Born Together - Reared Apart - The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study (2012)
Born Together - Reared Apart - The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study (2012)
Born Together - Reared Apart - The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study (2012)
The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study
Introduction 1
then genetic influence is likely. The biological bases of twinning had not
been established in Galton’s time, but he correctly surmised that “look-
alike” twins shared 100% of their genes and “less-alike” twins shared
Richard Rende and his colleagues do not credit Galton with being
“Father of the Twin Method” because “he did not propose the compari-
son between identical and fraternal twin resemblance which is the essence
of the twin method.”4 They give this distinction to Curtis Merriman and
Hermann Siemens, whose 1924 writings described a more specific twin-
based approach with more familiar scientific terms. Director of the Min-
nesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., and human
geneticist, Peter Propping, called Rende’s assertion a “disingenuous argu-
ment” based on ranking quantitative arguments above conceptual ones.
I would agree.5
The scientific study of twins did not become truly useful until the
fundamental distinction between twin types and the methods for distin-
guishing between them were established.6 These accomplishments were
made by a series of investigators between 1919 and 1925. In 1922, Leslie
Brainerd Arey proposed the labels “MZ” and “DZ” for “one egg” and
“two egg” twins, respectively.7 MZ twins share all their genes, having
split from a single fertilized egg (zygote) within the first two weeks after
conception. DZ twins share half their genes on average, by descent, hav-
ing originated from two separately fertilized eggs. In 1924, Siemens intro-
duced a similarity method for assigning pairs as one-egg or two-egg twins,
based on co-twin (twin pair member) comparison of hereditary traits.8
This method was widely used and is not unlike currently administered
physical resemblance questionnaires.
In 1956, geneticist Gordon Allen proposed changing the terms to
“monozygous” and “dizygous” because they capture the term “zygosis”
that refers to zygote formation. He also argued that these terms had one
less syllable, making them easier to write and say.9
Variations on the two types of twinning include MZ female twins who
sometimes differ in the expression of X-linked genetic conditions (due to
random inactivation of one X chromosome in each cell early in gestation),
and DZ twins who can be conceived by different fathers (when double-
ovulating women have multiple sexual partners close in time).10 These
twin pairs can help identify factors underlying co-twin differences in
behavior and physique.
The classic twin method is a powerful investigatory tool. Despite some
differences in the early development of twins and nontwins, Danish re-
searchers established that after the age of six years disease incidence and
of five MZA twin pairs and one MZA triplet set whose families were
purposefully not told they were adopting children of multiple births. The
controversial aspects of his data collection procedures attracted consid-
erable media attention in the early 1980s and still does. Recent attempts
by scientists and filmmakers to gain access to the original data have been
fruitless—prior to his death in 2008, Neubauer bequeathed the material
to Yale University’s Child Study Center with the stipulation that the file
remain closed until 2066.31 Psychiatrist Viola Bernard, consultant for the
Louise Wise Adoption Agency that placed the twins, favored their sepa-
ration. Bernard donated her twin-related documents to Columbia Uni-
versity, denying public access to the material until 2021.32
Most psychology and psychiatry textbooks in the 1960s, 1970s, and
early 1980s reflected environmentalist views. Others in the medical com-
munity also subscribed to a largely environmentalist paradigm in those
years. In an extraordinary case involving an accidentally castrated MZ
male twin infant during circumcision, the sex researcher, John Money,
argued that a child’s gender identity could be altered if surgical and psy-
chological interventions were introduced by eighteen months of age.33 His
findings went unchallenged publicly until 1997.34 Child psychiatrist Leo
Kanner blamed the apparently cold, conflicted practices of so-called re-
frigerator mothers for the onset of autism and other behavioral disorders
in young children.35 This belief persisted until the early 1970s.
In short, anyone suggesting that genes affected human behavior took a
huge academic risk. Harvard biologist Edward O. Wilson, famous for his
seminal work Sociobiology (1979), was doused with a bucket of water
as he approached the podium at the 1978 American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) convention in Washington, D.C.36
The tensions of those times are well captured in a review of essays on
race, social class, and IQ,37 and a book on the subject.38
At the same time, there were growing signs of discontent with the
prevailing environmentalist perspective. The roots of this dissatisfaction
came from a variety of sources. Research conducted in the 1950s and
1960s showed that pairings of some stimuli did not always produce pre-
dicted responses. An example is the Garcia Effect, in which rats learned
to avoid food associated with nausea but could not learn to avoid loud
noises or flashes of light when paired with the nausea.39 Thus, there ap-
peared to be biological constraints on behavior that stimulus-response
paradigms could not explain. The Garcia Effect was not fully appreciated
by psychologists until the late 1960s and 1970s.40
Continuing advances in human genetics strengthened the idea of gene-
behavior relationships. In 1959, investigators discovered that an extra
The MISTRA came into being in 1979 and lasted for twenty years. It con-
ducted comprehensive psychological and medical assessments of eighty-
one MZA and fifty-six DZA twin pairs, with each assessment lasting for
an entire week. The study’s goal was to identify associations between differ-
ences in the twins’ life histories and the twins’ behavioral differences. The
MISTRA was not originally conceived from a developmental or longitudi-
nal perspective, but was exploratory in nature. Nevertheless, developmen-
tal data provided by the different pairs were revealing and relevant to the
ongoing longitudinal twin50 and adoption studies51 that were finding
genetic influences on behavioral and physical changes. Hypotheses were
not specified at the outset, except in a few instances.
Like Shields who had studied separated twins in the 1960s, the MIS-
TRA investigators took the view that the MZA twin design was a unique
and valuable research tool.52 It could generate ideas and predictions, and
provide results that could be used alongside results from other twin and
adoption studies. Findings of greater MZA than DZA twin similarity
would be consistent with, but not proof of, genetic effects on the traits
under study.53
I was associated with the MISTRA from 1982 to 1991, for three years
as a postdoctoral fellow and six years as Assistant Director of the Min-
nesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research. I scheduled twins’ assess-
ments, gathered psychological data on 86 of the 137 separated pairs, and
contributed to scientific reports. I revisited the University of Minnesota
in October 2009, April 2010, and October 2010, thirty years after the
MISTRA assessed the first reared-apart pair. The purpose of these visits
was to gather critical perspectives and personal reflections from the prin-
cipal MISTRA investigators. How did they view the study from a 2009–
2010 vantage point? How had the study impacted their area of expertise
in particular, and the psychological and medical fields in general?
Jay Samuels, professor of education at the University of Minnesota,
who developed the spelling and reading tests given to our separated twins,
concluded, “The timing was right. [The MISTRA] came about when be-
haviorism was losing popularity and cognitive psychology was gaining
rapidly. I would argue that in addition to [Noam] Chomsky’s attack on
language acquisition [by modeling and reinforcement], Bouchard’s work
had a major influence in bringing in a new paradigm.” Samuels’s views
were echoed by the over fifty collaborators and former students with
whom I spoke. Many also emphasized that the psychology department’s
academic networks made the University of Minnesota especially well
suited for a study of twins reared apart. Many of the collaborators had
professional connections to one another early in their careers.
Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. joined the University of Minnesota in 1969. He
was an industrial organizational psychologist who had earned his PhD
degree with Donald MacKinnon and Harrison Gough at the University
of California–Berkeley Institute for Personality Assessment and Research.
Irving I. Gottesman joined Minnesota’s faculty in 1966 after completing
his degree in that department in 1960. Gottesman had a rich history of
twin research involving studies of adolescent twins in Minnesota and
schizophrenic twins in the United Kingdom with James Shields that pre-
dated David Lykken’s twin research.54 Gottesman takes credit for “chang-
ing Bouchard’s career” from industrial organizational psychologist to
behavioral geneticist, and Bouchard agrees: “He put stuff in my mailbox—
I never took a course in behavioral genetics in my life.”55
Bouchard had considered starting a reared-together twin study before
the start of the MISTRA, but he did not want to encroach on his col-
league David Lykken’s area of research. Gottesman, however, suggested
to Bouchard that he launch a study of twins reared apart. Gottesman
pointed out that no one had done such investigations since Newman,
Freeman, and Holzinger’s 1937 study in Chicago, Shields’s 1962 study in
England, and Juel-Nielsen’s 1965 study in Denmark. Gottesman was
familiar with the Danish study and had authored the introduction to
Juel-Nielsen’s 1980 follow-up study of the twelve MZA twin pairs who
comprised the original 1965 sample. Gottesman wrote, “Identical twins
brought up apart are scarce, indeed, and their potential for stimulating
research ideas about the origins of normal and abnormal characteristics
is great.”56
Following discussions at the university’s faculty club with Gottesman,
Lykken, and psychologist Auke Tellegen, Bouchard had eventually given
up on the idea of a reared-apart twin study in Minnesota because there
was no obvious or systematic way to locate these rare separated sets.
Juel-Nielsen had obtained most of his twins through Denmark’s popula-
tion registry, but the United States did not have a comparable resource.
Finding separated twins through radio or television broadcasts, as New-
man and Shields had done, seemed impractical. Then Bouchard read about
the Jim twins in a newspaper article on February 20, 1979. His crumbling
maroon leather-bound calendar bears the following inscription for that
date: “Heard About Twins.” Consequently, the individual differences text-
book Bouchard was writing was never completed, and his work with
Gottesman on a book of readings, intended to update James Jenkins and
Donald Paterson’s 1961 individual differences volume,57 was discontinued.
Research Focus
Twin research operates at two levels. The first level includes studies di-
rected at the unique physical and behavioral aspects of twinship, such as
the effects of prenatal competition for nutrition and the experience of
growing up with a same-age sibling. Research has, for example, consid-
ered the effects of low birth weight on twins’ language development60
and the advisability of placing twins in the same or separate classrooms.61
The second level includes studies using twins as tools for estimating ge-
may have led researchers to believe that MZA pairs with physical and/or
behavioral differences were DZA, so such pairs may have been over-
looked. In contrast, twins were accepted into the Minnesota study with-
out reference to their twin type, ensuring that the MZA pairs represented
a broader range of within-pair differences. In fact, twin type was not
confirmed by laboratory testing until the end of the assessment week or
after the twins had left Minnesota.
that they filled in interest inventories. The various data were analyzed
when each investigator was ready and able to do so.
I joined the MISTRA in August 1982 as a postdoctoral fellow and
stayed for nine years. Working on the MISTRA and writing this book
came naturally to me because of my background in twin research. I
had completed my doctoral thesis at the University of Chicago in
1982, “Cooperation, Competition, and Altruism within Twin Sets: A Re-
appraisal,” and the MISTRA offered opportunities to reexamine some of
the ideas and findings generated by that work, using twins reared apart. I
am also a fraternal twin.
I have been given access to all files and documents associated with the
MISTRA. I have also interviewed nearly every investigator, many research
assistants, and some reared-apart twins who were part of this project.
Some twins’ names have been changed to preserve their identity.
The Twins
Many twins used their time in the Twin Cities to capture the fun they had
missed by not growing up together. For example, MZA twins Mark and
Jerry (both volunteer firefighters, hence their nickname “fireman twins”)
dunked their vitalogs (the activity monitors that continuously measure
heart rate and motion) in Coca-Cola after we had recorded their data.
The DZA twins Dewayne and Paul celebrated their first birthday together
in our laboratory at age seventy with party hats and favors.
Casual observations sometimes guided components of the assessment
schedule. Flirtatious exchanges between reunited opposite-sex co-twins
prompted us to add questions about sexual attraction to one’s co-twin.
Some reunited adult siblings as well as parents and their adult children
have experienced sexual feelings for one another, associated with having
been apart during children’s early years.71 I will return to this topic in the
discussion of the sexual life history study.
The more immediate rapport we observed among the MZA than the
DZA twins led to our development of a twin relationship survey. Associa-
tions between genetic overlap and social relatedness were timely topics
within the growing field of evolutionary psychology, and still are. More-
over, meeting one’s twin for the first time is an extraordinary life-changing
event. Many twins were overwhelmed with introductions to new in-laws,
nieces, nephews, and even parents. Their letters to Bouchard still move me:
I must tell you that it has been the most wonderful experience of my life to be
re-united with my sister and that when we met it was like a coming home.
(DZA female twins, met at age 56)
You can imagine how amazed I was to learn [that I was a twin] 36 years
later . . . We have now had eleven happy months of getting to know each
other—and what happy months! (MZA female twins, met at age 36)
The reared-apart twins also learned a lot about their early circumstances
and medical life histories. They could finally understand that their me-
chanical aptitude or seasonal allergy had a partial genetic basis, which was
satisfying knowledge to adoptees without access to their biological past.
Most twins enjoyed each other’s company and stayed in touch, but even
those who did not felt gratified to have met their twin at last.
Springer learned that he had a twin when he was eight, but he had
accepted the story that his brother had died. Then, at Jim Lewis’s urging,
the Piqua court told Jim Springer that his brother was alive and how to
contact him. Springer called Lewis and left a message with his call-back
telephone number. Lewis returned the call, and the twins met for the first
Figure 1-1. The Jim twins: Jim Springer (left) and Jim Lewis. (Photo courtesy
Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. Unposed photographs taken in David Lykken’s
Three weeks after they met, Springer served as best man in the cere-
mony for his twin brother’s third marriage. Newspapers chronicled the
twins’ striking similarities, including their first names (Jim), their favorite
school subject (math), their dreaded school subject (spelling), their pre-
ferred vacation spot (Pas Grille Beach in Florida), their past occupations
(law enforcement), their hobbies (carpentry), and their sons’ first names
(James Alan and James Allan). The article about them was reprinted in
newspapers around the country, including the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Jim and Jim were not the first separated twins to surface in the United
States since the publication of a series of case studies in 1949 by Barbara
Burks and Anne Roe.3 MZA twins Tony Milasi and Roger Brooks were
reunited in 1962, at age twenty-four, after Roger was mistaken for Tony
by a busboy in a Miami, Florida pancake house. Their reunion was cov-
ered in the press, and a book describing their lives appeared in 1969.4
When the book appeared, Bouchard had just joined the University of
Minnesota faculty and Lykken had not begun to study twins.
On February 20, 1979, the day that the Star Tribune article appeared,
University of Minnesota psychology graduate student Meg Keyes showed
the story to her professor, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. She had taken Boucha-
rd’s course in individual differences in behavior, a class that included read-
ings about separated twins. A second copy of the Star Tribune article was
left in Bouchard’s mailbox by psychology professor Gail Peterson. Peter-
son appended a note saying, “I thought you would get a kick out of this.”
Meg, now Dr. Keyes of the Minnesota Twin Family Study, remembers
that Bouchard was “excited from the get-go—he moved fast getting funds,
staff, and tests together.” “I had to find the twins—I thought someone else
would go for the Jims, but no one did,” said Bouchard.
Every once in a while, a scientist encounters an unusually fascinating
research problem, issue, or situation that is irresistible. Such projects usu-
ally involve some degree of risk in terms of time, funding, and reputation,
but the process is exhilarating if the topic is right. Few people had the
opportunity to compare, firsthand, the behaviors of identical twins reared
apart from birth. Bouchard admitted that he had formed a “big plan” in
a few hours, but with no money.5
Bouchard telephoned the Associated Press in Cincinnati, Ohio, in an
attempt to locate the twins. He told the person on the other end that he
was prepared to “beg, borrow and steal” to support this case study. On
February 25, 1979, the New York Times ran the front-page story, “Iden-
tical Twins Seen as Offering New Clues in a Psychology Study; Searched
for Brother.” Bouchard was quoted as saying, “I’m going to beg, borrow
and steal and even use some of my own money if I have to. It is important
to study them immediately because now that they have gotten together
20 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
they are, in a sense, contaminating one another.” The New York Times ap-
parently had obtained the story over the Associated Press wire; Bouchard
recalls hearing typing on the other end as he spoke, explaining why his
words were repeated.
Bouchard’s original letter of invitation sent to Jim Lewis and Jim Springer
introduced the investigators and provided an overview of activities the
twins would complete. The letter also explained that the project covered
airfare, food, lodging, some lost wages, and a modest honorarium to off-
set miscellaneous expenses. Bouchard also invited each pair to dinner one
Figure 1-3. Left to right: Irving I. Gottesman, Auke Tellegen, and MZA twin
Jim Lewis. (Photo courtesy Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. Photograph taken by a
media center staff member, March 1979.)
22 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
The Assessment
Every colleague acknowledged that Bouchard’s extraordinary ability to
generate enthusiasm was key to starting the study and keeping it going.
When the study began, Bouchard was investigating factors affecting gen-
eral intelligence and special mental abilities. His 1970s publications in-
cluded studies of spatial ability, problem-solving strategies, and intelligence
testing. He quickly put together a comprehensive assessment schedule that
required four days for the twins to complete. The Jim twins and the pairs
who followed became the first separated sets to complete psychological,
psychophysiological, psychomotor, life stress, and sexual life history pro-
tocols; previous reared-apart twin studies focused on general intelligence
and personality traits.
The research program could not be completed in four days, so the Jim
twins returned to Minnesota five months later. The assessment schedule
eventually expanded to fill five full work days, plus one evening and two
An important activity of the first assessment day was a series of un-
posed photographs of the twins taken alone, then together. The MZA
twins’ typically similar body postures and the DZA twins’ typically dis-
similar ones were unexpected findings, suggesting that there is genetic
influence on these behaviors. We would also see genetic effects on body
movement and gestures suggested by the MZA twins during separate vid-
eotaped interviews held later in the week. Bouchard recalls a pair of Brit-
ish women who continually twirled a strand of pearls around their necks
as they spoke. Details of all the tests and inventories that were adminis-
tered are provided in subsequent chapters and in this book’s Web site.
The medical tests began on the first full study day and continued over
the next three days. Dr. Naip Tuna, then Director of Electrocardiography
and Non-Invasive Cardiology, first learned about the Jim twins from
Bouchard. Tuna was “very interested” but uncertain as to the importance
of heredity in adult cardiac functioning. “I thought genetics played a greater
role in children’s heart disorders,” he admitted. Nevertheless, Tuna was
intrigued and assumed the role of primary physician and cardiologist for
the study. Eckert and Heston administered the twins’ psychiatric inter-
views and medical life histories until clinical psychologist Will Grove re-
placed Heston, who joined the University of Washington in 1990.
Other physicians saw the reared-apart twins as a unique opportunity
to conduct research in their own fields. Dr. Michael Till, a pediatric den-
tist, read about the project in the university’s newspaper, the Minnesota
Daily. Till brought the study to the attention of his colleagues in adult
dentistry, but there was little interest. He attributes their cool response to
patient overloads, heavy teaching responsibilities, and emphasis on restor-
ative dental procedures. But Till was captivated. He contacted Bouchard,
whom he did not know at that time, and the addition of a dental compo-
nent to the project was decided over coffee. Till’s only concern was that
24 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
the walls of his examining room were decorated for children and the ex-
amination chairs were on the small side.
Thanks to my own periodontal problems, a periodontal evaluation
was added to the project in 1986. While having my gums probed at the
university’s clinic, Dr. Mark Herzberg asked me about my twin research.
It was hard to talk, but I managed to describe what we were doing and
finding. He immediately recognized the research possibilities for his own
specialty and put us in touch with his colleagues Bruce Pihlstrom and
Bryan Michalowicz. During my 2009 visit to Minneapolis, Michalowicz
(like McGue) told me that the MISTRA had put the University of Min-
nesota’s periodontal department “on the map” in terms of defining gene-
tic risk for periodontitis.
Informal clinical interviews were offered to the first twenty-three twin
pairs as either a respite from the rigorous assessment schedule and/or an
opportunity to discuss personal life history issues. These interviews were
administered by Lloyd Sines, then professor in the university’s psychiatry
department and a colleague of Heston and Eckert, who brought him into
the study. I have never met Sines, but I have seen his name on our early
files. Over the course of a long telephone conversation in May 2011, I
heard a different take on what the reared-apart twins might tell us.
“I had no mission,” Sines told me. “I only had to talk to [the twins] in
a friendly, professional manner.” But there was more. “I did not share
the highly biological perspective of the others. I may have expressed
misgivings to them. Part of my motivation, in addition to the intrigue and
importance of the endeavor, was to do something different with the
twins—to approach them with a more clinical, subjective point of view.”
Sines recalled the well-known MZA twins Oskar and Jack, raised Catho-
lic in Nazi Germany and Jewish in Trinidad, respectively, and speculated
about the effects of their rearing situations on their personalities and
politics. “[Oskar’s opinion on World War II] vindicated my involvement
in the study—I knew I had found something that the biological approach
had missed.” I will return to our findings on Oskar and Jack in later chap-
ters of this book. Sines’s interviews were discontinued (as were some other
tests and activities) once the assessment schedule grew longer, but Bouchard
has always said that the twins appreciated them.
The University of Minnesota is situated in a large city that offers ac-
cess to many types of specialists. The Minneapolis War Memorial Blood
Bank, directed by Dr. Herbert F. Polesky, was just downtown.10 Polesky
analyzed the twins’ blood group profiles, classifying them as MZA or
DZA. (I will say more about this process in Chapter 2.) In 1985, we dis-
covered Tourette syndrome in all three members of an MZA/DZA triplet
Ultimately, Bouchard did not have to beg, borrow, or steal to bring the
Jim twins to Minnesota. He was serving on the university’s graduate
school research advisory committee when the Jim twins were found, and
he knew that this body dispensed faculty research grants, sometimes on an
emergency basis. He secured $6,500 within a couple of days, bringing the
Jim twins to Minnesota on March 11, 1979, just three weeks after they
were found. The funds were not intended to cover spouses, but the Jims
insisted on coming to Minnesota with their wives. This posed a financial
burden, but it also enabled comparative normative data to be gathered
on nontwins (and nonadoptees) by having spouses complete some of the
same tests as the twins. Analyses of spouse similarity (assortative mating)
could be performed on various traits of interest. As the study progressed,
it became clear that having spouses, children, or friends travel with the
twins provided an added incentive for the twins to participate. According
to Bouchard, a family member’s presence may have yielded a more repre-
sentative sample; otherwise, only the more adventuresome twins might
have participated.
In the wake of the publicity surrounding the Jim twins, Bouchard’s
department chair, John Darley, told him, “You will find more twins, so
you will need more grants.” Darley telephoned the Spencer Foundation
in Chicago, an organization that supports research on educational issues
and values. The next meeting of the awards committee was ten days
away, but Bouchard submitted a grant and received $32,000. “By then
we had a few more pairs, and things rolled.” Bouchard recalls his encoun-
ter with his chair as one of several unplanned events that moved the study
along. “Jack Darley was paying attention to what was happening in the
department. His actions became a model for me when I was chair.” At
about this time, Bouchard had also secured a $10,000 grant from the
publishing house Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Both the Spencer and Har-
court funds covered the research period from spring 1979 to summer
1980. The funds covered the twins’ travel costs, some medical tests, the
assistants’ salaries, and other research-related expenses.
raising new ideas about the origins of human behavior. For example, both
of the thirty-nine-year-old Jims had gained ten pounds at the same time
for no apparent reason. Heston found this remarkable because, while
weight gain often occurs between the ages of thirty-four and forty, the
Jims’ weight change had occurred simultaneously. He suggested that what
appeared to be an “improbable coincidence” might reflect genetic influ-
ence on physical changes associated with aging.11 Heston was also capti-
vated by the Jims’ similar mixed headache syndrome (a tension headache
that turns into a migraine), which first affected both twins in their teens.
Lots of people have headaches, but in separate interviews the Jim twins
used the same words and concepts to describe their disability and pain.
Springer said, “It feels like somebody’s hitting you in the back of the neck
with a two-by-four,” and Lewis noted that “It’s centered in the back of the
neck, and it damn near knocks me out sometimes.”12
The Jim twins’ striking resemblance created intense interest among the
media, colleagues, and, of course, the Minnesota investigators. Members
of the research team said many times that they did not expect the twins
to be as similar as they were. Relying on statistical findings, Bouchard
discovered that on most of the twenty-three vocational test categories, the
Jims were as alike as the same person taking the same test twice.13 And
their California Psychological Inventory scale scores were so alike that
one twin’s profile could be superimposed upon the other’s. The twins’
performance (nonverbal) IQ scores were just one point apart, although
their full scale scores differed by nine points. Bouchard himself told the
New York Times that “If someone else brought the material to me and
said, ‘This is what I’ve got,’ I’d say I didn’t believe it.”14
The twins’ physical measures and other medical characteristics were
also highly matched. Lewis weighed 154.90 pounds and was 70.90 inches
tall, while Springer weighed 154.59 pounds and was 71.40 inches tall.
Springer had had two heart attacks, and Lewis had been hospitalized for
a suspected heart problem. The average male age for having a heart at-
tack is sixty-six, so the thirty-nine-year-old twins’ heart problems were
unusual.15 Their biological family’s health history may have placed them
at higher risk, but this information was unknown. The twins’ smoking
habits and visual acuity were also alike.
There is something to be said for being present in order to appreciate
and absorb what was taking place during the reared-apart twin assess-
ments. Bouchard once explained that the MISTRA actually took place
on two levels, statistical and anecdotal. The statistical level involved com-
paring the magnitude of correlations and concordance measures between
the MZA and DZA twin pairs. Such data are gathered objectively,
28 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 1-4. Reared-apart British twins’ long, slender hands and fingers,
showing their shared taste for jewelry. (Photo courtesy Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.
Photograph taken in David Lykken’s laboratory.)
twin pairs were as alike as the Jims—if one of these pairs had reunited
first, there might have been less media attention, and fewer separated sets
would have surfaced. It was fortunate that the Jims were as similar as
they were. Without them, science and society might have been deprived
of the wealth of data gathered from the 137 reunited sets and the over
150 publications that resulted. Others are still being written.
Participant Identification
Identifying participants for the MISTRA was almost as exciting as the
study itself. We mostly learned about reunited twin pairs from news-
papers, but we also received tips from colleagues, family members, and
acquaintances. We studied DZA as well as MZA pairs to avoid the criti-
cism of possibly attracting the most similar sets. We studied DZA opposite-
sex as well as same-sex pairs to determine if male-female pairs were less
alike on some traits than their same-sex counterparts.
It was more exciting to find twins by oneself than from our other
sources. On December 6, 1979, when I was a graduate student, I summa-
rized my dissertation research on twins for the Children’s Home and Aid
Society of Illinois and mentioned the MISTRA. A social worker con-
fessed to me that her agency had separated female twins, Barbara and
Judy, thirty-one years earlier, yet neither twin knew they were part of a
set. The social workers believed that separating the twins was advisable
because Barbara (the fussy twin) might not receive the attention she
needed if placed with Judy (the engaging twin). I pushed for information
about the twins, but the society suggested that I have Bouchard contact
the Executive Director, Edwin Millard. Bouchard did, and nine months
later, in September 1980, Barbara and Judy were reunited in Minneapo-
lis at age thirty-two. However, the process of finding these twins was
When I spoke with the society’s former research director, Joan
DiLeonardi, in April 2010, she recalled the case immediately. “If my stu-
dent and I had decided not to do it, it would never have happened. The
1940s were the ‘heydays of secrecy in adoption,’ but by the 1980s things
had changed.” Fortunately, DiLeonardi’s field student, Ellen Smith, was
fascinated by the possibility of bringing twins together, and searched hun-
dreds of Chicago-area records. When the twins were finally located,
DiLeonardi placed several calls to each one, first inquiring about their
respective adoption experiences. In her second call to Barbara, DiLeonardi
told her, “You have a special sibling.” “Oh?” “You have an identical twin.”
34 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 2-1. Aro Campbell (left) and Iris Johns. The twins, separated at six
weeks of age, met for the first time at age seventy-five. (Photo credit Nancy
L. Segal.)
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 35
Note: These values reflect the most direct source of information. The majority of
self-referrals and referrals from colleagues and previous participants were in response to
media coverage of the study. Other sources included the twins’ attorney, the Guinness
Book of World Records, and the interested public.
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 37
3/1979–2/1980 14
3/1980–2/1981 12
3/1981–2/1982 15
3/1982–2/1983 10
3/1983–2/1984 3
3/1984–2/1985 10
3/1985–2/1986 8
3/1986–2/1987 13
3/1987–2/1988 4
3/1988–2/1989 9
3/1989–2/1990 4
3/1990–2/1991 6
3/1991–2/1992 7
3/1992–2/1993 4
3/1993–2/1994 6
3/1994–2/1995 3
3/1995–2/1996 1
3/1996–2/1997 2
3/1997–2/1998 4
3/1998–4/1999 2
that MZA and MZT twins display about the same degree of resemblance
on most measured physiological and psychological traits. For conve-
nience, however, I will refer to our twins as a sample (a representative
subset of the members of a population).
The twins’ mean age at separation was 218.21 days (standard devia-
tion = 343.59) and ranged from 0.00 to 1,644 days. Expressed in years, the
mean age at separation was 0.60 years (standard deviation = 0.94) and
ranged from 0.00 to 4.50 years.
Kerrie turned twenty-five, she met a man at a party who said he’d bet
a million dollars that she and someone named “Amy” were twin sis-
ters.11 After a series of telephone calls, the twins met and were struck by
their resemblance. Their adoption agency eventually confirmed what
they already knew. Kerrie is angry that she and Amy missed their grow-
ing-up years together. “They didn’t realize what [separation] can do to
somebody,” she said.
Kerrie and Amy were our only DZA twins to be reunited because one
twin was confused for the other. Their experience underlines the wide
variability among DZ (and DZA) twins and full siblings with respect to
similarities in appearance and behavior.
The question of biased data collection based on visual impressions of
twin type is a concern in every twin study. We handled this issue in vari-
ous ways, based on the different tests and activities we administered, but
general rules were followed to maintain impartiality. For example, the IQ
tests were administered by different examiners who were not part of the
research team, the twins were kept apart while they completed question-
naires, and each twin received the same protocols at the same time as his
or her co-twin (or one immediately after the other) to avoid exchange of
information. We also requested that the twins refrain from discussing the
tests until both had completed them. There were exceptions to these rules.
Bouchard, for instance, noted that twins given the special mental ability
Figure 2-2. Look-alike DZA twins reunited by mistaken identity. (Photo credit
Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.)
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 41
Table 2-3. Zygosity and Sex Composition of the Individual and Paired Reared-Apart Twin Samples
MZA 156 81
Male 58 32
Female 98 49
DZA (same sex) 76 38
Male 24 12
Female 52 26
DZA (opposite sex) 30 18
Male 16 —
Female 14 —
Total 262 137
Note: The paired sample in the table includes all possible pairings of the members of
each of the four triplet sets. The MZA female twins with a male co-triplet (two sets) are
entered in the MZA female individual sample, explaining why the number of individual
female opposite-sex twin individuals is lower than the number of males.
Table 2-4. Age at Assessment and Contact Measures for MZA and DZA Twins
Note: Contact means either telephone or personal contact, not contact by letter. A few
complex cases were omitted from some measures. SD: standard deviation.
a. MZA < DZA [t(260) = −3.51, P < .001].
b. MZA < DZA [F = 18.18, P < .001, t(80.07) = −2.77, P < .01].
c. MZA < DZA [t(131) = −4.19, P < .001].
d. MZA < DZA[t(131) = −3.98, P < .001].
e. MZA > DZA [F = 18.29, P < .001, t(122.18) = 2.79, P < .01].
f. MZA > DZA [F = 6.61, P < .01; the mean values do not differ significantly].
44 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
most contact measures had little influence on the twins’ behavioral out-
comes and some associations were in a counterintuitive direction. For
example, in my analysis of the twins’ social relationship, I discovered a
slight but significant correlation (r = 0.16) between days before separa-
tion and feelings of familiarity at the time of assessment. This implied
that the twins who were together longer felt less familiar with one an-
other than those who were separated sooner! This counterintuitive as-
sociation was possibly a chance finding.
The MISTRA sample also included the twins’ spouses, children, par-
ents, siblings, and siblings’ spouses, for a total of 214 nontwin individu-
als. These nontwins completed a shorter version of the assessment bat-
tery that included IQ tests, life history interviews, and inventories. Their
data were often included in the age- and sex-correction procedures we
performed prior to data analysis.
Age- and sex-correction procedures remove the effects that shared
age and sex might have on trait similarity. For example, two women aged
fifty-six years who were born in the 1950s would most likely have been
childhood readers of the Bobbsey Twins, teenage fans of the Beatles, and
adult users of calcium supplements to offset bone loss—more so than two
people of differing age and sex. If reading preferences, favorite songs,
and medical treatments are associated with age and sex, then it is impor-
tant to control for them. We did this according to the statistical proce-
dures described by McGue and Bouchard.14 Data from the nontwins also
allowed us to see if the different measures were affected by assortative
mating. The age and sex of the nontwins are shown in Table 2-5.
Country of origin, summarized in Table 2-6, was considered the place
where twins resided at the time of the study. Most twins came from the
United States (45.4 percent) and England (32.4 percent). The study was
generally limited to twins from English-speaking countries, although sev-
eral twins originally from Germany, China, and the Netherlands partici-
pated with the assistance of interpreters and/or protocols translated into
their native languages. Several twins were unable to travel to Minneapolis,
so they completed an abbreviated portion of the study in their hometowns.
In such cases, the protocols were administered by the study staff and by
other trained individuals, as in the case of the British twins described
A small subgroup of pairs included twins raised in different countries—
Germany and Canada, China and the United States, and England and
Australia, to name a few. But the twins with the most exotic rearing differ-
ences were Jack Yufe and Oskar Stohr (Figure 2-3), who were mentioned
briefly in Chapter 1.
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 45
Relationship Number Age (SD) Range Female
Country Percentage (individuals)
Australia 5.3 14
Canada 1.9 5
England 32.4 85
Germany 1.9 5
Israel 0.4 1
Netherlands 0.8 2
New Zealand 0.8 2
South Africa 0.4 1
Sweden 1.1 3
United States 45.4 119
Mixed/Uncertain 10.0 26
Total 100.0 262
46 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Jack and Oskar were born in 1933 to a Romanian Jewish father (Josef)
and a German Catholic mother (Liesel) who had met on a ship headed to
Trinidad. The couple separated when the twins were six months old—
Josef kept Jack in Trinidad and raised him Jewish, while Liesel took
Oskar to Germany and raised him Catholic. Jack grew up fearful of his
German roots in British-controlled Trinidad, while Oskar concealed his
Jewish ones in Nazi Germany. Both twins dealt with these fears in com-
plementary ways—Jack by becoming “very British” and Oskar by be-
coming “very German.” The twins met briefly in Germany in 1954 at age
twenty-one. It wasn’t a friendly reunion because, aside from their lan-
guage barrier, they regarded each other with suspicion. They didn’t meet
again until 1980 after Jack’s wife read about the MISTRA in People
magazine. When the twins met at the Minneapolis International airport,
both were wearing light-blue shirts with epaulettes on the shoulders and
wire-rimmed glasses.
There was a lot of public fascination surrounding this pair. The reunion
of “Nazi and Jew” appeared in newspaper headlines, but this was an ex-
aggeration because Oskar was only twelve years old when World War II
ended. Like other boys his age, he had been required to join the Hitler
Youth League, an activity he enjoyed mostly for its sports opportunities.
The twins’ different rearing circumstances extended beyond their
extraordinary cultural divide. Jack was raised by a father, and Oskar by
Figure 2-3. MZA twins Jack (left) and Oskar. (Photo courtesy Thomas
J. Bouchard Jr. Photograph taken in David Lykken’s laboratory.)
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 47
a grandmother (his mother was often absent). Jack joined the Israeli
navy and worked on a kibbutz; Oskar worked in the coal mines in the
Ruhr. But their Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
personality profiles matched almost completely, and they displayed a
number of unusual similarities—washing their hands before and after us-
ing the toilet, collecting rubber bands around their wrists, and intention-
ally sneezing loudly in crowded elevators. Oskar savored Jack’s spicy
Caribbean cuisine, so different from his German diet of bread and brat-
wurst. These twins are a great example of how common genes can lead to
shared behaviors even when environments diverge dramatically. Oskar
and Jack were fascinated by their shared habits and tastes, but repelled by
their contrasting political and religious beliefs. They engaged in a love-
hate relationship until Oskar’s death in 1997, a very sad event for Jack.15
The substantial percentage of British twins is due to interest taken in
the MISTRA by the late John Stroud, former Assistant Director of Social
Services for Hertfordshire, about ten miles outside London. Tall, heavy-
set, and imposing with a bushy beard, twinkling eyes, and dry sense of
humor, Stroud took great pleasure in reuniting families, especially twins,
and he developed a national reputation for doing so. Stroud’s death in
1989 was a personal and professional blow to everyone who knew him
and to twins still hoping to meet some day.16
Passage of the Children Act in 1975 gave adopted British children
the right to know their biological parents. This act, and the fact that time
of birth (for twins only) is recorded on birth certificates in England and
Wales, facilitated Stroud’s efforts.17 However, twins in one British DZA
female pair did not benefit from this practice because they were born in
different months—one on October 31, the other on November 1—a situ-
ation that delayed their reunion for some time. In another case, a clerk
reviewing a record for a twin searching for biological kin inadvertently
placed her thumb over the time of birth while inspecting the birth certifi-
cate, hiding the fact that the person in the search was a twin.
Stroud commented, “The aspects I enjoy are the detective work which
goes into these cases . . . and the sheer happiness that comes when such
separated twins meet each other. I think every twin I have helped has
used the same phrase, ‘I am over the moon.’ ”18 During our life history
and twin relationship interviews, some participants told me they discov-
ered their twinship while searching for their biological parents. They ad-
mitted that, once this was known, finding their twin became more impor-
tant than finding their mothers and fathers.
48 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 2-4. Reared-apart MZA triplets Eddy Galland, David Kellman, and
Robert Shafran (left to right) who participated in the MISTRA at age nineteen.
(Photo credit Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.)
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 49
male triplets from New York City, Eddy, Dave, and Bob (Figure 2-4), were
placed in different adoptive homes at the advice of Columbia University
psychiatrist Viola Bernard. Bernard believed that separate rearing bene-
fited multiple birth children because they would enjoy undivided parental
attention and a special place in their families. These triplets (and five
MZA twin pairs who were not in the MISTRA) were part of the discred-
ited 1960s study of separated twins by Neubauer that resulted from these
placements, as mentioned in the Introduction.19
Other unusual circumstances kept some twins apart. Canadian MZA
twins Brent and George were inadvertently switched with a nontwin
infant, Marcus, while being moved to a second foster home. Members of
MZA male set Bill and Bruce were separated because their parents al-
ready had a daughter and had planned on having only two children in
total—the ideal American family—so they gave Bruce away. Professor
William Tucker, in questioning the size and characteristics of Cyril Burt’s
MZA twin sample, found it “a tad preposterous that a middle class cou-
ple, unexpectedly finding themselves the parents of twins, pick one infant
to send to an orphanage so as not to put a crimp in their life style.”20
Nevertheless, we had such a situation in our study.
When I asked Bouchard to name the most memorable reared-apart pair
we studied, he didn’t hesitate. Jim and Jim were “the most spectacular”—
so were Oskar and Jack as well as Bridget and Dorothy, the twins who
each wore seven rings, three bracelets, and a watch. Mark and Jerry
(both volunteer firemen) were “pretty interesting.” But Bill and Bruce
were “the greatest pair on earth.” One evening, Bouchard invited the
eighteen-year-old twins and their two families to his former home on
Lake Minnetonka in Wayzata, Minnesota. While he was entertaining
their parents, he noticed that the twins had walked to the dock holding
hands—“they wanted to talk,” he said.
I remember being in the testing room, watching Bill’s parents watching
Bruce. They seemed greatly in awe and very uncomfortable seeing a rep-
lica of their son, the twin they had given away.
Twins are, presumably, separated less often today than in the past be-
cause adoption agencies have been sensitized to the importance of twin
and sibling relationships. Most jointly placed brothers and sisters do as
well as, or better than, singly placed children or siblings, though a few
do worse.21 Current research recommends placing siblings together,
while evaluating each situation on a case-by-case basis in the event of
exploitation or bullying of one sibling by another.22 The MISTRA twins’
life stories and reunions, as well as research documenting the significance
of the twin relationship, have been used to support common placement in
cases involving twins’ custody.23
50 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Joan DiLeonardi, who helped reunite twins Barbara and Judy, recalled
that a former executive at Illinois’s Children’s Home and Aid Society felt
that separating twins was an acceptable practice. Years later, when she
met the former executive at a reception, he said that he was puzzled over
efforts to bring twins together, implying that there was nothing special
about twin children. The social stigma attached to illegitimate birth has
lessened in many societies, allowing unwed mothers to raise their infants
comfortably. However, twins continue to be reared apart for other rea-
sons. Assisted reproductive technology often results in multiple births, a
situation some families are emotionally or financially unable to manage.
An estimated tens of thousands of female infants were abandoned under
China’s One-Child Policy, indirectly resulting in an unknown number of
separated twins sets, some of which I am studying.24 Several switched at
birth twin cases have also been identified over the years.25 Given inadequate
procedures for linking mothers and newborns in some hospitals, it is
likely that other cases exist but may never be detected.26
Rearing Circumstance Percentage (individuals)
Table 2-8. Rearing Circumstances of Reared-Apart Twin Pairs Organized by Zygosity (Pair Data)
% n (pairs) % n (pairs)
Rearing Circumstance 81 56
Note: Rearing categories in this table were collapsed across the specific biological and
nonbiological rearing circumstances listed in Table 2-7.
ments with both relatives and nonrelatives or who had no primary care-
takers were assigned as “complex” cases. These data are summarized in
Table 2-7.
Some critics have claimed that the reared-apart twins’ behavioral simi-
larities are enhanced when co-twins are reared by biological relatives.
However, those conducting the analyses have a different perspective on
this question. In 1958, Shields, who was in the early stages of his own in-
vestigation, emphasized the advantages of having twins variously raised
by related and unrelated families “because of the possibility for making
internal comparisons.”27 (This issue is examined again in the next chap-
ter.) The co-twins in most of our pairs were both reared by unrelated in-
dividuals (67.2 percent). The next most frequent arrangement was one in
which one co-twin was reared by biological relatives and the other was
reared by nonrelatives (13.9 percent), as shown in Table 2-8.
Table 2-9. Rearing Parents’ Best Occupation (Duncan SEI) for MZA and DZA Twin Individuals
Rearing Father
Occupation n % n %
Rearing Mother
Occupation n % n %
Note: MZA females in two MZA/DZA triplet sets are entered as individuals in the
MZA sample only. Data were incomplete for rearing parents in some cases.
Comment on Recruitment
Several recruitment examples are worth describing because they show
that the more similar MZA twin pairs did not always participate in the
MISTRA. One case concerned MZA female twins who were both
54 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 2-5. Bouchard updating the twins’ checklist, May 1985. A pair of MZA
male twins from Great Britain and their wives were undergoing assessment at
the time. (Photo credit Nancy L. Segal.)
56 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Genetic Terminology
The field of human genetics has many terms and concepts, but only some
require definition for the purposes of this book. Some terms will be defined
as they occur in the text, and others are further explained in the Glossary.
Individuals familiar with the genetics field and/or with quantitative genetic
analysis may wish to skip the next two sections of this chapter.
Genes are the hereditary units that occupy a specific location (locus)
on one of our twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. Chromosomes are the
structures in the nucleus of each of our cells that contain our genetic ma-
terial, or DNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and is the double-
helical molecule that carries genetic information. Different forms of a
gene at a certain locus are called alleles.
Each parent transmits 50 percent of his or her genes to each child. The
egg and sperm (sex cells or gametes) each contain one copy of each of the
twenty-three pairs of chromosomes; thus, each child has a maternal allele
and a paternal allele at each locus. Full siblings (and DZ twins) have a
50 percent chance, on average, of sharing the same gene at a given locus.
Some siblings (and DZ twins) will share over 50 percent of the same
genes, and some will share less. This may depend upon chance, but it
may also depend upon whether mothers and fathers match on genetically
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 57
alleles at different loci). This also explains why MZ twin resemblance for
complex polygenic traits (those involving many different genes) should be
high, and full sibling and DZ twin resemblance should be relatively low.
MZ twins inherit 100 percent of the same genes and, consequently, all
their unusual gene combinations, whereas DZ twins inherit 50 percent of
the same genes, on average, by descent.
Lykken introduced the term emergenesis to describe complex traits that
show large resemblance differences between MZ and DZ twin pairs (i.e.,
when the DZ twin correlation is less than half the MZ twin correlation).
Emergenesis can be considered a grand version of epistasis; it is discussed
further in Chapter 9. Epistasis and emergenesis are likely to reduce parent-
child resemblance in some traits because the gene combinations under-
lying these traits in the parental generation become disentangled in the
children’s generation.
