Investigation of the
- Kinetobaric Effect –
E. Zentgraf
3. Summary
4. Error observation
4. 1. measuring instruments used
5. Sources
6. Acknowledgment
1.1. Theory
In the middle of the 20th century Rudolf G. Zinsser developed a theory about "Kinetobaric
forces"or "mechanical energy from a anisotropic gravitational field (MEGA)".
Zinsser stated to have caused, by implementing a new physical method, the release of a
unknown process that generates a drive impulse (a so-called angular momentum)
This drive impulse can be converted into mechanical energy.
See links: http://www.rexresearch.com/zinsser/zinsser.htm
and http://www.r-j.de/kinetobarik/kineto01.htm.
R. Zinsser converted his theory into an experiment, by installing high frequency line
component elements (e.g. quarter-wave transmission lines) in a waterchamber (activator),
which was mounted on a torsional pendulum, linking into these elements (very small) high
frequency energy. This caused a so far unknown “trigge energy “ changing the gravitational
characteristic of the activator.This behaviour was observed by the drive impulse. In the
seventies W. Peschka (of the DFVLR) reproduced the experiment and confirmed R.
Zinsser’s results
1.2.a. Description of the bifilar torsion balance rotating scale and the measuring instrument
A bifilar torsion balance was used to exclude material influences of the hanging
wires (see fig. 1). The material of the bifilar torsion balance as well as all other parts
are not ferromagnetic or paramagnetic, essentially they consists of aluminium and
brass. The suspension made of 0.3 mm high-grade steel wire. The entire bifilar
torsion balance is encased to exclude outer air movements.
The deflection of the bifilar torsion balance is registered via a lighting mechanism,
mirror and detector. The detector has a photoelectric cell arrangement, accepting
the ray of light. The light path length amounts to 7 m. The sensitivity of the torsion
balance related to the detector amounts to 25 dyn cm/cm with 7 m optical path. The
balance was aperiodically absorbed by oil and a damping wing. The undamped
natural oscillation time amounts to 120 s.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
The linking of high frequency to the activator was made capacitively by air
capacitors on the activator mounted on the balance arm. (Some attempts were
inductively linked) [ 4 ]. The HF tensions were effectively approximately 10 V. They
were within the range of 20 micro Watts up to some 100 milli Watts. For high
frequency production we used a push-pull oscillator, able to actuate a push pull
amplifier. Generally however the power amplifier was not used, only that portion of
high frequency coming from the oscillator over the grid/anode capacitance of the
power amplifier into the experimental assembly (voltage factor about 100 to 200).
The total performance of the push-pull amplifier at full exitation amounts to 20 to 50
Watts. Using the power-output stage, no further increase of the effects could be
determined so far during the already accomplished experiments (saturation feature).
Therefore a majority of the experiments were performed without an amplifier and low
performance. Frequency measurements were made wit eight-digit digital frequency
The input of adequate H-F energy on certain samples has a force action on the
sample. The forces measured by us with a special torsion balance lay within the
range of 10 dyn. We assume that a larger force is possible, according to records of
R. G. Zinsser; in rare cases a force of up to 1500 dyn was observed over several
hours. Frequency ranges must be kept exactly, since they are probably discretely
distributed and can entail a particular response of the sample. Exact compliance
with the respective frequencies is necessary. The frequencies used lay within a
range of 30 to 40 MHz, 120 to 130 MHz, 200 to 350 MHz. During a sinusoidal
waveform feed no dynamic effects occured. Apparently harmonic wave portions are
Typical long-term effects with overlaid short time effects: (see Fig. 3):
The short time effects are partly overlaid by intentional high frequency energy input
(3. and 5. row from above), and partly by the influence of outside high frequency
disturbances (2. and 4. row from above).
