Computer Based MCQ (1-100)

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1. Which of the following is a programming language?

a) Lotus

b) Pascal✓

c) MS-Excel

d) Netscape

2. Which disk is used to 'cold boot' a PC?

a) Setup disk

b) System disk✓

c) Diagnostic disk

d) Program disk

3. A collection of unprecedented items is............

a) information

b) data✓

c) memory

d) reports

4. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called....................

a) double-space

b) indentation

c) single-space✓

d) crop

5. In Excel which of the following symbols is used before a numeric value so that it can be
treated as a labeled value?
a) "(quote)

b) =(equal)✓

c) _(underscore)

d) '(apostrophe)

6. Which is not a font style ?

A.) Bold

B.) Superscript✓

C.) Regular

D.) Italic

7. What is gutter margin ?

A.) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing✓

B.) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing

C.) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing

D.) Margin that is added to right margin when printing

8. Landscape is ?

A.) A font style

B.) Page Orientation✓

C.) Paper Size

D.) Page Layout

9. Typeface option will come under which menu ?

A.) Edit
B.) Format✓

C.) Tools

D.) View

10. Background color on a document is not visible in ?

A.) Print Preview✓

B.) Web layout view

C.) Print Layout view

D.) Reading View

11. Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut is used for

A.) Save the document

B.) Create new slide✓

C.) Manage document

D.) Edit the document

12. In ms-word F7 functional key is used for

A.) Refreshing the page

B.) Modify the document

C.) Spell check✓

D.) None of these

13. How many worksheets are there in one workbook?

A.) 250

B.) 251
C.) 253

D.) 255✓

14. Ctrl+P shortcut key is used for

A.) Deleting the document

B.) Saving the document

C.) Printing the document✓

D.) Mailing the document

15. Which of the following is an application software package

A.) Red hat Linux

B.) Microsoft xp

C.) Microsoft office✓

D.) None of these

16. Watermark option is available in___________menu

A.) Insert

B.) Mailing

C.) References

D.) Design✓

17. Which of the following is spreadsheet program?.

A.) Ms-word

B.) Ms-power point

C.) Ms-excel✓
D.) Ms-access

18. Which is the widely used word processing software in computers?

A.) Ms-word✓

B.) Ms-power point

C.) Ms-excel

D.) Ms-access

19. Ms excel is used for creating.................

A.) Presentations

B.) Documents

C.) Sending mails

D.) Spreadsheets✓

20. Ms-power point is a ________ language

A.) Document

B.) Spreadsheet

C.) Presentation✓

D.) programmatic

21. The combination of row and column is called ______________

A.) Line

B.) Colum

C.) Cell✓

D.) Row
22. MS Excel is used for.................

A. Letter writing

B. Spreadsheet calculations✓

C. Presentation

D. Painting

E. None of these

23. Escape key is used in power point for.................

A.) Open new slide

B.) Deleting slide

C.) Saving the slide

D.) Come out of slide show✓

24. ClipArt option is available in ___________ menu

A.) Insert✓

B.) Page Layout

C.) References

D.) Home

25. MS-Access extension is___________.

A.) .doc

B.) .docx

C.) .xps

D.) .mdb✓
26. _________ executes one or more database commands automatically

A.) Module✓

B.) Query

C.) Macro

D.) Micro

27. Operating System is the most common type of___________software.

a) System✓

b) Application

c) Communication

d) None of these

28. Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

a) Status bar

b) Tool bar✓

c) Menu bar

d) Title bar

29. The___________program compresses large files into a small file.

a) WinZip✓

b) WinShrink

c) WinStyle

d) None of above
30. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks except................

a) Viruses

b) Spam✓

c) Hackers

d) None of them

31. ___________are software which is used to do particular task.

a) Operating system

b) Data

c) Software

d) Program✓

32 Which of the following languages is more suited to a structured program?

A. PL/1




E. None of the above

33. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical
systems is___________.

A. Data transmission

B. Data flow✓

C. Data capture

D. Data processing

E. None of the above

34. The brain of any computer system is___________.


B. Memory


D. Control unit

E. None of the above

35 What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other generation computers?

A. Technological advancement✓

B. Scientific code

C. Object Oriented Programming

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

36 Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?



C. C


E. None of the above

37. নী চর কানিট ছাড়া Internet এ বশ করা সহজ না?

A Task Bar

B Menu Bar
C Notification Area

D Web Browser✓

38. Webpage, FTP file ইত ািদ ক কী বলা হয়?

A নিট জন

B নটওয়াক

C ই ার নট ডকুম ✓

D ওয়াইফাই

39. ই ার নট সবা দাণকারী কা ািন ক িক বলা হয়?

A Portal site connection

B Internet connection provider

C Internet service provider✓

D Web ড ভলপার

40. পারসনাল কি উটার যু ক র িন চর কানিট তির করা যায়?

A Super Computer

B Server

C Network✓

D এ ার াইজ

41. িন চর কান ঘ র িঠকানা টাইপ কর ল কা দর কা ছ ই- মইল কিপ পাঠা না হ য় ছ তা ই- মইল হণকারী

জান ত পার ব না?

A group

B cc

C bcc✓
D ccc

42. Bandwidth means___________

A The range of frequencies✓

B Bit per second

C Cycle per second

D Bit per minute

43. Bluetooth is the popular name for the___________wireless networking standard.

A 802.15✓

B 802.11

C 702.15

D 702.11

44. Company that provides internet service is called___________

A Portal site Connector

B Internet Connection Provider

C Web Developer

D Internet Service Provider✓

45. DHCP is the abbreviation of___________

A Dynamic Host Control Protocol

B Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol✓

C Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol

D None
46. Each IP packet must contain___________

A Only source address

B Only destination address

C Source and destination address✓

D None

47. The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called _________

A. document formatting

B. database management

C. mail merge✓

D. form letters

48. Which of the following is the basic software of MS Office?

A. MS-Word

B. MS Excel

C. MS-Power point

D. MS Access

E. All of these✓

49. The first bar of MS Word is___________

A. menu bar

B. status bar

C. title bar✓

D. formatting toolbar
E. standard toolbar

50. To open a new file in MS Word, the shortcut key is___________

A. Ctrl+X

B. Ctrl+N✓

C. Ctrl+Y

D. Ctrl+V

E. None of these

51.When you start MS Word, the opening document has the name as___________

A. DOC 1

B. Document 1✓

C. Document

D. Workbook

E. Task book

52. In Microsoft Word, which command is used to search for a word?

A. Ctrl+D

B. Ctrl+F✓

C. Ctrl+R

D. Ctrl+A

53. ___________controls the functioning of the computer system as well as provides users the
means to interact with the computer.

A. The motherboard

B. A network
C. The platform

D. The operating system✓

54. Photo-editing, word-processing, and spreadsheet are examples of which of the following?

A. Platform software

B. System software

C. Operating software

D. Application software✓

55. What is Ubuntu?

A. A malware

B. An operating system✓

C. An application program

D. A firmware

56. A webpage is identified by___________





57. What is the shortcut key for Page Break in Microsoft Word?

A. Ctrl+Enter✓

B. Ctrl+P

C. Ctrl+Page Down
D. Alt+P

E. None of these

58.Microsoft office was developed by ___________ in 1980’s.

A. Microsoft Inc

B. Sun Microsoft Inc✓

C. Google

D. Apple

E. Yahoo

59. Which of the following is not a pertaining to word?

A. Delete

B. Edit

C. Copy

D. Slide show✓

E. None of these

60. Which key on the key board can be used to view slide show?

A. F1

B. F2

C. F5✓

D. F10

E. None of these

61. PowerPoint provides __________ number of layouts for use with blank presentation.
A. 20

B. 22

C. 24✓

D. 26

E. None of these

62. What is the shortcut key for centering the text selected by the user in Word?

A. Ctrl+A

B. Ctrl+B



E. Ctrl+E✓

63. The maximum zoom percentage in MS PowerPoint is__________

A. 100%

B. 200%

C. 400%✓

D. 500%

E. None of these

63. The extension of saved file in MS- Excel is__________

A. .xis

B. .xas

C. xlsx✓

D. .xll
E. .lsx

65. Pressing Ctrl + F9 in Excel__________

A. Prints 9 worksheets

B. Prints A sheets

C. Prints 9 followed by space D. Inserts 9 cells at the current location.

E. None of these✓

66. MS Word is an__________

A. tabular data formatting software

B. word processing software✓

C. presentation software D. e-mail client

E. database management system

67.By default on which page the header or footer is printed?

A. on first page

B. on alternative page

C. on every page✓

D. all of the above

E. none of these

68. তথ ও া াম যা সসর ব বহার ক র না তা কাথায় ার করা হয়?

A. Input units

B. Output units

C. Secondary storage✓

E. none of the above

69. Who was the founder of Bluetooth?

a) Martin Cooper

b) Ericson✓

c) Steve Jobs

d) Apple

70. Information on a computer is stored as what?

a) analog data

b) modem data

c) digital data✓

d) None of these

71. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document.

a) Hyperlink✓

b) Anchor

c) Reference

d) URL

72. Which of the following is not term of information technology?

a) Cyber space

b) Light storage✓

c) Upload
d) Modem

73. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with a unit is a?

a) Disk

b) Data

c) File✓

d) None of these

74. Documents, movies, images and photographs etc are sorted at a?

a) Application Server

b) File Server✓

c) Web Server

d) Print Server

75. USB is which type of storage device?

a) Primary

b) Secondary✓

c) Tertiary

d) None of these

76. World Wide Web এ বশ করার জন কান সফটওয় ার ব বহার করা হয়?

a) Server

b) Web

c) Browser✓

d) E-mail
77. What is a portion of document in which you set certain page formatting options?

a) Section✓

b) Page

c) Document

d) Page Setup

78. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors?

a) WordArt

b) Clipart✓

c) Drop Cap

d) All of these

79. য ারি ক া াম ার করার জন ROM লা গ সিট কী?

a) Computer startup Loader

b) OS Version

c) Kernel

d) Bootstrap Loader✓

80. IQ এর পূ
ণ প কী?

a) Intelligent Quality

b) Intelligence Query

c) Intelligent Question

d) Intelligence Quotient✓
81. What is a ‘cookie’?

A Hacker file

B Personal file

C Netscape

D Internet information file✓

82. ___ provides a connection- oriented reliable service for sending messages




D None

83. A computer port is used to....................

A Communicate with hard disks

B Download Files

C Communicate with other computer peripherals✓

D None

84. An electrical pathway within a computer is called.................

A Buffer

B Sector

C Track

D Bus✓

85. ATM এর পূ
ণ পহ ?
A Alternative teller machine

B Alternative transfer money

C Automated teller machine✓

D All time money

86. UNIVAC is__________

A) Universal Automatic Computer✓

B) Universal Array Computer

C) Unique Automatic Computer

D) Unvalued Automatic Computer

87. The basic operations performed by a computer are__________

A) Arithmetic operation

B) Logical operation

C) Storage and relative

D) All the above✓

88. The two major types of computer chips are__________

A) External memory chip

B) Primary memory chip

C) Microprocessor chip

D) Both b and c✓

89. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers?

A) First Generation
B) Second Generation

C) Third Generation

D) Fourth Generation✓

90. What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?

A) Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers

B) Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers

C) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe
uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently✓

D) Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe

uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible.

91. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?

A) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code✓

B) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code

C) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code

D) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

92. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on__________

A) tracks per inch of surface

B) bits per inch of tracks

C) disk pack in disk surface

D) All of above✓

92. The two kinds of main memory are__________

A) Primary and secondary

B) Random and sequential

C) ROM and RAM✓

D) All of above

93. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the
different units can handle data is__________

A) Memory

B) Buffer✓

C) Accumulator

D) Address

94. Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it__________

A) Accuracy

B) Reliability

C) Diligence✓

D) Versatility

95. Integrated Circuits (Ics) are related to which generation of computers?

A) First generation

B) Second generation

C) Third generation✓

D) Fourth generation

96. CD-ROM is a__________

A) Semiconductor memory

B) Memory register
C) Magnetic memory

D) None of above✓

97. A hybrid computer__________

A) Resembles digital computer

B) Resembles analogue computer

C) Resembles both a digital and analogue computer✓

D) None of the above

98. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?

A) Minicomputers

B) Microcomputers

C) Mainframe computers✓

D) Super computer

99. The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

A) Primary memory

B) Control section✓

C) External memory

D) Cache memory

100. Chief component of first generation computer was

A) Transistors

B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves✓

C) Integrated Circuits
D) None of above

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