Purpose of Insulation:
A thermal insulator is a poor conductor of heat and has a low thermal conductivity.
Insulation is used in buildings and in manufacturing processes to prevent heat loss or heat gain.
Although its primary purpose is an economic one, it also provides more accurate control of
process temperatures and protection of personnel. It prevents condensation on cold surfaces
and the resulting corrosion. Such materials are porous, containing large number of dormant air
Thermal insulation delivers the following benefits:
• Reduces over-all energy consumption
• Offers better process control by maintaining process temperature.
• Prevents corrosion by keeping the exposed surface of a refrigerated system above dew point
• Provides fire protection to equipment
• Absorbs vibration
Types and Application
The Insulation can be classified into three groups according to the temperature ranges
for which they are used.
Low Temperature Insulations (up to 90 °C): This range covers insulating materials for
refrigerators, cold and hot water systems, storage tanks, etc. The commonly used materials are
Cork, Wood, 85% magnesia, Mineral Fibers, Polyurethane and expanded Polystyrene, etc.
Medium Temperature Insulations (90 – 325 °C): Insulators in this range are used in low
temperature, heating and steam raising equipment, steam lines, flue ducts etc. The types of
materials used in this temperatures range include 85% Magnesia, Asbestos, Calcium Silicate and
Mineral Fibers etc.
High Temperature Insulations (325 °C – above ): Typical uses of such materials are super
heated steam system, oven dryer and furnaces etc. The most extensively used materials in this
range are Asbestos, Calcium Silicate, Mineral Fibre, Mica and Vermiculite based insulation,
Fireclay or Silica based insulation and Ceramic Fibre.
Insulation material:
Insulation materials can also be classified into organic and inorganic types.
Organic insulations are based on hydrocarbon polymers, which can be expanded to
obtain high void structures Example : Thermocol (Expanded Polystyrene) and Poly Urethane
Inorganic insulation is based on Siliceous/Aluminous/Calcium materials in fibrous,
granular or powder forms. Example : Mineral wool, Calcium silicate etc.
Properties of common insulating materials are as under:
Calcium Silicate: Used in industrial process plant piping where high service temperature
and compressive strength are needed. Temperature ranges varies from 40 °C to 950 °C.
Glass mineral wool: These are available in flexible forms, rigid slabs and preformed pipe
work sections. Good for thermal and acoustic insulation for heating and chilling system
pipelines. Temperature range of application is –10 to 500 °C.
Thermocol: These are mainly used as cold insulation for piping and cold storage
Expanded nitrile rubber: This is a flexible material that forms a closed cell integral
vapour barrier. Originally developed for condensation control in refrigeration pipe work and
chilled water lines; now-a-days also used for ducting insulation for air conditioning.
Rock mineral wool: This is available in a range of forms from light weight rolled products
to heavy rigid slabs including preformed pipe sections. In addition to good thermal insulation
properties, it can also provide acoustic insulation and is fire retardant.
Use of Moulded Insulation
Lagging materials can be obtained in bulk, in the form of moulded sections; semi -
cylindrical for pipes, slabs for vessels, flanges, valves etc. The main advantage of the moulded
sections is the ease of application and replacement when undertaking repairs for damaged
The thermal conductivity of a material is the heat loss per unit area per unit insulation
thickness per unit temperature difference. The unit of measurement is W-m2/m°C or W-m/ °C.
The thermal conductivity of materials increases with temperature. So thermal conductivity is
always specified at the mean temperature (mean of hot and cold face temperatures) of the
insulation material.
Thermal Conductivity of Hot Insulation
The most basic model for insulation on a pipe is shown in below . r1 shows the outside
radius of the pipe , r2 shows the radius of the Pipe+ insulation.
Heat loss from a surface is expressed as:
H = h X A x (Th–Ta)
h = Heat transfer coefficient, W/m2–K
H = Heat loss, Watts
Ta = Average ambient temperature, ºC
Ts = Desired/actual insulation surface temperature, ºC
Th = Hot surface temperature (for hot fluid piping), ºC & Cold surface temperature for cold
fluids piping)
For horizontal pipes, heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by:
h = (A + 0.005 (Th – Ta)) × 10 W/m2-K
For vertical pipes,
h = (B + 0.009 ( Th – Ta)) × 10 W/m2-K
Insulation of any system means capital expenditure. Hence the most important factor in
any insulation system is to analyse the thermal insulation with respect to cost. The
effectiveness of insulation follows the law of decreasing returns. Hence, there is a definite
economic limit to the amount of insulation, which is justified. An increased thickness is
uneconomical and cannot be recovered through small heat savings. This limiting value is
termed as economic thickness of insulation.
An illustrative case is given in Figure below . Each industry has different fuel cost and boiler
efficiency. These values can be used for calculating economic thickness of insulation. This shows
that thickness for a given set of circumstances results in the lowest overall cost of insulation
and heat loss combined over a given period of time.
The following Figure illustrates the principle of economic thickness of insulation.
The simplest method of analysing whether you should use 1" or 2" or 3" insulation is by
comparing the cost of energy losses with the cost of insulating the pipe. The insulation
thickness for which the total cost is minimum is termed as economic thickness. (Refer to the
above Figure )The curve representing the total cost reduces initially and after reaching the
economic thickness corresponding to the minimum cost, it increases.
The determination of economic thickness requires the attention to the following factors.
i. Cost of fuel
Various charts, graphs and references are available for heat loss computation. The surface
heat loss can be computed with the help of a simple relation as given below. This equation can
be used up to 200 °C surface temperature. Factors like wind velocities, conductivity of
insulating material etc has not been considered in the equation.
S = [10+(Ts–Ta)/20] x (Ts–Ta)
Ta = Ambient temperature in °C
Based on the cost of heat energy, the quantification of heat loss in Rs. can be worked out
as under: