Comparative Study On Analysis and Design of Flexible and Rigid Pavements

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Chava Anvesh* et al.


Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.

Comparative Study on Analysis and Design

of Flexible and Rigid Pavements
M.TECH Student (Highway engineering) Professor
Dept of Civil Engineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering,
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, TS, India. Hyderabad, TS, India
Associate Professor Professor
Dept of Civil Engineering Dept of Civil Engineering
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, TS, India Hyderabad, TS, India.
Abstract: A highway pavement is really a structure composed of superimposed layers of processed
materials over the natural soil sub grade, whose primary function would be to distribute the applied
vehicle loads towards the sub-grade. To create the street stretch like a flexible pavement by utilizing style
of flexible pavement by CBR method like a rigid pavement for that collected design upon given black
cotton soil sub-grade and also to estimations the development price of designed pavement. The primary
purpose of this research would be to develop an approach to choose the most inexpensive pavement
design method to handle for that parts of a highway network also to find out the cost analysis of
pavement designs. Various grades of concrete under similar condition of traffic and style concrete road
are located to more appropriate than bituminous road. Because the whole existence cycle cost arrives to
become reduced the plethora of 30% to 50% however for streets getting traffic under 400 cv/day and
road is within good shape, the main difference between whole existence prices of concrete overlay is 15%
to 60% greater than the flexible overlay. The best goal is to make sure that the sent stresses because of
wheel load are sufficiently reduced, so they won't exceed bearing capacity from the sub-grade.
Keywords: Pavement Design; Superimposed Layers; Vehicle Loads; Flexible Pavement; Rigid Pavement
I. INTRODUCTION agent to level and provide a finished turn to the top.
A highway pavement is structure composed of
The transportation by road may be the only mode
superimposed layers of processed materials over
that could give maximum plan to everyone. This
the natural soil sub-grade, whose primary function
mode has additionally the utmost versatility for
would be to distribute the applied vehicle load
travel with regards to route, direction and speed of
towards the sub-grade. The pavement structure
travel. You'll be able to provide door-to-door
should have the ability to give a surface of
service only by road transport. Concrete pavement
acceptable riding quality, sufficient skid resistance,
a lot of advantages for example lengthy life time
favorable light reflecting qualities, and occasional
minimal maintenance, user and atmosphere
environmental noise.
friendly minimizing cost. The pavement structure
should have the ability to give a surface of
acceptable riding quality, sufficient skid resistance,
favorable light reflecting qualities, and occasional
environmental noise. Two kinds of streets are
usually acknowledged as serving this purpose,
namely flexible streets and rigid streets. Pavement
grants or loans friction for that automobiles thus
supplying comfort towards the driver and transfers
Fig.1.Variation in load distribution of flexible and
the traffic load in the surface towards the natural
rigid pavement
soil. Streets are mainly for use by automobiles and
people on the streets [1]. Storm water drainage and II. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENT OF
ecological the weather is a significant concern PAVEMENTS
within the creating of the pavement. The very first
Structural performance: pavement ought to be,
from the built streets go as far back to 4000 BC and
sufficiently strong to face up to the stresses
comprised of stone paved roads or timber streets.
enforced onto it. Thick enough to distribute the
The streets from the earlier occasions relied
exterior loads around the earthen sub-grade.
exclusively on stone, gravel and sand for
Functional performance: a pavement must have,
construction and water was utilized like a binding
riding quality, surface friction for skid resistance,

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Chava Anvesh* et al.
Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.

