Mains: (Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies)
Mains: (Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies)
Mains: (Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies)
MAINS Office, Inter-Asia Graduate School of NGO Studies, SungKongHoe University (ONE for Korean
1-1, Hang-Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea Postal code: 152-716 citizens)
Tel: +82 2 2610 4125 Fax: +82 2 2683 8858 E-mail: Please use a paper
clip to attach
Application Form
IMPORTANT: Please, read before completing the form.
1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to first visit the website for updates on application procedures prior to making an
application. On the website, you may also find the newest version of this application form.
2. Complete Sections 1 -12 of the application form by typing into the form and print.
3. Print out the form to sign and date in Section 13.
4. Send the application form along with other necessary documents to MAINS office by registered post. This must arrive at MAINS office by
the application deadline.
5. All documents need to be translated and notarized if the original is not in English or Korean.
6. Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
TEL: +
SECTION 4. WORK EXPERIENCE (professional and other experiences relevant to NGO/NPO activities)
SECTION 5. ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (the level of your English that you feel you have achieved)
□ English is my first language. □ English is used as an official second language in my country.
■ How will you meet the full expenses of your study?
■ Please give the name and address of your sponsor.
■ Please give details of any scholarships or grants which
you have already obtained:
you are applying for:
* For information on scholarships and financial aids offered each year, visit our website or Email us at
FAX: + FAX: +
SECTION 11. PERSONAL HISTORY AND GOALS (must be written by the applicant in English)
Write an essay answering the following questions: (no more than 400 words)
1. What is your most valued experience or accomplishment? (A narrative description of your life background/research
experience in terms of how it has prepared you for this next stage of your studies.)
2. What are your career expectations, and how do you think this course will help you achieve them?
(A narrative description of your goals relating to your future career, and your expectations towards MAINS.)
Please remember the Admission Committee places strong emphasis on this essay.
aims, methodology, expected results, contribution to the field of learning etc. (ca. 500 words, no more than 1000 words)
Please remember the Admission Committee places strong emphasis on this essay.
I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information furnished in this application is true and complete. I
understand that if found to be otherwise, it is sufficient cause for refusal and dismissal. I also understand that if I am admitted,
my admission is contingent upon my final credentials reflecting academic achievement similar to the assessment at the time
of my admission. If I enrol as a student of the MAINS Programme at SungKongHoe University, I agree to observe all campus
policies and regulations. I hereby consent to the release of my transcript or any other materials relevant to the admission
decision of the institution receiving this application.