be the ECM, this would appear to
cellular activation and release of inflammatory mediators be a key area for future studies. Possibly developing an
such as cytokines, chemokines, arachidonic acid metabo- “anti-ECM” agent that is able to destroy the ECM and thus
lites, and proteolytic enzymes collectively, all contribute to expose the persister cells to antimicrobials and the host’s
tissue inflammation and destruction [6, 158, 159]. immune system. Additional research in this active area will
be highly beneficial.
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Part III
Bacterial Drug Resistance: Mechanisms
The Importance of β-Lactamases
to the Development of New β-Lactams 12
Karen Bush
E – Ser
(Acyl Enzyme)
(kdeacylation) H2O
Very slow Fast
E-SerOH +
PBPs and serine β-lactamases hydrolyze β-lactams by determinants were introduced by transposons that accumulated
forming an acyl enzyme complex via the active site serine in previously existing plasmids. However, Hall and Barlow
residue (see Fig. 12.1). In this scheme, acylation and deac- estimated that the plasmid-encoded β-lactamases may have
ylation occur at different rates for the two sets of enzymes, existed millions of years ago [25].
with their classification as a PBP or β-lactamase based on the Serine β-lactamases most likely evolved from the PBPs,
rates at which each step occurs. Thus, for PBPs, acylation as there are many notable similarities between the two sets of
may be rapid, but deacylation must be quite slow to allow the enzymes. Not only do they catalyze the same enzymatic
enzyme to remain inactivated during at least one cell divi- reactions using conserved amino acids, but they also exhibit
sion cycle [15, 16]. For β-lactamases, both acylation and very similar three-dimensional structures [14]. Even the
deacylation are rapid, with kcat values approaching the limit metallo-β-lactamases appear to be folded in a spatial pattern
for a diffusion-controlled reaction [17–19]. that resembles the PBPs and serine β-lactamases.
In the few organisms that do not produce traditional
β-lactamases, notably Streptococcus pneumoniae [26] and
3 β-Lactamase Origins Helicobacter pylori [27], resistant PBPs may play that role
through a more rapid deacylation reaction than for other
Much speculation abounds concerning the origin of PBPs. This has been reported for S. pneumoniae where
β-lactamases. They have been reported to be a part of the bac- resistant PBP2x variants demonstrate from 70- to 110-fold
terial armamentarium for centuries long before the introduc- increases in deacylation rates compared to the corresponding
tion of β-lactams into clinical practice [20], with claims of PBP from a susceptible strain [28, 29]. In amoxicillin-
β-lactamase identification in bacterial samples analyzed from resistant H. pylori, several surrogate β-lactam-hydrolyzing
soil clinging to plants from the seventeenth century [21]. enzymes have been identified: (a) a mutant form of PBP
Recent studies identified DNA fragments that encoded 1A [27] and (b) HpcB, an unusual cysteine-rich protein that
β-lactamase-like sequences from 30,000-year-old permafrost may play a role as a PBP from a new structural class [30].
sediments in Canada [22]. Although most of the newer Because β-lactams are prevalent in soil samples that con-
β-lactamases are plasmid-encoded, many bacteria have tain β-lactam-producing actinomyces and bacteria [31, 32],
β-lactamase genes incorporated into their chromosomes, thus it is an obvious suggestion that β-lactamases exist in bacteria
endowing them with a form of permanence as they are passed to provide an ecological advantage to the β-lactamase-
from one generation to the next. It has been reported that the producing cells [33]. A soil bacterium that can outcompete
appearance of β-lactamase genes on plasmids was a fairly its bacterial neighbors by destroying potent β-lactams
recent occurrence. Studies of culture collections from 1917 to secreted into the soil would have a distinct evolutionary
1954 showed that the same conjugative plasmids existed in the advantage [34]. Notably, many of the first “penicillinases”
older strains, but β-lactam-inactivating activities were not that were described in the literature in the 1940s were from
associated with these plasmids [23, 24]. From these studies, soil organisms, e.g., Nocardia spp., Streptomyces spp., and
Datta and Hughes concluded that plasmid-encoded resistance Bacillus spp. [35].
12 The Importance of β-Lactamases to the Development of New β-Lactams 167
However, others argue that β-lactams in the soil would not Technological advances associated with nucleotide
diffuse far enough to be a threat to surrounding bacteria [36]. sequencing marked a major change in the approach to the
Bacteria generally conserve resources for only the most characterization of β-lactamases. Initially, new enzymes had
critical functions to ensure survival. Thus, when bacteria been characterized on the basis of substrate profiles, inhibi-
produce large amounts of β-lactamase in preference to other tor properties, and isoelectric points [44]. Only a select set of
proteins, there must be a reason other than protection against representative enzymes that could be purified in high quanti-
natural predators. Investigators such as A. Medeiros believe ties were analyzed to determine their amino acid sequences
that β-lactamases instead have a major, but poorly under- [47]. However, once it became almost effortless to obtain a
stood, role in bacterial physiology [37], possibly by serving nucleotide sequence for a new β-lactamase gene, the in-
to regulate cell growth. Although this latter argument cannot depth enzymology of β-lactamases was relegated to only a
be dismissed lightly, the proliferation of β-lactams in soil few groups in the world. Thus, today many β-lactamases
isolates suggests that a protection mechanism may have been have been characterized only on the basis of gene sequences,
an important selecting factor in bacterial physiology. and frequently, but not always, on the basis of elevated MIC
values for selected β-lactam antibiotics. More than 2000
unique β-lactamase sequences have now been recorded in the
4 Classification Schemes literature, or in compilations of gene bank data [49–51], but
only a small number of new β-lactamases are being charac-
Classification schemes for β-lactamases have been described terized for their enzymatic properties.
since 1970 when eight β-lactamases were separated into Molecular classifications for Class A and Class B
functional categories [38]. For the most part, these schemes β-lactamases were initially proposed by Ambler on the basis
have focused on differences in enzymes that appear in Gram- of the four amino acid sequences available in 1980 [47].
negative bacteria where increased numbers of both chromo- There are now four major molecular classes of β-lactamases.
somal and plasmid-encoded enzymes contribute to resistance. Classes A, C, and D include β-lactamases with an active site
There has been less interest in the β-lactamases in serine [52, 53], whereas class B β-lactamases include zinc at
positive bacteria, primarily because the enzymes their active site [54]. In Table 12.1, the most commonly used
in Gram-positive bacteria that contribute to clinical resis- molecular and functional classification schemes are aligned.
tance have been mainly the staphylococcal penicillinases, a Although the functional classification schemes were first
rather homogenous set of enzymes that have also appeared proposed in the absence of many sequences, the structure–
sporadically in enterococci [39, 40], and the β-lactamases in function relationships predicted in 1988 appear to remain
the Gram-positive bacilli that have been studied more as aca- valid [34]. Thus, the molecular class C enzymes with larger
demic curiosities than as contributors to therapeutic failures molecular sizes than the other serine β-lactamases [45] con-
[41, 42]. tinue to be identified with elevated rates of cephalosporin
When the heterogeneity of β-lactamases was investigated hydrolysis. All zinc β-lactamases in class B exhibit the abil-
in the 1960s and 1970s, enzymes were differentiated on the ity to hydrolyze carbapenems, but do not hydrolyze mono-
basis of their functional characteristics. Some of the earliest bactams effectively [55]. Although class A and D β-lactamases
attempts to classify these enzymes were described by Sawai encompass a broad heterogeneity in their functional proper-
et al. [43] who included the concept of “species specific” ties, they can be readily broken into functional subgroups
β-lactamases, and Jack and Richmond [38] who evaluated based on substrate and inhibitor profiles.
functional characteristics such as hydrolysis profiles of
penicillins and cephalosporins and sensitivity to inhibitors.
Others built upon this approach for β-lactamase classifica- 5 Historical Development of β-Lactam
tion, resulting in the widely accepted schemes of Richmond Antibiotics
and Sykes [44] and, later, Bush, Jacoby, and Medeiros [45],
with an updated version of the latter scheme published in Fleming’s fortuitous discovery of the antibiotic activity of
2010 [46]. At the time the first functional schemes were penicillin heralded a new therapeutic approach to the treat-
being proposed, no β-lactamases had been fully character- ment of infectious disease. Although penicillin was not com-
ized with respect to amino acid sequence. By 1980, the mercialized until after World War II, the knowledge that
sequences of four enzymes had been substantially deter- natural environmental microbes could produce antibacterial
mined after long and tedious processes of protein digestions activities led many to examine additional sources for new
and sequencing of many small peptide fragments [47]. In structural classes of antibiotics. Academic investigators such
1978, the first β-lactamase sequence was reported as the as Waksman at Rutgers University [56], as well as natural
result of nucleotide sequencing of a blaTEM gene, a break- product scientists at most of the pharmaceutical companies
through for molecular biologists [48]. [57], utilized vast resources to examine natural products for
168 K. Bush
Table 12.1 Alignment of molecular and functional β-lactamase classification schemes (based on [45–47])
Enzyme characteristics
Active site Molecular class Functional class Typical enzymes Typical substrates Inhibitorsa
Serine A 2a Staphylococcal penicillinases Penicillins CA, TZB
2b TEM-1, SHV-1 Penicillins, narrow-spectrum CA, TZB
2be ESBLsb (TEM, SHV, CTX-M Penicillins, cephalosporins, CA, TZB
families) monobactams (aztreonam)
2br TEM-IRT enzymes, SHV-10 Penicillins, narrow-spectrum TZB active
cephalosporins Resistant to CA
2ber TEM-50 Penicillins, cephalosporins, None
2c PSE-1, CARB-3 Penicillins, including CA
2ce RTG-4 Penicillins, including CA, TZB
carbenicillin; cefepime
2e CepA, Proteus and Cephalosporins, including CA
Bacteroides cephalosporinases expanded-spectrum
2f SME, IMI/NMC and KPC Penicillins, cephalosporins, (CA, TZB)c
families carbapenems
Zinc B 3a CcrA, IMP, NDM and VIM Penicillins, cephalosporins, EDTA
families carbapenems, but not aztreonam
3b L1, CAU-1, FEZ-1 Carbapenems EDTA
Serine C 1 AmpC, Chromosomal Cephalosporins Aztreonam,
and plasmid-encoded cloxacillin
1e GC1, CMY-37 Increased hydrolysis of Aztreonam,
expanded-spectrum cloxacillin
Serine D 2d OXA-1, OXA-10 Penicillins, including (CA)c
2de OXA-ESBLs Penicillins including cloxacillin/ (CA)c
oxacillin; cephalosporins except
2df OXA-23, OXA-48 Penicillins, including (CA)c
CA, clavulanic acid; TXB, tazobactam, EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase
Variable, dependent upon specific enzyme
the production of novel compounds capable of killing molecules, such as leaf litter in New Jersey that provided
bacteria. During this period of intense investigation begin- multiple bacterial sources of monobactams [58].
ning in the 1940s and continuing for at least 50 years, As a result of the natural occurrence of β-lactams, these
β-lactam structures were among the most prevalent com- natural products in the environment had already served as a
pound class identified in any antibiotic screening program natural selection for various families of β-lactamases. It is
(K. Bush, personal communication). Most of these programs easy to envision how penicillins in common molds selected
relied on extracts of soil samples to provide their new antibi- for penicillinases in the Gram-positive bacilli and cocci that
otics, and pharmaceutical microbiologists devised clever existed in the same ecological space [9], and how cephalospo-
screening techniques to identify new compounds from these rins produced by Cephalosporium spp. [59] served to apply
extracts for antibiotic production [58]. In these studies, a pressure on the soil-dwelling pseudomonads to maintain their
variety of soil-dwelling microorganisms, including fungi, chromosomal AmpC cephalosporinases. Carbapenems and
actinomyces, and bacteria, was shown to produce new olivanic acids produced by the streptomyces [60] encouraged
β-lactams. In fact, it was possible to identify specific micro- the production of metallo-β-lactamases by organisms such as
environments that could serve as rich sources of these new the Gram-positive bacilli and anaerobes.
12 The Importance of β-Lactamases to the Development of New β-Lactams 169
Clavulanic acid ; Carbapenems
“3rd generation cephalosporins” Hyperproduction of chromosomal cephalosporinases
ESBLs (plasmid)
b-Lactamase inhibitor combinations
AmpC cephalosporinases (plasmid)
1990 Metallo-b-lactamases (plasmid)
Inhibitor-resistant b-lactamases
Diazabicyclooctane inhibitors
However, as shown in Fig. 12.2, the major driving force the carbapenems [60, 64], the cephamycins [65], and
for the plethora of β-lactamases has been the introduction monobactams [32, 66], and the introduction of the synthetic
and widespread clinical use of β-lactams, both natural and β-lactamase inhibitors [67, 68]. These classes of β-lactams
(semi-)synthetic [37]. In the 1940s, following the introduc- were developed into new antimicrobial agents that could cir-
tion of penicillin, the production of penicillinases in staphy- cumvent the most common β-lactamases that were appearing
lococci increased from <10 % to almost 60 % in one British among clinical isolates. Screening of new β-lactams, whether
hospital over a 5 year period [9, 10]. What makes this even antimicrobial agents themselves or enzyme inhibitors, fre-
more interesting is that this was the result of collateral dam- quently included testing against an RTEM β-lactamase and
age: as penicillin was used extensively to treat streptococcal an AmpC cephalosporinase, usually the Enterobacter cloa
infections, it was concurrently selecting for penicillinase cae P99 enzyme because it was produced in high quantities
production in commensal staphylococci. and could be readily purified for enzymatic studies [63, 69].
After cephalosporin C was identified as a modifiable In addition, the K1 β-lactamase from Klebsiella oxytoca (or,
chemical entity in the mid-1950s [59], the introduction of as it was known in the 1970s, Klebsiella pneumoniae) was a
penicillinase-stable cephalosporins led to the emergence of part of many initial screening panels [63, 70], perhaps
Gram-negative bacteria that produced species-specific cepha- because this enzyme served as a precursor to the then
losporinases capable of hydrolyzing these new molecules. The unknown ESBLs, with the capability of hydrolyzing some of
result was the continued introduction of even more cephalo- the oxyimino-substituted cephalosporins and monobactams.
sporins with chemical substitutions designed to render them With this screening panel, pharmaceutical investigators
stable to β-lactamase hydrolysis. The result was the identifica- could discriminate among various cephalosporins and mono-
tion of broad-spectrum β-lactamases such as TEM-1 that bactams according to their potential lability to hydrolysis or
appeared in Greece in 1962 [61], together with organisms that vulnerability to inhibition. As a result, a variety of expanded-
produced high levels of chromosomal cephalosporinases [62]. spectrum cephalosporins such as cefotaxime, ceftazidime,
The mid-1970s and early 1980s resulted in an explosion and ceftriaxone were developed, as well as the monobactam
of new β-lactams from natural product sources, with the aztreonam, the carbapenem imipenem and the β-lactamase
identification of the structurally unique clavulanic acid [63], inhibitors clavulanic acid and sulbactam.
170 K. Bush
By the mid-1980s, it appeared that organisms producing with major ESBL problems [81, 84, 85]. Three new
all known β-lactamases of clinical importance could be carbapenems were approved between 1997 and 2007, i.e.,
treated with one of these newer agents, or with a combina- meropenem, ertapenem, and doripenem, in an effort to pro-
tion product that incorporated a β-lactamase inhibitor and a vide therapeutic options for the treatment of cephalosporin-
labile penicillin. However, insidious plasmids bearing resis- and monobactam-resistant Gram-negative pathogens. This
tance determinants for β-lactamases also became loaded has succeeded in increasing the selective pressure from the
with genes conveying resistance to a multiplicity of anti carbapenems.
biotic classes. Thus, new β-lactamases did not need to be By the mid-1990s plasmid-encoded class B metallo-β-
selected only by β-lactams if their genes were linked to resis- lactamases (MBLs) began to appear outside Japan where
tance determinants for other drugs. they had first been described in 1990 in Bacteroides fragilis
Following the introduction of the expanded-spectrum [86] and in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1991 [87], probably
cephalosporins and the monobactam aztreonam, the emerg- selected by widespread use of imipenem [88]. Today three
ing resistance mechanism that was anticipated was selection major families of MBLs have emerged, with the IMP and
of β-lactamase hyperproduction in the Enterobacteriaceae [71]. VIM families appearing in abundance in diverse geographic
Class A plasmid-encoded TEM β-lactamases were appearing areas such as southern Europe, South America, and Asia
with strong promoters, leading to high enzyme levels that [87–90] but only rarely in North America [91, 92]. The
could not be inhibited by the inhibitor combinations [72]. recently identified NDM family of MBLs that originated in
More importantly, it was predicted that high levels of AmpC the India-Pakistan region is gaining a foothold in many parts
cephalosporinases coupled with porin mutations, would be of the world [93]. In addition to the MBLs, serine carbapen-
the major factor leading to cephalosporin resistance [73]. emases, particularly the KPC-2 and KPC-3 β-lactamases,
Many investigators weighed the various contributions of have caused serious clinical issues, particularly in the United
β-lactamases induction, selection of derepressed mutants, States, Israel, and southern Europe [94].
and decreased permeability as they affected susceptibility to As an alternative to synthesizing β-lactams that were sta-
the new β-lactams [12, 71, 74, 75]. Although these ble to hydrolysis, combinations of penicillins were devel-
Enterobacteriaceae began to be associated with clinical fail- oped with β-lactamase inhibitors to treat infections caused
ures of agents such as cefoxitin or cefamandole, an unex- by many class A (serine) β-lactamases, including ESBLs
pected resistance mechanism rapidly emerged in the late [36, 68]. The first of these were clavulanic acid combina-
1980s: the selection of mutant class A β-lactamases with the tions, followed by sulbactam combinations in the early to
ability to hydrolyze the previously stable extended spectrum mid-1980s. In a somewhat delayed response to these combi-
cephalosporins and monobactams [76, 77]. nations, inhibitor-resistant class A β-lactamases were first
ESBLs, the Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases, were first reported in 1994 [95] when a set of TEM variants was
identified in Europe [76, 78], followed by their appearance in described from clinical isolates that demonstrated unex-
the United States [79–81]. These enzymes initially arose as a pected resistance to clavulanic acid, yet retaining antimicro-
result of point mutations in the TEM and SHV broad- bial activity against common cephalosporins [96]. These
spectrum penicillinases, with no more than two mutations enzymes have not yet posed a major problem globally, and
necessary to confer high level resistance to cephalosporins remain generally confined to Europe, with infrequent report-
such as cefotaxime and ceftazidime (and the monobactam ing of their presence in North America [97, 98]. It appears
aztreonam). Some enzymes such as TEM-3 and TEM-5 that the use of a β-lactam combination rather than a single
exhibited a preference for either cefotaxime or ceftazidime agent has provided a greater hurdle for resistance selection.
[77, 82], while others such as TEM-26 were promiscuous
and readily hydrolyzed both sets of substrates [83]. Although
substrate specificities varied among all these enzymes, virtu- 6 Emergence of β-Lactamase Families
ally all class A ESBLs remained susceptible to inhibition by
the β-lactamase inhibitors clavulanic acid and tazobactam [45]. 6.1 Gram-Positive Bacteria
In a number of ESBL epidemiological studies, the appear-
ance of these enzymes was directly associated with the recent In Gram-positive bacteria, β-lactamase-mediated resistance is
prior use of expanded spectrum cephalosporins such as cefo- important only among the staphylococci, where penicillinase
taxime or ceftazidime [77, 81, 83]. Concurrently with the production became the first emergent resistance mechanism
proliferation of plasmid-encoded ESBLs, there appeared [9]. Decades after penicillin entered clinical practice, a sec-
plasmid-borne AmpC-type cephalosporinases such as MIR-1 ond, even more far-reaching β-lactam resistance mechanism
[84] and ACT-1 [85], presumably selected by the same ceph- evolved, but only after the introduction of the cephalosporins.
alosporins as the ESBLs. As a result, the carbapenem class This latter resistance in methicillin-resistant S. aureus
became an attractive alternative, especially in institutions (MRSA), due to the introduction of a new penicillin-binding
12 The Importance of β-Lactamases to the Development of New β-Lactams 171
protein, PBP 2a (or, PBP 2′), is most often combined with P. aeruginosa. However, as an increasing number of plas-
penicillinase production, with co-regulation of the two pro- mid-encoded β-lactamases were identified among the Gram-
teins in many strains, indicating that the β-lactamase is still an negative spectrum, it became evident that multiple enzymes
important commodity [99]. Until recently, MRSA was consid- could survive among these organisms, both of chromosomal
ered to be untreatable by β-lactam antibiotics, but the penicil- and of plasmidic origin [44]. In some recent clinical isolates,
linase-stable ceftaroline, a cephalosporin with tight binding to as many as eight different β-lactam-hydrolyzing enzymes
PBP 2a [100], was recently shown to be effective in the treat- were identified from multidrug-resistant Klebsiellae [85, 97,
ment of infections caused by MRSA [101]. 106], with multiple enzymes often encoded on the same
For a few years β-lactamase production was reported in the plasmid [85, 107].
enterococci [39, 102], but these strains seem to have become Although the species-specific concept was retained for
less prevalent [103]. Upon close examination, the enterococ- chromosomally encoded β-lactamases for many years, even
cal β-lactamase appeared to have been introduced intact from this idea was challenged with the identification of MIR-1,
the staphylococci [39], and probably did not p rovide a major the plasmid-encoded cephalosporinase in K. pneumoniae
ecological advantage to the producing organism. that appeared to originate from an Enterobacter cloacae
Among the Gram-positive bacilli, multiple β-lactamases AmpC enzyme [84]. To date, over 200 plasmid-encoded
have been identified, with both zinc and serine β-lactamases AmpC-related cephalosporinases have been identified [50,
appearing as chromosomal enzymes in a single strain. The 51, 107], with their sequences clustering in families. Plasmid-
most studied set of enzymes include the class A penicillinase encoded AmpC families originating from chromosomal
and class B metallo-enzyme from Bacillus cereus [42], with genes from Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter spp., M. mor
counterparts to these enzymes appearing in Bacillus anthracis ganii, H. alvei, or Aeromonas have all been shown to share
[104, 105]. It is interesting that these organisms are most fre- >90 % homology among the individual members of their
quently found as soil organisms, again supporting an associa- respective clusters [107].
tion between soil-produced β-lactams and β-lactamases. For a number of years, the predominant families of ESBLs
arose from the TEM and SHV β-lactamases such that in mid-
2014 there were >215 TEM variants and >185 SHV mutant
6.2 Gram-Negative Bacteria enzymes [50]. However, it was not long before the OXA
family of enzymes began to emerge, derived from the third
In spite of the widespread use of penicillin as an agent to most common family of plasmid-encoded β-lactamases from
treat Gram-positive infections in the 1940s, the first lite epidemiological evaluations of Gram-negative bacteria in
rature citation referring to β-lactamase production was the late 1970s and early 1980s, prior to the introduction of
associated with a penicillinase from E. coli [1]. As more the later generation of cephalosporins. In fact, seven variants
β-lactamases were identified, investigators assumed that within the OXA family had already been described by 1985
species-specific β-lactamases were the rule [35, 43]. Hence [108]. Today the OXA family is the largest of all the
the naming of enzymes by simple names referring to their β-lactamase families possessing perhaps the most diverse
producing organism, e.g., K1 or KOXY from Klebsiella oxy substrate profiles, with carbapenemases such as OXA-48 and
toca (previously, K. pneumoniae), or AER from Aeromonas OXA-23 identified as chromosomal enzymes in Acinetobacter
spp. [51]. This hypothesis was supported by the identifica- baumannii [49, 109]. By the early 1990s new families of
tion of what appeared to be species-specific chromosomal ESBLs were identified (Table 12.2), with the most notable
cephalosporinases among the Enterobacteriaceae and being the CTX-M family of enzymes [113]. CTX-M
β-lactamases have become the predominant ESBL through- a structurally novel non-β-lactam diazabicyclooctane inhibi-
out the world [20, 115–118]. This enzyme family is appar- tor of class A (including KPCs), class C, and some class D
ently derived from chromosomal β-lactamases produced by β-lactamases, was approved by the FDA in early 2015 [124]
Kluyvera spp. [119, 120], some of which have reduced on the basis of Phase 2 clinical trials. Some other combina-
hydrolysis rates for ceftazidime compared to cefotaxime. tions in advanced therapeutic trials include (1) avibactam
However, the two most common CTX-M enzymes, CTX- combined with ceftaroline or aztreonam, (2) relebactam
M-14 and CTX-M-15, confer resistance to both cephalospo- (MK-7655), structurally and functionally related to avibac-
rins in many enteric bacteria [121]. tam, combined with imipenem (+-cilastatin), and (3) vabor-
Some of the more worrisome β-lactamases include bactam (RPX7009), a novel boronic acid inhibitor of many
recently identified plasmid-encoded carbapenem-hydrolyz- serine β-lactamases including KPCs, combined with merope-
ing enzymes, in both the s erine and the metallo-β-lactamase nem [126]. These approaches provide some hope that
families. Many of these enzymes not only inactivate car- enzymes such as the ESBLs and serine carbapenemases may
bapenems, but also hydrolyze all other β-lactams, with the be dealt with sufficiently for the immediate future. As has
exception of aztreonam which is stable to hydrolysis by the been demonstrated quite convincingly in the past, however,
metallo-enzymes. Although the serine carbapenemases, such these measures will only buy us time before the next
as the KPC enzymes, are inhibited by the classical β-lactamase β-lactamase-related calamity emerges.
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Penicillin-Binding Proteins
and β-Lactam Resistance 13
André Zapun, Pauline Macheboeuf, and Thierry Vernet
whereas the “acceptor” is
attached here on the lower A G M G M G M
strand. The peptides shown
are those from Streptococcus
pneumoniae. The second and G M G M G M G M G M G M
third amino acids may differ
L-Ala L-Ala
in various species. (b)
D-iGln D-iGln
Reaction catalyzed by
L-Lys L-Lys
DD-carboxypeptidase PBPs.
D-Ala D-Ala
With such proteins, the
acyl-enzyme intermediate is
hydrolyzed. (c) B OH2
Transpeptidation reaction
scheme in Staphylococcus
aureus. Note that in many
instances, including in S.
pneumoniae, various L-Ala L-Ala
D-Glu D-Glu
intervening amino acids are
L-Lys L-Lys
attached to the third residue D-Ala
of the acceptor peptide, and D-Ala D-Ala
provide the free amine that D-Ala
HN (L-Gly)5 L-Lys
attacks the acyl-enzyme D-Ala
intermediate. Such stem H2N (L-Gly)5 L-Lys
peptides are called D-Glu
“branched” C L-Ala G M G M G M
Fig. 13.3 Structural
similarity between β-lactams O
and the natural substrate of
the PBPs. (a) N-acyl-D- R N S
Alanyl-D-Alanine peptide. H CH3 1
(b) Penicillin backbone. (c) H H
Cephalosporin backbone. The - - 2
regions of negative H H
electrostatic potential are HO HO -
indicated by arcs
and S. pneumoniae PBP2b and PBP2x has been demon- sons with well-characterized examples and by the localiza-
strated in vitro with recombinant enzymes [15, 17]. The tion of its gene in a cluster coding for division proteins [33].
transmembrane segment and non-penicillin-binding domain The specific cellular function of the other class B and class A
are certainly involved in proper cellular targeting through PBPs is more difficult to determine without dedicated genetic
probable interactions with other proteins, as demonstrated in and localization studies.
the case of E. coli PBP3 [18].
Class C low molecular weight PBPs constitute the third
group. These consist mainly of a penicillin-binding domain 5 PBP-Based β-Lactam Resistance
with a small additional C-terminal domain, which is anchored
to the plasma membrane either through a transmembrane Inhibition of PBPs produces an imbalance in cell wall metabo-
segment or an amphipathic helix presumably lying onto the lism resulting in lysis or growth inhibition. The link between
lipid bilayer [19]. Low molecular PBPs have either demon- PBP inhibition and the biological outcome, lysis or growth
strated DD-carboxypeptidase or DD-endopeptidase activi- arrest, remains poorly understood (e.g., Escherichia coli [34],
ties [20–23]. Staphylococcus aureus [35], Enterococcus hirae [36]).
Despite our ignorance of the detailed physiological conse-
quences of β-lactam treatment, various means of resistance
4 Physiological Function of the PBPs have been uncovered and investigated. Resistance to β-lactams
was found to arise from decreased permeability of the outer
The cellular function of some PBPs has been inferred from membrane, export of the antibiotics by efflux pumps (these
various lines of evidence, but our knowledge remains two mechanisms are restricted to gram-negative bacteria),
sketchy. One type of data is the phenotype of mutant strains, degradation of the antibiotic by β-lactamases, or utilization of
or of cells treated with β-lactams that are specific of particu- PBPs with low-affinity for the β-lactams. The following sec-
lar PBPs. The second type of result is the cellular localiza- tions will be devoted to the PBPs of organisms that exploit this
tion of various PBPs, determined by immunofluorescence or latter strategy.
fusion with the green fluorescent protein. Thus, various
class A and B PBPs are involved in peptidoglycan synthesis
during cell enlargement, cell division, or sporulation. In E. 6 Staphylococcus aureus
coli, for example, the class B PBP3 plays a role in division
[24], whereas the class B PBP2 is involved in cell elonga- After the spread of S. aureus strains that were resistant to
tion and the onset of the division [25–27]. Less is known of penicillin through the acquisition of a β-lactamase, the semi-
the specific role of E. coli class A PBPs, as they show some synthetic β-lactam methicillin was introduced, which was
degree of functional redundancy. PBP1a likely works in not degraded by β-lactamases known at the time. A methicil-
concert with the class B PBP2, as the latter stimulates the lin resistant clinical strain was isolated soon afterwards [37].
former in vitro [17]. The septal class B PBP3 on the other The so-called MRSA (methicillin resistant S. aureus) strains
hand certainly functions together with PBP1b [28]. In S. are particularly dangerous in that they exhibit wide resis-
pneumoniae, and similarly shaped streptococci, entero- tance to virtually all β-lactams, often associated with co-
cocci, and lactococci, there certainly are two machineries of resistance to other classes of antibiotics. MRSA strains were
peptidoglycan synthesis [29, 30], with the class B PBP2x initially found in hospitals causing difficult to treat nosoco-
and PBP2b participating to septal and peripheral cell wall mial infections (HA-MRSA, for hospital-acquired). Distinct
synthesis, respectively. The respective function of the class strains, more virulent, appeared in the community in the
A PBPs remains unknown in S. pneumoniae, although 1990s (CA-MRSA, for community-acquired). CA-MRSA
PBP1a remains co-localized with PBP2b throughout the cell are now also commonly found in hospital settings [38].
cycle, rather than with septal PBP2x [31]. S. aureus is a Vancomycin, a glycopeptide antibiotic, has long been used
spherically shaped coccus, whose division appears to pro- as a last resort weapon to fight MRSA strains. However,
duce the entirety of the new hemisphere of the daughter cell, strains exhibiting both high methicillin and vancomycin
in a process that involves its single class A PBP2 [32]. The resistance have appeared repeatedly [39, 40]. Strains non-
relative role of the two class B PBP1 and PBP3 in S. aureus susceptible to several novel antibiotics such as linezolid,
is not clear. daptomycin, or mupirocin have also appeared (e.g., [41]).
In summary, peptidoglycan synthesis occurs in different The wide spectrum β-lactam resistance of MRSA strains
phases, sometimes at different locations, depending on the results from the expression, in addition to the four native
morphology of the organism considered, with different par- PBPs, of a fifth PBP termed PBP2a or PBP2′ with low affin-
ticipating PBPs. The class B PBP strictly involved in cell ity for the antibiotics [42, 43]. No correlation, however,
division can be generally identified by sequence compari- could be detected between the level of resistance and the
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 181
amount of PBP2a expressed [44]. PBP2a is the product of tance provided by PBP2a. PBP4 is a small PBP with both
the mecA gene whose transcription is controlled by the mecI transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase, as well as β-lactamase
and mecR1 regulatory elements. MecI is a DNA-binding activity in vitro, whose structure was solved [53]. Recent
protein that represses mecA transcription [45]. By analogy works have shed light on the required cooperation of PBP4,
with the homologous BlaI and BlaR1 system that controls in addition to PBP2, with PBP2a to express β-lactam resis-
the expression of the β-lactamase BlaZ, the Mec system is tance. A laboratory mutant strain selected for resistance to
thought to function in the following manner. MecR1 is a ceftizoxime was found to have a single substitution in PBP2.
signal-transduction protein with an extracellular penicillin- Disruption of pbpD (encoding PBP4) decreased this resis-
binding domain that senses the presence of β-lactams in the tance, along with a diminished degree of peptidoglycan
medium, and activates its cytoplasmic domain. The intracel- cross-linking. To the contrary, expression of PBP2a restored
lular domain of MecR1 is a protease that undergoes activa- resistance and high levels of peptidoglycan cross-linking
tion through autocatalytic cleavage. In parallel, β-lactams [54]. In a CA-MRSA strain, deletion of PBP4 resulted in a
inhibiting PBPs would cause a change in peptidoglycan turn- loss of resistance, decreased cross-linking of the peptidogly-
over. Peptidoglycan fragments imported in the cytoplasm can, and lower expression of PBP2. In that strain, overex-
would then be cleaved by MecR1 to generate a dipeptide that pression of PBP2 or PBP2a did not revert the loss of
binds to MecI to alleviate the repression of mecA [46]. The resistance [55]. Wall teichoic acids appear to play an impor-
mecA gene and its regulatory system are found on a large tant role in this cooperation between PBPs. Staphylococcal
mobile genetic element called the staphylococcal cassette wall teichoic acids are long polyol phosphate polymers
chromosome mec that integrates at a unique site in the chro- anchored to the peptidoglycan. The disruption of tarO, a
mosome [47]. Several variants of the cassette have been gene required for the initiation of wall teichoic acids synthe-
found that include in addition to the mec genes, several genes sis, decreased the β-lactam resistance and peptidoglycan
encoding resistance to other types of antibacterial agents. cross-linking in HA- and CA-MRSA strains [56]. Ticlopidine,
A thorough presentation of the current understanding of a compound that inhibits TarO, had a similar effect. Most
these genetic elements and their history can be found interestingly, ticlopidine had a synergistic antibacterial effect
elsewhere [38, 48, 49]. with cefuroxime, which targets PBP2 [56]. This observation
Interestingly, the intact mec system does not confer resis- was explained by the fact that wall teichoic acids are required
tance, as the expression of PBP2a is normally well repressed. for the proper localization of PBP4 [57]. The combined use
Only few β-lactams, not including methicillin, can alleviate of two β-lactams that target PBP2 and PBP4 also had a syn-
this repression. Mutations, for example, in mecI or in the ergistic effect that overcame the resistance provided by
mecA operator region, lead to de-repression of mecA. Even PBP2a [55, 56].
so, strains with unrestricted expression of PBP2a exhibit The feature of wall teichoic acid required for β-lactam
methicillin resistance only in a small subpopulation (at a fre- resistance in MRSA strains is the attachment of β-O-GlcNAc
quency of 10−4–10−6), when maintained without β-lactam moieties by the enzyme TarS. Disruption of tarS prevents the
selective pressure. Following exposure to β-lactams, a resistance of MRSA while preserving other functions of the
homogenous resistant population is selected. When the anti- wall teichoic acids [58].
biotic selective pressure is removed, heterogeneity is rapidly Other genes have been found to be necessary for the full
restored, with only a small subpopulation retaining resis- expression of the resistance conferred by PBP2a. Over 30 of
tance. These observations indicate that the functioning of these auxiliary genes, often termed fem (for factor essential
PBP2a in cell wall synthesis bears a cost that is best avoided for methicillin resistance, or aux for auxiliary), have been
in the absence of β-lactams. The nature of the genetic deter- identified [59]. Several fem genes are involved in cell wall
minants of homogenous high methicillin resistance in wild metabolism, other genes participate to regulatory or putative
strains is complex but certainly involves the stringent stress sensory functions. How they cooperate to allow the mecA-
response [50]. based resistance is a complex and unresolved issue. The
PBP2a is of class B and therefore lacks the glycosyl- femAB operon, for example, adds the second to fifth glycine
transferase activity that is also required for peptidoglycan residues to the peptidoglycan precursor to form the pentagly-
synthesis. Although PBP2a supports all the transpeptidase cine branch that serves afterwards as the cross-bridge of
activity when this activity is inhibited by β-lactams in the staphylococcal peptidoglycan [60, 61] (Fig. 13.2c). A trivial
four native high molecular weight PBPs, the presence of the conclusion would be that PBP2a has a specific requirement
class A PBP2 with an active glycosyltransferase domain is for “acceptor” peptides with a pentaglycine branch. This
nevertheless required [51, 52]. expectation turned out to be naïve, for PBP2a can confer
More recently, further complexity has been revealed. The resistance to Enterococcus faecalis and faecium, which lack
transpeptidase activity either of PBP2 or from the low femAB and have the alternative peptidoglycan cross-bridges
molecular weight PBP4 was found to contribute to the resis- (Ala)2 and D-Asx, respectively [62]. Note that MRSA strains,
182 A. Zapun et al.
containing the mecA gene, that are oxacillin resistant were S. fleurettii pbpD as a likely ancestor of mecA [70]. The mec
found to have mutations in their femXAB genes [63]. system may thus have spread from a closely related staphy-
Another gene involved in MRSA resistance to β-lactams lococcal species, not only to S. aureus, but also to S. epider
is fmtA [64]. FmtA is homologous to PBPs and β-lactamases. mitis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, and S. simulans [71]. The
FmtA reacts slowly with β-lactams, has a weak DD- sequence of this most commonly found PBP2a is nearly
carboxypeptidase activity, and binds to wall teichoic acid identical in all strains, with over 97 % identity between
[65, 66]. S. aureus and S. fleurettii.
PBP2a belongs to a subgroup of class B PBPs character- Recently, an alternative mec system was uncovered in
ized by the presence of an insertion of about 100 residues some β-lactam-resistant isolates, where PBP2a exhibits only
following the transmembrane anchor (Fig. 13.5). This group 63 % sequence identity with the common PBP2a [72, 73].
also includes chromosomally encoded PBP5 from This variant encoded by mecC has a better affinity for oxacil-
Enterococcus faecium, E. hirae, and E. faecalis, and plasmid lin than for cefoxitin, in contrast to the standard PBP2a,
encoded PBP3 from Enterococcus hirae, which are all low which “prefers” cephalosporins to penicillins. This difference
affinity PBPs involved in some degree of β-lactam resistance of affinity for the various β-lactams is mirrored in the resis-
(see below). There are other members of this subgroup of tance conferred by the two variants [74].
PBPs in Bacillus subtilis and related species, in Listeria The reaction of PBP2a with β-lactams is extremely slow.
monocytogenes and innocua and in Clostridium acetobuty The acylation efficiency of PBP2a by penicillin G, character-
licum, although these do not appear to confer reduced ized by the second order rate constant k2/Kd of approximately
susceptibility to β-lactams. A close mecA homologue (pbpD 15 M−1s−1, is roughly 500-, 800-, 900-, and 20-fold smaller
encoding PBP4) has been found both in susceptible and than that of the native PBP1, PBP2, PBP3, and PBP4 from
resistant Staphylococcus sciuri strains [67–69]. The expres- S. aureus, respectively [75–77]. When compared to PBP2x
sion of S. sciuri PBP4 in S. aureus generated a MRSA strain from the susceptible S. pneumoniae strain R6, PBP2a is acyl-
in the lab [67]. A recent phylogenetic analysis pin-pointed ated three to four orders of magnitude more slowly [77–79].
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 183
Table 13.1 Characteristics of E. faecium strains and their PBP5, for which sequences are publicly available
MIC (mg/L) in
Uniprot # Strain MIC (mg/L) isogenic strainsa Expression level k2/Kd (s−1M−1)b
Q93T65 BM4107 2 (Amp)a 6 a
unknown factors. Sequencing of pbp5 and MIC determina- motif SXN482 [111]. When introduced individually, this
tion of numerous clinical strains also showed that overex- mutation caused only a modest increase of resistance, when
pression and substitutions cannot account entirely of the compared to the resistance of the clinical strains that harbor
various levels of resistance, and that other contributing fac- this substitution [104, 111]. However, in an isogenic back-
tors exist [108, 116, 117]. ground, the M485A substitution accounted for most of the
The particular mutation M485A was hypothesized to difference of resistance conferred by two PBP5 variants that
have a very important effect as it was found in two highly otherwise differed at seven positions in the transpeptidase
resistant strains and is located close to the second catalytic domain [104]. Substitutions M485A/T, A/I499T, E629V and
186 A. Zapun et al.
the introduction of an additional Ser466′ or Asp466′ were activity. Deletion studies in E. faecalis and E. faecium have
found to be significantly associated with ampicillin resis- demonstrated that for expression of resistance, the glycosyl-
tance [108]. Some of these mutations investigated individu- transferase activity must be provided by at least one of the
ally caused modest effects: I499T, E629V and the introduction two class A PBPs encoded by ponA or pbpF [100, 121]. The
of an additional Ser466′ [118]. When combined with other third class A PBP encoded by pbpZ is not required.
mutations, in particular M485A, the additional Ser466′ Although the high resistance of many enterococcal clini-
increased the MIC for penicillin nearly threefold [118]. This cal strains results from their greater amount of PBP5, the
study also found that various substitutions had different reasons underlying this overexpression are still unclear. An
effects on the MICs of different β-lactams. open-reading frame upstream of the gene encoding PBP5 is
Enterococcal PBP5 belongs to the same subgroup of class truncated in an E. hirae strain overproducing PBP5. This
B PBPs as the acquired S. aureus PBP2a, with an insertion of finding suggested that this gene might be a PBP5 synthesis
about 120 residues following the transmembrane helix. The repressor (psr) [122]. However, subsequent tests of this
crystal structure of E. faecium PBP5 bound to penicillin was hypothesis in E. hirae using isogenic strains have ruled out a
solved to a resolution of 2.4 Å [119]. The originating strain role of psr in the regulation of PBP5 expression [123].
(D63r) had a MIC for penicillin of 70 mg/L that appears to Similarly, no role for psr was found in PBP5 expression in
result solely from overproduction of the same PBP5 found in E. faecium [124] or E. faecalis [106].
the parental strain (D63), which has the basal MIC of 5 mg/L Four isolates of E. faecalis were found to exhibit high
[111]. Therefore, the structure is that of a “wild-type” PBP5, resistance to ampicillin and imipenem without overexpres-
without substitutions that further decrease the affinity for sion of PBP5. Instead, the resistance is due to two substitu-
β-lactams. The efficiency of acylation of D63r E. faecium tions, P520S and Y605H, in PBP4 (the orthologue of
PBP5 defined by the second order rate constant k2/Kd = streptococcal PBP2x) [125].
20 M−1s−1 is similar to that of S. aureus PBP2a, that is 2–3 In addition to the modes of resistance presented above,
orders of magnitude slower than that of a “regular” high- the plasmid-borne expression of β-lactamases has been doc-
affinity PBP [111]. A study of the reaction of a variety of umented in some clinical strains of E. faecalis, and less fre-
β-lactams with a soluble form of PBP5 showed that the acyl- quently in E. faecium [126]. Although not (yet?) found in
ation is sensitive to the various substituents of the drug, clinical isolates, an intriguing mechanism of β-lactam resis-
thus offering some scope for improving β-lactams against tance was selected in laboratory strains of E. faecium [127–
enterococci [120]. 130]. These mutants bypass altogether the need for PBPs.
As no structure was obtained in the absence of antibiotic, A β-lactam insensitive L,D-transpeptidase is responsible for
no comment could be made regarding a possible rearrange- cross-linking of the peptidoglycan, generating L-Lys-D-
ment upon acylation, although the authors speculate that Asx-L-Lys instead of D-Ala-D-Asx-L-Lys bridges. However,
some loop residues, which are conserved in this subgroup of increased resistance does not result from higher L,D-
PBPs (residues 461–465), may have been pushed aside to transpeptidase activity, but from a greater amount of precur-
allow antibiotic binding [119]. Another proposal is that S480 sor that lacks the terminal D-Ala. This elevated amount of
of the second catalytic motif may not be appropriately posi- truncated precursor is due to the cytoplasmic overexpression
tioned to act as the proton donor for the nitrogen of the open- of a β-lactam insensitive D,D-carboxypeptidase [129, 130].
ing β-lactam ring [119], much as proposed in the case of This precursor cannot be a “donor” substrate for the PBPs
S. aureus PBP2a and methicillin [81]. The important role but is adequate for the L,D-transpeptidase activity. If ever
of the substitution of M485 by Ala or Thr in the expression found in clinical isolates, this mechanism would spell the
of high resistance [104, 110, 111] was rationalized as fol- end of β-lactam-based therapy for enterococci, as it com-
lows. The side chain of M485 lies behind K425 of the first pletely obviates the transpeptidase function of the PBPs.
catalytic site, which may be involved in the proton abstrac-
tion of the catalytic S422. Smaller residues in position 485
may result in greater conformational freedom of K425 and 7 Streptococcus pneumoniae
thus hinder acylation. The same argument might apply to the
M426I substitution found in a highly resistant strain [115]. Expression of a β-lactamase or of an additional low-affinity
The addition of a second serine after S466 that is found in a PBP has never been reported in pneumococcus. Instead,
PBP5 with an extremely low efficiency of acylation [111] β-lactam-resistant strains of S. pneumoniae always harbor
was tentatively explained by a reinforcement of the steric modified versions of their own PBPs that are inefficiently
hindrance due to the rigid loop 451–466 [119]. acylated by β-lactams [131, 132].
PBP5, as a class B PBP, does not support the necessary Once electrophoretic techniques were good enough to
glycosyltransferase activity for peptidoglycan synthesis, resolve the six PBPs from S. pneumoniae, it became appar-
although it can take over all the required transpeptidase ent that PBP1a, PBP2b, PBP2x, and sometimes PBP2a were
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 187
altered in resistant clinical isolates. These modified PBPs reduced affinity were subsequently exchanged between
bound less radiolabeled antibiotic, whereas the affinity of closely related streptococcal species, including S. pneu
PBP1b and PBP3 was unchanged [133]. Sequencing revealed moniae, and selected by antibiotic pressure [139, 140]. The
that mosaic genes encode PBP2b [134], PBP2x [133], and recognition of these multiple horizontal gene transfers in
PBP1a [135] in resistant clinical strains. Mosaicity is the commensal streptococci and pneumococcus has led to the
product of recombination events between different alleles concept of global gene pool of altered pbp sequences for
within a species or between homologous genes of related β-lactam resistance [141].
species. S. pneumoniae as a naturally competent organism is Since S. pneumoniae can easily exchange genetic mate-
particularly apt to this type of genomic plasticity [136]. rial, closely related strains can differ in capsular biosynthetic
Mosaic sequences of pbp genes are very difficult to clas- genes (hence serotype) and pbp genes. Conversely, identical
sify and organize. Comparison of nucleotide sequences orig- pbp alleles or capsular biosynthetic genes can be found in
inating from susceptible strains show that they exhibit the unrelated strains [142, 143]. Nevertheless, despite the com-
same level of polymorphism as other loci, with less than 1 % plications that horizontal gene transfers bring to the defini-
of differences leading to one or two amino acid substitutions tion of pneumococcal lineage, it appears from numerous
over the protein length [133, 134]. In contrast, mosaic pbp studies that the worldwide spread of pneumococcal β-lactam
genes show blocks of sequences that differ from non-mosaic resistance results from the dispersion of a limited number of
alleles by about 14–23 % (PBP2b [134, 137]; PBP1a [135]; successful clones [144, 145].
PBP2x [133]). The diverging blocks span various lengths of Besides mosaicity resulting from inter- and intraspecies
the region coding for the transpeptidase domain or even most homologous recombination, point mutations in pbp genes
of the extracellular domain. The degree of difference com- directly in S. pneumoniae have also certainly contributed
pared to the normal level of intraspecies polymorphism sug- to the resistance phenomenon. A case in point is the T550A
gested that the diverging sequence blocks originate from substitution in PBP2x that confers resistance to cephalospo-
other streptococcal species [133, 134]. Parallel examination rins but susceptibility to penicillin. This substitution was
of various mosaic pbp genes showed that multiple sources of found in the laboratory upon selection with cefpodoxime or
homologous DNA had been tapped by pneumococcal strains cefotaxime [146–148], as well as in PBP2x from clinical iso-
to survive antibiotic selection [133, 134, 138]. Evidence of lates where it was caused by a mutation within either a
multiple recombination events in the history of individual mosaic [149] or a “virgin” pbp2x gene [150].
pbp alleles further complicates the analysis, although favored Selection in the laboratory has demonstrated that PBP2x
sites of recombination can be identified [138]. and PBP2b are the primary resistance determinants for cefo-
The origin of the sequence blocks found in mosaic pbp taxime (a cephalosporin) and piperacillin (a penicillin),
genes remains largely mysterious with the possible follow- respectively [146, 151]. This could naively be interpreted as
ing exceptions for pbp2x. Fragments of the pbp2x sequences PBP2x and PBP2b being the essential PBPs most reactive
of two penicillin-susceptible strains of the commensal towards cefotaxime and piperacillin, respectively. Indeed,
Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus oralis could be identi- cefotaxime does not react with PBP2b [152]. However,
fied in many alleles encoding PBP2x from resistant pneumo- PBP2x is also the most reactive PBP with piperacillin [151].
cocci [138, 139]. Although large fragments of these S. oralis This paradox points to our deep lack of understanding of the
and S. mitispbp2x sequences can be recognized in resistant physiological functions of the PBPs.
strains of S. pneumoniae, the identity in these blocks is not Surprisingly, the amino acid substitutions selected in the
perfect. In one instance, the comparison of numerous laboratory do not match those found in clinical isolates, with
sequences from strains of S. oralis, S. mitis, and S. pneu the exception of the aforementioned T550A in PBP2x [146–
moniae permitted the identification of a pbp2x gene in a sus- 148, 153] and T446A in PBP2b [146]. This discrepancy may
ceptible S. mitis strain as the origin of a large sequence simply reflect the limited sampling. Alternatively, the most
fragment spanning the whole transpeptidase domain in useful substitutions may be different in the molecular con-
numerous resistant strains [139]. Comparison of this text of the native PBPs from S. pneumoniae, as selected in
sequence fragment between the originating strain and resis- the laboratory, or in the PBPs from the commensal strepto-
tant strains allowed the identification of several substitutions coccal species where they were likely originally selected in
likely important for the diminished affinity for β-lactams their host.
[139]. This observation supports the following scenario for Like the laboratory point mutants, transfer of pbp2x genes
the emergence of pneumococcal resistance. Commensal from clinical resistant isolates to a susceptible strain can con-
streptococci sharing the same niche, such as S. oralis and fer a moderate level of resistance to cephalosporins and most
S. mitis, have acquired resistance through point mutations penicillins [133, 150, 154–159]. Introduction of mosaic
selected by repeated exposure to β-lactam treatment for vari- pbp2b genes can be selected by a modest reduction of the
ous ailments. Fragments of genes encoding PBPs with susceptibility to piperacillin [160]. Increased resistance to
188 A. Zapun et al.
penicillins is achieved upon transfer of both mosaic pbp2x lies in the micromolar range. This value of c50 is consistent
and pbp2b genes [155, 156, 158, 159]. Higher level of resis- with MIC of susceptible strains [78, 154]. Attempts have
tance to cephalosporins and penicillins results from the been made to delineate the dissociation constant of the non-
additional introduction of a mosaic pbp1a gene [154, 156, covalent preacylation complex Kd and the rate of acylation k2
158, 159, 161]. A high level of resistance restricted to the with penicillin. One study found a Kd of 0.9 mM and a k2 of
cephalosporins is obtained following transformation of a 180 s−1 [78], whereas a second study reported a Kd of 20 mM
susceptible strain with mosaic pbp2x and pbp1a [149, 154, and a k2 of 1600 s−1 [180]. The published data lend more
158, 159, 162]. credence to the latter higher numbers. Thus penicillin has a
These experimental findings are mirrored in clinical very poor “true” affinity for PBP2x, and this finding presum-
strains [163, 164]. Most resistant clinical isolates harbor ably applies to β-lactams and PBPs in general. The efficacy
three mosaic pbp genes encoding PBP1a, PBP2b, and PBP2x of β-lactams against susceptible bacteria does not result from
(e.g., [156, 165–169]). However, some weakly resistant a particularly good fit of the antibiotic to its target (Kd), but
strains have mosaic alleles only of pbp2x and pbp2b (e.g., rather from the extremely high rate of acylation (k2).
[165, 168, 170]). At least one example was found of a clini- The crystal structure of PBP2x from the susceptible strain
cal strain with barely reduced susceptibility to penicillin that R6, truncated of its cytoplasmic and transmembrane regions,
has only pbp2x modified [168]. Some isolates with cephalo- was solved to a resolution of 2.4 Å [5, 181]. The extracellular
sporin resistance, yet susceptible to penicillin, were found to part of PBP2x consists of a transpeptidase domain with the
have mosaic pbp2x and pbp1a while retaining a “virgin” common fold of the ASPRE proteins (residues 266–616),
pbp2b [171, 172]. A resistant strain with a slightly reduced flanked by an elongated N-terminal domain (residues
susceptibility of penicillin was reported with a modified 49–265) and a small globular C-terminal domain (residues
pbp1a, but original pbp2x and pbp2b genes [173]. 617–750) composed of two so-called PASTA subdomains.
The identification of amino acid substitutions that are rel- The N-terminal domain is shaped like a pair of sugar tongs
evant to the reduction of affinity of a particular PBP is a dif- with a hole of about 10 Å in diameter [5]. The function of
ficult task. Due to the process of recombination, superfluous this domain remains unknown although it was proposed to
substitutions have been imported together with the ones that interact with other protein partners. Alternatively, this
provide antibiotic resistance (the “hitchhiking” effect). domain may recognize some chemical motif of the peptido-
Indeed, even genes neighboring pbp2b or pbp1a have been glycan. When all the amino acid substitutions found in dif-
incidentally modified through recombination of large DNA ferent mosaic sequences of PBP2x are mapped onto the
fragments [174, 175]. Nevertheless, a number of likely crystal structure (i.e., 30 of the 217 positions of the N-terminal
important substitutions were proposed based on their pres- domain), they are all distributed on the outer surface of the
ence in many resistant strains, absence in susceptible strains, domain and none is found within the hole. The conservation
or their proximity to the catalytic motifs. The role of some of of the residues forming the inner surface of the hole supports
these substitutions was probed by detailed genetic, enzy- the idea that the sugar tong serves to grasp an unknown part-
matic, and structural studies, as presented below. A statistical ner [182]. The function of the C-terminal PASTA domains,
analysis of substitutions found in over 300 sequences each of which are found only in the class B PBPs involved in the
PBP1a, PBP2b, and PBP1a was carried out but with a couple division of some Gram-positive bacteria, is largely unknown,
of exceptions, the substitutions proposed to have been under although they play a role in the localization of PBP2x and
positive selection by amoxicillin did not match experimental cell shape maintenance [183, 184].
results [176]. It is possible that mosaicity confounds this The main feature of the transpeptidase domain, with
type of statistical approach. respect to other known structures of the ASPRE family, is the
The reaction of PBPs with β-lactams occurs readily presence of a very long groove, at the center of which is
in vitro. By measuring the decrease in intrinsic fluorescence found the active site. Modeling showed that this cleft can
of a recombinant soluble form of PBP2x upon antibiotic accommodate two molecules (NAG-NAM)-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-
binding, the overall acylation efficiency defined by the sec- Lys-D-Ala, one of which is covalently bound to the active
ond order rate constant k2/Kd was determined to be between site serine, and the other providing the Nζ of its L-Lys ready
60,000 and 110,000 M−1s−1 for penicillin and about twice as to complete the transpeptidation. Both disaccharide moieties
fast for cefotaxime [79, 177–179]. The deacylation rate k3 can sit in the larger valleys at both ends of the groove [5].
measured in different ways (recovery of enzymatic activity, Regarding the precise mechanism of acylation by anti
loss of bound radiolabeled penicillin, mass spectrometry) is biotics, the crystal structure of PBP2x and a number of
between 0.8 and 5 s−1 for penicillin and somewhat slower for theoretical studies have left the question open (e.g., [7]).
cefotaxime [78, 177–179]. The very fast acylation and slow The conservation of the hydrogen bonding pattern involving
deacylation reactions result in a concentration of antibiotic at residues of the three catalytic motifs SXXK, SXN, and KTG in
which half the enzyme is acylated at steady state (c50) that PBP2x and the TEM-1 β-lactamase suggests that the acylation
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 189
mechanisms are similar [7, 181]. The pH dependence of the following transformation into a susceptible strain [154].
acylation rate is consistent with a model where a residue with Reversion of the substitution in the related PBP2x from
a pKa of 4.9 functions as a base to help deprotonate the active resistant strains Sp328 and 4790 increases the acylation effi-
site serine, a group with a pKa of 7.6 triggers upon deproton- ciency sixfold [79, 154].
ation a rearrangement to a less reactive conformation, and a A subset of sequences that contain the T338A mutation
residue with a pKa of 9.9 is hydrogen bonded in its protonated also have the adjacent M339F substitution. These sequences
form to the free carboxylate of the substrate [180]. The base are from strains with particularly high levels of resistance
was proposed to be K340 of the first motif with the unusual [149, 150, 154, 163, 165, 167]. PBP2x molecules from such
pKa of 4.9. T550, which binds the carboxylate of the antibiotic isolates have an efficiency of acylation by penicillin reduced
[181], would have the pKa of 9.9. Investigation of solvent iso- more than 1000-fold [78, 154]. Most of this reduction is due
tope effects on the rate of acylation suggested a complex pro- to a slower rate of acylation (k2 decreased 300-fold), although
cess partially rate-limited by the chemistry (the proton a weaker pre-acylation binding (Kd fourfold higher) also
exchanges) and by solvation and/or conformational rearrange- contributes to the overall extremely poor affinity of the
ment [180]. PBP2x with the double T338A/M339F [78, 154]. In addi-
Based upon sequence comparisons and the proximity to tion, these PBP2x variants have significantly faster deacyla-
the catalytic motifs, the substitutions most likely to impart tion kinetics (k3 increased 40- to 70-fold), an effect mostly
some resistance include T338A, T338G, T338P, T338S, and due to the M339F substitution [154, 178]. The slow acyla-
M339F found within the SXXK motif [79, 149, 150, 158, tion and fast deacylation combine to elevate the c50 (concen-
185], H394Y and M400T that surround the SXN motif [149, tration of antibiotic resulting in the steady-state acylation of
151, 167, 168], and L546V, T550A, and Q552E, which are half the enzyme) by four to five orders of magnitude [78, 154].
close to the KTG motif [149, 150, 165, 186]. The effect of The M339F mutation alone, introduced in the reference
some of these substitutions has been characterized in details R6 PBP2x, reduces the efficiency of acylation by penicillin
as discussed below. The stretch 595–600 was changed from by sixfold and is sufficient to confer a measurable level of
YSGIQL to LSTPWF in some highly resistant strains to pen- resistance [154]. Combination of the M339F and T338A
icillins and cephalosporins, including ceftriaxone [187, 188]. mutations produces a greater effect. The structure of the
These mutations do not appear randomly in sequences, but latter double mutant has been solved to a resolution of 2.4 Å.
some families can be recognized. The salient feature of the mutated active site is the reorienta-
Examination of approximately 100 publicly available tion of the hydroxyl of the catalytic S337 that is now point-
sequences of the transpeptidase domain of PBP2x reveals ing away from the active site center and is hydrogen bonded
three broad families (Fig. 13.8). One family contains non- to the main chain nitrogen of T550 instead of to K340 [154]
mosaic sequences that are very similar to the PBP2x from (Fig. 13.10). The active site serine 337 may exist in an equi-
the reference susceptible strain R6. The mosaicity compli- librium between two rotamers, only one of which can be
cates the picture of the two other families and the grouping acylated. Mutations such as M339F, by subtly altering the
would differ for various sequence blocks. Nevertheless, the active site, may shift the equilibrium towards the unproduc-
emerging pattern suggests that two main mechanisms have tive rotamer. Note that this effect could be restricted to the
been selected that reduce the affinity of PBP2x for the anti- reaction with β-lactams if binding of the physiological sub-
biotics [157]. Figure 13.9 shows the distribution of the sub- strates favors a conformation that offsets the effect of the
stitutions in the structure of the transpeptidase domain of mutations.
PBP2x from two resistant isolates, representing two modes The detailed studies of a few mutations fell short of
of reducing the affinity for β-lactams. explaining the reduction of affinity measured for PBP2x
One family of sequences is characterized by the T338A from clinical resistant isolates. The individual reversions of
substitution. About 30 other substitutions in the transpepti- the 41 mutations of the PBP2x transpeptidase domain from a
dase domain accompany this defining mutation, although no highly resistant strain, studied by in vitro kinetic and in vivo
mutation is consistently found together with T338A, and phenotypic characterization, revealed the importance of four
never found in the absence of the T338A mutation. The side substitutions, in positions 371, 384, 400, and 605, in addition
chain of T338 is pointing away from the active site cavity to those in position 338 and 339 [189] (Fig. 13.11). The com-
and is hydrogen bonded to a buried water molecule. It has bined reversion of the 6 substitutions nearly restored the nor-
been proposed that suppression of the hydrogen bonding by mal rapid rate of acylation by β-lactams. Conversely,
replacement of T338 can lead to destabilization of the active introduction of 5 combined mutations diminished the reac-
site due to the loss of the water molecule [79]. Introduction tivity towards β-lactams almost to the level of the original
of the sole T338A mutation in PBP2x from the susceptible PBP2x with 41 substitutions. These effects measured in vitro
strain R6 reduces its efficiency of acylation by penicillin by were mirrored by the expected phenotypic consequences
a factor of two [79], which is not enough to be selected in vivo. A conceptually similar study in vivo with a different
Fig. 13.8 Alignment of PBP2x transpeptidase domain sequences on the right of the alignment), although a few sequences harbor both
(aligned and clustered with CLUSTALW). Only positions where at least mutations. The absence of line on the right of the alignment denotes non-
one sequence differs from the R6 reference (Uniprot accession number mosaic sequences or sequences with few substitutions. The crystal struc-
#P59676) are shown. Substitutions at position 338, 339, and 552 are ture of the high affinity PBP2x from strains R6 (# P59676), as well as the
highlighted in gray. Although the mosaicity confounds effort to classify two low affinity proteins from strains Sp328 (# O34006) and 5259 (#
unambiguously these sequences, this representation allows to visualize Q70B25) have been solved, revealing two modes of reducing the affinity
that sequences characterized by a mutation in position 338 (denoted by for β-lactams. The corresponding sequences are in bold characters. Also
the thick black line on the right of the alignment) differ substantially in bold is PBP2x from strain 5204 (# Q83KA7) with substitutions exper-
from sequences with the Q552E substitution (denoted by the thin black imentally identified as contributing to the resistance highlighted in black
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 191
PBP2x also identified the I371T and R384G substitutions as PBP2x is the great flexibility of the loop spanning residues
central for the reduced acylation rate [190]. Strikingly, 365–394. This instability extends in part to the SXN motif in
substitutions at positions 338, 339, 371, 384, and 605 were positions 395–397, with S395 being somewhat displaced.
also identified by the sequence comparison study of ances- Thus, the 60-fold reduction of the acylation efficiency by
tral S. mitis and resistant S. pneumoniae sequences [139]. cefotaxime, for example, is due to a distortion of the active
The positions 364 and 389 proposed as important for resis- site [79, 154]. The 365–394 segment forms one side of the
tance by the sequence comparison study were not confirmed groove leading to the active site. The flexibility of this region
by the detailed in vitro study [139, 189]. generates a more accessible “open” active site that may
Resolution of the structure of PBP2x from the resistant better accommodate alternative physiological substrates
strain Sp328, which belongs to the family defined by the with branched stem peptides [182]. The destabilization of
T338A substitution, has confirmed the absence of the buried the 365–394 region was shown to result from the I371T and
water molecule [182]. The most striking feature of Sp328 R384G mutations [189].
A second family of PBP2x molecules from resistant
strains can be defined by the presence of the Q552E substitu-
tion. Introduction of this single substitution in PBP2x
reduces about fourfold the efficiency of acylation and con-
fers a modest level of resistance to the recipient R6 strain
[153, 157, 186]. The structure of a PBP2x from a clinical
strain that possess the Q552E substitution has been solved to
a resolution of 3 Å. This PBP2x has an efficiency of acyla-
tion reduced more than 15-fold [157]. The only significant
difference found in comparison to the structure of R6 PBP2x
is the displacement of strand β3, which carries the KTG motif
[157] (Fig. 13.12). This displacement of 0.5 Å narrows the
active site, and is reminiscent of the closed conformation of
Fig. 13.9 Distribution of the amino acid substitutions (red) in the PBP2a from S. aureus, which is thought to cause the low
PBP2x transpeptidase domain from S. pneumoniae strains Sp328
(sequence # O34006) and 5259 (# Q70B25), with respect to PBP2x efficiency of acylation of this enzyme by coupling the reac-
from strain R6 tion to a major structural rearrangement [81]. In addition to
noteworthy by the insertion of three residues (SWY) after and particularly by penicillin G (26-fold). Conversely, rever-
position 422 [192]. This is one of two occurrences of a sion of the substitution at position 371 in 5204-PBP1a from
change in the number of residues in a mosaic PBP. The other A to T increases the k2/K (1.8- and 4.8-fold for cefotaxime
case was found in PBP1a (see below). In all other cases, the and penicillin G, respectively) [198]. Some mosaic sequences
total length of the proteins and the position of the catalytic lack the T471A mutation, including PBP1a from a highly
motifs are fully conserved, despite extensive sequence resistant Hungarian isolate (MIC for penicillin of 16 mg/L)
remodeling. [201]. In the structure from the low-affinity PBP1a, the
The recent emergence of strains that show a particularly hydrogen bond network within the active site is markedly
high resistance to amoxicillin, relative to other β-lactams, altered and the hydroxyl group of the active Ser370 points in
appears to result from a set of ten substitutions in the region another direction than in the structure from a susceptible
591–640 surrounding the third catalytic motif KTG [156, strain [198], as observed with PBP2x.
193, 194]. Some of these substitutions destabilize the loop Another remarkable feature is the mutation of a stretch of
between strands β3 and β4. This loop forming the other side four residues (TSQF to NTGY) at position 574–577, which
of the active site furrow could not be resolved between resi- is observed in all the mosaic sequences. Amino acids at posi-
due 619 and 629 in the structure of PBP2b from the resistant tions 574–577 belong to a loop between strands β3 and β4,
strain 5204 due to its flexibility [191]. Seven related which form the side of a tunnel at the entrance of the cata-
sequences from Korean clinical strains show a substitution lytic cleft. This loop is flexible and not visible in the structure
within the third catalytic motif KTG, which is changed to of PBP1a from strain 5204 [198], much like in PBP2b [191].
KSG [195]. In contrast to PBP2x and PBP1a where muta- Moreover, this wall has a hydrophobic character conferred
tions within the first catalytic motif are commonplace, a by Phe577, which is certainly changed in the mutant [197].
single case was reported of a V388A substitution within the The impact of the TSQF(574–577)NTGY mutations on the
SVVK motif [196]. acylation efficiency of R6-PBP1a is greater than that of
Several strains have five adjacent substitutions spanning T371A, with decreases of 5.5- and 49-fold for cefotaxime
residues 565–569 in a β-strand that extends to make contacts and penicillin G, respectively. The introduction of reciprocal
with the N-terminal pedestal domain, on the side of the trans- mutations (NTGY(574–577)TSQF) in 5204-PBP1a increases
peptidase domain opposite the active site. The importance of the k2/KD by factors of 2.5 and 1.7, respectively [198].
these substitutions for the resistance is not known, but a cor- Reversion of this set of substitutions decreased the additional
relation was proposed with the presence of a particular allele resistance conferred by PBP1a [201]. A similar effect of the
of murM, a gene required for the synthesis of branched stem- reversion was found for the L539W substitution, although
peptides that are alternative substrates of the transpeptida- the sequence in which the experiment was performed is the
tion catalyzed by PBPs and required for resistance (see only one that presents this particular mutation [201].
below) [193]. The combined effect of the two sets of mutations at
PBP1a may be considered clinically as the most impor- positions 371 and 574–577 is greater than the individual
tant and troublesome PBP. Indeed, the resistance potentially mutations, both in R6-PBP1a and in 5204-PBP1a.
provided by mosaic PBP2x and PBP2b is capped by the Although PBP2x, PBP2b, and PBP1a are the major PBPs
presence of a “virgin” PBP1a, which still warrants some effi- responsible for the resistance of S. pneumoniae, a number of
cacy to β-lactam therapy. High level of resistance depends on studies have hinted at the possible involvement of various
a modified PBP1a. The crystal structure of the transpeptidase other PBPs. Transfer of a high level of resistance from a
domain is now available at the resolution of 2.6 Å for PBP1a strain of S. mitis to a laboratory strain of S. pneumoniae was
from the susceptible strain R6 [197], and at 1.9 Å for that shown to require transfer of the genes encoding the five high
from the highly resistant strain 5204 [198]. The acylation molecular weight PBPs [202]. A point mutation in the low
efficiency of PBP1a from the susceptible strain R6 was mea- molecular weight PBP3 was found to contribute to the resis-
sured to be about 70,000 M−1s−1 for penicillin and the deac- tance of a strain selected on cefotaxime in the laboratory
ylation rate constant to be about 10−5 s−1 [199]. These values [147]. In contrast to these laboratory experiments, examina-
are of the same magnitude as those reported for PBP2x. Over tion of the PBPs from clinical isolates failed to reveal signifi-
50 PBP1a sequences are publicly available. The T471A sub- cant modification of PBP1b or PBP3 [163, 203]. Early
stitution within the first catalytic motif, analogous to the studies, which examined various strains through the labeling
T338A mutation in PBP2x, is commonly found in PBP1a of PBPs with radioactive penicillin, found several instances
sequences from resistant strains [159, 165, 167, 168, 200]. where binding to PBP2a was diminished in resistant strains
Reversion of this substitution reduced but did not abrogate [133, 141]. Also, transfer in the laboratory of resistance from
the resistance that PBP1a confers in addition to PBP2x and a S. mitis strain to S. pneumoniae involved modification of
PBP2b [159]. The T371A substitution diminishes the effi- PBP2x, PBP2b, PBP1a, and PBP2a, but not of PBP1b and
ciency of acylation of R6-PBP1a by cefotaxime (2.4-fold), PBP3 [158]. Various combinations of point mutations,
194 A. Zapun et al.
including silent ones, were observed in some PBP2a seq ity with the β-lactams could also potentially affect resistance.
uences, suggesting events of intraspecies recombination Two substitutions selected in vitro by cefotaxime in the last
[204]. The role of PBP2a in β-lactam resistance is now firmly rounds leading to the highest resistance levels where found
established in at least one instance [205]. A strain isolated to map in PBP2x at the interface between the transpeptidase
from an AIDS patient was found to harbor a mosaic PBP2a domains and the C-terminal domain of unknown function
in addition to mosaic PBP2x, PBP2b, and PBP1a. Trans [213]. This domain of PBP2x consists of two so-called
formation experiments demonstrated that this PBP2a variant PASTA modules that have been proposed to play a regula-
is indeed responsible for an elevated resistance to various tory role and bind to peptidoglycan motifs or β-lactams
β-lactams. The sequence shows 25 substitutions including 12 [214]. Such modules are also found in a Ser/Thr-kinase that
within the transpeptidase domain. The absence of crystal plays a morphogenetic function in S. pneumoniae and inter-
structure precludes a detailed analysis, but it is noteworthy acts with PBP2x [183].
that the threonine following the catalytic serine is replaced A puzzling discovery was made, which is directly related
by an alanine, like in numerous variants of PBP2x and to PBP-based β-lactam resistance. Clinical resistant isolates
PBP1a. have an abnormal peptidoglycan structure with an elevated
Both class B PBPs, PBP2x and PBP2b, are essential in proportion of cross-bridges that involve branched stem-
S. pneumoniae, which is consistent with the selection of vari- peptides [215]. Instead of having the L-Lys of the “acceptor”
ants of these proteins by β-lactams [196]. PBP1b and PBP3 peptide cross-linked directly to the D-Ala of the “donor”
are not essential [206, 207], which again is consistent with peptide, there are intervening L-Ala-L-Ala or L-Ala-L-Ser
the fact that these proteins are not involved in the resistance dipeptides. The genetic determinants of this cell wall abnor-
process. PBP1a and PBP2a are not essential individually, but mality could nevertheless be separated from the resistance
one of them must be present and functional [206, 208]. The determinants (the mosaic pbp genes) [216]. The genes
fact that PBP1a, rather than PBP2a, is the main target of anti- responsible for the synthesis of branched precursors were
biotic selective pressure may be due to PBP2a having a low found to constitute the murMN operon [217], also known as
intrinsic affinity for β-lactams [209]. the fibAB operon [218]. Mosaic murM genes often increase
Are the substitutions in PBPs hampering their function in the resistance level conferred by a set of mosaic pbp genes
building the cell wall of S. pneumoniae? In France, the [172, 217]. A naïve explanation is that mosaic PBPs prefer
reduction of antibiotic consumption following a public branched substrates. However, deletion of murM abolishes
awareness campaign launched in 2005 was correlated with a the resistance but does not impact on the growth rate in the
drop in the proportion of isolated strains that were resistant absence of antibiotic challenge [217], demonstrating that
[210]. This observation suggests that substitutions providing mosaic PBPs can efficiently use linear precursors. The situa-
resistance to β-lactams may entail a fitness cost. Indeed, in a tion is reminiscent of the role of the femAB operon in
mouse model of pneumococcal colonization, strains harbor- S. aureus, which is required for expression of mecA-based
ing a mosaic pbp2x were outcompeted by a susceptible strain resistance, while the mecA-encoded PBP2a can nevertheless
in the absence of β-lactam challenge [211]. Fitness was fur- function with alternative substrates produced in the absence
ther reduced by the introduction of pbp2b and pbp2x mosaic of femAB [61, 62]. It has been proposed that branched stem-
alleles. Another study found that transformation of a suscep- peptides may be superior competitors against β-lactams for
tible strain with mosaic pbp2b genes reduced fitness. the active site of some PBPs of resistant strains, or that they
However, further transformation with some mosaic pbp1a may be involved in some signaling function of cell wall
and pbp2x genes restored fitness [212]. This latter result sug- metabolism, or that they play a particular role in the integrity
gests that substitutions in the different PBPs may not be of the peptidoglycan, a role that becomes critical when some
independent from each other. PBPs are inhibited by antibiotics [217].
The fitness cost of having mosaic PBPs could be due to Besides MurM, other unknown factors modulate β-lactam
altered enzymatic properties, or to their less than optimal resistance. Indeed, five clinical isolates with significantly dif-
insertion into functional complexes. This second explanation ferent levels of resistance were found to have the same MurM
was first hinted at by the fact that when using a pbp2x gene allele and strictly identical sequence of their penicillin-
from a resistant S. oralis to transform a susceptible S. pneu binding domains, for the six PBPs [204]. For example, the
moniae, the sequence being transferred was restricted to the two-component regulatory system CiaRH appears to be
immediate vicinity of the important codon [146]. That some required for the cells to tolerate altered PBP2x, both point
combinations of the different mosaic PBPs result in fitter mutants and mosaic [219]. Although much is known about
cells support the hypothesis of direct interaction between the biochemistry of the PBPs, the MurM and CiaRH
PBPs [212]. PBPs also interact with a variety of proteins complications highlight our limited understanding of the
involved in cell wall building and morphogenesis. Thus, sub- physiological function of the PBPs in cell wall metabolism,
stitutions affecting these interactions rather than the reactiv- both in the absence and in the presence of antibiotics.
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 195
It is of note that new cephalosporins have been introduced similar findings [232]. At the protein sequence level in
recently that exhibit good antibacterial activity against N. gonorrhoeae, 50 different full sequences have been
S. pneumoniae, strains resistant to previous molecules. reported which are commonly ascribed a roman numeral
Ceftobiprole is active against strains with mosaic pbp1a, [233–240] (Fig. 13.13). Although no global clonal expansion
pbp2b, and pbp2x that are resistant to cefotaxime, ceftriax- was detected, some clones can be highly successful locally.
one, penicillin, and amoxicillin [220]. Ceftaroline is a more In a study at a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases in the
recent cephalosporin that also shows great efficacy against Netherlands, a single strain harboring the XXXIV was iden-
S. pneumoniae, including resistant strains with altered PBPs tified in 53 of 128 cefotaxime resistant isolates [241].
[85, 221–223]. In contrast to other cephalosporins, ceftaro- Like S. pneumoniae, Neisseria species are naturally com-
line also binds to PBP2b, including variants with the com- petent organisms and horizontal gene transfers are common
mon T446A substitution, and substitution in the C-terminal [242]. The mechanism of acquisition of non-plasmidic resis-
part associated with amoxicillin resistance [85]. tance in Neisseria is therefore similar to that of S. pneu
Lactivicins are compounds that form a covalent adduct moniae. Indeed, horizontal transfer of a penA alleles
with the active site serine of PBPs. Some lactivicins show conferring resistance was observed during co-cultivation of
antibacterial activity and acyl-enzyme complexes with drug-susceptible and resistant gonococcal strains [243].
PBP1b have been studied structurally by crystallography Additional point mutations were found to arise during this
[224]. However, PBPs with a lower reactivity with β-lactams, experiment [243].
such as PBP2x from strain 5204, also exhibit a decreased The origin of the foreign sequence fragments that are
reactivity towards lactivicins [224]. found in the penA gene of clinical resistant gonococci and
In the future, novel non-β-lactam inhibitors should be meningococci has been investigated in some depth. Several
developed that are active against resistant S. pneumoniae, in commensal species, such as Neisseria flavescens, Neisseria
particular if these molecules are screened directly for their cinerea, or Neisseria perflava, appear to have each contrib-
binding to altered PBPs with low affinity for β-lactams. uted sequence blocks to penA genes from resistant strains
A sulfonamide derivative and an anthranilic acid derivative [230, 244–246]. An analysis of a 402 bp-fragment of the
were thus found that inhibit PBP2x from the resistant strain penA14 allele encoding the C-terminus of PBP2 from N.
5204 and are antibacterial against a variety of Gram-positive meningitidis showed it to be mosaic with likely contribution
organisms [95]. from N. flavesens, N. cinerea, N. mucosa, and N. perflava
[231]. N. flavescens isolates recovered from the pre-antibiotic
era have relatively high penicillin MICs and a PBP2 with an
7.1 Neisseria intrinsic low affinity for penicillin [245]. Transfer in the lab-
oratory of the penA gene from such N. flavescens isolates
Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are patho- could indeed confer some resistance to N. meningitidis [245].
gens that have acquired reduced susceptibility to penicillin via In contrast, N. cinerea is not naturally resistant, and accord-
two routes. The modification of at least one chromosomally ingly, no resistance was achieved in N. meningitidis upon
encoded PBP will be discussed below. Alternatively, produc- transfer of the penA gene from this species [245]. In some
tion of a plasmid-encoded β-lactamase is common in N. gon instances, PenA sequences with few substitutions such as
orrhoeae (e.g., [225]), while it is rare in N. meningitidis [226]. sequence XIII from N. gonorrhoeae have been considered as
Neisseria species contain only three PBPs called PBP1, non-mosaic, by contrast with sequences that have many sub-
PBP2, and PBP3, which are, respectively, of class A, of class stitution (such as sequence X) [247]. However, nucleotide
B, and a low molecular weight carboxypeptidase of class sequence alignments reveal that the short modified segment
C. Gonococcal strains with reduced susceptibility to spanning residue 504–516 in sequence XIII may have origi-
β-lactams that do not express a β-lactamase were found to nated from N. perflava.
exhibit reduced labeling of PBP2 and PBP1 with radiola- PBP2 sequences of N. cinerea origin found in resistant
beled penicillin [227]. Reduced labeling of PBP2 was meningococci have an additional aspartic acid following
observed in meningococci [228]. PBP2 is encoded by the D345, which is not present in the susceptible N. cinerea
penA gene, which is often mosaic in resistant strains of N. strains [245]. This insertion was also found in PBP2
gonorrhoeae [229] and N. meningitidis [230]. A major sequences from many resistant gonococcal strains. Site-
European study determined a partial nucleotide sequence of directed mutagenesis has demonstrated that this insertion is
penA from 1670 meningococcal strains isolated over six sufficient to decrease the reactivity of PBP2 for β-lactams
decades. A total of 139 alleles were uncovered, including 38 and to confer some resistance to N. gonorrhoeae [248].
very similar sequences from susceptible strains and 101 A clinical resistant strain was later discovered that only has
highly diverse sequences from strains with a diminished sus- this additional aspartic acid [235]. The consequences of this
ceptibility to penicillin [231]. A Swedish study revealed insertion have been investigated in some depth (see below).
196 A. Zapun et al.
Fig. 13.13 Alignment of PBP2 sequences from N. gonorrhoeae positions where at least one sequence differs from the reference
(aligned and clustered with CLUSTALW). The Roman numeral nomen- (Uniprot accession number #P08149) are shown. Substitutions shown
clature and the Uniprot accession number are given on the left. Only experimentally to contribute to resistance are highlighted in gray
The crystal structure of gonococcal PBP2 from a In PBP2a from S. aureus, the middle residue of the SXN
penicillin-susceptible strain was solved to a resolution of motif is an asparate that makes a salt bridge to a lysine in the
2.4 Å [249]. Asp345 is involved in a hydrogen bond network β2a-β2d hair-pin loop. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis
with the second catalytic motif SSN363. Although no struc- PBPA, this linkage is provided by a covalent disulfide bond
ture with the additional adjacent D345a residue could be [250] (Fig. 13.14).
obtained, it was proposed that the additional acidic residue PBP2 with sequence XII (XXXVI), which harbors four
likely interferes with this hydrogen bonding network, caus- substitutions (F504L, A510V, A516G, and P551S) in addi-
ing a fivefold decrease in the acylation efficiency [250]. tion to the D345a insertion, showed a 16-fold reduction in
However, only an additional Asp was tolerated in vivo and acylation efficiency (k2/KD). The structure of PBP2 with
maintained viability. The structural comparison of different these four substitutions, but without the D345a insertion, a
PBP structures have emphasized the importance of the sequence not found in clinical strain, was also solved and
hydrogen bonding of the second catalytic motif [250]. showed very little structural modification, although the four
Indeed, the middle serine of the SSN motif of pneumococcal substitution caused a fivefold reduction of the acylation effi-
PBP2x is also hydrogen bonded to an aspartate similarly ciency, mostly due to the F504L and P551S substitutions,
located as gonococcal Asp345 on the β2a-β2d hair-pin loop. and a drop in thermal stability [249].
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 197
The A501V substitution in gonococcal sequences is the substitutions that contribute to the diminished reactivity
another example of a point mutation that arose in addition to of altered PBPs for β-lactams. In a study of PBP2, recombi-
mosaicism. Indeed, the A501V substitution is absent from nation of partial sequences of penA from a clinical strain
related species that contributed sequence fragments to resis- particularly resistant to cefixime, allowed to home in on a
tant N. gonorrhoeae [251]. The A501V mutation was found subset of substitutions that contribute to resistance [239].
to be somewhat correlated with strains expressing resistance Further narrowing by site-directed mutagenesis pointed out
to ceftriaxone, a third generation cephalosporin [240]. This to I312M, V316T, and G545S as contributing most to the
was confirmed experimentally, as introduction of the A501V reduction of reactivity towards most cephems. The I312M
mutation in a mosaic PBP2 normally devoid of this substitu- substitution takes place within the SAIK first catalytic motif,
tion increased the resistance to ceftriaxone and cefixime and is therefore analogous to the M339F substitution charac-
while decreasing the resistance to penicillin [252]. The effect terized in S. pneumoniae PBP2x [154]. The V316T substitu-
was mirrored in vitro on the acylation efficiency k2/KD with tion is in the middle of helix α 2 which starts with the active
cefixime and penicillin, in that introduction of the A501V site S311. V316 is one-turn downstream of K314 from the
substitution increased the reactivity with penicillin and SAIK catalytic motif, and their side chains protrude on the
decreased that with cefixime. Odd results were reported with same side of α2. It is therefore likely that the V316T substi-
ceftriaxone, the mutation increased the reactivity of the tution impacts on the spatial arrangement of the active site.
enzyme, in contradiction with the physiological effect [252]. G545 sits at the beginning of α11 facing strand β3 that lines
Position 501 is close to the active site Ser310 at the begin- the active site. The introduction of a serine side chain at posi-
ning of the loop connecting strands β3 and β4 which is disor- tion 545 likely modifies the conformation of β3 and the
dered in the crystal structure of PBP2 [249]. An A501P active site. These effects are certainly subtle since they
substitution is found in the mosaic sequence XXXIX from a appear to affect differently the resistance to various cephems
strain that showed high resistance to third generation cepha- [239, 252]. These three mutations display epistasis with
losporins [253]. other substitutions present in the mosaic PBP2 from which
Due to the process of homologous recombination that they were identified, in that their introduction in a wild-
swaps large gene fragments, it is usually difficult to pinpoint type strain confers only modest resistance, whereas their
198 A. Zapun et al.
reversion in the originating mosaic PBP2 abolishes N. gonorrhoeae strains [258]. This substitution is 40 residues
resistance [252]. N-terminal to the catalytic S461. The L421P substitution was
Other substitutions located in the loop connecting strands shown in vitro to diminish about fourfold the acylation effi-
β3 and β4, F504L, A510V, and N512Y, were found to ciency of PBP1 by various β-lactams [258].
contribute to β-lactam resistance, like the A501V point muta- Note that three non-pbp loci have been found to contrib-
tion mentioned above. However, reversion of N512Y greatly ute to β-lactam resistance in Neisseria species. The mtr locus
diminished resistance to ceftriaxone and cefixime, while not encodes an efflux pump [259], while penB codes for a porin
affecting resistance to penicillin. Instead, reversion of A510V [260]. The nature of the third locus penC, which is required
or F504L had little effect on resistance to cephems but dimin- to allow phenotypic expression of the ponA mutation,
ished the resistance to penicillin [252]. The physiological remains undetermined [258].
results of the mutations were broadly in agreement with the
measured kinetics of the reaction between recombinant
enzymes and β-lactams. PBP2 is 20 times more reactive with 7.2 Haemophilus influenza
cephalosporins than with penicillin. The acylation efficiency
k2/KD for both penicillin and cephalosporins was decreased Most resistant clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenza
150-fold in the mosaic PBP2 investigated [252]. evade the action of β-lactams by producing a β-lactamase
Other substitutions in helix α11 that is lining strand β4 [261]. However, numerous β-lactamase-negative ampicillin-
have been proposed to contribute to cephalosporin resis- resistant (BLNAR) strains have been isolated, particularly in
tance: G542S and P551S/L [254]. These positions could Japan [262]. First documented in 1980 [261], BLNAR strains
potentially also affect the nearby β3–β4 loop. These findings were found to express PBPs with a reduced reactivity
emphasize the importance of the β3–β4 loop for the reaction towards penicillin [263]. Early studies that monitored the
with β-lactams, as noted before with pneumococcal PBP2x PBPs by reaction with radiolabeled penicillin found modifi-
[189]. However, the differential effects of individual muta- cations in PBP2, PBP3, PBP4, PBP5, and PBP6, depending
tions with different β-lactams indicate that a simple flexibil- on the resistant strain [264, 265]. Further scrutiny and gene
ity explanation is unsatisfactory, and molecular details are sequencing confirmed only the role of modifications in
more complicated. PBP3, the division of a specific class B PBP [266–268].
In susceptible strains, the meningococcal PBP2 sequence Truncation of PBP4, a low molecular weight PBP, was found
is 99 % identical to that from N. gonorrhoeae. It is therefore in some BLNAR strains, but this anomaly was not correlated
unsurprising that identical substitutions and mechanisms for with resistance [269]. Another study failed to find significant
reducing the acylation efficiency are observed in meningo- substitutions in the high molecular weight PBPs: PBP1a,
cocci, possibly arising from similar recombination events PBP1b, and PBP2 [270].
[231, 232]. Sequencing of the gene fragment encoding the transpepti-
Thus, it appears that penA alleles that confer penicillin dase domain of PBP3 revealed in excess of 30 mutation pat-
resistance have arisen both from the recruitment of sequence terns, with a number of mutations per sequence ranging from
blocks from naturally resistant species, such as N. flavescens, 1 to 9, affecting 23 different positions [269–275]. These
and new mutations such as a codon insertion or substitution. PBP3 sequences show mostly an accumulation of point
When, how often, and in which species these recombination mutations, but gene mosaicism has been detected, resulting
and mutation events have occurred are difficult questions. from horizontal gene transfer between H. influenzae and
As commensal Neisseria species readily exchange genetic Haemophilus haemolyticus [276, 277]. Also, horizontal
material, the penA alleles conferring resistance may be con- transfer of genes encoding variants of PBP3 has been
sidered as forming a common gene pool, which is shared by observed in the laboratory in co-cultures of BLNAR and sus-
several species [255, 256]. ceptible strains [276]. Various classification schemes have
The cell wall of meningococcal strains with altered penA been proposed [269, 272, 273, 278]. Seven groups are now
alleles has a greater amount of unprocessed pentapeptides, recognized (I, IIa,b,c,d, III-like and M (miscellanous)).
suggesting that the transpeptidase and/or carboxypeptidase Some sequences are characterized by the presence of an
activity of low-affinity PBP2 is modified [257]. R517H substitution (group I and III), while others have the
Early studies hinted at the possibility that PBP1, the class N526K mutation (groups II). Both substitutions are rela-
A PBP, also had decreased reactivity for penicillin in gono- tively close to the third KTG514 catalytic motif. Position
cocci [227], but subsequent studies failed to uncover mosaic- 517 with respect to the KTG motif is analogous to the posi-
ity in the ponA gene encoding PBP1. Recently, an allele of tion 552, which is also mutated in a group of PBP2x
ponA encoding PBP1 with the single substitution L421P sequences from S. Pneumoniae [157]. Sequences that contain
was found to contribute to the high resistance of some the N526K substitution can also possess the three additional
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 199
mutations M377I, S385T, and L389F surrounding the s econd 8 Other Pathogens
SSN381 catalytic motif (group III). Site-directed mutagene-
sis and transformation experiments have shown that S385T Modified PBPs as a means to resist β-lactams has been docu-
and L389F increase the resistance conferred by N526K mented in a few other pathogens, including species where
[278], confirming statistical evidence from clinical isolates the most frequently encountered mode of resistance is the
[274]. M377I does not increase the resistance conferred by production of a β-lactamase. Some examples will be briefly
N526K, but may be a neutral mutation linked to the S385T presented below.
substitution [278]. Modeling of the structure of H. influenza The genome of Helicobacter pylori encodes three recog-
PBP3 on that of S. pneumoniae PBP2x showed that residues nizable PBPs. These are the homologues of the class B PBP2
517, 526, 377, 385, and 389 are probably lining the active and PBP3, and of the class A PBP1a from E. coli. Using a
site cavity [269]. It has been noted that the PBP3 sequence of fluorescein-labeled penicillin, a fourth low molecular weight
group III is associated with a high resistance to cefotaxime penicillin-binding protein was identified [287]. Its sequence
and cefixime, whereas group I and group II sequences confer shows no homology with proteins of the ASPRE family and
only weak resistance to these cephalosporins [272, 273]. the catalytic motifs cannot be recognized in their usual posi-
Two substitutions, V511A preceding the KTG motif, some- tions. The status of this protein with respect to the subject of
times found in group IIb sequences, and V329A within the this review is therefore uncertain.
STVK catalytic motif, were shown to be responsible to ele- Clinical amoxicillin-resistant H. pylori strains have been
vated resistance to amoxicillin [279]. BLNAR strains with a isolated that lose their resistance following storage as frozen
very high heterogenous resistance to imipenem have been samples [288]. This type of unstable resistance may be
isolated [280]. The presence of a mutated PBP3 from group related to the transient loss of expression of the fourth mys-
IIb is required, but fails to account entirely for this unusual terious penicillin-binding protein [289].
resistance. The isolation of stable amoxicillin-resistant strains was
Interestingly, PBP3 mutations that confer resistance do also reported [290–293]. In one strain, the resistance was
not appear to impart a fitness cost. In an epithelial cell inva- shown to result entirely from the single point mutation
sion model, the most invasive strains tested were BLNAR S414R in PBP1a, although another substitution was also
with a PBP3 carrying substitutions in position 377, 385, 389, present [290]. Two other stable resistant strains were found
and 526 [281]. In this experiment, however, strains were not to have the three substitutions T556S, N562Y, and T593A as
isogenic and a possible deleterious effect of the PBP3 variant well as the insertion of a Glu after residue 464 [292]. One
may have been offset by other genes. strain had ten substitutions, all of them in the second half of
The affinity for penicillin of a few H. influenza PBP3 the transpeptidase domain, including the T556S and N562Y
variants has been measured in vitro [270]. PBP3 of group II, mutations [294]. It may be noteworthy that the T556S is
including one variant that has only the N526K mutation, had within the third catalytic motif KTG. The T556S substitution
lower affinity than a PBP3 of group I, in agreement with the was also found in a clinical resistant strain combined with a
resistance level of the originating strains. Surprisingly a C-terminal truncation after residue 636. Both the KTG to
PBP3 with only the R517H substitution, the mutation defin- KSG substitution and the truncation were shown to contrib-
ing group I sequences, had the same high affinity as a wild- ute to the resistance [295]. In a Korean study, the PBP1
type PBP3. This substitution in isolation therefore cannot sequence from nine different isolates with varying levels of
confer resistance. amoxicillin resistance harbored the same six substitutions:
BLNAR strains with very high level of resistance com- V16I, V45I, S414R, N562Y, T593A, 5595S, and A599T.
bine mechanisms that involve alteration of PBP3 and an When the first two and last four substitutions were intro-
efflux pump (AcrAB) [270]. In the laboratory, introduction duced separately in a recipient susceptible strain, only the
of a β-lactamase encoding plasmid in BLNAR strain last four mutations produced a decrease of the susceptibility
increases the level of resistance [282]. In the clinic, it has to amoxicillin [296]. A careful study of a PBP1a variant with
now been evidenced that a low-affinity PBP3 can also be 13 substitutions found that three of them could account for
found in strains expressing a β-lactamase (BLPAR) [271]. all the amoxicillin resistance conferred: S543R, F473L, and
Both mechanisms can cooperate to increase the resistance or V469M. The last of these was proposed to have a compensa-
to resist to combinations of β-lactams and β-lactamase inhib- tory role, as the double mutant S543R, F473L could never be
itors such as the widely used amoxicillin/clavulanate formu- obtained [297].
lations (BLPACR) [272, 283–285]. The same mechanisms In vitro selection on amoxicillin also yielded strains with
were found in various clinical isolates of the related species modified PBP1a [298, 299]. The PBP1a of one such strain
Haemophilus parainfluenza [286]. had four substitutions, including the S414R mutation [300],
200 A. Zapun et al.
another strain had the single substitution T438M conferring fluorescent penicillin analogue Bocillin were found in
an eightfold increase of the MIC for amoxicillin [298]. clinical isolates of A. baumanii [311]. However, in a more
Altogether, regarding PBP1a in H. pylori, six substitu- detailed study, no correlation was found between various
tions have been shown unambiguously to contribute to resis- instances of polymorphism in PBP coding genes and
tance to amoxicillin, either alone or in various combinations: β-lactam resistance [312].
S414R, T438M, F473L, S543R, T556S, and N562Y, as Alterations of PBP3 or PBP2 were selected in laboratory
reviewed in [297]. The possible mechanisms by which some mutants of Listeria monocytogenes [313, 314]. Altered PBPs
of these mutations decrease the reactivity with β-lactam have were also found in laboratory-resistant mutants of the Bac
been explored by homology modeling the structure of PBP1a teroides fragilis group [315] and of Rhodococcus equi [316].
from H. pylori on that of PBP1a from S. pneumoniae [297]. Pathogens have been submitted to severe antibiotic pres-
Whereas T438M, T556S, and N562Y may directly affect the sure over the past five decades, leading to the emergence of
active site binding pocket, S414R and S543R change the resistant strains. In a natural setting as well, β-lactam pro-
electrostatics at the entry of the binding cleft and may affect ducing bacteria need to be protected against the drugs of
access to the active site [297]. their own making. Two examples have been documented,
Although the role of variants of the class A PBP1a in which involve low-affinity PBPs. Expression of a particular
β-lactam resistance is firmly established, mutations in PBP is responsible in part for the resistance of β-lactam-
PBP2 and PBP3 have also been reported in two clinical producing Streptomyces clavuligenus [317]. None of the
isolates [301]. PBP2 and PBP3 are the septal and periph- eight PBPs of cephamycin C-producing Nocardia lactam
eral class B PBPs, respectively. Subsequent work demon- durans bind the β-lactam secreted by this bacteria, although
strated that the variant PBP2 with 4 substitutions (A296V, it also express a β-lactamase [318].
S494H, A541M, and E572G) could alone confer resistance
to cephalosporins, but had little effect on the resistance to
amoxicillin or penicillin. Both PBP2 and PBP3 variants, 9 Are the PBPs Sustainable Targets?
the latter with the single A499V mutation, increased the
resistance to β-lactams provided by a PBP1a variants with The PBPs involved in the β-lactam resistance of the major
six mutations including the aforementioned S414R and pathogens are summarized in Table 13.2. The use of
N562Y [301]. β-lactams to treat staphylococcal, enterococcal, and pneu-
To our knowledge, no clinical isolates of Escherichia coli mococcal infections is already largely compromised. The
were found to resist through the expression of modified isolation of strains with modified PBPs from species that
PBPs. However, as a laboratory workhorse, E. coli was usually resist by producing β-lactamases is worrying. The
used to demonstrate that β-lactam pressure can select for long-term efficacy of β-lactams may thus be compromised
altered PBPs [302]. Several point mutations in PBP3 were even in the advent of efficient β-lactamase inhibitors. It is
found to confer resistance to cephalexin and other cephalo- therefore reasonable to ask whether PBPs are still valid tar-
sporins. Note that E. coli PBP3 is the class B PBP dedicated gets for future antimicrobial therapies.
to division. Interestingly, the substitution T308A, next to the Half a century of β-lactam therapy has largely validated
active site S307, is analogous to the PBP2x T338A and the targeting of PBPs. The uniquely eubacterial synthesis of
PBP1a T471A that confer resistance to S. pneumoniae [303, peptidoglycan is a good predictor of the near absence of
304]. Another mutation was found in the second catalytic negative secondary effects in vertebrates. These two reasons
motif, changing SSN361 into SSS361 [303]. justify the continued effort to target the PBPs. In which
A few reports must be added to complete this overview of direction should the research effort be headed?
pathogens with modified PBPs. PBP alteration has also been The main lesson from detailed kinetic studies of the reac-
found in imipenem-resistant clinical isolates of Proteus tion between PBPs and β-lactams is that these antibiotics are
mirabilis [305] and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [306]. A a poor fit to the enzyme active site. The high dissociation con-
cefsulodin-resistant clinical isolate of P. aeruginosa also had stant of the non-covalent complex guarantees the broad speci-
one PBP with reduced affinity, although not the same as the ficity of the β-lactams, but also hints that attempts to improve
imipenem-resistant isolate [307]. Overexpression of PBP3, their affinities may be misguided. Moreover, crystal struc-
in addition to decreased outer-membrane permeability, was tures of PBPs complexed covalently to various antibiotics can
found in a highly resistant strain of Salmonella muenchen only suggest what might be the interactions taking place in
[308]. The various levels of resistance of several strains of the preacylation complexes. The structure of a preacylation
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus could be correlated with the complex would help to understand both the non-covalent
production of PBPs with altered expression or affinity for affinity (Kd) and the acylation rate (k2), the latter being most
β-lactams [309]. In the laboratory, imipenem could select a affected in altered PBPs.
resistant clone of Acinetobacter baumanii with an altered Instead of focusing in the reaction between PBPs and
PBP [310]. Alterations in the profile of PBPs revealed by the β-lactams, research should be directed towards what may be
13 Penicillin-Binding Proteins and β-Lactam Resistance 201
Table 13.2 High molecular weight PBPs of organisms that resist β-lactams by expressing low affinity PBPs
Low affinity PBPs are boxed. Hatched borders indicate an intrinsic low affinity. An arrow
indicate overexpression. No shading indicates point mutations, light shading indicates
mosaicity, and dark shading indicates acquisition of exogenous origin. Alternative gene
names are given below their respective product.
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Aminoglycosides: Mechanisms of Action
and Resistance 14
Alisa W. Serio, Maria L. Magalhães, John S. Blanchard,
and Lynn E. Connolly
In this chapter we describe mechanisms of resistance to of bacterial resistance mechanisms that can block or
the aminoglycosides and also discuss new members of this inactivate a given aminoglycoside (Sect. 3.4).
class that have the potential to overcome the predominant Aminoglycoside uptake by bacterial cells occurs in three
resistance mechanisms currently encountered in key human phases and the process itself is thought to play a role in the
pathogens. bactericidal activity of this class of antibiotics [11, 13]. The
initial step involves electrostatic interactions between the
polycationic antibiotic and the negatively charged compo-
2 Antimicrobial Mechanism of Action nents of the Gram-negative outer membrane, including
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [11, 14]. The polycationic amino-
Aminoglycosides are bactericidal antibiotics originally iso- glycoside competitively displaces essential divalent cations
lated from Actinomycetes species including Streptomyces (magnesium) that cross-bridge and stabilize adjacent LPS
and Micromonospora [9, 10]. The general mechanism of molecules. Disruption of the outer membrane by this mecha-
action of aminoglycosides is inhibition of protein synthesis nism has been proposed to enhance permeability and initiate
by promotion of mistranslation and elimination of proof- aminoglycoside uptake [11, 14–16]. Aminoglycoside trans-
reading [11]. Aminoglycosides are pseudo-polysaccharides port across the cytoplasmic membrane involves an initial lag
containing amino sugars and are polycationic. Therefore, at phase followed by a second phase in which the drug is rap-
physiological pH values, aminoglycosides are highly posi- idly taken up. Transport across the cytoplasmic membrane
tively charged and have a high binding affinity for nucleic requires energy from the electron transport system in an
acids, especially for certain portions of the prokaryotic ribo- oxygen-dependent process [13, 17–19]. Thus, the intrinsic
somal RNA (rRNA). As discussed below, different classes of resistance of anaerobic bacteria to aminoglycosides can be
aminoglycosides bind to different sites on rRNA. explained by the failure to transport the drug inside the cell.
Most of the commonly used aminoglycosides consist of Once inside the cell, the drug binds to the 30S ribosomal
an aminocyclitol 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS) ring linked to subunit at the aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) acceptor site (A)
amino sugars saturated with amino and hydroxyl substitu- on the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), affecting protein syn-
tions (Fig. 14.1). Aminoglycosides are classified based on thesis by induction of codon misreading and inhibition of
their structure into four classes: (1) no deoxystreptamine translocation [20, 21].
(DOS) ring (e.g., streptomycin, which has a streptidine ring), Some aminoglycosides, like spectinomycin and kasuga-
(2) mono-substituted DOS (e.g., apramycin), (3) 4,5-disub- mycin, were found to have no effect on chain elongation
stituted DOS (e.g., neomycin, ribostamycin), and (4) (codon misreading) but block initiating ribosomes com-
4,6-disubstituted DOS (e.g., gentamicin, amikacin, tobramy- pletely. Streptomycin and other aminoglycosides similarly
cin) [10, 12]. The structure, along with the various amino block the initiation complex but act later, decreasing the
and hydroxyl substitutions have a direct impact on the type accuracy of translation [22].
Fig. 14.1 Chemical structures of diverse aminoglycosides illustrating the common aminocyclitol 2-deoxystreptamine (DOS) ring in red
14 Aminoglycosides: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance 215
It is believed that fidelity of translation depends on two mispairing. In the absence of any aminoglycoside molecule,
steps—initial recognition between the codon on the mRNA some energy would be required to flip out these two adenine
and the anticodon of the charged aa-tRNA and subsequent bases but presumably this energetic cost would be compen-
proofreading. During the initial selection, the cognate codon sated by formation of favorable interactions with the cognate
is recognized, inducing GTP hydrolysis and the release of aa-tRNA. By binding to the A site, the aminoglycoside stabi-
elongation factors from aa-tRNA [23]. The aminoacyl end of lizes the flipped out structure, thus reducing the energetic
aa-tRNA is free to move into the peptidyl transferase center cost of both cognate and non-cognate aa-tRNA binding and
on the 50S subunit, where peptide bond formation occurs increasing aa-tRNA affinity for the A-site [26, 29]. Therefore,
[24]. A similar sequence of events happens when a non- typical aminoglycosides like paromomycin induce miscod-
cognate codon is recognized. However, in such cases, fol- ing by mimicking the conformational change in the 16S
lowing GTP hydrolysis and release of additional factors, rRNA induced by a correct codon–anticodon pair.
non-cognate aa-tRNAs dissociate from the ribosome rather Indeed, it has been reported that aminoglycosides stabi-
than enter the peptidyl transferase center, due to the lower lize aa-tRNA binding about six-fold [25]. In contrast, the rate
stability of the codon–anticodon complex [23]. of aminoglycoside-induced misreading ranges from 20- to
Although the precise mechanism of aminoglycoside- 200-fold [30, 31] (depending on the codon and the antibi-
induced miscoding is not completely understood, it has been otic), suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms
shown that aminoglycosides enhance the binding stability of by which binding of aminoglycosides induces codon
cognate aa-tRNAs to the small ribosomal subunit [25]. It has misreading.
been proposed that such stability enhancement would allow The structure of the atypical aminoglycoside streptomy-
non-cognate tRNAs to enter the peptidyl transferase site, cin bound to the 30S subunit has also been reported [26]. The
being incorporated into the nascent polypeptide chain. data reveal that the drug makes interactions with residues
High-resolution crystal structures of the 30S ribosomal from four different domains of the 16S rRNA, including U14
subunit [26, 27] as well as nuclear magnetic resonance in helix 1, C526 and G527 from helix 18, A913 and A914 from
(NMR)-derived structures [28] of ribosomal constituents helix 27 and 28, respectively, and C1490 and G1491 from helix
bound to aminoglycoside molecules have provided valuable 44. It also makes contacts with K45 from protein S12. This
information about the molecular mechanisms of aminogly- data offers a structural rationale for the observed properties
coside binding and action. The NMR structure of the com- of streptomycin. It had previously been reported that there
plex between an A site-mimicking RNA molecule and the are two alternative base pairing schemes in Escherichia coli
aminoglycoside paromomycin revealed that the antibiotic rRNA during translation [32]: one which leads to a ribo-
binds in the major groove of the A-site in an L-shaped con- somal ambiguity (ram) conformation, with high affinity for
formation [28]. Critical nucleotides for binding include A1492 tRNA, which results in increased miscoding, and a second
and U1495 as well as the C1407–G1494 and A1408–A1493 base pairs. that leads to a restrictive state with low tRNA affinity. The
The 2-deoxystreptamine and 2,6-dideoxy-2,6-diamino- balance of these two states could be involved in the proof-
glucose rings contribute the most important intermolecular reading process [32, 33]. The structural data from the strep-
contacts. The N1 and N3 amino groups of the central deoxys- tomycin complex indicate that this aminoglycoside
treptamine ring, found in all typical aminoglycosides, are preferentially stabilizes the ram state [26], providing an
required for specific binding to the 16S rRNA. explanation for the error-prone translation induced by this
A high-resolution crystal structure of the 30S subunit drug. By stabilizing the ram state, streptomycin would
from Thermus thermophilus in complex with different anti- increase initial binding of non-cognate tRNAs as well as
biotics was reported in 2000, providing important insights make the transition to the restrictive state more difficult,
into the molecular mechanisms of translation as well as the thereby affecting the proposed balance of such states and
mode of action of aminoglycosides [26]. In this work, Carter hence, proofreading.
et al. proposed a model to address how typical aminoglyco- Although the mechanism of action of aminoglycosides at
side molecules increase the affinity of the aa-tRNA for the the translational level has been extensively clarified by the
A-site. During translation, the selection of aa-tRNA occurs data above, the connection between protein misreading and
by formation of a mini-helix between the codon of mRNA bactericidal activity remains unclear. In addition to codon
and the anticodon of the cognate tRNA. They propose that misreading, early studies on streptomycin have revealed an
when this tRNA–mRNA complex is formed, two adenines additional effect: membrane damage. Several studies showed
(A1492 and A1493) from 16S rRNA flip out from their intraheli- that the treatment of E. coli cells with streptomycin led to the
cal positions and form a hydrogen bonding network with the loss of intracellular nucleotides [34], amino acids [35], and
2′-OH groups on both sides of the codon–anticodon helix. potassium [36]. Later studies [22, 37, 38] have proposed that
The two adenines would sense the width of the minor groove, misreading would play an indirect, but essential and determi-
allowing for discrimination of distortions arising from nant role in the bactericidal action of aminoglycosides. The
216 A.W. Serio et al.
Aminoglycoside-producing organisms possess a number of Bacteria are capable of extruding antibiotics and other struc-
mechanisms to defend themselves against the antibiotics that turally unrelated molecules via efflux systems, and thus have
they produce and are thus intrinsically resistant to amino the ability to reduce the intracellular accumulation of an anti-
glycosides. These resistance mechanisms include target biotic necessary for target inhibition. As a result, these sys-
modification and enzymatic inactivation of the drug. Target tems often play a key role in conferring multidrug resistance
modification in these organisms occurs via 16S rRNA methyl- in a number of diverse pathogens. The resistance-nodulation-
transferases, which confer aminoglycoside resistance by modi- division (RND) family of efflux systems plays the most
fication of key nucleotide residues, preventing binding of the prominent role in this type of antibiotic resistance in Gram-
aminoglycoside to its target in the 16S rRNA [12, 58, 59]. negative bacteria [73].
A number of genes encoding S-adenosylmethionine RND transporters are localized in the cytoplasmic mem-
(SAM)-dependent 16S rRNA methylases have been identi- brane of Gram-negative bacteria and use membrane proton
fied from several aminoglycoside-producing Actinomycetes, motive force as an energy source. A membrane fusion pro-
including Streptomyces and Micromonospora spp. [60–65]. tein (MFP) localized in the periplasmic space connects the
The 16S rRNA methyltransferases can be separated into two RND transporter to the outer membrane pore (OMP) form-
groups based on the site of modification: (1) methylation of ing a continuous tripartite channel able to export substrates
the N7 position of nucleotide G1405, which results in resis- efficiently out of the cell [74, 75].
tance to 4,6-disubstituted DOS aminoglycosides, including Several RND systems have been shown to be involved in
gentamicin and amikacin [58, 65], and (2) methylation of the intrinsic aminoglycoside resistance in various pathogens
N1 position of nucleotide A1408, which results in resistance [76–81]. Intrinsic resistance is characterized by the constitutive
not only to 4,6-disubstituted DOS aminoglycosides but also expression of efflux pumps causing a natural low-level resis-
to 4,5-disubstituted and monosubstituted DOS aminoglyco- tance to various antibiotics [73, 82]. Further, mutations in the
sides, including neomycin and apramycin [58, 64, 66]. regulatory genes of the pumps, or induction of expression in
Methylation of these nucleotides abolishes important inter- the presence of substrate, can lead to overexpression of the
molecular contacts between rRNA and the aminoglycoside pump itself and high-level antibiotic resistance [10, 82].
molecule. In the opportunistic pathogen P. aeruginosa, intrinsic
Until fairly recently, ribosomal protection by methyla- low-level resistance to aminoglycosides, tetracycline, and
tion of 16S rRNA had been restricted to the chromosomes erythromycin is mediated by the expression of the Mex (mul-
of aminoglycoside-producing Actinomycetes. However, tiple efflux) XY-OprM system. This efflux system plays an
an aminoglycoside-resistant P. aeruginosa clinical isolate important role in the intrinsic aminoglycoside resistance
from Japan containing a plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA meth- observed in P. aeruginosa strains associated with chronic
yltransferase, coined RmtA for ribosomal methyltrans lung infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients [83]. The sys-
ferase A was described in 2003 [67]. Subsequently, several tem is composed of a transmembrane protein (MexY), an
additional plasmid-encoded 16S rRNA methylases, outer membrane channel (OprM), and a periplasmic mem-
encoded by the genes armA, rmtB1, rmtB2, rmtC, rmtD, brane fusion lipoprotein (MexX) [76, 77]. Auxiliary OprM-
rmtD2, rmtE, rmtF, rmtG, and rmtH, have emerged in clini- like proteins such as OpmG, OpmH, and OpmI may also
cal isolates that exhibit high-level resistance to multiple interact with MexX and MexY to form a tripartite functional
aminoglycosides [67–71]. These enzymes modify the G1405 pump [84].
nucleotide and thus impact the activity of all 4,6-disubsti- MexXY orthologs are found in other species of bacteria.
tuted aminoglycosides (i.e., amikacin, gentamicin, and For example, Burkholderia cenopacia complex (BCC) spe-
tobramycin). In 2007, the enzyme NpmA was discovered cies are opportunistic pathogens that also cause chronic lung
encoded on a plasmid in an aminoglycoside- resistant infections in CF patients and are often intrinsically resistant
E. coli clinical isolate, also from Japan [72]. This methyl- to antibiotics, including aminoglycosides, due to RND efflux
transferase modifies the A1408 nucleotide and thus impacts pumps [85]. Some Burkholderia species can acquire amino-
4,6- and 4-5-disubstituted as well as monosubstituted ami- glycoside resistance due to changes in pump expression.
noglycosides, conferring pan- aminoglycoside resistance. Acquired aminoglycoside resistance in B. vietnameinsis, a
This type of methyltransferase appears to be rare at this BCC species that is atypical in that it is initially susceptible to
time, as NpmA remains the only report of this type of aminoglycosides, was found to be due to mutations that result
enzyme occurring in a clinical isolate [72]. in overexpression of the AmrAB-OprM efflux system [86].
218 A.W. Serio et al.
The AmrAB-OprA efflux system of Burkholderia covalent modification of specific amino or hydroxyl
pseudomallei, the causative agent of meliodosis, is groups of the aminoglycoside molecule. The chemically
orthologous to the P. aeruginosa MexXY system and results modified drug exhibits diminished binding to the A site of
in intrinsic aminoglycoside and macrolide resistance in this bacterial 16S rRNA, resulting in loss of antibacterial activity
pathogen [87]. and a resistant phenotype in organisms that harbor these
The E. coli genome contains several genes that encode enzymes [94]. Structural studies of aminoglycosides com-
RND transporters. The AcrD transporter was first identified plexed to the 16S rRNA have highlighted the importance of
based on amino acid sequence similarity with MexY. Further several amino and hydroxyl groups for the proper binding of
investigation demonstrated that AcrD participates in efflux aminoglycoside molecules [26, 28]. The N1 and N3 amino
of aminoglycosides after a mutant with a disrupted acrD groups of the deoxystreptamine ring hydrogen bond to
gene was shown to be hypersusceptible to the class [80]. nucleotides U1495 and G1494 while the 3′ and 4′-hydroxyl
Interestingly, a later study demonstrated that AcrD not only groups of the primed ring contact the A1493 and A1492 phos-
captures aminoglycoside molecules from the cytoplasm, but phates, respectively. Additionally, the 2′-amino position
also from the periplasmic space, followed by the active forms an internal hydrogen bond with the doubly primed
efflux of the drug out of the cell [88]. ring, which is important for correct positioning of the
RND efflux systems also play a major role in multidrug primed ring, and the amino and hydroxyl groups of the triply
resistance in the opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter bau- primed ring make electrostatic interactions with the phos-
mannii. Overexpression of the Ade (Acinetobacter drug phate backbone of several rRNA residues. Therefore, it is
efflux) ABC efflux system has been demonstrated to confer clear that modifications of these conserved or semi-con-
aminoglycoside resistance in clinical isolates [79]. This sys- served positions would lead to deleterious effects on amino-
tem extrudes not only aminoglycosides, but also a number of glycoside-binding properties and thus the antibacterial
antibiotics in diverse classes including β-lactams, fluoroqui- activity of the drug.
nolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, chloramphenicol, and tri- There are three classes of aminoglycoside-modifying
methoprim [89]. The AdeDE system was also demonstrated enzymes (Fig. 14.2): aminoglycoside nucleotidyltransfer-
to efflux aminoglycosides and other classes of antibiotics ases (ANTs) (also called adenylyltransferases), aminogly-
[90]. There were no outer membrane protein genes found coside phosphotransferases (APHs), and aminoglycoside
associated with the adeDE gene cluster, suggesting that an acetyltransferases (AACs). These classes are further
unknown outer membrane protein is recruited to complete divided into subtypes according to the position on the
formation of the pump [89, 90]. aminoglycoside that the enzyme modifies. For instance,
In Mycobacteria, the majority of drug efflux pumps iden- APH(3′) modifies the 3′-hydroxyl of susceptible amino-
tified thus far belong to the major facilitator superfamily glycosides. The enzymes are further classified on the
(MFS). Genome sequence analysis revealed 16 open reading basis of the pattern of resistance designated by a Roman
frames encoding putative drug efflux pumps belonging to the numeral and, in some cases, a letter designating a specific
MFS class in M. tuberculosis [91]. These efflux pumps could gene (e.g., APH(3′)-IVa) [11, 95]. An alternative nomen-
account for streptomycin-resistant clinical isolates of clature also exists, in which the genes are designated
M. tuberculosis that cannot be assigned to any other mecha- based on a three letter code (aac = acetyltransferase;
nism to date. Expressson of the tap gene, encoding a putative aad = adenylyltransferase; aph = acetylphosphotransfer-
MFS family pump, from M. fortuitum or M. tuberculosis in ase), with a capital letter specifying the site of modifica-
the nonpathogenic M. smegmatis conferred low-level amino- tion [96]. Under this nomenclature, aacA, aacB, and aacC
glycoside and tetracycline resistance [92]. The gene encod- signify aminoglycoside 6′-N-acetyltransferase, amino
ing the P55 pump from M. bovis similarly conferred glycoside 2′-N-acetyltransferase, and aminoglycoside
aminoglycoside and tetracycline resistance when expressed 3-N-acetyltransferase, respectively. A number can also be
in M. smegatis [93]. These data suggest that MFS family included to provide a unique identifier to each gene [11].
pumps may contribute to aminoglycoside resistance in Experts in the field have discussed choosing one conven-
Mycobacteria. tion, but a consensus has not been reached.
An extraordinary number of AME-encoding genes have
been identified. A recently published “representative rather
3.4 Enzymatic Drug Modification than comprehensive” review of these enzymes lists over 100
enzymes and their respective genes and species [11]. AMEs
The most common mechanism of aminoglycoside resistance can be either plasmid or chromosomally encoded, the former
encountered clinically is direct modification of the amino- being associated with transposable elements, facilitating the
glycoside molecule via aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes rapid spread of resistance not only within a given species but
(AMEs). These intracellular bacterial enzymes catalyze the also among a large variety of bacterial species.
14 Aminoglycosides: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance 219
3.4.1 Aminoglycoside Acetyltransferases sensitive strains, however, a massive 60 kbp deletion placed
Aminoglycoside acetyltransferases are the largest group of the constitutive nmp promoter directly upstream of the gene,
AMEs and catalyze the acetyl-CoA-dependent N-acetylation resulting in the observed resistance phenotype. The deduced
of amino groups of typical aminoglycoside molecules. This AAC(6′)-Iy sequence of 145 amino acids showed significant
class of enzymes includes four major subclasses: the enzymes primary sequence homology with the Gcn5-related N-acetyl
that modify the amino groups of positions 1 and 3 of the transferases (GNAT) superfamily. This is an enormous
central DOS ring (AAC(1) and AAC(3), respectively), and superfamily of enzymes (>100,000 identified to date from
the enzymes that modify the 2′ and 6′ amino groups of published sequenced genomes), whose members show
the 2,6-dideoxy-2,6-diamino-glucose ring (AAC(2) and sequence homology to the histone acetyltransferases (HAT)
AAC(6), respectively) [10, 66, 97, 98]. The AAC(6′) sub- [103]. To date, over three dozen members of the GNAT fam-
class are the most common AMEs and are found in diverse ily have been structurally characterized, revealing a con-
bacterial species as well as on diverse mobile elements [11]. served fold. The kinetic characterization of AAC(6′)-Iy has
The first AME reported in bacteria was kanamycin shown that the enzyme presents narrow acyl-donor specific-
6′-N-acetyltransferase IV (AAC(6′)-IV), identified in 1965 ity, but very broad specificity with respect to aminoglycosides
by Okamoto and Suzuki [99]. This enzyme was the second containing a 6′-amino functionality. Both substrates must
example (after the discovery of penicillinase) of a bacterial bind to the enzyme before catalysis occurs and the order of
enzyme causing antibiotic resistance by drug inactivation or substrate binding was proposed to be random [104]. The
modification. AAC(6′)-IV was the subject of the develop- structural characterization of this enzyme in 2004 confirmed
ment of new kinetic diagnostics of enzymatic mechanisms that AAC(6′)-Iy is a member of the GNAT superfamily and
by Radika and Northrop [100], who used these methods to revealed strong structural similarities with the Saccharomyces
establish that AAC(6′)-IV follows a rapid equilibrium ran- cerevisiae Hpa2-encoded histone acetyltransferase [105].
dom kinetic mechanism [101]. The authors also demonstrated that AAC(6′)-Iy catalyzes
A chromosomally encoded aminoglycoside 6′-N-acetyl acetylation of eukaryotic histone proteins. Such structural
transferase (AAC(6′)-Iy) has been identified in clinical iso- and catalytic similarities suggest that bacterial aminoglyco-
lates of aminoglycoside-resistant Salmonella enterica [102]. side acetyltransferases and eukaryotic histone acetyltransfer-
The aac(6′)-Iy gene was located at the end of a long operon in ases may be evolutionarily linked.
220 A.W. Serio et al.
The aacA29b gene was identified from an MDR clinical a number of regulatory genes are required to confer elevated
isolate of P. aeruginosa exhibiting high-level resistance aminoglycoside minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
to various aminoglycosides. On the basis of amino acid [113, 114].
sequence homology, it was proposed that this gene encoded The AAC(3) family of aminoglycoside acetyltransferases
a 6′-N-acetyltransferase. Surprisingly, this enzyme was selectively modify the 3-amino group of the deoxystrep-
found to confer aminoglycoside resistance not by acetylating tamine ring. At present, this family includes five major types,
the drug, but by sequestering aminoglycoside molecules as a I–V, based on the pattern of aminoglycoside resistance that
result of tight binding, thus preventing the molecule from they confer. As previously discussed, the 3-amino group is
reaching its target in the ribosome [106]. found in all aminoglycosides and is required for specific
High-level aminoglycoside resistance in Enterococcus binding of these molecules to the A site of the rRNA.
faecalis is often due to the plasmid-mediated expression of Acetylation at this position would disrupt crucial interac-
the bifunctional AAC(6′)-APH(2″) [107]. In E. faecium, tions required for specific binding, resulting in poor binding
intrinsic, low-level resistance to aminoglycosides is medi- to the ribosome. The AAC(3)-I and -II isoenzymes preferen-
ated by the expression of the chromosomally encoded tially modify the gentamicin group of aminoglycosides
aac(6′)-Ii gene [108]. [116, 117]. Initial velocity, product, dead-end, and substrate
Kinetic studies have shown that AAC(6′)-Ii follows an inhibition studies have revealed that this enzyme follows a
ordered Bi-Bi mechanism in which acetyl-CoA binds first to random Bi-Bi kinetic mechanism where both substrates must
the enzyme followed by the aminoglycoside [109]. Chemistry bind to the enzyme active site before catalysis can occur
is not rate-limiting, as evidenced by very small solvent iso- [118]. AAC(3)-III enzymes catalyze the covalent acetylation
tope effects and a large dependence of the maximum velocity of a wide variety of aminoglycosides including gentamicin,
on the solvent micro viscosity, suggesting that a physical tobramycin, and neomycin [119].
step, likely product dissociation, governs the overall rate of The AAC(3)-IV enzyme was the first aminoglycoside-
catalysis [109]. The molecular mechanism of this enzyme modifying enzyme identified as capable of modifying the
was investigated by mutagenesis studies and the role of sev- novel aminoglycoside apramycin [120]. This enzyme was
eral potential catalytic residues on the active site of the originally found in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium iso-
Enterococcal AAC(6′)-Ii were explored [110]. These studies lates from animals [120, 121] but was quickly identified in
indicate that Glu72 is critical for the proper positioning and human clinical isolates from hospitalized patients [122],
orientation of aminoglycoside substrates in the active site. In representing a serious concern given the activity of this
addition, the amide NH group of Leu 76 is implicated in enzyme against essentially all therapeutically useful ami-
important interactions with acetyl-CoA and transition state noglycosides [123]. Kinetic characterization of the enzyme
stabilization. The three-dimensional structure of the E. fae- from E. coli revealed the broadest aminoglycoside specific-
cium AAC(6′)-Ii was solved at 2.7 Å resolution, reveling a ity range of all AAC(3) enzymes [123]. Dead-end inhibi-
compact GNAT fold [111]. tion and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments
AAC(2′) is a class of aminoglycoside acetyltransferases revealed that the enzyme follows a sequential, random,
that thus far have only been found encoded on the chromo- Bi-Bi kinetic mechanism. Substrate specificity studies
somes of Mycobacterium spp. and Providencia stuartii [11, showed that acetylation at the 1-N position sterically inter-
112–114]. The aac(2′)-Ic gene of M. tuberculosis was cloned feres with 3-N acetylation. Similar results have been
and expressed in E. coli and the purified enzyme acetylated observed with other AAC(3) enzymes, including AAC(3)-
all aminoglycoside substrates tested in vitro. Dead end inhi- III and AAC(3)-I. Sequence alignment studies indicate that
bition studies as well as alternative substrate diagnostic stud- this enzyme is not a member of the GNAT superfamily, but
ies supported an ordered sequential mechanism with a degree currently no structural data have been reported to confirm
of randomness, where binding of acyl-CoA is preferred fol- such findings.
lowed by the aminoglycoside. The enzyme is able to perform The last member of the AAC(3) class of enzymes identi-
both N-acetyl and O-acetyl transfer [115]. Despite this broad fied to date was AAC(3)-V, isolated from a clinical isolate of
activity in vitro, the aac(2′) genes have not been implicated P. aeruginosa resistant to kanamycin, gentamicin, tobramy-
in clinical aminoglycoside resistance in mycobacteria. In P. cin, and sisomicin [124]. The only member of the AAC(3)
stuartii, the AAC(2′)-Ia enzyme is thought to play an impor- class of enzymes to be structurally characterized to date is
tant role in cell wall turnover via acetylation of peptidogly- the Serratia marcescens AAC(3)-I [125]. The monomer fold
can [113, 114]. Expression of the gene is complex, tightly was typical of the GNAT superfamily, with the characteristic
controlled, and dependent on environmental conditions. As central antiparallel β-sheet containing two amino-terminal
such, strains are typically aminoglycoside susceptible and helices on one side of the sheet and the two carboxy-terminal
the enzyme is not induced by aminoglycosides. Mutations in helices on the other.
14 Aminoglycosides: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance 221
5.1 Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases A variant of gene aac(6′)-Ib in clinical isolates of Gram-
(ESBLs) negative bacteria that has acquired the ability to modify fluo-
roquinolones was recently identified [162]. This enzyme was
Regardless of the bacterial species or enzyme type, many shown to reduce the activity of ciprofloxacin by N-acetylation
extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producers are also of the secondary amino nitrogen of its piperazinyl substitu-
resistant to aminoglycosides [152] either due to the co- ent without significantly altering its activity against amino-
expression of AMEs or RMTs. An analysis of 100 strains of glycosides [163]. The modified aac(6′)-Ib gene is encoded in
ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates from several hos- an integron cassette with an associated attC site. It is found
pitals in Chile showed that 65 % were resistant to gentamicin in various integrons including on IncF11 plasmids express-
and 47 % were resistant to amikacin [153]. The most fre- ing the extended spectrum β-lactamase CTX-M-15 and has
quent AMEs genes detected were the aac(6′)-Ib gene in 69 % been reported worldwide [164].
14 Aminoglycosides: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance 223
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Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol
Resistance Mechanisms 15
Marilyn C. Roberts and Stefan Schwarz
Table 15.1 Mechanism of resistance for characterized tet and otr genes
Efflux (29) Ribosomal Protection (12) Enzymatic (3) Unknowna
tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E) tet(M), tet(O), tet(S), tet(W), tet(32), tet(X) tet(U)
tet(G), tet(H), tet (J), tet(V), tet(Y) tet(Q), tet (T), tet(36) tet(34)
tet(Z), tet(30), tet(31), tet(33) otr(A), tetB(P)b, tetc tet(37)
tet(35)d tet(44)
tet(39), tet(41)
tet (K), tet(L), tet(38), tet(45)
tetA(P), tet(40)
otr(B), otr(C)
tet (U) has been sequenced but does not appear to be related to either efflux or ribosomal protection proteins
tetB(P) is not found alone and tetA(P) and tetB(P) are counted as one operon
tet(X) and tet(37) are unrelated but both are NADP-requiring oxidoreductases: tet(34) similar to the xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
genes of V. cholerae
Not related to other tet efflux genes [4]
Represents two different genes that are both required for resistance [5]
1.2 Chloramphenicol Resistance annotated in the genomes of several bacteria, e.g., Brucella
melitensis (GenBank NC_003317) and Bacillus cereus
Chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) is primarily due to the (GenBank NC_004722). However, comparisons on both
presence of chloramphenicol acetyltransferases (CATs) nucleotide and amino acid level revealed little, if no homol-
which inactive chloramphenicol [10]. There are two different ogy with the known chloramphenicol resistance determi-
types of CAT enzymes which are genetically unrelated nants, and it has not been demonstrated whether these
(Table 15.3). Cmr may also be due to the efflux of chloram- cat-like genes actually confer chloramphenicol resistance.
phenicol via specific membrane-associated transporters [11]. More information on phenicol resistance can be found in two
Both, the genes coding for CATs and specific exporters, are reviews [18, 19].
often associated with mobile elements such as plasmids,
transposons, or gene cassettes and are able to be transferred
by conjugation, mobilization, transduction, or transforma- 2 Mechanisms of Tetracycline Resistance
tion between bacteria of different species and genera. Some
chromosomal multidrug transporters have also been identi- 2.1 T
etracycline Resistance due to Efflux
fied which export chloramphenicol [12]. Cmr may also occur Proteins
from mutations which reduce expression of outer membrane
proteins [13], mutations in the 23S rRNA [14], inactivation Most of the tet, tcr, and otr genes code for tetracycline resis-
of chloramphenicol by 3-O-phosphotransferases [15], or tar- tance efflux proteins and are part of the Major Facilitator
get site modification by a 23S rRNA methylase [16, 17]. Superfamily (MFS) of transports. The proteins are mem-
In contrast to the tetracycline resistance genes, there is no brane-bound and exchange a proton for a tetracycline-cation
internationally accepted nomenclature for chloramphenicol complex against a concentration gradient [20]. This reduces
resistance genes currently available. However, when using the intracellular tetracycline concentration which in turn pro-
the same criteria as for the classification of tet genes, 16 tects the ribosomes within the cell. These proteins share
groups of classical chloramphenicol acetyltransferase genes amino acid and protein structure similarities with other
(cat), at least six groups of cat genes of the second type, efflux proteins involved in multiple-drug resistance, quater-
which occasionally are referred to as xat genes [10], and 11 nary ammonium resistance, chloramphenicol, and quinolone
different groups of genes coding for specific exporters can be resistance [12]. The Gram-negative tet(B) gene codes for an
distinguished (Table 15.3). In addition, a single gene, cfr, is efflux protein, which confers resistance to both tetracycline
known to code for the aforementioned rRNA methylase and and minocycline, but not to the glycylcyclines [2]. All the
to mediate resistance by target site modification [16, 17]. other tetracycline efflux proteins confer resistance to tetracy-
During whole genome sequencing, cat-like genes have been cline, but not to minocycline or glycylcyclines.
Table 15.2 Distribution of tet, and otr resistance genes
No. Gram-positive bacteria,
Mycobacterium, Mycoplasma, Nocardia, Total No
Streptomyces and Ureplasma No. Gram-negative Genera
Mechanism Gene n = 52 n = 77 129 Genera
Efflux n = 29 tet(A) 0 24 24 Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Bordetella, Chryseobacterium, Citrobacter, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter, Escherichia,
Flavobacterium. Klebsiella, Laribacter, Ochrobactrum, Plesiomonas, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Rahnella, Rhizobium,
Salmonella, Serratia, Shigella, Variovorax, Veillonella, Vibrio
tet(B) 0 33 33 Acinetobacter, Actinobacillus, Aeromonas, Aggregatibacter, Brevundimonas, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Erwinia, Escherichia,
Gallibacterium, Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Mannheimia, Moraxella, Neisseria, Ochrobactrum, Pantoea, Pasteurella,
Plesiomonas, Photobacterium, Proteus, Providencia, Pseudoalteromonas, Pseudomonas, Roseobacter, Rhizobium, Salmonella,
Serratia, Shewanella, Shigella, Treponema, Vibrio, Yersinia
tet(C) 0 16 16 Aeromonas, Bordetella, Chlamydia, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Francisella, Halomonas, Klebsiella, Proteus,
Pseudomonas, Roseobacter, Salmonella, Serratia, Shigella, Vibrio
tet(D) 0 22 22 Aeromonas, Alteromoas, Brevundimonas, Burkholderia, Chryseobacterium, Citrobacter, Edwardsiella, Enterobacter,
Escherichia, Halomonas, Klebsiella, Morganella, Pasteurella, Plesiomonas, Photobacterium, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium,
Salmonella, Shewanella, Shigella, Vibrio, Yersinia
tet(E) 0 11 11 Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Klebsiella, Roseobacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Proteus, Providencia, Pseudomonas, Serratia, Vibrio
tet(G) 0 16 16 Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Brevundimonas, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Fusobacterium, Mannheimia, Ochrobactrum,
Pasteurella, Proteus, Providencia, Pseudomonas, Roseobacter, Salmonella, Shewanella, Vibrio
tet(H) 0 12 12 Acinetobacter, Actinobacillus, Aeromonas, Bibersteinia, Gallibacterium, Histophilus, Mannheimia, Moraxella, Pasteurella,
Proteus, Pseudomonas, Psychrobacter
tet(J) 0 3 3 Escherichia, Morganella, Proteus
tet(K) 12 4 16 Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterococcus, Eubacterium, Gallibacterium, Haemophilus, Lactobacillus, Listeria, Mycobacterium,
15 Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol Resistance Mechanisms
otr(C) 1 0 1 Streptomyces
Table 15.2 (continued)
The majority of the tet efflux genes codes for an Gram-positive genera bringing into question the ancestral
a pproximately 46 kDa membrane-bound efflux protein. With source of this gene [27, 28]. The tet(40) gene has a 42 %
the exception of the tetAB(46), the Gram-negative efflux G+C content and has been linked with the mosaic tet(O/32/O)
genes in general have two functional domains, α and β which gene [23]. The tet(43) gene also has a higher G+C % of 65 %
correspond to the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein, though it has only been identified in one Gram-positive
respectively. Experimental data suggests that residues dis- genus (Table 15.2). The tet(45) has a G+C % of 34 % and
persed across the protein are important for function [21]. found in Gram-positive bacteria (Table 15.2).
Mutations affecting energy coupling have been located in The TetP operon from Clostridium perfringens consists of
cytoplasmic loops 2–3 and 10–11 of the efflux protein [22]. two overlapping genes, tetA(P) (G+C % 30 %) and tetB(P)
Sixteen of the tet genes [tet(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (G), (31 %). The tetA(P) gene codes for an efflux protein, but does
(H), (J), (Z), (30), (31), (33), (35), (39), (41), and (42)] have not have the conserved motifs that are common in the other
repressor genes upstream of the structural gene [20, 21]. tet efflux proteins [29]. There are some sequenced differ-
Most of these tet genes have been linked to other antibiotic ences between the tetA(P) gene which is found alone vs.
resistance genes such as those that confer aminoglycoside, those that overlap with the tetB(P) gene [30]. The tetB(P)
β-lactamase, chloramphenicol/florfenicol, methicillin, strep- gene codes for a protein with amino acid identity of 37–39 %
tomycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, genes coding for to the Tet(M) ribosomal protection protein. The tetA(P) gene
mercury resistance, and/or Salmonella genomic island 1 [23]. has been isolated from Clostridium spp. without the tetB(P)
The repressor genes are read in the opposite direction from gene but the reverse has not been found. The recently identi-
the structural genes and regulate expression of the structural fied tetAB(46) gene codes for two nonidentical proteins and
gene in the presence versus absence of tetracycline. Most it is suggested that they function as a heterodimeric ABC
of the repressors for regulation of the structural tet genes transporter requiring both proteins for function and tetracy-
are associated exclusively with Gram-negative bacteria. cline resistance and have 45 % G+C content. There have not
However, the tet(Z) and tet(33) genes are of Gram-positive been any studies to verify physical interaction between the
origin, but have repressors genes upstream from their struc- two proteins. But in-frame deletions of either tetA(46) or
tural gene, like the Gram-negative efflux genes. These were tetB(46) demonstrated that both proteins are needed for
the first Gram-positive efflux proteins identified that were tetracycline resistance in the original host [5].
shown to be controlled by a repressor protein [24, 25]. The
tet(33) has been linked to aadA9 encoding for aminogly-
coside resistance and IS6100 [25]. The tet(40) gene has 2.2 T
etracycline Resistance due to Ribosomal
a 42 % G+C content and has been linked with the mosaic Protection Proteins
tet(O/32/O) gene [23].
In contrast, the Gram-positive tet(K) and tet(L) efflux Twelve ribosomal protection proteins have been described
genes, with G+C % of 28–40 %, are not regulated by (Table 15.1). These genes code for cytoplasmic proteins that
repressors but by translational attenuators, share 58–59 % protect the ribosomes from the action of tetracycline in vitro
amino acid identity with each other, and confer resistance and in vivo and confer resistance to tetracycline, doxycy-
to tetracyclines, but not minocycline. The tet(K) and tet(L) cline, and minocycline. Most studies have used the Tet(M)
genes are generally found on small transmissible plasmids and/or Tet(O) proteins which share ~75 % sequence similar-
in Gram-positive bacteria, which on occasion these plas- ity and ~45 % identity with elongation factor G (EF-G) [2, 3,
mids or the tet genes have been associated with the chro- 31]. The tetracycline ribosomal protection proteins are
mosome. These genes have been linked to trimethoprim grouped together within the translation factor superfamily of
resistance genes (dfrK) [23]. A number of plasmid borne GTPases. The Tet(M) and Tet(O) proteins catalyze the rele
tet(L) genes have been sequenced and share between 98 ase of tetracycline from the ribosomes in a GTP-dependent
and 99 % sequence identity with each other, while the fashion. Similar mechanism is thought to occur with all the
chromosomal tet(L) gene from B. subtilis has only 81 % tetracycline ribosome protection proteins. Recently using a
amino acid sequence identity with the other tet(L) genes cryo-EM structure of the Tet(M)-GDPNP-70S complex the
[26]. Both tet genes were originally isolated in Gram- authors suggest that the Tet(M) protein confers resistance to
positive genera, but now the tet(K) gene has been isolated tetracycline by directly interacting and altering the confor-
in four Gram-negative genera, while 19/42 (45 %) of the mation of the nucleotide C1054 within h34 of the 16S rRNA,
genera identified in Table 15.2 carrying the tet(L) gene are which is part of the tetracycline binding site. The altered
Gram-negative. The tet(K) gene has been linked to mer- conformation of the C1054 changes the stacking interaction
cury resistance genes [23]. with tetracycline leading to dissociation from the ribosome
The tet(39) gene was first isolated in Gram-negative bac- and prevents rebinding and promotes binding of the ternary
teria and has a G+C % of 40 %. It has now been isolated from complex EF-Tu-GTP-aa-tRNA complex [3]. This mechanism
15 Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol Resistance Mechanisms 237
works in vivo and in vitro while the tetracycline resistance Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from Italy [39]. While the
efflux proteins require intact membranes to function. These tet(Q) gene is associated the erm(F) gene and has been found
tet genes may be evolutionarily derived from the elongation in a number of aerobic and aerobic genera [40]. The tet(Q)
factors but they cannot substitute for the elongation factors gene has also been linked to erm(B), erm(G), mef(A), and
in vivo or in vitro [31]. msr(D) macrolide resistance genes in addition to Bacteroides
The Tet(M), Tet(O), Tet(S), Tet(T), Tet(W), Tet(32), conjugative transposons [23].
Tet(36), Tet(44) share between 78 and 64 % amino acid iden-
tity [32, 33]. The G+C % content of seven of these genes
varies from 30 % [tet(44)] to 40 % and are thought to be of 2.3 T
etracycline Resistance due to Enzymatic
Gram-positive origin. The exception is the tet(W) gene Inactivation
which has a 53 % G+C % [34] and it is unclear what is the
ancestral source of the tet(W) gene. All eight of these tet The tet(X) gene encodes an enzyme, which modifies and
genes are found in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative inactivates the tetracycline molecule. It was originally found
genera (Table 15.2). The tetB(P) gene is less related than the in a strict anaerobe, Bacteroides, where oxygen is excluded
other eight ribosomal protection tet genes. When the tetB(P) [41] linked to the erm(F) gene which does function in
gene was cloned, alone it conferred on the host very low lev- Bacteroides. It is unlikely that the tet(X) gene functions in
els of tetracycline resistance (3 μg/mL) [30]. The genes iso- Bacteroides, while the erm(F) gene does. The tet(X) gene
lated originally from Streptomyces [tet, otr(A)] have higher has a G+C % of 38 % and has now been found in eleven other
G+C % >70 % as would be expected (Table 15.2). genera (Table 15.2) where the gene can be expressed. The
To date all mosaic genes are associated with rearran Tet(X) is a cytoplasmic protein that chemically modifies tet-
gements of ribosomal protection genes. Combinations of racycline in the presence of both oxygen and NADPH.
tet(O), tet(W) and/or tet(32) or tet(M) and tet(S) have been Sequence analysis indicates that this protein shares amino
identified in Gram-positive bacteria while combinations of acid homology with other NADPH-requiring oxidoreduc-
tet(O), tet(W) have been found in Gram-negative bacteria [4, tases. A second gene, tet(37), has been identified from the
35, 36]. Why the mosaic ribosomal protection proteins are oral human microbiome in two studies [42, 43]. This protein
found in certain environments are not known nor is the also requires oxygen to function and should function in aero-
advantages, if any, of carrying mosaic tet genes provides to bic but not anaerobic species. Unfortunately, no attempt to
its host. determine the host(s) of this gene has been done (Table 15.2).
The tet(M) gene is usually associated with conjugative The tet(34) gene was first identified in the chromosome of
transposons like Tn916-Tn1545 family [37]. This family of Vibrio sp. [44]. The protein has homology to xanthine-
transposons includes small elements that just carry the tet(M) guanine phosphoribosyl transferase genes which act in
gene to large elements carrying multiple different antibiotic purine nucleotide salvage synthesis. The authors suggest that
resistance genes including one or more of the following: the mechanism of the Tet(34) protein is the activation of
erm(B) gene, coding for an rRNA methylase which confers Mg2+-dependent purine nucleotide synthesis which protects
macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin B resistance, protein synthesis [44].
mef(A), msr(D) coding for macrolide resistance, aminogly-
coside phosphotransferase gene aphA-3 encoding kanamy-
cin resistance (Kmr), cat genes coding for chloramphenicol 2.4 Other/Unknown Mechanisms
resistance (Cmr), mer operon coding for mercury resistance, of Tetracycline Resistance
tet(B) gene and other transposons such as Tn917 [1, 2, 23].
The combination of tet(M) and erm(B) genes is often found The tet(U) gene confers low level tetracycline resistance [2].
in Gram-positive bacteria, such as streptococci, staphylo- This gene produces a small protein (105 amino acids) which
cocci, and enterococci [1, 2, 23]. The presence of the classi- is smaller than the efflux and the ribosomal proteins. There is
cal cat and aphA-3 genes within these common transposons 21 % similarity over the 105 amino acids between the Tet(U)
may explain why Cmr and/or Kmr Streptococcus pneumoniae and Tet(M) proteins beginning close to the carboxy terminus
strains continue to be isolated in areas were the use of these of the latter. These similarities do not include the consensus
antibiotics have been stopped [34, 37, 38]. GTP-binding sequences, important for resistance in the
The tet(O) gene is linked to the mef(A) and msr(D) mac- ribosomal protection proteins. Thus, it is unclear what the
rolide resistance genes. The tet(O) gene has been associated mechanism of resistance is for the Tet(U) protein. However
with a conjugative transposon which also carries a mef(A) recently, the tet(U) gene has been found in functional
gene, that confers efflux of erythromycin out of the cell, in genomic assays suggesting that it can confer tetracycline
238 M.C. Roberts and S. Schwarz
resistance under these types of laboratory conditions using ecule. As a result, the C3 position of florfenicol cannot act as
20 μg/mL tetracycline selection (Roberts et al., unpublished acceptor site for acetyl groups making florfenicol resistant to
observations). It has now been identified in three Gram- inactivation by these enzymes.
positive genera (Table 15.2). The classical CATs represent a highly diverse group of
enzymes which show an overall identity of 44 %. These
enzymes have been detected in Gram-positive and Gram-
2.5 Tetracycline Resistance due to Mutations negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (Table 15.3). They can
be placed into 22 genetic groups using ≥80 % amino acid iden-
Laboratory-derived mutations in the tet(A) and the tet(B) tity to define a group. However, 15 of the groups have a single
gene have led to glycylcycline resistance suggesting that gene from a single species (Table 15.2). The CATI, CATII, and
bacterial resistance due to mutations in the tetracycline efflux CATIII, which represent members of the first three genetic
proteins may develop over time and with clinical use to gly- groups in Table 15.2, are exclusively found in Gram-negative
cylcycline [2]. Mutations, which alter the permeability of the genera and are expressed constitutively. The genes coding for
outer membrane porins and/or lipopolysaccharides in the these enzymes have been completely sequenced and the bio-
outer membrane, can also affect the bacterial host’s resis- chemical and enzymatic characteristics of the proteins studied
tance to tetracycline [45]. Tcr Helicobacter pylori and in detail [52]. The CATIII enzyme was the first to be crystal-
Mycobacterium avium complex and the anaerobic spirochete lized and provided insight into the folding of the CAT mono-
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae also have been identified with mers and helped to identify the amino acids that were important
chromosomal mutations which increase tetracycline minimal for the structure and the function of the CAT enzyme [53].
inhibitory concentrations [46, 47]. Mutations that upregulate The next three genetic groups of classical CAT were
innate efflux pumps can alter the host’s susceptiblity to tetra- named according to the plasmids (pC221, pC223/pSCS7,
cycline. One example is Neisseria gonorrhoeae which has an and pC194), on which they were first detected. These have
innate mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump. A 1 base pair deletion been identified in a variety of Gram-positive genera
of an A within the 13 bp inverted repeat sequence of the mtrR (Table 15.2). The KM values for chloramphenicol and acetyl-
promoter region leads to a fourfold increased resistance to CoA, the isoelectric point, pH optimum, and thermostability
tetracycline, penicillin, and erythromycin [48]. In for the CATs associated with the Gram-positive plasmids
N. gonorrhoeae, the chromosomally mediated resistance is have been determined [52, 54]. These cat genes are induced
often more common than plasmid-mediated antibiotic resis- by chloramphenicol and have translational attenuators
tance [49]. A new review on efflux pumps and their associa- located immediately upstream of the respective cat genes
tion with increased resistance to antibiotics including which resemble those located upstream of the tetracycline
tetracycline can be found at Sun et al. [50]. resistance genes tet(K) and tet(L) [55].
The closely related CATP and CATD proteins were first
identified in the Gram-positive anaerobe Clostridium sp.
3 M
echanisms of Chloramphenicol where they are located on transposons [56]. These genes have
Resistance also been identified in Cmr Gram-negative Neisseria menin
gitidis [57, 58]. This group is unusual because members are
3.1 Chloramphenicol Resistance found in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative genera
due to Chloramphenicol (Table 15.2). Both genes are expressed constitutively.
O-Acetyltransferases The second type of CAT enzymes are only distantly related
to the classical CATs and are structurally similar to acetyltrans-
Both types of CAT enzymes have a trimeric structure ferases involved in streptogramin A resistance [10]. At least
normally composed of three identical monomers which is five different genetic groups can be distinguished, though all
encoded by the cat gene [10]. The classical CAT monomers enzymes have approximately 77 % identity with each other.
vary between 207 and 238 amino acids, whereas those of the These cat genes are often associated with gene cassettes and
second type of CATs are smaller with 209–219 amino acids. integrons in Gram-negative bacteria [59]. Some of these cat
All CATs transfer an acetyl group from a donor molecule genes have also been identified in transposons. The CAT pro-
(usually acetyl-CoA) to the C3 position of the chlorampheni- tein from Agrobacterium tumefaciens has different acetylation
col. This acetyl group is then shifted from C3 to C1 and the kinetics when compared to the classical CATIII enzyme [10].
C3 position is again available for a second acetylation step. This difference might explain the distinctly lower chloram-
Neither the mono- nor di-acetylated chloramphenicol mole- phenicol MIC mediated by this CAT protein. Because of this
cules have antimicrobial activity [10]. None of the CAT lower resistance level, it was speculated that members of this
enzymes are able to inactivate florfenicol, a chloramphenicol second type of CATs might have a physiological role, other
derivative that is exclusively licensed for use in animals [51], than chloramphenicol resistance in their host bacteria, though
because the C3 position is fluorinated in the florfenicol mol- little else is known about these enzymes [10].
15 Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol Resistance Mechanisms 239
3.2 Chloramphenicol Resistance genesis, that reverted the mutated base pairs to those present
due to Specific Exporters in the original fexA gene, restored the chloramphenicol/
florfenicol resistance phenotype. A novel florfenicol and
The specific exporters involved in the export of either chlor- chloramphenicol resistance gene, designated pexA, was dis-
amphenicol or chloramphenicol and florfenicol are members covered in Alaskan soil using a metagenomic approach [66].
of the Major Facilitator Superfamily of efflux proteins [12] The gene fexB, which also confers resistance to chloramphen-
and commonly exhibit 10–14 transmembrane segments icol and florfenicol, was found on non-conjugative p lasmids
(TMS) [11]. There are 11 genetic groups, though nine are of Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus hirae [67]. It
found in a single genus including six from soil and environ- shows 59.7 % and 37.2 % nucleotide identity with the genes
mental bacteria (Table 15.3). The cmr and cmx genes are fexA and pexA, respectively, while the deduced FexB protein
found on plasmids, while the cmx gene is associated with a sequence exhibited 56.1 % and 15.6 % amino acid identity
transposon [11]. The Rhodococcus genes are associated with with the FexA and PexA protein sequences, respectively.
plasmids, while the cmrA is located on transposon Tn5561.
The Streptomyces venezuelae Cmlv protein is thought to
play a role in self-defense of the antibiotic producer from its 3.3 P
henicol Resistance due to Multidrug
own products. Several closely related cmlA genes have been Transporters, Permeability Barriers,
identified on gene cassettes in Gram-negative bacteria Mutations, Phosphorylation, Hydrolysis,
and unlike other cassette-borne genes, cmlA, is inducibly or Target Site Methylation
expressed by a translational attenuator, similar to that of
staphylococcal cat genes [59, 60]. Another type of chloram- Multidrug transporter systems assigned to the Resistance/
phenicol exporter, CmlB1, which shares 74–77 % identity Nodulation/Cell Division family have been reported to
with the known CmlA proteins, was identified on a plasmid export phenicols from the bacterial cell and include the
from Bordetella bronchiseptica [61]. The cmlB1 gene is also AcrAB-TolC system in Escherichia coli [68] and the
preceded by a translational attenuator and inducibly MexAB-OprM and MexCD-OprJ systems in Pseudomonas
expressed. Both the CmlA and CmlB1 proteins cannot effi- aeruginosa [12]. In Gram-positive bacteria, several 12-TMS
ciently export florfenicol from the bacterial cell and bacteria multidrug transporters of the Major Facilitator Superfamily,
with these genes are florfenicol susceptible. such as Blt and Bmr proteins from Bacillus subtilis and
Resistance to both chloramphenicol and florfenicol is NorA from Staphylococcus aureus, have been reported to
characteristic for the group comprising floR and pp-flo genes. have a substrate spectrum that includes chloramphenicol
A review of these genes can be found in Butaye et al. [11]. [12]. Another two closely related 12-TMS multidrug efflux
The pp-flo gene was detected in the fish pathogen proteins, MdfA and Cmr, have been identified in Escherichia
Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida [62]. The floR coli [69, 70].
gene can be found in the chromosome of multiresistant Cmr Gram-negative bacteria may be due to the loss or a
Salmonella enterica serovars including Typhimurium DT104, distinct decrease in the expression of outer membrane pro-
Vibrio cholerae, E. coli, B. bronchiseptica, and Acinetobacter teins which serve as the entry for chloramphenicol into the
baumannii, or on plasmids of E. coli, Salmonella Newport, bacterial cell. Examples have been reported in Haemophilus
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella influenzae [71] and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi [13].
trehalosi, and Stenothrophomonas maltophila. The floR gene Activation of the mar locus in Enterobacteriaceae may also
has been identified as part of the chromosomally located inte- play a role in the decreased expression of the outer mem-
grative and conjugative element ICEPmu1 from Pasteurella brane protein OmpF by producing an antisense RNA that
multocida, which carries and transfers a total of 12 antimicro- interferes with the translation of ompF transcripts.
bial resistance genes [63]. Several mutations in the 23S rRNA of E. coli [14] are
The gene fexA is part of transposon Tn558 and was first known to confer Cmr. Deletions of 6 bp in the gene coding
identified on a Staphylococcus lentus plasmid. Expression of for the ribosomal protein L4 in Streptococcus pneumoniae
fexA is inducible with either chloramphenicol or florfenicol. have been reported to confer simultaneous resistance to
A translational attenuator similar to those of cat genes from chloramphenicol, oxazolidinones, and macrolides [72].
Staphylococcus sp. and Bacillus pumilus was identified Inactivation of chloramphenicol by O-phosphorylation has
immediately upstream of the fexA gene [64]. A fexA gene only been observed in the chloramphenicol producer
variant (fexAv), which conferred only chloramphenicol resis- Streptomyces venezuelae and is believed to contribute to
tance, was recently identified in Staphylococcus pseudinter self-defense of the host [73].
medius [65]. The exporter FexAv exhibited two amino acid The gene estDL136 from a soil metagenome library was
substitutions, Gly33Ala and Ala37Val, both of which seem to found to specify a hydrolase which, when cloned in
be important for substrate recognition. Site-directed muta- Escherichia coli, inactivated both chloramphenicol and
240 M.C. Roberts and S. Schwarz
florfenicol [74]. A chloramphenicol hydrolase gene from the linked to a genetic island that has components from two dis-
chloramphenicol producer Streptomyces venezuelae has also tantly unrelated genera that inhabit distinctive ecological
been identified and is considered to protect the organism niches. However, this data suggests that even obligate intra-
from its antibiotic product [75]. cellular bacteria like Chlamydia sp. are able to exchange and
acquire tetracycline resistance genes.
Twelve ribosomal protection genes have been identified
4 Distribution of Resistance Genes and most are of Gram-positive origin (see above). Eight of
these genes have been identified in Gram-positive and Gram-
4.1 Distribution of Tetracycline Genes negative genera (Table 15.2). The tet(M) and tet(Q) genes
are generally associated with conjugative chromosomal ele-
The 29 Gram-negative tet efflux genes have been found in ments, which code for their own transfer [78] Conjugative
aerobic and facultative anaerobic Gram-negative genera transposons appear to have less host specificity than do plas-
and less commonly in anaerobic Gram-negative genera mids, which may explain why the tet(M) gene is found natu-
(Table 15.2). Many new studies have been done looking at the rally in 77 different genera [including 39 Gram-positive and
presence of tet genes in various environments, and over the 38 Gram-negative genera]. The tet(O) gene has been found
last 5 years the number of different genera carrying these in 36 genera [19 Gram-positive and 17 Gram-negative gen-
genes have greatly increased [4, 23, 27]. Seventeen are found era], while the tet(W) gene has been identified in 31 different
in Gram-negative genera, of which four, tet(K) [n = 16], tet(L) genera [10 Gram-positive and 21 Gram-negative genera].
[n = 42], tet(39) [n = 12], and tet(42) [n = 6] efflux genes, are The tet(Q) gene has been found in 19 genera [8 Gram-
found in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive species. positive and 11 Gram-negative genera], while the tet(S) and
Twelve tet/otr genes are found only in Gram-positive and/or tet(T) genes have been detected in 9 genera each (Table 15.2).
Mycobacterium and/or Streptomyces genera (Table 15.2). The remaining tet genes are found in 1–3 Gram-positive gen-
The tet(B) gene has the widest host range among the Gram- era (Table 15.2).
negative genera (n = 33), while the tet(L) gene now has the The tet(X) gene is found in anaerobic Bacteroides sp.
widest host range of all the efflux genes because it has been though it is unlikely to have much clinical relevance in this
identified in 23 Gram-positive and 19 Gram-negative genera. host. It was considered an oddity until the recent identification
The tet(A) gene is the next most common being present in 24 of a second gene tet(37) with the same mechanism of action
Gram-negative genera, followed by the tet(D) in 22, the though genetically unrelated [42]. Unfortunately, the host(s)
tet(C) in 16, the tet(G) in 16, the tet(E) in 11, the tet(H) in 12, of the tet(37) gene is not known. More work needs to be done
the tet(J), and tet(31) genes in 3 different Gram-negative gen- to understand the role these two genes may have in nature.
era, and the tet(35), and tet(41) in 1 genus each (Table 15.2). The tet(U) gene has now been identified in 3 Gram-
Among the 12 Gram-positive tet/otr genes, three are found positive genera. It also has been found by functional genom-
only in Streptomyces, one in both Mycobacterium and ics (Dr. Roberts’ unpublished observations) that more work
Streptomyces, one in Mycobacterium, one in Clostridium, with this gene and its associated protein is needed to under-
and the remaining six genes found in 2–3 Gram-positive gen- stand if the protein does code for tetracycline resistance and
era. However, limited surveillance studies have been done what the mechanism of resistance is.
with these 12 efflux genes.
A number of different tet efflux genes have been identi-
fied in Aeromonas [n = 13], Escherichia [n = 12], Pseudomonas, 4.2 D
istribution of Chloramphenicol
[n = 13 genera], and Vibrio [n = 10 genera] (Table 15.2). One Resistance Genes
study found a correlation between the plasmid incompatibil-
ity group and a particular tet gene the plasmid carried [76]. A wide distribution of the classical cat genes has been identi-
There are also some tet efflux genes, such as tet(E), that are fied for 7 of the 22 groups (Table 15.2). The Tn9-borne catA1
associated with genera found in the environment rather than (catI) gene has been found in a multiple genera of Gram-
people or animals. The tet(C) gene has been found in the negative bacteria. Besides chromosomal locations, the catA1
obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia suis chromosome gene is often detected on large plasmids that carry additional
[77]. This marks the first description of any acquired antibi- resistance genes. The plasmid-borne gene catA2 (catII) is
otic resistance gene identified in obligate intracellular bacte- frequently associated with Cmr Haemophilus sp. [78], but
ria. Associated with the tet(C) gene was an ISCS605 element has also been found on plasmids from Photobacterium dam
similar to those found in Helicobacter. In addition, a 10.1 kb selae and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The gene catA3
fragment shared 99 % identity between the C. suis genetic (catIII) from Shigella flexneri has also been detected in bac-
island and the Aeromonas salmonicida plasmid pRAS3.2. teria different from Enterobacteriaceae. This gene repre-
One can only speculate how the tet(C) gene came to be sents part of plasmid-borne multi-resistance gene clusters in
15 Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol Resistance Mechanisms 241
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Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria
Bryan D. Schindler*, Joseph Adrian L. Buensalido*,
and Glenn W. Kaatz
including ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin, are which also will be discussed. Such efflux pumps reduce the
still associated with certain adverse effects such as effective intracellular drug concentration to either a non-
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (as are other antibi- inhibitory or borderline inhibitory level, favoring the emer-
otics) and tendinopathy [15]. A 2012 Canadian study showed gence of target-based mutations and high-level resistance
that the use of a FQ increased the risk of retinal detachment [20–22]. Target-enzyme and efflux resistance mechanisms
compared to nonusers, but that the absolute risk was very are frequently found together in FQ-resistant isolates
small (4 per 10,000 person-years) [16]. Sitafloxacin gener- [23–25].
ally has the same set of possible adverse effects, but in addi- All clinically relevant bacterial species are capable of
tion gastrointestinal hemorrhage and leukopenia associated developing resistance to FQs, but historically problematic
with this drug have been described [17]. organisms are Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
FQs are broad-spectrum bactericidal agents active against aeruginosa. For many FQs these organisms tend to have a
many Gram-positive and -negative bacteria and target the narrower therapeutic index than other bacteria in that the
essential bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and DNA topoi- minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and achievable
somerase IV [18, 19]. These enzymes are involved in DNA serum levels are relatively close. In this situation, sub-
replication and repair, and in the presence of a quinolone, an therapeutic drug levels will exist for long periods of time
intermediate ternary complex consisting of drug, enzyme, during therapy favoring the emergence of QRDR mutations
and a severed DNA strand is formed. These complexes block and reduced FQ susceptibility. Newer agents with increased
further DNA replication leading to cell death. Mutational potency against S. aureus have helped to reduce this problem
alterations of the genes encoding DNA gyrase and/or topoi- but unfortunately the majority of MRSA strains recovered
somerase IV in the so-called quinolone resistance determin- from clinical specimens are already highly FQ resistant,
ing region, or QRDR, resulting in critical amino acid mainly on the basis of target mutations [26]. Resistance in
substitutions reduce quinolone interaction with each enzyme. methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) strains is less problematic,
These mutations are the basis for high-level, target-based but can be significant in some geographic locales. In 2005,
resistance and will be discussed in detail subsequently. we collected more than 200 bloodstream isolates of S. aureus
Another important mechanism of quinolone resistance is over a 7 month period from different patients hospitalized in
overexpression of membrane-based drug efflux pumps, Detroit, Michigan. Of these strains, 65 % were MRSA and
16 Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria 247
35 % were MSSA. Norfloxacin resistance (MIC ≥ 16 μg/mL) via DNA strand breakage and rejoining, a function that
was observed in 60 % and 12 % of MRSA and MSSA, respec- facilitates the movement of DNA through replication and
tively (unpublished data). Resistance rates for other areas transcription complexes. Negative supercoiling is essential
may differ, but these data illustrate the extent FQ resistance for initiation of DNA replication, and introduction of super-
among clinical S. aureus strains. These multiple mechanisms coils depends on the binding of ATP to gyrase with sub
of quinolone resistance can severely compromise the clinical sequent ATP hydrolysis [32]. DNA gyrase also helps in
utility of this important class of antimicrobial agents, and removing knots and in the bending and folding of DNA.
efforts must be made to reduce selective pressure by using Following the discovery of DNA gyrase, it was ascertained
these drugs only when they are clearly indicated. that this enzyme is a target of FQs [32, 33].
Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are completely synthetic antimi- Kato et al. discovered DNA topoisomerase IV, which is
crobial agents, and as such, it was felt that bacterial resis- also a heterotetrameric enzyme composed of two subunit
tance would develop slowly, if at all. However, FQs are so pairs encoded by the parC and parE genes [34]. ParC and
widely prescribed that led to the development of a great ParE are homologous with GyrA and GyrB, respectively,
selective pressure for the emergence of strains with reduced with a high degree of amino acid conservation in the QRDR
susceptibility to them. Such strains have appeared among regions. The principle function of topoisomerase IV appears
nearly all species against which FQs have activity. In this to be its ability to decatenate linked daughter chromosomes
chapter we will discuss FQ resistance in both Gram-negative at the terminal stages of DNA replication [35]. Despite DNA
and Gram-positive bacteria. In the previous edition of this gyrase and topoisomerase IV sharing considerable amino
book, we did not address resistance to these agents in acid sequence similarity, they have distinct mechanisms of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis since they were not frequently action. One of the important differences seems to be that
used to treat infections caused by this organism at that time. DNA gyrase wraps DNA around itself, while topoisomerase
However, the emergence of multidrug-resistant and then IV does not [36]. Given the homology between DNA gyrase
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis have made this topic and topoisomerase IV the latter enzyme was presumed to be
very relevant now. We will conclude with a short discussion a FQ target, which has now been demonstrated clearly
on means to limit FQ resistance and perhaps to overcome [37, 38]. In fact, additional topoisomerases are current sub-
some preexistent resistance by the use of multidrug efflux jects of antimicrobial research. Stabilization of covalent
pump inhibitors. complexes formed by them has been shown to result in bac-
terial cell death in recent studies, and thus they may be prom-
ising targets for new antibiotics [39].
2 Gram-Negative Bacteria As previously mentioned, the mechanism by which FQs
act is through binding to DNA-DNA gyrase and DNA-
Gram-negative bacteria are an important cause of morbidity topoisomerase IV complexes causing a conformational
and mortality. Increasing drug resistance observed in many change in the enzyme structure [40–42]. They also alter the
Gram-negative organisms parallels the increasing use and enzyme-bound DNA itself [40, 43, 44]. In the presence of
abuse of antimicrobial agents, and this is certainly true for FQs, the topoisomerases become trapped on DNA and the
the FQs [27]. Until 1998 it was thought that FQ resistance in resultant FQ-enzyme-DNA ternary complex forms a physi-
Gram-negatives occurred either by way of target alteration cal barrier at the replication fork, inhibiting further DNA
or active drug extrusion by membrane-based efflux pumps. replication which results in cell death [45, 46].
