Tominaga 2016

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J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.

155 (2016) 74–88

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Wind tunnel analysis of flow and dispersion in cross-ventilated

isolated buildings: Impact of opening positions
Yoshihide Tominaga a,n, Bert Blocken b,c
Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Niigata Institute of Technology, 1719 Fujihashi, Kashiwazaki, Japan
Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Civil Engineering, KU Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 40 – bus 2447, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a detailed experimental analysis of flow and dispersion by cross-ventilation in five
Received 21 August 2015 generic isolated single-zone buildings with different opening positions. First, flow visualization is per-
Received in revised form formed illustrating the highly transient flow and dispersion process dominated by a flapping jet with
2 May 2016
pronounced Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities. Next, the mean velocity field, the turbulent kinetic energy
Accepted 15 May 2016
field, the mean concentration field and the concentration fluctuation field are presented and analyzed.
Finally, time histories of the instantaneous concentration in the building are provided. The contaminant
Keywords: dispersion in the cross-ventilated flow is strongly influenced by the overall flow pattern that is largely
Wind tunnel experiment determined by the inlet opening position, while the outlet opening position seems less important. The
results provide new insights in the flow and dispersion process inside cross-ventilated buildings and can
Pollutant dispersion
be used to validate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of flow and dispersion by cross-
Experimental data set ventilation and for the subsequent establishment of new CFD best practice guidelines. It is also shown
Window opening position that the use of different ventilation performance parameters yields a different ranking of the config-
urations in terms of ventilation performance. Care should therefore be applied when evaluating venti-
lation performance based on only flow rates or velocities as opposed to dispersion quantities.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Heiselberg and Perino, 2010; Ji et al., 2011; Karava et al., 2011;
Karava and Stathopoulos, 2012), analytical and/or semi-empirical
Natural ventilation is an important factor in the development of formulae (e.g. Linden, 1999; Li and Delsante, 2001; Karava et al.,
sustainable and healthy indoor environments (e.g. Finnegan et al., 2004; Etheridge and Sandberg, 1984; Haghighat et al., 1991;
1984; Etheridge and Sandberg, 1996; Carrilho da Graça et al., 2002; Etheridge, 2002; Costola et al.,2009), simulations with zonal and
Awbi, 2003; Chen, 2009; Tablada et al., 2009; Heiselberg and multizone network models (e.g. Li et al., 2000; Hensen, 2004;
Perino, 2010; Etheridge, 2011; Karava et al., 2011; van Hooff and Hirano et al., 2006; Hensen and Lamberts, 2011) and Computa-
Blocken, 2010a, 2014). It is driven by wind or buoyancy, or – tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models (e.g. Kato et al., 1992; Kato
most often – by a combination of both (e.g. Linden, 1999; Li and et al., 1997; Reichrath and Davies, 2002; Jiang et al., 2003; Hei-
Delsante, 2001; Reichrath and Davies, 2002; van Hooff and selberg et al., 2004; Evola and Popov, 2006; Norton et al., 2007;
Blocken, 2010a). In the past decades, a lot of research efforts have Meroney, 2009; van Hooff and Blocken, 2010a, 2010b; Ramponi
contributed to the evaluation of the natural ventilation perfor- and Blocken, 2012a; Peren et al., 2015).
mance of buildings. Comprehensive reviews on methods for ven- Concerning the modeling of dispersion of pollutants, there is a
tilation performance assessment for buildings were provided by large body of literature concerning dispersion in the outdoor en-
Etheridge and Sandberg (1996), Awbi (2003), Chen (2009), Ohba vironment (e.g. reviews by Robins, 2003; Meroney, 2004; Ahmad
and Lun (2010) and Etheridge (2011). Ventilation performance can et al., 2005; Li et al., 2006; Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2013; Di
be assessed by experiments (e.g. Murakami et al., 1991; Kato et al., Sabatino et al., 2013; Blocken et al., 2013; Lateb et al., 2016) as well
1992; Kato et al., 1997; Linden, 1999; Jiang et al., 2003; Heiselberg as dispersion in the indoor environment (e.g. Holmberg and Li,
et al., 2004; Karava et al., 2007; Tablada et al., 2009; Bu et al., 2010; 1998; Nazaroff, 2004; Zhao et al., 2004; Zhang and Chen, 2006;
Chen et al., 2006; Liu and Zhai, 2007; Gao and Niu, 2007; van
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ 81 257 22 8176. Hooff et al., 2013, 2014). Several efforts have focused on dispersion
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Tominaga). between different indoor environments due to natural ventilation
0167-6105/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 75

