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MODEL: PFTA 1500-4: Ratings & Performance Data

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MODEL: PFTA 1500-4

4-Pass Steam Packaged Firetube Boiler

Ratings & Performance Data

Horsepower 1500
Steam Storage, ft3 264.8 Natural Gas Flow, SCFH (1,000 Btu/ft3)** 60,243
Steam Disengaging Area, ft 186.4 Combustion Air (15% Excess), SCFM*** 11,024
Total Heating Surface, ft 7,577 Flue Gas Flow Rate, lb/hr*** 52,535
Furnace Outside Diameter, in 53.5 Stack Flue Gas Velocity, ft/min*** 2,148
Furnace Heat Release Rate, Btu/ft hr** 219,000 #2 Oil Flow, gal/hr (140,000 BTU/gal)** 414.5
Total Combustion Volume, ft 388.8 #6 Oil Flow, gal/hr (150,000 BTU/gal)** 383.8
Total Heat Release Rate, Btu/ft hr** 155,000 Flue Gas Side Pressure Drop, in. H2O 9.7
Water Content N.W.L., gal 7,606 Water Content Flooded, gal. 9,587
Approx. Dry Weight 15#, lb 88,200 Approx. Operating Weight 15#, lb. 151,100
Approx. Dry Weight 150#, lb 93,600 Approx. Operating Weight 150#, lb. 156,500
Approx. Dry Weight 200#, lb 99,300 Approx. Operating Weight 200#, lb. 162,200
Approx. Dry Weight 250#, lb 106,500 Approx. Operating Weight 250#, lb. 169,400
Approx. Dry Weight 300#, lb 114,300 Approx. Operating Weight 300#, lb. 177,200
Performance Data
Operating Pressure Steam Rate Natural Gas #2 Oil #6 Oil
(psig) (lb/hr) Stack Temp (F) %Eff Stack Temp (F) %Eff Stack Temp (F) %Eff
10 52,092 267 85.8 274 89.0 282 89.7
50 51,082 325 84.3 332 87.5 341 88.2
100 50,536 366 83.4 372 86.5 381 87.2
150 50,231 394 82.7 401 85.8 410 86.5
200 50,042 416 82.1 423 85.3 432 86.0
250 49,920 434 81.7 441 84.8 451 85.5
300 49,842 450 81.3 457 84.4 467 85.1
*Based on 228°F feedwater and 3% O2, ** Values calculated at 100 psi operating pressure, ***Calculated Firing Natural Gas
Drawings - 4-Pass Steam Packaged Firetube Boiler
Connection & Opening Schedule
Conn. Description Type Qty
FW Feedwater Inlet 2.00 FNPT 2
MS* Main Steam 12.00 300# RF 1
CB Continuous Blowoff 1.00 FNPT 1
BD Blowdown Outlet 2.00 FNPT 2
MW Manway 12 X 16 1
HH Hand Hole 4X6 7
*16.00 150#RF Flange on 15 psig Design

150# Steam design shown, all dimensions given in inches.
Fuel piping and/or optional boiler trim may increase overall width.
Specifications subject to change to incorporate engineering advances.
*May vary on low-NOx designs
MODEL: PFTA 1500-4
Base Diagram

Thermal Expansion

psig 15 150 200 250 300

Metal TMAX (F) 240 366 388 406 421
L (in) 0.133 0.225 0.242 0.256 0.269
MS (in) 0.013 0.022 0.024 0.025 0.027
HT (in) 0.136 0.229 0.247 0.262 0.275
MODEL: PFTA 1500-4
Nozzle Loadings
Maximum Allowable Load on Boiler Steam Nozzle
15# Design 150# Design 200# Design 250# Design 300# Design
FRRF, lb 7,130 5,185 6,630 9,895 18,450
MRCM, in-lb 71,285 91,165 102,360 192,230 314,810
MRLM, in-lb 103,725 70,780 94,550 158,170 238,145

Stack Emissions-Natural Gas (1,000 Btu/CF)

PPMv lb/hr @ Ton/Yr @
(Corr to 3% O2) lb/MBtu Full Rate Full Rate
Distributed By: 110 0.131 7.889 34.554
NOx * 30 0.036 2.152 9.424
9 0.011 0.645 2.827
CO 50 0.037 2.21 9.694
CO2 2.55 lb/lb fuel 119.76 7,215 31,600
H20 2.03 lb/lb fuel 106.16 6,395 28,012
Stack Emissions-#2 Oil** (140,000 Btu/gal)
NOx 128 0.174 10.103 44.252
CO 50 0.037 2.132 9.338
CO2 3.20 lb/lb fuel 168.53 9,780 42,835
H20 1.12 lb/lb fuel 71.20 4,132 18,097
* 110 ppm “A” Burner, 30 ppm A-FGR Burner, 9 ppm FIR Burner

300 Pine Street **0.02% fuel bound Nitrogen

P.O. Box 300
Ferrysburg, MI 49409-0300
Telephone: (616) 842-5050
Net: www.johnstonboiler.com

Printed Feb. 2008

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