Boundary Layer 1
Boundary Layer 1
Boundary Layer 1
1.1. Introduction
When a real fluid flows past a solid boundary, a layer of fluid which comes in contact with the
boundary surface adheres to it on account of viscosity. Since this layer of the fluid cannot slip
away from the boundary surface it attains the same velocity as that of the boundary. If the
boundary is stationary, the fluid velocity at the boundary surface will be zero. Thus at the
Therefore in the immediate vicinity of the boundary surface, the velocity of the fluid increases
gradually from zero at boundary surface to the velocity of the mainstream. This region is known
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
1.2. Causes of Its Formation
Large velocity gradient (Larger variation of velocity in relatively smaller distance) leading to
OUTSIDE BOUNDARY LAYER: viscous forces are negligible, flow may be treated as non-
viscous or in viscid.
The boundary layer starts at the leading edge of a solid surface and the boundary layer thickness
Near the leading edge of the solid surface, where thickness is small, the flow is laminar
As the thickness of the layer increases in the downstream direction, the laminar layer becomes
unstable, leading to transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layer. Re ~ 5.5 x 105 (Onset of
turbulent BL)
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
Turbulent flow is characterized by greater interchange of mass momentum and energy within the
fluid particles.
Velocity gradient is higher in turbulent BL, hence shear stresses are higher.
BL depends on Reynolds’s number & also on the surface roughness. Roughness of the surface
adds to the disturbance in the flow & hastens the transition from laminar to turbulent
The velocity within a boundary layer approaches the free stream velocity value asymptotically,
A distance δ is prescribed at the velocity lies within 1 % of the asymptotic value u = 0.99 U0
δ becomes the measure of the thickness of a region in which major portion of the velocity
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
(Dynamic similarity)
Although boundary layer’s and prediction are complicated simplify the N-S equation to make job
Consider an elementary strip of thickness dy & at a distance y from the plate surface.
Area of elementary strip dA = b x dy, where b is the width of the plate of this page.
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
Mass flow rate through this strip = ρ x flow velocity x area = ρub x dy
In absence of the plate, the fluid would have moved with a constant velocity equal to free stream
velocity U0.
Loss in mass flow rate through the elemental strip = ρU0b x dy – ρub x dy = ρ(U0 – u) b x dy
Hence we define the displacement thickness as the thickness of flow moving at the free stream
velocity and having the flow rate equal to the loss in flow rate on account of boundary layer
U∞ U∞
δ δ *
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
The momentum thickness (θ) is defined as the thickness of flow moving at free stream velocity
and having the same momentum flux equal to the deficiency of the momentum flux in the region
of boundary layer.
Momentum thickness can be conceived as the transverse distance by which the boundary layer
should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in the momentum of the flowing fluid on
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
The energy thickness δ** is defined as the thickness of the flow moving at the free stream
velocity & having the energy equal to the deficiency of energy in the boundary layer region
Energy thickness may be conceived as the transverse distance by which the boundary layer
should be displaced to compensate for the reduction in energy of the flowing fluid on account of
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
3. High Reynolds Number Flow
Consider steady two dimensional incompressible viscous flow in x-direction along the wall & y
BL on Flat Plate
U (x,y)
He showed that the boundary equations can be solved exactly for u & v assuming free stream
Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
With an ingenious coordinate transformation, Blasius showed that the dimensionless velocity
A complete description of the boundary layer with the aid of non-linear differential equation is
very cumbersome.
Since boundary layer is satisfied in a stratum near the wall & near the region of transition. In the
remaining region of the fluid, the mean over the differential equation is satisfied.
The mean is taken over the whole thickness of the boundary layer. Such a mean is obtained from
Boundary layer thickness increase as the square root of the distance X from the leading edge and
inversely as square root of free stream velocity. wall shear stress is inversely proportion to the
square root of X and directly to 3/2 power of u local & average skin friction vary inversely as
square root of X and directly proportional to 3/2 power of u local & average skin friction vary
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Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
Increase in drag
Wake leads to large stream wise pressure differentials across the body
For large Re (10^4 or higher) bluff bodies (e.g. circular cylinder) pressure drag constitutes
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Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
Separation takes place due to excessive momentum loss near the wall in a
boundary layer trying to move downstream against increasing pressure,
i.e., dp/dx>0 which is called adverse pressure gradient.
u u dU 1
(u v ) U
x y dx y MOMENTUM
2u dU dp
y wall y wall dx dx
2u 1 dp
y wall dx
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Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
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Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
5. Summary
To summarize, for any object immersed in a fluid, the mechanical forces are transmitted at every
point on the surface of the body. The forces are transmitted through the pressure, which acts
perpendicular to the surface. The net force can be found by integrating (or summing) the pressure
times the area around the entire surface. For a moving flow, the pressure will vary from point to
point because the velocity varies from point to point. For some simple flow problems, we can
determine the pressure distribution (and the net force) if we know the velocity distribution by
6. Conclusion
•Boundary layers require special treatment in the CFD model. •The influence of pressure
gradient on boundary layer attachment showed that an adverse pressure gradient gives rise to
flow separation.
•For accurate drag, lift, and torque predictions, the boundary layer and flow separation need to be
modeled accurately.
–A suitable grid.
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Theory of Boundary Layer and separation
–Deep convergence using the force to be predicted as a convergence monitor.
1. Bird R.B., Stewart W.E and E.N. Lightfoot,”Transport Phenomena” 2nd edition.
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