Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-26-18
Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-26-18
Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-26-18
arrested for manslaughter af-
ississippi State football
ter the vehicle he was driving
player Jace Christmann’s
hit and killed a woman earli-
most recent obsession is
er this week.
rooted in the notion that a Division I Jonathan Jamahl Bardley,
football player has no special talent. 29, of 2107 O’Leary Lane,
In October, MSU’s communica- has been charged in the
tions staff asked football players death of Deanna Clark, 32. Merchant
for unique facts about themselves. Clark died at University of
Christmann couldn’t think of one, Mississippi Medical Center
so he turned to his mother, Heather in Jackson just after 4 a.m.
Christmann, who tried to con- Tuesday, according to Lown-
vince him he was talented, but she des County Coroner Greg
couldn’t think of anything either. Merchant. Her death oc-
That’s when Jace told his mother curred hours after deputies
he was going to Walmart. He wound with Lowndes County Sher-
up buying two Rubik’s cubes, the iff’s Office found her lying Bardley
3-D puzzle that challenges a player on the ground, having been
to get all nine squares on each side pinned between a car and a tree off Aileen
of the cube to display the same Drive in north Columbus, according to a
color. LCSO press release.
From there, Jace’s season took Merchant said Clark was outside, not a
an unforeseen turn. passenger in the car, when the vehicle col-
After missing two of his first lided with the tree.
Deputies initially responded to a call of
three field goals, Jace, a sophomore
shots fired just before midnight, the press
from Houston, Texas, made eight of
release said, only learning on the way to the
his last 10, including three from 35
scene that it was a car wreck, not a shoot-
yards or more. He didn’t miss any of ing. By the time they arrived, Bardley had
his 40 extra-point attempts. fled the scene. He later turned himself in to
But Jace is equally proud of the LCSO on Tuesday morning.
hours he spent solving the Rubik’s Clark was taken to Baptist Memorial
cube on the flight back home to Hospital-Golden Triangle and later flown to
Houston during MSU’s open week. UMMC, the press release said.
“During the season, I was LCSO authorities declined to answer
packing my bag: got my jacket, got whether alcohol was involved in the incident.
my socks, got my Rubik’s cube, OK LCSO is still investigating the collision.
I’m good to go,” Jace said. “I wasn’t Bardley is in custody at Lowndes County
going to sleep until I solved it at Sheriff’s Office. His bond has not been set.
least twice.”
package found
but it’s not my quest to see how fast Otherwise, the Rubik’s cube was
“I had algorithms. I was writing I can get it down to,” John said. “It never too far away.
stuff down,” Jace said, referencing was purely a situation where he Jace’s parents were amused with
complex math equations experts use
was dead-set on having this down what they saw. They know their son
to crack the code quickly. “I found a Dispatch staff report
before he got back on Monday, and is talented — he’s a good artist on
video I liked and I memorized it.”
he fiddled with that Rubik’s cube top of being a Division I athlete —
Jace admits he received some A package in Golden Tri-
sideways stares from people near every time I saw him. He was sitting but he found it to be insufficient.
angle Regional Airport’s
him on those planes. in front of the TV, sit down at dinner, Jace claimed everyone in the
terminal prompted a law en-
Jace then introduced his new pet that Rubik’s cube was right next to family has a hidden talent other than forcement investigation on
project to his parents. His father, him.” him. He brought up his sister, Caro- Christmas Eve.
John Christmann, picked him up at On his one free Saturday of the line, and her Wildlife Photographer Lowndes County Sher-
the airport to find one Rubik’s cube football season, Jace Christmann of the Year Award from 2008, when iff’s Office responded to a
in his hand and another in his bag. couldn’t help himself and went to a picture of a grizzly bear she took report of a suspicious pack-
“He handed it to me and said, kick a few balls. John believes it was won national awards. Their mother, age in the terminal at 5:21 Hainsley
‘You know how to do this?’ I can, to keep some semblance of a routine. See Christmann, 6A a.m. Monday, according to a
See GTRA, 3A
61 Low 51
tus eat? world missions. To schedule a visit, contact Lee 5 p.m., Munic-
High Answers, 8B
Ann Williamson, 816-769-2050. ipal Complex
Mostly cloudy (rescheduled to
Full forecast on
page 2A.
Thursday, Jan. 3 accommodate
New Year’s
■ Exhibit reception: The Columbus Arts Council
Inside hosts a free reception from 5:30-7 p.m. at the
Rosenzweig Arts Center, 501 Main St., opening an Jan. 7: Lown-
exhibit of quilting by Karen Arzamendi in the main des County
Classifieds 7B Obituaries 4A Teresa Exline, of Tupe-
Comics 4B Opinions 6A gallery. ArtReach program artwork will be displayed lo, manages the Mat- Supervisors, 9
Crossword 6B Food 5B in Artist Alley. For information, visit columbus-arts. tress Store and More in a.m., County
139th Year, No. 245 Dear Abby 4B NATS 5A org or call 662-328-2787 (closed Mondays). Starkville. Courthouse
Did you hear?
Continued from Page 1A
department press release.
Officers inspected the
package and found it was
a box a Mississippi State
University professor left
in the terminal as part of
a study.
The release says of-
ficers determined the
box was harmless and in-
terviewed the professor
during the investigation.
GTRA Executive Direc-
tor Mike Hainsey said the
incident delayed one flight
and the airport resumed
normal operations at 8:15
a.m. Monday.
No charges are forth-
coming in the incident.
Visit us
on the web at
4A Wednesday, December 26, 2018 The Dispatch •
Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH James W. “Jimmy” Kevin Norris Pallbearers will be
OBITUARY POLICY Wilder Jr., 80, died Dec. Matthew Taylor, Lance
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS —
tion including visitation and
25, 2018, at his resi- Kevin Norris, 60, died Taylor, Dale Taylor,
service times, are provided dence. Dec. 25, 2018, at his Grady Jaynes, Gary
free of charge. Extended Arrangements are residence. Hawkins and Ronnie
obituaries with a photograph, incomplete and will be Arrangements are Hollis.
detailed biographical informa- announced by Memori- incomplete and will be
tion and other details families
may wish to include, are avail-
al Gunter Peel Funeral announced by Lowndes Brittney Young
Home and Crematory, Funeral Home. STARKVILLE —
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
College Street location. Brittney D. Young, 31,
homes unless the deceased’s
Ralph Logan Marvin Taylor died Dec. 20, 2018, in
body has been donated to
SULLIGENT, Ala. — Starkville.
science. If the deceased’s STEENS — Ralph Marvin Eugene Taylor, Services will be at 1
body was donated to science,
Mitchell Logan, 79, 74, died Dec. 22, 2018, p.m. Thursday at Beth-
the family must provide official
proof of death. Please submit
died Dec. 25, 2018, at at Baptist Memorial el M.B. Church. Burial
all obituaries on the form pro- Baptist Memorial Hos- Hospital-Golden Trian- will follow at the church
vided by The Commercial Dis- pital-Golden Triangle. gle. cemetery. Visitation is
patch. Free notices must be Services will be at 10 Services are at 2 from 1-6 p.m. Wednes-
submitted to the newspaper a.m. Friday at Memori- p.m. Wednesday at Otts day at West Memorial
no later than 3 p.m. the day al Gunter Peel Funeral
prior for publication Tuesday Funeral Home Chapel Funeral Home. West
through Friday; no later than 4
Home Chapel, College with Thad Hawkins and Memorial Funeral
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Street location. Burial Danny Hollis officiat- Home is in charge of
edition; and no later than 7:30 will follow at Lone Oak ing. Burial will follow arrangements.
a.m. for the Monday edition. Cemetery in Steens. at Sulligent City Cem- She is survived by
Incomplete notices must be re- Visitation will be from etery. Visitation was her parents, Frank and
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. 5-7 p.m. Thursday from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday Vanessa Young; daugh-
for the Monday through Friday
at the funeral home. at the funeral home. ter, Ryder Elise Hen-
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Memorial Gunter Peel Otts Funeral Home is derson; and brother,
the next day Monday through Funeral Home and Cre- in charge of arrange- Franklin Young.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 matory, College Street ments.
p.m. for Sunday and Monday location is in charge of Mr. Taylor was born
publication. For more informa- arrangements. Nov. 29, 1944, in Lamar
tion, call 662-328-2471.
County, Alabama, to
Earnestine Cunningham the late Hewitt Taylor
Jane Harper COLUMBUS — Ear- and Vernie McCraw.
COLUMBUS — Jane nestine Cunningham, He attended Sulligent
Land Harper, 87, died 78, died Dec. 25, 2018, High School and was
Dec. 25, 2018, at Baptist at Windsor Place Nurs- formerly self-employed
Memorial Hospi- ing Home. as a truck driver with
tal-Golden Triangle. Arrangements are Eskridge Trucking
Arrangements are incomplete and will be Company of Vernon.
incomplete and will be announced by Lowndes In addition to his
announced by Lowndes Funeral Home. parents, he was pre-
Funeral Home. ceded in death by his Ralph Logan
Johnnie Green son, Barry Taylor; and Visitation:
BeBe Adams COLUMBUS — brothers, Hoyt Taylor
Thursday, Dec. 27 • 5-7 PM
College St. Location
MACON — BeBe Johnnie B. Green, 73, and William Taylor. Services:
Adams died Dec. 25, Friday, Dec. 28 • 10 AM
died Dec. 24, 2018, He is survived by his College St. Location
2018, at her residence. at North Mississippi wife, Barbara Taylor Burial
Arrangements are Lone Oak Cemetery
Medical Center in West of Sulligent; sons, Jeff
incomplete and will be Point. Taylor and Larry Tay-
announced by Cockrell Arrangements are lor, both of Sulligent; Jimmy Wilder
Funeral Home. incomplete and will be five grandchildren; College St. Location
announced by Lee- two great grandchil-
Jimmy Wilder Sykes Funeral Home. dren; and one step
COLUMBUS — great-grandchild.
Today in history
Today is Wednesday, first in peace and first in
Dec. 26, the 360th day of
On this date:
In 1799, former Presi- the hearts of his country-
2018. There are five days men.”
dent George Washington
left in the year. The sev-
was eulogized by Col.
en-day African-American
Henry Lee as “first in war, — The Associated Press
holiday Kwanzaa begins
today. This is Boxing Day.
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The Dispatch • Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5A
© The Dispatch
month. Buffet line opens at 11:15 a.m., ■ DIABETES SUPPORT Providing Our Clients Expertise With
with call to order at noon. Baptist Golden Triangle hosts day
The Golden Triangle Quilters Guild meets
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OTHER EVENTS Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
Japan to resume months in certain com- on Tuesday accused the one supporter taken away
munities where a dead- electoral commission of by police.
commercial whaling, ly Ebola virus outbreak being “determined to or- Reporters, foreign
but not in Antarctic has infected hundreds ganize chaotic elections.” diplomats and support-
TOKYO — Japan an- of people, the electoral The commission’s presi- ers were prevented from
nounced Wednesday that commission announced dent, Corneille Nangaa, approaching the mu-
it is leaving the Interna- Wednesday. Some in the on Monday said the elec- nicipal court in Tianjin
tional Whaling Commis- opposition called it a ploy tion would take place on city where lawyer Wang
sion to resume commer- to hurt their chances at Sunday unless “there is Quanzhang was being
cial hunts for the animals the polls, with more than a war and nobody can go tried. Wang’s wife, Li
for the first time in 30 1 million voters affected. out and vote.” Wenzu, was kept from at-
years, but said it would The election in and Parts of eastern Con- tending the proceedings
no longer go to the Ant- around Beni and Butem- go, where the Ebola out- by security agents who
arctic for its much-criti- bo in North Kivu prov- break has become the had blocked the exit of
cized annual killings. ince, and Yumbi in Mai- second deadliest in histo- her apartment complex
Japan switched to what Ndombe province, will ry, face the daily threat of since Tuesday.
it calls research whaling be in March instead, the deadly attacks from rebel Li told The Associated
after the IWC imposed a commission’s statement groups. The insecurity Press by phone Wednes-
moratorium on commer- said. That’s long after has hurt efforts to con- day that Liu Weiguo,
cial whaling in the 1980s, Congo’s “definitive” pres- tain the Ebola outbreak, Wang’s government-ap-
and now says stocks have idential election results which since being de- pointed lawyer, con-
recovered enough to re- are set to be announced clared on Aug. 1 has seen firmed the trial had start-
sume commercial hunts. on Jan. 15, with the inau- 583 cases of the virus, ed. But he did not tell her
Chief Cabinet Sec- guration three days later. including more than 300 whether it was now over
retary Yoshihide Suga Congo’s election has confirmed deaths. or whether a verdict had
said Japan would resume been delayed for more The electoral commis- been reached.
commercial whaling in than two years, leading sion cited insecurity for The court said in a
July “in line with Japan’s to sometimes deadly pro- the latest delay. While statement on its website
basic policy of promoting tests. Opposition parties Yumbi has no Ebola cas-
that it “lawfully decided
sustainable use of aquat- have said they will not es, according to Con-
accept further delays of not to make public” the
ic living resources based go’s health ministry, the
the vote to choose a suc- trial hearings because
on scientific evidence.” commission said “deadly
cessor to longtime Pres- the case involved state
He added that Japan incidents” on Dec. 14-15
ident Joseph Kabila. The secrets. A decision will
is disappointed that the caused massive popula-
election already had been be announced at a future
IWC — which he said tion displacement and
pushed from Dec. 23 to date, the court said.
is dominated by conser- destroyed all election
vationists — focuses on Sunday after a fire in the Wang is among more
materials there when its
the protection of whale capital, Kinshasa, de- local office was pillaged. than 200 lawyers and le-
stocks even though the stroyed voting materials. The statement did not gal activists who were
commission has a treaty “This is completely in- say who was to blame. detained in a sweeping
mandate for both whale acceptable,” presidential 2015 crackdown. A mem-
candidate Martin Fayulu, ber of the Fengrui law
conservation and the de-
velopment of the whaling the leader of an opposi-
Prominent Chinese firm, among the most
industry. tion coalition, told The rights lawyer tried in recognized in the field
Associated Press after closed proceedings broadly known in China
the latest delay. “We cam- TIANJIN, China — as “rights defending,” he
Congo delays Sunday’s paigned in those territo- The trial of a prominent was charged with sub-
election for months in ries, life has not stopped. human rights lawyer be- version of state power in
Ebola zone ... We cannot erase 1.2 gan in northern China on 2016. He has been held
KINSHASA, Congo — million voters just like Wednesday with about without access to his law-
Congo’s already long-de- that.” two dozen plainclothes yers or family for more
layed election set for Sun- Fayulu and seven oth- officers stationed outside than three years.
day will be postponed for er opposition candidates a courthouse and at least — The Associated Press
8A Wednesday, December 26, 2018 The Dispatch •
Continued from Page 1A
“I think needed infrastructure in a decision. isn’t sure it needs to be an
it will en- place. “We un- internet service provider
hance the “The main reason we derstand itself. But, he said it’s also
quality of did that is so there can the role that
considering working with
life in the be internet service to internet ac-
c o u n t y cess plays existing internet service
rural areas of the coun-
many, many in everyday providers in a partnership
ty,” Sanders said. “The
times over,” utilities already have the life now,” to offer service.
T r a i n e r Presley poles and everything al- Turner said. Turner “That is part of what
said. “Get- ready there and it’s the “We’re in we’re looking at now,”
ting individuals access easiest way to provide in- the middle of a feasibili- he said. “Are there part-
to reasonable internet ternet to rural areas.” ty study to find out what
ners that make sense or
service will do nothing broadband might look
but bring positive results like for us and the costs things that make it easier
to the county. I think it’s 4-County considering and what that might en- to get out and serve our
definitely a game chang- Jon Turner, manager of tail.” members? At the end of
er.” public relations and mar- 4-County provides the day, that’s what we
Harry Sander, pres- keting, said the coopera- electric service to Clay, want. We want people in
ident of the Lowndes tive has been eyeing the Lowndes, Noxubee and our area to have access
County Board of super- possibility of providing in- Oktibbeha counties, as
ternet service, in the event to high-speed broadband,
visors, said he thinks well as portions of Choc-
cooperatives make sense the Legislature changes taw, Chickasaw, Monroe whether or not we’re
as providers, since they the law. However, he said and Webster counties. the ones that bring it to
already have some of the 4-County hasn’t reached Turner said 4-County them.”
Continued from Page 1A
Heather, said her talent That tendency has to, ‘Give me a talent,’” unanswered question:
is an uncanny memory. shown itself with pet John said. “He does a Why the Rubik’s cube?
She can remember the projects in the past, such lot of things — he can “The first thing that
ingredients of a shampoo as when Jace determined draw and paint real well, popped up on Google,”
bottle from her child- he wanted to learn how as well — but he wanted Jace said. “That was the
hood. to play the guitar while something that would be sole reason.”
“Weird things like on a family trip. So he different. There’s a piece Jace drew a blank
that,” she said. did, and then got bored of him I guess his mom when he tried to tie the
Even if the mother in with it. did a good job with. He’s skill of solving a Rubik’s
Heather disagreed with Experiences like that very thoughtful. cube to that of kicking.
the premise of Jace not one helped the Christ- “He definitely wants But he didn’t take on the
having talent, neither mann family discover to have things that are challenge as an accesso-
she nor her husband Jace has a broad intel- different and wants to be ry to football. He took it
were surprised by Jace’s lect. The family recently different,” he added. on to prove he could do it.
quest. had him do an aptitude
In the MSU game
“Here’s the thing, the test to help him lock into
boy is crazy,” Heather a career path. They dis- Solved in minutes notes that features
said. covered he performs well By the time Jace unique facts about play-
Puzzles also were part in rhythm-based activ- returned to Starkville, he ers, it now reads, “spent
of Jace’s formative years. ities such as music and could solve the Rubik’s flight home on bye week
Around the holidays, he golf — which translates Cube in six minutes. Now learning to solve the
would team up with his well to kicking — yet he says he’s down to two- Rubik’s cube.”
father and his paternal he’s chosen petroleum and-a-half. Jace Christ- “He’s willing to ven-
grandmother to do engineering as a major. mann wanted a different ture out there and try
jigsaw puzzles. Heather Thus, it’s no surprise talent to flaunt, and in the some different things,”
also said Jace and John a man with a wide-rang- span of a week, he accom- John said.
have the ability to chan- ing brain would want plished that task. Follow Dispatch sports
nel hyperfocus into a talents to test that range. Still, the Christmann writer Brett Hudson on
task when they so desire. “I think it boils down parents are left with an Twitter @Brett_Hudson
If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
Adam Minichino
Continued from Page 1B
finish well,” Helmuth quarterback Nick Fitz- May and didn’t sign until and with that attitude and “He’s got it all right a unique set of skills and
said. “He didn’t put much gerald’s favorite target June, months after the demeanor he’s going to there in front of him,” he’s a really smart guy,
time in it and he was still thanks to relentless work. original signing period. make it even better just MSU wide receivers so he’s got to put that to-
a great player. Goodwyn remembers Coaches are so accus- by that. He’s got a compet- coach Luke Getsy said. gether. As we grow in this
“I looked at it through Mitchell would work out tomed to players coming itive nature about him.” “It’s sitting in front of thing, he could be a really
the lens of a basketball two or three times a day. onto the scene in their There is a sense it’s him and it’s up to him special football player.”
coach, and if I remember He would run drills on junior years, but Mitchell all coming together for what he wants to do with Follow Dispatch sports
right, he was 6-5 with a the beach to raise the didn’t break through until Mitchell in Starkville. Af-
it because he’s got a spe- writer Brett Hudson on
6-10 wingspan. You’re level of difficulty. It’s a his senior year. ter maturing as a senior
cial opportunity. He’s got Twitter @Brett_Hudson
licking your chops. You’re tradition that still goes When all of those at Booker High, Mitchell
looking at a 6-5 wide re- on to this day. Goodwyn pieces came together, has continued to grow
ceiver with a 6-10 wing- called Mitchell one night Mitchell’s talent was ob- and to learn in three years
span. That’s a big area to at 8 o’clock last spring and vious. Goodwyn noticed as a Bulldog. He had to if
throw the ball to, and he’s interrupted him at a sand his footwork was improv- he was going to find play-
got good hands.” volleyball court running ing and he had gained ing time in a group that
Football required more drills. a better understanding included a senior, four
work. Physical talent was “Most kids his age are of how to use his body. juniors, and a highly re-
never the issue. Helmuth out enjoying the college When Helmuth watched garded recruiting class
said Mitchell had enough atmosphere and the col- him play football, he saw with two wide receivers. Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
jumping ability to touch lege life. He’s out there the same attributes that Mitchell rose to the top Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
8 4 6 3 7 9 2 5 1
the top of the square on doing drills, trying to get made him a good basket- tier of that group this fall, placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
the backboard. All he himself better,” Good- ball player. and there’s reason to be- a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 9 2 1 6 5 8 4 7 3
51 yards in nine games man who went to South role. around me.”