Fig. 3
Although the forces proven so far did not reach values as they occur, for instance
with electrical engines, their presence however offers a so far unknown force for
which a meaningful conformity with the axioms of mechanics must be found. This is
cause enough for further investigations - also regarding new, very unorthodox
propulsion principles.
For instance, for samples that had be exposed 120 s to a high-frequency field and
an energy flow of approximately 1 milli Watt, a force effect of between 5 and 10 dyn
was observed over 2 hours. This corresponds to a stored impulse of 3,6*10e4 or
7,2*10e4 s. This value exceeds conventional drives by around several powers of
ten. This fact alone provides sufficient ground to examine this phenomenon further.
Of course we must try to answer the question to what extent this phenomenon is
related to well-known physical effects. A careful analysis of all possibilities shows
however that so far there is still no physical effect able to explain this phenomenon.
Initial attempts were made to explain these dynamic effects through torques which
arise from atomic “spin–orbit-coupling” processes (variation of torque-impulses) - for
example with nuclear spin resonance and/or dipole-dipole resonance. This
hypothesis could be valid if supplied with high frequency energy corresponding
closely to appropriate resonant frequencies in the sample. A spin orientation could
arise which is reduced with an appropriate relaxation time and according to the
change of angular momentum of torques.Thus dynamic effects on the sample would
aris and connections to the nuclear spin resonance would be given. Exact
investigation of the effects showed however that a force and not a torque is present.
The excursion of the torsion balance depends on the orientation of the sample in the
balance, which demonstrated clearly the existence of a force effect.
Our task at the IGF consisted of reproducing the experiment and the effects and in
the ideal cas, confirming the theory.
Fig. 4
pro Seite a 267,7 gr
2 x U-Profil je 1000 mm
Fig. 5
Einzelheit: A
fig. 6
Schnitt: A:B
fig. 7
Einzelheit: A
Edelstahldrähte 0,3 mm
fig. 8
fig. 9
Fig. 12
Torsion bar with weights, oil damping and plastic draft protection film
(see Fig. 13)
Fig. 13
The structure, consisting of aluminium profiles, brass screw nuts etc, weighs 1764 gr
(without deflecting mirrors, high-grade steel wires and concrete weights).
2.1.2. Description of the laser evaluation unit to measure the
To determine the deflection of the torsion bar we used a laser evaluation unit.
A laser pointer (in this case a laser water balance, see Fig. 14) at a distance of 7 m
from the torsion bar, was mounted under the ceiling. The laser points to the
deflection mirror (see Fig. 8 and Fig. 11), which throws the laser beam back on the
wall 7 m away. The light path amounts to 14 m total. The laser sends a beam to a
65 cm long detector which is equipped with 256 photo transistors and manufactured
at the IGF. Each of these photo transistors cover a range of 2.54 mm (650 mm/256
= 2.54 mm) all are connected to a Conrad C-control-system.(see Fig. 15 and 16).
The C-control-system detects which photo transistor is presently lit up by the laser
beam and sends the number of the transistor as a numerical value into a txt file,
evaluated by Excel. The photo transistor at the left end of the detector is no. 1, and
the right end is assigned to no. 256. The clock pulse amounts to 100 measuring
steps per minute, each measuring steps consists of a measured value followed by a
equally long break.
I.e. per minute, 50 measured values and 50 recesses are taken.
Diagrams that display recesses, have an annotation on the axis label.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Soon we noticed that the air movements within the laboratory were the main reason
for deflection of the torsion balance. Even if doors and windows were closed and
nobody agitated the air in the laboratory, the keyhole draft was enough to deflect the
system. Therefore we packed the torsion balance completely into a rectangular
wooden frame, covered with a transparent foil. Only two small openings were left,
one for the two high-grade steel wires, the other one for the laser beam. (see Fig.
The air movement protection foil shows positive results (see Fig. 17).
This particular diagram shows the result of one experiment with cylindrical concrete
weights of each 267.7 gr at the ends of the torsion balance.
