STL (File Format)

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The STL file format is a common file format used to represent 3D objects. It describes only the surface geometry of an object without any representation of color, texture or other attributes. STL files can be in ASCII or binary format, with binary being more common due to smaller file size.

The STL file format specifies the surface geometry of a 3D object using triangular facets, each defined by three vertices and a normal vector. It does not contain any color, texture or other attributes about the object.

Each STL file contains a list of triangular facets that define the surface of the 3D model. Each facet is defined by its normal vector and the three vertices that define the triangle. STL files can be in ASCII or binary format.

STL (file format)

STL (an abbreviation of "stereolithography") is a file format native to

the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems.[1][2][3]
STL has several after-the-fact backronyms such as "Standard Triangle
Language" and "StandardTessellation Language".[4] This file format is
supported by many other software packages; it is widely used for rapid
prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing.[5] STL
files describe only the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object
without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD
model attributes. The STL format specifies both ASCII and binary
representations. Binary files are more common, since they are more

An STL file describes a raw, unstructured triangulated surface by the

unit normal and vertices (ordered by the right-hand rule) of the
triangles using a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. In the
original specification, all STL coordinates were required to be positive
numbers, but this restriction is no longer enforced and negative A CAD representation of a torus (shown as two
coordinates are commonly encountered in STL files today. STL files concentric red circles) and an STL
contain no scale information, and the units are arbitrary approximation of the same shape (composed of
triangular planes)
Filename extension .stl

Contents Internet media type model/stl

ASCII STL model/x.stl-ascii

Binary STL model/x.stl-binary

Color in binary STL Developed by 3D Systems

The facet normal Initial release 1987
Use in 3D printing Type of format Stereolithography
Use in other fields
Software that can handle STL data
See also
External links

An ASCII STL file begins with the line

solid name

where name is an optional string (though if name is omitted there must still be a space after solid). The file continues with any
number of triangles, each represented as follows:
facet normal ni n j nk
outer loop
vertex v1x v1y v1z
vertex v2x v2y v2z
vertex v3x v3y v3z

where each n or v is a floating-point number in sign-mantissa-"e"-sign-exponent format, e.g., "2.648000e-002". The file concludes

endsolid name

The structure of the format suggests that other possibilities exist (e.g., facets with
more than one "loop", or loops with more than three vertices). In practice, however, 3D
all facets are simple triangles.

White space (spaces, tabs, newlines) may be used anywhere in the file except within
numbers or words. The spaces between "facet" and "normal" and between "outer"
and "loop" are required.[6]

Binary STL An example ASCII STL of a

Because ASCII STL files can become very large, a binary version of STL exists. A sphericon
binary STL file has an 80-character header (which is generally ignored, but should
never begin with "solid" because that may lead some software to assume that this is
an ASCII STL file). Following the header is a 4-byte little-endian unsigned integer indicating the number of triangular facets in the
file. Following that is data describing each triangle in turn. The file simply ends after the last triangle.

Each triangle is described by twelve 32-bit floating-point numbers: three for the normal and then three for the X/Y/Z coordinate of
each vertex – just as with the ASCII version of STL. After these follows a 2-byte ("short") unsigned integer that is the "attribute byte
count" – in the standard format, this should be zero because most software does not understand anything else.

Floating-point numbers are represented asIEEE floating-point numbers and are assumed to belittle-endian, although this is not stated
in documentation.

UINT8[80] – Header
UINT32 – Number of triangles

foreach triangle
REAL32[3] – Normal vector
REAL32[3] – Vertex 1
REAL32[3] – Vertex 2
REAL32[3] – Vertex 3
UINT16 – Attribute byte count

Color in binary STL

There are at least two non-standard variations on the binary STL format for adding color information:

The VisCAM and SolidView software packages use the two "attribute byte count" bytes at the end of every triangle to
store a 15-bit RGB color:

bits 0 to 4 are the intensity level for blue (0 to 31),

bits 5 to 9 are the intensity level for green (0 to 31),
bits 10 to 14 are the intensity level for red (0 to 31),
bit 15 is 1 if the color is valid, or 0 if the color is not valid (as with normal STL files).
The Materialise Magics software uses the 80-byte header at the top of the file to represent the overall color of the
entire part. If color is used, then somewhere in the header should be the ASCII string "COLOR=" followed by four
bytes representing red, green, blue andalpha channel (transparency) in the range 0–255. This is the color of the
entire object, unless overridden at each facet. Magics also recognizes a material description; a more detailed surface
characteristic. Just after "COLOR=RGBA" specification should be another ASCII string ",MA TERIAL=" followed by
three colors (3×4 bytes): first is a color ofdiffuse reflection, second is a color of specular highlight, and third is an
ambient light. Material settings are preferred over color . The per-facet color is represented in the two "attribute byte
count" bytes as follows:

bits 0 to 4 are the intensity level for red (0 to 31),

bits 5 to 9 are the intensity level for green (0 to 31),
bits 10 to 14 are the intensity level for blue (0 to 31),
bit 15 is 0 if this facet has its own unique color, or 1 if the per-object color is to be used.