Quantitative Analyses
The MISTRA and other twin studies use intraclass correlations and bio-
metrical modeling to assess genetic and environmental contributions to
trait variation (individual differences). These terms are used through-
out the book in conjunction with the specific analyses. Additional details
about the different procedures are available in behavioral genetics text-
books32 and twin methods manuals.33
Correlations express the extent to which two measures vary or change
with one another. Correlations vary from –1.0 to +1.0, with 1.0 indicating
a perfect positive relationship, −1.0 indicating a perfect negative relation-
ship, and 0.0 indicating no relationship at all. For example, traditionally
the number of candles on our birthday cakes go up by one for every year
that we age. The correlation between candles and age would be positive
(and 1.0) since they both change in the same direction and by constant
amounts. In another example, the weight of one’s clothing is likely to go
down as the outside temperature increases. The correlation between cloth-
ing weight and temperature would, therefore, be negative because these
measures are changing in opposite directions. The correlation for these
two measures might conceivably be −0.80. The relationship between them
might not yield a perfect correlation because some people wear protective
hats and scarves in the sun, thereby adding weight, and because changes
in the two probably do not occur at a constant rate.
Some measures show no relationship—that is, both may increase or
decrease in ways that are unrelated to each other. For example, it is un-
likely that height and hair color are related in a meaningful way. Tall and
short people are probably equally likely to have dark or light hair.
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 59
family that feasted on junk food, both twins might still end up with
similar health histories because the twin with the poorer diet may have
been resistant to the effects of the diet and other adverse environmental
conditions—up to a point.
Genotype-environment correlation (G-E) refers to associations between
individuals’ genes and environments, of which there are three types. Pas-
sive G-E involves parental transmission of both genes and environments
to children. Musically gifted parents might transmit both genes and envi-
ronments conducive to musical talent to their children. Reactive (evocative)
G-E involves reactions to individuals based on their expressed behaviors.
The teachers of bright MZA twins might be likely to provide them with
intellectually stimulating activities. Active G-E involves individuals’ seek-
ing out opportunities that support their interests and talents. Sports-
minded MZA twins might independently seek opportunities to practice
their skills. Passive G-E would apply to MZT twins but not to MZA
twins who are reared apart. However, teachers might react the same way
to two bright MZA twins despite their separate rearing. And two musi-
cally talented MZA co-twins might both seek opportunities to perform
even in very different environments.
The reared-apart twin study by Newman, Freeman, and Holzinger il-
lustrates another important interpretive issue regarding differences within
and between pairs. The MZA ri s for the Binet IQ score was 0.67, indicat-
ing substantial genetic influence.35 Thus, the MZA co-twins were more
like their co-twins in IQ than they were like the members of the other
pairs. At the same time, the ordinary correlation expressing the relation-
ship (within pairs) of the co-twins’ IQ differences and their educational
differences was 0.79. This meant either that (1) the higher scoring twin
had had more schooling or better schooling than his or her co-twin, or
(2) the higher scoring twin had sought out more educational experiences.
Some people have interpreted the second result as discounting genetic ef-
fects on IQ, but this is a mistake because the co-twins in each pair were
generally more similar to one another than they were to the members of
the other pairs.
People differ across traits due to the genetic and environmental differences
among them. Heritability is the proportion of population differences in
intelligence, height, or running speed that is associated with genetic dif-
ferences among the members of a population. To say that running speed
has a 33 percent heritability in ten-year-old females means that about
one-third of the population differences in that trait are explained by the
genetic differences among the young female members.36 It does not mean
1 5 , 0 0 0 Q U E ST I O N S × 1 37 PA I R S 61
for the better once the twins met and became better acquainted. Sixty-
four-year-old Scottish twins Margaret and Caroline Shand, both unmar-
ried, became friends and housemates. Thirty-nine-year-old British twins
Elaine Alin and Mary Holmes became close companions and confidantes,
especially when Elaine developed breast cancer. Thirty-two-year-old bach-
elors and firefighters Mark Newman and Jerry Levey swapped firehouse
stories over Budweiser beers, each placing a pinky finger underneath
the can. And Tony and Roger enjoyed an all-you-can-eat pizza entrée for
the price of one—these tall, dark-haired, food- and fun-loving twins pre-
tended to be the same person until a waitress baffled by the number of
“seconds” requested by her patron refused to bring more.
Case 1. MZA males, age 23, separated at age 5 days, and reunited at
age 22 years.2
• Both twins were overweight until junior high school, then
became quite thin.
• Both twins were openly and actively homosexual prior to
• Both twins had speech problems for which they, respectively,
received therapy in kindergarten and grade school.
• Both twins were diagnosed with hyperactivity in kindergarten or
first grade.
Case 2. MZA females, age 57, separated at age 6 weeks, and reunited
at age 10 years.3
• Both twins had experienced enuresis (bed-wetting) until age 12 to
13 years.
• Both twins had nightmares beginning in their teens, lasting for 10
to 12 years. The dream content included doorknobs and fish-
hooks in their mouths and feelings of being smothered.
• The twins had similar marital and educational backgrounds.
The twins’ similarities in complex behaviors, such as temperamental
traits, sexual orientation, speech problems, and nightmares, were not ex-
pected by Bouchard and the others. “Having been familiar with the litera-
ture on the heritability of temperament, we were not ready for what we
found.”4 The lack of methods for capturing these observations quantita-
tively and objectively placed a limit on evaluating these early findings.
Therefore, one of our future goals was to try to explain these behaviors
with reference to specific features of each twin’s rearing circumstances,
such as their parental relationships, educational opportunities, and home
In the absence of clear rules or guidelines, deciding what constitutes
co-twin concordance (resemblance) versus discordance (nonresemblance)
for some traits can be difficult and somewhat subjective. We observed
differences between MZA co-twins, but they appeared mostly as “varia-
tions on a theme,” suggesting quantitative rather than qualitative dis-
crepancies. One twin might appear less extraverted, fearful, or fastidious
than his or her co-twin but still display some level of that trait. Designa-
tions of the MZA co-twins as extraverted-introverted, fearful-fearless, or
fastidious-untidy were, therefore, less likely. This dilemma, which occa-
sionally confronts all twin investigators, was revisited by Len Heston in
November 2009 during my interview with him at his home in Palm Springs,
E A R LY F I N D I N G S 67
Drug Fears, Speech Enuresis
Pair Twin Age Sex Abuse Phobias Problem (bed-wetting) Other Psychiatric Traits
Lykken’s Laboratory
David Lykken’s 1981 presidential address to the Society for Psychophysi-
ological Research was a comprehensive overview of reared-together twin
studies that included preliminary findings from the MISTRA.33 Putting
these different sources of data in the same tables provided hints as to
how much genes and shared environments affected behavioral variation.
Lykken began by summarizing age, age at separation, and age at reunion
for the three previous twin studies and the MISTRA, as shown in Table
3-2. By 1982, our MZA sample was second in size only to Shields’s. Twins
in the MISTRA were separated earlier and reunited later, on average, than
those in the other three studies.
The MZA and MZT correlations for fingerprint ridge count and for
height, shown in Table 3-3, were quite similar, and both were much higher
than the corresponding DZT correlations. These data conformed to pre-
dictions based on a model in which the genetic effects reflect the adding
E A R LY F I N D I N G S 73
Table 3-2. The Four Major Studies of MZA Twins Reared Apart
Source: Adapted from Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,”
Psychophysiology 19 (1981): 361–373.
Note: The reared-apart twins’ height, weight, and fingerprint data were gathered in
David Lykken’s laboratory. Height, weight, and fingerprints were also gathered in Thomas
Bouchard’s laboratory; and height and weight were additionally measured during the
general physical examination. The handprints that were also obtained in Lykken’s
laboratory are not presented here.
Source: Adapted from Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,”
Psychophysiology 19 (1981): 361–373.
Table 3-4. Intraclass Correlations for the Raven and Mill-Hill Intelligence Tests for Reared-Apart and
Reared-Together Twin Pairs
Source: Adapted from Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,”
Psychophysiology 19 (1981): 361–373.
The MZA correlations did not differ substantially from the MZT
correlations, and both exceeded the DZT correlations. The composite IQ
(R + M), like the Raven, produced DZT correlations that were much less
than half the MZA and MZT correlations, suggesting emergenic effects.44
The Raven and composite IQ scores, when converted to “rate-of-processing”
scores by dividing each twin’s score by their average response time, pro-
duced correlations consistent with an additive genetic model.
These data showed that the MZA twins were not atypical in general
mental ability compared with the MZT twins. The MZA twin sample was
small at this stage in the study, but the 0.71 composite IQ correlation
would remain stable as we tested new pairs and replicated findings from
the three early reared-apart twin studies.
Table 3-5. Intraclass Correlations for Four Differential Personality Questionnaire Measures for
Reared-Apart and Reared-Together Twin Pairs
Source: Adapted from Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,”
Psychophysiology 19 (1981): 361–373.
together, with the reverse found for extraversion.45 Ten years later, Scot-
tish psychologist Gordon Claridge reported that MZT twins living apart
for five years were more alike in extraversion and divergent thinking
than MZT twins living together.46 Shields had found that his MZA twins
were more alike in extraversion and neuroticism than his MZT twins.
Shields and Claridge suggested that because twins living apart do not
need to differentiate from their co-twin, they could express their gene-
tically based potentials more freely than those living together. Whether
this effect was trait-specific and whether it would appear in later MISTRA
data analyses were of interest. However, with larger samples in 2003 and
2004 no difference in conservatism between the MZA and MZT twins
was found, making it likely that the high MZA correlation in 1982 re-
flected small sample fluctuation.
Lykken devised a Recreational Interests Survey that yielded eight differ-
ent interest factors, four of which he discussed in his presidential address
(Table 3-6). The MZA twins (0.65–0.80, n = 28) were more alike than the
MZT twins (0.46–0.55, n = 140) on three of the four measures (blood
sports: hunting and trapping; intellectual: reading and self-educating;
and husbandry: making and fixing things; but not Sierra Club: camping
and wilderness trips), a finding Lykken attributed to sampling bias. But
as Shields suggested, perhaps twins living apart did not feel pressured
to differentiate from their co-twin. Both the MZA and MZT twins
were more alike than the DZT twins, with the exception of the Blood
Sports measure, for which the DZT twins (0.68, n = 70) were somewhat
more alike than the MZT twins (0.54). Mutual influence may have af-
fected the DZT twins on this measure. Organizing the twins by sex
would have been of interest with reference to Blood Sports, but the
sample size was too modest at this stage. These data were analyzed again
in 1993.
78 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 3-6. Intraclass Correlations for Four Recreational Interests for Reared-Apart and Reared-Together
Twin Pairs
Source: Adapted from Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,”
Psychophysiology 19 (1981): 361–373.
Pulmonary Studies
Concern over the physical consequences of smoking cigarettes was a ma-
jor concern in 1982, and it still is. The MISTRA enabled the first pulmo-
nary function study of twins reared apart in an attempt to address the
genetic factors.47
The twins underwent thirteen pulmonary tests administered by the same
technician. They blew into a spirometer, a device measuring the volume of
air that is inhaled and exhaled, and completed a respiratory symptom
questionnaire. Six twin pairs were concordant for nonsmoking, three
pairs and the triplet set were concordant for smoking, and six pairs were
discordant for respiratory problems (five pairs for smoking and one pair
for asthma).
Only two of the thirteen respiratory tests—activity in the lower air-
ways48 and change in lung volume over time49—separated the smokers
from the nonsmokers. However, a third test measuring the volume of air
expelled during the first second of forced exhalation50 provided the most
sensitive measure of difference between smoking and nonsmoking twins
within a pair. Genetic factors affecting this third test were indicated by
small pulmonary differences within the smoking-concordant and non-
smoking concordant twin pairs, in contrast with the marked differences
between twins in the smoking-discordant pairs.
Our findings and those of others demonstrated that genetic factors af-
fect some measures of susceptibility to airway obstruction from cigarette
smoke.51 However, it was puzzling that the groups of smoking concor-
dant and discordant pairs did not differ on the other pulmonary mea-
sures. Given the vast research linking respiratory problems to smoking, it
would be wrong to conclude from just one study that cigarettes did not
interfere with respiratory functioning.
E A R LY F I N D I N G S 79
tattoos—but such observations were seen less frequently among the DZA
When Kimerly (Kim) Wilcox and I arrived in 1982 as MISTRA post-
doctoral fellows, we both felt extremely lucky to be at exactly the right
place at the right time. The data we worked with was fresh and new, and
people cared about it.
When I had been in Minnesota for about a year, some faculty and staff
organized a birthday party for Bouchard. Kim and I designed a t-shirt
for him with the number “.771.” This number was the critical MZA IQ
correlation that had been repeated in several of Sir Cyril Burt’s updated
analyses, which was still regarded with suspicion. Very early on and for a
brief time, the MISTRA IQ correlation was 0.771 as well. Our presenta-
tion of Bouchard’s t-shirt was a success, although some eyes rolled. That
figure is worth mentioning because it comes up again.
I n 1984, I had been working on the MISTRA for two years. Every
pair I studied provided a unique take on nature-nurture questions.
MZA twins Bill and Tim showed the same side-to-side sway as
they walked. MZA twins Stan and Mitch were both homosexual despite
being reared apart their entire lives. Greater insight into the twins’ be-
havioral and physical similarities and differences began to emerge from
the analyses we conducted between 1984 and 1987. Many of our find-
ings continued to be reported in the press.
The MISTRA had matured greatly since my arrival in 1982. The num-
ber of empirical papers in scientific journals, relative to descriptive ac-
counts in book chapters and review papers, was growing. By the start
of 1984, we had studied fifty-four reared-apart twin pairs (thirty-eight
MZA and sixteen DZA). Interesting trends were emerging in information
processing, cardiac functioning, immunology, ophthalmology, and sexual
preference, all of which we reported in psychological or medical journals.
Chapters and reviews now included tables with preliminary statistical
findings on physical characteristics (height, weight, and fingerprint ridge
count) and psychological traits (general intelligence, special abilities,
personality, and interests). Previous studies of twins reared apart and to-
gether offered a backdrop against which to appraise these early results.
The Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research, established in
1983, was in its first full year of operation. By the end of 1984, we had
added seven new twin pairs and one new triplet set to the study. The sam-
ple now included sixty-four separated sets (forty-four MZA and twenty
DZA), the largest number of twin pairs studied by any research team.
S E X U A L O R I E N TAT I O N , C O G N I T I O N , A N D M E D I C A L T R A I T S 83
Five papers and three book chapters were published between 1984 and
1987, including one of the first on information processing.
Information Processing
Studies in the early 1980s had found relationships between the rate of
performing tasks involving memory scanning and psychometric cognitive
ability measures, although the reasons were uncertain.1 Genetic effects on
information processing parameters and on cognitive measures were also
of interest, but had never been examined using twins reared apart. The
MISTRA had the data to address both these issues.2
The twins completed three information processing measures: Posner
Letter Identification,3 Sternberg Memory Search,4 and Shepard-Metzler
Cube Rotation.5 The Posner measure presents two letters—in a physical
identity condition (e.g., A, A) or in a name identity condition (e.g., A, a)—
that participants must identify. Name identity minus Physical identity is
the difference in time between presentation of the problem and response
in the two conditions. The Sternberg measure asks participants to memo-
rize one, three, or five digits from 0 to 9. Participants then indicate if a
number that appears on the screen several seconds later is part of that
series.6 The Shepard-Metzler measure presents pairs of three-dimensional
cubed figures on a two-dimensional screen. The two figures may be the
same but shown from different angles, or they may be different figures.
Participants decide if the pairs are the same or different.7
Each twin was tested separately, usually by the same examiner. Given the
straightforward instructions, push-button response procedure, and correct/
incorrect response format, meaningful tester bias was unlikely. The or-
der in which the tasks were presented was the same across participants:
(1) Posner, (2) Sternberg, and (3) Shepard-Metzler. Testing usually took
place over two days, with most items administered on the first day (ap-
proximately 90 minutes) and the second set of Shepard-Metzler items ad-
ministered on the second day (approximately 30 minutes). Testing never
began until the twins were comfortable with the concepts and procedures.
Graduate students Dan Moloney and Mary Moster administered the
Shepard-Metzler Rotations to many of the twins between 1984 and 1990.
Dan liked doing this because he was good at these problems and solved
them silently as the twins worked. When I spoke with him by telephone
in April 2010, he said that he regretted not tape-recording the twins during
these sessions. “I sat quietly behind them,” he said. “The strategies were so
different between twin pairs, but within the MZA pairs they were so
similar. Both twins vocalized or turned around or stared at the screen or
84 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Cardiac Functioning
Franz Halberg is founder and director of the Chronobiology Laboratory
at the University of Minnesota. Chronobiology is the study of cyclical
phenomena and their adaptation to lunar- and solar-related rhythms.
Halberg had heard about the MISTRA from psychiatrist Elke Eckert and
was immediately interested in studying the twins. When we began work-
ing with Halberg, the cyclical features of the human heart had been well
documented, but less had been done regarding genetic factors.
Longitudinal measurements of the human heart have established the
presence of several components, such as ultradian rhythms (having a
frequency of greater than one cycle in twenty hours), infradian rhythms
(having a frequency of less than one cycle in twenty-eight hours), and
circadian rhythms (having a frequency of one cycle in approximately
twenty-four hours). Even when people are in social isolation the heart
maintains its circadian rhythmicity, consistent with genetic origins. Only
one very small twin study of circadian rhythms, showing that pulse was
genetically influenced, was available when the MISTRA began.9 Thus,
the reared-apart twins presented “a new challenge” to our colleagues in the
departments of laboratory medicine (Bruce Hanson), chronobiology
(Franz Halberg), and cardiology (Naip Tuna).10
Every Wednesday morning, twins visited the University of Minnesota’s
Variety Club Heart Hospital to be hooked up to a twenty-four-hour Holter
monitor that records heart activity continuously.11 The device hangs by
a strap over the shoulder, much like a travel bag. Twins were also given
booklets for recording their meal times and significant changes in physical
activity, such as walking up stairs. Showering was forbidden during this
period. Each twin of a pair was monitored during the same week, and usu-
ally on the same day.
We compared the twins’ resemblance in the mesor (rhythm-adjusted
mean), amplitude (the extent of rhythmic change), and acrophase (timing
of rhythm in relation to a reference point).12 The sample included eigh-
teen MZA twin pairs (eleven male and seven female) and four DZA twin
pairs (two male and two female); three MZA male pairs were generated
from a set of triplets.
86 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
at the printouts they handed to us the next morning, but we were rushing
to get the twins to breakfast and to the allergy laboratory.
Only a handful of conventional twin studies examining immunological
regulation were available when the Jim twins were found. Genetic fac-
tors in total levels of immunoglobulin or antibodies had been reported,
but these measures had never been studied in reared-apart twins prior to
the MISTRA.16 Total immunoglobulin refers to the basic protein struc-
ture of the immune system and is expected to be similar in MZ twins.
Antibody titers reflect different challenges to the immune system.17 If one
co-twin had hepatitis and the other co-twin did not, then their different
antibody titers should reflect this difference.
The immunological information often took weeks to process—a portion
of the blood sample used in the immunological studies was processed in
Denver where our collaborator, Peter Kohler, had his laboratory. The five
classes of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE) provide resis-
tance by the release of antibodies. The immunoglobulin (Ig) measures in-
cluded total IgM, IgG, and IgA levels. Twin similarity in specific antibodies
to tetanus toxoid and to polyvalent (several antibodies that counteract
specific antigens) and other substances was also assessed.18 Sera (blood
with clotting factors removed) from twenty-six MZA twin pairs and ten
DZA twin pairs were used in the first paper from this laboratory.
The results from our twin analysis were compelling: “In spite of differ-
ent environmental exposures to antigens, the predominant factor(s) de-
termining total immunoglobulin and isotypic antibody levels in these
twins was genetic rather than environmental.”19 Occasional differences
within selected MZA twin pairs were linked to marked variation in teta-
nus toxoid immunizations and exposure to Streptococcus pneumococci,
as expected.
There is a bigger story here: the MZA twins’ greater similarity in total
concentration (Ig: MZA 0.80 to 0.82, DZA −0.40 to 0.35) than antibody
titers (IgA: MZA 0.25, DZA 0.17; and IgM: MZA 0.59, DZA 0.54), and
their reduced similarity in response to specific antibodies suggested that
genetic regulation plays a greater role in the former. Based on this work,
future research would probably show a stronger genetic effect from anti-
body responses to immunization with defined antigens. If MZA co-twins
had both been vaccinated for smallpox or hepatitis B then their reaction
to specific antibodies should be similar. Knowing that genetic factors
can affect the body’s response to toxic substances may improve disease
88 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
The MISTRA twins’ visual characteristics were studied by the late Dr.
William H. Knobloch, from the University of Minnesota’s Department
of Ophthalmology. Eye examinations were scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on
Wednesday afternoons and took several hours to complete. The twins’
eyes were dilated during the course of this visit, which made them unable
to read and complete the questionnaires. They left the hospital wearing
protective eyeglasses and were taken by Bouchard on a tour of the Twin
Cities’ lovely lakes. How much scenery they actually saw has never been
The twins’ eyes were examined at the same time by separate ophthalmo-
logic technicians. Each twin completed a brief eye history, including ques-
tions about their visual health during childhood. Next, assessments were
made of their visual acuity (clearness of vision), refraction (ability of the eye
to bend light so an image is focused on the retina), intraocular pressure (fluid
pressure inside the eye), and muscle balance (ability of the eyes to work to-
gether). Dilation of the eyes enabled inspection of the anterior segment
(front third of the eye) and fundus (interior surface opposite the lens), pro-
cedures completed by an ophthalmologist. Stereo photographs of the optic
nerve (nerve connecting the eye to the brain), macula (small part of the ret-
ina providing the best vision), and standard fields (area that is seen at a given
moment) were also made; the twins’ identities were masked prior to evalu-
ation of these photographs. A 1985 article reported the findings for eigh-
teen MZA and eight same-sex DZA twin pairs.20
twins in pair C had had strabismus surgery (to correct the inward
turning of the eyes), one twin at eighteen and the other at nineteen.
• Optic nerve and stereo photographs. The fundus refers to the eye’s
interior surface and includes the retina, optic disc (eye region where
the optic nerve emerges from the eyeball), macula, fovea (center of
the macula and responsible for sharp vision), and posterior pole
(back of the eye). Similarity of the fundus was measured by the cup
to disc ratio (area in the center of the optic disc), based on mea-
surements from the stereo photographs. Concordance was 90
percent for the MZA twins and 50 percent for the DZA twins,
indicating a genetic influence. Marked discordance in one MZA
twin pair was noted.
The most striking eye findings were the genetic effects on refractive
error and estropia. The coordinated appearance and treatment of eye con-
ditions in selected pairs suggested the presence of genetically mediated
timelines underlying these conditions. This phenomenon was well illus-
trated by fifty-eight-year-old MZA male triplets (not included in our 1985
paper) in which one member showed macular degeneration (breakdown
of the visual structure surrounding light-sensitive cells), while his two
brothers showed only early signs. A final insight from the ophthalmology
study (communicated informally by Knobloch at a later date) was that
he could predict twin type almost perfectly from the similarity of the fine
structures on the retina, a bit of information that has never been reported
in a scientific journal.21
Little knowledge of the twins’ birth histories was available. This is unfor-
tunate because administering oxygen to premature infants can impair the
visual apparatus and twins are at increased risk for early birth.22 Thus, it
is possible that concordance among some MZA (and DZA) pairs reflected
this early treatment, reducing the contribution from genetic factors.
Twins continued to visit the eye clinic until 1995, yielding a sample of
approximately 125 pairs. Unfortunately, Knobloch passed away in 2005,
and the full data set has never been analyzed.
play some part.”23 That article was not the first to suggest that sexual
orientation has a genetic basis. In 1968, Heston and Shields had pub-
lished a twin and family study of homosexuality that suggested genetic
influence,24 and a handful of other twin studies, published between 1953
and 1971, reached the same conclusion. Heston, acknowledging that his
1986 conference paper on this topic “could not support a sweeping con-
clusion” due to the small number of pairs, decided to “describe the find-
ings and let people draw their own conclusions.” His presentation of these
data at an international congress generated considerable discussion, not
all positive.
The genetic and environmental origins of sexual preference continue to
be debated. Twin studies conducted in the early 1990s, using self-selected
and targeted samples, yielded higher concordance values than those con-
ducted more recently. A summary of studies published between 1952 and
1993 show median concordance rates of 52 percent for MZ twins and
17 percent for DZ twins. In contrast, median concordance values for twin
registry and population-based studies conducted since 2000 yield concor-
dance values of 24 percent for MZ twins and 13 percent for DZ twins.25
A 2000 study, using a large anonymous Australian sample and applying
strict criteria for sexual orientation, found concordance figures of 20 per-
cent for MZ male pairs, 24 percent for MZ female pairs, 0 for DZ male
pairs, and 10.5 percent for DZ female pairs.26 The different recruitment
methods used in the older and newer studies most likely explain the dif-
ferent findings.
Evidence from a growing number of twin and adoption studies (includ-
ing additional separated pairs in the MISTRA) support moderate genetic
influence on male sexual orientation, and little or none in females. The
Australian study reported heritabilities of 0.45 for males and 0.08 for fe-
males. A 2010 population-based study of nearly 4,000 Swedish twin pairs
reported somewhat comparable figures of 0.34–0.39 and 0.18–0.19 for
male and female sexual preference, respectively.27
Homosexuality has also been examined with reference to prenatal ef-
fects on behavior. Hormonal explanations suggest that the level of prena-
tal androgen exposure may influence the development of brain structures
relevant to sexual orientation. Higher birth order in males with older
brothers has been linked to homosexuality, possibly reflecting maternal
immune reactions to testosterone. Pregnancy stress has also been linked
to homosexuality in some but not all studies. Psychosocial theories in
which later-born male children develop feelings of inadequacy or are raised
by overprotective mothers, leading to homosexuality, have been pro-
posed but not substantiated. It is possible that parents may react in spe-
S E X U A L O R I E N TAT I O N , C O G N I T I O N , A N D M E D I C A L T R A I T S 91
visited a gay bar in another town. Both twins had been active homosexu-
als since age thirteen, although one twin had had several heterosexual
encounters. Most reared-together homosexual twins deny sexual inter-
est in one another; however, as indicated in the MISTRA’s 1986 report,
these twins became sexual partners following their reunion.32 Shortly
thereafter, due to our observations of flirtatious behavior between DZA
opposite-sex twins, we began asking all the twins if they had sexual inter-
est in one another. We were especially interested in the answers from the
opposite-sex pairs—as indicated earlier, it was conceivable that in their
case their separate rearing prevented development of the Westermarck
Genetic sexual attraction is the counterpart to the Westermarck Effect,
and may develop in its absence. It refers to the strong sexual connection
experienced by some biological mothers and sons, fathers and daughters,
and brothers and sisters who were separated since birth and reunited as
adults.34 The Westermarck Effect cannot occur in such cases because it
requires early cohabitation, thereby allowing possible sexual feelings to
flourish. Consistent with this view, mate selection studies show that people
are generally attracted to others with whom they are similar in some
physical and behavioral features such as height, intelligence, or values.35
Interestingly, experimental evidence shows that females prefer the odors
of males with whom they share intermediate numbers of paternally trans-
mitted histocompatibility genes (genes controlling the immune system)
compared with males with whom they share few.36 These findings suggest
an optimal balance between inbreeding and outbreeding. The few re-
ported cases of attraction and marriage between reared-apart opposite-
sex twins are comprehensible in light of these effects.37
Sexual feelings between reunited MZA twins shows that genetic sexual
attraction can occur between reared-apart same-sex as well as opposite-
sex siblings. Homosexual MZA twin pairs are rare, yet mutual sexual
attraction was demonstrated in one of our male sets, and sexual attrac-
tion by one co-twin toward his brother was indicated in a second set.
One member of a male pair studied by Juel-Nielsen accused his twin
brother of making sexual advances toward him.38
Twins in our second male set posed the classification conundrum that
I described in Chapter 3: one of the twins considered himself homosex-
ual, and felt sexually attracted to his brother when they met at age thirty-
five. However, his co-twin considered himself heterosexual—at the time
of assessment he was married with children. He engaged in intercourse
infrequently, yet seemed satisfied with his sexual life. But he had had an
affair between the ages of fifteen and eighteen years with an older man.
S E X U A L O R I E N TAT I O N , C O G N I T I O N , A N D M E D I C A L T R A I T S 93
1984 to 1987
The MISTRA years between 1984 and 1987 were productive in many
ways. A symposium, “The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,” was
held as part of the fourteenth annual Behavior Genetics Association meet-
ing, in Bloomington, Indiana, May 1984. The presentations included early
findings on IQ, personality, fears, physical attractiveness, and the Min-
nesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
The year 1986 was the second busiest (after 1981) in terms of studying
new twin pairs—we saw a total of ten new separated twin sets plus one
set of triplets. The six principal investigators and two postdoctoral fellows
presented findings at many conferences across the United States and abroad,
including the Behavior Genetics Association and the International Soci-
ety for Twin Studies.
In 1985, Bouchard became chair of the Department of Psychology, at
which time he appointed me assistant director of the Minnesota Center
for Twin and Adoption Research. I was now more directly involved in
scheduling twins and managing the assessments. Despite his administra-
tive responsibilities, Bouchard stayed involved in every twin assessment.
Figure 4-1. The 1987 reunion of British reared-apart twins, held at the Priest
House in Derby, located in the East Midlands of England. Bouchard is in the
center, standing behind John Stroud, who is seated in the wheelchair. (Photo
courtesy Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. Unpublished newspaper photograph.)
96 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Daniel Goleman of the New York Times published the conclusion to our
first major analysis of the personality data before it appeared in a scientific
journal. In fact, he used our conclusion as his opening lines. The Univer-
sity of Minnesota’s public affairs office provided Goleman with a draft of
the study approximately eighteen months before its 1988 publication in
the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.2 Bouchard had told the
university’s public relations representative that the paper would be pub-
lished, but he did not give it to her. He explained to her that rules prohib-
ited the release of scientific findings in the popular press prior to their
publication in the scientific literature. “But she finagled the paper from
Lykken—he didn’t know her intentions. When the research appeared in
the New York Times she thought she had done a great thing. It really
pissed me off.”
The findings attracted considerable media attention. The paper and the
article were controversial for the way they were released as well as for
their content. A 1990 article in Science Writer by Lisa Lynch addressed
the media attention, albeit in an uninformed way: “Three years ago, by
prepublishing the results of their study, the Minnesota group made it
98 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
although his most similar pairs were found in both groups. In the years
that followed, many reared-together twin studies produced corroborat-
ing evidence of genetic influence on personality traits.9
Except for Shields,10 none of the early investigators had access to DZA
twins, or to the sophisticated biometrical modeling techniques that parti-
tion genetic and environmental effects on behavior that have been devel-
oped since the 1970s. Therefore, the first significant analysis of our data
was unique in that it was the first study to (1) include all four twin groups,
organized by zygosity and rearing status (MZA, DZA, MZT, and DZT)
and (2) apply biometrical modeling techniques to the data. The reared-
together twins were identified through the Minnesota Twin Registry that
Lykken had been developing since 1983.11
Access to the four twin groups allowed us to estimate the relative
contributions of additive genetic effects, nonadditive genetic effects,
shared environmental effects, and nonshared environmental effects on
the variance in personality traits. It was of interest to see if any of the
traits showed greater MZA than MZT resemblance, as did extraversion
and neuroticism in Shields’s study. Our early findings on conservatism
(summarized in Chapter 3) showed greater similarity between MZA than
MZT twins, a difference that was tracked in later analyses.
The data for our first personality study came from Tellegen’s Multidi-
mensional Personality Questionnaire,12 which consists of 300 items pre-
sented in a true-false format. Sample items include (1) “Basically I am a
happy person” and (2) “I suffer from nervousness.” The items yield eleven
primary personality scales and three higher order factors, listed in Table 5-1
(descriptions of each are provided on the Web site). The primary scales
were developed to be relatively independent, to show no overlap among
one another.
The twins’ four (later five) questionnaire booklets were presented in the
order of their importance. The Multidimensional Personality Question-
naire was the first item in Booklet 1, closely followed by a second major
personality questionnaire, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inven-
tory, which I discuss later. The personality assessment forms, variously
distributed across the questionnaire booklets, also included the 16 Per-
sonality Factor Questionnaire, and the California Psychological Inven-
tory, among others.13
Our first personality study included 44 MZA pairs, 27 DZA pairs,
217 MZT pairs, and 114 DZT pairs. The results, as seen in Table 5-1, were
straightforward: the MZ twins were more alike than the DZ twins, regard-
less of rearing status. The median correlations were 0.49 (MZA), 0.52
(MZT), 0.21 (DZA), and 0.23 (DZT), a pattern demonstrating substantial
100 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 5-1. Intraclass Correlations for Scales from the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire for Twins
Reared Apart and Together
Primary scale
Well-being 0.48 0.18 0.58 0.23
Social potency 0.56 0.27 0.65 0.08
Achievement 0.36 0.07 0.51 0.13
Social closeness 0.29 0.30 0.57 0.24
Stress reaction 0.61 0.27 0.52 0.24
Alienation 0.48 0.18 0.55 0.38
Aggression 0.46 0.06 0.43 0.14
Control 0.50 0.03 0.41 −0.06
Harm avoidance 0.49 0.24 0.55 0.17
Traditionalism 0.53 0.39 0.50 0.47
Absorption 0.61 0.21 0.49 0.41
Higher order factors
Positive emotionality 0.34 −0.07 0.63 0.18
Negative emotionality 0.61 0.29 0.54 0.41
Constraint 0.57 0.04 0.58 0.25
Source: Adapted from Tellegen et al., “Personality Similarity in Twins Reared Apart and
Together,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (1988): 1031–1039.
When David and I engaged in this friendly but public dispute, it was like a
continuation of our student-mentor interactions. Several years after our ex-
change of articles, he confided that he had enjoyed this repartee, for I “had
mounted a good defense,” although my argument and data were not com-
pelling. In retrospect, our argument, like so many in the behavioral sciences,
rested on shaky data. I had asked whether shared experience enhanced sib-
ling similarity, and sought answers in the relative similarities of twin siblings
102 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 5-2. Genetic and Environmental Components Estimates for the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire’s
Primary Scales and Higher Order Factors
Shared Nonshared
Genetic C Environment Environment
Primary scale
Well-being 0.48a (0.08) 0.29 (0.16) 0.13 (0.09) 0.40a (0.04)
Social potency 0.54a (0.07) 0.05a (0.21) 0.10 (0.08) 0.36a (0.04)
Achievement 0.39a (0.10) 0.13 (0.27) 0.11 (0.11) 0.51a (0.05)
Social closeness 0.40a (0.08) 0.19 (0.22) 0.19a (0.09) 0.41a (0.05)
Stress reaction 0.53a (0.04) 0.49 (0.17) 0.00b 0.47a (0.04)
Alienation 0.45a (0.13) 0.50b 0.11 (0.12) 0.44a (0.04)
Aggression 0.44a (0.05) 0.27 (0.19) 0.00b 0.56a (0.05)
Control 0.44a (0.05) 0.00a,b 0.00b 0.56a (0.05)
Harm avoidance 0.55a (0.04) 0.31 (0.15) 0.00b 0.45a (0.04)
Traditionalism 0.45a (0.10) 0.50b 0.12 (0.10) 0.43a (0.04)
Absorption 0.50a (0.10) 0.50b 0.03 (0.10) 0.47a (0.04)
Higher order factor
Positive emotionality 0.40a (0.08) 0.00a,b 0.22a (0.07) 0.38a (0.04)
Negative emotionality 0.55a (0.11) 0.50b 0.02 (0.11) 0.43a (0.04)
Constraint 0.58a (0.04) 0.40 (0.14) 0.00b 0.43a (0.04)
administration. Each twin was tested at exactly the same time by a differ-
ent professional psychometrist, who had no affiliation with the study and
who scored the protocol immediately upon completion.
The Raven is a nonverbal measure of problem-solving skill, and the
Mill-Hill is a multiple-choice test of word knowledge. These two tests are
often given together and were administered to the twins by computer as
part of Lykken’s laboratory assessment. There was no time limit for com-
pleting these tests. According to Lykken, allowing unlimited time shows
how quickly an individual thinks and how long he or she persists at a
task before giving up, factors that may work multiplicatively.34 The spe-
cial mental ability tests were administered to twins in several sessions
during the week. The rationale for testing them together is discussed in
Chapter 2.
The intraclass correlations for the general intelligence measures com-
pleted by the MISTRA twins and twins in the three previous reared-apart
twin studies are shown in Table 5-4. The consistency of the findings
across studies in the primary, secondary, and tertiary tests was striking,
suggesting that 64 to 74 percent (separate tests) and 69 to 75 percent
(mean of multiple tests) of the IQ variance is associated with genetic fac-
tors. Thus, replication both between and within studies was demonstrated.
This range was higher than the 47 to 58 percent range indicated by other
kinship studies. However, most twin and sibling studies used young sam-
ples, whereas our study and the previous reared-apart twin studies used
Table 5-4. IQ Intraclass Correlations and Standard Deviations for the Four Reared-Apart Twin Studies
Newman et al.
SB / Otis 19/19 0.68 ± 0.12 0.74 ± 0.10 — 0.71
WB / Raven 12/12 0.64 ± 0.17 0.73 ± 0.13 — 0.69
MH / Dominoes 38/37 0.74 ± 0.07 0.76 ± 0.07 — 0.75
Bouchard et al.
WAIS / RMH / FPC 48/42/43 0.69 ± 0.07 0.78 ± 0.07 0.78 ± 0.07 0.75
Note: The original data from Newman et al. (SB: 0.670, Otis: 0.727) and Juel-Nielsen (WB: 0.62)
were presented as correlations, not as intraclass correlations. Bouchard recalculated the data to
compute intraclass correlations. Juel-Nielsen did not present the correlation for the Raven. FPC:
First Principal Component; MH: Mill-Hill; RMH: Raven/Mill-Hill; SB: Stanford-Binet; WB:
Source: Adapted from Bouchard et al., “Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The
Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,” Science 250 (1990): 223–228.
108 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 5-5. Placement Coefficients for the Environmental Variables, Correlations between IQ and the
Placement Variables, and Contributions of Placement to the Twins’ IQ Resemblance
SES indicators
Father’s education 0.134 0.100 0.001
Mother’s education 0.412 −0.001 0.000
Father’s SES 0.267 0.174 0.008
Physical facilities
Material possessions 0.402 0.279a 0.032
Scientific/technical 0.151 −0.090 0.001
Cultural −0.085 −0.279a −0.007
Mechanical 0.303 0.077 0.002
Relevant FES scales
Achievement 0.110 −0.103 0.001
Intellectual orientation 0.270 0.106 0.003
erally more similar to one another than they were to members of other
twin pairs.
We found that the degree of social contact between co-twins was
not associated with their IQ similarity. We also examined correlations
between the absolute within-pair IQ difference and four contact mea-
sures to see if the twins who had spent more time together were more
alike in IQ. However, these correlations were all small and not statisti-
cally significant.39 Again, these findings do not mean that environmental
variables do not affect some twins’ IQ scores. Instead, they tell us that
environmental variables work in ways that differ from how most psy-
chologists believed they did. Specifically, shared genes, rather than social
contact between family members, explained the twins’ resemblance in
measured intelligence.
Table 4 in the Science paper reported the MZA and MZT correlations
and reliabilities (consistency or repeatability of a measure) for nine classes
of variables. It is an informative compilation of data in that the MZA
and MZT twins showed remarkable similarity across measures. This was
evident for physical characteristics (e.g., systolic blood pressure, electro-
encephalogram [EEG] activity, and heart rate) and behavioral traits (e.g.,
personality, religiosity, and social attitudes). Again, these data show that
110 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 5-6. Intraclass Correlations (ri) for MZA and MZT Twins across Selected Measures
8–12- HZ alpha activity 0.80 35 0.81 42 NA
Midfrequency alpha 0.80 35 0.82 42 NA
Systolic blood pressure 0.64 56 0.70 34 0.70
IQ scores
WAIS-Full scale 0.69 48 0.88 40 0.90
WAIS-Verbal 0.64 48 0.88 40 0.84
WAIS-Performance 0.71 48 0.79 40 0.86
Information processing
Speed of response 0.56 40 0.73 50 NA
Psychological interests
Career and leisure 0.39 52 0.48 116 0.82
(mean of 23)
Occupational (mean 0.40 40 0.49 376 0.75
of 17)
faced by our ancestors. It attempts to understand how and why the hu-
man mind is designed the way it is, what the mind is designed to do, and
how environmental events interact with the mind to eventuate in behav-
ioral phenotypes. Two classes of explanation—ultimate and proximal—
are recognized. Ultimate explanations emphasize behavioral and cognitive
functions with reference to survival and reproduction. Proximal explana-
tions consider the immediate events giving rise to different behaviors.43
Evolutionary psychology focuses on species-typical behaviors, whereas
behavioral genetics focuses on individual differences. But both are con-
cerned with identifying the origins and functions of behavior. We sug-
gested that whatever the answer, behavioral variation is characteristic of
modern society and cannot be ignored.
Results from the Science paper appeared in hundreds of newspapers,
magazines, and broadcasts across the country and around the world.
Psychology professor Robert Plomin applauded the study, emphasizing
the rarity of explaining even 10 percent of the variation in complex traits.
Psychology professor David Rowe, while not denying the importance of
parenting, reiterated our view that parents may be less responsible for
their children’s behaviors than they thought.
In contrast, Dr. Norman Krasnegor of the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development said that if the 70 percent IQ heritabil-
ity estimate was true “it shouldn’t matter what you do or where you go
to school.” However, heritability does not deny the importance of learn-
ing and experience. Bouchard said it best in a passage repeated in several
news sources: “We think of each pair of identical twins as one piece of
music played by two different musicians. The music can be played fantas-
tically or it may not run right. But you’ll always be able to recognize the
piece. That’s because nature writes the score. Environment is responsible
for the playing technique.”44
More interesting than the media reports were the letters we received
from Science readers. Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson
wrote to Bouchard directly:
The extraordinary effort and care you and your associates put into this
landmark study should remind all of the fundamental interest and impor-
tance, and reasonableness, of genetic variation in human behavior, while si-
lencing all but the diehard critics, who would go down fighting even if you
laid out the full nucleotide sequences with mathematically perfect forms of
reaction. (October 31, 1990)
There were more critical comments than congratulatory notes, but this
did not mean that most readers rejected our findings. The three individuals
During the years of the personality and IQ papers and beyond, many
articles were published on many topics. In late 1988, Lykken’s Swiss
colleague Hans H. Stassen reviewed the EEG findings from a somewhat
larger sample of our reared-apart twins, twenty-eight MZA and twenty-
Job Satisfaction
Our collaborators on the job satisfaction paper were Dr. Richard D. Arvey
from the University of Minnesota’s Industrial Relations Center and his
graduate student Lauren M. Abraham.1 Both of them viewed studying
reared-apart twins as a novel and exciting approach to understanding
factors affecting job satisfaction.
As a Minnesota graduate student in the late 1960s, Arvey became ac-
quainted with Bouchard over discussion of a possible dissertation topic.
He returned to the University of Minnesota as a faculty member in in-
dustrial relations in 1983. The source of Arvey’s inkling that genes might
affect job-related attitudes is uncertain, but he had followed the progress
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 117
Variable ri
Four scales
Intrinsic satisfaction 0.315a
Extrinsic satisfaction 0.109
General satisfaction 0.309a
Overall satisfaction 0.166
Job rating scales
Complexity 0.443a
Motor skills 0.356a
Physical demands 0.338a
Unusual working conditions —
a. P < .05. Intraclass correlations less than zero were not reported.
Source: Adapted from Arvey et al., “Job Satisfaction: Environmental and Genetic
Components,” Journal of Applied Psychology 74 (1989): 187–192.
Skin Conductance
Lykken’s laboratory in Diehl Hall, located in the mass of hospital build-
ings on the south side of the campus, was fascinating to me. His quarters
were remotely located at the end of a series of narrow hallways that were
hard to navigate at first. Staff members, myself included, delivered and
picked up one twin on Monday and the other twin on Tuesday afternoons.