A third mechanism described more recently involves the Qnr In Gram-negative bacteria the primary target for most
protein, the gene for which is plasmid-encoded and thus FQs is DNA gyrase, with topoisomerase IV being a second-
transferable [10, 24, 28–30]. ary target [28, 38, 47]. In contrast, in most Gram-positive
bacteria and for most FQs, topoisomerase IV is the primary
target [47–49]. These differences are thought to be due to the
2.1 Target-Mediated Resistance differential affinity of FQs for the two enzymes in each
respective background [47, 50]. FQ resistance occurs in a
As already mentioned, the targets of FQs are the essential stepwise fashion as a result of the accumulation of mutations
bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. DNA mainly in gyrA and parC that result in amino acid substitu-
gyrase, the major type II topoisomerase in bacteria and ini- tions in the QRDR. Less commonly, mutations occur in gyrB
tially described by Gellert et al., is a heterotetramer com- and parE that can contribute to reduced FQ susceptibility
posed of two pairs of subunits (A and B) encoded by the [25, 28, 51, 52]. Additional MIC increases are seen when a
gyrA and gyrB genes, respectively [31]. The GyrA subunits “first-step” mutant, having a critical amino acid substitution
bind to DNA and the GyrB subunits are ATPases. The main in the primary target, acquires a “second-step” mutation
function of this enzyme is to maintain negative supercoiling resulting in an amino acid substitution in the secondary
248 B.D. Schindler et al.
Table 16.1 Topoisomerase amino acid substitutions associated with reduced FQ susceptibility in E. coli. Data are from references [25, 53,
GyrA GyrB ParC ParE
Ala51 → Val Asp426 → Asn Ser54 → Thr Leu445 → His
Ala67 → Ser Lys447 → Glu Ser57 → Thr Ser458 → Ala, Pro, Thr, Trp
Gly81 → Cys, Asp Thr66 → Ile Glu460 → Asp, Lys
Asp82 → Gly Asp69 → Glu Ile464 → Phe
Ser83 → Leu, Trp, Ala, Val Gly78 → Asp
Ala84 → Pro, Val Ser80 → Arg, Ile, Leu
Asp87 → Ala, Asn, Gly, His, Tyr, Val Glu84 → Ala,Gly, Lys, Val
Gln106 → Arg, His Asn105 → Ser
Ala108 → Thr, Val
Table 16.2 Topoisomerase amino acid substitutions associated with reduced FQ susceptibility in S. aureus
GyrA GyrB ParC (GrlA) ParE (GrlB)
Arg33 → Proa Tyr372 → Asn Lys23 → Asn Pro25 → His
Leu35 → Meta Asp437 → Asn Val41 → Gly Ser410 → Pro
Arg48 → Leua Arg458 → Glu Arg43 → Cys Glu422 → Asp
Ser84 → Ala, Leu, Lys, Val Glu477 → Ala Ile45 → Met Asp432 → Asn, Gly, Val, His
Ser85 → Pro Leu46 → Met Pro451 → Gln, Ser
Glu86 → Lys, Gly Tyr47 → Asp Asn470 → Asp
Glu88 → Lys, Val Ala48 → Thr Glu472 → Lys, Val
Gly106 → Asp Met49 → Thr His478 → Tyr
Ala119 → Proa Tyr50 → Asn
Pro165 → Ser Ser52 → Arg
Ala169 → Sera Asp69 → Tyr
Leu198 → Sera Gly78 → Cys
Asn201 → Ilea Ser80 → Phe, Tyr
Ser205 → Leua Ser81 → Pro
Glu211 → Lysa Glu84 → Ala, Gly, Leu,
Lys, Tyr, Val
His103 → Tyr
Ala116 → Glu, Pro
Pro157 → Leu
Ala176 → Gly, Thr
Data are from references [25, 53, 264, 265]
GyrA substitution mutations were found in the same clinical isolate and it is likely that all do not contribute to FQ resistance
target enzyme [28]. Many topoisomerase mutations in resistance to acidic FQs such as nalidixic acid, Lys447 → Glu
E. coli, as well as many other Gram-negative bacteria, have results in an increase in FQ susceptibility [51, 53].
been shown to correlate with raised FQ MICs (Table 16.1). Within topoisomerase IV, mutations in parC occur more
Analyses of gyrA mutants have revealed that most of the frequently than those in parE. As mentioned previously,
FQ resistance conferring mutations cluster near the 5′ end of topoisomerase IV generally is the secondary FQ target in
the gene in the QRDR region. For E. coli, this region includes E. coli and other Gram-negative organisms, including
codons 67–106 and for other species the region homologous Salmonella typhi [55–60]. gyrA-parC double mutants exhibit
to this [25, 51, 53]. Very near to the QRDR is the codon for a higher level of FQ resistance than gyrA single mutants,
the active site tyrosine (codon 122). Tyrosine-122 binds with the highest levels of resistance found in the mutants
covalently to DNA when the enzyme breaks the phosphodi- with two gyrA and two parC mutations. The reverse gener-
ester bonds of DNA, forming a phosphotyrosine linkage ally is true in Gram-positive organisms, where the first muta-
[54]. Single gyrB mutants appear to be less resistant to FQs tions are usually seen in the topoisomerase IV genes with the
than single gyrA mutants. In E. coli, only two gyrB mutations gyrase genes being the secondary targets.
have been recognized (Table 16.2) [25]. Only Asp426 → Asn Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii has recently
confers resistance to FQs, whereas, with the exception of emerged as a major pathogen and is now a public health
16 Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria 249
threat worldwide. Its resistance to FQs, as with most bacterial cell wall does not impede the diffusion of small
Gram-negative bacteria, is due to mutations in DNA gyrase molecules such as FQs. The outer membrane may provide a
and topoisomerase IV [61–63], but alterations in cell mem- rather formidable barrier, however, and in conjunction with
brane permeability and active drug efflux have also been efflux pumps (see below) can result in significant FQ resis-
described [61, 64]. A. baumanii isolates that were fully resis- tance [25, 53, 70–74]. FQs traverse this structure by two
tant to ciprofloxacin had been shown to have the following mechanisms, which include diffusion across the lipid bilayer
amino acid alterations: Ser83 → Leu in GyrA (considered and passage through pore-forming proteins called porins.
to be the principal substitution), and Lys59 → Gln plus Porins are protein channels that allow influx and egress of
Ser80 → Leu in ParC. The Ser80 → Leu in ParC was consis- hydrophilic molecules. All FQs may cross the outer mem-
tently present in all resistant strains, absent in all the suscep- brane through the porins, but diffusion across the lipid
tible strains, and found in only some intermediately resistant bilayer is dependent on the hydrophobicity of the molecule.
strains. Thus, Ser80 → Leu in ParC may be a prerequisite for The more hydrophobic FQs such as nalidixic acid are capa-
A. baumannii to develop full resistance. The majority of ble of traversing the lipid bilayer, whereas the more hydro-
resistant isolates also had the Ser83 → Leu mutation in GyrA philic compounds such as ciprofloxacin are more dependent
and some had the Lys59 → Gln mutation in ParC [61]. on porins [70–73]. Three main porins are found in E. coli
An interesting association between toxin production and and consist of OmpF, OmpC, and OmpA. Loss of porins by
QRDR mutations in P. aeruginosa was recently identified. In mutational inactivation of structural genes often manifests as
a group of 270 clinical isolates, Agnello and Wong-Beringer a decrease in FQ susceptibility, but this effect is significantly
found that the presence of the exoU gene was highly associ- amplified in the presence of drug efflux. E. coli mutants with
ated with FQ resistance and the presence of >2 target site reduced amounts of OmpF, the most abundant porin, exhibit
mutations (especially the GyrA + ParC combination) com- low-level FQ resistance [70, 75]. Other unrelated drugs such
pared to exoS-positive strains [65]. ExoS and ExoU are two as tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, and some β-lactams also
P. aeruginosa toxins exported by a type III secretion system. utilize this porin and hence OmpF-deficient mutants may
The authors contend that this correlation between FQ resis- also demonstrate resistance to these drugs due to decreased
tance mutations and virulence genotype suggest a possible accumulation [70, 73, 76, 77].
coevolution of the two traits, resulting in a more virulent Chromosomal loci such as marRAB and soxRS encode
genotype under FQ-enriched environments. transcriptional factors that regulate OmpF expression in
A new class of drugs, called dual-targeting inhibitors, E. coli [78, 79]. Overexpression of marA, soxS, and, more
have been designed to act on both bacterial DNA gyrase and recently, sdiA result in posttranscriptional repression of
topoisomerase IV at the ATP-binding subunits GyrB/ParE, OmpF and thus FQ resistance by increasing the expression
avoiding GyrA/ParC-mediated FQ resistance [66–68]. The of micF, an antisense regulator [78–80]. Similarly, expres-
targeting of both enzymes by a unique mechanism is felt to sion of ompX, which encodes another outer membrane pro-
decrease the chances of developing cross-resistance to other tein, has been shown to increase during early exposure to
antibiotics [66]. This new class is broadly active against drugs (including nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, and norfloxa-
many Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens, includ- cin) or environmental stresses. This affects ompF expres-
ing ciprofloxacin-resistant strains [69]. sion, suggesting that OmpF and OmpX are involved in the
A recent study assessed the activity of five novel gyrase control of antibiotic penetration through the outer membrane
inhibitors on 303 highly resistant P. aeruginosa isolates and [81]. Additional information relating to the roles of MarA
found that they had very good potency. The most active and SoxS in FQ resistance will be presented in Sect. 2.3.
inhibitor had MIC50 and MIC90 values of 1 and 2 μg/mL, The permeability of the outer membranes of P. aerugi-
respectively, but generally MICs were ≤4 μg/mL for all five nosa and A. baumanii may account for some of their intrinsic
compounds. All of them maintained their in vitro potency resistance to various antibiotics, including FQs [82]. The P.
regardless of the phenotypic profile to other compounds, aeruginosa outer membrane has very poor permeability to
including FQs, and even in strains that were multidrug resis- hydrophilic molecules, approximately 100-fold less than that
tant [66]. These findings reveal an exciting new area in the of the E. coli outer membrane [83], although permeability
research and development for agents that can hopefully over- differences compared to other bacteria such as P. putida and
come target-mediated FQ resistance. Salmonella typhimurium are relatively minor [84].
FQs must traverse the outer membrane, periplasmic space, Gram-negative bacteria tend to be resistant to a wider range
cell wall, and cytoplasmic membrane of Gram-negative of antimicrobial agents compared to Gram-positive species.
organisms to reach their topoisomerase targets. The porous The outer membrane is one reason for this in that it acts as a
250 B.D. Schindler et al.
Fig. 16.2 Schematic illustrating the general structural characteristics Substrate specificity for RND pumps such as AcrB, and perhaps other
of each family of bacterial efflux pump. The sites at which ATP hydro- pumps of this family, lie in the two large periplasmic loops. The cyto-
lysis occurs in ABC pumps are indicated. MATE pumps do not neces- plasmic membrane is shown in gray, and the cytoplasm and exterior/
sarily have the large central loop that is characteristic of members of the periplasm are as indicated
MFS, and some MFS proteins have 14 membrane-spanning segments.
barrier to the penetration of hydrophilic molecules. This s ubstrate resulting in the ideal milieu for the development of
mechanism generally confers only low-level resistance. chromosomal mutations that confer high-level antibiotic
Membrane-based efflux pumps contribute more significantly resistance. Overexpression of these pump genes may occur
to innate drug insensitivity. Bacterial efflux pumps can be secondary to chromosomal mutations in the promoter region
divided into five families based on structural characteristics, or in the gene encoding the regulator for pump gene expres-
mechanisms of action, and source of energy for the transport sion. Efflux-related resistance can also result from up-
process. These include primary transporters that depend on function mutations in the coding region of efflux pumps,
ATP hydrolysis for drug export (ATP-binding cassette, or enhancing their transport efficiency [87]. With respect to
ABC pumps) and secondary transporters that require an FQs, efflux-related resistance has been identified in virtually
intact ion gradient across the cell membrane for their f unction all medically important Gram-negative organisms including
(major facilitator superfamily [MFS], resistance-nodulation- E. coli, P. aeruginosa, A. baumanii, and M. tuberculosis
division [RND], small multidrug resistance [SMR], and the [88–90]. No pumps having FQs as sole substrates have been
multidrug and toxic compound extrusion [MATE] families) described.
(Fig. 16.2). The most common ion gradient used among The AcrB pump, an RND family protein, is the predomi-
these secondary transporters is the H+ gradient, but MATE nant FQ efflux system of E. coli [91]. The RND family
family proteins also can utilize the Na+ gradient [85]. Efflux pumps of Gram-negative organisms are composed of three
pumps may be quite specific with respect to substrates trans- different subunits which include the pump protein itself,
ported, with a clinically relevant example being the various which is a transmembrane protein having 12 membrane-
MFS tetracycline efflux pumps found in Gram-negative and spanning alpha helices or transmembrane segments (TMSs),
Gram-positive bacteria [86]. an outer membrane pore-forming channel or porin, and a
Circumvention of the resistance generated by specific periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) that links the
drug pumps is as simple as providing alternative therapy other two [92–94]. The AcrB pump, the functional unit of
with agents not affected by the pump in question. Multidrug which is a homotrimer, utilizes TolC as its outer membrane
efflux pumps, which can have broad substrate specificity, are channel, to which it is associated by the AcrA MFP [95].
capable of extruding numerous structurally dissimilar com- AcrB has a broad substrate profile including antibiotics
pounds resulting in a multidrug-resistant (MDR) phenotype. (FQs, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, β-lactams, nalidixic
The activity of these pumps can pose a very formidable ther- acid, rifampin, novobiocin, and fusidic acid), dyes, and dis-
apeutic challenge (Table 16.3). In strains with increased infectants [96]. The expression of acrAB, which is tran-
expression of pump genes, drug efflux can lead to sub- scribed as an operon, is governed by at least two global
therapeutic intracellular concentrations of an antibiotic regulatory systems, the marRAB and soxRS loci; both sys-
16 Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria 251
tems positively regulate the production of AcrAB. Multiple strates, including the FQs levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin
antibiotic-resistant (Mar-type) mutants of E. coli have muta- [89, 109].
tions in the marRAB operon [97]. The Mar phenotype is In P. aeruginosa the main multidrug efflux system is the
induced following exposure to a variety of chemicals with mexAB-oprM operon, which encodes proteins homologous
aromatic rings, including salicylate. The most common to AcrAB-TolC. mexCD-oprJ, mexEF-oprN, mexXY-oprM,
location for mutations conferring the Mar phenotype is in and most recently mexVW-oprM are additional multidrug
marR, which encodes for the repressor of the marRAB efflux operons found in this organism. Each of these operons
operon. E.coli soxRS mutants exhibit a resistance phenotype encodes for a set of three proteins similar in structure and
similar to marR mutants. Increased quantities of MarA and function to MexAB-OprM and all are RND family efflux
SoxS and Rob (a homologue of the first two) upregulate pumps that confer resistance to FQs [110–112]. Like AcrAB-
acrAB and tolC and downregulate the production of the TolC, the most striking characteristic of these pump systems
OmpF porin channel [98–100]. These changes lead to mul- is their broad substrate specificity. The substrate profile for
tiple antibiotic resistance by these synergistic mechanisms. MexAB-OprM includes FQs, chloramphenicol, nalidixic
The crystal structure of AcrB in the presence and absence acid, trimethoprim, tetracyclines (including tigecycline),
of substrates has been solved [101–104]. The pump acquires dyes, disinfectants, and organic solvents (Table 16.3). Most
substrates from both outer leaflet of the cytoplasmic mem- wild-type strains of P. aeruginosa express MexAB-OprM
brane and the cytoplasm [105]. Substrate specificity of AcrB constitutively, which contributes to the intrinsic multidrug-
seems to lie in its large periplasmic loops (Fig. 16.2) [106], resistant nature of this organism [113]. While all Mex family
where the substrate enters a binding pocket that is aromatic, transporters have FQs as substrates, the degree to which each
allowing multisite binding, resulting in drug extrusion by a member confers clinically relevant FQ resistance is still
three-step rotating mechanism. Substrate binding in the being actively investigated [114–116].
transmembrane domain is followed by transportation to the Multidrug efflux pumps having FQs as substrates have
binding pocket in the periplasmic region and lastly substrate been identified in many other Gram-negative bacteria.
is released into a funnel-like structure toward TolC, which Examples include the SmeDEF RND pump system of
facilitates drug extrusion from the cell [103, 104, 107, 108]. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, the NorM and BexA MATE
Further study using site-directed mutagenesis of the hydro- pumps of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Bacteroides thetaio-
phobic binding pocket in AcrB identified phenylalanine at taomicron, respectively, and the VceAB MFS pump of V.
position 610 as essential for transport of many different sub- cholerae [117–120] (Table 16.3). Overexpression of these
252 B.D. Schindler et al.
pumps in either their natural or a heterologous background Plasmid-mediated FQ efflux has also been reported in
results in increased MICs for a variety of FQs. As mentioned Gram-negative organisms. Hansen et al. reported FQ resis-
earlier, active efflux has been noted to contribute to FQ resis- tance in E. coli harboring plasmid pOLA52 [136]. The
tance in multidrug-resistant A. baumanii, an increasingly genes responsible are oqxAB, which encode a MFP and an
common cause of nosocomial infections. The three efflux RND-family efflux pump, and in addition to FQs this pump
pump systems that are overexpressed in A. baumanii are all system is also capable of transporting dyes, detergents,
of the RND family, specifically AdeABC, AdeFGH, and disinfectants, and other antibiotics. When expressed in
AdeIJK [64, 88, 121–123]. isogenic E. coli strains, OqxAB increased ciprofloxacin
and norfloxacin MICs 32- and 64-fold, respectively, above
the control strain. Considering that oqxAB was isolated
2.4 Plasmid-Mediated FQ Resistance from a conjugative plasmid and that OqxAB conferred cip-
rofloxacin resistance upon additional Enterobacteriaceae,
In 1998, Martínez-Martínez et al. reported FQ resistance to be the spread of this FQ resistance mechanism is certainly
expressed in the presence of pMG252, a plasmid belonging to possible.
incompatibility group IncC [10]. This plasmid mediates low- Recently, a plasmid-associated gene recovered from a
level resistance to both nalidixic acid and more modern FQs clinical E. coli strain was found to encode an aminoglyco-
and has a broad host range. Subsequently, the gene responsible side acetyltransferase that also could acetylate selected
for FQ resistance was identified and named qnr [124]. Qnr is FQs and compromise their antimicrobial activity [137]. The
a member of the pentapeptide repeat protein (PRP) family due effect of acetylation was relatively small, as exemplified by
to the presence of tandem repeats of the amino acids [S,T,A,V] expressing the gene in question (aac[6′]-Ib-cr) from a plas-
[D,N][L,F][S,T,R][G] [125]. Qnr “protects” both DNA gyrase mid in an E. coli background. The MIC increases were not
and topoisomerase IV from FQ inhibition [126, 127]. clinically significant; norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin MICs
Surface-exposed loops of the Qnr homodimer interact were increased fourfold, whereas those of levofloxacin and
electrostatically with the GyrA and GyrB proteins, mimick- gemifloxacin were unaffected. However, given the disparate
ing DNA and thus preventing FQ-mediated DNA strand geographic locales from which this aminoglycoside acetyl-
breakage. Another proposed mechanism by which Qnr pro- transferase enzyme has been found, the existence of a
teins act is by binding to and destabilizing the topoisomerase- plasmid-based and naturally occurring enzyme capable of
FQ- DNA complex, which leads to regeneration of the modifying FQs is worrisome as widespread dissemination is
catalytically active form of topoisomerase [124, 126–129]. possible [138–143]. The combination of this resistance
Prevalence studies have revealed that among FQ-resistant mechanism with others forms of resistance (such as efflux
strains of E. coli recovered in Shanghai, China, 7.7 % con- pumps or single QRDR mutations) causing borderline MIC
tained the qnrA gene [130]. In the United States, qnrA was increases may eventually result in a clinically relevant fully
present in 11.1 % of FQ-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant organism.
strains but not in any of the tested E. coli strains [131].
Further investigation led to the discovery that qnrA was pres-
ent in clinical strains of Enterobacter spp. [132]. Thus, the 2.5 Additional Instances of Enzymatic
qnrA gene is widely distributed and contributes to FQ resis- Modification of FQs
tance in Enterobacteriaceae. In the first edition of this book
we described a qnrA-related gene called qnrB, which was Being synthetic substances, the occurrence of natural
discovered in a strain of K. pneumoniae that had less than FQ-modifying systems in microorganisms seemed unlikely.
40 % amino acid sequence identity with qnrA [133]. Since However, fungi capable of degrading ciprofloxacin and the
then, Qnr protein families have been established according veterinary FQ enrofloxacin have been identified [144, 145].
to DNA homology including QnrA, QnrB, QnrS, QnrC, A wastewater Microbacterium species capable of defluori-
QnrD, and QnrVC [128]. Although qnr confers relatively nating and hydroxylating norfloxacin has been identified
low-level FQ resistance, its presence may facilitate selection after enrichment with N-phenylpiperazine, the piperazine
of other mutations leading to high-level FQ resistance. moiety of which is known to be important for the antibacte-
Although it has been reported that some E.coli isolates hav- rial activity of several FQs [146]. Along with acetylation of
ing a qnr determinant were shown to have low selection of FQs by (aac[6′]-Ib-cr)-expressing bacteria discussed in the
topoisomerase mutations, it is now more recognized that Qnr previous section, the discovery of these novel FQ-modifying
(or Qnr-like) proteins provide bacteria the enhanced capacity activities suggest others may either evolve or perhaps already
to gain full resistance to FQs [10, 19, 128, 134, 135]. exist.
16 Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria 253
3 Gram-Positive Bacteria MFS pumps, its activity is dependent on the proton motive
force [161]. Knockout mutations have revealed that NorA
Fewer FQ resistance mechanisms are found in Gram-positive contributes to FQ susceptibility in wild-type strains in that
bacteria than those identified in Gram-negatives. The lack of elimination of the gene results in MIC reductions for nor-
an outer membrane results in no permeability issues beyond floxacin and ciprofloxacin [149, 162]. Overexpression of
those posed by the cytoplasmic membrane. Studies done norA, either by way of a regulatory mutation or expression
in vitro provide evidence that inhibition of efflux pumps from a multicopy plasmid in the laboratory, results in modest
reduces the emergence of topoisomerase mutations in both S. MIC increases for selected FQs as well as many other structur-
aureus and S. pneumoniae, suggesting that efflux pumps ally unrelated drugs, mainly hydrophobic cations [148, 159].
play a critical role in the evolution of high-level FQ resis- The understanding of norA regulation is incomplete. Past
tance [147–150]. At the time of the first edition of this book, work has identified the MgrA protein, which binds upstream
Qnr-like PRPs or FQ-modifying enzymes had not been of norA altering its expression [163, 164]. MgrA is not a spe-
reported in any Gram-positive organisms. Since then, cific regulator of norA expression but rather a global regulator
PRPs have been discovered from Enterococcus faecalis, that, in addition to affecting norA transcription, also affects the
Enterococcus faecium, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium transcription of other pump-encoding genes (including norB
perfringens, C. difficile, Bacillus cereus, and Mycobacterium and norC; see below), autolytic regulators, murein hydrolases,
tuberculosis [151–154]. Although these PRPs share only and virulence factors such as alpha toxin, coagulase, and
17–22 % amino acid identity with QnrA1, they still confer nuclease [164–167]. MgrA activity is affected by the sigB
resistance to FQs. A recent phylogenetic analysis identified regulon, which is known to respond to certain stresses but also
genes encoding Qnr and related proteins in the chromosomes mediate antibiotic resistance [168, 169]. Activation of the sigB
of 34 Gram-positive organisms, in addition to finding the regulon is controlled in part by RsbU (of the serine/threonine
mfpA gene, which encodes a Qnr-like PRP, in the genome of phosphatase family) through phosphorylation and dephos-
at least 19 Mycobacteria and 10 Actinobacteria species [155]. phorylation events [170]. Interestingly, conflicting reports of
MgrA acting as a repressor or an activator of norA and norB
expression is likely due to differences in the rsbU genotype of
3.1 Target-Mediated Resistance the strains used in the studies [163, 167, 171–173]. It has since
been shown that phosphorylation of MgrA by PknB, a putative
Similar to the situation in Gram-negative bacteria, mutations serine/threonine kinase, can be reversed by RbsU [174, 175].
resulting in amino acid substitutions in the QRDR regions of According to the current model, non-phosphorylated MgrA
gyrA and parC (grlA in S. aureus) are the main mechanism binds to the norA promoter, repressing transcription while
by which FQ resistance is achieved in Gram-positive bacte- phosphorylated MgrA loses affinity for the norA promoter,
ria. In general, GrlA is the primary target in Gram-positives, allowing norA transcription. The opposite mechanism appears
and single amino acid substitutions in this enzyme can result to be true for the activity of MgrA in control of norB transcrip-
in clinically relevant resistance [156, 157]. Accumulation of tion [175]. A thorough review of the currently understood role
QRDR mutations first in parC and then in gyrA typically of MgrA in efflux pump regulation in S. aureus is available
results in very high MICs. Topoisomerase amino acid sub elsewhere [160].
stitutions correlating with FQ resistance in S. aureus are pre- NorB and NorC both are 12 TMS MFS multidrug trans-
sented in Table 16.2. porters that are quite similar to each other with 61 % amino
acid sequence homology [171, 176]. The substrate profile of
NorB includes a variety of FQs (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin,
3.2 Efflux-Related Resistance sparfloxacin, moxifloxacin, gemifloxacin, garenoxacin, and
premafloxacin), tetraphenylphosphonium bromide, cetrim-
Examination of genome data available for Enterococcus fae- ide, and ethidium bromide, many of which also are substrates
calis, S. aureus, S. epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, for NorA. NorC, whose expression is also controlled in part
and Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals numerous coding by MgrA, seems capable of effluxing a similar set of FQ sub-
regions for putative drug transport proteins (http://www. strates with the exception of gemifloxacin [176]. A novel
membranetransport.org). Many of these proteins are homol- S. aureus 14 TMS MFS multidrug efflux pump, MdeA, was
ogous with known multidrug transporters for which FQs are described [177], and when overexpressed, confers resistance
substrates. Several of the most extensively studied Gram- to an intriguing array of substrates including norfloxacin,
positive drug pumps will be discussed in this section. ethidium bromide, benzalkonium chloride, virginiamycin,
NorA is a chromosomally encoded 12 TMS S. aureus novobiocin, and fusidic acid [177–179], although it has also
multidrug pump having broad substrate specificity that been shown that FQs are relatively poor substrates of this
includes biocides as well as FQs [148, 158–160]. As are all pump [178]. Expression of mdeA in wild-type strains is low,
254 B.D. Schindler et al.
but spontaneous mutants having increased transcription are mepR repression, leading to increased MepA protein
selectable in vitro. These mutants, which have reduced sus- unimpeded by MepR when the need for detoxification exists.
ceptibility to MdeA substrates, were found to have mutations Recently, it was shown that MepR substitution mutations
in the mdeA promoter [160, 177] but further details regard- found in clinical isolates, most commonly A103V, result
ing the regulation of mdeA expression are not available. in mepA overexpression by reducing MepR repressor
Many MRSA strains contain plasmids encoding the multi- activity [200].
drug efflux pump proteins QacA and QacB, which are 14 Although not considered a human pathogen, several mul-
TMS proteins of the MFS family [180–186] (Fig. 16.2). tidrug transporters of Bacillus subtilis have been studied
QacA and QacB mediate efflux of monovalent and divalent extensively and have contributed greatly to our knowledge
cations such as the biocides benzalkonium chloride and of the regulation and function of MFS proteins. Bmr is a 12
chlorhexidine, respectively [187, 188]. Although the qacA TMS MFS MDR transporter having 44 % amino acid iden-
and qacB nucleotide sequences differ by only 6–9 bases, tity with NorA and a similar substrate profile [201, 202]. The
QacA has greater efflux activity for divalent cations than does expression of bmr is regulated by the binding to its promoter
QacB relating to a Asp323 → Ala substitution in TMS 10 of of BmrR, a transcriptional activator protein encoded by a
QacB [188–191]. qac genes are highly prevalent in MRSA in gene immediately downstream from bmr [203]. The crystal
Europe and Asia (~40 % of isolates) [180, 181, 186, 188, structure BmrR in the presence and absence of substrates has
190]. To date, several QacA and QacB variants have been been solved and has revealed that Bmr substrates bind to
identified with QacBIII conferring decreased susceptibility to BmrR via hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, which
norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin as well as cationic biocides. A in turn facilitates BmrR binding to the bmr promoter and
glutamic acid residue at position 320 is responsible for this induction of bmr transcription. This and other more detailed
augmented FQ efflux activity in QacBIII [188]. structures, both DNA-bound and unbound conformations,
The MATE family of efflux proteins was the most recently have been the subject of scrutiny since then [204–207].
described and the least well characterized. MATE pumps were Blt is a second 12 TMS MFS MDR transporter of B. sub-
initially thought to function for the most part via an unusual tilis that has a similar substrate profile to those of NorA and
sodium ion/drug antiport mechanism but some members were Bmr [208]. The expression of blt is enhanced in a similar
later found to use a proton/drug antiport mechanism manner to that of bmr by the binding of the transcriptional
[192–194]. These pumps have been found mainly in Gram- activator BltR (encoded by bltR, found immediately upstream
negative bacteria, with fewer reports in Gram-positives, of blt) to the blt promoter. This binding is thought to be
including Clostridium difficile, Staphylococcus aureus, and improved by the interaction of substrates with BltR, although
pneumococci [195–198]. MATE family proteins are similar in the specific activator substrates have not been identified.
size to MFS transporters and are typically arranged into 12 Interestingly, blt is not expressed in wild-type cells.
TMSs, but they have no sequence similarity to any MFS pro- In addition to the specific regulators of bmr and blt tran-
teins (Fig. 16.2). Structural and functional information related scription just described, the expression of these genes also is
to MepA, the sole MATE efflux pump in S. aureus, is avail- affected by MtaN, a global transcriptional regulator that
able [87]. Substrate specificity varies among MATE pumps interacts with the bmr and blt promoters stimulating their
and can include cationic dyes, aminoglycosides, anticancer transcription [209]. MtaN consists of the N-terminal 109
agents, and FQs. Gene inactivation studies have demonstrated residues of a larger protein, Mta (257 residues); the intact
that MATE pump genes can be expressed at sufficient levels to parent protein does not activate bmr or blt transcription. It is
affect MICs for pump substrates in wild-type cells and along hypothesized that upon interacting with a still unidentified
with other pumps and alternative resistance mechanisms can inducer, the N- and C-terminal domains of Mta are function-
contribute to reduced susceptibility to clinically relevant drugs ally separated allowing it to work as a transcriptional
such as FQs [120]. activator.
The MepA pump of S. aureus is repressed by MepR, a Bmr3 is a 14 TMS MFS pump that confers reduced sus-
MarR-family protein encoded immediately upstream of ceptibility to only select FQs and puromycin when overex-
mepA [197, 199]. MepA substrates bind to MepR, reducing pressed [210, 211]. When bmr3 is disrupted, the norfloxacin
its affinity for the mepA promoter resulting in augmented MIC is unchanged from that of a parent strain suggesting it
mepA expression. MepR also is autoregulatory in that it likely is poorly expressed and does not contribute to intrinsic
represses the expression of its own gene. However, relief of drug resistance in wild-type cells. However, mutations
mepR repression in the presence of MepA substrates is much resulting in increased bmr3 mRNA stability result in resis-
less than that observed for mepA. The mechanism(s) of this tance to norfloxacin, puromycin, tosufloxacin, daunomycin,
apparent paradox are yet to be worked out, but the end result and ethidium bromide, but not to levofloxacin, lincomycin,
is significant relief of mepA and relative maintenance of tetraphenylphosphonium chloride, or rhodamine [211].
16 Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Bacteria 255
PmrA is a 12 TMS proton-dependent MFS transporter infections. Now, about one-third of the world’s population is
found in pneumococci [212]. Disruption of pmrA results in latently infected with M. tuberculosis, and 10 % of these will
increased FQ susceptibility and reduced efflux of ethidium develop active disease at some point in their lives. Without an
bromide, indicating that at least some FQs are substrates for effective vaccine or more potent antituberculosis drugs to
this pump and that it is a multidrug transporter [150, 213]. shorten duration of therapy, it is still unclear as to how TB can
However, PmrA is unlikely to be the main transporter be controlled in countries in which it is endemic [227]. Recent
involved in FQ efflux in clinical strains as overexpression reports have demonstrated that FQ courses as short as 7 days
does not necessarily result in any change in FQ susceptibility may lead to resistant TB [228, 229]. Thus, there is now a more
[150, 213–217]. pressing need to understand mechanisms of resistance in this
PatAB, an ABC transporter found in S. pneumoniae, con- organism.
fers intrinsic multidrug resistance, including resistance to Many of the FQ resistance mechanisms found in Gram-
some FQs [218]. Unlike PmrA, expression of the genes positive and Gram-negative bacteria also exist in M. tubercu-
encoding PatAB (patA and patB) is induced by FQs [219]. losis [134, 135, 230–232]. The primary resistance mechanism
Furthermore, patA and patB overexpression is also found in is QRDR substitution mutations within the DNA gyrase
ciprofloxacin-resistant laboratory-selected mutants and clin- GyrA subunit [227, 233–236]. It is recognized that Ala90
ical isolates [220]. ABC transporters can function either as and Asp94 are the most frequently mutated positions in
homodimers or heterodimers. The functional PatAB trans- GyrA, but Gly88, Ser91, and Ala74 are also possible muta-
porter exists as a PatA-PatB heterodimer rather than as a tion sites [236–238]. GyrB substitutions in clinical strains of
homodimer of either PatA or PatB [221, 222]. M. tuberculosis are increasingly being reported, but the sub-
Recently, MATE family transporters have been identified strate specificity and degree of resistance varies among these
which may confer FQ resistance to S. pneumoniae. PdrM mutations [24, 239–243]. Novel DNA gyrase mutations are
activity was shown to reduce susceptibility to norfloxacin still being identified [239, 243–245]. A comprehensive anal-
and ciprofloxacin when overexpressed in E. coli [223]. ysis of topoisomerase mutations in M. tuberculosis is also
Similarly, inactivation of DinF increased susceptibility to available [243]. Resistance can also result from DNA gyrase-
moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin [224]. How independent mechanisms, such as overexpression of mfpA,
ever, these changes in susceptibility were relatively small the product of which is a protein of the PRP family that
and more work is needed to clarify the roles these MATE causes resistance to FQs by binding to DNA gyrase, inhibit-
transporters have in conferring clinically relevant FQ ing its activity [154, 246].
resistance. Several M. tuberculosis efflux pumps confer resistance to
EmeA is a NorA homologue identified by probing the FQs when expressed in M. smegmatis. Rv1634 (MFS fam-
Enterococcus faecalis V583 genome data [222, 225]. It is a ily) conferred a fourfold increase in MICs to ciprofloxacin,
multidrug pump capable of norfloxacin and ethidium bro- lomefloxacin, and norfloxacin [247]. In addition to norfloxa-
mide efflux. When deleted, susceptibility to acriflavine and cin, DrrAB (ABC family) conferred resistance to a broad
ciprofloxacin increases suggesting that these compounds range of clinically relevant antibiotics. This activity was
also are substrates. The contribution of EmeA to intrinsic FQ reversed by the efflux pump inhibitors reserpine and vera-
susceptibility in clinical isolates of E. faecalis is unknown. pamil [248]. Lastly, Rv2686c-Rv2687c-Rv2688c (ABC
Lactococcus lactis is extensively used in the dairy indus- family) expression increased ciprofloxacin MICs eightfold.
try and is generally not considered a human pathogen. Interestingly, expression of Rv2686c alone was enough to
Nevertheless, like the study of multidrug pumps in B. subti- confer a fourfold increase in ciprofloxacin MIC [249]. As
lis, the study of such pumps in L. lactis has added signifi- with numerous efflux systems described herein, the impor-
cantly to our knowledge of how these pumps work. Of the tance of these M. tuberculosis transporters in conferring FQ
more than 40 genes encoding putative drug transporters resistance in clinical isolates is currently unclear.
identified in L. lactis, only one is known to encode a pump
capable of FQ efflux. This pump, LmrA, is an ABC trans-
porter homologous to (and functionally interchangeable 5 M
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Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone
Resistance 17
George A. Jacoby
differs from MfpA in having a 25-amino acid flexible A second type of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance
extension required for full protective activity. involves enzymatic modification. AAC(6′)-Ib-cr is a bifunc-
Qnr plasmids have been found around the world in a v ariety tional variant of a common aminoglycoside acetyltransferase
of Enterobacteriaceae, especially Escherichia coli, Entero that is also able to acetylate fluoroquinolones with an amino
bacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Salmonella nitrogen on the piperazinyl ring, such as ciprofloxacin and
enterica but rarely in non-fermenting bacteria such as norfloxacin [40]. Acetylation decreases the antibacterial
Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Acinetobacter baumannii potency raising the ciprofloxacin MIC and, as with Qnr,
[25, 26]. Plasmids carrying qnr genes vary in size and incom- increasing the MPC as well. Compared to other AAC(6′)-Ib
patibility specificity, indicating that the spread of multiple enzymes, the –cr variant has two unique amino acid substitu-
plasmids has been responsible for their dissemination, and that tions: Trp102Arg and Asp179Tyr, both of which are required
plasmid acquisition has occurred multiple times. A mobile or for quinolone activity. Models of enzyme action suggest that
transposable element is almost invariably associated with plas- the Asp179Tyr replacement is particularly important in per-
mid-mediated qnr genes, especially insertion sequences mitting π-stacking interactions with the quinolone ring to
ISCR1, ISEcp1, and IS26. The complex is often then inserted facilitate quinolone binding. The role of Trp102Arg is to
into a sul1-type integron. qnrVC is so far the only qnr gene position the Tyr face for optimal interaction [41] or to hydro-
located in a cassette with a linked attC site ready by itself for gen bond to keto or carboxyl groups of the quinolone to fix it
integron capture [27]. Because of such linkage qnr genes are in place [42]. The aac(6′)-Ib-cr gene has been found world-
often found on plasmids with genes for other resistance deter- wide in a variety of Enterobacteriaceae (especially E. coli)
minants such as extended-spectrum β-lactamases and car- and is often more common than qnr alleles. It is usually
bapenemases. qnr prevalence seems to be increasing [28, 29] found in a cassette as part of an integron in a multiresistance
and has reached as high as 39 % in a sample of Enterobacter plasmid, which may contain other PMQR genes. Association
cloacae isolates at one hospital in China [30]. with the worldwide ESBL leader CTX-M-15 is particularly
The likely origin of the qnrA, qnrC, and qnrS genes is the common.
chromosome of an aquatic bacterium. QnrA1 is 98 % identi- The third mechanism for plasmid-mediated quinolone
cal to the chromosomally determined Qnr of Shewanella resistance involves genes for efflux pumps that export quino-
algae [31], QnrS1 is 83 % identical to Qnr from Vibrio splen lones out of the bacterial cytoplasm. Two are known: qepAB
didus [32], and QnrC is 72 % identical to chromosomal Qnrs [43, 44] and oqxAB [45, 46]. Both seem less common than
in Vibrio orientalis or V. cholerae [10]. QnrB homologs, on qnr or aac(6′)-Ib-cr but have not been so thoroughly
the other hand, are found on the chromosome of members of studied.
the Citrobacter freundii complex [33]. The wide distribution In animal model infections the presence of a qnr gene
of qnr suggests an origin well before quinolones were makes an infecting agent harder to eliminate with quino-
discovered. Indeed, qnrB genes and pseudogenes have been lones. This detrimental effect has been shown in mice with
discovered on the chromosome of Citrobacter freundii pneumonia produced by K. pneumoniae or E. coli [47] [48]
strains collected in the 1930s [34]. Their natural function is and in E. coli UTI models [49] [50]. Patients treated with
unknown, but possible hints come from study of how qnr levofloxacin for bloodstream infections caused by gram-
genes are regulated. Expression of the chromosomal qnrA negative organisms with elevated quinolone MICs that were
gene of S. algae, an organism adapted to growth at low tem- still within the susceptible category have been shown to have
perature, is stimulated up to eightfold by cold shock [35]. worse outcomes than similar patients infected with more
Expression of qnrB alleles, on the other hand, is augmented susceptible organisms [51]. A specific effect of PMQR car-
up to ninefold by exposure to DNA damaging agents such as riage on outcome has been harder to document. In two stud-
ciprofloxacin via an upstream LexA binding site and the ies with a relatively small number of qnr-positive enterobacter
classical SOS system [36, 37]. qnrD and the chromosomal and klebsiella blood isolates no difference in mortality
qnr of S. marcescens are similarly regulated [38]. Expression was evident between patients infected with strains with or
of plasmid-mediated qnrS1 or the related chromosomal without qnr genes [52, 53].
qnrVS1 of V. splendidus is also stimulated by ciprofloxacin Thus although Qnr, AAC(6′)-Ib-cr, QepA, and OqxAB by
up to 30-fold, but by a mechanism independent of the SOS themselves provide only modest losses of susceptibility
system. No LexA binding site is found upstream from these (Table 17.1), they contribute to the rising prevalence of
qnr genes, but upstream sequence is required for quinolone quinolone resistance, and their presence, at least in animal
stimulation to occur [39]. models, makes infections harder treat.
17 Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance 267
Desosamine N(CH3)2
H5C2 O O
Cladinose HO
R = H, X = CO Erythromycin
R = CH3, X = CO Clarithromycin
R = H, X = N(CH3)CH2 Azithromycin Pristinamycin IA (streptogramin B)
R = OH Lincomycin Pristinamycin IIA (streptogramin A)
R = Cl Clindamycin
Fig. 18.1 Structure of selected macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin), lincosamides (lincomycin, clindamycin), and strep-
togramins A (pristinamycin IIA) and B (pristinamycin IA)
are combined in an injectable formulation with a 30:70 ratio the mRNA together with A → P → E site passage of the tRNA
(w/w) of methane sulfonate salts [5, 6]. More recently, an molecule driven by GTPase activity [10]. The 50S subunit is
orally bioavailable combination (NXL 103) composed of formed in part by 23S rRNA, which is organized into six
linopristin (type B) and flopristin (type A) has been devel- domains. The domain V loop, called peptidyl transferase
oped by Novexel SA and recently acquired by AstraZeneca center (PTC), contains the active site of the peptide bond for-
[8]. mation [11, 12]. This PTC loop is positioned at the bottom of
a cavity located at the interface of the two subunits, adjacent
to the entrance of the peptide tunnel. This tunnel crosses the
2 Mode of Action 50S subunit and emerges on the back of the ribosome. Three-
dimensional molecular structure of the ribosome was
MLS antibiotics are bacteriostatic antibiotics that inhibit revealed by electron-cryomicroscopic studies and at atomic
bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 50S ribosomal level by RX crystallography at high resolution [13]. From
subunit and ultimately inhibit microbial growth [1–3, 9]. The three bacterial species (Thermus thermophilus, Haloarcula
ribosome is composed of two subunits 30S and 50S built marismortui, and Deinococcus radiodurans) chosen as a
with RNAs and proteins, which assemble to produce a struc- model for the high stability of their ribosomes, much has
ture functional for protein synthesis. Each part undertakes a been learned about the antibiotics that inhibit ribosome func-
specific function. The small subunit 30S decodes mRNA, tion. Although some differences may occur in the ribosomal
whereas in the large 50S part, the protein is formed by the binding of macrolides and lincosamides according to bacte-
polymerization of amino acids according to the genetic code. rial species, common features have been found [14, 15].
tRNA molecules carry the amino acids. Ribosomes possess The binding sites for the MLS antibiotics are located in
three tRNA-binding sites A, P, and E, hosting the aminoacyl- the PTC or in the near vicinity of PTC at the beginning of
tRNA, the peptidyl-tRNA, and the exiting tRNA, respec- the peptide tunnel, before it is constricted by the ribosomal
tively. Each elongation cycle involves the advancement of proteins L4 and L22 [16]. The common nucleotide moieties
18 Resistance to Macrolides, Lincosamides, and Streptogramins 271
broad-spectrum resistance to MLS, whereas enzymatic mod- groups to a single position (A2058) in bacterial 23S rRNA
ification affects only structurally related antibiotics. These [22]. As a consequence of methylation, the activity of antibi-
mechanisms have been found in antibiotic producers, which otics that have the A2058 nucleotide as a key nucleotide for
often combine several self-protective mechanisms against their binding to the ribosome is impaired. The overlapping
the antimicrobial that they produce. binding sites in the peptidyl transferase region of 23S ribo-
somal RNA of macrolides, lincosamides, and streptogramins
B account for cross-resistance (the so-called MLSB resis-
4.1 Ribosomal Methylation tance phenotype).
A wide range of microorganisms that are targets for mac-
4.1.1 erm Genes rolides and lincosamides express Erm methylases. More than
Ribosomal modification by methylation was the first mecha- 40 different erm genes have been reported so far (http://fac-
nism of resistance to macrolides elucidated. This mechanism ulty.washington.edu/marilynr/), of which six major classes
results from the acquisition of an erm gene (erythromycin are detected in pathogenic microorganisms: erm(A), erm(B),
ribosome methylase) usually carried by plasmids or transpo- erm(C), erm(F), erm(G), and erm(X). Both erm(A) and
sons in pathogenic bacteria. Biochemical studies indicated erm(C) typically are staphylococcal gene classes. Genes
that erm genes encode methylases that add one or two methyl belonging to the erm(B) class and to a subclass of the erm(A)
18 Resistance to Macrolides, Lincosamides, and Streptogramins 273
gene class, previously called erm(TR), are widespread in and rarely for clinical isolates of S. aureus [28]. In staphylo-
β-hemolytic streptococci and enterococci. The erm(F) and cocci that typically contain erm(A) or erm(C) genes, induc-
erm(G) class genes are detected in Bacteroides spp. and ible resistance leads to dissociated phenotypes of resistance
other anaerobic bacteria whereas the erm(X) class genes are between inducers (erythromycin) that are not active and
identified in Gram-positive rods. Although each class is rela- noninducers (clindamycin) that remain active. The pheno-
tively confined to a bacterial genus, it is not strictly genus type of MLSB-inducible resistance expressed by staphylo-
specific. For instance, erm(B) genes may be found in staphy- cocci is characteristic, provided that the strains are tested
lococci and anaerobes. Although all members of the erm by the disk-diffusion technique. A blunting of the clindamy-
family methylate the adenine of 23S rRNA located at posi- cin inhibition zone, similar to the shape of the letter D and
tion 2058, they differ by their capacity to monomethylate or referred as to a D-shaped zone, can be observed, provided
dimethylate this nucleotide position. The major Erm methyl- that a disk of erythromycin is placed nearby (Fig. 18.2b).
ases detected in pathogens, Erm(A), Erm(B), and Erm(C), Which holds true for staphylococci is not for streptococci
generally function as dimethylases that confer a high-level that usually harbor erm(B) genes. Indeed, the inducible
cross-resistance to MLSB drugs (including telithromycin). erm(B) gene generally confers a cross-resistance to erythro-
However, Erm(B) and Erm(A) (formerly ermTR) may func- mycin and clindamycin, which differs from the dissociated
tion as monomethylases in Streptococcus pneumoniae and resistance conferred by the staphylococcal erm(A) and erm(C)
Streptococcus pyogenes, respectively [23, 24]. In fact, this genes. The particular expression of erm(B) might be related to
makes a difference for ketolides, which are weakly affected methylation of various proportions of ribosomes even in the
by monomethylation, but not for erythromycin and clindamy- absence of erythromycin [24]. This paradox could be explained
cin that are poorly active whether the ribosome is mono- or by a nonstringent control of the expression of the methylase by
dimethylated. the erm(B) attenuator. Fusion of the mutated erm(B) attenuator
MLSB resistance may be constitutively or inducibly with a lacZ reporter gene has confirmed that the expression of
expressed [25, 26]. In inducible resistance, the bacteria pro- the methylase can be partly derepressed in some strains [29].
duce inactive mRNA that is unable to encode methylase. In By contrast, the control of methylase expression by the staphy-
the model of the staphylococcal gene erm(C), the inactivity lococcal erm(A) and erm(C) methylases appears more strict.
of the mRNA is due to the structure of its 5′ untranslated Other additional features, such as differences in the promoter
region (UTR) which has a set of inverted repeats that seques- strength or in the copy number of the erm(B) gene, may also
ter the initiation sequences (ribosome-binding site and initia- account for the various levels of ribosomal methylation. The
tion codon) for the methylase by base-pairing in the absence presence of basal levels of methylase appears sufficient to con-
of erythromycin [26]. Thus, the methylase cannot be pro- fer resistance to lincosamides, explaining the cross-resistance
duced since the initiation motifs for translation of the enzyme between macrolides and lincosamides in streptococci contain-
are not accessible to the ribosomes. Induction is related to ing inducible erm(B) genes [28]. The expression in strepto-
the presence of an open-reading frame encoding a short cocci of the erm(A) gene (formerly ermTR) resembles that of
14-amino acid peptide upstream of the erm(C) structural the staphylococcal erm(A) gene [25].
gene. In the presence of low concentrations of erythromycin, In constitutive expression, active methylase mRNA is pro-
binding of the antibiotic to a ribosome translating the leader duced in the absence of an inducer, and the strains express
peptide causes the ribosome to stall. Ribosome stalling likely cross-resistance to MLSB antibiotics, regardless of the nature
induces destabilization of the pairing and conformational of the erm gene (Fig. 18.2c). In the laboratory, mutants
rearrangements in the mRNA that would then unmask the derived from inducible strains of staphylococci and express-
initiation sequences for the methylase, allowing synthesis to ing constitutive MLSB resistance can be selected on agar
proceed by available ribosomes. plates containing inhibitory concentrations of clindamycin at
The erm(C) regulation model designated as posttranscrip- frequencies varying between 10−6 and 10−8, depending on the
tional (or translational) attenuation would also account for the strain [25, 30]. In addition, clinical isolates constitutively
regulation of the erm(A) and erm(B) determinants [26]. For resistant to erythromycin are widespread, especially among
a given attenuator, the inducing capacity of the macrolides methicillin-resistant staphylococci. It has been shown both in
depends on the antibiotic structure. Whereas 14-membered laboratory mutants and in clinical isolates that constitutive
macrolides (erythromycin, roxithromycin, and clarithromy- expression is due to deletions, duplications, or point muta-
cin) and 15-membered macrolides (azithromycin) are induc- tions in the attenuator sequence leading to derepressed pro-
ers for the production of most Erm methylases, ketolides and duction of the methylase [26]. Similarly, in vitro selection by
lincosamides are generally not. Mutations in the attenuator clindamycin of constitutive resistance at a frequency of 10−7
may modify the induction pattern. In particular, lincosamides has been reported in a clinical isolate of S. pyogenes inducibly
may become inducers in the case of mutation of the attenua- resistant to erythromycin and harboring erm(TR), a subclass
tor. This feature has been reported in laboratory mutants [27] of erm(A) genes [31].
274 V. Cattoir and R. Leclercq
The use of clindamycin for the treatment of an infection cidal activity of streptogramins against staphylococci
due to an inducibly resistant strain of S. aureus is not devoid expressing (like numerous MRSA isolates) a constitutive
of risk. As previously mentioned, constitutive mutants can be MLSB phenotype is generally altered [39].
selected in vitro in the presence of clindamycin at a relatively
high frequency. Bacterial inocula exceeding 107 cfu can be 4.1.2 cfr Gene
found in mediastinitis and in certain lower respiratory tract Ribosomal methylation, occurring at a different site than the
infections. The risk to patients is illustrated by reports of A2058 previously mentioned, may confer resistance to lin-
selection of constitutive mutants during the course of cosamides but not to macrolides. Initially identified in
clindamycin therapy administered to patients with severe staphylococcal isolates from animal sources, it has been
infections due to inducibly erythromycin-resistant S. aureus recently detected in human S. aureus and E. faecalis clinical
[30, 32–37]. However, clinical evidence regarding the risk of isolates [40–43]. Interestingly, in a linezolid-resistant MRSA
emergence of clindamycin resistance is based only on a few clinical isolate, the cfr gene was located downstream of an
case reports which are summarized in Table 18.2, and there erm(B) gene, both genes being co-transcribed [41]. The
are also reports of successful use of clindamycin in treating resistance is due to the production of the Cfr (chlorampheni-
patients with D-test-positive isolates. Although it seems rea- col florfenicol resistance) protein that specifically methylates
sonable to discourage the use of clindamycin in deep-seated the 23S rRNA at the A2503 residue [44]. This still rare
infections or in infections with heavy bacterial inoculum that mechanism causes cross-resistance to five different antibi-
increases the risk for selection of constitutive mutants, there otic families: phenicols, lincosamides, oxazolidinones, pleu-
are no criteria to confidently predict the success or the failure romutilins, and streptogramins A (the so-called PhLOPSA
of clindamycin therapy in infections due to MLSB-inducible phenotype) [45]. Although almost exclusively found on plas-
staphylococci. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that isolates mids, chromosomal location has also been reported [40, 41].
containing the inducible erm(C) present significantly higher
frequencies of mutational resistance than those harboring the
erm(A) gene [38]. More prospective studies of cases of 4.2 Ribosomal Mutations
staphylococcal or streptococcal infections treated with
clindamycin are needed to better define the role of this anti- Studies with mutants obtained in the laboratory and reports
microbial in infections due to microorganisms with various of clinical isolates have revealed that several structures par-
macrolide resistance phenotypes. Noteworthy, the bacteri- ticipating in the binding of macrolides, particularly domains
18 Resistance to Macrolides, Lincosamides, and Streptogramins 275
Table 18.2 Failures of clindamycin therapy in infections due to photransferases, MPH(2′)-I (encoded by mph(A) and mph(D)
S. aureus with inducible MLSB phenotype resistance [26–31] genes) that inactivates 14- and 15-membered ring macrolides
No. of patients treated No. of No. of MLSB more efficiently than 16-membered ones, and MPH(2′)-II
with clindamycin failures constitutive isolates Reference (encoded by mph(B) and mph(C) genes) that inactivates both
3 2 1 [20] groups of macrolides [53]. mph(A) and mph(B) are the most
2 2 2 [21]
prevalent genes among Gram-negative bacteria. Notably, the
3 1 1 [22]
plasmid-borne mph(A) gene conferring resistance to azithro-
2 2 1 [23]
mycin has emerged in Shigella sonnei isolates responsible
1 1 1 [24]
for an outbreak in Paris area while E. coli could constitute a
1 1 1 [25]
9 7
major reservoir for this gene [54, 55]. An mph(C) gene, dis-
All cases (n = 12)
tinct from mph(A) and mph(B), has been described in a few
strains of S. aureus [56].
V and II of 23S rRNA and proteins L4 and L22, can display Specific resistance to lincosamides is due to enzymatic
mutations responsible for macrolide/lincosamide resistance. inactivation of those antibiotics. Phosphorylation and nucle-
The resistance phenotype conferred by alterations in the otidylation of the hydroxyl group at position 3 or 4 of lincos-
ribosomal target varies according to the nature of the mutated amides have been detected in several species of Streptomyces.
structure, but there is generally cross-resistance to MLS. In In both animal and human isolates, lincosamide nucleotidyl-
addition, since bacteria generally have several copies of the transferases encoded by lnu genes (formerly lin) were
rrl gene coding for the 23S rRNA, susceptibility to macro- reported. In clinical isolates, five lnu class genes have been
lides and lincosamides varies according to the number of described: lnu(A), lnu(B), lnu(C), lnu(D), and lin(F) [57–
mutated copies and decreases as the number of the mutated 62]. The O-nucleotidyltransferases encoded by these genes
copies increases [46]. Ribosomal mutations are rare in clini- inactivate lincosamides by adenylylation [58]. The lnu(A)
cal isolates of staphylococci and streptococci [25], but are genes have been reported in staphylococci and Bacteroides
the main mechanism of resistance to macrolides in some spp. [57, 60]. Initially described in E. faecium, lnu(B) is the
bacterial species, such as Campylobacter spp., H. pylori, most prevalent lnu gene among streptococci of human and
P. acnes, and M. avium complex [47]. animal origin [58]. The lnu(F) gene has been rarely described
in E. coli and Salmonella spp. [59]. The lnu(C) gene was first
characterized in a Streptococcus agalactiae clinical isolate,
4.3 Enzymatic Inactivation being located on a small mobilizable transposon [61, 63]. A
second report of lnu(C) was recently published in a
Unlike target modification, inactivation of MLS antibiotics Streptococcus anginosus clinical isolate [64]. The lnu(D)
only confers resistance to structurally related antibiotics. gene was first described in a clinical isolate of Streptococcus
Different esterases and phosphorylases have been identi- uberis responsible for a case of bovine mastitis, and was then
fied in strains resistant to macrolides, almost exclusively in detected in two other S. uberis veterinary isolates [62, 65,
Gram-negative bacteria. Indeed, members of the family 66]. Mechanistically, LnuA nucleotidyltransferase modifies
Enterobacteriaceae highly resistant to erythromycin due to the a hydroxyl group of clindamycin and lincomycin at positions
presence of these resistance determinants have been reported. 3 and 4, respectively, whereas LnuB modifies a hydroxyl at
Most of the strains were isolated from stool or blood cultures position 3 in both clindamycin and lincomycin [58].
during selective digestive tract decontamination in neutrope- Although Lnu(A), Lnu(B), Lnu(C), and Lnu(D) nucleoti-
nic patients [48]. The isolates inactivate the lactone ring of dyltransferases inactivate in vitro more efficiently clindamy-
14-membered ring macrolides by production of erythromycin cin than lincomycin, the corresponding genes confer
esterases or macrolide 2′-phosphotransferases that add phos- resistance to lincomycin (MICs from 16 to 32 μg/mL) but
phate to the 2′-hydroxyl group of an amino sugar [49–51]. not to clindamycin (MICs from 0.06 to 0.12 μg/mL), the so-
Two types (I and II) of esterases, encoded by ere(A) and called L phenotype [57, 58, 62, 63] (Fig. 18.2d). By contrast,
ere(B) (erythromycin esterase) genes, respectively, have been when the lnu(A), lnu(B), lnu(C), and lnu(D) genes were
identified so far. Note that the G + C content of ere(B) (36 %), cloned into E. coli, they conferred cross-resistance to linco-
unlike that of ere(A) (50 %), is significantly different from the mycin and clindamycin [57, 58, 62, 63]. A similar pheno-
base composition of the Escherichia coli chromosome (50 %), type was observed for the lin(F) gene in E. coli [59]. The
suggesting that ere(B) is of exogenous origin, possibly a reason for the difference in phenotypic expression of the
Gram-positive coccus. The ere(B) gene was detected in only resistance determinant in the two backgrounds remains
5 of 851 isolates (0.6 %) of erythromycin-resistant MRSA unexplained. Hypothetically, the difference between the
strains collected from 24 European hospitals while no ere(A) two lincosamides might be related to differences in relative
gene could be detected [52]. There are two groups of phos- affinities of clindamycin and lincomycin for the ribosomes
276 V. Cattoir and R. Leclercq
of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms and for the was named eat(A) (for Enterococcus ABC transporter) and
Lnu enzymes: clindamycin might have better affinity for its mutated resistant variant, eat(A)v [75]. Interestingly, the
the Gram-positive ribosomes than for Lnu(C), explaining phenotype conferred by Lsa-like proteins actually comprises
why its activity is maintained. Although the activity of lincosamides, streptogramins A, and pleuromutilins (e.g.,
clindamycin against the Gram-positive hosts of the lnu tiamulin), and is known as LSAP phenotype [72, 75].
gene was only weakly affected by the mechanism of resis- Acquired efflux of lincosamides (as a LSA phenotype) has
tance, a 100-fold increase in the bacterial inoculum led to a also been detected in staphylococcal isolates. This phenotype,
three-dilution increase in the MIC of clindamycin for S. similar to that mediated by Lsa-like proteins, is due to the
agalactiae UCN36 containing lnu(C) [61] and the bacteri- acquisition of plasmid genes vga(A), vga(A)v, or vga(A)LC,
cidal activity of clindamycin (already weak against suscep- which also code for ABC proteins responsible for a low-level
tible strains) was totally abolished against a staphylococcal resistance to lincosamides and streptogramins A [76–78].
strain with lnu(A) [57]. Active efflux has been reported as an acquired mecha-
Inactivation of type A streptogramins is due to nism of resistance to macrolides in clinical isolates of Gram-
0-acetylation by acetyltransferases encoded by vat genes [5, positive organisms. In particular, the efflux pump msr(A)
7, 67]. These enzymes transfer an acetyl group from acetyl- responsible for the MSB phenotype (resistance to erythromy-
CoA to the secondary hydroxyl of type A streptogramins. cin and streptogramins B) in staphylococci and the dual
Type B streptogramins can be inactivated by enzymes called efflux pump mef(A)/mel responsible for the M phenotype
lyases or lactonases, which are encoded by vgb genes [5, 7, (resistance to erythromycin) in streptococci [79]. msr(A) and
67]. They cause a cleavage of the ester linkage leading to a mel belong to the ABC transporter family whereas mef(A) is
linearization of the molecule. part of the Major Facilitator Superfamily [80]. Note that
these mechanisms that are widely spread do not affect the
activity of lincosamides, and that the activity of ketolides is
4.4 Active Efflux affected by mef(A) only at a very low level, being likely not
clinically significant. mef(A)/mel genes are borne by a trans-
Efflux was reported as responsible for the intrinsic resis- poson [81, 82] and have been described in a variety of spe-
tance to macrolides and lincosamides of E. coli and other cies, mostly S. pneumoniae and S. pyogenes. The msr(A)
Gram-negative bacteria, and as putatively responsible for the gene is usually found in staphylococci but has also been
intrinsic resistance of E. faecalis to lincosamides and strep- detected in Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Corynebacterium,
togramins A. In E. coli, inactivation of the tripartite pump and Pseudomonas [83]. Different msr(A) homologs have
AcrAB-TolC renders this organism susceptible to erythromy- also been described, such as msr(C) in Enterococcus, msr(D)
cin and clindamycin [68]. In E. faecalis OG1RF, cross-resis- in many genera and linked to mef(A), and msr(E) in some
tance to lincosamides and streptogramins A (the so-called Gram-negative bacteria.
LSA phenotype) was related to the expression of a species- As opposed to Mef(A) that is undoubtedly an efflux
specific chromosomal lsa gene, renamed lsa(A), coding for pump, the biochemical basis of resistance remains unclear
an ABC protein [69]. Inactivation of the lsa(A) gene resulted for aforementioned Lsa-, Vga-, and Msr-like proteins. They
in entire susceptibility to clindamycin, dalfopristin, and qui- all belong to the family of ABC systems, of which most of
nupristin–dalfopristin, whereas trans-complementation with them are involved in import and export, and then called ABC
a recombinant plasmid bearing an intact lsa gene restored transporters [84]. These “classical” transporters share a com-
resistance to these antibiotics. In Staphylococcus sciuri, a mon organization with two hydrophobic transmembrane
LSA phenotype was demonstrated to be related to the expres- domains (TMDs) and two intracytoplasmic nucleotide-bind-
sion of the plasmid-mediated lsa(B) gene coding for a Lsa(A) ing domains (NBDs) implicated in ATP hydrolysis. Actually,
homolog [70]. A similar LSA phenotype was observed from S. Lsa-, Vga-, and Msr-like proteins belong to a third group of
agalactiae clinical isolates from New Zealand, and was due ABC proteins (named class 2) that lack TMDs consisting of
to a Lsa(A)-like protein encoded by the chromosomal lsa(C) two NBDs fused into a single protein [84]. Even though
gene [71, 72]. The last lsa-like gene, called lsa(E), has been these class 2 ABC proteins are presumed to function as
recently identified in MRSA isolates of swine origin [73]. As efflux pumps, the biochemical mechanism of resistance has
opposed to E. faecalis, E. faecium is intrinsically susceptible been poorly elucidated. Only two studies that showed about
to all macrolides and related compounds, but the LSA pheno- Msr(A) suggest that Msr(A) and vga(A)LC might be able to
type may be selected in vitro and in vivo [74]. The resistance hijack the TMDs of ABC transporters to mediate efflux [77,
is due to a unique mutation within a gene coding for an ABC 85], but no membrane partners have been identified so far
homologue showing 66 % amino acid identity with Lsa(A), [86]. A ribosomal-related mechanism of resistance, such as
leading to an amino acid substitution. The wild-type allele ribosomal protection, might also be hypothesized.
18 Resistance to Macrolides, Lincosamides, and Streptogramins 277
5 R
eports of Susceptibility Tests coagulase-negative staphylococci, with frequencies ranging
by the Laboratory from 1 to 7 % of strains depending on the staphylococcal species
[57]. Two phenotypes of resistance should be distinguished:
5.1 Staphylococci the LSA type of resistance that is detected as a resistance or an
intermediate susceptibility to both clindamycin and lincomy-
Both clindamycin and erythromycin have to be tested. As cin, and the L phenotype resistance that can be identified only
noted above, resistance to both erythromycin and clindamy- if lincomycin is tested since MIC of clindamycin or zone size
cin relates to constitutive MLSB resistance and is easily rec- diameter for the disk of clindamycin remain within the range
ognized. Dissociated susceptibility results for erythromycin of those for a susceptible isolate. This phenotype can be easily
and clindamycin require the attention of the clinical microbi- identified by testing both lincomycin and clindamycin, which
ology laboratory. The following cases can be discussed. display an unusual dissociated susceptibility to clindamycin
and resistance to lincomycin. By the disk-diffusion technique,
5.1.1 S trains Resistant to Erythromycin lincosamide inactivation can be easily predicted by observ-
but Susceptible to Clindamycin ing the appearance of the clindamycin inhibition zone edge.
When clindamycin is active, the identification of the pheno- A sharply demarcated edge correlates with the production
type is required. The inducible MLSB resistance can be of lincosamide nucleotidyltransferases (Fig. 18.2d). There
detected only by methods showing induction of clindamycin is no recommendation for the interpretation of the result for
resistance. As previously mentioned, the disk-diffusion clindamycin and the clinical relevance is unknown.
method is an easy method to detect this phenotype by placing
an erythromycin disk near a clindamycin disk on an agar
growth medium, using a standard disk dispenser [87]. The 5.2 Other Organisms
presence of a D-shape zone is the signature of the MLSB-
inducible phenotype (Fig. 18.2b). This approach is recom- For streptococci, concerns about the activity of clindamycin
mended by the CLSI susceptibility testing standards. When against isolates susceptible to this antibiotic but with an
staphylococci are tested using a broth-based method (includ- inducible MLSB phenotype could also be raised. However,
ing automated instruments), the CLSI recommends placing routine testing for inducible resistance for pneumococci is
erythromycin (15 μg) and clindamycin (2 μg) disks nearly not recommended since isolates containing an inducible
15–26 mm apart (center to center) on the blood agar plate that erm(B) gene usually display cross-resistance between eryth-
is used to control the purity of the bacterial inoculum [88, 89]. romycin and clindamycin, as mentioned above. Only rare
Isolates displaying a D-shaped zone, therefore inducibly isolates with an inducible MLSB phenotype are susceptible
resistant to MLSB antibiotics, should be reported as clindamy- to clindamycin and clinical significance has not been estab-
cin resistant by the laboratory [88]. However, the clinical lished. The same observation can be made for β-hemolytic
laboratory may add the following comment: “This isolate is streptococci containing an inducible erm(B) gene. However,
presumed to be resistant based on detection of inducible β-hemolytic streptococci might contain an inducible erm(A)
clindamycin resistance; clindamycin may still be effective in gene (formerly ermTR) with a positive D-shaped zone test.
some patients.” Note that certain automated systems also pro- In this case, although no clinical failure has been reported,
pose a liquid-based induction test. The final decision to treat the use of clindamycin does not seem safe. By contrast, iso-
or not the patient with clindamycin should be based on the lates of S. pneumoniae or S. pyogenes expressing the efflux
analysis of each specific case, and if a clindamycin therapy is pumps MefA/Mel remain fully susceptible to clindamycin.
started, it requires close follow-up of the patient for failure. In Resistance to clindamycin in Bacteroides fragilis is frequent
the absence of D-shaped zone, the staphylococcal isolate is (generally more than 30 % of isolates) and is mostly due to
presumably resistant to erythromycin by active efflux through ribosomal methylation (MLSB phenotype) mostly by erm(F),
acquisition of the msr(A) gene (Fig. 18.2e). Since clindamy- erm(G), and erm(B) genes. The resistance is often expressed
cin is neither an inducer nor a substrate for this pump, the at a high level. C. perfringens is rarely resistant to clindamy-
isolate can safely be reported as susceptible to clindamycin. cin. Again, resistant isolates expressing an MLSB phenotype
Strains of S. aureus ATCC strain BAA-977 containing erm(A) which, in some cases of inducible expression, can be detected
and S. aureus ATCC BAA-976 harboring the efflux pump only after 48 h of incubation. For some fastidious organisms
encoded by msr(A) are recommended as positive and nega- (e.g., H. pylori, M. avium complex), molecular detection of
tive control organisms, respectively [90]. 23S rRNA mutations is a good option since the number and
the position of mutations conferring macrolide resistance are
5.1.2 S trains Susceptible to Erythromycin limited. Many different approaches, particularly real-time
but Resistant to Lincosamides PCR assays, have been developed. For instance, it is possible
This dissociated phenotype of resistance is rare in S. aureus, to detect most of mutations conferring clarithromycin resis-
found in less than 1 % of the strains, but is more frequent in tance in H. pylori, even directly from gastric biopsies [91].
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Mechanisms of Resistance
in Metronidazole 19
Shira I. Doron, Kirthana R. Beaulac, Abhay Dhand,
and David R. Snydman
electron donors may prevent activation of the pro-drug and incompletely detecting the gene or that alternative genetic
therefore lack of efficacy. determinants are contributing to MTZ resistance [17, 18].
DNA repair proteins, such as RecA, may putatively
repair oxidative damage caused by MTZ and confer MTZ
3 Mechanism of Resistance resistance [18]. Diniz et al. (2004) used combination of
proteomics for identification of differentially expressed pro-
Proposed Mechanisms of Resistance teins and other genes involved in the adaptive response to
1. Decreased drug uptake or increased efflux. metronidazole [19]. Protein profile of resistant strains showed
2. Decreased drug activation/change in the biological
upregulation of lactate dehydrogenase and downregulation of
target. flavodoxin and impaired enzymatic activity of pyruvate-
3. Increased oxygen scavenging capabilities (SOD/catalase/ ferrodoxin oxidase reductase. They also suggested that mul-
peroxidase). tiple enzymes involved in oxidation/reduction and electron
4. Enhanced activity of DNA repair enzymes. transfer reactions may be important in activation of MTZ and
possible mechanisms of inducing resistance. This supports
the idea that there is no one specific gene for MTZ resistance
3.1 Bacteroides and multiple possible pathways for resistance to exist.
clinically resistant strains and demonstrated decreased levels genes on recombinant plasmids. Further tests on these iso-
of ferrodoxin and its mRNA. This was attributed to reduced lates revealed that flavodoxin and hydrogenase genes were
transcription of the ferrodoxin gene as determined by nuclear responsible for the electron transfer system, suggesting its
run-on assays [42]. Cerkasovova et al. (1988) noted that possible role in metronidazole resistance [52]. Church et al.
strains of Tritrichomonas foetus, a bovine reproductive sys- (1990, 1988) provided biochemical evidence that hydro
tem parasite in the order Trichomonadida, that are highly genase 1 of Clostridium pasteuranicum plays a critical
resistant to MTZ lack detectable enzymatic activity for enzymatic role in the reduction of metronidazole via a ferro-
pyruvate:ferrodoxin oxidoredutase and hydrogenase [43]. doxin-linked mechanism [53, 54].
The molecular basis for these altered enzyme activities has
not been established.
In 2006, Xio et al. [44] proposed that infection of 3.5 Entamoeba and Giardia
Trichomonads by Mycoplasma hominis, a bacterial pathogen
commonly found in the lower genital tract, may be the cause In vivo and in vitro assays have demonstrated the existence
of T. vaginalis resistance. They found that Trichomonads of metronidazole-resistant Giardia isolates, and metronida-
infected with M. hominis demonstrated a tenfold higher mini- zole treatment failures occur with a frequency of 10–20 %
mal lethal concentration (MLC) of metronidazole. A 2010 [55–59].
study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention failed There is no reported clinical resistance in Entamoeaba,
to confirm any association between M. hominis- infected but resistant strains have been generated in vitro in various
strains and the presence of metronidazole resistance [45]. laboratories. Purified PFOR and ferrodoxin have been shown
In 2012, Leitsch et al. [46] reported downregulated or absent to activate MTZ in vitro. Upcroft et al. characterized bio-
flavin reductase activity and downregulated alcohol dehydroge- chemical markers in a clinically resistant isolate and showed
nase 1 activity in metronidazole-resistant strains of Trichomonas. that PFOR is downregulated up to fivefold. Ferrodoxin 1,
The former could affect oxygen scavenging and the latter detox- which is the next electron acceptor in the transport chain, is
ification of intracellular acetaldehyde. No conclusions can be also downregulated about seven times [60]. Increased efflux
made from these data regarding cause and effect. of the drug also might be responsible for protecting the
Entamoeba produces SOD, catalase, and peroxidase for
3.4 Clostridium spp. detoxification of oxygen and its breakdown products. Only
one 2-oxoacid oxidoreductase, PFOR, has been detected
Clostridium species are usually sensitive to metronidazole in Entamoeba and it is predominantly membrane bound.
but Clostridium ramnosum may require higher concentra- Upcroft et al. showed marked increase in superoxide dis-
tions for inhibition [47, 48]. mutase activity in MTZ-resistant E. histolytica while PFOR
Though susceptibility testing is not routinely done, it is activity remained constant [60]. Wassmann et al. (1999) con-
generally accepted that Clostridium difficile is predictably firmed lack of change in PFOR activity in resistant strains.
susceptible to metronidazole. However, Palaez et al. reported They also showed increased expression of iron containing
on the first series of resistant strains in 1994 [49] and FE-SOD and peroxiredoxin while expression of flavin reduc-
subsequently described the resistance trends of the isolates tase and ferrodoxin1 was decreased [61].
from their institution in Madrid from 1993 to 2000 [50]. The
overall rate of resistance was 6.3 %. The rate was highest in
patients with HIV. Molecular typing revealed the absence of 4 Cross-Resistance
clonality among the isolates. In 2013, Lynch et al. sequenced
the genome and examined the phenotype of a stably resistant There is documented cross-resistance between all the cur-
isolate of C. difficile. Compared to metronidazole-susceptible rently used 5-nitroimidazole drugs [60, 62].
strains, genomic analysis of the resistant isolate revealed
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level variation in
genes related to electron transport, iron utilization, and 5 Mechanism of Spread of Resistance
energy production. Four phenotypic characteristics were
apparent: (1) aberrant growth in liquid media; (2) attenuated Although both plasmid-mediated and chromosomally
cell wall separation; (3) lack of spore production by 48 h; mediated resistance has been described, the transfer to
and (4) heteroresistance [51]. metronidazole- sensitive Bacteroides species does not yet
Santengelo et al. (1991) developed E. coli F19 recA, a appear to be a problem. Also, a combination of several mecha-
nitrate reductase-deficient mutant that was rendered MTZ-S nisms may be required for emergence of high-level resistance
by isolating and expressing Clostridium acetobutylicum in various organisms that might lead to therapeutic failures.
19 Mechanisms of Resistance in Metronidazole 285
6 Resistance Testing and two antibiotics has been widely used. After treatment
failure, a second course of triple therapy may still be effec-
There are many barriers that hinder local laboratories perform- tive; alternatively, a regimen not including imidazoles may
ing routine susceptibility testing on all clinical isolates of be used.
anaerobic bacteria. A significant amount of equipment and
labor must be dedicated to the task, yielding what some
consider relatively predictable results [63]. Recent consensus 7.2 Trichomonas Vaginalis
guidelines recommend against anaerobic culture of intra-
abdominal pathogens, incorporating assumptions about anaer- If infection persists in a patient treated with a 7-day regimen
obic susceptibility [64]. The 2012 Clinical and Laboratory and reinfection can be ruled out, other options include treat-
Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines suggested anaerobic ing with 2 g of metronidazole orally daily for 3–5 days,
susceptibility testing only for specific settings, like critical ill- 1–2 g of metronidazole daily for 14 days along with 500 mg
ness, known resistance, persistent infection despite appropri- intravaginally daily, high-dose intravenous metronidazole, [70],
ate antibiotics, or to confirm antimicrobial activity when long intravaginal paromomycin [71, 72] and tinidazole, which has
courses of antibiotics are indicated [65]. For those instances in recently been approved by the FDA. Tinidazole has been
which resistance testing is warranted, not all hospital laborato- shown to be effective in some cases of metronidazole-
ries are equipped to perform susceptibility testing, with 15 % resistant T. vaginalis infection [73]. Cromwell et al. found
of surveyed hospitals sending specimens to a reference lab for that although in vitro activities of metronidazole and tinida-
testing [66]. Although susceptibility testing may be limited, zole against the parasite are highly correlated, the tinidazole
89 % of hospital laboratories and 100 % of reference laborato- does have lower minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
ries report testing susceptibility to metronidazole. than metronidazole [62].
There are various laboratory methods that can be
employed for testing metronidazole susceptibility in anaero-
bic bacteria [67]. Agar dilution is considered the gold stan- 7.3 Giardia
dard; however, it requires significant labor and expertise in
interpretation [65]. It is very time consuming and is not effi- Alternatives to metronidazole for treatment of Giardia
cient for testing single or small numbers of organisms. Broth include paramomycin, nitazoxanide, and the anti-helminthic
microdilution may be performed more simply using com- benzmidazoles (albendazole and mebendazole) [74].
mercially available panels, testing many antimicrobials at the
same time; however, it is ineffective for poorly growing
oxygen-sensitive organisms and CLSI only has suggested 7.4 Clostridium spp.
breakpoints for B. fragilis [68]. MIC gradient diffusion tests
are also commercially available, yielding a precise MIC Two agents, vancomycin and fidaxomicin, are FDA approved
value at a relatively low cost. However, this test can overes- for the treatment of Clostridium difficile. Despite successful
timate metronidazole resistance if strict anaerobic conditions cure in the majority of cases, recurrences are extremely
are not upheld throughout the testing process [69]. Disk dif- common.
fusion tests are not considered accurate, as the results do not Other Clostridium species are typically susceptible to
correlate well with agar dilution methods [68]. Anaerobic clindamycin. Other active agents include penicillin, tetracy-
resistance testing in the clinical environment can be chal- cline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, rifampin, and some
lenging, and epidemiologic data may be the primary resource cephalosporins. C. tertium is susceptible to vancomycin.
in assessing resistance patterns and empiric therapy choices.
7 Alternative Agents
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Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci
Florence Depardieu and Patrice M. Courvalin
2 Enterococci 3 Glycopeptides
Enterococci are part of the normal intestinal flora of humans Glycopeptide antibiotics, such as vancomycin and teico-
and various animals. They are found in the feces of a high planin, are active against many important Gram-positive
proportion of healthy adults. Enterococci are able to grow in pathogens. Vancomycin, produced by Amycolatopsis orien
variable environmental conditions at temperatures from 10 talis, was the first glycopeptide used in the treatment of seri-
to 45 °C, in hypotonic, hypertonic, acidic, or alkaline media, ous infections due to Gram-positive bacteria. The structure
under anaerobic or aerobic conditions. Enterococcus faeca of glycopeptides is based on a heptapeptide domain in which
lis and Enterococcus faecium are the two major species of five amino acid residues are common to all glycopeptides
enterococci and represent more than 95 % of clinical isolates [14, 15]. The biologically active part of the molecule is
[1–4]. E. faecalis was more prevalent than E. faecium located in the structure containing seven amino acid residues
and accounted for 57–77 % of clinical isolates [5]. Currently, [15]. Glycopeptides act by inhibiting cell wall formation
(Fig. 20.1). They bind with high affinity by five hydrogen
bonds to the D-alanyl-D-alanine (D-Ala-D-Ala) C-terminal
F. Depardieu, Ph.D. • P.M. Courvalin, M.D., F.R.C.P. (*)
of precursors containing the pentapeptide moiety (Fig. 20.2a)
Unité des Agents Antibactériens, Institut Pasteur,
25, rue du Docteur Roux, Paris 75724 Cedex 15, France synthesized by the D-Ala:D-Ala ligase (Ddl). They thus
e-mail: [email protected] inhibit addition by transglycosylation of the pentapeptide
D-Ala D-Ala
D-Ala D-Ala D-Ala
-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys D-Ala
D-Ala D-Ala -L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys
D-Ala D-Ala D-Ala
Carboxypeptidase Vancomycin
L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala- D-Ala L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala- D-Ala D-Ala
D-Ala D-Ala L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala- D-Ala
Cell wall D-Ala D-Ala
-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys -L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys
D-Ala D-Ala -L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys D-Ala
D-Ala Transpeptidase D-Ala
L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala- L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala-
Cytoplasm D-Ala UDP D-Ala D-Ala
D-Ala D-Ala D-Ala
L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala Lipid carrier
L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala L-Lys-D-Glu-L-Ala-
N-Acetylmuramic acid
D-Ala:D-ala ligase Adding enzyme N-Acetylglucosamine
D-Ala + D-Ala D-Ala-D-Ala
Fig. 20.1 Schematic representation of the mode of action of vancomycin on peptidoglycan biosynthesis (from [37]). Binding of vancomycin on
the C-terminal D-Ala-D-Ala prevents transglycosylation, transpeptidation, and carboxypeptidation steps
precursors to the nascent peptidoglycan chain and prevent vancomycin-resistant enterococci in animals in Europe was
subsequent cross-linking catalyzed by the D
,D-transpeptidases initially observed, after the ban of avoparcin, a glycopeptide
[14]. These reactions occur outside the cytoplasmic mem- used as a food additive which displays cross-resistance with
brane [16]. The drugs do not penetrate into the cytoplasm vancomycin, there has been an increase in nosocomial ampi-
and interaction with the target can only take place after trans- cillin and/or vancomycin-resistant enterococcal infections
location of the precursors to the outer surface of the mem- over the past decade [23–27].
brane [14, 17]. Gram-negative bacteria are insensitive to this Glycopeptide resistance is due to the replacement of the
group of antibiotics due to the presence of the outer mem- normal peptidoglycan precursor by modified precursors end-
brane which is impermeable to glycopeptides. ing in D-Ala-D-lactate (D-Ala-D-Lac) or D-Ala-D-serine
(D-Ala-D-Ser) in place of D-Ala-D-Ala. This alteration is
responsible for diminished binding affinity of glycopeptides
4 Glycopeptide Resistance in Enterococci for their target. In the case of precursors ending in D-Ala-D-
Lac, the affinity is 1000-fold lower because the substitution
The first enterococcal isolates resistant to high levels of eliminates a critical central hydrogen bond (Fig. 20.2b) [28].
vancomycin and teicoplanin were reported in 1988 [18, 19]. The replacement of D-Ala by D-Ser should not affect the
The number of infections with vancomycin-resistant entero- number of hydrogen bonds that can be formed between van-
cocci in US hospitals increased from 9820 in 2000 to comycin and the altered precursors but the binding affinity is
21,352 in 2006 [20]. In the United States, the percentage of altered (sevenfold lower) [29], probably due to conforma-
E. faecium isolates that were resistant to vancomycin rose tional changes (Fig. 20.2c). In addition to production of
from 0 % before the mid-1980s to more than 80 % by 2007 modified peptidoglycan precursors, resistant strains are also
[21]; in contrast, only 5 % of E. faecalis are vancomycin able to eliminate the precursors normally synthesized by the
resistant [6]. In 2007, a significant increase in rates of host. Combination of these two pathways, synthesis of modi-
bacteraemia due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci was fied precursors and elimination of classical precursors, leads
observed in Canada with 63 % of clinical isolates identified to resistance. Therefore, resistance to glycopeptides is a
as E. faecium [22]. Although a decrease in the prevalence of complex system involving several genes.
20 Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci 291
vancomycin Me OH vancomycin Me OH vancomycin Me OH
O Me O Me O Me
O H H N N Me O H H N N Me O H H N N Me
R-D-Ala-D-Ala R-D-Ala-D-Lac R-D-Ala-D-Ser
Fig. 20.2 Interactions between vancomycin and (A) N-Acetyl-D-Ala- a NH group by an oxygen and repulsion between the two oxygens and
D-Ala, (B) N-Acetyl D-Ala-D-Lac, (C) N-Acetyl-D-Ala-D-Ser. 3-D alteration of the target; with the D-Ala-D-Ser pentapeptide,
Hydrogen bonds are indicated by dotted lines. With the D-Ala-D-Lac replacement of a CH3 group by a CH2OH group is responsible for con-
depsipeptide, a central hydrogen bond is missing due to substitution of formational changes
5.1 G
lycopeptide Resistance due to Synthesis
5 The van Alphabet of Modified Peptidoglycan Precursors
Ending in D-Ala-D-Lac
Nine types of glycopeptide resistance have been described to
date in enterococci: eight are acquired (VanA, B, D, E, G, L, 5.1.1 VanA
M, and N) [30–34] and one, VanC, is an intrinsic property of This is the most frequently encountered type of glycopeptide
Enterococcus gallinarum, Enterococcus casseliflavus, and resistance in enterococci. VanA-type strains are character-
Enterococcus flavescens [35, 36]. The MIC ranges of vanco- ized by a high level of resistance to both vancomycin and
mycin and teicoplanin against the various types overlap teicoplanin due to synthesis of modified peptidoglycan pre-
(Table 20.1) and classification of glycopeptide resistance is cursors ending in D-Ala-D-Lac (Table 20.1). The vanA gene
based on the primary sequence of the structural gene for the cluster, generally located on transposon Tn1546 [37] or
resistance ligase. related elements [38], can be found on, both, transferable
292 F. Depardieu and P.M. Courvalin
Transposition Regulation Glycopeptide resistance Accessory proteins
L-Ala D-Ala D-Ala-D-Ala UDP L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys-D -Ala-D -Ala
VanX VanY
Fig. 20.3 (A) Organization of Tn1546. IRG and IRD indicate inverted resistant strain after induction with glycopeptides. Ddl, D-Ala:D-Ala
repeat sequences at the ends of the transposon. (B) Schematic represen- ligase. , N-acetylmuramic acid
tation of the synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors in a VanA-type-
and nontransferable plasmids as well as part of the bacterial VanY, not essential for resistance, cleaves the D-Ala C-terminal
chromosome (Table 20.1). It has been reported mainly in E. residue of the pentapeptide precursors synthesized from the
faecium and E. faecalis but also in E. avium [39], E. durans D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptide that has escaped VanX hydrolysis
[40–42], E. gallinarum, and E. casseliflavus [43], and in [52, 53]. Vancomycin has no affinity for the resulting tetrapep-
Bacillus circulans [44]. Since the years 2000, the vanA gene tide precursors. VanZ alone confers low-level resistance to tei-
cluster was found in 11 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus coplanin by an unknown mechanism [54] that does not involve
[45–48]. incorporation of a substituent of D-Ala-D-Ala into peptidogly-
Tn1546, originally detected on plasmid pIP816 from can precursors.
E. faecium BM4147, is composed of nine genes that can be Expression of glycopeptide resistance is regulated by two
assigned to different functional groups: two encode a trans- genes, vanR and vanS, for a two-component regulatory
posase and a resolvase (ORF1 and ORF2) responsible for the system located upstream from vanH [32, 55]. VanS is a
movements of the element and the remaining seven genes are membrane-associated sensor that contains, in the C-terminal
involved in regulation (vanRS) and expression of glycopeptide cytoplasmic domain, a histidine residue which is phosphory-
resistance (vanHAXYZ) (Fig. 20.3a). The vanH, vanA, and vanX lated in response to the presence of glycopeptides in the
genes code for proteins that are necessary for expression of medium [56]. VanR acts as a transcriptional activator that
resistance (Fig. 20.3b). VanH is a dehydrogenase that converts can be phosphorylated on an aspartate residue by acquisition
pyruvate to D-Lac [49], VanA a ligase that uses D-Lac and a of the phosphoryl group of the activated VanS [56]. In
D-Ala residue to synthesize the depsipeptide D-Ala-D-Lac summary, in the presence of glycopeptides in the culture
which is incorporated into the peptidoglycan precursors in place medium, a signal leads to autophosphorylation of VanS on a
of D-Ala-D-Ala [28], and VanX is a D,D-dipeptidase that specific histidine residue and the phosphoryl group is then
hydrolyses the dipeptide D-Ala-D-Ala formed by the endoge- transferred to a specific aspartate residue of VanR (Fig. 20.4).
nous chromosomal D-Ala:D-Ala ligase (Ddl) [50, 51], thus In the absence of glycopeptides, VanS stimulates dephos-
reducing the level of normal peptidoglycan precursors ending in phorylation of VanR leading to a negative regulation of
D-Ala-D-Ala. The penicillin-insensitive D,D-carboxypeptidase resistance genes and thus preventing accumulation of VanR
20 Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci 293
Vancomycin Pi
vanR vanS vanH vanA vanX vanY vanZ
Fig. 20.4 Schematic representation of activation of the PR and PH promoters of the vanA operon by phospho-VanR after induction with
phosphorylated by acetyl phosphate or by a kinase encoded appears to be ubiquitous since insertions have been found in
by the host chromosome [56–58]. The resistance and regula- the vanX-vanY intergenic region [66, 67, 75, 79], upstream
tory genes are transcribed from two distinct promoters, PH from vanR [67], in orf2 [66], in vanS [80, 81], and com-
and PR, respectively, that are coordinately regulated [57, 58]. plexed with an IS3-like element at the left terminus [38, 66,
Phospho-VanR binds to PH and PR and activates transcription 67, 76, 82] or with IS1542 in the orf2-vanR intergenic region
of the two sets of genes [59]. [76, 79, 83]. The multiple insertion sites suggest that this ele-
VanA-type resistance in clinical isolates of enterococci is ment is actively mobile and indicate that the movement of IS
mediated by genetic elements identical or closely related to is likely to be crucial in the evolution of VanA elements.
Tn1546 that are generally carried by self-transferable plas- Conjugal transfer of plasmids that have acquired Tn1546-
mids [18, 60–63] and, occasionally, by the host chromosome like elements by transposition appears to be responsible for
as part of larger conjugative elements [38]. Tn1546-like the spread of glycopeptide resistance in enterococci.
elements are highly conserved except for the presence of
insertion sequences in intergenic regions not essential for 5.1.2 VanB
expression of glycopeptide resistance. The high degree of The VanB type is characterized by a variable level of resis-
sequence conservation in the vanRSHAX cluster from tance to vancomycin only (Table 20.1) [84]. The vanB
isolates that are geographically and epidemiologically unre- operon also confers resistance by production of peptidogly-
lated suggests that diversification of VanA elements occurred can precursors ending in the depsipeptide D-Ala-D-Lac and
following the transfer of a progenitor Tn1546 to enterococci. its organization is similar to that of vanA (Fig. 20.5a) but
Only very few point mutations have been identified in this differs in its regulation since vancomycin, but not teico-
gene cluster with a single mutation in orf1, vanS, vanA, planin, is an inducer (Table 20.1) [85]. The vanB cluster con-
vanX, and vanY genes [63–67]. Much greater diversity is tains the vanHBBXB resistance genes encoding, respectively,
found upstream from the vanR gene or downstream from a dehydrogenase, a ligase, and a dipeptidase that have high
vanX and results from the presence of deletions, rearrange- levels of sequence identity (67–76 %) with VanHAX of
ments, and insertion sequences (IS) in genes not essential for the vanA operon, the accessory vanYB gene for a D,D-
glycopeptide resistance (orf1, orf2, vanY, and vanZ) and in carboxypeptidase, and the vanRBSB regulatory genes encod-
the intergenic regions [66–69]. IS1251 has been found ing a two-component regulatory system only distantly related
between vanS and vanH, in particular in VanA elements from to VanRS (34 and 24 % identity) [86]. The function of vanW
strains collected in the United States [67, 70, 71] but also is unknown.
occasional isolates from Ireland, Norway [72], and Germany The vanRBSB two-component regulatory system
[73]. Less frequently, IS1542 has been detected in the orf2- and vanYBWHBBXB resistance genes are inducibly co-
vanR intergenic region [74–77] and IS1476 in the vanY gene transcribed from the PRB and PYB promoters, respectively [86,
from strains isolated in Canada [78]. In contrast, IS1216V 87]. In common with VanS, purified VanSB also acts as both
294 F. Depardieu and P.M. Courvalin
vanA % G+C 42 41 45 45 44 34 29
vanB 47 47 49 46 51 49 47
vanD 48 43 43 46 47 47
% aa identity with
vanRD vanSD vanYD vanHD vanD vanXD
VanA 54 42 13 60 69 69
VanB 34 19 15 63 69 70
vanC % G+C 45 42 42 40 42
vanE 45 42 42 40 42
% aa identity with vanE vanXYE vanTE vanRC vanSC
VanC 53 45 47 60 41
vanG 39 43 37 42 37 39 37 36
% aa identity with: vanUG vanRG vanSG vanYG vanWG vanG vanXYG vanTG
VanB - 31 16 56 49 46 - -
VanC - 62 40 30 - 42 41 37
VanD - 73 55 23 - 44 - -
Fig. 20.5 Comparison of the prototype glycopeptide resistance gene and VanD type) or (B) D-Ala-D-Ser (VanC, VanE, and VanG type).
clusters. Genes implicated in resistance due to synthesis of modified The number in the open arrow indicates the percentage of G+C. Open
peptidoglycan precursors ending in (A) D-Ala-D-Lac (VanA-, VanB-, arrows represent coding sequences and direction of transcription
a histidine protein kinase and a phospho-VanRB phosphatase low-level transcription of the regulatory genes in the absence
[87, 88]. In the presence of Vm, VanSB autophosphorylates, of induction which then allows to turn on the positive auto-
transfers its phosphate to VanRB [87] and VanRB-P binds regulatory loop for expression of the resistance genes in the
upstream from the PRB regulatory promoter and from the PYB presence of vancomycin [88]. Despite the complex dual bio-
resistance promoter [88]. VanRB-P binds with higher affin- chemical mechanism of resistance to vancomycin, in VanB-
ity than VanRB to its targets resulting in enhanced transcrip- type resistance, biological cost in enterococci is negligible
tion. VanRB-P recruits the RNA polymerase and forms an when noninduced; whereas a significant fitness reduction is
open complex at PRB and PYB [88]. The PRB and PYB promot- observed when resistance is expressed in the presence of the
ers are coordinately regulated, but in a different fashion. The inducer, the antibiotic itself [89]. Thus, due to inducibility,
PRB regulatory promoter is able to recruit the RNA poly- resistance is expressed exclusively when needed for bacte-
merase in the absence of VanRB and VanRB-P leading to rial survival.
20 Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci 295
Although VanB-type strains do not display teicoplanin Insertion sequences seem to be integrated in vanB clusters
resistance, mutations in the vanSB sensor gene were obtained far less often than within vanA. An ISEnfa200 was identified
in vitro, following selection on teicoplanin that led to consti- between vanSB and vanYB in certain isolates of E. faecium
tutive or teicoplanin-inducible expression of the resistance with vanB2 clusters from the United States [101]. An IS150-
genes [90], in animal models [91], and in humans [87]. like element downstream from vanXB was found in several
Derivatives of VanB-type strains that are resistant to teico- vanB2-type E. faecium [87, 106, 110].
planin have been isolated from two patients following
treatment with vancomycin [92] or teicoplanin [93], but the 5.1.3 VanD
isolates were not studied further. Mutations leading to teico- VanD-type strains present moderate levels of resistance to
planin resistance also confer low-level resistance to the vancomycin and teicoplanin. The organization of the vanD
glycopeptide oritavancine [94]. In VanS-type sensors, five operon, which is chromosomally located, is similar to those
blocks (H, N, G1, F, and G2) of the kinase domains of vanA and vanB (Fig. 20.5a) [111–116]. As in VanA- and
are highly conserved. Constitutive expression of the vanB VanB-type strains, VanD resistance is due to synthesis
cluster was due to substitutions at two specific positions of peptidoglycan precursors that end quasi-exclusively in
located on either side of histidine 233, which corresponds to D-Ala-D-Lac. Although the biochemical mechanism of
the putative autophosphorylation site of VanSB [90], or to a resistance is similar to those of VanA and VanB, VanD-type
six amino acid deletion partially overlapping the conserved resistance displays some peculiarities. No genes homolo-
G2 ATP-binding domain of VanSB and leading to loss of gous to vanZ from the vanA operon or vanW from the vanB
phosphatase activity of the sensor [87]. Consequently, operon are present in the vanD cluster. As opposed to VanA
dephosphorylation of VanRB by VanSB is required to prevent and VanB, VanD-type resistance is constitutively expressed
transcription of the resistance genes [57]. Substitutions in the and is not transferable by conjugation to other enterococci
sensor domain of VanSB lead to inducible expression of resis [112–116]. In VanD-type strains, VanYD D,D-carboxy
tance by vancomycin and teicoplanin [90]. The N-terminal peptidases belong to the PBP family of the catalytic serine
domain of VanSB is thus involved in signal recognition and is enzymes that are susceptible to penicillin G, and are distinct
associated with alterations of specificity that allow induction from VanY and VanYB which are insensitive to penicillin
by teicoplanin [57, 95]. G. All the VanD-type strains possess (1) an inactive host Ddl
Three subtypes, vanB1, vanB2, and vanB3 [96–98], of the ligase, due to the presence of various mutations in the ddl
vanB operon can be distinguished on the basis of specific gene, except one strain [113] and (2) a mutated vanSD or
nucleotide sequences in the vanSB-vanYB intergenic region. vanRD gene that is responsible for constitutive expression of
There is no correlation between vanB subtype and the level glycopeptide resistance (Fig. 20.6) [113–116]. Absence of
of vancomycin resistance. mutations in the Ddl of one E. faecium [113] and the fact that
The vanB gene cluster is carried by large conjugative ele- two E. faecalis strains harbor identical vanD operons but dif-
ments that are transferable from chromosome to chromo- ferent mutations in their D-Ala:D-Ala ligase [114] strongly
some [99]. One of these elements contains the composite suggest that the mutations in the sensor or in the regulator
transposon Tn1547 found in a 250-kb genetic element and were acquired before those in the Ddl ligase; otherwise the
delineated by insertion sequences belonging to the IS256 strain would have to be transiently glycopeptide-dependent
and IS16 families [100]. The vanB1 cluster has been associ- for growth.
ated with Tn1547. The vanB operon can also be located on The VanXD D,D-dipeptidase activity is low in VanD-type
plasmids (Table 20.1). Much of the dissemination of VanB strains despite the presence of a functional protein [113–
resistance appears to result from the spread of vanB2 clusters 115]. Lack of such activity should result in a glycopeptide
carried by Tn916-like conjugative transposons [96, 101– susceptible phenotype, since these bacteria are unable to
103]. Two related elements (27 and 34 kb in size) have been eliminate peptidoglycan precursors ending in D-Ala-D-Ala,
characterized and designated Tn5382 [101, 104–106] and the target for glycopeptides. However, in VanD-type strains
Tn1549 [107, 108]. Tn1549, located on a plasmid related to the susceptible pathway does not function due to an inactive
pAD1 [107], contains 30 open reading frames organized into D-Ala:D-Ala ligase as the result of various mutations in the
three functional regions as observed in the Tn916 family of chromosomal ddl gene. In the strain with a functional Ddl
conjugative transposons [109]. These regions are implicated enzyme, synthesis of VanXD and VanYD were high since
in (1) excision-integration, (2) vancomycin resistance, and their activities were required to eliminate the D-Ala-D-Ala
(3) conjugative transfer. Interestingly, analysis of the base produced by the chromosomal Ddl [113]. Another intriguing
composition indicated that the origin of the left end of the feature is that, in spite of synthesis of peptidoglycan precur-
transposon is different from that of the two other functional sors ending essentially in D-Ala-D-Lac, the level of resis-
regions. tance to teicoplanin remains low (Table 20.1).
296 F. Depardieu and P.M. Courvalin
Acetyl-Phosphate or P
heterologous kinase Pi
+ Inactivated VanS
Constitutive activation
vanRD vanSD vanYD vanHD vanD vanXD
of PRD and PYD.
Fig. 20.6 Schematic representation of constitutive activation of PRD and PYD promoters of the vanD operon. VanD-type strains have an impaired
D-Ala:D-Ala ligase and a mutation in the vanSD gene which allows growth in the absence of vancomycin
5.1.4 VanM located and not transferable, differs from those of vanA,
E. faecium VanM-type strain confers resistance at high levels vanB, and vanD (Fig. 20.5b). Three gene products, VanC,
of vancomycin (MIC, >256 μg/ml) and teicoplanin (MIC, VanXYC, and VanTC, are required for resistance [124].
96 μg/ml) by inducible synthesis of precursors ending in VanC is a ligase that synthesizes the dipeptide D-Ala-D-Ser
D-Ala-D-Lac [34]. Although vanM sequence is closest to which replaces D-Ala-D-Ala in late peptidoglycan precur-
vanA, the organization of the vanM gene cluster is most simi- sors [29]. As already mentioned, in VanA- and VanB-type
lar to that of vanD (Fig. 20.5a). Glycopeptide resistance strains, hydrolysis of precursors ending in D-Ala is achieved
is transferable to E. faecium. Upstream from vanRM is an by two enzymes, a D,D-dipeptidase and a D,D-carboxy
IS1216-like element encoding a transposase which may play peptidase, encoded by two separate genes (vanX/vanXB and
a role in the dissemination of this resistant determinant. vanY/vanYB, respectively). In contrast, in VanC-type entero-
cocci the two activities are encoded by a single gene, vanXYC
[125, 126]. Amino acid sequence comparison indicated that
5.2 Glycopeptide Resistance due to Synthesis VanXYC is more closely related to VanY than to VanX [126].
of Modified Peptidoglycan Precursors VanT is a membrane-bound serine racemase with a cytoplas-
Ending in D-Ala-D-Ser mic domain able to convert L-Ser to D-Ser [127, 128]. This
enzyme also possesses alanine racemase activity [128]. It
5.2.1 VanC has been demonstrated that the transmembrane domain of
E. gallinarum and E. casseliflavus–E. flavescens are intrinsi- VanT plays a crucial role in VanC-type resistance and that
cally resistant to low levels of vancomycin but remain sus- the protein is probably also involved in the uptake of L-Ser
ceptible to teicoplanin (Table 20.1) [35, 36, 117, 118]. from the external medium [128]. Expression of the vanC,
Production of peptidoglycan precursors ending in D-Ala-D- vanXYC, and vanT genes is regulated by two genes located
Ser is responsible for this type of resistance [29, 119, 120]. In downstream from vanT that encode a two-component regula-
E. gallinarum, expression of resistance can be inducible by tory system, VanRCSC [124]. The vanC cluster of E. gallina
vancomycin or constitutive due to mutations in the VanSC rum BM4174 is expressed constitutively [124] and is
sensor [121, 122]. Three subtypes of the vanC genes are cotranscribed from a single PC promoter located upstream
known: vanC-1 for E. gallinarum, vanC-2 for E. casselifla from vanC [121]. An additional gene, ddl2, located down-
vus, and vanC-3 for E. flavescens [35, 117, 118, 123]. The stream from the two regulatory genes and encoding a protein
organization of the vanC operon, which is chromosomally that has structural similarity to D-Ala:D-Ala ligases was
20 Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci 297
found in the VanC prototype strain BM4174 [129]. Thus, of vancomycin, from the PUG regulatory promoter whereas
vancomycin-resistant E. gallinarum possess at least three transcription of the resistance genes vanYGWGGXYGTG is
ligase genes: two for D-Ala:D-Ala ligases and one for a inducible and initiated from the PYG resistance promoter
D-Ala:D-Ser ligase. The vanC-2 gene cluster of E. casseli [31]. This is the first van operon to be regulated in such a
flavus has been characterized [117]. The deduced proteins way. VanSG autophosphorylates, transfers its phosphate to
display high degrees of identity (from 71 to 91 %) to those VanRG but not to VanUG. VanUG, but not VanRG, binds to
encoded by the vanC operon. The vanC-3 gene cluster dis- PUG and negatively autoregulates the vanURSG operon, and
plays extensive identity with vanC-2, from 97 to 100 %, inclu also binds to PYG where it overlaps with VanRG [134]. In
ding the intergenic regions [118]. It is therefore difficult to clinical isolate BM4518, the expression level of the resis-
class E. casseliflavus and E. flavescens as distinct species [118]. tance genes is dependent on vancomycin concentration
whereas, in a ΔvanUG strain, resistance is expressed at a
5.2.2 VanE maximum level whatever the concentration of the inducer
The VanE-type strains exhibit low-level resistance to vanco- [134]. Thus, the binding competition between VanUG and
mycin and susceptibility to teicoplanin which is not transfer- VanRG on the PYG resistance promoter allows rheostatic
able by conjugation (Table 20.1). The VanE phenotype is activation of the resistance operon depending likely on the
expressed inducibly or constitutively due to the synthesis level of VanRG phosphorylation by the VanSG sensor.
of peptidoglycan precursors terminating in D-Ala-D-Ser VanG resistance is transferable to E. faecalis at a low fre-
[130, 131]. The organization of the vanE operon is identical quency and transfer is associated with the movement, from
to that of vanC (Fig. 20.5b) [130–132]. As in VanC-type chromosome to chromosome, of large genetic elements of
resistance, three genes are required: vanE, vanXYE, and ca. 240 kb conferring also ermB-encoded erythromycin
vanTE, encoding, respectively, a ligase responsible for syn- resistance [31].
thesis of the dipeptide D-Ala-D-Ser, a D,D-peptidase, and a
serine racemase and two genes, vanRE and vanSE, coding for 5.2.4 VanL
a two-component regulatory system are located downstream Acquired VanL-type resistance detected in Canada in E. fae
from vanTE [130]. The five genes are cotranscribed from a cium is characterized by a low level of resistance to vancomy-
single PE promoter located upstream from vanE [131]. cin (MIC, 8 μg/ml) and susceptibility to teicoplanin (0.5 μg/
Although the VanS sensor is likely to be inactive due to the ml) due to inducible production of modified precursors ending
presence of a stop codon in the 5′ portion of the gene, expres- in D-Ala-D-Ser. The vanL gene cluster is similar in organi
sion of vancomycin resistance is inducible in VanE prototype zation to the vanC, vanE, and vanN operons (Fig. 20.5b).
strain BM4405 [130]. Inducibility is probably due to cross- However, the VanTL serine racemase is encoded by two
talk with another two-component regulatory system of the separate genes, vanTmL and vanTrL corresponding to the
host. The constitutive expression in VanE-type strains is due membrane binding and racemase domains, respectively [30].
to mutations in the VanSE sensor [131].
5.2.5 VanN
5.2.3 VanG E. faecium UCN71, isolated from a blood culture, is resistant
Acquired VanG-type resistance is characterized by a low to low levels of vancomycin (MIC, 16 μg/ml) but susceptible
level of resistance to vancomycin (MIC = 16 μg/ml) due to to teicoplanin (MIC, 0.5 μg/ml) [33]. The organization of the
inducible production of modified precursors ending in vanN gene cluster detected on a plasmid is similar to that of
D-Ala-D-Ser [31]. The chromosomal vanG cluster is com- the vanC, vanE, and vanL operons (Fig. 20.5b). The vanRN
posed of seven genes recruited from various van operons and and vanSN regulatory genes coding for a two-component
its organization differs from that of the other van operons regulatory system are located downstream from the resistance
(Fig. 20.5b) [31, 133]. The mutated vanYG gene encodes a genes which, in addition to the vanN ligase gene, include
truncated inactive D,D-carboxypeptidase; vanWG encodes a vanXYN and vanTN, which encode a D,D-carboxypeptidase
protein of unknown function; the three resistance genes, and a serine racemase, respectively (Fig. 20.5b), that
vanG, vanXYG, and vanTG code for a D-Ala:D-Ser ligase, a are cotranscribed from a unique promoter PN located
bifunctional D,D-peptidase, and a serine racemase, respec- upstream from vanN [33]. The deduced proteins of the vanN
tively [31]. Inducible expression of the resistance genes from cluster are closely related (61–74 % of identity) to those of
the PYG resistance promoter is under the control of an VanL. As opposed to the VanTL serine racemase, VanTN is
unusual three-component regulatory system encoded by the not encoded by two separate genes. The VanN-type resis-
vanURSG operon. In contrast to the other van operons in tance is due to production of peptidoglycan precursors end-
enterococci, vanG possesses the additional vanUG gene ing in D-Serine and is expressed constitutively following a
which encodes a transcriptional regulator [31, 133]. The mutation in the VanSN sensor near the autophosphorylation
three regulatory genes are co-transcribed, even in the absence site that could affect its phosphatase activity. VanN-type
298 F. Depardieu and P.M. Courvalin
Mutated D-Ala:D-Ala
L-Ala D-Ala D-Ala-D-Ala
UDP L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys
Fig. 20.7 Schematic representation of the synthesis of peptidoglycan peptidoglycan precursors and to allow growth of the bacteria. ,
precursors in a vancomycin-dependent strain. Presence of vancomycin N-acetylmuramic acid
in the culture medium is necessary to induce the synthesis of modified
resistance is transferable by conjugation to E. faecium. This may not be sufficient to cure patients infected with
represents the first example of transferable D-Ala-D-Ser vancomycin-dependent enterococci, since they can revert to
type resistance in E. faecium. independence by three distinct mechanisms.
6 Vancomycin-Dependent Enterococci 7 O
rigin of the Vancomycin Resistance
Mutations in the host D-Ala:D-Ala ligase of enterococci are
lethal unless an alternative pathway for cell wall synthesis is 7.1 Acquired D-Ala:D-Lac Ligases
present (Fig. 20.7) [39, 90, 135]. Strains of enterococci that
require the presence of vancomycin in the culture medium Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and
for growth have been isolated in vitro [39, 90, 135, 136], in Lactobacillus casei, which are intrinsically highly resistant
animal models [91], and from patients treated for prolonged to glycopeptides by production of peptidoglycan precursors
periods of time with vancomycin [137–141]. Strains contain- ending in D-Lac [119, 143, 144], have been suspected to be
ing a vanA or a vanB operon are able to survive by producing the source of resistance ligases producing D-Ala-D-Lac.
peptidoglycan precursors ending in D-Ala-D-Lac if a glyco- However, a phylogenetic tree based on the alignment of the
peptide is present in the culture medium to induce expression deduced sequences of D-Ala:D-Ala ligases and related
of the van operon. Due to the fact that growth of these strains enzymes revealed that VanA, VanB, VanD, and VanM exhibit
requires particular conditions, prevalence of vancomycin- only limited identity with D-Ala:D-Lac ligases of these natu-
dependent enterococci is probably underestimated in routine rally resistant species (Fig. 20.8).
laboratories. Therefore, they could constitute a reservoir of The glycopeptide-producing organisms, which harbor
vancomycin resistance genes which can be transferred to resistance genes to protect themselves against suicide, repre-
other bacteria. Furthermore, it has been observed that these sent a source of resistance for human pathogens. Genes cod-
strains can revert to a nondependent state, either by a muta- ing for homologues of VanH, VanA, and VanX have been
tion that leads to constitutive production of D-Ala-D-Lac found and with the same genetic organization in two
and is thus also resistant to teicoplanin or by a mutation that glycopeptide-synthesizing organisms, Amycolatopsis orien
restores the synthesis of D-Ala-D-Ala leading to a VanB talis C329.2, and Streptomyces toyocaensis NRRL15009,
phenotype inducible by vancomycin [90, 135, 137], or by a that produce vancomycin and the A47934 glycopeptide,
mutation in the transcription terminator of vanRBSB operon respectively [145–148]. Furthermore, vanHAX homologues
that leads to constitutive expression of the resistance genes have also been detected in producers of chloro-eremomycin,
from the regulatory promoter [142]. Suppression of tran- ristocetin, vancomycin, and teicoplanin–avoparcin [146].
scription terminator represents the third mechanism of rever- However, the base composition (G + C content) of the genes
sion from dependence after mutations in vanSB and reverse composing the vanA, vanB, vanD, and vanM clusters is sig-
mutations in ddl. Thus disruption of vancomycin therapy nificantly lower than that of the vanHAX homologues in the
20 Glycopeptide-Resistance in Enterococci 299
Ddl A. orientalis VanC-1 E. gallinarum
VanD VanC-2 E. casseliflavus
Ddl S. toyocaensis VanC-3 E. flavescens
E. faecium
E. pseudoavium
E. hirae
E. avium
E. faecalis E. cecorum
E. saccharolyticus
E. dispar
E. casseliflavus / E. flavescens
E. gallinarum
Fig. 20.8 Phylogenetic tree derived from the alignment of D-Ala:D-Ala, D-Ala:D-Lac, and D-Ala:D-Ser ligases
producers, suggesting that acquisition of the genes is b acteria, which are also common in soil, could thus be an
probably not a recent event. A vancomycin resistance gene intermediate in the transfer of VanB-type vancomycin resis-
cluster, vanF, has been detected in the biopesticide tance from glycopeptide producers to enterococci.
Paenibacillus popilliae. This operon is composed of five
genes encoding homologues of VanY, VanZ, VanH, VanA,
and VanX [149, 150]. Orientation and alignment of the genes 7.2 Acquired D-Ala:D-Ser Ligases
essential for resistance (vanH/vanHF, vanA/vanF, and
vanX/vanXF) are identical in VanF and VanA. The base com- No glycopeptide producers were found to synthesize pepti-
position of the three resistance genes of P. popilliae is similar doglycan precursors ending in D-Ala-D-Ser suggesting that
to that of the corresponding genes of vanA and vanB. P. the origin of the VanC, E, G, L, and N type of resistance is
popilliae could therefore represent an intermediate in the different from that of VanA, B, and D.
transfer from the producers to the clinical isolates. Such a The vanC, vanE, vanL, and vanN gene clusters present a
transfer could have occurred through a long chain of related high degree of identity (40–72 %) (Fig. 20.5). Thus, acquired
organisms so that the first and the last member of this chain are resistance of these types could be due to transfer of a chro-
only distantly related. Glycopeptide resistance vanA operons mosomal operon from an other species of Enterococcus
were found in Paenibacillus isolated from soil [151]. Their (E. gallinarum, E. casseliflavus/flavescens).
level of identity with the enterococcal operons is markedly The vanG operon appears to be more heterogeneous.
higher than that of vanF. The close similarity of these operons VanRG exhibits the highest identity (73 %) with VanRD and
with that of Enterococcus suggests that the gene clusters have VanSG (55 % identity) with VanSD; VanYG exhibits the high-
evolved from a common ancestor or that the vanA operons est identity with VanYB (56 %), and vanWG has 49 % identity
from soil organisms were acquired by enterococci. with vanW which is present only in the vanB operon. The 3′
The base composition differs also between the essential part of the vanG cluster (vanG, vanXYG, vanTG) is more
and the nonessential genes within the van operons, suggest- closely related to vanC and vanE than to the corresponding
ing that the genes could originate from different species. The genes in the other operons (Fig. 20.5) [31], except for the
van gene clusters may thus have been composed by collect- vanG gene for the D-Ala:D-Ser ligase which is phylogeneti-
ing genes from various sources. cally closer to those for the D-Ala:D-Lac ligases. Thus, the
Presence of the vanB operon on a Tn1549-like element in vanG operon is composed of genes recruited from various
various anaerobes from the digestive tract was demonstrated van operons. However, the complete genome sequence of
[152]. Furthermore, transfer of the element from Clostridium Clostridium difficile 630 revealed the presence of a vanG-
symbiosum to Enterococcus spp. was obtained in vitro and in like cluster that exhibits the higher degree of identity with
the digestive tract of gnotobiotic mice [153]. Anaerobic vanG of E. faecalis and includes five open reading frames
300 F. Depardieu and P.M. Courvalin
encoding putative proteins similar to VanRG, VanSG, VanG, 600-fold decrease of enzymatic activity compared with a
VanXYG, and VanTG [154]. The vanG-like gene clusters are wild-type Ddl and the degree of Ddl impairment correlates
present in 85 % of C. difficile clinical isolates and acquisition with the levels of vancomycin dependence [45–47]. The
occurred in a perfect 19-bp inverted repeat, in the absence of crystal structure of VRSA-9 Ddl indicated that the Q260K
a detectable mobile structure [155]. To date, vancomycin substitution does not induce any significant conformational
resistance has not been reported in C. difficile, even if the change, whereas the A283E mutation is responsible for new
vanG-like cluster is inducible by vancomycin and encodes ion-pair/hydrogen bond interactions leading to an asymmet-
functional proteins [156]. ric rearrangement of side chains in the dimer interface and to
a more closed conformation of the active site which may be
responsible for reduced enzymatic activity [102]. VRSA-
8 T
ransfer of VanA-Type Resistance 11A and VRSA-11B S. aureus were isolated from the same
to S. aureus patient. VRSA-11A is partially dependent on glycopeptide
for growth as discussed above, whereas VRSA-11B is con-
Since 2002, 11 strains of methicillin-resistant S. aureus stitutively resistant due to an additional mutation P216T, in
(MRSA) exhibiting high or moderate levels of resistance to the transcriptional regulator [47]. It is thus likely that VRSA-
vancomycin and teicoplanin following acquisition of the 11B is a constitutive derivative of VRSA-11A selected dur-
vanA gene cluster from Enterococcus [157], designated ing prolonged vancomycin therapy.
VRSA, have been isolated in the USA [158–163]. Thus, In contrast to VanB-type E. faecalis [89], there is a slight
transfer of glycopeptide resistance from enterococci to S. fitness burden due to the presence in vanA-type MRSA of
aureus, as already demonstrated in vitro [164], can also noninduced transposon Tn1546 [168]. In these strains, and
occur in vivo. A strong synergistic activity of vancomycin as opposed to the vanB operon in Enterococcus spp., expres-
and methicillin against these strains has been demonstrated sion of the vanA gene cluster is loosely regulated, and its
despite the fact that they are highly resistant to both drug carriage on multicopy plasmids results in a gene dosage
classes suggesting that combination of a glycopeptide with a effect that enhances the effect of loose regulation. These two
beta-lactam could be used to treat infections due to VRSA findings result in a slight fitness disadvantage on the host
strains [165]. In each strain, the VanA-encoding genetic ele- that, in the absence of selective pressure, may account for the
ment Tn1546 was found to be part of a plasmid [157], lack of dissemination of VanA-type vancomycin-resistant
whether it had transposed from the incoming enterococcal MRSA.
plasmid into a resident plasmid (VRSA-1, -7, -8, -9, and -10)
or, in certain instances, the enterococcal plasmid was main-
tained in the S. aureus recipient (VRSA-3, -5, and -6) [48, 166]. References
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Daptomycin Resistance
Jordan R. Smith, Kimberly C. Claeys, Evan J. Zasowski,
Juwon Yim, and Michael J. Rybak
that these mutations are not necessary in the development of cationic HDPs [32]. Persistent endovascular infections, such
reduced susceptibility to both vancomycin and daptomycin as infective endocarditis, are of primary concern secondary
[57–60]. In a study by Mwangi et al., a series of MRSA to the high inoculum and exposure to PMNs and platelets
blood isolates collected from a patient being treated with [65]. The clinical significance and exact mechanisms behind
vancomycin for infective endocarditis demonstrated the cross-resistance between daptomycin and cationic HDPs is
development of VISA while on therapy. These isolates were an ongoing area of investigation.
evaluated for antibiotic susceptibility changes and under-
went full genome sequencing to evaluate potential mutations
consistent with antibiotic resistance. Of interest, while van- 3 Overcoming Daptomycin
comycin MICs increased over the 2 month treatment period Nonsusceptibility in Staphylococci
leading to VISA with a final vancomycin MIC of 8 μg/mL,
an eightfold increase in daptomycin MIC from 0.012 to 1 μg/ The development of daptomycin nonsusceptibility among
mL was also observed, even though the patient had not staphylococci is an area of concern, especially since dapto-
received daptomycin during therapy. Sequencing results mycin is frequently used as a last-line antibiotic against
revealed 35 point mutations, including mutations in rpoC multidrug-resistant gram-positive organisms. Recently, sev-
and yycH, mutations in genes previously implicated in dap- eral publications have demonstrated creative, effective means
tomycin nonsusceptibility [53]. The same parent, of combating staphylococci with elevated daptomycin MICs.
vancomycin-susceptible strain from this patient was further In a 2008 study, Rose and colleagues evaluated high-dose
evaluated in an in vitro PK/PD model with simulated endo- daptomycin versus standard-dose against daptomycin-
cardial vegetations over a 30-day vancomycin simulated dos- susceptible and daptomycin-nonsusceptible S. aureus [66].
ing exposure [61]. Once again, VISA emerged during the The authors demonstrated that although daptomycin MIC
simulated vancomycin dosing regimen with a corresponding increases occurred with standard, 6-mg/kg/day dosing,
increase in the daptomycin MIC to 1 μg/mL. The VISA 10-mg/kg/day dosing was able to prevent these MIC increases.
strain possessed reduced negative cell surface charge and They also demonstrated that combination regimens including
thicker cell walls, phenotypic traits associated with daptom- gentamicin or rifampin with high-dose daptomycin were able
ycin nonsusceptibility. These in vitro data further corrobo- to produce bactericidal activity against daptomycin-nonsus-
rate the potential correlation between vancomycin and ceptible strains. Outside of simply increasing the daptomycin
daptomycin nonsusceptibility. From these observations we dose, the combinations employed in this study presented an
can conclude that vancomycin exposure can lead to later interesting means to combat daptomycin-nonsusceptibility. A
daptomycin resistance, with a thickened cell wall and/or common principle taken advantage of in recent literature is
multiple possible genetic changes [53, 61]. the “seesaw effect,” a phenomenon first described in MRSA
Recently, there have been significant advances and insight with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin [67]. The “seesaw
into the role of the endogenous innate immune system, in effect” is demonstrated by the steadily decreasing beta-lac-
particular cationic host defense peptides (HDPs), in dapto- tam MIC values as vancomycin MICs continue to rise, owing
mycin treatment failure. Cationic HDPs originate from to reduced expression of the mecA gene [68]. Expanding
hematogenous sources such as platelets and neutrophils and upon this idea, several studies have demonstrated synergy
interact with bacterial cell membranes [62, 63]. The bacteri- between beta-lactams and vancomycin against MRSA iso-
cidal effects of cationic HDPs share similar mechanisms as lates harboring reduced susceptibilities to vancomycin [69–
calcium-complexed daptomycin; therefore the mechanisms 73]. In the case of daptomycin nonsusceptibility, pioneering
of resistance to daptomycin also affect the activity of cat- work by Yang and colleagues demonstrated the efficacy of
ionic HDPs. The cross-resistance between HDPs and dapto- daptomycin in combination with oxacillin against daptomy-
mycin has been demonstrated in previous studies wherein, in cin-nonsusceptible MRSA in a rabbit model of endocarditis
vitro, daptomycin-resistant S. aureus isolates were also resis- [74]. In vitro MIC testing demonstrated a “seesaw” phenom-
tant to several HDPs, including those of white blood cell enon in six MRSA strain pairs, and in vitro time-kill testing
(hNP-1) or platelet (tPMP-1) origin [33, 38]. The causes of demonstrated synergy between daptomycin and oxacillin
cross-resistance are many and still not fully defined but against two of the strains. Most impressively, the combination
include mechanisms previously noted, such as cell wall of daptomycin and oxacillin produced significantly greater
thickening, cell membrane changes, and SNPs. Bayer et al. kill compared to either agent alone, illustrating the therapeu-
have demonstrated that there is a high degree of heterogene- tic enhancement present between these agents. Several
ity in the expression of mprF SNPs that results in higher dap- authors have expanded upon this research and evaluated dap-
tomycin MICs and decreased killing by cationic HDPs [64]. tomycin synergy with other agents. Dhand and colleagues
An in vivo rabbit model has demonstrated that daptomycin described seven cases of persistent MRSA bacteremia that
MICs can become increased in daptomycin-naive hosts, and were cleared with the combination of daptomycin and an
this resistance may be secondary to exposure to endogenous anti-staphylococcal beta-lactam [75]. The authors provided in
310 J.R. Smith et al.
vitro evidence that against daptomycin-nonsusceptible with anti-MRSA activity. As discussed earlier, ceftaroline
MRSA, nafcillin exposure increases daptomycin binding and possesses impressive synergy with daptomycin against
decreases cell surface charge compared to cells unexposed to daptomycin-nonsusceptible S. aureus. However, ceftaroline
nafcillin, demonstrating a potential mechanism for enhanced also possesses bactericidal activity on its own against
daptomycin efficacy. Other authors have corroborated these daptomycin-nonsusceptible S. aureus in the same in vitro
results with combinations of daptomycin and ceftobiprole, model [80]. Ceftaroline MICs have also been demonstrated
ceftaroline, oxacillin, meropenem, cefazolin, or cefepime to decrease with subsequent increases in daptomycin MICs,
[76–78]. Owing to the anti-MRSA activity of ceftaroline, its possibly rendering ceftaroline more effective against S.
combination with daptomycin warrants special mention. aureus with reduced daptomycin susceptibility [87]. Recent
Several pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model experi- surveillance data also demonstrate that ceftaroline maintains
ments have demonstrated therapeutic enhancement with this an MIC range of 0.03–0.12 μg/mL against daptomycin-
combination [78–80]. In addition to therapeutic enhancement nonsusceptible S. aureus [88]. Clinically, ceftaroline has
with the combination, Werth and colleagues demonstrated demonstrated efficacy in refractory S. aureus infection. In a
that ceftaroline enhanced daptomycin-induced cell depolar- recent, retrospective study, Casapao and colleagues reported
ization, reduced cell wall thickness, increased daptomycin on the successful use of ceftaroline in patients with several
binding, and increased killing by cathelicidin LL37, a bio- disease states, including bacteremia [89]. Only 14 isolates
logical antimicrobial HDP that mimics daptomycin’s mecha- demonstrated reduced daptomycin susceptibility, but the
nism [78]. The combination has been evaluated clinically, as authors report successful ceftaroline use in these refractory
well. In a series of 26 patients, Sakoulas and colleagues cases. Going forward, ceftaroline will be an important agent
reported the successful clearance of refractory staphylococcalagainst daptomycin-nonsusceptible S. aureus, and further
bacteremia with the combination of daptomycin and ceftaro- clinical data will better define its role.
line [81]. Although none of the strains in this series was dap- Tedizolid and linezolid, both members of the oxazolidi-
tomycin-nonsusceptible, these results combined with none antibiotic class, maintain excellent activity against S.
previous data lend credence to the viability of this combina- aureus. Owing to their distinct mechanisms of action, cross-
tion in refractory staphylococcal bacteremia. resistance is extremely uncommon [90]. Population-based
Beta-lactams are not the only agents to have demonstrated data demonstrate that tedizolid inhibits 99.9 % of S. aureus
synergy with daptomycin against daptomycin-nonsusceptible at concentrations of 0.5 μg/mL, and resistance rates to line-
MRSA. Several studies have reported synergistic activity zolid among S. aureus have ranged from only 0.03 to 0.15 %
between trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and daptomycin over from 2004 to 2013 [91, 92]. Each of these agents is
[82–84]. In an in vitro model of simulated endocardial veg- bacteriostatic, however, possibly limiting their utility in
etations, Steed and colleagues demonstrated superior effi- deep-seated infections such as endocarditis. Even so, for a
cacy with the combination of daptomycin and large portion of infections, these agents remain an important
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole compared to daptomycin in alternative in the setting of daptomycin nonsusceptibility.
combination with cefepime, linezolid, or nafcillin [82]. Three remaining agents, telavancin, dalbavancin, and
These data are further supported by a report of two patients oritavancin, are lipoglycopeptides that combine structural
with daptomycin-nonsusceptible, vancomycin-intermediate and functional features of lipopeptides and glycopeptides
S. aureus who were successfully cleared of bacteremia with [86]. Recent data demonstrated that in a population sample
the daptomycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combi- of 9610 S. aureus isolates, 100 % were susceptible to tela-
nation [84]. A recent case series also evaluated this combina-vancin with MIC values of 0.125 μg/mL or lower [93, 94].
tion in cases of refractory staphylococcal bacteremia and Among these isolates, 43 were daptomycin-nonsusceptible,
confirmed the synergistic activity present with in vitro time-
and all were susceptible to telavancin. Telavancin has been
kill studies [85]. evaluated in an in vitro model of simulated endocardial veg-
etations against daptomycin-nonsusceptible S. aureus [95].
In this study, telavancin was superior to daptomycin in
3.1 Alternative Agents with Activity killing the daptomycin-nonsusceptible strain. In vivo data
Against DNS S. aureus from rabbit models of endocarditis also demonstrate the
bactericidal activity of telavancin against daptomycin-
Outside of combination therapy, there are several alternative nonsusceptible MRSA strains [96]. Although clinical data
options with the potential for activity against daptomycin- are limited regarding the activity of telavancin against
nonsusceptible S. aureus. These agents include ceftaroline, daptomycin-nonsusceptible MRSA, one case report has
mentioned above, as well as linezolid, tedizolid, telavancin, been published describing effective telavancin therapy of
dalbavancin, and oritavancin [86]. Ceftaroline has been men- mitral valve endocarditis following daptomycin failure [97].
tioned previously and is the only cephalosporin available Going forward, telavancin is an intriguing therapeutic
21 Daptomycin Resistance 311
option for daptomycin-nonsusceptible MRSA infections and phosphodiesterase) and cls (cardiolipin synthetase), are pre-
warrants further study. sumed to encode enzymes associated with cell membrane
Oritavancin demonstrates in vitro activity against phospholipid metabolism. Specifically, gdpD was previously
daptomycin-nonsusceptible strains as well, producing bacte- found to be involved in hydrolysis of glycerophosphodies-
ricidal activity in time-kill studies [98]. In 24-h in vitro time- ters in other bacteria in the process of glycerol metabolism
kill studies, oritavancin demonstrated more rapid, bactericidal [107]. Cardiolipin is a major component of cell membrane
activity compared to daptomycin, vancomycin, teicoplanin, domains in bacteria, which is highly involved in regulation
or linezolid against MSSA, MRSA, vancomycin-resistant of various cellular functions such as bacterial cell division
MRSA, and vancomycin-intermediate MRSA [99]. In a and membrane transport [108]. It has been shown that bacte-
recent surveillance study evaluating 9115 S. aureus isolates rial cells deficient in cardiolipin have longer doubling times,
from invasive infections, 9038 (99.1 %) were inhibited by are less likely to survive in the stationary phase, and demon-
oritavancin at 0.125 μg/mL, the current CLSI resistance cut- strate altered antibiotic sensitivity. Cardiolipin content is
off, and the MIC90 was 0.063 μg/mL [100]. In this study, 100 modified to adapt to changes in harsh environmental stress
isolates possessed daptomycin MIC values ≥1 μg/mL, and [109, 110].
all but six of these isolates possessed oritavancin MIC values In comparative whole-genome sequencing by Arias and
≤0.125 μg/mL. As another new agent against multidrug- colleagues, presence of mutations in these genes and emer-
resistant MRSA, oritavancin presents an important option gence of daptomycin resistance in E. faecalis was explored
for further study. using a pair of daptomycin-susceptible and daptomycin-
Dalbavancin, the third approved lipoglycopeptide, main- resistant clinical isolate from a patient before and after treat-
tains excellent antistaphylococcal activity as well, with MIC ment with daptomycin. In-frame deletions in three genes
values consistently eightfold lower than daptomycin in sur- were observed in the resistant isolate compared to the sus-
veillance data [101]. However, there are limited data regard- ceptible isolate. Of these, one gene encodes LiaF, which is a
ing its efficacy against S. aureus with daptomycin MICs >1 negative regulator of LiaRS-mediated signal transduction
μg/mL. Still, dalbavancin provides another potentially viable [104]. Mutation in liaF appears to activate this three-
alternative for MRSA infections with reduced daptomycin component system and is presumed to alter transcription of
susceptibility. Although clinical data are limited owing to the several genes that can help maintain homeostasis of the cell
rarity of daptomycin nonsusceptibility clinically, each of envelope. Concurrent mutations in genes encoding for GdpD
these agents and combination therapies is an important piece and Cls were observed as well, which were shown to change
of the arsenal when daptomycin nonsusceptibility inevitably the composition and distribution of phospholipids in the cell
arises. membrane [111]. Subsequently, Tran and colleagues per-
formed whole genome sequencing using a pair of
daptomycin- susceptible and daptomycin-resistant E. fae-
4 Daptomycin Nonsusceptibility cium clinical isolates obtained from a patient during dapto-
in Enterococci mycin therapy, and demonstrated that daptomycin resistance
was associated with mutations in two genes encoding pro-
Daptomycin is considered a key antibiotic for the treatment teins responsible for cell membrane phospholipid metabo-
of multidrug-resistant enterococcal infections. Although lism: cyclopropane fatty acid synthase enzyme along with
daptomycin-nonsusceptible enterococci have been well cls, as seen in E. faecalis. In addition, mutations were also
described in the literature, worldwide surveillance data indi- observed in histidine kinase YycG, a member of the YycFG
cate only 0.8 % of tested enterococcal isolates from 2005 to system, which regulates cell envelope homeostasis similarly
2012 were considered nonsusceptible per the CLSI break- to LiaFSR and has been shown to influence daptomycin sus-
point (≥8 μg/mL) [22, 23]. However, when resistance does ceptibility in S. aureus [112].
emerge, therapeutic options are limited [102, 103]. The pre- Involvement of the LiaFSR system and Cls in develop-
cise mechanism of daptomycin resistance in enterococci is ment of daptomycin resistance in enterococci was bolstered
not fully understood. Recent studies have focused primarily by consistent findings from other studies. In time-kill assays
on mutations in two groups of genes. by Munita and colleagues it was demonstrated that liaF
A group of genes associated with daptomycin nonsuscep- codon deletion may lead to the development of the
tibility in enterococci encodes LiaFSR (lipid-II cycle inter- daptomycin-resistant phenotype in E. faecalis [113]. In the
fering antibiotics protein), a three-component regulatory same context, Reyes and colleagues demonstrated that dele-
system, which regulates the response of the cell envelope to tion of liaR, a putative gene of the response regulator of the
cell membrane-disrupting antibiotics such as vancomycin LiaFSR system from daptomycin-nonsusceptible E. faecalis,
and daptomycin in some gram-positive bacteria [104–106]. may restore daptomycin activity by interfering with the
Another group of genes, gdpD (glycerophosphoryl diester LiaFSR pathway [114]. Palmer and colleagues conducted
312 J.R. Smith et al.
whole-genome sequencing on three daptomycin-resistant S. aureus, has also been demonstrated in enterococci.
variants of E. faecalis, which was generated by exposure to Humphries and colleagues demonstrated that daptomycin-
increasing levels of daptomycin in vitro, to identify occur- nonsusceptible E. faecium possessed higher net surface
rence of genetic changes that may contribute to emergence of charge, and subsequent daptomycin repulsion, compared to
daptomycin resistance. Mutations in cls were consistently daptomycin-susceptible E. faecium [19]. Steed and col-
observed in each of the daptomycin-resistant variants. The leagues corroborated these findings [118]. In their study, the
role of cls mutation in daptomycin resistance was confirmed authors compared three isogenic strain pairs of vancomycin-
by the finding that insertion of the cls mutant allele from resistant E. faecium strains and found that membrane surface
resistant variants conferred daptomycin resistance to for- charge was higher in daptomycin-nonsusceptible mutants
merly daptomycin-susceptible strains [115]. compared to their susceptible parent strains. In addition,
Tran and colleagues proposed a novel mechanism of dap- increased cell wall thickness and decreased membrane depo-
tomycin resistance in enterococci, which could connect all larization by daptomycin were observed among the
the genetic mutations described above in a systematic man- daptomycin-nonsusceptible VRE strains.
ner. In their study, binding of daptomycin-calcium complex The definite mechanism(s) of daptomycin resistance in
to cell surface was not compromised in a daptomycin- enterococcus are still uncertain. Further studies are neces-
nonsusceptible strain compared to a daptomycin-susceptible sary to fully comprehend the mechanisms.
strain, suggesting that there may be additional mechanisms
of daptomycin nonsusceptibility among E. faecalis other
than repulsion of antimicrobial molecules from the cell enve- 5 Overcoming Daptomycin
lope as described in other gram-positive bacteria. The differ- Nonsusceptibility in Enterococci
ence between daptomycin-susceptible and
daptomycin-resistant strains was in the distribution of antibi- Daptomycin nonsusceptibility among enterococci is a grow-
otic molecules bound to the cell membrane. Daptomycin- ing concern, and novel therapeutic regimens are necessary.
resistant E. faecalis appears to divert daptomycin-calcium Perhaps most importantly, measures must be taken to avoid
complex away from the septum, the drug target. The authors enterococcal resistance before it occurs. Werth and col-
proposed that all these morphologic changes observed in leagues demonstrated that daptomycin doses of 10 mg/kg/
daptomycin-resistant E. faecalis start from activation of the day may be necessary to successfully prevent the emergence
LiaFSR three-component regulatory system, which leads to of daptomycin nonsusceptibility in enterococci, well above
altered distribution of cardiolipin-enriched microdomains, the FDA-approved dose of 6 mg/kg/day [9]. The combina-
specifically away from the septum. Changes in phospholipid tion regimen of daptomycin and ceftriaxone has also been
synthesis enzymes such as GdpD and Cls affect phospho- employed as initial therapy in vitro, and this combination
lipid content of the cell membrane, especially reducing phos- was able to successfully prevent the emergence of resistance,
phatidylglycerol to a great extent. As a result, while daptomycin alone was not [119]. Against E. faecium
daptomycin-calcium complex binding to the septum is fur- strains in the high end of the susceptible range to daptomy-
ther distorted, and is redirected to the cell membrane with cin, LiaFSR mutations are frequent, as described above
reduced amount of phosphatidylglycerol that plays an impor- [120]. These mutations render daptomycin ineffective, even
tant role directing oligomerization of daptomycin [3, 116]. though MIC values remain in the susceptible range. The
The end result is that daptomycin fails to disrupt plasma importance of these mutations is described in a recent case
membrane function in enterococci and loses its antimicrobial report, where an E. faecium isolate with a susceptible dapto-
effect. This diversion of calcium-bound daptomycin mole- mycin MIC of 3 μg/mL but with a liaFSR mutation devel-
cules from the drug target has been observed in daptomycin- oped a daptomycin MIC >256 μg/mL during the course of
nonsusceptible E. faecium as well. Diaz and colleagues therapy [20]. Against a set of isolates possessing liaFSR
assessed the interactions of daptomycin with the cell mem- mutations, Diaz and colleagues demonstrated restored
brane in E. faecium clinical isolates with different MICs and daptomycin activity in the presence of ampicillin [117].
genetic mutations, including mutations within the LiaFSR Unfortunately, against strains with mutations in YycFG sys-
and YycFG pathways, using fluorescently labeled daptomy- tem, another frequent resistance mutation, ampicillin was
cin [117]. Although the authors described decreased binding unable to restore daptomycin activity. Sakoulas and col-
of daptomycin molecules to the cell membrane in several leagues have demonstrated synergy between beta-lactams
isolates with daptomycin nonsusceptibility, one E. faecium and daptomycin against both E. faecalis and E. faecium,
strain did not possess altered daptomycin binding. In this although in both cases the isolates were in the susceptible
strain, daptomycin was diverted from the division septum, daptomycin range [121, 122]. The importance of these stud-
similar to the mechanism inherent to E. faecalis. Repulsion ies lies in their descriptions of beta-lactam effects on dapto-
of the daptomycin-calcium complex from the cell mem- mycin against these enterococci. Against E. faecalis,
brane, well described in daptomycin-nonsusceptible ceftaroline enhanced binding of daptomycin and sensitized
21 Daptomycin Resistance 313
the bacteria to killing by LL37, a cationic HDP described Tedizolid, as well, possesses excellent activity against E. fae-
earlier [121]. Against E. faecium, ampicillin reduced dapto- calis and E. faecium. Among a survey of 855 clinical entero-
mycin MIC values roughly 2.5-fold, reduced positive surface coccal isolates, 850 (99.4 %) were inhibited by tedizolid at
charge, enhanced daptomycin binding, and sensitized the ≤0.5 μg/mL, the resistance cutoff for E. faecalis [92].
bacteria to killing by LL37 [122]. The ability of beta-lactams Clinical data are limited, but with its similar mechanism to
to enhance daptomycin activity against E. faecalis and E. linezolid, it would appear that tedizolid will be a valuable
faecium has been corroborated recently by Smith and col- tool against daptomycin-nonsusceptible enterococci.
leagues, who demonstrated synergistic activity between dap- The lone lipoglycopeptide with anti-VRE activity is orita-
tomycin and ceftaroline, ertapenem, and ampicillin against vancin. Oritavancin possesses activity against VRE harbor-
in in vitro time-kill studies [123]. Higher doses of daptomy- ing both vanA and vanB genes, although MIC values in E.
cin and combination therapies may prevent the emergence of faecalis with vanA are 16–32-fold higher than in non-vanA
daptomycin nonsusceptibility and warrant further evaluation carriers [131]. In another study of 403 enterococcal isolates
clinically, especially when daptomycin MIC values are in the from Canada, 98.7 % of E. faecalis isolates were susceptible
3–4 μg/mL range. When daptomycin nonsusceptibility to oritavancin, and all vancomycin-resistant E. faecium iso-
arises, however, both options and evidence are limited. lates were inhibited by oritavancin concentrations ≤0.5 μg/
Against an E. faecium strain with a daptomycin MIC of 32 mL [132]. Data among strains resistant to daptomycin are
μg/mL, Sakoulas and colleagues demonstrated the beneficial scarce, however, and clinical data have not yet emerged to
effects of ceftaroline in providing synergistic activity in demonstrate the efficacy of oritavancin in systemic infec-
time-kill experiments [124]. Ampicillin and ceftriaxone tions. The one-time dosing regimen, while great for skin
were also evaluated, but ceftaroline alone was able to pro- infections, also leads to troublesome pharmacokinetic issues
vide synergistic activity. Similar to experiments involving with prolonged dosing regimens such as those used in deep-
susceptible isolates, ceftaroline was able to increase dapto- seated infections. Still, oritavancin is an interesting agent
mycin surface binding, increase membrane fluidity, and that warrants further study against VRE.
decrease net cell surface charge, demonstrating possible Although there are a few agents that possess activity
mechanistic reasons for the synergy. Werth and colleagues against daptomycin-nonsusceptible enterococci, options are
observed similar activity with the combination of ceftobip- limited. Other than the agents listed above, tigecycline and
role and daptomycin against daptomycin-nonsusceptible E. quinupristin-dalfopristin possess in vitro activity against
faecium [125]. It is possible that the unique ability among enterococci. Tigecycline, however, possesses little to no clin-
cephalosporins of ceftaroline and ceftobiprole to bind ical utility as a single agent, and quinupristin-dalfopristin is
PBP5 in enterococci is integral to their synergistic activity limited by tolerability issues and inherent resistance among
with daptomycin against these isolates [126]. E. faecalis. Owing to the limited data and options available
to us against daptomycin-nonsusceptible enterococci, further
study is imperative to guide future clinical decision-making.
5.1 lternative Agents with Activity
Against DNS Enterococcus spp.
6 Conclusions
Similar to staphylococci, several antimicrobials possess in
vitro activity against enterococci and may be useful when Daptomycin is an important piece of the current therapeutic
daptomycin nonsusceptibility occurs. Among them are, armament against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Although
again, linezolid, tedizolid, and oritavancin. Telavancin and currently rare, the clinical emergence of daptomycin nonsus-
dalbavancin, although active against enterococci with the ceptibility is concerning and warrants an understanding of its
vanB vancomycin resistance gene, lack reliable activity mechanisms and possible methods of combating isolates
against VRE that contain the much more common vanA, and with this resistant phenotype. Going forward, it is imperative
cannot therefore be counted on to have activity against a that daptomycin is employed as effectively as possible in the
majority of VRE isolates [127]. clinical setting based on the available data if we are to pre-
Linezolid has been the subject of several meta-analyses in serve it as an effective option.
comparison to daptomycin in the setting of enterococcal bac-
teremia, and the data suggest that the two agents are likely
similar, although one meta-analysis suggests that daptomy- References
cin may be associated with higher mortality [128–130].
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Resistance to Linezolid
Eleni Ntokou and Birte Vester
recent study of ribosome function in a linezolid-resistant p redominant mutations conferring linezolid resistance [55].
Staphylococcus epidermidis mutant showed a functional and The G2576U transversion is the most prevalent mutation
structural adaptation of ribosomes. The study reported an in linezolid-resistant clinical isolates, including S. aureus,
increased peptidyl transferase activity, as measured by coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS), viridans group
puromycin reactivity, as well as an enhanced growth rate in streptococci, Enterococcus faecium, and Enterococcus fae-
the presence of linezolid [37]. Even though the very exact calis [56, 57]. The first reported linezolid-resistant entero-
step of inhibition has not been determined for oxazolidi- coccal isolates were obtained from patients treated with line-
nones and maybe will never be completely elucidated, as zolid as part of the Linezolid Compassionate Use Program
more than one step might be involved, it can be concluded (1999). They had the G2576U mutation in multiple operons
that the general effect of linezolid is inhibition of protein of the 23S rRNA genes and with MICs correlating to the
synthesis by binding to the peptidyl transferase center of the number of mutated operons [58].
bacterial ribosome and affecting some step directly related to The first clinical isolate of linezolid-resistant S. aureus, with
the peptidyl transferase reaction. a G2576U mutation, was reported in 2001 [15]. Later, this iso-
late was found to contain five copies of the 23S rRNA gene, all
of which were mutated at position 2576 [59] and again a clear
4 Mechanisms of Resistance correlation between the number of mutated rRNA operons and
the linezolid MIC was established [40, 60, 61]. Most reports of
Several ways of resistance to linezolid have been published. the G2576U mutation in clinical isolates is associated with
The very well investigated and proven ones are mutations in some form of increased or prolonged linezolid treatment, and it
23S rRNA in the peptidyl transferase area of the ribosome, has been shown that the duration of linezolid exposure and
and methylation of 23S rRNA nucleotide A2503. The less dose can affect the number of mutated rRNA operons and thus
proven but highly indicative ones are mutations in the ribo- linezolid resistance [62]. Mutant gene-dosage effects have also
somal protein L3 and efflux. In addition, mutations in ribo- been seen in laboratory-derived linezolid-resistant S. aureus
somal protein L4 have been connected with reduced linezolid mutants and in clinical isolates of linezolid-resistant entero-
susceptibility but the extent of this correlation remains to be cocci [40, 41]. A report from 2011 demonstrated that the
elucidated. Finally, fitness cost in relation to resistance seems G2576U mutation was retained in a Staphylococcus haemolyti-
to be an issue. The following section will review the present cus isolate even after 30 serial passages in antibiotic-free
knowledge of this field. medium [42], although some studies have documented rever-
sion of the G2576U mutation in the absence of linezolid pres-
sure [41, 63]. Therefore prolonged linezolid usage should be
4.1 R
esistance Caused by 23S rRNA judicious and minimized in clinical settings.
Mutations The linezolid-binding site at the PTC comprises con-
served nucleotides (G2061, A2451, C2452, A2503, U2504,
Although early laboratory investigations suggested that G2505, U2506, and U2585), which interact directly with
resistance to linezolid might be slow to emerge [32, 38], as linezolid, see Fig. 22.3 [35, 36]. Laboratory derived strains
almost all bacteria have multiple copies of the 23S rRNA selected for linezolid resistance show mutations in either
gene, linezolid-resistant strains soon appeared [15, 39]. The nucleotides at the proximity of the binding pocket (2061,
first linezolid-resistant strains were associated with mutations 2452, 2503, 2504, and 2505) or at nucleotides further away
in domain V of the 23S rRNA genes, mainly G2576U trans- from it (2032, 2062, 2192 2447, 2453, 2499, 2500, 2576,
version. Over time various mutations have been identified in 2571, 2572, 2608, and 2612) [32, 36, 38, 43–48, 64–67]. The
domain V of 23S rRNA (Fig. 22.3) and they remain the degree of linezolid resistance is not a simple function of the
322 E. Ntokou and B. Vester
nucleotide-linezolid distance and distal nucleotides that can also be an acquired trait, and it is well established that
do not interact with linezolid directly, as G2576U and RNA modifications placed at or near an antibiotic-binding
G2447U can confer significantly high resistance [3]. site can affect drug binding to the ribosome [73]. Resistance
Acquired resistance to linezolid has been observed in generally occurs either by the inactivation of an indigenous
various clinical isolates of Gram-positive cocci. A methicillin- methyltransferase or the acquisition of an antibiotic resis-
resistant S. aureus (MRSA) bloodstream isolate, derived tance methyltransferase.
from a patient exposed to a prolonged course of linezolid, Some housekeeping modifications at the PTC are shown
developed resistance and had a U2500A mutation in the 23S to affect linezolid susceptibility. The pseudouridylation of
rRNA and a loss of a single copy of the gene in the most 23S rRNA nucleotide 2504 confers reduced susceptibility to
resistant isolates [41]. Various clinical strains of S. aureus, linezolid, clindamycin, and tiamulin, suggesting that this
S. epidermidis, E. faecium, E. faecalis that are highly modification may have evolved as an intrinsic resistance
resistant to linezolid show a variety of 23S rRNA mutations mechanism to protect bacteria from PTC-binding antibiotics
including G2447U [52], A2503G [45], U2504C [45], [74]. Inactivation of the methyltransferase targeting G2445 in
U2504A [51], and G2505A [68], despite of evidence of fit- 23S rRNA results in decreased susceptibility to linezolid in
ness cost associated with some of these mutations [60]. Streptococcus pneumoniae [43, 75]. Likewise, a mutation
Some additional mutations of the 23S rRNA operons have inactivating the methyltransferase RlmN that methylates 23S
been reported at positions G2603U [69–71] and C2534U rRNA at the C2 position of A2503 also results in slightly
[51, 52] but direct relationship between these mutations and lowered linezolid susceptibility in S. aureus [76, 77]. None
linezolid resistance is not yet established. of these mechanisms of linezolid resistance or reduced sus-
Up to date, G2576U is the most common mutation found ceptibility has yet been shown to be of clinical importance,
in clinical isolates [72]. In addition, the U2500A and G2447U either because of nonoccurrence or not being revealed yet.
mutations have been reported in linezolid-resistant clinical This is in contrast to the only known transferable form of
isolates of staphylococci and these mutations have also been linezolid resistance conferred by the multi-resistance gene
shown to confer linezolid resistance in in vitro selected cfr that has been found in many clinical strains, especially in
mutants of E. coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis [38, 46]. Staphylococcus. Cfr encodes an rRNA methyltransferase
[78] that adds a methyl group at the C8 position of the 23S
rRNA nucleotide A2503 [79], a position interacting directly
4.2 R
esistance Caused by Alterations with linezolid and where mutations have shown to result in
in 23S rRNA Modification resistance (see Fig. 22.3). The methylation confers some
resistance to linezolid as well as resistance to five other
Ribosomal RNA is intrinsically modified with methyl groups classes of antibiotics that bind at overlapping nonidentical
and pseudouridine residues, and these modifications are sites at the PTC [80, 81]. A direct interference of the
clustered at functional centers on the ribosome. Methylations methylation with drug binding is supported by the X-ray
22 Resistance to Linezolid 323
structures of linezolid bound to the Deinococcus radio- only Cfr and the 23S rRNA mutations give a medium to
durans and H. marismortui 50S subunits [35, 36]. high resistance and it might be that the appearance of the
The cfr gene was originally discovered on multi- L3 mutations are merely a selection to adopt to changes in
resistance plasmids isolated during surveillance studies of the 23S rRNA (see section discussing fitness cost below).
florfenicol resistance in Staphylococcus spp. of animal ori- Nevertheless, the positions of most of the L3 mutations are
gin [82, 83]. In 2005, the first cfr-positive clinical strain of relatively close to the linezolid binding in the ribosome
a methicillin-resistant S. aureus was reported from a with the closest being at a distance of approximately 7 Å
patient briefly treated with linezolid [84]. The strain had [3]. Also, the relation between decreased susceptibility to
cfr on the chromosome together with the ermB gene on a the pleuromutilins retapamulin and tiamulin and L3 muta-
transposable genetic element and the co-expression of tions in the same region [46, 98, 105, 106] supports the
these two rRNA methyltransferase genes conferred resis- relation between L3 mutations and linezolid resistance, as
tance to all clinically relevant antibiotics that target the pleuromutilins and linezolid bind at overlapping sites in
large ribosomal subunit [81]. Since then a large number of the PTC but are otherwise very different [80]. There are
staphylococcal clinical isolates c ontaining cfr in different also reports about L3 mutations that have been detected in
genetic contexts have been found around the world [85– linezolid susceptible strains and are therefore not consid-
90]. In some instances, a connection between the resistant ered relevant to linezolid resistance (e.g., L101V that is
isolates and prior linezolid treatment can be documented positioned far from the PTC [100]). At the moment, it is
(i.e., see section on clinical linezolid- resistant strains difficult to establish exactly which L3 mutations do have a
below). The cfr gene has also been identified in other relation to reduced linezolid susceptibility, although the
pathogenic bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram- circumstantial evidence point to the part of the L3 protein
negative, often from animals and with no relation to line- nearest to PTC with some variations between species. One
zolid treatment. The presence of cfr on mobile genetic study of in vitro development of linezolid resistance in M.
elements such as plasmids and transposons in different tuberculosis, as well as findings in clinical isolates, does
geographical locations strongly suggests that it can be dis- provide strong evidence for the involvement of an L3
seminated within the microbial community and spread C154R mutation in linezolid resistance [103]. This is also
among pathogenic bacteria, thus conferring resistance to supported by another finding concerning the same L3
linezolid without prior exposure to the drug. mutation plus a neighboring mutation in clinical samples
of M. tuberculosis [104].
4.3 L
inezolid Resistance and a Conceivable
Relationship to Mutations in Ribosomal 4.4 O
ther Aspects of Linezolid Resistance:
Proteins L3 Fitness Cost, Cross-resistance,
and Enhancement of Growth
Mutations in the ribosomal L3 protein have recently
received attention as a linezolid resistance determinant. In addition to reports about L3 mutations there are also
The main part of ribosomal protein L3 is positioned on the reports about L4 mutations related to linezolid resistance [3].
surface of the large ribosomal subunit, but a loop extends Part of the ribosomal protein L4 is also placed relatively
into the PTC near the linezolid-binding site. Bacterial L3 close to the PTC, but in the tunnel through which nascent
mutations have been associated with resistance to line- peptides exit the ribosome [3]. Again, most studies do not
zolid, tiamulin/valnemulin, and anisomycin, that all bind prove a relationship between L4 mutations and resistance
to overlapping sites at the PTC [3]. The first L3 resistance effects, except for a surveillance study of S. pneumoniae
mutation in bacteria was detected by selection with tiamu- with a six-nucleotide deletion in the L4 gene (ΔW65-R66)
lin, and its role in resistance was verified by transfection in one strain and a neighboring six-nucleotide deletion
and plasmid-coded mutant L3 expression [91]. Since then, (ΔK68-G69) in another strain [107]. These deletions caused
a number of studies have associated L3 mutations with a slightly reduced susceptibility to linezolid, as evident by
linezolid resistance in various staphylococci and few other transformations, and were associated with a fitness cost [107].
clinical relevant pathogens. A selection of some of these is The amino acid deletions are located in the same region as
displayed in Table 22.1. As evident in the table, most of mutations known to be involved in macrolide resistance
the L3 mutations are present together with one or two [108], and as macrolide antibiotics bind to a site neighbor-
other resistance determinants, namely 23S rRNA muta- ing, but not directly overlapping, the linezolid-binding site,
tions and the cfr gene. Unfortunately, most of the studies we imagine the effect of these deletions is probably caused
presenting L3 mutations do not provide evidence that the by an allosteric mechanism. In general, the L4 mutations
L3 mutations are the direct cause of resistance. Seemingly, presented in relation to linezolid resistance do not present a
324 E. Ntokou and B. Vester
Table 22.1 A selection of mutations in L3 that have been associated with linezolid resistance in staphylococci and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
L3 mutations Organism Remarksa Reference
ΔF127-H146 S. aureus In vitro selected mutant [92]
Q136H/H146Δ S. aureus L4-G69A/T70P/G71S [93]
G137A/L94Vb S. epidermidis 2576 T [55]
G139R S. aureus T, 2576 T [94]
G139R/M156T S. hominis T, 2576 T [95]
ΔS145 S. aureus [96]
ΔS145/H146Y S. aureus cfr [97]
H146R/M156T/L101Vb S. epidermidis T, 2215A, 2576 T, L4-ins70G [98]
H146Q/V154L/A157R/L101Vb S. epidermidis T, L4- ins70G/c [98]
H146Q/L94Vb S. epidermidis L4-71GGR72/c [55]
H146Q/V154L S. epidermidis 2319U, L4-71GGR72 [93]
H146Q/V154L/A157R S. epidermidis C2534T, L4-71GGR72 [99]
F147L S. epidermidis cfr [93]
F147L/L94Vb S. epidermidis L4c [55]
F147L/L94Vb S. epidermidis cfr, L4-G71D/c [55]
F147I/L101Vb S. epidermidis T, 2576 T [98]
F147I S. hominis T, 2576 T [95]
F147L/A157R/L101Vb S. epidermidis cfr, L4c [100]
F147L/A157R/L101Vb S. epidermidis L4-K68R/c [100]
G152D S. aureus In vitro selected mutant, 2447 T [92]
G152D S. aureus T [94]
G152D S. haemolyticus cfr [87]
G152D/D159Y/L101Vb S. epidermidis T, 2504A/2534 T [51]
G152D S. epidermidis 90 % T, +/− cfr, +/− 2576 T [90]
G152D/D159E/A160P/L94Vb S. epidermidis T, 2504A, 2530A, 2631U [101]
G155R S. aureus In vitro selected mutant [92]
G155R/M169L S. aureus In vitro selected mutant [92]
M156T S. haemolyticus T, cfr, 2576 T [88]
A157R S. epidermidis 2447 T [96]
S158Y/D159Y/L101Vb S. epidermidis cfr [102]
S158F/D159Y S. cohnii cfr, L4-N20S/A133T/V155I [102]
Y158F S. cohnii cfr [87]
ΔM169-G174 S. aureus cfr [97]
C154R M. tuberculosis In vitro selected mutant [103]
C154R M. tuberculosis +/− 2061 T [104]
H155R M. tuberculosis [104]
All isolates are clinical except from the ones depicted as “In vitro selected mutant”. Information about treatment with linezolid was omitted for the
strains from reference [55], because of inadequate data. The L3 positions are according to the various organisms and can thus correspond to similar
positions although they have different numbering
Selected additional information: treatment with linezolid (T), contain cfr gene (cfr), potential additional resistance determinants (xxxxN refers to
23S rRNA positions corresponding to E. coli 23S rRNA, L4-…. indicate additional mutations)
L3 mutations that are considered strain markers and not relevant for antibiotic resistance are only included when found together with other
L4-N158S, which is not expected to influence linezolid resistance
consistent pattern and it is not definitively established which 102-fold increase) was seen after cloning of a putative
changes, if any, contribute directly to linezolid resistance. multidrug efflux pump from a Vibrio cholerae to a plasmid in
Another potentially important resistance determinant is a hypersensitive E. coli [111]. It is thus not surprising that
the presence of efflux pumps. Linezolid is not well suited for changes in efflux in Gram-positive bacteria may influence
fighting Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria because they are the effect of linezolid. It has been shown that S. aureus pos-
intrinsically resistant due to efflux pumps that force linezolid sesses a gene for a major facilitator superfamily type multi-
out of the cell faster than it can accumulate [109, 110]. For drug efflux pump named LmrS that is capable of extruding
example, a remarkably high linezolid MIC at 256 μg/mL (a linezolid [112]. Linezolid resistance caused by mutations
22 Resistance to Linezolid 325
increasing the expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) where linezolid resistance by G2576U in 23S rRNA comes
transporter genes has been observed in S. pneumoniae with a fitness cost that can be counteracted by an L3 muta-
[43, 75]. The mutations were found by genome sequencing tion at position Y137H in S. pneumoniae. The study shows
of a linezolid-resistant strain and the effect was analyzed by that the L3 mutation alone does not confer reduced suscepti-
gene disruption experiments [43]. A follow-up study involv- bility to linezolid. The mutation corresponds to the L3 F147L
ing stepwise increase of resistance by genome transforma- mutation in S. epidermis that has been related to linezolid
tion supported the role of a specific mutation that increased resistance in several studies (Table 22.1). It remains to be
expression of an ABC transporter as a resistance determinant established how many of the mutations in Table 22.1 are true
[75]. However, not surprisingly, such changes may come resistance determinants and how many are compensatory
with a cost in growth rate. Future experiments might reveal “fitness cost” mutations or just random mutations without
if efflux is a significant factor in linezolid resistance or not. any phenotypic effect. A possibly related matter has recently
As a general lesson from research on antibiotic resistance, been published concerning linezolid-resistant S. epidermis
starting to look might greatly enhance the insight. strains that grow better in the presence of linezolid than in
It is one thing for bacteria to obtain a resistance deter the absence, and which contained mutations at positions
minant but another thing to sustain it and to avoid being U2504A and C2534U in 23S rRNA together with L3 muta-
outgrown by nonresistant neighbors. The maintenance and tions G152D and D159Y [51]. Also, a synergistic effect of
spread of resistance genes is related to their fitness cost. linezolid resistance determinants has been verified in S. epi-
Expression of the linezolid resistance determinant Cfr in a dermis with cfr plus C2534U in 23S rRNA (in two of six
laboratory strain had only a small effect on growth rate [113]. alleles) plus mutations in L3 and L4 [99]. Possible synergis-
Such low fitness cost is troublesome as it suggests that cells tic effects have also been reported for other PTC antibiotics
can maintain a gene even in the absence of antibiotic selec- in other bacteria such as M. smegmatis [48] and Brachyspira
tion. Competition experiments showed that cells with an spp. [115, 116], indicating interplay between multiple muta-
inactivated rlmN gene (i.e., showing slightly lowered line- tions in relation to resistance, accommodation of mutations,
zolid susceptibility, as mentioned above) outcompeted and fitness cost. More specific information about the effects
S. aureus wild-type cells under linezolid selection [77]. The of the single and combined mutations is needed to elucidate
fitness cost of resistance mutations varies, and is also depen- their detailed interactions.
dent on the specific organism. A decrease in growth rates for It was anticipated that purely synthetic compounds like
23S rRNA mutations at the PTC is expected because many linezolid would not show cross-resistance, but maybe
of the nucleotides are phylogenetically conserved and are cross-resistance is more a matter of sharing binding sites
considered functionally important. For example, the single than being chemically similar. The efflux pumps that expel
mutations in the PTC area of 23S rRNA in M. smegmatis that linezolid also work on other compounds [110, 112]. The
have the most significant effects on linezolid resistance show methylation performed by Cfr provides linezolid resis-
either a moderate (A2503G/U and G2447U) or a large tance as well as resistance to five other classes of antibiot-
(U2504G and G2576U) decrease in growth rate, where the ics [80, 81]. Examples of cross-resistance between PTC
G2576U mutation with the largest resistance effect results in antibiotics resulting from 23S rRNA mutations have been
a threefold slower growth [48, 50, 66]. This is consistent observed [48, 66, 116, 117], although no straightforward
with the fact that although both the G2447U and G2576U relationship between overlapping binding sites and cross-
mutations lead to 32-fold increases in linezolid MIC values, resistance was found. There is a correlation between line-
only the G2447U mutation was isolated by selection in the zolid and chloramphenicol resistance for the single
presence of linezolid [38, 48]. The G2576U mutation has G2447U, A2503G, U2504G, G2505A, and G2576U muta-
also been studied extensively in S. aureus, where a progres- tions in M. smegmatis [48, 66]. However, this correlation
sive decrease in growth rate is observed with each additional does not apply for G2032A-U2504G and C2055A-U2504G
23S rRNA gene copy harboring the mutation [60]. However, double mutations and no relationship between linezolid,
the ability of the mutation to persist in one copy in the clindamycin, and valnemulin resistance could be observed
absence of antibiotic selection and the rapid reemergence of [48, 66]. In addition, cross-resistance between linezolid
multiple mutated copies upon reexposure to linezolid sug- and tiamulin has been documented for the G2447U and
gests that a single copy has a minimal fitness cost [114]. U2500A mutations in E. coli and the G2576U mutation in
Such a resistance mutation may be accompanied by other E. coli and S. aureus [46]. The different sets of specific
mutations that compensate for deleterious effects or act bacteria, mutations and antibiotics reported in the litera-
synergistically to enhance resistance. An example is the step- ture preclude simple and common conclusion, and more
wise genome transformation study mentioned above [75], information is needed.
