FCPlus NE-keys-tapescripts PDF

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Part 1: Driving in the desert 1 Ac Incorrect She drove thee, buts nt why she wet a: crc: he li riven the dsr there, but that's mot wy She wen Incorase She cont say that anyother foil ined there Core Se ware to prove she cout adap to new station Incorect Tiss nt the main consideration Income Tis nt wha she a Incorrect Everything she sy uggens the ae vey serous rect same goal and the sameway of working” Inconec Not what 3 reer Incorect Not what th res Core" refers the previous sentence Incorrect Not what he ees Increct ns wasn’ Re greats fa’ Coreen hing et eared us et Incorrect waste ground hat got damaged, not thecer Incorrect twas he organs who would eve fe Incorrect: Fartcpatng nthe aly cost more Incorrect She hed tire Conect ts sans the people you east expect who hp you mest Incorrect She had no brekon IReorrec We dor tno wht they thought of he diving ect The word unt suggests something not Ince Wie dart know whether they thought the ©: Ince: simpli that they might ave sponsored men's ing Cec theyre Goa at antcpating problems & inconect Se dean ink the wo ing incre Thee not vib she ine © Ince She doesnt mention is & & < 6: pergoRhe oer 2 0 So ome sg Comet: a a big thing on my CV" Incorrect We don't know what they think, only howe she feels, Incorrect She says next yer’ not every year Ineorret: No, it Peps her dea with her problems. Part 2: Music to get fit by 9 Henk between ‘lose companions’ andthe link between’ Link between Dr Costas.” and "He 10 Glink between ‘sctonisaton of.” and "the right music. Link between ‘ncraased’ and "up 11 ALinkbetween ‘disassocation’ and "this word ANSWER KEY LUnk betwen ‘ules’ and ‘One of them. Link between ‘music must be" and ‘music should miror. [Unt betwen “rend and he’. link between ‘mistake’ ard ‘cooling down to 14D: Lne between “songs and Tinted qumber of the. Link Between complaint’ and hiss mostly because Unk between ‘diverse ange of sports’ and for example, golfers 15 8: Part 3: Why do people start writing blogs? 16 Da usetul 100 in my future job 17 & ‘my blog isa busines tool" 48 C “So 1ts not the thing to doit 19. ‘had setius spling problems 20 8: “needed to get some good content. 21°C “make mistakes learn from 22 A: “It canficent that | already knew 23: ‘my writing was geting better" 24 8: “was basically nobody. 25 8: was amazing! 26 E: ‘incredibly, | got noticed by employers.’ 27 D.Witing 4 730:Kord ances 2B C ‘refreshing to be able step outside 29. “they kept them hidden under ther Beds" 30 ‘since then Ive helped others launch ‘The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20. Part Question 1 Syl informal Content: 1” Say why you cannes join her. 2. Gie information about gyms 3 Explain what she must do i she goes just swice 2 weet 4. Offer to hep and suggest o time and place, Part 2 Question 2 Sle: neutal or somi-formal Content: Describe your fiend, the activities you did tagether, and explain why you got on well Question 3 Style: Formal or neural. Avoid informal expressions. Use clear paragraphs. Content: 1 Describe some ofthe things exhibited 2. Say whether the information was enough / well presented, et. | Mentions te faites (9, seating areas, caf) and say what they were ike 4. Say whether other students should be encouraged t0 99, Question 4 ‘Style: Sem-frmal or neutral. Use clear paragraphs Content: 1 Say what Roy saw and wy it showed something was wrong, 2 Say what Roy di after that. 3 Explain how all nds Question 5(a) Ste: formal Content: Mention any changes in appearance, character, fopnions or behaviour, and explain how these ‘were the est of certain events in the pot Question 5(b) Sie: informal or revtral Content: Say why itis worth / not worth reading. Make Sule the reasons you give refer specifically to parts ofthe book ‘The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20. Part 1: Don’t forget your hat 1B: “out and abouts a fixed phrase 2. dathe jot is 3 common expression. 3 “sending ou’ matches the meaning of ‘os’ in the Ds the other words do not give the idea of quantity. : the other words cannot fallow ty the prepostion 1: the other words do not collocae with warm (Cthe other words are not usually used to talk about sunlight ‘the other three words would need anew subject. D:the other three words eannot be followed bythe adjective ‘sunburnt 10 : the other words do nt callocate with ‘weather. 