The red/green/blue ordering within those two bytes is reversed in these two approaches – so while these formats could easily have
been compatible, the reversal of the order of the colors means that they are not – and worse still, a generic STL file reader cannot
automatically distinguish between them. There is also no way to have facets be selectively transparent because there is no per-facet
alpha value – although in the context of current rapid prototyping machinery
, this is not important.

The facet normal

In both ASCII and binary versions of STL, the facet normal should be a unit vector pointing outwards from the solid object. In most
software this may be set to (0,0,0), and the software will automatically calculate a normal based on the order of the triangle vertices
using the "right-hand rule". Some STL loaders (e.g. the STL plugin for Art of Illusion) check that the normal in the file agrees with
the normal they calculate using the right-hand rule and warn the user when it does not. Other software may ignore the facet normal
entirely and use only the right-hand rule. Although it is rare to specify a normal that cannot be calculated using the right-hand rule, in
order to be entirely portable, a file should both provide the facet normal and order the vertices appropriately. A notable exception is
SolidWorks, which uses the normal forshading effects.

Use in 3D printing
3D printers are stereolithography machines that can build any volume shape as a series of slices. Ultimately these machines require a
series of closed 2D contours that are filled in with solidified material as the layers are fused together. A natural file format for such a
machine would be a series of closed polygons corresponding to different Z-values. However, since it is possible to vary the layer
thicknesses for a faster though less precise build, it was easier to define the model to be built as a closed
polyhedron that can be sliced
at the necessary horizontal levels.

The STL file format appears capable of defining a polyhedron with any polygonal facet, but in practice it is only ever used for
triangles, which means that much of the syntax of the ASCII protocol is superfluous.

To properly form a 3D volume, the surface represented by any STL files must be closed and connected, where every edge is part of
exactly two triangles, and not self-intersecting. Since the STL syntax does not enforce this property, it can be ignored for applications
where the closedness does not matter. The closedness only matters insofar as the software that slices the triangles requires it to ensure
that the resulting 2D polygons are closed. Sometimes such software can be written to clean up small discrepancies by moving
vertices that are close together so that they coincide. The results are not predictable, but it is often suf

Use in other fields

STL file format is simple and easy to output. Consequently, many computer-aided design systems can output the STL file format.
Although the output is simple to produce, someconnectivity informationis discarded.

Many computer-aided manufacturing systems require triangulated models. STL format is not the most memory- and computationally
efficient method for transferring this data, but STL is often used to import the triangulated geometry into the CAM system. The
format is commonly available, so the CAM system will use it. In order to use the data, the CAM system may have to reconstruct the
STL can also be used for interchanging data between CAD/CAM systems and
computational environments such asMathematica. 3D

STL was invented by the Albert Consulting Group for 3D Systems in 1987.[8]
The format was developed for 3D Systems' first commercial 3D printers. Since
its initial release, the format remained relatively unchanged for 22 years. In
2009, an update to the format, dubbed STL 2.0, was proposed.

