Diagnostic Methods of Oil Immersed Transformers
Diagnostic Methods of Oil Immersed Transformers
Diagnostic Methods of Oil Immersed Transformers
Transformer is a vital equipment in a power system and to ensure reliable service and to plan for timely
preventive maintenance suitable monitoring & diagnostic methods are required. This paper gives a
review of the on-line monitoring & diagnostic and off-line diagnostic methods used for oil immersed
(1) Introduction:
The modern power system is mandated to provide reliable uninterrupted power supply and
therefore, it is important to ensure the health and longevity of the transformer. There are
several effective on-line and off-line diagnostic tools available today for the diagnostic the
condition of the transformer which can identify incipient faults, estimate the remaining life, as
certain maintenance strategy or to schedule the retirement & replacement of the transformer.
This paper lists out the diagnostic monitoring methods and reviews some of the commonly used
The online monitoring / diagnostic methods measure the inputs continuously without affecting
the operation of the transformer whereas the off-line methods need the planned shutdown of
the transformer.
The on-line continuous data collected and analysed are shown in Table I. The measurement
applicable for a particular transformer is selected based on the design, the application, the
rating etc.
Table I-On Line Monitoring Methods
Sl. No. Transformer Subsystem On Line Data Monitored
1. Core & Coil Assembly - Load current of Transformer
-Terminal Voltage of Transformer
-Winding Temperature
-Top oil Temperature
-Peak Voltage of surge (if any)
-Short circuit current / surge current (if any)
-Search coil based monitoring of internal faults
-Dissolved gases in oil (DGA)
-Core to ground current
-Tank to ground current
-Moisture in oil
-Operating Noise
-Partial discharge measurement
2. Oil Preservation System - Oil level in Tank/conservator
-Nitrogen / gas pressure level
-Moisture in oil
3. Cooling System -Ambient Temperature
-Cooling system supply
-Cooling fan status (ON/OFF)
-Fan motor current
-Status of oil pump (ON/OFF)
-Oil pump motor current
-Oil flow through the pump
4. Bushings -Capacitance & Tan delta
-Leakage current
-Bushing voltage through capacitive coupler
5. On Load Tap Changer -OLTC oil level
-Dissolved gas in OLTC oil
-Moisture content in OLTC oil
-Current through OLTC (winding current)
-Oil temperature of OLTC Diverter switch
Most of the on-line monitoring parameters in 2.1 can be measured and analysed off-line also,
depending on the criticality of the installation and the type of diagnostic system envisaged.
Off-line measurements are taken when a transformer is disconnected from service. The major
techniques are given below:
The predictive maintenance and reliability centered techniques used frequently are reviewed
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) detects incipient fault conditions leading to future faults of
transformer. Oil is a hydrocarbon molecule containing hydrogen and carbon atoms forming
chemical bonds. Decomposition of Electrical insulation materials in transformer (paper & oil)
generates gases. Table 2, shows the various gases developed in the transformer oil.
Table – 2 Various gases dissolved in the transformer oil
Gas Formula Temperature at which Source of Gases
gas forms
Hydrogen H2 <150oC – Corona in oil Partial Discharge Thermal faults
>250oC – Thermal & Power Discharges
Electrical faults
Methane CH4 <150oC -300oC Corona partial discharge low &
medium temperature faults
Ethane C 2H6 200oC – 400oC Low and medium temperature faults
o o
Ethylene C 2H4 300 C – 700 C High temperature Thermal faults
Acetylene C 2H2 >700oC High Hot Spot. Low Energy discharge.
o o
Carbon CO 105 C – 300 C Thermal faults involving paper press
Monoxide > 300oC complete board, wood etc.
Carbon CO2 100oC – 300oC Normal aging Thermal fault involving
Dioxide cellulose
Oxygen O2 Vacuum when Exposure to air, Leaky gasket Air
temperature drops breathing through Conservator
Gases dissolved in oil is analysed by gas chromatography which separates each gas form other
and directly measures their concentrations individually. The interpretation is carried out by the
guidelines given in IEC 60599-2007-5 “mineral oil Impregnated Electrical Equipment in service:
guide to the interpretation of Dissolved and Free gas Analysis”
IEEE C57.104.2008 – “IEEE guide for the Interpretation of gases generated in Oil Immersed
The concentration of various gases and the ratios of the concentration give conclusion regarding
the type of fault/condition existing in the transformer.