(no starts). He entered Florida, thought Mitchell “When you look at it Four years from won-
the 2018 season as one of was in Pinkney’s class in the context of building dering if he would focus
many receivers trying to (2017), but Mitchell was a good program or team, on basketball or football,
make an impression at a a 2016 prospect. That’s he’s already such a good Mitchell is one of the best
crowded position. why Mitchell took visits athlete he’s got the re- perimeter options for the
But Mitchell became to MSU and Minnesota in spect of his teammates, MSU football team.
Continued from Page 1B
Jeudy has followed his fel- more run-first offense. He grew up together a little bit. Jeudy said. “Hard work
low south Florida products has 59 catches for 1,103 Just seeing him grow and beats talent, so if you’ve
Amari Cooper and Calvin yards — an 18.7-yard aver- becoming the player he is got talent and you work
Ridley to receiving stardom age — and 12 touchdowns. — that’s the most exciting hard, you can turn into
with the Crimson Tide. He Jeudy worked out ev- thing.” something serious.”
became a five-star recruit, ery other day with Ridley All that time working That’s why his suc-
like them. And the go-to as a 10th-grader and they with or watching Ridley cess at all-star games and
receiver for a national title still keep in touch. and Cooper helped give camps served as such
contender, also like them. “Great player, works re- the ambitious Jeudy spe- a motivator. You can be
Like Cooper in 2014, ally hard and deserves ev- cific targets. Their suc- good with a good work
the sophomore also won erything coming his way,” cess, he said, “just made ethic, and with a better
the Biletnikoff Award as
Ridley said. “We played me go harder.” one you could really be
the nation’s top receiver.
high school together and “They taught me a lot,” “something serious.”
Jeudy has put up big
numbers like his prede-
cessors, including Atlanta
Falcons star Julio Jones.
The other three all be-
came first-round NFL
draft picks.
He has the benefit of
catching passes from
an elite quarterback in
Heisman Trophy run-
ner-up Tua Tagovailoa
in a more pass-oriented
offense. But Jeudy also
shares the ball with a
deeper pool of talented re-
ceivers than any of them.
Jeudy has already put
up bigger numbers than
Ridley did in either of his
final two seasons in a much
Sudoku is a num- 8 4 6 3 7 9 2 5 1
ber-placing puzzle based 9 2 1 6 5 8 4 7 3
2018 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Today’s Games Toronto 25 10 .714 — Kentucky 0-0 .000 9-2 .818 New England 9 5 0 .643 374 310 28. Cameron Smith
29. Rafa Cabrera Bello
Philadelphia 22 13 .629 3 Miami 7 7 0 .500 295 374
Travis Outlaw Slam Dunk at the Hump Boston 20 13 .606 4
Ole Miss
0-0 .000 9-2
0-0 .000 9-3
.750 Buffalo 5 9 0 .357 215 333 30. Keegan Bradley USA 3.48
N.Y. Jets 4 10 0 .286 292 359 31. Gary Woodland USA 3.43
At Humphrey Coliseum, Starkville Brooklyn 16 19 .457 9 Alabama 0-0 .000 8-3 .727
South 32. Phil Mickelson USA 3.39
New York 9 26 .257 16 Arkansas 0-0 .000 8-3 .727 33. Kyle Stanley USA 3.32
Olive Branch girls vs. Louisville, Noon Southeast Division Missouri 0-0 .000 8-3 .727
10 4 0 .714 352 281 34. Matt Kuchar USA 3.32
W L Pct GB Vanderbilt 0-0 .000 7-3 .700
Tupelo boys vs. Starkville, 1:30 p.m. Charlotte 16 16 .500 — Georgia 0-0 .000 7-4 .636 Indianapolis 8 6 0 .571 372 300 35. Eddie Pepperrell ENG 3.08
Tennessee 8 6 0 .571 268 254 36. Billy Horschel USA 3.04
Noxubee County girls vs. Starkville, 3 p.m. Miami 16 16 .500 — Florida 0-0 .000 7-4 .636
Jacksonville 4 10 0 .286 225 289 37. Kevin Kisner USA 3.00
to renew
Orlando 14 18 .438 2 Texas A&M 0-0 .000 6-4 .600 38. Kiradech Aphibarnrat THA 3.00
Itawamba AHS boys vs. Jesuit (Louisiana), S. Carolina 0-0 .000 4-7 .364 North
Washington 13 21 .382 4 W L T Pct PF PA 39. Ian Poulter ENG 2.88
4:30 p.m. Atlanta 9 23 .281 7 Pittsburgh 8 5 1 .607 384 316 40. Matthew Fitzpatrick ENG 2.87
Central Division Monday, Dec. 24 Baltimore 8 6 0 .571 341 253 41. Adam Scott AUS 2.86
Thursday’s Games W L Pct GB No games scheduled Cleveland 6 7 1 .464 309 348 42. Haotong Li CHN 2.80
Milwaukee 23 10 .697 — Tuesday’s Games Cincinnati 6 8 0 .429 337 413 43. Thorbjorn Olesen DEN 2.75
Columbus girls at Alcorn Central Classic Indiana 22 12 .647 1½ No games scheduled West 44. Matt Wallace ENG 2.58
Wednesday’s Games 45. Lucas Bjerregaard DEN 2.52
Columbus boys at King Cotton Classic Detroit
15 16 .484 7
9 25 .265 14½ No games scheduled
x-Kansas City 11 3 0 .786 499 380 46. Kevin Na USA 2.51
Thursday’s Games
(Pine Bluff, Arkansas) Cleveland 8 26 .235 15½
No games scheduled
x-L.A. Chargers 11 3 0 .786 395 298 47. Satoshi Kodaira JPN 2.50
WESTERN CONFERENCE Denver 6 8 0 .429 306 299 48. Emiliano Grillo ARG 2.49
By JOHN MARSHALL Travis Outlaw Slam Dunk at the Hump Southwest Division
Friday’s Games Oakland 3 11 0 .214 260 418 49. Branden Grace SAF 2.45
Austin Peay at Arkansas, 7 p.m. NATIONAL CONFERENCE 50. Brandt Snedeker USA 2.43
The Associated Press (Humphrey Coliseum)
W L Pct GB
18 15 .545 —
Louisiana-Monroe at LSU, 7 p.m. East
Ring in the
new year
[email protected]
Steve Klise/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
This recipe for pizza using Indian
flatbread appears in the “Complete
Cookbook for Young Chefs.”
ven as some of us
For a quick
are still celebrating
Christmas, a new year
is fast approaching. New
take on pizza
Year’s Eve has always been
a high holiday in our family,
something far too momen-
at home, use
tous to sleep through. It
always seemed important to
be at the house I grew up in
Columbus when midnight
struck. With Mother and
Daddy, and as many of the
Indian flatbread
rest of us as could gather, BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN
we’d sip eggnog or spar-
kling juice from Mother’s aan is an Indian flatbread
pretty silver punch cups, with a chewy texture and
munch on goodies and toast a puffed, slightly charred
each other after a robust crust. Brushing the baking sheet
countdown. Yes, we’d wear with olive oil and then baking the
silly hats and blow annoy- naan on the lowest rack in a 400
ing noisemakers, and sing F oven gives it a crispy texture —
along to “Auld Lang Syne.” just like pizza crust. This recipe
Photos of the ritual can be doubled. Follow this recipe
through the years show a with your kids.
progression of children and
adults grinning, making
faces, each growing up — PIZZA IN A FLASH
or a little grayer — as time Servings: 1-2
Start to finish: 40 minutes (Active 10
passed. I’d give anything minutes)
to go back to one of those
midnights, but Mother 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
and Daddy are no longer 1 (8-inch) naan bread
here. The celebration 2 tablespoons pesto
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
has, most years, moved to 12 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
my house in the country,
where great-nieces and n To personalize your pizza, sprinkle a
great-nephews can shoot a Good things to eat are always a part of New Year’s Eve celebrations. Today’s reci- handful of your favorite toppings — in
pes may sound just right for your festivities. whatever combination you like — over the
few fireworks and we have mozzarella. Some topping ideas: sliced
two countdowns — a 10 bell peppers, pepperoni, sliced scallions,
p.m. one for the youngsters chopped olives, or dollops of goat cheese
who are still working on ricotta cheese.
late-night stamina, and
n Adjust oven rack to lowest position and
heat oven to 400 F. Use pastry brush to
one for the night owls at brush oil into 9-inch circle in center of
midnight, when we all get rimmed baking sheet. Place naan on top
that new chance. A chance of oil on baking sheet.
to “start again,” refresh, n Use back of small spoon to spread
pesto over naan, leaving 1/2-inch border
renew, revamp. When we around edge. Sprinkle cheese over pesto,
wonder what’s in store for then sprinkle tomatoes over cheese.
each of us in the brand new Place baking sheet in oven and bake until
year. There’s something naan is golden brown around edges, 8 to
10 minutes.
rather glorious in it, I’ve n Use oven mitts to remove baking sheet
always felt. from oven. Place baking sheet on cooling
Yes, we still wear silly rack and let cool for 5 minutes.
hats and play “Auld Lang n Use spatula to carefully transfer naan
to cutting board (baking sheet will be
Syne.” And every person hot). Use chef’s knife or pizza wheel to
there clinks glasses with, cut naan into wedges. Serve.
and hugs, every other Nutrition information per serving: 273
loved one there. It seems a calories; 122 calories from fat; g fat ( g
good way to launch a new saturated; g trans fats); mg cholesterol;
mg sodium; 27 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber;
chance. 3 g sugar; 11 g protein.
Of course, food is always
part of the celebration. This Parmesan artichoke cheesecake “clock” helps countdown to midnight.