low noise and, and good geometrics. Pavement III. VARIABLE PAVEMENT DESIGNS
layer thickness incase & sub-first layer
Pavement design comprises thickness resolution of
combinations: total thickness: Min: 380 20(mm) to
different layers for forecasted amount of traffic, in
Max: 850(mm). GSB thickness: 100-380(mm).
situ and weather conditions. The designed
Wmm thickness: 225-250(mm). Layer below
pavement should serve visitors to the presumed
putting on course thickness: 30-170(mm). Putting
degree of service for that design period.
on course thickness: 20-50(mm). Streets are usually
Throughout the service duration of the pavement,
categorized into five types they're: flexible
there are lots of factors associated with traffic,
pavement: Flexible streets are individuals, which
nature and engineering factors which need to be
overall have low flexural strength and therefore are
taken into cost-economy and sturdy service. The
rather within their structural action underneath the
standards affecting pavement design receive below.
loads. The flexible pavement layers reflect the
Material Qualities: Pavement materials contain
deformation from the lower layers onto the top of
various kinds of sub-grade soil, fine aggregates,
layer. An Average Flexible Pavement includes four
granular materials, folders, viz. bitumen, tar,
components: Surface Course, Base Course, Sub-
cement, emulsions, lime etc. Traffic Volume:
base course, Soil Sub Grade. Rigid pavement:
Traffic volume is among the primary factors which
Rigid streets are individuals possess significant
decide pavement thickness. Traffic count articles
flexural strength. The stresses aren't moved from
are carried out at road junctions or imaginary parts
grain towards the lower layers as just in case of
of streets to find out passage of numerous
flexible pavement layers. The rigid streets are
automobiles per unit period of time. Estimate of
constructed with Portland cement concrete-either
future traffic volume for any design period is
plain, strengthened or pre-stressed concrete. The
calculated when it comes to cumulative standard
plain cement concrete foundations are anticipated
axles each year (csa/year). TRAFFIC Rate of
to consider to around 40 kg/cm flexural stresses.
Growth: This value can be used to estimate future
The rigid pavement has got the slab action and is
traffic (A) after n period of time according to
capable of doing transmitting the wheel load
present traffic volume (P). The speed of
stresses via a wide area below. An Average Rigid
development of visitors are generally calculated in
Pavement includes three components: Surface
the rate of growth of car registrations, fuel
course, Base or sub-base course, and Sub-grade [2].
consumption and socio-economic developments
The putting on span of the pavement is built by
inside a locality within the last couple of (ten or
distributing bricks or pre-cast rectangular cement
twenty) years. Design Existence: The word
concrete blocks, or interlocking concrete blocks.
“DESIGN LIFE” signifies the cumulative quantity
The joints together are full of mud of normal
of standard axle load repetitions that a pavement
gradation. These bits of blocks behave as a little
should really supply the preferred degree of service
rigid plate. An amalgamated pavement includes
before requiring strengthening procedures. For
cement concrete or cement-treated granular and
flexible streets, the look period (n), might be taken
bituminous layers. A perfect pavement should
as 10 t0 two decades. For rigid streets, design
satisfy the following needs: Sufficient thickness to
service period varies-just in case of high and low
distribute the wheel load stresses to some safe
traffic volume streets; it might be taken as 20to 3
value around the sub-grade soil, Structurally
decades correspondingly. Lane Distribution Factor:
strong to resist all kinds of stresses enforced on
[LDF] Lane distribution factor is really a decimal
there, Sufficient coefficient of friction to avoid
value which signifies the power of positioning of
skidding of automobiles, Fine surface to supply
wheel load repetitions along a road stretch. The
comfort to road customers even at high-speed,
lane distribution factor (LDF) ought to be
Produce least noise motionless automobiles, Dust
determined from realistic and appropriate field
proof surface to ensure that traffic safety factors are
surveys according to special repeatability of wheel
not impaired by reduction of visibility, Impervious
pathways of various automobiles within the
surface, to ensure that sub-grade soil is properly
transverse direction of the pavement surface.
protected, and Lengthy design existence with low
Standard Axle Load: The entire weight of the
maintenances cost.
vehicle is transported by its axles. The burden
around the axles is moved towards the wheels
which load is ultimately moved onto the top of
pavement in touch with the tires. Load Equivalency
Factor: [LEF] Load equivalency factor (LEF) is
really a number which relates the quantity of
equivalence damage the result of a given load of
axle towards the standard axle load. According to
field test data, AASHTO has suggested specific
load equivalency factors for single and tandem
Fig.2. Typical cross-section of concrete pavement axles [3]. Truck Factor: Truck factors would be the

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Chava Anvesh* et al.
Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.