Fig. 1. (a) Front view of model with opening sizes; (b) Schematic view of configuration E.

bringing indoor air via the outdoor environment to another indoor 2. Materials and methods
environment. This is called inter-unit dispersion by natural ven-
tilation. Many of these studies emerged from the SARS threat. 2.1. Building configurations
Examples are the studies by Liu et al. (2007), Niu and Tung (2008),
Gao et al. (2008), Ai et al. (2013), Ai and Mak (2014, 2015a, 2015b) The configurations under study are five generic isolated single-
and Cui et al. (2016). Two review papers on the topic of inter-unit zone buildings with two opposite openings, in the windward and
dispersion by single-sided natural ventilation were provided by Ai leeward facade. This configuration was made similar to the model
and Mak (2015a, 2015b) and Mao and Gao (2015). used in the extensive experiments by Karava (2008) and Karava
Several studies have analyzed the dispersion of CO2 or other et al. (2011) so that the results could be compared. This model was
tracers in cross-ventilated buildings using CFD and/or measure- also used in the CFD studies by Meroney (2009) and Ramponi and
ments. Many of these studies were performed for greenhouses or Blocken (2012a, 2012b). The wind direction is selected to be per-
livestock buildings in agricultural engineering, e.g. Bartzanas et al. pendicular to these facades as in these previous CFD studies. The
(2004, 2007) and Norton et al. (2009, 2010) who applied 2D or 3D buildings are 1:100 scale models of a building with full-scale di-
steady and unsteady RANS simulations to assess the air change mensions W  D  H ¼20  20  16 m³ (Fig. 1). Fig. 1(a) indicates
ratio by natural ventilation. In addition to these studies in agri- the size and locations of the openings for one of the configura-
cultural engineering, van Hooff and Blocken (2012, 2013) mea- tions. The five building configurations only differ from each other
sured and modeled the dispersion of indoor CO2 by natural cross- by the position of the openings (Fig. 2). Three opening positions
ventilation in a large semi-enclosed stadium in the Netherlands. are considered: bottom, center, and top. The centers of these
The CFD simulations were performed with the unsteady RANS openings are at height h¼40, 80, and 114 mm at reduced scale,
equations. respectively. The opening area is 0.036 m  0.092 m ¼
3.3  10  3 m2 at reduced scale for all configurations. Due to the
The above-mentioned studies of indoor dispersion by cross-
horizontally long opening shape, the air movement in the vertical
ventilation are almost exclusively case studies. As opposed to case
plane is predominant over the lateral motion as shown in the
studies, the literature shows a clear lack of experimental – but also
previous paper (Tominaga and Blocken, 2015). This justifies fo-
numerical – studies of cross-ventilation with indoor dispersion for
cusing the analysis for the different configurations in the vertical
generic building configurations. The importance of such experi-
centerplane. A gas outlet with dimensions 8 mm (0.05 H)  8 mm
ments is twofold. First, they provide insights in the flow and dis-
(0.05 H) is located at the center of the floor for each configuration
persion process that might be very difficult to obtain from com-
(Fig. 1b).
plex case studies in which a large number of parameters are acting
simultaneously and jointly influencing the dispersion, e.g. building
2.2. Measurement equipment
geometrical details, surrounding buildings and topography, me-
teorological conditions (temperature, relative humidity, …) and
Wind velocity is measured with a split fiber probe (SFP)
people, animals or plants. Second, they provide valuable data for (Dantec Dynamics; 55R55) and a constant temperature anemo-
dedicated CFD validation studies, which in turn can be used to metry (CTA) module (Dantec Dynamics; 90C10) for the three
establish CFD best practice guidelines for this type of flow and components of the velocity vector. The frequency response of this
dispersion problems. probe in CTA mode is 40 kHz. Time-averaging is conducted with a
Given the lack of such studies, this paper presents detailed sampling rate of 100 Hz for a period of 60 s to obtain statistically
measurements of flow and dispersion in cross-ventilated buildings stationary values. The uncertainty of the time-averaged velocity is
in an atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. The paper is an estimated to be within approximately 10%. Ethylene (C2H4), which
extension of a previous paper by the authors on flow and disper- has a density similar to air, is used as tracer gas. The concentration
sion in a single building configuration (Tominaga and Blocken, is measured with a high-speed total hydrocarbon analyzer (Tech-
2015). To the best of our knowledge, the present paper is the first nica, HTHCA-01). The concentration resolution and time response
to provide detailed experimental data and a detailed analysis of of the hydrocarbon analyzer are 10 ppm and 25 ms, respectively.
the flow and dispersion process for a set of cross-ventilated gen- Uncertainty of the time-averaged data is estimated to be within
eric building configurations. The paper is structured as follows: approximately 15% in concentration. Fig. 3 displays the measure-
Section 2 outlines the materials and methods, including the ment positions in the vertical centerplane. Measurements are
building configurations, the wind tunnel and the wind tunnel set- made at each position by the insertion of the measurement probe
up, and the measurement equipment. Section 3 presents flow vi- and sampling tube through the holes along the centerline in the
sualization performed for the five configurations. Section 4 focuses ceiling of the building model. Unused openings, holes and inter-
on the velocity field and Section 5 on the concentration field. Fi- spaces are always sealed with tape during the measurements. The
nally, Section 6 summarizes the findings of the study and discusses diameters of the support for the SFP and the sampling tube of the
future prospects. total hydrocarbon analyzer are 6 mm and 1 mm, respectively.
76 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 2. Vertical sections for each configuration.

2.3. Wind tunnel conditions

The experiments are carried out in the atmospheric boundary

layer wind tunnel at Niigata Institute of Technology (Akabayashi
et al., 1996; Yoshie et al., 2007; Kubota et al., 2008; Tominaga and
Stathopoulos, 2011) which has a test section of 13 m length and a
cross-section of 1.8  1.8 m². A combination of spires with height of
1.0 m and three different upstream surface roughness fetches with
roughness heights of 0.10 m, 0.05 m and 0.03 m are used to create
an approach-flow wind profile representative of the lower part of
a neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Fig. 4 displays the set-up for
the concentration measurements. Fig. 5 shows the incident ver-
tical profiles of the dimensionless mean velocity u̅ /UH and turbu-
lent kinetic energy k/UH², i.e. those measured at the center of the
empty turntable. The mean streamwise velocity of this incident
Fig. 3. Measurement points in vertical centerplane.
flow obeys a power law with exponent 0.25 (Fig. 5a):

U (z ) ⎛ z ⎞0.25
=⎜ ⎟
The air flow rate through the building is measured using the UH ⎝ H⎠ (2)
tracer gas method (also using Ethylene). This is performed sepa-
where U(z) and UH are the mean streamwise velocity at height z
rately from the detailed measurement for the concentration dis-
and at the reference height H, respectively. The turbulent kinetic
tributions. Under the condition that the tube releasing the tracer
energy k is defined as k ¼0.5(su² þsv² þsw²), where su, sv and sw
gas is set slightly downstream of the inlet opening, the con-
denote the standard deviations of the turbulent fluctuations in x, y
centration is measured at slightly upstream of the outlet opening. and z direction, respectively. It is obtained by the three-compo-
While the releasing and sampling locations are changing accord- nent measurement of the standard deviations of the velocity
ingly, the concentrations are measured for each setting and the air fluctuations. This distribution can be approximated by the fol-
change rate is calculated from the spatial-averaged concentration. lowing expression (Fig. 5b):
It is confirmed that the measured concentrations are stationary
k ( z) ( )
−0.32 z
and, when high concentration due to imperfect mixing of tracer = 0. 033 exp H
UH2 (3)
gas and air are detected, the measurement data are excluded from
the average. Assuming stationary conditions and perfect mixing of The wind speed at building height H (i.e., UH) is 4.3 m/s,
ventilation air and tracer gas, the air flow rate Q [m3/s] can be yielding a building Reynolds number of about 45,000, under the
estimated by condition that the reference velocity at the boundary layer height
(1.0 m) is 7.1 m/s. A lower velocity of 2.2 m/s, which was de-
qinlet termined by considering the ratio to the exhaust velocity and the
coutlet (1) optimum concentration range of the calibration curve (100–
5000 ppm), is used as UH to measure the concentration. This value
with qinlet [m3/s] the gas emission rate at the inlet openings and corresponds to a building Reynolds number of about 23,000. An
coutlet [m3/m3] the time-averaged concentration measured at the even lower value of 1.7 m/s was used for the flow visualization for
outlet openings for 60 s. Repeatability checks are carried out for better visibility, which corresponds to a building Reynolds number
different release points and the uncertainty of the air flow rate is of about 18,000. The vertical profiles of these non-dimensional
estimated to be within approximately 77%. values are confirmed to be almost identical within the range of the
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 77

experimental velocities. 0.52 m/s. Therefore, the momentum ratio We/UH is 0.25 for the
The emitted Ethylene concentration was 5000 ppm with an series of concentration measurements. The exhaust conditions
emission mass flow rate of 2.0 L/min for the concentration mea- were determined by the preliminary experiment, in which the
surement. This flow rate corresponds to an exhaust velocity We of approaching wind velocity and the exhaust flow rate were chan-
ged, so that the concentration was within the optimum con-
centration range. Since the ratio of the exhaust flow rate to the air
change rate of cross-ventilation was approximately 1–2%, this ex-
haust velocity was expected to cause only minor disturbance to
the flow field inside the building. The concentrations are ex-
pressed in non-dimensional form C*, where the concentration c is
divided by the reference concentration C0 given by
C0 =
H 2UH (4)

where qe is the pollutant emission rate.

3. Flow visualization

Figs. 6–10 each provide 16 images of flow visualizations in the

vertical centerplane of each of the five configurations, with a time
interval of 1 s between consecutive images. A laser beam
(λ ¼532 nm, 200 mW, Kato Koken Co.) was used as a light source
and converted into a laser sheet parallel to the flow direction by
using a cylindrical lens. The thickness of the laser sheet at the
visualization plane was about 1 mm. The images were obtained as
follows. First, the wind tunnel was started until statistically sta-
tionary flow conditions in the building were obtained. Next, while
running the tunnel, smoke from a smoke generator was gradually
inserted from the ceiling of the model building. Finally, the smoke
insertion was removed and camera shots were taken at regular
intervals. As a result, Figs. 6–10 show the concentration decay over
time. The images are discussed below.

3.1. Configuration A

It is well-known in wind engineering that the turbulent wind

flow around buildings is highly unsteady with separation, re-
circulation and von Karman vortex shedding in the wake (Castro
and Robins, 1977; Murakami, 1993; Jiang et al., 2003; Tominaga
Fig. 4. Experimental set-up in wind tunnel for the concentration measurements: et al., 2008a; Tominaga and Stathopoulos, 2011, 2013; Blocken,
(a) Schematic side view and (b) Photo. 2014). The present study shows that a large degree of unsteadiness

Fig. 5. Inflow profiles of dimensionless mean velocity u̅ /UH and turbulent kinetic energy k/UH².
78 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 6. Flow visualization in vertical centerplane of configuration A. Time interval between consecutive images is 1 s.

is also present inside a cross-ventilated building, both concerning opening on the flow and concentration pattern (and ventilation
the jet of the incoming flow and the overall indoor flow field. Fig. 6 efficiency) is rather limited.
shows that the incoming jet of “fresh” air is mainly directed to-
wards the ceiling due to the so-called Coanda effect. It shows a
clear flapping behavior, both upward (see figures c, f, h, j, l, m) and 3.3. Configuration C
horizontal or even downward (see figures g, i, l, n, o). It also shows
a very pronounced Kelvin–Helmholtz instability leading to the As opposed to the jets in configurations A and B, the jet in
formation and shedding of discrete vortical structures. Similar configuration C (Fig. 8) is clearly directed downwards, towards the
observations were observed in experimental studies of enclosures floor of the building. This is attributed both to the Coanda effect
ventilated by a well-conditioned transitional inlet jet (Nastase and to the structure of the standing vortex upstream of the inlet
et al., 2011, van Hooff et al. 2012a, 2012b). The combination of opening which provides a downward direction to the incoming jet,
flapping jet behavior and Kelvin–Helmholz instability is a main as demonstrated in (Karava et al., 2011) and (Ramponi and
reason why the concentration decays in the entire indoor volume, Blocken, 2012a, 2012b). The combination of these two factors
and not only at the top part of the volume. In other words, they substantially reduces the flapping behavior of the jet and the
limit the short-circuiting behavior that could occur due to a jet Kelvin–Helmholtz instability as they are suppressed by the pre-
passing directly from inlet to outlet opening near the ceiling of the sence of the floor. As a result, the interaction between the jet and
building. the flow in the rest of the building is also less pronounced com-
pared to configurations A and B. As a result, cross-ventilation is
3.2. Configuration B less efficient and the concentration levels in configuration C re-
main much higher than in configurations A and B.
Fig. 7 shows very similar flow and concentration patterns as for
configuration A. As in Fig. 6, the jet shows a flapping behavior and 3.4. Configuration D
Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and is mostly directed towards the
ceiling by the Coanda effect. Only after having approached the Fig. 9 shows very similar flow and concentration patterns as for
leeward wall, the flow is directed downwards towards the exit configuration C. As in Fig. 8, the incoming jet shows a downward di-
opening. As a result, the influence of the position of the outlet rection, a less pronounced flapping behavior and less pronounced
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 79

