Focus Gluten Free Perlmutter
Focus Gluten Free Perlmutter
Focus Gluten Free Perlmutter
A Note Before Reading
With Grain Brain, we started a discussion on the importance
of living a gluten-free lifestyle. In the years since, the gluten-
free movement has gone from existing on the fringes of the
medical research space to a much talked about and studied
area of nutrition.
Now many may say “why does that even matter, I don’t
have celiac disease?” What we’ve seen is that a sensitivity to
gluten can represent itself in diseases far beyond celiac, and
in parts of the body outside the gut. Gluten sensitivity is now
linked to myriad ailments we never would have expected,
including Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD and depression. These
diseases, and those like them, may all find their root with the
inflammation caused by gluten in the body.
In good health,
Gluten Sensitivity –
Challenged by a New Study?
The prevalence of gluten sensitivity has consuming gluten. After all, it was wheat
been the subject of lively debate over the cultivation that allowed the development of
past several years, with some researchers our modern culture,” he explained.
indicating that as many as 30% of us have
Fortunately, prior to the program I had
a bona fide reaction to gluten and even
the opportunity to review his study. And
more recent science indicating that in fact,
what I found, was that this “gamechanging
all humans have some degree of gluten
research” actually involved only 37
sensitivity. But that was until a recent
subjects! Moreover, it only looked
massive Australian study was published in
at one complaint –
the journal Gastoenterology.
This new research has captivated the distress.
press as it has been manipulated to send
We recognize,
a message that gluten sensitivity doesn’t
based upon
actually exist, and that the reactions
people may have to consuming gluten-
involving much
containing products may well have to do
larger groups of
with other components of the foods called
individuals and
FODMAPS – a group of poorly absorbed
looking at issues
well beyond the
I recently had the opportunity to appear gut, that gluten
on a National Public Radio interview in sensitivity is
which several “gluten experts” were also certainly a
interviewed. Sure enough, this study, calling real entity. For
into question the whole notion of gluten example, the
sensitivity, was debated. In fact, one of the work of British
authors of this highly comprehensive study researcher
was also a guest on the program. Dr. Marios
He began by revealing to the radio has
audience that his earlier research had demonstrated
clearly recognized gluten exposure as a risk that gluten
for illness in some humans. But he went on sensitivity
to say that now, his newer research showed issues may lead
contradictory results. “Unless a person has to neurological
celiac disease, there is no reason to avoid symptoms, even
without bowel complaints. And this has now that dietary gluten could
been confirmed by other well-respected
play a causal role in the
researchers. As Dr. Hadjivassiliou stated
when discussing these neurological issues: etiopathogenesis of type 1
diabetes (T1D). However, the
Whilst the debate continues, mechanisms have not been
we owe it to our patients elucidated. … Our novel study
to screen them effectively thus suggests that dietary
for gluten sensitivity with gluten could modulate the
the simple widely available incidence of T1D by changing
antigliadin antibody test the gut microbiome.
so that we do not in the
meantime deprive them of a I found this puzzling and certainly
contradictory. So I decided to inspect
harmless but potentially the new report even further. I just
effective couldn’t understand why well-respected
treatment in researchers who had published solid
the form of science demonstrating that gluten could
be related to diabetes, would suddenly do
a gluten- an about face and write a report giving the
free diet. impression that unless a person has celiac
disease, they should go ahead and not
Even more worry about eating gluten containing foods.
compelling is
It was then that I discovered that the
the fact that the
funding for this research was provided
very researcher
by a company called George Weston
who denied the
Foods. I encourage you to look at their
existence of
web site. There you will find that George
gluten sensitivity
Weston Foods is one of Australia’s and
has just recently
New Zealand’s largest purveyors of breads,
published a
pastas, cakes, and a host of other gluten
report that
containing foods.
begins by
stating: One can only imagine the funding that went
in to the PR campaign surrounding this
Human report. Think of it. When was the last time
and animal a tiny obscure study involving a mere 37
participants received such attention?
Yes, Gluten Sensitivity
Is Very Real
Hardly a day goes by that I don’t see an fact very real indeed, and, according to the
article indicating that the notion of going authors, very common.
gluten-free is entirely overblown. Typically,
Further, the researchers call attention to
the conclusions often sounds something
the fact that individuals with non-celiac
like, “While only about 1.6% of Americans,
gluten sensitivity may not only have
those with confirmed celiac disease,
gastrointestinal issues but other issues
need to be on a gluten-free diet, there is
as well, including arthritis, depression,
absolutely no reason for anyone else to
cloudiness of consciousness, headache,
adopt this diet.”
irritability, muscle pain, neuropathy, anxiety,
Statements like these are generally made to anemia, and coordination difficulties.
convince people who may be considering
And again, this report is put out by the
eliminating gluten, or who may already
American Medical Association and was
be on a gluten-free diet, to go back to
written by researchers affiliated with some
eating gluten-containing foods. Clearly, for
of the most well respected institutions in
those of us who have done the research to
the world including Harvard Medical School
understand how gluten can affect certain
and the European Biomedical Research
people, pushing back against this type
of sentiment has always been
a challenge. No doubt, we will continue
to see nonscientific
Generally our response
publications from
has always been
naysayers as it relates
supported by well-
to the notion of
respected, peer-
gluten sensitivity
reviewed, scientific
apart from celiac
literature. As such,
disease. I think it is
it was really very
very important in
heartening to see this
debates centered on
wonderful scientific
these very important
review in the Journal of
topics that we do our
the American Medical
very best to support our
positions with well-
The authors clearly respected research.
support the notion that
non-celiac gluten sensitivity is in
Gluten And
The Microbiome
Top Researchers Reveal How
Gluten Threatens Health
Gluten Sensitivity Doesn’t
Only Involve the Gut
Is Gluten-Free
Often, I’m asked about studies and
publication that purport that going off
gluten-containing foods will increase
a person’s risk of arsenic and mercury
Gluten’s Mysterious
Hiding Places
When I was in practice, we would often see is found in wheat of course, but did you
patients who we’ve identified as being very know it is also in barley and in rye and
sensitive to gluten, and who are on a plan to very frequently in oats (because oats are
eliminate it from their diet, yet they are still oftentimes milled in factory that does
having experiencing health complications wheat as well). Certain flavor enhancers
with their skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, like MSG can contain gluten, as can various
etc. In this case, there are two things to other types of food additives. So oftentimes
consider. reading the label may not be revealing in
terms of products that contain gluten!
First, we do know that gluten sensitive
people are oftentimes sensitive to other
foods. But beyond that the bigger problem
is that many foods that don’t necessarily
look like they contain gluten may actually
contain gluten. We know that gluten
Click here
to watch
full video
Epilepsy & Gluten Sensitivity
Epilepsy affects 3 million Americans So, the researchers put him on a gluten-
and generally we don’t know the cause. free diet. When they did that his seizures
Certainly in some cases, the cause is readily completely went away, and his bloodwork
identifiable, but most cases of epilepsy actually normalized as well. Very interesting
are what we call idiopathic, meaning we that giving a gentleman with a seizure
don’t understand the cause. Now the go- disorder a gluten-free diet could make his
to treatment for epilepsy is obviously seizures go away.
using a class of medications we call anti-
And here’s another case of a 23 year old
convulsives. But let’s have a look at another
woman who had refractory seizures for 11
perspective of what we should be thinking
years. They put her on a gluten-free diet
about in terms of this devastating condition.
and her epilepsy went away.
There was a study published in the journal
Well the reason we’re having this discussion
Neurology that describes the case of an
today is because of an article from the
individual 30-year old man who had a
journal Neurology calling for us to look at
headache history for two years and suffered
treatment of epilepsy in a different way.
from refractory seizures (meaning that
The study is called “Epilepsy surgery trends
despite receiving seizure medications
in the United States 1990 to 2008,” if you
his seizures continued). In addition he
want to find it. The study says: Temporal
had issues with chronic constipation, a
lobectomey (that means taking out the
rash on his elbows and his knees, and
temporal lobe of the brain) continues to
the researchers found that his antigliadin
be heavily underutilized as a treatment
levels, antibodies against gliadin, which is
for epilepsy. Patients who are medically
something found in gluten in wheat and
refractory after failing two anti-epileptic
barley and rye, were elevated. This means
medications, should be referred to a
he was reacting to gluten-containing foods.
comprehensive epilepsy epilepsy center for My point is this: prior to taking out
surgical evaluation.” somebody’s temporal lobe, what would be
the harm of placing that epilepsy patient on
So what this study is saying is that if you a gluten-free diet? At the very least, you’ll
are refractory, meaning that you’re still reduce inflammation, they’ll feel better, and
having seizures after two medications have they may even lose a little weight. Further,
been tried, then you should be referred to their headaches may improve, and their
a center to have the temporal lobe of your cognitive function may very well improve
brain removed. Now I opened this report too! As we’ve now learned it may actually
showing you cases of patients who had help their seizure disorder quiet once and
gluten sensitivity and epilepsey showing for all.
improvement by simply following a gluten-
free lifestyle. Let’s take a look at once last
Could Going Gluten-Free
Give You Heart Disease?
I’d like to respond to an article sent my way conclusions: “Long-term dietary intake
many times over the past few years. The of gluten was not associated with risk
article, “Long-term gluten consumption of coronary heart disease. However the
in adults without celiac disease and risk avoidance of gluten may result in reduced
for coronary heart disease: prospective consumption of beneficial whole grains
cohort study,” was published by the British which may affect cardiovascular risk.” We’re
Medical Journal. It gained a lot of attention going to talk about that in just a moment.
because of the conclusion that the authors
The promotion of gluten-free diets among
reached, which was amplified by the news
people without celiac disease should not
media. Their finding? That going gluten-free
be encouraged. You may be surprised
doesn’t seem to have any beneficial impact
to hear this from me, but by and large I
on the heart.
pretty much agree with what these authors
In fact the study, which was a very long- have concluded in that they found no real
term study, went on for 26 years and relationship between going gluten-free and
looked at women who were involved in the risk for developing heart disease.
the Nurse’s Health Study, as well as health
We all understand there are benefits to
professional studies (ongoing studies). They
going gluten-free, but if you’re not gluten-
looked at what are called food frequency
free, you are going to be eating more
questionnaires, in other words what were
fiber, and fiber is really important for your
people eating between 1986 and 2010.
body. I believe that dietary fiber in gluten-
What they found was that going gluten-
containing products offsets the damaging
free did not offer any specific advantage
effects of the gluten. The reason that I
in terms of the heart. Let me read their
disagree with how this article is being discussion.)
promoted is that I think that people who
Understand that fiber doesn’t necessarily
do go gluten-free and don’t get adequate
just have to come from grain and I would
amounts of fiber are at risk for a variety
vote for getting fiber from fiber-rich foods
of problems. In this case, coronary heart
rich in prebiotic fiber, like jicama, garlic,
disease. To reiterate what the authors
onions, leeks, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory
stated: “avoidance of gluten may result in
root, and even dandelion greens. Or just get
reduced consumption of beneficial whole
some good prebiotic fiber from the health
food store!
To be clear, we need dietary fiber to nurture
So all in all I think that there are some
our gut bacteria for a variety of reasons
interesting conclusions of this study but
not the least of which is to help reduce
I think to say that people should not go
inflammation. So the take home message
gluten-free is not necessarily an appropriate
here for me, and hopefully I can transmit
that to you, is that we still want to remain
gluten-free but by all means we’ve got to
make sure we get adequate amounts of
fiber intake so that we can get the best
of both worlds. That is, of both being
gluten-free and having sufficient fiber in
our system. In this case, gluten-free, fiber-
containing grains are a good option. Things
like non-GMO rice and corn, for example.
But... It’s Gluten Free?
“But it’s gluten free!” cookies and you’re busted.
I mean that is the ticket to buying whatever, Yeah they’re gluten-free but you’re already
right? So often my patients are telling setting the stage for elevation of your
me that they only shop in the gluten-free blood sugar. That leads to shrinkage of your
aisle at the grocery store, so they can;t brain’s memory center and compromise of
understand why they aren’t losing weight. memory, paving the way for dementia. This
is really important information. Stay away
Well the reason is because just because from the gluten-free aisle in the grocery
something is gluten-free doesn’t mean it’s store and remember to shop the periphery!
good for you! The gluten-free pasta, bread,
cakes, cookies, and crackers are powerful
sources of carbohydrates! It’s like you’re
shooting yourself in the foot.
Gluten Sensitivity
When I was practicing, I treated a patient sensitivity. Here’s what they came up with.
who had a 40-year history of headaches.
The symptoms in gluten sensitivity
I did some blood work and found that she
may resemble those associated with
was gluten sensitive. I took her off of gluten
celiac disease, but with a prevalence
and her headaches disappeared.
of extra-intestinal symptoms, meaning
She then visited with her gastroenterologist, manifestations outside the gut, like
who picked up the phone and called me behavioral changes, joint pain, muscle
and to ask why I put her on a gluten-free cramps, leg numbness, weight loss, and
diet. I began to explain about something even chronic fatigue. What they found is
called non-celiac gluten sensitivity. At that, of the people with this sensitivity,
that moment, there was a lot of silence on over two-thirds have
the other end of the phone! There are still abdominal pain,
people who don’t believe that there really is and over
such a thing as being gluten sensitive if you one-third
don’t have celiac disease. experience
Back in 2012 there was an international brain
symposium in England where some of the fog! That
top gluten researchers on the planet came means this
together to look at this notion of gluten- sensitivity
related disorders. What they identified to gluten is
are three unique conditions: an allergy manifesting
to wheat, celiac disease, and, yes, gluten itself in
the brain! This extends to conditions like
depression, joint pain, and more.
On Consuming
Non-Gluten Grains
So there are a lot of grains out there that very common in the case of another gluten-
are gluten-free. For example, rice. Quinoa is, free grain, corn. More than 70 to 80 percent
by definition, not a grain (it’s not a seed of of the corn available in America today is
grass), but it widely falls into consideration genetically modified and likely treated with
when people talk about grains, and quinoa glyphosate.
is gluten-free.
So the take home message is that as long
Gluten-free grains, like rice and quinoa, as you’re watching the carb content (and
are great because the presence of gluten the source) you may have a small serving of
tends to make the gut leaky, so this avoids rice or choose some quinoa.
that problem. However, you’ve got to be
careful that when you consume these items
you’re not loading up on the carbohydrates,
the other part of the story you need to be
aware of.
Strawberry Power Smoothie
Place ingredients in blender in order given.
Serve immediately.
Salmon Cakes with Fennel & Parsnips
Heat oil in a skillet and sauté fennel and parsnips until
tender, about 7 minutes. Remove to serving plate.
Serve immediately.
Avocado Scrambled Eggs
with Lemon Broccoli
• 2 cups broccoli, chopped
• 1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil
• 1/2 Tablespoon lemon juice
• 2 eggs, beaten
• 1/4 ripe avocado, peeled & pit removed
• 1 Tablespoon nutritional yeast
• Salt and pepper, to taste
Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat and cook
broccoli until desired tenderness.
7 Layers in 7 Minutes
Mexican Breakfast
Place greens in shallow serving bowl; set aside.
Wipe out the skillet where you warmed the beans and
place it back over medium heat. Melt the remaining
teaspoon of coconut oil and cook the egg 2-3
minutes per side, depending on your desired level of
Half Moon Breakfast Buddha Bowl
• 1 Tablespoon water
• 1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil
• 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
• 1 cup zucchini slices (about 1/4 –inch thickness),
cut in half
• 1/2 navel orange, quartered
• 4 ounces smoked wild caught salmon
• 2 asparagus spears, optional
In a saucepan over medium-high heat, warm water,
coconut oil and turmeric until coconut oil melts. Add
zucchini and stir-cook until tender, about 5 minutes.
Chicken Fajita Salad
Heat a skillet over medium high heat.
Roasted Veggie Salad with
Hardboiled Egg
• 1 cup eggplant, cubed
• 1/2 cup butternut squash, cubed
• 1/2 Tablespoon olive oil
• 1 cup shredded cabbage
• 1 cup dark leafy greens
• 1 Tablespoon hemp hearts (hulled hemp seeds)
• 2 teaspoons sesame seeds
• 1 hardboiled egg, sliced
• 4 Kalamata olives
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Paprika, optional garnish
Preheat oven to 425F and line a baking sheet with
Fish Tacos with Avocado Slaw
Preheat oven to 375F and line a baking sheet with foil.
Place fish on foil and coat with lime juice, cumin, salt
and pepper; bake 10-12 minutes, until cooked through.
Greek Meatball Wraps
with Hummus & Roasted Red Pepper
Make the meatballs by combining the lamb, garlic and
oregano; shape into 8 evenly portioned meatballs.
Cook in a skillet over medium heat until browned on
all sides and cooked through, about 8 minutes. Set
aside to assemble wraps.
Crab Cakes with Rice
and Balsamic Mushrooms
Toss mushrooms in vinegar and oil; sauté lightly
in skillet over medium high heat, approximately 5
minutes (alternately, you may skip the sauté and
eat the mushrooms raw tossed in vinegar and oil if
desired). Transfer mushrooms to serving plate, wipe
out skillet and set aside (off the heat) while you
prepare the crab cake mixture.
Salmon Roasted in Almonds
and Butter
• 1 1/2 pound skin-on salmon filet
• Salt and pepper
• 6 tablespoons butter
• 3/4 cup slivered almonds
• 2 tablespoons chopped chives
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• Cracked black pepper for garnish, optional
Preheat the oven to 500ºF.
Spaghetti (Squash) with Meat Sauce
Warm olive oil in small saucepan and brown ground
turkey (no oil if using beef, simply brown beef without
Oven Fried Chicken with Cali Mash
• 2 chicken drumsticks
• 1 Tablespoon olive oil
• 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
• 2 Tablespoons hemp hearts (hulled hemp seeds)
• 1/4 teaspoon each: oregano, onion powder, garlic
powder, salt
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
• 2 cups cauliflower florets
• 1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 400F and line a baking pan with foil.
Creamy Mushroom Soup
In a saucepan over medium high heat, cook
mushrooms in oil with salt, stirring occasionally, until
very tender, about 12 minutes.
Turn off heat, add coconut milk and stock, then use an
immersion blender to blend smooth in the saucepan
(or transfer mixture to your blender to blend, then
return to the saucepan).
Greek Lemon Lamb
Whisk all the marinade ingredients together in a bowl.
Hummus Avocado Stuffed
Cucumber Boats
Cut cucumber in half lengthwise, then use a spoon
to scrape out seeds; discard seeds. Place cucumber
“boats” on a plate, peel side down (scooped side up)
and fill each with 1 Tablespoon hummus, then top with
the mashed avocado.
Serve immediately.
Roasted Chickpeas
with Olives and Capers
• 1 Tablespoon organic, unrefined coconut oil,
• 1 cup cooked chickpeas
• 1/4 cup Kalamata (or other) olives, pitted
• 1/2 teaspoon capers
Preheat oven to 450F and line a baking sheet with
foil; set aside.
Cauliflower Bruschetta
For this recipe, to get nice slices of cauliflower, it
is recommended that you take an entire head of
cauliflower and slice it in the center to create thick
slabs. Select several of these for your bruschetta and
use the remaining cauliflower for another recipe.
Hummus Stuffed Deviled Eggs
• 2 hardboiled eggs, cooled
• 2 Tablespoons hummus (organic, gluten-free, non-
GMO chickpea spread)
Peel eggs and cut each in half lengthwise. Remove
Serve immediately
Guacamole Dip
In a large bowl, mash the avocado flesh with the lime
juice. Add the salt, cumin, and cayenne. Fold in the
onions, jalapeño, tomatoes, cilantro, and garlic. Let sit
at room temperature for 1 hour and serve.
> This is a common question, and it’s one I get quite often,
especially as going grain-free and gluten-free becomes a more
popular lifestyle choice. My answer is straightforward: yes, you
can enjoy grains prepared in this fashion. However, you must be
absolutely sure the grains you are consuming are gluten-free and
that you are keeping a close eye on total carb consumption in
your diet, both of these grains and generally.
from dementia to ADHD, skin disorders, joint pain, neuropathy,
headaches and even depression as we describe in Grain Brain.
prolamins of wheat, barley, and rye and that is insensitive to the
prolamins of corn, rice, and oats.4 Internal controls for this assay
include six gliadin standards of known concentration. The limit of
gluten detection is 3 ppm. For this assessment, oat samples were
considered gluten-free if they contained 20 ppm or less of gluten,
in accordance with the current Codex limit for naturally gluten-
free foods.5
> Bad idea on two counts. First, bread has a very high glycemic
index, even whole grain bread. So it presents a big risk as it
relates to the damaging effects of sugar. Second, your average
lab test for gluten sensitivity is often going to miss the diagnosis.
> A Gluten-Free Diet As An Intervention For Autism And Associated Spectrum Disorders:
Preliminary Findings. Autism, 1999 [LINK]
> A Preliminary Investigation of ADHD Symptoms in Persons With Celiac Disease. Journal
of Attention Disorders, 2006 [LINK]
> Association Between Headache and Sensitivities to Gluten and Dairy. Integrative
Medicine, 2013 [LINK]
> Bread And Other Edible Agents Of Mental Disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,
2016 [LINK]
> Celiac Disease And Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity: A Review. Journal of the American
Medical Association, 2017 [LINK]
> Differentiation between Celiac Disease, Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity, and Their
Overlapping with Crohn’s Disease: A Case Series. Case Reports in Immunology, 2013
> Effect Of Gliadin On Permeability Of Intestinal Biopsy Explants From Celiac Disease
Patients And Patients With Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity. Nutrients, 2015 [LINK]
> Frontal Cortical Perfusion Abnormalities Related To Gluten Intake And Associated
Autoimmune Disease In Adult Coeliac Disease: 99mTc-ECD Brain SPECT Study. Digestive
and Liver Disease, 2004 [LINK]
> Gluten And Non-Gluten Proteins Of Wheat As Target Antigens
In Autism, Crohn’s And Celiac Disease. Journal of Cereal Science,
2017 [LINK]
> Recurrent Brief Depression In Celiac Disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003
> Schizophrenia, Gluten, And Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diets: A Case Report And
Review Of The Literature. Nutrition and Metabolism, 2009 [LINK]
> Small Amounts of Gluten in Subjects With Suspected Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2015 [LINK]
> The Dietary Intake of Wheat and other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation.
Nutrients, 2013 [LINK]
> The Gluten Syndrome: A Neurological Disease. Medical Hypotheses, 2009 [LINK]
> The Neurology of Gluten Sensitivity: Science VS Conviction. Practical Neurology, 2004
> Zonulin and Its Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function: The Biological Door to
Inflammation, Autoimmunity, and Cancer. Physiological Reviews - American Physiological
Society, 2013 [LINK]
About The Grain Brain
Whole Life Plan
It’s time to turn advice into action. The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan is your practical,
comprehensive empowerment guide for achieving optimal health, preserving brain
vitality, losing weight and reducing your risk for chronic diseases. Dr. Perlmutter
leverages the leading edge of published science on nutrition and wellness, taking
the lessons of Grain Brain and Brain Maker to create a powerfully actionable plan for
optimizing health and achieving peak mental performance. The Grain Brain Whole
Life Plan – live happily ever after.