Hedge Row Planting
Hedge Row Planting
Hedge Row Planting
June 2013
Financial support to the Xerces Society for the development of this guide was provided by a USDA-NRCS
Conservation Innovation Grant, the NRCS West National Technology Support Center, the CS Fund, the Turner
Foundation, the Columbia Foundation, the Ceres Foundation, the Dudley Foundation, the Bullitt Foundation, the
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, the Panta Rhea Foundation, the Gaia Fund, the Bill Healy Foundation,
the Aveda Earth Fund, the Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust, the Elizabeth Ord-
way Dunn Foundation, the Goldman Foundation, the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin ATC Envi-
ronmental Stewardship Fund, the SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Conservation Fund, the Wildwood Foundation,
and Xerces Society members.
The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the
conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. Established in 1971, the Society is at the
forefront of invertebrate protection worldwide.
Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon & Washington
Hedgerow Planting for Pollinators: Western Oregon & Washington
Definition and Purpose Client Conservation Objectives
These instructions provide in-depth guidance on how to in- Depending on landowner objectives and project design, polli-
stall dense vegetation in a linear design to enhance pollen, nator hedgerows also may provide food, cover, and corridors
nectar, and nesting habitat for pollinators. To plan a specific for other wildlife, provide windbreaks, reduce soil erosion,
project, use this guide with the Practice Installation Job Sheet protect water quality, and attract other beneficial insects such
found at the end of this document. as predators and/or parasitoids of crop pests.
Plant Selection
Native Plants: Plant species selection should be limited to Non-Native Plants: Plant selection should focus on pollen
plants providing pollen- and nectar-rich forage resources for and nectar rich native plants, but non-invasive, non-native
bees. The Appendix provides information on acceptable plants may be used when cost or availability are limiting fac-
plants in Western Oregon & Washington. tors. Please see the Appendix for acceptable non-native
If you are designing a custom plant list, individual species plants.
should be chosen so that there are consistent and adequate
floral resources throughout the season. In order to achieve Alternate Pest or Disease Hosts: In most cases, native polli-
this goal, a minimum of three species from each blooming nator plants do not serve as alternate hosts for crop pests or
period (early, mid, and late season), should be included. Plant diseases, but selected plants should be cross-referenced for
composition (i.e., percent of each species) can be designed to specific crop pest or disease associations. Research indicates
complement adjacent crop bloom time or other abundant spe- that weedy borders harbor more pests than are found in di-
cies in the landscape, with more plants blooming immediate- verse native plantings.
ly before and after adjacent crops.
Figure 1
The site on the left is not ready for planting. Site preparation should Weedy vegetation has been removed from the site on the right; cre-
focus on removing existing weedy vegetation. ating a clean planting area where hedgerow plants can become es-
tablished with less competition for sunlight and water.
4 Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon & Washington
Table 1: Weed Removal Methods
2. Apply a non-selective, non-persistent herbicide as per label when weeds are actively growing.
3. If necessary, repeat herbicide applications as weeds reach 4” to 6” in height until the desired level of weed control is achieved.
4. Plant the transplants, waiting at least 72 hours after the last herbicide treatment. Refer to the Planting Methods section of this
document for specific recommendations.
NOTE: Do not till. Avoid any ground disturbance that may bring up additional weed seed. An additional year of site preparation is
recommended if weed pressure is particularly high. Avoid use of herbicides that are bee-toxic (e.g., Paraquat and Gramoxone).
* Choice of herbicide must be acceptable to OMRI for organic operations or, if not, used outside of certified ground AND approved
by an organic certifier.
NOTE: Avoid any ground disturbance that may bring up additional weed seed. An additional year of site preparation is recommend-
ed if weed pressure is particularly high.
Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon & Washington
ments. However, in areas where the soil is compacted, de- phase. Recommended materials include wood chips, bark
graded, or depleted, compost should be used during planting. dust, weed-free straw, nut shells, grapeseed pumice, or other
Compost should be free from weed seeds, aged properly, and regionally appropriate weed free mulch materials.
mixed thoroughly with soil in the holes during planting. Seeding Wildflowers: Wildflowers can also be planted
Where rodent damage may occur, underground wire cages from seed within or adjacent to hedgerows to provide addi-
around roots are recommended. Plant guards also may be tional plant structure and diversity. Seeding requires excel-
needed to protect plants from above ground browsing or ant- lent site preparation to reduce weed pressure since weed con-
ler damage by deer. Newly planted areas should be clearly trol options are limited when the wildflowers start to germi-
marked to protect them from herbicides or other disturbances. nate. For more information on establishing wildflowers from
Mulching (2” to 3” deep) is recommended to reduce weed seed, see the Conservation Cover for Pollinators Installation
competition and to retain moisture during the establishment Guide and Job Sheet: Western Oregon & Washington.
(Photo: Eric Mader, Xerces Society) (Photo: Gwendolyn Ellen, Oregon State University)
Figure 2. Hedgerow plants can be staggered in multiple rows, providing a wider habitat feature, with greater secondary benefits (such as
screening, wind reduction, and dust control (left). Where weed pressure is particularly severe, the ground below the hedgerow can be
covered in weed barrier landscape fabric (right). The use of weed barrier however may reduce the value to ground-nesting wildlife, in-
cluding many species of bees.
Figure 3. Grow tubes or trunk protectors may help during establishment to reduce
browsing by herbivores and trunk damage from mowers or weeding operations
(top left) (Photo by: John Anderson, Hedgerow Farms). Wildflowers can be seed-
ed in linear strips alongside newly planted hedgerows to provide pollen and nectar
resources while slower growing shrubs become established (top right) (Photo by:
Jessa Guisse, Xerces Society). Site preparation and weed eradication needs to be
very rigorous prior to planting seeds. See Conservation Cover (327) for Pollina-
tors Installation Guide and Job Sheet: Western Oregon & Washington. Most spe-
cies will benefit from an inch of water per week during the first two years of es-
tablishment, either from natural rainfall, or from irrigation, such as the drip irriga-
tion lines used on this hedgerow (left) (Photo by: Eric Mader, Xerces Society).
8 Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon & Washington
Appendix: Recommended Plants, Sources, and References
Recommended Native Hedgerow Plants for Pollinators. Most woody plants on this list can be main-
tained as a hedge or cut back to 3 feet tall during the dormant season.
Early Season Blooming Species
Manage as a tree or shrub based on prun-
Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 20 ft Medium
ing. Poisonous to livestock.
Evergreen. Take care to protect growth
Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium 8 ft Medium
points at tips of branches during pruning
Vine Maple Acer circinatum 20 ft. Medium Will grow well in shade or sun
Large, evergreen short-lived bush form
Riverbank Lupine Lupinus rivularis 4 ft Medium of lupine; limited tolerance for freezing;
fast/aggressive growth; reseeds.
Host for spotted wing drosophila. Flow-
ers attract migrating hummingbirds.
Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis 12 ft High
Suckering will expand plant over time.
Fair establishment from cuttings.
Saskatoon Service-
Amelanchier alnifolia 15-20 ft Medium
Dioecious. Plant male plants to provide
critical pollen source. Maintained as a
Scouler’s Willow Salix scouleriana 20+ ft High
tree or shrub based on pruning. Good
establishment from cuttings.
Dioecious. Plant male plants to provide
critical pollen source. Can be maintained
Sitka Willow Salix sitchensis 20+ ft High
as a tree or shrub based on pruning. Es-
tablishes well from cuttings.
Does best in wetter conditions. Good
Twinberry Lonicera involucrata 10 ft Medium
establishment from cuttings.
Red Currant Ribes sanguineum 10 ft Medium Important plant for hummingbirds.
Early to Mid Season Blooming Species
Provides pithy stems for solitary bee
Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa 12 ft Medium
nests. Fair establishment from cuttings.
Antelope Bitterbrush Purshia tridentata 6 ft Low Southwest Oregon
Tall at maturity, but can be maintained
Cascara Frangula purshiana 35 ft Medium
as shrub based on pruning
Mock Orange Philadelphus lewisii 10 ft Medium Use native, single flowered varieties.
Does well in wet prairies. Suckering will
Nootka Rose Rosa nutkana 10 ft Medium
expand plant over time.
Does well in dry sites. Suckering will
Baldhip Rose Rosa gymnocarpa 3 ft Low
expand plant over time.
Oregon Crabapple Malus fusca 15 ft Medium Performs best with higher moisture.
Evergreen Huckle-
Vaccinium ovatum 5-10 ft Medium Host for spotted wing drosophila
Red Huckleberry Vaccinium parviflorum 5-10 ft Medium Does well in shade.
Pacific Ninebark Physocarpus capitatus 8 ft Medium Fair establishment from cuttings.
Frangula (Rhamnus)
Buckthorn 15 ft Low Southwest Oregon
Southwest Oregon. Evergreen. Pruning
Deerbrush Ceanothus integerrimus 13 ft Low
ok so long as maintain live branch tips.
Slow-growing. Pruning ok so long as
Redstem Ceanothus Ceanothus sanguineus 10 ft Medium
maintain live branch tips.
Salal Gaultheria shallon 6 ft Low Evergreen. Occurs north of SW Oregon
Suckering will expand plant over time.
Snowberry Symphoricarpos albus 4 ft Low
Fair to good establishment from cuttings.
Early to Mid Season Blooming Species
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 4 ft Low
Redbud Cercis spp. 15 ft Medium
California Wild Lilac Ceanothus spp. 10 ft Low Slow-growing
Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corybosum 6 ft Medium Host for spotted wing drosophila
Mid to Late Season Blooming Species
English Lavender Lavendula angustifolia 4 ft Medium
Basswood Tilia spp. 40+ ft Medium Very tall at maturity
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis 2 ft Low
Tough herbaceous perennial, very
drought tolerant, grows to the size of a
Russian Sage Perovskia atriplicifolia 6 ft Low
small shrub in summer, dies back to the
ground in winter
Late Season Blooming Species
The only annual on this list. Sunflower
Sunflower Helianthus anuus 7 ft Medium
will frequently reseed well.
10 Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon & Washington
Appendix: Seed Mixes, Plant Lists and Sources, and References
Bosky Dell Natives ● West Linn, OR ● 503-638-5945 ● Oak Point Nursery ● Independence, OR ● 503-508-9555 ●
www.boskydellnatives.com www.oakpointnursery.com
Clearwater Native Plant Nursery ● Redmond, OR ● 541-350- Seven Oaks Native Nursery ● Albany, OR ● 541-738-2607 ●
5261 ● www.clearwaternatives.com www.sevenoaksnativenursery.com
Derby Canyon Natives ● Peshastin, WA ● 509-548-9404 ● Sound Native Plants ●Olympia, WA ● 360-352-4122 ●
www.derbycanyonnatives.com www.soundnativeplants.com
Fourth Corner Nurseries ● Bellingham, WA ● 360-592-2250 ● Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery ● Gig Harbor, WA ● 253-857-
www.fourthcornernurseries.com 6808 ● www.woodbrooknativeplantnursery.com
Plants for Pollinators in Oregon (USDA-NRCS: technical note) Soil Solarization: A Nonpesticidal Method for Controlling Dis-
This Oregon NRCS Technical Note describes the biology and habi- eases, Nematodes, and Weeds
tat needs of native bees and other beneficial insects. An extensive This fact sheet, produced by the University of California Coopera-
and detailed list of plant species is included on pages 15 to 20. tive Extension discusses the solarization process, including plastic
http://plants.usda.gov/pollinators/ selection, installation, removal, and underlying principles.
Plants_for_Pollinators_in_Oregon_PM%2013.pdf www.vric.ucdavis.edu/pdf/soil_solarization.pdf
Conservation Buffers (US Forest Service Technical Guide) Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees
Design guidelines for buffers, corridors, and greenways. Includesand Butterflies
extensive information on hedgerows and windbreaks. This comprehensive book on pollinator conservation includes infor-
www.unl.edu/nac/bufferguidelines/docs/conservation_buffers.pdf mation about pollinator ecology, guides for identifying common
bees, and habitat designs for multiple landscapes.
Windbreaks Designed with Pollinators in Mind (Inside Agrofor- www.xerces.org/announcing-the-publication-of-attracting-native-
estry) An overview of multi-purpose windbreaks designed with pollinators/
pollinator-friendly trees and shrubs.
www.unl.edu/nac/insideagroforestry/vol20issue1.pdf Pollinator Conservation Resource Center
For additional information on pollinator plant lists, conservation
Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook. guides, pesticide protection and more.
For more information on weed management and control of specific www.xerces.org/pollinator-resource-center
weed species, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho land grant universi-
ties have compiled information into this on-line resource.
This Implementation Requirement form documents the process of establishing dense vegetation in a linear design to en-
hance pollen, nectar, and nesting habitat for pollinators. Other natural resources also may benefit, depending on your con-
servation objectives and the integration of this habitat with other conservation practices. Installation shall be in accordance
with these requirements and any attached drawings. No changes are to be made without prior approval from the tech-
nical specialist who approved the installation plan.
For detailed instructions on filling out each step in this Implementation Requirements form, please see the Hedgerow Plant-
ing (422) for Pollinators Specifications: Western Oregon and Washington.
Site history: historic and current plant cover, past use of land, pre-emergent herbicide use, compaction, etc.:
Soils and habitat: soil texture (coarse to fine), drainage, and moisture level:
Other concerns or conservation goals that may affect plant choice or site preparation and planting:
Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Implementation Requirements: Western Oregon & Washington
Note: Hedgerows can also include herbaceous wildflowers as an understory feature, or as linear strip plantings running
alongside the row of shrubs. For suggested wildflowers, see the Conservation Cover (327) for Pollinators Installation
Guide and Job Sheet: Western Oregon & Washington
Planting Method
See Hedgerow Planting (422) for Pollinators Installation Guide: Western Oregon & Washington
Finally, after establishment, no more than 30% of the habitat area should be mowed, grazed, or burned in any one year to
ensure sufficient undisturbed refuge areas for pollinators and other wildlife. Continue to protect habitat from pesticide ap-
plications and drift (especially insecticides and bee-toxic fungicides). Herbicide spot-treatments and hand weeding may be
used to control noxious or invasive plants.