Fig. 7. Flow visualization in vertical centerplane of configuration B. Time interval between consecutive images is 1 s.

Kelvin–Helmholtz instability due to this downward direction and the 3.6. Comparison of results in terms of ventilation efficiency
presence of the floor. Only after having approached the leeward wall,
the flow is directed upwards towards the exit opening. As a result, the Although the visualization for the Figs. 6–10 was only per-
influence of the position of the outlet opening on the flow and con- formed in the vertical centerplane, the comparison of color in-
centration pattern (and ventilation efficiency) is rather limited. tensity levels in these figures can provide a rough indication about
the ventilation efficiency. Assuming that the color intensity in the
3.5. Configuration E vertical center section is linearly proportional to the indoor tracer
gas concentration, the percentage of concentration decay for the
Fig. 10 shows a flow and dispersion pattern that is very differ- last figure (p) relative to the first figure (a) is 62%, 64%, 58%, 57%
ent from the four preceding configurations. Although the incoming and 78% for configurations A, B, C, D and E, respectively. These
jet flow is on average directed downwards, its flapping behavior is numbers are intentionally not converted to traditional pollutant
very pronounced as its direction varies between horizontal and removal quantities such as ventilation efficiency, residence time or
inclined downwards with an angle of about 50°. In addition, the jet purging flow rate, because of the above-mentioned limitations and
is characterized by a clear and very pronounced Kelvin–Helmholtz assumptions (i.e. only information in vertical centerplane and as-
instability leading to the formation and shedding of discrete vor- sumption of linear relationship between color intensity and con-
tical structures. As these vortical structures are shed from the jet, centration). Nevertheless, these numbers seem to indicate that
they subsequently impinge on either the floor, the ceiling or the indeed the flow pattern and the resulting ventilation behavior of
opposite wall. As a result, the interaction between the jet and the configurations A and B is very similar, and that the same holds for
rest of the indoor flow is strong, leading to efficient cross-venti- C and D. E on the other hand seems to be ventilated most effi-
lation and rapid removal of the tracer gas from the indoor volume. ciently, followed by A-B and finally C-D. This confirms the state-
Actually, by comparing Figs. 6–10, it can be seen that the pollutant ments in Sections 3.1–3.5 based on the behavior of the jet in terms
removal efficiency, starting from a uniformly polluted indoor vo- of flapping and Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and confirms that
lume, is highest for configuration E. these features govern the cross-ventilation and pollutant removal.
80 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 8. Flow visualization in vertical centerplane of configuration C. Time interval between consecutive images is 1 s.