STL model of the Utah teapot viewed in

Software that can handle STL data the MediaWiki 3D extension

Adobe Acrobat 3D, a 3D exchange solution that inserts 3D content

in PDF file format.
Adobe Photoshop, an image editor and 3D rendering and printing package.
Anim8or, a free 3D modeling and animation program.
ArchiCAD, a CAD program for architects, can import and export STL files
Autodesk Revit, a CAD program for architects and engineers, can import STL files
Autodesk ReMake, creates 3D models from reality captured with photos or scans. Remake can edit and prepare
huge meshes, generated or Imported - its scalable mesh streaming engine can visualize and edit billion polygon
mesh files. Reads and writes .STL files
Autodesk Meshmixer, free tool for 3D print and easy edit huge STL files
Blender, a 3D computer graphics software used for creating animated films, visual fects,
ef art, 3D printed models,
interactive 3D applications and video games
CATIA, a multi-platform computer-aided design (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)/computer-aided
engineering (CAE) software suite, a free online 3D editor that can import, edit, and export STL files
CloudCompare, an open-source application for handling STL files
densys3d, an Israeli startup that created an IntraOral 3D scanner , has developed a software called MIA3d which
creates open STL files for dentists to aid in analyzing and printing teeth.
Femap, CAD-independent Windows-native pre- and post- processor for advanced engineering finite element
FreeCAD, an open-source CAD program, can import and export STL files
GeoMagic Design, a 3D model CAD software suite with additional tools specific to 3D printing owned by 3D Systems
Maple and Mathematica, technical computing systems that can work with STL files
MeshLab, a free and open-source cross-platform application for visualizing, processing, and converting three-
dimensional meshes to or from the STL file format
3D Builder, introduced with Microsoft Windows 8.1
Mimics, a medical image processing software, can convert CT and MRI files into .STL files
MountainsMap, a micro-topography software exportingprofilometer and microscope 3D surfaces in STL
OpenSCAD, a constructive solid geometrymodeler and domain-specific languagecan both generate and import STL
Preview, default image viewer onmacOS
Paraview, an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on VTK.
PTC Creo Elements/Pro, a 3D CAD/CAM/CAE feature-based, associative solid modeling software
Rhinoceros 3D, a free form surface modeler that utilizes theNURBS mathematical model.
SelfCAD, a web-based all-in-one CAD software with in-build slicer , sculpting and sketching.
SketchUp,[11] a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural,
interior design, civil and mechanical engineering
Slic3r, converts STL to Gcode
SolidWorks, a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software
Solid Edge, a 3D CAD, parametric feature and synchronous technology solid modeling software
Spaceclaim by ANSYS, works directly with STL files, including many automated prep tools for 3D printing
Siemens NX by Siemens can work with STL files and unifies the standard CAD and the STL with the convergent
modeling functions
AirShaper, a virtual wind tunnel software uses .STL files as the main format for its aerodynamic simulations.
See also
3D Manufacturing Format(3MF), the latest standard for 3D file manufacturing, including multi-color , multi-material, &
support for extensions which include a lattice format
Additive Manufacturing File Format(AMF), a newer standard with native support for color , multiple materials, and
Autodesk 3ds Max
Autodesk Inventor
PLY (file format), an alternative file format offering more flexibility than most stereolithography applications
Wavefront .obj file, a 3D geometry definition file format with.obj file extension
X3D, a royalty-free ISO standard for 3D computer graphics

1. StereoLithography Interface Specification, 3D Systems, Inc., July 1988
2. StereoLithography Interface Specification, 3D Systems, Inc., October 1989
3. SLC File Specification, 3D Systems, Inc., 1994
4. Grimm, Todd (2004), User's Guide to Rapid Prototyping(
PA55&lpg=PA55&f=false), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, p. 55, ISBN 0-87263-697-6. Many names are used
for the format: for example, "standard triangle language", "stereolithography language", and "stereolithography
tesselation language". Page 55 states, C " huck Hull, the inventor of stereolithography and 3D Systems' founder
reports that the file extension is for stereolithography."
5. Chua, C. K; Leong, K. F.; Lim, C. S. (2003), Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications(2nd ed.), World Scientific
Publishing Co, ISBN 981-238-117-1 Chapter 6, Rapid Prototyping Formats. Page 237, "The STL (ST eroLithography)
file, as the de facto standard, has been used in many, if not all, rapid prototyping systems." Section 6.2 STL File
Problems. Section 6.4 STL File Repair.
6. Burns, Marshall (1993).Automated Fabrication. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-119462-5.
7., The StL Format: Standard Data Format for Fabbers, reprinted from Marshall Burns, Automated
Fabrication,, "The object represented must be located in the all-
positive octant. In other words, all vertex coordinates must be positive-definite (nonnegative and nonzero) numbers.
The StL file does not contain any scale information; the coordinates are in arbitrary units."
8. "STL File Format for 3D Printing - Explained in Simple erms"
T (
printing/). All3DP. 17 November 2016. Retrieved 5 May 2017.
9. "STL 2.0 May Replace Old, Limited File Format"( RapidToday.
Retrieved 5 May 2017.
10. Hiller, Jonathan D.; Lipson, Hod (2009)."STL 2.0: A Proposal for a Universal Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
File Format" ( .pdf) (PDF). Cornell University.
Retrieved 5 May 2017.
11. "Export to STL file format - Solid Utopia"( 11 March

External links
The StL Format: Standard Data Format for Fabbers
File Extension STL: List of software to work with STL file

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