120 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Cardiac Characteristics
Cardiovascular characteristics were of great interest to the medical team
headed by Dr. Naip Tuna, a Romanian-born Turkish cardiologist who
charmed the twins even though he often made them wait. Genetic factors
in heart functions were the subject of a 1989 paper by Drs. Bruce Han-
son, Tuna, Bouchard, and others.14
When the MISTRA was underway, several reared-together twin studies
had reported genetic contributions to variability in measures of the heart.15
One problem with these studies was that the heritabilities of the cardiac
measures were estimated using intraclass correlations alone. As indicated
in Chapter 2, doubling the difference between the MZT and DZT intra-
class correlations estimates a trait’s narrow heritability (additive genetic
effects), but modeling procedures allow further partitioning of genetic and
environmental variance. This situation was rectified by using a model fit-
ting approach that permitted the simultaneous analysis of the reared-
apart twin data from the MISTRA and the reared-together twin data
from studies conducted in Finland and the United States.16
I remember escorting twins to the University of Minnesota’s Variety
Club Heart Hospital for their electrocardiograms (ECGs), echocardio-
grams, and exercise stress test. An ECG traces the heart’s electrical activ-
ity during a cardiac cycle (all cardiac events occurring between two
consecutive heartbeats). An echocardiogram uses ultrasound to produce
one- and two-dimensional images of the heart. Twins especially enjoyed
the echocardiogram because they could see a visual picture of their heart’s
movement. An exercise stress test evaluates the exercise capacity and the
electrocardiographic response (rate, rhythm, and changes in ECG wave-
forms) during maximal stress.
The twins were examined separately, in succession. As usual, they
worked on their questionnaire booklets while waiting to be called, seated
far apart.
The twins in the cardiac characteristics study included twenty-nine
MZA female pairs, twenty MZA male pairs, one MZA male triplet set,
seventeen female DZA pairs, and seven DZA male pairs. The twins’ vec-
torcardiograms (graphic representation of the heart’s electrical activity)
were recorded for forty-three pairs, but only the ECG data were analyzed.
The ECG readings for the first twenty-four twin pairs were measured
manually and read by a cardiologist according to the Minnesota Code
methodology, developed in 1960 and updated in 1987. The subsequently
studied twin pairs had their data read by a cardiologist who confirmed
124 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 6-2. MZA and DZA Intraclass Correlations for Cardiac Characteristics
a. Parameter definitions are provided in the book’s Web site. ECG: electrocardiogram.
b. P < .05.
c. Measured from the X, Y, and Z leads of the vectorcardiogram. mV: voltage
Source: Adapted from Hanson et al., “Genetic Factors in the Electrocardiogram and
Heart Rate of Twins Reared Apart and Together,” American Journal of Cardiology 63
(1989): 606–609.
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 125
Bouchard chose the Hawaii Battery because it had been used previously
in a large family study of cognition, providing a great deal of comparable
data. (Our MZA correlations are contrasted with the Hawaii Study’s
cousin correlations in Chapter 4.) The version we used also included
three tests from the Kit of Factor-Referenced Cognitive Tests (Identical
Pictures, Cubes, and Paper Folding). Two Hawaii Battery tests were omit-
ted (Social Perception and Progressive Matrices) because they resembled
tests already included in the assessment schedule. The Comprehensive
Ability Battery includes twenty tests, although we omitted six (Aiming,
Auditory Ability, Spontaneous Flexibility, Ideational Fluency, Originality,
and Representative Drawing) because of time limitations and because
some of these tests were less reliable and less valid than others. Looking
back, Bouchard regretted not having data from the creativity tests (Spon-
taneous Flexibility and Originality), a decision discussed further in Chap-
ter 11. The Comprehensive Ability Battery’s Esthetic Judgment test was
administered, but it is not a mental ability test and so is not discussed
The sample at this time included forty-nine MZA twin pairs (forty-
seven twin sets and two triplet sets) and twenty-five DZA twin pairs,
although occasional data were missing for some individuals.18 We com-
puted intraclass correlations for all special mental ability tests and tested
the fit of two models to the data. (Additional details about these proce-
dures are available in our 1989 publication, which is discussed later in
conjunction with information processing.)19
The mean MZA special ability correlations (0.45, 0.48) exceeded the
mean DZA correlations (0.34, 0.35) for tests from both test batteries. We
also used a statistical procedure called factor analysis to reduce the sepa-
rate tests to four factors (Verbal, Spatial, Perceptual Speed and Accuracy,
and Visual Memory). The mean intraclass correlations and model fitting
results are summarized in Table 6-3.
Genetic effects were generally highest for the Spatial Ability tests and
lowest for the Visual Memory tests. This pattern repeated in our subse-
quent analyses, suggesting that memory is affected substantially by expe-
rience and training. Information that is best remembered may be either
personally meaningful or important for survival, so individual differences
are minimized. We also found significant genetic effects for some individ-
ual tests (e.g., Pedigrees, a test in which subjects answer questions about
family relationships displayed schematically).
The final section of our article presented a meta-analysis or summary
of all special mental ability twin correlations that had been reported up
to the time of our study. It was Bouchard’s idea to plot the previous twin
Table 6-3. Reared-Apart Twin Intraclass Correlations (Mean) and Genetic Model Analysis for the Special Mental Ability Tests
Note: Parameter estimates are missing when the genetic model did not fit the mean squares. The mean battery correlations and heritabilities are from
our 1990 paper and the factor correlations and genetic test data are from our 1989 chapter. E: environmental effect; G: genetic effect; h2: heritability.
Source: Adapted from Bouchard et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Special Mental Abilities in a Sample of Twins Reared Apart,” Acta
Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae (Twin Research) 39 (1990): 193–206.
128 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
data as four stem-and-leaf plots organized by the four ability factors (Ver-
bal, Spatial, Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, and Memory) and four twin
groups (MZA, MZT, DZA, and DZT). These plots allow the spread of
correlations across studies to be seen easily. The diagrams (which are not
reproduced here) let us compare our findings with findings from multi-
ple studies. Here, we calculated the heritabilities for reared-together and
reared-apart twins by doubling the difference between the MZ and DZ
twin correlations. The heritabilities of the four ability factors yielded by
the meta-analysis were very close to ours. However, except for Memory,
the estimates were slightly higher for reared-together than reared-apart
twins (Verbal 0.36, 0.28; Spatial 0.48, 0.44; Perceptual Speed and Accu-
racy 0.42, 0.16; and Memory 0.32, 0.40, respectively), suggesting that
shared environmental factors can affect special mental skills. The rela-
tively low 0.16 heritability for Perceptual Speed and Accuracy, based on
the reared-apart twins, could have reflected the high DZA correlation for
speed tests and/or sampling variation associated with the small number
of tests.
When I left the University of Minnesota for California in 1991, I took
copies of every MISTRA protocol with me. Looking through these mate-
rials years later reminded me of the mental ability instruction booklet we
used exclusively with the twins. Completion times were marked in red,
and important guidelines were underlined. We penciled in notes regarding
particular twin pairs when called for (e.g., “12-Mar-85, Sally had me re-
peat the instructions, but got the concept,” “4-Oct-1988, John coughed
repeatedly through the Spelling test, but he finished it”). This booklet was
an informative record of what actually occurred in the testing room, and
we discussed such events at staff meetings held after each assessment.
Information Processing
Besides showing us that genetic and environmental factors variously affect
the different special mental abilities, the data were informative in another
way. McGue and Bouchard used the data to explore relationships be-
tween information processing and special mental abilities, as they had
done in 1984. The MISTRA data also provided a look at the extent to
which individual differences in cognition could be linked to specific fea-
tures of the twins’ rearing homes. For example, it was possible that twins
from higher socioeconomic backgrounds outperformed twins from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds, or that twins whose parents subscribed to
books and magazines excelled on verbal tests relative to the twins whose
parents provided little reading material.
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 129
families might show superior language skills relative to children from less
advantaged families, but it would be wrong to interpret parental status as
causally connected to children’s behavior. Parents transmit both genes and
environments to their children, and more socially advantaged parents are
likely to provide their children with rich linguistic opportunities and
the genetic potential for good language skills. The MISTRA disentangled
the genetic and environmental effects by examining associations between
the twins’ abilities and the characteristics of their separate rearing homes.
The participants in the information processing study were the same
forty-nine MZA and twenty-five DZA twin pairs included in our special
mental ability study. The three information processing tasks were the Pos-
ner Letter Identification, the Sternberg Memory Search, and the Shepard-
Metzler Cube Rotation (all described in Chapter 4), and the ability mea-
sures were those from the Hawaii and Comprehensive Ability Batteries.
The four ability factors (Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Ability, Perceptual
Speed and Accuracy, and Visual Memory) accounted for 55.1 percent of
the variance in ability. These results generally agreed with those from the
original 1976 Hawaii Family Study of Cognition.25
The twins’ special abilities and information processing measures were
correlated with their adoptive parents’ years of education, the adoptive
mother or fathers’ highest occupational status, the twins’ number of resi-
dences between ages one and nineteen years, and the availability of forty-
one different physical facilities in the home. The forty-one home facilities
were organized into four independent groups by factor analysis: Material
Possessions (e.g., tape recorder, power tools), Scientific/Technical (e.g., stop-
watch, telescope), Cultural (e.g., atlas, classical records), and Mechanical
(e.g., fishing equipment, leather-working tools). The physical facilities
checklist, mentioned in Chapter 5 in conjunction with the IQ data, is de-
scribed more fully here.
The fifty-seven correlations computed between the special abilities and
rearing-home characteristics (parental education, parental occupation, and
number of residences) ranged between −0.19 and 0.16. Only four correla-
tions were statistically significant, but three of the four appeared in a
counterintuitive direction. For example, one of the three correlations sug-
gested that lower cognitive ability was associated with a higher rearing
social status. Several significant correlations between the cognitive ability
and physical facilities measures also exhibited a counterintuitive direc-
tion. McGue and Bouchard suggested that “whatever the relevant envi-
ronmental contributors to a child’s cognitive development may be, these
factors are unrelated to the educational and socioeconomic status of that
child’s parents.”26 In other words, environmental factors clearly affect
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 131
cognitive skills, but they are not the parental factors people generally as-
sociate with child development. Psychologists need to look more widely
for these influences, perhaps in children’s peer groups, community cen-
ters, and extracurricular activities.
Significant twin resemblance was found for parental education, mate-
rial possessions, and mechanical possessions, indicating that the twins’
rearing homes were not chosen entirely at random. However, McGue and
Bouchard did not attach considerable meaning to this finding because the
environmental measures were only weakly linked with the cognitive mea-
sures, and because the degree of environmental similarity was the same
for the MZA and DZA twins. Twin similarity in rearing factors did not
appear to explain twin similarity in special mental abilities or informa-
tion processing.
The three information processing components (Speed of Response,
Acquisition Speed, and Speed of Spatial Processing) were the same as those
we reported for the smaller 1984 and 1986 twin samples.27 The relation-
ships found between these components and the special abilities were also
similar to those found earlier, showing overlap between these two types
of measures.
The genetic analysis of the special ability data showed that, with two
exceptions, the general model fit the data, and all genetic components
were statistically significant. About 50 percent of the variance in Verbal
Reasoning, Spatial Ability, and Perceptual Speed and Accuracy was asso-
ciated with genetic factors. The two exceptions were the Hawaii Ability’s
Word Beginning and Endings test (generating words beginning and end-
ing in specified letters) and the Immediate Visual Memory factor (mem-
orizing an object list and immediately identifying those objects in a new
list). The general model fit most of the information processing measures
except for two Sternberg parameters (percentage correct, and secondary
or long-term memory).
McGue and Bouchard noted (somewhat surprisingly) that the amount
of time required for twins to decide whether two letters are the same or
different correlated as highly with verbal abilities (mean: −0.39) as the
verbal abilities correlated among themselves (mean: 0.43). The reasons
behind such results are speculative. For example, the correlation between
the speed factor and the specific abilities could be due to a general speed
factor common to all the speed measures. Alternatively, several indepen-
dent processes with specific associations to the cognitive skills, combined
into the composite factor, could be the cause as well. The MISTRA data
did not allow a decision as to which of these two alternatives was the
better interpretation.
132 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
1989 to 1990
The genetic effects found for job satisfaction, heart rate, mental abilities,
and information processing were generally what I expected. The striking
Figure 6-1. The “Giggle Twins,” Daphne Goodship (left) and Barbara Herbert.
The twins had been close friends for thirty years; Daphne’s passing in 2011 in
her early seventies was a great loss for her sister. (Photo credit Nancy L. Segal.)
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 133
finding from so many of our analyses was the negligible effect of the
rearing-home environment on behavior. Recall, also, the finding that envi-
ronmental effects outside the home were important, and often explained
more of the variance than the genetic ones. For example, cardiac character-
istics were affected by nonshared environments, but not by shared envi-
ronments, and intrinsic job satisfaction was only 30 percent heritable. Both
findings surprised people who subscribed to the more conventional view
that families significantly influence individual differences in their children’s
behavior—especially people who had never worked with twins, adoptees, or
I have found that parents of dizygotic multiple birth children and par-
ents of adopted children are very wise regarding behavioral origins. They
know without being taught that their sons and daughters have distinctive
cognitive skills, temperaments, and talents and—most significantly—that
they differ considerably from their siblings no matter how much their par-
ents try to raise them the same way. In February 2010, I had the rare op-
portunity to attend an awards reception at the White House where I met a
celebrity mother of female dizygotic twin infants. “They are so different!”
she told me. “Is that normal?” Similarly, the father of a virtual twin pair
in one of my studies (same-age unrelated siblings who provide direct esti-
mates of shared environmental influence on behavior)28 had expected his
daughters to be somewhat different, “but not like night and day.”29
The reared-apart twins kept us occupied in many ways during 1989
and 1990. Bouchard and postdoctoral fellow Kimerly Wilcox published
an encyclopedia article on new developments in behavior genetics.30 Find-
ings from the MISTRA were included in that article (and would also ap-
pear in the 1992 and 1997 updates). Bouchard and I published a com-
mentary in response to a target article on sex differences in mathematical
reasoning ability.31 Bouchard also contributed to an adoption bibliogra-
phy published by the American Adoption Congress, something he could
not have done had it not been for the MISTRA.32 Our Science IQ article
was reprinted in Le Journal International de Médecine, an international
European journal,33 and Lykken published a full description of the Min-
nesota Twin Registry.34
A curious twist in the history of the MISTRA is that while federal fund-
ing was mostly denied, our study laid the groundwork for the success of
the Minnesota Twin Family Study, which has been federally funded for more
than twenty years since its launch in 1989. Lykken’s Minnesota Twin Regis-
try, started in 1983 and completed in 1990, also received federal funding.
The MISTRA team continued to share its findings with colleagues.
Bouchard and I delivered twenty-five formal presentations, many at
134 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 6-2. Professor Bouchard and his “identical twin.” (Photo credit Rich
Ryan Photography.)
J O B S AT I S FAC T I O N , C A R D I AC C H A R AC T E R I ST I C S , A N D M O R E 135
Tourette Syndrome
I learned about Tourette syndrome when I was a graduate student assis-
tant at the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute in Chicago between 1974
and 1982. I noticed someone there who showed continual grunting and
clearing of the throat, and periodic twirling of a lock of hair with the
forefinger of one hand. I asked one of my supervisors about these behav-
iors, and he said, “Tourette.”
Tourette syndrome was first described in 1885 by the French neurolo-
gist Georges Gilles de la Tourette.1 The symptoms are distinctive—they
include involuntary motor and phonic tics that appear by age seven, but
they can appear as late as age eighteen. Some patients also display copro-
lalia, the use of loud and obscene language. So, in 1985, when Bouchard
and I were visited by one female member of an affected MZA female/
DZA male Swedish triplet set, I knew what I was seeing.
This was my first meeting with Elsa, who had participated in the MISTRA
in 1981 at age fifty, the year before I arrived. She took part in the study with
her MZA twin sister Frida and co-triplet brother Erik, both of whom
showed the signs and symptoms of Tourette. These siblings were separated
at two months of age and reunited at forty-eight years. Elsa didn’t know she
was adopted until she was twelve, when she asked her mother for birth
documents required by her school. When her mother brought the papers
home she momentarily hid the word adopted with her hand before telling
her daughter that she was an adopted triplet. When she finally revealed the
truth, Elsa cried and insisted to her mother, “I am yours.”
Growing up, Elsa felt different from her family, partly because she be-
lieved her parents were much smarter than she was, but also because of
her tics. She told me she developed frequent eye blinking at age three, and
in childhood began counting things obsessively and turning her body con-
tinuously in a clockwise direction as she walked down stairs. Some of her
relatives who knew she was adopted believed that her adoption experi-
ence had provoked these symptoms.
Over the years, Elsa was both curious and worried that her biological
triplet siblings would reject her. Then, when Elsa was in her forties, she
became a headmistress at a daycare center in a Swedish community away
from her home. One day, she was “drawn into a certain shop” to purchase
some dress material. The shopkeeper greeted Elsa warmly, not realizing
that she didn’t really know her—when Elsa said that she had a twin, the
shopkeeper explained that she had made a wedding dress for Frida and
had confused the two. At this point, Elsa asked the woman to deliver a
message to her sister. When Frida called her at work, Elsa replied, “I know
your name.” This was the first contact between these sisters in over forty
years. They met their brother several weeks later after finding him in
Sweden through hospital and church records.
The triplets presented a new medical case history. No one had formally
diagnosed Tourette syndrome in reared-apart twins or triplets, although
some characteristic behaviors had been described in two early cases.2
Tourette-like symptoms were also noted in a pair of our thirty-five-year-
old MZA female twins. Both twins were compulsive counters of just about
anything, keeping track of the wheels on trucks and counting themselves
to sleep. Such repetitive, ritualistic behaviors are part of the suite of
symptoms characterizing Tourette, but they do not alone warrant a diag-
nosis of the syndrome.
Several studies of Tourette syndrome in twins reared together had
been published by the time Elsa returned to Minneapolis in 1985. A study
published that same year3 and several subsequent clinical studies demon-
strated genetic contributions to the disorder.4 Thirty years later, in 2005,
Yale University researchers would discover that chromosome 13 inversion
(rearrangement of genetic material within a chromosome) was linked to
some cases of Tourette, providing new evidence that this disorder has a
genetic basis.5
In September 1983, psychiatrist Maurice W. Dysken, whom I had known
at the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute, had relocated to the Minneapolis
Veterans Administration Medical Center. Dysken arranged to have Elsa
observed in an overnight sleep laboratory at the nearby Hennepin County
Medical Center. We also reviewed all three triplets’ medical records and
138 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
interviewed Elsa more extensively about the nature and timing of her
symptoms. We arranged for all three triplets to complete a survey, based
on questionnaires created by Yale University psychologists David L. Pauls
and Kenneth K. Kidd. These surveys were translated into Swedish and ad-
ministered to the triplets in 1987 and 1988 by nursing staff at the Karolin-
ska Institute in Stockholm. They included questions about each triplet’s
symptoms and those of any biological family members with whom they
were familiar. The triplets had half-brothers and half-sisters on both sides
of their biological family and had had meetings and telephone contact
with some of them.
All three triplets met Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM)-III criteria
for Tourette syndrome, demonstrating genetic influence.6 We discovered
that the triplets’ biological father and uncle were both affected with the
disorder.7 The fact that the triplets were not raised with these relatives
strengthened a genetic explanation of this disorder. Adding to this view
was the fact that the son and daughter of Elsa’s MZA female co-triplet
had both been affected. Most importantly, all three triplets had been
reared apart since early infancy, and each had developed his or her symp-
toms independently. The MZA female co-twins did not show identical
symptom profiles, a finding that we linked to unknown environmental
causes. This outcome had been reported before—the famous identical
Genain quadruplets were concordant for schizophrenia, but varied mark-
edly in the nature and severity of their symptoms.8
This Swedish triplet set with Tourette disorder was the only MISTRA
case study we ever reported in the scientific literature; we preferred to
publish statistical findings on as many separated pairs as possible. It was
also important to honor our informed consent agreements with the twins
by keeping their life history data confidential.9
Our first quantitative analysis of psychiatric symptoms appeared in 1990
in the journal Biological Psychiatry.10 The lead author on this effort was
clinical psychologist Will Grove. Grove earned his doctoral degree from
the University of Minnesota’s clinical psychology program in 1983,
working under Paul Meehl; he then spent a year in the University of
Iowa’s psychiatry department. He returned to the University of Minne-
sota as a faculty member in psychiatry in 1985, and also joined the psy-
chology department in 1990. His research specialties include the etiologi-
cal and behavioral genetic aspects of psychopathology. Grove, along with
Elke Eckert, administered the Diagnostic Interview Schedule to many of
our twins beginning in 1990.
Twelve individual twins satisfied the criteria for alcohol abuse and/or
dependence (18 percent), nine for drug abuse and/or dependence (14
percent), and seven for antisocial personality (11 percent). The proband-
wise concordance rates (probability that a twin is affected if his or her
co-twin has a given condition) for these conditions were 33 percent,
36 percent, and 29 percent, respectively.15 These concordance rates were
low, but they did not mean that genes were unimportant—rather, we sus-
pected that using diagnoses was inappropriate because our twin sample
was generally nonclinical. Grove explained that if two twins are heavy
drinkers, one twin might fulfill the criteria for alcohol abuse, but his or
her co-twin, while a heavy drinker as well, might miss the benchmark
for abuse. Such twins would be discordant according to formal criteria
for alcohol abuse, but they would both be alcohol abusers. He thus ana-
lyzed the data using symptom counts.
The heritabilities found for drug abuse/dependence (0.45), childhood
antisocial personality (0.41), and adult antisocial personality (0.28) were
significant at the 0.10 level. The heritability for alcoholism (0.11) was
lower than the 0.67 probandwise concordance value that had recently
been reported for reared-apart twins in Finland, although it was similar to
the 0.14 intraclass correlation reported for reared-apart twins in Sweden.
We also computed heritabilities, phenotypic correlations (extent of re-
semblance between two observed measures), and genetic correlations
(extent to which two traits are affected by common genes).
We found a high genetic correlation between alcohol and drug abuse/
dependence (0.78), suggesting that these disorders are affected by shared
genetic factors. However, the phenotypic correlation between alcohol and
drug abuse/dependence was low (0.26). When one trait shows low herita-
bility (e.g., alcoholism) but shows a high genetic correlation with another
trait (e.g., drug abuse), then there are probably only a few genes that mod-
estly influence both traits. The genetic correlations for the other behaviors
ranged from 0.53 to 0.87, suggesting genetic overlap among them.
There were several limitations to this study. First, the data were not
gathered on more than one occasion to determine whether the twins’ re-
sponses remained constant. Second, some younger twins may not have
passed through the risk periods for symptom development, resulting in
“pseudo discordance.” Third, despite the power of the MZA twin design
to separate genetic and environmental effects, the sample size was mod-
est, running the risk of small sample fluctuation. Fourth, more complex
genetic models, encompassing genotype × environment interactions and
environmental effects, could not be applied because of the small sample.
Even while the twins were nonclinical volunteers, the rates of alcohol
abuse/dependence, drug abuse/dependence, and antisocial personality
Behavioral Genetics is the most complete compendium of behavioral
genetic research around.18 This book gets larger with each reprinting, a
change that reflects the accumulation of new methods, findings, and per-
spectives. Some sections undergo considerable revision, making it in-
structive to compare older and newer editions as a way of tracking prog-
ress in the field. It has been revised four times since its first publication in
142 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
The reared-apart twin sample included fifty-three MZA twin pairs (twenty
male and thirty-three female) and thirty-one DZA twin pairs (nine male
and twenty-two female). The reared-together twin sample from Lykken’s
registry included 458 MZT twin pairs (156 male and 302 female) and
363 DZT twin pairs (123 male and 240 female). The reared-apart twins
completed all five scales, while the reared-together twins completed the
Religious Leisure Time Interests and Religious Occupational Interests
Scales only. Intraclass correlations for the different scales are summarized
in Table 7-1.
The MZA and MZT correlations were uniformly higher than the cor-
responding DZA and DZT correlations, consistent with genetic effects. We
also noted that the Leisure Time scale correlations were higher for reared-
together twins than for reared-apart twins, although the differences were
not statistically significant because of the small reared-apart twin samples.
Table 7-1. Intraclass Correlations for Five Religious Interest Scales for Twins Reared Apart and Together
Scale (458 pairs) (363 pairs)
(31–52 pairs) (21–31 pairs)
Model fitting was performed twice, once using all four twin groups who
had completed two scales, and once using the MZA and DZA twins
who had also completed the other three scales. The genetic analyses let
Waller and Kojetin partition the environment into shared and nonshared
components. Neither a purely genetic nor purely environmental model
could explain the data. Instead, genetic influence explained approximately
50 percent of the variance in all five measures, as did nonshared environ-
mental factors.30 The shared environment contributed little to the vari-
ance. The twins’ Verbal, Performance, and Full-Scale IQ scores could not
account for the genetic component underlying religiosity.31
The 50 percent genetic influence on religiosity and the negligible shared
environmental effect were fairly new and controversial findings. These find-
ings meant that parents had less influence than they thought over their
children’s religious activities and interests as they approached adolescence
and adulthood. Instead, the study showed that religious pursuits were af-
fected more by individuals’ behavioral predispositions in conjunction with
their unique experiences, such as attending a workshop, taking a class, or
reading a book.
Bouchard considered the findings striking. Years later, he told Time
magazine that the data “completely contradicted my expectations.”32
When Bouchard presented the religiosity results and others at the 1990
American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, biologist
Garland Allen objected: “Behavioral genetic studies, such as these, tend to
lead the public to blame behavior, such as alcoholism and criminality,
on genetics.”33 However, behavioral geneticists believed that the findings
could help the public understand these behaviors and work more effec-
tively toward their control.
Subsequent twin and family studies (including our own) continued to
support the original results. Debate over the degree to which genes influ-
ence religious behaviors has continued, although most researchers agree
that religious affiliation (e.g., Catholicism or Judaism) is decided by one’s
rearing family.
The MISTRA investigators believed that complex behaviors such as reli-
gious interest are probably influenced by many genes, each having a tiny
effect on the outcome. It made sense that the pathways from genes at the
molecular level to behavior at the observable level might operate through
personality traits such as traditionalism, absorption (emotional responsivity
to engaging sights and sounds), or harm avoidance (tendencies that might
encourage individuals to seek religious activities or community support).
Several MZA twin pairs were memorable because of their religious at-
titudes and activities. Debbie Mehlman and Sharon Poset, who met at age
forty-five, are the best example of twins whose affiliations differed but
whose religious involvements were closely aligned. The twins were sepa-
rated as infants and adopted by different New Jersey families—living just
forty-five minutes apart. Debbie was raised Jewish, while Sharon was raised
Catholic before becoming a Protestant.
Debbie learned at age forty-five that she had been adopted and that
she had a twin. One weekend after Debbie’s father had died, her mother
decided that the time was right to tell her daughter about her true back-
ground; Debbie thought her mother’s visit was for the “money talk”—to
acquaint Debbie with the family’s bank accounts “in case anything hap-
pened.” “Boy, was I in for a surprise!” she recalled. Debbie hired a private
investigator who located Sharon in Nicholasville, Kentucky, about 650
miles from Debbie’s West Hartford, Connecticut, home. Sharon knew she
had been adopted, but neither she nor her family knew she had a twin.34
The private investigator first contacted Sharon’s parents in New Jersey,
and they decided to travel to Kentucky to tell Sharon the news. Sharon
also assumed her parents were coming for the “money talk.”
Prior to being found by her sister, Sharon had prayed that someone spe-
cial would come into her life after her son had relocated to Colorado. She
said Debbie was the answer to her prayers. The twins’ televised reunion
shows them falling into each other’s arms at Bradley International Airport
in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.35 A photo taken a month later shows them
wearing t-shirts imprinted with the words “I’m With My Twin Sister.”36
After learning she was adopted, Debbie worried that she was not really
Jewish because Jewish law states that Jewish children are born to Jewish
mothers. Consequently, Debbie completed a conversion ritual along with
her daughter, and remarried her husband of twenty-three years. Her rabbi
advised Debbie to do this in order to have formal proof of her Judaism.
It eventually turned out that the twins’ biological father was Jewish, but
their biological mother was Protestant.37
Sharon had stopped going to church on Sundays because her husband
worked on those days and she did not want to go alone. But when her son
was born she wanted to “be more grounded and know how to raise him
religiously,” so she returned to the Catholic Church. However, she was
disillusioned to find that practices such as fasting had been “watered
down.” Sharon eventually chose a nondenominational Evangelical Chris-
tian Church that does not have the strict rules her Catholic church once had
but does offer the “right blend of faith, morality, forgiveness, and grace.” She
feels she should have been pleased by the Catholic Church’s more relaxed
atmosphere, but she saw the change as possibly reflecting a lack of sub-
stance or meaning. Sharon wished that her life was as organized around
146 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
her faith as Debbie’s—both twins liked the rituals and formality of reli-
gious services and holidays. But Sharon was dissatisfied following “rules
that made no sense,” though she still missed “calendar things” and liked
the idea of holidays that do not fall on the same day each year, as occurs
in Judaism. Some aspects of Judaism were familiar to Sharon while she
was growing up because of her father’s Jewish clients.
Debbie and Sharon are both strong followers of their respective reli-
gions, something they acknowledge in themselves and each other. They
discuss religious issues with each other more easily than with most of
their adoptive siblings who do not have the same interest or involvement.
Each twin participates in the other twin’s religious activities when they
visit. Their different religious worlds are mutually enriching.
Soon after meeting, the twins discussed how they would feel if one con-
vinced the other to convert to the other’s religion. But that never happened,
and they say they have more respect for each other for staying with their
respective faiths. Debbie and Sharon also exemplify the MISTRA’s religi-
osity studies in their belief that each would have embraced their co-twin’s
religion had their rearing families been reversed. Sharon said, “I think
I am programmed to be religious . . . whatever religion I was exposed to
as a child would have been very important to me through my life.”
The practices of other MZA twin pairs also agreed with our findings.
Mark and Jerry, the volunteer firefighters who met by chance at age thirty-
one, had been raised by adoptive Jewish families. Neither twin showed
any interest in religion as an adult, but both consider themselves Jewish
when asked.
Two of the more interesting religious life histories concerned British
twins Elaine Alin and Mary Holmes. As Mary wrote in her 2008 book Be-
ing You, both twins were raised Catholic, but religion was a major pres-
ence in Mary’s home and a moderate presence in her sister’s. Over the
years, Mary and Elaine have tried to reconcile their belief in genetic influ-
ence and their belief in God, but these conversations with each other end
“ambiguously.” Mary eventually turned away from her faith, wondering
if this was because “it strangled my early years.” Mary also asked, “Does
Elaine’s belief in a God stem from her freedom of choice?”38 She may be
right to associate their current religious differences with the religious dif-
ferences in their rearing homes.
Mary and Elaine knew as children that their biological mother was
Jewish, information that fascinated Mary but meant nothing to her twin
at the time. In her book, Mary described a visit to Israel with her husband
Tony whose idea it was to take that trip. When Mary stood at the top of
Masada (Israel’s historic site where, in a.d. 73, the Jewish people com-
mitted suicide rather than surrender to a Roman legion) and saw the
landscape and surrounding Dead Sea, she believed she had been there
before. Perhaps her knowledge of being half-Jewish made her feel con-
nected to that historic site, reviving a sense of spirituality.
Mary and Elaine’s different outlooks never interfered with how well
they got along together, but not all twins’ religious lives synchronized
so well. Religious differences were a source of contention between MZA
female twins Betty and Alice. Betty rejected most religious beliefs, while
Alice was deeply involved in her spiritual life. These tendencies were not
apparent during the twin’s assessment in February 1983, soon after their
1982 reunion, but they developed years later. Over the years, Betty and
Alice sought counseling to hold their relationship together and are still
friendly. Their efforts along these lines underscore the significance of the
twin relationship—it is fair to assume that most people would not tolerate
companions with such opposing views but would tolerate their twin. This
situation was also exemplified by MZA twins Jack and Oskar who were
raised Jewish and Catholic, respectively (see Chapter 2). These twins al-
ternately liked and angered each other until Oskar’s death in 1997.39
Data on the twins’ religious interests and behavior continued to be gath-
ered, although another article on this topic was not published until 1999.40
The increased variability we observed for the scores on five of the Fam-
ily Environment Scale categories (Cohesion, Expressiveness, Conflict,
Independence, and Achievement Orientation) increased our chances of
finding meaningful correlations between the personality traits and the
home environment scales.46 Restriction in the range of adoptees’ rearing
environments in some studies has been criticized because it reduces the
chance of finding associations among variables, but this would not be a
factor in ours. The fact that the twins’ scores did not differ from those of
their nonadopted spouses suggested that our twins came from a wide
range of family backgrounds.
The personality data were organized into five factors: Extraversion,
Emotional Stability, Flexibility, Consensuality, and Femininity. Gough had
reported four factors similar to our first four, but our fifth one (Feminin-
ity) had been reported in some previous studies. The Family Environment
Scale was organized into three factors, Cohesion-Conflict, Positive Con-
straint, and Encouragement of Individual Growth.
Co-twin correlations for the ten family environment scales and three
family environment factors were positive but not substantial. The MZA
correlations ranged from 0.09 (Control and Expressiveness scales) to 0.38
(Independence scale), while the DZA correlations ranged from −0.23
(Moral-Religious Orientation) to 0.42 (Conflict). It appeared that, on
average, the MZA twins’ homes were more alike than the DZA twins’
homes, but the difference was not statistically significant. Combining the
MZA and DZA data let us estimate the maximum amount of selective
placement (extent to which co-twins had been placed in similar homes).
The mean of the pooled primary scale correlations was 0.17, and the mean
of the pooled factor correlations was 0.19, showing that selective place-
ment was modest. However, the important question was whether similar-
ity in the twins’ rearing homes was associated with their personality
similarity. First, we had to see how similar their personalities were.
The mean MZA twin personality correlation was 0.45 (range: 0.10 to
0.64), and the mean DZA correlation was 0.18 (range: −0.28 to 0.53). The
intraclass correlations were modest for some MZA scales, but they were
larger for the more reliable factor scores. The average heritability was 0.49;
in fact, the heritabilities for the separate scales were significantly greater
than zero for almost every personality scale. This analysis concurred with
our 1988 personality study showing that personality is about 50 percent
Correlations were computed between the personality and family envi-
ronment scales and factors, although only the factor correlations are dis-
played in Table 7-2. Factors have greater reliability than separate scales
because they are based on multiple outcomes.
150 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 7-2. Correlations between the California Psychological Inventory and Family Environment Scale
Factor Scores
Positive Encouragement of
Personality Factors Cohesion-Conflict Constraint Individual Growth
a. P < .05.
Source: Adapted from Bouchard and McGue, “Genetic and Rearing Environmental
Influences on Adult Personality: An Analysis of Adopted Twins Reared Apart,” Journal of
Personality 58 (1990): 263–292.
Six of the fifteen correlations were significant, but only the one involv-
ing Consensuality and Cohesion-Conflict was substantial (0.49). This
meant that the more one sees the world as others see it, the less conflict
there was in the childhood home. However, these correlations must be
squared to obtain the proportion of variance in the personality measure
associated with variance in the environmental measure. Doing so indi-
cated that about 25 percent of the variance in Consensuality could be
explained by the variance in Cohesion-Conflict. The amount of explained
variance in the other five significant correlations ranged from only 2.0
percent to 3.6 percent. This indicated that, overall, the rearing home envi-
ronment has little affect on adult personality. Few significant correlations
between co-twin differences on the personality and family environment
measures emerged, demonstrating that whether or not the twins’ rearing
homes had similar or different features was unrelated to their personality
similarity as adults.47
The most striking finding from this analysis was that the personality
heritability of 45 to 50 percent agreed with those from studies of twins
reared together, both children and adults. The California Psychological
Inventory is also very different from the Multidimensional Personality
Questionnaire we analyzed in 1988, but we obtained comparable genetic
estimates across the two studies.
None of the personality analyses suggested that twins reared apart
were more alike than twins reared together, as Shields had shown in 1962.
The data are the data, but some observations can be meaningful. When I
meet twins, I often find that MZT co-twins behave more similarly when
they are separated, making it hard to know which twin is which. But when
twins meet me together, their tendencies toward extraversion-introversion
or dominance-submission start to show. In contrast, I rarely observed
these behavioral changes among the MZA pairs, probably because they
lacked extensive interactional histories. For example, whether I spoke in-
dividually or jointly to the MZA fireman twins Mark and Jerry, they both
seemed to take over the conversation with their loud speech and playful
style. When I was with either or both of the MZA Scottish twins Caroline
and Margaret, their gentle manner and respectful demeanor (and strong
accent) made them indistinguishable (and often incomprehensible). Per-
haps current self-report personality inventories are insensitive to subtle
changes in MZT twins’ behaviors because these inventories reflect be-
havior averaged over time. Future MZA and MZT twin studies might ask
twins to compare their personality traits to those of their co-twin, as well
as provide the usual self-report.
The years leading up to 1990 brought several twin pairs to Minneapolis
for their ten-year follow-up study. This was an opportunity for me to meet
some twins who had been assessed before I had arrived in Minnesota.
I saw the Jim twins again after not having seen them since 1979, on the
set of Chicago’s WLS-TV program Friday Night. They seemed as similar
as ever. I also met the MZA male twins whose sexual orientation had
been so difficult to classify—and it still was.
Some of the new twin pairs we studied in 1990 were also memorable.
The twins I recall most clearly were elegant blonde Australian women,
Judy and Cara, who had met through mistaken identity. In the late 1980s
and 1990s, Australia had only two department store chains, David Jones
(DJs) and Myer. Judy was a fashion buyer for DJs, and Cara was a fashion
buyer for Myer, in their respective Brisbane stores. The twins found each
other when fashion representatives visiting each store had asked, “Why
are you two-timing, working for rival chains?” After this had happened
several times, the representatives realized the women were twins and ar-
ranged for their reunion. According to Nick Martin, who brought them
to our attention,
it was a beautiful story of [the] genotype channeling them toward the same
very specific niche . . . I believe that Bouchard and I met them for dinner
within a year of their being reunited and were amazed (at least I was) at
their similarity of dress, hairstyle, postures, and tastes. They wore the same
sort of jewelry, smoked the same brand of mentholated cigarettes, and even
152 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
spoke with the same voice, although one had an English accent because of
her upbringing. I took them with me on a national TV program on twins,
and as a result we found about six other pairs.
Judy described the bouquet of flowers she had given to her sister in
honor of their reunion. There were white flowers mixed with flowers of the
“palest pink possible.” That shade of pink was their favorite color, even
before they met.
By the end of 1990, 107 reared-apart twin pairs had completed the
MISTRA’s assessment. And in 1990 alone, reports about the MISTRA
had appeared in twenty-six publications, including World Book Encyclo-
pedia,48 Der Spiegel magazine,49 and the Philadelphia Inquirer.50 Scientific
papers in a variety of medical and behavioral areas were being published.
We also started a new and unexpected collaboration with the periodontal
salivary factors, oral flora, tooth eruption time, and tooth eruption se-
quence may have explained the MZA twins’ similar history of cavities.
No explanation for the lack of genetic influence on overbite and overjet
was available; in fact, this finding conflicted with previous twin study
findings. Till thought this finding was the biggest surprise.4
Dental terms are exotic, such as “Carabelli’s trait” and “premolar
grooves.” Carabelli’s trait is an extra cusp or pointed structure on a first
molar; premolar grooves are flat elevations on the premolar teeth. Both
were examined for twin resemblance in antimeres, homologues, and het-
erologues. Antimere teeth are the matching teeth appearing on a person’s
left and right sides of the mouth (e.g., two first permanent molars, one on
the left and one on the right). Homologue teeth are teeth with similar
positions, structures, functions, or characteristics (e.g., incisors). Hetero-
logue teeth are teeth with different structures, positions, functions, or
characteristics (e.g., molars differ from incisors in structure, position,
and function).
Resemblance in antimere symmetry concordance (resemblance) was the
same for MZA and DZA twin pairs for both Carabelli’s trait and premolar
grooves, suggesting an absence of genetic influence. However, MZA ho-
mologous concordance was approximately twice that of DZA concor-
dance for these two traits, this time indicating the contribution of genetic
factors. Heterologous concordance was also higher for MZA than DZA
twins, indicating the strength of environmental influences. Lack of mirror
imaging (trait reversal) was indicated by the similar values for homolo-
gous and heterologous concordance within the two twin groups. Reared-
together twin studies have also failed to find evidence of mirror-imaging
in these dental measures.
Just for fun, our dental colleagues put one MZA twin’s upper jaw (max-
illary) plaster model over the co-twin’s lower jaw (mandibular) model to
check the fit. It worked almost perfectly, showing that the twins’ teeth had
evolved and rotated in similar ways. Till said that the DZA twins’ models
were “all over the place.”
Boraas’s 1988 paper was the first to address dental findings in reared-
apart twins. She confirmed what so many parents had told me about their
identical twin children’s matching teeth. Graduate dental programs at
Minnesota and elsewhere referred new students to the MISTRA studies,
and they still do. Boraas’s work earned her the 1988 American Academy
of Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Student Research Prize.
In a larger updated analysis including forty-six MZA twin pairs and
twenty-two DZA twin pairs, every measure showed greater MZA than
DZA twin resemblance. However, the Surfaces Restored Index was the
Table 8-1. Initial and Updated Comparisons of Dental Parameters in MZA and DZA Twin Pairs
Dentate status
Teeth presenta 28 0.62d 10 −0.19
46 0.45c 22 0.04
Teeth presenta (excluding molars) 28 0.69d 10 0.06
46 0.49c 22 0.11
Treatment status
Teeth restored 28 0.66d 10 0.09
46 0.57c 22 0.30
Teeth restored index 28 0.65d 10 0.51b
46 0.61c 22 0.31
Teeth restored index (adjusted) 28 0.74d 10 0.47
Surfaces restoreda 28 0.71d 10 −0.04
46 0.46c 22 0.20
Surfaces restored index 28 0.72d 10 0.33
46 0.67 22 0.17
Surfaces restored index (adjusted) 28 0.77d 10 0.46
Treatment/caries status
Surfaces restored or carious index 28 0.79d 10 0.34
44 0.58c 22 0.26
Tooth size
Maxillary incisors 13 0.94d 2 0.06
Mandibular incisors 19 0.63d 6 0.33
Rotation/displacement index 26 0.43c 7 −0.27
Rotation/displacement index 26 0.43c 7 −0.09
Occlusion variables
Overbite 23 0.03 6 −0.15
Overjet 23 0.06 5 0.31
Arch width
canine-canine 24 0.81d 4 0.92c
molar-molar 14 0.69d 4 0.76b
only measure in which the MZA and DZA twins differed significantly,
possibly because the larger sample was still modest in size. Every trait
correlation was significant for the MZA twins, while none were signifi-
cant for the DZA twins. The initial and updated analyses are summarized
in Table 8-1.
The updated dental trait heritabilities ranged between 0.52 and 0.82.
The Surfaces Restored Index’s heritability equal to 1.00 possibly re-
flected sampling error.5 Interestingly, all the MZA correlations fell some-
what since the 1988 analysis, and most of the DZA correlations in-
creased. It is possible that the MZA correlations were overestimated and
the DZA correlations were underestimated in the previous analysis that
included smaller numbers of twins. But the big picture did not change—
this second study underscored the importance of examining older twins
for whom dental problems were more likely present, allowing for more
sensitive tests of genetic effects.
Conry, who completed the updated analysis, speculated that the genetic
transmission of oral structure may be key to the MZA twins’ similarity
in caries experience.6 People with shorter upper jaw (maxillary) arches
are at greater risk for cavities. The reared-apart twins were not examined
on a site-by-site (location) or quadrant-by-quadrant (upper or lower right
or left area) basis, which would have helped identify the role of tooth
morphology in dental decay.
The twins’ behaviors might also illuminate the genetics of dental dis-
ease. Genetically based intellectual factors related to understanding health-
related issues, and personality factors related to vigilance in dental care
could be important. Unrelated individuals might achieve different suc-
cess levels in preventing dental disease despite following similar dental
Meanwhile, in the mid-1980s we added measures of periodontal disease
to the study. Periodontitis is a common cause of adult tooth loss, and
about three-fourths of Americans experience some periodontal symptoms.7
We began bringing twins to Moos Tower’s seventh floor immediately after
their dental examinations.
Note: H = Heritability.
a. MZT and DZT twins did not show mean differences on any of the four measures (P < .10).
b. The ri and confidence intervals (CI) were obtained from the bootstrap distribution (ri = median).
c. Heritability (2 − [riMZ − riDZ]) was estimated by the median of the bootstrap samples.
d. Heritability (ri MZA) was estimated by the median of the bootstrap samples.
Source: Adapted from Michalowicz et al., “Periodontal Findings in Adult Twins,” Journal of Periodontology 62 (1991): 293–299.