The experiment ran from Friday, 10.10.03, 18:45 hrs until Monday, 13.10.03,
14:10 hrs. The diagram clipping refers to Sunday, 12.10.03, from 10:45 hrs to 15:45
hrs, during that time nobody was in the laboratory and/or in the entire building.
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
The direct cause of deflections, as well as their irregularity, is not influenced by air
motion within the laboratory anymore.
Using damping oil (see Fig. 5, Fig. 10 and fig. 11) in addition to the air movement
protective foil, we determined a further, very clear, decrease of deflection. In
particular a trembling noise occurred if someone ran on the concrete floor above
the laboratory were the torsion balance was hung which was compensated for
by the damping oil.
Fig. 19
Comparison: Pendulum amplitudes of the torsion balancer without and with air
movement protective foil and/or damping oil. Observed during a limited period of
time, maximally 5 hours (see Fig. 19 A):
Gegenüberstellung: Pendelamplituden des
Torsionsbalkens ohne und mit Luftzugschutzfolie bzw.
Öldämpfung. Beobachtet über einen begrenzten Zeitraum
von maximal 5 Stunden:
60 160
Amplituden in mm
Amplituden in
30 80
10 20
0 0
Fig. 19 A
Fig. 19 shows that the deflection of the system with air movement protective foil and
damping oil declined to 1 to 2 photo transistors. At 09:00 hrs a series of measurements
was initiated. At 10:00 hrs a "diverting" concrete mass (each 2.7 kg), was placed within a
distance of 1 cm from the concrete masses at the ends of the torsion balance.(see also
Fig. 20). The air movement protective foil had to be opened and closed again, producing
disturbances, and the high peaks as a result.
Between 09:00 hrs to 10:00 hrs the transistor unit oscillates. After adding additional
masses at 10:00 hrs a transient oscillation took place followed by a stand still.
The torsion balance moved toward the masses. At 11:30 hrs the two 2.7 kg masses
were removed, a transient oscillation took place followed by oscillation of 2 transistor
The average value until 10:00 hrs amounts to 115.50 transistor units, at
approx.10:15 hrs until 11:30 hrs 116.00 transistor units, from approx. 11:40 hrs until
12:30 hrs 115.59 transistor units.
These results indicate a mass attracting effect after Cavendish.
Period duration with air movement foil without damping oil. Ref. Fig. 18
(Results see Fig. 19 b):
Fig. 19 b
Period duration with air movement protection foil and damping oil. See fig. 19
(Results see fig. 19 C):
Fig. 19 C
Auswerteleiste, 256 Fototransistoren
Strecke 7 m reflektierter Laserstrahl
Strecke 7 m
"ablenkende" Massen,
Torsionsbalken, 2000 mm Beton, a 2,7 kg
pro Seite a 267,7 gr
Fig. 20
Our focus was not the Cavendish effect. We used it to get acquainted with the
system parameters. Therefore we examined the Cavendish behavior intensively.
To determine if the (alleged) Cavendish effect without damping oil could be better
detected, we run several test series using only air movement protective foil.
The following changes were made on the structure.
- The two diverting concrete masses weighing 2.7 kg each were replaced by two
lead masses of 12.5 kg each.
- The air movement protective foil was changed and placed between the
masses at the torsion balance and the diverting lead masses.
The lead masses were outside of the air movement protective foil.
This had the advantage that when changing the diverting lead masses the air
movement protective foil did not need to be opened each time.
-The distance between the masses on the torsion balance and the lead masses
amounted to 2 cm now, twice as much as before.
1. Series of measurements: Only with the concrete masses on the ends of the
torsion balance (without diverting lead masses, see fig. 21)
Fig. 21
2. Series of measurements (see Fig. 22): With the concrete masses on the torsion
balance and diverting lead masses, at the N-end on W-side as well as on the S-end
on E-side:
Fig. 22
The deflection of the torsion balance reacted toward the expected direction (toward
the low numbering of the photo transistors).