heavy vehicle factors which are employed to strains as predicted using the fatigue and rutting
convert the volumes of automobiles categorized models, in built-in this particular program. An
under different heavy vehicle classes into ESALs acceptable pavement design is accomplished
of 80 KN, with the load equivalency factors (LEF). through iterative process by different layer
Legal Axle Load Limit: To guard streets against thickness or, as needed, by modifying the pavement
overloading, different agencies in numerous layers materials. Whatever the design procedure, it
nations have recommended maximum allowable is important the material qualities are adopted after
limits of axle load based on their approach to transporting out relevant tests across the materials.
compaction, materials, and factors associated with Where all test facilities aren't available, a under
mix design in addition to pavement crust thickness. people tests needs to be moved out, that may
Vehicle Damage Factor: The harm brought on by validate the assumed design qualities [5]. The kind
different automobiles is calculated while using of tests needed combined with selection of values
vehicle damage factor which is often used for for material qualities receive according to typical
performance modeling, design and upkeep of testing and knowledge about other nations. The as
streets. Load Safety Factor: It's a factor of safety. recommended might be adopted for pavement
To take into consideration unpredicted loads or design as default whilst not without validation by
possible periodic overloading or versions in the posting materials to such tests which may be easily
level of commercial traffic loading especially on moved in any laboratory to validate the assumed
expressways or important streets, the burden safety design values.
factor can be used like a multiplication factor for
growing measured axle loads [4]. Steering wheel
Pressure and Phone Pressure: Pressure within an Given Data:
inflated rubber of the tire is known to as tire
A cement concrete pavement will be created for a
pressure or inflation pressure. Equivalence Single
four-lane divided national highway with two lanes
Wheel Load: Dual wheel with single axle or
in every direction within the condition of
tandem set up of axle-loading configuration is
really a broadly used practice of moving gross Telangana. Style of pavement for that duration of 3
weight of car to the pavement surface, on the decades lane width=3.5m transverse joint is
anticipated that Spacing =4.5m.
greater contact area. According to this idea, the
automobiles transporting greater weight are put Solution:
together with tandem axle-dual wheel set up and
also the resulting concentration of load is going to a) SELECTION OF SUB-GRADE REACTION
be stored inside a specified allowable limit.  Effective CBR of compacted sub-grade
Equivalent single wheel load (ESWL) is really a =8percent.
single tire that is calculated with different standard
 Modulus of sub -grade reaction =
configuration of dual wheel set up.
50.3Mpa/m(form table 2)
 Provide 150mm granular sub-base
 Provide a DLS sub-base thickness 150mm
with minimum 7days compressive strength of
 Effective modulus of sub-grade reaction of
combined foundation of sub-base +granular
sub-base and DLS sub-base(by table 4 by
Fig.3.Details of joints used in a dual-lane  Provide a de-bonding layer of polythene sheet
concrete pavement of 125 microns thickness between DLS and
concrete slab.
Any mixture of traffic and pavement layer OF CONCRETE
composition may be attempted using IITPAVE.
The designer may have full freedom in both  28-day compressive strength of cement
pavement materials and layer thickness. The traffic concrete =40MPa
volume, amount of layers, the layer thickness of  90- day compressive strength of cement
human layers along with the layer qualities would concrete =48MPa
be the user specified inputs within the program,  28-day flexural strength of cement concrete
which gives strains at critical locations as outputs. =4.5MPa
The adequacy of design is checked using the
program by evaluating these strains with allowable  90-day flexural strength of cement concrete

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Chava Anvesh* et al.
Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.


 Design period =30years
 Lane distribution factor = 75% = 0.75
 Annual rate of growth of commercial
 Initial traffic = 3000 CVPD assuming 50% in
traffic(expressed in decimals)=0.075
each direction
 Two way commercial traffic volume per
 Vehicle damage factor [VDF] computed for
day=6000 CVPD
the traffic = 4.5
 % of traffic in predominant direction = 50
 Cumulative number of reputations of standard
percent (3000cvs in each direction
axles to be catered for in the design,
 Total two-way commercial vehicles during
 N = 365*3000*[{(1+0.075)30-1}/0.075]*0.75
design period,
= 84916759.3
 C= = 226,444,692 CVs
 Effective CBR of sub-grade = 8%
 Average number of axles (steering /single  Design resilient modulus of the compacted
/tandem /tridem) vehicle = 2.35 sub-grade = 17.6*(CBR)0.64, CBR > 5
 Total two-way axle load repetitions during the = 17.6*(8)0.64 = 67Mpa
design period,
 Thickness of granular layers: WMM
= 226,444,692*2.35 =250mm, GSB =230mm
= 532,145,025 axles  Resilient modulus of granular layer =
 Number of axles in predominant direction = 0.2*(h)0.45*MR sub-grade
532,145,025*0.5 = 0.2*(480)0.45*67 = 216Mpa
 Design traffic after adjusting for lateral
 Lane distribution factor = 75% = 0.75
placement of axles (25% of predominant
direction traffic for multi-lane highways) =  Initial traffic = 3000 CVPD assuming 50% in
266,072,513*0.25 each direction
= 66,518,128  Vehicle damage factor [VDF] computed for
the traffic = 4.5
 Night time (12-hour) design axle repetitions =
66,518,128*0.6 (60% traffic during night  Cumulative number of reputations of standard
time) axles to be catered for in the design,
= 39,910,877  N = 365*3000*[{(1+0.075)30-1}/0.075]*0.75
 Day time (12-hour) design axle repetitions = = 84916759.3
 Effective CBR of sub-grade = 8%
= 26,607,251
 Design resilient modulus of the compacted
 Day time (6-hour) axle load repetitions = sub-grade = 17.6*(CBR)0.64, CBR > 5
= 17.6*(8)0.64 = 67Mpa
 Thickness of granular layers: WMM
 Hence, design number of axle load repetitions =250mm, GSB =230mm
for bottom-up cracking analysis
 Resilient modulus of granular layer =
= 13,303, 626 0.2*(h)0.45*MR sub-grade
 Night-time (6-hour) axle load repetitions = = 0.2*(480)0.45*67 = 216Mpa
Cumulative fatigue damage analysis has to be done
= 19,955,439 for single, tandem and tridem axles respectively,
 % of commercial vehicles having the spacing taking flexural strength of cemented base as
between the front (steering) axle and the first 1.4Mpa.
axle of the rear axle unit = 55 percent Modulus of rupture of cementitious base = 1.4Mpa.
 Hence, the six hour night time design axle
load repetitions for top-down cracking VII. CONCLUSION
analysis (wheel base < 4.5m) = The pavement was created like a flexible pavement
19,955,439*0.55 upon a black cotton soil sub grade, the CBR
= 10,975,491 technique is most suitable method than available
techniques. The pavement was created like a
flexible method that pavement was created based

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Chava Anvesh* et al.
Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.