D E N TA L T R A I T S , A L L E RG I E S , A N D V O C AT I O N A L I N T E R E ST S 161
Table 8-3. Intraclass Correlations, Heritabilities, and Confidence Intervals for Alveolar Bone Height of
MZT, DZT, and MZA Twin Pairs
n ria 90% CIb h2 90% CI of h2
were statistically significant for all twin groups, with the exception of the
DZT twins from Minnesota, as shown in Table 8-5.29
Biometrical analyses of the serum IgE data did not show differences
between reared-together twins from Minnesota and Finland, so the data
were combined. The genetic effect was estimated as 0.564, and the non-
Table 8-4. Probandwise Concordance Rates for Seasonal Rhinitis and Asthma for the Minnesota Twin
Seasonal Rhinitis
Number concordant 9 2 8 3
Number discordant 12 5 10 8
Percentage concordant 60 44 62 43
Number concordant 4 0 2 0
Number discordant 1 2 1 2
Percentage concordant 89a 0 80 0
Note: Concordance was only studied in pairs with one or more affected twins.
a. P < .05 concordance.
Source: Adapted from Hanson et al., “Atopic Disease and Immunoglobulin E in Twins
Reared Apart and Together,” American Journal of Human Genetics 48 (1991): 873–879.
n (pairs) ri 95% CI
a. P < .05.
Source: Adapted from Hanson et al., “Atopic Disease and Immunoglobulin E in Twins
Reared Apart and Together,” American Journal of Human Genetics 48 (1991): 873–879.
D E N TA L T R A I T S , A L L E RG I E S , A N D V O C AT I O N A L I N T E R E ST S 165
Vocational Interests
There were many medical “firsts” from the MISTRA, as shown by the
studies in dentistry, periodontology, and immunology. There were also
psychological “firsts” occurring simultaneously. One was our study of
vocational interests.
Psychology graduate student Dan Moloney worked on the MISTRA
between 1985 and 1988, administering tests and processing data. He
came to the University of Minnesota because Bouchard “gave a great talk
on the twins” at St. John’s University, and Moloney was captivated. He
often went to the airport to pick up the new pairs and recalled how easily
and naturally the reunited twins got along.
An important question was whether the heritability of vocational in-
terests would match the 50 percent we had found for personality traits.
Moloney predicted that the heritability of vocational interests would be
lower—and he thought that family influences would play a part. His big-
gest contribution to the MISTRA was his analysis of the vocational inter-
est data, work that earned him his PhD degree.30
Moloney’s study built upon Bouchard’s preliminary 1986 analysis of
vocational interests. Bouchard had shown genetic influence on the Strong-
Campbell’s six General Occupational Themes. Five years later, data were
available for fifty-two MZA twin pairs and twenty-seven DZA twin
166 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
pairs. The larger sample also allowed us to look at whether family rear-
ing factors and home facilities (e.g., artwork or gardening equipment)
affected vocational interests. This would be the first vocational interest
study to use twins reared apart and one of the few to use adult twins. Pre-
vious studies had included mostly younger subjects, which was problem-
atic since vocational interests do not stabilize until about age eighteen.31
Moloney’s would also be the first such study to apply biometrical model-
ing, and to examine the effects of family factors on vocational interests.
In keeping with the MISTRA’s goal of within-study replication, voca-
tional interests were assessed by two measures: the Strong Vocational
Interest Blank–Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SVIB-SCII) and the
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey.32 In the first section of the Strong,
twins indicated “Like,” “Indifferent,” or “Dislike” for 281 items concern-
ing occupations, school subjects, activities, leisure activities, and types of
people. In the second section, twins indicated their preference for one ac-
tivity over another in each of 30 pairs. In the third section, twins responded
“Yes,” “No,” or “Undecided” to 14 personality items that could be self-
descriptive. Their answers yielded scores on 6 General Occupational
Themes, 23 Basic Interests Scales, and 207 Occupational Scales. Moloney
analyzed only the Basic Interests and General Occupations in his article.
The Jackson survey included 289 paired-comparison statements con-
cerning work activities. Twins chose the more personally interesting ac-
tivity in each pair, providing answers that yielded 34 scales with 17 items
each. The other two measures included in the study were the Family En-
vironment Scale and Physical Facilities Checklist, described in Chapters
5 and 7.
The vocational interest data went through numerous statistical ma-
nipulations. Three factor analyses were performed to see if the variables
formed a smaller number of independent and coherent subsets. The first
factor analysis was applied to the combined Basic Interest Scales and
Jackson scores; the second was applied to the ten Family Environment
scales; and the third was applied to the forty-one Checklist items.
Mean scores on the General Occupations and Basic Interests Scales
were similar for MZA and DZA twin pairs and slightly lower than those
reported in the inventory manual. Mean scores on the Jackson were also
similar for the two types of twins and similar to the Jackson norms. The
only exception was the significantly lower Adventure scale score for the
DZA twins. The Adventure scale taps people’s enjoyment of novel situa-
tions and the seeking out of unusual or dangerous situations. This differ-
ence may have reflected the twins’ older age, relative to the Jackson
sample that included high school and college students.
D E N TA L T R A I T S , A L L E RG I E S , A N D V O C AT I O N A L I N T E R E ST S 167
The interest scales were organized into ten factors: Enterprising, Aca-
demic Orientation, Artistic, Investigative, Work Style, Realistic, Social,
Adventure, Medical, and Conventional. All six occupational scales were
included, as were others identified in earlier work. The Family Environ-
ment Scale yielded three factors: Cohesion versus Conflict, Positive Re-
straint, and Encouragement of Individual Growth. This was the same so-
lution reported by Bouchard and McGue in their 1990 personality study,
based on a slightly smaller sample, described in Chapter 7.33 Moloney’s
analysis also reduced the home facilities to four factors—Material Posses-
sions, Cultural, Scientific/Technical, and Mechanical/Outdoor—the same
ones obtained in the information processing study.
The series of analyses indicated considerable genetic influence (ap-
proximately 40–50 percent) on vocational interests. The mean MZA
intraclass correlations were 0.38 (General Occupations) and 0.39 (Basic
Interests), with scales ranging from 0.12 (Sales) to 0.57 (Science). The
mean DZA intraclass correlations were 0.01 (General Occupations) and
0.05 (Basic Interests), with scales ranging from −0.27 (Domestic Arts) to
0.33 (Merchandising). The mean heritabilities for Occupations and Basic
Interests were 0.35 and 0.37, respectively. In most cases, a general model
(one that included genetic and environmental effects) fit the data structure
better than a model that included only environmental effects. The general
model was rejected only for Domestic Arts and Office Practices due to
their large negative correlations.
The Jackson showed a pattern similar to that of the Strong, increasing
our confidence in the findings. The mean MZA intraclass correlation
was 0.43, with scales ranging from 0.20 (Independence) to 0.69 (Creative
Arts). The mean DZA intraclass correlation was 0.11, with scales ranging
from −55 (Physical Science) to 0.67 (Professional Advising). The mean
estimated heritability for the Jackson was 0.44. The general model did not
fit the Physical Science and Professional Advising scales because the DZA
correlations were not equal to half the MZA correlations. The same sets
of analyses were performed on the ten interest factors.
The mean MZA and DZA intraclass correlations for vocational interests
were 0.50 and 0.07, respectively, and the mean heritability was 0.50. The
general model failed only for Academic Orientation because of the large
correlational difference between the MZA and DZA twin pairs.34 Overall,
the analysis showed that occupational interests were substantially guided
by genetic potentials. But it was our final set of analyses that were most
provocative and corroborated the genetic findings, shown in Table 8-6.
We found little evidence that rearing impacted vocational interests. Only
three correlations between the three family factors (Cohesion-Conflict,
168 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 8-6. Intraclass Correlations, Heritabilities, and Genetic Tests for the Ten Vocational Interest
No Genetic
MZA DZA Effect General Model
Scale ri ri Heritability ± SE (3 df) (2 df)
Note: No Genetic Effect Model: χ2 > 7.82 is significant at .05; General Model: χ2 > 5.99
is significant at .05. Statistically significant χ2 values are shown in bold; statistically
nonsignificant χ2 values that differ significantly are in italic. df: degrees of freedom; SE:
standard error of the mean.
Source: Adapted from Moloney et al., “A Genetic and Environmental Analysis of the
Vocational Interests of Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Reared Apart,” Journal of
Vocational Psychology 39 (1991): 76–109.
1991 to 1992
The years 1991–1992 added eleven new reared-apart twin pairs to the
study (two MZA and nine DZA) for a total of 118 pairs. We also con-
ducted follow-up studies, bringing back seven pairs who had been as-
sessed previously. I was thrilled to meet Barbara and Judy, the twins I
170 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
reunited as a graduate student who had visited Minnesota two years be-
fore I arrived. They showed the same closeness and familiarity of sisters
who had grown up together. It was just as Bouchard and DiLeonardi had
observed at their first meeting at the Minneapolis airport in 1980.
In September 1991, I accepted a faculty position at California State
University at Fullerton. I had been with the MISTRA for nine years, the
first three as a postdoctoral fellow and the last six as a research associate.
Bouchard had stepped down as department chair, freeing him to run the
study more directly. It was time for me to establish an academic niche of
my own. The thought of leaving the MISTRA saddened me, although I had
no time to dwell on such feelings then. Knowing I would soon be gone,
Bouchard had me schedule four twin pairs back to back during my last
four weeks in Minneapolis. We had never assessed so many twins spaced
so closely together. It was an exhausting but fitting farewell.
Reassessing Creativity
Emergenesis showed up in a 1993 creativity paper from the project.14 This
study was led by Niels Waller, the first author on the religiosity paper
discussed in Chapter 7. Waller had been invited to comment on British
psychologist Hans Eysenck’s target article on creativity, published in
Psychological Inquiry in 1993.15 Eysenck viewed creativity as reflecting
personality and cognitive factors working together interactively, rather
than additively. At that time, twin studies had found low heritabilities for
174 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
six DZA twin pairs (eleven male and twenty-five female), and one MZA
triplet set (male). The interest inventory was introduced into the study
when it was already under way, so only about half the twins completed
the forms in the laboratory; twins who had been to Minnesota com-
pleted them at home and returned them by mail. The reared-together
twin sample included 924 twin pairs, in which 618 pairs were female and
524 pairs were MZ. These twins received an inventory packet by mail.
A group of 198 pairs (forty-nine MZ male, fifty-three MZ female, forty-
four DZ male, and fifty-two DZ female) completed the forms again three
years later.
The composition of the reared-together twin sample exemplified another
of Lykken’s contributions, known as the Rule of Two-Thirds.23 In 1987,
Lykken showed that volunteer twin samples in many studies are generally
composed of two-thirds MZ twins and two-thirds female twins.24 MZ
twins may be more invested than DZ twins in being twins and in partici-
pating in twin-related activities. It is also well known that females are
generally more willing research volunteers than males.
The twins completed four different measures created by Lykken:25
Superfactor (reliability)
Source: Adapted from Lykken et al., “The Heritability of Interests: A Twin Study,”
Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (1993): 649–661.
Figure 9-1. Firemen twins Jerry Levey (left) and Mark Newman were reunited
in 1985 at age thirty-one. A year later, Jerry is enjoying a Budweiser, the twins’
favorite brand of beer. Note the pinky finger underneath the glass—both twins
held a glass this way. (Photo credit Nancy L. Segal.)
C R E AT I V I T Y, W O R K V A L U E S , A N D E V O L U T I O N 179
Workplace Values
In 1992, theories about what people valued in their jobs focused on envi-
ronmental events, such as family experiences and occupational socializa-
tion. Available theories at that time did not consider genetic influence,
reflected by the empirical studies reporting environmental links between
work values and gender, and education and experience. Together with our
colleagues Richard Arvey and Lauren Keller, with whom we had collabo-
rated previously, we analyzed the twins’ work values.27
The sample included twenty-three MZA twin pairs and twenty DZA
twin pairs. This sample was small relative to those included in other
analyses we conducted at this time because the inventory we used—the
Minnesota Importance Questionnaire—was a late addition to the study.28
The questionnaire included 190 paired-comparison items and 20 items
requiring absolute judgments of the importance of each work outcome.
Twins answered the paired-comparisons with reference to the base ques-
tion: “Which is more important in my ideal job?” A sample item is: “(a) I
could be busy all the time, or (b) The job would provide an opportunity
for advancement.” Twins also answered “Yes” or “No” to absolute judg-
ments with reference to the root phrase: “On my ideal job, it is important
that . . .” A sample item to which they applied that phrase is “I could
make decisions on my own.”
Twins also provided their current job so that we could assess the simi-
larity of their occupations. Five of the thirty-two twin pairs who pro-
vided this information held very similar jobs to their co-twin, and all
were MZA pairs. We also coded the twins’ jobs for occupational level or
category, such as blue collar versus white collar, and other features. Blue-
collar (e.g., flight attendants) and white-collar (e.g., attorney) jobs differ,
but they may be similar in complexity such as in their hierarchies of
authority and range of responsibilities. Similarly, two flight attendants or
two attorneys may hold the same type of job, but their jobs may differ in
terms of their number of bosses and assigned tasks.
The twins’ job levels were generally not the same—both twins in four
out of nineteen MZA pairs and two out of thirteen DZA pairs held blue-
collar positions. These data were not complete, but it seemed unlikely
that similarity in work values would be associated with similarity in job
level. Previous studies had suggested that parents’ socioeconomic status
affected their children’s work values. However, in their 1989 chapter on
information processing, McGue and Bouchard showed that the co-twins’
rearing parents’ socioeconomic levels were not very similar.29 The present
sample included a subset of the larger sample, so it was unlikely that this
180 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 9-2. MZA and DZA Intraclass Correlations for the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ) Work
Value Factor Scales
a. P < .05.
Source: Adapted from Keller et al., “Work Values: Genetic and Environmental
Influences,” Journal of Applied Psychology 77 (1992): 79–88.
C R E AT I V I T Y, W O R K V A L U E S , A N D E V O L U T I O N 181
Evolutionary Perspectives
The new discipline of evolutionary psychology emerged out of sociobiol-
ogy in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The key concept of sociobiology
was that of natural selection acting through differential reproductive suc-
cess. As such, sociobiology focused on fitness maximization, or behavior
based largely on survival and gene transmission by reproduction. In con-
trast, as I explained in Chapter 5, evolutionary psychology is concerned
182 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
with finding mechanisms that evolved to meet the challenges and de-
mands of human existence, such as telling friends from foes and distin-
guishing safety from threat. Thus, it focuses mostly on explanations that
consider behavioral and cognitive functions with reference to survival and
reproduction (i.e., ultimate explanations). However, explanations of be-
havior based on immediate causal events—proximal events that activate
psychological mechanisms—also interest evolutionary psychologists.32
Evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics have some common
goals, yet their different foci have kept them largely apart.33 As described
briefly in Chapter 5, evolutionary psychology is concerned mostly with
species uniformities, whereas behavioral genetics is concerned mostly with
individual differences. However, behavior geneticists have shown that
virtually all measured traits display genetic variation, causing evolution-
ary psychologists to ask why meaningful genetic variation exists. Various
explanations for trait variability have been proposed, such as mutations
(gene changes) and nonadditivity (genetic variance resulting from interac-
tion among genes that is not eliminated by selection), and continue to be
debated. Evolutionary psychologist and University of Minnesota graduate
Steven Gangestad believes that life history theory, the view that humans
and nonhumans direct environmental resources toward activities that will
benefit their growth, survival, and reproduction, can offer answers.34 Be-
haviors that are optimal at one time may change as a function of environ-
mental situations (nutritional availability), personal circumstances (an
individual’s age), and other factors. Human intellectual, personality, and
hormonal systems have evolved such that certain behaviors are more fa-
vorable under some circumstances than others.
There have been efforts to bring behavioral genetics and evolutionary
psychology closer together. In 2001, Bouchard and University of Texas
psychologist John Loehlin attempted to reconcile evolutionary and be-
havioral genetic perspectives on personality.35 They suggested that basic
emotions and motivations such as anger, fear, nurturance, and curiosity
vary across a broad range because different levels of these traits would
not be detrimental to fitness, except at the extremes where they would be
selected against. Genetic variation in such traits could reflect the different
environmental conditions that Gangestad discussed.
Given the intellectual divide, few researchers attend meetings of both
the Human Behavior and Evolution Society and the Behavior Genetics
Association. This is unfortunate because (1) behavioral genetics provides
informative methods for testing evolutionary-based hypotheses, and
(2) evolutionary psychology offers behavioral genetics another theoreti-
cal perspective for interpreting findings.
C R E AT I V I T Y, W O R K V A L U E S , A N D E V O L U T I O N 183
I always believed that twins reared apart would offer unique tests of
evolutionary-based hypotheses.39 Canadian psychologists Chuck Craw-
ford and Judith Anderson agreed, as shown in their 1989 article on the
topic.40 They suggested grouping MZA twins according to hypotheses
about specific behaviors or rearing conditions and comparing their devel-
opmental pathways. For example, some evolutionary psychologists have
predicted that female sexual maturity should occur earlier in father-absent
homes than in father-present homes.41 They have reasoned that it would
be a better life history strategy for girls from father-absent homes to
leave their disorganized environments to start families of their own. The
idea of relating different behavioral outcomes to different life experiences
is exactly what the MISTRA was all about—our goal (as stated in the In-
troduction) was to identify associations between differences in the twins’
life histories and the twins’ behavioral differences. There were some wonder-
ful opportunities to use the MZA and DZA twins in evolutionary-based
The late evolutionary psychologist Linda Mealey claimed that for
evolutionary psychologists “kinship, via the effect of inclusive fitness,
constitutes a core construct of relevance to all social interaction.”42 Twin
studies exemplify this view, especially studies of social relationships be-
tween MZA and DZA co-twins, a topic I review in Chapter 12.
Several years after arriving in Minnesota, I met Linda Mealey, a psy-
chology professor at St. John’s University in St. Cloud, Minnesota. She
and I became close friends and colleagues and continued our association
after I left Minnesota for California. Linda was interested in how gene-
tic and environmental variables affected reproduction-related variables,
such as age at marriage and number of children. She asked Bouchard for
access to the reared-apart twin data, and he agreed—Bouchard was care-
ful about releasing his files outside the department, but he was generous
and encouraging when he trusted colleagues and believed they were seri-
ous about their work. In 1993, Linda and I published the first paper ana-
lyzing reared-apart twin data in the context of evolutionary theory.43 We
showed that while some behaviors related to reproduction may be gene-
tically influenced, they do not affect the number of children.
Our sample included fifty-five MZA twin pairs and twenty-seven DZA
same-sex twin pairs. The mean ages were 38.2 years (standard deviation
[SD] = 14.5) for the males and 42.2 years (SD = 10.7) for the females, so
not all twins had completed their reproductive years. The twins had also
been raised in modern societies that had transitioned from high fertility
and mortality to low fertility and mortality, probably reducing the vari-
ance of some measures. Small, statistically significant relationships may
C R E AT I V I T Y, W O R K V A L U E S , A N D E V O L U T I O N 185
have been larger without these constraints. Linda and I drew our data
from the Life History Interview and the Briggs Life History Form.44 The
intraclass correlations for our seven outcome measures are displayed in
Table 9-3.
These values suggested that genetic factors influenced age at first
marriage. It turned out that place of birth, a factor that (naturally!) is con-
stant for co-twins, had a significant effect on age at first marriage. Gene-
tic effects were also suggested for age at first date, paralleling what we
found for age at first marriage and what others have found for age at first
intercourse. Among males, age at first marriage was also associated with
parents’ religious affiliation. The high DZA correlations for timing of chil-
dren suggested an environmental effect outside the family but shared by
the twins—perhaps the prevailing cultural expectation was that people
should start their families by a certain age. The lack of genetic influence
on number of children surprised me. When Linda and I began our work,
there were no twin studies on family size. In later years, twin studies esti-
mated the heritabilities for number of children to be 0.32 for males and
0.34 for females.45
Our goal, mostly exploratory, was to see if personality and health char-
acteristics (e.g., extraversion and teenage health) were related to repro-
ductive events (e.g., age at first child and number of children). The indi-
vidual findings from that study were less meaningful than the big picture.
Our data suggested that males’ reproduction-related behaviors were more
affected by genetically influenced measures of personality and health than
were females.’ For example, in males later age at first marriage was associ-
ated with low activity level (−0.35) and poor childhood health (−0.44).
Measure (n = 25–47) (n = 15–26)
Note: n = pairs.
Source: Adapted from Mealey and Segal, “Heritable and Environmental Variables
Affect Reproduction-Related Behaviors, but Not Ultimate Reproductive Success,”
Personality and Individual Differences 14 (1993): 783–794.
186 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 9-4. Alternative Models for Twin Data on the Big Five Personality Traits
twin studies. Table 9-5 shows only the weighted mean correlations based
on these samples. The MZA data suggested an average heritability of
about 0.50, and the lack of difference between the MZA and MZT twins
suggested a shared environmental effect of zero. However, the 0.50 herita-
bility left plenty of room for environmental influences unique to individu-
als. Nonadditive genetic effects were indicated for extraversion and neu-
roticism because the DZA and DZT correlations were less than half the
MZA and MZT correlations, suggesting emergenic effects on these traits.
Bouchard often said that the absence of shared environmental effects
on personality was “counter-intuitive, but true.” It was certainly one of
the most provocative and controversial findings from our study. The fact
that other investigators were finding the same thing using other instru-
ments and samples increased our confidence in the findings. I accept
these results, based as they are on the twins’ self-reports. We also asked
the twins’ spouses and companions to complete the Adjective Check List
to describe the twins’ personality, information that is not yet analyzed. It
is likely that these data would have shown somewhat less MZA co-twin
similarity than that found from the twins’ self-reports. A previous reared-
together twin study reported that peer ratings of the twins’ personalities
indicated genetic influence across the different traits, although less than
that derived from the twins’ self-ratings.52
If the twins had rated themselves relative to their co-twins, I wonder
if we would have captured what Shields suggested—that MZA twins are
more alike than MZT twins on some personality traits because MZA
twins did not develop social roles within their twinship. As I’ve written
Table 9-5. Weighted Mean Correlations for the Big Five Personality Traits for Minnesota Twins Reared
Apart and Together
Note: The combined samples included the following pairs: MZA (n = 61), DZA (42),
MZT (n = 99), and DZT (n = 99) who completed the California Psychological Inventory);
and MZA (n = 52), DZA (n = 33), MZT (n = 553), and DZT (n = 459) who completed the
Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire.
Source: Adapted from Bouchard, “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adult
Personality: Evaluating the Evidence,” in Foundations of Personality, ed. P. Joop Hettema
and Ian Deary, 15–44 (Dordecht: Kluwer, 1993).
C R E AT I V I T Y, W O R K V A L U E S , A N D E V O L U T I O N 189
elsewhere in this book, people interacting with twins usually find that
twins behave more similarly when they are apart than when they are to-
gether. However, we did not detect this effect in the MISTRA self-report
personality data.
Plomin and McClearn’s Nature, Nurture, and Psychology summarized
major behavior genetics advances that had occurred during the previous
decade.53 At its 1992 meeting, the American Psychological Association
had named genetics as one of the themes that best reflected present and
future psychological research.54 The MISTRA probably had a lot to do
with that—the book’s editors wrote that McGue’s chapter fell within
what they considered “the front lines of genetics research.”55
A striking feature is the series of graphs reproduced in Figure 9-2 that
show IQ intraclass correlations from past and present reared-apart twin
studies.56 The correlations ranged between 0.64 and 0.74 for the three
previous studies, and 0.69 and 0.78 for the more recent MISTRA and
Swedish studies. The weighted average correlation was 0.73, using a to-
tal of 162 MZA twin pairs. The similar finding based on the three earlier
n = 45
n = 19 n = 12 n = 38
n = 48 TOTAL =
.8 162
.74 .73
MZA Correlation
.68 .69
.6 .64
Newman Juel-Nielsen Shields Bouchard Pedersen Weighted
et al. (1937) (1965) (1962) et al. (1990) et al. (1992) Average
Figure 9-2. MZA Twin IQ correlations from five studies. Adapted from
McGue et al., “Behavioral Genetics of Cognitive Ability: A Life-Span Perspec-
tive,” in Nature, Nurture, and Psychology, ed. Robert Plomin and Gerald E.
McClearn, 59–76 (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1993).
Note: Bars at the top indicate standard errors.
190 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
his reared-apart twin studies that I detailed in earlier chapters, most no-
tably Chapter 3.
Bouchard and Propping’s book, Twins as a Tool of Behavioral Gene-
tics, focused on what twin studies had revealed about general intelligence
and personality traits. It resulted from a 1992 Dahlem workshop held in
Berlin on the subject: “What Are the Mechanisms Mediating the Genetic
and Environmental Determinants of Behavior?” Dahlem conferences are
unique in that background papers, written around discussion topics, serve
as the basis for small group discussions. MISTRA data were not pre-
sented, but some interesting historical notes on twins were embedded
within Bouchard and Propping’s introduction.
They wrote that the idea of studying twins went back many years,
to before Galton’s time. Saint Augustine, in The City of God, used twins
to refute astrological claims. But, as discussed earlier, it was Sir Francis
Galton who is famous for developing the twin method for formal scien-
tific inquiry in 1875.62
1992 to 1993
In August 1993, we began our collaboration with colleagues at the Jean
Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Cen-
ter on Aging (Energy Metabolism Laboratory) at Tufts University. Now
twins would fly from Minneapolis to Boston to complete a five-day analy-
sis of body size measures, food intake, and energy expenditure. This five-
year study, funded for one million dollars by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, assured us that separated twins would con-
tinue to be identified and assessed. Finding financial support was always
our biggest difficulty (as is described in Chapter 14), and we never knew
if the study would continue for two years or one year—or at all.
We added five new twin pairs to the study in 1993, two MZA and
three DZA opposite sex sets, as well as four spouses and partners. We also
studied seven follow-up twin pairs (four MZA and three DZA), as well
as four spouses. We presented seventeen conference papers and invited
lectures. In California, I began working on twin studies of odor identi-
fication and sensitivity, using the University of Pennsylvania Smell
Identification Test.63 I sent forms to Minnesota for the reared-apart twins
to complete.
The first reared-apart female twin pair I had studied in 1982 was one
of the four MZA twin pairs who returned to Minnesota in 1993. The
twins sent me their photographs, and it was striking but not surprising
to see how alike they still looked and how similarly they had aged. The
192 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Figure 9-3. Bouchard’s favorite photo: identical twins Genevieve and Eloise
Reed at age ninety-four. (Photo courtesy Kathryn M. Abbe.)
Figure 9-4. MZA twins Keith (left) and Jake as infants, at age eleven or
twelve (Keith) and ten (Jake), at age twenty-four on their first assessment day in
Minnesota, and at age fifty-five during a taped interview for Keith’s son’s school
project. Keith is right-handed, and Jake is left-handed. Note the opposite
positioning of the handles of the twins’ coffee cups. (Photos [infant, childhood,
and adult years] courtesy of Keith and Jake. Photo credit [Minnesota study]
Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.)
194 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 10-1. MZA and DZA Intraclass Correlations for the Block Environmental Questionnaire and Family
Environment Scale
n (pairs) 58 46
Support 0.31a 0.17
Organization and cultural −0.03 −0.19
Note: The Block Environmental Questionnaire was added one year after the study
began, so it was available for fewer twins than the Family Environment Scale.
a. P < .01.
b. P < .05.
Source: Adapted from Hur and Bouchard, “Genetic Influences on Perceptions of
Childhood Family Environment: A Reared Apart Twin Study,” Child Development 66
(1995): 330–345.
rule-setting is universal, but most of the twins came from Western cul-
tures. Of course, some parents are more permissive than others. Another
possibility is that some children and adolescents reject parental authority
in most forms, so even indulgent parents seem restrictive in their chil-
dren’s eyes.
unusually high or low moods.16 They also acknowledged that severe psy-
chological problems or continual bad luck could override the happiness
set-point. This makes sense because extreme situations have a greater
impact on behavior and mood than ordinary daily events. Lykken’s esti-
mated happiness heritability of 50 percent was questioned by psycholo-
gist Howard Weiss, who suggested that genetic influence on individual
differences in happiness could be as low as 25 percent or as high as 75
Tellegen’s take on the happiness research emphasized within-person
variability despite the genetic effect: “There’s a range of oscillation
around a given person’s set-point. This means that you can be an emo-
tional Pavarotti . . . and it will still average out.”18 Lykken elaborated on
the nature of the happiness set-point by asking if it is just an average of re-
peated measures or “is there a true homeostatic process that is activated by
any deviation from the value characteristic of the individual?”19 That is,
perhaps when someone experiences a pleasant or unpleasant event the body
works to restore that person to his or her characteristic happiness level.
The media attention led Lykken “to speculate more freely” on his find-
ings than he might otherwise have done.20 He remarked on the contented
style of people doing work that brought them pleasure, singling out the
clever plumbers in his favorite shop and the skillful garbage collectors in
his neighborhood. “The people in my examples either have above-average
set-points or they transcend their set-points by doing their jobs with skill
and good humor.”21 He also urged people to act on their happiness feel-
ings, recognizing that money and status many not increase happiness and
can even lower it.
Lykken had advice for parents: “Nurturing the child’s innate pro-social
proclivities, which include the inclination toward constructive endeavor,
constitutes the most important responsibility of parents, the socialization
of their children.”22 In other words, effective parenting means being aware
of, and responsive to, children’s talents and creativity. Finding genetic in-
fluence on the happiness set-point or on any other behavior never denied
the crucial roles that families played. Everyone associated with the MIS-
TRA believed this.
Practice Effects
It was surprising to find genetic influence on practice, something parents
pressure their children to do when they are learning a new task. Most par-
ents encourage their children to repeat the alphabet, replay musical scales,
or work at whatever skills they have to get better. Most people assume
202 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
that “practice makes perfect,” but the nature and outcomes of practice
are more complex. The same amount of practice may affect two individ-
uals differently, depending on their commitment, motivation, and ability.
Author Malcolm Gladwell wrote that one has to practice for 10,000
hours before becoming an expert.23 Some people might need that much
practice, but a few may be experts from the start. Galton, father of the
Twin Method, told the story of a young man who claimed first place in
a national running race without formal training or experience.24 It seems
practice and guidance can refine natural talents, but they cannot create
By the mid-1990s, several reared-together twin studies had reported
a genetic influence on motor skills, but the effects of practice over more
than a single day had not been examined.25 Our studies showed a genetic
component to improvement following practice by engaging the twins in
a multiday motor skill acquisition task. The late Professor Paul (Bill) Fox
directed this phase of the assessment, which was the first of its kind in the
history of reared-apart twin studies.
A student assistant arrived in the laboratory every Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday morning of the assessment week to individually escort twins
to a special testing room. The psychomotor battery included a hole steadi-
ness test (to examine involuntary hand movement), the Purdue Pegboard
Test (to assess gross movements of the fingers, arms, and hands, and also
fine fingertip dexterity), and the Rotary Pursuit Test (to measure ability to
keep a stylus on a moving target). Data were available for sixty-four
MZA twin pairs and thirty-two DZA twin pairs.26
The Rotary Pursuit apparatus resembled an old-fashioned record player.
A disk placed on the top of a rectangular box was rotated in a clockwise
direction, at a constant speed of sixty revolutions per minute. Holding a
metal stylus, twins were instructed to keep contact with a metal spot on
the moving disk, while the length of time on target was recorded. Each of
the twenty-five trials in each thirty-minute session lasted for twenty sec-
onds, and trials were separated by ten-second breaks.
The twins’ responses were organized into five blocks per day, with
each block consisting of five trials. The MZA and DZA twins did not
differ in their performance levels, and both groups improved consider-
ably during the first day. They also improved after a break from the activ-
ity between days one and two, and two and three. Variability within each
twin group increased over the three days because practicing from day to
day improved some twins’ skills more than others.
The MZA twins’ correlations were stable and showed a slight increase
over time, whereas the DZA twin’s correlations were unstable and irreg-
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 203
Table 10-3. Intraclass Correlations for the Slope and Reminiscence for the Rotary Pursuit Test
Day Measure (64 pairs) (32 pairs)
1 0.56 0.24
2 0.69 0.17
3 0.72 0.11
Note: Day 3 was added after the study began, resulting in 58 MZA twin pairs for
related measures.
Source: Adapted from Fox et al., “Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the
Acquisition of a Motor Skill,” Nature 384 (1996): 356–358.
204 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
ranged from 0.23 to 0.65 for the MZA twins and from −0.12 to 0.34 for
the DZA twins. Only two scales (Religious Fundamentalism and Femi-
nine Interests) didn’t fit the additive genetic model.
According to DiLalla, there were no real surprises in the results. The
overall finding of 44 percent genetic variance in the MMPI’s clinical and
content scales agreed with previous studies, and the results came from what
DiLalla called a “fantastic resource.” In Carey’s view, the study “joined the
nexus of behavioral genetic research that sputtered to life in the ’60s and
’70s and truly came to life in the ’80s and ’90s.”
An interesting and novel feature of DiLalla’s work was the multivari-
ate profile analysis, looking at the score elevation and tracing the peaks
and valleys of the twins’ MMPI scores. The average score elevation looks
at each twin’s average scale score, while the profile shape looks at the dif-
ference of each twin’s MMPI scale from the average. This analysis showed
that genes affected both the average score elevation (how high or low
twins scored overall) and the profile shape (the form of psychopathology,
that is, whether twins scored high or low on the same scales). Such find-
ings had been reported for twins reared together, yet they were more
striking among twins who had always been apart. But DiLalla was cau-
tious in interpreting that data because the group of reared-apart twins
was a small, nonpsychiatric sample. He suggested that certain profile con-
figurations found in the study did not necessarily signal specific psychiat-
ric problems that were more or less genetically influenced. Still, the scales
associated with psychotic behavior (such as bipolar disorder) seemed more
heritable than those associated with neurotic behavior (such as disrup-
tions in memory, awareness, and identity).
The authors noted that regional associations in the MMPI had been
previously reported, a factor that could have enhanced the twins’ similar-
ity. This seems unlikely because, in most cases, both the MZA and DZA
co-twins had been raised in the same country, and the DZA twins were
still less alike. However, DiLalla and his colleagues wisely gave us a look
at the scores of the MZA twins raised in different countries. Their within-
pair differences of 8.5 and 5.1 T-score points were, respectively, equal to
and below the MZA twin group average of 8.6.34 Thus, the culture of
rearing does not necessarily affect personality or the predisposition to
psychopathology. For comparative purposes, the investigators cited MZA
twin pairs with differences above the group average, as large as 16.4
and 17.2. In one case, the twins became discordant for major affective
disorder with psychosis, and in the other case a head injury five years
before assessment had probably caused neurological damage in one
twin. These last two cases showed that MZA twins raised in the same
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 207
Table 10-4. Intraclass Correlations for Sensation Seeking Measures and for Control
a. P < .01.
b. P < .05.
Source: Adapted from Hur and Bouchard, “The Genetic Influence between Impulsivity
and Sensation-Seeking,” Behavior Genetics 27 (1997): 455–463.
data were rescored to yield the scales comprising the Hansen Combined
Form Scales. She did this because the Hansen scales include all twenty-
six scales common to the different versions of the Strong. The scales she
used included six General Occupational Themes, seventeen Basic Interest
Scales, and two special scales (Academic Comfort and Introversion/
Extroversion); the special scales had not been examined in our earlier
study. However, Betsworth omitted the Adventure scale from her analysis
because of its low reliability. The median correlations for the eight differ-
ent kinships are shown in Table 10-5.
Several features of these data are worth noting. The higher MZT than
DZT, and higher MZA than DZA correlations demonstrated genetic influ-
ence. However, the lower MZA than MZT correlations for the General
Occupational Themes and Basic Interest Scales suggested shared environ-
mental effects. Analyzing all eight kinships simultaneously yielded a heri-
tability of 0.36, lower than the 0.40 to 0.50 reported in Moloney’s paper.
Betsworth also reported an environmental effect of 0.64 for vocational
interests (0.09 shared and 0.55 nonshared), whereas we had previously
found an environmental effect of 0.50 (all nonshared). Betsworth sug-
gested that Moloney’s use of three vocational interest measures rather
than one explained the discrepancies between the two studies. We had
actually reported a range of heritabilities for the different measures: 0.37
for the Basic Interest Scales, 0.44 for the Jackson, and 0.50 for the ten
vocational interest factors generated by items in these instruments. Thus,
Betsworth’s 0.36 based only on the Strong agreed with Moloney’s 0.37.
Betsworth’s median correlations for the biological family members
were just slightly higher than those of the adoptive family members who
shared no common genes. Perhaps studying vocational interests concur-
rently in parents and children produced misleading results. People’s inter-
ests change with age, and popular activities in one generation may be
outmoded in another generation. Studying twins overcomes this problem
because of their common age, and studying twins reared apart overcomes
the shared environmental confounds that plague family research.
General occupational themes 0.48 0.23 0.31 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.15
Basic interest scales 0.47 0.21 0.33 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.14
Academic comfort 0.54 0.24 0.46 0.25 0.11 0.04 0.21 0.22
Introversion/extroversion 0.50 0.24 0.52 0.07 0.06 0.24 0.18 0.08
Source: Adapted from Betsworth et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Vocational Interests Assessed Using Adoptive and Biological
Families and Twins Reared Apart and Together,” Journal of Vocational Behavior 44 (1994): 263–278.
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 211
DZT male twin pairs from the Minnesota Twin Registry. Our 1989 pa-
per had analyzed these same data for thirty-four MZA twin pairs, yield-
ing a job satisfaction heritability of 0.30.46
As discussed earlier, intrinsic job satisfaction refers to opportunities to
use one’s abilities and talents, extrinsic job satisfaction refers to one’s
working conditions, and general satisfaction refers to overall contentment
with one’s work situation. Intraclass correlations from the replicated anal-
ysis are shown in Table 10-6.
Note that the MZA-MZT intrinsic satisfaction correlations did not dif-
fer, despite differences in rearing, gender, and sample size. Both MZ cor-
relations exceeded the DZT correlations, but all three were low for extrin-
sic satisfaction. The MZT general satisfaction correlation was lower than
the corresponding MZA correlation. Our 1989 findings of genetic effects
on intrinsic satisfaction and lack of genetic effects on extrinsic satisfaction
were confirmed. Genetic effects on general satisfaction were suggested, but
the estimated 0.16 heritability in our replication (see below) was lower
than the 0.30 heritability in our 1989 study. The variances of this measure
across the two samples were similar, so this difference may have been as-
sociated with unknown features of the two samples.
The reared-together sample was large enough to let Arvey estimate the
genetic and environmental variance in job satisfaction. The best model
for intrinsic satisfaction showed that 23 percent of the variance was ex-
plained by genetic factors, and the best model for general satisfaction
showed that 16 percent of the variance was explained by genetic factors.
A genetic effect on extrinsic satisfaction was not indicated by these data,
consistent with our previous analysis.
When extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction are analyzed at the same
time, the possibility that both are genetically influenced but to different
degrees is raised. Lower genetic influence on extrinsic than intrinsic job
Table 10-6. Intraclass Correlations for the Three Job Satisfaction Measures
a. P < .05.
b. P < .01.
Source: Adapted from Arvey et al., “Job Satisfaction: Environmental and Genetic
Components,” Journal of Applied Psychology 74 (1989): 187–192; Arvey et al., “Genetic
Influences on Job Satisfaction and Work Values,” Personality and Individual Differences
17 (1994): 21–33.
212 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
satisfaction would make sense because most people like having caring
bosses and good benefits. Greater variability, some genetically based,
should characterize intrinsic job satisfaction because people value oppor-
tunities for creativity and achievement differently.
Arvey’s second replication (reported as Study 2 in the same paper) used
male twins from the National Academy of Sciences-National Research
Council’s sample of white male twin veterans.47 The sample sizes were
huge—1,152 MZT twin pairs and 1,055 DZT twin pairs. These twins
completed sixteen job importance items and one general job satisfaction
item in a 1974 questionnaire specific to that study. The MZT correlation
(0.21) for general job satisfaction significantly exceeded the DZT corre-
lation (.05), although both were significant. The MZT twins’ correlations
were higher on all seventeen measures, significantly so for ten of the six-
teen job importance items (e.g., “provided much free time” and “repre-
sented a challenge”).
One exception to the finding of genetic influence concerned Family Busi-
ness, for which the similarity of the MZT (0.42) and DZT (0.39) twins
hardly differed. Of course, genetic influence on this item was not ex-
pected because most people would value their family’s business to some
degree due to family ties, in addition to (or instead of) its intrinsic interest.
After eliminating this variable, a 0.27 genetic component to overall job
satisfaction was found, close to our 1989 finding of 0.30. Arvey also found
a 0.35 genetic estimate for the remaining fifteen work values. This finding
was important because it replicated our 1992 study, using a different in-
strument and different twin sample. The fact that Family Business did not
show a genetic effect indicated that the analyses discriminated among the
different work values.
These replicated studies were important, given the criticism our 1989
job satisfaction paper had evoked from several industrial organizational
investigators. The fact that the studies were conducted with different
samples and one study had administered a different instrument increased
confidence in the findings. But none of these studies were perfect. The
model did not consider nonadditive genetic effects, and both replication
samples were male. Nevertheless, the results were encouraging, and Arvey
believed the information would be useful to employers hoping to improve
their employees’ work lives. The genetic effects, while significant, were not
substantial, inviting opportunities for change from within the job culture.
It was also apparent that a genetic perspective was starting to seep into
the minds of researchers who had not previously considered this view.
A widely cited 1993 article by University of Georgia social psychologist
Abraham Tesser reviewed evidence for the heritability of social attitudes,
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 213
reduced that figure only slightly to just over 40 percent. With common
environments explaining 7 percent of the variance, and nonshared envi-
ronment and measurement error equally divided among the remainder,
two-thirds of the reliable personality variance could be tied to genetic
factors. Graphs showing the same gene-environment breakdown for the
Big Five personality factors across three independent replications that in-
cluded twins reared apart and together told this important story. Bouchard
made an impressive case for the genetic and environmental effects and
structure of personality.
One of Bouchard’s points, often lost in discussion, was that finding
nonshared environmental effects on personality did not mean that such
events affected personality traits in systematic or predictable ways. Par-
enting style could, for example, be a cause of children’s behavior in some
cases, but a consequence in others. Permissiveness by parents might en-
courage independence in some children, but might result from rebellious-
ness in others. This observation recalled the “gloomy prospect” discussed
in Chapter 8.
Bouchard also defined the “next big hurdle” in personality research as
that of attempting to understand the function of individual personality
differences in an evolutionary context. “The purpose of this variation is
undoubtedly rooted in the fact that humans have adapted to life in face-
to-face groups.”54 Knowing why people differ in personality would trans-
form behavioral genetics from a descriptive to an explanatory discipline.
We would know why we differ, not just that we differ. Siblings may differ
in personality because they inherit different genes, but also because they
occupy different places in the family. Research has found that later-born
children are more rebellious or risk-taking than older, more mature chil-
dren in the family, possibly due to their need to secure parental resources
that might go to their elder siblings.55 Other evolutionary-based research
has examined the personality correlates of fertility and mate desirability.56
The MISTRA data were integrated into the chapters, tables, and charts of
widely used textbooks in behavior genetics and psychology.68 A graph
with IQ findings that first appeared in the 1997 behavioral genetics primer
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 217
Genetically related
Environmentally related
.8 Both .72
.24 .24
Together Adopted-apart Adoptive Adopted-apart Together
Relationship P-0 Sib P-0 Sib P-0 Sib Virtual “Old” “New” MZ DZ
Twin MZ MZ
Number of pairs 8,433 26,473 720 203 1,491 714 140 65 93 4,672 5,533
Genetic relatedness 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
Same home? Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
genetic relatedness between people; that is, full siblings who share 50 per-
cent of their genes on average, by descent, are more alike in IQ than half-
siblings who share 25 percent. This pattern of similarity has been repeated
in several reviews and remains a robust finding.
In April 2010, I visited Minnesota a second time and met again with Meg
Keyes, Bouchard’s former student and assistant. Keyes had worked with
Bouchard when the Jim twins were found, and again for six years as asso-
ciate director of the project (1992–1998) after I had left. She recalled the
“incredibly long hours” that each assessment took and the long prepara-
tion time before each assessment. One day, she and graduate student Katie
Corson were assembling the twins’ inventory booklets, a labor-intensive
task. Bouchard left for lunch, and as he was passing a McDonald’s restau-
rant, a young homeless man asked him for change. Bouchard said he could
not give him money, but he could give him a job. The young man spent the
rest of the afternoon making booklets with Keyes and Corson.
At the end of 1997, Bouchard sent his usual annual report to his primary
funding source at that time, the David H. Koch Charitable Foundation. It
was an unusually thick (1.25 inches) volume covering twin recruitment,
twin assessment, professional activities, scientific papers, and newspaper
articles published between 1995 and 1997. Two major articles about the
study had appeared in the New Yorker76 and in Psychology Today,77 and
a chapter had appeared in a popular science book,78 all of which were
appended to the report.
