Exams Master - General Science-5
Exams Master - General Science-5
Exams Master - General Science-5
Home Himachal Pradesh G.K. HPAS2014 General Science Computer Awareness Indian Constitution Environmental Science
Knowledge a. Bajra and wheat
Child Development & Pedagogy
Computer b. Groundnut and sugarcane
Awareness UPSC c. wheat and groundnut Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge 2
Political d. Sugarcane and Bajra
Awareness Indian Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge 3
Politics IBPS TET 3. Which one of the following disease is caused by bacteria?
Environmental Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge5
a. Hepatitis B
Science Child b. Poliomyelitis
Development and c. Scabies Google+ Followers
Pedagogy SSC d. Tuberculosis
Exams HAS RBI Gagan Sharma
Exam General
4. Which one of the following is vector for KALAAZAR disease? Add to circles
Awareness General
a. Housefly
Knowledge Indian
Constitution B.Ed. b. Sandfly
Enterance Exam SBI c. Aedes mosquito
PO Exam Previous d. Anopheles Mosquitos
Papers SSB IBPS 2013
TET 2014 National Parks 5. In terms of organic evolution, which one of the following is more
&Wildlife Sanctuaries oh advanced than the other three?
Himachal Pradesh Rivers of
a. Bat
Himachal Pradesh
b. Pigeon
c. Ostrich
d. Vulture 131 have me in circles View all
6. Night blindness can be corrected by the intake of?
a. Vitamin A
Exams Masters
b. Vitamin B Complex 1,003 likes
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin D
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7. Which one of the enzymes is found in human saliva?
a. Trypsin
b. Pepsin Be the first of your friends to like this
c. Ptyalin
d. Rennin
8. Which one of the following element is essential for the
transmission of Nerve impulses in nerve fibers of Human
a. Calcium
b. Iron Total Pageviews
c. Sodium 1 8 3 8 9 5 2
d. Zinc
9. In the human body, the red blood cells are produced in? Blog Archive
a. Liver ► 2016 (15)
b. Voluntary Muscles
► 2015 (13)
c. Pancreas
d. Bone marrow ► 2014 (188)
▼ 2013 (235)
10. The purpose of Genetically modifying brinjal and cotton as Bt
► December (9)
Brinjal, BtCotton was to make them?
a. Drought resistant ► October (7)
b. High yielding ► September (46)
c. Pest resistant ▼ August (104)
d. Shortduration crops
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
11. The Scientists recently estimated the age of the moon around
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
___ billion years. 57
a. 4.36
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
b. 3.36 56
c. 5.34
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
d. 7.54 55
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
12. Which of the following are infected by foot and mouth disease? 54
a. Cats
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
b. Cattle 53
c. Dogs
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
d. Poultry 52
General Science35
13. Which one of the following kinds of organism causes malaria?
a. Bacterium General Science34
b. Fungus General Science33
c. Protozoan
General Science32
d. Virus
14. Which among the following is poorest source of Fat? General Science31
a. Curd Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
b. Egg 51
c. Fish Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
d. Milk 50
15. The release of which one of the following into Ponds and wells IBPS PO Exam2
helps in controlling mosquitoes? IBPS PO Exam1
a. Crab
General Science30
b. Gambusia Fisha
c. Dogfish General Science29
d. Snail General Science28
General Science27
General Science26
General Science25
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Environmental Science5
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Child Development And Pedagogy17
Child Development And Pedagogy16
Child Development And Pedagogy15
Child Development And Pedagogy14
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Environmental Science2
Environmental Science1
Child Development And Pedagogy10
Child Development And Pedagogy9
Child Development And Pedagogy8
Child Development and Pedagogy7
Child Development And Pedagogy6
Child Development and Pedagogy6
Child Development And Pedagogy5
Child Development And Pedagogy4
Child Development and Pedagogy3
Child Development and Pedagogy2
Child Development And Pedagogy1
HP TET Form submission dates
Exams Master 2013
General Science19
General Science18
General Science17
General Science16
General Science15
HP TET Exam 2013
General Science14
General Science13
General Science12
General Science11
General Science10
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Himachal Pradesh General Knowlegde
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
General Science9
General Science8
General Science7
General Science6
General Science5
General Knowledge1
IES Exam Questions paper 2012
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Computer Awareness38
Computer Awareness37
Computer Awareness36
Computer Awareness35
General Knowledge5
General Knowledge4
General Knowledge3
Computer Awareness34
General Knowledge2
Computer Awareness33
Computer Awareness32
Computer Awareness31
Computer Awareness30
Computer Awareness29
Computer Awareness28
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge
General Science4
► July (54)
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Gagan Sharma
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