The guidelines for interpretation of DGA in oil filled transformers as per CIGRE SC-15 is given in
Table 4:
Table 4 – Interpretation of DGA in oil filled transformer as per CIGRE SC -15
Name Ratio Significant Value Interpretation
Key Ratio 1 C2H2 / C2H6 >1 Discharge
Key Ratio 2 H2 / CH4 >10 Partial Discharge
Key Ratio 3 C2H4 / C2H6 >1 Thermal fault in oil
Key Ratio 4 CO2 / CO >10 indicate over heating of cellulose Cellulose Degradation
<3 indicates degradation of cellulose
by Electrical
Key Ratio 5 C2H2 / H2 >2 (>30 PPM) Diffusion from OLTC or Applicable for in Tank
through common conservator OLTC
Evaluation of Faults by Rogers Ratio Method (IEEE C57.104.2008) Table 5 gives the 6 different
cases as per IEEE C57.104.2008
Duval Triangle
Duval Triangle method plots the relative percentage of CH4, C2H4 and C2H2 on each side of a
triangle from 0 to 100% 6 zones of faults are indicated in the triangle and a zone indicating
mixture of thermal and Electrical faults (DT zone)
This is a graphical method follow the evolution of faults with time. Several software packages
are available for DGA interpretations using triangle method. In an oil filled transformer the
dielectric including cellulose and oil is continuously under electrical stress. The minor voids or
imperfections, conductive particles etc create localized stresses leading to partial breakdown of
the dielectric. These discharges are very fast electrical processes and radiate electromagnetic
waves of high frequency and ultra High frequency range. If such partial discharges are
continuously increasing, it is a sure sign of a weak insulation, high stress concentration etc.
These are signs of incipient faults.
A healthy oil filled transformer can have PD magnitude of 10-50 PC or lower at operating
voltage. The increasing PD levels signify the following:
Table 6 – Significance of varying PD levels
100 – 300 PC Presence of particles with small air bubbles.
(This is typical after filling oil)
Upto 500 PC This level in an oil barrier space may be considered as normal
(This does not affect the dielectric withstand level)
>1000PC This can be caused by different degradation process
(a) 2000-4000 PC level generally signifies increasing
moisture level.
(PD inception level is reduced in the case)
(b) 1000-2000PC – indicates poor impregnation
(c) >2500pC is cellulose – will cause destructive ionization if
(d) >10,000 PC in oil- will cause destructive ionization if
When the transformer operates the insulation ages (becomes weak) and it would ultimately had
to a breakdown cause the failure of the transformer. The number of glucose rings in the
cellulose is reduced when the kraft paper ages and this is called Degree of Polymerisation (DP).
New Cellulose will have 1000-1200 glucose rings when a transformer is manufacture, it is
processed under drying and some of the rings are broken down and hence the DP value of new
transformer is about 950.
A DP value of 250 is considered as the end point of insulation life and at this point the insulation
becomes highly brittle and the tensile strength of the cellulose becomes very low. [If left
without disturbance some transformers may give extended useful service after reaching this
Measuring the DP value of the insulation paper can be done by taking sample from the
transformer. However, this has several drawbacks like
(a) The transformer will have to be switched off and opened to take a sample and
(b) The same collected may not be from the area of maximum aging i.e the hot spot
The disintegration of the cellulose inside the transformer generates Furan Compounds which
are dissolved in the transformer oil. Hence, it is convenient to analyse the transformer oil
sample for Furan content to determine the aging (DP) of the insulation. This can be done
without switching off the transformer. The Furan compounds generated by various types of
reactions are different. The concentration of Furaldehyde (2FAL) in the oil is due to the
overheating of the paper and the maximum aging is at the location of hot spot. The drawback of
this method is that the measurement gives an average of the Furan Concentration and
therefore, the same at the hot spot may be much higher. The concentration of Furals are
measured by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. The concentration of various Furans
indicate different types of stresses as shown in Table -8
The transformer is a complex RLC network and any form of damage, inconsistency or
deformation anywhere in the active results in change of this RLC circuit. When different
frequencies are applied to the transformer, the RLC network offers different impedance path
and the transfer function at each frequency is a measure of the effective impedance of the
network. Any geometrical change alters the RLC network which in turn changes the transfer
function at different frequencies thereby highlighting the area of concern.
When a new transformer is manufactured and passes the tests, the SFRA of the transformer can
be taken for using as a reference (signature). This can be compared with SFRA measurement in
future, for example, after transportation to site, after installation, after an incident like a
tripping, Earthquake etc.
If SFRA of a transformer is not available, detection of abnormalities can be tired in any one of
the following methods.
- Checking the SFRA of another transformer of the same design from the same batch of
production, if available.
- Comparing SFRA of other phases of the transformer
The response of SFRA for different range of frequencies can pin-point the region / component of
concern / problem. A guideline for the interpretation of probable reasons is given in Table - 11.
The traditional method of measuring the moisture content of the oil in the transformer does not
give the oil absorbed in the cellulose insulation. This is because when the transformer is loaded,
and the winding temperature rises, the moisture comes out from the cellulose and absorbs in
oil. When the load comes down the temperature comes down and the moisture returns back to
the cellulose. Though the moisture equilibrium curves can be used to determine the moisture in
cellulose, the results are highly dependent on temperature of the oil and it may give inaccurate
By measuring the dielectric response over a wide frequency range, the moisture content of the
insulation can be determined and the condition assessed.
