CORESYF T2 VVR VVP01 E R Verification and Validation Plan Framework V1 0

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687289

Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework

Verification and Validation Plan

Document Code: CORESYF-T2-VVR-VVP01-E-R

Delivery milestone: CDR-1 meeting (T0+10)

Deliverable identifier: D2.03
Version of document: 1.0 – last updated 15/12/2016
Dissemination level for document: PU

Table of Signatures
Name Function Signature

Prepared by Hervé Caumont WP2 Leader

Nuno Assinado de forma

digital por Nuno Grosso
Reviewed by Nuno Grosso WP3 Leader
Dados: 2016.12.20
11:54:36 Z

Assinado de forma digital

Miguel Terra- por Miguel Terra-Homem
Approved by Miguel Terra-Homem Executive Board Chair
Homem Dados: 2016.12.20
10:35:33 Z

Signatures and approvals appear on original

Project start date: 01/01/2016

Project duration: 36 months
Verification and Validation Plan | Framework

Revision Records
Version Date Changes Authors
1.0 15/12/1016 First issue of document for CDR-1 review Hervé Caumont

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Purpose and Scope .......................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Document Structure ........................................................................................................ 7
2 SOFTWARE VERIFICATION PLAN .............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Software Verification Process Overview ......................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Organization ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1.2 Master Schedule ...................................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Techniques and Methods ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.4 Standards, Practices and Conventions .................................................................... 8
2.1.5 Resource Summary .................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Verification Activities ....................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Software Validation Process Verification ................................................................ 9
2.2.2 Software Delivery and Acceptance Process Verification ......................................... 9
2.3 Software Verification Reporting ...................................................................................... 9
3 SOFTWARE VALIDATION PLAN ................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Software Validation Process Overview ............................................................................ 9
3.1.1 Organization ............................................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Master Schedule ...................................................................................................... 9
3.1.3 Techniques and Methods ...................................................................................... 10
3.1.4 Standards, Practices and Conventions .................................................................. 10
3.1.5 Resource Summary ................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Software Validation Test Facilities................................................................................. 10
3.3 Software Validation Test Reporting............................................................................... 11
4 GENERAL V&V ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES .................................................................... 11
4.1 Anomaly Report and Resolution .................................................................................... 11
4.2 Task Iteration Policy....................................................................................................... 11
4.3 Deviation Policy ............................................................................................................. 11
4.4 Control Procedures ........................................................................................................ 11
5 ACCEPTANCE TESTS ............................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Acceptance Test Designs ............................................................................................... 12
5.2 Acceptance Test Specifications...................................................................................... 13

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5.3 Acceptance Test Procedures ......................................................................................... 29

6 Verification Control Matrix .................................................................................................... 29
7 References ............................................................................................................................. 29
8 Annex I : Template for the Test Procedures .......................................................................... 30

List of Tables

Table 5-1 : V1 Acceptance Tests Specifications ............................................................................. 13

List of Figures

No table of figures entries found.

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

CMS Corporate Management System
Co-ReSyF Coastal Waters Research Synergy Framework
EO Earth Observation
GUI Graphical User Interface
OS Operating System
SPR Software Problem Report
VCM Verification Control Matrix
VVP Verification & Validation Plan
VTP Validation Test Procedures
VTS Validation Test Specifications

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1 Introduction
The Co-ReSyF project will implement a dedicated data access and processing infrastructure,
with automated tools, methods and standards to support research applications using Earth
Observation (EO) data for monitoring of Coastal Waters, levering on the components deployed
SenSyF ( The main objective is to facilitate the access to Earth Observation data
and pre-processing tools to the research community, towards the future provision of future
Coastal Waters services based on EO data.

