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1. FLUID MECHANICS and tan T = a/g, where T is the angle which the liquid’s free
surface is making with horizontal.
i The liquids and gases together are termed as fluids, in
other words, we can say that the substances which can (d) Pressure at two points within a liquid
flow are termed as fluids. at vertical separation of h when the
liquid container is accelerating up are
i We assume fluid to be incompressible (i.e., the density of
related by expression
liquid is independent of variation in pressure and remains
constant) and non-viscous (i.e. the two liquid surfaces in p2 – p1 = U (g + a) h
contact are not exerting any tangential force on each other). If container is accelerating down, then p2 – p1 = U(g – a) h.
1.1 Fluid Statics
1.1.2 Atmospheric Pressure
1.1.1 Fluid Pressure
i It is the pressure of the earth’s atmosphere. Normal
Pressure p at every point is defined as the normal force atmospheric pressure at sea level (an average value) is 1
per unit area. atmosphere (atm) that is equal to 1.013 × 10 Pa.
i The excess pressure above atmospheric pressure is called
dFA gauge pressure, and total pressure is called absolute
dA pressure.
The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal and 1 Pascal = 1 N/m i Barometer is a device used to measure atmospheric
i Fluid force acts perpendicular to any surface in the fluid, pressure while U–tube manometer or simply manometer is
no matter how that surface is oriented. Hence pressure, a device used to measure the gauge pressure.
has no intrinsic direction of its own, it is a scalar. 1.1.3 Pascal’s Law
i A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
(a) Pressure at two points in
transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and
a horizontal plane or at
to the walls of the containing vessel.
same level when the fluid
is at rest or moving with i There are a lot of practical applications of Pascal’s law one
constant velocity is same. such application is hydraulic lift.
i Line of flow
It is the path taken by a particle in flowing liquid. In case of a
steady flow, it is called streamline. Two steamlines can never
intersect. Let us find the velocity with which liquid comes out of a
hole at a depth h below the liquid surface.
1.2.1 Equation of Continuity Using Bernoulli’s theorem,
2 A 2
(Note: PB = Patm, because we have opened the liquid to
2 2
V = VA + 2gh
Using equation of continuity
AVA = aV
i A1 V1 = A2 V2
i mass flows rate = UAV A: area of cross-section of vessel
2r U U0 g
2 2 2 2
V2 V1 PA PB hUg vr
U U 9K
2 1.3.3 Poiseuille’s Formula
2 hg (Q = AV)
A 2 A
1 Poiseuille studied the stream-line flow of liquid in capillary
2hg Volume of liquid coming out of tube per second in given by
Q A1A 2 2 2
A1 A 2 S Pr
1.3 Viscosity
The property of a fluid by virtue of which it opposes the 1.3.4 Reynold Number
relative motion between its different layers is known as i The stability of laminar flow is maintained by viscous
viscosity and the force that is into play is called the viscous forces. It is obverved, however that laminar or steady flow
force. is disrupted it the rate of flow is large. Irregular, unsteady
Viscous force is given by : motion, turbulence, sets in at high flow rates.
i Reyonlds defined a dimensionless number whose value
F KA gives one an approximate idea, whether the flow rate would
dx be turbulent.
where K is a constant depending upon the nature of the This number, called the Reynolds number Re is defined as,
liquid and is called the coefficient of viscosity and velocity
gradient = dv/dx UvD
–2 K
S.I. unit of coefficient of viscosity is Pa.s or Nsm .
CGS unit of viscocity is poise. (1 Pa.s = 10 Poise) where, U = the density of the fluid flowing with a speed v.
D = the diameter of the tube.
1.3.1 Stoke’s Law
K = the coefficient of viscosity of the fluid.
i When a solid moves through a viscous medium, its motion
i It is found that flow is streamline or laminar for Re less
is opposed by a viscous force depending on the velocity
than 1000. The flow is turbulent for Re > 2000. The flow
and shape and size of the body.
becomes unsteady for Re between 1000 and 2000.
So, S where S = surface tension of liquid.
Unit of surface tension in MKS system : N/m, J/m
CGS system Dyne/cm, erg/cm
1.4.1 Surface Energy 2Scos T 2S
In order to increase the surface area, the work has to be rUg RUg
done over the surface of the liquid. This work done is
where, S = surface tension,
stored in the liquid surface as its potential energy. Hence
the surface energy of a liquid can be defined as the excess T = angle of contact,
potential energy per unit area of the liquid surface. r = radius of capillary tube,
R = radius of meniscus, and
U = density of liquid.
i Capillary rise in a tube of insufficient length :
If the actual height to which a liquid will rise in a capillary
tube is ‘h’ then a capillary tube of length less than ‘h’ can
W = S'A, where 'A = increase in surface area. be called a tube of “insufficient length”.
In such a case, liquid rises to the top of the capillary tube
1.4.2 Excess Pressure
of length l (l < h) and adjusts the radius of curvature of its
i Excess pressure in a liquid drop or bubble in a liquid is meniscus until the excess pressure is equalised by the
pressure of liquid column of length l. (Note liquid does
2T not overflow).
4T AUg ... (i)
i Excess pressure in a soap bubble is P rc
If r were the actual radius of curvature,
(because it has two free surfaces)
1.4.3 Angle of Contact h Ug ...(ii)
i The angle between the tangent to the liquid surface at the Comparing (i) and (ii)
point of contact and the solid surface inside the liquid is
called the angle of contact.
i If the glass plate is immersed in mercury, the surface is
curved and the mercury is depressed below. Angle of
contact is obtuse for mercury.
i If the plate is dipped in water with its side vertical, the
water is drawn-up along the plane and assumes the curved
shape as shown. Angle of contact is acute for water.
1.4.4 Capillary Tube and Capillarity Action Ar c hr
i A very narrow glass tube with fine bore and open at both
ends is known as capillary tube. When a capillary tube in hr
rc i.e. radius of curvature r’ can be calculated.
dipped in a liquid, then liquid will rise or fall in the tube, A
1. Liquid will wet the solid. Critical. Liquid will not wet the solid.
2. Meniscus is concave. Meniscus is plane. Meniscus is convex.
3. Angle of contact is acute T = 90°). Angle of contact is 90°. Angle of contact is obtuse T = 90°).
4. Pressure below the meniscus is Pressure below the Pressure below the meniscus
lesser than above it by (2T/r), meniscus is same as more then above it by (2T/r),
2T . 2T .
i.e. P P0 above it, i.e. P = P0. i.e., P P0
r r
5. In capillary there will be ascend. No capillarity. In capillary there will be descend.
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