Here are some treats that
may sound tempting for
your version of New Year’s
Eve. Party hat cupcakes or
a clockface Parmesan arti-
We packed tons
choke cheesecake embrace
the theme. The savory
of flavor into our
cheesecake is a marriage
of flavors, with a crunch to
spinach dip with herbs
go along with its creamy BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN
Whatever you eat Dec. pinach dip can feel like the
31, and however you spend responsible, healthy choice on
the year-end and dawn of an appetizer buffet, but that
the new year, may your doesn’t mean it has to be bland or
2019 be delicious. New Year’s Eve party hat cupcakes are a Savory Samosa cups can be ready in boring. For a spinach dip to really
See New Year, 6B sweet addition to the celebration. little more than half an hour. taste good, we found that both the
ingredients and the method were
See Spinach dip, 6B
ncredibly rich and impossibly moist, smooth texture. Vanilla percent bittersweet chocolate;
smooth, flourless chocolate and espresso powder under- our favorite brands are Ghirar-
cake is elegant, refined and scored the chocolate flavor and delli and Callebaut. To slice, dip
universally beloved. But recipes deepened its impact. a sharp knife in very hot water
for this intense, deeply choco- Ensuring a crack-free sur- and wipe dry before and after
late dessert typically require face was as easy as straining each cut.
complicated techniques. Our and resting the batter before
take on this indulgent cake min- tapping out bubbles that rose to Vanilla and
imizes fuss without sacrificing the surface. Baking the cake in
Servings: 10-12
flavor or texture. a low oven produced a perfectly Start to finish: 1 hour 45 minutes powder
(plus at least 6 hours to chill) enhance the
We began by gently melting smooth top. flavor of this
chocolate and butter in the This cake needs to chill for 12 ounces bittersweet chocolate, flourless
microwave before incorporating at least six hours, so we recom- broken into 1-inch pieces chocolate
the remaining ingredients. In mend making it the day before 16 tablespoons unsalted butter cake.
the absence of flour, we called serving. An accurate oven ther- See Cake, 6B Joe Keller/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
6B Wednesday, DECEMBER 26, 2018 The Dispatch •
New Year
Continued from Page 5B
zig-zag along bottom base of each hat;
PARMESAN ARTICHOKE n Turn off oven, open oven door, and
allow cheesecake to remain in oven for immediately cover with sprinkles. Let dry
CHEESECAKE 15 more minutes.
n Remove cheesecake from water bath
on waxed paper, about 8-10 hours.
n Bake cupcakes. Prepare cake batter
COUNTDOWN CLOCK and allow it to cool at room temperature
for an hour. Refrigerate at least 4 hours
following recipe instructions. Bake and
cool cupcakes in black cupcake liners.
Prep time: 30 minutes
Total time: 1 hour, 10 minutes or up to several days. n Decorate cupcakes. Prepare 2 recipes
n Remove from springform pan and set buttercream icing following recipe instruc-
1 pound ground beef on a serving platter. tions. Prepare disposable decorating
1 packet taco seasoning n Stir black food coloring into the bag with Wilton tip 1M and white icing.
40 Town House Sea Salt Pretzel Thins reserved 2 ounces of cream cheese and Pipe rosette on each cupcake; top each
1/4 cup butter put it in a pastry bag fitted with a No. 3 cupcake with cone hat.
1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese* pastry tip. Pipe on 1 through 12 onto the (Source:
16 ounces (2 blocks) cream cheese, round cheesecake in a clock sequence.
softened and divided n Change tips and put a No. 6 tip on the
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese*
pastry bag. Pipe on hands of the clock.
Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serve
Prep time: 20 minutes
6 cloves roasted garlic minced with crackers. Total time: 35 minutes
1 whole egg *I popped my cheesecake in the freezer
and will thaw it on New Year’s Eve before 8 to 12 servings
1 egg yolk
the party.
1/2 teaspoon salt plus more, to taste 1 1/4 pounds ground turkey YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
2 - 10 or 12 ounce jars marinated arti- (Source: Bath Jackson Klosterboer, hun-
Sudoku 1/4 cup finely chopped onion YESTERDAY’S
chokes 1 teaspoon minced garlic
Pepper, to taste Sudoku is a number-
1 teaspoon curry powder placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
8 9 7 1 5 2 4 6 3
*Being the Parmesan flavor is very
pronounced in this cheesecake I highly NEW YEAR’S PARTY 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 6 5 4 7 3 9 2 1 8
the springform pan. hats. Holding a cone at tip, dip it into cup and onion is translucent, about 10 min-
n Bake 8-10 minutes until crust starts to of water, leaving 2-1/2 inches of cone at utes. Season with garlic, curry powder,
brown around edge of the pan. tip dry. Hold for 10 seconds. Using knife, turmeric. Add salt and pepper to taste.
n Cut two ounces of cream cheese off trim cone at water line. Repeat for 24 n Preheat oven to 375 F. Grease two
one block and reserve for later. hats. 12-cup muffin tins with nonstick cooking
n Clean food processor bowl, and place n Place desired sprinkles in shallow spray.
remaining 14 ounces of cream cheese bowls or plates. Using spatula, lightly n Line each of the muffin cups with one
inside. Pulse until creamy and smooth. ice cones with royal icing; immediately wonton wrapper. Add 1 tablespoon of
Add the sour cream, Parmesan cheese, coat in sprinkles until cone is completely meat filling to each cup. Top with a small
roasted garlic, egg, egg yolk and salt. covered. Set on waxed paper to dry, about sprinkle of cheese.
Pulse until well combined. Add artichokes, 1 hour. n Repeat process by placing another
and pulse until chunky. Add more salt and n Using black icing color, tint 1/4 cup wonton wrapper atop the cheese in each
pepper to taste. royal icing black. Prepare a 12-inch dis- cup. Divide remaining meat mixture
n Pour cheesecake filling over crust and posable decorating bag with Wilton icing among the 24 cups. Divide remaining
spread into an even layer. Wrap bottom of tip 1 and black royal icing. Pipe messages cheese among the cups.
springform pan in tin foil. Set in the 9-by- on cones (Cheers, NYE, 2019). Let dry, n Bake 8 to 11 minutes until cheese is
13-inch baking pan, set it in the hot oven, about 30 minutes. melted and wonton wrappers are crisp.
pour hot water into baking pan, being n Prepare 12-inch disposable decorating Serve immediately, garnishing with
careful to not spill any into the cheese- bag with icing tip 16. Pipe tops of hats; chopped cilantro and/or fruit salsa.
cake. Bake 40 minutes. immediately cover with sprinkles. Pipe (Source:
Spinach dip
Continued from Page 5B
We packed tons of spinach, thawed and squeezed
flavor into our spinach dry
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
dip with herbs, red bell fine
pepper, scallions, garlic, 1/2 cup sour cream
and even a little kick of 1/2 cup mayonnaise
hot sauce. For the mixing 1/2 cup fresh parsley leaves
method, we used the food 3 scallions, sliced thin
1 tablespoon fresh dill or 1
processor to help distrib- teaspoon dried
ute the spinach evenly 1 garlic clove, minced
throughout the dip. 1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
This method also Salt and pepper
made it easy to add other
n Process all ingredients
flavors to the dip for our with 1/2 teaspoon salt and
creative variations. The 1/4 teaspoon pepper in food
garlic must be minced processor until well combined,
or pressed before going about 1 minute. Transfer
into the food processor or to serving bowl, cover, and
refrigerate until flavors have
the dip will contain large blended, at least 1 hour.
chunks of garlic. Serve Season with salt and pepper
with crudites. to taste before serving.
Nutrition information per
serving: 179 calories; 153
HERBED SPINACH DIP calories from fat; 17 g fat (4
Servings: 4-6 g saturated; 0 g trans fats);
Start to finish: 1 hour 16 mg cholesterol; 425 mg Joe Keller/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
sodium; 4 g carbohydrate; 1 g Herbs, red bell pepper, scallions, garlic and hot sauce
10 ounces frozen chopped fiber; 2 g sugar; 2 g protein. give this spinach dip a kick. ACROSS
1 Galoot
7 Skilled
11 Draw forth
12 Yuletide
13 Weather-chang-
Continued from Page 5B ing current
6 large eggs Let chocolate mixture cool for counter for 10 minutes to al- least 6 hours or up to 2 days. 14 Line of symmetry
1 cup (7 ounces) sugar 5 minutes. low air bubbles to rise to top. Remove sides of pan and slide 15 Alaskan peak
1/2 cup water n Whisk eggs, sugar, water, Use tines of fork to gently pop thin metal spatula between 17 Urban fleet
1 tablespoon cornstarch cornstarch, vanilla, espresso any air bubbles that have risen cake bottom and pan bottom 20 Skeleton makeup
1 tablespoon vanilla extract powder, and salt in large bowl to surface. Bake until edges to loosen, then slide cake 23 In the past
1 teaspoon instant espresso until thoroughly combined, are set and center jiggles onto platter. Let cake stand 24 Move worm-style
powder about 30 seconds. Whisk slightly when cake is shaken at room temperature for 30 26 Price addition
1/2 teaspoon salt in chocolate mixture until gently, 45 to 50 minutes. minutes before serving. 27 Concealed
smooth and slightly thickened, n Let cake cool in pan on wire Nutrition information per 28 Backgammon
n Adjust oven rack to middle about 45 seconds. Strain rack for 5 minutes; run thin
position and heat oven to 275 batter through fine-mesh knife around edge of pan to serving: 460 calories; 318
F. Spray 9-inch springform strainer into prepared pan, loosen cake. Let cake cool on calories from fat; 36 g fat (21 29 Series unit
pan with vegetable oil spray. pressing against strainer with rack until barely warm, about g saturated; 1 g trans fats); 31 It’s pressed for
Microwave chocolate and rubber spatula or back of ladle 30 minutes. Cover cake tightly 178 mg cholesterol; 158 mg cash
4 Lab liquids ownership
butter in bowl at 50 percent to help batter pass through. with plastic wrap, poke small sodium; 38 g carbohydrate; 32 Budget amounts
5 Freshener scent 25 Free
power, stirring occasionally, Gently tap pan on counter to hole in top, and refrigerate 4 g fiber; 30 g sugar; 7 g 33 Colors
6 School on the 30 Accent
until melted, about 4 minutes. release air bubbles; let sit on until cold and firmly set, at protein. 34 Axle gunk
Thames 33 Liner parts
37 Beat, but barely
7 Counterpart 35 Cracked
39 Wolf’s cousin
8 December 26, in 36 Reasonable
43 Fellows
England 37 Meringue ingre-
44 Turkey’s capital
9 Island gift dient
45 Rubies and
10 Golf’s Ernie 38 Expected
16 Tolerate 40 “Krazy —”
46 Sat for a spell
17 Provide food for 41 “You — Here”
18 Clearly stunned 42 Young fellow
19 Ring setting
1 Worker, for one
21 Superior group
2 Suffering
22 Appears
3 Pink Lady ingre-
24 Question of
Log cabin
distance of 40.43 feet
to a set iron pin; thence The Dispatch
ing the sums due there- Range 17 West,
under, together with at- Lowndes Wednesday,
County, Mis- December
sell, at the south east
front door of 2018 7B
run along said North ROAD, 212.5 FEET TO torney's fees, trustee's sissippi and containing County Courthouse, 505
right of way line and be- THE POINT OF BEGIN- fees and expense of 1.32 acres, more or 2nd Ave. North at
ing along a curve to the NING, RUN THENCE sale. less, together with a Columbus, Mississippi,
right having a radius of SOUTH 87 DEGREES 30 perpetual and perman- for cash to the highest
2425.42 feet and a MINUTES EAST ALONG NOW, THEREFORE, I, ent non-easement for in- bidder, the following de-
chord bearing and dis- THE NORTH RIGHT-OF- Shapiro & Massey, LLC, gress and egress over scribed land and prop-
tance of North 58 de- WAY LINE OF SAID HIL- Substituted Trustee in the following described erty situated in Lowndes
grees 52 minutes 24
seconds West, 93.57
FEET; THENCE NORTH Phone: 662.328.2424
said deed of trust, will land, to-wit:
on January 2, 2019 of- at the Northwest center wit:
Beginning County, Mississippi, to-
FEET, MORE OR LESS, legal hours (being Quarter (NE ¼) of the
North right of way line TO A CORNER FENCE between the hours of NW 1/4) of Fractional Northwest Quarter (NW
run North 23 degrees POST; THENCE NORTH 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Section 17, Township ¼) of Section 9, Town-
44 minutes 50 seconds
East for a distance of
MINUTES WEST ALONG P.O. Box 511 • 516 Main Street
p.m.), at the Southeast 20 South, Range 17
Door of the County West, Lowndes County, 17 West, Lowndes
ship 18 South, Range
MINUTES EAST, 137 lows:
East for a distance of to the highest and best feet; thence South 79
126.01 feet to the Point BEGINNING, CONTAIN- bidder for cash or certi- degrees 15 minutes Beginning at the Northw-
Beginning and con-
to change.) SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S ING 0.5 ACRE, MORE fied funds the following East 344.5 feet to the est corner of the South-
taining 0.78 acres, NOTICE4 Lines/6
OF SALE Days ...................
OR LESS, AND BEING $19.20 6 Days ......................................
described property $12.00
situ- point4of Lines/1
east Quarter of the
more or less.
4 Lines/12 Days
................. $31.20 12 Days....................................
ated in Lowndes$18.00 thence South 00 de-
4 Lines/3
Southwest Quarter of
WHEREAS, on June 26, SOUTHEAST QUARTER County, State of Missis- grees 25 minutes West Section 4, Township 18
For Placing/Canceling Classified Line to theAds: Over 6 lines is $1 per additional line.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S Title above de- 2009, 4 Lines/26 DaysOF.................
Christopher B. SECTION 12,$46.80 TOWN- sippi, to-wit: 252.0 feet;
North Price
includes21 2 FREE
South, Range 17 West,
Sunday Paper Deadline NOTICE is Thursday
OF SALE 3:00scribed
P.M. property is be- Wittke, a single person, SHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE Six lines or less, consecutive days. 81 degrees Lowndes County,Sale
Rate applies to commercial
lieved to be good, but I executed a deed of trust 18 WEST, LOWNDES operations Lot One(1) ofnon-commer-
an unre- minutessigns.West RAIN 344.5 GUARANTEE:
sissippi, run thence If it
Monday Paper Deadline is Friday 12:00 P.M.
WHEREAS, on Septem- will convey only such andofmerchandise
for the benefit Mort- overMISSISSIPPI.
$1,000. Rate applies to private party ads of feet; thence South 00 of your
00 degrees
Tuesday Paper Deadline ber 30,is2010,
Monday A. Reno 12:00 P.M.
title as vested in me as gage Electronic Regis-
cial nature for merchandise
corded subdivision
as Kincade Must degreesrains
$1,000.Land- the day
25 minutes
we will55
minutes West, a dis-
Burr and Shirley
Wednesday Paper Deadline is Tuesday 12:00 P.M. M. Burr Substitute Trustee. tration Systems,Call 328-2424
Inc., SAME for rates
PROP- include price in ad. 1
ing, ITEM
described PER AD.
as fol- East re-run
337.0 you
feet; ad
thence the next
tance week
of 834.5FREE!
feet; run
executed a Deed of as nominee for Theadditional
Cit- ERTY CONVEYEDlines. BY lows:
No pets, firewood, etc. South 21 You must call
degrees 00 to request
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82 de-
Thursday Paper Deadline is Wednesday 12:00 P.M.
Trust to J. Patrick Cald- WITNESS my signature izens National Bank of DEED RECORDED IN Beginning at the Northw- minutes West 57.0 grees 55 minutes East,
Friday Paper Deadline well is
Trustee for the 12:00onP.M. this 10th day of Meridian, its suc- DEED BOOK 517 AT est corner of the South- feet; thence Northeast- a distance of 20.0 feet
benefit of Bancorp-
South be
Trust to
December, 2018.
which Deed3 business days
recorded /s/ Scot date
P. Goldsholl, Advertisements must be paid for in advance.
cessors and assigns, PAGE 343, AND BY
which deed of trust was CORRECTION DEED RE-
recorded on June 29, CORDED IN DEED BOOK
east Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SE
erly along the
water level of the
1/4 of NW 1/4) of Frac- Aliceville Pool 30 feet;
normal to an iron pin on the
East right of way of a
paved road; run thence
as/in Book 2010, Page Substitute Trustee
20794 in the Office of 1501 N. University Av- You may cancel at any time during regular business hours and receive a refund for days not published.
2009, in Book 2009,
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grees 00 minutes West minutes West, along
• Please read your ad onthe the first dayClerk
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enue, Suite 930 fice of the Chancery OF SAID COUNTY. 17 West, Lowndes 40.0 feet; thence North said East right of way, a
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/s/ James L. DeLoach
79 degrees15 minutes
East along the North
pin; run thence South
Municipal Address: 853 82 degrees 55 minutes
al Trustee, as author- PROSPECT BUILDING, Meridian, its suc- McCalla Raymer Leibert right of way of a 50 foot Kincade Road, Colum- East, a distance of
Legal Notices 0010 ized
Legalby the 0010
Notices terms there- SUITE 930 0010
Legal Notices cessors and0010
Legal Notices assigns, to Pierce, LLC0010
Legal Notices Legal Notices 0010 roadway feet; thence bus,
Legal Notices Legal MS
Notices397020010 464.4 feet 0010
Legal Notices to an iron
of, as evidenced by an LITTLE ROCK, AR JPMorgan Chase Bank, North 00 degrees 25 Tax Parcel Number: pin on the West bound-
SUBSTITUTED TRUST- instrument recorded in 72207 National Association, by Substitute Trustee IN THE CHANCERY minutes East 295 feet; 92W210003000 ary line of LaBelle Es-
EE'S NOTICE OF SALE Book 2018, Page Ph: (501) 664-4808 instrument dated 299 South 9th Street COURT OF LOWNDES thence North 79 de- tates Subdivision; run
24834 in the Office of Fax: (501) 664-0631 December 21, 2017, Oxford, MS 38655 COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI grees 15 minutes West I WILL CONVEY only thence North 00 de-
WHEREAS, on Decem- the Chancery Clerk of Mickel Case No. and recorded on Janu- (770)643-2148 75 feet; thence South such title as vested in grees 55 minutes East,
ber 8, 2000, Bernard Lowndes County, Mis- 104040-1 ary 9, 2018, in Book IN THE MATTER OF THE 00 degrees 25 minutes me as Substituted along the West bound-
Cunningham and sissippi; and [email protected] MORT 2018, Page 545 File No.: 5302518 ESTATE OF LORENA A. West along the East Trustee. ary line of said LaBelle
Tameko S. Cunningham om of the records of the PRUDEN, DECEASED side of before said 30 Estate Subdivision, a
executed a certain deed WHEREAS, default hav- aforesaid Chancery PUBLISH: 12/26/2018, foot roadway 201.9 feet WITNESS MY SIGNA- distance of 142.0 feet
of trust to Charles G. ing been made in the PUBLISH: 12/19/2018, Clerk; and 01/02/2019, CAUSE NO. 2018-0249 the Point of Beginning, TURE on this 6th day of to an iron pin; run
Perkins, Trustee for the terms and conditions of 12/26/2018 & 01/09/2019 containing 0.5 acres, November, 2018. thence North 82 de-
benefit of BankFirst Fin- said Deed of Trust, and 1/2/2019 WHEREAS, JPMorgan FLOYD E. PRUDEN, JR., more or less, together grees 55 minutes West,
ancial Services which the entire debt secured Chase Bank, National IN THE CHANCERY EXECUTOR with a perpetual, non-ex- Shapiro & Massey, LLC a distance of 465.1 feet
deed of trust is of re- thereby having been de- SUBSTITUTED TRUST- Association, the holder COURT OF LOWNDES clusive easement for in- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE to the initial point of
cord in the office of the clared to be due and EE’S NOTICE OF SALE of the deed of trust, COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI NOTICE TO CREDITORS gress and egress this description, and
Chancery Clerk of payable, and the legal substituted McCalla across the following de- Shapiro & Massey, LLC containing 1.51 acres,
Lowndes County, State holder of said indebted- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Raymer Leibert Pierce, IN THE MATTER OF THE Letters Testamentary scribed property: Begin- 1080 River Oaks Drive more or less.
of Mississippi in Book ness, BancorpSouth COUNTY OF Lowndes LLC as Trustee, as au- ESTATE OF GLADYS ER- have been granted and ning at the Northwest Suite B-202
1349 at Page 265; and Bank, having requested thorized by the terms MAGENE ROGERS, DE- issued to FLOYD E. corner of the East half Flowood, MS 39232 I will only convey such
the undersigned Substi- WHEREAS, on the 22nd thereof, by instrument CEASED PRUDEN, JR., Executor of the West half (E 1/2 (601) 981-9299 title as is vested in me
WHEREAS, Bank of tute Trustee to execute day of August, 2012, recorded on November of the Estate of LORENA of W 1/2) of Fractional as Substitute Trustee.
America, N.A. has here- the trust and sell said Jerome Richardson and 19, 2018, and spread NO. 2018-0254-C A. PRUDEN, deceased, Section 17, Township 853 Kincade Road
tofore substituted Sha- land and property in ac- Laura Richardson, Hus- at large upon the re- by the Chancery Court 20 South, Range 17 Columbus, MS 39702 WITNESS MY SIGNA-
piro & Massey, LLC as cordance with the terms band and Wife, ex- cords in the office of MICHAEL DALE LEE, EX- of Lowndes County, Mis- West, Lowndes County, 18-022583MS TURE, this 7th day of
Trustee by instrument of said Deed of Trust for ecuted and delivered a the aforesaid Chancery ECUTOR sissippi, on the 27th Mississippi; thence December, 2018.
dated August 11, 2016 the purpose of raising certain Deed of Trust Clerk in Book 2018, day of November, 2018. South 00 degrees 25 Publication Dates: Dean Morris, LLC
and recorded in the the sums due thereun- unto Nations Direct Title Page 24479, prior to NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is to give notice to minutes West, for a dis- December 5, 12, 19 Substitute Trustee
aforesaid Chancery der, together with attor- Agency, LLC, Trustee for the posting and publica- all persons having tance of 2170 feet to and 26, 2018 855 S Pear Orchard
Clerk's Office in Book ney's fees, Substitute Mortgage Electronic Re- tion of this notice; and Letters Testamentary claims against said es- the US Army Corps of Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg.