4. Velocity field Helmholtz instability drive a large recirculation flow in the upper
part of the building. The counter-clockwise circulation is opposite
4.1. Mean streamlines to that in configurations A and B. Also here, the vortex center is too
close to the leeward wall to be covered by the discrete set of
Fig. 11 displays the mean velocity field by time-averaged measurement positions.
streamlines in the vertical centerplane. The streamlines are con- Fig. 11d shows that a large recirculation flow is formed with the
structed as lines that are everywhere parallel to the time-averaged same direction as Configuration C, but with a clearly identified
vector field by assuming no lateral component and using the vortex center at a position similar to that of configuration A.
software Tecplot 360. Finally, Fig. 11e illustrates the mean downward direction of the
Fig. 11a shows that the incoming jet is mainly directed upward jet and the induction of two large recirculating flows, one above
due to the Coanda effect. Due to entrainment, mainly governed by and one below the jet, the centers of which are outside the range
the flapping jet behavior and the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (as of the measurement positions. As mentioned before, this down-
shown in Fig. 6), the jet drives a large clock-wise recirculation flow ward inflow is attributed to the standing vortex in front of the
in the lower part of the building. The center of this recirculation building (Karava et al., 2011, Ramponi and Blocken 2012a, 2012b).
vortex is situated near the leeward wall.
Fig. 11b displays a jet behavior very similar to Fig. 11a. Only near 4.2. Profiles of mean streamwise velocity
the leeward wall, the jet is directed downwards towards the outlet
opening. Due to the position of the outlet opening near the floor, Fig. 12a shows the rapid decay of the streamwise velocity in the
the vortex center is moved further towards the leeward wall and is jet due to the entrainment process, as momentum in the jet is
actually situated outside the range of the measurement positions. transferred to the recirculation cell below the jet. Therefore, the
Fig. 11c shows that the jet that is guided along the floor towards velocity gradients ∂u̅ /∂z are large in the immediate vicinity of the
the outlet opening. Although more limited than in configurations inlet openings and rather small in other areas inside the room.
A and B, also here the flapping jet behavior and the Kelvin– Fig. 12a clearly indicates the clock-wise recirculation cell, with
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 81

Fig. 9. Flow visualization in vertical centerplane of configuration D. Time interval between consecutive images is 1 s.

positive streamwise velocity in the upper part and negative also the streamwise velocities in the recirculation cell are low-
streamwise velocity in the lower part of the building. The stream- er. u̅ /UH is about 0.56 and directed to the leeward facade at the
wise velocity component u̅ /UH is about – 0.26 and directed to the nearest measurement point to the source.
windward facade at the nearest measurement point to the source. Finally, Fig. 12e clearly shows a wide incoming jet. This larger
The streamwise velocity in the jet in Fig. 12b is lower than in width is associated with the flapping behavior and strong Kelvin–
Fig. 12a, which is attributed to the different position of the outlet Helmholtz instability, which are more pronounced than in all
opening, which causes a larger overall indoor flow resistance. Also preceding configurations. u̅ /UH is very small (0.09) and slightly
the velocities in the recirculation cell are lower than in config- directed to the leeward facade at the nearest measurement point
uration A, for the same reason. u̅ /UH is about – 0.20 and directed to to the source.
the windward facade at the nearest measurement point to the
Fig. 12c shows a streamwise velocity in the jet that is even 4.3. Profiles of turbulent kinetic energy
lower than in configurations A and B. This is attributed to the
lower velocity (and lower static pressure) outside the building Fig. 13 shows profiles of the turbulent kinetic energy normal-
near the lower inlet opening (cfr. Ramponi and Blocken, 2012a). ized by the square of the mean reference wind speed UH. In gen-
u̅ /UH is about 0.62 and directed to the leeward façade at the eral, the turbulent kinetic energy k is large where the velocity
nearest measurement point to the source. It is larger due to both gradient ∂u̅ /∂z is large. However, the maximum peak of k also
the concentrated near-wall jet and the vicinity of the inlet opening occurs upstream of the leeward openings for configurations B and
which reduces the overall flow resistance. D, where the velocity gradient ∂u̅ /∂z is not so large. This is because
The streamwise velocities in Fig. 12d are only slightly lower the velocity gradients of the vertical component, i.e., ∂w̅ /∂x and
than in configuration C. This is attributed due to the top position of ∂w̅ /∂z , are large in this region due to the strong curvature in the
the outlet opening, which increases the overall resistance of the locally separating and recirculating flow. Examples are the outlet
indoor jet flow compared to configuration C. For the same reason, regions in configurations B and D.
82 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 10. Flow visualization in vertical centerplane of configuration E. Time interval between consecutive images is 1 s.