Through Co-ReSyF‘s collaborative front end, even inexperienced researchers in EO will be able
to upload their applications to the system to compose and configure processing chains for easy
deployment on the cloud infrastructure. They will be able to accelerate the development of
high-performing applications taking full advantage of the scalability of resources available in the
cloud framework. The system’s facilities and tools, optimized for distributed processing, include
EO data access catalogues, discovery and retrieval tools, as well as a number of pre-processing
tools and toolboxes for manipulating EO data. Advanced users will also be able to go further and
take full control of the processing chains and algorithms by having access to the cloud back-end,
and to further optimize their applications for fast deployment for big data access and

The Co-ReSyF capabilities will be supported and initially demonstrated by a series of early
adopters who will develop new research applications on the coastal domain, guide the
definition of requirements and serve as system beta testers. A competitive call will be issued
within the project to further demonstrate and promote the usage of the Co-ReSyF release.
These pioneering researchers in will be given access not only to the platform itself, but also to
extensive training material on the system and on Coastal Waters research themes, as well as to
the project's events, including the Summer School and Final Workshop.

1.1 Purpose and Scope

Define verification and validation strategy for the first version of the system Framework
requirements, explaining how each requirement is going to be verified and what is the criteria
for the verification of the same.

Within the Co-ReSyF platform it can be identified two major components that support the
operation of the research activities performed within the platform. One component is the
Framework, which is composed of all the things that support the environment where the
applications are defined and executed, and the other component are the Tools which are things
that can be used to build an application and to analyse/visualize the results of the application.

The Framework includes the Cloud back-end, which is the infrastructure that runs the
applications in the cloud and is in charge of coordinating and creating the VMs for distributed
processing and collection of input and output data. It also includes the Data Access API which is
a set of tools that allows the query and retrieval of the data within the Co-ReSyF catalogue and
also any open data catalogue available online. The other part of the framework is related to the

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user interaction and it is the part that directly interfaces with the user, this includes the Front-
end (GUI that provides the connection to all the platform functionalities) and the Expert Centre
and Knowledge Base (wiki with relevant information for newcomers of the platform to start
using it).

The Tools live within the Framework and are a set of executables or libraries that can be used by
the researchers to build and manage their applications or handle the data. It includes the
Automated Orchestration which is a set of tools designed to configure and monitor the
execution of the sequence of tasks that compose one application. The Image Inter-calibration,
Atmospheric corrections, Data Co-registration and Fusion and Other tools, which are tools used
to process the data commonly used by several applications and provided in a default tool-kit
available to all users of the platform. Finally there is also a set of Visualisation tools, which are
provided as default by the platform that allow the users to visualise and manipulate the data is
commonly used data visualization tools (different from the main front-end data visualization
provided with the platform).

This document focuses solely on the V1 requirements of the Framework part of the Co-ReSyF

1.2 Document Structure

The structure of the document is as follows:

 Chapter 2 : describes the Verification approach.

 Chapter 3 : describes the Validation approach.
 Chapter 4 : describes the procedures for anomaly and deviations handling.
 Chapter 5 : describes the Acceptances tests to be executed.
 Chapter 6 : includes the Verification Control Matrix.
 Chapter 7 : details of the Reference Documents.

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2.1 Software Verification Process Overview

2.1.1 Organization
The project will follow a simplified software verification process to be carried out by the PA&QA
responsible of the project, based on verifying only the acceptance testing activities defined in
(Deimos, 2016a).

The verification process will be carried out solely by the PA&QA and the results reported to the
Executive Board via the Verification Control Matrix (VCM) document (see Section 6). The VCM
shall also be included in the Verification and Validation Report.

2.1.2 Master Schedule

The verification activities will be carried out according to the schedule below, where the
milestone reviews in (Co-ReSyF, 2016c) are used as reference dates:

1. After PDR-1 the first version of the VCM is prepared with the requirements baseline for V1;
2. At the CDR-1 the VCM is reviewed;
3. After the implementation of all V1 functionality and the execution of the acceptance tests
the VCM is updated reflecting the status of the requirements;
4. At the SAR-1 the VCM is reviewed;
5. After PDR-2 the VCM is updated to include the updates to the requirements baseline for V2
(addition of requirements);
6. At the CDR-2 the VCM is reviewed;
7. After the implementation of all V2 functionality and the execution of the acceptance tests
the VCM is updated reflecting the status of the requirements;
8. At the SAR-2 the VCM is reviewed.

2.1.3 Techniques and Methods

The method to be used for the verification activities is to inspect the Verification and Validation
Plan and the Verification and Validation Report documents and record the findings related to
the requirements traceability to tests and test results in the VCM document.

2.1.4 Standards, Practices and Conventions

The verification activities follow the standard defined in the Deimos Corporate Management
System (Deimos, 2016a), tailored for the simplified approach of this project that focus only on
the verification of the Acceptance activities.

2.1.5 Resource Summary

The verification activities only require the QA&PA responsible.

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2.2 Verification Activities

2.2.1 Software Validation Process Verification
The verification of the Software Validation Process uses as input the Acceptance Test
Specifications (contained in this document) and checks that all the requirements applicable to
the respective software version (V1 or V2) have a test case specification (with defined
acceptance criteria). The traceability between requirements and test cases is recorded in the
VCM, which is the output of the verification process. All the requirements applicable to the
respective software version need to be traced to a test case and the acceptance criteria defined
in order to consider the verification successful.

2.2.2 Software Delivery and Acceptance Process Verification

The verification of the Software Delivery and Acceptance Process uses as input the Verification
and Validation Report document which contains the results of the execution of the acceptance
tests performed for the respective software version. The verification consists in checking the
result of the test steps that check each requirement and record if the requirement is passed or
failed in the VCM document. All the requirements applicable to the software version need to
have been tested with clear indication of their status in order to consider the verification

2.3 Software Verification Reporting

The results of the software verification activities will be recorded in the VCM document, which
will be delivered, attached to the Verification and Validation Plan and Report documents.


3.1 Software Validation Process Overview
3.1.1 Organization
The project will follow a simplified software validation process, based on carrying out only the
acceptance testing activities defined in (Deimos, 2016a).

The validation activities will be carried out by the WP3 leader with assistance of the Deimos
development team. The WP3 leader is responsible for defining, preparing and executing the
acceptance tests to be carried out during the Acceptance campaign. The results of the
Acceptance Campaign will be reported to the Executive Board in the Verification and Validation
Report document.

3.1.2 Master Schedule

The Validation activities will be carried out according to the schedule below, where the
milestone reviews in (Co-ReSyF, 2016c) are used as reference dates:

1. After PDR-1 the first version of the Acceptance Tests specification is prepared with the
requirements baseline for V1;

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2. At the CDR-1 the Acceptance Tests specification is reviewed;

3. During the implementation period of all V1 functionality the test procedures for the
Acceptance Tests is defined;
4. One month before SAR-1 (SAR-1 – 1m), the Acceptance Tests are executed and the results
are recorded in the Verification and Validation Report;
5. At the SAR-1 the Verification and Validation Report is reviewed;
6. After PDR-2 the Acceptance Tests specification is updated to include the updates to the
requirements baseline for V2 (addition of requirements);
7. During the implementation period of all V2 functionality the test procedures for the new
Acceptance Tests is defined;
8. One month before SAR-2 (SAR-2 – 1m), the new Acceptance Tests are executed and the
results are recorded in the Verification and Validation Report;
9. At the SAR-2 the Verification and Validation Report is reviewed.

3.1.3 Techniques and Methods

The method to be used for the Validation activities is to execute a set of Acceptance tests on the
operational platform in order to verify that the requirements defined in (Co-ReSyF, 2016b) are
implemented, for the applicable software version. There is only one testing method foreseen,
which is to execute a set of procedural steps on the running software that will verify the
functionality of the requirement. The validation criteria and ID of the requirement will be
defined at the applicable step of the procedure. The information will be recorded in the
Verification and Validation Report document.

3.1.4 Standards, Practices and Conventions

The validation activities follow the standard defined in the Deimos Corporate Management
System (Deimos, 2016a), tailored for the simplified approach of this project that focus only on
the Acceptance activities.

3.1.5 Resource Summary

The validation activities will require the execution of the defined acceptance test procedures.
These procedures will be executed by the WP3 Leader and will use a standard PC (or Laptop) to
connect to the online platform. Additional open source tools may be used in the local PC/Laptop
for analysis of the results, if needed, although an effort will be made when defining the test
procedures to use only the functionalities provided by the online platform.

3.2 Software Validation Test Facilities

The validation will be done directly on the operational platform, and being it an online platform
the needed test facilities are a simple PC/Laptop with a good network connection (e.g. it is
advisable to have at least a 100 Mbps network). There is no restriction on the OS of the used

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3.3 Software Validation Test Reporting

The results of the Acceptance tests to be carried out for the validation activities will be reported
in the Verification and Validation Report document. For each acceptance test procedure the
result of the step shall be recorded and the date of when the test procedure was executed also.


4.1 Anomaly Report and Resolution
The procedure for Light Process for Problem Management for small projects as defined in
(Deimos, 2016b) will be followed for anomaly reporting and resolution. The difference to the
procedure as defined in (Deimos,2016b) is that the project manager is replaced by the WP3
Leader for the case of Validation of the Tools Requirements.

The SPRs will be raised and traced in the JIRA Deimos issues management tool.

4.2 Task Iteration Policy

An acceptance test procedure should be repeated whenever a failed step in the procedure
prevents the validation of a requirement and as a result of that a software modification is
needed. For those cases the full test procedure shall be repeated in order to ensure that all the
requirements in that same test procedure are validated after the change in the software.

4.3 Deviation Policy

All the requirements that are not implemented and are proposed to not be verified for a
respective applicable version (or not verified at all), will need to be flagged in the VCM
document. The VCM will be reviewed by the Executive Board and the deviation will need to be
approved at the Executive Board meeting. The authorization for the deviation shall be recorded
at the meeting minutes and the same referenced in the VCM document.

4.4 Control Procedures

As described in Section 5 of the PMP (Co-ReSyF, 2016c), the developed software shall be stored
in a Git repository (configuration control system). The results of the software verification and
validation shall be recorded and stored in the VCM and Verification and Validation Report
documents and shall be stored and versioned in the Deimos document management system (as
also described in the same Section 5of the PMP).

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5.1 Acceptance Test Designs

The Acceptance tests are designed to test a specific functionality that can cover only one requirement or several requirements. The approach for grouping
or not requirements in one test case is decided on a case by case basis and best practice is to ensure that the Pass/Fail Criteria can be written in a simple

If the Pass/Fail Criteria becomes complex to describe this is an indicator that the test case is covering too many requirements.
Several test cases can be further grouped into one test procedure, when defining the test procedures, if they share common steps, in order to reduce the
execution time of the tests. Clear candidates to grouping are test cases that have the same scenario and inputs.

A test case is specified using the following fields:

 A unique identifier for each VTS.
 A brief description of the functionality that the test aims to validate.
 The set of requirements that specify the functionality being tested. Note that the test cases often entail the execution of other functionalities besides
the one that is the subject of the test, but the requirements associated with those other functionalities are not listed (i.e. they are not part of the aims
of that particular test case). This is done deliberately to make it easier to define the pass/fail criteria for each test.
 A brief description of the overall scenario for the test (including the state that the software and the test environment have to be in before the test
begins), i.e. explains how the functionality will be tested.
 The inputs to the test, described in more detail than in the test scenario. Note that the table does not give the complete, detailed description of all the
inputs, because that is done instead in the test procedure.
 The test pass criteria, e.g. in terms of the expected values of certain outputs.