MORT 2016 at Page Trustee's fees and ex- gistration Systems, Inc. have been granted and tate to Probate and Re- Engineers easement SUBSTITUTED TRUST- 400
19208; and penses of sale. as nominee for Platin- WHEREAS, default hav- issued to Michael Dale gister same with the line; thence Easterly EE’S NOTICE OF SALE Ridgeland, MS 39157
um Mortgage, Inc., Be- ing been made in the Lee, Executor of the Es- Chancery Clerk of along said easement (318) 330-9020
WHEREAS, default hav- NOW, THEREFORE, I, neficiary, to secure an terms and conditions of tate of Gladys Er- Lowndes County, Mis- line 30 feet; thence STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
ing been made in the Scot P. Goldsholl, Sub- indebtedness therein the deed of trust, and magene Rogers, de- sissippi, within ninety North 00 degrees 25 COUNTY OF Lowndes adp/F14-1801
terms and conditions of stitute Trustee, will on described, which Deed the entire debt secured ceased, by the Chan- (90) days from this minutes East 2030 feet
said deed of trust and January 9, 2019, offer of Trust is recorded in thereby having been de- cery Court of Lowndes date. A failure to so Pro- to the beginning of a WHEREAS, on the 21st PUBLISH: 12/12/2018,
the entire debt secured for sale at public outcry the office of the Chan- clared to be due and County, Mississippi, on bate and Register said curve to the right; day of May, 2007, 12/19/2018 &
thereby having been de- to the highest bidder for cery Clerk of Lowndes payable in accordance the 7 day of December, claim will forever bar the thence Northeasterly Tiffany J. Eaves, a 12/26/2018
clared to be due and cash, within legal hours County, Mississippi in with the terms of the 2018. This is to give no- same. along said curve for 125 single woman, ex-
payable in accordance (between the hours of Mort Book 2012 at deed of trust, and the tice to all persons hav- feet to a point that is ecuted and delivered a
with the terms of said 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Page 21204; and legal holder of said in- ing claims against said THIS the 30th day of 40 feet South of the certain Deed of Trust Building & Remodeling 1120
deed of trust, Bank of p.m.) at the front door debtedness, JPMorgan estate to Probate and November, 2018. North side of said East unto Julie Brown, Trust-
America, N.A., the legal of the Lowndes County WHEREAS, by various Chase Bank, National Register same with the half of the West half (E ee for Southeast Fund- HOME REPAIRS & CON-
holder of said indebted- Courthouse in Colum- assignments on record Association, has re- Chancery Clerk of /s/ Floyd E. Pruden, Jr. 1/2 of W 1/2); thence ing, Inc., Beneficiary, to STRUCTION WORK
said Deed of Trust was quested the under- Lowndes County, Mis- secure an indebted- WANTED. Carpentry,
ness, having requested bus, Lowndes County, FLOYD E. PRUDEN, JR., South 87 degrees 00
the undersigned Substi- Mississippi, the follow- ultimately assigned to signed Substitute Trust- sissippi, within ninety Executor minutes East 3250 feet ness therein described, small concrete jobs,
ing-described property: PennyMac Loan Ser- ee to execute the trust (90) days from this parallel with said North which Deed of Trust is electrical, plumbing,
tuted Trustee to ex-
ecute the trust and sell vices, LLC by instru- and sell said land, prop- date. A failure to so Pro- PUBLISH: 12/12, side to the West side of recorded in the office of roof repairs, pressure
INDEXING INSTRUC- ment recorded in the of- erty and improvements bate and Register said the Chancery Clerk of washing and mobile
said land and property 12/19, & 12/26/2018 a county road; thence home roof coating and
in accordance with the TIONS: NE 1/4 S 8 Twp fice of the aforesaid in accordance with the claim will forever bar the Northwesterly along Lowndes County, Mis-
18 S R 17 W Chancery Clerk in MORT terms of the deed of same. SUBSTITUTED TRUST- said county road to the sissippi in Mortgage underpinning. No job
terms of said deed of too small. 549-7031.
trust and for the pur- Book 2014 at Page trust for the purpose of EE'S NOTICE OF SALE North side of said East Book 2007 at Page
pose of raising the A tract or parcel of land 20048; and raising the sums due THIS the 7 day of Half of West Half (E 1/2 14922; and
sums due thereunder, located in the Northw- thereunder, together December, 2018. WHEREAS, on March of W 1/2); thence North
together with attorney's est Quarter of the North- WHEREAS, on the 7th with attorney's fees, 10, 2008, Roy Joseph 87 degree 00 minutes WHEREAS, on the 28th SUGGS CONSTRUCTION
day of November, 2018 /s/ Michael Dale Lee Evans and Donna Taylor day of October, 2013, Building, remodeling,
fees, trustee's fees and east Quarter of Section Substitute Trustee’s West 3310 feet along
expense of sale. 8, Township 18 South, the Holder of said Deed fees and expenses of Michael Dale Lee Evans, husband and said North side to the the Holder of said Deed metal roofing, painting
of Trust substituted and sale; wife executed a certain point of beginning, to- of Trust filed a Loan & all home repairs.
Range 17 West,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lowndes County, Mis- appointed Dean Morris, OF COUNSEL: deed of trust to Thomas gether with a perpetual, Modification Agreement 662-242-3471
Shapiro & Massey, LLC, sissippi; and being LLC as Substitute Trust- THEREFORE, on Janu- F. Vetters, Trustee for non-exclusive ease- of Deed of Trust by in-
Substituted Trustee in more particularly de- ee by instrument recor- ary 16, 2019, the un- William F. Gillis (MSB the benefit of Mortgage ment for ingress and strument recorded in Tom Hatcher, LLC
said deed of trust, will scribed as follows: Com- ded in the office of the dersigned Substitute 4854) Electronic Registration egress across the fol- the office of the afore- Custom Construction,
on January 16, 2019 of- mencing at the accep- aforesaid Chancery Trustee in the deed of Crowell Gillis & Cooper, Systems, Inc. as nomin- lowing described prop- said Chancery Clerk of Restoration, Remodel-
fer for sale at public ted Northeast Corner of Clerk in MORT Book trust, will offer for sale PLLC ee for GMFS, LLC, it's erty; Beginning at the Court in Mort Book ing, Repair, Insurance
outcry and sell within the Northwest Quarter 2018 at Page 24194; at public outcry and sell Post Office Box 1827 successors and as- Northwest corner of the 2013 at Page 29423; claims. 662-364-1769.
legal hours (being of the Northeast Quarter and to the highest bidder for Columbus, MS 39703 signs which deed of Southeast Quarter of and Licensed & Bonded
between the hours of of Section 8, Township cash, within legal hours PHONE: (662) 243- trust is of record in the the Northwest Quarter
11:00 a.m. and 4:00 18 South, Range 17 WHEREAS, default hav- (being between the 7329 office of the Chancery (SE 1/4 of NW 1/4) of WHEREAS, by various
p.m.), at the Southeast West, Lowndes County, ing been made in the hours of 11:00 a.m. FAX: (662) 328-6890 Clerk of Lowndes Section 17, Township assignments on record General Services 1360
Door of the County Mississippi; thence run payments of the in- and 4:00 p.m.) at the [email protected] County, State of Missis- 20 South, Range 17 said Deed of Trust was
debtedness secured by Southeast front door of sippi in Book 2008 at West, Lowndes County, ultimately assigned to MUSIC THEORY LES-
Courthouse of Lowndes North 67 degrees 29
County, located at 505 minutes 05 seconds the said Deed of Trust, the Lowndes County PUBLISH: 12/12, Page 7787; and Mississippi; thence run LPP Mortgage LTD by in- SONS
West, along an existing and the holder of said Courthouse in Colum- 12/19, & 12/26/2018 strument recorded in $25 per hour
2nd Avenue North, East 30.0 feet to a Chords, Scales, Modes
Columbus, MS 39701, fence line, for a dis- Deed of Trust, having re- bus, Mississippi, the
WHEREAS, Carrington point; run thence South the office of the afore- & more! Call Jimbo @
to the highest and best tance of 767.22 feet to quested the under- following described Mortgage Services, LLC 00 degrees 25 minutes said Chancery Clerk in
signed so to do, on the land, property and im- COURT OF LOWNDES has heretofore substi- Mortgage Book 2010 at 662-364-1687
bidder for cash or certi- a found iron pipe; COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI West 93.1 feet to the If no answer leave
fied funds the following thence run South 22 de- 2nd day of January, provements lying and tuted Shapiro & Mas- point of beginning; run Page 7625; and
2019, I will during the sey, LLC as Trustee by voicemail or text.
described property situ- grees 14 minutes 40 being situate in IN RE: THE ESTATE OF thence South 79 de-
ated in Lowndes minutes West for a dis- lawful hours of between Lowndes County, Mis- JACK HAMMONS WHITE,
instrument dated April grees 15 minutes East WHEREAS, on the 21st
County, State of Missis- tance of 472.53 feet to 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 sissippi, to-wit: 9, 2018 and recorded 525.0 feet to a point; day of November, 2018
sippi, to-wit: the Point of Beginning p.m., at public outcry, in the aforesaid Chan- run thence North 00 de- the Holder of said Deed way, foundation, con-
of the herein described offer for sale and will FROM THE SOUTHW- cery Clerk's Office in grees 25 minutes East of Trust substituted and
Lot Thirty-Eight (38) of tract of land; thence sell, at the south east EST CORNER OF THE
EMILIE CUNNINGHAM Book MORT2018 at 289.6 feet to a point; appointed Dean Morris, crete, masonry restora-
WHITE, EXECUTRIX tion, remodeling, base-
and in Roanoke Es- continue South 22 de- front door of Lowndes SOUTHEAST QUARTER Page 7793; and run thence South 67 de- LLC as Substitute Trust- ment foundation, re-
tates, a subdivision of grees 14 minutes 40 County Courthouse, 505 OF THE SOUTHEAST grees 10 minutes East ee by instrument recor-
Lowndes County, Mis- seconds West for a dis- 2nd Ave. North at QUARTER OF SECTION
CAUSE NO. 2018-0204- WHEREAS, default hav-
54.1 feet to a point; ded in the office of the pairs, small dump truck
B ing been made in the aforesaid Chancery hauling (5-6 yd) load &
sissippi, as per map or tance of 275.58 feet to Columbus, Mississippi, 12, TOWNSHIP 19 thence South 00 de- demolition/lot cleaning.
plat thereof duly recor- a set iron pin on the for cash to the highest SOUTH, RANGE 18 terms and conditions of grees 25 minutes West Clerk in Mort Book
NOTICE TO CREDITORS said deed of trust and 2018 at Page 25073; Burr Masonry
ded in Plat Book 4 at North right of way line of bidder, the following de- WEST, LOWNDES 619.54 feet to a point; 662-242-0259.
Page 32 in the Chan- Tabernacle Road [SAP scribed land and prop- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI; STATE OF MISSISSIPPI the entire debt secured run thence South 77 de- and
cery Clerk's Office of No. 44-(4)]; thence run erty situated in Lowndes RUN THENCE NORTH thereby having been de- grees 15 minutes West
Lowndes County, Mis- North 59 degrees 48 County, Mississippi, to- ALONG THE CENTER- clared to be due and 51.2 feet to a point; run WHEREAS, default hav- WORK WANTED:
sissippi. Subject to all minutes 51 seconds wit: LINE OF HUGHES ROAD, Letters Testamentary payable in accordance thence North 00 de- ing been made in the Licensed & Bonded-car-
drainage and utility West, along said North 25 FEET; THENCE have been granted and
with the terms of said grees 25 minutes East payments of the in- pentry, painting, & de-
easements as reflected right of way line, for a Lot Number Nine (9) of SOUTH 87 DEGREES 30 deed of trust, Carring- 28.88 feet to a point; debtedness secured by molition. Landscaping,
issued to the under-
and shown on said plat, distance of 40.43 feet and in The Downs, a MINUTES EAST ALONG signed upon the Estate ton Mortgage Services, run thence North 79 de- the said Deed of Trust, gutters cleaned, bush
to a set iron pin; thence subdivision in and to THE NORTH RIGHT-OF- LLC, the legal holder of and the holder of said
and, subject further to
the City of Columbus, of Jack Hammons White said indebtedness, hav- grees 15 minutes West Deed of Trust, having re- hogging, clean-up work,
the restrictive coven- run along said North WAY LINE OF HILDRETH II, Deceased, by the 525.0 feet to a point; pressure washing, mov-
ants and conditions ap- right of way line and be- Lowndes County, Mis- ROAD, 212.5 FEET TO ing requested the under- thence North 00 de- quested the under- ing help & furniture
Chancery Court of signed Substituted signed so to do, on the repair. 662-242-3608
plicable to said subdivi- ing along a curve to the sissippi, as shown by THE POINT OF BEGIN- Lowndes County, Mis- grees 25 minutes East
sion duly recorded in right having a radius of the map or plat thereof NING, RUN THENCE Trustee to execute the 50.8 feet to the point of 2nd day of January,
Deed Book 694 at Page 2425.42 feet and a of record in Subdivision SOUTH 87 DEGREES 30 sissippi on the 15th day trust and sell said land beginning, all lying in 2019, I will during the
298 in the Chancery chord bearing and dis- Plat Book No. 2 at Page MINUTES EAST ALONG of October, 2018. This and property in accord- the Northwest Quarter lawful hours of between Lawn Care / Landscaping
is to give notice to all
Clerk's office of tance of North 58 de- 61, in the Chancery THE NORTH RIGHT-OF- persons having claims
ance with the terms of (NW 1/4) of Section 17, 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 1470
Lowndes County, Mis- grees 52 minutes 24 Clerk’s Office of WAY LINE OF SAID HIL- against said estate to said deed of trust and Township 20 South, p.m., at public outcry,
sissippi. seconds West, 93.57 Lowndes County, Mis- DRETH ROAD, 155 for the purpose of rais- Range 17 West, offer for sale and will JESSE & BEVERLY'S
sissippi. probate and register ing the sums due there- Lowndes County, Mis- sell, at the south east LAWN SERVICE. Mow-
feet, an arc length of FEET; THENCE NORTH same with the Chan-
I WILL CONVEY only 93.57 feet to a set iron 01 DEGREE 30 under, together with at- sissippi and containing front door of Lowndes ing, cleanup, landscap-
cery Clerk of Lowndes torney's fees, trustee's 1.32 acres, more or County Courthouse, 505 ing, sodding, & tree cut-
such title as vested in pin; thence leaving said I will only convey such MINUTES WEST, 140 County, Mississippi,
me as Substituted North right of way line title as is vested in me FEET, MORE OR LESS, fees and expense of less, together with a 2nd Ave. North at ting. 356-6525.
as Substitute Trustee. within 90 (ninety) days sale. Columbus, Mississippi,
Trustee. run North 23 degrees TO A CORNER FENCE from the date of the perpetual and perman-
44 minutes 50 seconds POST; THENCE NORTH ent non-easement for in- for cash to the highest
WITNESS MY SIGNA- East for a distance of WITNESS MY SIGNA- 88 DEGREES 30
first publication. A fail- NOW, THEREFORE, I, gress and egress over bidder, the following de- Painting & Papering 1620
TURE, this 29th day of ure to so probate and Shapiro & Massey, LLC, the following described scribed land and prop-
TURE on this 11th day 250.60 feet to a set MINUTES WEST ALONG register said claim will SULLIVAN'S PAINT
of December, 2018. iron pin; thence run November, 2018. THE FENCE LINE, 155 Substituted Trustee in land, to-wit: Beginning erty situated in Lowndes
forever bar the same. SERVICE
South 70 degrees 02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH said deed of trust, will at the Northwest center County, Mississippi, to- Certified in lead
Shapiro & Massey, LLC minutes 54 seconds Dean Morris, LLC 01 DEGREE 30 on January 2, 2019 of- of the Southeast wit: removal. Offering spe-
Substitute Trustee This the 13th day of fer for sale at public
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE East for a distance of MINUTES EAST, 137 December, 2018. Quarter of the Northw- cial prices on interior &
126.01 feet to the Point 855 S Pear Orchard FEET TO THE POINT OF outcry and sell within est Quarter (SE 1/4 of A part of the Northeast exterior painting, pres-
Shapiro & Massey, LLC of Beginning and con- Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. BEGINNING, CONTAIN- legal hours (being NW 1/4) of Fractional Quarter (NE ¼) of the sure washing & sheet
400 Emilie Cunningham between the hours of Northwest Quarter (NW
1080 River Oaks Drive taining 0.78 acres, ING 0.5 ACRE, MORE White Section 17, Township rock repairs.
Suite B-202 more or less. Ridgeland, MS 39157 OR LESS, AND BEING 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 20 South, Range 17 ¼) of Section 9, Town- Free Estimates
(318) 330-9020 Executrix of the Estate p.m.), at the Southeast West, Lowndes County, ship 18 South, Range
Flowood, MS 39232 LOCATED IN THE of Call 435-6528
Title to the above de- SOUTHEAST QUARTER Door of the County 17 West, Lowndes
(601) 981-9299
adp/F18-0722 Jack Hammons White II, Courthouse of Lowndes Mississippi; thence County, Mississippi,
scribed property is be- OF SECTION 12, TOWN- Deceased East 30 feet; thence
113 Roanoke Circle lieved to be good, but I SHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE County, located at 505 South 00 degrees 25 and being more particu- Plumbing 1680
Columbus, MS 39705 will convey only such PUBLISH: 12/12/2018, 18 WEST, LOWNDES 2nd Avenue North, minutes West 143.9 larly described as fol-
Prepared By: Columbus, MS 39701, feet; thence South 79 lows: ACME, INC.
16-016123MN title as vested in me as 12/19/2018, COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI.
Substitute Trustee. 12/26/2018 to the highest and best degrees 15 minutes Stan McCown
John D. Brady (MSB bidder for cash or certi- Beginning at the Northw- Licensed Plumber
Publication Dates: SAME BEING PROP- #9780) East 344.5 feet to the
December 26, 2018, WITNESS my signature SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S ERTY CONVEYED BY Mitchell McNutt & Sams
fied funds the following point of beginning; est corner of the South- "We fix leaks."
January 2, and 9, 2019 on this 10th day of NOTICE OF SALE DEED RECORDED IN described property situ- thence South 00 de- east Quarter of the 662-386-2915
215 Fifth Street North
December, 2018. DEED BOOK 517 AT Post Office Box 1366
ated in Lowndes grees 25 minutes West Southwest Quarter of
WHEREAS, on June 26, PAGE 343, AND BY County, State of Missis- 252.0 feet; thence Section 4, Township 18
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S /s/ Scot P. Goldsholl, 2009, Christopher B. Columbus, MS 39703- sippi, to-wit: South, Range 17 West,
CORRECTION DEED RE- North 81 degrees 21
NOTICE OF SALE Substitute Trustee Wittke, a single person, CORDED IN DEED BOOK 1366 minutes West 344.5 Lowndes County, Mis-
executed a deed of trust 694 AT PAGE 632, ALL Telephone: Lot One(1) of an unre- sissippi, run thence
1501 N. University Av- 662.328.2316 feet; thence South 00
WHEREAS, on Septem- enue, Suite 930 for the benefit of Mort- IN THE LAND RECORDS [email protected] corded subdivision degrees 25 minutes South 00 degrees 55
ber 30, 2010, A. Reno Little Rock, AR 72207- gage Electronic Regis- OF SAID COUNTY. known as Kincade Land- East 337.0 feet; thence minutes West, a dis-
Burr and Shirley M. Burr 5238 tration Systems, Inc., om ing, described as fol- tance of 834.5 feet; run
South 21 degrees 00
executed a Deed of Telephone No. (501) as nominee for The Cit- I WILL CONVEY only lows: thence South 82 de-
Trust to J. Patrick Cald- 664-4808 izens National Bank of PUBLISH: 12/19/2018, Beginning at the Northw- minutes West 57.0
such title as is vested 12/26/2018, & feet; thence Northeast- grees 55 minutes East,
well as Trustee for the Meridian, its suc- in the Substitute Trust- 1/2/2019 est corner of the South- erly along the normal a distance of 20.0 feet
benefit of Bancorp- THIS DOCUMENT PRE- cessors and assigns, ee. east Quarter of the water level of the to an iron pin on the
South Bank, which Deed PARED BY: which deed of trust was Northwest Quarter (SE Aliceville Pool 30 feet; East right of way of a
of Trust was recorded recorded on June 29, 1/4 of NW 1/4) of Frac- thence North 21 de- paved road; run thence
as/in Book 2010, Page Scot P. Goldsholl 2009, in Book 2009, TURE, this the 30th day tional Section 17, Town- grees 00 minutes West South 00 degrees 55
20794 in the Office of Mickel Law Firm, P.A. Page 15332, in the of- of November, 2018. ship 20 South, Range 40.0 feet; thence North minutes West, along
the Chancery Clerk of fice of the Chancery
1501 N. UNIVERSITY It’s a classified 17 West, Lowndes 00 degrees 25 minutes said East right of way, a
Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi; and
Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi;
/s/ James L. DeLoach
McCalla Raymer Leibert rule-of-thumb:
County, Mississippi;
thence East 30 feet to
the East side of a 30
East 281.0 feet; thence distance of 504.0 feet
North 79 degrees 15 to an iron pin and the
initial point of the prop-
the News
LITTLE ROCK, AR Pierce, LLC minutes West a dis-
WHEREAS, Bancorp- foot roadway and the erty described herein;
South Bank, the holder Ph: (501) 664-4808 WHEREAS, the afore- Substitute Trustee
We tell readers point of beginning;
tance of 30.5 feet to
the point of beginning. run thence South 00 de- Recycle
of said Deed of Trust mentioned Deed of thence South 00 de- Said property is located grees 40 minutes West,
and the Note secured
Fax: (501) 664-0631
Mickel Case No. Trust was assigned by
299 South 9th Street
Oxford, MS 38655
what they need grees 25 minutes West in Lowndes County, Mis- along the said East right this
thereby, substituted Sell idle items
104040-1 Mortgage Electronic Re- (770)643-2148
to know to buy along said East side sissippi. of way line a distance of
Scot P. Goldsholl as
Trustee in place of the
[email protected]
with a quick action
gistration Systems, Inc., Shop
as nominee for The Cit- File No.: 5302518
93.1 feet; thence South
79 degrees15 minutes Municipal Address: 853 pin; run thence South
142.0 feet to an iron NewspapeR
afore-mentioned origin-
classified ad. izens National Bank of Classifieds what they need. East along the North Kincade Road, Colum- 82 degrees 55 minutes
al Trustee, as author- PUBLISH: 12/19/2018, Meridian, its suc- PUBLISH: 12/26/2018, right of way of a 50 foot bus, MS 39702 East, a distance of
ized by the terms there- 12/26/2018 & cessors and assigns, to 01/02/2019, roadway 75 feet; thence Tax Parcel Number: 464.4 feet to an iron
of, as evidenced by an 1/2/2019 JPMorgan Chase Bank, 01/09/2019 North 00 degrees 25 92W210003000 pin on the West bound-
instrument recorded in National Association, by minutes East 295 feet; ary line of LaBelle Es-
8B Wednesday, December 26, 2018 The Dispatch •
Stump Removal 1790 Special Notices 2400 Medical / Dental 3300 Apts For Rent: West 7050 Commercial Property For Houses For Sale: Northside
Rent 7100 8150
ATOR. FCC Testing will King Jr. Dr. West in Enjoy the quiet conveni-
be at West end of Main Starkville. 4,000 sq. ft ence of this partially up-
St @ the 911 Center in building. Call 662-323- dated home. Features
Starkville on Saturday, Apartments 5119. include a wonderful
December 29, 2018 at
9am. For more info call & Houses shaded back yard,
COMMERCIAL PROPER- covered patio, screened
SERVICE 662-324-0745. 1 Bedrooms TIES/Retail/Office porch, raised flower
GET 'ER DONE! beds, and a well for
We can grind all your 2 Bedroooms Spaces starting @
$285/mo. Downtown & duty free watering. Ex-
stumps. Hard to reach General Help Wanted 3200 3 Bedrooms Take down East Columbus loca- tremely spacious and
places, blown over tions. 662-435-4188. reduced to $135,000.
roots, hillsides, back-
yards, pastures. Free
PART TIME OFFICE Furnished & that “for rent”
Call Emily C. Moody for
a private viewing.
estimates. You find it,
needed for Unfurnished square feet. 294 Long & Long, Realtors
we'll grind it!
small church.
1, 2, & 3 Baths sign and get Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- @ 662-328-0770 or
ing terms. Available 662-574-3903.
Monday & Wednesday, Lease, Deposit fast results now. 662-328-8254
Investment Property 8550
Tree Services 1860
16 hours per week.
& Credit Check
Tech and social media with an easy HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
Columbus Office, Retail,
J&A TREE REMOVAL leave msg or text. parking, 1200 ft. shop
Work from a bucket BLUECUTT ESTATES: w/ living area, septic
truck. Insured/bonded. Farm Equipment & Supplies General Merchandise 4600 Pets 5150 3BR/2BA, ch/a, double tank & water meter. No
Call Jimmy for a free es- 4420 Apts For Rent: Other 7080 garage, chain link trailers. $45,000. Call
timate 662-386-6286. APPLE COMPUTERS fenced backyard, newly 662-574-0345.
2016 JOHN Deere Two 2009 iMac com- 1BR/1BA located in His- Apts For Rent: Other 7080 remodeled.
5100E Tractor, 210 puters available. Good toric Downtown Colum- DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA, For Rent: $900/mo. or UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY!
hours. $46,500. working condition. bus, Open space, very For Sale: $115,000. A Stable growth invest-
Also, 2016 15ft Would be good for ba- CH&A, 1 story, W/D, 662-352-4776. ment. FSBO: 72 Acres
VICKERS TREE nice. $650/mo. 662- historic district, 1 block
SERVICE, LLC Kubota Bush hog avail. sic web browsing or CKC REGISTERED Pup- 328-8655. in Webster Co., near
205-329-1790. word processing. 2Ghz; pies! Ready for Christ- from downtown, $625/ Mantee. Mature pines
Tree trimming and re- mo. + $625 dep. NO Houses For Rent: New Hope
moval. Fully insured. 2 GB RAM; 250 GB HD. mas! Call or text for (75yr), hardwoods
Computer and built-in PETS. 662-574-8789. 7130 (50yr), 10ac hay field,
Free estimates. info, 662-305-5584. Peaceful & Quiet area.
*Now Accepting Credit Firewood / Fuel 4450 monitor only; mouse 2BR/1BA located in 2ac pond, w/county
and keyboard not in- 4BR/2BA, 1.25 Acres road frontage/utilities,
& Debit Cards* Historic Downtown Christopher Hills Sub;
Call Curt 662-418-0889 FIREWOOD FOR Sale. cluded. $50 each. Columbus. 2,000 sqft. FIRST FULL MONTH superb potential home
Call 662-574-1561 Business Opportunity 6050 $197K (15K below ap- site & recognized
or 662-549-2902 Various lengths. Hardwood floors RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- praisal). New Hope
“A cut above the rest” 662-295-2274 room Apts/Townhomes. school. 45 minutes to
HISTORIC DOWNTOWN throughout. Open floor. School District. Avail- MSU. 334-277-9744.
VINTAGE BIKE, Can- Columbus: 411 Main Very nice. Incl W&D. Stove & refrigerator. able to rent $1,000/
General Help Wanted 3200 nondale Road Bike, pro- St. Office, Retail, Res- $1200/mo. Call $335-$600 Monthly. mth - must meet minim-
662-328-8655. Credit check & deposit. HUNTING LAND IN
fessionally recondi- taurant Space available. um credit/income re- PICKENS COUNTY, AL
tioned. $275. Call 662- Call 423-333-1124. Coleman Realty, quirements. Military
662-329-2323. 93 acres on County
251-3205. families welcome. Move Road 47 (Gordo 159 to
in ready. Dep $500 plus County Road 47. Turn
JANUARY AVAILABILITY first month’s rent. Hot
1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- (NOW ACCEPTING left & land is on the
Sporting Goods 4720 Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 ments & townhouses. tub, detached apart-
APPLICATIONS) left). Paved road ac-
ment, & large wired
ED SANDERS Gunsmith FOX RUN COMPANY LLC Call for more info. shop. Contact James
cess. Mostly level.
Open for season! 9-5, 1 & 2 BR near hospital. 662-328-8254. Downtown Area- Thompson @ 662-574-
Price: $204,600.
Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat. $595-645/mo. Military 2BR/1BA, CH&A, hard- 6269. Linda Pruett, Keller
Over 50 years experi- discount offered, pet wood, appliances, no Williams Realty Tusca-
ence! Repairs, cleaning, area, pet friendly, and pets, spacious, walk to loosa, 205-657-5330.
refinishing, scopes furnished corporate MUW. NO HUD. GREAT LOCATION to
mounted & zeroed, apartments available. Agent Owned. school, clean, 2BR/ LOWNDES COUNTY 45
handmade knives. ON SITE SECURITY. $675.00/$675.00. 1BA, a/c, gas heat, w/d acres on Sobley & Dav-
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, ON SITE MAINTENANCE. hook up. No pets, no is Rd. Excellent hunting.
North of West Point, ON SITE MANAGEMENT. Convenience- HUD. 662-327-2798. 1 mile west of Hwy. 69.
turn right on Yokahama 24-HOUR CAMERA 2BR/1BA, almost fin- Lv msg after 3rd ring, Small creek runs thru
Blvd, 8mi & turn left on SURVEILLANCE. ished make-over. CH/A, available for showing. property. $1375 per
Darracott Rd, will see Benji @ 662-386-4446 new flooring, paint, ap- acre. 205-799-9846 or
sign, 2.5mi ahead shop Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. pliances & more. No Houses For Rent: South 7140 205-695-2248.
on left. 662-494-6218. Sat/Sun by appt only. pets, no HUD.
Agent Owned. 3BR/2BA, 2300 sqft, WINTER SPECIAL
$495.00/$495.00. very nice w/ 2 car gar- 1.95 acre lots.
Pets 5150 age, lg back yard. Pets Good/bad credit.
West Point- need approval. 1612 10% down, as low as
AKC REGISTERED STUDIO APT for rent. 9th St. S. $1,050 per $299/mo. Eaton Land.
Large 1BR/1BA, gas
Chesapeake Bay Newly remodeled.
space heat, window air. mo + dep. 662-574- 662-361-7711
Retrievers. Great $400/mth rent & dep 7879 or 662-328-8655.
Water furnished. No
hunting, guard & com- req. Convenient to town
pets or HUD. Mobile Homes for Sale 8650
panion dogs. $1000 ea. & CAFB. No hud. No
Call 662-574-7879. pets. 662-328-2340.
Agent Owned. Houses For Rent: Starkville
$375.00/$375.00 with 7170 NEW 2017, 16x80 MH
approved application. @ The Grove, Colum-
General Help Wanted 3200 bus. 3BR/2BA, never
2BR/1BA house w/ 2
Long & Long, Realtors acres in county. 3 miles lived in, can be moved.
662-328-0770 from Strk, 5 miles from New Hope Sch. Dist.
MSU South Entrance, $29k. 662-769-2565.
dogs ok w/ deposit. Autos For Sale 9150
RENTALS Great for grad student
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS or professor. Non- '07 GRAY Chevy Tahoe.
smoking. $700/mo. Good cond. Leather
1 BEDROOM Utilities not included. interior. Has 197,878
2 BEDROOMS 662-617-5601.
miles. Asking $7,500.
Call 662-251-6258.
3 BEDROOMS Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
Campers & RVs 9300
What LEASE, 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
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Call between 10a-7p.
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