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Pega Questions

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Sunday, November 30, 2014 9:12 PM

Tell me about yourself

How many sections can we include in a flow action
Rule availability
Diff b/w withdrawn and Blocked availability
Different flow shapes
Types of decision rules
Tabs in Assignment shape
Types of flows

Interview Page 1
Tech M
Saturday, May 09, 2015 8:52 PM

Tell me about yourselves

About your Client/domain
About req gathering and challenges
About Project methodology T&M and Fixed
About flows
About Activity-End and Exit-Activity
About Branch
Why do we need exception in transition
When will we get flow errors
How to capture SQL errors in RDB queries
Why do u use Connect SOAP
Why did u use Advance Agent
Challenges faced while designing
How to include section in flowaction in which tab
How do send mails
Why do u want to change company

Interview Page 2
Saturday, May 09, 2015 8:05 PM

Tell me about your self

What is difference b/w Agile and fixed
What is the user of Defer Load ? Interviewer: Deepak
How to create product rule and how to migrate the code b/w environments
Do you know how to set up pega environment
Rule resolution algorithm
Rule availabilities? Diff b/w them
What is diff b/w WL and WB
What are the different integration rule work on
What is diff b/w connectors and services
What do you know about delegation
Different flow shapes and their differences
Have you worked on any listeners
What is difference b/w Obj and RDB methods?
Can we use Obj instead of RDB and vice versa ?
How to map call with external DB?
What are the types of inheritance ? And the difference b/w them
Which of the inheritance is mandatory?
How to enable direct inheritance(what options)?
How to improve DB performance
What are different types of decision rules
Can we call a decision table/tree from another Decision table/tree
What are the various ways to debug
What is diff b/w Exit-Activity and End-Activity
What is your class structure
What is difference b/w normal class hierarchy and Enterprise hierarchy
What are different types of flows? And their difference
What are diff types of harness ? And their difference
What are the diff types of flow actions? And their difference
How to pull data from different classes in ListViews and Reports
How to expose Aggregate props
What is the use of Dynamic System Setting

Interview Page 3
Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:40 PM

Disadvantages of list view---don't compare with others

Can't filter non exposed properties, but can be displayed
Pega retrieves blob and displays them
Diff b/w connect-HTTP and connect-SOAP
Diff b/w Screen flow and Starter flow
How to create Temporary WO without checking temporary work object checkbox in flow
Validate rules
Diff b/w Decision table and decision tree
Forward and backward chaining
Service java why not service soap

Interview Page 4
Saturday, May 23, 2015 12:05 PM

Diff types of flows

Advaned Flow shapes Interviewer: Swathi and Subhadra
Diff b/w spinoff and splitjoin and splitforeach
Diff types of flowactions
Advantages of reports over listviews
How to do joins in reports and what are the parameters expected to join
How to create connect SOAP using WSDL file
What are the rules generated when SOAP is created using WSDL file
How to map an external an external db with a class
How to create an agent
How to debug agents
Can an user access clipboard in PROD
What is End-Activity and Exit-Activity
What is use of Call and Brach
Call vs Exit-Activity and Brach vs End-Activity
Can we create a WO without a flow
Declare Index
How to send an email
Obj and RDB methods differences

Interview Page 5
Saturday, May 30, 2015 6:34 PM

What will happen to index of pagelist if you delete a page in pagelist.

How to add a new page to the pagelist.
About May Start and Authenticate
How to take a report in db and send that as an excel to some persons
Standard vs Advanced Agent
How to do joins in Reports
How to display charts in reports
How to create Summary views and List views

Interview Page 6
Accenture 2
Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:30 PM

Tell me about your self Interviewer: Kumar

What are the different integration rule work on
What is diff b/w connectors and services
Agents Standard vs Advanced
Agent scheduler is created for all agents or one agent
How to create a connect-SOAP
Diff b/w Parse and Stream rules and their uses
What is use of Rollback method

Interview Page 7
Friday, June 26, 2015 12:00 PM

Online Aptitude Exam

Tell me about your self

Logic to display 101 in words Interviewers: Pallavi and Pavan
Diff b/w Decision table and tree

DT can return multiple values and multiple props

Dta only one value

How to call a decision table/tree from activity

Diff b/w split join and split for each
Obj-Open vs Obj-Open-By-Handle
SQL query for sort by salary
SQL query for group by salary

Interview Page 8
Accenture F2F
Friday, July 03, 2015 12:00 PM

Technical F2F interview: Arijith

What is the diff b/w Connect-REST and HTTP

What is the use of Connect-Wait
Diff b/w Decision Table and Tree
What is diff b/w Services and Connects
Do you know about HTTP etc protocols
Diff b/w Pega 7 and Pega 6
How do you display text in text field based on the value selected in dropdown?
How do you know that the value is selected in dropdown?
Can we return mutliple values from DecisionTable or DecisionTree?
How can we return multiple values from DT. If you return multiple values from DT where will they be
Have you worked on Listeners?
What is the user of AllowMissingProperties check box?
How to build Service soap
Diff b/w Process flow and Screen flow?
How to commit changes to DB in ScreenFlow while screen navigation without using custom activities?