326 E. Ntokou and B. Vester
5 L
inezolid Resistance Among Clinical resistance to linezolid is particularly rare in clinical MRSA
Isolates (≤0.2 %) and CoNS (≤1.2 %) [148]. Linezolid was one of
the most active agents among 1160 enterococcal strains
As already mentioned, linezolid has a broad spectrum of (66 % E. faecalis, 30.6 % E. faecium) with a susceptibility
activity against various Gram-positive clinical strains includ- rate of 99.7 %. The most important finding in this surveil-
ing S. aureus, CoNS, E. faecalis, E. faecium, S. pneumoniae, lance program was a nonsusceptible viridans group strepto-
viridans group and other streptococci, β-hemolytic strep coccus, Streptococcus sanguinis (MIC >8 μg/mL), that was
tococci and other rarely isolated Gram-positive human encountered for the first time in this program [148]. In the
pathogens [118]. It is also widely used to treat infections same manner, the latest ZAAPS Program report tested line-
from multidrug-resistant (MDR) clinical isolates such as zolid and comparators against 7972 Gram-positive clinical
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin- isolates from 73 medical centers (33 countries) from five
resistant enterococci (VRE) [119–125]. continents, in order to summarize its activity and spectrum.
Clinical isolates with resistance to linezolid were first Resistance to linezolid occurred in ≤0.1 % of strains of
documented in 1999 and included two isolates from 2/169 S. aureus, ≤0.9 % of CoNS, and ≤0.3 % of enterococcal
patients (1.2 %) receiving linezolid treatment for enterococ- strains [93]. Although the results from the two surveillance
cal infections [14]. Both of the patients received linezolid for programs appear to be encouraging, concerns are lately
a long period of time in order to treat bacteraemia associated raised by the appearance of linezolid-resistant clinical iso-
with intravascular devices. The first report of a clinical iso- lates in multiple studies around the world. Enterococcal
late of methicillin-resistant S. aureus with linezolid resis- clinical isolates resistant to linezolid due to L3 mutations and
tance was reported in 2001 and was isolated from an S. cohnii clinical isolates resistant to linezolid harboring the
85-year-old man who had received prior linezolid treatment cfr and the 23S rRNA mutation G2576U were documented
[15]. The resistance was due to G2576U mutations in the V from a multicenter study in China [149]. A study conducted
domain of the 23S rRNA [15]. The first report of cfr as a on clinical isolates of CoNS from two hospitals in China
resistance determinant in a clinical staphylococcal isolate reports the emergence of cfr-harboring CoNS [150]. Emer
was in 2008 from the USA through the surveillance program gence of linezolid-resistant S. aureus from cystic fibrosis
LEADER [86]. (CF) patients was documented in Ohio with isolates having
Documented resistance to linezolid appears to be spo- L3 mutations or the 23S rRNA mutation G2576U, raising
radic and can occur in outbreaks [118, 126–131]. In most serious concerns for CF patients [94]. Linezolid-resistant
cases of sporadic clinical isolates exhibiting resistance to clinical isolates of E. faecium were isolated in Ontario,
linezolid, the resistance was associated with prior linezolid Canada, from 2010 to 2012 in a study that documents the
therapy [39, 63, 132–134] although there have been reports first appearance of cfr in a clinical isolate of E. faecium
of rapid emergence of resistance after short-term treatment [151]. A linezolid-resistant S. pneumoniae isolate with a
[135], or resistance not related to prior treatment with line- linezolid MIC at 4 μg/mL was encountered for the first time
zolid [136, 137]. in the LEADER Program results for 2010, and molecular
Due to the widespread use of linezolid for treating noso- characterization indicated that this strain had wild-type 23S
comial infections by MDR staphylococcal and enterococcal rRNA and L22 ribosomal protein DNA sequences but had
clinical isolates, a need immerged to monitor the spectrum mutations in the ribosomal protein L4: Q67K and G69V [152].
and potency of linezolid and for that two surveillance pro- Concerns also rise by studies that document the dissemina-
grams have been established. The original surveillance pro- tion of the cfr gene among linezolid-resistant clinical isolates
gram for linezolid was ZAPS (Zyvox Activity and Potency of various species [87, 150, 151, 153–155]. In a recent study
Surveillance) [129, 138–140] and was renamed ZAAPS, from China, linezolid-resistant staphylococcal clinical isolates
enrolling medical centers in Latin America (LATAM), Asia had the cfr gene located on a plasmid segment identical to a
Pacific (APAC), and Europe [127, 130, 131, 141, 142]. The sequenced 14 kb cfr-carrying segment, from the plasmid pSS-
second surveillance program is the LEADER surveillance 02 [87]. This plasmid was originally identified in staphylococci
program and it has monitored linezolid activity, spectrum, isolated from pigs. This finding indicates that closely related—
and resistance rates in the USA since 2004 [121, 143–147]. if not identical—plasmids carrying the cfr gene can be
The most recent results from the LEADER surveillance pro- exchanged between CoNS from animals and methicillin-resis-
gram are from 2011, and monitored 7303 Gram-positive tant CoNS (MRCoNS) from humans and that these MRCoNS
clinical isolates from 60 medical centers. It shows that can be involved in severe infections in humans [87].
22 Resistance to Linezolid 327
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Mechanism of the Antibacterial Activity
and Resistance of Polymyxins 23
Matthew D. Johnson, Roger L. Nation, and Jian Li
bacteria [23]. Many proteins, such as type III secretion between the acyl chains of lipid A, further destabilizing lipid
systems, pili, and autotransporters (protein export systems A interactions [30, 31]. The antibacterial action of polymyxins
that create a pore in the OM and secrete their own passenger is dependent on both of the aforementioned chemical interac-
peptide, e.g., Pet), are found in the OM [24]. Moreover, the tions. This is exemplified by the fact that polymyxin B nona-
LPS component of the OM is a causative agent of sepsis peptide, which lacks a hydrophobic fatty acyl chain, and
[23, 24]. colistin methanesulfonate, in which the cationic residues are
The primary target of polymyxins is LPS, the most promi- masked, are inactive against Gram-negative bacteria (Bergen
nent component in the outer leaflet of the OM. LPS is et al. 2006; [29]).
comprised of the amphiphilic lipid A (endotoxin), core oli- As described above, polymyxins require both electro-
gosaccharide, and a repeating distal polysaccharide termed static and hydrophobic interactions for antibacterial activity
o-antigen [23]. Lipid A is comprised of two d-gluco- [32, 33]. However, the mechanism which leads from these
configured pyranosidic sugars that are covalently linked as interactions to killing is poorly understood at a molecular
β(1 → 6) dimers [25]. Each sugar has a phosphate group and level. The popular model for polymyxin-induced killing pro-
a number of acyl chains that confer hydrophobicity. The poses that the increased permeability of the OM caused by
disaccharide sugar backbone of lipid A is linked to an oligo- the insertion of polymyxins into the LPS layer of the cell
saccharide molecule, normally comprised of heptose and results in the “self-promoted” uptake of polymyxins into the
keto-deoxyoctulosonate (KDO), and this molecule is often periplasm and subsequent insertion of polymyxins into the
referred to as the core oligosaccharide. The hydrophobic IM [31, 33–35]. It is assumed that the interaction of poly-
acyl chains of the core oligosaccharide function as the mem- myxins with the IM causes transient pore formation and
brane, and the oligosaccharide backbone supports additional membrane thinning. The increased permeability of the IM
O-antigen glycan polymers [25]. The LPS molecules are may result in an inability to sustain controlled import and
bound together largely by the charge-based interactions export across this barrier, thus eradicating electrochemical
between Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions and the negatively charged gradients, making respiration impossible [21, 31]. Alter
phosphate component of lipid A [26, 27]. The acyl chains of natively, the insertion of polymyxins may induce vesicle-
lipid A bind by hydrophobic interactions, and the oligosac- mediated mixing between the IM and OM and cause a loss of
charide components of lipid A form intermolecular hydrogen phospholipid composition and overall membrane disruption,
bonds [25]. Together, these interactions make LPS a stable potentially leading to an osmotic imbalance and cell lysis
permeability barrier of which lipid A is an essential compo- [36]. Another proposed mechanism of killing is reactive oxy-
nent. Consequently, antimicrobials that target LPS, such as gen-mediated killing. The Fenton reaction produces hydroxyl
polymyxins, are highly sought after. radicals that are thought to induce DNA damage and cell
death. Recently, increased hydroxyl radical production was
measured in strains of A. baumannii after treatment with
3 Polymyxins polymyxins [37]. In addition, the antimicrobial action of
polymyxins was shown to be inhibited by chemicals that
Polymyxins are amphiphilic lipopeptides; the N-terminal scavenged free hydroxyl radicals (thiourea) or inhibited the
fatty acyl chain and d-Phenylalanine-l-Leucine form two Fenton cycle (dipyridyl) [37]. However, killing by free radi-
hydrophobic domains that are separated by polar l-Threonine cals is controversial and the results could not be reproduced
and cationic l-alpha-gamma-diaminobutyric acid (Dab) resi- for polymyxins by our laboratory (unpublished data); several
dues [28]. The bactericidal activity of polymyxins is initiated other studies have shown that antimicrobial killing by kana-
by an electrostatic interaction with lipid A in the bacterial mycin is independent of reactive oxygen species [38, 39].
OM. As described above, the stability of the OM is mediated Another mechanism of killing by polymyxins, which
by charge-based interactions between divalent inorganic cat- involves protein function inhibition, has also been described.
ions and the anionic phosphate groups of lipid A. The cationic In 2014, Deris et al. proved that the type-II NADH-quinone
polymyxins bind lipid A with greater affinity than other cat- oxidoreductase (NDH-2) is inhibited by polymyxin B
ions [21, 29]. As a consequence, polymyxins disrupt the elec- (Fig. 23.1). Results indicated that ubiquinone binding was
trostatic interactions between lipid A molecules and the competitively inhibited, and NADH was non-competitively
inorganic cations, causing a reduction in OM integrity [21]. inhibited by polymyxin B, and a similar observation has been
In addition, the initial electrostatic interactions between lipid reported in Mycobacterium tuberculosis ([40–42], Fig. 23.1).
A and the cationic peptide of polymyxins results in the lipo- Although the exact details regarding polymyxin- mediated
philic fatty acyl chains and hydrophobic amino acids of poly- bacterial killing remain unknown, the initial interaction of
myxins to be proximal to the acyl chains of lipid A [28]. polymyxins with lipid A is pivotal to the killing process; this
Consequently, the hydrophobic domains of polymyxins insert is exemplified in the current known resistance mechanisms.
23 Mechanism of the Antibacterial Activity and Resistance of Polymyxins 335
Fig. 23.1 Diagrammatic
representation of a possible
mode of action of polymyxins
at the levels of the outer and
inner membranes of the
Gram-negative bacterial cell.
Step 1: Polymyxins target the
outer membrane of Gram-
negative bacteria. Step 2: The
positively charged
polymyxins displace divalent
cations that bridge adjacent
LPS molecules. Step 3: The
electrostatic interaction
weakens the stability of the
outer membrane and the
hydrophobic insertion
destabilizes the outer
membrane through
hydrophobic expansion
producing damage to the
outer membrane. Step 4:
Polymyxins penetrate into the
inner membrane and inhibit
the respiratory enzyme
NDH-2. Figure is adapted
from Deris et al. [40, 41] with
permission from Bioconjugate
4 % contained three or more. In strains where PEtn has been pmrHFIJKLM, increasing expression of l-Ara4N synthesis
shown to confer resistance to polymyxins, the resistance was and transfer genes [61, 62]. The PhoPQ two-component sys-
robust; when PEtn modification was disabled, polymyxin B tem also activates the pmrHFIJKLM locus in S. enterica.
resistance was reduced by three- to five-fold and >100-fold However, the activation is via a local regulator pmrD. PhoPQ
in S. enterica and A. baumannii, respectively [17]. Overall, responds to low Mg2+ concentrations, low pH, cationic pep-
there is a disconnection between PEtn modification, the tides, or extracellular DNA [63, 64]. PmrD functions by
action of PmrC, and polymyxin resistance, which is exem- inhibiting the dephosphorylation of the PmrA response regu-
plified by the mixed phenotypes of various species with lator [65]. As a result the amount of active PmrA is increased
PmrC [17, 19, 59]. Such variation is suggestive of a mecha- and subsequently the activation of the pmrHFIJKLM locus is
nism that requires additional factors to provide resistance. also increased. This indirect regulation by PhoPQ is unique
Polymyxin resistance by the addition of galactosamine to Salmonella, in E. coli the PhoPQ two-component system
(GalN) to lipid A has recently been reported [47]. Again, the does not cross-talk to PmrA; as a consequence lipid A modi-
site of modification is the anionic phosphate domain of lipid fication by l-Ara4N addition is not induced in conditions of
A (Fig. 23.2). Galactosamine is structurally very similar to low Mg2+ concentrations [52].
l-Ara4N, which suggests that the effect of this modification As in Salmonella and E. coli, PmrAB is the primary two-
would conceal the negative phosphate groups. Of the three component system involved in controlling l-Ara4N addition
lipid A modification resistance mechanisms, galactosamine to lipid A in P. aeruginosa. However, in P. aeruginosa four
modification has been observed the least. Currently there two-component systems have been reported to activate the
is only one report documenting four polymyxin-resistant pmrHFIJKLME operon; PmrAB, PhoPQ, ParRS, and CprRS
strains with this modification. A. baumannii strain MAC204 [18, 66–68]. PmrAB works in a similar fashion directly acti-
was selected in vitro for polymyxin resistance by iterative vating the pmrHFIJKLME locus, but the PhoPQ two-compo-
selection in 1 mg/L colistin, after which the GalN modifica- nent system, contrary to the PhoPQ network in S. enterica,
tion was discovered in MAC204 by tandem MS-MS [47]. activates the pmr locus directly [69]. As in S. enterica and E.
The modification was later discovered in three clinical coli, the action of both PhoP and PmrA at the pmrHIJKLME
A. baumannii isolates. The MIC of strains harboring the locus is to activate transcription. In S. enterica, PhoQ
GalN-modified lipid A was up to 400 times that of the parent responds to the presence of antimicrobial [63]. However, in
strain without galactosamine modification [47]. However, P. aeruginosa antimicrobial peptides are recognized by the
galactosamine modification has not been shown to confer two other two-component systems, ParRS and CprRS [18,
polymyxin resistance in isolation, as all GalN modified lipid 66]. The ParRS and CprRS systems each directly activate the
A molecules were also PEtn modified [47]. The prevalence pmr operon in response to antimicrobial peptides.
of this modification in polymyxin-resistant isolates in differ-
ent bacterial species remains to be seen. 4.2.2 R egulation of PEtn Modification
of Lipid A
As with the regulation of the l-Ara4N modification, the reg-
4.2 R
egulation of Lipid A Modification ulation of PEtn modification is controlled by the two-
Mechanisms component system PmrAB, which responds to environmental
signals [43, 70]. PEtn modification is found in S. enterica,
4.2.1 R egulation of l-Ara4N Modification E. coli, and A. baumannii; the transfer of PEtn to lipid A is
of Lipid A catalyzed by PEtn transferase (PmrC) in these species [43].
Lipid A modification by the addition of l-Ara4N is regulated PmrC is encoded in a polycistronic operon with PmrAB. As
by two-component systems in response to environmental with the regulation of the l-Ara4N modification, the PmrB
signals. Although the genes involved in lipid A modification histidine kinase responds to environmental signals and the
are conserved, their regulation varies between species; the response regulator PmrA binds promoters to activate tran-
best characterized regulatory systems are those of S. enterica, scription. Upon phosphorylation PmrA activates pmrC
E. coli, and P. aeruginosa. transcription increasing the modification of lipid A by PEtn
In S. enterica the two-component system PmrAB acts to addition [70]. A reduction of PEtn modified lipid A was
control the l-Ara4N modification operon (pmrHFIJKLM), observed when S. enterica was grown in high Mg2+ concen-
and PmrAB directly activates these operons in response to trations, a condition that reduces PmrAB activation. A simi-
environmental signals. PmrB is a histidine kinase that senses lar network is found in A. baumannii, showing that PmrAB
low pH and high concentrations of Al3+ or Fe3+ [60]. is capable of activating polymyxin resistance by PEtn
Upon activation by autophosphorylation, PmrB activates the modification [59]. Polymyxin resistance was increased up to
response regulator PmrA by phosphorylation. Activated 128-fold when constitutively active PmrAB mutants were
PmrA directly binds promoters within its regulon, including introduced into a wild-type strain [71]. Many of the PmrB
338 M.D. Johnson et al.
Fig. 23.4 Abilities of different A. baumannii strains to cause cell death AL1842ΔlpxC, and ATCC19606 pmrB for 20 h or left uninfected. (b)
of A549 alveolar cells. (a) Fluorescence microscopy images of human Quantification of A549 cell death caused by A. baumannii ATCC19606
alveolar A549 cells infected with each of the A. baumannii strains and WT and AL1851ΔlpxA, AL1852ΔlpxD, and AL1842ΔlpxC mutants and
stained with the LIVE/DEAD Cellstain double-staining kit. Healthy cells the pmrB mutant. The results of six independent experiments are shown
with intact membranes are stained green, and dead cells with permeabi- as means and SD. *P < 0.01 between the parental strain and each of the
lized membranes are stained red. A549 cells were incubated with the designated mutants; **not statistically different. Adapted from Beceiro
A. baumannii strains ATCC 19606 WT, AL1851ΔlpxA, Al1852ΔlpxD, et al. [76], Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
4.4 Other Resistance Mechanisms rently no direct evidence that MtrCDE and PorB function to
actively pump polymyxins out of the cell [79].
In several different bacteria, membrane proteins have been Screens of kpnGH mutants for polymyxin resistance in
found to be involved in polymyxin resistance. Often the role K. pneumoniae revealed that these genes may have roles
in polymyxin resistance is inferred from phenotype observa- in polymyxin resistance [20]. The kpnGH operon codes for
tions of knock-out mutations; the direct role of each poly- an efflux pump. Susceptibility was increased by two-fold in
myxin resistance mechanism and the molecular details of kpnGH mutant strains relative to wild type, measured by
each system are rarely characterized. In addition, the tech- Kirby Bauer disc diffusion assay. However, the susceptibil-
niques used to infer susceptibility or resistance differ ity of many other antimicrobials also changed in this mutant,
between experiments, making cross comparison difficult. which is suggestive of a more general defect caused by the
Mechanisms of resistance to polymyxins, other than lipid A mutation [20].
loss or modification, include active efflux and protection by In Vibrio cholerae, ToxR was found to activate a putative
capsule polysaccharide [20, 79]. OM porin, OmpU [80]. Deletions of toxR and ompU genes
In Neisseria menigitidis, a genome-wide transposon caused increased susceptibility to polymyxins; a 100-fold
mutant library was screened for polymyxin susceptibility reduction in percentage survival after 45 min in 12 mg/L
and several genes were identified including lptA (phopho- polymyxin B was discovered [80]. Currently, the role of
ethanolamine transferase gene), mtrCDE (efflux pump OmpU in polymyxin resistance is not understood. More
operon), and porB (outer membrane porin). The wild-type recent publications suggest that OmpU has a role as a sensor
N. menigitidis strain used in the study had a polymyxin B that regulates gene expression through the action of sigma
MIC of 512 mg/L; mutants in mtrCDE, porB, and lptA con- factor E [81]. In addition, the role of OmpU varies at the spe-
ferred polymyxin B MICs of 32, 32, and 2 mg/L, respec- cies level. Levels of polymyxin resistance were only reduced
tively [79]. The role of LptA in polymyxin resistance was twofold in ompU knockout strains of V. splendidus [82].
predicted to be via lipid A modification, as described above. The two-component efflux pump, RosAB, has been
MtrCDE and PorB are thought to be involved in the active implicated in polymyxin resistance in Yersinia enterocolitica
efflux of polymyxins from the cell. However, there is cur- [83]. Mutants lacking functional rosAB were more susceptible
340 M.D. Johnson et al.
to polymyxins; survival of rosAB mutants grown in 125 mg/L It is likely that lipid A modification evolved as a protective
polymyxin B was reduced to 5 % compared to the wild type, mechanism from environmental stresses encountered during
which was reduced to 50 % [83]. In support of this, chemical infection and as a consequence of exposure to antimicrobial
perturbation of efflux pumps by the addition of 2-carbonyl peptides [87].
cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone increased polymyxin Modification and loss of lipid A may cause considerable
susceptibility in wild-type cells. In addition, the mutant phe- cost to fitness (Fig. 23.4). A comparison of A. baumannii
notype could be complemented by the expression of exoge- strains in a mouse infection model showed that loss of lipid
nous rosAB efflux pump genes, indicating that the deletion of A and modification of lipid A reduced the competitive index
these genes, and no other effects, caused the susceptible phe- of the A. baumannii to 0.09 and 0.35, respectively [76]. In
notype [83]. However, the role of RosAB in polymyxin resis- addition, cell death of A549 lung epithelial cells induced by
tance could be through a secondary mechanism as RosAB A. baumannii strains without lipid A was reduced three-fold.
has been shown to regulate LPS biosynthesis in Y. enteroco Interestingly, A. baumannii cells containing modified lipid A
litica [84]. A study on the Y. enterocolitica LPS biosynthesis were capable of conferring similar levels of A549 cell death
pathway showed that mutations of LPS biosynthesis genes to that caused by wild-type A. baumannii. These results sug-
conferred polymyxin susceptibility. Therefore, RosAB may gest that modification of lipid A is a less costly form or poly-
be required for the activation of LPS biosynthesis genes and myxin resistance when measured in a biological context [76]
consequently polymyxin resistance. (Fig. 23.4). The loss of lipid A is an unusual phenotype with
The presence and regulation of capsule polysaccharides only a few cases of lipid A-deficient bacteria currently known
in K. pneumoniae has been shown to be important for poly- [44, 75, 88, 89]. Lipid A loss has been shown to have signifi-
myxin resistance [85, 86]. A clinical isolate, which had been cant effects on the innate immune response to A. baumannii
previously shown to produce a capsule, was used to study the infection [90]. Lipid A-deficient strains were more suscepti-
resistance to polymyxins [85]. K. pneumoniae cps (capsule ble to human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 [90]. In addition,
polysaccharide synthesis) knock-out mutants were suscepti- lipid A-deficient strains of A. baumannii elicited a reduced
ble to polymyxin B, the percentage relative survival at 4 immune response, two- to four-fold less NF-κB activation
units/mL was reduced from 70 to 12.5 % in a cps knock-out and TNF-α secretion compared to wild-type [90]. A tran-
mutant strain [85]. In addition, a luciferase promoter-reporter scriptomic comparison of wild-type and lipid A-deficient A.
system was used to measure the expression of cps during baumannii strains indicated that the genes involved in outer
polymyxin B exposure. Polymyxin B exposure at 0.5 units/ membrane homeostasis, such as mla (retrograde phospho-
mL increased cps promoter activity 1.3-fold, and resistance lipid biosynthesis) and lol (lipoprotein transport), are upreg-
to polymyxin B increased concomitantly [85]. The mecha- ulated in the lipid A-deficient strains [77]. Furthermore,
nism of resistance was initially proposed to be based on transmission electron microscopy indicated that the outer
occlusion of the lipid A target by the capsule layer. However, membrane is maintained in the lipid A-deficient strains.
it has also been reported that the capsule polysaccharide However, further investigation is required to understand how
inhibits polymyxin B action by electrostatic charge-mediated these outer membrane modifications are utilized by A. bau
trapping [86]. The proposed mechanism suggests that the mannii to compensate for the loss of lipid A [44, 77].
anionic capsule polysaccharide (CPS) binds the cationic In P. aeruginosa, colistin resistance that developed
domains of polymyxin. The binding of CPS to polymyxin in vivo was shown to be costly to biological fitness [45].
neutralizes the charged molecules on polymyxin, thereby Each colistin-resistant isolate had mutation(s) in their
preventing the initial charge-based interactions of polymyxin PmrAB and PhoPQ regulatory systems that resulted in high
with lipid A [86]. levels of lipid A modification and colistin resistance (colis-
tin MIC >512 mg/L) [45]. However, when the selection was
removed (repeated passages without colistin), secondary
5 B
iological Consequences of Polymyxin suppressor mutations occurred causing the phenotype to
Resistance revert to colistin sensitivity [45]. The nature of the suppres-
sor mutations is unknown, but the high frequency of rever-
The evolution of polymyxin resistance by lipid A modifica- sion is indicative of a substantial fitness cost caused by lipid
tion is poorly understood. Lipid A modifications may have A modification.
evolved as part of an arms race with antimicrobial peptide The effect of polymyxin resistance, either by lipid A loss
producing bacteria such as Pa. polymyxa. Alternatively, the or modification, has an impact on the fitness of the bacterium
ability of the cell to modify OM chemistry by lipid A modi- in the context of infection [45, 76, 77]. As a consequence, the
fication may have been required for survival in unique fitness of polymyxin-resistant strains is only increased dur-
conditions such as during infection. In this case, resistance ing polymyxin treatment and is lost when selection pressure
to polymyxins may have been a secondary adaptation. is removed [45]. Understanding the adverse effects that
23 Mechanism of the Antibacterial Activity and Resistance of Polymyxins 341
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Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim
Ola E. Sköld and Göte Swedberg
[1] as the first have been widely used as efficient and inex-
1 Introduction pensive antibacterial drugs for the treatment of both gram-
positive and gram-negative pathogens. The many
Sulfonamides interfere with the formation of folic acid in sulfonamide derivatives, that have been in clinical use
bacteria. Since mammalian cells lack the sequence of enzy- through the years are identical from a microbiological point
mic reactions leading to folic acid, including that catalyzed of view, but differ in pharmacokinetical properties.
by dihydropteroate synthase, the target of sulfonamides, they Sulfonamides have not been used much in later years.
are dependent on an external source of folic acid. This is the Some important indications still exist, for example, the com-
basis for the selective action of sulfonamides on bacteria. bination of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (SXT) is
The first demonstration of the antibacterial (antistreptococ- considered the drug of choice for infections caused by
cal) effect of the chemically synthesized sulfonamides in mice Stenotrophomonas maltophilia although other alternatives
was performed by Gerhard Domagk at the University of like fluoroquinolones are effective as well [3]. This use may
Münster in Germany in 1932 [1, 2]. This can be regarded as be compromised by an increasing frequency of resistance as
the very first demonstration of the selective antibacterial reported lately [4]. Also, community-associated MRSA is
action of a drug. This work was highly valued and Domagk usually susceptible to SXT, which offers an inexpensive
was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1939, but since the Nazi treatment choice [5, 6].
regime of that time in Germany did not want any German to The distribution of sulfonamides for systemic use as a
receive the Nobel Prize, Nazi officials put pressure on the single drug in Sweden is presently nil. The combination of
Nobel Committee at the Karolinska Institute not to award him. sulfonamide and trimethoprim is still used, however, but
The Nobel Committee under its chairman, Folke Henschen, mostly in hospitals and only to a limited extent. The total
stood up to the pressure and recommended the medical faculty distribution of this drug combination in the last 4 years in
at the Karolinska Institute to award the Nobel Prize to Sweden has been rather constant and has amounted to about
Domagk. In his memoirs from 1957, Henschen has described, 620,000 defined daily doses per year corresponding to less
that when this had been announced in October 1939, soldiers than 0.2 defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants and day.
came to Domagk’s home in Wuppertal in the middle of the There are three main reasons for the limited use of sulfon-
night to arrest him and put him in jail. On his round the next amides today. The first is due to side effects, which are quite
morning the astonished prison director found Domagk there common in treated patients. Adverse reactions from the skin
and asked him: “How come you are here?” Domagk replied: and the hemopoietic system have led to the restricted use
“Ich habe den Nobelpreis bekommen.” Domagk was not also of the trimethoprim–sulfonamide combination.
allowed to leave Germany at the time, but finally came to Systematic clinical studies showed blood dyscrasias, includ-
Stockholm in 1947 to receive his Nobel diploma. ing aplastic anemia, at a frequency of 5.3 per million defined
Chemically synthesized sulfonamides with Domagk’s daily doses of sulfonamides, and with a fatality rate of 17 %
Prontosil rubrum (4-sulfonamide-2′,4′-diaminoazobenzene) in the affected group [7]. Sulfonamides seem to be the most
commonly reported drugs for all blood dyscrasias [8]. A sec-
ond reason for the small use of sulfonamides is that, after
their introduction in the 1930s, penicillins and many other
O.E. Sköld, M.D., Ph.D. (*) • G. Swedberg, Ph.D.
efficient antimicrobial agents became available. A third
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology,
Uppsala University, PO Box 582, Uppsala SE-75123, Sweden reason finally would be the rapid resistance development
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] after their introduction in clinical medicine. This ought to
mean that sulfonamide resistance in, for example, streptococci contain. There is, however, a recently discovered alternative
and meningococci should have disappeared in the absence of pathway for thymidylate synthesis, catalyzed by the product
selection pressure. This is not the case, however. Detailed of thyX, and which does not involve the oxidation of tetrahy-
studies on the mechanisms and genetics of this resistance drofolate, but in which reduced flavin nucleotides (FADH2)
could shed light on the important question of resistance have an obligatory role [17]. The thyX-carrying Campylobacter
reversibility and compensatory evolution. jejuni and Helicobacter pylori would then seem to be able to
In the present clinical situation of increasing resistance to do without folA, and thus without the dihydrofolate reductase
antibacterial agents among pathogens, sulfonamides might target of trimethoprim [16].
have to be reconsidered as remedies against infectious dis-
ease with modern vigilance and knowledge of side effects.
Trimethoprim is related to sulfonamides in the sense 2 Chromosomal Resistance
that it interferes with folate metabolism. Sulfonamides act to Sulfonamides
by their structural analogy with p-aminobenzoic acid, and
competitively inhibit the condensation of this folic acid Spontaneous mutations to sulfonamide resistance changing
component with 7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin- the dhps (folP) gene are easily observed in Escherichia coli
pyrophosphate to form dihydropteroic acid under the cataly- [18–22]. In one of these cases, the folP gene had changed by
sis of dihydropteroate synthase [9–11]. Trimethoprim, with a single base pair and expressed a dihydropteroate synthase,
its 2,4-diaminopyrimidine structure, on the other hand, is an which was temperature-sensitive and showed a 150-fold
analog of the folic acid pterin moiety, and competitively increase in the Ki value for the binding of sulfathiazole.
inhibits the reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate by The Km value for the p-aminobenzoic acid substrate, on the
the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, in analogy with the other hand, increased ten times resulting in a less-efficient
antifolate cytostatic drugs aminopterin and methotrexate. enzyme, which could be regarded as a trade-off for acquiring
The selective action of trimethoprim on bacterial dihydrofo- resistance [23]. Sequencing of these spontaneously mutated
late reductases, leaving mammalian enzymes untouched, folP resistance genes showed the change of a phe to leu or to
allows the clinical use of trimethoprim as an antibacterial ileu at position 28 in the amino acid sequence of the enzyme
drug [12] As a matter of fact, trimethoprim does not interfere [18, 21]. The resistance mutations are located to an area of
with human dihydrofolate reductase even at concentrations folP, which is highly conserved among different microorgan-
10,000-fold higher than the MIC values found for most bac- isms [18]. Sulfonamides can also function as substrates for
teria. There is a structural explanation for this, elucidated by dihydropteroate synthase to form an abnormal pterin-
X-ray crystallography studies, showing that trimethoprim sulfonamide product that cannot participate in folate metab-
fits well into the nucleotide-binding site of the dihydrofolate olism. It has been suggested that this could be part of the
reductase from, for example, Escherichia coli, but not in the antibacterial effect by draining dihydropterin pyrophosphate
corresponding site of the mammalian enzyme [13]. from folate synthesis. The formation of this sulfonamide
Trimethoprim has a broad antibacterial spectrum. This can adduct is much lower in resistance mutants [23].
vary slightly in analogs of it, like iclaprim [14], and epiroprim Sulfonamide resistance is commonly found in clinical
[15]. Since sulfonamides and trimethoprim attack successive isolates of Campylobacter jejuni. It is mediated by chromo-
steps in the same enzymic pathway, there is a synergistic somal point mutations, but in a more complicated pattern
effect, which has been successfully exploited in the broad than in the laboratory mutants described above. The folP
spectrum combination drug, co-trimoxazole. gene of Campylobacter jejuni turned out to be the largest of
Some bacteria like Campylobacter jejuni and Helicobacter its kind characterized so far. Its product consists of 390
pylori seem to be naturally resistant to trimethoprim. It has amino acid residues, and is quite similar (42 % identity) to
turned out that these bacteria lack the gene folA, coding for the corresponding enzyme (380 residues) from Helicobacter
dihydrofolate reductase on their chromosomes, and do thus pylori. The folP from a resistant isolate differed by four
not offer any target for the antifolate [16]. Tetrahydrofolate- mutations from that of a corresponding susceptible isolate
borne one-carbon units are required for RNA-, DNA-, and [24]. The ensuing amino acid changes mediated a distinct
protein synthesis. The main drain on reduced folates in effect on the sulfonamide sensitivity of the expressed dihy-
actively dividing bacterial cells is for the methylation of dropteroate synthase. The Ki value for sulfonamide increased
deoxyuridylic acid to form deoxythymidine-5′- from 0.5 μM with the susceptibility enzyme to 500 μM for
monophosphate (thymidylate) under the catalysis of thymi- the resistance one.
dylate synthase (thyA). In this process, the methylene In Streptococcus pneumoniae sulfonamide resistance is
tetrahydrofolate gets oxidized to dihydrofolate, which is then mediated by a different kind of chromosomal changes.
reduced to tetrahydrofolate by dihydrofolate reductase Several years ago a spontaneous laboratory mutant of this
expressed from folA, which all thyA-carrying bacteria also pathogen was found to contain a six-nucleotide repeat in folP
24 Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim 347
mediating the repeat of ile-glu at position 66, 67, and strains [32]. Sulfonamides were replaced by penicillin as
extending the helical stretch by two amino acid residues antistreptococcal agents in the 1940s, and the mechanism of
[25]. This could significantly alter the tertiary structure of the mentioned early resistance has not been described until
the protein [25]. This argument was later put forward from in later years [33, 34]. Sulfonamide-resistant strains of
crystallographic studies on dihydropteroate synthase [26]. Streptococcus pyogenes seem to have been prevalent into
Clinical isolates of sulfonamide-resistant Streptococcus present times in spite of the very low or nonexistent systemic
pneumoniae showed amino acid duplications at several dif- use of this drug in decades. This is an interesting illustration
ferent locations in the protein, indicating that changes to of the nonreversibility of resistance in the absence of the
resistance had occurred independently on many occasions selecting effect of the drug. The drug-resistant phenotypes
[27, 28]. None of these resistant clinical isolates carried the do not seem to have any disadvantage at competition with
ile66-glu67 repeat of the laboratory mutant mentioned above, their drug-susceptible relatives. Sulfonamide-resistant
but all had 3- or 6-bp duplications in the same area of the folP strains of Streptococcus pyogenes were shown to vary sub-
gene. In contrast none of the several sulfonamide-susceptible stantially in resistance, displaying MIC values of 512–
isolates had duplications in this region [27]. Transformation 1024 μg/mL [34]. The mechanism of resistance turned out to
experiments demonstrated that the duplications were suffi- be very different from the rather simple mutational folP
cient for conferring the observed sulfonamide resistance changes described above. When folP genes in susceptible
[27]. The originally characterized ile66-glu67 repeat (sul-d) and highly resistant isolates were compared, a 13.8 % differ-
was eventually found in a clinical isolate of Streptococcus ence in nucleotide sequence was observed. This difference is
pneumoniae from the North-West of the USA [29]. When too large to be due to accumulated mutations. The resistance
this repeat was removed by site-directed mutagenesis, gene must have been introduced by transduction or transfor-
susceptibility ensued. Kinetic studies on the dihydropteroate mation. The sequence analysis of the complete genome
synthase showed the Ki for sulfonamide to drop from 18 to shows that Streptococcus pyogenes contains at least one
0.4 μM, i.e., 35-fold, while the Km for p-aminobenzoic acid inducible prophage [35], indicating the possibility of phage-
decreased 2.5-fold. The Km for pterin pyrophosphate did not mediated transduction. Further studies on sulfonamide resis-
change [29]. The enzyme characteristics for the mutated tance [33] included sequence determination of the genes
strain were identical to those of susceptible strains, demon- neighboring the sulfonamide target, folP, in the folate operon.
strating that the duplication is sufficient for resistance. The A comparison between five sulfonamide resistant and one
fitness cost of resistance seems to be low, as reflected in the susceptible isolate, the latter showing only a few differences
small increase in the Km value. The small but discernible from the sequence available through the genome sequencing
increase indicates the absence of compensatory mutations. project (strain SpM1) [35], demonstrated an overall differ-
Still it could be enough for counterselecting resistant strains ence in nucleotide sequence of 15 %. More specifically, areas
in the absence of the drug, and might lead to an argument of different nucleotide sequences were scattered over the
regarding the much- debated problem of drug resistance folate operon in a mosaic fashion, indicating horizontal
reversibility. transfer of genetic material. The folP gene of resistant iso-
Sulfonamide resistance in clinical isolates of lates showed different areas of foreign DNA in different iso-
Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus haemolyticus lates. This imported DNA was identical between three of the
has been studied and been shown to involve chromosomal five, and between two of the five of the studied resistant iso-
mutations in folP in an erratic pattern [30, 31]. With lates. From examining published three-dimensional dihy-
Staphylococcus aureus the dihydropteroate synthase was dropteroate synthase structures [36], and conserved amino
purified to homogeneity and subjected to X-ray crystallo- acids in different known sequences, and also the location of
graphic studies [30]. In different isolates sequencing could substrate binding, a particular amino acid exchange could
discern four different mutational patterns and identify as be discerned as involved in resistance, at position 213 of
many as 14 amino acid changes in the development of resis- the folP product. This is located just after a conserved
tance. A simple interpretation of their role in resistance has sequence of Ser-Arg-Lys. In most bacteria this is an Arg as
not been possible. in the sequenced genome of the sulfonamide-susceptible
The very first experiments demonstrating the selective Streptococcus strain of SpM1 [35]. In three of the five
antibacterial effect of sulfonamides were performed by sulfonamide-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes strains, posi-
Gerhart Domagk with Streptococcus pyogenes more than 70 tion 213 is a Gly. A change to Gly by site-directed mutagen-
years ago (see Introduction). The sulfonamides became fre- esis at this position in a sulfonamide-susceptible strain
quently used, also for prophylaxis against streptococcal resulted in a 50-fold rise in the Ki for sulfonamide, and also
infections among soldiers in military training camps during in an increased (1.6-fold) Km for p-aminobenzoic acid. In a
World War II. Occasional failures of this prophylaxis were parallel experiment, the Gly was changed to Arg in a resistant
observed to be due to the appearance of resistant streptococcal strain effecting a 30-fold decrease in Ki. These experiments
348 O.E. Sköld and G. Swedberg
indicate that a single amino acid change could explain a large in that only the central part corresponded to the resistance
part of the resistance property. In two other sulfonamide- gene, while the outer parts were identical to those of suscep-
resistant strains there was an Arg at position 213 like in the tible isolates [37]. The origin of the resistance gene or gene
susceptible strain. However, they carried another type of fragments most likely is in other Neisseria species. This
sequence change, an insertion of two additional amino acids, interpretation is supported by the finding of an 80-bp
Val-Ala after position 67. The removal of the two amino sequence identical to the corresponding part of the folP gene
acids by site-directed mutagenesis resulted in an enzyme in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, in the folP of a susceptible isolate
with a markedly lowered activity, and while the parental of Neisseria meningitidis [39].
strain grew at a sulfonamide concentration of 510 μg/mL, the The mentioned class of resistance genes in Neisseria
mutationally changed one showed a MIC value of 64 μg/mL. meningitidis is further characterized by an insertion of six
The two extra amino acids did thus affect resistance but also nucleotides, coding for Ser-Gly, in a highly conserved part of
seem to be involved in forming an efficient enzyme structure the folP gene [37]. Removal of these two amino acids by site-
in the resistant strain [33]. directed mutagenesis resulted in a tenfold drop in Ki result-
With the addition of numerous bacterial genome ing in susceptibility, but a concomitant tenfold increase in
sequences to available databases, the origin of the resistance Km indicated that the two inserted extra codons could not be
genes found in S. pyogenes could be traced to the related S. the sole alteration leading to resistance. Most likely, com-
dysgalactiae. Several isolates of the latter species have now pensatory mutations have accumulated in these enzyme
been sequenced and the similarity between the sulfonamide genes [40]. Sulfonamide resistance was further affected by
resistance genes described above and sequences of dihydrop- amino acid changes at position 68 [41]. In these resistant
teroate synthase from S. dysgalactiae is striking. Of particu- strains a Ser or a Leu substituted for the well-conserved Pro
lar interest is that the two amino acid insertion Val-Ala is at this position in the consensus sequence. When this Ser68
found in some but not all variants of S. dysgalactiae. NCBI was changed to a Pro in a mutant lacking the Ser-Gly inser-
Reference Sequence: WP_012766861.1 is 99 % identical to tion, the already lost sulfonamide resistance was not affected.
two of the mentioned resistant isolates studied including the Instead, the Km for p-aminobenzoic acid was lowered almost
Val-Ala insertion, while NCBI Reference Sequence: tenfold. The amino acid change at position 68 thus seems to
WP_003058161.1 is also 99 % identical to these isolates but be involved in the meningococcal adaptation to sulfonamide
lacks the Val-Ala insertion. The sequence similarity between resistance. When, the other way around, these results were
S. dysgalactiae and the sulfonamide-resistant S. pyogenes used in an attempt to create a resistant strain from a suscep-
extends beyond the inserted amino acids and indeed outside tible one, the introduction of Ser-Gly had a dramatic effect
folP into the other genes of the folate operon. One possible on the Km for p-aminobenzoic acid in that it increased about
scenario is thus that the initial resistance generating muta- 100-fold, while the Ki for sulfonamide increased so little that
tions may have arisen in S. dysgalactiae and were later trans- it did not allow growth in the presence of sulfonamide. This
ferred to S. pyogenes. enzyme also performed very poorly when used to comple-
Chromosomal resistance to sulfonamides in Neisseria ment an E. coli strain, that had its folP partially deleted [40].
meningitidis is related to that of Streptococcus pyogenes in This allowed the comparison of resistant dihydropteroate
that its mechanism is based on the horizontal transfer of synthases with experimentally mutated variant enzymes in
genetic material. Sulfonamides were used extensively for extracts without the interference of chromosomal back-
prophylaxis and treatment of meningococcal disease since ground activity. The generation time doubled to 60 min,
the 1930s. Sulfonamide resistance is commonly observed in when compared to complementation with the unmutated
clinical isolates of pathogenic Neisseria meningitidis today. gene [41]. Changing also Pro to Ser at position 68 mediated
There even seems to be an association between pathogenic- an increase in Ki, but also a Km increase so large that drug
ity and sulfonamide resistance and possibly also between resistance could not be determined [41]. The pattern of
mortality rate and resistance [37]. Astonishingly large differ- changes in resistance enzyme thus seems to be more compli-
ences in the structure of folP were found between resistant cated than that described. These observations support the idea
and susceptible strains of Neisseria meningitidis [37, 38]. that the resistance gene has evolved in another bacterial spe-
Two classes of different resistance determinants were cies and later been introduced into Neisseria meningitidis by
revealed by nucleotide sequence determinations in several transformation and recombination [42]. This was further sup-
clinical isolates. In one of them the folP gene was about 10 % ported by the finding of sulfonamide-resistant Neisseria-
different from the corresponding gene in drug-susceptible commensals cultivated from throat swabs of outpatients [43].
isolates. From this it could be concluded that resistance had The other mentioned class of sulfonamide resistance
appeared by recombination of horizontally transferred DNA determinants in Neisseria meningitidis lacked the six bp
rather than by the accumulation of mutations. In this class of insert and showed a lower degree of difference to susceptible
resistant bacteria, strains were found, showing a mosaic folP, isolates [39]. Several of these sulfonamide resistance folP
24 Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim 349
genes were identical between themselves but distinct from group and showed high sulfonamide resistance with MIC
the corresponding susceptibility genes. This again indicates values higher than 256 μg/mL. Their folP genes showed
a horizontal transfer of genes followed by recombination resistance characteristics like those described above for
[39]. A comparison of amino acid sequences of dihydrop- Neisseria meningitidis, as, for example, a Leu at position 31
teroate synthases between those from these resistant strains and a Cys at position 194. A new resistance variation was
and those from susceptible ones showed differences at 19 also suggested with a Met at position 66 combined with a
positions. Three of these differences, Phe31Leu, Pro84Ser, Gly-insertion between positions 75 and 76. Experiments
and Gly194Cys, were in amino acids conserved in all known were performed to see if resistance could be transferred by
bacterial dihydropteroate synthases [39]. The first of these is natural transformation from these commensals with a patho-
the same alteration as was seen in the described spontaneous genic Neisseria meningitidis as recipient. No transfer could,
mutation to sulfonamide resistance in E. coli (Phe28Leu) however, be observed, in spite of positive controls showing
[18]. The three alterations in the meningococcal enzyme ready transfer of resistance folP with a Neisseria meningiti-
were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis. When Leu31 in dis strain as a donor [46]. A possible explanation could be
the resistant enzyme was mutated to Phe, the sulfonamide that the studied isolates lacked the uptake sequence known to
MIC of the host decreased from about 0.5 mM to less than be necessary for efficient transformation in Neisseria [47].
0.02 mM. The Phe31 position is localized in a folP area, The continued presence of sulfonamide resistance in com-
where six of eleven of the corresponding amino acids are mensal Neisseria was shown recently in a screen for resis-
conserved in all known bacterial dihydropteroate synthases. tance determinants in the microbiome of healthy humans
The Cys194 is also located in a very well conserved area of [48].
the enzyme. When this was experimentally changed to Gly, Dapsone (4,4′-diamino-diphenyl sulfone), microbiologi-
there was a drop in the sulfonamide MIC from more than cally a sulfonamide, has been a standard treatment for lep-
0.5–0.12 mM. When Ser84 finally, in the resistant strain, was rosy for a long period of time. As could be expected,
changed to Pro, no effect on the sulfonamide MIC of the host resistance developed and has actually been known since the
could be observed [39]. In further studies on the characteris- 1950s. It has later been defined as chromosomal mutations in
tics of the dihydropteroate synthase resistance the cloned the folP of Mycobacterium leprae, resulting in Thr53Ile,
meningococcal genes were expressed in the folP knock-out Thr53Ala, or Pro55Leu [49].
mutant mentioned above [40]. The obtained Ki data corre- Sulfonamides were initially used for the treatment of
lated well with the MIC-data described above [39]. A pro- Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but were abandoned when the
nounced effect was seen with mutations at position 31. A more potent drugs Streptomycin and Isoniazid were intro-
change of the resistance Leu to the susceptibility Phe caused duced. With the emergence of multiply resistant isolates of
a more than 300-fold decrease in Ki and a concomitant six- M. tuberculosis there has been a renewed interest in sulfon-
to eightfold drop in the Km for p-aminobenzoic acid, mea- amide drugs that may be used in combination therapies. A
sured as pseudo-first order kinetics, since the other substrate, survey by Forgacs et al. [50] found the vast majority of iso-
dihydropterinpyrophosphate was added in excess. Alterations lates to be highly susceptible to sulfamethoxazole. Likewise,
of Cys to Gly at position 194 also mediated substantial effects a study on HIV patients receiving co-trimoxazole prophy-
on kinetic characteristics. The experimental change of resis- laxis showed a lower risk for contracting tuberculosis during
tance Ser84 to susceptibility Pro84, did not decrease MIC but prophylaxis [51]. Co-trimoxazole was recently included as
in several experiments effected a twofold increase in the Km one alternative for treatment of MDR tuberculosis [52].
for p-aminobenzoic acid. The Ser84 could then be interpreted Remarkably, very few reports of actual sulfonamide resis-
as an amino acid change compensating for the possibly detri- tance in M. tuberculosis exist, one of the few cited papers is
mental effect on the enzyme of the other two resistance-medi- from 1951 [53]. The crystal structure of M. tuberculosis
ating amino acid changes. Later, a fourth amino acid change DHPS was published in 2000 and can be used for rational
Arg228Ser has been observed to mediate sulfonamide resis- design of more specific inhibitors [36, 54].
tance in Neisseria meningitidis [44]. All of the above described Among the earlier drugs used against tuberculosis is also
mutations were found in a larger screen of meningococcal p-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), which is similar in structure to
isolates from diverse parts of the world [45]. the sulfonamides and to the DHPS substrate p-aminobenzoic
Since the distribution of sulfonamides for systemic use in acid. Its mechanism of action has been hard to elucidate, but
Sweden, as mentioned above, is nil, and since the combina- in 2013 [55] published strong evidence that PAS is a prodrug
tion drug co-trimoxazole (sulfonamide plus trimethoprim) is that is activated by DHPS and the downstream enzyme
only used in hospitals, it could be concluded that the sampled dihydrofolate synthase (DHFS) and after activation acts as
patients in the mentioned study [43] had not been exposed to an inhibitor of DHFR. By enzymatic measurements, the
sulfa drugs. The studied isolates were identified to belong to authors could show that PAS acts as an alternative substrate
the Neisseria subflava/Neisseria sicca/Neisseria mucosa for DHPS with similar efficiency as p-aminobenzoic acid.
350 O.E. Sköld and G. Swedberg
They also showed that PAS itself does not inhibit DHFR variants of the chromosomal dihydropteroate synthase target
but that DHFS is specifically required for activation of enzyme have been found to mediate high resistance to sulfon-
PAS as inhibitor. One spontaneous PAS-resistant mutant iso- amides [20, 63]. Three genes sul1, sul2, and sul3 expressing
lated had a single amino acid change Glu40Ala in DHFS. enzymes of this type are known and characterized [64–67].
Complementation with wild-type DHFS restored suscepti- They are distinct from each other (similarity at the amino acid
bility, further showing the importance of DHFS in the action level is about 40 %). Their origins are unknown. Remarkably,
of PAS. A later report showed that other mutations in DHFS only sul1 and sul2 were found for a long time. In a study from
as well as thyA mutations were present in clinical isolates 1991 on 203 human Enterobacteriaceae strains from differ-
showing PAS resistance. The thyA mutation renders thymi- ent parts of the world only sul1 or sul2 or both were found
dylate synthase inactive, and the bacteria then rely on thyX [68]. The reason for this could be that there is a constraint on
for dTMP production as described in the introduction. The the dihydropteroate synthase structure in discriminating
use of thyX relieves the need for high levels of active DHFR between the normal substrate p-aminobenzoic acid and the
making the cells less dependent on the inhibited enzyme. structurally very similar sulfonamide inhibitor. The enzymes
Also in Pneumocystis jiroveci resistance to sulfonamides expressed from sul1 and sul2 bind the normal substrate well,
seems to be due to a simple chromosomal pattern of muta- showing low Km values (0.6 μM), and still resist high concen-
tions hitting the folP of this organism, which causes the life- trations of sulfonamide. The sul2 enzyme shows a particu-
threatening disease of Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in larly high acuity in distinguishing between p-aminobenzoic
immunosuppressed patients. Co-trimoxazole, the combina- acid and very high concentrations of sulfonamide. The find-
tion of trimethoprim and sulfonamide (sulfamethoxazole) ing of sul3 in swine isolates of E. coli and subsequently in
has been the drug of choice for the prophylaxis and treatment human isolates is very interesting in this perspective [64, 69,
of this disease. Life-long prophylaxis is often recommended 70]. All three plasmid-borne sul genes seem to be mediated
for HIV-positive patients. The antipneumocystis effect is by efficient genetic transport mechanisms. The sul1 gene is
mainly due to the sulfonamide component, since studies on almost always found linked to other resistance genes in the
the dihydrofolate reductase of this fungus show trimethoprim Tn21 type integron, while sul2 is found on small plasmids of
to be a very poor inhibitor of this enzyme in Pneumocystis the incQ family (e.g., RSF1010), and also on small plasmids
jiroveci [56]. Dapsone (4,4′-diamino-diphenyl sulfone) is a of another type, represented by pBP1 [71]. The more recently
sulfone drug, microbiologically acting as a sulfonamide, and found sul3 seems to be part of a composite transposon flanked
is also frequently used for the treatment of this infection. by the insertion sequences IS15delta/26 [64]. The two genes
Pneumocystis jiroveci has thus been heavily exposed to sul- sul1 and sul2 used to be found at roughly the same frequency
fonamide with an increasing prevalence of resistance muta- among sulfonamide resistant, gram-negative, clinical isolates
tions in its folP gene as a consequence. The human [68]. In later years, however, a relative increase in prevalence
Pneumocystis jiroveci cannot be cultured and the dihydrop- of sul2 has been observed [72]. In spite of a very low use of
teroate synthase protein is not available for study, but the sulfonamides in the United Kingdom, a comparison of large
corresponding folP sequence is known [57, 58]. The most collections of clinically isolated E. coli from 1991 and 1999
common mutations occur at nucleotide positions 165 and showed an increase in sulfonamide resistance during this
171, leading to Thr55Ala and Pro57Ser. They appear either period, and this was mostly accounted for by an increase in
as single or double mutations in the same isolate [59, 60]. In the prevalence of sul2, now frequently found on large, con-
later work the important question whether the recent emer- jugative multiresistance plasmids. An explanation for this
gence of resistance mutations is the result of transmission phenomenon could be the found association between sul2 and
between patients or arise and are selected within the indi- multiresistance plasmids, allowing selection through the use
vidual patient under the pressure of sulfonamide or dapsone of other antimicrobial agents [72]. The presence of these
treatment. The latter interpretation was favored, i.e., that the three sul genes continue to be reported from surveys of envi-
mutants are selected within a given patient [61], and that the ronmental bacteria with sul2 dominating but closely followed
mentioned mutations may be associated with reactivation of by sul1, sul3 is still more rare. A few notes about sulfonamide-
the infection [62]. resistant isolates where none of these sul genes are detected
have appeared in the literature, but so far no other plasmid-
borne sulfonamide resistance gene has been reported [73, 74].
3 Plasmid-Borne Resistance Another location of sul2 is in Haemophilus influenzae
to Sulfonamides mediating high sulfonamide resistance to this pathogen [75].
In the same work high sulfonamide resistance was alterna-
Sulfonamide is a synthetic antibacterial agent. Resistance by tively mediated by the chromosomal insertion of five amino
plasmid-mediated drug-degrading or drug-modifying enzymes acids into folP [75]. Both sul1 and sul2 have been found in
was not to be expected. Instead nonallelic, drug-resistant SXT-resistant isolates of Stenotrophomonas maltophila
24 Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim 351
[76] although sul1 linked to a class 1 integron appears to of their dihydrofolate reductase genes. The resistant isolates
dominate [4]. could be divided into two groups with six amino acid changes
in common. One group showed two extra changes, and the
other, six additional changes. This high number of changes
4 Chromosomal Resistance indicates horizontal transfer of resistance genes. This interpre-
to Trimethoprim tation is experimentally supported by the ability of chromo-
somal DNA from resistant isolates, and cloned PCR products
Resistance to trimethoprim by mutations involving folA, the from resistance strains to transform a susceptible strain of
chromosomal gene expressing the trimethoprim target Streptococcus pneumoniae to trimethoprim resistance [79].
enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase is known from several The strange finding of usually plasmid-borne, foreign tri-
pathogenic bacteria. One example of this is a clinical isolate methoprim resistance genes on the chromosome of
of Escherichia coli, which overproduced its chromosomal Campylobacter jejuni could in a way be classified as chro-
dihydrofolate reductase several hundred-fold, by a combina- mosomal resistance. Clinically, Campylobacter jejuni has
tion of four types of mutations enhancing its expression [77]. always been regarded as endogenously resistant to trime-
One was a promoter-up mutation in the –35 region, a second thoprim. In an attempt to study the mechanism of this, it was
was a one bp increase in the distance between –10 region and found that a majority of clinical isolates carried foreign
the start codon, there were also several mutations optimizing genes expressing drug-resistant variations of dihydrofolate
the ribosome-binding site, and finally there were mutations reductase, the target of trimethoprim [80]. The found genes
in the structural gene effecting changes to more frequently dfr1 and dfr9 are well known (see under Plasmid-Borne
used codons. Now, the mere increase in the intracellular resistance to trimethoprim) as integron- and transposon-
enzyme level could not be expected to decrease the suscepti- borne genes mediating trimethoprim resistance via plasmids.
bility of the host more than 1000-fold to the competitively Remnants of the transposon known to carry dfr9 were
acting folate analog of trimethoprim. However, the expressed observed in its context on the Campylobacter chromosome
dihydrofolate reductase also showed a threefold increase in and the dfr1 was found as an integron cassette [80]. The
the Ki for the drug, which was thought to be due to the muta- occurrence of these genes would of course mediate a very
tional substitution of a Gly for a Try at position 30 of the high trimethoprim resistance to the bacterium, but as men-
enzyme protein. The combined action of decreased enzyme tioned above it is now known that Campylobacter jejuni is
susceptibility and enzyme overproduction could then explain really intrinsically resistant to trimethoprim by its different
the high resistance (MIC > 1000 μg/mL) observed for the enzymatic mechanism for thymidylate synthesis obviating
mentioned isolate [77]. All the mentioned changes represent the need for dihydrofolate reductase, also reflected in that the
a remarkable evolutionary adaptation to the antibacterial folA gene is missing from its chromosome [16, 17]. The tri-
action of trimethoprim. methoprim target is thus missing from Campylobacter jejuni.
A similar type of chromosomal resistance to trime- The selective value of acquiring the resistance gene dfr1 or
thoprim has been observed in Haemophilus influenzae, dfr9 (sometimes both, [80]), is then difficult to understand.
where differences in the promoter region and also in the Speculatively, Campylobacter jejuni could take advantage of
structural gene were seen between trimethoprim-susceptible the dfr genes, available through antibacterial selection, for
and trimethoprim-resistant isolates [78]. Different parts of acquiring a better growth potential.
the structural gene in different isolates were changed, also A different type of chromosomal mutations leads to low
in the C-terminal area, which is not known to participate in trimethoprim resistance. Mutations in thyA expressing the
substrate or trimethoprim binding. These changes were sug- enzyme thymidylate synthase make E. coli cells able to grow
gested to involve changes in the secondary structure mediat- in the presence of 8–10 μg/mL of trimethoprim, provided that
ing a decrease in trimethoprim binding and ensuing drug there is an external supply of thymine [81, 82]. The inactivated
resistance. thymidylate synthase makes cells dependent on external thy-
Chromosomal resistance to trimethoprim in Streptococcus mine, but also relieves dihydrofolate reductase of its main
pneumoniae is fairly common [79]. Resistant strains were task of regenerating tetrahydrofolate in the formation of N5-,
shown to express dihydrofolate reductases that resisted N10-methylene tetrahydrofolate, which is oxidized in the
50-fold higher concentrations of trimethoprim. The 50 % deoxyuridylate methylation process. The cell can then afford
inhibitory dose was 3.9–7.3 μM compared to 0.15 μM for the to have a fraction of its dihydrofolate reductase inactivated by
susceptible enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that trimethoprim. The mentioned concentration of trimethoprim
one amino acid change, Ile to Leu at position 100, resulted in can of course, for the same reason, be used for the selection of
the mentioned 50-fold increase in resistance to trimethoprim. spontaneous thyA mutants.
Further studies on 11 trimethoprim-resistant isolates demon-
strated a substantial variability in the nucleotide sequences
352 O.E. Sköld and G. Swedberg
5 Plasmid-Borne Resistance where dfr1, the one found first, seems to be most common.
to Trimethoprim It occurs in a cassette in both class 1 and class 2 integrons
[85]. The class 2 integron, with dfr1, is borne on transposon
As in the case of sulfonamide resistance, plasmid-borne Tn7, which has spread very successfully, mainly because of
resistance to trimethoprim is mediated by nonallelic, drug- its high-frequency insertion into a preferred site on the chro-
resistant variations of the target enzyme, that is, dihydrofo- mosome of E. coli and many other enterobacteria [85].
late reductase for trimethoprim. The first of these were found Transposon Tn7 in clinically isolated bacteria is usually
decades ago [83, 84], but newly found ones seem continu- located on the chromosome and less frequently on plasmids
ously to be added to the list, where now around 30 different, [86]. Among the horizontally moving trimethoprim resis-
resistance genes (dfr:s) expressing these enzymes are to be tance genes, there is a subclass of four genes, dfr2a, dfr2b,
found. They are numbered consecutively after the first ones dfr2c, and dfr2d, which are closely related between them-
found [83, 84]. These resistance genes must have moved selves, but so different from other trimethoprim resistance
horizontally into pathogenic bacteria and selected for by the genes, that they could not be included in the phylogenetic
heavy use of trimethoprim. The precise origin is not known tree, where the interrelationship of the others could be
in any case. This mechanism, with an extra resistance- demonstrated (Fig. 24.1). Their corresponding polypeptides
mediating target enzyme is highly prevalent in enterobacteria, consist of 78 amino acids and are identical to 67 % between
themselves, and are active in the form of tetramers showing cassette showed 91 % identity with the earlier characterized
dihydrofolate reductase activity, that is almost insensitive to dfr7 cassette [99, 100].
trimethoprim IC50s > 1 mM, making hosts so drug resistant An obviously transferable dihydrofolate reductase gene
that MIC cannot be determined for solubility reasons [69, 70, dfrF has been observed to be located on the chromosome
87–89]. All of these group 2 genes have been found as inte- of highly trimethoprim resistant, clinical isolates of
gron cassettes [69, 70, 85]. The phylogenetic tree mentioned Enterococcus faecalis [101]. The characterized dfrF codes
above and shown in Fig. 24.1 relates different dihydrofolate for a predicted polypeptide showing 38–64 % similarity
reductases and is based on amino acid alignment and parsi- with other dihydrofolate reductases from gram-positive
mony analysis [90]. In this tree, dfr1, dfr5, dfr6, dfr7, and and gram-negative organisms.
dfr14 form a well-supported group of similar enzymes. One of the resistance enzymes of the phylogenetic tree,
Otherwise the trimethoprim resistance enzymes are diverse dfr9, only distantly related to the earlier mentioned main group
and scattered all over the tree. This is consistent with the (Fig. 24.1), was originally found expressed from dfr9 on large
notion that these resistance genes have their origins in a large transferable plasmids in isolates of Escherichia coli from swine
variety of different organisms. One, however, dfr3, is rather [102]. The dfr9 was observed at a frequency of 11 % among
closely related to the chromosomal dihydrofolate reductases these trimethoprim resistant, veterinary isolates of E. coli, but
of enterobacteria, which could hint at its origin. In staphylo- only very rarely among corresponding human isolates [103].
cocci, extrachromosomally mediated high level resistance to The spread of dfr9 among swine bacteria is most likely due to
trimethoprim is effected by the drug insensitive dihydrofo- the frequent veterinarian prescription of trimethoprim in swine
late reductase S1 borne on the ubiquitous transposon Tn4003 rearing. A subsequent spread into human commensals might
[91, 92]. This trimethoprim-resistant enzyme is almost then have taken place [104, 105]. One case of such a spread
identical with the chromosomal dihydrofolate reductase of into a human pathogen was actually observed. The dfr9 gene
Staphylococcus epidermidis. It differs by only three amino was observed in an isolate of E. coli from the urine of a patient
acid substitutions, and it has therefore been suggested that a with urinary tract infection. This patient, an elderly woman
mutated form of the S. epidermidis enzyme has moved hori- living in a small town, had no contacts with husbandry or
zontally into other staphylococcal species [93]. A second farming. Modern stock breeding creates very large populations
trimethoprim-resistant and plasmid-encoded dihydrofolate of bacteria, which under attainable hygienic conditions could
reductase, S2, was later isolated from Staphylococcus hae- communicate genetically and efficiently exchange genetic
molyticus. Its similarity with other staphylococcal enzymes material between themselves [106].
indicates that its origin is similar to that of S1 [94]. The S2 Origin of dfr9 is unknown, but further study of its sur-
enzyme was later found, also in Listeria monocytogenes roundings in many plasmids from several strains showed that
[95]. Low to intermediate levels of trimethoprim resistance it is borne on a truncated transposon, Tn5393, previously
in Staphylococcus aureus were observed as a consequence of found on a plasmid in the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora,
a Phe98Tyr mutation in the chromosomal dihydrofolate causing fire blight on apple trees [107]. This transposon car-
reductase gene [96]. This change is identical to one of the ries two streptomycin resistance genes strA and strB, and it
differences between S1 and the chromosomal dihydrofolate most probably evolved under the selection pressure of strep-
reductase of S. epidermidis [93]. tomycin ubiquitously used for the control of the mentioned
Further studies of clinically isolated aerobic gram- plant disease in many countries [108, 109]. The dfr9 gene was
negative enterobacteria have extended the list of trime- found inserted in the strA gene at the right hand end of
thoprim resistance genes. In a survey of trimethoprim-resistant Tn5393. The occurrence of dfr9, expressing trimethoprim
isolates from commensal fecal flora a gene numbered dfr13 resistance in E. coli from swine in Sweden, and its location on
was found. Its gene product showed 84 % amino acid iden- a genetic structure, closely related to transposon Tn5393,
tity with dfr12, and also a similar trimethoprim inhibition originally observed to mediate streptomycin resistance in a
profile. It appeared as an integron cassette in a class 1 inte- plant pathogen in the USA, could be regarded as a powerful
gron [97]. Another, dfr15, was also found as a cassette in a demonstration of bacterial adaptation to the heavy use of anti-
class 1 integron, and in a commensal, fecal Escherichia coli. bacterial agents in agriculture and stock breeding. Modern
Its predicted protein showed 90 % amino acid identity with pig rearing in large stables with many animals could be
dfr1, i.e., the first extrachromosomal trimethoprim resistance regarded as gigantic genetic laboratories creating very large
enzyme found and it thus belongs to the prevalent group that populations of genetically communicating bacteria, allowing
can be discerned as a well-supported cluster of similar also very rare genetic events to surface, like mobilizing a tri-
enzymes in the phylogenetic tree of Fig. 24.1 [98]. Another methoprim resistance gene under the selection pressure of the
member of this group, dfr17, was observed, again as a cassette heavy use of this drug in animal husbandry.
in a class 1 integron, and in urinary tract-infecting Escherichia As mentioned above, dfr9 has been found in a Tn5393
coli isolated in Taiwan and Australia, respectively. The dfr17 context also on the chromosome of Campylobacter jejuni [80].
354 O.E. Sköld and G. Swedberg
It could be mentioned that Campylobacter jejuni is a binding pocket for the other substrate, PABA. The authors
commensal in the gut of swine. also showed the effect of defined amino acid changes in
Would it be possible to reverse the frequency of clinical DHPS in excluding the sulfonamide inhibitors from binding,
resistance to trimethoprim by limiting its use? The volume of thus leading to resistance. The same research group has also
antibiotic use and the biological fitness cost conferred by the tried to develop new inhibitors, mainly based on competitive
resistance mechanism are important determinants of the binding to the pteridine-binding site. This development is
development and maintenance of antibiotic resistance. reviewed in a later publication [112]. Although many of these
Laboratory isolates of spontaneous sulfonamide-resistant inhibitors show good activity against the purified enzyme,
mutants of E. coli described earlier in this chapter showed a their inhibition potential against live bacteria is limited, prob-
clear fitness cost of resistance in that the mutationally ably due to poor penetration through the bacterial envelope.
changed resistance enzyme, the sulfonamide target, dihy- The authors also review the development of new PABA ana-
dropteroate synthase, showed an increased Km value, that is, logs as well as transition state mimics as inhibitors.
was less efficient. This trade-off between resistance and fitness Similarly, development of new DHFR inhibitors is proceed-
seems to be a logical outcome when a bacterium adapts its ing. With special focus on the naturally trimethoprim-resistant
evolutionary optimized genotype to one acutely needed in DHFR from B. anthracis, a series of new inhibitors were pre-
the presence of an antibiotic. On the other hand, as described sented based on the structure of this particular enzyme [113].
in this chapter, the properties of clinical isolates of N. menin- A similar development of inhibitors specifically against multi-
gitides seemed to show that resistant strains were not selected drug-resistant S. aureus has recently been published [114].
against in the absence of sulfonamide. The very important Although a number of new antifolates have been described
question of possible reversion of resistance should antibiotic [115] no new antifolate has been released on the market to
use be discontinued or reduced was tested experimentally in replace the traditional DHPS and DHFR inhibitors.
a large clinical experiment in a county (Kronoberg) in
Sweden. This is a rural part of the country with a population
of 178,000. The healthcare system is funded at the county 7 Conclusions
level and includes two hospitals and 25 primary healthcare
centers. All 464 physicians in the area were asked to substi- The study of resistance to sulfonamides and trimethoprim is
tute trimethoprim with other antibacterials in the treatment of interest, in spite of the fact that their clinical importance
of urinary tract infections. Existing alternatives to trime- has diminished dramatically in recent years. The present lim-
thoprim for the treatment of urinary tract infections were ited use of sulfonamides is due to the allergic side effects that
carefully described. This experiment or drug intervention were evident already several decades ago. For trimethoprim,
study was performed over 24 months. A prompt and sus- there has been a steep increase in resistance. For both drugs
tained decrease of 85 % in the total trimethoprim prescrip- the mechanisms of resistance and its spread among patho-
tion was reached rapidly, as judged from the sales figures of genic bacteria reveals a remarkable adaptation to the pres-
the central distributor. There was, however, no significant ence of these antibacterial agents. In the case of sulfonamides,
trend break in the trimethoprim resistance rate in consecutive laboratory experiments showed that spontaneous mutations
isolates of E. coli. This apparent lack of effect of the inter- to drug resistance always exacted a trade-off price in the
vention on trimethoprim resistance could be explained by the form of a less-efficient target enzyme dihydropteroate syn-
lack of fitness cost, combined with coselection by plasmid- thase that would cause counterselection of its host in the
associated resistance genes. These results indicate that the absence of the drug. In sulfonamide-resistant clinical isolates
cyclic use of antibiotics will not be an adequate method for this price seems to be discounted, however, in that compen-
curbing antibiotic resistance development [110]. satory changes in the target enzyme make it as efficient as its
wild-type counterpart. Further studies of this phenomenon
could be an inroad to the understanding of evolutionary
6 Development of New Antifolate Agents adaptation, which is most important for judging reversibility
of resistance and for assessing the future of antibacterial
The elucidation of crystal structures for both the sulfonamide agents in general. Trimethoprim resistance in clinical sam-
and trimethoprim target enzymes, DHPS and DHFR, has ples of pathogenic bacteria is most commonly mediated by
opened the area of rational drug design to develop more cassette-borne genes expressing drug-resistant variations of
potent inhibitors that may overcome the problem of drug the target enzyme, dihydrofolate reductase. A better under-
resistance. One careful study of the substrate binding and standing of the diverse origins of these genes, and their
catalysis of DHPS published in Science in 2012 [111] led to horizontal transfer as integron-borne cassettes could shed
the conclusion that the dihydropteridine pyrophosphate light on the important question of how antibiotic resistance
substrate must bind first, and that this binding creates the integrons have originated and developed.
24 Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim 355
Sulfonamides might be forced back into clinical use by the 18. Dallas WS, Gowen JC, Ray PH, Cox MJ, Dev JK. Cloning,
sequencing, and enhanced expression of the dihydropteroate syn-
general increase in antibiotic resistance, and then with a better
thase gene of Escherichia coli MC 4100. J Bacteriol.
understanding and vigilance regarding the allergic side effects. 1992;174:5961–70.
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Mechanisms of Action and Resistance
of the Antimycobacterial Agents 25
Noton K. Dutta and Petros C. Karakousis
Fig. 25.1 Chemical
structures of frontline TB HO
drugs H O
Isoniazid Pyrazinamide O
H OH O Streptomycin Ethambutol
Mycolic acids are high-molecular-weight α-alkyl, for the widely used topical disinfectant triclosan, and particular
β-hydroxy fatty acids, which are unique outer cell wall com- M. smegmatis mutants in inhA are cross-resistant to INH and
ponents of mycobacteria and other Actinomycetales [36]. triclosan [46]. However, although it affects InhA function,
Mycolic acids are covalently attached to arabinogalactan INH does not directly interact with InhA. Biochemical
and, together with other lipids of the outer leaflet, constitute and structural studies have shown that InhA catalyzes the
a very hydrophobic barrier [37] responsible for resistance to NADH-specific reduction of 2-trans-enoyl-ACP, and that the
certain drugs [38, 39]. Disruption of this hydrophobic barrier INH-resistant phenotype of S94A mutant InhA is related to
is believed to result in a loss of cellular integrity [40]. INH reduced NADH binding [42, 47]. X-ray crystallographic and
interrupts mycolic acid synthesis by binding tightly to the mass spectrometry data revealed that the activated form of
NADH-dependent enoyl acyl carrier protein (ACP) reduc- INH covalently attaches to the nicotinamide ring of NAD
tase InhA [41], a component of the fatty acid synthase II sys- bound within the active site of InhA, causing NADH to dis-
tem of mycobacteria, which is essential for fatty acid sociate from InhA [47, 48].
elongation [42]. Genetic, biochemical, and structural data Although inhibition of DNA synthesis by INH had been
provide compelling evidence that InhA is the primary target observed long ago [28], only relatively recently was a mecha-
for INH in the mycolic acid synthesis pathway. When trans- nism of action for this phenomenon proposed. Argyrou and
ferred on a multicopy plasmid, the wild-type inhA gene of M. colleagues cloned and overexpressed the M. tuberculosis
tuberculosis or M. smegmatis confers INH resistance to M. gene encoding dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), dfrA, in M.
smegmatis and M. bovis BCG [41], as well as to M. tubercu- smegmatis and demonstrated a twofold increase in MIC [49].
losis [43]. A missense mutation within the mycobacterial M. tuberculosis DHFR was shown to selectively bind and co-
inhA gene leading to the amino acid substitution S94A con- crystallize with an active INH metabolite which is d istinct
fers INH resistance to M. smegmatis [41] and M. bovis [44]. from that which binds InhA [48]. However, this work requires
In addition, the same single point mutation in inhA (S94A) further biochemical and genetic confirmation. Mutations in
was sufficient to cause fivefold increased resistance to INH dfrA have yet to be reported among INH-resistant clinical iso-
and inhibition of mycolic acid biosynthesis in M. tuberculosis lates of M. tuberculosis.
[45]. Interestingly, overexpression of or mutation within Despite the identification of specific cellular targets in the
inhA also confers resistance to the structurally related last 15 years, the precise mechanism by which INH kills
second-line antituberculosis drug ethionamide in M. tuber- M. tuberculosis remains elusive. Interestingly, depletion of
culosis, M. smegmatis, and M. bovis, suggesting that inhA mycolic acids does not necessarily result in loss of viability
encodes the target of both INH and ethionamide in these in other mycobacteria in vitro [50, 51]. However, inhibition
mycobacteria [41]. In addition, enoyl reductases, and specifi- of mycolic acid synthesis may more severely compromise
cally mycobacterial InhA, have been shown to be targets the intracellular survival of M. tuberculosis in vivo. It remains
362 N.K. Dutta and P.C. Karakousis
to be shown that inhibition of mycolic acid synthesis is implicated in causing INH resistance in clinical isolates.
both necessary and sufficient for the highly potent in vivo Down-regulation of katG expression has also been shown
bactericidal activity of INH against M. tuberculosis. recently to be associated with resistance to INH [66]. Three
novel mutations in the furA-katG intergenic region were
identified in 4 % of 108 INH-resistant strains studied; none
2.2 Mechanisms of Drug Resistance of these was present in 51 INH-susceptible strains.
Reconstructing these mutations in the furA-katG intergenic
Spontaneous INH resistance may be observed at a rate of 10−5 region of isogenic strains decreased the expression of katG
to 10−6 per bacterium per generation in M. tuberculosis cul- and conferred resistance to INH.
tures grown in vitro [52]. Because INH is the most commonly
used antituberculosis drug, resistance to INH occurs more
frequently among clinical isolates than to any other agent 2.4 inhA
[53]. INH resistance varies geographically [54], and may be
as high as 20–30 % in some parts of the world [19, 21]. INH resistance may arise either from mutations in inhA,
Mutations are most commonly detected in the katG gene, resulting in reduced affinity of the enzyme for NADH without
occurring in 50–80 % of INH-resistant clinical isolates, or in affecting its enoyl reductase activity [67], or in the promoter
the inhA gene, accounting for 15–34 % of INH resistance region of the mabAinhA operon [63], resulting in overexpres-
[53]. Depending on the mutation, the degree of INH resis- sion of the wild-type enzyme. Mutations in the mabA pro-
tance may vary from low (0.2 μg/mL) to high (100 μg/mL) moter region appear to be more frequent, but overexpression
[55]. Interestingly, a report from South Africa noted a higher of MabA alone does not confer INH resistance in mycobacte-
frequency of mutations in the inhA region among patients ria [68]. Unlike mutations in katG, which can confer low-
with XDR-TB than among those with MDR-TB. In this study, level or high-level INH resistance, depending on the extent to
mutations in the inhA promoter region accounted for ∼50 to which catalase-peroxidase enzyme activity is affected, muta-
60 % of cases of MDR-TB and 85–90 % of XDR-TB [56]. tions in inhA or in the promoter region of its operon usually
confer low-level resistance (MIC =
0.2–1 μg/mL) [69].
Similarly, mutations in the intergenic region oxyR-ahpC can
2.3 katG reduce the level of expression of inhA and have been associ-
ated with resistance to INH. A study by Dalla Costa et al. [70]
INH resistance among clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis found mutations in the intergenic region oxyR-ahpC in 8.9 %
has long been associated with loss of catalase and peroxidase of 224 INH-resistant strains studied, confirming its less fre-
enzyme activities [57]. In general, there is a strong inverse quent involvement as a cause of resistance to INH. However,
correlation between degree of INH resistance and catalase the precise role of these genes in INH resistance has not been
activity [58]. Zhang and colleagues first demonstrated that completely elucidated.
deficiency of katG, which encodes the M. tuberculosis
catalase-peroxidase enzyme, accounts for the observed resis-
tance to INH in drug-resistant clinical isolates of M. tubercu- 2.5 Other Genes
losis [26, 59]. Mutations in KatG reduce the ability of the
enzyme to activate the pro-drug INH, thus leading to resis- The role of mutations in kasA, which encodes a β-ketoacyl
tance. The M. tuberculosis katG gene is situated in a highly ACP synthase of the type II fatty acid synthase system, with
variable and unstable region of the genome, perhaps because respect to INH resistance is controversial. Initial reports
of the presence of repetitive DNA sequences [60], thereby identified an association between clinical INH resistance and
potentially predisposing to a high frequency of katG muta- four independent mutations in kasA [71], but subsequent
tions. Point mutations in katG are more common than dele- studies reported the presence of three of these mutations in
tions in INH-resistant clinical isolates, and a single point INH-sensitive M. tuberculosis strains [72, 73]. In addition,
mutation resulting in substitution of threonine for serine at although one group reported a fivefold increase in the MIC
residue 315 (S315T) accounts for the majority of INH- of INH following kasA overexpression in M. tuberculosis
resistant clinical isolates [61–63]. The S315T mutation is [74], another group found that overexpression of kasA con-
associated with a 50 % reduction in catalase and peroxidase ferred resistance to thiolactomycin, a known KasA inhibitor,
activity and high-level INH resistance (MIC = 5–10 μg/mL) but no increased resistance to INH in M. smegmatis, M. bovis
[58, 64]. The availability of the crystal structure for M. tuber- BCG, and M. tuberculosis [43]. Using radioactive INH,
culosis KatG [65] has provided greater insight into the pro- Mdluli and colleagues reported KasA to be covalently asso-
cess of INH activation and may permit a more accurate ciated with INH and ACP in M. tuberculosis [71], but Kremer
interpretation of structural and functional effects of mutations and colleagues used anti-KasA antibodies to show that INH
25 Mechanisms of Action and Resistance of the Antimycobacterial Agents 363
treatment in mycobacteria does not result in significant KasA mutations in other codons of the katG gene may be responsible
sequestering, and also demonstrated that activated INH does for the development of INH resistance in M. tuberculosis
not inhibit KasA activity in an in vitro assay [75]. Although strains [84].
the preponderance of evidence suggests that InhA, and not
KasA, is the primary target of INH in the mycolic acid syn-
thesis pathway, the role of kasA mutations in INH resis- 3 Rifampin and Other Rifamycins
tance of clinical M. tuberculosis isolates requires further
investigation. The rifamycins were first isolated in 1957 from Amycolatopsis
Mutations in ndh, encoding a NADH dehydrogenase, (formerly Streptomyces) mediterranei as part of an antibiotic
were first shown in M. smegmatis to confer resistance to INH screening program in Italy [85]. Their discovery and wide-
and ethionamide, as well as to exhibit other phenotypes, spread use has revolutionized antituberculosis therapy, allow-
including thermosensitive lethality and auxotrophy [76]. ing for the reduction of the duration of treatment from 18
Subsequently, ndh mutations were detected in almost 10 % months to 9 months [86]. Although the early bactericidal
of INH-resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates, which did activity of the rifamycins is inferior to that of INH [87–89], the
not contain mutations in katG, inhA, or kasA [72]. Defective former are the most potent sterilizing agents available in TB
NADH dehydrogenase, which normally oxidizes NADH and chemotherapy, continuing to kill persistent tubercle bacilli
transfers electrons to quinones of the respiratory chain, could throughout the duration of therapy [90, 91]. Rifampin is a
lead to an increased ratio of NADH/NAD, which may inter- broad-spectrum antibiotic and the most widely used rifamycin
fere with KatG-mediated peroxidation of the drug, or dis- to treat tuberculosis. Rifabutin, another rifamycin with reduced
place the INH/NAD adduct from the InhA active site [76]. induction of the hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzyme system,
Mutations in the promoter region of ahpC, leading to was originally shown to be effective for the prophylaxis [92]
overexpression of an alkylhydroperoxide reductase, have and treatment [93] of M. avium-intracellulare complex infec-
been observed in INH-resistant M. tuberculosis [77]. tion in persons with advanced HIV disease. Rifapentine is a
Although rarely found in some INH-resistant strains with rifamycin with favorable pharmacokinetic properties [94, 95],
apparently intact KatG [78], the ahpC mutation is usually including substantially greater maximum serum concentration
found in KatG-negative INH-resistant M. tuberculosis, pre- and extended half-life, which permits highly intermittent ther-
sumably as a compensatory mechanism for the loss of apy for HIV-negative patients who do not have cavitation on
catalase-peroxidase activity in such strains [79–81]. AhpC chest radiograph and who are sputum culture-negative after 2
does not appear to play a direct role in INH resistance, since months of therapy [96].
ahpC overexpression in a wild-type reference strain of M.
tuberculosis does not appreciably increase the MIC of INH,
but mutations in the ahpC promoter region may serve as a 3.1 Mechanism of Action
useful marker for detection of INH resistance [78].
The M. tuberculosis iniA gene (Rv0342), part of a three- The rifamycins are characterized by a unique chemical struc-
gene operon (Rv0341, Rv0342, Rv0343) induced in the ture consisting of an aromatic nucleus linked on both sides
presence of INH, appears to contribute to the development of by an aliphatic bridge (see figure) [97]. Although structural
tolerance to both INH and ethambutol, perhaps functioning changes at positions C-21, C-23, C-8, or C-1 may signifi-
through an MDR-pump-like mechanism, although IniA does cantly reduce microbiological activity, modifications at C-3
not appear to directly transport INH from the cell [82]. INH do not alter antituberculous activity. Rifampin is a 3-formyl
also induces several other genes, including an operon cluster derivative of rifamycin S; rifabutin is a spiropiperidyl
of five genes that code type II fatty acid synthase enzymes derivative of rifamycin S; and rifapentine is a cyclopentyl-
and fbpC, which encodes trehalose dimycolyl transferase. substituted rifampin [97].
Other genes also induced are efpA, fadE23, fadE24, and The rifamycins are highly protein-bound in plasma, but
ahpC, which mediate processes linked to the toxic activity of easily diffuse across the M. tuberculosis cell membrane due
the drug and efflux mechanisms [83]. to their lipophilic nature [69]. The bactericidal activity of the
Despite the identification of several genetic mutations rifamycins has been attributed to their ability to inhibit
associated with resistance to INH, as many as a quarter of all mRNA synthesis by binding with high affinity to bacterial
clinical INH-resistant isolates do not have mutations in any DNA-dependent RNA polymerase [98]. The core structure
of the above genes, suggesting alternative mechanisms of of RNA polymerase, comprising the subunits α2ββ′ω, is evo-
INH resistance. Tessema et al. reported 8 % of phenotypi- lutionarily conserved among prokaryotes [99], explaining
cally defined isoniazid-resistant strains had no mutations in the antimicrobial activity of the rifamycins against a broad
codon 315 of the katG gene and in the regulatory region of range of bacteria. X-ray crystallographic data examining the
the inhA gene, demonstrating that other mechanisms or interaction of rifampin and RNA polymerase from Thermus
364 N.K. Dutta and P.C. Karakousis
aquaticus revealed that rifampin exerts its effect by binding associated with low- or high-level resistance to rifampin and
in a pocket between two structural domains of the RNA rifapentine (MIC 2–32 μg/mL), but preservation of suscepti-
polymerase β subunit and directly blocking the path of the bility to rifabutin and the new rifamycin rifalazil [116–118].
elongating RNA transcript at the 5′ end beyond the second or In particular, MDR strains with the rpoB point mutation
third nucleotide [100]. Asp516Val were almost always identified as rifabutin-
Although the molecular target of rifampin has been well susceptible [119]. Rare mutations in M. tuberculosis also
characterized, the precise mechanism by which this interac- have been reported in the 5′ region of the rpoB gene, and one
tion leads to mycobacterial killing remains unclear. such mutation at V176F confers intermediate- to high-level
Interestingly, transcriptional inhibition of the toxin-antitoxin resistance to rifampin [120–123].
mazEF module by rifampin was shown to trigger pro- Several fast-growing strains of mycobacteria, including
grammed cell death in Escherichia coli by reducing cellular M. smegmatis, M. chelonae, M. flavescens, and M. vaccae,
levels of the labile antitoxic protein MazE, allowing the are able to inactivate rifampin by ribosylation, leading to
unrestrained lethal action of the long-lived toxic protein inherent resistance to this antibiotic [124, 125]. However,
MazF [101]. Although M. tuberculosis contains homologous this mechanism of rifampin resistance has not been described
toxin-antitoxin gene modules [102, 103], it appears that in M. tuberculosis. Nevertheless, a small percentage of
these modules may play a role in M. tuberculosis growth rifampin-resistant isolates (<5 %) do not contain any muta-
arrest and persistence under adverse conditions, rather than tions in the rpoB gene, suggesting additional molecular
in programmed cell death, as originally suggested [103]. mechanisms of rifampin resistance in M. tuberculosis, such
as altered rifampin permeability or mutations in other RNA
polymerase subunits [110].
3.2 Mechanism of Resistance An important finding related to resistance to rifampicin is
that almost all rifampicin-resistant strains also show resis-
Although resistance to INH alone is common in M. tubercu- tance to other drugs, particularly to isoniazid. For this rea-
losis, resistance to rifampin alone is rare, and more than 90 % son, rifampicin resistance detection has been proposed as a
of rifampin-resistant isolates are also resistant to surrogate molecular marker for MDR [126].
INH. Therefore, rifampin resistance has been used as a sur-
rogate marker for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis [104].
Resistance to rifampin develops in a single step at a fre- 4 Pyrazinamide
quency of 10−7 to 10−8 organisms in M. tuberculosis [105].
As in E. coli [106–108], resistance to rifampin in M. The use of pyrazinamide (PZA) in combination with rifampin
tuberculosis arises from mutations in rpoB, which encodes in modern antituberculosis regimens has permitted shorten-
the β-subunit of RNA polymerase [109]. Over 90 % of ing the duration of therapy from the previous 9–12 months to
rifampin-resistant clinical isolates contain point mutations the current 6 months [127]. PZA is one of the key compo-
clustered in an 81-base pair region between codons 507 and nents of primary drug therapy against TB, especially when
533 of the rpoB gene [110, 111]. Although at least 35 distinct MDR has been diagnosed [128, 129]. Although its bacteri-
rpoB mutant allelic variants have been described [110], cidal activity is inferior to that of isoniazid and rifampin
amino acid substitutions at one of two positions (Ser531 and [130], the reduction of relapse rates associated with the addi-
His526) account for the great majority of mutations conferring tion of PZA in 6-month regimens is attributed to the drug’s
clinical resistance to rifampin [109, 111–113]. Consistent unique ability to target semi-dormant populations of bacilli
with the clinical data, selection of spontaneous rifampin residing within an acidic environment [131]. Consistent with
resistance in vitro in the M. tuberculosis laboratory reference this hypothesis, the drug was shown to be more active against
strain H37Rv yields rpoB mutations only at Ser531 and His526, old non-growing tubercle bacilli than against young, actively
with the Ser531Leu mutation predominating [114]. Strains replicating organisms [132]. Interestingly, despite its estab-
with the point mutations CAC → TAC (His → Tyr) at codon lished activity in vivo [133–136], PZA is inactive against M.
526 and TCG → TTG (Ser → Leu) at codon 531 account for tuberculosis grown under normal conditions in vitro [137],
30 % and 25 %, respectively, of rifampin-resistant clinical and requires acidification of the medium pH to demonstrate
isolates in the USA [112], while the same mutations repre- antituberculosis activity [138].
sent 12 % and 47 %, respectively, of predominantly foreign
rifampin-resistant isolates [109], suggesting that there may
be geographic variation in the frequency of occurrence of 4.1 Mechanism of Action
particular rpoB mutations [110, 115]. Unlike mutations in
codons 531 and 526, which confer high-level resistance to PZA is an amide derivative of pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid
rifampin (MIC > 32 μg/mL) and cross-resistance to all and a nicotinamide analog (see figure) [139]. Despite recog-
rifamycins [69], mutations in codons 511, 516, and 522 are nition of its antituberculosis activity more than half a century
25 Mechanisms of Action and Resistance of the Antimycobacterial Agents 365
ago [133], the mechanism of action of PZA remains poorly membrane energetics [161], as compared to young, actively
understood. Because of the strict requirement for an acidic replicating organisms [160]. Alternatively, the accumulation
microenvironment, it was originally hypothesized that the of POA or other weak organic acids has been hypothesized to
site of action of PZA was in the macrophage phagolysosome lower the intracellular pH sufficiently to inactivate FAS-I or
[140], where intracellular M. tuberculosis resides. However, other vital enzymes required for cellular metabolism [159].
the interior pH of these organelles may be neutral or only Recently, the ribosomal protein S1 (RpsA), a vital protein
slightly acidic [141, 142], well above the range where PZA involved in protein translation and the ribosome-sparing pro-
is active [143]. In addition, although older studies suggested cess of trans-translation, was identified as a target of POA
otherwise [140, 144], more recent studies have demonstrated [162]. RpsA overexpression in M. tuberculosis conferred
that PZA has neither bacteriostatic nor bactericidal activity increased PZA resistance, and POA was shown to bind
against intracellular M. tuberculosis in human monocyte- RpsA, thereby inhibiting trans-translation. Since the latter
derived macrophages [145]. An alternative hypothesis is that process is essential for freeing scarce ribosomes in nonrepli-
PZA acts against bacilli residing in acidified compartments of cating organisms, inhibition of RpsA by POA may explain
the lung that are present during the early inflammatory stages the sterilizing activity of PZA against persistent bacilli.
of infection [131], which is consistent with the clinical obser-
vation that the potent sterilizing activity of PZA is limited to
the first 2 months of therapy [146–148]. Anaerobic and micro- 4.2 Mechanisms of Resistance
aerophilic conditions in vitro have been shown to enhance the
activity of PZA against M. tuberculosis, suggesting an alterna- It has been known for some time that PZA resistance in M.
tive explanation for the higher sterilizing activity of PZA tuberculosis is associated with loss of PZase activity [152].
against in vivo organisms residing within oxygen-deprived More recently, pyrazinamide resistance has been attributed
granulomas as compared to bacilli grown under in vitro condi- to mutations in pncA, the gene encoding PZase [153].
tions with ambient oxygen tension [149]. Consistent with these findings, integration of wild-type pncA
PZA enters M. tuberculosis through passive diffusion and into a pyrazinamide-resistant pncA mutant of M. tuberculosis
via an ATP-dependent transport system [150]. The drug is sufficient to restore susceptibility to PZA [163]. M. bovis,
accumulates intracellularly because of an inefficient efflux another member of the M. tuberculosis complex, is inher-
system unique to M. tuberculosis [151]. Similar to INH, PZA ently resistant to PZA, most frequently because of a point
is a pro-drug, which requires activation to its active form, mutation at codon 169 of the pncA gene, which renders
pyrazinoic acid (POA), by the enzyme pyrazinamidase the enzyme nonfunctional [164]. In contrast, studies of
(PncA) [152, 153]. PncA is expressed constitutively in the PZA-resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis revealed
cytoplasm of M. tuberculosis [154]. After conversion of PZA that 72–97 % of these strains may contain various missense
into POA, the drug exerts its cidal effect on tubercle bacilli mutations, insertions, deletions, or termination mutations
by destabilizing the membrane potential and affecting mem- throughout the pncA gene or its promoter [165–167]. Recent
brane transport function [155]. The uptake and accumulation data indicate that three mutations (D8G, S104R, and C138Y)
of POA in M. tuberculosis is enhanced when the extracellu- in PncA confer excessive hydrogen bonding between
lar pH is acidic [151]. The inhibitory effects of POA accu- PZA-binding residues and their neighboring residues, creat-
mulation initially were attributed to direct inhibition of the ing a rigid binding cavity, which in turn abolishes conversion
mycobacterial fatty acid synthase I (FAS-I) enzyme [156], of PZA into POA [168].
which is responsible for de novo synthesis of C16 fatty acids Resistance to PZA is also mediated by mutations in rpsA
from acetyl-CoA primers and their elongation to C24–26 fatty [162], which encodes a protein required for trans-translation
acyl-CoA derivatives [157, 158]. However, subsequent in nonreplicating bacilli. A rare type of PZA-resistant isolate
studies showed that, although the PZA analog 5-chloro- was found containing a deleted alanine at the C terminus of
pyrazinamide irreversibly inhibits fatty acid synthesis RpsA, preventing binding of the protein to tmRNA [162,
through inhibition of FAS-I, POA does not directly inhibit 169, 170].
purified mycobacterial FAS-I, suggesting that the enzyme is A small percentage of isolates with high-level PZA resis-
not the immediate target of PZA [159]. It has been proposed tance contain no mutation in pncA or its promoter, suggest-
that the antituberculosis activity of PZA is not attributable to ing other potential mechanisms of resistance to the drug
inhibition of a specific cellular target, but rather may reflect [165], including perhaps deficient uptake [150], enhanced
disruption of the proton motive force required for essential efflux, or altered pncA regulation. Alternatively, these find-
membrane transport functions by POA at acidic pH [160]. ings may reflect the intrinsic problems associated with PZA
These findings could explain the enhanced susceptibility to susceptibility testing, since PZA resistance may be reported
PZA of old, non-replicating bacilli, which have a relatively erroneously when the culture medium contains excessive
low membrane potential [151] and reduced ability to maintain bovine serum albumin, or a high inoculum of M. tuberculosis,
366 N.K. Dutta and P.C. Karakousis
as both of these conditions may raise the pH of the medium drug immediately inhibited the transfer of label from D-[14C]
and falsely elevate the MIC of the drug [132]. In fact, reliable glucose into the D-arabinose residue of arabinogalactan in
methods for susceptibility testing of PZA have only recently EMB-susceptible M. smegmatis, but not in a drug-resistant
been developed, using media with slightly higher pH strain [185]. In addition to inhibiting the synthesis of the ara-
(6.0–6.2) and higher concentrations of PZA (ranging from binan component of the mycobacterial cell wall core poly-
300 μg/mL to as high as 1200 μg/mL, depending on the mer arabinogalactan, EMB inhibits biosynthesis of the
culture broth) [171]. arabinan of lipoarabinomannan, a lipoglycan noncovalently
associated with the cell envelope [189, 190]. The observations
that the latter effect is delayed relative to the former [186],
5 Ethambutol and that EMB treatment results in rapid accumulation of β-D-
arabinofuranosyl-1-monophosphoryldecaprenol (decaprenol
Ethambutol (EMB; dextro-2,2′-(ethylenediimino)-di-1- phosphoarabinose) [191], an intermediate in arabinan biosyn-
butanol), a synthetic compound structurally similar to thesis, suggested that the primary site of EMB action is not on
D-arabinose (see figure) [172], was initially reported to have de novo synthesis of D-arabinose or on its activation, but
antituberculosis activity in 1961 [173]. In addition to its role rather in the final polymerization steps [186].
as a first-line agent against M. tuberculosis, EMB is an Using target overexpression by a plasmid vector as a
important component of combination therapy against M. selection tool, Belanger et al. demonstrated that the transla-
avium complex [9], and the drug exhibits activity against tionally coupled embA and embB genes of M. avium are both
other mycobacteria, including M. kansasii, M. xenopi, and necessary and sufficient to render a naturally susceptible
M. marinum [174]. EMB kills only actively multiplying M. smegmatis strain resistant to EMB [192]. Subsequently,
bacilli [175], although its early bactericidal activity is not as the embCAB gene cluster encoding the homologous arabino-
potent as that of INH [176, 177]. EMB has poor sterilizing syl transferase enzymes EmbA, EmbB, and EmbC was
activity, as its addition to a regimen of INH, rifampin, and cloned, sequenced, and characterized in M. tuberculosis
streptomycin does not improve culture conversion rates after [193]. Although it has been proposed that these genes consti-
2 months of therapy [178], and its substitution for PZA tute an operon, there is evidence to suggest that the embB
increases clinical relapse rates [179]. Because of its modest gene can be expressed from a unique promoter [194], the
contribution to the standard regimen of INH, rifampin, and location of which remains unknown. The Emb proteins are
PZA, the principal role of EMB is in the empiric treatment of thought to be integral membrane proteins with 12 transmem-
individuals who are deemed at increased risk for harboring brane domains and a large carboxyl-terminal globular region
INH-resistant or multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis, until of approximately 375 amino acids [193, 195]. Genetic and
drug susceptibility results become available. biochemical studies have shown that the EmbA and EmbB
proteins are involved in the formation of the proper terminal
hexaarabinofuranoside motif during arabinogalactan synthe-
5.1 Mechanism of Action sis [196], while EmbC is involved in lipoarabinomannan
synthesis [197]. Since the majority of EMB-resistant clinical
The mechanism of action of EMB remains incompletely under- isolates contain mutations in embB (see below) [193, 195,
stood. EMB has been reported to inhibit numerous mycobacte- 198], the EmbB protein has been proposed as the main target
rial cellular pathways, including RNA metabolism [175, 180], of EMB, although X-ray crystallographic data supporting
transfer of mycolic acids into the cell wall [181], phospholipid this interaction are lacking.
synthesis [182, 183], and spermidine biosynthesis [184].
However, the primary pathway affected by EMB appears to be
that of arabinogalactan biosynthesis [185], through inhibition 5.2 Mechanisms of Resistance
of cell wall arabinan polymerization [186].
Initial studies showed that treatment of M. smegmatis In M. smegmatis, high-level resistance to EMB appears to
with EMB results in rapid bacterial disaggregation and mor- require multiple steps, including overexpression of the Emb
phological changes, consistent with alterations in cell wall proteins, as well as mutations in the conserved region of
composition [187]. A potential explanation for this phenom- EmbB or further increases in protein expression levels [193].
enon was provided by the observations that EMB inhibits Resistance to EMB in M. tuberculosis is usually associated
transfer of mycolic acids to the cell wall in M. smegmatis with point mutations in the embCAB operon, commonly
[181], leading to rapid accumulation of trehalose monomy- involving amino acid substitutions at codon Met306 of the
colate, trehalose dimycolate, and free mycolic acids in the embB gene [193, 195, 198]. EmbB mutations have been
culture medium [188]. Subsequently, EMB was shown to identified in 30–70 % of EMB-resistant isolates of M. tuber-
inhibit arabinogalactan synthesis, since MIC levels of the culosis [193, 198–200]. Mutations in the embB gene were
25 Mechanisms of Action and Resistance of the Antimycobacterial Agents 367
reported to be associated with high-level EMB resistance as well as the toxicity profile of the aminoglycosides have
[201], with the mutations Met306Leu or Met306Val yielding favored the use of ethambutol in first-line antituberculosis
a higher MIC (40 μg/mL) than the Met306Ile substitution therapy [209]. Other aminoglycosides with significant anti-
(20 μg/mL) [198]. However, a study of 183 epidemiologi- mycobacterial activity include kanamycin and amikacin
cally unlinked M. tuberculosis isolates collected in St. [210]. The detailed mechanisms of action of the aminogly-
Petersburg, Russia, detected the presence of embB mutations cosides will be addressed elsewhere, and this section will
at codon 306 in 48 % of EMB-resistant isolates, but also in cover mechanisms of aminoglycoside resistance identified
31 % of EMB-susceptible isolates, suggesting that embB specifically in M. tuberculosis.
mutations may not be sufficient to confer resistance to EMB, As in other bacteria, the mode of action of the aminogly-
or the presence of a compensatory mutation that reverses the cosides against mycobacterial species is through their bind-
EMB resistance phenotype of embB mutants [202]. ing to the 30S ribosomal subunit, which affects polypeptide
Interestingly, the discrepancy in phenotypic and genotypic synthesis and ultimately results in inhibition of translation
EMB resistance tests was restricted to strains already resis- [211]. In clinically relevant bacteria, resistance to the amino-
tant to other antituberculosis drugs; specifically, embB muta- glycosides most often results from modification of the ami-
tions at codon 306 were noted in 40 of the 69 (60 %) of noglycoside molecule. Although genes encoding
EMB-susceptible strains resistant to isoniazid, rifampin, and aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes have been identified in
streptomycin but none of the 43 pan-susceptible strains [202]. the chromosome of slow-growing mycobacteria [212, 213],
Huang et al. identified several novel mutations in embB, and disruption of aminoglycoside 2′-N-acetyltransferase
including at codon 319 and codon 497 [203]. Interestingly, genes has been correlated with increased aminoglycoside
Lacoma et al. found that two EMB-susceptible strains har- susceptibility in M. smegmatis [214], this mechanism of
bored a mutation at codon 306 [204]. resistance has not been described for M. tuberculosis [105].
Nucleotide polymorphisms in the embC-embA intergenic Instead, resistance to streptomycin and the other aminogly-
region have been reported in association with resistance- cosides in M. tuberculosis usually develops by mutation of
associated amino acid replacements in EmbA or EmbB, sug- the ribosome target binding sites. Interestingly, although
gesting that these intergenic mutations represent secondary cross-resistance is observed between amikacin and kanamy-
or compensatory changes [195]. Other potential mutations cin [215], these drugs are not cross-resistant with streptomy-
involved in EMB resistance include a Gln379Arg replace- cin [216], suggesting distinct mechanisms of resistance.
ment in M. tuberculosis embR, a homologue of the synony- Amikacin is a derivative of kanamycin, and the two drugs are
mous gene encoding a putative transcriptional activator of structurally related, each containing a 2-deoxystreptamine
embAB in M. avium [192], as well as mutations in rmlD and moiety, while streptomycin is structurally distinct, contain-
rmlA2, which encode proteins involved in rhamnose modifi- ing a streptidine moiety. High-level resistance to amikacin
cation [195]. In addition, mutations associated with EMB and kanamycin with preserved susceptibility to streptomycin
resistance have been described in Rv0340 [195], a gene tran- has been reported in M. abscessus and M. chelonae [217],
scribed in the same orientation and upstream of the iniBAC and in M. tuberculosis [218] in association with a point
operon, which is significantly upregulated following expo- mutation at position 1400 (corresponding to position 1408 in
sure to EMB in vitro [205]. As many as one-quarter of all E. coli) of the rrs gene, which encodes 16S rRNA [216, 217].
EMB-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates do not harbor muta- On the other hand, streptomycin resistance in mycobacteria
tions in any of the genes described above, suggesting alterna- is most commonly associated with mutations in the rpsL
tive mechanisms of EMB resistance [206]. gene, which encodes the ribosomal protein S12 [219–224].
Specifically, a missense mutation resulting in a substitution
of an arginine for a lysine at codon 43, as well as point muta-
6 Aminoglycosides tions in codon 88 account for the majority of rpsL mutations
in M. tuberculosis [224]. As in E. coli, streptomycin resis-
The discovery of streptomycin (see figure) in the early 1940s tance in M. tuberculosis also commonly arises from rrs
represented the first breakthrough in the chemotherapy of mutations, which are usually clustered in the regions sur-
tuberculosis [207]. Patients treated with streptomycin and rounding nucleotides 530 or 912 [219, 220, 225]. Unlike
bed rest improved initially compared to those assigned to most other bacteria, which have multiple copies of the rrs
bed rest alone, but streptomycin monotherapy led inevitably gene, M. tuberculosis and other slow-growing mycobacteria
to relapses with streptomycin-resistant M. tuberculosis have a single copy of the gene, making it an easily selected
[208]. Although relapse rates are comparable when strepto- mutation site. Thus, alterations in the drug target arising
mycin is substituted for ethambutol as the fourth drug in from reduced association of the 16S rRNA with the S12
addition to INH, rifampin, and PZA, the poor oral absorption ribosomal protein lead to an inability of aminoglycosides to
of streptomycin, which necessitates parenteral administration, disrupt translation of mycobacterial mRNA, thereby resulting
368 N.K. Dutta and P.C. Karakousis
in antibiotic resistance. Mutations in rpsL and rrs, which and ciprofloxacin [240]. The 8-methoxy-fluoroquinolone
occur in about 50 % and 20 %, respectively, of streptomycin- moxifloxacin has bactericidal activity similar to that of INH
resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates, are usually associ- against M. tuberculosis both in vitro and in the murine model
ated with intermediate-(MIC 64–512 μg/mL) or high-level of TB [239, 241, 242], as well as early bactericidal activity
resistance (MIC > 1000 μg/mL) [105]. The mechanisms comparable to INH in patients with pulmonary TB [243–245].
responsible for streptomycin resistance in other M. tubercu- Unlike gatifloxacin, which appears to lack sterilizing activity
losis isolates, particularly those with low-level resistance against stationary-phase cultures of M. tuberculosis [246],
(MIC 4–32 μg/mL), are unknown, but may involve changes moxifloxacin, when substituted for INH, is able to shorten
in cell envelope permeability and diminished drug uptake the duration of therapy needed to effect stable cure in murine
[219, 221]. TB [247, 248], suggesting that the drug has significant steril-
Reeves et al. recently identified aminoglycoside cross- izing activity. Until recently, the fluoroquinolones have been
resistance in M. tuberculosis due to mutations in the 5′ recommended primarily as second-line agents in the treat-
untranslated region of whiB7. These mutations led to an ment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis [2]. However, the
increase in the number of whiB7 transcripts and increased use of a fluoroquinolone as the only active agent in a failing
expression of both eis (Rv2416c) and tap (Rv1258c) [226]. regimen for treatment of multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis
An association has been reported between M. tuberculosis constitutes the most frequent cause of fluoroquinolone resis-
clinical isolates harboring a variety of mutations in the tance [240]. Resistance to fluoroquinolones also may arise
gidB gene (Rv3919c) and low-level streptomycin resistance extremely rapidly following use of these drugs for other
[227–229]. These data show that a mutation at either the infections [249, 250]. Despite the widespread use of fluoro-
whiB7 or gidB locus leads to the acquisition of high-level quinolones to treat a variety of bacterial infections, fluoro-
streptomycin resistance at an elevated frequency, which may quinolone resistance is detected in fewer than 2 % of M.
partly explain why streptomycin resistance can develop so tuberculosis isolates in the United States and Canada [251].
quickly in the host [226, 229]. However, recent results sug- Because of its potent bactericidal and sterilizing activities,
gest that for gidB this may remain problematic both because moxifloxacin is currently under investigation as a first-line
the number of mutations required to accurately assess gidB agent in the treatment of tuberculosis. The mechanism of
status is large and also because the impact of specific muta- action and detailed mechanisms of resistance to this class of
tions in gidB on the resistance level of the isolate remains drugs will be discussed in another chapter, and this section
unclear [230]. A recent systematic review described addi- will highlight specific mutations identified in fluoroquinolone-
tional mutations in the rrs, tlyA, eis promoter, and gidB genes resistant M. tuberculosis.
appear to be associated with resistance to the injectable Fluoroquinolones exert their powerful antibacterial activ-
agents amikacin, kanamycin, and/or capreomycin [231]. ity by trapping gyrase and topoisomerase IV on DNA as ter-
Mutations in the gene tlyA encoding a 2′-O-methyltransferase nary complexes and blocking the movement of replication
of 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA have been implicated in resis- forks and transcription complexes [252]. Unlike most other
tance to capreomycin and viomycin [232]. Based on our bacterial species, M. tuberculosis lacks topoisomerase IV but
understanding of aminoglycoside cross-resistance, the best does contain the genes gyrA and gyrB, which encode the A
order in which to introduce an injectable agent with the hope and B subunits, respectively, of DNA gyrase [212].
of preventing cross-resistance to other injectables would be Consequently, fluoroquinolone resistance in M. tuberculosis
streptomycin first, then capreomycin, then kanamycin, and is most commonly associated with mutations in the quino-
finally amikacin [233]. lone resistance-determining region (QRDR) of gyrA and
gyrB, conserved regions involved in the interaction between
the drug and DNA gyrase [240]. Spontaneous fluoroquino-
7 Fluoroquinolones lone resistance develops in laboratory strains of M. tubercu-
losis at frequencies of 2 × 10−6 to 1 × 10−8 [253]. The most
The fluoroquinolones demonstrate excellent activity against frequent mutations associated with high-level fluoroquino-
several mycobacterial species, including M. tuberculosis, lone resistance involve substitutions at codons 88, 90, 91,
M. kansasii, and M. fortuitum, but not against others, such as and 94 of the gyrA gene [254–256].
M. avium, M. marinum, M. chelonae, and M. abscessus The degree of resistance to fluoroquinolones depends on
[234]. In particular, drugs of the fluoroquinolone class are the specific amino acid substitution in the QRDR, and on the
highly active against M. tuberculosis both in vitro [235, 236] number of resistance mutations present. Therefore, while
and in animal models [237–239]. In descending order of single mutations in gyrA may confer low-level resistance
activity, fluoroquinolones active against M. tuberculosis (MIC > 2 μg/mL) [257], high-level resistance to fluoroquino-
include moxifloxacin, sparfloxacin, levofloxacin, ofloxacin, lones usually requires a stepwise process of at least two
25 Mechanisms of Action and Resistance of the Antimycobacterial Agents 369
8.3 Alternative Agents associated with capreomycin (and viomycin) resistance and
low-level kanamycin resistance. G1484T has been linked to
M. tuberculosis strains that are resistant to either isoniazid or high-level amikacin/kanamycin and capreomycin/viomycin
rifampin may be treated effectively with other first-line resistance [323–325]. Various single-nucleotide polymor-
drugs. However, strains that are resistant to both drugs, phisms (SNPs) in the tlyA gene have been also associated
termed “multidrug-resistant” strains, require the use of with capreomycin resistance [326].
“second-line drugs,” which are generally less effective and Cycloserine interrupts peptidoglycan synthesis by inhibit-
more toxic [299]. These drugs include ethionamide, capreo- ing the enzymes D-alanine racemase (AlrA) and
mycin, cycloserine, and paraaminosalicylic acid. Promising D-alanine:alanine ligase (Ddl) [327, 328]. Overexpression of
new antituberculosis drugs [302, 303], such as the nitroimid- M. tuberculosis AlrA and Ddl on a multicopy vector results in
azoles (PA-824, OPC-67683) [304, 305], a diarylquinoline resistance to D-cycloserine in M. smegmatis and M. bovis
(TMC207/bedaquiline) [306], an ethylene diamine (SQ-109) BCG [327, 328], and M. smegmatis alrA mutants lacking
[307], oxazolidinones (Linezolid, PNU-100480/sutezolid) D-alanine racemase activity display hypersusceptibility to
[308, 309], benzothiazinones [310], clofazimine, and thio- D-cycloserine [329]. In E. coli, cycloserine resistance has
ridazine [311–313], are currently being tested in preclinical been attributed to mutations in cycA, which encodes a perme-
or clinical trials [314]. Known mechanisms of action and ase responsible for uptake of the drug [330], but such a mech-
resistance for each of these drugs will be discussed briefly in anism of resistance has not been described for mycobacteria.
this section. In addition, mutations in a gene homologous to that encoding
Ethionamide, a synthetic compound structurally related to E. coli penicillin binding protein 4 (PBP4) were shown to
INH, was shown to have antituberculosis activity in the late confer resistance to D-cycloserine, as well as to vancomycin
1950s [315]. Although less potent than INH, ethionamide in M. smegmatis [331]. However, the mechanism of cycloser-
also inhibits mycolic acid synthesis [41, 316]. Ethionamide ine resistance in M. tuberculosis remains unknown.
is a pro-drug requiring activation by the monooxygenase Paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS) was introduced in 1945
EthA [290, 317, 318], which itself is negatively regulated by [332, 333]. Although its activity was inferior to that of strep-
the transcriptional repressor EthR. [317] Similarly to INH, tomycin when used alone, the combination of PAS with
ethionamide inhibits mycolic acid synthesis by binding the streptomycin significantly reduced the emergence of
ACP reductase InhA [41]. Using a cell-based activation streptomycin-resistant organisms [334]. The mechanisms of
method, Wang et al. recently showed that the thioamide action and resistance to PAS have not been well character-
drugs ethionamide and prothionamide form covalent adducts ized, but it has been suggested that the drug may inhibit folic
with NAD, which are tight-binding inhibitors of M. tubercu- acid biosynthesis and uptake of iron [69]. Recently, PAS-
losis and M. leprae InhA [319]. Approximately three- resistant transposon mutants of M. bovis BCG were found to
quarters of M. tuberculosis isolates with high-level harbor insertions in the thyA gene, which encodes the enzyme
ethionamide resistance (MIC > 50 μg/mL) have mutations in thimidylate synthesis in the folate biosynthesis pathway
ethA or inhA [289]. Recently, other potential mechanisms of [335]. In addition, mutations in the thyA gene resulting in
resistance have been identified, as M. tuberculosis mshA diminished enzymatic activity were identified in PAS-
deletion mutants were found to be defective in mycothiol resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates, suggesting that
biosynthesis and resistant to ethionamide, likely due to PAS may act as a folate antagonist and that thyA mutations
defective activation of the drug [320]. may mediate clinical PAS resistance [335]. However, only
Although often grouped together with the aminoglycosides slightly more than a third of the evaluated PAS-resistant
because of similar activity and toxicities, capreomycin is a strains had mutations in thyA, suggesting the existence of
macrocyclic polypeptide antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces additional mechanisms of PAS resistance. Thr202Ala has
capreolus [210]. Like streptomycin and kanamycin, capreo- been reported as the most common mutation associated with
mycin inhibits protein synthesis through modification of ribo- PAS resistance, although this mutation has also been identi-
somal structures at the 16S rRNA [69]. Recent studies using fied in several PAS-susceptible isolates [336].
site-directed mutagenesis have identified the binding site of PA-824, a small molecule nitroimidazopyran related to
capreomycin on 16S rRNA helix 44 [321]. In M. smegmatis, metronidazole, was recently shown to have bactericidal
mutations in vicA and vicB, which encode components of the activity against replicating and static M. tuberculosis cul-
50S and 30S ribosomal subunits, confer resistance to capreo- tures in vitro, as well as in murine and guinea pig models of
mycin and viomycin [294, 295]. In M. tuberculosis, mutations tuberculosis [337]. In the mouse model, PA-824 has bacteri-
in the rrs gene encoding 16S rRNA have been associated with cidal activity comparable to that of INH [338, 339]. However,
resistance to capreomycin as well as kanamycin [218, 322]. unlike INH, but like metronidazole, the drug also has potent
The rrs mutation A1401G causes high-level amikacin/ activity against nonreplicating bacilli exposed to microaero-
kanamycin and low-level capreomycin resistance. C1402T is philic conditions [337, 338]. In addition, PA-824 is highly
372 N.K. Dutta and P.C. Karakousis
active against multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of M. A recent study showed that the antitubercular activity of
tuberculosis (MIC < 1 μg/mL), suggesting no cross-resistance clofazimine, including against MDR-TB, is due to the gen-
with current antituberculosis drugs [338]. Like metronida- eration of reactive oxygen species formed as a consequence
zole, PA-824 is a pro-drug which requires bioreductive acti- of Ndh-mediated reduction of clofazimine [351]. Xu et al.
vation of an aromatic nitro group in order to exert an reported that clofazimine mutants resistant to 0.48 and
antitubercular effect [337]. Although the precise mechanism 1.92 μg/mL were not observed using the indirect method in
by which PA-824 exerts its lethal effect is unknown, the drug mice during 90 days of treatment [352]. The mechanism of
appears to inhibit the oxidation of hydroxymycolates to keto- antitubercular activity of thioridazine is likely multifactorial
mycolates, a terminal step in mycolic acid synthesis [337]. [353, 354], as the drug appears to act on enzymes involved
Similar to INH, resistance to PA-824 is most commonly in fatty acid metabolism and membrane proteins, particu-
mediated by mutations which lead to loss of pro-drug activa- larly efflux pumps, in addition to inhibiting type II
tion. Mutations in fgd1 and fbiC result in the loss of a spe- NADH:menaquinone oxidoreductase as a phenothiazine
cific glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and its deazaflavin [355]. Mechanisms of M. tuberculosis resistance to the phe-
cofactor F420, respectively, which together provide electrons nothiazines remain to be elucidated.
for the reductive activation of PA-824 [340]. In addition,
resistance to PA-824 has been associated with mutations in Acknowledgements This work was supported by NIH grants
Rv3547, a gene encoding a conserved hypothetical protein UH2AI122309, R21AI114507A and R21AI122922 to PCK.
which appears to be involved in PA-824 activation [340,
341]. Among laboratory strains, the frequency of resistance
to PA-824 is slightly less than that to INH, approximately References
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Part IV
Fungal Drug Resistance: Mechanisms
Amphotericin B: Polyene Resistance
Mechanisms 26
Matthew McCarthy, Elizabeth M. O’Shaughnessy,
and Thomas J. Walsh
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has developed of both species have been found to be resistant to ampho-
a standardized broth dilution methodology for in vitro sus- tericin B with MIC ≥2 μg/mL, including one isolate of C.
ceptibility testing of Candida species against amphotericin glabrata harboring a missense mutation of the ERG6 gene,
B, flucytosine, fluconazole, and itraconazole [16]. The mean which affects sterol content in the plasma membrane [26,
inhibitory concentration (MIC) of amphotericin B can vary 27]. Pfaller et al. reported C. glabrata with amphotericin B
depending upon the test format, type of media, and the fun- MIC ≥2 μg/mL in less than 1 % of US isolates and in 4.4 %
gal species being tested. This method cannot always distin- of European isolates [28]. Trichosporon species, for exam-
guish between amphotericin B-susceptible and amphotericin ple T. asahii (formerly T. beigelii), are generally resistant to
B-resistant isolates due to the narrow range of MIC values amphotericin B; isolates may be inhibited, but are not killed
that are generated. Limitations with the current methodolo- by achievable serum levels of amphotericin B [29].
gies have precluded the establishment of interpretative MIC An in vitro susceptibility study of 100 Aspergillus species
breakpoints for amphotericin B for yeasts and molds. against amphotericin B demonstrated that 67 % of the iso-
Antibiotic medium-3 and E-test strips have been reported to lates had an MIC ≥2 μg/mL, and 90 % had an MIC ≤4 μg/
enhance detection of fungal strains with diminished suscep- mL [15]. A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. nidulans, and A. niger
tibility to amphotericin B, because a broader range of MIC are generally susceptible to amphotericin B, but resistance
values can be generated [17, 18]. An evaluation of different has been reported [9]. A. terreus (MIC range: 1 to >4 μg/mL)
in vitro susceptibility test formats for amphotericin B against is inherently resistant to amphotericin B, possibly due to
Candida spp.—i.e., broth microdilution using different elevated catalase production, protecting the organism from
media, E-test, and MFC—did not generate results that cor- oxidative damage that has been implicated in amphotericin B
related with therapeutic success or failure [19]. action [30, 31].
There is a narrow range of MIC values (0.06 ∼ 2 μg/mL) Scedosporium apiospermum (MIC range: 1 to >16 μg/
for amphotericin B against Candida species; therefore, a mL), Pseudallescheria boydii (MIC range: 1 to ≥16 μg/mL),
one-dilution shift in a breakpoint can greatly alter how sus- some strains of Sporothrix schenckii (MIC range: 0.5–4 μg/
ceptibility or resistance is reported [20]. Candida spp. with mL), and some Fusarium species (MIC range: 1 to >4 μg/
MIC >1 μg/mL are considered resistant to amphotericin B mL) have variable resistance to amphotericin B [9, 32–34].
[16]. Time-kill assays show that the time required for fun- Scedosporium prolificans (MIC range: 4 > 16 μg/mL) is
gicidal activity for amphotericin B is species dependent. In another emerging infectious dematiaceous mold that is usu-
a recent study, the time required for fungicidal activity was ally resistant to amphotericin B [35, 36]. The dimorphic
fastest for C. albicans, and the time increased, respectively, fungi Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides spp., and
for the following species: C. lusitaniae, C. glabrata, Blastomyces dermatitidis are generally susceptible to
C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, and C. tropicalis [21]. amphotericin B, and have MIC values that range from 0.5 to
1.0 μg/mL. Zygomycetes are typically susceptible to ampho-
tericin B (MIC range: 0.5–2.0 μg/mL) [33, 37–39]. Resistance
1.1 Epidemiology of Polyene Resistance to amphotericin B has also been reported in the protozoan
parasite Leishmania donovani, a causative agent in
Amphotericin B resistance is rare, but has been reported in Leishmaniasis or kala azar. It has been suggested that resis-
some Candida species, as well as Trichosporon, Aspergillus, tance is possibly due to an upregulated thiol metabolic path-
Scedosporium, Fusarium, and the protozoa, Leishmania way as well as altered ATP-binding cassette transporters and
species [9, 10]. Although amphotericin B-resistant strains of membrane composition [10].
C. albicans (defined as an MIC ≥2 μg/mL) have been
reported, amphotericin B resistance is more common in
non-albicans species [22]. Resistance is seen in a small but 1.2 Emergence of Polyene Resistance
significant percentage of Candida species: C. lusitaniae
(5–20 %), C. rugosa (5–20 %), C. krusei (10–15 %), and C. Emergence of resistance during amphotericin B therapy is an
guilliermondii (5–10 %) [2]. Ostrosky-Zeichner et al. uncommon phenomenon [9]. The fungal pathogen may acquire
reported a 2–3 % rate of resistance to amphotericin B resistance, or the patient may become infected with a different
(defined as MIC >1.0 μg/mL) in C. parapsilosis and C. kru- species intrinsically resistant to amphotericin B. Amphotericin
sei isolates in a surveillance study of Candida bloodstream B is often used as empiric therapy for neutropenic fever, and
isolates in the USA [23]. C. lusitaniae and C. guilliermondii yeast isolates from patients undergoing myelosuppressive che-
are known for inherent or rapid acquisition of amphotericin motherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have
B resistance [2, 24, 25]. C. glabrata and C. krusei are gener- been reported to have significantly higher MICs to amphoteri-
ally susceptible to amphotericin B, but they tend to have cin B than colonizing isolates from immunocompetent patients
higher MICs than C. albicans. A small proportion of isolates [40–43]. Dannaoui et al. investigated the emergence of antifun-
26 Amphotericin B: Polyene Resistance Mechanisms 389
gal resistance in 200 sequential isolates of A. fumigatus from cells, but they bind more avidly to ergosterol-containing
immunocompromised patients on antifungal therapy, and membranes than to cholesterol-containing membranes [54].
found that resistance was rare [44]. Amphotericin B has toxic effects on mammalian cells. It has
Strains of C. albicans acquiring resistance to amphoteri- been shown that in the presence of serum, amphotericin B
cin B or amphotericin B plus azoles have been isolated from binding is not limited to membrane binding, but also to bind-
patients receiving treatment with these antifungals [45, 46]. ing with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors. These
Nolte et al. reported two cases of candidemia in leukemia toxic effects may be due to its capacity to modify or weaken
patients, which were caused by fluconazole and amphoteri- the structure of LDLs by an oxidative process [55].
cin B-resistant isolates of C. albicans. The patients had Ergosterol and its biosynthetic pathway are the two major
received empiric therapy with both of these antifungals [45]. targets for polyene antibiotics. The antifungal effects of
A cluster of cases of C. rugosa candidemia, reported from amphotericin B are believed to be by two primary mecha-
Brazil, were refractory to amphotericin B therapy and asso- nisms: an increase in permeation by binding sterols in cellu-
ciated with a high mortality; two patients had received prior lar membranes, and a pro-oxidant effect causing oxidative
therapy with amphotericin B [47]. damage in target fungal cells. The type and quality of sterols
An association between in vitro-decreased susceptibility in fungal cell membranes also influence the level of interac-
to amphotericin B in Candida species isolated from severely tion between the cells and polyenes. The interaction leads to
immunocompromised patients with candidemia and subse- increased cell permeability, and sometimes to cell death. The
quent poor clinical outcome has been reported. Bloodstream latter effect does not always follow changes in cell permea-
isolates of C. albicans with MIC >0.8 μg/mL were associ- bility, and is probably affected by a separate process involv-
ated with a high mortality in severely immunocompromised ing oxidative damage [56, 57].
patients [42]. Infection with polyene-resistant isolates of
C. lusitaniae and C. guilliermondii has been described in
patients who received amphotericin B therapy [46, 48]. 2.1 I nteraction with Sterols in the Fungal Cell
Cross-resistance to azoles and polyenes has been reported in Membrane
Candida glabrata vaginal isolates in a case of recurrent vagi-
nitis as well as Cryptococcus neoformans in HIV-infected The most widely accepted model for the mechanism of
patients following several courses of azoles, or azoles plus action of amphotericin B was proposed in the early 1970s
amphotericin B [49, 50]. For Aspergillus spp. and other [58–60]. Interaction of amphotericin B with sterols causes
molds, there is a little data on the ability of MICs to predict the formation of transmembrane pores or channels that cause
clinical outcome. In a study of 29 patients with hematologi- disruption of normal membrane function. Polyene antibiot-
cal malignancies, infected with A. flavus 41 % [12], A. fumig- ics were one of the first model systems used to study trans-
atus 28 % [8], and A. terreus 31 % [9], infection with an membrane ionic channel structures. Amphotericin B binds to
Aspergillus species with MIC ≥2 μg/mL was associated with membrane ergosterol, which results in the production of
a high mortality rate. All patients infected with A. terreus aqueous pores. These pores consist of an annulus of eight
(MIC ≥2 μg/mL) died [51]. amphotericin B molecules linked hydrophobically to the
membrane sterols forming the staves in a barrel-like struc-
ture, with a hydrophilic interior and a hydrophobic exterior.
2 Mechanism of Action of Amphotericin B The hydrophilic channel has a diameter of approximately
8 Å [59–61].
The mechanisms of action and toxicity of amphotericin B The formation of membrane pores or channels causes
have been recently reviewed in a detailed report by Loo and altered membrane permeability and leakage of potassium
colleagues [52]. Amphotericin B acts mainly at the plasma ions, and of other vital cytoplasmic components, leading to
membrane, and impairs membrane barrier function. membrane disruption, and possible fungal cell death. To
Susceptibility to polyenes depends on membrane structure, replace potassium loss, a subsequent transfer of hydrogen
including sterols and other components such as phospholip- ions from the environment follows. The subsequent inflow of
ids [52]. Sterols are essential components of eukaryotic cells, protons causes acidification of the fungal cytoplasm, which
and ergosterol is the principal sterol in the fungal cell mem- results in precipitation of cytoplasmic components [62].
brane. Similar to mammalian cholesterol, ergosterol serves Leakage of potassium ions does not always result in fun-
as a bio-regulator of membrane fluidity, and of membrane gal cell killing [63]. In yeasts, increased permeability to
integrity and permeability. Ergosterol also has a role in active small ions has been observed at low concentrations of
growth phases of fungal cells [53]. Amphotericin B and amphotericin B (0.02–0.1 μg/mL), and cell lysis and death
nystatin bind to ergosterol present in the cell membrane of were observed at higher concentrations of the drug [64, 65].
susceptible fungi, and also bind to cholesterol in human Previous studies on Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated
390 M. McCarthy et al.
genes were expressed. Cell stress genes and ERG5, ERG6, polyenes demonstrated lack of ergosterol with a buildup
and ERG25 were found to be upregulated when differences of late sterol intermediates, suggesting a defect in the final
in the expression of the ERG genes were compared with the step in the ergosterol pathway. Sequencing of ERG 11,
wild-type strain. The mutant strains accumulated sterol ERG 6, ERG 5, and ERG4 revealed a unique missense
intermediates such as lanosterol and eburicol, which have a mutation in ERG6, leading to an amino acid substitution
reduced affinity for amphotericin B [83]. in the corresponding protein [27]. Evaluation of a number
Studies in C. albicans and S. cerevisiae have shown that of polyene-resistant Candida species showed that incre-
the ERG6 gene is not essential for viability, but is impor- mentally more resistant isolates possessed principal ste-
tant for the production of ergosterol and for sensitivity to rols arising from blockage of the biosynthesis of ergosterol
polyenes [84]. The ERG6 gene encodes sterol methyl at successively earlier stages. Cultures of Candida spp.
transferase activity, and ERG6 mutants have altered mem- possessing Δ8-sterols were more resistant to polyenes
brane permeability. Artificially induced ERG11 mutants of than those possessing Δ7-sterols, which, in turn, were
C. albicans and S. cerevisiae have been described to be more resistant than those possessing Δ5,7-sterols [92]. In
resistant to amphotericin B, and to accumulate sterol inter- a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation population,
mediates [85]. Young et al. investigated genetic alterations polyene resistance was found in 55 Candida isolates
in the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway of C. lusitaniae. An (C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. glabrata) from six neu-
ERG6 mutant strain of C. lusitaniae was designed to tropenic patients, and resistance in these isolates was
investigate amphotericin B resistance in this species. associated with loss or reduction of ergosterol in the cell
Amphotericin B-resistant isolates of C. lusitaniae were membrane [22].
found to have increased levels of ERG6 transcript, as well Clinical isolates and mutant strains of C. albicans cross-
as reduced ergosterol content. Further transcript analysis resistant to azoles and polyene have been shown to accumu-
showed that expression of the ERG3 gene, which encodes late sterol intermediates in the cytoplasmic membrane due to
C-5 sterol desaturase, was reduced in two of the ampho- a decrease in 5,6 desaturase activity. The altered membrane
tericin B-resistant isolates. These findings demonstrate sterol pattern may provide a common basis for the dual resis-
that mutation or altered expression of ergosterol biosyn- tance, by preventing polyene binding and by reducing azole
thetic genes can result in resistance to amphotericin B in inhibition of ergosterol synthesis [78, 93]. Resistance to
C. lusitaniae [24]. amphotericin B and azoles in clinical isolates of Candida
Several precursors of ergosterol have been identified as was found to be related to the accumulation of sterol inter-
the major sterols in nystatin-resistant mutants of S. cerevi- mediates, 3-β-ergosta-7,22-dienol and 3-β-ergosta-8-dienol,
siae. A mutant strain resistant to low levels of nystatin was which was associated with a defect in ERG3 that encodes the
found to contain a 5,6 dihydroergosterol, an immediate pre- Δ5,6 desaturase [45]. Kelly et al. compared the susceptibility
cursor of ergosterol [86, 87]. S. cerevisiae mutants with and sterol pattern of two Cryptococcus neoformans isolates
mutations in the ergosterol synthetic genes, ERG4, ERG6, (pre- and posttreatment) from an AIDS patient who failed
and ERG3, were shown to lack ergosterol, and were resistant antifungal therapy. These authors observed a correlation
to polyenes [82]. Sterols have been shown to be absent in between resistance to amphotericin B and the sterol pattern
membranes of amphotericin B-resistant Leishmania don- in the cell membrane. The resistant, posttreatment isolate
ovani promastigotes [88]. Mutant strains of A. fennelliae had a defect in the Δ8,7-sterol isomerase, leading to accumu-
resistant to polyenes had a decreased amount of ergosterol lation of ergosta-5, 8,22-dienol, ergosta-8,22-dienol, fecos-
content compared to wild-type strains, and contained meta- terol, and ergosta-8-enol. Ergosterol accounted for only 4 %
bolic blocks for a dehydrogenation and a reduction step in of the sterols in the resistant isolates, compared to 75 % in
the biosynthesis of ergosterol [52]. In an animal model of A. the pretreatment isolates [43].
terreus infection, strains with the highest MIC and minimum
lethal concentration (MLC) were found to have the lowest
ergosterol content [29]. 3.2 Resistance to Oxidation
Based on an analysis of sterol composition, some clini-
cal isolates of C. albicans may be defective in ERG2 or Defense against oxidative damage is involved in the resis-
ERG3 genes [89–91]. For example, some C. albicans iso- tance of C. albicans cells to the lethal effects of amphoteri-
lates resistant to azoles and polyenes were found to have a cin B. Increased levels of intracellular or extracellular
low ergosterol content, associated with a defect in the catalase, as well as incubation under hypoxic conditions,
ERG3 gene [45, 89]. Other amphotericin B-resistant have been shown to reduce the lethal effects of amphoteri-
Candida isolates were unable to form amphotericin cin B on C. albicans cells and protoplasts [72]. Amphotericin
B-generated pores in the cell membrane [90]. A clinical B-induced leakage of potassium was not hindered under
isolate of C. glabrata with decreased susceptibility to hypoxic conditions or in the presence of catalase [56].
392 M. McCarthy et al.
Alteration of sterol content and/or composition is not suffi- Ergosterol plays an essential role in the yeast cell cycle.
cient to explain polyene resistance. Previous work has shown Sterol-starved yeast cells undergo G1-phase arrest, and this
that the type of sterols and phospholipids in cellular mem- can be reversed by adding exogenous ergosterol [84]. A
branes was important in polyene resistance, but did not ade- study of polyene susceptibility in exponential- and stationary-
quately explain resistance [96]. Some polyene-resistant phase Candida cells demonstrated that stationary-phase cells
mutants of C. albicans have been shown to have altered fatty were more resistant than cells in the exponential phase [101].
acid compositions. Pierce et al. measured the phospholipid This observation may be associated with reduced chitin syn-
composition of sensitive and mutant strains of C. albicans, thase activity in the stationary growth phase [98].
and noted a slightly higher proportion of saturated fatty acids
in the resistant mutants, compared with the sensitive strains.
The proportion of long-chain fatty acids was similar [96]. 4 Conclusions
Broughton et al. designed, by nitrous acid mutagenesis,
amphotericin B-resistant mutants of C. albicans that were Polyenes, particularly amphotericin B and its lipid formula-
similar in sterol to the wild type. When the fatty acid compo- tions, are drugs of choice for the treatment of a wide range of
sition was examined, there were no significant differences invasive mycoses. Correlation between polyene resistance
among the major fatty acids compared to the wild type. The in vitro and clinical outcome has been difficult to demon-
authors suggested that an increase in membrane fluidity strate due to host and laboratory factors. With increased use
might confer resistance to amphotericin B. Changes in mem- and availability of different classes of antifungal agents, it is
brane fluidity were associated with changes in membrane anticipated that there will be an increasing number and vari-
permeability and in cell growth characteristics [97]. ety of fungal species resistant to these agents. Continued
26 Amphotericin B: Polyene Resistance Mechanisms 393
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Fungal Drug Resistance: Azoles
Jose L. Lopez-Ribot, Nathan P. Wiederhold,
and Thomas F. Patterson
1 Introduction 2 A
zole Antifungal Agents: History, Mode
of Action, and Clinical Utility
Azole antifungal agents are widely used in the clinical arena
to treat a variety of fungal infections. The azoles inhibit fun- Azole derivatives represent one of the major groups of anti-
gal lanosterol demethylase, a key fungal enzyme in the fungal drugs used in clinical practice to treat fungal infec-
ergosterol biosynthetic pathway, leading to an altered mem- tions in humans, including skin and vaginal infections in the
brane physiology and, most frequently, a fungistatic effect. general population and more serious life-threatening inva-
However, the development of resistance to azole derivatives sive mycoses in severely immunocompromised patients.
has become an increasingly important problem affecting the Although this class of antifungal agents was originally devel-
management of patients suffering from fungal infections. At oped in the 1960s and 1970s, the first available azole deriva-
the molecular level the most common mechanisms respon- tive for the oral treatment of systemic fungal infections,
sible for resistance to azoles are alterations in the target ketoconazole, an imidazole, was released in the early 1980s.
abundance and in drug affinity, reduced intracellular levels A few years later the introduction of the first-generation tri-
due to activation of multidrug efflux pumps, and formation azoles, such as fluconazole and itraconazole, constituted a
of biofilms. In recent years, new information on genetic fac- major advance in the treatment of fungal infections and
tors regulating these mechanisms as well as on fungal stress quickly became the drugs of choice for the treatment of a
response pathways have provided additional insights into the number of fungal infections, particularly candidiasis [1, 2].
development of azole resistance. The “new-generation” triazoles, including voriconazole,
posaconazole, and most recently isavuconazole, are wel-
come additions to the limited arsenal of antifungal agents,
mainly due to their increased potency and broader spectrum
of action [1, 2].
The mode of action of azole derivatives is by binding to
and inhibiting lanosterol 14-α demethylase (Cyp51p or
Erg11p), a cytochrome P450 enzyme responsible for the
C-14 demethylation of lanosterol, thus blocking ergosterol
biosynthesis (the major membrane sterol of fungi) and lead-
ing to a fungistatic effect in the majority of cases [3]. The
J.L. Lopez-Ribot, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
unhindered nitrogen of the imidazole or triazole ring of azole
Department of Biology and South Texas Center for Emerging
Infectious Diseases, University of Texas at San Antonio, antifungal agents binds to the heme iron of Erg11p as a sixth
San Antonio, TX, USA ligand, thus inhibiting the enzymatic reaction. The remain-
N.P. Wiederhold, Pharm.D. der of the azole molecule binds to the apoprotein in a manner
Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Science that is dependent upon the individual molecular structure of
Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA each azole derivative [3]. The exact conformation of the
T.F. Patterson, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.I.D.S.A. (*) active site differs between fungal species and amongst the
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, many mammalian P450 mono-oxygenases. The precise
University of Texas Health Science, Center at San Antonio
nature of the interaction between each azole molecule and
and Audie Murphy Division, South Texas Veterans
Health Care System, San Antonio, TX, USA each kind of P450 therefore determines the extent of the
e-mail: [email protected] inhibitory effect of each azole antifungal agent in different
fungal species (meaning that some fungi could be intrinsi- transient, in response to azole treatment [15]. In addition,
cally resistant to a given azole derivative). Inhibition of there is a growing awareness of the changing epidemiology
14α-demethylase by azoles leads to the depletion of ergos- of fungal infections, with a shift towards species that are
terol that is a major bioregulator of fungal cytoplasm mem- intrinsically resistant to the most commonly used antifungal
brane fluidity, and to asymmetry and accumulation of agents (namely fluconazole) [16, 17]. Microbiological resis-
aberrant sterol precursors, including 14α-demethylated ste- tance is defined as a decrease in antifungal drug susceptibil-
rols, resulting in the formation of a plasma membrane with ity that can be measured in vitro by appropriate laboratory
altered structure and function and the arrest of fungal growth. methods. This highlights the importance of the development
Azoles may also inhibit another cytochrome P450 responsi- of standardized methods for antifungal drug susceptibility
ble for sterol Δ22-desaturation (Erg5), a later step in ergos- testing in the last two decades which are considered major
terol biosynthesis [4]. milestones in the field of medical mycology. By performing
Because of the different characteristics in their activity, these techniques, a distinction between a susceptible and a
pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and safety profiles, resistant fungal isolate can be made according to a threshold
each of the different azole derivatives has found utility in drug susceptibility value (i.e., the breakpoint MIC, for mini-
different clinical settings [2, 5]. In general, as a class, azole mal inhibitory concentration) which could potentially, and
antifungals have a broad spectrum of activity, including should ideally, predict the success or failure of a given anti-
activity against Candida species, Cryptococcus neofor- fungal regimen. However, clinically refractory disease (clini-
mans, dimorphic fungi, and molds. For example, flucon- cal resistance) may result not only from microbiological
azole has broad clinical efficacy for mucosal candidiasis resistance, but also from the complexity of host/fungus inter-
(vaginal and oropharyngeal) and was also considered as a actions, normally in a debilitated patient. As a result, with a
first choice for the prophylaxis and treatment of invasive few exceptions, it has been difficult to correlate the in vitro
candidiasis in neutropenic and non-neutropenic patients. and in vivo susceptibility data [18, 19].
Fluconazole is also active against C. neoformans and some Primary resistance occurs in organisms never exposed in
of the causative agents of endemic mycoses. However, flu- that host to a given drug. This intrinsic resistance is displayed
conazole is not active against Aspergillus and other molds, by all or almost all isolates of one species to a certain drug
and some Candida species (namely C. krusei and C. gla- and it is predictive of clinical failure. Examples are the resis-
brata) show decreased susceptibility or are intrinsically tance of C. krusei and A. fumigatus to fluconazole. In con-
resistant to fluconazole. Itraconazole displays potent activ- trast, secondary resistance (also defined as acquired
ity against Candida and Aspergillus spp., dimorphic and resistance) develops only after exposure of the organism to
dematiaceous fungi [6]. Voriconazole has been shown to be the drug. The archetypical example of secondary resistance
superior to amphotericin B deoxycholate in the primary is the development of fluconazole resistance in C. albicans
treatment of invasive aspergillosis, and as such it is recom- strains isolated longitudinally from HIV-infected patients
mended for the primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis with oropharyngeal candidiasis under long-term treatment
in most patients [7, 8]. Posaconazole—and isavuconazole, with this drug [13, 14].
which has similar spectrum of activity—displays potent
activity and an expanded spectrum of activity, including
Mucorales infections [9–11]. 3.2 olecular Mechanisms of Azole
3 Resistance to Azole Antifungal Agents At the molecular level different mechanisms contribute to
the resistance against azole antifungal agents (reviewed in
3.1 General Considerations and Definitions [20–22]). These mechanisms include modification of the
antifungal target (in the case of azoles lanosterol demethyl-
Reports on resistance to azole antifungal agents were rare ase, the product of the ERG11 gene), decreased drug accu-
until the late 1980s. However, development of resistance to mulation inside the fungal cells due to the overexpression of
the current clinically used azole antifungal agents has multidrug drug efflux pumps, and other alterations in sterol
become an increasing problem. This is particularly true in biosynthesis. Deficiency in the uptake of some azole deriva-
patients requiring long-term treatment and in those receiving tives could also contribute to resistance [23]. Biofilm forma-
antifungal prophylaxis [12–14]. Thus, azole resistance has tion by different fungi leads to high-level azole resistance
been frequently described in patients with AIDS and muco- [24, 25]. Although initial studies were mostly performed in
sal candidiasis (particularly in the era prior to highly active C. albicans due to the unique opportunity to analyze a series
antiretroviral therapy, HAART), oral candidiasis, and less of matched susceptible and resistant isolates recovered
frequently in invasive infections. Resistance can be stable or sequentially from the same patient [22, 26–32], subsequent
27 Fungal Drug Resistance: Azoles 399
studies in other pathogenic fungi such as C. glabrata, A. eling of C. albicans lanosterol demethylase these regions cor-
fumigatus, and C. neoformans support these observations respond to important functional domains of the enzyme in its
[33–40]. In most instances resistance to azoles is a multifac- interaction with the heme moiety at its active site and at
torial process involving several mechanisms. Moreover, another region believed to play a role in the entry of the sub-
cross-resistance within the azole class of antifungal agents is strate in the substrate pocket [55, 56]. Interestingly some of
not uncommon, and is becoming an important issue [41, 42]. the new-generation azoles, due to differences in the way they
interact with Erg11p, may be more insensitive to alterations in
3.2.1 Alterations in the Target Enzyme the target enzyme. For example posaconazole is active against
Alterations in the target enzyme (lanosterol C. albicans isolates that have mutations in their ERG11 genes
14-α-demethylase), including point mutations and overex- causing resistance to other azole derivatives, and multiple (up
pression, lead to decreased susceptibilities to azole drugs, to five) mutations in ERG11 were required to confer decreased
which may also lead to cross-resistance to other azole deriva- susceptibility to posaconazole [53]. A limited number of
tives. Pathogenic fungi can overcome the inhibition of azoles ERG11 mutations associated with the development of azole
by increasing the content of the target enzyme molecules, resistance have also been reported in C. neoformans [38, 57].
either by gene amplification or by overexpressing the corre- Point mutations in the CYP51A gene, as well as tandem repeats
sponding gene (ERG11/CYP51). This results in increased in the promoter region of this gene, represent the main mecha-
target abundance that requires higher intracellular azole con- nisms of azole resistance found in clinical isolates of
centrations to complex all the enzyme molecules present in Aspergillus fumigatus cultured from patients who have failed
the cells [20, 22]. ERG11 overexpression is relatively com- therapy [58–60]. The location of the point mutations and con-
mon in C. albicans clinical isolates, with two main mecha- sequent amino acid substitutions affect the azoles differently,
nisms responsible for this overexpression. The first occurs thus resulting in different resistance patterns. Some point
because of the formation of an isochromosome with two mutations lead to pan-azole resistance, while others may spe-
copies of the left arm of chromosome 5 (i(5 L)), in which cifically affect individual agents. Point mutations may affect
ERG11 resides, or by duplication of the entire chromosome, azoles that are structurally alike in a similar fashion, as point
leading to gene amplification [43, 44]. The second mecha- mutations that affect itraconazole also appear to affect
nism involves activating mutations in the gene encoding the posaconazole, while those that lead to voriconazole resistance
transcription factor Upc2, which results in the overexpres- may also affect isavuconazole [60–63]. Tandem repeats in the
sion of most ERG genes, including ERG11 [45–47]. promoter region of the CYP51A gene, which lead to its
Overexpression of ERG11 has also been described in other increased expression, have also been found in association with
Candida species, and similar to C. albicans, Upc2A is a key these point mutations [64]. The tandem repeats in the pro-
regulator of ergosterol biosynthesis and is essential for azole moter region associated with single-point mutations CYP51A
resistance in C. glabrata [48]. In A. fumigatus, overexpres- that have been isolated from patients and associated with clini-
sion of Cyp51A has been reported, which was associated cal failure include TR34/L98H and TR46/Y121F/T289A [58,
with a mutation in the CCAAT-binding transcription factor 65]. Interestingly, studies have reported the recovery of iso-
complex subunit HapE [49, 50]. Also, heteroresistance in C. lates with two mechanisms of resistance in azole-naïve patients
neoformans appears to involve chromosomal aneuploidies as well as from environmental samples collected in Europe,
leading to an increase in copy number of ERG11 [51]. Asia, Africa, and Australia, including areas where azole fungi-
Point mutations in the gene encoding the target enzyme for cides are used in agriculture [60, 61, 66–69]. These findings
azoles (ERG11/CYP51) result in amino acid substitutions have led to concern that the presence of azoles in the environ-
leading to decreased affinity for azole derivatives. In the case ment may be driving resistance to azoles used to treat patients
of C. albicans ERG11 alleles from azole-resistant isolates with invasive aspergillosis.
were sequenced and compared to alleles of matched azole- Mutations in other genes in the ergosterol biosynthetic
susceptible isolates. While some ERG11 alleles contain a sin- pathway have also been linked to azole resistance. To illus-
gle mutation responsible for azole resistance, other ERG11 trate this point, in azole-sensitive C. albicans clinical isolates
alleles were found to contain several mutations with potential treated with azoles, 14-methyl-3,6-diol accumulates and
additive effects [27, 29, 31, 52–54]. Importantly, some of these leads to a fungistatic effect, whereas in sterol Δ(5, 6) desatu-
mutations have been repeatedly identified by different groups rase mutants (due to mutations in the gene ERG3), its precur-
in different geographical locations, and these mutations may sor, 14-methylfecosterol, accumulates, which can support
represent “hot spots” for the development of azole resistance. growth of the fungal cell. Interestingly, a consequence of this
Remarkably, most of these substitutions are present in domains mechanism is that it causes cross-resistance to amphotericin
that are highly conserved in lanosterol demethylases across B, due to the fact that ergosterol is absent from cell mem-
fungi suggesting the importance of these residues for function branes [70–72].
maintenance through evolution. According to molecular mod-
400 J.L. Lopez-Ribot et al.
3.2.2 Increased Drug Efflux albicans [81]. TAC1 is critical for the up-regulation of CDR1
A second major mechanism leading to azole resistance is by and CDR2 both in azole-resistant clinical isolates and after
prevention of accumulation of sufficient effective concentra- drug exposure, with gain-of-function mutations in different
tions of the azole antifungal agent in the fungal cells as a domains of TAC1 leading to CDR1 and CDR2 upregulation
consequence of enhanced drug efflux. This mechanism is [81]. Regarding regulation of major facilitators, another
mediated by two types of multidrug efflux systems, the major Zn2–Cys6 transcription factor, Mrr1 (for multidrug resistance
facilitator superfamily and the ATP-binding cassette super- regulator 1), represents the main regulator of MDR1, and
family (ABC transporters) [20–22]. several gain-of-function mutations in MRR1 have been
The major facilitators contain a transmembrane pore but reported to cause constitutive upregulation of MDR1 in
use proton motive force as their energy source. Up to 95 C. albicans [82]. Similar to ERG11, both MRR1 and TAC1
major facilitators from 17 different families have been pre- reside on the left arm of chromosome 5; thus multiple
dicted from the C. albicans genome sequence; however only genomic alterations and in particular the formation of the
1, MDR1, has been described to play a role specifically in isochromosome i(5 L) in C. albicans increase their copy
fluconazole resistance (but not resistance to other azole number leading to azole resistance [83, 84]. In C. glabrata
derivatives). Although expression of the C. albicans gene ABC-transporter regulation is similar to S. cerevisiae, and
FLU1 (for fluconazole resistance) encoding another major high-level azole resistance is mostly due to gain-of-function
facilitator in S. cerevisiae confers fluconazole-specific efflux, mutations in the gene encoding the transcription factor Pdr1,
its overexpression has not yet been described as a cause of resulting in upregulation of genes encoding the multidrug
azole resistance in C. albicans clinical isolates [73]. In A. resistance ABC transporters Cdr1, Pdh1, and Snq2 [85].
fumigatus, AfuMDR3 encodes major facilitator whose upreg-
ulation has been linked to itraconazole resistance [74]. 3.2.3 C ellular Stress Responses Mediated
ABC transporters, which have been associated with drug by Hsp90 and Related Factors
resistance in a variety of eukaryotic cells, include a mem- Fungi have evolved a highly sophisticated stress response
brane pore composed of transmembrane segments and two circuitry that enables them to cope with diverse environmen-
ATP-binding cassettes on the cytosolic side of the membrane tal stresses [86], and these same signal transduction path-
which provide the energy source for the pump [75, 76]. C. ways can be used by fungal cells to respond to the membrane
albicans is predicted to contain 28 proteins of several classes stress induced by treatment with azole antifungal drugs [86].
of ABC transporters [77]; of these CDR1 (for Candida drug The highly conserved and essential molecular chaperone
resistance) and CDR2, both members of the pleiotropic drug Hsp90 regulates a complex cellular circuitry in fungi (and
resistance (PDR) class, play a predominant role in azole drug other eukaryotes) by stabilizing numerous client proteins,
resistance. In C. glabrata the preponderant mechanism of many of which are key regulators of cellular signaling [86].
azole resistance is the constitutive upregulated expression of Inhibition of Hsp90 reduces tolerance of Candida species
genes encoding ABC transporters (CgCDR1, CgCDR2/PDH1, against azoles and blocks the evolution of azole resistance
and CgSNQ2) [20]. Other genes encoding ABC transporters [86]. In fact, Hsp90 pharmacological inhibitors of Hsp90
from Candida dubliniensis (CdCDR1 and CdCDR2), Candida increase the efficacy of azole drugs against resistant Candida
krusei (ABC1 and 2), C. tropicalis (CDR1 homologue), and isolates, both in vitro and in vivo [20, 86]. Calcineurin and
C. neoformans (CnAFR1, for “antifungal resistance 1”) have Mkc1 represent the key client proteins by which Hsp90 regu-
been reported to be upregulated in azole-resistant clinical iso- lates the emergence and maintenance of azole resistance in
lates of these different Candida species (reviewed in [20]). In fungi. The protein phosphatase calcineurin is required to sur-
A. fumigatus, AfuMDR1, most recently renamed CDR1B, vive the cell membrane stress induced by azoles [87–89].
remains the only gene encoding an ABC transporter that has Hsp90 physically interacts with the catalytic subunit of cal-
been directly implicated in azole resistance [78]; however cineurin, keeping it stable and poised for activation. Hsp90
other genes coding for ABC transporters (including also stabilizes Mkc1, the terminal mitogen-activated protein
AfuMDR2, and five genes designated abcA–E) have been kinase of the cell wall integrity pathway, and modulates
described to be upregulated in clinical isolates and also in additional responses to the stress induced by exposure to
response to azole exposure [33, 40, 74, 79]. azole derivatives [20, 90].
More recently a series of studies have provided new
insights into genetic factors regulating this mechanism and 3.2.4 A cquisition of Resistance
have identified several key regulators of multidrug transport- Through Multiple Mechanisms,
ers in C. albicans and other fungal species [20, 80]. TAC1 Prevalence, and Heterogeneity
(for transcriptional activator of CDR genes), a member of the of Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance
Zn2–Cys6 transcription factor family, was the first major tran- The multiplicity of resistance mechanisms to azole antifun-
scription factor important for regulating efflux activity in C. gals represents a set of biological tools that enables fungal
27 Fungal Drug Resistance: Azoles 401
cells to develop resistance. The emergence of resistance cate that different fungal subpopulations may coexist at a
often occurs through stepwise increases over time, frequently given time in the same patient and may develop resistance
involving multiple mechanisms as documented in longitudi- through different mechanisms [91, 92].
nal studies analyzing sequential clinical isolates recovered
from patients during the course of infection. Some studies 3.2.5 Biofilm Resistance
have also investigated the prevalence and relative frequency A significant proportion of all human microbial infections,
of resistance mechanisms in a large number of azole-resistant including mycoses, involve biofilm formation [24] and sev-
isolates. To illustrate this point, in one of these studies [29], eral groups have demonstrated that biofilm formation by
most of the C. albicans isolates resistant to fluconazole pre- different fungi, including Candida, Aspergillus, and
sented a combination of mechanisms including upregulation Cryptococcus spp., leads to dramatically increased levels
of efflux transporters and point mutations in the ERG11 of resistance to azole derivatives (reviewed in [24]). This
alleles. In 85 % of resistant isolates a major mechanism of resistance is multifactorial, and includes mechanisms that
resistance was the upregulation of multidrug resistance of are specific to the biofilm lifestyle. Mechanisms contribut-
both families (ABC transporters and major facilitators). ing to azole resistance in fungal biofilms include (a) the
Also, almost 60 % of patients presented C. albicans isolates increased numbers of fungal cells within the biofilm [95];
harboring point mutations in their ERG11 genes leading to (b) subpopulations of “persister” cells that develop toler-
enzymes with decreased affinity for fluconazole. Overall, ance to azoles [96]; (c) activation of efflux systems, which
75 % of the azole-resistant isolates showed combined resis- may occur physiologically as a means to facilitate the
tance mechanisms. All the isolates that showed cross- removal of waste products but may concomitantly result in
resistance against multiple azoles presented increase in CDR increased efflux of azole antifungals [97]; (d) changes in
mRNA. Only one isolate overexpressed ERG11 genes with- the membrane sterols of cells within the biofilms [98]; (e)
out concomitant upregulation of CDR and MDR genes, and cellular stress responses mostly orchestrated by Hsp90 and
only two resistant isolates presented point mutations in the calcineurin pathway [99]; and (f) a role for the biofilm
ERG11 genes as mechanism of resistance not associated matrix due to azole binding by exopolymeric components
with upregulation of efflux pumps. Overall these studies (mostly β-glucans) and presence of extracellular DNA
point to the complexity of the distribution of the molecular [100–102]. For further information and an in-depth descrip-
mechanisms of azole drug resistance. tion of mechanisms of azole resistance in fungal biofilms
An often-overlooked and underappreciated phenomenon, readers are referred to some excellent reviews on this topic
particularly in early studies, is the fact that different fungal [25, 103, 104].
subpopulations may exist that respond and evolve differently
under antifungal drug pressure, providing an additional level
of complexity in the molecular mechanisms of azole resis- 4 Conclusions
tance. Earlier studies on molecular mechanisms of azole
resistance in oropharyngeal candidiasis were limited due to Azoles are an important class of antifungal drugs that have
the fact that only a single isolate from each episode was found widespread utility in the clinical practice for the treat-
available for study, but recovery and analyses of multiple ment of fungal infections. However, with their increasing
isolates from the same episode in some subsequent studies usage, emergence of resistance has become a problem, espe-
allowed a comprehensive assessment of the epidemiology of cially in patients requiring long-term treatment and those
resistance in OPC. In the case of C. albicans, it was demon- receiving azole prophylaxis. Also, azole use has had a tre-
strated that despite mostly a clonal origin, different subpopu- mendous impact in the epidemiology of fungal infections.
lations exhibited distinct resistance mechanisms, including At the molecular level, the main mechanisms responsible
concomitant presence and absence of functional point muta- for azole resistance are alterations in the target enzyme and
tions in ERG11 genes and different patterns of expression of increased efflux of drug. Very often resistance is multifacto-
genes encoding multidrug efflux pumps [91, 92]. Genomic rial, and combinations of different mechanisms are opera-
instability with multiple potential genomic alterations, tive in a high proportion of resistant isolates. Development
including loss of heterozygosity, increase of chromosome of azole resistance is controlled by a complex regulatory
copy number, and aneuploidy [43, 44], impact azole resis- network, with core transcription factors involved in the reg-
tance and add a second layer of complexity to this phenom- ulation of key genes which play a major role in resistance.
enon. All together these observations are indicative of In addition to these mechanisms, different signal transduc-
microevolution of fungal populations under azole antifungal tion pathways enable fungal cells to mount an efficient
pressure, as it was also demonstrated by Cowen and col- response against the stress induced by exposure to azoles.
leagues in a study of development of azole resistance in Fungal biofilms display high-level resistance against azole
experimental populations of C. albicans [93, 94], and indi- derivatives.
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Flucytosine Treatment and Resistance
Mechanisms 28
Jyotsna Chandra and Mahmoud A. Ghannoum
0.7 mg/kg per day, plus 5-FC, 25 mg/kg four times per day ization. Attempts to remove the stent led to pyelonephritis
(group 1; 30 patients), or (2) AmB, 1 mg/kg per day, plus 5-FC episodes during which only Candida was isolated from the
25 mg/kg four times per day (group 2; 34 patients). Regimens urine. Following several courses of azole-based therapy, the
were given for 2 weeks, followed by treatment with oral fluco- causative agent became resistant to FLU. In order to guaran-
nazole. The early fungicidal activity, as determined by results tee a constant antifungal action, CAS was infused in continu-
of serial, quantitative cerebral spinal fluid cryptococcal cul- ously. This treatment, combined with oral 5-FC, was well
tures, was significantly greater for group 2 than for group 1. tolerated, where notably no medullar toxicity was noticed,
This case study showed that AmB (1 mg/kg per day) plus and allowed a rapid (72 h) sterilization of the urine culture.
5-FC is more rapidly fungicidal than is standard dose of This strategy may represent an interesting therapeutic alter-
0.7 mg/day AmB plus 5-FC [9]. native for the treatment of FLU-resistant symptomatic candi-
Candida spondylitis is rare, and most cases have been duria [11].
reported in adults. The most frequent symptom is localized Recently, 5-FC in combination has been used to cure pro-
pain [10]. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are important in gressively growing lesions. Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL)
order to prevent vertebral collapse. Recently, Storm et al. manifests as a localized self-healing lesion(s) that in rare
[10] published a case where a patient with Candida spondy- cases develops to a nonhealing lesion. The nonhealing
litis failed 2 weeks of FLU combined with CAS. The infec- lesions are extremely difficult to treat with current therapies
tion relapsed despite 6 weeks of liposomal AmB followed by [12]. Despite ample evidence that development of an effec-
2 months of FLU. They showed that 6-month therapy with tive vaccine against leishmaniasis is possible there is still no
high-dose liposomal AmB combined with 5-FC effectively vaccine available against any form of human leishmaniasis
cured the patient [10]. [12]. Davoudi et al. [4] developed a double-drug-sensitive
Candiduria may be a marker of serious fungal infections strain of Leishmania major using advances in gene targeting
such as pyelonephritis. With the exception of FLU and 5-FC, technology by stably introducing into the chromosome a
antifungal drugs are not excreted into the urine as active modified herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene (tk),
drugs, making the management of infection due to conferring increased sensitivity to ganciclovir (GCV), and a
fluconazole-resistant Candida difficult. Recently Garcia Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosine deaminase gene (cd),
et al. [11] reported a case of recurrent C. parapsilosis candi- conferring sensitivity to 5-FC [4]. In vitro studies showed
duria in a kidney transplant recipient suffering from chronic that the homozygous L. major (tk-cd+/+) promastigotes
ureteral obstruction requiring permanent ureteral catheter- were killed by either drug alone, and together the drugs acted
410 J. Chandra and M.A. Ghannoum
synergistically. In vivo infection studies showed that tion of 5-FC enhanced the growth inhibitory effect against C.
progressively growing lesions in BALB/c mice, caused by L. albicans, but antagonism was noted at higher concentrations
major (tk-cd+/+), were completely cured by 2 weeks of of AmB. Data for the three drug pairs (AmB + FLU;
treatment with GCV or 5-FC alone or in combination. AmB + 5-FC; FLU + 5-FC) were presented as contour plots,
Treated animals showed no signs of reoccurrence of infec- which showed distinct upwards or downwards contour plots
tion for at least 4 months when the experiments were termi- for C. neoformans and C. albicans. Results of the three-drug
nated [4]. In another study, Davoudi et al. [12] assessed the combinations for C. neoformans showed inhibition with
transgenic lmtkcd+/+ strain as a live vaccine model to deter- AmB at varying concentrations of FLU and a single fixed
mine the time necessary to develop a protective immune dose of 5-FC. In the presence of 5-FC, the combined effects
response. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with the transgenic of AmB and FLU on the growth of C. neoformans remained
lmtkcd+/+ strain, and treated with a combination of GCV indifferent; when the AmB concentration was greater than
and 5-FC, at the time of inoculation (day 0) or at day 8 after approximately 1–1.2 μg/mL, addition of 5-FC had no further
inoculation. The rate of protection, parasite burden, and type effect on growth. These investigators suggested that the
of immune response were checked, and the results showed effects of a drug combination on in vitro fungal growth
that complete protection is induced by inoculation of lmt- depend on the ratios and concentrations of the drugs used, as
kcd+/+ strain if treatment with GCV and 5-FC is initiated on well as the fungal strains tested, apart from other differences
day 8 post-inoculation [12]. related to variations in study design, pathogens, drug condi-
Overall, these studies show that 5-FC can be used suc- tions, and regimens.
cessfully in double combinations and has reduced the risk of Diamond et al. [13] evaluated the antifungal efficacy of
severe infections/deaths caused due to cryptococcal menin- AmB colloidal dispersion (ABCD) combined with 5-FC
gitis or candidiasis. with and without FLU in a murine model of cryptococcal
meningitis. Meningitis was established in male BALB/c
mice by intracerebral injection of C. neoformans. Treatment
4.2 Triple Combination with 5-FC with or without FLU dissolved in the sole source
of drinking water was started on day 2; animals were sacri-
Studies with animals and in vitro studies have demonstrated ficed on day 16, and the numbers of fungal colonies in the
that triple combinations with 5-FC plus AmB and FLU have brain were quantified [13]. A survival rate of 100 % was
significantly improved mycologic activity against meningitis achieved with ABCD plus 5-FC without FLU; however, the
caused by C. neoformans compared to the activity of AmB addition of FLU was required to prevent weight loss
or FLU used alone [13]. (P < 0.00001) and to achieve the maximum antifungal effect
Dannaoui et al. [14] used microdilution broth checker- (P < 0.00001). The only region of dose combinations for
board techniques based on the National Committee for which the 99 % confidence intervals were less than 100
Clinical and Laboratory Institute Standards methodology to colony- forming units (CFU/g) of brain was defined by
study triple-antifungal combinations against clinical isolates ABCD at 5.0–7.5 mg/kg combined with 5-FC at 20–60 mg/
of Aspergillus fumigatus and A. terreus. The influences of kg/day and FLU at 30–40 mg/kg/day. The triple combination
the end-point definition (partial or complete inhibition) and of ABCD plus 5-FC and FLU was necessary to achieve the
the mode of reading (visually or spectrophotometrically) greatest antifungal activity [13].
were determined. Interactions between antifungal drugs In vitro pharmacodynamic model (PDM) simulation of
were also evaluated by agar diffusion tests. The triple combi- serum antifungal concentrations was used to predict the
nation of CAS with 5-FC and AmB was synergistic for all value of combination antifungal regimens against Candida
the isolates tested [14]. The triple combination of CAS with sp. endocarditis [16]. Pai et al. [16] investigated the effects of
5-FC and VORI was also mostly synergistic; but complex combinations of 5-FC, MICA, and VORI against Candida-
interactions were obtained for some isolates, with synergy or infected human platelet-fibrin clots, used as simulated endo-
antagonism depending on the concentrations of CAS and cardial vegetations (SEVs). Single clinical bloodstream
VORI [14]. isolates of C. albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsi-
Earlier, Ghannoum et al. [15] studied three-drug regimens losis, and Candida tropicalis were used. All four isolates
(AmB, FLU, and 5-FC) against three isolates each of C. albi- were susceptible to 5-FC and this drug was the most active
cans and C. neoformans. Using a microdilution plate tech- against all Candida spp. except for C. tropicalis. The triple
nique, two-drug combinations against both C. albicans and combination of 5-FC plus VORI plus MICA was no better
C. neoformans were tested. Results of two-drug combina- than single or dual agents against any of the Candida spp. In
tions against both C. albicans and C. neoformans showed general, 5-FC and MICA were superior in their rates and
that inhibition with AmB + FLU was greater than inhibition extents of fungal burden reduction compared to VORI
by either drug alone. At low concentrations of AmB, addi- against Candida-infected SEVs.
28 Flucytosine 411
Marine et al. [17] tested 10-day courses of AMB, MICA, In a recent study, Song et al. [23] performed comparative
VORI, 5-FC, and POSA alone and in double or triple combi- transcriptome analysis by employing two-component sys-
nations in the treatment of disseminated infections caused by tem mutants (tco1Δ and tco2Δ) exhibiting low 5-FC sus-
Cladophialophora bantiana in a murine model. Animals were ceptibility. A total of 177 5-FC-responsive genes were
monitored for survival for 40 days [17]. These investigators identified, and many of them were found to be regulated by
found that the triple combination of POSA + MICA + 5-FC TCO1 or TCO2 (e.g., APSES-like transcription factor), and
improved the survival with respect to both the control group Mbs1 (Mbp1- and Swi4-like protein 1). Expression analysis
and the component monotherapies, but all the animals died revealed that MBS1 was regulated in response to 5-FC in a
during the experiment. When treatment with this triple therapy Tco2/Hog1-dependent manner. Moreover, deletion of MBS1
was extended up to 30 days, half of the animals survived for at resulted in increased susceptibility to 5-FC. Intriguingly,
least 10 months. Combination therapy with the three drugs MBS1 played pleiotropic roles in diverse cellular processes
(POSA, MICA, and 5-FC) appears to be a promising option of C. neoformans, including ergosterol biosynthesis, geno-
for the treatment of C. bantiana infections [17]. toxic and oxidative stress responses, and melanin produc-
Jackson et al. [18] performed clinical studies examining tion [23].
the efficacy of FLU combined with 5-FC and/or short-course Edlind et al. [24] showed that resistant mutants occurred
AmB in the treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in Africa. at a relatively low frequency (2 × 10−7) when C. glabrata
The primary endpoint was rate of clearance of infection cells were exposed to 1 μg/ml 5-FC (32-fold above the MIC,
(early fungicidal activity, EFA), while the secondary end- but less than 1/10 of typical serum levels) [24]. Three of six
points related to safety and mortality [18]. Forty patients mutants characterized were 5-FU cross-resistant, suggesting
(25 % with Glasgow Coma Scale <15) were analyzed. These a mutation downstream of the FCY1 gene (cytosine deami-
investigators reported that EFA for the triple-combination nase), which was confirmed by sequence analysis of the
arm was greater than both the AmB + FLU arm: −0.50 ± 0.15 FUR1 gene (uracil phosphoribosyl transferase). The remain-
log CFU/day vs. −0.38 ± 0.19 log CFUs/day (P = 0.03), and ing three mutants had FCY1 mutations. To ascertain the
the FLU + 5-FC (−0.28 ± 0.17). Combined analysis across effects of 5-FC resistance mutations on enzyme function,
steps revealed that addition of 5-FC and AmB had signifi- mutants were isolated in ura3 strains. Three of seven mutants
cant, independent additive effects on EFA, with trends harbored FCY1 mutations and failed to grow in uridine-free,
toward fewer early deaths with the addition of 5-FC (4/41 vs. cytosine-supplemented medium, consistent with inactive
11/39, P = 0.05) and fewer deaths overall with the addition of FCY1. The remainder grew in this medium and had wild-
AmB (13/39 vs. 20/40, P = 0.1) [18]. type FCY1; further analysis revealed these to be mutated in
Overall, these in vitro and animal studies as well as clini- the FCY2L homolog of S. cerevisiae FCY2 (purine-cytosine
cal studies demonstrate the advantages of using double and/ transporter). Based on this analysis, three 5-FC-resistant
or triple combinations of 5-FC with other antifungals against clinical isolates and mutations were identified in FUR1 and
susceptible fungi. FCY1.
In a separate study, Vandeputte et al. [25] conducted a
study on laboratory mutants of C. glabrata obtained by
5 Resistance Mechanisms exposure of a wild-type isolate to 5-FC. Based on their sus-
ceptibility to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), two of these mutants
Although 5-FC resistance mechanisms have been investi- were selected for further analysis of the molecular mecha-
gated and reviewed in depth [19, 20], new data using molec- nisms of 5-FC resistance. One mutant, resistant to both com-
ular techniques warrants a review of our current knowledge pounds, exhibited a missense mutation in the gene coding the
of 5-FC resistance mechanism. Two mechanisms of 5-FC cytosine deaminase and a decrease in the expression level of
resistance can be distinguished: (a) decreased cellular trans- the gene coding the uridine monophosphate pyrophosphory-
port or uptake of 5-FC due to the loss of enzymatic activity lase. The other mutant that showed a reduced susceptibility
(loss of permease activity) responsible for conversion to to 5-FC and 5-FU exhibited an overexpression of the genes
FUMP. The resistance due to decreased uptake is found in S. coding the thymidylate synthase and a cytosine permease,
cerevisiae and C. glabrata; this mechanism does not seem to associated with a missense mutation in the last gene. Thus,
be important in C. albicans or C. neoformans [19, 20]. (b) besides mutations in the FUR1 gene which represent the
Resistance of 5-FC may also result from increased synthesis most common cause of resistance to 5-FC, this study showed
of pyrimidines, which compete with the fluorinated antime- that other mechanisms also occur in C. glabrata [25].
tabolites of 5-FC and thus decrease its antimycotic activity Hope et al. [1] investigated primary resistance in C. albi-
[21]. Defective uridine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase cans to 5-FC in 25 strains by identifying and sequencing the
is the most common type of acquired 5-FC resistance in fun- genes FCA1, FUR1, FCY21, and FCY22, which code for cyto-
gal cells [22]. sine deaminase, uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UPRT),
412 J. Chandra and M.A. Ghannoum
and two purine-cytosine permeases, respectively. These pro- obtained by introducing a wild-type FCY1 allele. A correla-
teins are involved in pyrimidine salvage and 5-FC metabolism. tion between the fcy1 T26C mutation and both 5-FC and
An association between a polymorphic nucleotide and resis- 5-FC/FLU resistances was found. This study demonstrated
tance to 5-FC was found within FUR1 where the substitution that only two genetic events occurred in 11 unrelated clinical
of cytidylate for thymidylate at nucleotide position 301 results isolates of C. lusitaniae to support 5-FC and 5-FC/FLU
in the replacement of arginine with cysteine at amino acid resistance: either the nonsense mutation C505T in the FCY2
position 101 in UPRT. Isolates that are homozygous for this gene or the missense mutation T26C in the FCY1 gene [26].
mutation display increased levels of resistance to 5-FC, Zhao et al. [27] performed cDNA microarray analysis to
whereas heterozygous isolates have reduced susceptibility. identify global transcriptional profiles of drug-specific
Three-dimensional protein modeling of UPRT suggests that responses in the dermatophyte Trichophyton rubrum after
the Arg101Cys mutation disturbs the quaternary structure of exposure to 5-FC. cDNA microarray was constructed from
the enzyme, which is postulated to compromise optimal the T. rubrum-expressed sequence tag (ESTs) database, the
enzyme activity. A single resistant isolate, lacking the above minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 5-FC was deter-
polymorphism in FUR1, has a homozygous polymorphism in mined, and microarray hybridization and data analysis were
FCA1 that results in a glycine-to-aspartate substitution at posi- applied. A total of 474 genes were found differentially
tion 28 in cytosine deaminase [1]. expressed, 196 showed an increase in expression and 278
Florent et al. [26] elucidated the molecular mechanisms showed a decrease in expression. Marked downregulation of
of 5-FC resistance and 5-FC/FLU cross-resistance in 11 genes involved in nucleotide metabolism (such as CDC21),
genetically and epidemiologically unrelated clinical isolates transcription (such as E2F1), and RNA processing (such as
of Candida lusitaniae. They showed that the levels of tran- SGN1, RIM4, and NOP1) was observed. Other genes
scription of the FCY2 gene encoding purine-cytosine perme- involved in signal transduction, chaperones, inorganic ion
ase (PCP) in the isolates were similar to those in the wild-type transport, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, amino acid
strain. Nucleotide sequencing of the FCY2 alleles revealed transport, lipid transport, and potential drug resistance mech-
that 5-FC and 5-FC/FLU resistance could be correlated with anism were also affected by 5-FC [27]. Quantitative real-
a cytosine-to-thymine substitution at nucleotide 505 in the time RT-PCR of the selected genes confirmed the reliability
FCY2 genes of seven clinical isolates, resulting in a nonsense of the microarray results. Taken together, these studies
mutation and in a putative nonfunctional truncated PCP of showed that several genes including FUR1, FCY1, FCY2,
168 amino acids. Reintroducing a FCY2 wild-type allele at FCY21, and FCY22 contribute to 5-FC resistance in fungal
the FCY2 locus of a ura3 auxotrophic strain derived from the pathogens. The genes involved in resistance mechanisms are
clinical isolate CL38 FCY2 (C505T) restored levels of sus- summarized in Table 28.2.
ceptibility to antifungals comparable to those of the wild-
type strains. In the remaining four isolates, a polymorphic
nucleotide was found in FCY1 where the nucleotide substitu- 6 Conclusions
tion T26C resulted in the amino acid replacement M9T in
cytosine deaminase. Introducing this mutated allele into a In summary, the emergence of new data demonstrating the
5-FC- and 5-FC/FLU-resistant FCY1Delta strain failed to current low level of yeast resistance to 5-FC and the favor-
restore antifungal susceptibility, while susceptibility was able antifungal activity of 5-FC in combination with other
28 Flucytosine 413
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Echinocandin Resistance
David S. Perlin
3 Glucan Synthase [30] and Pneumocystis jiroveci [31]. This led to medicinal
chemistry efforts at Merck, Eli Lilly, and Fujisawa (Astellas)
The fungal-specific enzyme 1,3-β-d glucan synthase (GS) is and the development of current semisynthetic echinocandins
responsible for the biosynthesis of the central cell wall build- caspofungin, anidulafungin, and micafungin, respectively
ing block 1,3-β-d glucan. The enzyme is a membrane- [32]. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved
associated complex that uses UDP-glucose to synthesize a echinocandin drugs for the treatment of esophageal and inva-
1,3-β-d glucan polysaccharide product 60 to 80 glucose resi- sive candidiasis, including candidemia, empirical therapy in
dues in length. The enzyme has been extensively studied in S. febrile neutropenic patients, and prophylaxis in patients
cerevisiae [10], although it has also been studied in other undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
yeasts and molds including Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus [33, 34]. The first in-class drug caspofungin was also approved
nidulans, and Aspergillus fumigatus; Schizosaccharomyces for salvage therapy for patients with invasive aspergillosis
pombe; various Candida species; and Cryptococcus neofor- refractory to conventional therapy [35]. Echinocandin drugs
mans. GS is minimally a heterodimer involving a large inte- show in vitro fungicidal activity against susceptible Candida
gral membrane protein, encoded by FKS genes, that catalyzes spp. [36, 37], although they are fungistatic against molds
the biosynthesis of 1,3-β-d-glucan and Rho, a regulatory where they alter morphology, cell wall composition, and orga-
GTP-binding protein. The FKS and RHO1 genes are con- nization [38, 39]. The echinocandins are largely inactive
served across numerous fungal genera. A high degree of against invasive Zygomycetes, Cryptococcus spp., or Fusarium
homology among members of the FKS gene family aided spp. As echinocandin drugs have a distinct mechanism of
cloning of paralogs from C. albicans [11, 12], C. neoformans action specific for glucan synthase, they are highly effective
[13], A. fumigatus [14], Neurospora crassa [15], P. carinii against yeasts with reduced susceptibility to azoles, such as C.
[16], and other fungi [10]. Conservation of FKS extends to glabrata and C. krusei [40–42]; they are also active against
the plant kingdom as well, where an FKS homolog is associ- some Candida biofilms [43–46]. The echinocandins have an
ated with synthesis of plant 1,3-β-d glucan (callose) in cotton excellent therapeutic index with a low potential for renal or
and barley [17, 18]. Likewise, RHO1 genes have been identi- hepatic toxicity or serious drug-drug interactions [47, 48].
fied and characterized in C. albicans [19], C. neoformans
[20], and A. fumigatus [14]. Most yeast have three FKS
genes, FKS1, FKS2, and FKS3. The FKS1 gene is essential in 5 Antifungal Spectrum and Breakpoints
C. albicans [12, 13] and other Candida spp., while in C. gla-
brata, FKS1 and FKS2 are functionally redundant [21]. The The CLSI and EUCAST have established standardized micro-
FKS3 gene is expressed at a very low level relative to the broth dilution susceptibility tests for Candida and echinocan-
other genes and its role is uncertain [22]. The GS enzyme dins, which show uniformly potent activity against most
complex has not been crystallized but it can be studied in an Candida species including C. albicans, C. glabrata, Candida
enriched form by a product entrapment technique [23, 24], tropicalis, and Candida krusei [49, 50]. The C. parapsilosis
which has allowed an evaluation of its kinetic properties [25]. complex (Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto, C. orthopsilosis,
and C. metapsilosis) and C. guilliermondii are notable excep-
tions displaying higher echinocandin antifungal MIC values
4 Glucan Synthase Inhibitors relative to other highly susceptible Candida species [51–56].
and Echinocandins Intrinsic reduced susceptibility has an unclear clinical signifi-
cance, as patients infected with these strains are successfully
There are three structural classes that define natural product treated with echinocandin drugs [57], although clinical
inhibitors of 1,3-β-d glucan synthesis [10]. The first class are response may vary with patient population [58–60]. The effect
the lipopeptides including echinocandins, aerothricin lipopep- of echinocandins on filamentous fungi in vitro is less promi-
tidolactones, and arborcandins. A second class comprises the nent with molds like A. fumigatus and other Aspergillus spp.,
glycolipid papulacandins, and a third class, the terpenoids, are showing reduced growth and altered hyphae morphology [39].
represented by enfumafungin, ascosteroside, arundifungin, The multidrug-resistant pathogen Aspergillus lentulus is
and ergokonin A. All GS inhibitor classes are noncompetitive largely unresponsive to echinocandin action [61]. For A.
with the biosynthetic substrate UDP-glucose. Cells exposed fumigatus, the echinocandin-induced change in cell wall mor-
to GS inhibitors distort and lyse due to changes in cell wall phology correlates with exposure of masked epitopes (e.g.,
glucans [26–28]. Of the three GS inhibitor classes, the echino- 1,3-β-d glucan), which promote a robust immune response
candins are best studied. The echinocandins are cyclic hexa- contributing to in vivo efficacy [62]. Echinocandins show sim-
peptides with an amide-linked fatty acyl side chain [29]. An ilar in vitro behavior with black molds such as Alternaria spp.,
early striking feature of this class was the potent activity of and hyalohyphomycetes such as Scedosporium apiospermum
echinocandins in animal infection models due to C. albicans [63]. In contrast, Rhizopus oryzae and other zygomycetes are
29 Echinocandin Resistance 417
Table 29.1 EUCAST and CLSI antifungal breakpoints for major Candida speciesa
Antifungal agent MIC breakpoint (mg/L)
Candida albicans Candida glabrata Candida krusei Candida parapsilosis Candida tropicalis
EUCAST 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.002 4 0.06 0.06
CLSI 0.25 0.5 0.12 0.25 0.25 0.5 2 4 0.25 0.5
CLSI 0.25 0.5 0.12 0.25 0.25 0.5 2 4 0.25 0.5
EUCAST 0.016 0.016 0.03 0.03 IEc IE 0.002 2 IE IE
CLSI 0.25 0.5 0.06 0.125 0.25 0.5 2 4 0.25 0.5
Adapted from Arendrup et al. [72]
ND: Not determined due to significant inter-laboratory variation in MIC ranges
IE: Insufficient evidence (IE) due to small number of cases
largely unaffected by caspofungin [64]. Micafungin is active greatly limits therapy. The SENTRY Antimicrobial
against mycelial forms of Histoplasma capsulatum, Surveillance Program reported echinocandin resistance of
Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Coccidioides immitis but it is 8.0–9.3 % among bloodstream isolates (BSI) of C. glabrata
less active against yeast-like forms [65]. Like Aspergillus spe- from 2006 to 2010 [92]. In a study of C. glabrata blood-
cies, dermatophytes Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum stream isolates from Duke hospital spanning 10 years, echi-
canis show diminished growth and malformed hyphae in nocandin resistance of C. glabrata rose from 2 to 3 % in
response to echinocandins [66]. Finally, the neurotropic patho- 2001–2006 to more than 13 % in 2009–2010 [91]. Resistance
gen Cryptococcus neoformans is unresponsive to echinocan- is not uniform, as a study involving 1380 isolates of C. gla-
dins [67, 68]. However, in vitro susceptibility can be overcome brata collected between 2008 and 2013 from four US cities
by addition of the calcineurin inhibitor FK506 [69]. showed that 3.1–3.6 % of the isolates were resistant to the
Epidemiologic cutoff values (ECVs) have been determined for echinocandin drugs [93]. This is consistent with rates of 3.6
echinocandins against the most clinically important yeasts and and 5.7 % from anidulafungin and caspofungin, respectively,
molds from numerous global surveillance studies verifying obtained from regional data of Candida non-albicans strains
the potent behavior of these drugs [70, 71]. The CLSI and at US medical centers over a 6-year period (2006–2011) [90].
EUCAST have also established species- and drug-specific Yet, echinocandin resistance among C. glabrata has also
clinical breakpoints (CBP) for echinocandin drugs based on coincided with a nearly parallel rise in azole resistance result-
extensive pharmacokinetic, microbiological, enzyme kinetic, ing in multidrug-resistant strains (Fig. 29.1). In a recent study
and clinical response data [72, 73] (Table 29.1). See section on covering 1032 isolates, nearly all isolates containing an FKS
“Standardized Testing for Resistance.” mutation were resistant to at least one echinocandin and 36 %
were also resistant to fluconazole [93]. The expanding use of
echinocandin and azole prophylaxis in many healthcare cen-
6 E
pidemiology of Echinocandin ters has prompted an epidemiologic shift with C. glabrata
Resistance emerging as the most dominant fungal bloodstream pathogen
[94, 95]. The development of echinocandin resistance typi-
Candida species isolates resistant to echinocandin drugs cally occurs after prolonged therapy (3–4 weeks or longer)
were first reported in 2005 [74]. Their frequency remains [87]. Yet, it has been observed to emerge shortly after the
relatively low at less than 2–3 % with C. albicans and most start of therapy [88, 96]. Echinocandin resistance in molds is
other Candida species [75–78]. Yet, consistent with the rarely encountered but it has been reported for A. fumigatus
broader application of echinocandin therapy, high MIC clini- [97] and the inherently multidrug-resistant A. lentulus [61].
cal isolates associated with clinical failures are more com-
monly reported [22, 25, 79–89]. Despite these reports,
echinocandin resistance among most Candida species has 7 Mechanism of Acquired Resistance
been largely unchanged in the past decade [90]. However,
this is not the case for C. glabrata, where echinocandin resis- Echinocandin resistance resulting in clinical failures due to
tance is rising and there is serious cause for concern since high MIC isolates involves modification of the catalytic sub-
many isolates also display azole resistance [91–93], which unit of glucan synthase, which is encoded by genes FKS1
418 D.S. Perlin
Table 29.2 Amino acid substitutions in hot-spot regions of Fks subunits of glucan synthase associated with reduced
echinocandin susceptibilitya,b
Hot spot 1 Hot spot 2 Hot spot 1 Hot spot 2
C. albicans 641 FLTLSLRDP 1357 DWIRRYTL
C. dubliniensis 641 FLTLSLRDP 1357 DWIRRYTL
C. kefyr 54* LTLSLRDP
C. krusei 655 FLILSIRDP 1364 DWIRRYTL
C. lusitaniae 634* FLTLSLRDP ** DWIRRYTL
C. tropicalis 76* FLTLSLRDP 792* DWIRRYTL
C. parapsilosis 652 FLTLSLRDA 1369 DWIRRYTL
C. metapsilosis 104* FLTLSLRDA 821* DWIRRYTL
C. orthopsilosis 39* FLTLSLRDA 756* DWVRRYTL
C. guilliermondii 632 FMALSLRDP 1347 DWIRRYTL
C. lipolytica 662 FLILSLRDP 1387 DWIRRCVL
Adapted from Arendrup and Perlin [98]
Red: Strong resistance, difficult to treat; yellow: weak resistance, can be overcome with dosing; blue: natural poly-
morphism, elevated MIC but treatable; green: no effect on susceptibility
and/or FKS2. Echinocandin drugs are not substrates for mul- mutations in two highly conserved “hot-spot” regions of the
tidrug transporters like azole drugs [42], and other cellular FKS genes [34] (Table 29.2). These fks mutations result in
mechanisms conferring azole resistance do not affect echino- amino acid substitutions that induce elevated MIC values
candin susceptibility. This has led to the recommendation of from 20- to 100-fold and reduced sensitivity of glucan syn-
echinocandins as preferred therapy for infections involving thase (IC50) to drug by 50- to 3000-fold [22, 25, 99]. These
azole-resistant strains of Candida. Echinocandin resistance less susceptible fks mutant strains respond poorly to echino-
is well characterized and known to be conferred by restricted candin drugs in pharmacodynamic models of infection
29 Echinocandin Resistance 419
[100–103], and the manifestation of characteristic fks muta- C. albicans) in hot-spot regions of Fks subunits have been
tions is associated with reduced clinical response [104–106]. shown to decrease the catalytic efficiency for glucan biosyn-
The presence of an FKS mutation was found to be the only thesis [22, 25]. This reduced capacity for glucan production
independent risk factor associated with echinocandin failure results in compensatory changes that alter cell wall morphol-
among C. glabrata isolates in a study of patients with inva- ogy [116], which can reduce the fitness of such mutants. In
sive candidiasis [105]. The FKS resistance mechanism has C. albicans, reduced fitness has been observed for fks
been observed in many Candida species including C. albi- mutants in animal models [21, 22, 116]. The fks mutant
cans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. krusei, C. kefyr, and C. strains compete weakly with their wild-type equivalents
lusitaniae [96, 107, 108]. In all Candida species, except C. [116]. This reduced competition may account for the obser-
glabrata, mutations occur within two “hot-spot” regions of vation that resistance is with acquired during therapy and
FKS1, encoding residues Phe641-Pro649 and Arg1361 patient-patient transmission is not observed.
(Table 29.2). In C. albicans, amino acid substitutions at
Ser645 and Phe641 are the most abundant (Table 29.2). In C.
glabrata, mutations occur in the homologous hot-spot 10 Cellular Stress and Drug Tolerance
regions of FKS1 and FKS2 [22, 99], although mutations are
observed within FKS2 at twice the frequency of FKS1 [22, The inhibition of glucan synthase following exposure of
34, 109]. Amino acid substitutions at Fks1 positions F625 cells to an echinocandin drug induces significant cellular
and S629 and Fks2 positions F659 and S663 are most promi- stress. In response, fungi activate a wide range of adaptive
nent inducing elevated MIC values (Table 29.2) [98]. In some mechanisms that promote survival by helping protect against
cases, nonsense mutations and deletions are observed in cell stress [117, 118]. These stress adaptation responses
FKS1 or FKS2 in C. glabrata [22, 98, 112]. Mutations in often result in drug-tolerant cells with elevated in vitro MIC
FKS1 or FKS2 can significantly alter the relative expression values to echinocandins. Yet, they are not typically associ-
of their genes [21, 22], which can influence susceptibility. In ated with clinical failures [119–121], as drug-exposed cells
C. glabrata, FKS2 expression is calcineurin dependent and are less robust because glucan synthase is inhibited. Cell
downregulated by FK506 [111], and echinocandin resistance wall stress is sensed by receptors such Mtl2 and Wsc1, which
conferred by mutations in FKS2 are mitigated with FK506 induce stress tolerance involving cell wall integrity, protein
[21]. A third hot-spot modification W695 (S. cerevisiae) was kinace C (PKC), calcineurin-Crz1, and HOG [122, 123]
recently identified by in vitro selection [112], but it is not interacting pathways. Hsp90 is an important protein that
associated with clinical failures. helps induce tolerance through its major client proteins cal-
cineurin, along with its effector Crz1 [124–126]. Genetic or
chemical impairment of Hsp90 function diminishes the abil-
8 Biofilms ity of C. albicans and C. glabrata to develop tolerance in the
presence of caspofungin [126, 127].
Biofilms also play a factor in resistance. They are one of the Chitin and glucans comprise the major structural compo-
most important microbial communities encountered in nents of the fungal cell wall and there is a prominent biosyn-
nature, and they are well established to contribute to antifun- thetic interdependence for both constituents [128]. Therefore,
gal drug resistance [113]. It has been shown for echinocan- it is not surprising that echinocandin exposure results in
din drugs that the extensive production of β-glucan within compensatory increases in chitin synthesis to strengthen the
the extracellular glucan matrix helps sequester drugs by cell wall and resistant drug action. Cell wall mutants with
decreasing their concentration at the cell membrane surface higher basal chitin contents are less susceptible to caspofun-
[114]. Decreasing glucan productions, either by genetic or gin [122, 123, 129, 130] and they confer reduced pharmaco-
chemical means, increases the susceptibility to antifungal dynamics responses in animal model [131]. Paradoxical
agents [115]. Genetic factors that regulate glucan formation growth at very high drug levels has also been linked to prom-
promoting drug-sequestering biofilms include Rlm, Smi1, inent compensatory responses in chitin biosynthesis [132,
and glucan synthase Fks1 [115]. 133]. Finally, defects in sphingolipid biosynthesis can dif-
ferentially alter in drug-dependent fashion responses to echi-
nocandin drugs. This mixed susceptibility phenotype is
9 A
cquired Resistance and Microbial linked to interactions of the aliphatic tail of echinocandins
Fitness and membrane sphingolipids [134, 135].
In general, tolerance pathways are insufficient to result in
It is a well-established microbial paradigm that drug resis- clinical drug failure. Yet, they are important for stabilizing
tance often carries a fitness cost for microorganisms. cells in the presence of drug, and may account for stasis
The most prominent amino acid substitutions (e.g., Ser645 in behavior of cells exposed to echinocandin drugs in animal
420 D.S. Perlin
model systems [102]. Even though these cells are not suffi- 12 Serum Effects on Drug Action
ciently resistant to induce therapeutic failures, they are
poised to develop higher level resistance, as the drug-tolerant The echinocandin drugs are highly serum protein bound
state allows cells sufficient time to overcome drug action by (>98 %), which reduces their relative in vitro efficacy caus-
forming stable FKS mutations. It is not entirely clear how ing a shift in MIC [144–146]. The magnitude of the shift
this ultimately occurs, although it may involve defects in depends on the specific drugs with anidulafungin and mica-
DNA repair. Genome plasticity, observed widely in C. albi- fungin showing a larger relative shift than caspofungin. A
cans and C. glabrata in response to azole drugs [136, 137], consequence of this shift in efficacy is that serum alters the
may also emerge as a factor for echinocandin drugs [138]. relative fungicidal properties of the drugs, often resulting in
fungistatic behavior against certain Candida species [147,
148]. The serum effects are more pronounced with mutant
11 M
echanisms of Inherent Reduced strains carrying FKS mutations [149].
Candida parapsilosis complex (C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 13 Standardized Testing for Resistance
Candida orthopsilosis, and Candida metapsilosis) and C.
guilliermondii are intrinsically less susceptible in vitro to The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and
echinocandin drugs (MIC 0.5–8 μg/mL) relative to other the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility
highly susceptible Candida species [70, 95, 139], which Testing (EUCAST) have established comparable standards
prompted the CLSI to adopt higher breakpoints [73]. The for broth microdilution (BMD) antifungal susceptibility test-
clinical significance of this reduced susceptibility is unclear ing of echinocandins against Candida species [53, 150, 151].
since patients can be successfully treated with echinocandins The objective for susceptibility testing is to establish an
at standard dosages [54–56]; however, clinical efficacy may in vitro assessment that differentiates infecting strains as
vary with patient population [58–60]. The underlying molec- either susceptible or likely to respond to therapy or as resis-
ular mechanism appears to be naturally occurring polymor- tant with an enhanced probability to fail therapy. In the case
phisms in FKS hot-spot regions, which confer reduced of echinocandin drugs, it is essential to capture high MIC
sensitivity of glucan synthase to drug [140]. In C. parapsilo- strains containing FKS mutations. Initially, the CLSI used
sis complex, a highly conserved Pro660 is converted to ala- clinical and microbiological data to establish a preliminary
nine at the distal edge of hot-spot 1. Enzyme kinetic inhibition common clinical breakpoint (CBP) for all three echinocan-
studies demonstrated that glucan synthase from the C. dins against Candida spp. [120]. However, resistant strains
parapsilosis group were 10- to 50-fold less to echinocandin with FKS mutations were often misclassified by this CBP
drugs than from enzymes obtained from highly susceptible [25, 152]. In response, the CLSI revised the CBP based on
species like C. albicans [140]. Furthermore, an engineered pharmacokinetic, microbiological, enzyme kinetic, and clin-
lab strain and clinical isolates of C. albicans and C. glabrata ical data and established new species- and drug-specific
strains containing amino acid substitutions at this position breakpoints that better accounted for strains containing FKS
display comparable decreases in target enzyme sensitivity mutations [73] (Table 29.3). However, the lower CBPs pre-
and increased MIC values [140]. An additional I1359V poly- sented a clinical microbiology testing challenge, as BMD
morphism is observed in hot-spot 2 of C. orthopsilosis and S. testing using either CLSI and EUCAST failed to promote
cerevisiae, which confers higher MIC values. C. guillier- consistent inter-laboratory test results without major errors
mondii shows several additional amino acid polymorphisms (misclassifying wild-type strains as resistant or fks-
in HS1 [140], although their relative contribution to overall containing mutants as susceptible) between laboratory
insensitivity is unclear. groups [153–154]. Disturbingly, there were wide modal
Cryptococcus neoformans is inherently resistant to echi- ranges encountered with C. glabrata and caspofungin [153–
nocandin drugs even though 1,3 glucan synthase is essential 155]. Consistent MIC results were obtained for micafungin
and appears fully inhibited by echinocandin drugs in vitro and anidulafungin, and it was suggested that they could serve
[141]. It has been suggested that capsular melanin may help as testing surrogates for the class to assess resistance [98,
protect but capsule-deficient strains are also unresponsive to 156, 157]. EUCAST has now established species-specific
drug [142]. Finally, Aspergillus lentulus, a sibling species of clinical breakpoints for micafungin against C. albicans, C.
A. fumigatus, is inherently resistant to a wide range of anti- glabrata, and C. parapsilosis [72], and they have established
fungal drugs including the echinocandins. The mechanism of breakpoints for anidulafungin to accommodate use of these
this resistant is unclear but appears to be independent of FKS compounds in some clinical situations [72, 158]. EUCAST
mutations [143]. has not set caspofungin breakpoints and does not currently
29 Echinocandin Resistance 421
Table 29.3 Anidulafungin and micafungin ECVs for eight species of Candida*
MIC (μg/mL) ECV (μg/mL)a
Antifungal agent tested Species No. of isolates Range Mode ≥95 % ≥97.5 % ≥99 %
Anidulafungin C. albicans 8210 0.008–2 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.12
C. glabrata 2680 0.008–4 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.25
C. parapsilosis 3976 0.008–8 2 4 8 8
C. tropicalis 2042 0.008–2 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.12
C. krusei 322 0.008–2 0.06 0.12 0.25 0.25
C. lusitaniae 234 0.008–1 0.25 1 1 1
C. guilliermondii 222 0.03–4 1 4 8 8
C. dubliniensis 131 0.015–4 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.12
Micafungin C. albicans 7874 0.008–4 0.015 0.03 0.03 0.03
C. glabrata 3102 0.008–4 0.015 0.03 0.03 0.03
C. parapsilosis 3484 0.015–4 1 2 4 4
C. tropicalis 1605 0.008–8 0.015 0.06 0.06 0.12
C. kruse 617 0.015–1 0.06 0.25 0.25 0.25
C. lusitaniae 258 0.008–≥16 0.25 0.5 0.5 1
C. guilliermondii 234 0.015–8 0.5 2 2 4
C. dubliniensis 117 0.008–8 0.06 0.12 0.12 0.12
Adapted from Pfaller et al. [49]
Calculated ECVs comprising ≥95 %, ≥97.5 %, or ≥99 % of the statistically modeled MIC population
recommend caspofungin MIC testing for clinical decision tions would eliminate the current controversy surrounding
making involving echinocandin drugs [72]. Epidemiological some susceptibility testing, which prevents an accurate
cutoff values (ECV or ECOFF), which define the upper limit determination of resistance.
of the wild-type MIC population in the absence of a known
resistance mechanism [49, 159], have been defined for anid-
ulafungin and micafungin against common Candida species 14 Paradoxical Growth Effects
(Table 29.3). The ECV does not replace the BP, but it pro-
vides additional information for clinical decision making The “paradoxical effect” refers to the unusual behavior of
when a BP is not available. Although the designation of echinocandin drugs in susceptibility testing assays to show
NWT does not allow a clinician to determine whether a par- strong growth inhibition at low and moderate levels of drugs
ticular isolate will respond to a particular antifungal agent, it and then loss of inhibition at supra high drug concentrations,
does allow for a more informed decision based on how wild- well in excess of the MIC. First described by Stevens and
type organisms would likely respond to therapy. colleagues, it is a commonly observed property of echino-
Rather than seeking testing surrogates or special condi- candin drugs [163]. This behavior is largely conditional as
tions for BMD to distinguish wild-type strains from resistant paradoxical strains show normal susceptibility properties fol-
isolates containing an FKS hot-spot mutation, it has been lowing culture. The mechanism responsible for paradoxical
suggested that direct molecular testing for resistance muta- growth is unclear, but is unrelated to mutations in FKS [124,
tions may provide a reliable alternative [160]. Direct DNA 164]. It is not due to antifungal degradation or instability. The
sequencing or real-time probing with allele-specific drug-induced growth behavior is more consistent with adap-
molecular probes provides an easy and unequivocal assess- tive stress responses, which can lead to reduced susceptibil-
ment of the resistance potential. The presence of an FKS ity. In one instance, a paradoxical C. albicans strain showed
mutation is the most important independent risk factor in a 900 % increase in chitin content [133]. Consistent with
predicting echinocandin therapeutic responses among changes in cell wall composition, remodeling is observed
patients with invasive candidiasis [104, 105, 110], which is [165, 166]. The paradoxical effect is eliminated by serum,
well supported by extensive pharmacodynamics, MIC, and chitin synthase inhibitor nikkomycin Z, and calcineurin path-
biochemical data [161, 162]. One criticism of this approach way inhibitors [167], and in C. albicans mutants that lack
is that molecular testing requires specific knowledge of phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate 5′-phosphatase
known resistance mechanisms and an unknown mechanism [167]. Paradoxical behavior has been observed in a murine
would not be detected. Yet, this probability is sufficiently model of pulmonary aspergillosis [168] and in a patient with
remote given the large body of current data. Molecular test- pulmonary aspergillosis [169]. Paradoxical growth in
ing to directly identify mutant strains containing FKS muta- response to caspofungin in Candida species does not confer
422 D.S. Perlin
survival advantage in a Drosophila or moth model of candi- drug resistance among C. glabrata is an alarming trend [91].
diasis [165, 170]. The clinical significance of the paradoxical Breakthrough infections involving C. albicans are also
growth remains unclear, as the drug levels necessary to reported in patients following transplantation who received
induce it exceed normal human dosing levels. micafungin prophylaxis [197]. It is not surprising that broad-
ening patient exposure to echinocandin drugs would promote
development of resistance. Echinocandin prophylaxis may
15 Risk Factors for Resistance Emergence continue to fuel an increase in the frequency of isolates that
are resistant to multiple classes of antifungal drugs.
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is colonized with Candida spe- Furthermore, prior antifungal exposure, especially with flu-
cies, often at very high burdens [171–178], which are in the conazole, leads to genomic instability, which increases azole
form of a complex microbial biofilm [179]. Typically, drug resistance [138] and may potentially predispose for enhanced
penetration varies across the biofilm and drug concentrations mutations leading to FKS-mediated drug resistance.
in the glucan matrix are irregular [114]. This creates a drug
exposure environment that can select for resistant variants,
which may desorb from the biofilm and cause systemic infec- 16 Conclusions
tions. As biofilms are difficult to eradicate, they can form a
resistance reservoir that seeds resistant infections. Similarly, Echinocandin resistance among Candida species is low but
intra-abdominal candidiasis occurs in 40 % or more of significant, especially among C. glabrata where high-fre-
patients following repeated gastrointestinal surgery, GI per- quency resistance is often associated with azole resistance
foration, or necrotizing pancreatitis [180]. The high burden resulting in multidrug-resistant strains. Characteristic muta-
of Candida in this protected space with poor drug penetration tions in hot-spot regions of FKS genes encoding glucan syn-
creates a strong selection for resistant variants. Prophylaxis is thase remain the most significant factor responsible for
another potential source for resistance. Prior and repeated resistant isolates that are refractory to therapy. However, in
exposure to echinocandin drugs is a risk factor development response to echinocandin action, cellular stress response path-
of resistance. As the FKS resistance mechanism is a promi- ways induce drug-adapted persister states, which can ulti-
nent risk factor for therapeutic failure [105], resistance emer- mately facilitate development of stable FKS-resistant
gence is directly linked prior to exposure [106, 181, 182]. genotypes. Host factors that promote resistance include bio-
Antifungal prophylaxis with an azole or echinocandin class film formation within the gastrointestinal tract and intra-
drug is standard prevention in many clinical settings with abdominal candidiasis. The widespread use of echinocandin
immunosuppressed patients at high risk for development of prophylaxis needs to be monitored for its effects on promoting
invasive fungal infections. Echinocandin drugs have been enhanced drug exposure and resistance emergence. Effective
used because they have favorable pharmacokinetics and antibiotic stewardship is required, especially in certain settings
safety profile, and they are active against azole-resistant where resistance is prominent. Finally, new drug- and species-
yeasts and molds. Both micafungin and caspofungin have specific breakpoints have resulted in testing challenges, which
been successfully applied for this purpose in adults [183– may require drug surrogates for the class, but it may be more
186] and children [187]. Meta-analyses have confirmed that prudent to transition to sequence-based evaluation of FKS
echinocandin prophylaxis reduces the incidence of invasive genotypes as the new gold standard for resistance assessment
fungal infections greater than fluconazole or itraconazole for all echinocandin drugs.
[188, 189]. Micafungin is FDA approved for prophylaxis of
Candida infections in patients undergoing hematopoietic Acknowledgments David S. Perlin is supported by grants from National
SCT or expected to be neutropenic for at least 10 days [190] Institutes of Health (AI069397 and AI109025) and Astellas Pharma.
Disclosures Dr. Perlin serves on scientific advisory boards for Merck,
and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Astellas, Amplyx, Cidara,and Synexis and he receives grant support from
Infectious Diseases guidelines also recommend micafungin Astellas, Cidara and Amplyx. He is an inventor in US patent 8,753,819
for prophylaxis against Candida infections in allogeneic entitled “Assays for Resistance to Echinocandin-Class Drugs.”
HSCT adult and pediatric patients, as well as in pediatric
patients with acute myeloid and recurrent leukemia [191]. A
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Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms
of Action, and Resistance 30
in Candida albicans
Robert A. Akins and Jack D. Sobel
Table 30.1 Ergosterol biosynthetic pathway: enzymes, gene homologies, inhibitors, and resistance mechanisms within the pathway
Ca/Sc Ca/Hs
Product Gene Activity ID (sim) ID (sim) Inhibitor Resistance Hypersusceptible
Acetoacetyl-CoA ERG10 Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase 63(74) 42(56)
HMG-CoA ERG13(HCS1) 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA 67(80) 49(66)
(HMG-CoA) synthase
Mevalonate HMG1, HMG2 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA 46(59) 38(52) Statins
(HMG-CoA) reductase
Mevalonate phosphate ERG12 Mevalonate kinase 39(53) 31(49)
Mevalonate pyrophosphate ERG8 Phosphomevalonate kinase 40(56) No ortholog
Isopentyl pyrophosphate ERG19 Mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase 56(65) 43(55)
Dimethylallyl phosphate IDI1 Isopentenyl diphosphate:dimethylallyl 52(67) 50(68)
diphosphate isomerase
Geranyl phosphate ERG20 Dimethylallyltranstransferase 73(84) 45(63)
Farnesyl pyrophosphate Geranyltranstransferase
Squalene ERG9 Squalene synthase 56(70) 46(62) Zaragozic acid (Z) ↑ScERG9 (Z,A,T) ↑ScERG9 (AmB)
2,3-Oxidosqualene ERG1 Squalene epoxidase 52(68) 37(53) Terbinafine (T) ↑ERG1
Lanosterol ERG7 Lanosterol synthase 62(74) 39(57)
4,4,-Dimethyl-8,14,24-trienol ERG11 C14-Lanosterol demethylase 64(78) 39(53) Azoles (A) Erg11p, ↑ERG11, ΔErg11(?)
4,4-Dimethyl zymosterol ERG24 C14-Sterol reductase 57(70) 32(48) Morpholines (M) Scerg24p, ΔErg24(A),
ERG25 C4-Sterol methyloxidase 58(69) 39(53) PF1163A
4-Methyl zymosterol ERG26 C4-Sterol decarboxylase 69(80) 32(52)
Zymosterol ERG27 C3-Sterol ketoreductase 60(74) 23(42)
Fecosterol ERG6 C-24 Sterol methyl-transferase 65(77) none ΔErg6(AmB); ↑ERG6(A) ΔErg6(T,M)
ERG28 Erg scaffold 57(74) 38(65)
Episterol ERG2 C8-Sterol isomerase 58(69) 58(69) Morpholines ΔErg2(T,A)
Ergosta-5,7,24(28) trienol ERG3 C5-Sterol desaturase 51(61) 45(60) ΔErg3(A, AmB) ↑ERG3
Ergosta-5,7,22,24(28) tetraenol ERG5 C22-Sterol desaturase 71(82) none Azoles?
Ergosterol ERG4 C24-Sterol reductase 58(71) 25(40)
Sequential products are listed vertically, next to the enzyme responsible for that product. ERG28 may act as a scaffold for genes acting upstream. %identity (%similarity) of the C. albicans gene
(Ca) to the S. cerevisiae (Sc) or Homo sapiens (Hs) homolog were derived from Blast analysis on the NCBI website. Mutation symbolism: ergXp: point mutations in the ErgX protein; Δergx:
disruption of ERGX (both alleles); ↑ERGX: overexpression of ERGX. Sc prefix indicates that data is only available for S. cerevisiae. Drugs to which mutations confer resistance or hypersuscep-
tibility are in () if different than the inhibitor targeting that enzyme. Evidence and references for these are in the text
R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 431
Table 30.2 Mutations in ERG11 that confer FLZ resistance, and their methods of determination
Mutation Effect Method(s) References
Y132H(F) Altered FLZ binding, no reduction in SDM, confers SDD, confers R in combination with S405F; [24, 30, 419]
activity; resistant transformants SDM-EA;↑Ca(Sc) confers R growth in combination with
G450E; combinations may confer R to posaconazole
T315A Altered FLZ binding, altered heme SDM confers R; SDM-EA [420]
binding, reduced activity; resistant
R467K Altered heme, reduced FLZ binding; SDM confers SDD; confers R in combination with G464S; [30, 421, 422]
resistant transformants SDM-EA
G464S Altered heme, reduced FLZ binding, SDM-EA; ↑Ca(Sc) confers SDD, confers increased SDD [24, 30, 423, 424]
reduced activity; resistant transformants in combination with G129A (a susceptible polymorphism),
confers R in combination with R467K, may confer R to
posaconazole in combination with G307S
A61V Resistant clinical strain with other ↑Ca(Sc) confers SDD growth [24]
mutations, resistant transformants
K143E+ T229A Found together in resistant isolates, ↑Ca(Sc) confers SDD growth; EA [13, 24, 425]
resistant enzyme, resistant transformants
S405F Found in resistant isolates, unique ↑Ca(Sc) confers SDD; confers R in combination with [13, 30]
mutation in some, also found in sensitive Y132H
isolates in combination with other
mutations, resistant transformants
G450E Found with other mutations in many ↑Ca(Sc) confers R growth in combination with Y132H; [13, 24, 425]
resistant strains, resistant enzyme; EA
resistant transformants
Found in one resistant strain with other EA [425]
mutations, resistant enzyme
F126L Found in one strain with other mutations, EA [425]
resistant enzyme
E266D Found with other mutations in many EA [13, 425]
resistant strains, resistant enzyme
F449L Found in strains with other mutations, EA [13, 425]
resistant enzyme
F105L Found in resistant isolates, unique ERG11 Correlative, located in substrate access channel in model [13, 424]
mutation in some
Abbreviations: SDD = susceptible, dose-dependent (resistant in vitro to 8–32 μg/mL FLZ); R: resistant, (in vitro to 64+ μg/mL FLZ). Methods:
SDM = Heterologous expression in S. cerevisiae of wild-type C. albicans gene after site-directed mutagenesis; SDM-EA = in vitro enzyme assay
extracts from S. cerevisiae transformed with C. albicans gene which was altered by SDM; ↑Ca(Sc) = overexpression in S. cerevisiae of cloned
genes from resistant isolates of C. albicans; EA = in vitro assays of enzymatic activity of extracts of resistant clinical isolates. Several known and
new mutations were reported by Chau et al. [24], but their link to resistance is uncertain since they only appeared in resistant isolates that had other
known resistance mutations and/or upregulation of CDR2. New mutations include A107T, G448V, V452A, V509M, Y257H, and G307S
mRNA, suggesting that ERG11 expression is normally limited tion of the plasmid to about 40 copies per cell. Wild-type genes
by a repressor which is titrated out by the duplication. cloned into the plasmid, behind vector-derived or native pro-
Resistance via chromosome duplication has not been dem- moters, overexpress their product [36]. Overexpression of a
onstrated in C. albicans, although it does result from chro- fusion product consisting of mostly CaErg11p in C. albicans
mosome loss [34, 35]. Tandem gene duplications have not confers moderate FLZ resistance [36], and overexpression of
been demonstrated to be a resistance mechanism in C. albi- the native protein driven by its own promoter confers signifi-
cans. Overexpression of ERG11 is seen in some clinical cant resistance to azoles (unpublished observations). This is
resistant C. albicans isolates; however, the level of expres- expected, since overproduction of target should allow contin-
sion is poorly correlated with resistance (Sect. 4 and [24]). ued demethylation by enzyme that is not bound by azole. In
Our recent development of a reliable multicopy shuttle plas- these transformants, normal to near-normal levels of ergos-
mid for C. albicans has allowed us to address this issue without terol accumulate even in 64 μg/mL FLZ.
resorting to heterologous expression. The selective marker in What is the effect of disruption of ERG11? Recently,
this plasmid is the wild-type gene encoding IMP dehydroge- disruption of both alleles of ERG11 in C. albicans was
nase; only when overexpressed can this gene confer resistance to reported. The disruptant is aerobically viable, and is resistant
the IMP analog mycophenolic acid (MPA), forcing amplifica- to high concentrations of FLZ [37]. In contrast, in S. cerevisiae,
434 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
ergosta-5,7,24(28) trienol
this deletion, or inactivating point mutations, is lethal unless A tenuous alternative interpretation of the CaERG11 disrup-
supplemented with ergosterol and fatty acid under anaerobic tion emphasizes that deleting the target is different than inhibit-
conditions, or unless there is a second mutation in ERG3. ing it by azoles, proposing that azoles inhibit more than one
A number of ScERG11 mutants identified as viable and target. In this view, the original model is an oversimplification.
azole resistance turned out to have secondary mutations in This is not likely a quantitative issue, in which the azole only
ERG3 [18–20, 38, 39]. On one level, the disruption in C. partially inhibits Erg11p, since that should be less inhibitory
albicans is gratifying, since it removes the target of inhibi- than the deletion in the context of the model. A candidate for a
tion, so the cell is resistant. However, this poses a problem second site of inhibition is Erg5p, another P450 enzyme acting
for the model for azole mechanism of action, and/or calls downstream of Erg3p (Fig. 30.4). Indeed, azoles inhibit in vitro
into question the genotype of the ERG11 disruptant strain activity of ScErg5p, a Δ22 desaturase P450 enzyme, with almost
[37]. Deletion of the gene should introduce the same growth- the same efficacy as Erg11p [40]. In this modified model, azoles
inhibited phenotype as wild-type cells inhibited by FLZ, contribute to accumulation of toxic sterol in two ways: by
because it should generate an inhibitory concentration of blocking demethylation of lanosterol and by constricting the
14-methylergosta- 8,24(28)-dien-3,6-diol. That is, the dis- pathway below Erg3p, at Erg5p. Deletion of ERG11 does not
ruptant should be viable but capable of very slow growth at dramatically reduce growth, in part because active Erg5p hypo-
best even in the absence of azole. thetically reduces the pool of 14-methylergosta-8,24(28)-dien-
One interpretation of the effects of disrupting CaERG11 3,6-diol. This explains the growth of the disruptants in the
[37] assumes that the toxic sterol model is basically correct absence of azole. ERG11 disruptants are azole resistant because,
but that the disruptant is complex. It proposes that the viabil- independent of and prior to exposure to azole, they downregu-
ity/growth of the disruptant results either from a regulatory lated downstream genes or deactivated downstream enzymes,
change or from a secondary mutation that reduces this toxic so that azole exposure does not generate needed levels of 14-m
intermediate. The likely target for either is ERG3. This inter- ethylergosta- 8,24(28)-dien-3,6-diol. Consistently, Sanglard’s
pretation is favored by the means by which the authors iso- group showed that the ERG11 disruptant accumulates reduced
lated the disruption in the second ERG11 allele. This derived amounts of intermediates at and downstream of 14-methyl
from the single allele disruptant by selection on amphoteri- fecosterol [37]. In contrast, wild-type cells inhibited by azoles
cin B, which selects for strains devoid of ergosterol, rather accumulate significant amounts of these downstream deriva-
than by a second round of URA3 blasting, which was tives [18] and presumably have induced levels of Erg3p [41].
attempted but not successful. While it is clear that the second This alternative rationalization is complex, and requires
ERG11 allele had been deleted, other mutations may have assumptions that lack an experimental basis. The more likely
been selected for, and again the prime suspect is ERG3. explanation is the first, that the disruption of the second allele
Consistently, 14-methyl fecosterol is detected in the dis- of ERG11 forced simultaneous selection for a mutation that
ruptant, but possibly not the toxic sterol. The authors are affects ERG3. In a separate study, ERG11 was underex-
keenly aware of this possibility and do mention that they pressed by disrupting one allele and placing the second under
sequenced the ERG3 genes in the disruptants and found no control of the tetracycline repressor. Under these conditions,
changes. However, it is not clear whether they looked at its growth was reduced by 90 % [17]. While the authors are not
expression or function. More analysis of ERG3 in the ERG11 clear whether complete inactivation of expression was cidal,
disruptant is warranted. these observations suggest that expression is essential for
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 435
growth. Until these issues are resolved, it is premature to con- combination with calcineurin inhibitors, an effect also seen
clude that ERG11 is not essential for growth in wild-type C. with azoles [45, 46]. Strains that are resistant to azoles are
albicans, or that its deletion confers resistance to azoles. normally not cross-resistant to terbinafine [47], unless resis-
ERG3 encodes the Δ5,6 desaturase acting late in the ergos- tance is based on overexpression of CDR1.
terol biosynthesis pathway. Erg3p is responsible for convert- Analysis of terbinafine-resistant genes in C. albicans iso-
ing tolerated 14-methyl intermediates, which accumulate lates is not reported, but studies in S. cerevisiae are instruc-
because of azole inhibition of 14C-lanosterol demethylase, tive. Single-point mutations in ERG1 in S. cerevisiae result
into the toxic sterol 14-methylergosta-8,24(28)-dien-3,6-diol in terbinafine resistance. Mutants maintain ergosterol in
[18, 19]. Therefore, ERG3 inactivation should and does confer their membranes despite squalene accumulation, suggesting
azole resistance. Wild-type strains exposed to azoles typically that normal cells are inhibited by the depletion of ergosterol
accumulate euburicol, obtusifoliol, and the toxic sterol, rather than by accumulation of squalene [48, 49].
whereas ERG3 mutants accumulate mostly ergosta-7, Unpublished information on the S. cerevisiae database
22-dienol in the absence of azole, instead of ergosterol, and (http://db.yeastgenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.pl?locus=erg1)
mostly 14a-methyl fecosterol after azole exposure, both in S. indicates that deletion of ERG1 is lethal unless maintained
cerevisiae and C. albicans [2, 5, 6, 8]. Deletions of both alleles under anaerobic conditions to allow uptake of exogenous
of CaERG3 conferred high-level azole resistance [37], sug- ergosterol. More analysis of CaERG1 is warranted, to deter-
gesting that diol formation by Erg3p is inhibitory in C. albi- mine whether C. albicans follows the example of S.
cans as in S. cerevisiae. However, there are differences among cerevisiae.
yeast species. For example, ERG3 deletion mutants are azole Expression of ERG1 and other ERG genes is increased
resistant in S. cerevisiae [19] and C. albicans [37], but not in about fivefold upon exposure to terbinafine in susceptible
C. glabrata [39]. Most spontaneous azole-resistant (recessive) strains of C. albicans or S. cerevisiae [50, 51]. Can overex-
mutations in S. cerevisiae occur in the ERG3 gene, which pression of ERG1 confer terbinafine resistance? Screening of
would not be expected in the diploid C. albicans. However, if our C. albicans overexpression library resulted in the isolation
lineages exist or arise that are heterozygous for inactivating of ERG1-overexpressant that was highly resistant to terbin-
mutations in ERG3, then ERG3 mutations could be or afine, without cross-resistance to azoles (ICAAC or unpub-
become a common mechanism of resistance, restricted to lished data). This is consistent with results in A. fumigatus, in
these lineages. It is also reasonable to expect that mutations which a plasmid overexpressing ERG1 conferred resistance to
that repress transcription of ERG3 could confer resistance in terbinafine [52]. Parenthetically, overexpression of a naphtha-
clinical isolates, independent of lineage. Sequencing and lene-degrading enzyme, salicylate 1- monooxygenase, con-
expression analysis of this gene in clinical isolates therefore ferred terbinafine resistance in A. nidulans, presumably by
need more attention. enhancing its degradation [53].
ERG1 encodes squalene epoxidase, which when inhibited Genes other than the target ERG1 can affect susceptibility
by terbinafine results in ergosterol depletion and accumula- to terbinafine. Overexpression of C. albicans efflux genes
tion of squalene (Fig. 30.5). Terbinafine is fungistatic for CDR1, CDR2, or MDR1 in S. cerevisiae results in resistance
most Candida species, but fungicidal for filamentous fungi to terbinafine and azoles [54–56]. Consistently, clinical strains
[42–44]. Terbinafine becomes fungicidal for C. albicans in that overexpress CDR1 are more resistant to terbinafine [42].
Fig. 30.5 Squalene
epoxidase, encoded by ERG1, squalene CH3 C(CH3)3
inhibited by terbinafine,
http://www.doctorfungus.org/ N
ERG1, squalene
436 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
Disruption of CDR1 in C. albicans confers hypersusceptibil- if it is shown that antifungal susceptibilities remain high in
ity to terbinafine and azoles [57]. Disruption of MDR1 in C. an ERG6 disruptant that is overexpressing CDR1 or MDR1,
dubliniensis does not alter susceptibility to terbinafine, even to determine whether the increased efflux negates benefits of
though its overexpression in S. cerevisiae results in resis- ERG6 disruption.
tance [58]. Mutations in ERG2 or ERG11 result in hypersus- ERG24 encodes C14-sterol reductase, which finalizes
ceptibility to terbinafine, azoles, inhibitors of sphingolipid the C-14 modifications initiated by Erg11p. It is the target of
synthesis, and other agents [59]. Disruption of ERG1 is the fungicide fenpropimorph. In S. cerevisiae, this inhibition
likely to be lethal, as it is in S. cerevisiae except under condi- results in the accumulation of ignosterol (ergosta-8,14 dien
tions that allow uptake of exogenous ergosterol. However, 3β-ol) (Fig. 30.7). This indicates that downstream enzymes
transposon-mediated disruption of ERG1 was achieved in C. delta 8-7 isomerase, delta 5-desaturase, and delta
glabrata, resulting in increased resistance to both terbinafine 22-desaturase are inactive on sterols that retain the C14 = 15
and azoles [60]. Disruption of ERG3 does not alter terbin- double bond, and that ignosterol is not tolerated. It perturbs
afine susceptibility, even though it confers azole resistance the membrane and inhibits uptake of glucose and pyrimi-
[37]. Disruption of CYB5, encoding a cytochrome compo- dines. Mutations in ScERG24 confer resistance, and
nent of ERG3, results in hypersusceptibility to terbinafine and ScERG24 disruptants are aerobically viable, but only on
azoles [61]. Disruption of CDC35, encoding adenylate defined media, a reflection of their dependency on their
cyclase, or CAP1, encoding cyclase-associated protein, con- increased Ca++ in the media. Suppressor mutants of ScERG24
fers hypersusceptibility to terbinafine and azoles, suggesting a resistance mutants, fen1 and fen2, have been identified
role for cAMP signaling involving regulation of CDR1 [62]. (reviewed in [69, 70]). FEN1 encodes a fatty acid chain elon-
ERG6 encodes C-24 sterol methyltransferase (Fig. 30.6), gase [71], and FEN2 encodes a plasma membrane H+-
which catalyzes a reaction not shared in cholesterol biosyn- pantothenate symporter [72]. The common effect of mutations
thesis. Hence it is an attractive target for antifungals. Its dis- in these two genes is a reduction in membrane very-long-chain
ruption in S. cerevisiae confers pleiotropic defects that fatty acids and sphingolipids, so perhaps the fungicidal effect
include slow growth, poor mating, poor uptake of trypto- of accumulating sterol intermediates at the level of Erg24p
phan, increased permeability, and increased cation and anti- depends on their interactions with these lipids.
fungal susceptibilities, suggesting increased membrane CaERG24 was cloned by its ability to complement an S.
permeability [63–66]. Its disruption in C. albicans conferred cerevisiae erg24 mutant. Its disruption in C. albicans is via-
hypersusceptibility to terbinafine, cycloheximide, fenpropio- ble, slow growing, slightly resistant to azoles and nystatin,
morph, and tridemorph, but not to azoles, and resistance to and hypersusceptible to cycloheximide, cerulenin, fluphen-
AMB [67]. The authors surmise that these hypersusceptibili- azine, and brefeldin A, suggesting increased permeability.
ties were due to increased permeability. However, since no Disruptants were unable to germinate and showed reduced
direct assays for this were reported, and since deletion of virulence in a mouse disseminated candidiasis model [73].
ScERG6 reduced activity of efflux pump Pdr5p [68], these These results indicate that CaErg24p is like ScErg24p and is
conclusions are premature. Antifungal inhibitors that target a potential target for next-generation antifungals.
ERG6 should be potent synergens with existing antifungals, Mutations in or overexpressions of CaERG24 have not
been published. However, we find that its overexpression on
our multicopy plasmid confers resistance to azoles; these
transformants have not been tested yet for resistance to fen-
zymosterol propimorph (unpublished results). It is not obvious to us why
overexpression of the C-14 reductase should confer resis-
tance to inhibitors of C-14 demethylase; sterol analysis and
permeability studies of these transformants are warranted.
HO ERG6, C-24 sterol ERG25 encodes C4-sterol methyloxidase, which, acting
methyltransferase in concert with Erg26p, sequentially removes the two
C4-methyl groups. Its disruption in S. cerevisiae results in
sterol auxotrophy, indicating that the accumulated 4,4
dimethylzymosterol is not a tolerated membrane sterol. The
auxotrophy can be suppressed, either by a second mutation
in ERG11 or by azoles. In this situation, azoles actually pro-
mote growth of the erg25 mutant. The intermediate that
HO accumulates is 24-methylenelanosterol, which apparently
cannot be partially acted on by Erg3p to create a toxic sterol
Fig. 30.6 C-24 sterol methyltransferase, encoded by ERG6 [74]. This suggests that another route to azole resistance is
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 437
4-methyl zymosterol
H2N S 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA
-S-(CH2)4-CH3 OH O
Fig. 30.8 Structure of APB
by inactivating mutations in ERG25. More intriguing is the HMG1, HMG-CoA
notion that downregulation of ERG25 should confer pheno-
typic resistance during azole exposure. The cloned CaERG25
gene is able to rescue erg25 mutants in S. cerevisiae [75], but
whether disruptants and azole suppression will be the same CH3CCH2CH2OH
in C. albicans has not yet been determined.
Inhibitor studies suggest that blocking C4 demethyl- CH2COOH
ation will have similar effects in C. albicans. A natural mevalonate
antifungal agent, PF1163A derived from Penicillium,
reportedly inhibits ScErg25p, since wild type cells are Fig. 30.9 HMG-CoA reductase, encoded by HMG1
inhibited, but cells overexpressing Erg25p are not [76]. The
agent also inhibits C. albicans, but resistance has not been HMG1 encodes the single C. albicans homolog encoding
reported [77]. Another agent, 6-amino-2-n-pentylthioben- β-hydroxymethylglutarate reductase (Fig. 30.9), the rate-
zothiazole (APB) (Fig. 30.8), inhibits C. albicans in vitro limiting and committed step in cholesterol biosynthesis in
and is effective in treating systemic candidiasis in mice [78, humans and the target of the statins such as lovastatin and
79]. It blocks C4 demethylation, preferentially the second zocor [82]. In S. cerevisiae, paralogous genes HMG1 and
demethylation, in C. albicans and S. cerevisiae, as deter- HMG2 each encode this activity and together are essential.
mined by an accumulation of C4-methylated intermediates The human enzyme can complement the double disruptant.
[80, 81], but whether the specific target is Erg25p or Erg26p The two enzymes are regulated differently. Hmg1p is limited
is not known. by palmitoleic acid availability, unaffected by oleic acid, and
438 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
strongly inhibited by ergosterol. In contrast, Hmg2p is resulted in tolerance to AMB [100], but clinical strains that
unaffected by palmitoleic acid, inhibited by oleic acid, and overexpress CDR1 are generally not resistant to polyenes.
only slightly inhibited by ergosterol [83, 84]. Overexpression Some studies implicate the fungal cell wall in AMB
of a truncated but active form of HMG1 resulted in accumu- resistance. C. albicans shows increasing transient resistance,
lation of normal levels of squalene, but near-normal levels of “phenotypic resistance,” or PR, to AMB as it moves into sta-
downstream intermediates, suggesting that Hmg1p is rate tionary phase. This change is not seen if cell walls are removed
limiting for the early portion of the pathway, but that there with zymolyase or other wall-degrading enzymes, or weak-
are other rate-limiting steps after squalene [85]. ened with mercaptoethanol [101–103]. Ultrastructural changes
Few studies have reported mutations in ScHMG1/2 that in the periplasm and wall correlate with increasing PR [104].
confer resistance to statins [86]; none for CaHMG1 have We showed that intrinsic AMB resistance in C. lusitaniae is
been reported. However, lovastatin inhibits growth of C. regulated by a high-frequency switching mechanism. Cells of
albicans and acts synergistically with FLZ to reduce the most strains switched from resistant to susceptible, concomi-
MIC (FIC 0.08), although this requires high concentrations tantly from round to elongate in cell shape, at a frequency of
of the statin and the synergy is media dependent. What about 1 per 100 to 1000 cells. Susceptible, elongate cells
effects inhibitory concentrations of lovastatin had on sterol were hypersensitive to zymolyase, and zymolyase rendered
composition, and whether the lovastatin alone or in combina- resistant cells susceptible to AMB [105]. Consistently, in
tion was fungicidal was not reported. Lovastatin alone did A. flavus, AMB-resistant mutants were isolated by stepwise
not appear to cause changes in expression levels of HMG1 or selection. Mutant spheroplasts were as susceptible as wild
selected genes in the ergosterol pathway, and changes in type, but intact cells were resistant, suggesting that cell wall
these genes after combined treatment approximated changes alterations conferred resistance [106].
after FLZ alone [87]. Consistently, in S. cerevisiae, lovas- These data gave rise to the prediction that mutations that
tatin is highly synergistic with azoles and results in inhibi- alter cell wall structure, or perhaps alter key targets within the
tion of sterol esterification [88]. Perhaps the synergy results cell wall, and will alter susceptibility to AMB. However,
in part from a modest induction by lovastatin of ERG3 [89], appropriate mutants or candidate genes for this have not yet
which would potentiate azole effects. been identified or analyzed. Consistent with this expectation,
Statins may be clinically useful in combination antifungal microarray analysis of an AMB- and FLZ-resistant derivative
therapy, but a more potent, fungal specific statin derivative of C. albicans implicated some cell wall maintenance genes.
would likely be more useful and potentially fungicidal, than The mutant was isolated by stepwise selection on increasing
lovastatin. concentrations of AMB [107]. The resistance was not stable
Parenthetically, prenylation appears to be essential for C. past 28 generations of growth in the absence of selective pres-
albicans, since disruption of RAM2, encoding a subunit of sure, so it may have been “phenotypic.” Nonetheless, the
farnesyltransferase, is lethal. However, mammalian inhibi- derivative strain was depleted of ergosterol and instead had
tors of this enzyme are not effective on C. albicans [90]. predominantly lanosterol and 24-methylene lanosterol.
Microarray analysis of the mutant, in the absence of AMB,
showed some increases in ERG6, ERG25, and ERG5, and an
2.2 Amphotericin B (AMB) increase in cell wall maintenance gene PHR2. However, these
experiments need confirming, since they were just based on
This polyene antifungal forms a complex with a higher affinity duplicate microarrays and validated only by nonquantitative
for membrane ergosterol than for cholesterol, accounting for its PCR, with often marginal fold changes in expression.
specificity. Binding by this complex is fungicidal, resulting in Much of the AMB-resistance pathway is still unknown.
cell permeabilization [91, 92]. Detailed aspects of AMB mech- Consistently, we recovered five different genes from our
anism and resistance can be found in Chap. xx. C. albicans overexpression library, whose overexpression
AMB-resistant isolates from clinical samples of C. albi- confers resistance to AMB. Only one of these is wall associ-
cans are rare, and it is difficult to obtain resistant mutants ated, one may be a stress-response sensor, and the rest have
in vitro with single-step selection. While that is great news no associated functions to date.
clinically, it has hampered understanding of the cellular
response to AMB. Inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis with
azoles results in subsequent phenotypic resistance to AMB, 2.3 R
egulation of Ergosterol Biosynthesis
consistent with the model that ergosterol is its primary bind- Genes
ing site [93–95]. Consistently, mutations (ERG3, ERG11)
that deplete C. albicans or C. glabrata of ergosterol result in Studies of the regulation of ERG genes in C. albicans are just
AMB resistance in laboratory [39, 96] or patient isolates beginning. Extrapolating from studies of S. cerevisiae, we
[97–99]. Induction of C. albicans CDR1 by adriamycin expect that the pathway is feedback inhibited by ergosterol or
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 439
other late sterol derivatives at the enzymatic and transcrip- operative, since inhibitors or downstream mutations result in
tional levels. Upregulation of ERG genes results from down- upregulation of several ERG genes. Which genes are upreg-
stream inhibition by antifungals or disruptions. ScERG10 is ulated depends on how the individual study was conducted.
negatively regulated by sterols [108]. ScERG2 is negatively C. albicans strains with mutations in post-ERG11 genes,
regulated by an intermediate between zymosterol and ergos- notably ERG6 or ERG24, show increases in expression of
terol [109]. ERG11, ERG7, and ERG25 [116]. In an RT-PCR study,
Strong regulation of ScHmg1p occurs at translational and azoles and terbinafine induced expression of ERG9, ERG11,
degradational levels in addition to transcriptional [108]. ERG25, and ERG3 from 1 to 5 h after exposure, and pre-
Promoter/reporter fusion constructs in S. cerevisiae were used vented downregulation of ERG1 and ERG7 [51]. Some of
to ask which of the ERG genes were transcriptionally regu- these changes were shown to require a histone deacetylase
lated in response to inhibitors of HMG1, ERG9, or ERG11 activity, since its inhibition by trichostatin A prevented the
[89]. Several genes stood out as being strongly upregulated ERG gene inductions [117]. In a promoter-fusion study,
compared to other genes in the pathway. All inhibitors upregu- ERG11 was induced by azoles and terbinafine after a lag
lated ERG12, ERG8, and ERG19 in the isoprenoid subpath- period, suggesting that the induction resulted from the deple-
way, and ERG9 and ERG2 in the sterol-specific latter pathway. tion of ergosterol occurring in the first 4–5 h after exposure
ERG 10, HMG1, and ERG20 were upregulated by statins, and [118]. In an older microarray study, 24-h exposure to itra-
ERG11 and ERG6 were modestly upregulated by azoles. conazole resulted in upregulation of most of the ERG genes
ERG3, ERG4, and ERG5 were downregulated by FLZ. In [119]. However, this study may be flawed in that it compared
contrast, an earlier study showed dramatic induction of expression levels to parallel untreated 24-h cultures which
ScERG3 by statins or ketoconazole [41]. were in post-log phase by that time. Baseline levels of the
ScErg9p, encoding squalene synthase, is the first enzyme in ERG genes would be reduced under those conditions, inflat-
the pathway dedicated just to sterols as opposed to earlier points ing the levels of the itraconazole-treated culture.
in the isoprenoid pathway. Therefore it should be and is a focal More recent microarray studies have focused on compar-
point of regulation, since sterols are needed in vast excess of ing resistant to susceptible cultures, or comparing effects of
other isoprenoid derivatives. ScERG9 is upregulated by defects very-short-term exposures to azole. In the Karababa et al.
in downstream genes ERG3, ERG7, and ERG24 or by inhibi- microarray study, ERG3, ERG6, and ERG25 were upregu-
tors (azole, zaragozic acid) and by heme-activated protein tran- lated four- to sixfold in strains overexpressing CDR1, but
scription factors HAP1 and HAP2/3/4 [110]. ScERG9 is were not upregulated by short-term exposure to fluphenazine
indirectly but specifically upregulated by Slk19p and downreg- [120]. In contrast, the ERG genes did not show major
ulated by MFS protein Tpo1p. Upregulation increases flow changes in expression among lineages that evolved resistance
through the pathway and increases ergosterol content, generat- to azoles after in vitro selection, other than a threefold
ing azole/terbinafine/zaragozic acid resistance, but nystatin decrease in ERG1 in one of the adapted strains [121]. In
hypersusceptibility [111]. Studies of the regulation of CaERG9 stepwise selected azole-resistant strains examined by Roger
are not yet reported. More complex levels of regulation are et al., only ERG2 showed an increase [122]. Since these
probably also operative. For example, ScERG3 is upregulated microarray-based analyses of different azole-resistant strains
by mutations in ScHMG1, ScERG2, ScERG4, ScERG5, and do not show common alterations in specific ERG genes, and
ScERG6 [112]. This result indicates that more expression also differ from similar studies in S. cerevisiae, where, for
analysis is needed, and the complexity offers the opportunity for example, ERG8 and ERG13 are downregulated [123], the
significant differences in regulation between species. implication is that they do not play pivotal roles in the resis-
One of the pathways that branch from pre-CaERG9 tant phenotypes. Alternatively, in individual strains, individ-
ergosterol biosynthesis results in synthesis and secretion of ual changes in ERG gene expressions may be important in
farnesol, a derivative of farnesyl pyrophosphate. In vitro, the context of other mutations that are lineage specific.
farnesol acts as a quorum sensor, in that its gradual accumu- Despite the systematic analysis of ERG gene expression
lation by growing cells inhibits the yeast-to-hyphal transition following exposure to antifungals, recent work has identified
without itself being inhibitory [113]. Farnesol accumulation one of the regulators. CaUPC2, homologous to sterol uptake
increases eightfold upon inhibition of CaErg9p by zaragozic genes ScUPC2 and ScECM22, is important for ERG gene
acid, even more rapidly after azole inhibition [114, 115]. The inductions and antifungal resistance [124]. Disruption of this
authors suggested that this accumulation is partly responsi- gene, encoding a zinc finger transcription factor, confers
ble for the fungicidal or fungistatic effects of the antifungals, hypersusceptibility to azoles, terbinafine, and lovastatin, as
and for their ability to inhibit biofilm formation, but this well as cell wall-acting agents Nikkomycin Z and calcofluor
remains to be demonstrated. white. Disruptants are unable to upregulate ERG2 or ERG11
Expression studies in C. albicans have generally confirmed in response to fluconazole, and show depleted levels of
expectations that negative regulation based on sterol levels is ergosterol, and reduced ability to import labeled cholesterol.
440 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
Thus, CaUPC2 may regulate expression of ergosterol bio- 2.4 ERG Gene Overexpression Study
synthesis and sterol uptake genes. Potentially, hyperactive
point mutations in CaUPC2 could confer azole/terbinafine Our laboratory has initiated a study on the effects of overex-
resistance. This study suggests that regulation of ERG genes pression of CaERG genes on antifungal resistance. Each
is important in maintaining normal levels of susceptibility to gene (Table 30.3) was amplified from a susceptible C. albi-
antifungals, so it is not inconsistent with the mixed messages cans genome by PCR and cloned into our high copy plasmid
from microarray studies which suggest that there is no domi- [36]. Recombinant plasmids were transformed into C. albi-
nant pathway to antifungal resistance by overexpression or cans, and tested for susceptibility in an agar-based assay.
upregulation of specific ERG genes. Overexpression of ERG1 resulted in terbinafine resistance
Identifying putative regulatory genes by homology to without cross-resistance to FLZ, as expected. Likewise,
S. cerevisiae is not always so successful. ROX1 has been ERG11 or ERG 6 overexpression conferred azole resistance,
identified as a transcriptional repressor of ERG genes in S. and ERG3 overexpression conferred hypersusceptibility.
cerevisiae, but its closest C. albicans homolog RFG1 is There were some surprises in this preliminary study.
involved instead in filamentation [125]. However, these We did not expect from existing work that overexpression of
genes are not orthologous; their proteins share only a short ERG24 would confer resistance, since its disruption confers
region of homology, an HMG domain indicative only of a slight azole resistance [73]. Overexpression of CaPDR16
DNA-binding protein, not of a specific function. A corre- conferred hypersusceptibility, but was expected to confer
sponding C. albicans gene, if it exists, will have to be discov- resistance, since disruption of ScPDR16 confers hypersus-
ered with a functional assay. ceptibility [130].
A short publication recently documented a 2.5-fold upregu- One might have predicted that overexpression of genes
lation of ERG3 by disrupting EFG1, and makes the claim that upstream of ERG11 would confer azole hypersusceptibility if
resistance is the result of this upregulation [126]. EFG1 they resulted in increased production of the toxic sterol.
encodes a helix-loop-helix transcriptional activator which is Alternatively, the overexpression might confer resistance if
known as a regulator of morphogenesis and virulence they resulted in increased levels of Erg11p. Neither was
[127–129]. This recent claim that overexpression of ERG3 observed, since overexpression of Erg1p, Erg9p, and Erg20p
mediates resistance is at odds with our results (Table 30.3) and had no effect on azole susceptibility. This suggests that they
with the expectation that overexpression of ERG3 should are not rate-limiting steps in production of lanosterol, so that
increase susceptibility, not resistance, to azoles, by increasing their overproduction does not increase lanosterol pools. Since
production of the toxic sterol intermediate (Fig. 30.4). While upregulation of ScERG9 confers azole resistance [110, 111],
the publication does support that ERG3 is upregulated in EFG1 we may be witnessing another pathway difference between
disruptants, it does not support the conclusion that the resulting C. albicans and S. cerevisiae.
resistance is mediated by ERG3, since expressions of
hundreds of other genes were also affected by the disruption,
and since expression of ERG3 was only monitored at a single 3 E
fflux of Antifungals as a Resistance
time point in the absence of FLZ. Mechanism
ATP, each by a different nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). CDR1 or CDR2 but are susceptible to posaconazole, one
A recent review models these expectations [14]. How such a assumes that the latter is not an effective substrate [24].
broad group of structurally unrelated compounds can be Many other agents are apparently effluxed by CDR1 or
effluxed by a single pump is still an open question. CDR2, and it is clear that the two pumps have only partly
Overexpression of CDR1 or CDR2 confers resistance to overlapping specificities (reviewed in [14]).
azoles including fluconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, In S. cerevisiae, there are at least 31 genes encoding ABC
voriconazole, and itraconazole, and to terbinafine and cyclo- proteins, 11 in the PDR family [134]. In the C. albicans
heximide. Overexpressing strains have increased ability to genome, there are only six members of this family that have
efflux nystatin [132], but this did not confer resistance to both dual nucleotide-binding domains (NBD), each followed
nystatin [133]. Based on clinical strains that overexpress by six-transmembrane domains (Table 30.4). CDR1 and
Table 30.4 ABC transporter genes in C. albicans and their homologs and functions in S. cerevisiae
CA gene CA gene ID SC homolog %ID (similar) Function of SC gene Function of CA gene
PDR family
1 CDR1 CaO19.6000 PDR5 54(71) Pleiomorphic drug resistance Pleiomorphic drug resistance
2 CDR2 CaO19.5958 PDR5 53(69) Pleiomorphic drug resistance Pleiomorphic drug resistance
3 CDR3 CaO19.1312 PDR5 48(65) Pleiomorphic drug resistance Unknown, not resistancea,
4 CDR4 CaO19.5079 PDR5 51(68) Pleiomorphic drug resistance Unknown, not resistancea
PDR11 33(49) Sterol uptake
PDR12 44(62) Weak acid efflux
YNR070W 55(71) Unknown
5 CDR99 19.8533,4 PDR5 56(73) Pleiomorphic drug resistance Unknown
6 SNQ2 CaO19.5759 SNQ2 54(73) Drug resistance, not azoles, Unknown
partially overlaps PDR5
AUS1 34(52) Sterol uptake
7 ADP1 CaO19.8090 ADP1 50(65) Unknown Unknown
8 Unnamed CaO19.4531 YOL075c 34(53) Unknown Unknown
MRP family
9 YCF1 CaO19.13832 YCF1 55(71) Vacuolar glutathione- Unknown
conjugate-bilirubin, cadmium
transporter activity
VMR1 35(51) Vacuolar metal resistance
NFT1 25(46) Unknown
10 MLT1 CaO19.5100 BPT1 38(57) Like YCF1 Unknown
11 Unnamed CaO19.6382 43(62) Unknown
12 YOR1 CaO19.1783 YOR1 47(64) Efflux organic anions, Unknown
oligomycin resistance
YBT1(BAT1) 32(52) Bile acid transporter
MDR family
13 ATM1 CaO19.1077 ATM1 64(75) Mito Fe/S transporter Unknown
14 HST6 STE6 30(51) Secretes α-factor Probably secretes mating peptide
15 MDL1 CaO19.10146 MDL1 46(64) Mito peptide transporter Unknown
16 MDL2 CaO19.5600,5599 MDL2 38(54) Mito peptide transporter Unknown
ALD family
17 PXA1 CaO19.7500 PXA1 42(57) Peroxisomal transport LCFA Unknown
18 PXA2 CaO19.12720 PXA2 40(67) Heterodimer with PXA1 Unknown
19 Unnamed CaO19.10632 None Unknown half transporter, Unknown
conserved in many fungi
Information regarding S. cerevisiae genes and family groupings is based on [134]. C. albicans genes were listed based on Blast searches with each
S. cerevisiae gene. Genes in the PDR family were also searched by blasting the conserved NBD domains in the CDR family [426] against the C.
albicans genome database [135]. % identities and similarities of the homologs from C. albicans versus S. cerevisiae were from Blast alignment
results. Functions associated with the C. albicans genes are discussed in the text; functions associated with S. cerevisiae genes are readily accessed
at http://www.yeastgenome.org/
Incomplete analysis does not implicate resistance
442 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
CDR2 are about ~1500 amino acids long, 100 kb apart on Among these, only CDR1–4 have been functionally ana-
chromosome 3, and are 83 % identical and 91 % similar [135]. lyzed, and only CDR1 and CDR2 are so far associated with
Four other genes in C. albicans share extensive homology. azole resistance. Many lines of evidence argue that these two
CDR99 on Ctg19-10079 is the closest in sequence, 69 % iden- genes are major determinants of resistance in isolates from
tical, 81 % similar to CDR1, followed by CDR4 on chromo- clinical samples. For example, expression of these genes on
some 1 at 59 % identical, 73 % similar, CDR3 on chromosome a high copy plasmid in S. cerevisiae, in which endogenous
4 (53 % identical, 68 % similar), and SNQ1 on chromosome 6 ABC transporters were deleted, conferred high-level resis-
(39 % identical, 57 % similar). CaO19.4531 has an additional tance to azoles [54, 55, 136]. Deletion of CDR1 confers
seventh TM domain in the N-terminal half, and is only 24 % hypersusceptibility to azoles in C. albicans [57].
identical, 42 % similar to CDR1. ADP1 has a half-transporter Overexpression of CDR1 and CDR2 is common among
structure with one NBD and a six-transmembrane domain, resistant clinical isolate [137–140] and in laboratory isolates
which are 22 % identical and 44 % similar in this region to selected for azole resistance [121, 141, 142], although some
CDR1. Each member of this family has nearly identical pat- susceptible clinical isolates also overexpress CDR1 [140].
terns of TM domains (Fig. 30.10). Each member also has Deletion of CDR2 in C. albicans confers hypersusceptibility,
highly conserved NBD domains (Fig. 30.11). No other pro- in strains already deleted for CDR1 [54]. Expression of
teins in the C. albicans database show the conserved NBD CDR2 is elevated in revertants of hypersusceptible mutants
characteristic of this family. in which CDR1 had been disrupted [54].
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
TMHMM posterior probabilities for CDR99
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 443
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
1 NBD2
0 200 400 600 800 1000
1 NBD2
0 100 200 300 400 500
transmembrane inside outside
Heterologous overexpression in S. cerevisiae of CaCDR3 that these genes are not involved with resistance. However,
did not confer a resistant phenotype. Neither CDR3 or CDR4 these disruptions are inconclusive, and the implication that
is induced by FLZ. Disruption of CDR3 or CDR4 did not neither gene functions in multidrug resistance is premature,
confer hypersusceptibility [143, 144]. Therefore it appears pending analysis of disruptants created in a strain disrupted
444 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
Fig. 30.11 Conserved nucleotide-binding domains in the C. albicans CDR family. Most sequences in this domain are identical. Conserved
changes are highlighted in gray, unconserved changes relative to CDR1 are white letters on black background. Modified from [144]
for CDR1 and CDR2, and pending overexpression analysis pdr5 mutant resulted in loss of resistance relative to intact
in C. albicans. cloned CDR1. However, the loss was selective and drug
Structurally, CDR1 is a typical ABC transporter in many dependent. For example, CDR1-mediated resistance to azoles,
respects, composed of a pair of tandemly duplicated six-pass oligomycin, chloramphenicol, and benomyl was retained in
transmembrane domains, each with conserved, nonidentical the ΔTM12 strain, but resistance to cycloheximide, anisomy-
nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) with ATPase activity cin, and nystatin was lost. The ΔTM12 strain retained the
(Fig. 30.10). The NBDs are upstream of the TM domains, CDR1-dependent ability to efflux estradiol and to hydrolyze
and each has a highly conserved ABC signature motif with ATP [132]. Point mutations in TM10 of ScPDR5 alter sub-
flanking Walker A and B motifs [144]. CDR1 has the fungus- strate (azole) and inhibitor (FK506) specificity [147]; effects
specific cysteine in the conserved Walker sequence of NBD1, of analogous mutations in CDR1/2 have not yet been reported.
instead of the invariant lysine found in non-fungal ABC However, site-directed mutagenesis of CaCDR1 overex-
transporters (Fig. 30.11). Replacement of this cysteine with pressed in S. cerevisiae showed that some mutations in TMS11
a lysine in CaCDR1, placed in a S. cerevisiae hyperexpres- or in the sequence between Walker box A and signature C in
sion system, diminishes ATPase activity and confers hyper- NBD1 conferred hypersusceptibility to anisomycin, cyclohex-
susceptibility to antifungals, without altering protein imide, fluconazole, miconazole, and nystatin. Other mutations
localization or stability. Replacement of the conserved lysine in TMS6 or in the sequence between Walker A box and signa-
in the Walker box of NBD2 has similar but not identical ture C sequences in NBD2 conferred hypersusceptibility to a
effects, from which the authors conclude that the two NDBs subgroup of these substrates. One mutation in TMS6 causes
have different functions [145]. The authors, however, have mislocalization of the protein unless the cell was grown in
not dismissed an alternative explanation that the two might cycloheximide [14]. Clearly, many more site-directed muta-
have identical functions that are not evident since the muta- tions are needed to tell this story.
tions introduced into each are not equivalent. Site-directed The fluorescent dye rhodamine 6G has been used to
mutagenesis of C193 or K901 in Walker box 1 and 2 (outside monitor efflux via CDR1, since the dye has been shown to
the most conserved sequences shown in Fig. 30.2) dimin- accumulate in FLZ-susceptible cells not overexpressing
ishes ATPase activity, whereas changes at other conserved CDR1, and conversely to move into the supernatant in
positions in the boxes do not [14]. Another structure-function FLZ-resistant cells overexpressing CDR1 or CDR2, but not
study shows that a mutation in transmembrane domain 11, MDR1. This efflux is energy and temperature dependent, as
converting threonine at position 1351 to phenylalanine, expected of active transport mechanism [148]. It had been
blocks resistance to antifungals and FLZ efflux, without assumed that the dye was directly effluxed by Cdr1p, but
altering ATPase activity, nucleotide/substrate binding, or could have been an indirect mechanism activated by Cdr1p
protein localization and stability [146]. activity. Direct involvement with substrates has now been
Six-transmembrane domains are on the carboxy side of demonstrated. Shukla et al. showed that a heterologously
each NBD in the CDR family of transporters. Based on studies overexpressed CaCDR1-GFP pump binds to photoaffinity
with human Mdr1p, one expects that some drug-binding sites reagents that bind to human P-glycoprotein. Binding of these
in Cdr1p would occur in the carboxy-terminal transmembrane reagents is competed out by putative Cdr1p substrates
domain 12. Consistently, deletion of this domain from nystatin and miconazole, in a manner suggested by at least
CDR1 and expression in a multicopy plasmid in S. cerevisiae two substrate-binding sites [149]. Similarly, Gauthier et al.
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 445
showed that Cdr1p and Cdr2p cross-link to a photoaffinity advocate is left with the argument that increased CDR1 results
reagent derived from rhodamine 6G, showing their direct in an unknown secondary effect which in turn is responsible
involvement in efflux and enabling the localization of binding for the phenotype of the transformants. This is an argument
sites. They cloned the genes into a high copy vector behind worth minimizing, especially since the study used YNB broth
the strong constitutive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy- as its test media, in which most strains of C. albicans adapt
drogenase (GPD) promoter, and expressed the proteins in and grow in YNB plus FLZ at ≤64 μg/mL [151].
S. cerevisiae transformants; CDR2 had been modified to Immunosuppressant FK520 is known to be synergistic
alter CTG codons to TCT to maintain serines in those posi- with azoles to produce a fungicidal effect. The following
tions. The transformants were resistant to fluconazole, keto- observations led the authors to conclude that this synergy is
conazole, and itraconazole, and showed increased efflux of due to direct competition of FK506 with FLZ for CDR1-
rhodamine 6G [150], as predicted in earlier work [54, 55]. mediated efflux: (1) cells overexpressing wild-type CDR1
They went on to show that the photoaffinity reagent accumulate FLZ in the presence of FK506, but not so for
IAARh123, known to cross-link to human MDR1, specifi- cells overexpressing mutant CDR1 (T1351F), which does
cally cross-linked to both CDR1 and CDR1. They then not bind FK506; (2) cells overexpressing CDR1 are hyper-
cloned and expressed N- and C-terminal “halves” of CDR2 in susceptible to the combination, but those overexpressing the
their S. cerevisiae system, and showed that each half could T1351F mutant gene are not [146]. In other words, residual
bind rhodamine 6G independently, although both halves FK506-resistant efflux of FLZ by the mutant is sufficient for
were required for resistance. Cells expressing CDR1 were low-level resistance. This argument is somewhat weakened
hypersusceptible to FK520, an immunosuppressant shown to by the observation that the level of FLZ accumulation in the
compete for binding sites on human MDR1, whereas cells mutant is only marginally lower than in controls not express-
overexpressing CDR2 were resistant to FK520. Furthermore, ing CDR1 at all. Furthermore, it is controversial, since other
cells expressing CDR1, but not CDR2, showed strong syn- studies indicate that the immunosuppressants act by inhibit-
ergy between fluconazole and FK520 at subinhibitory doses ing the calcineurin-mediated stress response pathway.
[150]. Similar results were reported by [55]. Cells expressing Another explanation to the Shukla et al. study might be that
CDR2, but not CDR1, were hypersusceptible to hydrogen a high level of CDR1-mediated efflux is detrimental to cells
peroxide and resistant to diamide [150]. Thus, there are clear with an activated calcineurin pathway.
differences between these two highly homologous pumps. Cdr1p and the related Pdh1p in C. glabrata are homolo-
More recently, specific overexpression of CDR1 in C. gous to and presumably efflux antifungals like C. albicans
albicans has confirmed its importance in conferring CDR1. There is evidence that the C. glabrata pumps may be
multidrug resistance in its normal host [133]. Its overex- regulated by phosphorylation. Their overexpression in the
pression was achieved by creating a fusion of the S. cerevisiae hyperexpression system shows that they confer
N-acetylglucosamine-inducible, glucose-repressible resistance to azoles, terbinafine, and rhodamine 6G, but not
HEX1 promoter to the coding region of CDR1. This con- polyenes, and allow efflux of rhodamine 6G. FK506 and oli-
struct was cloned into a shuttle plasmid and transformed gomycin reversed the increased resistance conferred by
into C. albicans strain CAI4. Transformants showed Cdr1p/Pdh1p, whereas verapamil and cyclosporine A, inhib-
N-acetylglucosamine-dependent increases in CDR1 mRNA itors of human MDR1, did not. In this system, Cdr1p/Pdh1p
and CDR1p antigen, and rhodamine 6G efflux, during 3 h of show glucose-dependent phosphorylation. For Pdh1p, this is
induction, with no corresponding increases in glucose-grown presumably by protein kinase A, since (a) the phosphopro-
cells. Cells grown in N-acetylglucosamine showed increased tein is recognized by antibodies that react with PKA sub-
resistance to typical CDR1 “substrates,” including azoles strates (those having phosphoserine or phosphothreonine
and terbinafine, confirming that the elevated level of CaCdr1p followed by arginine), but not with standard phosphoserine
had the same effect on C. albicans as it did in S. cerevisiae. or phosphotyrosine antibodies; (b) the phosphorylation is
Surprisingly, transformants were also resistant when grown prevented by the PKA inhibitor H-89, which increases FLZ
in glucose, when the cloned gene should have been repressed. susceptibility; and (c) phosphorylation requires glucose,
The differences in induction experiments and in vivo resis- which activates the PKA pathway. This phosphorylation
tance were not adequately addressed by the authors, but the might be required for Pdh1p activity, since H-89 and other
lack of glucose repression of resistance may have been PKA inhibitors reverse FLZ resistance. Phosphorylation of
due to derepression by depletion of glucose or other effects Cdr1p is not detected with antibodies to PKA substrates, but
occurring at the extended growth time points. The study, it is detected with anti-phosphothreonine and anti-phospho-
therefore, would have been tighter had they included those Akt substrate antibodies, as is Pdh1p [152]. Phosphorylation
time points in their mRNA and antigen assays, to show of Cdr1p may also be required for its function, since dephos-
corresponding increases in CDR1 in glucose cultures. phorylated membrane fractions containing Cdr1p show
Without this data, and to some extent even with it, the devil’s reduced ATPase activity [152], and since serine-to-alanine
446 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
mutations at major sites of phosphorylation, S307 and S484, 3.1.1 Regulation of CDR1/CDR2 Genes
diminish rhodamine 6G efflux. Double mutants are com-
pletely defective in efflux. Mutation at S307, near NBD1, or Regulatory Sequences
the double mutant, but not at S484 alone, showed increased Understanding how CDR1 and CDR2 are regulated is clini-
susceptibility to a host of xenobiotics. Surprisingly, the dou- cally important, since in resistant isolates, these genes and
ble mutant is still much more resistant to FLZ than controls others are often upregulated together, suggesting that resis-
not expressing any Cdr1p, despite its completely inactive tance is due to mutations in regulatory genes.
rhodamine 6G efflux activity. Phosphorylation at S307 and Studies in S. cerevisiae highlight the complexity of regu-
S484 is presumably affecting the NBD1/NBD2 interactions lation of multidrug resistance genes. ScPDR1 and ScPDR3
in the homodimer, and intragenic revertants of S307A/ encode the master regulators in the PDR network. The pro-
S484A double mutants presumably mimic the configuration teins are Gal4p-like Zn(II)2Cys6 transcription factors which
normally induced by phosphorylation [153]. All of these form homo- and hetero-dimers that are constitutively nuclear
modifications, as it should be remembered, are occurring in and bind to their target response element (PDRE, consensus
the heterologous hyperexpression system in S. cerevisiae. 5′-TCCGCGGA-3′). Differing numbers and combinations
It remains to be determined whether phosphorylation of of binding sites upstream of individual PDR target genes
either pump occurs in C. albicans, how that affects their determine whether PDR1, PDR3, or both are required for
function, and how it is regulated. activation or repression of each gene. Point mutations in the
Studies cited above suggest that resistance in isolates regulators can cause hyperactivation as well as inactivation.
from clinical samples to azoles, largely mediated by over- Some target PDR genes are also controlled by stress-induced
expression of CDR1/2, might be overcome by simultaneous regulators encoded by YAP1, YAP2, and MSN2/MSN4
treatment of ABC inhibitors such as FK506, FK520, or a [134].
propafenone GP382 [55, 146, 150]. From a clinical per- How are the C. albicans ABC transporter genes regu-
spective, this approach may be limited, since the inhibitors lated? CDR1 is expressed at all phases of growth, but declines
appear to target only Cdr1p, not Cdr2p, and since resistance about twofold during midlog phase. It is dramatically
mutations arise at high frequency. Disulfiram is another induced, in a 60-min time frame, by progesterone, β-estradiol,
candidate for a CDR antagonist, since it appears to inhibit miconazole, nystatin, vinblastine, and heat shock, but less
human MDR1 [154, 155]. This oxidant, known for its use dramatically by cycloheximide, vinblastine, and FLZ [157].
as a deterrent- based treatment for alcoholism, inhibits Using an integrated CDR1/GFP fusion strain, others showed
human acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, resulting in the accu- that FLZ does induce CDR1 expression after sustained expo-
mulation of acetaldehyde and associated nausea following sure (e.g., overnight), and the induction is concentration
ethanol consumption. Shukla et al. [156] showed that disul- dependent and reverses upon withdrawal of FLZ. In this sys-
firam treatment of plasma membranes isolated from S. tem, azoles in general induce CDR1 from six- to eightfold,
cerevisiae that overexpress CaCDR1 results in inhibition of cycloheximide sixfold, and calcofluor and 5-fluorocytosine
its ATPase and nucleotide-binding activities. They further about twofold, while amphotericin B and peroxide at subin-
show that disulfiram acts synergistically with antifungals hibitory concentrations did not induce [158].
that are substrates of CDR1 to inhibit the CDR1 overex- Two laboratories have scrutinized the promoter and
pressing strain. The authors, however, imply that disulfiram upstream regulatory sequences of CDR1. Using a CDR1/
reverses CDR1-mediated resistance by specific reactions luciferase fusion on a multicopy plasmid, Puri et al. identified
with CDR1. The agent likely inhibits activities of many the transcript start site and defined the promoter region within
enzymes, not just CDR1, the only activity looked at in the -345, with a distal miconazole response element at -847 to
study; hence it is fungicidal alone at slightly higher concen- -1147, which contained an AP-1 sequence that showed DNA-
trations than when used in the synergy study. Would, for protein-binding activity. This 1 kb region contained several
example, a strain that is FLZ resistant due to overexpressed upstream activating and silencing domains [159]. In a follow-
ERG11 also be rendered susceptible by subinhibitory con- up study, the group identified sites protected from DNaseI
centrations of disulfiram? In addition, if the synergy is spe- within the -289 region. Mutation of one of these resulted in
cific for CDR1, can a concentration of disulfiram be found enhanced transcription, thus identifying it as a negative regula-
that is less effective on the overexpressing strain than on tory element (NRE). The NRE was used to affinity purify a
the parent at the same FLZ concentration? This potential DNA-binding protein, not yet analyzed. The sequence of the
lack of specificity may be a deterrent to its clinical use, as NRE was CCAACTGATTGAAAC. A different protected
is its lack of fungicidal or fungistatic effects on C. albicans sequence at -243 to -234, TCTTTTCCACT, was a basal regu-
in ex vivo blood cultures, even at much higher doses latory element BRE, needed for low-level transcription, since
(unpublished observations). mutating it decreased transcription [160].
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 447
Independently, de Michel et al. used a CDR1/luciferase multicopy plasmid. This identified CaNDT80, homologous
fusion in an integrative plasmid to analyze the upstream regu- to a meiosis-specific transcription factor in S. cerevisiae
latory region. They defined a 21 bp drug-response element with a novel DNA-binding motif. Disruption of CaNDT80
(DRE) at -480 to -420, with a homologous DRE in CDR2 at confers hypersusceptibility to azoles and decreases the
-240 to -180 (CGGA(A/T)ATCGGATATTTTTTTT). These azole-induced expression of CDR1 [164].
sequences were necessary and sufficient for inductions It is possible, since Tac1p binds to DRE elements, that
mediated by steroid hormones, amorolfine, terbinafine, and Ndt80p binds to the basal regulatory element (BRE) in the
fluphenazine, but again, not by FLZ. Both DREs showed spe- CDR1 promoter, identified by Sanglard’s group [161].
cific DNA-protein-binding activity. In addition, CDR1 but not However, the putative binding site for Ndt80p, based on its S.
CDR2 contained a BRE (-860 to -810) needed for uninduced cerevisiae homolog (GNCRCAAA(A/T)), does not correspond
low-level transcription [161]. More recently, this group has to the region defined as the BRE by Sanglard’s or Prasad’s
showed that 40 of 42 genes that are upregulated in response to group. Therefore, the data from the three laboratories suggests
fluphenazine have the upstream DRE element [120]. that three activators may be required for CDR1 expression,
Karnani et al. [162] have also identified a steroid response with Tac1p being the limiting factor. Verification of this will
region in the -696 to -521 region of CDR1. Two elements require identification and mutation of the binding site(s) for
within this region, SRR1 and SRR2, confer steroid induc- Ndt80p and disruption of the gene encoding the DNA-binding
ibility on CDR1 or heterologous recombinant promoters, and protein that binds to the BRE detected by Gaur et al. [160].
show specific DNA binding from nuclear extracts of steroid- Older approaches to analyzing the candidate regulators of
induced C. albicans. SRE1 responds to progesterone, resistance genes in C. albicans have been to identify and
whereas SRE2 responds to progesterone and β-estradiol. clone homologs of regulatory genes in S. cerevisiae, and then
Disruption of genes encoding regulatory proteins involved in transform S. cerevisiae strains, deleted for those genes, with
morphogenesis (SSK1, EFG1, TUP1, CPH1, NRG1, TPK1, the cloned C. albicans homolog. This is a powerful method,
or RAS1) did not result in a clear definition of which activa- but has its limitations, as the following examples show. In S.
tors are interacting with the SRR elements. Comparing pro- cerevisiae, yAP1 regulates expression of a large number of
moters of other genes regulated by steroids, a consensus genes in response to oxidative stresses and to azoles. Notably,
sequence was found that may represent binding sites for the it upregulates ScFLR1, an MFS protein, to confer resistance
activator: -661 to -165-AAGAA-13 to 152 bp-CGCAA-21 to to FLZ. The C. albicans homolog CAP1 complements yAP1
68 bp-ATTGG-603 to -84. function in deletion strains [165]. However, overexpression
Until recently, little was known about the regulators of the of CAP1 in C. albicans does not confer FLZ resistance; in
efflux genes in C. albicans, largely owing to significant dif- contrast, it downregulates MDR1 [166]. ScPDR1 and
ferences in their regulation relative to S. cerevisiae, discussed ScPDR3 regulate expression of many genes including ABC
below. The studies cited above will clearly fill this gap in the transporter PDR5 [167–170], the homolog of CaCDR1,
immediate future. In addition, new findings which use which confers FLZ resistance when overexpressed [171]. C.
approaches that rely less on similar regulatory mechanisms albicans genes have been identified that complement PDR1/3
in the two yeasts have recently opened up this field of study. deletion strains and are PDR5 dependent for FLZ resistance.
One of these, FCR1, was identified as a Zn2C6-type zinc fin-
Regulatory Proteins ger regulatory protein like PDR1/3. However, deletion of this
A definitive study reporting TAC1 as an important transcrip- gene in C. albicans confers hyperresistance to FLZ, the
tional activator of CDR1 was recently reported [163]. This opposite of expected from S. cerevisiae [172]. A second
gene was identified by its Zn(2)-Cys(6) finger domain and its complementing gene, FCR3, encodes a leucine zipper regu-
locus, linked to mating type. Its nuclearly localized product latory protein that upregulates PDR5. Its role in C. albicans
interacts with the drug-response element (CGG triplets) in is not yet reported [173].
the promoters of CDR1, CDR2, and other genes. Its disrup- Regulation of expression by PDR1 in S. cerevisiae
tion results in hypersusceptibility to azoles and inability to requires other proteins that regulate the activity of the tran-
upregulate CDR1 or CDR2 by fluphenazine. Tac1p binds to scription factors. ScPDR13 in S. cerevisiae was discovered
DRE elements upstream of CDR1 and CDR2. A codominant by screening a multicopy plasmid library for transformants
point mutation in TAC1 confers constitutive upregulation of that were cross-resistant to oligomycin and cycloheximide,
CDR1 [163] and is consistent with the observation that normally mediated by two different ABC transporters YOR1
homozygosity at the linked mating-type locus is strongly and PDR5, respectively. Both transporters were upregulated
correlated with azole resistance [35]. and required in library transformants that overexpressed
Potential activators of CDR1 were also screened by inte- PDR13. Resistance also required a functional PDR1. A point
grating a hybrid CDR1 promoter/lacZ fusion into S. cerevi- mutation in a PDR13 gene was identified that had the same
siae, and then transforming with a C. albicans library on a effect as overexpression of the wild-type gene. Overexpression
448 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
of PDR13 did not elevate the level of Pdr1p, nor did it require Since the fluidity of the membrane in the vicinity of
the native PDR1 promoter for its effect, suggesting that its human MDR1 has been shown to affect its activity, Prasad’s
interaction with Pdr1p was posttranslational. PDR13 encodes a group therefore expressed CDR1 in isogenic strains of S.
heat-shock protein in the Hsp70 family, so initial model was cerevisiae with various erg mutants that generally have
that this protein is needed to refold Pdr1p, and likely other tar- increased membrane fluidity. Mutants erg2 and erg3, with
gets, to an active conformation. Consistently, PDR13 disrup- more fluid membranes, showed increased floppase activity
tants are cold sensitive and slow growing [174], and fail to and decreased accumulation of labeled FLZ, whereas erg4
induce transcription of other genes not regulated by PDR1, for mutants, with less fluid membranes, showed decreased flop-
example, CUP1 and CRS5, normally induced by copper stress pase activity and near-normal FLZ accumulation. Differences
[175]. Subsequent studies showed that select, hyperactive in susceptibility to FLZ were not impressive, but in this
mutants of PDR1 are resistant without the need for Pdr13p, and study, the host strain still had endogenous ABC transporter
that Pdr13p is cytoplasmic, and ribosome associated, and inter- genes that increased baseline susceptibility [191].
acts with a DnaJ-related Hsp40 chaperone subunit encoded by Prasad’s group later showed that erg6 and erg16 mutants
ZUO1 [176, 177]. Resistance is afforded by either subunit if were hypersusceptible to azoles except FLZ, to terbinafine,
they are expressed in a manner that allows them to be free of and other agents, and that these mutants had more fluid
association with the ribosome, where the complex has its chap- membranes [59]. These cells, when de-energized, accumu-
erone activity. Moreover, the peptide-binding domain of Pdr13 lated more rhodamine 6G or labeled FLZ than controls, sug-
is not needed for its activation of Pdr1, both suggesting that the gesting increased passive transport due to increased
activation mechanism is not by folding [178]. Considered permeability. Increases in membrane fluidity alone are not
together, it appears that activation of many stress-related tran- likely explanations for resistance, since cells in which fluid-
scription factors may be dependent on interaction with indi- ity had been increased by benzyl alcohol were not resistant.
vidual chaperone subunits, which in turn require some form However, membrane sphingolipid from the erg mutants, with
of modification, presumably stress related, that frees them depleted sterols, were more readily extracted, indicating a
from their normal location and function. It has not yet been disruption in the interactions in the membrane that normally
determined whether an identified CaPDR13 homolog plays a hold sphingolipid in place. This effect was eliminated by
similar role in resistance in C. albicans. growing the mutants in ergosterol. Consistently, inhibition of
sphingolipid biosynthesis with fumonisin B1, wild-type cells
became hypersusceptible to multiple antifungals and showed
3.2 Drug Efflux and Membrane Composition poor efflux of rhodamine 6G, without increases in membrane
fluidity. Disruptions to ergosterol or sphingolipids resulted in
Human P-glycoprotein is enriched in cholesterol and poor surface localization of Cdr1p-GFP, hyper-expressed in
sphingolipid-rich microdomains, rafts and caveolae, which S. cerevisiae missing its major ABC pumps [59]. Similar
are more rigid than the rest of the plasma membrane, and results were obtained when expressing CDR1, but not
which increase dramatically in MDR human cells. There is MDR1, in S. cerevisiae [192]. These data suggest that it is
controversial evidence that its efflux activity is responsible not the altered fluidity of the plasma membrane per se that
for translocation of phospholipids and cholesterol from the increases susceptibility, nor the associated increased perme-
inner to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane [179]. ability, but rather the disruptions to ergosterol-sphingolipid-
Experimentally induced movement of P-glycoprotein from rich raft domains, which appear to be essential for CDR1
rafts to non-raft membrane, e.g., by cholesterol depletion, localization and hence function.
results in a reduction in efflux capacity [180–182]. In S. cerevisiae, deletions of various nonessential ERG
There is evidence that yeast membrane proteins cluster genes result in altered membrane sterols and increased drug
into distinct raft microdomains in the ER for transport to the susceptibility. Although it is generally assumed that this
plasma membrane, an area that needs much more study results from increased permeability, more recent study shows
[183–189]. Applying this to Candida, Prasad’s group has that it can be accounted for by decreased activity of Pdr5p.
shown that the plasma membrane of C. albicans is asymmet- This decrease is largely due to partial mislocalization of the
ric with respect to phospholipids, with phosphatidylethanol- pump and is not directly correlated with differing fluidities
amine predominantly (96 %) in the cytoplasmic leaflet. among individual erg mutants. Efflux is reduced most by
Disruption of CDR1 and CDR2 results in a further decrease ERG4, almost as defective as PDR5 disruptants, with
in the amount of this phospholipid in the external leaflet, ERG4 > ERG6 > ERG2 > ERG3 [68].
suggesting that the pumps, in an additive fashion and like In a C. albicans strain selected for resistance to gradually
human MDR1, may be responsible for the energy-dependent increasing concentrations of FLZ, and overexpressing CDR1,
externalization of this aminophospholipid, and hence act as a CDR2, and ERG11, the membranes were increasingly fluid,
floppase [190]. and had less ergosterol and reduced externalization of phos-
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 449
phatidylethanolamine [193]. The authors suggest that these son to be remembered when analyzing gene disruptions in
changes may contribute to resistance, perhaps by activating general. In one report, disruption of MDR1 did not increase
efflux. Alternatively, they may be a consequence of increased susceptibility above the levels conferred by disruption of
efflux due to the elevated levels of the pumps. CDR1 [199].
Little is known about MDR1 regulation, except that it is
not induced by exposure to FLZ, but is upregulated by ben-
3.3 Efflux by Major Facilitators omyl and apparently by mutation in a transregulatory factor
in some FLZ-resistant strains [138, 200, 201]. Thus, resis-
CaMDR1, formerly BEN1, is a major facilitator (MFS) pro- tance in isolates from clinical samples via MDR1 likely
tein that is specific for FLZ among the azoles, not to be con- results from mutation in genes encoding activators or
fused as a homolog of human MDR1, which is an ABC repressors of MDR1 that result in its upregulation. Its clos-
transporter. Major facilitators are proton antiporters whose est homolog in S. cerevisiae, FLR1 (Table 30.5), shares
energy derives from proton gradients established by inde- many of the same substrates and expression patterns. FLR1
pendent proton-translocating ATPases. These transmem- regulation is induced dramatically but only transiently after
brane proteins typically confer resistance to inhibitory exposure to benomyl. Once adapted to growth, the gene is
substances, and are found in bacteria, yeasts, and man. In S. downregulated. In S. cerevisiae, yAP1 regulates expression
cerevisiae, there are at least 23 such genes, some having 12, of a large number of genes in response to oxidative stresses
and some having 14 transmembrane domains [194]. In C. and to azoles [194]. Notably, it upregulates FLR1, to confer
albicans, there are no genes with strong similarity to MDR1, resistance to FLZ. The C. albicans homolog CAP1 comple-
but there are seven related MFS proteins, all about 30 % ments yAP1 function in deletion strains [165]. However,
identical, and 50 % similar (Table 30.5). Extrapolating from overexpression of CAP1 in C. albicans does not confer
S. cerevisiae homologs, these proteins may be located in the FLZ resistance as expected; in contrast, it downregulates
plasma membrane and efflux polyamines and in some cases MDR1 [166].
antifungals. However, only one of these, FLU1, has been C. albicans undergoes adaptive growth responses to FLZ
analyzed in relation to resistance (discussed below). as does S. cerevisiae, and these are favored by acidic media
CaMDR1 apparently is induced by and effluxes a partially [151]. By analogy to FLR1, this suggests a role for MDR1,
overlapping set of hydrophobic compounds compared to the despite its apparent lack of induction by FLZ. The earlier
CDR proteins: benomyl, methotrexate, cycloheximide, ben- studies discussed above may have missed the hypothetical,
ztriazoles, 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide, FLZ, and sulfometuron transient up- and downregulation. Assuming nonetheless
methyl [195–197]. Its disruption confers hypersusceptibility that transient induction or activation of MDR1 is responsible
in clinical isolates whose resistance is associated with for short-term adaptive growth in FLZ, the data invite the
elevated expression of MDR1; therefore, MDR1 is a major speculation that, once intracellular FLZ concentration is
factor in resistance in isolates from clinical samples to FLZ. reduced by efflux, a second mechanism is responsible for the
However, disruption of MDR1 in FLZ-susceptible strains more enduring capacity for growth, despite FLZ at concen-
has no effect, undoubtedly because the gene is not expressed trations that maintain ergosterol depletion ([151] and unpub-
under normal circumstances in these strains [198] … a les- lished observations).
Table 30.5 Major facilitator genes in C. albicans, their relationship to S. cerevisiae genes, and putative functions
MDR1 SC homolog CA-SC
CA gene Name (CHR) %ID (similar) %ID (similar) CA function SC function
MDR1 CaO19.13047(6) 100 FLR1 44(63) FLZ resistance FLZ resistance
FLU1 CaO19.6577(7) 33(52) TPO1 42(58) Possible FLZ resistancea Polyamine transport,
TPO1 CaO19.7148(7) 29(48) 43(59) Unknown resistance CHX, AMB
– CaO19.7974(3) 27(49) 31(51) Unknown
TPO3 CaO19.4737(1) 33(52) TPO3 61(74) Unknown Polyamine transport
NAG3 CaO19.9705(6) 32(52) 35(55) Unknown
TPO4 CaO19.8104(R) 30(50) TPO4 49(67) Unknown Polyamine transport
– CaO19.3395(6) 31(50) YHR048W 44(62) Unknown Unknown, reg by FLZ
Genes were identified by Blast comparison with the C. albicans genome database. Their % identities and % similarities to CaMDR1, determined by two
gene Blast comparisons are indicated in column 3. The closest homolog in S. cerevisiae is indicated, with its % identity and similarity to its homolog.
Functions for most of the C. albicans genes are inferred by homology.
Moderate resistance of C. albicans gene in S. cerevisiae [199].
450 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
In a study of sequential, matched isolates from OPC patients, common among resistant isolates. CDR1 was overexpressed
development of FLZ resistance was complex [137]. For exam- in less than half, whereas CDR2 was overexpressed in all but
ple, overexpression of only CDR1 conferred only moderate three resistant clinical isolates. However, CDR2 was also
FLZ resistance in isolates from one patient, whereas similar overexpressed in some susceptible isolates. Resistant iso-
level expressions of CDR1 in isolates from a different patient lates were more polymorphic in ERG11 sequences than sus-
conferred moderate resistance in some isolates, or very high ceptible isolates, and seemingly fewer mutations were
resistance in other isolates, without any other apparent changes needed for FLZ or voriconazole resistance than for posacon-
in CDR2, MDR1, or ERG11. Progression to higher resistance azole resistance. However, the test for whether these muta-
in a third patient did not involve increased expression levels of tions were responsible for resistance was to clone them into
CDR1, CDR2, MDR1, or ERG11; therefore either resistant a multicopy plasmid and transform them into S. cerevisiae to
point mutations ocurred in one or more of these genes, or a dif- confer reduced susceptibility. Despite controls, this assay is
ferent mechanism not involving these genes was involved. The suspicious in that overexpression of even wild-type ERG11
efflux genes are clearly important in resistance but do not tell sequences in C. albicans confers high-level resistance
the whole story. Moderate increases in some genetic back- (unpublished observations). This study is also limited in that
grounds are apparently sufficient for resistance, but not in oth- it does not consider point mutations in CDR1/CDR2 genes.
ers. The following question remains: What genetic differences Furthermore, it only looked at expression levels of strains in
contribute to this effect? the absence of azoles; therefore potential differences in
In a second study, serial isolates from an HIV patient had responses of resistant strains to azoles are overlooked.
sequential alterations that were correlated with gradual Despite these limitations, the study indicates that it is likely
increases in MICs to FLZ. Initial increases in MDR1 appar- that multiple mutations, including those affecting CDR2 or
ently resulted in moderate MICs, followed by several altera- CDR1 expression and ERG11p binding to azoles, are respon-
tions in ERG11, and finally by increases in one of the CDR sible for in vitro resistance among clinical isolates.
genes, to generate fully resistant derivatives [138]. Karababa et al. performed a thoughtful and careful analysis
A third study of four FLZ-resistant C. albicans strains iso- of gene expression using microarrays, comparing genes that
lated from HIV patients again emphasizes that there are still were induced or repressed in a susceptible lab strain incubated
unknown mechanisms involved in resistance in isolates from in fluphenazine to induce CDR1 or in benomyl to induce
clinical samples. All four isolates showed reduced accumula- MDR1, to genes altered between matched pairs of clinical
tion of labeled FLZ, but only two of these showed increased isolates overexpressing either CDR1 or MDR1 [120]. In each
levels of CDR1 and CDR2 expression. The other two iso- case, multiple genes in addition to CDR1 or MDR1 were
lates presumably use an unknown efflux mechanism, or sup- altered. By comparing these sets of genes, they identified the
press uptake [139]. subsets of changes common to drug-exposed susceptible
A fourth study, which compared large numbers of unmatched strains and resistant versus susceptible clinical strains.
clinical isolates, supports the argument that azole resistance is Comparing fluphenazine-exposed susceptible to CDR1-
complex and not yet defined. The study compared expression expressing resistant strains, this includes CDR1 (eightfold
levels and sequences of a large collection of clinical isolates, overexpression) and CDR2 (25- to 40-fold overexpression),
half FLZ resistant and half susceptible. Overexpression of upregulation of heat-shock protein HSP12, glutathione peroxi-
CDR1 and CDR1 was common among the resistant isolates, dase GPX1, and potential lipid transportase RTA3. Interestingly,
overexpression of MDR1 was less common, and overexpres- overexpression of ERG3, ERG6, and ERG25 was unique to the
sion or mutation of ERG11 was not correlated with resistance. clinically resistant strains. The group further shows that com-
However, a significant percentage of susceptible isolates also parisons of microarray results from other laboratories are use-
overexpressed these genes. The authors concluded that molec- ful in defining common subsets of genes that respond similarly
ular based assays for resistance using these genes were not suf- to different types of stress, allowing much-needed focus on a
ficiently predictive, and that other mechanisms and mitigating manageable number of genes to analyze in more detail. The
genetic factors need more study [140]. main limitation of this study, imposed by the complexity of
Perhaps the most rigorous study of azole resistance in microarray analysis, and the amount of labor and expense
clinical isolates used RT-PCR to establish a baseline of involved, is that exposed susceptible strains are only examined
expression levels of ERG11, CDR1, CDR2, and MDR1, at a single time after exposure to the antifungal agent. Thus,
relative to control genes, among FLZ-susceptible clinical clinically resistant strains may be expressing a broader range of
isolates [24]. They then compared these levels to those found genes than exposed susceptible cells, but the two might have
in 38 resistant isolates, considering whether these were resis- more in common given longer exposure times.
tant to FLZ, voriconazole, or posaconazole. Only one isolate Many of the genes induced in MDR1-expressing clinical
was resistant to posaconazole. Consistent with some of the resistant isolates encoded genes in the aldo-keto reductase
earlier studies, overexpression of ERG11 and MDR1 was not family (IFD and related genes); these were not seen among
452 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
induced genes in the CDR group [120]. Consistently, some indicate that 97–100 % are highly susceptible in vitro to FLZ
of these genes were detected independently in two studies and other azoles [206–211], despite breakthrough infections
using a proteome approach, again, only in strains overex- which occur at a rate of about 10 %, with high attributable
pressing MDR1 [202, 203]. One of these genes, YPR127, mortality [212, 213]. Stable azole resistance is not a risk fac-
was altered both by overexpression and disruption, without tor for patient outcome in non-OPC candidiasis patients
effect on susceptibilities to azoles or oxidative stress. This [214]. The fungistatic response of C. albicans to FLZ, i.e., its
serves as a reminder that many genes that are co-regulated tolerance of FLZ, is a critical factor here. Certainly, host fac-
with resistance genes may not be important or limiting for a tors such as prolonged neutropenia are crucial, but only
normal response to drugs or for resistance in isolates from because FLZ is only static, not cidal, in these patients. It needs
clinical samples. Some subset presumably will be, so the underscoring that C. albicans’ ability to tolerate exposure to
near future belongs to those who are clever at teasing only FLZ, and probably to other forms of stress, is a prelude to
those that have an impact. phenotypic resistance, and is a precondition for mutation
and resistance. On the latter point, FLZ exposure has been
shown to increase mutagenic responses in C. albicans, such
5 Phenotypic Resistance and Tolerance as chromosomal nondisjunctions, which in turn expose
recessive alleles of as-yet unknown genes that cause azole
The implication of PDR1/3 mutants in S. cerevisiae, and of resistance [34].
clinical resistant isolates that overexpress CDR1 and CDR1, Another argument that tolerance to FLZ is important in
is that mutations occur in regulatory genes in C. albicans that clinical therapy is that, in the single infection site in which C.
give rise to stable resistance in isolates from clinical sam- albicans is not tolerant, FLZ therapy is greatly enhanced.
ples. Phenotypic or adaptive resistance is not mutation based, This optimal site for azole treatment is vaginal. Here, a sin-
but is defined as a reversible, regulated alteration in pheno- gle dose (150 mg) typically suffices to rapidly eradicate the
type which allows growth in concentrations of antifungal infection [215]. In contrast, in oral mucosal infections, mul-
that were inhibitory prior to the alteration. It is likely due to tiple doses are typically required, for example, 14 daily doses
upregulation or activation of activators, which are then of 100–400 mg [216]. The key difference is in the vaginal
downregulated once selective pressure is removed. microenvironment, which contains about 20 mM acetic acid
Phenotypic resistance may involve other genes in addition to [217]. The combination of FLZ and 20 mM acetic acid is
the CDR genes. Epigenetic changes could also contribute to fungicidal [151]. It remains to be seen whether cases of
phenotypic resistance. Tolerance is a term used somewhat recurrent VVC [218] occur in patients in which vaginal ace-
loosely here to mean a static response in which the organism tic acid is depleted.
survives at inhibitory concentrations but cannot grow, and
hence is not resistant or phenotypically resistant. C. albicans
is tolerant of azoles, since they are not fungicidal under most 5.1 Phenotypic Resistance
conditions. Tolerance more traditionally is used to describe a
decreasing susceptibility to an agent after repeated expo- In vitro, most isolates mount a reversible, adaptive response
sures, but in this context has come to mean the opposite of within a few hours in acidic media ([151] and unpublished
intolerance, i.e., the opposite of cidal, e.g., [46]. results). On a longer timescale, and perhaps using different
Several observations suggest that tolerance or phenotypic mechanism, C. albicans can adapt to increasing concentra-
resistance is more important than stable azole resistance in tions of FLZ. In one study, the resistance was reversed by
the pathobiology of most Candida infections. Most clinical subculturing in the absence of FLZ, and no increase in
failures to FLZ occur with susceptible isolates. Stable azole MDR1 or CDR1 was detected [219]. Similar results are seen
resistance in non-OPC isolates is rare. For example, in one in some clinical FLZ-resistant isolates [220]. Studies of
study, 40 of 40 breakthrough fungemias among neonates and phenotypic resistance are largely ignored, probably since
infants were due to isolates that were susceptible to FLZ molecular analysis of stable mutations is more tractable.
in vitro [204]. Among VVC patients, less than 4 % of isolates What mechanisms might be responsible for adaptive
were FLZ resistant, and in only one patient was there a docu- responses to FLZ in C. albicans? In one study, a series of
mented transition to resistance during treatment. Indeed, C. albicans isolates from a BMT patient on FLZ showed the
FLZ susceptibility seemed irrelevant to RVVC patient out- development of FLZ-“resistant” isolates. These were shown
come under FLZ therapy [205]. In our hands, most or all of to have elevated expression of CDR genes, but not ERG
these FLZ-resistant isolates are unstable and revert to sus- genes. No mutations occurred in ERG11 genes, and sterol
ceptibility (unpublished observations), suggesting that their composition was not affected. In contrast to the stably resis-
apparent resistance was phenotypic. Numerous small- and tant isolates recovered from OPC patients, these isolates
large-scale surveys of bloodstream isolates of C. albicans gradually lost resistance upon subculture in nonselective
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 453
media, concomitant with a decrease in expression of CDR than average number of polymorphisms in ERG11, but not
genes. Conversely, subpopulations of initially susceptible generally higher levels of expression [234]. CDR1 was lower
isolates showed transient resistance upon exposure to FLZ, in the absence of FLZ, and inducible by FLZ to a greater
correlated with upregulation of transporters [221, 222]. An extent, in trailing strains compared to susceptible but dose-
earlier study also induced FLZ-resistant isolates by subcul- dependent (SDD) strains. This study was limited due to lack
turing 12+ days in 8+ μg/mL FLZ, and the resistant pheno- of comparison to susceptible controls, and does not establish
type was lost upon subculturing 14+ days. In contrast to the a clear mechanism by which trailing strains differ from sus-
study above, these isolates did not show elevated expression ceptibles. Another study also showed that a trailing strain of
of CDR1, MDR1, or ERG11. Although no mention was C. albicans was inducible for ERG1, ERG11, CDR1, and
made of CDR2, the possibility is that the phenotypic resis- CDR2, and that an inhibitor that interfered with these induc-
tance mechanism of this isolate was different [219]. These tions blocked its trailing response to FLZ [117]. Again, this
two studies support the premise that phenotypic resistance is study does not address what key differences exist between
a regulatory response. Potentially, this involves upregulation trailing and non-trailing strains. Lower priorities have seem-
of some of the same genes which, when mutated, confer ingly been applied to studies on trailing mechanisms, since
resistance. these strains do not seem to pose a greater threat of resistance
Is “phenotypic switching” in C. albicans responsible in systemic infections than susceptible strains [235].
for some forms of phenotypic resistance? Most strains of
C. albicans undergo high-frequency switching that alters
their cellular and colony morphology [223]. There are indi- 5.2 Tolerance Pathways
cations that switching promotes survival under selective
in vivo conditions [224, 225]. Switching is a regulatory pro- These proposed inducible pathways for tolerance are not
cess that involves transcriptional reprogramming by histone hypothetical. Two pathways to date are implicated in toler-
acetylases and deacetylases [226–230]. Resistance to anti- ance: cAMP-protein kinase A, and Ca-calmodulin-calcineurin
fungals may also be affected by switching. Early studies pathways. A third, the protein kinase C-cell integrity
linking resistance and switching were not impressive, and pathway, is likely involved, but no published studies are yet
the demonstration that CDR3 is induced in opaque cells is available. Since PKC is a regulator of cell wall integrity in
uninterpretable in this context, since it has not yet been cor- S. cerevisiae [236], we expect that inhibition of genes in that
related with resistance [143]. Soll’s group recently demon- pathway will act synergistically with azoles. Microarray
strated that primary isolates from HIV patients undergo studies already implicate their involvement in responses of
switching at a 100-fold elevated rate, and that, independent S. cerevisiae to caspofungin (next section).
of antifungal therapy, specific morphologies have dramati- The calcineurin pathway in fungi is a stress response, sig-
cally different susceptibilities to azoles and fluorocytosine. nal transduction pathway recently recognized as essential for
However, this was not true among the various subtypes tolerance of C. albicans to FLZ (Fig. 30.12). Calcineurin is a
deriving from laboratory strains that switch [231]. This is an heterodimeric phosphatase; calcium-dependent calmodulin
exciting demonstration of the richer potential range of phe- binds to calcineurin to activate its phosphatase. In S. cerevi-
notypes of primary isolates and of in vivo pressures relative siae, Ca++-bound calmodulin binds to calcineurin, which can
to laboratory strains and in vitro conditions. The authors cite then remove an inhibiting phosphate on ScCzr1p, allowing it
as unpublished observations that some of the usual suspect to enter the nucleus and activate transcription of stress
genes are induced by switching; assuming that this data will response genes. The pathway is conserved in many fungi,
be forthcoming, this suggests that resistance genes are just a although the phenotypic consequences of its inactivation
subset of target genes whose regulation is altered by the vary with the species [237]. In C. albicans, calcineurin sub-
switching regulator(s). units are encoded by CNA1 and CNB1. While disruption of
Phenotypic resistance is different than the “trailing effect” both alleles of CNA1 is not lethal, disruptants are killed
seen by select isolates in RPMI 1640 media under NCCLS when exposed to FLZ and other azoles, terbinafine, amorol-
conditions for MIC. The latter is seen only in a minority of fine, calcofluor white, Congo red, caffeine, SDS, brefeldin
isolates and occurs at pH >6 [232, 233]; adaptive growth is A, and mycophenolic acid. Disruptants were more sensitive
seen by most isolates, preferentially in acidic media (unpub- to Na+, Li+, and Ca++; could not survive in serum; and were
lished results and [151]). Trailing strains are those which are avirulent in a mouse infection model [46, 238]. Similar
inhibited for 24 h under NCCLS conditions, but show slower effects result from inhibition of calcineurin by cyclosporin
growth at higher antifungal concentrations, blurring the A, which binds to cyclophilin and the complex binds and
assignment of a specific MIC, and often show fully confluent inhibits calcineurin, or by FK506, which binds to FKBP12,
growth after another 24-h incubation, even at high concen- preventing it from tethering calcineurin to its target proteins
trations. One study showed that trailing strains show a higher [45, 239, 240]. The fungicidal synergy of cyclosporin A and
454 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
Phosphorylated , inactive
transcriptional activator(s )
Ca Ca
Stress 3. Nuclear transport
4. Transcription of
1. Binding and 2. Dephosphorylation stress response
activation of of transcriptional genes (?), FLZ
phosphatase activator(s )(?) tolerance
cyclophilin inactive FK506
Fig. 30.12 Calcineurin pathway for inducing tolerance of FLZ by defined in C. albicans (2). This allows nuclear import of the activator (3),
activation of stress response genes. FLZ exposure imposes a stress which which upregulates expression of stress response genes (4). Which of
mobilizes Ca++, activating calmodulin, which binds and activates the these is critical for survival in FLZ is not yet known. Cyclosporin (CsA)
phosphatase calcineurin (1). With the help of FKBP12, activated calci- blocks the pathway by binding to endogenous cyclophilin to inhibit calci-
neurin binds and dephosphorylates transcriptional activators, not yet neurin, and FK506 blocks by complexing with and inhibiting FKBP12
FLZ is not dependent on transporters CDR1, CDR2, MDR1, and fluconazole, did not confer hypersensitivity to salt
or FLU1, since the synergy is still evident in disruptants stress, and changed susceptibility to fluconazole only mod-
[241]. These are the only likely targets for these two agents, estly [243]. These observations show either that CaCRZ1 is
since the deletion of cyclophilin and FKBP12 results in lack not the primary target of calcineurin or that there is a redun-
of synergy of either inhibitor with FLZ. These observations dant gene.
indicate that the pathway is essential for responding to a vari- Together, these papers show the paramount importance of
ety of stress signals. the calcineurin pathway in conferring FLZ tolerance, and
Consistent with findings in S. cerevisiae, disruption of underscore that we do not know the critical genes that regu-
CaCNA1 altered colony morphology. CaFKS1, a β-glucan late or mediate the pathway to affect FLZ tolerance.
synthase subunit, and CaPMC1, a calcium efflux protein,
were upregulated by calcium or FLZ in a calcineurin-
dependent manner, whereas CaCDR1, CaFKS3, CaPMR1, 5.3 cAMP-Protein Kinase A Pathway
and CaPMR2 were not. Deletion of CaPMC1 conferred sen-
sitivity to Ca++ but not to Li+ or FLZ [46, 238]. Which gene, This pathway in S. cerevisiae is required for growth, carbo-
regulated by CNA1/CNB1, is required for tolerance to FLZ hydrate synthesis, and recovery (release from G0) after stress,
is therefore not known. and is an antagonist of the calcineurin stress response path-
Similar phenotypes were conferred by disruption of way [244]. This antagonism is mediated by phosphorylation
CNB1 [242]. These authors point out that inhibitors affect- of the nuclear localization signal of ScCrz1p, preventing its
ing wall structure, in contrast to those affecting membranes, activation of calcineurin response genes [245].
are not synergistic with CsA. They show that an FLZ- The cAMP-PKA pathway in C. albicans is likely required
resistant mutant with a mutation in ERG11 is susceptible to to facilitate the recovery process and resume growth after
the FLZ-FK506 synergy, whereas FLZ-resistant mutants various stress conditions, perhaps an initial inhibition by
showing overexpression of CDR1 are not. FLZ. Crucial genes in this second pathway essential for FLZ
CaCZR1, based on its homology and ability to substitute tolerance are CDC35, encoding the adenyl cyclase enzyme,
for ScCZR1 in S. cerevisiae, was predicted to be the likely and CAP, the cAMP-associated protein. Disruption of either
downstream target of calcineurin in C. albicans. However, gene results in hypersusceptibility to azoles and terbinafine,
its disruption did not reduce virulence in a disseminated as does incubation of wild-type strains with adenyl cyclase
mouse model, did not eliminate synergy between FK506 inhibitor MDL-12330A. These hypersusceptibilities were
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 455
overcome with exogenous cAMP. The FLZ-induced expression suggest that another mechanism for resistance in C. albicans
of CDR1 was blocked by the deletions or inhibitor [62]. may be drug detoxification initiated by P450-mediated
On this basis, we speculate that phenotypic resistance to hydroxylations. However, no modifications to antifungals
FLZ may be a two-step process: a tolerance response medi- have yet been directly documented.
ated by a calcineurin-induced mechanism, to allow survival, Circumstantial evidence has been presented for FLZ
and then resumption of growth from the inhibited state, resistance by inhibiting uptake, but so far only in C. lusita-
mediated by cAMP-PKA activation of targets that remain to niae [249]. However, one study does show that uptake of
be identified. In this model, the apparent antagonism between FLZ in C. albicans is by facilitated diffusion (energy inde-
the two pathways is actually a timing mechanism. Activated pendent and saturable) [250], and therefore that a carrier pro-
PKA phosphorylates the C. albicans equivalent of ScCrz1p tein is another potential target for resistance by mutation or
to shut down the calcineurin pathway once the stress response tolerance by regulation. This mechanism may not apply to
has achieved its goals. the more hydrophobic azoles, which may enter more readily
by passive diffusion.
Conversely, one study provides strong evidence that
6 Novel Mechanisms for Azole Resistance? sequestration of FLZ into vesicular vacuoles is at least part
of a resistance mechanism [251]. Resistant isolates recov-
ScPDR16 was identified as one of the many target genes ered from a cancer patient after prolonged FLZ treatment
regulated by ScPDR1 [246]. Its disruption confers hypersus- showed increased levels of FLZ accumulation, mostly into
ceptibility to azoles. Additional disruption of the paralogous a high-speed pellet subfraction, correlated with dramati-
ScPDR17 increases this hypersusceptibility and renders the cally increased density of vesicular vacuoles seen by elec-
double mutant hypersusceptible to a broader range of agents. tron microscopy. Sequestering of toxic agents into vacuoles
PDR17 disruptants have inverted ratios of phosphatidyletha- is not a new mechanism of resistance. For example, the
nolamine to phosphatidylserine, whereas PDR16 disruptants yeast ScYCF1 ABC transporter is a vacuolar pump that
have slightly reduced levels of ergosterol but dramatically moves arsenite from the cytoplasm into vacuoles, acting in
increased levels of intermediates episterol and fecosterol. synergy with a plasma membrane transporter to reduce sus-
De-energized double disruptants showed enhanced uptake of ceptibility [252].
rhodamine 6G, suggesting increased membrane permeability
and possibly explaining the enhanced drug sensitivities.
Since both proteins are related to Sec14p, which regulates 6.1 Is FLZ Mutagenic?
synthesis or trafficking of phosphatidylcholine in the Golgi,
the authors proposed that Pdr16/17p controls sterol and In one study, C. albicans exposed in vitro to FLZ generated
phospholipid synthesis [130]. The Candida homolog FLZ-resistant derivatives showing loss of one copy of chro-
CaPDR16 is also upregulated in C. albicans clinical isolates mosome 3 or 4 via nondisjunctions. The implication is that
that overexpress CDR1 and CDR2. A GFP reporter gene, these chromosomes carry recessive resistant alleles. Since
fused to the CaPDR16 promoter, is upregulated in a clinical these mutants have normal expression levels of CDR1,
resistant isolate relative to a matched susceptible isolate, CDR2, MDR1, and ERG11, alternative mechanisms of resis-
indicating that the resistant isolate has an upregulated regula- tance are probably involved [34]. However, this implication
tory gene, or an activated gene product [247], possibly TAC1. rests on the unproved assumption that the chromosome
However, our C. albicans transformants overexpressing losses are linked to FLZ resistance mutations. Another study
PDR16 on a high copy plasmid are hypersusceptible to FLZ reported a strong correlation among clinical strains between
and resistant to AMB (unpublished observation). The basis FLZ resistance and loss of chromosome 5, generating
for this difference may be in the different levels of overex- homozygosity at the mating-type locus [35]. This loss would
pression, or in more fundamental functional differences also generate homozygosity at ERG11 and TAC1. However,
between the C. albicans versus S. cerevisiae genes. when loss of chromosome 5 is selected for by sorbose selec-
ALK8 is a C. albicans homolog to alkane-inducible cyto- tion [253], or screening for mating-type homozygotes,
chrome P450 genes, and data show that its overexpression in instead of FLZ selection, there is no correlation [254, 255].
ABC pump-disrupted strains of C. albicans or S. cerevisiae Together, these results only suggest that chromosome loss is
conferred multidrug resistance, including azoles. Alk8p was a common result of growth inhibition, but that this may facil-
shown to hydroxylate lauric acid in vitro, a reaction that was itate the selection for recessive mutations that confer FLZ
competed out with fluconazole. Like FLU1, no correlation of resistance.
overexpression of ALK8 with resistance among clinical iso- Is there any evidence that FLZ is directly mutagenic at the
lates was established, but information on how this correla- DNA sequence level, by induction of some form of adaptive
tion was sought is lacking [248]. Nevertheless, these data mutagenesis? Adaptive mutagenesis has been redefined from
456 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
its original heretical forms into one in which cells increase raises the question of whether a similar effect may occur in
mutation rates in response to growth-inhibiting stress, so that C. albicans. However, the relationship in C. albicans is dif-
mutant genes can allow growth to resume. Mutations are not ficult to study, since forming petites in this species is diffi-
targeted to those genes in any fundamental way [256]. cult. There is a report of induction of mitochondrial
Adaptive mutagenesis in S. cerevisiae has been shown to be dysfunction by ethidium bromide in C. albicans, accompa-
dependent on mutagenic nonhomologous end joining of nied by a slight increase in tolerance for AMB [273], but
dsDNA breaks and on error-prone translesion DNA synthe- there was no demonstration of an altered mitochondrial
sis by polymerase ζ [257–259]. In C. albicans, there are no genome and no testing for azole resistance. Inhibition of
studies. From sequence analysis of ERG11, it seems that the mitochondrial protein synthesis and cytochrome function
genes from FLZ-resistant strains are a richer source of DNA with erythromycin also resulted in increased tolerance for
polymorphisms than the genes from susceptible strains [13]. AMB [274]. Similarly, respiratory-defective C. albicans
This suggests adaptive mutagenesis, but this disparity is min- were isolated after exposure to acriflavine, and were resistant
imal in other studies [260]. to histatin [275], but again, defects in the mitochondrial
DNA were not demonstrated. In our hands, it is possible to
isolate ethidium bromide-resistant mutants, but these are not
6.2 Mitochondrial Respiration respiration defective (unpublished data). Other reports show
and Antifungal Susceptibility reduced adhesion or virulence of putative C. albicans petites,
but do not characterize changes in mitochondrial DNA nor
Susceptibility to FLZ in C. glabrata and in S. cerevisiae is alterations in antifungal susceptibility [276–279]. Growth of
dependent on mitochondrial function. Petite mutants arise at C. albicans in defined anaerobic media does not require
very high frequencies, and are induced by ethidium bromide ergosterol and results in almost complete conversion of yeast
[261, 262], in which some or all mitochondrial DNA is to hyphal forms which are highly resistant to azoles, AmB,
deleted. These respiratory defective strains are FLZ resis- terbinafine, and zaragozic acid [280]. This, and the efflux
tant [263–268]. At least part of the basis for this seems to be pump-independent resistance of C. albicans within anaerobic
a retrograde downregulation of expression of PDR5, the S. biofilms [281], suggests that there is a link between respiring
cerevisiae homolog of CDR1, by a functional F0 component mitochondria and antifungal susceptibility in C. albicans that
of the mitochondrial ATPase. This downregulation is lost in warrants further study.
petites or in strains with point mutations in the ATPase
[269], derepressing PDR5. Apparently, the same link exists
in C. glabrata [265, 270]. Furthermore, FLZ-resistant C. 7 H
itting Targets Outside the Ergosterol
glabrata petites need not have irreversible mtDNA dele- Pathway
tions. Petites that arose from insertion mutations in several
mitochondrial biogenesis genes were reversibly FLZ resis- Because of the prospect of increasing azole resistance, it is
tant. Their respiratory deficiency was not due to alterations important to better understand mechanisms of action of other
in the mitochondrial genome. The deficiency and the FLZ antifungals, either so that they may be used instead of, or to
resistance reverted at a very high rate, suggesting that an synergize with, azoles or so that new, fungal specific genes
epigenetic mechanism was determining respiratory compe- involved in those mechanisms may be targeted by next-
tence [271]. generation antifungals. Some of the antifungal agents in our
It is possible that there is more to mitochondrial based proposal will never be used clinically, but identifying genes
resistance than induction of CDR1. It has been suggested and pathways that respond to these may uncover new targets
that sterol-depleted mitochondria spew out ROS that inhibit or help understand actions of clinical antifungals. Others,
or kill the cell; therefore dysfunctional mitochondria are e.g., fluorocytosine, could be used more effectively if we
benign. However, there is some evidence to the contrary could block potential resistance mechanisms or at least pre-
[272]. Another perplexing link between mitochondrial func- screen effectively for resistant isolates before treatment.
tion and sterol metabolism is seen in ERG3 mutants in S.
cerevisiae. Respiratory competent cells with ERG3 deletion
are resistant to fluconazole, whereas petites with ERG3 dele- 7.1 Echinocandins
tions are not; petites are resistant only with a functional
ERG3 gene [263]. Echinocandins are natural lipopeptides, which now include
The above studies argue that there is a complex link synthetic derivatives, notably caspofungin (Merck; derived
between mitochondrial function and antifungal susceptibili- from pneumocandin B0 produced by Zalerion arboricola),
ties. The demonstration that a reversible mitochondrial dys- micafungin (Fujisawa; derived from echinocandin B pro-
function in C. glabrata is responsible for FLZ resistance duced by Coleophoma empetri), and anidulofungin (Vicuron;
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 457
derived from echinocandin B produced by A. nidulans; confer resistance [290–292]. The activity of the synthase is
Fig. 30.13) [282]. Each inhibits cell wall β-glucan synthesis regulated by ScRho1p GTPase [293, 294]. In C. albicans,
by inhibiting β-glucan synthetase [283, 284]. They have the same target enzyme is encoded by CaFKS1, with no
broad-spectrum antifungicidal activities in vitro and paralog. Four of four independent spontaneous mutants,
in vivo (reviewed by [285, 286]). Echinocandins are also selected in vitro for resistance to semisynthetic echinocandin
very promising in that resistant mutants are not cross- L-733,560, showed cross-resistance only to other echinocan-
resistant to other classes of antifungals, and conversely, dins and had in vitro-resistant β-glucan synthase activity
clinical isolates that are resistant to other antifungals, [295]. Disruption of the resistant CaFKS1 allele in each
notably FLZ, are not typically cross-resistant to caspofun- mutant, using an integrative plasmid containing a fragment
gin [287–289]. of CaFKS1, negated this resistance. This shows that muta-
The lack of cross-resistance of echinocandins results from tion in either CaFKS1 allele is sufficient for resistance [285].
their inhibition of synthesis of a unique target, the essential These caspofungin-resistant mutants were fully virulent in a
(1–3)β-D-glucans in the fungal cell wall. The primary targets mouse disseminated candidiasis model. Surprisingly, in this
in S. cerevisiae are β-glucan synthase subunits encoded by model, even resistant mutants were effectively treated with
FKS1 or a paralogous gene encoded by FKS2. They are pre- caspofungin [295]. However, transformants in which the sus-
sumed to be alternate catalytic subunits; FKS2 expression is ceptible allele had been disrupted, leaving only one resistant
activated by calcineurin. Point mutations in either ScFKS gene allele, were highly resistant in vivo [285]. Further analysis of
458 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
point mutations in CaFKS1 that confer resistance has not fungin alone. Nine disruptants were resistant, and five of
been published. these encoded cell wall or signal transduction genes [300].
There are other mechanisms of resistance to echinocandins. Using the same approach, a different group identified an
Recently, CDR2 has been implicated as a resistance mecha- overlapping set of S. cerevisiae genes whose disruption
nism, since its overexpression in S. cerevisiae or Candida altered susceptibility to caspofungin [301]. Disruption of 53
increases the MIC from 0.1 to 1.0 μg/mL [55]. While this genes resulted in hypersusceptibility, and another 39 in
increase is significant mechanistically, it should be empha- resistance, using a less stringent definition of altered sus-
sized that this level of resistance is 30-fold lower than that ceptibility than in the competing study. Notably, deletion of
afforded by point mutations in FKS1 [295]. Other active efflux FKS2, but not FKS1, conferred resistance, as did CZR1, the
mechanisms seem incapable of conferring caspofungin resis- calcineurin-dependent upstream activator of FKS2 [301].
tance [296]. At least at low concentrations, both uptake and One expects that FKS1 disruptants would be susceptible,
efflux of caspofungin by C. albicans appear to be mediated by since FKS2 is normally not expressed unless FKS1 is
a high-affinity facilitated transporter, not CDR2, that is energy deleted, and since Fks2p is more sensitive to caspofungin
independent [297]. Although mutants in this putative function than Fks1p. It is not clear why FKS2 disruptants would be
have not yet been reported, it is another potential resistance resistant to caspofungin. In the absence of additional infor-
mechanism. Another resistance mechanism may underlie the mation, it would seem that these strains would have the
“paradoxical” resistance to caspofungin [298]. In this, 16 % of same susceptibility as wild type, since both express FKS1.
clinical isolates of C. albicans are susceptible to caspofungin From this open question, it seems that there is still much to
at low concentrations, but resistant at higher concentrations. be learned about the regulation of cell wall biosynthesis and
Over half of tested clinical isolates are killed at low concentra- its regulation.
tions but are tolerant at higher concentrations. These effects From these two disruption studies in S. cerevisiae, it
reverse to wild type upon subculture. This effect was not seen appears that agents that interfere with the PKC cell integrity
for other echinocandins, or in other species. The authors sug- pathway, and those conditions or mutations which inhibit
gest that the higher concentrations induce or derepress a resis- compensatory changes in cell wall biosynthesis, may act
tance mechanism, which has yet to be investigated. synergistically with caspofungin and allow effective treat-
Alternatively, any inhibition by caspofungin may trigger the ment of strains and species that are relatively insensitive to
adaptive response, but only higher concentrations may inhibit caspofungin alone.
a cryptic second target to inhibit cell division, necessary for Preliminary data from our C. albicans library indicate
killing by caspofungin. This concentration-dependent delay that overexpression of a gene with no known function or
may give time for the adaptive response to confer transient relationship to cell wall biogenesis confers resistance to
resistance. Global expression analysis of paradoxical strains, caspofungin.
exposed to lower versus higher concentrations of caspofungin,
should be revealing.
Taking a different approach, one group overexpressed S. 7.2 5
-Fluorocytosine (FC) and Fluoroorotic
cerevisiae cDNA clones in S. cerevisiae transformants and Acid (FOA)
selected for caspofungin resistance. They isolated a single
gene, SBE2, a Golgi protein required for cell wall assembly, These pyrimidine analogs are suicide inhibitors that must be
that conferred specific resistance when overexpressed, and modified by susceptible cells by enzymes in the pyrimidine
hypersensitivity when deleted [299]. These early studies salvage pathway to be toxic. The pathway for FC, outlined
suggest that we are potentially many novel mechanisms for in Fig. 30.14, includes a cytosine-purine permease for
resistance to caspofungin. Some of these genes may become uptake, a deaminase which is not present in humans, thereby
important in resistant clinical isolates as caspofungin explaining the basis for fungal specificity, and a uracil
becomes more widely used. phosphoribosyltransferase, to generate the toxic intermedi-
Genome-scaled functional analysis of caspofungin resis- ate F-UMP. This is incorporated into RNA via F-UTP, pre-
tance in S. cerevisiae is a predictor of resistance mechanisms sumably inactivating its template function and also inhibiting
that may apply to C. albicans. A library of 4787 individual RNA synthesis. It is also converted by ribonucleotide reduc-
knockout mutations were screened for resistance and hyper- tase to F-dUMP, which inhibits thymidylate synthase and
susceptibility. Twenty disruptants were hypersusceptible; DNA replication [302–304].
eleven were involved in the PKC cell integrity pathway, and FOA has long been used to inhibit orotidylate decarboxyl-
chitin, mannan, and ergosterol biosynthesis, including the ase or orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, encoded by URA3
target gene FKS1. Consistently, PKC inhibitor staurosporine and URA5, respectively. Resistance to FOA is classically by
was synergistic with caspofungin against A. fumigatus, A. inactivation of either of these genes, which imposes uridine
nidulans, and A. flavus isolates that were resistant to caspo- auxotrophy, and is the basis for negative selection for the
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 459
deletion of URA3-containing vectors or gene cassettes in S. formerly FCY1, encoding this enzyme. The mutation at
cerevisiae [305] and C. albicans [306]. These recessive C301T alters a conserved amino acid, is homozygous in
mutations are not a likely cause of resistance in diploid FC-resistant strains, is heterozygous in strains with interme-
C. albicans except in lineages that are heterozygous when diate levels of resistance, and is confined to a single lineage,
exposed. Clade I [323–325]. The model is that a defective or deficient
Resistance in clinical strains has long been recognized as Fur1p cannot effectively convert FC to the toxic F-UMP,
a frequent occurrence, seen in up to 11–15 %, occasionally thereby providing resistance.
35 % of C. albicans isolates, depending on the site of the We have confirmed this model by introducing wild-type
study and the patient types [307, 308]. This factor alone has FUR1 into FC-resistant strains containing homozygous
limited the use of an otherwise potent fungicidal agent, C310T mutations, and showing that the transformants were
which is now used mainly in combination with other antifun- susceptible to FC (unpublished observations).
gals or in cases that are refractory to azoles [309–313]. In Why study FC resistance in C. albicans instead of the
one study, FC was not effective against C. lusitaniae [314], more tractable S. cerevisiae? In addition to the staple that
although this is disputed by others [315]. Many isolates of C. C. albicans is the more clinically relevant, there are clear
krusei [316] and C. tropicalis show intermediate resistance indications that the mechanisms of resistance are not the
[315, 317]. In at least three studies, resistant isolates of C. same in the two yeasts. It is clear that point mutations in FUR1
glabrata were rare (<4 %) [314–316], although resistant implicate that gene in FC-resistant C. albicans. In contrast,
strains are readily isolated in vitro [318]. after deleting six pyrimidine salvage genes in S. cerevisiae,
Early studies suggested, quite insightfully, that resistance only the permease deletion showed moderate FC resistance,
in isolates from clinical samples of many clinical isolates of not FUR1 [304].
C. albicans was due to heterozygosity in a hypothetical FCY Evidence that mechanisms other than FUR1 inactiva-
gene. Susceptible strains were homozygous FCY/FCY, resis- tion are operative in C. albicans is suggested by early bio-
tant strains were fcy/fcy, and heterozygous FCY/fcy strains chemical and genetic studies of C. albicans and C.
gave rise to resistant colonies at a high frequency [319]. The glabrata. These studies point to deficiencies in cytosine
authors suggested that two different FCY genes were involved permease, cytosine deaminase, or alterations in thymi-
and independently capable of conferring FC resistance. FCY1 dylate synthase activities [302, 318, 326]. One of 25 clini-
mutants were deficient in UMP pyrophosphorylase, and cal isolates showing FC resistance had a homozygous
FCY2 mutants were deficient in cytosine deaminase activity mutation in cytosine deaminase FCA1, although no evi-
[320–322]. Since it is now known that four genes encode dence was presented that this was responsible for its resis-
cytosine permeases, its deficiency in the FCY2 mutants must tance [325]. Our observation is that strains that are
be due to mutation in a common regulator. homozygous at FUR1 C310 still spontaneously mutate to
More recent molecular studies have all but confirmed the FC resistance at a high frequency, suggesting that some
role of UMP pyrophosphorylase, now called uracil phospho- other gene whose loss of activity confers resistance is
ribosyltransferase. Resistance in most, but not all, clinical nonallelic or heterozygous. We have identified a putative
strains is most likely due to a mutation in the FUR1 gene, nucleotidase gene, termed here NUC1, by selecting for
460 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
FC resistance among a library of C. albicans transfor- rity pathways (not shown). TOR inactivates Apg13 to indi-
mants overexpressing wild-type C. albicans genes, whose rectly inactivate protein kinase Apg1, a key kinase responsible
overexpression confers resistance to both FC and FOA. for induction of autophagy, explaining the rapamycin induc-
These transformants are not auxotrophic (unpublished tion of autophagy [331]. Overexpression of APG13 may
observations). Presumably, this resistance results from confer tolerance to rapamycin. Some of these gene products
depletion of the pool of toxic F-UMP (Fig. 30.14). could be targets of next-generation antifungals.
Rapamycin inhibits a kinase encoded by TOR1 (target of Preliminary data from our C. albicans overexpressant library
rapamycin) that plays a pivotal role in nutrient sensing in S. indicate that overexpression of several genes with unknown
cerevisiae [327, 328]. Likewise, in C. albicans, rapamycin functions are resistant to rapamycin, suggesting that there is
binds to and promotes binding of FKBP12 to TOR kinase, much to be discovered in this pathway. Overexpression of
inhibiting its function. While rapamycin has not been used another gene may confer TOR- independent activation of
clinically as an antifungal due to its immunosuppressive RAS-cAMP.
effects, non-immunosuppressive analogs are also effective as Aureobasidin A is a cyclic depsipeptide, produced by
antifungals [329]. Aureobasidium pullulans R106 that inhibits inositol phosphor-
In S. cerevisiae, rapamycin-inhibited cells halt protein ylceramide (IPC) synthase, which catalyzes a late step in the
synthesis and ribosome biogenesis, and undergo cell cycle synthesis of sphingolipids (Fig. 30.16). Sphingolipids IPC,
arrest and autophagy [327]. TOR-dependent resumption of MIPC, or M(IP2)C are essential for yeast viability, and the
growth upon nutrient restoration may be mediated by the downstream forms are required for normal tolerance to calcium.
RAS/cAMP pathway, since its overexpression suppresses Intermediates, especially ceramide, are potent inhibitors at low
TOR mutants [330]. Many intermediate genes in S. cerevi- concentration. Sphingolipids and select precursors are impli-
siae have been implicated in the TOR response, but the big cated in heat stress responses, endocytosis, cell integrity path-
picture is far from clear: For example, is there a critical target way, and cell signaling [332]. Polarization of the plasma
of transcriptional activation that is essential for survival? membrane into ergosterol- and sphingolipid-rich “raft” domains
What is clear is that yeast cells must have a functional TOR is thought to be a basis for collecting proteins, especially GPI-
pathway in order to survive in a nutrient-poor environment anchored proteins, ABC transporters, and MFS transporters,
and to resume growth when the environment improves. which in turn are needed for morphogenesis, hyphal formation,
Despite the complexity of the pathway, overexpression of and antifungal resistance in C. albicans [333].
several genes could indicate whether similar interactions are The enzyme targeted by aureobasidin A is encoded by the
active in C. albicans or implicate unknown genes involved in essential gene AUR1 (ISC1); select point mutations in, or
the TOR response. Some examples include overexpression overexpression of, this gene result in resistance [334, 335].
of MSN2/4, TAP42, a gene normally activated by TOR This enzyme complexes the ceramide chains to inositol
(Fig. 30.15), or genes in the RAS/cAMP or PKC cell integ- phosphate, rather than to choline phosphate as in mammals,
Nutrient Pol I&III Pol II
30 Antifungal Targets, Mechanisms of Action, and Resistance in Candida albicans 461
accounting for its specificity [332]. Aureobasidin A is active Table 30.6 Candidacidal peptides
against many species of Candida. In S. cerevisiae, it results Uptake and ATP release:
in cell death by loss of membrane integrity [336]. It also His5 DSHAKRHHGYKRKFHEKHHSHRGY
effectively inhibits IPC synthase in A. fumigatus, but the His3 DSHAKRHHGYKRKFHEKHHSHRGYRSNYLYDN
organism is resistant, apparently due to CDR1-mediated hLF1-11 GRRRRSVQWCA
efflux [337]. Membrane disruption:
Screening of our library of C. albicans overexpressants Cathelicidin-like
identified CaIPT1, not CaISC1, as a gene capable of confer- SMAP-29 RGLRRLGRKIAHGVKKYGPTVLRIIRIA-NH2
ring resistance to aureobasidin A (unpublished observation). Fn/23 GRGDSPASSKGGGGSRLLLLLLR
The two genes encode are similar, phospholipase C-like
enzymes, and both transfer inositol phosphate, albeit onto
different substrates. Perhaps the elevated level of Ipt1p cata-
lyzes sufficient ceramide → IPC synthesis under conditions
in which aureobasidin A is inhibiting Isc1p. However, IPT1
is a resistance gene in its own right. Disruption of ScIPT1
confers hypersusceptibility to butoconazole and oligomycin,
and resistance to hygromycin B and cycloheximide, but no expected, due to formation of membrane pores by a com-
data is available on its effects on susceptibility to aureobasi- plex of the alpha-helical peptides. Instead, Hst 5 binds to the
din A. Perhaps our CaIPT1-overexpressing transformant has membrane-associated heat-shock protein Ssp1p. This inter-
altered membrane permeability, rafting properties, or fluidity action is necessary for most of the killing effect of Hst5
that mediates resistance; it does not, however, show resis- [339]. Binding and activity of Hst5 are inhibited by low con-
tance to other antifungals (azoles, FC, AmB). centrations of Ca++ present in human saliva, masking its anti-
fungal activity [340]. After binding, Hst5 is internalized and
targets the mitochondria [341, 342]. In C. albicans, respiring
7.3 Peptides mitochondria are essential for the fungicidal effect of Hst5,
since respiration-defective mutants are resistant [343], and
7.3.1 Histatin since inhibition or uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation
Histatins, notably Hst3 and Hst5, are histidine-rich cationic blocks killing by Hst5 [341, 343–345]. Unaccountably, the
peptides present in human saliva which have antimicrobial, latter is not true in S. cerevisiae, even though respiring cells
anti-candidal activity (Table 30.6) [338]. The mechanism of are more susceptible than fermentative cells [346]. A similar
action of Hst5 is intriguing, and is not, as one might have pathway is implicated for Hst3, from which Hst5 is derived
462 R.A. Akins and J.D. Sobel
[347, 348]. In vitro selection on Hst3 identified resistant membranes as an innate defense against microbes; HNP1
mutants that still bound and internalized Hst3, and still and 2 are candidacidal (Table 30.6 and [376]).
released ATP [348]. Hst5-affected mitochondrial membranes Resistance to all candidacidal peptides is understudied.
are depolarized [341] and release ROS, but this is not the medi- This may be due to a misperception that the nonspecific, lytic
ator of cell killing [349]. Death mediated by Hst5 depends on mechanism precludes mutation-based resistance. However,
the release of K+ and ATP from the cell [344, 350], probably S. aureus has acquired an innate resistance to defensins via
mediated by Trk1p, the plasma membrane K+ transporter [351]. Mpr-F, an enzyme that adds a lysine to membrane phospha-
However, this release is selective and does not involve cell lysis tidylglycerol. Presumably the reduced membrane charge
[344] or classic apoptotic mechanisms [349]. prevents its interaction with the cationic defensin [377].
Depletion of intracellular ATP following its efflux is not Other bacteria have acquired different charge-related modifi-
responsible for cell death, since anaerobically grown cells cations to their membrane, or efflux mechanisms, that confer
show similar ATP depletion but are Hst5 resistant [344]. resistance to these peptides [378]. Potentially, similar mech-
Instead, it is proposed that the extracellular ATP binds to and anisms, or wall alterations that restrict access, might confer
activates a protein that cross-reacts with human P2X(7) resistance in Candida.
receptor [350]. In humans, this protein may act as a cell death Both groups of candidacidal peptides share the property
receptor which triggers massive Ca++ influx [352]. Hst5- that their activity is inhibited by low, physiological concen-
mediated death is partially mimicked by exogenous ATP and trations of Ca++. For defensins, this may not be a factor when
its analogues [350]. However, neither form of killing is acting in mucus or in phagolysosomes, but it is a limiting
dependent on extracellular Ca++ [350]. The identity and func- factor for histatins acting in saliva. This suggests that these
tion of the hypothetical C. albicans cell death receptor, and peptides, applied as extracellular agents, will not be effective
whether Hst3-resistant mutants [348] are defective in this in killing fungi in bloodstream infections (4–5 mM Ca++).
receptor, are issues that remain to be established. Thus, their most likely potential seems to be for treatment of
OPC and VVC infections.
7.3.2 Lactoferrin (LF) Plant-derived oils from a variety of sources, notably
LF is another human antimicrobial peptide, present in milk, Thymus, Melaleuca (tea tree) and cinnamon, have rapid
saliva, and various exocrine secretions and in neutrophils. Its cidal effects on human fungal pathogens. Where investi-
anti-Candida effects have been documented in many laborato- gated, these seem to act as membrane-disrupting agents and
ries, in which it acts synergistically with FLZ or AmB, and is are likely limited to topical use [379–385]. Whether these
notably more effective on C. krusei, which is typically more oils have mechanisms related to lytic peptides remains to be
resistant to antifungals [353–365]. However, LF’s mechanism seen. Resistance to these agents is not documented.
of action is less studied. This mechanism is not likely related to Synthetic peptide libraries have been constructed and
its ability to bind iron, since iron-free LF, and an amino termi- screened for fungicidal activity. These have been cationic
nal peptide derivative hLF1-11, retains antifungal activity [363, peptides, to mimic natural antifungal peptides and derivatives.
366]. Despite sequence differences, hLF1-11 has many fea- For example, Monk’s group made a 1.8 million member
tures in common with histatins, including low-level K+ release D-octapeptide library that contained cationic peptides D-NH2-
without cell lysis, inhibition by mitochondrial inhibitors and by A-B-X3-X2-X1-RRR-CONH2. A peptide that seems to act by
Ca++, release of ATP, and inhibition of killing by ATP antago- inhibiting Pma1p, the major plasma membrane ATPase, was
nists [366–368]. In its “activated,” immobilized form, LF fungicidal and, at lower doses, sensitized C. albicans to FLZ
inhibits adhesion of C. albicans to epithelial cells [361, 362]. [386]. Other synthetic antifungal peptides have also been iden-
LF may interact with cell wall mannoprotein(s), since their tified [375, 387–389]. Though promising, the studies in gen-
inhibition by preexposure to tunicamycin blocks inhibition eral are limited to in vitro susceptibilities, so their in vivo
[369, 370]. Resistance and resistance mechanisms to LF and efficacy is not known. Resistance mechanisms to these pep-
derivatives remain to be explored. tides have not generally been investigated, yet.
PLD-118, formerly BAY10-8888, because of a combination although it is not effective on Aspergillus [396]. Based on the
of its ability to accumulate in the cytoplasm, and its ability to premise that its high molecular weight implies a wall or
inhibit isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase. In vitro studies show that membrane target, a group at Wayne State University showed
isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase activity is inhibited by 90+ % at that CAN-296 inhibits proton pumping (media acidification)
10 mM PLD-118, with a corresponding decrease in protein in susceptible but not resistant Candida isolates. This impli-
synthesis. Furthermore, adding isoleucine to media pre- cated the membrane H+-ATPase; however, the H+-ATPase
cludes inhibition by PLD-118, suggesting, in this model, that activity of membrane fractions was not affected by CAN-296
isoleucine concentrations compete for both uptake and syn- [397]. CAN-296 binds to wall-membrane fractions of C.
thetase [391]. Consistently, but not conclusively, increased albicans, and the binding is reversibly inhibited by Ca++
expression levels of the synthetase among Candida species [398]. Together, the data suggest that inhibition of proton
and mutants of C. albicans are correlated with resistance pumping by CAN-296 is an indirect effect, and therefore that
[392]. More convincingly, the levels of accumulation of the true target is not yet known. Its in vivo binding may limit
PLD-118 are much lower in the resistant C. albicans mutants, its clinical use to topical antifungals, where it is effective
suggesting that uptake is blocked by a defective permease, or [399]. However, identification of its target, whose inhibition
that efflux is increased in the mutants. is so dramatically lethal, is still worth pursuing.
Because PLD-118 has a different target than clinical anti-
fungals, one would expect an additive or synergistic interac-
tion with azoles, echinocandins, etc., but no data is available. 7.6 Sordarins
Combination therapy, therefore, is worth considering and
testing, to exploit possible synergies and to preclude break- Sordarins are natural products from the sordariomycete
through of resistant isolates. Graphium putredinis. They inhibit microbial but not human
Another cyclic β-amino acid analog, cispentacin, or translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2) [400–403]. Derivative
(1R,1S)-2-aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid (Fig. 30.17), forms are effective in vivo against yeasts other than C. gla-
is taken up by C. albicans via the inducible proline permeases, brata, C. parapsilosis, and C. krusei. In disseminated infec-
and probably by other permeases, and accumulates to mM tions in mice, these derivatives were effective against C.
concentrations [393, 394]. Uptake is competitively inhibited albicans but less so against Aspergillus [404–406]. A newer
by proline, and it inhibits proline tRNA synthetase and protein derivative (Fig. 30.18) was effective against FLZ-susceptible
synthesis. This static agent is effective in a mouse systemic or -resistant C. albicans, C. glabrata; C. guilliermondii; and
candidiasis model [395]. C. neoformans, but not against C. parapsilosis, C. krusei,
and Aspergillus spp. [407]. New sordarin analogs are being
identified [408–412], as when these are characterized, the
7.5 CAN-296 spectrum of susceptible species may be broadened. The
existing spectrum is the biggest current problem for sorda-
A complex polysachharide isolated from Mucor rouxii, rins, not specificity or toxicity.