3. Series of measurements see (fig. 23): with concrete masses only at the ends of
the torsion balance (without diverting lead masses):
Fig. 23
4. Series of measurements (see Fig. 24): With concrete masses at the torsion
balance and diverting lead masses, at the N-end on E-side and S-end on W-side.
On the opposite side as seen at measurements 2:
Fig. 24
Conclusion: Measurements 3. and 4.:
The deflection of the torsion balance took place in the expected direction (toward the
higher numbering of the photo transistors (contrary to test series 2).
5. Test series (see fig. 25): Only with concrete masses on the torsion balance
(without diverting lead masses):
Fig. 25
6. Measurements see (fig. 26): Again only with the concrete masses on torsion bars
(without diverting lead masses):
Fig. 26
Deflection took place in the expected direction, however the measured excursions
are very small. The difference of deflection, related to the respective maxima of the
average values, amounts to about 1.6 transistor units o n 14 m laser distance.
Nevertheless the value has a 1.6 significance value,. Each diagram (every 7 hours)
had approx. 21,000 measured values (plus pauses). The value of 1.6 is a quite
"rough" resolution (related to a photo transistor) balanced over the statistics. The
value of 1.6 photo transistor units corresponds to approx..4 mm.
Magnetic influences can be excluded due to the characteristics of the utilized
It would be very unprofessional due to the 7 measurements specified, to clearly,
verify the Cavendish effect with our system, although the indication exists.
Gradually it was clear to us that we had built a relatively sensitive system.
2.1.6. Possible tidal influences
In the oscillation diagrams the following possible impacts on the vibration behaviour
were examined:
We determined phases of nearly complete standstill and phases with relatively high
We also examined the oscillation duration of the system except in times of quiet or
relative quiet.
When viewing the oscillation amplitude as well as the period of oscillation no relation
could be derived with the behaviour of the moon or with moon cycles.
The moon was definitely not the reason!
Diagrams (Fig. 27 and Fig. 29) show typical oscillation samples, each during a
period of 4 to 5 hours:
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
Fig. 30
At first we could not clarify what the reason was for the amplitude change.
As previously mentioned the amplitude changes vary between 0 transistor units (in
calm phases) and 18 phototransistor units in intensive phases.
The oscillation duration was within a range of 100.0 seconds up to 103.5 seconds.
Approx. 3 months later we were able to clarify the cause of the high oscillation
amplitude definitely.
The key to it was the permanent measurements and recording of the room
As diagrams fig. 28 and fig. 30 show, a connection exists between "faster" changes
of the room temperature (e.g. by temperature peaks) and high peak-to-peak swings.
Although only two examples are present, the above correlation is at all times
reproducible as previously mentioned, the cause was determined later (see points
2.2.4 and 2.2.7).
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
Fig. 33 Fig. 34
Fig. 35 Fig. 36
The cuboid shaped chamber (with rounded off corners) made of plastic (see fig. 33
and fig. 34) is 125 x 215 x 85 mm large. It was half filled with (approx. 1 litre) tap
water. The total weight of the sample amounted to 1208 gr. The antenna was
completely in the water.
The cylindrical chamber (slightly conical) had the following dimensions: Height 110
mm, middle diameter 70 mm, completely filled with tap water also having an
antenna inside. Total weight: 538 gr.
The two samples were fastened in turns on the S-side of the torsion balance.
Opposite to it an appropriate counterweight had to be placed.
The tests were always accomplished with air movement protection foil and damping
oil. (see schematic structure fig. 37)
O Probekörper,quaderförmig
l nkspe
i gel
l ämpfung
Fig. 37
After each direct change on the torsion balance, the laser evaluation unit had to be
aligned for the measurements. Therefore the structure swings after the changes
from a new zero-point.
After each direct modification to the torsion balance, we let the system rest at least
12 hours to swing a nd "hinge in".
Among these changes no diverting masses are added, since this had no direct
actions on the torsion balance.
During 23.October.03 up to 17.March.04 (approx. 5 months) we accomplished 186
measurements . The shortest took 2 hours, the longest 9 days.
during all these measurements we did without HF, in order to learn as much as
possible about the characteristics not attributable to HF.
Fig. 38 to 40 A show typical oscillations responses of the structure.
Fig. 38
Fig. 38 A
Fig. 39
Fig. 39 A
Fig. 40
Fig. 40 A
Fig. 41
No significant oscillation periods due to damping oil could be determined. The
behavior of the cuboid shaped and cylindrical chambers were quite identical. The
amplitudes of the pendulum swings went to approx. 3 photo transistor backwards.
As mentioned under point 2.1.6., the cause of the oscillating motions during these
tests were unclear to us. A coherence with room temperature turned up later.
The evaluation of the186 tests from October to March did not indicate a possible
Cavendish - effect with this version of the system.
Due to the fact that both the masses fastened to the system (sample and counterweight)
were noticeably higher under point 2.1.6. ( e.g. 1208 gr each side, previously 267.7 gr each
side), the distances of the masses fastened to the system to the diverting masses were
also larger ( approx. 5 to 6 cm, approx. 1 to 2 cm).
Since part of above mentioned 186 tests, in chronological order, resulted in an almost
complete documentation from 23.10.03 to 10.02.03, we marked on the diagrams.
as follows.
The total lunar eclipse under the October to March observation period, took also place
during the night of
08.11.03 to 09.11.03.
Further more we calculated the hourly average values of the oscillation amplitude.
No coherence between moon - behaviour and oscillation amplitude could be determined.
We realized that a temperature change of 1,5 °C causes a deflection of the torsion balance
of approx. 2 photo transistor units, approx.. 5 mm.
Decisive for further proceedings was the fact that merely a small temperature change of
e.g. 0.3 °C ( 02.Nov.03) caused a clear deflection of 0.4 photo transistor units (as hourly
average values with 3020 measured values, plus equal recesses, per hour).
Furthermore a peak was recognized on 03.Nov.03. At this point the room temperature was
switched off for 2 hours
Next was the question what caused the deflection? What on our system reacted to a
temperature change and provided the deflections?
A spontaneous "suspicion" was that the two high-grade steel wires of 0.3 mm in
diameter, holding the system’s suspension, could possibly react differently to
heating causing the deflection. Therefore we attached an electrical heater to the
lower end of the stainless steel wires, consisting of ceramic resistors, fed with direct
current, converting in two stages electrical power (25 W and 40 W) into heat.
This heating was mechanically decoupled from the torsion balance.
A partial lining around the stainless steel wires ensured that warmed air could
ascend along the stainless steel wires.
However this showed no effect concerning the deflection, excluding the stainless
steel wires as cause for the temperature behaviour
Next we filled a conventional plastic bucket with approx. 6 litres hot wa ter out of the
tap and placed it against the torsion balance, on the W - side near to the sample
chamber (in this case cuboid shaped). The distance between bucket and sample
amounted to approx. 10 cm, In between was the air movement protection foil (see
Fig. 44).
The initial test temperature of the water was measured at 45,5 °C.
Immediately after placing the bucket next to it, a "right deflection" of the torsion
balance took place as if the water bucket would attrack the sample. (see Fig. 45).
Fig. 44
Fig. 45
Immediately after placing the water next to the torsion balance it reacts. The system
deflects, swings briefly back, the laser reaches the photo transistor 207 and remains
for scarcely 30 minutes at this value.
Thereafter the deflection reduces relatively fast, slowly reaching, after approx. 6
hours after placing the water bucket, its initial position.
Later attempts showed the deflection of the temperature curve following cooling
down water. The maximal deflection amounts to 10 photo transistor units. This
corresponds to approx. 2.5 cm.
After the effect caused by the bucket with hot water, we placed further hot (or warm)
masses (lead, concrete, or simple light bulbs) near the sample chamber and
observed appropriate (larger or smaller) deflections. If the masses were set facing
the opposite side of the sample, the direction of the deflection changed. These tests
had only been "quick tests".
Detailed examining followed:
At first we installed 4 temperature sensors (PT 100) under, over, on the W-side and
on the E-side of the sample, within the air movement protection foil (see Fig. 46).
Fig. 46
Thereafter, we examined the connection between deflection of the system and the
measured temperatures at sensor 1 to 4. These 4 temperature sensors were used in
102 different measurement series.
We noticed among other things that the mass of the hot (warm) body had no
influence on the size of deflection. Decisive however was the temperature of the hot
(warm) mass, its distance from the sample and room temperature.
On the East side an electrical 150 W - emitter (for lighting purposes) is placed at 50
cm distance from the sample, outside of the air draft protective foil. Samples and
emitters are not exactly at same height: the emitter is attached about 5 cm higher
than the sample.(see Fig. 47). The behaviour of the system and the temperature
sensors before, during and after switching the 150 w-emitter on and off, is
demonstrated in fig. 48a to fig. 48e.
Fig. 47
Fig. 48 A
Fig. 48 b
Fig. 48 C
Fig. 48 D
Fig. 48 E
The temperature gradients, indicated at the 4 sensors, behave synchronously with
(left-oriented) deflection. The indicated 18 photo transistors correspond to 4.5 cm.
Sensor 1, close to the heat source (in the "main stream" ) showed the largest
temperature change (approx. 4,3°C).
The second largest temperature change of (approx. 3,0°C) showed in sensor 4,
placed above the sample.
Sensor 2, positioned underneath the sample, partly shielded by the sample, showed
a rise of approx. 2,5°C.
Sensor 3 completely shielded by the sample brought it only to a rise of approx.
Since the system behaved with the same pattern as experienced on previous
attempts, we assumed a thermal motion (air movement) within the air movement
protection foil, resulting from the measured temperature differences within the air
movement protection foil .
Details follow later.
The influence of cold masses on the sample was also examined. Example fig. 49
shows that on the W-side of the sample a round plastic bowl with approx. 1.5 litres
ice water is positioned.
Underneath the sample 1 litre ice water was attached.
Both ice containers were outside of the air movement protection foil.
The temperature of the water ice amounted at the beginning of the measurement to
approx. - 15 °C.
The behaviour of the system and the temperature sensors during and after placing
and/or removing the ice is demonstrated in fig. 50a to 50e.
Fig. 49
Fig. 50 A
Fig. 50 b
Fig. 50c
Fig. 50 d
Fig. 50 e
In this case the 4 temperature sensors also behave synchronously with the
deflection of the system. Also here a left-oriented deflection is recognized. The ice
behaves quasi "repulsively" on the system.
Recognize the fact that during the exposure phase of the ice the sensors 2 and 3
(caused through the closeness of the ice) are cooler, sensors 1 and 4 warmer.
The sensors behaved similarly during measurement 2.2.5.a, the reason being
however, that the heat source was exactly opposite to the sample. On both
measurements therefore, the assumed warm air movements must have taken place
in the same direction.
R. Zinsser describes a "come-in effect” in his test series that took place whenever a
person was close to the experimental setup, that had been there before, i.e. the
system deflects if this person stands close to the system.
In general we could reproduce these "come-in effects" at any time, however there is
a very conventional physical explanation.
To execute the experiment:
The author (Mr. Zentgraf ) positioned himself at the W-side of the system near to the
sample, his torso approx. 50 cm in distance away. The system is inside the air
movement protection foil. (Zinsser stands outside).
Results see fig. 51a to 51e.
Fig. 51 A
Fig. 51 b
Fig. 51 C
Fig. 51 D
Fig. 51 e
All 4 temperature sensors reacted to body warmth.
Sensor 3 shows clearly the temperature rise (and later the decline) because the test
person stands right next to it.
It is clearly noticeable that the system reacts to small temperature changes of (< =
0.5 °C).
The deflection of the system to the right takes place as expected ("attracting"); the
temperature distribution reacting as expected on the sensors.
Naturally we must point out that any person can cause such a deflection.
However the room temperature is an important parameter, depending on the
amplitude of the system deflection.
2.2.6. Proof of warmth and/or air movements within air movement protection foil .
In order to prove warmth and/or air movements, we manufactured among other things a
"propeller" made of very light silk paper (see Fig. 52, right).
This "propeller" was fastened inside of the air movement protection foil with changing
positions close to the sample, on a thread fastened at the center of the "propeller",
(example: See Fig. 53, right above the sample).
Fig. 52
Fig. 53
By adding, for instance, warm objects to the experimental setup, the "propeller",
turned at a certain angle (typical: approx. 30° to approx. 90°) and remained in this
If the warm objects were removed, the "propeller" decreased gradually back into its
starting position.
If warm objects were replaced by a cold object, e.g. ice water, then the "propeller"
deflected in the opposite direction.
This is clear evidence that a warm air flow existed within the air movement
protection foil .
Detailed videos were taken during these tests, clearly showing the behaviour of the
During the past tests the air space within the air movement protection foil, around
the sample was large enough to add the "propeller" see point 2.2.6.
We reduced this air space to just large enough to either hold the cylindrical or the
cuboid formed chamber and leaving,enough space for the torsion balance to deflect.
For this restricted range we used in addition aluminum foil, also used by R. Zinsser
to reflect radiant heat. (see Fig. 54 to 56.)
The remaining structure of the torsion remained coated with transparent foil to
protect from air drafts.
Fig. 54
Fig. 55 (copy of Fig. 36)
Fig. 56
The narrow "casing" of the chambers brought no discernable change to the system
performance, neither to the cylindrical or the cuboid samples.
Notice that due to modifications on the laser evaluation bars a new alignment was
Fig. 59
Fig. 58 and fig. 59: Zinsser's origina l apparatus shows on the left half side of the
screen the tube transmitters, the right half screen shows the torsion structure, with
and without lining.
The transmitter stands at the edge of a table. This edge is again directly above the
sample, fastened o n the left end of the torsion balance.
We assumed that most likely the heat emission of the electron tubes (each tube is
heated, even if it is operated in the no-load operation) could affect the torsion bar.
Since we were not in the possession of a tube transmitter (at a later state however a
transistor was available) we used the data sheet of the tubes and determined
ourselves from it the possible heat emission and simulated this by the heat emission
of light bulbs (see Fig. 60).
The original transmitter structure contained 2 tubes EL 152 (fig. 58 and: the larger
tubes fig. 59) as well as two smaller tubes, researching this tube type was not
From the data sheet of the EL 152 we determined approx. 10 W heating
performance per tube, 20 W for both. For the two smaller tubes no technical data
was available. An amateur wireless operator recommended calculating, per each
small tube, approx. 5 W of heating performance.
This resulted in a total amount of approx. 30 W power. For additional circuit
elements that also radiate warmth (resistor, transmitter; etc..) we used approx.. 10
W in addition. The total calculated heating performance amounted to approx 40 W of
the original Zinsser Transmitter.
For the time being we started the test series with a commercial 25 W bulb. In later
tests we increased the performance to 40 W, 60 W and 65 W (using a 25 and 40 W
bulb). See fig. 61 to 64 e.
In order to have similar (local) conditions as R. Zinsser had, we simulated the table
by using polystyrene plates (and the table edge) on which R. Zinsser's transmitter
stood. In fig. 60 left side below, the torsion construction is partially seen and in the
middle above notice a simulation with bulbs . Also clear to see are the polystyrene
plates, which represent the table and the table edge.
Fig. 60
In Fig. 61 the reaction of the system, affected by a 25 W -bulb can be viewed.
Fig. 61
Fig. 62
Fig.63 shows the reaction of the system caused by a 60 W - lamp:
Fig. 63
Fig. 64 A
Fig. 64 b
Fig. 64 c
Fig. 64 d
Fig. 64 e
With these demonstrations we can state conclusively that Zinsser's effect are
explainable effects (and reproducible at any time) by conventional physics (warmth
and/or air flow).There is no necessity for "kinetobaric effects" or "mechanical energy
from anisotropic gravity field".
Nevertheless did we continue our investigations up to HF - irradiation (see point
We were also interested if possibly the water in the chamber considerably affected
the system performance, or whether the system behaved with different types of
samples of the same mass and the same volume.
Therefore we replaced the water in the cylindrical sample chamber with sand,
having the same total weight (538 gr) (see fig. 65 and 66).
Subsequently the sample was irradiated with a 150W light beam from the w-side,
within a distance of approx. 25 cm from the air protective foil.
Fig. 67
Fig. 67 shows the 150 W beamed at the front left side. In the center of the picture
there is part of the aluminum air draft protective foil displayed which encloses the
sample. In the background of the picture, is the remaining part of the transparent air
draft protective foil encasing the remaining part of the torsion balance.
Fig. 68 displays the behaviour of the system with water filled sample.
Fig. 69 displays the behaviour of the system with the sand-filled sample.
Fig. 69
Next we explored the behaviour of the system with heated water in the chamber. In
addition we attached the antenna to the sample with very thin coiled lines (30 AWG
corresponding according to 0.25 mm in diameter). The coiled wires were wound
loosely in spirals around the two steel wires (in order to cause no additional torque)
and were guided across the laboratory ceiling connected to a 50 Hz transformer.
Now we increased the voltage on the transformer. Realizing due to prior tests , that
voltages under 100 V did not cause a considerable rise in temperature, a maximal
possible voltage of 291 V was applied to the transformer. Thereby, the circulating
current through the water of the sample was 286mA. This corresponds to an
electrical output of 83.2 W. After 8 minutes the current was switched off again.
Immediately before switch off the voltage was at 289 V and the current increased up
to 434 mA. This corresponds to an electrical output of 125.4 W.
Fig. 70 a
Fig. 70 b
Fig. 70 c
Fig. 70 d
Fig. 70 e
Fig. 70 f
As already mentioned at point 2.2.8., are we at any time in the position to explain
and reproduce the described effects by R. Zinsser and W. Peschka merely by
warmth and/or air flow.
Regardless of all previous tests, did we continue with our tests by adding high
frequency (HF ) into the antenna of the sample, according to R. Zinsser and W.
Peschka. Using an arbitrary HF generator based on semiconductor technology and
placing it approx. 2 m distant from the experimental set up up, contrary to the
original structure, no "disturbing" thermal radiation would affect the system.
For these test series an arbitrary function generator type 33250 A was utilized.
Vendor, Fa. Agilent, (see fig. 71).
Fig. 71
Fig. 74
Fig. 77
Fig. 78
3. Summary
4. Fault diagnoses.
It was very important in every phase of our test series, to recognize and eliminate or
to minimize possible error sources and disturbances, e.g. minimal air flow in room
(keyhole draft ) building vibrations, influence of attracting mass, etc.
The Pt100-sensors, used for temperature monitoring and their electronic evaluation,
were calibrated and checked several times.
After each change, the system had sufficient time to swing and/or " restore ".
The electronically recorded room temperature was spot checked again and again
with very accurately mercury thermometers.
5. Source proof
- http://www.rexresearch.com/zinsser/zinsser.htm
- http://www.r-j.de/kinetobarik/kineto01.htm