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5.2 Acceptance Test Specifications

Table 5-1 : V1 Acceptance Tests Specifications

Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-01 App Designer CORESYF-FMWK-CBE-1 As a Developer user, I want to Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The application structure on the
environment design and build hosted processing available, with a valid user with Sandbox /home application
application as a scalable workflow access to a sandbox. folder is generated from the
Application Design for distributed computing, by sandbox “application archetype”
and Integration making use of a cost-effective maven tool, for either 'python' or
Cloud Sandbox environment, so ‘bash’ wrapping functions.
Processing that I only focus on the data staging 2. The workflow viewer on the
Workflows design and data publication requirements Sandbox dashboard reflects the
of a single node, designed as a actual workflow definition (jobs
unitary part of a potentially larger and DAG sequence).
computing cluster of similar nodes. 3. User can execute his workflow
using the CIOP tools like ciop-run
or through the sandbox
Dashboard WPS client.
4. The workflow run correctly
reports success or eventual
failure in the workflow steps

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-02 App Integration CORESYF-FMWK-CBE-2 As a Developer user, I want to wrap Co-ReSyF online platform 1. A section <requires> of the
environment my existing, native processing available, with a valid user with Maven file "pom.xml" is provided
library and only have to write access to a sandbox. where a Developer can specify
Application Design Hadoop callbacks (either in R, RPM dependencies.
and Integration Python or Bash) in order to enable 2. User can create and reference
linear scalability on cost-effective RPM packages (e.g. from maven
Additional commodity hardware, automated or yum repositories) for
Application handling of hardware failures, and dependencies.
Programming performance improvement through 3. Python dependencies
Models seamless data locality management specification is automatically
performed by leveraging the
Supported conda package management
programming system.
languages 4. Bash, Python or R callback
functions are available from the
sandbox environment to ensure
the linear scalability of relevant
workflow nodes

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-03 App Interoperability CORESYF-FMWK-CBE-3 As a Developer user, I want to Co-ReSyF online platform 1. Metadata collections are
environment leverage standard interfaces for available, with a valid user with queryable via the OpenSearch
the data access of my application, access to a sandbox. interface of the Platfrom’s Data
Data discovery and so that my application deployment Agency
access benefits from automated data 2. The Platform’s Data Agency
access mechanisms, whatever the protocol is referencing all
data sources are exploited. available enclosure elements for
the data access and data staging
3. The sandbox tool ‘opensearch-
client’ is providing the
mechanisms to deliver enclosure
references to the data staging

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-04 App reusability CORESYF-FMWK-CBE-4 As a Developer user on Terradue Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The Application can be bundled
Cloud Platform, I want to save my available, with a valid user with in a single package (in RPM
Application processor integration as a Cloud access to a sandbox. format) containing the
Integration template, so that I can publish and
application resources and the
expose that service on a
Marketplace for producer partners dependencies specification.
Application 2. User can install the Application
to exploit it on a selected Cloud
Packaging under the /application path,
provider infrastructure, for massive
processing deployments. using the Maven installation

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-05 Missions catalogue CORESYF-FMWK-API-1 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The collections accessible are:
access data from different missions available, with a valid user with  Sentinel-1
Discovery in order to query their catalogue access to the Catalogue client  Sentinel-2
based on geographic areas, dates,  Sentinel-3
types of products and other  Radarsat-2
metadata (e.g. cloud cover) and  TerraSAR-X
Data Gateway  Envisat
download the data for use in my
 Cosmo-SkyMed
 Landsat
 WorldView
 ERS-1
 ERS-2
 Jason-1
 Jason-2
 Jason-3
 Cryosat-2
 SARAL/AltiKa
 Odyssea

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-06 Auxiliary data CORESYF-FMWK-API-2 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The datasets accessible for the
catalogue access data from online archives available, with a valid user with Bathymetry (LNEC/IH) RA are:
RA-1 LNEC from services like meteorological, access to the Catalogue client  Bathymetry EMODNET
ship locations, land maps, digital (
Data Gateway
elevation models, tides and others
u=0040000_000000) - ASCII CSV, ESRI
in order to support the processing
Extensibility and ASCII, netCDF (CF), GeoTIFF and
of my application. Fledermaus SD file formats
Data Resources
Evolution  Wave buoys data - source depends on case
study site location
 Meteo data (winds) - no source and file
format identified
 Land Mask -
m3.html#nasa) - HGT file format
 Mean free-surface elevation level (tidal
level) - no source and file format identified

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-07 Auxiliary data CORESYF-FMWK-API-2 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 2. The datasets accessible for the
catalogue access data from online archives available, with a valid user with Bathymetry, benthic classification and
RA-2 ACRI from services like meteorological, access to the Catalogue client water quality (ACRI) RA are:
ship locations, land maps, digital  Tides - no source and file format identified
Data Gateway (source depends on case study site
elevation models, tides and others
in order to support the processing
Extensibility and  Bathymetry -no source and file format
of my application. identified (source can be the same as
Data Resources
Evolution LNEC/IH)
 Land Mask - no source and file format
identified (source can be the same as

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-08 Auxiliary data CORESYF-FMWK-API-2 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 3. The datasets accessible for the Vessel
catalogue access data from online archives available, with a valid user with detection & Oil Spill Detection (UCC) RA
RA-3 UCC from services like meteorological, access to the Catalogue client are:
ship locations, land maps, digital  Land Map
Data Gateway
elevation models, tides and others  SRTM 5 minute DEM
( -
in order to support the processing
Extensibility and Geotiif format
of my application.  1 km USGS land/sea mask
Data Resources
Evolution (
_mask.php) - Geotiif format
 Meteo, namely wind speed and direction
and possibly the precipitation events.
access/marineocean-data) - station
and gridded data, various formats,
usually, ASCII or CSV text formats
are available
 Wind - Copernicus Marine
Environment Monitoring Service
9-interactive-catalogue.php) -
NETCDF file format
 Global Precipitation Climatology
/gridded/data.gpcc.html) - netCDF
file format
 AIS data
cts/exactais-archive) - CSV format
 MarineTraffic
ais-historical-data)AIS archive

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
ais-historical-data) - XML and CSV
 EMSA CleanSeaNet
menu.html) data complemented by
vessel detection SafeSeaNet
main.html) data - no file format
 Oil spill archive - EMSA CleanSeaNet
menu.html) - no file format identified

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-09 Auxiliary data CORESYF-FMWK-API-2 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 4. The datasets accessible for Time series
catalogue access data from online archives available, with a valid user with processing for hyper temporal optical
RA-4 UCC from services like meteorological, access to the Catalogue client data (UCC) RA are:
ship locations, land maps, digital  ST Front data (extracted using
Data Gateway separate algorithms) - no source of
elevation models, tides and others
file format identified
in order to support the processing
Extensibility and  F (
of my application. through data from ocean transects -
Data Resources
Evolution Marine Institute
( - no
file format identified

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-10 Auxiliary data CORESYF-FMWK-API-2 As a developer I want to be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 5. The datasets accessible for the Ocean
catalogue access data from online archives available, with a valid user with and Coastal altimetry (NOC) RA are:
RA-5 NOC from services like meteorological, access to the Catalogue client  Instrumental corrections (provided by
ship locations, land maps, digital space agencies with raw data) - no file
Data Gateway
elevation models, tides and others format identified
in order to support the processing  Updated Atmospheric and surface effect
Extensibility and corrections RADS archive
of my application.
Data Resources ( -
Evolution netCDF format
 Small tide gauge dataset for validation.
Possible sources
 Permanent Service Mean Sea Level
g/) - semi-colon delimited values
 The Global Sea Level Observing
System ( -
maybe there are other formats but
semi-colon delimited values are
 Système d'Observation du Niveau des
Eaux (
gauges,29-.html) - tab delimited txt
 Mean Sea Level climate projections
 IPCC AR5 (available through
llnl/)) - results from many models
available from sample all in netCDF
 UK Climate Projections (UKCP09)
download/) - available in comma
delimited text file format

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-11 External data access CORESYF-FMWK-API-3 The platform should be able to Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The Platform’s Data Agency
and search search and access for the other available, with a valid user with provides a brokered access to
types of data (as mentioned access to the Catalogue client selected external data catalogues
EO Data resources above), from other websites, for 2. The Platform’s Data Agency
Types the study region using technologies provides a brokered access to
such as OpenDAP or similar selected external data
EO Data resources

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-12 Replay application CORESYF-FMWK-EXPT-1 As a user I want to re-run any of Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The user can select an existing
with differing the core applications but with my available, with a valid user with application, modify its default
parameters elected AOI and parameter set access to the Expert center parameter values in an input
form, and submit the newly
PaaS Environment configured application workflow
for execution

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Verification and Validation Plan | Framework

Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-13 Expert center on CORESYF-FMWK-EXPT-2 As I user I want to use a framework Co-ReSyF online platform 1. Document resources are
how to run an tool and need guidance available, with a valid user with accessible online to support
application with access to the Expert center users on how to run an
user defined ROI application with user defined ROI
and parameters and parameters
2. Collaborative tools are accessible
Document online to support users on how
Resources to run an application with user
defined ROI and parameters
Collaboration Tools

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Verification and Validation Plan | Framework

Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-14 Application CORESYF-FMWK-EXPT-3 As a user I have approached the Co-ReSyF online platform 1. The workflow viewer on the
Integration framework as a means to research available, with a valid user with Expert Center dashboard reflects
and just want to use tools but access to the Expert center the actual workflow definition
define my own application (jobs and DAG sequence).
2. User can execute his workflow
using the Expert Center tools
3. The workflow run correctly
reports success or eventual
failure in the workflow steps

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Identifiers of
VTS No. requirements Test Scenario Required Inputs Pass/Fail Criteria
FMWK-VTS-15 Guidance about CORESYF-FMWK-EXPT-4 As a user I have an interest in using Co-ReSyF online platform 1. Document resources are
procedures, a particular tool, processing chain available, with a valid user with accessible online to support
processing chains or application and would like to access to the Expert center users on a particular tool,
and tools read information about it processing chain or application
2. Collaborative tools are accessible
Document online to support users on a
Resources particular tool, processing chain
or application
Collaboration Tools

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5.3 Acceptance Test Procedures

The procedures for the Acceptance tests will be defined in the Verification and Validation
Report document according to the template presented in Annex I (Section 8).
Each acceptance test procedure will cover one or more test cases and their respective
requirements, and will have a unique ID.
Each step of the procedure will be numbered (so that it can be referenced in the VCM using the
test procedure ID with the step number). The possible results for a test step are either PASS or
FAIL, no other value is allowed. In the case that the step is verifying a requirement the Pass/Fail
criteria will need to be specified (this is mandatory) and will be used to assess the result of the
step. On cases where no P/F criteria is specified the result of the step is assessed by the ability
to execute the step.

6 Verification Control Matrix

The results of the verification and validation activities shall be recorded in a Verification Control
Matrix, which the first version (including only the requirements and the traceability to the test
case ID where it is verified) is included below.

7 References
 Co-ReSyF. (2016a). GRANT AGREEMENT-687289. European Commission, Research Executive

 Co-ReSyF (2016b). System Requirements Document – Framework, issue 1.0. European

Commission, Research Executive Agency.



 Co-ReSyF (2016c). Project Management Plan, issue 1.0. European Commission, Research
Executive Agency.



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8 Annex I : Template for the Test Procedures


VTP Id.: Id of Associated VTS:

to be Tested:

Required Test Environment:

Overview of the test procedure:

Detailed description of the test procedure, including how to observe and verify the results:

Step Description Result Requirement(s) P/F Criteria Comments

Nb. Verified

Date of execution:

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