Interview Page 9
Saturday, July 04, 2015 10:00 AM

Technical Round Interviewer: Arun

Tell me about yourself

Tell me about your application
Which are you strong in ?
Advantages of Pega 7 over pega 6
Tell me about px,py and pz properties
How can we modify px properties? Property-Set-Special
Diff b/w Decision Tree and Decision Table
How to call a decision tree from activity other that using Property-Map-DecisionTree?
Diff b/w connect rules and service rules?
Where do you mention the EndPointURL? Which one takes precedence? One in activity and not in the
Connect Rule
How to create a SOAP service?
How to create Service without Wizard?
How to create WSDL URL without wizard?
If I add data into DB how will DeclarePage bring new data as current data is obsolete?
How to do backward chaining using an activity?
How to call declare rules from activity?
Have you worked on UI rules?
Use of Obj-Save?
How can we commit the deferred saves?
Can we rollback the committed saves ? How to do that?
Ever heard about Obj-Save-Cancel?
How to Save to DB with our committing the changes?
What do you know about covers?

Management Round:

Tell me about ur self

How long have you been working in virtusa?
Who do you work under?
Is your project Agile or Waterfall model?
What it the purpose of your application?
Where does to flow starts in your application?
Tell me about your project?
How do you capture requirements?
Draw your class structure?
Where is your data class and integration class?
How do you Maintain security in application as there are multiple users/roles?
What is your role in the project?
Do you interact with Client?
Why do you want to switch companies ?
Do you have work pressure at your current company?

HR round interviewer: Jitendra

Interview Page 10
How long have you been working in Virtusa?
When did you get your recent promotion/hike?
Why do you want to switch company?
What is your role/responsibility in project?

Interview Page 11
Friday, May 22, 2015 6:42 PM

{SQLPage: page name} -- Used to capture the SQL errors in RDB queries.

We have to keep this above SQL query

Connect JMS

How to use Obj-browse with optimum performance

Getworkcommetns for Joins in Reports

Interview Page 12
Accenture - Telephonic
Thursday, July 09, 2015 9:41 PM

Tell me about yourself Interviewer : Narendra

Why do you want to change company
What are your areas of expertise
What is the use of Edit-Input
What are the different types of flows
Can you write controls
What is the diff b/w Process flow and Screen flow
Will screen flows create work objects
What are the types of Agents
There is an agent which is configured to trigger at 12 pm after moving to PROD client wants to run it at 11pm. How to
handle that?
About agent queues?
Diff b/w standard and Advanced agents?
Agent1 is processing a work object in a Queue now Agent2 is trying to process the same work object what will happen?
What is the use of AccessGroup in Agents?
Is the access group mandatory in AccessGroup?
What are the two options available in Security tab of Activity?
Activity-End and Exit-Activity
How many types of activities are there?
What are the types of SLAs?
How to set an SLA for Work Item?
What are the options available in Agent Schedule data instance?
How to trace agents?
If an agent processing stops where will the failed objects be available?
Can we re queue them?
How does the system re queues them?
What are the various debugging tools?
What is the use of Remote Trace?
What are the columns that will be displayed when we run tracer?
How to trace the user session without knowing the user Requestor id? User logged in 2 sessions in PROD now we want
to trace 2nd session? User is not having access to ClipBoard
What are the pages that will be generated when user logs into the session?
What is the diff b/w connect and service?
There is a connect which passes two params and from service provider side these are mandatory? How to ensure that
NULL values are not passed?
How will the connect SOAP works?
How to do error handling for Connect SOAP or for any other rules?
Suppose the Service provider server is down? How will you convey this to user and how will you handle this scenario?
What is a PageList?
How to send an Email?
What are the parameter for SendEmailNotification activity?
Do we need to have Email Account to send Mails?
Correspondence rules?

Interview Page 13
Friday, July 17, 2015 12:00 PM

Interviewer: Sai Kumar Baddam

Tell me about yourself

How do you estimate the story
What is the story that you have recently worked with
What is ur role in current project
Have do you get use cases
How do you generate URL
How do you update a locked activity using other activity
How to Authenticate service
What is a workgroup
Have you ever purged work objects?
User1 is working on a work object and user2 wants to work
on same work object how can we achieve his functionality?
How to analyze or debug performance issues
What are the flow shapes you have worked with
How do you rate yourself from a scale of 1 to 10
Any Questions?

Interview Page 14
Wells Fargo
Friday, July 17, 2015 8:38 PM

Tell me about yourself

What is your role in project
How to find the iteration of the loop in an activity
What is declare page
What are the sources for Repeat Grid
How to send mail
How to attach mail to work object
How to create work object from activity
What is SLA and Types of SLA
How does Pega process SLA
What is the name of default Agent that process SLA
What happens if an SLA fails? How to identify failed SLAs
Where do we see Agent Queue
Exceptional Handling in Connect SOAP
What is the need/user of Skimming
How to restrict user using Access Groups
What is ruleset stack?
Is there any preference for the ruleset stack order?
What is the user of Declare Index?
How to create Declare Index
What is the user of Declare Trigger
Rule availability Withdrawn Vs Blocked
How to move code from one environment to another
Types of agents and differences
Diff b/w OBJ and RDB methods
Diff b/w obj-save-cancel and Rollback

Interview Page 15

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