CAN-296, has rapid fungicidal effects on many pathogenic Sordarin binds to C. albicans and S. cerevisiae eEF2
yeasts, regardless of susceptibilities to other antifungals, in vitro and its binding is enhanced by the presence of ribo-
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Part V
Viral Drug Resistance: Mechanisms
Mechanisms of Resistance
of Antiviral Drugs Active Against 31
the Human Herpes Virus
Clyde S. Crumpacker II
this region of the gene occur commonly in clinical isolates of [18]. The HSV DNA pol was first cloned and expressed
herpes simplex. These homopolymers result in mutational hot in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte system and the single pol
spots that mediate thymidine kinase deficiency and resistance peptide was functionally able to carry out synthesis of HSV
to acyclovir [10]. This results in a truncated TK protein with viral DNA by itself [19, 20]. A second protein, the product
little ability to phosphorylate thymidine. An analysis of the of gene UL42, is a polymerase accessory protein, which
electrophoretic mobility of the herpes simplex TK enzyme greatly enhances the DNA-synthesizing activity of the HSV
obtained from 13 acyclovir- resistant HSV isolates from pol [21]. The UL42 pol accessory protein binds directly to
patients with AIDS revealed that only one of the TK proteins the HSV DNA polymerase and acts to increase the proces-
was of full length and others were truncated and severely sivity of the HSV pol [22]. In addition to the HSV DNA
shortened [11]. The mutant TK, which was of full length, polymerase (UL54) and the polymerase-accessory protein
contained a single mutation in a region of the herpes TK (UL42), forming the functional pol complex, five other
known to contain an alpha helix structure and the proline virally encoded proteins are necessary for replication at the
point mutation is likely to break the alpha helix [11]. None of fork of HSV DNA [23]. These include the origin binding
the TK proteins produced any significant thymidine kinase protein (OBP, UL9), which binds to the origin of replication
activity. Since a mutation in any part of the HSV TK gene ORIL and initiates viral DNA synthesis, the UL30 protein,
may result in an enzyme, which is able to confer resistance to a single-strand binding protein which keeps the DNA in a
acyclovir, nucleotide sequencing of the entire viral thymi- single strand from enabling the pol complex to make a com-
dine kinase gene is required to detect resistance. The report plementary strand of HSV DNA. A helicase primase com-
on an altered substrate specificity as a mechanism for acyclo- plex consists of three viral proteins, UL5, UL8, and UL52
vir resistance showed that prolonged acyclovir treatment of carrying out the unwinding at the fork of the newly replicat-
mice selected for a mutant was not able to phosphorylate ing viral DNA [24]. Although these seven viral proteins
radiolabelled acyclovir, but was clearly able to phosphory- appear crucial in HSV DNA synthesis, when an antiviral
late thymidine to form thymidine monophosphate [8]. The drug such as acyclovir is used to treat herpes infection in
initial demonstration of resistance to acyclovir mediated by either tissue culture or in patients, resistance has only been
the viral TK and DNA polymerase genes was shown in vitro documented in the viral DNA polymerase gene UL54. The
[12, 13] and in mice treated with acyclovir [14]. Single- first direct evidence that a drug resistance mutation confer-
nucleotide mutations, additions, or deletions in the viral TK ring acyclovir and phosphonoacetic acid resistance in HSV
can confer resistance to acyclovir by novel mechanisms. A was due to an altered HSV DNA polymerase function was
frame-shift mutation resulting from a single C deletion from obtained with HSV-1/HSV-2 intertypic recombinant viruses
the homopolymer stretch of 4 C residues in the open reading [25]. This study showed that the purified viral DNA poly-
frame (nucleotides 1061–1064) resulted in a TK polypeptide merase from a drug-resistant virus had greatly altered kinet-
with a longer amino acid sequence (407 aa). This was iso- ics for incorporation of nucleotide triphosphate compared to
lated from an immunocompromised child and conferred the drug-sensitive HSV polymerase. The cells infected with
resistance to acyclovir [15]. Earlier it had been shown that a both sensitive and resistant recombinant viruses produced
net 1+ frame shift in TK would permit synthesis of thymi- similar amounts of acyclovir triphosphate, which excluded
dine kinase from an ACV-resistant HSV mutant and restore the viral TK as a source of resistance and indicated that the
sensitivity of the virus for acyclovir [16]. A complete listing altered viral DNA polymerase was the cause of the acyclo-
of all the mutation sites in the viral TK which confer resis- vir and PAA resistance. The complete nucleotide sequence
tance to acyclovir is presented in a review article of acyclovir of the HSV DNA polymerase gene was independently
resistance [17]. reported by two groups [26, 27]. The nucleotide sequence
analysis of the HSV DNA polymerase has also revealed the
location of amino acids, which are involved in substrate and
3 Herpes Simplex Virus DNA Polymerase drug recognition [28].
The herpes simplex polymerase peptide and the poly-
The herpes simplex viral DNA polymerase gene encodes a merase of all the herpesviruses contain an exonuclease domain
1235-amino acid peptide, which is able to carry out synthe- in the polymerase peptide. This is an important editing func-
sis of the herpes virus DNA from an origin of replication tion, which enhances the fidelity of viral DNA replication and
located in the long, unique region of the herpesvirus genome. is able to remove falsely incorporated nucleotides. This edit-
The herpes genome contains two origins of replication, ing function plays a major role in the decreased mutation rate
one in the long, unique nucleotide sequence region (ORIL), of the human herpesviruses compared to the mutation rate
and the other in the short unique sequence region (ORIS), observed in RNA viruses, like HIV-1 and influenza A. This
but the origin of replication at ORIL is considered to be the exonuclease also contributes to the highly conserved genomes
main origin which functions on reactivation from latency of the human herpesviruses, compared to RNA viruses. In a
31 Mechanisms of Resistance of Antiviral Drugs Active Against the Human Herpes Virus 481
project which involved the nucleotide sequence analysis of the DNA polymerase [34]. These were Ala 719 Val and Ser 724
CMV DNA polymerase gene from 40 clinical isolates of Asn in region II, and Asn 815 Ser and Gly 841 Ser in region
HCMV from four different locations in the United States, only III. Resistance to acyclovir was conferred by mutations in
a 4 % incidence of polymorphisms in the CMV DNA poly- regions II and III and cross-resistance to both PAA and acy-
merase was observed [29]. The viral DNA polymerase there- clovir was conferred by mutations in region II (Ser 724 Asn).
fore is the preferred target of all clinically approved antiviral The regions II and III have important functional significance
therapies for the human herpesviruses. because each of these regions contains the sites of mutations,
The herpes simplex DNA polymerase gene was also which confer resistance to acyclovir. All acyclovir-resistant
cloned and expressed in yeast [30]. The polymerase mutations are found in conserved regions of the DNA poly-
expressed in yeast had functional activity, and could be merase, designated I, II, III, V, VII, and A.
inhibited by the antiviral drug, acyclovir. The herpesvirus The three-dimensional crystal structure of the herpes sim-
DNA polymerase is a member of the class of alpha DNA plex I DNA polymerase at a 2.7 Å resolution was described
polymerases, which includes the human DNA polymerase for the first time in 2006 [38]. The HSV-1 DNA polymerase
alpha, and the bacteriophage S6 polymerase. All of the has a structural similarity to other alpha polymerases and has
human herpesvirus DNA polymerases are closely related and permitted construction of high-confidence models of a repli-
the enzymes possess clusters of highly conserved amino cation complex of the polymerase and the DNA chain termi-
acids [31]. The conserved residues are not randomly distrib- nation of acyclovir. The analysis of the HSV pol structure
uted but are clustered at specific regions. These domains also provides valuable insight into domain functions, the confor-
appear to have strong sequence homology with domains in mational changes required for catalysis, and an enhanced
the DNA polymerases of vaccinia virus and adenovirus type understanding of herpesvirus DNA replication. The structure
2 and bacteriophages Ø29 as well [26, 27, 31–33]. These also permits increased understanding of the relationship of
conserved regions provide a compelling case for their func- the highly conserved regions of the amino acids to each
tional importance and they are considered major sites for other. The structure reveals that HSV pol is composed of six
nucleotide binding and pyrophosphate exchange. The three structural domains. These six structural domains are a pre-
most highly conserved regions I–III are located in the same NH2 domain, and NH2 domain, 3151 exonuclease domain,
linear arrangement on each polypeptide and the distance and the polymerase palm, finger, and thumb domains. The
between the consensus sequences is remarkably similar at polymerase exonuclease domain is essential as an editing
around 100 amino acid residues in each case [34]. function for herpes DNA replication to remove falsely incor-
These regions are designated by roman numerals I through porated nucleotides and containing conserved regions exo-I,
VII. The most highly conserved region I consists of six exo-II (region IV), and exo-III (C region). The highly con-
invariant amino acid residues YGDTDS (884–889), includ- served regions III and IV belong to the finger sub-domain;
ing the aspartate residues DTD, which are essential for regions I, II, and VII are located in the palm sub-domain; and
nucleotide binding in all RNA and DNA polymerases. To the thumb sub-domain contains conserved region V. These
avoid being lethal for viral replication resistance mutations domains are assembled to form a disklike shape around the
usually occur at sites that are not directly involved in cataly- central hole with the NH2 and C termini at opposite sides of
sis such as region I. A study employing site-specific muta- the protein. In the crystal structure of the herpes DNA poly-
genesis of an in vitro-cloned and -expressed active HSV merase, the two main regions conferring resistance to acy-
DNA polymerase surprisingly showed that the amino acid clovir are region III, the finger sub-domain, and region II,
glycine adjacent to the DTD complex could be changed to located in the palm sub-domain [34, 38]. The most highly
serine, G885S, and still result in an active enzyme [35]. Any conserved catalytic region I residues 884–889 are also in the
change in the DTD amino acids of region I resulted in an palm sub-domain (Fig. 31.1, DNA Pol).
inactive enzyme. Another mutation S889A resulted in an To avoid being lethal, mutations that confer resistance to
acyclovir-resistant polymerase [36]. acyclovir and other nucleosides usually occur at sites that are
The drugs phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) and phosphono- not directly involved in catalysis such as the invariant
formic acid (PFA) are pyrophosphate analogues and very YGDTD8 (884–889) of region I. Since acyclovir monophos-
similar in structure (Fig. 31.3). They work by a similar phate incorporation into the DNA duplex alone does not
mechanism as competitive inhibitors of pyrophosphate inhibit HSV pol strongly, it has been postulated that the
exchange and they bind directly to the viral DNA polymerase strong inhibition of HSV pol and formation of a “dead-end
[37]. They are not incorporated into elongating DNA and suicide complex” are only observed when the next incoming
they do not require activation by any viral enzyme. When nucleotide is bound to the acyclovir monophosphate-
drug resistance mutations conferring resistance and hyper- terminated DNA duplex [39]. The side chains of conserved
sensitivity to PAA were mapped by marker rescue five of six residues in region II (Y722) and region III (T887) are sug-
mutations mapped in regions II and III of the herpes simplex gested to limit modifications permitting incorporation of
482 C.S. Crumpacker II
acyclovir monophosphate [38]. Therefore, mutations in c onserved Exo III motif of the polymerase gene were defec-
regions II and III which confer resistance to acyclovir are tive in 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity and exhibited very high
likely to prevent incorporation of the acyclovir monophos- mutation frequency [40]. These mutants also demonstrated
phate and block the formation of the “dead-end complex” higher resistance to PAA and greater sensitivity to ACV and
which terminates DNA chain elongation. The 3′ → 5′ exo- ganciclovir than wild-type virus [41]. These results suggest
nuclease domain of HSV contains three highly conserved that the Exo III motif of HSV DNA polymerase may play an
sequence motifs (Exo I, EX II, Exo III) which maps to the important role in maintaining the proper structure of the cat-
N-terminal half of the enzyme [17]. This 3′ → 5′ exonuclease alytic site for polymerase activity, in addition to its role in
has proofreading functions to improve replication fidelity. exonuclease activity. A detailed list of all mutations in the
Mutant polymerase with defective exonuclease activity can HSV DNA polymerase which confer nucleotide analogue
have a high mutation frequency. Laboratory strains contain- resistance is presented in a review article on mechanisms of
ing mutated residues (Y577H and D 581A) within the resistance [17].
31 Mechanisms of Resistance of Antiviral Drugs Active Against the Human Herpes Virus 483
4 Penciclovir and Famvir it becomes readily bioavailable to 68 % [37, 43]. This com-
pound is called famciclovir (famvir) and is the oral form of
Penciclovir is a guanosine analogue with a broken sugar ring penciclovir. It is readily converted to penciclovir in the plasma
similar to acyclovir. The oxygen at the two position in the by the action of the two esterases, one in the intestinal mucosa
broken sugar ring has been replaced by a carbon and two of the human small intestine and the other in the liver [42].
CH2OH groups are attached at the end of the broken ring, Following absorption in the small bowel and one pass through
instead of only one as in acyclovir (Fig. 31.3). The mecha- the liver via the portal vein, famvir results in high blood levels
nism of action of penciclovir is very similar to acyclovir [42]. of penciclovir. The resistance mechanisms for famvir are
The CH2OH group on the broken sugar ring is phosphory- identical to penciclovir and are mediated by the viral thymi-
lated by the HSV thymidine kinase. Cellular enzymes add dine kinase and DNA polymerase. One potential antiviral
additional phosphate groups to form penciclovir triphosphate. advantage of penciclovir over acyclovir is the high intracel-
The penciclovir triphosphate binds to the viral DNA poly- lular concentration of penciclovir triphosphate. This concen-
merase and it is a competitive inhibitor for the incorporation tration persists longer than acyclovir triphosphate and the half
of guanosine triphosphate into elongating DNA. Penciclovir time (T ½) of penciclovir triphosphate is 8.5 h compared to
monophosphate is incorporated into elongating DNA and 2.5 h for acyclovir triphosphate [42]. The clinical advantage
penciclovir is not a chain-terminating drug. Since penciclovir of this persistent high concentration is not clear.
requires a competent viral thymidine kinase for phosphoryla-
tion the most common mechanisms of resistance are by selec-
tion of thymidine kinase-deficient mutants, which are not 5 Inhibiting the Helicase–Primase Complex
able to phosphorylate penciclovir. There is almost complete
cross-resistance of thymidine kinase-deficient mutants of The aminothiazole phenyl-based drug, pritelivir (BAY
HSV to acyclovir and penciclovir. Since the final target of 57-1293: AIC 316) made by A.I. Curis, is a first-in-class
penciclovir triphosphate is the viral DNA polymerase, resis- inhibitor of the HSV helicase–primase complex. Pritelivir
tance mutations in the viral DNA polymerase also confer binds to the complex composed of the gene products of UL5,
resistance to penciclovir. These resistance mutations in the UL8, and UL52. The helicase–primase inhibitor represents a
viral DNA polymerase confer almost complete cross-resis- novel class of HSV inhibitors that are selective in tissue cul-
tance to both acyclovir and penciclovir, with rare exceptions. ture [44] and efficacious in animal infection models [45].
Therefore, resistance to acyclovir and penciclovir exhibits a Pritelivir, unlike the nucleoside analogues, does not require
high degree of cross-resistance due to both thymidine kinase phosphorylation to be activated and it is protective in unin-
and DNA polymerase mutations. Penciclovir is not orally fected cells. Pritelivir has potent activity in vitro against
bioavailable, but when it is complexed with two acetate esters, HSV-1 and HSV-2 and against strains that are resistant to
Fig. 31.2 Map of CMV DNA polymerase. CMV DNA polymerase resistance phenotype. Codons mapped to resistance in clinical isolates
showing functional domains and highly conserved regions of DNA are shown as bars. Abbreviation: CDV cidofovir, GCV ganciclovir, PFA
nucleotide sequence (I–VII). Shaded regions are associated with drug foscarnet [29]
484 C.S. Crumpacker II
treatment with nucleoside analogues. HSV DNA replication phate is incorporated into elongating CMV DNA, but unlike
requires the two proteins comprising the DNA polymerase acyclovir, it is not a chain terminator; CMV DNA synthesis
(UL54 and UL42) and prior to the action of polymerase, a continues at a slow rate and small fragments of CMV DNA
heterotrimeric group of proteins comprising helicase (UL5) encoding the origin of replication in ORIL continue to be
and primase (UL8) and an accessory protein (UL52). These made, but the synthesis of full-length CMV DNA is greatly
proteins act on the HSV double-stranded DNA to open the inhibited [49, 50].
strands for synthesis of the RNA primase prior to the action
of DNA polymerase.
A phase II Clinical Trial of Pritelivir at four doses was 7 Resistance to Ganciclovir
compared with placebo for 28 days for the reduction of geni-
tal HSV shedding [46]. The primary endpoint was genital Resistant mutations conferring resistance to ganciclovir are
HSV DNA shedding and secondary end points included fre- found in two viral genes, the viral protein kinase (UL97),
quency of genital lesions, subclinical shedding, and HSV which phosphorylates ganciclovir, and the viral polymerase
DNA quantity. The study showed that pritelivir significantly (UL54), which is inhibited by the ganciclovir triphosphate
reduced the frequency of genital HSV DNA shedding and as a competitive inhibitor for nucleotide incorporation into
lesions in healthy men and women with genital HSV-2 infec- the growing CMV DNA strand. Multiple incorporations of
tion. The effect was dose related, with 75 mg daily dose ganciclovir monophosphate near the origin of viral replica-
resulting in greatest antiviral effect. Pritelivir also reduced tion greatly slow the action of the viral DNA polymerase.
the quantity of HSV in breakthrough shedding by greater Unlike acyclovir, ganciclovir is not a chain terminator and
than 100-fold. Pritelivir was safe and well tolerated in this CMV DNA elongation does not stop completely with ganci-
4-week study. No clinical or laboratory abnormalities were clovir monophosphate incorporation [49, 50]. Mutations in
observed with daily treatment. the UL97 protein kinase gene in a region of the gene extend-
A high frequency of spontaneous helicase–primase drug- ing from codons 590 to 607 and in two other regions of the
resistant variants was reported among laboratory isolates of gene encoded by the codon 460 or 520 introduce amino acid
HSV-1 [47]. Sequence analysis revealed that the majority of changes which confer resistance to ganciclovir by blocking
the pritelivir resistant variants had amino acid substitutions phosphorylation [51]. These regions of the protein kinase
located close to and downstream of the functional domain are probably where ganciclovir binds and is in close approx-
IV in the UL5 gene (amino acids 342–350) [47]. Common imation to where ATP binds, enabling a phosphate moiety to
amino acid substitutions associated with resistance were be transferred from the ATP to the nucleoside analogue gan-
K356T, K356N, G352V, and M355T. Detection of HSV-1- ciclovir. The large majority of resistance with the clinical
resistant clinical isolates was also detected in the UL5 gene use of ganciclovir occurs due to mutations in the UL97
of two of ten clinical isolates [48]. Both resistant HSV-1 gene, which are either single-amino acid mutations at codon
mutants contained the K356N mutation in UL5 and exhib- 460 or 520 or short deletions in codons from 590 to 607.
ited 5000-fold resistance to pritelivir. The pritelivir-resistant This results in a protein kinase, which does not effectively
mutants exhibit cross-resistance to another helicase–pri- phosphorylate ganciclovir. The UL97 protein is an impor-
mase inhibitor (Bils 22 BJ) but remain sensitive to tant protein in CMV replication. It is able to participate in
acyclovir. phosphorylation of other viral proteins and phosphorylates
the UL 44 product, a processivity subunit of the CMV DNA
polymerase complex [52]. The UL97 protein is essential for
6 Human Cytomegalovirus CMV DNA synthesis because it phosphorylates the proces-
sivity factor UL44.
The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the largest virus to
infect humans that contains 180–220 open reading frames
and is a significant cause of disease in immunocompromised 8 Maribavir
patients. The virus encodes a DNA polymerase enzyme, like
all herpesviruses, and has functional domains similar to her- The UL97 protein is also the target for the antiviral drug
pes simplex virus. Ganciclovir, a nucleoside analogue of maribavir, an L-ribofuranosyl nucleoside, which is a potent
guanosine, is the mainstay of treatment for cytomegalovirus. inhibitor of CMV replication by inhibiting CMV DNA syn-
Ganciclovir and the highly absorbed prodrug, valganciclovir, thesis (Fig. 31.2). Maribavir strongly inhibits the kinase
are the only orally useful drugs to treat CMV. Ganciclovir is activity of the viral UL97 [53]. Maribavir also inhibits phos-
phosphorylated by a viral protein kinase (UL97) and cellular phorylation and accumulation of EBV early antigen D, an
kinases convert this to ganciclovir triphosphate, the active essential cofactor in EBV replication [54]. UL97 also phos-
inhibitor of CMV DNA synthesis. Ganciclovir monophos- phorylates a serine in the cell nuclear membrane, causing the
31 Mechanisms of Resistance of Antiviral Drugs Active Against the Human Herpes Virus 485
nuclear membrane to develop gaps allowing CMV to exit the Synergistic activity of ganciclovir and foscarnet against
cell [55]. CMV has been shown in vitro [57].
When CMV develops resistance to maribavir, mutations The mutations in the CMV DNA polymerase, which con-
are found in the UL97 protein, but in regions, which are dis- fer resistance to ganciclovir, are, with one exception, located
tinct from mutations conferring ganciclovir resistance. in the highly conserved regions of the polymerase enzyme.
Passage of laboratory strains of HCMV in the presence of This is also true for resistance to cidofovir and phosphono-
maribavir resulted in a mutation L397R in UL97, which was formic acid (PFA), the two other polymerase inhibitors
associated with high-level MBV resistance. Recently, pas- approved for treatment of CMV disease. To assess whether
sage of two clinical HCMV isolates in the presence of marib- resistance to antiviral drugs is only associated with muta-
avir, beginning at 0.3 μM and increasing to 15 μM, resulted tions in these regions or if the mutations in these conserved
in two maribavir-resistant viruses with mutations at T409M regions might be attributed to genetic polymorphisms in
and V353A of UL97 and a 20-fold increase in the IC50 con- these regions, a series of 40 clinical isolates of HCMV all
centration needed to inhibit CMV replication [43]. When the sensitive to ganciclovir were analyzed by nucleotide sequenc-
T409M and V353A mutations were transferred to a CMV ing of the CMV DNA polymerase gene (UL54) [29]. The
laboratory strain, the recombinant viruses also showed a 15- results showed that there was only a 4 % variation in the
and 80-fold increase, respectively, in maribavir resistance. nucleotide sequence of the CMV polymerase gene. No muta-
The mutations at V353A,L397R, T409M and H411Y that tions were detected in the highly conserved regions of the
influence maribavir binding and susceptibility and confer CMV DNA polymerase. Therefore, although a very small
resistance to maribavir appear to be located upstream of amount of genetic polymorphisms are observed in the CMV
those involved in ganciclovir resistance. These four muta- DNA polymerase, they were not observed in the highly con-
tions do not affect ganciclovir susceptibility. The maribavir served regions of the enzyme. If a mutation is detected in one
binding mutations are located in the ATP-binding region of of the highly conserved regions following use of an antiviral
UL97 [56]. drug, the mutation is almost certainly associated with resis-
tance to the antiviral drug. Therefore, in the use of nucleotide
sequence analysis of the CMV DNA polymerase genes to
9 CMV DNA Polymerase detect drug resistance mutations, a strategy of nucleotide
sequencing, which is focused on direct sequencing of these
The human CMV DNA polymerase is the target of all of the highly conserved regions, provides a rapid approach to
licensed drugs for the treatment and prevention of HCMV detecting drug resistance mutations in human specimens.
infection. The crystal structure of the HCMV DNA poly- Cross-resistance to several antiviral drugs, which act on the
merase has not been determined but it is probably highly CMV DNA polymerase protein, can occur with a single
similar to the recently elucidated structure for the HSV DNA mutation in one of the conserved regions of the polymerase
polymerase. This is because the HCMV DNA polymerase peptide. Specifically, this has been noted with resistance to
has similar regions of highly conversed amino acids, arranged ganciclovir and cidofovir with mutations in conserved
in a strictly similar relationship to each other, as are observed regions VII in the CMV DNA polymerase [37, 58]. Cross-
in the DNA polymerase of the herpes simplex viruses. resistance to several antiviral drugs can have clinical signifi-
Following the initial phosphorylation of ganciclovir to gan- cance and require phenotypic assays of resistance to reliably
ciclovir monophosphate by the UL97 enzymes, cellular determine which alternate antiviral drug should be employed
enzymes convert this to ganciclovir triphosphate. Ganciclovir in patients who develop primary resistance to an antiviral
triphosphate is the active competitive inhibitor of the CMV drug (Fig. 31.2).
DNA polymerase (UL54). Cross-resistance between ganciclovir and foscarnet has
In the presence of ganciclovir, CMV elongation is greatly not been observed. In the clinical use of foscarnet (PFA) to
slowed, but short fragments of CMV DNA from the origin of treat CMV retinitis in AIDS patients, resistance to PFA has
replication (ORIL) continue to be synthesized [49, 50]. been associated with clinical failure. Resistance mutations to
Ganciclovir monophosphate is incorporated into these short PFA were observed in the clinical isolates from these patients
segments and a slow rate of replication continues. The site of in nucleotides located in regions II, VI, and III of the CMV
binding of ganciclovir monophosphate to CMV DNA poly- DNA polymerase [59]. This included foscarnet resistance
merase is not clear, but it appears to be distinct from the mutations E756Q (region VI) and V787L (region VI), which
binding site of phosphonoacetic acid (PAA). In studies on were confirmed by marker rescue. All of the foscarnet resis-
recombinant HSV DNA polymerase, it was observed that tance mutations occur in the shaded region marked PFAR in
ganciclovir and PAA were synergistic against drug-resistant Fig. 31.2. Resistance mutations were also observed which
mutants, indicating that these two drugs were able to bind to conferred resistance to ganciclovir and cidofovir, but not to
different regions in the HSV DNA polymerase [43]. foscarnet. When a clinical isolate of CMV is highly resistant
486 C.S. Crumpacker II
H2N N H 2N N H2N N
O- P C 3 Na+ OH
O- O- O P
Cl N
Cl N H
Fig. 31.3 Chemical structure of acyclovir, penciclovir, ganciclovir, the nucleoside deoxyguanosine, foscarnet, cidofovir, maribavir, letermovir,
and pritelivir
to ganciclovir (ID50 > 30 μM) and contains mutations in both terminase complex involved in DNA genome cleavage and
UL97 and the polymerase genes, cross-resistance to cidofo- packaging [60]. The CMV terminase enzyme has no equiva-
vir may also be observed [52, 58]. These isolates remain sen- lent target in the human body and this drug should be very
sitive to foscarnet. safe in humans.
A Phase II study of letermovir prophylaxis in 131 CMV-
seropositive transplant recipients of allogeneic hematopoi-
10 Letermovir etic cell transplants showed that only 29 % of those who
received 240 mg (N = 234) daily letermovir for 12 weeks had
Letermovir, previously known as AIC246, is a new potent evidence of CMV replication and virologic failure compared
anti-CMV drug with a novel mechanism of action directed at to 64 % who received placebo. The safety profile of letermo-
the viral terminase subunit UL56, a component of the vir was similar to placebo and no evidence of hematologic
31 Mechanisms of Resistance of Antiviral Drugs Active Against the Human Herpes Virus 487
toxicity or nephrotoxicity was observed. If patients were 200 mg weekly or higher and was dose limiting at a dose of
excluded who tested positive for CMV DNA or antigen at 200 mg twice weekly. Myelosuppression and nephrotoxicity
screening or at day 1, then no cases of virologic failure were not observed [64].
occurred in the 240 mg of letermovir daily (N = 30) group To measure resistance to CMX001 in this study, plasma
compared to 24 % in the placebo group [61]. CMV DNA was detected in 30 patients who received
A once-daily dose of 120 and 240 mg, when compared CMX001 at doses of 100 mg per week or higher. Nucleic
with placebo, was effective in preventing CMV replication acid sequencing detected a R1052C mutation in the UL54
in recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants. In gene in specimens obtained from three patients. One of these
this study, the incidence of virologic failure was much lower mutations was present before CMX001 exposure. No muta-
in the 240 mg group (6 %), then in the 120 mg group (19 %), tions were detected in UL97. These patients had a response
the 60 mg group (21 %), and the placebo group (36 %). A to subsequent preemptive treatment against CMV disease
follow-up report of this Phase II study showed that the 60 mg after discontinuation of CMX001.
per day dose was associated with virologic failure and
selected for drug resistance mutations in UL56, the CMV
terminase gene, which is the target for letermovir [62]. At a 12 Conclusion
dose of 240 mg per day of letermovir, complete suppression
of CMV viremia was noted and emergence of letermovir The nucleoside analogues, which inhibit replication of the
resistance genotype was restricted. In the patients who human herpesviruses, are able to utilize viral encoded kinases
received the 60 mg dose, six amino acid mutations were to phosphorylate the nucleoside analogue to the monophos-
detected in five patients. One subject had the known letermo- phate. This is most notable with acyclovir and the thymidine
vir resistance mutation V236M and the remaining five kinase of herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, and
sequence varriants (L134V, S227I, Q228H, R410G, and Epstein–Barr virus and ganciclovir and the protein phosphoki-
D414N) were shown to be neutral and represented natural nase (UL97) of cytomegalovirus and Kaposi’s sarcoma her-
polymorphism. pesvirus. This viral specific kinase provides a great deal of
specificity for these nucleoside analogues and prevents cellu-
lar toxicity. Cellular kinases convert the monophosphate to the
11 Brincidofovir (CMX001) triphosphate of acyclovir or ganciclovir, and the triphosphates
are the active inhibitors of viral DNA polymerase. In the clini-
Brincidofovir (hexadecyloxypropyl cidofovir) is also known cal use of these nucleoside analogues, the most common
as CMX001 (Chimerix). It is a lipid conjugate of cidofovir, mechanism of resistance is the selection of mutants which are
acyclic nucleoside phosphonate, that is orally bioavailable, defective in the function of HSV viral thymidine kinase TK or
readily absorbed in the small intestine, and transported the protein phosphokinases (UL97) of cytomegalovirus.
throughout the body as the phospholipid. It crosses target cell The analysis of the crystal structure of the herpes sim-
membranes by facilitated and passive diffusion and after plex viral DNA polymerase at a 2.7 Å resolution provides
cleavage of the lipid moiety it is phosphorylated by cellular new insights into the mechanisms of resistance to acyclo-
kinases to the triphosphate, cidofovir diphosphate. Cidofovir vir. The herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase has a struc-
diphospate is a potent inhibitor of CMV DNA polymerase ture with finger and palm domains, remarkably similar to
(UL54). CMX001 differs from cidofovir as it is not a substrate the HIV-1 RT p66 subunit in the “right-hand” model of
for organic ion transporter 1, is not concentrated in proximal HIV-1 RT [37]. Acyclovir resistance mutations are found
renal tubules, and is unlikely to have renal toxicity [63]. in both the finger sub-domain (region III), similar to the
In a Phase II study of CMX001 to prevent cytomegalovi- resistance mutations to the nucleosides (AZT, ddI, d4T) in
rus disease in hematopoietic cell transplantation, 230 patients the HIV-1 RT, and in the palm sub-domain (region II),
from 27 centers received oral CMX001 or placebo in a dose- similar to the non-nucleoside RT inhibitors (efavirenz and
escalating, double-blind design for 9–11 weeks after engraft- nevirapine) against HIV-1. Therefore acyclovir monophos-
ment until week 13 after transplantation. CMV DNA in phate appears to bind in a significant way to both the finger
plasma by PCR analysis was performed weekly, and in and the palm domains of the HSV DNA polymerase. A
patients in whom CMV DNA was detected at a high level, clear function associated with the resistance mutations to
the study drug was discontinued and patients received pre- acyclovir, such as the enhanced excision of AZT mono-
emptive treatment against CMV infection. The results phosphate with K215Y mutation in HIV RT, has not been
showed that patients who received CMX001 at a dose of shown for acyclovir resistance mutations. The solution of
100 mg twice weekly had a significantly lower incidence of the HSV DNA polymerase crystal structure and the map-
CMV disease than among patients who received placebo ping of the acyclovir resistance mutations on the structure
(10 % vs. 37 %, P = 0.002). Diarrhea was the most common reveal the remarkable similarities between the ∝ family of
adverse event in patients receiving CMX001 at doses of DNA polymerases found in all the human herpesviruses
488 C.S. Crumpacker II
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Resistance to Influenza Neuraminidase
Inhibitors 32
Hui-Ling Yen
Four competitive NA inhibitors, whose designs are based on Influenza A and B viruses are major causes for respiratory
the transition state analog Neu5Ac2en at the conserved NA infections in adults and children. In the United States, annual
enzyme site, have been approved for prophylaxis and treat- seasonal influenza infections have been associated with an
ment of influenza A and B infections. The structural based average of 294,128 respiratory and circulatory illness hospi-
design of the NA inhibitors warrants their specific interac- talizations during 1978–2001 [1] and 23,607 influenza-
tions with the highly conserved NA residues critical for the associated death during 1976–2007 [2]. Influenza A viruses
enzymatic activity and viral fitness. Since the approval of have a wide range of hosts and can be classified into different
oseltamivir and zanamivir in 1999, the drug-resistant vari- subtypes based on the hemagglutinin (HA) and NA surface
ants have been detected at low rate except during 2007–2009 glycoproteins. While 16 HA subtypes and 9 NA subtypes
when an oseltamivir-resistant seasonal H1N1 influenza have been isolated from the wild aquatic birds [3] and nucleic
spread globally. To date, resistance variants have been iso- acid sequences of H17–H18 and N10–N11 being identified
lated from in vitro studies after serial passages in the pres- from bats [4, 5], pandemic influenza viruses in humans have
ence of NA inhibitors, from patients treated with NA been restricted to H1N1, H2N2, and H3N2 subtypes since
inhibitors, or from patients without prior treatment histories. last century. In addition, zoonotic infections by avian (H5N1,
Mutations that confer resistance to the NA inhibitors were H7N9, H9N2, H6N1, H10N8, H5N6) or swine influenza
predominantly found at the conserved catalytic or frame- viruses have been reported sporadically at the human–animal
work residues. Due to differential interactions of conserved interface (WHO). In contrast, influenza B virus predomi-
NA residues with the modified C4 and C6 side chains on the nantly infects humans and has been isolated from seals [6];
four inhibitors, some mutations that confer resistance to one there are two lineages (Yamagata and Victoria) that co-circu-
drug may not confer resistance to the other. late under different selection pressures among humans [7].
Global surveillance identified seasonal H1N1 or A(H1N1) Influenza A and B viruses are members of the
pdm09 viruses with the H274Y mutation, H3N2 viruses with Orthomyxoviridae with segmented single-stranded negative-
the R292K or E119V mutation, and influenza B viruses with sense RNA genomes. Viral replication requires attachment
the R152K, D198E, or H274Y mutation exhibiting reduced of HA to terminal sialic acid residues linked to galactose via
inhibition to one or more NA inhibitors. Epistatic NA muta- α2,3- or α2,6-linkages [8] followed by entry of influenza
tions may restore NA functionality and viral fitness of resis- viruses via clathrin-dependent endocytosis and macropino-
tant variants. Host factors including age and immune status cytosis [9]. Under acidic pH inside the endosome, the HA
associated with viral load also play important roles in the protein undergoes conformational changes to expose the
emergence of NA inhibitor-resistant variants clinically. fusion peptide, which mediates fusion between viral enve-
lope and endosome membrane allowing the release of viral
ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) [10]. The M2 ion channels medi-
ate proton flow from the endosome into the interior of the
virion to dissociate RNPs from the M1 proteins. The RNPs
H.-L. Yen (*)
are transported into the nucleus for viral mRNA synthesis
School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine,
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong and viral genome replication [11] mediated by the RNA-
e-mail: [email protected] dependent RNA polymerase PB1 protein; the cap-binding
activity of the PB2 protein and the endonuclease activity of evidence suggests that the sialidase activity is also needed
the PA protein are critical for cap-snatching and mRNA syn- during the initiation of infection in the human airway epithe-
thesis. The mRNAs are transported to the cytoplasm for pro- lium cells due to the presence of mucin [19].
tein synthesis and newly synthesized PB1, PB2, PA, NP Since the HA and NA proteins both recognize sialyl recep-
proteins, and genome segments are packed as RNPs. The tors but with counteracting activities, functional HA–NA bal-
HA, NA, and M2 proteins are synthesized at the endoplas- ance has been shown to be critical for viral fitness [20]. The
mic reticulum and are transported via the trans-Golgi net- HA glycoproteins of influenza A viruses determine host range
work to the apical cell membrane. The M1 and NEP proteins by exhibiting different binding preferences for α2,3- or α2,6-
mediate nucleus exportation of the RNPs to the cytoplasm linked terminal sialic acids; however, the NA glycoprotein of
followed by final assembly and budding from the apical cell influenza A viruses generally shows higher activity over α2,3-
membrane [12]. linked sialyl glycans [15]. There is limited knowledge on the
Existing control measures for influenza rely on annual vac- substrate specificity of influenza B NA protein.
cination and two types of antiviral drugs. Adamantanes (aman- The NA proteins of influenza A and B viruses share 30 %
tadine and rimantadine) target the homo-tetrameric amino acid sequence homology but are similar in the overall
proton-conducting ion channel formed by the M2 integral folding and structure [21]. Among N1–N9 proteins of influ-
membrane protein of the influenza A viruses. Currently, ada- enza A viruses that possess sialidase activity, phylogenetic
mantanes are not recommended for clinical use due to global analysis allows further separation into structurally similar
spread of H3N2-resistant variants reaching 96.4 % in 2005 [13] groups: Group 1 contains N1, N4, N5, and N8, while Group
and the presence of S31N mutation in the M2 protein of the 2 contains N2, N3, N6, N7, and N9 NA proteins [22]. Similar
A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses emerged in 2009 that confers resis- to other sialiadase, the enzymatic site is highly conserved at
tance to adamatanes [14]. Neuraminidase inhibitors (zanami- amino acid residues that directly interact with the sialic acid
vir, oseltamivir, peramivir, and laninamivir) effective against subtrate (R118, D151, R152, R224, E276, R292, R371, and
both influenza A and B viruses are the mainstay antiviral com- Y406, N2 numbering); in addition, influenza A and B viruses
pounds used clinically. A new viral RNA polymerase inhibitor share conserved amino acids (E119, R156, W178, S179, D/
(favipiravir) has been approved in 2014 in Japan against novel N198, I222, E227, H274, E277, N294, E425) that support
or reemerging influenza virus infections under conditions that the framework of the enzymatic cavity [23]. The α-anomer
other anti-influenza virus drugs are ineffective. sialic acid (Neu5Ac) is bound within the enzyme active site
in a boat configuration [21, 24]. The carboxylate moiety of
the sialic acid interacts with the residues R118, R292, and
3 Influenza NA as an Antiviral Target R371 at the enzyme site; the C4-hydroxyl group interacts
with E119; the methyl of the C5 acetamido group makes
The NA of influenza A and B viruses are homo-tetramers of hydrophobic contacts W178 and I222 while the oxygen
240 kDa with sialidase activity that hydrolizes the α-ketosidic forms a hydrogen bond with R152; and the glycerol side
linkage between sialic acid and the adjacent oligosaccharide chain C8 and C9 form hydrogen bonds to E276 [25].
at acidic pH (optimal range of 5.5–6.5) [15]. Each monomer
has a mushroom-shaped morphology and contains the
N-terminal cytoplasmic sequence, a transmembrane domain, 4 NA Inhibitors
a stalk region, and the globular head domain where the con-
served enzymatic site is located [15]. Calcium ions found The early development of NA inhibitors initiated in the
within each of the active site and at the fourfold axis of the 1970s when the detailed structural info was not yet avail-
tetramer are needed for the enzymatic activity and stability able with modifications on the natural inhibitor 2-deoxy-
[15]. In addition to the enzymatic site, avian influenza viruse 2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac2en,
NA protein may possess a secondary sialic binding site, DANA), which is a transition state analog of influenza
which was first discovered using purified N9 proteins with NA with a Ki of approximately 1 μM. However, these
hemadsorption activity [16]. Conventionally, the sialidase early derivatives of DANA did not possess significantly
activity is believed to facilitate the release of newly formed increased potency [26, 27]. 2-Deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-
virion. This is supported by the observation that influenza trifluoroacetylneuraminic acid (FANA) was shown to
virus with massive deletion in the NA-coding sequence may inhibit influenza multi-cycle replication in vitro [28] but
complete the replication cycle and produce virus progeny but did not show potent efficacy in vivo [26].
would form aggregates unless exogenous bacterial NA were The detailed structural data on the highly conserved active
supplemented in MDCK cells [17]. The sialidase activity has site of Group 2 NA proteins interacting with the sialic acid
been shown to enhance the HA-binding activity by removing and Neu5Ac2en allowed the structural based design of the
the sialic acids from the newly formed HA [18]. Experimental NA inhibitors [29–31]. To improve binding of Neu5Ac2en,
32 Resistance to Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors 493
basic substitutions at the four-position were introduced to group has been shown to result in higher potency against
replace the 4-hydroxyl group leading to the synthesis of Group-1 viruses possessing the cavity formed by the 150-
4-amino-Neu5Ac2en and 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en (zanami- loop [40]. Zanamivir and oseltamivir have been approved for
vir) [32]. Substitution of the 4-hydroxyl group by an amino prophylaxis and treatment of acute uncomplicated illness due
group produced a significant increase in the overall binding to influenza A and B infections since 1999.
interaction due to a salt bridge formation with the side-chain Peramivir differs from zanamivir and oseltamivir carbox-
carboxylic acid group of E119. The replacement of the ylate by possessing a cyclopentane ring; in addition, it pos-
4-hydroxyl group with the more basic guanidino group pro- sesses a 4-guanidino group that resembles zanamivir, and a
duced a tighter affinity due to lateral binding through the ter- hydrophobic side chain that resembles oseltamivir carboxyl-
minal nitrogens of the guanidino group with E119 and E227 ate [41]; the design leads to multiple binding interactions of
[25]. In NA enzyme assays, both inhibitors were potent com- peramivir at the NA enzyme site. Peramivir shows potent
petitive inhibitors with inhibition constants of 5 × 10−8 M for inhibitory effect in vitro [42, 43] and efficacy in the mouse
the 4-amino-Neu5Ac2en and 2 × 10−10 M for zanamivir [32]. and ferret models [44–46]. In humans, the bioavailability via
Zanamivir is administered by oral inhalation due to its poor oral dosing was poor and the parenteral formulations via
oral bioavailability. Binding of zanamivir to the NA of dif- intramuscular (IM) or intravenous (IV) injections were pur-
ferent influenza subtypes including A (Groups 1 and 2) and sued. It was approved in 2010 in Japan and Korea and subse-
B strains is considered to be similar [22, 33]. Further studies quently approved in 2014 by FDA for treatment of acute
showed zanamivir to possess similar potency to all nine NA uncomplicated influenza in adults 18 years and older given
subtypes including different human subtypes [34] and by IV injection [47].
against different subtypes of avian origin [34, 35]. Laninamivir (R-125489) is a long-acting NA inhibitor
The rational drug design approach lead to the development containing a 4-guanidino group and a 7-methoxy group. The
of a second series of potent NA inhibitors that aimed to prodrug laninamivir octanoate (CS-8958 or R-118958) is
improve oral bioavailability and are based on noncarbohy- processed into laninamivir in the lungs after being adminis-
drate templates [25] including cyclohexenes such as oselta- tered through inhalation [48]. A high retention time of the
mivir carboxylate (GS4071) [36], and cyclopentanes such as laninamivir in the lungs allows long-lasting anti-influenza
peramivir (BCX-1812, RWJ-270201) [37]. Oseltamivir was activity after a single nasal administration [49]. Laninamivir
the first orally active NA inhibitor; it is the prodrug that would has been approved in Japan since 2010 for the treatment of
be metabolized by endogenous esterase to the active form of influenza A and B infection.
oseltamivir carboxylate [25]. Oseltamivir carboxylate differs Overall, four competitive NA inhibitors are currently
from zanamivir in having a cyclohexene ring structure, a approved for the treatment of influenza infections (Fig. 32.1).
bulky hydrophobic pentyl ether side chain that replaced the They were designed based on the transition state analog of
glycerol side chain at the six-position, and the 4-amino group influenza NA, Neu5Ac2en, with different side-chain modifi-
[36]. Due to the presence of the hydrophobic substitution at cations to improve bioavailability and binding to the NA
the six-position, residue E276 needs to reorient and form a active site. While these four inhibitors share some common
salt bridge with R224 and results in the formation of a hydro- interactions as seen with the Neu5Acen at the NA active site,
phobic pocket to accommodate the substituent at the six-posi- the differential side-chain modification at C4 and C6 would
tion [38]. Due to the different drug design, N1 and influenza affect their interactions to some conserved NA residues. This
B NA are more sensitive to zanamivir with lower IC50 values would further affect the resistance profile observed between
while N2 strains are more sensitive to oseltamivir under different inhibitors.
enzyme-based NA inhibition assays [39]. The 4-guanidino
Fig. 32.1 Chemical structures Neu5Ac2en and approved NA inhibitors for treatment of influenza infections. Source of the images: PubChem
Compound Database, National Center for Biotechnology Information
494 H.-L. Yen
mutation results in highly reduced inhibition to oseltamivir treatments [98, 102]. The I222R mutation alone can lead to
and peramivir but would not change viral sensitivity to zana- reduced inhibition to zanamivir (~10-fold increase in IC50)
mivir. To accommodate the bulky hydrophobic side chain of and oseltamivir (10–40-fold increase in IC50) and minimal
the oseltamivir carboxylate, the E276 needs to reorient and resistance to peramivir (<10-fold increase in IC50) [101–
form hydrogen bond with R224; the H274Y mutation would 103]. The combination of I222R and H274Y mutations
block this hydrogen bond formation between E276 and R224 would lead to highly reduced inhibition to oseltamivir and
and thereby confer resistance to oseltamivir. Since binding peramivir (>100-fold increase in IC50) as well as reduced
of zanamivir does not require the hydrogen bond formation inhibition to zanamivir and laninamivir (>10-fold increase
between E276 and R224, the H274Y mutant remains suscep- in IC50) [103]. Combination of I222K and H274Y mutations
tible for zanamivir [82]. has also been detected from patients under oseltamivir treat-
During human challenge studies, the H274Y NA muta- ment with reduced susceptibility to zanamivir and laninami-
tion was first documented in 2 (3.7 %) out of 54 human vir (11-fold increase in IC50) and highly reduced inhibition
volunteers during the course of oseltamivir treatment after (>1000-fold increase in IC50) to oseltamivir and peramivir
challenged with the A/Texas/36/91 (H1N1) virus [83]. The [99]. A single N294S mutation in A(H1N1)pdm09 isolated
H274Y mutation was also reported from H5N1 patients during 2012–2013 surveillance led to highly reduced sensi-
after receiving oseltamivir treatment [84, 85]. In one H5N1- tivity to oseltamivir [65]; a single-amino acid substitution
infected patient, mixed population of H274Y and N294S of D198E, I222K, I222T, I222R, or S246G isolated during
mutations were observed after treatment, with the H274Y 2013–2014 would lead to reduced inhibition to oseltamivir
conferring to highly reduced inhibition and the N294S con- with >10-fold increase in IC50 [103].
ferring to reduced change in IC50 to oseltamivir carbox- A Q136K mutation that leads to highly reduced inhibi-
ylate [85]. The N294S mutation that confers 57–138-fold tion to zanamivir (with >100-fold increase in IC50) and pera-
change in IC50 to oseltamivir has also been isolated from mivir (60–100-fold increase in IC50) but not to oseltamivir
an H5N1 patient prior to receiving oseltamivir treatment was first reported from seasonal H1N1 influenza viruses
in Egypt [86]. During 2007–2008, an H275Y variant of A/ during the 2006–2008 surveillance [104]. However, this
Brisbane/59/2007-like seasonal H1N1 virus emerged and mutation was not detected from the primary clinical speci-
spread globally. Studies showed that epistatic NA mutations mens and was only found in in vitro-passaged samples
emerged in chronological order prior to (V233M, R221Q, [104]. The Q136K mutation was also detected from sea-
K328E, D343N) and post to (D353G) the acquisition of the sonal H1N1 influenza virus isolated from a subject who par-
H275Y mutation facilitated the restoration of the NA func- ticipated in a zanamivir postapproval efficacy study in
tion [87–90]. The A/Brisbane/59/2007-like viruses carrying 2007–2008, prior to receiving zanamivir treatment. Similar
the H274Y mutation only circulated 2 years and have disap- to the previous study, the Q136K mutation confers highly
peared since the emergence of the A(H1N1)pdm09 virus. reduced susceptibility to zanamivir (with ~300-fold increase
During the 2009 pandemic, the H274Y was also detected in IC50) but not to oseltamivir and the mutation was only
from a household contact that received prophylactic oselta- detected in the cultured samples but not from the original
mivir treatment [91] or from immune-compromised patients swab samples [105]. A study that serial passaged A(H1N1)
after receiving oseltamivir treatment [92]. Community clus- pdm09 virus under increasing concentrations of zanamivir
ters of A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses carrying the H274Y muta- also yielded the Q136K mutation that led to reduced suscep-
tion have been reported in Australia in 2011 as well as in tibility (86-fold increase in IC50) for zanamivir [106]. The
Japan and the USA in 2013–2014 [93–95]; in addition to the Q136K mutant showed reduced NA activity and surface
H274Y mutation and V240I and N368K mutations that were expression, compromised replication in MDCK- SIAT1
commonly found in the virus isolated these outbreaks may cells, and reduced transmissibility in guinea pigs [106].
have epistasic effect to promote the fitness of the H274Y Global surveillance in 2012–2013 detected A(H1N1)pdm09
mutant [94–96]. It should be noted that the A(H1N1)pdm09 virus carrying a single Q136K or Q136R mutation; both
virus did not possess the V240I and N368K mutations when conferred highly reduced inhibition to zanamivir and pera-
it emerged in 2009 but >97 % of the A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses mivir (>100-fold increase in IC50) and reduced inhibition to
circulating in 2012–2013 were reported to possess these laninamivir (>30-fold increase in IC50) but remained suscep-
two mutations [65]. A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses with H274Y tible to oseltamivir [65]. In N1 structure (derived from
mutation have been reported to accompany I222R, I222V, H5N1 NA) complexed with zanamivir, Q136 interacts with
I222K, or S246N [97–100]; among which the I222R or R156, which also interacts with D151. As R156 interacts
I222K in combination with the H274Y may confer multi- with zanamivir via van der Waals interactions and D151
drug resistance to all four drugs. The I222R mutation has forms hydrogen bonds with the 4-guanidino group of zana-
been isolated from immunocompetent without prior NA mivir, the Q136K change would indirectly interfere the
inhibitor treatment history [101] and from immunocom- binding of R156 and D151 to zanamivir and peramivir,
promised patients after receiving oseltamivir and zanamivir which also possess a 4-guanidino group [104].
496 H.-L. Yen
5.2 Group 2 NA 2007 and 2008; the Q136K mutation conferred resistance to
zanamivir (with 20–50-fold increase in IC50) but not to osel-
The R292K mutation is the most commonly reported muta- tamivir [111]. Mixed Q136K/Q alone or in combination with
tion among human H3N2 influenza that confers resistance to mixed D151G/D were isolated in 2013–2014 with reduced
NA inhibitors; it results in highly reduced inhibition to osel- inhibition to zanamivir [103]. In addition, a single mutation
tamivir and peramivir and leads to reduced inhibition to of T148K, N329K, or S331R was associated with ~10 fold
zanamivir. The E119V mutation is also frequently observed reduction in inhibition to zanamivir (T148K and N329K) or
among H3N2 viruses with highly reduced inhibition to osel- oseltamivir (N329K and S331R) in 2013–2014 [103]. It
tamivir but remains inhibition to zanamivir. The overall should be noted that the D151 and T148I mutations are com-
detection rate of the R292K or E119V mutations through monly acquired by seasonal H3N2 influenza viruses after
global surveillance remains low during 2012–2013 and passaged in MDCK cells; D151G mutation was shown to
2013–2014 seasons (4/22,028 for E119V and 1/22,028 for increase binding to α2,3-linked sialyl receptors [112, 113]
R292K) [65, 103]. The N294S mutation that results in highly while the T148I mutation alone confers six-fold increased
reduced inhibition to oseltamivir has been reported from IC50 to zanamivir but would interfere the inhibition profile
paediatric patients in Japan [69]. while in combination with an E119V variant [114].
The fitness and transmissibility of the E119V and R292K Human infections by the H7N9 avian influenza viruses
mutant viruses have been shown to differ in the laboratory have been reported since Spring 2013. Mutations that confer
setting [107]. The R292 is one of the conserved catalytic resi- resistance to NA inhibitors have been reported from patients
dues that interact with the carboxylate of sialic acid and all who received treatments. The R292K mutation was the most
NA inhibitors. The mechanism for R292K mutation to confer commonly reported mutation among the H7N9 patients [115,
resistance is similar to that described for the H274Y mutation 116]. In one patient, mixed populations of E119V, I222K,
by blocking the hydrogen bond formation between E276 and I222R, or R292K single substitutions have been observed
R224. Residue E119 interacts with the 4-guanido group of [117]; the R292K mutation leads to highly reduced inhibi-
zanamivir; therefore, the mechanism for E119V mutation to tion to oseltamivir and peramivir while the I222K, I222R,
selectively confer resistance to oseltamivir but not to zanami- and E119V lead to reduced inhibition to oseltamivir.
vir is not well studied [41]. Although early in vitro studies
have identified the E119A/D/G mutations in N2 and the
E119G mutation in N9 that lead to highly reduced inhibition 5.3 Influenza B
to zanamivir (E119A/D/G) and peramivir (E119D) [108],
these mutations have been shown to affect the stability of the Clinically, influenza B variant with an R152K NA mutation
NA protein and compromise viral fitness and they have not was first isolated in 1998 from an immunocompromised
been reported from clinical isolates [51–53]. child who received aerosolized ribavirin followed by nebu-
The E119V mutation can be maintained within an lized zanamivir (under approval of FDA); the patient contin-
immunocompromised patient for 7 weeks in the absence of ued to shed virus while receiving zanamivir and died 2 days
the drug [109]. From a separate immunocompromised after the treatment was discontinued [76]. The R152K muta-
patient who received oseltamivir, amantadine, and zanami- tion was first detected on day 12 post-treatment and was
vir treatment, the I222V mutation emerged after the emer- accompanied by an HA-T198I mutation that reduced the
gence of the E119V mutation enhanced the level of HA-binding affinity. The R152K mutation was later con-
oseltamivir resistance [73]. The specimen collected from firmed to confer cross-resistance to zanamivir, oseltamivir,
the same patient 3 months after the detection of the and peramivir [108]. Direct competition assay in ferrets sug-
E119V +
I222V mutation identified a combination of gests lower fitness of the R152K mutant than the wild-type
E119V, N146K, and S219T, and deletion of residues 245– virus in the absence of zanamivir [76]. The D198N mutation
248, which showed highly reduced inhibition to oseltamivir that emerged from an immunocompromised patient after
but remained sensitive for zanamivir and peramivir. prolonged oseltamivir treatment was found to confer cross-
Recombinant proteins with different mutations were made resistance to oseltamivir (10-fold increase in IC50) and
to confirm that the deletions at 245–248 alone may confer zanamivir (~10-fold increase in IC50) [80] but remain sensi-
resistance to oseltamivir. The deletion was stably main- tive for peramivir [108]. Recently, the I222L mutation that
tained after four passages in vitro [110]. confers resistance to both oseltamivir (>100-fold increase in
Surveillance studies have identified D151V/D amino acid IC50) and zanamivir (~10-fold increase in IC50) was detected
changes in H3N2 viruses exhibited highly reduced inhibition from an immunocompromised patient after prolonged osel-
for zanamivir but remained sensitive to oseltamivir [64, 66]. tamivir treatment [74].
In addition, the Q136K mutation reported in H1N1 viruses In addition to the detection of the R152K, D198N, and
was also detected from H3N2 viruses isolated in Myanmar in I222L mutations from immunocompromised patients after
32 Resistance to Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors 497
receiving prolonged NA inhibitor treatment, influenza B aminidase enzyme [126]. DFSA analogs with 4-amino (Am)
viruses carrying D198N, I222T, and S250G mutations have or 4-guanidino (Gu) side chains and the three-fluoro in either
been detected from 1.7 % of (7/422) pediatric outpatients the axial (Fax) or the equatorial (Feq) orientations have been
prior to oseltamivir treatment, although many of them had tested against influenza A (H1N1 with H274Y and H3N2
household contacts with influenza B patients under NA with E119V) and B (D198E) variants resistant to oseltamivir
inhibitor treatment [118]. In the same study, G402S-resistant and zanamivir; the FeqGu showed the lowest IC50 while
variant was also detected in 1.4 % (1/74) patients after osel- compared to the other analogs. The FaxGu and FeqGu also
tamivir treatment [118]. The D198E/Y mutations have also exhibited comparable efficacy as zanamivir against the chal-
been isolated from surveillance studies that led to ten-fold lenge of A/Hong Kong/1/68 (H3N2) in the mouse model.
reduced inhibition to zanamivir (D198E/Y) and oseltamivir
(D198Y) [119–122]. The N294S mutation has been isolated
from a pediatric inpatient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia 7 Concluding Remarks
without NA inhibitor treatment history [123]. The H274Y
mutation has been detected from an adult patient without NA inhibitors have been the only effective antiviral option
known prior treatment history [124]. Global surveillance against influenza A and B viruses since 2009. The isolation
during 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 has also identified the of drug-resistant variants among individuals without prior
H274Y mutation from both B/Victoria and B/Yamagata lin- treatment history demonstrated the uncompromised viral fit-
eages that lead to highly reduced inhibition to peramivir and ness and transmissibility of some NA-resistant variants.
<10-fold reduced inhibition to oseltamivir [65, 103]. The There have been increasing numbers of cell culture-derived
E110K mutation that showed reduced inhibition to zanami- variants as well as amino acid changes at non-conserved NA
vir and laninamivir as well as highly reduced inhibition to residues associated with reduced inhibition to NA inhibitors.
peramivir was selected after in vitro passage but at below Understanding the biological function and the mechanisms
detection level in the original specimen [125]. Interestingly, for the emergence of these mutations should be a priority for
E110 is localized at the monomer–monomer interface of the future research.
NA tetramer, which is different from the other mutations that
are localized at the enzyme site. The mechanism of resis-
tance could be through destabilizing the NA tetrameric form
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Resistance Mechanisms to HIV-1
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase 33
form 2′-deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) analogs that can nistic. This chapter explores mechanisms of NRTI resistance
be incorporated by RT (reviewed in [13]). The efficient phos- in more detail and includes information on approved as well
phorylation of NRTIs to their nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) as experimental nucleoside analogs.
form is essential to their efficacy. NRTI-TP compete with natu-
ral dNTPs for binding and incorporation onto the elongating
DNA chain. Once incorporated, they act as obligate chain termi- 4 Nucleotide Discrimination
nators because they lack the 3′-hydroxyl group on the ribose
ring, and prevent further DNA synthesis. The active NRTI-TP The nucleotide discrimination mechanism of NRTI resis-
forms have long intracellular half-lives compared to the parent tance involves the preferential incorporation of natural dNTP
compounds and have low protein binding [14]. Since there are substrates over NRTI-TP substrates (Fig. 33.3). HIV-1 RT
four possible bases that can be incorporated, the RT is ideal containing NRTI discrimination mutations maintains the
since different nucleoside analogs can be combined effectively ability to complete reverse transcription in the presence of
so long as they do not share the same first phosphorylation drug by excluding NRTI-TP substrates while retaining the
enzyme. Thus RT is considered a target within a target. In addi- ability to incorporate natural dNTP substrates with reason-
tion, NTPs do not diffuse out of the cells and hence usually have able efficiency [15, 16]. Discrimination mutations decrease
long intracellular half-lives. NRTI-TP incorporation efficiency compared to wild-type RT
The current FDA-approved NRTIs used in therapy repre- through diminished binding and/or decreased incorporation
sent analogs to all four of the natural dNTPs; two thymidine rate [17]. Pre-steady-state kinetic analyses describe the cata-
analogs: zidovudine (AZT) and stavudine (d4T); two cyto- lytic efficiency of nucleotide incorporation using the ratio
sine analogs: lamivudine (3TC) and emtricitabine ((-)-FTC); kpol/Kd, where kpol is the turnover rate for phosphodiester
the adenosine 2',3'-analog didanosine (ddI); and the guano- bond formation and Kd is the dissociation constant of the
sine analog abacavir (ABC). Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate nucleotide for RT [18]. Mutations conferring enhanced
(TDF) is an adenosine analog and a prodrug for the oral NRTI-TP discrimination selectively increase Kd for NRTI-TP
delivery of the nucleotide analog tenofovir (TFV) (Fig. 33.1). binding to the RT active site or decrease the kpol value for
NRTIs remain the cornerstone of current antiretroviral treat- nucleotide addition. Therefore, impaired NRTI-TP incorpo-
ment regimens. These regimens effectively suppress viral ration is a result of decreased binding affinity, slower incor-
replication in HIV-infected persons, but can fail due to poor poration rate, or a combination of both effects. The altered
adherence, delayed toxicities, and emergence of drug- incorporation kinetics of NRTI-TP compared to the analo-
resistant virus. Under drug pressure, viral variants containing gous dNTP results in increased selectivity for incorporation
mutations that confer decreased susceptibility will have a of natural dNTP substrates.
selective advantage over drug-sensitive variants. NRTI discrimination mutations occur at residues in the
fingers or palm of the polymerase active site including K65R,
L74V, Q151M (in complex with other mutations), and
3 Mechanisms of NRTI Resistance M184V/I, some of which form the dNTP-binding pocket
[19–24] (Fig. 33.2). These mutations affect NRTI binding
Mutations that cause resistance to NRTIs are located in the and incorporation through direct interaction with the nucleo-
palm, fingers, and connection subdomains of RT and they tide or via conformational distortions of the active site. These
use unique mechanisms to be effective (Table 33.1). Some mutations and their discrimination phenotypes and mecha-
mutations allow RT to discriminate between NRTI-TPs and nism toward specific NRTI are discussed below.
the natural dNTPs by affecting binding and the rate of incor-
poration of the nucleotide analog. This involves amino acid
residues in direct contact with the incoming NRTI that are 4.1 Didanosine
located along the dNTP-binding track extending from the
β3–β4 finger loop region to YMDD residue M184 (Fig. 33.2). Didanosine (ddI, 2′,3′-dideoxyinosine) is a prodrug that is con-
Another set of mutations cause an increased rate of excision verted to 2′,3′-dideoxyadenosine triphosphate (ddATP), the
of incorporated NRTI-MP and are located close to the dNTP- active metabolite recognized by RT. After metabolism and acti-
binding site. These mutations are most often selected by thy- vation, ddATP can be incorporated by HIV-1 RT into the
midine analog NRTI and are thus termed thymidine analog nascent viral DNA, thus causing chain termination. In cell cul-
mutations (TAMs). A recently identified group of mutations ture assays, the concentrations of ddI required to inhibit HIV-1
has long-range effects on NRTI incorporation by reposition- replication by 50 % (EC50) were between 0.1 and 4 μM depend-
ing the primer/template. The effect of each mutation on ing on the assay system and cell type [25]. ddATP binds RT
NRTI and RT activity is unique and the relationship that with similar affinity as dATP; however, the rate of incorpora-
develops with other mutations can be synergistic or antago- tion is >5-fold slower for ddATP compared to dATP [26].
33 Resistance Mechanisms to HIV-1 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 505
Clinical isolates from subjects who received ddI monother- compared to wild-type (WT) HIV-1 and cross-resistance to
apy for 1–2 years harbored the mutations L74V, K65R, M184V, ddC and ABC [27, 28]. Pre-steady-state incorporation assays
as well as some TAMs, with L74V being most prevalent [27]. with L74V RT indicate that the incorporation rate (kpol) for
The L74V mutation confers at least fivefold resistance to ddI ddATP is severely decreased (tenfold) compared to WT RT,
506 B.D. Herman et al.
4.2 Abacavir Both cell culture selection experiments and clinical isolates
from persons treated with ABC identified similar resistance
Abacavir (ABC) [(1S,4R)-4-[2-amino-6-(cyclopropylamino)- mutations as those selected by ddI [34]. The most frequent
9H-purin-9-yl]cyclopent-2-en-1-yl-methanol] is a prodrug mutations selected by ABC were M184V and the combination
of carbovir (2-amino-1,9-dihydro-9-[(1R,4S)-4- of L74V + M184V. Both of these mutations alone conferred
(hydroxymethyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-yl]-6H-purin-6-one), a low-level resistance (two- to fourfold over WT) to ABC. In
2′-deoxyguanosine analog [32, 33]. Abacavir demonstrated combination, L74V + M184V conferred 11-fold ABC resistance
equivalent activity to AZT against HIV-1 clinical isolates in over WT. Like L74V, M184V confers resistance to ABC and
peripheral blood lymphocytes with EC50 values of 0.26 and other NRTI through the discrimination mechanism [35–37].
0.23 μM, respectively. CBV-TP potently and selectively Discrimination by M184V has been more thoroughly character-
inhibited HIV-1 RT with an inhibitory constant (Ki) value of ized for 3TC and (-)-FTC, so the molecular mechanism by
21 nM [32]. which M184V discriminates NRTI is discussed further below.
33 Resistance Mechanisms to HIV-1 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 507
Fig. 33.3 Molecular mechanism of nucleotide incorporation and NRTI natural dNTP while selectively excluding NRTI-TP. NRTI-TP exclu-
discrimination by HIV-1 RT. Mutations that confer resistance to NRTI sion occurs by decreased NRTI-TP binding affinity (Kd) for the RT
by the discrimination mechanism maintain the ability to incorporate active site or decreased rate of NRTI incorporation (kpol)
[19]. This explains why 3TC-TP and (-)-FTC-TP binding is of cross-resistance to all approved NRTI except AZT [65]. In
more markedly diminished as compared to dCTP binding. fact, giving AZT to persons treated with TDF could prevent the
Together, these findings describe the molecular mechanism development of the K65R mutation commonly seen in persons
of discrimination by which the M184V/I mutations confer infected with clade C HIV in Africa [66]. Both K65R and K70E
resistance to 3TC and (-)-FTC. mutations confer resistance to tenofovir via the discrimination
3TC is also used for the treatment of hepatitis B virus mechanism [65, 67–70]. Unlike the discrimination of 3TC-TP
(HBV) and has been shown to select for the M204V mutation and (-)-FTC-TP by M184V, the discrimination phenotype con-
in HBV which is structurally and functionally equivalent to ferred by K65R and K70E toward TFV-DP is driven by decreased
M184V in HIV-1 [50]. The 2′-deoxynucleoside analog enteca- kpol, and not by significantly altered binding [65, 67–70].
vir (ETV), approved for the treatment of HBV, also demon- Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is a second-generation pro-
strates activity against HIV-1 and is, therefore, not drug that delivers higher intracellular concentrations of TFV
recommended to be used in HBV/HIV-1-coinfected individu- diphosphate (TFV-DP) in peripheral blood mononuclear
als [51]. ETV remains potent against 3TC-resistant HBV; cells, resulting in increased antiviral potency compared to
however, it has been shown to select for M184V HIV-1 in TDF [71, 72]. TAF is currently in phase III clinical trials in
coinfected patients [52, 53]. The M184V mutation in RT combination with other antiretroviral agents for the treat-
results in decreased efficiency of ETV incorporation by both ment of HIV-1- and HBV-infected patients [73]. TAF is more
diminished binding and slower incorporation rate [54]. ETV, potent than TFV and TDF against WT HIV-1 in cell culture
unlike other NRTI, contains a 3′-OH group allowing addi- experiments; however their resistance profiles against a
tional nucleotide incorporation. However, during extension of panel of NRTI-resistant mutant viruses were highly corre-
ETV-MP containing primers, increasing steric hindrance lated (r2 = 0.97). Cell culture selection experiments using
results in delayed chain termination primarily at position +3, both TAF and TFV resulted in the emergence of the K65R
thus protecting ETV-MP from nucleotide excision [55, 56]. mutation conferring 6.5-fold reduced susceptibility to TAF
[72]. TAF remained potent against HIV-1 isolates resistant to
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, as well as
4.4 Tenofovir, Tenofovir Disoproxil HIV-1 protease and integrase inhibitors.
Fumarate, and Tenofovir Alafenamide
its favorable drug resistance profile. EFdA potently inhibited oral bioavailability in monkeys [82]. The analog 1-β-D-2,6-
clinical isolates from subjects heavily treated with NRTI includ- diaminopurine dioxolane (amdoxovir, DAPD) also exhibits
ing multidrug-resistant HIV-1 [75]. Interestingly, the tenofovir antiviral activity and is more water soluble and orally bio-
resistance mutation K65R confers hypersusceptibility to EFdA available [81, 82]. DAPD serves as a prodrug for DXG by
through a decreased ability to unblock EFdA-MP-terminated deamination at the six-position by adenosine deaminase [83,
primers [78]. Cell culture selection experiments using WTLAI 84]. Only DXG-TP was detected in primary lymphocytes
HIV-1 identified the combination of mutations I142V, T165R, and CEM cells following exposure to DXG or DAPD.
and M184V, which conferred moderate reduced susceptibility DAPD has potent activity against NRTI-resistant HIV-1
to EFdA, but were also associated with significantly reduced containing TAMs, M184V, and the NNRTI resistance muta-
viral fitness. The M184V/I mutations were also present in iso- tion K103N. The mutations L74V and K65R resulted in 3.5-
lates from SIV- infected macaques though viral replication and 5.6-fold resistance to HIV-1 in cell culture assays [85, 86].
remained suppressed through drug treatment [79]. An in vitro Pre-steady-state kinetic analyses reveal that both K65R and
selection experiment using a mix of 11 highly drug-resistant L74V mutations confer resistance to DAPD through a combi-
HIV-1 isolates found a delayed emergence of resistance toward nation of decreased nucleotide affinity and slower incorpora-
EFdA compared to TDF, 3TC, and (-)-FTC [80]. Furthermore, tion rate [87].
EFdA remained highly potent against variants selected against
EFdA and TDF despite the appearance of M184V in all isolates.
EFdA’s unique inhibitory mechanisms and excellent resistance 5 Excision
profile warrant further investigation as a clinical candidate for
the treatment of NRTI-naive and -experienced patients. Another mechanism of NRTI resistance is by the process of
excision, in which RT uses a phosphate donor to remove incor-
porated NRTIs by reversing the catalytic reaction of polymer-
4.6 mdoxovir (DAPD) and Dioxolane
A ization [88, 89] (Fig. 33.4). A set of mutations is primarily
Guanosine selected by the thymidine analogs AZT and d4T. The classical
mutations are M41L, D67N, K70R, L210W, T215Y/F, and
The purine nucleoside analog 1-β-D-dioxolane guanosine K219Q and are known as thymidine analog mutations (TAMs)
(DXG) has potent activity against HIV and hepatitis B virus [90–92]. They were initially observed in subjects receiving
[81]. However, it demonstrates poor solubility and limited AZT monotherapy, the first approved AIDS drug [90–93].
Fig. 33.4 Molecular mechanism of HIV-1 RT primer unblocking by release of an adenosine-NRTI dinucleoside tetraphosphate and restores
ATP-mediated NRTI-MP excision. Nucleophilic attack of the chain- the primer 3′-OH for subsequent nucleotide incorporation
terminating NRTI-MP from an ATP pyrophosphate donor results in the
510 B.D. Herman et al.
AZT was identified in 1985 at the National Cancer would favor binding at the N (nucleotide binding) site of the
Institute with collaborators at the Burroughs-Wellcome polymerase active site to form a polymerase catalytic com-
Company (now GlaxoSmithKline) to be the first nucleoside plex rather than an excision complex [107]. An NTP with a
inhibitor with in vitro and in vivo activity against HIV [94]. purine base would have more extensive stacking with the
It was shown to inhibit RT as a triphosphate and became the T215Y mutant than a pyrimidine base [106]. GTP has also
first NRTI [95]. Structurally, AZT replaces the 3′-hydroxyl been shown to be an efficient excision substrate; however
with a 3′-azido group and is dependent on thymidine kinase ATP has a much higher concentration in cells than GTP [88,
1 (TK1) for activation [95, 96]. AZT is no longer recom- 108, 109].
mended for initial combination regimens for antiretroviral ATP-mediated excision can be inhibited by the formation
naive persons, but is still recommended for preexposure pro- of a dead-end complex (DEC) [110, 111]. When an NRTI is
phylaxis and postexposure treatment of mother-to-child incorporated onto the end of the primer it is located in the N
transmission of HIV during pregnancy, labor, and delivery site of the polymerase active site. After incorporation, it
[97, 98]. AZT is one of the most effective NRTIs for central translocates to the P (priming) site and the N site becomes
nervous system (CNS) penetration and has shown to improve empty. The next complementary dNTP can then bind in the
cognitive performance in a study of HIV dementia [99]. N site. The end of the primer is blocked by the NRTI missing
TAMs are also selected in response to the thymidine ana- the necessary 3′-OH group for phosphodiester bond forma-
log d4T. Its structure has an unsaturation in the ribose ring to tion and the next complementary dNTP cannot be incorpo-
form a 2′,3′-dideoxy-2′,3′-dehydroribose ring analog that is rated. The dNTP binding stabilizes the complex by decreasing
also dependent on TK1 for activation. d4T has been shown to the dissociation rate of RT and trapping RT and the primer/
cause peripheral neuropathy that can be corrected by using a template in the DEC. The finger domain also closes after
lower dosage [100]. This NRTI is rarely used in the USA, but dNTP binding and makes the complex more stable. Excision
is still used in resource-poor settings [101]. of an NRTI by ATP-dependent pyrophosphorolysis can only
The mutations that develop to thymidine analogs were be conducted when the 3′ end of the primer is located in the
biochemically shown to excise the NRTI after it was incor- N site [105, 112, 113]. The identity of the incorporated chain
porated into the DNA [88, 89]. Excision is the primary terminator, the primer/template sequence, and the mutational
mechanism of AZT resistance. RT can excise normal nucleo- background of RT all contribute to the stability of the
tides or NRTIs by phosphorolysis, the reverse of the polym- DEC. Its formation inhibits excision and is beneficial for
erization reaction, using pyrophosphate or ATP as a drug activity.
phosphate donor. The RT/primer template complex binds Modifications of the NRTI that increase the terminated
ATP, the phosphate donor, and the gamma phosphate attacks primer fraction in the N site favor the excision mechanism.
the monophosphate group linking the last two nucleotides of AZT remains resistant to DEC formation due to its 3′-azido
the primer strand generating an AZT/2′-deoxyadenosine group. The bulkiness of the group prevents translocation to
dinucleotide tetraphosphate product. The primer, shortened the P site after binding at the N site. This leaves AZT more
by one nucleotide, contains a free 3′-OH competent for addi- susceptible to excision and prevents the next complementary
tional nucleotide incorporation (Fig. 33.4). The reaction was dNTP from binding to the N site and forming the DEC [105].
initially discovered using DNA templates, but can also use The other NRTIs do not have bulky modifications, such as an
RNA less efficiently [102, 103]. An RT that has TAMs has an azido group at the 3′ position, and will shift toward DEC
increased rate of excision using ATP as the phosphate donor formation rather than the excision reaction. Unlike d4T, AZT
[104, 105]. The mutations help create a pocket for ATP to does not form DEC at physiological dNTP concentrations,
bind that is adjacent to the dNTP-binding cleft and excise the explaining why TAMs confer higher resistance to AZT than
NRTI or nucleotide [106]. Using ATP for excision generates d4T [114].
an AZTp4A product that cannot be reincorporated and is not The contribution of each of the mutations that make up
a substrate for RT. Structural information revealed that the the TAMs is complex with many developing in supportive
AZT resistance mutations K70R and T215Y are important to roles to enhance excision and to increase viral fitness [106,
ATP binding. The T215Y mutation has a mutated aromatic 115, 116]. TAMs develop in two distinct but overlapping pat-
side chain that stacks with the base and the K70R-mutated terns. The K70R background gives rise to the D67N, T215F,
side chain forms polar interactions with the alpha phosphate and K219Q/E mutations, and the other includes M41L, and
and 3′-OH of ATP [106]. The β- and γ-phosphates of ATP L210W associated with T215Y [91, 93, 117–121]. The
chelate the two active site Mg2+ ions to allow phosphorolysis T215Y and K219Q mutations are located in the palm domain
to occur to remove AZT-MP. and increase the processivity of DNA synthesis by decreas-
The primary mechanism for excision is ATP-dependent ing RT dissociation from the primer/template. They are also
phosphorolysis for several reasons. There is a relatively low known to contribute to the prevention of DEC formation.
concentration or pyrophosphate in a cell. Also, a dNTP The mutations D67N and K70R are located in the finger
33 Resistance Mechanisms to HIV-1 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 511
domain and do not affect processivity but increase excision. 6.1 Prevalence of C-Terminal Mutations
The D67N mutation changes the aspartic acid into an aspara-
gine and removes the negative charge. The K70R is often the The N348I mutation selected in the connection domain of
first mutation selected during AZT therapy and repositions RT has a prevalence of ~12 % in treatment-experienced
the positive charge allowing for a better interaction with the patients. This mutation is associated with AZT and nevirap-
phosphate donor of ATP or PPi [106]. The T215Y/F muta- ine (NNRTI) treatment and appears early during therapy
tion also enhances binding to ATP or PPi [112, 122]. A com- [130, 131, 133–135]. Mutations A360V/I and A371V also
bination of TAMs and a T69 insertion in the β-3–β-4 finger show a 10 % and 20 % prevalence in patients treated with
loop allows RT to excise a broader range of NRTIs [112, AZT, respectively [136]. Mutation G333D is associated with
123–125]. AZT excision can be enhanced by the addition of a 12 % increase in prevalence after treatment with AZT and
the Δ67 deletion with a TAM background [126, 127]. 3TC [135, 137–139]. Other mutations in connection domain
that are associated with TAM selection include amino acid
changes at residues 322, 356, 359, 360, 369, and 371 [133,
6 C-Terminal Mutations 140]. Similar to N348I, amino acid changes at positions 359
and 371 have also been associated with other NNRTI-
Mutations that lead to either discrimination-based or associated mutations such as K103N and Y181C [130, 131].
excision-based mechanisms of resistance are generally In the RNase H domain, the Q509L mutation has been
selected at the site of NRTI binding, namely in the poly- selected in AZT-treated cell culture but rarely appears in vivo
merase active site located at the N-terminus of RT. It was [141]. Other RNase H mutations identified in vivo include
therefore a somewhat unexpected discovery when mutations changes at positions 506, 547, 469, 470, 554, and 558.
in the distal connection domain and RNase H domain of RT However most of these positions appear to be highly poly-
were found to be associated with NRTI treatment (reviewed morphic [135, 136, 142, 143].
in [128, 129]). Specifically, it was found that several
C-terminal mutations are frequently selected in association
with TAMs, and cause resistance to predominantly AZT and 6.2 echanism of NRTI Resistance
d4T. Resistance has also been reported to 3TC, ddI, d4T, with C-Terminal Mutations
ABC, and TFV to varying degrees, with various C-terminal
mutations [130, 131]. Finally, some C-terminal mutations A number of studies have addressed the mechanism through
can also confer resistance to non-nucleoside analog inhibi- which C-terminus mutations confer resistance to NRTIs (sum-
tors (NNRTIs). A complete review of NNRTI-associated marized in Fig. 33.5). Nikolenko et al. proposed that C-terminus
resistance can be found elsewhere [132]. This section reviews mutations reduce RNase H activity. This, in turn, allows more
the prevalence of C-terminal mutations, their mechanism of time for ATP-mediated removal of the incorporated chain ter-
drug resistance, and their impact on clinical outcome. minator at the polymerase active site [144–147]. To test this
hypothesis, the authors monitored template switching by RT antiviral synergy of these combinations has been attributed
containing C-terminal mutations as an indication of RNase H to antagonism between the discrimination mutations K65R,
activity. They demonstrated that the presence of these muta- L74V, and M184V and TAMs [69, 158–165]. K65R, K70E,
tions led to reduced template switching, which in turn corre- L74V, or M184V when present in combination with TAMs
lates with reduced RNase H activity [146]. This hypothesis was reverse the AZT resistance phenotype observed with TAMs
further supported by the observation that C-terminal mutations alone. The rate of primer unblocking by ATP-mediated exci-
conferred AZT resistance on RNA/DNA, but not DNA/DNA sion is decreased by the addition of K65R, K70E, L74V, and
substrates [131, 141]. Radzio et al. further showed that artificial M184V in the background of TAMs [69, 70, 162, 164].
increases in RNase H activity led to decreased AZT excision, Multiple hypotheses have been proposed to explain how
thus highlighting the interplay between RNA cleavage and these residues diminish excision activity. K65R and M184V
nucleotide excision [148]. In another study, Ehteshami et al. may reposition or limit the flexibility of the chain-terminated
showed that the presence of A360V and N348I mutations primer in the active site [158, 161]. L74V may alter the base
selectively reduced DNA/RNA substrate binding in the RNase pairing interaction of the NRTI with the template [158, 166].
H-complex, thus accounting for the observed reduction in Additionally, TAMs also negatively affect the ability of
RNA cleavage. Interestingly, they observed that when RNase H K65R to discriminate between NRTI-TP and dNTP by par-
activity was knocked out through the introduction of E478Q tially restoring the rate of incorporation [69].
mutant, RT enzymes harboring TAMs/A360V/N348I still The poor excision and discrimination phenotypes
showed increased AZT excision as compared to TAMs alone. observed with viruses carrying both TAMs and discrimina-
This suggests that at least some connection domain mutations tion mutations can be partially restored by the accumulation
may increase resistance to AZT in an RNase H-independent of additional mutations [131, 138, 139, 157, 167, 168]. For
manner. Further studies showed that N348I and A360V example, the G333D mutation appears to suppress the antag-
increase enzyme processivity, which may play a role in onistic relationship between M184V and TAMs, thus allow-
increased rates of AZT removal [149]. ing for dual-AZT and -3TC resistance [139]. Another study
As described above, the role of C-terminal mutations on has shown that TFV resistance becomes significant when
antiviral resistance was clearly demonstrated in numerous N348I is present with TAMs [169]. The N348I mutation is
cell-based, and cell-free studies. Importantly, current stan- also selected in association with M184V and TAMs.
dard protocols for HIV genetic testing are based on sequenc- However, it was shown that the presence of this mutation
ing the N-terminal region of RT while omitting the does not result in dual-3TC/AZT resistance [131, 146]. The
C-terminal region. Considering the relatively high frequency N348I mutation is thought to neutralize the antagonizing
of C-terminal mutation selection in the clinic, it was unclear effect of M184V on TAM-mediated AZT resistance, likely
whether the genetic testing of RT should be expanded to through restoring deficits in RT processivity and viral fitness
include the C-terminal region of this enzyme. Since the dis- [134, 170, 171]. Other mutations that can mediate dual-
covery of this class of mutations, several independent stud- discrimination-based and excision-based resistance include
ies have examined whether C-terminal mutations play an amino acid changes E44A/D, T69D, V75M/T, V118I,
important role in treatment failure in the clinical setting. H208Y, R211K, and K219R.
Considering the strong selection association between
C-terminal mutations and other NRTI-associated mutations,
it appears that current genetic testing standards are suffi- 8 Combination Therapy
cient and additional screening for C-terminal mutations will
likely not have a significant impact on clinical outcome Nucleoside analog inhibitors are an important component of
[134, 150]. Based on this, current guidelines do not recom- antiretroviral combination therapy [172]. Most triple-drug
mend routine genetic testing of the C-terminal region of regimens are comprised of two NRTIs and a third antiretrovi-
HIV RT [151, 152]. ral agent from a different drug class (such as NNRTIs, inte-
grase inhibitors, or protease inhibitors). The current
recommended first-line combination therapy includes (-)-FTC
7 N
RTI Synergy and Antagonism and TDF (sometimes combined in a single pill known as
Between Resistance Mechanisms Truvada) in addition to an integrase inhibitor (such as raltegra-
vir and dolutegravir), or a protease inhibitor (such as daruna-
The use of two NRTI together with an antiretroviral drug vir/ritonavir) [97]. Other recommended fixed-dose
from another class is currently recommended for combina- combinations include Atripla [(-)-FTC, TDF and efavirenz],
tion antiretroviral therapy because several studies have Complera ((-)-FTC, TDF, rilpivirine), Stribild ((-)-FTC, TDF,
shown synergy between NRTI combinations, such as AZT/ elvitegravir), Triumeq (ABC, 3TC and dolutegravir), Epzicom
ddI and AZT/3TC (combivir) [28, 153–157]. The observed (ABC + 3TC), as well as other multi-pill combinations with
33 Resistance Mechanisms to HIV-1 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 513
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HIV-1 Resistance to the Nonnucleoside
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 34
Nicolas Sluis-Cremer
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are Reverse transcription of the human immunodeficiency virus
widely used to treat and prevent HIV-1 infection. Most first- type 1 (HIV-1) single-stranded (+) RNA genome into double-
line antiretroviral therapies typically include two nucleoside stranded DNA is an essential step in the virus life cycle.
reverse transcriptase inhibitors with one NNRTI (nevirapine Although several viral and host cell proteins may contribute
(NVP), efavirenz or rilpivirine (RPV)). Etravrine has been toward the regulation and/or efficiency of HIV-1 reverse
approved for the treatment of HIV-infected antiretroviral transcription [1,2], retroviral DNA synthesis is entirely cata-
therapy-experienced individuals, including those with prior lyzed by the RNA- and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
NNRTI exposure. In the HIV-1 prevention arena, single-dose and ribonuclease H (RNase H) activities of the virally
NVP is used to prevent mother-to-child transmission encoded multifunctional enzyme, reverse transcriptase (RT).
((MTCT)); the ASPIRE and Ring studies are evaluating Multiple structures of HIV-1 RT have been solved by X-ray
whether a vaginal ring containing dapivirine can prevent crystallography. These include structures of (1) the unliganded
HIV-1 infection in women; a microbicide gel formulation form of the wild-type (WT) enzyme, or RT containing key
containing the urea-PETT derivative MIV-150 is in a phase I drug resistance mutations [3–5]; (2) the RT–template/primer
study to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynam- (T/P) binary complex [6–10]; (3) the RT–T/P–dNTP ternary
ics, and acceptability; and a long-acting RPV formulation is complex [10,11]; and (4) different therapeutic classes of drugs
under development for preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). bound to the WT or mutant unliganded RT, or the RT–T/P
Given their widespread use, particularly in resource-limited complex [8–10,12–16]. This wealth of data has provided con-
settings, there is concern in regard to overlapping resistance siderable insight into structure–function relationships, includ-
between the different NNRTIs. In this chapter we compre- ing the overall architecture of the enzyme; key amino acid
hensively review the mechanisms of action and resistance to residues involved in substrate binding and catalysis; the pre-
the NNRTIs that are used clinically. A better understanding of cise location of inhibitor-binding sites; conformational
NNRTI resistance—including the mechanisms involved—is changes associated with inhibitor binding; and the mecha-
important for (1) predicting response to treatment; (2) sur- nisms by which mutations facilitate drug resistance. Indeed,
veillance of transmitted drug resistance; and (3) development this chapter utilizes this valuable resource to help explain the
of new classes of NNRTIs with higher genetic barriers to mechanism of action, and resistance to, the nonnucleoside RT
resistance. inhibitors (NNRTIs), as described below.
HIV-1 RT is an asymmetric heterodimer composed of
66 kDa (p66) and 51 kDa (p51) subunits [17]. The p66 sub-
unit, which contains both the DNA polymerase and RNase H
active sites, is composed of DNA polymerase (residues
1–318), connection (residues 319–426), and RNase H (resi-
dues 427–560) domains. The polymerase domain has a simi-
N. Sluis-Cremer, Ph.D. (*) lar architecture as the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli
Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, DNA polymerase, and consists of the finger (residues 1–85
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, S817 Scaife Hall, and 118–155), palm (residues 86–117 and 156–237), and
3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, USA
e-mail: [email protected] thumb (residues 238–318) subdomains [12]. The polymerase
active site, as defined by the three aspartic acid residues diazepinone (TIBO) were the first NNRTIs identified more
D110, D185, and D186, resides in the palm subdomain. The than 24 years ago [19,20]. Since then a large number of
connection domain acts as a tether between the polymerase NNRTIs have been identified that can be classified into >50
and RNase H domains, but is also involved in nucleic acid different chemical classes [21]. To date, five NNRTIs have
substrate interactions and RT inter-subunit interactions. The been approved by the United States Food and Drug
p51 subunit is derived by HIV-1 protease-mediated cleavage Administration (FDA) for use in HIV-1-infected individu-
of the RNase H domain of p66 [17]. However, the spatial als. These include nevirapine (NVP, Viramune, approved in
arrangement of the polymerase and connection domains dif- 1996), efavirenz (EFV, Sustiva, approved in 2006), etra-
fers markedly from that of p66: the larger subunit adopts an virine (ETR, Intelence, approved in 2008), and rilpivirine
“open” catalytically competent conformation that can (RPV, Edurant, approved 2011) (Fig. 34.1). Delavirdine
accommodate a nucleic acid template strand, whereas the (Rescriptor) was also approved by the FDA in 1997; how-
p51 subunit is in a “closed” conformation and is considered ever, its efficacy is lower than that of the other NNRTIs,
to play a largely structural role [18]. especially EFV, and it also has an inconvenient dosing
schedule. These factors have led the US Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) Antiretroviral
3 The Nonnucleoside RT Inhibitors Guidelines Panel to recommend that it not be used as part of
initial therapy. Due to cross-resistance between delavirdine
The NNRTIs constitute a group of small (<600 Da), chemi- and the other approved NNRTIs, it is also never in second-
cally diverse compounds which interact with HIV-1 RT by line or salvage therapy. Consequently, we have excluded
binding to a single site in p66, termed the NNRTI-binding this NNRTI from further discussion in this chapter. In addi-
pocket (NNRTI-BP). NNRTIs are highly specific inhibitors tion to the approved NNRTIs, there are at least three other
of HIV-1 replication, and are not active against HIV-2 or NNRTIs currently being investigated in clinical trials. These
other retroviruses. 1-[(2-Hydroxyethoxy)methyl]-6- include dapivirine (DAP) and MIV-150 for HIV-1 preven-
(phenylthio)thymine (HEPT) and tetrahydroimidazobenzo- tion (Fig. 34.1) and doravirine for therapy.
4 Clinical Use of NNRTIs reduced MTCT by 50 % at 6 weeks of age, and by 38 % at 18
months of age [29]. Unfortunately, sdNVP selects resistant
NNRTIs are used for both the treatment and prevention of viruses at high rates in both mothers and infected infants and
HIV-1 infection, as described below. is no longer recommended [30–33]. Instead, the World Health
Organization currently recommends two different options.
These include (A) twice-daily zidovudine for the mother and
4.1 First-Line Therapy infant prophylaxis with either zidovudine or NVP for 6 weeks
after birth if the infant is not breast-feeding. If the infant is
For antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve individuals, a first- breast-feeding, daily NVP infant prophylaxis should be con-
line regimen typically consists of two nucleoside RT inhibi- tinued for 1 week after the end of the breast-feeding period;
tors (NRTIs) plus an NNRTI. Alternatively, a ritonavir-boosted or (B) a three-drug prophylactic regimen (that can include
protease inhibitor, or an integrase inhibitor, can be used in NVP) for the mother taken during pregnancy and throughout
lieu of the NNRTI. NVP, EFV, and RPV have all been the breast-feeding period, as well as infant prophylaxis for 6
approved for first-line therapy. weeks after birth, whether or not the infant is breast-feeding.
tion of amino acids involved in positioning the active site for regard, NNRTIs enhance the enzyme’s RNase H activity
efficient catalysis. Irrespective of the interpretation of these [45–48]. The mechanisms by which NNRTIs enhance RNase
transient kinetic analyses, they both support a model whereby H cleavage are T/P dependent. For example, on duplexes that
NNRTIs inhibit the DNA polymerization by active site distor- contain the unique polypurine RNA primer used for the initia-
tion [39,40]. This active site distortion model is entirely con- tion of (+)strand DNA synthesis, RT can rapidly switch
sistent with the observed conformational changes in the between two orientations that support either DNA synthesis
catalytic triad and primer grip regions of the NNRTI–RT or or RNA hydrolysis [49]. NNRTI binding to RT pushes the
NNRTI–RT–T/P–dNTP complexes (see Figs. 34.2 and 34.3). enzyme to adopt a binding orientation that favors RNase H
cleavage [49]. On other RNA/DNA T/P substrates, NNRTIs
have been shown to cause RT to slide nonuniformly over the
5.2 isruption of the Dynamic
D T/P complex such that the RNA/DNA hybrid has ready access
Intermolecular Interactions to the RNase H active site [9,10].
of the RT–T/P and RT–T/P–dNTP
6 HIV-1 Resistance to NNRTIs
Single-molecule studies have demonstrated that NNRTI binding
to RT increases its dynamic sliding motion on the T/P [41,42], HIV-1 resistance to NNRTIs has been documented in HIV-1
which prevents dNTP binding and the formation of a stable individuals failing first-line or salvage therapies containing
RT–T/P–dNTP complex [8–10,42,43]. This increase in dynamic NVP, EFV, RPV, or ETR, and in prevention strategies that use
sliding of RT on the T/P appears to be directly related to the sdNVP (see [50] for recent review). Typically, resistance is
magnitude of the NNRTI-induced finger-thumb opening [42]. associated with the acquisition of one or more mutations in the
NNRTI-BP, although mutations in the connection domain,
specifically N348I, have also been associated with NNRTI
5.3 isruption of the Balance Between DNA
D resistance [51–53]. Table 34.1 lists mutations in RT associated
Polymerase and RNase H Activity with decreased HIV-1 susceptibility to NVP, EFV, RPV, and
ETR. Additionally, Table 34.2 documents the fold change in
The efficiency of HIV-1 reverse transcription is dependent on susceptibility of HIV-1 strains containing frequently selected
a delicate balance between the DNA polymerase and RNase NNRTI resistance mutations to the FDA-approved NNRTIs.
H activities of RT. Consequently, the activity and specificity
of RNase H must be finely tuned during reverse transcription.
Kinetic studies have revealed that NNRTIs show greater 6.1 Cross-Resistance Between the NNRTIs
inhibitory potential in reactions that require both DNA poly-
merase and RNase H activity, such as strand-transfer reac- In general, there is a high level of cross-resistance within the
tions or the initiation of (+)strand DNA synthesis [44]. In this NNRTI class as a result of two mechanisms:
Table 34.1 Mutations associated with decreased HIV-1 susceptibility to NVP, EFV, RPV, and ETR
V90 L100 K101 K103 V106 V108 E138 V179 Y181 Y188 G190 H221 P225 F227 M230 N348
The data have been adapted from the Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database (http://hivdb.stanford.edu/)
Mutations in bold are associated with the highest levels of reduced susceptibility or virological response to the relevant NNRTI
Table 34.2 Median fold change in the susceptibility of HIV-1 containing single NNRTI resistance mutations to NVP, EFV, ETR, and RPV
L100I K101E K103N V106M E138K Y181C G190A M230L N348I
NVP 7.3 170 >43.0 6.3 0.4 >43.0 >85 20.4 4.2
EFV 20.3 2.1 32.5 2.6 0.5 2.1 8.1 5.9 2.8
RPV 0.9 3.0 0.9 0.9 3.0 2.8 1.1 3.4 N.D.
ETR 1.3 4.9 0.9 0.9 2.8 4.0 1.1 3.6 2.1
Data were adapted from [55, 78]
526 N. Sluis-Cremer
1. Nearly all of the NNRTI resistance mutations are within 6.4 I mpact of NNRTI Resistance Mutations
or adjacent to the NNRTI-BP. There is no evidence that on Viral Fitness
any one mutation only confers resistance to a single
agent; most NNRTI resistance mutations reduce suscepti- Although some NNRTI resistance mutations have been asso-
bility to two or more NNRTIs (Table 34.1). ciated with a decline in viral replication fitness [64–66], the
2. The genetic barrier to NNRTI resistance is low. Typically, most prevalent NNRTI resistance mutations, such as Y181C
EFV, NVP, and RPV require only a single mutation to and K103N, have minimal consequences on viral replication
reduce clinical efficacy. ETR requires two mutations, but [67,68]. This is supported by clinical data demonstrating that
in certain circumstances (i.e., Y181I/V) a single mutation these mutations can persist for several months after cessation
may be sufficient (Table 34.2) [22–24]. of NNRTI therapy, or after transmission to an ART-naïve
individual [69,70]. Furthermore, HIV-1 strains containing
multiple NNRTI mutations may have improved replication
6.2 Subtype Differences in HIV-1 Resistance capacity compared to virus harboring only single or double
to NNRTIs mutants [67], which may provide an explanation for the con-
tinued accumulation of NNRTI-associated mutations despite
The diversity of HIV-1 has given rise to a large number of vari- the presence of high-level resistance. There is also evidence
ants, including nine subtypes (A–D, F–H, J–K), six sub- of compensatory interactions between NNRTI and NRTI
subtypes (A1–A4, F1–F2), multiple (>48) circulating resistance mutations. For example (1) the L74V mutation
recombinant forms, and thousands of unique recombinant has been demonstrated to compensate for the reduced repli-
forms. The majority of research into HIV-1 drug resistance has cative capacity of L100I/K103N HIV-1 [71]; and (2) E138K
focused on subtype B viruses, yet non-subtype B strains are may compensate for the fitness deficits of both M184I and
responsible for 90 % of global infections. Importantly, there is M184V and restore the replicative capacity of viruses con-
increasing evidence of subtype differences in NNRTI resis- taining M184I/V [72,73].
tance. For example (1) subtype C viruses harbor GTG (valine)
at codon 106 in RT whereas subtype B harbors GTA (valine).
The GTG polymorphism facilitates the emergence of subtype C 7 Mechanisms by Which Mutations in RT
virus with the V106M mutation (GTG to ATG) that confers Confer HIV-1 Resistance
resistance to NVP and EFV [54]. (2) Recent studies show that a
glutamic acid-to-alanine substitution at codon 138 in RT occurs Typically, resistance mutations in the NNRTI-BP of RT
significantly more frequently in subtype C than B sequences in decrease HIV-1 susceptibility to the inhibitors by directly
both treatment-naïve and RT inhibitor-experienced HIV-1- impacting drug binding [74,75], although more complex
infected individuals [55]. E138A has been clinically associated mechanisms have been reported [42]. Below, using the avail-
with virologic failure of regimens that contain RPV or ETR able biochemical and structural data, we summarize the
[56,57]. (3) We reported that N348I in the connection domain of mechanism(s) by which several key mutations confer NNRTI
RT emerges in 45 % and 12 % of subtype C-infected individuals resistance. The mutations discussed were selected based on
on failing regimens containing NVP or EFV, respectively [53]. clinical significance (including frequency), and available
biochemical and structural data. Of note, the reader is
encouraged to keep in mind the fold-change values for each
6.3 Transmission of NNRTI-Resistant HIV-1 mutation discussed (Table 34.2), as oftentimes it is challeng-
ing to correlate these values with the available structural/bio-
The widespread use of ART has contributed to the emer- chemical explanations for resistance.
gence of epidemics of transmitted HIV drug resistance
(TDR) [58]. Indeed, recent analyses have shown a high but
stable TDR prevalence in high-income countries, and a rela- 7.1 L100I
tively low but rapidly increasing prevalence in low- and
middle-income countries [59]. In view of the fact that they L100I has been selected in vitro by EFV, ETR, and RPV
form the foundation of first-line ART and prevention of [22,76–79], and has been detected in HIV-1-infected indi-
MTCT regimens, the most frequent TDR mutations are viduals failing EFV-, ETR-, or RPV-based therapies [80–84].
single-amino acid mutations conferring high-level resistance L100I rarely occurs in isolation, but when it does it reduces
to NNRTIs (typically K103N, Y181C, and G190A). NVP and EFV susceptibility about 7- and 20-fold, respec-
Importantly, these mutations have been associated with treat- tively (Table 34.2). A crystal structure of L100I RT in com-
ment failure in cases in which they exist before the initiation plex with NVP has been solved [85]. Comparison of this
of first-line ART [60–63]. structure with that of the WT RT–NVP complex (Fig. 34.4)
34 HIV-1 Resistance to the Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 527
not confer cross-resistance to ETR or RPV (Table 34.2). Crystal impact the affinity of EFV binding to RT but relieves the drug-
structures of K103N RT in complex with NVP, EFV, RPV, and induced molecular arthritis in the finger and thumb subdomains
ETR have been reported [13,14,16,91]. In general, direct con- of RT, likely through disruption of the salt bridge between
tacts between these NNRTI and K103 are not observed, and a K101 and E138 (Fig. 34.6b). This, in turn, inhibits the EFV-
stereochemical explanation for the loss of NNRTI binding due bound enzyme from sliding excessively on the T/P substrate
to K103N cannot be inferred from these structures. In contrast, and allows it to efficiently bind an incoming nucleotide and
in unliganded K103N RT structures the asparagine side chain form a functional RT–T/P–dNTP complex. In contrast to EFV,
forms a hydrogen bond with the hydroxyl group of Y188 K103N decreased the binding affinity of NVP for the RT–T/P
(Fig. 34.6a), and it has been suggested that this interaction complex, a finding which underscores a concept that a single
helps stabilize the apo-form of the enzyme which prevents mutation in RT can differentially affect the binding of structur-
NNRTI binding [5,92,93]. However, K103N does not decrease ally diverse NNRTI. Of note, in the crystal structure of K103N
virus susceptibility to ETR or RPV, which suggests that further RT in complex with RPV [92], the salt bridge between K101
factors must be in play to explain resistance to NVP and EFV and E138 remains intact (Fig. 34.6c), and we found that RPV
resistance. Using single-molecule and ensemble biophysical binds with increased affinity to the RT–T/P complex [42].
approaches, we recently proposed a mechanism of resistance
that relies on modulation of the conformational dynamics of
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Drug Resistance to HIV-1 Protease
Inhibitors: Molecular Mechanisms 35
and Substrate Coevolution
Nese Kurt Yilmaz and Celia A. Schiffer
Fig. 35.1 Chemical structures of FDA-approved HIV-1 protease inhibitors. The non-cleavable dipeptide isostere cores mimicking the transition
state are hydroxyethylamine (blue), hydroxyaminopentane (red), and hydroxyethylene (magenta)
Fig. 35.2 Structure of HIV-1 protease bound to inhibitor DRV (PDB colored side chains. Location of primary resistance mutations at the
1T3R). (a) The enzyme is a homodimer of two non-covalently assem- active site (D30, V32, I47, G48, I50, V82, I84; red), primary resistance
bled 99-residue chains (in dark and light gray). Each monomer contrib- mutations outside the active site (M46, F53, I54 in flaps and L24, L33,
utes a catalytic Asp (teal side chain) to the active site where the inhibitor L76, N88, L90; orange), and secondary resistance mutations (L10,
(magenta) binds. The flaps close over the bound ligand. (b) Residues V11, K20, E35, K43, Q58, V71, G73, T74, N83, L89; blue)
that mutate to confer resistance to protease inhibitors are depicted by
values in the low picomolar range. The cooperative dose– precursors Gag and Gag/Pol that need to be processed by HIV
response curves with high slopes allow for extraordinarily protease into individual viral proteins (Fig. 35.3a). Proteolytic
high level of inhibition at clinical concentrations, which are
cleavage of Gag yields the structural proteins matrix (MA),
well above the IC50 [19, 20]. capsid (CA), nucleocapsid (NC), and p6. Gag/Pol is tran-
scribed as a result of ribosomal frameshifting occurring
~10 % of the time near the end of the gag gene [21], and in
3 HIV-1 Protease in the Viral Life Cycle addition to the Gag structural proteins includes viral enzymes
protease (PR), reverse transcriptase (RT), RNase H (RH), and
HIV infects and replicates in CD4+ immune cells by reverse- integrase (IN). The newly assembled budding HIV particles
transcribing its single-stranded RNA genome. The viral are released from the host cell as noninfectious immature
genome includes gag and pol genes encoding polyprotein virions that contain unprocessed Gag. Processing of Gag by
35 Drug Resistance to HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors: Molecular Mechanisms and Substrate Coevolution 537
Fig. 35.3 HIV-1 protease substrates and the substrate envelope. (a) age site sequences in protease-bound crystal structures reveals the
Processing of Gag to individual viral proteins at five specific sites substrate envelope (blue volume). The inhibitors (below, red volume)
allows viral maturation. (b) The amino acid sequences of cleavage sites protrude out the substrate envelope to contact protease residues
within Gag and Pol polyproteins. Notice the lack of any conserved sub- (labeled) that mutate to confer resistance. Panel (c) reprinted from King
strate recognition motif at the sequence level. (c) The overlay of cleav- et al. [35], Copyright (2004), with permission from Elsevier
substrate recognition and cleavage. The coevolution of cleav- binding of inhibitors to that of the natural substrates in resis-
age sites may compensate for lost efficiency due to primary tance development, and comparing substrates among them-
protease resistance mutations. Several Gag substrate muta- selves in relation to substrate coevolution.
tions have also been classified as primary resistance muta- Similar to the substrates, the chemically diverse HIV-1
tions as they confer PI resistance in the absence of any PIs share a conserved inhibitor envelope in protease-bound
protease mutations [32–34]. structures [35, 51, 52] spanning P2′–P2 sites. Superposition
of the two envelopes reveals locations where inhibitors pro-
trude out the substrate envelope and contact protease active-
5 Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance site residues. Such protrusions render an inhibitor vulnerable
to mutations, as protease contacts at these locations are more
Drug resistance in HIV-1 protease has been extensively stud- important for inhibitor binding compared to substrates. An
ied at the molecular level, particularly by biophysical and amino acid substitution could differentially weaken inhibitor
structural analysis of various protease mutants, yielding a contacts without substantially affecting substrate binding.
plethora of information on structural, enzymatic, and Accordingly, protease residues that contact inhibitors beyond
dynamic changes associated with inhibitor resistance [34, the substrate envelope correspond to locations of major
36–49]. These data enabled formulating hypotheses on active-site resistance mutations.
molecular mechanisms of resistance, which led to strategies Several primary mutations are signature for resistance to
for designing inhibitors that avoid resistance, and may be a particular inhibitor, such as D30N to NFV, I50V/L to APV/
applicable to other disease targets where resistance quickly DRV/ATV, G48V to SQV/ATV, and V82A to SQV/
emerges. RTV. These signature mutations also primarily correspond to
locations where individual inhibitors protrude out the sub-
strate envelope. As the protease active site is mostly hydro-
5.1 Active-Site Mutations and the Substrate phobic, side-chain substitutions due to primary mutations
Envelope mainly affect van der Waals contacts with the ligand.
However, analysis of protease–inhibitor complex structures
The active site of HIV-1 protease is mainly formed by resi- with both wild-type and resistant variants has revealed that
dues 25–32 (including the catalytic Asp25), 47–53, and structural changes are often more complex than a simple loss
80–84 from both monomers. Active-site mutations at resi- of van der Waals contact at the site of mutation [39, 41, 50].
dues that directly contact the inhibitor are quickly selected Rather, drug resistance mutations often cause an overall rear-
under PI monotherapy (red in Fig. 35.2b). Although chemi- rangement of contacts around the inhibitor at the active site.
cally different, the three-dimensional shape and electrostatic The substrate envelope broadly defines the evolutionary
character of the HIV-1 PIs are fairly similar; therefore a constraints on the selection of active-site mutations to confer
small set of mutations can result in a protease variant with drug resistance from a structural viewpoint. Mutations that
multidrug resistance. Nevertheless, in most cases, specific abrogate essential contacts with the substrates would be det-
signature active-site mutations confer resistance to a given rimental to biological function, and thus are selected against.
inhibitor. Why a specific mutation is selected against an Instead, mutations are selected to weaken inhibitor contacts
inhibitor, and how the protease is able to maintain its biologi- while still maintaining functionally essential substrate inter-
cal function despite an active-site mutation, is effectively actions. Such mutations tip the competition between inhibi-
explained by the protease substrate envelope. tor binding versus substrate recognition/processing in favor
The cleavage site sequences are highly heterogeneous, of the substrates, thus conferring drug resistance.
and amino acid sequence alone cannot explain how protease In addition to physical contacts with the inhibitor, drug
is able to recognize its substrates with high specificity. High- resistance mutations can also alter the conformational dynam-
resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease bound to pep- ics of HIV-1 protease. The protease is a highly flexible enzyme
tides corresponding to these cleavage sites revealed that the that undergoes major conformational changes involving the
substrates adopt a specific, conserved three-dimensional flaps and the hydrophobic core during ligand binding and
shape when bound at the active site (Fig. 35.3c) [50, 51]. release [53–56]. This concerted change requires extensive
This overlapping volume occupied by bound protease sub- side-chain repacking at the hydrophobic core, or hydrophobic
strates and spanning P4′–P4 sites defines the substrate enve- sliding, as revealed in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations
lope. The P1–P3 region of the substrates forms a toroid, [56]. Reversible cross-linking of core hydrophobic residues
likely critical in specific recognition of asymmetrical ligands carefully chosen based on the MD results elegantly demon-
by the homodimeric protease. In addition to describing the strated that the core dynamics directly modulates the enzyme’s
structural substrate recognition motif of the protease, the activity [57]. Considering drug resistance in the context of the
substrate envelope serves as a template for contrasting the balance between inhibitor binding and substrate processing,
35 Drug Resistance to HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors: Molecular Mechanisms and Substrate Coevolution 539
any dynamic change that disfavors the inhibitor over the sub- gest that protease conformational dynamics and changes
strates would contribute to conferring resistance. As the inhib- therein may play a major role in propagating the effect of
itor needs to stay bound at the active site for efficient inhibition such mutations to the active site. HIV-1 protease variants
with the flaps closed, while the substrates need to get pro- with single- or double-secondary resistance mutations bound
cessed and released for efficient turnover, flap dynamics would to DRV were characterized by crystal structures and MD
differentially affect the two processes. Such changes in flap simulations, and displayed changes both in dynamics and
dynamics have been revealed in MD simulations as well as subtle but significant rearrangements in the structure around
experimental NMR and EPR dynamics of HIV-1 protease the active site [45]. Interestingly, secondary mutations
drug-resistant variants [36, 58–60]. This resistance mecha- located at different positions in the protease structure had a
nism through changes in the protease conformational dynam- common mechanism of propagating their effects to the active
ics may be common to mutations both at and outside the active site and altering mainly the interactions of residue 47 with
site. DRV. The network hypothesis was proposed to explain how
distal mutations are able to affect the interactions at the
active site through common mechanisms (Fig. 35.4):
5.2 Resistance Mutations Residues that undergo secondary resistance mutations and
Outside the Protease Active Site active-site residues affected by secondary mutations are all
part of a hydrogen-bonded interaction network in the prote-
In addition to the major mutations at the protease active site, ase structure. Although much less is known on how the
many mutations elsewhere in the protease are selected in mutations outside the active site contribute to resistance,
resistance to protease inhibitors. Some of these mutations are hydrophobic sliding in relation to conformational dynamics
major resistance mutations, even though they are located and the more recent network hypothesis have provided
outside the active site and do not physically contact the inroads that may lead to more detailed and perhaps unified
ligand (orange in Fig. 35.2b). Yet others have been classified hypothesis to explain the underlying molecular mechanisms
as secondary or minor as they do not confer significant levels by which mutations at these sites directly contribute to resis-
of resistance when present alone (blue in Fig. 35.2b), but tance—rather than being compensatory.
may assist in recovering the enzyme fitness or stability lost
due to primary mutations.
While the substrate envelope provides an efficient frame- 5.3 Substrate Mutations and Coevolution
work to rationalize the selection of active-site mutations,
understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying resis- In addition to extensive mutations selected in HIV-1 protease
tance due to changes in a side chain not in physical contact under drug pressure to evade inhibition, the viral genome
with the inhibitor is more challenging. Recent studies sug- mutates elsewhere as well, especially at polyprotein Gag
Fig. 35.4 The network hypothesis postulates that the network of the interactions with the bound inhibitor and active-site dynamics
hydrogen bonds in the protease structure connects the distal drug resis- through common mechanisms, as they are all part of this connected
tance mutation sites to the active site. Mutation at residues outside the network. Adapted with permission from Ragland et al. [45]. Copyright
active site (colored magenta, green, red, and orange) are able to affect (2014) American Chemical Society
540 N.K. Yilmaz and C.A. Schiffer
cleavage sites [31, 33, 61]. Evaluation of coevolution in Coevolved mutations of the substrate do not necessarily
terms of substrate envelope provided two mechanistic restore the specific protease–substrate interactions lost due
insights [62, 63]: (1) the two most divergent substrates with to primary mutations. Structural analysis of coevolution for
respect to fit within the envelope are the ones that are the the Gag A431V and V82A protease mutations revealed the
most susceptible to mutations. Nc/p1 and p1/p2 protrude mechanism to be much more complex than a simple switch
beyond the substrate envelope more than expected based on of A and V side-chain contacts (Fig. 35.5) [64]: V82A prote-
their size, and mutations therein are more frequent compared ase mutation causes loss of vdW contacts with F433 (not
to the other substrates. (2) When protease resistance muta- A431), while the A431V substrate mutation optimally fills
tions abrogate the fit of a particular substrate within the con- the P2 pocket and reorients the substrate peptide to a more
sensus envelope, substrate mutations may help restore the fit favorable conformation to stabilize overall interactions with
within the substrate envelope. Thus, the substrate envelope is the protease. Similarly, the coevolution mutations at the p1/
preserved by coevolution of protease and substrate. p6 cleavage site (L449F or S451N) with NFV resistance
Gag mutations have been thought to be compensatory mutations D30N/N88D do not restore the lost interactions of
mutations that rescue viral fitness lost due to protease muta- residue 30 but establish alternate contacts between the prote-
tions. However, some substrate mutations are able to directly ase and substrate [65]. The individual coevolution mutations
confer PI resistance even in the absence of protease mutations L449F and S451N enhance protease contacts and fit within
and accumulating evidence suggests substrate mutations as the envelope. However, two large side chains together do not
an alternative pathway to resistance in patients failing ther- further improve contacts with the protease or fit within the
apy. Some of the most common substrate mutations at the substrate envelope, causing protrusions. This structural find-
NC/p1 and p1/p6 cleavage sites are classified as primary ing explains why, although frequently selected in correlation
resistance mutations. A431V mutation at the NC/p1 cleavage with protease NFV resistance mutations, L449F and S451N
site is the most frequent substrate mutation selected under PI do not occur simultaneously at the p1/p6 cleavage site in
pressure, and confers resistance to all PIs except DRV [33, viral sequences [33, 65].
34]. Both A431V and I437V mutations at the NC/p1 cleavage Mutations at the p1/p6 cleavage site also coevolve with
site have been shown to have little effect on replicative capac- protease I50V major resistance mutation. I50V is commonly
ity but instead directly confer antiviral resistance [32]. observed in patients failing therapy with APV and DRV, and
Statistical analysis of viral sequences specifically corre- also impairs protease catalytic efficiency. I50V often occurs
lates primary drug resistance mutations in HIV-1 protease to together with the secondary mutation A71V, which compen-
substrate mutations, indicating coevolution [33]. A431V is sates for protease efficiency [66, 67]. The substrate Gag L449F
often observed in combination with major protease mutations mutation rescues the protease activity by 10-fold, whereas
I50L, V82A, and I84V, while I437V correlates with I54V and P453L, although located distal from the catalytic site, causes a
I84V. Under drug pressure, the resistance mutations selected 23-fold enhancement [68]. The WT protease processes the
may differentially impair the protease activity on Gag cleav- mutated substrates more efficiently compared to the native
age sites, which would interfere with the ordered processing substrate. This suboptimal cleavage efficiency at the p1/p6 site
of Gag. Coevolution of substrates possibly restores proper may be key for temporal regulation of Gag processing pre-
Gag processing by more efficient cleavage by the protease. venting premature viral maturation [23, 69]. A recent study
Fig. 35.5 Coevolution of NC-p1 cleavage site with V82A protease ents (magenta versus cyan) and new water-mediated hydrogen bonds
mutation. (a) Drug resistance mutation V82A causes loss of vdW con- are formed between the peptide and protease (yellow dotted lines).
tacts with Gag F433 (PheP1′), but not with A431 (AlaP2). Coevolution Adapted from Prabu-Jeyabalan et al. [64] with permission. Copyright ©
of the substrate to A431V does not enhance intermolecular vdW con- 2004, American Society for Microbiology
tacts at the mutation site. Rather, (b) the whole substrate peptide reori-
35 Drug Resistance to HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors: Molecular Mechanisms and Substrate Coevolution 541
with a series of crystal structures of I50V/A71V protease behavior around the active site may be an additional sub-
bound to p1/p6 substrate variants and MD simulations revealed strate recognition and selection constraint. This dynamic
molecular mechanisms underlying this coevolution [70]. The constraint may contribute to the selection of substrate coevo-
substrate residue Gag 453 is located away from the protease lution mutations in response to the disturbed dynamics in
active site and does not make substantial contacts with the pro- mutated drug-resistant protease.
tease. Why P453L c oevolution mutation is selected and how it
may affect protease binding were not clear. P453L substrate
mutation was demonstrated to induce a distal conformational 5.4 hermodynamics of PI Binding
change in one of the protease loops to enhance vdW contacts to Resistant Variants
at residue 449 (Fig. 35.6). Reciprocally, L449F mutation prop-
agates to a conformational change at residue 453, indicating Design and development of potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors
interdependency between the two sites. In general, the coevo- require maximizing the binding affinity to target, which is dic-
lution mutations at the substrate do not directly restore interac- tated by the free energy of binding composed of enthalpy and
tions lost due to I50V, but instead establish other interactions entropy change between the unbound and bound states. Binding
that are not restricted to the site of mutation. The Gag muta- enthalpy mainly depends on the favorable interactions between
tions L449F and P453L enhance vdW interactions between the ligand and the protease, while the change in degrees of free-
the substrate and mutant protease by distal effects, whereas dom (of the ligand, target, and solvent) determines the binding
R452S results in an additional hydrogen bond. entropy. The first-generation PIs were entropy-driven binders
In addition to enhancing substrate–protease interactions, as the strategy was to design conformational constraints to
coevolution may restore conformational dynamics at the preposition the compound in a binding-competent state, with
active site, which is crucial for substrate binding and pro- additional favorable solvation entropy due to burial of hydro-
cessing. In the case of I50V protease with p1/p6 substrate phobic groups and release of structured water molecules.
coevolution, mutation of the protease or the native substrate Further optimization yielded more potent PIs with both favor-
alone disturbed the dynamics, which was restored to a wild- able enthalpy and entropy of binding, such as DRV [71–73].
type-like state in all coevolved complexes bearing comple- However, highly potent entropy-driven inhibitors are also pos-
mentary mutations in both the protease and the substrate sible, such as TPV [74]. The interplay between entropy and
[70]. Hence, in addition to the specific shape adopted and enthalpy of binding at the molecular level is not straightfor-
shared by all substrates when bound to the HIV-1 protease, ward in drug design, and enhancing one may inadvertently
as defined by the substrate envelope, a conserved dynamic affect the other, resulting in entropy–enthalpy compensation.
The enthalpic and entropic contributions to binding vari- hypothesis and the related design strategy have been shown
ous drug-resistant variants of HIV-1 protease have been to hold true for HCV NS3/4A protease and its inhibitors as
determined by isothermal titration calorimetry to under- well [78, 79], and should be more generally applicable to
standing how mutations affect the energetics of inhibitor other targets.
binding [39, 41–43, 71, 74]. In one variant with multiple While we have some valuable insights into how mutations
mutations both within and outside the active site (L10I/ at the protease active site and elsewhere confer resistance,
G48V/I54V/V82A), the resistance mutations drastically the molecular mechanisms of resistance due to the complex
altered the thermodynamics of binding, regardless of the PI combination of mutations and interdependency in drug resis-
tested [39]. Contrary to another variant (V82T/I84V) with tance are far more complex. To further our understanding of
similar levels of affinity loss, the first variant displayed these molecular mechanisms underlying resistance to HIV-1
extreme entropy–enthalpy compensation on the order of protease inhibitors, we need more comprehensive approaches
10–15 kcal/mol. Thus drug resistance mutations in the prote- unifying the structure, conformational dynamics, and ener-
ase can modulate the thermodynamics and hence affinity of getics of inhibitor binding. Such an approach may lead to
binding. However, when the mutations in this variant are compounds that target and potently inhibit not only the wild-
introduced individually or when the I54V mutation is type enzyme but also a wide variety of variants that exist in
replaced with I54A, this extreme entropy–enthalpy compen- patient populations. In the absence of a cure and considering
sation no longer exists [75]. NMR and MD results suggested the rapid evolution of the virus, the chances of replacing
that alterations in protease conformational dynamics espe- combination therapies with such a compound as single agent
cially at the flap region may be underlying the observed ther- may be slim. Regardless, a detailed understanding of the
modynamic behavior [58, 59], but a better understanding of wide variety of mutations and molecular mechanisms under-
the molecular mechanisms involved warrants further analy- lying resistance to HIV-1 protease inhibitors would provide
sis, in particular of changes in water solvation. This complex the opportunity to develop design strategies to avoid drug
and cooperative interdependency in altering thermodynam- resistance, by exploiting the biological and functional con-
ics of PI binding and conferring resistance presents an addi- straints on the evolution of the drug target.
tional challenge in the rational design of robust drugs to
avoid resistance. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Institutes
of Health Grants specifically from NIGMS P01 GM109767 and R01
GM65347. We acknowledge past and present members of the Schiffer
research group, including Akbar Ali, for help with preparing Fig. 35.1
6 D
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HIV-1 Entry and Fusion Inhibitors:
Mechanisms and Resistance 36
Colin M. Venner, Annette N. Ratcliff, Mathieu Coutu,
Andrés Finzi, and Eric J. Arts
1 Introduction
Fig. 36.1 Model of HIV entry. (1) HIV entry begins with the attach- peptide inserts into the cellular membrane leading to destabilization of
ment of the envelope glycoprotein gp120 to a CD4 molecule on a target the bilipid membrane. (4) To simplify, CD4, coreceptor, and gp120
cell. Engagement with CD4 induces conformational changes in gp120 have been removed. The N-terminal and C-terminal heptad repeat
which exposes the V3 loop (yellow) and coreceptor-binding site. (2) regions of gp41 fold onto each other creating a stable six-helix bundle
Following CD4 attachment, the V3 loop and bridging sheet interact structure. Folding of this structure brings the viral and cellular mem-
with the N-terminal tail and extracellular loops of a chemokine core- branes into close proximity which allows for lipid mixing and the cre-
ceptor. Coreceptor binding induces further rearrangements leading to ation of a fusion pore through which the HIV core enters the target cell
the uncovering of the gp41 fusion peptide. (3) Once exposed, the fusion cytoplasm
kine coreceptor, and (3) fusion of the viral and cellular interactions hold these glycoproteins together to form het-
membrane (Fig. 36.1). Interactions between the cellular erodimeric subunits. A trimer of these heterodimeric sub-
receptors and viral membrane are mediated by the HIV units comprises an envelope spike on the surface of the
envelope complex. The envelope is comprised of an outer virion and functions to mediate entry into host cells.
surface glycoprotein (gp120) and a transmembrane glyco- HIV entry initiates with the attachment of the envelope gly-
protein (gp41). Gp120 is composed of a bridging sheet and coprotein gp120 to the cellular receptor CD4 [4, 5]. Engagement
an inner and outer domain where inner domain contains with CD4 induces a structural rearrangement in gp120 which
both the N- and C-termini pointing towards gp41 [1]. exposes the coreceptor-binding site. Although over 14 different
Three topological layers emanate from the β-sandwich and transmembrane receptors have been shown to support HIV
are linked to the outer domain by the bridging sheet, which infection in CD4+ cell lines, only CCR5 and CXCR4 have
are all formed from the conserved regions of gp120 (C1– been shown to act as coreceptors in vivo [6–8]. Coreceptor
C5) [1, 2]. Five highly variable regions (V1–V5) span binding initiates further conformational changes in the enve-
from the outer domain span [3], which, according to recent lope, permitting insertion of gp41 fusion peptide into the cel-
cryo-EM studies, are essential to the integrity of the enve- lular membrane. Through intermediate gp41 structural
lope complex. The gp41 subunit is composed of a cyto- rearrangements, a fusion pore develops as a result of membrane
plasmic tail, a transmembrane region, a membrane mixing between the viral and cellular membranes. The capsid
proximal external region (MPER), and two complemen- core structure, containing the viral genome, is then able to pass
tary heptad repeat regions (HR1 and HR2). Noncovalent through the fusion pore and into the cytoplasm of the cell.
36 HIV-1 Entry and Fusion Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Resistance 547
against a diverse range of HIV strains in cell culture, PRO gp120, increasing the ability to scavenge low CD4 surface
542 proceeded to phase I/II clinical trials in 2003. However, receptor density. However, this CADA-resistant virus was
further progress has not been reported since the completion also found to be more sensitive to neutralization by patient
of phase II trials in 2005. serum. Indeed, increased sensitivity to neutralization has
Mapping the interaction between CD4 and gp120 has led also been described for CD4-independent HIV-1 suggesting
to the development of mimetic compounds which target the that mutations which stabilize CD4-liganded conformations
CD4-binding site on gp120. These include the NBD-556 and of gp120 do so at the risk of increasing neutralization poten-
NBD-557 compounds which were designed to project into tial for the virus [22]. In addition to increased sensitivity to
the F43 cavity of gp120. Viral replication in both CCR5- and neutralizing antibodies, the CADA-resistant virus demon-
CXCR4-expressing cell lines was inhibited with NBD com- strated increased replicative fitness, a trait also associated
pounds, indicating that inhibition of viral entry is not depen- with resistance to the CD4-binding site monoclonal antibody
dent upon viral tropism [16]. These compounds were not b12 [23].
able to inhibit a CD4-independent viral strain, suggesting
their mechanism of action involved blocking the CD4–gp120 2.1.4 Attachment Inhibitor Resistance
interaction. Structural modeling of NBD-556 with gp120 Targeting the CD4-binding site through CD4 derivatives or
crystal structures indicates that the chloro-phenyl ring of the mimetics can result in the emergence of resistance via induc-
compound projects even further into the F43 cavity on gp120 tion of a CD4-bound “activated” conformation of gp120,
than the phenyl ring of F43 of cellular CD4 [17]. permitting direct coreceptor binding and potentially enhanc-
Further CD4 mimics, BMS-378806, and related com- ing infection. Indeed, some of the first studies noted the abil-
pounds are small molecules that have been developed by ity of viruses to enter CD4-negative cells in the presence of
Bristol-Myers Squibb. They are believed to inhibit gp120 low nanomolar concentrations of sCD4 [24, 25]. Additionally,
interaction with CD4 by blocking access to the F43 cavity. it has been recently described that gp120 missing part of its
Even though it was halted in phase I trials, BMS-378806 is three variable regions spontaneously samples the CD4-
still being pursued as a potential vaginal microbicide. bound conformation [26]. Switching the major variable
Another compound, BMS-663068, has undergone phase IIb regions of gp120 between different viral strains can alter sev-
investigations with reports indicating good efficacy and eral proprieties of resistance, including evasion of sCD4 and
safety profiles [11, 18]. cold neutralization, hinting to a crucial role of the conforma-
tion of the Env spike [27]. However, it has also been observed
2.1.2 Targeting Host Cell Proteins that prolonged exposure to sCD4 induces a transient acti-
An alternative method to block viral attachment is to target vated state of gp120 which rapidly decays to a stable, non-
the CD4 cellular receptor itself through antibody binding. A functional conformation [28].
humanized monoclonal antibody, ibalizumab (previously Resistance to CD4 mimetic compounds primarily
TN X-355), targets the CD4 extracellular domain but does involves changes in the CD4-binding site on gp120, as dis-
not prevent CD4–gp120 binding. Instead it is suspected to covered by repeated selection of resistant variants in tissue
block the conformational changes in gp120 typically induced culture. Mutants resistant to NBD-556 were found to possess
by binding CD4 [19]. Clinical testing in HIV-infected two mutations in gp120: S375N in the C3 region and A433T
patients of ibalizumab in combination with optimized ther- in the C4 region [29]. A previous study indicated that muta-
apy has proved encouraging with sustained viral load sup- tions in gp120 residues surrounding or comprising the F43
pression over long-term therapy [9]. Unfortunately, the need cavity negatively impacted the inhibitory effect of NBD-556
for intravenous infusion has limited its development to early [17]. Similarly, mutations that rendered a subtype B viral
phase I trials and with limited prospects for clinical use. strain resistant to BMS-378806 (M426L and M475I) were
situated in the F43-binding cavity [30]. It appears that despite
2.1.3 Receptor Downmodulation the conserved nature of this cavity, modifications of residues
Cyclotriazadisulfonamide (CADA) compounds are a novel overriding drug inhibition are well tolerated.
class of inhibitors which prevent nascent CD4 translocation
from the ER membrane, resulting in the selective down-
modulation of CD4 on the surface of the cell [20]. Medicinal 2.2 Fusion Inhibitors
chemistry efforts have resulted in a panel of CADA ana-
logues with lead compounds demonstrating potent and broad In the early 1990s it was discovered that synthetic peptides
inhibition of diverse HIV-1 strains. HIV-1 escape from the derived from the helical repeat (HR) regions of gp41 can
CADA compounds has been associated with changes in the inhibit HIV replication in vitro [31, 32]. The transitional
C4 region of gp120 [21]. Although not directly located exposure of the HR regions during pre-hairpin formation
within the CD4-binding site, the S463P mutation observed presents an opportunity for competitive binding of these syn-
by Vermeire et al. may stabilize a liganded conformation of thetic peptides to prevent formation of the six-helix bundle.
36 HIV-1 Entry and Fusion Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Resistance 549
Enfuvirtide (T20), marketed as Fuzeon by Hoffmann-La CXCR4 (or CCR5) which also occludes the binding sites on
Roche Ltd., was the first entry inhibitor approved for clinical CXCR4 for the natural ligand such as CXCL12 [40, 41]. Most
use. This inhibitor is a peptide mimetic of a portion of the inhibitors that bind to hydrophobic pocket at the base of the
HR2 region of gp41 and interferes with conformational extracellular loops of CXCR4 induce a significant conforma-
changes in gp41 necessary for mediating the fusion of viral tion change that disrupt HIV-1 gp120 binding as well as
and host cell membranes. By mimicking the HR2 region, CXCL21 binding, receptor internalization, and signaling.
T20 is able to bind the N-terminal heptad repeat (HR1) and These effects are not manifested in cytotoxicity but rather in
prevent formation of the stable six-helix bundle structure native CXCL21–CXCR4 functions [41]. Thus, CXCR4 antag-
intermediate which aids in the stabilization of fusion pore onists have been largely abandoned for HIV therapy but are
formation. Delivery of the viral genome into the cell is hin- still being considered for cancer chemotherapy based on the
dered by T20 and thereby infection is prevented. CXCR4 involvement in early metastasis [42].
Resistance to T20 has been well characterized both
in vitro and in vivo, with mutations in the HR1 region of
gp41, the site of T20 binding. T20 mutations specifically 2.4 Inhibitors of gp120–CCR5 Interaction
map to positions 36–45 of gp41 HR1 domain, with a GIV
motif from 36 to 39 playing a predominant role in resistance Early indications that CCR5 was a viable target for HIV thera-
[33, 34]. The amino acid at position 36 has been shown to peutic intervention arose from the discovery of a 32 base-pair
modulate the fusion kinetics of the envelope [35]. Mutations deletion in the ccr5 gene resulting in dysfunctional surface
that reduce T20 binding also appear to reduce six-helix bun- receptor expression in individuals homozygous for the
dle formation and overall fusion rates. Resistance to T20 was ccr5∆32 allele [43]. Homozygosity bestows relative protec-
also associated with increased sensitivity to neutralization by tion against HIV infection by R5 tropic virus strains, although
antibodies targeting gp41 [36]. infection by X4 or dual-tropic virus is still permissible [44].
In addition to T20, new fusion inhibitors were under Individuals heterozygous for ccr5∆32 exhibit lower receptor
development including VIR-576, a peptide that targets the expression and those infected with HIV tend to progress less
gp41 fusion peptide. VIR-576 demonstrated efficacy in a rapidly to disease [44]. Despite lack of CCR5 expression on
small group of treatment-naïve patients by reducing viral the cell surface, homozygotes for ccr5∆32 have no apparent
loads an average of 95 % over 10 days of monotherapy [37]. disadvantageous immunologic effect [45]. Observations like
However, it is unlikely that this inhibitor or other peptide these led the way for the development of inhibitors that could
fusion inhibitors will be developed for clinical use due to high target and block CCR5 and HIV envelope interactions.
production costs and intravenous administration. Currently,
small-molecule fusion inhibitors targeting gp41 are under 2.4.1 Chemokine Analog Inhibitors
investigation but suitable leads have been documented. The earliest attempts to block gp120–CCR5 interaction
focused on the development of chemokine analogs by
N-terminal modification of the natural CCR5 ligand
2.3 Inhibitors of gp120–CXCR4 Interaction RANTES [46]. Chemokine ligand binding to receptor
induces signaling cascades resulting in lymphocyte activa-
Targeting the CXCR4 chemokine coreceptor to inhibit X4 tion and chemotaxis. The goal of using a modified form of
tropic HIV-1 is especially difficult given the key role of the RANTES chemokine was to limit the induction of signal
CXCR4 in human physiology. Genetic deletion of the cxcr4 transduction cascades that would result in immune activation
gene or its ligand, CXCL12 (previously SDF-1), severely while retaining high affinity binding to the receptor. The
impairs development and causes embryonic lethality in mice N-terminus was chosen for modification because the
[38, 39]. In adults, CXCL12 is a strong chemotactic signal N-terminus of chemokine ligands contributes to initiation of
and through CXCR4 signaling regulates hematopoietic stem the signaling cascade while chemokine receptor specificity is
cell development and migration. attributed to the core of the ligand [47]. An aminooxypen-
Attempts to target CXCR4 as an inhibitor of X4 HIV-1 have tane (AOP) addition to the N-terminus of RANTES resulted
resulted in multiple small-molecule inhibitors; however, none in an analog with increased potency against HIV replication
are currently approved for clinical use due to poor bioavailabil- compared to the native ligand [46]. Although this AOP-
ity and toxicity issues. The bicyclam AMD3100 efficiently RANTES derivative did not induce chemotaxis upon binding
inhibits X4 tropic virus entry with IC50s in the nanomolar range it did induce calcium flux, possibly leading to activation of
and is used as a research tool to block CXCR4 virus entry [40]. HIV replication [48]. Traces of G protein signaling also led
Multiple derivatives of AMD3100, in addition to other CXCR4- to an activation of R5 HIV-1 replication when CD4+ T cells
targeting inhibitors, were in development but have significant were preincubated with high concentrations of AOP-
in vivo effects. In general, the gp120 envelope binds to the RANTES [49], similar to stimulatory effects of HIV replica-
N-terminus and second extracellular loop, a large interface on tion observed with native β chemokines in the absence of
550 C.M. Venner et al.
entry inhibition [40, 50]. This potential for activation limits by FDA in 2007 but only with pretesting for circulating CXR4-
the efficacy of these chemokine analogs, demonstrating the tropic HIV-1 within the patient. However, a recent study has
need for additional modification of the RANTES N-terminus revealed the efficacy of MVC as compared to efavirenz (EFV),
to prevent signaling [51]. These investigations resulted in an as the backbone for long-term combination therapy in treat-
analog with even higher potency than AOP-RANTES [52]. ment-naïve patients. The proportion of patients maintaining
The PSC-RANTES analog has been shown to block vaginal viral load below 50 copies/mL was similar (~50 %) between
HIV transmission in the SHIV-macaque model and is being the MVC and EFV treatment arms throughout the study (up to
developed as a potential microbicide [53]. 240 weeks). Interestingly, patients receiving MVC had a
Chemokine ligand binding not only induces immune- greater increase in mean CD4 cell counts during the course of
activating cascades but also results in receptor internalization the study. Finally, MVC- treated patients reported fewer
through a clatherin-dependent endocytic pathway [54]. Similar adverse events [60]. Despite this observed efficacy, there are
to the natural ligand, RANTES derivatives are likewise able to less than 50,000 patients receiving MVC whereas EFV is the
induce internalization of CCR5, though intracellular receptor backbone of >5 million treatment regimens of HIV-infected
sequestration was prolonged for PSC-RANTES. Furthermore, individuals.
receptor internalization is believed to be the primary mecha- The anti-HIV CCR5 antagonists function through an allo-
nism of action for PSC-RANTES and is likely the mode of steric mechanism where binding to the receptor induces
inhibition in single-cycle drug sensitivity assays. However, altered conformations of the extracellular loops (ECLs) and
recent studies have shown differential sensitivity to this inhibi- prevents HIV envelope recognition and coreceptor engage-
tor in multiple-cycle assays lending support to a competitive ment. Maraviroc and other CCR5 antagonists including
inhibition model [55–57]. vicriviroc (VVC), aplaviroc (APL), and TAK-779 all share a
PSC-RANTES resistance was described in the context of binding site in the transmembrane cavity of CCR5 (Fig. 36.2).
an SHIV used in vaginal transmission challenge of macaque Alanine scanning mutagenesis of the transmembrane
monkeys [55]. Mutations responsible for resistance were domains of CCR5 revealed that key residues in ECLs 1, 2, 3,
identified in the ectodomain of gp41 (N640D) as well as in and 7 comprise the small-molecule binding cavity [61]. This
the V3 loop (K315R). The PSC-RANTES-resistant virus binding site does not overlap the binding site of either CCR5
was also less sensitive to inhibition by the allosteric inhibitor agonists or the HIV envelope; rather, binding induces recep-
TAK-779 than was the control virus. The mutation in the V3 tor conformations that are not recognized by either CCR5
loop is located in the region of gp120 that binds to the same ligands or the HIV envelope glycoproteins. Binding of each
site on CCR5 that PSC-RANTES does and could therefore respective inhibitor to the ECLs is predicted to cause differ-
alter gp120 interactions with CCR5 at this site. The mutation ent conformational changes [62]. This may explain why
in gp41 is located within the HR2 region and may influence some viral strains resistant to one inhibitor have been shown
the kinetics of viral fusion. Following this report, Nedellec to retain sensitivity to another inhibitor in this class.
et al. [58] indicated that the K315R/M640D in the same Initially identified in a screen of a Pfizer compound library
HIV-1 strain did not confer PSC-RANTES resistance but for binding to the CCR5 chemokine receptor maraviroc is an
these assays were performed in single-cycle assay conditions imidazopyridine that antagonized β-chemokine binding and
where PSC-RANTES only mediated CCR5 receptor down- signaling with IC50s in the nanomolar range (Fig. 36.3) [63].
regulation. Subsequent mechanistic studies on PSC- Maraviroc also inhibited RANTES-, MIP-1α-, and MIP-1β-
RANTES inhibition (as compared to inhibition by CCR5 induced signaling of intracellular calcium redistribution but
antagonists) revealed that CCR5 was desensitized to down- did not trigger calcium signaling or receptor internalization
regulation by PSC-RANTES but that this ligand remained upon binding. Reductions in basal γ-S-GTP binding sug-
bound to the receptor and primarily blocked HIV-1 infection gested some inverse agonist activity for maraviroc, poten-
through competitive binding [59]. Following the return of tially due to the formation of inactive states of CCR5. In the
the CCR5–PSC complex to the cell surface, the PSC- same study, maraviroc was shown to have potent antiviral
RANTES- resistant K325R/M640D HIV-1 could compete activity against a diverse panel of primary R5 HIV-1 isolates
for CCR5 binding with PSC-RANTES better than the wild- with a mean IC90 of 2 nM. However, following FDA approval,
type HIV-1 leading to better host cell entry, replication, and several studies showed a high level of variable MVC inhibi-
evidence of PSC-RANTES resistance [59]. tion of primary R5 HIV-1 isolates with IC50 values ranging
from 0.1 to 4.5 nM [59] which was similar to that observed
2.4.2 Small-Molecule Antagonists with other CCR5 agonists and antagonists.
Small-molecule antagonists of CCR5 show the highest The MOTIVATE 1 (conducted in North America) and
potency of HIV-1 inhibition when compared to antiretroviral MOTIVATE 2 (conducted in Europe, Australia, and the USA)
drugs of all other classes. Maraviroc (MVC) inhibits HIV at phase III clinical trials sought to study the safety and efficacy
the low nanomolar to high picomolar concentrations in tissue of maraviroc in treatment-experienced patients. MOTIVATE
culture. In vivo, MVC was first approved as a salvage therapy stands for Maraviroc versus Optimized Therapy In Viremic
36 HIV-1 Entry and Fusion Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Resistance 551
Aplaviroc (APL)
Maraviroc (MVC)
Vicriviroc (VVC)
552 C.M. Venner et al.
Antiretroviral Treatment Experienced patients. Results from receiving maraviroc treatment versus selected optimized
these trials published in 2008 indicated that patients receiving background therapy [68]. Given the uncertainty regarding
maraviroc with an optimized background therapy (OBT) negative consequences of X4 virus in patients, i.e., accelerat-
showed significant reductions in HIV-1 RNA levels and ing disease progression, these studies recommended maravi-
increases in CD4 cell counts versus patients receiving OBT roc treatment be limited to patients with only R5 HIV. As a
alone [64, 65]. Preliminary data resulted in FDA approval in result, tropism testing is required by the FDA for all patients
2007 for clinical use in salvage therapy regimens. Since then under consideration for maraviroc therapy.
the indication has expanded to allow use in first-line drug In the MOTIVATE study, only 76 of 133 patients had an
regimens in combination with nucleoside analogs. It is cur- emergence of X4 HIV-1 resulting in MVC resistance whereas
rently marketed as Selzentry by Pfizer, Inc. 57 patients may have failed by an alternative resistance
In addition to maraviroc, the CCR5 antagonists vicriviroc mechanism. In the absence of X4/dual-tropic virus mixed
and aplaviroc have both been shown to inhibit HIV replica- with R5 virus, in vitro resistance to CCR5 antagonist is
tion in humans. However, development of vicriviroc was dis- caused primarily by altered affinity or avidity of R5 HIV-1 to
continued after preliminary phase III clinical data while CCR5. These findings also indicate that the switch to X4
hepatic toxicity issues halted development of aplaviroc [66]. usage by R5 HIV-1 is likely driven by a complex pattern of
mutations with more drastic fitness loss (or “valley”) than
2.4.3 CCR5 Antagonist Resistance that related to MVC resistance due to mutations altering
Since entry inhibitors bind to host receptors and not directly CCR5 binding. MVC resistance in patients is more related to
to viral proteins, unique and complex resistance profiles are an emergence of X4 HIV-1 rather than an R5-to-X4 switch
likely to emerge. These potential pathways of resistance and selection during MVC selection pressure. Two models
include (1) alternative coreceptor usage (utilization of for resistance to entry inhibitors have been proposed: com-
CXCR4 instead of CCR5 for entry), (2) enhanced entry petitive and noncompetitive.
kinetics, (3) increased receptor affinity, and (4) utilization of In the competitive resistance model (Fig. 36.4a), gp120
inhibitor-bound receptor for entry. binds to CCR5 with a given affinity. Inhibitors like PSC-
A primary concern in targeting CCR5 was the emergence RANTES that bind nearby regions of CCR5 demonstrate
of resistance as a change in coreceptor usage for entry. With higher binding affinity for those regions than gp120 which
rare exceptions, R5 HIV virus establishes new infections and can effectively prevent envelope engagement. Resistance to
predominates in asymptomatic stages of disease. However, these inhibitors manifests through acquired mutations in
in approximately half of patients, X4 variants emerge during gp120 which increase coreceptor affinity and promote
the course of disease. Whether the emergence of X4 variants inhibitor displacement. Competitive resistance is exhibited
is a consequence or cause of AIDS of disease progression in drug sensitivity assays as increases in inhibitor concen-
remains unclear but many ex vivo studies have shown that tration required to achieve half-maximal inhibition (IC50)
X4 HIV have higher replication rates, are more cytopatho- [57]. This shift in IC50 value is typical of resistance to most
genic, and result in cell syncythia formation. In vitro selec- other antiretroviral classes such as reverse transcriptase and
tions of entry inhibitor-resistant viruses have largely utilized protease inhibitors. However, resistance to inhibitors like
PBMC cultures which express both CCR5 and CXCR4 [67]. small-molecule antagonists that bind allosteric regions of
When dual/X4 tropism was not preexisting in the viral CCR5 are predicted to follow noncompetitive resistance
swarm, mutations conferring altered coreceptor usage were pathways (Fig. 36.4b). The binding of allosteric inhibitors
not the favored resistance pathway within patients. Resistant such as maraviroc alter the conformation of the coreceptor,
viruses retained R5 tropism and were not able to infect preventing gp120 from recognizing and binding CCR5.
CXCR4+/CD4+ cell lines or any other cell not expressing Mutations in gp120 that confer resistance to this type of
CCR5. Clinically, early reports from the MOTIVATE trials CCR5 antagonist inhibitors (e.g., MVC) may permit gp120
describing failure to maraviroc were attributed to coreceptor recognition and binding of inhibitor-bound forms of the
switching; however, advancements in the sensitivity of tro- coreceptor [69–71]. An HIV envelope capable of utilizing
pism testing revealed that in nearly all patients, X4 or dual- inhibitor-bound receptor could maintain a level of entry
tropic HIV-1 preexisted at some low level in the intrapatient despite increasing concentrations of drug, exhibiting a pla-
HIV swarm prior to the start of treatment [64]. Of the 133 teau effect where the maximum inhibition achieved remains
patients who failed maraviroc treatment, 76 patients had steady at high drug concentrations but never reaches 100 %.
dual/mixed or X4 tropic virus. Interestingly, the level of The highest level of inhibition achieved is termed maximal
dual/X4 virus diminished rapidly when these patients percent inhibition (MPI). The MPI level is modulated based
stopped all treatment or when MVC was replaced in the on the efficiency with which the viral envelope is able to use
combination treatment regimen [67]. Furthermore, MVC the inhibitor- bound versus inhibitor-free forms of the
had no benefit in patients with non-R5 tropic virus and still coreceptor.
36 HIV-1 Entry and Fusion Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Resistance 553
Fig. 36.4 Mechanisms of resistance to entry inhibitors. (a) Competitive in which maximal inhibition is not achievable despite increasing inhibi-
resistance model in which shifts in IC50 concentration are indicative of tor concentrations. The maximal level of inhibition achieved is called
resistance. Resistance to inhibitors that bind the same region of CCR5 maximal percent inhibition (MPI). Inhibitors that bind to allosteric
as ligands and HIV gp120 (e.g., PSC-RANTES) is predicted to follow regions (e.g., maraviroc) and induce altered receptor conformations are
competitive resistance pathways. (b) Noncompetitive resistance model predicted to follow noncompetitive resistance pathways
Despite these clear resistance mechanisms in several cascade in primary T cells that “primes” the cell for more
in vitro studies, MVC resistance in patients may be more efficient and higher levels of replication [49, 50]. Thus, the
complex than just the noncompetitive resistance resulting in timing of drug addition in relation to endogenous or exoge-
an MPI effect. Only 4 of 38 patients failing MVC in the nous cytokines/chemokines has significant impact on the
MOTIVATE study had MVC resistance related to an MPI level of “resistance” to these CCR5 antagonists. Finally, the
effect [72]. Interestingly, this characterization of MVC resis- vast majority of MVC-resistant viruses were not identified in
tance was limited to single-cycle assays utilizing virus pseu- single-cycle assays but required a multiple-cycle virus infec-
dotyped with the patient’s Env gene cloned into an expression tion assay in primary T cells or specific CD4+/CCR5+ cell
vector [72]. Several studies have now shown that HIV sensi- line cultures to demonstrate high-level MVC resistance. In
tivity to MVC and other CCR5 antagonists/agonists can be contrast, the same studies showed that HIV-1 variants resis-
affected by cell type, level of CCR5 expression, cytokines/ tant to other antiretroviral drugs (e.g., T20, 3TC, NVP) dem-
chemokines in the media, and use of single- versus multiple- onstrated the same level of drug resistance in both single-cycle
cycle assays [55–57, 59, 73, 74]. For example, Westby et al. or multiple-cycle infection assays. Together, these complex
have shown that some HIV-1 strains resistant to CCR5 antag- properties of MVC resistance, aside from the noncompeti-
onists may have a preferential use of altered CCR5 confor- tive MPI effect, could explain for the remaining 34 MVC
mation, either utilizing the drug-bound form of the receptor failures in the MOTIVATE study.
for entry or engaging a subpopulation of CCR5 that do not The overall kinetic rate of the entry process, as well as the
efficiently bind the antagonist [67, 75]. Other studies have dynamic relationship between CD4 and coreceptor binding
shown that use of different chemokines (MIP-1alpha, MCP- affinity, plays a major role in the sensitivity of primary isolates
1, RANTES) and cytokines (IL-7, IL-15, IL-2) can dramati- to entry inhibitors. Studying the specific contributions of these
cally impact sensitivity of R5 HIV-1 to MVC inhibition in processes separately has proven difficult; however general
primary T cells. The HIV-1 envelope as well as various che- observations and inferences can be made. The intrinsic sensi-
mokines (e.g., RANTES/CCL5) can also induce a signaling tivity of primary isolates to entry inhibitors can vary as much
554 C.M. Venner et al.
as 1000-fold in IC50 values [74], a level not observed for other 3 Conclusion
antiretrovirals such as PIs or RTIs. Factors such as the extreme
diversity in the env-coding region, envelope glycoprotein con- HIV-1 entry is a highly cooperative process involving com-
formational flexibility, differential affinity for CD4 and CCR5, plex interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins and
and variable rates of six-helix bundle formation may account host cell receptors. These envelope-receptor interactions
for some of this variation. Indeed, differential sensitivity to the play a critical role in target cell tropism and influence viral
fusion inhibitor T-20 as well as the CCR5 antagonist TAK-779 replicative fitness, transmission, and ultimately disease pro-
have been attributed to kinetic fusion rate nuances [76], while gression. Extensive study of the mechanisms involved in the
V3 loop polymorphisms have been shown not only to contrib- entry process has led to greater understanding of transmis-
ute to coreceptor affinity and viral fitness differences but also sion, disease progression, and pathogenesis which has con-
differences in sensitivity to PSC-RANTES [56]. tributed to the development of inhibitors which may improve
In addition to influencing sensitivity to entry inhibitors, clinical treatment of HIV-1 infection. Each stage in attach-
receptor affinity and entry kinetics are thought to contribute ment and entry provide numerous opportunities for inhibi-
significantly to viral replicative fitness. Fitness is defined as tion by a diverse array of compounds. These compounds
the replication capacity of a virus in a given environment. have roles in limiting viral spread both within a given indi-
Viral fitness in vivo is influenced by many parameters includ- vidual and between individuals when used as a microbicide.
ing host immune response, virus mutation/turnover rates, and Possibly the greatest focus of this class of HIV inhibitors is
presence of antiretrovirals. Reduced fitness is often associ- on drugs targeting CCR5 and its use as a viral coreceptor
ated with resistance to RTIs and PIs when measured in ex vivo necessary for entry. These drugs are able to prevent the inter-
competitions in PBMCs [77]. However, viral entry plays a action between gp120 and CCR5 through a number of differ-
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HIV-1 Resistance to Integrase Inhibitors
Ying-Shan Han, Thibault Mesplède,
and Mark A. Wainberg
Y.-S. Han, Ph.D. • T. Mesplède, Ph.D. • M.A. Wainberg, Ph.D. (*) The three most common mutations associated with resistance
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General to RAL are Q148H/K/R, N155H, and Y143C/H/R (Table 37.1),
Hospital, McGill University AIDS Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
e-mail: [email protected] which are associated with virologic failure and reduced sus-
ceptibility to RAL [18]. These primary mutations are often susceptibility (FC = 33), while the T66I mutation reduced
found in combination with one or more secondary mutations susceptibility 15-fold. There is a high level of cross-resis-
that either augment resistance or restore viral fitness or both. tance between EVG and RAL. The E92Q and T66I muta-
Some of the accessory mutations include L74I, T97A, and tions reduce RAL susceptibility by 6.0-fold and 1.4-fold,
E138K. Substitutions at Q148, located on the active site of respectively. In addition, these primary resistance muta-
HIV-1 integrase, are often accompanied by secondary muta- tions were often accompanied by secondary mutations in
tions such as G140S/A or E138K. The addition of such sec- integrase. The secondary mutations at H51Y, S147G, and
ondary mutations can improve viral replication capacity as E157Q were found to accompany the E92Q mutation,
well as strand transfer and 3′ processing activities. while F121Y (a mutation also associated with reduced
Substitutions at N155H, close to the active site of integrase, RAL susceptibility), S153Y, and R263K accompanied the
usually result in lower RAL resistance than those on Q148. primary T66I mutation. These secondary mutations caused
This mutation reduces viral replication capacity by impairing additional reduced EVG susceptibility. Since there is a
strand transfer and 3′ processing activities to varying degrees. similar binding mechanism for RAL and EVG at the active
The addition of different secondary mutations to N155H can site of integrase, extensive cross-resistance between the
cause a broad range of reductions in susceptibility to RAL. For two inhibitors has been attributed to mutations at positions
example, the addition of E92Q to N155H results in additional 155 and 148.
decreases in both replication capacity and RAL susceptibility.
The addition of Q95K to N155H caused increased RAL resis-
tance and partially restored replication capacity. Mutations at 3 HIV Resistance to DTG
Y143 in the HIV-1 integrase gene increase resistance to RAL
while reducing viral replication capacity. Biochemical studies DTG is a second-generation integrase inhibitor with unique
showed that Y143R/C severely impaired strand transfer but properties: unboosted daily dosing, a high barrier to resis-
only moderately impaired 3′ processing activity [19]. tance, and low cross-resistance to the first-generation INSTIs
Major primary mutations for EVG are predominantly RAL and EVG. DTG is now a preferred ART regimen for
E92Q, followed by Q148H/K/R, N155H, and T66I HIV therapy in both treatment-naïve and treatment-
(Table 37.1). The E92Q mutation greatly reduces EVG experienced patients [14, 20, 21].
37 HIV-1 Resistance to Integrase Inhibitors 561
Initially, DTG was specifically designed to have a novel resis- G118R mutation caused low-level resistance to DTG (FC = 3.1)
tance profile to avoid cross-resistance with the first-generation with greatly decreased strand transfer activity. The addition of
INSTIs and to maintain a high barrier to resistance [22]. Clinical H51Y or E138K to G118R yielded no significant increase in the
studies (VIKING) demonstrated that DTG maintains activity level of resistance (FC = 3.4) [29]. These studies showed that
against RAL- and EVG-resistant virus [23]. However, DTG R263K or G118R, alone or in combination with secondary
showed reduced potency against variants with Q148 plus two or mutations, slightly increases resistance to DTG in tissue culture,
more additional mutations (e.g., Q148 + G140 + E138) in treat- but does not restore the diminished viral fitness associated with
ment-experienced participants [24, 25]. the R263K or G118R mutations. These combinations result in a
To this time, no major resistance mutations against DTG virus with limited cross-resistance. The R263K resistance path-
have been identified. Some mutational positions in HIV-1 inte- way often severely impairs virus replication capacity and may
grase that are potentially involved in HIV resistance to DTG and represent an evolutionary dead end [30, 31]. This may explain
that were selected in vitro and in vivo include F121, S153, why primary resistance to DTG is so rare in clinical practice.
G118, E138, and R263 (Table 37.1) [12]. In vitro selection stud-
ies in cell culture under pressure with DTG caused changes in
HIV-1 integrase at positions E92, L101, T124, S153, and G193, 4 Mechanisms of HIV Resistance to INSTIs
which are associated with a moderate reduction in susceptibility
(fold change, FC < 2.5) [22]. In vitro selection studies revealed There has been considerable progress in studies on mecha-
that R263K, the most common mutation to emerge, conferred nisms of HIV resistance to INSTIs [12]. It is generally
only low-level resistance to DTG in culture (FC = 2.3), with believed that the ability of DTG to maintain a high genetic
greatly impaired strand transfer activity and reduced viral repli- barrier to HIV resistance is due to its slower dissociation rate
cation capacity [26]. R263K was often observed together with from integrase-DNA complexes than that of either RAL or
H51Y in cell culture selections with DTG. H51Y alone had no EVG [32]. Biochemical studies suggest that INSTIs inhibit
effect on resistance to DTG, while the addition of H51Y to integrase by binding to and sequestering essential active-site
R263K increased resistance to DTG approximately fivefold, magnesium ions. Mutations in HIV-1 integrase may lead to
while dramatically decreasing viral replication capacity by faster INSTI dissociation kinetics that contribute to the
~90 % and enzyme strand transfer activity by ~80 % [27]. development of integrase resistance by perturbing metal
Further studies showed that R263K even in combination with binding to the active site [14, 33, 34]. DTG has an extended
additional mutations such as M50I, G118R, H51Y, E138K, linker which allows its difluorophenyl group to enter farther
T66I, N155H, or M184I/V only slightly increased resistance to into the pocket within the integrase active site than the other
DTG, but did not restore viral replication capacity [12]. INSTIs. DTG also has the ability to adjust its structure and
R263K has been reported to be present in several treatment- conformation in response to structural changes within the
experienced, INSTI-naïve patients in the SAILING clinical trial active sites of RAL- and EVG-resistant integrases, compared
[28]. A recent study reported that the G118R is another com- to RAL and EVG (Fig. 37.1) [8, 35, 36]. Biochemical studies
mon mutation observed in cell culture selection with DTG. The have shown that the R263K mutation in integrase results in
Fig. 37.1 Chemical structures of (a) RAL, (b) EVG, and (c) DTG and their binding modes to the prototype foamy virus (PFV) integrase active site
562 Y.-S. Han et al.
decreases in 3′-processing and strand transfer activities. INSTIs, and PIs. Notably, no transmitted integrase inhibitor
Homology modeling of intasomes and strand transfer com- resistance was observed, even though INSTI resistance is
plexes from wild-type and R263K-containing integrases slightly more common in treated persons than is PI resistance
reveals altered interactions in integrase-DNA. In addition, an [40]. It is believed that failure to detect transmitted INSTI-
integrase-DNA binding assay showed that the R263K muta- resistant virus must be due to both low rates of treatment fail-
tion decreased integrase-viral DNA binding [26]. Similarly, ure and low replication capacity of INSTI-resistant virus. The
biochemical studies have shown that the G118R mutation in results are highly reassuring and further reinforce the poten-
integrase greatly decreases strand transfer activity but does tial benefits of INSTI-based treatments. Obviously INSTI
not affect 3′-processing activity [29]. resistance still needs to be evaluated in many more HIV-1-
To understand the molecular mechanism of cross- infected patients. As INSTIs become more widely used, con-
resistance conferred by E138K/Q148K to RAL, EVG, and tinuous surveillance of primary INSTI resistance and
DTG, a homology modeling of the constructed tetrameric monitoring of INSTI resistance transmission are needed in
HIV-1 intasome was conducted. The molecular dynamics many more HIV-1-infected patients who are treated with
simulation and residue interaction network (RIN) analysis INSTI-based regimens [41–43].
showed that residue P145 in the 140S loop (G140–G149) of
the intasome has strong hydrophobic interactions with INSTIs
and is involved in a conformational rearrangement at the 6 Conclusion and Perspectives
active site of the HIV-1 intasome. A systematic RIN analysis
demonstrated that communications between the residues in Although resistance mutations continue to be observed
the resistant mutant are increased compared with those of the in vitro and in patients, INSTIs are highly potent drugs. DTG
wild-type HIV-1 intasome. In addition, the chelating ability has a higher barrier to HIV drug resistance compared to RAL
of the oxygen atoms in INSTIs (e.g., RAL and EVG) to Mg2+ and EVG, and shows very limited cross-resistance compared
in the active site of the resistant integrase was reduced due to to RAL and EVG. So far, no resistance mutations to DTG in
conformational change and this is most likely responsible for treatment-naïve patients have been identified. In vitro cell
the cross-resistance [37]. A computational analysis of the culture selection with DTG has yielded only two mutations
G118R and F121Y mutations, conferring high-level resis- that confer low-level resistance to this drug, accompanied by
tance to RAL, EVG, and DTG, showed that these substitu- a significant drop in viral replication capacity. No secondary
tions were associated with reduced binding affinities to each compensatory mutations that might augment resistance and
of the INSTIs and with a decreased number of hydrogen restore viral replication capacity have been observed in
bonds compared with the wild-type complexes [38]. These selection experiments in cell culture for more than 5 years.
studies provide valuable information on the mechanism of These results may explain the fact that viruses containing
resistance to INSTIs and will be useful for structure-based DTG resistance mutations are relatively replication impaired
design of novel INSTIs that may possess superior resistance and may be unlikely to efficiently replicate in patients. If this
profiles compared to currently available drugs. is true, the development of low-level resistance to DTG in
first-line therapy might not have adverse clinical conse-
quences. Furthermore, it might make sense to use DTG in
5 T
ransmission of Integrase Inhibitor- treatment as prevention (TasP) protocols to reduce viral load
Resistant HIV Mutants on a population level, as this may eventually result in dimin-
ished rates of HIV transmission [12, 27].
Transmitted drug resistance, i.e., the primary acquisition of
an HIV variant already resistant to antiretrovirals, remains a
challenge for all new infections. The first case of transmitted 7 Future Research
INSTI resistance was reported in an ART treatment-naïve
man who harbored an INSTI-resistant and four-drug-class- It is conceivable that DTG might eventually be employed as
resistant HIV-1 variant. The virus contained INSTI drug monotherapy in treatment-naïve patients, since R263K-
resistance substitutions at Q148H and G140S along with mul- containing viruses are not able to replicate well and might
tiple RT and PI resistance mutations [39]. However, it was not be able to survive in patients, due to impaired replication
also recently reported that transmitted resistance to INSTIs is capacity. If DTG treatment regimens are interrupted, viruses
very rare. In a study on 1090 patient samples in California might begin to replicate from the latent reservoirs as has
between March 2013 and June 2015, NNRTI resistance was been observed in other ART treatment interruption trials.
found to be the most common, at a prevalence of 13 %, 23 %, However, re-initiation of DTG monotherapy might then con-
and 10 % during the years 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. vert these viruses into DTG-resistant attenuated forms, i.e.,
This was followed by prevalence of resistance to NRTIs, replication-impaired viruses. Logically, a number of cycles
37 HIV-1 Resistance to Integrase Inhibitors 563
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7. White KL, Raffi F, Miller MD. Resistance analyses of integrase SAILING study. Lancet. 2013;382(9893):700–8.
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564 Y.-S. Han et al.
Stephen A. Locarnini
envelope proteins
S, M, L
Release core proteins
pg RNA
liver and the fitness of the resistant virus [10, 11]. Thus, in 3 olecular Virology and Life Cycle
the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, the development of drug (Fig. 38.2)
resistance is not unexpected if viral replication continues in
the setting of ongoing treatment. Prevention of resistance HBV is distantly related to the retroviruses and replicates its
will require the adoption of strategies that effectively control genome by the reverse transcription of an RNA intermediate,
virus replication. referred to as pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) (see Fig. 38.2).
38 The Hepatitis B Virus and Antiviral Drug Resistance: Causes, Patterns and Mechanisms 567
Immature Reverse
Nucleocapsid Transcription
RC-DNA Intracellular Conversion Pathway
Fig. 38.3 An overview of HBV replication highlighting cccDNA generation and processing and reverse transcription and yield progeny HBV. Also
shown is the DSL HBV DNA pathway leading to HBV DNA integration which can be associated with extra HBsAg production
The 3.2 kb double-stranded DNA HBV genome is organised 3.2 onversion of Genomic RC DNA
into four overlapping and frame-shifted open reading frames into cccDNA and Transcription
(ORFs) (Fig. 38.1b). The longest of these encodes the viral of the Viral Minichromosome
polymerase (Pol ORF). The second ORF, referred to as the
envelope ORF, encodes the viral surface proteins and is Following viral penetration and envelope uncoating, the
located within the Pol ORF but in a frame-shifted manner. cytoplasmic viral nucleocapsids are transported to the
Two smaller ORFs that encode the precore/core proteins and nuclear membrane, where they uncoat [14]. The genomic
the X protein partially overlap the Pol ORF. The viral life relaxed circular [15] DNA (RC DNA in Figs. 38.2 and 38.3)
cycle of HBV has been well characterised [9] and the detailed is released into the nucleus and then converted into cova-
molecular steps are shown in Fig. 38.3. lently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) using a number of
host cell enzymes, resulting in the formation of the viral
minichromosome, the major template of HBV that is used
3.1 Attachment, Penetration and Uncoating for the transcription of all the viral mRNAs involved in viral
protein production and replication [16, 17].
The first stage of infection involves attachment to a suscep- Using this transcriptional template, five major unspliced
tible hepatocyte and the penetration of HBV into the cell RNA species, two of 3.5 kb, and one each of 2.4, 2.1 and 0.7 kb,
cytoplasm following the binding of the HBV envelope to its are generated (Fig. 38.3). The transcripts can be classified into
specific cellular high affinity the sodium taurocholate two classes: subgenomic and genomic [18]. Both classes con-
cotransporting polypeptide (NTCP) [12], and the low-affinity tain heterogeneous transcripts that are of positive orientation,
binding to heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG) on the are capped at the 5′ end and are polyadenylated at the 3′ end.
hepatocyte surface [13]. The subsequent events of penetra- The synthesis of these transcripts is controlled by the enhancer
tion and uncoating are not well defined but it has been II/basal core (BCP), large surface antigen (Pre-S1), major sur-
assumed by most investigators that a process of receptor- face antigen (S) and enhancer I/X gene promoters [18].
mediated endocytosis is responsible for delivery of the DNA- The smaller, subgenomic transcripts, which measure 2.4,
containing cores to inside the cell. 2.1 and 0.7 kb, function exclusively as mRNAs for the
568 S.A. Locarnini
t ranslation of the viral envelope proteins (Pre-S1, Pre-S2 and blood as secreted virions. Also, failure to translocate the (+)
S) and the accessory protein, X (Fig. 38.3). The 2.4 and strand primer for second-strand synthesis results in the for-
2.1 kb mRNAs translate the large (Pre-S1), middle (Pre-S2) mation of a double-stranded linear (DSL) intermediate which
and small (S) envelope proteins. Both the Pre-S2 and S enve- has been linked to an integration precursor of HBV [24] (see
lope proteins are translated from the 2.1 kb mRNAs. The Fig. 38.3). However, it should be noted that integration is not
Pre-S1 is translated from the 2.4 kb transcript and is required required for a productive viral life cycle but is associated
for the formation of the virions as well as the filamentous with an increased liver cancer risk [25].
forms of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). The S pro-
tein forms the small 22 nm spherical particles of HBsAg.
The 0.7 kb mRNA translates the X protein, a modest transac- 3.5 eplication and Diversity of HBV
tivator of transcription that also appears to have a regulatory Genomes
function in viral replication [19]. The X protein is regarded
as an accessory protein of HBV. The unique replication strategy of HBV provides it with at
The greater than genomic transcripts measure 3.5 kb, are least two selective advantages. First, the HBV cccDNA
greater than one genome in length and serve as the pgRNA minichromosome that acts as the major transcriptional tem-
and precore RNAs. The pgRNA encodes the viral nucleocap- plate for the virus is very stable. Second, the error-prone
sid (core protein, HBcAg), and the HBV polymerase (Pol), HBV reverse transcriptase generates a high rate of muta-
and also acts as a template for reverse transcription. The pre- tions, resulting in a population of viral quasispecies. The
core RNA is slightly longer than the pgRNA at the 5′ end and high mutation rate of HBV rt has resulted in substantial
encodes the second accessory protein of the HBV, HBeAg. diversity in the nucleotide sequence of HBV. Currently, ten
major genotypes, A through to J, have been identified based
on nucleotide (nt) diversity of ≥8 % at the whole-genome
3.3 Viral Reverse Transcription level [26, 27]. These genotypes typically have a distinct
global geographic distribution with A and D mainly found in
The process of reverse transcription used by HBV to convert Europe and North America, B and C in Asia and F and H in
its pgRNA into double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) has been Latin America, and E in Africa. This geographical clustering
extensively reviewed [20–22]. Reverse transcription is initi- is now starting to merge reflecting the substantial population
ated upon binding of the viral polymerase to the encapsida- migrations that have occurred from Africa and Asia over the
tion signal (epsilon) on the pgRNA. This then signals the last 50–100 years.
binding of core protein dimers to form nucleocapsids and the
basic replication complex of the HBV genome. A series of
interactions including the involvement of host chaperone 4 Antiviral Drug Resistance
proteins results in the synthesis of minus-strand DNA strand,
followed by positive-strand synthesis and circularisation of Antiviral drug resistance reflects the reduced susceptibility
the genome [18]. The viral envelope, the small particles and of a virus to the inhibitory effect of a drug, and results from
the filamentous forms are synthesised and assembled at the a process of adaptive mutations under the selection pressure
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes and then bud into of antiviral therapy. Approved and/or available medications
its lumen. The HBcAg protein is synthesised in the cytosol for CHB include lamivudine (LMV), a synthetic deoxycyti-
and assembled independently [20] of the enveloped proteins dine analogue with an unnatural L-conformation, and related
[18, 20–23]. L-nucleosides, including emtricitabine (FTC) and telbivu-
dine (LdT). A second group of nucleos(t)ide analogues is the
acyclic phosphonates which include adefovir dipivoxil
3.4 Assembly and Release (ADV), a prodrug for the acyclic 2′-deoxyadenosine mono-
phosphate (dAMP) analogue adefovir, and the structurally
The assembly of nucleocapsids containing mature relaxed similar tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), which is also
circular DNA (RC DNA) occurs in the cytosol, and these approved for the treatment of patients with the human immu-
nucleocapsids are selectively enveloped before exiting the nodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. A third group of agents
cell [18]. Minus-strand DNA synthesis appears to be coupled that is also approved for the therapy of CHB which contains
to phosphorylation of the nucleocapsid (replication com- a cyclopentane/cyclopentene sugar moiety and includes the
plex), which is required for envelopment to occur (see most potent anti-HBV drug discovered to date is the deoxy-
Figs. 38.2 and 38.3). Incomplete dsDNA/RNA genomes that guanosine analogue, entecavir (ETV) [28].
have completed minus-strand DNA synthesis and at least Two types of mutations have been identified that have
started plus-strand synthesis can readily be found in the been associated with treatment failure for these agents:
38 The Hepatitis B Virus and Antiviral Drug Resistance: Causes, Patterns and Mechanisms 569
Table 38.1 Annual prevalent resistance rates for lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, emtricitabine and telbivudine
Resistance at year of therapy expressed as percentage of patients
Drug 1 2 3 4 5
Lamivudinea 23 46 55 71 80
Adefovirb 0 3 6 18 29
Entecavirc (naïve) 0.1 0.4 1.1 – –
Entecavirc (LAM resistant) 6 14 32 – –
Emtricitabinec 9–16 19–37 – – –
Telbivudined 4d – – – –
Tenofovir 0 0 0 0 0
Modified and updated from Lai et al. [37], and Leung et al. [87]
From Locarnini et al. [88]
From Perrillo et al. [89], Colonno et al. [48]
In the LAM comparator arm, the percentage was only 8 % based on a complex case definition of antiviral drug resistance/treatment failure. One
would thus expect a comparable relative level of 10–12 % based on genotypic resistance compared with lamivudine (25 % per annum)
p rimary resistance mutations (Fig. 38.4), which are directly that have been selected during LMV therapy are designated
responsible for the associated drug resistance, and secondary rtM204I/V/S (domain C)+/−rtL180M (domain B) [31].
or compensatory mutations, which probably occur in order Other primary mutations include rtA181T/V [32] (Fig. 38.4).
to promote or enhance replication competence. Compensatory Compensatory mutations can be found in other domains of
mutations emerge because the selection of genetic resistance the HBV Pol, such as rtL80V/I [33], rtI169T [34], rtV173L
is usually associated with some cost in replication fitness for [35], rtT184S/G, rtS202I and rtQ215S [36], that enhance
the virus. Compensatory mutations are important as they viral replication levels.
‘fix’ the discriminatory primary drug-resistant mutations Lamivudine resistance increases progressively during
into the genetic archive of the HBV minichromosome, thus treatment at rates of 14–32 % annually, exceeding 70 % after
providing quasispecies memory [29]. 48 months of treatment [37] (Table 38.1). Factors that
increase the risk of development of resistance include high
pretherapy serum HBV DNA and ALT levels and the incom-
4.1 Lamivudine Resistance-Associated plete suppression of viral replication [37, 38]. The main
Mutations (L-Nucleosides) LMV resistance mutations rtM204V/I do not confer cross-
resistance to ADV (Table 38.2), but the rtA181T/V does
Antiviral resistance to LMV has been mapped to the YMDD [36]. The rtI169T, rtT184S/G and rtS202I contribute to ente-
locus in the catalytic or C domain (Fig. 38.4) of HBV Pol cavir resistance [34] (Fig. 38.4). The rtM204V/I is cross-
[30]. The primary resistance mutations within the Pol gene resistant with all other L-nucleoside analogues tested such as
570 S.A. Locarnini
emtricitabine (FTC) and telbivudine (LdT) (see Table 38.2 partially cross-resistant to LMV (Fig. 38.4). Recently, another
and Fig. 38.4). mutation (rtI233V) mapped to the reverse transcriptase domain
Mutations that confer LMV resistance decrease in vitro has been identified that was claimed to confer resistance to
sensitivity to LMV from at least 100-fold to >1000-fold. The ADV [45]. In clinical studies, the rtI233V mutation occurred
rtM204I substitution has been detected in isolation, but in approximately 2 % of all patients with CHB [45, 46].
rtM204V and rtM204S are found only in association with However, the final significance of this mutation will need
other changes in the A or B domains [39]. Five common pat- independent confirmation since other groups have not found
terns of resistance have been identified and include (1) an association between the rtI233V and ADV resistance [47].
rtM204I, (2) rtL180M + rtM204V, (3) rtL180M + rtM204I, To date, no primary resistance-associated mutations to
(4) rtV173L + rtL180M + rtM204V and (5) TDF have been found; when patients are switched to TDF
rtL80V/I ± rtL180M + rtM204I. The dominance of particular after ADV failure due to resistance (reA181T/V +/−
patterns tends to be influenced by the HBV genotype [40]. rtN236T), the virological response is slow and regarded as
The molecular mechanism of LMV resistance is steric hin- reduced sensitivity [10, 11].
drance caused by the β-branched side group of the valine or
isoleucine amino acids colliding with the oxathiolane ring of
LMV with the deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP)-bind- 4.3 Entecavir Resistance-Associated
ing site [41]. This results in a >100-fold increase in EC50. Mutations (Cyclopenta(e)ne Sugar)
rtT184G/S or rtS202I, are required in the HBV Pol for ETV of the clones sequenced (85 %) had mutations to both thera-
resistance to develop (Fig. 38.4). This accounts for the low pies on the same genome. The remainder had LMV-resistant
rate of resistance in treatment-naïve patients after 1 year clones only. In three of the patients, analysis of successive
(0.1 %), 2 years (0.4 %) and 3 years (1.1 %) of ETV mono- samples revealed progressive evolution from the clones with
therapy (Table 38.1). In contrast, in LMV-experienced LMV-resistant HBV mutations only to mixtures of clones that
patients, it should be noted that as well as rtL180M and had multidrug-resistant mutations. These studies strongly sup-
rtM204V/I, changes at codon 184 occur in 4.5 % of patients port the role for combination therapy in managing patients
and the frequency of ETV genotypic resistance changes in with CH-B [64] (see below).
LMV-experienced patients is 6 % (year 1), 14 % (year 2) and
32 % (year 3) (see Table 38.1). In this group, viral break-
through as well as genotypic resistance occur in 1 % (year 1), 4.5 Summary
10 % (year 2) and 25 % (year 3) [54] of patients.
The paradigm of antiviral therapy is the suppression and
maintenance of viremia below the limit of detection.
4.4 Multidrug Resistance Emergence of resistance is heralded by an increasing HBV
DNA viral load (≥1.0 log IU/mL), identification of known
Recently, multidrug-resistant HBV has been reported in genotypic markers of drug resistance within the polymerase
patients who have received sequential treatment with NA (Fig. 38.4), increasing serum ALT levels and finally clinical
monotherapies [34, 55–58]. The development of multidrug deterioration. These events are summarised in Fig. 38.5. The
resistance will certainly have implications on the efficacy of pathways of antiviral resistance in chronic hepatitis B are
rescue therapy, as in the case of multidrug-resistant human summarised in Table 38.2 and cross-resistance profiles are
immunodeficiency virus [59, 60]. Successive evolution of dif- summarised in Table 38.3.
ferent patterns of resistance mutations has been reported dur-
ing long-term LMV monotherapy [32, 61]. The isolates of
HBV with these initial mutations appear to be associated with 5 hy HBV Antiviral Drug-Resistant
decreased replication fitness compared with wild-type HBV; Mutants Are Selected
however, additional mutations that can restore replication fit-
ness are frequently detected as treatment is continued [35, 62]. Antiviral drug resistance depends on at least five factors: (1)
A study by Yim et al. [63], characterised multidrug-resistant magnitude and rate of virus replication, (2) the fidelity of the
HBV in more detail in six patients receiving alternating mono- viral polymerase, (3) selective pressure of the drug, (4) amount
therapies, typically LMV and ADV. Using conventional clon- of replication space in the liver and (5) replication fitness of
ing techniques with subsequent PCR sequencing, the majority the drug-resistant virus, and these are discussed below.
6 Virologic
HBV DNA (log10 IU/mL)
Detection of
1 log10
Antiviral drug
Fig. 38.5 A typical patient undergoing HBV drug resistance. The sequence of events: detection of genotypic resistance, virological breakthrough
and then biochemical breakthrough are highlighted. Modified from Locarnini et al. [67] and Zoulim and Locarnini [10]
572 S.A. Locarnini
The HBV mutation frequency has been estimated to be 5.4 mount of Replication Space
approximately 1.4–3.2 × 10−5 nucleotide substitutions per in the Liver
site per year [68, 69]. This rate is approximately tenfold
higher than that for other DNA viruses and more in keeping Replication space for HBV has been described as the poten-
with the RNA viruses such as retroviruses. Unlike cellular tial of the liver to accommodate new transcriptional tem-
polymerases, the HBV Pol is a reverse transcriptase that plates or molecules of cccDNA [24, 72]. This indicates that
lacks proofreading function. As discussed above, the muta- the eventual takeover by a mutant virus is dependent upon
38 The Hepatitis B Virus and Antiviral Drug Resistance: Causes, Patterns and Mechanisms 573
the loss of the original wild-type virus, and is governed by 6 Strategies to Overcome Resistance
factors such as replication fitness as well as the turnover and
proliferation of hepatocytes [24, 72]. Hepatocyte turnover in Currently, interferon, tenofovir and entecavir can all be
the normal liver is slow displaying a typical half-life of over considered as first-line therapy for individuals with noncir-
100 days [66]. This can be reduced to less than 10 days in rhotic liver disease [81]. In the context of rescue or salvage
the setting of increased necroinflammatory activity or asso- therapy, mutations that confer resistance to lamivudine
ciated toxicity [66]. In a fully infected liver, synthesis of confer cross-resistance to other L-nucleosides including
new HBV cccDNA molecules can only occur if uninfected telbivudine, and reduce sensitivity to entecavir but not to
cells are generated by normal growth within the liver, hepa- adefovir or tenofovir (Tables 38.2, 38.3, and Fig. 38.4).
tocyte proliferation and turnover or loss of wild-type (domi- Generally, mutants that are resistant to adefovir and tenofo-
nant) cccDNA from existing infected hepatocytes [73, 74]. vir remain sensitive to L-nucleosides and entecavir
The enrichment of one species over another suggests that (Tables 38.2 and 38.3). Multiple mutations are required for
the expanding virus has augmented its population through high-level resistance to entecavir (Tables 38.2 and 38.3)
an expansion of cccDNA synthesis [73, 74]. In other words, [34, 54]. The lower risk of resistance to tenofovir and ente-
the expansion of a (drug-) resistant mutant in the infected cavir (Table 38.1) supports their use in high-risk situations
liver can be possible only with the creation of new replica- such as pre-emptive immunosuppressive therapy, in liver
tion space [74]. transplantation patients and in patients with cirrhosis or
decompensated liver disease, given that development of
drug resistance is more likely to precipitate clinical deterio-
5.5 eplication Fitness of the Drug-
R ration in these individuals [67]. The complete lack of pri-
Resistant Virus mary resistant associated changes to tenofovir strongly
supports the use of this drug in this setting unless there is a
Replication fitness has been defined as the ability to produce renal or other contraindication.
offspring in the setting of natural selection [70]. This is not a
yield measurement of viral replication, and can be measured
using in vitro coinfection competition assays. Unfortunately, 7 ublic Health Implications
this cannot be conveniently done with HBV because of the of the Polymerase Envelope Genes
lack of a suitable cell culture system for viral infectivity that Overlap
supports such competitive coinfection experiments. The
recent identification of the NTCP as the receptor for HBV The polymerase gene overlaps the envelope gene completely
[12] should change this. and changes in the HBV Pol selected during antiviral resis-
Several clinical observations demonstrate the fitness of tance can cause concomitant changes to the overlapping
lamivudine-resistant HBV. Thibault et al. [75] were the first reading frame of the envelope (see Fig. 38.6). Thus, the
to document the transmissibility of LMV-resistant HBV major resistance mutations associated with LMV, LdT, ADV
from patient to patient [75]. Several groups have described and ETV-failure would also have the potential of altering the
the persistence of LMV-resistant HBV as co-dominant qua- C-terminal region of HBsAg (see Table 38.4). For example,
sispecies with wild-type HBV post-treatment for at least 3 changes associated with LMV resistance such as the
months [76], or as a minor quasispecies with wild-type HBV rtM204V result in a change at sI195M in the surface antigen,
post-treatment for almost 1 year [77]. whilst the rtM204I change is associated with three possible
changes, sW196S, sW196L or a termination codon. To date,
there has been only one published study that has examined
5.6 Other Factors the effect of the main LMV resistance mutations on the
altered antigenicity of HBsAg [82]. One of the common
Host factors affecting antiviral therapy include previous drug HBV quasispecies that is selected during LMV treatment is
experience, compliance, host genetic factors (e.g. inborn rtV173L + rtL180M + rtM204V that result in change in the
errors of metabolism) and the ability to efficiently convert HBsAg at sE164D + sI195M. Approximately 20 % of HIV–
the nucleos(t)ide analogue to its active metabolite via several HBV-coinfected individuals [83] and 10 % of mono-infected
intracellular phosphorylations (intrahepatic salvage individuals encode this ‘triple-Pol mutant’ [35]. In binding
enzymes) [78, 79]. In addition, there are sequestered sites/ assays, HBsAg expressing these LMV-resistant associated
sanctuaries of viral replication that may not be accessible to residues had reduced anti-HB binding [82]. This reduction
the antiviral agent, and HBV replicative intermediate, and as was similar to the classical vaccine escape mutant,
the cccDNA form is typically recalcitrant to conventional sG145R. This variant was later shown to superinfect vaccine-
therapy [17, 80]. immunised chimpanzees [84], establishing its public health
574 S.A. Locarnini
Entecavir Telbivudine
Adefovir Lamivudine
Fig. 38.6 Stylised diagram showing the polymerase-HBsAg overlap and how drug-resistant mutations in polymerase can alter the neutralisation
domain (‘a’ determinant) of HBsAg. Modified from Zoulim and Locarnini [10, 11]
Table 38.4 Patterns and pathways of antiviral drug reisntace in chroinc hepaitis B in the context of cross-resitance
Pathway Amino acid substitutions in the rt domain LMV LdT ETV ADV TFV
Wild-type S S S S S
L-Nucleoside (LMV/LdT) M204I/V R R I S S
Acyclic phosphonate (ADV) N236T S S S R I
Shared (LMV, LdT, ADV) A181T/V R R S R I
Double (ADV, TFV) A181T/V + N236T R R S R R
D-Cyclopentane (ETV) L180M+M204V/I ± I169 ± T184 ± S202 ± M250 R R R S S
Abbreviations: I intermediate sensitivity, R resistant, S sensitive based on cell culture and clinical responses
Modified from: Zoulim, F. and S. Locarnini, Hepatitis B virus resistance to nucleos(t)ide analogues. Gastroenterology, 2009. 137(5): p. 1593-608 e1–2.
Zoulim, F. and S. Locarnini, Management of treatment failure in chronic hepatitis B. J Hepatol, 2012. 56 Suppl 1: p. S112–22.
potential to disrupt the current hepatitis B immunisation pro- sF161L, sL/V176G and sV194F (Table 38.4). The rtM250V
gram [85]. is located after the end of HBsAg. The sF161L is located
The ADV resistance mutation rtN236T does not affect the within the region that was defined as the ‘a’ determinant or
envelope gene and overlaps with the stop codon at the end of major hydrophilic region (MHR), which includes amino
the envelope gene. The rtA181T mutation selected by ADV acids 90–170 of the HBsAg [86]. This region is a highly con-
and/or LMV/LdT results in a stop codon mutation at formational epitope, characterised by multiple disulphide
sW172stop (Table 38.4). The ADV-resistant mutation at bonds formed from sets of cysteines at residues 107–138,
rtA181V results in a significant amino acid change at 137–149 and 139–147 [86]. Thus, distal substitutions such as
sL173F. HBV with mutations that result in a stop codon in sE164D significantly affect anti-HB binding [83]. The influ-
the envelope gene such as those for LMV and ADV would be ence of other changes to HBsAg, such as sF161L, needs fur-
present in association with a low percentage of wild type to ther investigation to determine the effect on the envelope
enable viral packaging. structure and subsequent anti-HB binding. A summary of the
The ETV-resistant-associated change at rtI169T, rtS184G HBsAg changes selected during emergence of resistance to
and rtS202I also affects HBsAg and results in changes at NA is shown in Table 38.4 with the stop codons highlighted.
38 The Hepatitis B Virus and Antiviral Drug Resistance: Causes, Patterns and Mechanisms 575
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HCV Drug Resistance
Bianca Heinrich and John P. Bilello
Fig. 39.1 HCV trajectory. From Rice and Saeed, Nature (2014) 510(7503):43–44
signaling cascades. Inhibitors of NS5A-mediated HCV rep- formed when resistance patterns are complex and to reveal
lication remain the most potent class of direct-acting antivi- linkage of variants, though linkage should always be verified
rals (DAAs) to enter clinical trials. NS5B is the most by multiclonal analysis from multiple, independent PCR
C-terminal protein of the HCV polyproteins and encodes the reactions. Linkage of RAVs can be of relevance because
viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) solely resistance levels to an antiviral drug may increase signifi-
responsible for genome replication. Although part of the cantly when specific RAVs are located together on the same
HCV replication complex, NS5B can replicate the HCV RNA molecule. This has clearly been demonstrated through
genome in the absence of other protein cofactors, which has cell-based HCV replicon assays where double mutants con-
facilitated the in vitro development of DAAs targeting NS5B fer increased resistance to a drug compared to each mutation
with multiple mechanisms of action, including several allo- alone [25, 26]. Linkage may also influence of how long such
steric and active-site inhibitors of the NS5B RdRp activity variants persist in a patient after the end of antiviral treat-
[13, 14]. Development of numerous DAAs targeting the p7 ment [27, 28].
structural protein and each nonstructural protein class has
uncovered a wide range of resistance mutations that emerge
upon anti-HCV therapy, necessitating a combination therapy 2.2 Ultra-Deep Sequencing Methods
approach to prevent frequent treatment failures.
Low-cost next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies
allow for massive parallel sequencing of individual genomic
2 Methods to Examine Viral Resistance fragments and for the detection of rare variants in mixed viral
populations down to <1 % of frequency. However, the current
2.1 Standard Sanger Method error rates also lie within this range and therefore thorough
steps have to be taken to ensure the reliability of the data (i.e.,
Sanger sequencing is currently the gold standard method for careful threshold determination through plasmid sequenc-
sequencing virus populations, including HCV. It is cost ing). Obtaining reliable data with sensitivity levels below
effective and readily available and the data are easily inter- 0.5 % may be problematic with the current technologies avail-
preted without the requirement of sophisticated software able. Major challenges include PCR amplification bias,
tools. However, this method has inherent disadvantages sequencing errors, and software analysis of the large amounts
when analyzing viral “quasispecies.” Like many other RNA of data produced. The number of reads at any given position,
viruses, HCV exists as a population of closely related, but typically hundreds to several thousand, determines the depth
distinct, variants within an infected individual [23]. This is of the sequencing run and the overall data quality. A variety of
the result of an RdRp that lacks proofreading activity. In different NGS platforms are currently on the market, each of
combination with a replication turnover rate of ~1012 virions/ them with their own inherent advantages and disadvantages
day [24], this allows the virus to quickly adapt to environ- (cost per base, read length, speed, accuracy, etc.). The four
mental changes. Analyzing HCV genomes therefore always major platforms that dominate the market are 454, Illumina,
requires a reasonably good idea of the detection limit of the Ion Torrent, and PacBio. The question of which platform to
individual approach used. Direct sequencing of viral PCR use depends very much on the goal of the project. The PacBio
products obtained from blood serum samples can only pro- technology, for example, allows for linkage analysis due to
vide insights into variants that are present above ~20 % of the long read length, but intrinsic sequence error rates are
frequency of the viral population. As such, this methodology higher compared to any of the other platforms. Much smaller
allows for identification of the representative genomes within fourth-generation devices are now in development that fur-
a given viral population and is therefore known as population ther aim to increase run speeds and decrease sequencing
or bulk sequencing. It reliably detects major resistance vari- costs. Such advances will most likely also improve point-of-
ants that arise in response to drug exposure in patient serum care testing abilities of this technology. One of the exciting
samples. To identify variants that are present below 20 % of novel innovations the deep sequencing field is particularly
frequency, sequencing chromatograms need to be manually looking forward to is the sequencing of nucleic acids in real
scanned for minor peaks. While sensitivity can be increased time via translocation through so-called nanopores [29]. Deep
dramatically by cloning and transforming PCR-amplified sequencing has proven invaluable for the characterization of
viral genome fragments into bacteria that are subsequently within-host evolution of HCV, especially in the context of
isolated and sequenced, such clonal sequencing of a viral drug resistance, and several studies have uncovered low-fre-
population is labor intensive and has poor scalability. quency DAA drug resistance mutations through this method-
However, this approach can uncover minority variants with a ology [30–34]. These studies demonstrated that RAVs exist at
detection limit of approximately 5 %, depending on how low frequencies before drug exposure within a virus popula-
many clones are analyzed. Clonal sequencing should be per- tion. One study determined through deep sequencing that
582 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
naturally occurring variants to protease inhibitors were pres- 2.3 Phenotypic Testing
ent in over 80 % of patients [35]. In contrast, population
sequencing detects NS3 and NS5A variants only in about Phenotypic analysis is an effective tool to assess antiviral effects
3–10 % of patients across different genotypes [36, 37]. Even on replication and drug susceptibility by analyzing clinical iso-
though deep sequencing allows for the detection of many lates in a transient assay system. In this approach, PCR products
more RAVs in any given quasispecies, it is currently unclear of HCV isolates are inserted into replicon vectors to replace
at what threshold the presence of such preexisting variants is entire target genes with patient sequence. RNA is then tran-
still clinically meaningful. This is complicated by the fact that scribed from the linearized subgenomic vectors and transiently
preexisting mutations do not prevent successful treatment transfected into permissive cell lines. This way, naturally occur-
regardless of their frequency. Three out of eight patients ring polymorphism and treatment-emergent variants from patient
treated with the DAAs daclatasvir (an NS5A inhibitor) and samples collected at baseline or at the time of treatment failure
asunaprevir (an NS3 inhibitor), for example, were shown to can be assayed to better understand HCV heterogeneity and anti-
contain daclatasvir-resistant variants ranging from 0.9 to viral response. The HCV Drug Development Advisory Group
99 % of the overall viral population, but still achieved SVR (HCV DRAG) recommends that phenotypic analysis should be
[33]. The presence of baseline-resistant variants also did not clonal if RAVs are present as mixtures or linkage is unknown
substantially affect SVR rates in a large cohort of DAA-naïve [42]. As previously mentioned, population sequencing does not
patients infected with GT1 [37]. Our current understanding of adequately describe linkage between resistance-associated vari-
the relevance of preexisting RAVs with respect to resistance ants (at least not if their frequencies lie below 50 %), and deep
development and successful DAA treatment is, as such, still sequencing only allows for linkage analysis when reads are suf-
limited. ficiently long. As such, phenotypic systems have been estab-
Even though it has become clear over the past years that lished for common HCV drug targets such as NS3, NS4B,
the presence of baseline variants cannot reliably predict NS5A, and NS5B [43–47]. Because infectious clones and stable
clinical outcome, a common trend has emerged, suggesting cell lines containing HCV replicons often harbor adaptive muta-
that baseline RAVs do slightly influence SVR rates across tions to enhance their replication efficiencies in vitro, the ability
the board. This is especially true for patients with poor to measure antiviral activities within the context of naturally
response to IFN/RBV [38] and for genotype 1a patients occurring patient sequences has enormous merit. Ideally, pheno-
receiving simeprevir and carrying the NS3 Q80K variant typic results (EC50 values) from a patient following drug expo-
[39]. While clinically relevant sensitivity thresholds remain sure should always be compared to a baseline sample from the
to be determined, NGS technologies do provide unique same subject so that meaningful fold-change values can be
insights into the heterogeneity of viral quasispecies. In derived. One major challenge with this methodology is the estab-
addition, DAA classes with higher genetic barriers such as lishment of clinical significant cutoff values, which are defined
the NS5B nucleos(t)ide analogs may require highly sensi- by technical parameters such as assay variability and sensitivity
tive technologies to better understand their resistance as well as natural variations in drug susceptibility. Despite these
mechanisms as the frequency of RAVs is directly related to drawbacks, phenotypic testing can help to derive the most effi-
viral replication capacity. For example, for the currently cient drug regimen for an individual’s virus and is a pivotal
approved nucleos(t)ide inhibitor, sofosbuvir, resistance method to uncover drug resistance pathways.
appears to be of fairly little concern in the clinic so far. The
S282T substitution is the primary resistance mutation iden-
tified in vitro, but due to its extremely impaired fitness it is 2.4 In Vitro Models
very rarely identified in patients either upon treatment with
sofosbuvir or as a preexisting variant [40, 41]. To effec- In vitro subgenomic HCV replicon models have been utilized
tively examine the evolution of resistance variants in to examine anti-HCV activity of putative antivirals since soon
patients in response to sofosbuvir or other novel nucleos(t) after the Bartenschlager lab demonstrated the propagation of
ide inhibitors, deep sequencing is without doubt a highly a genotype 1b replicon in hepatic cell lines back in 1999 [48,
valuable approach. This is also true for monitoring the 49]. Typically, HCV replicons are themselves positive single-
long-term persistence of RAVs as their frequencies can be stranded RNA composed of the 5′-UTR preceding an antibi-
expected to decline continuously over time. At the point otic resistance gene and the NS3–NS5b subgenomic regions,
when RAVs become undetectable by population sequenc- followed by the 3′-UTR (Fig. 39.2) [12]. Often a reporter
ing, they are most likely still present as minor variants gene, such as luciferase, is fused to the antibiotic resistance
within the viral quasispecies. To determine true decay rates gene to facilitate easy detection of the levels of the self-repli-
of treatment-emergent RAVs following the removal of the cating HCV replicon. HCV replicons of additional HCV gen-
selection pressure, deep sequencing is certainly a compel- otypes have been gradually developed through the years to
ling option. represent single-genotype clones of GTs 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, and
39 HCV Drug Resistance 583
now also 5a [50–55]. Genotype 6a, as well as HCV nonstruc- preexisting or may have arisen via mutagenesis by the error-
tural sequences derived from HCV-infected patient samples, prone nature of the HCV polymerase. Often, individual
has been studied through the use of intergenotypic replicons. mutations or genomic regions bearing mutations are engi-
Intergenotypic replicons may contain single or multiple HCV neered into laboratory replicon clones to explicitly define
nonstructural genes from less robust genotypes and speci- contribution of the mutation(s) to drug resistance and/or
mens inserted into more replication-competent laboratory effect on replicon replication [66, 70–73].
genotype strains [56–58]. These genotype-specific and
intergenotypic replicon clones are used for evaluation of anti-
viral drug resistance in addition to potency. Several full- 3 H
CV Therapies and Related Resistance:
length individual or hybrid genotype self-replicating hepatitis Host-Related Factors
C viruses can also be utilized for resistance studies [59–61];
however, much of the in vitro resistance profiling of antiviral 3.1 Interferon-α and Ribavirin
drugs is performed in the HCV replicions. The full-length
lab-adapted HCV viral clones remain an invaluable tool to Interferon-α and the purine-nucleotide analogue ribavirin have
study the potency and resistance mechanisms of viral entry historically been part of the standard therapy for HCV and were
inhibitors and mediators of p7 and core protein activity [53]. responsible for improved cure rates of about 50 % by 2002 [2].
Resistance analysis of anti-HCV drugs is routinely per- Interferon-α is administered in its pegylated form (PEG-IFN),
formed during the discovery stage of development and con- thereby significantly enhancing its efficacy. The addition of a
tinues throughout clinical trials and postdrug approval to polyethylene-glycol side chain extends the bioavailability of the
monitor the possible emergence and longevity of resistance molecule and allows for a single rather than three injections per
mutations. Antiviral drug resistance is most often evaluated week. Currently available for HCV therapy are PEG-IFN-α-2a,
using the in vitro replicon systems discussed above; how- PEG-IFN-α-2b, and PEG-IFN-β-1a. In some patients with
ever, much of the resistance analysis may also be applied to extremely severe adverse side effects to IFN-α, therapy was suc-
full-length replicating virus clones. The most prevalent cessfully continued using an IFN-β-containing regimen [74].
in vitro resistance analyses involve either targeted site- Because IFN-α treatment is well known for its adverse side
directed mutagenesis or drug selection of mutants using effects (anemia, fatigue, headaches, rashes, etc.), efforts are
existing laboratory genotype replicon clones [62–67]. under way to eliminate this component from treatment regi-
Antiviral drug candidates are often tested for their altered mens where possible, in particular for patients with poor toler-
potency against a panel of predefined mutations genetically ance to IFN. The recent approval of highly efficient
engineered within the nonstructural genes of the HCV repli- second-generation DAAs opened new doors in this regard. For
con. These site-directed mutant replicon clones are trans- treatment-naïve patients infected with genotypes 2 and 3 treat-
fected in parallel to wild-type replicons into permissible ment options now exist for the first time that lack IFN [75].
hepatic (non-exclusively) cells and treated with drug for sev- RBV remains to be an integral component of current treat-
eral days. Comparison of the inhibition of replicon propaga- ment recommendations for all genotypes. Like IFN, RBV can
tion between the mutant and wild-type replicons allows a cause significant side effects, including anemia, but its benefits
prediction of putative mutations that may arise in the clinic to HCV therapy still outweigh its shortcomings. Despite exten-
as well as allows the assessment of possible cross-resistance sive research efforts, the precise mechanisms by which RBV
between two antiviral drugs. Further, mutants detected in curtails chronic HCV infection are still not very well under-
DAA-treated HCV-infected subjects can be evaluated for stood. It has been suggested that RBV potentiates the effect of
their contributions to resistance by inserting the identified IFN by promoting antiviral (type 1) cytokine expression [76]
mutant into an appropriate HCV replicon and subsequent and by upregulating genes involved in IFN signaling [77, 78].
in vitro examination [68]. Prediction of possible mutants that Other suggested mechanisms by which RBV acts on HCV
may emerge in the clinic is also determined by treating HCV infection include direct inhibition of the RNA-depending RNA
replicon-containing cells with drug continuously for several polymerase by inducing premature chain termination, lethal
weeks to months [69]. Often, cultures of replicon-bearing mutagenesis caused by an increased error rate [79, 80], or com-
cells are treated at multiple or increasing concentrations of petitive inhibition of inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase
drug to identify resistance mutations that may emerge in the resulting in the depletion of intracellular pools of guanosine tri-
clinic under different treatment concentrations. HCV repli- phosphate [81]. The antiviral mechanism(s) by which RBV
con clones that are susceptible to the drug are inhibited or contributes to HCV clearance remains controversial and as such
degraded by cellular pathways, while replicons harboring factors that influence RBV-related treatment response. Efforts to
mutations that confer resistance to the drug continue to rep- create RBV-resistant HCV replicon cell lines resulted in changes
licate. Subsequent genomic sequencing analyses of the that mostly occurred in the host genome and caused defects in
remaining replicons reveal the mutation(s) selected by the RBV uptake [82]. Consequently, host factors appear to play
drug. These selected resistance mutations may have been more of a role in RBV treatment response than viral factors. In
584 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
fact, it appears that neither IFN nor RBV exerts considerable polymorphisms around the interleukin-28B (IL28B) locus, a
viral pressure, meaning that treatment failure is not a result of type III interferon, are strongly associated with response to
the selection of viral resistance variants. IFN-α + RBV combination treatment and HCV clearance [83–
Induction of an antiviral state by the innate immune 85]. Type I (IFN-α and -β) and type III (IFN-λ) interferons are
response is essential for combating viral infections and IFNs both induced upon HCV infection and activate the same
are an integral part of this first line of defense. Patients with downstream signaling events to restrict viral replication
intrinsic resistance to IFN have a much decreased chance of (Fig. 39.3) [86]. In the later phase of HCV infection the type II
successfully completing antiviral treatment and often show interferon IFN-γ induces a distinct, but partially overlapping,
little decline in HCV titer. Nonresponsivess and resistance to set of genes [87]. This phase leads in 30 % of patients to a suc-
PEG-IFN/RBV therapy are not fully understood. Several host cessful clearance of the virus. In the remaining 70 % of indi-
factors affect the clinical response, including age, gender, viduals, the virus persists and may lead to severe clinical
grade of liver fibrosis, race, serum viral load, and even insulin implications later in life, including liver cirrhosis and HCC. In
resistance. It was discovered in 2009 that host single-nucleotide chronically infected HCV patients, the response rate to
IFN-α + RBV treatment was shown to be innately tied to the clinical trial in the past few years. However, it can be
viral load in that patients with high viral loads experience a expected that the predictability of the IL28B genotype will
significantly lower response rate to IFN/RBV antiviral therapy become markedly less profound with DAA-only combina-
[88]. The underlying molecular mechanisms that influence tion regimens than for interferon-containing therapies. The
HCV viral load, antiviral response, and resistance to PEG- benefit of ILB28B genotyping also remains controversial for
IFN-α/RBV therapy in chronically infected HCV patients are patients infected with HCV genotypes 2 and 3 [91].
still not well understood and are most likely governed by a Nevertheless, in one study, an IL28B genotype-dependent
complex combination of host and viral factors. early effect on viral kinetics was detected in an interferon-
free regimen consisting of the nucleoside inhibitor meric-
itabine and the protease inhibitor danoprevir [92].
3.2 Allele-Specific Responses
lyzed [96]. Therefore, the general extent to which the ISDR plexity within a quasispecies. Interestingly, viruses isolated
can predict IFN response appears limited. Furthermore, a from individuals that showed responsiveness to IFN demon-
region in the viral E2 protein was also demonstrated to bind strated only very little sequence diversity in those two HVRs
and inhibit PKR. Stretches of amino acids were shown to be [103]. It is possible that these individuals had the advantage
homologous to the phosphorylation domain of PKR as well of carrying quasispecies with low sequence variation in the
as to eIF2α [97]. The interaction of E2 with PKR-eIF2α pre- E2 HVRs before treatment, thereby limiting the ability of the
vents protein synthesis and thereby blocks the antiviral virus to escape host defenses. In fact, the E2 HVRs are
effects of IFN. It can be speculated that the greater resistance thought to contain neutralizing epitopes so that an increased
to IFN observed in GT1-infected subjects stems from a heterogeneity at these sites may increase the chance of the
higher degree of homology of this region when compared to virus to hide from neutralizing antibodies. Moreover, two
other genotypes, particularly genotypes 2 and 3. On a side regions of variability exist in the carboxy-terminal region of
note, the fact that HCV has several ways of inhibiting PKR, the NS5A protein in which treatment-induced amino acid
a tumor suppressor, may also account for the frequent devel- changes have been observed [104, 105]. Similar to the HVRs
opment of HCCs in the advanced stages of the disease. of the E2 gene, immune selection may also underlie a high
Another homology domain that was proposed to interfere degree of sequence variability in the NS5A HVRs, resulting
with host signaling pathways was identified in NS5A from in differences of how the virus evades intracellular antiviral
GT1b [98]. This domain was shown to interact with the Src- defenses.
homology-3 (SH3) domain of growth factor receptor-binding
protein 2 (Grb2). It facilitates activation of the Ras-MAP
kinase–extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway 3.5 I nnate Immune Response and Resistance
and the induction of IFN gene expression [98]. Interestingly, to IFN/RBV Therapy
the more IFN-sensitive GT2a and 2b also contain much
weaker SH3 consensus-binding sequences. On a molecular level, all interferon signaling cascades con-
The core region has also been implicated in conferring verge on the Jak/STAT pathway to activate sets of interferon-
resistance to PEG-IFN/RBV treatment. Substitutions at stimulated genes (ISGs) in the nucleus that counteract a viral
amino acid positions 70 and 91 are significantly correlated infection (Fig. 39.3) [86]. The number of genes induced by
with poor responses to therapy and also with increased risk this cascade varies between cell types and can range between
of developing HCC in HCV patients infected with GT1b [99, a couple of 100 to roughly 2000 genes. It is thought that this
100]. In GT2a, amino acid position 4 was suggested to affect process essentially accelerates the host immune response;
virologic response [101]. It was concluded that IFN-resistant however, the interplay between all the IFN-induced proteins/
core mutants attenuate the IFN response by upregulating the pathways has not been completely mapped out. It has to be
cellular interferon signal attenuator SOC3 (suppressor of kept in mind that the effects of IFN also extend to nonin-
cytokine signaling 3) [102]. It is difficult to comprehend the fected cells, thereby providing enhanced protection from a
full picture of variables in host-virus interactions resulting pending viral infection to those cells.
from genotypic differences (and not all are listed here), but it Type 1 interferons (IFN-α family and IFN-β) signal through
can be presumed that each genotype interacts differently the IFNAR1/2 receptor. Type III interferons (IFN-λ family)
with its respective host cell and attains a certain degree of bind to a distinct receptor (IL28Rα/IL10Rβ) (Fig. 39.3) [86].
effectiveness in counteracting cell defenses. Both pathways result in the phosphorylation of STAT1/STAT2
homo- and/or heterodimers, which are recruited to activated
receptors through their SH2 domains. The type II interferon
3.4 Quasispecies Variability IFN-γ signals through the IFNGR1/IFNGR2 receptor, induc-
and Susceptibility ing its own distinct set of ISGs via the phosphorylation of
STAT1 homodimers [86]. The expression profiles of ISGs
In addition to genotype and subtype differentiation, HCV have a direct impact on PEG-IFN/RBV responses and may
diversifies further by existing as a quasispecies in the infected account for variations in treatment efficiencies observed in the
host. The entire HCV genome undergoes constant change clinic. In a study that utilized gene expression profiling to
and rapidly selects nonsynonymous resistance variants when compare PEG-IFN-α/RBV responders to nonresponders, 18
exposed to antiviral drugs. Moreover, HCV contains genes showed consistent differential expression between the
hypervariable regions (HVRs) that experience nucleotide two patient cohorts [106]. ISG15, for example, was found to
substitutions with much higher frequency compared to the be significantly upregulated before treatment in liver biopsies
rest of the genome and some of those have been associated in patients who then did not respond to PEG-IFN/RBV ther-
with resistance to IFN treatment. For example, the E2 gene apy [107]. Polymorphisms in IFN-γ and IL-10 have also been
contains two HVRs that typically show high sequence com- associated with antiviral response rates [108, 109]. In addition,
39 HCV Drug Resistance 587
mutations in other host genes such as MxA, OAS, and PKR sugar derivatives) have been shown to inhibit p7 activity
have been suggested to be capable of influencing the response and HCV replication, no resistance analyses have been
to IFN-based treatment [110, 111]. Certain regions in viral disclosed [114, 116].
proteins specifically target cellular factors in the IFN signaling
pathway that might be interrupted by RBV-induced mutations,
resulting in an increased response rate. The disruption of core- 3.7 Cyclophilin Inhibitors
STAT1 interactions following the accumulation of mutations
in the N-terminal region of the core protein during treatment A mostly neglected, but highly attractive class of anti-HCV
with IFN and RBV is thought to promote favorable treatment host-targeting agents are the cyclophilin (Cyp) inhibitors.
outcome and SVR [112]. A multitude of interactions between They represent viable options for combination therapy with
viral and host factors usually play a vital role in defining the DAAs as they are highly potent and exhibit pan-genotypic
success of any virus to take over the host cell and HCV is cer- activity [117]. Moreover, targeting host factors creates natu-
tainly not an exception. rally a much higher genetic barrier to resistance compared to
viral targets that are transcribed by a profoundly error-prone
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
3.6 p7 Inhibitors The first Cyp inhibitor, cyclosporin A, was originally dis-
covered as an immunosuppressant drug for preventing graft
The p7 protein is a viroporin protein that plays no known rejection in organ transplantation [118]. The discovery that
role in HCV genome replication, but is essential for assem- also acts as an efficient inhibitor of viral replication came
bly and release of infectious virus. Oligomers of the p7 following testing for its hepatitis-associated anti-
protein form ion channels that allow transport of cations inflammatory effects in HCV-infected patients [119].
across the ER lumen membrane [113, 114]. Similar to Second-generation cyclophilin inhibitors aimed at uncou-
other viroporins, rimantadine and amantadine interfere pling immunosuppressive effects from antiviral activity and
with p7 ion channel activity and reduce viral replication in resulted in the development of several cyclosporin A deriva-
cell culture; however, the adamantine inhibition of virus tives, including NIM-811, alisporivir, and SCY-635. These
production was genotype specific and did not translate into compounds exhibit enhanced binding to their intracellular
sufficient efficacy of the clinic [115, 116]. The p7 L20F receptor, cyclophilin A (CypA), neutralizing its isomerase
substitution has been linked to amantadine resistance in activity and also blocking the de novo formation of active
genotypes 1b and 2a, putatively due to a change in the p7 viral replication complexes and double-membrane vesicles
oligomer channel shape [116]. The most advanced inhibi- [120, 121]. In the absence of cyclophilin antagonists, such
tor of p7 ion channel activity and HCV replication is as cyclosporines, the receptor was suggested to bind directly
BIT225, which has advanced to phase IIa trials in combi- to the NS5A protein of HCV (Fig. 39.4) [117]. This binding
nation with IFN-α and RBV. Few sequence variants were was shown to be dependent on the dose of the inhibitor, but
detected in HCV isolates from BIT225-treated subjects; independent of the genotype the NS5A protein was derived
however, these substitutions were not linked to resistance from [117, 122]. Consistent with the idea of a direct interac-
to the drug. While additional candidate drugs (i.e., imino tion, cyclosporine resistance mutations have been identified
Fig. 39.4 Mechanism of action of cyclophilin inhibitors in HCV repli- alisporivir inhibit CypA PPIase, blocking its interaction with NS5A,
cation. Cyclophilin A (CypA) binds directly to the NS5A protein of and thus inhibit viral replication. From Lin and Gallay (2013) Antiviral
HCV, a substrate of CypA PPIase, which is required for the formation Research 99:68–77
of a functional viral replication complex. Cyclophilin inhibitors such as
588 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
in NS5A (i.e., D316E and Y317N) that can rescue the for- inhibitors. Even the ALV-resistant double mutant (D320E/
mation of double-membrane vesicles [120]. The amino acid Y321N) remained fully susceptible to a range of DAAs such
change D320E in NS5A was identified to confer the major- as boceprevir, telaprevir, sofosbuvir, and daclatasvir [122].
ity of resistance to NIM-811, even though other minority Likewise, ALV remained active against replicons carrying
resistance mutations were identified in the NS3 and NS5B common DAA resistance variants in NS3 (R155Q, A156T),
genes [123]. Surprisingly, however, the D320E substitution NS5A (L31V), and NS5B (S282T). Together with the fact
does not appear to disrupt the ability of NS5A to bind that ALV has shown generally good tolerability, especially in
cyclophilin A [122]. Then how exactly does this change IFN-free trials [117], these data support the idea that a com-
interfere with the antiviral activity of Cyp inhibitors? It has bination of ALV with DAAs may afford a multigenotypic
been suggested that the D320E substitution may in some regimen. This is promising not only for specific patient sub-
way bypass the HCV need for CypA by changing the mode populations such as IFN nonresponders, but also for the
of how NS5A interacts with NS5B [122]. Indeed, one study HCV field altogether as it tries to move rapidly away from
showed that the NS5A region Pro-306 to Glu-323 represents IFN-containing regimens.
a common binding site for both NS5B and CypA and thus
urges to be cautious about the interpretation of mutations in
this specific region [124]. This is because observed effects 4 H
CV Therapies and Related Resistance:
of mutations in this stretch of amino acids could be due to Direct-Acting Antivirals
modulations in NS5A-NS5B and/or NS5A-CypA interac-
tions. Independent of these pitfalls, it has clearly been dem- The importance of resistance in the era of HCV direct-act-
onstrated that cyclophilin A binding to NS5A is correlated ing antivirals (DAAs) is a subject of intensive discussion
with isomerase activity. When a mutation is introduced into between experts in the field. Amino acid substitutions that
the enzymatic pocket of CypA, thereby abrogating isomer- confer resistance to DAAs are observed in most patients
ase activity, the protein fails to bind NS5A [122]. This with treatment failure, but the value of resistance testing in
underscores that NS5A binds directly to the isomerase the clinic remains of debate. This is because it has become
pocket of CypA, and while challenges remain to understand clear that the presence of DAA resistance polymorphisms
their precise mechanism of action, Cyp inhibitors are in this prior to treatment is generally not predictive of clinical out-
aspect no different from many of the DAAs currently in come. Poor interferon responsiveness, for example, has a
clinical development. comparable much higher predictive value of non-SVR than
To date, alisporivir (ALV) is the most advanced com- DAA baseline variants [126]. The question then arises
pound of the Cyp inhibitor class. It is currently tested in whether it is worthwhile to routinely perform DAA resis-
phase III clinical trials and has so far demonstrated higher tance testing in the clinic when (1) baseline testing does not
efficacy in patients infected with HCV genotypes 2 and 3 predict treatment outcome, (2) current DAA regimens
than genotypes 1 and 4 [117]. As expected for a host- achieve over 90 % cure rates in treatment-naive patients, and
targeting antiviral, ALV exhibits pan-genotypic activity with (3) we already know that virtually all patients with treat-
EC50 values ranging between ~10 and 30 nM for genotypes ment failure do harbor resistance mutations. It has therefore
1–4 [125]. The compound has also shown promising results been argued that it might be too high of a burden for clini-
in combination with other DAAs, including NS3, NS5A, and cians to implement routine resistance testing as such proce-
NS5B inhibitors. For HCV GT1 and 4, additive effects were dures are cost and labor intensive. Possibly the most value
reported when ALV was combined with DAAs in vitro, in resistance testing lies with treatment failures prior to re-
while a specific and synergistic effect was observed on GT2 treatment to evaluate the persistence of previously selected
and 3 in combination with the NS5A inhibitor daclatasvir variants. However, many research scientists feel that such an
[125]. It was suggested that this effect may be due to the fact approach will lead to a loss of valuable data over time, and
that both types of inhibitors target different domains of reflects an irresponsible strategy in the light of our incom-
NS5A: ALV blocks interaction of NS5A with CypA by bind- plete knowledge of the HCV resistance landscape to date as
ing to domain II, while NS5A inhibitors interact with NS5A well as in the future. Moreover, preexisting RAVs can shift
domain I. Importantly, no cross-resistance was detected overall SVR rates, either significantly or ever so slightly.
between DAAs and ALV [122]. ALV remained fully active Because DAAs have only very recently been introduced into
against DAA-resistant variants and, vice versa, ALV-resistant the clinic, routine testing of the growing numbers of patients
variants were fully susceptible to DAAs. These studies treated could prove crucial to gain a profound understanding
included the previously mentioned NS5A D320E mutation, of the long-term effects of DAA resistance in the broad
which renders HCV more resistant to ALV and other Cyp HCV population.
39 HCV Drug Resistance 589
4.1 Protease Inhibitors cyclic protease inhibitors, which differ in their mode of
action from the linear ketoamide compounds. Macrocyclic
4.1.1 The PI Landscape PIs act as non-covalent competitive inhibitors to the NS3
The HCV NS3/4A serine protease inhibitors (PIs) were the protein by mimicking a substrate derived from the NS5A/B
first class of direct-acting antivirals (DAA) introduced in cleavage site. Similar to boceprevir and telaprevir, simepre-
clinical practice. These compounds are either tetra-peptide vir exhibits nanomolar potency against the wild-type enzyme
α-ketoamide derivatives or have macrocyclic structures. with cure rates of about 80 % in treatment-naive GT1 patients
Boceprevir (Merck & Co., Kenilworth, NJ) and telaprevir after 12 weeks of treatment. In addition, it offers improved
(Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA), two linear PIs side effects, once-a-day dosing, and was approved in Europe
that covalently, though reversibly, bind the catalytic Ser139 and the USA for the use in GT1 as well as GT4 patients. The
residue of the protease, were introduced to the market in drug is not recommended to be used in GT2 and GT3 patients
2011. Both drugs were approved for the use against genotype due to its poor in vitro and in vivo activity [129]. In the clinic,
1 in combination with IFN/RBV and increased SVR rates by the first-wave PIs boceprevir and telaprevir have now practi-
approximately 30 % in treatment-naive genotype 1 patients cally been replaced with more advanced FDA-approved regi-
compared to dual therapy with IFN/RBV alone. It is difficult mens that include simeprevir, the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir,
to achieve pan-genotypic activity with PIs, which is also true and the NS5B non-nucleoside inhibitor sofosbuvir [HCV
for the NS5A and non-nucleoside inhibitors. This is due to 75]. Because simeprevir’s profile exhibits a low genetic bar-
the sequence variation in the respective drug-binding sites rier for resistance and some cross-resistance to boceprevir
between genotypes and subtypes [127]. Telaprevir showed and telaprevir, it has been suggested that the term “second-
relatively good activity in GT2, limited efficacy in GT4, and generation” PI is more applicable for upcoming investiga-
no activity in GT3 [128]. Boceprevir was demonstrated to tional drugs with an improved resistance profile. Many such
exhibit some antiviral activity against genotypes 2 and 3. PIs are currently in late-stage development, some of which
While HCV genotype 1 is the most common subtype in the are expected to reach the market in the coming years, such as
USA and Europe, it is also the most difficult to treat. Only faldaprevir (BI 201335), asunaprevir (BMS-650032), dano-
approximately half of the patients infected with HCV geno- previr (RG7128), grazoprevir (MK-5172), and GS-9451.
type 1 typically achieve SVR with IFN/RBV dual therapy. The most recent addition to the FDA-approved PI landscape
The introduction of boceprevir and telaprevir therefore dra- has been paritaprevir (ABT-450/r) as part of Abbvie’s three-
matically changed the treatment landscape of patients DAA drug combination in December 2013.
infected with HCV GT1, increasing SVR rates to 70–80 % in
treatment-naive patients [2]. Another advantage of the prote- 4.1.2 Resistance to Macrocyclic PIs
ase inhibitors was that treatment duration could be shortened Even though baseline polymorphisms are not directly pre-
from 48 weeks to 28 or even 24 weeks. Due to their similar dictive of clinical outcome, they can increase the overall risk
mechanism of action, both first-wave PIs have overlapping of treatment failure, resulting in substantially reduced SVR
resistance profiles. Amino acid substitutions conferring rates. This became largely transparent with a single poly-
resistance to these classes of drugs emerge rapidly during morphism (Q80K) in patients treated with simeprevir. The
monotherapy, and are readily observed in a majority of sub- Q80K polymorphism is commonly found in GT1a patients
jects who do not achieve SVR following triple therapy. Drug (Fig. 39.5) [130] and is associated with an impaired response
resistance with PIs is a complex interplay of molecular to simeprevir in vitro as well as in the clinic. In the QUEST
events whereby preexisting polymorphisms in the viral pop- studies, only 58 % of treatment-naive subjects with the Q80K
ulation are selected during the treatment process because polymorphism achieved SVR, which was comparable to the
they result in a decrease in inhibitory potency while retaining 55 % SVR rate of subjects in the placebo arm. In contrast,
enzymatic activity of the NS3/4A protease and viral replica- 84 % of patients without the Q80K polymorphism and treated
tion. It is important to understand that emergence of resis- with simeprevir achieved SVR [40]. The Q80K polymor-
tance is certainly a consequence of treatment failure, but not phism is present, on average, in over one-third (~37 %) of
always the cause. To maximize viral response and to mini- GT1a-infected subjects at baseline compared to 0.8 % in sub-
mize resistance, combination regimens are a crucial strategy jects infected with GT1b [37]. Interestingly, the actual num-
to limit the responsiveness of the virus to antiviral therapy. ber varies depending on the geographic origin of the
Interferon and ribavirin thus remained integral parts of HCV population in question. European patients infected with
standard-of-care therapy for genotype 1 patients at the time. GT1a appear to carry the Q80K variant at a lower frequency
Meanwhile, the development of additional classes of PIs compared to subjects born in the Americas. This is corre-
pressed onward and resulted in the approval of a second- lated with the observation that GT1a can be distinguished
wave protease inhibitor in late 2013. Simeprevir (Janssen into two separate clades, clades 1 and 2, where clade 2 is
Therapeutics, Titusville, NJ) belongs to the class of macro- more commonly found in Europe and is also associated with
590 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
Fig. 39.5 Main resistance mutations associated with first and second with loss of susceptibility to simeprevir. D168Q is found in almost all
wave of first generation of protease inhibitors. Q80K is a natural poly- HCV genotype 3 conferring natural resistance to most protease inhibi-
morphism found in 19–48 % of HCV genotype 1a and is associated tors. From Poveda et al., Antiviral Research (2014) 108:181–191
a lower Q80K frequency [131, 132]. The high prevalence of through in GTs 4–6 was associated with emergent variants,
the Q80K polymorphism in the human population, together mainly Q80R, R155K, and/or D168E/V [129]. In those
with its significant negative effect on treatment outcome, genotypes, changes at position 169 were also detected. For
resulted in the FDA’s decision to recommend Q80K testing example, the substitution F169F/I occurred in one geno-
for all GT1a patients receiving simeprevir-containing regi- type 6 patient together with D168E. The combination of
mens. However, the effect of the Q80K substitution was these two mutations was tested in a GT1b replicon assay
shown to be less profound when simeprevir was used together and resulted in an increased resistance of 43- to 194-fold
with the nucleoside inhibitor sofosbuvir, a drug with a high compared to D168E alone [129]. However, F169I alone
genetic barrier to resistance [133]. had no effect on the efficacy of simeprevir. Overall, lim-
The most common treatment-emergent RAVs observed ited antiviral activity of simeprevir was observed in GTs 2
in patients with treatment failure after exposure to simepre- and 5, and no activity in GT3. A majority of patients
vir are R155K in GT1a and D168V in GT1b alone, or in infected with GT3 carry D168Q as a baseline variant,
combination with changes at position 122 or 80, including which was suggested to be the reason for simeprevir’s, and
Q80R or Q80K (Fig. 39.5) [130, 134]. This is consistent most other PI’s, lack of activity in this genotype [129].
with simeprevir’s in vitro resistance profile, which was This variant had also been shown to significantly reduce
determined through the use of GT1a and GT1b replicon the in vitro activity of another macrocyclic protease inhib-
cell lines [135]. The clinical resistance patterns for other itor, ciluprevir (BILN-2061) [136]. The study of genotype-
genotypes were shown to be similar to those identified in specific efficacies of PIs has been slow in general as the
genotype 1. In a monotherapy study that tested the antivi- development of appropriate in vitro systems for GTs 3–6
ral activity of simeprevir in genotypes 2–6, viral break- has been lagging behind that of GTs 1 and 2. However,
39 HCV Drug Resistance 591
significant advances have lately been made in this area and R155K/T, A156S/T/V, and D168N (Fig. 39.5) [130].
more attention has recently been given to study the effica- Additional boceprevir-resistant substitutions that exhibit no
cies of DAAs against all genotypes. cross-resistance with telaprevir constitute V55A, V158I,
Macrocyclics currently in development aim at improving and I/V170A/T. Naturally, the resistance profile is depen-
potency, pan-genotypic activity, and resistance profiles. dent on the genotype and subtype. Genotype 1a subjects
Macrocyclization is a valuable strategy to enhance drug mainly select variants at amino acid residues 36 and 155,
potency as these compounds have the inherent advantage of while patients infected with genotype 1b experience
a constraint structure that limits the mixture of cis- and trans- changes at positions 54, 55, 156, and 170 [130].
rotamers seen with linear peptides. Macrocyclic structures Furthermore, the majority amino acid L175 in GT1a is a
are also less prone to proteolytic cleavage. The location of resistant variant in GT1b (M175L). Only a single-amino
the macrocycle appears to play a role in avoiding drug resis- acid substitution was observed following telaprevir expo-
tance and novel P1–P3 (i.e., danoprevir) and P2–P4 (i.e., sure that did not exhibit cross-resistance with boceprevir;
grazoprevir) constrained macrocyclic inhibitors are currently the I132V substitution was detected in less than 10 % of
being evaluated in the clinic. Similar to simeprevir, danopre- treatment-failure GT1a patients; however, this variant did
vir (RG7128), vaniprevir (MK-7009), and paritaprevir not shift the IC50 for telaprevir in vitro for GT1a, and V132
(ABT-450) are all highly susceptible to mutations at amino is the majority variant in subtype 1b [139]. The observed
acid residues R155 and D168. For paritaprevir (ABT-450), a genotypic differences of selected variants often have their
macrocyclic acrylsulfonamide inhibitor of the NS3 protease, molecular basis in the number of nucleotide changes it
a recent study showed that the most commonly selected vari- takes to result in an amino acid change that confers resis-
ants following ABT-450 monotherapy were R155K and tance. The R155K resistance mutation, for example,
D168V in GT1a, and D168V in GT1b [137]. The substitu- requires only one nucleotide change in GT1a (AGG to
tion D168Y was demonstrated to exhibit the highest level of AAG), but two nucleotide changes in GT1b (CGG to AAG).
resistance in vitro in both 1a and 1b genotypes. Moreover, the selection process is also influenced by geno-
Grazoprevir (MK-5172) distinguishes itself from the first- typic differences in the viral fitness of drug-resistant viral
generation PIs by retaining subnanomolar potency against populations. These aspects combined can explain why gen-
substitutions at the 168 locus in GT1b replicon assays, though otype 1b generally displays a higher genetic barrier to
grazoprevir does show elevated susceptibility to the A156T resistance compared to genotype 1a in patients treated with
and A156V variants [71, 138]. This is not surprising as NS3 first-wave PIs.
position 156 has been associated with resistance to all PIs Even when sequencing technologies with higher detec-
currently approved by the FDA (either in the clinic (bocepre- tion sensitivities are applied, most baseline NS3 RAVs do
vir and telaprevir) or during in vitro studies (simeprevir)) and not appear to be present at significant frequencies. In one
most if not all agents currently in development. Importantly, study, 33 individuals were subjected to NGS analysis, but
grazoprevir was shown to be effective against a range of HCV baseline NS3 RAVs at residues 155, 156, and 168 remained
genotypes and subtypes (GTs 1, 1b, 2a, 2b, and 3a) [71]. Such undetectable even with a frequency cutoff at 0.25 % [30].
second-generation PIs will provide important key compo- However, RAVs at those positions (R155K, R155T, D168N,
nents of future DAA-only combinations. and D168E) became detectable as early as 24 h after the first
dose following monotherapy with investigational linear NS3
4.1.3 Resistance to Linear PIs inhibitors (GS-9256 or GS-9451). Other investigational lin-
Compared to the common GT1a Q80K variant associated ear NS3 inhibitors currently in development exhibit, for the
with simeprevir resistance, the baseline prevalence of vari- most part, fairly similar resistance profiles. Exposure to
ants associated with resistance against linear PIs, such as faldaprevir (BI 201335), a linear tripeptide that inhibits the
boceprevir and telaprevir, is relatively low in both GT1a NS3 protein through non-covalent interaction with the cata-
and GT1b DAA-naive patients. Population sequencing of lytic site, also results in treatment-emergent changes at
over 3000 subjects showed that lower level resistance vari- amino acid residues R155, A156, and D168 in genotype 1
ants (25 % increase of the IC50) were present as the domi- [140]. The R155K and D168V substitutions were the pre-
nant species in only 0–3 % of patients [37]. High-level dominant selected variants following faldaprevir monother-
resistance variants (>25-fold increased IC50) were not apy in GT1a and GT1b, respectively. As discussed above, the
observed. For the two approved covalent linear inhibitors D168V substitution is also commonly observed with the
boceprevir and telaprevir, a consistent clinical resistance macrocyclic inhibitors in GT1b, while it is typically not seen
pattern was identified with primary treatment-emergent with the covalent linear ketoamide agents. Also in contrast to
variants occurring at NS3 positions 36, 54, 155, 156, and boceprevir and telaprevir, substitutions at NS3 residues V36
168 [Ann Forum Collab HIV 139]. The major amino acid and T54 were not associated with resistance against falda-
substitutions at these loci were V36A/L/M, T54A/S, previr in vitro [141].
592 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
4.1.4 Persistence of NS3 RAVs 4 years [31]. This suggests that even when highly sensitive
A comprehensive understanding of how long treatment- sequencing methods are used, PI-induced RAVs rarely per-
emergent variants associated with resistance against com- sist long-term. Comprehensive data on the persistence of
mon NS3 inhibitors remain present in a viral population is RAVs following treatment with second-wave PIs is still
important to provide the best re-treatment options for a scarce and it will take time before those data will be avail-
patient. Even though preexisting RAVs are not highly predic- able. However, initial analyses are consistent with previous
tive of clinical outcome, it has become clear that the presence data based on studies with telaprevir or boceprevir, indicat-
of such RAVs can influence SVR rates and thus the risk of an ing that NS3 RAVs are generally not as stable as, for exam-
individual patient to experience treatment failure. Long-term ple, resistance mutations that occur in the NS5A gene. In a
follow-up studies can provide information on the average small cohort of patients co-treated with the investigational PI
persistence times of specific NS3 RAVs that may guide deci- asunaprevir and daclatasvir, an NS5A inhibitor, NS3 RAVs
sions on the best available re-treatment option as well as the generally decayed much faster over time compared to resis-
general necessity of resistance testing. The ability of a spe- tance variants in NS5A [143]. Paritaprevir-resistant variants
cific RAV to persist in a viral population is strongly corre- were detected at 6 months in 50–60 % of patients following
lated with its viral fitness and replication capacity. The more treatment cessation, but only in about 20 % of individuals by
an amino acid substitution inhibits viral replication and pro- 12 months [144].
tein function, the faster it will be replaced by wild-type Even though resistance variants usually can be expected
sequence in the absence of selection pressure. Nonetheless, to exhibit impaired viral fitness, they can occur and persist
such variants can persist at significant frequencies for a pro- naturally in the absence of drug exposure. For instance,
longed amount of time if they occur together with compensa- while R155K substitutions are detected in less than 1 % of
tory mutations that facilitate replicative fitness. HCV-infected patients at the time, it is possible that such a
One study followed patients who had undergone treat- variant remains present in the viral population for an
ment with boceprevir or telaprevir for an average of approxi- extended period of time. In one patient such a naturally
mately 4 years to assess the persistence of common NS3 occurring R155K substitution was shown to coexist with
RAVs by clonal sequencing analysis. Variants at positions wild-type variants for over 1 year and it was suggested that
36, 54, 55, 156, and 170, which commonly arise following in some immunocompromised patients such RAVs may not
exposure to boceprevir and telaprevir, had reverted to wild- display clinically significant reduced fitness [145, 146].
type sequence in most patients infected with GT1 at long- In general, RNA viruses that solely replicate in the cyto-
term follow-up [142]. An initial inclination that RAVs not plasm of the infected cell have a lower chance to retain long-
only occur more often but also persist considerably longer in term persistence compared to other types of viruses as they
GT1a compared to GT1b-infected patients was confirmed by do not have the capability to store their genomic material in
a large study involving over 1700 subjects [27]. Resistance- the form of integrated DNA (retroviruses) or other long-
associated variants following treatment with telaprevir were lasting nuclear DNA forms (e.g., hepatitis B virus). Their
confirmed by population sequencing in 86 % of GT1a- entire replication cycle occurs in the cytoplasm and in the
infected patients, whereas only 56 % of subjects infected form of RNA intermediates. Without an archiving mecha-
with GT1b presented with resistance by end of treatment. nism that provides access to long-term memory, it can be
Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the medium time it assumed that HCV virus populations will have to start from
took for an RAV to convert to wild-type sequence was scratch to develop resistance once RAV frequencies have
10.6 months in subtype 1a versus 0.9 months in subtype 1b reverted to baseline levels.
[27]. This study confirmed that after removal of the drug
selection pressure, wild-type virus outcompetes fitness-
impaired virus populations either through outgrowth from a 4.2 NS4B Inhibitors
residual population of wild-type virus or by mutating back to
wild-type sequence. Because the common 1a variants V36M Numerous candidate drugs have been developed to abrogate
and R155K have higher replication capability than the typi- the membranous web-forming function of the HCV NS4B
cal 1b variants, more time is required for those variants to be protein. In doing so, the NS4B DAAs prevent the assembly
replaced with wild-type virus. It certainly has to be taken of HCV nonstructural proteins into replication complexes,
into account that sequencing methods with higher detection disrupting viral replication. Numerous chemical scaffolds
sensitivity may uncover mutations that persist for much lon- have been demonstrated to specifically inhibit NS4B activity.
ger periods of time at low frequencies. However, a small Resistance analyses have demonstrated that inhibition of
ultra-deep sequencing study performed with a 0.05 % fre- genotype 1 HCV replication by silibinin, pyrazolopyrimi-
quency cutoff showed that the prevalence of telaprevir- dines, piperazinones, indolpyridines, and imidazopyridines
resistant variants was not elevated compared to baseline after (such as GS-546288) can be overcome by the emergence of
39 HCV Drug Resistance 593
variants at NS4B H94 (N/R), F98 (C/L), and/or V105 (L/M) impressive SVR rates of above 90 % are now considered to be
[47, 147–149]. Accessory substitutions within NS4B (I22L, the norm with the recently approved treatment regimens for
T45A, and F90L) have been demonstrated to enhance resis- GT1. Similarly to Harvoni™, a combination regimen of dacla-
tance conferred by H94 substitutions or improve the replica- tasvir with sofosbuvir with and without ribavirin for 12 or 24
tion fitness of various NS4B mutations [47]. Furthermore, weeks also proved highly potent. In an open-label study, 98 %
the activity of silibinin and these scaffolds is genotype spe- of patients infected with GT1 achieved SVR independent on
cific, with low micromolar or better potency (as measured by whether they were treatment naive or experienced [159]. For
50 % effective concentration in vitro) against genotype 1 and patients infected with GT2 or GT3, SVR rates were signifi-
often absent potency in genotype 2a. The predominant con- cantly lower with 92 % for patients with genotype 2 infection
sensus NS4B L98 variant in genotype 2a is associated with and 89 % for patients with genotype 3 infection [159]. It
most, but not all, of the resistance to NS4B inhibitors [148, appears that all first-generation NS5A inhibitors exhibit in
150–153]. While silibinin is not active against genotype 2a general lower antiviral activity in GTs 2 and 3 compared to
replicons in vitro as well, its resistance is unique compared GT1 in the clinic. This is also consistent with data observed
to other NS4B inhibitor chemotypes. Silibinin-resistant vari- from in vitro studies. For example, the EC50 values measured
ants include NS4B Q1914R in genotype 1b as well as in full-length HCV replicon assays for ledipasvir were 31 pM
F1809L and D1939N [154]. Derivatives of amiloride and and 4 pM for GTs 1a and 1b, respectively, while in chimeric
clemizole are under investigation as potential selective NS4B replicon assays encoding NS5A sequences from clinical
inhibitors [47]. GT2a, GT2b, and GT3a isolates, much larger values of
21–249 nM (GT2a), 16–530 nM (GT2b), and 168 nM (GT3a)
were measured [160]. Similarly, daclatasvir also shows less
4.3 NS5A Inhibitors potency in GTs 2 and 3 in vitro compared to GTs 1a and 1b
[161]. It is important to note that with increasingly effective
4.3.1 The NS5A Inhibitor Landscape treatments available for GT1, other genotypes (i.e., GT3) face
The nonstructural 5A protein (NS5A) is an essential compo- more and more of a challenge to keep up with the much
nent of the HCV replication complex. While it does not improved treatment standards.
exhibit any known enzymatic activities, it is thought to be a In December 2014, the FDA approved Abbvie’s three-
multifunctional protein with roles in ER membrane localiza- DAA drug combination for the treatment of patients with
tion, cell signaling, genomic RNA replication, and viral HCV genotype 1 infection, including those with compen-
assembly [155–157]. The NS5A protein has been of major sated cirrhosis. The NS5A inhibitor ombitasvir (ABT-267) is
interest as an antiviral target for the management of HCV an integral part of this DAA regimen that also comprises the
infections as inhibitors of this protein show picomolar in vitro protease inhibitor paritaprevir (ABT-450) and the non-
potency, which translates into a rapid virological response in nucleoside inhibitor dasabuvir (ABT-333). This drug combo
patients, and broad genotypic coverage. Daclatasvir (for- delivered compelling functional cure rates in the mid-90 %
merly BMS-790052) was the first-in-class inhibitor devel- range during clinical trials and is expected to put significant
oped by Bristol-Myers Squibb and approved in Europe in pressure on the existing HCV price market. Ombitasvir,
August 2014. Like the protease inhibitors, NS5A inhibitors structurally related to both daclatasvir and ledipasvir, exhib-
exhibit a low genetic barrier to resistance so that they are its EC50 values of 14 pM and 5 pM in GTs 1a and 1b HCV
most effective in combination with other DAAs. Daclatasvir full-length replicon assays, respectively, but most impres-
in combination with the PI asunaprevir constituted the first sively maintains its picomolar activity also against GT2 and
all-oral interferon- and ribavirin-free regimen for the treat- 3 in vitro [144].
ment of HCV in Japan. This regimen achieved similar SVR
rates in GT1b infection when compared to other approved 4.3.2 Resistance to NS5A Inhibitors
therapies that contained interferon and ribavirin, but was not All currently approved first-generation NS5A replication
considered optimal for GT1a-infected subjects [158]. complex inhibitors, including ledipasvir, daclatasvir, and
In October 2014, the FDA approved a fixed-dose combina- ombitasvir, share a similar resistance profile. Because they
tion of the NS5A inhibitor ledipasvir together with the poly- exhibit a low genetic barrier to resistance, mutations can
merase inhibitor sofosbuvir (Gilead Sciences). This arise rapidly during monotherapy. Even though the precise
combination treatment (Harvoni™) significantly contributed function(s) of the NS5A protein remains somewhat unclear,
to the advancement of the HCV treatment landscape for resistance was mapped consistently and exclusively to the
patients infected with genotype 1 by further limiting the need N-terminal region—specifically the first 100 amino acids—
for ribavirin and interferon as well as reducing treatment dura- of the NS5A protein. This indicates that the currently
tion. Individual treatment regimens and times depend on prior approved NS5A inhibitors directly target the NS5A protein
treatment history, cirrhosis status, and baseline viral load, but and act by comparable mechanisms of action. Rather than
594 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
affecting protein stability of dimerization, the current [166, 168]. NS5A inhibitors of the first generation often
NS5A inhibitors appear to interfere with the formation of show minimal activity against the M31 baseline polymor-
the membranous web [162]. This idea is supported by the phisms in patients infected with GT2 [168]. Daclatasvir
close positioning of the major resistance variants to the demonstrated the lowest resistance barrier for GT2a-M31
membrane-proximal surface of the dimer interface. in vitro relative to all other genotypes [169]. Importantly, it
Similar to what has been observed with PIs, resistance appears that when daclatasvir is used in combination with an
patterns differ depending on the genotype they arise in, and NS3 or NS5B inhibitor in GT2 patients, the negative effect
resistance is also more easily induced in patients infected of the M31 polymorphism is largely attenuated in the clinic
with GT1a than GT1b [26, 163]. For daclatasvir, the best [159, 169]. Moreover, L31M is the consensus sequence in
studied compound of this class of inhibitors, the primary genotype 4 and this does not appear to negatively influence
substitutions of resistance are M28T, Q30E/H/R, L31M/V, antiviral activity of first-generation NS5A inhibitors [168].
P32L, and Y93C/H/N for GT1a, and L31F/V, P32L, and For ombitasvir, the predominant GT2-selected variants did
Y93H/N for GT1b [26, 28, 143, 163]. L23F, R30Q, and not include M31, but were T24A and F28S for GT2a and
P58S represent secondary resistance variants for genotype L31V and Y93H for GT2b [166]. The behavior of these
1b. These substitutions do not confer resistance to other mutants was assessed in the L31 as well as the M31 back-
classes of DAAs such as the protease or NS5B inhibitors. ground, but no difference was detected in the respective lev-
Y93N was shown to confer the highest resistance in the els of resistance for GT2a. For GT2b, the L28F variant
GT1a replicon system, followed by the Q30E substitution. showed higher resistance levels in the M31 background, but
Both changes shift the EC50 values >25,000-fold into the not as high as the 31V variant alone [166].
nanomolar range [28]. In contrast, the compound retained Compared to genotypes 1a and 1b, much less is known
sub-nanomolar potency against all single-amino acid substi- about clinical resistance regarding NS5A inhibitors in geno-
tutions in the GT1b replicon system. However, a deletion types 3 and 4. The substitution A30K may constitute a rele-
(P32del) has been detected to arise in clinical trials in patients vant baseline polymorphism in genotype 3 in vivo as a
infected with genotype 1b that confers extremely high resis- clinical trial patient with this baseline variant experienced
tance to daclatasvir (>390,000-fold resistance) in vitro [28]. virologic failure following treatment with daclatasvir and
For ledipasvir, the substitution Y93H was found to be the sofosbuvir in the absence of any other treatment-emergent
major resistance mutation for both GT1a and GT1b in the RAV [159]. While the A30K substitution was shown to result
HCV cell replicon system. In addition, the substitution Q30E in over a 60-fold increase in resistance levels, the substitu-
emerged in GT1a replicons [160]. The amino acid changes at tions L31F (>320-fold increase) and Y93H (>2750-fold
those positions conferred high levels of resistance to ledipas- increase) were the two major RAVs that emerged during
vir with >1000-fold increased EC50 values. Compared to in vitro selection experiments in genotype 3a replicon assays
daclatasvir, ledipasvir is less active against the Y93H muta- [170]. In vitro experiments with daclatasvir in genotype 4a
tion (0.05 nM vs. 5 nM) in GT1b, but more active against the hybrid cell lines implicated the amino acid position 30 in
M28T and Q30H variants in GT1a [164]. Ledipasvir’s clini- resistance [171].
cal resistance profile is also consistent with the obtained A significant body of evidence has emerged over the past
in vitro data and demonstrated resistance at the NS5A loci few years that preexisting RAVs in the NS5A gene can sig-
28, 30, 31, and 93 [165]. In vitro resistance selection with nificantly affect clinical outcome [164, 168, 172]. Like NS3
Abbvie’s ombitasvir also identified amino acid positions 28, baseline polymorphisms, they are not predictive of treatment
30, 31, 58, and 93 as the major resistance-associated loci for success; however, they have the potential to negatively influ-
GTs 1–6 [166]. The substitutions M28T, Q30R, and Y93C/H ence SVR rates and with that the probability of an individual
conferred over 800-fold levels of resistance, while M28V to experience virologic failure. It appears that with the excep-
increased EC50 values by 58-fold in the GT1a replicon sys- tion of the NS3 Q80K polymorphism in GT1a, NS5A base-
tem. Similar to what was observed with daclatasvir, the line RAVs have a greater impact on treatment outcome than
major resistance mutations in the GT1b replicon system NS3 polymorphisms [173]. In addition, NS5A RAVs have a
showed a more moderate increase in levels of resistance. The higher prevalence in the general population compared to
Y93H substitution demonstrated a 77-fold increase in the NS3 preexisting resistance-associated polymorphisms [37,
EC50 value, but single-amino acid variants at positions 28, 174, 175]. A Japanese study showed that baseline NS5A
30, and 31 conferred <10-fold resistance [166, 167]. RAVs, especially Y93H, are highly prevalent in subjects
Resistance in HCV genotype 2 has been an interesting infected with GT1b with 2.2 % harboring L31I/M and 19 %
story for the first generation of NS5A inhibitors. The amino harboring Y93H polymorphisms [175]. Interestingly, Y93H
acid position 31 is polymorphic in both GT2a and GT2b with substitutions at baseline were correlated with lower platelet
the majority of individuals carrying a methionine at this counts, higher viral loads, and higher prevalence of the
position and the second most common variant being leucine IL28B T/T genotype. In contrast, only 7.9 % of GT1b sub-
39 HCV Drug Resistance 595
jects investigated presented with NS3 baseline RAVs, includ- tance variants were still detected up to 1 year post-end of
ing V36L, T54S, Q80K/R, A156S, and D168E/T, and RAVs treatment in all subjects for which data were available [144].
occurring in both genes in a single subject were rare [175]. It has to be considered that persistence times of NS5A RAVs,
Another study performed in Japan showed similar results similar to NS3 RAVs, vary depending on their genetic envi-
with over 20 % prevalence of the Y93H substitution [173]. ronment (i.e., the genotype they arise in); however, very little
Yet in another Japanese cohort of 307 GT1b-infected sub- is known about such variables for the NS5A inhibitors.
jects, NS3 and NS5A baseline RAVs were identified in 4.9 % Decay kinetics most certainly also differ between specific
and 11.2 % of individuals, respectively [174]. Again, dual variants within the same genotype or depend on how variants
resistance in both genes was rare. The overall number of are linked to each other. For example, substitutions at NS5A
NS5A baseline RAVs, particularly the Y93H substitution, residue 31 were relatively more stable compared to changes
seems significantly higher in the Japanese population com- at position 93 in patients following exposure to daclatasvir
pared to the USA or Europe. Deep sequencing analysis of (though the follow-up analysis was conducted for only up to
110 Japanese GT1b samples was also consistent with this a maximum of 6 months) [28], and for the PI telaprevir, it
observation, discovering L31M/V/F in 11.8 % and the Y93H was shown that resistant variants analyzed by population
variant in 30.9 % of patients [34]. The Y93H mutation was sequencing were demonstrated to persist significantly longer
found significantly more often in subjects who carried the when detected together in a patient [27]. The NS3 double-
T/T allele at the IL28B locus. This suggests that many sub- mutation V36M + R155K persisted significantly longer in
jects carrying the T/T allele not only may show higher resis- genotype 1a subjects than in patients carrying V36M or
tance to interferon, but are also more likely to develop R155K alone. Lastly, the lack of detection of a specific RAV
resistance to first-generation NS5A inhibitors such as dacla- in a viral population does not necessarily mean that the vari-
tasvir. In a large European study consisting of 239 subjects ant is completely absent. RAVs may be present at subdetect-
infected with genotype 1b, lower numbers were seen regard- able levels—and with the data we currently have available on
ing preexisting NS5A RAVs with 3.8 and 6.3 % harboring this subject, the long-term clinical impact of viruses carrying
the Y93H and L31M variants [37]. This is much more con- treatment-emergent substitutions is unknown.
sistent with data obtained from the Los Alamos database,
which estimated the prevalence for the Y93H substitution at
around 4 % [176]. In general, NS5A resistance-associated 4.4 Nucleoside Inhibitors
baseline polymorphisms were seen to occur in all genotypes
[177] and while drug resistance does play a considerable role Nucleoside inhibitors of the HCV polymerase are modified
in the world of NS5A inhibitors, their efficacy cannot be derivatives of endogenous nucleosides that are phosphory-
underestimated as integral part of HCV combination regi- lated to their active triphosphate, which terminates nascent
mens. Moreover, second-generation NS5A inhibitors cur- HCV RNA strand synthesis [178–180]. The triphosphates of
rently in development, such as GS-5816, ACH-3102, and these nucleoside inhibitor prodrugs are competitive s ubstrates
elbasvir (MK-8742), exhibit improved resistance barriers with endogenous nucleotides [181, 182]. Modifications of
while maintaining potency. the base and sugar moieties, often combined with mono-
phosphate prodrugs at the sugar 5′, have been examined for
4.3.3 P ersistence of NS5A antiviral activity in vitro and in clinical trials, leading to reg-
Treatment-Emergent RAVs ulatory approval of a nucleotide prodrug with a >99 % cure
Treatment-emergent NS5A RAVs have been observed to rate. HCV nucleoside inhibitors are active against all HCV
persist for extended periods of time (>1 year) following ces- genotypes (pan-genotypic) and have a high barrier to resis-
sation of treatment. Selected ledipasvir-resistant variants tance [130, 182–184]. Variants less susceptible to inhibition
were still present at 48 weeks in 50 % of individuals infected by the nucleoside inhibitors in vitro are not detected as pre-
with genotypes 1a and 1b following 3 days of drug exposure emergent mutations in the treatment-naive HCV patient pop-
[163]. More in-depth information on the persistence of ulation [41, 185–187]. The emergence of resistance-associated
ledipasvir-associated RAVs is not available to date [160]. variants to nucleoside inhibitors in vitro is significantly
Persistence data on other NS5A inhibitors remain scarce, but delayed compared to that of the non-nucleoside, protease,
the emerging information appears consistent in that NS5A and NS5A inhibitors of HCV replication. RAVs are detected
variants selected in response to the first-generation replica- within days of selection with these latter inhibitors, while for
tion complex inhibitors often persist for over a year, if not nucleoside inhibitors, RAVs may not be observed by popula-
years. This is in stark contrast to what has been observed for tion sequencing until 29 to >100 days of drug treatment [70,
NS3, where treatment-emergent substitutions generally 188]. This successful profile for the nucleoside prodrug
revert to wild-type sequence within a year. Following treat- inhibitors was an evolved process; however, they are viewed
ment with Abbvie’s ombitasvir, treatment-emergent resis- as the cornerstone of modern HCV therapy [189].
596 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
The initial series of nucleoside inhibitors of HCV to be prodrugs, did not select for and retained full activity against
evaluated in clinical trials included the 2′-C-methyl deriva- the S282T and/or S96T/N142T substitutions [197, 200, 206].
tives MK-0608 (an adenosine analog) and the modified cyti- Long-term treatment of genotype 1a or 1b replicon-bearing
dines NM107, PSI-6130, and R1479 [181, 190, 191]. hepatocytes with PSI-352938 or PSI-353661 failed to select
Treatment of HCV replicon-bearing cells with MK-0608, for resistant mutants; however, the S15G/C223H/V321I triple
NM107, PSI-6130, or the later 2′-cyclopropyl cytidine ana- mutant was selected by these drugs individually in genotype
log TMC647078 selected for the NS5B S282T substitution, 2a replicon-bearing cells. Phenotypic analyses demonstrated
the hallmark variant for most of the 2′-modified nucleosides that G15/H223/I321- bearing genotype 1b or 2a replicons
[181, 190, 191]. Replicons and purified enzymes bearing the were 5–16.5-fold resistant to either PSI-352938 or PSI-
S282T mutation were 20–100-fold less susceptible to these 353661 [207]. PSI-352938 was not cross-resistant to any
nucleos(t)ide inhibitors [188, 192]. Conversely, the poly- HCV direct-acting antiviral resistance-associated variant
merase S96T and N142T substitutions were individually or examined; however, neither it nor PSI-353661 progressed
co-selected following treatment with the 4′-azido-modified through clinical trials [207].
R1479 drug, leading to a very mild (three- to fourfold) loss Emergence of resistance-associated variants to HCV
in susceptibility to R1479. The 2′-C-methylnucleosides are nucleoside and nucleotide prodrug inhibitors is rarely
not cross-resistant to R1479 and each of their selected RAVs observed in clinical trials [208–212]. The S282T substitution
(S282T or S96T/N142T) were significantly replication defi- was detected in a single patient with viral breakthrough fol-
cient compared to the wild-type replicon [188, 193, 194]. lowing 14 weeks of treatment with NM283 [213]. S282T also
The S282T substitution significantly impairs the HCV poly- emerged in two genotype 1a subjects after extended treatment
merase catalytic efficiency and reduces the replication capac- duration with R7128 (mericitabine) and a protease inhibitor
ity of HCV replicons to 3–30 % of wild type in hepatic cell [214]. Treatment with mericitabine, IFN, and ribavirin co-
lines [130, 195]. NM283 and R7128 are modified simple selected the L159F and L320F substitutions in a single geno-
prodrugs of the NM107 and PSI-6130 nucleoside inhibitors, type 1b subject. The L159F/L320F substitutions conferred
respectively, and retain the resistance profile of their parent 3.1–5.5-fold resistance to mericitabine in cellular replicon
nucleosides [188]. assays [215, 216]. Treatment-emergent resistance mutations
The second-generation nucleotide prodrug inhibitors of were not detected for the 4′-azido nucleoside R1479 nor the
HCV polymerase incorporated chemical moieties that were 2′-methylguanosine prodrug IDX184 in clinical trials [202,
more selectively and efficiently metabolized by liver enzymes 213]. Among the thousands of HCV patients treated with a
to yield significantly higher levels of the active triphosphate sofosbuvir-containing regimen, the S282T substitution has
species than earlier nucleoside inhibitors [196–203]. Like emerged in three clinical trial subjects and succumbed to con-
most 2′-C-methylnucleoside derivatives, sofosbuvir (GS- tinued treatment [130, 217–219]. Aside from substitutions at
7977), a 2′-Me, 2′-F-uridine derivative prodrug, was less S282, the L159F, L320F, C316N, and V321A substitutions
effective against the S282T polymerase mutant and selected were associated with resistance to sofosbuvir in <4.4 % of
for S282T in cellular replicon studies. The extent of S282T subjects with virologic failure [220]. The S282T substitution
resistance to sofosbuvir in cell culture was genotype specific. emerged in three genotype 1a subjects treated with a combi-
While S282T in the context of genotype 1a and 1b replicons nation of the uridine nucleotide prodrug VX-135 and the
was modestly resistant to sofosbuvir, this substitution was not NS5A replication inhibitor daclatasvir [221]. Interestingly,
significantly sofosbuvir resistant when cloned into a genotype S282T did not emerge in subjects treated with VX-135 and
2a replicon [69]. Rather, resistance to sofosbuvir was only ribavirin [210, 222]. The infrequent emergence of the S282T,
achieved in genotype 2a when the T279A, M289L, and I293L L159F/L320F, or S96T/N142T substitutions in patients
substitutions were co-selected with S282T and the fitness- treated with nucleoside inhibitors may be explained by their
adaptive NS5B substitutions M434T and H479P [69]. The absence among the viral quasispecies, potentially due to their
S282T substitution was also less susceptible to other poor replicative capacity [220, 223–225].
2′-C-methlynucleoside-based prodrugs, conferring greater
than threefold resistance to IDX184, IDX19368, IDX21437;
AL-516; and GS-6620, ACH-3422, and INX-08189 (BMS- 4.5 Non-nucleoside Inhibitors
986094) [182, 196, 198, 199, 203–205]. ALS-2200, the mixed
diastereoisomer uridine prodrug of VX-135 is 89-fold less The non-nucleoside inhibitors (NNIs) are chemically diverse
effective against the S282T substitution, with an additional allosteric binders of the HCV NS5B RNA-dependent RNA
mild resistance observed against replicons bearing the L159F/ polymerase. Upon binding to the HCV polymerase, the NNI
I262V/L320F triple mutant [180]. Contrary to all other inhibitors induce conformational changes in the enzyme, dis-
2′-C-methylnucleoside or nucleotide prodrug inhibitors, PSI- rupting replication activity in a reversible manner that is non-
352938 (GS-938) and PSI-353661, both 2′-F, 2′-Me-guanosine competitive with the polymerase’s NTP substrate [226]. The
39 HCV Drug Resistance 597
structure of the HCV polymerase is similar to that of other the use of multiple DAAs from the PI, NS5A, and nucleoside
polymerases, having thumb, finger, and palm tertiary struc- classes of HCV inhibitors has been shown to diminish or pre-
tures surrounding an active site that polymerizes nascent vent the emergence of NNI-associated variants.
strand synthesis via coordination with two divalent cations
(Mg2+ for the HCV polymerase) (Fig. 39.6) [227]. The thumb 4.5.1 Finger-Loop and Thumb 1 Site Binders
and palm domains can be structurally differentiated further The benzimidazole- and indole-based compounds bind to the
into two subdomains each, with specific chemotypes of NNIs HCV polymerase allosteric thumb 1 site (NNI-1) and disrupt
binding each site individually. Numerous NNIs for HCV its interaction with the finger-loop subdomain. In doing so,
have been in development since the early 1990s; however, the polymerase is locked in an inactive open state, preventing
only one has been approved as a component of a combina- initiation of nascent strand HCV genome synthesis [227–
tion therapy with other direct-acting HCV antivirals [144]. 230]. Mutations at residues T389 (T389A/S), P495 (P495A/
The in vitro potency of the HCV NNIs is typically in the low L/S), P496 (P496A/S), or V499 (to alanine) decrease the
nanomolar EC50 range in cellular replicon assays, though this potency of the benzimidazoles by altering the conformation
activity is limited to genotype 1-derived sequences with few of the finger-loop/thumb 1 domains and abrogating com-
exceptions. A significant loss in antiviral activity is observed pound interactions [230]. The structurally diverse indole-
for genotypes 2–6 in biochemical enzyme and intergeno- based NNIs, such as BILB 1941, BI 207524, BMS-791325,
typic replicon assays, which translates into poor activity MK-3281, and TMC647055, also bind the thumb 1 site and
against these genotypes in clinical trials. Each class of HCV are less effective against the resistance-associated variants at
NNI has a relatively unique pattern of resistance mutations residue 495 [73, 231–234]. Resistance to certain indoles has
that emerge rapidly in cellular replicon selection studies. also been associated with additional variants at L392, A421V,
Figure 39.7 summarizes the resistance patterns for the non- M426L, and V494 in in vitro selection studies and viral iso-
nucleoside as well as the nucleoside inhibitors of HCV poly- lates from clinical trial breakthroughs; however, this class of
merase. Since the binding sites of the NNIs to the HCV thumb-binders has demonstrated a broader activity against
polymerase are largely chemotype specific, NNIs that bind genotype 3a, 4a, 5a, and 6a NS5B intergenotypic replicons
to different domains are typically not cross-resistant. The [235, 236]. A significant loss in activity remains against gen-
mutants that confer resistance to an NNI in cell culture are otype 2 NS5B-bearing replicons, consistent with reduced
frequently, but not always, observed as resistance-associated affinity of the compounds to NS5B as demonstrated with
variants following viral breakthrough to the NNI in the BMS-791325 and TMC647055 [73, 232, 235].
clinic. The frequency and rapid emergence of resistance-
associated variants observed in the clinic can be attributed to 4.5.2 Thumb Site 2 Binders
their preexistence within the HCV quasispecies population The thumb site 2 binders are distinguishable from thumb 1 site
detected in HCV subjects [223]. The emergence of resis- binders in their chemical composition and resistance patterns.
tance against one NNI does not preclude treatment with The hallmark resistance-associated variants that emerge upon
another NNI having a different resistance phenotype. Further, treatment with thumb site 2 binders are localized to the M423
locus, predominantly M423T, with valine and isoleucine sub- the HCV polymerase at M423 and M426 are also less suscep-
stitutions also prevalent. The dihydropyrone-based inhibitors, tible to pyranoindole-based inhibitors, as are the L419M,
such as AG-021541, have reduced activity against M423 vari- L441R, A442T, and C445F/Y variants that encompass the
ants as well as the M426T, I482S/T, and V494A substitutions region near the binding site of the compounds. Variants at dis-
[237]. The resistance phenotype of a close derivative to tal residues from the pyranoindole binding site emerged at the
AG-021541, filibuvir (PF-868554), shares a similar resistance T19 and M71 within the finger domain and A338 of the poly-
pattern. The loss in susceptibility for filibuvir has been attrib- merase palm, but their contributions to resistance toward these
uted to conformational changes in the polymerase structure compounds may be adaptive, providing a replication advan-
leading to decreased binding affinity (decreased van der Waals tage toward co-selected variants [239]. The
interactions) and binding site engagement of filibuvir to the N-phenylbenzenesulfonamide class of thumb 2 binders inter-
mutant polymerase at M423 and V494 [238]. Substitutions of acts with both the L419 and M423 residues, as evidenced by
39 HCV Drug Resistance 599
reduced susceptibility of variants at these loci and confirmed C316, M414, and Y448 loci, as well as less frequent substitu-
by co-crystallization studies [240]. The thiophene-based HCV tions at S368, N411, C445, A553, S556, and D559 [252].
NNIs, including VX-222, GS-9669, and VCH-759, have the When tested as individual substitutions in cellular replicon
most extensive resistance pattern of the thumb site 2 binders assays, these variants confer a 10- to >1000-fold reduction in
[68, 241–244]. Resistance to thiophenes is associated with susceptibility to dasabuvir compared to the wild-type repli-
substitutions at several or all of the following loci: L419 (C, I, con [247]. The S368A, Y448H, G554D, Y555C, and D559G
M, P, S and V), R422 (K), M423 (T and V), I482 (L, N and T), substitutions emerge upon treatment of genotype 1b-replicon-
A486 (T and V), and V494 (A) [68, 241–244]. As with other bearing hepatocyte cultures with A-837093; however, vari-
thumb site 2 inhibitors, resistance to the thiophenes is due to ants are not selected at the M414 locus, differentiating
their decreased binding affinity and interaction with poly- A-837093 from the other palm 1-site benzothiadiazine allo-
merase variants selected by drug treatment [245, 246]. The steric NS5B inhibitors [253]. Resistance to the benzothiadia-
thumb site 2 inhibitors are not cross-resistant to protease, zine palm I-site binder ANA598 is attributed to substitutions
NS5A, or nucleoside inhibitors, or non-nucleoside inhibitors at fewer loci, including M414T/L, G554D, and D559G [246,
that bind the palm sites [242]. Even more intriguing is that the 254]. Although the particular binding pocket of IDX375 was
dihydropyrones retain full activity against resistance-associ- not defined, replicons with the C316Y, C445F/Y, S365T,
ated variants that emerge from neighboring thumb site 1 bind- M414T, and Y448H substitutions were less susceptible to
ers [237, 242]. IDX375. While A442T was selected during long-term treat-
ment of genotype 1b replicons in cell culture, this substitution
4.5.3 Palm-Site Binders was equally susceptible to IDX375. Interestingly, while repli-
The palm domain of the HCV polymerase bears two distinct cons bearing the C316Y mutation are highly resistant to
allosteric binding sites for non-nucleoside inhibitors. The IDX375, this mutation was not selected in vitro [255]. The
palm I site is more central in the polymerase core and close to palm I-site binder, JTK-853, has a resistance pattern indica-
the active site. The palm II allosteric binding site overlaps a tive of the benzothiadiazines, with resistance at M414T and
portion of the palm I site, but extends lower into the base of Y448C/H, but is also less active against variants at the C445
the palm of the polymerase. Due to the partial overlap between locus, similar to IDX375. JTK-853 is relatively unique among
the two palm allosteric inhibitor-binding sites, the resistance the NNIs because it has a significant loss in activity against
patterns for the non-nucleoside inhibitors that bind these sites genotype 1a (approximately 20-fold higher EC50) and vari-
of the polymerase are less distinctive than those of active-site ants were also selected by JTK-853 treatment at the L466
and thumb-binding inhibitors. The majority of clinical candi- locus (L466F in patients and L466V selected in vitro) [46,
date non-nucleoside inhibitors have been based on a benzo- 256].
thiadiazine core that directly interacts with the palm I site of Allosteric non-nucleoside inhibitors that bind to the palm II
the HCV polymerase to inhibit initiation of RNA synthesis site of the HCV polymerase are derivatives of the benzofuran
[247]. The resistance profile of benzothiadiazine-based palm chemotype. The most advanced palm II-site inhibitors in the
I site inhibitors is composed of variants that emerge primarily clinic were HCV-796 and GSK2485852. Susceptibility to
at the C316, M414, and Y448 loci, with substitutions preva- these benzofurans is predominantly decreased by substitutions
lent at the H95, C451, G554, S556, G558, and D559 loci as at the C316 and S365 loci, specifically C316F/N/Y and
well in genotype 1b [248, 249]. Among the substitutions S365A/T. These loci are directly involved in the binding of the
selected by treatment with benzothiadiazines, the most preva- HCV polymerase to the benzofuran backbone and substitu-
lent are C316Y, M414T, Y448H, and G554D. The side chain tions at C316 and S365 decrease the binding affinity of the
of the M414T substitution projects into the active site of the drugs by altering the structure of their binding pockets or
polymerase from the thumb domain and has been demon- impairing hydrogen bonding between the compounds and
strated to abrogate the interaction of the mutant polymerase their binding residues [257–259]. Treatment with HCV-796 or
and the benzothiadiazine inhibitor [249]. The individual con- GSK2485852 can also select for the M414T or C445F substi-
tributions of less prevalent substitutions are varied, with some tutions, respectively; however, their contributions to resistance
conserving the binding of the compound to the mutant poly- appear to be compensatory, providing a replicative advantage
merase [249]. They have been shown to increase the catalytic to co-selected variants with a reduced fitness [258, 260].
efficiency of the mutant polymerase, increasing the replica- Complex differential patterns of resistance toward HCV-
tion competency of the mutant virus/replicon and potentially 796 and GSK2485852 were observed when these compounds
providing an adaptive advantage to co-selected substitutions were tested against a panel of site-directed NS5B mutants
with replication deficiencies [250]. Indeed, co-selected poly- in vitro; however, resistant substitutions common to both
merase substitutions have been demonstrated to increase the compounds included C316F/Y, S365L, and S368F/Y [258].
replication competency of the M414T [251]. Dasabuvir Tegobuvir (GS-9190) is distinctive from the other NNIs
(ABT-333) selects for resistance-associated variants at the in that it binds both the palm I and thumb sites and requires
600 B. Heinrich and J.P. Bilello
metabolic activation to inhibit HCV polymerase activity. demonstrated that the prevention of resistance-associated
While tegobuvir inhibits the HCV replicon in cellular assays, variant emergence can be achieved by a combination of
it does not inhibit the enzymatic activity of HCV polymerase multiple direct-acting HCV antivirals. While clinical stud-
in in vitro biochemical assays. Tegobuvir is an imidazopyri- ies demonstrate pan-genotypic activity and infrequent emer-
dine prodrug bearing multiple aromatic fluorine atoms that is gence of resistance following treatment with a
oxidized by cellular cytochrome P450 and further modified second-generation HCV nucleotide prodrug, combining
in a glutathione-dependent manner to an active metabolite. these drugs with at least one other HCV direct-acting antivi-
The antiviral activity of the tegobuvir metabolite is sup- ral may completely prevent resistance emergence given the
pressed by the emergence of the polymerase C316Y, C445F, optimal dual combination. Therapeutic regimens absent a
Y448H, and Y452H substitutions [261–263]. nucleoside inhibitor appear to require additional drugs (up
to four) with nonoverlapping mechanisms of action [189].
4.5.4 Active-Site Non-nucleoside Inhibitors Resistance variants have emerged in patients prescribed the
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dihydroxypyrimidines chelate at least one of the magnesium tion of HCV treatments absent of resistance may prove as
cations in the polymerase active site, resulting in the inhibi- invaluable guidance for the development of improved thera-
tion of nascent RNA strand elongation by preventing nucleo- pies for viruses with a still unmet medical need.
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Part VI
Parasitic Drug Resistance: Mechanisms
Drug Resistance Mechanisms
in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia 40
lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis,
and Opportunistic Anaerobic Protozoa
allow the parasite adherence to epithelia (Fig. 40.1b). T. accumulation into the cell [18, 19]. Reduced metronidazole
vaginalis has four anterior flagella and a recurrent flagel- binds DNA and interferes with respiration and motility [18–20].
lum incorporated into an undulating membrane, supported However, due to metronidazole toxicity and the emergence of
by a noncontractile costa (Fig. 40.1c). It can form pseudo- metronidazole-resistant protozoa [21–24], discovery of new
podia to phagocyte epithelial cells. The three parasites have efficient drugs is needed.
adherence molecules and cysteine proteases that function Numerous pharmaco-biological factors contribute to the
in colonization and damage production to tissues [8–10]. advent, spread, and intensification of drug-resistant para-
They do not have bona fide mitochondria and peroxisomes, sites, such as immunological status of the host, drug charac-
organelles found in most eukaryotes, neither canonical teristics, and environmental factors, among others [1].
mitochondrial processes. E. histolytica has a double-mem- Protozoa use various mechanisms to develop drug resistance,
brane limited organelle called EhkO, which contains DNA including DNA mutations, modulation of enzymes, and
and pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) [11]. pump-like protein expression, such as the P-glycoproteins
Additionally, mitochondrial-like enzymes have been found (PGPs) involved in the multidrug resistance phenotype
in other organelles called mitosome and crypton [12, 13]. (MDR), described in many organisms [25]. As poor coun-
Similarly, it has been reported that G. lamblia contains tries cannot implement public health measures to prevent the
mitosomes that function in iron sulfur protein maturation dissemination of these parasites, they must understand the
[14]. T. vaginalis has hydrogenosomes, where both decar- mechanisms that the parasites use to develop drug resistance,
boxylation of pyruvate by PFOR and energy generation a fundamental tactic in the fight against these pathogens.
take place [15]. It is an anaerobic form of mitochondrion Identifying resistance markers, finding a way to bypass them,
and produces H2 during ATP synthesis [16]. Phylogenetic as well as generating new drugs and vaccines to control
analysis suggests that E. histolytica and G. lamblia iron- infections provoked by anaerobic protozoa parasites are part
hydrogenase genes were derived from a common eubacte- of the approach to defeat them. Here, we review the current
rial ancestor, distinct from the T. vaginalis iron-hydrogenase knowledge on drug susceptibility in anaerobic protozoa
gene ancestor [17]. Similitude in their metabolism allows causative of human diseases.
the use of common drugs against them such as the 5-nitro-
imidazoles (5-NI).
There are currently no effective vaccines available for pre- 2 Entamoeba histolytica
vention of parasitic diseases. By these reasons, the development of
new antiprotozoal drugs is urgently required. Metronidazole E. histolytica infects 500 million people, provoking 50 mil-
(1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole), the preferred lion cases of dysentery and liver abscesses, killing 100,000
drug for the three mentioned parasites, enters into the cell by persons each year [26]. Individuals harboring E. histolytica
passive diffusion in an inactive form. It has a lower redox poten- are asymptomatic or present diarrhea, bloody stools with
tial (−460 mV) than ferredoxin (Fd) (−320 mV) and gains elec- mucus, colon abscesses, and dysentery. Liver abscesses, that
trons transferred by PFOR to Fd to be converted to toxic nitro or may be lethal if not treated, occur in 3–9 % of infected
nitroso anions or intermediates, such as hydroxylamines patients [27]. Causes for the varied clinical symptoms lie in
(Fig. 40.2) generating a concentration gradient, favoring drug both parasite and host. Many authors have proposed that
40 Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas… 615
Pyruvate Malate + O2
NAD: pyruvate
CoA Ferredoxin (active drug) DNA damage
Pyruvate: ferredoxin (prodrug)
*,**,*** NADH oxidase
AcetylCoA + CO2 Ferredoxin
succinate ADP (red) NAD+
H2 H+
succinylCoA ATP
Acetate Hydrogenase
Fig. 40.2 Terminal part of the glycolytic pathway of anaerobic proto- asterisk) E. histolytica, (double asterisk) G. lamblia, (triple asterisk) T.
zoa and its relation with metronidazole activation. (Asterisk) Represents vaginalis (figure created by authors from data in [3–19])
the current knowledge on enzymes involved in drug activation. (Single
asymptomatic amoebiasis is due to Entamoeba dispar because they are poorly absorbed and are recommended to
whereas the invasive disease is provoked by E. histolytica treat patient with asymptomatic infections following metro-
[28]. However, several studies have shown that E. dispar is nidazole [32]. Current chemotherapy of dysentery or extrain-
able to destroy culture cells [29] and certain E. histolytica testinal abscesses consists of metronidazole or tinidazole,
strains and clones have poor virulence, being almost unable followed by a luminal amoebicide.
to damage target cells [30]. If individuals harboring non- Trophozoites use fermentative metabolism for ATP pro-
virulent E. histolytica or E. dispar should be medically duction, which involves pyruvate decarboxylation by PFOR
treated, since they excrete potentially injurious cysts, is an to acetyl CoA. E. histolytica possesses 2-oxoacid-reductase
unsolved question, because there are reports on people and biochemical assays identified the PFOR activity in cyto-
infected by asymptomatic carriers, which developed severe plasm [33], whereas antibodies against the recombinant
invasive amoebiasis [31]. Metronidazole is the most widely PFOR localize it in cellular membranes and EhkO organelles
used antiamoebic drug and it is in the first-line drugs for [34]. Concomitantly to pyruvate decarboxylation, Fd is
invasive amoebiasis. However other nitroimidazoles as tini- reduced. E. histolytica has two Fds: Fd1 and Fd2 and their
dazole and nitazoxanide, a nitrothiazoly-salicylamide deriv- amino acid sequences resemble clostridial type Fds. They
ative, have fewer side effects and are shorter treatment have cysteine arrangement characteristic for the coordination
courses. Unfortunately, E. histolytica as many other parasites of 2[4Fe–4S] clusters [35]. Inside the cell, an electron is
has established mechanisms to evade the drug pressure. transferred from Fd to the 5-nitro group of metronidazole to
activate the drug and kill parasites.
Metronidazole provokes nausea and headache and is poten-
2.1 ntimicrobial Mechanism of Action
A tially carcinogenic in in vitro studies, but it has not been conclu-
in E. histolytica sively linked to the development of human malignancy. Emetine
inhibits protein synthesis affecting ribosome movement along
The microaerotolerant trophozoites of E. histolytica grow in mRNA. It produces cardiac arrhythmia, gastrointestinal toxic-
both the gut lumen and the rich-oxygenated epithelia. Agents ity, and skin and neuromuscular reactions [36]. Diloxanide
currently used against amoebiasis are divided into tissue and furoate is structurally related to chloramphenicol, whereas paro-
luminal amoebicides (Table 40.1). Tissue amoebicides, such momycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, causes flatulence and
as metronidazole, tinidazole, and emetine kill trophozoites in diarrhea; both drugs inhibit protein synthesis. Iodoquinol is a
tissues but have no effect against cysts. In contrast, luminal halogenated hydroxyquinoline that chelates ferrous ions; its
amoebicides, such as iodoquinol, diloxanide furoate, and toxicity is associated with the iodine component producing neu-
paromomycin, are mainly active in the intestinal lumen, ropathy and blindness after prolonged administration [37].
616 C. Gómez García et al.
Table 40.1 Drugs, target molecules, genes, and proteins involved in drug resistance in anaerobic protozoa
Genes and proteins
involved in drug
Parasite Drug Target molecule Target location Altered pathway resistance
E. histolytica Metronidazole DNA Nucleus Electron transport PFOR, SOD
Emetine Ribosome Cytosol Protein synthesis EhPgp1, EhPgp5,
Iodoquinol DNA DNA Electron transport ND
Diloxanide furoate ND Cytosol Protein synthesis ND
T. vaginalis Metronidazole DNA Nucleus Electron transport PFOR, Fd,
G. lamblia Metronidazole DNA Nucleus Electron transport PFOR, FdI
Quinacrine DNA, plasma Nucleus ND ND
Tinidazole DNA Nucleus Electron transport Thiol-cycling
Benzimidazole β-Tubulin Cytosol Microtubule NADH-oxidase
Furazolidone DNA Nucleus Protein synthesis ND
Paromomycin ssRNA Cytosol Protein synthesis ND
ND not determined
scription regulation is involved in overexpression of E. histo- nidazole resistance in E. histolytica, but it is a barrier for the
lytica MDR phenotype; however, few transcription factors use of alternative agents against amoebiasis.
have been cloned in this parasite making it difficult to estab-
lish the precise molecular mechanisms that cause this pheno-
type. It is known that a C/EBP-like nuclear protein forms a 3 Giardia lamblia
complex with the EhPgp1 gene promoter and deletion of the
DNA motif to which the protein is bound abolishes the pro- G. lamblia is a protozoan parasite with a significant impact
moter function [45, 46]. Additionally, functional activities of on public health worldwide whereby it was included in the
the EhPgp1 gene promoter demonstrated that besides C/EBP, “Neglected Disease Initiative” of the WHO in 2004 [53]. The
other sequences are crucial for promoter activity. Deletion or prevalence worldwide of giardiasis has not changed in the
mutation of R9 repeats found at −203 to −211 and −218 to last 5 years, with 280 million cases annually [2]. In devel-
−226 bp produced 70 % reduction in CAT activity; in addi- oped countries, G. lamblia prevalence ranges from less than
tion, these cis-acting elements activate EhPgp1 gene expres- 1 to 8 % [54, 55], whereas in developing countries it ranges
sion and are recognized by the EhEBP1 protein [47]. from 20 to 60 % [56, 57]. Furthermore, giardial infections
In contrast, it has been identified in EhPgp5 gene promoter a contribute considerably to the 2.5 million annual deaths from
heat-shock element (HSE) that induces EhPgp5 gene expres- diarrheal disease and about 500,000 new giardiasis cases are
sion in trophozoites exposed to emetine (personal communica- reported each year in Asia, Africa, and Latin America [2].
tion Dr. Consuelo Gomez García). In addition, a putative Epidemiology of the giardiasis varies depending on the
heat-shock transcription factor (EhHSTS) family is present in region. In tropical developing regions with poor-quality
E. histolytica trophozoites suggesting that some of the members drinking water the infection is almost universal in childhood
of this family could bind to EhPgp5 HSE and activate its expres- and recurrent after treatment. In temperate developed areas
sion when amoebae are growing under emetine pressure [48]. the infections frequently occur as waterborne outbreaks that
In addition, in trophozoites growing in 225 μM emetine, usually follow a seasonal pattern [54, 55]. Accordingly, rates
EhPgp gene amplification occurs [43]. Interestingly, half-life of symptomatic disease have ranged from 100 % in travelers
of EhPgp5 mRNA is higher in trophozoites growing in returning from endemic regions to completely asymptomatic
225 μM emetine than in parasites growing in 90 μM or with- excretion of cysts in children living in them [58, 59].
out drug. The EhPgp5 mRNA 3′ UTR length is heteroge- Giardia trophozoites live in the small intestine, graze on the
neous, with different poly (A) tail length, which may influence mucosa through the giardins, and reproduce by binary fission
mRNA half-life. Trophozoites grown without emetine could covering the epithelia and avoiding nutrient absorption by the
have factors that inhibit EhPgp5 gene expression and main- host. Due to the microenvironmental conditions, trophozoites
tain short poly (A) tail length; this may contribute to a shorter develop into cysts that pass through the feces to other hosts.
EhPgp5 mRNA half-life. Some factors could not be expressed People are the most important reservoir hosts for human giar-
in the presence of emetine, and other emetine-responsive pro- diasis, but the parasites also infect domestic and wildlife ani-
teins could stimulate EhPgp5 gene transcription and induce mals [60]. To date, eight major genetic groups have been
an enhanced polyadenylation of EhPgp5 mRNAs [49]. identified in animals and two of them are found in both humans
Intriguingly, EhPGP proteins are located in the plasma and animals. In humans, however, association between specific
membrane of trophozoites, but they have been found also out genotypes and clinical symptoms has not been conclusive [60].
of the cells, suggesting that EhPGPs could be secreted by the Symptomatic giardiasis is characterized by mild-to-
amoebae. Thus, EhPGPs could be able to concentrate and severe gastrointestinal signs. Some patients develop acute or
drive the drug to the plasma membrane to expel it out of the chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, greasy and foul-smelling
cells [50]. It has also been described that EhPGP5 expressed stools, weakness, nausea, weight loss, decreased appetite,
in Xenopus laevis oocytes could function as a chloride chan- flatulence, vomiting, malabsorption, and growth retardation,
nel or a chloride channel regulator [51]. In E. histolytica whereas other individuals are asymptomatic carriers. This
EhPGP5 overexpression alters chloride-dependent currents variability is attributed to host factors and host-parasite
and causes trophozoite swelling [50, 51]. Moreover, Medel interactions.
et al. [52] demonstrated that inhibition of EhPGP expression Despite the prevalence of giardiasis there are no vaccines
produces acidification of intracellular pH (ipH) and enhance- for humans or prophylactic drugs. Current antibiotics for
ment of programmed cell death (PCD) induced by G418. In giardiasis are the 5-NI which include metronidazole (the
contrast, PGP overexpression prevented intracellular acidifi- most common and the prototype of a prodrug) and other
cation and circumvented the PCD [52]. derivatives, as well as, alternative compounds derived from
EhPGP secretion is probably related to one or more of the nitrofurans, benzimidazoles, acridine, aminoglycosides, and
multiple functions of this protein that are not investigated thiazolides (Tables 40.1 and 40.2) [3, 20, 61, 62].
yet. MDR phenotype does not seem to be involved in metro- Experimental trials have proven the effectiveness of some
618 C. Gómez García et al.
old known and new compounds [61, 63–68]. However, to subunits, whose activity is 75–80 % membrane associated. It
date, there is no known highly effective alternative to metro- resists low temperatures (−70 °C) and transfers electrons to
nidazole [66]. Randomized controlled trials performed until purified FdI but not to either NAD+ or NADP+. Giardia has
now have revealed a slight better efficacy of 5-NI in com- three Fds with iron-sulfur clusters: FdI, FdII, and FdIII [72].
parison to other antigiardial drugs and reasonable safety pro- FdI, the major one, differs from other protozoan Fds in size,
files [62]. Nevertheless, due to the increased rate of resistance
amino acid sequence, and iron-sulfur cluster. Its molecular
or adverse effects of the current drugs, there is consensus mass was calculated in 5.7 and 5.9 kDa by mass spectrome-
about the need for discovering new drug targets and develop- try and amino acid sequencing, respectively. Consistent with
ing alternative antigiardial agents. the amino acid profile of other Fds, methionine, arginine,
histidine, and tyrosine residues are absent from Giardia FdI,
but it has 16.4 % of acidic residues whereas other Fds have
3.1 Antimicrobial Mechanism of Action in G. about 30 %. The N-terminus contains a potential iron-sulfur-
lamblia binding motif ( – C1 – X – X – A – X – X – C3 C4 – ) with a
nonconservative substitution of alanine for the second cyste-
According to a widely accepted hypothesis, in G. lamblia, ine. Giardia FdI contains a [3Fe–4S](1+, 0) cluster, while Fd
like in E. histolytica and T. vaginalis, the PFOR converts from E. histolytica two [4Fe–4S](2+, 1+) and T. vaginalis Fd
pyruvate to acetyl-CoA with the transfer of a pair of electrons has a single [2Fe–2S](2+, 1+) cluster [72]. Only FdI interacts
to Fd, which reduces metronidazole and other related 5-NI to with PFOR and is involved in metronidazole activation
a nitro radical and activates them into potent antigiardial in vitro [72]. The 5-NIs reduced are bound to DNA, altering
agents (Figs. 40.2 and 40.3). Recent findings have shed light the helical structure, breaking the strands, provoking DNA
on other mechanisms involved in the reduction of metronida- cross-linking, and interfering with mitosis. The binding
zole in which participate proteins of the thioredoxin reductase makes DNA unable to segregate or it modifies genes involved
pathway of G. lamblia and nitroreductases [69, 70]. in mitosis, arresting cell cycle in G2 + M phase and inducing
A line of evidence for PFOR as a main target for 5-NI in programmed cell death [73]. Further, ultrastructural studies
Giardia was obtained from metronidazole-resistant isolates, have brought evidences of damage to the dorsal surface, the
some of which exhibit PFOR lower expression levels. These ventral disk, and the lateral flange of the parasite upon treat-
findings were reproduced in vitro generating metronidazole- ment with metronidazole [68].
resistant phenotypes by blocking the PFOR gene expression However, the 5-NI resistance in Giardia clones and
in Giardia [71]. G. lamblia PFOR is a homodimer of 135 kDa strains may occur without downregulation of PFOR [70, 74].
40 Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas… 619
B .-
Reduction of the nitro group by the Fds is also catalyzed by reduces 5-NI compounds to nitro radical anions and gener-
nitroreductases, which activates nitro compounds inducing ates superoxide under aerobic conditions [69]. Evidences
DNA damage (Fig. 40.3). Two genes encoding nitroreduc- that come from proteomic analyses with 5-NI-treated tro-
tases (g1nR1 and g1nR2) have been identified and character- phozoites of G. lamblia show that metronidazole and tinida-
ized in G. lamblia [70, 75]. The polypeptide sequences of zole are bound to GLTrxR and other proteins. GLTrxR
GlNR1 and GlNR2 are very similar [70]. Both proteins pos- activity is strongly diminished after 5-NI treatment, which
sess a Fd domain with four Fe–S clusters at their N-terminus results in impaired removal of hydrogen peroxide by peroxi-
and a nitro-flavin mononucleotide (FMN) reductase domain dases [69]. Furthermore, 5-NIs deplete intracellular thiol
at their C-terminus. However, GlNR1 and GlNR2 have dif- pools in G. lamblia, but metronidazole, in contrast to what
ferent modes of action. Fd domain of both nitroreductases happens in E. histolytica and T. vaginalis, has the slightest
transfers electrons from a donor (NADH) to the FMN in the effect [69, 76–78]. Also, in contrast to the other anaerobic
active center, but GlNR1 reduces partially the nitro com- protozoan, none of the other proteins forming covalent
pounds yielding toxic intermediates, while GlNR2 reduces adducts with 5-NI are candidates for being involved in the
them entirely yielding a nontoxic end product, e.g., the cor- TrxR-mediated redox network of G. lamblia, instead of
responding amine [70]. mRNA levels of G. lamblia GlNR1 some of them are closely associated with PFOR [75].
are much lower than the GlNR2 in 5-NI-resistant strains. Others, like the translation elongation factor EF-1c, an
Trophozoites overexpressing GlNR1 have a higher suscepti- important factor in protein synthesis, are widely degraded
bility to nitazoxanide and metronidazole, which also support upon treatment with 5-NI. These findings suggest that the
that GlNR1 activates 5-NI via reduction yielding a cytotoxic TrxR pathway is involved in the metabolism of 5-NI in G.
product [70]. GlNR1, but not GlNR2, provokes nitric oxide lamblia in a different way than in E. histolytica and T. vagi-
and DNA repair responses, even in the absence of 5-NI [76]. nalis [69, 76].
Thus, susceptibility to 5-NI may depend not only on activa- The 5-NI drugs are activated in the Giardia cytosol. Until
tion, but also on inactivation of the drugs by specific nitrore- now there are no evidences of the involvement of the G. lam-
ductases [76] (Fig. 40.3). blia mitosome in the mechanisms of 5-NI activation. The
Flavin-dependent thioredoxin reductase of G. lamblia mitosome proteome is reduced and limited to a single meta-
(GLTrxR), like TrxR of other anaerobic protozoa, also bolic pathway for FeS cluster assembly [79].
620 C. Gómez García et al.
Furazolidone is activated inside the cell by NADH oxi- Giardia lactose intolerance, which is the most common of
dase to generate toxic products that interfere with DNA the disaccharide deficiencies associated with giardiasis [84].
synthesis. NADH oxidase, a 46 kDa monomeric flavopro- Clinical metronidazole resistance prevalence levels are as
tein, contains FAD in a 1:1 molecular ratio with the poly- high as 20 % with recurrence rates up to 90 % and the aver-
peptide and it is responsible for the high level of age success rates of albendazole are 62–95 % [3]. In addi-
NADPH-NADH turnover in Giardia [77]. NADPH and tion, metronidazole is inactive against Giardia cysts [76].
NADH donate electrons to NADH oxidase, which also
accepts electrons from oxygen to produce H2O as an end 3.2.1 Metronidazole Resistance in G. lamblia
product, but not from reduced Fd [77]. Furazolidone arrests Despite of the documented clinical resistance to metronida-
the trophozoites in S phase and eventually in G2 + M phase zole [3], the resistant Giardia clones (Mzr) have rarely been
preventing DNA synthesis and cell cycle completion, pos- isolated from patients [85]. This can be explained, at least
sibly due to DNA damage [73]. partly, by the loss of parasite attachment and infectivity
Quinacrine intercalates in DNA, inhibiting nucleic acid observed in Mzr Giardia cell lines in vivo and in vitro. This
synthesis. However, there are studies showing no quinacrine phenomenon has been related to impaired glucose metabo-
accumulation in trophozoite nuclei exposed to the drug; lism, since the noninfectious Mzr lines consume less glucose,
instead of this, the plasma membrane appeared fragile after and glucose promotes ATP-independent parasite attachment
overnight drug exposure, suggesting that it may be another in the parental lines [85]. In addition, glucose-metabolizing
target for the drug [78]. In addition, quinacrine inhibits pathways are important for activation of metronidazole and
NADH oxidase and cholinesterase activities and produces a then a fitness trade-off may be able to exist between dimin-
decreased excystation in in vitro and patient-derived cysts. ished metronidazole activation and reduced infectivity as it
Benzimidazoles bind to β-tubulin in the same site that was suggested [85]. However, Mzr does not always interfere
colchicine does, altering the cytoskeleton. After mebenda- with in vivo infectivity of Giardia, as well as some, but not
zole or albendazole exposure, trophozoites detach from the all, Mzr Giardia cell lines have decreased PFOR levels and
substrate, exhibiting striking modifications of their overall activity of Fd [71, 72]. Downregulation of PFOR most prob-
morphology, including ventral disk disassembly [80]. ably affects the glycolytic metabolism in Mzr Giardia, but it
Paromomycin, as in higher eukaryotes, interferes with has not been determined conclusively [85]. Then, the mecha-
Giardia 16S-like small-subunit (SS) RNA, causing mRNA nisms of metronidazole resistance appear to be as diverse as
codon misreading and protein synthesis inhibition. the mechanisms of nitro drug activation are.
In vivo, nitazoxanide is deacetylated to tizoxanide, which has Giardia cell lines resistant to a derivative of 5-NI, that is
equal effectiveness, and exhibits a mode of action similar to that
at least 14-fold more active than the metronidazole, are also
of metronidazole via PFOR [81]. Besides that, nitazoxanide highly resistant to metronidazole (ID90 values, concentra-
binds to the nitroreductase GlNR1 inhibiting its activity. In the
tion of drug at which 10 % of control parasite ATP levels
presence of nitazoxanide and its derivatives, specific activity of
are detected, for metronidazole >200 μM, 20-fold more
GlNR1 decreases in a concentration-dependent manner, but its than susceptible isolates) [86]. However, such highly resis-
transcriptional expression is not affected [81]. Other findingstant lines have normal levels of PFOR, but a decreasing
have correlated the resistance to nitazoxanide and metronidazole
activity of NADPH oxidase and a suppressed reduction of
with altered expression of genes coding heat-shock proteins [74].
flavins, suggesting that flavin metabolism is also linked to
5-NIs resistance in G. lamblia [69]. It has also been
observed in T. vaginalis that MTZ inactivation of proteins
3.2 Drug Resistance Mechanisms related to the TrxR pathway is overcome in resistant cells
in G. lamblia by reregulating PFOR [70]. Then, downregulation of PFOR
in Giardia could be also a consequence, rather than a pre-
Single and multidrug resistance to some of the current anti- requisite, of resistance formation. In addition, in G. lamblia
giardial used drugs, including metronidazole, has been the nitroreductases not only activate but also inactivate
reported in human patients and can be induced in vitro by metronidazole [39, 76].
stepwise exposure to increasing drug concentrations [74, 77, Metronidazole resistance is also associated with chromo-
82, 83]. Multiple mechanisms have been implicated in 5-NI somal rearrangements and gene duplications [87]. However,
drug resistance, including a diminished ability to reduce and G. lamblia genome shows a high diversity that can rise up to
activate 5-NI prodrugs [69, 71] and to detoxify nitro radicals 30–50 % in genes and in intergenic regulatory regions [88],
[39]. Although the treatment failure in patients is occurring which has hindered the association of specific genotypes
more frequently with all the compounds used, it is not always with drug sensitivity [3]. Additionally, decreased level of
due to the development of resistance by the parasite. Other metronidazole in Giardia cytoplasm is consistent with
causes are invoked like (1) low compliance with drug ther- changes in uptake, transport, and efflux of fluorescent ana-
apy, (2) immunosuppression, (3) reinfestation, and (4) post- logues as observed in MDR [87].
40 Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas… 621
3.2.2 R esistance Mechanism to Other genome and 220 correspond to the cysteine type (CP) which
Compounds in G. lamblia are involved in cytoadherence [94]. Eradication of tricho-
Interestingly, furazolidone resistance correlates with reduced monosis is considered as an effective means for controlling
drug entry and increased levels of thiol-cycling enzymes HIV transmission, because 24 % of HIV infections are attrib-
which defend Giardia against toxic radicals, suggesting that utable to T. vaginalis infection [95]. Additionally, the develop-
efficient thiol cycling may be involved in furazolidone reduc- ment of this parasitosis has been positively associated with
tion [89]. Additionally, quinacrine is actively excluded from subsequent incidence of prostate cancer [96]. Trichomonosis
resistant trophozoites [78] and albendazole resistance is is controlled by metronidazole (Table 40.1), although other
associated with cytoskeleton changes, particularly in the 5-NIs are also dispensed and used as prophylactic agents in
ventral disk. However, resistant trophozoites do not have the gynecological surgery and topical intravaginal treatments,
mutation in phenylalanine 200 in β-tubulin, found in using a single 1.5–2 g metronidazole in oral dose to 500 mg
albendazole-resistant helminthes and fungi [83]. twice daily over 7 days [97].
isolates have a reduced or absence of flavin reductase (FR) drug-resistant strains [112]. This does not necessarily mean
activity, which is related to the elevated intracellular oxygen that Tvpgp1 gene is not involved in drug resistance. In E.
levels [76], but they do not exhibit reduced expression of the histolytica drug-resistant mutants, the EhPgp1 mRNA
PFOR or Fd genes [104]. Additionally, targeted Fd gene overexpression confers drug resistance but the transcript
replacement does not lead to metronidazole resistance [105]. amount and the gene copy number do not correlate with
On the other hand, anaerobic metronidazole resistance that has drug resistance levels [43]. Additionally, resistance to met-
been demonstrated in cultured strains [106] relies on elimina- ronidazole is also reverted by verapamil [97]. Thus, more
tion or inactivation of PFOR and Fd responsible for reductive studies are necessary to define the role of Tvpgp1 gene in T.
activation of metronidazole, as well as shrinking of the hydro- vaginalis drug resistance.
genosome [107]. Parasites grown in anaerobic conditions at
relatively low drug concentrations (3 μg/mL) develop first
aerobic resistance up to 200 μg/mL of drug. Longer exposure 4.3 Cross-Resistance in T. vaginalis
to increasing drug concentrations allows the generation of
anaerobic metronidazole-resistant mutants being able to grow Currently, metronidazole and other 5-NI like tinidazole,
at 1120–1425 μg/mL of drug [108]. However, these strains do ornidazole, and secnidazole are the only recommended drugs
not multiply under anaerobiosis. In these experiments, some for standard treatment of T. vaginalis infection [113].
anaerobic drug-resistant strains presented high decrease of Although most patients are cured with standard treatment
PFOR, Fd, and hydrogenase activities, while ME and with single or week-long courses of metronidazole, organ-
NADH:FOR progressively decreased when the anaerobic isms resistant to these therapies have been reported [114].
level of resistance increased. Lactate and other main end prod- Even more, metronidazole-resistant T. vaginalis isolates
ucts of carbohydrate metabolism increased in drug-resistant have been increasingly reported as 2.4–9.5 % of cases around
cells, whereas hydrogenosomal metabolites such as acetate the world [115]. Cross-resistance to different 5-NI has also
and hydrogen dramatically lowered. All these findings revealed been reported, but it is unknown why some metronidazole-
that aerobic and anaerobic resistance events, considered to be resistant isolates display cross-resistance to tinidazole
unrelated, are developed in a common continuous process in T. whereas others not [76]. Evaluation of 104 clinically
vaginalis. They also confirmed that total anaerobic resistance metronidazole-resistant isolates showed that almost all sam-
results from the lack of both PFOR and ME that are involved ples were cross-resistant to tinidazole in aerobic conditions.
in metronidazole activation. It seems that generation of metro- Interestingly, isolates with higher metronidazole resistance
nidazole resistance is given through a multistep process, sug- have decreased sensitivity to tinidazole, suggesting that
gesting that several mutations in various hydrogenosomal increased metronidazole resistance may correlate with
proteins involved in drug activation might occur [97, 108]. increased tinidazole resistance. However, metronidazole-
Recent works also revealed the loss of other enzymes involved refractory cases have finally been cured by very high doses
in metronidazole reduction, namely thioredoxin reductase and of tinidazole [116]. Several cases of metronidazole resis-
free flavins [101, 109], as well as the flavin reductase 1 (FR1) tance were reported to be also resistant to ornidazole [3].
[76], which has a role in intracellular oxygen removal [15] and Recently, the activities of two enzymes, the thioredoxin
toxic hydrogen peroxide formation (Table 40.1) [110]. reductase and flavin reductase, were evaluated in four metro-
Moreover, single-nucleotide polymorphisms in two nitrore- nidazole susceptible and five metronidazole- and
ductase genes (ntr4Tv and ntr6Tv) were recently associated with tinidazole-resistant isolates. Interestingly, thioredoxin reduc-
metronidazole resistance in T. vaginalis [111]. tase activity was similar in all nine isolates, while the flavin
reductase activity decreased in all isolates with lowered sen-
4.2.2 Multiple Drug Resistance in T. vaginalis sitivity to metronidazole and it was absent in strains which
The Tvpgp1 gene encodes a 589-amino acid protein with an display the highest level of metronidazole resistance.
amino terminal hydrophobic region, a carboxy-terminal Moreover, the downregulation of the alcohol dehydrogenase
ATP-binding site and six transmembrane segments, which 1 (ADH1) was detected only in metronidazole-resistant iso-
corresponds to half size of mammalian and E. histolytica lates. Unfortunately, differentiation between metronidazole-
PGPs. T. vaginalis genome has two Tvpgp1 copies, but only resistant isolates that are cross-resistant to tinidazole, and
one was detected in four of seven drug-resistant strains such which are not, was not possible [76].
studied. Moreover, several clinical metronidazole-resistant This may be because the common 5-NI drugs have differ-
isolates overexpress Tvpgp1 mRNA to levels ranging from ent simple side chains at the one-position of the imidazole;
2- to 20-fold more than the wild type. However, no correla- while metronidazole possesses a hydroxyethyl group, the
tion was found between the Tvpgp1 mRNA amount and tinidazole has an ethylsulfonylethyl group. These modifica-
Tvpgp1 gene copy number with drug resistance levels tions mostly affect the pharmacokinetic properties of the
[112]. Moreover the gene is not amplified in any of the drugs but have only limited influence on drug potency or abil-
40 Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas… 623
ity to overcome resistance [85]. As in E. histolytica and G. inhibit Encephalitozoon cuniculi growth in vitro and synthetic
lamblia, new alternative treatment regiments also need to be polyamine analogues that bind to nucleic acids are effective
developed to have more treatments against trichomonosis. antimicrosporidial agents in vitro and in vivo [125].
5 O
ther Anaerobic Opportunistic 5.2 rug Resistance in B. hominis,
Protozoan Parasites C. parvum, and Microsporidia
B. hominis, C. parvum, Isospora spp., and Cyclospora spp. There are case reports of metronidazole treatment failures in
invade preferentially the gastrointestinal mucosa. Blastocystis infections, and B. hominis isolates from differ-
Microsporidia, amitochondriate intracellular parasites ent geographical origin have distinct levels of metronidazole
closely related to fungi, produce intestinal, pulmonary, resistance [126]. A study on subtype-dependent variation in
ocular, muscular, and renal diseases. Five Microsporidia drug susceptibilities of Blastocystis revealed that subtype 7
genera (Enterocytozoon spp., Encephalitozoon spp., Septata is resistant to metronidazole but sensitive to emetine, whereas
spp., Pleistophora spp., and Nosema spp.) and one unclassi- subtype 4 is sensitive to metronidazole but resistant to eme-
fied genus (referred to as Microsporidium) are associated tine, indicating that unknown mechanisms of activation and
with human diseases. These microorganisms are considered resistance may be involved [127]. In addition, an association
as emerging opportunistic parasites, causing diarrhea, lethal between Blastocystis infection and irritable bowel syndrome
wasting, and other symptoms in immunocompetent and (IBS) has been suggested. Interestingly, in most of the IBS
immunocompromised hosts, mainly in HIV patients and patients Blastocystis is resistant to metronidazole treatment
malnourished infants [3]. [128]. Remarkably, in this parasite, it has been observed that
emetine resistance could occur along with metronidazole
resistance, suggesting that multidrug-resistant phenotypes
5.1 Antimicrobial Treatments might be present in the parasite [119]. Accordingly, some
Against Opportunistic Protozoan genes coding for multidrug resistance pump proteins (ABC
Parasites transporters) were identified in the Blastocystis sp. ST7
genome [129]. Similarly, C. parvum contains a family of
Metronidazole is the drug of choice against B. hominis [117], ABC transporters that resemble the PGPs described in other
but trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), iodoquinol, organisms and the membrane protein CpABC is located in
emetine, pentamidine, quinacrine, furazolidone, and 5-NI the host-parasite boundary [130], suggesting a possible role
derivatives are also used [118]. Metronidazole appears to be the in drug resistance. However, its ability to efflux drugs has not
most effective drug, and TMP-SMX and nitazoxanide may be been fully investigated. In addition, C. parvum dihydrofolate
considered as second-choice drugs in metronidazole treatment reductase (DHFR) contains amino acid residue changes at
failure [119], although TMP-SMX is considered to be superior positions analogous to those at which point mutations pro-
to metronidazole in the treatment without the side effects [119]. duce antifolate resistance in other parasites, suggesting that
The current treatment for C. parvum infection options is C. parvum DHFR may be intrinsically resistant to antifolate
limited to one approved drug, nitazoxanide, which hastens the DHFR inhibitors [131]. This can explain why it is refractory
resolution of symptoms in immunocompetent patients [120], to treatment with common antibacterial and antiprotozoal
but it is less efficacious in malnourished children and shows antifolates.
no benefit in immunocompromised patients [121]. Chronic relapsing I. belli infections have been reported in
Paromomycin has also been used, but a study on hospitalized AIDS patients despite treatment with trimethoprim-
children showed that nitazoxanide is more effective than paro- sulfamethoxazole and immune reconstitution. In these
momycin in cryptosporidiosis [122]. Importantly, the target of patients, a double daily dose of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
nitazoxanide is undefined in Cryptosporidium, so no clinically should be given up to 2 years [132]. In addition, nitazoxanide
validated targets exist for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis. resistance has been reported in hosts infected by Isospora
The drug of choice for Isospora belli treatment is [133], but it is not clear how resistance occurs.
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. In patients allergic to sulfon- Encephalitozoon infections resistant to conventional
amides, pyrimethamine is given as treatment [123]. Albendazole treatments with albendazole and fluconazole have been
and its sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites are the drugs of cured by the antifungal itraconazole and fumagillin [134].
choice against most Microsporidia [123], but they are ineffec- Interestingly, it has been shown that the Encephalitozoon
tive against Enterocytozoon bieneusi, which is controlled by intestinalis genome contains two sequences (EiABC1 and
fumagillin, but it has toxic side effects [124], so more effective EiABC2) encoding different ATP-binding cassette genes,
and safer drugs are needed. Albendazole, fumagillin, 5-fluoro- including a Pgp that could be implicated in multidrug
uracil, sparfloxacin, oxibendazole, and propamidineisethionate resistance [135], but its participation in drug resistance has
624 C. Gómez García et al.
not been studied. On the other hand, Nosema bombycis is In the same way, several studies that show anti-T. vagina-
resistant to itraconazole and metronidazole in vitro, while lis activity of natural products have been described [143–
it is sensitive to fumagillin [136]. 147], most of them highlighting triterpenes’, saponins’, and
alkaloids’ potentials. However, the in vitro antitrichomonal
activity of the natural polyphenol resveratrol (RESV) demon-
5.3 lternative Drugs Against E. histolytica,
A strates that the antiparasitic mechanism of this polyphenol
G. lamblia, T. vaginalis, occurs through induction of hydrogenosomal metabolism
and Opportunistic Protozoa alteration. This effect on trichomonal energy metabolism
leads to a profound dysfunction of the hydrogenosome, which
The lack of a useful alternative class of molecules against has deleterious effects on the parasite [16]. Other antiproto-
amoebiasis, trichomoniasis, and giardiasis as well as to zoan drugs that kill trichomonads in vitro and might have effi-
opportunistic protozoa provides impetus to the efforts to cacy against T. vaginalis infections include nitazoxanide
identify and exploit alternative antiprotozoan parasite thera- (approved for use against giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis)
pies. Thus, research on novel drugs and vaccines against pro- and miltefosine (approved for treatment of human visceral
tozoa might be strongly supported if we want to eradicate leishmaniasis). However, nitazoxanide is poorly absorbed
these infection diseases. Recently, auranofin, a drug used from the intestinal tract and therefore may only be an option
therapeutically for rheumatoid arthritis, was given orally to for intravaginal treatment of trichomoniasis [148].
hamsters infected with E. histolytica trophozoites, and On the other hand, there have been several studies examin-
resulted a potential drug anti-E. histolytica because it is ten ing the use of alternative agents for the treatment of Blastocystis
times more potent than metronidazole and less toxic [137]. infection, but their inhibitory activity was not as great as with
However, it has not been widely tested in humans to be used similar concentrations of metronidazole [119]. However,
as an alternative yet. Transcriptional profiling and biochemi- Blastocystis isolates from IBS patients have demonstrated
cal assays suggested that auranofin targets E. histolytica increased susceptibility to garlic at 0.01 mg/mL [149].
thioredoxin reductase, preventing the reduction of thiore- Probiotics are live organisms which when administered in
doxin and enhancing sensitivity of trophozoites to reactive adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host. In this
oxygen-mediated killing [137]. sense, some probiotics have been analyzed in the treatment
Additionally preliminary studies suggest that cationic of infections by opportunistic protozoa. One study showed
antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) represent a promising route that the Saccharomyces boulardii treatment on Blastocystis-
towards developing new, efficient antiparasitic therapies infected children was as effective as metronidazole therapy
[138, 139]. Preet et al. [140] demonstrated that cryptdin-2 [150]. In addition, Lactobacillus acidophilus CH1 bacterio-
exerts amoebicidal activity by inducing striking morphologi- cin showed potent effect against intestinal microsporidiosis
cal changes in E. histolytica which is consistent with its in immunosuppressed mice [151].
membrane-dependent mechanism of action [140]. In addi- Microtubule formation in Cryptosporidium is another
tion to membrane permeabilization, its amoebicidal mecha- potential drug target. Dinitroanilines, including trifluralin,
nism involves inhibition of DNA, RNA, and protein are herbicides that block microtubule formation and inhibit
synthesis. In the same way, various cryptdin isoforms have cryptosporidial growth in vitro and in vivo [152]. In addition,
been reported to exhibit parasiticidal activity against G. lam- a cysteine protease inhibitor (K11777) inhibits C. parvum
blia and it has been suggested that cryptdin-2 possesses the growth in vitro and showed a potent anticryptosporidial
most potent giardicidal activity due to the relative efficacy of activity in an animal model [153].
binding to the trophozoite surface [141]. Moreover, several The requirement for a robust and sustained development
experimental trials have proven the effectiveness of disulfi- of antiparasitic drugs is imperative if we are to control para-
ram, orlistat, miltefosine, antihelminths, and antiprotozoan site infections in the developed world and turn the tide on the
drug combinations, compounds of natural origin and metro- multitude of infectious agents that continue to thwart society
nidazole analogues against G. lamblia [61, 63–68]. in the developing world.
Now, the reliance on a single drug class for treating T. vagi-
nalis infections may be problematic if resistance to nitroimid-
azole becomes widespread in T. vaginalis strains. Additionally, 6 Concluding Remarks
effective alternatives to the 5-nitroimidazole drugs are needed
for patients with drug allergy. Compounds obtained from bet- Metronidazole, the drug of choice for amoebiasis, giardiasis,
ulinic acid as the piperazine exhibited a significant anti-T. trichomonosis, and other opportunistic diseases produced by
vaginalis activity against ATCC 30236 and fresh clinical iso- anaerobic protozoan parasites, can soon become outdated
lates. Regarding mechanism of action, this triterpene was because of its excessive use in chemotherapy and prophy-
probably able to cause rupture of cellular membranes [142]. laxis. The emergence of metronidazole resistance is a serious
40 Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas… 625
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Mechanisms of Antimalarial Drug
Resistance 41
Giancarlo A. Biagini and Stephen A. Ward
Box 41.1 WHO definitions tance (e.g. wwarn.org) to aid control programmes and inform
Drug resistance: defined by the WHO in 1967 as “the policymakers. With mortality still at ca. 0.5 million per year,
ability of a parasite strain to survive or multiply despite mainly in African children under the age of 5 years old, and
the administration and absorption of a drug given in the emergence of multidrug-resistant parasites resistant to all
doses equal to or higher than those usually recom- known antimalarial drug classes, the need for the develop-
mended but within the tolerance of the subject” [213], ment of new drugs which circumvent current parasite resis-
later amended to include: “The form of the drug active tance mechanisms remains an urgent priority. However, a
against the parasite must be able to gain access to the comprehensive knowledge of drug resistance mechanisms is
parasite or the infected erythrocyte for the duration of required to support the development of such strategies. Here
the time necessary for its normal action” [214]. we review the latest genetic, biochemical and physiological
Treatment failure: “The inability to clear malarial data that underpin current theories of resistance mechanisms
parasitemia or resolve clinical symptoms despite to the major classes of antimalarial drugs.
administration of an antimalarial medicine” [12].
Early treatment failure: Defined as (i) danger signs
or severe malaria on day 1, 2 or 3 in the presence of 2 esistance Mechanisms to Quinoline
parasitaemia, (ii) parasitaemia on day 2 higher than on and Quinoline-Based Antimalarials
day 0, irrespective of axillary temperature, (iii) parasi-
taemia on day 3 with axillary temperature ≥37.5 °C; or The quinoline-based antimalarials such as chloroquine (CQ),
parasitaemia on day 3 ≥25 % of count on day 0 [12]. amodiaquine (AQ), quinine (Q) and mefloquine (MQ) were
Late clinical failure: danger signs or severe malaria in the defensive bastions against malaria for many years
the presence of parasitaemia on any day between days (Fig. 41.1). The success of these drugs is based on their
4 and 28 (day 42) in patients who did not previously excellent clinical efficacy, limited host toxicity, ease of use
meet any of the criteria for early treatment failure; or and cost-effective synthesis. Although it took over 20 years
presence of parasitaemia on any day between days 4 to appear, resistance to quinoline antimalarials is now ubiq-
and 28 (day 42) with axillary temperature ≥37.5 °C in uitous in malaria-endemic countries [12]. The exact mode of
patients who did not previously meet any of the criteria action of quinolines has not fully been elucidated but it is
for early treatment failure [12]. accepted that a crucial step in this process is the binding of
Late parasitological failure: presence of parasitae- the drug to ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP, or haem) a by-product
mia on any day between days 7 and 28 (day 42) with of haemoglobin degradation, which occurs in the parasite
axillary temperature <37.5 °C in patients who did not digestive food vacuole (DV). The uncertainty of the mode of
previously meet any of the criteria for early treatment action of quinolines, together with a poor understanding of
failure or late clinical failure [12]. parasite physiology, leaves the mechanism of CQ resistance
Adequate clinical and parasitological response: in P. falciparum for the most part enigmatic.
absence of parasitaemia on day 28 (day 42), irrespective
of axillary temperature, in patients who did not previ-
ously meet any of the criteria for early treatment failure, 2.1 ccess to Haematin Is the Biochemical
late clinical failure or late parasitological failure [12]. Basis of CQ-Resistance
Primaquine Piperaquine
Halofantrine Lumefantrine
of the un- (CQ), singly (CQ+) or doubly protonated (CQ++) membrane-impermeable form [19]. The “proton trapping” of
species, owing to the protonatable diethylamine nitrogen CQ potentially results in this drug accumulating several
side chain (pKa 10.2) and the quinoline-ring heteroatom thousandfold with concentrations possibly reaching mM lev-
nitrogen (pKa 8.1, [18]). The un-protonated (uncharged) spe- els in the food vacuole of the parasite [22]. However, many
cies of CQ is membrane permeable and is able to distribute mammalian cells contain large acidic vacuoles and yet accu-
equally across all cellular compartments whilst the proton- mulate much less CQ than malaria parasites. These data indi-
ated species is relatively impermeable to membranes [19]. In cate that proton trapping cannot be the only mechanism
the parasite DV (estimated pH ~5.2–5.8 [20, 21]) a high con- driving CQ uptake into the parasite. To elucidate the full
centration of CQ++ is trapped in its doubly protonated and mechanism of CQ uptake, the role of the DV in digesting
632 G.A. Biagini and S.A. Ward
Pyronaridine Atovaquone
Fig. 41.1 (continued)
host cell haemoglobin also needs to be considered. The dramatic effect on the concentration of CQ in this organelle.
process of haemoglobin digestion releases large quantities of For example, increasing the pH of the DV from 5.2 to 5.7
haem or ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP) which is toxic in its free will decrease the amount of protonated CQ tenfold, enough
form. In the malaria parasite, FP is oxidised and dimerised to to explain the reduced susceptibility of CQ-resistant para-
beta haematin before biocrystallisation into haemozoin or sites [33]. Although at first an appealing theory, it has subse-
malarial pigment, which is non-toxic to the parasite [23, 24]. quently received no evidence to support it. Measuring the pH
One hypothesis is that protonated CQ binds to FP inhibiting of the DV is technically very demanding [35–37] and until
the haemozoin biocrystallisation process and causing a more recently this hypothesis had not been tested. Ironically,
build-up of free FP and/or CQ-FP complex, leading ulti- the first reports of a comparison of DV pH of CQ-sensitive
mately to parasite death [25, 26]. CQ binds to FP with high and CQ-resistant parasite lines suggested that CQ-resistant
affinity, both in the test tube and in the intracellular parasite parasites may have a more acidic DV than CQ-sensitive par-
[26–28]. The consensus view is that the parasite-specific asites [21, 38, 39]. Several workers [37, 40] have expressed
hyper-accumulation of CQ is probably due to a combination reservations with regard to the experimental design adopted
of proton trapping in the acid DV and binding to FP in the in the initial studies purporting to report DV pH values [38,
same organelle. For all species of Plasmodium, CQ-resistant 39]; however subsequent studies using more robust pH mea-
parasites are observed to accumulate much lower levels of surement techniques again reported a more acidic DV pH in
CQ than their CQ-sensitive counterparts [27, 29–34]. This CQ-resistant lines [21]. CQ-sensitive lines were reported to
observation, together with the demonstration that have a DV pH of around 5.7 and this was found to fall to
CQ-resistant and CQ-sensitive parasites contain similar around 5.2 in CQR lines. If so, this would be expected to
amounts of the FP target, limits the potential mechanisms of increase the amount of CQ accumulated in the DV of
CQR to those that reduce the access of CQ to its haematin CQ-resistant parasites by about tenfold. In an attempt to rec-
target [27]. oncile these physiological data with the sixfold reduced CQ
Many hypotheses have been proposed to account for the uptake that is actually measured, it was proposed that
observed reduction of CQ uptake in CQ-resistant parasites. It increased aggregation of μ-oxo-dimeric FP at lower pH
was thought for a long time that CQ-resistant parasites have causes a reduction in CQ accumulation due to the lower
a smaller ΔpH (DVIN vs. DVOUT), e.g. a more alkaline DV affinity of binding of CQ to aggregated versus soluble spe-
lumen compared to CQ-sensitive parasites, reducing the cies of FP [41]. This hypothesis would predict that
level of trapping of the charged CQ species (CQ+ & CQ++). CQ-resistant parasites have an altered steady-state
Because each molecule of CQ can potentially associate with CQ-binding capacity compared to CQ-sensitive lines.
two protons, relatively small changes in DV pH can have a However the reverse is true; a study comparing CQ-resistant
41 Mechanisms of Antimalarial Drug Resistance 633
Altogether there are some 30 known variant residues of of CQ with SP as first-line treatment and the effective elimi-
pfcrt that have been identified, with the minimum number of nation of CQ usage within that population [62]. Similar
non-synonymous mutations reported in pfcrt of CQ-resistant trends have been reported in China and in Kenya [63, 64].
parasites being four, namely C72S, K76T, N326D and I356L
[4]. Mutation K76T is found in all CQ-resistant parasites and
A220S is observed in most CQ-resistant isolates, signifying 2.3 roposed Functional Roles for PfCRT
their essential role in CQ resistance [58]. Mutations in the P. in CQ Resistance
vivax homologue of pfcrt are not associated with CQ resis-
tance [59], suggesting a genetic basis for CQ resistance in P. Although localised to the DV membrane [52], the physiolog-
vivax that is different from that in P. falciparum. ical role of the PfCRT transporter in P. falciparum physiol-
The epidemiological evidence to support the theory that ogy is currently unknown and for this reason the role of
pfcrt is the critical determinant of CQ resistance is strong. PfCRT in CQ resistance mechanisms remains elusive. This
Meta-analyses of clinical studies demonstrate that the pres- deficiency however has not deterred assiduous workers in
ence of PfCRT K76T on the day 0 of treatment increases the proposing a variety of putative resistance mechanisms. Three
risk of late treatment failure with CQ by between two- and main theories have evolved: the first proposes that PfCRT
sevenfold, depending on whether follow-up is 14 or 28 day- influences CQ distribution indirectly, by altering ion gradi-
post-treatment [60]. However, although mutant pfcrt is ents across the DV membrane such as chloride [39, 65, 66].
detected in the majority of treatment failures, the presence of The second hypothesis proposes that CQ is effluxed out of
mutant pfcrt alone cannot predict treatment outcome—that is the DV by an ATP-dependent primary active transport pro-
to say an adequate clinical and parasitological response cess [43, 67, 68]. The third hypothesis, known as the “charged
(ACPR, see Box 41.1) can be observed even in the presence drug leak model”, proposes that PfCRT facilitates the move-
of mutant pfcrt. It is hypothesised that this phenomenon is ment of protonated CQ (CQ++) down its concentration gradi-
due to a combination of (1) host immunity, which contributes ent out of the DV [44, 69, 70].
to parasite clearance, and (2) one or more parasite In support of the first hypothesis, studies which have het-
mechanism(s), including pfmdr1 (see below) which can erologously expressed PfCRT into yeast (Pichia pastoris
moderate the degree of CQ resistance (e.g. 2.7-fold in CQ [65]) and Xenopus oocytes [71] indicate that PfCRT is able
IC50 range reported in one study [61]) in parasites harbouring to modulate host transport systems. In the yeast, PfCRT is
mutant pfcrt [58]. reported to function in the passive movement of Cl− [65],
Evidence suggests that pfcrt is critical for parasite sur- whilst in the Xenopus system, PfCRT-expressing oocytes
vival with pfcrt knockout experiments so far proving lethal. exhibit a depolarised resting membrane potential (Ψm) and a
In addition the fitness of pfcrt mutants appears to be reduced. higher intracellular pH (pHi), compared to control oocytes
Detailed studies from Malawi have revealed a progressive [71]. However, the fact that PfCRT “modulates” other trans-
loss of the mutant allele over a decade since the replacement port process is somewhat vague. There is considerable dis-
41 Mechanisms of Antimalarial Drug Resistance 635
tinction to be drawn between the scenario whereby PfCRT Based on these observations, these authors suggested that an
actively regulates other transporters and whereby it merely ATP-dependent primary active efflux transporter is respon-
acts consequentially on other transport processes by the per- sible for CQ resistance [43]. There are however other expla-
turbation of ion (e.g. Ca2+, Cl−, K+, Na+, H+) homeodynam- nations for these data and currently this theory is yet to be
ics. A further problem faced by these studies is that due to widely accepted.
the high A/T content of P. falciparum genes, the coding ele- The “charged drug leak” hypothesis [44, 69, 70, 72] was
ments of the pfcrt gene had to be reconstructed to allow for initially supported from two independent studies indicating
protein translation. It is not known therefore how these that PfCRT is a member of the drug/metabolite transporter
changes affect the function of the heterologously expressed superfamily [73, 74] that may therefore be able to transport
protein. CQ directly. Transporters of this class are not directly ener-
Evidence for an energy-dependent CQ transporter as gised by ATP and transport is often modulated by the trans-
described in the second hypothesis was first proposed by membrane Ψm. The charged drug leak hypothesis provides a
Krogstad and colleagues [67, 68]. It was demonstrated that potential explanation as to how polymorphisms in pfcrt may
steady-state accumulation of CQ by CQ-resistant parasites is directly mediate CQ resistance. The critical mutations asso-
reduced by adding glucose to the medium. By contrast, add- ciated with the development of CQ resistance are located on
ing glucose to suspensions of CQ-sensitive parasites mark- the food vacuole side and in the membrane (Fig. 41.3). These
edly stimulated the accumulation of CQ [68]. The simplest mutations are associated with a loss of basic and hydropho-
interpretation of these data is that CQ-sensitive parasites bic residues. Since CQ is diprotonated at the pH of the food
have an energy-dependent CQ uptake mechanism (energy is vacuole, the loss of a basic residue at the opening of the
required both to maintain the DV proton gradient and to traf- channel in mutated PfCRT may allow the positively charged
fic and digest haemoglobin, releasing FPIX) and that CQ to diffuse through an aqueous pore into the parasite cyto-
CQ-resistant parasites have an additional energy-dependent plasm. The release of CQ will be aided by both the proton-
CQ efflux mechanism. In addition, a recent study has dem- ated CQ (CQ++) concentration and proton gradients across
onstrated that CQ uptake can be trans-stimulated and that in the food vacuole membrane (Fig. 41.4). In addition, it
CQ-resistant parasites this effect is energy dependent [43]. provides a potential explanation for the observed “reversal”
Fig. 41.4 The “charged drug leak” model for CQ resistance. Allelic away from the haem target. (iii) Verapamil (VP) may work by reintro-
exchange studies have shown a definite role for PfCRT in CQ resis- ducing the positive charge to the barrel of the PfCRT protein, thus pre-
tance. (i) In the wild-type state (CQ-sensitive, K76) the positive charge venting the flux of CQ out of PfCRT, resulting in an increased sensitivity
on the K (lysine) residue may prevent the movement of the di-protonated to CQ. (iv) The selection for the novel S163R mutation potentially
CQ (CQ++) through PfCRT. (ii) Replacement of this residue in the mimics the effects of both VP and the normal K (lysine) residue at
CQ-resistant parasites by the K76T mutation (replacement with the codon 76 by introducing a positive charge to the barrel of PfCRT,
neutral residue threonine) might allow the flux of CQ++ through PfCRT, thereby preventing the flux of CQ through PfCRT (reproduced with per-
thus lowering the concentration of CQ in the digestive vacuole (DV) mission from [44])
636 G.A. Biagini and S.A. Ward
of CQ resistance by a wide variety of structurally unrelated Polymorphisms in pfmr1 however were shown to correlate
compounds whose only common features are hydrophobic- with CQ-resistant parasites [84], although further surveys
ity and positive charge [75]. It is predicted that such com- did not always show such a good correlation [85–87].
pounds at high concentrations could sit in the hydrophobic Nevertheless, the localisation of the pfmdr1 gene product,
core of the transporter, replace the positive charge and block Pgh1 (for P-glycoprotein homologue), in the membrane of
the leak of charged CQ (e.g. verapamil, Fig. 41.4). In support the parasite DV [88] suggested an involvement in quinoline
of this, a study that introduced a novel mutation in PfCRT and quinoline-related drug resistance.
(S163R), which acts to replace a positive charge inside the The polymorphisms found in the pfmdr1 gene which cor-
barrel of the PfCRT transporter, resulted in returning the relate with drug resistance include N86Y, Y184F, S1034C,
parasites to a CQ-sensitive status and abolishing verapamil N1042D and D1246Y. The mutation N86Y shows an asso-
reversibility while retaining all of the mutations, including ciation with CQ resistance; however it is absent from a large
K76T and A220S, associated with resistance [44, 70, 72]. number of South American CQ-resistant strains (e.g. [84,
Support of a general role for PfCRT in transporting CQ 89]). The discrepancies surrounding the involvement of
was provided by a further heterologous expression study per- pfmdr1 in resistance to CQ and related quinolines were even-
formed with Xenopus oocytes. In this study, pfcrt was modi- tually resolved in a study by Cowman and colleagues using
fied by both codon optimisation and deletion of the putative allelic exchange techniques [90]. Variant pfmdr1 genes from
trafficking motif [76]. Subsequent transport assays showed a drug-resistant line (7G8) carrying the mutations 1034C,
that CQ transport could only be measured with mutant 1042D and 1246Y were transfected into a CQ-sensitive P.
PfCRT containing the critical K76T mutation [76]. falciparum strain (D10) carrying the wild-type sensitive resi-
Furthermore, CQ transport in mutated PfCRT could be inhib- dues (1034S, 1042N and 1246D). The variant pfmdr1 genes
ited by verapamil, quinine, amodiaquine and charged pep- from the drug-resistant line did not confer resistance to CQ
tides [76]. Plant homologues of PfCRT have been shown to but did confer resistance to quinine [90]. However, removal
be required for glutathione (GSH) homeostasis [77], and in a of the pfmr1 mutations from the CQ-resistant strain did
recent study using isogenic parasite lines, evidence was pro- increase sensitivity to CQ and confer resistance to meflo-
vided to support the hypothesis that PfCRT has a dual role in quine and halofantrine. These data conclusively demon-
CQR, facilitating both efflux of CQ from the DV and influx strated that pfmdr1 was a genetic determinant for mefloquine,
of GSH into the DV [78]. It is proposed that this dual func- quinine and halofantrine but not for CQ. In order to explain
tion of mutated PfCRT allows elevated levels of GSH in the the “CQ modulation” effect of Pgh1, it was proposed that
DV in order to reduce the level of free haem available for CQ Pgh1 can act in concert with another system (now known to
binding [78]. This potential additional haem detoxification be PfCRT) which confers CQ resistance.
function would appear to resonate with the broader view that In addition to polymorphisms arising from point muta-
differences in the ability of parasites to detoxify haem could tions, gene amplification of pfmdr1 has also long been sug-
account for the different levels of CQ resistance observed in gested as a possible cause for antimalarial drug resistance
parasites with different genetic backgrounds [79]. [91], and a causal link between halofantrine, mefloquine
and quinine resistance was inferred [85, 92]. Subsequently
it was shown that gene amplification of pfmdr1 was corre-
2.4 fmdr1 and Resistance Mechanisms
P lated to mefloquine resistance in vivo [93]. It was con-
to Mefloquine, Amodiaquine, cluded that increased copy number of pfmdr1 was the most
Piperaquine, Lumefantrine important determinant of mefloquine resistance.
Halofantrine and Quinine Interestingly, single-nucleotide polymorphisms in pfmdr1
were only associated with increased mefloquine suscepti-
It was hypothesised that analogous with mammalian tumour bility in vitro, and not in vivo. An increase in pfmdr1 copy
cells exhibiting multidrug resistance (mdr) phenotypes by number has also been associated with increase in treatment
virtue of the up-regulation of ATP-dependent P-glycoproteins, failure with artesunate- mefloquine (AS-MQ) and arte-
it was possible that drug-resistant P. falciparum lines may mether-lumefantrine (AL) [94]. In Southeast Asia, the
also harbour similar multidrug-efflux transporters. presence of the N86Y is considered as a negative marker
Subsequently, two genes showing homology with human for gene amplification [12].
mdr-type genes were identified and named pfmdr1 and Evidence that CQ and amodiaquine result in cross-
pfmdr2 [80, 81]. Further analysis of pfmdr2 indicated that resistance, both in vitro and in vivo, has been demonstrated
there was no up-regulation or polymorphisms which corre- and linked to mutations in both pfcrt mutations and pfmdr1
lated with P. falciparum drug resistance [81, 82] and in addi- [13], with pfcrt mutations in codons 72–76 observed in South
tion it was shown that structurally this gene product differed America linked to greater resistance to amodiaquine com-
significantly from mammalian mdr-encoded proteins [83]. pared to Southeast Asian or African isolates [13]. In terms of
41 Mechanisms of Antimalarial Drug Resistance 637
Pfmdr1, mutations N86Y and N1042D are reported as being resistance, three main loci were identified on chromosomes 5,
most linked to amodiaquine resistance [13]. 7 and 13 [61]. The mapped segments on chromosomes 5 and
In a recent meta-analysis, the relationship between pfcrt 7 are consistent with the involvement of pfmdr1 and pfcrt,
and pfmdr1 was assessed from clinical trial data based on respectively; however the chromosome 13 segment implies
therapeutic responses to artesunate-amodiaquine (AS-AQ) the involvement of another novel genetic determinant. Several
and AL [95]. Individual patient data from 31 clinical trials, candidate genes have been analysed and some correlation has
which included more than 7000 patients, were analysed to been demonstrated between quinine resistance and polymor-
assess relationships between parasite polymorphisms in pfcrt phisms in pfnhe-1, a putative Na+/H+ exchanger. However in a
and pfmdr1 and clinically relevant outcomes after treatment global analysis of pfnhe-1 polymorphisms to determine its
with AL or AS-AQ. Mutation N86Y in pfmdr1 and increased usefulness as a marker for quinine resistance, it was concluded
pfmdr1 copy number were significant risk factors for treat- that there were marked geographic disparities and that candi-
ment failure in patients treated with AL. However, as shown date polymorphisms in the pfnhe-1 gene, as molecular mark-
in previous in vitro allelic exchange studies [90], mutations ers for quinine resistance, appear limited [106].
in pfcrt and pfmdr1 exert opposing selective effects and this
was observed clinically for AL compared to ASAQ [95].