F A M I LY, H A P P I N E S S , S E N S AT I O N S E E K I N G , A N D T H E M M P I 219
But it was the “Director’s Comments” that caught my eye in 2010 be-
cause they included the first formal sign that the MISTRA was winding
The recruitment of new twins to this program will most likely cease in the
summer of 1998 after nearly nineteen years. The reasons for ceasing recruit-
ment of new twins are two-fold. The first is that funding for the center has
declined. The second is that the number of new twins being located each
year has declined.
S ome people get up early and work best at six in the morning
(“larks”), while others like to sleep late and work into the night
(“owls”). Most people know which type they are, but don’t know
how they got that way. In 1998, Yoon-Mi Hur and Bouchard examined
“morningness” and “eveningness”—and these tendencies, like most mea-
sured traits, showed genetic effects. This finding, which occurred relatively
late into the study, was understandably less surprising than the detection of
a genetic influence on habits, fears, and medical traits that were suggested
with our earliest pairs. This shift in thinking began with the information
processing and ophthalmology findings in 1984 and 1985. Genetic effects
on speed of response and on visual acuity had been surprising and exciting
during the early stage of the study. This shift was reinforced by the MIS-
TRA’s early 1990s findings of a genetic influence on less frequently mea-
sured traits such as religious involvement and work values, and by similar
findings from other laboratories.
Fourteen scientific papers appeared between 1998 and 2002. Other
new topics examined during those years included ego development, head-
ache frequency, dietary preferences, and authoritarian tendencies. The
MISTRA investigators also reported new findings on topics studied previ-
ously, such as creativity and religiosity.
When Bouchard’s graduate student Hur analyzed the reared-apart twins’
morningness-eveningness data, only one other such twin study was avail-
able.1 That 1992 investigation had found heritabilities of 0.56 for males
222 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
and 0.48 for females from reared-together pairs.2 Given that the MZA
and MZT twins showed the same degree of similarity in personality and
job satisfaction, Hur suspected that the MZA twins would also show
matching wake-sleep cycles. Had this analysis been conducted when the
MISTRA began, she might not have been so sure.
Scores on the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire3 were available
for fifty-five MZA twin pairs, fifty DZA twin pairs, two hundred and five
MZT twin pairs, and seventy-nine of the reared-apart twins’ spouses. The
questionnaire included thirteen items, such as “At what time in the evening
do you usually feel tired and, as a result, in need of sleep?”
The MZA correlation of 0.47 was close to the values reported in the
previous study. The MZT correlation of 0.57 was somewhat above the
MZA correlation, suggesting that shared rearing environments explain
only a small amount (10 percent) of individual differences in preference
for the morning or evening.
What was surprising was the unexpectedly high morningness-eveningness
correlation (0.45) for the DZA twins. Perhaps some DZA twins’ schedules
were not initially to their liking, but they had to acclimate due to their
working conditions, family obligations, or other matters. Another possi-
ble explanation for this result was assortative mating or mating between
spouses who matched in their waking and sleeping time preferences.
Positive mate assortment for morningness-eveningness among the spouse
pairs in our sample was found, but not enough to explain the DZA twins’
When the data from the three twin groups were analyzed simultane-
ously, the heritability of morningness-eveningness was 50 percent, consis-
tent with the 1992 study. There was also interest in whether age affected
this trait—perhaps younger twins slept later or older twins went to bed
earlier—but age had little effect. It seems that we become “morning” and
“evening” people because of how our individual circadian system is struc-
tured, not because we saw our mother get up early or our father sleeping
late. Sleep-wake patterns also become less regular as we age, a pattern of
change that could be partly genetically controlled.
The Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire was completed on or
about the third day of the assessment week. Perhaps the twins should have
completed this form before they arrived so we would have known when
we could expect their best performance! Assuming that the MZA and
DZA twins were equally divided among larks and owls, our failure to do
so probably did not affect the data.
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 223
Ego Development
By 1998, various investigators on the project had published several
personality studies, but not the twins’ ego development scale. This was a
timely topic because some personality researchers were examining rela-
tionships between ego development and the Big Five personality traits, as
well as relationships between ego development and cognitive skills.
Psychologist Jane Loevinger is famous for her comprehensive research on
adult ego development.4 She saw the ego as a “lens” for viewing the social
world and ego development as the changes in those views. She character-
ized it as a “master trait” that organizes many specific personality traits.
More specifically, Loevinger viewed ego development as a developmental
process that unfolds in stages during childhood, then stabilizes during ado-
lescence and adulthood. She explained that “the search for coherent mean-
ings in experience is the essence of the ego or ego functioning . . . The ego
maintains its stability, its identity, and its coherence by selectively gating
out observations inconsistent with its current state.”5
Loevinger recognized different levels of ego development. The least ma-
ture levels are characterized by presocial, impulsive, self-protective, and
ritualistic behaviors. The most mature levels are characterized by consci-
entious, individualistic, autonomous, and integrated behaviors. The modal
level of ego development, based on American samples, is characterized by
reference to the expectations of other people regarding rules for personal
conduct and social values.6 Individual differences in ego development lev-
els can be observed at all ages after fourteen, so Loevinger’s theory could
be applied easily to the adult reared-apart twin sample.
In 1994, Minnesota graduate student Denise Newman completed the
first study of reared-apart twins that addressed genetic and environmen-
tal influences on ego development.7 Newman, who worked directly with
Auke Tellegen, said, “I was interested in ego development, and ego devel-
opment had an instrumentation that could be addressed within a behav-
ioral genetic framework. It was Loevinger’s brilliance that enabled that
possibility, and it was of course Bouchard’s uncanny knack for designing
a study with lots of different measurements in it, knack (with maybe Tel-
legen’s influence) that allowed me to realize the project was possible.”
Newman also looked at whether ego development was distinct from
cognitive ability, especially verbal skills, an issue also raised by Loevinger
and colleagues.8 This was an important feature because the instrument,
the Washington University Sentence Completion Test, relies on verbal
fluency,9 a feature that could confound ego development measurement.
However, while verbal fluency tests are usually administered under timed
224 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
The cognitive tests Newman used included the Wechsler IQ test and
the verbal subtests of the Hawaii Ability Battery. The sentence completion
responses were rated independently by individuals who were blinded to
the twins’ age, sex, and zygosity. The score distributions for all 248 people
(forty-five MZA twin pairs, twenty-eight DZA twin pairs, nine individuals
from DZA opposite-sex pairs, and ninety-three of the twins’ spouses, chil-
dren, and companions) were similar to those from other adult samples.11
The MZA intraclass correlation of 0.50 suggested that half the vari-
ance in ego development is genetically influenced. The corresponding
DZA correlation was 0.22. When Newman recalculated the correlations
after statistically removing the effects of verbal ability and IQ, the values
fell only slightly to 0.45 and 0.41, respectively, for MZA twins and 0.21
and 0.17, respectively, for DZA twins. Ego development could, therefore,
be considered as separate from intellect, a finding confirmed in the bio-
metrical analysis. Genetic influence on ego development was 0.54,12 and
individuals’ nonshared experiences were nearly as important.
The twins’ ego development similarity could not be explained by simi-
larities in their rearing environments. Only one measure (mothers’ educa-
tion level) correlated significantly for both MZA (ri = 0.45) and DZA
(ri = 0.56) co-twins. Selective placement can inflate resemblance between
adopted apart relatives, giving greater weight to environmental effects
than is warranted. However, mothers’ education explained less than 1
percent of the variation in ego development.
These results were exciting. Newman also concluded that the data af-
firmed the presence of the “black box” of variance.13 That is, idiosyncratic
things that happen to people explained about half the variance in ego de-
velopment. However, the specific events (e.g., going to college or losing a
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 225
headache variance was associated with genetic factors—this was the same
value Ziegler obtained by model fitting. The lack of difference in the MZT
and MZA correlations suggested that shared environments did not affect
headache frequency—instead, environmental contributions to headaches
appeared unique to individuals, possibly related to emotional stress, fever,
sun exposure, or dehydration.21
The findings applied to women, not to men, and they did not distin-
guish between headaches with and without aura (the presence of feelings
and signs that proceed a headache). Despite these limitations, a genetic
component to migraine headache was indicated, although the relatively
high DZA correlation urged a cautious interpretation. Knowledge about
factors affecting headaches could potentially benefit the thousands of af-
fected individuals attempting to make sense of their symptoms.
Headaches, both severe and mild, can have many sources, such as eating
certain foods, eating irregularly, or not eating enough. Headaches, dizzi-
ness, and joint pain are among the symptoms associated with allergic re-
action to gluten, a protein found in most grains, breads, and cereals. A
pair of our MZA male twins suffered from “irritability” and other diffi-
culties, suggesting a food allergy. In fact, these tall, thin British gentlemen
had been experiencing the same symptoms from their allergy to gluten.
However, when they arrived in Minnesota only one twin had determined
that eating wheat products was the cause. Upon becoming a vegetarian
and eliminating wheat from his diet, this twin’s health and spirit improved
dramatically. His twin brother agreed to make the same dietary changes
when he returned home.
One month later, Bouchard received a letter from one of the twins saying
that both were feeling better and were scheduled for allergy testing. The
visit of these twins was meaningful in other ways. The letter read, “So we
grow more, even more alike . . . I think that we are now quite close in our
understanding and empathy . . . Without the basis of our visit [to Minne-
apolis] I do not think that we would have ever spent sufficient time to-
gether for this to have happened.”
versus 0.22). Other than sampling fluctuations, this result could not be
explained. Model fitting yielded average heritabilities of 0.30 (nutrient
intake), 0.30 (meal frequency), 0.33 (snack frequency), and 0.32 (bever-
age frequency). Thus, what we eat and how often we eat appear moder-
ately influenced by genetic factors.
An important point is that certain foods must be available if both
reared-apart twins are to eat them. Oskar’s German culture did not pro-
vide the spicy foods he eventually found so appealing. Other foods seem to
have acquired tastes. An Australian twin would enjoy spreading Vegemite
or Marmite on toast,24 condiments that would probably receive a “No,
thank you” from an American counterpart who had never tasted them
and knew their origin. In a separate case study, Hur and I also discovered
a shared distaste for fish in reared-apart Korean co-twins we had studied.
Fish was less commonly eaten in the area of the United States where one
twin was raised, but it is a large part of the Korean diet. Perhaps the
smell or texture of fish were unpleasant for the Korean-raised twin, and
could be for the American twin as well. These ideas could be tested using
larger twin samples.
The diet data produced some counterintuitive results. Hur did not find
a link between body size and amount of food intake, suggesting that me-
tabolism rather than quantity consumed is largely responsible for body
weight and fatness. This finding was consistent with the outcome of a clever
1990 twin study conducted by University of Laval researcher Claude
Bouchard—no relation to the MISTRA’s director.25 In this study, twelve
MZT male twin pairs abstained from exercise for eighty-four days while
on a diet exceeding their normal intake by 1,000 calories. At the end of
the study, everyone had gained weight, but the amount gained, which
varied from 9.5 to 29.3 pounds, was more similar within twin pairs (for
co-twins) than among twin pairs. Metabolism seemed to mediate weight
gain more significantly than diet.
One might suppose that the twins’ time together influenced their di-
etary preferences, but it did not: the mean correlation between their con-
tact and the seventeen dietary measures was zero. What the twins ate, and
when, were generally products of their genes and their unique experi-
ences. These same factors appear to be at play when family members eat
out together and can order freely. There are often as many different meals
as there are diners.
A personal story told to us by one of the MZA female twins suggested
a unique experience that could affect one’s dietary habits. When the thirty-
six-year-old twin and her sister came to Minnesota for the assessment, the
twin who was five feet three inches tall and weighed 123 pounds admitted
230 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
that she had always felt too heavy. But when she met her twin sister, who
stood five feet four inches and weighed 130.5 pounds, she was surprised
to find that her sister looked “great.” This experience made her rethink
her views about her own body size.
According to family and friends, my fraternal twin sister and I are nearly
indistinguishable on the telephone, so twin studies of voice quality have
been of great personal interest. Early studies showed that MZT co-twins’
voices are nearly identical with respect to fundamental frequency (char-
acteristic highness or lowness of the human voice) and fundamental fre-
quency range, although later studies showed overlap in the level of MZT
and DZT twin similarity.26 Similar tone and pitch were indicated for
twenty out of twenty-one early MZA twin pairs for whom such observa-
tions were made.27 Shields noted that voice similarities are “frequently”
detected among DZT twins and sibling pairs, suggesting a contribution
from genetic factors combined with regional and cultural influences.28
A 1995 review concluded that genetic effects clearly influence voice
quality, assuming that function is related to genetically influenced physi-
cal structures.29
Reared-apart and reared-together twins’ fundamental frequency and
range were the subjects of a 1998 master’s thesis by Michael Hammer
at the University of Kansas.30 Twins were recorded while reading Grant
Fairbanks’s “Rainbow Passage,”31 with the second sentence analyzed due
to its high correlation (0.99) with the full paragraph. Based on a relatively
small sample (forty-nine MZT, eight DZT and fourteen MZA twin pairs),
the intraclass correlations for both frequency (0.53, 0.58, 0.59) and range
(0.30, 0.43, 0.51), respectively, were quite similar. However, vocal dis-
crimination between related and unrelated pairs (generated randomly
from the twin sample) was suggested. These results contrasted with what
Farber had called the “stunningly alike” pitch, tone, and overall vocal
characteristics observed (but not studied systematically) among the ma-
jority of fifty early MZA pairs.32 Conclusions from the small sample that
included the MZA twins are tentative, at best.
Authoritarian Attitudes
Psychological studies of authoritarianism were started at Berkeley in
the 1950s by the German emigré sociologist and philosopher Theodor W.
Adorno and colleagues. These studies were intended to understand the
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 231
mental and physical health,47 and reduced delinquency and drug abuse,
yet increased religiosity was also associated with increased prejudice and
This second religiosity study focused on intrinsic religiousness, the sig-
nificant religious values that may have personal meaning (e.g., central in-
fluence of religion in one’s life), and extrinsic religiousness, the utilitarian
religious values that may enhance social status or self-concept (e.g., social
benefits of religious participation). The distinction between the two was
made in 1967 by psychologists Gordon Allport and J. Michael Ross,49
among others. Bouchard examined the roots of these religious tendencies
in thirty-five MZA twin pairs and thirty-seven DZA twin pairs. However,
this study went beyond that purpose in following Edward O. Wilson’s
view that by “traditional methods of reduction and analysis science can
explain religion but cannot diminish the importance of its substance.”50
Bouchard addressed the issues of replication, measurement, parsimony,
and heuristics, although consilience51 (i.e., unity of knowledge) was “un-
questionably relevant but beyond the scope of this paper.”52
This study was an attempt to constructively replicate the MISTRA’s
1990 finding of genetic influence on religious interest and commitment.
The reared-apart twins completed the Age Universal Religious Orienta-
tion Scale, a modified version of the Allport and Ross Intrinsic-Extrinsic
scales. The Allport and Ross scales had been used to measure intrinsic and
extrinsic religious orientations in adults. In 1983, its authors, Richard
L. Gorsuch and G. Daniel Venable, rewrote the twenty items from the
Intrinsic-Extrinsic scales in simpler language to allow for research with
children and adolescents.53 The MISTRA introduced other changes to ac-
commodate a wider variety of religions and to maintain a consistent for-
mat across some MISTRA inventories.54 Sample intrinsic items are “I en-
joy reading about my religion” and “I try hard to live all my life according
to my religious beliefs.” Sample extrinsic items are “It doesn’t much mat-
ter what I believe as long as I am good” and “Although I am religious, I
don’t let it affect my daily life.” The Age Universal Scale was added to the
study in the late 1990s, so a relatively small number of twins had com-
pleted it by 1999. The twins’ scores on selected California Psychological
Inventory scales as a check on the social desirability of their responses on
the religiosity scale were also examined.
With regard to parsimony, Bouchard noted that religious behaviors
were rarely studied by psychologists because they assumed that such
behaviors were part of the personality domain. However, associations
between measures of personality and religious behaviors were small. The
heuristic value of studying religious behaviors comes from the potential
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 235
Creative Accomplishment
Creativity involves considerable mental effort and sacrifice, behaviors
that vary across individuals. The underpinnings of creative activity have
interested psychologists for some time, although possible genetic effects
have been largely overlooked. Plomin’s 2008 behavioral genetics text-
book briefly reviews just ten twin studies of creativity that show very
modest genetic effects. Possible overlap between creativity and general
intelligence has been held responsible for the genetic effects on creativity
in some cases.56
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 237
Table 11-1. Personality Traits of Productive Scientists and the Corresponding MISTRA Measure
Note: MISTRA measures come from the following sources: 1Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory; 2Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire; 3California
Psychological Inventory; 4Myers-Briggs Type Indicator; 5Strong-Campbell Interest
Inventory. The MISTRA did not have measures for “special interest in pitting oneself
against the unknown, so long as one’s own efforts can be the deciding factor” and “liking
for order, method, [and] exactness together with an interest in the challenge presented by
contradictions, exceptions and apparent disorder.”
Source: Adapted from Bouchard and Lykken, “Life Achievement in a Sample of Twins
Reared Apart: Estimating the Role of Genetic and Environmental Influences,” in Talent
Development III. Proceedings from the 1995 Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National
Symposium on Talent Development, ed. Nicholas Colangelo and Susan G. Assouline,
81–97 (Scottsdale, Ariz.: Gifted Psychology Press, 1999).
238 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
one. According to one of his coauthors, Greg Carey, this study was im-
portant for clinicians to know about.
DiLalla’s analysis included the same 111 twin pairs (sixty-five MZA
and fifty-four DZA) as in the 1996 study. The heritabilities ranged from
0.23 to 0.61 for the twenty-eight Harris-Lingoes subscales. However, the
surprise was finding genetic influence on the five Obvious subscales (0.37
to 0.56) and on four of the five Subtle subscales (0.27 to 0.35). Genetic ef-
fects were surprising because previous studies had shown that the Subtle-
Obvious scales did not meet their goal of improved diagnostic discrimi-
nation and showed little relationship with other relevant behavioral
scales. However, DiLalla was convinced that genetic effects on the Subtle-
Obvious scales made these scales meaningful, but perhaps not in ways
that had been supposed. He recalled that in 1974, the late psychiatric
geneticist Seymour Kety responded to Thomas Szasz’s view of schizo-
phrenia as mythical by stating, “If schizophrenia is a myth it is a myth
with a strong genetic component.”75 DiLalla applied this same reasoning
to the MMPI’s Subtle scales.
DiLalla and I had a great time exchanging stories about the MISTRA
during a telephone conversation in July 2010. He said that this 1999 paper
was one of his favorites:
The goal was really psychometric; it was not a twin thing. Behavior gene-
ticists had been accused of heritability hang-ups, but we used the twin method
to investigate substantive questions. But I am humble about the impact of
this work—it would take other, larger samples with more validity markers
to replicate our findings. But the MISTRA twins were a fantastic resource. I
greatly appreciated Bouchard’s willingness to make the data available to a
young investigator—it had a strong and positive influence on my profes-
sional development.
As the sample grew, it was clear that the study’s initial goal—determining
whether the twins’ life history differences were linked to current behav-
ioral and physical differences between them—did not cover all the types
of investigation that were possible with the data. In other words, the
MISTRA data could address many intriguing behavioral questions be-
yond those indicated in its “mission statement.” Some interested psychol-
ogy faculty and students who were not directly involved with the MIS-
TRA “borrowed” the data to test ideas of their own. A paper by Robert
(Bob) Krueger and his former student Kristian Markon was a good ex-
ample of this kind of collaboration.
Krueger was first exposed to the MISTRA in the early 1990s as an
undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin. He took a class
242 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
from Dr. Al Harkness, a visiting professor who had graduated from the
University of Minnesota. “The class had a Minnesota flavor,” Krueger
recalled. “And the MISTRA was hard to miss if you were interested in
individual differences.” Krueger met Bouchard in 1998 when he arrived
in Minneapolis for his job interview. “We just hit it off. I admired his
work, but I was a bit intimidated by him at the time.” Krueger got the job
and loved the collaborative spirit that the department offered. The idea
for a paper on personality and psychopathology came about through a
casual conversation after class with Krueger’s student Kristian Markon.
“We knew that Bouchard had the data we needed.”
Markon and Krueger used Tellegen’s Multidimensional Personality
Questionnaire or MPQ (personality) and the MMPI (psychopathology)
data in creative ways. Previous research had shown that normal and ab-
normal behaviors are correlated, but no one knew why. Markon and
Krueger found that associations between normal and abnormal person-
ality traits resulted mostly from shared genetic factors and partly from
shared environmental effects.76 For example, they found that genetic cor-
relations between paranoia (MMPI) and Achievement (MPQ), and be-
tween Social Introversion (MMPI) and Well-Being (MPQ) were 0.53 and
−0.47, respectively. This research encouraged future study of why person-
ality and psychopathology are related, looking at nervous system pro-
cesses that may be common to both.
Such studies are vital to progress in the personality field and were pos-
sible because Bouchard shared his data (albeit carefully) with interested
colleagues. Of course, those of us who worked directly with the twins
saw the data come alive in ways that it never could for those seeing it
only on a computer screen. In 2010, I asked Katie Corson, the author of
the authoritarianism paper, to come up with an interesting memory or
observation from her time working on the MISTRA. She remembered giv-
ing the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test to twins.77
This is a scratch-and-sniff test that presents a series of odors with four
alternative choices for identification. (I had used this smell test in research
with reared-together twins in California, and decided that reared-apart
twin data would be a great complement to my work—another example
of wanting to study “everything possible” with the reared-apart twins.)
The interesting question for me was whether reared-apart twins would
show the same level of resemblance in odor identification as the reared-
together twins who, presumably, had been exposed to similar odors dur-
ing their lifetime.
Corson recalled, “One [reared-apart] twin would say, ‘Ah, baked bread.
That brings back such fine memories!’ And then I’d be testing the other
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 243
twin [independently, in a separate room] and when she came to the same
[item] she said, ‘Lovely! Is there anything that stirs the mind like the smell
of baked bread?’ I don’t even think bread was the ‘correct’ answer.”
The last annual report Bouchard prepared spanned the years 1995 to
1997, probably because after 1999 the only funding sources were private
donors and the Whitfield Institute, which ceased to exist in 2005. Further-
more, the last twin assessment took place in April 1999. Bouchard began
dividing his time between teaching and research at the University of Min-
nesota, and skiing down the slopes of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. He
retired fully in 2009, at which time he relocated permanently to Steam-
boat Springs. However, MISTRA activities continued even after the last
“ L A R K S” A N D “ O W L S ,” E G O, A N D A U T H O R I TA R I A N I S M 245
twin pair went home. Bouchard created files documenting each twin
pair’s discovery and testing histories, and organized the hundreds of pho-
tographs that had been taken of the twins. His students processed data
from many tests and inventories that had not been analyzed. Research
team members published findings on social relationships, mental ability,
personality, sexual development, and moral values, to name a few.82
on both theoretical and practical levels. Aside from testing the hypothesis
that MZA twins would show closer social relations than DZA twins, the
findings could help us and the twins understand their feelings with re-
gard to meeting and being with one another.
The hours spent with the Minnesota twins were great opportunities to
watch their relationships unfold. The MZA twins generally showed a bet-
ter “fit” than the DZA twins, as if they had known one another all their
lives. Their common understandings and shared laughter came more eas-
ily for them than for the DZA twins, revealing a greater sense of “we.” But
it was important to systematically record and analyze these observations
to give them scientific significance. When I arrived in Minnesota in 1982,
I asked Bouchard if a protocol was in place to capture the twins’ relations
with one another. He said there wasn’t, but he encouraged me to create
one. The result was our fifty-two page Twin Relationship Survey, first ad-
ministered in 1983.
The survey appeared initially as a thick stack of green and white fan-
fold computer paper, then acquired a leaner look as a spiral-bound book-
let with a pink cover. The number of questions grew after the first few
administrations because the twins volunteered information on topics we
had yet to consider, such as how the twins’ adoptive siblings felt about the
newly found twin. The survey’s final version contained sections on the
twins’ rearing-family situations, satisfaction in the rearing home, search for
biological relatives, and meetings with the twin. Some twins completed this
survey during their follow-up visits, and several answered it by mail.
Most twins genuinely enjoyed this part of the study because it connected
meaningfully to why they were participating in the project. They loved
learning about their similarities and differences on the behavioral and
medical tests, but their relationship with their twin touched them on a
deeper level.
The Twin Relationship Survey posed two key questions concerning the
closeness and familiarity that twins felt toward their co-twin. Each ques-
tion was answered with reference to the time of their first meeting (re-
called) and the time of their study participation (current), for a total of
four questions. Their answers ranged from (1) greater than best friends to
(6) less than someone I meet for the first time.
Twins also answered two questions with reference to the current close-
ness and current familiarity they felt toward any unrelated siblings with
whom they were raised. This set of questions was one of the most infor-
mative features of the study.
Bouchard grumbled about how much file drawer space the survey con-
sumed, so I understood his delight when he finally mailed them to me in
T W I N R E L AT I O N S H I P S , AT T I T U D E S , A N D M E N TA L A B I L I T I E S 249
The Wilson-Patterson Scale was brought into the study in 1986. Bouchard
also added Altemeyer’s Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale to the assess-
ment at that time, but for some reason the authoritarianism data were
analyzed first. (Bouchard said he was a “moron” not to have included
such inventories in the first place.) At that time, the few attitudinal stud-
ies based mostly on young twins showed little genetic influence on social
attitudes,25 so researchers, including Bouchard, were not motivated to
pursue this domain. Martin et al.’s 1986 twin study on the topic left him
no choice.
The reared-apart twins completed the same twenty-eight-item version of
the conservatism scale as the Virginia Commonwealth University twins,26
not the fifty-item version used by Martin et al. The briefer form allowed
comparisons between MZA and MZT twins, and was better suited to our
crowded assessment schedule. The findings were published in 2003,27 with
an update in Bouchard’s 2004 chapter.
The conservatism scale captured a significant and distinct attitudinal
dimension: conservatism. This was shown by the high correlations of
conservatism with Altemeyer’s Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (0.72)
and Tellegen’s traditionalism scale (0.58), based on 338 reared-apart
twin and nontwin participants. At the same time, the Wilson-Patterson
showed low correlations (−0.16 to 0.17) with the Multidimensional Per-
sonality Questionnaire’s other personality scales, such as Absorption and
Alienation. It also showed a low, negative correlation with the IQ scores
(−0.23). The fact that both the personality scales and IQ scores were not
strongly correlated with conservatism showed that the conservatism
scale had discriminant validity—that is, that it was measuring a behavior
that differed from both personality and intelligence. Bouchard also found
that childhood rearing measures were unrelated to conservatism among
twins who had been adopted, with “Importance of Religion” to the mother
being the only exception (−0.22). However, the similarity in this measure
between co-twins was minimal, and any resemblance between them did
not affect their resemblance in conservatism.
It is exciting when new findings replicate existing ones. That is because
there is a sense that the real answer is at hand. Replicating Martin’s (heri-
tability 0.62) and the Virginia group’s findings for conservatism (herita-
bility 0.65 for males and 0.45 for females) was important because most
people believed that this attitude came mostly from the rearing family
environment. Finding that the MZA and DZA conservatism correlations
were 0.59 and 0.21, respectively, and that the genetic estimates ranged
from 0.56 to 0.59, were significant breakthroughs. A successful construc-
tive replication had been completed—but there was more to come.
T W I N R E L AT I O N S H I P S , AT T I T U D E S , A N D M E N TA L A B I L I T I E S 255
showed that the genetic influence on religiosity stayed at about 0.50. The
widespread belief that religiosity in adulthood was a product of family
rearing during childhood was under revision.
The idea that social attitudes are partly shaped by genetic factors is
still hard for some people to accept. This is probably because parents and
children are seen together at religious institutions, social activities, and
community events. It makes intuitive sense that children’s social attitudes
should be shaped by those of their parents. In fact, the MISTRA found
that among intact biological families the moral religious orientation and
intrinsic religiosity were substantially correlated (0.53). Again, because
biological parents and their children share both genes and environments,
these causal factors cannot be separated. Adoptive parents and children
who share no genes in common provide informative tests of relationships
between family background and religiosity. The 1999 study of religious
behavior reported a negligible relationship between moral religious em-
phasis in the childhood home and intrinsic religiosity during adulthood
(0.10) among the adopted twins.29
Children grow up and draw conclusions of their own, filtering infor-
mation through their own personalities, perceptions, and experiences. The
Virginia group found only age-related differences in conservatism until the
young reared-together twins turned twenty. As young adults, these twins
could express their own views more freely, allowing their genetic tenden-
cies to emerge. That is, children usually follow their parents’ religious
practices until they are old enough to form their own beliefs and act on
them. Laura Koenig, one of Bouchard’s dissertation students and the only
one to study only reared-together twins, showed the same effect.30 She
did not find a genetic influence on retrospective religiousness (religious
activities and interests adults recall as children), but she did find a genetic
influence on current religiousness (religious activities and interests adults
have at present).31
Koenig arrived in Minnesota in 2001 after the data collection had
ended, but she said, “I loved hearing Tom’s stories about the different pairs
and what they were like.” She often uses MZA twins Oskar (raised Catho-
lic in Nazi Germany) and Jack (raised Jewish in Trinidad) as “a great ex-
ample of how religious affiliation is environmental, and how religious im-
portance can be influenced by genes . . . There is no gene for religiousness,
but the genetic effects on personality and such can influence people’s be-
liefs. The reared-apart twins were a great way to make that point.”32
The rearing home’s religious emphasis, parents’ education, and other
family factors were just not there when it came to social attitudes and re-
ligiosity in adulthood. For those who maintained that they were, this situ-
ation exemplified what Bouchard called “an argument,” not evidence.33
T W I N R E L AT I O N S H I P S , AT T I T U D E S , A N D M E N TA L A B I L I T I E S 257
gold mine.” Johnson made great use of this gold mine to produce her three
studies. Her paper on genetic and environmental influences and correlates
of the Stroop test utilized the Wechsler IQ scores, selected special mental
ability tests, and the two standard reading tests. It included fifty MZA twin
pairs, thirty-seven DZA twin pairs, as well as twins’ spouses and compan-
ions for a total of 271 participants. It remains the largest study of its kind.
Genetic influence was found on every Stroop test measure, ranging
from 0.35 for interference to 0.50 for words.40 The Stroop was not devel-
oped with the idea of assessing genetic and environmental influences
on performance, a feature yielding results that were both unbiased and
persuasive. Johnson also found that most of Tellegen’s personality scales
showed little relationship to Stroop performance. This was somewhat sur-
prising because previous studies had shown a relationship between Stroop
test performance and impulsivity. Interestingly, the IQ score, most men-
tal ability measures, and the reading test scores were significantly corre-
lated with Stroop test performance. It was possible that the twins’ simi-
larities in mental abilities were responsible for the similarities in their
Stroop scores; however, the twins’ correlations hardly changed when
the effects of the mental performance scores were statistically removed.
Thus, the different Stroop measures are valid ability constructs, in and
of themselves.
Johnson’s interests led her to consider a second problem: Is the genetic
factor structure (i.e., the different ability components or dimensions) of
general intelligence and reading performance the same for children and
adults? This analysis also offered an opportunity to look at the heritabili-
ties of reading and word recognition.41 In order to maximize the differ-
ence between our general intelligence and reading measures, she chose
three fluid ability tests from the special ability battery—pedigrees, flexi-
bility of closure, and induction.42 These three tests reflect abilities that are
not closely tied to formal education, whereas reading is a learned skill. The
reading measures included the two word-recognition tests (Slossen and
Woodcock), the three reading passages, and the spelling test that Samuels
and I had assembled.
Happily, in 2009 I found old copies of the spelling words and reading
passages in my files. In the 1980s and early 1990s, I could almost recite
them by heart after having listened to the twins repeat them so many
times. The following list includes some of the words and sentences from
the spelling tape, exactly as the twins would have heard them.
The person on the tape reading them was Bouchard. Twins were instructed
to write each word on an answer sheet once it had been repeated.
Twins then read three passages aloud and told us everything they re-
membered about what they had read. The first sentences from each pas-
sage are reprinted here to provide a sense of the topics we covered:
• A medical problem that seems to afflict women more than men is
sensitivity to cold.
• Popular opinion holds that success at work depends upon continu-
ally pushing for what you want and refusing to take no for an
• When researchers first began to study reading, many ideas about its
nature were generated from the method of introspection.
The twins’ scores on the spelling test were the number of words they
spelled correctly. Their scores on the reading passages were created by
assigning values to the number of different points they presented in each
passage during their retelling; their tape-recorded sessions were rated by
independent judges. This approach to reading comprehension relies on
active rather than passive recall and is generally equivalent to the more
commonly used multiple-choice method.
Johnson found that the genetic factor structure of general intelligence
and reading performance was the same for adults and for children. A strong
relationship between general intelligence and reading performance in these
adult twins was also found. Interestingly, the twins’ reading comprehen-
sion skills were linked to their general intelligence but not to their read-
ing performance. It could be that, in adulthood, recognizing words does
not guarantee text comprehension—some people can read fluently without
grasping the concepts behind what they read. The participants’ spelling
skills were linked to both their general intelligence and to their reading
performance, not surprisingly as words with both phonetic and nonpho-
netic letter combinations had been included. Words with nonphonetic
letter combinations are harder to spell, so it made sense that the more
intelligent, better readers were also better spellers.
The heritabilities for the reading measures were higher than those es-
timated for children in prior studies (0.21 for spelling to 0.45 for word
recognition).43 Our values were 0.77 for the Slosson, 0.74 for the Wood-
cock, 0.76 for spelling, and 0.51 for reading comprehension. This was
not very surprising because the heritability of general intelligence increases
with age. But the relatively high DZA correlations on the Woodcock
(MZA: 0.72, DZA: 0.70), Slosson (MZA: 0.73, DZA: 0.60), and reading
comprehension (MZA: 0.36, DZA: 0.59) were puzzling because DZA
T W I N R E L AT I O N S H I P S , AT T I T U D E S , A N D M E N TA L A B I L I T I E S 261
The Association for Psychological Science publishes a slim journal called
Current Directions in Psychological Science. Articles appear on a mostly
invitation-only basis, although interested contributors can bring poten-
tial topics to the editor’s attention. In a 2004 article, Bouchard identified
several key trends and big questions.57 He noted that behavior geneticists
had always assumed that genetic influence would vary from trait to trait,
and that behaviors such as social attitudes would show little heritability.
But the two recent surprises have been the generally moderate level of ge-
netic influence across most traits. According to Bouchard, “It seems rea-
sonable to suspect that moderate heritability may be a general biological
phenomenon rather than one specific to human psychological traits, as
the profile of genetic and environmental influences on psychological
traits is not that different from the profile of these influences on similarly
complex physical traits and similar findings apply to most organisms.”58
Figure 12-1. Five MZA twin pairs shown with CBS host Lesley Stahl on the
set of 48 Hours, November 15, 2003. Note the similar hand and leg positions
of the twins seated in the front row. The male twins to the left and the female
twins in the center of the second row did not participate in the MISTRA.
(Photo credit John P. Filo, CBS News.)
T W I N R E L AT I O N S H I P S , AT T I T U D E S , A N D M E N TA L A B I L I T I E S 265
them, just as Hur and I did in 2008 for the Korean twins. I also hope to
study Hasan and Hassania some day, albeit at a distance. Most of the MIS-
TRA investigators also miss the excitement and frenzy of those whirlwind
twin weeks, but they are making the most of the available data. Many
papers appeared in the poststudy period, and there are more to come.
Sexual Development
During one of their premeeting telephone calls, Hanan and Hassania told
each other that they weren’t feeling well, and learned that they had started
their periods at the same time. According to Hassania, they believed that
their matched cycles and physical complaints were amazing. In spite of their
menstrual discomfort, I could tell that they were having a good time dis-
covering things they had in common.
The twins’ coordinated menstrual timing was not surprising. No one
had studied menstrual synchrony in twins, although reared-together twin
studies have reported genetic influence on age at menarche, the onset
of menstruation (MZT ri: 0.65 to 0.97 and DZT ri: 0.18 to 0.50).2 Far-
ber found a 9.3-month age difference in menarche for twenty-eight MZA
female twin pairs scattered throughout the early studies. She also noted
that the twins described similar symptoms, both common (e.g., irregular-
ity and emotionality) and uncommon (e.g., fainting and vomiting) as did
Hanan and Hassania.3 However, a formal study of menarche in reared-
apart twins had not been conducted until 2007.4
The MISTRA had relevant data for twenty-seven MZA female pairs
and thirty-one DZA female pairs, taken from the Sexual History Timeline.
The same data were available for thirty-three MZT female twin pairs and
fourteen DZT female twin pairs from Lykken’s Minnesota Twin Registry.
I had a particular interest in the potential findings on age at menarche,
due to some relevant work in evolutionary psychology, as I will explain
later in this chapter. I analyzed the data in 2007 in California with Dr. Joanne
Hoven Stohs, my colleague in the department of psychology. Stohs had
never before worked with twins and acquired appreciation for genetic ef-
fects on behavior by doing so.
The four-group (MZA, DZA, MZT, DZT) design confirmed our ex-
pectation of genetic influence on age at menarche. The MZA twins (ri:
0.56) were more alike than the DZA twins (ri: 0.16), and the MZT twins
(ri: 0.70) were more alike than the DZT twins (ri: 0.41). The MZT and
DZT twins were also more alike than the MZA and DZA twins, respec-
tively, suggesting shared environmental effects, possibly through diet or
268 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Fluctuating Asymmetry
If lines are drawn down the center of our bodies, it is unlikely that any of
us are physical mirror images. Hand preference, foot size, and wrist cir-
cumference are not exactly the same on our left and right sides. These de-
partures from physical equivalence, known as fluctuating asymmetry (FA),
have been associated with genetic and environmental stressors,11 such as
inbreeding and mutations (genetic), and pesticides and food deficiency
(environmental).12 Fluctuating asymmetry has interested evolutionary psy-
chologists because higher levels are thought to reflect increased stress sus-
ceptibility and reduced developmental stability. For example, women have
been shown to prefer the scents of low FA men to the scents of high FA
men, especially during females’ high fertility phases.13 Increased fluctuat-
ing dermatoglyphic asymmetry has also been associated with greater gene-
tic risk for schizophrenia.14
In the late 1980s, Bouchard added a battery of anthropometric mea-
sures to the MISTRA assessment schedule. The addition was not done with
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 271
between FA and IQ varied across studies, which used fairly small sam-
ples, so we attempted a study of our own.
The twins were asked to partially remove articles of clothing during the
anthropometric assessment that was conducted by two examiners in a pri-
vate room. One examiner made the measurements while the other exam-
iner recorded them.20 The metal calipers and other instruments were often
cold, causing some twins to laugh or gasp slightly. But they accepted these
procedures with the same good humor that they showed throughout the
week. Some twins even thought the anthropometric assessment was inter-
esting and fun.
I was a frequent anthropometric examiner along with a graduate stu-
dent assistant. This was an interesting session because it revealed the
separate physical similarities in the MZA twins that together contributed
to their generally matched appearance. We literally hugged some of our
heavier twins in the process of measuring their body circumference. We
spotted the same clefts on the chins of MZA twins Trent and Jim, and the
same receding hairlines on the big heads of the fireman twins, Mark and
Jerry. I wish we had performed these procedures on the nineteen-year-old
MZA male triplets Bob, Dave, and Eddy who visited Minnesota in 1980
before we conducted anthropometry studies. A photo of the three, dis-
played in Lykken’s former laboratory, revealed that they had mirror-
image smiles—one triplet’s mouth curled up higher on the side opposite
to that of his two brothers. One of the triplets was left-handed, and we
might have found other reversed physical features among them, such as
birthmarks and moles. We ended up with anthropometric data for eighty-
eight twin pairs, sixty spouses, and twenty-seven nontwin relatives.
Johnson, Bouchard, and I concluded that there was a problem with
most studies that had measured genetic influence on FA. The problem was
that the studies had used FA measures of only one trait. We pointed out that
single measures might not capture the FA of many traits affected by the
same stressors. In other words, stress might affect head height and head
width and arm length. A literature survey found that the estimated heri-
tability of FA, based on a single trait, is 0.03.21 In contrast, one exceptional
study that looked at parent-child resemblance for FA, based on an eight-
trait composite, showed a moderate heritability (0.38), although this fig-
ure was possibly inflated due to assortative mating.22 However, the diffi-
culty with that study was the confounding of genetic and environmental
influence, something that would not be problematic with reared-apart
twins. We reasoned that if the heritability of a composite based on many
traits was higher than that of a single trait, then the FA of each of the
many single traits must be affected by the same factors. In other words,
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 273
the effects of stress on the FA of each trait could be small but might “add
up” across traits. We also reasoned that the factors affecting the FA of the
traits may have a genetic basis.
We created a ten-trait composite that included reliable measures such
as foot breadth, knee height, and ear length.23 We also created three ad-
ditional FA indices, one measure based on the absolute difference between
left and right sides for each trait, another measure that statistically ad-
justed for the direction of trait asymmetry, and a measure that statistically
adjusted for each twin’s variability in the single trait measures. Our results
matched our reasoning. The three indices showed low heritability for the
ten single traits (0.00 to 0.17), but higher heritabilities for the ten-trait
composite (0.27 to 0.30). The use of multiple traits for studying the heri-
tability of FA was a better approach than the use of single traits, as called
for by Belgian biologist Stefan Van Dongen.
Van Dongen said, “The determination of hDI2 [the heritability of devel-
opmental instability] is one of the most challenging in evolutionary biol-
ogy.”24 This is because FA may not accurately reflect developmental in-
stability because it does not capture all sources of stress on the individual.
The reared-apart twins, just by letting us pinch them with calipers and
wrap them in tape measures, were up to the challenge.
In 2008 we completed another study of FA, one that failed to replicate
the reported negative relationship between FA and general intelligence.25
Some researchers had linked a larger left-right side difference in physical
traits to lower intellect, although one contradictory study found greater
physical asymmetry among males with higher IQs. The twins’ intelligence
test scores (a summary measure based on forty-two mental ability tests)
and the anthropometric data were used to test this idea. In order for
this relationship to hold, there had to be a genetic correlation between
FA and ability, that is, the same genes that affected FA had to also affect
We did not find this. We did find that FA was heritable, something we
had shown in the previous study. We also showed, both in this analysis
and in previous IQ analyses, that intelligence was heritable. However,
we did not find a genetic link between the FA and intelligence measures
as shown by the near zero correlations between them (−.01 τo .04). Thus,
FA and intelligence appear to be affected by different sets of genes.
These results made sense. That is because FA is a more likely reflection of
a person’s reproductive fitness or capacity to have children, and that has not
been tied to intelligence. People at all IQ levels can have families. We were
confident in our results because the sample was larger than previously stud-
ied samples, and because intelligence was assessed in more than one way.
274 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
dormitory-like quarters of the Nutrition Center, and never ate seated to-
gether, although they ate in the same dining room. Every procedure and
questionnaire was completed while the twins were apart. A possible ca-
veat was that the twins’ body composition, food intake, physical activity,
and energy metabolism were studied under controlled conditions rather
than at home in their regular setting. This situation, and their possibly
similar array of food choices from the somewhat limited menu, may have
slightly inflated the heritabilities of the findings. Furthermore, the major-
ity of both MZAs and MZTs were female, limiting the generalizability of
the results. “It’s hard to get men,” Roberts said. Most medical and behav-
ioral studies, including the MISTRA, enroll more females than males for
several reasons. Women are more likely to seek medical attention, women
may gain greater enjoyment from the social aspects of research, and the
sex difference in longevity yields a higher proportion of women in all
adult age categories.
After interviewing Roberts, I spent the rest of the day with project
manager Paul Fuss, hearing about the study, touring the laboratories, and
inspecting the equipment. I also looked through their photographs of the
MISTRA twins, now familiar figures but in unfamiliar settings. Fuss said
that the twins charmed him. “What struck me was that they were strang-
ers to us, yet they were so willing to come here. They took a real leap of
faith, based on Bouchard’s encouragement and their trust in him.” Like
Roberts, Fuss sensed that the MZA twins “felt even more special than the
MZTs . . . they understood their value as MZA twins: it was a unique
opportunity for them to contribute to science.”
Fuss specifically mentioned the switched-at-birth Canadian twins
Brent and George, and George’s brother Marcus, who had accidentally
grown up as George’s twin29 (brief mention of these twins’ compelling story
can be found in Chapter 1). The three had been placed in the same tem-
porary foster home as babies. When the elderly couple caring for them
became overwhelmed by their responsibilities, they decided to move Brent
and George to a different home, but they inadvertently moved George and
Marcus. The twins’ mother returned to claim them when they were two
months of age, never suspecting that a mistake had been made; conse-
quently, Brent went home with the adoptive family most likely intended
for Marcus. The switch was discovered when the twins and Marcus turned
twenty and a student who saw Brent at a college club meeting mistook him
for George. According to Fuss, “George was very sensitive to Marcus.
They came to Tufts shortly after the switch was discovered.” Fuss also
remarked on how physically different Marcus was from the MZA twins
Brent and George.
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 277
Figure 13-1. MZA female twins Jennifer Mitchell (left) and Margaret Wil-
liams, in BOD PODS. These British twins met for the first time at age fifty-seven
after one discovered a time of birth recorded on her birth certificate—the unique
indicator in Great Britain that one is a twin. They instantly felt like “old
friends” and in correspondence to Bouchard listed similarities in “food, clothes,
shops, religion, music, nail-biting, and excessive use of the telephone.” The twins
celebrated their seventieth birthday together at a party held at Jennifer’s home
in May 2011. (Photo credit Paul J. Fuss.)
with the goal of exploring common genetic links between physical activ-
ity and body fat. She takes pride in having brought methodological
strength to her area of research.
Roberts seemed “hooked” on MZA twin studies and, like most inves-
tigators, regretful that she had not gathered more data at the time of the
study. What more could have been added? Fuss suggested that if the
study were conducted today, the researchers would have included addi-
tional genotyping components for linking DNA markers to body compo-
sition characteristics and chronic illness susceptibility. This would help to
identify people at risk for cardiac and metabolic diseases, allowing pre-
ventative measures to be introduced more quickly.
In summing up his experiences with the MZA twins, Fuss said, “I can
say without exception that there were no bad experiences. [Working with
the MISTRA twins] was a life-changing experience. It was unusual in
that you knew the twins so well in such a short time. More than any other
study I have worked on, the data were truly humanized.” Fuss also en-
joyed his role as “travel guide and tour agent” for many twins who were
visiting Boston for the first time.
During interviews with Roberts, Fuss, and many other MISTRA inves-
tigators, I found that the focus often shifted away from the research to
the twins’ life stories. For many of these researchers, it was probably the
first time that they experienced the bringing together of great scientific
stories and dramatic life events. “This study was hard to top,” Fuss con-
fessed. He is no longer in touch with the twins as before, but he loves
receiving their holiday cards.
Facial Expressivity
The efforts of many individuals enriched the breadth and scope of the
MISTRA. One such contributor to the study was psychologist Paul Ekman
from the University of California–San Francisco. Ekman is renowned for
his work on the universal linkage of human emotions and facial expres-
sivity. Because of him, eighteen MZA and ten DZA twin pairs watched
movies while research staff watched movies of them watching movies.
Other contributors to the study were psychiatrist Kenneth Kendler and
his colleagues from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.
MZA twins Roger and Tony conveyed as much emotional content with
their faces as with their words. They were expressive and responsive in
conversations, making it possible to track their emotions as the topics
changed. Lucky and Dianne, Daphne and Barbara, and Sharon and Debbie
were just as demonstrative. These twins variously smiled broadly, rolled
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 283
their eyes, and shook their heads. Twins in some other pairs were harder
to “read,” because they showed fewer facial emotions during their inter-
actions with the staff.
As recently as 2007, little behavioral genetic work had been done on
individual differences in facial expressivity. The MISTRA’s Emotional
Reaction Study, designed by Ekman, was the first twin study to assess
genetic and environmental influence on spontaneous emotional expres-
sions.40 During the informed consent procedure on the first assessment
day, we told the twins that we would film them during one activity only,
but we would not say which one. We assured them that we would tell
them once the activity had ended.
Ekman selected three short films designed to elicit emotional reactions.
Twins first watched three one-minute clips of pleasant subjects, which
included a gorilla playing at the zoo, ocean waves hitting a beach, and
a puppy playing with a flower. These clips were followed by two two-
minute films, one of men hurt badly in an accident and one of a medical
training scene involving burn treatment and surgeries. A concealed video
camera captured the twins’ responses.
The Facial Action Coding System designed by Ekman and his col-
league Wally Friesen allows for the analysis of forty-four different action
units (expressions). Two certified judges viewed the films, each rating the
expressions of just one co-twin in a pair to avoid bias. For ease of analy-
sis with our small sample, the judges organized the action units into two
positive emotions (happiness and surprise) and three negative emotions
(sadness, anger, and disgust).
Genetic influence was found on the variability in positive emotional
expressions such as surprise but not for happiness. In contrast, genetic
effects on the variability in negative emotional expressions were not
found. It is likely that most of the twins showed similar signs of sadness,
anger, or disgust when viewing the accident victims or burn patients,
overwhelming any individual differences. It was also found that response
duration was more genetically influenced than response frequency. Per-
haps people react similarly to some events as they unfold, but vary in the
time taken to express or dampen their emotions. Regardless, the herita-
bility of the facial expressivity measures showed a wide range (35 to 75
percent), so additional work with larger samples is needed.
This study reinforced my observation that the MZA twins’ emotions
and emotional expressions matched when they first met. Looking closely
at some twins’ reunion tapes, I could see that the facial expressions of
joy, shock, interest, and disbelief were alike between co-twins. However,
I was especially interested in the reunion experience of Jack Yufe (the
284 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
MZA twin raised Jewish in Trinidad) who met his twin brother Oskar
Stohr (raised Catholic in Nazi Germany) at age twenty. This event was
not taped, but Jack recalled that he was slightly embarrassed to see some-
one “wearing” his face.41 It may also be that Jack and Oskar’s initial fa-
cial expressions and his co-twin’s perceptions of his expressions shaped
the cool tone of their twinship at that time. A wonderful film, Oskar and
Jack, shows the twins together for the first time in Germany, but it does
not capture their moment of meeting.42
Oskar and Jack did not meet again until they came to Minnesota at
age forty-six. When they arrived at the Twin Cities airport on separate
flights, each twin wanted to see his brother before his brother saw him—
just as it was twenty-six years earlier.
factors are variously linked to the third strata factors; for example, Flu-
ency is associated with Verbal, and Number is associated with both Ver-
bal and Perceptual.
The portion of genetic variance associated with the factors at each strata
was high and consistent across measures (69 to 79 percent). The only ex-
ception concerned Content Memory, a second strata factor that showed
relatively little genetic influence (.33). Content Memory includes immedi-
ate and delayed recall of information, as tested by the ability to recall
pictures of common objects immediately after and some time after seeing
them. It also includes remembering meaningless and meaningful associa-
tions between things, as tested by the ability to recall pairs of figures and
numbers, and pairs of items and descriptors. It is possible that Content
Memory is affected more by experience than by genes. The best waiters
and waitresses are those who easily remember the orders from a table of
eight. Memory skills may develop the longer one is a restaurant employee,
but it is also possible that people with good memories seek positions that
let them use their talents.
The proportion of genetic variance shown by g was a curious number
(0.77). Anyone who recalls the Cyril Burt controversy involving Burt’s pos-
sibly fabricated reared-apart twins, assistants, and data knows the signifi-
cance of this number. Burt’s alleged fraud was suspected because several
replications of his MZA IQ analyses yielded correlations of 0.771.
Johnson’s paper had an impact on the way psychologists thought about
intelligence. Professor Tony Vernon believes that “Tables 6 and 7 in this
article will become classics,” based on the strong evidence for genes shared
among the Verbal-Perceptual-Image Rotation factors. In thinking about
her article, Johnson said, “The main response I got was that everyone
wanted to know what heritability we had gotten for the g factor, making
me realize how much that particular tidbit was buried within the paper.”
In fact, this figure (0.77) occurred in the last line of a substantial table,
and was referenced only briefly in the results. I’m referring to it now be-
cause it was exactly what Burt had found: a 0.77 heritability means that
77 percent of the general ability differences among people are associated
with genetic differences between them. It also means that about 23 percent
of the differences are associated with differences in their environments,
plus measurement error. Recall that studies of intelligence based on other
behavioral genetic designs tend to produce a lower estimate of genetic in-
fluence because they estimate heritability indirectly. The MZA correlation
estimates heritability directly.
The MZA and DZA g factor correlations were also omitted from the
article, but I obtained them from Bouchard when I visited Minnesota in
286 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
October 2009 (MZA: 0.73, DZA: 0.47). I imagine that other readers
wanted them as well. The MZA g correlation was nearly identical to the
estimated heritability of 0.77. Bouchard also provided the twins’ WAIS IQ
correlations (MZA: 0.62, DZA: 0.50). The larger MZA than DZA cor-
relation was consistent with genetic influence on IQ, but the MZA value
and MZA-DZA difference were lower than what was found for the g
factor correlations. This may reflect the greater reliability of the g factor
score, but other explanations are possible.
By 2010, Johnson had thought more about other aspects of her study
since its original publication:
I’ve come to understand much more clearly how very little genetic correla-
tions can actually tell us about how systems of traits come together. If a ge-
netically influenced disease causes cognitive decline and that disease occurs
in a sample, there will be a genetic correlation between cognitive function
and the disease, even if it’s the disease that causes the cognitive problem di-
rectly, without any overtly common genes between cognitive function and
the disease.
spatial and rotation tasks than they did on vocabulary, spelling and ver-
bal interpretation tasks, and vice versa.
Johnson found that males clustered toward the rotation and focus
poles of the rotation-verbal and focus-diffusion dimensions, while fe-
males tended toward the verbal and diffusion poles. Females also clus-
tered toward the “good memory” pole of the content memory dimension
more often than males. None of this was surprising. These results matched
the findings in the psychological literature showing small, but consistent
sex differences in these measures. Of course, both males and females are
expected to be found at any position along the poles, just not in equal
The more interesting results from this study concerned sex differ-
ences in the residual scores. Residual scores were derived by stripping the
forty-two mental ability test scores of the effects of age, and both age and
g. Once this was done, sex differences in the residual scores were greater
than the sex differences in the original scores. The fact that sex differ-
ences in ability increased once g was removed suggested that g may rep-
resent a general problem solving ability that hides sex-related differences
in specific skills. The residual scores also showed similar degrees of gene-
tic influence (0.38–0.70), as did the original test scores (0.33–0.79), with
Memory Content again showing the lowest heritability (0.38). This re-
sult suggested that residual abilities follow systematic patterns that are
biologically rooted in the brain.
Johnson produced evidence that the tests did not measure the same
things in the same way for people positioned differently along the poles.
People presented with the same problem might try to solve it differently.
One person might mentally rotate an image to determine its appearance
from another angle, while someone else might draw a series of figures
to try to find a solution. One person might take a “mental snapshot” of
an image he or she wished to remember, while someone else might ver-
bally describe the image to himself or herself.
The origins of sex differences in mental ability have yet to be fully
known, but sex differences in brain structures, physiological functions, and
neurological features might hold answers, the subject of a subsequent pa-
per by Johnson and Bouchard.55 Male brains are more lateralized than
female brains, meaning that males’ different mental functions are found
more exclusively in the brains’ left hemisphere (verbal) and right hemi-
sphere (nonverbal). Females’ brains are relatively less lateralized, so their
verbal and nonverbal functions are distributed across both hemispheres
to a greater degree than are males’.56 Hormonal influences also affect
mental functioning. For example, females show better spatial skill per-
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 289
Birth Order
In 2008, psychologist Shirley McGuire from the University of San Fran-
cisco and I attempted a study that I had thought about for some time—a
test of Frank Sulloway’s birth-order theory using MZA twins.73 Sulloway
showed that firstborns tend to be traditional and conventional, while later-
borns tend to be risk-taking and rebellious.74 It appeared that a novel test
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 293
of his model could be done using an MZA twin design because birth-order
effects would be unconfounded by genetic influences on personality. Many
co-twins occupied different birth-order positions in their separate rearing
families. We reasoned that if MZA co-twins placed in different birth-order
positions showed Sulloway’s expected birth order and personality relation-
ships, this would add to research demonstrating sibship position effects on
personality. Birth order could then be considered part of the nonshared
environmental influences on personality, partly explaining differences
between co-twins. We used birth order and personality data from the
MISTRA and from the Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging.
We found that co-twins in different birth-order positions did not show
meaningful personality differences, but the sample sizes were too small
to permit firm conclusions. In fact, the small numbers of twins in the
various birth-order combinations reduced our comparisons to just same
birth-order versus different birth-order groups. Moreover, our personality
data were self-ratings rather than ratings made specifically in comparison
with the co-twin, which are more sensitive to birth-order effects.75 Other
factors, such as twins’ age at adoption, gender of siblings, age spacing,
and rearing status of siblings (biological or adoptive) also needed to be
considered. Some studies are theoretically compelling but practically un-
doable, and this may be one of them, at least at this time.
The MISTRA’s handedness data were not published at the time of this
writing, but they were important to include in this book, given the gen-
erally higher proportion of left-handedness in twins than nontwins (14.5
percent versus 9.9 percent)76 and the similar frequency of left-handedness
in MZ and DZ twin pairs.77 Increased left-handedness in twins has been
variously linked to delayed zygotic splitting among approximately 10
percent to 25 percent of MZ twins, the increased prenatal adversities
(e.g., premature birth) affecting both types of twins (but especially MZ
twins), and associations between familial left-handedness and twinning.78
However, a 2003 study questioned the higher rate of left-handedness in
twins, having found similar rates among twins and their nontwin
The MISTRA twins completed the Oldfield Handedness Inventory, a
twenty-item self-report form that asks subjects how often they use their
left or right hand to perform various unimanual (e.g., writing and drawing)
and bimanual (e.g., peeling a potato and opening a bottle) tasks.80 Rat-
ings are made on a nine-point scale (1 = left always to 9 = right always).
294 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Table 13-1. Handedness Concordance and Discordance for MZA and DZA Twin Pairs
Right-left 15 18
Right-mixed 8 15
Left-left 0 2
Left-mixed 1 2
Mixed-mixed 3 5
Right-right 73 58
Hand-concordant 76 65
Hand-discordant 24 35
S E X U A L D E V E L O P M E N T, A S Y M M E T R Y, B O D Y S I Z E , I N T E L L I G E N C E 295
from discussing the research activities until both had completed them.
Everyone was confident that the twins and their companions understood
the reason for this and fully complied.
To the extent that the staff and budget allowed, every effort was made
to keep the data free from potential biases by following procedures set by
Bouchard. Twins were always seated apart as they completed their inven-
tory booklet in the MISTRA’s laboratory or elsewhere. A staff member
was always present during these sessions to answer the twins’ questions
privately, if any arose. Two staff members independently reviewed each
twin’s inventories for completion and clarity, noting questions that needed
additional attention from the twins.
The use of separate examiners (unrelated to the study) and simultane-
ous testing of twins were strictly followed for the IQ testing because of
its controversial nature and because the early reared-apart twin investi-
gators had been criticized for sometimes testing both twins. Simultane-
ous and separate (or consecutive) testing by different examiners was in
place for most activities, with some exceptions, such as the medical/
psychiatric interviews administered to the early twin pairs and David
Lykken’s psychophysiological battery that the twins did in reverse order
on different days. Kevin Haroian who tested both twins in Lykken’s lab-
oratory told me that “the computer controlled the presentation. We never
saw any systematic differences between the twin tested on Monday and
the twin tested on Tuesday.” Several other exceptions included taking the
joint twin photographs, videotaping a joint interview immediately after
the individual interviews, and administering the special mental ability
battery (due to concerns over examiner differences in administration).
Some tests, such as the general physical examination, chest x-ray, stress
electrocardiogram, special mental ability battery, and psychomotor tasks,
were administered to co-twins by the same physician, psychologist, or
staff member. Testing related individuals can conceivably bias research-
ers’ expectations for the second participant based on the performance of
the first. However, what seems like reasonable inference can prove insig-
nificant upon closer inspection.
Bouchard pointed out long ago that those who raised such objections
were the same people who reexamined the data with full knowledge of
the twins’ IQ differences.2 In other words, critics who categorized the
early pairs by age at separation, contact, and other factors had access to
these twins’ IQ scores, so their categorization may not have been done
The burden of proof lies with the critics—bias must be demonstrated,
not assumed. The critics of reared-apart twin studies never conducted a
300 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
The first case studied by us of identical twins reared apart gained consider-
able publicity through no fault of ours, for the twins themselves gave their
photograph and their life stories to an enterprising local reporter, who sent
his news story to an American newspaper, from which it was copied far and
wide. Since our name and address were given, we were deluged with all
sorts of letters from twins and about twins, a few of which furnished valu-
able clues.11
some twins were located through social services and reunion registries,
sources that would not necessarily attract visually or behaviorally similar
twins. The eighteen twin pairs who met through mistaken identity (sev-
enteen MZA and one DZA) were very similar in appearance, but there is
no connection between physical and behavioral resemblance, as has been
The methods by which MISTRA participants (and reared-apart twins
in other studies) were identified have been criticized for attracting or fa-
voring assessment of the relatively more similar MZA twin pairs.12 That
may have been somewhat true of the study by Newman’s group because
those investigators were only interested in studying MZA twin pairs, pos-
sibly excluding dissimilar MZA sets. But their possible exclusion of dis-
similar MZA pairs is only an assumption, one I was guilty of until I read
Newman’s 1940 case report of a reared-apart female pair he identified
after publishing his 1937 study. Newman noted that he had recently
discovered a reared-apart male pair in which one twin was eager for re-
search while his twin was “somewhat of a hoodlum and refuses to sub-
mit to examination.” Newman wrote, “This is unfortunate in view of the
fact that the two brothers now seem to be so different in their personality
Juel-Nielsen recruited only MZA twin pairs, but did so through a
population registry; as a result, he was able to identify all possible pairs
born in Denmark between 1870 and 1910, although he included several
pairs born after 1910.14 Shields’s appeal for twins via the British Broad-
casting Corporation yielded ninety-two pairs, which he reduced to forty-
one MZA twin pairs after omitting duplications and exclusions (nine-
teen), no replies (ten), refusals (five), incompletely investigated cases (four),
and dizygosity (thirteen). Shields also found three additional MZA twin
pairs (for a total of forty-four) and two additional DZA twin pairs from
other sources15
The charge that the MISTRA sought the more similar MZA pairs fails
because Bouchard decided early on to study DZA same-sex and opposite-
sex twin pairs. It is true that the majority of the separated twin pairs (59.1
percent) were MZA, whereas the natural twinning rate predicted that 30
to 35 percent of the pairs should have been MZ.16 Of course, there is no
way of knowing if twin separations occurred equally among MZ and DZ
twins. It is conceivable (but unproven) that MZ twins are separated more
often than DZ twins because of the greater prenatal hazards to which
they are subject and their consequent poorer early health, which imposes
greater emotional and financial burdens on parents.
It is likely that the outnumbering of DZA twins by MZA twins in the
MISTRA also reflects MZA twins’ greater ease of finding one another
due to their matched appearance.17 However, to the extent that there was
an overrepresentation of MZA twins, it could be also argued that both
the less visually similar pairs and dissimilar pairs were attracted to the
study. That is probable, given that DZA twins (who did not look alike)
also volunteered for the research. In fact, twins from the second pair,
assessed two months after the Jim twins, were DZA females.
Many MZ twins, even those growing up together, are uncertain of
their twin type, partly because they and their families magnify small dif-
ferences between them. This phenomenon is well known to investigators
studying twins. However, MZ twins misclassified as DZ by their parents
or themselves receive similar behavioral ratings, consistent with their true
zygosity as opposed to their perceived zygosity.18 A number of the reared-
apart twins were uncertain of their twin type after they met, as were we.
Laboratory analyses of the twins’ blood samples took time, so some twins
finished the assessment and went home before they, or we, knew their true
twin type.
It is possible to suppose, however, that the more physically similar
MZA twins did visit the laboratory. The idea that twins who look more
alike are more behaviorally similar than those who look less alike due to
their more similar treatment by others has been raised.19 If true, psycho-
social factors rather than genetic ones would explain the resemblance
we observed between them. However, such reasoning has been weakened
by analyses showing that similar treatment by others does not cause MZ
twins to be alike.20
Science rests on data, not dialogue. Just as Juel-Nielsen compared his
registry and nonregistry twins and found no significant differences be-
tween them, the effects of various family characteristics (e.g., socio-
economic status, or rearing with a relative or nonrelative) and contact
measures (e.g., age at separation or age at reunion) on the MISTRA twins’
trait similarities were measured. Such factors contributed little to the ob-
served variance in measured traits and little to the similarity between the
twins. Some journalists, such as NBC’s science correspondent Robert Ba-
zell, complained that some MZA twins had had contact before being as-
sessed, implying that this limited the genetic interpretations of the find-
ings.21 The investigators always emphasized that the variable contact across
the twin pairs was beneficial because it allowed analysis of the extent to
which contact was associated with similarity.
In October 2010, I discovered a letter in Bouchard’s files written to
him in February 1979 by reared-apart twin Roger Brooks. Brooks and
his twin brother, Tony Milasi, had reunited fifteen years earlier after a
twenty-five year separation, and were interested in participating in the
MISTRA. Brooks had read about the study in the New York Times and
306 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
after explaining his circumstances wrote, “As for the ‘contamination’ [the
fact that we have been in contact since meeting], I strongly believe that a
truly comprehensive study of the effect of the environment and heredity
can be enhanced by carefully following the subsequent lives of these twins.”
Brooks had it right.
This handwritten note runs across the top of one of the most egregious
articles written about Bouchard and the MISTRA.22 Lynch’s only factual
words were those suggesting that the MISTRA was “one of the most
controversial dispatches in the nature-nurture debate.” The MISTRA saw
other outrageous articles, notably one by John Horgan in Scientific Amer-
ican discussed later in this chapter. These two articles were more extreme
than most, but they convey the kinds of criticisms to which the MISTRA
was subject from time to time. A sampling of Lynch’s statements (L) are
listed below, followed by my responses (R) to them.
(L) Bouchard studied intelligence with Arthur Jensen when Bouchard was
a student at Berkeley.
(R) Bouchard did not know Jensen in those years, nor did he conduct
studies of intelligence. A footnote to one of Bouchard’s 1998 papers reads,
“Jensen had been on the Berkeley faculty in Educational Psychology (lo-
cated in Tolman Hall, the same building as Psychology) while I was a stu-
dent but, as far as I can recall, I had not met him.”23
(L) MZA twins Oskar and Jack, raised Catholic in Nazi Germany and
Jewish in Trinidad, respectively, “had to be at least slightly interested in me-
dia attention or at least appearing as ‘twin-like’ as possible.”
(R) Oskar and Jack had many similarities, but each disparaged the his-
torical and political views held by their brother, a sentiment that caused
friction between them. They were hardly “twin-like” in that respect.
(L) Bouchard eventually backed away from the media because journalists
alleged, based on our findings, that “we cannot change who we are.”
(R) None of the MISTRA colleagues suggested that genes prevent behav-
ioral change or improvement, only that not everyone benefits equally from
the same experiences or interventions. Bouchard discussed the study with
any journalist or media outlet interested in talking to him.24
the effects of age and sex were removed from the data prior to analysis in
order to control for these common factors.
(H) The MISTRA misrepresented the twins’ contact frequency and rear-
ing similarities.
(R) Bouchard had sent a packet of MISTRA publications to Horgan, so
Horgan should have been aware that selective placement did not explain the
MZA twins’ IQ similarities. Bouchard emphasized that the effects of con-
tact and upbringing were not downplayed, but rather were measured with
reference to the twins’ behavioral resemblance.
data that Bouchard could neither know nor predict because reunited twin
pairs surfaced at any time. The third reason was that Bouchard, as he was
the first to admit, did not “think big” when it came to grants, carefully
crafting his budgets to match the number of assessments he could realisti-
cally complete.
In 1981, the financial backing of the MISTRA became contentious
among academics, journalists, and the general public when Bouchard ac-
cepted a grant from the Pioneer Fund. The Pioneer Fund, based in New
York City, had a reputation for supporting research with a racial bent. I
will look at the background of the Pioneer Fund and its role in the MISTRA
later in this chapter. First, it is important to know that, as principal inves-
tigator of the MISTRA, Bouchard received awards and donations from
nine separate sources between 1979 and 2004—however, the publicity
surrounding the Pioneer Fund left the false impression that that agency
was the project’s sole benefactor.
The MISTRA was also funded by grants awarded to the colleagues in
periodontics (Pihlstrom and Michalowicz) and clinical nutrition (Roberts).
The twins’ travel, room and board, lost wages, and honoraria (approxi-
mately $5,100 per pair, with spouses, $2,600 without spouses) were cov-
ered by these grants, but the majority of funds supported the investigators’
operating costs. These grants also supported assessments of reared-together
twins with which we were not as directly involved. I have summarized these
separate funding sources in Appendix A, Table A-2. A detailed summary of
all yearly sources of MISTRA funding is presented in Table A-3.
Funding Sources
Initial Funds
There is a story behind every grant Bouchard received on behalf of the
MISTRA. The University of Minnesota Graduate School was actually re-
sponsible for financially launching the MISTRA. As a well-respected ten-
ured professor, Bouchard received several thousand dollars from the Uni-
versity of Minnesota’s graduate school in March 1979 to study the Jim
twins. There was no way to know what Bouchard would learn from the
Jim twins or where those findings would lead, but universities can risk
small sums of money for promising projects. It was a smart decision be-
cause the MISTRA ultimately enhanced the school’s reputation for first-
class research and productivity. Bouchard’s scientific curiosity was also
satisfied, something worth a lot to an investigator.
In the wake of the publicity surrounding the Jim twins, Bouchard
had a casual chat with his department chair, John (Jack) Darley Sr. Darley
told him, “You will find more twins, so you will need more grants.” Darley
telephoned the Spencer Foundation, a Chicago-based organization that
supports research on educational issues and values. The next meeting of
the awards committee was ten days away. Bouchard submitted a grant and
received $32,000. At about this time, Bouchard also secured a $10,000
grant from the publishing house Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, and $5,000
from various business sources.
“Jack Darley knew lots of people,” Bouchard told me. Bouchard could
not recall exactly how the Harcourt funding came about, but it could have
been a casual conversation with Darley in the corridor. In fact, Bouchard
kept a “Jack Darley Grant Help” file that included Darley’s many letters
written to granting agencies on Bouchard’s behalf. In it, I discovered an
April 27, 1979 letter written by Bouchard to then University of Minnesota
President Peter McGrath, in which Bouchard praised the faculty and staff
who gave so generously of their time during the Jim twins’ assessment.
Bouchard also submitted several grant proposals to the National Science
Foundation. But as Irving Gottesman pointed out, a reared-apart twin
study was “not their cup of tea.”
Reviewer 2 claimed that such “case studies carry weight that is all out of
proportion to their general methodological status.” (Excellent)
The positive comments to the proposal were stunning. “It is the kind
of study one often dreams about.” “Its significance is enhanced as a result
of the semi-demise of the Burt data.” “This study is destined to become a
classic in the field regardless of the particular results.” One laudatory re-
viewer who admittedly knew “nothing about genetics,” was excited
about the MZA data, but was “not clear” on what the DZA data could
contribute. On the negative side, the small sample, the assumed contact
between co-twins, an inflated budget, and a slim chance of finding “any-
thing new” were variously mentioned by the more negative reviewers. One
feared that the work would “fan the controversy regarding heretibility
[reviewer’s incorrect spelling repeated several times] of intelligence . . . re-
jection is the only intellectually defensible course for NSF.” This last com-
ment contrasted sharply with another reviewer’s belief that “if the investi-
gators can indeed come up with twenty additional monozygotic pairs . . .
NSF should consider putting up the whole $150,000 to let them do it.”
In 1981, Bouchard received a $50,000 NSF grant for his work on the
MISTRA. However, his 1982 proposal for continued funding was re-
jected. Once again, the reviewers’ ratings displayed a wide range of opin-
ions as to the merits of the work: Excellent (3), Very Good (2), Very
Good-Good (1), and Fair (2). A sampling of their comments is insightful.
Reviewer 3: “This ongoing study has been reviewed frequently with mixed
reactions and has received considerable publicity. Both factors make it diffi-
cult to be critical . . . At least three of the many questions that can be raised
leave me luke-warm about this effort. First, the questions of self-selection . . .
A second and related point, is that variables in the childhood environment
that may be important are not assessed . . . A third concern is raised by the
absence of a theoretical perspective and the reluctance to specify the ques-
tions that will be asked of these data.” (Fair)
Negative feedback is not a bad thing when it is well reasoned and of-
fered in the spirit of scholarly criticism. Bouchard relished these kinds of
exchanges. But emotions and unawareness motivated some responses to
a new reared-apart twin study. One especially insulting 1980 review
314 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
1900s, both in the United States and abroad.46 In his will, drafted in
1960, Draper left five million dollars in research funds to the Pioneer
Fund. Draper passed away in 1972. Over the years, the fund has supported
projects on the hereditary basis of intelligence, personality, and social orga-
nization, with reference to both individual and group differences.47
The Pioneer Fund has a controversial past.48 It was publicly accused of
racist policies after the Harvard Educational Review published a 1969
essay, “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?” by
University of California–Berkeley psychologist Arthur Jensen.49 Jensen
suggested that the average fifteen-point IQ gap between black and white
populations could be associated with genetic factors. Although Jensen
had not been funded by Pioneer until 1973,50 individuals critical of his
essay discovered that the fund had supported previous research on race
differences in intelligence. The story played out many times in the me-
dia.51 Because of the Pioneer Fund’s reputation for funding race-related
research, its recipients allegedly supported racial discrimination and
anti-interventionist policies with their work. The Southern Poverty Law
Center included it in their list of hate groups.52 Many academics, jour-
nalists, and others learned about the Pioneer Fund from the press.
The Pioneer Fund contacted Bouchard in 1980 or 1981—he had never
heard of the fund prior to that time. His acceptance of their research
grants intensified critics’ charges and accusations that the MISTRA’s pro-
gram was driven by eugenics, motivated by politics, and flawed in design.
Some MISTRA colleagues and students worried that the project and their
good names would be hurt if Bouchard accepted Pioneer Fund support.
Gottesman recalled:
I brought [the Pioneer Fund’s past and present] to Bouchard’s attention. I felt
that the study was strong enough to stand on its own and that we ran the risk
of bad publicity if we accepted [their] funds. I would have turned it down and
spent more time raising funds and writing grants. But I was not in a position
to micromanage, and now I can’t second guess what might have happened
[had he declined the funds] . . . I was happy to get the benefits of the MMPI
data and become a co-author on many papers, but I have not changed my
mind about the Pioneer Fund. My name is on papers that acknowledge Pio-
neer Fund support, but that shows my confidence [in] the data.53
Gottesman also saw irony in the situation. The Pioneer Fund and the
MISTRA’s critics “got no reinforcement for any ideas about race differ-
ences in behavior because race never entered this project. We were con-
cerned with the scientific study of individual differences . . . To my knowl-
edge, no one connected to the project ever had a political agenda.” The
Pioneer Fund includes among its mission the study of group differ-
ences based on sex, social class, and race. The MISTRA’s goal was to
316 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
find associations between differences in the twins’ life histories and the
twins’ behavioral differences.
Heston, who had once received a small Pioneer Fund grant, said there
was “no reason for Bouchard not to accept the funds—he could not have
done the study otherwise.” Auke Tellegen, who was not a Pioneer Fund
recipient, believed that accepting Pioneer Fund support was “politically
risky,” but that Bouchard needed the funds. McGue spoke for Lykken
when he said, “David’s argument was that we could take bad money and
do good things with it.”
Bouchard agrees with Lykken’s statement and believes people can
make their own judgments. “The left was killing us, which is why most
of our funds came from private foundations.” Bouchard was willing to
accept money from any source, but he emphasized the responsibilities of
acknowledging funding sources and describing exactly what the research
accomplished. Bouchard also recalled his 1987 taping of the ABC’s news
program 20/20. The producers spent several days filming an MZA twin
pair, then confronted Bouchard in a hostile manner about his Pioneer
funding.54 “I lost my cool—slightly. I told them that since I am being
taped for TV they could ask me any questions they wanted, but they
folded and went home. Unless they could uncover something dirty they
were uninterested.”
Former graduate student Susan Resnick, who worked on the MISTRA
when it began, was “not happy” about the study’s association with the
Pioneer Fund. While working on the MISTRA, her support came from a
National Institute of Health National Research Service Award, not from
Pioneer. Resnick is a co-author on only one publication, the first prelimi-
nary description of the MISTRA’s project design and findings, which ap-
peared in 1981 prior to Pioneer Fund support.55 She recalled, “Bouchard
was very upfront about it—he felt that it was the only way to keep the
study going.”
Minnesota psychology professor Matt McGue had also weighed the
implications of accepting Pioneer Fund support:
The Pioneer Fund never influenced the study, and the study could never
have been done without it. But there are legitimate concerns. The Pioneer
Fund had a racial agenda. The 1980s was a more politicized time with re-
spect to race, and some students worried that a Pioneer Fund association
would “taint” them. True to his nature, Bouchard heard them out. My feel-
ing then was that Bouchard was wrong to take it [the Pioneer Fund grant],
but he proved to be right . . . what [Pioneer] got out of it was minimal.
Pioneer Fund support but was not associated with the MISTRA. Vernon
believes that racist allegations against the Pioneer Fund were “question-
able” at best, given that there has been “no solid evidence.” Vernon and
others also noted that the Pioneer Fund imposed no restriction on the inves-
tigators’ procedures or publications.56 According to MISTRA colleague
Greg Carey, “Bouchard told me that the Pioneer Fund never told him what
to write. I trust Bouchard, and I know when he says something he means
it.” Had Bouchard failed to find genetic influence on the behaviors that he
studied, the Pioneer Fund would not have interfered with his reporting.
One of the benefits of writing this book has been the opportunity to ob-
tain professional and personal perspectives from each investigator, not just
about the science but also about how the science was done. Every colleague
stands by the findings, including those who tried to dissuade Bouchard
from accepting Pioneer Fund grants. The money partly supported the sala-
ries of many project associates, secretaries, and research assistants, includ-
ing mine. As Bouchard said in 2009, “If not for Pioneer we would have
folded long ago.”
The next MISTRA grant, obtained from the David H. Koch Charitable
Foundation, was not awarded until 1985, a full three years later. That
grant was presumably made possible by the Pioneer-funded work Bouchard
had completed since 1982.
By the start of 1985, assessments had been completed on sixty-five
reared-apart twin pairs, and the study had attracted considerable atten-
tion, including that of David H. Koch, who headed the Koch Foundation.
Of course, without an offer of Pioneer Fund grants, Bouchard might have
tried harder to get money from other sources, but he did try. His friend,
businessman and developer William (Bill) I. Fine, who helped found the
Fine Theoretical Physics Institute at the University of Minnesota, intro-
duced Bouchard to many foundations in the Twin Cities, but nothing
came of these efforts.
I had never heard of David Koch until he wrote me a letter in 1984 or 1985
asking about Cyril Burt. I wrote him a two-page reply and received a letter
back from him, asking me if I wanted to apply for a grant from his foundation.
I should have looked into his background because I would have discovered
318 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
that he was a billionaire!58 I might have written a bigger grant [larger than
$10,000 to 50,000 and for more than one or two years], but I never had the
sense that a bigger grant was possible.
in science, medicine, education, public affairs, and the arts. It targets proj-
ects that are likely to help humanity, and it is willing to invest in projects
unlikely to receive funding from other sources. Then President of the
Seaver Institute, Dr. Richard Call, consulted with university officials to
learn about potentially fundable projects of interest.60 In the late 1980s,
Call contacted Bouchard and met with him in Minneapolis to discuss grant
support for the MISTRA. Five grants, totaling $250,000, were awarded
in support of the MISTRA between 1988 and 1993.
Bouchard did not have a fortune to work with, but he made the most of
the grants that came his way.
genetic influence and a shared family effect were reported. The only twin
study of the heritability of materialism (the importance of owning and
acquiring material possessions), conducted in 2009, also showed a lack
of genetic effects, with the exception of a happiness dimension (content-
ment with one’s current possessions).70 Additional studies of these behav-
iors, using a variety of methods administered on several occasions, would
be important for purposes of information gathering and replication. I
wish Bouchard had administered love style and materialism question-
naires to the MISTRA twins, but it is impossible to assess every behavior
in the same study.
Reared-apart twin studies have included mostly adults, but in 2006 I
began the first prospective study of reared-apart twin children from China,
as mentioned in Chapter 2. Genetic effects on intelligence, personality, and
interests have never been studied using young twins adopted apart or
together, but they can be estimated using these Chinese twin samples. Our
understanding of traits such as fluctuating asymmetry, traditionalism, job
satisfaction, and age at menarche would also benefit from studies tracking
these separated twins as well as other unusual kinships, such as virtual
twins (same-age unrelated siblings) and superfecundated twins (twins hav-
ing the same mother, but different fathers).71 Twin studies of behaviors that
have been assessed rarely or not at all, such as adult romantic attachment,
sleep quality, and disregard for rules, have appeared in 2011 issues of the
journal Behavior Genetics,72 but more would be welcome.
New Directions
Molecular genetics explores the effects of genes at the DNA level. Its
techniques include linkage analysis and association analysis, among
others. Linkage is the tendency for some genes to be inherited together
because of their proximity on the same chromosome. Linkage analysis is
used to map genes to specific chromosomes and to look for relationships
between genotypes and phenotypes among related individuals. Associa-
tion analysis involves direct tests of correlations between genotypes and
phenotypes and can use populations. Genes or chromosomal regions
thought to be relevant to a particular trait (“candidate genes”) can be ex-
amined.73 For example, a 2007 study looked at associations between
cognition and genes associated with oxidative stress, thought to affect
aging of the brain.74
Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the
International HapMap project (a description of the common patterns of
DNA sequence variation) in 2005, it has been possible to quickly scan the
Final Comment
I share stories of newly reunited twins with Bouchard, who told me, “An
accumulation of such cases cannot do anything but help us make a per-
suasive case that something interesting is going on.” He also admitted,
“When I hear about a reunited pair it tugs at my heart strings.” These are
the pairs he won’t be studying.
As a DZT twin, I knew from an early age that my twin sister Anne and
I were very different in our behaviors and appearance, and I decided that
there was “something” fundamentally different about us. We were hardly
as alike as the MZ twins I knew in elementary school. When I learned in
science classes about the effects of genes on behavior and the differential
effects of environments on family members, our developmental differences
made sense. Perhaps that is why the reared-apart twin findings seemed so
reasonable, affirming my beliefs about the way people become who they
It may be surprising to learn that twins are still being separated, even
though most adoption agencies appreciate the importance of keeping them
together. During the last thirty years, advances in assisted reproductive
technology have provided new sources of reared-apart twins. Frequently
used techniques variously involve ovarian stimulation via fertility drugs,
and the conception and implantation of multiple embryos into the mother’s
326 B O R N TO G E T H E R — R E A R E D A PA RT
Most important, the MISTRA has helped define the domains in which
answers to questions about how behaviorally relevant genetic processes
work are likely. Advances in molecular genetics and related fields are
furnishing tools that can facilitate efforts in that direction.
We are moving toward a more informed view of what twin studies can
and cannot accomplish. “Twin studies . . . refute both biological and en-
vironmental determinism. They do not negate the effect of the environ-
ment on behavior, nor do they overglorify the role of genes. They account
for the uniqueness of each of us.”96
Funding Sources
Table A-1. Funding for Bouchard as the MISTRA’s Principal Investigator, Listed in Order of Amount
Award Amount
Funding Source (US$)
a. The University of Minnesota Graduate School provided $3,800 (not listed here) to
cover the Jim twins when they were discovered in March 1979.
b. Includes Harcourt Brace Jovanovich ($10,000).
Table A-2. Other Funding Sources for the MISTRA
Award Amount
Funding Source (US$)
Table A-3. Yearly Funding Sources for the MISTRA (Principal Investigator: Bouchard)
Cumulative Cumulative
Source End Date Award (US$) Year Year Total (US$)
Cumulative Cumulative
Source End Date Award (US$) Year Year Total (US$)
Note: Bouchard was also co-principal investigator (with Lykken) of several twin-related projects
while the MISTRA was ongoing. Two of these grants supported development of the Minnesota Twin
Registry (National Institute of Mental Health: $379,522; and Pioneer Fund: $20,000), and one grant
supported a study of risk factors for criminality (Pioneer Fund: $99,621).
Gene. A hereditary unit that occupies a specific place or locus on a specific chro-
mosome. A gene is a segment of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that codes for a
certain chemical product that ultimately contributes to human characteristics.
Genotype-environment correlation. The co-occurrence of particular genetically
based traits and environments. A person with an inquisitive mind would be
likely to be found in libraries and museums.
Genotype × environment interaction. The different effects of the environment
depending upon the genotypes of the individuals. A very bright child would
probably enjoy an extracurricular opportunity to study math, whereas his less
bright sibling might find the class uninteresting or even stressful.
Genetic correlation. The extent to which two traits, such as disinhibition and
experience seeking, are influenced by common genes. Genetic correlation be-
tween two traits is indicated if the MZ cross-twin cross-trait correlation ex-
ceeds the DZ cross-twin cross-trait correlation. For example, if the correlation
between the height of MZ twin 1 and the weight of MZ twin 2 is greater than
the correlation between the height of DZ twin 1 and the weight of DZ twin 2,
this suggests that height and weight are affected by some of the same genes.
Genotype. The genetic makeup of an organism; also, the set of genes relevant to
a given trait.
Heritability. The proportion of trait variance in a population that is due to all
sources of genetic differences among the members of that population, also
called broad heritability. If the heritability of intelligence is estimated to be 0.70
then 70 percent of the variance, or individual differences in the population, is
explained by genetic differences among the members of the population and 30
percent is explained by environmental differences among them plus measure-
ment error. Heritability does not apply to individuals—it would be incorrect
to say that 70 percent of an individual’s intelligence is associated with genetic
factors, because genes and environments are not separable at the individual
level, only at the population level.
Indirect heritability estimate. Heritability based on the difference between two
correlations. For example, if the MZT IQ correlation is 0.86, and the DZ cor-
relation is 0.60, the difference between them is 0.26; the 0.26 value is then
multiplied by 2 to obtain the heritability estimate of 0.52. This is because MZT
twins share all their genes plus their environment, while DZT twins share half
their genes plus their environment. The difference between the two correlations
yields half the genetic effect; the difference is multiplied by 2 to obtain the full
genetic effect.
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ri). A statistical measure of association or re-
semblance between twins and other classes of relatives. The intraclass correla-
tion normally ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, indicating no resemblance or perfect
resemblance between relatives on a trait of interest. Negative intraclass cor-
relations are possible, showing less systematic resemblance between relatives
than individuals paired randomly; this could occur in the event of contrast
effects for twins. The intraclass correlation, derived from analysis of variance,
expresses the ratio of the between-group variation in a trait to the total variation
in a trait. Between-pair variance refers to differences among the pairs in a
sample, the within-pair variance refers to differences within each twin pair,
and the total variance refers to their sum. If the trait under study is affected by
genetic factors, the between-pair differences would be higher for MZ than DZ
twins, and the within-pair differences would be relatively smaller; however,
the total trait variance for the two types of twins is assumed to be the same.
Genetic effects are shown if the correlation for MZ or MZA twins exceeds the
correlation for DZ or DZA twins. This correlation is not squared because it
already expresses the proportion of shared variance between relatives.
Narrow heritability. The proportion of trait variance in a population that is due
to additive genetic differences among the members of that population. Like
broad heritability, narrow heritability only applies to populations, not to indi-
viduals. Narrow heritability is responsible for most of the genetic resemblance
between relatives other than MZ twins.
Nonadditive genetic variance. Genetic variance resulting from the interactive ef-
fects of genes; see Dominance and Epistasis.
Nonshared environment. Unique events that family members experience apart
from one another that make them differ from one another in a given trait. If
one child in a family took a course in contemporary politics or followed a
vegetarian diet, this child could differ from his siblings in knowledge of world
events and in body weight.
Pairwise concordance. A measure of twin resemblance for discrete (“either-or”)
traits, equal to the number of concordant pairs, divided by the number of con-
cordant pairs plus discordant pairs. If fifteen twin pairs were concordant for
schizophrenia and ten pairs were discordant, the pairwise concordance rate
would be 15/25 or 60 percent.
Passive genotype-environment correlation. The association of genetically based
behaviors and environments that arises because parents transmit both genes
and environments to their children. Bright children are likely to have inherited
their abilities from their parents, who also provide them with intellectually
stimulating experiences.
Phenotype. Observable or measurable characteristics that are a function of one’s
genes and environments. For example, a person’s height can be observed and
measured, and is an outcome of the genes inherited from parents in conjunc-
tion with diet and health care.
