JK Organisation Is An India Based Company Founded in 1974 in West Bengal
JK Organisation Is An India Based Company Founded in 1974 in West Bengal
JK Organisation Is An India Based Company Founded in 1974 in West Bengal
All the manufacturing facilities of JK Tyre are nearly zero discharge and highly
water efficient.
It’s a known fact that water is equally critical to communities and Industry and
therefore they have initiated various water conservation initiatives to help
nearby local communities to conserve water.
The activities like field trenching, farm pond construction/ deepening, etc have
been implemented to conserve water.
Their initiatives towards conserving water and energy are one of the best as per
industry standards.
JK Tyre in FY-2016-17 achieved a total energy benchmark level of 10.33
GJ/Tonne of production and ranks among top five best companies in the sector
JK Tyre is committed towards goal of being Green and Clean Company with
sustainable use of energy
As we all know Jk tyre is the company which uses the rubber and different types
of chemicals in their production which goes directly in the air so they installed
carbon cutting mechanism which not completely but reduces the large
proportion of the carbon.
They have planted more than a million trees at different locations to enrich
greenery and to maintain environment. Green patches are also maintained for
general public at parks, gardens, traffic circles, road sides etc.
JK Tyres offers tyres to clients at an aggressive cost. The vehicle segment
is highly focused on the competitions
JK Tyres faces extreme rivalry from other tyre makers like MRF,
Bridgestone, Michelin, Dunlop and Goodyear etc.
The end goal is to counter it, they value their items in different range
from of their rivals, like giving advantages to its clients during the festive
seasons with the different types of offers and services by the company.
JK Tyres is now in the depth of the retail market and offer items at a
reasonable cost and of the best quality.
They are following the moto of providing value to the customers.
JK Tyres have a very good and strong availability in the Indian market.
They are in domestic market and as well as in the international market
JK Tyres distributes its products primarily by retail chain.
Their product are available easily at any retail automobile shop
across India.
They also have an exclusive outlets which sells only JK Tyres and
accessories at their outlet with the wide range of selection and
pocket friendly too for the consumers.
JK Tyres distribution network is well designed and have a proper
chain of command to forms the base of their retail strategy with a
good rural outreach.
They take care of their distributors along with the customers they
pays fair margin to their distributors, which helps them to maintain
a strong network of retail chain this makes their distributors to be
loyal with them.
JK Tyres advertisement and promotional activities are very well planned
and extensive which helps them to provide all the knowledge and
awareness about their product to their customers.
They use all the primary mode of promotion and advertisements through
Television , print media and billboards used by them.
JK Tyres promotes its products by the tagline of “Total Control”, which
helps them to play with the mind of the customers that their tyres are
good for safety on roads it gives them an extra benefit that earns them
easy brand recall.
Few suggestions for JK tyres for the sustainability
Rubber is the basic material they use in their product so there should be a
proper recycle channel also like they can give various offer to their
customers with the exchange offer on the old tyres they recycle.
They have a tie up with different auto mobile industries so they can use
the rubber and plastic as a road building material as the TATA industries
already started this method in Jamshedpur and in their Chennai
manufacturing plant.
This will bring a revolution in their marketing and brand goodwill too.
They can work as the guardian of any state or city like Aditya birla group
did in Renukoot Hindalco industries, and TATA in Jamshedpur this will
help them in their marketing and expanding their brand name also.