In 1978, piperaquine was introduced as a first-line mono- 3 Resistance Mechanisms
therapy in China due to the high prevalence of CQ resistance to the Antifolates
[96]. In the 1980s emergence of piperaquine resistance
reduced its use and it was later re-introduced as a combina- Folate is an essential vitamin which cannot be synthesised by
tion therapy known as CV4 (China-Vietnam 4), consisting of humans. The de novo folate synthetic pathway is however
dihydroartemisinin (DHA), trimethoprim, piperaquine and present in the malaria parasite and for this reason it has been
primaquine [96]. Piperaquine has subsequently been re- a most attractive drug target for decades (Fig. 41.5). In par-
formulated again as DHA-piperaquine (DHA-PPQ) devel- ticular, two enzymes in the P. falciparum folate biosynthetic
oped by MMV as Eurartesim®. pathway have been targeted for antimalarial chemotherapy,
Piperaquine resistance was first reported in China, where the first is dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) and the second
patient isolates were recovered with increased parasite in vitro is dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). DHPS is not found in
IC50 phenotypes [97, 98]. The mechanism by which resis- mammalian cells and in P. falciparum it is the C-terminal
tance is mediated, however, remains unknown. Using com- domain of a bifunctional protein combined with 7,8-dihydro-
parative whole-genome hybridization analyses, copy number 6-hydroxy-methylpterin pyrophosphokinase (or pfPPPK-
variation in a region (825,600–888,300) on chromosome 5 DHPS [107, 108]). The DHFR in P. falciparum is quite
has been associated with piperaquine resistance [99], although unlike that of mammalian cells and more akin to that found
hitherto individual genes have not been identified. In addi- in other protozoa and plants in that it is only one domain of a
tion, in a clinical trial held in Burkina Faso, significant selec- bifunctional enzyme that also contains thymidylate synthase
tion for PfCRT K76T was observed following treatment with (or TS [109]). DHPS is susceptible to sulphonamides such as
AL and DHA-PPQ, as well as selection of pfmdr1-N86Y sulphadoxine (SD) and dapsone (DDS) whilst DHFR is sus-
after AL but not DHA-PPQ treatment, suggesting reverse ceptible to antimalarials such as pyrimethamine (PYR) and
selection of the pfcrt gene by PPQ [100]. However in a recent biguanides such as proguanil (PG) and chlorproguanil (CPG)
in vitro study of 280 P. falciparum isolates piperaquine sus- through their cyclic metabolites.
ceptibility was not associated with pfcrt [101]. Combinations of DHPS and DHFR inhibitors act syner-
Quinine remains effective against P. falciparum but gistically [110], a fact that has been successfully exploited
decreasing efficacy has been reported in the many malaria- clinically by combining PYR and SD in the drug Fansidar™
endemic areas [102–104]. It is assumed that quinine resistance (or SP) and more recently by combining CPG with DDS,
shares some of the mechanisms associated with CQ and known as LapDap™ [111–113]. Inhibition of these enzymes
mefloquine resistance. As described above, it was shown that leads to a depletion of parasite intracellular folates which
polymorphisms in pfmdr1 increase resistance to quinine [90], further interferes with methionine and pyrimidine biosynthe-
and in addition mutations in PfCRT and in particular K76T sis eventually leading to parasite death (Fig. 41.5).
also confer a quinine-resistant phenotype [105]. Interestingly, As a result of growing resistance to chloroquine (CQ)
it was observed that the K76I mutation greatly increased sen- treatment, SP became a first-line drug of choice for the treat-
sitivity to quinine but reduced sensitivity to its enantiomer ment of uncomplicated malaria in many countries with an
quinidine, indicative of a unique stereo-specific response not existing burden of CQ resistance. However, resistance to SP
observed in other CQ-resistant lines [105]. In an experiment grew and spread very quickly (Table 41.1), especially in
whereby genetically crossed P. falciparum lines were analysed Southeast Asia, South America [3, 6] and subsequently
using quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with quinine Africa [7].
638 G.A. Biagini and S.A. Ward
Pre-formed folate
salvage pathway
Pyrimethamine, FPGS
Chlorocycloguanil Deoxy-thymidine
Dihydrofolate polyglutamate monophosphate
Tetrahydrofolate polyglutamate Pyrimidine
TS metabolism
Synthesis of
methionine SHMT
Methylene tetrahydrofolate polyglutamate monophosphate
Fig. 41.5 The de novo folate synthetic pathway of P. falciparum. synthase). DHPS is susceptible to sulphonamides such as sulphadoxine
Enzymes: DHPS (dihydropteroate synthase), DHFS (dihydrofolate (SD) and dapsone (DDS) whilst DHFR is susceptible to pyrimethamine
synthase), FPGS (folyl polyglutamate synthase), DHFR (dihydrofolate (PYR) and the biguanides proguanil (PG) and chloroproguanil (CPG)
reductase), SHMT (serine hydroxymethyltransferase), TS (thymidylate
SD-PYR to clear resistant parasite infection during IPTp transcriptional level and/or the translational level. No evi-
remains unclear but it is reasoned to be due to a significant dence of a drug-induced increase of expression at the tran-
contribution by partial host immunity, as seen in many scriptional level has been observed [139]; however
African settings [131, 132]. translational up-regulation of the DHFR-TS is reported to be
induced by antifolates and inhibitors of TS [140]. It is not
clear at this stage, however, how much these observed
3.2 urther Putative Antifolate Resistance
F changes in translation contribute to antifolate resistance and
Mechanisms whether they have any clinical relevance.
Fig. 41.6 (a) Representation of the yeast cytochrome bc1 complex shown in red. The remaining subunits of the complex are rendered in
(3CX5.PDB), with atovaquone modelled at the Qo site (boxed area) grey. (b) Molecular model of atovaquone (ATO) bound to the Qo site of
[215]. The bc1 complex is a structural and functional homodimer with a the bc1 complex. Subunits are coloured as in (a). Atovaquone was mod-
molecular mass of approximately 480 kDa, consisting of ten discrete elled into the Qo site of cytochrome b as described by Fisher et al. [165].
subunits per monomer in yeast and P. falciparum.28 The electron- Hydrogen-bonding interactions between the naphthoquinone head-
transferring catalytic unit of one monomer is highlighted; cytochrome b group of atovaquone and side chains of Glu-272 (cyt b) and His-181
is represented in orange, cytochrome c1 in blue and the Rieske iron- (ISP) are indicated by yellow lines. The positions of haem bl (cyt b) and
sulphur protein (ISP) in green. Haem groups (cyt b and cyt c1) are the ISP [2Fe2S] cluster are also shown
640 G.A. Biagini and S.A. Ward
radicals (HO•) highly reactive against amino acids, lipids or The reduced parasite clearance rate can also be expressed
nucleic acids. as an increased parasite clearance half-life [197, 198] or
A third model, known as the “cofactor model”, proposes more practically by the microscopic detection of parasites on
that bioactivation of endoperoxides occurs via redox-active day 3 of ACT use [12]. However, the traditional 48-h inhibi-
flavoenzymes, resulting in the perturbation of redox homeo- tion of proliferation assay (IC50) cannot discern any differ-
stasis coupled with the generation of ROS [182]. Bioactivation ence in artemisinin/DHA sensitivity in parasites displaying
by electron transport chain (ETC) components has been pre- the clinical slow clearance phenotype compared to wild-type
viously suggested [183, 184], but the cofactor model of arte- parasites [199]. This lack of in vitro phenotype proved to be
misinin activation is not restricted to mitochondrial a bottleneck to understanding the molecular mechanisms
flavoenzymes but rather implicates cytosolic flavoenzymes underpinning the clinical findings. A breakthrough came
and also rejects the direct requirement for either Fe2+ and/or with the development of a modified growth inhibition assay,
non-haem iron activation. known as the ring-stage survival assay (RSA0–3 h), which
For the first two models, the origin of the iron available measures the survival rate of early ring-staged parasites to
for bioactivation is also a point of debate and experimental exposure to pharmacologically relevant DHA (700 nM for
evidence has been presented for both haem and non-haem 6 h), which was able to correlate increased RSA0–3 h values to
iron bioactivation [185, 186] (see [172] for in-depth review). parasites displaying increased clinical parasite clearance
Once activated, endoperoxide antimalarials have been half-lives [200, 201]. The RSA0–3 h was used to monitor para-
reported to disrupt a number of parasite functions and sites in vitro following a 5-year-long regimen of artemisinin
enzymes, including the haem detoxification pathway [187], pressure. Whole-genome sequencing was used to analyse the
the translationally controlled tumour protein (PfTCTP) temporal acquisition of mutations associated with increased
[188], the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum membrane calcium RSA0–3 h survival rates, culminating in the identification of
PfATPase6 [189] and the parasite mitochondrion [183, 184, mutations in PF3D7_1343700 kelch propeller domain (K13-
190–195]. propeller) as a molecular marker(s) for artemisinin “resis-
Irrespective of the mode of bioactivation and the biologi- tance” [202]. The K13-propeller gene is located on
cal target(s) for the cytotoxic oxy-radicals, a recent study chromosome 13 of the P. falciparum genome, near regions
demonstrated that a primary physiological event leading to earlier associated with slow parasite clearance rates [203–
rapid parasite death is the depolarisation of both parasite 205]. A genomic analysis of Cambodian isolates further
plasma and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨp and identified four prevalent K13-propeller mutations, Y493H,
ΔΨm) via an iron-mediated generation of reactive oxygen R539T, I543T and C580Y, that were associated with
species (ROS) [196]; however it was not discernable from increased parasite clearance half-lives (>5 h) and increased
this study whether iron plays a role in endoperoxide bioacti- RSA0–3 h survival [202, 206]. Definitive evidence for a role of
vation and/or iron-mediated oxidative stress. the K13-propeller mutations in artemisinin “resistance” was
As described in Section 1, since 2001, ACTs have been the provided by a subsequent zinc-finger nuclease-based trans-
WHO-recommended first-line drugs for the treatment of fection study whereby K13 mutations were introduced into
uncomplicated malaria [12]. Treatment failures have been wild-type strains resulting in increased RSA0–3 h survival
recorded to ACTs in Southeast Asia, and although treatment rates and conversely Cambodian isolates with mutant K13-
failures only occur where resistance to the partner drug exists propeller, when reverted to wild type, resulted in decreased
[17], the delayed parasite clearance phenotype [15, 16], attrib- RSA0–3 h survival rates [207]. However in the same study,
uted to artemisinin “resistance” (but not resistance as defined introduction of one of the key mutations, C580Y, into para-
by the WHO, see Box 41.1), has given rise to concern about sites with different genetic backgrounds resulted in marked
the therapeutic lifespan of the first-generation artemisinins. differences in the degree of resistance to DHA as measured
In 2006, the first signs of parasite “resistance” to artemisinin by RSA0–3 h [207]. It was observed that survival rates con-
were observed in Southeast Asia, in the border region between ferred greater levels of resistance in three Cambodian iso-
Thailand and Cambodia [15, 16]. Parasites from this region lates as compared with Dd2 and FCB parasites [207],
were observed to have a delayed parasite clearance phenotype strongly indicating that additional parasite features are
following either artesunate monotherapy or an ACT. The involved in mediating DHA resistance.
delayed parasite clearance phenotype is not resistance as As to the role of the K13-propeller, this is yet to be deter-
defined by the WHO (see Box 41.1) and does not necessarily mined, but in a recent study, biochemical and cellular evi-
lead to treatment failure [17]. Treatment failure in the Greater dence is presented that indicates that artemisinins are
Mekong Subregion following treatment with an ACT has only inhibitors of the malaria parasite phosphatidylinositol-3-
been observed where resistance to the partner drug exists kinase (PfPI3K, [208]). In addition, increased PfPI3K was
regardless of the presence of artemisinin resistance [17]. associated with the K13-propeller C580Y mutation.
Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that the K13-
642 G.A. Biagini and S.A. Ward
propeller C580Y mutation reduces polyubiquitination of motherapy; however there are many other factors which can
PfPI3K, thereby limiting proteolysis resulting in increased reduce the efficacy of antimalarial drugs. These include drug
levels of the kinase, as well as its lipid product pharmacodynamics, host immunity, malaria transmission
phosphatidylinositol- 3-phosphate (PI3P). The authors and drug effectiveness (e.g. compliance). It may transpire
hypothesise that PI3P must then play a pivotal role in arte- that only a holistic approach will win the race against anti-
misinin resistance by influencing one or more cellular mech- malarial drug resistance and pacify this terrible disease
anisms such as host cell remodelling, organelle functions affecting poor countries.
(apicoplast and digestive food vacuole) and/or redox, tran-
scriptional and DNA repair pathways. This is the first study Acknowledgements GAB and SAW acknowledge the support of the
to link the K13-propeller to a cellular function and it will be Wellcome Trust and the MRC.
of great interest to see if future studies are able to corroborate
and expand these findings.
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Drug Resistance in Leishmania
Goutam Mandal, Vaidya Govindarajan, Mansi Sharma,
Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee, and Rita Mukhopadhyay
The first-line compounds against all forms of leishmani- Leishmania [9]. Miltefosine is the first oral drug that has
asis are the two pentavalent antimonials, sodium been used against VL in India, including antimony-resistant
stibogluconate (Pentostam) and meglumine antimoniate
cases [10]. Other drugs in various stages of clinical trials
(Glucantime) (Fig. 42.1). However, clinical resistance to this include allopurinol, atovaquone, fluconazole, paromomycin,
treatment is becoming prevalent [4–6]. In fact, more than and sitamaquine (Fig. 42.1).
50 % of VL cases in Northeast India are resistant to Pentostam Clinical- and/or laboratory-induced drug resistance has
[7]. Leishmania resistant to trivalent antimony has also been been observed with many of these drugs. Consequently, pre-
reported [8]. The second line of anti-leishmanial drugs vention and circumvention of resistance are important medi-
includes amphotericin B and pentamidine (Fig. 42.1). Alkyl- cal priorities. Understanding the mechanism of drug
lysophospholipids (ALP), such as miltefosine (Fig. 42.1) and resistance will help in the development of tools towards rec-
edelfosine, originally developed as anticancer drugs, have ognition of resistance early in the infection process. This in
shown significant antiproliferative activity against turn will enable clinicians to start alternate or combination
Allopurinol Amphotericin B
Cl H2 F
Glucantime Methotrexate
+ CH3
Paromomycin Pentamidine
Pentostam Sitamaquine
+ + CH3
Na Na
H 3C
O O O O +
Na N
O O H 3C N
Sb Sb
Fig. 42.1 (continued)
therapies at earlier stages of infection and to minimize the to trivalent [Sb(III)] was suggested more than 50 years ago
development of resistance. Additionally, identification of [13]. This hypothesis was supported by the observation that
intracellular drug targets and parasite defense mechanisms hamsters infected with Leishmania garnhami, and then
will lead to rational drug design, thereby providing more treated with Glucantime [Sb(V)], showed similar serum con-
effective treatment of the disease. Multiple biochemical centrations of Sb(III) and Sb(V) [14]. Reduction of Sb(V) to
mechanisms have been employed by Leishmania in confer- Sb(III) was suggested to be associated with decreasing size
ring drug resistance [11]. These include (1) downregulation and healing of the leishmanial ulcers [14]. Several investiga-
of the uptake system(s) for the drug, (2) intracellular seques- tors have shown that Sb(III) is more toxic than Sb(V) to
tration, (3) drug inactivation or modification, (4) modifica- either the promastigote or the amastigote forms of different
tion of the drug target to prevent binding of the drug or Leishmania species [15–17]. Sereno et al. demonstrated that
overproduction of the target so that drug concentration axenically grown amastigotes of L. infantum were more sus-
becomes limiting, (5) more efficient repair of drug damage, ceptible to Sb(III) than to Sb(V) [17]. However, these amas-
and (6) bypassing a blocked target. tigotes were found to be poorly responsive to meglumine
[Sb(V)] as compared to amastigotes grown in human macro-
phages [18]. These results strongly suggested a putative
2 M
echanisms of Drug Action reductase residing within the macrophage, which catalyzes
and Resistance the conversion of Sb(V) to Sb(III).
Since arsenic and antimony are related metalloids, and
2.1 Antimonials arsenical-resistant Leishmania strains are frequently cross-
resistant to antimonials, we considered the possibility that
Pentavalent antimonials have been used for the treatment of Sb(V) is reduced by a leishmanial As(V) reductase. The
leishmaniasis for over half a century. The recommended Saccharomyces cerevisiae arsenate reductase (ScAcr2p)
regimen consists of daily injection of 20 mg/kg (maximum sequence [19] was used to identify and clone the L. major
850 mg) of either sodium stibogluconate or meglumine anti- homologue, LmACR2 [20]. LmACR2 was able to comple-
monate for 20–28 days [12]. ment the arsenate-sensitive phenotype of either Escherichia
coli or S. cerevisiae arsenate reductase-disrupted strains.
2.1.1 Mechanisms of Action Transfection of Leishmania infantum with LmACR2 aug-
Despite being used for several decades, the mode of action mented Pentostam sensitivity in intracellular amastigotes.
of pentavalent antimonials is poorly understood. The possi- LmACR2 was purified and shown to reduce both As(V) and
bility of in vivo metabolic conversion of pentavalent [Sb(V)] Sb(V) in vitro. We propose that LmACR2 is responsible for
652 G. Mandal et al.
Inhibition of these proteins or addition of a freeradical scav- tants [39]. We have constructed a heterozygous knockout of
enger like N-acetylcysteine inhibited antimony-mediated kill- L. major by disruption of one of the two alleles. This single
ing of intracellular amastigotes—emphasized the contribution knockout is tenfold more resistant to Sb(III) than the homo-
of oxidative burst within phagolysosomes of infected macro- zygous wild-type parent [39]. This supports our hypothesis
phages to antimony-mediated parasiticidal activity [27]. that the amount of AQP1 in the plasma membrane is the rate-
Wyllie et al. [28] have demonstrated that Sb(III) disrupts limiting step in the uptake of the activated form of the anti-
the trypanothione metabolism of Leishmania by two distinct monial drugs. A single-point mutation of Glu152 of AQP1
mechanisms. First, Sb(III) induces rapid efflux of intracel- abolished the metalloid conductance without affecting the
lular trypanothione and glutathione in approximately equi- physiological functions of AQP1 [41]. Another point muta-
molar amounts, thus compromising the thiol-buffering tion at Ala163 also inhibited metalloid accumulation [42].
capacity of the cell. Second, Sb(III) inhibits trypanothione These findings strengthen the argument that point mutations
reductase in intact cells, resulting in accumulation of the in the AQP1 gene could give rise to clinical resistance. It was
disulfide forms of trypanothione and glutathione. These two reported that the AQP1 mRNA levels are downregulated in
mechanisms combine to profoundly compromise the normal promastigotes of several Leishmania species resistant to
thiol redox state in both amastigote and promastigote stages. antimonials [43]. Recently, we found that antimony sensitiv-
Antimony has reportedly failed to act in immunocompro- ity of Leishmania is species specific: CL-causing species are
mised hosts, such as patients suffering from AIDS or receiv- 5–46 times more sensitive against antimonials compared to
ing immunosuppressive agents [29, 30], nude mice [31], and VL-causing species. The level of sensitivity was primarily
severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice [32]. governed by the expression levels of AQP1. Steady-state lev-
Endogenous interleukin-2 (IL-2) [33], IL-4 [34], and IL-12 els of AQP1 mRNA were 13–56-fold higher in CL-causing
[35] also influence the efficacy of pentavalent antimony as an species compared to VL-causing species. Stability of AQP1
anti-leishmanial agent. These suggest that antimony can act mRNA was determined by the nature of 3′UTR of the respec-
through activation of the host immune system and requires a tive species (Mukhopadhyay, unpublished data). Several
functional T-cell response. studies involving clinical resistant isolates also reported the
downregulation of AQP1 mRNA [44–46]. We also reported
2.1.2 Mechanisms of Resistance that Leishmania mitogen-activated protein kinase 2
Mechanisms of antimonial resistance in Leishmania has (MAPK2) positively regulates AQP1 protein stability by
been an area of intense research for several decades. These phosphorylating at Thr197 of AQP1. This phosphorylation
investigations clearly established that antimonial resistance also influenced the redistribution of AQP1 from flagella to
is multifactorial in Leishmania. Parasites use one or several pelicular membrane. Increased stability and redistribution of
mechanisms to become unresponsive against antimonials. AQP1 reflected higher sensitivity against antimonials in
Collectively, antimony-resistant Leishmania showed modifi- AQP1 and MAPK2 co-overexpressing cells [47]. We dis-
cations primarily at the levels of (1) drug entry and (2) drug cussed earlier that macrophages contribute significantly in
metabolism, efflux and/or sequestration. reduction of pro-drug Sb(V) to active Sb(III). This reinstated
the role of AQP1 in antimony sensitivity as AQP1 is the only
Modulations at the Level of Drug Entry reported facilitator of Sb(III) in Leishmania. In conclusion,
Microbes often become resistant to drugs by mutation or irrespective of the status of other antimony-resistant factors
downregulation of uptake systems. In bacteria [36], yeast (discussed below), alteration of AQP1 function can regulate
[37], and mammals [38], aquaglyceroporins have been antimony sensitivity profile of Leishmania. Thus, further
shown to be the uptake systems for trivalent metalloids. We studies are warranted to identify the arsenal of both posttran-
have reported on the identification and characterization of scriptional and posttranslational regulators of AQP1 to com-
aquaglyceroporins from L. major (LmAQP1) and L. tarento- bat against antimonial resistance in Leishmania.
lae (LtAQP1), respectively [39] (Fig. 42.2). These
Leishmania aquaglyceroporins have the conserved signature Modulations at the Level of Drug Metabolism
motifs of mammalian aquaglyceroporins [40]. LmAQP1 was and Efflux
transfected into three different species of Leishmania—L. As stated earlier, Sb(V) is reduced to Sb(III) to become anti-
tarentolae, L. infantum, and L. major. Each transfectant leishmanial [48]. ICP-MS measurements indicated that Sb(V)
became hypersensitive to both As(III) and Sb(III). We have was reduced to highly toxic Sb(III) in L. donovani amastigotes.
also shown that the drug-resistant parasites, with different Furthermore, one of the Pentostam-resistant mutants lacked
mechanisms of resistance, became hypersensitive to both this reducing activity, suggesting a novel mechanism of Sb(V)
metalloids after overexpression of LmAQP1. Increased rates resistance [48]. Earlier we discussed LmACR2. LmACR2 also
of uptake of either As(III) or Sb(III) correlated with metal- confers Pentostam hypersensitivity to Leishmania amastigotes
loid sensitivity of the wild-type and drug-resistant transfec- sensitive and resistant to Pentostam [20]. Why should
654 G. Mandal et al.
Leishmania evolve a specific metalloid reductase when it is Several studies found that clinical antimonial resistant
known to be unfavorable for the pathogen? We have recently isolates also upregulated one or many of these genes [71–
shown that, in addition to displaying arsenate and antimonate 73]. Indian L. donovani clinical resistant isolates showed that
reductase activity, LmACR2 exhibits protein tyrosine phospha- higher TSH levels protect them from Sb(III)-induced oxida-
tase activity [49]. Most likely, the physiological function of tive burst. These resistant isolates also showed amplification
LmACR2 is to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosine residues in in thiol biosynthetic machinery that outpaced the Sb(III)-
leishmanial proteins, and not detoxification of metalloids. mediated thiol loss [74]. Amplification of thiol-dependent
Another reductase TDR1 activity in L. major was ten times antioxidant system and nonclassical MRP1 type activity was
higher in amastigotes compared to promastigotes [50]. also reported in Indian antimony-resistant L. donovani clini-
However, the role of these enzymes in antimonial resistance in cal isolates [75, 76].
clinical isolates is yet to be determined. Brochu et al. [77] quantified the accumulation of Sb(V)
The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein PGPA (aka and Sb(III) in Leishmania by using inductively coupled
MRPA), which belongs to the ABCC subfamily (ABCC3), has plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The accumulation was
been suggested to play a major role on metal resistance in studied in three Leishmania species at various life stages that
Leishmania [51]. PGPA is a member of the multidrug resis- were either sensitive or resistant to antimony. Both the pro-
tance protein (MRP) family, a large family of ABC transport- mastigote and amastigote forms of the parasites accumulated
ers, several of which are implicated in drug resistance [52]. The Sb(III) and Sb(V). Competition experiments with arsenite
PGPA gene is frequently amplified in Leishmania cells selected indicated that the routes of entry of Sb(V) and Sb(III) into
for resistance to arsenite- or antimony-containing drugs [53– the parasites were most likely different. However, the level
58], and its overexpression or disruption prove that PGPA is of accumulation of either Sb(III) or Sb(V) did not correlate
involved in metal resistance [57, 59–61]. We reported that arse- with the susceptibility of wild-type Leishmania cells to anti-
nite-resistant L. tarentolae promastigotes overproduce trypano- mony. In contrast to metal susceptibility, resistance to Sb(III)
thione (TSH), a unique glutathione-spermidine conjugate correlated well with decreased antimony accumulation. This
found only in trypanosomatids [62]. We have also shown that phenotype was energy dependent and highlighted the impor-
two rate-limiting enzymes in the polyamine and glutathione tance of transport systems in drug resistance of this proto-
biosynthetic pathways—ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and zoan parasite.
γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS)—mediate the trypano- Several other novel antimony resistance mechanisms
thione overproduction [63, 64] (Fig. 42.2). However, increased have been reported recently. A novel resistance protein
TSH level alone was not sufficient to generate metal resistance. (LinJ34.0570) belongs to the superfamily of leucine-rich
Downregulation of TSH levels by specific inhibitors of γ-GCS repeat (LRR) proteins involved in antimonial resistance in L.
or ODC could revert the resistance [64]. Co-transfection of the infantum [78]. Antimony-resistant L. donovani can modulate
GSH1 gene that codes for the heavy subunit of γ-glutamylcysteine macrophage gene expression differently compared to
synthetase (γ-GCS) or ODC and PGPA genes in partial rever- antimony-sensitive strains. Antimony-resistant L. donovani
tants, but not in wild-type cells, leads to synergistic levels of express a unique glycan with N-acetylgalactosamine as a ter-
resistance, strongly suggesting that PGPA recognizes metals minal sugar. This unique sugar induces IL10 expression,
conjugated to TSH [63, 64]. PGPA is localized in small vesi- which in turn upregulates MDR1 expression of the infected
cles near flagellar pockets. These PGPA-containing vesicles macrophages. MDR1 overexpression of macrophages can
sequester arsenic/antimony–thiol conjugates and are later dis- lead to antimony resistance [79, 80]. Proliferating cell
posed outside the cell [65]. nuclear antigen (PCNA) overexpressed in antimony-resistant
Transport experiments in arsenite-resistant L. tarentolae L. donovani clinical isolates. Overexpression of PCNA
mutants indicated the presence of an active efflux system that did reduced the SAG-induced NO production and DNA frag-
not correlate with PGPA gene amplification [66, 67]. An analysis mentation, thereby contributing to the generation of SAG-
of L. tarentolae PGPA transfectants did not show a marked dif- resistant phenotype [81]. Arsenic is known to induce
ference in the steady-state accumulation of arsenite [61], cross-resistance to antimony. The passage of antimony-
although a decrease in the uptake of antimony was proposed to sensitive L. donovani strains through mice chronically
explain the resistance in L. major PGPA transfectants [68]. exposed to arsenic may become refractory to antimony.
Amplification of other members of the ABCC subfamily Thus, higher incidence rates of antimony unresponsiveness
(ABCC4, ABCC5, and ABCC7) can also confer resistance in India could be attributed to chronic exposure to high levels
to antimonials [69]. An ABC half-transporter ABCI4— of arsenic through drinking water [82]. Downregulation of
localized both on mitochondria and plasma membrane—is mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1) was also
also involved in efflux of Sb(III)-thiol conjugate. reported in clinical antimony-resistant isolates.
Overexpression of ABCI4 confers antimony resistance in L. Overexpression of MAPK1 reverted the resistant phenotype
major [70]. [83]. Upregulation of parasite surface antigen-2 (PSA-2) in
42 Drug Resistance in Leishmania 655
L. donovani clinical isolates confers resistance to antimony (ABLC), and (3) amphotericin B colloidal dispersion or
[84]. By using a functional cloning strategy, Schäfer et al. Amphocil. Liposomal amphoterin B is considered by many
identified a novel antimony resistance marker ARM58 from experts as the best existing drug against VL [93]. This for-
L. braziliensis and L. infantum that protects the parasites mulation has also been successfully used against HIV-VL
against antimonial drugs [85]. coinfection [94]. Recently, a nanoparticle delivery system to
administer amphotericin B has been developed, which
showed a higher efficacy compared to free amphotericin B
2.2 Amphotericin B deoxycholate in an experimental CL model [95].
Amphotericin B-γ cyclodextrin formulation has been shown
Amphotericin B has often been used as a second line of treat- to have promising anti-leishmanial activity. γ-Cyclodextrin
ment against leishmaniasis in India. In an uncontrolled study, showed a synergistic effect with amphotericin B for mem-
a 93 % cure rate was observed in antimonial unresponsive brane destabilization. The formulation was administered as a
patients treated with short-course regimens of amphotericin B topical gel and yielded six to eight times greater efficacy
fat emulsion (5 alternate-day infusions of 2 mg/kg) [86]. against experimental CL than amphotericin B alone [96].
Although the drug is effective, its use is limited by toxicity
complications, including renal impairment, anemia, fever, 2.2.2 Mechanisms of Resistance
malaise, and hypokalemia. Liposomes have been proposed as To date, there is no clear-cut evidence of amphotericin B
an effective way to target drugs at macrophages. Amphotericin resistance in clinical settings; the increasing use and longer
B incorporated into liposomes is highly effective against half-lives of amphotericin B in lipid formulations have the
experimental leishmaniasis with low toxicity. Davidson et al. potential to cause emergence of unresponsiveness. However,
reported the successful treatment of a patient with multiple- to study the resistance mechanisms, amphotericin B-resistant
drug-resistant visceral leishmaniasis using a commercially L. donovani promastigotes were selected by increasing the
prepared formulation of liposomal amphotericin B [87]. drug pressure [97]. The resistant cells had 2.5 times longer
generation time, decreased uptake, and increased efflux of
2.2.1 Mechanisms of Action the drug. The drug-resistant promastigotes showed increased
Amphotericin B is an antifungal polyene antibiotic isolated membrane fluidity. Analysis of lipid composition showed
from Streptomyces nodosus. Its anti-leishmanial activity was that saturated fatty acids were prevalent in resistant cells,
first shown in the early 1960s and was attributed to its selec- with stearic acid as the major fatty acid, and the major sterol
tive affinity for 24 substituted sterols, namely ergosterol vis- was an ergosterol precursor—cholesta-5, 7, 24-trien-3β-ol—
à-vis cholesterol, the primary sterol counterpart in not ergosterol, as in the amphotericin B-sensitive strain [97].
mammalian cells, eventually helping to increase drug selec- Singh et al. [98] reported stepwise selection of two
tivity towards the microorganism. Interference with mem- amphotericin B-resistant L. tarentolae cells. One of the
brane sterols results in loss of the permeability barrier to mutants was also cross-resistant to ketoconazole. DNA
small metabolites that disrupt the integral protein function amplification was observed in both mutants. Gene transfec-
and solute equilibrium, ultimately leading to cell death [88, tion experiments indicated that the link between the locus
89]. Uptake of [14C] glucose was inhibited quickly while amplified, the resistance levels were not straightforward, and
inhibition of respiration by the drug was a comparatively several mutations were possibly responsible for amphoteri-
slower process [88]. Besides direct parasiticidal activity, cin B resistance.
amphotericin B can also modulate immune response towards Recently, Equbal et al. reported a positive correlation
a protective Th1 response [90]. Amphotericin B can also pre- between trypanothione synthase upregulation and ampho-
vent entry of Leishmania into macrophages. Binding of tericin B resistance in L. donovani promastigotes [99].
amphotericin B with membrane cholesterol interferes with
binding of promastigotes to macrophage membrane [91].
Toxic effects of amphotericin B deoxycholate have been 2.3 Pentamidine
largely ameliorated with the advent of lipid formulations of
amphotericin B. In these formulations, deoxycholate has Pentamidine isothienate, an aromatic diamidine, has been used
been replaced by other lipids that mask amphotericin B from as a second-line anti-leishmanial drug in antimony-
susceptible tissues, thus reducing toxicity and facilitating its unresponsive visceral leishmaniasis patients. The recom-
preferential uptake by reticuloendothelial cells, achieving mended dosage is 4 mg/kg by intramuscular route on alternate
targeted drug delivery to the parasite, resulting in increasing days for 6 weeks [86, 100, 101]. The drug achieves poor
efficacy and reduced toxicity [92]. Three such lipid formula- response rates (around 75 %) and is associated with side effects
tions of amphotericin are (1) liposomal amphotericin B or such as myalgia, nausea, headache, and hypoglycemia, with an
AmBisome, (2) amphotericin B lipid complex or Abelcet exceptionally high risk of developing irreversible diabetes [86].
656 G. Mandal et al.
However, pentamidine has been observed to be very effective, dine resistance was observed, this may be significant in clini-
and is the drug of choice for treatment of leishmaniasis in cal drug resistance given the marginal efficacy of the drug
Guyana, where 90 % of leishmaniasis cases are due to L. guya- against Leishmania.
nensis. Pentamidine, nonetheless, is considered a safer drug Basselin et al. [109] compared the uptake of [3H]pentami-
with regard to developing resistance, as drug’s half-life is dine into wild-type and drug-resistant strains of L. mexicana.
shorter [102]. A substantial decrease in accumulation of the drug accompa-
nied the resistance phenotype, although the apparent affinity
2.3.1 Mechanisms of Action for pentamidine by its carrier was not altered. These experi-
The mechanism of action of pentamidine is poorly under- ments indicated that diamidine drugs accumulate in the
stood. The uptake process for pentamidine in L. donovani Leishmania mitochondrion. The development of resistance
and L. amazonensis promastigotes and axenic amastigotes is phenotype is accompanied by lack of mitochondrial accumu-
saturable, carrier mediated, and energy dependent [103]. lation of the drug and its exclusion from the parasites.
Pentamidine was found to be a competitive inhibitor of argi-
nine transport [104, 105] in L. donovani, and a noncompeti-
tive inhibitor of putrescine and spermidine transport in L. 2.4 Alternate Agents
infantum [106], L. donovani, and L. mexicana [107]. The
physiological roles of the carrier proteins that accumulate Alternate agents are used mostly in antimony-unresponsive
pentamidine are still unknown. When treated with low con- cases. Miltefosine, allopurinol, atovaquone, and paromomy-
centrations of pentamidine for 24 h, both L. donovani and L. cin are commonly used either alone or in combination with
amazonensis cells showed significant decreases in ornithine antimonials against different forms of leishmaniasis. Natural
decarboxylase activity, the rate-limiting enzyme in the poly- extracts have also been contemplated for use as anti-
amine biosynthetic pathway [108]. Therefore, the polyamine leishmanials due to the growing rate of resistance to tradi-
biosynthesis pathway may be a target of pentamidine in tional antileishmanial agents, greater efficacy, and lower
Leishmania. toxicity.
The mitochondrion has also been implicated in the action
of pentamidine against leishmania [109]. L. tropica amasti- 2.4.1 Miltefosine
gotes exposed in vitro to pentamidine demonstrated swollen Miltefosine (hexadecylphosphocholine) is the first drug
kinetoplasts and fragmentation of the kinetoplast DNA core approved for the oral treatment of VL. Miltefosine was origi-
[22, 110]. A rapid collapse of the mitochondrial inner mem- nally developed as an antineoplastic agent and later found to
brane potential of L. donovani promastigotes was also be highly active against Leishmania in vitro and in animal
observed upon treatment of these parasites with the drug models [114, 115]. The recommended dose of miltefosine
[111]. Pentamidine may also disrupt mitochondrial activity for the treatment of VL is approximately 2.5 mg/kg per day
by interfering with mitochondrial DNA topoisomerase II, for 4 weeks [116]. Initial clinical trials showed miltefosine to
much as antimonials do to nuclear DNA [112]. be approximately 90 % effective in combating childhood VL
[10, 117]. Although a cure rate that exceeded 90 % was
2.3.2 Mechanisms of Resistance achieved against CL in Iran [118], miltefosine was not suc-
Resistance to pentamidine has been described for L. don- cessful against diffused CL as many patients relapse after
ovani and other Leishmania species [109]. The mechanism cure [119]. Miltefosine is currently marketed as Impavido
of resistance to pentamidine is not well understood. Coelho for use in treating CL and VL in Nepal, India, Bangladesh,
et al. [113] used a genetic strategy to search for loci able to Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany (mainly as
mediate pentamidine resistance (PENr) when overexpressed anticancer), Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Paraguay, and
in L. major. A shuttle cosmid library containing genomic Peru [120]. Major limitations of miltefosine are (1) low ther-
DNA inserts was transfected into wild-type promastigotes apeutic window, (2) gastrointestinal disturbances, (3) renal
and screened for PENr transfectants. Two different cosmids toxicity, and (4) teratogenic, for which it is contraindicated
identifying the same locus were found, which differed from in pregnancy and women of child-bearing age [92].
other known Leishmania drug resistance genes. The PENr
gene was mapped by deletion and transposon mutagenesis to Mechanisms of Action
an open reading frame belonging to the P-glycoprotein/MRP The molecular mechanisms that contribute to the anti-
ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily and was leishmanial activity of miltefosine are still unknown, but it is
named pentamidine resistance protein 1 (PRP1). PRP1- likely that miltefosine operates via carrier-mediated trans-
mediated pentamidine resistance could be reversed by vera- port [120]. Preliminary studies on Leishmania mexicana pro-
pamil and overexpression of PRP1 showed cross-resistance mastigotes suggested that miltefosine may cause perturbation
to Sb(III) but not to Sb(V). Although a 1.7–3.7-fold pentami- of ether-lipid metabolism, glycosylphosphatidylinositol
42 Drug Resistance in Leishmania 657
(GPI) anchor biosynthesis, and leishmanial signal transduc- single but distinct point mutations, each of which impaired
tion [121, 122]. Later, Lux et al. reported that miltefosine the transport function, thereby explaining the resistant phe-
inhibits the glycosomal alkyl-specific acyl-CoA acyl trans- notype. These results clearly demonstrate the direct
ferase in a dose-dependent manner [123]. However, this is involvement of LdMT in miltefosine and phospholipid
unlikely to be the primary target as high concentrations of translocation in Leishmania [126]. It has also been observed
the drug are required (IC50 value 50 μM) to inhibit the that L. tropica cells overexpressing a P-glycoprotein-like
enzyme. Miltefosine-resistant strains of L. donovani exhibit transporter are cross-resistant to alkyl-lysophospholipids,
low membrane sterol counts and higher concentrations of as are miltefosine and edelfosine [127]. Thus, greater efflux
unsaturated hydrocarbons in the phospholipid bilayer, sug- of the drug by MDR-like transporters may be another
gesting that miltefosine binds with membrane sterols and mechanism by which Leishmania cells become resistant to
disrupts the bilayer, as does amphotericin B [120]. It was miltefosine. Overexpression of a member of ATP-binding
proposed that a perturbation of ether-lipid remodeling may cassette (ABC) subfamily G (ABCG)-like transporter,
be responsible for the anti-leishmanial activity of miltefosine LiABCG4, which is localized mainly in the parasite plasma
[121]. Zufferey and Mamoun [124] reported that choline membrane of Leishmania, reduced accumulation of phos-
transport into Leishmania is inhibited by miltefosine. phatidylcholine analogues and conferred resistance to milt-
Miltefosine has also been reported to induce an apoptosis- efosine [128]. Leishmania can also become resistant against
like death in L. donovani promastigotes and amastigotes miltefosine by preventing drug-induced apoptotic cell
(both intra- and extracellular), and in L. amazonensis and L. death [129].
infantum promastigotes [120, 125]. Interferon-γ deficiency
compromised anti-leishmanial activity of miltefosine, sug- 2.4.2 Allopurinol
gesting that the drug requires host immune support. In addi- Allopurinol (20 mg/kg/day) in combination with antimonials
tion, miltefosine induced interferon-γ deficiency expression has been used with some efficacy against VL [130–132]. Das
and IL-12 production in infected macrophages to restore et al. reported a randomized clinical trial of a combination of
Th1/Th2 balance of infected macrophages [120]. pentamidine (half dose) and allopurinol (15 mg/kg) in the
treatment of antimony-unresponsive cases of VL [101]. The
Mechanisms of Resistance combination therapy was found to be more effective in
Miltefosine-resistant L. donovani strains have been raised achieving ultimate cure with an added advantage of reduced
in vitro [126]. The promastigotes were cross-resistant to toxicity in unresponsive cases as compared to full doses of
edelfosine but not to standard anti-leishmanial drugs. The pentamidine. Allopurinol was also used as a combination
resistant mutants were found to be deficient (>95 %) in therapy with a meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime) and
their ability to take up [14C] miltefosine. Binding of the yielded a 74 % cure rate. Notably, the cure rate for allopuri-
drug to the plasma membrane and efflux from the cells nol alone was 80 %, indicating that Allopurinol can be used
were similar in the resistant and sensitive lines. The resis- as monotherapy [133].
tant promastigotes were also unable to take up other short- Allopurinol riboside is not phosphorylated by the kinases
chain phospholipid analogues, independently of their polar normally found in mammalian cells and shows little or no
head group, even though endocytosis remained unaltered. toxicity. Leishmania on the other hand have a nucleoside
This suggested that a short-chain phospholipid translocase phosphotransferase that can catalyze conversion of allopuri-
might be downregulated or mutated in the resistant promas- nol riboside to its 5′-monophosphate. Subsequently, allopu-
tigotes [126]. rinol riboside 5′-monophosphate is sequentially acted upon
A putative miltefosine transporter (LdMT) has been by adenylosuccinate synthetase and lyase to form the corre-
cloned by functional rescue using a resistant L. donovani sponding adenosine nucleotide analogues, which are incor-
strain defective in the inward-directed translocation of both porated into RNA, thereby conferring anti-leishmanial
miltefosine and glycerophospholipids. LdMT is a novel activity [134, 135]. Clinical resistance has not been reported
P-type ATPase belonging to the partially characterized since this drug has not been used widely.
aminophospholipid translocase (APT) subfamily. Resistant Despite the lack of resistance, widespread use of
parasites transfected with LdMT regained their sensitivity Allopurinol is hindered by a group of rare, but potentially
to miltefosine and also the ability to normally take up [14C] fatal, side effects collectively called allopurinol hypersen-
miltefosine and fluorescent-labeled glycerophospholipids. sitivity syndrome (AHS). The syndrome is characterized
LdMT was shown to localize to the plasma membrane, and by fever, leukocytosis, and hepatitis. AHS also causes
its overexpression in L. tarentolae, a species nonsensitive toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)—fatal loss of the epi-
to miltefosine, significantly increased the uptake of [14C] dermis, erosion of the mouth and nasal mucous mem-
miltefosine, strongly suggesting that this protein behaves branes, and blindness caused by ocular lesions and kidney
as a true translocase. Both LdMT-resistant alleles contained failure [136].
658 G. Mandal et al.
amastigotes showed cytoplasmic condensation when exposed tors in a variety of one-carbon transfer reactions such as in the
to sitamaquine [22] and oxidation of hemoglobin has also been synthesis of thymidylate. Furthermore, reduction of folate pro-
reported [167]. The cytosol and the mitochondria are apparent duction is instrumental in the prevention of DNA and RNA pro-
targets, as cytosol corrosion and compromised mitochondrial duction in the parasites. In plants and protozoans, DHFR is
membrane integrity were observed in sitamaquine-affected fused to thymidylate synthase (TS), resulting in a bifunctional
cells [164]. To date, there are no reports of clinical unrespon- DHFR-TS enzyme [178, 179]. DHFR reduces DHF to tetrahy-
siveness to sitamaquine. Also, sitamaquine possesses a short drofolate (THF), which is then converted to dTMP by TS. MTX
elimination half-life, which reduces the potential of resistance. is an analogue of dihydrofolate (DHF). Competitive inhibition
Laboratory-raised resistant strains have the ability to efflux the of DHFR by MTX allows TS to run continuously, depleting the
drug from their cytoplasm using an unknown energy-dependent cells of THF, thereby inhibiting growth.
process [168]. A recent study reported that sitamaquine- Pteridine reductase (PTR1) of Leishmania reduces pteri-
resistance L. donovani accumulated fivefold less drug com- dines such as biopterin and folate [180], and it has the poten-
pared to wild type, and reduced accumulation was not related tial to act as a bypass and/or modulator of DHFR inhibition
to a modification of the drug uptake system. In resistant strain, under physiological conditions. This suggests a reason that
phosphatidylethanolamine-N-methyl-transferase was partially may explain why antifolate chemotherapy has not been very
inactivated which strongly affected sterol and phospholipid successful in leishmaniasis. Therefore, successful antifolate
metabolisms. However, the author failed to demonstrate chemotherapy in Leishmania will have to target both DHFR
whether reduced phosphatidylethanolamine- N-methyl- and PTR1.
transferase activity has a role in generation of resistant pheno-
types [169]. Mechanisms of Resistance
The mechanisms of MTX resistance have been studied by
α-Difluoromethyl Ornithine analyzing MTX-resistant strains raised by stepwise selection
It has been observed that modulation of the polyamine bio- in vitro [179, 181]. It has been observed that L. major pro-
synthetic pathway by inhibitors like α-difluoromethyl orni- mastigotes resistant to structurally unrelated drugs like pri-
thine (DFMO) may be leishmanicidal [170, 171]. DFMO is maquine or terbinafine that produce H-region amplification
a suicide inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, the rate- are highly cross-resistant to MTX [182]. A second MTX-
limiting enzyme in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway resistant L. donovani strain was cross-resistant to aminop-
[172]. Although DFMO was used successfully against sleep- terin, but just as sensitive to pyrimethamine, trimethoprim,
ing sickness [173], it has never been used clinically against and cytotoxic purine and pyrimidine analogues [183]. The
leishmaniasis. In vitro resistance to this ornithine analogue first mutation observed was the amplification of the
has been reported [171, 174]. DFMO resistance has been DHFR-TS gene as a part of the R-locus [184]. Later, another
shown to be associated with increased ornithine decarboxyl- locus was found to be amplified in response to MTX resis-
ase activity [174] and unstable amplification of two extra- tance, which was named the H locus [185]. PTR1 was pres-
chromosomal elements [175]. L. donovani strains resistant to ent in the H locus; when overexpressed, it may reduce DHF
difluoromethyl ornithine have been shown to upregulate pro- to THF, thereby providing resistance to MTX. PGPA overex-
teins associated with free radical detoxification and poly- pression has also been observed in Leishmania [186].
amine metabolism [176]. Bis-benzyl polyamine analogues Another gene ORF G was identified by functional cloning in
such as MDL27695 that condense DNA were able to inhibit the LD1/CD1 genomic locus that is frequently amplified in
L. donovani promastigote growth in vitro [177]. Thus, drugs several Leishmania strains. Overexpression of ORF G pro-
that manipulate the polyamine biosynthetic pathway may be vided MTX resistance by increasing the uptake of pterins
used as alternate therapies for leishmaniasis. and selectively increasing the uptake of folic acid but not
MTX. This compensated for the mutations in the high-
Antifolates affinity folate/MTX transporter of the resistant mutants.
Although antifolates are not used clinically against leish- Amplification of DHFR-TS in MTX-resistant Leishmania
maniasis, in vitro study shows that an anticancer drug like was only observed in L. major but not in any other species.
methotrexate (MTX) has considerable potential against On the other hand, the PTR1 amplification and reduced
leishmaniasis. Also, new drug targets have been identified by uptake were observed in all species selected for MTX resis-
studying MTX resistance in vitro. tance in vitro [187]. The reason for this discrepancy is
Mechanisms of Action It has also been shown that Leishmania has several folate
Antifolates (like MTX) are specific inhibitors of dihydrofolate transporter genes as it is a folate auxotroph. FT5 is a high-
reductase (DHFR). DHFR is the key enzyme for providing affinity folate transporter, and MTX transport in a resistant
reduced folates to the cell. Reduced folates are utilized as cofac- mutant (FT5 null) is inhibited only at low substrate
660 G. Mandal et al.
concentrations (50 nM) [188]. At other times, it has been sensitive parasites could be made resistant to the drug by
observed that MTX-resistant L. donovani is genetically defi- repeated passages in experimental animals followed by
cient in other folate-MTX transporter(s) [183]. incomplete treatment with suboptimal doses of the drug.
Polyglutamylation of folates and MTX is an important deter- These results suggested that the steady rise in Sb(V) unre-
minant of MTX susceptibility. Modulation of the folylpoly- sponsiveness of VL patients in India is due to infection with
glutamate synthase (FPGS) responsible for polyglutamylation resistant parasites, generated as a result of irregular and
has recently been found to be responsible for MTX resis- often incomplete treatment of the patients [193].
tance in Leishmania. However, FPGS transfectants were Using a continuous drug pressure protocol, Sereno et al.
much more sensitive to MTX in folate-deficient medium [194] induced pentamidine-resistant L. mexicana amasti-
[189]. It has also been observed that presence of shorter glu- gotes. Two clones with different levels of resistance to pent-
tamate chains on MTX correlated with resistance [189]. amidine were selected in vitro—LmPENT5 resistant to 5 μM
Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease is a component of and LmPENT20 resistant to 20 μM of pentamidine. During
DNA base excision repair pathway and also plays a role in in vitro infectivity experiments, axenically grown
antioxidant system. L. major cells overexpressing AP endo- LmPENT20 amastigotes remained pentamidine resistant,
nuclease showed resistance against MTX [190]. whereas LmPENT5 amastigotes lost their ability to resist
Methotrexate resistance has also been tied to the presence pentamidine. These results indicate that the level of pentami-
of two proteins, methionine adenosyltransferase and dine tolerated by resistant amastigotes after the life cycle
S-adenosylmethionine, and their anti-methotrexate functions. was dependent on the induced level of resistance. This factor
According to Drummelsmith, L. major methionine adenosyl- may be significant in the in vivo transmission of drug-
transferase levels spiked after preliminary administration of resistant parasites by sand flies. These observations demon-
methotrexate, leading to detoxification. Furthermore, cellular strate that different factors may modulate the transmission of
S-adenosylmethionine levels increased, and the strong corre- Leishmania drug resistance during the parasite’s life cycle.
lation between increased S-adenosylmethionine production Recently, it has been observed that Leishmania species
and folate regeneration was noted [191]. develop much of their resistance through the possession of
Modification of drug targets by point mutations has been multiple chromosomes. Although possession of multiple
implicated in MTX resistance. MTX-resistant L. major chromosome copies is typically detrimental, Leishmania
exhibits an amplification of DHFR-TS along with structur- possesses an innate core of chromosomes throughout a given
ally altered DHFR-TS [192]. The altered DHFR revealed an species. The ability to have several variations of genes within
Met53-to-Arg substitution. This resulted in a 30-fold increase a single organism allows for rapid selection of ideal genetics,
in the Ki for MTX in the mutant enzyme when compared to particularly in the asexually reproducing Leishmania.
the wild type. Plasmids play a tremendous role in leishmanial drug
resistance. Each plasmid contains several genes that the par-
asite may “turn on” in order to respond to stressors. However,
3 Spread of Resistance the plasmids are typically lost after 100–200 cellular divi-
sions. As such, the plasmids themselves have evolved to
Leishmaniasis is primarily a zoonotic disease with dogs and compartmentalize at least one plasmid each time the parasite
wild canids, carnivores, rodents, sloths, and anteaters as res- cell divides, thus conserving the genotype and enabling rapid
ervoir hosts. However, VL caused by L. donovani in India, evolution and resistance to pharmaceutical stressors [195].
China, and East Africa, as well as the CL caused by L. trop- Primarily, drug resistance in Leishmania is a result of
ica in the Mediterranean countries, is anthroponotic. There adaptation to drug stress. Target specificity in leishmanicidal
are no known animal reservoir hosts other than man for these drugs causes the parasite to induce rapid selectivity and
two parasite species. Therefore, when the parasite becomes develop countermeasures to aid in survival. This can be seen
resistant to a drug, the resistance spreads quickly and in the previously discussed amphotericin B (AmB) resis-
efficiently. tance in Leishmania. AmB targets and binds to the sterols
Pentavalent antimonial unresponsiveness is an emerging (mainly ergosterol) present in the cellular membrane. The
problem in endemic areas. Therefore, information on fac- subsequent disruption of the membrane allows AmB to form
tors which may modulate the transmission of drug-resistant pores and small metabolites to pass through the pores.
phenotypes and parasites during the life cycle is necessary. However, Leishmania have adapted to AmB by reducing
Bhattacharyya et al. [193] reported that wild-type parasites their membrane sterol counts and integrating more unsatu-
isolated from VL patients, who were clinically cured after rated fatty acids versus saturated fatty acids into the bilayer
treatment with Sb(V), were a mixture of resistant and sensi- in order to increase membrane fluidity. Leishmania will use
tive cells. The resistant promastigotes were also resistant as these adaptations to enact broad-spectrum resistance to other
amastigotes in vivo. It was further observed that Sb(V)- drugs with similar cellular targets.
42 Drug Resistance in Leishmania 661
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Drug Resistance in Trypanosoma brucei
Fabrice E. Graf and Pascal Mäser
(Fig. 43.1), and melarsoprol and nifurtimox/eflornithine development projects are under way and the pipeline for
combination therapy (NECT) for the second stage (Fig. 43.1), HAT is, finally, in good shape [10]. However, until new drugs
when the trypanosomes have invaded the cerebrospinal fluid. will be available the current ones need to be used in a sus-
These drugs are dated, impractical, and toxic. In particular tainable way. This requires an understanding of the molecu-
the chemotherapy of late-stage sleeping sickness is problem- lar mechanisms underlying drug resistance.
atic. Melarsoprol can cause severe and frequently fatal
encephalopathies whereas the less toxic eflornithine must be
administered intravenously by infusion, a logistic nightmare 3 N
ew Technologies to Study Drug
in the remote and crisis-shaken areas that are afflicted by Resistance
sleeping sickness. Besides good tolerability, the target-
product profile for a new drug therefore includes oral bio- The non human-pathogenic Trypanosoma brucei brucei has
availability, heat stability, brain permeability, and ideally become a model organism for eukaryote microbiology. The
single-dose cure. Except for the last, these criteria are ful- trypanosomes can be cloned and cultivated axenically, and
filled by the two molecules that are currently in clinical they are amenable to reverse genetic manipulation such as
development: fexinidazole in phase II/III and SCY-7158 in gene knockout by homologous recombination or gene
phase II. Both are untypical molecules for modern drug can- knockdown by RNAi-mediated silencing [11]. Furthermore,
didates with moderate in vitro activity, and yet they are T. brucei genes do not contain introns and all mRNA carry a
highly effective in vivo. Fexinidazole is a nitroimidazole that conserved 5′ leader sequence spliced in-trans [12], which
was originally developed by Hoechst as an antibiotic [5]. It facilitates applications such as full-length cDNA cloning or
has a positive Ames test but was later on shown not to be transcriptional start prediction. The first T. brucei ssp.
mutagenic to mammalian cells [6]. Fexinidazole and its genome was sequenced in 2005 [13] and by now several are
active metabolite fexinidazole sulfone have in vitro IC50 of available (www.tritrypdb.org). In addition to the general
around 1 μM against T. brucei spp. [7]. Fexinidazole given breakthroughs in DNA sequencing and omics technologies,
twice daily at 100 mg/kg for 5 days cures the chronic T. bru- a number of new approaches were developed that are tar-
cei mouse model [7]. To humans it is administered by daily geted specifically towards T. brucei. These include the
oral dose over 10 consecutive days. SCY-7158 is a benzoxa- spliced leader-trapping protocol for RNA-Seq [14] and
borole from Anacor Pharmaceuticals (Palo Alto, CA), a com- genome-wide RNAi libraries for inducible expression of
pany specialized in organic boron chemistry. SCY-7158 small interfering RNAs in the trypanosomes themselves [15,
cures the chronic T. brucei mouse model at a daily oral dose 16]. Screening of such RNAi libraries enhanced the under-
of 25 mg/kg for 7 consecutive days [8, 9]. Further drug standing of trypanosome biology [17, 18] and proved to be
43 Drug Resistance in Trypanosoma brucei 669
Table 43.1 Transporters of T. brucei involved in drug import and their physiological substrates (selected)
Transporter TriTrypDB GenBank Physiological substrate Toxic substrate
TbAT1/P2 Tb927.5.286b AAD45278 Adenosine Melarsoprol
Adenine Pentamidine
TbNT11.1 (AT-A) Tb927.9.15980 XM_822640.1 Adenine Pentamidine
TbNT12.1 (AT-E) Tb927.3.590 XM_838562.1 Adenine Pentamidine
AQP2 Tb927.10.14170 XM_822804.1 Water Melarsoprol
Dihydroxyacetone Pentamidine
Glycerol Sb III
Urea As III
TbAAT6 Tb927.8.5450 XM_842282.1 Proline Eflornithine
Other neutral amino acids
Arabidopsis thaliana [49, 50], and Leishmania [51–53]. against HAT and still the drug of choice against first-stage T.
However, while TbAQP2 also transports As(III) and Sb(III) b. rhodesiense infections. Suramin is an intriguing molecule
[54], its role in MPXR [47] is, to our knowledge, the first of manifold applications. Besides HAT, suramin has been
demonstration of an aquaglyceroporin involved in transport tested also for river blindness [67], various cancers [68], can-
of larger organic molecules. By now mutations in TbAQP2 didiasis [69], autism [70], AIDS [71], and as an experimental
have been detected in many MPXR lines of T. brucei ssp., compound in developmental biology [72]—and yet its modes
lab strains selected in vitro or in vivo [47] as well as field of action are not fully understood. Suramin is negatively
isolates [31]. charged at physiological pH which prevents it from crossing
Another candidate gene for melarsoprol resistance is the plasma membrane by passive diffusion, as well as from
TbMRPA (multidrug-resistance-associated protein A), a crossing the blood-brain barrier. The molecule is very large
member of subfamily C of the superfamily of ATP-binding for a drug (1297 Da). Over 99 % is bound to plasma proteins,
cassette (ABC) transporters. In tumor cells MRP proteins and the half-life of elimination is extremely long (44–54
can mediate multidrug resistance by actively exporting drug- days in human plasma). Suramin uptake into trypanosomes
glutathione conjugates [55]. TbMRPA is thought to export was proposed to occur via receptor-mediated endocytosis
MelT, the conjugate of melarsoprol to trypanothione [56]. after binding to the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) [73].
Trypanothione is a biochemical peculiarity of trypanosoma- Genome-wide RNAi screening for suramin resistance in
tids: two glutathione tripeptides covalently linked via the T. brucei confirmed the endocytotic uptake route as several
polyamine spermidine [57, 58]. While the role of MRPA genes from this pathway emerged as hits [21]. One of the
orthologues in drug efflux has been extensively studied in main determinants required for suramin activity was the
Leishmania [59–63], their function in T. brucei is less clear. invariant surface glycoprotein ISG75, supporting the model
Overexpression of TbMRPA in T. brucei led to an about ten- that suramin is imported via endocytosis and that ISG75 is
fold increase in melarsoprol resistance in vitro [64] but not the suramin receptor on the trypanosomes’ surface [74].
in vivo [65]. Overexpression of TbMRPA in tbat1−/− cells Other downstream genes such as the four subunits of the
showed that the two resistance mechanisms, reduced drug adaptin complex-1 (AP-1), the Golgi/lysosomal protein-1
influx and increased drug efflux, were strictly additive [66]. (GLP-1), the endosomal membrane protein 70 (EMP70), the
major glycosomal protein p67, cathepsin-L, and the major
facilitator superfamily transporter (MFST) were all linked to
4.2 Suramin Resistance the endocytotic pathway. RNAi-mediated knockdown in
bloodstream-form T. brucei of these genes led to a reduced
The sulfated naphthylamine suramin (Fig. 43.1) is the prod- suramin sensitivity in vitro, with the highest resistance factor
uct of what was one of the first medicinal chemistry pro- (>10) for MFST. In addition, ubiquitin hydrolase (UBH1)
grams. Starting from the dyes trypan red and trypan blue, was identified as a hit in the RNAi screen and knockdown led
which Paul Ehrlich had shown to be trypanocidal, suramin to reduced suramin sensitivity. This was likely an indirect
(“Bayer 205”) was synthesized as a colorless, antitrypano- effect as ISG75 is a transmembrane protein whose internal-
somal derivative by Bayer in 1916. It is the oldest drug in use ization relies on the ubiquitination of cytoplasmic lysine
43 Drug Resistance in Trypanosoma brucei 671
residues [75]. Two T. brucei lines that had been indepen- 4.4 Eflornithine Resistance
dently selected for suramin resistance in vitro subsequently
lost their resistance phenotype when transformed into the Eflornithine or difluoromethyl-ornithine (DFMO) was syn-
insect (procyclic) stage [29]. This is in agreement with an thesized in 1978 and initially developed as an anticancer
involvement of ISG75 in suramin susceptibility because drug [82]. It is the newest drug applied for HAT and the only
expression of ISG75 is bloodstream-form specific [76]. treatment for stage 2 of the disease in case of melarsoprol
treatment failure [83]. Since 2009 eflornithine is used in
combination therapy with nifurtimox (NECT). This is now
4.3 Nifurtimox Resistance the recommended treatment option for second-stage T. b.
gambiense infections as NECT is far less toxic than melarso-
Nifurtimox is orally bioavailable and one of the two frontline prol. However, eflornithine is less active against T. b. rhode-
drugs for Chagas disease, in use for more than 40 years. Since siense [84] and NECT is not being implemented for the
2009, nifurtimox—although not very active alone—is also treatment of East African sleeping sickness. Eflornithine is
applied against human African trypanosomiasis in combina- one of the very few trypanocidal drugs whose target is
tion with eflornithine [77, 78]. Nifurtimox-eflornithine com- known. It covalently binds to, and irreversibly inhibits, the
bination therapy (NECT) for HAT has been included in the enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), blocking poly-
WHO’s Model List of Essential Medicines. Nifurtimox is a amine synthesis and subsequently trypanothione production
nitrofuran (Fig. 43.1) that functions as a prodrug. The activa- [85–87]. The molecular mechanism of eflornithine resistance
tion is enzymatically mediated by reduction of the nitro remained elusive and no genetic marker was identified until
group. In T. brucei and T. cruzi, a bacterial-like type I nitrore- recently. Vincent and coworkers have selected two T. b. bru-
ductase (NTR) activates the prodrug by two consecutive cei lines independently for eflornithine resistance in vitro.
reductions [79]. NTR is an NADH-dependent enzyme local- ODC activity was unaltered and there was no change in the
ized in the mitochondrion. Mammalian genomes do not con- levels of metabolites of the polyamine biosynthetic pathway
tain an NTR orthologue. Resistance to nifurtimox and other [88]. When the lines were probed by PCR for all known T.
nitroheterocyclic drugs has been attributed to a reduction of brucei amino acid permeases (because eflornithine is itself
NTR activity [79]. T. cruzi epimastigotes selected for nifurti- an amino acid and likely taken up by such a transporter) it
mox resistance in vitro lost a copy of NTR [79, 80]. Gene turned out that both lines had lost the gene encoding the T.
knockout experiments confirmed the crucial role of NTR in brucei amino acid transporter 6 (TbAAT6). RNAi-mediated
nifurtimox resistance as well as cross-resistance to benznida- knockdown of TbAAT6 expression in sensitive T. brucei con-
zole, a related nitroimidazole and the second drug in clinical firmed the role of TbAAT6 in eflornithine resistance while
use against T. cruzi infections. Heterozygous deletion of the reintroduction of TbAAT6 rescued the drug-sensitive pheno-
NTR gene in T. brucei rendered the cells nifurtimox resistant type of the resistant mutants [88]. Furthermore, two genome-
whereas ectopic overexpression of NTR caused hypersensitiv- wide loss of function screens using RNAi libraries
ity [79]. Homozygous deletion of NTR in T. brucei was only independently linked the silencing of TbAAT6 expression to
achieved when the expression of the ectopic copy had been eflornithine resistance [15, 16].
induced, indicating that NTR is essential for bloodstream-
form T. brucei [79]. Alsford and Horn’s RNAi screen [21]
also confirmed the importance of NTR; in addition to NTR, it 5 Drug Resistance in the Clinics
identified a putative flavokinase plus four genes involved in
the biosynthesis of ubiquinone [15, 21]. Flavokinase converts In contrast to the livestock-pathogenic trypanosomes where
riboflavin to flavin-mononucleotide, which is an essential drug resistance is widespread, the situation is less critical
cofactor of NTR, while ubiquinone functions as electron regarding the treatment of first-stage HAT patients. Suramin,
acceptor from NADH mediated by NTR. Cross-resistance for instance, is generally efficacious against first-stage T. b.
was also observed between nifurtimox and fexinidazole. T. rhodesiense infections, in spite of its old age and the fact that
brucei selected in vitro for nifurtimox resistance (8×) were resistance can be selected for in the lab [29, 89]. However,
also resistant (27×) to fexinidazole [81]. These trypanosomes suramin resistance is a problem in the management of T.
were infective to mice and the cross-resistance phenotype was evansi [90, 91], a non-tsetse-transmitted trypanosome that
also manifest in vivo. Trypanosomes that had been selected causes Surra in cattle, equines, and camelids and that is very
with fexinidazole were also cross-resistant to nifurtimox [81]. closely related to T. brucei [92]. Similarly, pentamidine
The resistance factor was 10× to either drug, indicating that treatment failures are rare and the reported relapsing patients
the underlying mechanism of resistance might be somewhat were likely in many cases early stage 2 infections, indicative
different. The NTR genes were unaltered in those lines but of misdiagnosis rather than drug resistance [93]. At the same
reduced expression level could not be ruled out [81]. time, diminazene resistance is jeopardizing the treatment of
672 F.E. Graf and P. Mäser
Nagana [94, 95]. For T. brucei ssp., this discrepancy has been wild-type gene. These isolates were melarsoprol and pent-
attributed to the fact that diminazene is imported into the try- amidine resistant in vitro [31] and had reduced melarsoprol
panosomes via a single transporter, TbAT1, whereas pent- sensitivity in vivo [111]. This represents the first clinical case
amidine has at least two additional routes of import, referred of MPXR. Reintroduction of the wild-type AQP2 gene into
to as HAPT and LAPT for high- and low-affinity pentami- an MPXR-resistant T. b. gambiense isolate completely
dine transporters, respectively [96]; TbAQP2 does not trans- restored its drug susceptibility, demonstrating the loss of
port diminazene and corresponds to HAPT [47]. Thus AQP2 function as the cause of drug resistance [112].
differences in the redundancy of import routes may provide
an explanation for the higher prevalence of drug resistance in
livestock trypanosomoses compared to human trypanosomi- 6 Conclusion
asis, lowering the probability of emergence in the latter. For
T. congolense the situation is less clear. T. congolense pos- In summary, drug resistance in T. brucei is intriguingly linked
sess an adenosine transporter gene, TcoAT1, that has been to drug uptake. The predominant mechanism of resistance is
implicated in diminazene resistance based on molecular epi- reduced drug import caused by loss-of-function mutations in
demiology [97]. However, TcoAT1 is not the direct ortho- nonessential nutrient transporters that happen to import drugs
logue of TbAT1 and it does not transport diminazene when in addition to their physiological substrates (Table 43.1).
expressed in T. b. brucei [98]. A more obvious effect than a Other typical mechanisms of drug resistance such as overex-
lower probability of emergence might be the lower probabil- pression or mutation of the target do not seem not to play a
ity of the spread of drug resistance in the human-pathogenic critical role in T. brucei. A possible explanation for this phe-
trypanosomes, arising from the fact that the treated patients nomenon is that drugs like the diamidines, arsenicals, or sura-
are hospitalized and not accessible for tsetse flies. min have multiple intracellular targets; so it is very difficult
Patients relapsing from eflornithine monotherapy have for a cell to withstand once the drug has been taken up. But
been reported from the Democratic Republic of the Congo even for eflornithine, which has a clearly defined target
(up to 27 % [99]) and from Angola (8.1 % [100]). Whether enzyme, loss of import turned out to be the resistance mecha-
this was caused by drug-resistant parasites or other factors is nism rather than mutations in ODC. Obviously RNAi screens
unclear. Combination therapy with nifurtimox may improve are biased towards loss-of-function mutations and hence most
the treatment success of eflornithine and delay the possible effective to identify drug import pathways. However, the loss
emergence of drug resistance. Nifurtimox resistance has so of drug import has also been confirmed in forward genetic
far not been encountered for African trypanosomes in the experiments with laboratory-selected resistant mutants of T.
clinics, but was reported for T. cruzi [101, 102]. However, brucei and even with drug-resistant field isolates.
eflornithine and nifurtimox resistance is readily selected for We believe that loss of import as a mechanism of drug
in vitro [79, 88], and the efficacy of NECT will decline if resistance is strongly favored by the high degree of redun-
eflornithine-resistant parasites emerge because nifurtimox dancy within the nutrient uptake machinery of T. brucei. The
by itself is not very potent. T. brucei genome covers each of the main metabolite classes
HAT treatment failures have been most critical with (i.e., purines, sugars, or amino acids) with dozens of trans-
melarsoprol. Relapse rates of 5–8 % are considered normal porter genes. The high degree of redundancy means that
for melarsoprol treatment [103]. Beginning in the 1990s, transporters can be lost without a fitness cost. This is in
much higher rates of melarsoprol treatment failures have agreement with the fact that the drug-resistant T. brucei trans-
been reported from different areas, sometimes above 50 % porter mutants characterized so far did not exhibit a growth
[104–107]. After the discovery of the gene encoding the P2 deficit. Furthermore, the transporter genes of T. brucei are
transporter [34], clinical isolates were analyzed for muta- often arranged in tandem clusters, which allows for loss of
tions in this potential marker. Several studies correlated the genetic material by homologous recombination between very
occurrence of (nonfunctional) mutant alleles of TbAT1 to a similar genes. If indeed the redundancy of nutrient import
higher incidence of melarsoprol treatment failures in differ- routes is at the core of drug resistance in T. brucei, a main
ent HAT foci [35, 36, 108]. These correlations were usually conclusion is that we should aim for novel drugs that are
significant but not absolutely conclusive, indicating the con- taken up by the trypanosomes either via essential transporters
tribution of additional factors [109]. More recently, T. b. or via multiple transporters. Thus transport phenomena must
gambiense isolates from Mbuji-Mayi (Democratic Republic not be neglected in drug R&D for African trypanosomes.
of the Congo), an area of high relapse rates after melarsoprol
treatment [107, 110], have been found to carry mutations in Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge financial support by
the aquaglyceroporin tandem locus [31, 111]. The mutants the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Mathieu Foundation of the
University of Basel, and the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft
had a deletion that led to the formation of a chimeric gene Basel.
between the neighboring AQP2 and AQP3 and loss of either
43 Drug Resistance in Trypanosoma brucei 673
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Mechanisms of Drug Resistance
in Toxoplasma gondii 44
Alexandre Mzabi, Dominique Aubert, and Isabelle Villena
(Cat) Unsporulated
passed in feces
Infected fetus
Fig. 44.2 Schematic
representation of Toxoplasma
gondii tachyzoite
morphology [6]
3.1 Inhibitors of Folic Acid Synthesis These drugs act together by inhibiting the folic acid syn-
thesis in Toxoplasma gondii, but also that of its host. As a
These drugs include dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibi- consequence, they have a powerful anti-parasitic effect
tors and dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) inhibitors. These (changes of purine synthesis and parasitic division), which is
two anti-Toxoplasma drugs are used in combination because associated with adverse haematological events (neutropenia,
of a synergistic effect on two key enzymes of folic acid thrombocytopenia). These drugs diffuse well into the organ-
metabolism, DHPS and DHFR [10, 11]. ism and cross the placental barrier.
44 Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Toxoplasma gondii 679
Among the DHFR inhibitors, the most active drug is pyri- Spiramycin is the major macrolide used in the treatment
methamine, which has a parasiticide effect on Toxoplasma of the benign form of acquired toxoplasmosis and during
gondii tachyzoites at very low concentrations (50 % inhibi- pregnancy in prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis. Other
tory concentration <0.2 mg/L, with a half-life of 92 h). To macrolides have better tissue concentrations, but are contra-
limit the adverse haematological events, pyrimethamine is indicated during pregnancy.
administered with folinic acid. Trimethoprim is also active in Clindamycin is mainly used in association with pyrimeth-
Toxoplasma gondii at 50–100 times higher concentrations amine in the treatment of cerebral or eye toxoplasmosis,
than pyrimethamine (50 % inhibitory concentration = 2 mg/L, mainly in toxoplasmosis reactivation in immunocompro-
with a half-life of 10–12 h). mised patients. The action of the drug is well documented,
For DHPS inhibitors, many sulfonamides are active and clindamycin appears to act by disrupting the protein syn-
against Toxoplasma gondii and their use is mainly guided by thesis of the parasite at the level of the cytoplasm and apico-
pharmacokinetics. Sulfadiazine (50 % inhibitory concentra- plast [17, 18].
tion = 2.5 mg/L) and sulfamethoxazole (50 % inhibitory con-
centration = 1 mg/L) have a short half-life (10–12 h),
requiring daily administration, while the sulfadoxine (50 % 3.3 Other Drugs
inhibitory concentration = 25–50 mg/L) is a slow-release sul-
phonamide (half-life >100 h), less active than sulfadiazine, Atovaquone, which acts by inhibiting the mitochondrial
but can be administered weekly. respiratory chain (cytochrome B1) of the parasite, is active
The most often prescribed active associations are on the tachyzoites and cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. However,
pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine, or the use of this drug is limited in the treatment of toxoplasmo-
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. These associations (except sis, because of its poor bioavailability.
the pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine association) are used for the
treatment and secondary prophylaxis of severe toxoplasmo-
sis in immunocompromised patients. The pyrimethamine- 4 Main Therapeutic Regimens
sulfonamides association is used in congenital toxoplasmosis
(prenatal and postnatal treatment). 4.1 Acquired Toxoplasmosis
As indicated above, in order to limit adverse haematological
events, these treatments are administered with folinic acid. The asymptomatic forms do not justify treatment, and the
However, recent studies highlight the potential capacities of benign forms can be treated by spiramycin. In severe forms
Toxoplasma gondii to recover the exogenous folate [12]. It has with visceral injuries, a treatment with pyrimethamine-
been shown that Plasmodium falciparum has two membrane sulfonamides is effective.
proteins, PfFT1 and PfFT2, enabling the transport of exogenous
folate [13]. After having analysed the ToxoDB database (http://
toxodb.org/toxo/), it appears that Toxoplasma gondii also pres- 4.2 Congenital Toxoplasmosis
ents these two proteins. Another exogenous folate transporter
family has also been described in Toxoplasma gondii, named The preventive treatment of the congenital toxoplasmosis in
the BT1 family [12]. The presence of these folate transporters in case of maternal seroconversion consists of administering spi-
Toxoplasma gondii shows that this parasite could recover the ramycin until childbirth, or until the result of the prenatal
exogenous folate for its survival. These observations raise the diagnosis, although its efficacy on the reduction of mother-to-
question about the systematic administration of folinic acid, child transmission is debatable [19, 20]. In the case of proven
which could potentially enhance the parasite’s survival. foetal contamination, prenatal treatment of congenital toxo-
plasmosis consists of administering pyrimethamine-
sulfadiazine or pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine, with the
3.2 Macrolides concomitant administration of folinic acid. The efficacy of
this treatment on foetal injuries seems to have been estab-
Macrolides include a wide variety of molecules. These anti- lished by few studies [21, 22], even if the interest of prenatal
biotics are only active at high concentrations (50 % inhibi- treatment has not clearly been found in the meta-analysis by
tory concentration =
1–100 mg/L) because of their Thiébaut et al. [20] on 26 European cohorts. However, this
parasitostatic effect, but the drugs’ action is not well known. data must be discussed in the absence of prospective studies
These drugs do not diffuse correctly in some organs, such as [20, 23]. The postnatal treatment of congenital toxoplasmosis
the brain and the eye, limiting their use in the treatment of consists of the prolonged administration of the same drug
severe toxoplasmosis. In contrast, macrolides diffuse well in association, and always with the folinic acid. This treatment is
the placenta and could reduce mother-to-child transmission generally administered for at least 12 months, even 24 months
of the parasite [14–16]. depending on the research teams [24, 25]. A multicentre
680 A. Mzabi et al.
French research programme is currently underway to com- and absorption of a drug given doses equal to or higher than
pare the duration of treatment (a short period of 3 months vs. those usually recommended but within the limits of tolerance
a long period of 12 months) with the occurrence of chorioreti- of the subject’. Since then, this definition has extended to
nitis at 5 years of age [26]. other species of parasites. Over the past 20 years, the number
of studies on drug resistance in protozoa has continually
increased, reflecting the importance of this problem for pub-
4.3 T
oxoplasmosis in Immunocompromised lic health. Among the identified mechanisms of resistance,
Patients those based on the mutation of target genes, the overexpres-
sion of genes, and the efflux mechanisms of drugs seem to be
The curative treatment of severe toxoplasmosis in mainly involved.
immunocompromised patients consists of administering
pyrimethamine-sulfadiazine [9, 27], with concomitant
administration of folinic acid. 6.1 C
lindamycin and Atovaquone:
Other drugs can also be used such as a trimethoprim- Mechanisms of Resistance
sulfamethoxazole association or macrolides. Some clinical
studies suggest the association of macrolides with pyrimeth- The mechanisms of resistance to clindamycin and atova-
amine, especially in case of intolerance to the pyrimethamine- quone in Toxoplasma gondii involve experimental strains,
sulfadiazine association. Thus, clindamycin [28], which present a stable resistance to these drugs [37–39].
azithromycin [29, 30] or clarithromycin [31] may be used in Clindamycin acts by disrupting protein synthesis at the
association with pyrimethamine for the treatment of severe level of apicoplasts. A point mutation of the large subunit of
toxoplasmosis, including cerebral toxoplasmosis. the rRNA in Toxoplasma gondii at position 1857 was identi-
fied in two mutant resistant strains for clindamycin. This
mutation, corresponding to the mutation 2061 in Escherichia
5 Clinical Therapeutic Failures coli [40] and to the mutations 2058 and 2059 in antibiotic
resistant bacteria [41], identifies apicoplasts as the clindamy-
In clinical practice, therapeutic failures and relapses have cin target [39].
been observed. The understanding of the failure mechanisms Protozoan mitochondria were identified as therapeutic
against the main active drugs on Toxoplasma gondii is essen- targets sensitive to ubiquinone analogues, such as the atova-
tial because there are currently few effective and validated quone [42, 43]. McFadden et al. [38] showed that the molec-
therapeutic alternatives. ular target of the atovaquone in Toxoplasma gondii was the
Congenital toxoplasmosis reveals, in its natural evolution, Q(o) domain of the cytochrome b gene, suggesting that
the emergence of chorioretinitis without having clearly estab- mutations in this region could lead to a resistance to this
lished the physiological mechanisms or predictive factors [25, drug. Two mutations obtained by mutagenicity, M129L and
32–34]. The treatment appears to be active for recent injuries I254L, were identified in four strains resistant to atovaquone.
and can decrease the after-effects. Chorioretinitis can appear These mutations take place in the regions forming the Q(o)
during treatment in spite of a good observance and correct domain, in the tertiary structure of the cytochrome b [38, 44].
serum concentrations [21, 24, 35]. However, therapeutic fail- Studies in Plasmodium and Pneumocystis have also shown
ures are described with the main drugs used (pyrimethamine- that mutations in the Q(o) domain of cytochrome b lead to
sulfadiazine association) in the treatment of severe atovaquone resistance [45–47].
toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients [9, 36].
Several pharmacological parameters can contribute to
these failures: individual factors of absorption, drug intoler- 6.2 I nhibitors of Folic Acid Synthesis:
ance or poor tissue distribution. Considering a drug’s action Mechanisms of Resistance
mechanism, and in analogy to the other Apicomplexa, the
existence of a sensitivity change for drugs and/or the devel- Among the protozoa of clinical importance, Toxoplasma
opment of drug resistance could be feared. gondii and Plasmodium present a common evolution. They
are members of the Apicomplexa phylum and possess vul-
nerability in their folic acid metabolism, which forms the
6 M
echanisms of Drug Resistance base of currently used treatments [48].
in Toxoplasma gondii Folic acid consists of three different parts: a pterin nucleus,
a para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) and a glutamate chain.
In 1973, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined, in Most bacteria, yeasts and some parasites can synthesise
the case of malaria, drug resistance as ‘the ability of a parasite de novo folic acid [12]. These micro-organisms must conju-
strain to survive and/or to multiply despite the administration gate the pterin with pABA to form dihydropteroate.
44 Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Toxoplasma gondii 681
This reaction is catalysed by DHPS, which is the specific 6.2.1 Sulfonamides: Mechanisms of Resistance
therapeutic target of sulfonamides. Most micro-organisms
can synthesise folates from GTP, pABA and l-glutamate. 1–dhps Gene Mutations
Dihydrofolate synthase (DHFS) catalyses the addition of Aspinall et al. [50] highlighted six mutations in the dhps
glutamic acid to 7.8-dihydropteroate, for the synthesis of gene, after having sequenced 32 strains from human toxo-
7.8-dihydrofolate. DHFR reduces dihydrofolate (DHF) in plasmosis. A mutation affecting the residue 407 of the pro-
tetrahydrofolate (THF). It is changed into tein coded by the dhps gene was found in a clinical strain,
5.10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to serve as carbon donor for Swa-20, isolated from untreated congenital toxoplasmosis.
the synthesis of thymidylate, a reaction that is catalysed by This mutation implies a natural resistance of the strain to
thymidylate synthase (TS) (Fig. 44.3). sulfonamides. The same mutation had also been highlighted
At the cellular level, the active forms of folic acid are the for an experimental sulfonamide resistant strain, R-SulR-5,
products derived from DHF and THF. The intracellular obtained in vitro by directed mutagenesis [51], underlining
folates of micro-organisms and mammal cells are mainly in the possible implication of this mutation in sulfonamide
the form of polyglutamates, comprising in their structure resistance. However, a study of 200 Toxoplasma gondii
four to six glutamate residues [49]. This polyglutamylation strains preserved in the Biological Resource Centre
is realised by DHFS and folylpolyglutamate synthase Toxoplasma (France) did not find this mutation (Villena, per-
(FPGS). Polyglutamates are better retained than glutamates sonal data).
in the cell. Furthermore, they are better substrates and co- Due to the lack of reported data on the variations of a
factors of enzymes involved in folic acid metabolism. 50 % inhibitory concentration in Toxoplasma gondii, the sen-
The inhibitors of folic acid synthesis include DHFR inhib- sitivity levels to various anti-Toxoplasma drugs (sulfadia-
itors and DHPS inhibitors. These two anti-Toxoplasma drugs zine, pyrimethamine and atovaquone) were studied in 17
are used in combination because of a synergistic effect on Toxoplasma gondii strains chosen according to a criterion of
two key enzymes of folic acid metabolism, DHPS and DHFR genomic diversity or a clinical criterion [52]. This study
[10, 11]. The mechanisms of resistance to these drugs in identified three in vitro resistant strains to sulfadiazine, in
Toxoplasma gondii are still little described in the literature. MRC-5 cells. These same resistant strains were found on
682 A. Mzabi et al.
Vero cells [53]. Furthermore, among these three strains, two point mutations in the genomic sequence. In Plasmodium
were responsible for congenital toxoplasmosis with the falciparum, antimalarial resistance involves mutations and/
occurrence of chorioretinitis under treatment, in spite of or amplification of one Pgp and MRP genes, PfABC.B1
effective serum rates. These two strains, TgH 32006 (geno- (alias PfMDR1) and PfABC.C1 (alias PfMRP), respectively.
type II) and TgH 32045 (atypical genotype), were isolated Mutations in PfABC.B1 are identified in clinical isolates
from human placentas during congenital toxoplasmosis, and from different geographical areas. Polymorphisms are
the third strain, TgA 103001 (genotype I), was isolated from observed at five positions—codons 86, 184, 1034, 1042, and
a bovine placenta. It is important to note that only the TgH 1246. PfABC.B1 overexpression is the only mechanism sug-
32006 strain was exposed for 12 weeks to the pyrimethamine- gested to date involved in mefloquine-resistant parasites
sulfadoxine association during pregnancy. Moreover, these [58]. Concerning PfABC.C1, mutations at positions 191His
data show the non-correlation between genotype and resis- and 437Ser are found to be linked 100 % to decrease quino-
tance to sulfadiazine in Toxoplasma gondii. lone resistance in south eastern Iranian isolates [59].
As part of the analysis of these 17 Toxoplasma gondii To identify the genotypic and/or phenotypic markers of
strains by Meneceur et al. [52], three new mutations were resistance in Toxoplasma gondii, and in analogy with
identified for the dhps gene: two silent mutations at position Plasmodium [58–60], a study was carried out that sequenced
370 and 654, and one causing an amino acid change (Alanine and analysed the expression levels of therapeutic targets
to Valine) at position 587, which was only found for the TgH (dhps and dhfr) and three ABC transporter genes (TgABC.
32006 strain. This mutation was not found for the two other B1, TgABC.B2 and TgABC.C1). It analysed sensitive strains
resistant strains (TgH 32045 and TgA 103001), preventing compared to sulfadiazine resistant strains (natural resistance
the establishment of a formal link between this mutation and or induced resistance), but neither polymorphism nor over-
resistance. Moreover, the mutation described by Aspinall expression was identified [61].
et al. [50] at position 407 was not found in this study.
4–Sulfonamides: Conclusion
2–Induction of Sulfadiazine Resistance in Vitro The mechanisms of resistance to sulfonamides in Toxoplasma
by Drug Pressure gondii are still not described, although ongoing studies sug-
In order to better understand the mechanisms of resistance to gest the participation of other enzymes implicated in folic
sulfadiazine in Toxoplasma gondii, Doliwa et al. [53] have acid synthesis and the participation of other transporters of
developed, in vitro, two sulfadiazine resistant strains, RH-RSDZ xenobiotics.
and ME-49-RSDZ, by drug pressure. These strains will be able
to be used as experimental model to characterise the mecha- 6.2.2 Pyrimethamine: Mechanisms
nisms of resistance to sulfadiazine in Toxoplasma gondii. of Resistance
The 17 Toxoplasma gondii strains tested in vitro by
3–ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Transporters Meneceur et al. [52] did not show resistance to pyrimeth-
Sauvage et al. [54] have demonstrated that accumulation and amine and, like Aspinall et al. [50], no polymorphism result-
efflux of xenobiotics from parasites are modulated by ing in an amino acid change in the coding region of the dhfr
P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and multidrug resistance-associated gene was found. According to these results, clinical resis-
protein (MRP) inhibitors, indicating their presence and activ- tance to pyrimethamine has rarely been described [62].
ity in Toxoplasma gondii. Pgp and MRP proteins belong to Furthermore, the conception of a resistant strain to pyri-
the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters. methamine by drug pressure in vitro is very fastidious (cur-
So far, Sauvage et al. [55] have identified in the Toxoplasma rently no pyrimethamine resistant strain has been described
gondii genome 24 genes related to the ABC whose expres- according to this method).
sion was detected both in tachyzoite and bradyzoite infec- However, pyrimethamine resistant tachyzoites have been
tious stages for the three genotypes. Among these 24 genes, isolated in vitro by random mutagenesis of the Toxoplasma
two encode for whole Pgps, TgABC.B1 (1345 amino acids) gondii dhfr-ts gene, followed by transfection and pyrimeth-
and TgABC.B2 (1407 amino acids), and one encodes for a amine selection in the parasite [63]. By modelling
MRP, TgABC.C1 (1883 amino acids). Pgp and MRP are Plasmodium falciparum resistance mutations at codons
widely reported to export xenobiotics and cause drug resis- equivalent to 59 and 108 [64], a high level of pyrimethamine
tance in tumour cells [56] and protozoan parasites [57] and resistance was obtained in Toxoplasma gondii DHFR-TS
lead to drug resistance by increasing drug efflux from the [65, 66]. Plasmids conferring a high level of pyrimethamine
cell, thus lowering the effective intracellular drug concentra- resistance in Toxoplasma gondii have been useful in the
tion. The increased activities of the ABC transporters could study of the resistance to pyrimethamine in various
be due to an increased amount of proteins due to gene ampli- Apicomplexa [67]. Furthermore, these resistant mutants in
fication or overexpression associated or not associated with Toxoplasma gondii are characterised by a reduction of their
44 Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Toxoplasma gondii 683
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51. Pfefferkorn ER, Borotz SE, Nothnagel RF. Toxoplasma gondii: insights into pyrimethamine and cycloguanil resistance in
characterization of a mutant resistant to sulfonamides. Exp Plasmodium falciparum. J Biol Chem. 1998;273:3461–9.
Parasitol. 1992;74:261–70. 68. Fohl LM, Roos DS. Fitness effects of DHFR-TS mutations associ-
52. Meneceur P, Bouldouyre M-A, Aubert D, Villena I, Menotti J, Sauvage ated with pyrimethamine resistance in apicomplexan parasites. Mol
V, Garin J-F, Derouin F. In vitro susceptibility of various genotypic Microbiol. 2003;50:1319–27.
Eimeria and Cryptosporidium: Recent
Advances in the Therapeutic Field 45
Dominique Aubert and Loïc Favennec
lines of E. tenella was lower than that of a sensitive line. unique location in the host cell (intracellular but extracyto-
Analysis of differentially expressed genes by a monensin- plasmic) as well described in the review by Striepen [24].
resistant line of E. tenella, using cDNA array, indicated a six- Since 2009, only few significant results have been obtained,
fold upregulation of genes mainly involved in cytoskeletal mainly in the field of transport proteins or efflux pumps that
rearrangement and energy metabolism compared with a sen- transport drugs out of the parasite and into the host cell and
sitive parental line [19]. Like Eimeria spp., Toxoplasma gon- intestinal lumen.
dii is highly susceptible to monensin and monensin has been In several protozoan parasites, gene sequences which may
used to treat toxoplasmosis in several animal species [20]. be responsible for the expression of membrane pumps that pro-
Lavine and Arrizabalaga [21] have used T. gondii as a model duce multiple drug resistance (MDR) by lowering intracellular
to study monensin’s mode of action and possible mechanisms drug concentration have been detected [25]. Such members of
of resistance in apicomplexa. They suggest a novel mecha- the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter protein superfam-
nism for the mode of action of monensin (and salinomycin) ily have been shown to translocate a wide range of substrates
on coccidial parasites, in which the drug activates an MSH-1- across a variety of cellular membranes [26, 27]. Recent reports
dependent cell cycle checkpoint by an unknown mechanism, suggest that C. parvum may possess upwards of 33 ABC trans-
ultimately leading to the death of the parasite. porter genes. Widmer et al. [28] found that three share a
high level of homology with the NBDs of CpABC1, CpABC3,
Leishmania tropica MDR1, and human MDR. It is therefore
5 Management of Resistance likely that C. parvum ABC transporters play a significant role
in transport pathways of the parasite and may be involved in
To minimise the occurrence of resistance, rotation (a given intrinsic resistance to drugs. By comparing mRNAs of three
anticoccidial product is used during a maximum of 2 months ABC transporters in C. parvum infected cell cultures, it was
or two fattening periods) of various anticoccidial drugs or showed that the CpABC1 transporter was transcribed at a con-
shuttle programmes (two or more anticoccidial drugs are siderably higher level than other CpABC transporters [29].
used within a fattening period) is used. Due to the occurrence Benitez et al. [30] partially characterised and analysed the
of cross-resistance between anticoccidial drugs, anticoccid- expression of three C. parvum ABC transporters: cgd1_1350,
ial drugs with distinct mode of action should be used within cgd7_4510, and cgd7_4520. Li and Mun [31] described two
rotation and shuttle programmes. ABC transporter proteins in C. parvum, one of which Cpnbd2
could be a novel member of the ABC protein superfamily.
At least one of the four ABC transporter proteins which
5.1 Cryptosporidium have been detected in C. parvum was found at the host-
parasite boundary of mature meronts, suggesting a role in
The World Health Organization has established that diar- crucial host-parasite transports [32]. These results were con-
rhoea accounts for 10.5 % of the nearly eight million yearly firmed by immunofluorescence studies of Zapata et al. [33]
deaths of children under 5 years of age in the world, and a that showed that CpABC1 was broadly distributed through-
large clinical and epidemiological study involving 22,500 out the sporozoite and at the boundary between host cell and
children from Africa and Asia has recently identified crypto- extracytoplasmic meront. In addition, a cyclosporin analogue
sporidiosis as the second major cause of diarrhoeal disease that modulates the efflux of the mammalian ABC transporter
and death in infants [22]. In spite of the epidemiological MDR1 has been shown to inhibit the growth of C. parvum
importance of this intestinal infection, there is no fully effec- in vitro [34]. Such inhibitors may act via different mecha-
tive drug treatment or vaccine, and the basic research tools nisms, i.e. directly by binding to the transporter and presum-
and infrastructure needed to discover, evaluate and develop ably blocking cytotoxic drug binding and/or indirectly by
such interventions are mostly lacking. In spite of the many altering membrane functions or modulating gene expression,
drug assays aimed at the treatment of cryptosporidiosis, few the latter having been demonstrated for the MDR1 inhibitors
consistently effective agents are presently available. Current verapamil, doxorubicin, and mitomycin C [35, 36].
investigations are limited by the absence of reliable long- The concentration of the fluorescent dye calcein found to be
term (more than a few days) Cryptosporidium spp. culture higher in parasites than in host cells may reflect the important
procedures, and the inadequacy of standard rodent (mouse physiological function of parasite efflux pumps in physiological
and rat) models to support infection by C. hominis, the major host-cell interactions [29]. This was recently supported by
species which infects humans and develops only in Widmer et al. [28] who, by comparing the genomes of a zoonotic
Mongolian gerbils [23]. Factors contributing to low anticryp- and an anthroponotic C. parvum isolate, showed that amongst the
tosporidial drug efficacy may include improper targeting of 22 high-SNP genes, three (14 %) were annotated as ABC trans-
parasitic molecular structures and/or biochemical pathway. porters. This proportion is much higher than the ratio (0.4 %) of
Drugs may also have difficulties in reaching appropriate tar- the 16 ABC transporter genes C. parvum genome-wide
gets due to significant barriers established by the parasite’s (p = 0.0004). The significant overrepresentation of transporters
688 D. Aubert and L. Favennec
among highly diverged genes suggests that the ability to establish maduramicin-resistant lines using cDNA array. Exp Parasitol.
an infection in a particular host species may depend in part on
20. Lawrence K. Use of monensin sodium against Toxoplasma. Vet
transporters controlling the exchange of metabolites between the Rec. 1988;123:323.
host cell and intracellular developmental stages of the parasite. 21. Lavine MD, Arrizabalaga G. Analysis of monensin sensitivity in
Toxoplasma gondii reveals autophagy as a mechanism for drug
induced death. PLoS One. 2012;7:107.
22. Kotloff KL, Nataro JP, Blackwelder WC, Nasrin D, Farag TH,
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Drug Resistance in Nematodes
Roger K. Prichard
Resistance to drugs used against nematode infections has Parasitic nematodes cause significant disease in animals and
become a serious problem in livestock as well as horses and humans. In humans, the most important nematode-induced
is now present in species such as Dirofilaria immitis, which morbidities are due to soil-transmitted helminths, which
causes heartworm disease in dogs. Furthermore, there is evi- establish, as adults, in the gastrointestinal tract, and tissue
dence of resistance to ivermectin in Onchocerca volvulus in dwelling filarial nematodes which cause diseases such as
humans, and the results of efficacy evaluations coupled with onchocerciasis (River Blindness) and lymphatic filariasis
detection of resistance mutations in soil transmitted hel- (Elephantiasis). The soil transmitted helminths (STH)
minths raise the possibility that it may be developing in gas- include the Hookworms, such as Necator americanus and
trointestinal nematodes of humans. The main anthelmintic Ancylostoma duodenale, the Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura),
classes, based on drug chemistry and drug receptors/modes and the large roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides). Collectively
of action, are the benzimidazoles (BZs), the macrocyclic lac- these STHs are estimated to infect over one quarter of all
tones (MLs), and a variety of drugs that act on acetylcholine humans and to cause up to 39 million DALYs/year (disabil-
receptors (AChRs), such as levamisole and monepantel. ity adjusted life years lost each year). The major filaria para-
Resistance has arisen in several nematode species to all of sites of humans are Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia
these drug classes. Our understanding of the mechanism(s) malayi/B. timori which cause lymphatic filariasis, and O.
and genetics of resistance is most advanced with BZ resis- volvulus responsible for blindness and severe skin disease.
tance and involves single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in Together these filarial infections have been estimated to
β-tubulin genes. These changes can be detected to monitor cause 7.3 million DALYs/year. Other important human nem-
for BZ resistance. Resistance to MLs appears more compli- atode infections include Strongyloides stercoralis which
cated. However, recently SNVs in dyf-7 genes associated causes Strongyloidiasis, including the condition of dissemi-
with resistance were found and a mechanism of resistance nated Strongyloidiasis which is often fatal, and Enterobius
involving these genes and ABC transporters is hypothesized vermicularis (pinworm).
below. These advances may allow molecular monitoring for In recent years, major control and elimination programs
ML resistances in the near future. While genetic and protein have been launched against many of these human nematode
changes that cause levamisole or monepantel resistance have parasites worldwide, fueled by massive donations of anthel-
been found, the situation appears quite complex with anthel- mintics, such as ivermectin (Mectizan™) by Merck Inc.,
mintics which act on AChR in nematodes and a simple panel albendazole by GlaxoSmithKline, and mebendazole by
of molecular markers for AChR anthelmintic resistances is Johnson & Johnson. These anthelmintics are employed in
still not available. mass drug administration programs in endemic areas. Over 1
billion doses of Mectizan have been administered and over
400 million doses of albendazole are being administered
each year, and the deployment of anthelmintics against nem-
atode infections form the largest chemotherapy programs for
R.K. Prichard, Ph.D. (*)
humans in the world. Currently used anthelmintics, dose
Institute of Parasitology, McGill University,
St. Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada rates, formulations, and treatment regimens very often do not
e-mail: [email protected] achieve the high level of efficacy against nematodes in
humans [1–3], expected against veterinary parasites, and as a drug, (2b) changes in ancillary proteins or other substances
result it is much more difficult to notice an anthelmintic fail- which affect the functioning of the receptor, (2c) alteration in
ure for which resistance could be suspected. In most cases, regulatory components which affect the level of expression
the chemotherapy has to be repeated over many years, if not of a receptor or receptor ancillary protein, (2d) changes in
for decades, and the risk for anthelmintic resistance develop- the importance of the receptor function to the viability of the
ing in these human parasites is high. Should resistance organism, or in (2e) remediation or compensatory mecha-
become widespread, the control and elimination programs nisms. Resistance can be due to a single gene change, or be
would be severely compromised as few alternative multigenic in which more than one of these mechanisms and/
approaches for control are available and any such alterna- or more than one gene for a given type of mechanisms can be
tives would be far less cost effective compared with anthel- involved. Commonly drug resistance involves more than a
mintic treatment. It is important to recognize that most of the single genetic change and very often non-receptor-based
anthelmintics that are used to control nematode infections in mechanisms contribute to the resistance. To some extent, a
people were originally discovered and developed as veteri- too simplistic view of anthelmintic resistance has been
nary pharmaceutics [4, 5]. This is important in considering assumed, based solely on the mode of action receptor.
the concept of “One Health.”
Nematodes, if unchecked, are a major cause of morbidity,
death, and economic loss in both livestock and companion 3 M
echanisms of Action of Major
animals. In veterinary medicine, the standards of anthelmintic Anthelmintic Classes
efficiency usually demand that ≥95 % of the parasitic nema-
todes be removed with a single drug treatment and efficacy 3.1 Benzimidazoles
below this, and certainly below 90 %, is accepted as evidence
of anthelmintic resistance provided the anthelmintic has been Benzimidazoles (BZs) bind to nematode tubulin with high
administered at the appropriate dose rate and other condi- affinity and inhibit the formation and stability of microtubules
tions, such as formulation conditions, are satisfied [6]. Serious [14]. Microtubules play essential roles in eukaryotic cells such
and often dramatic levels of anthelmintic resistance are being as intracellular trafficking, cellular absorption and secretion,
recorded, mainly in ruminant and horse gastrointestinal nem- mitosis and meiosis, cellular architecture, e.g., the elongation
atodes [7–9] and more recently in D. immitis, the filarial of axons, and the migration of cells via cilia and cell pseudo-
heartworm of dogs and cats [10–13]. It is therefore one of the pods, and anchoring of membrane receptors at specific loca-
key parasitological research issues to understand the mecha- tions, such as at synapses in nerve cells [15]. β-tubulin and
nisms and genetics of anthelmintic resistance. This under- microtubules, which are formed by polymerization of α-
standing should prove helpful in developing new anthelmintics, β-tubulin dimers, are the targets of several pharmaceuticals,
reducing the selection for resistance and maintaining the effi- including colchicine, vinca alkaloids, BZs and others that
cacy of anthelmintics, for monitoring the extent and spread of cause microtubule instability, and other drugs such as taxol
anthelmintic resistance using sensitive and specific markers, [16] and ivermectin [17, 18] which cause excessive stability of
and in some cases for overcoming the resistance or exploiting microtubules. Microtubules are dynamic polymers with a
the genetic changes involved in resistance to specifically tar- growing end where additional α- β-tubulin dimers can be
get drug-resistant parasites. added and a loss end where α- β-tubulin dimers disassociate
As anthelmintic resistance has a genetic basis, it can be from the polymer. It is believed that BZ anthelmintics
detected as changes in DNA sequences that affect the func- (Fig. 46.1), which include thiabendazole, mebendazole, alben-
tioning or expression of gene products. Resistance is com- dazole, oxibendazole, fenbendazole, oxfendazole, and fluben-
monly due to either mechanisms (1) which change the dazole, bind to either the α- β-tubulin dimer or to the growing
effective concentration of the drug that reaches the effector end of microtubules, “capping” the microtubule so that addi-
site on a receptor, such as (1a) increased efflux of the drug tional dimers cannot be added at the growing end of the poly-
from cells containing the receptors, (1b) reduced uptake, (1c) mer (Fig. 46.2). At the same time, α- β-tubulin dimers continue
increased drug metabolism and inactivation, or (1d) reduced to be lost at the loss end of the microtubule, resulting in the
activation in the case of pro-drugs; non-receptor mechanisms disappearance of microtubules. This may disrupt the many
of resistance, or (2) receptor-based mechanisms of resis- functions performed by microtubules and lead to cell death.
tance. The latter can be due to (2a) single nucleotide poly- The exact dimensions of the BZ binding site have not been
morphisms (SNPs) or other genetic changes (e.g., indels, unequivocally determined [19–21]. However, allelic changes
deletions) which alter the amino acid sequence of the recep- in nematode β-tubulin at either codon 200 (phenylalanine to
tor (from single amino acid changes to premature stop tyrosine), codon 167 (also phenylalanine to tyrosine), or codon
codons or intron deletions/insertions which effectively pro- 198 (glutamate to alanine) result in BZ resistance [20, 22–27]
duce a null receptor) and the affinity of the receptor for the and a loss of high affinity BZ binding [20, 28].
46 Drug Resistance in Nematodes 691
been reports of monepantel resistance arising in the field complete emodepside resistance, revealed that a large-
[42–45]. The current understanding about possible mecha- conductance Ca2+-activated voltage-gated K+ channel, named
nisms of monepantel resistance will be discussed below. SLO-1, is involved in the mode of action [47]. SLO-1
mutants showed resistance in the pharyngeal pumping as
well as in the locomotion assays applied to investigate the
3.3 nthelmintics Acting on Ca2+-Activated
A emodepside effects. In contrast, only the pharyngeal pump-
K+ Channels ing activity was observed to be resistant to emodepside in
LAT-1 mutants, while body movement was still normally
Full efficacy of emodepside (Fig. 46.4), a cyclooctadepsip- inhibited. This indicates that more than one endogenous
eptide, observed against BZ, imidazothiazole, and cyclooctadepsipeptide receptor exists. The fact that, by the
ivermectin-resistant populations of nematodes from sheep forward genetics approach performed by Guest et al. [47],
and cattle suggested that this drug class acts by a new mode only SLO-1 mutants were generated argues for a signaling of
of action [46]. In vitro mutagenesis in C. elegans, leading to emodepside directly through a SLO-1 pathway, presumably
46 Drug Resistance in Nematodes 693
at the postsynaptic membranes at neuromuscular junctions in open the channel, leading to a permanent hyperpolarization
the body-wall musculature and at presynaptic sites in the of the cells and flaccid paralysis [53]. They bind to, and acti-
pharynx [48]. Recent studies show that emodepside selec- vate, a wide range of ligand-gated anion channels (gluta-
tively activates the nematode isoform of the evolutionary mate-, GABA- and perhaps dopamine-, serotonin-, and
conserved SLO-1 [49]. The nematode SLO-1 receptor was tyramine-gated chloride channels), but in nematodes their
significantly more sensitive to emodepside than the human most important targets are believed to be the glutamate-gated
SLO-1 receptor, providing for the selective anthelmintic chloride channels (GluCls), which are expressed widely in
action of this drug. For commercial reasons, emodepside has the nervous system and on pharyngeal muscle [54–58].
been developed for use in cats and dogs only, and to date, no There is some evidence that the avermectins, such as iver-
reports of resistance have been made. mectin, and the milbemycin, moxidectin, may not target the
same ligand-gated anion channels in nematodes with similar
affinities and effects. For example, ivermectin is approxi-
3.4 nthelmintics Acting on Ligand-Gated
A mately 64-fold more potent than moxidectin at inhibiting
Anion Channels pharyngeal pumping in C. elegans and at nM concentrations
ivermectin stimulates nematode mobility, whereas moxidec-
Nematodes possess a greater abundance and variety of tin inhibits mobility at similar concentrations [59]. In gene
ligand-gated anion channels than are found in vertebrates. knock-out studies these same authors found that deletion of
GABA (γ-amino butyric acid) is common to both phyla, but the glutamate channel gene glc-3 resulted in C. elegans lar-
fulfills quite different roles: in nematodes it acts as an inhibi- val development becoming insensitive to moxidectin even at
tory transmitter at the neuromuscular junction and is also μM concentrations whereas nematodes with the same gene
present in some other neurons [50, 51]. Its receptors are deletion were still sensitive to ivermectin at less than
found on muscle cells and the anthelmintic piperazine is a 20 nM. These and other studies (see below) indicate that
GABA receptor agonist that causes a flaccid paralysis [52]. while avermectins and moxidectin may target GluCls, diver-
By far the most important group of compounds that act at sity in these channels and in transport proteins that modulate
ligand-gated chloride channels are the macrocyclic lactones the concentrations of macrocyclic lactones may produce
(Fig. 46.5), which include the avermectin subclass (ivermec- marked differences between avermectins and moxidectin in
tin, abamectin, eprinomectin, doramectin, and selamectin), effects on nematodes and on the selection and expression of
and the milbemycin subclass (moxidectin and milbemycin resistance to the avermectins and moxidectin. Resistance has
oxime). All of the macrocyclic lactones are very hydropho- become a serious problem within the macrocyclic lactone
bic and have a unique mode of action. They do not bind to class of anthelmintics and knowledge about the mechanisms
the normal agonist site, but bind allosterically to irreversibly of resistance to these anthelmintics will be discussed below.
Ivermectin Moxidectin O
Fig. 46.5 The macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics are composed of two ents, notably a methoxime group at C23 and a substituted olefinic side
subclasses, the avermectins, such as ivermectin, and milbemycins, such chain at C25. The chemical variation between moxidectin and the aver-
as moxidectin. They share a common macrocycle. But have different sub- mectins lead to marked differences in lipophilicity, and some differences
stituents. The avermectins typically have sugar groups at C13 of the mac- in interactions with glutamate-gated chloride channel receptors and with
rocyclic lactone ring, whereas the milbemycins are protonated at C13 ABC transporters, which may affect potency and resistance development.
(difference is highlighted). Moxidectin also has some unique substitu- Moxidectin has a longer half-life compared with ivermectin
694 R.K. Prichard
resistance in some isolates. The lack of a strong correlation isolates of H. contortus, and absent in susceptible isolates
between the molecular tests and tests such as the fecal egg in a number of studies [31, 87–89]. Boulin et al. [90] sub-
count reduction test (FECRT) may also reflect on the insen- sequently used a Xenopus oocyte heterologous expression
sitivity of the biological test used in the comparison. The system to examine the impact of the truncated H. contor-
ability to detect the presence of resistance in a population by tus UNC-63b protein on the functioning of levamisole
a molecular test means that the test could be utilized as a sensitive nAChRs. It was found that the truncated version
diagnostic tool for detection of resistance. Two recent studies hampered the normal function of the receptors when both
have evaluated the use of the pyrosequencing technique for forms of the protein (full length and truncated) were co-
diagnosis of BZ resistance in H. contortus under field condi- expressed, thereby mimicking a levamisole resistance
tions in Canada [22, 69]. Both studies showed that the phenotype that may occur when both forms are expressed
molecular tests were in agreement with more laborious and together in nAChRs in resistant worms. The same group
expensive FECRTs in diagnosing resistance, but as the level [87] found a truncated form of ACR8 (known as ACR8b
of BZ resistance was high, it was not possible to calculate a or HAX) in some isolates of levamisole-resistant H. con-
correlation with the FECRT results. tortus. Barrère et al. [91] further examined the occurrence
Pyrosequencing methods have also been developed for of the truncated Hco-acr-8b in resistant isolates from dif-
detecting resistance-associated SNPs in β-tubulin in the ferent geographical locations and identified an indel
human soil transmitted helminths, T. trichiura, A. lumbricoi- region of genomic DNA that was responsible for the gen-
des, and N. americanus [74, 75, 82], and the F200Y SNP was eration of the truncated splice variant, with the presence
detected in field samples of the whipworm T. trichiura and of the 63 bp indel leading to transcription of the full-
the hookworm N. americanus. In the case of the whipworm length ACR8 protein and the deletion of the 63 bp indel
the presence of the resistance-associated SNP seemed to be leading to the truncated ACR8b protein being formed and
in agreement with low BZ efficacies. associated loss of levamisole sensitivity.
2. Reduced transcription of nAChR subunit genes: A signifi-
cant decrease in transcription levels of Hco-unc-29.3 and
5 M
echanisms of Resistance Hco-unc-63 in a resistant isolate of H. contortus was
to Anthelmintics Acting on Ligand-Gated observed by Williamson et al. [89], and Sarai et al. [92]
Cation Channels noted that Hco-UNC63 was downregulated in resistant
isolates. In addition, they reported that all four paralogs of
5.1 Mechanisms of Levamisole Resistance Hco-UNC29 were significantly downregulated in adults of
one resistant isolate. Subsequently, Sarai et al. [93] subdi-
An early study on levamisole resistance found that resistant vided this isolate into subpopulations showing different
H. contortus were considerably less sensitive to the effects of levels of levamisole resistance in vitro. A comparison of
added acetylcholine [83], thereby highlighting changes to the nAChR gene expression patterns in the subpopulations
the nature of the cholinergic receptor(s) as a possible mecha- showed significant downregulation of several receptor
nism of resistance. Work by the same group demonstrated subunit genes in the most-resistant population (Hco-unc-
that the binding of radiolabeled levamisole to its nicotinic 63a, -63b, -29.2, -29.4, -26, and -acr-8a).
acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) target within the worm 3 . Reduced transcription of ancillary protein genes: Several
involved two sites, and that levamisole-resistant worms proteins are involved as either receptor subunits or ancil-
bound the drug less tightly at the low affinity site than sus- lary proteins in the construction of a functional nAChR
ceptible worms [84, 85]. This indicated that the basis for the that is susceptible to levamisole or other imidazothiazole
resistance was alterations at the drug target site. A study on anthelmintics [90]. Sarai et al. [93] found that a number
the mode of inheritance of levamisole resistance indicated of genes associated with the assembly of nAChRs were
that the resistance was polygenic [86]. significantly downregulated in most levamisole-resistant
More recent molecular studies with H. contortus, populations of H. contortus (Hco-unc-74, -unc-50, -ric-
Teladorsagia circumcincta, and Trichostrongylus colubrifor- 3.1, and -ric-3.2), including in different life cycle stages
mis have provided insights into mechanisms of this altered of resistant isolates [92].
drug/receptor affinity [31]. A number of molecular changes
are seen in resistant worms: Each of these molecular changes (truncation and reduced
transcription of nAChRs, reduced transcription of ancillary
1. Truncated nAChR subunit genes: truncated forms of two protein genes) could result in a reduction in the number of
nAChR subunit genes, Hco-acr-8 and Hco-unc-63 (trun- functional levamisole receptors in resistant worms, and
cated forms denoted as Hco-acr8b and Hco-unc63b, hence lead to reduced drug binding in resistant worms as
respectively), have been shown to be present in resistant noted earlier [84, 85]. However, the specific changes involved
696 R.K. Prichard
as Schistosoma mansoni, S. japonica, and Clonorchis sinen- by Bartley et al. [111], Heckler et al. [112], and Raza
sis [100]. In addition, mutation of this glycine residue in the et al. [113]. In vivo, mdr inhibitors have been used to
H. contortus GluClα3B protein expressed on HEK293 cells increase the efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin against
resulted in the loss of ivermectin sensitivity [99]. However resistant H. contortus in jirds [104, 114] and ivermectin in
despite these insights into the important determinants of ML sheep [101, 115]. Thus drug efflux pathways have been
sensitivity, there is no evidence that changes in this amino shown to play roles in resistance mechanisms in many
acid residue are responsible for field resistance in H. contor- nematode species and ML-resistant isolates. However,
tus or other worm species. A recent study by Williamson the data suggests that, on balance, efflux mechanisms can
et al. [89] failed to find a link between mutations in a number contribute part of the mechanism, but probably not all of
of ligand-gated chloride ion channels, including both GluCl the mechanism of ML resistance in nematodes.
and GABA channels (avr-14B, glc-5, lgc-37, and glc-6), and
ML resistance in field-derived resistant nematodes. Hibbs A recent study by Urdaneta-Marquez et al. [116] has pro-
and Gouaux [98] obtained a crystal structure of the C. ele- vided compelling evidence to indicate that another mecha-
gans GluClα protein with bound ivermectin and were able to nism may be responsible for ML resistance in H. contortus
predict from that the residues responsible for ivermectin and C. elegans, namely, changes to the anatomy and/or func-
binding. When the structure of moxidectin, a milbemycin tion of amphid sensory organs in resistant worms. This study
with a methoxime side chain, was superimposed over iver- examined the H. contortus homologue of a C. elegans gene
mectin, a number of the interaction sites relevant for iver- involved in the amphid dye-filling defects observed in
mectin binding to the GluCl are no longer present and other ML-resistant C. elegans worms (Cel_dyf-7, and its homo-
possible interactions may occur [8]. These differences may logue Hco_dyf-7). Polymorphisms in the H. contortus gene
contribute to the greater potency of moxidectin on most allowed for the identification of a resistant haplotype, Hco-
nematodes and to differences in the development of resis- dyf-7(r), which was consistently present in resistant H. con-
tance between moxidectin and ivermectin. Experience has tortus isolates from a range of geographical sources. This
shown that when resistance to recommended dose rates of finding has significant implications for the development of
ivermectin arises in the field, moxidectin is still fully effec- resistance-monitoring diagnostics. If the changes to the
tive at its normal dose rate. Nevertheless, with a change from amphidial neurons, caused by the dyf-7 mutations, affect the
the use of an avermectin (e.g., ivermectin) to moxidectin, access of MLs to GluCls expressed in the neurons innervat-
repeated use of moxidectin can lead to moxidectin resistance ing pharyngeal and body muscle (and perhaps other sites
also being eventually selected. where GluCls can be expressed (e.g., the excretory cell,
Resistance to MLs in nematodes has also been examined uterus, and male reproductive organs)), it can be envisioned
with respect to the possible role of changes in transcription that the DYF-7 changes may act in concert with changes in
levels of genes coding for ivermectin receptors. Williamson the activity of ABC efflux transporters to cause ML resis-
et al. [89] found that transcription of two GluCls (glc-3 and tance by collectively restricting the concentration of ML
glc-5) was slightly reduced in a resistant H. contortus isolate. which reaches the GluCl receptors (Fig. 46.6). Furthermore,
However, the changes were modest and were not considered the differences that have been noted in the interaction of
to be significant enough to explain the observed levels of moxidectin compared with the avermectins with ABC trans-
resistance. porters [117, 118] may explain differences that are seen in
A number of studies have indicated a role for ATP binding the expression and development of resistance to moxidectin
cassette (ABC) transporters, such as P-glycoproteins (P-gp) compared with the avermectins [8].
drug efflux pumps, in ML resistance in nematodes (reviewed
by [101]). Two lines of evidence exist:
7 I s There a Fitness Costs to Drug
1. Molecular: A number of molecular analyses detected Resistance in Nematodes?
polymorphisms in nematode P-gp genes that may have
been associated with resistance to MLs (e.g., [10, 11, 66, Genetic changes that cause drug resistance in nematodes are
102–104]). In addition, a number of studies have shown probably present at low frequencies prior to anthelmintic
that expression of P-gps is increased in resistant isolates selection [116], and populations of nematodes are initially
[101–107], while exposure of worm larvae and adults to susceptible, because the mutations which can cause resis-
ML drugs has resulted in the overexpression of a number tance cause the nematode to lose some aspect of general fit-
of ABC genes in vitro [108, 109], and in vivo [109, 110]. ness compared to the wild-type genomes. However,
2. ABC transport inhibitors on ML sensitivity: a number of anthelmintic drugs are such powerful selective agents that
multidrug resistance (mdr) inhibitors have been shown to the repeated use of anti-nematode drugs results in an
reverse ML resistance in nematodes, both in vitro and increase in the frequency of the nematodes with resistant
in vivo (reviewed by [101]). In vitro studies include those genomes and eventually we observe a population of worms
698 R.K. Prichard
Fig. 46.6 Schematic of the anterior end of a nematode and possible body muscle, reproductive tissue, and the excretory pore. MLs can
factors which affect the activity of, and resistance to macrocyclic lac- cause paralysis of these muscles. In ML-resistant nematodes, changes
tone (ML) anthelmintics. The amphids extend from the nerve junctions in dyf genes which code for proteins that cause elongation of the den-
adjacent to the nerve ring to the amphidial pores each side of the mouth. drites in the amphids can result in shortening of these dendrites so that
The amphids are highly innervated and serve as the sensory organs of they no longer reach the amphidial pore. This morphological and func-
nematodes. It is hypothesized that MLs may enter the amphids via the tional change, coupled with overexpression of ABC transporters, may
amphidial pores and transit via the amphidial dendrites to reach the reduce the concentration of MLs reaching the GluCl receptors and
glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls) that are highly sensitive to reduce susceptibility to ML anthelmintics
MLs and are expressed in the neurons innervating the pharynx, the
that is phenotypically drug resistant. However, it is difficult In the same study, it was noted that leaving the animals
to assess any fitness cost that may be associated with anthel- untreated for 5 years resulted in the efficacy of levamisole
mintic resistance and which could lead to some level of (7.5 mg/kg) against levamisole-resistant T. colubriformis
reversion to susceptibility, in the absence of further selec- increasing from 14 to 60 %, suggesting a strong rate of rever-
tion pressure from a specific class of anthelmintic. sion and a likely significant fitness cost for this type of resis-
Quantifying any fitness cost of drug resistance is an impor- tance. Furthermore, the use of thiabendazole (44 mg/kg),
tant question for how we manage anthelmintic resistance in eight times per year × 5 years, further increased levamisole
the long term. Because studies to attempt to assess any efficacy to 84 % against this formerly very resistant strain of
reversion to susceptibility of nematode populations contain- T. colubriformis. These limited data suggest that there may
ing a proportion of resistant worms might take several years be some fitness cost to anthelmintic resistance in some cases.
under field conditions, data on this aspect are scarce. However, usually when resistance to an anthelmintic is
Nevertheless, there are some interesting findings. Because detected, treatment is switched to another class of anthelmin-
the mechanisms of resistance to different drug classes (and tic or switched to combination treatment often with the com-
even to different anthelmintic molecules within a drug class) bination still containing the drug to which some of the worms
are likely to vary, the measurement of reversion, as a marker have become resistant (this is common with parasite control
for the fitness cost of resistance, cannot be extrapolated because there are few distinct drug classes available). In this
from one drug class to another or necessarily from one nem- latter scenario, there would be little chance for possible
atode species to another. Given these limitations, what can reversion. In the case where a different class of anthelmintic
we hypothesize about the possible fitness cost to different is used once resistance is established to the first anthelmintic
classes of anthelmintics? class, it may also be difficult to see reversion towards suscep-
Some work has been done on BZ resistance in nematode tibility because of interacting mechanisms. For example, it
species. In a field study over a 5-year period, involving sheep has been observed that MLs can select for some of the
with a BZ resistant strain of H. contortus, Waller et al. [119] genetic changes in β-tubulin (F200Y or F167Y) which cause
found an increase in the efficacy of thiabendazole (44 mg/ BZ resistance in nematodes [26, 77]. In this context it is
kg) from 72 to 91 % efficacy when the BZ resistant popula- interesting that ivermectin binds to H. contortus β-tubulin
tion was left untreated for 5 years. [17] and so there could be an effect of repeated ML treatment
46 Drug Resistance in Nematodes 699
limiting possible reversion to BZ susceptibility. This is of methods have also been described for the detection and/or
particular interest as MLs have been very commonly used quantification of this SNP, as well as the other two associated
alone or in combination with BZs. Considering the evidence, with BZ resistance (F167Y, E198A), including restriction
discussed above, it would seem quite likely that there could fragment length polymorphism-PCR (RFLP-PCR) [24, 78],
be a fitness cost associated with levamisole resistance (defec- real time PCR [79–81], and pyrosequencing [80]. This latter
tive n-acetylcholine receptors) and with ML resistance study described pyrosequencing assays for H. contortus
(changes in the dyf-7 gene which causes impaired develop- codons 167, 198, and 200 of beta-tubulin isotypes 1 and 2.
ment of dendrites in the sensory amphids). However, defini- The method proved able to assess the BZ resistance status of
tive evidence of these likely fitness costs requires further a number of H. contortus isolates, indicating that it may be
investigation. suitable for routine diagnosis of resistance in this species. A
comparison of molecular data with egg hatch data showed
that the molecular test was not always correlated with the
8 D
etecting Anthelmintic Resistance degree of resistance; however, it was able to discriminate
in Nematodes well between resistant and susceptible isolates. The inability
to directly correlate with resistance levels suggests that other
Classically detection of anthelmintic resistance tests has resistance mechanisms besides beta-tubulin mutations may
been conducted using in vivo or in vitro biological tests. For also be contributing to resistance in some isolates. The lack
gastrointestinal nematodes, the most common method is to of a strong correlation between the molecular tests and tests,
count nematode eggs in fecal/stool samples before anthel- such as the FECRT, may also reflect on the insensitivity of
mintic treatment and then approximately 7–14 days after the biological test used in the comparison. The ability to
anthelmintic treatment (depending on the anthelmintic used detect the presence of resistance in a population by a molec-
and its residence time in the host). In animals this type of test ular test means that the test could be utilized as a diagnostic
is known as the fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) [6]. tool for detection of resistance, even if not able to produce a
For humans, similar tests can be performed, although the quantification of the level of resistance comparable to
Kato-Katz test [120] has been the most commonly used tra- FECRT. Two recent studies [22, 69] have evaluated the use
ditional means of assessing egg counts of soil transmitted of the pyrosequencing technique for diagnosis of BZ resis-
helminthes in humans. Some in vitro tests for resistance such tance in H. contortus under field conditions in Canada. Both
as the larval development assay and larval migration assays studies showed that the molecular tests were in agreement
have also been described [6, 121]. All of these biological with more laborious and expensive FECRTs in diagnosing
tests are quite laborious, time-consuming, and require exper- resistance, but as the level of BZ resistance was high, it was
tise in identifying specific nematode eggs or larvae. As a not possible to calculate a correlation with FECRT results.
result they are expensive. They also suffer from a lack of Until recently, molecular tests for the other drug classes
sensitivity [121] and often two assays are required to not remain to be fully evaluated in field settings. The identifica-
only count eggs but also develop and differentiate larval tion of a genetic marker for levamisole resistance in H. con-
stages in order to assess which species of nematode is tortus [91], based on the presence or absence of an indel in
responsible for the anthelmintic resistance. the Hco-acr-8 gene, may mean that levamisole resistance
Advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of caused by this genetic change could be easily detected.
anthelmintic resistances have led to the recent development However, the complexity of possible changes to the levami-
of molecular-based tests for some types of drug resistance in sole receptor, which can result in loss of levamisole sensitiv-
nematodes [122, 123]. The opportunities for developing ity (see discussion above), may make development of a
molecular tests for the different chemical classes vary, due to simple and universal molecular assay for the detection of
the varying levels of understanding of the molecular nature levamisole resistance difficult.
of the various resistances. For BZs, the work, to date, to The recent work linking dyf-7 gene to ML resistance in C.
develop molecular tests has been most successful, as this is elegans and H. contortus [116] raises the possibility of
the best understood of the resistances at the molecular level. developing molecular-based tests for detection of ML resis-
For some other drug groups, the uncertainty about the spe- tance in the field. The dyf-7 gene markers have recently been
cific nature of resistance mechanisms in field isolates, and used to assess ivermectin resistance in H. contortus on
the fact that molecular changes reported for some resistant numerous sheep farms in Canada and Sweden, and initial
isolates may not occur in other resistant isolates, has delayed evidence suggests a significant correlation with FECRT data
the development of molecular diagnostics. (Prichard, Urdaneta, Barrere, Höglund, unpublished). These
Coles et al. [6] described an allele-specific PCR for detec- markers may prove to be useful for field-based diagnostic
tion of BZ resistance-associated F200Y SNP in H. contortus tests. However, the effectiveness of the dyf-7 markers across
using DNA extracted from L3 stage larvae. Other molecular H. contortus populations from different regions requires fur-
700 R.K. Prichard
ther evaluation, as does the evaluation of similar genetic stand the physiological and genetic bases for drug resistance
changes in other parasitic nematode species. in nematodes is important for success in controlling and pos-
Resistance to ML anthelmintics has recently been reported sibly eventually eradicating major nematode infections in
in the filarial nematodes D. immitis in dogs and O. volvulus humans and animals.
in people [12, 124, 125]. These are tissue dwelling nema-
todes which produce microfilariae in blood or skin, rather
than eggs in feces. The traditional means of assessing ML References
activity against these filarial nematodes has been to assess
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Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance
in Schistosomiasis and Other 47
Trematode and Cestode Infections
Robert M. Greenberg and Michael J. Doenhoff
1.1 Schistosomiasis
1 Introduction
Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum
Trematodes (flukes) and cestodes (tapeworms) are members are the three primary species of schistosomes that infect
of the phylum Platyhelminthes. These parasites, including humans [6]. Estimates of the at-risk population range
schistosomes, are estimated to infect over 400 million people between 600 and 779 million people [7, 8]. In 2012, the
worldwide (Table 47.1), with major impacts on human health World Health Organization estimated that almost 240 mil-
and economic development [1, 2]. They represent a signifi- lion people require preventive chemotherapy for schistoso-
cant proportion of the neglected tropical diseases, a set of miasis [9]. S. mansoni and S. haematobium alone infect
infections which have substantial, though often underesti- approximately 200 million people [1, 10], accounting for
mated, effects on the health of more than a billion people [3]. roughly half of the principal flatworm infections of humans
It is now recognized that schistosome infections, which (Table 47.1). S. mansoni is found in Africa and parts of South
account for approximately half of these infections, are America and the Caribbean (having arrived in the New World
responsible for serious morbidity, mainly in sub-Saharan with the slave trade); S. haematobium, the cause of urinary
African countries. Flukes and tapeworms also infect agricul- schistosomiasis, is prevalent in Africa, as well as in the
tural animals, resulting in significant economic losses [4, 5]. Middle East; and S. japonicum occurs largely in rural parts
Praziquantel is the drug of choice for the treatment of schis- of China and in some Pacific islands. Other species that
tosomiasis and has been the cornerstone of ongoing mass infect humans include S. mekongi and S. intercalatum. The
drug administration programs. Praziquantel is effective large majority of people infected with schistosomes (esti-
against several other trematode and cestode infections as mated at 80 %) reside in sub-Saharan Africa [11, 12], though
well. This chapter will focus primarily on schistosomes a small number of tourists and other visitors to endemic
(blood flukes), the causative agents of schistosomiasis, and areas who do not take care to avoid infection are also of
on praziquantel (PZQ), the drug of choice against these course at risk [13].
infections. Discussed are the drug’s advantages and short- As with other digenetic trematodes, the life cycle of
comings, as well as the limited information available about schistosomes is complex, requiring two hosts and alternating
its mode of action and the risk of drug resistance. Brief men- between asexual and sexual reproduction (Fig. 47.1).
tion will also be made of other antischistosomal drugs, treat- Schistosomiasis is a water-borne disease; humans are
ment of infections caused by other trematodes such as the infected by coming into contact with fresh water in which
liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and Clonorchis sinensis and free-swimming larval schistosomes (cercariae) have been
the lung fluke Paragonimus westermani, and treatment of shed by infected intermediate host snails. The cercariae
cestode infections. attach to and penetrate the skin, transforming into schistoso-
mula. These schistosomula leave the skin after 1–3 days
R.M. Greenberg, Ph.D. (*) (depending on the species), and enter the circulatory system
Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary via a capillary or lymphatic vessel [14–16]. The parasites
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 3800 Spruce Street,
reside in the vascular system of their hosts for the rest of
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
e-mail: [email protected] their lives and after a short (1–2 week) period of migration
throughout the body, they begin to develop into sexually
M.J. Doenhoff, Ph.D.
School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham, University mature adults, feeding on blood constituents and producing
Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK eggs. Schistosomes are unusual among trematodes in that
Table 47.1 Estimates of principal human trematode and cestode parasitic infections
Agents Disease/distribution Prevalence (millions)
Schistosomes (blood flukes) Schistosomiasis ~200
Schistosoma haematobium Sub-Saharan Africa 114
S. mansoni Sub-Saharan Africa, Brazil 83
S. japonicum China, Southeast Asia 1.5
S. mekongi Cambodia, Laos 0.9
S. intercalatum Sub-Saharan Africa (limited) 1.7
Food-borne trematodes Food-borne trematodiases ~40
Clonorchis sinensis (liver fluke) China, southeast Asia 7
Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica (liver flukes) China, Egypt, Europe, Iran, South America 2.4
Fasciolopsis buski (intestinal fluke) China, South Asia, Southeast Asia 0.2
Opisthorchis spp. (liver fluke) Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Southeast Asia 10.3
Paragonimus spp. (lung flukes) China, Southeast Asia, Ecuador, Peru 21.7
Tapeworms (cestodes) Cysticercosis, hydatid disease ~175
Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm) Worldwide, where fish are consumed 9
Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid tapeworm), Worldwide 2.85
E. multilocularis
Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm) Americas, Australia, developing countries 75
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) Worldwide, where beef is consumed 77
Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) Worldwide, where pigs are raised 10
Total ~415
Adapted from [1, 2]
Schistosomes have definitive hosts other than humans. The liver flukes Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis
Most notably, S. japonicum is zoonotic, with water buffalo spp. are acquired through ingestion of raw or undercooked
and other animals, domesticated and non-domesticated, freshwater fish containing metacercariae. Notably, in addi-
serving as major reservoirs for the parasite, complicating tion to their infection-associated hepatobiliary morbidity, C.
control strategies. Schistosomes that parasitize other mam- sinensis and O. viverrini are strongly implicated as major
malian or avian hosts can cause cercarial dermatitis, or etiological agents of bile duct cancer, or cholangiocarcinoma
swimmer’s itch, a localized reaction to skin penetration by [31]. Indeed, both of these pathogens are classified as Group
larval schistosomes that infect a variety of waterfowl (and I carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on
sometimes mammals), but that cannot complete their life Cancer of the World Health Organization.
cycles in humans [19]. Infections with lung flukes of the genus Paragonimus
Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease. Schistosomes are occur via ingestion of raw or undercooked metacercariae-
estimated to live an average of 3–10 years [20, 21], though infested crabs or other arthropods. There are approximately
there are reports of nearly 40-year life spans within a human 15 species known to infect humans. Pathogenesis results
host [22]. The majority of morbidity and disease pathology from damage due to migration of flukes from the gut to the
associated with the infection is in response to the parasite lung, as well as in ectopic sites, and from parasites in the
eggs that remain trapped within the host, rather than to the lung producing hemorrhage and inflammatory host reac-
worms themselves [6]. Eggs induce a granulomatous immune tions. Approximately 20 million people are thought to be
response which is usually—though not always—downregu- infected, with an estimated 290 million at risk [32].
lated in chronic schistosomiasis [23]. When not modulated,
the response continues, and can lead to extensive fibrosis,
severe morbidity, and sometimes death. Indeed, 200,000 peo- 1.3 Cestode (Tapeworm) Infections
ple are estimated to die annually in sub-Saharan Africa alone
from schistosomiasis-associated complications such as kid- Adult tapeworms typically do not cause significant pathol-
ney failure and portal hypertension [24, 25]. Schistosomiasis ogy (one important exception is the horse tapeworm
is also associated with other morbidities, including anemia, Anoplocephala perfoliata, in which the adults can cause
stunting, and reduced cognitive function [26], as well as ulceration and inflammation). Treatment is therefore usually
increased susceptibility to other infections such as Salmonella either for aesthetic purposes in companion animals (owners
[27] and HIV in S. haematobium-infected women [28]. prefer not to see worm segments in their pets’ feces) or to
There is at present no vaccine for schistosomiasis. break the life cycle for those parasites in which the larval
Education and infrastructural improvements have proven stages are pathogenic. Three cestodes in which larval stages
highly effective at disease eradication, notably in Japan [29], cause considerable pathology in humans are Echinococcus
but these efforts are expensive and difficult to implement in granulosus, E. multilocularis, and Taenia solium.
the developing world. Use of molluscicides to eliminate the Infection with tapeworm larvae, typically resulting from
intermediate host snails raises environmental concerns, can ingestion of oncospheres (eggs) from the definitive host, can
be expensive, and is often effective only on a limited, short- be a serious cause of disease in humans. Humans are a defin-
term basis [30]. Treatment and control now rely almost itive host for T. solium, the human pork tapeworm, and infec-
exclusively on chemotherapeutic intervention with a single tion with adult T. solium, though unpleasant, is not typically
drug, praziquantel (PZQ). harmful. However, if, through lapses in hygiene, humans
ingest T. solium oncospheres found in or near feces, larval
cysticerci can develop within the tissues of the human host,
1.2 Food-Borne Trematodiases causing cysticercosis. Formation of cysts within the central
nervous system causes neurocysticercosis, the most common
There are several food-borne trematode infections of parasitic disease of the nervous system, resulting in seizures,
humans. The liver flukes Fasciola hepatica in temperate epilepsy, hydrocephalus, and dementia [33, 34]. Indeed,
regions and F. gigantica in the tropics are important patho- recent calculations indicate that nearly one-third of people
gens of sheep and cattle. They infect the definitive host via with epilepsy who are living in endemic areas show lesions
ingestion of metacercariae-contaminated aquatic plants such of neurocysticercosis in their brains [35].
as watercress, causing reduced growth due to liver damage Hydatid disease, or echinococcosis, occurs when humans
and killing sheep with “acute fluke disease.” Human infec- are hosts to larval-stage cestodes of the genus Echinococcus.
tions are associated with varying degrees of morbidity, with The most significant parasites are E. granulosus and E. multi-
severity of pathogenesis related to parasite burden [31]. The locularis, which cause cystic and alveolar echinococcosis,
intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis buski is also acquired via inges- respectively (E. vogeli and E. oligarthus cause polycystic echi-
tion of aquatic plants. nococcosis). Upon ingestion of the E. granulosus oncosphere
708 R.M. Greenberg and M.J. Doenhoff
by the host, the embryo is released and develops into a slowly this increased drug pressure may select alleles for resistance
growing, steadily enlarging hydatid cyst. The relatively long [50]. This chapter will therefore focus mainly on PZQ in
life span of humans (as compared, for instance, to sheep, the context of its activity against schistosomes. After a brief
another intermediate host) allows the cysts to grow quite large, description of the drug, its mode of use, and its metabolism,
interfering with the function of neighboring organs. A small the relatively limited knowledge available about PZQ resis-
percentage of cysts can also grow in the lungs or nervous sys- tance—both in field isolates and experimentally induced—
tem, and rupture of a cyst carries the risk of anaphylactic shock will be discussed.
along with the possibility of spread of the infection via proto- As noted above, oxamniquine is no longer in general use,
scolices, resulting in secondary echinococcosis. Traditionally, in large part because it is effective against only one species,
treatment has relied on surgery, though integration with che- S. mansoni. However, oxamniquine is important because
motherapy (e.g., with albendazole) has also been used more resistance to oxamniquine represents the earliest and clearest
frequently in recent years [36]. The fox tapeworm E. multilocu- illustration of naturally selected drug resistance in a helminth
laris represents one of the most dangerous zoonotic infections parasite of humans [51] and provides an interesting “com-
[37]. E. multilocularis produces alveolar cysts in humans, pare and contrast” exercise with PZQ. Notably, details of the
which serve as aberrant intermediate hosts. These cysts are pro- mechanism of oxamniquine resistance have recently been
liferative and infiltrate surrounding tissue in a manner similar elaborated [51], and will be discussed below.
to a malignant neoplasm. Treatment is typically by surgery, There are several excellent reviews on antischistosomal
which is often ineffective, and chemotherapy to suppress chemotherapy and drug resistance, to which the reader is
growth of the lesion [36]; left untreated, alveolar hydatid dis- referred [40, 52–56]. Several recent reviews also discuss
ease is usually fatal within 10 years. past, present, and plans for future control of schistosome and
other helminth infections [50, 57–60].
2 T
reatment of Schistosomiasis
with Praziquantel 2.1 H
istory, Chemical Structure,
and Properties of Praziquantel
Praziquantel (PZQ) is the current drug of choice against
schistosomiasis. It is effective against all species of schisto- In the early 1970s, pyrazino-isoquinoline derivatives, initially
somes that infect humans [38], notably safe compared with synthesized and assayed for tranquilizer potential, were tested
other anthelmintics, has a relatively low cost (as low as US$ for anthelmintic activity [61] under an agreement between
0.07 per pill) [39], and can be administered as a single oral Bayer and E. Merck, Germany. More than 400 compounds
dose with minimal direct medical supervision [40]. Due to synthesized by Merck were tested by Bayer [62], and one of the
these advantages, other antischistosomal drugs such as most effective during in vivo screening was PZQ, then identi-
oxamniquine, which for many years was a mainstay of schis- fied as EMBAY 8440 [63, 64]. Bayer initially marketed PZQ as
tosomiasis mansoni treatment in Brazil, are effectively no Droncit for use as a veterinary cestocide; in 1977, PZQ was
longer available commercially [41]. Furthermore, other than shown to be effective against infections of different schisto-
repurposed antimalarials such as artemisinins [42], no new some species in experimental animals [63], and performed sat-
antischistosomal drugs have entered the market since the isfactorily in toxicological and pharmacological tests.
introduction of PZQ. Thus, as of this writing, PZQ is essen- Following successful tests on human volunteers in 1978
tially the only available therapeutic for treatment and control to assess tolerance and pharmacokinetics [65], clinical trials
of a disease affecting hundreds of millions of people. were performed jointly with the World Health Organization
The value of PZQ has been proved repeatedly in large- to test efficacy against S. mansoni [66], S. haematobium
scale schistosomiasis control efforts in several countries [67], and S. japonicum [68, 69]. These trials, as well as
[43–47]. Indeed, based in part on this success, the Merck numerous subsequent ones, were very positive, and PZQ,
Group has pledged to increase its annual donation of PZQ marketed for human use as Biltricide, became, and continues
tablets to the World Health Organization from 25 to 250 to be, the clear drug of choice for treatment and control of
million [48]. However, the gap in PZQ availability versus schistosomiasis [7, 55, 70]. In 1983, the Korean company
need for therapy remains substantial, and is not likely to Shin Poong patented a new method for synthesizing PZQ,
be filled by current pledges [49]. Nonetheless, these trends initiating market competition that resulted in striking price
in targeting schistosomiasis have resulted in a massively reductions. PZQ is now produced by several generic manu-
greater rate of usage of PZQ than any other drug for treat- facturers under a variety of brand names (e.g., Distocide,
ment of trematode or cestode infections, and unfortunately Bilharzid, Epiquantel syrup, Prazitel).
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 709
Use of a pole that substitutes measures of height for used Kato-Katz technique for measuring egg counts detects
weight appears to be a valid approach for simplifying proper only patent infections and, even within these constraints, has
dosing adjustments in the field [93, 94], though it carries the reliability issues and poor sensitivity and has thus been docu-
risk of under-dosing in populations displaying a high level of mented to underestimate levels of infection, leading to false
obesity [95]. Splitting 40 mg/kg PZQ into two doses over negatives [111–113].
12 h appears to have few, if any, benefits over a single dose, Also relevant to a discussion of drug resistance, and a sig-
and causes more side effects [55, 70]. However, evidence nificant shortcoming of PZQ, is its relative lack of efficacy
from a high-risk community suggests that repeated PZQ dos- against juvenile schistosomes in vivo and in vitro [63, 114–
ing appears to provide cost-effective incremental benefits in 117]. Schistosomes have an unusual biphasic sensitivity to
limiting both an individual’s total years of infection and the PZQ and some other schistosomicidal drugs [115], in which
time spent with a heavy infection [39]. early migrating larval stages are susceptible, but susceptibil-
The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of ity then decreases to low levels in 3–4-week-old infections
PZQ in humans have recently been reviewed and summa- and is only gradually regained as worms begin to produce
rized [96]. Studies are few in number, particularly in the eggs. Worms of experimental infections are almost fully sus-
main target population of school-aged children, and only one ceptible to PZQ when they are about 6–7 weeks old.
study on the active (R)-PZQ enantiomer administered alone Interestingly, like PZQ-susceptible adults, PZQ-refractory
has been reported [79]. Absorption of orally administered juvenile schistosomes undergo a Ca2+-dependent contraction
racemic PZQ is rapid (Tmax 2–2.6 h) and nearly complete and paralysis similar to that observed in adult worms in vitro
(>80 %); it can be detected in the blood by 15 min after dos- (see below), but, unlike adults, recover and survive [118].
ing [97]. However, systemic bioavailability of PZQ is low, The insusceptibility of immature worms may be a cause of
with individuals showing widely varying peak plasma con- some of the poor cure rates and treatment failures observed
centrations (200–2000 ng/mL) and kinetics, with t1/2 ranging in some patient groups, particularly those exposed to very
from 2.2 to 8.9 h for a 40 mg/kg oral dose in fasting individu- high rates of transmission (see below for discussion of the
als [96, 98]. Bioavailability of PZQ increases with concomi- reasons for poor PZQ cure rates in Senegal). A protocol
tant intake of food and, in particular, a high-carbohydrate involving administration of two courses of PZQ has been
diet [98–101]. advocated for such situations [119] and adoption of this
A major asset of PZQ is its activity against a broad range approach has indeed generally resulted in higher cumulative
of platyhelminth parasites, including most of those listed in cure rates [120–122], though not in some cases for S. man-
Table 47.1. Early experimental studies showed that PZQ was soni infections [107, 110, 123]. Given that this protocol rec-
more or less equally effective against all schistosome species ommends administration of the second treatment only a short
[102, 103], a result confirmed by the large data set accumu- time after the first, there is some question as to why it should
lated from its use to treat endemic schistosomiasis through- necessarily be more efficacious in cases of true insusceptibil-
out the world [43–47]. Changes in patterns of schistosome ity, as surviving worms may still be stunted and thus perhaps
egg excretion are most often used to determine the drug’s in a physiologically “immature” state; it is also not clear why
effectiveness, either in terms of a cure rate (the number of the same worms that were not sensitive to the drug would
patients who are excreting no eggs after treatment as a per- become susceptible a short time later (unless, of course, it
centage of the number found excreting eggs before treat- was an instance of juvenile worms maturing).
ment) or the percentage reduction in the mean number of PZQ is effective against most food-borne tremadodiases,
eggs excreted by the treated group. Earliest studies showed including clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis, paragonimiasis,
that PZQ consistently achieved cure rates of 60 % or greater, and intestinal fluke infections (reviewed in 124, 125). In con-
and often 85–90 % [104]. More typically, cure rates for PZQ trast, PZQ failed to show an effect on the surface of the liver
are in the 70–95 % range, but can be significantly lower in fluke F. hepatica [126]. This lack of activity in vitro has been
particular regions and age groups, with failure-to-cure rates reflected in several studies reporting low levels of PZQ effi-
often reaching 30–60 % [39, 105–110]. Pertinent to a consid- cacy against F. hepatica infections (reviewed in 127–131).
eration of PZQ resistance, a 100 % cure rate has seldom, if Though sporadic reports of PZQ activity against F. hepatica
ever, been recorded in an endemic area. On the other hand, have appeared [132], the consensus of opinion is that PZQ is
egg reduction rates can be as high as 95 % in patients that are not particularly useful against fascioliasis [124, 125]. The
not cured [39, 105–110]. As has been pointed out [105], a reasons for the variation in response and overall lack of effi-
patient with a dramatic decrease in egg excretion would be cacy are not understood.
considered a success in terms of reduction in pathology, but PZQ is also effective against adult tapeworms and is used
poses a risk by harboring egg-producing schistosomes that very widely in pets, humans, and livestock for treatment and
can survive exposure to standard PZQ dosing regimens. control of cestodes (reviewed in 124). The dose used for
Further confounding the issue is the fact that the standardly most adult tapeworms is considerably lower (1–5 mg/kg)
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 711
than that for Schistosoma spp. (40 mg/kg), though higher minths (the trematode Dicrocoelium dendriticum and the ces-
doses are recommended for some tapeworms (e.g., tode Hymenolepis nana) appear incapable of metabolizing
Diphyllobothrium). A few treatment failures with PZQ have PZQ enzymatically [146]. PZQ inhibits the mammalian ATP-
been reported, most notably in the beef tapeworm, Taenia binding cassette (ABC) multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein,
saginata [133], though there is no link establishing drug but does not appear to be a substrate [147]. It inhibits S. man-
resistance of the parasite as the cause. PZQ is also used for soni P-glycoprotein (SMDR2) as well, but also appears to be
treatment of larval cestode infections, though with less effec- a substrate of the parasite ABC transporter [148].
tiveness, and typically in combination with other therapies. In animal tests, PZQ showed very low toxicity and mini-
mal genotoxic risks in assays for mutagenicity [149]. A
2.2.1 PZQ Derivatives review of existing data concluded that though a few observa-
Since the introduction of PZQ, a small number of related tions suggested accumulation of potentially mutagenic
compounds have been tested for antischistosomal activity metabolites, they may represent anomalies amongst a mas-
[134–137]. To date, none appear to be superior to PZQ itself. sive amount of evidence indicating PZQ is a safe drug [150].
PZQ is tolerated and effective in patients of all ages and for
treatment of the different forms of clinical schistosomiasis
2.3 Distribution, Metabolism, Toxicity, including cases of advanced hepatosplenic disease [151].
and Side Effects of PZQ PZQ is considered safe enough that an informal consultation
held by the World Health Organization recommended that it
Information on the fate of PZQ following administration has be offered to pregnant and lactating women [152].
recently been reviewed extensively [96]. PZQ distributes Nonetheless, with a lack of clear evidence of PZQ safety and
throughout the body, concentrating especially in the liver and efficacy during pregnancy, many countries and agencies do
kidneys [38, 138]. PZQ appears to cross the blood–brain bar- not use PZQ during pregnancy. However, in a recent double-
rier [139], likely accounting for its effectiveness in neurocys- blind, placebo-controlled study from the Philippines, PZQ
ticercosis. PZQ is highly protein-bound, mostly to albumin given at 12–16 weeks gestation showed no indication of
[140]. Thus, levels of free drug are likely subject to factors safety issues for either the mother or the fetus [153].
such as nutrition and inflammation, perhaps accounting for Adverse events that are observed after treatment are gen-
the variability in effectiveness between healthy volunteers erally described as relatively mild and transient, but can
and patients [96]. affect as many as 30–60 % of patients (reviewed in 55, 70).
PZQ is subjected to pronounced metabolism on first pass As alluded to above, patients treated with the (R)-enantiomer
through the liver, with rapid and extensive conversion into alone at half the dose of the racemate mixture had the same
hydroxylation derivatives; it disappears relatively rapidly cure rates, but suffered fewer side effects [74], and the inac-
from the circulation with a half-life of 1–3 h. One might tive (S)-enantiomer is also responsible for the bitter taste of
speculate that this rapid conversion may play a role in the PZQ [78]. The frequency and intensity of side effects after
insensitivity of Fasciola infections to PZQ (see Sect. 2.2 normal treatments is correlated with the intensity of infec-
above), as perhaps little intact drug remains to get into the tion as measured by the number of eggs excreted before
bile ducts. Elimination from the body is via urine and feces treatment, and the most severe side effects of bloody diarrhea
and is 80 % or more complete after 24 h [141]. Cytochrome or edematous urticaria that are observed in areas with high
p450 enzymes are mainly responsible for metabolism of intensities of infection [154] may thus be due to the release
PZQ [38, 96] and the bioavailability shows variability due to of the constituents of large numbers of dying worms or the
interindividual pharmacogenetic differences or liver dys- host body’s response to them.
function, as well as by concomitant exposure to agents such
as grapefruit juice or cimetidine that inhibit cytochrome
p450 activities [142, 143]. Subjects suffering from hepatic 2.4 Mechanism of Action of Praziquantel
dysfunction, for example, because of severe schistosomal
disease, metabolize PZQ more slowly [98, 144]. The main Some of the effects of PZQ on schistosome worms have been
metabolite in humans is trans-4-hydroxypraziquantel, and a well described, but the detailed molecular mechanisms of the
recent study using human liver microsomes identified up to drug’s action continue to remain unresolved despite several
nine PZQ metabolites [145]. Metabolic derivatives of PZQ decades of experiments aimed at defining the mode of action
have not been fully analyzed for schistosomicidal activity. [40, 54, 155]. Recent work, however, is beginning to shed light
Elimination of PZQ is largely renal, with the large majority on likely PZQ targets and downstream pathways [156, 157].
of drug and metabolites removed within 24 h [38]. PZQ disrupts Ca2+ homeostasis in adult schistosomes
There is little if any information about how schistosomes (reviewed in 103, 158–160). Thus, an obvious and rapid
themselves metabolize PZQ. However, two other platyhel- response of the worms after exposure to PZQ is spastic paralysis
712 R.M. Greenberg and M.J. Doenhoff
of the musculature, which is accompanied—and likely caused— degrees of supporting evidence (reviewed in 181). Several
by a rapid influx of Ca2+ ions [161]. Muscular contraction is not years ago, glutathione S-transferase was suggested as a PZQ
necessarily associated with worm death, however, since there receptor based on the three-dimensional structure of this pro-
are conditions of sublethal in vitro exposure [0.2–0.5 μg/mL tein having a “pocket” in which a molecule of the drug could
(~500 nM–1.5 μM) for adults and 0.2–80 μg/mL fit [182], but the failure of PZQ to affect the activity of the
(~500 nM–250 μM) for immature worms] in which even a long- enzyme is not consistent with this hypothesis [183]. PZQ has
lasting paralysis is reversible after drug removal, with subse- also been shown to stereoselectively inhibit nucleoside
quent survival of the parasites [116]. Indeed, the central role of uptake in schistosomes, but not mammals, perhaps linked to
Ca2+ in PZQ action has been questioned, based on pharmaco- Ca2+ uptake [184]. PZQ inhibits basal and stimulated phos-
logical experiments on whole worms in vitro [118]. PZQ does phoinositide turnover in schistosomes, though at higher con-
not have the properties of an ionophore [161] and the ATPases centrations and longer timescales than required for paralysis
involved in pumping Ca2+ out of cells are apparently unaffected and tegumental disruption [185]. Other proposed targets
by PZQ [162, 163]. PZQ appears to interfere with parasite include myosin light chain [186] and actin [186, 187], two
excretory activity, perhaps by disrupting the function or expres- highly abundant proteins [188].
sion of P-glycoprotein or other ATP-binding cassette (ABC) There is a strong body of evidence supporting parasite
transporters [164, 165]. voltage-gated Ca2+ (Cav) channels as molecular targets for
Another early effect of the drug is a morphological altera- PZQ. Cav channels are the major conduit for entry of extra-
tion of the worm tegument consisting of vacuolization at the cellular Ca2+, and they couple cellular excitation to a wide
base of the tegumental syncytium and blebbing at the surface array of Ca2+-dependent responses, and PZQ interaction with
[126, 166]. This effect does not occur with the inactive (S)- these channels would be consistent with the Ca2+-dependence
enantiomer of PZQ or in the absence of Ca2+ ions [167, 168], of PZQ action and the drug’s rapid disruption of parasite
indicating that tegumental disruption is also linked to PZQ- Ca2+ homeostasis. Schistosomes express an unusual Cav
dependent disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis [158, 160]. PZQ- channel auxiliary “variant” β subunit (βvar) that appears to be
induced tegumental damage is associated with exposure of found exclusively in platyhelminths, including free-living
parasite antigens on the worm surface, particularly over the turbellarians, trematodes, and cestodes [189, 190]. When
tubercles [169]. These changes appear to render the parasite either the S. mansoni or S. japonicum βvar subunit is expressed
more susceptible to attack by antibodies and penetration by in Xenopus oocytes in combination with a mammalian Cav
host defense cells [166]. Related to drug-induced antigen channel pore-forming α1 subunit, the schistosome β subunit
exposure, there is experimental evidence for a synergistic confers PZQ sensitivity to this normally PZQ-insensitive
effect between antischistosomal drugs, including PZQ, and mammalian channel. The capability of this subunit to confer
host antibodies in killing worms in vivo [170–174]. On the PZQ sensitivity to the mammalian subunit can be eliminated
other hand, the efficacy of PZQ as measured by egg counts by altering a single amino acid residue in the schistosome β
does not appear to be compromised in human subjects infected subunit; changing a mammalian β subunit to resemble the
with HIV [175–177]. In contrast, circulating anodic antigen schistosome subunit at that same residue creates a subunit
levels indicate that the effectiveness of PZQ is in fact reduced that now behaves like the schistosome subunit and can con-
in HIV-infected subjects, suggesting that the drug could be fer PZQ sensitivity (reviewed in 155).
affecting parasite fecundity (as indicated by egg counts) rather Recent studies on free-living planaria are consistent with a
than survival (as indicated by circulating anodic antigen) in role for Cav channels in PZQ action [156, 191]. Planarians
these immunocompromised hosts [175]. It is also possible that have the remarkable capability to regenerate their head and tail
the HIV-infected patients had become sensitized to schisto- when cut at both ends. When exposed to PZQ, planaria instead
some antigens prior to becoming infected with HIV. regenerate two heads. However, planaria in which Cav channel
Early experimental evidence showed that PZQ interacts subunit expression has been suppressed by RNA interference
with model membranes, indicating that the drug could be show normal regenerative patterning when exposed to PZQ,
acting on schistosome surface bilayer membranes to affect although the βvar subunit unexpectedly does not appear to be
fluidity, stability, or permeability [178, 179]. Subsequent the key subunit [191]. Despite such differences in details,
follow-up experiments on adult worms in vitro showed that however, these results support a central role for platyhelminth
though both stereoisomers of PZQ decreased the average Cav channels in PZQ action. Recent experiments show that
velocity of lipid molecules in the tegumental membrane, PZQ-dependent effects on planarian head regeneration occur
only the active enantiomer reduced the number of molecules via inappropriate activation of neuronal Cav channels, with
that were able to move, perhaps indicating different insertion subsequent dysregulation of dopaminergic and serotonergic
modalities of the stereoisomers [180]. pathways. Dopaminergic and serotonergic agents that disrupt
Since the introduction of PZQ, there have been several normal planarian regeneration also exhibit schistosomicidal
molecular targets postulated for the drug, with varying activity, and compounds with antischistosomal activity cause
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 713
bipolar planarian regeneration. Thus, both outcomes (death or resulted in an expansion of endemic schistosomiasis
axis duplication) appear to depend on a conserved initial sig- mansoni. By the early 1990s, the rate of transmission had
nal (Ca2+ entry via PZQ activation of Cav channels) with diver- reached epidemic proportions in inland villages in Northern
gent downstream outputs [156]. Senegal that had begun to benefit from agricultural irrigation
There is a rich pharmacology for mammalian Cav chan- projects along the dammed river [198, 199]. When PZQ was
nels, and, since PZQ appears to affect these channels in the used in an attempt to control the disease it gave cure rates of
schistosome, Cav channel-modulating agents have been tested only 18–39 % [200, 201], alarmingly low when compared
for their effects on schistosomes either alone or in combina- with the 60–90 % cure rates normally expected. Increasing
tion with PZQ, with variable results. Thus, one group found the dose of PZQ from 40 to 60 mg/kg body weight did not
that dihydropyridine Cav channel antagonists such as nifedip- significantly improve cure rates [202]. A later study involv-
ine and nicardipine partially rescued worms from the schisto- ing treatment in the same area of Northern Senegal again
somicidal effects of PZQ [192], while another found that resulted in relatively low cure rates [123]. Two further obser-
nifedipine instead enhanced the effects of PZQ against schis- vations indicated that S. mansoni in northern Senegal was
tosomula and adults and, in fact, exhibited schistosomicidal responding aberrantly to PZQ: (a) a parasite line taken into
activity on its own [193]. To make matters even more puz- laboratory passage from snails with patent infections col-
zling, the Cav channel blockers apparently did not block Ca2+ lected in that area was found to have a decreased susceptibil-
influx in whole worms [118], and the limited pharmacology ity to PZQ [203–205]; (b) when the effect of oxamniquine, a
that has been done on native currents from flatworm muscle different antischistosomal, was later tested in this area, the
and neuronal cells suggests that their Ca2+ currents are either routine dose of 20 mg/kg gave a cure rate of 79 %, compared
insensitive to Cav channel blockers such as nifedipine or with 36 % in a simultaneously treated control group given
require relatively high concentrations for only partial inhibi- 40 mg/kg PZQ [206]. Similar results were found in mouse
tion [194–197]. Furthermore, pre-incubation of adult schisto- infections with these worms [203]. Since oxamniquine, like
somes with cytochalasin-D, an actin depolymerizing agent, PZQ, is relatively ineffective against immature worms, these
protected schistosomes from the effects of PZQ; yet, contrary results cast some doubt on arguments suggesting that the low
to expectation that such an effect might be reflected in reduced cure rates in this area reflect large numbers of PZQ-refractory
PZQ-dependent Ca2+ influx, cytochalasin-D instead appeared juvenile worms due to high rates of transmission [207]. On
to increase Ca2+ influx into the parasite [118]. Nonetheless, the other hand, follow-up studies and data analysis pointed to
based on the totality of evidence, it seems clear that schisto- at least some portion of this failure of PZQ being attributable
some Cav channels are almost certainly important mediators to factors other than drug resistance, including high-intensity
of PZQ action; development and exploitation of more precise infection, rapid reinfection and transmission, presence of
molecular, genetic, and electrophysiological methodologies PZQ-refractory juvenile worms, variations in methodology
may help resolve some of the currently perplexing details. for analysis of efficacy, and perhaps native tolerance of these
schistosomes [207–209]. For example, when infected
patients were relocated to urban areas, where there is little or
3 Resistance to Praziquantel no transmission, cure rates rose to near-normal levels [207].
However, even after accounting for intensity of infection and
3.1 E
vidence for Resistance to Praziquantel sensitivity of diagnosis, a meta-analysis suggests that
in Schistosomes Senegal remains atypical, showing cure rates significantly
lower than expected and “the suspicion of tolerance or resis-
Dependence on a single drug for treatment and control of a tance to PZQ…cannot be ruled out” [209]. Fortunately,
disease as prevalent as schistosomiasis is very risky; there are despite the reduced cure rates in the area of interest, treat-
few if any alternatives should resistance arise. Fortunately, as ment with PZQ still lowered the infection intensity signifi-
of this writing, there is no indication of widespread resistance cantly and reduced morbidity in treated individuals.
to PZQ in schistosomes, perhaps reflecting lack of systematic Another focus of potential PZQ resistance has been in
monitoring or difficulties in distinguishing resistance from Egypt. During the 1990s, PZQ was used widely in Egypt in
other confounding factors (reviewed in 53, 105). Nonetheless, a consolidated effort to control schistosomal disease [210],
several reports from both the field and the laboratory indicate with an estimated 60 million tablets taken between 1997 and
that schistosomes can in fact develop resistance to PZQ. 1999 alone [82]. During this period Ismail et al. [211] treated
1607 S. mansoni-infected patients in the Nile delta region
3.1.1 Field Isolates with 40 mg PZQ/kg body weight, and after an additional two
The first report of apparent PZQ resistance in the field ema- treatments, the last at 60 mg/kg, a reported 2.4 % of the
nated from Senegal, where the construction of a barrage dam patients were still passing eggs. Eggs passed by several of
to control the flow of the Senegal River in the mid-1980s these uncured patients were subsequently used to establish
714 R.M. Greenberg and M.J. Doenhoff
laboratory life cycles and were found in mice to exhibit 2–5- (S. japonicum, S. haematobium). Monitoring of various
fold lower sensitivity to PZQ (as measured by ED50) than endemic areas of China for evidence of PZQ insusceptibility
isolates that had been established from eggs passed before revealed little if any evidence for emerging PZQ resistance
treatment by patients who were easily cured [211, 212]. [222]. Thus, despite decades of intensive chemotherapy with
Though significant, the difference in susceptibility is com- PZQ, it continues to be effective in treating schistosomiasis
paratively small, with no evidence for emergence of “super- japonica in China [223–226]. Despite isolated reports of fail-
resistant” worms [213]. The reduced PZQ susceptibility of ure of PZQ to cure S. haematobium infections [227–229],
these Egyptian isolates in vivo was consistent with responses there is currently no evidence for emergence of heritable
of individual worms to PZQ in vitro, where confounding resistance in carefully studied populations [230].
host influences are not a factor [212, 214, 215]. As of this writing, PZQ resistance has not been docu-
Approximately half of the Egyptian isolates retained their mented in the food-borne trematodes or in the cestodes [58,
reduced susceptibility to PZQ following multiple passages 124]. An unusually low cure rate (29 %) following PZQ treat-
through the life cycle in the absence of drug pressure, suggest- ment of clonorchiasis patients in Vietnam may be attributable
ing that drug pressure is not required for maintenance of the to use of low PZQ doses [231]. A few cases of unsuccessful
PZQ insusceptibility trait [216]. Those isolates that continued to PZQ treatment of beef tapeworm (T. saginata) infections
show lower PZQ susceptibility also often exhibited evidence of have also been reported [133], but there is no evidence that
compromised biological fitness such as decreased production of these failures reflect parasite resistance to the drug.
cercariae by infected snails [217], an observation consistent
with others [218], and indicative of fitness costs associated with 3.1.2 E xperimentally Induced Praziquantel
reduced susceptibility to PZQ. These costs may serve to con- Resistance
strain spread of PZQ resistance. Interestingly, 10 years follow- In 1994, Fallon and Doenhoff [232] reported that resistance
ing initial characterization of the Egyptian PZQ-insusceptible to PZQ could be selected for in laboratory-maintained S.
isolates, a visit to the same site in Egypt revealed no evidence of mansoni. This selection was achieved by applying drug pres-
uncured patients despite a decade of drug pressure [219], sug- sure to successive mouse passages of a “hybrid” isolate that
gesting at the least that PZQ “resistance” had not expanded. It had earlier been raised from a pool of cercariae from four
has been postulated that PZQ-refractory immature schistosomes laboratory-maintained S. mansoni lines from different geo-
can act as a refugia (see Sect. 5.1, below) for PZQ-susceptible graphic areas. All the isolates contributing to the hybrid had
worms, and that this and other large refugia in endemic areas been taken into laboratory passage before PZQ began to be
may act to limit the spread of resistance [220]. used. By the seventh life cycle passage, PZQ drug pressure
Evidence for PZQ insusceptibility has also been reported produced a population of schistosomes in which 93 % of the
more recently in Kenya [221]. In this case, miracidia hatched worms survived a PZQ dose that killed 89 % of control,
from eggs excreted by S. mansoni-infected car washers on unselected worms. This and subsequent reports confirmed
the shores of Lake Victoria were screened for susceptibility that worms produced as a result of this selection pressure
to PZQ, and it was found that different patients produced were less sensitive to PZQ than controls not exposed to PZQ
eggs that hatched into miracidia with variable sensitivity to [205, 232, 233]. Using a similar approach, PZQ resistance
killing by PZQ, with miracidia from previously treated has been experimentally induced in S. mansoni from Brazil
patients showing significantly lower sensitivity to the drug. [234] and in S. japonicum [235].