The test is normally done between the High Voltage and Low Voltage winding of a transformer
by applying frequencies from 0.001 Hz to 1000 Hz to measure the dissipation factor. The
voltage used for testing is upto 200 volts. The moisture content and aging is revealed at higher
frequencies. The shape of the curve shows the relative moisture levels and a typical response
pattern is shown in Figure-1
Figure – 1: The shape of the curve shows the relative moisture levels and a typical response pattern
3.6 Recovery Voltage Measurement (RVM)
A step voltage is applied to the transformer and a charging current flows. Then it is short
circuited during the discharge time and then it is open circuited. A recovery voltage appears
across the terminals. This is caused by the unfinished polarization.
The recovery voltage is measured by changing the charging time. The discharging time is kept as
2 times charging time for all measurements. These measurements at different charging times
give the polarization spectra.
The absorbance of ultra violet (UV) light of fresh oil is low. When the oil ages, the absorption of
UV light goes up. The absorption is the highest between the wavelengths of 200-380 mm.
Absorbance (Anstrom)
4 Aged Oil
New Oil
200 215 225 250 275 300 325 335 350 375 400 425 450 475 500
Figure 2 - Absorbance of ultra violet (UV) light in fresh oil and aged oil
3.8 Search Coil based on-line diagnostics of transformer internal faults
Internal faults related to transformer windings such as inter turn faults and winding
displacement changes the inductance of the winding when compared to the inductance at
healthy conditions. If search coils are installed during manufacture, the induced voltages in the
search coils can be analysed to monitor the changes of the inductance. The faulty winding and
location of the defect can be detected.
The polarization current of a transformer winding is a function of the geometry, oil properties &
aging. Initial value of polarization current is determined by the oil conductivity. The
depolarisation current comes down with the elapse of time when compared to polarization
current depending on the moisture. A typical pattern of the polarization and depolarization
current is shown in Figure – 3
Current (Amps)
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3 –Polarisation & depolarization current when high moisture in cellulose (≈1%)
1 50 100 500 1000 5000 10000
Current (Amps)
Time (Seconds)
Figure 3 –Polarisation & depolarization current when high moisture in cellulose (≈5%)
3.10 Embeded wireless monitoring and Fault diagnostic system
On line monitoring is possible for diagnostic methods including dissolved gases in oil, oil
temperature, winding temperature, oil level, core temperature, cooler operation etc. Embeded
system is used and the data is transmitted by RF transmitter to the control room.
Dissolved Gas
Oil Temperature
RF Receiver
Winding Temperature
Core Temperature
Search Coil
Oil Level
Power Supply
When a dielectric material is subjected to an Electric field, the electrical dipoles are oriented in
the direction of the field. This orientation has a time delay which depends on the material, the
moisture content and the geometry of the insulation. The frequency range used for analysis is
normally 0.001 Hz to 1000 Hz.
Monitoring of the ambient, winding, oil and tank body temperatures can identify any excessive
temperature above the permissible values. If the temperature exceeds the designed value
applicable for the class of insulation, the aging becomes rapid and also this can be an indication
of defects / faults leading to failure.
The top oil temperature and winding temperature can be monitored on-line and tools are
available for remaining life estimation & load management.
On-line thermography can monitor and detect temperature gradients on tank surface. The
gradients can be compared to the tested values under defined operating conditions to take
suitable action.
3.13 Load Monitoring
The loads of each phase of the primary, secondary, and other windings (if applicable) is
monitored for load management by including the data of ambient temperature, oil temperature
and winding temperature where Fans and pumps are used for transformer cooling, the input
currents to these devices and the operation can be monitored.
Excessive vibration is often an indication of abnormal operation of fan, pump, loose coils, loose
clamping, shorted turns etc. which can lead to a failure.
The operation of condenser bushing is monitored by measuring the current through the test tap
in operation. Change in tan delta and the charging current are monitored to detect the
abnormality / fault of the bushing.
- In oil insulated on-load tap changer, (OLTC) the contact temperature can be indirectly
monitored by measuring the temperature of the oil in the OLTC compartment. This
temperature is compared with the oil temperature of the main tank.
4.0 Fuzzy Information approach to integrate results of different diagnostic methods
Good experience is essential to interpret the results of many of the diagnostic techniques with
accuracy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, can be applied to arrive at the most probable
interpretation using the Fuzzy information approach. Information about the relationship
between different fault types and diagnostic results is made into a fault tree.
5.0 Conclusion
A review of the important monitoring and diagnostic methods used for oil filled transformers is
presented in this paper. Guideline values of Dissolved gases, partial Discharge and Furan (2FAL)
levels for interpretation of results are presented. The paper further presents the principles of
techniques like SFRA, DFRA, RVM optical spectroscopy, PDC, Frequency Domain spectroscopy