Document With Features
Document With Features
Document With Features
List of Terms 1
Introduction 8
Benefits 9
General 13
Operations 13
Upgrade 13
Remote Upgrade 14
Controlled Features 14
EAGLE Security 15
Maintenance 19
Alarms 19
Disk/Database Maintenance 21
Link Maintenance 24
General 53
GWS Functionality 53
Allowed OPC 55
Allowed DPC 55
Allowed SIO 56
Blocked DPC 56
General 58
Introduction 62
General 64
Introduction 79
Available Support 79
XUDT Limitations 79
Introduction 80
Available Support 80
Considerations/Limitations 80
Introduction 81
Introduction 82
Description 85
Limitations 86
Fallback to GTT 86
Numbering Plan 86
MNPAssumptions/Limitations 108
TIF ASD use case for TIF CgPN service using ASDOTHER 137
General 157
Background 167
Background 169
Reports 189
Logs 190
Backup 192
SNMP 206
Table of Tables
Table 1: Go Forward Product Model ....................................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Number of Components to Inspect Under Various Conditions .................................................................. 23
Table 3: Link Fault Sectionalization Tests Remote Link Element (RLE) Types ....................................................... 25
Table 4: Link Fault Sectionalization Test Types ...................................................................................................... 26
Table 5: Global Title Translation ............................................................................................................................. 66
Table 6: GTT Messages ......................................................................................................................................... 68
Table 7: Available User-Selectable SCCP Routing Hierarchies .............................................................................. 70
Table 8: Flexible GTT Routing ................................................................................................................................ 73
Table 9: Transaction-based GTT Provisioning Options .......................................................................................... 81
Table 10: Message Relay Services and GTT Actions ............................................................................................. 86
Table 11: Service Name and Corresponding Feature which may relay MSU ......................................................... 86
Table 12: Exceptions to Fall-Back to GTT functionality........................................................................................... 87
Table 13: J7 Features and Support ........................................................................................................................ 89
Table 14: Measurement Counters for A Port ........................................................................................................ 110
Table 15: Network Prefix To Be Appended to SRI_ACK ....................................................................................... 121
Table 16: TON to NAI Mapping ............................................................................................................................ 128
Table 17: OFNAI to TON Mapping ....................................................................................................................... 129
Table 18: Example of Complex Filtering Rules for ISUP NP - Relay .................................................................... 143
Table 19: Example of Complex Filtering Rules for ISUP NP – Release ................................................................ 144
Table 20: IMEI Treatment ..................................................................................................................................... 170
Table 21: LSMS Functions ................................................................................................................................... 184
Table 22: SNMP Traps Supported ........................................................................................................................ 207
Table 23: Additional Link Component Peg Counts ............................................................................................... 208
Table 24: Remote Congestion Response ............................................................................................................. 212
Table 25: DTA CgPA SSN Mapping Table ........................................................................................................... 214
Table 26: IPVSHL Linkset Registers..................................................................................................................... 218
Table 27: Oracle Communications EAGLE (base-fee).......................................................................................... 222
Table 28: Oracle Communications EAGLE ........................................................................................................... 224
Table 29: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Advanced Service Module Enabler ........................................... 224
Table 30: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP ................................................................................................... 225
Table 31: Oracle Communications EAGLE Advanced Service Module Enabler ................................................... 225
Table 32: Oracle Communications EAGLE Mobile Number Portability ................................................................. 226
Table 33: Oracle Communications EAGLE Security and Fraud ............................................................................ 227
Table 34: Oracle Communications EAGLE HLR Router ....................................................................................... 228
Table 35: Oracle Communications EAGLE Equipment Identity Register .............................................................. 228
Table 36: Oracle Communications EAGLE Global Title Translation Routing ........................................................ 228
Table 37: Oracle Communications EAGLE Triggerless ISUP Framework Routing ............................................... 229
Table 38: Oracle Communications EAGLE Origin Based Routing ........................................................................ 230
Table 39: Oracle Communications EAGLE Prepaid Routing ................................................................................ 230
Table 40: Oracle Communications EAGLE SMS Routing ..................................................................................... 231
Table 41: Oracle Communications EAGLE Service Handler 8GB ........................................................................ 231
Table 42: Oracle Communications EAGLE Ethernet B Traffic Handler ................................................................. 232
Table 43: Oracle Communications EAGLE Asynchronous Transfer Mode B Traffic Handler ................................ 233
Table 44: Oracle Communications EAGLE E1T1 B Traffic Handler ...................................................................... 234
Table 45: Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor Provisioning ................................................... 235
Table 46: Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor NonProvisioning ............................................. 235
Table 47: Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor Database Capacity......................................... 235
Table 48: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor................................................................ 236
Table 49: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor Database Capacity ................................. 236
Table 50: Oracle Communications LSMS ............................................................................................................. 238
Table 51: Oracle Communications LSMS Query Server ....................................................................................... 239
Table 52: Oracle Communications EAGLE FTP Table Base Retrieval ................................................................. 239
AE Application Engine
AS Application Server
CC Country Code
CM Cluster Manager
CS Control Shelf
CF Control Frame
EF Extension Frame
EO End Office
GN Generic Name
GT Global Title
IN Intelligent Network
IPGW IP Gateway
IPS IP Signaling
LU Location_Update [message]
MR Message Relay
NP Number Portability
Override GTTs Global title translations provisioned on a per LRN basis that
take precedence over the GTTs in the subscription version
(TN record) from the NPAC/LSMS
SID Self-Identification
SRI SendRoutingInfo
TT Translation Type
TU Transaction Unit
The Oracle Communications EAGLE (EAGLE) Feature Guide provides a high-level overview of the
EAGLE with its most important features including these related products:
The Feature Guide complements the OC EAGLE user documentation by emphasizing new features
and hardware used in new deployments. See also the EAGLE Planning Guide to help plan for
deployment and configuration of the EAGLE and LSMS.
The revision of this Feature Guide reflects these releases: EAGLE 46.1, EPAP 16.0, ELAP 10.0, FTRA
4.5, and LSMS 13.1.
For detailed product information or for requirements of earlier releases, always refer to the user
documentation for the respective release. Contact your Oracle Communications Sales representative
to obtain any of the listed documentation.
The EAGLE is the world’s leading signaling platform and a future-proof solution for operators migrating
to next-generation IP connectivity. From a single platform, the EAGLE performs key functions such as
signal transfer point (STP), signaling gateway, intelligent routing, screening services, number
portability (NP) and integrated performance and service management. Service providers can optimize
the use of network resources, manage subscribers and migrate them to new technologies, control
fraud, and interoperate between networks with disparate technologies. The EAGLE delivers impressive
database size, signaling capacity and transaction speed. These advanced features, coupled with high-
performance IP connectivity, optimize today’s core telecommunications network with scalability,
reliability, security, and flexibility, while providing investment protection. The following products are
supported on the EAGLE platform.
The EAGLE is the world’s leading signaling platform and a future-proof solution for operators migrating
to next-generation IP connectivity.
» Single Platform: a unique platform supporting key functions such as integrated monitoring, signal
transfer, signaling gateway, advanced routing applications, screening and security, and number
» Scalability: Operators can purchase the capacity and connectivity needed to meet existing or
planned network requirements.
» Reliability: 99.99999+%* field-proven reliability in wireless/wireline networks worldwide.
» Flexibility: Supports an extended variety of link interface types and industry standards for flexible
configuration and connection of network devices.
» Network security: Signaling connectivity to other service providers is centralized at the EAGLE.
*Reliability calculated using accepted industry methods of measuring STP population availability in a
mated pair configuration.
Number Portability (North America) Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Advanced Per Card ISO
Service Module Enabler
Number Portability (Rest of World) Oracle Communications EAGLE Advanced Service Per Card ISO
Module Enabler
Software Features Oracle Communications EAGLE Security and Fraud Per Node ISO
Card Licenses Oracle Communications EAGLE Service Handler 8 Per Card ISO
Oracle Communications EAGLE Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Per Card ISO
Application Processor Software: Processor Provisioning (base fee)
Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Per Card ISO
Application Processor Software: Processor (base fee)
Oracle Communications EAGLE LSMS Oracle Communications LSMS Per Card ISO
Oracle Communications EAGLE Element Oracle Communications EAGLE Element Per Server SW
Management System Software: Management System
Oracle Communications EAGLE FTP Oracle Communications EAGLE FTP Table Base Per Server SW
Table Base Retrieval Software: Retrieval
One interesting attribute of the EAGLE is that application cards do not use the OAM cards’ functionality for message
processing. Hence, OAM operations primarily involve upgrades to the software.
Upgrades can be performed either on site or remotely. This data link is a secure link with password protection.
Typically, upgrades take 4-6 hours depending on the size of the system and features involved. The EAGLE can
gracefully back out and restore the previous software versions. Should any emergency situation occur during
upgrade, recovery procedures can be used to restore the EAGLE without incurring reportable downtime.
Remote Upgrade
As of Release 39.2, the EAGLE supports the ability to transfer an EAGLE software upgrade file via FTP/SFTP from
a remote server. A software upgrade can be accomplished without the need for inserting an MO disk locally on site.
Check the Planning Guide for hardware dependencies.
Controlled Features
The EAGLE contains a wide variety of optional features that a customer can purchase. The features are controlled
either through a system-wide feature bit or through a feature access key.
For quantity features such as xx Million LNP Records or Proxy Point Codes, quantity feature access keys allow
customers to purchase a set quantity. Upon installation of the system, the purchased feature access key is entered
into the system and the quantity becomes enabled and turned on.
Some quantity features are shipped to customers with a system default rate. If a higher quantity is required,
customers can purchase the controlled feature at a higher quantity. When a higher quantity is permanently enabled
on a system, any quantity level below the purchased level will be automatically enabled.
Some key benefits of an IP connection are that a Dial-up connection is not required, additional EAGLE UI access
points are provided, allows access to the EAGLE UI from an IP network, improved UI speed and data throughput,
enhanced output buffering (vs. serial terminals) and provides for a robust platform for future IPUI development.
The additional ports are accessible from any existing LAN or WAN connection along a customer's IP-based network.
Craftspersons only need access to a standard telnet client to connect to and work on the EAGLE.
» Each EAGLE terminal connection can support retrieval of up to 10 serial connections or 20 telnet terminal
» The EAGLE can also be configured to support most commonly used timezones.
» Basic
» Debug
» Link Maintenance
» Program Update
» Security Administration
» Database Administration
» System Maintenance
» LNP Basic
» LNP Database Administration
» LNP Subscription
Additionally, the Command Class Management feature allows the user to place Oracle Communications EAGLE
commands into 32 new configurable command classes, which are in addition to the non-configurable command
classes. The craftsperson can provision any of these configurable command classes to contain any EAGLE
commands. The command classes can then be assigned to a user and/or terminal, thus allowing the user or
terminal the privilege of executing any command in the class. This allows users and terminals to fully configure
custom command classes.
EAGLE Security
The EAGLE has many features to maintain the security of the system by enforcing specific requirements for logging
onto the EAGLE, specific management actions for user IDs and terminals, and requirements for creating and
managing passwords. The specific EAGLE security features are listed below:
» Unauthorized Use Warning Message
» Login Success or Failure Tracking
FTP Retrieve and Replace uses EAGLE FTP commands to transfer portions of the EAGLE OA&M database to a
customer Windows-based PC or UNIX FTP Server or Client.
The EAGLE FTP Table Base Retrieval Application (FTRA), a Java-based application running on a Windows-based
PC or UNIX FTP Server, uses IPUI terminals and FTP Retrieve and Replace to retrieve EAGLE table data for
supported rtrv commands. FTRA can be used to manipulate the table data and send subsequent changes (replace)
to the Oracle Communications EAGLE OAM.
The FTP Retrieve and Replace capability provides the following capabilities:
» Enhanced retrieve capabilities of EAGLE table data, whereby the application retrieves table data transparently
upon request by the user and converts the data to a comma-separated variable (.csv) file.
» Enhanced input (replace) capabilities of EAGLE table data, supporting input of script files containing commands
created by the user. The transfer of data to the EAGLE is transparent to the user.
» A much faster and more reliable retrieval and input capability.
» Validating data prior to input and identifying the data at issue.
» Automated scheduling of data retrieval
» Connection up to 100 STPs
» Command Line capability in addition to GUI capability
» Logging of all retrieve activity
» Filtering
» Secure Shell capability (secure shell and SFTP) concurrent with the EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancements
FTP is used to quickly retrieve large provisioning tables from the EAGLE in an easy, reliable manner. FTP allows
easy connectivity over an IP network and provides a fast, reliable transfer protocol. By speeding up and facilitating
the retrieval of provisioning tables, it becomes easier to manage database table data.
The figure below shows the high-level data flow for the FTP Retrieve and Replace capability.
For data output, EAGLE table data is transferred from the EAGLE OAM through the IPSM card and then by FTP to a
customer's workstation to create an offline copy of the database. FTRA is then used to convert EAGLE table data
into CSV file output.
For data input, EAGLE command files can be used to send commands back to the EAGLE OAM. An EAGLE
command file is an ASCII text file, which contains only supported EAGLE commands. Once an EAGLE command
file is ready for input, the file must be validated against the offline EAGLE database prior to sending the commands
to the EAGLE OAM. FTRA allows the user to visually validate the commands prior to sending the file to the EAGLE.
Once offline database validation and visual validation are complete, the user can use FTRA to send the validated
commands back to the EAGLE through a telnet session at an IPUI telnet terminal.
During replace operations, there is no synchronization of databases with the live EAGLE database. The lack of
database synchronization may cause problems with conflicting provisioning performed on the EAGLE during the
Starting in EAGLE Release 32.0 and later, a single installation of FTRA can provide support to multiple systems
running different Oracle Communications EAGLE releases. The CSVGen components will be transferred along with
the EAGLE table data during all transfers. The transfer will be done automatically and ensures that the FTRA is
always current and up-to-date with every connection to the EAGLE.
As of release 46.0, the FTRA dependencies on EAGLE are removed, including, validation of rtrv-gpl in FTRA and
generation of stp.csv by FTRA.
The EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancements feature adds protection of password transmission and data
communications between the EAGLE and the user’s management system and/or terminal equipment, and
strengthens the authentication of users.
For the Measurements Platform feature and FTRA, the Secure FTP (SFTP) function of the EAGLE OA&M IP
Security Enhancements feature provides IP security over the connection between the EAGLE and the remote FTP
server or client. SFTP supports strong data encryption using widely accepted cipher routines. SFTP guarantees data
integrity, which ensures data cannot be tampered with, even while in transit over the network. A 32 MB MCPM card
The EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancements feature can be turned on and off in the system. The feature is on or
off for both IPUI and Measurements platform. It cannot be on for one feature and off for the other feature at the
same time.
Secure Shell (SSH) is the protocol for secure remote login and other network services over a non-secure network.
The EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancements feature uses SSH to encrypt and authenticate all incoming and
outgoing transmissions, including passwords, for incoming and outgoing transmission of EAGLE IPUI traffic,
including passwords, to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other network-level attacks.
For the EAGLE OA&M IP Security Enhancements feature to operate correctly, all SSH clients and SFTP servers
supported for this feature must be compatible with OpenSSH Version 3.7.1.
SEAS over IP
» The SEAS-over-IP (SOIP) feature provides a TCP/IP-based interface for SEAS. The SEAS interface constitutes
the path between the EAGLE and a Common Channel Signaling Message Router (CCS MR). The EAGLE acts as
a client and connects to the CCS MR, which acts as the server. Data is passed between the EAGLE and the CCS
MR using the SR-5129 protocol.
EAGLE maintenance uses commands and test procedures to ensure database preservation and to troubleshoot
different EAGLE components Maintenance functions include:
» Alarms
» Disk/Database Maintenance
» IMT troubleshooting
» Link Maintenance
The EAGLE provides a wide variety of alarm indications to allow easy identification and acknowledgment of a
system alarm.
Alarm status region of the VT320 display terminal shows how many alarms are pending in the following four
» CRIT – critical alarms
» MAJR - major alarms
» MINR - minor alarms
» INH - number of devices that have alarms inhibited
The EAGLE allows the connection of up to 16 external devices for alarm reporting. These devices are defined in the
EAGLE database as customer-defined troubles. The devices are monitored and report state changes to the user
through an unsolicited alarm message (UAM)).
Alarms can also be inhibited. Alarm inhibiting allows the user to inhibit critical, major, and minor alarms for specific
devices. There are two types of inhibits for alarms - temporary and permanent.
A temporary alarm inhibit will inhibit the specific device alarm until the condition that caused the alarm is no longer
present. When the alarmed condition is no longer present, the alarm inhibit will be automatically cleared.
A permanent alarm inhibit will also inhibit the specific device alarm but will keep the alarm inhibited even if the
alarming condition clears. Removing a permanent alarm inhibit requires manual intervention to clear the inhibit.
» Cards
» Signaling links
» Linksets
» Routes
» EAGLE terminals
» System clock
» TCP/IP data links
» Customer defined troubles
» Signaling Engineering and Administration System (SEAS)/X.25 links
» IP Gateway application sockets
» IP link between the LSMS and MPS
Disk/Database Maintenance
Each TDM (fixed disk) contains the “master” set of data and programs for an EAGLE. The EAGLE provides
redundant storage (active and standby) of the system data. The order of operations on the active and standby fixed
disks on the TDMs is that the active TDM is executed first, followed by the standby TDM.
The active and the standby disks each contain 5 partitions. A partition is a logical grouping of related tables. The
types of partitions are the current database partition (usually called the current partition), the backup database
partition (usually called the backup partition), the measurements partition, the GPL partition, and the common
partition (not shown in the figure above.
A full set of Generic Program Loads (GPLs) is stored on the fixed disk in the GPL partition. There is an approved
GPL and a trial GPL for each type of GPL (except for the GPLs for the OAM and a test GPL named CDU, both of
which have only an approved version).
Measurement tables are organized as a single partition on the fixed disk. These tables are used as holding areas for
the measurement counts and are rewritten every 24 hours.
The common partition (not shown in the figure above0 has only a few tables. The most important table is the DMS
configuration table, which contains information about the size of all tables.
» Database Backup/Restore/Repair
» Database Copy (Fixed Disk to Fixed Disk)
» Disk Coherency Tests
» Online Disk Formatting
Removable Cartridge
» Database Restore
Database restores are made from the backup partition of the fixed disks or from the removable cartridge. Database
restores only restores the administered data tables, not the GPLs or measurement tables.
» Remote Restore
Along with the R39.2 Remote Backup capability, the EAGLE also offers database restore from a remote server.
Check the Planning Guide for hardware dependencies.
» Database Repair
Database repair copies the current and backup partition from either the active or the standby fixed disk to the other.
» Copy GPL
This command copies the set of approved GPLs from the active fixed disk on the TDM or the removable cartridge
onto the standby fixed disk on the TDM or the removable cartridge. This is typically done after the installation of a
new GPL on the system, when the GPLs have been approved, and will allow the user to keep one removable
cartridge with a copy of all the approved GPLs in use on the system.
» Copy Measurements
When there is a need to perform offline analysis of the raw measurements data, this command copies that data onto
the removable cartridge. The data is copied from the active fixed disk on the TDM to the removable cartridge.
Intershelf cables 16 0 0 or 1
HIPR 32 0 1 or 2
Backplanes 16 0 1 or 2
Cards 252 1 2
IMT bus errors can be either transient or non-transient. Transient errors cause packet loss or data corruption, but
the cards remain connected to the IMT bus. Non-transient errors cause the cards to be disconnected from the IMT
bus. The IMT Fault Isolation procedures detect non-transient errors.
Link Maintenance
The EAGLE supports the following link maintenance procedures:
» Administrable SLTMs
» Link Fault Sectionalization
» Loopback testing for ATM links
» Remote Loopback Testing for DS0A
» Command Driven Loopback
» Link Diagnostics
Administrable SLTMs
This function allows the user to configure signaling link test messages (SLTMs). To test the coherency of a
particular link, two signaling points can transmit periodic test messages. The signaling point initiating the
test selects a link to test and then transmits an SLTM containing a test pattern. The other signaling point
responds with an echo of the test pattern contained in the SLTM. The intervals between transmission of
SLTMs are controlled by the sltm_enabled field in a corresponding SLTM table record. The SLTM table
record also controls the following:
» Length of the test pattern in the SLTM
» Automatic generation of SLTMs
» Generation of periodic SLTMs when a link is put in service
The SLTMs can be sent to a signaling link that is in service whenever desired.
Link Fault Sectionalization
The EAGLE supports up to 1024 Link Fault Sectionalization (LFS) tests at one time and a maximum of 32 remote
link elements for each LFS Test while being able to display real time results of the tests in progress. Link Fault
Sectionalization is not specified nor supported on ATM based High Speed Links but alternative loopback tests are
provided as described in Loopback Testing for ATM Links. LFS is only supported for DS0 56 Kbps links. The
E1/T1 MIM (in T1 mode) and MPL-T cards support up to 8 simultaneous LFS tests.
The SS7 LIM must be powered up and provisioned with the signaling link deactivated before starting the link fault
sectionalization tests. No messages are transferred to or from the signaling link by the SS7 LIM while the link is
performing a Link Fault Sectionalization test.
The point on the signaling link at which each loopback test ends is called the far-end loopback point. A far-end
loopback point (LBP) is achieved when the remote link element (RLE) sends the received data back to the
transmitter, allowing the transmitter to verify the received data.
Table 3: Link Fault Sectionalization Tests Remote Link Element (RLE) Types
The LBP is moved along the signaling link path until the LBP is in the far-end network element. Therefore, each LBP
along the link requires the initiation of one link fault sectionalization test on the SS7 LIM.
Table 4: Link Fault Sectionalization Test Types
Latching link fault sectionalization test (LLT-auto) A loopback point is established using signaling commands and remains until it
is removed by signaling commands.
Latching link fault sectionalization test (LLT-man) A loopback point is established by manual means and remains until it is
removed by manual means.
Nonlatching link fault sectionalization test (NLT) A loopback command is interleaved with the test data.
The tst-slk command allows the operator to run ATM loopback tests for up to 24 hours. This functionality is similar to
Link Fault Sectionalization for standard DS0 loopbacks. This functionality allows the customer to verify intermittent
ATM link problems. The tst-slk command tests can be grouped into two categories, message-based tests and
hardware-based tests. The SLTC and OAM tests are message-based tests. These tests involve sending a message
to the far end and expecting an appropriate reply. All ATM cards support these tests. The LXVR, LINE, and
PAYLOAD tests are hardware-based tests. The E1-ATM card does not support LINE and PAYLOAD tests.
This function is provided for signaling links connected to a LIM card running the ss7ansi application. This capability
allows the signaling link to be placed in loopback automatically when it receives a valid latching loopback code
sequence from the network (when a test pattern is detected). This allows the signaling link to be tested from another
far-end network element or maintenance test unit. While in loopback mode, the signaling link is out of service.
Command Driven Loopback allows the operator to force a link into a loopback to the far end. This feature is similar
in functionality to a remote initiated loopback except that the operator manually puts a signaling link into loopback to
the far end. A signaling link may go in and out of loopback as determined by loopback codes sent by the far end,
however, a link placed in Command Driven Loopback will remain in loopback until removed from loopback via a
command. Command Driven Loopback allows loopback testing of a signaling link when either far-end-initiated
loopbacks are prevented or when a constant loopback state is desired. IPLIMx and IPGWx cards do not support this
Link Diagnostics
Link Diagnostics provides detailed status information of link failures. This capability either confirms or eliminates a
portion of the near-end node as the reason for the link failure.
SS7 Level 2 status information is buffered before and after a link failure has occurred. This feature provides the
capability to loop the internal transmit and receive data on the LIM card. Link failures can occur on the near-end
node, far-end node, or the cable connecting the two nodes.
The Level 2 SS7 data is divided into two groups: service data and alignment data.
Service data is a running history of when the link comes in service and goes out of service. The history contains the
reason the link fails from the perspective of Level 2 along with the timestamp. This information can be used to help
solve whether the near-end or far-end node is responsible for causing the link to fail.
Alignment data is a running history of Level 2 alignment events with timestamps. This information can be used to
help determine why the link does not realign.
The service and alignment data buffer and the service data buffer can each hold 69 events.
Prior to this feature, there was no direct SNMP northbound interface from the EAGLE to an EMS or NMS. This
causes the need for a separate EMS to serve as an intermediary between the EAGLE and an NMS. This
intermediary EMS reads the EAGLE alarms based on textual output (in ASCII format) from the EAGLE and
translates those alarms into SNMP traps sent northbound to the NMS.
This feature allows the EAGLE to directly communicate with an NMS, without requiring the intermediary EMS.
There are some constraints, in that the data stream of SNMP traps for alarms will not provide the configurable pre-
filtering of alarm data. The NMSs will receive SNMP traps for all devices being alarmed/alarm cleared. The NMSs
may also receive UIM data in the form of SNMP traps as well.
With the current EAGLE EMS methodology, an NMS sends an SNMP SET variable to the EAGLE EMS when a
resynchronization is required. The EMS front-end provides facilities for filtering of the alarms.
This SNMP implementation is a FAK controlled feature (893-0404-01) that will allow for EAGLE Traps, to provide for
both UAM and UIMs. This FAK can only be activated and turned “on” or “off” for the Oracle Communications EAGLE
Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor Card with SSD Locking and the Oracle Communications EAGLE
Maintenance Disk and Alarm cards ONLY. Once activated and turned on, these traps will be sent to an NMS or set of
NMSs specified by the “ent/chg/rtrv-snmp-host” commands. It will also allow configured NMSs to request a resync
for all of the existing UAMs. And each provisioned NMS will receive a heartbeat Trap at a rate determined by the
NMS declaration so the NMS will know it is connected in low periods of UAM/UIM activity.
Introduced in release 46.0, the Eagle Eyes OAM Friendly Commands feature allows users to configure and perform
Eagle Eyes traffic captures using OAM commands.
The EAGLE implements the ANSI SS7 protocol in accordance with applicable sections of ANSI Standard
T1.111-112 and T1.114 . The EAGLE implements the ITU SS7 protocol in accordance with applicable
sections of Q.7XX.
This section is not intended to describe basic SS7 functionality but rather to highlight specific MTP and
SCCP protocol features supported in the EAGLE as follows:
• NRC Features
• Advanced MTP Capabilities
• Gateway Screening
• GSM MAP Screening
• Global Title Translations
• Support for J7 (Japan SS7)
Database services provided by the Oracle Communications EAGLE are covered in Chapter 5.0.
An extensive study of SS7 procedures was performed by the industry and standards bodies to identify the
requirements to improve the reliability of the signaling network. The study resulted in 17 recommendations
which were later prioritized and published by the Network Reliability Council (NRC). These 17 NRC items
have been incorporated in the ANSI and Telcordia standards. Some of these features are also applicable to
the ITU network and are noted as such. The implementation of these NRC items will result in a significant
improvement of network reliability. To meet the NRC objectives, the EAGLE contains all 17 NRC
features, as applicable to an STP and network implementation of these features:
1. Signaling Message Handling Congestion Control
2. Procedure to Eliminate False Link Congestion
3. Prevention of Congestion on Newly Available Linksets
4. Prevention of Congestion from Rerouted Traffic
5. TP Circular Route Detection
6. Prevention of Link Oscillation
7. MTP Restart
8. Procedures for Recovery from Processor Outages
9. Cluster Routing and Management Diversity
10. SCCP Routing in Response to MTP Congestion
11. Prevention of SCCP Circular Routes
12. Prevention of Trunk Looping caused by ISUP
Not Applicable to the EAGLE
13. 8-Bit SLS Support
14. Improved Signaling Link Test (SLT) Procedures
To correct this condition, EAGLE will start a T31 timer whenever a link goes into congestion. If the link remains in the
same congestion state until T31 expires, the link will be removed from service. The link will become unaligned, and
then the alignment procedure will be started.
The congestion level that starts the T31 timer is also provisionable to either congestion level 1 or congestion level 2.
T31 is started for a link anytime it reaches this congestion level or a higher level. An increase in congestion level or
abatement to a lower congestion level restarts the timer. Abatement below the provisioned congestion level stops
the timer.
For example, if T31 is 60 seconds and a link goes into congestion level 1, a 60-second T31 timer is started. If after
45 seconds the link's congestion increases to level 2, the timer is restarted. If the link remains at congestion level for
60 seconds, the link is taken out of service and it becomes unaligned. Then the alignment procedure is started, and
the EAGLE attempts to realign the link.
This procedure and the T31 timer are only defined in ANSI networks.
When a linkset that was previously unavailable becomes available and if the number of links available is less than
the required number of links, the EAGLE will not broadcast TFAs. For point codes that were previously prohibited
that use the linkset as the least cost route, the EAGLE will broadcast TFRs. For point codes that were previously
restricted that use the linkset as a least cost route, the EAGLE will not broadcast any TFx message.
After the EAGLE broadcasts TFA/TCA or TFR/TCR messages announcing the change in status, multiple signaling
points may perform controlled rerouting and release messages on the new route nearly simultaneously. This burst of
rerouted traffic is a potential source of congestion.
This is available for both ANSI and ITU Networks. If TFA/TFRs are sent for affected X.25 pseudo point codes, they
are also paced.
If the EAGLE detects circular routing, a flag is set, showing that circular routing was detected for this destination.
The destination is prohibited and a critical alarm is raised. The destination will remain prohibited as long as the
circular routing flag is set. After network operations personnel correct the routing data, they can manually allow the
route by using the rst-dstn command, which clears the circular routing flag. The flag is also cleared at node restart.
Changing the routing data using the chg-rte, ent-rte, or dlt-rte command does not clear the flag for circular routing
(except for deleting all routes to a destination, then re-entering the routes).
The EAGLE checks for circular routing on a linkset basis. That is, a test may be run on linkset A while another test is
run on linkset B. But only one test will be run at a time for linkset A. Also, only one test will be run per destination. If
a destination uses linkset A and linkset B as combined linksets, and linkset A is testing the destination, linkset B will
not start another test for the destination.
If the MTP Restart procedure is enabled, the EAGLE will attempt to bring links up in the following order:
» Links to the EAGLE that are equipped with MTP Restart capability
» All other links
The EAGLE now performs a time-controlled changeover instead of a sequence-controlled changeover when the
signaling link gets locally or remotely inhibited, or when a local or remote processor outage condition is entered
under these conditions.
Using this capability, the Oracle Communications EAGLE behaves in the following manner:
» When the signaling link is inhibited locally or remotely, the EAGLE does not send SIPOs. Instead, a time diversion
changeover procedure is started for the inhibited signaling link.
» When the signaling link is unavailable because of a remote or local processor outage, a time-controlled
changeover is performed instead of a sequence-controlled changeover.
This feature applies to both ANSI and ITU signaling links.
Without this option to reroute, additional messages would continue to be funneled to the congested node/subsystem
contributing to the congested state and hampering message load recovery.
Circular Route Detection is intended to identify destinations affected by Direct or Indirect Routing Loopbacks.
However, it can be invoked due to a Far End Loopback that causes congestion, thus marking point codes as
permanently prohibited (until user intervention) when the network automatically detected and corrected the event
(physical loopback) that caused the circular routing. Manual intervention is required by the network operator to reset
The Auto Point Code Recovery feature enhances the ability of the EAGLE to handle circular routing that is caused
by far-end loopback. The feature also automatically resets a destination point code (DPC) that has been marked as
prohibited due to circular route detection (CRD). The EAGLE detects far-end loopback in a link through the signaling
link test control (SLTC) procedure. The originating point code (OPC) sends a signaling link test message (SLTM)
across a link to the STP and expects a signaling link test acknowledgement (SLTA) from the STP. If far-end
loopback occurs in the connecting link, then the OPC receives the same SLTM instead of an SLTA. The OPC marks
the link as failed as soon as it receives the SLTM.
The circular route caused by the loopback can cause multiple MSUs to be returned to the OPC, which can increase
the congestion level on the link and invoke CRD processing. CRD marks the link as failed and marks the DPCs as
CRD-prohibited. After a link has been marked, the link cannot be used until the DPC is cleared.
The Auto Point Code Recovery feature consists of two separate features. Each feature addresses an aspect of far -
end loopback and CRD.
» Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection: The Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection feature significantly
decreases the time required to take a link out of service by failing a link as quickly as possible when an SLTM is
received. The rapid failure prevents the EAGLE from marking DPCs as CRD-prohibited.
» Circular Route Auto-Recovery: The Circular Route Auto-Recovery feature automatically clears CRD when far-end
loopback is detected, and the failing link is part of the linkset that detected the circular route. If the Circular Route
Auto-Recovery feature is not enabled, the user must clear CRD manually by a user command.
ITU does not support Circular Route Detection; Circular Route Auto-Recovery will only apply to ANSI Point Codes
The implementation of OMAP and XUDT as a network wide-solution to SCCP looping issues can cost operators
many millions of dollars to implement. The SCCP Loop Detection feature, which is applicable for ANSI and ITU
networks, allows operators to detect SCCP Looping and prevent link outages due to this type of condition as well
providing an alternative solution to the NRC’s (Network Reliability Council) requirement of network-wide
implementation of the hop counter in XUDTS messages. This alternative will give operators a more cost-effective
solution to this problem.
The SCCP Loop Detection feature allows the EAGLE to detect SCCP looping of UDT/XUDT and UDTS/
XUDTS messages for all concerned signaling transfer points (STPs). An STP sends GTT messages to the capability
point codes (CPCs) of mated nodes for loadsharing; however, SCCP looping can result if the destination point code
(DPC) is the same as either the originating point code (OPC) or the point code of any intermediate in the network.
The CPC cannot be omitted because it is used in other functionality. The SCCP Loop Detection feature allows a
correlation to be made between true/secondary point codes and CPCs for all concerned STPs. This correlation
allows the EAGLE to compare the OPC of an incoming MSU to the post-GTT DPC to determine the possibility of
A Loopset table is provisioned to define the correlation between the true/secondary point codes and the CPCs.
The SCCP Loop Detection feature operates in the Notify and Discard modes. In the Notify (default) mode, the SCCP
Loop Detection feature generates a UIM when it detects SCCP looping and does not discard the MSU. This UIM
allows the user to capture and verify MSUs throughout the system for SCCP looping. In the Discard mode, the
SCCP Loop Detection feature generates the same UIM when it detects SCCP looping and discards the MSU.