Adult worms derived from eggs excreted by a patient (KCW) In addition to its effects on adult worms, PZQ also reduces
who was never fully cured by PZQ were less sensitive to shedding of cercariae from S. mansoni-infected Biomphalaria
PZQ, both in vivo, in murine infections, and in vitro, as glabrata snails [236], which opens the possibility of using
assayed by schistosome length. The reduced susceptibility of drug selection on the asexual stages of the life cycle in the
one sub-isolate of KCW was heritable and persisted through snail host to induce PZQ resistance. Subsequently, Couto
at least 6 life cycle passages in the absence of drug pressure et al. [237] exploited this effect, selecting for PZQ insuscep-
while a second KCW sub-isolate had reverted to a PZQ- tibility by exposing S. mansoni-infected B. glabrata to suc-
susceptible state when retested after eight generations. The cessive treatments of 100 mg/kg PZQ. Following completion
sub-isolate that reverted survived, while the sub-isolate that of this regimen, cercariae shed by these snails were used to
continued to exhibit reduced PZQ susceptibility eventually infect mice and developed into adult worms with significantly
perished [221]. Thus, similar to the Egyptian isolates, these reduced susceptibility to PZQ. Specifically, these LE-PZQ
Kenyan isolates also showed variable stability of PZQ toler- worms were approximately five-fold less sensitive to PZQ
ance and apparent biological costs associated with PZQ than those from the parental LE strain. They were also less
insusceptibility. contracted by PZQ in vitro, exhibited decreased PZQ-induced
There is currently little evidence for emergence of PZQ tegumental damage, and unlike the parental worms, appeared
resistance in other species of schistosomes that infect humans to retain a functional excretory system following exposure to
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 715
PZQ [238]. This strategy of selecting for drug resistance at diversity following a single round of preventative therapy with
the snail stage is far less costly and labor intensive than earlier PZQ [243, 247]. Additionally, a group working in Brazil found
approaches that applied drug pressure at the intra-mammalian that S. mansoni that persist following PZQ treatment have geno-
stage, and has the potential to generate new PZQ-insusceptible types that do not differ significantly from susceptible worms,
lines that could provide insight into the mechanisms underly- indicating that they do not represent a subpopulation selected
ing emergence and maintenance of PZQ resistance. for PZQ resistance [248]. In contrast, experimental S. mansoni
infections selected for reduced PZQ susceptibility show
decreased genetic diversity, increased endogamy, and an
3.2 M
echanisms and Markers of Resistance increased ratio of female-to-male worms, all of which correlate
to Praziquantel with the decrease in drug susceptibility [234].
More specifically, the discovery that a difference in the
In the absence of firm knowledge of the mode of action of amino acid sequence of the β subunits of schistosome Cav
PZQ (see Sect. 2.4 above), hypotheses about mechanisms of channels of schistosomes and other platyhelminths may
resistance to this drug are bound to be speculative, and no account for differential sensitivity to PZQ (see Sect. 2.4
clear changes in candidate targets have been found to date above) stimulated an investigation to compare the sequence
[53]. It is important to note that thus far only a very limited of these molecules in several PZQ-resistant and -sensitive
number of putatively resistant and susceptible isolates have isolates [249]. No meaningful differences were found in
been compared with each other; extension of these compara- sequence or expression of cDNAs coding for either the con-
tive investigations is needed. The availability of isolates of S. ventional or variant schistosome Cav channel β subunit that
mansoni from several different sources with confirmed dif- could account for differences in PZQ sensitivity between dif-
ferences in sensitivity to PZQ [233] should facilitate the ferent isolates or between PZQ-susceptible adult and PZQ-
search for the genetic and physiological mechanisms respon- refractory juvenile worms. This negative evidence does not
sible for drug resistance. Furthermore, resistance to a drug however disprove the hypothesis that β subunits of Cav chan-
can arise via several mechanisms other than target modifica- nels may be involved in PZQ activity, since, as discussed
tion. For example, heritable changes that alter drug uptake/ above, drug insusceptibility can arise from several mecha-
permeability, drug activation/metabolism, or drug efflux can nisms other than modification of the drug’s target.
all underlie resistance. Nevertheless, some genetically based Mechanisms that increase drug efflux have attracted more
differences between PZQ-resistant and sensitive isolates attention recently, with a focus on ABC multidrug t ransporters
have been identified. such as P-glycoprotein. ABC transporters are found in organ-
Genetic studies on worms with reduced sensitivity to isms from all living kingdoms. They bind and hydrolyze ATP
PZQ suggest either dominant [239] or partially dominant and use the resultant energy to translocate a diversity of com-
[240] inheritance of the trait. An analysis using a subtractive pounds, including drugs, across the membrane. Changes in
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) indicated that adult worms expression or structure of these transporters are associated
of a laboratory-selected PZQ-resistant isolate were express- with multidrug resistance in a variety of organisms (reviewed
ing subunit 1 of the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome in 250–252) and they have also been implicated in drug
C-oxidase (SCOX-1) at a 5–10-fold higher rate than worms resistance in a variety of parasites, including helminths
of the parental hybrid isolate from which the former was (reviewed in 253–259).
derived [241]. Unexpectedly, however, the actual activity of Fluorescent substrates of mammalian P-glycoprotein and
the enzyme was fourfold lower in the resistant worms. other ABC transporters localize to the excretory system of
Use of a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) schistosomes [260, 261], and PZQ dramatically disrupts the
PCR showed that there was differential amplification of at distribution of resorufin, a P-glycoprotein substrate, in PZQ-
least two major DNA nucleotide sequences between an susceptible worms [164, 165]. As noted above (Sect. 3.1.2),
Egyptian PZQ-resistant isolate and several PZQ-sensitive the experimentally induced LE-PZQ PZQ-resistant isolate
isolates from the same endemic area [242]. It has not been appears to be refractory to the PZQ-induced disruption of
established whether these differences might serve as markers this localization [238]. Furthermore, exposure of schisto-
for resistance or have any functional implications. somes to sublethal concentrations of PZQ increases expres-
More recently, several groups have investigated whether sion of P-glycoprotein (and another ABC transporter), and
genetic diversity of schistosomes is altered by drug pressure; the EE2 PZQ-resistant isolate from Egypt shows dramati-
reduction in such diversity could reflect, at least in part, selec- cally increased expression of P-glycoprotein [262, 263].
tion of these parasites for decreased PZQ susceptibility [243]. Since PZQ is a likely substrate of (i.e., is transported by)
Field studies on different populations have produced widely schistosome P-glycoprotein [148], enhanced P-glycoprotein
varying results, ranging from no change in genetic diversity fol- expression could in theory reduce effective intra-worm drug
lowing PZQ treatment [244–246] to significant loss of genetic concentration. This hypothesis is supported by recent studies
716 R.M. Greenberg and M.J. Doenhoff
showing that PZQ susceptibility of S. mansoni is enhanced due to delayed maturation of these worms [207, 208]. This
in vitro by ABC transporter inhibitors or by knockdown of argument is supported by the higher cumulative cure rates
ABC transporter RNAs [264]. Interestingly, juvenile schisto- that are achieved when two treatments are given a few weeks
somes express higher levels of ABC transporters than adults, apart [120, 121]. However, a S. mansoni isolate collected in
and when exposed to PZQ in the presence of ABC trans- patent snails (not from treated patients) before much PZQ
porter inhibitors, they are no longer refractory to PZQ [264]. had been used in northern Senegal was found to have a
Though these findings are consistent with a role for ABC decreased susceptibility to the drug [204]. Though this iso-
transporters in modulating drug susceptibility, the question late did mature relatively slowly in mice, it nevertheless was
of their importance in emergence or maintenance of PZQ still less susceptible to PZQ than a similarly slow-maturing
resistance awaits more definitive experiments. isolate from Kenya [203]. Furthermore, as discussed (see
Detection of PZQ resistance currently has to rely primarily Sect. 3.1.1 above), oxamniquine is a drug that, like PZQ, is
on either in vivo tests on infected mice or in vitro tests on relatively ineffective against immature worms in experimen-
adult worms derived from infected mice. Performance of tal infections [115], but when used at the normal dose rate in
these tests is therefore constrained to laboratories with the humans in Senegal it was more effective than PZQ [206].
capacity to maintain and passage life cycles and thus gener-
ally unsuitable for application in the field or clinic. More
recently, however, several groups have found that the eggs 4 Alternative Agents for Schistosomiasis
and larvae (both miracidia and cercariae), as well as worms of
resistant isolates, express phenotypic differences in terms of 4.1 Oxamniquine
changes in survival or morphology that can be detected fol-
lowing exposure to PZQ in vitro, and in some cases have used Oxamniquine provides some interesting contrasts with PZQ,
these changes to assess PZQ insusceptibility [205, 221, 265, particularly with respect to the factors that affected its mar-
266]. These assays could prove useful for detecting drug ket potential and the amount of information we have about
resistance in the field or clinic, but there is a need for markers its mechanisms of action and of schistosome resistance to it.
that can be detected simply, for example, by PCR. Nonetheless, It was synthesized by Pfizer in the late 1960s and initial
for the foreseeable future, it will likely be necessary that tests laboratory studies in mice and primates indicated that it was
for detection of drug resistance be performed “centrally” in effective against S. mansoni [269]. The first clinical trials
laboratories with appropriate facilities. were performed in Brazil, and these showed it was safe and
The immune-dependent action of PZQ and other schisto- effective against S. mansoni [270]. Through the late 1990s,
somicidal drugs has been noted (see Sect. 2.4 above). In the oxamniquine was used as a first-line drug for the control of
context of drug resistance mechanisms, isolates deemed to schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil, where more than 12 mil-
be less sensitive to PZQ have been found to suffer a lesser lion doses were administered as part of that country’s
degree of damage to their surface membranes compared to “Special Program for Schistosomiasis Control” [271].
susceptible isolates after exposure to the same dose of drug Oxamniquine is 6-hydroxymethyl-2- isopropyl
in vitro [214] and in vivo [267]. This factor may modulate aminomethyl-7-nitro-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydoquinolone. Its struc-
the susceptibility of worms to immune attack in vivo, and ture is similar to that of hycanthone, a related compound
thus confer a modicum of drug resistance that presently which also has activity against S. mansoni. Hycanthone had to
available in vivo assays for resistance would not be able to be abandoned, however, because of suspected mutagenic, car-
distinguish from, for example, the effects of a mutation in a cinogenic, and teratogenic activity [272]. Hycanthone has a
specific drug receptor molecule. Indeed, PZQ-sensitive and 3-ring planar structure that is typical of DNA-intercalating
-insensitive isolates from Egypt appear to induce different agents, whereas oxamniquine has a simpler structure that has
immune responses in mice [268]. Changes in antigens or been shown to be devoid of intercalating activity [273].
antigen exposure cannot however alone account for PZQ In contrast to PZQ, oxamniquine is ineffective against S.
resistance in S. mansoni, as worms from the laboratory- haematobium and S. japonicum, the other two main schisto-
selected resistant isolates survive higher doses of PZQ some species that infect humans (hycanthone is active
in vitro than those of susceptible isolates [240]. against S. mansoni and S. haematobium, but not S. japoni-
As noted, immature schistosome worms are relatively cum). Because of its limited spectrum of anti-parasitic activ-
“resistant” to schistosomicidal chemotherapy and, as dis- ity, use of oxamniquine was almost entirely restricted to
cussed (see Sect. 3.1.1 above), it has been argued that the Brazil and other South American countries, which imposed
poor cure rates and treatment failures that have been observed severe restraints on its marketability. Unlike PZQ, the price
in areas such as northern Senegal with high infection and of oxamniquine has therefore remained practically
transmission rates may reflect the presence of immature unchanged. Indeed, it has not been in general use since 2010,
worms in the patients at the time they are treated, perhaps having been replaced by PZQ even in Brazil [51, 274], the
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 717
country that used oxamniquine for all its schistosome control transforms oxamniquine to its active form. Once activated, the
activities throughout the 1980s and 1990s [271]. drug acts as an alkylating agent of schistosome DNA and other
macromolecules, interfering with nucleic acid synthesis [277].
4.1.1 T he Activity of Oxamniquine Against This model also accounts for why the drug is not active against
S. mansoni all schistosome species; those species that do not express this
Worms exposed to oxamniquine in vitro show no immediate sulfotransferase activity cannot activate oxamniquine (or
adverse effects. Instead, depending on the dose, 2–7 days hycanthone) and are therefore not susceptible to it [280, 281].
after an initial 30-min exposure followed by culture in normal Recent work has confirmed and extended this model for
medium, damage begins to be apparent, with death of the oxamniquine resistance and provided a detailed mechanism
worms occurring some days later [52]. A similar delay in of action [51]. Using linkage mapping in S. mansoni, oxam-
schistosomicidal effect occurs within the host [275]. However, niquine resistance mapped to a single quantitative trait locus
only short times of exposure to oxamniquine are required to (QTL). Subsequently, RNA interference and biochemical
cause worm death: 15 min in vitro or 2 h in vivo before trans- complementation studies identified a single sulfotransferase
fer, respectively, to drug-free medium or untreated animals within that QTL (SmSULT-OR; Smp_089320) as the single
[276]. Oxamniquine is more effective against male worms causative gene. An independently derived oxamniquine-
than against female worms by a ratio of approximately 2:1, resistant field isolate also maps to this gene. The crystal
but like PZQ and some other schistosomicides, it is largely structure of the S. mansoni sulfotransferase provides insights
ineffective against immature worms [115]. into the bases for oxamniquine action and resistance, and
Nucleic acid synthesis is the first metabolic activity to be clues to differences in the drug-binding site in S. haemato-
inhibited by oxamniquine; protein synthesis and all other bium and S. japonicum that likely account for the lack of
metabolic pathways are affected only later [277]. Experiments drug activity in these species. It also offers the opportunity
with tritiated oxamniquine indicated that the drug formed for structure-based redesign of oxamniquine derivatives that
stable covalent bonds with worm DNA. Worms from S. man- exhibit activity against multiple schistosome species [51].
soni isolates that were resistant to oxamniquine failed to bind Table 47.2 summarizes the main differences between pra-
significant amounts of radioactive drug, as did S. haemato- ziquantel and oxamniquine.
bium and S. japonicum worms, species intrinsically insus-
ceptible to oxamniquine [273].
4.2 Artemisinin Derivatives
4.1.2 S chistosome Oxamniquine Resistance
and Oxamniquine Mode of Action Artemisinin is the active ingredient of the sweet wood-
S. mansoni can become resistant to very high concentrations of worm Artemisia annua, a medicinal herb used in China. It
oxamniquine (generally with concomitant cross-resistance to is a sesquiterpene lactone which contains a peroxide bridge,
hycanthone (reviewed in 277)). Genetic crosses between sensi- from which synthetic derivatives such as artemether and
tive and resistant S. mansoni isolates, achieved by transplanting artesunate have been synthesized. Artemisinins are potent
single male and female worms of opposite genotypes to new antimalarial drugs and millions of doses have been admin-
mouse hosts and testing F1 and F2 progeny for resistance, istered for this purpose [282]. These drugs also have activ-
clearly indicated that resistance to oxamniquine is an autoso- ity against other diseases, including schistosomiasis [283,
mal recessive character [278]. It was therefore hypothesized 284]. Artemisinin activity against S. japonicum was discov-
that oxamniquine (and hycanthone) per se is inactive as a schis- ered in the early 1980s [285] and effectiveness against
tosomicide, and that it requires activation by chemical transfor- other schistosome species confirmed subsequently [286].
mation [279]. Oxamniquine-resistant schistosomes lack the These compounds are well tolerated and have only mild
factor necessary for activation of the drug, which was subse- side effects. Their mode of action is not yet fully under-
quently demonstrated to be a parasite sulfotransferase that bio- stood, though there is evidence for oxidative killing by glu-
tathione depletion and lipid peroxidation [287, 288], effects 4.4 Ro 15-5458
on parasite glycolysis [289], and damage to the tegument
and musculature of schistosomula, perhaps with schistoso- With the marketing of PZQ, an interesting schistosomicide
micidal effects exerted through synergy with heme-con- discovered by Hoffmann La-Roche, Ro 15-5458
taining compounds [290]. Formation of free radicals due to [10-(2-(diethylamino)ethyl)-9(10H)-acridanone(2-thiazolin-
cleavage of an endoperoxide bridge in the structure of 2-ylidene)hydrazone], was not further developed. Since the
arteminisins is implicated in their mode of action [291], realization that resistance to PZQ could become a problem
and synthetic endoperoxide- containing compounds have and discovery of novel schistosomicides is very difficult,
shown promise as drug leads that are effective in vivo there was some renewed interest in the development of Ro
against both adult and immature schistosomes [292]. 15-5458 in the early 2000s.
Interestingly, unlike PZQ, the activity of artemisinins does Early reports of activity of Ro 15-5458 and 9-acridanone-
not require T cell immunity and was found to be equally hydrazone derivatives against S. mansoni were in primates
effective against S. mansoni in both athymic and immuno- [309, 310]. Ro 15-5458 killed almost all skin schistosomula
competent mice [293]. in mice at 100 mg/kg and in Cebus monkeys it was fully
In contrast to PZQ and oxamniquine, artemisinins are more effective at 25 mg/kg 7 days after infection [311]. Against
active against immature than mature worms (reviewed in 56, adult worms in mice a dose of 20 mg/kg removed 95 % of S.
283, 284) and it is in this context that artemether and artesu- mansoni and resulted in a disappearance of all immature
nate have been used effectively in China as “prophylactics” stages in worm eggs [312]. If 4-week-old S. haematobium
against S. japonicum infection during major floods [294]. was treated in hamsters at 25 mg/kg, Ro 15-5458 was more
Chemoprophylactic effectiveness has also been demonstrated effective than PZQ (total dose of 1000 mg/kg), but at 8 and
against both S. mansoni [295] and S. haematobium [296]. 12 weeks cure rates were similar [313]. Combined one-third
Meta-analyses show that cure rates with artesunate alone are doses of Ro 15-5458 and PZQ gave a 99.4 % cure rate for S.
lower than with PZQ, but that artemisinins combined with mansoni in susceptible CD mice [314]. Since combination
PZQ are more effective than PZQ monotherapy [297, 298]. therapy is a well-known method of slowing the development
Although resistance to artemisinins in malaria has become of resistance, use of both products together would be benefi-
a concern, particularly in Southeast Asia [299, 300], there cial, but costs and evidence for the beginning of PZQ resis-
are currently no examples of confirmed resistance to arte- tance make it impractical. However, the activity of Ro
misinins in schistosomes. There has been one report of a 15-5458 against differing ages of schistosomes and at least
decrease in S. japonicum sensitivity to artesunate after 10 two species suggests that if the toxicity is acceptable and
years of use in China [301], though that conclusion has been manufacturing costs are cheap enough, it could provide a
challenged on methodological grounds [302]. Because of the useful alternative to PZQ.
poor cure rates given by PZQ in areas with high rates of
infection transmission (which in turn may be due in part or
wholly to the insensitivity of immature schistosomes to this 4.5 Meclonazepam (Ro 11-3128)
drug) artemisinins may be of most use in these areas.
Proposals for large-scale use of artemisinins in areas where In the 1970s, more than 400 benzodiazepines were screened
Plasmodium spp. and schistosomes coexist, particularly in for antischistosomal activity at Hoffmann-La Roche and
sub-Saharan Africa, have naturally raised concerns about some members of the group turned out to be quite active
creation of conditions for inducing drug resistance in the for- [315]. Among them were the anticonvulsant clonazepam and
mer [303]. its 3-methyl derivative designated Ro 11-3128, or
Meclonazepam, given as a single oral dose of about
4.3 Mefloquine 80 mg/kg, cured 90 % of mice or hamsters infected with S.
mansoni or S. haematobium, while S. japonicum was com-
The quinoline-based drug mefloquine is another antimalarial pletely refractory to treatment. A lower dose (25 mg/kg) was
drug that exhibits activity against schistosomes [304, 305]. It curative in monkeys. Notably, the drug was active against
appears to be effective against all three major human schisto- immature stages. Initial toxicology and mutagenicity trials
some species, is active against juveniles as well as adults, proved that the drug is well tolerated in animals [315]. A
and shows synergistic effects when combined with PZQ or clinical study in South Africa showed that a dose of 0.2–
artemisinins in laboratory animals (reviewed in 42, 306), 0.3 mg/kg was curative for most patients infected with either
though apparently not when tested in human infections S. mansoni or S. haematobium [316]. Unfortunately, the drug
[307]. Mefloquine-related compounds have been evaluated causes a severe and long lasting sedation, accompanied by
for antischistosomal activity, with promising results [308]. ataxia and muscle relaxation [317]. Due to these side effects,
47 Chemotherapy and Drug Resistance in Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode and Cestode Infections 719
further development of the drug was abandoned, but interest trols when transferred into mice [330]. Statins are approved,
has been rekindled by efforts to develop derivatives that widely used compounds available off patent, and may hold
retain selective schistosomicidal activity with minimal side particular promise for repurposing as antischistosomals.
effects [318, 319].
The molecular target of meclonazepam remains an
enigma, making efforts at elimination of these side effects 5 C
ross-Resistance and Spread
through structural-functional approaches problematical. In of Resistance to Schistosomicides
mammals, meclonazepam is, like other benzodiazepines, an
allosteric modulator of Cys-loop GABA channels [320, So far, the only noteworthy instance of cross-resistance in
321]. In contrast, the effects of meclonazepam do not appear schistosomicidal drugs is that between oxamniquine and
to be mediated by S. mansoni benzodiazepam receptors hycanthone and it is most likely due to a structural similarity
[322]. Indeed, though schistosomes have high-affinity bind- in the two drugs (see Sect. 4.1 above). However, in contrast
ing sites for benzodiazepines [323], the S. mansoni genome to oxamniquine, development of hycanthone for treatment of
does not appear to contain any GABA channels, and the schistosomiasis had to be abandoned because of its apparent
related glutamate-gated Cl- channels that schistosomes do carcinogenicity and mutagenic potential [52].
express are insensitive to meclonazepam [324]. Extensive Several pieces of evidence indicate there is no cross-
early experimental work on meclonazepam [161] demon- resistance between oxamniquine and PZQ. For example, the
strated that the drug has effects in vitro that are very similar resistance to each of these drugs that was selectively bred
to those of PZQ (spastic paralysis, influx of Ca2+, tegumental into two respective lines of laboratory-maintained S. mansoni
vacuolization, and blebbing). Nonetheless, meclonazepam was drug-specific [232] and oxamniquine gave normally
and PZQ do not appear to compete for the same binding sites expected cure rates against schistosomiasis mansoni in an
in schistosomes [325]. area in northern Senegal in which PZQ had given poor cure
rates [206]. There also appears to be no cross-resistance
between artemisinins and PZQ in S. japonicum [332, 333].
4.6 Oxadiazoles Additional evidence for an absence of cross-resistance is
given by other clinical data [334, 335].
One of the more promising candidate targets for new anti- The evidence on PZQ accumulated so far only indicates
schistosomals is a unique antioxidant enzyme found in the that there is variation between schistosome isolates with
parasite. In mammals, two enzymes, thioredoxin reductase respect to their sensitivity to the drug and that the degree of
and glutathione reductase, act to detoxify reactive oxygen variation uncovered is small—no more than 3–5-fold differ-
species, but in schistosomes, these two functions are com- ences in the ED50s of putatively resistant and sensitive con-
bined into a single enzyme, thioredoxin glutathione reduc- trol parasites. Fortunately as yet no case can be made for the
tase (TGR). Oxadiazole-2 oxides inhibit TGR, and have occurrence of resistance against PZQ that is comparable with
been identified as promising lead compounds for schistoso- the levels of resistance that have developed against drugs for
miasis chemotherapy. They exhibit potency in vitro against treatment of many bacterial or protozoan infections, or even
S. mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. haematobium, and against against the antischistosomal drug oxamniquine. Indeed, as
juvenile and adult S. mansoni both in vitro and in experimen- noted (see Sect. 3.1.1 above), there was no evidence for the
tal infections in mice [326]. presence, let alone expansion of Egyptian PZQ-insusceptible
isolates characterized ten years previously, despite a decade
of drug pressure [219]. Nonetheless, there seems little doubt
4.7 Statins that the mass drug administration programs currently in place
in many parts of Africa and likely to be expanded will subject
Statins, blockbuster cholesterol-reducing drugs which inhibit schistosomes to much higher levels of drug pressure than in
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) the past. However, since oxamniquine has an entirely differ-
reductase (HMGR), have a negative impact on egg produc- ent mode of action from PZQ [51], does not show cross-resis-
tion and worm survival in mouse models of S. mansoni infec- tance with PZQ in mice [203], and provides good cure rates
tion [327–329], and in vitro, on both schistosomula and adults in regions of Senegal with reduced PZQ efficacy [206], it may
[329–331]. The role of S. mansoni HMGR as a target of these be worthwhile to “bring oxamniquine back” as a second-line
drugs is supported by the lethal effects of RNAi knockdown drug for use when PZQ fails. Recent advances [51] may allow
of this enzyme in schistosomula, effects that are rescued by for newer, less expensive synthesis of oxamniquine, as well
mevalonate in vitro, the product of HMGR [330]. Those as derivatives that might be active against all species.
schistosomula in which HMGR was suppressed by RNAi The contribution that offspring of worms that survive
also showed significantly reduced survival compared to con- PZQ pressure will make to the genetic constitution of an
720 R.M. Greenberg and M.J. Doenhoff
endemic population of schistosomes will depend on a num- biological fitness of putatively resistant and susceptible iso-
ber of factors, of which perhaps the two most important are lates is lacking. However, most evidence suggests that there
the relative sizes of the “refugia” into which they are enter- is a biological cost to PZQ insusceptibility. Thus, as dis-
ing and their relative “biological fitness.” cussed (see Sect. 3.1.1, above) approximately half of the
Egyptian isolates with reduced PZQ susceptibility that were
further characterized [217] retained that trait in the absence
5.1 Refugia of drug pressure, while others reverted to drug sensitivity
that was no different from controls. Those isolates that
Refugia are defined as subpopulations of parasites that are retained the decreased drug sensitivity showed evidence of
not selected by drug treatment [336], thereby providing a decreased cercarial production by infected snails, thus indi-
pool of susceptible genes that can dilute the resistant genes cating there may be a cost of biological fitness in PZQ resis-
in the population [220, 336]. The concept of “refugia” has tance. Similar results were reported for PZQ-insusceptible
assumed importance in analysis of the dynamics of drug Kenyan isolates [221]. Furthermore, 10 years following
resistance in helminths of sheep and cattle [336–338], and recovery of the Egyptian isolates, there was no evidence for
has more recently attracted increasing attention in strategies spread, or even existence, of PZQ resistance in the village in
for human mass drug administration programs [339]. which the original Egyptian were originally found, despite a
Provided refugia populations remain large relative to the decade of continuing drug pressure [219].
number of incoming offspring of drug-treated and uncured On the other hand, when three S. mansoni lines that had
schistosomes, the impact of the latter on the genetic constitu- been isolated from uncured Senegalese patients in the mid-
tion of the population as a whole will be small. Large refugia 1990s and subsequently passaged in laboratory mice without
are likely to be found in human populations living in areas of drug pressure for approximately 5–6 years were tested for
high infection intensity and prevalence, and that are sub- susceptibility to PZQ they were found to be still less suscep-
jected to chemotherapy only randomly or selectively. tible than several control isolates [218]. Similar to the
Similarly, infested environments in which intense transmis- Egyptian isolates, however, the three Senegalese isolates
sion is occurring without interference from measures shed fewer cercariae per snail than other nonresistant, non-
intended to control it (e.g., mollusciciding) are likely to pro- Senegalese isolates, though the snails infected with the
vide relatively large refugia. Senegalese isolates survived longer [218].
Human populations subjected to mass-chemotherapy and/
or endemic areas with low transmission rates will provide
smaller refugia. As has been pointed out in regard to PZQ 6 Drugs for Liver Fluke Infections
however [220], immature worms, which are refractory to the
drug, can be considered a “natural” refugium, and several As noted above (Sect. 2.2), F. hepatica does not appear to be
other factors (significant proportion of untreated individuals, susceptible to PZQ.
short action of the drug) will tend to maintain large refugia. However, liver fluke infections can be treated with a num-
However, alternative scenarios that could enhance the impact ber of fasciolicides (Table 47.3), some of which only kill
of genetically drug-resistant organisms on the schistosome adult flukes while others kill immature stages as well. An
population as a whole can be envisaged: for example, if mass extensive review of this topic is available [340].
chemotherapy was performed at a time when an intermediate Given the importance of fasciolosis, it is surprising that
host snail population was reestablishing itself and was there- there are no validated tests for resistance other than a controlled
fore largely uninfested, as might occur soon after flooding or trial, that the molecular mechanisms of action remain unknown
application of molluscicide. for all fasciolicides, and that the mechanisms of resistance,
As with so much else with regard to our knowledge about where they occur, are not completely understood. Recently,
PZQ, firm and consistent evidence about the relative however, an egg-hatch assay for albendazole resistance has
been reported [341, 342], and evidence is accruing that impli- Haemonchus contortus. Both closantel and the halogenated
cates altered P-glycoprotein expression or activity in reduced phenol, nitroxynil, have activity against immature flukes.
susceptibility to triclabendazole (see below). Oxyclozanide, another salicylanilide, only has activity
against adult flukes at normal doses. As all are uncouplers of
energy formation in mammalian mitochondria, it has been
6.1 Triclabendazole suggested that they have a similar mechanism of action in
flukes. However, nitroxynil might be acting on ion permea-
The drug of choice against F. hepatica infections in both live- bility in muscle cells [360] rather than affecting mitochon-
stock and humans is triclabendazole [343–345], though it is not dria in what are largely anaerobic animals. Morphological
approved for use for ruminants or humans in the USA. A major and metabolic studies using the salicylanilides are compati-
advantage of triclabendazole is that it kills flukes at all intrama- ble with effects on mitochondria [360]. There is cross-
mmalian stages, from 1 week of age and older. Triclabendazole resistance between rafoxanide, closantel, and nitroxynil, but
is structurally a benzimidazole, and there is some evidence that, apparently not to oxyclozanide. The difference with
like other benzimidazoles, it binds to β-tubulin and disrupts oxyclozanide could be related to blood profiles with a very
microtubule-based functions (reviewed in 343). On the other short persistence for oxyclozanide but long half-lives for clo-
hand, triclabendazole does not act on nematodes, it is active santel [340]. This is an area requiring further investigation as
against albendazole-resistant flukes [346], and albendazole is closantel and nitroxynil will become the major fasciolicides
active against adult triclabendazole-resistant F. hepatica [347], as resistance to triclabendazole spreads.
indicating that the drugs have different mechanisms of action.
Furthermore, since all other fasciolicides kill adult
triclabendazole-resistant flukes, they must also have a different 6.3 Benzimidazoles
mode of action from triclabendazole [347, 348]. The exact
mechanism of action of triclabendazole has not been estab- Resistance has been selected in the laboratory to the
lished, but in common with some other fasciolicides one of the experimental benzimidazole luxabendazole [340], and
first events is disruption of the tegument as well as secretory has recently been reported for albendazole [346]. Fluke
activity. Thus, triclabendazole sulfoxide, the active sulfoxide eggs are prevented from embryonation by incubation in
metabolite of triclabendazole, disrupts the tegumental surface solutions of benzimidazoles [361] in a way similar to
of adult and juvenile flukes in vitro [349], and adult [350] and inhibition of embryonation in nematode eggs [362], sug-
juvenile [351, 352] parasites (F. hepatica or F. gigantica) gesting a similar mechanism of action on β-tubulin.
recovered from triclabendazole-treated sheep and goats show Albendazole-resistant isolates show increased resistance
surface disruption by 48 h post treatment. Triclabendazole sulf- to suppression of egg hatching by albendazole [341, 342],
oxide also inhibits mitotic division of spermatogenic cells though to date, no structural differences in F. hepatica
[353]. These effects are compatible with disruption of microtu- tubulin genes have been reported for albendazole-resis-
bule function that clearly does not occur at the same site as for tant isolates.
other benzimidazoles; colchicine-binding data are contradic-
tory [354, 355]. The presence in F. hepatica of multiple α- and
β-tubulin isotypes, some of which diverge from other trema- 6.4 Clorsulon
tode and nematode tubulin sequences [356], may help account
for some of these seemingly paradoxical observations. In addi- Present evidence suggests that clorsulon acts by inhibition of
tion, triclabendazole sulfoxide appears to inhibit protein syn- glycolysis leading to slow paralysis [340, 363, 364]. There is
thesis [357], perhaps reflecting a general stress response. a report of an isolate that is resistant to clorsulon, and also
Resistance to triclabendazole has been reported in live- albendazole [365], but little is known about possible resis-
stock from several countries, including Australia, Ireland, tance mechanisms.
the UK, The Netherlands, and Spain (reviewed in 343). In at
least one of these isolates there is evidence that reduced tri-
clabendazole susceptibility is associated with enhanced drug 7 Other Drugs for Tapeworms
efflux via parasite P-glycoprotein [358, 359].
7.1 Pyrantel
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Drug Resistance in Ectoparasites
of Medical and Veterinary Importance 48
Kathryn A. Stafford and Gerald Christopher C. Coles
immediate kill is not essential since they act on the develop- have a temporary effect on the electrical potential of the
mental stage of the insect larvae; the arylheterocycles phe- postsynaptic membrane. Neuromodulators are released into
nylpyrazoles (fipronil); the chloronicotinyl nitroguanidines the vicinity of the synapse where they modify synaptic
(imidacloprid); spinosad, which is derived from a bacterium transmission. A number of these, acetylcholine (Ach),
called Saccharopolyspora spinosa; and fluolaner, a novel γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, serotonin and
isoxazoline. All have been developed for flea control but in octopamine, have been examined in detail. The neurotrans-
all probability have many additional uses. mitter acetylcholine has been found to be the most impor-
tant excitatory neurotransmitter present in the insect central
nervous system. The receptors occur in at least two forms,
2 Definition of Resistance nicotinic Ach and muscarinic Ach) [6, 7]. Glutamate is the
principle excitatory transmitter found at the junctions of
Resistance is defined by the World Health Organisation as ‘the nerves and muscles while GABA is the principle inhibitory
development of an ability in a strain of some organism to toler- neurotransmitter at the nerve/muscle junction as well as the
ate doses of a toxicant that would prove lethal to a majority of central nervous system.
individuals in a normal population of the same species’. It has
been suggested that a better definition would be ‘a response of
an organism or a population to a toxicant that enables the 3.1 The Organophosphates
organism or population to withstand future toxicant exposures
better, because gene amplification which may confer resis- Organophosphates target the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
tance does not require selection [1] and other individual (AchE), a key enzyme in the nervous system. This enzyme is
responses to sub-lethal exposures are included’ [2]. A very a glycosylated dimer which is attached to a membrane via a
recent definition is given by Coles and Dryden: ‘selection of a glycolipid anchor [8, 9]. In insects it terminates nerve
specific heritable trait (or traits) in a population of arthropods, impulses by catalysing the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter
due to that populations contact with a chemical, that results in acetylcholine. When targeted by organophosphates (OP),
a significant increase in the percentage of the population that enzyme activity is inhibited by the serine residue within the
will survive a standard dose of that chemical (or a closely active site gorge being covalently phosphorylated [10].
related chemical in the case of cross resistance)’ [3]. Resistance to OPs has been correlated with the over-
Whatever definition of resistance is used, monitoring field expression of AchE [8] but is more usually associated with a
collected isolates for the presence of resistance is necessary for point mutation which is frequently accompanied by a modi-
maintaining the efficacy of insecticides through resistance fication of the kinetic parameters of acetylcholine hydrolysis
management. A simple test used for monitoring resistance is [11–15]. Resistance-associated mutations involving substi-
the contact test. Groups of insects are held, for established time tutions at key sites located within the active site gorge of the
periods, in tubes containing insecticide impregnated papers. At enzyme have a steric effect or alter the orientation of the
the termination of the given time period the numbers of live and active site residues [16]. However the isolation of AchE
dead individuals are counted. From this data the establishment sequences from R. microplus indicates that an insensitive
of LD (lethal dose) values can be calculated. These are useful AchE phenotype does not result from an amino acid substitu-
in monitoring resistance once it has reached high levels in any tion in the AchE protein itself which would suggest the
given population but are limited in detecting the emergence of involvement of another mechanism [17].
resistance [4]. The introduction of the discriminating dose [5]
to distinguish between resistant and susceptible individuals has
proved more efficient than estimating resistance using regres- 3.2 The Carbamates
sion lines [4]. The discriminating dose is defined as the dose
which just kills 100 % of susceptible test insects within a given Carbamate insecticides target the same site as OPs, (the
population. Any individuals from field collected isolates which enzyme acetylcholinesterase) and inhibit the enzyme activ-
survive at this dose are by definition resistant. ity by carbamylating the serine residue within the active site
gorge [10]. They are derivatives of carbamic acid and are
relatively unstable compounds which break down in the
3 M
ode of Action and Mechanisms environment within weeks. Hinkle et al. [18] observed
of Resistance higher AchE activity in two strains of the cat flea
Ctenocephalides felis, one resistant to organophosphates
There are a variety of neural transmitters and neural modu- while the second strain was resistant to the carbamate, pro-
lators present within insects. Neurotransmitters are chemi- poxur, and suggests that the same mechanism of resistance
cal messengers released into the synaptic cleft where they is shared by the two insecticides.
48 Drug Resistance in Ectoparasites of Medical and Veterinary Importance 737
The pyrethroid insecticides are classified into type 1 and type Phenylpyrazole insecticides such as fipronil disrupt normal
2 compounds. Type 1 compounds include DDT plus ana- nerve functions by blocking the GABA-gated chloride channels
logues and all pyrethroids containing descyano-3- of neurons in the central nervous system. The GABA receptors
phenoxybenzyl or other alcohols [19]. They cause a repetitive are responsible for inhibition of normal neural activity by pre-
discharge at the presynaptic nerve end. Type 2 compounds venting excessive stimulation of the nerves. Blocking of these
contain an α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol and cause a receptors results in neural excitation and ultimately death. In
toxic release of transmitter indicative of membrane depolari- houseflies resistance has been associated with microsomal oxi-
sation [19]. Under normal conditions the sodium current dase and also esterase and was autosomally inherited, incom-
activates and deactivates within a few milliseconds but in the pletely dominant and polygenic. In the USA an isolate of fleas
presence of pyrethroids this state is altered. Pyrethroids from a field complaint case showed resistance to fipronil [26].
delay the deactivation of the sodium channel prolonging the
open state and thus allowing a persistent inward current
which results in repetitive firing and depolarisation of the 3.7 The Chloronicotinyl Nitroguanidines
nerve membrane.
There are two major mechanisms of pyrethroid resistance Imidacloprid, thiacloprid and nitenpyram belong to this group
in insects. One is an increase in the rate of metabolic detoxi- of insecticides and are used as crop and structural pest insecti-
fication of the insecticide while the other is associated with cides and for flea control treatment. Imidacloprid binds to the
nicotinergic acetylcholine receptors present on the postsynap-
changes in target site sensitivity.
tic membrane in the nervous system. This induces a slow
depolarization in motoneuron cells from cockroach nerve cord
preparations [27]. Although to date there has been no reported
3.4 The Insect Growth Regulators
cases of resistance in ectoparasites to this insecticide, it has
been found in the housefly in the USA [28].
As the name implies the IGRs cause a disruption in the
moulting process. IGRs such as methoprene act as juvenile
hormone mimics preventing the process of ecdysis while 3.8 Spinosad
ones such as diflubenzuron inhibit the synthesis of chitin
[20]. Since they act on the immature stage of the insect, Spinosad is produced by an actinomycete, Saccharopolyspora
they are widely used in environmental control but are of spinosa, and is one of a series of spinosyns [29]. The insecticide
little use when the immediate control of adult insects is targets binding sites on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that are
necessary. However, lufenuron is used to prevent viable egg different to other sites affected by insecticides. Resistance has
production in the cat flea and both cyromazine and dicla- been recorded from a field isolate of female Musca domestica
zuril are used to control blowfly strike in sheep. Structural [30] and in thrips is associated with a mutation in the acetylcho-
changes in Lucilia cuticle after treatment with cyromazine line receptor and also cytochrome P450 detoxification [31].
suggest that the mechanism of action is not identical to
diflubenzuron [21].
3.9 Isoxazolines
3.5 The Macrocyclic Lactones Isoxazolines are a novel class of insecticides that inhibit
γ-aminobutyric acid gated chloride channels and l-glutamate-
The avermectins and milbemycins are a group of related gated chloride channels [32]. They are active against cat fleas
macrocyclic lactones isolated from Streptomyces micro- (C. felis), sheep blow fly larvae (L. cuprina), cattle ticks (R.
organisms. They block electrical activity in nerve and muscle microplus), the dog tick (R. sanguineus) and nymphs of
preparations by increasing the membrane conductance to Ornithodorus moubata [33].
chloride ions causing ataxia and paralysis. Blocking occurs
at the α-subunit of the glutamate-gated chloride channels in
invertebrates. Probably due in part to its very widespread use 3.10 New and Novel Approaches to Insect
to control nematodes in cattle, resistance has developed to Control
ivermectin in the cattle tick R. microplus and been reported
from Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay [22–24]. It was associated The widespread development of resistance in many insect
with an ABC transporter which was significantly upregu- species to the available control chemicals has led to new and
lated in ivermectin-resistant female ticks [25]. novel approaches being developed. The use of toxins from
738 K.A. Stafford and G.C.C. Coles
alternative species such as scorpions, spiders and sea anemo- 4.1.2 Ixodida (Ticks)
nes [34, 35] is being developed with transgenic plants and The ixodida ticks can be divided into two groups: the argasidae
recombinant baculoviruses being used as the delivery system or soft ticks and the ixodidae or hard ticks. Both feed on verte-
[36] in crop pests. Naturally occurring plant products such as brate blood and are major vectors in the spread of disease.
the coconut-derived emulsion shampoo for the control of the Resistance was first recorded in R. microplus to arsenic prior
human head louse Pediculus capitis [37] have proven to be to 1940 and to DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons by the
highly effective. Ozone is already recognised as an alterna- early 1950s [50]. By the late 1960s resistance to the organo-
tive fumigant in the control of stored product insects [38] and phosphorus acaricides and carbamates had also been reported
is being investigated as a method of control for insects that [51]. In South America R. microplus resistance has been docu-
act as vectors for the transmission of both human and veteri- mented to organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and amitraz
nary diseases. [52]. In 2001 Martins and Furlong [53] documented the first
failure of injectable avermectin in the control of R. microplus.
Li et al. [54] reported resistance in R. microplus to the
4 T
he Development of Resistance acaricides coumaphos and diazinon with a significant cross-
in Individual Genera of Insects resistance pattern between the two. Their results suggest an
enhanced cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (cytP450)-
4.1 Arachnida mediated detoxification mechanism may exist in resistant
strains in addition to the cytP450-mediated metabolic path-
4.1.1 Acari (Mites) way that activates coumaphos. The failure of piperonyl
The acari are a subclass of the Arachnida containing two butoxide (PBO) to synergise diazinon suggests a specific
superorders: the anactinotrichida which contains the orders cytP450 involved in detoxification [54]. They concluded that
astigmata, prostigmata and oribatida and the actinotrichida resistance to coumaphos was likely to be conferred by a
which contains four orders, two of which are of medical cytP450-mediated detoxification mechanism in addition to
importance, the mesostigmata and ixodida. The order astig- the mechanism of insensitive acetylcholinesterases.
mata contains the medically and veterinary important Resistance continues to be documented to all available drugs
Sarcoptes and Psoroptes mites which cause scabies in especially in the tropical and suptropical cattle producing areas.
humans and mange or scab in domestic animals in addition Abbas et al. [55] give a detailed account of resistance to date.
to various other allergic responses. The larval stages of
three families of mites can act as vectors of scrub typhus, a
rickettsial disease affecting humans while other families 4.2 Insecta
cause dermatitis in both humans and domestic animals.
Treatment is traditionally with either topical applications of 4.2.1 Diptera (Flies)
lindane or permethrin; however recently ivermectin has A number of diptera families contain species of medical and
proved effective. Resistance has been described in veterinary importance. This ranges from the nuisance bite of
Norwegian scabies to lindane [39], but none has been midges and stable flies through the transmission of diseases
described in Pthirus pubis. and various forms of myiasis. Myiasis is defined as the inva-
The order Prostigmata contains the demodex mites of sion of living tissue of animals by larvae of Diptera [56].
which D. canis can cause demodectic mange in dogs whilst
related species infect domesticated farm animals. The order Ceratopogonidae (Biting Midges)
Mesostigmata includes the suborder Dermanyssina which is The Ceratopogonidae is a large family containing more than
of veterinary importance since this includes the chicken red 60 genera and nearly 4000 species [57]. Most of the females
mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Resistance has been recorded in within this family require a protein meal for maturation of
D. gallinae to DDT, organophosphates and pyrethroid insec- the ovaries but this is only acquired from a blood meal taken
ticides [40–42]. from warm-blooded animals in four genera. The genera of
Early reports of resistance in Psoroptes ovis came from Culicoides is the largest and is of veterinary importance in
South America to the insecticide hexachlorocyclohexane horses since the bite of Culicoides can lead to the develop-
(HCH) [43] and lindane plus diazinon [44]. Following UK ment of culicoides hypersensitivity, more commonly referred
deregulation of sheep scab resistance has been reported to to as sweet-itch. They are also important as vectors of arbo-
the synthetic pyrethroid, flumethrin [45], and the organo- viruses, blood-dwelling protozoa and filarial worms. Since
phosphate, propetamphos [46]. Ivermectin failed to control people entering into areas of midges are more sensitive to
psoroptic mange in Belgium blue cattle in both Belgium [47] their bite, control has been essential in certain parts of the
and the UK [48] while sarcoptes mites refractory to ivermec- world before an area can be opened up for tourism.
tin have been reported from dogs [49]. Despite this no reports of resistance have been recorded.
48 Drug Resistance in Ectoparasites of Medical and Veterinary Importance 739
Oestridae (Gad Flies, Warble Flies and Stomach Bots) for several years. Reports of resistance in triatominae are
The Oestridae are divided into four groups or sub-families— limited but testing of T. infestans populations in Bolivia indi-
Oestrinae, Hypodermatinae, Gasterophilinae and cates that most ‘domestic’ populations are resistant to delta-
Cuterebrinae. The Oestrinae develop in the nasopharyngeal methrin and pyrethroid spraying in Argentina failed to
cavity of sheep, goats, equids and camels. The control the Chagas disease vectors [92, 93].
Hypodermatinae and Cuterebrinae are dermal parasites of
cattle, rabbits and rodents, while the Gasterophilinae parasi- 4.2.3 Phthiraptera (Lice)
tise the alimentary tract of equids. Rich [85] described the The phthiraptera comprise four groups. The Anoplura and
infestation of sheep with Oestrus ovis as a relatively benign Rhynchophthirina groups are blood sucking lice of mam-
disease. There are no current reported cases of resistance. mals, while the Amblycera and Ischnocera groups are chew-
The warble flies Hyperderma bovis and H. lineatum are para- ing lice which live off skin debris. Within the Anoplura
sites of cattle which cause the phenomenon called ‘gadding’ group are the medically important Pediculus capitis, P. hum-
and result in reduced weight gain and reduced milk produc- anus and Pthirus pubis (the human head, body and pubic
tion. Gasterophilus are stomach bots of equids that cause lice). P. humanus is important for its role as the vector in the
swelling around the point of attachment which in heavy spread of epidemic typhus (Rickettsia prowazekii) and
infestations can cause chronic gastritis, loss of condition and relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis). The medical impor-
in rare cases, perforation and death [86]. As with the tance of P. capitis and P. pubis is due to the development of
Oestrinae there are no current reports of resistance. secondary infections following scratching.
Early reports of insecticide failure were in P. humanus to
4.2.2 Hemiptera (Bugs) DDT following its extensive use in World War II. Resistance
While a number of Hemiptera are blood sucking only two has been widely reported in P. capitis to synthetic pyre-
families are of medical importance, the Cimicidae and the throids [94–96] and the beginning of resistance to the insec-
Triatominae. Both are temporary ectoparasites of birds and ticide carbaryl has been reported in the UK [96]. Resistance
mammals. has also been recorded in the sheep louse (Bovicola ovis) in
The two species of Cimex of medical importance are the Southern Australia to synthetic pyrethroids [97]. Lee et al.
bedbugs C. lectularius and C. hemipterus. Both parasitise on [98] showed that the mechanism primarily involved in pyre-
humans and chickens while C. lectularius also parasitises throid resistance in head lice is due to two point mutations in
domestic animals. C. lectularius is distributed throughout the para-orthologous sodium channel α-subunit possibly
both temperate and subtropical regions while C. hemipterus supplemented by oxidative metabolism as shown by syner-
occurs in warmer tropical regions. While many have been gism with PBO. Resistance in B. ovis has also been reported
implicated in the spread of disease, there is no scientific data to the IGRs triflumuron and diflubenzuron [97].
to support this; however Hepatitis B antigens have been
found to persist for up to 6 weeks and are present throughout 4.2.4 Siphonaptera (Fleas)
this period in the faeces [87]. Lyons et al. [88] recorded the The order Siphonaptera is a large one comprising over 2000
presence of HIV in C. lectularius for up to 1 h allowing for species and subspecies.
the possibility of mechanical transmission, but Lindsay [89] They are laterally compressed, hematophagous insects
showed that bedbugs were not major routes for the distribu- with a worldwide distribution. Two of the most important
tion of Hepatitis virus and were therefore much less likely to species are C. felis and C. canis, the cat and dog flea, [99]
transmit HIV since this is a much less virulent virus. since both have a low host specificity and will parasitise both
The medical importance of bedbugs is due to their irritat- animals and man. Both species have been reported to be the
ing bite which can cause sleeplessness and they have recently intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum the dog tapeworm
undergone a resurgence thought to be due to increased travel, [100, 101] which is an occasional parasite of man [102].
population management practices and the development of More importantly for medical reasons, they are reported to
resistance [90]. A recent study found a 5200-fold increase in be the transmitter of Friend Leukemia Virus [103], Rickettsia
resistance to deltamethrin in bed bugs from Virginia with typhi [104] and Yersinia pestis [105–107]. In addition to their
multiple mechanisms of resistance present within a single importance in the spread of diseases the bite of the flea can
population [91]. cause the condition flea allergy dermatitis in domestic pets.
By far the more important biting bugs medically are the Early reports of resistant fleas occurred in 1952 from the
triatominae as they act as vectors of Chagas’ disease caused southern United States and by 1971 resistance was being
by Trypanosoma cruzi. The mature trypanosomes are found recorded to the insecticides chlordane, dieldrin and hexa-
in the faeces of the bugs which are deposited on the skin chlorocyclohexane (HCH) [108]. Since then resistance has
while the bug feeds. Once triatominae are infected with T. been recorded to bendiocarb, carbaryl, diazinon, malathion,
cruzi, they remain so throughout their life which can extend propetamphos and propoxur [109] plus, cypermethrin,
48 Drug Resistance in Ectoparasites of Medical and Veterinary Importance 741
d-phenothrin, fenvalerate, permethrin and resmethrin. The reliance on chemical control is not necessary, thereby reduc-
later generation of insecticides used for flea control, such as ing the risk of resistance developing.
the arylheterocycles phenylpyrazoles, has as yet not been
implicated in the development of resistance, but it is proba-
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Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), Vol 1, 39, 241, 283, 1132, 1141–1143, 1429, 1438, 1651, 1656, 1660, 1664..
284, 308; Vol 2, 860, 898, 899, 906, 907, 910–912, See also Macrolides
925–927, 930, 933, 934, 967, 968, 985, 986, 989, 1038, Clindamycin resistance, Vol 1, 274, 277; Vol 2, 877, 899, 1087, 1088,
1040, 1057, 1061, 1078, 1134, 1202, 1293, 1362, 1431, 1098, 1426, 1429.. See also Lincosamides
1498, 1525, 1550, 1602, 1614, 1619, 1621, 1630, 1632, Clinical and laboratory standards institute (CLSI), Vol 1, 139, 222,
1635, 1643–1647, 1673–1675 223, 265, 267, 277, 285, 308, 311, 327, 387, 388, 416,
Central nervous system (CNS), Vol 1, 91, 510, 667, 677, 707, 417, 420; Vol 2, 857, 871, 872, 874, 898, 900, 908, 911,
736, 737, Vol 2, 881, 891, 908, 910, 913, 914, 932, 990, 914, 948, 955–957, 959–961, 968, 969, 987, 1016, 1017,
1005, 1008, 1097, 1099, 1131, 1197, 1199, 1202, 1211, 1026, 1039, 1057, 1070, 1075, 1076, 1086, 1088–1090,
1213, 1220, 1274, 1505 1156, 1180, 1200–1202, 1204, 1274, 1419, 1426, 1428–
Cephalosporinase, Vol 1, 82, 83, 164, 168–171; Vol 2, 910, 925, 981, 1431, 1445–1456, 1547–1551, 1647, 1652, 1654
1003, 1007, 1020, 1095, 1096, 1648, 1651 Clonorchiasis, Vol 1, 710, 714; Vol 2, 1489, 1523
Cephalosporins, Vol 1, 5, 14, 38, 46, 73, 80, 91, 98, 123, 165, 179, Clorsulon, Vol 1, 720, 721
285, 310; Vol 2, 858, 871, 892, 899, 905, 921, 946, 967, Clostridium species, metronidazole resistance, Vol 1, 284
978, 1003, 1020, 1040, 1051, 1075, 1087, 1426, 1543, Clostridium difficile, Vol 1, 40, 51, 68, 69, 120, 254, 271, 281, 284,
1599, 1609, 1636, 1647.. See also Beta-lactamase (BL) 285, 299; Vol 2, 900, 1089, 1228, 1602, 1611, 1630,
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Vol 1, 40, 408, 616, 668; Vol 2, 862, 871, 1632–1636
891, 933, 934, 946, 1097, 1159, 1199, 1203–1206, 1211, CLSI broth dilution methods
1212, 1220, 1271, 1426, 1496, 1501, 1502, 1505 amphotericin B, Vol 2, 1451
Cestode infection, Vol 1, 705–723 M27-A2 and M38-A, Vol 2, 1446–1447
cfr, Vol 1, 232, 235, 241, 274, 320, 322–327; Vol 2, 899, 900, MIC breakpoints, Vol 2, 1453–1454
1431, 1552 test time requirements, Vol 2, 1451–1452
Chitin, Vol 1, 392, 415, 419, 421, 458, 735, 737; Vol 2, 1209 CLSI disk diffusion method
Chemotherapy, Vol 1, 3, 23, 24, 98, 131, 336, 338, 339, 360, 363, 367, genus–drug combinations, Vol 2, 1448
388, 549, 615, 624, 625, 629, 637, 642, 659, 667, 668, 686, small-volume testing, Vol 2, 1447
689, 690, 705–723; Vol 2, 857, 879, 945, 978, 988, 1018, CLSI microdilution method, Vol 2, 1200, 1452, 1453
1074, 1135, 1153, 1158, 1177, 1222, 1228, 1229, 1407– CML. See Chronic myelogenous leukemia
1409, 1418, 1419, 1426, 1428, 1437, 1503, 1505, 1518, Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), Vol 2, 92, 157, 277, 321,
1521, 1547, 1580, 1632 326, 899, 1428, 1557, 1613
Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Vol 1, 272; Vol 2, 946 Coevolution, Vol 1, 19, 249, 422, 535–542, 613
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferases (CATs), Vol 1, 232, 238, 617; Colistin, Vol 2, 25, 38, 53, 93, 137, 172, 333, 334, 337, 338, 340;
Vol 2, 861, 952, 1546 Vol 2, 972, 987, 990, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1017, 1018,
Chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) mechanisms, Vol 1, 232, 238–240 1022–1024, 1135, 1600, 1634, 1635
cat gene, Vol 1, 232, 238–241 Colorimetric broth dilution methods
chloramphenicol acetyltransferases (CATs), Vol 1, 232 Candida, Vol 2, 1452, 1453
Chloramphenicol O-Acetyltransferases, Vol 1, 238, Vol 2, 1546 CLSI microdilution method, Vol 2, 1452–1453
exporters, Vol 1, 239 voriconazole methods, Vol 2, 1452, 1453
gene distribution, Vol 1, 233, 240–241 Combination antibiogram, Vol 2, 814
multidrug transporters and mutations, Vol 1, 239–240 Combination anti-infective evaluations Vol 2, 1407–1420
permeability barriers, Vol 1, 239–240 convergent combination therapy, Vol 2, 1407
phosphorylation or target site methylation, Vol 1, 239–240 design
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Vol 2, 861, 1110 efficacy and toxicity, Vol 2, 1414–1415
Chorioretinitis, Vol 1, 680, 682 multiple infectious organisms, Vol 2, 1416
Cholera. See Vibrio cholerae mutually exclusive and nonexclusive, Vol 2, 1415
Chou and Talalay median dose effect equation, Vol 2, 1410, 1412 resistance selection evaluations, Vol 2, 1416
Chou–Talalay drug-combination index, Vol 2, 1412 resistant organisms testing, Vol 2, 1415
Chromosomal resistance, Vol 1, 65, 73, 346–351; Vol 2, 924, 927 three-drug combination assays, Vol 2, 1415
clinical features, Vol 2, 1312, 1313, 1315 dose–response curve and selectivity index, Vol 2, 1408–1409
HBeAg peptide, Vol 2, 1306, 1307 drugs interaction analysis, Vol 2, 1409–1410
pathogenetic phases, Vol 2, 1306 combination index method, Vol 2, 1411–1412
polymerase/reverse transcriptase (Pol/RT), Vol 2, 1305 isobolograms, Vol 2, 1411
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC), multiple dose–response curves, Vol 2, 1410–1411
Vol 2, 944, 1154, 1165, 1168 parametric surface fitting, Vol 2, 1413
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), Vol 2, 1580 three-dimensional surface, Vol 2, 1412–1413
Cidofovir, Vol 1, 479, 483, 485–488; Vol 2, 1263–1266, 1269–1273, methodology, Vol 2, 1408
1275, 1279, 1280, 1587, 1588 microbiology
Ciprofloxacin, Vol 2, 4, 21, 22, 38, 46, 47, 90, 136–139, 155, antibiotic interactions, Vol 2, 1419–1420
222, 245, 246, 249, 251–255, 265–267, 282, 368, 369; testing and prediction, Vol 2, 1420
Vol 2, 859, 880, 899, 907–912, 914, 925, 930, 932–934, potentiation and suppression
947, 956, 957, 968, 970, 983, 986, 987, 1016, 1018, 1022, pharmacologic models, Vol 2, 1417
1025, 1027, 1028, 1038–1041, 1051–1053, 1056, 1057, test system and therapeutic strategy, Vol 2, 1417
1061, 1072, 1076, 1093, 1101, 1141, 1145, 1222, 1430, virologic evaluation
1647, 1651–1658, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1664 chronic and acute infection assays, Vol 2, 1418
Clarithromycin, Vol 1, 93, 100, 269–273, 277, 359, 369, 370, 680; cytopathic effects measurement assay, Vol 2, 1417–1418
Vol 2, 858, 909, 912, 914, 946, 951, 955, 956, 959, 1017, enzymatic and biochemical assays, Vol 2, 1418
1028, 1069, 1070, 1075, 1076, 1093, 1098, 1126, 1131, virus replication and functional cell-based assay, Vol 2, 1417
Index 751
Combination chemotherapy, Vol 1, 722, 723; Vol 2, 1229, 1407–1409 pharmacotherapeutic strategies
Combination therapy, Vol 1, 39, 213, 256, 285, 310, 338, 366, 369, drug dosing, Vol 2, 1211
411, 463, 512–513, 550, 571, 581, 585, 587, 597, 637, 657, drug selection, Vol 2, 1211–1212
668, 671, 672, 718; Vol 2, 891–894, 912, 914, 969, 972, primary and secondary resistances, Vol 2, 1200
989, 1008, 1141, 1142, 1160, 1166, 1189, 1199, 1212, 1220, primary prophylaxis, Vol 2, 1210
1222, 1247, 1248, 1254, 1294, 1298–1300, 1313, 1314, sterol biosynthesis, Vol 2, 1207–1208
1324, 1327, 1332, 1342, 1362, 1377, 1407–1409, 1413, surgical intervention, Vol 2, 1212
1415–1418, 1420, 1580, 1582, 1586–1588, 1662, 1664 susceptibility testing
ComboStat, Vol 2, 1412 E test, antifungal, Vol 2, 1200–1201
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), Vol 1, 320, 436, 447, interpretive break points, Vol 2, 1201
449, 454; Vol 2, 855, 860, 907, 945–947, 978, 1419, 1420 Cryptosporidiosis treatment, Vol 1, 623; Vol 2,
Competitive resistance, Vol 1, 552, 553 1512–1513
Convergent combination therapy, Vol 2, 1407 CTnDOT, conjugative transposon, Vol 1, 69;
Covalently closed circular DNA, Vol 1, 567; Vol 2, 1307 Vol 2, 1102
Coxiella burnetii, Q fever agent CTX-M, Vol 1, 72, 84, 85, 168, 171, 172, 222;
antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance, Vol 2, 1663–1664 Vol 2, 970, 1019, 1021
characteristics, Vol 2, 1663 Cutaneous anthrax, Vol 2, 907, 911, 1646, 1651
CPE. See Cytopathic effects Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), Vol 1, 409, 649; Vol 2, 1371–1373,
Crohn’s disease, Vol 1, 282; Vol 2, 977 1378, 1496
Cross-resistance, Vol 1, 81, 222, 249, 269, 271–278, 284, 290, 309, Cycloserine, Vol 1, 360, 371; Vol 2, 1126, 1131, 1132,
310, 323–325, 360, 364, 367, 368, 370, 372, 389, 399, 401, 1135, 1438, 1439
412, 435, 440, 457, 481, 483–486, 488, 496, 505, 507, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Vol 1, 479, 481, 484–488, 613;
508, 522, 525–528, 559–562, 569, 571, 573, 583, 588, 589, Vol 2, 1164, 1227, 1272, 1467, 1468, 1474, 1477, 1580,
591, 616, 621–623, 654, 656, 658, 667, 669–660, 671, 686, 1587–1589. See also Human cytomegalovirus
687, 717, 719–721, 736, 738, 741; Vol 2, 856, 910, 926, Cytopathic effects (CPE), Vol 2, 1417–1418, 1468
1072, 1077, 1129–1135, 1156, 1162–1163, 1165, 1166, Cytoplasmic membrane, Vol 1, 115–116, 118, 119, 121, 125, 126,
1169, 1182–1185, 1190, 1202, 1206, 1211, 1220, 1243, 133–135, 138, 142, 214, 217, 249–251, 253, 290, 307, 308,
1248–1250, 1254, 1263, 1269, 1270, 1273, 1275, 1278, 391, 392; Vol 2, 893, 900, 1020, 1100, 1549
1296, 1305, 1308, 1327, 1334, 1340, 1361, 1407, 1441,
1467, 1475, 1476, 1493, 1506, 1514, 1515, 1543,
1580–1584, 1586 D
Cryptococcal meningitis, Vol 1, 407, 408, 410, 411; Vol 2, 1198–1200, Dalfopristin, Vol 1, 269, 276; Vol 2, 873, 878, 1102, 1419
1202–1208, 1210–1212 Dapsone, Vol 1, 349, 350, 637, 638; Vol 2, 1227, 1228,
Cryptococcosis, Vol 1, 407, 408; Vol 2, 1197–1214, 1446 1230–1233, 1335
Cryptococcus neoformans Daptomycin, Vol 1, 23, 38, 120, 180, 307–313; Vol 2, 872, 890, 899,
clinical resistance 911, 1017, 1087, 1428, 1633
cryptococcal virulence factors, Vol 2, 1199–1200 DCL. See Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis
HIV and non HIV patients, Vol 2, 1005, 1142 Dead end suicide complex, Vol 1, 481
pharmacologic limitations, Vol 2, 1199–1200 Decreased uptake, Vol 1, 115, 125, 411, 655, 1206
combination therapy Device-associated bacteremia, Vol 2, 1636–1637
amphotericin B plus flucytosine, Vol 2, 1212 DFMO. See Eflornithine
fluconazole plus flucytosine, Vol 2, 1212 DHFR. See Dihydrofolate reductase Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
14α-demethylase (ERG11), Vol 2, 1207 (DDT)
drug development insecticides, Vol 1, 735
bafilomycins, Vol 2, 1213 Muscidae and Fanniidae, Vol 1, 739
benzimidazole compounds, Vol 2, 1213 Simuliidae, Vol 1, 739
drug combinations, Vol 1, 410; Vol 2, 1212–1214 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), Vol 1, 735, 737–740
immunophilins, Vol 2, 1213 Diclazuril, Vol 1, 686, 737; Vol 2, 1492
sordarins, Vol 2, 463–464; Vol 2, 1213 Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), Vol 2, 1372
epidemiology Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), Vol 1, 72, 90, 346, 361, 623, 637,
active surveillance program, Vol 2, 1202 659, 678; Vol 2, 861, 925, 953, 1019, 1049, 1079, 1229,
disk diffusion testing, Vol 2, 961 1341, 1494, 1545
in vitro susceptibility, Vol 1, 417; Vol 2, 928, 1156, 1157, 1160, Dihydrofolate synthase (DHFS), Vol 1, 349, 350, 638, 681;
1163, 1164, 1166, 1201 Vol 2, 1229
heteroresistance, Vol 1, 389, Vol 2, 1208–1209 Dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS), Vol 1, 69, 345–350, 354, 637–639,
host immune function modulation 678, 679, 681; Vol 2, 861, 933, 953, 955, 1019, 1023, 1028,
antibody therapy, Vol 2, 1211 1055, 1079, 1229–1233, 1235, 1335, 1336, 1492, 1494,
cytokine therapy, Vol 2, 1210–1211 1510, 1512, 1545
multi-drug efflux pumps, Vol 1, 153, 250, 251, 256; Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) drugs, Vol 1, 535, 537, 579,
Vol 2, 977–979, 985, 1019, 1022–1024, 1078, 1091, 1208 581–583, 585, 587–600; Vol 2, 1308, 1407, 1467,
azoles, Vol 1, 397, 398, 400, 401, 448; Vol 2, 1185, 1476, 1477
1205, 1207 Direct fluorescence antibody (DFA), Vol 2, 1499
fluoropyrimidines, Vol 2, 1205–1207 Directly observed therapy short-course (DOTS),
glucan synthesis, inhibitors of, Vol 2, 1209–1210 Vol 2, 1129
mode of action, Vol 2, 1205 Dirofilaria immitis, Vol 1, 689
polyenes, Vol 2, 1025–1206 Divergent drug therapy, Vol 2, 1407
752 Index
DNA gyrase, Vol 1, 47, 51, 54, 62, 73, 80, 140, 245–247, 249, 252, infection control education, Vol 2, 1614
255, 265, 360, 368, 369, 652; Vol 2, 859, 874, 925, 952, nosocomial infections, Vol 2, 1283
971, 983, 1004, 1019, 1022, 1039, 1053, 1054, 1071, nasal carriage decolonization, Vol 2, 1610
1430, 1545 nosocomial outbreak control, Vol 2, 1610
DNA polymerase, Vol 1, 17, 62, 65, 67, 77, 106, 479–488, 503, 521, nosocomial pathogens
523–525, 566; Vol 2, 1002, 1263, 1264, 1268–1271, gloves and gowns, Vol 2, 1618
1275–1279, 1523, 1585, 1587, 1588 gowning cycles, Vol 2, 1618
Doebbling, Vol 2, 1614 patient and healthcare worker colonization
Dolutegravir, Vol 1, 512, 559; Vol 2, 1292, 1296, 1299, MRSA, Vol 2, 1607, 1609
1472, 1581, 1584 multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens, Vol 2, 1609
DOTS. See Directly observed therapy short-course VRE, Vol 2, 1607
Downmodulation, Vol 1, 548 transmission-based precautions
Doxycycline, Vol 1, 136, 236; Vol 2, 907–910, 914, 926, 930, 946, airborne, Vol 2, 1622
947, 955–959, 1004, 1017, 1023, 1025, 1028, 1051, 1056, contact, Vol 2, 1622
1057, 1061, 1075, 1076, 1099, 1109, 1110, 1227, 1326, droplet, Vol 2, 1622
1333–1334, 1336, 1651–1656, 1658–1664 Drugs, Vol 1, 131–143, 479–488
Drug efflux, Vol 1, 12, 131, 132, 135–137, 140, 142–143, 218, 246, Drug susceptibility testing
249, 250, 265, 398, 400, 448–449, 670, 682, 697, 715, 721; bacterial assays, Vol 2, 1425–1432 (see (Antimicrobial
Vol 2, 872, 877, 978, 1018, 1019, 1022, 1024, 1026, 1077, susceptibility testing methods))
1205, 1375, 1386, 1387, 1545 combination assays, Vol 2, 1407–1420 (see (Combination
Drug resistance, Vol 1, 9–32, 37–41, 45–55, 61–74, 78, 131, 149–158, anti-infective evaluations))
247, 347, 359, 393, 397–401, 412, 415, 441, 480, 495, 503, fungal assays, Vol 2, 1445–1457 (see (Fungal drug resistance
521, 535–542, 553, 559, 565–575, 579–600, 613–625, assays))
629–642, 649–661, 667–672, 677–683, 686, 689–700, genotypic assays (see (Genotypic drug resistance assays))
705–723, 735–741; Vol 2, 878, 967, 977, 1024, 1049, 1091, bacterial, Vol 2, 1543–1560
1119, 1139–1146, 1153, 1177–1191, 1197–1214, 1219, viral, Vol 2, 1579–1589
1225–1236, 1255, 1265–1273, 1291–1300, 1305–1315, parasites assays, Vol 2, 1487–1527 (see (Parasites, drug resistance
1323–1342, 1371–1379, 1383–1394, 1407, 1437–1442, assays))
1445–1457, 1467, 1487–1527, 1543–1560, 1579–1589, tuberculosis, Vol 2, 1437–1442 (see (Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
1597, 1629, 1649, 1673 drug susceptibility tests))
Drug-resistant microbes, history viral assays
adaptation hypothesis, Vol 1, 3 genotypic, Vol 2, 1579–1589 (see (Genotypic drug resistance
antibiotic development, Vol 1, 5 assays))
antibiotic discovery and resistance, Vol 1, 6 phenotypic, Vol 2, 1467–1478 (see (Phenotypic Drug
chemoreceptor avidity, Vol 1, 3 susceptibility assays, viral))
ethics and control, Vol 1, 6
insight and development, Vol 1, 6
mutation, Vol 1, 5 E
natural and acquired resisitance, Vol 1, 3 Echinocandins, Vol 1, 415–422
p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), Vol 1, 4 antifungal spectrum, Vol 1, 416
penicillin resistance, Vol 1, 4 differential resistance, Vol 1, 417–419
R-plasmids, Vol 1, 5 drugs, Vol 1, 456–457
streptomycin resistance, Vol 1, 4 FKS1 encoded β-glucan synthetase target, Vol 1, 457
sulfonamide-resistance, Vol 1, 4 5-fluorocytosine and fluoroorotic acid (FOA),
TEM β-lactamase, Vol 1, 5 459–481
Drug-resistant organisms, hospital infection control paradoxical resistance, Vol 1, 458
infection control measures, Vol 2, 1607 resistance analysis, global approaches,
nosocomial infection colonization status Vol 1, 458
MRSA vs. MSSA, Vol 2, 1607, 1609 structure, Vol 1, 457
vascular-access-associated bloodstream infection, Vol 2, 1610 cross-resistance, Vol 1, 415
Drug-resistant pathogens, infection control mechanism, Vol 2, 416
acquired infections perspective beyond laboratory
antibiotic control programs and surveillance, Vol 2, 1620–1621 clinical isolates, Vol 1, 450
gram-negative organisms, Vol 2, 1620 paradoxical effect, Vol 1, 421–422
institution-specific antibiograms, Vol 2, 1621 resistance
asymptomatic patient colonization animal models, Vol 1, 419
isolation practices, Vol 2, 1620 biochemical approaches, Vol 1, 421
SHEA guidelines, Vol 2, 1619 direct mutant selection, Vol 1, 421
environmental contamination genomic profiling, Vol 1, 422
cross-transmission, Vol 2, 1612 in vitro, Vol 2, 416
MDR gram-negative rods, Vol 2, 1613 proteomics, Vol 1, 335–336
MRSA control policies, Vol 2, 1612 susceptibility to, Vol 2, 1191
VRE colonization, Vol 2, 1612 Echinococcus, Vol 1, 707
hand hygiene Echinococcus granulosus, Vol 1, 706, 707, 722; Vol 2, 1521
alcohol-based hand-rub solutions, Vol 2, 1614 Echinococcus multilocularis, Vol 1, 706–708, 722; Vol 2, 1489, 1522
compliance report, Vol 2, 1614 Ectoparasites, Vol 1, 735–741
Index 753
Efflux therapy
intrinsic resistance, Vol 1, 121 aminoglycoside-resistant (high-level) strains, Vol 2, 892
pseudomonas, Vol 1, 81 daptomycin, Vol 2, 892–893
pump inhibitor, Vol 1, 131, 142, 143, 247, 255, 256; endocarditis, Vol 2, 892
Vol 2, 1077 intraabdominal infection, Vol 2, 891
pumps, Vol 1, 131–133, 135–143, 249–256; Vol 2, 983–985, 1026 linezolid, Vol 2, 892
tetracyclines, Vol 1, 81 meningitis, Vol 2, 891
Eflornithine, Vol 1, 667, 668, 671–672,; Vol 2, 1490, 1504–1506 monitoring therapy, Vol 2, 894–895
Egg hatch assay (EHA), Vol 1, 720; Vol 2, 1392, 1522 quinupristin/dalfopristin, Vol 2, 892
Eimeria tigecycline, Vol 2, 894
drug treatments, Vol 2, 685 urinary tract infection, Vol 2, 891
Elvitegravir, Vol 1, 512, 559; Vol 2, 1292, 1296, 1299, vancomycin resistance (VRE), Vol 1, 291–300;
1472, 1581, 1584 Vol 2, 889, 892–894
EMB. See Ethambutol Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Vol 2, 1612
Emodepside, Vol 1, 692–693 Enzymatic inactivation, Vol 1, 100, 140, 217, 231, 237, 275–276;
Enfuvirtide (T-20) and HIV entry inhibitors, 545–554 Vol 2, 1077, 1085, 1544
CCR5 and CXCR4, cellular receptors, Vol 1, 545 Enzymatic modification, Vol 1, 93, 104, 213, 219, 252, 266, 272
CCR5 binding Enzyme, Vol 1, 4, 11, 39, 46, 61, 77, 89, 97, 116, 140, 153, 165, 177,
coreceptor switching, Vol 1, 552 217, 232, 246, 266, 269, 273, 282, 295, 311, 333, 338, 346,
inhibition, Vol 1, 550 360, 392, 397, 408, 415, 429, 479, 491, 503, 521, 535, 547,
potential mechanisms, Vol 1, 552 559, 567, 589, 614, 637, 652, 671, 677, 711, 735; Vol 2,
resistance, Vol 1, 552 Enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA), Vol 2, 1245
entry inhibitors interactions, Vol 1, 549 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Vol 2, 1498,
fusion inhibitor susceptibility determination 1512, 1513
gp160 envelope precursor, Vol 2, 1471 Epidemiology and evolution, antibiotic resistance,
HIV entry process, Vol 1, 545–546 Vol 2, 1153–1154
HIV fusion process and HIV gp41 amino acid sequence, biogeography and local biology, Vol 1, 29
Vol 1, 549 colonization factor, Vol 1, 28–29
maraviroc and vicriviroc, Vol 1, 550 ecosystem-damaging agents, Vol 1, 29
PhenoSense™ Entry assay, Vol 2, 1471 predictability, Vol 1, 30–32
resistance Vol 1, 547–554 resistance, epidemics, endemics, and allodemics, Vol 1, 28
TORO 1 and TORO 2, Vol 1, 1584 Epsilometer. See E-test strip
Entamoeba histolytica, Vol 1, 613–625 ERG genes, ergosterol biosynthesis, Vol 1, 390–391, 438–439
Entecavir, Vol 1, 508, 565, 568–573, 575; Vol 2, 1308, 1475, Ergosterol, Vol 1, 140, 389–392, 397–399, 411, 412, 429–440, 448,
1585–1586 449, 455–464, 655, 658, 660; Vol 2, 1154, 1162, 1179,
Entecavir, anti-HBV agents, Vol 1, 568 1180, 1186, 1191, 1205–1207, 1221, 1222, 1225, 1226,
Enterobacteriaceae 1374, 1376, 1455, 1491, 1509
carbapenem resistance, Vol 2, 971–972 Erythromycin ribosome methylation genes (erm genes), Vol 1, 82, 93,
clinical outcomes, Vol 2, 968–969 272–274, 369; Vol 2, 872, 875–877, 1098, 1429, 1430
extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) ESBLs. See Extended-spectrum β-lactamases
Community-acquired, Vol 2, 970 Escherichia coli, trimethoprim resistance, Vol 1, 351, 353, 354
Enterobacter resistance, 970–971 Esophageal candidiasis (EC), Vol 2, 1153, 1156, 1161,
general issues and nomenclature, Vol 2, 968 1164–1166
in vitro susceptibility profiles, Vol 2, 968–969 E-test strip, Vol 1, 388; Vol 2, 1420
KPC producers, Vol 2, 969 Ethambutol (EMB) resistance, Vol 1, 366–367
treatment of ESBL producers, Vol 2, 969–970 mechanism of action, Vol 1, 366
gram-negative pathogens, Vol 2, 973 mechanism of resistance, Vol 1, 366–367
nosocomial infection, antibiotic resistance, Ethionamide, Vol 1, 360, 361, 363, 370, 371; Vol 2, 1127, 1131, 1132,
Vol 2, 970 1438, 1439, 1441
quinolone resistance, Vol 2, 971 EUCAST broth dilution method
resistance trends, Vol 2, 967–968 antifungal susceptibility, Vol 2, 1450
Enterococcus (Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium) vs. CLSI methods, Vol 2, 1450
aminoglycoside resistance, Vol 2, 892 European Committee on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST),
clinical syndromes, Vol 2, 891–892 Vol 1, 333, 416, 417, 420; Vol 2, 857, 871, 872, 948, 955,
epidemiology, Vol 2, 890 956, 959, 961, 986, 1070, 1075, 1076, 1088, 1090, 1156,
glycopeptide (vancomycin) resistance, Vol 1, 289–291; 1200, 1201, 1426, 1428, 1429, 1445, 1447–1452, 1454,
Vol 2, 894 1547, 1548
infection control, Vol 2, 889 Evolutionary biology, Vol 1, 9–32
penicillin resistance, Vol 2, 892 antibiotic action complexity and resistance phenotypes
linezolid resistance, Vol 1, 313 bacterial redundancy and degeneracy, Vol 1, 11
microbiology, Vol 2, 889–890 phenotypic tolerance, Vol 1, 11–12
pathogenesis, Vol 2, 890–891 β-lactamases, gene source origin
PBP-based β-lactam resistance, Vol 1, 184–186 ancestral gene cluster evolution, Vol 1, 13
characteristics, Vol 1, 185 PBP, Vol 1, 13–14
mechanisms, Vol 1, 184 epidemiology, Vol 1, 27–32
teicoplanin resistance, 295–300 limits, Vol 1, 26–27
754 Index
Evolutionary biology, Vol 1 (cont.) multidrug efflux and AcrB pump, Vol 1, 251
selection outer membranes/permeability, Vol 1, 249
antibiotic gradients, Vol 1, 24 plasmid-mediation, Vol 1, 252
concentration-specific selection, Vol 1, 23–24 porins, Vol 1, 249
fluctuating antibiotic environments, Vol 1, 24–25 S. aureus, Vol 1, 248
low antibiotic concentrations, Vol 1, 23 target-mediated resistance, Vol 1, 247–249
multi-drug resistant, Vol 1, 25 gram-positive bacteria
variability GrlA, primary quinolone target, Vol 1, 253
antibiotic action complexity and resisitance phenotypes, knockout mutations, Vol 1, 253
Vol 1, 10–12 MATE family proteins, Vol 1, 254
gene source, Vol 1, 12–13 MtaN, a global transcriptional regulator,
genetic variation, Vol 1, 15–22 Vol 1, 254
global stress regulation and antibiotic resistance, target-mediated resistance, Vol 1, 253
Vol 1, 14–15 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vol 1, 255
variation and selection units, Vol 1, 26 nalidixic acid, Vol 1, 245
Experimentally-induced mutants, Vol 1, 390–391 primary care physicians education, Vol 1, 255
Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL), Vol 1, 6, 17, 18, 25, 48, 61, Qnr protein, Vol 1, 252, 253
67, 83, 84, 165, 266; Vol 2, 949, 967–970, 981, 982, 1021, quinolones structures, Vol 1, 246
1040, 1054, 1426, 1634 resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND), Vol 1, 250
Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis, Vol 1, 247, 359, 362, sul1-type integrons, Vol 1, 265
370; Vol 2, 1119, 1120, 1123–1127, 1130–1135, 1438, 1440, Fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria, Vol 1, 80
1441, 1543, 1555, 1556 Fluoroquinolones (FQs), Vol 1, 279–300, 685–686, 716–717, 720;
Extracytoplasmic, Vol 1, 687;Vo2, 1651 Vol 2, 791, 792. See also Fluoroquinolone resistance
nontyphoid Salmonella, Vol 2, 1040, 1042, 1430
Shigella spp., Vol 2, 1038, 1041
F typhoid Salmonella, Vol 2, 1039
Faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT), Vol 1, 695, 699; Folic acid, Vol 1, 345, 346, 371, 639, 659, 677–683;
Vol 2, 1390–1393, 1495, 1500–1502, 1518, 1519, Vol 2, 952–953
1521–1523 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, antimicrobial
Fasciola hepatica, Vol 1, 705–707; Vol 2, 1383, 1392–1394, 1523 compounds, Vol 2, 892
Fatty acid synthesis, Vol 1, 365 Foscarnet, Vol 1, 483, 485, 486, 488; Vol 2, 1263, 1264, 1269, 1271,
FICI. See Fractional inhibitory concentration index 1272, 1278–1280, 1587, 1588
Fipronil, Vol 1, 736, 737 Foscarnet resistance, Vol 1, 485, 488
Fitness, HIV, Vol 1, 483; Vol 2, 1053, 1091 Fosfomycin resistance, Vol 1, 99–100
Fitness cost, Vol 1, 5, 16, 17, 91, 141, 194, 199, 321–325, 338, 340, action and inactivation strategies, Vol 1, 100
347, 354, 419, 640, 672, 697–699, 714; Vol 2, 933, 986, reactive epoxide function, Vol 1, 99
1309, 1310, 1324, 1328, 1336, 1338, 1494 target interaction, Vol 1, 101
FKS resistance, Vol 1, 419, 422; Vol 2, 1163 Fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI),
Flies, Vol 1, 649, 660. 667, 672, 738–740; Vol 2, 1372, 1378, 1489, Vol 2, 1419–1420
1507, 1521 Francisella tularensis, tularemia agent
Fluconazole, Vol 1, 398, 658; Vol 2, 1220. See also Azole antifungal antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance
agents engineered resistance, Vol 2, 1658–1659
Flucytosine, Vol 1, 407–413; Vol 2, 1159 intrinsic resistance, Vol 2, 1657–1658
clinical studies, Vol 1, 411 general characteristics, Vol 2, 1657
in vitro studies, Vol 1, 409 Free-living planaria, Vol 1, 712
in vivo studies, Vol 1, 410, Fungal drug resistance assays, Vol 2, 1445–1457
mechanism of action, Vol 1, 408 in vitro antifungal combination studies, Vol 2, 1458
resistance, Vol 1, 412–413 in vitro–in vivo correlations, Vol 2, 1446
epidemiological factors, Vol 1, 412 in vitro susceptibility, clinical outcome, Vol 2,
mechanism, Vol 1, 412–413 1445–1446
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), Vol 2, 889, 1070, needs, Vol 2, 1445
1073, 1551 reference and alternative
Fluoropyrimidines, Vol 2, 1154, 1205–1207 agar dilution method, Vol 2, 1455
5-fluorocytosine (FC), Vol 1, 407, 446, 458–461; Vol 2, 1151, 1221, CLSI broth dilution method, Vol 2, 1446–1447
1222, 1453 CLSI disk diffusion method, Vol 2, 1447–1449
Fluoroquinolone resistance, Vol 1, 18, 40, 73, 80, 81, 138, 245–256, colorimetric broth dilution methods, Vol 2,
368–370; Vol 2, 855, 856, 860, 873, 874, 925, 934, 967, 1452–1453
971–972, 983, 984, 1022, 1038–1040, 1071–1072, 1101, EUCAST broth dilution method, Vol 2, 1449–1451
1430, 1647, 1657, 1665 fully automated systems, Vol 2, 1453
aminoglycoside acetyltransferase, Vol 1, 252 fungicidal activity, Vol 2, 1456
gram-negative bacteria MIC strip (gradient strip) method, Vol 2, 1453–1454
DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, Vol 1, 247 use indications, Vol 2, 1456–1457
E.coli, Vol 1, 248 Fungicidal activities
efflux pumps, Vol 1, 249–252 animal models, Vol 2, 1456
enzymatic modification, Vol 1, 252 MFC testing, Vol 2, 1456
Index 755
Fungal infections, Vol 1, 139, 387, 397, 398, 401, 407, 409, 415, 422; ethambutol and pyrazinamide, Vol 2, 1546
Vol 2, 1153, 1154, 1160, 1177, 1179, 1180, 1198, 1200, linezolid, rifampin and isoniazid, Vol 2, 1546
1205, 1407, 1445 macrolides, lincosamides, and streptogramins, Vol 2, 1545
Fungi, Vol 1, 13, 14, 89, 131, 132, 134–136, 138, 139, 142, 150, quinolones, Vol 2, 1545
168, 252, 387–390, 397–401, 411, 415, 416, 419, 453, 462, tetracyclines and chloramphenicol, Vol 2, 1545–1546
621, 623; Vol 2, 1153, 1154, 1156, 1177–1181, 1184–1188, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, Vol 2, 1545
1191, 1205, 1207, 1209, 1210, 1214, 1225, 1226, 1233, fusion inhibitors HIV, Vol 2, 1584
1445, 1447–1449, 1451–1457, 1611, 1671 genotypic resistance testing, Vol 2, 1550–1551
Fungistatic effect, Vol 1, 390, 397, 399, 439, 446 glycopeptide resistance, enterococci and staphylcocci,
Fusion inhibitors HIV, Vol 1, 545–554 Vol 2, 1557–1558
mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vol 2, 1555–1556
oxacillin resistance, staphylococci, Vol 2, 1556–1557
G potential artifacts, Vol 2, 1558–1559
GABA, Vol 1, 693, 697, 719, 736, 737 resistance genes, Vol 2, 1552
Gag gene, Vol 1, 536 hepatitis B infection, Vol 2, 1585–1587
Gamma-interferon (IFN), Vol1, 584, 657; Vol 2, 1142, 1168, 1210 herpes virus infections, Vol 2, 1587–1588
GART. See Genotypic antiretroviral resistance testing HIV-1 infection, Vol 2, 1580
GAS. See Group A Streptococcus drug resistance, Vol 2, 1580
Gastrointestinal anthrax, Vol 1, 907; Vol 2, 1651 genotypic data algorithms, Vol 2, 1579
Gatifloxacin, Vol 1, 245, 368; Vol 2, 859, 899, 1017, 1018, 1039, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, Vol 2, 1583
1101, 1128, 1132, 1133, 1653 nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors
GBS. See Group B Streptococcus Vol 2, 1580–1582
Genetic Barrier, Vol 1, 521, 526, 529, 559, 561, 565, 575, 582, 587, protease inhibitors, Vol 2, 1583–1584
589–591, 593; Vol 2, 1306, 1308–1310, 1313, 1580 resistance testing limitations, Vol 2, 1585
Genetic variation, evolutionary biology special phenotypic susceptibility methods
antibiotic stress response, Vol 1, 21–22 breakpoints, Vol 2, 1547–1548
Baldwin effect, Vol 1, 22 oxacillin resistance, staphylococci, Vol 2, 1548–1549
clonalization, Vol 1, 21 Giardia lamblia, Vol 1, 613–625
gene recombination GISA. See Glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus
intrageneric, Vol 1, 17 1,3-β-D Glucan synthase (GS)
intragenomic, Vol 1, 17 echinocandins, Vol 1, 415
horizontal genetic transfer fungal cell walls and, Vol 1, 415
phages, Vol 1, 21 inhibitors, Vol 1, 416
plasmids and drug resistance evolution, Vol 1, 19–20 Glutamate, Vol 1, 660, 680, 681, 690, 693, 694, 736
transposable elements, 20 Glycolipid papulacandins, Vol 1, 416
modularization Glycomide, Vol 1, 686
“doll-inside-doll” model, Vol 1, 18 Glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus, Vol 2, 1430
genetic units and mobilization, Vol 1, 18 Glycopeptide resistance, Vol 1, 289–300; Vol 2, 1430, 1545
mutation Enterococci Vol 1, 289–300; Vol 2, 1430, 1545
antibiotic induction, Vol 1, 17 major species, Vol 1, 289
frequency and rate, Vol 1, 15 peptidoglycan precursors replacement, Vol 1, 290
hyper-mutation, Vol 1, 15–17 van
Gene transfer, genetic mechanisms, Vol 1, 61–73 prototype comparison, Vol 1, 294
conjugative plasmids Tn1546, Vol 1, 291
copy number maintenance, Vol 1, 62 types, Vol 1, 291
DNA replication, Vol 1, 61–62 VanA-type strains, Vol 1, 291–293
pili mediated gene transfer, Vol 1, 62 VanB-type strains, Vol 1, 293–295
integrons VanC-type strains, Vol 1, 296–297
chromosome, Vol 1, 72 VanD-type strains, Vol 1, 295–296
class 1, Vol 1, 69 VanE-type strain, Vol 1, 297
evolution, Vol 1, 70 VanG-type strain, Vol 1, 297
gene cassettes, origin, Vol 1, 72 vancomycin-dependent enterococci, Vol 1, 298
gene expression, Vol 1, 72 vancomycin resistance genes
resistance genes, Vol 1, 70 d-Ala:d-Lac ligases, Vol 1, 298–299
ISCR elements d-Ala-d-Ser ligases, Vol 1, 299–300
antibiotic resistance genes, Vol 1, 72–73 methicillin-resistant S. aureus strains, Vol 1, 300
CR elements, Vol 1, 72 Glycosyltransferase, Vol 1, 108, 109, 178, 181, 186, 336; Vol 2, 1648
transposons, Vol 1, 67–69 Glycylcyclines, Vol 1, 232; Vol 2, 909, 952, 1099, 1654
Genomic island, Vol 1, 18, 61–65, 236; Vol 2, 1002, 1018, Gonococcal disease. See Neisseria gonorrhoeae
1023, 1040 Gram-positive bacilli, aerobic, 905–914
Genotypic antiretroviral resistance testing (GART), Vol 2, 1579 Bacillus anthracis infection, Vol 2, 906–907
Genotypic drug resistance assays, Vol 2, 1543–1560, 1579–1589 Bacillus cereus food poisoning, Vol 2, 907–908
antimicrobial agents, resistance mechanisms germicide susceptibility, Vol 2, 912–913
aminoglycosides, Vol 2, 1544 infection control, Vol 2, 906
β-lactams and glycopeptides, Vol 2, 1544–1545 microbiology, Vol 2, 905
756 Index
Gram-positive bacilli, aerobic (cont.) Healthcare workers (HCWs), Vol 2, 898, 1052, 1062, 1607, 1610,
therapy 1612, 1613, 1616–1622, 1630, 1635
antimicrobial resistance, Vol 2, 911–912 Heartworm, Vol 1, 689, 690
in vitro antibiotic susceptibility, Vol 2, 911 Helicobacter pylori, Vol 2, 1069–1079
prophylaxis, Vol 2, 910 antimicrobial resistance, Vol 1, 199, 282–283; Vol 2, 1071–1073
Griseofulvin, Vol 2, 1448, 1449 antimicrobial therapy, Vol 2, 1069
Group A Streptococcus (GAS), Vol 2, 870 clinical significance of resistance, Vol 2, 1074
Group B Streptococcus (GBS), Vol 2, 870–871 combination therapy, Vol 2, 1069
fluoroquinolones resistance, Vol 2, 1069, 1071, 1073
in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Vol 2, 1070–1071
H overview, Vol 2, 1069–1070
HAART. See Highly active antiretroviral chemotherapy Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Vol 1, 565–575; Vol 2, 1305–1307
Haemonchus contortus, sheep nematode parasite adefovir dipivoxil (PMEA), Vol 2, 1586
broad-spectrum anthelmintics, Vol 2, 1517 antiviral drug resistance
clinical signs, Vol 2, 1384, 1389 adefovir dipivoxil resistance, Vol 1, 568, 570; Vol 2, 1308
drug resistance, Vol 1, 694–697, 699; Vol 2, 1387 combination chemotherapy, Vol 2, 1312
epidemiology cross resistance, Vol 2, 1308, 1475
anthelmintic resistance development, Vol 2, 1389 entecavir resistance, Vol 1, 569–571; Vol 2, 1586
life cycle, Vol 1, 695; Vol 2, 1384 factors, Vol 1, 565, 569, 571, 573
resistant worms, Vol 1, 694, 695, 697; Vol 2, 1387 lamivudine resistance, Vol 1, 569–570; Vol 2, 1306, 1585–1586
genetic polymorphism, Vol 1, 24, 40, 485 multidrug resistance, Vol 1, 570, 571
in vitro selection, Vol 2, 1079, 1281, 1468, 1664 resistance rates, Vol 1, 569
laboratory diagnosis telbivudine resistance, Vol 2, 1586
drug test, Vol 2, 1090, 1226, 1523 clinical, Vol 1, 565, 570–573, 575
free living parasite stages, Vol 2, 984, 1225, 1383 HIV co-infection, Vol 1, 568, 573, 575
treatments and infection control genome
anthelmintic resistance, Vol 1, 698, 699; Vol 2, 1389, 1390, relaxed circular (RC) arrangement, Vol 1, 567, 568
1393, 1394 viral polymerase (Pol ORF), Vol 1, 565, 567, 568, 570–572
immune system, Vol 2, 1517 life cycle, diagrammatic representation, Vol 1, 566–568
vaccine-driven selection, Vol 2, 1522 molecular virology and lifecycle
HA glycoproteins, Vol 1, 492 cccDNA formation, Vol 1, 566–568
Haemophilus influenzae multidrug resistance, Vol 1, 570, 571
clinical significance of resistance nucleocapsids, Vol 1, 567, 568
β-lactam antimicrobial agents, Vol 2, 958–960 pgRNA, viral reverse transcription, Vol 1, 566, 568
MIC50/MIC90 values, Vol 2, 961 receptor-mediated endocytosis, Vol 1, 567
non-β~-lactam antimicrobial agents, Vol 2, 960 replication and diversity, Vol 1, 568
penicillin-binding proteins, Vol 1, 198 second accessory protein, Vol 1, 568
PK/PD; Vol 2, 948, 950, 951, 955–960, 962 viral minichromosome, Vol 1, 567–568
diseases NRTIs, Vol 2, 1585
acute otitis media, Vol 2, 945, 947 nucleoside analogs, Vol 2, 1586
acute sinusitis, Vol 2, 945, 947 optimizing treatment, Vol 1, 565, 566, 568, 569, 571–573, 575
childhood pneumonia and bacteremia, Vol 2, 946 pathogenetic phases
chronic bronchitis, Vol 2, 947 immune clearance, Vol 1, 565
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), Vol 1, 320; polymerase/reverse transcriptase (Pol/RT), Vol 1, 569
Vol 2, 946 public health implications, Vol 1, 573–575
meningitis, Vol 2, 861, 946, 948, 953, 958, 962 viral resistance, implications for, Vol 1, 569–571
geographical spread, Vol 2, 953–955 Hepatitis C virus (HCV), Vol 1, 579–600
infection control measures, Vol 2, 962 advanced treatment, Vol 1, 579–600
laboratory determination of susceptibility, Vol 2, 959, 961 monotherapy
resistance mechanisms IFN–α, Vol 1, 579, 583–587
β-lactams, Vol 1, 198, Vol 2, 948–950, 953 SVR rates, Vol 1, 579, 582, 585, 587–589, 592–594
chloramphenicol, Vol 1, 239; Vol 2, 946, 952, 955, 958 NS3 protease inhibitors, BILN2061, VX-950, SCH-503034
folic acid metabolism inhibitors, Vol 2, 953 A156 and D168 mutations, Vol 1, 591
macrolides and ketolides, Vol 1, 271 chymotrypsin-like serine protease, Vol 1, 589
penicillin-binding proteins, Vol 1, 5 polymerase inhibitors
protein synthesis inhibitors, Vol 2, 950–951 allosteric inhibitors site 2, Vol 1, 599
quinolones, Vol 1, 5; Vol 2, 952, 954, 955, 958, 959, 961 benzimidazole 5-carboxamide inhibitors, Vol 1, 597
tetracyclines, Vol 2, 952 2′-modified nucleosides, Vol 1, 596
susceptibility, Vol 1, 6; Vol 2, 947–948 non–nucleoside active–site inhibitors, Vol 1, 581, 599
vaccine impact, Vol 2, 945 NS5B enzyme, Vol 1, 580–582, 588, 589, 594, 597, 599
Halobacterium halobium, Vol 1, 322 ribavirin, Vol 1, 579, 583–585, 589, 593, 596, 600
HBV, Vol 1, 508, 565–575; Vol 2, 1305–1315, 1407, 1467, 1475, replicons
1476, 1580, 1585–1587 genotype 2a viral RN A clone, Vol 1, 593, 594, 596, 597
HCMV. See Human cytomegalovirus resistance mechanisms, current therapy
HCV, Vol 1, 579–600; Vol 2, 1407, 1415, 1467, 1476, 1477 genotype, Vol 1, 579, 582, 583, 585–597, 599
Index 757
host negative regulators, Vol 1, 595 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), Vol 1, 521–522, 559;
immune responses and viral proteins, Vol 1, 584–587 Vol 2, 1291
Jak/Stat signaling pathway, Vol 1, 586 antiviral agents and aspartyl protease family, Vol 1, 535
quasispecies, Vol 1, 581, 582, 585, 586, 596, 597 antiviral therapy, resistance, Vol 2, 1244
sustained virological response (SVR), Vol 1, 579, 582, 585, clades, Vol 2, 1297
587–589, 592–594 cleavage site mutations, Vol 2, 1295
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), Vol 1, 41, 409, 479–482; clinical significance, Vol 2, 1297
Vol 2, 1273–1280, 1587–1588 clinical viruses, Vol 2, 1291
acyclovir, Vol 1, 479 co-receptor tropism, Vol 1, 545
antiviral agents cross-resistance development, Vol 1, 559
mechanisms, Vol 2, 1264 drug-resistance, Vol 2, 1588
systemic treatment, Vol 2, 1263 entry inhibitors, Vol 1, 547–554; Vol 2, 1295–1296
clinical significance, incidence, risk factors, Vol 2, integrase inhibitors, Vol 1, 559–563; Vol 2, 1296
1266–1268 laboratory diagnosis, Vol 2, 1297–1298
DNA polymerase, Vol 1, 480–482 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI),
foscarnet, Vol 1, 485 Vol 1, 503–504; Vol 2, 1291
infection, Vol 2, 1587–1588 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI),
management, Vol 2, 1278–1280 Vol 1, 503–504; Vol 2, 1291
penciclovir, Vol 1, 483 protease inhibitors, Vol 1, 535–542; Vol 2, 1164, 1243
phenotypic and genotypic assays, Vol 2, 1265–1266 enfuvirtide (T-20) and HIV entry inhibitors, Vol 1, 545, 549;
thymidine kinase (TK), Vol 1, 479–480 Vol 2, 1295–1296
vidarabine, Vol 1, 479 CCR5 and CXCR4, cellular receptors, Vol 1, 546
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), Vol 1, 359, 398, CCR5 binding, Vol 1, 550
535, 547; Vol 2, 1142, 1143, 1161, 1164–1166, 1168, enfuvirtide (T-20), Vol 1, 545; Vol 2, 1295–1296
1266, 1292, 1299, 1407, 1409, 1415, 1587 entry inhibitors interactions, Vol 1, 545
Histoplasmosis fusion inhibitor susceptibility determination, Vol 1, 545
combination therapy, Vol 2, 1220, 1222 gp160 envelope precursor, Vol 2, 1471
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), Vol 2, 1220 HIV entry process, Vol 1, 545
resistance HIV fusion process and HIV gp41 amino acid sequence,
mechanisms, Vol 2, 1220–1222 Vol 1, 546
susceptibility testing, Vol 2, 1220–1222 maraviroc and vicriviroc, Vol 1, 545
and treatment failure, Vol 2, 1219–1220 PhenoSense™ Entry assay, Vol 2, 1469
treatment drugs phenotypic tropism test, Vol 1, 552
amphotericin B, Vol 2, 1219 resistance, Vol 1, 503–513, 521–529, 535–542,
itraconazole and fluconazole, Vol 2, 1219–1220 545–554
Historical overview, Vol 1, 19, 66, 92, 93, 167–170, 178, 246, 359, TORO 1 and TORO 2, Vol 2, 1584
579, 583, 722; Vol 2, 870, 874, 878, 879, 889, 905, 1052, viral fitness, Vol 1, 491
1073, 1197, 1198, 1245, 1293, 1418, 1634, 1651, 1663 enzyme catalytic activity and viral replication,
History, Vol 1, 3–6, 19, 29, 30, 45–48, 70, 181, 187, 319, 370, Vol 1, 481
397–398, 495, 497, 572, 579, 593, 708–709; Vol 2, 878, epidemiology, Vol 2, 1292
897, 911, 933, 953–955, 985, 1127, 1130, 1133, 1165, fitness, Vol 1, 491, Vol 2, 1294
1275, 1312, 1313, 1372–1374, 1438, 1457, 1511, gag cleavage site mutations, Vol 1, 537
1644, 1645 genotypic data algorithms, Vol 2, 1589
HIV-1, Vol 1, 359, 503–513, 521–529, 535–542, 545–554, 559–563; genotypic drug resistance, Vol 2, 1580
Vol 2, 1225, 1291–1300, 1468–1475, 1579–1589 HIV-2 strains, Vol 1, 522
Hollow fiber infection model, pharmacology, Vol 2, 1441 integrase inhibitors
H1N1 influenza, Vol 1, 491, 495, 497; Vol 2, 1251 strand transfer reaction, Vol 1, 559
Hot-spot regions, Vol 1, 415, 418–420, 422 mother-to-child transmission, prevention, Vol 1, 510, 521, 523;
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), Vol 1, 219, 667–672; Vol 2, 1291
Vol 2, 1496–1497, 1505 mutational interactions, Vol 2, 1296
Human cytomegalovirus, Vol 1, 484; Vol 2, 1265–1273, 1587–1588 non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI),
antiviral agents, Vol 2, 1263–1265 Vol 1, 503, 509; Vol 2, 1589
foscarnet, Vol 1, 485 drug resistant virus transmission, Vol 1, 504
ganciclovir, Vol 1, 484 enzyme activity and viral replication, Vol 2, 1295
Maribavir, Vol 1, 484–485 hypersusceptibility, Vol 2, 1296
clinical significance, incidence, risk factors mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) prevention, Vol 1, 510,
aids patients, Vol 2, 1266–1267 521, 523; Vol 2, 1291
ganciclovir exposure, Vol 2, 1267 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, Vol 1, 503–513,
lung transplant recipients, Vol 2, 1266–1267 521–529; Vol 2, 1291
clinical strains phenotypic drug susceptibility assays, Vol 2, 1468–1475
DNA pol mutations, Vol 1, 485; Vol 2, 1265 HIV fitness and replication capacity, Vol 2, 1472–1473
UL97 mutations, Vol 1, 484; Vol 2, 1265–1266 peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based, Vol 1, 508; Vol 2,
disease management, Vol 2, 1272–1273 1297, 1469
monitoring methods, Vol 2, 1270–1272 plaque reduction, Vol 2, 1244
phenotypic and genotypic assays, Vol 2, 1265–1266 recombinant virus, Vol 1, 480, 485; Vol 2, 1266
758 Index
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (cont.) antimicrobial mechanisms, Vol 1, 494
prevalence, Vol 2, 1292–1293 cross-resistance, Vol 1, 494; Vol 2, 1243, 1248
protease inhibitors, Vol 1, 535–542; Vol 2, 1295 field isolate susceptibility, Vol 2, 1245–1246, 1478
HIV, Vol 1, 535–542 function and structure, Vol 2, 1244
mechanism of resistance, Vol 1, 538–542 genetics–mutations, drug resistance, Vol 2, 1243, 1244, 1246,
protease mutations, Vol 1, 535, 538, 540; Vol 2, 1293 1248, 1255
replication capacity, Vol 1, 526, 560, 562; Vol 2, 1293 pathogenicity, Vol 2, 1248
protease mutations, Vol 1, 535; Vol 2, 1293 posttreatment isolates resistance, Vol 2, 1246–1247
replication capacity, Vol 1, 526; Vol 2, 1293, 1294 resistance detection, Vol 2, 1244–1245
resistance resistant variants transmissibility, Vol 2, 1247–1248
consequences, Vol 2, 1600 rimantadine, Vol 2, 1244–1248
genotypic assays, Vol 2, 1579–1589 modeling studies, Vol 2, 1254–1255
mutations location, Vol 1, 525 neuraminidase inhibitors
ritonavir boosting agents, Vol 1, 523 alternative treatments, Vol 2, 1254
strand transfer inhibitors chemical structure, Vol 1, 493
structure and cleavage sites, Vol 1, 535 cross-resistance, Vol 1, 496; Vol 2, 1249, 1250, 1254
transmission, Vol 1, 526; Vol 2, 1293–1294 cyclopentane analogue, Vol 1, 493
treatment, Vol 2, 1298–1299 enzyme functional studies, Vol 1, 491, 494; Vol 2, 1249
antiretroviral drugs novel classes, Vol 2, 1299 field isolates susceptibility, Vol 2, 1229–1231
CD4 counts, Vol 2, 1298 genetic analysis, Vol 1, 494
prevention, Vol 2, 1299–1300 H1N1 and H5N1, Vol 1, 491, 494, 495, 497
salvage therapy, Vol 2, 1299 pathogenicity, Vol 2, 1252–1253
viral fitness, Vol 2, 1296–1297 posttreatment isolates resistance, Vol 2, 1246–1247, 1252
Virco virtualphenotype (VP), Vol 2, 1589 resistance detection, Vol 2, 1249–1250
resistance development, Vol 1, 494
resistant variants transmissibility, Vol 1, 491, 494;
I Vol 2, 1247
Immunocompromised, Vol 1, 389, 397, 480, 484, 494–496, 592, spread mechanism, Vol 1, 494–497; Vol 2, 1249–1250
623, 653, 677, 679, 680, 712; Vol 2, 862, 877–879, 905, structure, Vol 1, 492, 493
910, 911, 913, 914, 978, 979, 988, 1015, 1028, 1041, substrate binding, Vol 1, 492–493
1042, 1047, 1048, 1061, 1062, 1140, 1153, 1158, 1166, viral replication, Vol 1, 491
1177, 1178, 1188, 1189, 1197, 1200, 1219, 1225, 1226, zanamivir and oseltamivir, Vol 1, 493, 494, 497;
1243, 1244, 1246–1248, 1252, 1255, 1263, 1264, 1268, Vol 2, 1249, 1253, 1254
1274, 1275, 1278–1281, 1313, 1512, 1587, 1588, 1633, replication, Vol 2, 1243, 1244, 1248, 1252, 1253
1634, 1638 surveillance studies, Vol 1, 494; 496, 497
IncP-1 plasmid R100, Vol 1, 61 types, Vol 2, 1244
Infection control INH, Vol 1, 271–275. See also Isoniazid
Acinetobacter baumannii, Vol 2, 1007, 1009, 1599, Inhalation anthrax, Vol 2, 907, 910, 911, 1646
1612, 1638 Inhibitors, Vol 1, 6, 17, 21, 39, 40, 47, 54, 67, 73, 80, 83–85, 101, 106,
antibiotic control, Vol 2, 1607, 1609, 1620–1622 110, 116, 142, 169, 249, 255, 256, 320, 354, 371, 392, 416,
Clostridium difficile, Vol 1, 40; Vol 2, 1611, 1636 421, 445, 446, 462–463, 491–497, 503–513, 521–529,
environmental contamination, Vol 1, 31; Vol 2, 1608, 1612, 535–542, 545–554, 559–563, 579–583, 587–600, 639,
1613, 1634 677–682; Vol 2, 910, 912, 924, 949–952, 967–969, 979,
gowns and gloves, Vol 2, 973, 1607, 1608, 1612, 1616, 981, 982, 1003, 1020, 1025, 1096, 1143, 1162, 1164, 1184,
1617, 1635 1188, 1209, 1230, 1234, 1243–1251, 1254, 1255, 1264,
hand hygiene, Vol 2, 973, 1007, 1607, 1608, 1612, 1614, 1616, 1265, 1273, 1291–1299, 1308, 1415, 1469–1474,
1622, 1629, 1635, 1638 1476–1478, 1523, 1579–1586, 1631
hospital infection control, Vol 2, 1015, 1028, 1607–1622 Inner membrane drug uptake, Vol 1, 126; Vol 2, 979
intensive care unit, Vol 2, 901, 1015, 1609, 1614–1621, 1629, INNO-LiPA Rif.TB test, Vol 2, 1311, 1440, 1556
1634–1636, 1638 Insertion sequence (IS), Vol 1, 5, 18–20, 26, 39, 62, 63, 65–68,
nosocomial infection, Vol 2, 989, 990, 1168, 1636 71, 72, 266, 293, 295, 338, 350; Vol 2, 1002, 1003, 1005,
surveillance, Vol 2, 1620 1018, 1096
transmission-based precautions, Vol 2, 1622 Integrative conjugative element (ICE), Vol 1, 68, 69;
vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), Vol 2, 1431, 1432, Vol 2, 1048, 1049, 1054, 1055
1549, 1558, 1559, 1607–1609, 1611–1613, 1615–1621 Integron, Vol 1, 5, 18–20, 25, 26, 29, 31, 61–73, 99, 101, 109, 222,
Influenza viruses, Vol 1, 491–497; Vol 2, 1245–1255, 1407, 1415, 231, 238, 241, 265, 266, 350–354; Vol 2, 980, 982, 983,
1467, 1468, 1477–1478, 1526 1002, 1004, 1018, 1023, 1024, 1040, 1048, 1049, 1054,
antiviral resistance, Vol 2, 1243–1255, 1270 1055, 1079, 1635
factors influencing, Vol 2, 1243 Interferon-alpha, Vol 1, 579; Vol 2, 1476
future research directions clinical and epidemiologic Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), Vol 1, 583
implications, Vol 2, 1255 Insect growth regulators (IGR), Vol 1, 735, 737, 739, 740
M2 ion channel inhibitors Insecticides, Vol 1, 629, 735–741; Vol 2, 1335, 1338, 1378
alternative treatments, Vol 2, 1248 Insects, resistance development
amantadine, Vol 1, 492; Vol 2, 1243, 1244, 1477 arachnida
amantadine and rimantadine, Vol 1, 492, acari, Vol 1, 738
Vol 2, 1243, 1244, 1477 ixodida ticks, Vol 1, 735, 738
Index 759
hemiptera Ivermectin, Vol 1, 140, 142, 689, 690, 692–694, 696–700, 737, 738;
bedbugs, medical importance of, Vol 1, 740 Vol 2, 1387, 1393, 1495, 1500, 1517–1523
cimicidae and triatominae, Vol 1, 740 Ixodida, Vol 1, 735, 738
calliphoridae, Vol 1, 739–740
ceratopogonidae, Vol 1, 738–739 K
hemiptera, Vol 1, 740 Kala-azar. See Visceral leishmaniasis (VL)
myiasis, diptera, Vol 1, 738, 739 Kanamycin, Vol 1, 20, 46, 65, 68, 106, 216, 219–223, 237, 334, 359,
phthiraptera and siphonaptera, Vol 1, 735, 740 360, 367, 368, 370, 371; Vol 2, 927, 931, 952, 954, 983,
InSTIs. See Integrase strand transfer inhibitors 1016, 1021, 1022, 1040, 1079, 1126, 1127, 1131–1134,
Intact virus susceptibility assays 1438–1440, 1555, 1556, 1655, 1657–1659, 1661, 1662
antigen expression assays, Vol 2, 1468 Ketoconazole, Vol 1, 139, 397, 407, 439, 441, 445, 655;
limitations, Vol 2, 1468 Vol 2, 1154, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1185, 1199, 1207, 1374,
plaque, Vol 2, 1467–1468 1446, 1449, 1453–1455, 1491, 1517
Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (InSTIs), HIV, Vol 1, 559, Keystone mutation, Vol 1, 308
561, 562; Vol 2, 1581, 1584 Kinase, Vol 1, 13, 81, 82, 93, 98, 106, 108, 109, 194, 221, 253,
chemical structure, napthyridine carboxamides, Vol 1, 512 292–296, 308, 311, 337, 338, 400–409, 429–431, 445, 453,
cross-resistance mechanism 454, 460, 479–480, 483, 484, 487, 503, 508, 510, 586, 637,
ligand binding surfaces, resistance analysis, Vol 1, 550 641, 642, 652–654, 657; Vol 2, 876, 1186, 1213, 1263–
N155H and N155S mutations, Vol 1, 559–561; 1265, 1268, 1272, 1275, 1276, 1281, 1307, 1491, 1494,
Vol 2, 1296, 1581, 1584 1580, 1587, 1588
raltegravir and elvitegravir, clinical studies, Vol 1, 559 Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method, Vol 1, 339; Vol 2, 870,
HIV-1 replication, Vol 1, 560–563 1426, 1448
in vivo activity, Vol 1, 559, 561 Kluyveromyces, Vol 1, 392
resistance mutations, Vol 1, 503–513, 521, 540, 553, 559–562;
Vol 2, 1295–1296 L
Integrons, gene transfer mechanism, Vol 1, 69– Lamivudine, Vol 1, 40, 504, 507–508, 568–570, 572–575;
chromosomal, Vol 1, 72 Vol 2, 1291, 1292, 1296, 1306, 1308–1309, 1314, 1472,
class 1, Vol 1, 72 1475, 1580, 1585, 1586
evolution, Vol 1, 70 Lamivudine resistance
gene cassettes, origin, Vol 1, 72 YMDD mutations, Vol 1, 569–570
gene expression, Vol 1, 72 Lanosterol demethylase, Vol 1, 140, 399
resistance genes, Vol 1, 72–73 Larval development assay (LDA), Vol 1, 699; Vol 2, 1392, 1393
Intensive care unit, Vol 2, 890, 900, 901, 977, 978, 985–987, 1005, Leishmania
1006, 1015, 1016, 1154, 1168, 1229, 1425, 1609–1611, allopurinol, Vol 1, 650, 657
1614–1621, 1629–1638, 1671, amphotericin B, Vol 1, 650, 655, 657, 660
Internet resources, Vol 2, 1671–1675 antimonials
Interferon (IFN) therapy pentostam, Vol 1, 650, 652
monotheapy, Vol 1, 583–585 promastigote forms, Vol 2, 1372
and ribavirin, Vol 1, 583–585 resistance mechanisms, Vol 1, 651–655
Intron-A™, Vol 2, 1305 atovaquone, Vol 1, 650
Invasive aspergillosis (IA), Vol 1, 398, 399, 416; Vol 2, 1177, 1179, chemical structure, Vol 1, 650
1183, 1184, 1189–1191. See also Aspergillus control measures, Vol 2, 1378
In vitro and in vivo susceptibility α-difluoromethyl ornithine, Vol 1, 650
aminoglycoside, Vol 2, 874 drug resistance treatment
penicillin and glycopeptide, Vol 2, 871 amphotericin B, paromomycin and miltefosine, Vol 2, 1372
Ionophore, Vol 1, 685, 686, 692, 694, 712; Vol 2, 1492, 1513 diagnosis, Vol 2, 1140
Isobologram method, Vol 2, 1411 epidemiological reasons, Vol 2, 1374–1375
Isoniazid (INH), Vol 1, 3, 126, 139, 349, 359–368, 370–372; geographical spread, Vol 2, 1372–1374
Vol 2, 1119, 1123, 1124, 1127–1134, 1141, 1142, 1144, human-to-human transmission, Vol 2, 1140
1222, 1431, 1437–1441, 1546, 1555, 1556 mechanism, Vol 2, 1375–1376
ahpC gene, Vol 1, 363 pentamidine, Vol 2, 1372–1374, 1378
antibiotics, Vol 1, 45 pentavalent antimonials, Vol 2, 1372
inhA gene, Vol 1, 362 sitamaquine, Vol 2, 658–659
kasA gene, Vol 1, 362, 363 epidemiology, Vol 1, 27–28; Vol 2, 1372–1373
katG gene, Vol 1, 362 cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), Vol 1, 649; Vol2, 1372
mechanism of action, Vol 1, 360–362 diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL), Vol 2, 1372
mechanisms of drug resistance, Vol 1, 362–363 post-Kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL), Vol 2, 1371,
ndh gene, Vol 1, 363 1372, 1378
structures, Vol 1, 361 visceral leishmaniasis (VL), Vol 1, 649; Vol 2, 1372
Itraconazole, Vol 1, 136, 137, 139, 388, 397–400, 407, 422, 432, 439, fluconazole, Vol 1, 650, 658; Vol 2, 1212
441, 445, 623, 624; Vol 2, 1154, 1156–1159, 1162–1167, in vitro, Vol 1, 651, 652, 656, 659
1179, 1180, 1182–1185, 1187–1191, 1201–1203, 1207, in vivo, Vol 1, 651, 660
1210–1212, 1219–1222, 1374, 1446–1450, 1452–1456, miltefosine, Vol 1, 650, 656–658, 661; Vol 2, 1372, 1374–1377
1491. See also Azole antifungal agents paromomycin, Vol 1, 650, 651, 658
760 Index
Leishmania (cont.) M
pentamidine Macrocyclic lactones, Vol 1, 136, 140, 142, 689, 693, 694, 696–698,
genetic strategy, Vol 1, 656 735, 737; Vol 2, 1385, 1387, 1393, 1394, 1495, 1517,
promastigotes and axenic amastigotes, Vol 1, 1519, 1521
652, 669 Macrolides, Vol 1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 21, 25, 38, 46, 69, 81, 82, 93, 98–102,
sitamaquine, Vol 1, 650, 651, 658–659 107–108, 125, 136–138, 140, 218, 237, 239, 241, 269–278,
zoonotic disease, Vol 1, 660;Vol 2, 1371 285, 289, 323, 359, 360, 369–372, 677, 679, 680;
Leishmania chagasi, Vol 1, 649, 658; Vol 2, 1371 Vol 2, 855, 856, 858–862, 869, 872, 873, 875–879, 881,
Leishmania donovani, Vol 1, 388, 649, 652–661 899, 909–911, 927, 933, 946, 951, 955, 961, 979, 1015,
Vol 2, 1371–1376, 1509 1016, 1019, 1022, 1023, 1026, 1028, 1039, 1050, 1070,
Leishmania infantum, Vol 1, 649, 651, 653–658 1071, 1073, 1074, 1076–1078, 1098, 1110, 1131, 1140–
Vol 2, 1371, 1372, 1376 1145, 1213, 1226, 1420, 1429–1430, 1492, 1494, 1518,
Leishmaniasis, Vol 1, 140, 213, 388, 649, 651, 655, 656, 660, 739, 1519, 1543, 1545, 1647–1650, 1652, 1655, 1657, 1659,
Vol 2, 1371–1379, 1488, 1491, 1495, 1508–1510, 1526 1661, 1662
Levamisole (LEV), Vol 1, 689, 691, 695–696, 698, 699, 722; Macrolide resistance, Vol 1, 12, 21, 82, 140, 218, 237, 241, 274, 277,
Vol 2, 1387, 1389, 1393, 1394, 1494, 1495, 1517–1519, 323, 369; Vol 2, 856, 858, 859, 862, 869, 872, 875–878,
1522, 1523 881, 951, 1071, 1073, 1077, 1141–1144
Lincomycin, Vol 1, 82, 254, 269, 270, 274, 275, 277; destruction
Vol 2, 875, 1108 interaction and inactivation, Vol 1, 98
Lincosamides macrolactone ring linearization, Vol 1, 100
clindamycin structure, Vol 1, 269, 271–278; Vol 2, 911, 1429 efflux, Vol 1, 82, 140; Vol 2, 858, 872
efflux, Vol 1, 276 efflux genes (mef genes), Vol 2, 859, 873
enzymatic modification modification, Vol 1, 107, 272
lnu genes expression, Vol 1, 275, 276 azalides, Vol 1, 107
L phenotype, Vol 1, 275, 277 inactivation mechanism, Vol 1, 107
minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs), spectrum activity, macrolide glycosyltransferases (Mgt family), Vol 1, 107
Vol 1, 271 macrolide kinases (Mph family), Vol 1, 108
other organisms, susceptibility tests, Vol 1, 277 ribosomal methylation, Vol 1, 272–274
peptidyl transferase centre (PTC), Vol 1, 270 MacSynery II algorithm, Vol 2, 1412
ribosomal methylation Madin Darby canine kidney cell line (MDCK), Vol 1, 492, 495, 496,
clindamycin therapy, Vol 1, 274, 275, 277 Vol 2, 1249, 1251, 1254, 1477
constitutive resistance expression, Vol 1, 273 Malaria, Vol 1, 140, 141, 629–632, 637, 640–642, 718, 723, 735, 739;
erm (erythromycin ribosome methylase) gene, Vol 1, Vol 2, 856, 1231, 1323–1336, 1338–1341, 1378, 1487,
273, 274 1488, 1492, 1498, 1510–1512, 1523–1525
inducible resistance, Vol 1, 274–275 Malarial drug resistance
MLSB phenotype, Vol 1, 275 4-aminoquinolines, Vol 2, 1327
ribosomal mutations, Vol 1, 274–275 antifolate resistance mechanisms, Vol 1, 639
Staphylococci susceptibility tests, Vol 1, 277 artemisinin derivatives, Vol 1, 717–718
structure, Vol 1, 274–275 assessments in, Vol 2, 1338
target modification, Vol 1, 271 atovaquone, naphthoquinone, Vol 1, 639–640
Line probe assay (LiPA), Vol 2, 1579 chemotherapy, directions in, Vol 2, 1280
Linezolid, Vol 1, 23, 39, 52–54, 73, 90, 180, 274, 310, 311, 313, chloroquine/chloroquine-resistance Vol 1, 133, 135, 629, 634,
319–327, 371, 372; Vol 2, 860, 861, 872, 874, 878, 879, Vol 2, 1324–1326
890–894, 899–901, 909–914, 1017, 1087, 1102, 1109, clinical assessment
1125, 1126, 1131–1133, 1143, 1431, 1438, 1439, 1546, drug efficacies, Vol 2, 1075
1552, 1633, 1658 drug responses, Vol 2, 1076
Linezolid resistance, Vol 1, 73, 313, 320–327, 372 symptoms and parasitemia, Vol 2, 1074
activity against clinical bacterial isolates, Vol 1, treatments, Vol 2, 1076
250–252 de novo folate synthetic pathway, Vol 1, 637, 638
comparative clinical studies, Vol 1, 320 description, Vol 2, 1071
compassionate use program, Vol 1, 321 DHPS and DHFR
enterococci, Vol 1, 320, 321 antifolates, Vol 1, 637–638
staphylococci, Vol 1, 319–324 pppk-dhps and dhfr-ts gene, Vol 1, 638
clinical significance dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), Vol 1, 638–639
enterococci, Vol 1, 327 dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS), Vol 1, 638–639
staphylococci, Vol 1, 327 drugs, Vol 2, 1077–1079
oxazolidinones, Vol 1, 320, 321 epidemiology
resistance mutations in 23S rRNA, Vol 1, 325, chloroquine-resistant parasites, Vol 2, 1324–1326
Lipopeptides, Vol 1, 51, 54, 120, 124, 307, 310, 334, 416, 456; DHFR mutations, Vol 2, 1341
Vol 2, 874, 893, 901, 1023, 1431, 1633 infections, Vol 2, 1080
Liver fluke infection, Vol 1, 720–721; Vol 2, 1386 pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors,
lsa gene, Vol 1, 276; Vol 2, 873 Vol 2, 1324
L3 mutations, Vol 1, 323–326 quinine-resistant parasites, Vol 2, 1326–1327
Luciferase reporter phage (LRP), Vol 2, 1474, 1476 factors, Vol 2, 1323
Lumbar puncture (LP), Vol 2, 911, 1505 Fansidar™ and LapDap™, Vol 1, 637
Index 761
M2 ion channel inhibitors (cont.) Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat assays (MLVA), Vol 2,
resistant variants transmissibility 1646, 1662
chronic care facilities, Vol 2, 1248 Multiresistance region (MRR), Vol 1, 61, 62, 64, 66
household contacts, Vol 2, 1247 Murein. See Peptidoglycan
rimantadine, Vol 1, 492; Vol 2, 1244–1248 Mutant prevention concentration, Vol 1, 24, 37
spread mechanism, Vol 1, 426–427 Mutation, Vol 1, 3, 9, 15–17, 37, 40, 46, 70, 89–91, 115, 122, 133,
Mismatch repair system (MMR), Vol 1, 16, 78; 140, 149, 150, 165, 181, 185–187, 189, 197–200, 216, 232,
Vol 2, 980 238, 247–255, 265, 273–275, 283, 295–298, 321–323, 359,
MLSB, Vol 1, 82, 273–275, 277, 278; Vol 2, 858, 873, 875, 877, 881, 444, 450–452; Vol 2, 860–862, 871–874, 890, 924, 950,
1071, 1429, 1545 977, 980, 983–986, 1004, 1023, 1039, 1071–1073, 1129,
Monensin, Vol 1, 685–687; Vol 2, 1492 1130, 1144, 1161, 1177, 1206, 1208, 1231–1235, 1243,
Monobactam, Vol 1, 38, 46, 82, 165, 167–170; Vol 2, 978, 981, 982, 1246, 1265, 1292, 1295, 1309, 1324, 1325, 1425, 1440,
1003, 1028, 1097 1475, 1495, 1504, 1511, 1545, 1556, 1579, 1580, 1582–
Monte Carlo simulation, pharmacology, Vol 2, 1442 1589, 1654
Moraxella catarrhalis Mutations, antimicrobial resistance, Vol 1, 77–85
clinical significance of resistance CTX-M, Vol 1, 84
breakpoints, Vol 2, 955–956 determinants, Vol 1, 79
β-lactam antimicrobial agents, Vol 2, 948–950 fluoroquinolone, Vol 1, 80, 81
susceptibility, Vol 2, 957 genetic diversity and mutator strains
diseases fluctuation analysis, Vol 1, 77
acute otitis media, Vol 2, 947 point mutation, Vol 1, 77
acute sinusitis, acute sinusitis, Vol 2, 947 glycopeptide, Vol 1, 81, 82
childhood pneumonia and bacteremia, Vol 2, 946 G238S ESBL mutation, Vol 1, 84
chronic bronchitis, Vol 2, 947 hypermutators
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), permanent, Vol 1, 78
Vol 2, 946–947 transient, Vol 1, 78–79
geographical spread, Vol 2, 953–955 β-lactam resistance, Vol 1, 79–80
laboratory determination of susceptibility, macrolide resistance, Vol 1, 82
Vol 2, 959–962 M182T, global suppressors, Vol 1, 85
resistance mechanisms OXA-type enzymes, Vol 1, 85
β-lactams, Vol 2, 948–950 penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) and β-lactam resisitance
folic acid metabolism inhibitors, Vol 2, 952–953 cephalosporins, Vol 1, 80
susceptibility, Vol 2, 947–948 PBP characteristics, Vol 1, 79
Mosaic genes, antibacterial resistance, Vol 1, 79, 90, 91, 187, 237; quinolone-resistance determinants, Vol 1, 80 regulatory genes,
Vol 2, 1428 Vol 1, 79, 80
Moxifloxacin, Vol 1, 47, 53, 245, 246, 253, 255, 368, 369; rifampin resistance, Vol 1, 80–81
Vol 2, 859, 878, 909, 910, 914, 946, 947, 956–958, 960, streptomycin resistance, Vol 1, 80
1017, 1027, 1078, 1086, 1087, 1091, 1101, 1125, 1126, structural genes, Vol 1, 79
1128, 1129, 1131–1133, 1141, 1143, 1438, 1439, 1654 TEM β-lactamase
MRSA. See Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus complex mutants, Vol 1, 84
msr (macrolide streptogramin resistance) genes, Vol 1, 237, 274, inhibitor-resistant form, Vol 1, 84
276, 277; Vol 2, 914, 1429, 1545 tetracycline, Vol 1, 79, 81
MT-2 vs recombinant virus coreceptor tropism assays HIV, Mycobacteria, reduced entry of drugs
Vol 2, 1474 envelope structure, Vol 1, 119
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL), Vol 1, 649; Vol 2, 1371–1373, intrinsic resistance, Vol 1, 120–121
1378, 1497 Mycobacterium avium, Vol 1, 238, 271
Multidrug, Vol 1, 121, 132, 135, 139, 150, 153, 154, 156, 232, clarithromycin resistance, Vol 1, 277, 369
239–240, 250, 253, 254, 400, 418, 450, 570, 711, 715; Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC). See Mycobacterium,
Vol 2, 1077, 1419 non-tuberculous (NTM)
Multidrug drug efflux pumps, Vol 1, 138, 153, 156, 247, 250, 251, Mycobacterium, non-tuberculous (NTM),
253, 254, 256, 324, 369, 397, 398, 401; Vol 2, 977–979, Vol 2, 917–924
985, 1019, 1022–1024, 1078, 1091, 1185, 1207, clinical presentations
1208, 1662 disseminated disease, Vol 2, 1139, 1141, 1274
Multidrug-resistance (MDR), Vol 1, 15, 30, 40, 45, 48, 77, 93, 108, lymphadenitis, Vol 2, 1139, 1141
109, 131, 139, 150, 171, 213, 231, 247, 307, 326, 333, 354, medical device and nosocomial infections,
371, 400, 416, 443, 445, 446, 538, 571, 620, 621, 636; Vol 2, 1139, 1140
Vol 2, 857, 859, 879, 894, 899, 912, 969–671, 977, pulmonary disease, Vol 2, 1139, 1140, 1142, 1143
985–990, 1016–1018, 1039–1042, 1048, 1078, 1088, 1091, skin and soft tissue infections, Vol 2, 891, 1139
1119, 1144, 1273, 1293, 1294, 1299, 1300, 1313, 1376, drug resistance
1415, 1425, 1438, 1473, 1510, 1543, 1589, 1599, 1608, intrinsic drug resistance, Vol 2, 1139, 1145
1609, 1611, 1630 mechanisms of resistance, Vol 1, 255; Vol 2,
membrane proteins, Vol 1, 654; Vol 2, 1208, 1494, 1510, 1139, 1144
1649, 1650 multidrug, from morphotypic changes leading to reduced entry
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB). See Mycobacterium into the cell, Vol 2, 1144, 1145
tuberculosis Mycobacterium avium complex, Vol 1, 238, 271
Index 763
mutational alteration of drug targets, Vol 1, 139 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Vol 1, 272; Vol 2, 946
outcomes and prognosis, Vol 2, 1142 Myiasism, Vol 1, 738, 739
prophylaxis, Vol 2, 1139, 1142
susceptibility testing, Vol 2, 1140, 1142
SYTO16 permeation vs. multidrug susceptibility, N
Vol 2, 1144, 1145 NASBA. See Nucleic-acid sequence-based amplification
therapy National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS),
adjunctive therapies, Vol 2, 1141, 1142 Vol 2, 1633
antimicrobials, Vol 2, 1143 Nalidixic acid, Vol 1, 23, 47, 245, 246, 248–252, 265, 267;
drug regimens, Vol 2, 1140 Vol 2, 1017, 1038–1040, 1051–1054, 1057, 1077, 1078,
drug toxicities and intolerances, Vol 2, 1143 1430, 1653, 1657, 1661
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC). See also NBU1, conjugative transposon, Vol 1, 69
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Neisseria commensal species, Vol 1, 195; Vol 2, 921, 926
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vol 1, 271–281; Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Vol 2, 901–902 antibiotics
acquired and primary, Vol 2, 1163 aminoglycosides, Vol 2, 926, 927
agar proportion method cephalosporins, Vol 2, 921, 923, 925, 926, 930, 932, 933
media preparation, Vol 2, 1438 chloramphenicol/thiamphenicol, Vol 2, 927, 931–934
quadrant plates, Vol 2, 1439 fluoroquinolones, Vol, 139; Vol 2, 925, 930, 931, 934, 935
alternative agents, Vol 1, 371 macrolides, Vol 2, 927, 933
critical concentrations penicillins, Vol 1, 161; Vol 2, 923–927, 929, 930,
first-line drugs, Vol 2, 1437, 1438, 1442 933, 935, 1106
MIC determination, Vol 2, 1440 quinolone, Vol 2, 923, 925, 929, 930, 933, 935
solid media, Vol 2, 1438 spectinomycin, Vol 2, 923, 926, 930
cross resistance, Vol 1, 281 sulfonamide–trimethoprim, Vol 2, 925
direct and indirect susceptibility tests, Vol 2, 1438 tetracyclines, Vol 2, 923
drug-resistant strain, Vol 2, 1437 β-lactamase, Vol 1, 195; Vol 2, 924, 925, 927, 933
drug susceptibility tests, egg-based culture epidemiology, Vol 2, 925, 928, 931
methods, Vol 2, 1439 gonococcal disease
proportion and resistance-ratio (RR) method, clinical manifestations, Vol 2, 922–923, 931
Vol 2, 1164 treatment and control strategies, Vol 2, 923
drug susceptibility tests, liquid medium worldwide distribution, Vol 2, 922
Bactec-960 MGIT system, Vol 2, 1439, 1440 infection control, Vol 1. 4; Vol 2, 921–923, 925–935,
Bactec-460 system, Vol 2, 1439 1597, 1602
second-line drugs, critical concentrations, Vol 2, 1438 surveillance, Vol 2, 923, 924, 927–929, 931, 933, 1602
epidemiology, Vol 2, 901–903 susceptibility determination, Vol 1, 139, 195; Vol 2, 923–931,
ethambutol resistance, Vol 1, 359–361, 363, 366, 367, 369; 933–935
Vol 2, 1127, 1141–1144, 1546, 1556 treatment
first and second line drugs, Vol 2, 1163 antibiotic recommendations, Vol 2, 930–931
first-line drugs susceptibility testing (DST) management of infections, Vol 2, 929–930
conventional methods, Vol 2, 903–905 sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Vol 2, 925
molecular assays methods, Vol 2, 1431, 1432 Neisseria meningitidis, Vol 1, 4, 5, 80, 91, 195, 262,
non-radiometric automated culture methods, 263, 349
Vol 2, 1439 antibiotic resistance, Vol 1, 17; Vol 2, 931
fluoroquinolone resistance, Vol 1, 245–256 antibiotics, Vol 1, 17; Vol 2, 861
infection control, Vol 2, 1431 clinical significance, Vol 2, 934
isoniazid resistance, Vol 1, 1431 chloramphenicol, Vol 1, 238; Vol 2, 932
macrolide resistance, Vol 2, 875–876 control recommendations, Vol 2, 934–935
molecular phenotypic and genotypic methods epidemiology, Vol 2, 931–932
DNA/RNA sequences, Vol 2, 1440 penicillins, Vol 1, 161; Vol 2, 933, 935
genetics, Vol 2, 1440–1441 prophylaxis, resistance to antibiotics for, Vol 1, 4, 348;
INNO-LiPA Rif.TB, Vol 2, 1140 Vol 2, 861, 932–934
multidrug resistant tuberculosis, Vol 1, 247, 359; treatment and control, Vol 2, 921, 926, 932–935
Vol 2, 1129–1130, 1437, 1644 vaccination, Vol 2, 932
patients detection, Vol 2, 1129 Nematode parasites
public health problem drug metabolism and distribution change
DOTS and, Vol 2, 1129 avermectins and milbemycins (AM), Vol 1, 737
pyrazinamide resistance, Vol 1, 1546 benzimidazoles (BZ), Vol 1, 689, 690, 692, 694, 698, 699;
rifamycin resistance, Vol 1, 1129 Vol 2, 721, 722, 1386, 1392, 1393, 1495, 1517,
streptomycin resistance, Vol 1, 80 1518, 1520, 1522
treatment levamisole (LEV), Vol 1, 689, 691, 695, 696, 698, 699, 722;
drug resistant tuberculosis, Vol 2, 1129–1130, 1437 Vol 2, 1393, 1495, 1517, 1518, 1522
gamma-interferon, Vol 2, 1142 endemic regions, management, Vol 1, 689
infection control measures, Vol 2, 1378–1379 resistance
surgical management, Vol 2, 1146 filarial infections, Vol 1, 689
764 Index
Nematode parasites (cont.) Nucleoside, Vol 1, 40, 123, 221, 479, 503–513, 521, 552,
measurement, Vol 1, 653, 698; Vol 2, 1294, 1326, 1337, 559, 565, 579, 590, 593, 595–596, 652, 657, 669, 712;
1383–1394, 1470 Vol 2, 1206, 1229, 1248, 1263, 1291, 1305, 1407, 1470,
morbidity reduce, Vol 1, 41, 46, 359, 629, 690, 705, 707, 713; 1491, 1580
Vol 2, 855, 978, 988 Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors HIV, Vol 1, 40, 503–513,
Network hypothesis, Vol 1, 539 521–529, 559; Vol 2, 1291, 1292, 1294–1295, 1298, 1407,
Neuromodulators, Vol 1, 736 1580–1582, 1585
Neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors, influenza anti-HIV drugs, Vol 1, 535, 559; Vol 2, 1308, 1411,
alternative treatments, Vol 2, 1058 1414, 1415
chemical structure, Vol 1, 493 AZT monotherapy, Vol 1, 509
cross-resistance cross-resistance and synergy, Vol 1, 512
clinical studies, Vol 1, 561 discrimination
NA enzyme assays, Vol 1, 493 DNA chain, Vol 1, 504; Vol 2, 1265
cyclopentane analogue, Vol 1, 493 K65R amino acid, Vol 1, 504
enzyme functional studies, Vol 1, 491, 494; Vol 2, 1249 M184V/I and V75T mutation, Vol 1, 504, 506, 508, 509;
field isolates susceptibility Vol 2, 1294
A(H1N1) Viruses, Vol 2, 1245–1246 Q151M and L74V, Vol 1, 504–506, 509, 512
HA Mutations, Vol 1, 494; Vol 2, 1129, 1250 excision
surveillance studies, Vol 1, 496, 497; Vol 2, 874 dead-end complex (DEC) formation, Vol 1, 510
genetic analysis pyrophosphate (PPi), Vol 1, 509, 510, 600
HA variants, Vol 1, 1250 thymidine-analog-associated mutations (TAMs), Vol 1, 504,
NA mutations, Vol 1, 491, 494 509–512; Vol 2, 1295
NISN surveillance programme, Vol 2, 1478 mechanisms, Vol 1, 503–513
studies, Vol 1, 369, 492, 494 zidovudine/AZT, Vol 1, 504
H1N1 and H5N1, Vol 1, 491, 494, 495, 497 Nucleotide, Vol 1, 27, 64, 77, 102, 132, 167, 187, 195, 215, 231, 270,
pathogenicity, Vol 2, 1252–1253 284, 308, 346, 364, 367, 412, 441, 480, 503, 524, 565, 579,
post treatment isolates resistance 622, 636, 657, 689, 715; Vol 2, 875, 901, 953, 1001, 1071,
immunocompetent hosts, Vol 2, 1252, 1274 1183, 1231, 1263, 1305, 1355, 1374, 1440, 1503, 1521,
immunocompromised hosts, Vol 2, 1061, 1247, 1252, 1579, 1651.
1274, 1588 Nystatin, Vol 1, 387, 389–392, 436, 439, 441, 444, 446;
resistance detection, Vol 2, 1249–1250 Vol 2, 1154, 1162, 1166
resistance development, Vol 1, 494
resistant variants transmissibility, Vol 1, 491, 494;
Vol 2, 1247 O
spread mechanism, Vol 1, 494–497; Vol 2, 1249–1250 Oligomerization, Vol 1, 307, 312
structure, Vol 1, 492, 493 Onchocerca volvulus, Vol 1, 689, 739; Vol 2, 1518, 1521
substrate binding, Vol 1, 492–493 Open reading frame (ORF), Vol 1, 12, 63, 72, 91, 186, 218, 273, 282,
viral replication, Vol 1, 491 295, 299, 308, 429, 480, 484, 566, 567, 580, 633, 656, 659;
zanamivir and oseltamivir, Vol 1, 494, 496, 497 Vol 2, 1306, 1307
Nicarbazin, Vol 1, 685, 686 Opportunistic Protozoa, Vol 1, 624
Niclosamide and nitroscanate, Vol 1, 722; Vol 2, 772 Optochin, Vol 2, 869
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), Vol 1, 691, 692, 695, Organophosphates, Vol 1, 735, 736, 738; Vol 2, 1385, 1388, 1394
696, 737; Vol 2, 1494, 1517 Oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC), Vol 1, 398, 401, 429, 451, 452,
Nifurtimox, Vol 1, 668, 672, ; Vol 2, 1490, 1494, 1503, 462; Vol 2, 1153, 1154, 1156, 1158–1162, 1164, 1165, 1168,
1505, 1506 1169, 1229.. See also Candida
5-Nitroimidazoles. See Metronidazole Oseltamivir, Vol 1, 491–497; Vol 2, 1243, 1247–1254, 1478,. See also
Noncompetitive resistance, Vol 1, 552, 553 Neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) HIV, Outer membrane, Vol 1, 3, 5, 10, 54, 93, 115, 116, 118–121, 123–126,
Vol 1, 40, 503, 506, 508, 511, 512, 521–527, 529, 559, 595; 132–135, 138, 140, 142, 180, 214, 217, 218, 231, 232, 238,
Vol 2, 1291–1293, 1295, 1299, 1407, 1580, 1583, 1584, 239, 249, 250, 253, 290, 333–336, 338–341; Vol 2, 924,
1589.. See also Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 932, 952, 969, 971, 977–985, 1002–1004, 1009, 1019,
(HIV-1) 1021–1026, 1028, 1105, 1108, 1493, 1544, 1549
NRTI. See Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors Oxadiazoles, Vol 1, 719
NS3 protease inhibitors Oxamniquine, Vol 1, 708, 713, 716–719
A156 and D168 mutations, Vol 1, 588, 591, 595 Oxazolidinone derivatives, Vol 1, 319–320
macrocyclic BILN 2061, Vol 1, 590 Oxazolidinones, Vol 1, 138, 239, 274, 319, 321, 371;
NS5A replication inhibitors, Vol 1, 579, 596 Vol 2, 860, 900, 1431. See also Linezolid resistance
NS4B inhibitors, Vol 1, 592–593 chemical structures, Vol 1, 361
NS5B polymerase inhibitors, Vol 1, 580–582, 588, 589, 594, mechanism of action, Vol 1, 360
596, 597, 599; Vol 2, 1476, 1477
NTM. See Mycobacterium, non-tuberculous
Nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT), Vol 2, 929, 1358, 1524, P
1551, 1602 PA-824, Vol 1, 371–372; Vol 2, 1135
Nucleic-acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA), Vol 2, 1496, P-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), Vol 1, 4, 346–350, 354, 680, 681;
1502, 1551, 1553, 1555 Vol 2, 953, 1229–1231
Index 765
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), Vol, 508, 552, 554; R-100, Vol 1, 61–63
Vol 2, 1297, 1417, 1469, 1471, 1474 incompatibility group, Vol 1, 20, 61, 62, 240, 252; Vol 2, 1656
Periplasm, Vol 1, 116–118, 122, 133, 135, 138, 165, 250, 334, 336, replication, Vol 1, 61–62
438; Vol 2, 1021 Plasmid-borne resistance, Vol 1, 350–354; Vol 2, 1079, 1560
PFCRT, Vol 1, 133, 137, 140–142, 633–637; Vol 2, 1325, 1327, 1492, Plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance, Vol 1, 12, 265–267;
1498, 1510, 1512 Vol 2, 1004
P-glycoprotein A (PGPA), Vol 1, 652, 654, 659 aminoglycoside acetyltransferase, Vol 1, 265, 266
PGPA. See P-glycoprotein A Qnr protein, Vol 1, 265, 266
Pharmaceutical industry, Vol 1, 46, 49; Vol 2, 1445 sul1-type integrons, Vol 1, 265, 266
FDA and regulatory environment, Vol 1, 50 Plasmid-mediated resistance, Vol 2, 924, 971
internet resources Plasmodium. See also Malarial drug resistance
internet links, Vol 2, 1672, 1675 in vivo, Vol 1, 640
limitations, Vol 2, 1672, 1675 P450 mono-oxygenases, Vol 1, 397
major international networks, Vol 2, 1671–1673 Pneumococcal infections. See Streptococcus pneumoniae
major national networks, Vol 2, 1340, 1672, 1674 Pneumocystis carinii, Vol 1, 416; Vol 2, 1209, 1225, 1234. See also
medical need, resistance and marketplace Pneumocystis jirovecii
linezolid and tigecycline, Vol 1, 53 Pneumocystis jirovecii
microbial genomics, Vol 1, 47–48 DHFR resistance, Vol 2, 1234–1235
penicillin resistance and drug discovery, 45, 46 drug treatment, Vol 2, 1226–1231
Pharmacodynamics (PD), Vol 1, 37, 143, 213, 415, 418, 419, 421, 521, limitations to study of drug resistance, Vol 2,
523, 642; Vol 2, 855, 858, 861, 862, 900, 1131, 1163, 1188, 1233–1234
1336, 1417, 1420, 1456, 1650 organism, Vol 2, 1225–1226
Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD), Vol 1, 37, 39–41, prophylaxis, Vol 2, 1227–1229
307, 309, 310, 408, 640, 642, 710; Vol 2, 860, 945, 948, sulfonamide resistance, Vol 2, 1231–1233
950, 951, 955–962, 1008, 1075, 1160, 1201, 1339, 1437, transmission and infection, Vol 2, 1226
1441–1442, 1451 Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). See Pneumocystis jirovecii
Pharmacology, drug resistance, Vol 1, 37–41 Point mutation, Vol 1, 24, 46, 66, 70, 73, 77, 79–84, 89–93, 122, 165,
breakpoint defined resistance, Vol 1, 37 170, 184, 187, 192–195, 197–200, 216, 273, 293, 309, 346,
exposure–response relationships, Vol 1, 41 361, 362, 364–367, 369, 399, 401, 432, 434, 440, 444, 446,
levofloxacin activity, Vol 1, 40 447, 451, 456–460, 480, 572, 623, 636, 638, 653, 657, 660,
MIC distribution, Vol 1, 37 680, 682, 696, 722, 735, 736, 740; Vol 2, 858, 871, 881,
protein binding, Vol 1, 38, 41 899, 900, 924–925, 1002, 1039, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1079,
resistance mechanism 1144, 1191, 1208, 1245, 1265, 1305, 1325, 1333, 1336,
mouse thigh infection model, Vol 1, 38 1440, 1446, 1491, 1503, 1508, 1510–1512, 1522, 1545,
Phenotypic drug susceptibility assays viral, Vol 2, 1468–1478 1579, 1654, 1657
hepatitis B virus, Vol 2, 1475 Pol gene, Vol 1, 536, 569; Vol 2, 1274
hepatitis C virus, Vol 2, 1476–1477 Polyenes, Vol 1, 387–393, 415, 438, 445, 655; Vol 2, 1154, 1159,
herpes viruses, Vol 2, 1477 1162, 1168, 1169, 1179–1180, 1185, 1188, 1189, 1191,
HIV-1, co-receptor tropism, Vol 2, 1473–1475 1199, 1205–1207, 1211, 1212, 1373, 1491.. See also
HIV fitness and replication capacity, Vol 2, 1472–1473 amphotericin B
influenza virus, Vol 2, 1477–1478 in vitro resistance, Vol 2, 1179–1180
peripheral blood mononuclear cell-based, Vol 2, 1469 mechanism, Vol 1, 387–393, 655; Vol 2, 1154, 1205–1206
plaque reduction, Vol 2, 1468 primary drug resistance, Vol 2, 1189, 1191
recombinant virus, Vol 1, 1469–1470 susceptibility to, Vol 1, 388, 389, 392; Vol 2, 1159
adaptation of, Vol 2, 1471–1472 Polyglutamate, Vol 1, 681
phenotype test interpretation, Vol 2, 1470–1471 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Vol 1, 277, 282, 351, 438,
Phosphonoacetic acid (PAA), Vol 1, 480–482, 485 440, 451, 487, 571, 581, 582, 671, 694, 699, 714–716;
Phosphonoformic acid (PFA), Vol 1, 481, 485 Vol 2, 857, 890, 925, 933, 1001, 1007, 1070, 1073, 1091,
p7 inhibitors, Vol 1, 587 1096, 1099, 1139, 1208, 1226, 1245, 1251, 1253, 1265,
PK/PD. See Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) 1268, 1273, 1310, 1311, 1331, 1358, 1392, 1425, 1426,
Plasmids, Vol 1, 5, 18–20, 27, 31, 40, 61–73, 83, 99, 105, 132–134, 1431, 1432, 1440, 1441, 1469, 1474, 1475, 1495–1501,
149, 156, 166, 170–172, 182, 199, 217, 221, 222, 231, 236, 1503, 1506–1508, 1511, 1512, 1518, 1520–1522,
238–241, 252, 272, 282, 284, 289, 291–293, 300, 323, 326, 1524–1526, 1551, 1553–1559, 1659, 1665
350–354, 361, 366, 432, 433, 440, 447, 581, 652, 660, 682; Polymerase inhibitors, HCV
Vol 2, 876, 890, 899, 923–925, 927, 948, 952–954, 969, allosteric inhibitors site 2
971, 980, 982, 1002, 1004, 1018, 1022, 1024, 1039, 1048, M423T substitution, Vol 1, 598
1049, 1053–1055, 1077–1079, 1096, 1099, 1184, 1361, 2′-modified nucleosides, Vol 1, 596
1429, 1430, 1469, 1475, 1544, 1634, 1635, 1651, non–nucleoside active-site inhibitors, 600
1654–1659, 1661–1664. See also Transposons, gene NS5B enzyme, Vol 1, 580–582, 588, 589, 594, 596, 597, 599;
transfer; Integrons, gene transfer mechanism Vol 2, 1476
conjugative transfer, Vol 1, 61, 62, 222 ribavirin, Vol 1, 579, 583–585, 589, 593, 596, 600; Vol 2, 1476
copy number, Vol 1, 19, 31, 61, 62 Polymyxins, Vol 1, 15, 48, 93, 333–341; Vol 2, 821, 968, 978, 984,
control of copy number, Vol 1, 61, 62 985, 987, 1003, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1018, 1019, 1023, 1024,
IncP-1 plasmid, Vol 1, 61–62 1026–1028, 1634
Index 767
Porin pathway, antibiotic penetration and resistance, Vol 1, PYR. See Pyrrolidonyl-beta-naphthylamide
122–124 Pyrantel, Vol 1, 691, 721–722; Vol 2, 1387, 1394, 1494, 1501, 1517,
gated and MspA-type porins, Vol 1, 123–124 1519, 1522
general porin and passive diffusion, Vol 1, 122–123 Pyrazinamide (PZA) resistance, Vol 1, 139, 364–366; Vol 2, 1126,
specific and OprD porin, Vol 1, 123 1127, 1546, 1556,
Porin proteins, Vol 1, 5, 124, 923, 924, 979 mechanism of action, Vol 1, 359, 360, 364–365
Posaconazole, Vol 1, 397–399, 407, 409, 411, 432, 433, 441, 451; mechanism of resistance, Vol 1, 359, 360, 365–366
Vol 2, 1153, 1154, 1157–1159, 1162, 1163, 1165, 1166, Pyrethrins, Vol 1, 735
1168, 1179, 1180, 1182–1185, 1188, 1191, 1201–1203, Pyrethroids, Vol 1, 735, 737–741
1207, 1212, 1220–1222, 1448–1450, 1453–1456, 1503.. Pyrimethamine, (Pm), Vol 1, 355, 623, 637, 638, 659, 677,
See also Azole antifungal agents 679–683; Vol 2, 1227, 1229, 1234, 1235, 1336, 1341,
Post-antibiotic effect (PAE), Vol 1, 38–39; Vol 2, 909, 1547 1492, 1510–1512
Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL), Vol 2, 1371, Pyrosequencing, Vol 1, 694, 695, 699; Vol 2, 1244, 1245, 1280, 1393,
1372, 1378 1498, 1501, 1512, 1520, 1521, 1525, 1556
Praziquantel, Vol 1, 136, 140, 705, 707–720, 722, 723; Pyrrolidonyl-beta-naphthylamide (PYR), Vol 2, 889
Vol 2, 1494, 1495, 1500, 1517, 1521–1523 Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR), Vol 1, 283, 284,
Primaquine, Vol 1, 637, 659; Vol 2, 1227, 1228, 1230, 1235, 1340 614–616, 618–622; Vol 2, 1355–1356, 1360, 1361, 1493,
Pristinamycin, Vol 1, 269–270; Vol 2, 1429, 1648 1514–1516
Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis (PDH). PZA. See Pyrazinamide
See Histoplasmosis
Proguanil, Vol 1, 630, 637, 638, 640; Vol 2, 1332–1334, 1336,
1492, 1511 Q
Promastigotes, Vol 1, 391, 409, 649, 651–660, 669, QRDR. See Quinolone resistance-determining region
Vol 2, 1372, 1375, 1376, 1497, 1509, 1510 Quinine therapy, Vol 2, 1326. See also Malaria
Prophylaxis, Vol 1, 4, 347–350, 359, 363, 398, 401, 415–417, 422, 486, Quinolone resistance, Vol 1, 6, 12, 15, 20, 73, 80, 90, 232, 246, 247,
491, 493, 510, 523, 624, 640, 679; Vol 2, 856, 861, 870, 873, 265–267, 368, 682; Vol 2, 859, 873, 880, 929, 952, 971,
878–881, 910, 930, 932–934, 1059, 1095, 1109, 1139, 983, 1004, 1022, 1054, 1071, 1076, 1078, 1101, 1430,
1142–1144, 1153, 1154, 1159, 1161–1163, 1166, 1168, 1177, 1545, 1654; Vol 2, 1228.. See also Fluoroquinolone
1190, 1191, 1198, 1202, 1210, 1226–1235, 1244, 1247, 1248, resistance
1264, 1267, 1281, 1327, 1329, 1333, 1334, 1378, 1417, 1505, quinolone resistance-determining region (QRDR), Vol 1, 80, 90,
1609, 1620, 1638, 1643–1647, 1651, 1655, 1656 93, 246–249, 252, 253, 255, 368, 369; Vol 2, 859, 860, 873,
Protease inhibitors, viral 952, 983, 985, 1004, 1022, 1054, 1071, 1073, 1101, 1654
HCV, Vol 1, 589–592 quinolone-resistant gonococci (QRNG), Vol 2, 925, 928,
HIV, Vol 1, 535–542; Vol 2, 1295 929, 931, 934
gag cleavage site mutations, Vol 1, 537–540; Quinolones, Vol 1, 5, 12, 21, 46–48, 54, 80, 81, 90, 216, 245, 246,
Vol 2, 1295 266, 686; Vol 2, 859, 879, 905, 909–911, 923, 925, 929,
mechanism of resistance, Vol 1, 538–542; Vol 2, 1295 930, 933, 952, 954, 955, 958, 959, 961, 983–985, 1004,
PI’s in development, Vol 1, 535 1015, 1016, 1022, 1025, 1053, 1059, 1077, 1091, 1101,
protease mutations, Vol 1, 535, 537–538; Vol 2, 1295 1143, 1144, 1440, 1545, 1552
replication capacity, Vol 1, 540; Vol 2, 1295, 1296 Quinupristin–dalfopristin, Vol 1, 73, 272, 276, 313; Vol 2, 861, 873,
transmission, Vol 1, 537; Vol 2, 1293–1294 889–892, 894, 909, 1633, 1660
Protease substrate envelope hydrophobic sliding,
Vol 1, 538, 539
PSC-RANTES, Vol 1, 550, 552–554 R
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Vol 1, 10, 16, 38, 52, 54, 65, 78, 120–121, Raltegravir (RAL), Vol 1, 512, 559–562; Vol 2, 1292, 1296, 1299,
125, 134, 141, 150–152, 154, 155, 170; Vol 2, 811–815 1472, 1581, 1584
epidemiology, Vol 2, 978–979 Ravuconazole, Vol 1, 392; Vol 2, 1154, 1157, 1163, 1190, 1220, 1221,
resistance mechanisms, Vol 1, 6, 23; Vol 2, 979–984 1447, 1449, 1456, 1503.. See also Azole antifungal agents
serious infections, Vol 1, 120 Reactive oxygen species (ROS), Vol 1, 141, 216, 334, 372, 390, 456,
Public health, Vol 1, 10, 30, 31, 248, 573–575, 613, 614, 617, 462, 640, 641; Vol 2, 719, 1187, 1376, 1492–1494, 1504,
649, 680, Vol 2, 906, 922, 928, 1003, 1040, 1042, 1060, 1509, 1516
1314, 1437, 1496–1499, 1515, 1543, 1560, 1597–1604, Recombinant virus assays (RVAs), Vol 2, 1467, 1469–1472, 1475
1643–1645, 1671 Reduced uptake, physiological barrier, Vol 1, 115–126, 659, 690;
control strategies, Vol 2, 1601–1602 Vol 2, 983, 1375, 1376, 1544
factors, Vol 2, 1598 antibiotic penetration and resistance mechanisms
healthcare businesses, Vol 2, 1600 hydrophobic pathway, Vol 1, 125–126
healthcare costs, Vol 2, 1599 inner membrane transporters, Vol 1, 126
industry, Vol 2, 1600 PhoPQ and pmrAB system regulation, Vol 1, 124, 125, 340
length of hospital stay, Vol 2, 1599 porin pathway, Vol 1, 122–124
morbidity and mortality, Vol 2, 1598–1599 self-promoted uptake pathway, Vol 1, 124, 125
patients, Vol 2, 1600 envelope structure
physicians, Vol 2, 1599–1600 capsule, Vol 1, 116, 119–120
resource limitation levels, Vol 2, 1602–1604 cytoplasmic membrane, Vol 1, 115–116, 118, 119
Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), Vol 1, 28; Vol 2, 889, 1007, mycobacterial cell envelope, Vol 1, 119
1609, 1610, 1612, 1619, 1646, 1657 outer membrane, Vol 1, 115, 116, 118–120
768 Index
Streptococci (non-pneumococcal) (cont.) Streptomycin, Vol 1, 4, 5, 20, 23, 25, 46, 61–63, 65, 66, 68–70, 73, 77,
viridans group streptococci (VGS), Vol 2, 869–874, 79, 80, 110, 136, 137, 214–216, 218, 221, 241, 349, 353,
876–882 360, 366–368, 370, 371; Vol 2, 892, 910, 933, 983, 1016,
β-lactam resistance, Vol 2, 871–872 1022, 1040, 1049, 1059, 1079, 1102, 1126, 1127, 1131,
characteristics, Vol 2, 869–870 1132, 1140, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1430, 1439, 1556, 1652,
clindamycin resistance, Vol 2, 873 1654–1663
clinical significance, Vol 2, 877–881 Sulfadiazine (Sdz), Vol 1, 4, 677, 679–682; Vol 2, 1227, 1229, 1492,
erythromycin resistance, Vol 2, 873 1498, 1512
fluoroquinolone resistance, Vol 2, 873–874 Sulfamethoxazole, Vol 1, 39, 236, 345, 349, 350, 679; Vol 2, 861, 925,
ketolide resistance, Vol 2, 872–873 931, 947, 952, 953, 1024, 1040, 1049, 1053, 1222, 1230,
lincosamide resistance, Vol 2, 872–873 1233, 1234, 1419, 1430, 1652, 1660
linezolid activity, Vol 2, 874 Sulfonamide resistance, Vol 1, 3–4, 62, 63, 70, 681; Vol 2, 953, 1028,
macrolide resistance, Vol 2, 872–873 1231–1234, 1545, 1650, 1657, 1659
streptogramin resistance, Vol 2, 873 chromosomal resistance, Vol 1, 346–350
tetracycline and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole resistance, plasmid-borne resistance, Vol 1, 350–351; Vol 2, 1079
Vol 2, 873 and Trimethoprim, Vol 1, 349, 352; Vol 2, 925, 1023–1024,
vancomycin activity, Vol 2, 874 1079
Streptococcus agalactiae. See Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Sulfonamides, Vol 1, 3, 4, 25, 45, 65, 73, 137, 184, 195, 345–355, 623,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Vol 2, 5, 17, 91, 136, 138, 166, 177, 677, 679, 681, 682, 685; Vol 2, 861, 914, 925, 932, 933,
179, 186–198, 201, 237, 239, 245, 253, 272, 273, 322, 346, 953, 979, 1015, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1026, 1040, 1079,
347, 351; Vol 2, 855–862, 945, 947, 1095, 1099, 1106, 1230, 1231, 1234, 1335, 1363, 1492, 1545, 1552, 1650,
1427, 1543, 1654, 1671 1655, 1657
antibiotic clinical relevance, Vol 2, 861–862 Sulphonamides, Vol 1, 637, 638, 679, 686
β-lactam resistance, Vol 2, 857–858 Suramin, Vol 1, 667, 670–672; Vol 2, 1505, 1506
clinical relevance, Vol 2, 861–862 Surgical intensive care unit (SICU), Vol 2, 1610, 1619
clonal spread of antibiotic resistance, Vol 2, 856–857 Susceptibility to antifungal
chloramphenicol resistance, Vol 2, 860, 861 azoles, Vol 2, 1154, 1188, 1207–1209
conjugate vaccine impact, Vol 2, 862 echinocandins, Vol 1, 415–417, 419, 420, 457, Vol 2, 1153–1156,
epidemiology and risk factors, Vol 2, 855–856 1159–1160, 1185, 1191, 1209, 1221, 1450
fluoroquinolone resistance, Vol 2, 859–860 fluoropyrimidines, Vol 2, 1154, 1205–1207
intravenous penicillin, Vol 2, 855–858, 860 polyenes, Vol 1, 387–391, 393, 415, 438, 655; Vol 2, 1154, 1159,
laboratory detection of antibiotic resistance, Vol 2, 857 1162, 1168, 1179–1180, 1185, 1189, 1191, 1199,
linezolid resistance, Vol 2, 322, 326, 860–862 1205–1207
macrolides resistance, Vol 2, 858–859 Synercid. See quinupristin-dalfopristin
MICs agents, Vol 2, 857–862 Synergy, Vol 1, 39, 121, 125, 126, 140, 184, 309, 310, 312, 313, 315,
nosocomial acquisition, Vol 2, 856 410, 438, 445, 446, 453–455, 512, 640, 718; Vol 2, 909,
PBP-based β-lactam resistance, Vol 1, 180, 194 911, 1015, 1026, 1028, 1085, 1143, 1222, 1409, 1410,
amino acid substitutions, Vol 1, 187, 188, 191 1412–1415, 1419, 1420, 1430, 1506, 1550, 1583
M339F mutation, Vol 1, 189
mosaicity, Vol 1, 187, 188, 198, 201
mosaic murM genes, Vol 1, 194 T
T338A mutation, Vol 1, 189, 192, 193, 200 Tabanidae, Vol 1, 739
T550A point mutation, Vol 1, 192 Tachyzoites, Vol 1, 677, 679, 682; Vol 2, 1512
transpeptidase domain, Vol 1, 178, 183, 185, Taenia, Vol 1, 706; Vol 2, 1489, 1521
187–194, 198, 199 Taenia solium, Vol 1, 706, 707, 722; Vol 2,
rifampin resistance, Vol 2, 861 1489, 1501
sulfonamide resistance, Vol 1, 346–347 Target-mediated antibacterial resistance, Vol 1,
telithromycin resistance, Vol 2, 860 89–94
tetracycline resistance, Vol 2, 861 mecA gene —PBP2a, substitution, Vol 1, 92, 181, 194;
treatment of resistant strains, Vol 2, 861–862 Vol 2, 1548
trimethoprim resistance, Vol 1, 351 modification, Vol 1, 93
trimethoprim–sulfmethoxazole resistance, mosaic genes, Vol 1, 90, 91
Vol 2, 862 overproduction, Vol 1, 92
vaccine, conjugate, Vol 2, 862 point mutation
Streptococcus pyogenes. See streptococci, (non-pneumococcal); Group gene conversion, Vol 1, 91
A streptococcus gyrA gene, Vol 1, 90
Streptogramin, Vol 1, 69, 70, 93, 98, 289, 320, 369; Vol 2, 858, rpoB RNA polymerase gene, Vol 1, 90
859, 861, 872–874, 890, 900, 910, 951, 1429–1431, promoter mutations and overexpression, Vol 1, 92
1545, 1652 protection/modification
class, Vol 1, 101–102, 269, macrolide resistance, Vol 1, 93
mechanism of action, Vol 1, 271 QNR proteins and fluoroquinolone resistance,
resistance and MLSB epidemiology, Vol 1, 82, 237, 238, Vol 1, 93
272, 273, 277; Vol 2, 876, 877 tet(M) protein, Vol 1, 93
resistance mechanisms, Vol 1, 271–272; Vol 2, 858, substitution Vol 1, 90, 92
875, 1098 VanA and VanB operons, glycopeptide resistance, Vol 1, 93
Index 771
Yeast cell cycle, Vol 1, 392 Z
Yersinia pestis, plague agent Zanamivir, Vol 1, 493, Vol 2, 1247, 1253, 1254. See also
antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance, Vol 2, Neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors
1655–1657 Zidovudine resistant virus (AZT) HIV, Vol 2, 1297