Manuel DeLanda Material Expressivity

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MANUEL DELANDA: Material Expressivity

Another in the series of articles by philosopher Manuel DeLanda.


It is a well known fact that a beam of white light is composed of many pure-color components, or
wavelengths. In addition, like the pitches of musical sounds, the different color components have
their own rate of vibration, or frequency. These two characteristics allow both light and sound to
produce distinctive effects on animal and human brains, effects that may be used for expressive
purposes by territorial animals and human artists. But possession of a nervous system is not
necessary to make expressive use of color or sound. Even humble atoms can interact with light,
or other forms of electromagnetic energy, in a way that literally expresses their identity. Atoms in
a gas, for example, if energetically excited, will emit light with an arrangement of bright parallel
lines, each line corresponding to a single frequency and positioned relative to one another
according to their wavelength. Each atomic species, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and so on, has its
own characteristic pattern of lines, its own distinctive “fingerprint” as it were. And much like
fingerprints may be used to determine the identity of humans, these line patterns can be used by
spectroscopists to determine the chemical identity of a given material. Born in the nineteenth
century, the science of spectroscopy has become quite complex, using a variety of methods and
devices to extract fingerprints from materials, but it ultimately relies on the capacities of atoms
themselves to produce expressive patterns, through emission, absorption, or other processes.

These expressive patterns are what scientists call “information.” This term does not refer to the
semantic information that we may get from, say, newspapers, but to linguistically meaningless
physical patterns. That physical information has nothing to do with semantic content is
demonstrated by the fact that information theory was developed during World War II to deal with
problems of communicating encrypted military messages, that is, messages in which the
linguistic form and content were hidden. Physical information pervades the world and it is
through its continuous production that matter may be said to express itself. Material expressivity,
on the other hand, crossed an important threshold when it ceased to be a mere fingerprint and
became functional in the form of the genetic code: groups of three nucleotides, the chemical
components of genes, came to correspond in a more or less unique way to a single amino acid,
the component parts of proteins. Using this, correspondence genes can express themselves
through the proteins for which they code. This implies that expression has gone beyond the
production of information to include its active storage and processing. And this, in turn, implies
that when populations of information-storing molecules replicate themselves, and when this
replication is biased in one or another direction by the interactions of proteins with each other and
with their environment, the expressive capacities of material entities may evolve and expand in a
multiplicity of novel ways. Like atoms, living organisms can express their identity by the
emission of patterns, chemical patterns for example. But unlike atoms, this expression has
functional consequences since it allows the recognition of an organism’s identity by members of
the same species, a recognition that is crucial for genetic replication.

Another important threshold in the history of material expressivity was crossed with the
emergence of territorial animals. A simple illustration of the radical transformation this involved
may be the conversion of urine and feces, up to then a material byproduct of food chains, into
territorial markers expressing not just a species identity but the possession of resources by an
individual organism. Sound, color, and behavioral displays involving posture, movement, rhythm
and silhouette, are examples of expressive territorial markers, sometimes used in competitions
between males, other times in courtship rituals aimed at females. A particularly interesting
example is that of bowerbirds. The term “bower” means a pleasant shady place under a tree, but
in this case it means a stage or arena built by the bird to perform its displays. Bowerbirds not only
clear a small area from leaves and other distractions, but also construct and decorate elaborate
structures out of grasses, reeds, and sticks, with an architecture that varies from one species to the
next. Of the eighteenth species of bowerbirds some wear bright colors in their bodies, such as the
intense blue coloration of the male satin bowerbird, others have lost their color but compensate
for it by increasing the number of colored decorations. Indeed, there is a strong inverse
correlation, noticed by Darwin, between the expressivity of the bird’s body and the complexity of
the bower itself: the less inherited expressive resources a species has the better architects its
member organisms must be. It is almost as if material expressivity itself migrated from the
surface of the bird’s body to the external construction and its decorations.

Darwin also noticed an inverse correlation between the degree of ornamentation of a bird’s body
and the complexity of its song, and believed that birds were the most aesthetic of all animals.
Given that the structure of bird songs is only partly inherited (birds must learn to sing) and that
the power to attract females depends in part on the richness of a male’s musical repertoire, each
individual bird must create new combinations of musical motifs to distinguish himself from other
birds of the same species. If fingerprints become markers or signatures with the emergence of
territoriality, with bird song signature becomes an individual style. Indeed, a great twentieth
century classical composer, Oliver Messiaen, some of whose compositions were directly inspired
by bird songs, went as far as calling blackbirds, nightingales, and other bird species that must
develop individual styles, “artists”. Thus, the history of material expressivity may be summarized
by the sequence fingerprint-signature-style. Finally, we must add the expressive possibilities of
bringing many of these non-human artists together. A good illustration of these possibilities is the
so-called “dawn chorus” and event taking place usually in the spring and involving many bird
species simultaneously. Before sunrise, one or two blackbirds begin the chorus and are then
gradually joined by a series of other birds (robin, song trush, wren, great tit, chaffinch) until a
symphony of sound is reached by midmorning.

Matter expresses itself in many ways, from the simple emission of physical information to the
deliberate use of melody and rhythm. The universe itself may be viewed as a grand symphony of
material expressivity. The early human artists who tapped into this expressive reservoir for their
cave paintings, body tattoos, and ritual ceremonies, far from introducing artistry into the world
were simply adding one more voice to an ongoing material chorus.

Manuel DeLanda

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