5. Concentration field the two distinct recirculation cells at both sides of the jet.
The space-averaged concentration values in the vertical cen-
5.1. Mean concentration terplane are C* ¼32, 36, 17, 28 and 32 for configurations A, B, C, D
and E, respectively. Note that the order of configurations with the
Given the steady pollutant exhaust in the middle of the floor, highest pollutant removal rate from the visualizations with a
Fig. 14 shows the contours of the time-averaged concentration uniformly distributed pollutant at the start (E–A/B–C/D) is very
C* ¼ c ̅ /C0 in the vertical centerplane. The indoor pollutant dis- different from the order of configurations with highest pollutant
tribution is determined by the combination of source location and removal rate with a source at the center of the floor (C, D, A/E, B).
the indoor flow pattern. Also here, especially the location of the This indicates that parameters such as the air change rate (ACH)
inlet opening appears important, while the effect of the location of are not necessarily the best measures for ventilation efficiency,
the outlet opening is rather limited. and that it is important to consider the position of the source(s).
Fig. 14a shows that the pollutant is convected towards the Fig. 15 shows the related concentration profiles. Large local
windward facade, due to the direction and magnitude of the mean concentration values are present in configurations C, D and E, but
flow near the source. A similar mean concentration pattern is they are limited to the lower part of the room. Although the large
observed for configuration B. The fact that the mean streamline local concentration values are probably also present closer to the
pattern for A and B shows some clear differences that are not source in configurations A and B, they are not caught at the nearest
clearly represented in the concentration field, suggests the im- measurement point to the source due to the respective flow
portance of turbulent mixing. Fig. 14c shows that in configuration patterns.
C, the pollutant is very effectively removed due to the jet passing
directly over the source and directly towards the outlet. Similar 5.2. Concentration fluctuations
observations are made for configuration D. Fig. 14e finally shows
that configuration E exhibits a very different concentration pat- Fig. 16 shows the vertical profiles of the RMS values of the
tern, mainly governed by the more central location of the jet and concentration fluctuations in the centerplane. In general, the
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 83

Fig. 11. Time-averaged streamlines in vertical centerplane for configurations A, B, C, D and E.

Fig. 12. Vertical profiles of time-averaged streamwise velocities u̅ /UH in vertical centerplane for configurations A, B, C, D and E.
84 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 13. Vertical profiles of turbulent kinetic energy k at vertical center sections for configurations A, B, C, D and E.

Fig. 14. Contours of time-averaged concentrations c ̅ /C0 in vertical centerplane for configurations A, B, C, D and E.
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 85

Fig. 15. Vertical profiles of time-averaged concentrations c ̅ /C0 in vertical centerplane for configurations A, B, C, D and E.

concentration fluctuations tend to be large where the spatial 7. Comparison of ventilation performance parameters
gradient of the mean concentration is large. A similar tendency for
the distribution of c′̅2 /C0 was reported in the experimental re- In this paper, different parameters that could be used to eval-
sults of the concentration measured in a street canyon flow (Pa- uate the ventilation performance of the building were considered.
The flow visualization exercise considered the removal of a uni-
vageau and Schatzmann, 1999). Because the production term of
formly distributed indoor pollutant. Assuming that the color intensity
the transport equation for c′̅2 is expressed as −ui′c′ ∂∂¯xc , the large
i in the vertical center section is linearly proportional to the indoor
negative mean concentration gradient ∂c ̅ /∂z near the source con- tracer gas concentration, the percentage of concentration decay for
tributes to the large production of c′̅2. Note that the distributions of the last figure (p) relative to the first figure leads to the ranking (from
k and c′̅2 are completely different. The values are very large near best to worst ventilated): E (78%), B (64%), A (62%), C (58%) and D
the source, particularly in configurations C, D and E. It is confirmed (57%). This ranking is mainly governed by the efficiency of the en-
that the distribution of concentration fluctuations are mainly in- trainment process by the flapping jet and the Kelvin–Helmholtz-in-
fluenced by the mean concentration field determined by the main stability, which is largest in configuration E, lower in configurations A
flow patterns, while the velocity fluctuations are mostly produced and B (where they are restriction by the ceiling) and lowest in con-
by the velocity shear around the incoming jet. figurations D and E (where they are restricted by the floor).
The space averaged concentrations for the case with pollutant
source at the center of the floor lead to the ranking (from best to
worst ventilated): C (17), D (28), A and E (32) and B (36). Evidently,
6. Air change rate this ranking is mainly determined by the combination of both the
position of the pollutant source and the indoor flow pattern.
Table 1 compares the measured air flow rates Q normalized by
The time averaged concentrations in the sampling point in
UH and the area of the inlet opening Ainlet for the five building Fig. 17 lead to the ranking (from best to worst ventilated): C (4), D
configurations. Although the openings are rather large and the (11), A (35), E (38), B (74). This ranking is mainly determined by
internal resistance of the building zone is very low, the air flow the combination of the position of the pollutant source, the indoor
rates for different configurations differ by up to 40%. Configuration flow pattern and the position of the sampling point.
A has the highest air flow rate, and configurations C and D had the Finally, the assessment of the air change rate leads to the
lowest air flow rates. This demonstrates that the air flow rate is ranking (from best to worst ventilated): A (0.37), B (0.27), E (0.25),
strongly influenced by the height of the inlet opening, in line with C (0.23), D (0.22). This ranking is determined by the position of the
the findings by Karava et al. (2011). However, even when the lo- inlet opening (which to a large extent determines the pressure
cation of the inflow opening was the same, a substantial difference driving the cross-ventilation flow) and the indoor airflow re-
was observed, as seen for configurations A and B. This was mainly sistance, which is larger when inlet and outlet opening are at
caused by the momentum loss of the incoming flow impinging on different heights than at the same height.
the opposite wall, which did not occur in configuration A, but It is important to note that each ventilation performance parameter
which is large in configuration B. considered leads to a different ranking, as each parameter is
86 Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88