The SLS (signaling link selection) is a field in the routing label of the MSU. It is set by the originator of the MSU to a
random value. It is used by the EAGLE to pick which outgoing linkset and signaling link to use. MSUs with the same
destination and the same SLS take the same path through the network, which guarantees arrival at the destination
in sequence.
The value of the SLS is used by the EAGLE to distribute traffic over the available signaling links in a linkset. The
EAGLE uses an 8-bit SLS code, which provides the EAGLE with 256 SLS codes, of which 128 SLS codes are used
for signaling link selection. The additional SLS codes allow traffic to be distributed more evenly.
Because some signaling points may still be generating messages with a 5-bit SLS, the EAGLE provides an option to
convert 5-bit SLSs in messages to 8-bit SLSs. This option is set on an outgoing linkset basis.
ITU messages continue to use 4 bit SLSs. Messages that go from ITU to ANSI are converted from a 4 bit SLS to a
5-bit SLS. If the outgoing linkset uses 5- to 8-bit conversion, the ITU messages are converted to 8-bit SLSs. If the
linkset does not use 5- to 8-bit conversion, the ITU messages are converted from 4-bit to 5-bit SLS.
MSUs generated by the EAGLE (MTP management, SCCP management, LNP query response and messages
received from X.25) have an 8-bit SLS.
An additional 500 entries continue to be supported for dynamically created exception list entries. These entries are
available only if the Cluster Routing feature is turned on.
The Least Cost Routing function allows the assignment of a weighting factor to a route. The weighting factor is used
by MTP routing to determine the primary route (available route with the lowest cost), and the alternate routes. By
using this feature, multiple routes may be assigned to one destination, with a primary route selected for all routing
unless congestion or some other condition should be encountered, at which point the next most preferred route
would be chosen.
Each routeset (combination of routes) may be assigned six routes, with each route assigned a different cost factor.
The range for cost factors is 0 to 99, with 99 being the least favorable route (highest cost).
Combined linksets may be assigned the same cost factor, allowing equal loadsharing over the two linksets.
The Cluster Routing, Nested Cluster Routing, and Network Routing capabilities allow for more generalized routing
capabilities thus reducing the number of route table entries for a given number of destinations. Cluster Routing
allows routing by network cluster (10-10-*). Nested Cluster Routing allows cluster routing with full point codes
provisioned on a separate route. Network routing allows routing by network indicator (10-*-*).
Full point code entries, cluster entries, and network entries can be provisioned for members of the same network.
Any overlaps in the routing strategies are handled by a specific searching hierarchy.
» A maximum of 500 Nested Clusters entries (regardless of the number of full point code routes within the
cluster) are supported per node.
» Nested Cluster entries can be provisioned only as ANSI destination point codes.
» The ANSI alias point code for an ITU international or ITU national destination point code must be a full point
» If a cluster is more restricted than a member, the EAGLE will broadcast the status of the least restricted
member and rely on the response method for members of the cluster that do not have a full point code entry.
» The EAGLE will not broadcast preventive TCPs for nested cluster destinations. Because the EAGLE will not
send preventive TCPs when it begins routing towards a nested cluster, circular routing can occur. The
EAGLE will send response method TFPs if it receives an MSU when there is danger of circular routing.
» Measurements for messages that are received on a cluster route are pegged to that cluster route entry, not
by full point code.
» Network Routing-ANSI
Network routing is a higher level of routing than cluster routing and allows the user to provision a single routeset
that will be used for all MSUs destined to members of a network. The advantages of network routing are:
» Further reduces the number of entries in the route table
» Allows routing to members of a network without having to add those members to the route table
An EAGLE user can connect to a remote network by provisioning a single route table element. As the remote
network grows, the EAGLE user would not have to add new route table entries for each new point code in the
remote network.
» Limited network management functionality is provided with network routing. The EAGLE will not broadcast
TFP/TCP messages for network routes but will pace response method TFP/TCP messages to avoid network
management overload.
» Measurements for messages that are received on a network route are pegged to that network route entry,
not by cluster or full point code.
Origin-based MTP Routing
The Origin-based MTP Routing feature allows greater flexibility and control over EAGLE SS7 message routing. This
feature allows selective routing of messages based on a combination of the MTP origination and destination
information in the message. Standard EAGLE MTP routing is based only on the MTP destination information.
Standard MTP routing in the EAGLE uses a combination of the SLS, DPC, and Network Indicator fields in the MTP
layer to determine the next routing destination for the message. Origin-based MTP Routing makes use of the SLS,
DPC, OPC, SI, and Network Indicator fields in the MTP layer to determine the next routing destination for the
message. Origin-based MTP Routing allows greater flexibility over routing of messages, based on both Origination
and Destination information.
The EAGLE with point code 11-3-10 in Network 11 has the Origin-based MTP Routing feature active. Caller (919-
478-2161) originates a call from network 244 (MSU 244) via MSC 244-2-1. This MSU has a final destination (DPC)
of 145-2-1, where the called subscriber resides. Network 244 has a routing agreement with Network 11, and has
requested a preferred route via Network 1 for messages from its network. Thus, IAM 244 is sent via STP 1-1-1 in
Network 1.
Later, the caller 919-478-2161 flies to another location that is served by Network 5 instead of Network 244. Again,
caller 919-478-2161 originates a call to 919-463-2222. Now the IAM message originates at MSC 5-2-1 instead of
MSC 244-2-1. Network 5 also has an agreement with Network 11, but has requested routing via Network 3 for
messages from its network. Thus, STP 11-3-10 routes the IAM message through STP 3-3-3 in Network 3.
Both message are destined for 145-2-1, but can be sent via different routes based on the originating network.
With Origin-based MTP Routing, the following routing options are available:
Network management events (TFPs, TFAs, and TFRs) are still driven by the DPC-only routes. The new route types
are considered exception routes and do not factor into the availability status of a destination. If all of a destination's
DPC-only routes become unavailable, the destination is considered unreachable by the EAGLE, even if an
exception route to that specific destination is still capable of carrying traffic.
In the figure above, STP 10-10-10 has 3 DPC-only routes for end node DPC 5-5-5: LS1, LS2, and LS3, in that order
of preference. 5-5-5 also has a set of exception routes. Exception routes (if available) are preferred over standard
DPC-only routes, as described below:
» OPC=240-24-13: LS4 will be the most preferred route, followed by LS2. If neither of those routes are
available, the system will use LS3 (all SCCP (SI=3) messages without matching OPC), and then LS1 (DPC-
only route) for all other messages.
Note: LS4 is not one of DPC 5-5-5's original route-set. Also, LS4 will deliver the message to an end node
with PC of 8-8-8, rather than to a transit node with connection to 5-5-5. This can be useful for re-direction
application, etc. The 8-8-8 end node needs to be able to process a received message with a DPC different
than its own in this case.
» OPC=134-64-2: LS2 will be the most preferred route, followed by LS3 for all SCCP (SI=3) messages without
matching OPC. LS1 will be the least preferred option
» OPC=40-20-1 and 130-2-35: LS3 will be the most preferred route for all SCCP (SI=3) messages, as there
are no matching OPCs, followed by LS1 for non-SI=3 messages.
DPC 6-6-6 is configured with 2 DPC-only routes, LS2 and LS3, and does not have any exception routes.
DPC 7-7-7 is configured with 2 DPC-only routes, LS3 and LS1. DPC 7-7-7 has 1 exception route for OPC 240-24-
13, which prefers LS1 over LS3. Messages from all other OPCs will follow the DPC-only routes.
MPC Description
International customers may want to deploy a single STP pair in multiple national (ITU-N) networks. This
deployment may not be possible without the MPC feature because these operators are often forced to use a unique
point code assigned by each national regulator of these target countries. For example, in the network shown in the
figure below, both Country 1 and Country 2 need to route to the EAGLE using different ITU-N point codes. The
Multiple Point Code feature allows the EAGLE to assume both point codes and allow proper routing for Country 1
and Country 2.
Both North American and international customers may need additional links between two nodes beyond the number
of links permitted by the protocol. For example, the maximum number of links between two nodes in an ITU network
is 16. The Multiple Point Code feature can allow for additional linksets between these nodes, increasing the number
of links that can be used.
The EAGLE supports three True Point Codes (TPCs), one for each of the ANSI, ITU-National, and ITU-International
network type domains. The EAGLE also supports 40 Secondary Point Codes (SPCs). The 40 SPCs can be
assigned as either ANSI, ITU-I, or ITU-N in any combination. For each destination that uses an SPC, the user must
specify which SPC type is used.
MPC Limitations
» The same adjacent point code cannot be used for two different linksets.
» Local EAGLE subsystems (e.g., LNP) must use the True Point Code.
Figure 16: Typical International Deployment of ITU-N Duplicate Point Code Feature
The ITU-N Duplicate Point Code feature allows an EAGLE mated pair to route traffic for two or more countries that
may have overlapping point code values. For example, in the network shown above, both Country 1 and Country 2
have SSPs with a point code value of 2047. The ITU-N Duplicate Point Code feature allows the EAGLE to properly
route to both of these nodes by using groups.
The user must divide their ITU-National destinations into groups. These groups would likely be based on country.
However, one group could include multiple countries, or a single country could be divided into multiple groups.
The ITU-N Duplicate Point Code feature has the following limitations:
The EAGLE uses the MSU Network Indicator (NI) to differentiate the same point code of one network from the other.
In accordance with the SS7 standard, unique Network Indicator (NI) values are defined for Point Code types ITU-I,
ITU-N, ITU-I Spare, and ITU-N Spare:
» ITU-International NI=00
» ITU International Spare NI=01
» ITU-National NI=10
» ITU National Spare NI=11
The EAGLE uses the LSB of the SLS to load-share between linksets of a combined linkset. ITU-T ISUP messages
use an SLS that is obtained from the lower 4 bits of the CIC field representing the circuit being used. Refer to the
figure below for an ITU-T routing label with CIC.
CIC selection can be determined based on an odd/even method where an SSP uses either all odd CICs, or all even
CICs, to help prevent “glaring” (e.g., 2 SSPs attempting to seize the same trunk at the same time). This causes the
LSB of the SLS to be fixed; if the LSB is fixed, inadequate loadsharing occurs for the SS7 network. This situation
can also occur within a single linkset (international), since the EAGLE also uses the SLS (containing a fixed LSB) to
select a link within a linkset.
ITU SLS Enhancements provide the user two options for addressing the problem:
» Bit Rotation - The customer can have the EAGLE rotate the 4 bits of the SLS, thus changing the least significant
bit (LSB) of the SLS. If selected, this option is applied to all ITU messages.
» Use of Other CIC Bit - The customer can have the EAGLE derive the SLS from bits 2 to 4 of the CIC to serve as
the three lower bits of SLS, and one other bit of the CIC to serve as the most significant bit (MSB) of the SLS. If
selected, this option is only applied to ITU ISUP messages.
Only the link selection algorithm is modified by this feature, not the actual SLS field of the message (i.e., the SLS
value received by the EAGLE is the SLS value sent by the EAGLE).
» When two linksets are used as a combined linkset, they should have the same Other CIC Bit and Bit Rotation
settings. This is not enforced in the EAGLE, and there is no warning mechanism for incorrectly provisioned
linksets and routes.
» Bit Rotation functionality is not compatible with the Random SLS Generation feature.
The Random SLS Generation feature does not alter the SLS value in the outgoing message; it is the SLS value
received in the message. The newly-generated SLS is used for link selection only.
In any situation where a link is failed, SLS values that were mapped to that link will be remapped to other links of the
linkset or combined linkset. Remapping will be done in the reverse order that the SLS values were originally mapped
to links, of course skipping the failed link. Subsequent link failures will have their SLS values, along with SLS values
from the prior failure(s), remapped in the same way. The odd/even mapping rule for combined linksets will not apply
to the remapped SLS values under failure conditions. This is to continue to achieve the best possible load balance
across all links. No MSUs should be discarded in any case.
Oracle recommends that the Random SLS Generation feature be performed at a single site and monitored before
being rolled out to an entire network. Any negative effects of the feature can be rolled back by simply disabling the
feature at the node with a single command
The figure below shows a combined linkset from node A to nodes B and C, with 8 links per linkset. Since 8 bits
allows for values 0 - 255 (decimal), the figure shows how these values will get internally mapped to the links of the
combined linkset. For ease of reading, not all values are shown. Similarly, Figure 21: Random SLS Generation in a
Single Linkset shows the mapping for a 4-link single linkset between nodes D and E.
In a non-failure condition, the process for mapping the internally generated SLS values to SLC (Signaling Link Code)
values for specific links is as follows:
» A "random" 8-bit SLS value is "generated". In reality, a single table of 256 unique SLS values, initially generated
in random order, exists in the system. A counter is maintained for each linkset in the system that will cause the
linkset to cycle through the random values in the table as messages are routed out that linkset. For a combined
linkset (CLS), the counter for the first linkset in the Random SLS Generation feature linkset table will be used.
» For a CLS, the first bit is used to select the LS and then is ignored when selecting the SLC. For a single LS, the
first bit is used when selecting the SLC. In all cases, the fifth bit is ignored when selecting the SLC. This is due to
internal ANSI-based processing in the EAGLE.
In another example, in the figure below, the SLS value 78 is mapped to SLC 2 in LS1 (the only linkset) as follows:
The Random SLS Generation feature is compatible with the Other CIC Bit portion of the ITU SLS Enhancements
feature but is not compatible with the Bit Rotation SLS Bit portion.
The Per-Linkset Random SLS (Signaling Link Selection) feature is an enhancement of the existing Random SLS
Generation feature, to allow an operator to apply Random SLS generation on selected linksets instead of system-
wide to all linksets. The Per Linkset Random SLS feature provides an STP option that can help to resolve load
balancing problems on specific linksets without affecting the entire routing scheme of the EAGLE.
Linkset provisioning is enhanced to allow configuration of specific linksets for Random SLS generation. The Per
Linkset Random SLS feature can operate on both ITU SCCP Class 0 and Class 1 traffic or only ITU SCCP Class 0
traffic for a specific linkset. Oracle recommends when provisioning two linksets that are in a combined linkset that
the Random SLS values are the same for both linksets to avoid undesirable SLS distribution of traffic.
In the example above, MSC1 is sending 8 SLS values, all even (i.e. 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14), and MSC2 is sending 8
SLS values, sequentially from 0-7 (i.e. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7). The linkset to the SCP from the EAGLE contains 8 links.
Without any additional processing at the EAGLE, the SLS distribution for messages going to the SCP would appear
as shown in the SLS Bit Rotation Example.
As seen in the figure, some SLS values for the outgoing traffic distribution will be over-utilized by a factor of 2, while
others are not used at all. This will result in uneven traffic distribution on the outgoing linkset.
If the existing SLS Bit Rotation feature were used to try and remedy this scenario, it would not give optimum results
because the SLS rotation is based upon the SLSBR setting provisioned against the outgoing linkset, and thus all
traffic which is to be routed out of that linkset will have the same bit rotation applied, regardless of where the traffic
originated from. This would result in an SLS distribution as shown in the following figure.
As can be seen, this still results in several SLS values being over-utilized in comparison to other values, and hence,
uneven traffic distribution on the links within the linkset.
The SLS Bit Rotation on Incoming Linkset feature provides an alternative solution by allowing the bit rotation to be
applied only on the incoming linkset. Thus, when traffic is being routed from multiple sources to the same
destination, the SLS values from one source can be rotated while SLS values from another source are left intact.
Applying this principle to the previous example results in the SLS distribution shown below.
As seen in this example, bit rotation is only applied to the messages arriving on the linkset from MSC1, while
rotation is not applied to message arriving on the linkset from MSC2. The result is a perfectly even distribution of
SLS values on the outgoing linkset, result in even traffic distribution across all links within the linkset.
The SLS Bit Rotation on Incoming Linkset feature provides support for both ANSI and ITU protocols (something the
standard Bit Rotation feature does not).
The SlS Bit Rotation on Incoming Linkset feature and the standard Bit Rotation feature may co-exist on the same
node. In fact, it is possible to provision incoming and outgoing bit rotation on both sides of a MSU’s path. However,
if this occurs, the EAGLE will only apply incoming bit rotation. If EAGLE applies bit rotation to an MSU on the
incoming side, it will ignore any outgoing bit rotation setting on the linkset which is transmitting that MSU. Other
MSUs being transmitted out of that linkset that did not receive rotation on the incoming linkset will continue to be
PCR and basic error correction are the two forms of error correction for the SS7 protocol. PCR is a forward error
correction scheme that uses positive acknowledgments to support the forward error correction. Negative
acknowledgments are not used for retransmission. PCR is used when the one-way delay on a link is greater than or
equal to 15 milliseconds. A typical use of PCR is a satellite link.
When a destination for a route becomes restricted or prohibited, the EAGLE starts sending signaling route set test
(SRST) messages for that destination. This capability allows a user to manually stop sending signaling route set test
messages for a specific destination on a specific route. The destination of the route must be either the DPC of the
route, a cluster point code of a route, or an entry on the cluster routing exception list.
During normal operation, the network management functions are processed with equal priority, but the EAGLE
closely monitors for excessive unexpected events, which may result in a network management processor overload.
The prioritization of network management functions is triggered when the network management processor overload
is experienced. The EAGLE provides the capability to prioritize the network management functions to make sure
that critical network management functions receive high processing priority under such overload conditions.
This feature is applicable only for the ANSI network. Network Management events triggered due to change in status
of ITU network elements (links, routes, linksets, destination) are processed on a first come first serve basis.
The EAGLE allows the configuring of a timer to specify the frequency of SRST messages for routes of lower priority
than the current route.
The Linkset Restricted Support feature introduces route selection algorithm that reduces the potential for congestion
by diverting traffic from lower routes with insufficient capacity to higher cost routes with the needed capacity.
Every destination provisioned in the EAGLE is allowed up to six independent routes in its routeset. Each route is a
path to a destination over a single linkset. Routing has always selected the least cost Available route, regardless if
that route is Allowed or Restricted. This routing path algorithm can increase the likelihood of congestion because
Restricted routes (due to number of available links) of lower cost are always preferred to Allowed routes of a higher
The Linkset Restricted Support feature will provide an optional alternative routing algorithm that is more tolerant
during linkset transitions and will reduce the likelihood of experiencing congestion on linksets that do not have a
sufficient quantity of available links to carry normal traffic loads. Routes are considered Allowed or Restricted based
The Proxy Point Code (PPC) feature allows the EAGLE to assume the point codes of adjacent nodes to ease the
migration of deploying an STP for SS7 links interconnect in a network. For example, if a foreign-network SS7 node
is directly connected to an SS7 node in the home network, an EAGLE can be deployed, in a transparent way to the
foreign network, which would still behave as if it was directly connected to the end node. The EAGLE would route
the SS7 messages coming from this foreign-network SS7 node into the home network based on destination PC.
The proxy point code is used as the originating point code for all EAGLE generated messages that are routed to the
adjacent node of the linkset (referred to as the proxy linkset). The proxy point code can be reached by all nodes in
the home network and can access all STP routing functionality in the foreign network. The EAGLE routes SS7
messages coming from the foreign-network SS7 node into the home network based on the destination point code.
The EAGLE can support up to 100 point codes that can be designated as proxy point codes. The proxy point code
must be a full point code and can be any of the following network types; ANSI, ITU-N, ITU-I, ITU-N Spare, ITU-I
Spare and ITU-N24.
» Only ‘A’ link types are supported on a linkset using a proxy point code.
» Secondary adjacent point codes are not supported on a proxy linkset.
» M3UA links and SUA links are excluded for proxy point codes.
» If the routeset from the EAGLE to the proxy node is prohibited, then all links in any proxy linkset using the proxy
point code are unavailable for traffic.
» If more than 50% of the links in the linkset are down, then congestion may occur.
» Only one linkset to an adjacent point code is supported by the EAGLE unless the Multiple Linksets to Single
Adjacent PC feature is used.
» Configurations where the same proxy point code is a member of both the foreign and home networks are not
» Global title translation (GTT) to a proxy node is not supported.
The use of the MPC feature for this purpose carries the limitation that both the EAGLE and the adjacent node must
support multiple-point-code functionality because linksets are typically defined solely based on the adjacent point
code. Therefore, no more than one linkset can be established between the EAGLE and an adjacent node that does
not support multiple point codes; the EAGLE would have no way to distinguish between the two linksets for routing
and network management purposes. Even if multiple point codes are used on the EAGLE, the two linksets would
carry the exact same internal definition because they are defined by adjacent point codes only.
The Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC (MLS) feature is intended to solve this problem and allow multiple
linksets to be established between the EAGLE and an adjacent node, even if that node supports only a single self
point code.
In the example shown below, the EAGLE still uses multiple self point codes and associates a self point code to each
of the linksets going to SSP2. However, SSP2 is now required to support only a single self point code. Thus, LS1,
LS2, and LS3 are connected between one EAGLE and one destination point code. 2-2-2 is still the TPC for the
EAGLE; 3-3-3 and 4-4-4 are still SPCs.
» The MLS feature does not support multiple IPGW linksets to the same adjacent point code.
» The EAGLE allows up to 6 routes to be established to a single destination in the routing tables. However, the
EAGLE currently allows loadsharing on only 2 of these 6 routes.
As shown in the figure, LS2 uses the NI Mapping feature and is configured such that the NI of incoming MSUs is
mapped from International to International Spare, while LS1 does not use the NI Mapping feature. Thus, in this
example, EAGLE will internally see two types of MSUs from SSP1 destined for STP1: MSUs routed to STP1 with
NI=International and MSUs routed to STP1 with NI=International Spare. Based on the different NI, the EAGLE can
choose a different outgoing linkset toward STP1.
NOTE: In order to satisfy the use case noted in the figure above, both the NI Mapping feature and the Multiple
Linksets to Single Adjacent Point Code (MLS) feature are required. However, MLS is NOT a prerequisite for the NI
Mapping feature in general - i.e. NI Mapping can be used on a single linkset going to an APC, without requiring
The incoming NI Mapping value and the outgoing NI Mapping value are independently configured and are not
correlated. The customer must insure through provisioning that the values are compatible, or as desired. e.g. it
would be possible via provisioning to set NI mapping on an incoming linkset such that a particular MSU has NI
changed from ITU-I >> ITU-IS. The logical setting for the outgoing linkset that will carry this MSU would be ITU-IS
>> ITU-I. However, if the user forgets to set NI Mapping on the outgoing linkset, or intentionally sets it to ITU-I >>
ITU-IS for example, the modified MSU would be routed with NI=ITU-IS, rather than ITU-I. This is similar to how the
TT Mapping feature operates in the EAGLE today.
Note: ITUN24 point codes, spare point codes, and private point codes are not supported by PCTtranslations.
A new PCT table is used to define translations between real and emulated point codes.
Network nodes can send and receive traffic to and from the emulated point code (EPC) without 'knowing' the real
point code (Real PC) that is being emulated by the EPC. This ability allows the Real PC to be changed transparently
from the rest of the network, which can continue using the EPC to route traffic.
If a translation is found during the OPC lookup, then the OPC of the MSU is replaced by the EPC as the MSU leaves
the EAGLE. If an Emulated CIC was provisioned in the translation, then the CIC of the MSU is changed to the value
from the Emulated CIC range
Features and functionalities in the EAGLE use the real point code in provisioning.
The PCT feature is a quantity feature. The quantity is used to define the maximum number of allowed translations.
Gateway Screening is used at gateway STPs to limit access into the network to authorized users. A gateway STP
performs inter-network routing and gateway screening functions. The Gateway Screening feature (GWS) is provided
on the EAGLE to control access to non-home SS7 networks. The feature includes both inbound and outbound
message screening. The EAGLE implementation of gateway screening adheres to the requirements stated in GR-
The EAGLE current implementation of gateway screening supports this process on as many as 255 linksets, and
each linkset can be allowed one of 255 screen sets. Each screen set can contain up to 4000 entries (rules). There
are no translation table limits or interdependencies among these screening tables. To support rapid access and
download following a processor restart, all GWS tables are also stored on at least two dedicated GLS (Generic
Loading Service) cards.
GWS Functionality
Gateway screening provides two levels of screening:
» MTP screening
» SCCP screening
A screening table contains the screening rules. The size of these tables may vary from table to table depending on
the number of screening rules defined in the screening table. Each rule within a screening table consists of a pattern
followed by the next screen to reference as indicated by the next screening reference identifier if a match occurs.
A screen set is formed by linking together a group of screening tables. These screen sets are then applied to the
linksets. The incoming SS7 messages are then screened against the rules in the tables. A screen set is associated
with a linkset.
Gateway Screening on a particular linkset can be set to function in one of four states:
» NO SCREENING – Screening is not performed. All message signaling units (MSUs) are passed.
» SCREEN AND REPORT – Screening is performed. When an MSU fails screening, it is discarded, an output
message is generated, and measurements are pegged.
» SCREEN AND DON’T REPORT – Screening is performed. When an MSU fails screening, it is discarded and
measurements are pegged, but no output message is generated.
» SCREEN TEST MODE – Screening is performed but all MSUs are passed. When an MSU fails screening, an
output message is generated, but the MSU is still passed.
For easy access and review, the EAGLE screening databases may be retrieved for display or printout at the user
interface via another simple set of commands. Screening verification is accomplished on the Oracle
Communications EAGLE through a test mode command that automatically produces printouts of all incoming
messages that will be screened before the screening option is activated.
Eleven screening tables are defined for EAGLE Gateway Screening data. Depending on the values present in the
selected field of the SS7 message, different messages may undergo different screening checks. To reduce the size
and number of screening tables, each rule can represent a range of point codes by means of “wild card” character
Allowed OPC
Allowed OPC screens are used to screen all SS7 messages transported on an incoming linkset configured for
gateway screening containing the specified originating point code (OPC).
Allowed DPC
Allowed DPC screens are used to screen all SS7 messages transported on an incoming linkset configured for
gateway screening containing the specified destination point code (DPC).
The allowed SIO screen allows for different next screening values depending on the value of the service indicator
(si) parameter.
Blocked OPC
Blocked OPC screening can be used in place of, or along with allowed OPC screening. This method of screening
allows blocking a small number of point codes, rather than entering a large number of individual point codes in an
allowed OPC screen set.
Blocked DPC
Blocked DPC screening can be used in place of, or along with allowed DPC screening. This method of screening
allows blocking a small number of point codes, rather than entering in a large number of individual point codes in an
allowed OPC screen set.
Screens can be created to allow specific called or calling party addresses (PC/SSN) within an SCCP message.
Ranges can also be specified. This provides screening of messages destined to SCPs in the host network, or
adjacent networks.
The allowed calling party address (CgPA) screen can screen messages for these SCCP message types: UDT,
The allowed CgPA screen allows for different next screening values depending on the value of the CdPA routing
indicator (ri) parameter.
The allowed called party address (CdPA) screen can screen messages for the SCMG format ID (SCCP
Management Format ID).
The wildcard value for the subsystem parameter (ssn=*) indicates the range of values from 2 to 255. The SCMG
format ID does not apply because messages with a subsystem of 2 to 255 are not SCCP management messages.
If the value of the ssn parameter is not a wildcard (1 - 255), the NSFI for the Allowed CdPA screen can be either the
allowed affected point code screen (aftpc) or stop.
Translation type screening provides screening of the translation type field in the called party address of SCCP
messages. MSUs requiring global title translation are passed without screening.
Other methods of screening the affected point code in network management messages involve a check for the point
code in the routing table, self point codes, and capability point codes. This check is applied after the MSU has
passed all other screening tables.
Screening by the Allowed Affected Destination field allows the network management message to be screened with
gateway screening screen sets. Using the Allowed Affected Destination field screening table instead of the routing
table makes it possible to reject messages containing point codes in the routing table. This keeps interconnecting
networks from either accidentally or maliciously sending a network management message for a destination in the
home network.
The Network Security Enhancements feature is controlled by a feature access key and has four different STP
command options to control activation of the three major aspects of this feature:
1. Option #1: Mate SID verification - SECMTPMATE-EAGLE should not receive a message with the True,
Secondary, or Capability Point Code of the Mate STP other than across the C link.
2. Option #2: Self SID verification - SECMTPSID-EAGLE should not receive a message with its own point
code as the OPC except for circular route tests and SLTM’s during maintenance.
3. Option #3: MTP Network management message OPC verification (Enhanced MTP Management
Protection) - SECMTPSNM-EAGLE should not receive an MTP network management message unless:
» Rule #1 - The OPC is an adjacent point code
» Rule #2 - The EAGLE has a route to the OPC of the MTP network management
message on the linkset which the message was received.
» Rule #3 - The EAGLE has a route to the destination field in the message (if applicable to the concerned
message) on the linkset which the message was received.
For all link types, the following additions or exceptions apply:
The four STP options can be turned on or off independently. Network Security Enhancements capabilities are
independent of Gateway Screening and are performed before Gateway Screening occurs on the MSU.
The GSM MAP Screening feature allows an extension of the EAGLE message screening capabilities beyond the
MTP and SCCP levels to the MAP level. Advanced network capabilities, proliferating roaming agreements, and the
advent of mobile number portability are placing increasing demands on limited network resources such as Home
Location Registers (HLRs). As a result, many GSM network operators have a need to screen messages at the MAP
level to prevent unauthorized access to their resources.
GSM MAP Screening can be combined with other EAGLE-based features, such as Mobile Number Portability and
HLR Router, to further address the GSM operator’s specific needs. Refer to the following figure GSM-MAP
Screening Process.
When a message arrives at the EAGLE with a routing indicator of Route-on-GT, it is first subjected to Gateway
Screening (GWS). If the message is not screened by GWS, GTT-based message relay services, such as GTT,
MNP, or HLR Router, are performed. Lastly, if the GSM MAP Screening feature is turned on, the message will then
be screened at the MAP level prior to routing.
The originating SSN is examined to determine if it is one of the target originating SSNs that require further
screening. If the originating SSN is a target SSN, the destination SSN will be examined to determine if it is a target
destination SSN. If either the originating SSN or the destination SSN is not target SSNs, the message will be
immediately routed. The target originating and destination SSNs are provisioned by the user prior to putting the
feature into service.
If both the originating and destination SSNs are found to be target SSNs, the MAP Opcode and its parameters are
decoded from the TCAP portion of the message. The MAP Opcode is examined; if it is determined not to be a target
Opcode as provisioned by the user, the message is either routed or discarded, depending upon the STP System
Default Action for unknown Opcodes. This action is user-provisionable.
If the message contains an Opcode targeted for screening, the feature searches the MAP Screening database using
the calling party (CgPA) and MAP Opcode. If a match is found, then the EAGLE will take the appropriate action
If a match is not found on a single entry CgPA, the CgPA range table will be searched. If a match is found for the
CgPA range and the MAP Opcode, the appropriate action will be taken as described for a single entry match. If no
match is found in the CgPA single entry or range tables, the message will either be discarded or returned with an
error message, depending upon the Opcode Specific Default Action provisioned by the user. This may be different
than the Specified Screening Action.
If an error is encountered while decoding the MAP/TCAP portion of the message, the EAGLE will either route or
discard the message, depending upon the default action provisioned by the user.
For these advanced services on MAP messages, targeting specific MAP messages based on SSN and MAP
Opcode as shown below, allows for a finer granularity in message selection.
Path taken by MSU after processing at SCP and returned to Eagle for routing
1. An MSU containing a MAP SMS message arrives at the EAGLE. The message is Route-on-GT with a
CdPA GT corresponding to the SMSC. This linkset has the GSM MAP Screening option turned ON.
2. Since the message requires GTT, the LIM forwards it to the GTT function on the SCCP card.
3. GTT is performed and the resulting message contains a DPC of 1-1-1 in the routing label, corresponding
to the SMSC. The CdPA GT is unaffected and is still present in the message. This represents the "normal"
Global Title Translation for this GT.
4. GSM MAP Screening is performed and determines that the message should be duplicated to the SCP for
further processing.
5. a: A copy of the MSU is made. The original MSU is sent to a LIM for routing to the intended destination,
based on the results of GTT.
b: GSM MAP Screening determines the DPC and SSN for the duplicate node, provisioned in the MAP
Opcode or MAP Screening table. The copied MSU is modified to contain the PC/SSN of the SCP in the
routing label (e.g., a DPC of 2-2-2 is now in the routing label). The mated application table is consulted,
and the duplicate message is sent to a LIM for routing to the SCP.
6. a: The original MSU is sent to its intended destination (1-1-1).
b: The duplicated MSU is sent to the SCP (2-2-2).
Enhanced GSM MAP Screening builds on the existing functionality present in the GSM MAP Screening feature,
which is detailed in GSM MAP Screening – ITU. The existing feature is retained for ITU GSM operators who only
need screening on the combination of SCCP CgPA GTA digits and MAP Operation Code. The Enhanced feature is
available for both ANSI and ITU GSM operators who need the ability to screen on the combination of SCCP CgPA
GTA digits and NP/NAI, SCCP CdPA GTA digits and NP/NAI, and MAP Operation Code.
The EAGLE with Enhanced GSM MAP Screening is serving as the policy enforcement node. By configuring the
blocked/allowed rules in Enhanced GSM MAP Screening, the EAGLE can be configured to allow Roaming Partner B
to send Mobile Terminated SMS messages to Roaming Partner C, but to block the same messages to Roaming
Partner C if they come from Roaming Partner A. With standard GSM MAP Screening, it is only possible to block a
message based on the originating network, regardless of the terminating network.
The SCCP Global Title Translations (GTT) feature uses the signaling connection control part (SCCP) to translate
addresses (Global Titles) from signaling messages that do not contain explicit information allowing the message
transfer part (MTP) to route the message.
The EAGLE uses tables for performing global title translations. Each table points to another table. The following
tables are used for SCCP routing and management.
» Translation Type (TT) Table
» Global Title Translation (GTT) Table
» MAP Table
» Concerned Signaling Point Code (CSPC) Table
Note: The figure above is only a representation of the actual table structures within the EAGLE.
The Translation Type (TT) table is used to direct the translation process to the proper GTT tables for translation and
further routing or processing. The Translation Type table supports translation values from 0 to 255.
The EAGLE also provides the capability to map both on a system-wide basis (translation type aliasing) and linkset
basis (translation type mapping).
» Translation Type Aliasing - ANSI/ITU: The EAGLE allows the user to define an alias for Translation Type. When a
global title translation is performed involving an alias, the translation type is “mapped” by the alias. The mapping
provides the ability to access one GTT table with different TT values. The EAGLE supports one alias per
Translation Type.
» Translation Type Mapping - ANSI/ITU: Translation Type mapping in the EAGLE can take place on an incoming
linkset, outgoing linkset, or both. Mapping performed on an incoming linkset is performed before global title
translation and gateway screening. Mapping performed on an outgoing linkset is performed after global title
translation and gateway screening. The EAGLE supports 256 translation type mappings for each linkset.
Since the EAGLE supports a total of 255 linksets, the total number of translation type mappings that can be
provisioned in the EAGLE system wide is 65,280.
The Global Title Translation (GTT) Table contains the digits or ranges of digits that are used to translate the inbound
MSU to either another node for additional global title translation (intermediate GTT) or the MSU’s final destination
(final GTT). The EAGLE GTT table allows up to 1,000,000 total GTT entries with a performance restriction of up to
200,000 GTT entries per TT. Each entry may be a single value or a range of values.
The EAGLE supports translations when the CdPA has more digits than the GTT range provisioned.
For example, an inbound MSU that arrives with a translation type of 253 and the digits 3038258000 in the CdPA
would be translated by the range 3038258-3038259.
Table 5: Global Title Translation
MAP Table
The MAP table provides the set of remote subsystems associated to a particular remote point code - see Figure 34:
Structure of GTT Provisioning Table. Each table contains up to ten subsystems assigned to a particular point code.
This table also provides timers used for the subsystem status test (SST) procedure and information for locating the
replicated point code and subsystem for any particular SSN. An option is provided on a per point code basis to send
an SST upon receipt of an MTP-RESUME to ensure the subsystem is indeed available
The Concerned Signaling Point Code table consists of a group of point codes that are notified via a broadcast
TFP/TFA when the EAGLE receives an SSP/SSA from a subsystem.
Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) broadens the translation mechanism used to perform GTT table selection
beyond using the translation type for both ITU and ANSI messages. Typically, EGTT would be necessary for Global
Title Translation functionality in ITU environments.
» Global Title Translation by a combination of domain (ANSI or ITU), Global Title Indicator (GTI), Translation Type
(TT), Numbering Plan (NP), and Nature of Address Indicator (NAI) selectors.
» Supports multiple selector entries (ANSI or ITU)
» Provides an option to delete the CdPA global title after the translation if the result of translation is RI=0 (rt-on-ssn)
and PC-SSN is not equal to the EAGLE point code and local SSN.
» Performs global title translation on ITU messages without an SSN in the CdPA. (ANSI messages are discarded
when no SSN is present in the CdPA)
» Inserts the SSN in the CdPA (when not present) with the SSN obtained from the translation data for ITU
» Inserts the PC in the CgPA when an ITU message does not have a PC present in the CgPA and the CgPA RI is
“route on SSN”. The OPC from the MTP portion is copied over to the CgPA PC.
» Allows canceling of a called global title and is provisionable per global title address (GTA).
Note: The default GTT functionality for LNP Message Relay messages will ignore this option, if provisioned.
Variable Length Global Title Translation (VGTT) allows different global title lengths within a Translation Type/GTT
The EAGLE will search, based upon the CdPA, the range of digits equal to or the best match number of digits less
than the number contained in the CdPA. In the example above, an MSU with 3134654 in the CdPA of the inbound
MSU would first search the 7-digit ranges, find no match, and subsequently search the 3-digit tree and be translated
on the range 313-314.
The EAGLE GTT feature allows the Called Party Translation Type (TT), Point Code (PC), Subsystem Number
(SSN), and Routing Indicator (RI) to be modified in the outgoing message. Some networks need the ability to modify
Modified Global Title Translation allows the user to modify any part of the Called Party Global Title in the outgoing
message, other than Encoding Scheme, after GTT has been performed. In addition to the TT, PC, SSN, and RI, a
user can specify a new value for the Numbering Plan (NP) and Network Address Indicator (NAI). Also, a specified
number of prefix or suffix digits of the CdPA Global Title Address (GTA) can be added, deleted, or replaced. This is
all defined on a per-entry (i.e., GTA) basis via the EAGLE MMI.
The Advanced GT Modification feature (AMGTT) allows information in the SCCP calling party address (CgPA) to be
modified as part of global title translation (GTT). This information includes the global title address (GTA), translation
type (TT), numbering plan (NP), and network address indicator (NAI) parameters.
AMGTT extends the functionality of the Modified Global Title Translation feature, which allows modification of Called
Party Address (CdPA) information.
The EAGLE allows loadsharing between multiple nodes when the EAGLE is performing final GTT. Final GTT means
the result of the EAGLE translation is a point code (PC) and subsystem number (SSN), and the routing indicator in
the outgoing message is set to Route-on-SSN. The loadsharing is accomplished by accessing a mated application
(MAP) table, which specifies the PC, SSN and load-sharing relationship (via relative cost) of up to 8 mated nodes.
This loadsharing mechanism is not allowed if the EAGLE is performing intermediate GTT, where the routing
indicator in the outgoing message is set to Route-on-GT.
Some international customers have a need to load-share between nodes even when the STP is performing
intermediate GTT. This may occur in a network that does not use capability point codes (CPCs). This generally
occurs in a quad-STP configuration where the first STP pair performs an intermediate GTT and then must load-
share to the second STP pair, which will then perform the final GTT. If a CPC is not available for routing to the
second STP pair, there is currently no way for the EAGLE to perform loadsharing.
The Intermediate GTT Loadsharing feature provides the ability to load-share between up to 8 nodes after global title
translation, when the outgoing message is Route-on GT. For outgoing messages that are Route-on-SSN (final
GTT), the existing Weighted SCP Loadsharing feature will be used.
The Intermediate GTT Loadsharing feature supports a minimum of 1700 GTT transactions per second per DSM
card or 850 GTT transactions per second per TSM card while running GTT, VGTT, EGTT, and Modified Global Title
The Intermediate GTT Loadsharing feature makes use of a Mated Relay Node (MRN) table, which is new to the
EAGLE platform. This table holds up to 3000 point codes, with a capacity of up to 7 alternate point codes for each.
The loadsharing relationship between the point codes is specified by assigning each PC a relative cost in relation to
its mate PCs. (This is the same method used for final GTT loadsharing via the Weighted SCP Loadsharing feature).
The MRN table supports ITU-I and ITU-N point codes and is provisioned via the EAGLE MMI.
If Intermediate GTT Loadsharing is activated, any GTT performed that results in an outgoing message with
RI=route-on-GT, triggers an entry into the MRN table. From this table, the EAGLE determines whether the
translated PC has any mate PCs and the relative cost of those PCs. If some of the mate PCs have the same relative
cost as the translated PC, messages are load-shared equally among all the PCs with equal cost. If a message is
destined for a PC that is currently out-of-service, the message will be delivered to the mate PC with the next lowest
The Origin-based SCCP Routing feature allows greater flexibility and control over their EAGLE SS7 message
routing. This feature allows selective routing of messages based on a combination of the SCCP origination and
destination information in the message. EAGLE normal SCCP routing is based only on the SCCP destination
information - that is, CdPA GTA translation.
Normal SCCP routing/GT translation in the EAGLE uses a combination of the GTA, TT, NAI, NP and GTI fields in
the SCCP CdPA parameter to translate and determine the GTT destination for the message. Origin-based SCCP
Routing makes use of a combination of the GTA, TT, NAI, NP and GTI fields in the SCCP CdPA parameter as well
as the GTA, TT, NAI, NP, GTI and PC/SSN in the SCCP CgPA parameter to determine the GTT destination for the
message. The MTP OPC may also be used as a qualifier in the routing decision. This allows greater flexibility over
routing of messages, based on both Origination and Destination information.
With Origin-based SCCP Routing, the user has 3 modes of operation for GT translation or SCCP routing: CdPA only
(current GTT mechanism), Advanced CdPA, which incorporates both CdPA and CgPA parameters into the routing
decision, and CgPA only, which uses only CgPA information and no CdPA information to make the routing or
translation determination.
The EAGLE provides 8 user-selectable hierarchies to determine the order in which GTT modes are used. The
system will allow a user to specify, on each individual incoming linkset basis, the GTT mode hierarchy that the
EAGLE will follow when performing global title translation. The hierarchies are summarized below. For hierarchies
containing multiple modes, the table lists the priority order used by the EAGLE in finding a match. If a matching
translation cannot be found in the higher priority mode, the EAGLE will search again using the next highest priority
mode, and so forth.
For example, if the user has selected Hierarchy #5: Advanced CdPA, CdPA only, and CgPA only and a matching
entry is not found using Advanced CdPA mode, the EAGLE will search again using CdPA only mode. If a match is
not found in this mode, the EAGLE will search again using CgPA only mode.
Table 7: Available User-Selectable SCCP Routing Hierarchies
1 CdPA only
6. CgPA, CdPA
7. CdPA, CgPA
8. CgPA only
In the figure above, the EAGLE with point code 1-1-1 is performing Origin-based SCCP Routing. Its GTT table and
Advanced CdPA GTT table are shown for clarity. The examples below show use cases for a network requesting
CgPA Route-on-GT and for a network requesting CgPA Route-on-PC. The difference in the two scenarios is
primarily whether a GTA or PC/SSN is present in the CgPA to be used by the CgPA only or Advanced CdPA modes
of Origin Based Routing.
Both examples assume that Caller 919-460-2131 originates a call requiring an SCP database lookup from network
244 (MSU 244) via MSC 244-2-1. MSU 244 is intermediate GTT’d at STP 11-3-10 and sent to EAGLE 1-1-1. The
network operator who owns 1-1-1 has a business arrangement between network 244 and network 248, and wants to
send the query to the SCP of network 248. This linkset is using an Advanced CdPA followed by CdPA-only
hierarchy. Thus, the EAGLE searches the Advanced CdPA GTT table. An applicable match is not found, thus the
EAGLE searches next the CdPA only criteria, finds a match, and sends the query to 248-5-5 based on the
translation data in the GTT Table
1. CgPA Route-on-GT Example
Subsequently, Caller 919-460-2131 flies to a location that is served by network operator 5 instead of
Network 244. Again, caller 919-460-2131 originates a call that requires the same database lookup. Now
the message originates at MSC 5-2-1 instead of MSC 244-2-1. MSC 5-2-1 requests response routing
based on GT, and thus puts its own E.164 number (6784678943) inside the GTA field of the CgPA
parameter of the query message and sets the RI to Route-on-GT. This message receives an intermediate
GT translation in Network 11, and is then routed to EAGLE 1-1-1. This linkset also has an Advanced CdPA
followed by CdPA-only hierarchy.
When query message MSU 5 arrives at EAGLE 1-1-1, the EAGLE first searches the Advanced CdPA
Table and finds a match on MSC 5-2-1’s CgPA GTA (6784678943). Because of the hierarchy selected,
the translation in the Advanced CdPA table takes precedence over the CdPA-only translation in the
The EAGLE loadshares post-GTT destinations through the use of either the Mated Application (MAP) table for final
GTT or the Mated Relay Node (MRN) table for intermediate GTT. When a group of point codes are entered into the
MAP or MRN tables as mates, the EAGLE will loadshare messages for that GT translation between the PCs based
on the relative cost assigned to each PC. PCs may be in primary/backup relationships, or loadsharing relationships,
depending on the relative costs assigned to each.
Based on the current architecture, the EAGLE does not allow the user to define different GT translations which use
different loadsharing relationships between the same set of destination point codes in the MAP or MRN tables. The
EAGLE also does not allow the user to define different sets of destinations containing overlapping point codes. The
load-sharing relationships established between a group of point codes in the MAP or MRN table are global across all
For example, assume a user defines GTA=9194605500 in the GTT tables with a final GT translation to PC/SSN=1-
1-1/10. The user then defines a relationship in the MAP table between destination point code/SSNs 1-1-1/10 and 2-
2-2/10. The relative costs between the two PCs are equal, meaning all traffic routed using GTA=9194605500 will be
divided equally between the two destinations. Next assume the user defines another GTA=9194611000 in the GTT
tables, also with a translation to PC/SSN=1-1-1/10. Because of the previously defined relationship between 1-1-1/10
and 2-2-2/10, all traffic routed using this GTA will also be divided equally between those two destinations. Because
the EAGLE currently only allows one set of relationships to be defined between a GTT destination and any other
PC(s), all GTAs in the GTT table that translate to 1-1-1/10 will have the same set of load-sharing rules applied.
The Flexible GTT Load-Sharing feature is designed to provide more flexibility by allowing different relationships to
be established between the same set (or subset) of destinations. For example, in the scenario above,
GTA=9194605500 could translate to PC/SSN=1-1-1/10 and indicate a load-sharing relationship with PC/SSN=2-2-
2/10, while GTA=9194611000 could also translate to PC/SSN=1-1-1/10, but indicate there is no load-sharing with
any other destination. Furthermore, GTA=9193881416 could also translate to destination 1-1-1/10, but indicate a
load-shared relationship with destinations 2-2-2/10 and 3-3-3/10. Thus, traffic routed to GTA=9194605500 would be
divided equally between 1-1-1/10 and 2-2-2/10, traffic routed to GTA=9194611000 would be sent only to 1-1-1/10,
and traffic routed to GTA=9193881416 would be divided equally between 1-1-1/10, 2-2-2/10, and 3-3-3/10.
Flexible GTT Loadsharing applies to both the MAP and MRN tables, and thus is applicable for both final and
intermediate GT translations.
Without Flexible GTT Loadsharing, any GTA that translates to either PC 1-1-1, 2-2-2 or 3-3-3 will result in traffic
being routed to those three destinations based on a single mate relationship. However, with Flexible GTT
Loadsharing, it is possible to have different mate relationship depending on which GTA is used for the translation:
Table 8: Flexible GTT Routing
The GTT Loadsharing between ITU Network Types feature allows GTT loadsharing to occur between ITUNational
(ITU-N), ITU-N spare, ITU-International (ITU-I), and ITU-I spare point codes within the same MAP or MRN set.
It also allows different alias combinations to be provisioned, such as an ITU-N spare alias for an ITUN destination
point code. It supports the current maximum of two alias point codes per destination point code.
The feature adds support for provisioning additional alias combinations for ITU-I, ITU-N, ITU-I spare, and ITUN
spare true point codes and their spare types, including:
The GTT Loadsharing with Alternate Routing Indicator (GTT LS ARI) feature allows the routing indicator (RI) in the
outgoing message to be provisioned without depending on whether the primary GT translation resulted in Final or
Intermediary GTT. This feature provides a backup SCCP loadsharing mechanism if the primary SCCP loadsharing
mechanism does not route the message.
This feature allows loadsharing relationships to be established between the MAP and MRN table in that the MAP set
and MRN sets allow provisioning of MRN and MAP sets, respectively, as the Alternate Mate RI if the point codes in
the MAP or MRN table are unavailable.
If the feature is enabled, then the MRN table allows access to the MAP table to perform a secondary mate search if
all point codes in a given MRN set are unavailable. The MAP table also allows access to the MRN table to perform a
secondary mate search if all point codes provisioned in a given MRN set are unavailable. If a point code or a point
code/subsystem number combination is specified, but an MRN set or MAP set is not specified, then the default MRN
set or MAP set is used. Only one secondary mate search can be performed per translation.
The 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets feature allows loadsharing across all 6 routes to a destination or exception
The Flexible Link set Optional Based Routing (FLOBR) feature allows GTT routing to be based on the incoming
linkset. Messages that encounter GTT are routed based on the incoming linkset of the original MSU.
The FLOBR feature also allows full customization of the GTT routing hierarchy. If flexible routing is used, then a
predetermined routing hierarchy is not necessary. The GTT routing translation can link to any GTT set as long as
the GTT set has a different set type. The capacity of the GTT selector table is increased to support 100,000 GTT
The TCAP Opcode Based Routing (TOBR) feature allows GTT routing to be based on information in the TCAP
portion of ANSI or ITU messages or on the SCCP Called Party Subsystem Number (CdPA SSN).
For ITU messages, the information in the TCAP portion includes ITU TCAP package type, application context name,
and operation code. For ANSI messages, the information includes ANSI TCAP package type, family, and operation
code specifier.
All UDT, UDTS, Unsegmented XUDT, and Unsegmented XUDTS queries are supported. Segmented XUDT
messages are supported for SSN routing. The TOBR feature allows all segmented TCAP SMS messages within a
transaction to be routed to the same destination. The messages are routed based on the TCAP OpCode and
Dialogue portion of the message.
GTT Actions
The GTT Actions framework increases the functionality of the Global Title Translation (GTT) and Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing (FLOBR) features. GTT Actions supports all functionality provided by the Enhanced GSM
MAP Screening (EGMS) feature except for screening based on Forbidden Parameters in ATI messages.
Note: Both GTT Actions and EGMS are supported and can co-exist in the system.
The GTT Actions framework allows the creation of a GTT Action Set, which is a list of actions that are performed on
a message. A GTT Action ID is used to define the action and its characteristics.
Introduced in EAGLE release 46.0, the GTT Actions to Trigger Services feature provides new GTT Actions to allow
triggering EAGLE services such as HLR Router or MNP. This feature allows a service to be triggered as a GTT
Action based on either the usual GTT rules or after FLOBR/TOBR execution. The GTT Actions to Trigger Services
feature is useful when combining advanced routing features with Number Portability lookup or with HLR Router
ANSI<->ITU-SCCP Conversion
Since some ANSI and ITU SCCP parameters are incompatible in format or coding, this feature provides a method
for the EAGLE to convert these SCCP parameters in UDT and UDTS messages. Other types of SCCP messages
(for example, XUDTS) are not supported and are discarded.
The ANSI-ITU-China SCCP Conversion feature provides a generic capability to correctly format and decode/encode
these SCCP messages:
» UDT and UDTS messages - includes SCMG messages, which are a specialized form of UDT messages
» MTP routed SCCP messages
» GT routed SCCP messages.
ANSI<->ITU SCCP conversion also provides SCCP management (SCMG) across network type boundaries, i.e.,
Concerned Signaling Point Codes for a mated application may be of a different network type than the mated
UDTS message return is controlled inherently by the SCCP layer protocol within the protocol class byte. If bits 5-8
indicate return message on error, a UDTS message will be sent when there is an error. Otherwise, no UDTS is
returned to the originator.
MTP-routed UDT/UDTS (SCCP) messages are converted on the LIM card. If the message carries Global Title
information, but the current EAGLE is not the Destination Point Code, conversion of that Global Title information is
also performed on the LIM card. The figure below illustrates ANSI->ITU SCCP conversion for MTP routed
GT-routed UDT/UDTS (SCCP) messages are converted on the SCCP card. An important difference between MTP-
routed and GT-routed SCCP conversion is that for MTP-routed conversion, the CDPA point code is actually
converted while for GT-routed messages, the CDPA point code is a result of the GTT translation and not a
conversion. Another difference is that for GT-routed messages, the CDPA point code is inserted as the MTP DPC as
well, so neither the CDPA nor the MTP DPC in a converted GT-routed message undergoes conversion but rather is
replaced as a result of GT. Finally, as is the case for all GT-routed messages, the MTP OPC will be the EAGLE
point code for the outbound network. The figure below illustrates ANSI->ITU SCCP conversion for GT-routed
Operators that handle SMS traffic traveling from ITU to ANSI networks and vice-versa require a solution to convert
their text-based traffic.
The ITU National-ANSI SMS Conversion feature fulfills this need and modifies the SMS Address parameter in the
TCAP/IS41 layer of the Registration Notification (RegNot), SMS Request Return Result (SMS Req RR), and SMS
Notification (SMS Not) messages that cross the ITUN-ANSI network boundary.
The EAGLE determines whether the message is sent from an ITU to an ANSI destination (or vice versa) and
accordingly converts the Point Code of the SMS Address parameter in the TCAP/MAP layer. The SMS Address
parameter in the identified messages must contain an ANSI or ITU-N point code value to enable the ITU-N -ANSI
SMS Conversion feature to process the messages. Finally, the EAGLE routes the messages to the original
destination based on the MTP DPC, whether they have been converted or not.
» ITU-N 24 Bit and ITU International point codes are not supported
XUDT is a defined SCCP message format in both ANSI and ITU SS7 recommendations. UDT has been the
predominant format for SCCP messages, and few networks have had a need to utilize XUDT. However, with
increasing use of SMS and GPRS in next generation networks, the use of the XUDT format is starting to become a
requirement, both in ITU and ANSI networks. The EAGLE supports MTP routing on XUDT messages, but does not
support GTT and other SCCP processing on XUDT messages. With this feature, the EAGLE will support processing
of XUDT messages under certain conditions.
Available Support
SCCP XUDT Message Support includes the following:
» Allows EAGLE to interoperate in ANSI and ITU networks using XUDT messages.
» Provides support for the following features and functions in relation to XUDT messages:
» MTP routing for Protocol Class 0 and Protocol Class 1 ANSI and ITU XUDT messages
» GTT/EGTT/VGTT routing to a primary destination with backup for Protocol Class 1
» GTT routing with equal cost loadsharing to 8 destinations for Protocol Class 0
» MTP and SCCP (pre- and post-GTT) Gateway Screening
» SCCP Hop Counter
» HLR Router
» XUDTS transfer and generation
» INAP-based Number Portability (INP) Message Relay
» INAP-based Number Portability (INP) Query/Response (non-segmented XUDT only)
» MNP Message Relay
» Enhanced GSM MAP Screening (non-segmented XUDT only)
XUDT Limitations
The following limitations exist in the deployment of XUDT support. This section will be revised as enhancements are
made in future EAGLE releases.
» Protocol Class 1 messages cannot be equally loadshared among all available GTT destinations as can Protocol
Class 0. Protocol Class 1 will be routed to a primary destination with backup
» INAP InitialDP messages requesting INP Query Service cannot be sent in segmented XUDT or LUDT format (INP
Message Relay on XUDT messages and Query/Response for non-segmented XUDT is supported.)
A new XUDT UDT Conversion feature in R 43.0 allows XUDT(S) < - > UDT(S) conversion to occur based on the
Destination Point Code (DPC) for MTP-routed and EAGLE-generated SCCP messages. Format conversions for
both segmented and non-segmented messages are supported: however, the system does not perform
segmentation or reassembly. For GT-routed messages and MTP-Routed SCCP messages that are processed on
Service Module cards, XUDT UDT conversion is applied after the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature processes
the messages.
» GSM_MAP_Send_Routing_Info (SRI) messages destined for EAGLE MNP Query Service cannot be in XUDT
format (MNP Message Relay on XUDT/LUDT messages is supported.)
» Message destined for processing by the EAGLE IS41 to GSM Migration feature cannot be in XUDT format.
» North American LNP queries cannot be sent in XUDT format. Also, North American LNP Message Relay is not
supported on XUDT messages)
Many networks utilize SCCP Protocol Class 1 for messages that are required to arrive at their destination in
sequential order. Typically, Class 1 messages are used in dialogues with intelligent network or application database
nodes such as IN, AIN, or CAMEL SCPs. Today, the EAGLE can process and route Protocol Class 1 messages,
and in most cases will deliver these messages to the destination in the correct sequential order (as received from
the originating node). However, the EAGLE does not have an active mechanism to completely guarantee that these
messages will stay in sequence as they are routed through the EAGLE node. As a result, there may be extreme
cases in which Class 1 messages may get out of order and may be delivered to the destination node out of
sequence. This feature will implement an active algorithm within the EAGLE to insure that Class 1 messages are
delivered out of the EAGLE in the same order that they were received.
Available Support
The Guaranteed In-Sequence Delivery of SCCP Protocol Class 1 Messages feature provides an active mechanism
to insure that SCCP Protocol Class 1 messages (UDT, and XUDT) will be delivered in the same order they were
received by the EAGLE from the originating node. Support is provided for the following:
» GTT routing to a primary destination with backup
» ANSI and ITU Protocol Class 1 - UDT/XUDT message types
» Protocol Class 1 UDT supported for all EAGLE features and functionalities, with the exception of equal cost GTT
loadsharing to multiple destinations
» Protocol Class 1 XUDT support provide except as indicated in XUDT Limitations of this document.
» Incoming Traffic Volume Limitation: With In-Sequence Delivery of SCCP Class 1 message functionality active, all
EAGLE SS7 link types, TDM or IP, will continue to perform at maximum capacity if only 50 percent of the
incoming traffic are SCCP Class 1 messages. A higher mix of SCCP Class 1 message could potentially result in
congestion at the LIM card.
» GTT Loadsharing Limitations: As related to Protocol Class 1 messages, the EAGLE provides GTT routing to a
primary destination with backup only. Equal cost loadsharing to multiple GTT destinations is not possible for Class
1 messages in this phase. In most respects, this is not a concern because the nature of Class 1 messaging
means that the same sequence of messages must arrive at the same destination node. Therefore, it is unlikely
that equal cost loadsharing would be desirable on these messages because this could cause messages within the
same sequence to arrive at different destinations.
» Message Sequencing Considerations: The Guaranteed In-Sequence Delivery of SCCP Protocol Class 1
Messages feature guarantees that the EAGLE will deliver all Protocol Class 1 UDT/XUDT messages to the
destination node (or next node in the route) in the same order that they were received from the originating node
(or previous node in the route). As long as the messages are in the correct sequence when they arrive at the
EAGLE, they will be delivered by the EAGLE to the next node in the correct sequence. If the messages are not in
the correct sequence when they arrive at the EAGLE, they will not be delivered to the next node in the correct
sequence. The EAGLE will not perform message re-sequencing for messages that are received out of sequence.
Today, Global-Title-routed messages coming into the EAGLE are routed using the SCCP information. When
loadsharing gt-routed messages, there is no way to guarantee messages of the same transaction are load-shared to
the same destination in MAPGROUP/MRNGROUP. This is because the EAGLE load-shares the messages based
on SCCP parameters. For applications like Prepaid services, various gt-routed messages belonging to the same call
need to go to the same load-shared PC in the MAPGROUP/MRNGROUP.
The Transaction-based GTT Load Sharing (TBGTTLS) feature uses the transaction parameter to control load-
sharing for Class 0 and Class 1 SCCP messages. The Transaction-based GTT Load sharing feature also controls
load-sharing for unit data (UDT) and extended unit data (XUDT) messages.
EAGLE generates a unique key for each MSU when transaction-based GTT load-sharing is performed. This key,
called the MSU Key, is a unique 4-byte number. The value of the MSU Key depends on the selected transaction
parameter. The transaction-based GTT loadsharing algorithm ensures that message signal units (MSUs) that have
the same MSU Key value are routed to the same destination within the Entity Set.
For UDT messages, the key is based on MTP, SCCP, or TCAP transaction parameters. For XUDT messages, the
key is based on MTP or SCCP parameters.
Table 9: Transaction-based GTT Provisioning Options
SCCP For XUDT(S) & UDT(S) messages – last 4 bytes of GTA field of
CdPA inbound MSU
MTP For XUDT(S) & UDT(S) messages – last 3 bytes of incoming OPC
& 1 byte of SLS combined. This structure applies to both ANSI and
ITU point codes. This is the default parameter for performing
The EAGLE provides multiple forms of Intermediate and Final GTT loadsharing. These load-sharing modes are
determined by the relative cost of each entity in the Entity Set.
If the Transaction-based Load Sharing and Weighted GTT Load Sharing features are both enabled, then
transaction-based loadsharing has higher priority. This guarantees that messages of a single transaction are
loadsharing to the same entity within the MAP group or MRN group.
For transaction-based routing, loadsharing can be guaranteed only when incoming messages are well distributed
over MTP/SCCP/TCAP parameters. When the incoming traffic is well distributed using the MTP/SCCP/TCAP
parameters, then EAGLE will distribute traffic (at least 1,000 messages) in accordance with loadsharing applicable
to the MAPSET/MRNSET with an allowed deviation of ±5%. If a new entry is added or an existing entry is deleted
from an RC group within an Entity Set while MSUs are getting routed to one of the entities in that particular RC
group, the EAGLE might not be able to maintain the loadsharing distribution and allowed deviation for the load-
shared traffic:
» When the Transaction-based GTT Loadsharing feature and the Weighted GTT Loadsharing feature are both on,
the following scenario can occur:
» An RC group (for example, RC1) becomes prohibited and all of its traffic is rerouted to an alternate RC group
(for example, RC2).
» A node comes up in RC1 (which was the initial destination for an MSU routed base on TBGTTLS), but the
weight percentage of RC1 is still below the in-service weight threshold. RC1 is still considered prohibited and
traffic is not sent to the node in RC1.
» If the number of available entities within the RC group differs between successive MSU transmissions, all the
MSUs that are getting routed to alternate destination (because the primary destination was not available) get
rerouted, even if the entity that has become unavailable is not the destination entity for those MSUs.
» When the Primary Destination is inhibited and the traffic is failed over, the node state might not be maintained if
other nodes also fail.
» When an entity is added to a group or deleted from a group, so that the number of entities in the group changes,
the assignments within the group could all change.
» The Transaction-based GTT Loadsharing feature uses only the first TCAP ID that it encounters in a message and
does not distinguish between Origination (OTID) or Destination (DTID). This behavior may cause the TCAP ID
method not to function in all scenarios. Before implementing the Transaction-based GTT Loadsharing feature, the
user must fully understand call flows to insure that use of the TCAP ID method will operate as intended for the
particular call flows.
When a node with higher capacity is added in the network, then there is a need for weighted GTT load-sharing
(WGTTLS). This feature allows different load-sharing relationships to be established between point codes with the
same relative cost within a MAP Group or MRN Group. The Weighted GTT Loadsharing feature controls
loadsharing through the MAP and MRN entities within a MAP group or MRN group. MAP entities distribute MTP-
routed GTT traffic to the final destination. MRN entities relay MTP-routed GTT traffic to other nodes for further GTT
The Weighted GTT Loadsharing feature provides the following two methods to control the distribution of GTT traffic
through MAP or MRN groups:
» Individual weighting for each RC group entity: Individual weighting assigns different load capacities, in the range
of 1 to 99, to the entities of an RC group. Each entity receives a percentage of the network traffic proportionate
with its weight relative to the total weight of the RC group.
» In-service threshold of each RC group: The in-service threshold is the minimum percentage of the total of the
provisioned weights of an RC group that must be available for the RC group to receive network traffic. An in-
service threshold of 1% means that the group will be used if any member is available. The entire RC group is
considered unavailable for network traffic if the percentage of the available weights is less than the in-service
threshold. The RC group is considered available if the percentage of the available weights is greater than or equal
to the in-service threshold. If an RC group is available, network traffic can be sent to any available entity in the RC
WGTTLS adds two new modes for loadsharing:
» Weighted Load-Share
» Weighted Combined Load-Share
As shown above, when MAPGROUP1 is selected, the traffic will be distributed between PC/SSN=1-1-1/10 and
PC/SSN=2-2-2/10, when both are available. Based on the configured weighted loadsharing, PC/SSN=1-1-1/10 will
receive 70% (70/100) of the traffic and PC/SSN=2-2-2/10 will receive the remaining 30%(30/100).
When the PC/SSN=1-1-1-1/10 becomes unavailable, the combined “in-service weight threshold” drops to only 30%
so it is below its 60% threshold. In this case 3-3-3-3/10 and 4-4-4-4/10 PC/SSNs with relative cost (RC) of 20
becomes available where PC/SSN 3-3-3-3/10 receives 60% of the traffic and 4-4-4-4/10 receives 20% of the traffic.
When PC=1-1-1/10 becomes available, the available weight percentage of relative cost group 10 is now 100%. This
is over the in-service weight threshold of 60%. In this case, the traffic is redistributed back 70/30 between PC=1-1-1
and PC=2-2-2 when all these PC’s are available.
Outbound traffic distribution is affected by incoming traffic distribution. If the OPC, SLS, and incoming Link ID do not
span a diverse range, then weighted distribution may not be able to be maintained. Maintaining the same DPC for
the transaction is given priority. This affects SCCP Class 1 Sequenced traffic only. It does not affect Class 0, or
Class 1 when Class 1 sequencing is turned off, which are balanced regardless of OPC, SLS, and incoming Link ID.
When weights are assigned or changed in an MRN or MAP group that is handling transaction-based traffic, the
destination assignment of some transactions will change. This may cause some MSUs of the transaction to be
directed to one destination and some to another destination.
The Hex Digit Support for GTT feature enables the EAGLE to process both ANSI and ITU Message Signaling Units
(MSUs) that contain either decimal or hexadecimal Global Title digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) in the Called Party Address
(CdPA) field.
When the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature is enabled and turned on, any of the following three scenarios are
» Incoming MSUs whose digits equal 10 are matched to a global title translation that contains a single GTT table
entry of GTA=10.
» Incoming MSUs whose digits equal 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 are matched to GTT table entries
with a range of GTA=20 and EGTA=30.
» Incoming MSUs whose hexadecimal digits equal 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F are matched to GTT table entries with a
hexadecimal range of GTA=20 and EGTA=30.
If desired, the user can then split the hexadecimal range into three separate GTT table entries and specify
translation data for hexadecimal digits as follows:
» GTA=20 EGTA=29 with existing translation data
» GTA=2A EGTA=2F with user specified translation data
» GTA=30 with existing translation data
Before the Hex Digit Support for GTT can be enabled and turned on, the GTT feature must be turned on.
When enabled and turned on, the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature enhances the functionality of the following
» ANSI-ITU-China SCCP Conversion: When the Hex Digit Support for GTT and the ANSI-ITU-China SCCP
Conversion features are enabled and turned ON, the values specified for the npds and nsds parameters can be
either decimal digits (0-9) or hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
» Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT): When the Hex Digit Support for GTT and the EGTT features are
enabled and turned ON, the values specified for the gta, egta parameters in the gta command, can be either
decimal digits (0-9) or hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
» Global Title Translation (GTT): When the Hex Digit Support for GTT and the GTT features are enabled and turned
ON, the values specified for the gta and egta parameters in the gtt commands, can be either decimal digits (0-9)
or hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
» Modified Global Title Translation (MGTT): When the Hex Digit Support for GTT and the MGTT features are
enabled and turned ON, the values specified for the npds, and nsds parameters in the gta/gtt commands, can be
either decimal digits (0-9) or hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
The configuration of the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature may exceed the 150-character command-length limit per
entry. Configure the feature in stages as necessary.
Fallback to GTT
To take advantage of screening functionality provided by GTT Actions feature for non-GTT Message Relay
Services, user is allowed to provision GTT Required, GTT Selector ID (SELID) and Default Action parameters for
corresponding Service Selector entry in the database, as shown below.
Table 10: Message Relay Services and GTT Actions
Nature of
Translation Numbering SSN GTT
Address Service SELID Default Action
GTA/GTII/GTI Type Plan Number Req'd
4 1 1 2 4 HLR Router YES 100 Fall through GTT or
Error GTT Action Id or
Fallback to
Routing data
The “GTT Required” option indicates whether GTT needs to be performed after successfully finding the routing data
from RTDB or PPSOPTS database for non-GTT Message Relay Services. If the routing data is not found for non-
GTT Relay Services from RTDB or PPSOPTS database, the standard “Fall through GTT” procedure shall be
Service Name Corresponding Feature which may relay MSU based on RTDB/PPSOPTS data
HLR Router HLR Router MAP Layer Routing (Part Number: 893-0217-01)
TTR For IS41 (ANSI TCAP) messages selected for this service, the ‘GTT Required’ option shall have no
For GSM (ITU TCAP) messages selected for this service, the ‘GTT Required’ option shall have
same effect as for IDPR service.
The ‘GTT Required’ parameter shall be examined only if message is required to be relayed based on routing data
from RTDB/PPSOPTS table after the successful execution of a non-GTT Message Relay Service. lists the non-GTT
Message Relay Services and the corresponding feature(s) which may result in message relay based on routing data
from RTDB/PPSOPTS table. Existing behavior of the service shall remain unchanged if ‘GTT Required’ parameter in
the concerned Service Selector indicates that GTT is not required on the Service Relayed MSU. If ‘GTT Required’
parameter indicates that GTT is required on Service Relayed MSU, then GTT shall be performed on the MSU
modified by Relay Service according to GTT hierarchy of the incoming link set. The default value of ‘GTT Required’
shall be set to indicate that GTT is not required on Service Relayed MSU. If GTT performed on the Service Relayed
MSU is successful then all the GTT features including GTTMOD, GTT Action, ANSI/ITU/CHINA SCCP Conversion
and EGMS shall be performed on the message.
Note: Fall-back to GTT functionality is applicable only to the Service Relayed MSU. Query/Response and standard
Fall Through to GTT procedures are not in the scope of Fall-back to GTT functionality.
SMSMR MO SMS B-Party Routing MO SMS B-Party Routing performs GTT on TCAP B-Party
Service Selector search is not performed for the MTP-routed messages with CDPA GTI=0. Therefore, the
parameters required to perform Fall-back to GTT functionality are not available for MTP-routed messages with
GTI=0. The Fall-back to GTT on Service Relayed MSUs shall not be applicable on messages with GTI=0 i.e. if a
message with GTI=0 is relayed by EPAP-related service, then GTT shall not be performed on the message.
Figure 41: Origin based LNP QS call flow with Pre-LNP GTT processing
In the case of QS, we would potentially need to do Calling party based GTT prior to doing the LNP RTDB lookup. In
the use case cited above, if a calling party has an agreement with the LNP provider, the region 8 LNP RTDB lookup
is performed. Else the query gets forwarded to the donor network for the LNP lookup.
The figure above shows the use case for LNP MR with fall-back to GTT processing. For example the initial message
selection can be done using FLOBR after which this enhancement adds the capability to fall-back to GTT post
The initial software release (R45.1) supporting J7 over Sigtran transport on the EAGLE will have conformance as
detailed in this document, to the MTP3 layer (JT Q.704) and SCCP layer (JT Q.711), protocols. The next software
release adds supporting J7 over E1/T1 transport (J1), as detailed in this document, to the MTP1/MTP2 layers (JT
Q.703/JT G.703/JT G.704).
A new ON Only Feature Access Key (PN: 893-0408-01) will be used to control "J7 support" feature".
The following table lists signaling layers/protocols supported and not supported for J7 feature:
Table 13: J7 Features and Support
J1-64 Kbps
ITU-T TDM Sigtran (w/16 bit PC support) TTC SCCP, M3UA (16 bit PC), Yes
ITU-T Sigtran Sigtran (w/ 16 bit PC support) TTC SCCP, M3UA (16 bit PC), Yes
The EAGLE is capable of providing integrated database services typically associated with a SCP or standalone
application server. The integration of these applications with the core EAGLE infrastructure and STP functionality
allows database services to run at high transaction rates with very high reliability. EAGLE supports the following
database services:
EPAP and ELAP provide separate database for various features on EAGLE. Features like HLR ROUTER, MNP,
EIR and TIF use the EPAP database. Features like LNP use ELAP DB. With the Dual ExAP Configuration feature,
the EPAP-based features and ELAP-based features can be turned on (and process traffic) simultaneously on the
same EAGLE.
Furthermore, customers using EPAP based features with subscription growth over 120M entries may expand EPAP
data up to 240 million.
EAGLE will support a feature access key “EPAP Data Split” to control the RTDB split mechanism. Once the feature
is turned ON, the service module card can be provisioned as either a DN card or IMSI card. On the DN card, DN,
DN Block, ASD, and Entity data will be loaded, while on the IMSI card, IMSI, IMEI, IMEI Block, and Entity data will
be loaded. The maximum of 120 million of DN data can be loaded on the DN cards while maximum of 120 million of
IMSI on IMSI cards. Therefore the total maximum capacity of 240 million data can be supported system wide.
LIM cards will be responsible to determine which Service Module should process each MSU, requiring SCCP
processing. The EPAP will support 240 million EPAP data combining maximum of 120 million of DN and 120 million
The two primary functions of LNP supported by the EAGLE are Location Routing Number (LRN) query and
Message Relay (MR) function.
The LRN query function is required when a call is placed to a ported telephone number. A query is sent to the LNP
database to obtain the LRN. The LRN gives the location of the new office switch on which the telephone number
resides. When a response to the query is returned, the call is completed using the LRN to route the call to the new
switch. LRN query processing services LRN queries in real time and generates the appropriate LRN response.
The Message Relay function is required to perform 10-digit LNP GTT for various services while maintaining
backward compatibility with existing non-LNP Operations Support Systems (OSSs). Currently, OSSs (and some
switches) use 6-digit GTT for certain services. To minimize the impact of LNP on these systems, they continue to
route using 6-digit GTT. If the called party address does not include 10 digits, the 10 digits are extracted from the
TCAP portion of the message and are used as a global title address (GTA).
There are several different types of data utilized in providing the LNP query and message relay functions. Most of
this data is administered from the LSMS. System configuration and options related to the LNP function are
administered at the EAGLE. LNP Data Flow shows the architecture of the data management system used to send
the LNP data to the EAGLE from the NPAC SMS. The EAGLE LNP data is stored in the Real-Time Database
(RTDB) on the ELAP and is downloaded to all SCCP service module cards on the EAGLE for data management.
The ELAP provides an emergency provisioning interface in the event data cannot be received from the LSMS but is
not shown in LNP Data Flow.
The following provides a brief description of the LNP data that is contained in the EAGLE RTDB:
» Subscription versions - These are the ported or pooled telephone numbers with related information that is sent
from the NPAC to the LSMS and then to the EAGLE RTDB. Each subscription version at the EAGLE contains:
» 10-digit telephone number (TN)
» Location routing number (LRN)
» GTT data (DPC/SSN, routing indicator, etc.) for CLASS, LIDB, CNAM, ISVM, WSMSC
» Service provider ID-support for Mass Update of SPIDs which allows a bulk change of which service
providers own which LRNs.
» Default GTT for Message Relay for each portable NPA-NXX for CLASS, LIDB, CNAM, ISVM, and WSMSC - This
data is used for GTT routing for non-ported numbers and is provisioned at the LSMS.
» Default GTT for LRN queries for each portable NPA-NXX - Default GTT if the AIN/IN LRN query should be
processed locally or routed to another node for processing. This data is provisioned at the LSMS.
» LRN Override GTT for CLASS, LIDB, CNAM, ISVM and WSMSC - This data overrides the global title data in the
subscription versions for the specified LRN. This allows gateway addresses to be provided to the NPAC for
subscriptions, and allows the provider to override the gateway data for LRNs within their own network. If the GTT
» AMAslpID value
» Indicator to include or exclude AMAslpID parameter in the AIN response
» Billing indicators (call type and feature ID) for the IN connection control response
» 3- or 4-digit CIC for IN connection-control response
LSMS Interface
The service provider maintains and distributes LNP data to the EAGLE RTDB by using the Local Service
Management System (LSMS). The LSMS provides the interface between the Number Portability Administration
Center Service Management System (NPAC SMS) and the EAGLE RTDB. The data administered by the LSMS
includes subscription, service provider, and network data (Override GTT, Default GTT, and NPA Splits).
The Oracle LNP solution supports a variety of database audits/reconciles and loading the different modules for the
LNP solution.
LSMS-ELAP Audit/Reconcile/Loading
The ELAP-to-Service Module (SM) interface allows for rapid loading of the SM cards. Auditing and reconciling LNP
data is automatic and does not require any user intervention.
The ELAP downloads LNP data to each SM card with a checksum. After receiving the LNP data, the SM card
recomputes the checksum and, if the two checksums do not match, the SM card automatically requests a new
update from the ELAP.
Each SM card can continue to receive updates from the MPS when a particular SM card needs to be reloaded.
Each SM card can also retain its RAM-based data as long as power is not removed from the card (warm restart).
Each SM card can reload LNP data rapidly if the SM card loses power (cold restart).
LNP Query
LNP Query functionality allows a call to be completed to a ported number, which is a telephone number that has
been moved from one switch to another. When a call is placed to a portable telephone number, a trigger is set at the
office switch and a query is sent to the LNP database to obtain the location routing number (LRN). The LRN gives
the location of the new switch on which the telephone number resides. When a response to the query is returned,
» LRN query processing - services LRN queries in real time and generates the appropriate LRN response. Multiple
query types are supported.
» Automatic Call Gapping (ACG) control - Automatic call gapping is required for overload control when an excessive
number of LRN queries are received on a nodal basis for a specific number of digits or for a specific set of dialed
numbers. ACG controls are placed only on AIN and/or IN queries.
LRN Query Processing
The ELAP provides Location Routing Number (LRN) query services for wireline and wireless switches. AIN, IN,
ANSI-41, and PCS query/responses formats are supported either by explicitly defining a translation type for the
query or using the TT Independence for LNP Queries feature. The LRN query processing decodes the incoming
query, performing appropriate TCAP error checking and return procedures. For a properly formatted query, the
EAGLE locates the 10-digit TN and searches the LNP database for a match. If a match is found, the LRN is
returned. Otherwise, the appropriate return for a non-ported TN is sent for the specific protocol.
Triggerless LNP
In addition to the mentioned LRN query formats supported, the EAGLE LNP solution also offers a triggerless LNP
solution. For certain network configurations, triggerless LNP offers service providers a method to route calls to
ported numbers without having to upgrade their switch (end office or mobile switching center) software to support
LNP triggers. Triggerless LNP will selectively intercept IAM messages, via Gateway Screening, based on user
configuration. For IAMs that have not had the LRN query performed, the LRN lookup is performed, and the IAM is
modified appropriately for a ported or non-ported number based on the lookup results. Triggerless LNP requires the
use of a Tandem Office switch in the call flow.
Automatic call gapping controls the rate at which location routing number (LRN) queries for a specified telephone
number or a portion of a telephone number are received by the EAGLE when predefined thresholds are reached.
ACG components are only defined for AIN and IN LRN responses. When conditions warrant, the LNP application
will send ACGs as part of the AIN or IN LRN query response to throttle queries from the SSPs. The ACG component
is appended to the outgoing TCAP Response Package. ACG controls are used under two conditions:
» Node Overload - When a node overload condition is detected and an ACG control is configured for that overload
level, the EAGLE sends an ACG component within each LRN query response it processes. The ACG control can
be set based upon 6 or 10 digits.
» Manually Initiated Controls - The EAGLE also may send a manually initiated ACG to control the rate of queries for
a particular area code (3 digits), area code and prefix (6 digits), 10-digit telephone number, or part of a 10-digit
telephone number (6 to 10 digits). The database can contain a maximum of 256 manually initiated ACG controls.
Message Relay Services
Message Relay differs from the LRN query functionality in that no response is sent back to an end office. Instead,
Message Relay is an intercept of a TCAP query message, performing a 10 digit GTT for supported NPAC services,
and forwarding the query to the correct service provider database containing the service.
The Message Relay functionality performs the global title translation using the appropriate default GTT for non-
ported numbers or GTTs in the subscription data for ported numbers. To implement this capability, the following
functions are required:
When the RTDB goes offline, the EAGLE sends SSPs that causes messages with the routing indicator set to SSN to
be diverted to the mate subsystem. These will not cause messages with the routing indicator set to GT to be
diverted. In order to make other nodes divert the messages with the routing indicator set to GT to the mate, the
EAGLE sends response method TFPs for these messages that require either message relay or LNP query.
There are two cases in which the EAGLE generates a response method TFP:
» While the RTDB is offline, a message arrives with the routing indicator set to GT for one of the EAGLE' LNP
capability point codes and the result of the GTT is the EAGLE RTDB.
» While the RTDB is offline, a message arrives with the routing indicator set to GT for one of the EAGLE' LNP
capability point codes and the result of the GTT is that message relay is required on the EAGLE.
In both of these cases, the EAGLE generates a TFP concerning the LNP capability point code and sends the TFP to
the OPC in the message. This TFP should cause the OPC to divert traffic to the mate. If a message arrives with the
routing indicator set to GT for the EAGLE' true point code, the EAGLE does not generate a TFP. Nodes that send
LNP traffic to the EAGLE with the routing indicator set to GT should use one of the EAGLE's LNP capability point
codes, not the EAGLE's true point code or an STP capability point code. The STP capability point codes should be
used for any nodes that send non-LNP GTT traffic.
If the EAGLE receives an RSP (Route Set Test Message - Prohibited) for a capability point code that is used for
LNP and the RTDB is offline, the EAGLE does not reply. If the EAGLE receives an RSR (Route Set Test Message -
Restricted) for a capability point code for LNP and the LNP subsystem is offline, the EAGLE replies with a TFP
concerning the capability point code. When the RTDB is online, the EAGLE replies to both RSRs and RSPs for a
capability point code that is used for an LNP with a TFA.
The EAGLE LNP solution provides users on-demand status of the RTDB. The EAGLE displays a detailed status of
LNP information for the LNP system as a whole or for a given SM. The system-wide detailed report includes
The EAGLE also provides a set of measurements related to LNP query and message relay traffic. These
measurements include queries for ported numbers per LRN, queries for non-ported numbers per NPA-NXX, and
ported and non-ported message relay GTTs received for CLASS, LIDB, CNAM, ISVM and WSMSC. These
measurements are available hourly and daily. Daily measurements are maintained for one week.
Introduced in Release 46.0, the AIN LNP Message Support feature extends support of a Local Number Portability
feature to allow processing AIN messages using a Mobile Number Portability database. The AIN message types are
managed using Query/Response architecture.
The EAGLE INP feature satisfies the ETSI-defined INAP-based NP solution. The INP function can be deployed in a
node that also performs the STP function or as a stand-alone INP node. INP and North American LNP are mutually
exclusive on an EAGLE node. INP can be run on the same node as MNP and HLR Router. Some wireless operators
use a combination of INP and MNP to satisfy all call flows.
For database provisioning, the INP feature (as well as the MNP and HLR Router features) require deployment of the
EAGLE Provisioning Application Processor (EPAP). The EPAP provides a centralized database for provisioning with
automatic replication to redundant systems.
As of Release 40.0, INP supports non-segmented XUDT messages for both Query/Response and Message Relay
service. Segmented XUDT continues to be unsupported.
» The originating exchange sends an INAP InitialDP message to the EAGLE/INP. This message either comes into
the EAGLE as route on SSN or GT information triggers INP call-related processing. The Called Party Number
parameter contains the DN. The INP Number Normalization feature allows any unnecessary prefixes, for
example, an access code 0 to be removed from the DN before the database is searched.
» The EAGLE searches the NPDB with the DN and finds no match. The EAGLE either sends an INAP Continue
message or an INAP Connect message to the originating exchange, depending upon the setting of the INP
options within the EAGLE.
» The originating exchange routes the call to the subscription network (which could be the originating network).
» The originating exchange sends an INAP InitialDP message to the EAGLE/INP. This message either comes into
the EAGLE as route on SSN or GT information triggers INP call related processing. The Called Party Number
parameter contains the DN. The INP Number Normalization feature allows any unnecessary prefixes, for
example, an access code 0 to be removed from the DN before the database is searched.
» The EAGLE searches the NPDB with the DN and finds a match. An INAP Connect message is sent to the
originating exchange with the Destination Routing Address = concatenated RN + DN, where the RN is found in
the NPDB associated with the DN. The operator also has the option of sending the RN only. The nature of
address (NoA) indicator will be set according to its provisioned value, which in this example is 126.
» The originating exchange routes the call to the subscription network and/or exchange identified by the RN. In the
case of an imported number, this would be in the same network as where the call was originated.
Note: In some cases, a two-step process could be used where the NP query in the originating network returns an
RN that simply identifies an access point (e.g., gateway switch) in the subscription network. A subsequent NP query
in the subscription network returns an RN that identifies the specific exchange of the subscriber. It is assumed that
this second NP query in the subscription network does not include the RN (prefix) from the first query as part of the
DN. Instead, the DN will contain the originally dialed number.
The figure above shows a non-call related message for a ported number flow:
» The Interrogating Network Entity (INE) sends the non-call related message to the EAGLE in the interrogating
network. The SCCP CdPA contains the DN of the subscriber and the TT. The TT could be 0 or could have some
other value depending upon the service, such as TT=17 for CCBS service.
» Global title information triggers INP message relay processing. The EAGLE checks the leading digits of the SCCP
CdPA to see if they contain the home network prefix if it has been provisioned. If so, the prefix is removed. The
EAGLE then uses the DN from the SCCP CdPA to search the NPDB. A match is found, and the EAGLE uses the
Message Relay GT address associated with the match to route the message to the designated node in the
subscription network.
Although the figure above shows them as separate, the interrogating network could be the same as the subscription
INP Database
INP shares the same database features as MNP, HLR Router, EIR, and IS41 GSM Migration.
INP Assumptions/Limitations
INP allows a new option in the setting of the DRA parameter which is returned in INAP Connect messages. Prior,
INP could return either the RN (for ported out) or SP (for ported in) from the RTDB in the IDP DRA parameter. Now,
INP can return the RN for ported out, and one of two options for ported in: either the SP (HLR address) from the
RTDB, or a HomeRN from the provisioned HomeRN list. If HomeRN is chosen, and if more than one HomeRN
exists in the HomeRN table, INP will use the original HomeRN that was first provisioned in the table. Note that this
refers to the first/original HomeRN that was provisioned in the HomeRN table, and not to the first HomeRN that is
displayed in the output of the rtrv-homern command. The EAGLE re-sorts the table each time a rtrv-homern
command is executed, and the first HomeRN displayed in this output may not necessarily correspond to the first
HomeRN that was originally entered in the table.”
The Destination Routing Address (DRA) parameter (chg-inpopts command) has a new value (homerndn) that allows
the return of the home routing number (HomeRN) in INP Connect Request messages. With this new value, INP
allows the return of the routing number (RN) for ported-out numbers; and either the HLR address (SP) from the
RTDB or the HomeRN from the provisioned HOMERN table for ported-in numbers.
If the HomeRN value is chosen, and if more than one HomeRN exists in the HOMERN table, INP will use the first
HomeRN that was provisioned in the table. Note that this original HomeRN is not necessarily the first HomeRN that
is displayed in the output of the rtrv-homern command. The EAGLE re-sorts the table each time a rtrv-homern
command is executed.
The INP Circular Route Prevention feature detects and prevents circular routes for INPQ and INP MR Services.
INPQ services are associated with received queries (InitialDP for INP-based queries or NPREQ for AINP-based
queries) and the results are generated based on the RTDB lookup. INP MR services are associated with received
INP queries that are related to the destination.
The addition of the AINPQ feature allows the INP message relay function to be invoked by either the INP or AINPQ
feature. When the INP query is in operation it supports the following;
» The handling of ITU national point code ANSI-41 NPREQ query encoded in ANSI-41 TCAP, ITU SCCP, and ITU
MTP protocol stack.
» ITU SCCP/MTP protocol validation and ANSI TCAP protocol validation for a received ANSI-41 NPREQ query.
The EAGLE performs number conditioning on the DGTSDIAL value in preparation for database lookup. The Called
Party Prefix, National Escape Code, Service Nature of Address, Nature of Number, and Country Codes are used to
condition the number as a National or International number. For a received ANSI-41 NPREQ query that requires
INPQ processing, the EAGLE uses the digits encoded in the DGTSDIAL parameter for database lookup. Enhanced
AINPQ and INP options for the Global Option for Connect on INP Query feature can be used to format information in
the response that results from the database lookup.
Both INP and ANIPQ features use a common set of subsystem management, INP measurements, service selectors
and INP options. The INP options in the EAGLE have been enhanced to support the AINPQ feature as follows;
» A new INP option is provided to define the National Escape Code (NEC) value, up to 5 digits, for each EAGLE
» Called Party Prefix has been increased to 40 entries from the original 5.
» The destination routing address (DRA) options have been enhanced for INP and AINPQ for formatting the
ROUTDGTS parameter in the INP “Connect” message or AINPQ NPREQ “Return Result “response message, as
» Support RN + [CDPNPFX] + DN in INP “Connect” or AINPQ “Return Result” response messages
» Support Routing Number in INP “Connect” or AINPQ “Return Result” response messages
» The feature doesn’t support NPREQ encoded in ANSI TCAP, SCCP and MTP protocol stack.
» The EAGLE will discard ANSI-41 NPREQ queries encoded with ITU International point code in the MTP routing
» AINPQ and EIR cannot be enabled in the system as the same time.
The LOCREQ Query Response feature populates the RN of the ReturnResult message. Service Portability (S-Port)
processing is used to control whether Generic Routing Number (GRN) or default RN digits are used for the RN in
the ReturnResult message.
The 3GPP standards have been defined so that GSM carriers can choose to implement IN-based (using INAP
protocol) or SRF-based (using MAP protocol) MNP. SRF-based MNP processing involves the “intercepting” of
existing MAP messages to check for ported numbers.
For call-related messages, MNP will act as an “NP HLR”, in the case where the number has been ported-out, by
responding to the switch with a MAP SRI_ACK message. For calls to ported-in numbers and non-call related
messages, MNP will perform message relay.
The 3GPP standards for SRF-based MNP define two routing options: direct routing and indirect routing. With direct
routing, the network where the call is originated is responsible for determining whether the called party has ported
and routed the call to the new subscription network. With indirect routing, this is the responsibility of the network that
originally owned the number. MNP supports both direct routing and indirect routing.
The MNP feature incorporates a similar architecture to HLR Router. MNP is deployed in a node that is also
performing the STP function. MNP, HLR Router, and INAP-based Number Portability (INP) can coexist on the same
EAGLE node. MNP and North American LNP are mutually exclusive on an EAGLE node.
For database provisioning, the MNP feature (as well as the HLR Router and INP features) will require deployment of
the EAGLE Provisioning Application Processor (EPAP). The EPAP performs function such as providing a
centralized database for provisioning with automatic replication to redundant systems.
This figure shows a mobile terminated call to a non-ported or imported number (indirect routing):
» The originating exchange sends an IAM message to GMSC B in the subscription network. For the case where the
number is imported, the original number range owner network would have performed an NP database lookup and
determined the new subscription network (Routing Number - RN). As shown above, this could be sent in the IAM
along with the MSISDN.
» GMSC B sends an SRI request to MNP. Global title information triggers MNP processing. MNP determines that
the message is an SRI and uses the MSISDN from the MAP message to search the MNP Database. A match is
found with no Routing Number and an HLR GT address for HLR B; or no match is found and fall through to GTT
produces routing to HLR B (another possibility is that GTT routes to some other node, possibly in a different
network, which is outside the scope of this feature).
» The message is routed to HLR B.
» HLR B responds to GMSC B with an SR_ACK. This message can be GTT routed through the STP or MTP
» GMSC B sends an IAM with the roaming number to the visited network.
Note 2: If Indirect Routing was used in this case, the originating network would first route the call to the
number range owner network (according to pre-portability rules), where MNP and NPDB would be accessed to
find the Routing Number.
Figure 51: MO/MT Call to Foreign Number Not Known to Be Ported - Direct Routing
This figure shows a mobile terminated call to a foreign number not known to be ported (direct routing):
» The Interrogating Network Entity (INE) sends the non-call related message to MNP B in the number range owner
network. The SCCP CdPA contains the MSISDN number of the subscriber and the TT. The TT could be 0, as
shown above, or could have some other value depending upon the service, such as TT=17 for CCBS service.
» Global title information triggers MNP processing. MNP B determines the message is non-call related (i.e., not an
SRI that doesn't require Optimal Routing) and uses the MSISDN from the SCCP CdPA to search the MNP
database. No match is found, so MNP B uses GTT to find the GT address associated with the MSISDN to route
the message to HLR B.
The figure below shows a non-call-related message for a ported number (indirect routing):
» The Interrogating Network Entity (INE) sends the non-call related message to MNP A in the number range owner
network. The SCCP CdPA contains the MSISDN number of the subscriber and the TT. The TT could be 0, as
shown above, or could have some other value depending upon the service, such as TT=17 for CCBS service.
» Global title information triggers MNP processing. MNP A determines the message is one requiring message
relay (i.e., not an SRI that doesn't require Optimal Routing) and uses the MSISDN from the SCCP CdPA to
search the MNP data base. A match is found and MNP A uses the Message Relay GT address associated with
the match to route the message to the subscription network.
» MNP B receives the message and determines the message is one requiring message relay (i.e., not an SRI that
doesn't require Optimal Routing). It then checks to see if the SCCP CdPA begins with a Prefixed RN. If so, it
removes the Prefix. Either way, it uses the MSISDN from the SCCP CdPA to search the MNP DATABASE. A
match is found and MNP B uses the HLR GT address associated with the match to route the message to HLR B.
The figure below shows a non-call-related message for a ported or non-ported number (direct routing):
» The Interrogating Network Entity (INE) sends the non-call related message to MNP A in the interrogating network.
The SCCP CdPA contains the MSISDN number of the subscriber and the TT. The TT could be 0, as shown
above or could have some other value depending upon the service, such as TT=17 for CCBS service.
» Global title information triggers MNP processing. MNP A determines the message is one requiring message relay
(i.e., not an SRI that doesn't require Optimal Routing) and uses the MSISDN from the SCCP CdPA to search the
» If a match is found (ported case), then MNP A uses the Message Relay GT address associated with the match to
route the message to the subscription network.
» If no match is found (non-ported case), then MNP A uses GTT to route the message to MNP B.
» MNP B receives the message and determines the message is one requiring message relay (i.e., not an SRI that
doesn't require Optimal Routing). It then checks to see if the SCCP CdPA begins with a Prefixed RN. If so, it
removes the Prefix. Either way, it uses the MSISDN from the SCCP CdPA to search the MNP DATABASE.
If a match is found (imported case), then MNP B uses the HLR GT address associated with the match to route the
message to HLR B.
If no match is found, then MNP B uses GTT to route the message to HLR B.
Note: This call flow assumes the interrogating network does not equal the subscription network.
MNP Database
HLR Router and MNP utilize the same integrated database on the EAGLE (as do all of the EPAP-based Database
Services features). Thus, MNP supports the following capacities, throughput, and functionality, similar to the HLR
Router feature:
The following assumptions and limitations apply to the MNP feature:
» MNP as discussed in this document only applies within a single portability cluster. This is defined to be a set of
networks in a country or multi-country region that has a common numbering plan and across which a subscriber,
who is already inside the cluster, can port. Any individual MNP node is only required to support MNP within such
a portability cluster.
» It may be required for the EAGLE to look into the TCAP portion of the MAP message to determine the message
type. Although 3GPP 23.066 defines a new Translation Type for SRI-MNP messages, MNP does not rely upon
the use of this new TT.
» The routing number found in the NP database will either be prefixed to the dialed number to form a new
concatenated roaming number to be returned to the switch or will be sent on its own as the roaming number.
» No MAP overload procedures, as defined in 3GPP 29.002, need to be supported by MNP.
» No MAP messages other than those addressed in this document need to be handled by MNP in relation to
Number Portability.
» All non-call related messages impacted by MNP will contain the MSISDN number in the SCCP CdPA. In the case
of the SRI message, it may be necessary to get the number from the MAP level.
» TCAP op codes uniquely distinguish MAP SRI messages and do not change from one phase (or version) of MAP
to another.
» A routing number prefix could be required to be added to the SCCP CdPA contents for non-call related messages
relayed by the MNP for ported subscribers. Such a prefix could also be received by the EAGLE in a message
relayed from another operator. Such a prefix is shown by ETSI to be optional.
ANSI-41 MNP uses the EPAP (EAGLE Provisioning Application Processor) RTDB provisioning database to retrieve
the subscriber portability status and provision directory numbers for exported and imported IS41 subscribers. This
database maintains information related to subscriber portability in the international E.164 format. ANSI-41 MNP uses
The ANSI-41 MNP message processing function mimics the MNP message processing function in that the EAGLE
intercepts ANSI-41 LOCREQ and SMSREQ messages for the database lookup as opposed to SRI and SRI_SM for
MNP. An IS41 LOCREQ message is initiated by a TDMA/CDMA MSC querying an HLR concerning terminating
subscriber's subscription/location information for a voice call. An IS41 SMSREQ message is initiated by a
TDMA/CDMA SMSC querying an HLR concerning terminating subscriber's subscription/current location information
for delivering a short message.
To manage number portability, ANSI-41 MNP uses the MNP SCCP Service Selector to process LOCREQ and
SMSREQ SCCP messages. The EAGLE intercepts LOCREQ messages for the RTDB database lookup. An ANSI-
41 LOCREQ message is initiated by a TDMA/CDMA MSC that queries the HLR for information regarding user
subscription/location before terminating a voice call ANSI-41 MNP supports both GT-routed and MTP-routed
» "GT-routed messages support UDT and non-segmented XUDT message types and perform service selector
lookup after SCCP verification.
» ANSI-41 MNP processes MTP-routed messages when used in conjunction with MTP Messages for SCCP
Applications feature is turned on (see MTP Messages for SCCP Applications for further details).
ANSI-41 MNP begins TCAP/MAP verification if the message is ANSI TCAP and this verification is performed on all
messages; only the ANSI TCAP format is supported.
The IGM, MNP CRP, and MT-based IS41 SMS NP features have been enhanced to support MTP-routed SMSREQ
messages. If the SMSREQ message cannot be processed by any of these features, then the SMSREQ is MTP
ANSI-41 MNP performs RTDB lookup on the conditioned number, and routes or relays the message based on the
lookup result.
» An SMSREQ message is relayed like any other non-LOCREQ message. No changes are performed to the
TCAP/MAP portion of the message.
» ANSI-41 MNP modifies the TCAP information for LOCREQ messages only when a HomeRN was deleted from
the TCAP DN. Any gaps in the data caused by a change in field length will be resolved by shifting the remaining
information up. Any IEC or NEC code is left.
» ANSI-41 MNP falls through to GTT if number conditioning fails or does not find the DN in the RTDB database, or
the DN is found with non-A-Port data.
The following enhancements support the collection and retrieval of measurements related to the A-Port feature.
These measurement registers are supported with and without the Measurements Platform feature enabled.
New registers are added to the NP SSP reports; Hourly Maintenance Measurements on NP SSP (MTCH-SSP) and
Daily Maintenance Measurements on NP SSP (MTCD-SSP).
Table 14: Measurement Counters for A Port
APNOCLGT Number of non-call Non LOCREQ related messages that fell through to GTT.
Feature Interactions
MNP and IS41 GSM Migration solve the problem of number portability from one network to another or number
migration from one mobile protocol to another. One, two, or all three features could be active on a single EAGLE
node at a given point. Because all of these features could have same type of MTP and SCCP layers (ITU or ANSI),
it may look like same kind of message at service selection, which looks at the network domain and SCCP
parameters. Therefore, all three features share one service. Because of this, existing functions like SRVSEL,
Service, Re-route, CPC and status report for SCCP command service snapshot counts are affected.
The MNP Circular Route Prevention feature has been enhanced to provide the same functions for IS41 messages
as it currently provides for GSM messages. Circular Route Prevention (A-Port CRP) detects and prevents circular
routing for all messages that receive A-Port service, including LOCREQ and SMSREQ messages.
When migrating to GSM, IS-41 subscribers will migrate gradually, one at a time, and they will want to retain their
existing IS-41 phone number. This means that subscribers will have to be individually removed from the IS-41 HLRs
and added to the GSM HLRs. This presents a routing problem because routing to HLRs is usually accomplished via
GTT by grouping subscriber numbers into ranges, with each range having a translation to an HLR. This type of
ranging is efficient because several million subscribers can be accounted for using only several thousand ranges.
However, when an individual subscriber migrates to GSM, the GTT range that pointed that subscriber to the IS-41
HLR must be broken out into two ranges that point to the IS-41 HLR, and the migrated subscriber must be entered
as a single entry that points to the GSM HLR. It is clear that the GTT tables will be quickly exhausted if all
subscribers in a typical network (usually an average of 8 million subscribers or more) must be entered individually.
This problem is addressed by the IS-41 to GSM Migration feature by treating the migrated customers as having
ported to another network, in this case the GSM network.
IS-41 to GSM Migration requires the use of the EPAP application running on the OC EAGLE Application B card. IS-
41 to GSM Migration is scalable from 850 to 75,000 queries per second.
For GSM Migration in general, four types of subscribers have been identified:
1. Non-Migrated- These are IS-41 subscribers who have not yet migrated to GSM.
2. Migrated with Two Handsets/GAIT Handset- These subscribers have migrated from IS-41 to GSM, and
maintain two handsets, or a GAIT handset, in order to receive calls on the IS-41 network when GSM is not
available. This capability is currently not supported.
3. Migrated with One Handset- These subscriber have migrated from IS-41 to GSM, but maintain only a
single GSM handset. This category also includes new subscribers who sign up for GSM service only and
have only one handset, but are given a number from the existing IS-41 number range.
4. GSM Only- These are new subscribers who sign up for GSM service only, have only one handset, and are
given a number from a new "GSM only" number range.
Each type of subscriber is below.
Message Flows
Figure 56: Call Originated from IS-41 MSC for GSM-Migrated Subscriber
1. When the IS-41 MSC receives the ISUP IAM, it sends a LocationRequest to the IS-41 HLR via the
EAGLE. The EAGLE intercepts the Location Request message and uses the GTA in the SCCP CdPA to
search the MNP DB to determine if this is a GSM-migrated subscriber.
2. Since the message is an IS-41 message, and the sub is GSM only, the EAGLE forms a LocationRequest -
Return Result message and sends it to the IS-41 MSC using a special prefix added to the DN as the
routing number. This prefix will be provisioned by the customer. The EAGLE switches the SCCP CdPA
and CgPA information before sending the message so that the message appears to have come from the
IS-41 HLR, not the EAGLE.
3. The special prefix causes the IS-41 MSC to route the ISUP IAM to a GSM MSC, after removing the prefix
from the SCCP CdPA.
4. The GSM MSC sends a SendRoutingInformation message to the GSM HLR via the EAGLE.
1. When the GSM MSC receives the ISUP IAM, it sends a SendRoutingInfo message to the GSM HLR via
the EAGLE. The EAGLE intercepts the message and uses the digits populated in the SCCP CdPA GTA
(or TCAP MSISDN) to search the MNP database to determine if this is a GSM-migrated subscriber.
2. Since the message is a GSM message, and the subscriber is GSM-migrated, the EAGLE routes the
message to the GSM HLR, using the translation information from MNP database.
» Call Originated from IS-41 MSC for Non-GSM-Migrated Subscriber
1. When the IS-41 MSC receives the ISUP IAM, it sends a LocationRequest message to the IS41 HLR via
the EAGLE. The EAGLE uses the digits populated in the SCCP CdPA to search the MNP database. This
search results in either: (1) A match in DB with migration type (portability type) of "none", and a translation
to the IS-41 HLR, or (2) No match in DB, which will cause message to fall through to GTT.
2. In either case, since the message is an IS41 message, and the subscriber is IS41-only, the EAGLE routes
the message to the IS41 HLR, using either the IS41 HLR translation information from MNP database, or
the standard GTT translation.
» Call Originated from GSM MSC for Non-GSM-Migrated Subscriber
This call flow requires Non-Migrated subscribers to be provisioned in the GSM Migration/MNP database with an
association to an RN which corresponds to the IS41 HLR
1. When the GSM MSC receives the ISUP IAM, it sends a SRI message to the GSM HLR via the EAGLE.
The EAGLE intercepts the message and uses the digits populated in the SCCP CdPA GTA (or TCAP
MSISDN) to perform database lookup. This search results in a match that indicates this is a non-migrated
subscriber (portability type = "none").
2. Since the message is SRI, and the IS41 number is stored in the DB with an RN translation containing the
Migration Prefix digits, the EAGLE returns an SRI-ack with the Migration Prefix as the routing number
3. The GSM MSC uses the routing prefix information returned in the SRI-ack to route the ISUP to the IS41
4. When the IS-41 MSC receives the ISUP IAM, it sends a LocationRequest message to the IS41 HLR via
the EAGLE. EAGLE removes the prefix and uses the MIN number in the SCCP CdPA as an MSISDN to
search the MNP database. This search results a match in DB with migration type (portability type) of
"none", and a RN translation to the IS-41 HLR.
5. Therefore, EAGLE message relays the LocReq to the IS41 HLR based on the PC/SSN information
contained in the DB.
» MT SMS Delivery for Non-Migrated IS-41 Subscriber SRI-for-SM First
1. The SMSC sends a SRI_SM to the GSM HLR via the EAGLE. The EAGLE intercepts the message and
uses the digits populated in the SCCP CdPA GTA (or TCAP MSISDN) to search the MNP database. This
search results in either 1 of 2 possibilities: The first possibility is a no match in DB (if non-migrated subs
are not provisioned in DB). In this case, the message falls through to GTT. The GTT DB search would
result in no match for this case (GTT tables for GSM TTs do not contain IS-41 only subs). The second
possibility is a match is found in the DB (if both migrated and non-migrated subs are provisioned) with an
RN translation to an ANSI Point Code for the IS-41 HLR, and a portability type of 0: "not known to be
2. In the case of no match in MNP database, and no match in GTT DB, the EAGLE returns a UDTS error
message to the SMSC per normal SCCP error handling. In the case a match is found with RN translation
to the IS41 HLR and portability type = 0, the EAGLE returns a GSM SRI-for-SM error response with User
Error = localValue 1 - "Unknown Subscriber".
3. The SMSC is programmed to formulate an IS-41 SMSRequest and send it to the IS-41 HLR via the
EAGLE upon receiving the error message in 2.
4. EAGLE checks the migration DB. Since this is an IS-41 SMSRequest, and subscriber is not migrated,
EAGLE relays the message to the IS-41 HLR, either by using an RN translation in the DB (if non-migrated
subs are provisioned), or otherwise by GTT (if they are not provisioned).
» MT SMS for Non-GSM-Migrated IS-41 Subscriber: SMSRequest First
This case is the same as MT SMS Delivery for Non-Migrated IS-41 Subscriber SRI-for-SM First except the IS-41
SMSRequest is sent first instead of the GSM SRI-for-SM. Therefore, only steps 3 and 4 in the call flow above are
performed: SMSRequest is received, EAGLE checks migration DB, and, since subscriber is not migrated, relays the
message to the IS-41 HLR based on MNP translation data (if present) or GTT otherwise
» MT SMS for GSM-Migrated/GSM Only Subscriber: SRI-for-SM First
1. The SMSC sends a SRI_SM to the GSM HLR via the EAGLE. The EAGLE intercepts the message and
uses the digits populated in the SCCP CdPA GTA (or TCAP MSISDN) to search the MNP database. Either
this search results in a MNP database match (migrated/new sub with IS-41 number) or a no match in MNP
(new sub with GSM number). If the MNP database results in no match, the GTT DB is searched, and a
match will be found here (since the message contains a GSM TT and the sub is GSM).
2. In either case, since this is a GSM message and a GSM-migrated or GSM-only sub, the EAGLE relays the
SRI_SM to the GSM HLR. If the match was found in MNP, the MNP translation data is used. Otherwise,
GTT translation data is used.
» MT SMS for GSM-Migrated/GSM Only Subscriber: SMSReq First
This call flow is similar to that shown above, except the SMSRequest is delivered first. Steps are as follows:
1. IS-41 SMSRequest is received by EAGLE. EAGLE searches migration DB and finds a match with
subscriber portability type = 5: "migrated".
2. Since this is an IS-41 message, and the subscriber is migrated, the EAGLE returns a SMSRequest Return
Error response to the SMSC with SMS_Access Denied Reason = local value 5 - "Reserved value, treat as
3. The SMSC is programmed to formulate a GSM SRI-for-SM and send it to the GSM HLR via the EAGLE
upon receiving the error message.
4. EAGLE checks the migration DB. Since this is an GSM SRI-for-SM, and the subscriber is migrated,
EAGLE relays the message to the GSM HLR, based on the translation data in the MNP database.
IS41 GSM Migration
The IS41 GSM Migration (IGM) feature is an enhancement to the original IS-41 to GSM Migration feature. This
feature adds the GSM-to-IS-41 migration functionality to the existing IS-41-to-GSM migration support of call
termination for customers in migration from IS-41 to GSM wireless technology. This enhancement adds flexibility in
The original IS-41 to GSM Migration feature functions support call termination for customers in migration from IS-41
to GSM wireless technology. The feature gives the wireless service provider a way to begin the migration of mobile
subscribers from IS-41 to GSM, while allowing each subscriber to retain his or her existing phone number. The
feature allows termination of calls to either an IS-41 handset or a GSM handset, based on the provisioned migration
status of the subscriber.
The enhancement separates the IS41 GSM Migration feature from the MNP feature. The IS41 GSM Migration
feature can exist as a standalone feature without depending on the MNP feature. When the IS41 GSM Migration
feature is on, the MNP service selector is used instead of the MNP service selector.
The IGM feature uses the EPAP (EAGLE Provisioning Application Processor) RTDB to retrieve the subscriber
portability status and provision directory numbers for exported and imported IS-41 subscribers. This database
maintains information related to subscriber portability in the international E.164 format.
The IS41 GSM Migration feature supports both GT- and MTP-routed messages.
» GT-routed messages support UDT and non-segmented XUDT message types and perform service selector
lookup after SCCP verification.
» A-Port processes MTP-routed messages if the MTP Messages for SCCP Applications feature (described in MTP
is in operation.
The IS41 GSM Migration feature adds processing of LOCREQ and SMSREQ messages to the SRI and SRI_SM
message processing provided by the original IS-41 to GSM Migration feature.
» An ANSI-41 LOCREQ message is initiated by a TDMA/CDMA MSC that queries the HLR for information
regarding user subscription/location before terminating a voice call.
» An ANSI-41 SMSREQ message is initiated by a TDMA/CDMA SMSC that queries the HLR for information
regarding user subscription/current location before delivering a short message.
If a data entry matching the conditioned Called Party is found and an NE (either RN or SP) is assigned to the entry,
the EAGLE processes the SRI, SRI_SM, LOCREQ, and SMSREQ message based on the Network Entity
(NE)/Portability Type (PT) value assigned.
This feature IGM shares the service state and re-route with the A-Port and MNP features, under one service called
the MNP Service state. (The MNP service state is used if only the MNP feature is on.) The IS41 GSM Migration
feature supports re-route functions as part of MNP service re-route. Alternate PCs are shared by all three features.
» Database Lookup and Routing: The MSISDN is used for RTDB database lookup.
» The IS41 GSM Migration feature performs RTDB lookup on the conditioned number, and routes or relays the
message based on the lookup result.
» The individual number database is searched first. If the number is not found, the number range database is
» If a match is not found in the individual and range based databases, GTT is performed on the message.
» For LOCREQ messages, the DN is derived based on the setting of the LOCREQ DN option
» For non-LOCREQ messages, the DN is derived from the SCCP portion of the message.
» Upon successful decode and verification of the message, number conditioning is performed. The DN or
SCCP CDPA digits might need to be conditioned to international number format based on the service nature
of address (SNAI or TCAPSNAI or MTPLOCREQNAI). HomeRN and IEC or NEC prefixes are removed. The
IS41 GSM Migration feature performs RTDB lookup on the conditioned number, and routes or relays the
message based on the lookup result.
Network nodes must be able to determine whether a message should use Service Portability or Number Portability.
Operators offering Service Portability may need unique internal routing numbers (RNs) that can be used to indicate
which network a subscriber belongs to, allowing network nodes to route calls and messages between the two
Number Portability functions use the RN/SP Network Entity from the RTDB when formatting outgoing Called Party
digits in a response or relayed message. The Service Portability (S-Port) feature allows RTDB GRN Entity digits to
be used for own-network GSM and IS41 subscribers in response digit formats for any feature where Service
Portability is performed. The GRN field in the RTDB is used to provision Service Portability prefixes on a per
subscriber basis. A subscriber is considered an own-network GSM subscriber if the dialed number (DN) is
The Service Portability (S-Port) Subscriber Differentiation feature allows multiple routing numbers to be provided for
a subscriber. This functionality allows different processing to be performed on different groups of subscribers.
This feature uses the Additional Subscriber Data (ASD) as the subscriber’s private routing number (for message
relay features) and the Generic Routing Number (GRN) as the subscriber’s public routing number (for
query/response features). If ASD is not provisioned, then subscribers follow standard S-Port processing using the
The feature overrides the S-Port application of the GRN by using the ASD, if present, for call flows resulting in
message relay.
This feature provides the capability to resolve the incompatibility introduced by the proprietary implementation of the
GSM MAP SRI message. This feature is an extension to the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Protocol as
described in Reference [5]. Therefore, the feature shall be compatible with other MNP enhancement features
provided to date, including the “MNP Circular Route Prevention,” “Portability Check for Mobile Originated SMS” and
“Pre-paid SMS Intercept” features.
The feature supports up to 3 different vendor networks and up to 2 vendor types. For example
Network Prefix to be
Originating GMSC Destination Network (HLR Actions to be Taken by
Appended to SRI_ACK, if
(sending SRI) to Receive the SRI) EAGLE MNP
Vendor 2 Network # 2 Vendor 1 Network # 1 Return SRI SRI _ACK (Network #1 Vendor
Network Prefix)
» Step 4: Based on the Vendor Prefix, the originating GMSC will route the call to the GMSC of the network
associated with Vendor 1 via ISUP IAM.
» Step 5: The subscription network GMSC formulates and sends an SRI message to the EAGLE to interrogate the
subscriber’s current location.
» Step 6: The EAGLE MNP performs an NP database lookup based on the MSISDN in the SRI and determines that
the number belongs to its network. It then compares the SP (HLR entity address) associated with the MSISDN
and the CgPA GTA (GMSC/MSC) and finds that they are the same vendor type. Go to Step 7.
» Step 7: The EAGLE MNP relays the SRI to the HLR as noted by the SP.
» Step 8: The HLR returns an SRI_ACK to the GMSC via the EAGLE STP.
The MNP SRI Query for Prepaid feature enables a user to provision the following Message Signaling Unit (MSU)
values in the EAGLE GSERV table:
If the MNP SRI Query for Prepaid feature is enabled and turned on, an incoming SRI’s TT, OPC, and GTA values
are compared against the values in the GSERV table. If no match is found, or if no values are provisioned in the
GSERV table, normal MNP SRI processing is performed on the message. If a match is found for one or more of the
values, the message is treated as a Prepaid Query.
After an SRI message is identified as requiring MNP SRI Query for Prepaid service, the EAGLE performs a Mobile
Number Portability (MNP) database lookup on the Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Number (MSISDN).
The results of the lookup are returned to the SCP that originated the query.
A TCAP/MAP error specifically related to a decoding error in the SRI MSISDN parameter causes an
“Unsupported/Unexpected Data Value” MAP error. All other TCAP/MAP errors cause the message to be relayed to
a Home Location Register (HLR), which then returns the appropriate MAP error based on the status of the
subscriber (e.g.,. Unknown, Barred). The message relay is based on information in the MNP database. SCCP level
errors cause the return on a UDTS message to the Prepaid SCP.
This feature requires a Feature Access Key and cannot be turned off once it is turned on.
The MNP SRI Query for Prepaid feature has the same hardware requirements as those required for the MNP
The figure above shows an example of the ATI query being used for a direct query to a number portability database.
A node can route ATI NP queries to the EAGLE via one of three methods:
1. Using a set of SCCP message parameters (e.g. TT, NP, NAI, GTI, SSN) that will match a SCCP service
selector combination provisioned in the EAGLE as uniquely identifying the ATI Query service.
2. Routing with SCCP CdPA RI=rt-on-gt to a set of GT Address digits which have been provisioned in the
EAGLE to resolve to one of the EAGLE’s point codes and the ATI Query local SSN.
3. Routing with SCCP CdPA RI=rt-on-ssn directly to one of the EAGLE’s point codes and the ATI Query local
The ATI Query feature expects the number for DB search to be included in the RequestedInfo parameter of the ATI
message. If this parameter is absent or a valid number is not present in this field, the EAGLE will terminate the
service and return an ATI nack message.
The EAGLE performs an RTDB search using the digits from the RequestedInfo parameter, after conditioning the
number per the provisioned setting for the ATI service. The EAGLE can be configured to define what constitutes a
successful search. If a search is “not successful” per these criteria, the EAGLE will return an ATI nack. If the search
is successful, the EAGLE will return an ATI ack, including the following parameters:
Prior to number portability, the prepaid SCP could easily determine which network the called party belonged to
simply based on the dialed digits (encoded in the INAP Called Party BCD Number parameter). However, with
number portability, the dialed digits can no longer be relied upon to determine the current subscription network of the
called party. Thus, the calling and called party information alone is no longer sufficient to determine the tariffs. The
prepaid SCP needs also to know the portability status of the called party to set the correct tariffs.
1. The EAGLE performs number portability database lookup based on the digits encoded in the INAP Called
Party BCD Number parameter. The EAGLE identifies the entry in the number portability database as a
ported-in subscriber
2. The EAGLE prepends HLR ID to the INAP Called Party BCD Number parameter and forwards the IDP
message to the Prepaid SCP.
3. The Prepaid SCP returns the INAP Connect (with HLR ID + Called Party BCD Number assigned to the
INAP Directory Routing Address) to the MSC via the EAGLE. Alternatively, the prepaid SCP may choose
to return an INAP Continue message to the MSC, via the EAGLE
4. The MSC sends the SRI to the serving HLR as noted in the HLR ID if returned from the Prepaid SCP via
the EAGLE. If the HLR ID is not known, the MSC shall route the SRI message to the EAGLE for number
portability database lookup.
5. The EAGLE relays the SRI to its serving HLR.
With the Prepaid IDP Query Relay feature, the Prepaid SCP will have all the information it needs, upon receipt of an
IDP message, to determine the correct tariff to apply to the call. The Prepaid SCP does not need to launch a
separate number portability query to obtain portability information to complete the call. The more stream-lined
message-processing operations significantly reduce the signaling traffic required to traverse through the network.
Without processing of the additional query, launched by the Prepaid SCP, the call can also be completed with
shorter delay. The savings introduced by the elimination of the additional queries also allows the Prepaid SCP to
have more processing capacity to handle prepaid calls.
The Prepaid IDP Query Relay feature is fully integrated with the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) and INAP-based
Number Portability (INP) features. Namely, the Prepaid IDP Query Relay feature can be run simultaneously on the
same node that runs MNP or INP. The feature uses the same MNP and/or INP database for database lookups, thus
eliminating the need to maintain a separate database that would otherwise be required if stored by a separate SCP.
A new infrastructure is introduced in Release 39.2, known as “NPP” or Numbering Plan Processor. See
SUPPORTING FUNCTIONALITIES. In 39.2, the IDP Relay feature is adapted to make use of the NPP
infrastructure. The feature, as adapted with the NPP infrastructure, is known in R39.2 as “Flexible IDP Relay”.
The adaptation of the IDP Relay feature to use the NPP infrastructure was a response to many customers’
requirements for having more flexibility in the number conditioning and number formatting portions of the original
IDP Relay feature, as well as the need to have CgPN lookup in addition to CdPN lookup in some use cases.
Due to the wide variety of numbering plans and numbering structures within those numbering plans, the previously
semi-rigid options for number conditioning and formatting in the IDP Relay feature was not adequate for some
operators. The Flexible IDP Relay feature addresses this requirement by linking a new internal infrastructure, the
Numbering Plan Processor or NPP, into the IDP Relay message processing. See SUPPORTING
FUNCTIONALITIES for more details on NPP specifically.
Through the use of the NPP infrastructure, IDP Relay now has a much greater flexibility in number conditioning and
formatting, including the ability to remove multiple prefixes, access codes, escape codes, carrier selection prefixes,
etc., from the incoming number before lookup. As these various digit strings are removed from the incoming
number, they can be stored as “tokens”, and one or more of the tokens may be reused later in the number
formatting stage. Furthermore, Flexible IDP Relay allows these tokens to be placed in the formatted number in any
order required by the network.
Flexible IDP Relay also provides the ability to indicate a CgPN lookup and number prefixing is needed in conjunction
with the CdPN lookup. This is useful for any case whereby the prepaid SCP requires portability information for both
the calling and called parties. Flexible IDP Relay can perform a lookup on both numbers, and provide the NP
information for both numbers to the SCP in the same message.
Other minor enhancements are also part of the Flexible IDP Relay feature, including the following:
» Ability to select via configuration the number formatting options based on the Network Entity associated with a
particular number in the RTDB. For example, some operators wish to prefix the RN for ported out numbers, but
do not wish to prefix the SP (HLR ID) for ported in numbers.
» Support for non-segmented XUDT messages.
» Expansion of supported Service Key length from 1 byte to 4 bytes.
» Support the ACCgPN Conditioning Action for extracting the Area Code from the Calling Party Number (CgPN).
The length of the area code to be extracted is determined by global configuration. All action sets use this global
There are some customer networks where the area codes are of different lengths. Users do not dial the area code
for intra-area code calls. For these cases, the variable length area code needs to be extracted from the CgPN
(which always has the area code for this customer) in order to condition the CdPN prior to number portability
database lookup. Starting with EAGLE release 44, there is an enhancement to extract variable length area codes
from the CgPN by adding eight new CAs, ACCGPN1 - ACCGPN8, to specify the length of Area Code to be
extracted from the CGPN of incoming MSU while processing IDPRCDPN(X) NPP service.
The IDP A-Party Blacklist feature enhances the Prepaid IDP Query Relay feature to provide a generic framework to
support subscriber blacklisting capability that works with either a query-based or relay-based method. The feature
supports the blacklist check on the Calling Party (A-Party or CgPN) number in the IDP CAMEL or INAP message.
The EAGLE receives an IDP query message destined to the EAGLE Point Code or a prepaid IDP message sent to
the EAGLE Point Code for translation to prepaid SCP. MSCs are configured with a trigger point to send an IDP
The EAGLE receives the IDP message and performs the necessary discrimination and pre-processing using the
current prepaid IDP Relay functions (SCCP CdPA check, CgPA check and Common Screening List SK BCSM
filter). The EAGLE decodes the Calling Party Number (from the CgPN parameter) from the message. If the
subscriber number is blacklisted, the number is entered with a blacklist flag and optional routing number information.
If a match is found, EAGLE returns a Connect message with Routing Number (if provisioned). This Routing Number
could be a service center number that receives the re-routed call and provides the necessary assistance. If the
subscriber is not blacklisted, the IDP message continues normal processing (if it is prepaid IDP message), or a
CONTINUE response is generated (if the blacklist query is received).
While decoding a CdPN or CgPN BCD parameter, the TON has to be mapped to a NAI value that can be used by
NPP. This TON to NAI mapping is implemented as follows.
Table 16: TON to NAI Mapping
Decoding Mapping
1 4 INTL
2 3 NATL
0 2 UNKN
Similarly the OFNAI (from NPP) to TON mapping while encoding a CdPN or CgPN BCD parameter is implemented
as follows
Table 17: OFNAI to TON Mapping
Encoding Mapping
4 1 INTL
3 2 NATL
2 0 UNKN
This mapping will work for the standard (National and International) values, but for reserved values, this mapping is
very restrictive.
Instead of the hard-coded mapping, starting with EAGLE release 44, the user shall be able to re-configure this
mapping. The user will be able to change this mapping with the existing command chg-ttropts.
The default values in the configurable mappings will be as they were hard-coded before the implementation of this
change so that it won’t impact the customers who are already using IDPR and upgrade to the release with the
implementation of this change.
Differences from standard CAP/INAP IDP: The CAP IDP-SMS message uses a different opcode than a standard
INAP or CAP IDP. The CAP IDP-SMS message also uses a “Destination Subscriber Number” parameter in place of
“Called Party BCD Number” of CAP or “Called Party Number” in standard INAP. Lastly, IDP-SMS uses “Event Type
SMS” in place of “Event Type BCSM.
In order to avoid potential duplication of Service Keys (SK for IDP-SMS maybe be the same as SK for IDP, making
service selection difficult for EAGLE), the EAGLE allows an offset to be provisioned with the Service Key intended
for IDP-SMS.
Functioning of the IDP Relay for SMS feature is otherwise identical to that of the IDP Relay feature.
For voice calls or text messages originated by a prepaid subscriber, the serving MSC formulates an INAP or CAP
IDP message, destined for a prepaid engine, to check the subscriber's credit status. The EAGLE intercepts the IDP
message and examines whether checking credit status is required prior to routing the calls to the prepaid engine. If
the message does not concern a premium prepaid subscriber, the EAGLE relays the IDP message to its intended
destination, which would be the prepaid SCP.
Messages concerning a premium prepaid subscriber will be identified by a predefined ServiceKey value. The value
assigned to ServiceKey is set by an originating MSC when the IDP is formulated. If a message concerns a premium
prepaid subscriber, the EAGLE examines whether the call or text message is “in-network”. An in-network call or text
message refers to a call or text message from one of the network’s own subscribers to another of the network’s own
subscribers. If it is “in-network”, the EAGLE returns an INAP Continue message to instruct the MSC to continue the
call (i.e. bypass the prepaid status check). For any other types of calls or messages, the EAGLE relays the IDP
message to the prepaid SCP.
IAR Base
The IAR Base feature intercepts and processes AnalyzedInformation messages that are sent from a Mobile
Switching Center (MSC) to a Service Control Point (SCP) or Services Node (SN). This feature supports the
message processing functionality used by the IAR Additional Subscriber Data, IAR Generic Routing Number, and
IAR Number Portability features.
The IAR ASD feature allows Additional Subscriber Data lookups to be performed on AnalyzedInformation
The IAR GRN feature allows Generic Routing Number lookups to be performed on AnalyzedInformation messages.
The IAR NP feature allows the EAGLE to treat messages that relate to ported subscribers differently than non-
ported subscribers. This feature provides support for IAR Service Portability.
A new SIPHC GPL supporting a SIP stack over TCP/UDP has been added.
ExAP-A Switch-A
ExAP-B Switch-B A
SIP Application – FAX and MODEM URI Support and Configurable Thresholds
The SIP Application – FAX and MODEM URI Support and Configurable Thresholds feature adds support of FAX
and MODEM as allowed schemes in SIP URI to perform Number Portability lookup on SIP INVITE message in the
SIP application. The user can configure thresholds for the throughput limits. Alarms are raised based on the limits
specified by the user.
The flow of the TIF Framework is shown in Fig: xxx The TIF Framework consists of 2 main sections:
» On the LIM, the TIF Framework uses gateway screening to select an MSU for processing, forwards it to Service
Modules for processing.
» On the Service Module cards, the TIF Framework decodes the MSU, invokes the Numbering Plan Processor, and
encodes the results.
received at
GWS selects
TIF Stop
Action LIM Card
Decode MSU
NPP Actions:
Locate applicable ruleset
Condition Incoming Digits
Invoke Service Action Handlers
NPP() Format outgoing digits
TIF features are responsible for providing NPP with Service Action Handlers to perform database access, data
evaluation, and any special handling for the MSU
There are 2 different methods for invoking the Calling Party within the TIF Framework:
1. Within CdPN NPP: The CdPN rule defined in NPP provides all instructions for handling the CgPN. Basic
conditioning and formatting is supported via global TIFOPTS settings. This is the original design.
2. Separate CgPN NPP: the CgPN is processed via NPP rules, with access to all NPP Conditioning and
Formatting controls. This is being added via PR 140600.
Prior to Release 44, there were 3 TIF NPP services – TIF, TIF2 and TIF3. These three services all do a lookup in
the NPP Service Rule Set based upon data from the CdPN portion of the messages. These three CdPN services
also do some minimal conditioning (controlled by TIFOPTS:CondCgPN ) and formatting on the CgPN (controlled by
TIFOPTS:IAMCGPN). This minimal conditioning and formatting is always done the same regardless of the CgPN’s
digits and NAI values. Service Actions concerning the CgPN are provisioned in the CdPN service, and use the
minimally conditioned CgPN for their international form of the Calling Party.
In order to increase TIF CgPN functionality, the TIF framework is being enhanced to add TIF CgPN NPP services.
The TIF CgPN NPP services will be invoked from the TIF CdPN NPP Service based upon the TIF CdPN Service
Rule’s INVKSERV value. Because TIF CgPN NPP services have full NPP processing, the user can use different
conditioning and formatting for different CgPN and NAI values; thus giving the user more flexibility.
For this enhancement, three TIF CgPN NPP services are being added, which are TIFCGPN, TIFCGPN2 and
TIFCGPN3. These services are tied to the TIF CdPN NPP services (TIF, TIF2, TIF3) in a one-to-one manner.. The
TIF CdPN NPP Service Rules can have the INVKSERV value set to “NONE” or the associated TIF CgPN NPP
Service name. If the INVKSERV parameter value is set to NONE, no additional NPP Services are invoked, so the
old method processing is followed.
TIF Blacklisting
By allowing blocking ISUP IAM messages in different ways this feature provides EAGLE’s TIF blacklist capabilities,
which helps Network Operators to reduce significantly or even completely prevent spoofing their networks with
illegal messages.
The existing TIF is not affected: new functionalities are added in addition to those already existing within TIF.
At this time 8 scenarios to generate ISUP RELease MSU back to the originator of an incoming IAM based on Calling
or Called Party Number are going to be implemented.
Following 4 TIF CgPN blacklist scenarios generate ISUP RELease message back to the originator of processed
1. the Calling Party number is found in RTDB and this found RTDB entry has CgBL flag = YES.
2. the Calling Party number is not found in RTDB.
3. the Calling Party begins with a specific prefix .
4. the Calling Party parameter is not present in the IAM or it is present with no digits in it.
The 4 scenarios of TIF CgPN blacklist functionality are controlled by FAKs: “TIF Subscr CgPN Blacklist” to turn
ON/OFF two EPAP-based scenarios (1 & 2), and “TIF Range CgPN Blacklist” to turn ON/OFF two non-EPAP-based
scenarios (3 & 4).
Following TIF CdPN blacklist scenarios generate ISUP RELease message back to the originator of processed ISUP
IAM if:
1. the Called Party number is found in RTDB and this found RTDB entry has CdBL flag = YES.
2. the Called Party number is not found in RTDB.
In order to provide configurable Release Cause values for the blacklist scenarios introduced with this feature, NPP is
enhanced to associate 2 numeric values to each of the TIF BlackList and TIF Selective Screening Service Actions:
first value to be used for ANSI ISUP and 2nd value – for ITU ISUP. These 2 values are enforced to be between 0
and 127. This new field in ent/chg/rtrv-npp-as commands will be called SAxVAL[1|2], where “x” is the same number
as in appropriate SA, and this new parameter has 2 values assigned to it.
The figure below depicts the basic message-flow of TIF BlackList functionality:
If the SAxVAL parameter (Release Cause) for the SELSCR SA is configured in TIF NPP Service, it indicates that a
RELease should be generated. If the SAxVAL parameter (Release Cause) is not configured for the SELSCR SA, it
indicates that the message should be RELAYed after modification as per FASCRCD and FASCRCG FA list
configuration in the NPP Action Set associated with TIF NPP Service.
The following steps explain the TIF Selective Screening Process and how it performs selective screening:
1. Check if the TIF Selective Screening Feature ON? If “ON”, proceed to next step else continue to next SA.
2. Is the SAxDGTS field provisioned for the SELSCR SA? If yes, jump to step 5 else proceed to next step.
3. Perform RTDB lookup on CdPN. Is CdPN present in RTDB? If yes, proceed to next step else continue to
next SA.
4. Are Call Types provisioned for CdPN? If yes, proceed to next step else continue to next SA.
NOTE: CdPN Call Types can be provisioned either in SAxDGTS parameter or in RTDB in ‘Number
Substitution DN’ field. The SAxDGTS parameter holds preference over the RTDB ‘Number Substitution
DN’ field for theCdPN.
5. Is the first Call Type provisioned for CdPN = ‘*’? If yes, the CdPN is screened else continue to next step.
6. Is valid CgPN present in Message? If yes, proceed to next step else continue to next SA.
TIF ASD and TIF GRN are built upon the services provided by the TIF framework and are considered to be “TIF
applications” or “TIF services”. TIF ASD and TIF GRN allow retrieval of ASD/GRN from the RTDB based on the
lookup of the CgPN and CdPN digits. In both cases of CdPN, CgPN or Redirection number (in case of NPRLS) is
modified with ASD/GRN. ASDLKUP and GRNLKUP SAs for TIF CdPN service allows retrieval of ASD/GRN from
CdPN of incoming IAM message to be inserted into the outgoing CdPN digits. CgPNASDRqd and CgPNGRNRqd
SAs for the TIF CdPN service allows retrieval of ASD/GRN from CGPN of incoming IAM message to be inserted into
the outgoing CdPN digits. ASDLKUP and GRNLKUP SAs for TIF CgPN service allows retrieval of ASD/GRN from
CgPN of incoming IAM message to be inserted into the outgoing CgPN digits.
With PR 140600, the ASDOTHER and GRNOTHER formatting actions are introduced. The ASDOTHER formatting
action allows the ASD returned from a RTDB search in the ASDLKUP SA for TIF CgPN service to be used in CdPN
formatting. The GRNOTHER formatting action allows the GRN returned from a RTDB search in the GRNLKUP SA
for TIF CgPN service to be used in CdPN formatting.
The TIF CgPN service is invoked by the TIF CdPN service by setting the INVKSERV value in the ENT-NPP-SRS
command to the appropriate TIF CgPN service (TIFCGPN, TIFCGPN2, or TIFCGPN3).
This section contains two basic use cases for TIF ASD and GRN. The first use case shows the TIF ASD for TIF
CdPN service. The second use case shows the TIF GRN for TIF CgPN service.
The following diagram shows the steps involved in a basic TIF CdPN ASD use case. In this case, the following TIF
rules are assumed:
» Filter FPFX=123
» Filter FDL=13
» Conditioning Action set=CC3+AC3+SN7
» Service Action set=CgPNASDRqd
» Formatting Action set= CC+ASD+AC+SN
An IAM message is received and an ASD value (a5d) from the database is inserted into the CdPN in the outgoing
IAM message. The IAM message is then relayed.
Figure 69: Basic Operation of TIF ASD for TIF CdPN Service
» Filter FPFX=123
» Filter FDL=13
» Conditioning Action set=CC3+AC3+SN7
» Service Action set=GRNLKUP
» Formatting Action set= CC+GRN+AC+SN
An IAM message is received and an GRN value (a5d) from the database is inserted into the CgPN in the outgoing
IAM message. The IAM message is then relayed.
TIF ASD use case for TIF CgPN service using ASDOTHER
The following diagram shows the steps involved in a basic TIF CgPN ASD use case where ASDOTHER is specified
as a TIF CdPN formatting action. In this case, the following TIF and TIFCGPN rules are assumed:
» TIF rule:
» Filter FPFX=456
» Filter FDL=13
» Conditioning Action set=CC3+AC3+SN7
» Service Action set=CDIAL
» Formatting Action set= CC+ASDOTHER+AC+SN
» TIFCGPN rule:
» Filter FPFX=123
» Filter FDL=13
» Conditioning Action set=CC3+AC3+SN7
» Service Action set=ASDLKUP
» Formatting Action set= CC+AC+SN
An IAM message is received and an ASD value (a5d) from the database is inserted into the CdPN in the outgoing
IAM message. The IAM message is then relayed.
The following figure shows TIF ASD use cases for TIF CdPN service.
Figure 72: ISUP IAM Message Flows for TIF ASD for TIF CdPN service
The following figure shows TIF ASD use cases with NPRLS and NPNRLS for TIF CdPN service.
The following figure shows TIF GRN use cases for TIF CdPN service.
Figure 74: ISUP Message Flows for TIF GRN for TIF CdPN service
The following figure shows TIF GRN use cases with NPRLS and NPNRLS for TIF CdPN service.
Figure 75: ISUP REL Message Flow for TIF GRN for TIF CdPN service
The following figure shows TIF ASD use cases for TIF CgPN service.
Figure 76: ISUP IAM Message Flows for TIF ASD for TIF CgPN service
The following figure shows TIF GRN use cases for TIF CgPN service.
TIF NP essentially links the Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) infrastructure (see Numbering Plan Processor (NPP))
into the EAGLE’s Triggerless ISUP NP functionality, making the feature far more flexible and usable across various
operator implementations. This flexibility is especially needed in triggerless ISUP applications due to the wide
variances of numbering plans and formats used in ISUP messaging in different operators’ networks throughout the
TIF NP utilizes the configurable filters, conditioning actions, service actions, and formatting actions introduced by the
NPP framework to provide several enhancements to the previous TINP feature. The capabilities and enhancements
are detailed in the following subsections:
Relay Message
If the EAGLE is configured to send a relay message, and if the CDPN is a ported-out number, the EAGLE prepends
the Routing Number that identifies the subscription network of the ported-out number to the CDPN before relaying
the IAM message to its intended destination. If the CDPN is a ported-in or non-ported number, the EAGLE prepends
a Network ID that identifies a sub-network within the operator network to the CDPN before relaying the IAM
message to its intended destination. For other types of calls, such as international calls, or calls to a non-ported
number, the EAGLE will simply relay the message to its intended destination.
The example in the figure below, shows a call to a ported subscriber with an EAGLE action set to generate a relay
message. The portability information is encoded in the CDPN.
The prefix or network ID prepended in the IAM message allows the destination switch to differentiate between an in-
network call or an off-network call so that different billing rates or routing schemes can be applied to the call. For
If the EAGLE is configured to send a release message, the EAGLE generates a release message with the
Redirection Number before the call is eventually routed to the intended destination. The format of the Redirection
Number can be configured to contain the RN (Routing Number information) and/or the DN (Dialed Number).
The example in the figure below shows a call to a ported subscriber with an EAGLE action set to generate a
Release message (REL).
The Circular Route Prevention (TINP CRP) function is an extension of the triggerless ISUP NP feature which helps
in cases of circular routing caused by incorrect information in one or more networks' number portability databases.
For example, a subscriber may have ported from network A to network B. Network A has the correct routing
information, indicating the subscriber now belongs to network B. However, network B may have incorrect routing
information, indicating that the subscriber still belongs to network A. In this case, network A will route the call to
network B, based on its portability data, but network B will route the call back to network A, based on its incorrect
data. This would result in a circular route. The TINP CRP function provides logic to prevent this scenario similar to
the CRP logic used within the MNP and A-Port features, as follows:
» If the routing number prefixed to the CdPN of an incoming IAM is a routing number of the network receiving the
message (i.e. the RN prefixed to the incoming CdPN is found in the EAGLE’s HomeRN list), and
» If the result of the RTDB lookup is another RN, then a loop is detected and the call is released with ISUP REL
» Else, normal processing continues.
Enhanced CgPN Lookup
TIF NP introduces Calling Party RTDB lookups into the triggerless ISUP NP feature set. TIF NP filtering rules (e.g.
NPP) applies, such that CgPN lookups may be specified only for certain call types. For example: Imagine a
customer that needs to determine if roaming calls are allowed to make the requested national long distance call. An
important input into this decision is the current portability status of the caller. Thus, a CgPN (A party) NP check
needs to be performed as part of the overall TIF NP service. However, the CgPN lookup only needs to be
conducted for national long distance calls. The NPP filter rules can be provisioned in such a way that only digit
strings denoted a national long distance call will trigger the CgPN NP lookup.
Triggerless ISUP-based number portability can have one of two terminating actions:
1. Relay - a successful RTDB lookup indicates that the message should be relayed and formatted in a
prescribed format (Usually with the RN prefixed to the called number).
2. Release - a successful RTDB lookup indicates that original message is discarded and that a release
message is created, containing the routing information in a prescribed format.
Prior to TIF NP, the operator could only select these actions globally for messages processed by TINP. However,
there are cases in which the service selection needs to be more precise. For example, IAMs originating at an in-
network transit switch and terminating to a point code outside the local operator may require release functionality,
while other IAMs require only relay handling.
TIF NP introduces the capability to tailor the number portability actions based on the characteristics of the incoming
messages. Furthermore, TIF NP allows variations of release handling based on the configured rulesets. The
following options are available:
This next requirement is fairly straight-forward. When using the release version of number portability, customers
wish to specify:
1. Per-rule release cause value to be used in the release message.
2. Per-rule decision to include the RN or not in the release message.
3. Per-rule options for formatting of the RN in the release message.
Filtering for Number Portability
The term filters means a set of criteria that can be used to indicate a set of actions (rules) that need to be carried
out. In the context of the TINP feature prior to TIF NP, the filters consist of Gateway Screening (GWS) rules, based
on OPC, DPC, SIO and message type. However, experience has shown that service selection for ISUP-based
number portability needs to be more specific and more flexible.
The figure below illustrates an example of a set of more complex filters that can be achieved with TIF NP.
Table 18: Example of Complex Filtering Rules for ISUP NP - Relay
3 Part Filter
Calltype Incoming Format
NAI Digit Prefix Digit Length
Local Collect
b+AC+9090+DN b 14
Local Call
b+AC+DN b 10
Local call
DN * 8
060+AC+DN 060’ 10
Already ported
d+anything D *
The above set of filters would result in a relay action. The next figure shows an example of filters resulting in
3 Part Filter
Calltype Incoming Format
NAI Calltype Incoming Format
Ported Iner-operator
060 + anything 060 *
outgoing call
Already Ported
d+anything D *
Collect Call
9090+DN 9090 8
Local Call
DN Unknown * 8
TINP prior to TIF NP also has somewhat limited options for pre-RTDB number conditioning. TIF NP allows a much
more flexible set of options for number conditioning prior to DB lookup.
Number Conditioning takes an incoming number string and processes so that it matches the internationally unique
format (CC+AC+DN) in the EPAP database. Number conditioning applies to all TIF services using the EPAP
database to perform a lookup. Take the digit string b+AC+ 9090 + DN from the preceding filtering example:
1. The 'b' prefix needs to be removed, which leaves: AC+ 9090 + DN.
2. The ‘AC’ is the area code (‘NDC’ is used in some network for the same purpose, and could be substituted
here) and needs to be removed, but saved as a token for use in the RTDB query. This leaves 9090 + DN.
3. The '9090' prefix needs to be removed, but saved as a token for formatting the DN in the outgoing
message. This leaves just DN.
4. The Area Code removed in step 2 needs to be prefixed to the result of step 3, resulting in AC+ DN.
5. The default country code (provisioned in the EAGLE) needs to prefixed to the result of step 4, resulting in
6. Now the RTDB lookup can be performed using the digits CC+AC+DN.
This is just one example of the powerful use of TIF NP. As can be seen, TIF NP provides a much more powerful set
of functionality as compared to the previous TINP feature.
The TIF “Simple” Number Substitution feature in Release 39.2 takes a first step toward addressing this problem.
TIF Simple Number Substitution allows the operator to select specific calls for which to provide CgPN substitution.
Based on a matched CdPN filter and an action found in the rule, the CgPN will be replaced with one provisioned in
the EAGLE.
The Simple Number Substitution feature allows only one provisioned CgPN to be exchanged with incoming CgPN,
and is therefore limited in scope and application. A more flexible and thorough version of Number Substitution,
which could allow substitution of both A and B number, as well as per-subscriber (as opposed to global) substitution
digits, may be planned for a future release.
The TIF Simple Number Substitution feature does not require the EPAP provisioning. The substitution digits are
provisioned via standard EAGLE commands.
When an IAM is received, a lookup is performed on the called party number (CdPN) or calling party number (CgPN)
in the RTDB database. If a successful retrieval of the called party directory number (DN) occurs, then the CdPN is
substituted in the outgoing IAM. If a successful retrieval of the calling party DN occurs, the CgPN is substituted in the
outgoing IAM.
The feature introduces the nscdpn and nscgpn Service Actions, which are used to perform a lookup for the incoming
CdPN and CgPN, respectively. These Service Actions are used with the Numbering Plan Processor (NPP). For
information on the Numbering Plan Processor and TIF, refer to the Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) Overview and
the Feature Manual - TIF, respectively, of the latest EAGLE documentation set.
ITU IAMs can be split into an IAM message and an SAM message. Enabling of IAM/SAM splitting and the maximum
length of the Called Party Number (CdPN) that triggers IAM/SAM splitting can be configured. Note: IAM/SAM
splitting can be performed on all ITU IAMs that are processed by TIF. The message does not have to match a
Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) rule or undergo digit modification.
Release Cause
Generation of a Release message based on the originating point code (OPC) of ANSI or ITU IAMs can be
NM Bits Reset
Therefore, additional filtering and screening is needed in the SS7 network to provide a finer granularity in
determining which messages actually need to be sent to the IN platform, and which may simply be routed.
The initial offering of the Prepaid SMS Intercept feature will deal only with non-segmented mobile originated SMS,
i.e. those messages sent from a mobile handset through a Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to the Short Message
Service Center (SMSC). Support for mobile terminated SMS, i.e. those messages sent from a SMSC through an
MSC destined for a mobile handset, is under consideration for a future EAGLE release.
The Prepaid SMS Intercept feature will screen incoming messages from MSC based on the operation code
contained in the Mobile Application Part (MAP) portion of the message. If the op-code indicates the message is a
MAP_MO_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE (MO_FSM), the sender's Mobile Station Integrated Service Digital
Network (MSISDN) number will be retrieved from the MAP layer and a database lookup performed to determine if
the subscriber is a prepaid or postpaid subscriber. If the MSISDN belongs to a postpaid subscriber, the message will
be routed to the SMSC. If the MSISDN belongs to a prepaid subscriber, the message will be diverted to a third-party
IN platform for a credit check before allowing the message to be delivered to the SMSC.
The MAP_FORWARD_SHORT_MESSAGE, referred to as FSM in this document is an SS7 message which is used
to carry a text message (i.e. the "short message") being transmitted from the mobile handset of one subscriber to
the mobile handset of another subscriber. In practice, the short message is delivered first to the SMSC belonging to
the network of the sending subscriber. The SMSC is then responsible for sending the short message to the intended
recipient, who may be in a different network. In MAP version 1, the FSM message is used for both legs of the
delivery. In MAP versions 2 and 3, a MO_FSM (mobile originated) message is used to deliver the message from the
sender to the SMSC, and a MT_FSM (mobile terminated) message is used to deliver the message from the SMSC
to the recipient. This feature supports all MAP versions, but does not support segmented SMS, which may occur in
MAP versions 2 and 3.
Message Flows
NOTE: The Prepaid SMS Intercept (PPSMS) feature uses a process of SSN discrimination to aid in message
selection. In the remainder of this document, the entity “SMSC” will be used when referring to SCCP CdPA SSN
discrimination. This is for clarity in the description of the function of PPSMS. In the ITU protocol, there is no specific
SSN defined for SMSC. Thus, in practice, most operators use the SSN defined for MSC as the SMSC's SSN also.
The PPSMS protocol uses this same implementation. Therefore, all commands will use MSC terminology and the
SSN for MSC (8) when defining SMSC.
In the figure above, three IN platforms are being used for handling of prepaid customers. Each EAGLE has the
PPSMS feature turned on.
» EAGLE 1 has translation information (PC and RI) provisioned in the GSMOPTS table for IN1 and IN2. It has been
configured to send all MO_FSMs for prepaid type 1 subscribers to IN1 and all MO_FSMs for prepaid type 2
subscribers to IN2.
» In its mated application (MAP) table and mated relay node (MRN) table, EAGLE 1 has IN3 provisioned as a mate
point code for IN1 and the two are denoted as being in a loadsharing relationship. Note this is possible even
though IN3 is not defined as a destination in GSMOPTS table for MO_FSMs. IN3 is simply an alternate
destination for IN1 and does not have to be involved in the initial PPSMS decision.
» IN2 is provisioned as a solitary node (i.e. no mated PC) in the MAP table of EAGLE 1. IN2 does not need to be
present in the MRN table, since its absence will be interpreted as a solitary node.
» EAGLE 2 has translation information (PC and RI) provisioned in GSMOPTS for IN2 and IN3. It has been
configured to send all MO_FSMs for prepaid type 1 subscribers to IN3 and all MO_FSMs for prepaid type 2
subscribers to IN2.
» Similar to EAGLE 1, EAGLE 2's MAP and MRN tables have provisioned IN1 as a mate point code for IN3. Again,
this is possible even though IN1 is not defined in GSMOPTS as a destination for MO_FSMs.
» IN2 is again provisioned as a solitary node in EAGLE 2's MAP table, and is not provisioned in the MRN table.
» Both EAGLE 1 and EAGLE 2 have the global title addresses (GTAs) provisioned in GSMOPTS for IN1, IN2 and
IN3. This allows both EAGLEs to perform CgPA filtering on incoming messages from all three platforms.
The PPSMS shares the same database as the MNP feature, and has the following attributes:
The Support for 32 Prepaid SMS Intercepts feature increases the number of supported Prepaid SMS Intercepts to
32 (from 8 in previous releases of EPAP). Supported GTT (Global Title Translation) destinations have been
expanded to 32, and IN SCP (Intelligent Network Service Control Point) platforms and EPAP portability types have
been expanded to 32 from 8.
Some network operators have a need/desire to check if B party in the MO-SMS message is prepaid so that they can
redirect prepaid SMS messages to a different SMSC than postpaid SMS messages. The current PPSMS Intercept
feature does not check the status of the B party of the subscriber, only the A number. This feature is applicable to
GSM messages only. GSM messages both over ANSI and ITU transport layers (MTP/SCCP) are supported.
The PPSMS B Party feature works in conjunction with the standard PPSMS feature. If the PPSMS Intercept feature
and the B Party option are both on, the standard A-Party search is conducted first. If the A-Party is found to be a
prepaid subscriber (i.e. associated to one of the ‘prepaid’ PT types in the EAGLE’s RTDB), then the message is
redirected to a prepaid SCP based on the A-Party information from the RTDB, and B-Party search is not conducted.
If the A-Party is found to not be prepaid in the RTDB search, then another RTDB search is conducted using the B-
Party from the MAP layer of the SMS. If the B-Party is found in the RTDB to be ‘prepaid’ (PT=one of the prepaid
types), the EAGLE shall perform SMS redirection to the prepaid SCP indicated by the RTDB information found with
the B-Party entry.
If the MO SMS Portability Check feature is also on, it will be done first. If the Portability Check feature results in a
‘fraudulent subscriber’ result, the message will be discarded, and PPSMS functionality (either A- or B-Party) will not
be conducted.
When number portability is introduced, then the SMSC/MMSC can no longer use the called party number to
determine whether the called subscriber is its own subscriber or belongs to another operator. If the SMSC cannot
determine this, then the SMSC does not know when to use IS41 or GSM protocol and when to use the SMPP
protocol to deliver the SMS message.
The SMS Number Portability (NP) features offer the SMSC/MMSC the required called subscriber’s network
information, so that the SMSC/MMSC can use the correct protocol and deliver the SMS to the called party.
The following sections describe the EAGLE features that apply to the Number Portability database lookup
» Mobile Originated(MO)-based GSM SMS NP
» Mobile Originated(MO)-based IS41 SMS NP
» Mobile Terminated(MT)-based GSM SMS NP
» Mobile Terminated(MT)-based GSM MMS NP
» Mobile Terminated(MT)-based IS41 SMS NP
The Mobile Originated-based features have configurable options for controlling how the processing of SMS
messages work. These include:
In the example shown in the figure below, the MO-based GSM SMS NP feature
Figure 84: MO-based GSM SMS NP - Called subscriber is another network subscriber
The MO-based IS41 SMS NP feature provides network information to the short message service center (SMSC) for
subscribers using the IS41 network. This information allows the SMSC to select a protocol to deliver Short Message
Service Delivery Point-to-Point (SMDPP) messages to the called party.
In the example shown above, the MO-based IS41 SMS NP feature does the following:
The SMSC uses the DN porting information to determine whether to forward the message to other
operators or to process the message for an in-network subscriber. The example shows delivery for in-
network subscriber. The MO-based IS41 SMS NP feature applies to messages using ANSI TCAP/MAP
application layers, and either ANSI or ITU transport (MTP/SCCP) layers.
Note: As of Release 40.0, MO-based IS41 SMS NP supports ITU transport (MTP/SCCP) layers.
2. B-Number Options
Prior to Release 40.0, the MO-based IS41 SMS NP feature always uses the Destination Address (DA)
parameter in the IS41 MO SMDPP message for retrieval of the B-number to use for DB lookup, and
outgoing message formatting. With Release 40.0, an option is added to allow the operator to choose
either the DA or the Original Destination Address (ODA) parameter. Depending on the particular
operator’s message flows, one set of digits may be more appropriate than the other.
The Mobile Terminated (MT)-based GSM SMS/MMS NP feature allows number portability (NP) database lookup to
be performed on Send Routing Information for Short Message (SRI_SM) messages. These messages are normally
generated from the short message service center (SMSC) to determine the destination for a short message service
(SMS) message.
Figure 86: MT-based GSM SMS/MMS NP- called party for other network subscriber
The Mobile Terminated (MT)-based IS41 SMS NP feature enhances the A-Port feature to allow wireless operators
to route short message service (SMS) messages within a number portability (NP) environment.
This feature provides the following configurable options for controlling processing of SMS routing request messages
and the content of the response:
» Selecting the short message service center (SMSC) response message type and digit format
» Specifying when an NP database lookup is considered to be successful
» Specifying the format of digits encoded in the response message.
Figure 87: MT-based IS41 SMS NP - called subscriber from other network subscriber
In GSM networks, when a mobile subscriber sends a short message or Mobile Originated Short Message Service
message (MO SMS), using his or her handset, the message is first deposited in a Short Message Service Center
(SMSC). This SMSC is then responsible for determining where the intended recipient, who is also a mobile
subscriber, is located. The SMSC accomplishes this by querying the Home Location Register (HLR) of the recipient
to determine which Mobile Switching Center (MSC) the subscriber is currently on. Once the location is determined,
the SMSC sends the SMS to the recipient.
In a portability environment, this could lead to problems. The SMSC address to which a message is routed is
programmed into the GSM mobile handset. When a subscriber ports to another network, the handset is
reprogrammed with the SMSC address for the new network. However, the subscriber could then change this
The Portability Check for Mobile Originated SMS (MNP SMS) capability is designed to prevent such a possibility
from occurring. With this feature, the EAGLE filters incoming messages based on MAP Operation Code. If the
message is a MO Forward Short Message (MO FSM), the originating subscriber's Mobile Subscriber Integrated
Services Digital Network (MSISDN) number (i.e. phone number) is used to search the Mobile Number Portability
If a match is found, indicating the subscriber has been ported-out, the EAGLE uses the destination SMSC address
obtained from the SCCP CdPA to search a list of “home network” SMSC addresses. If a match is found, indicating
the ported-out subscriber is attempting to send a short message using the old network's SMSC, the message is
discarded. An error message is then generated and returned to the originating MSC.
» Segmented SMS
As of Release 39.0, the Portability Check feature provides support for TCAP-segmented SMS messages, as may
be found in MAP versions 2 and 3. See SUPPORTING FUNCTIONALITIES.
» HomeSMSC “Match with Digits” option
Also as of Release 39.0, the Portability Check feature also supports the “match with digits” option for the
HomeSMSC check. See also Numbering Plan Processor (NPP). Currently, the CdPA digits in the message must
exactly match an entry in the HomeSMSC table, and the DN be an out-of-network subscriber, for the SMS to be
discarded as fraudulent. This creates a case whereby a fraudulent subscriber can bypass the Portability Check
by appending extraneous digits to the end of an otherwise valid SMSC address. The extraneous digits would
result in a ‘no match’ in the HomeSMSC table, and thus the message would not be discarded, even though the
subscriber is fraudulent. However, since GTT routing is range-based, a valid entry would be found in the GTT
database for the SMSC address less the extraneous digits, and the fraudulent SMS would be successfully routed.
The new option in Release 39.0 allows the user to configure the EAGLE such that a match on longest string of
digits in the CdPA is considered a match, even if extraneous digits exist at the end of the string. This effectively
prevents the scenario described above.
Like the MO-based IS41 SMS NP feature, the MO SMS IS41-to-GSM Migration feature allows the B number to be
retrieved either from the Destination Address (DA) or Original Destination Address (ODA) parameter of the IS41 MO
SMDPP message.
The MO SMS IS41-to-GSM Migration feature also provides a set of number formatting options for the outgoing digits
which are separate from the MO-based IS41 SMS NP formatting options.
The MO SMS B Party Routing feature allows the option of performing routing on the IS41 MO SMDPP or GSM
MO_FSM messages based on the SMS B-party digits from the MAP layer rather than using the SCCP CdPA digits.
When the B number is a short code, this option will allow the EAGLE to perform SMS Short Code routing, allowing
an operator to direct an SMS to a specific SMSC based on the short code dialed by the SMS sender. When the B
number is the MSISDN/MDN of the SMS recipient, this allows operators to direct an SMS to a specific SMSC based
on subscriber groupings or types - i.e. "friends and family" type service, in-network/out-of-network, international, etc.
MO SMS B-Party Routing will perform all standard EAGLE GTT functionalities (e.g. EGTT, VGTT, AMGTT, etc.)
using the B number, but will not perform SCCP Origin-Based Routing. If GTT fails on the B number, the EAGLE will
then perform standard GTT using the SCCP CdPA. MO SMS B-Party Routing will only perform ITUI - ITUN14
SCCP conversion. It will not perform ANSI to ITU or ITUI/ITUN14 to ITUN24 SCCP Conversion - if a conversion
scenario is encountered, the message will fall through to standard GTT.
The MO SMS NPP feature applies comprehensive Numbering Plan Processor (NPP) number conditioning and
service logic execution to the following existing features:
This feature is applicable to any GSM or IS-41, ITU or ANSI mobile network. In the following text, the term Dialed
Number (DN) is used to indicate Mobile Station International ISDN Number (MSISDN), Mobile Identification Number
(MIN) or Mobile Dialed Number (MDN). Also, the term subscriber number is used to indicate DN and/or IMSI.
It also allows each HLR to be filled to 100% of its capacity by allowing subscriber number ranges to be split over
different HLRs, and individual DNs/IMSIs to be assigned to any HLR. Another benefit is that subscriber number
routing data is not required to be maintained in all Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs) in the network.
There are two flavors of HLR Router: one for systems using ITU transport layers (MTP/SCCP), and one for systems
using ANSI transport layers. Both flavors support either GSM or CDMA application layers (TCAP/MAP).
» 120M individual subscriber numbers (any combination of IMSI and MSISDN, or MIN and MDN).
» 50,000 DN ranges. (IMSI ranges supported via standard GTT).
» 1 to 8 DNs per IMSI.
» E.164 (DN), E.214 (MGT) or E.212 (IMSI) based routing.
» 1-15 digit hexadecimal subscriber numbers
» 5-15 digit hexadecimal “Signaling Point” (HLR) addresses.
» Up to 75,000 TPS per node for ITU transport layer (MTP/SCCP) systems.
» Up to 120,000 TPS per node for ANSI transport layer systems.
HLR Router can be deployed either as an integrated solution in an EAGLE also performing STP functions and/or
other advanced database services or as a stand-alone solution in an EAGLE dedicated solely to the HLR routing
functionality (see options below).
One advantage to the stand-alone setup is that the impact on the network due to the introduction of this new node is
very minimal. The originating node(s) will still continue to route messages to the same STP. The existing STP will
forward only HLR destined messages (or Authentication Center (AuC) destined messages if the HLR is an
integrated HLR/AuC) to the HLR Router stand-alone node based on the subscriber number ranges. All HLR
provisioned subscriber numbers must be provisioned in the GDB prior to bringing HLR Router into service.
Once in service, HLR Router, upon performing the HLR translations on incoming messages, will either MTP route
the message through the STP directly to the end node, or forward the translated message back to the STP. If the
STP is capable of broadcasting SCCP subsystem management messages (e.g., SSPs and SSAs to the HLR Router
node), HLR Router could directly route the messages to the HLR (rt-on-ssn). Otherwise, HLR Router will replace the
DN/IMSI/MGT GTA information with HLR entity numbers and forward the message to the STP so that the forwarded
message can be easily translated to derive an HLR address.
DN (E.164) Routing
A mobile terminated call results in the Gateway MSC (GMSC) querying the HLR through the use of the called DN as
a GTA. HLR Router is used to locate the appropriate HLR. The partial mobile terminated call procedure detailed
below is an example of DN global title SCCP addressing:
» A call is originated and an Initial Address Message (IAM) is sent from the originating network to the subscription
» Digit analysis at GMSC B detects a mobile terminated call to a mobile station and generates a MAP
Send_Routing_Info (SRI) message to the HLR Router.
» The EAGLE receives the message. Global title information triggers HLR Router processing. Since the SCCP
CdPA contains an E.164 number, HLR Router searches the HLR Router database with the E.164 number, which
must be converted to an international number if not previously done. The HLR Router feature finds a match with
HLR GT information and routes the message to the designated DPC (HLR B).
» HLR B responds to GMSC B with an SRI acknowledgment (SRI ack). This message has the E.164 address of
GMSC B in the SCCP CdPA and is routed by normal (or enhanced) GTT, not HLR Router.
» The message is relayed to GMSC B.
» GMSC B sends an IAM containing the MSRN to the visited network.
Note: The GTT data should be set up carefully to prevent any looping between the STP and HLR Router node. The
HLR Router relay function will return UDTS on GTT failures.
The EPAP platform maintains an exact copy of the Real Time Database (RTDB) required by the EAGLE DSM
cards, provisions the EAGLE DSM cards, and maintains redundant copies of both databases on mated EPAP
hardware. The EPAP platform is a mated pair of processors contained in one shelf. The EPAP platform can be
augmented with a RAID array, mass storage device for database backup if required. In this chapter, one half of the
platform (i.e., the top or bottom side) is referred to as an “EPAP.” “EPAP A” refers to the top side (facing); “EPAP B”
refers to the bottom.
During normal operation, information flows through the PDBA/EPAP with no intervention. Subscriber data is
generated at one or more operations centers and is delivered to the PDBA through a TCP socket interface, the
Provisioning Database Interface (PDBI). The data is stored and replicated on both sides of the EPAP platform for
Note that the primary interface to the PDBA is machine-to-machine messages via the PDBI. The interface is defined
by Oracle and can be configured to update or create provisioning software compatible with the EPAP socket
interface. Refer to the user documentation for configuration.
A direct user interface is provided on each EPAP to allow configuration, maintenance, debugging, and platform
operations. A direct user interface is also provided by the PDBA for configuration and database maintenance. These
interfaces can also be used for emergency provisioning of the PDB.
EPAP Features
» An E.214 number received by the HLR Router must first be converted to an E.212 number before searching the
database. If the original E.212 number was truncated to form the E.214 number, as allowed by ITU-T
Recommendation E.214, the full original E.212 number cannot be recovered, and HLR Router will not work
» No overload controls are required above and beyond existing EAGLE lower level mechanisms (e.g., for MTP
» HLR Router only supports routing of messages to a single network node for a particular subscriber. For example,
an individual subscriber cannot have some messages routed to his HLR, and other messages routed to a
separate Authentication Center (AuC). In this example, if the AuC is co-located with the HLR, then this version of
HLR Router will work. The HLR Router design allows for expansion to include routing to multiple network
elements (corresponding to multiple services) for the same subscriber.
» Messages routed by HLR Router cannot undergo ANSI/ITU MTP conversion.
» HLR Router does not support ranges.
In an ITU network, when a visited network entity (e.g., VLR, GGSN, SGSN, or GMLC) needs to contact a home
network entity (e.g., AuC or HLR) with only the IMSI of a subscriber, the entity will convert the E.212 IMSI into an
E.214 Mobile Global Title (MGT). This process applies only to the first message of a dialog.
An E.214 MGT number is in the format CC+NDC+MSIN (Country Code + Network Destination Code + Mobile
Subscriber Identity Number). An E.212 IMSI number is in the format MCC+MNC+MSIN (Mobile Country Code +
Mobile Network Code + Mobile Subscriber Identity Number). HLR Router performs E.214 MGT-to-E.212 IMSI
conversion by replacing the CC+NDC digits at the beginning of the E.214 number with the corresponding
MCC+MNC digits provisioned in the EAGLE.
When an E.212 IMSI number is converted into an E.214 MGT number for routing, the MCC+MNC digits in the IMSI
number are replaced with the corresponding CC+NDC digits. In some cases, the MSIN portion of the IMSI digits
may be truncated during this conversion when the resulting E.214 MGT number exceeds 15 digits. The truncation
occurs when the IMSI number is already 15 digits long, and the number of digits in the CC+NDC used to construct
the E.214 number exceeds the number of digits in the MCC+MNC, which were deleted from the E.212 number.
For example, if an IMSI number is 15 digits long, and the MCC+MNC portion is 5 digits long, the actual MSIN
subscriber number is 10 digits. If the MSC converts to an E.214 number, and the CC+NDC is 6 digits, the resulting
number (CC+NDC+MSIN) would be 16 digits. In this case, the MSC may truncate the last digit to keep the total
number of digits at 15.
If this truncation occurs, the message sent to an EAGLE for HLR Router service would contain only 9 of the 10
MSIN digits. The EAGLE could convert the CC+NDC to MCC+MNC, but it cannot reconstruct the missing MSIN
digit. Thus, HLR Router lookup may fail.
The HLR Router MAP Layer Routing feature enables the user to specify for certain MAP messages whether the
subscriber digits should be obtained from the SCCP or MAP layer when performing HLR Router database lookup.
The IMSI is not present in the MAP layer for all message types, and truncation can occur when converting. This
issue affects only certain MAP message types. This feature only applies to the GSM MAP Location_Update (LU)
message and GSM MAP Send_Authentication_Information (SAI) message. These two MAP messages commonly
IMSI is a mandatory parameter in both LU and SAI messages. An LU is a single message. However, an SAI dialog
may consist of multiple service requests (e.g., the initial request is encoded in the TC_BEGIN message and the
subsequent requests are encoded in TC_CONTINUE messages). For such multiple service requests, the IMSI is
mandatory only in the initial service request (the TC_BEGIN message). The subsequent service requests
(TC_CONTINUE messages) might not contain the IMSI parameter. Therefore, HLR Router only looks for IMSI in the
MAP layer for SAI TC_Begin messages. For the subsequent SAI TC_Continue messages, the EAGLE will perform
HLR Router database lookup using the SCCP CdPA GTA digits, which is an EAGLE existing service.
The HLR Router MAP Layer Routing support for ATI using MSISDN feature enhances the HLR Router MAP Layer
Routing (HLR Router MLR) feature by providing the option to route AnyTimeInterrogation (ATI) messages using the
Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number (MSISDN) from the MAP layer of the incoming message.
Current voicemail routing schemes in mobile networks typically use a range-based mechanism whereby the
voicemail calls are simply routed to any available Voicemail Server (VMS) platform in a loadsharing scheme. Either
the subscriber numbers (MSISDNs in GSM networks) are divided into ranges and the MSCs route calls to the VMS
associated with that particular number range, or a single "virtual" VMS routing number is used and the MSC routes
via an STP node performing GTT to the individual VMS platform.
With the introduction of advanced and premium voicemail services such as video voicemail, multimedia voicemail,
etc., operators have a need to deploy advanced voicemail platforms to handle these enhanced services. However,
typically a minority of the operator's subscriber base will subscribe to these services. Therefore, it is desirable to
deploy only a few advanced voicemail servers to service these subscribers, while maintaining the standard
voicemail servers to service the majority of the subscribers. Another issue is that these multi-service VMS platforms
sometimes use different Routing Numbers (RNs) to direct incoming messages to the correct service. This is similar
to how an SCP might use different Subsystem Numbers (SSNs) to distinguish among services on the same
With the existing routing scheme of simply dividing the subscriber<>VMS assignments by number range, or using a
single virtual VMS number, it is not possible to achieve a specific assignment of premium subscriber to advanced
VMS, nor to route to a specific RN service number within a VMS for that subscriber. Therefore, a flexible routing
mechanism is required which will allow the operators to specify which subscribers are "premium" subscribers, and
assign these subscribers to specific advanced VMS platforms on an individual MSISDN basis. The mechanism
should also allow flexible assignment of Routing Numbers within a VMS platform based on call scenario and service
being requested.
Voicemail Router will be a new local subsystem on the EAGLE, like EIR and INP. Queries from MSCs will be routed
directly to the EAGLE as the Voicemail Router node. The MSC will have the option to send the message Route-on-
GT using a GTA which corresponds to the EAGLE/Voicemail Router, which the EAGLE with then translate to its own
PC and local Voicemail Router SSN, or the MSC may send the message Route-on-DPC/SSN directly to one of the
EAGLE's True Point Codes and local Voicemail Router SSN.
Voicemail Router supports ITU/ETSI INAP IDP or 3GPP CAMEL (CAP) IDP queries. AIN or WIN queries are not
currently supported.
The subscriber (MSISDN/DN)<>VMS mappings will be provisioned via the EPAP in the same manner as MNP, HLR
Router, etc., and will be maintained in the DSM RTDB like other EPAP DB application data.
The call decision criteria will be provisioned in tables in the EAGLE's OAM. These tables determine which specific
routing number within the specific VMS platform will be used for the particular call based on the criteria of the call
(each VMS platform may have up to 10 routing numbers for servicing different types of "voicemail" calls).
Upon receipt of the query, Voicemail Router will use the MSISDN<>VMS mapping table and the call decision criteria
to determine a specific voicemail routing number which the MSC should use to route the call. This routing number is
returned in an IDP response to the MSC.
The VMRN (Voicemail Routing Number) is a 1-15 digit hexadecimal number and generally corresponds to a type of
mail service - for example, Voicemail Deposit, Voicemail Retrieval, etc. The Voicemail Router feature is not
concerned with the practical purpose for each routing number, and the actual function they correspond to is
transparent to Voicemail Router. Voicemail Router is only concerned with returning the appropriate routing number
which corresponds to the subscriber and call scenario.
The figure below shows a general message flow for the Voicemail Router application.
The Equipment Identity Register (EIR) is a network entity used in GSM networks, as defined in the 3GPP
Specifications for mobile networks. The entity stores lists of International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) numbers,
which correspond to physical handsets (not subscribers). The IMEI is used to identify the actual handset, and is not
dependent upon the IMSI, MSISDN, or SIM card. The IMSI, MSISDN, and SIM are all subscriber-specific, and move
with the subscriber when he/she buys a new handset. The IMEI is handset specific.
The RTDB stores white, grey, and black lists of IMEI numbers. When a subscriber roams to a new MSC/VLR
location, the handset attempts registration with the MSC/VLR. Before the MSC registers the subscriber on the new
VLR, it may send a MAP_CHECK_IMEI query to the EIR. The EIR will return a response indicating whether the IMEI
is allowed, disallowed, or invalid. If the IMEI is allowed, the MSC completes registration, otherwise, registration is
The EIR may also contain associations between individual IMEIs and IMSIs. This would provide a further level of
screening by directly associating a particular IMEI with a particular IMSI. This association can be used in the
following way: If an IMEI is found on a black list, an additional check of the IMSI could then be made. If the IMSI
from the handset matches the IMSI provisioned with the IMEI, this would override the black list condition, and allow
registration to continue. This could be used to protect against mistaken black list entries in the database, or to
prevent unauthorized "handset sharing". Obviously, this association could be used in other ways. Additional options
may be provided in a future version of EAGLE’s GSM EIR, but are not provided in the initial release.
The EIR can be provisioned and maintained completely by the operator, or the operator may choose to deploy an
interface between the network's EIR and the Central EIR (CEIR) database in Dublin, Ireland. The CEIR is
maintained by the GSM Association and contains lists of authorized and unauthorized IMEIs from any GSM operator
in the world who wishes to connect and upload their data. Operators may then connect to the CEIR and receive
daily downloads directly into their EIRs. The CEIR allows any GSM operator in the world to connect and download
either the entire database, or a subset of the database (i.e., only the data for a specific country or region). The initial
offering of the EAGLE EIR does not support direct connection to the CEIR. However, the customer may develop and
deploy a mediation device between the EAGLE EIR's open provisioning interface and the CEIR if they choose.
Use of the EIR can prevent the use of stolen handsets since the network operator can enter the IMEI of these
handsets into a 'blacklist' and prevent them from being registered on the network, thus making them useless.
Prior to EAGLE release 44 the GSM MAP EIR support was only available to ITU networks. With EAGLE release 44,
we support this feature on ANSI networks as well.
Feature Overview
1. The Mobile Station (MS), i.e. handset, roams into new serving MSC/VLR area, and begins registration
procedure with Base Station (BS).
2. BS begins registration procedure with MSC/VLR.
3. Before allowing the MS to register on the network, and prior to updating the HLR with the new MSC
information, the MSC launches a MAP_CHECK_IMEI message to the EAGLE EIR. This message is either
MTP-routed directly to the point code of the EAGLE and the EIR subsystem (SSN = "EIR"), or is GT-
routed and the EAGLE GT-translates the message to its own point code and local EIR SSN = "EIR".
4. EAGLE EIR retrieves IMEI and/or IMSI from message and searches EIR tables for a match. This search
may result in the IMEI being on the white, grey, and/or black lists, or it may result in an invalid or unknown
IMEI (no match). It may also result in an invalid IMSI-IMEI combination. Based on the results of the search,
the EAGLE EIR returns a MAP_CHECK_IMEI_ack containing either the Equipment Status (IMEI on
allowed or not allowed), or a User Error (invalid or unknown IMEI).
5. (Not shown). The MSC either rejects or completes the registration attempt, depending on the information
returned by the EIR.
The EAGLE EIR supports three “lists”: white, grey, and black. The EIR allows a single IMEI to be on multiple “lists”.
When an IMEI is on more than one list, the EAGLE applies one of three different types of logic to determine which
response should be delivered to the MSC. The logic, or “response type”, is configurable by the operator by
specifying “Type 1”, “Type 2”, or “Type 3”. The following table indicates how an IMEI is treated based on the
selected logic or response type.
Table 20: IMEI Treatment
For example, if an IMEI is present on both the grey list and black list, and the Response Type is “Type 1”, then the
EAGLE EIR returns a response of “black list”. However, if the Response Type is “Type 3”, then the same number
will cause the EAGLE to return a response of “unknown”
The EAGLE also offers a Global Response Option which causes the EIR to return the same global response
regardless of which list the IMEI is actually on. In this manner, all registrations are either allowed or disallowed as
long as the option is set.
The EAGLE EIR complies with the relevant 3GPP specifications for the EIR entity.
The total capacity of the database is 32 million IMEI numbers, and includes all numbers stored in the database,
including MNP/HLR Router/INP MSISDNs and IMSIs as well as EIR IMEIs.
The RTDB supports both individual and ranged entries of IMEI numbers. The latter could be used in the instance
where an entire shipment of handsets with consecutive IMEI numbers has been stolen, for example.
The EAGLE EIR is a new local subsystem on the EAGLE, similar to INP and LNP. Therefore, CHECK_IMEI queries
may be MTP or GT routed to the EAGLE for EIR service. In the MTP routed case, the MSC would route the query to
one of the EAGLE’s true point codes and the EIR local SSN (traditionally 9). In the GT routed case, the MSC would
route the query to the E.164 address set up for the EIR entity. The EAGLE would perform GTT, which would
translate to one of the EAGLE’s point codes and the EIR local SSN. Subsystem management is supported in the
same manner as INP and LNP.
Currently, the EAGLE only supports a single local subsystem per node. Therefore, EIR, INP, and LNP are mutually
exclusive on the same EAGLE node.
This feature addresses both problems by providing a controlled way to take the HLR Router/MNP services offline
and an option to reroute only HLR Router/MNP traffic to alternate nodes.
SCCP Service Re-Route is an optional feature that is supported for HLR Router/MNP service. This option can be
enabled by defining a list of alternate PCs for the service, or by defining the GTT option for the service. Re-routing is
activated by marking a service OFFLINE. When a service is OFFLINE, if alternate PCs are provisioned any
messages destined to that service would be re-routed to available alternate PCs defined for that service. If alternate
PCs are not provisioned or none of them are available, then the GTT option would be used. If the GTT option is
YES, then messages destined to that service would fall through to GTT as part of re-routing procedure. SCCP
Service Re-Route is applied to all messages destined to a service (based on the EAGLE SCCP Service Selectors).
Currently, the EAGLE supports capability point codes for STP, LNP, INP and EIR services/features. With this
feature, a capability point code would also be supported for HLR Router and MNP services. All messages destined
to a service are recommended to use Service Capability Point Codes (CPCs). The use of service capability point
code aids the adjacent nodes in knowing about a possible service outage.
When a service using CPCs is offline, the EAGLE will generate response method TFP messages to the adjacent
node about the service CPC. The TFP response to the adjacent node causes the traffic-originating nodes to stop
sending service traffic to this node, and redirect traffic to the mate node. All service traffic coming into this node is
sent to the alternate service nodes. Adjacent nodes will initiate route-set-test procedures after receipt of the TFP.
Conversely, if messages are routed to an EAGLE True PC rather than a CPC, then TFP messages are not
generated when a service is offline, making it more difficult for the originator to determine the status of the service on
a particular node.
Once the service is back online, the EAGLE will send a TFA to the adjacent nodes in response to any route-set-test
messages. The traffic-originating nodes will then resume sending of service traffic to this node.
1. HLR Router and GTT traffic originating from SSP_A, SSP_B and SSP_C will be distributed between
STP_1 and STP_2. HLR Router traffic will be addressed to the HLR Router CPC (Service Capability Point
Code) defined for STP_S1 and STP_S2. GTT traffic will be addressed to each EAGLE True PC, STP_1
and STP_2
A new concept of “service state” is introduced with this feature. This concept is very similar to the EAGLE’ existing
use of local subsystem state for LNP, INP, and EIR. When the HLR Router or MNP feature is turned ON for the first
time, the service state is initially set to offline. The user can change the service to online at any point. Once the
feature is brought online, HLR Router/MNP will start processing messages as soon as at least one service module
card is in-service. In some cases, it may be desirable to wait until more service module cards are in-service before
bringing HLR Router/MNP online. This decision is at the discretion of the operator.
The user can take the service offline at any point. This will cause the EAGLE to stop processing HLR Router/MNP
traffic and SCCP Service Re-Route shall be performed.
HLR Router/MNP service state is persistent. Hence booting the OAM or all the service module cards with SCCP
functionality would not change the service state from the current. The user must manually change the service state.
HLR Router and MNP will support up to 7 alternate PCs per domain for use as Service Re-Route destinations. All 6
domains (ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, ITU-N Spare, ITU-I Spare and ITU-N 24 bit) are supported. An entire set of alternate
PCs are considered as a re-route set.
All service selector options are not supported by the MTP Messages for SCCP Applications feature. Only MNP
services for the A-Port and IS41 GSM Migration features and HLR Router services for the HLR Router feature are
supported by this feature and service re-route is not performed on MTP-routed messages.
If the MTP Messages for SCCP Applications feature is active, all SCCP messages are routed to the service module
cards. Service module cards perform SCCP decode and verification as they do for GTT today.
If the MTP-routed messages have CDPA GTI =0 and the IGM feature is turned on, a message is sent for MNP
processing. If the MTP-routed messages have CDPA GTI not zero, service selector lookup is performed using the
SCCP CDPA information.
» "If the result of the lookup is for MNP service, a message shall be sent to MNP handling. MNP shall check if the
TCAP portion of the message is ITU or ANSI. If the message has ITU TCAP, the message is forwarded to HLR
Router processing. If the message has ANSI TCAP, A-Port general TCAP/MAP verification is performed if A-Port
or IGM feature is active.
» "If a service selector is not defined or does not match, or if the service is offline, MTP routing is performed on the
messages. Service re-route is not performed on MTP-routed messages both for GTI is zero or none zero.
» "Only LOCREQ messages are supported. See the ANSI-41 Mobile Number Portability and IS-41 GSM Migration
feature descriptions for LOCREQ message handling.
HLR Router Feature Processing
If the result of service selector lookup is for HLR Router service, HLR Router message processing is performed.
This feature supports HLR ROUTER service for MTP-routed TCAP/MAP messages. If the MTP Map Screening
feature is on, MTP Map Screening is performed on post HLR Router messages and fall-through MTP-routed
The use of the MTP Messages for SCCP Applications feature adversely affects the SCCP capacity, because all of
the messages are counted under SCCP capacity.
» Entities, e.g. RN/SP (which includes such information as entity type, entity value, etc.)
» VMS - voicemail service center IDs
» GRN - generic RNs
With new applications, and several applications co-existing on the same deployment, a need for more fields that can
be associated with individual subscribers and ranges of subscribers grows. The Additional Subscriber Data (ASD)
feature addresses the addition of a field into the EPAP and support of generic fields in the EAGLE.
One primary use case for the new field are requirements in certain number portability scenarios whereby additional
pieces of information are used when porting. One such use case is the association of subscribers with geographical
areas. Information is needed in the NP database to indicate which geographical area a subscriber is associated
with. The ASD can be used to provide this information.
Triggerless Equal Access is used to allow subscriber access to all long distance carriers on equal terms. Equal
access is intended to foster competition among long distance providers by providing all customer equal access to
any of the carriers’ services. Some countries require an equal access provider for national long distance and a
different provider for international long distance.
Triggerless equal access allows a subscriber to indicate a preferred long distance provider/operator. The equal
access code for the preferred providers is provisioned against the subscriber number (as additional subscriber data
in the EPAP).
During call set-up, an IAM is intercepted by the EAGLE, and the equal access code associated with the calling party
(A number lookup in the RTDB, insertion of the ASD for that subscriber) is inserted into the called party number of
the outgoing IAM (for long distance calls). The network then uses the equal access code to correctly route the call
to the appropriate long distance carrier.
Triggerless Equal Access and association to geographical area are just two examples of the use of ASD. Other use
cases may arise. Depending on the particulars of the use case, the ASD field may be used as is in the EAGLE, or
additional EAGLE feature development may be needed to make use of the ASD for the particular use case.
The NPP infrastructure changes the way service selection, number conditioning, action selection and number
formatting is done for the features which have access to the infrastructure. The features (such as IDPR, TIF NP,
etc.) which make use of NPP will “call” NPP from within the execution of the service. NPP will perform its duties
(e.g. number conditioning, actions, and number formatting), then return the service control back to the requesting
5NPP Filters
NPP Rules
An NPP Rule is an association between a single NPP Filter and a single NPP Action Set. An NPP Rule specifies
the message type via the filter and what behavior to apply to each message via the Action Set. The figure below
graphically depicts the relationships between Rules, Filters, Action Sets, and Actions.
“NPP Service” is a generic term that can be applied to any EAGLE application that has been modified (in the case of
existing features) or designed (in the case of new features) to use the NPP infrastructure. Existing EAGLE features
may be modified to use NPP infrastructure instead of their previous individual number conditioning/action/formatting
rules. Such examples are IDPR and TINP. An “NPP Service Rule Set” is a collection of Rules that are associated
with an NPP Service. The figure below graphically depicts the relationships between Services and Action Sets.
The overall purpose of the NPP infrastructure is to provide a common, highly flexible service execution environment
which can eventually be accessed by all EAGLE advanced database applications. Rather than each feature having
its own independent set of number conditioning rules, service actions and formatting rules (which may be overly
limited in usefulness outside of a fairly small set of use cases), NPP provides a high degree of flexibility to the
operator in how services are called, how numbers are conditioned prior to DB lookup, the actions that may be taken
as a result of the DB lookup, and how the numbers are formatted after the service is completed.
Future EAGLE releases will see more of the existing advanced DB applications move into the NPP infrastructure.
Without this option, when the EAGLE is conducting the HomeSMSC check portion of these features, the CdPA digits
in the message must exactly match an entry in the HomeSMSC table.
This option allows the HomeSMSC check to be conducted with a longest match principle whereby a match on the
longest number of digits will be considered a match, even if there are additional digits appended to the address in
the incoming message.
As of Release 39.0, two such features (Portability Check for MO SMS and MO GSM SMS NP) are being modified to
support segmented SMS messages. Other features which use MAP layer information (e.g. Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening, Prepaid SMS Intercept, etc.) will continue to support only non-segmented SMS at this time.
Segmentation support for these features may be provided in a future release. Hence, this feature is dubbed “Phase
1”. Below is an example of the operation of the TCAP Segmented SMS Support Phase 1 feature.
The Portability Check for MO SMS and MO SMS NP features support TCAP-segmented SMS messages as shown
above, and as described below. (With one exception: the redirection option of the MO SMS NP feature is not
supported for segmented SMS.) Both features do not alter the originally intended destination of the message, and
this is the reason for the distinction between these features and the others. When the original destination is not
being altered by the EAGLE based on MAP information, segmentation can be supported by the method described
here. When a feature redirects a message to another destination based on MAP information (as is the case for
Enhanced GSM MAP Screening Forward Action, Prepaid SMS Intercept, and the redirection action of MO SMS NP),
a more complex solution is required.
Oracle Communications Local Service Management System (LSMS) supports the administration of Oracle
Communications (OC) North American Local number Portability (LNP) solution. The LSMS provides the interface
between the NPAC SMS and the OC EAGLE Element Management System. It supports provisioning of the OC
EAGLE with NPAC data as well as locally administered service provider specific data.
The LSMS is composed of hardware and software components that interact to create a secure and reliable LNP
» Subscription data
» Number Pool Block data
» Service provider data
» Network data
» NPA-NXX Default GTT data
» LRN Override GTT data
» NPA Split data
The OC LSMS provides these functions:
Data Redundancy
An LSMS primary set is comprised of one APP-B card and two removable drive modules. The secondary set
comprised of the second APP-B card and two removable drive modules acts as a redundant system and fully
mirrors the primary set. The two servers are configured in an active and standby configuration to support high
availability. Data is replicated between the two servers as well as mirrored on the drive modules within each server
to provide failsafe data integrity.
The primary set provides all system functions during operations unless it experiences a failure. If a failure occurs
with the primary set, the secondary set can take over.
Network Interfaces
There are three primary protocols used in LSMS network connections. For the NPAC connections, the Q.3 protocol
is used. The EMS connections use a proprietary High Speed Operations Protocol (HSOP). The Application and
Admin network connections employ the standard TCP/IP stack.
Table 21: LSMS Functions
Users Supported 8 25
The LSMS supports LNP data administration from up to eight regional NPACs. The NPAC data consists of:
» Subscription versions (ported or pooled numbers with related data)
» Number Pool Blocks (pooled numbers with related data)
» Network Data (NPA-NXX, LRN, SPID, NPA-NXX-X)
Subscription versions include individual telephone numbers that are ported as well as numbers that are pooled.
Number Pool Blocks are the Efficient Data Representation of pooled numbers.
The LSMS supports up to 384 million records. This capacity includes subscription versions and number pool blocks.
This feature supports the Efficient Database Representation implementation of number pool blocks. A pool block,
NPA-NXX-X, represents a 1000 block of numbers which are assigned to a block holder different from the code
holder (NPA-NXX owner). Prior to EDR, each pooled TN is represented as an individual subscription version. The
LSMS receives either pooled TNs or pool blocks depending on the Service Provider configuration at the NPAC.
Conversion procedures are defined to migrate a region from individual TN pooling to EDR format.
The LSMS supports LNP data administration and distribution as defined in the following subsections.
Data Auditing
As the facilitator of data provisioning between NPAC and the EAGLE LNP, the LSMS supports database auditing in
both directions.
» Supports data audit function between NPAC SMS and LSMS. This type of audit is initiated by NPAC SMS.
» Initiates audits and reconciliation between LSMS and EAGLE LNP. This type of audit is initiated from the LSMS.
The LSMS responds to an NPAC SMS query request with the data in the LSMS database. The NPAC performs the
comparison, and provides any corrections over the interface. The LSMS is not aware of the audit or its results.
An LSMS user can also initiate data audits from an LSMS workstation. The LSMS audits the LNP/STP database
against the LSMS database. Audits may be performed with or without a reconcile. Results of the audit are provided
to the user. Audit options are:
» TN (range)
» Audit TNs and Number Pool Blocks by time range
» Number Pool Block (range)
» Default GTT (range)
» Override GTT (range)
» NPA Splits (range)
For each type of audit, the LSMS identifies and reports the following types of discrepancies:
» Different data - Data objects with different attributes or contents from the same data object stored on the LSMS
» Missing data - LSMS data that does not exist in the EAGLE LNP database
» Additional data - EAGLE LNP data objects that do not exist on the LSMS database
The LSMS application allows direct administration and provisioning of the LNP data through an easy-to-use
graphical user interface. Access to the local GUI is provided via the command line or via ssh or telnet.
The login message displayed may be optionally customized to meet local or corporate security guidelines.
The LSMS GUI uses a series of windows and menus to simplify the configuration and administration of the LSMS.
Navigation through the GUI is accomplished by pointing and selecting menu choices using the mouse pointer. The
command bar buttons can be clicked to activate a variety of functions:
The LSMS also supports a web-based access to the GUI. The web-based GUI is accessible from a workstation
running the approved browsers on the same intranet as the LSMS. This is the same GUI as defined in the previous
section, only the access method is changed. Traffic between the IP GUI and the LSMS is secured with SSL-3
In addition to the Graphical User Interface, the LSMS also supports many functions via the optional command line
Most LSMS functions are accessed through the GUI process, which requires users to have access to a local X-
Windows server or web-browser. Some LSMS functions are also available by using a text-only local or remote
interface using the command-line interface utility. Command line operations provide a limited, yet important, subset
of the LSMS functionality to any authorized remote user. The command-line interface also allows the functionality to
be accessible by using scripts, either locally or remotely.
This feature provides an alternate method of provisioning new default GTT, override GTT, NPA Split entries, and
EMS lists. New entries may be properly formatted in an input file and provisioned by importing the file, rather than
individually entering the data via the GUI.
The Service Assurance feature allows an external system to access subscription version data from the LNP
databases in the LSMS. This is limited to TN data only, Number Pool Block data is not supported. This information is
useful in verifying correct porting of data, and helps in troubleshooting problems. There is one LNP database for
each of the NPACs associated with the LSMS. The external system uses Service Assurance Manager (SAM)
application to initiate service assurance data requests and associations. Single or multiple SAMs may exist on the
external computer system. The SAM communicates with the LSMS through the Service Assurance Agent (SAA)
application in the LSMS. The protocol used by the SAM/SAA is Q.3. The SAM application is not Oracle software and
it resides only on the external system.
Five non-configurable GUI user groups are available for various user authorization levels.
1. System Configuration User (lsmsadm)
2. Database Administration User (lsmsuser)
3. Viewer User (lsmsview)
The configurable GUI user groups control access to GUI commands, the CLAA (Command Line Administration
Application) equivalent, or any UNIX command equivalent of the GUI functions, as well as defining access to a fixed
set of UNIX commands.
The LSMS also supports an optional Automatic Inactivity Logout. This feature supports system level and user level
timers. The timers are used to force a logout for inactive sessions. This is a security measure to prevent access to
an abandoned user session.
Outage Recovery
An outage can be caused by an LSMS internal error, an association failure (network failure), NPAC SMS downtime,
or LSMS or NPAC SMS planned downtime.
Each time the association is reestablished after an outage between the NPAC and the LSMS, the NPAC and the
LSMS automatically resynchronize the LSMS database. The LSMS notifies NPAC SMS when the recovery mode
finishes, and NPAC SMS then sends the LSMS any updates that occurred during the recovery.
If the NPAC and the LSMS are unable to complete automatic recovery, a bulk download from the NPAC to the
LSMS may be performed to update the database.
The LSMS supports two different types of bulk data download (BDD) files from the NPAC.
1. Object based files provide all the data within a specified range. The LSMS uses this file to populate the
data in the specified range.
2. Time range or delta BDD files provide transactions over a specified period of time. The LSMS uses this
file to make updates, creations or deletions against its current database.
For either type of BDD file, the LSMS supports a response file, which can be used by the NPAC to update its TN
status (e.g. remove a provider from the failed list).
Each time the association is reestablished after an outage between the NPAC and the EAGLE, the LSMS and the
EAGLE automatically resynchronize the EAGLE database. When recovery mode completes, the LSMS sends any
queued updates that occurred during the recovery and continues sending normal traffic.
If the LSMS and the EAGLE are unable to perform an automatic recovery, due to the amount of data or duration of
the outage, the condition will be flagged. A bulk download from the LSMS to the EAGLE may then be performed to
update the database.
The LSMS distributes ported Telephone Number records based on each EAGLE’ area of portability service (AOPS).
For each EAGLE LNP managed by the LSMS, the LSMS maintains a list of NPA-NXXs as its AOPS. The LSMS
uses this list to determine which EAGLE should receive each ported record that is sent from the NPAC. This allows
segregation of the LSMS ported number data onto multiple EAGLE pairs.
» The LSMS maintains the logical separations of data belonging to each NPAC. Each NPAC SMS has access only
to the data belonging to its domain and is prevented from modifying or retrieving other data.
» A separate key file for secure association is used for each NPAC.
The LSMS system is configured with support for up to 32 Supported SPIDs. Additional Supported SPIDs may be
optionally configured, up to a maximum of 512.
System Surveillance
This feature supports local and remote surveillance by reporting critical hardware messages, critical application
messages, association failures, and other alarm and status information over a serial interface. Conditions requiring
immediate action can be flagged to remote systems without requiring personnel on site. The first 8 characters of the
message are the unique message ID.
Remote Monitoring
This feature provides an SNMP agent on the LSMS. A set of specific management information is provided to a
remote location via the SNMP protocol over TCP/IP/Ethernet. Alarm, status and informational events are reported
via SNMP traps.
A variety of pre-defined reports are available on the LSMS. The LSMS supports generating, viewing, printing, and
transferring these reports. Filter criteria are supported to allow the user to customize the report contents based on
the need.
» Service provider administrative data - This is information, such as service provider ID and address, contained in
the supported ServProvNetwork. Information regarding NPAC connections is also available in this report.
Report Generator
The report generator uses a new LSMS Query Language (LQL) to enable the user to create reports that are not
already available through the “Reports” menu item on the LSMS GUI. LQL is based on a subset of the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI) Structured Query Language (SQL).
The report generator supports queries against Subscription versions, Number pool blocks, Default GTT, Override
GTT, and NPA splits. Users may customize selection and output criteria for tailored reports. Interactive and batch
mode are supported.
The LSMS maintains a set of logs for each NPAC associated with the LSMS, and another set for the LSMS
supported agent, which is its interface to the network elements. All logs are viewable from all running GUI sessions.
Logs are typically maintained on a daily basis, with up to seven days’ worth of logs stored on the system.
» Security Log – This log records actions performed on the LSMS database which maintains LSMS user accounts.
» NPAC Logs – These logs for each association with an NPAC include:
» Activity logs
» CMIP logs
» Transaction logs
» Event logs
» EAGLE Agent Logs – These logs for each association with an EAGLE CLLI include:
» Transaction logs
» Exception logs
» Common– These logs are common to the system
» Alarm
» Splits
» Trace
» Locally Entered Data
» LSMS Usage Measurements – These logs record system run-time information, including:
» NPAC-initiated revisions to the LSMS data
» NPAC-LSMS association and traffic measurement
» LSMS-EMS association and traffic measurement
The query server resides on a separate platform from the LSMS, and maintains a separate and distinct copy of the
LNP data. Customers provide their own hardware system that is consistent with the platform specifications provided
by Oracle.
For purposes of quantifying the number of EAGLE nodes supported by the LSMS (so that the maximum number of
supported EAGLE nodes is not exceeded), each query server supported must be counted as one EAGLE node.
As shown in the figure below, the query server system is provisioned from the OC LSMS using database replication
techniques provided by MySQL.
The LSMS Query Server supports automated database access using standard interfaces such as SQL, ODBC, and
JDBC. This allows customers the flexibility to customize SQL queries in order to create queries to meet their specific
business needs.
File Transfers
The LSMS has an FTP directory used for transferring files from the NPAC to the LSMS. Administration personnel
can perform an SFTP-GET from the NPAC to the LSMS.
The LSMS automatically backs up the database and configuration data files onto the network attached storage
device. The NAS provides additional data storage and recovery for up to five days of database updates. The
backup data can be used to restore data after an outage.
The telecommunications industry is moving from a traditional SS7 network to an all IP network to gain higher
bandwidth at a lower cost, higher efficiency, and access to an exploding number of revenue-generating services.
Oracle’s goal is to use an SS7-over-IP or SIGTRAN converged network as the first step to make reliable signaling
over IP possible without replacing the entire network.
An SS7-over-IP network consists of a traditional SS7 network that can integrate IP-enabled or all-IP devices with
protocols defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards organization. SS7-over-IP signaling
primarily addresses the transport aspect of SS7. Call-control services and other types of services, therefore, can
continue to be offered and deployed without concern for the method of interconnection. The method of service
implementation, however, remains dependent on the particular network element chosen to support the service
rather than the transport chosen.
SIGTRAN is a working group of the IETF, addressing packet-based Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
signaling over IP networks. The group’s work resulted in a set of signaling transport protocols, which are called
collectively “SIGTRAN” protocols or suite for the purpose of this document. The SIGTRAN) protocol suite is the
protocol of choice to access IP networks.
» Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP); RFC 2960 - A reliable transport protocol operating on top of a
connectionless packet network such as IP. Developed to eliminate deficiencies in TCP.
» MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer (M2PA) protocol; RFC 4165 - Provides MTP3 with MTP2 equivalent
service, over IP using the services of SCTP.
» MTP3 User Adaptation Layer (M3UA) protocol; RFC 4666 - Designed for Signaling Gateways that enable a
seamless inter-working between the SS7 and IP domain. This protocol supports the transport of any SS7 MTP3-
User signaling (i.e. ISUP and SCCP) over IP using services of SCTP.
» SCCP User Adaptation Layer (SUA) protocol; RFC 3868 - Supports the transport of SCCP-User signaling over IP
using services of SCTP.
The IPGWx functionality provides Point to Multi-Point MTP-User signaling (e.g., ISUP, TCAP) over IP capability:
IP signaling throughput performance is determined by protocol, hardware, and feature set in use. Performance can
be measured by considering the maximum throughput that can be sustained without congestion, the ability to
increase total throughput under an increased load proportionally to added resources such as hardware or software
(scalability), and the cost associated with each transaction per second (transaction unit model).
Please refer to the EAGLE Planning Guide for details regarding the various TU cost models and conversion to
MSU/sec equivalents.
TCP, the Transmission Control Protocol (IETF RFC 791), has been the primary means of reliable data transfer in IP
networks around the world for several decades. Despite being ubiquitous, TCP has become limited in its use by new
applications and has several security weaknesses. To overcome these limitations, the IETF Sigtran Working Group
has developed a new, more reliable transport protocol and has named it the Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP). SCTP (IETF RFC 2960) is the transport layer for all standard IETF-Sigtran protocols. SCTP is a reliable
transport protocol designed to operate on top of IP.
» Broader definition of connection four-tuple via multi-homing (local IP address, local port, remote IP address, and
remote port).
» Multiple streams
» Datagram stream
» Selective Acknowledgements
» Un-ordered delivery capability (not supported)
» Enhanced security
The TCP protocol defines a connection via a four-tuple - a specific local IP address, local port, a specific remote host
IP address and remote port. A TCP connection is point-to-point and once the session is established the four-tuple
cannot change. SCTP uses a similar four-tuple concept, but provides for the local and remote IP address values to
be a list of IP addresses. This feature allows a multi-homed host, with multiple network interfaces and more than one
way to reach the far-end host. From a redundancy perspective the support of multi-homing session end-points can
be viewed as a major advantage for SCTP.
Multiple Streams
TCP is a point-to-point byte stream oriented transport protocol. In such a protocol if a single byte is corrupted or lost,
then all data that follows must be queued and delayed from delivery to the application until the missing data is
retransmitted and received to make the stream valid. With the TCP protocol, all data being transmitted is affected
due to the fact that there is only one path from end-to-end. The SCTP protocol addresses this limitation by providing
the capability to specify more than one transport path between the two end-points. In SCTP, the four-tuple - with the
multi-homing capability - defines what the SCTP protocol calls an association. The association is composed of one
or more uni-directional transport paths called streams. The number of inbound and outbound streams is
independent of one another and is determined at session initiation time (e.g., an association may be composed of 3
outbound and 1 inbound stream). In this scheme a data retransmission only affects a single stream. If an association
is defined with multiple streams and a packet is lost on a specific stream, data transmissions on the other streams
which form this association are not blocked. However, the application utilizing SCTP must take advantage of this
Where TCP is implemented as a byte oriented stream protocol, SCTP is based on a datagram oriented protocol
stream. In choosing the datagram as the smallest unit of transport, the SCTP protocol removes the need for the
upper layer application to encode the length of a message as part of the message.
Selective Acknowledgements
TCP acknowledgements are specified as the last consecutive byte in the byte stream that has been received. If a
byte is dropped, the TCP protocol on the receiving side cannot pass inbound data to the user until the sender
retransmits the lost byte (i.e. the stream is blocked). SCTP uses a feature known as selective acknowledgement in
which each data chunk is identified by a chunk number - Transmission Sequence Number (TSN) in SCTP
terminology - and is explicitly acknowledged at a data chunk granularity. This means that if a data chunk is dropped,
then only that one data chunk needs to be retransmitted. Also, with the concept of streams, a dropped data chunk
only affects one stream due to the fact that ordered transmission of data is only enforced at the stream and not the
association level.
Unlike TCP, the SCTP protocol provides a mechanism for un-ordered datagram delivery. This feature means that a
datagram can be transmitted and received independent of datagram sequencing and thus not delayed in the
presence of a retransmission. This capability is not currently supported.
Enhanced Security
The TCP protocol has a known and easily exploitable vulnerability to denial of service attacks (e.g., SYN attacks).
This weakness is due to the three-way handshake utilized by the TCP session establishment protocol. The TCP
session establishment method causes system resources to be committed prior to actually establishing the session.
SCTP addresses this by utilizing a four-way handshake where resources are not committed by the host being
contacted until the contacting host confirms that it is actually making a contact request to prevent such attacks. The
SCTP handshake is shown in the figure below.
The standard RFC definition of the SCTP protocol introduces several time-critical constraints that can have negative
impacts on the delivery of SS7 data. For example, when back-to-back packet losses were suffered, the RFC
standard does not provide for a rapid recovery mechanism. The RFC retransmission mechanism is better adapted to
tolerate unstable networks exhibiting large amount of packet loss and varying network delays. These characteristics
are not normal for stable networks exhibiting low packet loss and minimal delay variations.
SCTP retransmission control offers users a choice of two retransmission policies and enhanced control over the
behavior of data retransmissions of SCTP associations in the IP Signaling function of the EAGLE as shown below.
This functionality allows users to tailor retransmissions to their networks on an individual association basis to
address these time critical protocol constraints.
» RFC: Doubles the Timeout Value until Max Retries. Uses Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance algorithms per
RFC 2960.
» Linear: Same Timeout Used for Each retransmission. Only Slow Start Used for Congestion Avoidance
Note: Not all of the retransmissions are shown for RFC mode because of scale
Both the more aggressive linear algorithm and the RFC standard algorithm have fixed software limitations placed on
the algorithms which are not appropriate for all network scenarios. Such limitations include boundaries on minimum
and maximum retransmission delays, maximum number of retries, and minimum size of the congestion window.
It is important that the effect each parameter has on overall throughput be understood. When the upper bound of the
retransmission timeout (RTO) is configured too low, an increased load caused by unnecessary data chunk
retransmission can result in network congestion.
The overall effect will delay or prevent delivery of SS7 data, resulting in a negative impact on MSU throughput or
even connections being lost. If the lower bound of the RTO is set too high, the SCTP protocol layer may not react
quickly enough to network failures, resulting in the SS7 service being degraded.
In the “RFC” mode, the EAGLE implementation performs retransmissions and congestion control as specified in
RFC 2960 with the following exceptions:
» The calculated RTO is bounded by user-configurable upper and lower limits called RMIN and RMAX.
» The Association.Max.Retrans value is specified by a user configurable parameter called RTIMES.
» The minimum and initial value of the congestion window is a user configurable parameter called CWMIN.
In “Linear” mode, the Signaling implementation has the following differences from the RFC version:
» Uses the current RTO value instead of exponential blocks for retransmission delay.
» Uses the Slow Start algorithm at all times and does not use the Congestion Avoidance algorithm.
» Support for the transfer of all SS7 MTP3-User Part messages (e.g., ISUP, SCCP, TUP, etc.)
» Support for the seamless operation of MTP3-User protocol peers
» Support for the management of SCTP transport associations and traffic between the EAGLE and up to 50 MGCs
or IP-resident Databases per card.
» Support for MGC or IP-resident Database process fail-over and load-sharing
» Support for the asynchronous reporting of status changes to management
» Support for between 64,000 to 112,000 TU/s (redundant) depending on configuration.
» Support 64 point codes in M3UA DAUD message
The M3UA Layer at an ASP provides the equivalent set of primitives at its upper layer to the MTP3-Users as
provided by the MTP Level 3 to its local users at an SS7 Signaling End Point (SEP). In this way, the ISUP and/or
SCCP layer at an ASP is unaware that the expected MTP3 services are offered remotely from an MTP3 Layer at the
EAGLE, and not by a local MTP3 layer. The MTP3 layer at the EAGLE may also be unaware that its local users are
actually remote user parts over M3UA. In effect, M3UA extends access to the MTP3 layer services to a remote IP-
based application.
The EAGLE MTP3-User Adaptation Layer (M3UA) provides a protocol for supporting the transport of any SS7
MTP3-User signaling (e.g., ISUP and SCCP Messages) over IP using the services of the Stream Control
Transmission Protocol. The main specification compliance items are summarized below. Note that this is not the
entire list, just the main items:
1. The EAGLE implementation supports static routing key registration via OAM provisioning by associating
an AS with a routing key. The ASPs that are working together to process SS7 traffic for one or more
routing keys are logically grouped into an AS. Each routing key can be associated with a single AS. A
single AS can be associated with multiple routing keys. Configuration is much simpler since there is no
need to register each ASP for every key, only the AS needs to be registered. Since the EAGLE
The SCCP User Adaptation Layer (SUA) is designed to fit the need for the delivery of SCCP-user messages (MAP
& CAP over TCAP, RANAP, etc.) and new third generation network protocol messages over IP between two
signaling endpoints. Consideration was given for the transport from an SS7 Signaling (e.g., the EAGLE) to an IP
signaling node (such as an IP-resident Database). This protocol can also support transport of SCCP-user messages
between two endpoints wholly contained within an IP network.
» Support for transfer of SS7 SCCP-User Part messages (e.g., TCAP, RANAP, etc.)
» Support for SCCP connection oriented service.
» Support for the seamless operation of SCCP-User protocol peers
» Support for the management of SCTP transport associations between the EAGLE and one or more IP-based
signaling nodes).
» Support for distributed IP-based signaling nodes.
» Support for the asynchronous reporting of status changes to management
The IP Signaling implementation of SUA is based on IETF RFC 3868.
When a node for a remote subsystem becomes available or unavailable, then the SUA DAUD with SSN Support
feature allows the GSM MAP table, maintained on the EAGLE SCCP cards, to be updated with the new status.
When a DAUD message containing an ssn parameter is sent over an SUA association to the EAGLE, Gateway
Screening is performed by a card that contains the SS7IPGW, IPGWI, or IPGHC GPLs. The message is then sent
to the SCCP card to query the availability status of the subsystem. The EAGLE sends one of the following
responses based on the subsystem status:
» Status is available-Destination Available (DAVA) message
» Status is unavailable-Destination Unavailable (DUNA) message
» Status cannot be determined-Subsystem Status Unknown error message
To provide Signaling functions in Europe, IP Signaling must be able to route received ITU ISUP messages to
devices on the IP network, such as MGCs.
The routing key enhancements feature provides routing to IP devices with an ITU National or International Point
code. In addition, routing for TUP messages is also provided. The Routing Key Enhancements feature suite follows:
» Q.BICC routing provides routing to SCTP/IP sockets for BICC messages. BICC messages are very similar to
ISUP messages, except the CIC has been expanded to 32 bits. Routing for ANSI or ITU BICC messages is
based on SI=13, OPC, DPC, and CIC. The point codes within the routing key must be ANSI, ITU National, or ITU
» ITU routing key enhancements provide the following additional routing capabilities for international users:
» ITU ISUP CIC routing provides OPC/DPC/CIC routing to IP devices for ITU ISUP messages. Routing for ITU
ISUP messages to an IP device is based on SI=5, OPC, DPC, and CIC. The point codes within the ITU ISUP
routing key must be either ITU national or ITU international.
» ITU DPC-SSN routing provides DPC/SSN routing to IP devices for ITU SCCP messages. Routing for SCCP
messages to an IP device is be based on SI=3, DPC, and Subsystem. The point codes within the ITU SCCP
routing key must be either ITU national or ITU international.
» ITU DPC-SI routing provides DPC/SI routing to IP devices for non-ISUP and non-SCCP ITU messages. A
message with SI=4 bound for an ITU national or international point code is assumed to be a TUP message,
and is routed as such. The point codes with the ITU DPC-SI routing key must be either ITU national or ITU
» TUP routing provides OPC/DPC/CIC routing to IP devices for TUP messages. Routing TUP messages to an IP
device with an ITU point code is based on SI=4, OPC, DPC, and CIC. The point codes within the routing key must
be ITU national or ITU international. An MSU with SI=4 bound for an ANSI point code will continue to be routed
on DPC-SI.
Unregistered Routing Key Treatment
The Unregistered Routing Key Treatment (URKT) feature provides improved methods of dealing with SS7 traffic that
does not match a routing key entry in the IPGWx application routing key table. During transmit processing on each
IPGWx card, the software attempts to find a routing key entry that exactly matches the MSU being processed. Prior
to this feature, if a match could not be found, the MSU was silently discarded (in addition to the silent discard, if the
MSU was an SCCP MSU we would generate a Sub System Prohibited (SSP) MSU and route it back to the
originator). URKT provides several improved methods of dealing with these MSUs. Use of the URKT feature
reduces SS7 message loss in an IP network.
Q.BICC Routing
Q.BICC provides routing to SCTP/IP sockets for BICC messages. Q.BICC routing does not convert ISUP to BICC
messages and vice versa, but does provide the capability route BICC messages. Routing for ANSI or ITU BICC
messages is based on SI=13, OPC, DPC, and CIC. Therefore, any message with the CIC in the position indicated in
the figure below is routed on the key specified by SS7 Routing Key = (Message Type (SI=13) + OPC + DPC + CIC).
The point codes within the routing key can be ANSI, ITU National, or ITU International.
Currently, the EAGLE can only route BICC messages that are 272 octets or less. For large BICC MSU support for IP
signaling, see Large BICC MSU Support for IP Signaling.
End Office Support enables the EAGLE to share its True Point Code (TPC) with an IP-based node connected via
the IPGWx GPL without the need for a separate point code for the IP-node. When the End Office Support feature is
in use, the EAGLE can share a point code for up to three network types with attached IP network elements.
Once a message arrives at the EAGLE destined for an end office node, routing key selection and socket/association
selection allows multiple IP network elements to operate as a single end office node and be differentiated by using
routing keys.
The SNMP Agent Implementation feature provides a Management Information Base (MIBI) and SNMP traps for
maintenance and monitoring of ethernet cards and IP objects. Requests (sets/gets) are supported at 5 per second.
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an industry-wide standard protocol used for network
management. The SNMP Agent Implementation feature implements an SNMP agent on each IP card that runs the
IPGWx or IPLIMx application. The SNMP Agent Implementation feature does not allow provisioning; the SNMP
agent will run only on provisioned Ethernet cards. SNMP agents interact with network management applications
called Network Management Systems (NMSs).
The SNMP Agent Implementation feature supports all but the AT (Address Translation) group as defined in IETF
RFC1213. The AT group is replaced by objects in other supported MIB groups.
An example of a system MIB is the sysUpTime object of the system group as follows:
::= { SYSTEM 3 }
The table below lists the supported traps and their compliance to the RFC.
Table 22: SNMP Traps Supported
FC = Fully Compliant
NC = Non Compliant
Bearer Independent Call Control (BICC) permits MSUs having a signaling information field (SIF) of greater than 272
bytes (up to 4095 bytes). The EAGLE software expects and enforces MSUs to have SIF less than or equal to 272
Measurements have been improved to cater for this feature and following are the additional link component peg
Table 23: Additional Link Component Peg Counts
This feature allows a data feed for OC PIC of up to 272 bytes. If Large BICC MSU messages greater than 272 bytes
invoke DTA or STPLAN processing, then the MSU is routed without copying, and an appropriate UIM is issued.
The Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature allows the Large BICC MSU Support for IP Signaling feature to
support additional service indicator (SI) values. As part of this feature, the Large BICC MSU Support for IP Signaling
feature is now referred to as the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature.
The Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature supports MSUs with a SIF size of up to 4095 bytes for M2PA and
M3UA protocols with SI values from 6 - 15.
» 6, 7—Data
» 9—Broadband ISDN
» 10—Satellite ISDN
» 13—BICC
» 14—H.248
» 8, 11, 12, 15—Spare
The SLAN, Database Transport Access (DTA), and integrated monitoring features do not support Large MSUs.
The existing STC interface is used to transport configuration and link event data. Fast Copy architecture uses two
separate networks for STC monitoring and Fast Copy monitoring.
FastCopy on IPGW provides support for monitoring M3UA and SUA traffic on Ethernet cards running the IPGHC
GPL using Fast Copy-based or STC monitoring.
Each IPSG linkset is configured for the SLKTPS (also referred to as the Reserved SLKTPS) and the Maximum
SLKTPS. The Reserved SLKTPS is the signaling link TPS capacity that is reserved or guaranteed for each link in an
IPSG linkset. The Maximum SLKTPS is the maximum TPS capacity that a link is allowed if enough unused capacity
is present on the host card. Linksets share available card capacity when presented with a load in excess of the
Reserved SLKTPS up to the Maximum SLKTPS value.
During provisioning, the EAGLE verifies that neither the Reserved SLKTPS nor the Maximum SLKTPS exceed 5000
TPS and that the sum of the Reserved SLKTPS for all of the links hosted by an IPSG card does not exceed 5000
TPS for the card.
» Links operate independently if their traffic load falls within their respective reserved capacity. The unconsumed
portion is available to other links hosted by the same card.
» If the traffic load exceeds the Reserved SLKTPS, then the link can draw from the card unused TPS. If the traffic
load exceeds the Maximum SLKTPS for the card, then the link limits processing at the maximum SLKTPS and
may enter congestion.
» If the traffic load exceeds the Reserved SLKTPS, and enough card capacity originally existed to allow the link to
process the load, but the available card capacity changes so that there is not enough available card capacity to
process the load, then the link can enter congestion without affecting other links hosted by the card.
» If multiple links hosted by an IPSG card exceed their Reserved SLKTPS, then the links compete for available
capacity on a round-robin basis.
The maximum allowed System TPS value is 500,000, 750,000 or 1,000,000 depending on the HIPR2 High Rate
Mode feature, MFC and 1M System TPS features:
» If HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature is disabled or OFF, the maximum allowed system TPS will be 500,000.
» If HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature is ON and 1M System TPS feature is disabled or OFF, the maximum allowed
system TPS will be 750,000.
» If HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature, the MFC feature and the 1M System TPS features are ON, the maximum
allowed system TPS will be 1,000,000.
» Compares the network indicator (NI) of an MSU to a database of valid NIs. If the network indicator is not valid, the
MSU is discarded.
» Extracts the network indicator and destination point code (DPC) information from the incoming MSU. If an MSU is
transmitted to an ANSI linkset, the network indicator is forced to a binary pattern of “10” before being extracted.
» Determines whether an incoming MSU terminates at the EAGLE or must be routed to another destination by
joining the network indicator and DPC to a list of self point codes. The self point code is a combination of the true
point code and capability point code. The capability point code identifies a group of nodes that have similar
MSU Routing
MSU routing occurs after MSU discrimination and before MSU conversion (if conversion is necessary). The EAGLE
selects an outgoing link on which to transmit the MSU. The MSU formats must be compatible with the linksets that
transmit the MSUs.
EAGLEs are typically deployed in mated pairs. The EAGLE has a linkset for each supported network type. The
EAGLE should have a unique adjacent point code. The EAGLE supports up to five self point codes - one for ANSI
point codes, one for ITU international point codes, one for ITU national point codes, one for ITU National Spare, and
one for ITU International Spare.
The figure below shows a sample network with mated gateway STPs. Note that there are different linksets for each
network type. In the sample, STP (A) has an ANSI point code (007-001-001), an ITU National point code (09270),
and an International point code (5-060-1).
All links in the system operate with four levels of congestion. If the congestion level is “0”, there is no congestion, the
EAGLE does not transmit TFCs, and no MSUs are discarded. At level 3 (indicating a maximum level of congestion),
the EAGLE transmits TFCs and discards MSUs.
Whenever the congestion onset status is above congestion onset level 1 and has not abated below congestion
abatement level 1, the EAGLE generates a TFC. Whenever the congestion discard status is above discard level 1
and has not abated below discard level 1, the EAGLE discards the MSU per the figure below.
EAGLE receives an ITU TFC When the EAGLE receives an ITU TFC, the routing table is modified
to discard the lower priority MSUs being routed to the concerned
point code. The TFC does not contain the congestion status of the
concerned point code. Instead, the congestion status is user-
configurable using the chg-isup-stp:status command. Once the
routeset is identified as congested, a timer is used to abate the
congestion. The timer is similar to the ANSI routeset congestion test
EAGLE receives an ANSI RCT There is no change in the EAGLE response when the EAGLE
receives ANSI routeset congestion test messages.
EAGLE receives an ITU RCT The H0H1 message codes are not contained in the ITU environment.
These codes generate an invalid H0H1 MRN, and the message is
discarded. This has no impact on the ITU network because the
EAGLE uses a timer to abate congestion and does not rely on a
reply to the RCT message.
Two EAGLE features are required for the DTA feature to operate. The following features provide services to support
the DTA feature:
» Gateway screening
» Global title translation (if SCCP subsystem management is to be supported)
Several applications would benefit from the Data Transport Access (DTA) feature. MSUs containing SCCP and
proprietary data can be sent through the network to customer-specific databases. These MSUs may need additional
processing, however, before being routed to their final destination.
» Routing Indicator- Route by GTT or SSN. Ignored if the DPC value is not the EAGLE point code. Ignored if the
DPC value is not the EAGLE point code.
» TT-Translation Type that will be used in the SCCP header. Ignored if the DPC value is not the EAGLE point
» Enabled-On/Off toggle to turn the redirect function On and Off.
MSU Encapsulation
The redirect function encapsulates the original MSU in the SCCP data part of a new MSU.
The DPC and CDPA RI, SS, TT, Address fields, of the new MSU, are set according to the parameters that were
entered in the GWS Redirect Table. There is no provision to use only a subset of the data in the GWS redirect table
when encapsulating an MSU.
When the original MSU is too large to be encapsulated, it is discarded and an informational message is generated.
The figure below shows how the original MSU is encapsulated by the DTA feature.
The figure below shows the message flow of the DTA feature and is described below:
1. An MSU arrives and passes Gateway Screening. If the DTA redirect function is provisioned for that
screening function, the EAGLE encapsulates the received MSU.
2. If the DPC provisioned in the redirect table is not the EAGLE point code, the MSU is MTP routed via the
routing table and the encapsulated MSU is routed. The receiving node must be able to handle processing
of the encapsulated MSU. If the redirect table has the EAGLE point code provisioned as the DPC, the
encapsulated MSU is sent to the SCCP card where a Global Title is performed using the SCCP data that
is contained in the encapsulated portion of the MSU (i/e. based on the data in redirect table).
3. The post GTT’d MSU is then routed to an external processor via normal routing methods.
4. The MSU arrives at the external processor, where the MSU is processed for a customized application. The
host can identify the originator of the data by examining the MTP header included in the encapsulation.
5. Once the external processor has processed the user data and removed the encapsulation, it sends the
MSU back to the EAGLE.
6. At the EAGLE, the MSU is routed to its final destination either in the SS7 network or in the X.25 network.
The external processor determines the routing for the MSU, providing it in the routing label of the MTP
portion of the MSU and in the SCCP called party address
7. If the provisioned Redirect DPC was not the EAGLE point code, the encapsulated MSU is sent to the
provisioned Redirect DPC. If the provisioned Redirect DPC was the EAGLE point code, the
unencapsulated post-processed MSU is sent to the original DPC of the original MSU.
The EAGLE provides a wide variety of measurements and measurement collection methods. The EAGLE provides
both standard (basic) STP measurements and advanced measurements capability via various interfaces.
» Basic Measurement Collection - provides required measurement collection for an STP per GR-82-CORE
» Advanced Measurement Collection - allows customers to collect basic measurements over a variety of interfaces
or perform advanced measurement operations by analyzing in detail the traffic switched by the EAGLE.
There are eleven types of basic measurements reports generated by the EAGLE, using the rept-meas or the rept-
ftp-meas command:
Report Parameters
Reports are available for the following entities:
» Link
» Linkset
» Translation Type (TT)
» Origni
» Origninc
» Lsdestni
» Lsorigni
» Application (LNP, HLR Router, INP etc.)
There are four accessible periods for which measurements can be reported:
1. Last is used to access the previous collection interval.
2. Specific is used to access a specific interval (one of the previous 48 half-hour intervals).
3. Active is used to access measurements for the current collection interval.
4. All is used to access measurements for all collection intervals retained.
Measurements can also be backed up to a removable cartridge for storage. LNP measurements are placed in a File
Transfer Area (FTA) for transport off the EAGLE via Kermit session or can be sent in comma delimited format via
SIGTRAN Measurements
The SIGTRAN Measurements (SIGTRAN) feature allows measurements for the IPGWx and IPLIMx cards to be
obtained using the EAGLE commands or through EAGLE measurement collection and reporting mechanisms. The
SIGTRAN feature also obtains measurements for the IPSG cards.
On-demand measurement reports can be obtained through the User Interface or the Measurements Platform (see
The SIGTRAN feature provides measurement capabilities for the following protocols:
» UA
The following new link classes are used to provide LINK measurements for the UA and M2PA protocols:
The IPVL link class uses existing registers. New registers are provided for the IPVSHL link class. These registers
are shown in the table below.
Table 26: IPVSHL Linkset Registers
M2PLKNIS Duration the link was not in the in-service state at the M2PA layer (in seconds)
The EAGLE can provide a wide variety of message measurement capabilities. These capabilities include the
following features:
» Measurements Platform- provides comma delimited measurement data over TCP/IP.
» IAS - provides integrated monitoring of links and high end application functions.
» STPLAN - allows copying of MSUs to an off-board processor.
» GR-310/778 (SEAS) - provides basic STP measurements over an X.25-serial interface.
The Measurements Platform consists of multiple MCPM (Measurement Collection and Polling Module) cards in a
primary/secondary configuration, in which a single primary MCPM performs all collection and reporting functions.
The secondary MCPM card serves as backup for the primary MCPM. The figure below presents a functional
diagram of the Measurements Platform and its interfaces to the customer’s network.
The Measurements Platform is designed for future support of an N+1 architecture, in which multiple MCPM cards
can be provisioned to share the measurement tasks. Currently, however, all secondary cards provide a redundant
backup to the primary card. Secondary MCPM cards do not provide any collection performance benefit. Thus, there
is no functional advantage to installing more than two MCPM cards. The primary MCPM monitors the status of all
secondary MCPM cards. If the primary MCPM fails before or during collection, the secondary MCPM card assumes
the primary role, and begins/continues collection. GR310/778 measurements are still supported, as shown in the
figure above.
The primary benefit of the Measurements Platform is derived from the implementation of a dedicated processor for
the collection of measurements. This provides increased bandwidth and performance compared with the
measurements collection engine that currently resides in the OAM.
The Measurements Platform assumes the collection duties from the OAM and stores the collected data in MCPM
RAM. Following collection, comma delimited scheduled reports are automatically generated and transferred to the
customer’s FTP server via the secure FTP interface. The reports are always transferred to the configured Primary
FTP Server or, if the Primary server is down, to the configured Secondary FTP Server. The filename of the report
contains the CLLI name of the EAGLE to easily identify the source of the data.
On-demand report requests are also generated and transferred to the customer’s FTP server, or output to the
terminal. A command to enable the user to transfer missed scheduled reports is also available. Its purpose is to
enable the customer to recover any scheduled reports within the last 24 hours that may not have transferred to the
FTP Server.
The Integrated Measurements feature obsoletes the use of the File Transfer Area (FTA) for measurements, and
replaces the FTA functionality with FTP functionality. The E5-OAM/IP Ethernet Support enhancement is used to
provide Ethernet support for FTP.
This feature requires the Measurements Subsystem to transition to the Integrated Measurements. The transition is
performed by provisioning the oamhcmeas option in the chg-measopts command. Provisioning this parameter also
turns on the Integrated Measurements collection function.
Note: The Integrated Measurements collection function cannot be turned off after it has been turned on.
If the MCP is enabled prior to the transition, then the transition sequence transfers all historical measurements data
from the MCP to the OAM. The MCP does not collect and report measurements during transition.
After the transition is complete, the OAM takes control of the Measurements Subsystem and is responsible for
collection and reporting. The MCPM cards are set to IS-ANR - Restricted state, and the MCP is turned off.
The STPLAN feature allows the EAGLE to support a TCP/IP connection from any interface shelf to external hosts.
The STPLAN application allows the user to selectively copy outbound messages to a remote node for further
processing. The messages that are copied to the external host are actually selected for copying on the inbound
linkset by the Gateway Screening feature. The messages that pass the screening criteria set for that linkset are
processed by the system, and are copied prior to being transmitted on the outbound link. The connection to the
external host consists of several Ethernet cards using the TCP/IP protocol to communicate to an external processing
device running software that receives and processes the messages. Each Ethernet card supports a single remote
destination node. Each Ethernet card may also support a single default router.
The STPLAN feature is designed to provide an open system architecture, allowing third parties to design
applications that can be attached as adjuncts to the EAGLE.
This feature requires an Ethernet card to provide an Ethernet interface at the interface shelf backplane and the
processing power required to support message encapsulation and TCP/IP support.
The user may attach any compatible host system. The host system must be using TCP/IP as the higher layer
protocol and must support 10/100 Base T Ethernet as the transmission method.
Messages are sent to the Ethernet card via Gateway Screening on the inbound LIM card. A flag is set on the
inbound LIM card but the actual copy function occurs on the outbound LIM card. The EAGLE software on the
Ethernet card receives SS7 MSUs from the LIMs and service module cards via Gateway Screening and copies
those MSUs into memory on the Ethernet card. The copied MSU is encapsulated and transmitted using TCP/IP
packets and Ethernet to the host computer. The host computer is responsible for reassembling the original message
and processing the data.
The entire MSU is copied, including the MTP, which allows the host application to process the entire message. Total
octet counts, including MTP level 2 and level 3, can be tallied and used for a variety of external measurements.
The IP addresses of adjacent hosts are entered into the EAGLE by using the EAGLE database administration
893-0356-01 EAGLE 41.1 Or Later GWS Stop Action For MTP Routed Messages
971-0109-[01, 02,
04, 05, -06, 07] EAGLE Nodal Software Update (For releases 40.1, 41.x 42.x 43.x 44.x 45.x)
2. L99411 Oracle Communications EAGLE – ISO – per 250K Transactions per Second Metric: This product
determines the maximum number of transaction per second (TPS) allowed per Oracle Communications
EAGLE node. A minimum quantity of one is required per node. Depending on the quantity purchased, the
following legacy part numbers may be activated.
3. L99412 Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Advanced Service Module Enabler – ISO – per Card: This
product enables the Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP solution and is required for each OC EAGLE
Service Module 8 GB B Card utilized. This enables the maximum TPS for the card. The following list of
legacy part numbers is included.
Table 29: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Advanced Service Module Enabler
971-0160-09 EAGLE 10,000 To 13,600 ANSI Database TPS Per E5-SM Upgrade
971-0160-07 EAGLE 6,800 To 10,000 ANSI Database TPS Per E5-SM Upgrade
EAGLE 41.1 Or Later License 5,000 To 6,800 ANSI DB Transactions Per Second Per
E5-SM Upgrade
971-0160-03 EAGLE ANSI DB Transaction Upgrade To Maximum Transactions License Per E5-SM
4. L99413 Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP – ISO – per Node Metric: This product enables the Local
Number Portability (LNP) features which must run on the EAGLE node and work in concert with the LNP
functionality which execute on a separate LNP server hosted on the Oracle Communications EAGLE
Application B Card. The following list of legacy part numbers is included.
893-0263-01 EAGLE 40.0 Or Later License ACG For ITU TCAP LRN Query
5. L99414 Oracle Communications EAGLE Advanced Service Module Enabler – ISO – per Card: This
product enables any Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor based features which are
processed on the EAGLE Service Module cards. The legacy part numbers listed below are included.
6. L99415 Oracle Communications EAGLE Mobile Number Portability – ISO – per Node: This product
enables the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) features at the node level. The following legacy part
numbers are included.
893-0398-01 EAGLE EPAP 240M Support (120M DN + 120M IMSI) Per Node
971-0359-01 EAGLE 41.1 Or Later License GRN For NP With INP ATI Mobile Number Portability
7. L99416 Oracle Communications EAGLE Security and Fraud – ISO – per Node Metric: This product
enables a set of security and fraud detection features which allow for the screening, detection and analysis
of suspect message parameters as well as the execution of various consequential actions. The following
list of legacy part numbers is included.
8. L100139 Oracle Communications EAGLE Suspicious Call Identification – ISO – per Node: This product
allows operators to detect and screen abusive, spam and fraudulent traffic. Enables selective copy and
forward of ISUP messages based on configurable trigger parameters of the ISUP message.
9. L100140 Oracle Communications EAGLE Service Actions Portability and Flexibility – ISO – per Node: This
product provides enhanced service selection capabilities for EAGLE Mobile Number Portability, HLR
Router and SMS routing.
10. L100939 Oracle Communications EAGLE Intra Network Number Portability – ISO – per Node: This
product allows enhancement to Mobile Number Portability allowing operators to route calls differently
based on the origin of the call. For example, allows Indian operators to expand Regional Number
Portability to National Number Portability. This feature can also serve 3G 4G migration scenarios.
11. L99417 Oracle Communications EAGLE HLR Router – ISO – per Node: This product is applicable to any
ITU or ANSI mobile network. It optimizes the use of subscriber numbers and number ranges by providing a
12. L99418 Oracle Communications EAGLE Equipment Identity Register – ISO – per Node: This product can
prevent the use of stolen handsets by allowing the network operator to compare the handset’s IMEI and/or
IMSI to the blacklist of stolen handsets. If a match is encountered, the operator can prevent the handset
from being registered on the network, thus rendering it useless. The following legacy part numbers are
13. L99419 Oracle Communications EAGLE Global Title Translation Routing – ISO – per Node: The SCCP
Global Title Translations (GTT) feature uses the signaling connection control part (SCCP) to translate
addresses (Global Titles) to final and / or intermediate routing destinations. The following legacy part
numbers are included.
14. L99420 Oracle Communications EAGLE Triggerless ISUP Framework Routing – ISO – per Node: TIF
(Triggerless ISUP Framework) provides an overall structure for ISUP traffic related features. It allows the
EAGLE to intercept messages and apply special processing to them. For example, number portability,
number substitution and blacklisting for called and calling party number. The following legacy part numbers
are included.
16. L99422 Oracle Communications EAGLE Prepaid Routing – ISO – per Node: Provides advanced routing
mechanisms to ensure the correct routing and charging of signaling traffic related to prepaid customers
and typically applied to number portability or SMS processing. For example, it enriches IDP messages
with number portability information.
Table 39: Oracle Communications EAGLE Prepaid Routing
971-0365-01 EAGLE 40.1 Or Later License Prepaid SMS Intercept Support For SSN Routing
17. L99423 Oracle Communications EAGLE SMS Routing – ISO – per NodeL: This product provides various
Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT) SMS routing features including options such as B-
Party routing and number portability related routing conditions. The following legacy part numbers are
18. L99434 Oracle Communications EAGLE Service Handler 8 GB – ISO – per Card: This product is required
for each Service Module 8 GB card purchased and entitles the maximum throughput capacity of the card.
The legacy part numbers listed below are included.
EAGLE 41.1 Or Later License 5,000 To 6,800 GTT Transactions Per Second Per E5-
SM Upgrade
893-0191-03 EAGLE 10,000 TPS Per E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Per Node
893-0191-04 EAGLE 13,600 TPS Per E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Per Node
971-0278-02 EAGLE GTT Transactions Upgrade To Maximum Transactions License Per E5-SM
19. L99436 Oracle Communications EAGLE Ethernet B Traffic Handler – ISO – per Card: This product is
required for each Oracle Communications EAGLE Ethernet B (ENET-B) card purchased. These cards
allow for SIGTRAN traffic or IP terminals or message copy capabilities and flow of SIGTRAN (IP Based)
messages through the system. If used for SIGTRAN, entitles the maximum throughput capacity of the
card. The legacy part numbers listed below are included.
Table 42: Oracle Communications EAGLE Ethernet B Traffic Handler
971-0287-07 EAGLE 38.0 Or Later License E5-ENET IPGW To IPSG Upgrade M3UA Limited
20. L99438 Oracle Communications EAGLE Asynchronous Transfer Mode B Traffic Handler – ISO – per
Card: This product is required for each Oracle Communications Asynchronous Transfer Mode B (ATM-B)
card purchased and entitles the maximum throughput capacity of each card. These cards allow for traffic
flow of ATM messages through the system. The legacy part numbers below are included.
Table 43: Oracle Communications EAGLE Asynchronous Transfer Mode B Traffic Handler
21. L99440 Oracle Communications EAGLE E1T1 B Traffic Handler – ISO – per Card: This product is
required for each E1T1-B card purchased and entitles the maximum throughput capacity of the card. The
legacy part numbers below are included.
893-0273-04 EAGLE 41.0 Or Later Synchronous T1 High Speed Link A System Qty 24
893-0273-12 EAGLE 41.0 Or Later License Synchronous T1 High Speed Link A System Qty 88
893-0273-15 EAGLE 41.0 Or Later License Synchronous T1 High Speed Link A System Qty 112
22. L99424 Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor Provisioning – ISO – per Card: This
product provides the provisioning interface for MNP, HLR Router, INP/AINPQ, EIR, IGM, IDP, SMS related
features and Network Bridge products. It also contains a separate database which stores Dialed Number
(DN) and International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) entries used by number portability applications
and applications which perform message analysis and re-routing based on a set of operator defined rules.
The following legacy part numbers are included.
971-0260-01 EPAP 9.6 Or Later License PDBA Proxy Support For SOG
971-0277-01 EPAP Version Independent License 1000 Number Range Entries Per Each Increment
23. 99426 Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor NonProvisioning – ISO – per Card: This
product offers similar functionality to part number L99424 however it is not provisioned directly from
external data sources but rather from an Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor
Provisioning node. The following legacy part is included.
24. L99425 Oracle Communications EAGLE Application Processor Database Capacity – ISO – per 500K DB
Entries: This product provides database capacity for the Oracle Communications EAGLE Application
Processor. Each unit of this part adds a database capacity of 500K. the maximum database capacity
supported is 240M entries (120M for IMSIs and IMEI-based entries and another 120M for MSISDN based
entries). The follow legacy part is included.
25. L99430 Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor – ISO – per Card: This product is part
of the Oracle Communications LNP solution. The Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP solution provides
the appearance of a service control point (SCP) to other SCCP and TCAP applications residing in other
network elements. This includes local SCCP subsystem management, automatic call gapping and TCAP
error handling procedures. The two primary functions of LNP supported by the Oracle Communications
EAGLE are: Location Routing Number (LRN) query and Message Relay (MR) function.
Table 48: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor
26. L99431 Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor Database Capacity – ISO – per 12M
LNP Entries: This product enables the database capacity for the required number of Local Number
Portability (LNP) entries. Depending on the quantity purchased, the following legacy part numbers may be
Table 49: Oracle Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor Database Capacity
971-4171-01 POD Feature Module LNP 12M To 24M Record Upgrade Per Node EAGLE
971-4172-01 POD Feature Module LNP 24M To 36M Record Upgrade Per Node EAGLE
971-4173-01 POD Feature Module LNP 36M To 48M Record Upgrade Per Node EAGLE
27. L99428 Oracle Communications LSMS – ISO – per Card: This product provides the interface between the
Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) Service Management System (SMS) and the Oracle
Communications EAGLE LNP Application Processor. It supports provisioning of the Oracle
Communications EAGLE with NPAC data as well as locally administered service provider specific data.
The following legacy part numbers are included.
971-0233-01 LSMS 10.0 or Later License NANC 399 SV Type Indicator and Alternative SPID
28. L99441 Oracle Communications LSMS Query Server – Server Perpetual: This product provides users with
the ability to store a copy of the LSMS data on a separate, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware for
off line data analysis and reporting. The following legacy part number is included.
29. L99445 Oracle Communications EAGLE FTP Table Base Retrieval – per Server Perpetual: This product
allows customers to provision table data of an Oracle Communications EAGLE node via FTP retrieval and
script replacement. Oracle Communications EAGLE FTP Table Base Retrieval can be used to retrieve
and manipulate the table data and send subsequent changes (replace) to the Oracle Communications
EAGLE OA&M. The following legacy part number is included.
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