Ac-Dur-Ie - LV PDF

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An ISO 9001 Certified Company

Low viscosity high molecular weight 1. Low viscosity --
- can be injected or poured into fine

polymer injection grout cavities and narrow gaps.

2. High mechanical strength --
- performs even under
Description heavy loads and stress.
3. Excellent adhesive strength --
- Good bonding with
AC-DUR-IE (LV) is a non-shrink, free flow, solvent free
old surface.
grout. It is used for injecting into cracks, honeycombs and
4. Two parts system --
- easy to mix and handle.
cavities in concrete structures. AC-DUR-IE (LV) is a two
5. Non shrink --
- completely fills voids and cracks.
part system comprising of liquid base and hardener. It
6. Chemical resistant --
- can be used in aggressive
is designed for injecting into narrow gaps, cracks and voids
ranging from 0.25mm to 9 mm.
Application Procedure

1) Surface preparation:-
The area to be injected should be cleaned to remove
AC-DUR-IE (LV) is recommended for --
all loose material, laitance, grease and other deposits.
 Strengthening of concrete core, treatment to cracks in
Mixing of part B & part A should be done to obtain uniform
RCC and as a sealer for concrete surface.
colour. Motorized or mechanical stirring is not necessary.
 It can be used for crack filling in PQC roads, RCC
structure, foundation, T.G. Deck & foundations, Power
2) Drilling injection holes:-
Plants and even heavy RCC structures.
Injection holes of 8-10 mm dia should be drilled at fixed

Performance Specification: intervals along the crack length or in a grid pattern in case
of grouting of voids in concrete.
Injection must be carried out with a two component low The holes should be cleaned to remove all dust loose
viscous high molecular weight, polymer grout system. material by blowing compressed air.
The polymer grout shall have sufficiently low viscosity
3) Fixing Nozzles:-
(3 to 10 cps) to ensure easy injection into cracks and voids.
Suitable injection nozzles of GI/PVC should be fixed in
The mixed grout shall have a pot life exceeding 30
these holes using an epoxy sealing putty.
minutes @ 25o C.

4) Injection of Epoxy:-
Supplier Specification:
The two components of AC-DUR-IE (LV) injection grout

 Injection must be carried out using AC-DUR-IE (LV) should be individually stirred and then mixed and injected
into the nozzles through a suitable injection pump exerting

datasheet. a uniform pressure or by gravity pouring.

 The storage, handling and placement of the grout 5) Filling of Cracks :-

 Area to be injected should be cleaned to remove all

instructions. loose material.

An ISO 9001 Certified Company

 During the application of AC-DUR-IE (LV), first stir Standards

the resin and hardener individually in the container IS 9162-1979, ASTM-C-881 specifications.
and then mix with each other.
 Mix AC-DUR-IE (LV) resin (100 parts), hardener (50
part). Add hardener into resin (and not reverse) and 15 kg, 30 kg containers
mix the ingredients by simple stirring for about 1
min. Motorized or mechanical stirring is not
Storage and Shelf life
One year in unopened and properly stored containers.
 Fill the injection gun or by pouring AC-DUR-IE (LV)
(ensure no entrapment of).
 Inject the material directly in to the crack. If Technical Service
necessary seal the crack and put nozzles and then "APPLE CHEMIE" provides technical support service on mix

carry out injection process. design, admixture selection, evaluation of trials,

 If the injection is done directly into the cracks, dispensing equipment etc. Please contact the Technical

ensure proper method to remove entrapment of air department in these cases.

in the crack so that polymer grout flows into the full

depth. Safety precautions


All tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately AC-DUR-IE (LV) may cause sensitization by skin contact.
after use with diluents. Spillages should be absorbed with Contact with skin and eyes and inhalation of vapors should
sand or sawdust and disposed in accordance with local be avoided. Use of suitable protective clothing, gloves and
regulations. eye/face protection is recommended. Barrier creams
provide additional skin protection. In case of contact with
Typical Properties
eyes, immediate rinsing with plenty of water is suggested
 Base) Epoxy
and medical attention should be sought immediately --
 Mix Proportion Base : Hardner Vomiting should not be induced.
(By Weight) 100 : 50
Fire: Keep the material away from direct source of heat/
 Toxicity Non-toxic on cure fire. Smoking should be prohibited. Provide adequate
 Pot Life 30 minutes at 25 C O
 Viscosity of mixed 3 to 10 cps @ 25 C o


All possible precautions are taken to manufacture all APPLE CHEMIE PRODUCTS to ensure best quality standards. All products undergo
rigid quality test, however, no guarantee can be given because results depend on many other factors beyond our control. Any verbal or
written recommendation for the product application is intended to support the Buyer / User on the bases if our actual state of scientific and
practical knowledge. They are given in good faith and without any commitment, reserving the rights of third parties or foreign legal
provisions. They do not create any legal relations and no deed of convenient under a sales contract.
It is the Buyer’s / User’s responsibility to find out whether or not our product will fit for the intended use. All transactions shall be subject
to our terms of sale, delivery and payment. We reserve right of changing any / all specifications without any notice.

APPLE CHEMIE INDIA PVT. LTD. 24 ‘Abhang’, Ring Road, Near Chhatrapati Nagar Chowk, Nagpur 440 015. Ph.No. +91-712-2284942,
Fax No. +91-712-2284184 Email : [email protected], Visit us

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