Gujarat Technological University: Electronics and Communication Engineering (11) SUBJECT CODE: 2161102
Gujarat Technological University: Electronics and Communication Engineering (11) SUBJECT CODE: 2161102
Gujarat Technological University: Electronics and Communication Engineering (11) SUBJECT CODE: 2161102
Rationale: This course will provide an opportunity to the students to become familiar with ARM
microprocessor architecture, instruction set and programming.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
[1] ARM Assembly Language Programming & Architecture By. Muhammad Ali Mazidi,
Kindle edition
[2] Arm Assembly Language, Fundamentals and Techniques, 2nd edition, William Hohl,
Christppher Hinds, CRC Press.
[3] Arm System Developer’s Guide, Designing and Optimizing Software, Andrew N. Sloss,
Dominic Symes, Chris Wwight, Elsevier
[4] Arm System-on-chip Architecture, 2nd Edition, Steve Furber, Pearson publication
[5] Embedded Systems By. Lyla Das, Pearson publication
Course Outcomes:
After learning the course the students should be able to:
[1] Become familiar with importance and applications of advance microprocessor
[2] Understand architecture of ARM processor
[3] Understand instruction set of ARM processor
[4] Be able to write hybrid (assembly & C) program for ARM microprocessor
[5] Analyze given program to find out program output
[6] Be able to interface input/output devices like Keyboard, LED, LCD, sensors with ARM7TDMI
List of Experiments:
1. To write and simulate ARM assembly language programs for data transfer, arithmetic and logical
2. To write and simulate C Programs for ARM microprocessor in KEIL
3. To interface LED with ARM microprocessor and write program to blink LED at the interval of 1
4. To interface switch with ARM microprocessor and write program in C language to read status of
the switch
5. To interface LCD with ARM microprocessor. Write and execute programs in C language for
displaying text messages and numbers on LCD.
6. To interface DC motor with ARM microprocessor. Write program to rotate DC motor in clockwise
and anticlockwise direction with different speed
7. To interface Stepper motor with ARM microprocessor. Write program to rotate motor in half step
and full step mode
8. To write programs for ARM microprocessor using optimization techniques and compare execution
9. To implement convolution of two sequences on ARM microprocessor using assembly or C
10. To write and execute programs using ARM free mbed online developer tool using cloud computing
11. Interfacing of temperature sensor with ARM freedom board (or any other ARM microprocessor
board) and display temperature on LCD
12. To write programs for serial communication between PC and ARM microprocessor
13. Student mini project based on ARM microprocessor
Major Equipment/software: