The buildings that surround his streets are real historical jewels. This is a long Street that
ends in a wide square and continues up to the castle.
Despite maintaining its historical character, there are many souvenir shops and outdoor
cafes. The tourism is their main source of income.
The town`s main Street is free of cars, so you have to walk a bit to go.
Gruyères with its medieval style, contains many stories and legends.
The tourists are invited to a tasting of all the variety of cheeses, accompanied on wine.
In the trip in the direction of the castle there can be admired the fronts of very well elegant
ancient houses.
The castle of medieval style, it was constructed in the XIIIth century, it is placed on a hill in
one of the ends of the town.
Entry to the castle.
From the Windows excellent sceneries of the Alps can be seen.
Gardens of then castle.
The furniture in many rooms is of collection of the XV th to XIX th centuries.
The castle is a property of Swiss H. T. Giger, which hjzo famous person and millionaire
also, for the special effects that it did for the movie Alien.
______________________ Las palabras subrayadas son para mí los errores
gramaticales ya que se emplean una letra de más o sin espacio correspondiente o el mal
uso de los sinónimos ya que queremos dar expresar algo y no empleamos la palabra
a) Redacta 5 oraciones en relación a los lugares que conociste a través de los videos
turísticos que localizaste en internet
1. Would like to meet new York to you?
¿ Le gustaría conocer nueva York a usted?
2. Change cities, involves changing lifestyle.
Cambiar de cuidad implica cambiar de estilo de vida
3. York new city that never.
Nueva York la ciudad que nunca duerme
4. Would travel all my life sleeps
Viajaría toda mi vida
5. The best events occur at night.
Los mejores eventos se presentan en las noches.;_ylt=A0LEV2YRMXRUic4ADWjD8Qt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcxMjAwMwRfcgMyBGZyA2
b) Escribe diez diferencias gramaticales que identifiques o investigues con relación
a cómo escribimos en español y cómo en inglés. Utiliza ejemplos de los materiales
turísticos consultados o del material proporcionado para esta actividad. Puedes
recurrir a otros textos en inglés para completar esta tabla comparativa. (No repitas
la misma regla gramatical. Busca reglas diferentes).