11 the ther words describe diferent movernents 12. the other linking words ard phrases cannat be used hee. Part 2: Penguins on the move 13 out (preposion) ‘coming out contrasts with “in their burrows 14 hich relative pronoun) non-defning cause 15 since (averbia) part of the linking phase ‘Ever since’ 16 as (adverbial) pat ofthe linking phrase asi 17 (AthoughtWhilerWhls fnker provides a contrast 18 how (determines) means ‘in which way” 19 Iie verb) means ‘sma 10° 20 however finker) makes a contrast 21: when(everf linker) means ‘very time” 22 in preposition) par of the fixed phrase in search of 23 is ver) part of passive construction mearing ‘people think 24 have (ausary verb) part of compound tense Part 3: The sky at night 25 mountsmous noun fo adjective 26 pollution: verb to noun 27 ‘ortunate: noun to adjective 28 impressive: verb to noun 29 haght:adjecive to noun 30 urinerrupted: verb To negative adjective 31 powertu: noun to adjective 32 decovery: verb to noun 33 existence verb to noun 34 probably: adjective to noun Pare a 135 isthe price: verb ‘to be with atide 136 is boing opened: passive form 137 looking forward to: Fixed exresson '38 boon my intention to: veto to noun. 139 didn't mean to damage: ied negative expression 440 to pay tenis unless Fron infnthve afer reporting verb, postion of "unless 441 te expected to arrive: pasive form 42 (which Reh found most exciing: comparative adjective afer found! ‘The total score ie adjusted to give a mark out of 20, Part 1 10 -2¢ 3B 4C 5A 6C 7C BC ar 2 saling solo across the Atlantic ‘95500 / ve thousand si hundred 10 cheeky Monkey 11. Gargetbig) ships 12 ine 13 (hod toast 14 binoculas 15 od 46 flying feb 47 “Children in Nees” 18 phototaraph)s Part 3 190 20F 218 22 230 para 243 258 26C 27C 28A 298 30A ‘The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20. Part 1: Extract from a novel 1B: “Iwas realy impressed .. intially thinking we'd finaly found the true countryside, ANSWER KEY 2: isis oe of i 2: The only il that wert with the farmhouse was the one beside the wack "they hardly had any furniture in them B: don’ think really understood at that point what she was doing 8: “wast sure what damp was supposed to do to you, but | knew it wast good. Tt refers to each” photograph Di-Also twas fre, 50 | realised it couldn't be up to much." Part 2: Bottlenose whales, the deep divers of the North Atlant 9H Ling between fom a distance’ and ‘come close 10 Ling between ‘mort of ue wouldn't recognise” and “east familar Link between ‘reach ten metres’, thay weigh and ‘hese basic fc" Link between ‘aarthern bottenoses’ and "These are 12. G:Link between ‘breaths ike great sighs sound’ and ‘strange noses’ Lnk between “our creatures’ and “The smallest one 13 C Link between head .. pointing our way’ and ‘arent just watching us Link between ‘arent jst "and "We are being studied .” Link between ‘may function as" and "The same holds We tink between ‘ist soli data’ 'a depth of 900, metres’ and "This revelation Part 3: Women referees 16 “so focused . she did't have time." 17. “erowing 100 t would be her fina 48 Ac" was sure! wouldn't make a wrong decision 49 D: "they can hear my woe 20 C ‘Factors included in the assessment 21 Di“Ihave worked... to defet this perception” 22 A: ‘once they saw me onthe field, they would start 23 8: hoping to open doors for others to follow 24 8: “don't thnk that people realise 25D." almost bounced myself out ofthe ta 26 & ‘The one group. haven't had a single problem with 27 Ain sharp contrast to how shes onthe fla” 28 ‘for umpires only personal satisfaction 29 ‘needs to improve on her. Boys pay very fast 130. D: "My fms very supportive, though’ ‘The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 20. Part 1 Question 1 Style: formal Content: 1 theknd of transport 2 what other information is needed ANSWER KEY 3 whether breakfast, lunch and dinner are prowded 4 mention of sports Part2 Question 2 Spje: informal Content: 1. inexpensvaree music events available 2 vst to muscums and reasons for choices 3 how to make the most ofthe time Question 3 She: formal or neutral Content: | comment on the songs 2. deseription ofthe musidans 3 the school as 2 venue Question 4 Sle: sem formal or neutral Content” t what happened 2 howit ended Question 5(a) Sie formal {Content reasons why the characteris not pleasant ways at least two characters were fected, with pectic examples Question 5(b) Style formal o¢ neutral (Content aspects ofthe book that make it suitable or Uinuitable for teenagers reasons fr your opinions with reference to pot, characters, ete ‘The total score is adjusted to give a mark out of 40. part: Sudoku 1b The ote inking expressions can't be fone by erat Te other werds don tthe contest he fenton Te other verbs do nt mean anything in the gp. D The other verbs fo nt make 9 prasavera wh for A-Thisisa vey commen colocation ©: Diy height ananer mates il Sense in he conten ‘heer words donot callocat with "worked The sas erb taken ot the oy one tat ts the cone The ther were do tak the peposton rom The other wer cant de floaed by 3 ‘Theater wore are noted to mean someone visting a website ben

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