Excavation and Backfill
Excavation and Backfill
Excavation and Backfill
Select Fill material shall be placed in lifts not Mechanical excavators shall not be used within
Gravel, sand and/or marl materials-maximum size shall be exceeding 200mm in loose depth. 3 meters (10 feet) of any obstruction.
Note:If ½ of lift thickness is less than 75mm, the maximum The positions of underground obstructions such
General Fill material shall be placed in lifts not
sieve size allowed shall be equal to ½ of lift thickness. exceeding 300mm in loose depth. as pipes, electrical cables and other utilities
shall be determined prior to the beginning of
Delivered fill materials shall be free of organic material, trash, General and Select Fill material shall be placed any excavation operation.
or other unsatisfactory materials. in lifts not exceeding 100mm in loose depth for Any excavation or trench with a minimum
hand-operated compaction eqmt. depth of 1.2 m (4 ft) or when soil banks are
Fill and backfill adjacent to structure such as greater than 1.5 m (5 ft), shoring shall be
SELECT FILL MATERIALS retaining walls, pits and basement shall not be installed or the sides shall be sloped or benched
compacted with heavy equipment but shall be and treated as a confined space.
compacted with hand-operated equipment to a Clear space on all sides of excavation shall be at
Fill Material' shall be used for all fills except where 'Select Fill distance of 1.2m or greater beyond the sides of least 0.6 m.
Material' is specified. As a minimum, 'Select Fill Material' shall structures.
be used within 0.6 m (2 ft) of the bottom elevation of Safe entry and exit to excavation/trenches shall
Commentary notes: Impact Rollers can compact soils
foundations, spread footings, or slabs-on-grade when fill is be provided every 7.5m.
in lifts exceeding 1m
required to achieve final grade. 'Select Fill Material' shall also
be specified for backfill which will be in contact with concrete COMPACTION INSPECTION
or steel structures. Under foundations with static loads over
Compaction shall begin only after the fill or 320kPa and foundations for vibrating or heavy
backfill has been properly placed and the machinery and pavements, 85% of relative
material to be compacted is at the proper density (ASTM D4253/ASTM D4254) for
moisture content. +/- 3% of the optimum cohesionless soils or 95% of of the maximum
Maximum size of sand and gravel materials being received moisture content per ASTM D1557 or ASTM density as determined by ASTM D1557 for
shall be 50mm diameter particles. D698, whichever is applicable. (PIP-CVS02100, cohesive materials.
Sec. In no case shall compaction be allowed on
slopes greater than 1 to 5; A series of horizontal
benches, steps, or terraces, at least 3 meters
Fill or backfill placed beneath footings, grade
wide should be constructed and compacted
beams, mats, buildings or process areas shall be
compacted to at least 90% of the maximum
Modified Proctor density as determined by FINAL FILL INSPECTION
Maximum size of marl materials being received shall be ASTM D1557.
75mm. Cohesive fill under footings, grade
Note:If ½ of lift thickness is less than 75mm, the max. sieve beams, mats, buildings and process
size allowed shall be equal to ½ of lift thickness. areas shall have been compacted
For cohesionless free draining soils, 70% to at least 90% of Modified Proctor
relative density as determined by ASTM D4253 Density to ASTM D1557 or per
and ASTM D4254 shall be achieved under project requirements, whichever is
footings, grade beams, mats, buildings or higher.
process areas.
CLSM (Controlled Low Strenght Mat'l) Cohesionless fill under footings,
grade beams, mats, buildings and
process areas shall have been
compacted to 70% relative density
per ASTM D4253 and D4254 or per
In-place density shall be determined using one of the following: project requirements, whichever is
ASTM D-1556 Sand Cone Method; higher.
ASTM D-2167 Rubber Balloon Method;
ASTM D-2922 Nuclear Method; Fill under foundations with loads
or ASTM D-2937 Drive-cylinder. exceeding 320kPa (6500psf),
vibrating or heavy equipment and
pavements shall have been
[KUTOOLSFOREXCEL] compacted to 85% of relative
density for Cohesionless soils or
Acceptance testing of in-place density and moisture content (field density testing) on compacted fill will be performed at
95% of maximum density per
the following rates:
ASTM D1557 or per project
1. Under all foundations - one test every (100 m²) of each lift.
requirements, whichever is higher.
2. Under area paving - one test every (200 m²) of each lift.
3. Road base and sub-base - one test every (200 m²) of base or sub-base. Asphalt and Concrete pavement
4. Backfill of trenches - one test for every 15 linear-meter of each lift. subgrades shall be:
5. General fill - one test every (500 m²) of each lift.
95% of maximum density per
ASTM D1557 or AASTHO T180
while within 1.5 % of the optimum
moisture content or, 85% Relative
The depth of the test holes shall be no greater than 300mm (12 inches) deep. (ASTM D 2922, Sec. 1.1) density per(ASTM D4253/ ASTM