Digital Game-Based Learning and Serious Games in Education
Digital Game-Based Learning and Serious Games in Education
Digital Game-Based Learning and Serious Games in Education
Keywords: Education, Game-based learning, Serious games, Educational games, Interactive learning environments,
Collaborative learning.
Play is considered to be a common activity and an excellent experience for children, adolescents and adults. According to Rieber
et al. (1998), play comprises an intense learning experience in which the participants voluntarily invest a lot of time, energy and
commitment, while concurrently deriving great enjoyment from the overall experience [1]. Moreover, play is an important
mediator for people’s learning and socialization throughout life and is a proper, remarkable and respectable way to enhance
learning procedure [2]. Nowadays, play in the form of digital games is gaining ground and popularity.
Owing to the rapid advancement of technology and life digitalization, digital games have prevailed globally and they have become
an integral part of our social and cultural environment [3]. Not surprisingly, digital games have become the most popular
computer related activity in the home [4]. The increase in the amount of time spent playing games by children, adolescents and
adults can explain and justify the increase in digital games popularity [4], [5]. Although fun and entertainment are the first aspects
that attract people to spend many hours playing games, the effective principles and/or approaches, which are embedded in game
designs, facilitate positive learning outcomes and keep them engaged [6], [7]. Digital games provide engaging experiences,
interactive learning environments, as well as collaborative learning activities; hence, they have drastically increased in popularity
over the last years. As a result, digital games are now considered a powerful social, technological and cultural force that cannot
simply be ignored by industries, enterprises, governmental organizations and academic communities [8], [9]. Thus, a considerable
amount of research examining digital games implementation and impact in various application domains has been conducted.
Education constitutes one of the main application fields in which the successful implementation of digital games can bring about a
lot of innovative and positive changes as interactive online environments comprise a key feature to the new generation of students.
Thanks to the increasing research into the impact of digital games on education, we can now rip their benefits to enhance the
educational learning process. Digital games are mostly applied in education in the form of serious games. Particularly, “serious Page 139
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games” is a term which describes any game-based initiative which focuses more on primary purposes than just pure entertainment
and it mostly refers to the use of digital games in education and various industries. Hence, it goes without saying that serious
games have become a renowned field of academic research, thanks to the numerous benefits it yields [10], [11].
In this study, we briefly go over students’ new needs and requirements for more interactive and engaging learning experiences and
we present and analyze the concept of serious games in education as a means to fulfill and satisfy them. Furthermore, we describe
the characteristics and features of serious games and we point out the significance of motivation and engagement in students’
learning procedure. Additionally, we analyze the digital game-based learning approach and present some of its benefits. Finally,
after providing suggestions and conclusions, we summarize and point out the main properties and potentials of game-based
learning and serious games in education.
Based on [4], [17], [18], games that are designed to include educational objectives and subject matter have the potential to render
learning of academic subjects more student-centered, engrossing, enjoyable, interesting and thus, more effective and efficient.
Kinzie and Joseph (2008) defined games as “an immersive, voluntary and enjoyable activity in which a challenging goal is
pursued according to agreed-upon rules” [19]. Nowadays, educational games are considered to be the new field in which serious
games have been applied. In our case, educational games can be considered as computer-assisted instructional tools and
techniques in which skills and chance are combined and implemented on previously acquired information and gained experiences
[20]. According to Sauvé et al. (2005), educational games are defined as an artificially and fancifully created situation in which
students are placed in a position of conflict and confrontation as they often have to compete or cooperate with each other [21].
According to Rossiou and Papadakis (2007), educational games are often social in their nature, are based on preset rules and have
several levels of varying degrees of difficulty through which students gain new skills and learn new strategies in order to
overcome obstacles and become victorious, all while learning [20]. Moreover, Maragos and Grigoriadou (2005) quoted that
educational games are games which promote logic and skills development and knowledge acquisition in an interesting and
pleasant way [22]. Besides that, they allow students to learn new things while at the same time being engaged in an entertaining
situation [17]. DeKanter (2005) conducted a study whose results showcased that educational games can be regarded as a
constructivist learning environment in which the vital and interdependent ingredients for productive learning are woven together
[23]. Moreover, Kiili (2005) supported that games can satisfy the basic requirements of a learning environment and provide
engaging learning experiences for students [24].
By utilizing serious games in education, students’ overall learning experience can become more entertaining and engaging.
According to Prensky (2002), by adding this element into the learning process, there is no doubt that not only does learning
become more enjoyable, compelling and engaging, but also more effective and efficient [25]. According to [3], [6], [7], [12], [18],
[26], games promote excitement, stimulation, engagement and the feeling of accomplishment and as such, they are widely
considered as a great means to facilitate learning and combine meaningful learning with fun. In addition, they could enhance
students’ learning motivation, interest and engagement [27], [28], [29]. It cannot be denied that utilizing serious games could
create a more interesting and interactive learning environment in which students could acquire and share thoughts, knowledge and
experiences [4], [29]. Moreover, all things considered, serious games promote innovative thinking and are believed to be an
excellent tool to facilitate situated learning and support students’ learning experiences [12], [18], [30].
Based on Ronimus et al. (2014), students’ feeling of interest and curiosity is typically triggered when they are introduced to game-
based learning or game activities [15]. Moreover, according to [26], [31], [32], it is widely accepted that games also have a
positive effect on creativity, problem solving skills, critical thinking, spatial ability, collaboration, conceptual understanding,
automaticity and a host of other higher order thinking skills. All these promote tranquil state of mind and maintain social contact
and interaction. Hsiao et al. (2014) quoted that although creativity is not an innate quality, it can be inculcated, encouraged,
trained and cultivated by educational or training programs [33]. According to Huang and Johnson (2008), in order to efficiently
enhance and reinforce students’ interest and instructional effect, games typically implement multimodal presentations [34]. In
addition, they integrate auditory, visual and textual displays so as to enrich students’ experience and cognitive success [35].
Furthermore, according to Hsiao et al. (2014), utilizing games as a teaching and learning tool can a) promote students’ learning
motivation and eagerness, b) enhance their academic accomplishments and social attainments and c) improve their higher order
thinking skills and improve critical and cooperative behavior [33].
There is no doubt that the characteristics and merits of serious games are what make them engaging [18] and what attract students.
Based on the study conducted by Dabbagh et al. (2016) [32], the key features of games are their keen motivation [36] and
engagement [37], their experiential [38], feedback driven [31] and contextual [26] learning, as well as their interactive learning
environments [39] and student-centered learning approaches [30]. According to [17], [18], [34], [35], some of the main game
features that influence students’ engagement and enjoyment include: curiosity, fantasy, role-playing tasks, rules, goals, challenges,
competition, control, fun, motivation, interaction, adaptability, feedback and multimodal presentation.
Li and Tsai (2013) quoted that the best way to create well-designed serious games is by utilizing effective and efficient learning
principles and methods in combination with the above-mentioned characteristics and merits [7]. One commonly held view is that
serious games can promote effective learning and motivate students by offering them opportunities to actively and critically
experience, practice and express their ideas in a problem-based situated and low-risk content [3], [6], [7]. According to [5], [40],
the proper direction which should be followed in order to influence students’ direction, vigor and persistence is to offer them
motivation which responds to a specific set of physiological processes. Moreover, serious games have an intrinsic motivational
factor that encourages curiosity and makes students believe that they are in control of their own learning [27]. Motivation is
considered to be a key factor in captivating students’ interest and enhancing their learning ability and performances. Furthermore,
according to Erhel and Jamet (2013), the motivational and engaging benefits that serious games provide are often put down to
their entertainment value and lay the groundwork for educational and social interaction [5]. Additionally, Yee (2006) defined
Achievement, Social and Immersion as the three main components that enhance students’ motivational aspect when utilizing
games in education. These main components include some subcomponents which are referred as follows: Achievement
(advancement, mechanics and competition), Social (socializing, relationship and teamwork) and Immersion components
(discovery, role-playing, customization and escapism) [41].
In order to promote motivation, Prensky (2001) presented a new game-based learning approach, named digital game-based
learning, in which he incorporated digital games in combination with curricular contents. Moreover, Prensky (2001) defined the
key characteristic of digital game-based learning as the “coming together” of interactive entertainment and serious learning
through digital games [18]. Digital game-based learning is a student-centered learning approach that utilizes digital games so as to
support educational purposes such as teaching and learning [43]. Erhel and Jamet (2013) described digital game-based learning as
a competitive activity in which educational goals are set with the aim of promoting students’ knowledge acquisition [5]. After
being designed in a way that promotes the development of cognitive and soft skills, these games, which may also take the form of
simulations, allow students to practice their skills in a virtual and safe environment. Furthermore, according to [5], [44], digital
game-based learning environments should include preset rules and goals, prompt feedback to students’ actions and progressively
changing difficulty level. They should also promote students’ self-efficacy through challenging experiences in a social and
collaborative environment. Based on Cheng et al. (2013), digital game-based learning combines educational content and digital
games to stimulate students’ interest and provide them with the opportunity to enhance their learning effectiveness [16]. As a
consequence, students view knowledge and education positively throughout their life. Perrotta et al. (2013), in their study, defined
intrinsic motivation, learning through intense enjoyment and fun, authenticity, self-reliance and autonomy, as well as experiential
learning as the key principles involved in digital game-based learning [43]. Moreover, they determined set rules and goals,
fictional settings, progressive difficulty levels, high control and interaction, prompt and constructive feedback and social
involvement as the key mechanisms of this approach.
Moreover, digital game-based learning offers more benefits to enhance students’ learning experience and improve learning and
teaching procedures while also promoting active interaction and communication between students and educators. Based on all the
above-mentioned facts, some more benefits that digital game-based learning promotes and offers to students are:
Cognitive growth and digital literacy;
Social-emotional growth and soft skills development;
Enhanced decision making and problem-solving skills, as well as critical thinking;
Improved collaboration and communication environment;
Positively competitive environment;
High self-esteem and autonomy;
Progressive learning through experience;
Rewarding feeling of progression and achievement;
Feedback driven and student-centered learning.
Finally, with the aim of further enhancing and enriching students’ learning experience and increasing the benefits they provide,
digital game-based learning can be combined with other learning methodologies and approaches such as cooperative learning
[46], project-based learning [47] and problem-based learning [48].
Education has another role but to teach fundamental knowledge and that is to prepare students for their life ahead. Much too much
emphasis is placed on factual education and not enough on teaching students how to get along with each other as members of
society and how to interact with others through cooperation and compromise by cultivating friendships and the feeling of
belonging to a peer group. Students feel the need to engage in a recreational activity which will provide them with the much-
needed break from their mundane routines. Moreover, due to the rapid development of technology and digitalization of everyday
life, students’ new needs and requirements for more interactive and engaging learning experiences have arisen. As education
should not simply stick to traditional forms but should be reformed and utilize contemporary techniques, methods and
technologies so as to satisfy and fulfill these new needs and requirements and reinforce students’ learning procedure.
Digital game-based learning approach and serious games in general can be utilized as an educational tool which can boost
students’ wellbeing and self-esteem, help them improve their soft skills, develop their critical thinking, decision-making and
problem-solving skills, as well as maintain a healthy mental and psychological balance. With that view, we presented and
analyzed the concept of serious games in education and described the characteristics and features of educational games. We also
pointed out the significance of students’ motivation and engagement. Finally, we analyzed the digital game-based learning
approach and presented some of its benefits.
In conclusion, when applied in education properly and in a student-centered way, digital game-based learning approach and
serious games can be considered as an effective educational tool that can facilitate and enhance students’ learning procedure, as a
means through which interaction, cooperation and communication can be promoted and improved and as an educational process
which can instill interest in educational issues, promote learning motivation and engagement, as well as induce eager and active
participation in lessons.
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