Pinball 1
Pinball 1
Pinball 1
! pinball M
arie Antoinette, the French
queen often associated with
the famous phrase “Let them
eat cake!” may not be the first person
one might associate with the game of
pinball. But after a conversation with
the informative pinball aficionado and
museum curator, David Silverman,
one’s ideas about pinball, and its histo-
ry, change dramatically.
Silverman is a long-time collector of
pinball machines and he knows a thing
or two about them, beyond the fun-
value of game play. He started collect-
ing games many years ago with the
intention of one day opening a perma-
nent museum, and this fall that dream
is coming true.
National Pinball Museum is a 501
(c) (3) non-profit organization that pro-
vides family-friendly cultural experi-
ences, as well as historical and techni-
knowledge of the history of the game,
and the ability to restore games, the
museum’s visitors couldn’t ask for a
better host.
One of Silverman’s main objectives
in opening a museum is to teach others
about the game of pinball and the his-
torical aspects of the time periods each
game comes from. “Pinball teaches us
our history,” Silverman said. “These
games are pop icons.”
In fact, Silverman has several games
linked directly to historic events. “I
have one game called Coronation,
which was built for the coronation of
Queen Elizabeth II,” said Silverman.
He has games ranging from 1870 to
present time and some are particularly
rare. He has a number of prototype
machines collected specifically for use
cal education about pinball to the com- in a museum.
munity. Its new permanent home in One prototype, the Bagatelle,
Washington, D.C., is set to open in the prompts Marie Antoinette’s entry into
Shops at Georgetown, a popular shop- this story. According to Silverman, in
ping, dining, and entertainment center 1776, Antoinette made a bet with her
in the heart of the city. brother-in-law. She bet him that he
The city of Washington, D.C., would couldn’t turn a hunting lodge into a
Let them play
David Silverman