Fig. 16. Vertical profiles of RMS value of concentrations c¯′2 /C0 in vertical centerplane for configurations A, B, C, D and E.

 The study considered one type of approach-flow atmospheric

Table 1 boundary layer.
Comparison of air flow rates for all
 The study only considered wind direction perpendicular to the
windward and leeward facade.
Configurations Air flow rate Q/UHAinlet  The study only considered either a uniformly distributed pol-
lutant concentration or a point source at the floor and a given
A 0.37
low exhaust rate.
B 0.27
C 0.23
 Measurements of velocity and concentration were only per-
D 0.22 formed in the vertical centerplane. While the openings are long
E 0.25 and horizontal and the main flow, lateral flow and dispersion
will be present.
determined by other governing geometric and flow parameters. While  Only velocity and concentration were measured, as opposed to
it is of course evident that a different pollutant source (e.g. uniform pressure.
versus point source) yields a different ventilation behavior and dif-
ferent values for some of performance parameters, it should be noted In spite of these limitations, the authors believe that this paper
that many ventilation studies only consider the air change rate or provides new and valuable insights on flow and dispersion in cross-
(mean) velocities, and disregard the actual distribution of pollutants in ventilated buildings that can also be used for validation of CFD si-
the indoor volume. Care should therefore be applied when evaluating mulations and the establishment of CFD best practice guidelines to
ventilation performance based on only flow rates or velocities. supplement existing guidelines (e.g. Casey and Wintergerste, 2000;
Franke et al., 2007; Tominaga et al., 2008b; Blocken, 2015).

8. Discussion
9. Summary and conclusions
To the best of our knowledge, the present paper is the first to
provide detailed experimental data and a detailed analysis of the This paper presents detailed experimental data and the subsequent
flow and dispersion process for a set of cross-ventilated generic analysis of flow and dispersion by cross-ventilation in five generic
building configurations with different opening positions. Never- isolated single-zone buildings. The buildings only differ from each
theless, it should be mentioned that this study has the following other by the position of the ventilation openings. The study was in-
limitations, which provide directions for future research: cited by the lack of experimental – but also numerical – studies of
cross-ventilation with indoor dispersion for generic building config-
 The study was only performed for generic isolated, single-zone urations. The importance of such experiments is twofold. First, they
buildings with fixed building dimensions and fixed opening provide insights in the flow and dispersion process that might be very
areas, with only one opening in the windward and one opening difficult to obtain from complex case studies in which a large number
in the leeward facade. of parameters are acting simultaneously and jointly influencing the
Y. Tominaga, B. Blocken / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 155 (2016) 74–88 87

dispersion, e.g. building geometrical details, surrounding buildings and LIXIL JS Foundation (No. 14-38). The authors also thank Mr. Ryo Saito, an
topography, meteorological conditions (temperature, relative humid- undergraduate student at the Niigata Institute of Technology, for his
ity, …) and people, animals or plants. Second, they provide valuable invaluable assistance with the experiments, and dr. Ivo Kalkman, senior
data for dedicated CFD validation studies, which in turn can be used to researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology, for his able and kind
establish CFD best practice guidelines for this type of flow and dis- assistance in processing some of the measurement data.
persion problems. This study has provided the following main ob-
servations and conclusions:
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