Probandwise concordance. A measure of twin resemblance for discrete (“either-
or”) traits, equal to the number of affected individuals in concordant pairs
divided by the total number of affected individuals. In fact, there are two types
of concordant pairs, those in which pair members are independently identified
(doubly ascertained) and those in which they were identified because they
were twins. Doubly ascertained twin pairs are counted twice. If twenty af-
fected twin individuals in ten twin pairs were found independently, five affected
twins were found in another five pairs because their co-twins were affected, and
ten discordant twin pairs were found, then the probandwise concordance rate
would be (20 + 5)/35 or slightly higher than 71 percent.
Probe. A single-stranded molecule of DNA used to identify a complementary
sequence of another DNA molecule.
Reactive (evocative) genotype-environment correlation. People’s responses to
individuals based on the expression of these individuals’ genetically based
behaviors. Athletically minded children are likely to be taken to ball games
and related activities by their parents.
Shared environment. Events family members experience in common that make
them alike in a given trait. If two siblings took piano lessons in their home or
athletic training at school, they would show more similar musical ability and
sports skills than if only one sibling had had these experiences.
Standard deviation (SD). A measure of the distribution of scores around a mean,
equal to the square root of the variance. For example, the IQ test score popu-
lation distribution follows a symmetrical bell-shaped curve in which the mean is
100 and the standard deviation is 15. Ninety-five percent of the population
scores between 70 and 130 in IQ, or 2 standard deviations above and below the
Standard error. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution. If the mean
of a population is measured several times, it will differ, and the standard error
gives an index of the spread.
Statistical control. Statistically removing the effects of one variable on another.
For example, age or education might affect a person’s answers to questions in
an interest inventory. If a researcher wanted to study sex differences in per-
sonal interest categories, it would be wise to first statistically remove the effects
of age and education on the interest scores.
Stem and leaf plot. A method for displaying the frequency with which some
classes of variables occur.
Variance. The distribution or spread of scores around the mean of a sample or
Epigraph: Walter Mischel, Introduction to Personality (New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1981), 311.
1. See, for example, Lois W. Hoffman, “The Changing Genetics/Socialization
Balance,” Journal of Social Issues 41 (1985): 127–148.
2. Laura E. Berk, Child Development, 8th ed. (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2008),
119. Berk emphasizes the limitations of heritability estimates of behavior, but
she included findings from recent behavioral genetic studies in her textbook.
3. Francis Galton, “The History of Twins, as a Criterion of the Relative Powers
of Nature and Nurture,” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (1875): 566–576, p. 566.
4. Richard D. Rende, Robert Plomin, and Steven G. Vandenberg, “Who Discov-
ered the Twin Method?” Behavior Genetics 20 (1990): 277–285, p. 277.
5. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Peter Propping, “Twins: Nature’s Twice-Told
Tale,” in Twins as a Tool of Behavioral Genetics, ed. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.
and Peter Propping, 1–15 (Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, 1993).
6. Ibid.
7. Leslie B. Arey, “Direct Proof of the Monozygotic Origin of Human Identical
Twins,” Anatomical Record 23 (1922): 245–251; Leslie B. Arey, “Chorionic
Fusion and Augmented Twinning in the Human Tube,” Anatomical Record
23 (1922): 253–261; also see Amram Scheinfeld, Twins and Supertwins (Bal-
timore: Penguin Books, 1967).
8. Horatio H. Newman, Frank N. Freeman, and Karl J. Holzinger, Twins: A
Study of Heredity and Environment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
9. Gordon Allen, Letter to the Editor, March 9, 1956, American Journal of
Human Genetics 8 (1956): 194–195,
340 N OT E S TO PAG E S 2 – 4
10. Nancy L. Segal, Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us about Hu-
man Behavior (New York: Plume, 2000).
11. Kaare Christensen, James W. Vaupel, Niels V. Holm, and Anatoli I. Yashin,
“Mortality among Twins after Age 6: Fetal Origins Hypothesis versus Twin
Method,” British Medical Journal 310 (1995): 432–436.
12. John C. Loehlin and Robert C. Nichols, Heredity, Environment and Person-
ality: A Study of 850 Sets of Twins (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1976).
13. Allen Morris-Yates, G. Andrews, P. Howie, and S. Henderson, “Twins: A Test
of the Equal Environments Assumption,” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 81
(1990): 322–326.
14. Adam P. Matheny, Ronald S. Wilson, and Anne B. Dolan, “Relations be-
tween Twins’ Similarity of Appearance and Behavioral Similarity: Testing an
Assumption,” Behavior Genetics 6 (1976):343–352; Robert Plomin, Lee
Willerman, and John C. Loehlin, “Resemblance in Appearance and the Equal
Environments Assumption in Twin Studies of Personality Traits,” Behavior
Genetics 6 (1976): 43–52.
15. David C. Rowe, The Limits of Family Influence: Genes, Experience, and
Behavior (New York: Guilford Press, 1994).
16. Paul Popenoe, “Twins Reared Apart,” Journal of Heredity 5 (1922): 142–144.
17. A copy of this letter was provided to me by Professor Bouchard.
18. Hermann J. Muller, “Mental Traits and Heredity,” Journal of Heredity 5
(1925):142–144. Muller’s work was followed by a series of short papers on
reared-together twins in the same journal; for a review, see Sheldon C. Reed,
“A Short History of Human Genetics in the USA,” American Journal of
Medical Genetics 3 (1979): 282–295. Another reared-apart twin case study
was published by R. Saudek, “A British Pair of Identical Twins Reared
Apart,” Character and Personality 3 (1934): 17–39.
19. Niels Juel-Nielsen, “A Psychiatric-Psychological Investigation of Monozygous
Twins Reared Apart,” Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica (1965),
Monograph Supplement 183. A follow-up study that included the original
material was published in 1980.
20. Robert J. Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide (New York: Basic Books, 1986).
21. Arthur Jensen, “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?”
Harvard Educational Review 39 (1969): 1–123.
22. A similar controversy erupted in 1994 following the publication of Richard
Herrnstein and Charles Murray’s book, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and
Class Structure in American Life (New York: Free Press) which discussed pos-
sible genetically based group differences in general intelligence. See John C.
Loehlin, “History of Behavior Genetics,” in Handbook of Behavior Genetics,
ed. Yong-Kyu Kim, 3–11 (New York: Springer, 2009) for discussion of this
and other significant events in the behavioral genetics field.
23. Leon J. Kamin, The Science and Politics of IQ (Potomac, Md.: Lawrence
Erlbaum, 1974); Ann Clarke and Michael McAskie, “Parent-Offspring
Resemblances in Intelligence: Theories and Evidence,” British Journal of
Psychology 67 (1976): 243–273.
N OT E S TO PAG E S 5 –7 341
24. Kamin, Science and Politics of IQ. A 1958 analysis of 42 MZA twin pairs by
Burt’s colleague Ms. J. Conway reported an IQ correlation of 0.778.
25. Irving I. Gottsman, interview, May 7, 2011. According to Gottesman, Shields
had invited Kamin to his laboratory to see additional photographs, but Shields
did not publish them to preserve the privacy of his participants. Gottesman also
believes that Shields was too modest to have his picture taken with the twins.
26. Stephen Davis, “Nice One, Cyril?” BBC TV, January 7–13, 1984, 10–11.
27. Robert B. Joynson, The Burt Affair (London: Routledge, 1989). Ronald
Fletcher, Science, Ideology, and the Media: The Cyril Burt Scandal (New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1991).
28. Nicholas J. Mackintosh, Cyril Burt: Fraud or Framed? (Oxford: Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1995).
29. James Shields, “MZA Twins: Their Use and Abuse,” in Twin Research: Part
A: Psychology and Methodology, ed. Walter E. Nance, 79–93 (New York: Alan
B. Liss, 1978); David Burbridge, “Burt’s Twins: A Question of Numbers,”
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Science 42: 35–52 (2006); William
Tucker, “Burt’s Separated Twins: The Larger Picture,” Journal of the History
of the Behavioral Science 43 (2007): 81–86.
30. Nancy L. Segal, “More Thoughts on the Child Development Center Twin
Study,” Twin Research and Human Genetics 8 (2005): 276–281. Interest-
ingly, Neubauer authored the foreword to Niels Juel-Nielsen’s, Individual
and Environment: Monozygotic Twins Reared Apart (New York: Interna-
tional Universities Press, 1980).
31. Lawrence D. Perlman, “Memories of the Child Development Study Center
Study of Adopted Monozygotic Twins Reared Apart: An Unfulfilled Prom-
ise,” Twin Research and Human Genetics 8: 271–281.
32. Segal, “More Thoughts,” 2005.
33. John Money and Anke Ehrhardt, Man and Woman, Boy and Girl (Balti-
more: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975).
34. Milton Diamond and Keith Sigmundson, “Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-
Term Review and Clinical Implications,” Archives of Pediatric and Adoles-
cent Medicine 151 (1997): 298–304.
35. Leo Kanner, “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact,” The Nervous
Child 2 (1943): 217–250.
36. Edward O. Wilson, Naturalist (New York: Warner Books, 1995).
37. Gordon Allen, review of Sandra Scarr’s Race, Social Class, and Individual
Differences in I.Q. (Baltimore: Lawrence Erlbaum, Associates, 1981), Social
Biology 30 (1983): 118–119.
38. Ullica Segerstråle, Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for Science in the
Sociobiology Debate and Beyond (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
39. John Garcia, Frank R. Ervin, and Robert A. Koelling, “Learning with Pro-
longed Delay of Reinforcement,” Psychonomic Science 5 (1966): 121–122.
40. Stephen R. Coleman, “Pavlov and the Equivalence of Associability in Classical
Conditioning,” Journal of Mind and Behavior 28 (2007): 115–134.
41. Steven G. Vandenberg, “Contributions of Twin Research to Psychology,”
Psychological Bulletin 66 (1966): 326–352. Jerome Lejeune and Patricia
342 N OT E S TO PAG E S 7– 1 0
60. Aya Ito, Yoko Honma, Emiko Inamori, Yukari Yada, Mariko Y. Momoi, and
Yoshikazu Nakamura, “Developmental Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight
Twins Conceived by Assisted Reproduction Techniques,” Journal of Perinatol-
ogy 26 (2006): 130–133.
61. Elizabeth F. DiLalla and Paula Y. Mullineaux, “The Effects of Classroom
Environment on Problem Behaviors: A Twin Study,” Journal of School Psy-
chology 46 (2007): 107–128.
62. Constance Holden, “Identical Twins Reared Apart,” Science 207 (1980):
63. James Shields, Monozygotic Twins Brought Up Apart and Brought Up
Together (London: Oxford University Press, 1962).
64. Nancy L. Segal and Yoon-Mi Hur, “Reared Apart Korean Female Twins: Ge-
netic and Cultural Influences on Life Histories, Physical and Health-Related
Measures, and Behavioral Traits,” International Journal of Behavioral Devel-
opment 32 (2008): 542–548.
65. Nancy L. Pedersen, Paul Lichtenstein, and Pia Svdberg, “The Swedish Twin
Registry in the Third Millennium,” Twin Research and Human Genetics 5
(2002): 427–432.
66. Kari Kervinen, J. Kaprio, M. Koskenvuo, J. Juntunen, and Y. A. Kesäniemi,
“Serum Lipids and Apolipoprotein E Phenotypes in Identical Twins Reared
Apart,” Clinical Genetics 53 (1998): 191–199.
67. Kazuo Hayakawa and Tadahiko Shimizu, “Blood Pressure Discordance and
Lifestyle: Japanese Identical Twins Reared Apart and Together,” Acta Gene-
ticae Medicae et Gemellologiae 36 (1987): 485–491.
68. Shields provided brief accounts of one DZA male and ten DZA female twin
pairs in his 1962 study.
69. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Memo to the Twin Research Team,” March 5, 1979.
The second pair to participate in the MISTRA were DZA female twins.
70. Tina Adler, “Seeing Double? Controversial Twins Study Widely Reported, De-
bated,” The APA Monitor 22 (1991): 1, 8; Robert Karen, Becoming Attached:
First Relationships and How They Shape Our Capacity to Love (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1998): 307–308.
71. Barbara Gonyo, “Genetic Sexual Attraction,” Decree 4 (1987): 1, 5. It is be-
lieved that humans evolved cues to avoid mating with close relatives, and one is
associated with cohabitating as children. This is called the Westermarck Effect.
2. “Separation at the Cradle 75 Years Ago for Twins,” New Zealand news-
paper, unidentified, from Bouchard’s newspaper archive. The estimated date
is 1989, the year the twins were reunited.
3. Bent Harvald, Gudrun Hauge, Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, Kaare Christensen, Axel
Skytte, and Niels V. Holm, “The Danish Twin Registry: Past and Present,”
Twin Research and Human Genetics 7 (2004): 318–335.
4. He Mingguang, “Guangzhou Twin Registry and Guangzhou Eye Study,” ab-
stract, paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Twin Studies,
Seoul, South Korea, June 4–7, 2010.
5. The number of DNA markers analyzed expanded with improvements in
laboratory techniques (Mary Mount, personal communication, November
23, 2009). In 1979, the Jim twins were compared across eight red blood cell
groups (ABO, RH, MNSs, Lewis, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, and P), seven serum pro-
teins (Gc, Hp, A, PGM, acP, EsD, and Bf), and two other factors (Gm and Inv).
In April 1999, twins in our last pair were compared across two red blood cell
systems (ABO and Rh) and five DNA fragment length polymorphisms (probe
SLi737, locus D12S11; probe SLi986, locus D17S79; probe SLi989, locus
D7S467; probe SLi1090, locus D6S132, and probe SLi106, locus D2S44).
The DNA analysis in combination with blood group analysis was introduced
in July 1994.
6. David T. Lykken, “The Diagnosis of Zygosity in Twins,” Behavior Genetics 8
(1978): 437–473.
7. Dr. Alison MacDonald is a senior lecturer at the University of East London.
8. Robert R. Race and Ruth Sanger, Blood Groups in Man (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1975).
9. Nancy L. Segal, “Zygosity Diagnosis: Laboratory and Investigator’s Judgment,”
Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, Twin Research 33 (1984): 515–520.
10. Most cases of ectodermal dysplasia are X-linked recessive, a transmission
pattern that does not fit these twins.
11. “Happiness Is a Reunited Set of Twins,” U.S. News and World Report, April
13, 1987, 63–66.
12. See Daniel Hanson, “The Gene Illusion Confusion,” review of Joseph, The
Gene Illusion (2004), PsycCRITIQUES 50, no. 52, article 14. Hanson likened
Joseph to an “adrenalized boxer” when it comes to behavioral genetic
13. Jay Joseph, The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychol-
ogy under the Microscope (New York: Algora, 2004).
14. Matt McGue and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Adjustment of Twin Data for the
Effects of Age and Sex,” Behavior Genetics 14 (1984): 325–343.
15. Nancy L. Segal, “Oskar and Jack,” in Indivisible by Two, 50–78 (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007).
16. “Telling Them Why,” obituary, Guardian, September 9, 1989.
17. Jill Todd, “Finding My Twin Brought Happiness Beyond Belief,” Woman,
September 1985, 40–41.
18. John Stroud, “Last Word” (estimated date 1989). Great Britain, from Boucha-
rd’s newspaper archive.
346 N OT E S TO PAG E S 4 9 – 6 1
19. Nancy L. Segal, “More Thoughts on the Child Development Center Twin
Study,” Twin Research and Human Genetics 8 (2005): 276–281.
20. William H. Tucker, “Re-Reconsidering Burt: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt,”
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 33 (1997): 145–162, p. 152.
21. Rebecca L. Hegar, “Sibling Placement in Foster Care and Adoption: An Over-
view of International Research,” Children and Youth Services Review 27
(2005): 717–739; Ilene Staff and Edith Fein, “Together or Separate: A Study
of Siblings in Foster Care,” Child Welfare 41 (1992): 257–270.
22. Jeffrey Kluger, The Sibling Effect: What the Bonds among Brothers and Sis-
ters Reveal about Us (New York: Riverhead Books, 2011).
23. Nancy L. Segal, “Implications of Twin Research for Legal Issues Involving
Young Twins,” Law and Human Behavior 17 (1993): 43–58.
24. Nancy L. Segal, Kevin A. Chavarria, and Joanne Hoven, “Twin Research:
Evolutionary Perspective on Social Relations,” in Family Relationships: An
Evolutionary Perspective, ed. Catherine A. Salmon and Todd K. Shackelford,
312–335 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007): 312–333; Adam Brookes,
“China’s Unwanted Girls,” BBC News Online, August 23, 2001,
25. Nancy L. Segal and Iris Blandón-Gitlin, “Twins Switched at Birth: A Case
from the Canary Islands,” Twin Research and Human Genetics 13 (2010):
115–119; Nancy L. Segal, Someone Else’s Twin: The True Story of Babies
Switched at Birth (New York: Prometheus Books, 2011).
26. Antonio Garrido-Lestache, “Identification of New-Born Babies by Finger-
prints,” International Criminal Police Review 481 (2000): 19–24.
27. James Shields, “Twins Brought Up Apart,” Eugenics Review 50 (1958): 115–
123, p. 117.
28. Charles W. Mueller and Toby L. Parcel, “Measures of Socioeconomic Status:
Alternatives and Recommendations,” Child Development 52 (1981): 13–21.
29. “Body Watch,” WGBH, Boston in conjunction with American Health Maga-
zine, June 31, 1987, available on video.
30. James Shields, Monozygotic Twins Brought Up Apart and Brought Up
Together (London: Oxford University Press, 1962), 94.
31. “Epistasis: Puzzling Inheritance Patterns Explained,”
topic/epistasis (accessed 7/6/11).
32. Robert Plomin, John C. DeFries, Gerald E. McClearn, and Peter McGuffin,
Behavioral Genetics, 5th ed. (New York: Worth Publishers, 2008).
33. Michael C. Neale and Lon R. Cordon, Methodology for Genetic Studies of
Twins and Families (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer, 2010).
34. It is assumed that the overall variance of the trait does not differ between the
two types of twins.
35. Horatio H. Newman, Frank N. Freeman, and Karl J. Holzinger, Twins: A Study
of Heredity and Environment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937).
36. Hermine H. M. Maes, Gaston P. Beunen, Robert F. Vlietinck, et al., “Inheri-
tance of Physical Fitness in 10-Year-Old Twins and Their Parents,” Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise 28 (1996): 1479–1491.
37. The statistical reliability of heritability estimates is twenty times higher if
based on MZA twins rather than MZT twins. David T. Lykken, Seymour
N OT E S TO PAG E S 62 – 6 8 347
Geisser, and Auke Tellegen, “Heritability Estimates from Twin Studies: The Ef-
ficiency of the MZA Design” (unpublished manuscript, Department of Psy-
chology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1981).
38. Douglas S. Falconer and Trudy F. C. Mackay, Introduction to Quantitative
Genetics, 4th ed. (New York: Longman, 1996).
39. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Matthew McGue, “Familial Studies of Intelli-
gence: A Review,” Science 212 (1981): 1055–1059.
40. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Nancy L. Segal, Auke Tellegen, Matt McGue, Marga-
ret Keyes, and Robert Krueger, “Genetic Influence on Social Attitudes: An-
other Challenge to Psychology from Behavior Genetics,” in Behavior Genetic
Principles: Development, Personality and Psychopathology, ed. Lisabeth F.
DiLalla, 89–104 (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association,
2004). If a trait shows nonadditive genetic variance, then heritability is over-
estimated by doubling the difference in the MZT and DZT correlations.
That is because MZ twins share all sources of genetic variance, both additive
and nonadditive.
41. McGue and Bouchard, “Adjustment of Twin Data.”
42. Plomin, Behavioral Genetics.
35. John M. Hettema, Michael C. Neale, and Kenneth S. Kendler, “Physical Simi-
larity and the Equal-Environment Assumption in Twin Studies of Psychiatric
Disorders,” Behavior Genetics 25 (1995): 327–335.
36. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Nancy L. Segal, and Kimerly J.
Wilcox, “Development in Twins Reared Apart: A Test of the Chronogenetic
Hypothesis,” in Human Growth: A Multidisciplinary Review, ed. Andrea
Demirjian, 299–310 (London: Taylor & Francis, 1986), 301.
37. David T. Lykken, Auke Tellegen, and William G. Iacono, “EEG Spectra in
Twins: Evidence for a Neglected Mechanism of Genetic Determination,”
Physiological Psychology 10 (1982): 60–65.
38. David T. Lykken, Auke Tellegen, and Karen Thorkelson, “Genetic Determina-
tion of EEG Frequency Spectra,” Biological Psychology 1 (1974): 245–259.
39. Niels Juel-Nielsen, Individual and Environment: Monozygotic Twins Reared
Apart (New York: International Universities Press), 68.
40. The sixth channel was the electrooculogram.
41. The Shafer event is an EEG task in which the multiple EEG epochs at about
250 msec prestimulus and 750 msec poststimulus are averaged. Noise in the
EEG averages to baseline, and the remaining variation is the brain’s response
to the stimulus.
42. Lykken was an early advocate of using silver/silver chloride electrodes in
order to obtain unbiased recordings. Don Fowles, interview, May 20, 2011.
43. The two age- and sex-corrected scores were transformed to a mean of 50
and a standard deviation of 10 before analysis.
44. The composite IQ (R + M) was calculated by converting the Raven and Mill-
Hill to z-scores and adding them.
45. Gerrit J. S. Wilde, “Inheritance of Personality Traits,” Acta Psychologia 22
(1964): 37–51.
46. Gordon Claridge, Sandra Canter, and W. I. Hume, Personality Differences
and Biological Variations: A Study of Twins (Oxford: Pergamon Press,
47. Daniel Hankins, Charles Drage, Noe Zambel, and Richard Kronenberg,
“Pulmonary Function in Identical Twins Raised Apart,” American Review of
Respiratory Disease 125 (1982): 119–121.
48. This is called the forced expiratory flow rate (25–75 percent of the total
forced vital capacity, or maximum volume of gas exhaled from full
49. This is called the instantaneous expiratory flow rate (75 percent of the total
forced vital capacity).
50. This is called the forced expiratory volume (amount of air expelled during
the first second of the forced vital capacity maneuver).
51. A recent large study found that twin concordance for smoking or nonsmok-
ing does not affect the heritability of pulmonary measures; see Truls S. Inge-
brigtsen, Simon F. Thomsen, Sophie van der Sluis, et al., “Genetic Influences
on Pulmonary Function: A Large Sample Twin Study,” Lung 189 (2011):
N OT E S TO PAG E S 8 3 – 8 7 351
19. Peter F. Kohler, Victor J. Rivera, Elke D. Eckert, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., and
Leonard L. Heston, “Genetic Regulation of Immunoglobulin and Specific
Antibody Levels in Twins Reared Apart,” Journal of Clinical Investigation 75
(1985): 883–888, p. 887.
20. William H. Knobloch, Nancy M. Leavenworth, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., and
Elke D. Eckert, “Eye Findings in Twins Reared Apart,” Ophthalmic Paediat-
rics and Genetics 5 (1985): 59–66.
21. Not all features of the retina, such as the pattern of blood vessels, are identical
for MZ twins. “Retinal Biometrics,” October 10, 2011,
22. Hanne Nødgaard, Helle Hansen, Helle Andreasen, and Henrik Toft Sø-
rensen, Hanne Norggaard, “Risk Factors Associated with Retinopathy of
Prematurity (ROP) in Northern Jutland, Denmark 1990–1993,” Acta Oph-
thmologica Scandinavica, 74 (1996): 306–310.
23. Elke D. Eckert, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Joseph Bohlen, and Leonard L. Heston,
“Homosexuality in Twins Reared Apart,” British Journal of Psychiatry 148
(1986): 421–425, p. 421.
24. Leonard L. Heston and James Shields, “Homosexuality in Twins: A Family
Study and a Registry Study,” Archives of General Psychiatry 18 (1968):
25. J. Michael Bailey, “Texas, John Loehlin, and the Genetics of Sexual Orienta-
tion,” paper presented at the Festschrift Honoring John Loehlin, Newport,
Rhode Island, June 6, 2011.
26. J. Michael Bailey, Michael P. Dunne, and Nicholas G. Martin, “Genetic and
Environmental Influences on Sexual Orientation and Its Correlates in an
Australian Twin Sample,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78
(2000): 524–536.
27. Niklas Långström, Qazi Rahman, Eva Carlström, and Paul Lichtenstein, “Ge-
netic and Environmental Effects on Same-Sex Sexual Behavior: A Population
Study of Twins in Sweden,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 39 (2010): 75–80.
28. Scott L. Hershberger and Nancy L. Segal, “The Cognitive, Behavioral, and
Personality Profiles of a Male Monozygotic Triplet Set Discordant for Sex-
ual Orientation,” Archives of General Psychiatry 33 (2004): 497–514;
Nancy L. Segal, “Female to Male: Two Monozygotic Twin Pairs Discordant
for Transsexualism,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 35 (2006): 347–358; Ray
Blanchard, Kenneth J. Zucker, Ana Cavacas, Sara Allin, Susan J. Bradley, and
Debbie C. Schachter, “Birth Order and Sibling Sex Ratio in Homosexual
Male Adolescents and Probably Prehomosexual Feminine Boys,” Develop-
mental Psychology 31 (1995): 22–30.
29. Niels Juel-Nielsen, Individual and Environment: Monozygotic Twins Reared
Apart (New York: International Universities Press, 1980); James Shields,
Monozygotic Twins Brought Up Apart and Brought Up Together (London:
Oxford University Press, 1962).
30. Benjamin Radford, “2 Percent of Americans Identify as Gay,” Discovery
News, April 11, 2011,
N OT E S TO PAG E S 9 1 – 9 6 353
31. Elke D. Eckert, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Joseph Bohlen, and Leonard L. Heston,
“Homosexuality in Twins Reared Apart,” British Journal of Psychiatry 148
(1986): 421–425.
32. Ibid.
33. See Gardner Lindzey, “Some Remarks Concerning Incest, the Incest Taboo,
and Psychoanalytic Theory,” American Psychologist 22 (1967): 1051–1059,
for a fascinating treatment of this topic.
34. Barbara Gonyo, “Genetic Sexual Attraction,” American Adoption Congress,
Decree 4 (Winter 1987): 1, 5.
35. Karri Silventoinen, Jaakko Kaprio, Eero Lahelma, et al., “Assortative Mating
by Body Weight and BMI: Finnish Twins and Their Spouses,” American Jour-
nal of Human Biology 15 (2003): 620–627; Robert Plomin, John C. DeFries,
Gerald E. McClearn, and Peter McGuffin, Behavioral Genetics: A Primer,
5th ed. (New York: Worth Publishers, 2008).
36. Suma Jacob, Martha K. McClintock, Bethanne Zelano, and Carole Ober,
“Paternally Inherited HLA Alleles Are Associated with Women’s Choice of
Male Odor,” Nature Genetics 30 (2002): 175–179.
37. Diane Amery, “Couple Wed 20 Years Discover They’re Twins,” The Sun
[London], December 17, 1985, 19.
38. Niels Juel-Nielsen, 1980.
39. Eckert et al., “Homosexuality in Twins,” 424.
40. Ibid., 425.
41. Hillary Lips, Sex and Gender: An Introduction (New York: McGraw-Hill,
42. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Twins Reared Together and Apart: What They Tell
Us about Human Diversity,” in Individuality and Determinism: Chemical and
Biological Bases, ed. Sidney W. Fox, 147–184 (New York: Plenum, 1984).
43. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Nancy L. Segal, and Kimerly J.
Wilcox, “Development in Twins Reared Apart: A Test of the Chronogenetic
Hypothesis,” Human Growth: A Multidisciplinary Review, ed. Andrea Demir-
jian, 299–310 (London: Taylor & Francis, 1986).
44. Linda K. Dixon and Ronald C. Johnson, The Roots of Individuality (Bel-
mont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1980), 96.
45. Carole A. Roberts and Charles B. Johansson, “The Inheritance of Cognitive
Interest Styles among Twins,” Journal of Vocational Behavior 4 (1974): 237–
243. The Holland scales can be derived from subjects’ responses to the Strong
items, although the content is not strictly comparable between the two instru-
ments. In addition, the 1974 intraclass correlations may be inflated because
they were not age- and sex-corrected.
46. Harold D. Grotevant, Sandra Scarr, and Richard Weinberg, “Patterns of In-
terest Similarity in Adoptive and Biological Families,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 35 (1977): 667–676.
47. JoAnn C. Boraas, Louise B. Messer, and Michael J. Till, “Dental Characteris-
tics of Twins Reared Apart,” 65th Annual Meeting of the International Soci-
ety for Dental Research, Chicago, Journal of Dental Research 66 (1987),
abstract no. 27.
354 N OT E S TO PAG E S 9 6 – 1 0 1
48. In 2007, Stephen Rich became Director of the Center for Public Health Ge-
nomics at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
34. David T. Lykken, “Research with Twins: The Concept of Emergenesis,” Psy-
chophysiology 19 (1982): 361–373.
35. Gerald E. McClearn, Boo Johansson, Stig Berg, et al., “Substantial Genetic
Influence on Cognitive Abilities in Twins 80 or More Years Old,” Science
276 (1997): 1560–1563.
36. Nancy L. Segal, Shirley A. McGuire, June Havlena, Patricia Gill, and Scott L.
Hershberger, “Intellectual Similarity of Virtual Twin Pairs: Developmental
Trends,” Personality and Individual Differences 42 (2007): 1209–1219.
37. Christiane Capron and Michel Duyme, “Assessment of Effects of Socio-
economic Status in a Full Cross-Fostering Study,” Nature 340 (1989): 552.
38. Newman et al., Twins, 1937. Newman et al.’s IQ data were recalculated to
yield Stanford-Binet and Otis IQ intraclass correlations of 0.68 (originally
0.67) and 0.74 (originally 0.73). Note that upon omitting four “extreme
cases” (four sets of co-twins with substantial educational differences), New-
man et al. found that educational and social differences accounted for just
20 percent of the IQ variance.
39. The results were 0.06 ± 0.15 (time together before separation), 0.08 ± 0.15
(time apart to first reunion), −0.14 ± 0.15 (total contact time), and 0.17 ± 0.15
(percentage of lifetime apart).
40. A 2003 study found that heritability estimates of general intelligence were
near zero among seven-year-old twin children from impoverished families,
with 60 percent of the variance associated with shared environmental factors.
The reverse was true for twins from affluent families. The investigators indi-
cated that it would be inappropriate to claim that outcomes among children
from poor environments are more closely tied to their environments than are
outcomes among children from favorable environments. It is possible that
some genetic influences on general intelligence are common to genetic influ-
ences on socioeconomic status. Eric Turkheimer, Andreana Haley, Mary Wal-
dron, Brian D’Onofrio, and Irving I. Gottesman, “Socioeconomic Status Mod-
ifies Heritability of IQ in Young Children,” Psychological Science 14 (2003):
623–628; Nancy L. Segal and Wendy Johnson, “Twin Studies of General
Mental Ability,” in Handbook of Behavior Genetics, ed. Yong-Kyu Kim, 81–
99 (New York: Springer, 2009).
41. Hermine H. H. Maes, Gaston P. Beunen, Robert F. Vlietinck, et al. “Inheri-
tance of Physical Fitness in 10-Year-Old Twins and Their Parents,” Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise 28 (1996): 1479–1491.
42. Nicholas G. Martin, Lindon J. Eaves, Andrew C. Heath, Rosemary Jardine,
Lynn M. Feingold, and Hans J. Eysenck, “Transmission of Social Attitudes,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 83 (1986): 4364–4368, p. 4368.
43. David M. Buss, Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, 2nd
ed. (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2004).
44. Thomas H. Maugh, “Major Study Says Personality Mostly a Matter of
Genes,” Philadelphia Inquirer, October 12, 1990, 1A, 14A.
45. Richard M. Dudley, “IQ and Heredity,” letter to the editor, Science 252
(1991): 191; Jonathan Beckwith, Lisa Geller, and Sahotra Sarkar, “IQ and
Heredity,” letter to the editor, Science 252 (1991): 191.
N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 1 3 – 1 1 7 357
46. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Matthew McGue, Nancy L. Segal,
and Auke Tellegen, “IQ and Heredity: Response,” Science 252 (1991): 191–
192. The phrase in the quote taken from this article was also emphasized in
the original text.
47. Ibid.
48. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Matt McGue, Nancy L. Segal, and
Auke Tellegen, “When Kin Correlations Are Not Squared,” Science 250
(1990): 1998.
49. Arthur R. Jensen, “Note on Why Genetic Correlations Are Not Squared,”
Psychological Bulletin 75 (1971): 223–224.
50. Marij Gielen, Catharina E. M. van Beijsterveldt, Catherine Derom, et al.,
“Secular Trends in Gestational Age and Birthweight in Twins,” Human Repro-
duction 25 (2010): 2346–2353; Geoffrey A. Machin and Louis G. Keith, An
Atlas of Multiple Pregnancy: Biology and Pathology (New York: Parthenon,
51. Nancy L. Segal, Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us about Hu-
man Behavior (New York: Plume, 2000).
52. Ronald S. Wilson, “Twin Growth: Initial Deficit, Recovery and Trends in
Concordance from Birth to Nine Years,” Annals of Human Biology 6 (1979):
53. Nancy L. Pedersen, Robert Plomin, John R. Nesselroade, and Gerald E. Mc-
Clearn, “A Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Cognitive Abilities during the
Second Half of the Life Span,” Psychological Sciences 3 (1992): 346–353.
54. Matt McGue, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., William G. Iacono, and David T.
Lykken, “Behavioral Genetics of Cognitive Ability: A Life-Span Perspective,”
in Nature, Nurture, and Psychology, ed. Robert Plomin and Gerald E. Mc-
Clearn, 59–76 (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1993).
55. “Sources of Human Psychological Differences,” tags: “Heredity Vs. Environ-
ment” and “Racial Differences,” David Duke (Web site), November 11, 2002, -of
56. Hans H. Stassen, David T. Lykken, Peter Propping, and Gianni Bomben,
“Genetic Determination of the Human EEG: Survey of Recent Results on
Twins Reared Together and Apart,” Human Genetics 80 (1988): 165–176.
20. In 1983, psychologist Earl Hunt and others hypothesized that cognitive pro-
cessing measures reflect basic neurological mechanisms. Earl B. Hunt, “On
the Nature of Intelligence,” Science 219 (1983): 141–146.
21. Philip A. Vernon, “Speed of Information Processing and General Intelli-
gence,” Intelligence 7 (1983): 53–70.
22. Keith J. Hayes, “Genes, Drives, and Intellect,” Psychological Reports 10 (1962):
23. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Auke Tellegen, and Matthew Mc-
Gue, “Genes, Drives, Environment and Experience: EPD Theory-Revised,”
in Intellectual Talent: Psychometric and Social Issues, ed. Camilla P. Ben-
bow and David Lubinski, 5–43 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
24. Ibid., p. 31.
25. John C. DeFries, Geoffrey C. Ashton, Ronald C. Johnseon, et al., “Parent-
Offspring Resemblance for Specific Cognitive Abilities in Two Ethnic Groups,”
Nature 261 (1986): 131–133.
26. McGue and Bouchard, “Genetic and Environmental Determinants,
pp. 41–42.
27. Matt McGue, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, and Dale Feuer,
“Information Processing Abilities in Twins Reared Apart,” Intelligence 8
(1984): 239–258; Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Nancy L. Segal,
and Kimerly J. Wilcox, “Development in Twins Reared Apart: A Test of the
Chronogenetic Hypothesis,” Human Growth: A Multidisciplinary Review,
ed. Andrea Demirjian, 299–310 (London: Taylor & Francis, 1986).
28. Nancy L. Segal, “Twins: The Finest Natural Experiment,” Personality and
Individual Differences 49 (2010): 317–323.
29. Constance Holden, “Offbeat Twins,” Science 288 (2000): 1735; Dateline
NBC, “The Ties That Bind,” March 30, 1999.
30. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Kimerly J. Wilcox, “Behavior Genetics,” in
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 6th ed. (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1989).
31. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Nancy L. Segal, “Advanced Mathematical Rea-
soning Ability: A Behavioral Genetic Perspective,” Behavioral and Brain Sci-
ences 13 (1990): 191–192.
32. Paul M. Brinich et al., The Adoption Bibliography (Washington, D.C.: Amer-
ican Adoption Congress, 1990).
33. Le Journal International de Médecine 178 (1990): 27–36.
34. David T. Lykken, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Matt McGue, and Auke Tellegen,
“The Minnesota Twin Family Registry: Some Initial Findings,” Acta Gene-
ticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, Twin Studies, 39 (1990): 35–70.
35. Allison Kelly, “Wedding Gift of a Long Lost Brother,” unlabeled newspaper
article from Bouchard’s archive, September 1989.
36. Elizabeth Mullener, “Nature or Nurture? Ask Twins,” The Times-Picayune
[New Orleans], February 16, 1990, A1–A8.
37. Melvin Konner, “Under the Influence,” Omni magazine, January 1989, 62–64,
360 N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 3 6 – 1 39
14. The Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) and St. Louis Criteria specify symp-
toms of psychiatric disorders. The RDC criteria were developed in the 1970s
to increase diagnostic consistency of American and European patients.
15. Probandwise concordance is calculated as the number of affected individuals
in concordant pairs divided by the total number of affected individuals. Ge-
neticists prefer this method to pairwise concordance, or number of concor-
dant pairs divided by the number of concordant pairs plus discordant pairs.
The probandwise rate is preferred for several reasons, such as enabling direct
comparison with the population prevalence and rates for other relatives.
Matt McGue, “When Assessing Twin Concordance, Use the Probandwise,
Not the Pairwise Rate,” Schizophrenia Bulletin 18 (1992): 171–176.
16. Elke D. Eckert, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Joseph Bohlen, and Leonard L. Heston,
“Homosexuality in Twins Reared Apart,” British Journal of Psychiatry 148
(1986): 421–425.
17. Nancy L. Segal, Elke D. Eckert, William M. Grove, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.,
and Leonard L. Heston, “A Summary of Psychiatric and Psychological Find-
ings from the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,” Etiology of Mental
Disorder, ed. Einar Kringlen, Nils Johan Lavik, and Svenn Torgersen (World
Psychiatric Association, Regional Symposium, August 23–26, Oslo, Norway),
183–200 (Vindern, Norway: University of Oslo, Department of Psychiatry,
18. Robert Plomin, John C. DeFries, Gerald E. McClearn, and Peter McGuffin,
Behavioral Genetics, 5th ed. (New York: Worth Publishers, 2008).
19. Robert Plomin, John C. DeFries, and Gerald E. McClearn, Behavioral Gene-
tics: A Primer (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1980).
20. Robert Plomin, John C. DeFries, and Gerald E. McClearn, Behavioral Gene-
tics: A Primer, 2nd ed. (New York: W. H. Freeman, 1990), pp. 386–387. The
work referenced in this passage is John C. Loehlin and Robert C. Nichols,
Heredity, Environment, and Personality: A Study of 850 Sets of Twins (Aus-
tin: University of Texas Press, 1976).
21. Niels G. Waller, Brian A. Kojetin, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken,
and Auke Tellegen, “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religious In-
terests, Attitudes, and Values: A Study of Twins Reared Apart and Together,”
Psychological Science 1 (1990): 138–142.
22. Laura B. Koenig, Matt McGue, Robert F. Krueger, and Thomas J. Bouchard
Jr., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Religiousness: Findings for
Retrospective and Current Religiousness Ratings,” Journal of Personality 73
(2005): 471–488, p. 251. The article in the special issue refers to Lyndon I.
Eaves, Brian D’Onofrio, and Robert Russell, “Transmission of Religion and
Attitudes,” Twin Research 2 (1999): 59–61.
23. Nicholas G. Martin, Lindon J. Eaves, Andrew C. Heath, Rosemary Jardine,
Lynn M. Feingold, and Hans J. Eysenck, “Transmission of Social Attitudes,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America 83 (1986): 4364–4368.
24. Waller et al., “Genetic and Environmental Influences.”
25. Jerry S. Wiggins, “Substantive Dimensions of Self-Report in the MMPI Pool,”
Psychological Monographs 80, no. 630 (1966): 1–42.
362 N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 42 – 1 4 8
26. Niels G. Waller, David T. Lykken, and Auke Tellegen, “Occupational Inter-
ests, Leisure Time Interests, and Personality: Three Domains or One? Find-
ings from the Minnesota Twin Registry,” in Assessing Individual Differences
in Human Behavior: New Concepts, Methods, and Findings, ed. David Lu-
binski and René V. Dawis, chapter 9 (Palo Alto, Calif.: Davies-Black, 1995).
The scale is derived from factor analysis.
27. Jo-Ida C. Hansen and Donald P. Campbell, Manual for the SVIB-SCII (Stan-
ford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1985).
28. Waller et al., “Occupational Interests.” Waller chose a different thesis topic—
“Genetic Tobit Factor Analysis: Quantitative Genetic Modeling with Cen-
sored Data”—and was hired by the University of California–Davis.
29. Gordon W. Allport, Philip E. Vernon, and Gardner Lindzey, Manual for the
Study of Values: A Scale for Measuring the Dominant Interests in Personal-
ity, 3rd ed. (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1960).
30. The estimated shared environmental component for the Religious Leisure
Time Interests scale of 0.11 did not differ significantly from zero.
31. Only two of the fifteen correlations were statistically significant, but they
were modest in size. Wiggins—Performance IQ: r = −0.26; Wiggins—Full Scale
IQ: r = −0.21.
32. Jeffrey Kluger, Jeff Chu, Boward Liston, Maggie Sieger, and Daniel Williams,
“Is God in Our Genes?” Time, October 25, 2004, p. 67.
33. Ellen Robinson-Hayes, “Beliefs Flow Out of Genes?” Sacramento Bee, Feb-
ruary 17, 1990, A-1.
34. Julie Begley, “An Impossible Christmas Surprise,” The Voice 39, December
24, 1997.
35. The twins’ November 1997 reunion was taped by local Channel 3 News.
36. Dorine Leogrande, “A Tale of Two Sisters,” Connecticut Jewish Ledger, De-
cember 12, 1997, 1, 27. At the end of one of our evenings together, the twins
laughed and crossed their eyes—they had independently discovered this trick
and enjoyed entertaining (or horrifying) people with it.
37. Ibid.
38. Mary E. Holmes, Being You (London: Austin & Macauley, 2008), 156–157.
39. Segal, Indivisible by Two.
40. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Matt McGue, and Auke Tellegen,
“Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiousness: Genetic and Environmental Influ-
ences and Personality Correlates,” Twin Research 2 (1999): 88–98.
41. Robert Plomin and Denise Daniels, “Why Are Children in the Same Family
So Different from Each Other?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1987):
42. “Theodore Wachs,” Purdue University Psychological Sciences, Develop-
mental Faculty, n.d.,
43. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Matthew McGue, “Genetic and Rearing Envi-
ronmental Influences on Adult Personality: An Analysis of Adopted Twins
Reared Apart,” Journal of Personality 58 (1990): 263–292.
44. Harrison G. Gough, “An Interpreter’s Syllabus for the California Psychologi-
cal Inventory,” in Advances in Psychological Assessment, vol. 1, ed. Paul
N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 4 8 – 1 57 363
24. Ibid.
25. Inventory items were scaled to remove individual differences in the twins’
use of item-response categories (see the appendix to Lykken et al., “Herita-
bility of Interests.” For example, some twins might have consistently chosen
1s or 2s in the Minnesota Leisure-Time Interest Test.).
26. The mean heritability was 0.32 for items, but it increased to 0.48 for factors
and to 0.53 for superfactors.
27. Lauren M. Keller, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Richard D. Arvey, Nancy L. Segal,
and René V. Dawis, “Work Values: Genetic and Environmental Influences,”
Journal of Applied Psychology 77 (1992): 79–88.
28. Evan G. Gay, David J. Weiss, Darwin D. Hendel, René V. Dawis, and Lloyd
H. Lofquist, Manual for the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire, Minne-
sota Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation 28 (Minneapolis: Work Adjust-
ment Project, Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota, 1971).
29. Matt McGue and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Genetic and Environmental De-
terminants of Information Processing and Special Mental Abilities: A Twin
Analysis,” in Advances in the Psychology of Human Intelligence, vol. 5, ed.
Robert J. Sternberg, 7–45 (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989).
30. J. Philippe Rushton, David W. Fulker, Michael C. Neale, David K. B. Nias, and
Hans J. Eysenck, “Altruism and Aggression: The Heritability of Individual Dif-
ferences,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 6 (1986): 1192–1198.
31. Nancy L. Segal, Indivisible by Two: Lives of Extraordinary Twins (Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007).
32. Linda Mealey, “Kinship: The Ties That Bind (Disciplines),” in Conceptual
Challenges in Evolutionary Psychology: Innovative Research Strategies, ed.
