The Real State of Emergency: Agamben On Benjamin and Schmitt
The Real State of Emergency: Agamben On Benjamin and Schmitt
The Real State of Emergency: Agamben On Benjamin and Schmitt
by Colin McQuillan
In his essay On the Concept of History (1940), Walter Benjamin declares that
“the tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the state of emergency in
which we live is not the exception but the rule” (Benjamin, 2003a: 392).
Benjamin penned this sentence hoping that “a conception of history that
accords with this insight” would reveal that “it is our task to bring about a
real state of emergency” (ibid.). This real state of emergency would, he
claimed, “improve our position in the struggle against fascism”, allowing a
revolutionary politics to “brush history against the grain”, “blast open the
continuum”, and “leap into the open air” (ibid.: 392; 395; 396).
Schmitt was more likely concerned with the liberalism and legal positivism
of Hans Kelsen’s The Problem of Sovereignty and the Theory of International Law
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That Benjamin’s treatment of the sovereign in The Origin of the German Tragic
Drama was influenced by Schmitt is beyond dispute. Benjamin
acknowledged Schmitt’s influence on the work in his 1928 Curriculum Vitae
and in his December, 1930 letter to Schmitt. Jacob Taubes has called these
texts “a mine that could blow to pieces our conception of the intellectual
history of the Weimar period”, especially the political distinction between
Schmitt on the right and Benjamin on the left. Yet, Agamben is not the first
scholar to have pointed to the important differences between Schmitt’s
reasons for characterizing the sovereign as the one who decides on the
exception and the use Benjamin makes of this concept in his Trauerspielbuch
(Agamben, 2007: 53).2 These differences show that there is indeed a clear
distinction between the right-wing defense of the concept of sovereignty in
Schmitt and the left-wing critique of sovereignty in Benjamin, despite the
influence Schmitt exerted on Benjamin’s understanding of the concept of
The Origin of the German Tragic Drama shows that Benjamin thought Schmitt
was correct when he said the concept of sovereignty “emerges from a
discussion of the state of emergency” in the works of the natural law
theorists of the seventeenth century (Benjamin, 2003b). The natural law
theorists “make it the most important function of a prince to avert this”, the
state of emergency (ibid.: 65). Benjamin nevertheless points out that the
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ages” behind them and follow the course of modernity. While Benjamin had
seen Hamlet as an allegorical figure of the inability of the sovereign to decide,
regardless of the historical circumstances, Schmitt presents him as a tragic
figure representing the historic failure of a particular regime. Despite his
insistence on this point in 1956, Schmitt was also forced to admit that the
modern and more properly “political” conception of sovereignty which
succeeded the “barbarism” represented by Hamlet was also a failure. This
becomes apparent in his study of Hobbes and the fate of his Leviathan.
In his 1973 letter to Hansjörg Viesel, Schmitt claimed that his book, The
Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes (1938), was a response to
Benjamin (Viesel, 1988: 14).4 While the book is usually and probably more
correctly taken as a response to The Political Philosophy of Hobbes (1936) by
Leo Strauss, it could also be seen as a reaction to the pathetic treatment
sovereignty received in Benjamin’s Trauerspielbuch. In the course of his
discussion of the development of the modern concept of sovereignty out of
the barbaric order represented by Hamlet’s indecisiveness, Schmitt comes to
agree with Benjamin’s assessment of inefficacy of the sovereign. Though he
is unwilling to admit that the concept of sovereignty is implicated in its
failure, Schmitt’s analysis of the fate of Hobbes’ Leviathan shows that the
sovereign ultimately fails to establish the political and legal order it was
intended to constitute.
Schmitt concedes that the sovereign of the natural law theorists failed to
become the “mortal god who brings to man peace and security” that Hobbes
imagined, because the absolute monarchy that Hobbes sought to legitimate
failed to appear in England, while continental European approximations of
that form of government soon declined. Yet, Schmitt does not think their
failure implicates the concept of sovereignty that he developed in Political
Theology. In The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes, Schmitt
remarks that “the leviathan as magnus homo, as the godlike sovereign person
of the state, was destroyed from within” during the course of the eighteenth
century (Schmitt, 2008: 65).
the role this comment might play in his “esoteric dossier” of the debate
between Benjamin and Schmitt, but it nevertheless points to an important
conceptual difference between Benjamin and Schmitt on the relation between
sovereignty and the state of emergency. While Benjamin thinks the concept
of sovereignty is fundamentally flawed, pretending to an authority and an
efficacy it could never really possess, because it is essentially unable to avert
the state of emergency, Schmitt blames its failure on its historical
circumstances and the cunning of the liberal critics of sovereignty.
Schmitt goes on to explain how the cracks in the political body of the
sovereign began to widen and extend themselves throughout the eighteenth
century, so the state came to be seen as the guarantor of the freedoms of
private individuals rather than the symbolic bearer of public power. Liberal
political philosophers began to see the sovereign as the servant of the people
and advocated a minimalist view of the state, in which the state’s defense of
civil liberties would not interfere with the exercise of those liberties on the
part of private citizens. These developments were intolerable for Schmitt,
because they made the sovereign dependent on something outside itself,
forcing it to appeal to the constitution for its legitimacy and the interests of
the people to justify its actions. Sovereign power no longer had free reign,
because the sovereign’s capacity to decide was restricted by the legal and
political order it founded.