on their design thickness that cost analysis of the Notable among his awards i.e National award like
section is calculated, CBR according to IRC is Jawaharlal Nehru memorial prize for best
most suitable when it comes to cost analysis. The research publication, issued Institution of
pavement was created like a rigid pavement, the Engineers on the occasion of Inauguration 27 th
technique is most appropriate. It's observed that Indian Engineering Congress at New Delhi in
flexible streets tend to be more economical for the year 2012 and "Bharat Vidya Shiromani
lesser amount of traffic. The existence of flexible Award" and a "Certificate of Education
pavement is near about fifteen years whose initial Excellence" for Outstanding Achievements in the
price is low requires a periodic maintenance field of Education given by International Institute
following a certain period and maintenance costs of Education & management on 22 nd December
high. Whereas the existence of rigid pavement is a 2014 at New Delhi & Glory of Education of
lot more compared to flexible pavement of Excellence Award is issued by IIEM on 4 th
approximately 4 decades roughly 2.5 occasions March 2015 at New Delhi. Dr. S. Sreenatha
existence of flexible pavement whose initial cost is Reddy received award as Best Academic
a lot more compared to flexible pavement but Administrator from Centre for Advanced
maintenance price is very less. Research and Design under Venus
International Foundation on 5 th July 1972.
[1] IRC: 37-2012 Guidelines for the design of Dr. S. Sreenatha Reddy is well known
flexible pavements (3rdRevision). internationally for his outstanding research in
.Mechanical Engineering. He has also proposed a
[2] IRC: 37-2001 Guidelines for the design of
model using first principles of Thermodynamics to
flexible pavements (2ndRevision).
predict the complex Diesel Engine. In particular, he
[3] Principles and practices of highway has made important contributions to the analysis
Engineering- L.R. Kadyali. and design of Internal Combustion Engine. In his
work, Dr. S. Sreenatha Reddy combines modern
[4] Khanna, S.K., and justo, C.E.G., (1993),
process modeling concepts with advanced
“Highway Engineering”, New Chand and experimental techniques. He has also developed
Bros, 7th edition, New Delhi. new technologies like Exhaust Gas Recirculation
[5] An overview of the viscosity grading system (EGR) and Magnetic Fuel Conditioning system
adopted in India for paving bitumen- Prof. for reducing harm emissions. It promotes the
Prithvi Singh Kandhal. exchange and mutual enrichment of knowledge in
international dialogue via conferences, like the
AUTHOR’s PROFILE Frontiers of Research Symposia and other
Chava Anvesh Born in 1992 at KHAMMAM, meetings.
KHAMMAM district, Telangana.
He received his bachelor of Dr. S. Sreenatha Reddy Earlier worked as
technology degree in civil Principal, Head of both the Aeronautical &
engineering from SARADA Mechanical department, coordinating R&D cell for
institute of technology & science, Mechanical Research and Development Board
Jawaharlal Nehru technological (MRDB) & Aeronautical Research and
university Hyderabad in 2014, M. Development Board (ARDB) projects, TPO, NSS
Tech.COMPARATIVE STUDY ON ANALYSIS Coordinator, developing courseware and
AND DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE AND RIGID implementing ISO 2001 and NBA Accreditation.
PAVEMENTS. From JNTU Hyderabad in 2016.
Dr. S.SREENATHA REDDY published 79
Dr. S.SREENATHA REDDY, Principal & International & National reputed Journals & 12
Professor at Guru Nanak International & National Conference papers. Dr.
Institute of Technology under S.SREENATHA REDDY is a member of
JNTUH, Hyderabad. Dr. governing body in prestigious institution of GNIT.
S.SREENATHA REDDY He also served as Expert Committee Member of
obtained B.Tech, Mechanical AICTE for scrutinizing project reports internally as
Engineering from JNTU, well as the member in the Board of Reviewers for
Hyderabad, M.Tech.- Heat the Institution of Engineers journal. Also He is a
power, Refrigeration & Air conditioning from Editorial Board Member of International Journal of
JNTU, Hyderabad and Ph.D. Faculty of Sciences and Engineering Technology. He is the
Mechanical Engineering from JNTUA . Dr. member fellow of as many professional bodies in
S.SREENATHA REDDY held various the field of Mechanical Engineering and Technical
administrative posts and developed the Institution Education.
with his projects and developmental activities.

2320 –5547 @ 2013-2016 All rights Reserved. Page | 3801

Chava Anvesh* et al.
Volume No.4, Issue No.5, August – September 2016, 3797 – 3802.

Associate Prof. M.Vasudeva Naidu was born in

1978 in Srikakulam District, Andhra
Pradesh. He received his Bachelor
of Technology degree in Civil
Engineering from Nagarjuna
Universityin 2001. In 2003 he
received his Master's Degree in
Structural Engineering from RGPVV, Madhya
Pradesh. He joined in Gurunanak Institute of
Technology as a faculty where he is an Associate
Professor of Civil Engineering Department with a
total experience of 10 years in field of Research,
Designing and education. He is guiding
Thesis work in field of Structural Engineering.
Prof. S.Madan Mohan received his Bachelor of
Technology degree in Civil
Engineering from JNTUCE
Hyderabad in 1998. In 2001 he
received his Master's Degree in
Structural Engineering from
University College of Engineering
Osmania University, Hyderabad. He joined
Gurunanak Institute of Technology as a faculty
where he is a Professor and Head of the Civil
Engineering Department with a total experience of
17 years in field of Research, Designing and
education. He is guiding Thesis work in
field of Civil/ Structural Engineering. He has
papers published in National Conferences and
International Journals.

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