Harmon R. Holcomb III, 19–38 (Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer, 2001).
33. Nancy L. Segal, “Twin, Adoption and Family Methods as Approaches to
Evolution of Individual Differences,” in The Evolution of Personality and
Individual Differences, ed. David M. Buss, 303–337 (Oxford: Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 2011).
34. Steven G. Gangestad, “Evolutionary Biology Looks at Behavior Genetics,”
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (2010): 289–295.
35. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and John C. Loehlin, “Genes, Evolution, and Person-
ality,” Behavior Genetics 31 (2001): 243–273.
36. Daniel G. Freedman, Human Sociobiology: A Holistic Approach (New York:
Free Press, 1979).
37. Edward O. Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1975).
38. William D. Hamilton, “The Genetical Evolution of Human Behaviour,” Jour-
nal of Theoretical Biology 7 (1964): 1–52.
39. Nancy L. Segal, “Twin, Sibling and Adoption Methods: Tests of Evolution-
ary Hypotheses,” American Psychologist 48 (1993): 943–956.
40. Charles B. Crawford and Judith L. Anderson, “Sociobiology: An Environ-
mentalist Discipline?” American Psychologist 44 (1989): 1449–1459.
41. Bruce L. Ellis, “Timing of Pubertal Maturation in Girls: An Integrated Life
History Approach,” Psychological Bulletin 130 (2004): 920–954.
42. Mealey, “Kinship,” 23.
368 N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 8 4 – 1 9 0
43. Linda Mealey and Nancy L. Segal, “Heritable and Environmental Variables
Affect Reproduction-Related Behaviors, but Not Ultimate Reproductive Suc-
cess,” Personality and Individual Differences 14 (1993): 783–794.
44. Peter F. Briggs, M-B History Record: Self-Administered Form (Brandon, Vt.:
Clinical Psychology, [1969]). M-B stands for Minnesota-Briggs.
45. Joseph L. Rodgers, Hans-Peter Kohler, Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, and Kaare Chris-
tensen, “Behavior Genetic Modeling of Human Fertility: Findings from a
Contemporary Danish Study,” Demography 38 (2001): 29–42.
46. Lykken et al., “Emergenesis.”
47. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., David T. Lykken, Matthew McGue, Nancy L. Segal,
and Auke Tellegen, “Sources of Human Psychological Differences: The Min-
nesota Study of Twins Reared Apart,” Science 250 (1990): 223–228.
48. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr. and Peter Propping, eds., Twins as a Tool of Behav-
ior Genetics (Chichester, U.K.: Wiley & Sons, 1993).
49. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adult
Personality: Evaluating the Evidence,” in Foundations of Personality, ed.
P. Joop Hettema and Ian J. Deary, 15–44 (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993).
50. John C. Loehlin, Genes and Environment in Personality Development (New-
bury Park, N.J.: Sage, 1992).
51. David C. Rowe, The Limits of Family Influence: Genes, Experience, and
Behavior (New York: Guilford Press, 1994), 44.
52. Rainer Riemann, Alois Angleitner, and Jan Strelau, “Genetic and Environ-
mental Influences on Personality: A Study of Twins Reared Together Using
the Self- and Peer Report NEO-FFI Scales,” Journal of Personality 65 (1997):
449–475. The correlation between the twins’ and peers’ reports was .55; the
correlation between the two peers who rated each twin was .61.
53. Robert Plomin and Gerald E. McClearn, eds., Nature, Nurture, and Psychol-
ogy (Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1993).
54. Robert Plomin, Michael J. Owen, and Peter McGuffin, “The Genetic Basis of
Complex Human Behavior,” Science 264 (1994): 1733–1739.
55. Matt McGue, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., William G. Iacono, and David T.
Lykken, “Behavioral Genetics of Cognitive Ability: A Life-Span Perspective,”
in Nature, Nurture, and Psychology, ed. Robert Plomin and Gerald E. Mc-
Clearn, chapter 3; see p. xiii. Interestingly, just two years earlier, in 1991, the
APA Monitor published an article concerning the controversial reception of
the MISTRA’s IQ findings.
56. The original data from Newman et al. and Juel-Nielsen were reanalyzed to
derive intraclass correlations by our procedures.
57. Nancy L. Segal, “Twins: The Finest Natural Experiment,” Personality and
Individual Differences 49 (2010): 317–323.
58. Nancy L. Segal, Shirley A. McGuire, June Havlena, Patricia Gill, and Scott L.
Hershberger, “Intellectual Similarity of Virtual Twin Pairs: Developmental
Trends,” Personality and Individual Differences 42 (2007): 1209–1219.
59. John C. Loehlin, Joseph M. Horn, and Lee Willerman, “Modeling IQ
Change: Evidence from the Texas Adoption Project,” Child Development 60
(1989): 993–1004.
60. Plomin et al., Behavioral Genetics.
N OT E S TO PAG E S 1 9 0 – 1 9 9 369
27. “Practice Not Perfect without Genes,” Reuters news service, November 27,
28. Olympic gymnasts Paul and Morgan Hamm are DZ twins with nearly
matching elite talent and, thus, are exceptional.
29. Erinn R. Johnson, “Delaware Girl Learns a New Word the Hard Way at Bee,”
Scripps Howard Foundation Wire, June 10, 2004,
30. David DiLalla, Gregory Carey, Irving I. Gottesman, and Thomas J.
Bouchard Jr., “Heritability of MMPI Personality Indicators of Psychopa-
thology in Twins Reared Apart,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 105
(1996): 491–499.
31. Starke R. Hathaway and J. Charnley McKinley, “A Multiphasic Personality
Schedule (Minnesota): I. Construction of the Schedule,” Journal of Personal-
ity 10 (1940): 249–254.
32. Interview with the author, July 2010.
33. Hal H. Goldsmith and Irving I. Gottesman, “An Extension of Construct Va-
lidity for Personality Scales Using Twin-based Criteria,” Journal of Research
in Personality 11 (1977): 381–397.
34. T-scores are standard scores that have a mean of 50 and standard deviation
of 10.
35. Nancy L. Segal and Yoon-Mi Hur, “Reared Apart Korean Female Twins: Ge-
netic and Cultural Influences on Life Histories, Physical and Health-related
Measures, and Behavioral Traits,” International Journal of Behavioral Devel-
opment 32 (2008): 542–548.
36. Yoon-Mi Hur and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “The Genetic Influence be-
tween Impulsivity and Sensation-Seeking,” Behavior Genetics 27 (1997):
37. Benjamin B. Wolman, Dictionary of Behavioral Science, 2nd ed. (New York:
Academic Press, 1989).
38. Marvin Zuckerman, Behavioral Expressions and Biosocial Bases of Sensa-
tion Seeking (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
39. Nancy L. Pedersen, Robert Plomin, Gerald E. McClearn, and Lars Friberg,
“Neuroticism, Extraversion and Related Traits in Adult Twins Reared
Apart,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55 (1988): 950–957.
40. Lindon J. Eaves, Nicholas G. Martin, and Sibyl B. G. Eysenck, “An Applica-
tion of the Analysis of Covariance Structure to the Psychological Study of
Impulsiveness,” British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
30 (1977): 185–197.
41. Daisy Schalling, Gunnar Edman, and Marie Åsberg, “Impulsive Cognitive
Style and Inability to Tolerate Boredom: Psychobiological Studies of Tem-
peramental Vulnerabilities,” in Biological Bases of Sensation Seeking: Impul-
sivity and Anxiety, ed. Marvin Zuckerman, 123–145 (Hillsdale, N.J.: Law-
rence Erlbaum, 1983); Daisy Schalling, Marie Åsberg, Gunnar Edman, and
Lars Oreland, “Markers for Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Temperament
Traits Associated with Platelet MAO Activity,” Acta Psychiatrica Scandi-
navica 76 (1987): 172–182. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme in-
volved in activating neurotransmitters so may affect mood.
372 N OT E S TO PAG E S 2 0 8 – 2 1 4
72. Alan F. Friedman, Richard Lewak, David S. Nichols, and James T. Webb,
Psychological Assessment with the MMPI-2 (Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum, 2001).
73. David L. DiLalla, Irving I. Gottesman, Gregory Carey, and Thomas J.
Bouchard Jr., “Heritability of MMPI Harris-Lingoes and Subtle-Obvious
Subscales in Twins Reared Apart,” Assessment 6 (1999): 353–366.
74. David L. DiLalla, Gregory Carey, Irving I. Gottesman, and Thomas J. Bouchard
Jr., “Heritability of MMPI Personality Indicators of Psychopathology in Twins
Reared Apart,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 105 (1996): 491–499.
75. Seymour S. Kety, “From Rationalization to Reason,” American Journal of
Psychiatry 131 (1974): 957–963.
76. Kristian E. Markon, Robert F. Krueger, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., and Irving I.
Gottesman, “Normal and Abnormal Personality Traits: Evidence for Genetic
and Environmental Relationships in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared
Apart,” Journal of Personality 70 (2002): 661–693.
77. Richard L. Doty, Paul Shaman, and Michael Dann, “Development of the
University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test: Standardized Microen-
capsulated Test for Olfactory Function,” Physiology and Behavior 32 (1984):
78. Bryan S. Michalowicz, Dorothee P. Aeppli, John G. Virag, et al., “Periodontal
Findings in Adult Twins,” Journal of Periodontology 62 (1991): 293–299.
79. Bryan S. Michalowicz, Dorothee P. Aeppli, Ramesh K. Kuba, et al., “A Twin
Study of Genetic Variation in Proportional Radiographic Alveolar Bone
Height,” Journal of Dental Research 70 (1991): 1431–1435.
80. Bryan S. Michalowicz, Larry F. Wolff, David Klump, et al., “Periodontal Bac-
teria in Adult Twins,” Journal of Periodontology 70 (1999): 263–273.
81. Bryan S. Michalowicz, Bruce L. Pihlstrom, J. S. Hodges, and Thomas J.
Bouchard Jr., “No Heritability of Temporomandibular Joint Signs and Symp-
toms,” Journal of Dental Research 79 (2000): 1573–1578.
82. See, for example, Nancy L. Segal, Scott L. Hershberger, and Sara Arad,
“Meeting One’s Twin: Perceived Social Closeness and Familiarity,” Evolution-
ary Psychology 1 (2003): 70–95; Wendy Johnson, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr.,
Nancy L. Segal, Margaret Keyes, and Jay Samuels, “The Stroop Color-Word
Test: Genetic and Environmental Influences, Reading, Mental Ability, and Per-
sonality Correlates,” Journal of Educational Psychology 95 (2003): 58–65.
ed. Arnold B. Scheibel and J. William Schopf, 71–101 (Toronto: John Barlett,
48. Some participants did not complete all tests due to time constraints. When
possible, missing data were dealt with by imputation of scores according to
strict guidelines.
49. Johnson et al., “Just One g,” 104.
50. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Genetic Influence on Human Intelligence (Spearman’s
g): How Much?” Annals of Human Biology 36 (2009): 527–544, p. 532.
51. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “The Structure of Human Intel-
ligence: It’s Verbal, Perceptual, and Image Rotation (VPR) Not Fluid and
Crystallized,” Intelligence 33 (2005): 393–416.
52. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Constructive Replication of
the Visual-Perceptual-Image Rotation (VPR) Model in Thurstone’s (1941)
Battery of 60 Tests of Mental Ability,” Intelligence 33 (2005): 417–430.
53. Wendy Johnson, Jan te Nijenhuis, and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Replication
of the Hierarchical Visual-Perceptual-Image Rotation Model in de Wolff and
Buiten’s (1963) Battery of 46 Tests of Mental Ability,” Intelligence 35 (2007):
54. Wendy Johnson, Jan te Nijenhuis, and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Still Just 1
g: Consistent Results from Five Test Batteries,” Intelligence 36 (2008):
55. Professor Tony Vernon, personal communication, July 8, 2010. British psy-
chologist P. (Philip) E. Vernon is Tony Vernon’s late father.
56. Edward Novitski, Human Genetics, 2nd ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1982).
57. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits:
A Survey,” Current Directions in Psychological Science 13 (2004): 148–151.
58. Ibid., 151.
59. Ibid., 148.
25. Wendy Johnson, Nancy L. Segal, and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Fluctuating
Asymmetry and General Intelligence: No Genetic or Phenotypic Associa-
tion,” Intelligence 36 (2008): 279–288.
26. Linda Mealey et al., “Symmetry and Perceived Facial Attractiveness: A
Monozygotic Co-Twin Comparison,” Journal of Personality and Social Psy-
chology 76 (1999): 157–165.
27. Linda Mealey, “Do Parents Show Favoritism for Their Symmetric Children?”
paper presented at the Human Behavior and Evolutionary Society, New
Brunswick, N.J., June 2002.
28. Thornhill and Gangestad, “Scent of Symmetry.”
29. Nancy L. Segal, Indivisible by Two: Lives of Extraordinary Twins (Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007).
30. Elizabeth Quinn, “What Is Hydrostatic Underwater Weighing?”
Sports Medicine, updated March 30, 2011,
31. Mary E. Holmes, Being You (London: Austin & Macauley, 2008), 161–162.
32. Ibid., 165.
33. Ibid., 167–168.
34. Sonya J. Elder, Alice H. Lichtenstein, Anastassios G. Pittas, et al., “Genetic
and Environmental Influences on Factors Associated with Cardiovascular
Disease and the Metabolic Syndrome,” Journal of Lipid Research 50 (2009):
35. Sonya J. Elder, Michael C. Neale, Paul J. Fuss, et al., “Genetic and Environ-
mental Influences on Eating Behavior—A Study of Twin Reared Apart,”
FASEB Journal 23 (2009): abstract 545.7. The published version of this re-
search is a conference abstract, so full details of the study are unavailable.
36. Albert J. Stunkard and Samuel Messick. “The Three-Factor Eating Question-
naire to Measure Dietary Restraint, Disinhibition and Hunger,” Journal of
Psychosomatic Research 29 (1985): 71–83.
37. Nancy L. Pedersen, Robert Plomin, Gerald E. McClearn, and Lars Friberg,
“Neuroticism, Extraversion and Related Traits in Adult Twins Reared
Apart,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 55 (1988): 950–957.
38. A 2003 reared-together study found heritabilities of 0.45 for disinhibition,
0.08 for hunger, and 0.00 for restraint. The different results from those of the
MISTRA could be due to the all-female sample and abbreviated and modified
version of the Eating Questionnaire. See Benjamin M. Neale, Suzanne E.
Mazzeo, and Cynthia M. Bulik, “A Twin Study of Dietary Restraint, Disinhibi-
tion and Hunger: An Examination of the Eating Inventory (Three Factor Eat-
ing Questionnaire),” Twin Research and Human Genetics 8 (2003): 471–478.
39. Longitudinal studies track physical and behavioral traits of the same individ-
uals continuously over time to assess age changes. Cross-sectional studies si-
multaneously compare physical and behavioral traits of two or more different
age groups to assess age differences.
40. Kenneth S. Kendler, Lisa J. Halberstadt, Frank Butera, John Myers, Thomas
J. Bouchard Jr., and P. Ekman, “The Similarity of Facial Expressions in Re-
sponse to Emotion-Inducing Films in Reared-Apart Twins,” Psychological
Medicine 38 (2008): 1475–1483.
386 N OT E S TO PAG E S 2 8 4 – 2 8 7
53. Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature (New
York: Viking, 2002).
54. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Sex Differences in Mental
Abilities: g Masks the Dimensions on Which They Lie,” Intelligence 35
(2007a): 23–39.
55. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Sex Differences in Mental
Ability: A Proposed Means to Link Them to Brain Structure and Function,”
Intelligence 35 (2007b): 197–209.
56. Sally P. Springer and Georg Deutsh, Left Brain, Right Brain: Perspectives
from Cognitive Neuroscience (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 2001).
57. Elizabeth Hampson, “Variations in Sex-Related Differences across the Men-
strual Cycle,” Brain and Cognition 14 (1990): 26–43.
58. Richard J. Haier, Rex E. Jung, Ronald A. Yeo, Kevin Head, and Michael T.
Alkire, “Structural Brain Variation and General Intelligence,” Neuroimage
23 (2004): 425–433.
59. Johnson and Bouchard, “Sex Differences in Mental Abilities” (2007b).
60. Wendy Johnson, Rex E. Jung, Roberto Colom, and Richard J. Haier, “Cogni-
tive Abilities Independent of IQ Correlate with Regional Brain Structure,”
Intelligence 36 (2008): 18–28.
61. “Twins of Fate,” 48 Hours: Mystery, CBS Television, June 20, 2002.
62. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Linking Abilities, Interests and
Gender via Latent Class Analysis,” Journal of Career Assessment 17 (2009):
63. These percentages refer to the subsets of individuals indicating these interests
and occupations.
64. Jennifer Connellan, “Sex Differences in Human Neonatal Social Perception,”
Infant and Behavior Development 23 (2000): 113–118.
65. David S. Moore and Scott P. Johnson, “Mental Rotation in Human Infants:
A Sex Difference,” Psychological Science 19 (2008): 1063–1066.
66. Laura N. Koenig and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Genetic and Environmental In-
fluences on the Traditional Moral Values Triad—Authoritarianism, Conserva-
tism and Religiousness—as Assessed by Quantitative Behavior Genetic Meth-
ods,” in Where God and Science Meet: How Brain and Evolutionary Studies
Alter Our Understanding of Religion, vol. 1: Evolution, Genes, and the Reli-
gious Brain, ed. Patrick McNamara, 31–60 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2006).
67. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Authoritarianism, Religiousness, and Conserva-
tism: Is ‘Obedience to Authority’ the Explanation for Their Clustering, Uni-
versality and Evolution?” in The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and
Behavior, ed. Eckart Voland and Wulf Schiefenhövel, 165–180 (Berlin:
Springer, 2009). The Traditional Moral Virtues Triad was first explicated in
Koenig and Bouchard’s 2006 book chapter (see previous note).
68. Michael Hout, Andrew Greeley, and Melissa J. Wilde, “The Demographic
Imperative in Religious Change in the United States,” American Journal of
Sociology 107 (2001): 468–500.
69. Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Nancy L. Segal, Auke Tellegen, Matt McGue, Mar-
garet Keyes, and Robert Krueger, “Genetic Influence on Social Attitudes:
388 N OT E S TO PAG E S 2 9 2 – 2 9 4
Human Biology 36 (2009): 527–544; Nancy L. Segal, “Twins: The Finest Natu-
ral Experiment,” Personality and Individual Differences 49 (2010): 317–323.
5. Matt McGue, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., William G. Iacono, and David T.
Lykken, “Behavioral Genetics of Cognitive Ability: A Life-Span Perspective,”
in Nature, Nurture and Psychology, ed. Robert Plomin and Gerald E. Mc-
Clearn, 59–76 (Washington, D.C., American Psychological Association, 1993).
6. Shields’s January 24, 1974, letter addressed to Dr. E. B. Hook of the New York
State Birth Defects Institute was provided to me by Irving I. Gottesman.
7. Wendy Johnson and Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., “Sex Differences in Mental
Abilities: g Masks the Dimensions on Which They Lie,” Intelligence 35
(2007): 23–39.
8. Wendy Johnson, Thomas J. Bouchard Jr., Nancy L. Segal, and Jay Samuels,
“General Intelligence and Reading Performance in Adults: Is the Genetic
Factor Structure the Same as for Children?” Personality and Individual Dif-
ferences 38 (2005): 1413–1428.
9. David T. Lykken, Seymour Geisser, and Auke Tellegen, “Heritability Esti-
mates from Twin Studies: The Efficiency of the MZA Design” (unpublished
manuscript, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapo-
lis, 1981).
10. David T. Lykken, “A More Accurate Estimate of Heritability,” Twin Research
and Human Genetics 10 (2007): 168–173.
11. Horatio H. Newman, Frank N. Freeman, and Karl J. Holzinger, Twins: A
Study of Heredity and Environment (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1937), 132–133.
12. Steven Rose, Richard C. Lewontin, and Leon J. Kamin, Not in Our Genes:
Biology, Ideology, and Human Nature (New York: Pantheon, 1984); Jay
Joseph, “Separated Twins and the Genetics of Personality Differences: A
Critique,” American Journal of Psychology 114 (2001): 1–30; Jay Joseph,
The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry ad Psychology under the
Microscope (New York: Algora, 2004).
13. Iva C. Gardner and Horatio H. Newman, “Mental and Physical Traits of
Identical Twins Reared Apart: Case XX. Twins Lois and Louise,” Journal of
Heredity 31 (1940): 119–126, p. 19.
14. Niels Juel-Nielsen, “A Psychiatric-Psychological Investigation of Monozy-
gous Twins Reared Apart,” Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica Scandinavica
(1965), Monograph Supplement 183.
15. James Shields, Monozygotic Twins Brought Up Apart and Brought Up
Together (London: Oxford University Press, 1962).
16. Our twins were adults, so most were probably conceived before the avail-
ability of assisted reproduction technology. Since the early 1980s, these tech-
niques have substantially raised the DZ twinning rate and slightly elevated
the MZ twinning rate.
17. The similarities of sixteen MZA twin pairs and one DZA twin pair were
detected by others, leading to their reunion. Physical resemblance reunited
twins in another case, in which 64-year-old MZ female twins simply recog-
nized each other; each had always known she had a twin. More recently,
N OT E S TO PAG E S 3 0 5 – 3 0 8 391
56. See the preface to: Morton Hunt, The New Know-Nothings: The Political
Foes of the Scientific Study of Human Nature (New Brunswick, N.J.: Trans-
action, 1999).
57. Koch Industries is the second-largest closely held company in the United
58. David H. Koch is the second wealthiest resident of New York, after Mayor
Michael Bloomberg, per Wikipedia.
59. Koch donated money to New York’s Lincoln Center for renovation of the
opera and ballet theater that now bears his name.
60. Richard B. Call passed away on March 11, 2011. The current President of
the Seaver Institute is Victoria Seaver Dean.
61. Richard Lynn, personal communication, August 4, 2010.
62. The origins of general intelligence are still debated, but many within the sci-
entific community acknowledge significant genetic effects. See Ian J. Deary,
Frank M. Spinath, and Timothy C. Bates, “Genetics of Intelligence,” Euro-
pean Journal of Human Genetics 14 (2006): 690–700, and references therein.
63. Plomin et al., Behavioral Genetics.
64. Avshalom Caspi, Alan Taylor, Terrie E. Moffit, and Robert Plomin, “Neigh-
borhood Deprivation Affects Children’s Mental Health: Environmental Risks
Identified in a Genetic Design,” Psychological Science 11 (2000): 338–342.
65. Gardner and Newman, “Mental and Physical Traits,” p. 126.
66. Ibid.
67. Wendy Johnson, Eric Turkheimer, Irving I. Gottesman, and Thomas J.
Bouchard Jr., “Beyond Heritability: Twin Studies in Behavioral Research,”
Current Directions in Psychological Science 18 (2009): 217–220.
68. Robert Plomin, “Genotype-Environment Correlation and Interaction,” pa-
per presented at the Festschrift Honoring John Loehlin, Newport, Rhode
Island, June 6, 2011.
69. Niels G. Waller and Phillip R. Shaver, “The Importance of Nongenetic Influ-
ences on Romantic Love Styles: A Twin-Family Study,” Psychological Science
5 (1994): 268–274.
70. Justine L. Giddens, Julie Aitken Schermer, and Philip A. Vernon, “Material
Values Are Largely in the Family: A Twin Study of Genetic and Environmen-
tal Contributions to Materialism,” Personality and Individual Differences 46
(2009): 428–431.
71. Superfecundated twins can arise when a woman releases two eggs simultane-
ously and has different sexual partners within a few days of one another.
72. Carol E. Franz, Timothy P. York, Lindon J. Eaves, et al., “Adult Romantic
Attachment, Negative Emotionality, and Depressive Symptoms in Middle
Aged Men: A Multivariate Genetic Analysis,” Behavior Genetics 41 (2011):
488–498; Nicola L. Barclay, Thalia C. Eley, Daniel J. Buysse, et al., “Non-
shared Environmental Influences on Sleep Quality: A Study of Monozygotic
Twin Differences,” Behavior Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s10519-011-9510-1,
October 15, 2011, online; Amélie Petitclerc, Michel Boivin, Ginette Dionne,
Daniel Pérusse, and Richard Tremblay, “Genetic and Environmental Etiology
of Disregard for Rules,” Behavior Genetics 41 (2011): 192–200.
394 N OT E S TO PAG E S 32 2 – 32 5
The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA) was a collaborative ef-
fort, and in many ways writing this book was, too. Nearly every former investi-
gator contributed his or her perspectives, insights, and recollections, and many
provided data, documents, and photographs. However, I take responsibility for
putting it all together. A comprehensive work on such a controversial study can-
not please everyone, but I have tried to present a just view.
Writing Born Together—Reared Apart let me reconnect with former colleagues
as well as retrace my steps through the old but familiar twin assessment labora-
tories. Working on this book also put me in touch with many of the reared-apart
twins whom I came to know so well during their weeks in Minneapolis. I never
tire of hearing their life stories that, in my view, offer the best blend of scientific
insight and human interest.
Writing this book was also an opportunity to assess the significance of the
MISTRA in light of current themes and trends in psychology and medicine. The
study withstood the controversies of the past, and, in fact, its findings have been
instrumental in the widespread acceptance of genetic influences on behavior and
health. Future studies of adult reared-apart twins will follow a path different
from ours in view of the molecular genetic advances I discuss in the book. Many
current and future researchers would not be content to disentangle genetic and
environmental influences as we did with inventories, tests, and questionnaires,
but would attempt to tie the MZA twins’ similarities to specific genes and their
differences to epigenetic events. But they would be remiss not to study the twins’
behaviors because, as Bouchard once said, their similarities and differences are “so
up front and personal.” Regardless, the MISTRA continues to inspire research
across many domains of human functioning and promises to do so in the future,
as evidenced by a number of planned and ongoing analyses of our data.
Thanking the many people who provided assistance and encouragement is
such an enjoyable part of writing a book. The core collaborators, Elke D. Eckert,
pictures and tapes were, and always will be, treasured items. The University of
Minnesota Alumni Association helped me locate that wonderful trick photo of
Bouchard sitting simultaneously behind and in front of his desk. Professor Gail
Peterson made sure that I received a CD of Bouchard’s last classroom lecture.
Other individuals provided invaluable assistance from time to time. They in-
clude Don Fowles, David Lubinski, Mary Mount, Antonín Pařícek, Nancy Peder-
sen, Laura Pérgola, Viktória Sas, and Tony Vernon. J. Philippe Rushton verified
several dates for the MISTRA’s receipt of Pioneer Funds, and Richard Lynn pro-
vided information about the Whitfield Institute’s support.
My editor at Harvard University Press, Elizabeth Knoll, was as smart, encour-
aging, and good-humored as she was during her supervision of my previous book,
Indivisible by Two. She is the kind of editor one dreams about. The other staff
members at Harvard University Press, namely, Matthew Hills, Margaux Leonard,
Joy Deng, and Anne Zarrella, were unfailingly helpful and gracious. The copy edi-
tor, Vickie West, and the production editor, Barbara Goodhouse at Westchester
Book Group, were helpful in every way possible. Special thanks go to my friend
and colleague Lauren Gonzalez, whose literary brilliance brought polish and clar-
ity to the text.
California State University–Fullerton granted me the time and facilities I needed
for the successful completion of this book. The psychology department secretaries,
Frances Sanchez and Amanda Hayes, printed many copies of the fifteen chapters
and two appendices for my review. Kelly Donovan (also an identical twin) worked
her usual artistic magic in preparing the photographs and figures as she has done for
me in the past. Several students, namely, Ammar Altowaiji, Shiloh Betterley, Amanda
Killian, and Gayle Dow, helped me obtain research articles and other materials.
Jaimee Munson, Jamie Graham, and Jorge Torres proofed the many tables, charts,
and references with patience and efficiency.
My parents, to whom this book is dedicated, were not here to enjoy my writ-
ing of Born Together—Reared Apart, the one hurtful part of this process. They
were thrilled when I joined the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart and, as
parents of twins, were always eager to learn what we were finding. My dad,
Al Segal, fully supportive of his daughters’ work responsibilities, was understand-
ing when I cut short a home visit to New York just before Father’s Day to test a
new reared-apart pair in Minneapolis. My mom, Esther Segal, always a proud
mother of twins, read nearly every twin-related paper I wrote. My fraternal twin
sister, Anne, is partly—if not solely—responsible for why I do what I do. She has
always been a great supporter of my interests and goals, despite our genetically
based behavioral differences.
My boyfriend, philosophy professor Craig K. Ihara, weathered some lonely
times during my writing and travels. He also reminded me of the other passions
in my life—being with him and being his swing dance partner—and he made sure
I did not forget them. Craig is also credited for suggesting the idea for this book
and its title (the subtitle was mine!), and for reviewing the penultimate version of
the manuscript.
Tom Bouchard’s wife, Pauline, and their two children, Mark and Elizabeth,
were always enthusiastic and supportive of my efforts. They knew better than
anyone how much this book needed to be written—I believe his family met more
twins than I did.
And what can I say about Tom Bouchard? That he was brilliant in setting up
the study and in keeping it going? That the twins adored him? That he was the
best mentor a postdoc could have? That he forever changed the way people think
about the roots of human behavior? I could say all these things and more, and it
would not come close to capturing the scientist and person that he is. Bouchard
is a steadfast reductionist, but ironically, just by being himself he has shown that
sometimes you just can’t be.
Fluid intelligence, 190, 382n42. See also Grants, 13, 25, 29, 157–158, 218–220,
Cattell-Horn fluid-crystallized model 275; grant reviews, 29, 219–220,
Fox, P. W. (Bill), 202–203 309–314. See also Funding
Fraga, M. F., 324 Grove, W., 23, 138–140
Freedman, D. G., 183, 250
Freeman, F. N., 9, 12, 60 Halberg, F., 85–86
Friesen, W., 283 Hamilton, W. D., 183, 249
Funding, 13, 19, 29, 36, 104, 133–134, Hammer, M., 230
218–220, 244; sources of, 309–319, Handedness, 3, 193, 272, 293–295,
329–331. Also see Appendix A 389nn85–86
Fuss, P., 218, 274, 276, 278, 282, 300 Hanson, B., 26, 85–86, 124, 164, 296,
Future of twin studies, 319–325 345n12
Happiness, 198–201, 268, 283, 322,
Gabbay, F., 26 369n8, 370n14; happiness set point,
Galton, F., 1–4, 191, 202, 238–239 195, 199–201, 252
Gametes, 56 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 25, 311, 329
Gangestad, S., 182 Harkness, A., 242
Garcia Effect, 6 Harmon, L. R., 240
Gardner, H., 382–383n47 Harris, R. E., 240; Harris-Lingoes (MMPI)
Genain quadruplets, 67, 138 subscales, 240–241
Gene, 56–58, 61, 177; periodontal risk Hawaii Ability Battery. See Special mental
(inflammation), 161; mutations, 182, abilities
270; molecular genetics, 322–324 Headache study, 225–227; headaches,
General mental ability, 68, 70, 76, 84, 10, 27, 325–326
105, 129, 190–191, 259–262, 284–289, Height, 11, 38, 61, 72–73, 82, 92–94, 228,
340n22, 393n62; Raven/Mill-Hill, 271–273, 323–324, 326; and homosexu-
68, 75–76, 105, 107, 350n44; Raven ality, 93
Progressive Matrices, 68, 75–76, Hereditary Genius, 238. See also Galton, F.
105–107, 350n44; challenges to MZA Heritability, 1, 41, 60–62, 71, 101,
findings, 70–72, 308–309, 368n55; first 110–112, 177, 190, 203–204, 241, 261,
principal component, 105, 107, 217. 264, 292, 295–296, 302–303, 320–324,
See also Creativity; g factor; Information 346–347n37, 347n40, 350n51, 356n40;
processing; Jensen, A. R.; Verbal- broad heritability, 61–62; narrow
Perceptual-Image Rotation Model; heritability, 61–62, 123, 176; Falconer’s
Wilson-Patterson Conservatism Formula, 62. See also specific areas of
Scale study
GenomeEUTwin Project, 323 Hershberger, S. L., 204
Genotype, 10, 57, 111, 150, 322–323 Herzberg, M., 24, 96
Genotype-environment correlation (G-E), Heston, L. L., 7, 20–24, 27, 66–67, 90, 93,
59–60; passive G-E, 60; active G-E, 60, 300, 316
104, 111, 118, 253; reactive (evocative) Holden, C., 307, 348n12
G-E, 60, 197 Holzinger, K. J., 9, 12, 60
Genotype × environment interaction Homosexuality, 67, 90–93, 141, 308;
(G × E), 59–60, 140 previous twin studies, 90
g factor, 217, 261–262, 285–287. See also Horgan, J., 306, 308
General mental ability Human Genome Project, 213, 322
Goleman, D., 97–98, 100 Hur, Y.-M., 195–197, 207–208, 221–222,
Gorsuch, R. L., 234 228–229, 251, 267, 280
Gottesman, I. I., 7, 9–10, 20–22,
204–205, 253, 295, 297, 311, 315, Iacono, W., 75, 120
324–325, 341n25, 338n20, 390n6, Immunology, 82, 87–88, 165
392n53 Impulsivity, 259; and sensation seeking,
Gough, H., 9, 148–149, 174 195, 207–208; and eating behavior, 281
Loehlin, J. C., 3, 142, 182, 187, 217, 231, Minnesota Twin Registry. See Twin
240, 361n20, 393n68 registries
Loevinger, J., 223–225, 375n15 Mischel, W., 1
Lykken, D. T., 9, 18–22, 26, 30, 46, 65, Model fitting, 123, 126, 131, 144, 181,
72–78, 96–97, 101, 104, 107, 119–122, 187, 197, 203, 213, 227, 229, 232.
125, 162, 172, 174–178, 226, 231, 233, See also Biometrical modeling
237, 272, 299, 331, 314, 344n6, 355n21. Molecular genetics, 144, 213, 215, 265,
See also Constructive replication; 320, 322–327
Electroencephalogram (EEG); Emergen- Moloney, D., 83, 165–169, 174, 208–209
esis; Funding; Happiness; Twin registries Morningness, 221–222
Lynch, L., 97–98, 306–307 Moster, M., 83
Muller, H. J., 4
MacKinnon, D., 9 Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire
Markon, K., 241–242, 251 (MPQ), 22, 76, 99, 102–104, 172, 176,
Martin, N. G., 32, 111, 151, 231, 253–254 237, 242, 251, 253–255; higher order
McClearn, G. E., 189 factors, 99–103, 355n26; well-being
McClintock, M., 268 scale, 199. See also Personality assessment
McGue, M., 24, 29, 44, 62, 96, 128–132, Myers, D., 198
148, 150, 167, 179, 189–190, 217, 251,
257, 308, 316, 361n15 National Institutes of Mental Health,
McGuire, S. A., 292 13, 67, 112, 219
Mealey, L., 184–186, 274 National Science Foundation, 219, 311, 329
Media coverage. See Controversies Nelkin, D., 307
(MISTRA) Neubauer, P., 5–6, 49, 341n30
Memory, 190, 206. See also Information Neuroticism, 32, 77, 98–99, 101. See also
processing; Special mental abilities; Big Five personality traits
Verbal-Perceptual-Image Rotation Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness
Model (NEO) Inventory, 32
Menarche (age at), 93, 267–270, 292, 322; Newman, D., 223–225
Belsky-Draper hypothesis, 268–269 Newman, H. H., 5, 9, 12, 60, 70, 73,
Merrell, D., 295 79, 98, 105, 107–108, 189, 217, 247,
Merriman, C., 2 271, 295, 302–304, 321, 356n38,
Messer, L. B., 153–154 368n56
Metabolic syndrome, 280. See also Body New York Review of Books, 71
composition, nutrition, and energy New York Times, 13, 19–20, 27, 97, 134,
expenditure (Tufts University) 200, 305, 307, 348n20
Michalowicz, B. S., 24, 68, 157–162, Nichols, R., 3, 142, 231
243–244, 296, 310 Nightline, 104
Minneapolis Star Tribune, 19, 35 Nisbett, R., 71
Minnesota-Briggs History Record, 251. Nonadditivity, 61–63, 99, 102, 125, 176,
See also Briggs Life History Form 182, 187–188, 203, 205, 212, 347n40
Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Nonshared environment, 63, 99, 102–103,
Research, 8, 79, 81–82, 95 144, 169, 177, 190, 197, 209, 214, 224,
Minnesota Daily, 23, 348n11 232, 251, 293, 324, 326
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Nontwin participants. See Sample
Inventory (MMPI), 22, 47, 72, 95, 99, characteristics
195, 204–207, 302; religious beliefs, Novitski, E., 263
142; content scales, 205–206; clinical
scales, 205, 240; profile analysis, Occupational similarity. See Job
206–207; creativity, 237–238; psycho- satisfaction
motor acceleration scale, 240; Harris- Oldfield Handedness Inventory, 293
Lingoes Scales, 240–241; Subtle-Obvious Openness, 32, 174. See also Big Five
Scales, 240–241 personality traits
Ophthalmology, 82, 88–89, 221 Placement (in rearing homes), 50, 71, 94,
Otis IQ, 107, 356n38 108–109, 149, 235, 254, 303; selective
placement, 224, 261, 308
Parental characteristics. See Sample Platt, J. R., 292
characteristics Plomin, R., 100, 112, 147, 173, 189, 217,
Participant identification. See Sample 236
characteristics Polesky, H. F., 24, 344n10
Pedersen, N. L., 189, 217, 240 Popenoe, P., 3–4
Periodontal examination, 22, 24, 68, 96, Prenatal environment, 10, 13, 41, 286,
152, 154, 157–162, 165, 243–244, 296; 293, 304; and homosexuality, 90.
alveolar bone height, 159, 161; oral See also Cloning; Twin method
bacteria, 159, 162, 243–244; funding, Propping, P., 2, 186, 190–191
219, 310, 330–331; temporomandibular Psychomotor assessment, 23, 202–204,
joint symptoms, 243 299, 370n26; practice effects, 201–204;
Personality assessment, 11, 32, 116, 222, Rotary pursuit test, 202–203. See also
354nn2,6,8, 355n21, 360n13, 368n52, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
386n43; Differential Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Questionnaire, 22, 76–77; Multidimen- Psychopathology, 116, 323–324; Tourette
sional Personality Questionnaire, 22, syndrome, 24, 136–138, 141; drug
76–77, 97–104, 172, 176, 199–200, abuse/dependence, 69, 139–140; alcohol
254; California Psychological Inventory, abuse/dependence, 69, 139–140, 144,
27, 148–150, 234–235, 239–240; 320; Diagnostic Interview Schedule,
heritability, 41, 102–103, 144, 165, 138–141; Diagnostic Statistical Manual
181–182, 195, 214–215, 319, 322, 326; (DSM)-III, 138–139, 360n6; antisocial
temperament, 66; and IQ, 71, 108, personality disorder, 139–141; MMPI
110–112; and weight, 73, 281; and twin personality correlates, 195, 204–207,
relationship, 76–77, 188, 240, 250; and 242; and religiosity, 234; and talent,
environment, 147–151, 188, 214, 238. See also Minnesota Multiphasic
251–253; and creativity, 173–174, Personality Inventory (MMPI)
237–238; psychopathology, 205, 242; Pulmonary study, 22, 78
personality “set point,” 252; and birth
order, 292–293; prenatal effects, Raven/Mill-Hill, 68, 76, 105, 107
349n28. See also Authoritarianism; Big Raven Progressive Matrices. See General
Five personality traits; Conservatism; mental ability
Controversies (MISTRA); Ego develop- Reading, 8, 32, 77, 257–261; Oskar and
ment; Interests; Minnesota Multiphasic Jack, 132; genetic factor structure,
Personality Inventory (MMPI); 259–260
Multidimensional Personality Question- Recessive gene, 57
naire (MPQ); Psychopathology; Recreational interests. See Interests
Religiosity; Reproduction-related Recruitment (of participants), 9, 35–37,
behaviors; Sensation seeking; Stroop 53–54, 90, 218–219, 302; participant
Color-Word Test; Twin method; sources, 33; pairs studied per year, 37.
Vocational interests See also Controversies (MISTRA);
Peterson, G., 19 Sample characteristics
Phenotype, 57, 59, 112, 322–323. See also Religiosity, 10–11, 13, 47, 109, 116,
Endophenotype 141–149, 173, 177, 181, 185, 196,
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 7, 57, 342n42 206, 213, 218, 221, 231, 233, 255–256,
Physical facilities, 51, 108, 109, 130, 361n22; and traditionalism, 144,
166, 251 189, 199; Age Universal Religious
Physical similarity. See Twin method Orientation Scale, 234. See also
Pihlstrom, B., 24, 96, 157–159, 161–162, Extrinsic religiousness; Intrinsic
243–244, 310, 330 religiousness; Traditional moral
Pioneer Fund. See Funding values triad
correlations, 94, 126, 301; Stroop Twin method, 1–3, 191, 241; criticisms,
Color-Word Test, 259; sex differences, 13, 71, 114, 216, 305; statistical vs.
287. See also General mental ability anecdotal, 27–28. See also Equal
Spelling, 8, 128, 204, 258–260, 288, 313. environments assumption
See also Jim twins Twin registries, 12, 35–36, 90, 195, 302;
Spencer Foundation, 25, 311, 329, 330 Danish Twin Registry, 9, 79, 304–305;
Springer, J. See Jim twins Minnesota Twin Registry, 21–22, 35, 99,
Stahl, L., 264 133, 143, 158, 163, 174, 211, 220, 226,
Stassen, H. H., 114 231, 267, 331; National Academy of
Strategy of Strong Inference, 292 Sciences-National Research Council
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, 143, Twin Registry, 212; Kansas Twin
166, 237, 290; Hansen combined scales, Registry, 226
209. See also Vocational interests Twin Relationship Survey, 15, 41, 44, 47,
Strong Vocational Interest Blank-Strong- 247–250, 268, 270; twin relationships,
Campbell Interest Inventory, 166 11, 28, 47, 49, 63, 98, 147, 169, 180,
Stroop Color-Word Test, 257–259 183–184, 246–247, 319; twin vs.
Stroud, J., 47, 95–96 adoptive sibling, 248, 250
Sulloway, F., 71, 292, 293 Twins Magazine, 96
Swedish Adoption and Twin Study of Twin type, 2, 13, 38–40, 89, 158, 305;
Aging (SATSA), 5, 12, 114, 140, 172, conceptualization of, 249
187, 189, 196, 240, 287, 293, 300, 302
Szasz, T., 241 Unique environment. See Nonshared
Taylor, H., 70–71, 113, 348n17. See also University of Pennsylvania Smell Identifica-
General mental ability; IQ tion Test, 191, 242
Tellegen, A., 9, 20–22, 76, 96, 99, 100, Unrelated siblings, 26, 94, 248, 250, 322.
103, 169, 198–201, 223, 242, 254, 259, See also Virtual twins
297, 316
Tesser, A., 212–213 Vectorcardiogram. See Cardiac studies
Till, M. J., 23, 153–155 Venable, G. D., 234
Traditionalism, 100, 102–103, 142, 144, Venezky, R., 258
199, 237, 253–255, 291–292, 322 Verbal-Perceptual-Image Rotation Model,
Traditional moral values triad, 215, 262–263, 284–285, 287, 290; compared
291–292. See also Authoritarianism; to other models, 262–263; content
Conservatism; Religiosity memory, 262, 285, 287–288. See also
Triplets, 104, purposeful separation, 6, General mental ability; g factor; IQ
49; and Tourette syndrome, 24–25, Vernon, P. A. (Tony), 129, 263, 285,
136–138; statistical analysis, 41, 316–317
386n47, 388n83; MISTRA participants, Vernon, P. E., 262–263
42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 72, 82, 85; 89, 95, Virtual twins, 71, 133, 190, 217,
105, 126; reunion, 246. See also Bernard, 301, 322
V.; Cardiac studies; Creativity; Dental Vocational interests, 93–94, 113, 165–169,
assessment; Handedness; Interests; 174, 208–210
Neubauer, P.; Psychopathology; Voice quality, 230
Pulmonary study
Tucker, W. H., 49, 309 Wachs, T., 148
Tufts University study, 191, 218–219, 271, Waller, N., 142–144, 173–174, 236,
274–280, 296, 300; body size, 191, 271; 362nn26–28
energy expenditure, 274, 276–278, 281; Watson, J., 4, 239
food intake, 276–281; funding, 309, Web site (DrNancySegalTwins.Org), 14,
330. See also Diet 23, 56, 99, 124–125, 213–214, 277
Tuna, N., 23, 85, 123–125 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),
Turkheimer, E. 169, 356n40 26, 32, 68, 84, 105–107, 110, 224, 254,