The Third Reich is the nightmare scenario for liberalism, because it used
temporary, constitutional, emergency measures to authorize a permanent
suspension of civil liberties and a universalized exception to the normal
order of government. In cases like this, where the exception becomes the
rule and the normal function of the legal order is the exception to a state of
permanent crisis, liberal restrictions on the exercise of sovereign power offer
no protection. For this reason, Agamben says, Benjamin sought a different
and more radical solution to the problem of the state of emergency in which
we live in On the Concept of History. Benjamin does not appeal to the
constitutional state to check the excesses of sovereign power or define the
conditions under which sovereign power may be exercised, because all such
restrictions had been suspended by the Nazi regime. Instead, Benjamin
urges us to bring about a real state of emergency which will improve our
position in the struggle against fascism (Benjamin, 2003a: 392).
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All human action can be considered violent, for Agamben, depending on the
context and the different constellation of relations in which it is inscribed.
The violence of sovereign power is not problematic because it is violent, but
because it remains dependent on its foundation in the juridical order, even
when that order has been suspended. Its violence is therefore “mythic”, in
the terms of Benjamin’s Critique of Violence, because it cannot divest itself of
the fiction of its relation to the constitution and preservation of the law. Yet,
it is important to note that not all human action, not all violence, has a mythic
or “mystical” foundation. Sovereignty is a particular fiction, one with a
history, which is by no means the necessary outcome of an unstoppable
historical dialectic. It is a fiction which can be exposed and undone by
human action, just as it can be constituted by sovereign decision. Benjamin
calls the exposure and unworking of the fiction of sovereignty a real state of
The real state of emergency that arises when the fiction of the legitimacy of
sovereign power and the necessity of the political foundation of the law is
exposed and undone is the “pure” or “divine” violence that Benjamin
describes at the end of his Critique of Violence. Here, anomic violence is
characterized as a “means without end”, inasmuch as Benjamin approaches
violence “in a distinction within the sphere of means themselves, without
regard for the ends they serve” (Agamben, 2007: 61). As such, the ends of
violence, the fictions which authorize it and attempt to justify it, fall away.
When sovereignty is stripped of the legal fictions that found its authority, its
violence becomes gratuitous, not in the sense that it is excessive, but in the
sense that it is without any particular legitimacy. It becomes nothing more
than something some people do, which others may resist, according to their
own desires and their own capacities, either individually or collectively. Just
as the sovereign exercises his natural right to do whatever is within his
power, so too does every subject, every citizen, every human being, and,
indeed, every living creature.8
It should be noted that the distinction between the “exoteric” dossier of the
relationship between Benjamin and the “esoteric” dossier of their debate is
Agamben’s own invention. One could very well doubt the existence of the
“esoteric” dossier to which Agamben refers.
See also Weber (1992). While Weber thinks there is only “a slight but
decisive” modification of Schmitt’s theory in Benjamin’s work (Weber, 1992:
12), the reading proposed by Agamben, which is also my own position,
suggests that there is nothing “slight” about the difference between Benjamin
and Schmitt, though both Agamben and myself would agree with Weber
that the difference between Benjamin and Schmitt on sovereignty is
“decisive” for their politics.
By calling the sovereign a “creature”, Benjamin indicates that the sovereign
“remains confined to the world of creation”. There is nothing transcendent
about the sovereign, nor does he rule by divine right. This marks a sharp
contrast with Schmitt, for whom the sovereign is God’s “acknowledged
representative on Earth”. See Benjamin (2003b: 85-86). See also Schmitt
(1985: 10).
See also Bredekamp (1999); and Agamben (2007: 52).
See also Agamben (2007: 11-22).
See McCormick (1998: 230-241).
Samuel Weber provides a more sympathetic account of the role “extremes”
play in Benjamin’s thought and their relation to Schmitt (see Weber, 1992: 6-
This position could be compared to the naturalistic account of political
power that Spinoza employs at the beginning of Chapter 16 of his Theological-
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Political Treatise, when he says: “it is by sovereign natural right that fish
inhabit the water and the big ones eat the little ones”. It is according to the
same “sovereign natural right” that subjects reject unreasonable demands
of the sovereign, when they have the power to do so, and when the sovereign
does not have the power to compel obedience. See Spinoza (1998: 179).
Agamben, G. (1998) Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life [trans. D.
Heller-Roazen] Stanford: Stanford University Press
Benjamin, W. (2003b) The Origin of the German Tragic Drama [trans. J. Osborne]
New York: Verso
Plutarch Press
Schmitt, C. (2008) The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning
and Failure of a Political Symbol [trans. G. Schwab with E. Hilfstein] Chicago:
University of Chicago Press
Viesel, H. (1988) Jawohl, der Schmitt: Zehn Briefe aus Plettenberg Berlin: